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Welcome to complete your thesis!

This website contains both basic information about the thesis and more detailed instructions on how to carry out the actual thesis project. In section 4 you will find the steps related to the progress of the thesis. Proceed in numerical order (4.1, 4.2 …). The final stages of the thesis are described in sections 5-7.

At the top of the page, you can find the main headings, and below them, the instruction pages that open from the drop-down menu. On the right-hand side, you can find a more static table of contents for the site, from which you can click a heading to navigate to the desired instruction page.

In addition to the instructions, the related forms, documents and links to other instructions and tips have been collected at the bottom of each page.

You are welcome to give feedback and development ideas on the Thesis Guide website and the thesis project by using the feedback form found at the bottom of the page. Any errors detected on the website will be corrected as soon as possible. The development proposals and feedback will be discussed on the Jamk Thesis Forum.

Please note that any questions related to the thesis guidance and content should always be addressed to your principal thesis tutor.

Thesis Tutor

The instruction page of the thesis tutor can be found in the Elmo staff intranet.

  • Feedback form (Webropol)
  • Degree Regulations (For Students pages)
  • Bachelor’s Thesis, Planning, 3 cr – ZZ00BL91 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Bachelor’s Thesis, Thesis Writing, 2 cr – ZZ00BL97 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Bachelor’s Thesis, Implementation, 6 cr – ZZ00BL92 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Bachelor’s Thesis, Reporting and Assessment, 4 cr – ZZ00BL93 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Maturity Test, Bachelor’s Degree, 0 cr – ZZOA0220 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Master’s Thesis, Planning, 7 cr – YZ00BL94 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Master’s Thesis, Research Writing, 3 cr – YZ00BL98 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Master’s Thesis, Implementation, 10 cr – YZ00BL95 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Master’s Thesis, Reporting, 10 cr – YZ00BL96 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Maturity Test, Master’s Degree, 0 cr – YZ00BB05 (Curriculum, Peppi)
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis (the Jamk process manual)
  • Thesis pages on Intra (Elmo intra)


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Find theses and research studies

International dissertations and theses.

Check these links to collect information from international Theses!

An Example search how to find Theses written in English from the Janet Finna database . 

An Example search how to find  Doctoral Dissertations written in English from the Finna Portal .

See the filters and the search words (in this case: business OR tourism). You are able to modify the search statement as well. 

  • OATD, Open Access Theses and Dissertations Open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Information about the theses comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions.
  • DART - Europe E-theses Portal The DART-Europe E-theses Portal is a searchable database of electronic research theses held in European repositories. The theses listed are open access - publicly available, in full, without charge. The DART-Europe Portal does not store theses.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global PQDT
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations (Ebsco) Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan Includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world.

Types of theses used in Finland

Bachelor's degree: AMK-opinnäytetyö/Kandidaatintutkielma   is the dissertation associated with lower-level academic degrees  and at universities of applied science.

Master's degree: Ylempi AMK-opinnäytetyö/Pro gradu -tutkielma, simply 'gradu', is the dissertation for master's degrees. The master's thesis in engineering and architecture studies is called Diplomityö .

Doctoral Dissertation and Licentiate thesis: The highest-level theses are called  lisensiaatintutkielma   and (tohtorin) väitöskirja  for licentiate and doctoral degrees.

See more: Thesis from Wikipedia

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  • Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024 2:08 PM
  • URL: https://infoguides.jamk.fi/ICT_eng
  • For students pages

Jyväskylän Ammattikorkeakoulu

Master's Thesis, Research Writing (3 cr)

Code: YZ00BL98-3041

General information

01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023

04.09.2023 - 31.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

Virtual portion, mode of delivery.

Online learning

TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages

  • Pekka Kousa

Realization description

The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis. You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).

The writing process Structure of the thesis Basic principles of citation Argumentation Narrative of the thesis

Evaluation scale

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed.

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.

Checklist (0)

Research permit.

A research permit is always required if the research subjects are the employees, students, representatives or members of Jamk. A research permit is also required for research projects that require the disclosure of information pertaining to Jamk University of Applied Sciences or its staff and students.

Hands writing with laptop keyboard

Priority is given to extensive national surveys and studies, as well as research concerning the entire university of applied sciences. The research must benefit Jamk University of Applied Sciences, and it should be conducted in collaboration with the Jamk University of Applied Sciences staff.

When must a research permit be applied for?

  • If the research subjects are the employees, students, representatives or members of Jamk (regardless of the research method)
  • When data from Jamk’s personal data file is requested
  • When using Jamk´s archive materials for research purposes
  • When using materials produced by a student for research purposes (no permit is required for Jamk’s internal development work)
  • Jamk's internal development work does not require a permit if it does not involve other research activities (e.g. publications).
  • If the research is related to an external funding project to which Jamk has already committed, please contact us before applying for a possible research permit. In principle, commitment to research is made when Jamk is committed to the project.

With regard to the staff, only work e-mail addresses will be disclosed, or the survey will be organised via the staff Intranet.

With regard to students, we recommend that the survey will be organised via Jamk’s web-based learning environment (Moodle) or student Intranet. Otherwise only the contact information of students who have permitted the disclosure of their information for research purposes in the basic details of the student administration system will be disclosed.  An exception to the release of students' information is scientific research conducted by Jamk researchers, for which the data of other than those who have given consent can justifiably be released. If necessary, you can inquire about the information to be disclosed before applying for permit by email or using the form on this page.

The procedure instructions for granting a research permit are based on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, the Act on the Openness of Government Activities and the Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life.

The processing time of the application is approximately two to three weeks.

Note! If you do not do a thesis at Jamk and you might need a research permit, please contact us first using the form at the bottom of the page. 

Rules concerning the research permit

The research permit applicant must commit to the following rules:

  • The research permit applicant commits to processing and storing the information received carefully and in compliance with valid laws, regulations, instructions from the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and Jamk’s rules concerning the research permit.
  • The information received may only be used for the purposes stated in the application and its appendices.
  • The information may not be disclosed or resold. Transferring personal data outside the EU and the EEA is not allowed without the data subject’s consent.
  • Information may not be transferred or processed in an open network, e.g. by e-mail.
  • Information may not be used to the detriment of the data subject or Jamk University of Applied Sciences.
  • The conductors of the research are to take care of sufficient information provision to the research participants, access rights and other research-related agreements. The conductor of the research is to ensure that the data subject’s rights are fulfilled.
  • Any identifiable information received is to be stored no longer than necessary. Personal data may only be stored for as long as is necessary for carrying out the processing. The applicant is responsible for deleting the personal data after the basis for the processing expires. The applicant commits to deleting any identifiable information received from the data file in a secure manner immediately after the research has been completed.
  • The conductor of the research is to take care of their own data safety, passwords and user management. The conductor of the research is also to ensure that the technical and organisational procedures meet the requirements set for processing personal data.
  • Any privacy violations and misuse must be reported to Jamk University of Applied Sciences without delay.
  • The applicant(s) shall be independently responsible for any damage and compensation for damages to external parties.
  • The applicant(s) shall notify the grantor of the research permit if the research is suspended.

Fees collected

  • No fee will be collected from JAMK students for the disclosure of information needed in study-related surveys and studies (theses).
  • No fee will be collected from JAMK staff members for the disclosure of information needed in project-related surveys and studies.
  • Otherwise disclosure of JAMK’s information based on the research permit application is subject to a fee, , unless otherwise agreed . The hourly rate is 50 euros, but at least 150 euros. Please contact us first for more details.

Research permit applications

Research permit applications and appendices required for the applications.

Appendices required for the application:

  • Approved research plan (obligatory)
  • Data management plan (obligatory)
  • Ethical review: attached to the application if carried out. Read the instructions from the intranet .
  • Scientific research privacy statement: obligatory if a personal data-based research file is formed or disclosure of data from Jamk’s personal data file is requested. Read the instructions and download the template from Jamk's intranet.
  • Data protection impact assessment (DPIA): obligatory if the research involves processing (sensitive) personal data belonging to special categories of personal data or if the research subjects cannot be informed directly of the processing of personal data for some reason, e.g. due to the large number of research subjects in a register-based study.

Research permit application (Word)

  • Data management plan (obligatory). Instructions and template from Jamk's Thesis guide .
  • Thesis privacy statement: obligatory, if a personal data-based research file is formed in the research. Read i nstructions and load templates for thesis (intranet).
  • Ethical review statement: obligatory, if the review is made. Applies only to master’s degree thesis, there can be no research setting in a bachelor's thesis that would require ethical review. You can find the instructions and form from the intranet .

Further information

  • If a Jamk student uses the Webropol survey tool in their research, those collecting personal data must familiarise themselves with the principles of data protection and their effects on the implementation of surveys. The survey creator is always responsible for ensuring that the personal data is processed appropriately. Separate instructions for processing personal data in the Webropol survey program can be found on the ELMO Intranet (login required).
  • Instructions for thesis and data protection; privacy notice for thesis (docx; ELMO Intranet, login required)
  • Data management guidelines for Jamk's staff ; data management guidelines for Jamk's students ;
  • Data protection law (in Finnish)
  • Act on Information Management in Public Administration
  • What is personal data? (The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman)
  • Processing of personal data (The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman)
  • The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK)
  • The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman

Businessman presenting 'Ask An Expert' word on white card

With this form you can send additional questions about granting a research permit at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. First, look carefully at the guidelines for research permit on our web pages. We will answer your question as soon as possible, except for holiday seasons.


  • Copy SSH clone URL [email protected]:jamkit/project-templates/masters-thesis-v2.git
  • Copy HTTPS clone URL https://gitlab.labranet.jamk.fi/jamkit/project-templates/masters-thesis-v2.git


  1. Welcome to complete your thesis!

    Welcome to complete your thesis! This website contains both basic information about the thesis and more detailed instructions on how to carry out the actual thesis project. In section 4 you will find the steps related to the progress of the thesis. Proceed in numerical order (4.1, 4.2 …). The final stages of the thesis are described in ...

  2. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu

    Jamk's focus areas are Bioeconomy, Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation, Applied Cybersecurity, Automation and Robotics, Tourism and Innovative Learning. ... Master's theses collection contains theses from ICT, Business Administration, Tourism and Hospitality, Social Services and Health Care & Technology and Transport. ...

  3. Theses

    Electronic theses of JAMK are available since 2006. International Dissertations and Theses. ... Ylempi AMK-opinnäytetyö/Pro gradu-tutkielma, simply 'gradu', is the dissertation for master's degrees. The master's thesis in engineering and architecture studies is called Diplomity ...

  4. How to apply for Master's Degrees

    Welcome to apply for Jamk's master's degree programmes! Find important information about the application times and admission process. The instructions below concern joint application period of spring 2024 on 3 - 17 January 2024 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time for degree programmes conducted in English.

  5. Master's Thesis, Implementation YZ00BL95

    Jamk.fi; For students pages; Curricula. Choose language. system.sr-kielenvaihto_fi FI system.sr-kielenvaihto_en EN. ... Master's Degree Programme in Professional Project Management; Master's Thesis, Implementation YZ00BL95; Menu Bachelor's degree education from year 2020 (autumn) ...

  6. Master's Thesis, Research Writing YZ00BL98

    Jamk.fi; For students pages; Curricula. Choose language. system.sr-kielenvaihto_fi FI system.sr-kielenvaihto_en EN. Home; ... Master's Degree Programme in Professional Project Management; Master's Thesis, Research Writing YZ00BL98 ...

  7. Master's Thesis, Research Writing

    Jamk.fi; For students pages; Curricula. Choose language. system.sr-kielenvaihto_fi FI system.sr-kielenvaihto_en EN. Home; Master's Thesis, Research Writing; Menu Bachelor's degree education from year 2020 (autumn) Education in Finnish Education Bachelor's Degree Programme in Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy ...

  8. Become a Master of Full Stack Software Development

    Master's Thesis, 30 ECTS credits Research and Development, 5 ECTS credits (preferred) Elective Master's Degree Level studies, 5 ECTS credits; Scope of the Education. If you have a previously completed Bachelor or Master level degree, you deal with data and know how to program, do apply.

  9. Get a Master's Degree

    A bachelor's degree from a relevant field is one of the main eligibility requirements for master's degree studies at Jamk. For other higher education qualifications, read more about the entry requirements and how to apply. The minimum requirement regarding work experience is at least two years (24 months) of relevant work experience gained after the bachelor's degree.

  10. Jamk University of Applied Sciences

    Welcome to look at Jamk University of Applied Sciences publications and theses. Jamk's focus areas are Bioeconomy, Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation, Applied Cybersecurity, Automation and Robotics, Tourism and Innovative Learning. Jamkin julkaisut | Jamk publications. Jamk Arena. Sarjajulkaisut - Publications.

  11. Develop your skills to work with projects

    The Master's thesis is generally a development project in working life and gets 30 credits. Thus, half of the studies consist of a thesis. ... Get a Master's Degree from Jamk Master School. Choose from one of the two paths and develop into either management and leadership excellence or professional expertise excellence. You can study flexibly ...

  12. Research permit_Thesis

    3 Thesis tutor (Jamk) N: ame ... Preliminary ethical review (obligatory in Master´s Thesis if the chosen research method requires it) Submit a. signed copy of the application and its . attachments. by secure email. The application will be submitted by secure email. Go to https://securemail.jamk.fi/ and send the application to the address ...

  13. Home

    Theseus is a service provided by Arene ry - the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. You can read and utilize entire theses and publications in your own research and development work - or just get acquainted with ...

  14. Opintopolku

    Jamk University of Applied Sciences Master of Engineering, Full Stack Software Development, spring 2024 application. full stack developer. Front-end Web Developer ... The objective of the master's thesis is to develop and demonstrate the student's ability to apply research data and use chosen methods to analyse and solve problems arising in ...

  15. Research permit

    Ethical review statement: obligatory, if the review is made. Applies only to master's degree thesis, there can be no research setting in a bachelor's thesis that would require ethical review. You can find the instructions and form from the intranet. Research permit application (Word)

  16. jamkit / project-templates / OLD-masters-thesis-v2 · GitLab

    Project information. Master's thesis template with issues. 5 Commits. 2 Branches. 0 Tags. README.

  17. How to Get a Master's Degree

    Thesis. Many master's degree programs require students to complete a research project, clinical project, or original thesis to demonstrate their mastery of the subject matter. ... Master's degree holders earn a median weekly salary of $1,554 compared to $1,334 for bachelor's degree holders . Some master's programs, such as MBAs, tend to see ...

  18. What Is a Master's Degree?

    A master's degree is a graduate degree that allows students to build advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied knowledge, forge a deeper understanding of their area of study, and develop a range of skills applicable to their trade. With a master's degree, you can typically have more opportunities to advance your ...