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  • Fetal presentation before birth

The way a baby is positioned in the uterus just before birth can have a big effect on labor and delivery. This positioning is called fetal presentation.

Babies twist, stretch and tumble quite a bit during pregnancy. Before labor starts, however, they usually come to rest in a way that allows them to be delivered through the birth canal headfirst. This position is called cephalic presentation. But there are other ways a baby may settle just before labor begins.

Following are some of the possible ways a baby may be positioned at the end of pregnancy.

Head down, face down

When a baby is head down, face down, the medical term for it is the cephalic occiput anterior position. This the most common position for a baby to be born in. With the face down and turned slightly to the side, the smallest part of the baby's head leads the way through the birth canal. It is the easiest way for a baby to be born.

Illustration of the head-down, face-down position

Head down, face up

When a baby is head down, face up, the medical term for it is the cephalic occiput posterior position. In this position, it might be harder for a baby's head to go under the pubic bone during delivery. That can make labor take longer.

Most babies who begin labor in this position eventually turn to be face down. If that doesn't happen, and the second stage of labor is taking a long time, a member of the health care team may reach through the vagina to help the baby turn. This is called manual rotation.

In some cases, a baby can be born in the head-down, face-up position. Use of forceps or a vacuum device to help with delivery is more common when a baby is in this position than in the head-down, face-down position. In some cases, a C-section delivery may be needed.

Illustration of the head-down, face-up position

Frank breech

When a baby's feet or buttocks are in place to come out first during birth, it's called a breech presentation. This happens in about 3% to 4% of babies close to the time of birth. The baby shown below is in a frank breech presentation. That's when the knees aren't bent, and the feet are close to the baby's head. This is the most common type of breech presentation.

If you are more than 36 weeks into your pregnancy and your baby is in a frank breech presentation, your health care professional may try to move the baby into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. It involves one or two members of the health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

If the procedure isn't successful, or if the baby moves back into a breech position, talk with a member of your health care team about the choices you have for delivery. Most babies in a frank breech position are born by planned C-section.

Illustration of the frank breech position

Complete and incomplete breech

A complete breech presentation, as shown below, is when the baby has both knees bent and both legs pulled close to the body. In an incomplete breech, one or both of the legs are not pulled close to the body, and one or both of the feet or knees are below the baby's buttocks. If a baby is in either of these positions, you might feel kicking in the lower part of your belly.

If you are more than 36 weeks into your pregnancy and your baby is in a complete or incomplete breech presentation, your health care professional may try to move the baby into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. It involves one or two members of the health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

If the procedure isn't successful, or if the baby moves back into a breech position, talk with a member of your health care team about the choices you have for delivery. Many babies in a complete or incomplete breech position are born by planned C-section.

Illustration of a complete breech presentation

When a baby is sideways — lying horizontal across the uterus, rather than vertical — it's called a transverse lie. In this position, the baby's back might be:

  • Down, with the back facing the birth canal.
  • Sideways, with one shoulder pointing toward the birth canal.
  • Up, with the hands and feet facing the birth canal.

Although many babies are sideways early in pregnancy, few stay this way when labor begins.

If your baby is in a transverse lie during week 37 of your pregnancy, your health care professional may try to move the baby into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. External cephalic version involves one or two members of your health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

If the procedure isn't successful, or if the baby moves back into a transverse lie, talk with a member of your health care team about the choices you have for delivery. Many babies who are in a transverse lie are born by C-section.

Illustration of baby lying sideways

If you're pregnant with twins and only the twin that's lower in the uterus is head down, as shown below, your health care provider may first deliver that baby vaginally.

Then, in some cases, your health care team may suggest delivering the second twin in the breech position. Or they may try to move the second twin into a head-down position. This is done using a procedure called external cephalic version. External cephalic version involves one or two members of the health care team putting pressure on your belly with their hands to get the baby to roll into a head-down position.

Your health care team may suggest delivery by C-section for the second twin if:

  • An attempt to deliver the baby in the breech position is not successful.
  • You do not want to try to have the baby delivered vaginally in the breech position.
  • An attempt to move the baby into a head-down position is not successful.
  • You do not want to try to move the baby to a head-down position.

In some cases, your health care team may advise that you have both twins delivered by C-section. That might happen if the lower twin is not head down, the second twin has low or high birth weight as compared to the first twin, or if preterm labor starts.

Illustration of twins before birth

  • Landon MB, et al., eds. Normal labor and delivery. In: Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 8th ed. Elsevier; 2021. Accessed May 19, 2023.
  • Holcroft Argani C, et al. Occiput posterior position. Accessed May 19, 2023.
  • Frequently asked questions: If your baby is breech. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Hofmeyr GJ. Overview of breech presentation. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Strauss RA, et al. Transverse fetal lie. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Chasen ST, et al. Twin pregnancy: Labor and delivery. Accessed May 22, 2023.
  • Cohen R, et al. Is vaginal delivery of a breech second twin safe? A comparison between delivery of vertex and non-vertex second twins. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2021; doi:10.1080/14767058.2021.2005569.
  • Marnach ML (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. May 31, 2023.

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What Is Cephalic Position?

The ideal fetal position for labor and delivery

  • Why It's Best

Risks of Other Positions

  • Determining Position
  • Turning a Fetus

The cephalic position is when a fetus is head down when it is ready to enter the birth canal. This is one of a few variations of how a fetus can rest in the womb and is considered the ideal one for labor and delivery.

About 96% of babies are born in the cephalic position. Most settle into it between the 32nd and 36th weeks of pregnancy . Your healthcare provider will monitor the fetus's position during the last weeks of gestation to ensure this has happened by week 36.

If the fetus is not in the cephalic position at that point, the provider may try to turn it. If this doesn't work, some—but not all—practitioners will attempt to deliver vaginally, while others will recommend a Cesarean (C-section).

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Why Is the Cephalic Position Best?

During labor, contractions dilate the cervix so the fetus has adequate room to come through the birth canal. The cephalic position is the easiest and safest way for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

If the fetus is in a noncephalic position, delivery becomes more challenging. Different fetal positions have a range of difficulties and varying risks.

A small percentage of babies present in noncephalic positions. This can pose risks both to the fetus and the mother, and make labor and delivery more challenging. It can also influence the way in which someone can deliver.

A fetus may actually find itself in any of these positions throughout pregnancy, as the move about the uterus. But as they grow, there will be less room to tumble around and they will settle into a final position.

It is at this point that noncephalic positions can pose significant risks.

Cephalic Posterior

A fetus may also present in an occiput or cephalic posterior position. This means they are positioned head down, but they are facing the abdomen instead of the back.

This position is also nicknamed "sunny-side up."

Presenting this way increases the chance of a painful and prolonged delivery.

There are three different types of breech fetal positioning:

  • Frank breech: The legs are up with the feet near the head.
  • Footling breech: One or both legs is lowered over the cervix.
  • Complete breech: The fetus is bottom-first with knees bent.

A vaginal delivery is most times a safe way to deliver. But with breech positions, a vaginal delivery can be complicated.

When a baby is born in the breech position, the largest part—its head—is delivered last. This can result in them getting stuck in the birth canal (entrapped). This can cause injury or death.

The umbilical cord may also be damaged or slide down into the mouth of the womb, which can reduce or cut off the baby's oxygen supply.

Some providers are still comfortable performing a vaginal birth as long as the fetus is doing well. But breech is always a riskier delivery position compared with the cephalic position, and most cases require a C-section.

Likelihood of a Breech Baby

You are more likely to have a breech baby if you:

  • Go into early labor before you're full term
  • Have an abnormally shaped uterus, fibroids , or too much amniotic fluid
  • Are pregnant with multiples
  • Have placenta previa (when the placenta covers the cervix)

Transverse Lie

In transverse lie position, the fetus is presenting sideways across the uterus rather than vertically. They may be:

  • Down, with the back facing the birth canal
  • With one shoulder pointing toward the birth canal
  • Up, with the hands and feet facing the birth canal

If a transverse lie is not corrected before labor, a C-section will be required. This is typically the case.

Determining Fetal Position

Your healthcare provider can determine if your baby is in cephalic presentation by performing a physical exam and ultrasound.

In the final weeks of pregnancy, your healthcare provider will feel your lower abdomen with their hands to assess the positioning of the baby. This includes where the head, back, and buttocks lie

If your healthcare provider senses that the fetus is in a breech position, they can use ultrasound to confirm their suspicion.

Turning a Fetus So They Are in Cephalic Position

External cephalic version (ECV) is a common, noninvasive procedure to turn a breech baby into cephalic position while it's still in the uterus.

This is only considered if a healthcare provider monitors presentation progress in the last trimester and notices that a fetus is maintaining a noncephalic position as your delivery date approaches.

External Cephalic Version (ECV)

ECV involves the healthcare provider applying pressure to your stomach to turn the fetus from the outside. They will attempt to rotate the head forward or backward and lift the buttocks in an upward position. Sometimes, they use ultrasound to help guide the process.

The best time to perform ECV is about 37 weeks of pregnancy. Afterward, the fetal heart rate will be monitored to make sure it’s within normal levels. You should be able to go home after having ECV done.

ECV has a 50% to 60% success rate. However, even if it does work, there is still a chance the fetus will return to the breech position before birth.

Natural Methods For Turning a Fetus

There are also natural methods that can help turn a fetus into cephalic position. There is no medical research that confirms their efficacy, however.

  • Changing your position: Sometimes a fetus will move when you get into certain positions. Two specific movements that your provider may recommend include: Getting on your hands and knees and gently rocking back and forth. Another you could try is pushing your hips up in the air while laying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (bridge pose).
  • Playing stimulating sounds: Fetuses gravitate to sound. You may be successful at luring a fetus out of breech position by playing music or a recording of your voice near your lower abdomen.
  • Chiropractic care: A chiropractor can try the Webster technique. This is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment which enables chiropractors to establish balance in the pregnant person's pelvis and reduce undue stress to the uterus and supporting ligaments.
  • Acupuncture: This is a considerably safe way someone can try to turn a fetus. Some practitioners incorporate moxibustion—the burning of dried mugwort on certain areas of the body—because they believe it will enhance the chances of success.

A Word From Verywell

While most babies are born in cephalic position at delivery, this is not always the case. And while some fetuses can be turned, others may be more stubborn.

This may affect your labor and delivery wishes. Try to remember that having a healthy baby, and staying well yourself, are your ultimate priorities. That may mean diverting from your best laid plans.

Speaking to your healthcare provider about turning options and the safest route of delivery may help you adjust to this twist and feel better about how you will move ahead.

Glezerman M. Planned vaginal breech delivery: current status and the need to reconsider . Expert Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2012;7(2):159-166. doi:10.1586/eog.12.2

Cleveland Clinic. Fetal positions for birth .

MedlinePlus. Breech birth .

UT Southwestern Medical Center. Can you turn a breech baby around?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. If your baby is breech .

Roecker CB. Breech repositioning unresponsive to Webster technique: coexistence of oligohydramnios .  Journal of Chiropractic Medicine . 2013;12(2):74-78. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2013.06.003

By Cherie Berkley, MS Cherie Berkley is an award-winning journalist and multimedia storyteller covering health features for Verywell.

You and your baby at 32 weeks pregnant

Your baby at 32 weeks.

By about 32 weeks, the baby is usually lying with their head pointing downwards, ready for birth. This is known as cephalic presentation.

If your baby is not lying head down at this stage, it's not a cause for concern – there's still time for them to turn.

The amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus is increasing, and your baby is still swallowing fluid and passing it out as urine.

You at 32 weeks

Being active and fit during pregnancy will help you adapt to your changing shape and weight gain. It can also help you cope with labour and get back into shape after the birth.

Find out about exercise in pregnancy .

You may develop pelvic pain in pregnancy. This is not harmful to your baby, but it can cause severe pain and make it difficult for you to get around.

Find out about ways to tackle pelvic pain in pregnancy .

Read about the benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby. It's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to feed your baby, and you do not have to make up your mind until your baby is born.

Things to think about

  • how you might feel after the birth

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Page last reviewed: 13 October 2021 Next review due: 13 October 2024


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Why Is Cephalic Presentation Ideal For Childbirth?

Why Is Cephalic Presentation Ideal For Childbirth?

5   Dec   2017 | 8 min Read

cephalic presentation in 29 weeks

During labour, contractions stretch your birth canal so that your baby has adequate room to come through during birth. The cephalic presentation is the safest and easiest way for your baby to pass through the birth canal.

If your baby is in a non-cephalic position, delivery can become more challenging. Different fetal positions pose a range of difficulties and varying risks and may not be considered ideal birthing positions.

Two Kinds of Cephalic Positions

There are two kinds of cephalic positions:

  • Cephalic occiput anterior , where your baby’s head is down and is facing toward your back.
  • Cephalic occiput posterior , where your baby is positioned head down, but they are facing your abdomen instead of your back. This position is also nicknamed ‘sunny-side-up’ and can increase the chances of prolonged and painful delivery. 

How to Know if Your Baby is In a Cephalic Position?

You can feel your baby’s position by rubbing your hand on your belly. If you feel your little one’s stomach in the upper stomach, then your baby is in a cephalic position. But if you feel their kicks in the lower stomach, then it could mean that your baby is in a breech position.

You can also determine whether your baby is in the anterior or posterior cephalic position. If your baby is in the anterior position, you may feel their movement underneath your ribs and your belly button could also pop out. If your baby is in the posterior position, then you may feel their kicks in their abdomen, and your stomach may appear rounded up instead of flat. 

You can also determine your baby’s position through an ultrasound scan or a physical examination at your healthcare provider’s office. 

Benefits of Cephalic Presentation in Pregnancy

Cephalic presentation is one of the most ideal birth positions, and has the following benefits:

  • It is the safest way to give birth as your baby’s position is head-down and prevents the risk of any injuries.
  • It can help your baby move through the delivery canal as safely and easily as possible.
  • It increases the chances of smooth labour and delivery.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Cephalic Position?

Conditions like a cephalic posterior position in addition to a narrow pelvis of the mother can increase the risk of pregnancy complications during delivery. Some babies in the head-first cephalic presentation might have their heads tilted backward. This may, in some rare cases, cause preterm delivery.

What are the Risks Associated with Other Birth Positions?

Cephalic Presentation

A small percentage of babies may settle into a non-cephalic position before their birth. This can pose risks to both your and your baby’s health, and also influence the way in which you deliver. 

In the next section, we have discussed a few positions that your baby can settle in throughout pregnancy, as they move around the uterus. But as they grow old, there will be less space for them to tumble around, and they will settle into their final position. This is when non-cephalic positions can pose a risk.  

Breech Position

There are three types of breech fetal positioning:

  • Frank breech : Your baby’s legs stick straight up along with their feet near their head.
  • Footling breech: One or both of your baby’s legs are lowered over your cervix.
  • Complete breech: Your baby is positioned bottom-first with their knees bent.

If your baby is in a breech position , vaginal delivery is considered complicated. When a baby is born in breech position, the largest part of their body, that is, their head is delivered last. This can lead to injury or even fetal distress. Moreover, the umbilical cord may also get damaged or get wrapped around your baby’s neck, cutting off their oxygen supply.  

If your baby is in a breech position, your healthcare provider may recommend a c-section, or they may try ways to flip your baby’s position in a cephalic presentation.

Transverse Lie

In this position, your baby settles in sideways across the uterus rather than being in a vertical position. They may be:

  • Head-down, with their back facing the birth canal
  • One shoulder pointing toward the birth canal
  • Up with their hands and feet facing the birth canal

If your baby settles in this position, then your healthcare provider may suggest a c-section to reduce the risk of distress in your baby and other pregnancy complications.

Turning Your Baby Into A Cephalic Position

External cephalic version (ECV) is a common, and non-invasive procedure that helps turn your baby into a cephalic position while they are in the womb. However, your healthcare provider may only consider this procedure if they consider you have a stable health condition in the last trimester, and if your baby hasn’t changed their position by the 36th week.

You can also try some natural remedies to change your baby’s position, such as:

  • Lying in a bridge position: Movements like bridge position can sometimes help move your baby into a more suitable position. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your legs bent. Raise your pelvis and hips into a bridge position and hold for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times daily.
  • Chiropractic care: A chiropractor can help with the adjustment of your baby’s position and also reduce stress in them.
  • Acupuncture: After your doctor’s go-ahead, you can also consider acupuncture to get your baby to settle into an ideal birthing position.

While most babies settle in a cephalic presentation by the 36th week of pregnancy, some may lie in a breech or transverse position before birth. Since the cephalic position is considered the safest, your doctor may recommend certain procedures to flip your baby’s position to make your labour and delivery smooth. You may also try the natural methods that we discussed above to get your baby into a safe birthing position and prevent risks or other pregnancy complications. 

When Should A Baby Be In A Cephalic Position?

Your baby would likely naturally drop into a cephalic position between weeks 37 to 40 of your pregnancy .

Is Cephalic Position Safe?

Research shows that 95% of babies take the cephalic position a few weeks or days before their due date. It is considered to be the safest position. It ensures a smooth birthing process.

While most of the babies are in cephalic position at delivery, this is not always the case. If you have a breech baby, you can discuss the available options for delivery with your doctor.

Does cephalic presentation mean labour is near?

Head-down is the ideal position for your baby within your uterus during birth. This is known as the cephalic position. This posture allows your baby to pass through the delivery canal more easily and safely.

Can babies change from cephalic to breech?

The external cephalic version (ECV) is the most frequent procedure used for turning a breech infant.

How can I keep my baby in a cephalic position?

While your baby naturally gets into this position, you can try some exercises to ensure that they settle in cephalic presentation. Exercises such as breech tilt, forward-leaning position (spinning babies program), cat and camel pose can help.

Stitches after a normal delivery : How many stitches do you need after a vaginal delivery? Tap this post to know.

Vaginal birth after caesarean delivery : Learn all about the precautions to consider before having a vaginal delivery after a c-section procedure. 

How many c-sections can you have : Tap this post to know the total number of c-sections that you can safely have.

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Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.

HCP Live

ACOG Guidelines at a Glance: External Cephalic Version

Expert commentary on Practice Bulletin No. 161: External Cephalic Version

COMMITTEE ON PRACTICE BULLETINS-OBSTETRICS Practice Bulletin #161: External Cephalic Version.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2016;127:e54-61. Full text of Practice Bulletin #161 is available to ACOG members at

EXTERNAL CEPHALIC VERSION In the United States, there is a widespread belief that the overall cesarean delivery rate is higher than necessary. Eff orts are being directed toward decreasing the number of these procedures, in part by encouraging physicians to make changes in their management practices. Because breech presentations are associated with a high rate of cesarean delivery, there is renewed interest in techniques such as external cephalic version (ECV) and vaginal breech delivery. The purpose of this document is to provide information about ECV by summarizing the relevant evidence presented in published studies and to make recommendations regarding its use in obstetric practice.

Used with permission. Copyright the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

ECV: A tool to prevent the first cesarean

by Stephen F Thung, MD, MSCI

Dr Thung is Associate Professor of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Clinical Chief of Obstetrics and Medical Director of Patient Flow Management, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

cephalic presentation in 29 weeks

New recommendations

Non-stress test monitoring should occur before and after ECV. Testing should continue for at least 30 minutes after the procedure. Anti-D immune globulin should be given to Rh-negative mothers who have no plans for delivery within 72 hours after ECV.

Next: Cesarean causes problems for mother and baby

This new ACOG guidance is a reminder of the importance of routine screening for malpresentation in the third trimester. The evidence justifies ECV as a critical tool for providers to prevent cesarean delivery. Moreover, available evidence continues to be a useful guide for accomplishing a safe and effective ECV.

1. External cephalic version. Practice Bulletin No. 161. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol . 2016;127:e54-61.

2. Hofmeyr GJ, Kulier R, West HM. External cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2015:4.

3. Hutton EK, Hofmeyr GJ, Dowswell T. External cephalic version for breech presentation before term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2015:7.

4. Cluver C, Gyte GM, Sinclair M, Dowswell T, Hofmeyr GJ. Interventions for helping to turn term breech babies to head first presentation when using external cephalic version. Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2015:2.

5. Goetzinger KR, Harper LM, Tuuli MG, Macones GA, Colditz GA. Effect of regional anesthesia on the success rate of external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol . 2011:118(5):1137-44.

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Fetal Cephalic Presentation During Pregnancy

Fetal Cephalic Presentation During Pregnancy

What is Cephalic Position?

Types of cephalic position, when does a foetus get into the cephalic position, how do you know if baby is in cephalic position, how to turn a breech baby into cephalic position.

If your baby is moving around in the womb, it’s a good sign as it tells you that your baby is developing just fine. A baby starts moving around in the belly at around 14 weeks. And their first movements are usually called ‘ quickening’ or ‘fluttering’.

A baby can settle into many different positions throughout the pregnancy and it’s alright. But it is only when you have reached your third and final trimester that the position of your baby in your womb will matter the most. The position that your baby takes at the end of the gestation period will most likely be how your baby will make its appearance into the world. Out of all the different positions that your baby can settle into, the cephalic position at 36 weeks is considered the best position. Read on to know more about it.

A baby is in the cephalic position when he is in a head-down position. This is the best position for them to come out in. In case of a ‘cephalic presentation’, the chances of a smooth delivery are higher. This position is where your baby’s head has positioned itself close to the birth canal, and the feet and bottom are up. This is the best position for your baby to be in for safe and healthy delivery.

Your doctor will begin to keep an eye on the position of your baby at around 34 weeks to 36 weeks. The closer you get to your due date, the more important it is that your baby takes the cephalic position. If your baby is not in this position, your doctor will try gentle nudges to get your baby in the right position.

Though it is pretty straightforward, the cephalic position actually has two types, which are explained below:

1. Cephalic Occiput Anterior

Most babies settle in this position. Out of all the babies who settle in cephalic position, 95% of them will settle this way. This is when a baby is in the head-down position but is facing the mother’s back. This is the preferred position as the baby is able to slide out more easily than in any other position.

2. Cephalic Occiput Posterior

In this position, the baby is in the head-down position but the baby’s face is turned towards the mother’s belly. This type of cephalic presentation is not the best position for delivery as the baby’s head could get stuck owing to its wide position. Almost 5% of the babies in cephalic presentation settle into this position. Babies who come out in this position are said to come out ‘sunny side up’.

When a foetus is moving into the cephalic position, it is known as ‘head engagement’. The baby stars getting into this position in the third trimester, between the 32nd and the 36th weeks, to be precise. When the head engagement begins, the foetus starts moving down into the pelvic canal. At this stage, very little of the baby is felt in the abdomen, but more is felt moving downward into the pelvic canal in preparation for birth.

Fetal Cephalic Position During Pregnancy

You may think that in order to find out if your baby has a cephalic presentation, an ultrasound is your only option. This is not always the case. You can actually find out the position of your baby just by touching and feeling their movements.

By rubbing your hand on your belly, you might be able to feel their position. If your baby is in the cephalic position, you might feel their kicks in the upper stomach. Whereas, if the baby is in the breech position, you might feel their kicks in the lower stomach.

Even in the cephalic position, it may be possible to tell if your baby is in the anterior position or in the posterior position. When your baby is in the anterior position, they may be facing your back. You may be able to feel your baby move underneath your ribs. It is likely that your belly button will also pop out.

When your baby is in the posterior position, you will usually feel your baby start to kick you in your stomach. When your baby has its back pressed up against your back, your stomach may not look rounded out, but flat instead.

Mothers whose placentas have attached in the front, something known as anterior placenta , you may not be able to feel the movements of your baby as well as you might like to.

Breech babies can make things complicated. Both the mother and the baby will face some problems. A breech baby is positioned head-up and bottom down. In order to deliver the baby, the birth canal needs to open a lot wider than it has to in the cephalic position. Besides this, your baby can get an arm or leg entangled while coming out.

If your baby is in the breech position, there are some things that you can do to encourage the baby to get into the cephalic position. There are a few exercises that could help such as pelvic tilts , swimming , spending a bit of time upside down, and belly dancing are a few ways you can try yourself to get your baby into the head-down position.

If this is not working either, your doctor will try an ECV (External Cephalic Version) . Here, your doctor will be hands-on, applying some gentle, but firm pressure to your tummy. In order to reach a cephalic position, the baby will need to be rolled into a bottom’s up position. This technique is successful around 50% of the time. When this happens, you will be able to have a normal vaginal delivery.

Though it sounds simple enough to get the fetal presentation into cephalic, there are some risks involved with ECV. If your doctor notices your baby’s heart rate starts to become problematic, the doctor will stop the procedure right away.

Most babies get into the cephalic position on their own. This is the most ideal situation as there will be little to no complications during normal vaginal labour. There are different cephalic positions, but these should not cause a lot of issues. If your baby is in any other position, you may need C-Section . Keep yourself updated on the smallest of progress during your pregnancy so that you are aware of everything that is going on. Go for regular check-ups as your doctor will be able to help you in case a complication arises.

When The Head Of Baby Turns Down in Pregnancy Transverse Lie Position in Pregnancy Belly Mapping

cephalic presentation in 29 weeks


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External cephalic version.

Meaghan M. Shanahan ; Daniel J. Martingano ; Caron J. Gray .


Last Update: December 13, 2023 .

  • Continuing Education Activity

In carefully selected patients, an external cephalic version (ECV) may be an alternative to cesarean delivery for fetal malpresentation at term. ECV is a noninvasive procedure that manipulates fetal position through the abdominal wall of the gravida. With the global cesarean section rate reaching 34%, fetal malpresentation ranks as the third most common indication for cesarean delivery, accounting for nearly 17% of cases. Studies suggest a 60% mean success rate for ECV, emphasizing its cost-effectiveness and potential to decrease cesarean delivery rates significantly. While particularly crucial in resource-limited settings where access to medical services during labor is constrained or cesarean delivery is unavailable or unsafe, ECV presents a viable option to improve rates of vaginal delivery in singleton gestations in all settings. 

This activity reviews the indications, contraindications, necessary equipment, preferred personnel, procedural technique, risks, and benefits of ECV and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in caring for patients who may benefit from this procedure.

  • Select suitable candidates for an external cephalic version based on their clinical history and presentation.
  • Screen patients effectively regarding the risks and benefits of an external cephalic version.
  • Apply best practices when performing an external cephalic version.
  • Develop and implement effective interpersonal team strategies to improve outcomes for patients undergoing external cephalic version.
  • Introduction

The global cesarean section rate has increased from approximately 23% to 34% in the past decade. Fetal malpresentation is now the third-most common indication for cesarean delivery, encompassing nearly 17% of cases. Almost one-fourth of all fetuses are in a breech presentation at 28 weeks gestational age; this number decreases to between 3% and 4% at term. In current clinical practice, most pregnancies with a breech fetus are delivered by cesarean section.

Individual and institutional efforts are increasing to reduce the overall cesarean delivery rate, particularly for nulliparous patients with term, singleton, and vertex gestations. [1] [2]  An alternative to cesarean delivery for fetal malpresentation at term is an external cephalic version (ECV), a procedure to correct fetal malpresentation. ECV may be indicated when the fetus is breech or in an oblique or transverse lie after 37 0/7 weeks gestation. [3]  The overall success rate for ECV approaches 60%, is cost-effective, and can lead to decreased cesarean delivery rates. [4]  ECV is of particular importance in resource-poor environments, where patients may have limited access to medical services during labor and delivery or where cesarean delivery is unavailable or unsafe.

  • Anatomy and Physiology

ECV can be attempted when managing breech presentations or fetuses with a transverse or oblique lie. Three types of breech presentation are established concerning fetal attitude: complete, frank, and incomplete, which is sometimes referred to as footling breech. In complete breech, the fetal pelvis engages with the maternal pelvic inlet, and the fetal hips and knees are flexed. In frank breech, the fetal pelvis engages with the maternal pelvic inlet, the fetal hips are flexed, the knees are extended, and the feet are near the head. In incomplete or footling breech, one (single footling) or both (double footling) feet are extended below the level of the fetal pelvis.

A fetus with a transverse lie is positioned with their long axis, defined as the spine, at a right angle to the long axis of the gravida. The fetal head may be to the right or left side of the maternal spine. The fetus may be facing up or down. The long axis of the fetus characterizes an oblique lie at any angle to the maternal long axis that is not 90°. An oblique fetus is usually positioned with their head in the right or left lower quadrants, although this is not universal.

  • Indications

ECV may be indicated in carefully selected patients. The fetus must be at or beyond 36 0/7 weeks of gestation with malpresentation, and there must be no absolute contraindications to vaginal delivery, such as placenta previa, vasa previa, or a history of classical cesarean delivery. Fetal status must be reassuring, and preprocedural nonstress testing is recommended. While ECV may be performed as early as 36 0/7 weeks gestation, many practitioners will delay ECV until 37 0/7 weeks gestation to ensure delivery of a term fetus.

ECV is more successful in multigravidas, those with a complete breech or transverse or oblique presentation, an unengaged presenting part, adequate amniotic fluid, and a posterior placenta. Nulliparous patients and those with an anterior, lateral, or cornual placenta have lower success rates. Patients with advanced cervical dilatation, obesity, oligohydramnios, or ruptured membranes also have lower success rates. Additionally, if the fetus weighs less than 2500 g, is at a low station with an engaged presenting part, is frank breech, or the spine is posterior, the success of ECV is decreased. [5]  

Evidence supports the use of parenteral tocolysis, most often with the beta-2-agonist medication terbutaline, to improve the success of ECV; most studies evaluating the various aspects of ECV aspects include using a tocolytic agent. [6] [7] [8] [9]  Data regarding the improved success of ECV incorporating regional anesthesia is inconsistent. 

  • Contraindications

Any contraindication to vaginal delivery would also be a contraindication to ECV. These contraindications include but are not limited to placenta previa, vasa previa, active genital herpes outbreak, or a history of classical cesarean delivery. A history of low transverse cesarean delivery is not an absolute contraindication to ECV. [10]  The overall success rate of ECV in patients with a previous cesarean birth ranges from 50% to 84%; no cases of uterine rupture during ECV were reported in the four trials evaluating this outcome in patients with a prior cesarean delivery. [11] [12] [13] [14]

Antepartum ECV is contraindicated in multiple gestations, although it can be utilized for twin gestations that would otherwise be suitable candidates for breech extraction. [15] [16]

Patients with severe oligohydramnios, nonreassuring fetal monitoring, a hyperextended fetal head, significant fetal or uterine anomaly, fetal growth restriction, and maternal hypertension carry a low likelihood of successful ECV and a significantly increased risk of poor fetal outcomes; ECV in such situations requires careful consideration.

If a gravida who is otherwise a suitable candidate for ECV presents in early labor with fetal malpresentation, ECV may be a reasonable option if the presenting part is unengaged, the amniotic fluid index is within the normal range, and there are no contraindications to ECV or vaginal delivery. Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 1998 to 2011 noted a success rate of 65% for ECV performed in carefully selected patients during the admission for delivery. [17]  ECV performed in this circumstance resulted in a significantly lower cesarean birth rate and hospital stay of greater than 7 days compared to patients with a persistent breech presentation at the time of delivery. [17]

External cephalic versions should be attempted only in settings where cesarean delivery services are readily available. Therefore, the required equipment for ECV includes all such requirements for cesarean delivery, including anesthesia services. Access to tocolytic agents, bedside ultrasonography, and external fetal heart rate monitoring equipment is also required. Following ECV, fetal status must be assessed; nonstress testing is preferred. If nonstress testing is unavailable, Doppler indices of the umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, and ductus venosus may be performed. [18]

The personnel typically required to perform an ECV include:

  • Obstetrician
  • Labor and delivery nurse.

ECV may only be performed in a setting where cesarean delivery services are readily available. Personnel typically required for cesarean delivery include:

  • Surgical first assistant
  • Anesthesia personnel
  • Surgical technician or operating room nurse
  • Circulating or operating room nurse
  • Pediatric personnel
  • Note: for cesarean delivery, labor and delivery nurses may serve as surgical technicians, circulating, or operating room roles.
  • Preparation

Before attempting ECV, informed consent must be obtained; this should include tocolysis and neuraxial analgesia if those procedures will be performed. Some clinicians will obtain consent from the patient for potential emergency cesarean delivery at this time, although this practice is not universal. Additionally, an ultrasound examination should be performed to verify fetal presentation, exclude fetal and uterine anomalies, locate the placental position, and evaluate the amniotic fluid index. Many clinicians will evaluate preprocedural fetal status with a nonstress test. 

The current evidence supports the administration of terbutaline 0.25mg subcutaneously 15 to 30 minutes before the ECV but does not support using calcium channel blockers or nitroglycerin for preprocedural tocolysis. [19]  While multiple studies report the increased success of ECV in patients who are administered epidural or spinal neuraxial anesthesia, overall data is insufficient to warrant a universal recommendation; neuraxial anesthesia may improve success rates for ECV in situations where tocolysis alone was unsuccessful. [20]

  • Technique or Treatment

The gravida should be supine with a leftward tilt using a wedge support to relieve pressure on the great vessels. ECV is best performed using a 2-handed approach.

If the fetal presentation is breech, lift the breech out of the pelvis with one hand and apply downward pressure to the posterior fetal head to attempt a forward roll. If a forward roll is unsuccessful, a backward roll can be attempted. If the fetus is in either a transverse or oblique presentation, similar manipulation of the fetus is used to try to move the fetal head to the pelvis. [21]

Fetal well-being should be evaluated intermittently with Doppler or real-time ultrasonography during ECV. ECV should be abandoned if there is significant fetal bradycardia, patient discomfort, or if a version is not achieved easily. After a successful or unsuccessful ECV, external fetal heart rate monitoring should be performed for 30 to 60 minutes. If the gravida is Rh negative, anti-D immune globulin should be administered.

Immediate induction of labor to minimize reversion is not recommended. If the initial attempt at ECV is unsuccessful, additional attempts can be made during the same admission or at a later date.

  • Complications

Complications of ECV are rare and occur in only 1% to 2% of attempts. The most common complication associated with ECV is fetal heart rate abnormalities, particularly bradycardia, occurring at a rate of 4.7% to 20%; these abnormalities usually are transient and improve upon completion or abandonment of the procedure.

More severe complications of ECV occur at a rate of less than 1% and include premature rupture of membranes, cord prolapse, vaginal bleeding, placental abruption, fetomaternal hemorrhage, emergent cesarean delivery, and stillbirth. Many of these rare complications require emergent cesarean delivery; some clinicians choose to perform ECV in the operating room, although this is neither necessary nor universal. [22]   

ECV is associated with changes in Doppler indices that may reflect decreased placental perfusion. It appears these changes are short-lived and have no detrimental effects on the outcomes of uncomplicated pregnancies. A recent prospective study investigating the effects of ECV on fetal circulation in the antepartum period noted no differences in the Doppler evaluation of the middle cerebral artery or ductus venosus; all studied patients remained stable and were discharged home after the procedure. [18]  

  • Clinical Significance

Some data indicate that only 20% to 30% of eligible candidates are offered ECV. [23]  Patients who undergo a successful ECV procedure have a lower cesarean delivery rate than patients who do not but are still at a higher risk of cesarean delivery than patients with cephalic fetuses who do not require ECV. ECV is cost-effective if the probability of a successful ECV exceeds 32%. Overall, ECV is successful in 58% of attempts, reduces the risk for CS by two-thirds, and enables 80% of these patients to deliver vaginally. [24]

  • Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

ECV is not a benign procedure and is most successful when performed under the care of an interprofessional team. Labor and delivery nurses play an integral role in the success of ECV as they frequently assist in the procedure, prepare the patient for ECV, and implement external fetal monitoring before, during, and after the procedure. Additionally, the support of emergent operating room staff promotes the safe delivery of a healthy fetus should complications arise during the ECV procedure. Clear and concise anticipatory interprofessional communication improves safety and outcomes for the gravida and the fetus should complications occur.

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Disclosure: Meaghan Shanahan declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Daniel Martingano declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Caron Gray declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

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  • Cite this Page Shanahan MM, Martingano DJ, Gray CJ. External Cephalic Version. [Updated 2023 Dec 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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How your twins’ fetal positions affect labor and delivery

Layan Alrahmani, M.D.

Twin fetal presentation – also known as the position of your babies in the womb – dictates whether you'll have a vaginal or c-section birth. Toward the end of pregnancy, most twins will move in the head-down position (vertex), but there's a risk that the second twin will change position after the first twin is born. While there are options to change the second twin's position, this can increase the risk of c-section and other health issues. Learn about the six possible twin fetal presentations: vertex-vertex, vertex-breech, breech-breech, vertex-transverse, breech-transverse, and transverse-transverse – and how they'll impact your delivery and risks for complications.

What is fetal presentation and what does it mean for your twins?

As your due date approaches, you might be wondering how your twins are currently positioned in the womb, also known as the fetal presentation, and what that means for your delivery. Throughout your pregnancy, your twin babies will move in the uterus, but sometime during the third trimester – usually between 32 and 36 weeks – their fetal presentation changes as they prepare to go down the birth canal.

The good news is that at most twin births, both babies are head-down (vertex), which means you can have a vaginal delivery. In fact, nearly 40 percent of twins are delivered vaginally.

But if one baby has feet or bottom first (breech) or is sideways (transverse), your doctor might deliver the lower twin vaginally and then try to rotate the other twin so that they face head-down (also called external cephalic version or internal podalic version) and can be delivered vaginally. But if that doesn't work, there's still a chance that your doctor will be able to deliver the second twin feet first vaginally via breech extraction (delivering the breech baby feet or butt first through the vagina).

That said, a breech extraction depends on a variety of factors – including how experienced your doctor is in the procedure and how much the second twin weighs. Studies show that the higher rate of vaginal births among nonvertex second twins is associated with labor induction and more experienced doctors, suggesting that proper delivery planning may increase your chances of a vaginal birth .

That said, you shouldn't totally rule out a Cesarean delivery with twins . If the first twin is breech or neither of the twins are head-down, then you'll most likely have a Cesarean delivery.

Research also shows that twin babies who are born at less than 34 weeks and have moms with multiple children are associated with intrapartum presentation change (when the fetal presentation of the second twin changes from head-down to feet first after the delivery of the first twin) of the second twin. Women who have intrapartum presentation change are more likely to undergo a Cesarean delivery for their second twin.

Here's a breakdown of the different fetal presentations for twin births and how they will affect your delivery.

Head down, head down (vertex, vertex)

This fetal presentation is the most promising for a vaginal delivery because both twins are head-down. Twins can change positions, but if they're head-down at 28 weeks, they're likely to stay that way.

When delivering twins vaginally, there is a risk that the second twin will change position after the delivery of the first. Research shows that second twins change positions in 20 percent of planned vaginal deliveries. If this happens, your doctor may try to rotate the second twin so it faces head-down or consider a breech extraction. But if neither of these work or are an option, then a Cesarean delivery is likely.

In vertex-vertex pairs, the rate of Cesarean delivery for the second twin after a vaginal delivery of the first one is 16.9 percent.

Like all vaginal deliveries, there's also a chance you'll have an assisted birth, where forceps or a vacuum are needed to help deliver your twins.

Head down, bottom down (vertex, breech)

When the first twin's (the lower one) head is down, but the second twin isn't, your doctor may attempt a vaginal delivery by changing the baby's position or doing breech extraction, which isn't possible if the second twin weighs much more than the first twin.

The rates of emergency C-section deliveries for the second twin after a vaginal delivery of the first twin are higher in second twins who have a very low birth weight. Small babies may not tolerate labor as well.

Head down, sideways (vertex, transverse)

If one twin is lying sideways or diagonally (oblique), there's a chance the baby may shift position as your labor progresses, or your doctor may try to turn the baby head-down via external cephalic version or internal podalic version (changing position in the uterus), which means you may be able to deliver both vaginally.

Bottom down, bottom down (breech, breech)

When both twins are breech, a planned C-section is recommended because your doctor isn't able to turn the fetuses. Studies also show that there are fewer negative neonatal outcomes for planned C-sections than planned vaginal births in breech babies.

As with any C-section, the risks for a planned one with twins include infection, loss of blood, blood clots, injury to the bowel or bladder, a weak uterine wall, placenta abnormalities in future pregnancies and fetal injury.

Bottom down, sideways (breech, transverse)

When the twin lowest in your uterus is breech or transverse (which happens in 25 percent of cases), you'll need to have a c-section.

Sideways, sideways (transverse, transverse)

This fetal presentation is rare with less than 1 percent of cases. If both babies are lying horizontally, you'll almost definitely have a C-section.

Learn more:

  • Twin fetal development month by month
  • Your likelihood of having twins or more
  • When and how to find out if you’re carrying twins or more

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36 weeks pregnant with twins

illustration of womb with twins fetus at 36 weeks

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illustration of womb with twins fetus at 28 weeks

24 weeks pregnant with twins

illustration of womb with twins fetus at 24 weeks

BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

Cleveland Clinic. Fetal Positions for Birth: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Mayo Clinic. Fetal Presentation Before Birth: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

NHS. Giving Birth to Twins or More: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Science Direct. Breech Extraction: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Obstetrics & Gynecology. Clinical Factors Associated With Presentation Change of the Second Twin After Vaginal Delivery of the First Twin Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Fetal presentation and successful twin vaginal delivery: [Accessed July 2021]

The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. Changes in fetal presentation in twin pregnancies Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology. An Evidence-Based Approach to Determining Route of Delivery for Twin Gestations Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Nature. Neonatal mortality and morbidity in vertex–vertex second twins according to mode of delivery and birth weight: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Cochrane. Planned cesarean for a twin pregnancy: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Kids Health. What Is the Apgar Score?: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Neonatal mortality in second twin according to cause of death, gestational age, and mode of delivery Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Lancet. Planned cesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial. Term Breech Trial Collaborative Group Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

Cleveland Clinic. Cesarean Birth (C-Section): Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

St. Jude Medical Staff. Delivery of Twin Gestation: Opens a new window [Accessed July 2021]

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The Possible Fetal Positions When You're Pregnant With Twins

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possible twins fetal positions medical illustration

Vertex/vertex position

Vertex/breech position, more about labor and delivery with twins, breech/vertex or breech/breech position, baby a oblique, transverse/transverse position.

No matter how your twin babies are positioned in utero, rest assured that your practitioner will do everything possible to ensure the healthiest and safest delivery and birth possible, based on the fetal positions of your twins. And before you know it, you'll be holding both of your beautiful babies in your arms.

What to Expect When You're Expecting , 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff., Having a Vaginal Birth With Twins , June 2021., How Will I Deliver My Twin Babies? , August 2021.,  Potential Complications of Carrying Twins, November 2021., Breech Position: What It Means if Your Baby Is Breech , February 2021. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Multiple Pregnancy , February 2021. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Obstetrics and Gynecology ,  External Cephalic Version in Twin Pregnancy , April 2020. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,  If Your Baby Is Breech , January 2019. Mayo Clinic, Fetal Presentation Before Birth , August 2020. National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Fetal Presentation and Successful Twin Vaginal Delivery , January 2016. Stanford Children's Health, When You Have a Multiple Pregnancy , 2021. University of Michigan Health, Michigan Medicine, Breech Position and Breech Birth , October 2020. Merck Manual, Abnormal Position and Presentation of the Fetus , July 2021. National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus, Your Baby in the Birth Canal , November 2021.

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Cephalic presentation at 28 weeks?

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mine was head down from early on and the minx turned to the side the night before my planned c section! i thought it felt uncomfortable. we had no idea until the docotr reached to get her head and got one leg and one arm. it was diffiucult to get her out but hey ho- doc said he'd NEVEr seen a baby turn after 37 weeks gestation so theres a first for evything -hahah

im glad your baby is measuring fine!

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  1. External Cephalic Version of baby Ahmad Paletua

  2. Positions in Cephalic Presentation ll बेमिसाल Concept

  3. cephalic position in tamil/செபாலிக் position/cephalic presentation/baby head down position in tamil


  5. Cephalic Presentation Meaning In Bengali /Cephalic Presentation mane ki

  6. Cephalic position of during delivery time /baby head down position


  1. Cephalic Position: Understanding Your Baby's Presentation at Birth

    Cephalic occiput anterior. Your baby is head down and facing your back. Almost 95 percent of babies in the head-first position face this way. This position is considered to be the best for ...

  2. Fetal presentation before birth

    Frank breech. When a baby's feet or buttocks are in place to come out first during birth, it's called a breech presentation. This happens in about 3% to 4% of babies close to the time of birth. The baby shown below is in a frank breech presentation. That's when the knees aren't bent, and the feet are close to the baby's head.

  3. Fetal Positions For Birth: Presentation, Types & Function

    Occiput or cephalic anterior: This is the best fetal position for childbirth. It means the fetus is head down, facing the birth parent's spine (facing backward). Its chin is tucked towards its chest. The fetus will also be slightly off-center, with the back of its head facing the right or left. This is called left occiput anterior or right ...

  4. Cephalic Position During Labor: Purpose, Risks, and More

    The cephalic position is when a fetus is head down when it is ready to enter the birth canal. This is one of a few variations of how a fetus can rest in the womb and is considered the ideal one for labor and delivery. About 96% of babies are born in the cephalic position. Most settle into it between the 32nd and 36th weeks of pregnancy.

  5. Your Guide to Fetal Positions before Childbirth

    Most babies settle into their final position somewhere between 32 to 36 weeks gestation. Head Down, Facing Down (Cephalic Presentation) This is the most common position for babies in-utero. In the cephalic presentation, the baby is head down, chin tucked to chest, facing their mother's back. This position typically allows for the smoothest ...

  6. Baby Positions in Womb: What They Mean

    The baby's chin is tucked into their chest and their head is ready to enter the pelvis. The baby is able to flex their head and neck, and tuck their chin into their chest. This is usually ...

  7. Breech position baby: How to turn a breech baby

    Others show moxibustion to provide no help in coaxing a baby into cephalic position. ... Turning foetal breech presentation at 32-35 weeks of gestational age by acupuncture and moxibustion. ... 29. weeks pregnant. 30. weeks pregnant. 31. weeks pregnant. 32. weeks pregnant. 33. weeks pregnant. 34.

  8. You and your baby at 32 weeks pregnant

    By about 32 weeks, the baby is usually lying with their head pointing downwards, ready for birth. This is known as cephalic presentation. If your baby is not lying head down at this stage, it's not a cause for concern - there's still time for them to turn. The amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus is increasing, and your baby is still ...

  9. Cephalic Presentation: Meaning, Benefits, And More I BabyChakra

    Most babies settle into the cephalic presentation at 33 weeks. Your healthcare provider will carefully monitor fetal movement in the last few weeks of your gestation to ensure your baby has achieved an ideal birth position by 36 weeks of pregnancy. If your baby is not in the cephalic position by the 36th week, your healthcare provider may try a ...

  10. Vertex Presentation: Position, Birth & What It Means

    Cephalic presentation means a fetus is in a head-down position. Vertex refers to the fetus's neck being tucked in. There are other types of cephalic presentations like brow and face. These mainly describe how the fetus's neck is flexed. ... Most fetuses settle into a presentation around 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. It's possible for a ...

  11. Fetal presentation: Breech, posterior, transverse lie, and more

    Fetal presentation, or how your baby is situated in your womb at birth, is determined by the body part that's positioned to come out first, and it can affect the way you deliver. At the time of delivery, 97 percent of babies are head-down (cephalic presentation).

  12. Cephalic presentation

    A cephalic presentation or head presentation or head-first presentation is a situation at childbirth where the fetus is in a longitudinal lie and the head enters the pelvis first; the most common form of cephalic presentation is the vertex presentation, where the occiput is the leading part (the part that first enters the birth canal). All other presentations are abnormal (malpresentations ...

  13. Baby position in womb: What they are and how to tell

    Right occiput anterior: The position is the same as that above, but the fetus is in the womb's right side. Posterior: The head is down, and the back is in line with the pregnant person's ...

  14. Symptoms of Baby Turning Head Down

    Most babies tend to shimmy their way into a cephalic (head-first) presentation before birth. Fast fact At 28 weeks, around 25 percent of babies are breech (head up), but this number jumps down to ...

  15. ACOG Guidelines at a Glance: External Cephalic Version

    It has been modified from later than 36 weeks' gestation to early term-37 weeks or greater. When compared with term ECV (37+ weeks), preterm ECV (34-35 weeks) has been associated with increased short-term success with cephalic presentation, higher rates of reversion to breech in the ensuing weeks, and cesarean delivery risk reduction [RR 0. ...

  16. The evolution of fetal presentation during pregnancy: a retrospective

    A total of 18 019 ultrasound examinations were used. From 22 to 36 weeks of gestation, the prevalence of cephalic presentation increased from 47% (45-50%) to 94% (91-96%), before and after which times plateaus were noted. Spontaneous change from breech to cephalic is unlikely to occur after 36 weeks of gestation.

  17. Pregnancy: 29

    Pregnancy: 29 - 32 weeks. Download PDF Copy. By Sally Robertson, B.Sc. Reviewed by Yolanda Smith, B.Pharm. Between the 29th and 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby continues to be very active and ...

  18. Cephalic Presentation of Baby During Pregnancy

    2. Cephalic Occiput Posterior. In this position, the baby is in the head-down position but the baby's face is turned towards the mother's belly. This type of cephalic presentation is not the best position for delivery as the baby's head could get stuck owing to its wide position. Almost 5% of the babies in cephalic presentation settle ...

  19. External Cephalic Version

    The global cesarean section rate has increased from approximately 23% to 34% in the past decade. Fetal malpresentation is now the third-most common indication for cesarean delivery, encompassing nearly 17% of cases. Almost one-fourth of all fetuses are in a breech presentation at 28 weeks gestational age; this number decreases to between 3% and 4% at term. In current clinical practice, most ...

  20. Cephalic presentation at 30 weeks.

    29 yrs old Female asked about Cephalic presentation at 30 weeks, 5 doctors answered this and 1232 people found it useful. ... 29 yrs old Female asked about Cephalic presentation at 30 weeks, 5 doctors answered this and 1232 people found it useful. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult. Download FREE Practo app. Get ₹200 ...

  21. Fetal presentation: how twins' positioning affects delivery

    How your twins' fetal positions affect labor and delivery. Medically reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM. Written by Tiffany Ayuda | Aug 3, 2021. Advertisement | page continues below. Advertisement. Giving birth to twins puts you at a higher risk for complications. Learn the different fetal presentations for twins and how they will ...

  22. The Possible Fetal Positions of Twins in Utero

    There are several ways your twin babies may be positioned in your womb. Here's a look at the possible fetal positions with twins, plus a heads-up on how those positions may affect your delivery. In This Article. Vertex/vertex position. Vertex/breech position. Breech/vertex or breech/breech position. Baby A oblique. Transverse/transverse position.

  23. Cephalic presentation at 28 weeks?

    Cephalic presentation at 28 weeks? Hi ladies!! I had a growth scan yesterday as they are questioning the size of my baby. I had my tummy measured & I'm a good two cm under my dates, I know it's not accurate but did concern me. Well all is well & she's bang on normal range so panic over. Anyway at the scan they said she's head down & I was ...