Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology PDF

quality research papers for students of religion and theology pdf

Title Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology
Released Date 2014-02-11
Language English
Format EPUB
Pages 510
Total Downloads 3,958
Total Views 15,772

This updated third edition of Quality Research Papers—fast becoming a standard reference textbook for writing research papers in the fields of religion and theology—gives improvements and added material for such things as the expanding field of online research and doing church-related research in a professional manner. Because so many new developments have taken place in the field of research, especially in terms of electronic research, this handy reference explores the ways to do research on the internet, including how to document such research. Quality Research Papers offers great opportunities to students today, especially in distant learning situations, to determine which resources can be used and which should be rejected. For this reason Nancy Vyhmeister brought in Terry Robertson, Seminary Librarian at Andrews University and professor of the seminary master’s level research courses. His expertise in library, computers, and the Internet are invaluable to the book. In addition to substantial, current information on electronic resources and online research, this third edition preserves all of the features of the original editions, now pr...

Chapter List (121 chapters):

  • Chapter 1: Cover Page
  • Chapter 2: Title Page
  • Chapter 3: Copyright Page
  • Chapter 4: Table of Contents
  • Chapter 5: List of Illustrations
  • Chapter 6: Preface
  • Chapter 7: 1. What Is Research?
  • Chapter 8: Definition of Research
  • Chapter 9: The Research Process
  • Chapter 10: Kinds of Research
  • Chapter 11: What Research Is Not
  • Chapter 12: The Value of Research
  • Chapter 13: Kinds of Theological Education Research
  • Chapter 14: 2. Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation
  • Chapter 15: Steps In the Exegetical Process
  • Chapter 16: Presentation of Exegesis
  • Chapter 17: 3. Literary Research
  • Chapter 18: Primary and Secondary Sources
  • Chapter 19: Theology
  • Chapter 20: History
  • Chapter 21: Pastoral Theology
  • Chapter 22: 4. Descriptive Research
  • Chapter 23: Steps In Descriptive Research
  • Chapter 24: Sampling
  • Chapter 25: Surveys
  • Chapter 26: Interviews and Focus Groups
  • Chapter 27: Description of a Location
  • Chapter 28: The Institutional Review Board
  • Chapter 29: 5. Program Development As Research
  • Chapter 30: Steps In Program Development
  • Chapter 31: Organizing and Writing the Report
  • Chapter 32: 6. The Case Study As Research
  • Chapter 33: The Case Study In the Social Sciences
  • Chapter 34: The Case Study In Pastoral Research
  • Chapter 35: Parts of a Case Study
  • Chapter 36: Writing the Case Study
  • Chapter 37: 7. Action Research
  • Chapter 38: Stages of the Study
  • Chapter 39: Difficulties With Action Research
  • Chapter 40: Development of the Paper
  • Chapter 41: 8. Writing for Publication
  • Chapter 42: Book Reviews
  • Chapter 43: Journal Articles
  • Chapter 44: 9. Academic Theses and Dissertations
  • Chapter 45: Review of Literature
  • Chapter 46: Theses
  • Chapter 47: Dissertations
  • Chapter 48: 10. The Doctor of Ministry Project or Dissertation
  • Chapter 49: Types of Projects
  • Chapter 50: Stages of the Project
  • Chapter 51: Other Kinds of Doctor of Ministry Projects
  • Chapter 52: Carrying Out the Research
  • Chapter 53: 11. Research Thinking
  • Chapter 54: Research Mindset
  • Chapter 55: Thinking Processes
  • Chapter 56: Asking Questions
  • Chapter 57: Intellectual Honesty
  • Chapter 58: 12. Choosing a Topic
  • Chapter 59: Reading
  • Chapter 60: Asking Questions
  • Chapter 61: Narrowing the Topic
  • Chapter 62: Selecting a Thesis or Dissertation Topic
  • Chapter 63: 13. Planning Research
  • Chapter 64: Basic Steps
  • Chapter 65: The Proposal
  • Chapter 66: Tentative Outline
  • Chapter 67: 14. Finding and Evaluating Resources In the Library
  • Chapter 68: Using the Library
  • Chapter 69: Evaluating Your Materials
  • Chapter 70: 15. Taming the Internet: Using and Evaluating Its Resources
  • Chapter 71: Using a Search Engine
  • Chapter 72: Institutional Repositories
  • Chapter 73: Open Access Publishing
  • Chapter 74: Social Media
  • Chapter 75: Evaluating Internet Sources
  • Chapter 76: 16. Research Reading and Note Taking
  • Chapter 77: Reading
  • Chapter 78: Taking Good Notes
  • Chapter 79: Registering Bibliographical Data
  • Chapter 80: 17. Research Writing
  • Chapter 81: Research English
  • Chapter 82: The Paragraph: Smallest Unit of the Paper
  • Chapter 83: Transitions and Introductions
  • Chapter 84: The Writing Process
  • Chapter 85: Help for the Novice Writer
  • Chapter 86: 18. Organizing the Paper
  • Chapter 87: Parts of the Paper
  • Chapter 88: Organizing the Body of the Paper
  • Chapter 89: Practical Helps for Organizing the Paper
  • Chapter 90: 19. Documentation
  • Chapter 91: Reference Notes
  • Chapter 92: Content Notes
  • Chapter 93: Bibliographical Entries
  • Chapter 94: 20. Statistics, Tables, and Graphs
  • Chapter 95: Some Basics of Statistics
  • Chapter 96: Statistical Graphs and Tables
  • Chapter 97: Statistics and Honesty
  • Chapter 98: Presenting the Research
  • Chapter 99: 21. Formatting the Paper
  • Chapter 100: Page Format
  • Chapter 101: Footnotes and Quotations
  • Chapter 102: Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
  • Chapter 103: Spelling, Punctuation, and Other Details
  • Chapter 104: Sample Pages
  • Chapter 105: 22. Reference Notes and Bibliographical Entries In Turabian
  • Chapter 106: Published Materials
  • Chapter 107: Unpublished Materials
  • Chapter 108: Electronic Media
  • Chapter 109: 23. APA Citation Style
  • Chapter 110: APA In the Text of the Paper
  • Chapter 111: Reference Lists
  • Chapter 112: Samples
  • Chapter 113: Conclusion
  • Chapter 114: Selected Bibliography
  • Chapter 115: Appendixes
  • Chapter 116: A. Transliteration of Biblical Languages
  • Chapter 117: B. Abbreviations for Bible Books
  • Chapter 118: C. Websites for Abbreviations In the Area of Religion
  • Chapter 119: D. Tips On Format
  • Chapter 120: E. Abbreviations for U.S. States
  • Chapter 121: Index

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Quality Research Papers for Students of Religion and Theology. By Nancy Jean Vyhmeister. 3rd edition. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014, Pp. xiii, 290. $19.99, paper); The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion. Edited by Michael Stausberg and Steven Engler. (New York: Routledge, 2014, Pp xxi, 543. $59.95, paper.)

The list of books devoted to research in religion and theology has not been large. These two books address that gap, but in two quite different ways and at quite different levels. The book by Nancy Jean Vyhmeister is now in its third edition. It was first published in 1980 in Spanish as a guide for South American graduate students. The book covers the whole spectrum of what is involved in producing a paper. That is both a strength and a limitation. After an initial chapter on what research is, there are nine chapters...

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Quality Research Papers, 3rd Edition: For Students of Religion and Theology

Digital Logos Edition

quality research papers for students of religion and theology pdf

In production

This updated third edition of Quality Research Papers—fast becoming a standard reference textbook for writing research papers in the fields of religion and theology—gives improvements and added material for such things as the expanding field of online research and doing church-related research in a professional manner. Because so many new developments have taken place in the field of research, especially in terms of electronic research, this handy reference explores the ways to do research on the internet, including how to document such research. Quality Research Papers offers great opportunities to students today, especially in distant learning situations, to determine which resources can be used and which should be rejected. For this reason Nancy Vyhmeister brought in Terry Robertson, Seminary Librarian at Andrews University and professor of the seminary master’s level research courses. His expertise in library, computers, and the Internet are invaluable to the book. In addition to substantial, current information on electronic resources and online research, this third edition preserves all of the features of the original editions, now presented in a newly revised, more logical order.

The file for this resource is currently an EPUB. When it ships, it will be a Logos edition .

Top Highlights

“Induction has been defined as the process by which people discover and prove general propositions.” ( Page 105 )

“Preparing a quality research paper teaches skills of observation, analysis, synthesis, and judgment.” ( Page 7 )

“Finally, especially for theology students, research is not a sermon.” ( Page 6 )

“The purpose of descriptive research is to make reality known.” ( Page 30 )

“Learning to do research teaches you how to recognize a problem and how to go about solving it.” ( Page 6 )

Product Details

  • Title : Your Guide to Writing Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology
  • Authors : Terry Dwain Robertson , Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
  • Edition: Third Edition
  • Publisher : Zondervan
  • Print Publication Date: 2014
  • Logos Release Date: 2020
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language : English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format : Digital › Logos Reader Edition
  • Subjects : Religion › Research; Theology › Research
  • ISBNs : 9780310106692 , 9780310106685 , 9780310106661 , 9780310239451 , 9780310514039 , 0310106699 , 0310106680 , 0310106664 , 0310239451 , 0310514037
  • Resource ID: LLS:WS_E0DFCC8ABC8445BFBEBA0FAD3AD26C37
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-30T04:25:45Z

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Quality research papers for students of religion and theology.

Terry Robertson , Andrews University Nancy Vyhmeister , Andrews University

This updated third edition of Quality Research Papers---fast becoming a standard reference textbook for writing research papers in the fields of religion and theology---gives improvements and added material for such things as the expanding field of online research and doing church-related research in a professional manner. Because so many new developments have taken place in the field of research, especially in terms of electronic research, this handy reference explores the ways to do research on the internet, including how to document such research. Quality Research Papers offers great opportunities to students today, especially in distant learning situations, to determine which resources can be used and which should be rejected. For this reason Nancy Vyhmeister brought in Terry Robertson, Seminary Librarian at Andrews University and professor of the seminary master’s level research courses. His expertise in library, computers, and the Internet are invaluable to the book. In addition to substantial, current information on electronic resources and online research, this third edition preserves all of the features of the original editions, now presented in a newly revised, more logical order.

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Your indispensable guide to writing quality research papers : for students of religion and theology

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Nancy J. Vyhmeister

Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology 3rd Edition, Kindle Edition

This updated third edition of Quality Research Papers —fast becoming a standard reference textbook for writing research papers in the fields of religion and theology—gives improvements and added material for such things as the expanding field of online research and doing church-related research in a professional manner.

Because so many new developments have taken place in the field of research, especially in terms of electronic research, this handy reference explores the ways to do research on the internet, including how to document such research.

Quality Research Papers offers great opportunities to students today, especially in distant learning situations, to determine which resources can be used and which should be rejected. For this reason Nancy Vyhmeister brought in Terry Robertson, Seminary Librarian at Andrews University and professor of the seminary master’s level research courses. His expertise in library, computers, and the Internet are invaluable to the book.

In addition to substantial, current information on electronic resources and online research, this third edition preserves all of the features of the original editions, now presented in a newly revised, more logical order.

  • Edition 3rd
  • Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe
  • Publisher Zondervan Academic
  • Publication date February 11, 2014
  • Language English
  • File size 3150 KB
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Editorial Reviews

From the back cover, about the author.

Terry Robertson (MA, Andrews University, MLS Indiana University) is Seminary Librarian at Andrews University and teaches the master's level research course at the seminary.

Nancy Vyhmeister (EdD, Andrews University) has fifty years of experience in teaching future pastors and professors not only in the United States but throughout the world. She continues to have a global ministry in her retirement years. She has authored several books, both in Spanish and English, including a Greek grammar book for Spanish-speaking students. She was editor of Women in Ministry: Biblical and Historical Perspectives . She currently resides with her husband in Loma Linda, California.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Product details.

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00DL18FMA
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Zondervan Academic; 3rd edition (February 11, 2014)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 11, 2014
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 3150 KB
  • Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 293 pages
  • #43 in Christian Bible Handbooks (Kindle Store)
  • #49 in Adult Christian Education (Kindle Store)
  • #75 in Education Theory Research

About the author

Nancy j. vyhmeister.

Nancy Vyhmeister (EdD, Andrews University) has forty-five years of experience in teaching future pastors and professors not only in the United States but throughout the world. She continues to have a global ministry in her retirement years, mostly teaching research and writing. She has authored several books, both in Spanish and English, including a Greek grammar for Spanish-speaking students. She was editor of Women in Ministry: Biblical and Historical Perspectives.

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Customers find the book a great reference book with samples of different research papers. They also describe the content clarity as excellent and logical, written in an easy to understand format.

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Customers find the book's content great, in-depth, and helpful for beginners and medium students. They also appreciate the practical tips and suggestions. Readers also mention that the book provides samples of different research papers that give them a visual feedback.

"Came just went I needed it and it is full of interesting information " Read more

"...This is an excellent text for students who have the misfortune of attending seminaries who do not offer courses in thesis research and writing...." Read more

"...broken down in the table of contents very well, so the book is great for quick reference to answer a question...." Read more

"...Overall: excellent guide for beginners; helping tool for medium students ; advance students, you do not need this book..." Read more

Customers find the book's content clear, logical, and easy to understand. They also appreciate the outlines and bibliographic information. Readers say the book is simple yet profound, and very good for theology students.

"...The work is thorough without being oppressive , even for grad students who've managed to get to the thesis stage still without learning how to read..." Read more

"Pros: clear and easy to understand Cons:can be more in-depthCan use more examples on some theoretical discussions..." Read more

"...It, therefore, makes writing of academic papers , theses and dissertations a welcome task to students at all levels...." Read more

"This is the clearest and best resource I’ve read on the topic...." Read more

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quality research papers for students of religion and theology pdf

Quality Research Papers: For Students of Religion and Theology

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  • Contributor(s) Nancy Jean Vyhmeister , Terry Dwain Robertson
  • Narrator(s)
  • About the Contributor(s) Nancy Vyhmeister (EdD, Andrews University) has fifty years of experience in teaching future pastors and professors not only in the United States but throughout the world. She continues to have a global ministry in her retirement years. She has authored several books, both in Spanish and English, including a Greek grammar book for Spanish-speaking students. She was editor of Women in Ministry: Biblical and Historical Perspectives . She currently resides with her husband in Loma Linda, California. Terry Robertson (MA, Andrews University, MLS Indiana University) is Seminary Librarian at Andrews University and teaches the master's level research course at the seminary.
  • ISBN-13 9780310514039
  • Publish Date 02/11/2014
  • Publisher Zondervan Academic
  • Format eBook
  • Language English
  • Age Range Adult
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Student priorities for topics, pedagogies, and outcomes in senior secondary religious education: an australian perspective.

quality research papers for students of religion and theology pdf

1. Introduction

1.1. the catholic school and religious education.

What will religion’s contribution be to educating younger generations to peace, development, fraternity in the universal human community? How are we going to educate them to faith and in faith? How will we establish the preliminary conditions to accept this gift, to educate them to gratitude, to a sense of awe, to asking themselves questions, to develop a sense of justice and consistency? How will we educate them to prayer? (n. III)

1.2. The Evolving Nature of Religious Education

… religion teachers clarify what they are trying to accomplish in both the short and long terms. It helps give perspective, purpose, and direction to their teaching. It helps shape reasonable and realistic expectation of what can be achieved in the classroom, and of what is respected as the private inner workings of young people’s minds that are not open to scrutiny. It can affect their choice of content and methods, as well as the questions they ask of students in class, and the sorts of responses they would like to get. It can help them evaluate various theories of Religious Education as well as discern where expectations and practice may be inappropriate and/or unrealistic. It can help them value their own teaching and their profession as religious educators ( Rossiter 1999, p. 3 ).

1.3. A Reconceptualist Approach to Religious Education

Classroom religious education is about educating young people spiritually, ethically, and religiously. It is not primarily a religious experience, but it is essentially teaching young people about religion, and about spiritual and moral issues, from a Catholic viewpoint. ( Rossiter 2018, p. 1 )

1.4. Research Context

  • What did students perceive to be important topics?
  • What did students perceive to be important pedagogical approaches?
  • What did students perceive as important outcomes?
  • What was the overall level of student satisfaction?
  • What combination of topics, pedagogies, and outcomes contribute to levels of satisfaction?

2.1. Participants

2.2. data collection, 2.3. data analysis, 3.1. topics.

To me, I feel it’s the morality side of things not so much the text and reading too deep into the text, but more looking at… you know the example that Jesus set and the modern take on that.
Like I wouldn’t describe it as another subject to study, but more just a chance to participate and engage in religion in a different way. Which is how, if I was selling it to someone, I would sell it in that way, like you get the chance to study a subject that you’re interested in and help you moving forward after school. And you also don’t lose the ability to study religion, which a lot of us here enjoyed.
You definitely do get involved in religion, and but in this amount and in an engaging way. It’s definitely more helpful to be able to talk about religion. In this sense, we’re not being hindered by assignments or exams surrounding religion as an [traditional Religious Education subject], ‘so you really get to learn’, I guess. Yeah, more important moral questions … And it’s definitely more educational, in that sense.

3.2. Pedagogies

  • Timetabling and scheduling
RML happens every two weeks, and in the afternoons, we basically take a few hours to discuss… And we begin with a few focus questions to start up the conversation. And those can range from what are your personal beliefs to what do you think about this specific topic
  • Respectful inclusion
So, in normal religion classes, it’s very structured, and there’s really no room to talk about what you think or your interpretations. It’s mostly just analysing Scripture or, you know, that kind of thing. But in RML, it’s way more open, as they said before. But it’s much more welcoming, especially if you don’t already like talking in front of people. If you chime in with your beliefs, it’s very welcome, and it can branch into completely different conversations, which are really beneficial. And I think that’s the best part of RML.
  • Student agency
I feel like what you said before about the relationship between us. It’s pretty good. But it’s even better when you have something like [teacher’s name] who’s willing to share his story. And that sort of encourages us to sort of get our perspective, like he’s told us a lot about growing up with religion and how that impacted his life and how his understanding of religion has grown and changed and pick the people around him. And that’s, I guess, something you wouldn’t get on the Internet.
  • Diversity of witness
It’s different for everyone, and that’s probably one of the best things we’ve explored. We also looked at, um, how religious practises like how that has an influence on our life, I guess, like whether we’re devout Catholics and we go to church every Sunday, or whether it’s just something we passively engage in at school and how that differs between each of us and [teacher] included. So, I guess that’s the best thing is discussing that getting to hear from different people about.

3.3. Outcomes

  • Personal meaning
It (studying RML) gave me the ability to choose another subject. But I also feel like I gained. It gave me an insight to what religion means on a deeper sort of level, because I got to find out what other people see in that conversation sort of atmosphere.
  • Application
But what I’ve always liked about RML is it focuses more on the meaning… So, while of course, some of our activities may lead us into an environment that could resemble being in the chapel… Now the volunteering opportunities that we have with Catholic Mission and that kind of sphere of things, you could say that involves prayer. But in a regular session, I wouldn’t describe it as being prayerful at any stage.
  • Safe learning environment
We do stay after school [to do RML]. But it’s a good atmosphere around here just to spend time with my friends and just to talk generally. So, it’s had a good impact on my mental health. Just sitting here in a good environment. And what else have I gained from this course? Well, obviously I’ve strengthened my understanding on Christianity and other religions, which we all talk about here, and [teacher’s] perspectives on certain topics and just everyone’s opinions and everyone’s beliefs. They all combine and merge together, so it allows me to have a deeper understanding of all the topics we talked about.

3.4. Overall Satisfaction and Comparisons

3.5. assessment of influence, 4. discussion and conclusions, 4.1. theoretical propositions, 4.2. practice implications, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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TopicsPedagogies Outcomes
Ethics3.6Dialogue 3.8Listening to others3.5
Other World Religions3.4Media & Technology3.5Dialoguing with others3.4
Catholic Social Teaching3.1Solving Problems 3.4Making connections3.4
Jesus3.0Peer-to-Peer Learning3.3Contributing to community3.3
God as Trinity2.9Applying RE3.0Critiquing information3.2
Christian Traditions2.8Projects2.9Understanding myself3.1
Prayer2.6Applying Scripture2.5Applying Catholic Teachings2.8
Christian life2.6Textbook2.1--
Doctrines (Church Teachings)2.4----
Domains % Response ProportionsMean
Topics Overall15.69.831.528.314.93.2
Pedagogies Overall9.812.
Outcomes Overall13.414.529.325.017.83.2
RML Overall13.015.226.426.818.53.2
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Share and Cite

Sultmann, W.; Lamb, J.; Ivers, P.; Craig, M. Student Priorities for Topics, Pedagogies, and Outcomes in Senior Secondary Religious Education: An Australian Perspective. Religions 2024 , 15 , 1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091029

Sultmann W, Lamb J, Ivers P, Craig M. Student Priorities for Topics, Pedagogies, and Outcomes in Senior Secondary Religious Education: An Australian Perspective. Religions . 2024; 15(9):1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091029

Sultmann, William, Janeen Lamb, Peter Ivers, and Mark Craig. 2024. "Student Priorities for Topics, Pedagogies, and Outcomes in Senior Secondary Religious Education: An Australian Perspective" Religions 15, no. 9: 1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091029

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