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Assigning multiple variables in one line in Python

A variable is a segment of memory with a unique name used to hold data that will later be processed. Although each programming language has a different mechanism for declaring variables, the name and the data that will be assigned to each variable are always the same. They are capable of storing values of data types.

The assignment operator(=) assigns the value provided to its right to the variable name given to its left. Given is the basic syntax of variable declaration:

 Assign Values to Multiple Variables in One Line

Given above is the mechanism for assigning just variables in Python but it is possible to assign multiple variables at the same time. Python assigns values from right to left. When assigning multiple variables in a single line, different variable names are provided to the left of the assignment operator separated by a comma. The same goes for their respective values except they should be to the right of the assignment operator.

While declaring variables in this fashion one must be careful with the order of the names and their corresponding value first variable name to the left of the assignment operator is assigned with the first value to its right and so on. 

Variable assignment in a single line can also be done for different data types.

Not just simple variable assignment, assignment after performing some operation can also be done in the same way.

Assigning different operation results to multiple variable.

Here, we are storing different characters in a different variables.

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Multiple assignment in Python: Assign multiple values or the same value to multiple variables

In Python, the = operator is used to assign values to variables.

You can assign values to multiple variables in one line.

Assign multiple values to multiple variables

Assign the same value to multiple variables.

You can assign multiple values to multiple variables by separating them with commas , .

You can assign values to more than three variables, and it is also possible to assign values of different data types to those variables.

When only one variable is on the left side, values on the right side are assigned as a tuple to that variable.

If the number of variables on the left does not match the number of values on the right, a ValueError occurs. You can assign the remaining values as a list by prefixing the variable name with * .

For more information on using * and assigning elements of a tuple and list to multiple variables, see the following article.

  • Unpack a tuple and list in Python

You can also swap the values of multiple variables in the same way. See the following article for details:

  • Swap values ​​in a list or values of variables in Python

You can assign the same value to multiple variables by using = consecutively.

For example, this is useful when initializing multiple variables with the same value.

After assigning the same value, you can assign a different value to one of these variables. As described later, be cautious when assigning mutable objects such as list and dict .

You can apply the same method when assigning the same value to three or more variables.

Be careful when assigning mutable objects such as list and dict .

If you use = consecutively, the same object is assigned to all variables. Therefore, if you change the value of an element or add a new element in one variable, the changes will be reflected in the others as well.

If you want to handle mutable objects separately, you need to assign them individually.

after c = []; d = [] , c and d are guaranteed to refer to two different, unique, newly created empty lists. (Note that c = d = [] assigns the same object to both c and d .) 3. Data model — Python 3.11.3 documentation

You can also use copy() or deepcopy() from the copy module to make shallow and deep copies. See the following article.

  • Shallow and deep copy in Python: copy(), deepcopy()

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Python allows you to assign values to multiple variables in one line:

Note: Make sure the number of variables matches the number of values, or else you will get an error.

One Value to Multiple Variables

And you can assign the same value to multiple variables in one line:

Unpack a Collection

If you have a collection of values in a list, tuple etc. Python allows you to extract the values into variables. This is called unpacking .

Unpack a list:

Learn more about unpacking in our Unpack Tuples Chapter.

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Mastering Multiple Variable Assignment in Python

Python's ability to assign multiple variables in a single line is a feature that exemplifies the language's emphasis on readability and efficiency. In this detailed blog post, we'll explore the nuances of assigning multiple variables in Python, a technique that not only simplifies code but also enhances its readability and maintainability.

Introduction to Multiple Variable Assignment

Python allows the assignment of multiple variables simultaneously. This feature is not only a syntactic sugar but a powerful tool that can make your code more Pythonic.

What is Multiple Variable Assignment?

  • Simultaneous Assignment : Python enables the initialization of several variables in a single line, thereby reducing the number of lines of code and making it more readable.
  • Versatility : This feature can be used with various data types and is particularly useful for unpacking sequences.

Basic Multiple Variable Assignment

The simplest form of multiple variable assignment in Python involves assigning single values to multiple variables in one line.

Syntax and Examples

Parallel Assignment : Assign values to several variables in parallel.

  • Clarity and Brevity : This form of assignment is clear and concise.
  • Efficiency : Reduces the need for multiple lines when initializing several variables.

Unpacking Sequences into Variables

Python takes multiple variable assignment a step further with unpacking, allowing the assignment of sequences to individual variables.

Unpacking Lists and Tuples

Direct Unpacking : If you have a list or tuple, you can unpack its elements into individual variables.

Unpacking Strings

Character Assignment : You can also unpack strings into variables with each character assigned to one variable.

Using Underscore for Unwanted Values

When unpacking, you may not always need all the values. Python allows the use of the underscore ( _ ) as a placeholder for unwanted values.

Ignoring Unnecessary Values

Discarding Values : Use _ for values you don't intend to use.

Swapping Variables Efficiently

Multiple variable assignment can be used for an elegant and efficient way to swap the values of two variables.

Swapping Variables

No Temporary Variable Needed : Swap values without the need for an additional temporary variable.

Advanced Unpacking Techniques

Python provides even more advanced ways to handle multiple variable assignments, especially useful with longer sequences.

Extended Unpacking

Using Asterisk ( * ): Python 3 introduced a syntax for extended unpacking where you can use * to collect multiple values.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

While multiple variable assignment is a powerful feature, it should be used judiciously.

  • Readability : Ensure that your use of multiple variable assignments enhances, rather than detracts from, readability.
  • Matching Lengths : Be cautious of the sequence length. The number of elements must match the number of variables being assigned.

Multiple variable assignment in Python is a testament to the language’s design philosophy of simplicity and elegance. By understanding and effectively utilizing this feature, you can write more concise, readable, and Pythonic code. Whether unpacking sequences or swapping values, multiple variable assignment is a technique that can significantly improve the efficiency of your Python programming.


Python Numerical Methods


This notebook contains an excerpt from the Python Programming and Numerical Methods - A Guide for Engineers and Scientists , the content is also available at Berkeley Python Numerical Methods .

The copyright of the book belongs to Elsevier. We also have this interactive book online for a better learning experience. The code is released under the MIT license . If you find this content useful, please consider supporting the work on Elsevier or Amazon !

< 2.0 Variables and Basic Data Structures | Contents | 2.2 Data Structure - Strings >

Variables and Assignment ¶

When programming, it is useful to be able to store information in variables. A variable is a string of characters and numbers associated with a piece of information. The assignment operator , denoted by the “=” symbol, is the operator that is used to assign values to variables in Python. The line x=1 takes the known value, 1, and assigns that value to the variable with name “x”. After executing this line, this number will be stored into this variable. Until the value is changed or the variable deleted, the character x behaves like the value 1.

TRY IT! Assign the value 2 to the variable y. Multiply y by 3 to show that it behaves like the value 2.

A variable is more like a container to store the data in the computer’s memory, the name of the variable tells the computer where to find this value in the memory. For now, it is sufficient to know that the notebook has its own memory space to store all the variables in the notebook. As a result of the previous example, you will see the variable “x” and “y” in the memory. You can view a list of all the variables in the notebook using the magic command %whos .

TRY IT! List all the variables in this notebook

Note that the equal sign in programming is not the same as a truth statement in mathematics. In math, the statement x = 2 declares the universal truth within the given framework, x is 2 . In programming, the statement x=2 means a known value is being associated with a variable name, store 2 in x. Although it is perfectly valid to say 1 = x in mathematics, assignments in Python always go left : meaning the value to the right of the equal sign is assigned to the variable on the left of the equal sign. Therefore, 1=x will generate an error in Python. The assignment operator is always last in the order of operations relative to mathematical, logical, and comparison operators.

TRY IT! The mathematical statement x=x+1 has no solution for any value of x . In programming, if we initialize the value of x to be 1, then the statement makes perfect sense. It means, “Add x and 1, which is 2, then assign that value to the variable x”. Note that this operation overwrites the previous value stored in x .

There are some restrictions on the names variables can take. Variables can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) as well as underscores. However, the first character of a variable name must be a letter or underscores. Spaces within a variable name are not permitted, and the variable names are case-sensitive (e.g., x and X will be considered different variables).

TIP! Unlike in pure mathematics, variables in programming almost always represent something tangible. It may be the distance between two points in space or the number of rabbits in a population. Therefore, as your code becomes increasingly complicated, it is very important that your variables carry a name that can easily be associated with what they represent. For example, the distance between two points in space is better represented by the variable dist than x , and the number of rabbits in a population is better represented by nRabbits than y .

Note that when a variable is assigned, it has no memory of how it was assigned. That is, if the value of a variable, y , is constructed from other variables, like x , reassigning the value of x will not change the value of y .

EXAMPLE: What value will y have after the following lines of code are executed?

WARNING! You can overwrite variables or functions that have been stored in Python. For example, the command help = 2 will store the value 2 in the variable with name help . After this assignment help will behave like the value 2 instead of the function help . Therefore, you should always be careful not to give your variables the same name as built-in functions or values.

TIP! Now that you know how to assign variables, it is important that you learn to never leave unassigned commands. An unassigned command is an operation that has a result, but that result is not assigned to a variable. For example, you should never use 2+2 . You should instead assign it to some variable x=2+2 . This allows you to “hold on” to the results of previous commands and will make your interaction with Python must less confusing.

You can clear a variable from the notebook using the del function. Typing del x will clear the variable x from the workspace. If you want to remove all the variables in the notebook, you can use the magic command %reset .

In mathematics, variables are usually associated with unknown numbers; in programming, variables are associated with a value of a certain type. There are many data types that can be assigned to variables. A data type is a classification of the type of information that is being stored in a variable. The basic data types that you will utilize throughout this book are boolean, int, float, string, list, tuple, dictionary, set. A formal description of these data types is given in the following sections.

Python One Line Conditional Assignment

Problem : How to perform one-line if conditional assignments in Python?

Example : Say, you start with the following code.

You want to set the value of x to 42 if boo is True , and do nothing otherwise.

Let’s dive into the different ways to accomplish this in Python. We start with an overview:

Exercise : Run the code. Are all outputs the same?

Next, you’ll dive into each of those methods and boost your one-liner superpower !

Method 1: Ternary Operator

The most basic ternary operator x if c else y returns expression x if the Boolean expression c evaluates to True . Otherwise, if the expression c evaluates to False , the ternary operator returns the alternative expression y .

Let’s go back to our example problem! You want to set the value of x to 42 if boo is True , and do nothing otherwise. Here’s how to do this in a single line:

While using the ternary operator works, you may wonder whether it’s possible to avoid the ...else x part for clarity of the code? In the next method, you’ll learn how!

If you need to improve your understanding of the ternary operator, watch the following video:

The Python Ternary Operator -- And a Surprising One-Liner Hack

You can also read the related article:

  • Python One Line Ternary

Method 2: Single-Line If Statement

Like in the previous method, you want to set the value of x to 42 if boo is True , and do nothing otherwise. But you don’t want to have a redundant else branch. How to do this in Python?

The solution to skip the else part of the ternary operator is surprisingly simple— use a standard if statement without else branch and write it into a single line of code :

To learn more about what you can pack into a single line, watch my tutorial video “If-Then-Else in One Line Python” :

If-Then-Else in One Line Python

Method 3: Ternary Tuple Syntax Hack

A shorthand form of the ternary operator is the following tuple syntax .

Syntax : You can use the tuple syntax (x, y)[c] consisting of a tuple (x, y) and a condition c enclosed in a square bracket. Here’s a more intuitive way to represent this tuple syntax.

In fact, the order of the <OnFalse> and <OnTrue> operands is just flipped when compared to the basic ternary operator. First, you have the branch that’s returned if the condition does NOT hold. Second, you run the branch that’s returned if the condition holds.

Clever! The condition boo holds so the return value passed into the x variable is the <OnTrue> branch 42 .

Don’t worry if this confuses you—you’re not alone. You can clarify the tuple syntax once and for all by studying my detailed blog article.

Related Article : Python Ternary — Tuple Syntax Hack

Python One-Liners Book: Master the Single Line First!

Python programmers will improve their computer science skills with these useful one-liners.

Python One-Liners will teach you how to read and write “one-liners”: concise statements of useful functionality packed into a single line of code. You’ll learn how to systematically unpack and understand any line of Python code, and write eloquent, powerfully compressed Python like an expert.

The book’s five chapters cover (1) tips and tricks, (2) regular expressions, (3) machine learning, (4) core data science topics, and (5) useful algorithms.

Detailed explanations of one-liners introduce key computer science concepts and boost your coding and analytical skills . You’ll learn about advanced Python features such as list comprehension , slicing , lambda functions , regular expressions , map and reduce functions, and slice assignments .

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Leverage data structures to solve real-world problems , like using Boolean indexing to find cities with above-average pollution
  • Use NumPy basics such as array , shape , axis , type , broadcasting , advanced indexing , slicing , sorting , searching , aggregating , and statistics
  • Calculate basic statistics of multidimensional data arrays and the K-Means algorithms for unsupervised learning
  • Create more advanced regular expressions using grouping and named groups , negative lookaheads , escaped characters , whitespaces, character sets (and negative characters sets ), and greedy/nongreedy operators
  • Understand a wide range of computer science topics , including anagrams , palindromes , supersets , permutations , factorials , prime numbers , Fibonacci numbers, obfuscation , searching , and algorithmic sorting

By the end of the book, you’ll know how to write Python at its most refined , and create concise, beautiful pieces of “Python art” in merely a single line.

Get your Python One-Liners on Amazon!!

While working as a researcher in distributed systems, Dr. Christian Mayer found his love for teaching computer science students.

To help students reach higher levels of Python success, he founded the programming education website Finxter.com that has taught exponential skills to millions of coders worldwide. He’s the author of the best-selling programming books Python One-Liners (NoStarch 2020), The Art of Clean Code (NoStarch 2022), and The Book of Dash (NoStarch 2022). Chris also coauthored the Coffee Break Python series of self-published books. He’s a computer science enthusiast, freelancer , and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.

His passions are writing, reading, and coding. But his greatest passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills. You can join his free email academy here.

python declare multiple variables in one line

Answered on: Tuesday 08 August, 2023 / Duration: 19 min read

Programming Language: Python , Popularity : 5/10

Python Programming on www.codeease.net

Solution 1:

In Python, you can declare multiple variables in a single line using the following syntax:

Here's an example:

In the above code, we declare three variables x , y , and z in a single line and assign them the values 10 , 20 , and 30 respectively. We can then print the values of these variables using the print() function.

You can also assign the same value to multiple variables in a single line:

In this example, the variables a , b , and c are assigned the value 50 in a single line. The print() function is used to display the values of these variables.

You can even assign values from a list or tuple to multiple variables in one line using unpacking:

In this case, the values from the numbers list are unpacked and assigned to the variables a , b , and c .

Note that the number of variables on the left side of the assignment operator ( = ) must match the number of values on the right side. If they don't match, a ValueError will be raised.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Solution 2:

Sure. In Python, you can declare multiple variables in a single line using the assignment operator = . The syntax is as follows:

Where variable1 , variable2 , and variable3 are the names of the variables, and value1 , value2 , and value3 are the values to be assigned to them. The values can be of any type, including integers, floats, strings, and more.

For example, the following code declares three variables a , b , and c and assigns them the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively:

The output of this code is as follows:

You can also assign multiple variables of different types in a single line. For example, the following code declares three variables x , y , and z and assigns them the values 1, "hello", and True, respectively:

It is important to note that the order of the variables and their corresponding values in the assignment statement is important. The first variable is assigned the first value, the second variable is assigned the second value, and so on.

For example, the following code will not produce the desired output:

In this case, a will be assigned the value 1, b will be assigned the value 2, and c will be assigned the value 3. This is because the assignment statement is evaluated from left to right.

The correct way to write this code is as follows:

In this case, a will be assigned the value 1, b will be assigned the value 2, and c will be assigned the value 3, as desired.

Declaring multiple variables in a single line can be a convenient way to save space and make your code more concise. However, it is important to be careful with the order of the variables and their corresponding values to avoid errors.

Solution 3:

In Python, you can declare multiple variables in one line using the comma operator ( , ). The comma operator separates the variable names and initializers, allowing you to define multiple variables in a single statement. Here's an example:

In this example, we have declared three variables x , y , and z and assigned them the values 1 , 2 , and 3 , respectively, all on one line. We can then print out each variable separately, and the output will be the value that was assigned to it.

Another way to declare multiple variables in one line is by using tuples. A tuple is a collection of values that cannot be changed, and it is defined by enclosing a sequence of values in parentheses. You can assign a tuple to multiple variables by using the following syntax:

This works because when you assign a tuple to multiple variables, Python automatically iterates over the elements of the tuple and assigns each element to a separate variable.

It's important to note that when declaring multiple variables in one line, the number of variables must match the number of values being assigned. For example, if you try to assign more values than there are variables, you will get a SyntaxError:

Similarly, if you try to assign fewer values than there are variables, the remaining variables will be assigned the default value of None:

Overall, declaring multiple variables in one line can be a concise way to simplify your code and reduce repetition. However, it's essential to use it correctly and avoid mistakes to ensure your code runs smoothly and efficiently.

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How to use python if else in one line with examples

How do I write a simple python if else in one line? What are ternary operator in Python? Can we use one liner for complex if and else statements?

In this tutorial I will share different examples to help you understand and learn about usage of ternary operator in one liner if and else condition with Python. Conditional expressions (sometimes called a “ ternary operator ”) have the lowest priority of all Python operations. Programmers coming to Python from C, C++, or Perl sometimes miss the so-called ternary operator ?:. It’s most often used for avoiding a few lines of code and a temporary variable for simple decisions.

I will not go into details of generic ternary operator as this is used across Python for loops and control flow statements. Here we will concentrate on learning python if else in one line using ternary operator

Python if else in one line

The general syntax of single if and else statement in Python is:

Now if we wish to write this in one line using ternary operator, the syntax would be:

In this syntax, first of all the else condition is evaluated.

  • If condition returns True then value_when_true is returned
  • If condition returns False then value_when_false is returned

Similarly if you had a variable assigned in the general if else block based on the condition

The same can be written in single line:

Here as well, first of all the condition is evaluated.

  • if condition returns True then true-expr is assigned to value object
  • if condition returns False then false-expr is assigned to value object

For simple cases like this, I find it very nice to be able to express that logic in one line instead of four. Remember, as a coder, you spend much more time reading code than writing it, so Python's conciseness is invaluable.

Some important points to remember:

  • You can use a ternary expression in Python, but only for expressions , not for statements
  • You cannot use Python if..elif..else block in one line.
  • The name " ternary " means there are just 3 parts to the operator: condition , then , and else .
  • Although there are hacks to modify if..elif..else block into if..else block and then use it in single line but that can be complex depending upon conditions and should be avoided
  • With if-else blocks , only one of the expressions will be executed.
  • While it may be tempting to always use ternary expressions to condense your code, realise that you may sacrifice readability if the condition as well as the true and false expressions are very complex.

Python Script Example

This is a simple script where we use comparison operator in our if condition

  • First collect user input in the form of integer and store this value into b
  • If b is greater than or equal to 0 then return " positive " which will be True condition
  • If b returns False i.e. above condition was not success then return " negative "
  • The final returned value i.e. either " positive " or " negative " is stored in object a
  • Lastly print the value of value a

The multi-line form of this code would be:

Python if..elif..else in one line

Now as I told this earlier, it is not possible to use if..elif..else block in one line using ternary expressions. Although we can hack our way into this but make sure the maximum allowed length of a line in Python is 79 as per PEP-8 Guidelines

We have this if..elif..else block where we return expression based on the condition check:

We can write this if..elif..else block in one-line using this syntax:

In this syntax,

  • First of all condition2 is evaluated, if return True then expr2 is returned
  • If condition2 returns False then condition1 is evaluated, if return True then expr1 is returned
  • If condition1 also returns False then else is executed and expr is returned

As you see, it was easier if we read this in multi-line if..elif..else block while the same becomes hard to understand for beginners.

We can add multiple if else block in this syntax, but we must also adhere to PEP-8 guidelines

Python Script Example-1

In this sample script we collect an integer value from end user and store it in " b ". The order of execution would be:

  • If the value of b is less than 0 then " neg " is returned
  • If the value of b is greater than 0 then " pos " is returned.
  • If both the condition return False , then " zero " is returned

The multi-line form of the code would be:

Output(when if condition is True )

Output(when if condition is False and elif condition is True )

Output(when both if and elif condition are False )

Python script Example-2

We will add some more else blocks in this sample script, the order of the check would be in below sequence :

  • Collect user input for value b which will be converted to integer type
  • If value of b is equal to 100 then return " equal to 100 ", If this returns False then next if else condition would be executed
  • If value of b is equal to 50 then return " equal to 50 ", If this returns False then next if else condition would be executed
  • If value of b is equal to 40 then return " equal to 40 ", If this returns False then next if else condition would be executed
  • If value of b is greater than 100 then return " greater than 100 ", If this returns False then next go to else block
  • Lastly if all the condition return False then return " less than hundred "

The multi-line form of this example would be:

Python nested if..else in one line

We can also use ternary expression to define nested if..else block on one line with Python.

If you have a multi-line code using nested if else block , something like this:

The one line syntax to use this nested if else block in Python would be:

Here, we have added nested if..elif..else inside the else block using ternary expression. The sequence of the check in the following order

  • If condition1 returns True then expr1 is returned, if it returns False then next condition is checked
  • If condition-m returns True then expr-m is returned, if it returns False then else block with nested if..elif..else is checked
  • If condition3 returns True then expr3 is returned, if it returns False then next condition inside the nested block is returned
  • If condition-n returns True then expr-n is returned, if it returns False then expr5 is returned from the else condition

In this example I am using nested if else inside the else block of our one liner. The order of execution will be in the provided sequence:

  • First of all collect integer value of b from the end user
  • If the value of b is equal to 100 then the if condition returns True and " equal to 100 " is returned
  • If the value of b is equal to 50 then the elif condition returns True and " equal to 50 " is returned
  • If both if and elif condition returns False then the else block is executed where we have nested if and else condition
  • Inside the else block , if b is greater than 100 then it returns " greater than 100 " and if it returns False then " less than 100 " is returned

In this tutorial we learned about usage of ternary operator in if else statement to be able to use it in one line. Although Python does not allow if..elif..else statement in one line but we can still break it into if else and then use it in single line form. Similarly we can also use nested if with ternary operator in single line. I shared multiple examples to help you understand the concept of ternary operator with if and else statement of Python programming language

Lastly I hope this tutorial guide on python if else one line was helpful. So, let me know your suggestions and feedback using the comment section.

Deepak Prasad

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How to Write the Python if Statement in one Line

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Have you ever heard of writing a Python if statement in a single line? Here, we explore multiple ways to do exactly that, including using conditional expressions in Python.

The if statement is one of the most fundamental statements in Python. In this article, we learn how to write the Python if in one line.

The if is a key piece in writing Python code. It allows developers to control the flow and logic of their code based on information received at runtime. However, many Python developers do not know they may reduce the length and complexity of their if statements by writing them in a single line.

For this article, we assume you’re somewhat familiar with Python conditions and comparisons. If not, don’t worry! Our Python Basics Course will get you up to speed in no time. This course is included in the Python Basics Track , a full-fledged Python learning track designed for complete beginners.

We start with a recap on how Python if statements work. Then, we explore some examples of how to write if statements in a single line. Let’s get started!

How the if Statement Works in Python

Let’s start with the basics. An if statement in Python is used to determine whether a condition is True or False . This information can then be used to perform specific actions in the code, essentially controlling its logic during execution.

The structure of the basic if statement is as follows:

The <expression> is the code that evaluates to either True or False . If this code evaluates to True, then the code below (represented by <perform_action> ) executes.

Python uses whitespaces to indicate which lines are controlled by the if statement. The if statement controls all indented lines below it. Typically, the indentation is set to four spaces (read this post if you’re having trouble with the indentation ).

As a simple example, the code below prints a message if and only if the current weather is sunny:

The if statement in Python has two optional components: the elif statement, which executes only if the preceding if/elif statements are False ; and the else statement, which executes only if all of the preceding if/elif statements are False. While we may have as many elif statements as we want, we may only have a single else statement at the very end of the code block.

Here’s the basic structure:

Here’s how our previous example looks after adding elif and else statements. Change the value of the weather variable to see a different message printed:

How to Write a Python if in one Line

Writing an if statement in Python (along with the optional elif and else statements) uses a lot of whitespaces. Some people may find it confusing or tiresome to follow each statement and its corresponding indented lines.

To overcome this, there is a trick many Python developers often overlook: write an if statement in a single line !

Though not the standard, Python does allow us to write an if statement and its associated action in the same line. Here’s the basic structure:

As you can see, not much has changed. We simply need to “pull” the indented line <perform_action> up to the right of the colon character ( : ). It’s that simple!

Let’s check it with a real example. The code below works as it did previously despite the if statement being in a single line. Test it out and see for yourself:

Writing a Python if Statement With Multiple Actions in one Line

That’s all well and good, but what if my if statement has multiple actions under its control? When using the standard indentation, we separate different actions in multiple indented lines as the structure below shows:

Can we do this in a single line? The surprising answer is yes! We use semicolons to separate each action in the same line as if placed in different lines.

Here’s how the structure looks:

And an example of this functionality:

Have you noticed how each call to the print() function appears in its own line? This indicates we have successfully executed multiple actions from a single line. Nice!

By the way, interested in learning more about the print() function? We have an article on the ins and outs of the print() function .

Writing a Full Python if/elif/else Block Using Single Lines

You may have seen this coming, but we can even write elif and else statements each in a single line. To do so, we use the same syntax as writing an if statement in a single line.

Here’s the general structure:

Looks simple, right? Depending on the content of your expressions and actions, you may find this structure easier to read and understand compared to the indented blocks.

Here’s our previous example of a full if/elif/else block, rewritten as single lines:

Using Python Conditional Expressions to Write an if/else Block in one Line

There’s still a final trick to writing a Python if in one line. Conditional expressions in Python (also known as Python ternary operators) can run an if/else block in a single line.

A conditional expression is even more compact! Remember it took at least two lines to write a block containing both if and else statements in our last example.

In contrast, here’s how a conditional expression is structured:

The syntax is somewhat harder to follow at first, but the basic idea is that <expression> is a test. If the test evaluates to True , then <value_if_true> is the result. Otherwise, the expression results in <value_if_false> .

As you can see, conditional expressions always evaluate to a single value in the end. They are not complete replacements for an if/elif/else block. In fact, we cannot have elif statements in them at all. However, they’re most helpful when determining a single value depending on a single condition.

Take a look at the code below, which determines the value of is_baby depending on whether or not the age is below five:

This is the exact use case for a conditional expression! Here’s how we rewrite this if/else block in a single line:

Much simpler!

Go Even Further With Python!

We hope you now know many ways to write a Python if in one line. We’ve reached the end of the article, but don’t stop practicing now!

If you do not know where to go next, read this post on how to get beyond the basics in Python . If you’d rather get technical, we have a post on the best code editors and IDEs for Python . Remember to keep improving!

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