This tutorial will show you how to teach lessons online by recording a Google slides lesson with audio and video.

Recording your Google Slides presentation is something you might want to do if you have to teach using distance learning and you want to create some digital resources for your students.

So, in this tutorial, I will show you

  • How to record a video of you teaching a lesson using Google Slides.
  • Some free software that you can use to record screencasts.
  • How to upload the video to Google Drive
  • How to get a link to share with your students (if you’re a teacher.)

NOTE: This video is also good if you’re a student:

  • Instead of teaching a lesson, you’re probably recording a presentation for your teacher.
  • At the end, you can use the link to share your video with your teacher to hand in your homework.

Resources you need for this tutorial

A couple of things to know before we start…

  • You need a microphone. Maybe your laptop has a microphone, or maybe you want to wear a headset.
  • The free software to record the screencast (I’ll show you how to get it in a second) and
  • of course you need a Google account.

You do not need a webcam because we’re not doing any video of ourselves. So you can record in your pyjamas or with bed head, and no one will be the wiser.

What software can I use to record a Google Slides presentation (screencast)?

Free screencast software option #1: apowersoft free screen recorder.

I use something called Apowersoft Free Screen Recorder and I use the version from CNET – it’s a very specific download that I use.

I like it because…

  • it’s free (it’s not a trial version.)
  • There is no time limit to how long of a Google Slideshow video that you can record.
  • There’s no watermark.

Of course, because it’s free, it’s a basic version with zero editing features.

(This means you have to record everything in one cut… or use another program or the premium version to edit together your video.)


  • If you record short teacher videos, it’s easier for you to record and maybe less intimidating for your students to watch (i.e. it’s not too long.)
  • Also, shorter videos with good titles might make it easier for students to find what they’re looking for later on if they want to review a lesson.

Free Screencast Software Option #2: FlashBack Express

I’m going to show you how to get the Apowersoft download from CNET but of course I’m also recording this screencast of me doing a tutorial of a screencast, so the second screen recorder I’m exploring right now is called FlashBack Express.

SIDE NOTE: It seems like it’s a little easier to trim the beginning and end of a video using FlashBack express, but I find it takes longer to save the video, and I have to go in and set the resolution of the recording myself or the video looks kind of pixelated.)

Video Tutorial:

How to record a google slide presentation for distance learning.

Click here to watch the tutorial on YouTube

Okay so let’s go to Google. If I Google Apowersoft Free screen recorder, I get a couple of options.

The first few are from the official website – they’ve updated the software, which is great, but now this version is a free trial version and so it doesn’t have all of the features that the old version used to have.

I want to go to this CNET link which has an old version of the software, and I know this is the one I want because it has a blue camera icon with a red dot. I just click download here to get it from CNET.

I have already installed this, so I’m going to do a demo screencast of this slideshow about critical thinking.

When the software opens up, it’s going to right away show me a region that I can record. I probably want to record just my screen, so present the slideshow and change the bounding area (the recording area) so it just records the size of the slides in my Google slides.

A couple of things:

You want to wait for your Google slides to completely load. There is a loading bar at the bottom of the screens. You can start your slideshow before the loading bar is completely done, but your animations and transitions may look a little bit choppy. I recommend waiting until the Google slides was completely loaded so that your animations look great.

This is the recording toolbar from the screenshot software I’m using.

  • I could go fullscreen and record everything or
  • I can just record a region.

There’s an option for video – you can choose between your WebCam or your screen.

There’s an option for audio – right now I’m just recording my microphone.

You may want to choose the system sound and microphone setting if you have a video playing on your computer (in your lesson) and you want to record the sound from the video and your lesson.

Just be aware, the system sound also includes things like “bing” sound effects – like when your windows open.

Couple of other things on the side here.

  • I have options and I could turn off the recording toolbar once I start recording if I don’t want it in. If you leave it on the screen, it will be part of your slideshow. (Unless you drag it to the side offscreen.)
  • If I click on record (I can see there is) no watermark and the microphone is on.
  • I’m going to click okay and so it counts down and then I can start my lesson.
  • Once it starts recording, I’m going to make sure that I click on the window with the slideshow to make sure that I’m in the slideshow and then I can use the right and left cursor buttons on my keyboard so that I can slide through the slideshow and that way I don’t have to worry about accidentally moving my mouse when I click on the screen to move forwards.

When I stop recording on this video…

  • it will automatically start playing back what it recorded.
  • There’s a save button here.
  • Even though there’s an option here to change and trim out the beginning and the end to get the exact section I want to record, I find that this older version of the software is a little bit glitchy, and sometimes I’ll set it to record a certain part and then it won’t actually record that part it. (It won’t actually trim to that spot.)
  • So, I find it’s best in this free software just to start a presentation right away and then at the end leave a few seconds (of silence) as I end it.

So I’m going to close this – I’m not going to say that version.

I can see my slideshow here. My Google slides is here and the toolbar here is ready to record so I’m gonna hit record and then I’m going to move the toolbar out of the way and I’m gonna start this lesson.

Am I ready yes move that all the way…


Okay, today we’re going to start a unit on critical thinking and before we can talk about critical thinking , I’m just going to ask you a few questions to get your minds on and ready for this lesson.

So, the first “minds on” question is this: What is thinking and what does it mean to think?

So I’m going to get you to pause the video and I’m going to have you jot down on paper or in a Google Docs, what is thinking what does it mean to think?

So, pause the video and jot down some ideas.

Okay, we’re back. So, I’m going to ask you a second “minds on” question and it’s this:

What is critical thinking, and how is critical thinking different from regular thinking?

So, on your jot notes page, jot down a few ideas and pause the video. How is critical thinking, different from regular thinking? Pause the video.

Here is the third, final “minds on” question: How is critical thinking different from being critical of someone else’s ideas?

So, sometimes you might say, oh, that person is criticizing someone. Well, what’s the difference between critical thinking and being critical of someone or someone else’s ideas?

Pause the video and jot down some ideas about how is critical thinking different from criticizing someone.

Pause the video.

Okay, so now that you’ve had a chance to think about critical thinking, I’m going to have you write a paragraph response and I’m going to give you two options.

The first paragraph question is this: Why do we need to think critically?

So, if you choose this option, you look at your jot notes and you write a paragraph. Why do we need to think critically?

Or, option number two: What might happen when we don’t think critically?

So, if you choose the second option, you look at your jot notes from the previous “minds on” questions and you write a paragraph. What might happen when we don’t think critically?

To recap… You’re going to write a paragraph to one of these two questions:

  • Option #1. Why do we need to think critically?
  • Option #2. What might happen when we don’t think critically?

Once you write your paragraph, hand it in and tomorrow in our next lesson, we’re going to be looking at critical thinking.

So I paused this video. Apowersoft is automatically playing back what I had.

I can see that the lesson started around seven seconds.

If I move this scrubber to seven seconds, I can see the time at the beginning.

So if I move my mouse over the blue triangle – It changes into a white line with two arrows. That’s how I know I can move it backwards and forwards.

If I jump to the end of the video – I can see that even though I jumped forwards, the software is a little bit glitchy and it got rid of my blue timeline area.

So what I do is, on a separate piece of paper, I just write down when I want the video lesson to end (in this case at 242)

I know that because at the bottom here in white, it says 242 in the timeline.

At the beginning, I think I want to start around seven seconds. Maybe, I will start it at five.

Click and drag from around five seconds to three minutes.

(It automatically starts playing back my voice so just pause it.)

I’m just going to move my mouse – hover over the blue triangle

I’m gonna move it to around seven seconds to begin with and then at the other and I’m to move it to around 242 (and I know this because I watched the video and then I just wrote down sometimes.)

So now I have this blue area where I’m going to save.

I’m going to hit the save button… save as a video …file and I can play the video

(I’m not entirely sure that cropped any sounds – and I’ve found, sometimes in the past, this software is not great at trimming at the beginning.)

I’m just going to go to the end of the video…

Okay, so that looks pretty good. I’m pretty happy with that.

… If I open the folder to see where it saved it. It shows me this place where it saves all the videos.

It automatically records

  • the first file was just a trial that we had
  • the second one is once it records, it saves the file right away.
  • this top file here – This is the one I want to upload.

So, I’m just going to rename the file. I’m going to call it Minds On Critical Thinking.

I’m going to play it just to double check this is the video I want.

If I go back to the recording software, I have to click done. If I click anywhere else, it will just beep at me. But, if I click done, there’s a couple of options here:

  • this one is to save the file to the cloud. I’m not going to use it. It uploads it to a service that they have here ShowMore. That’s what they’re using. I don’t want to use.
  • I could click this button over here that says share. But, I find I don’t actually use these options. It just opens up the Google Drive and I can do that manually myself.

Okay, so I’m going to hit cancel. So I have saved this. I’m going to close the recording. it automatically goes back to recorder. I’m going to close that software.

I’m going to go to my Google drive.

This is the folder where I want to upload my video.

What I’m gonna do is just drag the video file from the folder where it was saved into Google Drive.

Now it is uploading the file into Google Drive.

I find initially, it may take a few minutes for Google to process the video.

So, if I try to watch it right now, I’ll get this message that says, “hey, we’re processing the video. Check it out later” and later on, it will be fine.

I’m going to just escape and get out of that.

But now that it’s up here in my Google folder, I can get the link to share with somebody.

So if I right–click here on the file name, I can click on share and I can choose some options.

I can get a shareable link up here.

  • I might change it so that only the people in my school can see it.
  • I might change it so that anyone can see it.

If I click on more, I have…

  •  the option to make the video link either public on the Internet or
  • I can make it so that anyone who has the the specific link can find it.

If I choose the top two versions, it means they don’t have to sign in. They can just watch it and that might be what works for you.

Or, you may choose it so that only people at your school or organization can view this.

Or, you might decide, hey, I don’t want that it all. I don’t want to link share and what I can do is then type in people’s names directly and share the video like a normal Google doc.

I’m going to copy this link. And now if I open a new window, if I pasted the link in here, the video will show.

This was the link that I would share with my students or with my teacher.

So that was a tutorial on how to record a Google slide presentation that includes audio and video.

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How to Record a Google Slides Presentation (with Audio & Video)

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Whether you’re teaching an online class or having an important meeting, recording your Google Slides presentation can come in handy later for your or your students’ reference.

Stay with us as we break down how to record a Google Slides presentation with audio and video using free software.

  • 1.1 Step #1: Ensure You Have the Required Resources
  • 1.2 Step #2: Install Required Software
  • 1.3 Step #3: Run the Tool
  • 1.4 Step #4: Set Up Your Presentation
  • 1.5 Step #5: Prepare to Record
  • 1.6 Step #6: Start Recording
  • 2.1 Related posts:

How to Record a Google Slides Presentation (with Audio & Video)

Before you can begin recording your Google Slides presentation, you will need a few things:

Step #1: Ensure You Have the Required Resources

  • A microphone (you can use your laptop’s mic or wear a headset)
  • Recording software (we touch on this in the coming section)
  • A Google account

Step #2: Install Required Software

There are several software tools available online for free that you can use to record a Google Slides presentation. For the sake of ease and clarity, we use Apowersoft, a free tool that you can download from CNET .  

After downloading the executable, double click on it to run it and complete the wizard to install.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

We recommend using this tool because it is 100% free to use and does not limit how much of your presentation you can record. 

While an earlier version of the tool did not add a watermark to recorded videos, in the new version, you will have to sign up with Apowersoft to record videos without a watermark.

It’s important to remember that the basic tool does not offer any editing features. In other words, you will need to record your presentation in one take or use another editing program to piece together the clips of your presentation.

If you’re a teacher, we recommend recording short videos since they’re convenient to make and also easier for students to watch. 

Step #3: Run the Tool

When you launch Apowersoft Free Screen Recorder, it will show you the region you can record with the tool right away.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

You can change the region the tool will record by moving the recording area around by clicking and dragging the button in the middle. You can alter the bounds of the recording area by simply dragging the bounds as you please.

Alternatively, you can click on the “Full Screen” icon on the panel on the bottom. Since you need to record a Google Slides presentation, this is the button you want to click.

It’s also important to set up the tool correctly before proceeding to the next steps. If you look at the Apowersoft recorder’s panel, you will find video and audio options next to the record button on the left.

How to Record a Google Slides Presentation

Ensure that the tool is set to record your screen and not your webcam and that the tool is recording audio from the correct microphone. 

Note that if there is a video in your slideshow, you will need to record the sound from your computer. 

Remember that choosing to record the system’s sounds also means that your computer’s error sounds (“bing”) and all other system sounds may also be recorded.

Step #4: Set Up Your Presentation

Before you can start recording, navigate to and find your presentation. Next, click on the “Slideshow” button in the top right corner. This will display the presentation in full-screen mode. 

how to record a presentation on google classroom

It’s important to ensure that your slides on Google slides load completely before you start recording. If all the slides aren’t fully loaded, the transitions from slide to slide may look choppy in your recording.

Step #5: Prepare to Record

When both the recording tool and your presentation are ready, you can hit the record button on the panel. Clicking the button will make a popup appear. If you have logged into your Apowersoft account, it will record without a watermark.

You will also see the hotkeys you can use to control the recording in the popup.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

If you hit the “OK” button, a 3-second countdown timer will appear before the tool starts recording. If you don’t want the Apowersoft recorder’s panel to appear in your recording, like in the following image:

how to record a presentation on google classroom

You will need to navigate to the options menu by clicking on the three dots button on the right side of the panel.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

You can then toggle the “Show recording toolbar” option off from the options menu. 

how to record a presentation on google classroom

You can also change several other settings from this menu, including the recording format and the “Record” and “Stop Recording” keyboard shortcuts.

Step #6: Start Recording

Navigate to your slideshow window and click the “Rec” button. The tool will start recording after the countdown. You can go through the slides by pressing the right and left buttons. 

One of the most useful features of this tool is that it allows you to pause recording at certain points if you need a moment to proceed to your next talking point.

If you’ve left the recording panel enabled, you can use it to pause the recording whenever you want. 

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl-Alt-F3 to pause the recording. After you’ve caught up with the talking points or taken a moment to focus, you can press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to start the recording again.

After you finish recording the slideshow, press Ctrl-Alt-F2 to stop recording. The tool will then automatically start playing the video you recorded, and you can go through it.

You can use the handles on the extreme left and right of the player to trim the beginning and end of the video. 

how to record a presentation on google classroom

However, we suggest that you do not do any trimming with this software since it sometimes ruins the recording by not trimming at the correct point.

If you’re satisfied with the recording, click on the “Save” button on the bottom right to save the video.

A menu with a default name for the recording and the folder where it’ll be saved will open up.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

You can rename the file from this menu without any hassle. You can also select where you want to save the video from the “Open Folder” button.

If you’ve signed up with Apowersoft, they will offer you free cloud storage to save your videos. You can upload the video directly to the cloud storage by clicking on the “Upload to the cloud” button in the Save menu. 

Alternatively, you can upload the video you recorded straight to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, or Dropbox by clicking the “Cloud” button instead of the “Save” button.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

If you are a teacher, saving the video to Google Drive may be the right way to go. You can easily share the video with your students by making the video sharable and sending them the link to the file.

How to Convert Google Slides to PowerPoint in Simple Steps

While there are many ways to record a Google Slides presentation, using the Apowersoft free video recorder is one of the easiest ways to go about it.

The software is quite intuitive, and you should be able to figure out what buttons perform which function without expressly reading through this guide.

That being said, learning all the functions before you begin using the tool is an excellent way to ensure you get the most out of the tool and make a solid recording for your future reference or for your students.

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By Maverick

This is Maverick. During Covid-19 Pandemic, A School Teacher turned into an online Instructor. Here I Share How you can build your own Online School and offers eLearning to your Students. I'm trying to make the eLearning Desk a resource for Students as well as for Teachers.

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Step-By-Step Guide to Make a Video on Google Classroom With Ease

how to record a presentation on google classroom

Rev › Blog › Media & Entertainment › Step-By-Step Guide to Make a Video on Google Classroom With Ease

As technology improves, we’re continually learning new ways we can use it for education. Increasingly, educators are being asked to make use of speedy internet connections and cloud-based storage systems to make classroom materials available to kids at home. 

While this can help improve access to some classes, and allow each student work at an individual pace, it also puts a lot of pressure for teachers. Luckily, Google Classroom offers lots of options to make communication and sharing files simple.

Learning all the tools each program has to offer will open up the possibilities for how you can run daily lessons. Video can be a great way to add to your students’ learning experiences, and to save time in writing instructions all out by making a video of yourself explaining the assignment. It could also make those instructions more easily understandable. 

Even if you explain your assignments on a video, you’ll likely want to add closed captions to make the videos accessible for all students.

You can learn how to make a video on Google Classroom pretty easily. Traditionally, Google Classroom has focused on the ability to add videos from other programs, such as YouTube or files from Google Drive. Now you can also record a video directly into Google Classroom via the mobile app. This is the fastest and easiest way to add videos for your students. 

How to attach a video to Google Classroom

Adding video can encourage engagement and connection between teachers and students, and now it’s easier than ever to create, edit, add subtitles, and upload videos onto Google Classroom. 

To add a video you created in YouTube to an assignment that appears your Google Classroom classwork, start by clicking “create” in the Classwork tab. Click on “Assignment” and enter all the details, including name and due date.

You can add the video file by clicking on the paper clip. Select “YouTube,” to search for your content, then click “add.” If you already have a video link, click URL and then paste the address in and click “add.”

The process is similar for a video stored elsewhere: when you click on the paper clip, you can instead click “File,” “Drive,” or “Link,” depending on where your content is stored to upload the videos.

Adding the file to an assignment to provide instructions is just as easy – just click the paper clip to attach from the assignment page, then follow the same directions as above to find your video.

How to make a video on the Google Classroom app

Creating a video right inside Google Classroom is now possible via the mobile app. It’s a super-simple way to add content from right within the platform.

To record video to an assignment, tap the paper clip icon to add an attachment. There you’ll see the option to “Record video.” The video you make will still be stored in Google Drive, since that’s where content on Classroom is kept, but it will insert the video directly into your assignment for you.

Adding subtitles to your videos

Recording a video will help many students understand the assignment better – just by hearing your description and your inflection while you give it will clarify in ways the written word can’t always do. 

However, some other students will have trouble viewing video, either because of technology problems, because they’re deaf or hard of hearing, or they’re just not aural learners. For this set, closed captioning for your videos will help immensely. 

Want captions added directly to your videos? Rev now offers burned-in captions (open captions).  Just check the “burned-in captions” box at checkout and you’ll receive a video with permanent, hard-coded captions added straight to your videos . Also available for foreign language subtitles!

Adding closed captions to YouTube videos

If you’re adding a video from YouTube, you can add closed captions the file before you link or upload it into Google Classroom. When you sign into YouTube Studio, click on the left menu and select “Subtitles.”

Click the video you’d like to edit, then enter your captions manually. You can also upload a completed closed caption file by selecting the video you’d like to caption, clicking “More options,” and “Upload subtitles/cc.” Follow the prompts to upload your file and save.

You can have this whole process done for you by professionals, too. A caption service like Rev will do the whole thing for you. Do this by going to Rev’s “ Captions ” page, and clicking on the YouTube icon. You’ll need to give access to your YouTube account, select the videos you want captioned, and click “Add Selected to Cart.”

You can also click “Paste a URL” to paste the YouTube URL of the video you want captioned.

Order Captions

From here, you can select the option to automatically deliver captions back to YouTube when they’re captioned. Rev will return your captioned video to you within 24 hours, with a 99% accuracy rate.

Adding closed captions straight to your videos

Rev now offers burned-in video captions (open captions), which means we will add captions directly to your video. Just check the “Burned-in captions” option at checkout and you’ll receive a video with captions already added to your video .

Adobe Premiere Pro lets you create or import closed captions . Select File, New, and Captions, then follow the prompts, and the program will create a caption file in the project panel. 

In Final Cut Pro X, you can add captions in the timeline, too.

Adding closed captions to videos already on Google Drive

For videos you created via Google Classroom or have updated onto Google Drive, you can add completed captions files by selecting the video you want to add captions to, clicking “More,” “Manage caption tracks,” and “Add new caption tracks.” Then you can select your file and click “Upload.”

Remember that you can order a caption track from here

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A Beginner’s Guide To Google Slides In The Classroom

By Kathleen Morris

You’re probably familiar with the range of free, web-based tools offered by Google within its Google Drive service?

These tools include Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, and Google Slides. They’ve become staples in classrooms, homes, and businesses around the world.

For teachers and students, Google Slides is one of the most exciting and versatile tools on offer.

Maybe you’ve heard of Google Slides and you’re wondering how you can use it in the classroom?

Or perhaps, you’ve dabbled with Google Slides but you’re not sure exactly how it can be used beyond presentations?

Or are you a blogger wondering how Google Slides can complement your blog posts?

This post explains:

What is google slides.

How to create a Google Slides presentation

How teachers and students can use Google Slides in the classroom (7 creative examples)

How to embed Google Slides into your blog posts (PDF and video tutorial included)

Using Google Slides in Remote Learning

You’re probably familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint — the software used to create and present slideshows?

Google Slides is similar except it’s hosted online and allows for multiple people to collaborate on the same presentation in real time.

Quick facts about Google Slides:

  • It’s free.
  • You can start with a blank document or use a pre-designed template. 
  • It’s available via the web , a mobile app ( Android , iOS , Windows, BlackBerry), and as a desktop application on Google’s ChromeOS .
  • PowerPoint files can be imported into Google Slides and then edited. Your Google Slides presentations can be exported as a PowerPoint file, PDF, JPEG, PNG and more.
  • Images and video can be added to presentations. As of April 2019, audio can also be added (this feature is currently being rolled out — see below for more details).
  • There are many sharing options for your Google Slides presentation. It can be private, you can share it with select people, or you can share it publicly on the web. You can choose whether people can view or edit your presentation.
  • If you’re collaborating with others on a Google Slides presentation, you can chat, leave comments, and work simultaneously on the same presentation.
  • Your work is automatically saved as you work on your presentation.
  • You can present your slides within the platform (View > Present). You can either plug your computer into a screen or use Chromecast or AirPlay to show a live audience. You can also present virtually via Google Hangouts.
  • You can add real-time automatic captions when you present in Google Slides. Find out more here .
  • There are many add-ons available for Google Slides. These are tools from 3rd party developers to add more functionality to Google Slides. Most add-ons are free but some have paid premium versions. Learn more about add-ons by reading Eric Curts’ post: 9 Awesome Add-ons to Supercharge Google Slides.
  • Google Slides presentations can be embedded in blogs and websites.

Here’s a graphic summary of the above. Feel free to share it with colleagues who want to learn more about Google Slides.

What is Google Slides A Summary For Teachers And Students The Edublogger

How To Start A Google Slides Presentation

You’ll need a Google Account to access Google Slides. There’s a high chance you already have one! This is the same username/password you use for Gmail and other Google Products. You might also have a school Google account.

If you haven’t got a Google account yet, you can sign up here:

Google Drive is the place where your Google Slides presentations are stored. It’s also one of the ways you can start a new Google Slides presentation.

You access your Google Drive on the web through this URL:

Click on New in the top left-hand corner. Then click on Google Slides and either Blank Presentation or From a template .

Other Ways To Start A New Google Slides Presentation

  • You can go straight to your Google Slides collection to view past Slides and create a new one using this URL
  • You can also start a new Slides presentation in the app ( Android | iOS )

Using Google Slides Offline

Rolling out from  late April 2019 , there’s a new way to access Google Slides when you’re offline or have poor internet connection.

The first step is to enable offline access in your Drive settings.

How to enable offline access for Google Slides:

  • Go to your Google Drive and click the gear icon at the top right corner
  • Select Settings > General and select “Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings files to this computer” so you can edit offline.
  • You can then right-click on any file in your Google Drive and select “Available offline” from the menu (while connected to the internet).
  • You’ll need the free Chrome  Google Docs Offline extension  to access your offline documents.

Check out the full instructions to access Google Slides offline on any device here .

How To Make A Google Slides Presentation

You’ll notice when you start a new Google Slides presentation, using the methods described above, you have the option to build a blank presentation or work from a pre-designed template.

Whatever option you choose, creating your presentation is straightforward.

Here are the basics of creating a Google Slides presentation.

  • You add text via text boxes which you can drag around to suit.
  • Use the + button on the top left to add a new slide
  • Right-click on your slide on the left navigation panel to duplicate it (this can be easier than building a slide from scratch). Duplicate is also found under the “Slide” menu.

This diagram shows the basic functions you will use most with Google Slides. Feel free to share it with your students or colleagues.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Screenshot of Google Slides showing basic buttons

Learn More About Google Slides

Learn more about getting started with Slides with the G Suite Learning Centre. 

“ Get started with Slides ” is an easy to follow tutorial that’s suitable for both teachers and students.

Video Tutorials: Google Slides Overview

This two-minute video tutorial  provides a simple overview of Google Slides basics.

After a more detailed video? Check out David Lee’s 12-minute introduction to Google Slides.

New Feature: Add Audio To Google Slides

In April 2019, Google began rolling out the ability to add audio to Google Slides presentations. This long-requested function could be very handy for teachers and students.

Audio can be great for reflection, narration, feedback, and all sorts of creative projects.

Want more examples of how audio can enhance Google Slides for teachers and students? Kasey Bell has written a blog post that shares 25 Ways to Use Audio in Google Slides Projects .

Although the ability to add audio is a great new feature, you can’t record audio directly into your Slides presentation.

As Eric Curts explains,

You see, even though we can now add audio to a Google slideshow, there isn’t a simple built-in recording button. Instead you need to record the audio separately with another program, then save it to Drive, and then add it to a slide.

Thankfully, Eric has put together a helpful collection of  4 Free and Easy Audio Recording Tools for Google Slides .

The tools Eric recommends to make audio recordings are:

  • ChromeMP3 Recorder from HablaCloud
  • Online Voice Recorder
  • Beautiful Audio Editor
  • TwistedWave

You can find out all about this process and how exactly you insert audio into Google Slides in Eric’s blog post , podcast , or video .

Using Google Slides In The Classroom: The Basics

The simplest and most obvious way to use Google Slides is to create a slide deck. That is, a collection of slides put together to form a presentation.

A slide deck is used to support an oral presentation.

There are many times when teachers or students might need a basic slide deck:

  • Teachers can create a slide deck to support the lessons they’re presenting to students.
  • Students can make a Slides presentation to accompany an oral presentation that’s part of their classwork.
  • Students or teachers can create slide decks when they need to showcase learning or share school programs (e.g. information evening, school assembly, parent-teacher night, etc.).
  • Teachers can collaborate on a slide deck for a conference or staff meeting presentation.

Apart from these basic uses, there is so much more you can do with Google Slides.

Let’s take a look…

7 Creative Ways To Use Google Slides In The Classroom

Kasey Bell isn’t wrong when she calls Google Slides the Swiss Army knife of G Suite. Let’s take a look at some creative ways you could use Google Slides in the classroom.

1) Introduce Your Class

Alethea Vazquez is a teacher who participated in the Student Blogging Challenge with her students a number of times. Her students collaborated on a great Google Slides presentation to introduce themselves on their class blog.

In this post , Alethea explains how she carried out this process. It involved giving students a Slides template that they could edit.

Take a look at the end result. This is perfect for an About page on a class blog.

2) Make Choose Your Own Adventure Stories

Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books that were popular in past decades?

Creating a similar style of “interactive fiction” is a creative way to use Google Slides. It includes a certain amount of planning as teacher Kevin Hodgson explains in this post .

Screenshot of handwritten story map by student

Here’s an example of interactive fiction using Google Slides by Kevin Hodgson. He shared this on his class blog as an example for students.

Tutorials For Choose Your Own Adventure Stories

  • Check out this post by Eric Curts for a detailed explanation
  • Jake Miller has made a useful GIF to explain the instructions
  • This resource from Google explains how to make a collaborative “If-then Adventure Story”

As Kevin Hodgson says,

Most of my students really enjoy this writing, as it is very different from traditional pieces we do, but a few do struggle with the unconventionality of it. That’s OK, too, for what I am trying to show them is that writing is not one form, but many forms and always adaptable.

3) Try Collaborative Storytelling And Research

Two students in Linda Yollis’ third grade class collaborated together on a Google Slides presentation for the Student Blogging Challenge .

They shared their experiences of traveling to London with their own families and included some great research.

They embedded their presentation on their personal blogs — check out “Jodie Bloom’s blog  and “Sarah Gold’s” blog . These are pen names.

4) Compile Individual Slides Into One: Poetry Example

Sometimes you might want students to all contribute one slide to a group presentation.

There are two ways to do this:

  • You can start a new Slides presentation and share this template with the class. You would assign a slide number to each student. You just need to make sure students don’t interfere with other students’ slides.
  • Or, you can have students create their own new Slides presentation and then share their completed slide with you. You can then compile all slides into one group Slides presentation. These instructions from Erintegration explain how to do this.

Here’s an example I made with students where they wrote their own Haiku poem. The students could write a few examples in their own Slides presentation and share their favorite one with me for the class compilation.

5) Share Photos Of Work That’s Not Digital

Google Slides doesn’t have to just be used to share digital work. It can be used to share and present any work students complete in the classroom.

Here’s an example where my students created their own Wacky Wednesday rhyme and illustration after studying the Dr. Seuss book.

I took photographs of all the students’ work and put them in a Google Slides presentation.

Readers were invited to guess the ‘wacky’ things they found in the students’ pictures.

Tip: Make A Photo Slideshow With PowerPoint

I found the easiest way to do this was to add the album of images to a PowerPoint presentation. You just need to go to Insert > Photo Album > New Photo Album. PowerPoint can position one image per slide automatically.

You then save your PowerPoint and import it into Google Slides ( these instructions show you how).

6) Flip Your Classroom: Create A Self Guided Lesson

Google Slides is a great way to help someone work through a lesson, either in a live classroom setting, or in their own time.

You’ve probably heard of the term “flipped classroom”? This is where students can learn content outside of the classroom freeing up face-to-face class time for rich discussions, projects, collaborations and so on.

Teachers can prepare Google Slides presentations that walk students through lessons. Students can work through these presentations at their own pace and in their own time. A similar model can be used for staff professional development.

Here is an example from instructional technology coach, Noah King. Noah used a blog post I wrote about how to teach students to research online to create a Slides presentation to use with 5th graders.

Read more about this Slides presentation here .

7) Make Images

Google Slides offers a blank canvas where creations can be download into image formats like JPEG and PNG.

For those reasons, it’s a great way for students and teachers to make images that they can print or use digitally.

Examples of images you could create in Google Slides:

  • Blog headers
  • Other blog images (e.g. see the example of the promotional graphic at the start of this post. These are great to share on social media).
  • Certificates
  • Photos with captions
  • Flowcharts, mindmaps, or other graphic organizers
  • How-to tutorials
  • Classroom labels

Note : Another option for making images is Google Drawings. In this Venn diagram, Tony Vincent shows us how Google Drawings and Google Slides are the same and different.

Be sure to follow Tony on Twitter or Instagram as he often shares tips for using Google Slides and other tech tools.

Venn diagram comparing Google Slides and Drawings

How To Make A Graphic Or Image Using Google Slides

#1 open google slides.

You can work with a blank presentation or a template.

#2 Change your image size (optional)

If you want your image to be a certain size (e.g. the size of your blog header), you can change this in File > Page Setup > Custom . You can enter the dimensions you’re after in inches, centimeters, points, or pixels.

Tip : If you’re making a blog header, you’ll find the required dimensions in Customizer as demonstrated here .

Screenshot showing header image size in customizer

#3 Make your background transparent (or another color)

If you want your image to ha ve a transparent background, cli ck on File > Change background .

Then choose Transparent (or another color).

If you select a transparent background, there will be no background when you download your image as PNG or JPEG.

Google slides screenshot -- go to file change background

#4 Create your design

Add the text, images, and shapes that you’d like on your design.

Tip : If you want to experiment with a design element but you’re not sure if you’ll like it, duplicate your slide before making your changes. Then you can choose the one you like best.

Right-click on the slide in the navigation panel and select “Duplicate slide”.

#5 Save your design as an image

Screenshot showing how to save Google slides as an image

You’ll then have an image file that you can print or use in your digital creations.

Here is a simple blog header image I made with Google Slides by modifying a template.

Mrs Morris class blog header Google Slides

These 7 examples are only the tip of the iceberg of ways you could use Google Slides in the classroom.

We’d love you to share your own examples in a comment. Scroll down to find the comment box.

How To Embed Google Slides In Your Blog Post Or Page

As you’ve seen, Google Slides can be used in so many different ways. You can amplify this learning even more by sharing your work with an authentic audience on your blog.

Google Slides presentations can be easily embedded in blog posts or pages using HTML code (don’t worry if you’ve never done this before — it’s easy).

Note : If you’re using Edublogs, you’ll need Edublogs Pro or CampusPress in order to embed HTML code. This is to prevent misuse by spammers.

Let’s take a look at how to embed a Google Slides presentation into a blog post or page. You’ll find the written instructions below and then a video and PDF version.

This is a two-step process. First, you need to get the embed code from your Slides presentation then add it to your blog.

Step One: Get the embed code for your Slides presentation

1) open your slides presentation.

You can go to your Drive or directly to your Slides collection to find your presentation. Double click on the presentation to open it.

2) Publish to the web

Go to File > Publish to the web

You’ll find File in the top left-hand corner of your page.

Screenshot -- Go to File Publish to the web

Click on Embed . There are a few options to control the size and speed of the slides. Changing these options isn’t essential (medium is usually a good size).

Click on Publish .

Click on embed and then publish (screenshot)

You’ll receive a warning that you’re about to publish to the web. Press OK .

Warning publish to the web (screenshot)

3) Copy the embed code

After you press OK, your HTML embed code will appear in a box. You need to copy this code to add to your blog post or page.

How to copy:

  • Click on the text to highlight it if it’s not already highlighted
  • Press Control C (Windows) or Command C (Mac)
  • Alternatively, right-click and press Copy

Note : If you ever want to unpublish your Slides presentation so it’s not available on the web, repeat these steps and click on the small arrow at the bottom of the box that says Published content and settings . Select Stop publishing .

Publish to the web embed code (screenshot)

Step Two: Add the embed code to your blog post or page

These instructions show how to add your Slides presentation to a blog post. The same process applies to pages.

1) Open your post

Go to your blog dashboard and open the post you’re working on. Or, go to  Posts > Add New .

2) Add Media

Place your cursor where you want the Slides presentation to appear and then click on the  Add Media  button.

3) Insert Embed Code

In the Add Media window, click on the  Insert Embed Code  tab on the left.

Click on Insert Embed code

4) Paste Embed Code

Paste the  embed code  into the Insert Embed code box.

How to paste:

  • Press Control V (Windows) or Command V (Mac)
  • Alternatively, right-click and select Paste

Screenshot -- insert embed code

When you’ve finished writing your post, click  Publish .


You should now see your embedded Slides presentation when you view the published post. You can also preview your post to see what it looks like before publishing.

Here’s an example of an embedded Google Slides presentation.

Video: How To Embed A Google Slides Presentation

This 3 minute video takes you through the process described above.

PDF: How To Embed A Google Slides Presentation

You’re welcome to print this 2 page PDF to show your students or colleagues how to embed their Google Slides presentation into a blog post or page.

>> Click here to download a copy of the PDF

Using google slides in remote learning.

If you’re teaching remotely, you’ll need to offer your students a planner or lesson descriptions.

Some teachers put their planners in a Google Slides presentation.

Don’t forget to add these Slides presentations to a blog, LMS, or website so they don’t get lost).

  • You can include text, links, and videos of yourself teaching to a Slides presentation amongst other things.
  • One major benefit is you can copy and edit your planner so you don’t have to start from scratch each day.
  • Check out this post by Alice Keeler for more advice on using Slides in remote learning.

Here’s an example from US kindergarten teacher Megan Peschke @MeganPeschke ). Don’t be put off by the age group. This idea could be adapted for any age!

Click here to view the Google Slides presentation in a new tab .

Instructions for Editing and Using Megan’s Google Slides

1. Click on this link:

2. You will be prompted to make a copy (screenshot below).

3. The Slides will be saved in your Google Drive.

4. You can edit the Google Slides to suit.

Screenshot of Google Slides copy prompt

SlidesMania have also published a fantastic free weekly planner template that can be used in Google Slides or PowerPoint. Find it here. 

Slidesmania weekly planner

Google Slides is a versatile way for teachers and students to create, collaborate, and present. There’s a lot you can do with Google Slides beyond a standard oral presentation.

Many teachers and students enjoy embedding their Google Slides presentations into a blog post or page. Sharing work with an authentic audience yields many benefits!

How are you using Google Slides?

Do you have any tips or examples to share?

Do you have any questions about Google Slides?

Leave a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.

Further Reading

You might also be interested in reading:

A Beginner’s Guide To Google Photos

Canva In The Classroom: Getting Started, Example Designs, And Tips!

Six Tools To Create Interactive Learning Content On Your Blog

For teachers and students, Slides is one of the most versatile free tools offered by Google. This post explains what Google Slides is, how to use it, classroom examples, and how to embed Slides into blog posts.

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15 thoughts on “ a beginner’s guide to google slides in the classroom ”.

I love using Slides. I sent a Google slide presentation last week to my students via Google classroom and a few students couldn’t open it. It verified I had shared. Have you heard about this issue before?

Hi! I sent out several google slides for my student to do, alphabet work. When I go in as him, I can see that he did the activity, but there is no turn in button.

Hi Andrea, I assume this is a Google Classroom issue? I haven’t used Google Classroom before so I’m sorry I can’t help!

Is there a way to present Google Slides on individual student chromebooks through Google so that I am controlling the pace of the presentation?

Good question, I’m unsure about that, however, there are lots of users on Twitter who might know. If you use Twitter you could try reaching out to someone like @JakeMillerTech @EricCurts. They’re great with things like this. Good luck!

Once you learn how to use Google Slides, I have a whole section about the other useful features of Google Suites – Work smarter not harder

Good Source to learn Google Slides!

Great for students trying to learn google slides, simplifies the entire process and just makes it so much easier to understand.

this is such a great source to help with google docs lots of descriptions and videos.

What an awesome resource! Is it ok if I share the link this information with my staff during a tutorial on Google Slides? Please and thank you!

Hi Jean, We appreciate any sharing. Thanks!

This is a great introduction to google slides! I can definitely use the directions for adding google slides to a blog! This should make it much easier. Thanks!

Thank you for this great insight. I am currently studying technology and how to effectively implement it in the classroom.

This is very helpful and informative especially since I am currently taking a computer class.

So glad it helps!

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How to record your own videos and post them on Google Classroom

How to record your own videos and post them on Google Classroom

Over the last few weeks, several teachers have asked in our Facebook Group what tool is recommended for recording videos. So we thought it is time to write this blog and let you know. It’s a free tool that is super easy to use and gives high-quality videos. The best part is that you can easily share that video with your students via Google Classroom!

The tool is called Loom and you can create your free account here:

Once you install Loom, it will create a logo inside your Google Chrome browser where the extensions live (top-right).

When you are ready to record your video, simply click on that logo. You will be able to select if you want to record only your screen, or the screen and your face, or only your face. You will also be able to select if you want to record the whole screen or only a specific window/tab.

After selecting your options, click “Start recording”. It will give you a 3 - 2 - 1 countdown and you are good to go. I recommend using a microphone or a headset when recording videos, as the sound quality is greatly improved when compared to the built-in microphone from your laptop.

Once you are finished with your video, click the green checkmark on the bottom left of the screen. Loom will stop recording and will start preparing your video. Go to your Loom account and see the video. Notice that there is an option to share your video on the right of the screen. All you need to do is copy that link and take it to your Google Classroom.

Here is how to do it:

  • Step 1. Select any of your classes
  • Step 2. Click on “Classwork”
  • Step 3. Click on “Create” > Material
  • Step 4. Type the title and the description so students know what that activity is about.
  • Step 5. Click on Add > Link, and paste the link from your Loom video.

Do you know what else works really well during remote learning?

It’s to send students a video and an assignment at the same time. That way, they can learn/revise the content with the video and then answer the questions and test themselves to see how much they understood. You can also use this assessment to grade them as homework.

So how to do it?

Follow the first two steps as before, but select “Assignment” instead of “Material”. Then, first add the link to your Loom video, like you did before. But then, you want to click “Add” to select the actual quiz. Once that is done, you hit “Assign” and students will receive the video and the test together!

A very good source of quizzes is the free platform Seneca Learning. You can choose from thousands of different tests and activities. All you need to do is copy the link to that activity and add to the Google Classroom assignment using “Add” > “Link”.

To receive some of my activities to use on Google Classroom, fill out the following form! I’ll gladly share them with you!

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Google slides can turn your presentations into videos.


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You've probably watched recordings or videos of presentations, which are usually screen recordings with a mismatched aspect ratio, random popups from other applications, and other issues that are distracting. Google Slides is now rolling out the ability to record and save a presentation as a high quality video, all in the web browser.

Google announced the feature today in its Google Workspace Updates blog. The company said, "We’re introducing slides recordings, a new Google Slides feature that lets you easily record yourself presenting, and then share the presentation with others to view when it works for them. From webinars, to employee trainings, to lessons for your classroom, slides recordings help you effortlessly record visual and engaging presentations without ever leaving Slides."

The recording functionality, accessible from the new "Record" button in the main toolbar, will open a new screen where you can start a recording of the presentation. You can change slides at your own pace and turn your microphone and camera on and off at any point. Google said in the blog post, "This feature helps you share more engaging video presentations with others for easy, flexible viewing. Whether sharing video content inside of your company or externally, with slides recordings you don’t need to use a separate video recording tool."

Shareable video presentations in Google Slides

The ability to export presentations as videos has been available in Microsoft PowerPoint, the main competitor to Slides, ever since PowerPoint 2010 . Back then, you could only export your presentation in MP4 format at a maximum resolution of 1280x720. The result was just the presentation with automatically changing slides, rather than a recording of a person giving the presentation. Microsoft eventually added the ability to save narrations and laser pointer gestures for each slide, as well as exporting at resolutions of up to 4K. PowerPoint also has a special "PowerPoint Show" export format, which starts playing the presentation immediately when someone else opens it with PowerPoint.

Unfortunately, the new Google Slides feature is currently limited to business and education Google accounts, not personal accounts. That's a shame, especially when PowerPoint's equivalent feature is available to everyone with the desktop PowerPoint application installed. Here's hoping the record feature eventually rolls out for everyone.

Source: Google Workspace Updates Blog

  • Google Slides


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how to record a presentation on google classroom

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How to Record a Video Presentation With Google Slides

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Image of Andy Wolber

Google Slides now lets you record a presentation with inset video from your webcam. Each recording may be a maximum of 30 minutes long. No longer do you need to turn to a third-party tool or web meeting app, such as Google Meet , to record a presentation. Instead, you can start and finish the task with nothing more than Google Slides on a laptop.

As of March 2024, slide recordings may be made by customers who use Google Workspace Business Standard or Plus; Enterprise Starter, Essentials, Essentials Plus, Standard or Plus; and Education Plus editions.

How to make a basic slide recording in Google Slides

To create a slide recording, you’ll need to use Google Chrome on a computer that has a camera and microphone.

  • Go to Google Slides and open your presentation.
  • Select the Rec button in the upper right area, then select the Record new video button ( Figure A ).

The system will switch to the screen recording interface, with recording controls displayed below your slides. By default, the system will display your inset (picture-in-picture) video in medium size in the lower right corner of a slide, since this portion of a slide is often empty.

Select the Rec button for screen recording in Google Slides.

  • Optionally, before you start recording, you might adjust three settings:

Adjust the default video inset location (lower right) and size (medium) using the controls shown in the red box, or activate speaker notes with the icon indicated by the arrow.

  • Modify the size of the inset video frame. Select the size icon, found to the right of the video inset location icon, then choose either a small, medium or large video frame size.
  • Open speaker notes with the button found to the immediate left of the back slide (<) icon. This will display speaker notes for your reference while recording. (Ideally, you would not need to refer to speaker notes, so that you could instead look directly at the camera as you record.)
  • When you are ready to record, select the large red button at the bottom of the screen.
  • If prompted, you may need to allow access ( Figure C ) to the tab, along with the camera and microphone. For example, when recording on a Chromebook, you may be prompted to “Allow to see this tab?” and “Also allow tab audio.” Select Allow, if prompted.

Allow access to the tab, camera or microphone, if prompted.

In a few cases, you may need to visit the following links in Chrome to adjust permissions for:

  • Camera: chrome://settings/content/camera.
  • Microphone: chrome://settings/content/microphone.
  • A brief countdown should display (i.e., 3, 2, 1), then your recording will begin. Record your video, advancing your slides as desired.
While annotation isn’t available during this kind of recording, you can make it so that your cursor displays. Just toggle the cursor icon to the left of the record button in before you begin!
  • To pause recording, press the large red button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once paused, you may select from two options ( Figure D ):

When you pause or stop a recording, you may either choose to Re-record or Save to Drive, as shown.

After you select Save to Drive, wait a bit until the system indicates the file has been saved. If you leave or close the tab too soon, you may lose your recording.

How to select inset video shapes and sizes

On any slide, you may use the Insert | Speaker spotlight option ( Figure E ), then select a shaped video frame. This inserts a frame where the speaker video will display on that slide. You may reposition or resize the frame: Select the shape, and then drag-and-drop it to move it to a different place on your slide, or select a corner and drag it to resize it.

For custom placement and sizing of the inset video, select Insert | Speaker spotlight.

When you insert a speaker spotlight shape, that supplants the position and size you might have selected on a basic recording. In other words, the speaker’s video will display in one of the corners or the center, and in the small, medium or large shape chosen with the settings — unless you’ve inserted a speaker spotlight shape on a page ( Figure F ). Use the speaker spotlight option to convey the most polished professional effect, since it allows precise control over the shape, size and location of a video frame.

Select a shape, then position it anywhere on your slide. You may resize it as desired.

How to play, share and manage slide recordings

You may access slide recordings within Google Slides on a computer. However, unlike recording, which requires you to use Google Chrome, you may access and play existing recordings within Google Slides on a variety of modern browsers. For example, the following steps all work when you use Google Slides within either Google Chrome or Apple’s Safari browser.

To access recordings associated with a Google Slides presentation, follow these steps.

  • Select the Rec button in the upper right area. The recordings you’ve made of the presentations will display. Importantly, the system shows both the date and duration of each recording.
  • To view, share or download a recording, click anywhere on the playback icon or title of the recording ( Figure G ). It should open in a new tab. Within this tab, you might:
  • Select the Play icon in the center of the video image to play the recording.
  • Select the Share button in the upper right corner of the screen to modify access settings and give other people access to the file.
  • Select the Download icon in the down arrow above a tray icon in the upper right area of the screen to download the file.

Select the Rec button, then click on the name of any saved recording to open it in a new tab for playback, share options or downloading.

  • Select the three dot menu to the right of a listed recording to:
  • Rename a file something other than the default recording title.
  • Remove a previously made recording you no longer need.
  • Copy link and obtain the Google Drive URL for the recorded file.

All Google Slides recordings are stored in a Slides recordings folder on Google Drive. The recordings are saved as .webm files, which is a widely supported web video format. You may easily open and play .webm files on both Apple and Android mobile phones. Any recordings you make using Google Slides should be easy to view on almost any device.

Does the ability to record a presentation within Google Slides streamline your workflow? What sorts of video presentations will you create with this new capability? Mention or message me on X ( @awolber ) to let me know how you use screen recording within Google Slides.

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Create shareable video presentations in Google Slides

What’s changing.

Create shareable video presentations in Google Slides

Who’s impacted 

Why it’s important , additional details , getting started .

  • Admins : There is no admin control for this feature.
  • End users : Visit the Help Center to learn more about recording a slideshow, finding your recording, sharing your recording, removing a recording and more . Please note that recording-creation is only accessible using Google Chrome on your Desktop. Recordings cannot be created on mobile devices and are not accessible from the Slides mobile app. However, you can find and view your recording using the Drive mobile app. 

Rollout pace 

  • Rapid Release domains : Extended rollout (potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility) starting on January 2, 2024 
  • Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on February 1, 2024


  • Available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus and Education Plus  


  • Google Help: Use slides recording in Google Slides

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How to Record a Presentation on Google Slides?

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By Nikolay Kaloyanov

in How-To Tutorials

2 years ago

Viewed 4,176 times

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how to record a presentation on google classroom

Recording your presentation can be a very powerful move, as you don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of your audience. Instead of relying on your “inner feelings”, you can check how you sound, how you look, what gestures you make, and how well you play with words and details.

For this guide, we will use some of the most popular online tools on the market (Panopto and Loom) and some totally free options for Windows and Mac computers.

Article overview: 1. Why do people record their presentations? 2. How to record a presentation on Google Slides using Panopto? 3. How to record a presentation on Google Slides using Loom? 4. How to record a presentation on Google Slides using Microsoft Windows? 5. How to record a presentation on Google Slides on a Mac? 6. Other tools you can try

1. Why do people record their presentations?

There is a reason why people record their presentations. Unfortunately, you don’t know how your voice will sound or articulate when you are presenting. In such situations, it will be best to record your presentation to see if there is something you need to change before doing it live. Also, recording your presentations is a very good way to remember what you are about to say. But let’s see the main use cases when recording your Google Slides presentation will make great sense:

  • Practice your presentation skills  – you can’t hear yourself while talking. That is why recording your voice might be a good indicator of how you present. Is your tone of voice smooth? Do you need to raise it? Are you mumbling or “like”-ing? Recordings can help you identify problems in advance.
  • Save valuable time – instead of recording each lecture, you can save your efforts once, and later sent them.
  • When you have stage fright – not everyone has the natural confidence of Elon Musk. If you are a shy person who gets terrified when speaking in front of huge audiences, recording your presentation is a great move.
  • Avoid distractions  – during live presentations, interruptions are more common which can affect your flow. A recording of your presentation at home can later be sent as a follow-up.

2. How to record a presentation on Google Slides using Panopto?

There are plenty of tools that could be utilized, so feel free to use anything which you might find suitable. Panopto is a good option since it doesn’t require us to download a software extension, and it has a free plan which is more than enough for starters. Your videos are also stored on Panopto’s drive, so you will avoid issues with cluttering your computer or mobile device.

✔️ Panopto is very easy to use.

✔️ The software is cloud-hosted.

✔️ Speech and OCR (optical character recognition).

❌ Pricing model is scaling.

❌ Slow rendering process.

❌ Issues with captions.

Step 1. Open

When you open the website, you will see there are plenty of options out there.

Step 2. Click on “Record”

Once you’ve opened the website, click on the big red button “Record” (next to Company and before Get Started ).

Record button in Panopto

Step 3. Select your Audio, Video, and Screen Options

The browser will ask for permission, so make sure you grant Panopto access to your webcam(s) and audio source(s). Usually, if you don’t have more than one source, they will be launched by default.

Recording menu in Panopto

Step 4. Choose what to share

Now, you have to click on Screens and Apps , and select your preferred option.

Entire screen (if you have 2 or more, you can either select one of the screens or all of them), a Window , or a Chrome Tab .

Share video recorded with Panopto

Step 5. Fix the settings

When you click on the “Settings” button (in the bottom right corner), there will be a menu that you can access.

Video settings in Panopto

Step 6. Start recording

Click on the big circle in the center to start recording.

Start recording Google Slides presentation in Panopto

Step 7. Save your recording

Once you end your recording, you can send it to Panopto , YouTube , Classroom , or download it on your computer.

Panopto - save recorded presentation

3. How to record a presentation using Loom?

Loom is among the most used recording pieces of software globally. It is great for teamwork and has a lot of collaboration tools. Let’s see where it shines.

✔️ It is very easy to use.

✔️ You can share the videos with a single click.

✔️ Developers are constantly updating the app.

❌ The 5-minute free plan is not enough for long projects.

❌ It renders the videos slowly.

❌Lack of options to insert tags and notes in a video.

Step 1. Open

The first step is to launch Loom. Just like Panopto, it’s an online-based service, so you don’t have to download or install anything.

Step 2. Sign up

Now, you have to open an account. The good news is you can use your Google Account to log in.

Step 3. Enter the recording settings

In order to start recording, click on New Video , and then from the dropdown menu select Record a video .

Record Google Slides presentation with Loom

Step 4. Start the recording

Once you have selected whether or not you will use your Screen, Camera (or both), you can add some specific options and start recording. You’re limited to five minutes on the free plan, so don’t waste much time.

Loom Start Recording Settings

Step 5. Pause/Finish the recording

On the bottom left corner, you will have the option to pause or finish (the red square button) the recording. Before saving, you will have the options to Trim the Video, change the title (Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software – Day/Month/Year is by default), and make some Video Preferences.

Step 6. Share the video

Share recorded presentation

Video Tutorial

4. How to record a presentation using Microsoft Windows?

There is also a free way to record presentations on your Windows computer. If you use Windows 10 or 11, this might be a good option.

✔️ You don’t have a record limit (as long as you have memory).

✔️ It is totally free forever.

❌ It is a very basic recording option.

Step 1. Open Game Bar

Many of you may seem surprised, but Windows has a built-in recording tool. It’s called Game Bar. To access it, you need to press the WIN + G . Of course, make sure it is enabled first.

Step 2. Click on “Capture”

The Capture button is next to the sound button. It will unlock you with the option to record.

Open screen recording function in Windows

Step 3. Click on “Record”

Click on the Record button which is the third from left to right. You can also start recording with Win + Alt + R .

Record settings in windows

Step 4. Record your clip

Now, you can freely record your clip.

Step 5. Delete or save the clip

Once you have filmed your presentation, you can either go to the folder where your file is stored, or delete it.

5. How to record a video on a Mac?

Last but not least, we have another free option for Apple users.

✔️ QuickTime is free forever.

✔️ There are plenty of recording options.

✔️ You can record an unlimited time.

❌ You are storing the files on your Mac.

❌ Not available on desktop PCs for free.

Step 1. Open QuickTime

The first thing you need to do is open your QuickTime.

Step 2. Click on File -> New Screen Recording

Once you’ve opened QuickTime, you have to select File -> New Screen Recording .

Step 3. Select what portion you would like to be recorded

There are several options that you can choose from.

record screen settings in Quicktime

Step 4. Start recording

After you have selected what portion of your screen you will record, you are free to start recording your screen. You have plenty of options for convenience, such as a timer, built-in microphone, where to save the recording, etc.

Video tutorial

6. Other recording tools

Of course, these 4 are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more apps that also deserve attention but couldn’t rank higher on our list. Let’s see which they are:

  • Zoom  – Zoom is one of the most popular presentation software on the market, and the only reason it doesn’t appear here is because of its significance. We have prepared a separate tutorial on how to record a presentation in Zoom .
  • AnyMeeting  – it’s a very powerful presentation recording software. However, over the past few years, it lost some of its sheer power and it got passed by different platforms that offer much more versatility at more affordable prices.
  • Camtasia  – what we love about Camtasia is that you can create a next-level video experience. The cross-platform functionality is a great addition. However, it seems too hard for small tasks and the $300 purchase is not the value we are looking for here.
  • OBS Studio  – it’s a top solution for cross-platform live streaming. It has high-end functionalities and it is open-source. That’s great but there’s a catch – it’s too complicated for the average user.
  • Debut – Debut is a great free tool that allows webcam recording and presentation recordings, too. However, it’s not compatible with any other OS than Windows, and the user interface looks dull.
  • Screencast-O-Matic  – it’s a very simple and effective tool but you need to pay a decent amount of money to get value out of the app. The free version doesn’t support HD recordings which limits its capabilities a lot.

Many people wonder how to record a presentation on Google Slides. Fortunately, there are many programs, and you can easily switch to anything you want. We have found that QuickTime and the Game Bar are amazing options for unlimited recording which also comes for free. However, if you’d like to upload your content online with a click of a button, you might fight Panopto and Loom better.

If you liked our presentation about screen recording, you can find these tutorials helpful, too:

  • How to Write Scannable Content? Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Convert Your PowerPoint Presentation into Google Slides
  • How to Start and End a Presentation: 10 Practical Tips to Grab Attention and Make an Impact

how to record a presentation on google classroom

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Nikolay Kaloyanov

Nikolay is a copywriter with vast experience in Technology, Marketing, and Design. When he isn't playing with words and crafting texts, he watches sports and asks questions. He is a funny person...until you put him on a diet.

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how to record a presentation on google classroom

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How to Record Video in Google Classroom for Learning or Reviewing Later

It was a challenge for educators to keep track of all class materials and stay organized. Today, educators are turning to technology to make class life easier. Google Classroom, for example, is a useful tool to manage digital workflow, information and more. Moreover, the G-Suite apps are integrated into Google Classroom. That is why millions of students and teachers are using the web service. This guide will tell you two best ways to record video in Google Classroom.

Record video in google classic


Part 1: Brief Introduction of Google Classroom

Part 2: best way to record video in google classroom, part 3: how to record video in google classroom online, part 4: faqs about recording video for google classroom.

Google Classroom is not a single app but a suite of online tools. It helps teachers to set assignments, collect work submitted by students, return graded papers, and more. It is an important part of digital transition in education industry. What you can do with Google Classroom include:

  • Make assignments. As a teacher, you can make homework assignments for students. Your students turn in the assignments when finished, and you can then grade the assignments.
  • Manage classroom materials. The documents, presentations, and other files that you add to an assignment will store on Google Drive.
  • Distribute information. You can quickly type in the information and deliver to the entire class by email.
  • Allow students to interact. Students have the capacity to comment on assignments and more, or email each other.

Google Classroom is an online service. Users can access it in any device with a web browser. Moreover, there are device specific apps for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and Chromebooks. Google Classroom is free to use.

How to Get Start with Google Classroom

Google classroom

Step 1 : Visit in a browser, and sign in your Google account. When you get the alter message, click Get Started with Apps button.

Step 2 : Fill out the form and click Next . Enter your school website and click Next .

Step 3 : Enter your username and password, read and check the Read-and-Agree box, and click Accept and Signup . Now, you can create a new class, add assignment and more.

There are many reasons to record video from Google Classroom, but the service does not provide any option to do the job. Vidmore Screen Recorder can meet your need.

Main Features of the Best Google Classroom Recorder

  • Record videos from Google Classroom in a single click.
  • Save Google Classroom and conferences in high quality videos.
  • Provide plentiful custom options and presets.

Free Download

Needlessly to say, it is the easiest option to record video in Google Classroom.

How to Record Google Classroom on Desktop

Step 1 : Install Google Classroom recorder

Launch the best video recorder for Google Classroom after you install it to your PC. There is another version for Mac. Choose Video Recorder from the home interface to move on. Open Google Classroom in the app or browser.

Select video recorder

Step 2 : Record a class

Toggle on DISPLAY in the main interface, click Custom and Select region/window , and click on Google Classroom app or your browser. Turn on System Sound to record video from Google Classroom with audio. If you want to add your reaction to the recording, enable Webcam and Microphone ; otherwise, disable them. Click the REC button when the class begins.

Video recorder

Tip : If you want to record a class automatically, set it with the Take Schedule feature.

During recording, you can draw on the video or add comment. When the class is over, click the Stop button to open it in preview window. View the class recording and remove redundant frames with the Clip tool. Finally, click the Save button to save the Google Classroom recording to your hard drive.

Classroom google

In addition, you can use it record a Livestorm meeting , save lectures , and more.

For users who do not like to install software, Vidmore Free Online Screen Recorder is a good choice to record videos from Google Classroom.

Basic Features of the Best Online Video Recorder for Google Classroom

  • Record Google Classroom without installing software.
  • Completely free of charge with no watermark.
  • Compatible with all major browsers, like Chrome.

How to Record a Video in Google Classroom Online

Step 1 : Visit in a browser when you need to record video in Google Classroom. Click Launch Free Recorder to download the launcher.

Launch free recorder

Step 2 : You can see four icons on the launcher:

Display : Record Google Classroom as video on your desktop.

Webcam : Add your face to class recording.

System audio : Capture sound from Google Classroom.

Microphone : Record your voice via microphone.

Turn on or off each icon based on your need.

Launcher interface

Step 3 : Press REC when the class initiates. Wait for the class to finish and click Stop button. Then download the recording to your computer.

Stop record

Does Google Classroom have video conference?

Google Classroom does not have an embedded video tool, but G-Suite does. It is called Google Meet. You can turn to Meet and use the premium features from Google Classroom.

How many people can be in a Google Classroom?

If you have a G-Suite or school account, the maximum number of class members is 1,000. For personal Google account, a class can include up to 250 members.

What is the difference between Google Hangout and Google Classroom?

Google Hangout is a regular calling and messaging service. It is not designed for school, although some schools rely on it to communicate with students remotely. Google Classroom, on the other hand, is for assignments. It cannot make conference or video chats.

This post has talked about one of Google services, Google Classroom. Today, more and more teachers and students create and grade assignments. Since it is free and easy to use, Google Classroom is popular among schools. If you wish to record videos in Google Classroom, Vidmore Screen Recorder can meet your need on PC and Mac. It is able to save classes in high quality videos. If you have other problems related to the service, please feel free to leave a message below.

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Your best companion for video & audio recording in Windows 11/10/8/7, Mac OS X 10.10 and higher

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3 Easy Ways to Record Video for Google Classroom

If you are an educator, it's quite important to keep track of all class materials and stay organized. It's also very useful to record a call video as a student. Google Classroom is an educating tool being used by more than 30 million educators. It provides grades or feedback online without ever having to deal with paperwork.

As an educator, you may feel that some students have a difficult time understanding written directions for projects or assignments. In that case, you can create video directions for students to differentiate or modify directions. Do you know how to record video for Google Classroom ?

Here in this post, we will tell you 3 simple ways to add your own face and voice to a class video for Google Classroom. If you are a student and want to record video in Google Classroom , you can also rely on these solutions.

Record Video for Google Classroom

Part 1. Free Way to Record Video for Google Classroom

Part 2. professional way to record video for/in google classroom, part 3. how to record google classroom video conference on mac, part 4. faqs of google classroom video conference.

To record and make a video for Google Classroom, you need to rely on a screen recorder with facecam/webcam. Here at the first part, we like to introduce you with an online screen capturing tool, Free Online Screen Recorder to capture video for Google Classroom.

Free Online Screen Recorder

During this step, you are also allowed to choose the audio recording source, from Speaker or Microphone .

Start Recording

When the video recording is finished, you can review or edit the captured video. The recorded video will be saved in MP4 format by default. You can easily share this video to Google Classroom for your students.

When you have the need to record video for Google Classroom, you can also turn to the professional screen recorder. Here we strongly recommend a powerful Google Classroom video recording program, Screen Recorder for you to capture video for Google Classroom. If you are a student, you can also rely on it to record a class video in Google Classroom.

Screen Recorder

Screen Recorder

  • Record any video for/in Google Classroom with high image and sound quality.
  • record video with your webcam or capture what's happening on computer screen.
  • Capture high-quality 4K video with full screen, specific window or custom region.
  • Record online video/music/meeting, webcam, live streaming video, gameplay, and more.
  • Edit the recorded file and save recording in MP4, MOV, AVI, MP3, AAC, M4A, etc.
  • Advanced Blue-light real-time HD video encoding and accelerate technology.

Video Recorder

The captured video will be automatically saved as an MP4 file. If you prefer another output format like MOV, FLV, or AVI, you can click the Record setting icon go to Preferences window.

If you are a Mac user and want to record video for Google Classroom, you can rely on its official screen recording software, QuickTime Player . QuickTime Player is the default media player for Apple users. It also carries the screen and audio recording features.

New Movie Recording

Question 1. How to record webcam?

To record your own face for a Google Classroom video conference, you can rely on a screen recorder with webcam/facecam. You can pick anyone of the recommended 3 recorders to record webcam with ease. Or you can check best webcam recorders here .

Question 2. How to add video directions to Google Classroom?

Open the Google Classroom app and choose the Classwork tab. Then you can click the plus icon to create a new assignment. Click the "paperclip" icon on the Assignment dialogue box. You can choose the "Use Camera" option to record a video direction and then add it to your Google Classroom.

Question 3. How to set up a video meeting in Google Classroom?

Open the Google Classroom app and then tap the "Classroom". Tap the class and then "Settings". Tap "more" under the "General" and then choose the "Generate meeting link" option. After that, you can share the link to others and start a video meeting in Google Classroom.

We have mainly talked about the Google Classroom video conference in this post. We shared 3 screen recorders to help you record video for/in Google Classroom. Leave us a message if you still have any doubt.

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Aiseesoft Screen Recorder is the best screen recording software to capture any activity like online videos, webcam calls, game on Windows/Mac.


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Record a video meeting

You can record video meetings with these Google Workspace editions:

  • Business Plus
  • Business Standard
  • Education Plus. This is available to users with a "Staff" or "Student" license.
  • Enterprise Essentials
  • Enterprise Plus
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Enterprise Starter
  • Google One subscribers with 2 TB or more storage space
  • Teaching and Learning Upgrade. This is available to users with a “Teaching and Learning Upgrade” license.
  • Workspace Individual Subscriber
  • On your computer, in Google Meet, click Start or Join .

how to record a presentation on google classroom

  • To record the meeting captions, select a language.
  • In some cases, if the recording is played on Google Drive, the recording file might be ready a few hours before the captions are available.
  • Click Start recording .
  • In the pop-up screen, click Start .
  • Meetings can only be recorded for a total of 8 hours, then the recording stops automatically.
  • Tip:  The recording stops automatically when everyone leaves the meeting.

An email with the recording link is sent to the meeting organizer and the person who started the recording. 

The recording is saved to the meeting organizer’s My Drive > Meet Recordings folder .

For meetings created through:

  • Google Calendar: The meeting organizer is the person who creates the meeting event on Google Calendar.
  • The Meet homepage or another product such as Gmail or Jamboard: The meeting organizer is the person who launches the meeting or generates the code.

To record a meeting, a Google Workspace administrator must turn on recording for your account.

You can record if:

  • You’re the meeting host.
  • You’re from outside the host's organization and promoted to a co-host.
  • You're from the host's organization and Host Management is off.
  • You’re a teacher or co-teacher for meetings created through Google Classroom.

Google Workspace for Education accounts:

Recordings include the active speaker and anything presented. You can also choose to record the meeting's captions. Recordings are saved to the organizer’s Meet Recordings folder in My Drive. An email with the recording link is sent to the meeting organizer and the person who started the recording. The link is added to the Calendar event.

Other windows or notifications are not included in the recording. Pinning a participant won’t affect who is shown in the recording.

These people get notified when a recording starts or stops, but can’t control the recording:

  • People outside of your organization
  • Mobile app users
  • People who dial in using a phone

Which part of a Meet chat is recorded?

Chats are recorded for the entire duration of the recorded video.

Where is a Meet chat saved?

Chats are saved as an .SBV file in the meeting organizer's Drive.

How do I play Meet chat recordings?

You can play Meet chat recordings on media players. When recordings play on a media player like VLC Media Player, chat contents display as subtitles.

How do I play recorded captions?

If you record a meeting, select Record captions to embed captions in the clip.

Closed caption

  • If you download the recording you can play it and enable subtitles on apps like VLC Media Player or QuickTime Player.
  • If you record captions, the recording file might be ready before the captions are available if played on Google Drive. The captions may become playable a few hours after the recording file is generated.
  • If a screen is shared in a recorded meeting, the video resolution depends on the resolution of the largest screen shared, which is up to 1080p. Admins can opt out of 1080p recordings for their organizations. For more info, go to Set recording quality limits for screen shares . 

Recording meetings is useful when you want to review the meeting later, or share it with people who couldn’t attend. For example:

  • Team presentations available on-demand for students and new employees
  • Conference presentations that you want to share with people later
  • Virtual training sessions that people can replay on-demand

In Google Drive

To share a recording:

Add approver

For best results, download the recording and then play it from your computer:


  • In Drive, double-click the recording to play it. “Still processing” appears until the file is ready for online viewing.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

From an email link

  • In the email, click the link and wait for the recording to open.

To download the file, click Download

In the Google Calendar event

Google Meet recordings upload to the organizer’s Google Drive. Make sure there’s enough space on your Drive to record your meeting.

To record a meeting, make sure:

  • You haven’t met your personal Drive quota.
  • Your organization hasn’t met its Drive quota.

If you have space in your Drive, but your organization doesn’t have space, you can’t record the meeting.

Important: Once you meet your storage quota, you get an alert on Meet. We recommend you keep track of your available storage space through Google Drive or Google storage page.

For Workspace editions with Admin capabilities: If you meet your storage quota, contact your Google Workspace administrator.

Hosts can enable certain features to start automatically when a meeting begins, like Record the meeting, Transcribe the meeting, and Take notes with Gemini.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

  • Select Record the meeting .

Tip: Participants who join a meeting where the host has enabled these features get an on-screen warning message.

  • Even if these features are enabled, they won’t start until the host or co-host joins the meeting on web.
  • Notes and recordings are automatically shared with the hosts and co-hosts.

how to record a presentation on google classroom

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Related resources

how to record a presentation on google classroom

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  3. How to save a PPT recording to Google Classroom Assignment

    How to record a PPT as a Video - clicking through slides with audio commentary. Then how to attach that video file to a Google classroom assignment.

  4. How to Record a Google Slides presentation (with audio and video

    Recording your Google Slides presentation is something you might want to do if you have to teach using distance learning and you want to create some digital resources for your students. So, in this tutorial, I will show you . How to record a video of you teaching a lesson using Google Slides. Some free software that you can use to record ...

  5. Record Your Classroom Lectures and Presentations

    Learn how to record your live classroom lectures or presentations using just a few simple tricks. This video is the third in my Teach Through Video series sh...

  6. Present during a video meeting

    In a different Chrome window, open Google Meet and join a video meeting. At the bottom of the meeting screen, click Present now A Tab . You can either present from the Google Meet tab, or present directly from the Slides tab. Select the tab with the Slides presentation, then click Share. In Google Meet, at the bottom right of the screen, click ...

  7. How to Record a Google Slides Presentation (with Audio & Video)

    Step #4: Set Up Your Presentation. Before you can start recording, navigate to and find your presentation. Next, click on the "Slideshow" button in the top right corner. This will display the presentation in full-screen mode. It's important to ensure that your slides on Google slides load completely before you start ...

  8. How to Make a Video on Google Classroom

    Select "YouTube," to search for your content, then click "add.". If you already have a video link, click URL and then paste the address in and click "add.". The process is similar for a video stored elsewhere: when you click on the paper clip, you can instead click "File," "Drive," or "Link," depending on where your ...

  9. A Beginner's Guide To Google Slides In The Classroom

    How to enable offline access for Google Slides: Go to your Google Drive and click the gear icon at the top right corner. Select Settings > General and select "Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings files to this computer" so you can edit offline.

  10. How to record videos and post them on Google Classroom

    Select any of your classes. Step 2. Click on "Classwork". Step 3. Click on "Create" > Material. Step 4. Type the title and the description so students know what that activity is about. Step 5. Click on Add > Link, and paste the link from your Loom video.

  11. Google Slides Can Turn Your Presentations Into Videos

    The recording functionality, accessible from the new "Record" button in the main toolbar, will open a new screen where you can start a recording of the presentation. You can change slides at your own pace and turn your microphone and camera on and off at any point. Google said in the blog post, "This feature helps you share more engaging video ...

  12. How to record a Google Slides lesson / presentation with ...

    Tutorial to show teachers and students how to record a google slideshow with audio and video. Teachers can use this to record distance learning lessons for t...

  13. How to Record a Video Presentation With Google Slides

    Go to Google Slides and open your presentation. Select the Rec button in the upper right area, then select the Record new video button ( Figure A ). The system will switch to the screen recording ...

  14. Create shareable video presentations in Google Slides

    We're introducing slides recordings, a new Google Slides feature that lets you easily record yourself presenting, and then share the presentation with others to view when it works for them. From webinars, to employee trainings, to lessons for your classroom, slides recordings help you effortlessly record visual and engaging presentations ...

  15. How to Record a Presentation on Google Slides?

    Step 2. Click on "Record". Once you've opened the website, click on the big red button "Record" (next to Company and before Get Started ). Step 3. Select your Audio, Video, and Screen Options. The browser will ask for permission, so make sure you grant Panopto access to your webcam (s) and audio source (s).

  16. How to record a Google Slides presentation and include a video of

    You don't need Loom to record yourself in a Google Slides presentation! Using the built-in recorder in Google Slides, you can record yourself presenting your...

  17. Record a video meeting

    On your computer, in Google Meet, click Start or Join. At the bottom right, click Activities Recording . To record the meeting captions, select a language. In some cases, if the recording is played on Google Drive, the recording file might be ready a few hours before the captions are available. Click Start recording.

  18. 2 Easiest Ways to Record Video for Google Classroom

    Step 1: Install Google Classroom recorder. Launch the best video recorder for Google Classroom after you install it to your PC. There is another version for Mac. Choose Video Recorder from the home interface to move on. Open Google Classroom in the app or browser. Step 2: Record a class.

  19. Use Slides recording in Google Slides

    You must have edit access to the slides in order to create a new recording. To open your presentation, go to Google Slides. To record your slideshow, at the top right, click Rec Record new video. To start recording, in the middle, click the red record button. To start again, pause and click Re-record. To save your recording, pause and click ...

  20. How to Record Video for Google Classroom [Solved]

    Click the big Start Recording button to install a small-size launcher for your video recording. Then you can click the recording button again to open the launcher. Step 3. After that, you will see a recording window appears on the screen. If you want to capture your own face, here you need to enable the Camera feature.

  21. How to record video & upload into Google Classroom

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  22. Record a video meeting

    On your computer, in Google Meet, click Start or Join. At the bottom right, click Activities Recording . To record the meeting captions, select a language. In some cases, if the recording is played on Google Drive, the recording file might be ready a few hours before the captions are available. Click Start recording.