Social Impact Guide

The Biggest 15 Social Issues We Are Facing Today

No matter where we live, what communities we belong to or what we care about, we are affected by social issues. It’s the price of living in a society, and while challenges like poverty, climate change and discrimination can feel overwhelming, we have the power to take action. The first step is understanding what issues we’re up against. In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the biggest social issues facing the world today.

# Challenge
1 The global housing crisis
2 Gender inequality
3 Climate crisis
4 Overconsumption
5 Global hunger
6 Threats to LGBTQ+ rights
7 Reproductive justice
8 Educational disparities
9 Health and healthcare
10 Income inequality
11 Global unemployment
12 Increased migration
13 Artificial intelligence
14 Debt bondage
15 Threats to journalism

#1. The global housing crisis

Shelter is a human right, but hundreds of millions of people lack adequate, affordable housing. According to the World Bank, the housing crisis is global, and it could impact as many as 1.6 billion people by 2025. That number will only grow with time. By 2030, the world needs to build 96,000 new affordable homes per day to meet the needs of 3 billion people. What’s driving the global housing crisis? According to Albert Saiz in a paper for the MIT Center for Real Estate, economic factors like rising costs and income inequality are prevalent. Addressing these issues now is critical to protecting people in the future.

#2. Gender inequality

Societies have been working to improve gender inequality for centuries, but we still have a long way to go. Globally, women still make less money than men, have poorer health outcomes, have fewer opportunities and endure more gender–based violence. According to 2023 data, the global gender gap won’t close until 2154 . Even the most gender-equal country, which is Iceland , still has social issues to address. Some of the issues are recognized – women are still being subjected to physical and sexual violence – while there are gaps in data related to things like unpaid care, domestic work, gender and the environment, and so on.

#3. Climate crisis

The climate crisis is one of today’s most urgent social issues. outlines a list of major climate events in 2023 , including severe droughts, wildfires, higher ocean surface temperatures and storms. That same year, the IPCC released a summary of its previous five reports, showing how human activity is causing severe damage to the planet, and, if trends continue, parts of the earth will become unlivable in just a few decades. The world can fight the climate crisis, but we have to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and turn to renewable energy sources.

#4. Overconsumption

Greenhouse gas emissions are a primary driver of climate change, but overconsumption is hurting the planet, too. Unfathomable amounts of food, clothing, plastic and other things are thrown into landfills and the ocean every day. However, it’s not a problem for everyone. According to research, just 20% of the world’s population is responsible for consuming 80% of the globe’s natural resources. The richest 500 million people release half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. To break it down even further, if every person in the world consumed resources at the rate as people in Canada and the United States did, we would need at least five earths .

#5. Global hunger

Global food insecurity is a serious problem. According to data, about 735 million people endured chronic hunger in 2022, and with issues like climate change, the lingering effects of the pandemic and conflict, it will be very challenging to end hunger by 2030. Children typically suffer the most. When kids don’t get enough to eat, they become more vulnerable to diseases like measles, malaria and diarrhea. According to the World Food Programme, “hotspots” for hunger include Burkina Faso, Mali, South Sudan and Palestine.

#6. Threats to LGBTQ+ rights

At the same time as LGBTQ+ rights have expanded, certain countries have pushed back. In the summer of 2023, the first Ugandan was charged with “aggravated homosexuality,” a crime punishable by death. In its 2023 review, the Electronic Frontier Foundation also found an increase in anti-LGBTQ sentiment , including more laws that restrict privacy and freedom of expression, and censorship of LGBTQ+ websites. Even in places like the United States, which is seen by many as a haven for the LGBTQ+ community, legislative threats are on the rise .

#7. Reproductive justice

Reproductive justice, which includes things like abortion access and maternal health, is a social issue affecting every corner of the world. According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, most countries are expanding abortion rights, while just four – the United States, Poland, Nicaragua, and El Salvador – rolled back abortion rights . Globally, about 40% of women live in places with “restrictive” abortion laws. Related social issues include menstrual health, prenatal and maternal health, access to contraception and so on.

#8. Educational disparities

When people get a good education, they’re more likely to have higher incomes, better health, healthier children and other benefits. On a larger scale, education also helps countries achieve overall wealth and health. There’s been significant progress on closing the gender gap in education. According to a blog on the World Bank, boys and girls complete primary school at almost an equal rate . However, around 130 million girls are still being denied an education. Wealth also plays a role in educational disparities. In the United States, one study found that wealth affects a student’s chances of finishing college. On a global scale, wealth also impacts where a family lives and what school options are available, as well as tutoring opportunities, whether a student needs a job and much more.

#9. Health and healthcare

Health and the ability (or inability) to access good healthcare are major social issues. Unfortunately, healthcare systems around the world are struggling. COVID-19 continues to be a problem, but hospitals are also facing staff shortages and competition . Not everyone is affected equally. According to the World Health Organization, refugees and migrants experience worse health outcomes due to language barriers, cultural differences, discrimination and legal restrictions on what services they can access.

#10. Income inequality

Global income inequality fluctuates, but according to a 2023 Oxfam study , the world’s richest 1% took almost ⅔ of all the new wealth created since 2020. That gave them almost twice the amount of money held by the bottom 99%. Income inequality can cause serious problems , such as lower economic growth, worse social cohesion and political polarization. There are also ethical consequences to income inequality, which human rights and social justice advocates often discuss. Can society ever be truly good or free when only a handful of people hold all the wealth?

#11. Global unemployment (and underemployment)

High unemployment rates – and low-paying jobs – drive income inequality and poverty. In a 2023 report, the International Labour Organization found that the world is still experiencing slow employment growth . There was a slight recovery in 2021, but as the economy slows again, people are forced to take jobs that pay less, provide fewer hours and/or offer poor working conditions. South Africa, which is the most industrialized economy in Africa, also has one of the highest unemployment rates. According to Reuters, reasons include structural issues related to the shadows of colonialism and apartheid. To fight issues like poverty and gender inequality, countries need to address unemployment and low-paying jobs.

#12. Increased migration

People move all the time, but issues like war and climate change force people to leave their homes. Sometimes, they move within the borders of one country, but other times, they’re forced to take long, dangerous journeys to countries they’ve never visited. According to the Migration Policy Institute, “humanitarian migration” increased in 2023, while policies could impact elections in 2024. The social issues related to migration, such as the rights of migrants, affordable housing, health services and more, will all be relevant for the foreseeable future.

#13. Artificial intelligence

The presence of artificial intelligence has exploded in recent years, but the technology has several issues. Ethics is just one of them. According to a guide on UMA Libraries, AI has problems with gender and racial bias, plagiarism, generating fake news and supporting scams. It also takes a lot of energy to train and run AI programs, so as the use of AI increases, so will its carbon footprint . As the technology continues to develop, new regulations, legislation and guidelines will need to be created, as well.

#14. Debt bondage

Rates of labor trafficking have been increasing over the years. According to research, about ⅕ of those in forced labor trafficking are in debt bondage . Debt bondage is a very common type of trafficking where a person is forced to work off a loan. However, because the debt is often so high and they are paid so little, it’s impossible to escape the situation. Perpetrators also often have no intention of freeing the people they’re exploiting; debt bondage can even pass on to children. While bonded labor is technically illegal in some places, like India, it persists , especially in rural areas. Because trafficking is an illicit practice, it’s very difficult to get accurate numbers, but it’s most likely worse than what’s reported.

#15. Threats to journalism

By providing vital information to the public, journalists are essential to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, democracy and the protection of other human rights. In recent years, journalism has been under threat. According to the 2023 World Press Freedom Index , the environment for journalism was “bad” in seven out of 10 countries, while it was “satisfactory” in just three out of 10 countries. The reasons include a surge in fake news and propaganda. Journalists also face threats to their lives. UNESCO found that in 2023, there was a near doubling of deaths of journalists working in conflict zones. As conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine and other countries continue, the safety of journalism will remain a social issue.


Essay on Society Problems

Students are often asked to write an essay on Society Problems in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Society Problems

Social issues: challenges we face.

Society is a complex network of individuals, groups, and institutions that shape our lives. It provides us with structure, support, and a sense of belonging. However, society also faces numerous challenges, known as social issues. These issues can have a profound impact on our physical and mental well-being.

Poverty and Inequality

Poverty and inequality are major social problems that affect millions of people worldwide. Poverty is the state of lacking the basic necessities of life, such as food, clean water, and adequate shelter. Inequality is the unfair distribution of resources, opportunities, and power among different groups of people. Both poverty and inequality can lead to social unrest, crime, and health problems.

Discrimination and Prejudice

Discrimination and prejudice are based on stereotypes and negative attitudes towards certain groups of people. They can lead to unfair treatment, exclusion, and violence. Discrimination and prejudice can occur on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and other factors.

Environmental Issues

Environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, and deforestation, pose a serious threat to the planet and its inhabitants. These issues can lead to natural disasters, health problems, and food shortages. Addressing environmental issues requires collective action and cooperation at local, national, and international levels.

Mental Health

Society faces a range of social problems that can have a devastating impact on individuals and communities. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that involves governments, organizations, and individuals working together to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.

250 Words Essay on Society Problems

Many people in the world do not have enough money to buy food or things they need. This is called poverty. It is a big problem because when people do not have enough money, they cannot eat well, live in a good house, or go to the doctor when they are sick. This makes their life very hard and sometimes they cannot change their situation easily.

Not every child can go to school. Some children have to work to help their families and cannot learn to read or write. This is a problem because education is very important. It helps people to get better jobs and understand the world better. If children cannot go to school, they might not have a good future.

Our environment is getting dirty. Air, water, and soil are polluted with harmful things. This is bad for people, animals, and plants. We need clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and healthy soil to grow food. Pollution makes people sick and harms the planet.

Not everyone is treated equally. Sometimes, people are treated badly because of their skin color, gender, or where they come from. This is not fair. Everyone should have the same chances to live a good life. When people are not treated equally, it makes them sad and angry.

500 Words Essay on Society Problems

Society problems.

Society is a complex web of interactions between individuals and groups. While these interactions can be positive and beneficial, they can also lead to problems that can have a negative impact on our lives. Some of the most common society problems include:

Poverty is a major problem that affects millions of people around the world. It is a lack of basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and clothing. Poverty can be caused by a variety of factors, including unemployment, discrimination, and lack of access to education and healthcare.

Pollution is the contamination of the environment with harmful substances. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including industrial activities, transportation, and agriculture. Pollution can have a negative impact on human health and the environment.

Climate Change

Climate change is a long-term change in the Earth’s climate. It is caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the planet to warm. Climate change can have a devastating impact on the environment and human society.

Lack of access to quality healthcare is another major problem that affects many people around the world. It can lead to illness, disability, and death. Healthcare is essential for maintaining a healthy population.

These are just a few of the many problems that can affect society. By working together, we can find solutions to these problems and create a better future for all.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on Social Issues

List of essays on social issues, essay on social issues – for children (essay 1 – 200 words), essay on social issues (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on social issues – 10+ lines on social issues written in english (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on social issues – for school students (class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on social issues – short essay (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on social issues – poverty, corruption, caste system, dowry system, child labour, uncleanliness and others (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on social issues in india – for college and university students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on social issues in india – long essay for competitive exams (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Social issues have plagued the life of too many people. Many times you may have noticed that a lot of things in the society which doesn’t seem good. For instance, you must have noticed poor children begging on the streets. They don’t go to school. They have been forced to beg for a living. Such circumstances along with others which affect the population at large are social issues.

Begging is an issue which arises out of poverty. Poverty is itself is one of the major social issues in India. It is important to understand the general social issues of our society and how they impact the lives of the people of the country. Therefore we have come up with long essays for students which shall throw more light on social issues.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard) and college students. Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC  can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays.

Social issues include issues like poverty, violence, crime, religion, illiteracy and racism that affect society.

What is a Social Issue?

A social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of individuals. It is an aspect of society that people are concerned about and would like to get it changed. The concern of a social issue may be objective or subjective. A social issue arises due to diverse opinions of individuals based on what is perceived as right. Social issue does not necessarily refer to an ill to be solved, but it may be a topic to be discussed. Social issues can be different for different groups, societies, countries and world.

Causes of the Social Issues:

There are many causes of the social issues. Social issues arise due to inequalities in society. Different individuals and different societies may have different perceptions about a problem giving rise to a social issue. There can be disagreements about which social issue is important and worth solving, or which should take precedence.

Solving Social Issues:

There are a variety of methods to resolve variety of social issues. These include political processes, non-profit organizations, community groups and volunteering to have public dialogue on a social issue and arrive at a most acceptable solution.


‘Social Issues’ are the main factors that hinder the growth of a nation. The social issues that roots up in each society affects the country as a whole. Social issues are caused by humans and it is the humans who face its worst consequences also.

A social issue is something of real concern that affects a certain group of people . Social issues are not caused by a single person; it is the result of various happenings that are beyond a person’s control. This essay will take us through some of the social issues that are of great concern in today’s world.

Poverty means lack of money or material possessions and it is one of the most important social issue. The poverty level is higher in the rural areas as compared to urban areas. Poverty leads to many other social problems such as lack of food, education and health.

Gender Bias:

Discrimination based on gender is another social issue which is commonly found in most of the developing countries. Importance is given only to male and the voice of female is less heard even in the households.

Caste Discrimination:

Discriminating people based on their castes is a social issue that needs to be plucked out. This is a serious social issue because this has taken many innocent lives. Poverty and lack of education are the main reasons for such social issue to rise.


Most of the social problems still exists because people are ignorant of its consequences. The Government and NGO’s must work together to eliminate the social issues from society by educating the people through awareness programmes.

Social issues have plagued the life of too many people. Our society in particular is crippled with several social issues. There was a time when social issues like dowry, child marriage, and sati and so on were prevalent. It took a lot of efforts for some of the social issues to be banned completely. The tradition of sati wherein women ended up burning themselves after the death of their husband was something which called for a ban.

The Modern Day Society:

Even though we have become independent and are en route to the modern society, there are plenty of social issues which need to be addressed. The fact that women are not at par with men and the presence of gender disparity is surely one concern which should be addressed.

Not only this, it is also important to address social issues like poverty, mismanagement of wealth, caste system and so on. The people of lower caste are still looked down upon and the concept of untouchables is still present in our society.

The Remedial Measures:

Mere talking about the problem is not going to do anything. It is important to really seek the right solution. If you want to get rid of social issues, it is about time that we create the right awareness for it.

Education needs to be offered to the masses so that they understand why the presence of certain social issues needs to be eradicated. When women would be educated enough to know that they deserve the same as men, they would fight for their own cause.

So, try to create an awareness channel and educate the masses about how certain social issues are doing nothing but crippling our society. We need to be the change that we are looking to bring. Often, it is one movement which triggers a phenomenal change.

Social issues are found in abundance in our country. Some of the common social issues which seem to have plagued the Indian society are child abuse, illiteracy, drug abuse, child trafficking, poverty, unemployment, gender disparity, and so on. It is really important for the nation to come together and take a stand against these problems.

If we do not do our bit right now, these social issues might become too huge for our country to function properly.

The Dark Future:

The reason we are emphasizing so much when it comes to eradicating social issues is because it can put our future in grave trouble. Think of a country whose youth is largely uneducated and unemployed. Do you really believe that such a country can steer forth in the right direction? How will such a nation prosper if our leaders of tomorrow have barely any knowledge of how the world economy functions? Education and employment are two of the vital things that form the base for all kinds of progress.

Gender Disparity:

Further, when we are talking about the possible issues regarding gender disparity, it is important to understand that women too deserve the right position in the Indian society. If you are not willing to give women the equal rights and they cannot walk at par with men, the future of the nation doesn’t look too bright. In today’s times, it is really important to address such social issues because women are equally talented and if it is so, they deserve the same thing as men.

It is a shame that in a lot of Indian households, women aren’t granted the right to higher education nor are they allowed to work. What type of society is this and what is the example we are showing to the rest of the world!

Addressing the Social Issues:

When you are looking to remedy the situation and improve the condition of the society, we need to think of the best way to handle social issues. We believe that it is with the right educational awareness that changes can be brought. Try and have sessions wherein we educate the masses about the need to get rid of such social issues and come up with strategies and plans regarding how you can do so.

Every little step can end up creating a ripple effect and might help you strip the country of the woes of social issues. So, do your bit now!

Social issues are a general word that is used for a variety of situations and actions that affect the society. These issues can be changed only with a certain kind of social planning.

Social issues affect every member of the society directly as well as indirectly. Some people considered the social issues as the issues or disputes which are linked to the people’s moral values.

Social Issues in the Society:

The following are the 4 main groups in which the social issues can be categorized:

1. Political Social Issues:

Politics is a procedure in which some groups of people utilize their power and impact to function in an organized way for mutual decision making. It is also considered as one of the biggest social issues as the maximum number of verdicts declared by the governments might not essentially help the poor people in the society. In fact, the leaders gratify their self-centered interests with the misuse of public funds.

2. Pollution Social Issues:

Pollution results in instability, illness, harm or distress to the environment. The human activities such as industrial activities have made this problem one of the major social issues. The man-made activities result in the pollution of the soil and water to a great extent.

3. Climate change Social Issues:

It is the alteration in statistical dispersal of climate which might include the change in the weather or change in the amount of rainfall due to human activities like pollution. These social issues influence the patterns of weather in diverse areas.

One of the recent examples of this social issue is global warming which is instigated by human activities from the past several years. Altering patterns of climate influence the economic activities like farming that result in poverty among the people who survives on it.

4. Poverty Social Issues:

It is the absence of general human requirements, like clean water, nutrition, health care, clothing and shelter, and education. This social issue occurs due to the lack of funds that can help in meeting the expenses of the daily needs.

Mainly, there are 2 kinds of poverty i.e., relative poverty and absolute poverty. In relative poverty, there are comparatively fewer resources or fewer funds in the society in comparison to other societies of the world. On the other hand, Absolute poverty means when there are no resources.

Poverty is one of the biggest social issues as it decreases economic development owing to less production. At present, steady and constant economic growth of the nation has been inhibited by the absence of economic independence for numerous persons owing to related issues like political uncertainty, exploitation, as well as unemployment.

All the above four social issues influence every country and society in the world. It is very important to deal with these social issues seriously if we want to relish the quality life.

The problem of global warming is an inkling to reverse the entire human progress that is attained in so many years. In fact, it will make efforts towards the poverty reduction unattainable. Besides this, the political solutions are also needed for overcoming all types of social issues in the future.

Social issues are those problems in a society by which a significant population is affected and requires immediate solution. Right from the most basic problem of poverty that kills people physically to the problem of social media that affects children mentally, there are a variety of social issues in the society that have affected considerable amount of population and requires solution urgently.

It is shocking to note that Global Hunger Index places India on the 97th position in terms of starvation. Statistics also indicate that about 15% of the Indian population is undernourished. Therefore, it has become an undeniable fact that poverty exists in India although the politicians, the media and the general public have failed to recognise it. Food security is the basic right of every citizen and the Government must ensure effective laws to fulfill it.


Corruption is a social issues which includes the misuse of authority in public and private services for personal gains. It is the root cause for all other social evils and backwardness in the society. Though India is developing into a super power on the one hand, it is being pulled down on many grounds due to corruption. If the general public restrains from offering bribe, then truthfulness and transparency would prevail in the administration. It requires a change from both the corrupted and affected people.

Caste System:

Caste System discriminates the citizens and causes unnecessary tensions in the society. Though many leaders and stakeholders have been working since independence days, it still remains a social issue. The first step in this direction is the removal of reservations based on caste system. Though inter-caste marriages have been prevalent in the last few decades, the reservations have been adding fuel to the waning caste system.

Dowry System:

The dowry system has been affecting the women of the society in many ways. Though many pioneers have worked to eradicate this social issue for several decades, it has also been prevalent in the society. Some steps that help overcome this social issue includes economic freedom to women through inheriting family properties and employment. It requires the combined effort of both the offending and affected parties to root out this social evil.

Child Labour:

This social issue against children prevents the right of a child to enjoy its childhood and attend regular schooling. The inability of parents and selfishness of employers work together to promote child labour. Online help systems have been initiated to locate child labourers, rescue them and provide relief from their suffering. The general public requires more awareness to eradicate this social issue.


The progress of a society is determined by the cleanliness maintained in public places, workplaces and residences. Cleanliness ensures good health, provides good feeling, promotes confidence and demands respect from others. Uncleanliness, on the other hand, acts as deterrent for the progress and prosperity of the nation as well as demean the society.

Other Social Issues:

Apart from the social issues listed above, there are a variety of social issues that affect various sections of the society. They include terrorism, human rights issues, issues related to women like female foeticide, discrimination on status, jobs and wages etc., drugs abuse, child abuse, unemployment, population explosion, unrestrained use of social media, etc.

Recognition of the social issues is the first step to find solution. Most of the issues are due to lack of awareness and could be addressed through sensitization programs from the Governments and stakeholders. Since many social issues like sati, untouchability  etc., have been dealt successfully in the past, the future holds hope to deal with the current social issues.

Social issues are those that concern the society and the change in these issues are the only way to solve them. In our country, there are many social issues that create a disturbance in the smooth life of every citizen.

These social issues are those that deal with the mind-set of a group of people who belongs to a particular condition that alters their mind and their concern on the issue changes the way they react. There are many such issues that have created both social and political imbalance in our country over years.

India being a country with vast diversity has faced many social issues varying in different aspects, till date. For example, the different and versatile people have the same difference in their feeling and emotions about their religion, caste, colour, believes, lifestyle, etc. Social issues have a great impact on the development and betterment of a country and its people.

Some of the social issues that concern our country:

Social issues vary according to time, place people, etc. There are some common issues that affect society in a considerably negative way. Let us take a look at some of them.

Poverty is one of those major social issues yet to be resolved in our country. This simple issue has chained other massive issues to evolve like child labour, female infanticide, discrimination and more. If this basic problem gets resolved the major concern of our country will be wiped away.

Poverty is a state in the life where the basic needs of a person cannot be fulfilled with their income. The unemployment and lack of education can be the major reason behind this social issue. Social issues like poverty can be solved only through introducing other schemes like free education, better employment opportunities, etc.

This state of poverty pushes the family to find a more secure way to get their safe zone, which in turn gives rise to other social issues. One of them is child labour and this is occurred due to the money gaining mentality of society.

Child labour is another social issue. Poor parents send their children to small jobs where they are forced to work hard to get considerably less money as a reward. Social issues arise when the child is denied his childhood and basic education due to poverty. This not only affects them physically but also mentally due to the pressure and heavy workload they do.

Female Discrimination:

Poverty is one of the reasons that creates discrimination against females. Social issues like female infanticide, denial of education of girl child, domestic violence, etc., are included in this category. Due to poverty or narrow mind-set girl child is seen to be denied their rights even from their birth.

A poor family thinking girl child is a liability abort them in the womb itself to solve the problem of poverty and later hardships. This is one of those social issues that was a common practice in the earlier years and now the government has issued many laws to stop this inhumanity.

Social issues regarding women have a comparatively long list to be addressed. Poverty also leads to denial of education of girl child. This is different from child labour in a way that this focuses fully on the girl child rather than a child.

The parents get to the mentality that educating a girl is completely unwanted money wastage as they get married to another man and no good is there for the family. This thinking in unaware families creates one of the most right denial issues among the social issues category.

Social issues like domestic violence also arise due to such unawareness among the people about the importance of women and their rights, which should be solved completely to improve the state of women and children in the society.

The above mentioned social issues are only some of them that are a threat to the nation and decreases the opportunity in developing a better place. There are more to be added in the list like religion discrimination, harmony in the society, etc., other than that the naturally occurring social issues are pollution rate, global warming, etc.

S olution to Social Issues:

All these social issues can only be solved through mutual efforts of the people and the greater schemes introduced by the government. If these social issues are resolved correctly or even get reduced, it will directly show results on the development of the nation and thus the development of each citizen’s lifestyle. Solutions to Social issues can only be provided by educating and creating awareness among the people about the evil effects of the existing social issues.

Social issues are the issues which affect the larger sections of the society. They have been discussed since ancient times. In fact, these very social issues have been instrumental in bringing upon a change in our society from time to time.

Historical References:

India is a country of different cultures, religions, languages and beliefs. Therefore, within the same country there lie different social issues which differ from region to region, state to state. Social issues in India are not something new. They have been there since ancient times.

For instance, the caste system in India is a social issue which has been there since the earlier times and exists even today. Similarly, untouchability is another social issue which has been existent in India since older times. Such issues have affected the development of the people as well as society. They are often the cause of hatred among people and lead to conflicts and sometimes even riots.

Current Social Issues:

As in any other society, there are some social issues which are prevalent at a given period of time. India is a no different country. It has its own share of social issues. India is a developing country. Therefore, poverty is a major social issue here. At the time of independence, a large population of India was struggling with basic needs such as food shelter and clothing.

Even today, such facilities are lacking in the rural areas of the country. People have to travel long distances in search of potable water. Despite many initiatives by the Government as well as private organisations, still, a large section of the population lives below the poverty line. This hampers the overall development of the country.

Illiteracy is among the major social issues which have affected the growth of the country. However, there are many causes of this social issue. On one hand, it is the lack of education facilities especially in the rural belt which has led to the people being illiterate. On the other hand, it is the reluctance of people to send their children to school has also resulted in a high illiteracy rate in the country. Due to illiteracy and ignorance, the people are not able to avail the facilities provided by the government.

The caste system is another of such social issues which has deep roots in the society. In India, people are divided among four castes, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Among all these, the Shudras are considered as the lowest and are looked upon as untouchables in the society.

The upper castes do not allow the lower ones to avail even the basic facilities such as drawing water from the same well. Often this has been a cause of hatred and fights among the people. However, with different schemes introduced by the government from time to time, things have started changing. Now, the Shudras are provided jobs, education and other facilities at par with other citizens of the country.

Social issues which have been abolished:

Not all social issues are permanent in society. There are many such social issues which existed earlier, but with changing mind-sets of the people and awareness among the citizens, many of them have been abolished. For instance, Sati system was one such social issue which was actually cruelty against women. In case the husband of a woman dies, she was required to burn herself alive in the pyre of her husband. Women had no right to live in a society without their husbands. But with the initiatives of leaders such a Raja Ram Mohan Roy such evil practices were abolished.

Similarly, polygamy was a social issue in India since ancient times. A man was allowed to marry many women. Kings of earlier times had many queens. Women were treated as objects and married off as presents to men. However, with changing times and introduction of different laws such practice has been abolished.

Similar to this is the social issue of child marriage. Earlier, girls and boys were married as soon as they attained puberty. In fact, it was a general mind-set to marry off a girl within two years of her attaining puberty. Due to such practices, the girls were not able to have equal opportunities in education as men.

In fact, they were not treated as equal to men in any matter. However, with laws in place, this practice was termed illegal. As per the laws enacted by the Indian Government, a minimum age of 18 for girls and 21 for boys has been fixed for marriage. However, in remote parts of the country, such practices still exist and there are initiatives by the government from time to time in educating people about the evil aspects of this practice.

In spite of the fact that Governmental and NGOs are moving in the direction of enhancing the current condition in the social issues, the results are not exceptionally reassuring. Maybe the issue lies in the plain profound established convictions in the psyches of individuals of the nation which isn’t letting the circumstance to change such social issues. For example, the issue of Female Feticides is one of the disgraceful practices. Despite the fact that there are different rules in place which term this practice an illegal, it is still rampant in many parts of the country.

The genuine purpose behind this is the Patriarchy arrangement of the society of our nation which thinks about male as the better specialist and ladies as subordinate than them. Along these lines, the exceptionally powerful urge of having a male youngster in contrast with female prompted the disgraceful routine with regards to female feticides. In this manner, it is conviction framework or the social moulding of the general population which isn’t letting the general public to change at a quick pace.

Despite the fact that there have been a few positive changes in the general public, for example, presently young girls are going to school in greater part and their business proportion is likewise expanding, education facilities are available in rural areas, the backwards are provided equal opportunities, and still we have a long way to go.

We witness many social issues every day such as inequality against women in our own homes, sexual savagery against ladies which is being heard on a consistent schedule, female feticide, religious-mutual brutality which is on the ascent, untouchability which is yet a reality and child labour which still exists. Unless and until we change our mind-sets, nothing can change in our society. It is up to us whether we see these as social issues or accept them as a part of our society.

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Essay On Social Issues

500 words essay on social issues.

Social Issues is an undesirable state which opposes society or a certain part of society. It refers to an unwanted situation that frequently results in problems and continues to harm society . Social issues can cause a lot of problems that can be beyond the control of just one person. Through an essay on social issues, we will learn why they are harmful and what types of social issues we face.

Essay On Social Issues

Drawbacks of Social Issues

Social issues have a lot of drawbacks that harms our society. They are situations that have an adverse and damaging result on our society. They arise when the public leaves nature or society from an ideal situation.

If you look closely, you will realize that almost all types of social issues have common origins. In the sense that they all are interconnected somehow. Meaning to say, if one solves the other one is also most likely to resolve.

Social issues have a massive lousy effect on our society and ultimately, it affects all of us. In order to solve some social issues, we need a common approach. No society is free from social issues, almost every one of them has some social issue or the other.

For instance, in India, you will find a lot of social issues which the country is facing. It ranges from the caste system to child labour and gender inequality to religious conflicts. Thus, we are going through a critical time where we all must come together to free our society from undesirable social evils.

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Major Social Issues

There are a lot of social issues we are facing right now, some more prominent than the others. First of all, poverty is a worldwide issue. It gives birth to a lot of other social issues which we must try to get away with at the earliest.

Further, countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and more are facing the issue of the caste system since times unknown. It results in a lot of caste violence and inequality which takes the lives of many on a daily basis.

Moreover, child labour is another major social issue that damages the lives of young children. Similarly, illiteracy also ruins the lives of many by destroying their chances of a bright future.

In developing countries mostly, child marriage still exists and is responsible for ruining many lives. Similarly, dowry is a very serious and common social issue that almost all classes of people partake in.

Another prominent social issue is gender inequality which takes away many opportunities from deserving people. Domestic violence especially against women is a serious social issue we must all fight against.

Other social issues include starvation, child sex abuse, religious conflicts, child trafficking, terrorism , overpopulation, untouchability, communalism and many more. It is high time we end these social issues.

Conclusion of the Essay on Social Issues

A society can successfully end social issues if they become adamant. These social issues act as a barrier to the progress of society. Thus, we must all come together to fight against them and put them to an end for the greater good.

FAQ on Essay on Social Issues

Question 1: What is the meaning of social problem?

Answer 1: A social problem refers to any condition or behaviour which has a negative impact on a large number of people. It is normally recognized as a condition or behaviour that needs to be addressed.

Question 2: What are the effects of social issues?

Answer 2: Social issues affect our society adversely. Most importantly, it disturbs the harmony of society and gives rise to hostility and suspicion. Moreover, it creates large-scale social dissatisfaction, suffering and misery.

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Social Problems - Continuity and Change

(47 reviews)

essay on social problems in our society

Copyright Year: 2016

ISBN 13: 9781946135230

Publisher: Saylor Foundation

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


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Reviewed by Sharon Dutkowski, Faculty School of Behavioral Science, Grace College and Seminary on 8/25/24

The book is organized in a manner for students to be able to find various topics quickly. The glossary and index are readily available. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The book is organized in a manner for students to be able to find various topics quickly. The glossary and index are readily available.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The book provides accurate information comparable to other textbooks. It is error free and appears to be unbiased. The examples are relevant and gives students an opportunity to think through current social problems based on history and events leading up to our current day.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The text focuses on relevant information in society. It expands on various social problems that other reputable textbooks do not cover. In addition examples are given to clarify the history of the social problem. The in class discussion questions will enhance the classroom experience and lend itself to critical thinking.

Clarity rating: 4

The text is written in a manner for students to understand the concept and read through the chapters quickly. There are some areas the text could offer more detailed information, this would challenge the students to think deeper on the topics.

Consistency rating: 5

The text is consistent on the setup and outcomes. It is easy to go from one chapter to another and instinctually know where to look for information.

Modularity rating: 4

When opening each chapter it is easy to see the topics. It is organized in a way that you can pick one stand alone topic in the chapter and have an understanding of the learning outcome for that section. This will make it easy for the students to read through the chapters. The concern is that students may not read each section and may skim through the text.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Each chapter is organized in the same manner, this makes it easy to find information. It also helps the reader to get into a rhythm when expecting the break down of each topic to be the same in each chapter.

Interface rating: 5

The text has clear images and charts. The online platform is easy to navigate and interpret graphs and diagrams.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

There are no concerns with the grammar in the text. The text was written at the appropriate grade level for a college level course.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text discusses current social problems and is respectful of different races, ethnicities and backgrounds. The examples throughout the text represent all races, ethnicities and backgrounds.

Compared to the current text I use to teach social problems this text expanded on topics relevant to the current social problems. I appreciate the suggested the in class discussion questions and the call to action with the "what you can" do section at the end of the chapter.

Reviewed by Jen Cullen, Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Bay Community College on 7/8/24

This book was incredibly comprehensive. Each chapter was devoted to a sole social problem, allowing for increased depth and understanding. I was especially impressed by the organization of each chapter, with the learning objectives for each... read more

This book was incredibly comprehensive. Each chapter was devoted to a sole social problem, allowing for increased depth and understanding. I was especially impressed by the organization of each chapter, with the learning objectives for each chapter on the first page, an introduction to the problem, and then illustrating how the social problem has impacted both past and present.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

While the information in this text was certainly accurate at the time of publication, this book was published in 2016. While many of the social problems outlined in this text are timeless and universal, this book suffers by not being able to address the effects of the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections, nor the Covid-19 pandemic.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Even though this textbook is approaching ten years old, the information it presents on society's most common social problems is comprehensive and relevant. As with accuracy above, this future editions of this book would be well served to included how social problems were impacted by world events from 2016 on, the text contains relevant information needed to understand social problems.

Clarity rating: 5

Extremely organized, detailed, and clear.

The text was well written and chapters were organized and structured similarly to each other.

Modularity rating: 5

This text was one of the better ones I have encountered in terms of modularity! Chapters are approximately 5-8 segments long, and very few pages are text only. The authors make good use of photos and tables to visually illustrate concepts in the chapters. After each segment, there is a note regarding key takeaways from the segment, and Chapters have excellent summaries.

While I have already spoken in-depth on organization throughout my review, I will again praise this text's exceptional organization and structure. This chapter layout/format makes it less challenging to learn and understand the necessary information in a comprehensive yet concise manner.

No interface issues during my review

No grammar issues during my review

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

This was one of the more culturally competent and sensitive books I have seen. The authors took great care in showing how social location/intersectionality has affected the experiences and responses of historically marginalized and oppressed populations. The book also provides a breadth of information on the disproportionate representation for these groups in various realms (Criminal Justice System, Education, Medical Care, etc.)

Reviewed by Elise Randall, Adjunct Faculty Member, Rochester Community & Technical College on 6/19/24

This book covers all of the major areas of social problems that one would typically want/need to cover in a Social Problems course. It is very easy to find the topic you're looking for and there are several articles on each topic. The glossary is... read more

This book covers all of the major areas of social problems that one would typically want/need to cover in a Social Problems course. It is very easy to find the topic you're looking for and there are several articles on each topic. The glossary is also comprehensive and a very helpful resource for students.

The information is accurate and matches content found in textbooks from other established, reputable sources. The text is error-free and has been proofread carefully.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

The main flaw of this book is that the information is out-dated. The data is already more than a decade old. The data could certainly be updated because of the way the data is organized, but updates have not yet been made (at the time of writing). Social issues are something that shifts constantly, so it's extra important to keep this information updated and recent.

Overall, the text is very well-written and readable for a college audience. There is some jargon that is above the reading level of most undergraduate students and could be simplified to match the audience. (Examples: stymied, untenable)

The book uses the same terminology and theories throughout to provide a consistent frame of reference and understanding.

The text is extremely well organized. Each topic is broken into smaller portions and each page could be a stand-alone reading. Some of the readings are pretty lengthy, but they are divided into manageable chunks and are broken up with images and graphs.

The book is very well organized. You can navigate easily between readings and go back to the home page easily at anytime to select another topic. I especially like the boxes on the home page that provide easy access to the broad topic you'd like to view. From there, you can see the readings that pertain to the topic. The only downside is that the navigation on the homepage uses the same image for every topic. It would be great to have a different image/icon that represents the topic you're selecting.

Fantastic navigation! This is easier to navigate than any other OER text I've read. The charts and images create a good flow and break up the sections naturally. There were a few images that were too large for the page, but most were not.

I did not encounter grammatical errors in my reading of this textbook.

The book is culturally relevant for the most part. It is not offensive, but it will need to be updated to reflect present day terminology such as "LGBTQ+" rather than "LGBT."

Reviewed by Youngki Woo, Assistant professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 5/14/24

This textbook comprises 16 chapters, delving into various aspects of social problems within sociology, criminology, and social work. Each chapter identifies the learning objectives and shows them in the beginning. At the end of each chapter, there... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This textbook comprises 16 chapters, delving into various aspects of social problems within sociology, criminology, and social work. Each chapter identifies the learning objectives and shows them in the beginning. At the end of each chapter, there are several sub-sections along with review questions for learners. Each chapter is comfortable to follow and addresses most of the learning objectives to provide a straightforward response to the discussion questions. In addition, each chapter covers ideas of the subject appropriately and provides an effective index and glossary.

The content is both accurate and presented in a manner that is easy to read and follow.

Despite being published in 2016, the sources and information in this textbook remain relevant for explaining various social problems. Each chapter addresses fundamental concepts crucial for students to understand issues prevalent in our society. I believe the text could be enhanced by updating the statistics, tables, and incorporating more visually appealing graphics.

The text is concise, simple, and clear, and content is informative and straight-forward.

Consistency rating: 4

The text maintains consistency in its terminology and framework. The author adeptly provides chapter summaries that align with the learning objectives outlined at the beginning of each chapter, enhancing comprehension and cohesion.

The well-structured chapters feature clearly demarcated subsections, which are conveniently hyperlinked for easy access. Dividing the topics into relevant sections aids students in understanding the broader scope of social concerns. Clear subheadings within the text enhance readability and direct the reader's attention to key topics. Additionally, special information that illustrates or expands on the issues is effectively differentiated from the main text, further enriching the learning experience.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The chapters follow a typical order found in textbooks on social problems, commencing with an introductory chapter covering research methods and sociological perspectives. This structure makes the text well-suited for introductory sociology or criminology courses as a prerequisite, which is ideal for exploring social problems. Subsequent chapters delve into poverty and various other forms of social inequality before addressing specific controversial areas of public life. This sequencing is optimal as it recognizes that issues of poverty and economic inequality underpin many other societal challenges, while emphasizing the central theme of social equality inherent in any course on social problems.

Interface rating: 4

The online text features intuitive navigation, with clear images and charts. Chapter or section summaries are thoughtfully highlighted in boxes with color backgrounds, enhancing visual accessibility and aiding in content navigation.

There are no typos or technical/grammatical errors that I am aware of in the textbook.

I find the textbook's exploration and description of social problems regarding cultural distinctions, crime, terror, and drug issues, family and child abuse, and race/ethnicity to be comfortable and comprehensive. I appreciate the author's sensitivity and fairness in handling topics that often involve prejudicial beliefs held by students. The text consistently challenges oppressive assumptions and beliefs about minority groups by presenting factual information, and prompting reflection in a more informed, objective manner. The integration of information about the association between social problems and various demographic categories enriches the discussion, fostering a deeper understanding of their prevalence and nature. However, I believe there is room for improvement in the coverage of concerns relevant to the LGBTQI population. Given that many students have personal experiences and sensitivities regarding these issues, it's essential for the textbook to use appropriate terms and provide current information.

Overall, this book provides valuable insights into current social issues, making it suitable for undergraduate intro sociology or criminology courses (or as a prerequisite). I believe the text could be enhanced by updating the statistics and incorporating more visually appealing graphics. This would not only improve the aesthetic appeal but also contribute to a more engaging learning experience for students.

Reviewed by Bodenhamer Aysha, Assistant Professor, Radford University on 1/13/23

This book offers a wide array of topics covered in great detail. The textbook has a table of contents that is easily navigable by clicking on each section; however, there is not a section for a glossary of terms. At the end of each chapter there... read more

This book offers a wide array of topics covered in great detail. The textbook has a table of contents that is easily navigable by clicking on each section; however, there is not a section for a glossary of terms. At the end of each chapter there is, however, a summary of the major concepts, application discussion prompts, and suggestions for ways to get involved.

The book offers a variety of sources cited throughout the material to support the arguments made throughout the textbook. I have not noticed any errors and the book does not appear to be biased.

Based on what I have read, the textbook is relevant and for the most part up-to-date, but I have not seen many citations beyond 2010, which means it likely hasn't been updated since then. The same can be said for most of the figures throughout the book with rely on data from 2010. There is room, especially now that we have completed the 2020 Census, to update many of the figures and add new and more relevant literature given that we have experienced a wide variety of social problems in the last decade. The text is written in a way that would make it easy to update the material and add newer examples.

I appreciate that the major concepts are in bold, followed by a clear pop-up definition. The book appears to be approachable and accessible without containing a lot of unnecessary jargon. One thing that I find distracting, however, is how the book cites references within the text. It distracts from the overall text and would be better noted as footnotes or endnotes so as not to distract the reader from the main purpose of the text.

Yes. Every chapter is well-written and researched. Some chapters, however, have more material than others, but that is to be expected, generally. The framework, definitions, summaries, and application are the same for each chapter.

Each chapter is divided into subsections that are easily demarcated and are hyperlinked for easy access. Within the text, there are clear subsections with with subheadings which help guide the reader and make it easier to focus on the major topics being discussed.

Yes. One thing that I like about the book is that it often offers a historical look at the problem first, which I think helps the reader realize that many social problems are not new, but perhaps have a longer history than many may realize. The chapters also contain a section on how the three major theoretical viewpoints (functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism) would approach each of the topics.

The interface is simple and easy to navigate; however, the charts/images are a bit small and could be enlarged. I am also unsure if a screenreader will be able to read all of the materials. I actually have a blind student this semester, so to be determined how user-friendly this textbook really is. I worry about some of the charts and tables, but again, I am unsure at this time as I do not have the software to test it. I wish it had a glossary section at the end of each chapter in addition to the summaries.

I have not noticed any grammatical mistakes.

I think cultural sensitivity is one area where this textbook excels. It does a good job of not being ethnocentric and focusing only on issues in the United States, instead in brings in global examples in multiple chapters. I appreciate the attention to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) issues throughout the text.

There are a number of aspects that I really appreciate about this textbook. For one, it does not shy away from difficult topics, but tackles them head-on. Two, I like how well organized and easily navigable the text is. Three, I appreciate that the text offers an applied focus, ways to get involved, and ways to help alleviate some of these problems. I feel this is super important so as not to leave students feeling dismayed and hopeless, but to empower them to take action. While I like this textbook and I plan to use it this semester, I think it could be improved by updating the figures and adding more visually appealing graphics. Most of the text is plain text, which is fine, but it may leave students feeling bored and restless with the readings. I would also like for the in-text citations to be more clearly demarcated or removed from the main body of the text, and revised as endnotes or footnotes. Doing so would help make the text easier to read and less distracting. Overall, I think the material is well-constructed, and I am excited to see how students respond to it this semester.

Reviewed by Rogerson Christine, Assistant Professor, Radford University on 1/5/23

Loved the comprehensiveness of this book including the variety of topic areas! read more

Loved the comprehensiveness of this book including the variety of topic areas!

Accurate up to date information

Relevant to today's changing world

Easy to read and can be used with any level within higher education

Loved the consistency within the chapters. The way they were formatted made them easy to follow and find information.

Especially the online version, it was easy to click on modules or specific sections. This makes it easy to look back for specific information.

Clear organizational structure.

None noticed

None Noticed

Had an entire chapter on race and ethnic differences that covered historical views to today.

Reviewed by Christine Wilkey, Associate Professor of Human Services, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College on 9/30/22

This text covers topics, and issues within these topics, that are typical of texts for college-level sociology courses in social problems. Its sixteen chapters can easily be fit into a typical 8- or 16-week semester format. A glossary or... read more

This text covers topics, and issues within these topics, that are typical of texts for college-level sociology courses in social problems. Its sixteen chapters can easily be fit into a typical 8- or 16-week semester format. A glossary or subject index would be a useful addition.

I found the information provided on social problems factually correct, with no significant errors. This text has good balance between historical information about social concerns and current data on attitudes, behaviors, and issues. It is consistent with the continuity-and-change model, focusing more on the enduring issues of controversy in society than the current details about those issues.

Aside from very recent events (e.g., the Dobbs decision, the COVID pandemic), this text is up-to-date with it publication date of 2016. It uses current sources to support factual information about social problems. Almost all sources used were published prior to 2010 except for standard or historical documents.

The writing is concise, clear, and objective throughout the text. Undergraduate students will find it easy to read and comprehend.

This text has a very consistent format among the chapters. It presents the three sociological theories/perspectives in the same manner in each chapter, and with equal attention across all the chapters (as well as equal attention to each theory in each chapter). Terminology is consistent throughout. The text is quite comfortable to use because of this predictable structure.

Within the chapters, content is clearly set off into very manageable sections in a way that could easily be re-ordered or selected. Special information that illustrates or expands on the issues is clearly differentiated from the main text.

Unlike some social problems textbooks, this one is not organized using larger, general sections that set off one general type of social issue (e.g., matters of inequality, problems in social institutions) from others. Dividing the topics into relevant sections is helpful to students in their grasp of he larger picture of social concerns. It can be useful in pacing and mentally organizing a course across the semester. However, instructors who are familiar with the subject could easily frame the topics in this way in the syllabus.

Chapters are presented in a typical order for texts on social problems, beginning with an introductory chapter that describes research methods, sociological perspectives, etc. This makes the text suitable for use with an introductory sociology course as a prerequisite, which I think is ideal for a course in social problems. This is followed by a chapter on poverty, then a series of chapters on other issues of social inequality and then several chapters on specific controversial areas of public life. I feel strongly that this is the optimal sequencing for a textbook on social problems, since issues of poverty and economic inequality run through all other issues, and the struggle of social equality is a central theme that must be explored in any course on social problems.

The online text is very easy to navigate. Images and charts are clear. Chapter or section summaries are set off in boxes with color backgrounds, so it is easy to visually find one's way in the content.

I found no grammatical errors.

I am comfortable with the way this textbook explores and describes social problems in regard to cultural distinctions and designations based on women's issues and race/ethnicity. Information about the association between social problems and various demographic categories is woven throughout the discussion, inviting the reader to gain a more complete understanding of the prevalence and nature of social problems. I appreciate the sensitivity and fairness with which the author handles topics about which students often hold prejudicial beliefs; the text consistently challenges oppressive assumptions and beliefs about minority groups by identifying myths, presenting facts that contradict these beliefs, and raising questions that allow students to reflect in a more informed, objective manner. Myth-busting is an essential component of any social problems course, in my view, and this text supports this aim very well. I would prefer to see appropriate terms and a more complete discussion in regard to the concerns of the LGBTQ+ population. Most students have a great deal of sensitivity to these issues, many because of personal experience. When a textbook does not use acceptable terms or fails to provide current information about these topics, it loses credibility with students.

Instructors who choose this text will find an objective, factual approach to learning about social problems through a sociological perspective. It offers a balanced approach to learning about a broad array of social concerns and would be suitable for many learning contexts. Throughout, the text identifies common misconceptions about who experiences social problems and raises thought-provoking questions about possible reasons for disparities among social groups. This gives multiple opportunities to challenge commonly held assumptions that are inconsistent with the facts about social problems, including beliefs that contribute to prejudicial views and oppressive responses. This is done with objectivity and an emphasis on having a clear and comprehensive understanding of the issue, and without taking any obvious political or ideological point of view. With a moderate tone and only a few illustrations (most of which illustrate the concerns in a neutral way), readers may find this text a bit "flat" compared to some textbooks on this subject that present social issues in a more evocative manner. However, this makes this text a neutral canvas in which students and instructors can discover their own views and voice. For instructors who wish to supplement with additional visual materials, or have students use factual material as a basis for further individual study, this text provides an ideal introduction to these topics. The text focuses on social problems in the United States with some comparative information from around the world. It discusses opposing views on the issues, although it could more fully emphasize the social and political processes through which solutions to social concerns are sought. However, it is an entirely adequate text that students will find easy to use as they gain understanding of social problems.

Reviewed by Chelsea Starr, Associate Professor, Eastern New Mexico University on 1/10/22

It covers all the areas a sociology of social problems text should cover. read more

It covers all the areas a sociology of social problems text should cover.

It's not an accuracy problem, it's that most of the charts and graphs/data date from 2012, making it a bit dated.

Data like poverty rates etc need to be updated

It is clearly written, though full in-text citations are distracting.

It is internally consistent.

Each chapter is divided into sub-chapters.

Chapters are organized topically.

Navigation is easy.

Text is free of errors.

I didn't notice any insensitivities.

essay on social problems in our society

Reviewed by Mortenson Robert, Instructor, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville on 1/6/22

very thorough! read more

very thorough!

Content Accuracy rating: 2

Research citations are very dated

good job of bringing in contemporary perspectives

Wel written and organized

Covers a wide range of social issues with lots of inforation regarding each issue.

Lay out is very clear - big vs little points are easy to assess.

Chapter ordering is ideal for social problems, as many problems are framed in the context of class, race and gender

Interface rating: 3

The "using what you know" portions help students learn proactive strategies.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

Have not found any instances where editing is necessary

Discusses issues from various perspectives

Reviewed by Lisnic Rodica, Lecturer, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville on 12/31/21

The textbook discusses in great detail the various aspects of social problems. The textbook doesn't have an index and glossary. read more

The textbook discusses in great detail the various aspects of social problems. The textbook doesn't have an index and glossary.

The content is presented in an objective/scientific manner and uses relevant citations for all the information.

The textbook contains relevant data that shows general trends over the past few decades, as well as some historical data. While some data is dated and needs to be updated, the overall meaning presented is relevant to the content. Some information about recent changes in social policies and government leadership that can be crucial to contemporary understanding of social problems also needs to be included.

All the sociological terms are clearly explained and highlighted in the textbook which helps the reader pay attention to the content that is most important. The sociological concepts are also explained using existing research.

The textbook uses the main sociological theoretical frameworks to help the reader understand social problems more in-depth. These frameworks are applied consistently throughout the textbook.

The textbook chapters are easy to read because they are divided into sections that have their own learning objectives. Each section is a stand alone sub-chapter that has its own references list. This makes it easy to rearrange the sections without changing the logical flow of the content.

The chapters are organized in easy to read sub-chapters/sections that have learning objectives. These objectives help the reader focus on the most important aspects of the reading. The end of section summary and reflection/discussion questions are helpful for the reader to remember the main points of the chapter.

The textbook is relatively easy to navigate. The images and charts are clear and easy to understand. It would be helpful if the table of contents was in the same file as the textbook.

I noticed no grammatical errors in the textbook.

The textbook is culturally sensitive and inclusive of a variety of social identities.

I enjoyed reading this textbook because it contains interesting discussions about ongoing social debates regarding the many social problems that exist both within the U.S. and globally. I like the examples of research and theory that help frame these ongoing debates and can be used by students to understand the complexity and meanings of social problems.

Reviewed by Robertson Valerie, Lecturer, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville on 12/17/21

This textbook covers much the same material that my expensive textbook does. I especially appreciate how each chapter follows a consistent format, much the same as I use to write my online classes. I also like how the Learning Objectives... read more

This textbook covers much the same material that my expensive textbook does. I especially appreciate how each chapter follows a consistent format, much the same as I use to write my online classes. I also like how the Learning Objectives highlight key topics at the beginning of major sections of the text. The summaries at the end of each chapter also are very helpful to students.

Would benefit from some updating, but I believe important key topics are well addressed.

The instructor should pay attention to outdated statistics. Updating should be easily implemented.

The organization of this textbook flows well. I really like the way each chapter can be free-standing. The writing is clear and I believe easy for students to understand.

As I stated before, the organization of this text is well done. It is easy to use. Topics are clearly stated and the summaries at the end of the chapter pull everything together.

Teaching online, I like the way the text can be broken up into smaller sub-sections. It looks to be very easy to teach in whatever order the instructor would like to cover and leave out chapters that they do not want to cover.

The textbook is organized in a logical way and is easy to follow. What I particularly like is how each chapter is framed with sociological theory. This keeps the class firmly grounded in sociology.

The text utilizes a simple layout. Charts and graphs are easy to understand.

I did not find any grammatical errors

I didn't come across anything that would be culturally insensitive. I believe this book can be read and understood by a diverse audience.

One of my favorite things about this textbook is that it can be broken up easily and put into modules. I will, of course, include updated research and statistics. One of my favorite features in this textbook is the “Using What You know” feature in each chapter. This feature helps the students think critically and connects them with the chapter’s theoretical discussion and real-life problems. I would like an up-loadable test bank. I do like the chapter powerpoints provided. They are rich in content and can be easily modified to what information the instructor would like to highlight. I believe in affordable education; this is a great alternative to expensive textbooks I have used in the past. The flexibility of this text allows for the instructor to update and teach what they think is relevant. I highly recommend this text.

Reviewed by Kelli Johnson, Professor/Librarian IV, Marshall University on 10/6/21

This textbook is very comprehensive and covers topics that I traditionally cover in my class and more. Each topic is addressed in detail and the boxes in each chapter (Applying Social Research, Lessons from Other Nations etc...) make the coverage... read more

This textbook is very comprehensive and covers topics that I traditionally cover in my class and more. Each topic is addressed in detail and the boxes in each chapter (Applying Social Research, Lessons from Other Nations etc...) make the coverage even more detailed. The book also addresses intersectionality in a way I have not seen before but that is very helpful for students.

The book is unbiased and accurate with attention to detail, statistics and examples. I hope the authors update the stats with info from the 2020 census at some point for more relevant numbers.

I hope that the authors update the statistics from the Census with 2020 data when it is available and add information from what has been a tumultuous few years. That being said, this book is very relevant as it puts events in history in context.

I am very impressed with the organization of this book which makes it very accessible and clear. As a whole, the book works well however each chapter can also be free standing.

The chapters in the book all follow the same structure making it very consistent and therefore easy to use.

As stated above, the book is organized in such a way as to lend itself to reading as a whole or picking and choosing relevant chapters.

The topics in this book are organized clearly and logically. The chapters, which can be freestanding, can also be used as needed because they are broken down into smaller, easily navigated pieces.

I was very impressed with the ease of accessing the book as well as the option for viewing online or downloading a pdf. However, a hyperlinked table of contents would make the text even more accessible.

I did not find any spelling or grammatical errors.

The text is well modulated and addresses the topics, which could be viewed as triggering or otherwise difficult, well evenly and sensitively.

I was overjoyed to find this textbook. I had been searching for a book to support a course on social movements. With only a few days to cover a lot of background related to social issues, this text which is very comprehensive yet allows for instructors to easily pick and choose chapters, or even parts of chapters, that will serve the course best. The review questions are especially helpful.

Reviewed by cheryl sclar, Adjunct Professor, Roxbury Community College on 5/31/21

The topics are easy to follow in the sequence they are in. I feel the all the relevant topics to today's world are covered. The glossary definitions are in bold face and used in context making it easy for comprehension. Each unit and chapter is... read more

The topics are easy to follow in the sequence they are in. I feel the all the relevant topics to today's world are covered. The glossary definitions are in bold face and used in context making it easy for comprehension. Each unit and chapter is able to stand on its own and the flow of the books reads well whether or not you choose to use it in the order the chapters.

The book is indeed accurate with a non-biased approach to very sensitive subject matter. Historical facts are presented void of emotion. I wish there were more current events for relatability. I do take issue in that in Chapter 12 the Great Depression was discussed and reference was made to food pantries while there is no mention of The Free Breakfast Program for School Children was started by the Black Panther Party in 1969 which "underscored the inadequacies of the federal government's then-flagging and under-resourced lunch programs in public schools across the country". Failure to include that could be seen as bias.

The content is all relevant. Up to date issues should be included from 2020 21 e: COVID, George Floyd, BLM. I do feel the statistics call for revisions. In 3.3 many issues are addressed but I do not see the words anti-racist or Anti-Semitism. I would like to see content added from the past year and even updated statistics. I am happy to see Margaret Meade (3.7) and Matthew Shephard (5.3) as part of the discussion, however, we need current information such as Betsy DeVos and The Florida Nightclub Shooting of 2016 to be part of the conversation as well.

I feel the Learning Objectives are not only easy to comprehend but they are also malleable. They can easily be adjusted and because the content is so relevant to today I can see how easy it would be to adjust statistics and add content.

The book read as if someone is speaking. This makes it easier to follow and enjoy as if it were a novel rather than a collegiate text book. The author is engaging, does not over state and invites the reader to participate. The author even states (quotes) in the beginning that the subject matter may be doom and gloom in order to identify with the reader.

The text is certainly consistent and does not deviate from providing clear objectives, key takeaways and review items. The format is clean making it easy to navigate, The statistic charts vary but this works for each chapter.

The arrangement of the book makes sense.

The book makes sense. Each chapter can stand on its own and each unit in the chapters flow well.

The wording under the charts and images can be a little larger. There are a few photos that could be swapped for more engaging relevant ones, even memes that speak to todays learner. Example: 12.3 the image of the IRS with the lamp post out front.

Image in 12.3 and 3.3 states "Latinos" should actually be Latinx to be correct by 2021 standards. Other than that I see no issues.

The book is culturally sensitive. Image in 12.3 states "Latinos" should actually be Latinx to be fair.

I think the book reads well and serves well. The Review Questions are good and easy for the Instructor to apply and even edit for their individual classroom. If I were a student who is not easily engaged in reading texts (which I was), this book would work well for me. I would like to see an updated edition of the book,

Reviewed by Alexandra Olsen, Assistant Professor, Umpqua Community College on 5/27/21

This textbook does a great job of covering a wide range of topics that are appropriate for a social problems. It gives the instructor the ability to pick and choose the topics that they'd like to cover - especially in 10 week courses. Each of the... read more

This textbook does a great job of covering a wide range of topics that are appropriate for a social problems. It gives the instructor the ability to pick and choose the topics that they'd like to cover - especially in 10 week courses. Each of the chapters does a good job presenting the topic from a sociological perspective, different theoretical perspectives from which to understand the topic, and ways of addressing social problems that are ground in empirical research. While the content covered in each of the chapters provides plenty for the instructor to discuss, this textbook also still has room for the instructor to bring in more contemporary issues or aspects of social problems not covered in the textbook.

This textbook is accurate, draws from empirical research, and is great at encouraging critical thinking. It addresses a lot of controversial social issues in a way that encourages students to think deeper about how society should approach problems rather than having bias towards a certain perspective.

The content is relevant, but a lot of the statistics and examples are outdated. Similarly, there's been more recent legal developments (like the legalization of gay marriage or the legalization of marijuana) that need to be updated. Particularly, I've found that in the chapter on sexual orientation that I have to supplement with a lot of outside material to compensate for this. All of this being said, I believe that these updates would be very easy to make!

The textbook is very easily accessible. It provides clear definitions of terms that may be unfamiliar to students. It does a great job of introducing students to sociological thinking, while still challenging them to learn new vocabulary.

The chapters are all set up similarly. All chapters discuss the social problem, discuss theoretical perspectives on the problem, highlight debates on addressing social problems, and provide suggestions from empirical research for addressing that social problem.

This book is very modular. Each chapter is broken up into smaller sub sections with clear headings. Chapters, for the most part, can be assigned in whatever order the instructor prefers. It's also easy for the instructor to cover what they think is most relevant and leave out topics or sections of a chapter that they don't want to cover.

One of the best parts of this textbook is how well it's organized. Organization is consistent and every social problem is unpacked in a similar manner.

I have not noticed any issues with the interface. It is an easy textbook to navigate and I have gotten good feedback on it from my students.

I have not noticed any grammatical errors in the textbook.

This textbook does a great job of incorporating different examples from a variety of different cultures. They often provide comparisons not only between groups in the US, but also between the US and other countries. I also appreciate that even when they aren't discussing race/class/gender/etc. explicitly, they'll still discuss how groups view and are affected differently by social problems.

Reviewed by Deidre Tyler, Professor of Sociology, Salt Lake Community College on 2/22/21

This textbook covers every social problem that is covered in a standard intro-level social problems course. read more

This textbook covers every social problem that is covered in a standard intro-level social problems course.

The citations that are used in the textbook are accurate and they are balanced with various theoretical slants.

This textbook is arranged in a way in which updates are easily made. The knowledge is general and to the point.

Students will not have any problem reading the text because it is free of jargon.

The three major perspectives are covered adequately in this textbook.

The summaries at the end of each chapter provide the student with a quick glance of what they need to know.

The topics are organized in a manner in which they add knowledge to the students.

The text has easy navigational management that does not confuse the reader.

There are no grammatical errors in the textbook.

This book does not offend any person who reads it or makes anyone feel uncomfortable.

I would highly recommend this textbook because it is written in a way that does not confuse the student and it gives the basic information.

Reviewed by Laura Trull, Assistant Professor, James Madison University on 11/30/20

This is a very comprehensive text. It begins with defining social problems and even how we define social problems. Following this definition chapter are 15 chapters each focused on a major social problem. Major US issues are discussed, though... read more

This is a very comprehensive text. It begins with defining social problems and even how we define social problems. Following this definition chapter are 15 chapters each focused on a major social problem. Major US issues are discussed, though there is not often an international perspective on these issues. Each chapter follows a consistent format of introducing the topic, providing theoretical grounding, detailing more specific aspects of the problem and closing with a summary. Each subsection of the chapter has learning objectives and key takeaways. The index is perfect and many key terms are highlighted throughout.

The content included is accurate and up to date with fairly recent examples and relevant, professional, recent images. It is free of bias and causes the reader to pause and consider rather than agree or disagree.

There are fairly recent examples and unfortunately, none of these social problems is going to be solved immediately so it will be relevant for some time.

While there are some advanced concepts discussed, the reader is brought along logically to the more advanced concepts and all concepts are explained thoroughly. Review questions are often included and very useful for reflection and/or incorporating into assignments. References are recent or seminal and provided in a list at the end of each subsection. A glossary of key terms would make a wonderful addition!

The format and writing style are completely consistent throughout making this a very easy text to navigate. It is a clear and concise flow without being too brief or lacking in depth. There are no interface issues and very few grammatical or typing boo boos.

. It is easy to opt out of some sections or subsections. For example, I have used this in a sophomore level social work class and skipped many of the theoretical sections that were too in depth for this level and too sociological for our course. I could easily arrange the reading to incorporate only the sections I wanted to include, and in the order I wanted to include them.

Very well organized and logical. One knows what to expect as they navigate each chapter.

No issues whatsoever on a variety of devices.

Clear and error free. Tables and graphics really add to the content.

The text is very inclusive of a variety of culture and subculture influences.

This is really a great text. Comprehensive and clear, even to be used in a non-sociology course. While the lack of an international perspective was one weakness, the other weakness was more discipline specific. The text is about social problems, so obviously there was a negative focus to the problems – after all, they are problems. However, in social work we at least consider the strengths perspective and empowerment model – which was lacking here. I did supplement this text with some change-focused, asset-based materials to shift the focus from strictly defining problems to taking on advocacy.

Reviewed by Marc Wagoner, Associate Professor, Worcester State University on 6/30/20

The book appears to to do a great job on covering material that can distress both individuals and the communities they are a part of. It appears to be comprehensive in it's definition and application of sociological theory and research. The... read more

The book appears to to do a great job on covering material that can distress both individuals and the communities they are a part of. It appears to be comprehensive in it's definition and application of sociological theory and research. The content is well organized, with each chapter divided into sub-sections that make it easy for a reader to seek out specific information. As the year of publication is 2016, some of the example content is slightly out of date.

The content of the book appears to be solid and unbiased in terms of presentation of theory and its application. In addition, the explanations and examples are well-written and easy to understand.

The content from a theory and methodology standpoint is well-reviewed and organized. I think that much of that specific content will stand the test of time. However, given that it is a book that necessarily speaks so much to current events, it is challenging to have examples of application of such theory and methodology that do not have the potential to quickly shift. As such, some of the examples and references points in the book are a bit dated. This is not entirely bad from a teaching standpoint in that comparisons between present day and four years ago can be made in terms of examples of reasons for the research and applications of the theory. I do think that updates would not be too challenging to implement.

The text is well-written in a way that is easy to understand for a student. Jargon is sometimes necessary in an academic context, but the textbook does well in ensuring that any jargon written is also well-defined prior to being frequently used. I did not see any occasion in which terms were used improperly. I think the text is written in a way that invites more reading for the student.

The textbook is internally consistent. I observed no occasion where terms were defined one way and then used another in a different part of the text. Any visual aides or additional material, such as examples or reference points, seemed to be consistent with the point or argument the text was making.

The textbook is very well done in terms of modularity. There are a number of sub-sections throughout each chapter that can be read separately in order to learn something very specific. In addition, there are boxes of additional pertinent information spread throughout the book that add to what the reader can learn without actually filling up the space that is dedicated to necessary learning.

The chapters do have a topical logic to them in terms of organization, where it does make sense that the following chapter be there. While the book is dedicated to social problems and change, however, I do think it would be valuable to dedicate a chapter to strategies for researching/studying those topics before entering into the topics themselves.

In my perusal, I saw no issues with visual aides; everything looked clear and sharp. The display at large made it feel very much like a textbook on the screen. Additionally, it was a very good idea to include hotlinks to other parts of the textbook. As the content is compelling, this decision can teach the reader the important lesson of how linked and interwoven all of the content is. The final chapter also did a good job of making this clear.

I saw no grammatical errors in the text. Any use of quotes or phrases directly from or representing a source were presented properly.

I saw no culturally insensitive content in any way, and saw a clear attempt at maximal diversity. Given the purpose of the text, this becomes especially important.

Even though I am a social psychologist and not a sociologist, this is the kind of text that I have looked for to use in a psychology course on social change. Obviously, such a course on my part would feature different theoretical and methodological approach, but the content as well as the organization of the present text really does fit the bill, including the intention to speak to the interdisciplinary of quality research that does contribute to social change. This is an excellent alternative to expensive hardcopies that is now on my list for consideration.

Reviewed by Kimberly Fox, Associate Professor, Bridgewater State University on 6/29/20

The book covers all of the topics that I would like to have in a Social Problems text and is clearly and comprehensively organized. The subtopics within each chapter also cover most of what I would expect in a textbook for social problems. That... read more

The book covers all of the topics that I would like to have in a Social Problems text and is clearly and comprehensively organized. The subtopics within each chapter also cover most of what I would expect in a textbook for social problems. That being said, the material is quite out of date and more up-to-date information along with new directions in these areas would be helpful.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

While I did not see glaring errors in the textbook, many of the sections include overgeneralizations without a critical examination of the topic. For example, in the chapter on Families, the author cites research by Bradford Wilcox without including a critical lens on this political biases. Similarly, it does not include other research that challenges some of those claims. The general writing style will make it easy for students to digest but the overgeneralizations will leave students without an understanding of the debates within the field.

While the general topics and coverage are clear and cover topics that have been - and will continue to be - relevant, the research within those chapters needs to be updated. The research is at least 8 years old and so can provide a good grounding in the overview of the topic but does not keep up with the newest research. Since social problems emphasize current events and concerns, it would be helpful to have up-to-date examples in addition to more recent research to show the "continuity and change" in societal problems.

Clarity rating: 3

The book is accessibly written and clear for undergraduate students but as mentioned earlier, it is often overly general. Also, the generalizations lead to lack of context for some of the jargon. For example, the first chapter starts with a discussion of the objective and subjective aspects of social problems without providing a clear understanding of the underlying differences between them. Since this class is usually geared toward early stage undergraduates, I think it needs more specificity in the writing.

The book is mostly consistent in its organization with the chapters using the same framework and terminology. The majority of the chapters discuss the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist theories but it is not included in the chapters that discuss race, gender, and sexual orientation without any indication of why. I generally like the chapter organization but find that odd.

The modularity of the text is good. Not only are the chapters small enough to consume but within each chapter there are subsections that can be used or skipped without loss of major points. That being said, I think it would be helpful to have the ability to reorganize it even more clearly.

The overall text is well organized with major overview topics first, followed by important identity concerns, and then necessary investigations into social institutions. The chapters flow well from one to another but could also be organized by individual faculty members without upsetting the flow.

The overall interface worked well but there were some issues with images or charts distorting or leaving too much white space before and/or after the pictures that made it somewhat awkward. Overall, it was not too disruptive.

There were no major grammatical errors.

The book includes examples from multiple racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. It covers topics sensitively and comprehensively.

I like the general sense of the book and would hope to have something similar in a Social Problems text. However, the overgeneralizations and out-dated material make it unlikely that I will adopt this book for classes at this time. I do think that a social problems book is an important one to have as an open text and hope that it will be updated in the future.

Reviewed by Ashley Palmer, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 1/2/20

The textbook covers foundational information on a multitude of social issues– particularly the characteristics, causes, and consequences of these issues – and could be used for both sociology and social work courses. Both historic and current... read more

The textbook covers foundational information on a multitude of social issues– particularly the characteristics, causes, and consequences of these issues – and could be used for both sociology and social work courses. Both historic and current examples were provided. Additionally, I appreciated that national and global perspectives were included within each chapter.

While much of the content appeared to be based in research and accurate, this was uneven across chapters. At times, statements or positions seemed a stretch from the research that had been discussed and other times, seemed like personal or professional opinion.

Some of the statistics should be updated, but the overall picture of what is being described remains relevant. The author has organized text in a manner that will require straightforward updates. As noted above, some chapters would benefit from a stronger (or more explicit) connection to social science research.

One of the major strengths of this text is the straightforward and clear way that content is presented and explained. I believe that students will appreciate the ease of read while also gaining important foundational information.

The text consistently uses the same frameworks and terminology throughout chapters.

The organization of this textbook will make it easy to utilize in blocks. That is a major strength because chapters and sections can be reorganized and complemented with other material within a course, as needed.

This textbook is organized well. Chapter 3, 6, 9, and 13 have sections that are out-of-order. This is confusing when trying to read the book straight through rather than clicking on sections.

There were no major interface issues. Minor issues included that images, charts, and tables were disjointed and made it difficult to follow. When viewing the PDF on a laptop, all images, charts, and tables were displayed well. Some of the photo images were unnecessary and did not enhance understanding or learning. Rather, the captions below them repeated what had been shared within the text.

There were no major grammatical errors. Most errors consisted of leaving a word or two out of a sentence. Though not necessarily “grammatical errors” jargon was used throughout.

While overall I believe the textbook was inclusive of diverse cultural backgrounds, there were some issues that could be enhanced. For instance, in Chapter the use of a photo of someone who was lynched seemed insensitive and abrupt ,with no trigger warning and did not add anything to the discussion. In Chapter 4 on gender inequality, gender was discussed as a social construct. Yet, non-binary or gender fluidity was not addressed, or were inequality and issues related to non-dominant gender identity. Given that the author is stating that gender is a social construct, it seems necessary to go into other identities. (This was touched on briefly in Chapter 5 on Sexual Orientation, referenced as androgynous). In Chapter 5, the references to “gays” and “straights” is vague and does not seem to be culturally appropriate terminology.

I think this textbook provides a good foundation and plenty of content to mix and complement courses related to social problem and social welfare policy analysis.

Reviewed by Kelley (Katherine) Blanck, Instructor, Michigan State University on 11/15/19

The book appears to be comprehensive, as it is 796 pages, thoroughly indexed and outlined for ease in following the progression of the content. read more

The book appears to be comprehensive, as it is 796 pages, thoroughly indexed and outlined for ease in following the progression of the content.

There is some research-basis for the text - but there seems to be significant personal opinion as well. At times, there are many areas that appear to be personal reflection and inference rather than statement of fact.

It would seem to be relevant and easy to update as needed. There is a mix of historical theory as well as present-day examples.

Clarity rating: 2

The book seems to read more like a graduate-school paper than a text book. This could be helpful for early graduate students in understanding and ingesting the content; however, professionally, there is some jargon and amateur language used throughout.

Consistency rating: 3

The book is consistent in organization, terminology, and framework.

There are clear, smaller sections that are easy to navigate and read.

The topics are organized well and presented in a clear, logical progression of content. Each chapter has take-aways and key points for reflection and class discussion.

The interface has some formatting issues - there is a lot of empty, white space, especially after pictures or charts.

Grammatical Errors rating: 3

There are minor grammatical errors, mostly pertaining to use of jargon or non-professional terminology.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The book does appear to incorporate cultural significance within many of the topic areas.

There are sections of this book that could be useful on their own for classroom assignments and discussion. The overall book is very long and could not reasonably be used for a single term; however, the smaller sections with the key takeaways are interesting and useful.

Reviewed by Cathy Beighey, Sociology Profressor, Aims Community College on 7/26/19

Yes, each chapter covered relevant concepts, related issues, and a sociological framework to 'digest' the content. Each chapter also included ways to address or improve the social problem highlighted within the chapter, which I found to be better... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

Yes, each chapter covered relevant concepts, related issues, and a sociological framework to 'digest' the content. Each chapter also included ways to address or improve the social problem highlighted within the chapter, which I found to be better format than a separate, overarching 'Solutions' chapter. To further develop students’ understanding of the importance and the inherent relationship between historic, economic, cultural, and social factors in the develop and persistence of social problems, it should be more intentional as far as developing a framework from which to analyze causal factors that breed structured inequality and hence social problems. Furthermore, such connections become the building block for higher-level learning and learning retention. These components were missing: - Although capitalism, corporate power, particularly via multinational corporations, and the great wealth disparity was included in the Work & Economy chapter, there isn’t a chapter, or subunit, that directly addresses different political systems and ensuing social issues, inequitable access to political power, voter apathy, etc. - I didn’t find Immigration Patterns and Issues addressed in any chapter. It may fit nicely as a subunit in the Racial/Ethnic Inequality. - No glossary; however, key terms and concepts are highlighted within the text. (A glossary is important for easy reference). - The end of the chapter summary is helpful, but I suggest it is expanded into more targeted end-of -the chapter review questions in order to highlight and reinforce learning as a student-driven formative assessment. - The subunits within each chapter begin with three-four Learning Objectives, which are helpful; however, in some instances, I found them to be too general to truly introduce pertinent points and guide learning. To that end, I suggest the subunits’ learning objectives are: 1) reviewed for any missing pertinent learning objectives, 2) designed to capture higher-level using Bloom’s taxonomy learning such as 'synthesize', 'analyze', etc. 3) revised and created for more targeted, measurable chapter-level learning outcomes (versus objectives), and 4) directly or indirectly address the CCNS Learning Outcomes at:

Yes, the pertinent trends and general patterns were thematically correct sociologically speaking; however, it would benefit from some updating.

Yes, and appropriate updates will be easily implemented. To that end, some of the poverty and demographic data (i.e., from the 2010 Census) and statistics should be updated; however, with new research generating data quickly this can be time intensive so the author has to be intentional when selecting data.

Yes, the text is clearly written in an manner that is easily understood. There were points that students would benefit from elaboration regarding the socio-economic and/or historic context of some sociological concepts and social issues in order to foster deeper thematic connections and learning retention.

Yes, very much so from beginning each chapter with “Social Problems in the News’, with subunits (i.e., 1.2, 1.3, etc.) each with a concise list of Learning Objectives, and ending each chapter with “End of the Chapter Material”.

Yes, it is broken into small subunits that can be moved and incorporated at other points in the course if the instructor finds a different arraignment more intuitive and student friendly.

Yes, I broadly ‘see’ it organized as Understanding Social Problems, Social Problems of Inequality, and then Institutional Social Problems .

No visible issues, and the graphs and charts are well done.

No significant issues.

The textbook addresses a variety of racial/ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, and offers a cross-cultural lens in the 'Lessons from Other Societies'.

Instructor Supplemental Material: There are power point slides available to the instructor, but I didn’t find them easily utilized because how to access them by chapter wasn’t very intuitive (i.e., I found myself clicking on lots of random files). For example, the Chapter #2 Poverty slides are missing, or I couldn’t find them.

Learning Tools for Students: Expand learning tools to reinforce reading comprehension, basic understanding of the concepts, and to provide formative student-driven assessment.

Reviewed by Miriam Kero, Instructor, Hibbing Community College on 5/24/19

Social Problems: Continuity and Change provides complete coverage of the main categories of problems in society today: poverty, gender, race/ethnicity, etc. The table of contents lays these out for easy access. Within each chapter, key terms are... read more

Social Problems: Continuity and Change provides complete coverage of the main categories of problems in society today: poverty, gender, race/ethnicity, etc. The table of contents lays these out for easy access. Within each chapter, key terms are in boldface and defined; sections of each chapter are summarized with key takeaways, and discussion questions are provided. The text lacks an index and glossary at the end, however. This makes it challenging to look up key concepts without knowing in which chapter that concept was discussed.

The book is factual and well rounded in representation. Most chapters review each social problem using the three major theoretical families (functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism). This allows discussion of the social problem from multiple vantage points. Students have commented that the text seems "balanced" in its representation.

The chapter material is up to date, although statistics often reference 2010 (sometimes even earlier); now in 2019 I have found myself looking up new data to see how trends have evolved over the last decade. Have correlates continued to hold? Particularly in discussing wealth distribution, new graphics depicting the rise of the super rich are helpful to supplement the material. The text is written in a way that allows the instructor to easily supplement and update data like this while teaching; ultimately it appears that updates to text would also be easy to implement.

In review of Social Problem's writing, the text is straightforward. Any relevant terms are in bold faced and defined. Each chapter's sections begin with a learning objectives box. And as noted prior, each section has a summary. This provides the classic "tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them" format that helps clarify what is important. Finally, the end of each chapter contains a summary of the whole chapter's main points.

The framework of the text has some nice consistent elements. For example, sections termed, "Perspectives on ____ (e.g. aging)" typically list the three theoretical viewpoints on the problem. Sometimes, however, these same areas are called "Explaining ______." It would be helpful for directing students if these were consistent. Also, it would be preferred if each chapter followed a similar order. For example, section one would be an introduction, section two the theoretical perspectives, section three correlates, etc. The terminology, however, is consistent.

The text is nicely segmented; sections are labeled clearly, and within each section the main concepts are identified with headings. The order of the chapters can be easily reordered; each is self-contained, and when other chapters are referenced they are hyperlinked. Following those links is not necessary, though, because key terms are redefined and concepts restated as needed.

I like the order in which the chapters are presented in Social Problems, although I do contemplate covering race and ethnicity before poverty simply because the correlates of poverty to race and ethnicity are so powerful. Within each chapter, I would prefer greater consistency in the structure of sections (e.g. section two always containing the theoretical perspectives).

The interface works very well in Chrome; not so much in Explorer. In Explorer the page navigation is just text at the bottom of the screen (rather than a box with fill and text from which the course material appears behind). This makes it difficult to read. In both browsers, though, the table of content menu is very easy to use (drop down).

I have not found grammatical errors in the text.

The text (to my "white" eyes) is not culturally insensitive, however, one of my critical-thinking Hispanic students felt that it had a tone of "looking down" upon folks for color. This could be a product of the scientific tone of sociology, but his comment is worth noting. In perusing the photo depictions within the text, it appears many are of white folks. I look for photos that match my students; I do not see much representation of Asian, Muslim, or Hispanic people. The text does make the correlates of inequality to social problems clear, however. And it notes past biological views were racist.

For a free textbook, this is a wonderful resource. It provides a solid foundation from which to grow course curriculum. Supplementing with TED talks, additional data, and ideas on what individuals can do to improve social issues makes for a well rounded introduction to social problems.

Reviewed by Carlos Lopez, FT Sociology Faculty, Chemeketa Community College on 5/22/19

The textbook is organized in the typical fashion as other social problems textbooks (with a notable exception being Joel Best's Social Problems). The expected social problems are covered, but chapters on the media, technology, and/or science would... read more

The textbook is organized in the typical fashion as other social problems textbooks (with a notable exception being Joel Best's Social Problems). The expected social problems are covered, but chapters on the media, technology, and/or science would have been welcomed. The topic of guns and gun control is absent. A substantive discussion on globalization is also missing. While there is a Table of Contents (with some unfortunate numbering errors), there is no index or glossary. While not the most purely sociological approach, the increasing prominence of rational choice theory may warrant its inclusion (and critique) in the textbook. The introductory chapter serves as a clear road map to future chapters.

The content is mainly accurate (although some of the statistics are outdated), and the text is generally error-free and unbiased. While most of the URLs (detected by the .pdf reader used) worked, some links were broken. More up-to-date and sociologically relevant links could be made to student-friendly sites like The Society Pages, Contexts, and even

While some of the statistics are out-of-date, with sufficient time, it would not be too difficult in updating much of this data. Since each chapter is divided into 5-7 sections, it would not be too onerous to update some of the discussions, particularly the ones on policy. A more in-depth discussion on the social construction of social problems and an expanded discussion on how social policies come to be would make the textbook more relevant. A discussion on political ideologies and their relationship to the understanding of social problems and policy would also be helpful.

Since the text stays away from a lot of the technical language of sociology, students should find the text approachable. I did not run across a passage in which I thought students would not be able to understand the arguments or explanations being made.

The typical three theoretical perspectives are introduced in Chapter 1 and are consistently present in later chapters. Useful end of chapter study aids are present in all chapters. There seems to be an attempt to reduce jargon which does improve the readability of the textbook. At the same time, I think making it slightly more technical would be acceptable. Students should be reminded that sociology is a science which is distinct from other ways of knowing and distinct from other social sciences. It has its own set of vocabulary that students should be exposed to.

A clear strength of the textbook is in its modularity. Each chapter is divided into several sections that can be easily be assigned at varying points throughout the term. A select number of modules could easily serve as supplemental or background information if other texts are being used. Excessive use of subheadings is avoided.

Each chapter had a similar structure with the same end of chapter materials. Students should be able to predict the flow and structure of each of the chapters. While not explicitly indicated, chapters are grouped more or less by theme: inequalities, deviance and behavior, institutions, and social change.

The textbook was reviewed on a laptop and on an iPad in .pdf format. I found the formatting acceptable, and there was no display, formatting, or text issues that served as barriers to enjoying the textbook. Images, graphics, figures, and charts were not awkwardly embedded in the text.

There were no glaring grammatical errors or problems with usage, sentence structure, or punctuation that got in the way of the readability of the textbook.

Since this is a text on social problems from a sociological perspective, race, ethnicity, sexual identity, and other ascriptions are covered from a scientific approach. Nothing struck the reviewer as culturally insensitive, and the textbook very much read as many introductory and social problems textbooks do.

Reviewed by Nicholas Recker, Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 5/22/19

This text-book offers a comprehensive look at social problems. I believe all of the important topics are addressed. read more

This text-book offers a comprehensive look at social problems. I believe all of the important topics are addressed.

The book is accurate. However, some of the statistics are getting dated.

This textbook is relevant for a social problems/social issues course. Key topics are addressed, though some statistics are getting dated.

The book clearly lays out information. Key terms are bolded and chapter summaries are offered to help ensure information does not get missed.

Organization and writing is consistent throughout the book.

The book is broken down into chapters and each chapter has manageable sub-sections. I found this easy to follow. I think it will help students by making the readings more manageable.

The book is logically organized. Important course topics are covered in a clear and logical structure. The chapters are framed with sociological theory.

Each chapter has learning objectives and bolded course terminology. This book is also available in a variety of formats (e.g. PDF, online, etc.)

Good Grammar

Appropriate for students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

This is a great book!

Reviewed by Katie Cali, Instructor of Sociology and Criminal Justice , NTCC on 4/3/19

The information presented in this textbook is comparable to a traditional, publisher distributed textbook. The presentation structure of the text is written in a comprehensive manner. Beginning with an introduction to the concept of social... read more

The information presented in this textbook is comparable to a traditional, publisher distributed textbook. The presentation structure of the text is written in a comprehensive manner. Beginning with an introduction to the concept of social problems, the book presents various social problems experienced by society throughout the chapters. The chapters dissect the content through the lens of the major sociological theories.

Throughout my analysis of the chapters, I found the content to be accurately presented with well-developed explanations through the lens of the theories.

Relevancy is not an issue for this text. The examples are up-to-date and current; nonetheless, updating the textbook should be simple. The textbook presents classic examples and ideas that are just as relevant as the examples of recent, current events. The combination of historical examples and current events can assist the student as they understand the social problems in society. This text will easily be relevant for several years.

The writing is clear and easy to understand. I do not feel the author used academic jargon to the point that students will struggle to comprehend the material. As with all disciplines, some academic jargon is necessary and the author provides the necessary amount of technical terminology to expose the students to the discipline without excessive use.

Terminology use is consistent throughout the text, making the book comprehensive for students. The structure of the book is highly consistent, making textbook navigation straightforward and simple to use. I found the logic and the additional learning material, such as figures and graphs, to be consistent throughout the text.

I really like the design of this text. The reader can easily spot the title page, content and learning objectives for each chapter. Within the chapters, the author successfully uses proper headings and subheadings to guide the reader through the material. Since the modules are so well-organized, this textbook could potentially be a great resource for other OER courses.

The text is well organized. The topics are clearly stated so you know what chapter to look at when looking for specific information. ; topics are not hidden behind fancy chapter titles. Each chapter is broken down and structured appropriately. Content is written in a logical and chronological manner.

I did not find any issues with the textbooks overall interface. The text is easy to navigate, and the images are clear and consistent. When I am reading a textbook, I like additional figures and little important snippets of information that I should remember or learn. Images can enhance the learning experience and this book does exactly that.

As far as I can tell, the book appears free of grammatical errors.

Cultural sensitivity is extremely important for a Sociology textbook. Considering how controversial many of these chapters are, the author did an exceptional job presenting the information in a non-biased manner, making the textbook inclusive for students of all backgrounds, races, genders, and ethnicities.

Reviewed by Ajay Panicker, Associate Professor, St Cloud State University on 5/21/18

The textbook follows the standard practice of providing an initial understanding of Social Problems in general, and the theoretical perspectives employed to explain them, and goes on to examine in some detail a variety of social processes within... read more

The textbook follows the standard practice of providing an initial understanding of Social Problems in general, and the theoretical perspectives employed to explain them, and goes on to examine in some detail a variety of social processes within which problems are identified and discussed. The text follows a method of providing a general understanding, historical background, identifies the concepts relevant to each area, and provides a range of data, particularly through visual presentation (graphs, charts, maps etc.). Additionally, the chapters in the textbook provides a comparative international perspective. In all these ways, the textbook is quite comprehensive.

The content in this textbook is accurate. It provides mostly recent data, backed by historical information. The information presented is drawn from credible sources, and the analysis presented is based on social scientifically produced knowledge. In fact, aside from being unbiased, the textbook employs sociological perspectives to identify biases prevalent in society and demonstrates how sociologically produced knowledge can dispel them.

The content is up-to-date. The data presented is mostly uptodate, and because social data doesn’t vary vastly in short to medium time scale, new data can easily replace the old data. Therefore, in my opinion, the book will remain relevant for at least 10 years. Most importantly, the historical context, theoretical perspectives, typologies, and international comparative approach employed in the text contribute to its relevance and longevity.

The text is very well written. The clarity of writing makes it accessible to lower division undergraduate students for whom the book is written. It steers clear of jargons, and when terms are used as concepts, they are clearly elaborated for students to understand their utility.

As a sociology textbook, it is remarkably consistent internally in terms of terminology employed and the framework used. Theoretical frameworks are identified and elaborated at the start, and throughout the textbook, these frameworks are employed to present varied explanations of why the social problems exist, and what can be done about them.

The textbook is divided into chapters that deal with topical areas in Social Problem studies. Each chapter, then, is divided into sections and subsections that provide certain types of information/analysis. These sections and subsections are clearly identified and, while they connect with each other in contributing to the whole of the chapter, they are also useful as stand alone pieces that provide information. Learning objectives are identified at the start of each section, and that makes it easier for students to grasp the purpose of the section.

This is a very well structured textbook. At the start, the textbook provides a clear introduction to what social problems and the various approaches to addressing them. From thereon, the text goes on to follow a consistent structure in all the chapters that deal with various topical areas in Social Problems studies. Consistency in structure of chapters make it very student friendly.

Aside from some pages having a bit too much of blank space, the pagination and interface follow the standard format. Visual information, through images, graphs, charts, maps etc., are presented clearly and consistently. I did not experience any navigation problems or notice any distortion of the visual presentation of information.

I did not see any grammatical errors. Largely well written book.

The textbook is written in a culturally sensitive manner. In fact, it addresses many of the cultural insensitivities prevalent in society and attempts to address them.

A thoughtfully developed, well written textbook that is accessible to undergraduate students of social problems.

Reviewed by D. Chanele Moore, Assistant Professor, University of Delaware on 5/21/18

The book covers all the traditional content chapters of a traditional textbook. In each chapter, theories traditionally taught in an introductory level course are discussed. read more

The book covers all the traditional content chapters of a traditional textbook. In each chapter, theories traditionally taught in an introductory level course are discussed.

The textbook presents current, "state of the art" content. I read information is presented in a balanced way so that points and counterpoints are represented.

The book is up-to-date in terms of content and ideas. The data and references do seem dated so, in time, the statistical data would need to be updated. I do not think those updates would require an overhaul of the text.

The textbook is clear and accessible. Discipline specific jargon is explained clearly and examples provide useful support in understanding the theories and concepts.

The book follows the same format for each chapter. Each chapter includes a chapter containing the following: a short introduction, context for the topic, discussion about how concept is measured, discussion of theories, recommendations for problem solving and a conclusion. I appreciate the conclusions at they provide a nice summary of the whole chapter.

The text is divided into reasonable chunks so that assigning a whole chapter or sections of a chapter are easy. The sections each have a title and there are appropriate subtitles dividing the reading. It was easy to read through each section and maintain a sense of where I am in the book.

There is no real logic to presenting topics in a social problems book. That said, the order of topics in this book is very similar to the order of topics in several other social problems text books.

I read the book using the online platform and had no problems. There is a table of contents and a home button that provide an appropriate amount of navigation. I also downloaded the book into a pdf file and was able to use the bookmark feature to navigate in the book. The bookmark feature was helpful for navigating to a certain place in the book but did not indicate when you have scrolled to different area.

I saw no grammatical issues.

I do not think the text is insensitive. However it couldn't hurt to have more images of people of color, namely Asians, Native Peoples, and Latinos.

There is a strong discussion of the sociological imagination in chapter one (which I love). That is a good feature. The book does a good job of discussing the three classical theories throughout, but I especially like that there is background content, historical context and contemporary application when the classical theories are introduced in chapter 1. The presentation of global comparisons is especially helpful. I do wish there were a stronger or fuller discussion of the constructed nature of social problems, but the discussion that exists in this book parallels other books I have used. Overall this is a solid book that is a good foundational text for teaching Social Problems.

Reviewed by Kate Noveau, Adjunct Professor, Rhode Island College on 2/1/18

This book does a nice job at giving a broad overview of some of the core societal problems that have plagued our country, and continue to do so. The material is presented at a pretty basic level - I think it would be great for introductory,... read more

This book does a nice job at giving a broad overview of some of the core societal problems that have plagued our country, and continue to do so. The material is presented at a pretty basic level - I think it would be great for introductory, undergraduate courses in a variety of fields ranging from sociology to medicine, social work to law, and so on. Frankly, it would be good for much of the general public to just read given our current social/political climate. While there is no glossary in this book, the language is pretty digestible. The table of contents is well organized and user friendly.

The content in the book was accurate and did not appear to have any errors. It is relatively unbiased; however, without knowing anything about the author, I would venture to say that he is an upper-middle class white male.

This book is HIGHLY relevant today despite being in need of an update. Areas most in need of updating are Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality, Chapter 7: Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Chapter 13: Health and Health Care. These three areas have had rapid changes particularly in the last 5-10 years. For example, LGBT now would more commonly be LGBTQ or even LGBTQIA. In regards to substance abuse, an update regarding decriminalization and the state vs federal debates on legalization of marijuana should be included. The advances of Medical Marijuana should also be addressed in a future edition. In terms of healthcare, an update regarding Affordable Care Act would be welcomed. The author mentioned adopting "Integrated Care" as a strategy to improve healthcare and there as been a tremendous shift in this direction since this book was written. Integrated Care, Accountable Care entities etc. have rapidly developed in the last 5-10 years and I feel the author could provide a nice synopsis of these changes. The book is written in such a way that these could easily be implemented.

This book could be read by many different audiences of varying educational levels. It offers surprisingly comprehensive context in a succinct and accessible manner, and is free from a lot of technical terms/jargon.

The book uses consistent terminology and framework throughout. The "Theory Snapshot" provides a nice uniformity throughout the chapters.

The book is written in such a way that you could easily select a single chapter, or a section of a chapter, individually as a reading assignment. It could be used for a variety of different courses, selecting just the chapters that are relevant.

The book is well organized and consistent throughout. Each chapter offers the Theoretical Perspective as well as a nice summary in the End of Chapter material.

I am a person that likes BOOKS. I like turning the pages, highlighting sections, and writing notes in the margin. That being said, I do not always have the time to go to a bookstore, nor the space on the shelves to house more books, nor the patience to flip through all of the pages to find the note scrawled down a page. I am pleased to say that this text has made be a 'believer' of the Open Textbook. The interface of this book was flawless. I did not notice any errors, navigation issues, or other problems. It was available in several formats and all worked without issue.

I did not come across any issues here.

I did not come across any insensitive or offensive references in this book.

This book provides a brief, but good, overview of some of the biggest "hot topic" issues of our time. Making books like this available on Open Textbooks allows access to valuable educational resources that people might not be able to access otherwise.

Reviewed by Lori Geiselman, Adjunct, Rhode Island College on 2/1/18

Each chapter is well described. Chosen social problems are relevant and can be applied to a variety of fields. read more

Each chapter is well described. Chosen social problems are relevant and can be applied to a variety of fields.

Well balanced coverage of views. Each chapter includes several references.

Social problems addressed in this book include a brief history, present situation, and suggestions for future resolution. As written, appears one can easily update and maintain relevance over time.

Easily understood and holds interest. Great for introductory level students.

Each chapter is consistent in layout and writing style.

These chapters are extremely modular/portable. Topics may stand alone without compromise. True building blocks that may be configured to build a specific form.

Consistently well-organized throughout. Encourages critical thinking through assignment opportunities and self-reflective review.

Very clear, easy to navigate. Appreciate the low number of charts/graphs, that when overused, unnecessarily bog down a basic overview.

No problems were identified. Well written.

Some concern that over simplification (albeit in an effort to provide basic overview) may perpetuate generalizations that limit application where more intense scrutiny is appropriate. Chapter 3: Racial and Ethnic Inequality does a nice job in regard to cultural relevance. Other chapters were less intentional in regard to culture connections embedded in the topic, and its handling of the same.

Especially enjoy the interactive component! Each chapter provides an opportunity for deeper reflection and engaging activities.

Reviewed by Naliyah Kaya, Lecturer, University of Maryland on 2/1/18

The book addresses a wide array of social issues, defines and discusses subjective and objective definitions of social problems and covers major sociological perspectives and theorists. Basically, it has what you'd generally expect to be covered... read more

The book addresses a wide array of social issues, defines and discusses subjective and objective definitions of social problems and covers major sociological perspectives and theorists. Basically, it has what you'd generally expect to be covered in an introductory social problems book. It does not have a glossary, likely because it has a search option at the top of the screen that seems to work well.

Based on what I reviewed, I did not see any errors.

The book does a good job of discussing the persistence of many social issues over time giving past and present examples. I personally would supplement the book with specific examples that are current (they also ask for you to submit how you supplement the book) as the majority of "newer" sources seem to be from 2010-2011.

There was one link in chapter 2 for a poverty figure that no longer works, but it still takes you to the correct website.

The text does a good job of defining terms, explaining concepts and providing easy to understand examples. I don't think a student would find it difficult to understand even with no prior sociological knowledge. They break down some of the main theoretical perspectives and how they apply to sociology in a very digestible way.

I did not find any issues with the consistency of the book.

The book does an excellent job with regard to modularity. Each chapter has a box with learning objectives. The modules in each chapter are concise with good examples. There are boxes at the end that list key takeaways, provide review activities and references for the individual section/chapter. There is a good " at a glance" chart on theoretical perspectives in the beginning that explains the major assumptions of each and how each perspective views social problems. I also love the drop-down index that makes it incredibly easy to jump to chapters and sections of chapters as well as the term search box.

The information is presented in a clear logical manner. The first chapter does a good job of laying the foundational groundwork needed to discuss the social problems in the following chapters. Each chapter does a good job of explaining how issues have been framed in the past as well as present and how different frameworks have been used over time.

I did not find any issues with the interface.

I did come across any grammatical errors.

While the book is likely going by past racial categories on the census I would add in Middle Eastern and Multiracial experiences in the chapter on race & ethnicity, especially as the census explores the MENA category as well as how people perceived to be of Middle Eastern descent have faced increased discrimination and stereotyping post 9/11. The section on types of racism I would supplement with current material as we've seen a rise in old-fashioned racism (hate crimes) over the past year. While I like the idea of the "What You Can Do" sections at the end of the modules/chapters I think this can also be problematic if possible pitfalls of social change are not also discussed (paternalism/savior mentality, assimilation, ignoring cultural differences...). Often well-intended people get involved with issues that they are out-group members of and sometimes the impact is more harmful than helpful. This box of suggestions can unintentionally promote a helper vs. helped framework rather than teaching students how to be in community with others to solve social issues.

Reviewed by Lorena Fulton, Assistant Professor of Social Work, Ohio University-Zanesville on 2/1/18

This textbook is a thorough description of what social problems are, with detailed illustration of specific social problems. It provides a comprehensive summary for holistic education and the content is substantial enough for individuals chapters... read more

This textbook is a thorough description of what social problems are, with detailed illustration of specific social problems. It provides a comprehensive summary for holistic education and the content is substantial enough for individuals chapters to be used as supplementary material in the fields of political science, history, social work, and sociology.

I find no discrepancy with respect to objective information.

The book is certainly relevant to the needs of higher education today. It is a good blend of history and social policy with both a micro and a macro viewpoint. The content will remain relevant for the near future.

Clarity is important in higher education because so much content is cluttered with jargon and field-specific verbose. This book does a very nice job of speaking to readers from diverse background and interests.

Each chapter follows a predictable outline that brings the content together.

My favorite feature of this book is the separation of ideas by chapter. This makes the book useful in a variety of courses, as a supplement to other material.

I found no problems with interface.

I found no problems with grammar.

The content is timely and needed for students' general education requirements.

I am more likely to use this book as individual chapters for course-relevant supplementary material than to create a course around it.

Reviewed by Aimee Krouskop, Instructor of Sociology, Portland Community College on 6/20/17

Barkan offers a solid overview of the sociological approach to social problems, and a review of established US problems leading with the context of the social constructionist view, and weaving other perspectives, historical matters, and policy... read more

Barkan offers a solid overview of the sociological approach to social problems, and a review of established US problems leading with the context of the social constructionist view, and weaving other perspectives, historical matters, and policy approaches into the content in an accessible way. Key Takeaway sections that follow the sections provide very positive notes for relevancy. In later editions I would like to see certain social issues included, due to their potency and continued emerging urgency (specifically: human and civil rights, development and migration, cultural property, and sustainable consumption). More comparative treatments and discussion of the role of globalization plays within key social problems would add to this comprehensiveness.

I find the content of this text to be accurate, with few errors, and offers an objective approach to US society analysis.

The selection of social problems are relevant and widespread, and discussion of those carries demonstrates current treatment. However, as mentioned in "comprehensiveness" above its relevance could be improved by replacing some theoretical sections with pressing and fast-emerging social problems listed there.

This is an exceptionally clear and accessible text; very appropriate for an introduction to social problems course.

There is a reliable framework and very consistent terminology-set to this work. This adds dramatically to its accessibility.

I can see readily dividing this text into smaller reading sections and / or reorganizing or skipping sections to accommodate a specific course schedule.

The organization, structure, and flow of this text makes for a very readable and usable offering.

I find no significant interface issues.

I find no grammatical errors.

I do not find this text culturally insensitive nor offensive. Including cultural property, and comparative approaches throughout would add to its cultural relevance.

Reviewed by Carol Ann MacGregor, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Loyola University New Orleans on 6/20/17

I chose to review this book as a possible adoption for a summer online Social Problems course. I was pleased to see that all of the topics that I currently cover in the course. While there is no glossary it is easy to navigate the table of contents. read more

I chose to review this book as a possible adoption for a summer online Social Problems course. I was pleased to see that all of the topics that I currently cover in the course. While there is no glossary it is easy to navigate the table of contents.

Although I am not a subject matter expert on each of the topics covered, the ones that focused on my areas of specialty, Schools and Education and Race and Ethnicity, were accurate and without problem.

This text has a nice balance of timeless social theory and relevant contemporary examples. The examples should not need yearly updating but may need a refresh from time to time.

The book is accessible and engaging. I think most undergraduate students would find it clear and easy to read.

In spite of the wide range of material covered, the book reads like one written by an expert in everything.

The chapter structure of the book makes sense. When I need to adapt it for an 8 week course it would be easy to just choose the 8 most relevant topics.

The book is clearly organized and the end of chapter material brings it all together.

I appreciated the streamlined/simple layout and the pops of color.

There are no issues here.

I did not find any offensive references and the book attempts to enhance our appreciate of race, gender, and sexual diversity

A really wonderful alternative to an expensive social problems text. Covers all the material in an accessible way and leaves room for instructors to supplement as needed.

Reviewed by Cindy Hager, Instructor, Sociology, Alexandria Technical and Community College on 4/11/17

The text covers a comprehensive look at social problems and provides an examination of discipline specific material as well as statistical information on how each social problem is currently experienced throughout the world. The Key Takeways and... read more

The text covers a comprehensive look at social problems and provides an examination of discipline specific material as well as statistical information on how each social problem is currently experienced throughout the world. The Key Takeways and For Your Review sections does a good job at summarizing material and engaging students.

The overall content is accurate although statistical information needs to be updated (see relevance/longetivity).

Relevance/Longevity rating: 2

In regards to discipline specific material the text is highly relevant. However, sociology is a discipline that benefits from having recent statistics. Having more recent statistical information is important to understanding the current state of various social problems and providing an accurate understanding of social problems. In order to effectively use the text, the statistical information needs to be updated.

The text is easy to understand and the language effectively reaches students.

The text is consistent in its layout and approach. It continuously examines issues in a discipline specific manner while being culturally relevant. This is important in effectively engaging students.

This text is especially effective in it's modularity and can easily be broken into different sections. This is highly effective for student learning.

The text's flow and structure is consistent throughout. I think this is important to students specifically in an online environment who seek a rhythm to what they are learning and that a text has similar presentation from one chapter to the next.

Did not find any issues with the text's interface.

The text appears to be free of grammatical errors.

I found that the lessons section offer students the opportunity to understand the cultural impact more effectively. Information presented does not appear offensive and offers opportunities for critical analysis.

Providing quality open educational resources is important to meeting the needs of a dynamic student body. This text would be a great benefit to a Social Problems course with the addition of more recent statistical data.

Reviewed by Jolene Sundlie, Sociology Instructor, Saint Paul College on 4/11/17

This text covers all the chapters/topics you would expect in a Social Problems text. The chapters are concise at about twenty pages per chapters. The Table of Contents is comprehensive, but the is so glossary of terms or subject/name index at the... read more

This text covers all the chapters/topics you would expect in a Social Problems text. The chapters are concise at about twenty pages per chapters. The Table of Contents is comprehensive, but the is so glossary of terms or subject/name index at the end of the book.

I found the text to be mostly accurate. There are many statistics included in each chapter and I didn't check out each and every number provided. In the family chapter, in the section on divorce, I question the accuracy of the information provided that divorce rates rose sharply during the Great Depression and WWII. I don't believe that statement is true.

I give this section a 5 because it is very difficult to stay up-to-date in a Sociology text. Considering this book was published in 2010, there is some outdated material in it, specifically about same sex marriage. It was accurate in 2010, but is no longer relevant. If this book could be updated, it would be helpful.

I found this book to be clear and easy to follow. Most of the technical terms are explained or defined in the context of their usage.

I found each chapter to be consistent with the chapters before. The same prose is used throughout and the same major theories are consistently covered.

Each chapter is broken into sections and each section is appropriately numbered, e.g. in Chapter 10, section 1 is 10.1, section 2 is 10.2, etc...

I would reorder a couple of the chapters and combine a couple of chapters. Chapter 4 is gender inequality, Chapter 5 is sexual orientation and inequality, Chapter 6 is aging and ageism, Ch 7 is alcohol/drugs, Ch 8 crime and CJ and then Ch 9 is sexual behavior. I would either put Sexual behavior as Chapter 6 or I would simply combine Chapters 5 and 6 into one chapter. Sixteen chapters can be a bit too much to cover in a semester.

The navigation is smooth from the TOC to each chapter. One thing that I found to be a little confusing is that within the chapter, there a links to charts, photos, other chapters and they are highlighted in red. You click on it and it takes you somewhere. Key terms in each chapter are also highlighted in the exact same shade of red, so it seems like you should be able to click on the term and be taken to a glossary, but they're not links.

I found no obvious grammatical errors in the text.

I would like to see more inclusion of Native Americans and Asian Americans in the race/ ethnicity chapter and in all the charts/graphs/statistics that discuss race. Also in the race/ethnicity chapter (3.1), I think it is possible to discuss lynching without including a photograph of a lynched man. It is insensitive. Transgender is covered in Chapter 5, the chapter on sexual orientation. It should be included in the chapter on GENDER as it has nothing to do with one's sexual orientation. The term transvestite is outdated. The section on public attitudes about sexual orientation is all about the Bible - not a very diverse perspective.

Instructor resources would be a great and helpful addition to any open source book. There are none provided for this particular text. A few more end of section/chapter review or discussion questions would be great too

Reviewed by Michelle Crossley, Assistant Professor, Rhode Island College on 4/11/17

The text does a wonderful job of bringing in a vast array of social problems and related them to real world events. I am aware that it can be challenging to address every social problem, as the text indicates there may be a need for society to... read more

The text does a wonderful job of bringing in a vast array of social problems and related them to real world events. I am aware that it can be challenging to address every social problem, as the text indicates there may be a need for society to acknowledge these problems and then they are viewed as social problems, I found there to be many missing components that can be addressed in future editions. I would have hoped to find, at least, some information regarding the Transgender population in the Gender chapter-there was no mention of this population outside of the Sexual Orientation chapter and this was just to include the "T" in GLBT. This population is marginalized and oppressed daily and there are many real-world examples out there to consider. Also, there is little on those living with a Disability, including Mental Illness. In the future it would be great for these populations to be included as well as others that I've missed. Overall, the book was comprehensive in what it noted it would address in the index/glossary.

I appreciate how the text worked to incorporate the historical perspectives of the issues it did address. They were seemingly on-point and individuals reading could direct themselves to more recent information through the citations and website that were used. This is helpful. Content was biased by nature of the topic-the point of social justice is to make the point that there is a problem and inequality-there was little counter-point to this represented in the text.

As mentioned previously, the text does an excellent job of bringing into awareness the historical context of real-world problems. Through this information can become outdated rapidly, the issues being addressed are constant and continue to be weaved into current times. I would say that it will be relatively easy for chapters or addenda to be added as more problems emerge (i.e., Transgender rights, Disability and Mental Illness, Opiod Epidemic, etc.).

The text is clear in the purpose-to educate about Social Problems and capacity for change. Any jargon that is unfamiliar to those reading outside the field is nicely and clearly defined. Each chapter builds off another and I appreciate the consistency in language and how examples are analyzed.

The text consistently uses real-life examples and graphics throughout to help the reader better understand the severity of the Social Problems represented. I find that the reader can expect what's next in terms of analysis of the social problem using consistent theories throughout, directions for what's next, and reflection and direction of furthering the dialogue. It's a great component to add, especially when using this with Undergraduate students.

One thing that I really enjoyed about the text is how it is easily broken up into readings. Each chapter was not so long that it would overwhelm a student and topics could be broken up over multiple class periods. This can be helpful in teaching that material as it may be necessary to ensure comprehension of components before moving on to how to create change.

I found the text to flow nicely and appreciated the consistent nature of what was covered within the sub-chapters.

While navigating I did not notice any problems/distortions.

I did not notice any problems with grammar.

I would be mindful of noting certain terminology and changing as our standards of inclusive language changes (one is not Transgendered as this is not a choice). Overall, I found the text to be open about cultural differences and real-life examples of the problems of inequality that has plagued our society over many years. There may be a need for a foreward note that some of the pictures may be distressing and inclusion of a way to have a conversation about why the reader reacted in a certain manner to the graphics or content.

I appreciate this book for what it is--an introduction into learning about Social Problems throughout history. I would find this text to be helpful in teaching both Undergraduate and Graduate students focused on advocacy and social change work. These conversations are not easy ones to have, and I would suggest anyone using the book to take the time to develop skills to handle some of the interpersonal challenges of dialogue and strong values/beliefs that may emerge from these conversations. There are some components that are missing from the problems identified, though these can be supplemented through literature and examples in society. The structure that is provided in the text is easily replicated to create a "lesson" on those factors missed.

Reviewed by Cheryl Wright, Associate Professor, University of Utah on 2/15/17

The book is very comprehensive and covers the contemporary and important social problems in our society. It is up-to-date. It is high quality production from an established publisher. read more

The book is very comprehensive and covers the contemporary and important social problems in our society. It is up-to-date. It is high quality production from an established publisher.

The information is very up-to-date.

Up-to-date but there will be a need for periodic updates of national trends in these topical areas.

The text is easy to read and visually appealing. It has sections - key takeaways, review, what you can do that will be engaging for undergraduate students.

The book is very consistent in framework and organization.

This is the strength of the book - text is broken up in an organized way that will be appeal to visual learners.

Organization is very clear and consistent and easy to follow.

I did not see any interface problems.

No grammar issues.

This book is very culturally relevant and many of the topics focus on cultural and diversity issues.

Reviewed by Victoria Blanchard, Instructional Faculty, Virginia Tech on 2/8/17

The range of topics covered by the text is appropriate, and the concepts covered within the subjects are, overall, appropriate for an introduction to social problems. From what I can tell, sex trafficking gets one brief mention in chapter 4... read more

The range of topics covered by the text is appropriate, and the concepts covered within the subjects are, overall, appropriate for an introduction to social problems.

From what I can tell, sex trafficking gets one brief mention in chapter 4 (Gender) but no mention in chapter 9 on sexual behavior. The mention it does get, also represents it as the problem of a few countries globally. In reality, sex trafficking is a huge problem worldwide, including the United States. Even if the topic is not addressed in depth in this text, the failure to acknowledge and represent it accurately is a big problem. It is particularly an issue because the connection between sex trafficking and prostitution is not made. Many prostitutes have been or are victims of sex trafficking. This further complicates discussion of the topic of prostitution, but it is important to represent this complexity.

In chapter 10 when family violence is discussed, I was surprised to not see reference Johnson's typology of types of intimate partner violence (IPV). This typology helps address the conflict between various perspectives on what causes IPV and the form it takes. There is a huge difference between intimate terrorism and situational couple violence, and I think this should at least be alluded to. This was acknowledged a bit in the discussion of gendered violence, but not as clearly as it could, and I think should, be.

Page 598: author reports that TFR is misunderstood more often than other fertility measures but does not explain why/how. Without explanation, this seems to me to be an unnecessary detail.

The section on Mortality and Death rates on page 600 is woefully inadequate. At a minimum, there should be some brief discussion of how and whey mortality rates have changed over time in the United States, and why and how similar changes are or are not occurring in other countries. It would also be relevant to mention that our infant mortality rate is not comparable to that of many nations that we are peers with in other areas.

I see no index or glossary, which could make the text harder to use, particularly when students are trying to review concepts they have read earlier.

In chapter 5 on sexual orientation, I am concerned that the terms "transgendered" and "homosexuality" are used. Most major news sources have follow GLAAD's request to not use these terms ( This terminology should be updated to reflect more sensitivity to this population.

I love how in each chapter, the sections are separated and have their own reference lists. This is so practical, in terms of implementing changes in the future, and I think it will be helpful to students in organizing the information they take in from reading it. This text also does a nice job integrating historical perspectives on issues with related current events and concerns. I think overall the book hits the mark on overall relevance and longevity.

The text clearly defines key terms and jargon as they are used (although an index and/or glossary would be an important addition). The prose is very accessible---exactly what I would expect a college student to be able to read without struggling and comprehend without confusion.

I do not see any problems with internal consistency. The author did a nice job of representing functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interaction perspectives within the various topics.

YES. This is one of my favorite things about this text. I love how each chapter has such distinct sections. It's like all these complicated topics have been cut into bite-size pieces for the reader, which is so important in terms of accessibility and facilitating comprehension. Well done!

I like the overall organization of topics in the book. In the class I teach that correlates best with this text, I cover the various topics in a quite similar order. I also find the organization within chapters logical.

(PDF version of text) Pages 140, 180: Image at the bottom of page, caption is on the top of the following page Some of the images in the text are quite good, some are just ok, and some look staged or somewhat irrelevant to the topic at hand. However, I have a MAJOR problem with the divorce cake picture on page 408. I think it is not only in poor taste, but it also reinforces a host of (often gender-related) stereotypes and assumptions associated with divorce. I'll admit to being particularly sensitive to this issue as I am a divorced woman. But I'd like to hope that others would see the problems with this image that I see. There are some really great divorce cakes out there, and I'm all for you using an image of one in the text. But not this one.

Page 224: heading for title, blank below, table that follows goes for over a page, but is very narrow. I would suggest reformatting this. Pages 251, 434: Marijuana heading should just begin on the next page Pages 254, 261, 397: heading for table should be on same page as table Pages 261: source info for table should appear on the same page as the table Pages 320, 472, 559: caption for photo should be on same page as photo Pages 346, 358, 364, 499, 501, 560, 654: image is so large that a big gap is left on previous page. Pages 571: text here is smaller than everywhere else Pages 575, 663: keep bulleted lists on the same page

I'm sure there are some (there always are), but in my review, I did not find any.

Overall, it's pretty good. Like I mentioned before, I don't like listing only a few countries as having sex trafficking as a major problem. But this is the only specific example I can think of where I felt like certain countries were called out inappropriately. The issues with gender and sexuality terminology that I mentioned in item 2 are a big concern for me, however.

I definitely will refer to this text for general reviews of certain issues I'm not as familiar with and for using the discussion questions. I may use parts of it with my students, as well. If the issues I brought up were addressed, I would most definitely integrate at least parts of it in the readings I use in certain courses.

Reviewed by Komal Dhillon, Adjunct Professor, Virginia Tech on 2/8/17

Social Problems: Continuity and Change reads as an introductory text that exposes readers to a wide array of social issues. As such, the breadth of the text is impressive as many significant areas relating to social problems are discussed. ... read more

Social Problems: Continuity and Change reads as an introductory text that exposes readers to a wide array of social issues. As such, the breadth of the text is impressive as many significant areas relating to social problems are discussed. However, due to the wide range of of topics, the depth in which each area is covered is relatively less, and is therefore more appropriate for an introductory class. That being said, the ideas that are considered in the text are done so in a critical and insightful manner and encourage further discussion (such as in a classroom setting) and thought. The table of contents that is provided is extremely useful and easy to navigate. A glossary of terms is not included, but would be helpful to readers for easy reference.

One of the most important features of Social Problems is the author's approach to providing information in the most objective way possible. Many of the issues discussed include various theoretical frameworks for understanding the why and how aspects. These often include the most prominent responses to social problems, including a brief genealogy of the problem presented in an informative way. Absent from this discussion is the author's viewpoints, thus allowing the reader to form their own conclusions.

The content is accurate and up-to-date with current sociological perspectives and includes contemporary examples, which help make it more relevant to undergraduates. Historical examples are also included in order to better conceptualize the origins and development of the issues. The text will have staying power for years to come, but occasionally adding recent examples will also be beneficial as it will help students relate to the material more easily and demonstrate the continuity of the problem.

This is one of the more accessible social problems text I have read. One does not need to have completed a prerequisite course in order to understand the concepts and ideas in Social Problems: Continuity and Change. Terms and ideas specific to the field of sociology are sufficiently elaborated upon in a clear and concise style. Yet, the information is also not too basic as to be deemed common-sense or intuitive. The language used is appropriate for the undergraduate level as it is easy to follow, yet at the same contributes to language development through the use of new terms (and terms used in new, non-conventional ways). The author has struck the important balance between accessibility and using the appropriate amount of jargon (while providing more than adequate context).

I found the book to be very consistent, particularly with terminology. For example, in the initial discussion of the connotative differences between the terms sex and gender, the author clarifies that the two are not interchangeable. When referencing either of these terms in other areas of the book, the author uses them in a manner consistent with the distinction provided. The same can also be said of the terms race and ethnicity as well.

There are numerous sections within each chapter that are organized similarly across all chapters. None of the individual sections are lengthy, yet they provide the reader with an appropriate amount of information, including historical perspectives, theoretical frameworks, examples, and solutions. Each chapter can be assigned out of order as the text is not overly self-referential, but the sections within the chapter are best read together and chronologically for maximum comprehension.

The reader is able to anticipate the organization of each chapter. This is particularly helpful with a book that discussed such a large variety of topics as it lends clarity and cohesiveness to the text. Moreover, the preface does a good job of outlining the structure of each chapter, while the table of contents also provides a useful quick reference.

I did not experience any interface issues. The links within the table of contents perfectly redirected the reader to the respective section. The images, photos, charts, graphs, and other displays were also clear and appropriate in size and relevance.

I noticed a few minor grammatical issues (missing period (one or two), absent commas, improper apostrophes, etc). I did not see any misspellings or major issues in sentence structure.

By and large, the author does an exceptional job of being inclusive (which is extremely important for a text that discusses cultural sensitive topics such as race, sex, feminism, age, ethnicity, class, etc.). The examples provided in the book draw from diverse groups, though the main focus is often on issues within the Unites States (and the Western world), with less attention given to global matters. Some of the images used to reference other cultures (for example, in section 4.3, under the heading, "The Global Inequality of Women) seem ahistorical and overly simplistic. In the example cited, the captions states that brides in Pakistan and India are killed every year due to inadequate dowries. This problem of violence against women in these states is much more complicated than the caption allows. Furthermore, the image used could also be viewed as essentializing of Indian women as traditional, rural, stuck in time, and even backwards and is not representative of most Indian women (who wear Western style clothing, do not do farm work, etc.).

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Social Problems: Continuity and Change and believe that it is an important text that is relevant to students of every discipline.

Reviewed by Megan Kuykendoll, Instructor, Miami University on 8/21/16

This text provides a VERY comprehensive look at overall social problems within the United States and provides a well-defined section on a variety of specific issues. This open text would be an excellent supplement to a large variety of course... read more

This text provides a VERY comprehensive look at overall social problems within the United States and provides a well-defined section on a variety of specific issues. This open text would be an excellent supplement to a large variety of course subjects when used in parts, but it would also be very useful in its entirety for a sociology or other related course. The comprehensiveness of topics lends itself to a wider use across disciplines than a more sociology- or psychology-specific focused text. For example, one could use the chapters on gender inequality and the changing family of this text in a women's studies course, while a criminal justice course might use the chapters covering crime and substance abuse instead. While the text does not appear to provide a specific index or glossary, it does provide appropriate links and citations where applicable. I might suggest including these features in the next revision of this text.

Content appears to be accurate and uses current sources where applicable. Images were also notably very current in several sections. No errors were noticed and the text is reasonably unbiased in its review of US/American society.

Given that this is a text written about societal problems and current issues, it generally lends itself to needing more updating than other subject matter. With that being said, this book would have relatively good longevity (several years) before significant additions would need to be made. Again, this would depend on any significant changes to cultural perceptions or legislative measures (for example, recent legalization of same-sex marriage).

This is a particular strength of this book. It starts each chapter with clear learning objectives and ends with a recap and key take-aways. I think this significantly adds to the student experience and helps to provide important scaffolding for the knowledge they are building. Excessively technical terms are avoided or explained where needed.

This text presents topics in a consistent manner and helps students to contextualize each topic within the broader society. Another helpful aspect is the continual redirection to ways students can get involved (volunteering, activism, etc). I find this particularly noteworthy because students may often feel dismayed at the breadth and depth of societal problems, but this part of each chapter helps them begin to move from discomfort and despair to action and positive contributions to their communities.

This book seems to have excellent modularity. I could see this text being used in parts very easily with little to no adjustment needed. Chapters can be presented in a different order than shown in the book without incident.

The consistency of structure in each chapter provides a great framework for students to become comfortable with what to expect for each topic. The flow created by the various sub-sections helps to understand the material in a larger context.

Overall the online interface has worked well. As mentioned previously, I would suggest adding an index and/or glossary with links to the appropriate sections. The table of contents is effective for navigation between chapters and sub-sections.

I have not noticed any grammatical errors in my review of this book.

Since this book addresses many cultural "hot topics", it's particularly important that those topics be discussed in a sensitive manner. This text takes a very matter-of-fact tone with the reader and uses research and historical context to help understand issues like race, gender, and sexuality. Where applicable, examples of cultures or communities outside of the United States are given to further examine the specific topic.

Reviewed by Rosalie Schofield, Associate Professor, Temple University on 8/21/16

The text offers a broad overview of key social problem areas that will be of interest to students. It offers a table of contents that details the approach to each problem. Each topic includes an historical perspective as well as an explanation... read more

The text offers a broad overview of key social problem areas that will be of interest to students. It offers a table of contents that details the approach to each problem. Each topic includes an historical perspective as well as an explanation of what key terms mean. The author follows a standardized approach in each chapter of defining the problem, presenting a range of data disaggregated by numerous characteristics including age, race, and sex. He provides statistics on the problem including easy to comprehend graphic presentations. offers competing theories that offer different explanations for why the problems exist, identifies individuals and approaches that have helped ameliorate the problems. The author also engages students in thinking about how they could contribute to alleviating or eliminating the problem.

I found the text to be accurate overall although the latest research and statistics are primarily from 2010 and 2011. One would want to supplement with updated research findings and data but other than that the content was correct. It appeared to be to be error-free and offered a balanced perspective. The ranking below is a 3 only because of the currency of the research and statistics.

The content of the book is still pertinent. The framing of the various problems, presentation of their key components and discussion of their different impact on specific demographic groups works well. The current event spotlighting the problem at the beginning of each chapter can easily be updated.

The text is clearly written and organized. It will be easy for students to understand. Any complex terms or theories are adequately explained. Each chapter lists takeaways at the end which will help students to retain the major points.

As discussed above, the text is organized so that the chapters follows the same schema throughout.

The text could easily be broken into blocks that corresponded to the syllabus topic for a given week. With some work, one could also easily update the content in those areas that needed more current information.

The topics are presented in an impressively clear and accessible manner. The challenge is the length of the book and the challenges of scrolling to easily locate or review previously read content. That is the nature of e-reading. For some students this is a challenge.

I didn't notice any interface problems that would distract the reader from understanding the text content other than the challenge of scrolling such lengthy material as discussed above.

I saw no grammatical errors.

Effectively presents and discusses race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation. Could be supplemented with content on transgender issues.

I could see segments of this text being used in a variety of courses that address social issues including, social policy, social work, and public health as well as intro sociology. The preface to this text on your website described it as an Introduction to Psychology but it is instead an Introduction to Sociology,

Reviewed by Hannah Liebreich, Lecturer, University of Hawaii at Manoa on 8/21/16

The overall layout of the textbook is logical and comprehensive. Additionally, the layout of each chapter is well organized and provides a wide range of topics and examples. The textbook covers an inclusive list of key terms, and the definitions... read more

The overall layout of the textbook is logical and comprehensive. Additionally, the layout of each chapter is well organized and provides a wide range of topics and examples. The textbook covers an inclusive list of key terms, and the definitions are concise and to the point. However, I think that the presentation of major sociological theory could be more thorough. If I used this textbook for a course, I would likely accompany it with additional theoretical readings.

The author accurately and effectively covers material, and for the most part a variety of perspectives are presented for each topic.

Although the timeliness and relevance of material covered in a social problems class is constantly in flux, the textbook does a nice job of incorporating material from a wide range of contemporary issues. Plus, one of the perks of using a textbook from the Open Textbook Library is that you can more easily tweak the material being covered.

The language as well as the organizational structure of the writing is clear and concise. Additionally, the examples are easy to understand and complement and clarify key points.

Each chapter follows a similar and consistent layout, which makes the material easier for students to retain.

Modularity rating: 2

I can see how the overall structure as well as the organization of each chapter is well designed for class modules. For example, the “Social Problems in the News” section that starts each chapter is great for generating class dialogue and so are the “For Your Review” questions.

The organization of the chapters has a logical flow. Additionally, I like how the preface explains the layout of the chapters (i.e. the bullet points), I’m sure this is especially useful when students are studying for midterms.

Charts, graphs, visualizations, etc. are easy to understand and complement the text.

There does not appear to be grammatical or mechanical errors, and the textbook is accessible to readers.

The author presents a variety of examples and perspectives. However, I think the textbook could benefit from a more intersectional approach.

I’m a firm believer that higher education should be more affordable for students so I am pleased that this textbook, as well as others in the Open Textbook Library, offer quality sociological reading material.

Reviewed by Heidi Esbensen, Adjunct/Part-time Faculty, Portland Community College/Portland State University on 1/7/16

This text covers a broad spectrum of social problems coherently and thoroughly. One of the strengths of this text is the manner in which it provides examples that can connect the reader, students, to the issues in a way that matters to them. There... read more

This text covers a broad spectrum of social problems coherently and thoroughly. One of the strengths of this text is the manner in which it provides examples that can connect the reader, students, to the issues in a way that matters to them. There are relevant examples throughout that are intermingled with theoretical lenses that connect the reality to academia, or vice versa. Each chapter focuses on one area of social problems and ties them to broader areas of oppression and intersections such as race, class, gender, etc. This is not easily accomplished across such a broad range of topics, but is nicely done here and is central in the first few chapters, setting a stage of perspective for the rest of the book.

Concepts and theories are accurate and clearly described, as well as current and relevant. The text is also up to date and in many cases seems to present more than one angle to social problems. This is taking into consideration a natural bias in social sciences when looking at social problems, but this text seems to, in most cases, lessen this to a great extent.

Prefacing the book with ‘classic theory’ and incorporating current events will maintain that the text is relevant for a long time. The ability to update the current events and areas of the chapters should be simple and will keep it current and lively!

Easy to read and comprehend, and the chapters were clear in their intent and purpose. The language used and writing style is very well managed in a way that presents the material clearly and concisely, while keeping readers attention.

Seemed consistent throughout, in both terminology and framework.

While reading this it was clear that there was a structure to create modules of learning to accompany. This would be easy to organize into discussions and lectures from the text layout. Also within chapters there was clear sub sections that were also laid out in modular organization. This text could easily be divided into subunits and sets of chapters for multiple subjects. This is a very strong point of this text.

The layout and structure seemed well thought out and the sections and sub sections were clear and followed each other well. There is no way to judge what social problem should come before another in presentation, and if it were desired to change the flow, one could easily assign different topic chapters in a different order.

Easily accessible, downloadable and all text, images and graphs were clear. As someone who is typically not drawn to online reading and would prefer in hand reading, this was easy and simple to navigate.

No grammatical errors were found.

Given the inclusion of current events and obvious attempt at intersectionality, this seems culturally relevant and easily graces the reader with the ability to see this. The text is appropriate and respectful of diverse backgrounds and lives.

I am not one to subscribe to online texts per se, but will definitely consider this after taking the time to read Social Problems: Continuity and Change, I was impressed by how comprehensive and well-presented it was. I think that given the vast amount of information, that this text could be very useful in full or in part for teaching, and given the format, a more socially conscious choice. There were chapters that would not only be good as part of the whole text, but used as an introductory to a more specific subject course. I think one of the strengths of the text is the language and the manner in which it really does provide opportunity for students to connect closely through pictures and examples presented.

Reviewed by Gordon Walker, Instructor, Portland Community College on 1/7/16

The book is extremely comprehensive, covering major challenges society is facing in the 21st Century, and would serve well as a reference book and as a place to go to begin research on today’s social problems. Extensive references are helpful... read more

The book is extremely comprehensive, covering major challenges society is facing in the 21st Century, and would serve well as a reference book and as a place to go to begin research on today’s social problems. Extensive references are helpful resources.

The book is generally well researched, with many references in each chapter, although some of the references are ten years old or more. More recent research would add legitimacy to the accuracy of the book. For example, the section on marijuana (pp 322-324) is inaccurate and needs updating due to recent legalization, medicinal usage, rising potency of the drug, and also due to new research on cannabis and its effects. Both assertions in the statement “marijuana is generally not physiologically addictive, (and) it does not reduce ambition and motivation” (p. 323) have been shown through research to be untrue. The DSM 5 now recognizes that there are both physical and mental symptoms associated with marijuana withdrawal, and studies have shown that “amotivational” behavior occurs in those who chronically use marijuana. Actually, I found this section on marijuana and its effects to be somewhat irresponsible—the text takes a tone that is seemingly condoning marijuana use, which in my opinion is ill-advised considering the general demographic of those who will most likely be reading this text. Check out The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Research Report Series on marijuana for an overview of newer research:

The social problems discussed in the book, such as racism, poverty, drug and alcohol use, crime, and war and terrorism are both relevant to current societal concerns plaguing both the United States and the world and are also are challenges the world will be facing long into the future. The text should remain relevant with updates and inclusion of more current reseacrh and case examples.

The book is very clear in presenting its ideas in a linear and logical fashion. It presents a social problem, examines the causes and current impact of the problem, and offers suggestions for how the problems could begin to be ameliorated. The book is written in understandable language.

The chapters are very consistent in their presentations. The social problems herein are examined in the same manner in each chapter, which allows the book to flow well. The reader knows what to expect and what learning objectives are meant to occur.

The book is very well organized and the individual chapters can stand alone. If an instructor wanted to only teach portions of the book, this could be easily achieved. The chapters are also broken up into smaller sections, which make it easy to read small chunks at a time while also gaining increased knowledge of the subject matter.

The book flows well. I found the structure and the presentation helpful, as my interest in the topics grew the more I read.

I noted no problems with the book’s interface. Graphics were simply presented and understandable.

No grammar problems were noted. The writing was easy to follow and understand.

The text is very culturally conscience and relevant. Many (if not all) of the social problems in the world involve racism, discrimination, and conflicts between cultures, and the text does a good job of pointed out how culture affects and is affected by the social maladies covered. I did not perceive the text to be culturally insensitive in any way, although I am a privileged white male and have my own blind spots, so it’s possible I missed something an individual of another culture or demographic might see differently.

Overall, I found this text to be an excellent overview of problems with which modern society is confronted and which college students will continue to face as they grow older. Although I am familiar with many of the subjects discussed in the book, I enjoyed reading the text and found my interest growing in the subjects due to the manner in which topics were presented and the examples used to demonstrate them. I also appreciated that the book encouraged students to strive for social justice and not lose hope that they can contribute to the amelioration or resolution of these social problems.

Reviewed by Vanessa Jones, Lecturer, Cleveland State University on 6/10/15

Through the text, Barkan provides a comprehensive definition of social problems and policy processes, overview of critical current issues and theoretical perspectives, and history of problems affecting the social context of the United States and... read more

Through the text, Barkan provides a comprehensive definition of social problems and policy processes, overview of critical current issues and theoretical perspectives, and history of problems affecting the social context of the United States and how such have been and can be addressed. There are also helpful sections that provide a global look at some social issues. While there is no index, glossary, or table of contents, the text is formatted effectively to highlight key terms, definitions, and concepts. Having nearly 900 pages of comprehensive coverage of social problems limits opportunities for instructors to assign additional readings and expose students to a variety of authors and research.

The content provided is not only comprehensive, but is also accurate and current. Barkan provides multiple perspectives on social problems, which effectively limits bias. Readers are exposed to opposing public and political views within a socio-historical context, allowing for readers to form their own educated assessments on the various social issues.

The content is current, and the text makes use of relevant news stories. It is arranged in such a way that and has a digital format whereby these news stories, supporting resources, and text can be easily replaced and/or updated.

Barkan’s writing style falls between informal and formal registers, utilizing clear, accessible language and avoiding the use of jargon (including academic, scholarly, and technical terminology) without providing an adequate explanation. The information is presented in a manner appropriate for some high school classes in addition to the post secondary level.

The terminology and framework of the text are internally consistent, incorporating the theoretical perspective of social constructivism throughout. It has a user-friendly and engaging chapter/section format that includes several types of pedagogical features and text blocks for application of social problems in the news, in relation to youth, with respect to change, various activities and scenarios, as well as succinctly summarized objectives, takeaways, and review.

The text is successfully divided into modules whereby each chapter contains smaller reading sections, complete with the aforementioned pedagogical features and text blocks. This arrangement is particularly useful when structuring reading assignments for courses in which the entire text may not be used or may be supplemented with additional journal articles. The included subheadings are also useful to guide readers and instructors through the content. Sections of text can be easily reorganized and assigned without disrupting the meaning and delivery of the content.

The chapters and topics within each chapter are presented in a clear and logical manner. The modularity of the text is structured in such a way that flows consistently with the subject matter while leaving flexibility for re-organization to fit the needs of individual instructors.

Interface rating: 2

While the text appears to be free of significant interface issues, navigation through the text is challenging. The comprehensive nature of the text makes it lengthy, and the addition of interactive table of contents, index, and glossary as well as a list of the charts and figures would be helpful to allow readers to navigate through the text. Currently, navigation through the text is a bit cumbersome, limited to scrolling through nearly 900 pages to locate information. The images are appropriate and engaging. While they contain helpful information, the charts used could be more visually sophisticated. None of the display features appear to be distracting or confusing.

Barkan does an excellent job of addressing social problems, which by nature can be controversial, in a manner that is neither culturally insensitive nor offensive. Barkan uses examples that are diverse, multicultural, and inclusive.

Social Problems: Continuity and Change is a well written, organized, and comprehensive textbook presentation of social issues and transformation. The author skillfully provides multiple perspectives on a wide range of issues, typically controversial in nature, thus promoting cultural sensitivity and relevance while avoiding bias. Though lengthy, the modular format of the text is ideal for modification for use in post-secondary as well as some secondary settings. Because the author so thoroughly covers the landscape of social problems, this text is an excellent resource even if not adopted in entirety.

Reviewed by David McLeod, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma on 1/12/15

Attempting to comprehensively cover all aspects of social problems, with the extensiveness of marginalization, diversity, and oppression that exists in modern American society, is a daunting task. While I think the aim of this book is not for... read more

Attempting to comprehensively cover all aspects of social problems, with the extensiveness of marginalization, diversity, and oppression that exists in modern American society, is a daunting task. While I think the aim of this book is not for complete comprehensiveness, it’s almost 900 pages provide an extensive overview and set the stage well for opening students eyes to the differences that exist between the version(s) of the world they have experienced first hand, and the versions of the world that others experience. One of the key strengths of the text is in how it not only provides an overview of social problems in American society, but it also how it grounds the interpretations of these social problems through theoretical and paradigmatic lenses. Discussions of Structural Functionalism or Critical theories are highly useful in setting the stage for the investigation of social problems, and this text handles that well. Additionally the text provides examples throughout the chapters for how these types of problems may be viewed or dealt with in different cultures around the world. These pieces, along with discussions of opportunity for change and action, add to the comprehensiveness of the text by fostering conversations that could bring the students full circle to where they are not only enlightened about problems they may not have known existed prior to engagement in the course, but are also equipped to take steps toward addressing those problems.

The content of the text appears to be relatively error free. However, all positions concerning social problems are by their nature inherently biased. By simply deciding what constitutes a problem we have identified a position in which we stand. This is not bench science where generalizable truth is easier to quantify. Thankfully the author acknowledges this early in the text by explaining the differential nature by which people ascribe meaning to the world around them, and the theme is carried throughout, thus giving the reader the ability to interpret the identified problems from multiple viewpoints.

The contents of this text appear to be very up to date. I would expect this (digital) format to be an incredible asset to helping to keep the discussion of these social problems a contemporary one. Due to the structure and compartmentalization of the text I would expect updates to be easily added to the text.

The author has done a wonderful job at making the text easy to read and accessible. There is a minimum use of highly scientific or jargon terms, and students should find it easily digestible.

The text is consistent. For example throughout the text various social problems are examined using the same theoretical perspectives. Also there are social research sections throughout the text and key takeaways and discussion topics are at the end of every section. The structure and organization of the book, as well as concepts, terminology, and theories used, are consistent.

The modularity of the text would lend it to be easily taken apart and reassembled to suit particular classes. Further, the text with almost 900 pages total, appears to have been constructed with this in mind. Each chapter is self contained and could be used standing alone, and the sections within chapters are relatively self sustaining as well. The text has a good use of headings and is well organized.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The topics are presented in a fairly logical progression. Inside the chapters, content layout is highly logical and clear.

The text has an excellent interface. Charts, illustrations and figures are vibrant and helpful. One thing that may be helpful would be quick links (in a condensed table of contents) in the pdf file that could take you straight to a chapter rather than having to scroll through to find it.

The text contains no grammatical errors.

The author appears to have worked to make the text as culturally sensitive as possible considering the subject matter.

Reviewed by Katherine MacTavish, Associate Professor, Oregon State University on 9/29/14

The book takes a comprehensive approach to social problems addressing major social institutions (family, school, work and health care) and including an emphasis on race/ethnicity, age, rural/urban, and global concerns such as war and terrorism. I... read more

The book takes a comprehensive approach to social problems addressing major social institutions (family, school, work and health care) and including an emphasis on race/ethnicity, age, rural/urban, and global concerns such as war and terrorism. I was also delighted to see a chapter on the environment. In particular I appreciate the first chapters that clearly lay out the definition and evolution of a social problem along with theoretical perspectives on social problems. This setup provides a very useful framework for understanding what is to come in individual issues focused chapters. The books is filled with examples and illustrations along with application- the why does it matter bit that students so appreciate.

The book's content appears accurate. Theories and concepts are well explained.

The book connects relevant and up-to-date sources with classics. Each chapter starts off with "social problems in the news" section highlighting a timely connection to the issue.. I should imagine the book will remain useful for some years to come!

I found the writing to be very clear and approachable. Appropriate terminology was used but always with a clear explanation illustrated with examples.

The books format and content appear consistent. Chapters are laid out to include similar elements (my favorite of which is the applying social research). Colorful graphs, illustrations and photos support the text. the theoretical perspectives introduced in the front matter are pulled throughout.

The book was clearly developed with an eye for modularity. Combined with the front matter chapters and even subsections of chapters easily stand alone. I could imagine using sections of this book in several courses in our undergraduate program (including families in poverty, family, school and community collaboration, critical thinking, and health disparities). I could also see using sections of the book as supplements to workshops and training.

The flow seemed logical. I appreciate the development of clear subsections within each chapter.

I found no issues interfacing with the pdf. Graphs, images and and text were clear.

Seemed fine.

The book seems to strive to be inclusive of perspectives outside of majority culture. The privilege of social class and geographic location that bring about opportunity gaps were well acknowledged in explanations of inequality.

I came in to this review a skeptic. I was sure that a free online textbook would somehow be an inferior product. My mind has been changed!

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Understanding Social Problems
  • Chapter 2: Poverty
  • Chapter 3: Racial and Ethnic Inequality
  • Chapter 4: Gender Inequality
  • Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality
  • Chapter 6: Aging and Ageism
  • Chapter 7: Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Chapter 8: Crime and Criminal Justice
  • Chapter 9: Sexual Behavior
  • Chapter 10: The Changing Family
  • Chapter 11: Schools and Education
  • Chapter 12: Work and the Economy
  • Chapter 13: Health and Health Care
  • Chapter 14: Urban and Rural Problems
  • Chapter 15: Population and the Environment
  • Chapter 16: War and Terrorism

Ancillary Material

  • Independent

About the Book

Social Problems: Continuity and Change is a realistic but motivating look at the many issues that are facing our society today. As this book's subtitle, Continuity and Change, implies, social problems are persistent, but they have also improved in the past and can be improved in the present and future, provided that our nation has the wisdom and will to address them.

It is easy for students to read a social problems textbook and come away feeling frustrated by the enormity of the many social problems facing us today. Social Problems: Continuity and Change certainly does not minimize the persistence of social problems, but neither does it overlook the possibilities for change offered by social research and by the activities of everyday citizens working to make a difference. Readers the book will find many examples of how social problems have been improved and of strategies that hold great potential for solving them today and in the future.

You will find several pedagogical features help to convey the “continuity and change” theme of this text and the service sociology vision in which it is grounded: Each chapter begins with a “Social Problems in the News” story related to the social problem discussed in that chapter. These stories provide an interesting starting point for the chapter's discussion and show its relevance for real-life issues. Three types of boxes in each chapter provide examples of how social problems have been changed and can be changed. In no particular order,

A first box, “Applying Social Research,” discusses how the findings from sociological and other social science research have either contributed to public policy related to the chapter's social problem or have the potential of doing so.

A second box, “Lessons from Other Nations,” discusses how another nation or nations have successfully addressed the social problem of that chapter.

A third box, “People Making a Difference,” discusses efforts by individuals, non-profit organizations or social change groups, or social movements relating to the chapter's social problem. Students will see many examples in this box of how ordinary people can indeed make a difference.

A fourth box in each chapter, “Children and Our Future,” examines how the social problem discussed in that chapter particularly affects children, and it outlines the problem's repercussions for their lives as adolescents and adults. This box reinforces for students the impact of social problems on children and the importance of addressing these problems for their well-being as well as for the nation's well-being. Each chapter ends with a “Using What You Know” feature that presents students with a scenario involving the social problem from the chapter and that puts them in a decision-making role. This feature helps connect the chapter's theoretical discussion with potential real-life situations.

Each chapter also ends with a “What You Can Do” feature that suggests several activities, strategies, or other efforts that students might undertake to learn more about and/or to address the social problem examined in the chapter. Like other aspects of the book, this feature helps counter “doom and gloom” feelings that little can be done about social problems.

Other pedagogical features in each chapter include Learning Objectives at the beginning of a major section that highlight key topics to be learned; Key Takeaways at the end of a major section that highlight important points that were discussed in the section; For Your Review questions, also at the end of a major section, that have students think critically about that section's discussion; and a Summary that reviews the major points made in the chapter.

The founders of American sociology a century or more ago in cities like Atlanta and Chicago wanted to reduce social inequality, to improve the lives of people of color, and more generally to find solutions to the most vexing social problems of their times. A former president of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, A. Javier Treviño, has used the term service sociology to characterize their vision of their new discipline. Social Problems: Continuity and Change is grounded in this vision by offering a sociological understanding of today's social problems and of possible solutions to these problems.

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Home Essay Samples

Essay Samples on Social Issues

Almost every college student these days gets to work with various social issue essays that may range from domestic violence and bullying to workplace conflicts and issues like college debts. Therefore, choosing an issue, you can explore a broad range of subjects as long as there is a problem and more than one opinion involved. Another important aspect that must be explored is determining your essay type. If you are dealing with debates, providing clear and respectful replies is essential. If you feel confused and do not know how to deal with a particular social issue or need more ideas, consider checking free social issues essay examples that will provide inspiration and help to learn more about essay structure. See how each quote has been used, focus on the thesis statement part in the introduction, and don’t forget to explore various formatting conventions. As you write, always seek statistical information or use surveys that deal with your subject. When you structure your social issues essay paragraphs, do not start with citations at the start of every paragraph but provide a basic introduction or use a topic sentence instead. It will help to make your essay content more accurate and reliable.

LGBTQ Rights: Navigating Equality and Inclusivity

LGBTQ rights have emerged as a significant social and legal issue, challenging societies worldwide to confront questions of equality, discrimination, and inclusivity. This essay delves into the multifaceted landscape of LGBTQ rights, examining the historical context, legal advancements, challenges, and the ongoing journey towards achieving...

  • Human Rights

LGBTQ Rights: An Argumentative Landscape

The rights of the LGBTQ community have emerged as a crucial and contentious issue in today's society. This essay undertakes an in-depth analysis of the argumentative discourse surrounding LGBTQ rights, scrutinizing the diverse perspectives, presenting evidence, and providing critical commentary on this complex matter. By...

LGBTQ Discrimination: Overcoming Prejudice and Fostering Inclusion

LGBTQ discrimination has been a persistent issue, characterized by inequality, prejudice, and systemic biases. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of LGBTQ discrimination, exploring its origins, manifestations, impact on individuals and society, as well as the efforts to combat it and foster a more...

  • Discrimination

Racism in the Justice System: Unveiling Disparities

The presence of racism in the justice system is a deeply concerning issue that raises questions about fairness, equality, and the principles upon which modern societies are built. The justice system is intended to uphold the rule of law and ensure justice for all, regardless...

  • American Criminal Justice System

How to Help the Homeless in Your Community

How to help the homeless is a pressing question that invites us to examine our roles as compassionate members of society. Homelessness is a complex issue with multifaceted challenges, and addressing it requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond immediate assistance. This essay explores effective...

  • Homelessness

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Feminism in the 21st Century: Empowerment and Progress

The 21st century has witnessed a remarkable evolution in the feminist movement, with women and gender equality advocates making significant strides towards dismantling barriers, challenging stereotypes, and reshaping societal norms. Feminism in the 21st century is characterized by a global and intersectional approach that transcends...

  • 21St Century

Why Should We Legalize Abortion: Empowering Women's Choice and Safety

The debate over legalizing abortion has been a subject of intense discussion and controversy for decades. In this essay, we will explore the compelling reasons why many advocate for the legalization of abortion, focusing on the importance of women's rights, public health, and the reduction...

  • Pro Choice (Abortion)

Why Should Abortions Be Made Legal: Advancing Women's Rights

The topic of why should abortions be made legal has sparked heated debates around the world. In this essay, we will delve into the compelling reasons why abortion should be legal, highlighting the importance of women's rights, public health, and the avoidance of unsafe practices....

  • Women's Rights

Why I Agree: Abortion from a Supportive Perspective

This essay focuses on arguments in favor of abortion, highlighting reproductive rights, autonomy, health considerations, and societal benefits. Introduction Abortion is a topic that has sparked intense debate and has led to differing viewpoints across societies. This essay takes a stance in favor of abortion,...

  • Reproductive Rights

Why Abortion Should Not Be Banned: Preserving Choice

The debate over whether abortion should be banned is a deeply complex and emotionally charged one. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why many argue against banning abortion, highlighting the importance of women's rights, healthcare access, and the potential consequences of prohibition. By...

The Power of Censorship: Safeguarding Societal Values

The debate surrounding censorship persuasive is one that evokes strong emotions and diverse opinions. It raises questions about the delicate balance between protecting public morality and preserving the ideals of freedom of expression. While some argue that censorship stifles creativity and limits access to diverse...

The Importance of Censorship: The Vital Balancing Act

The role of censorship in society is a topic that evokes a wide range of opinions, from staunch support to vehement opposition. While the concept of restricting information and expression might seem contrary to the ideals of freedom and openness, a closer examination reveals the...

The Evolution and Controversy of Abortion Laws

Abortion laws have long been a source of contentious debate around the world, reflecting the complex interplay of cultural, religious, ethical, and political factors. This essay delves into the historical evolution of abortion laws, examines the diverse legal approaches taken by different countries, and explores...

  • Controversial Issue

The Controversy Surrounding Abortion Rights

The issue of abortion rights is one of the most contentious debates in modern society, touching upon deeply held beliefs about women's autonomy, morality, and the role of government in personal decisions. This essay seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of abortion rights, examining the...

The Case for Legal Abortion: Balancing Women's Rights and Health

The question of whether abortion should be legal is a subject of profound ethical, medical, and social importance. In this argumentative essay, we will explore the reasons why many advocate for legalizing abortion, highlighting the importance of women's rights, access to safe medical procedures, and...

The Argumentative Discourse About the Legalization of Abortion

The topic of the legalization of abortion has ignited passionate and contentious debates worldwide, touching on issues of ethics, women's rights, healthcare, and government intervention. This essay delves into the argumentative discourse surrounding the legalization of abortion, exploring its ethical implications, women's agency, healthcare access,...

The Argumentative Case for Legalizing Abortion

The contentious topic of legalizing abortion has been at the center of heated debates for decades, drawing on a multitude of ethical, societal, and personal considerations. In this argumentative essay, we delve into the rationale behind legalizing abortion, highlighting how it empowers women's autonomy, safeguards...

The Argument for Legalizing Abortion: Safety and Reproductive Rights

Introduction The debate surrounding the legalization of abortion is a contentious and complex issue that touches upon ethics, women's rights, and societal norms. This essay aims to present a comprehensive argument in favor of legalizing abortion, highlighting the importance of empowerment, safety, and reproductive rights...

The Abortion Problem: A Deep Dive into Its Complexities

Introduction The abortion problem has been a matter of intense debate for centuries. This complex issue intertwines medical, ethical, cultural, and political facets. As societies have evolved, so have the perceptions and policies regarding abortion. The discussions often diverge into two primary perspectives: pro-choice, emphasizing...

  • Social Problems

The Abortion Issue: Exploring Diverse Perspectives

The abortion issue remains one of the most contentious and emotionally charged debates in modern society. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted aspects surrounding the abortion issue, examining the historical, legal, ethical, and societal dimensions that shape individual viewpoints and...

  • Pro Life (Abortion)

The Abortion Discussion: Diverse Perspectives and Complex Considerations

Introduction The abortion discussion is a contentious and deeply nuanced discourse that engages individuals, communities, policymakers, and societies across the globe. This essay aims to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of the abortion discussion, considering the range of perspectives, ethical considerations, legal frameworks, and societal...

The Abortion Debate: Exploring Both Sides of the Argument

Introduction The issue of abortion has long been a topic of fervent debate, stirring impassioned arguments from various corners of society. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the arguments on both sides of the abortion debate. By delving into the viewpoints of...

  • Abortion Debate

Supporting Abortion: Empowering Women's Rights and Health

The issue of abortion is a topic that invokes a range of emotions and opinions. In this essay, we will delve into the reasons for supporting abortion, emphasizing the importance of women's rights, bodily autonomy, and the advancement of public health. By exploring these facets,...

Should Abortion Be Made Legal? A Comprehensive Examination

The question of whether abortion should be made legal is a deeply divisive and complex issue that elicits passionate arguments from individuals on both sides of the debate. This essay aims to explore the arguments for and against legalizing abortion, considering a range of ethical,...

Should Abortion Be Legalized? Argument for Reproductive Freedom

This essay presents a comprehensive argument in favor of legalizing abortion, focusing on reproductive freedom, women's health, and societal impact. Introduction The question of whether abortion should be legalized is a topic that generates intense debates worldwide. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive examination...

Should Abortion be Legal or Illegal: Legalization vs. Criminalization

The question of whether abortion should be legal or illegal is at the heart of a contentious and deeply complex debate. In this argumentative essay, we will examine the merits and drawbacks of both sides of the argument, exploring the ethical, medical, and societal considerations...

Should Abortion Be Illegal? The Controversial Debate

The question of whether abortion should be illegal is a contentious and morally charged issue that revolves around conflicting beliefs about the value of life, women's rights, and societal well-being. In this argumentative essay, we will explore the reasons why some argue that abortion should...

Roe vs. Wade and the Abortion Debate

The landmark Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade in 1973 marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing abortion debate, shaping the legal landscape surrounding reproductive rights in the United States. This essay examines the Roe v. Wade decision, delving into its historical context, ethical...

Research about Abortion: The Complex Landscape

The topic of abortion is one that elicits passionate debates and encompasses a myriad of ethical, medical, social, and legal dimensions. In this research essay, we will delve into the multifaceted nature of abortion, exploring its historical context, ethical considerations, medical practices, legal frameworks, and...

Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Legalized: A Comprehensive Exploration

The debate over whether abortion should be legalized is a complex and contentious issue, raising ethical, medical, and societal considerations. In this essay, we will delve into the compelling reasons why abortion should be legalized, focusing on the importance of women's autonomy, safeguarding public health,...

Reasons Abortion Should Be Legal

The question of whether abortion should be legal is a deeply divisive and complex issue, intertwining ethical, medical, and societal factors. In this essay, we will delve into the compelling reasons why abortion should be legal, focusing on the ethical importance of women's autonomy, public...

Persuasive Writing: The Imperative of Legal Abortion

The topic of legal abortion has been a point of intense contention, evoking impassioned debates on ethics, women's rights, and the role of government in personal decisions. In this essay, we will explore the compelling reasons why legal abortion is not only a necessity but...

Negative Effects of Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration has long been a contentious issue with far-reaching implications for societies. This essay delves into the negative effects of illegal immigration, exploring its social, economic, and political consequences. By analyzing these impacts, we can better understand the complexities associated with illegal immigration and...

  • Illegal Immigration
  • Immigration

Navigating the Contours of Music Censorship

Music, an expressive medium that transcends boundaries and cultures, has the power to shape emotions, spark conversations, and challenge societal norms. In the realm of creativity, however, the concept of music censorship introduces a discordant note. The discourse around music censorship echoes the clash between...

Navigating the Complex Issue of Abortion: Ethics, Rights, and Choices

The issue of abortion has long been a subject of profound ethical, legal, and social debate, spanning cultural, religious, and philosophical landscapes. With divergent perspectives and deeply held beliefs, this complex issue encompasses questions about the sanctity of life, individual autonomy, medical ethics, and the...

NATO, the Cold War, and Civil Rights: Struggles and Achievements

NATO, the Cold War, and civil rights are three interconnected threads that defined the latter half of the 20th century. This essay delves into the complex interplay between these forces, exploring how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) influenced the global landscape during the Cold...

  • Civil Rights

Is Abortion Morally Wrong? Unpacking Moral Perspectives

The moral status of abortion has long been a contentious and complex issue, eliciting impassioned debates that touch on ethics, religion, philosophy, and individual beliefs. The question of whether abortion is morally wrong stands at the heart of these discussions, prompting diverse viewpoints and thought-provoking...

In Defense of Abortion: Exploring the Argument for Reproductive Rights

The essay presents a comprehensive argument in favor of abortion, focusing on reproductive rights, women's autonomy, and the complexities of individual circumstances. Introduction The topic of abortion is one of the most debated and controversial issues in society. This essay seeks to present a strong...

For Abortion: An Argumentative Analysis

The issue of abortion has been a subject of intense controversy and debate for decades, with individuals and societies holding contrasting viewpoints on its moral, ethical, and legal implications. This argumentative essay aims to explore the various perspectives surrounding abortion, delving into the arguments both...

Exploring the Anti-Abortion Perspective: Values and Ethics

Introduction The topic of abortion has long been a contentious and deeply divisive issue, sparking intense debates worldwide. This essay delves into the anti-abortion perspective, also known as the pro-life stance, which emphasizes the sanctity of human life from conception and opposes the practice of...

Exploring Abortion Solutions: A Comprehensive Examination

Introduction The complex issue of abortion prompts a search for practical and ethical solutions that balance women's rights, societal values, and the well-being of all involved. This essay delves into a range of abortion solutions, exploring approaches that address the diverse challenges surrounding this contentious...

Empowering Choice and Advancing Women's Health

The topic of abortion remains a subject of impassioned discourse, with diverse viewpoints rooted in ethics, religion, personal beliefs, and women's rights. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the critical arguments in favor of legalizing abortion, focusing on how it empowers women's agency, protects...

Disadvantages of Abortion: Navigating Ethical and Emotional Challenges

Introduction The topic of abortion is a contentious and emotionally charged subject that sparks debates around the world. While discussions about abortion often focus on individual rights, women's health, and legal considerations, it's crucial to also explore the disadvantages associated with this complex decision. This...

Censorship of Art and Artists: The Complex Discourse

The intersection of creativity and expression often finds itself entangled in a contentious debate: the censorship of art and artists. This complex issue has sparked discussions across societies and cultures, raising questions about freedom of speech, cultural preservation, and the power dynamics between creators and...

Causes of Illegal Immigration: Unveiling Complex Factors

Illegal immigration is a multifaceted issue driven by a combination of economic, social, political, and personal factors. This essay explores the causes of illegal immigration, shedding light on the complex circumstances that lead individuals to leave their home countries and seek better opportunities abroad. By...

Arguments Against Abortion: The Ethical and Moral Debate

The topic of abortion has long been a subject of passionate debate, with opinions ranging from staunch support to vehement opposition. This essay will delve into the arguments against abortion, exploring the ethical, moral, and religious perspectives that contribute to this contentious issue. The Sanctity...

Anti-Abortion Argument: Protecting Life and Ethical Considerations

Introduction The debate over abortion is characterized by deeply held beliefs and passionate arguments from both sides. This essay delves into the anti-abortion argument, also known as the pro-life stance, which asserts that the fetus has a right to life and should be protected from...

An Analysis of the "Do You Agree with Abortion?" Debate

The topic of abortion has long been a subject of impassioned debate, with strong opinions on both sides. This essay delves into the ethical considerations surrounding the "Do You Agree with Abortion?" question, exploring the diverse perspectives and arguments that shape this contentious issue. Pro-Choice...

Agreeing with Abortion: Upholding Reproductive Rights and Autonomy

Introduction The topic of abortion is marked by passionate debates, with various perspectives and viewpoints coming to the forefront. This essay explores the arguments in favor of abortion, specifically focusing on the principles of reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, and the importance of providing individuals with...

Agree with Abortion: Exploring the Rationale and Ethical Perspectives

This essay has explored the rationale behind agreeing with abortion, shedding light on the ethical and contextual factors that contribute to this perspective. While the topic of abortion remains contentious, understanding the arguments of those who support it is essential for engaging in informed and...

Agree to Abortion: Exploring a Pro-Choice Perspective

Introduction The topic of abortion has been a subject of intense debate, sparking impassioned arguments from both proponents and opponents. This essay delves into the reasons and arguments for agreeing with the practice of abortion, focusing on women's autonomy, reproductive rights, and the complex circumstances...

Against Illegal Immigration: Examining Concerns and Perspectives

Illegal immigration is a complex and contentious issue that elicits a range of opinions and viewpoints. This essay explores arguments against illegal immigration, focusing on the concerns raised by critics and the perspectives that contribute to the opposition. By examining these viewpoints, we can gain...

Against Abortion: Examining the Argument for Protecting Fetal Life

The essay presents a comprehensive argument against abortion, focusing on fetal rights, ethical considerations, and alternatives to abortion. Introduction The debate surrounding abortion is one that elicits strong emotions and differing viewpoints. This essay delves into the argument against abortion, also known as the pro-life...

Against Abortion: Examining Ethical Concerns

Introduction The issue of abortion has long been a subject of intense debate, with passionate arguments on both sides. This essay delves into the arguments against abortion, focusing on ethical concerns and moral perspectives that drive opposition to this practice. By analyzing the sanctity of...

Against Abortion: Examining Ethical and Moral Considerations

Introduction The topic of abortion is inherently complex and evokes strong emotions from various perspectives. This essay delves into the arguments against abortion, focusing on ethical and moral considerations that underlie the opposition to this practice. It acknowledges the nuanced nature of this issue and...

Against Abortion Persuasive Arguments: Voicing Opposition

Introduction The topic of abortion is one that evokes strong emotions and polarizing opinions. In this persuasive essay, we will delve into the reasons why one might take a stance against abortion. By exploring the sanctity of life, the potential for alternatives, and the potential...

Advantages of Abortion: Exploring Benefits and Complexities

Introduction The topic of abortion is one of the most contentious issues in society, sparking debates and discussions on ethics, morality, and women's rights. While the debate often focuses on the disadvantages and challenges associated with abortion, it's important to also consider the potential advantages...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Abortion: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Introduction The topic of abortion is a complex and sensitive issue that elicits strong opinions from individuals across the globe. While the debate often centers around the ethical, moral, and legal aspects of abortion, it's important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages associated with...

About Abortion: Exploring a Complex Topic

Introduction Abortion is a complex and contentious topic that elicits strong emotions and differing viewpoints. It revolves around the termination of a pregnancy, raising significant ethical, legal, and societal questions. This essay provides an overview of abortion, exploring its history, methods, legal status, and the...

Abortion: Navigating the Ethical and Personal Choice

The topic of abortion is an ethical and emotional minefield that sparks passionate debates on both sides. The central issue revolves around a woman's right to choose and the moral status of the unborn fetus. This short argumentative essay will delve into the key points...

Abortion: Navigating Complex Choices in 1000 Words

Introduction The topic of abortion is both intricate and polarizing, encompassing a multitude of moral, ethical, legal, and personal considerations. This essay will explore the various dimensions of abortion, ranging from its historical context to the current debates surrounding it. While no concise essay can...

Abortion: Arguments For and Against

The topic of abortion is one that elicits strong opinions and impassioned debates. While some individuals firmly believe in a woman's right to choose, others advocate for the sanctity of unborn life. This essay will examine the arguments both for and against abortion, highlighting the...

Abortion: An Examination of Yes and No Arguments

Introduction The debate over abortion has polarized societies, sparking impassioned arguments from both proponents and opponents. This essay delves into the arguments for and against abortion, exploring the complexities and ethical considerations that underlie the "yes" and "no" perspectives on this divisive issue. Proponents of...

Abortion: An Argumentative Examination of a Complex Issue

The topic of abortion is a contentious and deeply divisive subject that elicits strong emotions and stirs heated debates. At the heart of this issue lies the clash between the right to bodily autonomy and the sanctity of life. This essay seeks to provide an...

Abortion: A Complex and Controversial Issue in 500 Words

Abortion, the termination of a pregnancy, is a deeply divisive topic that elicits strong emotions and diverse perspectives. The controversy surrounding abortion arises from the collision of moral, ethical, religious, and societal values, making it one of the most complex issues in contemporary discourse. The...

Abortion Should Not Be Banned

Introduction The topic of abortion is one of deep ethical, moral, and societal significance. The question of whether abortions should be banned is a highly debated issue, with differing perspectives on both sides. This essay argues that abortion should not be banned, highlighting the importance...

Abortion Should Be Legal: An Argumentative Perspective

Introduction The legalization of abortion is a deeply polarizing issue that sparks debates encompassing ethics, human rights, women's autonomy, and societal well-being. This essay presents a comprehensive argument in favor of legalizing abortion, addressing both the practical and moral considerations surrounding this complex topic. Historical...

Abortion Should Be Legal: A Persuasive Argument

Introduction The topic of abortion has long been a subject of heated debate, sparking conversations about ethics, women's rights, and societal values. This persuasive essay aims to present a compelling case for the legalization of abortion, highlighting the importance of respecting women's autonomy, safeguarding their...

Abortion Should Be Allowed: Ensuring Women's Autonomy and Health

Introduction The question of whether abortion should be allowed is a complex and highly debated topic that revolves around women's rights, medical ethics, and societal values. This essay argues in favor of allowing abortion, highlighting the importance of women's autonomy over their bodies, protecting their...

Abortion Rights: Complexities of an Argumentative Landscape

Introduction The debate over abortion rights remains one of the most contentious and emotionally charged issues in modern society. The clash of ideologies and moral beliefs has led to a multifaceted discussion that touches upon ethical, legal, religious, and personal considerations. The focus of this...

Abortion Rights: Balancing Autonomy and Ethics

Introduction Abortion rights, the subject of ongoing debates, involve the intersection of women's autonomy, medical ethics, and societal values. This essay explores the complexities surrounding abortion rights, delving into the historical, legal, ethical, and social dimensions that shape this contentious issue. Historical Evolution The history...

Abortion Legalization: Examining the Complex Issue

The legalization of abortion is a topic that evokes strong emotions and opinions from individuals on all sides of the debate. This essay delves into the multifaceted discussions surrounding the legalization of abortion, exploring the arguments presented by proponents and opponents and the broader implications...

Abortion Laws and Reproductive Rights: Argumentative Debate

The issue of abortion laws has been a hotly debated topic that touches on ethical, moral, and legal considerations. This argumentative essay explores the opposing viewpoints surrounding abortion laws and the broader implications for reproductive rights and women's autonomy. Proponents of Restrictive Abortion Laws Advocates...

Abortion Information: Exploring the Complexities and Perspectives

Abortion is a deeply contentious and multifaceted topic that touches upon matters of ethics, human rights, public health, and personal beliefs. This informative essay aims to provide a comprehensive overview of abortion, shedding light on its historical context, legal landscape, medical procedures, and the various...

Abortion Facts for an Argument

Abortion is a complex and emotionally charged topic that elicits strong opinions from individuals across society. When constructing an argumentative essay on abortion, it is essential to base your points on accurate and well-researched facts. Here are several key abortion facts that can serve as...

Abortion Disagree: Ethical Concerns and Alternative Perspective

Introduction The topic of abortion is a highly contentious and morally complex issue that evokes deeply-held beliefs and diverse perspectives. This "Abortion Disagree" essay aims to present arguments against abortion by exploring the ethical concerns and alternative viewpoints held by those who do not agree...

Abortion as a Social Issue: Navigating Perspectives and Impacts

Introduction Abortion is a multifaceted social issue that intertwines ethics, women's rights, religion, public health, and societal values. This essay delves into the complexities surrounding abortion as a social issue, exploring its historical context, the diverse viewpoints it elicits, and the broader implications for individuals...

Abortion and the Moral Debate: Is It Murder?

The topic of abortion sparks intense moral and ethical debates, with one of the central questions being whether abortion can be equated with murder. This essay aims to delve into the complexities of this debate, examining the perspectives of both pro-life advocates who contend that...

Abortion and Euthanasia: Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

Introduction The ethical debates surrounding abortion and euthanasia are among the most contentious and complex issues in contemporary society. Both topics touch on deeply personal and profound matters related to life, death, autonomy, and the value of human existence. This essay delves into the ethical...

  • Ethical Dilemma

Abortion Analysis: Exploring Complex Factors and Perspectives

Introduction The topic of abortion is a deeply complex and emotionally charged issue that spans medical, ethical, legal, and social domains. This essay undertakes a comprehensive abortion analysis, delving into the various factors, perspectives, and considerations that contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding this sensitive...

Abortion Advantages: Empowering Reproductive Autonomy

Introduction The topic of abortion is deeply nuanced, encompassing a range of perspectives and considerations. This essay explores the advantages of abortion, emphasizing the importance of reproductive autonomy, individual well-being, and the empowerment of women in making decisions about their bodies and futures. Reproductive Autonomy...

Abortion Advantages and Disadvantages: Weighing the Complexities

Introduction The topic of abortion is fraught with ethical, social, and personal considerations, making it a subject of ongoing debate and reflection. This essay delves into the advantages and disadvantages of abortion, shedding light on the complex factors that individuals and societies must grapple with...

A Thoughtful Speech about Abortion: Exploring Diverse Perspectives

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens, today we gather to delve into one of the most complex and emotionally charged topics of our time: abortion. The issue of abortion is marked by strong convictions and divergent viewpoints, and as we engage in this...

The World We Live in Today: a Complex Landscape

The world we live in today is marked by a dynamic interplay of advancements, challenges, and rapid changes that shape our daily lives and the course of history. From technological innovations to social transformations, this essay navigates the multifaceted aspects of the contemporary world, examining...

  • Globalization

The Role of Media in Advancing Gender Equality

The role of media in promoting gender equality is a topic that underscores the power of storytelling, representation, and influence in shaping societal perceptions. Advocates assert that media can challenge stereotypes, amplify women's voices, and catalyze social change. On the other hand, critics point to...

  • Gender Equality

The Issue of Artificial Intelligence and Intrusion of Privacy

In an era driven by technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with far-reaching implications. While AI offers numerous benefits, including improved efficiency and enhanced decision-making, it also raises concerns about the intrusion of privacy. This essay delves into the complex...

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet Privacy

The Effects of Moving to Another Country

Moving to another country is a transformative experience that brings about a range of effects on individuals and their lives. Whether driven by opportunities for work, education, or personal growth, the decision to relocate to a different country entails both exciting prospects and challenges. In...

Perceptions of Disobedience in the Eyes of Anyone: Exploring the Concept

Disobedience, a fundamental aspect of human behavior, has been viewed through various lenses across cultures and eras. It encompasses a range of actions that defy authority, rules, or norms. As Oskar Wilde said, "Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's...

  • Civil Disobedience

Martin Luther King's Birmingham Jail Letter: A Timeless Call for Justice

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail" is a poignant and influential piece of writing that captures the essence of the civil rights movement in the United States. Composed during King's incarceration in April 1963, the letter addresses the criticism he faced from fellow...

  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X: A Comparative Analysis

The Civil Rights Movement in the United States was marked by the leadership and contributions of two iconic figures: Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. While both men had a shared goal of achieving racial equality and justice, they pursued different approaches and philosophies....

Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right: Exploring the Complex Issue

Access to healthcare is a fundamental concern that touches upon the well-being and dignity of individuals. The question of whether healthcare is a basic human right is a topic of ongoing debate and has significant implications for society. In this essay, we will explore arguments...

  • Health Care

How to Stop Stereotyping in Society: The Importance of Collective Efforts

Stereotyping is a deeply entrenched practice that not only hinders individual growth but also perpetuates systemic biases and discrimination. Overcoming the grip of stereotypes is a vital step towards forging a society that is truly inclusive, just, and equal. In addition to exploring methods to...

  • Stereotypes

Benefits of Living in the City: an Overview of the Opportunities and Experiences

Choosing a place to call home is a significant decision that impacts various aspects of our lives. For many, the allure of city living is undeniable, offering a vibrant and dynamic lifestyle that appeals to individuals of all ages. This essay explores the benefits of...

  • Urbanization

Analysis of How Immigration Affects the Economy

Immigration is a topic that has captured the attention of governments, economists, and citizens around the world. The question of how immigration affects the economy is a complex and multi-dimensional one, with both positive and negative implications. This essay explores the various ways in which...

  • Immigration in America

Against Euthanasia: An Argumentative Examination of Ethical and Practical Concerns

The debate over euthanasia, the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve suffering, has sparked intense discussions worldwide. While proponents argue for the right to die with dignity and avoid prolonged suffering, opponents raise ethical and practical concerns that warrant careful consideration. In...

  • Assisted Suicide

"The New Jim Crow" Book Review: Mass Incarceration and Racial Injustice

Michelle Alexander's groundbreaking book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," is a searing critique of the American criminal justice system's discriminatory impact on Black communities. This book review essay delves into the key themes of the book, including the concept...

  • Mass Incarceration

The Issue of Social Media and Freedom of Speech

Social media platforms have become a powerful tool for self-expression, information sharing, and public discourse. However, the relationship between social media and freedom of speech is complex. Therefore this essay raises important questions about the boundaries of online expression, censorship, and the responsibilities of platform...

  • Freedom of Speech
  • Social Media

The Importance of Freedom of Speech: Upholding Democracy and Fostering Progress

Why freedom of speech is important? In a world where ideas shape societies and opinions guide actions, the concept of freedom of speech holds immense significance. It serves as a cornerstone of democratic societies, fostering open discourse, promoting diverse viewpoints, and ultimately contributing to societal...

  • Freedom of Expression

Should Roe v. Wade Be Overturned: Exploring the Abortion Debate

Should Roe v. Wade be overturned? The legal and moral complexities surrounding the Roe v. Wade decision have ignited a fervent debate that continues to shape the sociopolitical landscape. This essay delves into the heart of this contentious issue, exploring the arguments on both sides...

Poverty is the Mother of Crime: Understanding the Claim

The relationship between poverty and crime has long been a topic of debate and analysis. This essay explores the assertion that poverty is the mother of crime, delving into the complex interplay between socioeconomic conditions and criminal behavior. While it's important to recognize the multifaceted...

  • Criminal Behavior

Best topics on Social Issues

1. LGBTQ Rights: Navigating Equality and Inclusivity

2. LGBTQ Rights: An Argumentative Landscape

3. LGBTQ Discrimination: Overcoming Prejudice and Fostering Inclusion

4. Racism in the Justice System: Unveiling Disparities

5. How to Help the Homeless in Your Community

6. Feminism in the 21st Century: Empowerment and Progress

7. Why Should We Legalize Abortion: Empowering Women’s Choice and Safety

8. Why Should Abortions Be Made Legal: Advancing Women’s Rights

9. Why I Agree: Abortion from a Supportive Perspective

10. Why Abortion Should Not Be Banned: Preserving Choice

11. The Power of Censorship: Safeguarding Societal Values

12. The Importance of Censorship: The Vital Balancing Act

13. The Evolution and Controversy of Abortion Laws

14. The Controversy Surrounding Abortion Rights

15. The Case for Legal Abortion: Balancing Women’s Rights and Health

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  • Black Lives Matter
  • Gender Inequality

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Essay on Social Issues | 500+ Words

Social issues are the challenges and concerns that impact society at large. They encompass a wide range of topics, from poverty and inequality to environmental problems and human rights. In this essay, I will argue that social issues are crucial to address because they affect the well-being and future of our communities and the world.

Inequality is a pressing social issue that deserves our attention. According to Oxfam, just 1% of the world’s population holds over 44% of the world’s wealth. This vast wealth gap means that many people struggle to meet their basic needs, such as access to food, clean water, and education. Addressing inequality is not only a matter of fairness but also essential for social stability and harmony.

Poverty is a pervasive social issue that affects millions of people worldwide. The World Bank reports that over 9% of the global population lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 per day. Poverty leads to a lack of access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. It perpetuates cycles of disadvantage and inequality within communities.

Environmental Concerns

Social issues are closely tied to environmental challenges. Climate change, pollution, and deforestation threaten our planet and its inhabitants. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that failing to address climate change will result in devastating consequences for future generations. Environmental issues are inherently social issues because they impact our communities, health, and quality of life.

Human Rights

Human rights violations are significant social issues that require global attention. Organizations like Amnesty International work tirelessly to address issues such as discrimination, persecution, and violence against marginalized groups. Respecting and protecting human rights are fundamental for creating a just and equitable society.

Access to quality education is a critical social issue. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) estimates that over 260 million children worldwide are out of school. Education is the gateway to opportunities and empowerment. Addressing educational disparities is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality.

Healthcare Access

Healthcare access is another vital social issue. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of people lack access to basic healthcare services, resulting in preventable deaths and suffering. Ensuring equitable access to healthcare is not only a matter of compassion but also crucial for overall societal well-being.

Discrimination and Prejudice

Discrimination and prejudice based on race, gender, religion, or other factors are pervasive social issues. The United Nations aims to combat discrimination through various initiatives. Addressing these issues fosters inclusivity, equality, and social cohesion.

Migration and Refugees

Migration and the plight of refugees are significant social issues in today’s interconnected world. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that millions of people have been forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution. Providing support and protection for refugees is a humanitarian imperative.

Mental Health

Mental health is a growing social issue that affects people of all ages. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the importance of mental health for overall well-being. Addressing mental health challenges reduces stigma and ensures that individuals receive the support they need.

Conclusion of Essay on Social Issues

In conclusion, social issues are not distant problems; they are deeply interconnected with our daily lives and the future of our world. Addressing these issues is not only a moral imperative but also essential for creating a just, equitable, and sustainable society. By working collectively to tackle inequality, poverty, environmental concerns, and other social issues, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

As we reflect on the significance of social issues, let us remember that change begins with awareness and action. By advocating for social justice, supporting organizations that address these issues, and engaging in constructive dialogue, we can contribute to a more compassionate and equitable world. Social issues are not insurmountable; they are challenges waiting to be addressed by individuals and communities working together for positive change.

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Social Issues Essay Examples

A social issues essay is important because it tries to address existing problems in society. These could be problems that prevent its individuals from living happy lives, from performing well, from feeling safe or content (financially, socially, psychologically, spiritually), that are hindering society’s evolution as a whole. Interestingly, people become aware of many of these problems or imperfections by comparing different societies – this is often able to illustrate that things can be much better than expected. A social issues paper normally describes the problem by using supporting evidence/ statistics, tends to evaluate ongoing measures to address it, but may also reflect on alternate solutions or more radical measures. Check out the essays in this category for a deeper insight.

White Privilege: a Historical and Contemporary Analysis

White privilege is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years as societies grapple with issues of systemic racism and inequality. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of white privilege, tracing its historical roots and examining its persistence in contemporary society. It...

What is Poverty: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Poverty is a complex and pervasive social issue that has plagued societies throughout history. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that transcends mere economic insufficiency, encompassing a lack of access to resources and opportunities necessary for a decent standard of living. In this essay, we will...

Pro Death Penalty: a Rational Examination

The death penalty, or capital punishment, has long been a topic of debate and controversy. While many argue against it, this essay seeks to provide a balanced examination of the arguments in favor of the death penalty. Proponents of capital punishment assert that it serves...

Ending World Hunger: a Comprehensive Approach

World hunger remains one of humanity's most pressing challenges, with millions of people suffering from malnutrition and starvation. This essay explores a multifaceted approach to ending world hunger, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering international cooperation. While eradicating...

How Freedom of Speech Affects Other Individual Rights

Freedom of speech, often considered the cornerstone of democratic societies, has been a subject of enduring debate and discussion. This essay delves into the multifaceted realm of freedom of speech, offering an argumentative perspective on its intricate interplay with other individual rights. In a world...

Social Worker: Qualities, Opportunities, and Challenges

Social workers play a vital role in society by assisting individuals and communities in need, advocating for social justice, and promoting well-being. Their work encompasses a wide range of fields, from child welfare to mental health to substance abuse. In this essay, we will explore...

Martin Luther King Jr.: a Legacy of Civil Rights and Social Justice

Martin Luther King Jr. is an iconic figure in American history, celebrated for his tireless efforts in advancing civil rights and social justice. His life and work continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. This essay delves into the remarkable journey of...

The Impact of Social Issues on Social Work

Social work is a profession deeply intertwined with addressing and mitigating the impact of social issues on individuals, families, and communities. This essay explores the intricate relationship between social issues and the practice of social work, examining how these challenges influence the role of social...

Food Insecurity in Underdeveloped Countries: a Global Crisis

Food insecurity, the lack of reliable access to sufficient and nutritious food, remains a pressing and deeply entrenched issue, particularly in underdeveloped countries. This essay delves into the complex factors contributing to food insecurity, its devastating consequences on individuals and communities, and the imperative need...

Bullying: Protecting Victims and Addressing Bullies

Bullying is a pervasive and harmful social issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and demographics. In this argumentative essay, we will examine the critical importance of protecting bullying victims and implementing appropriate punishments for bullies. By addressing both sides of this complex problem,...

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  • Animal Rights
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration
  • Overpopulation
  • Poverty Problem
  • Social Movements
  • Women's Rights
  • Domestic Violence
  • Capital Punishment
  • Gay Marriage
  • Animal Testing
  • Cruelty to Animals
  • Death Penalty
  • Gender Inequality
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Discrimination
  • Civil Rights
  • Affirmative Action
  • Public Shaming
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Moving to America
  • Homelessness
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Martin Luther King
  • White Privilege
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • Social Isolation
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Gender Equality
  • Globalization
  • Social Protection Programs
  • School Shooting
  • Violence in Video Games
  • Women Suffrage Movement
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  • Immigration to America
  • Violence Against Women
  • World Hunger
  • Controversial Issue
  • Cultural Conflict
  • Lewis Blackman
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  • Nobel Prize
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