Every New Jersey Library - Connected and Thriving

LibraryLinkNJ, The New Jersey Library Cooperative, serves over 2,500 multi-type libraries and library-related agencies. We connect all New Jersey's libraries to each other and to the resources they need to serve their communities.

LibraryLinkNJ's Vision, Mission, and Long-term Goals

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From hands-on classes to excellent lectures and webinars to training subsidies, LibraryLinkNJ strives to create training opportunities that make your job easier and more productive.

Our upcoming professional development programs offer a wide range of opportunities to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, ​and expand your personal and professional growth!

LLNJ will subsidize the cost of one staff development workshop per year for member libraries, up to $500. Learn how to request a subsidy and how the process works!

All LLNJ members are welcome to attend these one-hour virtual conversations on relevant library topics.

A series of programs on various AI topics!

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We have a growing list of presenters who have participated in LLNJ programs

If you are interested in presenting or running trainings with LibraryLinkNJ, please fill out this online form!



The LibraryLinkNJ Delivery Service ensures timely access to the State's collective library resources for New Jersey residents by providing prompt transmittal of library materials. Find more information, including delivery service eligibility, policies, and procedures

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LLNJ Delivery Service ≠ NJSL JerseyCat LibraryLinkNJ facilitates statewide, physical delivery of shared library materials for participating institutions, and is responsible only for the physical movement of materials. JerseyCat requests and associated actions are managed separately by the New Jersey State Library.

Use this form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, library closures, and requests for delivery bins and bags.

Use this online form to submit the total delivery statistics for packages shipped at the end of the month.


LibraryLinkNJ is committed to supporting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) values among New Jersey libraries and the communities they serve.

Statewide project to develop a roadmap and framework that establishes a sustainable environment for the EDI efforts of NJ libraries and library organizations

The New Jersey Library Association, LibraryLinkNJ, and New Jersey State Library share a commitment to action towards achieving a New Jersey library community that demonstrates the values of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

List of meet-ups and programs on EDI topics, including the Asian Pacific Islanders Meet-up, Latino Library Staff Meet-up, and LGBTQI+ programs

EDI tools and tips tailored to empower library staff

EDI Conferences, Cutural Heritage Celebrations, and more!

NJ WIFI Locator Map

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The goal of this statewide service is to promote a sense of professional pride and connectedness among the New Jersey Library Community and to expand roles for library professionals now and in the future

Gateway to NJ Library Community, including New Jersey Organizations, Listservs & Online Forums, Library Directories, Jobs in New Jersey, and more! 

List of the programs and events hosted by MentorNJ

The MentorNJ Task Force hosts online meet-ups on various topics to provide a virtual space for all NJ library staff to discuss their concerns, share their ideas, and 'hang out' with their colleagues.

Library staff in NJ are encouraged to organize and participate in small local meet-up sessions on a variety of themes

Meet the leaders of the MentorNJ service!

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MENTORLIB MENTORS' DIRECTORY Library workers who are willing to be a mentor to anyone who is seeking help in their professional development and/or to develop a network of colleagues

Find out more information about how MentorLIB Mentors' Directory Works!



We thrive to increase statewide resource sharing and collaborations

Group discounts for LLNJ Members --- Online Databases, Ebook/Audio Book, Streaming Media. Professional Development

This grant program will provide funds to aid libraries of all types as they take an existing project to new heights

List of the past grants, projects, and initiatives of LibraryLinkNJ

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SLAAIT Presentations Showcase AI Ambassadors' Impact on Library Staff Development

LibraryLinkNJ AI Ambassadors Lead the Way in Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Libraries

The State Libraries and AI Technologies working group (SLAAIT) invited the LibraryLinkNJ AI Ambassadors to present at two virtual sessions held on August 13 and August 20, 2024 . These presentations provided a comprehensive overview of how the AI Ambassadors have been instrumental in guiding library staff through the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI). The sessions highlighted both the success of previous workshops and the ongoing efforts to enhance library staff’s understanding of this ever-evolving technology. Links to each presentation are shared below for your reference.

August 13 - An Evergreen Learning Opportunity for Library Staff

The first presentation, held on August 13 , was led by three AI Ambassadors from the PALS Plus network : Mary Martin (Wanaque Public Library), Heather Manley Caldwell (Ringwood Library), and ShaBree Henry (Paterson Free Public Library). The session focused on their experiences conducting AI workshops in May 2024.

During these workshops, over 80 library staff members from the PALS Plus network were trained on the fundamentals of AI. The Ambassadors covered how AI works, how to effectively use AI tools to achieve desired outcomes, and how these tools can significantly boost productivity and simplify tasks. The impact of these workshops was substantial, with attendees gaining valuable skills that could be immediately applied to their roles.

The Ambassadors shared insights into what went well during the workshops, offered suggestions for improving future sessions, and provided feedback from participants. They emphasized the importance of staying updated on AI developments, advocating for ongoing education to ensure that library workers can continue to benefit from AI tools. The session underscored the need for AI learning to be a continuous, evergreen process, ensuring that staff remain equipped to handle the evolving demands of modern librarianship.

August 20 - AI Ambassadors Recap & Highlights

On August 20 , a follow up presentation focused on the broader AI Ambassadors program. This session featured a presentation by Jon Braun (LibraryLinkNJ) with support from Doug Baldwin (Piscataway Public Library), Jim Craner (The Galecia Group), and Mi-Sun Lyu (LibraryLinkNJ). The session provided a deeper dive into the program's impact and the experiences of those involved.

Jon Braun began by reviewing the initial training that introduced library staff to the foundational aspects of AI. He reflected on his own journey from a skeptical observer of AI to a curious participant. This transformation is emblematic of the broader goal of the AI Ambassadors program—to demystify AI and empower library staff to embrace it as a valuable tool in their work.

Jim Craner of The Galecia Group , who led the interactive training sessions, discussed his role in facilitating a deep understanding of AI among the participants. The presentation also reviewed the various themes explored by the AI Ambassadors as they developed and shared their own presentations, each designed to equip their colleagues with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage AI in their libraries.

Following Jon's presentation, Kim Silk of SLAAIT facilitated a dynamic Q&A session, where Doug Baldwin, Mi-Sun Lyu, and Jim Craner elaborated on specific elements of the AI Ambassadors program. They discussed the challenges and successes encountered during the training and the subsequent application of AI tools in library settings. The conversation reinforced the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in fostering a culture of innovation within libraries.

LibraryLinkNJ is proud of the impact made by this training and the opportunity to share our experience with the SLAAIT membership. Our presentations showcased the significant strides made by the AI Ambassadors in enhancing the understanding of AI as it continues to integrate with library operations. Through their workshops and ongoing education efforts, these Ambassadors are helping to ensure that library staff across New Jersey are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of AI, ultimately enhancing the services they provide to their communities.

If you're interested in learning more about artificial intelligence or would like to host a presentation by our AI Ambassadors at your library, please contact Jon Braun for more information via  Email .

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How Open Source is Fostering Innovation in AI

The Open Source Program Office (OSPO) and the Data Science Institute (DSI) invite you to our upcoming Innovate Week event, How Open Source is Fostering Innovation in AI, Thursday, September 26, 2024.

How to get ChatGPT to write your cover letter: step-by-step guide with exact prompts

  • When applying for jobs, ChatGPT-4 can make the cover-letter writing process more manageable.
  • An AI consultant shares tips for writing an effective cover letter using ChatGPT.
  • Here's a step-by-step guide, including writing prompts and navigating ChatGPT's limitations. 

Insider Today

Generative AI can be an effective tool for time-consuming tasks like writing cover letters, but only if you know how to use it effectively.

As an AI consultant , marketing and design companies come to me when they need help learning to use AI tools like ChatGPT. I also help companies review potential employees for AI-specific roles by evaluating their understanding of current tools and trends.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get AI to write you a great cover letter that doesn't sound AI-generated. 

Learn the basics

ChatGPT works best with specific directions, so learn what makes a good cover letter before directing ChatGPT to write one. 

Isimemen Aladejobi, a career strategist, outlines three components of an effective cover letter. 

  •  A strong introduction that demonstrates company or industry knowledge. Highlight something in the news that's relevant to your prospective department. Use this topical event to segue into why you're interested in this specific position.  Aladejobi recommends always referring to the job title and company by name.
  • The body of the cover letter should convey why your skills and experience make you a perfect fit. Highlight what you brought to the table at your last job and connect it to the requirements of the role you're applying for. Even suggest initiatives you could start at the company.
  • The sign-off should be simple. Aladejobi suggests, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you," which she says demonstrates enthusiasm without being too wordy. 

With this in mind, you can now start prompting ChatGPT with confidence. 

Writing your cover letter in ChatGPT-4

Be aware of the token limit.

The token limit is ChatGPT's limit on recall and comprehension during a single session. ChatGPT has a token limit of 4,096, and according to OpenAI , 100 tokens are about 75 words.

If ChatGPT starts responding to prompts illogically, you've probably hit the limit. This message to help ChatGPT refocus:

" Please search this chat for the word strawberry and reread that message and provide me a summary of what you think we need to do. We're at step [#] of that message. Tell me if you want a recap of the previous steps, and I'll provide a summary. "

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Having this marker will keep ChatGPT on task and ensure an accurate end product. 

Step 1: Onboard ChatGPT to the task

ChatGPT needs very explicit instructions to complete tasks successfully. Below is the exact prompt to copy and paste into the chatbot. 

To apply for a job within your industry use this prompt: 

"Hi ChatGPT. You're now the best cover letter writer on earth. You and I will write a cover letter together for [job title] at [company]. I have [#] years of experience. Here's what we're going to do:

  •  You will ask me at least 15 questions about my work history and vision for the role. Make at least one of the questions "What initiatives would you implement in this role?"
  • I'm going to give you sections of the job description to read and you're going to generate a strategic plan for the cover letter based on my answers from step one and the job description for me to approve.
  • I'm going to give you a news item about the company. Read it and tell me how you plan to connect it to my cover letter application.
  • Use this format to write the cover letter:
  • Begin with the news item based on my approval of your strategy. Conclude paragraph one: "When I came across this role, I knew it was the role for me. Let me tell you why."
  • The next two to three paragraphs should be my career history with clear connections to the position requirements and desired skills. Make sure to say somewhere, "As your [position title], I'll," and include some of the initiatives.
  • Wrap up with the following sentence, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you."

If we exceed your token limit, let's use "strawberry" as our focus word so you can get reoriented. 

Please begin by summarizing what you think I want you to do."

If you're making a pivot in your career, remove this line from the prompt: " I have [#] years of experience ," and replace it with " I'm making a career transition from [industry] to [industry] so the cover letter needs to heavily showcase how my previous experience is an asset to [Company]. "

And add this to the first task: "Make another question about how I think my previous experience is an asset to this new industry."

Step 2: Check for understanding

ChatGPT should create a summary of this plan. Check that the summary is accurate. If it is, reply with " next step " or " yes ."

Ashley Couto

If ChatGPT gets confused, open a new chat and repaste the prompt.

Step 3: Answer the career questions and have ChatGPT generate a career summary

The bot should provide you with the 15 career questions. Each answer should be two or three sentences long. You can go over for one or two questions, but be wary of potentially hitting the token limit. 

Once you've answered all the questions, add this sentence and press enter:

" Please create a detailed summary of my responses that I can paste into ChatGPT so I don't have to answer all these questions again if I need to generate another cover letter. "

Copy and paste the summary into another document to use for other applications. 

Step 4: Input no more than 2,500 characters of the job description

Copy and paste only the pertinent details from the description into ChatGPT and delete the fluff. Keep skills and competencies, responsibilities, the role overview, and a little about the company if you think it would be helpful.

Step 5: Paste in a company press release or industry-specific news story

Once ChatGPT gives you its plan, decide whether you agree with its intent. If you do, indicate that you want to move forward and press return or make a change. 

With any AI tool, you must be an editor and strategic advisor. Do not assume that what it's generated is the right path. Exercise critical judgment and get ChatGPT to refine.

For example, after I provided the article, ChatGPT presented me with a summary that didn't highlight key issues on how Canadian media companies think about content. I gave it instructions to refine it.

Step 6: Generate the cover letter and revise it with ChatGPT

Once you've approved its strategic approach, ChatGPT will generate the cover letter. 

It will generate a first draft but probably won't be ready for use yet. It's your job now to go back in and revise using specific instructions.

For example, I felt that the third paragraph ChatGPT generated was weak.

Direct it with specific changes to adjust particular paragraphs and go back and forth for a few rounds until you're happy.

And it generated a much stronger attempt.

Step 7: Put it into a text editor

ChatGPT has a suboptimal understanding of grammar and syntax. Once you're happy with the content, put your text through Grammarly to help tighten up the language and avoid problems like using the passive voice.

Step 8: Rinse and repeat with modifications

You can use the same root prompt for future cover letters, but replace step one with this:

"I'm going to paste in a summary of my work experience. Please write me a three-sentence summary of what type of work I do and what you see as my top accomplishment so I can check for understanding."

Based on the previously generated summary, you'll double-check that ChatGPT has a good idea of what you do. If it's missing a few key details, fill it in on those or tell it which summary you want it to prioritize before you move through the rest of the prompt.

Watch: The 3 key words to use on your résumé to land the interview

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CUDA Accelerated: NVIDIA Launches Array of New CUDA Libraries to Expand Accelerated Computing and Deliver Order-of-Magnitude Speedup to Science and Industrial Applications

Editor’s note: This is the first in our new CUDA Accelerated blog series , which each month showcases the latest libraries, NIM microservices and tools that help developers and enterprises use GPUs to accelerate their applications.

News summary: New libraries in accelerated computing deliver order-of-magnitude speedups and reduce energy consumption and costs in data processing, generative AI, recommender systems, AI data curation, data processing, 6G research, AI-physics and more. They include:

  • LLM applications: NeMo Curator, to create custom datasets, adds image curation and Nemotron-4 340B for high-quality synthetic data generation
  • Data processing: cuVS for vector search to build indexes in minutes instead of days and a new Polars GPU Engine in open beta
  • Physical AI: For physics simulation, Warp accelerates computations with a new TIle API. For wireless network simulation, Aerial adds more map formats for ray tracing and simulation. And for link-level wireless simulation, Sionna adds a new toolchain for real-time inference

Companies around the world are increasingly turning to NVIDIA accelerated computing to speed up applications they first ran on CPUs only. This has enabled them to achieve extreme speedups and benefit from incredible energy savings.

In Houston, CPFD makes computational fluid dynamics simulation software for industrial applications, like its Barracuda Virtual Reactor software that helps design next-generation recycling facilities. Plastic recycling facilities run CPFD software in cloud instances powered by NVIDIA accelerated computing. With a CUDA GPU-accelerated virtual machine, they can efficiently scale and run simulations 400x faster and 140x more energy efficiently than using a CPU-based workstation.

A conveyor belt filled with plastic bottles flowing through a recycling facility. AI-generated image.

A popular video conferencing application captions several hundred thousand virtual meetings an hour. When using CPUs to create live captions, the app could query a transformer-powered speech recognition AI model three times a second. After migrating to GPUs in the cloud, the application’s throughput increased to 200 queries per second — a 66x speedup and 25x energy-efficiency improvement.

In homes across the globe, an e-commerce website connects hundreds of millions of shoppers a day to the products they need using an advanced recommendation system powered by a deep learning model, running on its NVIDIA accelerated cloud computing system . After switching from CPUs to GPUs in the cloud, it achieved significantly lower latency with a 33x speedup and nearly 12x energy-efficiency improvement.

With the exponential growth of data, accelerated computing in the cloud is set to enable even more innovative use cases.

NVIDIA Accelerated Computing on CUDA GPUs Is Sustainable Computing

NVIDIA estimates that if all AI, HPC and data analytics workloads that are still running on CPU servers were CUDA GPU-accelerated, data centers would save 40 terawatt-hours of energy annually. That’s the equivalent energy consumption of 5 million U.S. homes per year.

Accelerated computing uses the parallel processing capabilities of CUDA GPUs to complete jobs orders of magnitude faster than CPUs, improving productivity while dramatically reducing cost and energy consumption .

Although adding GPUs to a CPU-only server increases peak power, GPU acceleration finishes tasks quickly and then enters a low-power state. The total energy consumed with GPU-accelerated computing is significantly lower than with general-purpose CPUs, while yielding superior performance.

Energy-efficiency improvements are achieved for on-premises, cloud-based and hybrid workloads when using accelerated computing on GPUs compared to CPUs.

In the past decade, NVIDIA AI computing has achieved approximately 100,000x more energy efficiency when processing large language models . To put that into perspective, if the efficiency of cars improved as much as NVIDIA has advanced the efficiency of AI on its accelerated computing platform, they’d get 500,000 miles per gallon. That’s enough to drive to the moon, and back, on less than a gallon of gasoline.

In addition to these dramatic boosts in efficiency on AI workloads, GPU computing can achieve incredible speedups over CPUs. Customers of the NVIDIA accelerated computing platform running workloads on cloud service providers saw speedups of 10-180x across a gamut of real-world tasks, from data processing to computer vision, as the chart below shows.

Data processing, scientific computing, speech AI, recommender systems, search, computer vision and other workloads run by cloud customers achieved 10-160x speedups.

As workloads continue to demand exponentially more computing power, CPUs have struggled to provide the necessary performance, creating a growing performance gap and driving “compute inflation.” The chart below illustrates a multiyear trend of how data growth has far outpaced the growth in compute performance per watt of CPUs.

A trend known as compute inflation is highlighted by a graph, with an arc showing CPU performance per watt scaling down while data growth quickly rises.

The energy savings of GPU acceleration frees up what would otherwise have been wasted cost and energy.

With its massive energy-efficiency savings, accelerated computing is sustainable computing .

The Right Tools for Every Job 

GPUs cannot accelerate software written for general-purpose CPUs. Specialized algorithm software libraries are needed to accelerate specific workloads. Just like a mechanic would have an entire toolbox from a screwdriver to a wrench for different tasks, NVIDIA provides a diverse set of libraries to perform low-level functions like parsing and executing calculations on data.

Each NVIDIA CUDA library is optimized to harness hardware features specific to NVIDIA GPUs. Combined, they encompass the power of the NVIDIA platform.

New updates continue to be added on the CUDA platform roadmap, expanding across diverse use cases:

LLM Applications

NeMo Curator gives developers the flexibility to quickly create custom datasets in large language model (LLM) use cases. Recently, we announced capabilities beyond text to expand to multimodal support, including image curation.

SDG ( synthetic data generation ) augments existing datasets with high-quality, synthetically generated data to customize and fine-tune models and LLM applications. We announced Nemotron-4 340B, a new suite of models specifically built for SDG that enables businesses and developers to use model outputs and build custom models.

Data Processing Applications

cuVS is an open-source library for GPU-accelerated vector search and clustering that delivers incredible speed and efficiency across LLMs and semantic search. The latest cuVS allows large indexes to be built in minutes instead of hours or even days, and searches them at scale.

Polars is an open-source library that makes use of query optimizations and other techniques to process hundreds of millions of rows of data efficiently on a single machine. A new Polars GPU engine powered by NVIDIA’s cuDF library will be available in open beta. It delivers up to a 10x performance boost compared to CPU, bringing the energy savings of accelerated computing to data practitioners and their applications.

Physical AI

Warp , for high-performance GPU simulation and graphics, helps accelerate spatial computing by making it easier to write differentiable programs for physics simulation, perception, robotics and geometry processing. The next release will have support for a new Tile API that allows developers to use Tensor Cores inside GPUs for matrix and Fourier computations.

Aerial is a suite of accelerated computing platforms that includes Aerial CUDA-Accelerated RAN and Aerial Omniverse Digital Twin for designing, simulating and operating wireless networks for commercial applications and industry research. The next release will include a new expansion of Aerial with more map formats for ray tracing and simulations with higher accuracy.

Sionna is a GPU-accelerated open-source library for link-level simulations of wireless and optical communication systems. With GPUs, Sionna achieves orders-of-magnitude faster simulation, enabling interactive exploration of these systems and paving the way for next-generation physical layer research. The next release will include the entire toolchain required to design, train and evaluate neural network-based receivers, including support for real-time inference of such neural receivers using NVIDIA TensorRT .

NVIDIA provides over 400 libraries . Some, like CV-CUDA , excel at pre- and post-processing of computer vision tasks common in user-generated video, recommender systems, mapping and video conferencing. Others, like cuDF , accelerate data frames and tables central to SQL databases and pandas in data science.

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Many of these libraries are versatile — for example, cuBLAS for linear algebra acceleration — and can be used across multiple workloads, while others are highly specialized to focus on a specific use case, like cuLitho for silicon computational lithography.

For researchers who don’t want to build their own pipelines with NVIDIA CUDA-X libraries, NVIDIA NIM provides a streamlined path to production deployment by packaging multiple libraries and AI models into optimized containers. The containerized microservices deliver improved throughput out of the box.

Augmenting these libraries’ performance are an expanding number of hardware-based acceleration features that deliver speedups with the highest energy efficiencies. The NVIDIA Blackwell platform , for example, includes a decompression engine that unpacks compressed data files inline up to 18x faster than CPUs. This dramatically accelerates data processing applications that need to frequently access compressed files in storage like SQL, Apache Spark and pandas, and decompress them for runtime computation.

The integration of NVIDIA’s specialized CUDA GPU-accelerated libraries into cloud computing platforms delivers remarkable speed and energy efficiency across a wide range of workloads. This combination drives significant cost savings for businesses and plays a crucial role in advancing sustainable computing, helping billions of users relying on cloud-based workloads to benefit from a more sustainable and cost-effective digital ecosystem.

Learn more about NVIDIA’s sustainable computing efforts and check out the Energy Efficiency Calculator to discover potential energy and emissions savings.

See notice regarding software product information.

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Use AI to create PPTs, infographics, charts, timelines, project plans, reports, product roadmaps and more - effortless, engaging, and free to try

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Instantly transform ideas into professional presentations with our AI-driven design assistant.

Personalized Design

Automatically receive design suggestions tailored to your unique style and content.

Anti-fragile Templates

Employ templates that effortlessly adapt to your content changes, preserving design integrity.

PowerPoint Compatibility

Efficiently export your presentations to PowerPoint format, ensuring compatibility and convenience for all users.

Ensure consistent brand representation in all presentations with automatic alignment to your visual identity.

Seamless Sharing

Share your presentations effortlessly, with real-time sync and comprehensive access control

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Multi-device Compatibility

Edit and present from anywhere, with seamless access across all your devices.

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Idea to Deck in seconds

ChatGPT for Presentations Create stunning PPTs at the speed of thought with the world's best AI slide maker. You focus on the story. We handle the fine print.

Creative power that goes way beyond templates

Impress your audience with professional and engaging presentations created through AI. Easy to customize. Hard to go wrong.


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Ensure that your presentations match your brand's style and messaging through our proprietary "Brand Sync" feature.

Presentations.AI is simple, fast and fun

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You bring the story. We bring design.

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When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you’re worried about, it’s a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you’ll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs . And it’s totally free!

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Generate presentations in minutes

We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI presentation maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless : you choose the topic, the tone and the style, and the AI will do the rest. Now we’re talking!

Customize your AI-generated presentation online

Alright, your robotic pal has generated a presentation for you. But, for the time being, AIs can’t read minds, so it’s likely that you’ll want to modify the slides. Please do! We didn’t forget about those time constraints you’re facing, so thanks to the editing tools provided by one of our sister projects —shoutouts to Wepik — you can make changes on the fly without resorting to other programs or software. Add text, choose your own colors, rearrange elements, it’s up to you! Oh, and since we are a big family, you’ll be able to access many resources from big names, that is, Freepik and Flaticon . That means having a lot of images and icons at your disposal!

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How does it work?

Think of your topic.

First things first, you’ll be talking about something in particular, right? A business meeting, a new medical breakthrough, the weather, your favorite songs, a basketball game, a pink elephant you saw last Sunday—you name it. Just type it out and let the AI know what the topic is.

Choose your preferred style and tone

They say that variety is the spice of life. That’s why we let you choose between different design styles, including doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, and elegant . What about the tone? Several of them: fun, creative, casual, professional, and formal. Each one will give you something unique, so which way of impressing your audience will it be this time? Mix and match!

Make any desired changes

You’ve got freshly generated slides. Oh, you wish they were in a different color? That text box would look better if it were placed on the right side? Run the online editor and use the tools to have the slides exactly your way.

Download the final result for free

Yes, just as envisioned those slides deserve to be on your storage device at once! You can export the presentation in .pdf format and download it for free . Can’t wait to show it to your best friend because you think they will love it? Generate a shareable link!

What is an AI-generated presentation?

It’s exactly “what it says on the cover”. AIs, or artificial intelligences, are in constant evolution, and they are now able to generate presentations in a short time, based on inputs from the user. This technology allows you to get a satisfactory presentation much faster by doing a big chunk of the work.

Can I customize the presentation generated by the AI?

Of course! That’s the point! Slidesgo is all for customization since day one, so you’ll be able to make any changes to presentations generated by the AI. We humans are irreplaceable, after all! Thanks to the online editor, you can do whatever modifications you may need, without having to install any software. Colors, text, images, icons, placement, the final decision concerning all of the elements is up to you.

Can I add my own images?

Absolutely. That’s a basic function, and we made sure to have it available. Would it make sense to have a portfolio template generated by an AI without a single picture of your own work? In any case, we also offer the possibility of asking the AI to generate images for you via prompts. Additionally, you can also check out the integrated gallery of images from Freepik and use them. If making an impression is your goal, you’ll have an easy time!

Is this new functionality free? As in “free of charge”? Do you mean it?

Yes, it is, and we mean it. We even asked our buddies at Wepik, who are the ones hosting this AI presentation maker, and they told us “yup, it’s on the house”.

Are there more presentation designs available?

From time to time, we’ll be adding more designs. The cool thing is that you’ll have at your disposal a lot of content from Freepik and Flaticon when using the AI presentation maker. Oh, and just as a reminder, if you feel like you want to do things yourself and don’t want to rely on an AI, you’re on Slidesgo, the leading website when it comes to presentation templates. We have thousands of them, and counting!.

How can I download my presentation?

The easiest way is to click on “Download” to get your presentation in .pdf format. But there are other options! You can click on “Present” to enter the presenter view and start presenting right away! There’s also the “Share” option, which gives you a shareable link. This way, any friend, relative, colleague—anyone, really—will be able to access your presentation in a moment.

Discover more content

This is just the beginning! Slidesgo has thousands of customizable templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Our designers have created them with much care and love, and the variety of topics, themes and styles is, how to put it, immense! We also have a blog, in which we post articles for those who want to find inspiration or need to learn a bit more about Google Slides or PowerPoint. Do you have kids? We’ve got a section dedicated to printable coloring pages! Have a look around and make the most of our site!


Powerful AI models in one platform

Turn drawings into visually captivating masterpieces

Electrify your media with face-swapping magic

Infinite world of visual possibilities

Elevate your marketing and SEO-friendly content game

Instant videos for multi platform campaigns

AI-generated brand logos and brand kits

Stunning visual content with dynamic templates

Natural-sounding voices from text script

Use AI to match colors for the perfect palette

Free SVG vectors with in-browser editor

Generate stunning font combinations with AI

A collection of social holidays and events

Quick simple tutorials to get started

Learn more about AI, design and marketing

Help us expand our growing community

Scale your creative production with AI

Generative AI

Use Generative AI to create Images, Videos and More. Harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to up your Social Media Marketing game.


All-in-one AI Tool


Convert Text to Visuals


Create AI Videos


Write Content using AI


Convert text to speech


Redefine your Brand


Photo & Video Face Swap


Create AI Designs

Be a Creative Superhero with AI and achieve results quickly!

Get innovative with generative ai.

Convert your business ideas into a reality. Begin your marketing journey with Design AI’s generative AI suite. From ideation & branding to content creation & strategy, innovation was never this easy.

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Why Choose Designs AI? 

  • Harness the power of generative AI
  • Convert ideas into brands
  • Intuitive workflow
  • Lesser clicks, easy on the pocket

presentations.ai logo


  • Unleash the artist within you
  • Design with ZERO experience
  • Easy AI tools for content creation
  • Push the limits of your creativity

presentations.ai logo

  • Stunning visuals
  • Consistent branding across all your content
  • Professional-grade output with minimal effort
  • Affordable pricing plans for businesses and individuals

Explore Our Cutting-Edge Features


Make the most out of our AI Tools

In addition to our AI-powered features, Designs AI offers a wide range of tools to enhance your creative projects

Color Matcher

Discover the perfect color palettes for your designs

Graphic Maker

Access a library of free, customizable SVG vectors

Font Pairer

Your font speaks a lot about your brand, so choose wisely!

Social Media Calendar

Create social media posts with a curated list of holidays

Trusted by well known companies

Inspired by creators empowered by innovation.

" Designs AI transformed our logo design process, making it incredibly easy to create a professional brand image. "

- Jane D., Small Business Owner

" I love AI Writer. It helps generate engaging content for our blog and social media, boosting our online presence effortlessly. "

- Lisa T., Content Creator

" Speech Maker is a lifesaver for creating voiceovers. It’s quick, easy, and sounds incredibly natural! "

- Olivia S., Multimedia Producer

" The AI video generator is fantastic! We created high-quality promotional videos in no time, and it saved us hours of work. "

- Carlos M., Marketing Manager

" AI Chat has been my personal advisor as I’m getting quick ideas, responses and validation. It helped me in my campaigns with minimal effort and maximum impact. "

- Tom H., Advertising Executive

" AI Chat is simply amazing. Where else can you get ChatGPT, Llama and Claude AI in one place? This has greatly increased my productivity. "

- Rebecca L., Project Manager

" Using Designs AI has improved our design workflow. The intuitive workflow and powerful AI capabilities make it a must-have. "

- Michael K., Graphic Designer

" Designs AI’s AI-driven tools have significantly enhanced our content quality and productivity. We can't imagine working without it now. "

- Daniel W., SEO Specialist

" The easy-to-use Logo Maker and Video Maker have helped us craft a cohesive brand presence across all platforms. "

- Samantha R., Brand Consultant

" Designs AI offers exceptional value with its suite of creative tools. We’ve been able to achieve professional results without a steep learning curve. "

- Eric N., Freelance Designer

Ready to be a part of the design revolution.

Begin your marketing journey and experience the power of Generative AI. Save time, effort & money and focus just on building your brand. Produce exceptional results that will set your brand apart. Sign up now and unlock your creative potential!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1 . what is designs ai.

Designs AI is a comprehensive generative AI suite offering tools like AI Chat , AI Image Generator , AI Video Generator , Design Maker , Logo Maker , AI Text to Speech Converter , AI Writer , AI Draw , and AI Face Swapper , all designed to simplify content creation and transform ideas into effective marketing strategies.

2 . Why do I need Designs AI?

Designs AI is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their marketing efforts. This comprehensive AI-powered suite offers accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. It enables marketers to create professional-quality assets without design expertise, reduces the need for multiple hires, and dramatically speeds up content creation.

By cutting production time from days to minutes, Designs AI allows for faster campaign rollouts and more flexible strategies. Ultimately, it equips your business to create high-quality marketing assets quickly and affordably, giving you a competitive edge in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

3 . Is it free to use Designs AI?

Yes, Designs.ai is free to use. Sign up now with your email or social media account and start using our AI powered generative suite at no cost.

4 . What are the paid plans available at Designs AI?

Designs.ai offers three paid tiers: Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. These plans provide access to additional credits for your AI generation, enhanced functionalities, and advanced options for professional use. Users can try any of these plans with a 7-day free trial and each plan is designed to cater to different needs and usage levels, from individual creators to large enterprises.

5 . Can I use Designs AI for commercial projects?

Yes, our AI tools can be used for both personal and commercial works. All your work made with our generative AI tools can be distributed to promote and advertise your business. You can resell your creations as a service to clients.

6 . What are the different licenses for Designs AI?

Designs AI offers different license types that affect the extent of commercial use. The Standard License allows commercial use with some restrictions, while the Enterprise License offers broader commercial rights.

The Multi-Seat License extends these rights to multiple users in your organization. However, general restrictions apply across all licenses, such as not redistributing resources or infringing on third-party rights. Some tools have additional limitations on commercial use. Always review the specific license agreement for detailed terms and conditions.

For more information: https://designs.ai/policy/license-agreement

7 . How secure is my data with Designs AI?

Designs AI prioritizes data security using industry-standard measures like encryption, access controls, and regular audits. We comply with legal obligations and limit data sharing to necessary third parties.


8 . What AI tools do Designs AI offer?

Designs AI offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered creative tools to enhance your digital content creation. These include AI Chat for powerful AI models, AI Draw for transforming sketches into captivating visuals, and AI Face Swapper for adding dynamic face-swapping effects.

The platform also features an AI Image Generator for endless visual possibilities, an AI Writer to boost your marketing and SEO content, and an AI Video Generator for quick multi-platform campaign videos. For branding, there's a Logo Maker for AI-generated logos and brand kits, while the Design Maker provides stunning visual content with dynamic templates.

The Speech Maker converts text to natural-sounding voices. Additionally, Designs AI offers supplementary tools like Color Matcher , Graphic Maker , Font Pairer , and a Social Media Calendar for social media planning, rounding out a robust toolkit for diverse creative needs.

9 . How can I get started with Designs AI?

You can begin your creative journey by signing up with your email or social media account. Once you’ve logged in, you'll have access to a variety of AI-powered tools, including AI Chat , AI Draw , AI Face Swapper , AI Image Generator , AI Writer , AI Video Generator , Logo Maker , Design Maker , and Speech Maker . Begin by exploring the free features to familiarize yourself with the platform. Quick tutorials are available to help you learn each tool. You can start creating immediately using the free tier, and if you need more advanced features later, you can consider upgrading to a paid subscription .

10 . Is Designs AI suitable for beginners?

Yes, you can use Designs AI with minimal or no design experience. Our cutting-edge technology and user friendly interface will help you generate logos , images and videos like a Pro!

11 . ​​How can Designs AI improve my marketing efforts?

Designs AI streamlines your marketing workflow with its all-in-one AI platform. For example, when creating a promotional video for a start-up, you can generate a product logo with Logo Maker , write a script using AI Chat or AI Writer , and produce the video with Video Maker — all on one platform. This integrated approach saves time, ensures consistency across marketing materials, and helps you create professional content efficiently, enhancing your overall marketing impact.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Most Recent
  • Presentations
  • Infographics
  • Data Visualizations
  • Forms and Surveys
  • Video & Animation
  • Case Studies
  • Design for Business
  • Digital Marketing
  • Design Inspiration
  • Visual Thinking
  • Product Updates
  • Visme Webinars

15 Best AI Presentation Makers in 2024 [Free & Paid]

15 Best AI Presentation Makers in 2024 [Free & Paid]

Written by: Idorenyin Uko

15 Best AI Presentation Makers in 2024 [Free & Paid]

Creating a presentation from scratch can be time-consuming. Managing moving parts like content, design and visuals adds to the complexity.

The good news: AI is revolutionizing the way presentations are created. AI presentation makers leverage the power of artificial intelligence to simplify the process of creating visually appealing and impactful presentations. Anyone, regardless of their design experience, can whip up stunning presentations, pitch decks, slide decks and more in a fraction of the time.

Yet, with so many AI presentation makers flooding the market, making a choice can be overwhelming. We’ve got you covered!

In this article, we’ll review the 15 best AI presentation makers in 2024. Our extensive review covers their features, pricing, pros and cons so that you can make an informed decision.

Let’s get to it.

Table of Contents

  • Beautiful.ai
  • Wonderslide

Visme’s AI-Powered Tools

Ai presentation maker faqs.

Visme is an all-in-one visual design and content authoring software that lets you create presentations for different purposes.

Visme’s AI presentation maker takes it up a notch. With accurate prompts, you can generate ready-to-use presentation slides in minutes. The tool not only gives you a creative head start but also provides design suggestions and customization options for you to choose from.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Visme home page

For example, you can easily build engaging pitch decks in minutes using the AI Pitch Deck Generator . The possibilities are endless. All you have to do is converse with the Visme AI chatbot, provide detailed information about the content type, tone and style and watch the AI do the rest.

The tool cleverly transforms your prompts into beautiful, multi-page presentations. That way, you can spend more time honing your pitch to perfection! It's like having your very own presentation wizard at your fingertips.

Visme isn’t just an AI presentation maker. It has other AI-powered tools like AI Document Generator , AI Report Writer , AI Business Plan Generator , AI Image Generator , AI Edit Tools and AI Text Generator. These tools can help you create stunning visual content in minutes and boost productivity.

Visme's drag-and-drop editor makes it easy for anyone with little to no design skills to create eye-catching pitch decks , slide decks and interactive presentations for sales , marketing , webinar and business .

Rich Library of Templates and Styles

The extensive template library in Visme means users will always have options to showcase their ideas. Visme has thousands of presentation templates for any purpose, use case, industry and more. Our professionally designed AI presentation templates ensure your slides have a polished and visually appealing look.

 Array of Customization Options

The Visme editor is foolproof. This means anyone can customize their AI-generated presentation to fit their unique needs or tastes. The tool lets you customize every aspect of your presentation or project.

Customize presentation

You can change the color theme of your presentation using the preset color themes or create your own color palette. It's also easy to modify the font type and color. You'll have access to 400+ font types to play with in Visme.

Extensive Library of Stock Photos/ AI Image Generator

Not satisfied with the images in your presentation? We've got you covered.

Visme’s royalty-free graphic library includes thousands of free icons, illustrations, stock photos , videos, 3D graphics, audio clips, charts and graphs to include in your presentations.

Or you can simply generate new ones with the AI image generator. There's also the option to upload your own image and use Visme's AI image touchup tools to beautify it.

Audio and Voiceover

Visme offers dozens of free audio clips you can attach to individual slides or set as background music for your entire presentation. In addition, you can record a voiceover for your next presentation. The audio clip will be saved to your audio library for reuse in other presentations.

Data Visualization

If you need to visualize data, Visme has over 20 charts, graphs and maps to choose from. You’ll also find 30+ widgets, tables and diagrams to display data in a snackable format and complement your data visualization needs. Plus, you can modify the color, values, legends and text for all of your data visualizations.

The best part of using Visme is that it supports integration with lots of third-party tools. For more advanced customization, you can connect your charts to live data or import data from other tools into your charts.

Animations and Interactive Elements

Ditch boring presentations and enliven them with animations and interactive elements available in Visme's editor. Engage your audience and keep them immersed with interactive navigations, transitions, hover effects, pop ups, embeddable content and more.

Animated 3D Graphics and Illustrations

Visme's animation software has over 450 3D animation graphics, illustrations and special effects. Not only are our 3D graphics incredibly versatile, but we guarantee they'll wow your audience and take your presentation to the next level.

Keep your presentations consistent with your brand by creating a brand kit with Visme. The kit includes your logo, fonts, colors and other visual assets.

presentations.ai logo

You can either upload these assets manually, use a brand guideline template or use an AI-powered brand wizard. Using the Brand Design Tool is super easy. Just input your website URL and the wizard will grab your logo, fonts and colors and add them to your brand kit.


Collaboration is seamless with Visme, no matter the size of your team. Your team members can edit your presentation, leave comments and draw annotations in real-time or asynchronously.

With the Workflow feature , you can streamline the review, collaboration and project sign-off processes. You can assign specific slides to different team members, set due dates and require approvals.

Presenter Studio

Visme’s Presenter Studio lets you easily record projects and presentations for your audience to view at their own pace. Take advantage of the Presenter Notes feature to stay on track and recall important points while delivering your presentation.

Download and Sharing Options

Once your presentation is ready, there are several ways to share it with your audience. You can generate a shareable online link or an embed code that can be placed on a website. Plus, you can download your slides in different formats, including:

  • Image: JPG and PNG
  • Document: PDF & PDF with Bleed Marks
  • Video: MP4 and GIF
  • Present Offline: PPTX and HTML5
  • LMS Export Formats: SCORM and xAPI

Track how your audience has engaged with your presentation with Visme analytics. This tool offers valuable insights into metrics like views, unique visits, average time spent, average completion and more.

Visme analytics

Visme’s pricing plans include:

  • Basic: Free
  • Starter: $12.25/month
  • Pro: $24.75/month
  • Visme for Enterprise: Contact Sales
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use editor
  • Ability to chat with the AI chatbot, meaning users are not limited in terms of style, tone, language, or other elements.
  • Full suite of AI-powered tools to help users streamline their content production.
  • Multiple design and customizable options.
  • Thousands of free icons, illustrations, stock photos, videos, 3D graphics, audio clips, charts and graphs to include in your presentations.
  • Unlimited number of template styles to choose from
  • A wide selection of data visualizations, including charts, graphs, maps and widgets
  • Tools that enable teams of all sizes to collaborate effectively.
  • A diverse collection of templates catering to different presentation needs and themes.
  • Robust animation and interactive features

Due to a wide variety of features, it may take some time to use all available options.

2. Slidesgo

Best AI Presentation Makers - Slidesgo logo

Slidesgo is a popular online platform with free PowerPoint and Google Slides templates to elevate your presentations. The tool offers an AI PowerPoint maker that helps you generate presentations in minutes.

The tool is one of the best AI PowerPoint generators that helps you build presentations in minutes

It uses artificial intelligence to analyze content and automatically generate visually appealing slides, complete with images, videos and other design elements.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Slidesgo home page

Just type out your topic and choose your preferred style and tone. Then you can customize the template by choosing your own colors, adding and rearranging elements.

  • Intuitive AI presentation maker that can generate presentations quickly.
  • Easy Customization: Users can easily customize slides to suit their specific needs. They can change colors, fonts and images, as well as add or edit content to create unique presentations.
  • Regular Updates: Slidesgo regularly updates its template library, ensuring users can access fresh and contemporary presentation designs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform features a user-friendly interface. Users can easily browse through templates, preview them and download the ones they like without any hassle.
  • Compatibility: Templates provided by Slidesgo are compatible with popular presentation software, including Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.

Slidesgo has two pricing plans:

  • Premium: $5.99/month/user
  • Education: $3.50/month/user
  • AI presentation software saves time as users don't need to start from scratch.
  • Supports more than 13 languages.
  • Interface is easy to navigate and use.
  • Number of free templates is limited.
  • Limited customization of design elements and layout alterations.
  • Prompts, writing tone and style are limited. Users cannot create prompts beyond the provided options or criteria.
  • Some bugs and layout limitations
  • Animation and interactive elements are limited.
  • Pricing is based on the number of users.

3. Beautiful.ai

Best AI Presentation Makers - beautiful.ai logo

Beautiful.ai is an AI-powered presentation maker designed to simplify the process of creating visually appealing and engaging presentations.

Best AI Presentation Makers - beautiful.ai home page

The DesignerBot offers users an innovative platform that leverages artificial intelligence to automate design elements, allowing for stunning presentations without the need for extensive design skills.

  • Automated Design: The AI PowerPoint generator automatically arranges text, images and data in an aesthetically pleasing manner, saving users time and effort in designing each slide.
  • AI Writer: Beautiful.ai can summarize, expand or rewrite text in a different tone.
  • Text to Image Generator: Users can generate an Al image with a detailed search prompt.
  • Data Visualization: Beautiful.ai can transform raw data into interactive and visually appealing charts and graphs, simplifying complex information for easy understanding.
  • Brand Customization: Users can customize AI-generated presentations to match their brand colors, fonts and logos, ensuring brand consistency across presentations.
  • Collaboration: Beautiful.ai allows for real-time collaboration, enabling teams to work together on presentations, share feedback and make edits simultaneously.
  • Intuitive Interface: The platform features a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality, making it accessible to users with varying technical expertise. Integrations: Supports integrations with Slack, Dropbox, PowerPoint and Monday.com.

Beautiful.ai offers three paid plans.

  • Pro: $12/month
  • Team: $40/month/user
  • Enterprise: Contact Sales
  • Rich media library containing millions of free stock photos, videos and icons.
  • Supports real-time collaboration.
  • Customize templates to align with users’ brand identity.
  • Ability to add voice narration over slides.
  • Doesn’t have a free plan.
  • Steep learning curve.
  • Limited design capabilities and interactive elements.
  • Only supports integrations with a handful of third-party tools.

4. Storydoc

Best AI Presentation Makers - Storydoc logo

Storydoc is an innovative AI-powered presentation maker that transforms the way presentations are created and delivered. It combines the power of artificial intelligence with storytelling techniques, enabling users to craft compelling narratives and visually engaging presentations seamlessly.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Storydoc home page

  • Professional Templates: Access pre-made templates for the most popular use cases.
  • AI-Driven Design: The platform uses AI algorithms to automate presentation creation. It structures and writes your content, assigns a design template and optimizes performance.
  • AI Writing Assistant: Generate any text, rephrase to perfection and brainstorm ideas.
  • AI Visual Assistant: Instantly generate any image you can imagine directly in your slides.
  • Automatic Analytics Insights : Get full visibility into how people engage with your slide deck.
  • Integrations : Connect your favorite tools to improve business processes.

Storydoc’s pricing plans include:

  • Starter: $30/month/user
  • Pro: $45/month/user
  • Team: Contact sale
  • Supports integrations with a vast number of third-party software.
  • AI-powered design results in professional-looking presentations—great for users without graphic design skills.
  • Workflow is simple and intuitive.
  • Modern user interface.
  • Limited number of templates.
  • Rigid Platform.
  • Limited options to tailor templates, fonts and colors to match brand identity and create a unique visual style.
  • Pricing is on the high side.
  • Cannot embed presentations through an iframe or embed.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Canva logo

Canva is a popular online design platform that offers a user-friendly AI-powered presentation maker. With the Magic Design for Presentations, you can generate a first draft of your presentation instantly.

Best AI Presentation Makers - AI presentation maker home page

Simply input your text and watch as it transforms into a well-organized outline, vibrant slides and compelling content.

  • Template Library: Canva offers a vast collection of professionally designed templates specifically tailored for presentations. Users can choose from various themes, styles and layouts.
  • Library of Assets: Get access to a library of millions of photos, icons, graphics, media elements and more.
  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: The intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add text, images, video and other elements to slides.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Ability to collaborate and get team members on the same page at the same time.
  • Brand Kit: Users can store your logo, brand colors and fonts to maintain brand consistency.
  • Magic Write: Easily generate, summarize, expand and re-write text.
  • AI Photo Editing: Quickly erase, add to, edit and enhance your photos using AI-powered photo editing tools.

Let’s take a look at Canvas’ pricing plan

  • Canva Free: $0/month
  • Canva Pro: $14.99/ month
  • Canva for Teams: $29.99/month
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Supports collaboration across teams of all sizes.
  • Offers a diverse range of templates suitable for different industries.
  • Offers an AI writing tool and an AI photo editing tool.
  • Free plan only provides basic features and some advanced elements and templates are behind a paywall.
  • Users might need some time to explore all the features, especially the advanced customization options.

6. Design.AI

Best AI Presentation Makers - Designs.ai logo

Design.AI offers a cutting-edge AI presentation maker designed to simplify the process of creating visually appealing and impactful presentations. This all-in-one platform provides a range of powerful features to enhance your creative projects.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Designs.ai home page

With AI writing assistance, a logo maker, a video presentation creator and natural-sounding AI voiceovers, it's your go-to toolkit for creating compelling content.

  • Smart Templates: Design.AI boasts a wide selection of smart templates tailored for various presentation needs. These templates adapt to the content, ensuring consistent and polished designs across slides.
  • Branding Kit: Users can apply consistent branding on all their presentations
  • AI Writer: Create powerful, compelling marketing copy using AI to boost engagement and sales.
  • Designmaker: Users can automatically generate thousands of design variations for creative projects.
  • Speechmaker: Convert text into realistic voiceovers and add them to your presentation
  • Automated Design Elements: The AI algorithms automatically handle design elements, such as layout, color schemes and typography, streamlining the creation process and maintaining a cohesive visual style.
  • Millions of Design Assets: Rich library of stock images, graphics, shapes, frames and stickers.
  • Content Enhancement: Design.AI provides premade color palettes, font pairs and illustrations, helping users refine their designs for clarity and impact.

Designs.AI has three pricing plans:

  • Basic: $19/month
  • Pro: $49/month
  • Enterprise: $169/month
  • Simple and user-friendly design interface.
  • Offers a wide array of additional tools.
  • No free plan.
  • While automation is a strength, users might find limitations in terms of highly specialized or unique design needs.
  • Doesn’t provide robust analytics or statistics for projects.
  • Lacks data visualization capabilities.
  • Users might require time to familiarize themselves with the platform's features.

7. Simplified

Best AI Presentation Makers - Simplified logo

Simplified is one of the best free AI presentation makers out there. The text to presentation AI is crafted to simplify the creative process for users of all skill levels.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Simplified home page

With the power of artificial intelligence, Simplified streamlines your design, enhances your creativity and improves your presentation quality.

  • Premade Templates: Simplified offers a vast selection of smart templates designed for various uses.
  • AI-Design Assistance: The platform offers AI-driven design suggestions, helping users create polished and professional slides effortlessly. From layout to color schemes, AI ensures a consistent and visually appealing design.
  • Collaborative Tools: The tool offers real-time collaboration features that improve teamwork and productivity.
  • AI-Powered Tools: Simplified provides a wide range of AI-powered tools like AI writer, AI image generator, magic resizer and so on.
  • Design Customization Tool: An intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets users easily customize their design. Users can easily add text, images, videos and other elements to their presentation.
  • Brand Kit: Users can create custom brand kits for their projects and business branding.

Simplified offers three pricing plans for its AI-Powered Graphic Design Tools, Stock Photos & Templates:

  • Free Forever
  • Pro: $9/month
  • Simplified One: $24/month
  • Enterprise: Contact sales
  • Interface is easily navigable.
  • Wide range of smart AI-powered tools.
  • Rich library of stock images, icons and other visual assets.
  • Turn presentations into a video project.
  • Offers multiple export formats (PNG, JPG, PDF and SVG).
  • Customization features are basic and limited.
  • Limited number of predesigned templates.
  • Basic animation features.
  • Limited data visualization tools.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Tome logo

Tome is an AI-powered presentation maker that helps users create professional and engaging presentations without any design skills. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze content and automatically generate visually appealing slides, complete with images and animations.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Tome home page

Users can simply input their text and data, select a template or theme and let Tome do the rest.

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Tome AI presentation maker allows for collaboration and real-time feedback, making it ideal for teams and businesses.
  • Third-Party Integration: Tome supports integration with various third-party tools such as Typeform, Google Sheets, Figma, Miro and others.
  • AI-powered Designs: Automated slide creation using AI technology.
  • Turn Documents into Presentations: Paste documents into Tome and convert them into structured narratives in a single click.
  • AI Image Generator: Generate unique and professional images from text prompts.
  • Robust Library of Brand Assets: Search Tome’s image libraries or upload your own.
  • AI Writer: Fine-tune your copy by using AI to rewrite text, adjust tone and reduce or extend the length.
  • Free Forever: $0
  • Pro: $8/month/users
  • Enterprise: Contact for Sales
  • Easy to use, even for those with no design experience.
  • Saves time by automating the design process.
  • Produces high-quality, visually appealing presentations.
  • Collaboration tools make it ideal for teams.
  • Provides tools for incorporating animations, videos, graphs and more.
  • Limited customization options compared to other presentation software.
  • Occasional glitches or errors in AI-generated slides.
  • Limited control over design elements.
  • Not suitable for complex, data-heavy presentations.

9. Sendsteps

Best AI Presentation Makers - Sendsteps Logo

Sendsteps offers an innovative AI presentation maker that enables users to create engaging and impactful presentations in minutes. What makes Sendsteps stand out is its ability to facilitate real audience participation and engagement.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Sendsteps home page

  • AI-Generated Presentation Design: Users can describe the topic or upload a document and then the AI tool will generate interactivity, design and content.
  • AI Content Creator: You can easily generate compelling text, visually stunning word clouds, or interactive quiz questions to boost audience engagement.
  • Multi-Language Support: Create presentations in 86 languages, including English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian and French.
  • Interactive Quizzes: Sendsteps supports interactive quizzes, enabling presenters to create engaging quizzes to test audience knowledge and enhance participation.
  • Live Polls and Surveys: Sendsteps enables presenters to conduct live polls and surveys during presentations, allowing audience members to participate and provide instant feedback.
  • Audience Feedback: Sendsteps' AI analyzes audience responses, providing valuable insights into audience sentiment and engagement levels.

Sendsteps’s pricing tiers include

  • Free: $0/month
  • Starter: $6.50/month
  • Professional: $13.50/month
  • Easy to use interface, even for those with no design experience.
  • Offers a wide range of customizable templates and themes.
  • Provides a comprehensive suite of real-time audience engagement tools, including live polls, quizzes and surveys.
  • Support for multiple languages makes it accessible to a global audience.
  • Limited control over design elements compared to traditional presentation software.
  • Not suitable for highly complex or data-intensive presentations.
  • Limited design assets and customization options.
  • Occasional glitches or errors in the AI-generated slides.
  • Limited integration with other apps and services compared to some other presentation software.

10. Decktopus

Best AI Presentation Makers - Decktopus logo

Decktopus is an AI-driven presentation maker that aims to simplify the process of creating visually appealing and professional presentations. It combines intuitive design elements with artificial intelligence technology to help users craft engaging presentations with ease.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Decktopus home page

  • AI Content Suggestions: The platform provides AI-driven content suggestions, including target audience, purpose text and visuals. This helps users refine their message and enhance the overall quality of their presentations.
  • Smart Templates: Decktopus offers a range of smart templates that automatically adjust based on the content, ensuring consistency and aesthetics throughout the presentation.
  • Brand Customization: Users can easily customize and personalize the AI-generated content, slide layouts, colors, fonts and graphics to align with their brand identity and presentation style.
  • Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality make it easy for users, even those without design skills, to create professional-looking presentations.
  • Collaboration: Decktopus enables collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same presentation simultaneously.
  • Pro: $9.99/month
  • Business: $34.99/month
  • Features an intuitive interface.
  • AI-driven content suggestions and smart templates save time and effort.
  • Support collaboration with an unlimited number of team members.
  • Rich library of design assets, including images, icons and graphics.
  • Support integrations with multiple third-party software.
  • Design customization options are basic.
  • Customization options are totally controlled by AI.
  • Doesn’t have a brand kit.
  • No option to import PowerPoint presentations.
  • Users cannot export in HTML.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Gamma logo

Gamma AI is an advanced presentation maker that integrates artificial intelligence technology to streamline the presentation creation process. It is designed to help users create visually stunning and engaging presentations.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Gamma home page

This makes it an ideal choice for businesses, educators and professionals seeking an efficient and innovative presentation solution.

  • Smart Templates: Gamma AI offers a wide array of smart templates professionally designed for stunning presentations.
  • Brand Customization: Users can customize templates, fonts, colors and layouts to match their branding.
  • Export Capabilities: Ability to export presentations in PDF and PPT format.
  • Analytics: Users can measure audience engagement with built-in analytics.
  • AI-driven Content Suggestions: This feature helps users refine their message and enhance their content.
  • Real-time Collaboration:  Multiple users can work on the same presentation simultaneously, share feedback and make edits in a collaborative environment.

Gamma’s pricing plans are as follows:

  • Free: $0/user/month
  • Plus: $8 /user/month
  • Pro: $15/user/ month
  • Presentations have a polished and professional look.
  • User-friendly interface makes the tool accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  • Limited export options.
  • Free plan shows limited change history.
  • Limited capability for highly specific or intricate design customization.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Plus logo

Plus is an innovative AI presentation maker that integrates artificial intelligence to simplify the presentation creation process. The tool makes it easy for individuals or businesses to generate AI presentations or edit slides with AI.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Plus home page

What makes Plus special is that it has seamless integrations between Google Slides and PowerPoint.

  • AI Design Assistance: The platform employs AI algorithms to provide content outlines and design suggestions and generate slides from text prompts.
  • Presentation Editing with AI: Users can insert slides, remix layouts or create new formats with text prompts with AI.
  • AI Writing and Rewriting Tool: You can modify the language and grammar, change the tone, lengthen, summarize or translate your text with Plus.
  • Custom Presentation Themes: Easily generate custom presentations and add your logo, custom fonts and colors to match your brand or ask AI to do it for you.
  • Multi-language Support: Plus AI can generate, edit and translate Google Slides presentations in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and nearly any other language.

Below are the plan options in Plus AI

  • Basic:$10/user/month
  • Pro: $20/user/month
  • Enterprise: Contact sales for pricing
  • A 7-day free trial to try out the features.
  • Offers multi-language support.
  • Real-time collaboration features available in Google Slides.
  • Super easy to use, so users are sure to have a smooth and hassle-free experience.
  • Supports integrations with a vast number of third-party tools like Slack, Notion, Confluence, Coda, Canva, etc.
  • Offers more than 100,000 character prompts.
  • Ability to automate workflows for future projects.
  • Functions as an add-on on Google Slides, but you need to have a Google account to use it.
  • Limited number of layouts and themes.
  • Design customization options in Plus are limited.
  • Lacks detailed analytics for tracking audience engagement.

13. Appy Pie

Best AI Presentation Makers - Appypie logo

Appy Pie's AI presentation maker is a user-friendly and innovative tool designed to simplify the process of creating engaging presentations.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Appypie home page

By leveraging artificial intelligence technology, the platform helps users craft visually appealing slideshows without requiring extensive design skills.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Appy Pie Design offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for anyone, regardless of their design expertise, to create presentations.
  • AI-Powered Features: The tool leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the presentation creation process. It also offers AI-generated suggestions for text, images and design elements.
  • Extensive Template Collection: AI-Powered Appy Pie’s Presentation Template Collection offers a vast and diverse range of beautifully crafted designs, catering to every occasion and celebration.
  • Customization Options: Users can customize every aspect of their presentation, including layouts, text, fonts, colors, images and layouts.
  • Extensive Image Library: With a vast library of AI-generated images, illustrations, icons and backgrounds,
  • Custom Design: Appy Pie gives users plenty of options to enhance their presentations visually. You can also upload your visual to add a personal touch.

Appypie design starts at $8/month (or $84/year.) Additional features attract extra usage costs.

  • User-friendly interface.
  • Offers a wide array of AI-powered design and productivity tools.
  • Supports integrations with a wide range of third-party tools.
  • Rich library of templates.
  • Real-time collaboration features are limited.
  • Customization options are basic.
  • Doesn’t offer a brand kit.

14. Wonderslide

Best AI Presentation Makers - Wonderslide logo

Wonderslide is another AI-powered tool that helps you create presentations blazingly fast. Once you upload your draft slide, select your color, logo, themed images and fonts and the AI will handle the rest.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Wonderslide home page

  • Customization and Branding: Users can choose a color, font and style consistent with their company’s brand book.
  • AI-Powered Design: The platform provides AI-driven design suggestions.
  • 7-Day Free Trial
  • Pay As You Go: $25/10 downloads
  • Monthly: $9.99/month
  • Yearly: $69/year
  • Enterprise plan: Book a demo call
  • AI designer works with PowerPoint and Google Slides files.
  • Brand and customization options are limited.
  • Lacks collaborative design features.
  • Designs look amateurish.
  • Inability to create presentations from scratch, requiring a draft presentation.
  • Lacks animations and interactive elements.
  • Limited number of design assets, illustrations, icons and graphics.

15. SlidesAI

Best AI Presentation Makers - Slides AI logo

SlidesAI is an innovative AI-powered presentation add-on tool that simplifies the process of creating visually appealing and compelling presentations in Google Slides. Anyone, regardless of their design ability, can create presentation slides with AI in seconds.

Best AI Presentation Makers - Slides.AI home page

  • AI-Powered Design Assistance: The platform provide AI-driven design suggestions, including images, layout, color schemes and typography.
  • Magic Write: The AI-powered tool lets users generate high-quality outlines and text or rewrite existing content.
  • Integration: The tool supports easy integration with Google Slides.
  • Basic: $0/month
  • Pro: $10/month
  • Premium: $20/month
  • Team: Pricing varies based on the number of team members
  • Institution: Contact Sales
  • ​​Supports 100+ languages.
  • Clean user interface.
  • No technical expertise is required to use the app.
  • The platform is rigid; you must install the tool as a Google Slides extension.
  • Limited download and export options.
  • Template library is limited.
  • Some users report technical glitches while using the tool.
  • Overall presentation designs aren’t impressive.

Visme is not just the best presentation maker . It offers a wide range of AI-powered tools to get your creative juices flowing and boost productivity, including:

AI Document Generator

  • AI Report Writer
  • AI Business Plan Generator
  • AI Image Generator
  • AI Edit Tools
  • AI Text Generator

Brand Wizard

This tool streamlines the process of creating documents like business proposals, newsletters, reports, ebooks, whitepapers, case studies, plans, etc. The tool ignites your creative spark as you generate your first draft and produce incredible documents that will wow your audience.

By using Visme, you get more than the AI document generator. With the AI business plan generator , you can produce investment-ready business plans in seconds. Visme’s AI report writer automates the process of writing and designing reports. It allows you focus on analyzing data and deriving meaningful insights rather than getting bogged down in the intricacies of report creation.

Visme AI Edit Tools

With the Visme AI TouchUp tools, you can modify the appearance of any image. Users can easily erase and replace objects they don’t want in your images, remove backgrounds and unblur low-quality, smudged or motion-blurred images.

In addition, the tool also lets you enlarge the size of your images without losing visual quality.

Visme AI Text Generator

Whether you need creative content, professional articles, marketing copy, or even academic papers, Visme’s AI text generator can assist you in producing high-quality, tailored text.

The tool is also handy for editing tasks. You can edit, proofread, lengthen, summarize and switch tones for your text.

Visme’s AI Image Generators

We’ve reviewed the 11 Best AI Image Generators in 2023 [Free & Paid] . Here’s what we found: Visme stands out as one of the best you can find on the market. The design possibilities are limitless. Users can select from several creative outputs, including photos, paintings, pencil drawings, 3D graphics, icons and abstract art.

The AI-powered Brand Wizard helps keep your design on brand. The wizard generates your brand's fonts and styles across beautiful templates. Simply input your website URL, confirm your brand colors and fonts, choose the branded template theme you like the most and watch the magic happen.

What is the best AI presentation maker?

The best AI presentation maker depends on your needs. Some popular options include Visme, Beautiful.ai, Slidesgo and Storydoc. Each tool offers unique features like automatic layout suggestions, content generation and design customization.

Which AI makes presentations?

There are several AI tools that can make presentations, including:

How do you get AI to make a presentation for you?

Follow the steps below to create an AI-generated presentation:

  • Choose an AI presentation tool like Visme
  • Share your topic, key sections and color preferences
  • Select a template or style similar to what you have in mind
  • Customize the AI-generated content and design as needed

Can ChatGPT create a PowerPoint presentation?

ChatGPT cannot directly create or edit PowerPoint presentations. However, it can help you create PowerPoint presentations in a few ways:

  • Draft slide content, bullet points, and speaker notes
  • Create an outline to help you structure your presentation
  • Offer ideas for visual elements or color schemes
  • Suggest ways to visualize or explain complex data
  • Write a script to accompany your slides

Remember, you'll need to manually transfer ChatGPT’s suggestions or generated content into PowerPoint or any other presentation software.

Is Plus AI for Google Slides free?

Plus AI is a paid add-on for Google Slides. While it offers a free trial, you need a premium subscription to access all the features. Google Slides itself is free, but advanced AI features often come with a cost.

Easily Tap into the Power of AI with Visme

And there you have it—our comprehensive review of the finest AI presentation makers in 2024.

But hey, if you're on the hunt for an exceptional AI presentation maker that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, look no further than Visme! We highly recommend giving it a try.

Our review clearly shows that Visme offers an unparalleled array of features. Not only can you create captivating presentations with ease, but you also gain access to a treasure trove of content authoring and visual design tools. Plus, the added perks of Visme's AI-powered solutions take your creativity to a whole new level.

But that's not all! By choosing Visme, you unlock a world of possibilities. Explore an extensive library of professionally designed templates for presentations, infographics, reports, plans, social media graphics and other assets. Collaborate seamlessly with your team, add animations and interactive elements and choose from our vast library of icons, stock photos and videos to make your content exceptional.

Ready to get started? Sign up now and let Visme's AI presentation maker transform your ideas into captivating visual stories that dazzle your audience.

Create stunning presentations in minutes with Visme

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Trusted by leading brands


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Effortless Design Content in Minutes with the AI Design Generator

Supercharge your content creation and designs in minutes with the power of the AI Designer.

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About the Author

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  • AI Video Generator
  • Text to Video AI
  • AI Animation Generator
  • AI Logo Maker
  • AI Website Builder
  • AI Business Name Generator
  • YouTube Name Generator
  • Video Editing
  • Website tips
  • Onboarding Videos
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  • Video Tutorials

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Free Online AI Logo Maker

Create unique logos effortlessly with our advanced AI logo generator

warning icon

Logos appear more appealing with concise logo names; try shortening it.

Or let our AI business name generator help you find the perfect brand name for your business!

video thumbnail

Logo designs created by Renderforest

  • Food and Drinks

floating element

Join Millions of Users to Save Time and Succeed!

Simple process for making your logo, tell us about your brand and what kind of logo you want. the ai-based and machine-learning algorithms of renderforest’s ai logo generator will find the best options for you. choose the one you like, customize it, and download your logo. create the perfect logo in a snap with the best free ai logo maker..


Add your brand name and tagline


Help our AI to generate the best logo


Download your logo and full branding identity

floating element

Custom Logos in Any Style

Don’t miss out on the chance to create a memorable logo design that stands the test of time. Forget about the costly process of hiring designers or agencies. Renderforest’s free AI Logo Maker is a tool that you can use to create stunning logo designs tailored to your business needs. Powered by artificial intelligence, it allows you to create your own logo without a designer’s help.

Explore the vast template collection of our free logo creator and find the perfect designs for your new logo. Pick the one you like and customize it to your heart’s desire. You’re now one step closer to building a solid brand.

  • Alphabetical

board area image

Strengthen Your Brand With a Logo


Reinforce your brand identity

Just as people have identities, so do brands. That is what sets them apart from rivals and emphasizes their uniqueness. You can solidify your brand identity in the minds of customers by creating a professional logo. Communicate the spirit of your brand and what it stands for with a concise visual statement.


Make your brand recognizable

You can have great products or services in the market. But if your customers cannot memorize your brand, the chances that they’ll buy from you again are quite low. At this point, raising brand awareness is key. As customers grow familiar with your brand, they will start recognizing your products with ease. That’s where Renderforest’s best free AI Logo Maker comes in handy.

To get started on the endeavor of increasing brand recognition, you should first create a logo. A memorable logo design sticks in the minds of customers and reminds them of their previous encounters with your brand.


Make a solid first impression

First impressions can make or break a deal. Make sure people’s first encounters with your brand are positive, and half of your job is done. Wondering how to leave a favorable impression? Your logo is part of the answer. Either it sparks interest in potential customers and gets them to explore your brand, or it leaves them indifferent. The small logo design choice you come up with now can make all the difference later on.


Stand out from the competition

A professionally designed logo differentiates you from competitors. It highlights your unique approach to solving customers’ needs and problems. How does your product or service stand out from the competition? Is it inventive, simple, sustainable, or of high quality? A mere glance at your logo should be enough to tell.

There are many ways to make a logo design that expresses your brand’s unique identity. You can use the style, colors, and fonts of your logo in numerous creative ways to do so.


Build customer trust

A professional logo design communicates to customers that you take your brand seriously. It’s decisive in winning customers’ trust before they even get a chance to try out your products.

If you are a small business trying to scale up, boosting your brand’s credibility is essential. Creating a business logo is the first step in this direction. The good news is, you can get a unique logo without breaking the bank using a free logo creator.

Why Renderforest Logo Maker

A professional logo without any fuss.

No more random graphics and generic icons! All the designs at Renderforest Logo Maker are created by specialized logo artists and graphic designers. Every icon has a unique and thoughtful design to give you the best results possible.


Sometimes even professional designers fail to deliver you the result you wanted. Be it miscommunication or a mismatch between your needs and their style, the outcome is a wasted budget. To help you avoid this risk, our free logo maker allows you to edit your icon as much as you’d like. Experiment until you arrive at the design you absolutely love!


Simple and intuitive

You need no design skills whatsoever to create the perfect logo for your brand. The interface of our online logo maker is intuitive and straightforward, making logo creation a fun and easy process. We are here to prove that your ideas alone are enough! Tell our tool what you want, and it will generate the best logo design solution for your business.



There’s no need to spend hours communicating what you want to a designer or waiting for weeks for your new logo. With so many creative icons at your fingertips, the ideal design is only a few clicks away. All you should do is enter your company name, choose a style, and our online logo creator will generate several designs for you to choose from. Pick the one you like and feel free to customize your logo until it matches your needs.



All the designs of the Renderforest Online Logo Maker are developed by skilled logo artists. Hence, the probability that you’ll end up with a poor result is very low. Whether you're a lover of modern or traditional style, you're sure to find something that suits your taste. Our icons strike a perfect balance between classic forms and the latest design trends.


Ready-made templates

Explore the vast collection of ready-made logo templates available in our online template library. You can customize the designs as much as you like or simply use them for inspiration and come up with fresh ideas for your new logo.


Customizable icons and fonts

Both the icons and fonts in our online logo creator are editable, enabling you to make a logo that’s uniquely your own. The design you come up with will be saved on your account. You can edit and change it whenever you wish.


High-definition exports

You can download the logos created with our logo maker as vector files and use them for many different purposes. Saving your logo designs as vector files makes it possible for you to scale up the icons without quality loss. There’s also the option to export your logo as a high-resolution PNG file.


Animate your custom logo

Download the logo you've made with our online logo maker and turn it into a stunning animation with Renderforest Video Maker. Choose from colorful, dark, exploding, burning, 3D, footage-based, and other styles of intro and outro templates.

Create a professional website in minutes

Renderforest Website Builder offers 100+ fully customizable website templates designed by professionals. Select a template and customize it without any technical skills. Or create your website from scratch with our simple yet comprehensive free editor.

Preview your logo with realistic mockups

See how your design looks in realistic environments with Renderforest Mockup Editor. You can use desktop and mobile mockups to see your logo on a screen. Try branding templates to find your logo printed on bags, business cards, mugs, and other items. Go ahead and check out the AI logo generator free of charge.

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

What is an ai-based logo maker.

An AI-based Logo Maker is a tool that generates custom logo designs based on your company name and product or service type. It also allows you to edit the chosen icon until you come up with the design you love.

How do you create a logo with Renderforest?

1. Enter your brand name and your tagline, and provide a short description of your company or what you imagine your company logo to look like. The AI and machine-learning algorithms of our AI logo generator will process this information to suggest the most relevant logo designs.

2. Choose your favorite logo style, whether it’s line art, solid, flat, watercolor, emblem, or minimal. Browse through the suggested icons and pick the logo design you prefer. You can even preview it on different mockups to get an idea of how it will look in real life. Once you've made your choice, move forward to the editing section of the AI logo generator.

3. Now is the time to get creative! Our AI Logo Maker lets you customize the fonts, colors, and the icon itself, add a background if needed, and adjust the logo to your needs.

4. Download your free logo design in low resolution or export it in high quality, choosing one of our tool's paid options.

Is the AI Logo Maker an online tool or a software program?

Our AI Logo Maker is an online tool, meaning you can create a free logo design right from your browser. Renderforest works fine with different browsers. The two most recommended ones are Google Chrome and Safari. However, Mozilla and Internet Explorer are also compatible with the website.

Is Renderforest’s AI Logo Maker free to use?

Yes, you can use Renderforest’s AI logo generator free of charge. You can get logo design suggestions and customize them at no cost. There’s also a download option that allows you to export your logo in standard quality for non-profit use. However, to download your icon in high quality and use it for commercial purposes, you’ll need to choose a paid option.

You can make a one-time purchase or subscribe to one of our plans. By choosing the second option, you will have full access to all of our branding products, including website, video, and mockup templates.

In what formats can I export my logo?

You can download a free logo as a low-resolution JPG file. The paid options allow you to export it in SVG (vector files) and high-resolution JPG.

How do I make a payment?

We accept payments through Paypal as well as credit and debit cards. You can pay with Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover Card, JCB, Diners Club, or debit card.

Is there online support available?

Yes, Renderforest has dedicated online support. For questions, feel free to contact our 24/7 support team at [email protected]

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AI Logo Maker

Designing your own logo has never been easier!

presentations.ai logo

Our AI engine understands both logo data and design best practices in order to produce beautiful designs for your brand.

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Just like a professional human designer, we provide multiple logo formats and brand guidelines including all colors and fonts.

presentations.ai logo

Instead of fixed templates, our logo maker can create new and unique designs for every customer.

Logo Maker For Every Business

Check out our recent logo designs below and some of most popular categories for our logo maker.

Cilead logo design

How Logo Maker Works?

presentations.ai logo

Just enter your logo name and design preferences, our AI logo maker will generate endless design possibilities for your logo inspirations.

presentations.ai logo

Select the design you like to easily edit logo layouts, change logo fonts and symbols, and try on different logo color combinations until you find the perfect design.

presentations.ai logo

Jus like your person designer, our logo maker provides complete logo design package including high resolution JPG, transparent PNG, PDF, and vector source file.

presentations.ai logo

Create your logo Now!

Let AI-powered logo maker generate your logo, create matching stationery, and design a brand you love!

beautiful.ai logo

Brand Guidelines Presentation Template

Branding is at the forefront of any business strategy, and it’s important to make sure teams are aligned on design standards, voice and tone. Beautiful.ai has the perfect presentation template to help you stay on brand and visually consistent across all campaigns. 

These customizable template slides have everything you need for a brand guidelines presentation, including brand identity, typography, and color palettes. 

Our brand guidelines template can also help you:

  • Present company branding to stakeholders
  • Have a comprehensive guide for onboarding and future reference
  • Share brand assets with the team

Use our template to create an effective brand guidelines presentation

Your brand guidelines presentation is important for marketing teams to establish branding that is both recognizable and engaging, while creating a standard for other departments to follow. Whether you need to customize your guidelines for different employers or share your brand with third-party partners, you can quickly bring your visions to life with this customizable template. Our template includes everything you need to create an effective presentation. Those slides include:

Title slide

Tips to create an effective brand guidelines presentation

When you use this template to craft your brand guidelines presentation, keep these four tips in mind:

With a brand guidelines presentation template, you’re likely using all of your branded colors, fonts and logos to create the deck. Making a custom theme will make it easier to recreate branded decks moving forward without having to manually adjust fonts and colors on each slide.

This presentation is all about your brand, so it should be engaging. Don’t be afraid to include examples of images and icons that align with your brand’s story.

This doesn’t need to be a 20 slide deck explaining why you landed on specific typography. Include only the most relevant pieces of content to help colleagues stay on-brand and consistent in their roles.

If any deck should have personality, it’s a brand guidelines presentation. Think outside of the box and try different layouts to present your branding to stakeholders.

More Popular Templates

Public Relations Pitch Example

Public Relations Pitch Example

Use this public relations pitch example to create your own PR pitch template for your next meeting with a potential client.

 Dropbox Pitch Deck

Dropbox Pitch Deck

You’ve likely used DropBox for saving and sharing files, but 13 years ago MIT students Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi were just hoping for a little funding to get their start-up off the ground. The initial pitch deck landed them their $1.2M seed round in 2007, though it left room for improvement. We recreated it in Beautiful.ai.

Feature Planning Presentation Template

Feature Planning Presentation Template

Learn how Beautiful.ai’s influencer media kit template can help influencers and content creators land the brand partnership and get more collaborations.

Business Plan Presentation Template

Business Plan Presentation Template

Whether you’re looking to fund your own small business, or looking to raise money from investors, this business plan template will give you a headstart

 Consulting Proposal Presentation Template

Consulting Proposal Presentation Template

Build your customer base while setting client expectations by using our consulting proposal template. Save time and stay on brand by creating a master template for your agency.

 Snapchat Pitch Deck

Snapchat Pitch Deck

This Snapchat pitch deck shows how simple presentations can persuade investors into action with simple, clean design.

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AI-generated image

From your imagination to a tangible image in just a few words

From social media posts or prints to any other layouts, and everything in between

See your designs in action on apparel, packaging or prints

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Templates editor

Psst! We’ve got editable templates too, check them out

Check our editable templates.

Templates editor

Illustrator Logo Templates Images

Free vector abstract  logo design galaxy template set

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Free vector minimal logo collection with pastel colors

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Free vector minimal logo set with pastel colors

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Introducing the Ultimate AI Logo Maker

Generate logos using natural language, accurately describe your desired logo name.

presentations.ai logo

Key Features of AI Logo Maker

Unlimited logo templates to choose from with a vast library of fonts, colors and layout combinations.

Fully customizable logo designs allowing you to tweak fonts, colors, layouts and make your unique personalized logo.

High-resolution downloadable files like PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG suitable for website, social media, print and more.

Copyright free logos that are 100% yours to freely use commercially.

Smart recommendation system that suggests suitable logo styles based on your industry.

One-stop solution providing everything from logo design to business cards, social media branding and more.

How to make a logo with AI Logo Maker

Enter your company name and industry

Pick your preferred logo style templates

Customize logo colors, fonts, icons and other elements

Preview and fine-tune your logo design

Download logo files in required formats

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AI Logo Maker Example

AI logo maker - A logo featuring a bowl of fruit, accompanied by the text _NutriBowl_ in stylish typography, suitable for use in the restaurant industry

LOGOs made by AI Logo Maker can be used widely for

Tech company logos

Restaurant & food industry logos

Personal studio & freelancer logos

Social media account logos

App icons & logos

Ecommerce website logos

YouTube channel logos

Hotel & travel industry logos

Our AI Tool Blog: Latest Updates and Insights

Explore our blog for the latest in AI tools, offering insights to enhance your experience and usage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes ai logo maker better than other logo makers.

AI Logo Maker utilizes state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to generate logos tailored to your needs. Our advanced algorithms learn from millions of professional logos to suggest designs that are unique yet suitable for your brand. This gives AI Logo Maker an edge over other basic logo makers.

Do I need design skills to use AI Logo Maker?

No design skills are required. Our intuitive interface and smart AI make logo creation easy. Just enter your company name and preferences, and our AI will generate customized logos for you to choose from.

How long does it take to get my logo?

It only takes about 1 minute to generate multiple AI-powered logo options. You can then quickly customize and download your favorite logo.

Can I customize the AI generated logos?

Yes, all logos can be customized to your needs. Our logo editor allows you to tweak the fonts, colors, icons, and layouts until it's perfect.

What file formats are available?

You can download your logo in PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG and other formats, in any size you need for print, web, apps and more.

Do I own rights to use the logo commercially?

Absolutely. You have full ownership and can use the logo anywhere once downloaded. Our logos are royalty-free.

What industries can use AI Logo Maker?

Logos made by our AI platform are suitable for any industry - tech, food, services, personal brands and more.

Is there a mobile app for AI Logo Maker?

Not currently, but our website is mobile-friendly. You can easily create logos on your phone or tablet. We plan to launch mobile apps soon. Let me know if you would like me to modify or add any other common questions and answers about AI Logo Maker. I'm happy to generate more helpful FAQ content.

presentations.ai logo

Create moving, zooming presentations that grab attention and keep it.

presentations.ai logo

Appear right alongside your content while presenting to your audience.

presentations.ai logo

Make stunning interactive charts, reports, maps, infographics, and more.

You're about to create your best presentation ever

Logo Presentation Template Ai

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Logo Presentation

Transcript: History of Apple 1998-Present Closure 2nd Logo 1st Logo In 1996-1997 they lost a lot of money & Steve came back. The first logo was designed in 1976 by Ronald Wayne (The 3rd Co-Founder of Apple. Logo name: The Newton Crest 1976-1976 In the logo is Isaac Newton sitting under a tree and a apple dangling above his head. There was no rhyme or reason behind the placement of the colors. Scully and Jobs got into a argument and jobs resigned. Logo Presentation By: David Lopez The bite in the apple was made to let people know it was a apple and not a tomato. Citations The Apple logo was already recognized worldwide so they decided to change it. They thought the rainbow apple looked out of place and wouldn't look good on the newer model computers and other electronics by Apple. Steve Jobs & His friend built a apple computer & it was a success. Jobs invited Scully 'president of Pepsi-Cola' and he became president and CEO of Apple. 1976-1988 In my opinion the new logo looks a lot better than the first one because its a lot more simple and more professional and the second logo just looks off and unprofessional because of all the colors. 3rd Logo Evolution of apple computer http://www.edibleapple.com/2009/04/20/the-evolution-and-history-of-the-apple-logo/ Apple History http://www.apple-history.com/ Thirty Years of Apple https://www.apple.com/30-years/ "Edible Apple." The Evolution and History of the Apple Logo | . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. "Recent Changes." Apple-history.com / Specs for Every Apple Computer, Established 1996. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. "Happy Birthday, Mac." Apple. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014. Today's Apple Logo After he came back they did very well and they had a lot of sales. Rainbow Apple History of Apple

presentations.ai logo

Logo presentation

Transcript: Read your feedback. Are there any improvements you can make to it to get your logo up to the next level? 10 MINUTES Level 4 You have used an image from the Internet and placed text over it Level 5 With some support You have created a logo using graphic shapes and text Using your post-its, leave feedback on at least 2 other student's desks regarding their logo. You will say.. 2 things you like about it 1 thing you would change or develop BE NICE! Today you will.... Draw a basic logo using image and text Construct a logo using graphical elements and text Design a logo that takes into consideration purpose and audience Level 6 Your logo will be appropriate for audience. You will use suitable fonts and will create your logo using graphic editing tools. You will have worked with little assistance.

presentations.ai logo

Transcript: My logo Project By: Hank Hession The company i was making a logo for was Options Magazine, this is the family buisiness initiation sketches i noticed i was just trying to fill a space and i need to simply it. Here are some more versions The first ideas Background photo by t.shigesa To show expansion i knew i could use a shape and color scheme that would make the logo look like a globe. The product I liked how the logo turned out, it was simple but there was still enough to look at. It was a true logo, and not a scene I wanted to make something that would show that options was expanding and a Hard working company. thanks for watching I began to think... more I Changed it up

presentations.ai logo

AI framework template

Transcript: "...a goal (in STRIPS) describes some desired state of the world that we want to reach." InvalidKey AnimLooped AnimPlayed AtNode AtNodeType AtTargetPos CoverStatus DisturbanceExists Idling MountedObject PositionIsValid RidingVehicle, ReactedToWorldStateEvent SurveyedArea TargetIsAimingAtMe TargetIsLookingAtMe TargetIsDead TargetIsFlushedOut TargetIsSuppressed TraversedLink UsingObject WeaponArmed WeaponLoaded Count Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) PLANNING GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE ACTIONS GOAL SET: PATROL WORLD STATE PROPERTY KEYS WORLD STATES GOAL SET: BASE Reference: Three States and a Plan: The AI of F.E.A.R. Orkin, J. Game Developer's Conference Proceedings, 2006 http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~jorkin/gdc2006_orkin_jeff_fear.pdf Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) Guard plus additional goalsets Invalid Block BlockedPath Damage Defeated EnemyInFlamePot FollowerOutOfRange IncomingMeleeAttack MeleeBlocked MeleeBlockFailure MeleeBlockSuccess Shoved Surprised EnemyInPlaceForSurpriseAttack Taser1Stunned Taser2Stunned BerserkerKicked FinishingMove WeaponBroke Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget "In a planning system, we represent the state of the world as a conjunction of literals. Another way to phrase this is to say that we represent the state of the world as an assignment to some set of variables that collectively describe the world." "Planning is a formalized process of searching for sequence of actions to satisfy a goal. The planning process is called plan formulation. The planning system that we implemented for F.E.A.R. most closely resembles the STRIPS planning system from academia." "STRIPS consists of goals and actions, where goals describe some desired state of the world to we want to reach, and actions are defined in terms of preconditions and effects. An action may only execute if all of its preconditions are met, and each action changes the state of the world in some way." "The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world." GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE GOALS Patrol plus additional goalsets Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget WORLD STATE EVENTS MAIN PILLARS ACTION SET: BASE Animate TraverseLink Idle GotoTarget GotoNode GotoNodeOfType UseSmartObjectNode GotoValidPosition DeathOnVehicle Follow FollowPlayer FollowWaitAtNode EscapeDanger ReactToDanger GetOutOfTheWay GOAL SET: BASE Soldier AI framework in F.E.A.R. InstantDeath (FollowHeavyArmor) AttackFromAmbush (InstantDeathKnockedDown) (LongRecoilBullet) (LongRecoilExplosive) (LongRecoilMelee) KnockDownBullet KnockDownMelee KnockDownExplosive (ShortRecoilMelee) AttackReady GotoTargetLost LongRecoilHelmetPiercing "In F.E.A.R., A.I. use cover more tactically, coordinating with squad members to lay suppression fire while others advance. A.I. only leave cover when threatened, and blind fire if they have no better position." "F.E.A.R. A.I. always try to stay covered, never leave cover unless threatened and other cover is available, and fire from cover to the best of their ability." "The primary point we are trying to get across here is that with a planning system, we can just toss in goals and actions. We never have to manually specify the transitions between these behaviors. The A.I. figure out the dependencies themselves at run-time based on the goal state and the preconditions and effects of actions." ACTION SET: SOLDIER Attack AttackCrouch SuppressionFire SuppressionFireFromCover FlushOutWithDynamite AttackFromCover BlindfireFromCover AttackDynamiteFromCover (AttackFromView) DrawWeapon (ChangeWeapon) HolsterWeapon ReloadCrouch ReloadCovered InspectDisturbance LookAtDisturbance SurveyArea DodgeRoll DodgeShuffle DodgeCovered Uncover AttackMelee TraverseBlockedDoor LookAtDisturbanceFromView GOAL SET: GUARD "A STRIPS action is defined by its preconditions and effects. The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world. "

presentations.ai logo

AI Logo Generation

Transcript: AI Crafted Logos hackathon Xmas23 Goal 2 Live Demo! Leveraging existing tools New ways of interacting with AI arrive on the market daily. We used one that allows you to draw simple shapes to generate logos It only took one of us half a day to create and add it directly in BC Future What's next Goal 1 Goals Improve Reuse Depending on where our priorities are, there's a number of areas where we could potentially push forward Our solution so far for AI generation We have a variety of goals we could achieve in this post-AI era. We worked on 2 of them. We downloaded logos from our own library to use as base to train a model and generated new logos from scratch! Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 1 With some time, we could massively improve the logo generation trained with our own logos, like adding a prompt to guide the generation, refine the model to improve the quality, etc There's a ton of other tools available that we could potentially use. The main problems would always be the legal side of things to ensure a commercial use of what's generated The tool The model Numbers Unconditional diffusion 100k logos 5h+ of training 100+ logo created Thanks everyone! Help curation in creating more logos and designs faster to keep increasing and renewing our library Provide an ever better customer experience by leveraging AI to help them get to their desired results faster Solve the legal concerns around generated content by using our own intellectual property to train the models and own what comes out Joe & Matt H. Yann helped with the prez

presentations.ai logo

Transcript: When we first wanted to create a logo, we pictured a rustic and futuristic design that will best represent us and what we will do. We decided that including industrial, metal with a light blue text outline would be best for our logo. Below is our rough edit of our logo. Our Icon is a part that we were going to add to our logo. This tremendously well drawn Icon was first on paper, scanned into Photoshop, then colored in via Photoshop. The end product looked like this and is arguably the best part about our logo (and the most time consuming.) Beginning Steps After all of it, we finally finished a polished logo that we wanted. After changes of font, color and texture. We have created a logo that will best represent our company and most importantly,what we do. Once the basis for our logo was completed, we took a good look at it and found various ways to improve how it looked and how it reflected of our company. We named all of the layers and tried to polish it up for the final version. Creating the Icon Finding the Textures The Finished Project Looking for Improvement Since we wanted steel like textures for the background, we had to go around Nex+Gen and take pictures of steel with a digital camera to add to our logo to ensure that WE made everything in the logo Aperture Designs Logo By Tyler Davis, Dominic Greigo, Jonathan Schlaegel, Alex Harding

presentations.ai logo

Transcript: Logo #5 Logo #6 The Importance of Image for your Business Logo #3 Logo#4 Logo #2 VS. By: Autumn Myers Logo #7 Logo #8 Logo #1

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AI template

Transcript: Almost there... Getting it ready... Getting it ready... Fine-tuning... Almost there... Last checks... Getting it ready... Last checks... Adding final touches... Polishing up... Polishing up... Give a short description of this image. Write something high-impact about this photo Wrap up your presentation quickly: Summarize each point you made Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers Make it clear this is the end Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. Hang on... Adding final touches... Hang on... Adding final touches... Design at work... Design at work... Thinking cap on... Thinking cap on... Almost there... Fine-tuning... Provide any important context here Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery to keep their attention where you want it. This is where your presentation starts. Provide context for your audience and make it easy for them to follow. Put something fun or important here Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. Provide any important context here.

Explore our templates for more presentation inspiration

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Description: Rise way above the stacks and stacks of two-dimensional paper resumes on the hiring manager’s desk with a Prezi resume template. Simply personalize this Prezi presentation template to create your very own “Prezume” and impress them with your dynamism, originality, and cool.

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Grant Proposal Presentation for NonProfit & Education | Prezi

Description: For grant requests, program proposals, or any other kind of nonprofit or education presentation, this graphite drawing-inspired creative Prezi template is the way to generate interest. Like all Prezi education templates and Prezi nonprofit templates, it’s easy to customize.

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Description: For grant requests, funding pitches, program proposals, or any other kind of education or nonprofit presentation, this Prezi template is the way to generate interest and momentum. Like all Prezi education templates and Prezi nonprofit templates, it’s easily customizable.

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Report - EDU

Description: If you work in education, make your next report visually interesting and easy to navigate. The line-drawn illustrations in this edu report presentation template encourage curiosity and discovery.

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable

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AI Logo Generator

Logos created with AI

Discover a modern approach to branding with the our AI Logo Generator. Powered by sophisticated AI, we suggest logo ideas that resonate with your brand's core values. Ideal for both startups and companies seeking inspiration and creative concepts, Hotpot acts as your muse and accelerates creation of the perfect logo. Elevate your identity with a blend of technology and artistry by entering a few words below.

Note: treat images only as logo ideas. See below for copyright and intellectual property details.

AI Corporate Headshots

Elevate your linkedin photo, company website, and professional profile with ai corporate headshots ..

AI corporate headshot

Cast yourself as a valiant superhero, magical princess, space warrior, or other incredible digital characters with AI Avatars .

AI space warrior avatar

See What Others Are Making

From the wacky to the beautiful, see what other hotpot users are making..

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AI Logo Generator API

See here for API access to add this AI product to your app, website, or workflow.

Tips & Custom Styles

To use your own styles:

  • Pick "Custom" in the style menu.
  • Give specific instructions. For instance, "Oil painting of water lilies with vibrant brushstrokes using a happy color palette" is better than "lily flowers". See below for more examples.
  • Read the Limitations section below, and contact us for more help.
  • Oil painting of water lilies with vibrant brushstrokes using a happy color palette
  • An underwater explosion with vibrant colors
  • Happy raindrops in the style of Vincent Van Gogh's painting, Starry Night

See our AI Art & Image Generator Guide for more information about different AI image generation techniques.

Buy credits for commercial use, better images, faster results, privacy, and no ads.

Click below to view prices, plus details on commercial use and intellectual property considerations.

We may use invisible watermarks to identify Hotpot creations for legal disputes.

Can I use Hotpot commercially?

Yes, but please see details about commercial use and intellectual property considerations.

What are the terms and restrictions?

In short, do no harm.

Don't use AI to hurt others, incite violence, or break the law.

This product operates under the RAIL-M license.

Users must comply with our terms and observe responsible usage . Violators are subject to account termination and ineligible for refunds.

General technology offers the potential for advancement and abuse. History is resoundingly clear: from the printing press to smartphones, limiting general technology only limits humanity's potential. Society must solve human problems at the human layer, not the technology layer.

Please use AI responsibly.

Research Credit

Hotpot builds on and is informed by many machine learning papers and projects. See here for attributions.

AI Corporate Headshots: elevate LinkedIn photos, company websites, and other business profiles with professional headshots


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  3. AI Policy

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  8. Presentations.AI

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  14. Presentation software for fast-moving teams

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  21. AI Logo Generator

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  23. Simple logo presentation template ai

    Logo Presentation Template Ai Create your presentation by reusing one of our great community templates. Logo Presentation. Transcript: History of Apple 1998-Present Closure 2nd Logo 1st Logo In 1996-1997 they lost a lot of money & Steve came back. The first logo was designed in 1976 by Ronald Wayne (The 3rd Co-Founder of Apple.

  24. AI Logo Generator

    AI Logo Generator. Discover a modern approach to branding with the our AI Logo Generator. Powered by sophisticated AI, we suggest logo ideas that resonate with your brand's core values. Ideal for both startups and companies seeking inspiration and creative concepts, Hotpot acts as your muse and accelerates creation of the perfect logo.

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