10 Homework Tips for High School Students

  • by Daniel Friedman
  • 6 minute read

homework tips for high school students

Having trouble getting focused with homework? Here are 10 simple homework tips for high school students to make life much easier!

Hopefully after reading this, you’ll find a more enjoyable way to do homework while also being focused and efficient.

Let’s get started…

Prioritize Your Classes

Write down your homework everyday at school as it’s being assigned in some sort of agenda, planner, or notebook.

At the end of every day, list your homework assignments in order of how you’re going to do them. I recommend starting with the harder assignments first and finishing off with the easier ones.

Be sure to keep in mind what homework will need more time than others. If you have a project, essay, or long studying to do, start with that first.

This is going to give you the basics of how to organize your homework after school and what to prioritize.

Blue Pen, White Paper

Writing with a blue pen on white paper is the easiest way to remember your writing. It is scientifically proven to help retain information more efficiently than any other writing combo.

This is literally hacking your brain to memorize things easier. It is one of the best homework tips for high school students to use.

Try using this trick during your actual classes in school. That way when you study, you’ll already have your notes written in the best format.

Using other memory tools such as bullets, numbers, drawings, and highlights are also efficient ways to make studying a breeze.

Related Post: 7 High School Hacks Every Student Should Know

Take breaks often.

homework tips for high school students

There is a technique in efficiency known as the Pomodoro Technique. Here is the basic formula for how it works:

  • Work for 25 minutes
  • Take a 5 minute break
  • Repeat 4 times
  • After the 4th cycle, take a longer 30 minute break

This is the best studying technique in the world for not only retaining information, but also no burning out while working on any task.

It will come in handy when you have long hours of homework that may seem impossible for your attention span.

There are actually Pomodoro timers out there online that you can use to remind you when it’s time to take a break.

Get Rid of Distractions

This one is obvious, but crucial!

Clear your desk, turn off your phone, avoid social media on your computer, and even clean your room.

A decluttered environment is a decluttered head. You will be able to focus much harder on the task at hand when there aren’t a bunch of distractions in your face.

You should also allow as much light to enter your room as possible. Open blinds, turn on lamps, and turn up your computer’s brightness (if you do homework on it).

More light in a workspace is proven to improve focus and efficiency.

Start Right When You Get Home

Getting in the habit of starting your homework right when you get home as a high school student is going to save you a lot of procrastination.

When you get home, eat something and then prepare yourself homework. Getting it done early will also give you unlimited free time until you go to sleep.

Taking your break first and then doing homework can cause anxiety from the fact that you don’t know how much time you have left to complete your assignments.

Do yourself a favor and avoid that anxiety. It feels much more rewarding to finish your homework and have the rest of your day to do whatever you want.

Related Post: 10 Time Management Tips for Teens

Finish homework during school.

This might be one of the best homework tips for high school students who don’t do much during lunch breaks.

This will save you so much time when you get home. I have literally finished over half of my homework before I even stepped foot in my house most days.

Utilize your breaks in between classes to work on smaller assignments that can be done without much focus.

Doing this homework in a group of friends that share the same classes will also help you get the homework done faster. Win-win!

Do Homework with Friends

When you get home, hop on a FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom call and do homework with friends.

This will benefit you in 2 main ways. One, you can share answers, insight, and make the work go by faster. Second, it’s simply way more fun!

You can essentially split the workload depending on the type of homework. You’ll also learn from each other, create closer bonds, and quiz each other for upcoming tests.

There are clearly many benefits to working in a group that most high school students miss out on. Even 1 friend can save you a ton of time and effort.

Related Post: How to Manage Online Classes

Utilize outside sources.

Homework doesn’t only have to be done with your class textbooks and notes from school.

Utilize certain outside sources such as Youtube, Khan Academy, and Slader.

Slader is one the greatest homework apps of all time, especially for math. It provides step by step solutions to all of your textbook’s questions.

They have so many subjects on their app! Here are a few:

  • Foreign Language

If your homework is done directly from textbook questions, chances are that Slader has the answers for you already. Look up your book name or ISBN number and find solutions to everything you need.

Same thing goes with Youtube, Khan Academy, and other online sources. This generation has more access to information than any other generation ever. Take advantage of it!

Work on a Full Stomach

Starting homework on a full stomach eliminates the need to get up from necessity.

Our brain naturally starts to focus on our hunger, thirst, or going to the bathroom if it exceeds the need of the task you’re currently doing.

When you’re doing homework, take breaks, but take them voluntarily. You won’t be able to focus one bit if your mind is on other things.

Get home, eat a nice meal, drink water, go to the bathroom, and start doing your homework. A full stomach from a good meal will also help your brain work better.

You’ve probably been told to eat a good breakfast before a test day to be “smarter”. The same thing applies to doing your homework.

Pro tip: Dark chocolate is proven to regain your focus on the task at hand. If you start getting distracted easily for no reason… have a treat.

Related Post: 10 Habits of a Successful Teenager

Listen to music without lyrics.

I highly recommend listening to music while you work. However, listening to music with lyrics is a bad idea.

Find a no lyric playlist on any Music platform such as Spotify, Soundcloud, or even Youtube. Youtube has a constant live stream called “lofi hip hop radio” that has no lyrics and is excellent at helping you work.

Listening to music will not only help you focus, but it also makes homework more enjoyable. Without it, your mind will wander to different places.

Plus, music in your ears means less noise from the outside world. Everyone hates being distracted while doing homework by someone yelling outside your room.

Pop those headphones on and tunnel vision into your assignment!

Hopefully these were the best 10 homework tips for high school students you’ve ever heard. Try implementing them into your next homework session at home and in school.

They helped me so much during the last couple of years of high school. I wish for them to do the same for you!

Good luck this semester!

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions leave them down below. Thanks for reading!

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Daniel Friedman

Hey, I'm Daniel - The owner of Modern Teen! I love sharing everything I've experienced and learned through my teen and college years. I designed this blog to build a community of young adults from all around the world so we can grow together and share our knowledge! Enjoy and Welcome!

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high school homework tips

Studying is about finding a right balance between concentration, understanding, retention, and rest. And, just like any task that taxes your energy—be it physical or mental—it is often just as difficult to get started as it is to engage in the task itself.

But don't despair! Whether you need to study for just one test, or want to learn how to study over the long haul and retain a whole term's worth of information, we've got you covered. We'll explain exactly how to study better, helping you revamp both your daily and long-term study habits and giving you the best study tips for managing your time and keeping your focus as you actually study.

And, once you've mastered these study techniques, we'll also show you how to prepare yourself for test day so you can do your very best when the chips are down. So let's get to it!

Building Good Study Habits

Again, exerting both mental energy and physical energy is difficult and many find it tough to keep up over the long term. But a proper approach will help ease the way and keep your studying strong for years to come.

To lay a healthy study foundation and avoid last minute cramming and undue stress, it's necessary to build (and maintain!) a proper study habit. Just like with exercise, the task will become easier and more manageable the more you are able to get into a routine. And you'll be far less likely to lapse back into bad study habits once you've made studying an intractable part of your daily life.

#1: Stick to a Set Schedule

Your brain builds pathways and habits over time, and studying is about building those mental muscles and endurance. Getting into a fixed habit of studying will help you improve your concentration and mental stamina over time. And, just like any other training, your ability to study only improves with time and dedicated effort.

There are many activities that are good for us, but that we often—for whatever reason—dread doing. Whether this is exercising, doing chores, or studying, it's a good idea to set yourself a schedule and stick to it no matter how you're feeling at the moment. It's easy to put off these activities for a thousand reasons: you're busy doing something else, you're tired, you have a headache, you're not in the mood.…But the more you hold yourself to a set schedule, the more likely you'll do what you need to do without having to make an endless litany of excuses.

Aside from doing homework, set aside a dedicated 50 to 75 minutes to study each day and then stick to your schedule . You'll find the study rhythm that works best for you, but do know that you don't necessarily have to sit down and eek out those minutes all at once. You can decide to split the time into smaller segments throughout the day, or, if you work better at completing tasks and moving on, you can choose to get your studying done all at once.

One way to divide your after school study time into segments could be:

4:30 - 5:00 - arrive home, eat a snack, relax

5:00 - 5:30 - first study chunk

5:30 - 6:30 - break/homework/other task

6:30 - 6:45 - second study chunk

6:45 - 7:30 - dinner/assignments/other task

7:30 - 8:00 - final study chunk

Or, if you'd rather spend your 50-75 study minutes all at once, then your schedule may look more like:

5:00 - 6:15 - study time

6:15 - rest of evening - dinner, break, homework, other tasks

How you create your study schedule is up to you, just so long as you stick to it once you've made it and don't deviate.

#2: Schedule Your Studying in Smaller Increments Over a Long Period of Time

By committing 50 to 75 minutes to study every day (and sticking to your schedule!), you'll avoid both burning out your mental energy and being stuck cramming for hours and hours at a time the night before a test.

Not to say that cramming your material can't occasionally "work." Some people are absolutely able to cram for a test the night before and do well, but studying in this way will only store the information in your short-term memory, not your long-term. This means that, by cramming, you can struggle to stay apprised of the material as the semester progresses (especially in classes where previous information builds on later information, such as in science, math, or history classes).

And the long term effect of forcing your brain to cram necessary information at once will not only make studying for finals particularly difficult—essentially forcing you to re- learn a semester's worth of material, rather than being able to simply review it—but making a habit of cramming material at the last minute will only increase your stress and make you feel as though you have to constantly play "catch-up."

By sticking to a schedule of studying for a reasonable amount of time over the entire semester or term, you'll be able to better store and recall the information you need, and thereby reduce some of the stress that comes from schoolwork, tests, and studying.

high school homework tips

Setting the Right Study Environment

A proper study schedule is essential, but so is creating the right study environment. Your environment can have a tremendous impact on your concentration and productivity, so figuring out a proper study space will ultimately benefit you and improve your study time.

#3: Stick to the Same Study Spaces

A stable environment for a particular activity can help put you in the right mood and mind frame to complete the task at hand. The same applies for engaging in studying.

It is helpful to have one or two dedicated locations for schoolwork— separate from any "free time" areas—that you use to study in each and every study session. Sometimes this may not be possible if you live in a small dwelling and don't have access to free public spaces like a library, but do the best you can to find a space you can use solely for studying and stick by it.

Your study space will be individual to you, so don't worry about how other people work best. Some people concentrate their best when surrounded by others, like in a study group or a bustling coffee shop, while some people can only study if they're alone or in a completely silent location. Experiment with different environments and spaces until you find the one you seem to work in best and then stick to it as your dedicated "study zone."

#4: Practice Good Study Hygiene

Good study hygiene is about retaining a clear separation between work and rest. This allows you to focus on necessary tasks while minimizing stress and anxiety in the rest of your life.

We've already talked about keeping a dedicated study space, but now we have to be sure to keep those areas as "hygienic" as possible. How? By following a few key rules of setting up your study environment:

Make Sure That You DON'T Study In or On Your Bed

Studying in sleeping areas is the very definition of NOT maintaining a clear separation between work and rest, and most often leads to increased levels of stress and insomnia. This, in turn, can decrease your concentration and ability to study in the long term.

By blurring the lines between study-time and free-time, you'll only create spillover stress for yourself and be stuck in a cyclical effect of non-productivity and anxiety. So keep your study location to a desk, a table, or even a couch, so long as you aren't anywhere on your bed.

Keep Tantalizing Distractions Far Away

It's easy to allow ourselves to take "a quick break" to check our phones, get up and go hunting for a snack, or to let ourselves get caught up searching for irrelevant information on Wikipedia. There are untold distractions all around us that try to lure our concentration away from the task at hand, and giving into temptation can be an awful time suck. The best way to avoid distractions like these is to remove temptation altogether.

Make up a snack for yourself before you start studying so that you're not tempted to get up. Keep your phone far away, and turn off your wifi on your computer if you can. Tell yourself that you can't get up to check on whatever has you distracted until your allotted study time is up. Whatever has you distracted can wait until your study time is over.

Keep Yourself Comfortable, Hydrated, and Fed

Taking care of your body's basic needs will not only help to improve your mood and concentration while you study, but it will also help make sure you avoid needing to get up (and thereby lose your focus) during your study time.

So make sure you take water, a jacket, a snack, coffee, or whatever else you need to your study space so that you can be comfortable, focused, and ready to learn.

Varying Your Study Methods

There are many different ways to study, and none is exclusively better than any other. In fact, diversifying your study techniques, and using a mix of multiple different study methods will help you learn and store your information better than simply sticking to one.

Practicing different study methods and combining different techniques to prevent mental fatigue and keep your brain engaged. And we'll walk through some of the best study techniques here.

#5: Rewrite or Rephrase the Material in Your Own Words

It can be easy to get lost in a textbook and look back over a page, only to realize you don't remember what you just read. But luckily, that can be remedied.

For classes that require you to read large bodies of text, such as history, English, or psychology, make sure to stop periodically as you read. Pause at the end of a paragraph or a section and—without looking!—think about what the text just stated. Re-summarize it in your own words. Now glance back over the material to make sure you summarized the information accurately and remembered the relevant details. Make a mental note of whatever you missed and then move on to the next section.

You may also want to make a bulleted list of the pertinent information instead of just rephrasing it mentally or aloud. Without looking back down at the textbook, jot down the essentials of the material you just read. Then look over the book to make sure you haven't left out any necessary information.

Whether you choose to simply summarize aloud or whether you write your information down, re-wording the text is an invaluable study tool. By rephrasing the text in your own words, you can be sure you're actually remembering the information and absorbing its meaning, rather than just rote copying the info without truly understanding or retaining it.

#6: Teach the Material to Someone Else

Teaching someone else is a great way to distill your thoughts and summarize the information you've been studying. And, almost always, teaching someone else shows you that you've learned more about the material than you think!

Find a study-buddy, or a patient friend or relative, or even just a figurine or stuffed animal and explain the material to them as if they're hearing about it for the first time. Whether the person you're teaching is real or not, the act of teaching material aloud to another human being requires you to re-frame the information in new ways and think more carefully about how all the elements fit together.

And the act of running through your material this way—especially if you do it aloud—helps you more easily lock it in your mind.

#7: Quiz Yourself With Flashcards

Making flashcards is an oft-used study tool and for very good reason! Making your own flash cards can not only help you retain information just through the sheer act of writing it down, but will also help you connect pertinent pieces of information together. So for any subjects in which you must remember the connections between terms and information, such as formulas, vocabulary, equations, or historical dates, flashcards are the way to go.

To make the best use of your flashcards, use the Leitner Method, so that you don't waste your time studying what you already know.

To employ this method, quiz yourself with your flashcards and separate the cards into two different piles. In Pile 1, place the cards you knew and answered correctly, in Pile 2, place the cards you didn't know the answers to.

Now go back through the cards again, but only studying the cards from Pile 2 (the "didn't know" pile). Separate these again as you go through them into Pile 1 (know) and Pile 2 (don't know). Repeat the process of only studying to "don't know" cards until more and more cards can be added to the "know" pile.

Once all the cards are in the "know" pile, go through the whole pile once again to make sure you've retained the information on all the cards.

#8: Make Your Own Diagrams, Formula Sheets, and Charts

Reconstituting information into pictures can help you see and understand the material in new and different ways. For math and science classes, you may want to make yourself a formula sheet in addition to making flashcards. Flashcards will help you to remember each formula in isolation, but making one catch-all formula sheet will give you a handy study reference tool. And making one will, again, help you to retain your information just through the process of writing it down. The bonus is that if you're more of a visual/picture learner, a formula sheet can help you to remember your formulas by recalling how they're situated with one another.

To help you to remember your science processes, create your own diagrams. For instance, for a biology class, draw your own cell and label the components or make your own Krebs cycle diagram. These pictures will typically be in your textbooks, so examine the picture you're given and then create your own diagram without looking at the textbook. See how much you've been able to accurately recreate and then do it again until it's perfect.

Sometimes making your own charts and diagrams will mean recreating the ones in your textbook from memory, and sometimes it will mean putting different pieces of information together yourself. Whatever the diagram type and whatever the class, writing your information down and making pictures out of it will help to lock the material in your mind.

#9: Give Yourself Rewards

To make studying a little more fun, give yourself a small reward whenever you hit a study milestone. For instance, let yourself eat a piece of candy for every 25 flash cards you test yourself on or for every three paragraphs you read (and re-word) in your textbook. Or perhaps give yourself one extra minute of video game or television-watching time for every page you study from your book (to be redeemed only after your study time is over, of course).

Whatever your particular incentive is, let yourself have that small reward-boost to help see you through the days when studying seems particularly taxing.


You can even make yourself a Study Reward Diagram: studying input -> candy reward -> energy boost -> more studying -> more candy!

Making the Most of Your Study Time

Whether you're studying for a particular test or studying to keep yourself apprised of the class material all throughout the term, you'll want to make the most of your allotted daily study time . After all, there's no use setting aside and committing to your 50-75 minutes a day to study if the time is ultimately unproductive.

So make the best of each study session by following these study tips for concentration and memory retention.

#10: Study New Material Within 24 Hours

In order to maintain your knowledge of the class material throughout the term, make life easier on yourself by reviewing any new information you learn on the same day you learned it. Reviewing new material within 24 hours will help you to retain much more of what you learned than if you were to review the same information at a later date.

So make sure to dedicate a portion of each study time to reviewing the information you learned that same day in your classes.

School bombards you with new material each and every day. And even if you're interested in the new material as you're learning it, it's all too easy to let anything new slip away when you have so much else to think about. But once the information has been pushed to the back burner of your mind, your brain will generally discard it rather than storing it into your long term memory.

To combat this "curve of forgetting," make a habit of taking notes in class and then reviewing the material that very same night. This will help lock the information into your long-term memory and serve you well in the future. Just a few minutes in the here and now will save you hours of having to relearn the material at a later date.

#11: Use the Pomodoro Technique to Retain Focus

Everyone loses their concentration from time to time. But, luckily for us, there are time management techniques that can help keep up mental energy and productivity, such as the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method for increased focus and concentration, which makes it ideal for tackling studying and homework.

The principle behind the technique is to divvy up your focus and break times into set regimes so that your mind remains sharp and attuned to the task at hand , without giving into fatigue or distraction.

The method is to divide your focus time ("pomodoros") into 25 minute blocks dedicated to a task. And every time you feel your focus drifting, write down what had you distracted, put it aside, and don't give into the temptation to lose focus. (For instance, if you feel compelled to look at your email or look up what year your favorite movie came out, mark down "check email" or "look up favorite movie" and then return to your original task.) This will allow you to acknowledge the distraction and return to it later without having it derail your study time now.

After every 25 minute block of time is complete, give yourself a check mark and allow yourself a 5 minute break. (A good time to check that email!) Once you've reached the fourth check mark (100 minutes of focus and 15 minutes of break), take a 20 minute break . Then begin the cycle again.

By balancing up your time and energy between designated periods of focus and rest, you'll be able to tackle studying your topic at hand without mental fatigue and burnout (which can easily occur if you try to marathon your way through a study session) and without losing focus (which can happen if you find yourself taking a break that lasts...indefinitely).

To help visualize this technique in action, let's look at it set out in an example schedule:

5:00 - 5:25 - first pomodoro

5:25 - 5:30 - short break

5:30 - 5:55 - second pomodoro

5:55 - 6:00 - short break

6:00 - 6:25 - third pomodoro

6:25 - 6:30 - short break

6:30 - 6:55 - fourth pomodoro

6:55 - 7:15 - long break

#12: Know When to Move On

There will always come a point in your studies where you need to simply put down the book and move on. As always, life is about balance, and eventually you'll start to see diminishing returns on your study efforts if you try to spend too much time on one particular topic/class/chapter.

At some point, your time will be better spent studying for other classes, or engaging in an alternate type of study task. Don't stop your studying earlier than your scheduled time, but turn your focus to a different study topic or switch your attention from quizzing yourself with flashcards to making a diagram instead.

It's not always easy to see, but you'll get better and better at realizing when you've hit this stopping point (and not the point five minutes into studying when you're bored) and are no longer retaining focus or information. It may take time, but you'll get there.

high school homework tips

Your brain is capable of great things, but even it has its limits. And learning how to maximize your time and energy will keep you from pushing those limits.

Preparing for Test Day

When you're preparing for a test, the actual studying part is only half the battle. The other half comes from being well prepared to actually take the test and giving it your best possible effort.

And these techniques will help you get there.

#13: Get Enough Sleep

The absolute, number one, most important way you can prepare yourself for a test is to sleep the night before. Getting a good night's sleep before a test (and preferably every night) is absolutely paramount.

Sleep increases focus and concentration. The effects of not sleeping are much like being under the influence of alcohol. No matter how well you know the material, taking a test sleep deprived will do you no favors.

A regular sleep schedule is preferable and will do wonders for your overall health, happiness, concentration, and memory. But even if you can't sleep, just closing your eyes and relaxing will help. So if you find yourself grappling with insomnia, let yourself relax in the dark and in your bed instead of whittling away the hours some other way.

#14: Pack Your Gear the Night Before the Test

Whatever it is you need to have, make sure to pack it up the night before. This will help you relax and sleep and will insure you don't leave anything crucial behind in your morning rush out the door.

So pack your pencils, your calculator, and scratch paper. Even lay out your clothes for the next day. Prepare whatever you need to so that you can reduce your stress and help you rest the night before your exam.

#15: Eat Something

Just like with sleeping, making sure to eat something the morning of a test will help you concentrate and focus throughout the day. Anything is better than nothing, but try to eat something that will keep you full and provide you with some protein and carbohydrates.

Whole grains, fruit, and eggs are generally a good bet, but pretty much anything will do in a pinch so long as you get some calories in you (and so long as it isn't pure sugar and caffeine!).

#16: Take a Walk

Exercising, even just a little bit, will help boost your mood, energy, and concentration. If possible, take a walk or do some quick cardio exercises (such as jumping jacks) for ten to twenty minutes before an exam.

Now you're ready to rock that test—go get it!

high school homework tips

...And then take a nap when you're done.

The Take-Aways: How to Study Better

Being able to study and study well is a skill and a habit that's built like any other. It takes preparation, time, and diligence to see it through, but once the habit is established, it will simply become a part of your daily routine.

To maintain the proper balance of leisure and work (and, most importantly, avoid burnout and excessive stress), it's best to stick to schedules and divvy up your time and energy over long periods of time. And remember to use that allotted time wisely once you're in the middle of it.

Of course an ideal schedule isn't always realistic and there will still be those days you have to cram for whatever reason. But incorporating healthier time management and study methods will benefit you in the long-term and serve you well not only in high school, but in college, in the workplace, and for whatever other task you set your mind to in the future.

high school homework tips

Just take it one step at a time and you'll be amazed at the final results.

What's Next?

Now that you've tackled how to study better, make sure you actually get that studying done by learning how to overcome procrastination .

Unsure about how your GPA ranks with your top school choices? Learn what GPA you need to get into the school you want and how much your GPA matters for college applications.

Studying for the SAT or ACT? Check out some of our expert guides, starting with how to get a perfect score .

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Courtney scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT in high school and went on to graduate from Stanford University with a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology. She is passionate about bringing education and the tools to succeed to students from all backgrounds and walks of life, as she believes open education is one of the great societal equalizers. She has years of tutoring experience and writes creative works in her free time.

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This post is sponsored by Casio. All opinions stated are entirely mine.  

We are several weeks into the new school year, and I find myself breathless on the couch at the end of every day. Did we manage to get everything done today? Did we forget any kids around town? Did all the kids get to their scheduled activities, do their homework, AND get fed?! These are questions I ask myself on a daily basis.  

Our four boys are back in school full-time after 18 months of hybrid learning. On top of that, they each have at least one after-school activity, friends to see, and of course routine medical and dental appointments to clutter our calendar. Needless to say, this is why we as a family are exhausted once the sun sets on our day.  

However, there’s one child who continually blows me away with his stamina and positive outlook. Our high schooler is so genuinely happy to be back in school full time that he doesn’t complain over his academic workload or after-school activities.  

Even while doing homework at 9:30 pm, he greets me with a big smile and says “goodnight mom, I will be done soon.”  

It’s during times like these, I am thankful for the homework strategies we implemented early on in the kids’ school career.  

Will our homework strategies prevent us from having late nights, stress, even forgotten or missed assignments? Of course not! No homework system is perfect and as we all know, life is full of thrown monkey wrenches.  

However, putting systems in place with the best homework tools, organization and strategies will make the high school journey less bumpy. And I am sure all parents of teenagers want smooth sailing through the high school years.  

So what’s needed to establish good homework habits in a high schooler? I am sharing our best homework tools, organization, and strategies.

high school homework tools

High School Homework Tools

Before school started, I helped each of our kids set up their homework stations in their rooms. Unpacking the pencils and notebooks was fun, because who doesn’t love a fresh set of school supplies?! But the highlight of the experience was when our high schooler unpacked his new Casio FX-9750GIII calculator .  

Stand back, people. The Casio FX-9750GIII calculator is more like a mini-computer and miles from the little “solar-powered” corporate promotional freebie I used when I was in high school.  

I wish I had captured the sparkle and utter amazement in our high schooler’s eyes when he took his new Casio FX-9750GIII for a test drive. He flung more high-level math terms at me than I have heard in decades. Suddenly, it was as if he was speaking in tongue, holding his Casio FX-9750GIII calculator in the air like it was the Holy Grail.  

Our high school Freshman (9th grade) is currently taking Algebra II with a class of Juniors (11th grade). He’s our little math wiz who thrives on numbers and calculations. The predictability of math and the challenge of finding the right answer has always been his jam.  

The complexity and capabilities of the Casio FX-9750GIII blew him away. At first glance, the calculator looked rather intimidating. However, after checking out the online tutorials and videos, our little numbers guy was well on his way to making graphs on his new calculator.  

The homework tools your high schooler needs are:  

  • Setting up a homework station in their room works well for our two oldest kids.  
  • I stock up on these items during the back-to-school sales and then keep a stockpile year-round.  
  • Computer/ laptop.  
  • Regardless of which level of math your high schooler is taking, the Casio FX-9750GIII calculator is the right machine – and it will take them through their high school career.  

Casio calculator

Reasons we love our Casio FX-9750GIII calculator:  

  • It is approved for the SAT®, PSAT®, ACT® and AP® tests.  
  • 200+ hour battery life.  
  • Affordable technology for middle and high school math classes.  
  • All-in-one graphing calculator.  
  • Easy-to-navigate icons menu.  
  • Spreadsheet and geometry modes.  
  • Programmable features.  
  • Step-by-step videos and tutorials on the website.  
  • I am no longer the go-to math tutor.  

The Casio FX-9750GIII calculator is the perfect parenting partner. I handle the parenting issues relating to social and emotional issues while the Casio FX-9750GIII calculator answers math questions!  

free printable homework planner

High School Homework Organization

This Homework Planner has saved our family from having countless late and missing assignments. Go ahead and download your free copy right now.  

The Homework Planner includes the following pages:  

  • Homework Assignments
  • Project Planner
  • Goal Setting

We use one page of the Homework Assignments for each of our student’s subjects and keep a current page in their daily binder.  

When your kids start high school, you quickly realize the days of sitting down for several hours concentrated to do homework are a thing of the past. Once the busy schedule of a high schooler becomes a reality, there may only be small pockets of time throughout the afternoon and evening to complete tasks. However, with a good overview of what’s due and when your student can successfully manage his time and assignments.  

Some homework assignments take only 10-15 minutes and with proper planning, your student can check those tasks off in-between activities or while waiting to eat dinner.  

Print the free homework tracker and planner and put it to good use right away.  

high school homework tips and tools

High School Homework Strategy and Stamina

As with any activity, it takes practice to build study stamina . At the beginning of the school year, the kids most likely feel rusty and tire after a few minutes of deep concentration.  

These strategies help our kids to build their homework stamina in no time:  

  • (Due to COVID, our kids take showers and change clothes as soon as they come home. This step acts as a great mind-reset and helps them quickly recharge before they sit down to do homework.)  
  • It’s not like you have to force a teenager to eat, as they wake up hungry, go to bed hungry, and seem to spend every waking moment foraging for snacks in the pantry. However, making an effort to have healthier snack options readily available is beneficial to your constantly grazing teen.  
  • Start with the hardest tasks first, while your mind is fresh.  
  • Break down assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks (use the attached free homework planner to keep track of the various tasks).  

As I write this, my head is spinning from trying to juggle our family’s daily tasks along with the transportation needs of our four kids. Once the kids come home from school, it is such a relief to know that they have the skills and the tools required to do their homework.  

Of course, the kids need guidance, advice, and help from time to time, but that’s what I am here for – the parenting aspect of raising kids. The math part – that’s best left to the experts, like the Casio FX-9750GIII calculator .  

high school homework tips

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How to Help Students Develop the Skills They Need to Complete Homework

Middle and high school students can learn to work more efficiently by using strategies that improve their executive function skills.

Middle school-aged girl doing homework

The effects of homework are mixed. While adolescents across middle and high school have an array of life situations that can make doing homework easier or harder, it’s well known that homework magnifies inequity . However, we also know that learning how to manage time and work independently outside of the school day is valuable for lifelong learning. From the homework wars  to students who have little time for homework to students who don’t even know where to begin, everyone can agree that kids who can self-regulate and engage in independent rehearsal are better positioned for whatever the future holds.

How can we empower students to overcome barriers to doing homework well?

Executive Functioning

Homework is partially an assessment of executive functioning. Executive functioning and self-regulation take time to develop. They depend on three types of critical brain function: working memory, mental flexibility, and self-regulation .

Let’s break this down to consider how to improve their efficiency.

Working memory: Don’t hold everything in your head; it is not possible. When doing homework, students should write down their ideas, whether they are notes while reading, numbers when working through a math problem, or non-school-related reminders about chores, such as remembering to take the dog for a walk. Clearing working memory for the immediate task at hand allows the brain to focus as the strain is reduced.

Mental flexibility: As students build their independence and grow their homework routines, seeing an array of strategies, or more than one way to solve a problem, is important. Consider the results when a child gets stuck and doesn’t know what to do to get unstuck or when one keeps trying the same failed approach. Chunking homework helps simplify the process. When stuck, a student looks at a smaller piece, which makes it easier to see other solutions. More practice with mental flexibility happens when others model thinking in different ways, and students practice flexible thinking with partners by asking them: What is another way? Use this bubble map to chart out multiple ways.

Self-regulation: Learning how to prioritize work and stick with it by not giving in to impulses is a skill that students develop over time . One way to teach self-regulation is to have students practice control by concentrating for short periods of time with the goal of building up to longer, more sustained periods of time as the year progresses. For a child who struggles with reading for an extended time, start with five minutes and then build from there.

Another self-regulation tip is creating a plan to overcome distractions. What happens when the child stumbles? Three minutes into reading and a student is reaching for their cell phone. Recommend that they practice moving the cell phone away from the homework area, and summarize before returning to the reading. Stops and starts are frustrating and often result in lost homework time. Have students practice responses to distraction, and make this part of their homework. When a student struggles to stay on task, they should be encouraged to remove any distraction in order to regain focus.

Use classroom assessment as a tool to plan for and support student homework. Record the following information for students:

  • Do they write, read, and/or solve problems in class? For how many minutes independently?
  • What is the quality of their work? Are they actually learning, or are they just going through the motions?
  • Do they know how to strategize on their own or get help from a peer when they’re stuck? Observe them and take notes, and/or have them reflect on this question.

We cannot expect that students will independently practice a skill they don’t engage with during class. If it doesn't happen in the classroom, it's not going to happen at home. The teacher should be able to realistically gauge how much and what students might achieve at home. A suggestion to build independence is to use task analysis . Here is a model . For students who struggle with getting homework done, at first they may not actually do homework; rather, they practice the routines of setting up and getting started.

Direct Instruction

The following are some techniques that help students with homework:

  • Mindful meditation to gain focus
  • Prioritizing and estimating time
  • Filtering out distractions

Peers as Partners

Class partnership routines need practice. With strong partnerships, kids learn how to support and learn from each other. Access to teachers will never match the unlimited access to peers. The hours that students who achieve at high levels put in after class are often spent alone rehearsing the content or with peers who push each other to improve.

Class-to-Home Connection

While some students struggle with executive functioning, others rush through their homework. The most important step in having homework count is to make it seamless, not separate from class. Homework flows from classwork. Especially with a mix of synchronous and asynchronous work, now there is no homework, just work done for our classes. Consistent instructional goals with engaging and meaningful tasks help students see the value in working beyond the last bell.

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Homework Helps High School Students Most — But it Must Be Purposeful

Researchers make a strong case for the value of homework for high school students.

High school students benefit the most from homework assignments

During the high school years, many students participate in extracurricular activities or take on part-time jobs — responsibilities that leave little time for families to connect, which remains important for this age group. Advocates for less-intense homework policies maintain that students should be able to balance school, activities and family life.

Homework helps high school students — but how much do they need?

High school students are better able to manage their time, stay focused and complete complex tasks, which enables them to tap the value of homework. In high school, the 10-minute per grade level rule still applies (students should receive 10 minutes of homework per night based on the grade level they are in). This rule allows up to 120 minutes of homework in the evening for upper-level students. While students occasionally need to do more than two hours of work a night, this should be the exception rather than the rule. Research shows that completing more than this amount of homework results in no further gains.

There is, however, a larger spread in the amount of homework students do each night, even among those at the same grade level. As students get further along in high school, they can select the rigor of their curriculum. Those who pursue higher-level work, such as AP, honors or college-level courses, will do more homework each night than those who have a less-rigorous course load. Still, students shouldn’t be assigned more than two hours of homework a night on average.

High school students need real work, not busy work

Researchers agree that homework should serve a specific developmental or educational purpose. High school students should not get the impression their homework is just busy work; that increases resentment and reduces the likelihood they’ll see homework as crucial to their education.

The goal of homework, especially in the high school years, is for students to spend more time studying a subject and engaging in the curriculum — assuming the homework is designed to be meaningful and engaging rather than passive activities that don’t truly engage or promote understanding of new concepts. Purposeful homework should give students a deeper understanding of content and allow them to practice skills that they can master independently.

While some researchers suggest reducing homework for high school students, most researchers agree that homework at this age level is important because it has been positively linked to academic achievement. Yet it’s important to remember that the amount and type of homework matters, and teachers should strive to give less homework when possible so long as it promotes academic excellence.

Caitrin Blake has a BA in English and Sociology from the University of Vermont and a master’s degree in English literature from the University of Colorado Denver. She teaches composition at Arapahoe Community College.

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high school homework tips

5 Homework Tips for Your High Schooler

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High school is an important time for your child—not only because she’s preparing for the next phase of her education, but also because she’s developing important skills for her future career and life in general.

While your student might think homework is tedious, the skills and work ethic she develops now will serve her well in the future. Here are five homework tips to keep your high schooler on top of her homework.

1. Discuss Strategy

At the beginning of high school, have a discussion with your student, addressing work ethic and how homework and organization will help her achieve her goals. Read 6 Questions to Get Your High Schooler Thinking About the Future for ideas for how to approach and discuss important issues.

You should also discuss how she’ll ensure she has time for everything, develop a homework routine, study space, and other aspects of her homework plan. Check out Handling Your Homework Time-Saving Tips for more ideas.

Work together to come up with a plan for how she can juggle multiple commitments and fit homework in as well. For instance, she might want to create a to-do list each night and map out how she’ll accomplish her assignments at the beginning of each week.

2. Develop an Organization Plan

How will your child stay organized? She’ll be very busy juggling multiple commitments. Working on organization skills can help. For instance, she might use planners, calendars, and to-do lists to map out her commitments.

Homework and studying are important, but equally important is staying well and healthy . Remember to go over how your student needs sleep, exercise, and a healthy eating plan in addition to completing schoolwork as part of her organization strategy.

3. Encourage Your Student to Use Apps

Apps can make studying more fun. Here are some great tools to get your child started.

Khan Academy

This app includes tips, videos, and assignments to help your child with her schoolwork. It also has lessons for adults, so you can learn new material along with your child.

myHomework keeps students organized, allowing them to access assignments, schedules across devices.

Socratic scans the internet for solutions to complex problems and shows students the explanations. Keep in mind that using this app may require some oversight from parents to make sure students are actually reading the explanations and doing the work, not just looking for answers.

There are also many apps that provide reference tools to aid in homework completion, including:

  • Dictionary.com
  • National Geographic World Atlas HD
  • CalcMadeEasyFree

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4. Identify Your Student’s Learning Style

Your child might be a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. She could also learn through a combination of these learning styles and others. However your child learns best, it’s a good idea to figure it out early on. You might take note of assignments on which she performs particularly well or discuss how she approaches studying and other homework with your student and her teachers.

Figuring how your child’s best learning styles will help guide and inform her homework and studying. For instance, flash cards might work for a visual learner, but an auditory learner might want to listen to lessons.

5. Use a Mentor or Tutor

Many students use mentors to help them get into college. Mentors can also guide them through high school and help them prioritize and develop goals. If your child needs help understanding how homework relates to their future and aspirations, a mentor can help.

In our mentorship program , mentees develop personal projects, which will help them make connections between their schoolwork and the real world and their future careers.

Preparing Your Child for the Future

Homework may feel tedious to your child, but it’s an important aspect of her high school journey. Not only will working hard and honing studying habits improve your student’s GPA, but it will also allow her to develop a strong work ethic and skills that will support her in both college and her future career.

For more advice on preparing your child for the future, read:

5 Tips to Help Your Teen Get the Most Out of High School

Essential Advice for New High School Parents

8 Important Skills to Develop Before College

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high school homework tips

high school homework tips

Making School Fun at Home

This article was previously published on 7/30/2019.

12 Ways to Make School Fun at Home for Students of All Ages

Back to school will look different this year as families and schools continue to navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19. Getting kids to enjoy (or even accept) doing their homework can be a struggle at any age, especially in the fall when students adjust to smaller classes, alternate schedules and a continuation of virtual learning that began in the spring.

For some families, new ways of learning are further complicated by parents’ work schedules and a lack of technology access. According to the Afterschool Alliance, 1 in 5 kids are unsupervised after the school day ends. And millions of families don’t have internet access at home.

During challenging times and busy parenting schedules, there are still ways to make learning at home fun, safe and constructive for students. Over the years, our trained youth mentors and program facilitators have developed lots of strategies and ideas to make homework more fun. Get tips on how to make virtual learning and homework fun in high school, middle school and elementary school so you can help your kid succeed at every age.

Ideas to Make Homework Fun for Elementary, Middle and High Schoolers

Many kids find homework assignments boring or simply get restless when asked to sit down and study – but that doesn’t mean they all need the same kind of motivation. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to homework help by using these age-appropriate tips.

Fun homework

Elementary School Homework Tips

Little kids frequently have trouble focusing on virtual learning and homework, especially when there are so many distractions and fun things to play with at home. The solution? Make learning more like playtime.   

  • Create fun focus spaces. Kids often work on homework in their rooms or wherever there’s a little spare table space – but kids’ rooms and common areas are usually filled with distractions. Before this school year starts, create a special “homework zone” in part of the home that’s more peaceful. (A “homework fort” is always a hit with young kids, as long as it’s well lit.) Stock this area with lots of colorful school supplies so there’s no reason to leave until their homework is all done.
  • Beat the clock. Young kids love racing to the finish. Make homework more like a race by setting up timed challenges. For example, count how many words they can spell correctly or math problems they can solve in the span of 5 minutes. The next day, challenge your kid to beat their own record. (A little competition can work great with siblings, too.)
  • Try learning apps. Support the subjects your kid studies in school with apps that make learning about it more fun. This tip is especially helpful for subjects that you or your kid struggle with. Some of our favorite educational apps include DragonBox for math, Spelling Stage for spelling, and DuoLingo , which offers learning-based games in Spanish, French and many other languages.
  • Team up with tunes. Just like the Alphabet Song teaches kids their ABCs, there are plenty of songs out there to help specific subjects stick. Search YouTube to find songs covering a range of subjects, including the planets in our solar system, the days of the week and months of the year, U.S. states and capitals, how to add or subtract, and pretty much any other educational topic you can imagine. If you can’t find a song on a given subject, try making one up together.


Middle School Homework Tips

In middle school, students gain more independence to work alone or with peers. Encourage their developing maturity with a little structure and loads of support.

  • Use power hours. Power hours challenge kids to focus for a certain amount of time. Once the timer goes off, they can take a quick break before diving in again. Offering little rewards after productive power hour sessions is a great incentive at this age, too.
  • Plan study dates. If your kid struggles in a certain subject or has trouble focusing in a quiet, empty room, let them invite a friend or two over to study. Just remember to follow current safety and social distancing guidelines. If another kid is too much of a distraction, set the tone by working alongside your child. While they do homework, you can pay bills, make dinner, reply to emails, or even work on a crossword puzzle or another brain game. Doing “adult homework” creates a sense of companionship without being too overbearing – and it can help kids learn that work is a part of life, not just a part of school.
  • Make a routine. Lack of routine can be stressful for kids. Setting a regular schedule for homework, or the school day for kids learning at home, can help reduce resistance and improve consistency. Beyond planning time for homework, come up with other little rituals that can help your kid focus, from putting on their current favorite album in the background to using prizes and other incentives to reward good work, like a small treat for every complete assignment.
  • Stay positive. Your attitude has a huge impact on how your kid sees the world, especially in the formative middle school years. Keep tabs on your own attitude toward your kid’s homework. If you see helping your kid with homework as a chore, your kid will probably feel that way about it, too. Instead, try to see homework help as a fun, productive time when you both can learn and hang out together.


High School Homework Tips

When students reach high school, having parents hanging around to nag them about homework doesn’t always help. Instead of implementing these homework strategies for high schoolers yourself, show this list to your teenager and help them come up with a plan they can stick to. Then, take a step back. Check in with your teen every week or so to see if their plan needs tweaking.

  • Get organized . High school is the perfect time to start preparing for the life you want to lead after you leave home. To achieve your goals, you have to make plans and stick to them. It’s the same with homework. When you get your assignments for the week, month or semester, take some time before jumping in to sort through the deadlines and requirements. Then, come up with a schedule and a realistic plan of attack. Use a day planner, calendar app, or time management app like Asana to make to-do lists for yourself – trust us, it feels great to cross stuff off your list.
  • Reward yourself . It’s easier to work hard when you know there’s a reward at the end of it. Set a study timer, and if you’ve focused on homework until the timer goes off, reward yourself with a favorite snack, a funny video, an epic solo dance party or a little social media time.
  • Upgrade your workspace. Spruce up the place you do virtual learning and homework to fuel your productivity, imagination and problem-solving skills. Keep tools and supplies on hand to help you work through challenging assignments, like colorful pens, highlighters, sticky notes, and cool notepads or notebooks. Decorate with art and other objects that inspire you, and use calendars, whiteboards, chalkboards, corkboards, or even just paper and tape to help visualize and keep track of everything you have to do.
  • Turn up the beats. Spotify has tons of playlists dedicated to productivity, from ambient noise to instrumental hip-hop. Find a few go-to playlists that help keep you focused and put one on whenever you have to zone in. Explore movie soundtracks and other kinds of instrumental music to avoid distracting lyrics.

Homework Help from BGCA

Every day, thousands of kids and parents rely on Boys & Girls Clubs of America for homework help and out-of-school support, especially in the crucial hours after school lets out and during the summer months. Explore our website to learn more about our programs , find your nearest club or support BGCA today.


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Although aspects of the homework routine will be familiar from primary school, the volume of your child's homework may start to increase in Year 7.

There are various techniques, resources and tools available to make things easier. It's also important to understand some of the background about the role of homework during this busy period in your child's life.

high school homework tips

What's different about high school?

  • Children face more distractions as their social and emotional lives become more complex.
  • Anxieties, including about academic performance might become more intense.
  • There is a new requirement for study time distinct from set homework assignments.
  • Subjects like maths can become more challenging, including for parents trying to assist.
  • Students may receive homework from different teachers across multiple subjects.

Denise Tsirigos, English Advisor 7-12, says homework becomes more important as children get older.

"We know homework is even more important for academic development at high school than at primary level," she says.

We also know parent or carer involvement can make a really positive contribution to the outcomes in all areas of learning, including homework.

Coping with distractions at home

As children enter their teens, new horizons and experiences inevitably create distractions, and connected devices are the biggest channel for these to enter the home. A few handy tips:

  • Create a dedicated study area an internet-free zone (unless the session requires online research). Switch off or remove mobiles, TVs and gaming devices.
  • If that?s impractical, consider downloading a social media lockout app or switching on aeroplane mode during study time to prevent interruptions.
  • Make sure friends and other family members know not to disturb homework time.

Staying motivated, organised and engaged

Students often try to avoid subjects they find difficult, irrelevant or boring. Some tips to help deal with procrastination include:

  • Break the task down into smaller chunks: brainstorm to identify headings; list them and summarise relevant information, one at a time.
  • Make a to-do list of tasks they can check off as they finish.
  • Monitor their progress and reward each step.

?Parents and carers can help by providing support and the right environment but ultimately it?s up to students themselves to get the work done, Ms Tsirigos says.

"By the time they reach high school, kids should be developing independent working habits. Homework is partly to refine these."

Nothing saps motivation (or provides a better excuse) than the lack of some vital piece of equipment. Do a stocktake and make sure they have they need in the study area:

  • pens and pencils
  • highlighters
  • computer, internet and printer only if required.

Confronting doubts, building resilience

If your teen still seems unable to settle down to work, talk about what's on their mind. If they're worried about school performance come up with some strategies to help.

Video - What is your teenager trying to tell you?

Duration - 2:53

Read the transcript for 'What is your teenager trying to tell you?'.

You could encourage them to set goals and write down the steps to achieve them - making a start on homework as soon as it's set, for example.

Ms Tsirigos says parents and carers should highlight strengths and successes, while also helping their child to see setbacks as a natural part of the learning process.

"There's no need to dwell on mistakes but they shouldn't be totally ignored either. Try to help your teen value them as something they can learn and benefit from," she says.

For specific academic hurdles, you can also encourage them to seek help from school counsellors and teachers. If they're anxious about something else - social situations, for example - counsellors may be helpful as well.

Reachout.com is a great resource with practical support, tools and tips for young people navigating the ups and downs of teenage life. It's useful for parents and carers too.

Staying healthy

Although many students understand the need for regular study, a lot don't realise their physical and mental health are just as important.

This requires:

  • a healthy, balanced diet
  • plenty of water but not coffee (if they must, limit to one per day and not after midday)
  • enough sleep (at least 8 to 10 hours is recommended)
  • exercise and downtime each day.

Video - Three steps to stress-free study

Duration - 2:32

Read the transcript for 'Three steps to stress-free study'.

Getting down to work

With the right environment and mindset in place, it's time to start grappling with the content. Once your child has established a working pattern, help them maintain it. Routine builds confidence and improves overall results.

Ms Tsirigos says there's no one 'best' way to work and teens should be encouraged to develop an approach that is effective for them.

Study versus homework

Regular study time is important at high school and it's important to understand this is completely different from set homework.

Study involves regular review of work covered in class, summarising key ideas and practising tasks with additional reading and research.

Taking effective notes

Notes or summaries are essential for effective study and they're also a great way to prepare for tests and assessments.

When summarising, students pick out the most important information and write it in the shortest way possible, using their own words.

Summaries can be in a student's own shorthand and may include:

  • headings and subheadings
  • abbreviations and symbols
  • diagrams, mind maps or brainstorms
  • highlighting and annotations
  • colour coding (colour can stimulate memory).

Help with maths

Maths often becomes more challenging in high school. Here are some tips to encourage your child and help them maintain confidence:

Talk positively, even if you struggled with maths yourself. Don?t give them an excuse to give up ? let them know you believe they can succeed.

Practice works better than anything else. Help identify weaknesses and make a plan to work on them. Their confidence will increase as they see improvements.

Ask about their homework and what they?re learning. They?ll appreciate your interest and feel more motivated.

Reach out to their teacher. They can provide advice and support materials.

More learning resources

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High-School Homework Checklist for Parents

Familyeducation editorial staff.

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  • Try to find a separate space for each of your kids, or schedule quiet times for homework in designated spaces.
  • Help your kid get onto a regular schedule during the week that includes ample time each day for studying, exercise, eating, some socializing, and enough sleep.
  • Limit TV time, and do not allow it during homework.
  • When possible, be available to answer questions or just discuss what your kid is learning.
  • See if the school has a homework hotline or a webpage (that lists your kid's assignments) and/or a homework helpline (assistance for your kid).
  • Advocate for your kid at school, and build relationships with your kid's teachers and coaches.

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How to Succeed in High School with ADHD: A Teen’s Guide

These academic and organizational tips are designed to help high school students with adhd finish homework, execute long-term projects, manage their time, earn high grades, and avoid feeling overwhelmed..

high school homework tips

With the simpler demands of middle school behind you, you’ll need better study skills, time-management tools, and organization strategies than ever. This is also the time to become your own advocate. With your parents’ support, you can be an active participant in getting the help you need. Start by meeting with each of your teachers to explain how you learn best and how they can help you stay focused and organized. When you’re ready, take an active role in your special-ed team meetings to get the accommodations that will allow you to succeed. By the time you leave high school, you should be able to determine when and where you need help, and how to get it. Here’s how to succeed in high school with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD or ADD ).

Academics: What You Can Do

Bring order (and color!) to your notes. Take class notes in outline fashion, using graph paper and colored pens or highlighters to help the main points jump off the page. Use the same technique for reading assignments, so you won’t have to read material twice.

Review early and often. Immediately after a difficult class, review your notes. Then read them again in the evening. Reviewing notes on the day you take them can double the amount of information you retain.

Multitask — quietly. Do your homework or read in class, if it helps you to focus. (Consider sitting in the front, to avoid distractions.)

Break down complex assignments. Complicated, long-term projects can be your undoing unless you break them into manageable chunks.

[ Free Download: Transform Your Teen’s Apathy Into Engagement ]

  • In the research stage, use color-coded sticky notes in books and articles to designate each subtopic; cut and paste online materials into a word-processing document.
  • Decide on a deadline for each section, and set alarms in your electronic timer or cell phone to remind you when it’s due. Some students promise to show sections to their teachers along the way, to keep themselves accountable.

Follow your interests. Look for ways to weave your passions into papers and projects — you’ll be much more likely to focus. If you’re a runner and you have to write about ancient Greece, for example, research the history of the marathon.

Master test-taking. Check with your teacher about what material will be covered and the format of the test — you’ll study differently for an essay test than for a multiple choice. Break the material down and review it over several days. Tutor other students, or have a study buddy quiz you. Find a memorization strategy that works for you. You might create new lyrics to a popular song, or use flashcards or mnemonics. Students who learn visually may benefit from drawing or building a physical model of concepts.

When in doubt, seek help. If you don’t understand something, get answers from a classmate who is on top of the course. If you’re struggling with a paper, show your teacher what you’ve done so far.

What Parents Can Do

Keep a lower profile. During these pivotal four years of high school , consider yourself less of a coach and more of a partner, working with your child to achieve school success. Each year, pull back a bit more. By senior year, your child should be taking the reins — figuring out what they need, setting priorities, and arranging for the right kind of help.

Start each year with a plan. Sit down with your child to discuss the upcoming school year. What challenges are in store, and what kinds of support might they need? Together, determine who will talk to teachers and school officials, and how and when to approach them. Make sure you both attend meetings to revisit IEP or 504 accommodations.

Quiz your student. They should know their learning style — visual, auditory, or kinesthetic — and have suitable study techniques to prepare for tests. They should also have a feel for which courses play to their strengths and which ones will be a problem.

Get outside help. If your child is confused by calculus or daunted by English composition, bring in a tutor. If they struggle to keep track of assignments or deadlines, consider hiring a coach. At this age, they’re more likely to accept help from others than from you.

Provide a challenge. Teens with ADHD sometimes fail because they’re not sufficiently engaged. Consider moving your child to an accelerated class, or enroll them in a summer course at a local college.

Offer rewards. Rewards are a great motivator, even at this age. Try verbal encouragement, extending privileges, increasing allowance, or a special trip. Frequent rewards, on a daily or weekly basis, work best.

[ Read: The High School Study Guide for Teens with ADHD ]

In the classroom:

Use webs, cluster maps, and semantic maps to categorize or identify related information. A central concept is placed in the center of related subtopics, and further details extend from each of the subtopic areas.

Offer alternatives to a written book report. Give students choices — writing a letter to the main character, creating a book jacket or a board game based on the book.

Use different-colored highlighters to emphasize different types of information: one color for dates, another for names, and a third for definitions.

Try tech for quicker reads. A scanning pen scans text as it’s dragged along the page. The pen displays the words on an easy-to-read screen, speaks them aloud, and provides definitions.

Use math computer programs for drill and practice. Many students with ADHD have illegible handwriting, or lose track when doing multiple-step problems.

Encourage students to keep a card file of specific math skills, concepts, rules, and algorithms, along with specific examples of each on the card for reference.

Practice, practice. Answer the sample questions in your textbook. Ask your teacher for more practice problems. Try to teach the problems to another student.

Solving problems. Label each step of your process, and leave plenty of white space between steps, so you can easily see where you went astray.

Writing Tips

Use a graphic organizer. This tool asks basic questions about the topic and organizes material visually to help with memory recall. Distribute pre-printed blank forms for students to fill in, so they can reserve their effort for writing the essay.

Use mind maps — a graphic way of representing ideas and their relationships. Draw circles, write ideas within each of them, then connect and prioritize thoughts.

Allow time for incubation. Set aside your writing and come back to it the next day. You will see potential improvements that can be made.

Organization: What You Can Do

Carve out a workspace. Use the “suitcase rule” to de-clutter your room. What would you pack if you were going away for a week? Put everything else away in a closet or another room. Still can’t see your desktop? Stash anything you don’t use every day in a box near your desk.

Assign everything a place. Get file holders, trays, desk caddies, shelves — whatever you need to organize your work space. Label each container with colored index cards, stickers, or pens. Do the same with your car and school locker. To keep your locker organized, bring everything home at the end of each week and before every school break.

Be bag-specific. Keep a separate bag for books and schoolwork, sports equipment, band paraphernalia, after-school clothes. Assign pockets in each bag for specific items.

Hold on to notebooks. Write your name, phone number, e-mail address, and locker or mailbox number inside the cover or on the first page. If you lose it, the odds are good that it will be returned to you.

Keep a calendar at hand. Always carry an appointment book or electronic calendar — a planner or a smart phone works. Just as you assign a place for your physical possessions, you should designate a time for each of your commitments.

Post a calendar in the kitchen. Include all family events and obligations, so that your teen can add them to his personal schedule. If you both work from electronic calendars, set aside time each evening to update and synchronize.

Keep a to-do chart. Does your teen have responsibility for housekeeping chores ? Post a checklist as a nag-free reminder.

Establish a ready-to-go place. Reserve a shelf or cabinet by the front door, where your teen can park what she needs for school — books, keys, wallet, and meds.

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Winning the Homework Wars

Studies of typical homework loads vary : In one, a Stanford researcher found that more than two hours of homework a night may be counterproductive. The research , conducted among students from 10 high-performing high schools in upper-middle-class California communities, found that too much homework resulted in stress, physical health problems and a general lack of balance.

Additionally, the  2014 Brown Center Report on American Education , found that with the exception of nine-year-olds, the amount of homework schools assign has remained relatively unchanged since 1984, meaning even those in charge of the curricula don't see a need for adding more to that workload.

But student experiences don’t always match these results. On our own Student Life in America survey, over 50% of students reported feeling stressed, 25% reported that homework was their biggest source of stress, and on average teens are spending one-third of their study time feeling stressed, anxious, or stuck.

The disparity can be explained in one of the conclusions regarding the Brown Report:

Of the three age groups, 17-year-olds have the most bifurcated distribution of the homework burden. They have the largest percentage of kids with no homework (especially when the homework shirkers are added in) and the largest percentage with more than two hours.

So what does that mean for parents who still endure the homework wars at home?

Read More: Teaching Your Kids How To Deal with School Stress

It means that sometimes kids who are on a rigorous college-prep track, probably are receiving more homework, but the statistics are melding it with the kids who are receiving no homework. And on our survey, 64% of students reported that their parents couldn’t help them with their work. This is where the real homework wars lie—not just the amount, but the ability to successfully complete assignments and feel success.

Parents want to figure out how to help their children manage their homework stress and learn the material.

Our Top 4 Tips for Ending Homework Wars

1. have a routine..

Every parenting advice article you will ever read emphasizes the importance of a routine. There’s a reason for that: it works. A routine helps put order into an often disorderly world. It removes the thinking and arguing and “when should I start?” because that decision has already been made. While routines must be flexible to accommodate soccer practice on Tuesday and volunteer work on Thursday, knowing in general when and where you, or your child, will do homework literally removes half the battle.

2. Have a battle plan.

Overwhelmed students look at a mountain of homework and think “insurmountable.” But parents can look at it with an outsider’s perspective and help them plan. Put in an extra hour Monday when you don’t have soccer. Prepare for the AP Chem test on Friday a little at a time each evening so Thursday doesn’t loom as a scary study night (consistency and repetition will also help lock the information in your brain). Start reading the book for your English report so that it’s underway. Go ahead and write a few sentences, so you don’t have a blank page staring at you. Knowing what the week will look like helps you keep calm and carry on.

3. Don’t be afraid to call in reserves.

You can’t outsource the “battle” but you can outsource the help ! We find that kids just do better having someone other than their parents help them —and sometimes even parents with the best of intentions aren’t equipped to wrestle with complicated physics problem. At The Princeton Review, we specialize in making homework time less stressful. Our tutors are available 24/7 to work one-to-one in an online classroom with a chat feature, interactive whiteboard, and the file sharing tool, where students can share their most challenging assignments.

4. Celebrate victories—and know when to surrender.

Students and parents can review completed assignments together at the end of the night -- acknowledging even small wins helps build a sense of accomplishment. If you’ve been through a particularly tough battle, you’ll also want to reach reach a cease-fire before hitting your bunk. A war ends when one person disengages. At some point, after parents have provided a listening ear, planning, and support, they have to let natural consequences take their course. And taking a step back--and removing any pressure a parent may be inadvertently creating--can be just what’s needed.

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10 Top Homework Tips for Parents

In this empowering article, we present a comprehensive guide to help parents become active partners in their child's academic journey. Homework plays a vital role in reinforcing learning, promoting responsibility, and building valuable study habits. However, it can also be a source of stress and frustration for both children and parents.

Discover a wealth of practical homework tips, strategies, and best practices that will transform homework time into a positive and productive experience. From fostering a conducive study environment to establishing a consistent routine, we explore how parents can create a supportive atmosphere that encourages their child's academic growth.

Explore effective communication techniques that bridge the gap between parents and teachers, ensuring that parents are well-informed about assignments and can offer timely assistance when needed. Uncover the importance of setting realistic expectations, acknowledging the uniqueness of each child's learning style, and avoiding undue pressure.

We'll also delve into the art of motivation and encouragement, understanding the delicate balance between supporting independence and providing guidance. Learn how to turn homework into a collaborative effort, where parents act as mentors, helping their children navigate challenges and celebrate achievements.

Incorporating insights from education experts and experienced parents, this article serves as a valuable resource for parents seeking to be proactive advocates for their child's academic success. Whether you have a kindergartener or a high schooler, these homework tips will empower you to create a positive learning environment at home and foster a lifelong love for learning in your child. Embrace this opportunity to strengthen the parent-child bond through shared educational experiences, paving the way for a brighter and more rewarding academic future.

Whether your child is in elementary, middle, or high school, every child will eventually need clear and consistent help with their homework. As homework can directly impact a child’s success in the classroom and his or her overall educational development, a parent’s involvement provides a child with encouragement, support, and direction. By using positive steps proven to boost student performance, parents can intervene before a child’s struggles with homework begin to surface.

The Importance of Homework in Cognitive Development

While children often perceive homework as a form of punishment from their teacher, practicing classroom skills at home is an integral part of the developmental process. As Nucleus Learning explains, homework serves a myriad of essential purposes for both instruction and reinforcement. Most fundamentally, homework allows students to practice skills learned in school with autonomous engagement outside the classroom. As there is a limited amount of time in each school day, children are forced to accept the educational contract that they must put in the effort both in and outside of school to master all of the required material.

Adding to this, homework allows students to “Investigate on their own, learn how to find answers to questions, show that the teacher does not have an answer to everything.” Homework allows a student to more thoroughly learn and understand the material instructed; furthermore, actively engaging in homework teaches students how to become advocates for their own learning, as they can engage in an inquiry-based process of asking questions and seeking out more answers and discoveries.

Further expounding on the importance of homework, Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, the educational author of Kids, Parents and Power Struggles , asserts that parents play an immense role in a child’s successful engagement and completion of homework assignments. As she explains, “What most people don't realize is how much support their kids need with homework… It isn't something where you can just say, 'He's 10 or 12 or 15, he should just do it.’’”

Instead, a parent’s foundational support in helping their children understand and practice homework sets the child up for the scaffold of evolving responsibilities. If a child fails to acknowledge his or her responsibilities with completing mandated assignments from their teacher, the child may be heading down a dangerous path of irresponsibility, which can later impact a child’s ability to thrive in their first job or professional realms of life.

The Top Ten Homework Tips for Parents

1. Establish a Routine

The first step in creating a positive homework pathway for your child is primarily creating a routine. This may mean that parents may have to compromise with their children on the working conditions for homework time. As The Seattle Times further explicates, “That means helping students designate a set time and place where they can comfortably — and routinely — hit the books without being disturbed. Some families keep the TV off on weeknights and tape favorite shows for weekend watching. Following such a rule consistently, Kurcinka says, may avoid parent-child power struggles.” Adding to this, if a child is comfortable independently working in his or her bedroom, then parents may need to allow this freedom and choice of the child; however, if a child’s homework is incomplete or if their grades drop, then parents should immediately step in and enforce a different homework strategy and routine.

2. Create Boundaries

As the homework routine is clearly outlined and consistently enforced, parents should simultaneously create clear boundaries for their children as well. This may entail that a teenager’s cell phone must be turned off during homework time or a child’s television or radio must be off until assignments are complete.

3. Get Organized

For younger children, a parent may need to create a homework calendar that both the parent and the child can clearly access and see. This may help a child learn how to plan ahead and create a schedule for long-term elementary and middle school projects. For high school kids, this may mean a parent talks with their teen about setting progress goals for assignments daily.

4. Accountability and Responsibility

Regardless of a child’s age or school grade, a parent must immediately require their child’s personal accountability for homework and assignments. Parents should have clear rules about writing down assignments in a notebook or remembering to bring all necessary homework materials, such as books or calculators, home each night. If a child fails to hold up their end of the bargain, then the established consequences should be enforced.

5. Create a “Learning Space”

For many children, a “learning space” specifically set aside for homework can allow them to mentally enter into a “school mode” at home. This may mean that a small office is stocked with pens, paper, and necessary tools for assignments; however, on the other hand, this also may mean that a child may need to access the library each day for homework (if they are too distracted at home). Regardless of a child’s needs, a parent must create a free space for a child to complete assignments without disruptions or distractions.

6. Teach Prioritization

Children are gradually assigned more homework tasks as they progress through the school grades, and parents can intervene and teach children how to prioritize their homework assignments. If a project is due in a week, a parent can help their child set up a timeline for small daily tasks. Or, if a child is feeling overwhelmed, a parent can help them make a list of everything that must be done and then number each task to prioritize the academic responsibilities.

7. Check Your Child’s Progress

While public schools send report cards and progress reports, many schools post grades and homework assignments online. Parents can speak with their child’s teacher(s) about the best ways to check in on the student’s progress throughout the semester and school year so that students are able to consistently perform to their potential without falling behind or struggling.

8. Allow Freedoms When Earned

If a child successfully meets all of the outlined homework rules and expectations, parents can allow certain appropriate freedoms if their child seems to be excelling in their tasks and schoolwork. For example, if a child asks to change their homework time or “learning space,” parents should experiment with new freedoms as the child gradually excels with their academic responsibility. Parents can consider new privileges and rewards for their child's achievements as long as the child seems to be successfully comprehending and excelling in academic pursuits and assignments.

9. Be a Study Buddy

Many times, especially when a child feels overwhelmed with a task or assignment, parents can offer support by simply helping their child study. This involves quizzing a child, teaching a child study strategies, or also just helping a child get organized. Sometimes, giving a child attention during difficult tasks can boost a child’s morale and effort.

10. Encourage and Support

Most importantly, a parent should serve as a motivational academic cheerleader. Homework should not be a punishment or a time that’s dreaded. Approach homework with a positive attitude and consistently reward the child with positive verbal feedback. Children do not require material treats or presents for success; moreover, they thrive on verbal support and encouragement. For example, if a child consistently does their homework without complaining, remind them each day, “I love how you always do your assignments with such a great attitude. I admire your ability to do what’s assigned with such an adult work ethic!” When compliments are specific and meaningful, a child will feel more confident and motivated to continually follow through with his or her responsibilities and performance.

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9 Smart Tips for Homework Success

Help kids manage their homework load with these strategies..

Even children who enjoy doing homework can lose their enthusiasm for it over the course of the school year, and find ways to stall or avoid doing it. But after-school study time is important, both for reinforcing the day’s learning and for lending structure to your child’s day.

“Homework isn’t just about academics,” says Karen Burke, SVP of Data Analysis and Academic Planning, Scholastic Education Solutions. “It can help students create routines and build responsible behaviors.”

Playing cop rarely works — micromanaging and nagging only make kids feel incapable or frustrated. Instead, think of yourself as a coach and cheerleader. 

“Generally, the idea of homework should be to help students set goals, build independence, and practice applying the knowledge they are gaining,” says Burke.

To help you get there, we asked teachers and parents to share their strategies for solving the most common homework struggles. These 10 tips will bring harmony back into your homework routine, whether your child is a kindergartner or 5th grader, perfectionist or procrastinator.

1. Do It Early

Give your child a time frame in which to get down to business. In your household, this may be before or after extracurriculars.

Work with your child to identify the time when their energy and focus are at their peak. This gives your child some control over their schedule. (Some kids need a longer break after school, and others need to start right away to keep the momentum going.) 

However, plan on 5 p.m. being the latest they can start their homework.

2. Phone a Friend

From kindergarten onward, kids should have a list of three or four classmates they can call on when they forget an assignment, or even just to ask a question. Study buddies can provide motivation for each other to get the work done. 

3. Collaborate to Build Confidence

When kids don’t understand a concept right away, they may feel like they’re not smart enough and start to shut down, says Sigrid Grace, a 2nd grade teacher in Michigan. 

Short-circuit negative thinking by sitting down with your child and figuring out the first problem in the assignment together. This should help jog their memory to complete the rest. Then, heap on the praise: “You did a great job on that one! Try the next one now.”

4. Change the Scenery

Sometimes something as simple as changing up their workspace can boost a child’s motivation and, in turn, their confidence. If your child has been working alone at a desk or designated study nook, perhaps they’d be more comfortable doing their homework in a public area, like the kitchen table while you’re preparing dinner. 

Conversely, if they’ve been working in a high-traffic part of the house, they might need a more private space in which to focus. 

5. Keep the Positive Feedback Coming

Younger kids need instant feedback, so it’s okay for parents of young grade-schoolers to correct mistakes, says Grace, the 2nd grade teacher. Follow this up with specific praise about what your child has done well.

6. Leave the Room

“Kids who drag things out are often doing so for your attention — they’re enjoying the interaction on some level,” explains Grace. “Avoid joining in.”

If you must stay in the room, have your child work in a spot that’s farther away from whatever you’re doing.

7. Beat the Clock

Sometimes procrastinators just need a jump-start. If that’s true for your child, try this: 

Set a timer for five minutes and have your child work as quickly and steadily as they can until the timer goes off. At that point, they can choose to take a short break or keep going — many kids continue.

“Racing against a timer gives kids an external sense of urgency if they don’t have an internal one,” says Ann Dolin, a former educator. 

However, a timed work session is not an excuse for sloppy work. Make sure your child reviews theirs before submitting it.

8. Plan, Plan, Plan

To get the most out of your days, include every appointment — from sports practice to meals to reading time — on a big calendar or schedule log and stick it in a central place where every member of the household can see it. 

If you know that certain nights present a conflict with your child’s homework schedule, you can ask for the week’s assignments upfront and work with your child to decide the best times to complete them, says Cathy Vatterott, a professor of education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. 

“Teachers will often work with you on this, but most parents are afraid to ask,” she says.

9. Let ’Em Vent 

If your child is resisting doing their homework — or worse, is tearing up over it in frustration — soothe any pent-up worries by letting them complain. Listen, empathize (“Wow, that is a lot of work”), and state their feelings back to them (“You sound upset”). 

Once your child feels understood, they’ll be more likely to accept your suggestions, says Dolin — and better able to focus on what needs to be done.

You can also help by talking to your child about what they remember from class and steering them to the textbook. If they’re still lost, have them write a note to the teacher explaining that they don’t understand.

Get ready for your child to go back to school with our guide — it's full of recommended books, tips to help if your child is struggling with homework , and more resources for starting the year off right . 

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15 Important Homework Tips for High School Students

Doing homework in high school often proves a challenging task for students. Besides the busy school schedules, you may be required to handle multiple assignments within a short duration. For this, you should master various tips on how to survive high school and quickly submit assignments without compromising their quality. Sometimes it can be challenging to handle different subjects and assignments, but don’t hesitate to reach out for calculus homework help if you need it..

Read on for our best tips to handle too much homework in high school and a highlight of some policies to keep in mind when handling assignments. 

Homework tips for high school students

  • Start early

Putting your assignment aside for later is a recipe for procrastination. Often, you may feel as though the available time is too much, thus pushing your paper until a few days before the deadline.

This approach is bound to trigger tons of stress and risk rushed assignments that barely meet the quality for your level.

  • Prepare a schedule

A schedule is a great way to keep track of your assignments while prioritizing urgent tasks. For this, you could use a homework planner or a calendar app with regular reminders of assignment sessions.

Also, avoid the urge to do the entire assignment in one sitting as this might compromise your productivity. 

  • Develop an outline

When working on an essay, develop an outline during research. This will not only allow you to plan a coherent argument but also to overcome confusion once you start writing your essay. 

Also, ensure to select a simple topic that can be exhausted with the available resources to avoid getting stuck midway through your essay.

  • Make use of various tools

There are a variety of tools for each subject that you could employ and manage tight deadlines without compromising the quality of your assignments. It is great to identify various tools for your subjects and employ these tools in solving your assignments. 

This approach will allow you to overcome challenges in your assignments and also guide you in learning concepts that you might have struggled with during class.

  • Employ incremental rewards

Ideally, plan rewards for various milestones of your assignments. These rewards offer motivation for the completion of your assignment as you have associated the completion of your homework with a positive stimulus. 

  • Get sufficient sleep

Although you may feel the urge to work on assignments past your sleeping time, doing so would be detrimental to your study. Besides compromising your focus, this approach may lead you to wake up later than usual, offsetting your schedule for the next day.

  • Use the Pomodoro technique

Handling a two-hour homework session without a break is a strategy doomed to yield low productivity. ideally, employ the Pomodoro technique to recharge in your breaks, and maintain your focus throughout your study session.

  • Find a conducive area for study

When sitting for your homework, find a conducive environment free of various distractions. This allows you to master maximum focus and focus your undivided attention on solving the problems within your assignment. 

If you cannot find a conducive area, acquire noise-blocking headphones and set a table far from your sources of distraction. 

  • Make use of school breaks

School breaks are great sessions to handle high school homework or to plan for assignments you intend to cover in the evening. Once you get a free session, consult your schedule and start planning on the urgent task.

This helps you to save time for other pending tasks, ensuring timely delivery without having to forfeit your sleep.

  • Consult your peers

Challenging questions are often the reason behind procrastination by many students. if you are stuck on a question in your assignment, consult your peers on reaching a solution. This saves you time for other problems in your assignment and also acts as a chance to learn diverse approaches to solving a problem and also to troubleshoot issues within your essay. 

  • Listen to classical music

Many scholars have indicated a positive impact of classical music to study. Besides blocking background noise, classical music is said to soothe your brain, helping you overcome the stress associated with completing assignments. 

  • Reach out to a tutor

In case you encounter a topic with which you are poorly familiarized with, it is best to consult a tutor instead of wasting time on the problems. This approach develops an all-rounded development in various topics, ensuring your overall performance in assignments and exams.

  • Switch up the scenery

Studying in your dorm room presents a ton of distractions that could easily impair your focus. Ideally, find a place where you can master your focus and access all the essential tools for your homework. 

Skipping meals in a bid to study is bound to yield unproductive sessions. You should observe all breaks and snack up after long study sessions to regain energy for your sessions. 

  • Stay updated with classes

Failure to attend classes often results in late awareness of assignments and struggles in solving various problems in the assignment. Ideally, attend all classes and plan revision sessions with peers on challenging topics. 

Homework policies for high school

  • Assignments should be submitted before the deadline/ due dates elapse
  • Assignments should be original
  • The teacher should administer assignments that are related to class instruction
  • The assignments should be reviewed promptly, and feedback delivered to the student
  • The teacher should communicate with guardians in case a learner fails to attend to assignments

How many hours of homework in high school

How many assignments do you get in high school? This is a common question for students who feel overwhelmed by the copious amounts of assignments they are buried under each semester. 

The acceptable range of hours for homework in high school range between seven to fourteen hours a week. This approximation may vary based on your institution’s homework policies and your tutor’s preferred teaching-learning approaches.

high school homework tips

Learning What You Love in High School

Find the right college for you..

Here’s something no one tells you about your high school education: You’re the one in control. You’re in charge of what you do and how well you do it. It’s up to you whether you treat high school as something imposed on you─something to simply trudge through─or as a time to figure out what you love and want to do with your life.

Here’s another secret: When you’re doing something you love, it doesn’t feel like work. What can you do now, while you’re young, to find out what you’re passionate about?

How to Find Out What Your Passions Are in High School

Being an enthusiastic learner or having enthusiasm for learning doesn’t mean gluing yourself to your school textbooks. It means a lifetime of developing your talents and feeding your curiosity about the things you love. That can be anything from music to math and physics to painting and sports. Your options are endless.

But what if you aren’t sure what you're very interested in? With college admissions right around the corner and high school drawing to an end, you may be worried that you haven’t found that spark that leads you down your ideal career path. This is something everyone will experience at some point in their lives. Here are some things to do right now to guide yourself an education you’re enthusiastic about:

Write Down All the Things That Make You Happy.

As in so many situations, writing down your thoughts─just for yourself─is a good way to start. Think about the things you love to do. Be specific about what it is you love about something and what your role is in it.

Here are a few examples:

  • You’re passionate about music, specifically about composing original music.
  • You’re passionate about sports, specifically about coaching others.
  • You’re passionate about computers, specifically about coding video games.
  • You’re passionate about writing, specifically reporting on the news.

Once you have a list of things you’re enthusiastic about, think about your personality and how you prefer doing things. Answer questions like these:

  • Do I prefer to give a speech or write a speech?
  • Would I rather be an actor or a director?
  • Would I rather listen to music or play music?
  • Do I plan out everything before I take on a project or dive right in?
  • Am I outgoing or introspective?
  • Would I rather think up something new or improve upon something that already exists?
  • Do I prefer to be a leader or a team member?

Write down your answers and any other thoughts you have about your personality and interests. Then list the classes you’re taking now or have taken recently. Try to make connections between your notes about yourself and your classes. Which classes cover subjects or teach skills that relate to the things you love? Have any of these classes helped you recognize an interest you didn’t know you had?

You can also list your talents. Are you good at math? Can you sing or act? Are you able to teach yourself computer languages? A list of your skills and talents may help you discover a career path. This list may also help you with choosing the rest of your high school classes and improving your study skills.

student on bed doing homework

Work Backward From Your Future Vision.

Envision yourself in the future. Five years, 10 years, even 20 years from now. In your ideal world, what are you doing? When answering this question, don’t limit yourself. Answer with your heart: If you could be doing anything in the future, what would it be?

Let’s say, for example, that in your ideal future, you are a marine biologist who is authoring groundbreaking research papers. How did you get there? What classes did you take in college? What internships did you get? How did you build relationships with your professors, mentors, and peers to get these opportunities?

The best thing about doing this is that you don’t need concrete answers to these questions right away, just ideas. You’ll have plenty of opportunities in college to explore majors and experiment with taking classes that pique your interest.

Plan Ahead Based on These Insights.

Now that you have some ideas for what you're enthusiastic about, what your role is in these interests, and a road map for getting to a future where your passion is your career, let’s work our way back to the present day.

Take a Fresh Approach to Your Work in High School.

See if you can approach homework in a way that allows you to explore your interests and spark your passion for learning about what you love. For instance, if you love art, you may be able to choose a topic for a history paper that investigates the connection between the art movements and key political events of a particular time period.

Try New Things.

If you’re open to stepping outside your comfort zone, you’ll find yourself meeting new people, going places you never imagined, and discovering skills and talents you didn’t think you had.

New opportunities can come to you in many ways. You can:

  • Register for a challenging class.
  • Join clubs and extracurricular activities.
  • Try out for a play or a team.
  • Say “yes” to a teacher, employer, or mentor who suggests a special project.
  • Make a new friend who expands your perspective.

The next time someone approaches you with a new opportunity, don’t say “no” right away, even if it seems boring or hard. Think about it. Ask yourself questions like these:

  • What will I learn from this?
  • What kinds of people will I meet?
  • Where can it take me?
  • Am I afraid to do this? If so, why?

Ask for Help.

Your counselor, principal, and teachers can help you figure out how to make the most of your high school experience. Try asking these questions:

  • Does our school offer elective classes that may interest me?
  • Are there school clubs related to my interests? If not, how do I start one?
  • Can I take an interest inventory? (This test shows you careers that match your interests.)

What should I do if I’m not sure what I’m interested in?

Explore! You may not realize it now, but high school isn’t just a rigorous chore where everything is planned out for you in advance. You have the opportunity to join dozens of clubs and extracurricular activities outside of the classroom.

See what clubs and activities are offered at your high school. Talk to some of your friends and classmates about clubs they're in and what they do. If anything sounds interesting or exciting to you, go to a few meetings. You might discover interests you didn’t even know you had and make new friends along the way.

How do I decide what extracurricular activities I’m interested in?

Your interests will come to you naturally. You just have to give yourself a little nudge. Step out of your comfort zone. Explore extracurricular activities offered at your school. You have nothing to lose. If you find that you aren’t interested in one activity, move on to another one.

How can I start exploring career interests in high school?

As mentioned earlier, writing down your interests and what role you’d play is a perfect way to start. Talk to your teachers, mentors, and school counselors about what careers exist that relate to your passions and if there are any internships available to help you try them out.

You can also check out our Career Quiz and Career Search for ideas and insights.

How do you develop interests?

Interests are developed through curiosity. This comes naturally to everyone. It’s one of our defining traits. Think about what sparks your curiosity. You may have wanted to explore what makes technology work the way it does. Or you’ve wondered why your pets behave the way they do.

Do some research. Read up on answers to things you’re curious about. You may find yourself immersed in an article about computer coding or a book about animal behavior.

How do you develop passions?

Passions are developed through emotions, particularly through activities that you find to be fun. Consider the things that move you emotionally and the things that you love to do. You may be moved by music or film. You may enjoy playing sports with your friends. These things are all examples of passion. Think about what you can do to further develop your interests in the things that move you.

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Home » Europe » Moscow

EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024)

Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit!

Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city each year! Although the warmer months make exploring Moscow’s attractions more favorable, there’s just something about a fresh snowfall that only enhances the appearance of the city’s iconic sites!

If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or simply wanting to see as much of the city as possible, this Moscow itinerary will help you do just that!

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Best Time To Visit Moscow

Where to stay in moscow, moscow itinerary, day 1 itinerary in moscow, day 2 itinerary in moscow, day 3 and beyond, staying safe in moscow, day trips from moscow, faq on moscow itinerary.

Here is a quick look at the seasons so you can decide when to visit Moscow!

The summer months (June-August) are a great time to travel to Moscow to take advantage of the enjoyable mild temperatures. This is considered peak travel season. Bear in mind that hotel prices rise along with the temperatures!

when to visit moscow

If you’re planning a trip to Moscow during fall (September-November) try to plan for early fall. This way the temperatures will still be pleasant and winter won’t be threatening.

Russian winters (December-February) are not for the faint of heart as Napoleon learned to his peril. Some days the sun will be out for less than an hour, and snow is guaranteed. Although winters are exceptionally cold, this is when you’ll get a true glimpse of the Moscow experience!

The best time to visit Moscow is during spring  (March-May). The temperatures will begin to creep up and the sun begins to shine for significant portions of the day. Hotel rates will also have yet to skyrocket into peak ranges!

high school homework tips

With a Moscow City Pass , you can experience the best of Moscow at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

Moscow is a large city with many accommodation options to choose from. Staying in a location that fits with your travel plans will only enhance your Moscow itinerary. Here is a brief introduction to a few great areas of the city we recommend checking out!

The best place to stay in Moscow to be close to all the action is Kitay-Gorod. This charming neighborhood will put you within walking distance to Moscow’s famous Red Square, thus cutting down on travel time. This will allow you to see more of the city in a shorter amount of time!

where to stay in moscow

It’s surrounded by restaurants, cafes, bars, and shops. If you’re a first-time visitor to Moscow, or just planning a quick weekend in Moscow, then this area is perfect for you!

Another great area to consider is the Zamoskvorechye district. This area of the city offers a blend of new and old Moscow. It has an artsy vibe and there are plenty of fun sites you can explore outside of the main touristy areas of Moscow.

Of course, as in all areas of Moscow, it’s close to public transportation that will quickly connect you with the rest of the city and make your Moscow itinerary super accessible!

Best Airbnb in Moscow – Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Exclusive Apartment in Old Moscow

Modern and cozy, this apartment is in the heart of Old Moscow. Bordering the Basmanny and Kitay-Gorod districts, this two-bedroom flat is walking distance to the Kremlin and Red Square. Safe, quiet, and comfortable, this is the best Airbnb in Moscow, no question!

Best Budget Hotel in Moscow – Izmailovo Alfa Hotel

moscow itinerary

The Izmailovo Alfa Hotel is a very highly rated accommodation that provides all the components necessary for a comfortable trip to Moscow. There is an on-site restaurant, bar, fitness center, and an airport shuttle service. The rooms are modern and spacious and are equipped with a TV, heating/air conditioning, minibar, and more!

Best Luxury Hotel in Moscow – Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre

moscow itinerary

If you’re touring Moscow in luxury, the Crowne Plaza Moscow World Trade Centre is the hotel for you! Elegantly furnished rooms are equipped with a minibar, flat-screen TV,  in-room safes, as well as tea and coffee making facilities! Bathrooms come with bathrobes, slippers, and free toiletries. There is also an onsite restaurant, bar, and fitness center.

Best Hostel in Moscow – Godzillas Hostel

moscow itinerary

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station. Guests will enjoy all the usual hostel perks such as self-catering facilities, 24-hour reception, Free Wi-Fi, and security lockers. This is one of the best hostels in Moscow and its wonderful social atmosphere and will make your vacation in Moscow extra special!

Godzillas Hostel is one of our favourites in Moscow but they’re not taking guests right now. We’re not sure if they’re closed for good but we hope they’ll come back soon.

An important aspect of planning any trip is figuring out the transportation situation. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to get to all of your Moscow points of interest right? Luckily, this sprawling city has an excellent network of public transportation that will make traveling a breeze!

The underground metro system is the quickest and most efficient way to travel around Moscow. Most visitors rely exclusively on this super-efficient transportation system, which allows you to get to pretty much anywhere in the city! It’s also a great option if you’re planning a Moscow itinerary during the colder months, as you’ll be sheltered from the snow and freezing temperatures!

moscow itinerary

If you prefer above-ground transportation, buses, trams, and trolleybuses, run throughout the city and provide a rather comfortable alternative to the metro.

Moscow’s metro, buses, trams, and trolleybuses are all accessible with a ‘Troika’ card. This card can be topped up with any sum of money at a metro cash desk. The ticket is simple, convenient, and even refundable upon return to a cashier!

No matter which method you choose, you’ll never find yourself without an easy means of getting from point A to point B!

Red Square | Moscow Kremlin | Lenin’s Mausoleum | St. Basil’s Cathedral  | GUM Department Store

Spend the first day of your itinerary taking your own self guided Moscow walking tour around the historic Red Square! This is Moscow’s compact city center and every stop on this list is within easy walking distance to the next! Get ready to see all of the top Moscow landmarks!

Day 1 / Stop 1 – The Red Square

  • Why it’s awesome: The Red Square is the most recognizable area in Moscow, it has mesmerizing architecture and centuries worth of history attached to its name.
  • Cost: Free to walk around, individual attractions in the square have separate fees. 
  • Food nearby: Check out Bar BQ Cafe for friendly service and good food in a great location! The atmosphere is upbeat and they’re open 24/7!

The Red Square is Moscow’s historic fortress and the center of the Russian government. The origins of the square date back to the late 15th century, when Ivan the Great decided to expand the Kremlin to reflect Moscow’s growing power and prestige!

During the 20th century, the square became famous as the site for demonstrations designed to showcase Soviet strength. Visiting the Red Square today, you’ll find it teeming with tourists, who come to witness its magical architecture up close!

The Red Square

The square is the picture postcard of Russian tourism, so make sure to bring your camera when you visit! No matter the season, or the time of day, it’s delightfully photogenic! 

It’s also home to some of Russia’s most distinguishing and important landmarks, which we’ve made sure to include further down in this itinerary. It’s an important center of Russia’s cultural life and one of the top places to visit in Moscow!

In 1990, UNESCO designated Russia’s Red Square as a World Heritage site. Visiting this historic site is a true bucket-list event and essential addition to your itinerary for Moscow!

Day 1 / Stop 2 – The Moscow Kremlin

  • Why it’s awesome: The Moscow Kremlin complex includes several palaces and cathedrals and is surrounded by the Kremlin wall. It also houses the principal museum of Russia (the Kremlin Armory).
  • Cost: USD $15.00
  • Food nearby: Bosco Cafe is a charming place to grat a casual bite to eat. They have excellent coffee and wonderful views of the Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin!

The iconic Moscow Kremlin , also known as the Kremlin museum complex, sits on Borovitsky Hill, rising above the Moscow River. It is a fortified complex in the center of the city, overlooking several iconic buildings in the Red Square!

It’s the best known of the Russian Kremlins – citadels or fortress’ protecting and dominating a city. During the early decades of the Soviet era, the Kremlin was a private enclave where the state’s governing elite lived and worked.

The Kremlin is outlined by an irregularly shaped triangular wall that encloses an area of 68 acres! The existing walls and towers were built from 1485 to 1495. Inside the Kremlin museum complex, there are five palaces, four cathedrals, and the enclosing Kremlin Wall with Kremlin towers.

The Armoury Chamber is a part of the Grand Kremlin Palace’s complex and is one of the oldest museums of Moscow, established in 1851. It showcases Russian history and displays many cherished relics. Definitely make sure to check out this museum while you’re here!

The Moscow Kremlin

The churches inside the Moscow Kremlin are the Cathedral of the Dormition, Church of the Archangel, Church of the Annunciation, and the bell tower of Ivan Veliki (a church tower).

The five-domed Cathedral of the Dormition is considered the most famous. It was built from 1475–1479 by an Italian architect and has served as a wedding and coronation place for great princes, tsars, and emperors of Russia. Church services are given in the Kremlin’s numerous cathedrals on a regular basis.

The Grand Kremlin Palace was the former Tsar’s Moscow residence and today it serves as the official workplace of the President of the Russian Federation (Vladimir Putin seems to have bagged that title for life) .

Insider Tip: The Kremlin is closed every Thursday! Make sure to plan this stop on your Moscow itinerary for any other day of the week!

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Lenin’s Mausoleum

  • Why it’s awesome: The mausoleum displays the preserved body of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin .
  • Cost: Free!
  • Food nearby: Khinkal’naya is a charming Georgian restaurant with vaulted ceilings and exposed brick. It’s a popular place with locals and right next to the Red Square!

Lenin’s Mausoleum, also known as Lenin’s Tomb, is the modernist mausoleum for the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. It’s located within the Red Square and serves as the resting place for the Soviet leader! His preserved body has been on public display since shortly after his death in 1924.

It’s located just a few steps away from the Kremlin Wall and is one of the most controversial yet popular Moscow attractions!

Admission is free for everyone, you’ll only need to pay if you need to check a bag. Before visitors are allowed to enter the mausoleum, they have to go through a metal detector first. No metal objects, liquids, or large bags are allowed in the mausoleum!

Lenins Mausoleum

Expect a line to enter the building, and while you’re inside the building, you’ll be constantly moving in line with other visitors. This means you won’t be able to spend as long as you’d like viewing the mausoleum, but you’ll still be able to get a good look. Pictures and filming while inside the building are strictly prohibited, and security guards will stop you if they see you breaking this rule.

The mausoleum is only open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday – unless it’s a public holiday or a day scheduled for maintenance. The hours it’s open for each day are limited, make sure to check online before you visit to make sure you can fit this into your Moscow itinerary for that day!

Insider Tip: The Lenin’s Museum is there for people to pay their respect; remember to keep silent and move along quickly, it’s not intended for people to congregate around. Also, men are not allowed to wear hats and everyone must take their hands out of their pockets when inside the building.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – St. Basil’s Cathedral

  • Why it’s awesome: A dazzling designed cathedral that showcases Russia’s unique architecture. This cathedral is one of the most recognizable symbols of the country!
  • Cost: USD $8.00
  • Food nearby: Moskovskiy Chaynyy Klub is a cozy cafe serving food items and pipping hot tea; it’s the perfect place to go if you’re visiting Moscow during the winter months!

Located in the Red Square, the ornate 16th-century St. Basil’s Cathedral is probably the building you picture when you think of Moscow’s unique architecture. Its colorful onion-shaped domes tower over the Moscow skyline!

The cathedral was built from 1555-1561 by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. It was designed with an iconic onion dome facade and enchanting colors that captivate all who see it. Fun fact: If you’re wondering why Russian churches have onion domes, they are popularly believed to symbolize burning candles!

This iconic cathedral has become a symbol of Russia due to its distinguishing architecture and prominent position inside the Red Square. It’s one of the most beautiful, wonderful, and mesmerizing historical cathedrals in the world!

St. Basils Cathedral

The interior of the church surprises most people when they visit. In contrast to the large exterior, the inside is not so much one large area, but rather a collection of smaller areas, with many corridors and small rooms. There are 9 small chapels and one mausoleum grouped around a central tower.

Visiting the inside is like walking through a maze, there are even small signs all around the cathedral tracing where to walk, and pointing you in the right direction! The walls are meticulously decorated and painted with intricate floral designs and religious themes.

The church rarely holds service and is instead a museum open for the public to visit.

Insider Tip: During the summer months the line to go inside the cathedral can get quite long! Make sure to arrive early or reserve your tickets online to guarantee quick access into the cathedral!

Day 1 / Stop 5 – GUM Department Store

  • Why it’s awesome: This is Russia’s most famous shopping mall! It’s designed with elegant and opulent architecture and provides a real sense of nostalgia!
  • Cost: Free to enter
  • Food nearby: Stolovaya 57 is a cafeteria-style restaurant with a variety of inexpensive Russian cuisine menu items including soups, salads, meat dishes, and desserts. It’s also located inside the GUM department store, making it very easily accessible when you’re shopping!

The enormous GUM Department Store is located within the historic Red Square. It has a whimsical enchantment to it that sets it apart from your typical department store.

A massive domed glass ceiling lines the top of the building and fills the interior with natural sunlight. There are live plants and flowers placed throughout the mall that give the shopping complex a lively and cheerful feel! A playful fountain sits in the center, further adding to the malls inviting a sense of wonder and amusement!

The GUM department store opened on December 2, 1893. Today, it includes local and luxury stores, including Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Prada, and many more! There are numerous cafes, restaurants, and even a movie theater inside!

GUM Department Store

For a special treat, head into Gastronom 1. This 1950s-style shop sells gourmet food items, like wine, freshly-baked pastries, cheese, Russian chocolate, and of course, vodka! Also, be on the lookout for a bicycle pedaling ice cream truck with an employing selling ice cream!

The ambiance is simply amazing, a trip to this idyllic shopping mall is an absolute must on any Moscow itinerary!

Insider Tip: Make sure to carry some small change on you in case you need to use the restroom, you’ll need to pay 50 rubles – or about USD $0.80 to use the bathroom in GUM.

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Novodevichy Convent | Gorky Park | State Tretyakov Gallery | All-Russian Exhibition Center | Bolshoi Theater

On your 2 day itinerary in Moscow, you’ll have a chance to use the city’s excellent public transportation service! You’ll explore a few more of Moscow’s historic highlight as well as some modern attractions. These sites are a little more spread out, but still very easily accessible thanks to the metro!

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Novodevichy Convent

  • Why it’s awesome: The Novodevichy Convent is rich in imperial Russian history and contains some of Russia’s best examples of classical architecture!
  • Cost: USD $5.00
  • Food nearby: Culinary Shop Karavaevs Brothers is a cozy and simple place to have a quick bite, they also have vegetarian options!

The Novodevichy Convent is the best-known and most popular cloister of Moscow. The convent complex is contained within high walls, and there are many attractions this site is known for! 

The six-pillared five-domed Smolensk Cathedral is the main attraction. It was built to resemble the Kremlin’s Assumption Cathedral and its facade boasts beautiful snowy white walls and a pristine golden onion dome as its centerpiece. It’s the oldest structure in the convent, built from 1524 -1525, and is situated in the center of the complex between the two entrance gates.

There are other churches inside the convent as well, all dating back from many centuries past. The convent is filled with an abundance of 16th and 17th-century religious artworks, including numerous large and extravagant frescos!

Novodevichy Convent

Just outside the convent’s grounds lies the Novodevichy Cemetery. Here, you can visit the graves of famous Russians, including esteemed authors, composers, and politicians. Probably the most intriguing gravestone belongs to Russian politician Nikita Khruschev!

The Novodevichy Convent is located near the Moscow River and offers a peaceful retreat from the busy city. In 2004, it was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The convent remains remarkably well-preserved and is an outstanding example of Moscow Baroque architecture! 

Insider Tip: To enter the cathedrals inside the complex, women are advised to cover their heads and shoulders, while men should wear long pants.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

  • Why it’s awesome: A large amusement area in the heart of the city offering many attractions!
  • Cost: Free! 
  • Food nearby: Check out Mepkato, located inside Gorky Central Park for a casual meal in a cozy setting. There are indoor and outdoor seating options and the restaurant is child-friendly!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is a large green space in the heart of Moscow. The park opened in 1928, and it stretches along the scenic embankment of the Moskva River. It covers an area of 300-acres and offers a lovely contrast from the compact city center.

You’ll find all sorts of wonderful attractions, from boat rides to bike rentals to tennis courts and ping-pong tables, and much more! there are an open-air cinema and festive events and concerts scheduled in the summer months.  A wide selection of free fitness classes is also offered on a regular basis, including jogging, roller skating, and dancing!

Although many of the options you’ll find here are more suited for outdoor leisure during the summer, you’ll also a selection of winter attractions, including one of Europe’s largest ice rinks for ice-skating!

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure

If you’re trying to decide what to do in Moscow with kids, the park also offers several venues designed specifically for kids. Check out the year-round Green School which offers hands-on classes in gardening and art! You can also feed the squirrels and birds at the Golitsinsky Ponds!

The park is very well maintained and kept clean and the entrance is free of charge, although most individual attractions cost money. There is also Wi-Fi available throughout the park.

With so many attractions, you could easily spend all day here! If you’re only planning a 2 day itinerary in Moscow, make sure to plan your time accordingly and map out all the areas you want to see beforehand!

Day 2 / Stop 3 – The State Tretyakov Gallery

  • Why it’s awesome: The gallery’s collection consists entirely of Russian art made by Russian artists!
  • Food nearby : Brothers Tretyakovs is located right across the street from the gallery. It’s a wonderfully atmospheric restaurant serving top quality food and drinks!

The State Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856 by influential merchant and collector Pavel Tretyakov.  The gallery is a national treasury of Russian fine art and one of the most important museums in Russia!

It houses the world’s best collection of Russian art and contains more than 130, 000 paintings, sculptures, and graphics! These works have been created throughout the centuries by generations of Russia’s most talented artists!

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The exhibits range from mysterious 12th-century images to politically charged canvases. The collection is rich and revealing and offers great insight into the history and attitudes of this long-suffering yet inspired people!

All pictures are also labeled in English. If you plan to take your time and see everything inside the museum it will take a good 3-4 hours, so make sure to plan your Moscow trip itinerary accordingly! This gallery is a must-see stop for art lovers, or anyone wanting to explore the local culture and history of Russia in a creative and insightful manner! 

Insider Tip: When planning your 2 days in Moscow itinerary, keep in mind that most museums in Moscow are closed on Mondays, this includes The State Tretyakov Gallery!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – All-Russian Exhibition Center

  • Why it’s awesome: This large exhibition center showcases the achievements of the Soviet Union in several different spheres. 
  • Food nearby: Varenichnaya No. 1 serves authentic and homestyle Russian cuisine in an intimate and casual setting.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a massive park that presents the glory of the Soviet era! It pays homage to the achievements of Soviet Russia with its many different sites found on the property.

The center was officially opened in 1939 to exhibit the achievements of the Soviet Union. It’s a huge complex of buildings and the largest exhibition center in Moscow. There are several exhibition halls dedicated to different achievements and every year there are more than one hundred and fifty specialized exhibitions!

All Russian Exhibition Center

The Peoples Friendship Fountain was constructed in 1954 and is a highlight of the park. The stunning gold fountain features 16 gilded statues of girls, each representing the former Soviet Union republics. 

The Stone Flower Fountain was also built in 1954 and is worth checking out. The centerpiece of this large fountain is a flower carved from stones from the Ural Mountains! Along the side of the fountain are various bronze sculptures.

You will find many people zipping around on rollerblades and bicycles across the large area that the venue covers. It’s also home to amusement rides and carousels, making it the perfect place to stop with kids on your Moscow itinerary! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and allow a few hours to explore all the areas that interest you!

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Bolshoi Theater

  • Why it’s awesome: The Bolshoi Theater is a historic venue that hosts world-class ballet and opera performances!
  • Cost: Prices vary largely between USD $2.00 –  USD $228.00 based on seat location.
  • Food nearby: Head to the Russian restaurant, Bolshoi for high-quality food and drinks and excellent service!

The Bolshoi Theater is among the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world! It also boasts the world’s biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers!

The theater has been rebuilt and renovated several times during its long history. In 2011 it finished its most recent renovation after an extensive six-year restoration that started in 2005. The renovation included an improvement in acoustics and the restoration of the original Imperial decor.

The Bolshoi Theater has put on many of the world’s most famous ballet acts! Tchaikovsky’s ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theater in 1877 and other notable performances of the Bolshoi repertoire include Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker!

Bolshoi Theater

Today, when you visit the theater, you can expect a magical performance from skilled singers, dancers, and musicians with the highest level of technique!

If you don’t have time to see a show, the theater also provides guided tours on select days of the week. Tours are given in both Russian and English and will provide visitors with a more intimate look at the different areas of the theater!

The stage of this iconic Russian theater has seen many outstanding performances. If you’re a fan of the performing arts, the Bolshoi Theater is one of the greatest and oldest ballet and opera companies in the world, making it a must-see attraction on your Moscow itinerary!

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Godzillas Hostel

Godzillas Hostel is located in the center of Moscow, just a short walk from all the major tourist attractions and the metro station.

  • Towels Included

Cosmonautics Museum | Alexander Garden | Ostankino Tower | Izmaylovo District | Soviet Arcade Museum

Now that we’ve covered what to do in Moscow in 2 days, if you’re able to spend more time in the city you’re going to need more attractions to fill your time. Here are a few more really cool things to do in Moscow we recommend!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

  • Hear the timeline of the ‘space race’ from the Russian perspective
  • This museum is fun for both adults and children!
  • Admission is USD $4.00

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a museum dedicated to space exploration! The museum explores the history of flight, astronomy, space exploration, space technology, and space in the arts. It houses a large assortment of Soviet and Russian space-related exhibits, and the museum’s collection holds approximately 85,000 different items!

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

The museum does an excellent job of telling the full story of the exciting space race between the USSR and the US! It highlights the brightest moments in Russian history and humanity and is very interesting and fun for all ages!

If you’re a fan of space or just curious about gaining insight into Russia’s fascinating history of space exploration, make sure to add this to your 3 day itinerary in Moscow!

The Alexander Garden

  • A tranquil place to relax near the Red Square
  • Green lawns dotted with sculptures and lovely water features
  • The park is open every day and has no entrance fee

The Alexander Garden was one of the first urban public parks in Moscow! The garden premiered in 1821 and was built to celebrate Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s forces in 1812!

The park is beautiful and well maintained with paths to walk on and benches to rest on. The park contains three separate gardens: the upper garden, middle garden, and lower garden.

The Alexander Garden

Located in the upper garden, towards the main entrance to the park is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with its eternal flame. This monument was created in 1967 and contains the body of a soldier who fell during the Great Patriotic War!

The park stretches along all the length of the western Kremlin wall for about half a mile. Due to its central location in the city, it’ll be easily accessible when you’re out exploring The Red Square.

It provides a bit of relief from the city’s high-energy city streets. Bring a picnic lunch, go for a walk, or just sit and people watch, this is one of the best Moscow sites to wind-down and relax!

Ostankino Television Tower

  • Television and radio tower in Moscow
  • Currently the tallest free-standing structure in Europe
  • Make sure you bring your passport when you visit, you can’t go up without it!

For spectacular views of the city, make sure to add the Ostankino Television Tower to your itinerary for Moscow! This impressive free-standing structure provides stunning views of the city in every direction. The glass floor at the top also provides great alternative views of the city!

Ostankino Television Tower

It takes just 58 seconds for visitors to reach the Tower’s observation deck by super fast elevator. The tower is open every day for long hours and is a great site in Moscow to check out! There is even a restaurant at the top where you can enjoy rotating views of the city while you dine on traditional Russian cuisine or European cuisine!

The tower is somewhat of an architectural surprise in a city that is not known for skyscrapers! To see the city from a new perspective, make sure to add this stop to your Moscow itinerary!

Izmaylovo District

  • The most popular attractions in this district are the kremlin and the flea market
  • Outside of the city center and easy to reach via metro
  • Most popular during the summer and on weekends

Travel outside the city center and discover a unique area of the city! The Izmaylovo District is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and one of the coolest places to see in Moscow! The two main attractions we recommend checking out are the Kremlin and the flea market.

The Izmailovo Kremlin was established as a cultural center and molded after traditional Russian architecture. This colorful complex is home to several single-subject museums, including a Russian folk art museum and a vodka museum!

Izmaylovo District

Next to the Kremlin is the Izmailovo open-air market, which dates back to the 17th century! The market is connected to the Izmailovo Kremlin by a wooden bridge. Pick up all your Russian souvenirs here, including traditional handicrafts, paintings, books, retro toys, and Soviet memorabilia!

You will find many hand-made and hand-painted options available at higher prices, as well as mass-produced souvenir options at lower prices!

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

  • Closed on Mondays
  • Filled with old arcade games that visitors get to try out!
  • The museum also includes a small cafe and burger shop

For something a little different, check out the Museum of Soviet Arcade Games! The museum features roughly 60 machines from the Soviet era, including video games, pinball machines, and collaborative hockey foosball! The machines inside the museum were produced in the USSR in the mid-1970s.

Museum of Soviet Arcade Games

The best part is, most of the games are still playable! Purchase tickets and try the games out for yourself! The museum also has a neat little screening room that plays old Soviet cartoons and an area with Soviet magazines! This unique attraction is a fun addition to a 3 day itinerary in Moscow, and an attraction that all ages will enjoy! 

Whether you’re spending one day in Moscow, or more, safety is an important thing to keep in mind when traveling to a big city! Overall, Moscow is a very safe place to visit. However, it is always recommended that tourists take certain precautions when traveling to a new destination!

The police in Moscow is extremely effective at making the city a safe place to visit and do their best to patrol all of the top Moscow, Russia tourist attractions. However, tourists can still be a target for pickpockets and scammers.

Moscow has a huge flow of tourists, therefore there is a risk for pickpocketing. Simple precautions will help eliminate your chances of being robbed. Stay vigilant, keep your items close to you at all times, and don’t flash your valuables!

If you’re planning a solo Moscow itinerary, you should have no need to worry, as the city is also considered safe for solo travelers, even women. Stay in the populated areas, try and not travel alone late at night, and never accept rides from strangers or taxis without a meter and correct signage.

The threat of natural disasters in Moscow is low, with the exception of severe winters when the temperature can dip below freezing! Bring a good, warm jacket if you visit in Winter.

However, please note that Russian views on homsexuality are far less accepting than those in Western Europe. Likewise, Non-Caucasian travellers may sadly encounter racism in Russia .

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Moscow

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Now that we’ve covered all the top things to see in Moscow, we thought we’d include some exciting day trips to other areas of the country!

Sergiev Posad (Golden Ring)

Sergiev Posad Golden Ring

On this 7-hour guided tour, you’ll visit several scenic and historic areas of Russia. Start your day with hotel pick-up as you’re transferred by a comfortable car or minivan to Sergiev Posad. Admire the charming Russian countryside on your drive and enjoy a quick stop to visit the Russian village, Rudonezh!

You’ll see the majestic Saint Spring and the Church of Sergiev Radonezh. You’ll also visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, one of the most famous Orthodox sites in Russia!

Lastly, you’ll swing by the local Matreshka market and enjoy a break in a nice Russian restaurant before returning to Moscow!

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

Day Trip to Vladimir and Suzdal

On this 13-hour trip, you’ll discover old Russia, with its picturesque landscapes and white-stoned beautiful churches! You’ll visit the main towns of the famous Golden Ring of Russia – the name for several cities and smaller towns north-east of Moscow.

Your first stop will be in the town of Vladimir, the ancient capital of all Russian principalities. The city dates back to the 11th century and is one of the oldest and the most important towns along the Ring! Next, you’ll visit Suzdal, a calm ancient Russian town north of Vladimir with only 13,000 inhabitants!

The old-style architecture and buildings of Suzdal are kept wonderfully intact. If you’re spending three days in Moscow, or more, this is a great option for exploring the charming areas outside the city!

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

Zvenigorod Day Trip and Russian Countryside

On this 9-hour private tour, you’ll explore the ancient town of Zvenigorod, one of the oldest towns in the Moscow region! As you leave Moscow you’ll enjoy the stunning scenery along the Moscow River, and make a few stops at old churches along the way to Zvenigorod.

Upon arrival, you’ll explore the medieval center, including the 14th-century Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. Next, you’ll take a break for lunch (own expense) where you’ll have the chance to try out the Russian cuisine! Next, you’ll visit the Museum of Russian Dessert and sip on tea at a Russian tea ceremony.

The final stop of the day is at the Ershovo Estate, a gorgeous place to walk around and enjoy nature!

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage & Faberge

Day Trip to St Petersburg by Train visiting Hermitage and Faberge

On this full-day tour, you’ll enjoy a a full round trip to St Petersburg where you’ll spend an exciting day exploring another popular Russian city! You’ll be picked up from your hotel in Moscow and be transferred to the train station where you’ll ride the high-speed train ‘Sapsan’ to St Petersburg.

Upon arrival, you’ll start the day by touring the Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. Next, you’ll visit the Faberge Museum, where you’ll explore the impressive collection of rare Faberge Eggs! In the afternoon, enjoy a sightseeing boat ride and a traditional 3-course Russian lunch.

If you’re spending 3 days in Moscow, or more, this is an excellent trip to take!

Trip to Kolomna – Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

Trip to Kolomna - Authentic Cultural Experience from Moscow

On this 10-hour tour, you’ll escape the city and travel to the historic town of Kolomna! First, you’ll visit the 14th-century Kolomna Kremlin, home to the Assumption Cathedral and an abundance of museums!

Next, enjoy lunch at a local cafe (own expense) before embarking on a tour of the Marshmallow Museum – of course, a marshmallow tasting is provided!  Your final stop is the Museum of Forging Settlements, where displays include armor and accessories for fishing and hunting.

Discover this beautiful Russian fairytale city on a private trip, where all of the planning is taken care of for you!

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Moscow itinerary.

How many days you need in Moscow?

We recommend that you spend at least two or three days in Moscow to take it all in.

What’s the best month to visit Moscow?

The best time to visit Moscow is over the spring, from March to May as temperatures are mild, crowds are thin and prices are reasonable.

What are some unusual things to do in Moscow?

I mean, queuing up to see an almost 100 year old corpse is pretty unsual! Check out Lenin’s Mausoleum if you fancy it!

What are some fun things to do in Moscow?

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is a fun place to explore the famous space race from the perspective of the ‘other side’!

We hope you enjoyed our Moscow itinerary! We’ve made sure to cover all the Moscow must-sees as well as some unique attractions in the city! Our addition of insider tips, favorite food stops, and day trips from Moscow is an added bonus and will guarantee you make the most out of your exciting Russian vacation!

Immerse yourself in the modern and traditional Russian lifestyle! Get lost in museums, witness awe-inspiring architecture, and indulge in Russian cuisine! Spend the day strolling through all of the charming sites of Moscow, admiring the beautiful scenery and discovering the city’s fairytale-like enchantment!

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And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Alya and Campbell

Alya and Campbell

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7 most PRESTIGIOUS & EXPENSIVE districts in (and near) Moscow

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1. Rublevka

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Rublevka, simply put, is Russia’s “Beverly Hills”: home to rich, famous, and influential Russians who live in luxury, hidden behind tall fences and walls. Technically, it is located outside Moscow, some 10 kilometers to the west via the Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, yet the area, and its residents, are nonetheless an integral part of Russia’s capital.

Officially, there is no such an administrative unit as Rublevka. Instead, the name of the area is a social construction, popularised in mass culture as a synonym of being filthy rich, as it is one of the most expensive residential areas in the world. It is also a play of words as – you know it – the ruble is the Russian currency.

In Tsarist Russia, nobility built homes here, only to be replaced by dachas of Lenin, Stalin, and other state officials after the Bolshevik Revolution. In Soviet times, famous scientists, artists, and writers — including Mstislav Rostropovich, Andrei Sakharov, Dmitry Shostakovich — had dachas in Rublevka. Today, Rublevka is inhabited by oligarchs, multi-millionaires, and all-powerful figures. The Russian President’s official residence is in Novo-Ogaryevo – not far from Rublevka.

Although Rublevka is considered the most famous luxury residential area in the immediate vicinity of Moscow, there are many other elite villages and areas in the Moscow Region, most of which are located to the west of the capital.

2. Ostozhenka and the ‘Golden Mile’

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The Golden Mile is an unofficial name for one of the most expensive residential areas in Moscow. It is a small piece of land where luxury real estate has been built. It is located between Ostozhenka Street and Prechistenskaya Embankment, a 10-15 minute walk from the Kremlin, with some of the buildings overlooking the Moscow River.

With prices up to $40,000 for a square meter, Ostozhenka is often listed among the most expensive streets in the world. Given that an average apartment there is around 240 square meters in size, the price tag for it can reach as high as $10 million or even more.

“[Before 1989], this area was abandoned, because of the planned construction of the Palace of the Soviets (which was to be built on the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour). The entire area was planned to be cleared to make possible the construction of a wide avenue leading to the Lenin Hills [currently known as Vorobyovy Gory],” says Alexander Skokan, an architect and a founder of the Ostozhenka Bureau.

However, the Palace of the Soviets was never built. Instead, luxury houses began to be erected there. Consequently, it may be hard to come by residents in this area, as most of the buildings have been bought for investment purposes.

3. Khamovniki

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Khamovniki is the official name of a district located in central Moscow. It starts from Aleksandrovskiy Sad next to the Kremlin and spreads across to the Luzhniki Stadium and Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory) in the western part of the city.

Historically, this is where weavers used to live, who were known as ‘Khamovniki’ in the 17th century. Hence, the name of this historic district.

Today, Khamovniki is one of the most popular areas of the Russian capital among apartment buyers. Yet, it’s also one of the most expensive districts in Moscow, where one square meter of apartment costs approximately $11,000; a price tag far beyond the average in Moscow.

The Moscow River, multiple parks and numerous metro stations make this elite district ecologically clean and also easily accessible from anywhere in the city. Pre-revolutionary houses, Soviet buildings and modern projects are available on this stretch of land. Among others, one of Russia’s greatest writers Leo Tolstoy owned an estate in Khamovniki in 1882 (which is now part of his family estate).

4. Yakimanka

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This is a neighboring district to Khamovniki, lying to the Southwest of the city center. Everyone who has ever been to Moscow knows Gorky Park, which covers most of the district’s territory. Yakimanka is one of the most stylish areas in Moscow and it is well known for its clubs, cocktail bars and cozy restaurants, as well as for the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Muzeon Park of Arts.

The district is also home to old factories built in the early 19th century. Most of these buildings have been rebuilt as offices. Elite real estate in this district may also cost up to $20,000 per square meter.

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This is another historic and luxurious district, craved by anyone who dreams of settling in Moscow. It stretches from the Moscow Kremlin on the west to the Moscow River in the east, with New Arbat Avenue being its major artery. Here, the famous Spaso House , the residence of the U.S. ambassador to Russia since 1933, is located, as well as other historical landmarks .

As in many other districts in Moscow, Arbat has it all when it comes to real estate: pre-revolutionary houses, Soviet buildings and modern luxury apartment blocks. An average price tag for a square meter of real estate here is $10,000. Yet, naturally, you can find much more expensive housing than that in the area.

6. ‘Presnya’

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The Presnensky district, as it is officially known, lies to the immediate north of the Arbat district. Although real estate here is generally not as expensive as in the above-mentioned districts, there are two especially affluent areas that make the average price tag skyrocket: Patriarch Ponds and the Moscow City business center, where the famous skyscrapers are located.

One square meter in one of the towers of the Moscow City business center can cost up to $20,000. Considering there are premium apartments that take a whole or even multiple levels, the final price can be extremely high.

7. Tverskoy, Meschansky, and Zamoskvorechye



These three districts — two to the north of the Kremlin and one to the south — are all affluent areas of the city. The State Duma and the Governor-General Building (which today is the Moscow Mayor's Office), among other important buildings, are located in Tverskoy district.

These three districts are similar to each other in the sense that they lack vacant land to make major new development projects possible. Instead, a relatively small number of offers is on the market. The average price of one square meter of housing in these areas amounts to $7,300.

Click here to find out what to sightsee on Tverskaya street.

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Five shot at high school student gathering in Maryland park

GREENBELT, Md. (AP) — Five young people were shot Friday afternoon when gunfire broke out during a high school “senior skip day” gathering in a park in Greenbelt, a Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C., according to police.

The victims were hospitalized, with one in critical condition and the others in stable condition, Greenbelt Police Chief Rick Bowers said during a news conference Friday evening. The victims were ages 16 to 18.

Bowers said about 500 to 600 high school students convened in the park, where they were having a water gun fight — an annual tradition of sorts for high school seniors in the area. He said a similar event happened last year with no issues.

Because it was such a large group in a relatively small space, police arrived at Schrom Hills Park about 10 minutes before gunfire broke out, Bowers said. Officers were monitoring the gathering, not responding to other potential criminal activity.

Bowers said investigators believe there was a single shooter who left the scene in a crowd that fled immediately after the shooting. He said a motive has not been determined and declined to speculate about whether the victims were intended targets.

“This is a horrible, tragic, senseless act that happened today,” he said. “It is chronic in our society and we have to do something to stop it.”

Prince George’s County Police and Maryland State Police also responded to the scene.

Officers reported hearing about 8 to 10 gunshots and immediately started providing medical care to the injured youths, Bowers said.

Greenbelt Mayor Emmett Jordan said he was grateful the officers were able to respond so quickly.

“Our thoughts are with the families, with the classmates, with the victims,” he said. “If a group of high school students cannot get together and have a good time — what is the world coming to.”

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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  4. The Best High School Homework Tools and Tips

    The homework tools your high schooler needs are: Homework station: Comfortable chair, good lighting, and quiet surroundings. Setting up a homework station in their room works well for our two oldest kids. Basic school supplies: binders, notebooks, lined and graph paper, pencils, markers, and pens. I stock up on these items during the back-to ...

  5. How to Help Middle and High School Students Develop the Skills They

    The effects of homework are mixed. While adolescents across middle and high school have an array of life situations that can make doing homework easier or harder, it's well known that homework magnifies inequity.However, we also know that learning how to manage time and work independently outside of the school day is valuable for lifelong learning.

  6. High School Students Enjoy Greatest Benefits of Homework

    High school students are better able to manage their time, stay focused and complete complex tasks, which enables them to tap the value of homework. In high school, the 10-minute per grade level rule still applies (students should receive 10 minutes of homework per night based on the grade level they are in). This rule allows up to 120 minutes ...

  7. 5 Homework Tips for Your High Schooler

    Here are five homework tips to keep your high schooler on top of her homework. 1. Discuss Strategy. At the beginning of high school, have a discussion with your student, addressing work ethic and how homework and organization will help her achieve her goals. Read 6 Questions to Get Your High Schooler Thinking About the Future for ideas for how ...

  8. Take Control of Homework

    Don't Let It Control You. Although very few students love homework, it does serve a purpose. Homework helps you: Reinforce what you've learned during the day. Build study habits that are essential in college. Prepare for your classes. Get a sense of progress. College life involves a lot of adjustments for students.

  9. Making School Fun at Home

    High School Homework Tips. When students reach high school, having parents hanging around to nag them about homework doesn't always help. Instead of implementing these homework strategies for high schoolers yourself, show this list to your teenager and help them come up with a plan they can stick to. Then, take a step back.

  10. PDF Homework: A Guide for Parents

    homework demands that middle school and high school present. The steps to establishing homework routines include: N Identify a location where homework will be done. N Make sure children have all the materials needed to complete homework assignments (e.g., pencils, era-sers, paper, dictionary, calculator).

  11. High school homework tips

    High school homework tips. Although aspects of the homework routine will be familiar from primary school, the volume of your child's homework may start to increase in Year 7. There are various techniques, resources and tools available to make things easier. It's also important to understand some of the background about the role of homework ...

  12. High-School Homework Checklist for Parents

    This article offers a brief list of tips for parents to optimize their high school child's homework performance. ... Updated: December 1, 2022. High-School Homework Checklist for Parents. Provide a quiet, well-lit space, away from distractions and with all the right study materials -- paper, pens and pencils, books, a dictionary, a desk, etc. ...

  13. Succeed in High School with ADHD: Homework, Organization, Study Tips

    These academic and organizational tips are designed to help high school students with ADHD finish homework, execute long-term projects, manage their time, earn high grades, and avoid feeling overwhelmed. With the simpler demands of middle school behind you, you'll need better study skills, time-management tools, and organization strategies ...

  14. Homework Wars: High School Workloads, Student Stress, and How Parents

    Studies of typical homework loads vary: In one, a Stanford researcher found that more than two hours of homework a night may be counterproductive.The research, conducted among students from 10 high-performing high schools in upper-middle-class California communities, found that too much homework resulted in stress, physical health problems and a general lack of balance.

  15. 10 Top Homework Tips for Parents

    Parents should have clear rules about writing down assignments in a notebook or remembering to bring all necessary homework materials, such as books or calculators, home each night. If a child fails to hold up their end of the bargain, then the established consequences should be enforced. 5. Create a "Learning Space".

  16. 11 Best Homework Tips for Parents

    High school homework is integral to their learning experience, and your support can significantly impact their success. With that in mind, we've compiled a list of the top 11 homework tips for parents. These tips will help you provide the guidance and encouragement your children need while fostering their independence and confidence in their ...

  17. 9 Best Tips for Homework Success

    9. Let 'Em Vent. If your child is resisting doing their homework — or worse, is tearing up over it in frustration — soothe any pent-up worries by letting them complain. Listen, empathize ("Wow, that is a lot of work"), and state their feelings back to them ("You sound upset").

  18. 15 Best Tips to Survive Tackling Your High School Homework

    15 Important Homework Tips for High School Students. Doing homework in high school often proves a challenging task for students. Besides the busy school schedules, you may be required to handle multiple assignments within a short duration. For this, you should master various tips on how to survive high school and quickly submit assignments ...

  19. Learning What You Love in High School

    Take a Fresh Approach to Your Work in High School. See if you can approach homework in a way that allows you to explore your interests and spark your passion for learning about what you love. For instance, if you love art, you may be able to choose a topic for a history paper that investigates the connection between the art movements and key ...

  20. EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024 Guide)

    EPIC MOSCOW Itinerary! (2024) Moscow is the heart of Mother Russia. Just the mention of this city conjures images of colorful bulbous pointed domes, crisp temperatures, and a uniquely original spirit! Moscow has an incredibly turbulent history, a seemingly resilient culture, and a unique enchantment that pulls countless tourists to the city ...

  21. 7 most PRESTIGIOUS & EXPENSIVE districts in (and near) Moscow

    Although Rublevka is considered the most famous luxury residential area in the immediate vicinity of Moscow, there are many other elite villages and areas in the Moscow Region, most of which are ...

  22. Home

    THE PRIDE OF THE NORTH! Our school district is a welcoming, high-performing, and thriving district with approximately 2175 amazing, unique, and special students who attend one of our four elementary schools, middle school, high school, or regional non-traditional high school. Centered on the boundary of the fertile, productive agricultural ...

  23. Moscow, TN

    Commute. grade B minus. View Full Report Card. Moscow is a town in Tennessee with a population of 832. Moscow is in Fayette County. Living in Moscow offers residents a suburban rural mix feel and most residents rent their homes. Residents of Moscow tend to lean liberal. Population. 832.

  24. Five shot at high school student gathering in Maryland park

    Five young people were shot Friday afternoon when gunfire broke out during a high school "senior skip day" gathering in a park in Greenbelt, a Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C., according to ...