13 Internet Censorship Pros and Cons

Internet censorship is the ability to restrict specific websites or online content from being viewed. It may come in the form of an edit, regulation, or law issued by the government. It could also occur privately is an ISP objects to the content that certain individuals wish to view.

The advantage of allowing internet censorship is that content which is violent, obscene, or dangerous can be immediately blocked. This protects children from inadvertently viewing content that could be scary or harmful to them, such as the murder and decapitation videos which have made their way to sites like Facebook and Twitter in recent years.

The disadvantage is obvious: internet censorship is a restriction on a person’s ability to view the content they wish to see, when they wish to see it.

Here are some additional internet censorship pros and cons to discuss.

What Are the Pros of Internet Censorship?

1. It creates the chance to set common sense limits. There are some things that just aren’t part of what a society would deem to be healthy. A simple search right now on an unfiltered public search can provide anyone with access to numerous videos that purport to show real murders in progress. High-profile cases, such as the murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward, were broadcast on-air and then a first-person video of the event made its way through social circles afterwards. Restricting this content sets a common-sense limit on the content that van be viewed.

2. It limits access to harmful activities. There are dark areas of the internet where anything goes right now. Access to illicit drugs, sex trafficking, human trafficking, and child pornography can be accessed with relative ease by those who seek out such things. By restricting content that can be accessed, it limits the opportunities that predators can create to reach out to find new victims.

3. It could lessen the impact of identity theft. One of the fastest growing crimes in the world today is identity theft. NBC News reports that more US citizens were victims of identity theft in 2016 than any year before. More than 15.4 million reports of identity theft were compiled by Javelin Strategy and Research, which reflects a 16% increase in the total number of reports from 2015 figures. Restricting content that would allow identity information to be easily shared could lessen the impact that identity theft causes to a society.

4. It may provide a positive impact on national security. Although hacking will occur no matter what internet censorship laws may be in place, by creating internet censorship regulations with strict and mandatory penalties for a violation, it could become possible to reduce the number of hacking incidents that occur. That could have a positive impact on national security because the restrictions would possibly prevent alleged incidents like what occurred during the 2016 US Presidential election.

5. It stops fake news. Claims of fake news increased dramatically in 2017. Fake news websites promote false reports for money through clicks because readers think the news is real. Internet censorship would provide another level of discernment which could possibly stop divisive incidents that are based on events that never occurred.

What Are the Cons of Internet Censorship?

1. Who watches the watchers? Even if internet censorship is directly supervised and ethically maintained, someone somewhere is deciding on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for society to see online. At some level, someone does not have anyone to whom they report regarding their censorship decisions. With that kind of power, one individual could influence society in whatever way they chose without consequence.

2. It stops information. Although fake information can be restricted through internet censorship, so can real information. According to the World Economic Forum, 27% of all internet users live in a country where someone has been arrested for content that they have shared, published, or simply liked on Facebook. 38 different countries made arrests based solely on social media posts in 2016.

3. It is a costly process. According to research from Darrell West, VP and Director of Governance Studies and the founding director of the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings, internet shutdowns cost countries $2.4 billion in 2015. The decision to cut connectivity in Egypt came at a cost of $90 million. Censoring content is costly and it will come at the expense of taxpayers.

4. It provides a negative economic impact. What happens if a business has their website blocked because it doesn’t meet an arbitrary standard of “goodness”? Allowing the government or some other entity to declare what is “good” or “bad” for the internet can have a dramatic economic impact at the local level. If a business cannot promote themselves online or sell their goods on an e-commerce platform, then they are placed in a disadvantageous state compared to industry competitors who would be allowed to sell online.

5. It shifts where responsibilities lie. If the government is dictating what individuals can see online, then people are no longer as responsible for the decisions they make. It cedes that control over to the government. Once that control is ceded, it becomes easier to cede more control over responsibility because the action was normalized.

6. It prevents individuals from accessing a freedom of expression. A free internet allows individuals to post what they want. It gives them the chance to freely express their thoughts, opinions, and views. Laws may already exist in many jurisdictions that would allow for the prosecution of individuals who share illegal content already, such as child pornography, so placing additional restrictions would simply create another layer of bureaucracy.

7. A lack of truth leads to ignorance. In 1984 by George Orwell, people in this dystopian environment are kept under tight control so that specific societal results can occur. Once people in this society begin to discover love, they discover truth. That truth prevents them from living in ignorance. With internet censorship, there is a lack of truth which exists in such a policy. That means there is a societal ignorance in place that a ruling party could attempt to control.

8. It limits entrepreneurial opportunities. In a world of internet censorship, entrepreneurs would be forced to have their ideas approved by an oversight committee, board, or individual instead of pursuing the idea immediately on their own. If a business in the same industry as the entrepreneur has enough wealth or influence, they could potentially restrict the entrepreneur from pursuing their opportunity. Such an action would limit innovation in many sectors.

These internet censorship pros and cons show us that what can be used for good can also be used for selfish intent. Who do you think should determine if content is inappropriate? Should it be a government, an oversight committee, or yourself?

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Internet Censorship: Why It’s Important, Plus Pros and Cons

Net Reputation

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The pros and cons of internet censorship have been at the root of much debate over the past few years. The purpose of internet censorship is to control, remove, or suppress information online . Also known as the “information superhighway,” the internet is a place where all ages visit. 

There are many pros and cons of censorship on the internet. And there’s also a fine line between freedom of the press and publishing violent, obscene, or dangerous content. Anyone has the ability to go online, whether that person is 5 years old or 65 years old.

Some countries have stricter censorship laws than others. For example, the following countries have limited censorship, meaning they have the greatest amount of online freedom:

  • EU countries
  • United States

The countries with the most censorship (meaning the least amount of internet freedom) include China, North Korea, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

For our purposes, the pressing question is: How do you find a balance between right and wrong? Today, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of internet censorship to help you take a stance on this highly debated subject.

What is Internet Censorship?

Internet censorship is when there are measures in place to control or restrict access to online content. Governments, institutions and organizations may restrict internet access for cultural, political, security or social reasons. There are several different types of online censorship:

  • Blocking or filtering websites
  • Monitoring online activities
  • Restricting access to online platforms or services
  • Suppressing specific content types

Internet access may be restricted by a government to control the information that spreads in an effort to manage political dissent or maintain order. In more severe cases, like in countries that allow for stricter censorship, access to social media sites or news sites may be blocked.

Aside from government censorship, private online entities, like internet service providers or social media platforms, may restrict content according to their policies. For example, sexual or violent content may violate the terms of service and be automatically removed.

There are also less severe forms of censorship. For example, an employer may restrict access to social media websites so that workers don’t spend their time talking with friends. Or a coffee shop may restrict access to certain websites to not offend other customers who may see the web pages someone’s visiting. Parental controls are also a sort of online censorship. For example, a parent may limit their child’s access on social media platforms in order to keep them safe.

What Type of Content is Censored?

All sorts of topics may be blocked or limited, such as:

  • Inappropriate or obscene content
  • National security
  • Pornography

There are a lot of concerns that online censorship raises related to unrestricted access to information, freedom of speech, and the open and uncontrolled exchange of ideas. Here’s a brief overview of the different viewpoints:

  • Advocates for a free, open internet say that internet restrictions stifle creativity and innovation, limit how much information can flow, and obstruct the exchange of ideas.
  • Those in favor of internet restrictions say that censorship is necessary for social order, national security and to keep harmful content from spreading.

The debate over internet freedom is nuanced and ever-evolving as the level of censorship changes around the world. It encompasses topics like media freedom, social media, and the freedom of expression, among other considerations.

What Are Some Common Types of Internet Censorship?

We covered some of the more basic and well-known types of internet censorship above, but let’s talk about a few more. Note that there are technical types of censorship as well as non-technical types of censorship.

  • Internet Protocol Address Blocking: This is when specific websites are blocked and you can’t access them. For example, you may not be able to access your U.S.-based social media site from overseas.
  • Laws and Regulations:  Legal requirements may prohibit certain types of content from appearing online. Internet service providers would then have to abide by these rules.
  • Search Result Removal:  Search engines may exclude certain websites from search results, which makes the site “invisible” to searchers. The search engine may do this because of a legal requirement or at its own discretion.

In extreme censorship cases, equipment may be confiscated or destroyed or routers may be disconnected to limit access and prevent free speech.

Is There Any Way to Avoid Internet Censorship?

If you live in or travel to a country with strict internet censorship laws, or you find yourself wanting more access for whatever reason, there are a few ways to avoid internet censorship.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN creates an IP address that falls outside the country with internet restrictions. For example, if you’re in a foreign country and want to access a social media site, you may need to use a VPN to do it. The VPN would show your IP address as being in the United States, for example, instead of the country you’re in, which would allow you to gain access.

Use a Proxy Server

Similar to a VPN, a proxy server hides your IP address by changing it to disguise your true location. However, since proxy servers lack encryption, they’re not generally as safe as VPNs. They also have a tendency to be slower when compared to VPNs.

Use a Secure Web Browser

A secure web browser will hide your IP address, protect your browser history and privacy, and delete cookies once you close the window. Plus, secure web browsers encrypt your data. Some people opt to use a secure web browser in their daily lives no matter what type of information they’re accessing because it provides an added layer of security.

Internet Censorship Pros and Cons

Should the internet be censored? Or should everyone have complete and total internet access, regardless of what’s out there?

There are many pros of internet censorship, as it works to prevent sites from publishing graphic and explicit content . From the other perspective, censorship limits the freedom you have online.

Skeptics of the practice argue that internet censorship leads to the loss of freedom and free access to information, regardless of its attributes. According to their arguments, censorship restricts your ability to view the content you want to see when you want to see it.

On the other hand, some people feel that not all information  should be viewed. However, even with restrictions in place, there are always people who will find ways to circumvent censorship.

We’re not here to take a firm stance one way or the other. Instead, we are going to present both sides of the argument to help you decide where you fall on the internet freedom scale.

Pros of Internet Censorship: When Limiting Access is Positive

One of the main cases for internet censorship is that it protects children from accessing harmful and inappropriate information , such as footage of real murders or terrorist decapitations. Let’s talk more about the potential benefits of restricting internet freedom.

Utilize Prudence

Proponents of internet censorship argue that censorship works to protect people using a common-sense approach to the information that appears on the web. While many internet users have the decency to not post something online that society would consider inappropriate, not everyone will exercise the same level of caution.

Dangerous information you can find through a Google search and gain access to includes information about and videos of:

  • High-level crimes
  • Illicit drugs
  • Sexual assault
  • Sex trafficking
  • Identity theft
  • Threats to law enforcement agencies and personnel

Internet censorship offers a means of limiting the number of harmful videos or other forms of offensive content that people, including your children, have access to. In simple terms, internet censorship provides a tool to limit access or even block access to content that can cause irreparable harm.

Protecting your children online is paramount. For expert guidance on implementing effective internet controls, don’t hesitate to reach out to us here .

Here’s an example: In the past, users have expressed discomfort knowing that their children have easy access to pornography. Internet censorship methods have been implemented to make accessing these sites more difficult. For example, when entering a pornographic website, the question “Are you 18 years or older?” now automatically prompts.

While this safety measure is a start, there’s nothing to prevent a child from simply clicking “yes” and gaining access to the website. With it being so easy to circumvent internet censorship, some feel there should be more preventative measures in place.

Protect National Security

Government agencies know that information sharing on the web can threaten national security. Sensitive content can put our country at risk. That includes:

  • Videos of military movements and tactics
  • Posts about proprietary economic information
  • Other compromising, government-related details

Although the United States is often thought of as the home of absolute freedom, internet censorship has a very real purpose when it’s used to protect the national economy and other influences on our position in the global market.

Limit Child Pornography and Other Harmful Information

You may have heard of the dark web, but does it  actually exist? Unfortunately, yes, it does. The dark web is home to activities you would never expect and might not even be able to imagine.

Today, everything goes on the internet, with many people never showcasing self-censorship. Because of the “Wild West” online environment, local communities feel pressure to (1) protect personal freedoms while (2) creating internet limits that put a stop to dangerous or harmful content.

Community and social media sites like Craigslist and Facebook give individuals access to:

  • Buy and sell drugs
  • Partake in human trafficking
  • Engage in the distribution of child pornography

Plus, the dark web has grown dramatically over the past decade to include file-sharing sites like Pirate Bay, TOR, and ISOHunt. Harmful information goes beyond access to child porn or similar online content, too. It may also include:

  • Hate speech against a specific group
  • Details about illegal activities
  • Defamatory online content
  • Information on how to commit identity theft

Law enforcement agencies worldwide have spearheaded efforts to restrict access to harmful or false information. By restricting access to this content through direct censorship, local authorities and government organizations place common-sense limits on the type of content available. Even though many laws seem to overstep personal freedoms, the driving point is that internet censorship protects children.

Proponents of censorship also argue that it restricts the chances for predators to easily find targets. But while internet censorship regulations have lofty goals, dangerous people often find ways to defeat even the most well-meaning laws.

Minimize the Risk of Identity Theft and Other Cyber Threats

Cybercrimes are a rising concern in the digital era, and people store a lot of their personal and private information on their computers. Without the proper knowledge of passwords and privacy policies, users can leave themselves vulnerable online. Limiting the amount of information put online can assist in minimizing the threat of these cyber attacks.

If internet censorship is designed to prevent access to the tools and strategies used to commit cyber crimes, communities must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this type of regulation.

Identity theft cases have skyrocketed in recent years. Criminals know that with access to certain information, such as a driver’s license, mailing address, or Social Security number, they can falsify information. With these tidbits, financial crimes have been committed to the degree that The World Economic Forum has pressured other countries to implement more control over internet traffic. Even more alarming is that criminals know an arrest warrant is unlikely, and if a criminal is caught, the average sentence means that committing internet-based crimes is often worth the risk.

Read our article about National Security Solutions For Corporations to learn more.

Eliminate Misleading and Fake News

With news media sites springing up all over the web, it can be hard to know what is real and what is fake news. Established news outlets like CNN, Fox, and CNBC are not the only players on the web anymore. With the end goal of profiting, there are many sites in existence that cash in on providing false, misleading articles online.

In this case, internet censorship may be able to reduce the amount of fake news that spreads online. Case in point: Over the past few election cycles, the sharing of fake news on social media has presented significant challenges. As social media companies exercise more control over the information posted on their sites, they’re able to limit the spread of potentially harmful or false news.

One of the best examples of fake news is the well-known review platform Ripoff Report. This is a website where disgruntled customers can voice their negative opinions online anonymously. If you are in need of a Ripoff Report removal  contact us today to learn more!

Protect Privacy

Online censorship programs can come with many benefits, especially if you’re struggling with access to violent material, negative information, or harmful content. Online censorship typically cleans that up for you automatically. This also goes for illegal activities and anything that goes against freedom of speech in general.

There are several advantages to using automated internet censorship tools, particularly those that target specific websites known for trafficking false information.

More importantly, there are times when personal information is leaked to the web. Strangers can use this information against you, potentially damaging your reputation. Censorship of this content can help protect your privacy and defend your reputation against harm.

Cons of Internet Censorship: When Limiting Access to Internet Content is Negative

As we’ve talked about, internet censorship has both advantages and disadvantages. In the above sections, we explored some of the advantages. Here, we will discuss many of the disadvantages of internet censorship and how it can possibly affect freedom-related human rights.

Private organizations and internet service providers that champion freedom of speech argue that internet censorship creates an unfair playing field — one that can have serious and long-term ramifications regarding freedom. Let’s talk about them.

Decrease the Flow of Information

The amount of factual, real news that is published online and through your internet service provider can be severely limited when internet censorship is implemented.

Already, there are individuals arrested each and every day for sharing inappropriate and illegal content online. And something as simple as liking a post on Facebook or commenting on a blog post can land you in a heap of legal trouble, even if the content you interacted with wasn’t necessarily dangerous or damaging.

Social media dominates online activity, with billions of daily users across various platforms. With that amount of activity, it’s inevitable that false content, damaging posts, and defamatory statements will make their way onto these platforms, potentially damaging your reputation.

Still, freedom of expression is paramount on social media platforms, which position themselves as champions of open speech. Any attempt to stifle open conversations can decrease information flow.

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Raise Costs of Internet Monitoring

One of the most notable disadvantages of internet censorship is its cost — and that cost is high . Google has seemingly endless results, and it would require a costly process to filter all of the information published online.

Many people are in favor of internet censorship until they realize how it could raise their taxes. Financial considerations are always at the forefront of any attempt to clamp down on open internet speech, and many an oversight entity has reconsidered its position after seeing the price tag associated with censoring material on the web.

Minimize Entrepreneurial Efforts

Nowadays, there’s a major boom in entrepreneurship and startups in the U.S., and it’s important for those businesses to promote themselves freely. The internet has become a primary economic driver, one of the positive results of the free exchange of information. Increasing internet censorship could have devastating consequences for local businesses, potentially locking them out of economic opportunities. Losing the freedom to sell certain products online could have dire effects on the nation’s economy.

Once there is a governing body acting as a mediator, it limits what you can actually do as an entrepreneur and how successful you will be. The internet may no longer be a viable tool for creating wealth, especially if censorship derails the free exchange of information and innovation. In the place of creative businesses could be a limited number of dominating monopolies.

Should We End Internet Censorship?

While there are plenty of reasons one may want to end censorship online, it is not a simple decision to make. There are hundreds of millions of stakeholders who rely on information online, be it good or bad.

For example, news organizations provide updates about crimes that may be unsightly to most readers. Does that mean the information should not be accessible online, though?

One alternative to internet censorship could include more robust access requirements, such as age restrictions. This could block access to harmful content for children while allowing adults to continue to access sensitive information. Social media sites could also crack down on their terms of service and have harsher punishments for breaching them.

Why Is Internet Censorship Important?

By now, you should have a decent understanding of internet censorship and the many arguments for and against it. It’s clear to see that some cases of online censorship, such as blocking children from dangerous content, are positive. On the other hand, some people want to avoid internet censorship when it comes to other subjects, like the transparency of news.

Proponents of censorship and restricted websites often put security over free expression. They feel that preventing the exchange of harmful content is more important than ultimate online freedom.

On the other hand, those fighting to avoid internet censorship argue that internet users should be able to make their own decisions about what can or cannot be posted online. An internet connection doesn’t necessarily mean you  have to access harmful information, just that you can potentially access that information.

Undoubtedly, the question of online freedom is a layered one. To ensure that your voice is heard in the digital space without unwanted noise, contact NetReputation today . Our team is ready to assist you with any information removal needs on the web.

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Contact us today at 844-461-3632 to speak with one of our content removal specialists or to learn more about our wide range of online reputation management services. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Pros and Cons of Censorship: A Detailed Breakdown

March 27, 2024 Valeria G

internet censorship advantages and disadvantages essay

Censorship has been a contentious issue throughout history, with various forms impacting societies worldwide. The practice has sparked debates on its merits and drawbacks, from political censorship to self-censorship. While censorship can protect national security and maintain social order, it also raises concerns about freedom of speech and access to information.

Key Takeaways:

  • Censorship has been used throughout history to control information and maintain social order, but it can also infringe on freedom of speech and limit access to information.
  • While censorship can be argued as necessary for protecting national security and children from harmful content, it can also be used for propaganda and political control.

What Is Censorship?

Censorship, the control of information and ideas by authorities, has evolved over time for social, political, and moral reasons. It has historically been used to maintain power structures, preserve cultural norms, and protect national security. From ancient to modern times, rulers and authorities have restricted free expression to manage public perception and uphold societal values. Major events such as the Enlightenment period and the rise of totalitarian regimes have shaped the practice of censorship, with technological advancements like the internet offering new methods of control and surveillance. Understanding these dynamics is crucial in navigating censorship’s complexities today.

Types of Censorship

Censorship manifests in various forms, including political censorship laws imposed by governments, religious censorship dictated by faith doctrines, corporate censorship driven by profit motives, and self-censorship practiced by individuals.

1. Political Censorship

Political censorship involves governmental authorities’ suppression of information or expression to control public discourse and protect political interests.

By restricting access to certain content, governments shape public opinion and limit the spread of dissenting viewpoints. By controlling the flow of information, authorities can perpetuate their agendas, manipulate public perception, and maintain their hold on power. For example, propaganda plays a crucial role in political censorship, as governments often use biased or misleading information to sway public opinion.

Case studies worldwide showcase the diverse strategies authorities employ to silence dissent and stifle opposition. Examining the intricacies of these mechanisms provides valuable insights into the dynamics of censorship and its impact on societies.

2. Religious Censorship

Religious censorship restricts the dissemination of content that contradicts religion or challenges established beliefs, doctrines, or practices of religious institutions.

Religious censorship aims to safeguard the traditional values and teachings upheld by a particular faith by controlling the flow of information. Throughout history, religious authorities have imposed strict regulations on publications, artworks, websites, and public speeches to prevent the spread of heretical or sacrilegious ideas. From the banning of certain texts by the Catholic Church during the Inquisition to the suppression of critical interpretations of Islamic scripture, examples of religious censorship abound.

It is essential to recognize that the rationale behind such censorship often stems from a desire to maintain orthodoxy and unity within a religious community. Religious leaders seek to avoid internal divisions and preserve their faith’s doctrinal purity by silencing dissenting voices and alternative viewpoints. The impact of these measures on intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and the progress of knowledge is a subject of ongoing debate.

3. Corporate Censorship

Corporate censorship occurs when private entities restrict or modify content to align with their business interests, marketing strategies, or stakeholder preferences.

Examining the motivations behind corporate censorship reveals that profit-driven decisions play a significant role in shaping internet content restrictions. Companies often prioritize safeguarding their revenue streams and maintaining favorable relationships with advertisers, leading to the suppression or alteration of certain information that could potentially harm their financial interests.

This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in media and digital platforms, where monetization is crucial in dictating the content disseminated to the public. By analyzing case studies of corporate censorship, such as social media giants implementing algorithms to limit the reach of certain content, one can observe how financial considerations often override the principles of unrestricted information dissemination.

4. Self-Censorship

Self-censorship refers to individuals suppressing their thoughts, opinions, or expressions to conform to social norms, avoid backlash, or protect personal interests.

This behavior often stems from a fear of judgment, sanctions, or consequences for expressing dissenting or controversial views. Moreover, societal pressure to adhere to commonly accepted beliefs or ideologies can significantly drive individuals to self-censor.

It’s essential to recognize that self-censorship is not solely about silencing one’s voice; it can also lead to a suppression of creativity, diversity of thought, and the open exchange of ideas.

Pros of Censorship

Censorship can have positive implications by safeguarding national security, maintaining social order, and protecting vulnerable populations such as children from harmful content.

When implemented effectively, censorship plays a crucial role in regulating the dissemination of information within society. By filtering out potentially harmful or misleading content, governments can prevent the spread of misinformation that may incite violence or conflict.

Censorship can promote a sense of cohesion by ensuring that all citizens are exposed to content that aligns with societal values and norms. It can also shield marginalized groups and individuals, such as victims of cyberbullying or harassment, by removing harmful online materials. Ultimately, censorship can contribute to building a safer and more inclusive community.

1. Protecting National Security

One of censorship’s primary advantages is its ability to prevent disseminating sensitive information that may threaten national security or public safety.

Government censorship also plays a crucial role in protecting classified data and thwarting threats from external entities seeking strategic insights by controlling what information reaches the public domain.

Security measures such as redacting confidential materials or restricting access to certain government information channels are essential to national defense mechanisms. This delicate balance between safeguarding vital secrets and ensuring transparency in governance is a complex challenge faced by governments worldwide.

2. Maintaining Social Order

Censorship plays a role in preserving social harmony and stability by regulating content that could incite unrest, violence, or disruptive behavior within a community.

Censorship aims to prevent the spread of misinformation, hate speech, and war propaganda, which can fuel tensions and exacerbate social conflicts, by controlling the dissemination of sensitive information. It also contributes to maintaining order and civility by filtering out content against societal norms and protecting individuals from harmful influences.

Upholding cultural norms through censorship ensures that values and ethics deemed important by society are respected. This fosters a cohesive community where diverse perspectives can coexist peacefully. In this way, censorship is a tool for shaping public discourse and safeguarding collective well-being.

3. Protecting Children from Harmful Content

Censorship that shields children from exposure to inappropriate or harmful content helps promote their psychological well-being, moral development, and safety in digital environments.

Protecting minors from stumbling upon harmful content is crucial to nurturing a healthy mindset and shaping respectable values from a young age. The impact of unsuitable material on children’s mental health and behavior can be profound, influencing their perception of the world and interactions with others. By creating a safe online space through content filtering, parents and guardians play a pivotal role in safeguarding their children’s innocence and ensuring they grow up responsibly. When considering the ethical dilemmas surrounding restricting access to certain content, weighing the balance between protection and freedom of information becomes a complex challenge in the digital era.

Cons of Censorship

Despite its potential benefits, censorship raises concerns about infringing on individuals’ freedom of speech, limiting access to diverse information sources, and potentially stifling creativity and critical thinking.

When certain ideas or opinions are suppressed through censorship, it can hinder a society’s intellectual growth. By limiting freedom and restricting the flow of information, people may be deprived of the opportunity to engage with different perspectives and challenge their own viewpoints. This limitation on free expression not only inhibits personal development but also stifles the exchange of ideas that is essential for societal progress.

1. Infringes on Freedom of Speech

One of the primary criticisms of censorship is its tendency to curtail individuals’ rights to express opinions, challenge authority, and engage in open dialogue, thereby impeding the democratic exchange of ideas.

When speech is restricted, dissident voices are silenced, hindering the flow of diverse perspectives essential for a vibrant society. This suppression of dissent can lead to a dominant narrative that stifles critical thinking and innovation.

Censorship can create echo chambers where only certain viewpoints are allowed, narrowing public discourse and limiting the space for constructive debates and intellectual growth. It raises ethical dilemmas by determining who can decide which narratives are acceptable and which are not, potentially leading to subjective biases influencing what the public can access and discuss.

2. Limits Access to Information

Censorship can restrict access to a broad spectrum of information, impeding individuals’ ability to make informed decisions, engage in critical thinking, and participate fully in democratic processes.

When individuals lack diverse perspectives and alternative viewpoints, their understanding of complex issues can be skewed, leading to uninformed opinions and stilted discussions.

Furthermore, censorship hampers creativity and intellectual growth by stifling innovation and limiting exposure to new ideas and intellectual advancements.

In a society where information is vetted or suppressed, the fabric of knowledge dissemination is compromised, resulting in a fragmented awareness among the populace.

3 . Can Be Used as a Tool for Propaganda

When used as a propaganda tool, censorship manipulates narratives, distorts truths, and controls public perception, influencing individuals’ beliefs and attitudes through selective information exposure.

Certain agendas are pushed forward through selective content filtration, shaping public opinions and worldviews. Censorship can conceal vital information that challenges the status quo or threatens those in power. The dissemination of distorted facts hinders critical thinking and suppresses dissent, creating an environment where misinformation flourishes. Censorship can turn a country’s or history’s course by molding the collective memory of events and controlling the narrative presented to the masses.

Conclusion: Is Censorship Necessary?

The debate over the necessity of internet censorship still continues to spark discussions worldwide. Proponents advocate for security and order, while critics argue for preserving free speech and information access.

Proponents of censorship often emphasize the importance of maintaining social stability and protecting individuals from harmful content such as hate speech, violence, and news and misinformation. They believe censorship is crucial in upholding public morality and safeguarding national security.

On the other hand, critics raise concerns about the potential abuse of censorship by those in power to silence dissenting voices and control the flow of information, citing instances where censorship has been used to suppress political opposition or restrict artistic expression.

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Internet Censorship in 2024: Is It Good or Bad?

internet censorship advantages and disadvantages essay

In this post

What is the purpose of internet censorship?

Where does internet censorship happen, what content is commonly censored, global internet censorship, how internet censorship works, advantages of internet censorship, disadvantages of internet censorship, how to avoid internet censorship.

Ever notice how something becomes even more interesting when it's out of reach? That's kind of what happens with the internet.

The internet has become an essential part of our lives, connecting us to information, communication, and entertainment. But what happens when internet access is limited or unavailable?

What is internet censorship? 

Internet censorship is the control or restriction of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the internet, typically enforced by governments, organizations, or internet service providers

For some countries, the internet is a privilege, not a right, with restricted access to information.  There has been a significant increase in internet shutdowns in 2024. Countries like India, Pakistan, and Sudan have all experienced temporary suspensions of internet access.

But where there are walls, there are ways around them. That's where Virtual Private Network (VPN) providers come in. These handy tools act like secret tunnels, hiding your online activity and making it seem like you're browsing from a different location.  The debate on censorship is a hot one. Some folks believe it protects people, while others see it as stifling information and freedom.  This article will explore both sides of the issue and explain how you can navigate a censored internet. 

There are various reasons for Internet censorship, and some are more well-intentioned than others. There are use cases for protecting children from accessing sensitive information, and then there are authoritative attempts to gate a group of people’s access to important information to control the narrative.

Some instances include: 

  • Stop people from accessing copyrighted information
  • Keep people from viewing harmful or sensitive content
  • Control Internet-related crime
  • Monitor the billions of people on the Internet

While we typically think of Internet censorship as being controlled by governments, it’s commonly used by other organizations, like Internet service providers, to limit your access to certain sites.

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Online censorship can happen surprisingly close to home and across vast geographical scales. 

Your Internet Service Provider  (ISP) might block certain websites or types of content, like pornography or file-sharing sites.  Even workplaces and schools can implement filters to restrict access to content they deem distracting or inappropriate. Governments of some countries have implemented extensive censorship measures. This can involve blocking specific websites, filtering entire categories of content, or even creating national firewalls to restrict access to the wider internet. Social media platforms and other online services have their own content moderation policies. They might remove content that violates their terms of service, including things like hate speech, bullying, or copyrighted material.

The key takeaway is that censorship can be a layered issue. You might encounter restrictions from your ISP, the national government, and even the individual platforms you use online.

The content filtered on the internet spans from illegal activities to culturally sensitive topics.

Governments and organizations often restrict access to illegal content like child pornography, violent extremism, and copyrighted material being distributed without permission.

However, censorship can extend beyond clear-cut illegality. Governments might limit access to information critical of their leadership or entirely control social media companies to manage the flow of information.

Cultural norms also influence censorship, with some countries censoring content like pornography or blasphemy that might be freely available elsewhere. Moreover, parents can install parental controls or set up firewalls at home to prevent children from accessing inappropriate websites.

Additionally, national security concerns can lead to censorship of sensitive information, such as military secrets or instructions on creating weapons.

Internet censorship varies widely around the world, ranging from little to no oversight to very pervasive control and surveillance. Let’s examine two countries on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Infographic: Where the Internet Has Been Restricted | Statista

Source : Statista

Internet censorship in America

Internet censorship in the US is among the least controlled in the world. This is mainly because most online activity is protected by First Amendment rights. There is still some surveillance and control when it comes to publishing certain content that may contain libel, child pornography, and intellectual property. While the Internet in the U.S. isn’t highly censored, it is highly regulated, which leads to a lot of self-censorship in America.

Internet censorship in China

Internet control and surveillance in China are among the strictest in the world. The Chinese government blocks a range of websites that contain content related to various historical independences, protests, freedom of speech, and pornography from its estimated 500 million Internet users. International media and news sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, are also flagged.

What countries have no internet censorship?

  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

Since the type or level of internet censorship differs depending on the situation, so do the measures taken to enforce it. The most common methods of implementing censorship include:

DNS spoofing

DNS spoofing refers to manipulating the Domain Name System (DNS) to disrupt how web addresses translate to IP addresses.

Normally, when you enter a website address, your device queries a DNS server to find the corresponding IP address. The ISP can remove the IP address entries for specific websites from their DNS servers. When you try to access those sites, your device queries the tampered DNS server and receives no response, effectively blocking access.

Note: ISPs often use more sophisticated methods like traffic filtering or deep packet inspection to enforce censorship.

IP address blocking

Websites can be selective about who sees their content. Servers can block visitors by their IP address. Sometimes, governments or the website itself might restrict access based on location.

This is why you might see an error message saying the content isn't available in your region. The website is programmed to recognize your IP address , determine your location, and block your access based on pre-set rules. 

Blocking IP addresses can also be a security measure, stopping hackers from trying to break into the website or preventing overwhelming spam comments from bots.

URL filtering

URL filtering implements various techniques to control or restrict access based on predefined criteria.  One method URL filters use is keyword scanning. It analyzes the text on a webpage to see if it contains certain words or phrases. The filter can block your access entirely if the content touches topics deemed off-limits, like adult content. But keywords aren't the only tool. Security ratings can also come into play. If a website is known to be malicious or harbor viruses, the filter can shield you from it. Additionally, filters can check websites against blacklists – pre-compiled lists of known problematic domains – and block access accordingly.

Packet filtering

 Packet filtering examines the "headers" of data packets, like little labels containing information about the data they carry. These headers include the source IP, destination IP, protocol, and ports. Normally, packet filtering helps ensure that only authorized traffic flows through a network. It can identify and stop malicious packets from trying to enter. However, governments can configure the filter to target specific protocols or ports.

For instance, some tools people use to bypass censorship might rely on encryption or use less common ports. By recognizing these characteristics in the packet headers, the filter can block the traffic entirely, stopping people from using those tools. This restricts access to information the censors deem undesirable.

Traffic shaping

Traffic shaping allows network administrators to control the data flow, prioritizing certain types of traffic, such as emergency vehicles. For legitimate purposes, ISPs might use traffic shaping to limit bandwidth-heavy activities like video streaming during peak hours. This ensures everyone has a smooth internet experience. However, governments can specifically target traffic headed towards restricted websites. By slowing down the data flow in these lanes to a crawl, they can make these websites frustratingly slow and unreliable.

Imagine a lane on the highway deliberately congested, making it tedious and time-consuming. This discourages users from visiting the restricted sites altogether, achieving censorship through frustration rather than outright blocking.

Port blocking

Port blocking is a censorship technique that controls traffic based on specific entry points (ports) and the communication methods (protocols) used. By blocking specific ports commonly used by tools like VPNs, which encrypt internet traffic, censors attempt to restrict access to those tools.

However, this method has limitations. Some tools can disguise their traffic or use alternate ports to bypass the block, making it an ongoing game between censors and those seeking to circumvent censorship.

It’s important to remember that Internet censorship has advantages when used with the best intentions. These include:

  • Create common-sense limits. Let’s be honest - there’s a lot of content on the Internet that no one should ever see (re: Momo Challenge), and the concept of Internet censorship can start a constructive conversation about it.
  • Stop fake news. Closer content monitoring could reduce the mass amounts of fraudulent information, including false advertising.
  • Curb access to harmful activities. The dark web is unchartered territory to the majority of Internet users, but some sites are shockingly easy to find that are dedicated to illegal acts like sex trafficking, child pornography, illicit drugs, and
  • L ess identity theft. In theory, with less content on the Internet that requires identity information, there would be less identity theft. 

Some big disadvantages to Internet censorship affect the way people access information. These include:

  • It restricts too much information. It’s entirely possible that real information is blocked along with fake information, which opens up a large debate about what you should and shouldn’t restrict/access. 
  • Who’s in charge? How are rules defined? Are there checks and balances? Internet censorship could quickly turn into a matter of opinion on what is acceptable and what isn’t.
  • Censors free speech. Internet censorship affects not only the content you can access but potentially the content you post as well. 
  • Cost. This goes without saying, but the workforce required and the associated cost to control and survey Internet users would be astronomical—most likely at the taxpayer's expense.

It's important to understand that bypassing internet censorship can be complex and have risks. Here are some methods to consider, but legality and effectiveness can vary depending on location:

  • VPN encrypts your internet traffic and routes it through a server in another location. This masks your IP address, making it appear as if you're browsing from a different country with fewer restrictions. However, some governments can still detect VPN use, and some VPN services might have limitations.

Best VPN providers in 2024

With VPN software, you can keep your online activities private and secure, and when it comes to selecting the best VPN, our top picks provide robust protection, lightning-fast speeds, and a user-friendly experience. Explore now: 

  • Netgate pfSense
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* These are the five leading VPN solutions from G2's Spring 2024 Grid® Report.

  • Proxy Servers act as intermediaries between your device and the internet. You connect to the proxy server, which then fetches the website you want to access and relays the information back to you. Proxy networks can be free or paid, but some governments can block access to popular proxy servers.
  • Secure browsers like Tor route your traffic through multiple volunteer-operated nodes, hiding your device as the origin of your connection. It allows you to access censored content if the last node is located in a country without the same restrictions.

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Internet censorship is typically handled at the government level. Laws, cultures, and safety all play a role in these decisions. It's a hot topic with strong opinions on both sides.

While keeping kids safe and stopping bad things online is important, we also don't want to shut people out from information or free speech. It is a touchy subject, but it’s important to underline the facts and present both sides of the argument.

The best way forward is to talk things out openly and help people learn to be smart about what they see online. 

Learn about how access control lists (ACL) determine which traffic is blocked and which traffic is forwarded to the network.

Bridget Poetker

Bridget Poetker is a former content team lead at G2. Born and raised in Chicagoland, she graduated from U of I. In her free time, you'll find Bridget in the bleachers at Wrigley Field or posted up at the nearest rooftop patio. (she/her/hers)

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6 Internet Censorship Pros and Cons Everyone Should Know

August 28, 2023 • April Miller

What are the top internet censorship pros and cons? Is censorship online wrong or necessary? We often think of censorship as an abuse of moderation rights. However, there are certain cases where censorship is helpful for protecting users’ safety online. What are the pros and cons of internet censorship everyone should know? 

Internet Censorship Pros

Internet censorship pros and cons aren’t black and white. Many people have a negative perception of censorship, but the reality is that it can sometimes be beneficial. When implemented fairly and responsibly, censorship serves a few important purposes online. 

1. Preventing the Spread of Dangerous Content

The primary benefit of internet censorship is protection against the spread of dangerous or illegal content. Key examples of this include hate speech, illegal activity, cybercrime, threats of violence and misinformation. These types of content can put people in real-world danger, break laws or encourage violence. 

Internet censorship serves the crucial function of monitoring and limiting the spread of dangerous content. It prevents bad actors from using websites to conduct illegal activity or put others in harm’s way. 

2. Controlling Harassment and Bullying

Harassment and cyberbullying are serious problems online today. Among the many internet censorship pros and cons is a limit on content that could be offensive, aggressive or threatening toward others. Censorship can counteract the anonymity that fuels cyberbullying and harassment. 

This is especially true on websites made for children and teens, as well as minority groups who may be disproportionately targeted by online harassment. Censorship can help everyone use the internet without being personally attacked or insulted by others. 

3. Protecting National Security and Personal Information

Censorship isn’t always about preventing people from sharing their unfiltered opinions. Among the many pros and cons of internet censorship is the practical benefit of limiting the spread of sensitive information. 

For instance, a scammer might try to trick someone into posting their social security number online, but the website’s censorship algorithm stops the post from going live. Situations like this are increasingly common today. 

The FTC estimates that at least 95,000 Americans lost money to a social media scam in 2021. Scams and phishing can spread like wildfire online without adequate moderation to weed them out. Using censorship to prevent users from posting sensitive personal information can stop them from making big mistakes and help prevent identity theft. 

Additionally, it’s necessary on a practical level for government agencies to censor the sharing of national security information. When sensitive details about information like military activity or public safety can be freely shared online, it can put millions of people in danger. Internet censorship is necessary to prevent the unauthorized spread of data that could threaten national security. 

Internet Censorship Cons

There is often a fine line between internet censorship pros and cons. What was meant to protect people can quickly — and often — become a problem in its own right without careful and responsible implementation. What are the main drawbacks of internet censorship? 

1. Creating a Slippery Slope

Unfortunately, internet censorship can quickly go from being a safety measure to an abuse of moderation abilities. Censorship guidelines and regulations have to be clear, specific and enforceable or moderators may simply start censoring content based on personal preferences. 

It can be difficult to tell when censorship is beginning to go too far. Often it occurs when the balance between open dialogue and the well-being of the masses is broken. 

For instance, consider a large group of users commenting on a thread discussing a certain religion. They aren’t sharing hate speech, bullying anyone, threatening violence or breaking community guidelines. 

What if a moderator decides he or she doesn’t like what the users are debating about their religion, though? If the moderator censors the thread simply based on their personal dislike for the other users’ opinions, that can be an abuse of moderation rights. 

2. Blocking the Spread of Information

On a large scale, internet censorship can prevent the free spread of information, news and communication. This level of negative censorship most often occurs in nations or groups where the ruling organization prohibits any criticism of their rule or any discussion of ideas contrary to their own. Internet censorship can be used to prevent people from accessing information that might contradict propaganda or misinformation spread by a ruling party. 

Unfortunately, this particular issue can be very murky among internet censorship pros and cons. It relies heavily on an understanding of what exactly misinformation is. People who are convinced misinformation is actual fact may view ethical censorship as oppressive. Similarly, people may call actual facts misinformation in order to exercise unethical censorship. The fine line is all about distinguishing fact from fiction. 

Preventing the oppressive use of internet censorship requires strong media literacy skills to recognize misinformation. There are many free, independent organizations with resources for learning about fake news red flags and improving media literacy. Resources like these can go a long way toward understanding if censorship is fair or crossing a line. 

3. Limiting Freedom of Expression

Many would argue that among the many internet censorship pros and cons is a risk to freedom of expression. There are many countries where free speech is a protected right. In these places, any level of censorship can be seen as an infringement on that right. 

This is a fair concern for anyone to have. After all, if people aren’t hurting themselves or others, why shouldn’t they be allowed to discuss what they want online? The same goes for legal photo and video content, as well, such as a piece of art that some might hate while others love. 

Like any other aspect of internet censorship, there can be a lot of gray area in this criticism. First Amendment freedom of speech rights aren’t as all-inclusive as many people assume they are. For instance, the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does not include the right to “incite imminent lawless action” , such as the online content that fueled the infamous January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol. 

There’s a popular saying online today that “freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences”. Someone may be free to post a threat of violence online, but doing so could get them rightfully arrested on suspicion of a crime. So, internet censorship guidelines have to be careful about blocking illegal or harmful content without eliminating non-violent freedom of expression. 

How to Analyze Internet Censorship Pros and Cons

It can be overwhelming trying to understand internet censorship pros and cons since there is so much gray area between the two categories. Ultimately, censorship is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. When used responsibly and ethically, it helps keep people safe online. However, there’s a fine line between ethical censorship and oppressive censorship. 

So, determining if a certain use of censorship is ethical or not can be difficult. It requires strong media literacy skills and an unbiased viewpoint. If something does get censored online, users can typically contact community support personnel to get more information on why the content was removed or filtered.

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The Disadvantages of Internet Censorship

Internet censorship is a practice of putting restrictions on publishing and viewing content on the internet. Governments imposing restrictions on publishing and viewing sensitive or harmful content is an example of internet censorship. The objectives of internet censorship are to protect copyrighted information, control cybercrime, and stop spreading false news like hoax and propaganda. But every coin has two sides, and the internet censorship debate brings up both advantages and disadvantages.

internet censorship advantages and disadvantages essay

Censorship Violates Freedom of Speech

One of the internet censorship cons is that it limits not only the accessibility of information but also the freedom of expression. In a country where internet censorship is practiced, a simple social media post against a person in power could be enough for an arrest warrant to be issued. When freedom of speech is restricted, people will be afraid of speaking out about evil practices in society. In the name of blocking harmful information, censorship restricts real information that empowers local communities. The lack of access to truths often leads to ignorance.

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The government gives the authority to a specific group of people or an agency to implement internet censorship practices. But this brings up a few questions:


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Ruling governments use internet censorship to their advantage by blocking websites that pose a threat to their power. Internet censorship allows people who have power and money to control what common citizens are able to see and express.

Censorship Limits Promotional Opportunities

The major impacted groups of internet censorship are corporations and budding entrepreneurs. Restricting social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter obstructs the small- and medium-scale businesses or groups from reaching audiences at a low cost.

For example, China has restricted the access of Facebook and Twitter to prevent activist groups using these sites to organize. As reported by Stanford University, 12 of the 100 most trafficked websites in the world - including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram - have been blocked by China. Due to the restriction, Chinese companies have lost the opportunity of using the world's largest social media platforms to reach domestic customers.

Censorship is Costly

A lot of resources are required to implement internet censorship effectively. The government or authorized agency should hire a qualified workforce and procure appropriate technological infrastructure to monitor content published on the internet. As part of implementing internet censorship, most countries completely disrupt the internet. As reported by Brookings, the internet disruption in May 2016 in Saudi Arabia resulted in a cost of about $465 million in GDP. Saudi Arabia has blocked several applications related to texting and instant messaging, including Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp and Skype, citing that they are causing economic damage to local telecommunication providers. The internet disruptions in 2016 resulted in a loss of $968 million in GDP for India.

On the positive side, internet censorship offers several advantages. It can help prevent fake news spreading and causing panic within local communities. It also protects people's personal information and reduces internet-related crimes. Internet censorship helps reduce the accessibility of content related to illicit drugs, child pornography and sex trafficking. The major benefit of internet censorship is that it can reduce the violent behavior of among youth.

  • Brookings: Internet shutdowns cost countries $2.4 billion last year
  • The Stanford University: The Impact of Media Censorship: Evidence from a Field Experiment in China

Naveen is a copywriter and content strategist. He is also an educational consultant who coaches students to equip with relevant knowledge on entrepreneurship and helps them to set up small-scale and freelance businesses.

Freedom of expression in the Digital Age: Internet Censorship

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Freedom of expression includes freedom to hold opinions and ideas and to receive and impart information without restrictions by state authorities.


Internet is regarded as an important issue that shapes free expression in today’s volatile nature of human rights world (Momen 2020 ). In the digital age, authoritarian governments in the world always attempt to undermine political and social movement through the complete shutdown of the Internet or providing partial access to it. It is also found that the restrictions on freedom of expression on the Internet are through surveillance and monitoring the online activities. In response to any kind of political and social movement, authoritarian governments across the border occasionally shut down many websites, along with the arrest of several anti-government bloggers and political activists. However, under the international legal instruments, for instance, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), denial of the...

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Ariffin, L. J. (2012). Rais backs Dr M call for curbs to Internet freedom . . Accessed 10 June 2018.

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Momen, M.N. (2019). Freedom of expression in the Digital Age: Internet Censorship. In: Romaniuk, S., Thapa, M., Marton, P. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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19 Biggest Pros and Cons of Censorship

Censorship is defined as the suppression of ideas, images, or words that some people find to be offensive to them in some way. It happens whenever there are personal, moral, or political values from one group that get placed onto another in some way. Although it is often viewed through the lens of government policies, this processed can be carried out by anyone, including private groups, religious organizations, and even schools.

It must be mentioned that a private group or individual can organize boycotts, demonstrate in protest, and take other actions that are defined as free speech. When taken to the extreme, even rights protected by the First Amendment can become dangerous. The ACLU notes that the Hollywood Blacklists during the McCarthy period were from private pressure groups and not the government.

What is unique about American society is the amount of ambivalence there is toward censorship. Even the 1996 Communications Decency Act in the United States is a form of it, even if the “intentions are good” from the point of view of the majority.

That’s why we must be proactive about the perceived pros and cons that there are with censorship. When it becomes permissible to restrict the actions, words, and thoughts of one group of people, it can create opportunities to target other groups in society too.

List of the Pros of Censorship

1. Censorship can reduce the impact of hate speech in society. The idea that all speech is equal is arguably false. There are words that people use as an effort to shut down the right to speak of others. It took over a century for minorities and women to gain a semblance of equal rights because of the presence of hate speech. Even if it is clothed in the ideas of religious freedom, state’s rights, or patriotism, that doesn’t change what it is to others.

Censorship gives us the opportunity to stop this hate before it can get started. We already live within the confines of education, family, entertainment, commerce, and more. This limiting process creates more opportunities for equality.

2. Censorship can protect children from unhealthy content. Parents have plenty of work to do in today’s society to protect their children from unhealthy influences. There is content everywhere, including items that slip through parental filters and kid-friendly apps, that could lead to harmful encounters in the future. Children have fewer qualms about talking with strangers online than adults do primarily because of the way kids see the world. They have more innocence, curiosity, and might even be shy and lonely.

Censorship allows us to cut through the ignoring of potential threats so that a child’s inexperience and lack of foresight doesn’t get them into trouble. By stopping people before they can act (or the child can respond) to a situation, we can keep everyone safer because of certain restrictions.

3. Censorship can reduce the amount of conflict that is in society. If you look on the Internet long enough, there will be something that can offend anyone. The goal of censorship isn’t to eliminate access to anything that anyone might find to be problematic. We wouldn’t get to go online if that were the case. What we can do with this process is to limit access to information that could have an adverse impact on the overall culture of our homes, communities, or countries.

Netflix and Saudi Arabia work together to create targeted areas of censorship based on this principle. Whether you agree or disagree with the practice, this work removes access to content that might be disruptive to society.

4. Censorship can provide another level of security to a country’s profile. We also use censorship as a way to limit the amount of information that the general public receives every day from their government, businesses, and large institutions. Without this concept, top secret files could be made public with a simple request. Proprietary ingredients wouldn’t be available because of the need for disclosure. By limiting certain types of data from the primary flow of society, there is less of a potential for harm.

5. Censorship protects the rights of artists, innovators, and inventors. Did you know that copyright laws are a form of censorship? The same is said for patents and any other legal construct that gives someone exclusive access to a specific form of content or work without allowing others to do the same. We have these protections in place to protect the “creation rights” of the first person who pursued this idea.

Preventing plagiarism and IP theft gives us the foundation of an economy. If your work doesn’t receive some level of protection, then it can be stolen by someone who can put it together cheaper than you. Small businesses get to stay competitive because of the acceptable elements of censorship that we maintain in society.

6. Censorship provides us with a vehicle to stop false content. There are censorship laws in place that prevent businesses from lying to you about their products or services. Advertisements must be a direct reflection of what you can expect if you make a purchase. Failing to remain honest can result in fines and penalties. Without this advantage, businesses could say or do anything in an attempt to get you to buy their stuff. You can avoid the risks of false pretense thanks to the protections that remain in place because of this advantage.

7. Censorship can work to improve a person’s knowledge. People tend to believe what they see when consuming media and the various forms of content that are available. By removing items that could create a panic from public view, government and law enforcement officials can provide better protection, reduce the spread of rumors, and encourage individuals to review the information they see before coming to a conclusion. People can use this technique to promote the flow of negative data to create a specific result, but this process is also useful for the times when you want to create a positive outcome as well.

8. Censorship can limit the impact of identity theft. There are over 15 million reports of identity theft each year. In a recent data breach reported by Experian, the information of over 120 million people was exposed. When there is so much information floating around on the Internet and in other public places that is readily accessible, then it is possible for people to become victims of a crime without realizing it until they need to apply for credit or receive a notice in the mail.

Children can become victims of identity theft as well. Their clean profiles make for a tempting target, especially if there is no verification of age or data during the application process. Censorship of this information can provide a layer of protection because it stops access to it while holding those who keep it responsible for their conduct.

9. Censorship helped to create our ratings system. There are times when censorship can get out of hand, but it is also a process that can be used for good. An excellent example of this benefit comes from the ratings systems that we use for entertainment products, including movies, video games, and music. Until 1984, films went from PG to R, which eventually led to a PG-13 rating being developed after parents called for action after taking their children to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Ratings on music allow us to see if lyrics are explicit so that we can decide if we want to listen to the song. TV ratings give us a guide to see if a show is appropriate for our needs or what our families want to watch. Movie ratings do the same.

List of the Cons of Censorship

1. It represses one group of people in favor for what the majority wants. A museum director was once arrested because sexually explicit photographs from Robert Mapplethorpe were included in an art exhibited that was being managed. Although the artist’s work displays images, often black and white, that feature nudity and a certain amount of suggestiveness, it was far from violent or suggestive content that would encourage lawlessness.

Under the laws of the United States, it would be fair to say that the country is the most speech-protective nation in the world. When it comes to sexual speech, things are different because there are still remnants of the country’s Puritan heritage remaining in the law. Even the Supreme Court has affirmed that censorship on moral grounds is permissible.

2. It allows people to create a specific narrative in society to call it truth. You will often hear calls for censorship on violence when they see it in video games, read it in books, or see examples of it in film or on TV. The reality of fictional violence is that it does not cause otherwise stable people to suddenly want to hurt someone. If we start suppressing material based on the actions of unstable people, then nothing would be safe from the censorship process.

The work most often cited by people as a way to justify their harmful actions against others is the Bible. As the ACLU points out, Ted Bundy collected cheerleading magazines. If there were a clear cause-and-effect argument that could be proven, then a limit on expression here could be warranted. Until there is such an example, it is not.

3. It stops people from pursuing career opportunities. If we live in a world where everything receives censorship, then it would be a place where nothing could get done without specific permission from someone in charge. That means every business, each idea, and even the foods that you would eat each night would come with an official stamp of approval. It creates an Orwellian landscape where direct supervision by an authoritative figure or state becomes “necessary” for the greater good of all.

Because of this disadvantage, there is always at least one person who sits above the societal constructs. They receive permission to do whatever they want because it is their responsibility to approve everything else. If you have enough wealth or influence, then you could get approvals for things that others would not have.

4. It reduces the overall intelligence of the general public. Censorship requires that the general population be under tight controls so that specific outcomes are achievable every time. It is an attempt to prevent individuals from discovering what the truth of any situation happens to be. Even an attempt at suggesting that content is fake or untrustworthy, as the Trump Administration does so often with the news media, is a way to create censorship from an official capacity.

It’s one thing to have a person say, “I don’t like watching CNN because I feel like their news stories are fake.” When the president of a country says that the news media is the enemy of the state, then it creates a position from authority, especially when he says that it has a “major role to play as far as tone and as far as everything.”

5. It prevents an individual from expressing themselves freely. In a no-rules environment that is completely free of censorship, anyone could post anything that they want without fear of reprisal. The United States walks a fine line along this path by preventing the use of “obscene” items. Other countries take this issue a little further, outlawing social media posts that are determined to be at odds with the official position of the nation’s government.

Nicholas Demas from Mic completed a profile of eight social medial users who were arrested for what they said online in 2013. Matt Woods posted inappropriate comments about a 5-year-old at a time when he was drunk, earning him three months in jail. Some governments use their power to arrest those who are deemed to be in opposition.

6. It shifts where the responsibility of consumption is in society. When the government is responsible for what people can access for information, then there is no longer any personal accountability for one’s actions. This process cedes control of ethics, morality, and standards to whomever is in charge of implementing these policies. Once someone is willing to allow another individual, company, or elected official to tell them how to think, feel, and act, it becomes much easier to let more control over life’s decisions disappear as well. Instead of being individuals, censorship turns people into commodities.

We already see the impact of this disadvantage in China. If someone adds comments that are anti-government, violent, or sexually graphic, then the content is subject to automatic deletion. Do it enough times and the account will be deleted.

7. It creates an adverse impact on the economy at all levels. When censorship starts blocking any form of content because it doesn’t meet someone’s perspective on what is “decent” or offends someone, then there are fewer economic opportunities that become available at all levels of society. Businesses can no longer promote themselves because their advertising might be offending someone. Companies can’t train workers because the processes could be considered offensive by someone. It creates a world where our actions are dictated by others, so those with the loudest voices will typically have the most control.

8. It allows a false narrative to become the truth. If you ask the average person living in North Korea what they think of the world, they’ll tell you that the United States is one of the worst countries in the world, that their standard of living is excellent, and that life is beautiful all of the time. Never mind that the average person in that country earns $3 per month or less, that 18 million people need food assistance to avoid malnutrition, and there is no access to basic medical care. There are also extreme human rights issues, such as a complete curtailing of freedom of expression, religious practices, or even independent civil society organization. It is a land of torture, arbitrary arrest, and public executions.

The Trump Administration wants to label anything in opposition to its viewpoint as being fake because that indicates their content is the truth. It is another form of a false narrative intended to get a specific reaction out of supporters as a way to keep power.

9. It is expensive to be engaged in the practice of censorship. The cost to shut down the Internet to prevent specific content items from being viewed by the general public was over $2 billion in 2015. Cutting connectivity in just one country can be more than $100 million. Those expenses are only the tip of the iceberg to consider when looking at the practical enforcement of censorship on others.

China on its own pays more than $2 billion each year just to keep its firewall in place to limit information access online. There are hundreds of thousands of workers who monitor individual activities, with some sites allowing back-end access to facilitate this work. When you look at the direct and indirect expenses in every other category, the world likely spends over $100 billion to create altered information flows that people accept in fact.

10. It creates repression so that it encourages compliance. One of the most-banned books in the world today is The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. What is so remarkable about that fact is that the author was a devout Catholic and a good friend of C.S. Lewis. He once wrote a letter to Lewis to say that his trilogy and The Hobbit were unconsciously written from a Christian perspective at first, and then edited consciously to incorporate those themes.

Christian churches and schools are the most likely places where you will see these works banned because they are viewed as being anti-religious or anti-Christian. That’s why a singular viewpoint being in charge of censorship is so dangerous to society. It can be an ill-informed opinion that is completely contrary to the work in question, yet the power it has to condemn can influence countless others.

Verdict on the Pros and Cons of Censorship

Some people look at the idea of censorship as a way to add common-sense restrictions to our daily routines so that we can stay safe and protect our children. The other side of that equation is that families can set their own limits, establish rules, and create circumstances that fit their needs without imposing their morality or beliefs on others.

That’s not to say that all forms of content should be allowed in society. Murder videos, child pornography, and similar items that encourage violence against others or promote actual harm in the images is a safety factor that we cannot ignore.

That’s why the crux of the pros and cons of censorship work to distinguish fictional content from factual items. We don’t outlaw murder mystery novels because someone in the story dies. We would outlaw content that showed a murder because a real person was harmed in the process of its creation.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Censorship in Today’s World

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Published: Nov 26, 2019

Words: 2738 | Pages: 6 | 14 min read

Works Cited

  • Mette, N. (n.d.). The History of Censorship. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
  • Palfrey, J. (2016). A Short History of Internet Regulation. In A. Sokolova, J. Kulesza, R. Maguire, & F. Dignum (Eds.), Social Informatics (pp. 15-26). Springer International Publishing.
  • Mackinnon, R. (2012). The Dictator’s Dilemma: The Internet, Dictatorships, and the Prospects for Democratization. Journal of Democracy, 23(2), 63-76.
  • OpenNet Initiative. (n.d.). Internet Censorship and Surveillance by Country. Retrieved from
  • Karnadi, E. B. (2019). Censorship, Crime, and Corruption: An Empirical Study of Internet Regulation and Crime Rate in Asia. In P. Bui & H. L. Yang (Eds.), Governance and Sustainability in Asia (pp. 41-61). Springer.
  • Chang, E. C., & Chu, Y.-H. (2011). Internet Censorship and Regulation Systems in Democracies: Comparative Analysis of South Korea and Taiwan. The Chinese Journal of Communication, 4(3), 321-338.
  • Johnson, I. (2016). Media Censorship in China. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved from
  • Holt, K. (2012). Internet Censorship: A Comparative Analysis. Canadian Journal of Law & Technology, 10(1), 153-179.
  • Wu, Y. (2017). Censorship, Not a Solution: An Analysis of Internet Filtering in China. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 46(3), 3-30.

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Essay on Internet


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Essay on Internet

With throat-cutting competition, the difficulty level of various competitive exams has increased. Apart from domain-specific knowledge, questions framed in various exams evaluate critical thinking and decision-making ability, reading and writing skills, and  Logical and Analytical Reasoning . It thus has become important to focus on all the components equally. Just like the aforementioned topics, Essay writing is another crucial element of a wide range of entrance tests like IELTS , TOEFL , UPSC exams , etc. The topics for essays can range from Digital India and Economic issues to the role of Education and Women Empowerment . In this blog, we will share some samples of essays on the internet with you!

Uses of Internet Essay

By the term internet, we can decipher that it is a global wide-area network where innumerable computer systems are connected to a single network. From running a business to making financial transactions, the internet, which is one of the most powerful tools has made modern lives absolutely easier and simpler. 

It is because of easy accessibility and global reach, we are able to communicate with people across the world through various platforms in a cost-effective and time-saving way. Not only restricted to news, one can easily send important updates, pursue online courses, watch live broadcasts, attend business meetings, and purchase and sell goods online with a simple click. 

However, with good, comes bad. Despite revolutionizing industries, the internet also has risks associated with it. Cyber frauds, malware attacks, disorganised and unverified materials, identity thefts, unscrupulous businesses, etc are some of the major issues concerned with the internet. Furthermore, excessive use of the internet can affect both mental and physical health. 

Taking precautions like not saving your bank details, installing antivirus software, regularly updating passwords, purchasing goods from verified websites, etc while using the internet can help you stay safe. Hence, despite being a double-edged sword, the internet is like a vast ocean, the pros of which outweigh the cons!

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

In the late 1960s, a global wide-area network was created which is now referred to as the Internet. With its roots spread across industries, it has become a quintessential necessity for mankind to live with. Not restricted to only establishing communication, but one can perform financial transactions, watch movies, listen to music, pursue courses, and go shopping with the help of the internet. 

There are more advantages to the internet rather than disadvantages. From online shopping to online learning, the internet has helped mankind thick and thin. Similarly, from business units to schools, healthcare, and government departments, the internet has become a need of the hour. Connectivity, communication, and information dissemination from satellites and space stations have also become possible due to the emergence of the internet. Furthermore, the entertainment industry has gained a massive impetus with the help of the internet. Now people can skip the long queues for the movie ticket and watch any movie in the comfort of their homes. 

Though there are numerous advantages, the Internet is also a double-edged sword which has disadvantages too. The emergence and popularity of the internet have given space for bullying and online stalking and trolling. Furthermore, easy access to violent and vulgar images on the internet has also given rise to crimes. Seen as a major addiction and cause of distraction, especially among teenagers, it not only causes mental distress but also leads to physical illnesses as well. Apart from this, the Internet has given major room for hackers to steal valuable information and intrude into other’s privacy. Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating are also the main disadvantages of the internet. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to every new invention, however, with proper precautions like practicing safe browsing, staying vigilant with the data you share, changing passwords frequently, updating privacy settings, and not sharing your credentials with others can help you use the internet with utmost ease and without any worry!

Tips to Write an Essay on the Internet 

Here are some of the tips which you can follow in order to write an impressive essay on the internet. 

  • Your essay on the internet should be clear and concise with appropriate information. 
  • Research meticulously before you start writing an essay on the internet.
  • Add both, advantages and disadvantages of using it.  
  • Write the content in paragraphs. 
  • Avoid the use of jargons and slangs. 
  • Keep the tone formal. 
  • You can also add statistical data.

The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that connects millions of people in over 150 countries. Using the internet, you can send emails, chat with people, and obtain information on different variety of subjects. 

Internet can be used for multiple purposes including finding information, communicate with people, shop online, manage your finances, etc.

The first workable prototype of internet came in the late 1960s with creation of ARPANET or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

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  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay

500+ words advantages and disadvantages of internet essay.

The internet plays a significant role in the lives of people today. It is a valuable source of information that helps people share information and communicate with anyone sitting in any corner of the country with an internet connection. But, with many advantages, there are also disadvantages to the internet. With the help of ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet’ essay, we will throw light on both these aspects. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays for students to boost their essay-writing skills. It contains sample essays on several topics, which will give ideas to students and help them write effective essays.

Advantages of the Internet

The role of the internet in the modern world cannot be understated. Nowadays, every person uses the internet to do their daily tasks. People in different fields like offices, schools, colleges, hospitals etc., use their electronic devices like laptops, computers, tablets, cell phones etc., to make their work simple and fast. The internet has also made access to information easier. We can learn about the whole universe with just a single click by using the internet. We can easily communicate and share information with other people around the world with the help of email, instant messaging, video calls etc.

The internet delivers a wide variety of advantages. It not only enables people to share information but also serves as a place to store information and media digitally. This feature has benefitted the fields of education and research the most. We have seen a boom in the e-commerce business as they have used the internet and provided a seamless experience of buying and selling products online. It has created a large market for online retailers and integrated different business fields. Due to this facility, people can now purchase almost everything they need and get it delivered right to their doorstep in a few days. Many services are now provided on the internet, such as online booking, banking, hotel reservations etc.

The internet has made everything a lot more accessible and quick. Most organisations around the world advertise their vacancies on the internet. So, people can search for different types of jobs around the world. The internet provides different types of entertainment to people; be it music, movies, theatre, entertainment, live matches, or live broadcasts. It also helps students to continue their learning through online education.

It is difficult to name all of the benefits and advantages of the internet. This is because the internet has become so entangled and integrated into our daily lives that it has an influence on everything we experience around us.

Disadvantages of the Internet

Although the internet has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. In the next section of the advantages and disadvantages of the internet essay, let us discuss the disadvantages and the possible risks associated with the modern-day applications of the internet.

While the internet provides us with all tools, products and services we need right at our doorstep, at the same time, it isolates us from the world outside. As we get more accustomed to ordering everything online, be it clothes, food, drinks, grocery, commodities, or even paying bills, getting out of the house has become less frequent. This has caused health issues and various mental health issues such as social anxiety, insomnia and even depression. Teenagers and kids are the most influenced by the internet as they are the generation which has seen the immense use of the internet. They are moulded to a life dependent on the internet. This hinders their learning capabilities and real-life problem-solving skills because they are accustomed to using their mobile for every task.

Today, the internet is the most popular source of viruses in electronic gadgets. As we perform various activities on the internet, we are exposing ourselves to various threats such as malicious software and viruses. Due to these viruses, confidential data may be accessed by unauthorised people or hackers. Some websites contain immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies. These websites damage the character of the new generation, especially kids and teenagers. A lot of time is wasted collecting information on the internet. Many people become addicted to spending time on the internet, like chatting with friends or playing games. A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on websites. Some information may be incorrect or not authentic. So, it becomes difficult to select the correct information.

From the information covered in this advantages and disadvantages essay, it can be said that the benefits of the internet outweigh the disadvantages and threats it brings. The responsibility to be safe falls on the users themselves. One needs to stay vigilant and perform regular security checks on their network and computing devices to ensure they are secure from any online attacks. Provided that all government regulations for safe internet browsing are followed and appropriate measures are taken.

Students must have found the ‘Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet’ essay useful for improving their essay writing skills. Visit BYJU’S website to get the latest updates and study materials for CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams.

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    Censorship Advantages and Disadvantages in the Media: My View. 3. Internet Censorship: an In-Depth Look on the Pros and Cons. 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Censorship: Unveiling the Web. 5. The Negative Impacts of Censorship on the Internet. 6. Censorship and Freedom of Speech Online. 7.

  9. Pros and Cons of Censorship: A Detailed Breakdown

    Pros of Censorship. Censorship can have positive implications by safeguarding national security, maintaining social order, and protecting vulnerable populations such as children from harmful content. When implemented effectively, censorship plays a crucial role in regulating the dissemination of information within society.

  10. Internet Censorship in 2024: Is It Good or Bad?

    Some big disadvantages to Internet censorship affect the way people access information. These include: It restricts too much information. It's entirely possible that real information is blocked along with fake information, which opens up a large debate about what you should and shouldn't restrict/access.

  11. 6 Internet Censorship Pros and Cons Everyone Should Know

    Resources like these can go a long way toward understanding if censorship is fair or crossing a line. 3. Limiting Freedom of Expression. Many would argue that among the many internet censorship pros and cons is a risk to freedom of expression. There are many countries where free speech is a protected right.

  12. The Disadvantages of Internet Censorship

    The major benefit of internet censorship is that it can reduce the violent behavior of among youth. References. Writer Bio. The disadvantages of internet censorship are that it violates the ...

  13. Freedom of expression in the Digital Age: Internet Censorship

    Introduction. Internet is regarded as an important issue that shapes free expression in today's volatile nature of human rights world (Momen 2020). In the digital age, authoritarian governments in the world always attempt to undermine political and social movement through the complete shutdown of the Internet or providing partial access to it.

  14. 19 Biggest Pros and Cons of Censorship

    1. Censorship can reduce the impact of hate speech in society. The idea that all speech is equal is arguably false. There are words that people use as an effort to shut down the right to speak of others. It took over a century for minorities and women to gain a semblance of equal rights because of the presence of hate speech.

  15. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Censorship ...

    In this paper, I will be discussing the internet, the advantages and disadvantages of internet censorship, and how we can effectively control and censor the content on the web, in particular, the problems arising due to censorship. Definitely, Internet Censorship is a hot topic all around the world, with so many big changes happening right now ...

  16. Analysis of The Benefits of Internet Censorship

    Internet censorship can prevent unjustified defamation, limit internet violence and protect people's life security. It can also protect in order to maintain the mainstream morals and values of the nation and help the public to form healthy and reasonable internet using consciousness. Censorship in the Internet has importance to the whole ...

  17. Advantages and Disadvantages of Censorship in Today's World

    Censorship of the internet is very a complex one as it can work in some cases but in others, mostly it is harmful to the society. I.e. it can protect from child pornography but it can also suppress ideas, information and communication. The Censorship is controlled by the Government. The Government may abuse this right and delete and restrict ...

  18. advantages of censorship essay

    Censorship is defined as the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc., which are considered obscene, politically unacceptable or a threat to security. Ray Bradbury's ideals for the novel, Fahrenheit 451, have shown a different light on how a society can function.

  19. 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Censorship

    Truth may be kept away from the public. It can lead to propagandas serving special interests. In any case the government cannot decide or whoever the authority is as to what people want to read, watch or access, as long as it is not illegal. 3. Bad for Economy. Internet censorship may be bad for the economy.

  20. Essay on Internet: Advantages and Disadvantages

    There are more advantages to the internet rather than disadvantages. From online shopping to online learning, the internet has helped mankind thick and thin. Similarly, from business units to schools, healthcare, and government departments, the internet has become a need of the hour. Connectivity, communication, and information dissemination ...

  21. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay

    500+ Words Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Essay. The internet plays a significant role in the lives of people today. It is a valuable source of information that helps people share information and communicate with anyone sitting in any corner of the country with an internet connection.

  22. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Censorship

    As a matter of fact, the censorship of the internet is a double-edged sword. Internet censorship can work in some instances, but in others it can be detrimental to society. This essay will first explain the advantages of internet censorship. Then the essay will explain the harm of internet censorship to the society.

  23. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Censorship In The Media

    Advantages of Censorship. 2.1 Prevents the corruption of Young Children's mind. The first advantage of censorship is it helps to prevent the corruption of young children's minds. With censorship, children and citizens are given moral control over what they are. Show More.