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50 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

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In this useful lesson, we’ll explore direct and indirect speech through 50 simple examples. These two ways of speaking help us share what someone else said. Think of direct speech as using the speaker’s exact words, like quoting a friend. Indirect speech , on the other hand, involves changing the original words a bit, as if you’re telling a story about what was said. This lesson is great for anyone looking to get better at English, offering clear examples to make learning easier.

Rules to Make Direct and Indirect Speech

When converting direct speech into indirect speech, it’s important to follow specific rules to ensure the sentence still conveys the original meaning. Here are the key rules:

  • Change in Pronouns : Pronouns often need to be changed according to the context and the point of view of the reporting verb. For example, “ I am going ” (direct) might become “ He said he was going ” (indirect).
  • Tense Shifts : The tense of the verb in direct speech usually changes when converting to indirect speech. If the reporting verb is in the past tense , the tense in the reported speech shifts back as well. For instance, “ She said, ‘I am eating ‘” changes to “ She said she was eating “.
  • Time and Place Words : Words indicating time and place in direct speech are often adjusted in indirect speech. “Here” may change to “there,” “today” to “ that day ,” “tomorrow” to “ the next day ,” etc.
  • Question Form : If the direct speech is a question, the indirect form does not use a question format. Instead, it integrates the question into a statement, often using “if” or “whether” for yes/no questions, and ‘wh’ words ( what, when, where, why, who ) for questions that require more detailed answers. For example, “ He asked, ‘Are you coming? ‘” becomes “ He asked if I was coming .”
  • No Quotes : In indirect speech, quotation marks are not used. The sentence is integrated into a larger statement, which often starts with verbs like said, asked, or told.
  • Exclamations and Commands : Exclamatory sentences and commands in direct speech are transformed into statements or requests in indirect speech. For instance, “He said, ‘How beautiful!'” becomes “He exclaimed that it was beautiful.” Commands like “He said, ‘Sit down!'” change to “He ordered me to sit down.”
  • Modal Verbs : Modal verbs can also change in indirect speech, especially might, could, would, and should, depending on the context and the necessity to maintain the original sentence’s meaning.

Remember, the goal of these changes is to maintain the essence of the original statement while adapting it to the grammatical and contextual framework of indirect speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

1. Direct: “I am busy,” she said.

Indirect: She said that she was busy.

2. Direct: “We will go tomorrow,” they said.

Indirect: They said that they would go the next day.

3. Direct: “He can play the guitar,” Mike said.

Indirect: Mike said that he could play the guitar.

4. Direct: “Do you like chocolate?” she asked me.

Indirect: She asked me if I liked chocolate.

5. Direct: “Please open the window,” John requested.

Indirect: John requested that the window be opened.

6. Direct: “I have finished my homework,” he announced.

Indirect: He announced that he had finished his homework.

7. Direct: “Don’t touch that,” she warned.

Indirect: She warned not to touch that.

8. Direct: “How are you?” he inquired.

Indirect: He inquired how I was.

9. Direct: “I will help you,” she promised.

Indirect: She promised that she would help me.

10. Direct: “I didn’t see him yesterday,” Tom confessed.

Indirect: Tom confessed that he hadn’t seen him the day before.

11. Direct: “I am going to the market,” Alex said.

Indirect: Alex said that he was going to the market.

12. Direct: “We saw a movie last night,” they told me.

Indirect: They told me that they had seen a movie the night before.

13. Direct: “Can you drive a car?” she questioned.

Indirect: She questioned whether I could drive a car.

14. Direct: “Please pass the salt,” he requested.

Indirect: He requested that the salt be passed.

15. Direct: “I have been to Spain,” she mentioned.

Indirect: She mentioned that she had been to Spain.

16. Direct: “Stay away from the dog,” he cautioned.

Indirect: He cautioned to stay away from the dog.

17. Direct: “Where did you buy this?” she inquired.

Indirect: She inquired where I had bought that.

18. Direct: “I’ll call you tonight,” he promised.

Indirect: He promised that he would call me that night.

19. Direct: “I didn’t take your book,” Sarah insisted.

Indirect: Sarah insisted that she hadn’t taken my book.

20. Direct: “Let’s meet at the café,” they suggested.

Indirect: They suggested meeting at the café.

21. Direct: “I’m feeling sick,” he said.

Indirect: He said that he was feeling sick.

22. Direct: “I won the match,” she exclaimed.

Indirect: She exclaimed that she had won the match.

23. Direct: “Could you please help me?” he asked.

Indirect: He asked if I could please help him.

24. Direct: “Turn off the lights,” she commanded.

Indirect: She commanded that the lights be turned off.

25. Direct: “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

Indirect: He said that he would see me the next day.

26. Direct: “We’re moving to a new city,” they announced.

Indirect: They announced that they were moving to a new city.

27. Direct: “Do not disturb me,” she warned.

Indirect: She warned not to disturb her.

28. Direct: “Why are you late?” he questioned.

Indirect: He questioned why I was late.

29. Direct: “I’ll handle the situation,” she assured.

Indirect: She assured that she would handle the situation.

30. Direct: “I’ve never been to Asia,” he stated.

Indirect: He stated that he had never been to Asia.

31. Direct: “Let’s go for a walk,” she proposed.

Indirect: She proposed going for a walk.

32. Direct: “I am learning Spanish,” he mentioned.

Indirect: He mentioned that he was learning Spanish.

33. Direct: “Please close the door,” she asked.

Indirect: She asked that the door be closed.

34. Direct: “I will join you later,” he promised.

Indirect: He promised that he would join me later.

35. Direct: “I lost my wallet,” she declared.

Indirect: She declared that she had lost her wallet.

36. Direct: “Keep the secret,” he urged.

Indirect: He urged to keep the secret.

37. Direct: “Where is the nearest bank?” she inquired.

Indirect: She inquired where the nearest bank was.

38. Direct: “I might go to the concert,” he speculated.

Indirect: He speculated that he might go to the concert.

39. Direct: “Please be quiet,” she implored.

Indirect: She implored to be quiet.

40. Direct: “I will finish the project by Monday,” he assured.

Indirect: He assured that he would finish the project by Monday.

41. Direct: “Don’t forget to lock the door,” she reminded.

Indirect: She reminded to not forget to lock the door.

42. Direct: “How do you solve this problem?” he pondered.

Indirect: He pondered how to solve that problem.

43. Direct: “I can’t believe I won!” he exclaimed.

Indirect: He exclaimed that he couldn’t believe he had won.

44. Direct: “Would you like some coffee?” she offered.

Indirect: She offered if I would like some coffee.

45. Direct: “I must leave now,” he stated.

Indirect: He stated that he must leave then.

46. Direct: “We’re adopting a puppy,” they shared.

Indirect: They shared that they were adopting a puppy.

47. Direct: “Never speak to me again,” she commanded.

Indirect: She commanded never to speak to her again.

48. Direct: “When will you return the book?” he asked.

Indirect: He asked when I would return the book.

49. Direct: “I’ll think about your offer,” she considered.

Indirect: She considered that she would think about the offer.

50. Direct: “Please bring me a glass of water,” he requested.

Indirect: He requested that a glass of water be brought to him.

Examples of Direct & indirect Speech

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100 Reported Speech Examples: How To Change Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, is a way of communicating what someone else has said without quoting their exact words. For example, if your friend said, “ I am going to the store ,” in reported speech, you might convey this as, “ My friend said he was going to the store. ” Reported speech is common in both spoken and written language, especially in storytelling, news reporting, and everyday conversations.

Reported speech can be quite challenging for English language learners because in order to change direct speech into reported speech, one must change the perspective and tense of what was said by the original speaker or writer. In this guide, we will explain in detail how to change direct speech into indirect speech and provide lots of examples of reported speech to help you understand. Here are the key aspects of converting direct speech into reported speech.

Reported Speech: Changing Pronouns

Pronouns are usually changed to match the perspective of the person reporting the speech. For example, “I” in direct speech may become “he” or “she” in reported speech, depending on the context. Here are some example sentences:

Reported Speech: Reporting Verbs

Reported speech: tense shifts.

When converting direct speech into reported speech, the verb tense is often shifted back one step in time. This is known as the “backshift” of tenses. It’s essential to adjust the tense to reflect the time elapsed between the original speech and the reporting. Here are some examples to illustrate how different tenses in direct speech are transformed in reported speech:

Reported Speech: Changing Time and Place References

Reported speech: question format.

When converting questions from direct speech into reported speech, the format changes significantly. Unlike statements, questions require rephrasing into a statement format and often involve the use of introductory verbs like ‘asked’ or ‘inquired’. Here are some examples to demonstrate how questions in direct speech are converted into statements in reported speech:

Reported Speech: Omitting Quotation Marks

Reported speech quiz.

ESL Grammar

Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

Are you having trouble understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech? Direct speech is when you quote someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use both forms of speech with ease.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

When someone speaks, we can report what they said in two ways: direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech is when we quote the exact words that were spoken, while indirect speech is when we report what was said without using the speaker’s exact words. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I love pizza,” said John. Indirect speech: John said that he loved pizza.

Using direct speech can make your writing more engaging and can help to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion. However, indirect speech can be useful when you want to summarize what someone said or when you don’t have the exact words that were spoken.

To change direct speech to indirect speech, you need to follow some rules. Firstly, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. Secondly, you need to change the pronouns and adverbs in the reported speech to match the new speaker. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I will go to the park,” said Sarah. Indirect speech: Sarah said that she would go to the park.

It’s important to note that when you use indirect speech, you need to use reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked” to indicate who is speaking. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “What time is it?” asked Tom. Indirect speech: Tom asked what time it was.

In summary, understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication and writing. Direct speech can be used to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion, while indirect speech can be useful when summarizing what someone said. By following the rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech, you can accurately report what was said while maintaining clarity and readability in your writing.

Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech

When it comes to reporting speech, there are two ways to go about it: direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is when you report someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. Here are some of the key differences between direct and indirect speech:

Change of Pronouns

In direct speech, the pronouns used are those of the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the pronouns have to be changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am going to the store,” said John.
  • Indirect speech: John said he was going to the store.

In the above example, the pronoun “I” changes to “he” in indirect speech.

Change of Tenses

Another major difference between direct and indirect speech is the change of tenses. In direct speech, the verb tense used is the same as that used by the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the verb tense may change depending on the context. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am studying for my exams,” said Sarah.
  • Indirect speech: Sarah said she was studying for her exams.

In the above example, the present continuous tense “am studying” changes to the past continuous tense “was studying” in indirect speech.

Change of Time and Place References

When reporting indirect speech, the time and place references may also change. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will meet you at the park tomorrow,” said Tom.
  • Indirect speech: Tom said he would meet you at the park the next day.

In the above example, “tomorrow” changes to “the next day” in indirect speech.

Overall, it is important to understand the differences between direct and indirect speech to report speech accurately and effectively. By following the rules of direct and indirect speech, you can convey the intended message of the original speaker.

Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

When you need to report what someone said in your own words, you can use indirect speech. To convert direct speech into indirect speech, you need to follow a few rules.

Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks

The first step is to remove the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. This is because indirect speech does not use the exact words of the speaker.

Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker

To indicate that you are reporting what someone said, you need to use a reporting verb such as “said,” “asked,” “told,” or “exclaimed.” You also need to use a linker such as “that” or “whether” to connect the reporting verb to the reported speech.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I love ice cream,” said Mary.
  • Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream.

Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb

When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb.

  • Indirect speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Step 4: Change the Pronouns

You also need to change the pronouns in the reported speech to match the subject of the reporting verb.

  • Direct speech: “Are you busy now?” Tina asked me.
  • Indirect speech: Tina asked whether I was busy then.

By following these rules, you can convert direct speech into indirect speech and report what someone said in your own words.

Converting Indirect Speech Into Direct Speech

Converting indirect speech into direct speech involves changing the reported speech to its original form as spoken by the speaker. Here are the steps to follow when converting indirect speech into direct speech:

  • Identify the reporting verb: The first step is to identify the reporting verb used in the indirect speech. This will help you determine the tense of the direct speech.
  • Change the pronouns: The next step is to change the pronouns in the indirect speech to match the person speaking in the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “She said that she was going to the store,” the direct speech would be “I am going to the store,” if you are the person speaking.
  • Change the tense: Change the tense of the verbs in the indirect speech to match the tense of the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “He said that he would visit tomorrow,” the direct speech would be “He says he will visit tomorrow.”
  • Remove the reporting verb and conjunction: In direct speech, there is no need for a reporting verb or conjunction. Simply remove them from the indirect speech to get the direct speech.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Indirect Speech: John said that he was tired and wanted to go home.

Direct Speech: “I am tired and want to go home,” John said.

By following these steps, you can easily convert indirect speech into direct speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech reports the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech reports the meaning of what was said. Here are some examples of both types of speech:

Direct Speech Examples

Direct speech is used when you want to report the exact words spoken by someone. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks and is often used in dialogue.

  • “I am going to the store,” said Sarah.
  • “It’s a beautiful day,” exclaimed John.
  • “Please turn off the lights,” Mom told me.
  • “I will meet you at the library,” said Tom.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Mary.

Indirect Speech Examples

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is used to report what someone said without using their exact words. It is often used in news reports, academic writing, and in situations where you want to paraphrase what someone said.

Here are some examples of indirect speech:

  • Sarah said that she was going to the store.
  • John exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Mom told me to turn off the lights.
  • Tom said that he would meet me at the library.
  • Mary announced that they were going to the beach tomorrow.

In indirect speech, the verb tense may change to reflect the time of the reported speech. For example, “I am going to the store” becomes “Sarah said that she was going to the store.” Additionally, the pronouns and possessive adjectives may also change to reflect the speaker and the person being spoken about.

Overall, both direct and indirect speech are important tools for reporting what someone has said. By using these techniques, you can accurately convey the meaning of what was said while also adding your own interpretation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech refer to the ways in which we communicate what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks to indicate that you are quoting someone. Indirect speech, on the other hand, involves reporting what someone has said without using their exact words.

How do you convert direct speech to indirect speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb, such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.” For example, “I love ice cream,” said Mary (direct speech) can be converted to “Mary said that she loved ice cream” (indirect speech).

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. Direct speech is usually enclosed in quotation marks, while indirect speech is not.

What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

Some examples of direct speech include “I am going to the store,” said John and “I love pizza,” exclaimed Sarah. Some examples of indirect speech include John said that he was going to the store and Sarah exclaimed that she loved pizza .

What are the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech?

The rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech include changing the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb and use appropriate reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

What is a summary of direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions and introduce a reporting verb.

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he saiad,” we are all sinners”. convert into indirect speech

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He said that they were all sinners.

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  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Reported speech: indirect speech

Indirect speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words. In indirect speech , the structure of the reported clause depends on whether the speaker is reporting a statement, a question or a command.



reported clause


) I was tired.





clause clause




-infinitive clause

Indirect speech: reporting statements

Indirect reports of statements consist of a reporting clause and a that -clause. We often omit that , especially in informal situations:

The pilot commented that the weather had been extremely bad as the plane came in to land. (The pilot’s words were: ‘The weather was extremely bad as the plane came in to land.’ )
I told my wife I didn’t want a party on my 50th birthday. ( that -clause without that ) (or I told my wife that I didn’t want a party on my 50th birthday .)

Indirect speech: reporting questions

Reporting yes-no questions and alternative questions.

Indirect reports of yes-no questions and questions with or consist of a reporting clause and a reported clause introduced by if or whether . If is more common than whether . The reported clause is in statement form (subject + verb), not question form:

She asked if [S] [V] I was Scottish. (original yes-no question: ‘Are you Scottish?’ )
The waiter asked whether [S] we [V] wanted a table near the window. (original yes-no question: ‘Do you want a table near the window? )
He asked me if [S] [V] I had come by train or by bus. (original alternative question: ‘Did you come by train or by bus?’ )

Questions: yes-no questions ( Are you feeling cold? )

Reporting wh -questions

Indirect reports of wh -questions consist of a reporting clause, and a reported clause beginning with a wh -word ( who, what, when, where, why, how ). We don’t use a question mark:

He asked me what I wanted.
Not: He asked me what I wanted?

The reported clause is in statement form (subject + verb), not question form:

She wanted to know who [S] we [V] had invited to the party.
Not: … who had we invited …

Who , whom and what

In indirect questions with who, whom and what , the wh- word may be the subject or the object of the reported clause:

I asked them who came to meet them at the airport. ( who is the subject of came ; original question: ‘Who came to meet you at the airport?’ )
He wondered what the repairs would cost. ( what is the object of cost ; original question: ‘What will the repairs cost?’ )
She asked us what [S] we [V] were doing . (original question: ‘What are you doing?’ )
Not: She asked us what were we doing?

When , where , why and how

We also use statement word order (subject + verb) with when , where, why and how :

I asked her when [S] it [V] had happened (original question: ‘When did it happen?’ ).
Not: I asked her when had it happened?
I asked her where [S] the bus station [V] was . (original question: ‘Where is the bus station?’ )
Not: I asked her where was the bus station?
The teacher asked them how [S] they [V] wanted to do the activity . (original question: ‘How do you want to do the activity?’ )
Not: The teacher asked them how did they want to do the activity?

Questions: wh- questions

Indirect speech: reporting commands

Indirect reports of commands consist of a reporting clause, and a reported clause beginning with a to -infinitive:

The General ordered the troops to advance . (original command: ‘Advance!’ )
The chairperson told him to sit down and to stop interrupting . (original command: ‘Sit down and stop interrupting!’ )

We also use a to -infinitive clause in indirect reports with other verbs that mean wanting or getting people to do something, for example, advise, encourage, warn :

They advised me to wait till the following day. (original statement: ‘You should wait till the following day.’ )
The guard warned us not to enter the area. (original statement: ‘You must not enter the area.’ )

Verbs followed by a to -infinitive

Indirect speech: present simple reporting verb

We can use the reporting verb in the present simple in indirect speech if the original words are still true or relevant at the time of reporting, or if the report is of something someone often says or repeats:

Sheila says they’re closing the motorway tomorrow for repairs.
Henry tells me he’s thinking of getting married next year.
Rupert says dogs shouldn’t be allowed on the beach. (Rupert probably often repeats this statement.)

Newspaper headlines

We often use the present simple in newspaper headlines. It makes the reported speech more dramatic:


Present simple ( I work )

Reported speech

Reported speech: direct speech

Indirect speech: past continuous reporting verb

In indirect speech, we can use the past continuous form of the reporting verb (usually say or tell ). This happens mostly in conversation, when the speaker wants to focus on the content of the report, usually because it is interesting news or important information, or because it is a new topic in the conversation:

Rory was telling me the big cinema in James Street is going to close down. Is that true?
Alex was saying that book sales have gone up a lot this year thanks to the Internet.

‘Backshift’ refers to the changes we make to the original verbs in indirect speech because time has passed between the moment of speaking and the time of the report.

direct speech

indirect speech

not very happy at work.’

not very happy at work.

going home.’

going home.

be late.’

be late.

been working,’ she said.


to make her so angry?’ he asked.

to make her so angry.

In these examples, the present ( am ) has become the past ( was ), the future ( will ) has become the future-in-the-past ( would ) and the past ( happened ) has become the past perfect ( had happened ). The tenses have ‘shifted’ or ‘moved back’ in time.



present simple

past simple

present continuous

past continuous

present perfect simple

past perfect simple

present perfect continuous

past perfect continuous

past simple

past perfect simple

past continuous

past perfect continuous

future (will)

future-in-the-past (would)

past perfect

past perfect (no change)

The past perfect does not shift back; it stays the same:

Direct speech

Indirect speech

already left.

Modal verbs

Some, but not all, modal verbs ‘shift back’ in time and change in indirect speech.

direct speech

indirect speech


be there,’ he promised.

be there.


need more money.’

I open it?’ she asked.

need more money.

open it.

usually becomes

in reported questions, becomes

see you at 2.30,’ he added.

see me at 2.30.


be back later,’ she said.

wait in the hallway,’ he said.

be back later.

wait in the hallway.

(possibility) becomes

(permission) becomes

pay by 30th April.’

be awful to live in such a noisy place,’ she said.

pay by 30th April.

be awful to live in such a noisy place.

(obligation) usually becomes

(speculation) does not change

sell it for about 2,000 euros,’ he said.

sell it for about 2,000 euros.

no change

go there immediately,’ she said.

go there immediately.

no change

buy it if I had the money,’ he said.

buy it if he had the money.

no change

snow tonight,’ he warned.

snow that night.

no change

come till six o’clock,’ he said.

come till six o’clock.

no change

We can use a perfect form with have + - ed form after modal verbs, especially where the report looks back to a hypothetical event in the past:

He said the noise might have been the postman delivering letters. (original statement: ‘The noise might be the postman delivering letters.’ )
He said he would have helped us if we’d needed a volunteer. (original statement: ‘I’ll help you if you need a volunteer’ or ‘I’d help you if you needed a volunteer.’ )

Used to and ought to do not change in indirect speech:

She said she used to live in Oxford. (original statement: ‘I used to live in Oxford.’ )
The guard warned us that we ought to leave immediately. (original statement: ‘You ought to leave immediately.’ )

No backshift

We don’t need to change the tense in indirect speech if what a person said is still true or relevant or has not happened yet. This often happens when someone talks about the future, or when someone uses the present simple, present continuous or present perfect in their original words:

He told me his brother works for an Italian company. (It is still true that his brother works for an Italian company.)
She said she ’s getting married next year. (For the speakers, the time at the moment of speaking is ‘this year’.)
He said he ’s finished painting the door. (He probably said it just a short time ago.)
She promised she ’ll help us. (The promise applies to the future.)

Indirect speech: changes to pronouns

Changes to personal pronouns in indirect reports depend on whether the person reporting the speech and the person(s) who said the original words are the same or different.



don’t want to shock people,’ Tom said.

said he didn’t want to shock people.

different speakers ( changes to )

’ll look after Toby,’ I said.

said I would look after Toby.

same speaker (no change)

need to be here at nine o’clock,’ George told Beatrice.

told Beatrice she needed to be there at nine o’clock.

different speakers ( changes to )

hope you will join us tonight,’ I said to James.

told James I hoped he would join us that night.

same speaker (no change to ; changes to )

Indirect speech: changes to adverbs and demonstratives

We often change demonstratives ( this, that ) and adverbs of time and place ( now, here, today , etc.) because indirect speech happens at a later time than the original speech, and perhaps in a different place.

direct speech

indirect speech


the next/following day.

this moment in time.’




,’ the boy protested.


Typical changes to demonstratives, adverbs and adverbial expressions



Indirect speech: typical errors

The word order in indirect reports of wh- questions is the same as statement word order (subject + verb), not question word order:

She always asks me where [S] [V] I am going .
Not: She always asks me where am I going .

We don’t use a question mark when reporting wh- questions:

I asked him what he was doing.
Not: I asked him what he was doing?


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  • Reported Speech (Indirect speech)

Reported speech - 12 dialogues to report


Direct and Indirect Speech with Examples

In this starter pack tutorial for beginners, learners will be able to learn “Direct and Indirect Speech”. What is “Direct and Indirect Speech”?. How to change statements from direct to indirect speech?. What are the examples of direct and indirect speech?.

1. By saying his actual words

            1. Identify direct and indirect speech

II. Subject Matter: Direct and indirect speech

Materials: 1. Practice exercises worksheets

                 2. Activity sheets

III. Procedure:

            Direct                          Indirect Speech

            Give the past form of the following words.

B. Lesson Proper

            We may report the words of a speaker in two ways:

a. We may quote his actual words. This is called Direct Speech .

3. Discussion

It will be further noticed that in changing Direct speech into Indirect speech certain changes have been made.

            2. The pronoun I is changed to he . (The pronoun is changed in person.)

Rules for changing Direct speech into Indirect speech .

1. A simple present becomes a simple past.

2. A present continuous becomes a past continuous.

3. A present perfect becomes a past perfect.

4. Practice Exercises: (Group Activity)

            How do you change direct to indirect speech? And vice versa

            ____1. He said, “Alas! I am undone!

            ____4. He said, “How’s your father?”

            ____7. John said that he wanted to be a soldier.

Change the statements to Direct or Indirect Speech.

2. Mother says, “I’m cooking your favorite dish”


5. Diana said that she couldn’t sleep the night before.


V. Assignment

For slow learners you can review them by giving simple sentences on Direct and Indirect Speech.

Practice Exercises/ Group Activity

            Change these statements into indirect speech.

3.  He said, “I do not wish to see any of you I go away.”

6. He said, “Let us wait for the award.”

9. “Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil and a lump of ice,” ordered his master.

          Change these statements into direct speech.

            3. The policeman inquired when we were going.

            6. I said I didn’t believe you.

            9. The guard ordered the boy not to throw rubbish there

Create five direct statements and five indirect statements.

For more readings

If you have any questions or suggestions about  Direct and Indirect Speech with Examples,  please feel free to leave a comment below or send us a message using our contact page.

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19 Direct and Indirect Speech Rules Examples (Updated 2025)

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Have you ever struggled with the rules of direct and indirect speech? You’re not alone. These forms of speech can be challenging, but mastering them is crucial for clear and effective communication, especially for school students, ESL learners, and those preparing for competitive exams.

Understanding direct and indirect speech conversion rules is crucial for clear and accurate communication and the conversion between direct and indirect speech will significantly enhance your language skills.

This informative article will explore these Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Conversion with detailed examples.

Understanding Direct Speech

Direct speech is a form of reporting that presents someone’s exact words without any alterations. It is commonly enclosed in quotation marks, allowing readers to see the speaker’s statements precisely as they were uttered.

1. Key Elements of Direct Speech

a . Quotation Marks

Quotation marks are your best friends here. They compress the exact words spoken by a person.

b. Punctuation Placement

Punctuation is crucial. Commas , periods , question marks , and exclamation points all have their specific places within the quotation marks.

c. Speaker Tags

Speaker tags like “he said” or “she exclaimed” are often used to indicate who is speaking. These can be placed before , after , or even in the middle of the quoted speech.

2. E xamples of Direct Speech

a. Basic Examples

Consider this simple example:

  • Ritu said, “I am going to the store.”

Here, the exact words of Ritu are presented within quotation marks.

b. Complex Examples

Now, let’s add more complexity:

  • “I can’t believe it,” she whispered, “but I saw a unicorn in the garden.”

Notice how the sentence is split into two parts, but both are still within quotation marks.

For a better understanding of Direct Narration

Understanding Direct Narration for Direct and Indirect Speech Rules.

“I shall not go to school,” are the exact words of Riya, enclosed in quotation marks/inverted commas (“….”). This format, which uses commas and quotation marks/inverted commas, is called direct speech . In this sentence, ‘Riya’ is the subject or speaker, ‘says’ is the reporting verb, and ‘I shall not go to school’ is the reported speech.

Understanding Indirect Speech

Indirect speech , on the other hand, involves paraphrasing someone’s words and reporting them indirectly, without using quotation marks. It requires a few changes in structure, such as tense and pronoun shifts. Let’s convert the previous example of direct speech into indirect speech:

1. Key Elements of Indirect Speech

a. Removing Quotation Marks

Unlike direct speech, indirect speech doesn’t require quotation marks. You’re paraphrasing what was said.

b. Changing Pronouns

Pronouns often need to be changed to fit the new context. For instance, “I” becomes “he” or “she.”

c. Adjusting Tenses

Tenses usually shift back when converting to indirect speech. Present tense often turns into past tense.

d. Modifying Time Expressions

Time expressions like “today” or “tomorrow” also change to maintain the timeline consistency.

2. Examples of Indirect Speech

Basic Examples

Here’s a simple conversion:

  • Direct: John said, “I am going to the store.”
  • Indirect: John said that he was going to the store.

Complex Examples

For a more complex sentence:

  • Direct: “I can’t believe it,” she whispered, “but I saw a unicorn in the garden.”
  • Indirect: She whispered that she couldn’t believe it but that she had seen a unicorn in the garden.

For a clear concept of Indirect Narration

Indirect narration of Direct and Indirect Speech Rules.

Similarly, we can report the above sentence without quoting Riya’s exact words while keeping the meaning the same. This format is called indirect speech. In this format, no commas or quotation marks/inverted commas are used; only a full stop (.) is used at the end of the sentence.

Difference between direct and indirect speech rules

The following comparison highlights the key differences between direct and indirect speech rules, including punctuation, tense changes, and adjustments to pronouns and time references.

Quoting the exact words spoken by the speaker.Reporting the essence of what the speaker said without quoting exactly.
Uses quotation marks (“…”).Does not use quotation marks.
Follows the reporting verb with a comma.Integrates the reporting verb without a comma.
Tense remains as originally spoken.Tense often shifts back (present to past, future to conditional, etc.).
Pronouns remain as originally spoken.Pronouns change to match the perspective of the reporting speaker.
Time and place references remain as originally spoken.Time and place references may change (e.g., “today” becomes “that day”).
She said, “I am going to the store.”She said that she was going to the store.
John asked, “Can you help me?”John asked if I could help him.
“We will finish the project tomorrow,” they promised.They promised that they would finish the project the next day.
“I have never seen such a beautiful place,” he exclaimed.He exclaimed that he had never seen such a beautiful place.

People also ask

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules: Essential for Learners

Discover the essential rules of direct and indirect speech with a variety of examples to improve your language skills. Effortlessly understand the intricacies of converting statements, questions, and commands from one form to another.

Understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication, for learners. Here, we have outlined the essential rules you need to know.

A. Reporting Verbs Rules B. Tenses Rules C. Pronouns Rules D. Punctuation Marks Rules E. Modals and Conditional Rules F. Modifying Words Rules

A. Direct and Indirect Speech Rules for Reporting Verbs

Different reporting verbs are used to introduce indirect speech. The choice of reporting verb can convey the speaker’s attitude towards the reported speech.

Changes in reporting verbs according to tense are one of the most important rules for converting direct speech into indirect speech.

Remember: If the reporting verbs are in the present or future tense, the tense of the verb in the reported speech is not changed .

Remember: If the reporting verbs are in the past tense , the tense of the verb in the reported speech will be in the corresponding past tense.

Here are some commonly used reporting verbs:

Rule 1: Reporting verbs rules for ‘ Say ‘ and ‘ Tell ‘.

“Say” and “tell” are two frequently used reporting verbs. “Say” is generally followed by the reported speech, while “tell” is followed by the indirect object (the person being addressed).

Direct: He says , “I am your friend.” Indirect: He says that he is your friend.

Direct: He said to me, “I’m going to the store.” Indirect: She told me that he was going to the store.

Reporting verbs ‘Say’ and ‘Tell’ Chart

say to metell me
says to themtells them
said to himtold him
shall/will sayshall/will say
shall/will say to hershall/will tell her

Rule 2: ‘ Ask ‘ and ‘ Inquire’ are used as reporting verbs.

When reporting questions , “ ask “ and “ inquire “ are commonly employed reporting verbs.

Direct: He said to me, “Where are you going?” Indirect: He asked where I was going.

Direct: She said , “When will the concert start?” Indirect: She inquired, “When will the concert start?”

Direct: Sarah said , “What time does the movie start?” Indirect: Sarah asked what time the movie started.

Direct: “Could you please provide more details?” she said to me. Indirect: She inquired politely if I could provide more details.

Direct: The customer said , “Do you have this item in stock?” Indirect: The customer i nquired if that item had in stock.

Rule 3: Reporting Verb rules for “ Request “, “ Advise “, “ Order “, and “ Beg “.

To report imperative sentences, “Request”, “Advise”, “Order”, and “beg” are often used.

Direct: “Please close the door,” she said . Indirect: She requested that the door be closed.

Direct: “You should study regularly,” he said. Indirect: He advised that regular studying should be done.

Direct: “Stand up straight,” the sergeant said . Indirect: The sergeant ordered that they stand up straight.

Direct: He said to me, “Go home at once” Indirect: He ordered me to go home at once.

Direct: She said , “Do not run in the sun” Indirect: She advised not to run in the sun.”

Direct: “Please forgive me,” she said. Indirect: She begged for forgiveness.

B. Tenses Rules for Direct and Indirect Speech

The second most important rule is the changes of Tenses for converting direct speech to indirect speech. When transforming direct speech into indirect speech, there are specific rules to follow regarding tense changes:

Rule 4: If the reporting verb is in the present tense ,

If the Reporting Verb is in the Present Tense , there is no change in the tense in the Reported Verb when Direct Speech is converted into Indirect Narration.

Direct: Arnab says , “The room is dark.” Indirect: Arnab says that the room is dark.

Direct: Arnab says , “The room was dark.” Indirect: Arnab says that the room was dark.

Direct: Arnab says , “I shall finish the work.” Indirect: Arnab says that he will finish the work.

Direct: Mary says , “I am going to the party.” Indirect: Mary says that she is going to the party.

Direct: He tells us, “I will finish the project by tomorrow.” Indirect: He tells us that he will finish the project by tomorrow.

Rule 5: If the reporting verb is in the future tense ,

If the Reporting Verb is in the Future Tense , there is no change in the tense in the Reported Verb when Direct Speech is converted into Indirect Narration.

Direct: Sarah will say , “I am going to the store.” Indirect: Sarah will say that she is going to the store.

Direct: John will say, “I have completed the assignment.” Indirect: John will say that he has completed the assignment.

Direct: Arnab will say, “The room is dark.” Indirect: Arnab will say that the room is dark.

Direct: Arnab will say , “The room was dark.” Indirect: Arnab will say that the room was dark.

Direct: Arnab will say, “I shall finish the work.” Indirect: Arnab will say that he will finish the work.

Rule 6: If the reporting verb is in the past tense ,

If the Reporting verb of the Direct Narration is in the Past Tense , the Present Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech of Direct Narration is changed into the corresponding Past Tense in Indirect Narration .

He ,
Present Indefinite
” I you”
Past Indefinite
He said that he me.
The teacher ,
Universal Truth or Regular Habits
” The sun in the east.”
Remains Unchanged
The teacher said that the sun in the east.
She ,
Present Continuous
” I a song.”
Past Continuous
She said that she .
Mother ,
Present Perfect
” I cooking.”
Past Perfect
Mother said that she cooking.
Maria ,
Past Indefinite
“You the work.”
Past Perfect
Maria said that I the work.
Soumen ,
Past Continuous
” I football.”

Soumen said that he football.
Ravvi ,
Past Perfect
” You me.”
Remains Unchanged
Ravi said that I him.
They said,
“We help him.”
They said that they help him.
Doctor ,
Can / May
” You do it.”
Could / Might
The doctor said that I do it.

Direct: Rohan said , “She works hard.” Indirect: Rohan said that she worked hard.

Direct: Rohan said, “She is singing a song.” Indirect: Rohan said that she was singing a song.

Direct: The guest said shouting, “We have arrived .” Indirect: The guest shouted that they had arrived.

Direct: My sister said , “It has been raining hard for 3 days”. Indirect: My sister said that it had been raining hard for 3 days.

Direct: Father said, “I visited the Taj yesterday.” Indirect: Father said that he had visited the Taj the previous day.

Direct: The boys said, “They were traveling in the park.” Indirect: The boys said that they had been traveling in the park.

Direct: The reporters commented , “The Kohinoor had been lost long ago”. Indirect: The reporters commented that the Kohinoor had been lost long ago.

Direct: Jyotsna said, “ She had been doing the work for 3 hours”. Indirect: Jyotsna said that she had been doing the work for 3 hours.

Rule: 7 If the reported speech implies Universal Truth or Habitual Fact or Scientific Truth ,

The Tense of the Verb remains unchanged in Indirect Narration in cases of General Statements of Facts , Universal Truths , Commonplace Occurrences , and Habitual or Repeated Actions . No real change occurs in these cases. Only there will be present Tense alone.

Direct: The boy said to his mother, “ The sun rises in the East”. Indirect: The boy told his mother that the sun rises in the East. [ Universal Truth ]

Direct: The monk answered , “ Man is mortal”. Indirect: The monk answered that man is mortal. [ Universal Truth ]

Direct: The teacher told the students, “ Perseverance always leads to success.” Indirect: The teacher told the students that perseverance always leads to success.

3. Direct and Indirect Speech R ules for Pronouns

There are certain rules to follow regarding the changes of pronouns from direct speech to indirect speech:

Rule 8: Personal Pronouns (I, We, You, He, She, They) Rules

First person.

(a) If the subject of the reported speech of direct form is in the first person, the subject of the reported speech will be replaced by the subject of the reporting verb in indirect form, but the number must be the same. [ singular > singular and plural > plural ]

Direct: She says, “ I am ill today.” Indirect: She says that she is ill that day.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Second Person

(b) If the subject of the reported speech in the Direct Form is in the second person, the subject of the reported speech will be replaced by the object of the reporting verb in the indirect form, but the number must be the same. [ singular > singular and plural > plural ]

Direct: He says to me , ” You can do this work.” Indirect: He tells me that I can do that work.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Third Person

(c) If the subject of the reported speech of Direct Form is in the third person, there will be no change in the person of the Indirect Form.

Direct: I said, “ He will not wait for his friend.” Indirect: I said that he would not wait for his friend.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Pronouns Chart : direct and indirect speech rules

I (1st person, singular)me (1st person, singular)
We (1st person, plural)us (1st person, plural)
You (2nd person, singular / plural)You (2nd person,
He (3rd person, singular)him (3rd person, singular)
She (3rd person, singular)her (3rd person, singular)
They (3rd person, plural)them (3rd person, plural)

Rule 9: Demonstrative Pronouns ( This, That ) Rules

In the case of demonstrative pronouns, replace them with appropriate pronouns in indirect speech.

Direct: “ This is my book,” she said. Indirect: She said that this was her book.

4. Direct and Indirect Speech ( Punctuation and Quotation Marks ) Rules

Understanding how to punctuate and use quotation marks correctly is crucial when dealing with direct and indirect speech. Here are some guidelines:

Rule 10: Comma with Reporting Verb Rules

When introducing indirect speech with a reporting verb, use a comma to separate the reporting verb from the reported speech.

Example: She said, “I’ll be there on time.”

Rule 11: Question Mark to Full Stop Rules

If the direct speech is a question, change the question mark to a full stop when converting to indirect speech.

Direct: He asked, “Are you coming to the party?” Indirect: He asked if I was coming to the party.

Rule 12: Exclamation Mark to Full Stop Rules

In cases where the direct speech has an exclamation mark, replace it with a full stop in indirect speech.

Direct: She exclaimed, “What a beautiful day!” Indirect: She exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.

E. Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Rules : Modals and Conditional Sentences

Indirect speech involving modals and conditional sentences requires careful attention to maintain accuracy:

Rule 13: Rules of Modals in Indirect Speech

When dealing with modals like can, could, will, would, may, might, shall, should, must, etc., use the appropriate past form in indirect speech.

Direct: She said, “You should respect your elders. Indirect: She said that I should respect my elders.

Direct: She said, “I can speak French fluently. Indirect: She said that she could speak French fluently.

Direct: May I borrow your pen?” she asked. Indirect: She asked if she might borrow my pen.

Direct: He said, “You must complete the assignment by tomorrow. Indirect: He said that I must complete the assignment by the next day.

Rule 14: Conditional Sentences in Indirect Speech Rules

In indirect speech, conditional sentences undergo specific changes, especially when they involve “will” or “would.”

Direct: He said, “I will help you.” Indirect: He said that he would help me.

Direct: He said, “I will help you with your project Indirect: He said that he would help me with my project.

F. Direct and Indirect Speech Rules: ( Modifying Words – Time, Place, Manner )

Adding modifying words or phrases can alter the meaning of the reported speech:

Rule 15: Reporting with Adverbs of Time

When using adverbs of time in indirect speech, adjust them to match the new timeframe.

Direct: “I will come tomorrow,” she said. Indirect: She said that she would come the next day.

Rule 16: Reporting with Adverbs of Place

Similar to adverbs of time, adverbs of place need modification in indirect speech. 

Direct: ” I live here,” he said. Indirect: He said that he lived there.

Rule 17: Reporting with Adverbs of Manner

We can also use Adverbs of manner in indirect speech, requiring appropriate adjustments.

Direct: “He ran quickly,” she said. Indirect: She said that he ran quickly.

Time, Place, Manner, Distance, Direction Chart: Direct and Indirect Speech Rules

In Indirect Narration, words denoting Time, Place, Manner, Distance, and Direction used in the quoted speech are correspondingly changed to conform to the point of view of the Reporter. Thus, the sense of nearness is changed into that of Distance, and so on.

nowthen /at that time
long agolong before
todayThat day /the same day
tonightthat night /the same night
tomorrowthe next day /the following day
yesterdaythe previous day /the day before
yesterday nightthe previous night /the night before
last nightthe previous night /the night before
last eveningthe previous evening /the evening before
last weekthe previous week /the week before
last fortnightthe previous fortnight /the fortnight before
last monththe previous month /the month before
last yearthe previous year /the year before
last occasionthe previous occasion
next daythe following day /the day after
next weekthe following week /the week after
next fortnightthe following fortnight /the fortnight after
next monththe following month /the month after
next yearthe following year /the year after
on the next occasionon the following occasion

Place Chart

at this placeat that place

Manner Chart

thusso /in that way
in this wayin that way
in this mannerin that manner

Distance Chart


Direction Chart

From hereFrom there

Direct and Indirect Speech Advanced Rules

It is necessary to know about the Direct Indirect Speech Advanced Rules to change the mode of narration from direct to indirect speech of different sentences. All five sentences of Direct Indirect Speech Conversion Rules are shown with proper examples below.

A. Assertive Sentence Conversion Rules

To convert Assertive sentences into indirect speech the following rules are applied.

(a) No comma and Inverted comma in Indirect Speech, only full stop at the end. (b) Reporting Verbs changed from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech ; ‘say – say’, ‘says – says’, ‘said – said’, ‘said to – told’, ‘say to – tell’, ‘says to – tells’. (c) Connective ‘that’ added before Reported Speech in indirect Narration.

Direct: He said to me, “I am ill.” Indirect: He told me that he was ill.

Direct: Mary said, “I am happy with my results.” Indirect: Mary said that she was happy with her results.

Direct: Tom said, “I will attend the meeting tomorrow.” Indirect: Tom said that he would attend the meeting the next day.

Direct: Alice said, “I have finished my homework.” Indirect: Alice said that she had finished her homework.

Direct: David said, “We are planning a trip to the mountains.” Indirect: David said that they were planning a trip to the mountains.

B. Interrogative sentences Conversion rules

Forming indirect speech with questions necessitates some adjustments:

a. Reporting Yes/No Questions rules

When reporting yes/no questions, use “if” or “whether” and invert the subject and auxiliary verb in indirect speech.

Direct: John asked, “Are you coming to the party?” Indirect: John asked if I was coming to the party.

Direct: Sarah asked, “Do you like chocolate?” Indirect: Sarah asked if I liked chocolate.

Direct: Mike asked, “Have you finished your project?” Indirect: Mike asked if I had finished my project.

Direct: Emma asked, “Will you help me with my homework?” Indirect: Emma asked if I would help her with her homework.

Direct: “Will you be there?” he asked. Indirect: He asked if I would be there.

b. Reporting Wh-Questions rules

For reporting wh-questions, maintain the question word and adjust the word order in indirect speech.

(a) ‘Tell’ and ‘say’ in Direct Narration are changed to ‘ask’, ‘enquire of’, ‘question’, ‘want to know’ etc. in Indirect Narration. (b) In place of introductory ‘that’. ‘if’ or ‘whether’ should be used. (c) In Indirect Narration a full stop (.) must be put in place of a question mark(?) at the end of the sentence. (d) In Direct Narration the Reported Speech begins with W-word or how, in Indirect Narration the same Wh-word or how is retained.

Direct: Lisa asked, “Where are you going?” Indirect: Lisa asked where I was going.

Direct: Mark asked, “What time does the movie start?” Indirect: Mark asked what time the movie started.

Direct: Jennifer asked, “Why did you leave early?” Indirect: Jennifer asked why I had left early.

Direct: Tom asked, “How do you solve this problem?” Indirect: Tom asked how I solved that problem.

Direct: “Where are you going?” she asked. Indirect: She asked where I was going.

Direct: The teacher said to me, “Why are you late?” Indirect: The teacher asked me why I was late.

C. Imperative Sentences Conversion rules

The indirect speech also involves reporting imperatives, which are commands, requests, or advice:

Reporting Commands

When reporting commands, use the reporting verb “tell” and change the imperative verb to the corresponding infinitive.

Direct: The teacher said, “Open your books.” Indirect: The teacher told the students to open their books.

Reporting Requests

For reporting requests, employ the reporting verb “ask” and convert the imperative verb to the corresponding infinitive.

Direct: She said, “Please help me with this.” Indirect: She asked for help with that.

(a) Reporting verbs of Direct Speech changed into order or command, advise, or request according to sense in Indirect Speech. (b) ‘To’ is placed before Reported speech in Indirect Narration; for the negative imperative sentence ‘not to’ is used. (c) ‘not to’ can also be replaced by ‘forbid’, or ‘prohibit’. (d) ‘Let’ implies ‘suggestion’ or ‘proposal’; Reporting verb will be ‘suggest’ or ‘propose’ in Indirect Speech. ‘that’ is used before Reported speech in Indirect Narration (e) ‘Let’ without ‘suggestion’ or ‘proposal’; Reporting verb will be ‘tell’, or ‘wish’ according to sense in Indirect Speech. ‘that’ is used before Reported speech in Indirect Narration.

Direct: Mother said to me, “Don’t run in the sun.” Indirect: Mother advised me not to run in the sun.

Direct: She said to me, “Let us go for a picnic.” Indirect: She suggested that we should go for a picnic.

D. Optative Sentence Conversion rules

The following rules are used to change an optative sentence from direct speech to indirect speech

(a) Reporting verbs changed to ‘ wish ’, ‘ pray’ , and ‘ bless ’ in Indirect Speech. (b) Linker, ‘ that ’ is placed before Reported speech in Indirect Narration.

Direct: The monk said to me, “ May God bless you.” Indirect: The monk wished that God might bless me.

E. Exclamatory Sentences Conversion rules

(a) The reporting verb is changed into exclaim (in joy), exclaim (in grief), cried out (in sorrow), pray, wish, etc. (b) Examinations are turned into statements. (c) Interjections (Alas, Oh, Hurrah) are omitted. (d) ‘What’, and ‘How’ used in exclamation should be replaced by great, great, very, very much, and big.

Direct: The boys said, “Hurrah! we have won the match.” Indirect: The boy exclaimed in joy that they had won the match.

Solved Exercises Direct and Indirect Speech

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

Q: Ratan said to Anita, “I don’t like your brother”.

Ans: Ratan told Anita that she did not like her brother.

Q: The hermit said to the boys, “God is present everywhere.”

Ans: The hermit told the boys that God is present everywhere.

Q: :He said to you, “You shouldn’t play in my garden.”

Ans: He told you that you should not play in his garden.

Q: The class teacher said to the students. “The inspector will visit our school today.”

Ans: The class teacher told the students that the inspector would visit their school that day.

Q: He said to me, “I don’t believe you.”

Ans: He told me that he didn’t believe me.

Q: She said to her son, “I’ve often told you not to play with fire.”

Ans: She told her son that she had often told him not to play with fire.

Q: Sitesh said to Lina, “I want you to go to Patna with me.”

Ans: Sitesh told Lina that he wanted her to go to Patna with him.

Q: “We can’t be quite happy in life,” he said.

Ans: He said that they couldn’t be quite happy in life.

Q: He said, “The Muslims bury their dead.”

He said that the Muslims bury their dead.

Q: “You’ve overcooked the steak again, Mary”, he said.

Ans: He told Mary that she had overcooked the steak again.

Q: Ramen said to Bina, “I’m going to your house this, week.”

Ans: Ramen told Bina that he was going to her house that week.

Q: He said, “We will discuss this tomorrow.”

Ans: He said that they would discuss that the next day

Turn the following sentences into direct speech.

Q: He said to me, “You are wicked; so I shall not mix with you.”

Ans: He told me that I was wicked; so he would not mix with me.

Q: He said to you, “I was much struck by your eloquence.”

Ans: He told you that he had been much struck by your eloquence.

Q: We remarked, “God is gracious.”

Ans: We remarked that God is gracious.

Q: I said to my mother, “I shall always obey you.”

Ans: I told my mother that I should always obey her.

Q: He said to Gopal, “You were a mere boy when I saw you last.”

Ans: He told Gopal that he was a mere boy when he had seen him last.

Q: I said to him, “The sky is blue.”

Ans: I told him that the sky is blue.

Q: He said to me, “You will feel the consequences.”

Ans: He told me that I should feel the consequences.

Q: She said to you, “I am not angry with you.”

Ans: She told you that she was not angry with you.

Q: I said to them, “You have done wrong.”

Ans: I told them that they had done wrong.

Q: He said, “I visit the temple every day.”

Ans: He said that he visited the temple every day.

Direct and Indirect Speech Sample MCQ Questions Answers

Fill in the blanks with proper direct and indirect speech rules.

  • d) had been
  • Answer: a) was
  • c) will like
  • d) had liked
  • Answer: a) liked
  • a) will visit
  • b) would visit
  • d) had visited
  • Answer: b) would visit
  • Answer: c) was
  • c) will have
  • Answer: b) had
  • Answer: b) could
  • a) revolves
  • c) revolved
  • d) is revolving
  • Answer: a) revolves
  • b) had been
  • Answer: b) had been
  • Answer: b) would

FAQs : Direct and Indirect Speech Rules

Q : what is the key difference between direct and indirect speech.

Ans: The main difference lies in the quoting style. Direct speech involves repeating someone’s exact words, while indirect speech reports what was said without quoting verbatim.

FAQ 2: Is it always necessary to backshift the tense in indirect speech?

Ans: While backshifting is common, some exceptions exist, especially in cases where the statement’s truth remains constant.

FAQ 3: How do I handle multiple speakers in indirect speech?

Ans: When reporting multiple speakers, use appropriate reporting verbs and introduce each person’s dialogue in a logical sequence.

FAQ 4: Can I mix direct and indirect speech in the same sentence?

Ans: Combining direct and indirect speech in a sentence is possible, but it requires precision to avoid confusion.

FAQ 5: What are some reporting verbs commonly used in indirect speech?

Ans: Reporting verbs like “said,” “told,” “asked,” “claimed,” and “explained” are frequently employed.

FAQ 6: How can I ensure my writing maintains a natural flow when switching between direct and indirect speech?

Ans: Focus on maintaining consistency in style and verb tense to ensure a smooth transition between direct and indirect speech.

FAQ 7: How do I identify direct and indirect speech in a sentence?

Ans: Direct speech is usually enclosed within quotation marks and directly quotes someone’s words. Indirect speech, on the other hand, reports those words without quotation marks, often using reporting verbs like “said,” “told,” “asked,” etc.

FAQ 8: Can reporting verbs change the meaning of indirect speech?

Ans: Yes, the choice of reporting verbs can convey the speaker’s attitude or emotions towards the reported speech. Different reporting verbs can modify the meaning slightly.

FAQ 9: What are the common reporting verbs for indirect speech?

Ans: Common reporting verbs for indirect speech include “say,” “tell,” “ask,” “inquire,” “explain,” “describe,” and more.

FAQ 10: How do I change tenses in indirect speech?

Ans: The tense in indirect speech is generally shifted back one step. For example, present simple becomes past simple, present continuous becomes past continuous, and so on.

FAQ 11: Is it essential to use quotation marks in indirect speech?

Ans: No, quotation marks are not used in indirect speech as they report the speech without directly quoting it.

FAQ 12: Can you give an example of indirect speech in narratives?

Ans: Certainly! In the story, he said, “I love you,” to which she replied that she loved him too.

FAQ 14: Can we omit the reporting verb in indirect speech?

Ans: It is possible to omit the reporting verb in some cases, especially in informal contexts, but including it adds clarity and structure to the reported speech.

FAQ 15: Do all tenses change in indirect speech?

Ans: Most tenses change in indirect speech, but the changes depend on the context and the tense of the original statement.

FAQ 16: Can you provide more examples of direct and indirect speech transformations?

Ans: Certainly! Here are a few more examples:

Direct: “I am reading a book,” she said. Indirect: She said that she was reading a book.

Direct: “We have completed the project,” they exclaimed. Indirect: They exclaimed that they had completed the project.

FAQ 17: How can I practice using direct and indirect speech effectively?

Ans: Practice by converting direct speech to indirect speech and vice versa using various reporting verbs, tenses, and pronouns. Additionally, read books or articles and identify the reported speech used by the authors.

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Reported Speech in English

“Reported speech” might sound fancy, but it isn’t that complicated.

It’s just how you talk about what someone said.

Luckily, it’s pretty simple to learn the basics in English, beginning with the two types of reported speech: direct (reporting the exact words someone said) and indirect (reporting what someone said without using their exact words ).

Read this post to learn how to report speech, with tips and tricks for each, plenty of examples and a resources section that tells you about real world resources you can use to practice reporting speech.

How to Report Direct Speech

How to report indirect speech, reporting questions in indirect speech, verb tenses in indirect reported speech, simple present, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, simple past, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, simple future, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, authentic resources for practicing reported speech, novels and short stories, native english videos, celebrity profiles.

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Direct speech refers to the exact words that a person says. You can “report” direct speech in a few different ways.

To see how this works, let’s pretend that I (Elisabeth) told some people that I liked green onions.

Here are some different ways that those people could explain what I said:

Direct speech: “I like green onions,” Elisabeth said.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

Direct speech: “I like green onions,” she told me. — In this sentence, we replace my name (Elisabeth) with the pronoun she.

In all of these examples, the part that was said is between quotation marks and is followed by a noun (“she” or “Elisabeth”) and a verb. Each of these verbs (“to say,” “to tell [someone],” “to explain”) are ways to describe someone talking. You can use any verb that refers to speech in this way.

You can also put the noun and verb before what was said.

Direct speech: Elisabeth said, “I like spaghetti.”

The example above would be much more likely to be said out loud than the first set of examples.

Here’s a conversation that might happen between two people:

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

1: Did you ask her if she liked coffee?

2: Yeah, I asked her.

1: What did she say?

2. She said, “Yeah, I like coffee.” ( Direct speech )

Usually, reporting of direct speech is something you see in writing. It doesn’t happen as often when people are talking to each other. 

Direct reported speech often happens in the past. However, there are all kinds of stories, including journalism pieces, profiles and fiction, where you might see speech reported in the present as well.

This is sometimes done when the author of the piece wants you to feel that you’re experiencing events in the present moment.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

For example, a profile of Kristen Stewart in Vanity Fair  has a funny moment that describes how the actress isn’t a very good swimmer:

Direct speech: “I don’t want to enter the water, ever,” she says. “If everyone’s going in the ocean, I’m like, no.”

Here, the speech is reported as though it’s in the present tense (“she says”) instead of in the past (“she said”).

In writing of all kinds, direct reported speech is often split into two or more parts, as it is above.

Here’s an example from Lewis Carroll’s “ Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ,” where the speech is even more split up:

Direct speech: “I won’t indeed!” said Alice, in a great hurry to change the subject of conversation. “Are you—are you fond—of—of dogs?” The Mouse did not answer, so Alice went on eagerly: “There is such a nice little dog near our house I should like to show you!”

Reporting indirect speech is what happens when you explain what someone said without using their exact words.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

Let’s start with an example of direct reported speech like those used above.

Direct speech: Elisabeth said, “I like coffee.”

As indirect reported speech, it looks like this:

Indirect speech: Elisabeth said she liked coffee.

You can see that the subject (“I”) has been changed to “she,” to show who is being spoken about. If I’m reporting the direct speech of someone else, and this person says “I,” I’d repeat their sentence exactly as they said it. If I’m reporting this person’s speech indirectly to someone else, however, I’d speak about them in the third person—using “she,” “he” or “they.”

You may also notice that the tense changes here: If “I like coffee” is what she said, this can become “She liked coffee” in indirect speech.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

However, you might just as often hear someone say something like, “She said she likes coffee.” Since people’s likes and preferences tend to change over time and not right away, it makes sense to keep them in the present tense.

Indirect speech often uses the word “that” before what was said:

Indirect speech: She said that she liked coffee.

There’s no real difference between “She said she liked coffee” and “She said that she liked coffee.” However, using “that” can help make the different parts of the sentence clearer.

Let’s look at a few other examples:

Indirect speech: I said I was going outside today.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Indirect speech: They told me that they wanted to order pizza.

Indirect speech: He mentioned it was raining.

Indirect speech: She said that her father was coming over for dinner.

You can see an example of reporting indirect speech in the funny video “ Cell Phone Crashing .” In this video, a traveler in an airport sits down next to another traveler talking on his cell phone. The first traveler pretends to be talking to someone on his phone, but he appears to be responding to the second traveler’s conversation, which leads to this exchange:

Woman: “Are you answering what I’m saying?”

Man “No, no… I’m on the phone with somebody, sorry. I don’t mean to be rude.” (Direct speech)

Woman: “What was that?”

Man: “I just said I was on the phone with somebody.” (Indirect speech)

When reporting questions in indirect speech, you can use words like “whether” or “if” with verbs that show questioning, such as “to ask” or “to wonder.”

Direct speech: She asked, “Is that a new restaurant?”

Indirect speech: She asked if that was a new restaurant. 

In any case where you’re reporting a question, you can say that someone was “wondering” or “wanted to know” something. Notice that these verbs don’t directly show that someone asked a question. They don’t describe an action that happened at a single point in time. But you can usually assume that someone was wondering or wanted to know what they asked.

Indirect speech: She was wondering if that was a new restaurant.

Indirect speech: She wanted to know whether that was a new restaurant.

It can be tricky to know how to use tenses when reporting indirect speech. Let’s break it down, tense by tense.

Sometimes, indirect speech “ backshifts ,” or moves one tense further back into the past. We already saw this in the example from above:

Direct speech: She said, “I like coffee.”

Indirect speech: She said she liked coffee.

Also as mentioned above, backshifting doesn’t always happen. This might seem confusing, but it isn’t that difficult to understand once you start using reported speech regularly.

What tense you use in indirect reported speech often just depends on when what you’re reporting happened or was true.

Let’s look at some examples of how direct speech in certain tenses commonly changes (or doesn’t) when it’s reported as indirect speech.

To learn about all the English tenses (or for a quick review), check out this post .

Direct speech: I said, “I play video games.”

Indirect speech: I said that I played video games (simple past) or I said that I play video games  (simple present).

Backshifting into the past or staying in the present here can change the meaning slightly. If you use the first example, it’s unclear whether or not you still play video games; all we know is that you said you played them in the past.

If you use the second example, though, you probably still play video games (unless you were lying for some reason).

However, the difference in meaning is so small, you can use either one and you won’t have a problem.

Direct speech: I said, “I’m playing video games.”

Indirect speech: I said that I was playing video games (past continuous) or I said that I’m playing video games (present continuous).

In this case, you’d likely use the first example if you were telling a story about something that happened in the past.

You could use the second example to repeat or stress what you just said. For example:

Hey, want to go for a walk?

Direct speech: No, I’m playing video games.

But it’s such a nice day!

Indirect speech: I said that I’m playing video games!

Direct speech: Marie said, “I have read that book.”

Indirect speech: Marie said that she had read that book (past perfect) or Marie said that she has read that book (present perfect).

The past perfect is used a lot in writing and other kinds of narration. This is because it helps point out an exact moment in time when something was true.

The past perfect isn’t quite as useful in conversation, where people are usually more interested in what’s true now. So, in a lot of cases, people would use the second example above when speaking.

Direct speech: She said, “I have been watching that show.”

Indirect speech: She said that she had been watching that show (past perfect continuous) or She said that she has been watching that show (present perfect continuous).

These examples are similar to the others above. You could use the first example whether or not this person was still watching the show, but if you used the second example, it’d probably seem like you either knew or guessed that she was still watching it.

Direct speech: You told me, “I charged my phone.”

Indirect speech: You told me that you had charged your phone (past perfect) or You told me that you charged your phone (simple past).

Here, most people would probably just use the second example, because it’s simpler, and gets across the same meaning.

Direct speech: You told me, “I was charging my phone.”

Indirect speech: You told me that you had been charging your phone (past perfect continuous) or You told me that you were charging your phone (past continuous).

Here, the difference is between whether you had been charging your phone before or were charging your phone at the time. However, a lot of people would still use the second example in either situation.

Direct speech: They explained, “We had bathed the cat on Wednesday.”

Indirect speech: They explained that they had bathed the cat on Wednesday. (past perfect)

Once we start reporting the past perfect tenses, we don’t backshift because there are no tenses to backshift to.

So in this case, it’s simple. The tense stays exactly as is. However, many people might simplify even more and use the simple past, saying, “They explained that they bathed the cat on Wednesday.”

Direct speech: They said, “The cat had been going outside and getting dirty for a long time!”

Indirect speech: They said that the cat had been going outside and getting dirty for a long time. (past perfect continuous)

Again, we don’t shift the tense back here; we leave it like it is. And again, a lot of people would report this speech as, “They said the cat was going outside and getting dirty for a long time.” It’s just a simpler way to say almost the same thing.

Direct speech: I told you, “I will be here no matter what.”

Indirect speech: I told you that I would be here no matter what. (present conditional)

At this point, we don’t just have to think about tenses, but grammatical mood, too. However, the idea is still pretty simple. We use the conditional (with “would”) to show that at the time the words were spoken, the future was uncertain.

In this case, you could also say, “I told you that I will be here no matter what,” but only if you “being here” is still something that you expect to happen in the future.

What matters here is what’s intended. Since this example shows a person reporting their own speech, it’s more likely that they’d want to stress the truth of their own intention, and so they might be more likely to use “will” than “would.”

But if you were reporting someone else’s words, you might be more likely to say something like, “She told me that she would be here no matter what.”

Direct speech: I said, “I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Indirect speech: I said that I would be waiting for your call. (conditional continuous)

These are similar to the above examples, but apply to a continuous or ongoing action.

Direct speech: She said, “I will have learned a lot about myself.”

Indirect speech: She said that she would have learned a lot about herself (conditional perfect) or She said that she will have learned a lot about herself (future perfect).

In this case, using the conditional (as in the first example) suggests that maybe a certain event didn’t happen, or something didn’t turn out as expected.

However, that might not always be the case, especially if this was a sentence that was written in an article or a work of fiction. The second example, however, suggests that the future that’s being talked about still hasn’t happened yet.

Direct speech: She said, “By next Tuesday, I will have been staying inside every day for the past month.”

Indirect speech: She said that by next Tuesday, she would have been staying inside every day for the past month (perfect continuous conditional) or She said that by next Tuesday, she will have been staying inside every day for the past month (past perfect continuous).

Again, in this case, the first example might suggest that the event didn’t happen. Maybe the person didn’t stay inside until next Tuesday! However, this could also just be a way of explaining that at the time she said this in the past, it was uncertain whether she really would stay inside for as long as she thought.

The second example, on the other hand, would only be used if next Tuesday hadn’t happened yet.

Let’s take a look at where you can find resources for practicing reporting speech in the real world.

One of the most common uses for reported speech is in fiction. You’ll find plenty of reported speech in novels and short stories . Look for books that have long sections of text with dialogue marked by quotation marks (“…”). Once you understand the different kinds of reported speech, you can look for it in your reading and use it in your own writing.

Writing your own stories is a great way to get even better at understanding reported speech.

One of the best ways to practice any aspect of English is to watch native English videos. By watching English speakers use the language, you can understand how reported speech is used in real world situations.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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Celebrity profiles, which you can find in print magazines and online, can help you find and practice reported speech, too. Celebrity profiles are stories that focus on a famous person. They often include some kind of interview. The writer will usually spend some time describing the person and then mention things that they say; this is when they use reported speech.

Because many of these profiles are written in the present tense, they can help you get used to the basics of reported speech without having to worry too much about different verb tenses.

While the above may seem really complicated, it isn’t that difficult to start using reported speech.

Mastering it may be a little difficult, but the truth is that many, many people who speak English as a first language struggle with it, too!

Reported speech is flexible, and even if you make mistakes, there’s a good chance that no one will notice.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

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Direct And Indirect Speech Complete Rules

We often convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought or felt to somebody else. In order to do this you can use the grammar structure named direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech. Indeed this structure can be a source of confusion for ESL learners because they mix it with active and passive voice . Read the whole article to know about direct and indirect speech rules.

Direct and Indirect Speech Complete Rules

To learn more about direct and indirect speech click here.

Initially we will look at direct and indirect speech, then look at how to convert speech from direct to indirect or vice-versa.

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech Saying or quoting exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech) Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (“…”) a nd should be word for word.

  • She said, “Today’s lesson is about direct and indirect speech.” or
  • “Today’s lesson is about direct and indirect speech.”, she said.

Indirect Speech / Reported Speech Saying or reporting what someone said without quoting his exact words is called indirect speech. Here we don’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and does not have to be word for word.

  • He said that yesterday’s lesson was about direct and indirect speech.

Reporting Verb The verb in the first part of sentence (i.e. say, said, tell, admit, complain, explain remind, reply think, hope, offer, refuse etc.) before the statement of a person in sentence is called reporting verb.

How to Change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech?

Rule 1. (Adverbs of Time and Place)

If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to fit in with the time of reporting, and adverb of nearness should be put into those of distance.

  • Today   =>  y esterday/ that day
  • This evening   =>  t hat evening
  • These (days)   =>   those (days)
  • Now   =>   then
  • (A week) ago   => (a week) before
  • Last weekend   => the previous weekend
  • Here   =>   there
  • Here after   =>  there after
  • Next (week)   => the following (week)/ a week after
  • Tomorrow   => the next/following day
  • Thus   => so
  • Last night   => the previous night
  • Yesterday   => the day before / the previous day
  • Hither   => thither
  • Hence   => thence

Note: If something is said and reported at the same time, then the time expression can remain the  same.

  • He told me today, “ I will go to Karachi tomorrow.”
  • He told me today he would go to Karachi tomorrow.
  • She told me this week, “ we gave our exam last week.”
  • She told me this week, they had given their exam last wee.

Rule 2. Tenses

A) If the reporting verb is in present or future (i.e say, says or will say) then don’t change the tense that you can find within the quotation marks.

  • He says,”I was a fool then.”
  • He says that he was a fool then.
  • I will say, “ He loves his mom.”
  • I will say that he loves his mom.

B) If reporting verb is in the past tense. the tense of the verbs in the reported speech or indirect speech must be generally changed. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.

  • He said,”I am going to the cinema.”
  • He said he was going to the cinema.

Tense Change As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense. Present Simple  › Past simple

  • She said, ”it is cold,”   
  • She said it was cold.

Present continuous › Past continuous 

  • She said, “I’m teaching Math online.”
  • She said she was teaching Math online.

Present perfect › Past perfect 

  • She said, “I’ve lived in Pakistan since 1999.” 
  • She said she had lived in Pakistan since 1999.

Present perfect continuous › Past perfect continuous 

  • She said, “I’ve been teaching English for seven years.” 
  • She said she had been teaching English for seven years.

Past simple › Past perfect 

  • She said, “I taught active and passive yesterday.”
  • She said she had taught active and passive yesterday.

Past continuous › Past perfect continuous

  • She said, “I was teaching the lesson.”  
  • She said she had been teaching the lesson.

Past perfect › Past perfect 

  • She said, “The lesson had already started when he arrived.”
  • NO CHANGE – She said the lesson had already started when he arrived.

Past perfect continuous  › Past perfect continuous 

  • She said, “I’d already been teaching for five minutes.”
  • NO CHANGE – She said she’d already been teaching for five minutes.

Modal verb forms also sometimes change: Will › would 

  • She said, “I’ll teach English online tomorrow.”
  • She said she would teach English online tomorrow.

Can › could 

  • She said, “I can teach English online.” 
  • She said she could teach English online.

Must ›  had to 

  • She said, “I must have a computer to teach English online.”
  • She said she had to have a computer to teach English online.

Shall › › should/ would

  • She said, “What shall we learn today?” 
  • She asked what we should learn today.
  • He said, ”I shall appreciate it.”
  • He said he would appreciate it.

May › might 

  • She said, “May I open a new browser?” 
  • She asked if she might open a new browser.

Note – There is no change to; could, would, should, might and ought to.

  • “I might go to the cinema”, he said.
  • He said he might go to the cinema.

Rule 3. (After wish, would rather, had better , it is time)

  • Ali said, ”I wish they were in Pakistan.”
  • Ali said he wished they were in Pakistan.
  • Hussain said, “ I would rather fly.”
  • Hussain said he would rather fly.
  • Zahra said, ” they had better go.”
  • Zahra said they had better go.
  • Ahmed said, “It is time I got up.”
  • Ahmed said it was time he got up.

If indirect speech the words within quotation marks talk of a universal truth or habitual action or when a sentence is made and reported at the same time and the fact is still true then the tense inside the quotation marks is not changed at all.

  • He said,”My name is Ali.”
  • He said his name was Ali Or He said his name is Ali.
  • The teacher said,” the sun rises in the east.”
  • The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
  • Shazia said, “ I am thirsty.” 
  • Shazia said she is thirsty.

You can also use the present tense if you are talking about a future event.

  • She said,”next week’s lesson is on reported speech.”
  • She said next week’s lesson will be on reported speech.

Rule 6. (Pronouns)

We have to change the pronouns to keep the same meaning of a sentence.

  • Ali said, “ We are the best players.”
  • Ali said they were the best players.

Note: Sometimes we have to use a noun instead of a pronoun, otherwise the new sentence is confusing consider the examples below:

  • Mohammad said, “He killed them.”
  • Mohammad said that the man had killed them.

(If we only make mechanical changes, then the new sentence can have different meaning)

  • Mohammad said he had killed them. (Mohammad himself killed them)

Rule 7. Reported Speech In If-Clauses.

  • Hussain: “If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy.”
  • Hussain said that if he tidied his room, his dad would be happy.
  • Teacher: “If you concentrate, you will learn about direct and indirect speech.”
  • Teacher said if we concentrate we would learn about direct and indirect speech.

Rule 8. Reported Speech of Time-Clauses.

  • Ali: “When I was staying in Quetta I met my best friend.” –
  • He said that when he was staying in Quetta he met his best friend.

Rule 9. Reported Speech of Interrogative Sentences  1.  Remove the quotation marks and question mark in the interrogative sentence. 2.  Use ‘if’ or ‘whether’ if the sentence inside the quotation marks begins with a helping verb (Auxiliary verb). 3.  Use the given interrogative word (what, when, where, why, who, whom, whose, which, now etc.) if it does not begin with the helping verb. 4. Don‘t use ‘that’ 5. Changing the reporting verb (say, said) into ‘ask, want to know wonder or inquire’ in its correct tense. 6. Omit helping verb like ‘do, does, did’. But don’t omit them when they are with ‘not’.

  • Said I to my teacher,” won’t you help me to learn about direct and indirect speech complete rules?”
  • I asked my teacher if he would not help me to learn about direct and indirect speech complete rules.
  • “ How often do you go to the cinema?” Ali said to Ahmed,
  • Ali asked Ahmed how often he went to the cinema.
  • “Where have you been?” he said. 
  • He asked me where I had been.
  • “What time did it start?” he said. 
  • He wanted to know what time it had started.
  • “Why won’t he do it?” she said.
  • She wondered why he wouldn’t do it.

Rule 10. Reported Speech of Yes/ No Questions

In yes/no questions we use if or whether in questions. If is more common and whether is more formal.

  • “Will you go?” she asked me.
  • She asked me if/whether I would go.
  • “Did he buy a car?” she said.
  •  She wondered if/whether he had bought a car.

Rule 11. Reported Speech of Commands and Requests 

1. Remove the quotation mark in an Imperative sentence. 2. Use ‘to’ if it is an affirmative sentence. (without don‘t) 3. Use ‘not to’ if the sentence begins without Don‘t. 4. Don‘t use ‘that’ 5. Omit the word ‘please’. Use the word ‘request’ instead of ‘say’. 6. If the direct speech contains a request or a command, the reporting verb (say, said) change to tell, request, order, command etc. in its correct tense. 7. The commands, requests and advice mostly have the same form in English: verb + object + infinitive (advise, ask, beg, forbid, order, persuade, recommend, tell, urge, warn etc.).

  • “Get up!” he said.
  •   He warned me to get up.
  • “Please, revise for the test,” he said.
  •  He  requested me to revise for the test.
  • “Bring me a cup of tea” said Zahra to Sara.
  • Zahrs asked Sara to bring her a cup of tea.

Negative: + object + not + infinitive.

  • “Don’t hesitate,” he said.
  • He persuaded me not to hesitate.
  • “Don’t smoke,” the doctor warned my father.
  • The doctor warned my father not to smoke.

Rule 12. Reported Speech of Advice If it contains advice the reporting verb changes into advised.

  • “Put on your coat,” I said.
  • I advised him to put on his coat.

Rule 13. Reported Speech of Exclamatory Sentences

1. Change the exclamatory sentence into statement or assertive 2. Remove the quotation marks and exclamatory mark. 3. Use the conjunction ‘that’ 4. Omit the interjections such as Oh, O, Alas, how, what, hurrah. 5. Add the word ‘very’ to the adjective or adverb if necessary. 6. If the verb is not given, use ‘Be’ form verb (is, was, are, were, am) in its correct tense according to the subject. 7. Change the reporting verb (say, said) to ‘exclaim joyfully’ 8. Use ‘exclaim’ sorrowfully for sorrowful incidents.

  • She said ,” Wow, What a beautiful car that is!”
  • She exclaimed joyfully that was a verb beautiful car.
  • He said,” Alas! I have missed the paper.”
  • He exclaimed sorrowfully that he had missed the paper.

Rule 14. Use of ‘That’ in Reported Speech

In reported speech, the word that is often used, however it is optional. We recommend you no to use it because in some cases we don’t use ‘That’ in reported speech like: question, command request and order, so its better not to use it.

  • He told me that he lived in Hazara Town.
  • He told me he lived in Hazara Town.

Rule 15. Punctuation in Direct Speech

In direct speech, various punctuation conventions are used to separate the quoted words from the rest of the text: this allows a reader to follow what’s going on. Here are the basic rules: A) We use inverted commas (also called quotation marks, quotes or speech marks) to indicate direct speech. Double quotes (“) are preferred in American English, while single quotes (‘) are more common in British English:

  • “I’m coming home late tonight,” she said. (American English)
  • ‘I’m coming home late tonight,’ she said. (British English)

B) Every time a new speakers says something, you should start a new paragraph:

  • “They think it’s a more respectable job,” said Ali.
  • “I don’t agree,” I replied.

C) There should be a comma, full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark at the end of a piece of speech. This is placed inside the closing inverted comma or commas.

  • He asked, “ Can I go outside?”
  • She shouted, “ Sit down!”
  • We said, “ They are wrong.”

D) If the direct speech is broken up by information about who is speaking, you need a comma (or a question mark or exclamation mark) to end the first piece of speech and a full stop or another comma before the second piece (before the inverted comma or commas):

  • “You’re right,” he said. “It feels strange.”
  • “Thinking back,” she said, “he didn’t expect to win.”
  • “No!” he cried. “You can’t leave now!”

Conclusion: I hope that the points that I have mentioned above about direct and indirect speech may prove beneficial for people learning English. All you need to do is to understand the crucial rules of direct and indirect speech, and don’t mix it with passive and active voice. 

Check out Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers

If you would like to know more about direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech, check out more in the book below.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

hello! I’m Abdullah and I want to ask a question related to indirect and direct speech.what would be the indirect sentence of this this speech: “I fell fed up” says trevor

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Hello dear Abdullah. When the reporting verb (He says)is in simple present tense, then we don’t go one tense back,so the statement won’t be changed in this case and remains the same in reported speech.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Helo ,,pls let me know about one thing…if there is no object in reporting speech and “you” is used in reporting speech ,,in which pronoun v have to change “you”,,???

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Tashakkur, bisyar malumati bud 🙂

You are welcome dear Raza.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

This article is beneficial…thnkxx

You are welcome.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Very helpful thank you soooo muchhhh

write the short conversations as indirect speech

I want a clarification for the following sentence. “Would you post this letter when you go out?”she said. She asked if I would post that letter when I go out . OR She asked if I would post that letter when I went out.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Change the narration. 1.’I must leave at once’ I said,’because i must not be late’ 2 .Tariq said the police could not prove that the man had been murdered .

write the short conversations as indirect speech

very helpful understanding direct and indirect speech thank you very soooooo muuuuccccchhhh

You are welcome Mr. Moueez

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Thank you . It’s really helpful

Welcome dear.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Useful article thank you.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Hope it is useful and informative.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Tomorrow is my English exam and this page is very helpful

Thank you Rahema. We always try to help people enhance their skills in four models: Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing.

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Direct To Indirect Speech: Complete Rules With Examples

Blog 1 Direct To Indirect Speech Complete Rules With Examples

Direct and indirect speech is often a confusing topic for English learners. The basic idea is this:

  • In direct speech, we quote a person’s exact words. For example, Meera said, “I can speak English fluently.”
  • In indirect speech, we do not quote the person’s exact words but provide a summary of what was said. For example, Meera said that she could speak English fluently.

The critical difference is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech summarizes what was said. While the definition is simple, the challenge for English language learners is using the proper tenses when converting a phrase from direct to indirect and vice versa.

Why Should You Learn Direct To Indirect Speech Rules?

There are several occasions – in your professional and personal – where you might need to describe an action or event to others. For example, you might have to repeat the team leader’s instructions to your teammates at the workplace. In this scenario, you convert your team leader’s direct to indirect speech.

Knowing conversion rules can help you present or describe the event correctly without making any grammatical errors or spoken English blunders.

In this post, we walk you through the rules of converting direct to indirect speech, helping you speak English fluently online and offline.

How To Use Direct Speech?

The rule is simple: Use direct speech when you want to repeat what someone says as it is, and ensure that the spoken text is sandwiched between quotation (speech) marks.

John said, “I want to learn to speak English fluently.”

It’s common to see the direct speech in newspaper articles and books. For example,

The District Collector announced, “The Chief Minister will inaugurate the city centre next week.”

As you can notice, in direct speech, we use the verb say (said in the past tense) to denote what was spoken. You can also use related verbs like ‘asked,’ ‘replied,’ ‘told,’ ‘informed,’ ‘shouted,’ etc.

How To Use Indirect Speech?

Indirect speech is also reported speech, as we use it to inform/repeat what someone else said. Using the two examples above, we can convert it into indirect speech as follows:

John said that he wanted to learn to speak English fluently.

The District Collector announced that the Chief Minister would inaugurate the city centre the week after.

Another example,

Direct Speech: “I feel cold.”

Indirect Speech: She says that she feels cold.

If you notice these examples carefully, you can see that the tense changes when converting from direct to indirect speech. To illustrate this point, in the following example, direct speech is in the present simple tense, while indirect speech is written in the simple past tense.

Direct Speech: “I live in the city centre.”

Indirect Speech: He said he lived in the city centre.

Tense Change Rules: Direct To Indirect Speech

Similarly, other tenses follow similar rules when changing from direct to indirect speech. Use the following table to help you better understand the tense change rules:

Direct Speech Tense Indirect Speech Tense
The kids said, “We play football.” Present Simple The kids said that they played football. Past Simple
He said, “I’m having lunch.” Present Continuous He said that he was having lunch. Past Continuous
She said, “I have bought a new home.” Present Perfect She said that she had bought a new home. Past Perfect
The teacher said, “I have been teaching English for the last five years.” Present Perfect Continuous The teacher said she had been teaching English for the last five years. Past Perfect Continuous
The students exclaimed, “We won a prize.” Past Simple The students exclaimed that they had won a prize. Past Perfect
Jenifer said, “I was watching a movie.” Past Continuous Jenifer said that she had been watching a movie. Past Perfect Continuous
The project manager said, “We had resolved the issue.” Past Perfect The project manager said they had resolved the issue. Past Perfect (Remains the same)
The chef said, “I had been peeling onions since morning.” Past Perfect Continuous The chef said that he had been peeling onions since morning. Past Perfect Continuous (Remains the same)
Rahul said, “I will celebrate New Year’s Eve in Chennai.” Future Simple Rahul said he would celebrate New Year’s Eve in Chennai. Note that “will” changes to “would”
Neha said, “We will be waiting for you.” Future Continuous Neha said that they would be waiting for me. Note that “will” changes to “would be”
The scientist said, “We will have completed the mission in 2023.” Future Perfect Continuous The scientist said that they would have completed the mission in 2023. Note that “will” changes to “would have”

Modal Verbs: Direct To Indirect Speech

When converting direct to indirect speech, you must change modal verbs accordingly. Here are a few examples to help you understand better:

Direct Speech Modal Verbs Indirect Speech Modal Verbs
The kid said, “I can swim.” Can The kid said that she could swim. “Can” changes to “could”
Priya said, “I must go.” Must Priya said that she had to go. “Must” changes to “had”
Dad asked, “Shall we start?” Shall Dad asked if we should start. “Shall” becomes “should”

Changing Time Expressions: Direct To Indirect Speech

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the time expressions when converting from direct to indirect speech. A few examples,

  • Direct speech: Sheila said, “I am meeting my brother tomorrow.”
  • Indirect speech: Sheila said that she was meeting her brother the following day.

Here are a few examples of other typical time expressions and how they change:

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Yesterday The day before
Now At that time, then
Today That day, on Sunday/Monday, etc.
Tonight That night
Last night The night before
Last month The previous month
This week That week, last week
Five minutes ago Five minutes before
In one hour One hour later

Changing Place Expressions: Direct To Indirect Speech

Like time expressions, you might also have to change words representing places when reporting indirect speech. For example,

  • Direct speech: “It’s raining here.”
  • Indirect speech: She said that it was raining there.

Here are a few examples of other common place expressions and how they change:

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
here There (or) the place
this that
This pen That pen
In this room In that room

However, the place words only change when you report something from a different location.

Over To You

Now that you’ve seen the rules to convert direct to indirect speech, it’s time to put them into practice. The most efficient way to improve English speaking is to practice what you’ve learned. Join online English-speaking practice classes to gain confidence and mastery in your daily conversations.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

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Direct and Indirect speech, Rules, Chart and Exercises

Direct and Indirect speech are ways of narrating the speech of someone to some other person following certain rules. This article covers its types, rules, examples and some exercises on the same.

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Table of Contents

Direct and Indirect Speech: In English Grammar, direct and Indirect speech are used in instances when we wish to repeat or convey a speech or statement of some other person. Both direct and indirect speech describes what a third person said or conveyed in the past. Indirect speech is more commonly employed unless it’s a direct quotation, which is consistently enclosed in double quotation marks. Whereas indirect speech is used when you want to convey someone’s statement using your own precise words. It’s worth highlighting that indirect speech is consistently expressed using verbs like “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

Direct and Indirect Speech

There are two types of reported speech in English grammar, they are Direct and Indirect speech. Both speech conveys the speech or statement which was told by some other person. To explain any event, action or scenario we generally convey the sentences quoted by someone in the form of direct and indirect speech. In order to clearly differentiate and make people understand easily, we have detailed the two types of reported speech with examples and exercises below.

Direct Speech

Direct speech is the mode of expression that directly presents the words spoken or quoted by a third person. Generally, direct speech is written inside quotation marks (“”). The quotation is used to differentiate the speech of the third person that has happened in the past. Thus direct speech conveys statements or conversations of someone in the past tense but quoted inside the quotation marks in the present or future tense.

  • Kiran said, “I am doing my work.”
  • They said, ” We will go for the function.”
  • He asked, “Can I make this?”

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech is used when we convey what someone said in our own words without repeating the actual text of that person. Instead of using quotation marks, the conjunction word, ‘that’ is used. Thus speaker’s words and sentences are reframed into our own words in Indirect speech. Some examples of indirect speech are:

  • Direct speech: Kiran said, “I am doing my work.”
  • Indirect speech: Kiran said that she is doing her work.
  • Direct speech: They said, ” We will go for the function.”
  • Indirect speech: They said that they would go to the function.
  • Direct speech: He asked, “Can I make this?”
  • Indirect speech: He asked whether he can make that.

Rules for Direct and Indirect Speech

There are certain rules and regulations followed while converting a simple direct speech into indirect speech. Certain factors such as Verbs, Tenses, Modals, time, place, and pronouns are also considered while changing. The following are the rules applied when you convert direct speech to indirect speech in English grammar.

Rule-1 : Direct To Indirect Speech Conversion – Reporting Verb

The reporting verb is an important factor to note when changing a direct to an indirect sentence. When the reporting verb is past tense, then the verb inside the quotation is also changed to past when changing a sentence from direct to indirect speech. Examples:

  • Direct: He said,’ I am sad.’
  • Indirect: He said that he was sad.

An exception is for cases like a universal truth, the tenses remain the same.

  • Teena said” The sun rises in the east”.
  • Teena said that the sun rises in the east.

If the reporting verb is in present/future tense, then the tense remains the same as in direct speech.

  • Direct: She says/will say, ‘I am coming.’
  • Indirect: She says/will say she is coming.

Rule 2: Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Tenses

If the sentences inside quotes in direct speech are present tense, it is changed to past tense when changed to indirect speech. The rule in the following table is applied while changing tenses from direct speech to reported speech.

Present Simple Tense do /does V1 Past Simple Tense  did + V1 V2
Present Progressive Tense is/am/are + V4 Past Progressive Tense was /were + V4
Present Perfect Tense has /have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Present Perfect Progressive has been /have been + V4 Past Perfect Progressive had been + V4
Past Simple Tense did + V1 V2 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Past Perfect Tense had/have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Past Perfect Progressive had been/have been + V4 Past Perfect Progressive had been + V4
Future Simple Tense will + V1 would + V1
Future Progressive Tense will be + V4 would be + V4
Future Perfect Tense will have + V3 would have + V3
Future Perfect Progressive will have been + V4 would have been + V4

Examples of change in Tenses

Ram said, “I do my work.” Ram said that he did his work.
They said, “We are going now.” They said that they were going then.
Sara said, ” I have done my work.” Sara said that she had done her work.
Rohit said, “I have been doing my work.” Rohit said that he had been doing his work.
Ram said, “I did my work” Ram said that he had done his work.
They said,”We have done our work” They said that they had done their work.
They said, “We have been doing our work.” They said that they had been doing their work.
Ram Said, ” I had been doing my work.” Ram said that he had been doing his work.
Sara said, “I will do my work.” Sara said that she would do her work.
They said, “We will be going out.” They said that they would be going out.
They said, “We will have done this work.” They said that they would have done that work.
Ram said, “I will have been doing this work” Ram said that he would have been doing that work.

Rule 4: Direct to Indirect speech Conversion Interrogative sentences

If a sentence starts with a question word like what, when, and why in direct speech, the question word itself acts as the joining class.

  • Direct speech: “Where do you live ?” Asked the boy.
  • Indirect Speech: The boy enquired where I lived.

Rule 5: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Change in Modals

Modal verbs are those verbs that are preceded by another verb, which is the main verb. Can, May, and Must are some examples of Modals. Modals that won’t change are Could, would, should, ought to, might. While changing direct to indirect speech, the Modals change as below:

  • Can become could
  • May becomes Might
  • Must becomes had to (or) would have to
  • Direct: She said,” She can sing.”
  • Indirect: She said that she could sing.
  • Direct: She said,” I should cook the lunch”
  • Indirect: She said that she should cook the lunch.

Rule 6: Direct to Indirect speech conversion – pronoun

The first person in Direct speech changes as per the subject of the speech

  • Direct: He said, “I am in grade sixth.”
  • Indirect: He said that he was in grade sixth.

The second person of Direct speech changes as per the object of the indirect speech.

  • Direct: She says to them, “You have achieved your goal.”
  • Indirect: She tells them that they have achieved their goal.

If the third person is mentioned in the Direct speech, it does not change in reported speech.

  • Direct: He says, “She sings well.”
  • Indirect: He says that she sings well.

Rule 7: Direct to indirect speech conversion – Request, Command, Wish and Exclamation.

The imperative words in direct speech change into Infinitives in indirect speech.

  • Direct: She said to her ‘Please remove it’.
  • Indirect: She requested her to remove that.


  • Direct: She said, ‘Alas! I am undone.
  • Indirect: She exclaimed sadly that she was broke.

 Rule 8: Direct to indirect speech conversion – punctuations

In Direct speech, the words spoken must start with(“) and ends with(.) inside the double inverted commas. All symbols such as question marks, full stops or exclamatory marks should be placed inside the quotes.

  • They said. “We are the best”
  • She asked, “Can I come with You?”
  • He uttered, “Keep Quiet!”

Rule 9: Direct to indirect speech conversion – Change of time

While converting direct speech to Indirect speech, there are certain words to be noted that cannot be used as such in indirect speech. These words get modified into new words which are enlisted below:

  • Now becomes Then
  • Ago becomes before
  • Thus becomes So
  • Today becomes That day
  • Tomorrow becomes the next day
  • Yesterday becomes the day before
  • This becomes that
  • These become those
  • Come becomes go
  • Hence becomes thence
  • Next week or next month becomes the following week or month
  • Direct: He says/will say, ‘My girlfriend came yesterday.’
  • Indirect: He says/will say that his girlfriend had come the day before.

Rules for Converting Indirect Speech into Direct Speech:

The following rules should be followed while converting an indirect speech to direct speech:

  • Use the reporting verb such as (say, said to) in its correct
  • Put a comma before the statement and the first letter of the statement should be in capital
  • Insert question marks, quotation marks, exclamation marks and full stops, based on the mood of the
  • Remove the conjunctions like (that, too, if or wh ether) wherever necessary .
  • Where the reporting verb is in the past tense in indirect, change it to present tense in the direct
  • Change the past perfect tense either into the present perfect tense or past tense, as necessary .

Direct and Indirect Speech – Some Exercises

The following are some exercises that students can practice while preparing for their revision tests or board exams.

Q.1.  Find out the correct indirect speech for the given sentence.

She said,’ I have cooked this meal.’

  • She said that she cooked this meal
  • She said that she had cooked that meal.
  • She said that I cooked that meal.
  • She said that she had cooked this meal.

Answer (2) She said that she had cooked that meal.

Q.2.  Choose the correct sentence.

Sanjay said, ‘What a beautiful painting it is’.

  • Sanjay exclaimed wonderfully that the painting was very beautiful.
  • Sanjay exclaimed with wonder that the painting was very beautiful.

Answer (4) Sanjay exclaimed with wonder that the painting was very beautiful.

Q.3. The correct indirect speech for She asked, “What is the cost of these books?”

  • She enquired what was the cost of those books.
  • She inquired what was the cost of these books.
  • She enquired what is the cost of those books.
  • She questioned what was the cost of those books.

Answer (1) She enquired what was the cost of those books.

Q.4. The man said, ‘Oh God! I missed the train today.’

  • The man cried that he missed the train that day.
  • The man exclaimed in grief that he missed the train today.
  • The man said that oh God! he missed that day.
  • The man exclaimed with sorrow that he missed the train that day.

Answer (4) The man exclaimed with sorrow that he missed the train that day.

Q.5. Rahul said, “Can you call me back later?”

Answer (5) Rahul asked me if I could call him back later.

Q.6. Mom said to me, “May God Bless you”.

Answer (6)  Mom wished that God might bless me.

What is the Importance of Learning Direct and Indirect Speech?

Learning direct and indirect speech is crucial for several reasons:

  • Improved Communication Skills: Understanding both forms helps in accurately conveying messages from one person to another. This skill is essential in both written and spoken communication.
  • Enhanced Writing Abilities: Using direct and indirect speech allows for more dynamic and versatile writing. It enables writers to present dialogues and reported speech effectively.
  • Better Understanding of Language Nuances: Mastery of direct and indirect speech helps learners grasp the subtleties of language, including tone, context, and perspective.
  • Critical Thinking: Converting statements from direct to indirect speech (or vice versa) requires comprehension and analysis of the original message, fostering critical thinking.
  • Effective Reporting: In fields like journalism, law, and academia, accurately reporting speech is vital. Mastery of both forms ensures precision and reliability in conveying information.

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Direct and Indirect speech-FAQs

Q1. what are direct and indirect speech in english.

Ans. Direct speech is a speech that describes what a third person has conveyed or quoted in a direct manner. Generally, direct speech is written inside quotation marks ("").Indirect Speech is used when we convey what someone said in our own words without repeating the actual text of that person.

Q2. In which speech conjunctions are used and what is the purpose?

Ans. The conjunctions are used in Indirect speech. The speaker's words and sentences are reframed into our own words in Indirect speech using conjuctions as connecting words.

Q3. What are modals and what is the significance of using modals?

Ans. Modal verbs are those verbs that are preceded by another verb, which is the main verb. Can, May, and Must are some examples of Modals. While converting direct to indirect speech Can becomes could, May becomes Might, Will becomes Would. Modals that won’t change are Could, would, should, ought to, might.

Q4 Give a few examples of direct speech.

Ans: Some examples of direct speech have been discussed here: 1. John said, "I will go to the store." 2. Mary asked, "Are you coming to the party?" 3. "It's a beautiful day," remarked Sarah. 4. He shouted, "Watch out for the car!"

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech is a method of communicating ideas or knowledge with engaging in a direct exchange.  This often means Reported Speech , which is how we repeat a what we or someone else said, sacrificing word-for-word repetition for the sake of maintaining accuracy or clarity.  Indirect Speech can also be a more roundabout way of saying something, which we often do for Polite and Formal Questions .

Reported Speech

Reporting verbs, indirect questions, backshifting.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Premium Topics

include videos, bonus notes, printouts, slideshows, prerequisites, proficiency levels, practice activities, teaching tips, and relevant projects.

Key Concepts

have many of the same features as Premium Topics, but you might not form a full lesson around these. Instead, they can provide a foundation for other topics.

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Discourse Topics

are usually only blocks of text, though some have graphics or tables. These topics read much more like a typical textbook might.

only with Insider Access

Complex Sentences

Auxiliary verbs, proficiency levels, general notes, colored text.

Our videos feature selective colored text.  Colors stand out and help students know what to pay attention to.  We’re rather consistent with our color choices so that students learn to expect certain things from certain colors.  We recommend using this same technique yourself.   Read our article  to learn more.

In the Indirect Speech series, we use blue for past , red for present , and green for future .

Focus on Structure & Usage

Most of our methods are all about either sentence structure or usage. We touch on forms of individual words less often, and we hardly ever address infection or pronunciation. All five of these are important, but form and pronunciation tend to be more straightforward, so we let teachers decide for themselves how to present those. We dedicate our resources to the trickier stuff.

Working in Phrases

Most of the time when we say ‘noun’, we actually mean ‘noun phrase’, which typically includes determiners (like articles, possessives, and quantifiers) and sometimes adjectives.  We often do the same with verb strings; auxiliary verbs, ‘not’, and sometimes adverbs are included when we say ‘verb’.

Within the framework of a sentence, combining all those individual words into one block is generally helpful, as they act together to serve a single purpose.

American English

We mostly use American English, although most ESOL books primarily use British English.  We do this because our founder and lead content creator is American, so it’s what comes natural to him.  Just think of this as an excuse to teach your students some of the differences between British English and American English.

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5 Tasks for Practicing Reported Speech

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Tara Benwell June 12, 2017

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Do your students struggle with reported (indirect) speech? One of our subscribers recently said that reported speech is one of the most difficult targets for language students to learn. We agree! Our editor says that reported speech is tricky to learn (and teach) because of the verb tense changes that are sometimes required.

ESL Library's Dialogue-Based Sections

ESL Library has many lessons that are based on dialogues. These are ideal for practicing reported speech because they come with ready-made audio that you can download or stream:

  • Everyday Dialogues
  • English at Work
  • Detective Series 1
  • Detective Series 2
  • Everyday Idioms 1
  • Everyday Idioms 2
  • Everyday Idioms 3

Practice Tasks

Below are five practice tasks to try with any of the lessons from the sections above. These tasks can also be used with authentic dialogues and transcripts.

1. Listen & Report

Have your students listen to the dialogue. Pause the audio after each line (or after a tricky line) and ask this question:

What did he/she say?

reported speech example

At first, you might want your students to have the transcript handy. As your students become more familiar with this target, use the audio on its own.

2. Ask Ss for Clarification

This task can be done with the audio or the transcript. Ask your students to paraphrase what was said about a certain subject in the dialogue.

What did Jim say about the employment papers ? Did Jim say to drop off the employment papers  now ? Jim said to drop off the employment papers in the staff room, right ?

reported speech example

3. Practice a Specific Tense or Form

Some tenses are trickier than others when it comes to reported speech. Which ones do your students need to work on? Spot examples of it in the dialogues and ask your students to report on what was said.

What did the detective say the teacher was doing ?

reported speech example

Your students may also need to practice other types of indirect speech, such as questions and requests. When you see or hear an example in a dialogue, ask your students to practice.

What did he ask first? Then what request did he make?

reported speech example

4. Spot the Reported Speech

In some cases, reported speech will be used by the characters in the dialogue. Ask your students to spot instances of reported speech used by the speakers.

Where does one of the characters use reported speech?

reported speech example

5. Summarize the Conversation

When summarizing a conversation, it is natural to use reported speech. After listening to and reading a dialogue, ask students to practice summarizing it. This type of task can be done orally or in writing.

Summarize how Clarissa broke the ice with the detective.

reported speech example

Teaching Reported Speech

If your students are unfamiliar with reported (indirect) speech, you will need to teach them the rules and do some practice work before you can try the tasks above. Here are some useful materials to use:

1. Grammar Practice Worksheets: Direct & Reported Speech

In this lesson, students review the verb tense and punctuation rules used in direct and reported speech. They practice changing sentences from direct to reported speech and vice versa.

Direct and Reported speech lesson

2. Grammar & Usage: Reported Speech

This handy chart and tips will help students remember common verb tense and modal changes in reported speech. We also encourage you to read our editor's tips for teaching Reported Speech .

The Most Difficult Target to Learn/Teach

In your opinion, what is the most difficult language target for English learners? What is the most difficult thing to teach?

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Reported Speech – Rules, Examples

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| Candace Osmond

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

They say gossip is a natural part of human life. That’s why language has evolved to develop grammatical rules about the “he said” and “she said” statements. We call them reported speech.

Every time we use reported speech in English, we are talking about something said by someone else in the past. Thinking about it brings me back to high school, when reported speech was the main form of language!

Learn all about the definition, rules, and examples of reported speech as I go over everything. I also included a worksheet at the end of the article so you can test your knowledge of the topic.

What Does Reported Speech Mean?

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Reported speech is a term we use when telling someone what another person said. You can do this while speaking or writing.

There are two kinds of reported speech you can use: direct speech and indirect speech. I’ll break each down for you.

A direct speech sentence mentions the exact words the other person said. For example:

  • Kryz said, “These are all my necklaces.”

Indirect speech changes the original speaker’s words. For example:

  • Kryz said those were all her necklaces.

When we tell someone what another individual said, we use reporting verbs like told, asked, convinced, persuaded, and said. We also change the first-person figure in the quotation into the third-person speaker.

Reported Speech Examples

We usually talk about the past every time we use reported speech. That’s because the time of speaking is already done. For example:

  • Direct speech: The employer asked me, “Do you have experience with people in the corporate setting?”

Indirect speech: The employer asked me if I had experience with people in the corporate setting.

  • Direct speech: “I’m working on my thesis,” I told James.

Indirect speech: I told James that I was working on my thesis.

Reported Speech Structure

A speech report has two parts: the reporting clause and the reported clause. Read the example below:

  • Harry said, “You need to help me.”

The reporting clause here is William said. Meanwhile, the reported clause is the 2nd clause, which is I need your help.

What are the 4 Types of Reported Speech?

Aside from direct and indirect, reported speech can also be divided into four. The four types of reported speech are similar to the kinds of sentences: imperative, interrogative, exclamatory, and declarative.

Reported Speech Rules

The rules for reported speech can be complex. But with enough practice, you’ll be able to master them all.

Choose Whether to Use That or If

The most common conjunction in reported speech is that. You can say, “My aunt says she’s outside,” or “My aunt says that she’s outside.”

Use if when you’re reporting a yes-no question. For example:

  • Direct speech: “Are you coming with us?”

Indirect speech: She asked if she was coming with them.

Verb Tense Changes

Change the reporting verb into its past form if the statement is irrelevant now. Remember that some of these words are irregular verbs, meaning they don’t follow the typical -d or -ed pattern. For example:

  • Direct speech: I dislike fried chicken.

Reported speech: She said she disliked fried chicken.

Note how the main verb in the reported statement is also in the past tense verb form.

Use the simple present tense in your indirect speech if the initial words remain relevant at the time of reporting. This verb tense also works if the report is something someone would repeat. For example:

  • Slater says they’re opening a restaurant soon.
  • Maya says she likes dogs.

This rule proves that the choice of verb tense is not a black-and-white question. The reporter needs to analyze the context of the action.

Move the tense backward when the reporting verb is in the past tense. That means:

  • Present simple becomes past simple.
  • Present perfect becomes past perfect.
  • Present continuous becomes past continuous.
  • Past simple becomes past perfect.
  • Past continuous becomes past perfect continuous.

Here are some examples:

  • The singer has left the building. (present perfect)

He said that the singers had left the building. (past perfect)

  • Her sister gave her new shows. (past simple)
  • She said that her sister had given her new shoes. (past perfect)

If the original speaker is discussing the future, change the tense of the reporting verb into the past form. There’ll also be a change in the auxiliary verbs.

  • Will or shall becomes would.
  • Will be becomes would be.
  • Will have been becomes would have been.
  • Will have becomes would have.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will be there in a moment.”

Indirect speech: She said that she would be there in a moment.

Do not change the verb tenses in indirect speech when the sentence has a time clause. This rule applies when the introductory verb is in the future, present, and present perfect. Here are other conditions where you must not change the tense:

  • If the sentence is a fact or generally true.
  • If the sentence’s verb is in the unreal past (using second or third conditional).
  • If the original speaker reports something right away.
  • Do not change had better, would, used to, could, might, etc.

Changes in Place and Time Reference

Changing the place and time adverb when using indirect speech is essential. For example, now becomes then and today becomes that day. Here are more transformations in adverbs of time and places.

  • This – that.
  • These – those.
  • Now – then.
  • Here – there.
  • Tomorrow – the next/following day.
  • Two weeks ago – two weeks before.
  • Yesterday – the day before.

Here are some examples.

  • Direct speech: “I am baking cookies now.”

Indirect speech: He said he was baking cookies then.

  • Direct speech: “Myra went here yesterday.”

Indirect speech: She said Myra went there the day before.

  • Direct speech: “I will go to the market tomorrow.”

Indirect speech: She said she would go to the market the next day.

Using Modals

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If the direct speech contains a modal verb, make sure to change them accordingly.

  • Will becomes would
  • Can becomes could
  • Shall becomes should or would.
  • Direct speech: “Will you come to the ball with me?”

Indirect speech: He asked if he would come to the ball with me.

  • Direct speech: “Gina can inspect the room tomorrow because she’s free.”

Indirect speech: He said Gina could inspect the room the next day because she’s free.

However, sometimes, the modal verb should does not change grammatically. For example:

  • Direct speech: “He should go to the park.”

Indirect speech: She said that he should go to the park.

Imperative Sentences

To change an imperative sentence into a reported indirect sentence, use to for imperative and not to for negative sentences. Never use the word that in your indirect speech. Another rule is to remove the word please . Instead, say request or say. For example:

  • “Please don’t interrupt the event,” said the host.

The host requested them not to interrupt the event.

  • Jonah told her, “Be careful.”
  • Jonah ordered her to be careful.

Reported Questions

When reporting a direct question, I would use verbs like inquire, wonder, ask, etc. Remember that we don’t use a question mark or exclamation mark for reports of questions. Below is an example I made of how to change question forms.

  • Incorrect: He asked me where I live?

Correct: He asked me where I live.

Here’s another example. The first sentence uses direct speech in a present simple question form, while the second is the reported speech.

  • Where do you live?

She asked me where I live.

Wrapping Up Reported Speech

My guide has shown you an explanation of reported statements in English. Do you have a better grasp on how to use it now?

Reported speech refers to something that someone else said. It contains a subject, reporting verb, and a reported cause.

Don’t forget my rules for using reported speech. Practice the correct verb tense, modal verbs, time expressions, and place references.

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write the short conversations as indirect speech


Direct and Indirect Speech


Every day, people relay messages from one person to another. Whether it is to prove a point, describe an event, or disclose an opinion, we use the freedom of speech to share information. There are generally two ways of reporting a spoken idea: direct and indirect speech. This article shall explain and compare these two types of speech. Some examples are also provided to give you a more in-depth understanding.

Both direct and indirect speech are methods to narrate the words spoken by a specific person. The difference between them lies in how they are constructed and in the purpose of using them.

Direct Speech

In a direct speech , the actual words of the speaker are quoted explicitly. It is often used to relay something being said in the present tense. It can also be used to recall the exact words of the speaker when retelling a previous conversation. You can recognize a direct speech instantly because it has a text enclosed in a set of quotation marks. That text or idea is known as the reported speech .

  • He says, “I want to adopt a dog.”
  • Julia asks, “What do you want to have for dinner?”
  • Penny answers, “I would like to have some soup.”
  • “I have a new job,” Kyle says to us.
  • “I will be working as a virtual assistant,” he added.

As you can see, direct speech can be presented in different tenses: past, present, or future. It depends on when the actual words were spoken and when the reporter is retelling them. Also, reporting verbs (say, ask, answer, etc.) are not necessarily placed before the quoted text. You can also place them after it.

This type of speech is often used in writing novels or telling a story. This is because it gives the text a more actual and realistic effect.

Indirect Speech

Indirect speech is usually used to relay what was being said by the speaker without directly quoting the original words. In this case, the tense of the sentence is typically changed. Reporting verbs, such as say, tell, ask, and others, are used as an introduction. The words of the original speaker will not be enclosed inside the quotation marks. Instead, the word “that” is used to connect the reporting verb to the reported text.

  • He says that he wants to adopt a dog.
  • Julia asks Penny what she wants for dinner.
  • Penny answers that she would like to have some soup.
  • Kyle told us that he got a new job.
  • He added that he will be working as a virtual assistant.

The above sentences are actually converted from the previous examples of direct speech. Aside from eliminating the quotation marks, correct pronouns are also used. Additionally, the reporting verbs are now all found before the reported speech. The reporting verb is then followed with “that.”

Converting Direct to Indirect Speech

Now, let us specify the rules in converting direct speech to indirect speech. Here are the steps on how to do so:

1. Eliminate the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text.

The quotation marks are the primary indication of a direct speech. Therefore, it is crucial to take them out if you are forming an indirect one.

2. Retain the tense of the reporting verb and add the word “that” after it.

You have to retain the tense of the reporting verb to allow consistency of reports. Instead of placing a comma to separate the reporting clause from the reported one, the word “that” is added. However, if the reported speech is a yes-no question, you use “if” instead of “that.” If the question starts with who, what, when, where, etc., no additional words are needed. Instead, you have to rearrange the sentence into a declarative form.

  • Direct Speech:  She says, “I want to go to Paris.”
  • Indirect Speech:  She says  that  she wants to go to Paris.
  • Direct Speech:  She asks, “Do you want to go to Paris?”
  • Indirect Speech:  She asks me  if  I want to go to Paris.
  • Direct Speech:  “Ms. Thompson, where are you going?” I asked.
  • Indirect Speech:  I asked Ms. Thompson  where she was going .

3. Change the tense of the verb in the reported speech, if needed.

If the reporting verb is in the past tense, you should change the tense of the verb inside the reported speech into its past tense. This is not necessary if the reporting verb is in the present or future tense.

  • Direct Speech:  He  said , “I am watching a new TV series.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He said that  he was watching  a new TV series.
  • Direct Speech:  He  says , “I am watching a new TV series.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He says that  he is watching  a new TV series.

Of course, you have to consider the correlation between the report and the idea on the quoted text. Sometimes, a change in tense is not needed even if the reporting verb is in the past tense.

  • Direct Speech:  He said, “I will be watching a new TV series.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He said that  he will be watching  a new TV series.
  • Direct Speech:  He said, “I watch TV series every night.”
  • Indirect Speech:  He said that  he watches  TV series every night.

For the first example, the quoted text is still about to happen. So, you don’t need to change the tense of the sentence inside the quotation. For the second example, watching TV series is implied as a habitual action. Therefore, you still have to retain the present tense of the verb.

4. Change the pronouns accordingly.

You should also change the pronoun based on who the speaker, doer, and receiver of the action is.

  • Direct Speech:  Wendy says, “Ron, y ou  should take care of  yourself .”
  • Indirect Speech:  Wendy told Ron that  he  should take care of  himself .

Appropriate changing of pronouns is done to avoid misunderstanding the whole text. If pronouns are not changed, it might confuse the reader or the listener as to who is saying or doing the action.

The change in pronouns gives rise to changes in the plurality of the verb used. That being said, you have to consider and follow correct subject-verb agreement at all times.

Tense Changes in Indirect Speech

write the short conversations as indirect speech

Verb Tenses Changes

Present Simple Tense into Past Simple Tense

For example:

  • Direct speech: She always wears a coat.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) she always wore a coat.

Present Continuous Tense into Past Continuous Tense

  • Direct speech: I ‘m looking for my keys.
  • Reported speech: She said that she was looking for her keys.

Present Perfect Tense into Past Perfect Tense

  • Direct speech: She has written three letters for her friend.
  • Reported speech: He said she had written three letters for her friend.

Past Simple Tense into Past Perfect Tense

  • Direct speech:   My friend gave me a bar of chocolate.
  • Reported speech: He said that his friend had given him a bar of chocolate.

Past Continuous Tense into  Past   Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Direct speech: We were living in London.
  • Reported speech: They said that they had been living in London.

Past Perfect Tense ( The tense remains unchanged )

  • Direct speech: The bread had gone stale.
  • Reported speech: She said the bread had gone stale.

Future Simple Tense (e.g. will ) into “ would “

  • Direct speech: I will finish my report in two days.
  • Reported speech: He said that he would finish his report in two days.

Future Progressive Tense (e.g. will be ) into “ would be “

  • Direct speech: I will be making tea.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) he would be making tea.

Future Perfect Tense (e.g. will have ) into “ would have “

  • Direct speech: I will have called a doctor.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) she would have called a doctor.

Future Perfect Tense (e.g. will have been ) into “ would have been “

  • Direct speech:  All the money  will have been  spent.
  • Reported speech: He said (that) all the money would have been spent.

Other Verb Form Changes in Reported Speech

Can into Could

  • Direct speech: I can speak English.
  • Reported speech: She said she could speak English.

Could ( The verb remains unchanged)

  • Direct speech: He could play in the match.
  • Reported speech: They said he could play in the match.

Have to into Had to

  • Direct speech: I have to submit this assignment by 3 pm tomorrow.
  • Reported speech: She said she had to submit this assignment by 3 pm tomorrow.

Must into Must/Had to

  • Direct speech: I must go to the bank and get some money.
  • Reported speech: She said she must / had to go to the bank and get some money.

May into Might

  • Direct speech:  I may invite them to dinner.
  • Reported speech: She said that she  might invite them to the dinner.

Might (The verb remains unchanged)

  • Direct speech: He might get a flight tomorrow.
  • Reported speech: She said he might get a flight the next day.

Should (The verb remains unchanged)

  • Direct speech: I should start a job.
  • Reported speech: She said that she should start a job.

More interesting articles

  • Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech
  • Changes of Pronouns in Reported Speech: Rules & Examples
  • Direct Speech | What is Direct Speech? with Useful Examples
  • No Change in Verb Tenses in Reported Speech
  • Reported Commands and Requests in English
  • Reported Questions: Direct and Indirect Questions
  • Reported Speech Exercises – Reported Speech Worksheet
  • Reported Speech: Important Grammar Rules and Examples
  • Reporting Verbs in English Grammar

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Direct And Indirect Speech : Rules, Examples and Practice Questions

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct And Indirect Speech : Direct and indirect Speeches are used during our day to day life conversations. Generally while speaking in general conversation, we use indirect speech. There are many instances where we need to describe an event or action that happened (while telling about a particular event), and very often that includes repeating what someone said. For example, Payal came in and said, “I’m really hungry.” In this someone is describing the event that happened. Such occasions occur frequently in our daily life. In order to describe what someone said, we use direct and indirect speech frequently. Direct and Indirect speeches are not just important to our daily conversations, but they are also important for our exams. A number of questions are asked from direct and indirect speeches in the exams like, IBPS PO, SBI PO, IBPS Clerk, etc. So, in this blog, we will know everything about direct and indirect speeches like rules, examples, how to convert direct to indirect speech, and practice questions. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Direct Speech

When we want to describe what someone said to us, we commonly use direct speech. We simply repeat what someone said, putting the phrase between speech marks. For example; Payal came in and said, “I’m really hungry.”  Here in this example, someone is describing what Payal said. 

We commonly use this type of language in TV news and newspapers. For example : The Police officer said “We are looking into the situation”

Examples of Direct Speech :

Some other examples of the direct speech are :

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  •  He said, “I will go to the market.”
  • The officer said to the clerk, “File these papers immediately”
  • He said to Sheela, “you have committed a mistake here”
  • Vamsi said, “We are playing a match today.”
  • He said to the boy, “Where did you learn classical music?”

Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)

When we want to tell about what someone said without speech marks and without necessarily using exactly the same words, we can use indirect speech, also known as reported Speech.  For example-

Direct Speech : The librarian said to me, “You can keep this book with you” Indirect Speech : The librarian told me that I can keep this book with me.

Direct Speech : I said to you, “She should not be in the garden” Indirect Speech : I told you that she should not be in the garden.

Direct Speech : Tony said, “We cannot enter the park” Indirect Speech : Tony said that they could not enter the park.

Direct Speech : She said, “I am doing my homework” Indirect Speech : She said that she was doing her homework.

Direct Speech : He said, “I have eaten a mango.” Indirect Speech : He said that he had eaten a mango.

Direct Speech : She said, “It has been snowing for 5 days” Indirect Speech : She said that it had been snowing for 5 days.

Direct Speech : Geeta said, “They went to the park” Indirect Speech : Geeta said that they had gone to the park.

Direct Speech : Raj said to me, “I was waiting to see you” Indirect Speech : Raj said to me that he had been waiting to see me.

Direct Speech : She said, “I had eaten a pizza” Indirect Speech : She said that she had eaten a pizza.

Direct Speech : Chris said, “I will buy a chocolate” Indirect Speech : Chris said that he would buy chocolate.

Direct Speech : Ben said, “I will be catching a taxi” Indirect Speech : Ben said that he would be catching a taxi.

Direct Speech : John said, “I will have eaten the pizza” Indirect Speech : John said that he would have eaten the pizza.

How to Convert Direct Speech Into Indirect speech?

Most of the questions asked in the competitive exams revolve around changing the speech of a given sentence. Sometimes from direct to indirect or vice versa. So here, we will see how you can easily convert direct speech into indirect speech without much effort.

Present Simple Tense do /does  Past Simple Tense did 
Present Continuous Tense is/am/are  Past Continuous Tense was /were 
Present Perfect Tense has /have  Past Perfect Tense had 
Present Perfect Continuous has been /have been  Past Perfect Continuous had been 
Past Simple Tense did  Past Perfect Tense had 
Past Perfect Tense had  Past Perfect Tense had 
Past Perfect Continuous had been Past Perfect Tense had + V3 Past Perfect Continuous had been + V4
Future Simple Tense will  would 
Future Continuous Tense will be would be 
Future Perfect Tense will have  would have 
Future Perfect Continuous will have been would have been 
Reported Verb Reported Speech
Subject First person (I, we) Changes according to the subject of the reported verb
Object Second person (you) Changes according to the object of the reported verb
No Change Third person (he, she, it, they) No change

Also Remember :  The tense of the reported speech remains the same if the reported speech expresses a universal truth/a habitual fact. Example:

Direct : The professor said, “The planets revolve around the sun” Indirect : The professor said that the planets revolve around the run.

Changing certain words in Direct-Indirect Speech

Direct Speech Word Indirect Speech Word
Here There
Today that day
this morning that morning
Yesterday the day before
Tomorrow the next day
next week the following week
next month the following month
Now Then
Ago Before
Thus So
Last Night the night before
This That
These Those
Hither Thither
Hence Thence
Come Go

Types of sentences

Declarative: Makes a statement/Expresses an opinion (declaration). These sentences end with a full stop or period. Example: “He is a good person.”

Interrogative: Asks a question. These often begin with a what, who, which, how, etc., and end with a question mark.  Example: “How is the weather?”

  • When changing an interrogative sentence into indirect speech, change the reporting verb into words like, asked, inquired, wondered, wanted to know, interrogated, etc.
  • The interrogative should be removed and the interrogative form is changed to assertive form, i.e., the question mark is removed and replaced with a full stop.
  • If the question begins with words like whose, what, who, which, when etc. no conjunction is used.

Example:  Direct : He said to me, “Is there something I can help you with?” Indirect : He asked me if there was something he could help me with.

Imperative: These sentences make a request/give a command and end either with a full stop or an exclamation mark.  Example: “Please enter the room.”

  • Reporting verb is changed into a verb indicating a request, an order, forbidding, suggestion, proposal, etc.
  • The command in the indirect speech can be expressed through words like charge, tell, order, etc. whereas the requests can be expressed using beg, ask, beseech, implore, etc.
  • The conjunction ‘to’ is used, followed by the verb.
  • Words like persuade, incite, forbid, can be used according to the context of the speech.
  • The verb in reported speech is changed into an infinitive. The word “not” is placed before the infinitive if the reported speech is negative.

Examples: She said to me, “Help me pick this up” She requested me to help her pick that up.

The doctor said to the patient, “Stay hydrated” The doctor advised the patient to stay hydrated.

The teacher said to her students, “All of you should participate in cultural events” The teacher urged all her students to participate in cultural events.

Note: Some imperative sentences have the word “let” in it. For such sentences use suggested/proposed.  Example:

He said to us, “Let’s go to Goa” He suggested us that we should to go Goa.

 “Let us host a party”, said my friend. My friend proposed that we should host a party.

Exclamatory: Expresses an emotion; joy, sorrow, excitement, etc. and ends with an exclamatory mark.  Example: “What a beautiful cake!”

  • Reporting verb is changed to exclaim with happiness/sorrow/fear/anger/etc.
  • The “that” conjunction is used to introduce the reported speech.
  • Sentence is changed into an assertive one.
  • Exclamations & interjections are removed, as they’re conveyed by adverbs or adverbial phrases.

Example: “What a rude person!”, exclaimed my friend. My friend exclaimed that that person was rude.

“How charming is this!”, said he. He joyfully exclaimed that it was charming.

How do Modals change while converting from direct to indirect Speech?

  • Modals in present tense are changed into past tense.

direct and indirect speech

Example: She said, “I can climb that tree” She said that she could climb that tree.

He said, “I may take up the summer internship” He said that he might take up the summer internship.

Manu said, “I must take her autograph” Manu said that he had to take her autograph.

Indirect speech for sentence having MODALS should, ought to, might, would and could

direct and indirect speech

Example: Ramesh said, “We would take the other road” Ramesh said that they would take the other road.

Ajay said, “He could dance” Ajay said that he could dance.

Mr Miller said, “His family might come” Mr Miller said that his family might come.

Raj said, “I should buy a car” Raj said that he should buy a car.

She said to me, “You ought to dance for us” She said to me that I ought to dance for them.

Direct and Indirect Speech Practice Questions:

Q1. The officer said to the clerk, “File these papers immediately”

  • The officer said to the clerk to file these papers immediately.
  • The officer ordered to the clerk to file those papers immediately.
  • The officer ordered the clerk to file those papers immediately.  

Q2.  He said to Sheela, “you have committed a mistake here.??

  • He told Sheela that she committed a mistake here.
  • He told Sheela that she had committed a mistake there.  
  • He told Sheela that she would commit a mistake there.

Q3. The designer said to her, ‘will you have the dress ready by tomorrow evening?’

  • The designer asked her if she would have the dress ready by next evening.
  • The designer asked her that she would have the dress ready by next evening.
  • The designer asked her that if she will like to have the dress by next evening.
  • The designer asked her that she will have the suit ready by next evening.

Q4. Vamsi said, “We are playing a match today.??

  • Vamsi said that they were playing a match today.
  • Vamsi said that they are playing a match today.
  • Vamsi said that they have been playing a match that day.
  • Vamsi said that they were playing a match that day.  

Q5. The driver said to the passerby, “Do you know the way to the market

  • The driver asked the passerby did he know the way to the market. 
  • The driver asked the passerby if he knows the way to the market. 
  • The driver asked the passerby whether you know the way to the market. 
  • The driver asked the passerby if he knew the way to the market.

Q6. Amit said to me, “Your parents are waiting for you.”

  • Amit told me that your parents are waiting for you.
  • Amit told me that his parents were waiting for me.
  • Amit asked me if my parents were waiting for me. 
  • Amit told me that my parents were waiting for me.

Q7. He said, “Children go to school every day’

  • He said children go to school every day.
  • He said that children go to school every day.  
  • He said that children go to school that day.

Q8. The teacher said, “Are you preparing well for the exams?”

  • The teacher said that they are preparing well for the exams.
  • The teacher asked if I am preparing well for the exams.
  • The teacher asked if I was preparing well for the exams.  
  • The teachers asked whether I have been preparing well for the exams.

Q9. She asked the child, “Have you taken your meal?”

  • She asked the child if he/she had taken his/her meal.  
  • She asked the child if he/she has taken his/her meal.
  • She asked the child if he/she will take his/her meal.
  • She asked the child if he/she would take his/her meal.

Q10. She said to the boy, “Where did you learn classical music?”

  • She asked the boy where he learnt classical music.
  • She asked the boy where he learns classical music.
  • She asked the boy where he would learn classical music.
  • She asked the boy where he had learnt classical music. 

Q.11 I said to Pramod, “How did you break your leg?” (a) I asked Pramod how he had broken your leg. (b) I asked Pramod how did you break your leg. (c) I asked Pramod how he had broken his leg. (d) I asked Pramod how you broke your leg.

Q.12 The driver said to the passerby, “Do you know the way to the market (a) The driver asked the passerby did he know the way to the market. (b) The driver asked the passerby if he knows the way to the market. (c) The driver asked the passerby whether you know the way to the market. (d) The driver asked the passerby if he knew the way to the market.

Q.13 Anshul told me that his mother was not at home and that she would be back the following day. (a) Anshul said to me, “My mother is not at home. She will be back tomorrow.” (b) Anshul said to me, “My mother was not at home. She will be back the following day.” (c) Anshul said to me, “My mother is not at home. She would be back the following day.” (d) Anshul said to me, “His mother was not at home. She would be back tomorrow.”

Q.14 Rani said to me, “A monkey bit me in the park.” (a) Rani told me that a monkey has bitten her in the park. (b) Rani told me that a monkey had bitten her in the park. (c) Rani told me that a monkey bit me in the park. (d) Rani asked me if a monkey bit me in the park.

Q.15 Amit said to me, “Your parents are waiting for you.” (a) Amit told me that your parents are waiting for you. (b) Amit told me that his parents were waiting for me. (c) Amit asked me if my parents were waiting for me. (d) Amit told me that my parents were waiting for me.

45 Most important Direct Indirect Speech Questions Notes: Free PDF Download for IBPS Exams

Direct and Indirect Speech FAQs

You can practice the Direct and Indirect speech questions in this blog.

Direct Speech : When we want to describe what someone said to us, we commonly use direct speech. We simply repeat what someone said, putting the phrase between speech marks. Indirect Speech : When we want to tell about what someone said without speech marks and without necessarily using exactly the same words.

Here is one example. Direct Speech : He said, “I have eaten a mango.” Indirect Speech : He said that he had eaten a mango.


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  • Direct and Indirect Speech - Explanation, Examples and Narration Rules


Understanding Direct and Indirect Speech: Definitions, Examples, and Rules

Direct and indirect speech are ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech quotes the exact words spoken, while indirect speech paraphrases or summarises them. Knowing how to use both helps you accurately convey conversations and dialogue in writing. This guide covers the basics of direct and indirect speech, provides examples, and explains the rules for converting between them.

Some Interesting Facts about Direct and Indirect Speech


Interesting Facts

Direct Speech

1. Historical Use: Direct speech has been used in literature for centuries to bring characters to life and make dialogues vivid.

2. Literary Techniques: Authors often use direct speech to reveal character traits and emotions through their exact words.

3. Quotes: Famous quotes are often preserved in direct speech to maintain their original impact and meaning.

Indirect Speech

1. Flexibility: Indirect speech allows for more flexibility in integrating quotes into narratives or discussions without disrupting the flow.

2. Reporting Variations: Indirect speech can vary in how it reports statements, allowing for summarisation and interpretation.

3. Cultural Differences: Different languages and cultures have varying rules for converting direct speech into indirect speech, reflecting diverse approaches to communication.

What is Direct and Indirect Speech?

The distinction between Direct and Indirect Speech may be confusing for some students. Often when we need to explain an incident or action, it involves quoting what someone said. A social situation, as well as a work email or presentation, are examples of such instances. There are two forms of Speech used to explain what other people say: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (or reported Speech).

Direct Speech

The same words spoken are quoted indirect Speech. If we use Direct Speech in writing, we bring the words spoken between quotation marks (" ") and leave them alone. We may be reporting something that is being said (for example, a phone conversation) or asking someone about a previous conversation later.

Nirmal said, "There's a dog outside the window."

Mahima says, "What time will you be home?"

Supriya said, "I don't know!"

Indirect Speech

When we use reported or Indirect Speech to speak about the past, we generally change the tense of the words we say. We use reporting verbs like 'say,' 'tell,' and 'ask,' and we can introduce the reported words with the word 'that.' There are no inverted commas in this sentence.

For Example,

Mahima said that she had seen him.

Nirmal said he was looking forward to playing in the match on Saturday.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Children often mix up Direct and Indirect Speech. We need a way to say the difference between what someone is claimed to have said and what they said when we're writing. What did she say if you asked her? You may respond in one of two ways:

“I don’t like pizza,” Siddi said. (Direct Speech)

Siddi says she doesn’t like pizza. (Indirect Speech)

Note how Speech marks (“...”) are used in Direct Speech to indicate precisely what was said. Speech labels are located at the beginning and end of the actual words spoken. The words 'Siddi said' are not in Speech marks because they were not spoken aloud; rather, they are a way for the writer to express who was speaking to the reader.

The past tense is often used in reported Speech. This is because the words have already been spoken, and the writer is simply reporting on what has already been saying. It's critical to think about what was said and convert it to the past tense.

Direct and Indirect Narration Rules

Following are the steps to convert the Direct/Indirect Speech and also let’s discuss Direct and Indirect Speech tenses rules in detail.

Step 1: Write down the reporting verb that is used to determine the Indirect Speech's tense.

Step 2: Change the position and time to reflect the speaker's actual location and time.

Step 3: For both the object and the subject, use the correct pronoun.

Step 4: Make sure the sentence has the correct structure and word order.

Now we'll go through each of these measures in greater depth.

Step 1: Choosing the Verb's Tense and Conversion

Case 1: Nirmal said, ‘I go to the gym every day.

Case 2: Nirmal says, ‘I go to the gym every day.’

The verb ‘say' is used in both of the instances above to express the action of speaking. In addition, the reporting verb say is used in the past tense in the first case – said. In case 2, however, the reporting verb is in the present tense.

As a consequence, all verbs must be in the relevant past tense here. If the reporting verb is in the past tense, this is often followed. Thus, Nirmal said, ‘I go to the class every day will change to Nirmal said that he went to the gym every day.

The second rule is that the tense is not changed whether the reporting verb is in the future or present tense. So, Nirmal says, ‘I go to the class every day will be changed to Nirmal says that he goes to the class every day.

Step 2: Changes are Made to the Word That Communicates Place, Time, and Connection.

The time or place specified in the sentence should be changed to match the current time or position.

On 21st, May 2015: ‘I will come tomorrow,’ Sriram said.

On 21st, May 2015, Sriram said that he would come the next day.

Step 3: The Subject and Object Pronouns are Chosen Separately.

Case 1: Saurav will say to his friends, “I have started learning psychology” will change to Saurav will tell his friends that he has started learning psychology.

In this case, the speaker and the reporter are the same people. As a consequence, the pronoun should be the first person pronoun.

Case 2: Ma’am said to me, “I hope you will bring the geometry to my next class” will changed to Ma’am hoped that I would bring the geometry to her next class.

The speaker is ma'am, and the reporter is the student. As a consequence, the ma'am pronoun should be in the third person. The reporter's pronoun should also be in the first person.

Remember that we do not change the tense of the reporting verb within the quotation marks when it is in the present or future tense.

Direct Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

Here are some exercises on Direct and Indirect Speech along with their answers:

Exercise 1: Convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

Direct: She said, "I am going to the market."

Direct: He asked, "Do you want some coffee?"

Direct: "I have finished my assignment," John said.

Direct: The teacher said, "Please submit your homework by tomorrow."

Direct: "Where did you go last weekend?" she asked.

Indirect: She said that she was going to the market.

Indirect: He asked if I wanted some coffee.

Indirect: John said that he had finished his assignment.

Indirect: The teacher requested that we submit our homework by the next day.

Indirect: She asked where I had gone the previous weekend.

Exercise 2: Convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech

Indirect: He said that he would join us for dinner.

Indirect: She asked if I could help her with the project.

Indirect: They mentioned that they had seen the movie already.

Indirect: The doctor advised that I should take some rest.

Indirect: She inquired where the nearest station was.

Direct: He said, "I will join you for dinner."

Direct: She asked, "Can you help me with the project?"

Direct: They mentioned, "We have seen the movie already."

Direct: The doctor advised, "You should take some rest."

Direct: She inquired, "Where is the nearest station?"

These exercises and answers should help you practice converting between Direct and Indirect Speech effectively.

Narration Exercise with Answers

Here are some narration change exercises from Direct to Indirect Speech and vice versa. Each exercise includes sentences to be converted between the two forms.

Exercise 1: Direct to Indirect Speech

Direct: She said, "I am studying for my exams."

Direct: He said, "I will call you tomorrow."

Direct: "Where have you been?" she asked him.

Direct: They said, "We have finished our homework."

Direct: The teacher asked, "Have you completed your project?"

Indirect: She said that she was studying for her exams.

Indirect: He said that he would call me the next day.

Indirect: She asked him where he had been.

Indirect: They said that they had finished their homework.

Indirect: The teacher asked if I had completed my project.

Exercise 2: Indirect to Direct Speech

Indirect: She said that she was going to the library.

Indirect: He mentioned that he would be late for the meeting.

Indirect: They said that they had already completed their homework.

Indirect: The teacher inquired if the students had finished their project.

Direct: She said, "I am going to the library."

Direct: He said, "I will be late for the meeting."

Direct: She asked, "Where have you been?"

Direct: They said, "We have already completed our homework."

Direct: The teacher asked, "Have you finished your project?"

Some More Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises:

Direct: She said, "I cannot attend the meeting today."

Direct: "Will you be available for a call later?" he asked.

Direct: "I need to finish my report by this evening," Alice said.

Direct: The coach said, "Run five laps around the field."

Direct: "Did you see the new movie?" he asked her.

Direct: Jessica said, "I am excited about the concert next month."

Direct: "Please remember to lock the door when you leave," he said.

Direct: The manager said, "Submit your expense reports by Friday."

Direct: "What time does the train arrive?" she asked.

Direct: "I will help you with your project," he promised.

Indirect: She said that she could not attend the meeting that day.

Indirect: He asked if I would be available for a call later.

Indirect: Alice said that she needed to finish her report by that evening.

Indirect: The coach instructed us to run five laps around the field.

Indirect: He asked her if she had seen the new movie.

Indirect: Jessica said that she was excited about the concert the following month.

Indirect: He requested that I remember to lock the door when I left.

Indirect: The manager said to submit our expense reports by Friday.

Indirect: She asked what time the train arrived.

Indirect: He promised that he would help me with my project.

Indirect: She mentioned that she was planning a surprise party.

Indirect: He asked whether I had completed the assignment.

Indirect: They said they would visit us during the summer.

Indirect: The professor explained that the test would cover three chapters.

Indirect: She said that she had been studying all night.

Indirect: The waiter asked if we were ready to order.

Indirect: He said that he was feeling much better.

Indirect: They inquired if I wanted to join them for lunch.

Indirect: The child said that he had lost his toy.

Indirect: She suggested that we should meet for coffee next week.

Direct: She said, "I am planning a surprise party."

Direct: He asked, "Have you completed the assignment?"

Direct: They said, "We will visit you during the summer."

Direct: The professor explained, "The test will cover three chapters."

Direct: She said, "I have been studying all night."

Direct: The waiter asked, "Are you ready to order?"

Direct: He said, "I am feeling much better."

Direct: They asked, "Do you want to join us for lunch?"

Direct: The child said, "I have lost my toy."

Direct: She suggested, "We should meet for coffee next week."

These exercises offer further practice in converting between Direct and Indirect Speech.

Check your Knowledge of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct: "I will finish the project by Friday," he said.

Direct: She asked, "Have you completed your preparations?"

Direct: "You should see a doctor," he advised.

Direct: "Why are you late?" she inquired.

Direct: "We are going to the beach tomorrow," they said.

Direct: "Can you help me with this task?" he asked.

Direct: "I haven't seen that film yet," she said.

Direct: "Please close the window," he requested.

Direct: "Where will you be next week?" she asked.

Direct: "I am taking a break," he said.

Indirect: He said that he would finish the project by Friday.

Indirect: She asked if I had completed my preparations.

Indirect: He advised that I should see a doctor.

Indirect: She inquired why I was late.

Indirect: They said that they were going to the beach the next day.

Indirect: He asked if I could help him with that task.

Indirect: She said that she had not seen that film yet.

Indirect: He requested that I close the window.

Indirect: She asked where I would be the following week.

Indirect: He said that he was taking a break.

Takeaways from the Page

Direct Speech quotes exactly what someone said, using quotation marks around their words. Tenses and punctuation stay the same as in the original speech.

Indirect Speech reports what someone said without quoting their exact words. It doesn’t use quotation marks and often changes pronouns and tenses to fit the context.

Changing Direct to Indirect : Replace the quotation marks with reporting verbs like "said" or "asked," adjust tenses, and modify pronouns.

Changing Indirect to Direct : Use quotation marks and restore the exact wording and punctuation. Adjust pronouns and tenses to reflect the original speech.

When to Use : Use Direct Speech to quote exactly or show dialogue. Use Indirect Speech to summarize or integrate what was said into your text.

Practice : Regularly converting between Direct and Indirect Speech helps you get better at reporting speech accurately.


FAQs on Direct and Indirect Speech - Explanation, Examples and Narration Rules

1. What are Direct and Indirect Speech exercises?

Direct and Indirect Speech exercises involve converting sentences from one form to another. These exercises help practice how to report speech accurately by changing the format while preserving the meaning.

2. Why are Direct and Indirect Speech exercises important? 

These exercises are important for mastering how to quote someone's words exactly or report what was said without quoting directly. They help in improving clarity and accuracy in communication.

3. How do you convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech? 

To convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, replace quotation marks with reporting verbs, adjust tenses and pronouns, and remove the quotation marks.

4. How do you convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech? 

To convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech, restore the exact wording within quotation marks, adjust pronouns and tenses to match the original context, and include appropriate punctuation.

5. Can you provide an example of a Direct to Indirect Speech exercise? 

Direct to Indirect Speech example.

Convert: "I am going to the market," she said.

She said that she was going to the market.

6. Can you provide an example of an Indirect to Direct Speech exercise? 

Indirect to Direct Speech example.

Convert: She said that she was going to the market. 

"I am going to the market," she said.

7. What is a narration change exercise? 

A narration change exercise involves converting sentences between Direct and Indirect Speech to practice reporting and quoting speech accurately.

8. How can I practice narration exercises effectively? 

To practice effectively, regularly complete exercises, check your answers against correct conversions, and understand the rules for changing between Direct and Indirect Speech.

9. What are some common mistakes in narration exercises? 

Common mistakes include incorrect tense shifts, wrong pronoun changes, and improper use of punctuation. Make sure to follow the rules for each form to avoid these errors.

10. How do narration exercises improve language skills? 

Narration exercises enhance language skills by helping you understand how to report and quote speech accurately, improving both writing and comprehension abilities.

Indirect Speech Definition and Examples

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Indirect speech is a report on what someone else said or wrote without using that person's exact words (which is called direct speech). It's also called indirect discourse or reported speech . 

Direct vs. Indirect Speech

In direct speech , a person's exact words are placed in quotation marks and set off with a comma and a reporting clause or signal phrase , such as "said" or "asked." In fiction writing, using direct speech can display the emotion of an important scene in vivid detail through the words themselves as well as the description of how something was said. In nonfiction writing or journalism, direct speech can emphasize a particular point, by using a source's exact words.

Indirect speech is paraphrasing what someone said or wrote. In writing, it functions to move a piece along by boiling down points that an interview source made. Unlike direct speech, indirect speech is  not  usually placed inside quote marks. However, both are attributed to the speaker because they come directly from a source.

How to Convert

In the first example below, the  verb  in the  present tense  in the line of direct speech ( is)  may change to the  past tense  ( was ) in indirect speech, though it doesn't necessarily have to with a present-tense verb. If it makes sense in context to keep it present tense, that's fine.

  • Direct speech:   "Where is your textbook? " the teacher asked me.
  • Indirect speech:  The teacher asked me  where my textbook was.
  • Indirect speech: The teacher asked me where my textbook is.

Keeping the present tense in reported speech can give the impression of immediacy, that it's being reported soon after the direct quote,such as:

  • Direct speech:  Bill said, "I can't come in today, because I'm sick."
  • Indirect speech:  Bill said (that) he can't come in today because he's sick.

Future Tense

An action in the future (present continuous tense or future) doesn't have to change verb tense, either, as these examples demonstrate.

  • Direct speech:  Jerry said, "I'm going to buy a new car."
  • Indirect speech:  Jerry said (that) he's going to buy a new car.
  • Direct speech:  Jerry said, "I will buy a new car."
  • Indirect speech:  Jerry said (that) he will buy a new car.

Indirectly reporting an action in the future can change verb tenses when needed. In this next example, changing the  am going  to was going implies that she has already left for the mall. However, keeping the tense progressive or continuous implies that the action continues, that she's still at the mall and not back yet.

  • Direct speech:  She said, "I'm going to the mall."
  • Indirect speech:  She said (that) she was going to the mall.
  • Indirect speech: She said (that) she is going to the mall.

Other Changes

With a past-tense verb in the direct quote, the verb changes to past perfect.

  • Direct speech:  She said,  "I went to the mall."
  • Indirect speech:  She said (that)  she had gone to the mall.

Note the change in first person (I) and second person (your)  pronouns  and  word order  in the indirect versions. The person has to change because the one reporting the action is not the one actually doing it. Third person (he or she) in direct speech remains in the third person.

Free Indirect Speech

In free indirect speech, which is commonly used in fiction, the reporting clause (or signal phrase) is omitted. Using the technique is a way to follow a character's point of view—in third-person limited omniscient—and show her thoughts intermingled with narration.

Typically in fiction italics show a character's exact thoughts, and quote marks show dialogue. Free indirect speech makes do without the italics and simply combines the internal thoughts of the character with the narration of the story. Writers who have used this technique include James Joyce, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Henry James, Zora Neale Hurston, and D.H. Lawrence.  

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Direct vs. Indirect Speech Examples: Unveiling the Variances and Usage

I. introduction.

Welcome to my blog on Social Emotional Learning (SEL)! In today’s post, we will explore the difference between direct and indirect speech examples. But first, let’s briefly understand what SEL is and why it is important in our personal and professional lives.

A. Brief explanation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of acquiring and applying the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

B. Importance of SEL in personal and professional life

SEL plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. It helps us develop self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making abilities. These skills are essential for building healthy relationships, managing conflicts, and succeeding in various aspects of life.

C. Purpose of the blog post – exploring the difference between direct and indirect speech examples

In this blog post, we will focus on the difference between direct and indirect speech examples. Understanding and effectively using both forms of speech is vital for effective communication and enhancing our social and emotional skills.

II. Understanding Direct Speech

Direct speech is a form of speech where the exact words spoken by a person are quoted and presented within quotation marks. Let’s delve deeper into its definition, characteristics, and examples.

A. Definition of direct speech

Direct speech refers to the exact words spoken by someone, presented within quotation marks. It allows us to directly quote what someone said, capturing their tone, emotions, and intentions.

B. Characteristics and features of direct speech

Direct speech has the following characteristics:

  • Quotation marks are used to indicate the exact words spoken.
  • The verb tense and pronouns are used as per the original speaker.
  • The sentence structure is preserved.

C. Examples of direct speech in everyday conversations

Direct speech can be observed in various types of conversations. Let’s explore some examples:

1. Simple statements

“I love ice cream,” said Sarah.

“I can’t wait for the weekend,” exclaimed John.

2. Questions

“Are you coming to the party?” asked Lisa.

“What time does the movie start?” inquired Tom.

3. Commands

“Please clean your room,” instructed the mother.

“Don’t forget to bring your umbrella,” reminded the teacher.

D. Importance of using direct speech in effective communication

Direct speech allows us to accurately convey the speaker’s words, emotions, and intentions. It adds authenticity and clarity to our communication, fostering better understanding and connection with others.

III. Unveiling Indirect Speech

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is a form of speech where the speaker’s words are paraphrased or reported without using quotation marks. Let’s explore its definition, differences from direct speech, and examples.

A. Definition of indirect speech

Indirect speech refers to reporting or paraphrasing someone’s words without using quotation marks. It involves transforming the original speaker’s words into our own words while maintaining the meaning and essence of the message.

B. Key differences between direct and indirect speech

The key differences between direct and indirect speech are:

  • Direct speech uses quotation marks, while indirect speech does not.
  • Direct speech preserves the original speaker’s words, while indirect speech paraphrases or reports them.
  • Direct speech maintains the original sentence structure, while indirect speech may require changes in tense, pronouns, and word order.

C. Examples of indirect speech in various contexts

Indirect speech can be observed in different contexts. Let’s explore some examples:

1. Reporting statements

Sarah said that she loved ice cream.

John exclaimed that he couldn’t wait for the weekend.

2. Reporting questions

Lisa asked if you were coming to the party.

Tom inquired about the movie’s starting time.

3. Reporting commands

The mother instructed to clean your room.

The teacher reminded not to forget to bring your umbrella.

D. Advantages and challenges of using indirect speech

Indirect speech offers certain advantages, such as allowing us to summarize or report longer conversations concisely. However, it can also pose challenges in accurately conveying the speaker’s tone, emotions, and intentions.

IV. Variances in Usage

Several factors influence the choice between direct and indirect speech. Let’s explore these factors and understand when to use each form of speech in different scenarios.

A. Factors influencing the choice between direct and indirect speech

The choice between direct and indirect speech is influenced by:

  • Formality of the situation: Direct speech is often used in informal conversations, while indirect speech is more common in formal settings.
  • Cultural norms and expectations: Different cultures have varying preferences for direct or indirect communication styles.
  • Emotional impact and empathy: Direct speech may be more appropriate when conveying strong emotions, while indirect speech can be used to soften the impact or show empathy.

B. Appropriate usage of direct and indirect speech in different scenarios

Let’s explore the appropriate usage of direct and indirect speech in various scenarios:

1. Personal conversations

In personal conversations with friends and family, direct speech is often preferred as it allows for a more authentic and immediate exchange of thoughts and emotions.

2. Professional settings

In professional settings, indirect speech is commonly used to report conversations, summarize meetings, or convey information in a more formal and concise manner.

3. Educational contexts

In educational contexts, both direct and indirect speech can be used depending on the purpose and formality of the communication. Direct speech can be useful for role-playing or reenacting historical events, while indirect speech is often used in academic writing and research.

V. Enhancing Social Emotional Learning through Direct and Indirect Speech

Both direct and indirect speech play a significant role in developing social and emotional skills. Let’s explore the impact of these forms of speech on SEL and strategies for improving our communication skills.

A. Impact of direct and indirect speech on SEL skills

1. Active listening: Both direct and indirect speech require active listening skills to accurately understand and interpret the speaker’s words, emotions, and intentions.

2. Empathy and understanding: Indirect speech, in particular, allows us to show empathy and understanding by paraphrasing and summarizing the speaker’s words in a compassionate manner.

3. Conflict resolution: Both direct and indirect speech can be effective in resolving conflicts by promoting open and honest communication, understanding different perspectives, and finding common ground.

B. Strategies for developing effective direct and indirect speech skills

1. Active practice and role-playing: Engage in role-playing activities to practice both direct and indirect speech. This will help improve your listening, speaking, and paraphrasing skills.

2. Reflective listening exercises: Practice reflective listening by summarizing and paraphrasing what others say in your own words. This will enhance your understanding and empathy.

3. Mindful communication techniques: Develop mindfulness in your communication by being aware of your own words and their impact on others. Practice using direct and indirect speech consciously and purposefully.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech examples is essential for effective communication and enhancing our social and emotional skills. Both forms of speech have their advantages and appropriate usage in different scenarios. By mastering both direct and indirect speech, we can improve our active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution skills. So, let’s continue exploring Social Emotional Learning and communication skills to foster better connections and understanding in our personal and professional lives.

C. Encouragement to continue exploring SEL and communication skills

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write the short conversations as indirect speech



    write the short conversations as indirect speech


    write the short conversations as indirect speech

  3. Direct And Indirect Speech Rules Chart PDF Download

    write the short conversations as indirect speech


    write the short conversations as indirect speech

  5. Indirect Speech

    write the short conversations as indirect speech

  6. English worksheets: Indirect Speech

    write the short conversations as indirect speech


  1. 50 Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

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  2. 100 Reported Speech Examples: How To Change Direct Speech ...

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  3. Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

    Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream. Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb. When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. For example: Direct speech: "I am going to the store," said John. Indirect speech: John said that he was going to ...

  4. Reported speech: indirect speech

    Reported speech: indirect speech - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

  5. 100 + Direct and Indirect Speech Examples and Answers (2025)

    The speech which is quoted above in actual words ("I am tired" is called the Reported Speech and the verb ("says") that introduces speech is called the Reporting Verb.The above speech is called Direct Speech.. Indirect Speech Examples. On the other hand, when the speech is reported in the form of a narrative, without quoting the speaker's actual words, it is called Indirect speech or ...

  6. Reported speech

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  9. 19 Direct and Indirect Speech Rules Examples (Updated 2025)

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  14. Direct and Indirect speech, Rules, Chart and Exercises

    Rule 8: Direct to indirect speech conversion - punctuations. In Direct speech, the words spoken must start with (") and ends with (.) inside the double inverted commas. All symbols such as question marks, full stops or exclamatory marks should be placed inside the quotes. Examples:

  15. Indirect Speech Series

    Indirect Speech is a method of communicating ideas or knowledge with engaging in a direct exchange. This often means Reported Speech, which is how we repeat a what we or someone else said, sacrificing word-for-word repetition for the sake of maintaining accuracy or clarity. Indirect Speech can also be a more roundabout way of saying something, which we often do for Polite and Formal Questions.

  16. 5 Tasks for Practicing Reported Speech

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  17. Reported Speech

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  18. Direct and Indirect Speech • 7ESL

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  19. Direct And Indirect Speech : Rules, Examples and Questions

    Direct And Indirect Speech : Direct and indirect Speeches are used during our day to day life conversations. Generally while speaking in general conversation, we use indirect speech. There are many instances where we need to describe an event or action that happened (while telling about a particular event), and very often that includes repeating what someone said.

  20. Direct and Indirect Speech: Definition, Examples, and Rules

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  21. Direct and Indirect Speech Made Easy: Learn With Real-life ...

    Now consider the different grammatical aspects of both. Reporting Speech: The first part of the direct speech is called reporting speech (she says). Reported Speech: The second part of the sentence, which is enclosed in inverted commas or quotation marks, is called reported speech (I am a little bit nervous). Reporting Verb: The verb of the reporting speech is called the reporting verb (says).

  22. Indirect Speech Definition and Examples

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  23. Direct vs. Indirect Speech Examples: Unveiling the Variances and Usage

    Let's explore the appropriate usage of direct and indirect speech in various scenarios: 1. Personal conversations. In personal conversations with friends and family, direct speech is often preferred as it allows for a more authentic and immediate exchange of thoughts and emotions. 2. Professional settings.