
India Philanthropy Alliance Announces Essay Competition For School Students


India-West Staff Reporter

WASHINGTON, DC – The India Philanthropy Alliance (IPA), a U.S.-based coalition of 16 of the leading India-focused nonprofits in the United States, has announced its fourth annual essay competition to engage youth in the conversation on India’s development and its natural environment. The essay competition is one way in which youth are encouraged to show their support for India Giving Day.

The competition seeks to “catalyze and recognize creative thinking and action among middle school and high school youth and inspire an ongoing commitment to philanthropy benefitting India, particularly among second and third-generation Indian Americans,” a press release said.

Through participation in this India-focused competition, the IPA hopes to nurture in the younger generation an awareness and understanding of the crucial issues affecting the well-being of millions of Indians living in poverty and those impacted by the erosion of the natural environment.

Now in its fourth year, the contest is open to students across the United States, asking them to answer the prompt: Which developmental issue in India do you feel is most pressing and why? How can American individuals and groups be a part of the solution?

Past contest winners have addressed various topics, including education, clean air, violence against women, the criminal justice system, drinking water, and care for the elderly.

In 2022, winners presented their ideas at a major philanthropy convening held at the Indian Consulate in New York. Students and their families traveled from CA, NJ, and PA to attend the in-person gathering.

Winners and runners-up of the 2023 competition will be invited to share their ideas with philanthropists and business and nonprofit leaders on September 29, 2023, in the San Francisco area. In addition, winners and runners-up will be able to receive grants of $1000 and $500, respectively, to support the organizations of their choice.

A panel of philanthropy experts will determine the winners, runners-up, and finalists in two age cohorts. For middle school students, the essay length is 600 words or fewer; for high school students, the limit is 1,200 words. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2023. For more information:  http://www.indiaphilanthropyalliance.org

The 2023 essay competition and related events would not be possible without the generosity of Give and the Iowa-based Sehgal Foundation, IPA said.

The IPA is a coalition of nonprofit, philanthropic and charitable organizations that mobilize people and funding in the US for development and poverty-reduction programs in India. The sixteen organizations of the IPA include Agastya USA, Akanksha Education Fund, Akshaya Patra Foundation USA, American India Foundation, Antara International, Arogya World, Children’s Hope India, CRY America, Foundation for Excellence, Indiaspora, Pratham USA, Project ECHO, Sehgal Foundation, Teach for India U.S., Vision Spring, and WISH Foundation.

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10 Break-Out Sessions

  • Time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

India is undergoing its economic, technological and demographic transition simultaneously. An old country is becoming youthful and adventurous with the passage of time. Young Indians like OYO founder Ritesh Agarwal are quietly taking charge of Indian ethos by becoming icons of audacious aspirations and tangible proofs of its potential, spawning startups that are becoming most valuable and famous than many legacy companies. How can young revolutionaries find ways to carry the older generation of investors, regulators, workers and consumers with them and what can other economies and founders learn from India’s momentous transition?

For over 50 years teams of student have volunteered to organise the St. Gallen Symposium. They have written countless invitations, met thousands of partners, and welcomed some of the most important personalities of their time on stage. Together with former members of the ISC we will reflect on the St. Gallen Symposium experience of cross-generational dialogue and collaboration, the lessons they have learned for their lives and on how the symposium has evolved. This session is organised together with ISC Alumni.

As the need for innovation is growing, the routinisation of well-structured creative processes within organizations is key for concurrent value creation. Prof. Susan Goldsworthy of IMD, this year's St. Gallen Symposium artist Javiera Estrada and Light Artist Gerry Hofstetter will discuss the role of collaboration in the creative process. Together, and in conversation with the audience, they’ll explore the way collaboration can drive creativity in various organisational contexts, and, on the other hand, the role of introversion and lone contemplation in creating something new.

Many employee volunteering and giving programs are presented as an employee perk, similar to casual Fridays or a team-building event. But treating workplace giving and volunteering this way fails to fully capitalise on the great potential of such programs: to foster employee personal growth, and address key societal challenges. The panel will particularly explore the potential of skills-based volunteering, its benefits, and the unique challenges that arise when moving from merely transactional volunteering to something far more transformative.

The investment landscape over the next twenty years will be radically different from previous generations. While there appears to be greater access to capital, there also appears to be much more volatility and debt with no clear dominant financing mechanism. Entrepreneurs, VC, Private Equity, and banks will have to find new ways to work together to create growth and stimulate innovation. How can investors and entrepreneurs better collaborate and find mutually beneficial agreements that balance risk and return?

The fashion industry accounts for 10% of humanity’s annual carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. For long, the fashion and luxury watchmaking industry drove, together with the fashion media industry, unsustainable dynamics in the sector: generating more and more demand through an artificial cycle of new collections and seasonal trends. Businesses’ marketing, media as well as influencers thereby create a constant longing and demand for their products. How can designers, fashion houses and publishers exit this vicious cycle and, collaboratively, drive the transition towards more sustainable and ethical fashion and luxury watchmaking?

Media diversity, freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Europe are currently under threat. Journalists and independent media companies are increasingly joining forces across borders to respond to such challenges as well as to be able to continue to offer independent quality journalism in the future. This session will identify learnings from new media partnerships such as the Leading European Newspaper Alliance (LENA) and the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) to identify how media can most effectively work together.

Technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship are key drivers of the modern economy and social mobility. Given their importance, we should strive to improve accessibility to tech, education and entrepreneurship across all backgrounds. Creating open and inclusive communities, especially with tech is important to accomplishing this goal, but it is easier said that done. Simultaneously, a third iteration of the internet – Web3 – has the potential to radically transform the internet of things and reduce barriers to access. How can these forces be effectively harnessed and directed for the benefit of all people and move the world forward?

Over the past decades, the tech sector, especially the internet of things, has become a central component of modern economies. Trying to catch up with the exponential pace of technological development, the US, China, and Europe are crafting rules of the game on digital markets. What are the emerging characteristic differences between regulatory regimes of digital markets, in the US, Europe and beyond, and how do they balance innovation and regulation? In light of strategic competition over tech dominance between the US and China, what are the opportunities and challenges for Europe in particular?

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world of work forever. The fast and widespread adoption of remote work and an ever-increasing concern of employees with purpose and meaning on their job have intensified the war for talents. Reaching out to and concurrently engaging employees is key for businesses across sectors and regions. What learnings can be drawn from the pandemic as regards our approach to work? Has the world of work changed for the better? And what role does leadership culture and a new approach to hiring play going forward?

  • A Demographic Revolution: Young India Takes Charge (with All India Management Association) 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Collaborative Advantage Across Generations: Reflecting on the SGS Experience (ISC Alumni) 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Collective Genius? Cultivating Creativity in the Arts and Beyond 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Connecting Business with Purpose: The Potential of Skills-Based Volunteering 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Financing the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Hacking the Fashion & Luxury Watchmaking Industry towards more Sustainability (with Condé Nast College) 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • M100 Sanssouci Colloquium@St. Gallen: Media’s New Power: More Impact Through Collaborative Journalism 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Democratizing Access to the next Generation of Technology and Innovation: Communities and Radical Transformation 10:00 am - 11:00 am
  • Varieties of Tech Capitalism: Europe's Approach to Innovation and Regulation in a Global Context 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Changed for Good? Engaging with the New World of Work 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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St. Gallen Symposium

Global Essay Competition

Compete in our Global Essay Competition and qualify for participation as a Leader of Tomorrow in the world’s premier opportunity for cross-generational debates: The St. Gallen Symposium.

Meet 300 of society’s brightest young minds. Present and debate your ideas with 600 senior leaders. Be inspired by some of the world’s most impressive speakers. Gain a unique and new perspective on this year’s topic. Become a member of a unique global community. Participate in the symposium with us. Win prize money of CHF 20,000 split amongst the three winners.

Topic Question

To be announced ….

Pre-registration window for the Global Essay Competition to qualify for the 54th St. Gallen Symposium is open !

Click here to pre-register for the 2025 Global Essay Competition

If problems occur during registration, please clear your cached images and files in your browsing history or consider using the browser Google Chrome. If you still cannot apply, use the following  link. For any unanswered questions please contact us via e-mail at  [email protected]


Qualify with an excellent essay.

We expect a professional, creative and thought-provoking essay. Be bold, unconventional, and distinctive on the competition question.

For your contribution to be valid, the following criteria must be met

Essay (max. 2,100 words, excl. abstract, bibliography, and footnotes)
1 February 2025, 11:59 p.m. last time zone (UTC-12)
Your name, e-mail address, university, or any identifying details must not be mentioned anywhere in the contribution file.
Individual work expected, no group work allowed. The essay must be written exclusively for this contest. The idea must be the author’s own.
All sources must be cited and referred to the respective part in the essay. All contributions will be tested for plagiarism.
Any auxiliary aids (AI, proofreading, translation service, layout/graphics services, writing and translation programs, etc.) are to be listed in an auxiliary aids directory.

Check your eligibility and prepare documents

To be eligible, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:.

  • Enrolled in a graduate or postgraduate programme (master level or higher) in any field of study at a regular university
  • Born in 1995 or later

Make sure you can provide the following documents:

  • Copy of passport or other identification (in English for non-Roman languages)
  • Confirmation of matriculation/enrolment from your university which proves your enrollment in a graduate/postgraduate level programme as of 1 February 2025 (download sample document  here )
  • Your contribution file with no indication of your name in the file name, the file metadata or the file itself

Meet us and ask your questions!

Meet our student representatives to learn how you can qualify for a participation in the 54 th St. Gallen Symposium. We will have physical presentations at your university again as well as regular webinars to answer your questions!

Accompanying a Leader of Tomorrow

General questions, who can compete for a participation as a leader of tomorrow at the st. gallen symposium.

Students enrolled at a regular university, who are matriculated in a master or postgraduate programme.

What is the St. Gallen Global Essay Competition?

The St. Gallen Global Essay Competition is a global student essay competition, offering students who study at graduate or postgraduate level around the world the opportunity to apply for participation at the St. Gallen Symposium.

What is the Knowledge Pool?

The Knowledge Pool is a group of Leaders of Tomorrow with a strong affiliation to topics of relevance to the St. Gallen Symposium. They show outstanding track records in the particular fields they work or study. They are hand-selected by the International Students’ Committee. It is not possible to apply for membership in the Knowledge Pool.

How much does it cost to participate? 

The participation in the symposium is free for all Leaders of Tomorrow. Moreover, expenses for travel, board and lodging are covered by the ISC. However, we recommend bringing a small amount of pocket money for your convenience.

Essay Competition

Who is eligible for the 54 th  st. gallen symposium.

Students enrolled at a regular university, who are matriculated in a graduate or postgraduate programme as of 1 February 2025, from any field of study, born in 1995 or later.

What is a “regular university”?

In the context of the Global Essay Competition, a regular university is defined as an institution of higher education that also conducts research and offers at least one PhD programme. Exceptions are possible and are granted on a case-by-case basis.

Can Bachelor students participate?

Unfortunately, students on bachelor level do not fulfil the eligibility criteria and therefore cannot enter the competition. There is no other way to apply for participation and we, therefore, encourage all students to join the competition once they pursue with their studies at a graduate level. You may, however, be eligible if the level of study in your current year is equivalent to international graduate level which must be confirmed in writing by your university.

Can teams participate?

Only individual submissions are allowed as we can only grant participation to one contender per contribution.

How long should the contribution be? 

The maximum amount of words is 2,100 (excluding bibliography or graph descriptions and the like). There is no minimum word count. Please make sure to state the exact word count in your document. Also keep in mind that you must not state your name in the contribution.

Do I have to quote my sources?

All sources must be quoted and all essays are scanned for plagiarism. You must refer each source to the respective text passage. Please note that plagiarism is a serious offense and that we reserve the right to take further steps in case of deliberate fraud. Self-plagiarism will also result in disqualification, as the work has to be written exclusively for the Global Essay Competition of the St. Gallen Symposium. Furthermore any auxiliary aids (AI, proofreading, translation service, layout/graphics services, writing and translation programs, etc.) are to be listed in an auxiliary aids directory as shown below:

Private proofreadingSpell checkComplete paper
DeepLTranslation of text passageConclusion; page 4-5
EndnoteCompilation of the literature indexLiterature index
ChatGPTCreation of text passages, these were commented in the folowing chapterParagraph 4; sentence 1-6; page 3

Can I have a look at previous Winner Essays?

Yes, you can find winner essays as well as other publications from the Global Essay Competition here .

What file formats are accepted?

Please make sure to hand in your essay in either a doc, docx or pdf format. The document must allow to copy the text easily (no document protections).

What documents do I need to submit?

In addition to your contribution, make sure to upload

  • a copy of your passport (or any other official government ID but no driver’s license) to verify your age
  • a confirmation of matriculation from your university confirming your graduate or postgraduate student status as of February 2025
  • a short abstract (200–300 words) which can be entered in the registration form directly

in the applicable field of the registration form.

What happens after I submitted my application?

The ISC will verify your eligibility and check all submitted documents for completeness and readability. Due to the large amount of essays we receive, our response may take some time, so thank you for your patience. If the jury selects your essay in the top 100 , you qualify as a Leader of Tomorrow for an expenses-paid participation in the 54 th St. Gallen Symposium (6-8 May 2025). The results will be announced via e-mail by mid-March 2025. The jury selects the three awardees based on the quality of the idea on paper. The award is endowed with a total prize money of CHF 20,000. In addition, there will be a chance for the very best competitors (including the awardees) to present their ideas on the big stage at the symposium. For this, the students will be asked to pitch their idea on video beforehand.

Who’s in the jury?

The Award Jury consists of leading executives, journalists and professors from all around the world. The Academic Jury is composed of young top academics from the University of St. Gallen and the ETH Zurich.

When will the results be announced?

The jury’s decision will be announced by mid-March at the latest.


How do the travel arrangements work.

The organizing committee will get in touch with you prior to the symposium to discuss your itinerary and to book your travel.

Can the organising committee help me get a visa?

All Leaders of Tomorrow are self-responsible to get a visa. However, we will inform the applicable Swiss embassy about the invitation and will provide you with the necessary documents. Should a problem arise anyway, we are happy to help. Expenses for visa application are borne by the Leaders of Tomorrow themselves.

Where am I accommodated during the symposium?

All Leaders of Tomorrow are accommodated at private student flats across the city. Please give us an early notice should you have any special requirements (e.g. female flatmates only).

What transport is provided?

We book flights or train tickets and provide shuttle service from and to the airport. Furthermore, all Leaders of Tomorrow receive a free ticket for the public transport in St. Gallen during the week of the symposium.

How much money do I need? 

We recommend bringing some pocket money (CHF 100–200) for your convenience. Please note that depending on your time of arrival and departure, some meals might not be covered.

Can disabled people participate as well? 

Yes, of course. Most of the symposium sites are wheelchair-accessible and we are more than happy to help where we can. Although our ability to provide personal assistance is very limited, we do our best to provide the necessary services.

Is there any touristic programme and do I have time for sightseeing?

During the symposium there will be no time for sightseeing. However, we may offer selected touristic programmes a day before or after the symposium. These days can, of course, also be used for individual sightseeing. Nearby sites include the old town of St. Gallen, the lake Constance and the nearby mountains.

Can I extend my stay in Switzerland?

Yes, upon request we can move your return flight to a date of your choice. If the new flight is more expensive, we may ask you to cover the price difference. Please note that we are unable to provide any services such as accommodation or transportation after the end of the symposium week.

Can I bring a spouse?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any services such as travel, room, board or symposium access to any additional person.

Past Winners & Essay Reviews

Out of approx. 1,000 annual contributions submitted by graduate and post-graduate students from all around the globe, the jury selects three winner essays every year. Meet our competition’s past winners and read their contributions.

2024 – Confronting Scarcity

Oluwafunmike aderonmu, wei jun sean chan, andreas kuster, essay question:.

Scarcity generally refers to a situation where human  needs  exceed  available resources . The 2024 Global Essay Competition invites young leaders worldwide to focus on a specific contemporary or future challenge related to scarcity and propose an innovative way to address it. They were asked to be creative in thinking about proposed solutions: do we need to  strive for more  and find ways to boost the availability of the resource in question? Or does it focus on ways to  thrive with less  and thus rethink our needs and demand? Participants were free in choosing which scarce resource they focus on: examples include – but are NOT limited to – human labour, capital, natural resources, or intangibles like time, creativity, or care. The challenge is to be bold and precise in describing a contemporary or future challenge of scarcity and the specific kind of resources they focus on, to offer a concrete and actionable idea of how we should confront it.

2023 – A New Generational Contract

Elliot gunn, gaurav kamath, megan murphy.

The best or worst legacy from previous generations: How to preserve or replace it?

A great deal of our lives is influenced by when we were born. As those currently alive, we have inherited the world which previous and older generations have built. We owe a great deal to the efforts of our forebears, but we also inherit problematic legacies.

2022 – Collaborative Advantage

Sophie lara neuber, anton meier, bryan kwang shing tan.

Collaborative Advantage: what should be written into a new intergenerational contract?

 The idea of a “generational contract” embodies the principles that younger and older generations rely on each other to provide mutual support across different stages of their lives. Inclusive education systems, sustainable welfare states and meaningful environmental action are some of many challenges requiring a cross-generational collaborative effort. Yet, with the climate crisis, rapid technological change and societal aging in many countries, the generational contract and notions of intergenerational fairness have been challenged. Members of the younger generation are raising their voices as they reflect on how their futures are being compromised by current decision-makers.

 What’s your specific and actionable idea that should be written into a new generational contract? Choose an area where you see evidence that intergenerational fairness is – or, going forward, will be – challenged and where the generational contract needs to be rewritten. Potential areas include, but are not limited to, business strategy and the economy, inclusive governance and education, the welfare state and health care, environmental sustainability, or the world of work. Describe your problem and offer concrete and practical proposals how inter-generational fairness can be restored or reinvented. Explain your idea’s impact for the future.

2021 – Trust Matters

Janz irvin chiang.

1st place – Peking University

Joan  Nyangena

2nd place – York University

Karl Michael Braun

3rd place – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

A Matter of Trust: How Can Trust be Repaired When It’s Lost?

In recent years, we have seen many reports about “trust crises” in the realms of politics, health, business, technology, science, and media. Political and corporate scandals, mass protests, and deteriorating trust indicators in global perception surveys support this diagnosis. As a result, senior leaders in many of these sectors publicly aspire to “rebuild trust” in their decisions, products, or institutions. What would be your advice to them?

Choose an area in one of the above-mentioned sectors where you see evidence that citizens’, consumers’, regulators’, employees’ or other stakeholders’ trust has been lost. Describe your example of an apparent loss of trust; offer concrete and practical proposals on repairing damaged trust. Describe your idea’s impact for the future.

2020 – Freedom Revisited

Symposium  postponed.

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the final review and communication of the results of the contributions to the Global Essay Competition was stopped prematurely.

Freedom Revisited: Which aspects of freedom need to be defended, or recalibrated, to meet the challenges of our time?

Domestically and on the international stage, values of individual, economic, and political freedom are subject to critical inquiry or outright attack. Diverse phenomena such as populism, global power shifts, climate change, the digital revolution, and global migration call for a reflection on the value of freedom for the way we live, do business, and organize politically in the years ahead. While some call for a defence of established freedoms, others call for recalibration of our concept of freedom, or the balance we strike between freedom and other values, such as equality, sustainability, and security. Where do you stand in this debate? Choose one of the following positions as you develop your essay:

In defence of freedom: Choose an area in the realm of business, economics, politics, or civil society where current concepts of freedom are under pressure and where they need to be defended. Describe the problem and offer a concrete and practical proposition of how established concepts of freedom should – and can be – defended. Describe its impact for the future.

In defence of recalibrating freedom: Choose an area in the realms of business, economics, politics or civil society where current concepts of freedom are unsuitable for the challenges we face and where they need to be recalibrated. Describe the problem and offer a concrete and practical proposition of how established concepts of freedom should and can be recalibrated. Describe its impact for the future.

2019 – Capital for Purpose

Reuben muhindi wambui (ke).

1st place – The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Natalie Hei Tung Lau (HK)

2nd place – University of Pennsylvania

Toan Do (VN)

3rd place – Yale University

Is it as good as it gets? – What approach would you suggest to change the current purpose of capital?

Political volatility, environmental issues, precarious labour markets, technological monopolies, managerial and investment short-termism are only a few challenges we face. The time has come to counter excessive short-termism and start doing business as unusual. Think about the status quo and its implications. What would be an idea to change it? Develop projects or actions you would trust in to bring new and expanded purposes to capital and aim for a long-term positive impact. In your essay you should consider how the use of capital (financial, human, social,…) can solve complex challenges and address substantial changes, be it by individuals, civil society, businesses or governments. Your idea must inspire leaders worldwide to take on responsibility and put it into practice. Be bold and develop a truly impactful concept to win our prestigious award.

2009 – 2018

2018  – beyond the end of work, nat ware (au).

1st place – University of Oxford

Janis Goldschmidt (DE)

João abreu (br).

3rd place – Harvard University

Robots are coming for your job. How do you augment yourself to stay economically relevant?

Author Yuval Noah Harari claims that the rapid progress of artificial intelligence technology will render the human species economically useless within decades. Imagine a world in which humans fight back, harnessing AI and other technologies to stay economically indispensable – and, ultimately, competitive against the computers. Describe the job you aspire to in the future, how it will potentially be influenced by AI, and how you would augment yourself technologically if necessary to prevail in your chosen career.

2017  – The dilemma of disruption

1st Place – University of Oxford

Benjamin Hofmann (DE)

2nd Place – University of St. Gallen

Sigin Ojulu (SS)

3rd Place – University of Southern California

Breaking the status quo – What’s YOUR disruptive idea?

The notion of disruption captures today’s innovation zeitgeist. Nowadays, it seems everyone claims to be a disruptor – particularly young people with an entrepreneurial mindset. Let’s think beyond disruptive innovation in management and look at disruption more generally as something that breaks the status quo – be it in business, politics, science, or society. Pick the one of these four fields you are most passionate about, identify a problem of greater magnitude and come up with a disruptive idea to solve it. Your idea must aspire to inspire top-notch leaders worldwide. Do not free ride on the buzzword “disruption” but rather be bold and develop a truly novel and radical concept to win our prestigious award.

2016  – Growth – the good, the bad, and the ugly

Schima labitsch (at).

1st place – Fordham University

Alexandra Ettlin (CH)

2nd place – University of St.Gallen

Colin Miller (US)

3rd place – New York University

What are alternatives to economic growth?

2015  – Proudly Small

Laya maheshwari (in).

1st place – London School of Economic

Leon Schreiber (ZA)

2nd place – Freie Universität Berlin

Katharina Schramm (DE)

3rd place – University of St.Gallen

Essay Questions:

  • What is the next small BIG thing?

Think about unconventional ideas, undiscovered trends or peripheral signals that may turn into ground-breaking changes for societies. Present one idea which is not on the radar of current leaders yet but will change the game in business, politics or civil society – the best ones will be put to the test by the global audience of the St. Gallen Symposium.

  • Collaborative Small State Initiative

Although small states lead the global rankings in international benchmark studies on competitiveness, innovation and wealth, they are often politically marginalised. Explore a common agenda for small and prosperous countries and identify one joint project that would increase the relevance of small states on the global stage. Go beyond politics and diplomacy by also including economic and civil players.

  • Elites: small but superior groups rule the world – at what price?

Human history shows that the world has been ruled by tiny but superior groups of people. It is the elites who have been controlling societies and the allocation of resources. Given the rise of inequality, a devastating level of famine that still exists, ubiquitous corrupt systems of government, limited access to education for the underprivileged, to name just a few of the world’s greatest problems, elites are challenged to redefine their roles and agenda settings. Share your thoughts on how elites are supposed to emerge and transform in the 21st century.

2014  – The Clash of Generations

Ashwinikumar singh (in).

1st place – University of Mumbai

Martin Seneviratne (AU)

2nd place – University of Sydney

Set Ying Ting (MY)

3rd place – National University of Singapore

  • Balancing Generational Claims

The presumption of an altruistic relation between generations and its positive effect on the economic well-being of societies is illusionary. Welfare states have widened fiscal gaps to an irreparable extent for the next generations. When aspiring to a sustainable welfare system, how should intergenerational claims balance without having to rely on selflessness?

  • A Double-Edged Legacy

Let’s be frank: The generational contract has failed everywhere – but for different reasons. Exuberant public debts, zooming healthcare costs, unequal distribution of wealth, loss of ethical and moral anchors, loss of trust in existing institutions: each state is facing a unique set of problems. Briefly describe the situation in your country and propose a generational contract defining mutual responsibilities on an economic and social level.

  • A Prospect for the Young

Highly educated and ambitious, yet unemployed. A whole generation of young is entering the labour market with little prospect of success. The implications go way beyond individual tragedies as economies with lasting high levels of youth unemployment risk social instability. Present new solutions on how we can overcome this crisis.

  • Business between Generations

Slogans like “rent is the new own” or Botsmann and Rogers’s “what’s mine is yours” (HarperBusiness, 2010) mark the trend of shared economy. Although not a new economic phenomenon per se, particularly the Millennials are embracing this attitude towards doing business where they value access over ownership. The trend is gaining global mainstream acceptance which is resulting in a lasting impact on economic performance. Discuss the future of shared economy, its overall implications and the dynamics between supply and demand.

2013 – Rewarding Courage

Kilian semmelmann (de).

1st place – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Dragov Radoslav (BG)

2nd place – Rotterdam School of Management

Bree Romuld (AU)

3rd place – University of St.Gallen (HSG)

The competitors must choose from one of four competition questions, which refer to the four topic clusters “Putting incentives right”, “Coping with institutions”, “Against the current – courageous people” and “Management of excellence”

  • Putting incentives right

How come that both in the corporate world and in politics, responsible courage (e.g. whistleblowing, courage to disagree with current paradigms, etc.) is hardly ever rewarded? Where the big decisions for the future are taken, anxiety, conformity and despondence prevail. How can this be changed?

  • Coping with institutions

Institutions of all kinds shape our behaviour – be it economic, political or social behaviour. How should institutions be designed in order to foster a sustainable economic and social development?

  • Against the current – courageous people

Observers lament that younger generations, as individualistic as they are, tend to settle for a highly streamlined social and economic world that does not ask for big decisions or unconventional thinking. Please share your opinion on this observation and explain why you agree or disagree. Please use examples that support your arguments.

  • Management of excellence

New insights can only flourish within a culture of dialogue in different opinions. No assumptions should be taken for granted nor should there be any unquestioned truth. However, most people (decision makers, managers, students, etc.) often fail to deal constructively with conflicting opinions. How can companies encourage their employees to build a healthy attitude towards unconventional thinking and acting?

2012 – Facing Risk

Rodrigues caren (in).

1st place – St. Joseph’s Institute of Management

Jennifer Miksch (DE)

2nd place – Geneva Graduate Institute

Jelena Petrovic (SR)

3rd place – King’s College London

Detecting Risks

  • The methodological tools that allow early detection of what will shape future trends are pivotal. While risks are emerging faster, these tools still need fostered advancement. What is the role of scenario planning and forecasting methods and who is or should be responsible for these aspects in the organisation? How should the detection of risks be addressed in an increasingly complex and interconnected global landscape?

Risk Aversion

  • In wealthy societies, most people tend to suppress risk taking. Given this increasing trend of risk aversion in saturated societies, what are the long term consequences for economy and society? What are the long term consequences of a high level of risk aversion?

Emerging Risks

  • There are tremendous risks facing the global community and many people have not yet become aware of their potential consequences (e.g. public debt burden). What are the societal, economic and/or political risks your generation of decision makers will be facing in the future? How could you convert these risks into opportunities?

Managing Risk

  • There is often a disconnect between taking risks and bearing the burden of the consequences of doing so (e.g. risk taking in investment banking). Who should bear the consequences of negligent risk taking and why? How can healthy risk taking be fostered in wealthy societies?

2011 – Just Power

Marcelo ber (ar).

1st place – New York University

Dhru Kanan Amal (IN)

2nd place – London School of Economics

Maria de los Angeles Lasa (AR)

3rd place – Università di Camerino

  • Justice and Power
  • Rethinking Leadership
  • Public Goods and Values

We asked you to contribute visions and ideas to the theme “Just Power” – Power in the sense of its use in various areas of politics and economics. We expected a professional work which could be an essay, a scenario, a project report or proposal, a multi- media presentation or an entrepreneurial concept. It should be constructive, provocative or instructive, inspiring thoughts and actions as well as introucing new approaches and unconventional ideas. Within the framework of the theme you may choose between three subtopics for your contribution.

2010 – Entrepreneurs – Agents of Change

Ainur begim (kz).

1st place – University of Oslo

James Clear (USA)

Christoph birkholz (de).

  • What makes an entrepreneur an “agent of change”?
  • Changing of the guard: Who are the new entrepreneurs?
  • Corporate entrepreneurship within large companies: a concept for the future or a mere pie in the sky?
  • Entrepreneurship between environmental risks and opportunities: What does it take to succeed?

2009 – Revival of Political and Economic Boundaries

Shofwan al-banna choiruzzad (id), jason george (us), aris trantidis (gr), 1999 – 2008, 2008  – global capitalism – local values, guillaume darier (ch), jacobus cilliers (za), feerasta aniqa (nz), christoph matthias paret (de), 2007  – the power of natural resources, benjamin block (us), gustav borgefalk (se), kevin chua (ph), 2006  – inspiring europe, maximilian freier (de), chen yesh (sg), elidor mëhilli (al), william english (us), 2005  – liberty, trust and responsibility, christian h. harding (de), luana badiu (ro), norbert jungmichel (de), fabien curto millet (es /fr), 2004  – the challenges to growth and prosperity, ravi rauniyar (np), peter g. kirchschläger (at / ch), xin dong (cn), 2003 – seeking responses in times of uncertainty, stefanie klein (de), rosita shivacheva (bg), 2002 – pushing limits – questioning goals, constantine (dino) asproloupos (ca / gr), manita jitngarmkusol (th), 2001 – new balance of power, marion mühlberger (at), uwe seibel (de), moses ekra (ci / ca), gerald tan (my), 2000 – time, martin von brocke (de), pei-fu hsieh (tw), tzvetelina tzvetkova (bg), 1999 – new markets, new technologies, new skills, peter doralt (fr), valérie feldmann (de), rajen makhijani (in).

“Partaking in the competition was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only was I able to come to St. Gallen and meet incredible young entrepreneurs and leaders who I’m still in contact with, but it provided me the opportunity to develop and share ideas with key decision-makers. The main idea I submitted was for a new way to finance retraining and healthcare at no cost to individuals or governments. Given the COVID- 19 pandemic, this idea is needed now more than ever, so I’m currently implementing the idea through a new organization I’ve established called FORTE ( Financing Of Return To Employment ).” NAT WARE , Founder & CEO of FORTE, Leader of Tomorrow at the 47th and 48th St. Gallen Symposium

essay competition 2023 india for school students

  • Guidelines in English
  • Guidelines in Hindi

Dates for "Jury" and "Declaration of Awards" for Online Poster and Painting Competition 2021 will be announced shortly

ICCR Essay Competition 2022-23

"Amrit Mahotsav"

Celebrating 75 years of India's independence

Topic: "My idea of India"

essay competition 2023 india for school students

About the Competition

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) was founded in 1950 with the primary objective to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes pertaining to India’s external cultural relations; to foster and strengthen cultural relations and mutual understanding between India and other countries; to promote cultural exchanges with other countries and people, and to develop relations with nations.

ICCR has been playing an equally important role in the field of education for International students in India. It offers a number of scholarships to foreign nationals to pursue higher studies in Indian Central/State Universities and other recognized Institutes of higher education and learning.

ICCR proposes to organize an “Essay Competition”.

Topics (participants will have to write upon only one from the following):-

1) Development of Democracy in India.

2) Contribution of spiritual leaders in development of India.

3) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education and its Future in INDIA.

Who can participate?

1) The competition is open to all international students studying in India at present below the age of 35.

2) Free for all eligible (as above).

1) Registration & Submission of Essay – 1 to 30 January 2023 (1800 hrs IST).

2) Declaration of result – 15 February 2023 (tentative).

*For detailed information about the competition, click on tab “About the competition” appearing on home screen.

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Be known for shaping the leaders of tomorrow

Tata Building India School Essay Competition is India’s most prestigious essay competition held every year across schools from over 400+ cities across the country.

It is one of the key initiatives undertaken by Tata Group with the objective of motivating the youth and fostering the spirit of nation building. Through this essay writing competition, Tata Group wishes to encourage today’s young minds to become thoughtful leaders of tomorrow.

Each year, school students are given this unique opportunity to showcase their writing skills and get recognized at 3 levels – the school level, the city level and the national level. To ensure a level-playing field, the competition is divided into two categories, viz. Junior Category for students of classes 6th - 8th, and Senior Category for students of classes 9th - 12th.


Drive student engagement and holistic learning

A national competition like the Tata Building India School Essay Competition is a great way to foster holistic learning that is both fun and rewarding for your students. With an essay topic around nation building, students are encouraged to research, explore and think on a vast variety of subjects that make them more socially and intellectually aware.


Help your students develop critical skills

Essays are a great way to build independent thoughts and opinions. Structuring one’s thoughts within word limits helps students frame subtle connections concisely that help articulate ideas and concepts clearly. This not only helps students write better at their

academic exams but also communicate more effectively.

National level recognition

Ultimately, a school’s achievement lies in the success of its students. Tata Building India School Essay Competition is unique in its structure of providing participating school students an opportunity to win at 3 different levels (although the essay is written only once). Winning essays at the school-level are further evaluated at the city-level and ultimately at the national-level. There are prizes and recognition given to winning students and their schools at all the 3 levels. The crowning moment for the national-level winners is the intended visit to New Delhi and a face-to-face meeting with a national dignitary.

Achievements gallery


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Copyright © Tata Sons Private Limited | Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai City, Maharashtra - 400001

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My Gov & NCERT Online Essay Writing Competition 2024, Class 9 to 12 Students can Participate Now

Education Ministry Of India invites school students at the secondary and senior secondary stages to participate in the essay writing competition and Submit your entries now!. Students from classes IX to XII, it is time to wear your creative hats! at My Gov India and NCERT bring you an Online Essay Writing Competition themed ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat-Swatantra Bharat.

Latest Update: The MHRD has extended the deadline for online submission of essays as part of the Independence day essay competition.

This essay competition is held under the theme ‘ Atma Nirbhar Bharat-Swatantra Bharat ‘. Students of Classes 9-12 desirous to participate in the online Independence Day 2020 essay competition can send their entries till August 23 to innovate.mygov.in/essay-competition. Earlier, the last date was August 14.

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NCERT, the central institute of education, will aid the online essay competition and the shortlisted students will be awarded at the national level. An MHRD statement issued earlier said that the selection of essays will be taken up at two levels, at the states and at the national level.

NCERT Online Essay Writing Competition

My Gov & NCERT is conducting an Online Essay Competition On The Theme ‘aatmanirbhar Bharat-swatantra Bharat’.

Entries invited for Essay Competition is jointly organised by MyGov.In and NCERT. Students of classes IX to XII are eligible to send entries. Competition open till 14 August, 2020

Ministry of Education (MOE) along with NCERT and MY Gov India has launched the ‘ Online Essay Writing Competition ’ for school students.

Essay Writing Competition Details 202 3


The essay competition has been themed “Aatmanirbhar Bharat-Swatantra Bharat’. Class 9 to 12 students can participate now in the competition and the entries are valid till August 23, 2020 .

The competition is a part of the Independence Day celebrations in the country. The theme envisions the emergence of a robust and strong nation committed to the welfare of all.

It is a clarion call by the Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi for a strong, vibrant and self-reliant India for all and an India of all.

The selection of the best essay will be taken up at two levels. Firstly, SCERTs may form a committee of experts to examine the entries at the state/UT level and select the 10 best entries.

The evaluation criteria involve 20 percent weightage to the central theme, 20 percent to coherence and organization in structure, 40 percent to creativity, and 20 percent to clarity in language expression and style.

Students who want to participate in the essay writing competition can check My Gov India official site for details.

Word Limits:  For the Secondary Stage (Classes 9-10) the essay should be within 500 word limits while for the Higher Secondary Stage (Class 11 and 12) the essay should be within 800 word limit.

How to submit essay: The participant should submit the write-up in PDF file format only. Visit the website www.mygov.in to submit the essay.

Format: Write-up text should be submitted in readable Font of Hindi/English. Font size should be 12 for English and 14 for Hindi. Line spacing should be 1.15 only. Entries must be in either in English or Hindi

Essay Competition

MHRD, GoI is glad to announce an essay competition for school students at the secondary and senior secondary stages on the theme ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat – Swatantra Bharat’.

The Central Ministry of Human Resource Development is organizing an o nline essay competition in association with the MyGovernment website to mark Independence Day.

NCERT is conducting these competitions as nodal agency for Secondary Stage and Higher Secondary Stage students across the country.

‘Atmanirbhar Bharat-Swatantra Bharat’ will be the main theme of the essay competition on various topics.

Aatmanirbhar and Swatantra Bharat campaign focuses on:

  • ensuring health and wellbeing for all;
  • achieving sustainable development with concerns of environment rooted in all initiatives;
  • optimizing resource mobilization and develop quality indicators to map interventions,
  • strengthening the efforts to bridge all forms of inequalities including social and economic divide for enabling each and every individual to enjoy the fruits of progress. 
  • evolving multifarious approaches to address natural and human calamities with our own strength and reservoir of resources.
  • develop scientific and technical knowledge for innovating strategies to overcome barriers to development.

The present pandemic, COVID-19, as our Honorable Prime Minister reminds us, has once again brought to the forefront with our commitment to address challenges of life with thrust on our own capabilities and abilities.

As the theme –  Aatmanirbhar Bharat- Swatantra Bharat  rightly reiterates our commitment for working towards achieving self-reliance in all sectors of our economy rooted in our own pillars of culture, heritage and knowledge for becoming a global force to reckon with.

The themes designed in the essay will help students to explore their ideas for translating the concept of  Aatmanirbhar , self-reliance into achievable one.

Themes of the Essay Competition ( Topics for Essay Competition )

  • Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Indian Constitution and Democracy are the biggest enablers
  • India at 75: A Nation Marching towards Aatmanirbhar Bharat
  • Aatmanirbhar Bharat through Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat: Innovation thrives when there is Unity in Diversity
  • Digital India for Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Opportunities on COVID-19 and Beyond
  • Aatmanirbhar Bharat – How can school children contribute to National Development?
  • Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Overcoming Gender, Caste and Ethnic biases
  • Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Making of a New India through Bio-diversity and Agricultural Prosperity
  • While I exercise my rights, I must not forget to undertake my duties to usher in an Aatmanirbhar Bharat
  • My physical fitness is my wealth that will build the Human Capital for Aatmanirbhar Bharat
  • Conserve Blue to Go Green for an Aatmanirbhar Bharat

Guidelines For The Participants : The essay competition is meant for students of Secondary and Higher Secondary Stages from schools under CBSE, KVS, NVS, NIOS and All School boards/SCERTs at the State/UT Level.

  • IX to X (Secondary Stage)
  • XI to XII (Higher Secondary Stage)

Word Limits of Essay for each theme

  • For the Secondary Stage (Class IX & X) the essay should be within 500* word limits
  • For the Higher Secondary Stage (Class XI &XII) the essay should be within 800* word limits

*The essay should not exceed word limit. This would lead to disqualification

Mode of submission

  • The participant should submit the write-up in PDF file format only. PDF within 8 MB
  • Visit the website   www.MyGov.in  to submit the essay.
  • Write-up text should be submitted in readable Font of  Hindi/English .
  • Font size should be 12 for English and 14 for Hindi.
  • Line spacing should be 1.15 only.
  • Entries must be in either in English or Hindi

Terms And Conditions (T&C)

  • The Competition is open to all citizens of India only.
  • All entries must be submitted on  MyGov.in . Entries submitted through any other medium/mode would not be considered for evaluation.
  • A participant can send one entry only. In case it is found that any participant has submitted more than one entry, all the entries will be considered as invalid.
  • The entry should be original. Copied entries will not be considered under the contest.
  • The participant must be the same person who has written the write-up and plagiarism would not be accepted.
  • Please note that the Essay must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957.
  • Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the competition. Government of India does not bear any responsibility for copyright violations or infringements of intellectual property carried out by the participants.
  • Mention of the authors name/emails, etc. anywhere in the body of the essay will lead to disqualification.
  • Participant is to make sure that their MyGov profile is accurate and updated since MHRD would be using this for further communication. This includes details such as name, photo, complete postal address, email ID and phone number. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
  • MHRD reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Competition and/ or the Terms & Conditions/Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria.

However, any changes to the Terms and Conditions/Technical Parameters/Evaluation Criteria, or cancellation of the Contest, will be updated /posted on the MyGov. platform.

It would be the responsibility of the participants to keep themselves informed of any changes in the Terms & Conditions/Technical Parameters/Evaluation Criteria stated for this Contest.

Criteria Of Selection : Selection of the best essay will be taken up at two levels. Firstly, SCERTs may form a committee of experts to examine the entries at the state/UT level and select the 10 best entries.

Next, the selected 10 essays from each state/UT will become a pool of selected essays for final selection at the national level by a team of experts selected by NCERT.

All the entries received within the due date will be placed before a Selection Committee for final selection. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final and binding on all the contestants.

Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/its entries/ winners shall be subject to jurisdiction of Delhi only.

Criteria Of Evaluation : The write-ups will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Central Theme – contextual (20%)
  • Coherence and organization in structure (20%)
  • Creativity (40%)
  • Clarity in language expression and Style (20%) 

Certification And Award: Attractive prizes shall be announced shortly for the national level entries. However, participation certificates shall be jointly issued by NCERT and MyGov for all participants who submit their essays.

Participation Form Details

Name of Student*School Entity*
Email ID*Name of Board*
Mobile Number*State*
Name of School*District*
Class*Theme of Essay*
File Upload *Submit

Steps to participate in Online Essay Competition

Ministry Of Education in association with Mygov.in and NCERT is organising an essay competition for the school students as part of the Independence Day celebrations under the theme ‘Aatma Nirbhar Bharat- Swatantra Bharat’. The competition will be held online . The deadline to submit the essay is August 23

School students at the secondary and senior secondary stages (classes 9 to 12) can participate. The theme ‘Aatma Nirbhar Bharat- Swatantra Bharat’ envisions the emergence of a robust and strong nation committed to the welfare of all.

  • Visit the Official Website: www.MyGov.in
  • Click on the Essay Competition Link
  • Online Essay Writing Competitions Web Portal will appear
  • Now, Click on the Participate Link
  • Again Click on the image of login to participate
  • Login Web page will appear
  • Now, Login with a Social Account
  • After Log in the web page, Participation Form will open
  • In this form fill the required information
  • Upload the write-up in PDF file
  • Click on the Submit Button.
  • Your Participation has been successfully completed
  • Participate Now
  • Last Date of Submission: 23rd August 2020

*Disclaimer: We have published the above information for reference Purpose only, For any changes on the content we refer to visit the Official website to get the latest & Official details, and we are not responsible for anything

  • MHRD Gurutsav Essay Writing Competition for Students
  • PCRA Essay Writing Competition 2024 for School Children at National Level
  • PCRA Competition 2024 on Painting, Essay Writing & Quiz for School Children

10 thoughts on “My Gov & NCERT Online Essay Writing Competition 2024, Class 9 to 12 Students can Participate Now”

How to participate in the competition

Simply through online mode through the given official web link at M Gov Web portal

How to get my e -certificate of participation?

Comments are closed.

Legal Bites

8th National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2023 | Register by 15 Sept

Amity law school gurugram is organising 8th national essay writing competition on nation and nationalism 2023 in collaboration with indian lawyers association, udhvik asha welfare foundation and legal bites..

8th National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2023

Amity Law School Gurugram is proud to announce the forthcoming flagship event "8th National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2023" in collaboration with Indian Lawyers Association, Udhvik Asha Welfare Foundation and Legal Bites, under the initiative of Vikasit Bharat 2047 .

About Institution

Amity Law School Gurugram aims to be a leading institution for legal research and education in India and Commonwealth States, with a focus on social justice and excellence. It values academic freedom, integrity, accountability and social justice, and fosters an inquiry-led and evidence-based approach to creating knowledge. It also strives to produce graduates who can contribute to the development of the nation and humanity through community engagement, entrepreneurship and innovation.

About Competition

Under the initiative of Vikasit Bharat 2047 , which aims to envision the future of India in terms of its social, economic, cultural and environmental development, Amity Law School Gurugram invites students from all over India to participate in one of its flagship events 8th National Essay Writing Competition on Nation and Nationalism 2023 . This competition is organized in collaboration with Legal Bites, who share the vision of promoting academic excellence, research and writing skills among students.

The Competition offers the participants an opportunity to elaborate on their ideals of nationalism, nation-building, and the overall socio- economic growth of the nation. The aim is to promote the ideals of nation and nationalism in its true sense where the head is held high and each individual respects and appreciates the diversity and strives for collective success.

Vikasit Bharat 2047 is an initiative of the Government of India that aims to envision the future of India in terms of its social, economic, cultural and environmental development. The initiative was launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of India’s independence in 2022.

The initiative seeks to formulate a socially inclusive nation by providing equal opportunities to the marginalised sections, enhancing the quality of life of the citizens, strengthening democratic institutions, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, and achieving sustainable development goals.

The theme of Nation and Nationalism is closely related to the vision of Vikasit Bharat 2047, as it explores the idea of what constitutes a nation, how it evolves over time, and what are the challenges and opportunities for its growth and prosperity.

Nation and Nationalism.

  • Cyber Democracy: Navigating Nationalism in the Digital Age
  • E-Governance: Transforming National Governance through Technology
  • Balancing National Security and Privacy: Exploring Surveillance Practices
  • Farmers' Protest and National Identity
  • Enhancing Competition Advocacy in India
  • India’s Relations with its Neighbors: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Addressing Sexual Harassment in Sports: Protecting Athletes and National Pride
  • Ensuring Women's Safety and Promoting Gender Equality
  • India’s Roadmap to 2047
  • Hindutva Ideology and Its Influence on Nationalism
  • Government Action on Environmental Issues: Preserving the Nation's Future
  • Defence Policy: The Interplay of Law and Economics
  • Regulating Digital Platforms and E-commerce Sector in India
  • Ensuring Accountability: Effective Utilization of Taxpayer's Money
  • Freedom of Press and Its Role in Upholding National Values
  • Investigating Adani Industries: Hindenburg’s Report
  • Resolving Religious Conflicts: Safeguarding Human Rights and National Unity
  • Intersection of Entertainment and Religion: Examining Cultural Influence
  • Changing Landscape of Indian Citizenship
  • Preserving India’s Cultural Heritage
  • Promoting Religious Harmony: Combating Discrimination in India
  • Bankruptcy: An Acceptable Way To Escape Debts in Corporates
  • Indian Startups: Lessons from Successes and Failures
(Please Note: Your title needs to be different from the sub-themes)


  • The Competition is open to all students or individuals or professionals pursuing/completing Undergraduate and Post Graduate courses in/from any recognized University across the country.
  • Co-authorship: up-to two authors are permitted.


  • Single Author: Rs. 450 - [Register Here]
  • Co-Author: Rs. 800 - [Register Here]

Submission Guidelines

  • The essay must be written in English.
  • The Essay should be a minimum of 1100 words.
  • Co-authorship of a maximum of two members is allowed.
  • No part of the essay (except the cover page) should contain any identification of the author. Every participant will be allotted a submission code on registration.
  • All submissions must be original and a bonafide effort of the participants and should not be submitted for any other purpose except the competition.
  • Moreover, any form of plagiarism will result in the disqualification of the essay. Organisers reserve all rights relating to the eligibility/qualification/disqualification/publication of the submissions.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Font - Times New Roman; Font Size - 12 Line Spacing - 1.5; Alignment – Justified.
  • Footnote Font Size – 10; Footnote Spacing - 1
*A confirmation mail will be sent on approval of registration.

Submission Procedure

  • The submission shall consist of a Cover Page [containing the allotted submission code and Title of the Essay], Abstract and Essay.
  • An abstract should not be more than 300 words, including title and keywords. The essay should not be more than 1200 words (excluding footnotes and abstract).
  • Proper references/sources should be quoted.
  • The essay is to be submitted at [email protected] in WORD (doc or docx.) format with the subject titled Nation and Nationalism 2023: [Submission Code] .
  • All participants should strictly abide by the guidelines. Any deviance shall lead to disqualification.

Brochure: [Click here to view]

Important Dates

  • Last Date of Registration – 15th September 2023 [Extended]
  • Release of Submission Codes – 16th September 2023
  • Last Date of Submission – 26th September 2023
  • Announcement of Result – 04th October 2023 [International Day of Peace]
No submission will be accepted after the last date of submission.
  • First Position – Certificate of Excellence + Cash Prize of 5,000 INR + Publication of Essay + Gift Hamper from Legal Bites
  • Second Position – Certificate of Excellence + Cash Prize of 3,000 INR + Publication of Essay + Gift Hamper from Legal Bites
  • Third Position – Certificate of Excellence + Cash Prize of 2,000 INR + Publication of Essay + Gift Hamper from Legal Bites
  • Certificate of Merit would be awarded to the top ten participants [Excluding Top-Three].
  • Certificate of Participation will be given to all the participants.
  • Shortlisted essays will be published online with the name of the author.
  • A soft copy of the Certificate of Participation will be sent within a week to all the participants after the successful declaration of the results.
  • Only a Printable Digital certificate will be sent.

For any queries, please write to [email protected] .

Student Convener

  • Arsh Dubey: +91-7838857846

Important Links

Law Library: Notes and Study Material for LLB, LLM, Judiciary, and Entrance Exams

Law Aspirants: Ultimate Test Prep Destination

LB Desk

Legal Bites Correspondent.

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The following competitions are currently open for submission. This includes competitions for students and those which are open to all. If you are looking for Kids Contests , please click here , as the contests for kids 10 years and below are listed separately.

Some of the competitions are paid contests that require a registration fee for participation. We recommend you to participate in the competitions which are free for participation. Each time you participate in a contest, you gain some experience and confidence. Do not worry if you don't win in a competition. Try again and you will be a winner someday. Also, once you have decided to participate, prepare well and try to submit your entries well in advance. Do not procrastinate.

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Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE)(Essay Writing Competition) 2023

Programme is now closed for the year 2023-24     ( Click Here for Result)  

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute invites essays on Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE). Through the celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is eager to recognize and reward the individuals who have contributed to the betterment of the environment by submitting essays based on their lifestyle. August 15, 2023, will mark 77 years since India gained independence. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav will conclude with a celebration of 77 years of independence. 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' was the name given to the 75th Independence Day celebrations in India to commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history, culture and achievements of the people. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav officially began on 12th March 2021, kicking off a 75-week countdown to our 75th anniversary of independence. It will conclude this year on 15th August 2023. The five themes namely Freedom Struggle, Ideas @75, Resolve @75, Action @75 and Achievements @75 were chosen to celebrate Azadi ka Mahotsav.

This year Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav aims to further boost this peoples’ movement by focusing on critical areas of cultural and social development. The new themes are aligned with the ‘Panch Pran’ announced by Hon’ble Prime Minister: Women and Children, Tribal Empowerment, Water, Cultural Pride, Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), Health and Wellness, Inclusive Development, Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Unity.

Essays are invited on Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), which focuses on mindful and deliberate uses of resources and aims to change the current 'use and dispose of' mindset of consumption. This campaign encourages individuals to adopt climate-friendly changes in their daily lives.

A winner's entry will be featured on the SICI's website and social media channels. Additionally, the best essay will be featured in SICI's Idea Journal.  


  • Essays must be typed. Hand-written documents will not be accepted.

The entries must be written in English only.

Word Length

Essays for the competition should not exceed 850-1000 (excluding spaces) words.

How to register/Payment details

The contest entry fee/one-time membership fee is INR 250/- and CAD 10 $ which must be paid using the bank details provided below.

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute                                  
5, Bhai Vir Singh Marg New Delhi 110001
Indian Overseas Bank
70, Golf Links, New Delhi 110003
: Savings
: Not Applicable

 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
1418 Education Tower, 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
: CIBC Place - Bankers Hall - Box 2585, 309 - 8th Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 2P2

Essay submission/ How to submit  (Google Forms is mandatory for registration. In the event that you do not register on the Google form, you will not be eligible to enter the competition and your registration fee will not be refunded)

All participants are advised to submit an essay via Google Form Link. 

Registration link/Submission Link : https://forms.gle/zGq6upE3SkUDtrRF8

Submission Deadline:  September 20, 2023, 11:59 PM IST

Award value

1st award: 10,000/- 2nd Award: 5,000/-   3rd Award: 2,500/-

Rules and regulations

  • One entry per participant is allowed.
  • The essay must be between 850 to 1000 words (without space). Essays with word counts of less than 850 or exceeding 1000 will be disqualified.
  • Only the original work will be sent for adjudication
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
  • A certificate of participation will be awarded to the participants.
  • The best three (3) entries will be judged and awarded a certificate of merit. 
  • Activity will stand to be cancelled in case of insufficient entries
  • Any personalised mark anywhere in the entry's body will lead to disqualification.
  • In the event of unforeseen circumstances, SICI reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

Dr. Reshma | Programme Officer Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) 5 Bhai Vir Singh Marg | New Delhi 110001 INDIA Call us at: 011 – 2374 6417; 2374 3114; & 2374 2677 Email: [email protected]

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7 Essay Writing Contests to Look Out For in 2023

7 Essay Writing Contests to Look Out For in 2023

7-minute read

  • 28th December 2022

Essay contests are not only a great way to exercise your essay-writing skills but also an awesome way to win cash prizes, scholarships, and internship or program opportunities. They also look wonderful on college applications as awards and achievements.

In this article, you’ll learn about 7 essay writing contests to enter in 2023. Watch the video below, or keep reading to learn more.

1. Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 

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Deadline: Now–April 30, 3023

Who may enter:

This is an international contest for people of all ages (except for residents of Syria, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Russia, and Belarus due to US government restrictions).

Contest description:

●  The contest is organized by Winning Writers, located in MA, USA.

●  They accept stories and essays on any theme, up to 6,000 words each. This contest defines a story as any short work of fiction and an essay as any short work of nonfiction.

●  Your stories and essays must be submitted in English.

●  You may submit published or unpublished work.

Entry fee: USD 22 per entry

●  Story: First Prize is USD 3,000.

●  Essay: First Prize is USD 3,000.

●  10 Honorable Mentions will receive USD 300 each (any category).

●  The top 12 entries will be published online.

Official website

Please visit the competition’s official website for more information on judges and submissions.

2. 2023 Calibre Essay Prize 

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Deadline: Now–January 15, 2023, 11:59 pm

Who may enter: All ages and any nationality or residency are accepted.

●  This contest is hosted by the Australian Book Review.

●  Your essay must be between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

●  You may submit nonfiction essays of all kinds, e.g., personal, political, literary, or speculative.

●  You may enter multiple essays but will need to pay separate fees for each one.

●  Your essay must be unpublished.

Entry fee: AU 30 for non-members

Prize: AU 7,500

Official website:

For more information on this contest, please visit its official website.

3. John Locke Institute Essay Competition 

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Deadline: June 30, 2023

●  Students from any country.

●  Students aged 15 to 18 years by the competition deadline.

●  Students aged 14 years or younger by the competition deadline are eligible for the Junior prize.

●  The contest is organized by the John Locke Institute.

●  Your essay cannot exceed 2,000 words.

●  There are seven subjects or categories for essay submissions: Philosophy, Politics, Economics, History, Psychology, Theology, and Law.

Entry fee: Free to enter

●  The best overall essay winner receives an honorary John Locke Fellowship, which comes with a USD 10,000 scholarship to attend one or more summer schools or gap year courses.

●  There is also a prize for the best essay in each category. The prize for each winner of a subject category and the Junior category is a scholarship worth USD 2,000 toward the cost of a summer program.

●  All winning essays will be published on the Institute’s website.

For more information about this competition and the John Locke Institute, please visit the official website . Also, be sure to check out our article on all you need to know about this contest.

4. The American Foreign Service Association 2023 Essay Competition 

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Deadline: April 3, 2023

●  Students in grades 9–12 in any of the 50 states, DC, the US territories, or if they are US citizens or lawful permanent residents attending high school overseas.

●  Students attending a public, private, or parochial school.

●  Home-schooled students.

●  Your essay should be 1,000–1,500 words.

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●  You will select a country or region in which the United States Foreign Service has been involved at any point since 1924 and describe how the Foreign Service was successful or unsuccessful in advancing American foreign policy goals – including promoting peace – in this country or region and propose ways in which it might continue to improve those goals in the coming years.

●  Your essay should follow MLA guidelines.

●  Your essay should use a variety of sources.

●  The first-place winner receives USD 2,500, a paid trip to the nation’s capital from anywhere in the U.S. for the winner and their parents, and an all-expense-paid educational voyage courtesy of Semester at Sea.

●  The runner-up receives USD 1,250 and full tuition to attend a summer session of the National Student Leadership Conference’s International Diplomacy program.

Please visit the American Foreign Service website for more information.

5. The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA) 2023 Essay Contest 

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Deadline: Mid-February 2023–June 1, 2023

Who may enter: High school (including homeschooled), college, and graduate students worldwide.

●  The 2023 essay contest topic is marriages and proposals.

●  High school students may focus on Pride and Prejudice only or bring in other Austen works.

●  Undergraduate and graduate students should discuss at least two Austen novels of their choice.

●  Your essay must be in MLA format and 6 to 8 pages (not including your Works Cited page).

●  Your essay must be written in English.

●  First place wins a USD 1,000 scholarship.

●  Second place wins a USD 500 scholarship.

●  Third place wins a USD 250 scholarship.

●  Winners will also receive one year of membership in JASNA, publication of their essays on this website, and a set of Norton Critical Editions of Jane Austen’s novels.

For more information and submission guidelines, please visit JASNA’s official website .

6. 2023 Writing Contest: Better Great Achievements by EngineerGirl

Deadline: February 1, 2023

●  Students in Grades 3–12. If international or homeschooled, please select your grade level based on if you were attending a public school in the U.S.

●  This contest is organized by EngineerGirl.

●  Students should write a piece that shows how female or non-white engineers have contributed to or can enhance engineering’s great achievements.

●  You should choose one of the 20 Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century as a topic and explore the technologies developed in the last century and the new ones being developed today. Make sure to follow the specific guidelines for your grade level.

●  Essays should be 650–750 words based on your grade level.

●  Please visit the contest’s website to see specific requirements based on your grade.

Winners in each grade category will receive the prizes listed below:

●  First-place winners will be awarded USD 500.

●  Second-place entries will be awarded USD 250 .

●  Third-place entries will be awarded USD 100 .

For more information and submission guidelines, please visit the official website .

7. World Historian Student Essay Competition

Deadline: May 1, 2023

Who may enter: Students enrolled in Grades K–12 in public, private, and parochial schools and home-study programs worldwide.

●  Your essay must address the following issue: In what way has the study of world history affected my understanding of the world in which I live?

●  Your essay should be 1,000 words.

Prizes: USD 500

For more information and submission requirements, please visit the contest’s official website.

Essay contests are a great way to expand your writing skills, discuss a topic that is important to you, and earn prize money and opportunities that will be great for you in the long term. Check out our articles on writing thesis statements, essay organization, and argumentative writing strategies to ensure you take first place every time.

If you need help with your essays and would like to make sure that every comma is in place, we will proofread your first 500 words for free !

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National Online Essay Writing Competition

National Online Essay Writing Competition

The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is organising the second National Online Essay Writing Competition as part of Audit Diwas celebrations on the topic ...

The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is organising the second National Online Essay Writing Competition as part of Audit Diwas celebrations on the topic “Celebrating the resilience of the Indian Democracy and the role of the CAG of India”.

The essay competition aims to make the youth of the country aware of the institution of CAG of India and appreciate the contribution of the CAG in promoting public accountability and good governance. The competition will also give an opportunity for young minds to harness their creativity and express ways in which the institution of the CAG can contribute to good governance.

Gratifications: The essays will be evaluated separately in English and Hindi. Winners of the competition will be awarded cash prizes as follows: • First prize: ₹30,000 • Second prize: ₹20,000 • Third prize: ₹15,000

Please Note: There are no charges/registration for participation in the competition.

Eligibility: 1. The online essay writing competition is open to all persons who are currently enrolled in a course of study at any institution recognized by any University in India. 2. The participant should not be more than 25 years old as on 20 July 2023. 3. Employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department shall not be eligible for participating in the competition. 4. Only one entry from each participant will be considered. In case it is discovered that a participant has submitted more than one entry, all the entries from the participant will be disqualified.

Mode of Submission: • The length of the essay should not exceed 1500 words. • The Essay may be written either in English or Hindi. • The participants would be required to submit six documents online as attachments in a single e-mail to the address: essay2023[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in. The details of these documents are given in paras to The subject of the e-mail should be written as “CAG’s National Online Essay Writing Competition”. • Participants should send the essays in MS word docx - Calibri (English)/Mangal (Hindi) and pdf format. The names of both the .docx and .pdf file should be the e-mail id (excluding the domain name) of the participant followed by language (English/Hindi)1 in which the essay has been written. Essays sent by post will not be considered. Mention of the participant’s name/email or other personal details anywhere in the body of the essay will lead to disqualification.

Timeline: Essays may be e-mailed on any date from 10:00 hrs on 21 July 2023 to 17:00 hrs on 20 August 2023. Entries received beyond this period will not be considered.

Click here to read the details.

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Local News | Westmoor student wins first place in state…

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Local News | Westmoor student wins first place in state division of national essay contest on the stock market

Westmoor student Anthony Pace accepts his awards for the Spring 2024 InvestWrite competition from his 4th-grade homeroom teacher Nick Grigolo, which include a $100 gift card, trophy and banner. (Northbrook District 28)

According to a news release, Anthony placed first in the state of Illinois in the Elementary School Division of the Spring 2024 InvestWrite national essay competition.

Last spring, 4th- and 5th-grade Westmoor students participated in The Stock Market Game, a financial education program challenging students to manage a hypothetical $100,000 online portfolio of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and cash, the release said. The game and the essay contest are sponsored by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Foundation (SIFMA) Foundation. The foundation delivered a cache of prizes to Anthony after his essay was named the best in the state in the elementary division. In total, 959 students participated in the competition nationally.

Anthony’s 4th-grade teacher, Nick Grigolo, presented the award to Anthony on Monday in front of his classmates. Anthony’s team invested in a number of sporting goods and other companies including Lululemon, according to the release. His essay recaps his experience investing in the Stock Market Game and offers the golden rule of advice in stocks: “Buy low, sell high.”

“Mr. Sylvano (the 4th grade literacy teacher) taught me to really like literacy and writing and I wanted to try my best to see if I could win anything,” Anthony said in the release. “I thought I might make it in the top ten but I didn’t think I would win!”

“Anthony has so much going for him. He is hardworking and kind but what really impresses me is his ability and desire to go above and beyond what is expected of him as student. Good isn’t good enough. Anthony always gives his very best,” Grigolo said.

Anthony said he is devoting his writing efforts this year to fiction, especially fantasy and mystery fiction, the release said. As for the $100 gift card, he says he plans to save it.

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National Essay Contest 2023 for Students in Classes 9-10 by AIPMA and Plastivision India [Prizes include Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones]: Submit by Sep 15

  • Priyanka Barik
  • Sep 8, 2023

Submissions are invited for National Essay Contest 2023 for Students in Classes 9-10 by AIPMA and Plastivision India. The last date of submission is September 15, 2023.


AIPMA (All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association) – Was founded by Industry visionaries 75+ years ago making it the oldest and the largest Apex Body of the Plastic Industry in India. By sharing important information about plastics with all segments of the Indian government and society, AIPMA serves as a responsible national body that has expanded and progressed by leaps and bounds in all fields of Plastics.

About Plastivision India

Plastivision India is the largest plastic industry event held in India. Organized by The All India Plastic Manufacturer’s Association (AIPMA), Plastivision India provides the perfect platform for plastic industry players like manufacturers, dealers, buyers, and end-users. The 12th edition of Plastivision India will be held from 7th – 11th Dec 2023 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregoan, Mumbai.

Contest Details

Students from class IX TH  & X TH , time put your thinking caps on! AIPMA is pleased to announce its 4th National Essay Contest. Participate to discover how and why plastics have become so important in serving millions of people around the world over the last few decades. Winners will be awarded exciting prizes.

Flaunt your writing skills and get a chance to win exciting prizes for you and your school! Encourage your school to register now and you’re already halfway there! Schools can register and submit student essays or alternatively, students can register and submit essays individually too.

essay competition 2023 india for school students

Essay Topics

  • Plastic Waste to Wealth.
  • Plastic A Wonderful Material.
  • Plastics Its Role in Circular Economy.
  • Plastic in Medical Applications.
  • The essay should be in English and not more than 500 words.
  • The Essay has to be sent by email in font size 12-Times Roman and sent as an attachment in word format.
  • Maximum of 25 entries per school.
  • The decision of the Judges Panel of the Association will be final and no grievance will be entertained.

4 Zones across India (North, South, East & West). 3 winners will be selected from each zone.

  • Zonal Winners – Laptops.
  • 1st Zonal Runner-up – Tablets.
  • 2nd Zonal Runner-up – Smart Phones.
  • 50 Consolation Prizes.
  • Certificates to all Participants.
  • School with the highest number of entries: Mobile Phone & Certificate.
  • School of each zone of the Award-winning Candidate: Trophy.

How to Submit?

Interested students can submit online via this link .

Submission Deadline

The last date of submission is September 15, 2023.

Email: sanjeevani[at]plastivision[dot]org

Click here to view the official notification for National Essay Contest 2023 for Students in Classes 9-10 by AIPMA and Plastivision India.

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essay writing competition

The Law and Technology Society (“L-Tech”) of the National Law School of India University (“NLSIU”) along with The Dialogue (one of India’s leading law-policy think tanks) is hosting an essay writing competition.

Theme: Privacy and Data Protection Regulation

India’s data protection landscape has evolved tremendously since the apex court declared privacy a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution in the Puttaswamy I. There have been four iterations of the data protection bill in India, with the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022 (DPDPB 2022) marking the recent edition. The DPDPB 2022 sets obligations for data fiduciaries and significant data fiduciaries, safeguards Children’s data, vests rights to individuals, allows cross-border data transfers, outlines exemptions from the bill, contour for setting up Data Protection Board, imposes financial penalties and proposes grievance management system etc.

Against this backdrop, to create a flare of research and academic writing, on topics related to India’s data protection landscape, The Dialogue in collaboration with the Law & Technology Society of National Law School of India University is excited to invite students across all streams to participate in a National Essay Competition on Privacy and Data Protection Regulation in India.

In addition to the exciting prizes for the winners, all participants shall get an opportunity to interact with the eminent jury members entailing leading stalwarts on #Tech law & policy during the valedictory of the competition.

Indicative Themes:

Analysing Cross-border Data Transfers

Securing Children’s Personal Data

Institutionalisation of the Data Protection Board

Criminal Investigations and Privacy

Please note that these themes are merely indicative, and participants are free to pick any topic from the broader theme of privacy and data protection regulation.


Students/Scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/PhD course in any Indian University.

Submission Guidelines

Citation: As per the standards of OSCOLA fourth edition

Word Limit: Minimum 4000 words, inclusive of citations.

Co-authorship: A maximum of two authors are permitted.

Late date registration: 31 May 2023

Late date for submission: 15 July 2023

1 st Place: INR 25,000

2 nd Place: INR 15,000

3 rd Place: INR 10,000

The top 10 entries shall all receive certificates of merit.

Registration Fee

Fee: Rs. 300/-

Payment Link: https://www.instamojo.com/@kriti7

All participants must register through the google form linked here.

Please address all queries at [email protected] . Looking forward to an excellent response!

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Paralympic Games: Swimmer Yip Pin Xiu relieved to win gold for Singapore after tight race


Singapore's Paralympic champion Yip Pin Xiu says she put tremendous pressure on herself to deliver a gold medal for the country in Paris and she is relieved she managed the feat. The para-swimmer won her third straight Paralympic gold in the women's 100-metre backstroke S2 event in a nail-biting finish, ahead by less than a fraction of a second. Sabrina Ng reports from the French capital.

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