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Should Engineers Get a PHD? 11 Truths!

Should engineers get a PhD? Depends on what you want to achieve in your career. There are ups and downs to pursuing a PhD in engineering.

To figure it out, start by asking yourself what kind of career you’re after. Your decision will be based on factors like:

  • Your interests
  • How much money you want to make
  • The lifestyle you desire
  • Your other career options

We’ll chat about these four pointers, and then dive headfirst into 11 extra tips to help you size up the pros and cons of pursuing a PhD in engineering.

how long to get phd engineering

Important Note: I’ll be generalizing each factor I discuss, so keep in mind that there are always exceptions. And don’t forget that some superstar engineers will fly high whether they have a PhD or not. Success can come either way!

What really interests you in engineering?

A PhD can give you a leg up when tackling groundbreaking technological challenges. Without one, you might find it tough to access such work. But if you’re into more typical engineering gigs in the industry, then a PhD won’t be worth the time and money.

Usually, people go for a PhD if they want to become a specialist or researcher, or if they have their sights set on an academic career. A PhD can provide flexibility between industry and academia, letting you explore fresh ideas and spearhead innovative projects.

Here’s my two cents on both academia and industry:

In academia

In this world, your work might not make an immediate real-world splash. It could take years or even decades for your research to be recognized and applied. So, if you’re looking to become an overnight sensation, you might want to think again.

But you know what? To a select few who are passionate about your field, your work will be a big deal. You’ll have the chance to share your unique ideas with like-minded folks and make a difference in your little corner of the world.

And never forget that every small step you take will ultimately contribute to the greater good of humanity.

In industry

Meanwhile, in the industry, your work can make an instant impact. You’ll tackle awesome projects that are directly tied to a company’s goals, making a real difference in people’s lives.

Take, for example, working on R&D for batteries. Batteries are essential for our future, and every tiny improvement can change our lives in a big way.

The downside? Your company might not give you the credit you deserve for your groundbreaking work. But don’t sweat it – there are loads of similar opportunities for PhD holders who are motivated and inventive.

All in all, whether you pick academia or industry, you’ll have plenty of chances to change the world. Just keep cranking out top-notch work, and everything else will fall into place.

How much money do you want to make?

First off, don’t pay for your PhD yourself. If you can’t get funding, it means the market doesn’t see the value in your research.

Even with funding, you might only make $20k to $40k a year, depending on your university. If you’d gone straight into the industry, you could be pocketing $150k or more each year. Then you could invest that salary in real estate, businesses, you name it.

So, if money’s your main concern, you’ll lag behind your peers who jumped straight into the industry. Because while you’re spending 3 to 5 years earning a PhD and living on ramen noodles, they’ll be making bank.

And if you’re thinking about academia after your PhD, buckle up for even more financial hurdles.

Let’s be real: a PhD is a massive investment of time and money. If dollar signs are all you see, don’t bother with a PhD.

Important Note: Engineers with PhDs who start multi-million dollar businesses are exceptions, just like college dropouts who start multi-billion dollar businesses.

PhD stipends from major U.S. universities

Check this shortlist of engineering department stipends from major universities, put together by PhD Stipends :

UC BerkeleyMaterials Science & Engineering$35,4852020 - 2021
Duke Mechanical Engineering$32,4002020 - 2021
Carnegie MellonMaterials Science & Engineering$28,0502020 - 2021
Stanford Materials Science & Engineering$43,0002020 - 2021
StanfordChemical Engineering$39,5002019 - 2020
Georgia TechChemical Engineering$27,0802020 - 2021
Virginia TechElectrical Engineering$23,0702020 - 2021
MITElectrical Engineering$43,1502019 - 2020

As you can tell, diving into a PhD in engineering might not make you rich overnight. But, hey, it does give you the chance to work on some mind-blowing research and help shape the world of tomorrow.

Important Note: Don’t forget to weigh in the cost of living when you’re checking out those PhD stipends. Higher stipends usually come with a heftier price tag on everyday life, like in the Bay Area where Stanford is nestled.

What type of lifestyle do you want?

Dreaming of a chill, easygoing life? Academia might not be your jam. You could grind away for years and never snag that elusive academic tenure. Even in the industry, you might land just an ordinary engineering gig, making your PhD feel like a waste.

The professional stress from this uncertain journey can seep into your personal life. Financial struggles might become your constant companion, impacting every corner of your life. But hey, with a PhD, you get the keys to the world’s coolest toys and can work in top-notch national labs and fancy universities.

If you’re down to embrace uncertainty into your golden years, a PhD could be worth the ride. You may trade short-term comfort for the shot at doing what sets your soul on fire in the long run.

Mind you, I use the term sacrifice lightly. If you’re head over heels for your research, nothing else will even matter.

Do you have other options in life?

If you’re still feeling the PhD vibe after all this, ask yourself:

  • Do you have any other career options?
  • Is there another gig that’s tugging at your heartstrings?

If you said yes to either, hold your horses! Give some serious thought to whether a PhD is really your destiny. I’ve got friends who ditched their PhD programs to start businesses, and now they’re swimming in millions!

On the flip side, I know folks who chased a PhD just to immigrate to the US for a better life. But listen, don’t just follow the crowd. Committing to a PhD is a massive deal and can change your life in a big way.

This is further highlighted by the low number of U.S. students going for a PhD in engineering each year. The data below, from ASEE , includes all engineering fields combined.


Important Note: The number of awarded engineering doctorate degrees is increasing. But the U.S. population is also increasing, and more foreign students are immigrating to the U.S. to pursue a PhD. 

11 Pointers to consider in pursuing a PhD in engineering

Now, here are 11 pointers I’ve gathered from my pals and relatives who’ve gone down the PhD-in-engineering rabbit hole:

#1 Choose a research topic with real-world oomph

Picking the perfect research topic is the key to unlocking your PhD’s potential. Focus on fields that are shining bright, like:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Renewable energy

These areas tend to reel in more funding and have a higher demand in both academia and industry. After all, you still gotta pay the bills and keep a roof over your head.

#2 A PhD hones your thinking skills, not just your specialization

In the real world, you might not use all that fancy research know-how from your PhD. Instead, you’ll rely on your shiny new way of thinking to tackle problems.

So, a PhD isn’t just about becoming the go-to person in a super-niche field. It’s also about learning how to think and tackle the tough stuff.

And, hey, you can pick up these skills outside the hallowed halls of academia too.

#3 Don’t expect a PhD to put you on a pedestal

Sure, a PhD might make some folks go “ooh” and “aah,” but at the end of the day, it’s all about delivering the goods. Your skills and passion for the job are what really count, not the alphabet soup trailing your name.

I’m all about treating everyone equally, regardless of their academic fanfare.

Of course, a PhD can give you a credibility boost when making first impressions. But remember, it’s what you do next that really matters.

#4 A PhD can open doors, but it might close some too

A PhD can help you score high-level gigs at big-shot companies with in-house research and development. But beware – it might also slam some doors shut if you’re deemed overqualified for certain roles.

Choose your career path wisely and take time to think through your future pragmatically.

#5 Dive into a PhD in a subject that ignites your passion

Being passionate about your subject is the secret sauce to staying motivated during your PhD journey. Surround yourself with amazing people who share your interests, or you’ll struggle through the tough times – and trust me, there’ll be plenty.

#6 Don’t chase a PhD for the wrong reasons

Don’t go after a PhD just because “it’s what smart people do” or because you want to add some extra letters to your name.

Let’s get real here: a PhD doesn’t magically transform you into a genius. Heck, some of the brightest minds out there never even set foot in a college classroom!

If you were a regular Joe or Jane before diving into a PhD program, chances are you’ll still be one when you’re done. But hey, you don’t need to be a mega-brainiac to tackle a PhD. If you can snag a spot in a program, you’ve definitely got what it takes to see it through.

#7 Fear not the PhD pursuit

Some folks are scared stiff of the grueling trek to PhD-land. It’s like climbing a never-ending mountain, right?

Well, anything worth chasing is gonna be tough. If it were a piece of cake, everybody and their dog would be doing it!

#8 A PhD isn’t for everyone

To nail that PhD, you need a killer work ethic and a fierce dedication to your field. That’s what’ll help you conquer those hurdles and push through the lonely stretches.

Let’s face it: the PhD life isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Just look at the small number of doctorates awarded each year in the U.S., as reported by ASEE. The data below covers all engineering fields combined:


And if you’re bold enough to take on a PhD, you’re probably an ambitious go-getter. So you’ll no doubt find some other epic challenge to sink your teeth into.

#9 Pick your program and advisor like a pro

The right program and advisor can make or break your PhD ride.

Seriously, you’ll be bending over backward for your advisor for years. They’ve got the power to make your life a living nightmare. Keep your eyes peeled for these red flags:

A bad advisor:

  • Is a grade-A jerk
  • Makes everything about them
  • Squeezes you for free labor and grinds you down
  • Fills you with guilt and doubt

A good advisor:

  • Is super nice and supportive
  • Turns you into a top-notch researcher
  • Dishes out awesome life advice
  • Hooks you up with conferences and fellowships
  • Lets you visit other labs

So do your homework and pick your program and advisor with care.

#10 Weigh the impact on your loved ones

I’ve known people who juggled family life and a PhD. Sure, it was a bumpy road, but they made it work.

Keep in mind that a PhD can take ages, and your biological clock won’t wait around for you to finish.

#11 Industry jobs for PhD grads

Dreaming of a PhD to score an industry job? From what I’ve seen, here are a couple of paths for PhD graduates:

  • Work in well-funded government labs, doing the research thing.
  • Join big-league companies like Google, Apple, or IBM that can afford to splash cash on research.

If that doesn’t float your boat, a Master’s degree might be all you need for other engineering gigs in the industry.

Important Note: During recessions, R&D departments usually hold steady. R&D is a long-haul investment for a company, after all.

If an R&D project kicks off during a slump, it’ll wrap up just as the economy bounces back. That way, the company comes out stronger on the other side.

“Should engineers get a PhD” wrap up

Deciding to pursue a PhD is a deeply personal choice that deserves some serious soul-searching.

Don’t let peer pressure sway you. Take a good, hard look at the pros and cons, and make the call that’s right for you.

Now, I’ve met engineers who’d never trade their PhD experience for the world. But others reckon it was the worst decision they ever made.

At the end of the day, a PhD is all about the journey, not just the fancy certificate and those three little letters you get to tack onto your name.

Do you think a PhD in engineering is worthwhile? Will it be even more valuable down the road?


Koosha Profile Picture

Author Bio: Koosha started Engineer Calcs in 2019 to help people better understand the engineering and construction industry, and to discuss various science and engineering-related topics to make people think. He has been working in the engineering and tech industry in California for well over 15 years now and is a licensed professional electrical engineer, and also has various entrepreneurial pursuits.

Koosha has an extensive background in the design and specification of electrical systems with areas of expertise including power generation, transmission, distribution, instrumentation and controls, and water distribution and pumping as well as alternative energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and storage).

Koosha is most interested in engineering innovations, the cosmos, sports, fitness, and our history and future.

6 thoughts on “Should Engineers Get a PHD? 11 Truths!”

The most insightful comparison I’ve found on this topic so far. Thank you.

Glad you found the article helpful 🙂

Thanks for that nicely summed up article – not too long and covers the important points on everybody’s mind! 🙂

Glad you enjoyed the read 🙂

Thank you, I have just been searching for info about this subject for ages and yours is the best I have found out till now. However, what in regards to the conclusion? Are you positive about the source?

I tried to capture all angles of the experience, so do your best to apply the lessons to your personality and reasons for pursuing the degree.

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How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline


Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a Ph.D. is a big commitment. 

Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution’s policies and procedures, and the standard expectations within your field all play a significant role in how long it takes to earn a PhD. The average PhD length is five or six years, while some students may take eight or nine years.

Regardless of how long a PhD program takes,  there are some common stages of a PhD that all doctoral students share. These major and essential milestones shape the timeline for earning your doctorate . Read on as we take you through each step and explore the typical steps to a doctorate degree.

Are you just starting to apply to graduate school? Check out our Guide to  Graduate Admissions to get all your questions answered! 

How Many Credit Hours for a PhD?

The number of hours that you need to complete your doctoral coursework might depend on several factors: do you already have a master’s degree? Will you earn one en route to the doctorate? Or do you even need one? 

Different disciplines and research interests have their own PhD process, but even within your field of study, you may find that institutions have diverse pathways for obtaining that terminal degree. For most, coursework will take anywhere from two to three years to complete.

During this time, students can serve as graduate research or teaching assistants or could even lead their own courses as an instructor. In many degree programs, students develop their potential dissertation topics through their coursework and start to define what their research plans might look like in the next few years.

PhD Qualifying Exam and Comprehensive Exam

Many programs set up academic checkpoints to help keep students on track during their PhD journeys. The timing varies by program, but one of the most common – and possibly most stressful – forms of benchmarking is the PhD comprehensive exam or qualifying exam. Often administered around the end of the student’s coursework, these exams are your chance to demonstrate what you learned in your classes.

Testing is overseen by a committee of faculty from your department. Usually comprised of at least three members, your professors ask questions or assign writing prompts based on your experience in the program thus far. The format is generally a combination of written and oral exams designed to test your expertise in your discipline’s methodologies and significant content areas.

To better prepare yourself, research the number and kind of qualifying benchmarks the program will require in the university catalog before you begin your program. This will allow you and your advisor to effectively plan out the first few years of your degree and give you an idea of how you’ll be evaluated throughout your program.

Dissertation Prospectus and Defense

You may be required to complete and defend a dissertation prospectus before officially becoming a PhD candidate. A prospectus is a document outlining your dissertation plan, which includes an explanation of your research topic, a potential outline of your dissertation, the methodologies you intend to employ, the significance of your research question, and a bibliography including sources that form the foundation of your research.

Your prospectus allows your dissertation advisor to understand the scope of your project. It should be thorough enough that they can provide useful feedback to help shape your research plan. After some revisions, an approved prospectus is the green light to move into the next stage of your PhD.

Advancement to Candidacy

If you have heard the term ABD – “All But Dissertation” – then that means you are in the home stretch of your doctoral program!

Well, sort of…only your dissertation remains!

Dissertation Research and Writing

While you’ve made it through the coursework and qualifying exams, the dissertation is the culminating component of the doctoral degree. At this point, your approved research plan is ready to be set into motion. Depending on your discipline, this could be the stage where you travel extensively to conduct fieldwork, explore archives, or visit labs to collaborate on projects that relate to your dissertation work. For many students, the research phase can take a couple of years, but some may be able to complete it in one.

Writing your dissertation can be one of the most challenging parts of the whole PhD. process. Not only are you condensing years of research into a single cohesive document, but you are also formulating graphs, charts, and other textual references to help clarify your argument. Often, formatting can be a major challenge for many students. 

In this stage, it’s most helpful to seek out resources to help you with the writing process. Many universities have dissertation writing workshops where you can learn best practices, as well as support groups where students meet regularly and help keep each other accountable. Most universities also offer competitive dissertation completion grants, supporting students with additional funding so they focus more of their time and effort on completing this undertaking.

Dissertation Defense

Everyone gets nervous about this major rite of passage. It can be difficult to take criticism over something you have poured your heart and soul into for years. Remember, though, that a good advisor will not let you defend if you’re not ready, and you literally wrote the book on your topic!

The dissertation defense is not intended to tear your work apart but rather is your opportunity to prove your expertise to your dissertation committee. Many defenses are open to observers, so you should attend a few in advance of your own, especially within your department, to get a sense of what it’s like. 

First, you’ll present the main points of your thesis. Then the committee will ask questions so they can clearly understand your arguments. Finally, they’ll send you out of the room while they deliberate and decide if you pass or not. If all goes well, you’ll be addressed as “Doctor” the next time you walk into the room!

Get Started on Your PhD Journey Today

No matter what your particular timeline looks like as you work toward your doctorate, know that the faculty and other students within your program are frequently a huge source of support — which means you won't do this alone! Additionally, every school has resources to assist Ph.D. students, from libraries to writing centers to dedicated student support services. 

If you are excited about beginning your Ph.D. journey, we invite you to request more information or reach out to one of our admissions professionals today. Best of luck as you begin this transformational experience!

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what it takes to apply to and succeed in a PhD program. Explore our resource — A Guide to Choosing, Applying for, and Thriving in a PhD Program!

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DEng vs. PhD

At Johns Hopkins University, both the Doctor of Engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy involve mentored research and in-depth investigation. There are a few key differences, though (although these are not hard and fast rules).

Mid-career Early-career
Technical leadership role in industry or public sector Academic or industrial research career
Non-residential, online Residential, on-campus
School-wide Department-based
Industry or public sector partner Grant-based
Master’s degree and professional experience Bachelor’s degree and GRE
About three years About five years
Portfolio (can include prototypes, plans, patent applications, computer simulations, and user manuals) Dissertation


Phd in engineering: requirements, salary, jobs, & career growth, what is phd in engineering.

A Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD) is a terminal degree that signifies the greatest level of academic performance in the area of engineering.

It is a research-based degree that enables students to build expertise in a specific area of engineering while also making innovative contributions to the field through independent research.

How much money do people make with a PhD in Engineering?

A PhD in Engineering can lead to higher earning potential than someone with less schooling in the engineering industry, however specific incomes can vary greatly.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for engineers overall was $87,040 in May 2020.

This statistic, however, includes engineers with varying levels of education, and those with a PhD in Engineering or other advanced degrees may make much greater salaries, particularly in specialized sectors or higher-level roles.

Engineering faculty members with a PhD in Engineering, for example, might earn a variety of incomes depending on factors such as their rank, years of experience, and the institution for which they work.

For the academic year 2020-2021, the average compensation for engineering faculty members in the United States was $111,446 according to the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).

What is expected job growth with PhD in Engineering?

Individuals with a PhD in Engineering may see job development that varies based on the specific industry of engineering and the market need for their expertise.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of engineers in general is expected to expand at a rate of 5% between 2020 and 2030, which is roughly the same as the national average for all occupations.

It is crucial to remember, however, that job growth varies substantially depending on the exact discipline of engineering.

Some engineering specialties, such as biomedical engineering and environmental engineering, are likely to have quicker job growth as the demand for specialized skills in areas such as healthcare and sustainability grows.

Individuals with a PhD in technical may find employment in academia as professors, researchers, or administrators, in addition to traditional technical roles.

Job growth for engineering faculty posts might also vary depending on factors like funding availability, enrolment trends, and institutional need.

What can you do with a PhD in Engineering?

Individuals with a PhD in Engineering can pursue a wide range of professional prospects. Individuals with a PhD in Engineering may pursue the following professional paths:

1. Academia: Engineering PhD holders can work as professors, researchers, or teachers in universities, research institutions, or other educational settings. They can teach engineering classes, coach students, and perform cutting-edge research in their field.

2. R&D: PhD in Engineering holders can work in research and development roles in industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy, and technology, among others. They can direct research projects, create new technologies, and contribute to technological advancements in their chosen professions.

3. Industry: Engineering PhD holders can work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, consulting, and construction. They can offer specific technical knowledge, handle complicated engineering challenges, and help to design new products or processes.

4. Entrepreneurship/Innovation: Some PhD in Engineering holders may choose to start their own businesses, employing their skills to develop and commercialize novel technology, goods, or services. They could work for start-up companies, venture capital firms, or technology incubators.

5. Policy Making/Government: PhD in Engineering holders can work in government agencies or policy-making groups, giving technical expertise in fields such as energy, environment, transportation, and infrastructure. They may be involved in policy formulation, regulatory compliance, and strategy planning.C

6. Consulting/Advisory Roles: PhD in Engineering holders can work as consultants or advisors for engineering corporations, research institutions, or government agencies. They may give specialized knowledge, perform technical assessments, and make recommendations on engineering projects or initiatives.

7. Leadership/Management Roles: Individuals with a PhD in Engineering can pursue leadership or management roles in engineering-related sectors, such as chief technology officer (CTO), director of research and development (R&D), or engineering manager, supervising teams and projects.

8. Technical Expert/Specialist: PhD in Engineering holders can work as technical experts or specialists in particular engineering domains, providing advanced technical experience and contributing to specific projects or initiatives.

9. Management of Intellectual Property (IP) and Innovation: PhD in Engineering holders can work in roles involving the management and protection of intellectual property (IP) related to engineering innovations, such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks, as well as strategic planning and commercialization of IP.

What are the requirements for a PhD in Engineering?

The specific requirements for obtaining a PhD in Engineering can vary depending on the institution and program, but generally, the following are common requirements:

1. Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree: Applicants to most PhD programs in Engineering must have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. Although it is not usually required, certain schools may accept applicants with a Master’s degree in a related discipline.

2. Academic Transcripts: Applicants are usually expected to present certified transcripts of their undergraduate and graduate education, which demonstrate their academic performance and achievement.

3. Statement of Purpose: Applicants are typically expected to provide a personal statement or statement of purpose detailing their research interests, academic ambitions, and reason for pursuing a PhD in Engineering.

4. Standardized Test Scores: Applicants to many PhD programs may be required to submit scores from standardized tests such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or other related assessments.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants to PhD programs in Engineering are frequently required to provide letters of recommendation from academic or professional sources who may speak to the applicant’s academic talents, research potential, and eligibility for a PhD program.

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How long does it take to get a phd in engineering.

The length of a PhD program in Engineering can vary based on a number of factors, including the country, the specific university or institution, the research topic, the student’s individual progress, and the program’s structure. A PhD in Engineering, on the other hand, normally takes 3-5 years to accomplish.

Students that are able to move swiftly in their research, finish their coursework and other program requirements efficiently, and publish their research findings in recognized journals may be able to complete their PhD degree in Engineering in a shorter period of time, such as 3-4 years.

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Do you need a masters in engineering to get a phd in engineering.

Obtaining a Master’s degree in Engineering is not always required for pursuing a PhD in Engineering. It may, however, differ based on the university or the specific PhD program.

Some PhD programs in Engineering may require applicants to have a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline, but others may accept students with only a Bachelor’s degree.

Students may be able to receive a Master’s degree while finishing their PhD program in some situations, as some PhD schools offer a Master’s degree as an intermediate stage throughout the doctorate program.

What are the Best PhD in Engineering Degree programs?

1. massachusetts institute of technology (mit) – department of electrical engineering and computer science, department of mechanical engineering, department of aerospace and astronautics, and others., 2. stanford university – stanford school of engineering, with departments such as electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, and others., 3. california institute of technology (caltech) – division of engineering and applied science, with fields such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and others., 4. university of california, berkeley – college of engineering, with departments such as electrical engineering and computer sciences, mechanical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and others., 5. carnegie mellon university – college of engineering, with departments such as electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and others., 6. georgia institute of technology – college of engineering, with departments such as electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and others., 7. stanford university – school of engineering, with departments such as electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, and others., 8. university of illinois at urbana-champaign – college of engineering, with departments such as electrical and computer engineering, mechanical science and engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and others., 9. national university of singapore (nus) – faculty of engineering, with departments such as electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and others., 10. imperial college london – faculty of engineering, with departments such as electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and others., leave a comment cancel reply.

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PhD Program Overview

Main navigation, academic and departmental matters.

We have orientations and academic advising sessions for all new graduate students before you select your courses and start your first classes. Furthermore, you'll get ongoing support and advising from faculty and staff throughout your graduate career.

PhD Frequently Asked Questions

Where do i find information.

  • Go to Stanford's Graduate Admissions site .
  • Explore all the information available on our Chemical Engineering site, (including the faculty pages and and the multiple pages under the PhD and admissions tabs). If these resources do not address any remaining questions, please send an email to the department at [email protected] . Use your email subject line: Admissions - [family name] - [topic of your inquiry]

When may admitted PhD applicants visit Stanford?

March 2-5 2023, is the Chemical Engineering Virtual Visit Weekend. If you are seriously considering Stanford's Chemical Engineering's PhD program for your doctoral work, please reserve these dates for your virtual Stanford visit, as we will be unable to accommodate a request to visit at another time.

How long does it take to get the PhD degree?

The average time to earn a PhD degree is between 5 and 6 years. Some students finish a little earlier and some a bit later.

If I have a master's degree from another university, do I need to get a MS from Stanford before pursuing a PhD?

No. In Chemical Engineering, having an MS degree is not a requirement for conferral of a PhD degree. PhD students without a master's may petition for conferral of a Stanford master's in the course of fulfilling their PhD requirements. Matriculated PhD students with a MS earned elsewhere either may petition for conferral of a Stanford MS or may petition for approval of transfer units, to be applied toward the total unit requirements for a PhD degree. Any student contemplating petitioning for approval of transfer units should consult first with departmental student services.

How many faculty members do you have and how long have they been teaching?

See the faculty pages. Our faculty is well-distributed in terms of experience and areas of emphasis.

What are the course requirements, and how long do they generally take to complete?

PhD students take 10 units per quarter.

PhD students take three 3-unit courses and one 1-unit colloquium (seminar) per quarter in the first two quarters and the majority of their lecture courses during the first two academic years. Then they finish the coursework requirements by taking a class here and there until they have a total of 42 units for lecture courses in science and engineering, plus 3 units of colloquia (seminar). Because of the importance faculty place on honing communication skills while pursuing a doctorate, all candidates are also required to assist in the teaching of two chemical engineering courses.

What are PhD research rotations?

Each first-year PhD student rotates with two different faculty research groups before choosing an advisor and lab in which to develop his or her own research projects. The rotations enable students to gain a better understanding of a given faculty member’s research program and to determine if that lab is a good fit for their future research. Furthermore, during the first six months, there are multiple opportunities to talk with a wide range of faculty members about their research.

How do PhD qualifying examinations work? What is the usual pass rate?

To be admitted to PhD candidacy, students must pass a qualifying examination, taken at the end of the summer quarter of the first year, respectively. The PhD Qualifying Examination has three parts: 

  • A one-page written summary of their research project
  • A 20-minute presentation about the research project before research advisors and other faculty examiners
  • A 20-minute question-and-answer session with faculty

This exam focuses on the student’s progress report on original research performed during the previous half-year, e.g. from April until the time of the exam in late September. A progress report may have no conclusions, but the talk should demonstrate a depth of thinking about the research strategy and the fundamental chemical, physical and biological concepts that govern the molecular behavior of the system being studied.  The focus is on the ability to think critically and to communicate understanding the fundamental concepts, techniques and questions within the field. The faculty are looking for the student's understanding of how one's research relates to the field as a whole and how he or she demonstrates an understanding of where the project will lead.

Most years, all rising second-year PhD students pass their PhD candidacy examination. The format of this examination is designed to test for the essential skills of the successful researcher — the abilities involved in approaching new problems from a perspective grounded in scientific fundamentals. The focus is not on having the right answers, but in formulating approaches rooted in the scientific method. The faculty do their utmost to select applicants who will thrive as doctoral researchers, with the objective that the selection process should take place at the time of admission. The faculty, other students and staff are all motivated by the ultimate success of each year’s PhD students with their examinations. This culture fosters a uniquely positive environment of collaboration and teamwork among all students, rather than competition based on a "survival of the fittest" mentality.

How does PhD advisor selection work?

All during the first two quarters, first-year PhD students have many ways to become familiar with individual faculty, their research projects, students in their research groups, and how a research group functions. Toward the end of the second quarter each student-faculty dyad formalize their advisee-advisor relationship and then PhD students join their advisors’ research groups at the beginning of spring quarter, and start on their own projects.

Can I work with faculty outside of the department?

Yes. Some past examples have been with faculty in physics, chemistry, materials sciences, mechanical engineering, environmental microbiology, bioengineering and biochemistry.  These students also have a Chemical Engineering faculty co-advisor who helps ensure good degree progress and sits on the reading committee formed in the second year.

What sort of job opportunities does a PhD degree in chemical engineering from Stanford usually enable?

Graduates of our department are extremely versatile with regards to their post-doctorate careers. Over the last few years, many of the graduates from various research groups have chosen to spend a couple of years as a post-doc in another research lab (usually not at Stanford) either in preparation for a research/academic job or in profiting from further research experience before entering industry. Stanford grads are now current professors at many top universities (MIT, Harvard, etc.) or members of prestigious research centers (IBM, national labs, etc.). A significant number of students decide to enter industrial positions upon graduation, as engineers, consultants, etc. You will find companies from all sectors actively recruiting Stanford chemical engineers, including companies in the local biotech and nanotechnology industries.

What kinds of jobs do PhDs get and where?

There is a saying that a chemical engineer can do anything, and the range of employment and career options available to our students demonstrates this. Approximately two-thirds of our PhD students find challenging jobs in fundamental or applied research either in industry or national laboratories. Further generalization is not possible — graduates find careers in areas as diverse as the information technology companies, biotechnology, the oil industry, the chemical process industry, renewable resources and private consulting. (Approximately one-third go into teaching and research as a profession).

Student Life

Housing and living.

Stanford has a strong residential character. Over half of all graduate students live in university-operated apartments. The university’s residence system is among the largest and most diverse.

How does on-campus housing work?

There is a lottery and when you enter it, you list your choice of housing options in preferential order. Housing is guaranteed for first-year graduate students, but this means that you must apply on time and select the option that you are willing to accept any living arrangement (studio, two people in a two-bedroom, three people in a two-bedroom, etc.). If you submit your choices by the deadline, usually you obtain your top housing choices.

Students can renew the same housing assignment for the following year without entering a lottery. Thus, if you are happy with whatever assignment you get in the fall of your first year (and you live in a residence that is open year-round), in the spring of your first year you now can just check "renew" on your housing application for the next year and keep your assignment for the following year.

Pets are not allowed in campus housing.

How much does on-campus housing cost per month?

The cost of housing varies. The general rule of thumb is that the more room/suite-mates you have, the lower the rent. If you would like to have a room to yourself (double-occupancy two-bedroom, etc.) then you should expect to pay more. If you do not mind sharing a room, then the cost drops some. 

What is included in on-campus housing costs?

In addition to the rent, the cost of housing covers basic utilities (electricity and water). Laundry is free to students living on campus. Also, most on-campus apartments are furnished so you don't have to worry about the cost of furniture. Additional charges will apply for an internet connection, cable TV, etc. (These facilities are easily available and are relatively inexpensive). If you have a car, you will need to purchase a campus parking permit, but they are inexpensive for students.

What are the off-campus housing options?

A popular way to find off-campus housing is to use Craigslist . You can perform specific searches of price ranges or towns or places that accept pets. The places listed include condos, homes for rent, individual cottages, or apartments. If you do a search on Craigslist, go to "apts/housing" and then click on "Peninsula" at the top of the screen (S.F. Bay Area prompt). Depending upon the specific location, the following towns are within bikeable distance from Stanford: Menlo Park, Atherton and Palo Alto. Redwood City, Los Altos and Mountain View are a minimum of a ~30 min bike ride.

How much do off-campus apartments costs per month?

Depending upon how many roommates you have, monthly rent can range from $900-$1,700/per person.

How can I find a roommate?

Most incoming students do not know people at Stanford and so do not choose their roommates. However, if you do find/choose someone you would like to room with in university housing, then you can request that Housing Assignments Office assign both of you to the same housing location. There is also a roommate-finding website.

What about housing for couples or families?

There are several options for on-campus couples housing-furnished or unfurnished. Please see the Housing Options page for information about housing for couples without children and students with children.

What's the bottom line? Is it comfortable to live on the graduate stipend?

Yes. People can live comfortably and still afford to travel both nationally and internationally. Several students have hobbies such as skiing or cycling that they can afford on the graduate student stipend/salary. (English PhD students get by on ~10K less!)

Activities in the local and surrounding areas

How do i get involved in departmental social events.

All ChemE grad students are welcome to participate on the social subcommittees of the graduate student-run ACTION Committee, as well as staff-student planned events such as the annual Holiday Party in December.

What do people do for fun?

The  Office of Student Engagement supports over 600 university-recognized, incredibly diverse student groups on campus.

There are various gyms on campus, along with many intramural sports and club sports. There are also athletic classes you can take for credit (kickboxing, Pilates, boot camp, yoga, etc) or simply for fun at the residence complexes. Other than sports, there are a plethora of cultural events in the arts, dance, music and other live performances on and off campus. San Jose is ~20 minutes away while San Francisco is ~45 minutes away by car. Both are also accessible by public transportation. If you prefer outdoor activities, hiking trails and extensive bicycle routes are minutes away and a few hours of driving can take you to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, the northern California Redwoods, etc. while Santa Cruz and Monterrey are closer attractions.

What are the common attractions in the area surrounding the San Francisco Bay?

San Francisco has abundant theaters and cultural events, SFMOMA, Civic Center, Asian Museum, China Town, Fisherman's Wharf, Golden Gate Park (de Young Museum) and Golden Gate Bridge. Further north, you can visit Muir Woods redwood park, various marinas, Point Reyes National Seashore, etc., while further south you can visit Monterey Bay Aquarium, stroll beaches along the Pacific Ocean, go rock climbing and tour wineries in the Santa Cruz mountains.

How is the transportation system? How do you get around?

There are on-campus shuttles that also access the local train stations, local bus lines, CalTrain, BART and Muni. Many students have cars. Many do not. The majority of students also have bikes to get around on campus.

Are there intramural sports and sports clubs?

Yes to both. Intramural sports range from volleyball to soccer to billiards, and club sports range from triathlon to sailing to martial arts. This department fields several teams.

How are the gym facilities?

The Arrillaga Family Sports and Recreation Center is the primary gym for students. The facility is on Campus Drive right across from the track. At Arrillaga, you'll find squash courts, a climbing wall, basketball courts and a weight room with cardio-machines (ellipticals, treadmills, stationary bikes, etc.). Students also can take classes for physical activities such as martial arts (Arrillaga has a training room), fencing, yoga, etc.

Also, the recently opened Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center (AOERC) is the newest recreational facility on campus. It's on Santa Teresa Street right next to Roble Field. AOERC features a fitness center, outdoor recreational pool, three indoor courts, academic classrooms, a climbing wall and an outdoor recreation center.

Stanford also has a great outdoor pool center and has several tennis courts spread across campus. It is not unusual for Stanford to host national track-and-field or ATP tour events, so you shouldn't be surprised to see some big names in sports strolling about on campus.

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Ph.D. Degree?

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Earning a Ph.D. from a U.S. grad school typically requires nearly six years, federal statistics show.

how long to get phd engineering


A Ph.D. is most appropriate for someone who is a “lifelong learner.” 

Students who have excelled within a specific academic discipline and who have a strong interest in that field may choose to pursue a Ph.D. degree. However, Ph.D. degree-holders urge prospective students to think carefully about whether they truly want or need a doctoral degree, since Ph.D. programs last for multiple years.

According to the Survey of Earned Doctorates, a census of recent research doctorate recipients who earned their degree from U.S. institutions, the median amount of time it took individuals who received their doctorates in 2017 to complete their program was 5.8 years. However, there are many types of programs that typically take longer than six years to complete, such as humanities and arts doctorates, where the median time for individuals to earn their degree was 7.1 years, according to the survey.

Some Ph.D. candidates begin doctoral programs after they have already obtained master’s degrees, which means the time spent in grad school is a combination of the time spent pursuing a master’s and the years invested in a doctorate. In order to receive a Ph.D. degree, a student must produce and successfully defend an original academic dissertation, which must be approved by a dissertation committtee. Writing and defending a dissertation is so difficult that many Ph.D. students drop out of their Ph.D. programs having done most of the work necessary for degree without completing the dissertation component. These Ph.D. program dropouts often use the phrase “ all but dissertation ” or the abbreviation “ABD” on their resumes.

According to a comprehensive study of  Ph.D. completion rates  published by The Council of Graduate Schools in 2008, only 56.6% of people who begin Ph.D. programs earn Ph.D. degrees.

Ian Curtis, a founding partner with H&C Education, an educational and admissions consulting firm, who is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in French at Yale University , says there are several steps involved in the process of obtaining a Ph.D. Students typically need to fulfill course requirements and pass comprehensive exams, Curtis warns. “Once these obligations have been completed, how long it takes you to write your dissertation depends on who you are, how you work, what field you’re in and what other responsibilities you have in life,” he wrote in an email. Though some Ph.D. students can write a dissertation in a single year, that is rare, and the dissertation writing process may last for several years, Curtis says.

[ READ: What Is a Doctorate or a Doctoral Degree?  ]

Curtis adds that the level of support a Ph.D. student receives from an academic advisor or faculty mentor can be a key factor in determining the length of time it takes to complete a Ph.D. program. “Before you decide to enroll at a specific program, you’ll want to meet your future advisor,” Curtis advises. “Also, reach out to his or her current and former students to get a sense of what he or she is like to work with.”

Curtis also notes that if there is a gap between the amount of time it takes to complete a Ph.D. and the amount of time a student’s funding lasts, this can slow down the Ph.D. completion process. “Keep in mind that if you run out of funding at some point during your doctorate, you will need to find paid work, and this will leave you even less time to focus on writing your dissertation,” he says. “If one of the programs you’re looking at has a record of significantly longer – or shorter – times to competition, this is good information to take into consideration.”

Pierre Huguet, the CEO and co-founder of H&C Education, says prospective Ph.D. students should be aware that a Ph.D. is designed to prepare a person for a career as a scholar. “Most of the jobs available to Ph.D. students upon graduation are academic in nature and directly related to their fields of study: professor, researcher, etc.,” Huguet wrote in an email. “The truth is that more specialization can mean fewer job opportunities. Before starting a Ph.D., students should be sure that they want to pursue a career in academia, or in research. If not, they should make time during the Ph.D. to show recruiters that they’ve traveled beyond their labs and libraries to gain some professional hands-on experience.”

Jack Appleman, a business writing instructor, published author and Ph.D. candidate focusing on organizational communication with the  University at Albany—SUNY , says Ph.D. programs require a level of commitment and focus that goes beyond what is necessary for a typical corporate job. A program with flexible course requirements that allow a student to customize his or her curriculum based on academic interests and personal obligations is ideal, he says.

[ READ: Ph.D. Programs Get a Lot More Practical.  ]

Joan Kee, a professor at the University of Michigan  with the university’s history of art department, says that the length of time required for a Ph.D. varies widely depending on what subject the Ph.D. focuses on. “Ph.D. program length is very discipline and even field-specific; for example, you can and are expected to finish a Ph.D, in economics in under five years, but that would be impossible in art history (or most of the humanities),” she wrote in an email.

Jean Marie Carey, who earned her Ph.D. degree in art history and German from the  University of Otago  in New Zealand, encourages prospective Ph.D. students to check whether their potential Ph.D. program has published a timeline of how long it takes a Ph.D. student to complete their program. She says it is also prudent to speak with Ph.D. graduates of the school and ask about their experience.

Bennett urges prospective Ph.D. students to visit the campuses of their target graduate programs since a Ph.D. program takes so much time that it is important to find a school that feels comfortable. She adds that aspiring Ph.D. students who prefer a collaborative learning environment should be wary of graduate programs that have a cut-throat and competitive atmosphere, since such students may not thrive in that type of setting.

[ READ: 4 Fields Where Doctorates Lead to Jobs.  ]

Alumni of Ph.D. programs note that the process of obtaining a Ph.D. is arduous, regardless of the type of Ph.D. program. “A Ph.D. is a long commitment of your time, energy and financial resources, so it’ll be easier on you if you are passionate about research,” says Grace Lee, who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and is the founder and CEO of Mastery Insights, an education and career coaching company, and the host of the Career Revisionist podcast.

“A Ph.D. isn’t about rehashing years of knowledge that is already out there, but rather it is about your ability to generate new knowledge. Your intellectual masterpiece (which is your dissertation) takes a lot of time, intellectual creativity and innovation to put together, so you have to be truly passionate about that,” Lee says.

Erin Skelly, a graduate admissions counselor at the IvyWise admissions consulting firm, says when a Ph.D. students struggles to complete his or her Ph.D. degree, it may have more to do with the student’s academic interests or personal circumstances than his or her program.

“The time to complete a Ph.D. can depend on a number of variables, but the specific discipline or school would only account for a year or two’s difference,” she wrote in an email. “When a student takes significantly longer to complete a Ph.D. (degree), it’s usually related to the student’s coursework and research – they need to take additional coursework to complete their comprehensive exams; they change the focus of their program or dissertation, requiring extra coursework or research; or their research doesn’t yield the results they hoped for, and they need to generate a new theory and conduct more research.”

Skelly warns that the average completion time of a Ph.D. program may be misleading in some cases, if the average is skewed based on one or two outliers. She suggests that instead of focusing on the duration of a particular Ph.D. program, prospective students should investigate the program’s attritition and graduation rates.

“It is worthwhile to look at the program requirements and the school’s proposed timeline for completion, and meet current students to get their input on how realistic these expectations for completion are,” Skelly says. “That can give you an honest idea of how long it will really take to complete the program.”

Searching for a grad school? Access our  complete rankings  of Best Graduate Schools.

Frequently Asked Questions for PhD Applicants

If you have questions about the application process, please consult the Application FAQ

Program FAQ

  • When is the application deadline?  December 7, 2024 11:59 PM PST is the application deadline for Autumn 2025-2026.
  • I will have just earned my bachelor’s degree before starting graduate study at Stanford. Should I apply to the MS or the PhD program?  You should apply to the degree program that can fulfill your ultimate degree goal. For example, if obtaining a PhD is your ultimate goal, you should apply directly to the PhD program.
  • Do I need to have a master’s degree before applying to the PhD program?  No; the minimum degree requirement is a bachelor’s degree. Students who enter the PhD program may opt to pursue the master’s degree along the way to earning the PhD.
  • If I apply to the PhD program but do not get admitted, will I be considered for the MS program?  The Electrical Engineering Department does not consider PhD applicants not admitted into the PhD program for the MS program. 
  • If I am admitted and enrolled in the MS program, may I enter the PhD program later?  Admission to the PhD program is possible only through the  annual general admissions process . Current MS students must reapply through this process to be considered for the PhD program.
  • May I apply for a start term other than autumn? No; applications are reviewed on an annual basis for autumn quarter start only.
  • How long does it take to complete the PhD?  Typical completion time for the PhD program is 5-7 years.
  • How important is it to contact faculty before I apply?  Contact with faculty members is not a required part of the application process nor does it guarantee admission to our graduate program. Admissions decisions are made by the Admissions Committee, not by individual faculty members.
  • Is financial assistance available for PhD students?  Yes; all PhD students who maintain satisfactory academic progress receive full financial support for the duration of the doctoral program. For more information, please see  Financial Assistance for PhD Students .
  • What are the minimum GPA requirements for admission?  Applicants do not need to meet any minimum grade point average (GPA) to secure admission, and we do not release information about average GPAs of admitted students. As a guideline, successful applicants typically earn undergraduate cumulative GPAs among the top of their class. However, please keep in mind that admission to our graduate programs depends on a combination of factors, and all areas of a student’s application are weighed when applications are reviewed.
  • Am I eligible to apply if my undergraduate major is not Electrical Engineering?  Yes; students who meet the minimum degree requirements with a strong technical background in engineering, physical sciences, or mathematics are welcome to apply. A bachelor's degree in electrical engineering is not strictly required.
  • Are specific prerequisite courses required for admission?  No; we advise prospective applicants to review the  EE Graduate Handbook  and the  Stanford Course Catalog  to evaluate what prerequisites are needed for graduate-level courses in your area(s) of interest.
  • What is the minimum level of study required of international applicants from an academic institution outside of the U.S.?  Please refer to  Stanford Graduate Admissions | International Applicants  for eligibility guidelines related to study outside of the U.S.
  • What is the process for transferring to the PhD program from another institution?  Students who wish to transfer to our PhD program from another institution must complete the same application procedure as new applicants. If you are admitted and enrolled, you may request to transfer up to 45 units of coursework from your previous institution toward the PhD degree requirements at Stanford, by following the procedures for  Graduate Residency Credit . Students must complete one quarter at Stanford before requesting to transfer units, and all transferred units are subject to approval by the Registrar’s Office.
  • If I am admitted to a EE graduate program, can my admission be deferred?  The Department greatly discourages deferral of matriculation dates.  Deferrals are granted only to PhD applicants, and only in exceptional circumstances such as for US military service or visa issues for students arriving from designated countries.  Admitted students wishing to defer admission must send a written request (along with documentation if possible) to  [email protected] . Requests will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. MS and Coterm applicants cannot defer admission dates.

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Advice on whether a PhD in Engineering is worth it.

how long to get phd engineering

  • How Long Does A PhD Take?
  • Doing a PhD

Sometimes, just knowing how long a PhD takes can be enough to sway your decision on whether a research degree is for you. So with that in mind, exactly how long does a PhD take?

In the UK, a full-time PhD takes 3 to 4 years to finish whilst a part-time PhD takes twice as long at 6 to 7 years. Alongside these average durations, there are time limits on how long you can be enrolled on to a PhD programme. To discover these limits, the factors which most influence doctoral degree durations and how the UK durations compare to international PhDs, continue reading on.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Full-time PhD?

In the UK, a full-time PhD will typically take you 3 to 4 years. You will usually spend the first three years on the technical aspects of your doctorate. This includes undertaking independent research, designing your research methodology and collecting and analysing data. You will then spend an additional academic year on writing up your PhD thesis and sitting your viva.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Part-time PhD?

In the UK, a part-time PhD will typically take you 6 to 7 years; twice as long as doing a full-time PhD. The reason for this is that as a part-time PhD student, you would dedicate around 20 hours per week to your PhD as opposed to the typical 40 hours full-time students would put into their subject.

How Long Does a Distance Learning PhD Take?

Similarly, distance learning PhD’s take an average of 6 to 7 years to complete. This is because the vast majority of students who undertake a distance learning PhD do so because they can’t relocate closer to the university. Although these commitments will differ, they often mean the student isn’t able to dedicate 40 hours per week to their studies.

Students in STEM disciplines will often take longer to finish a distance learning doctorate degree than those in non-STEM disciplines. This because the progress of a STEM PhD student will be limited by how often they can access a laboratory for experiment work.

How Does Funding Impact a PhD’s Duration?

In reality, the actual time it will take you to complete your PhD degree will depend on your funding situation.

If you’re receiving  funding , it will usually only cover you for 3.5 years if you’re studying full-time or for 7 years at half the stipend if you’re studying part-time. Although this could vary slightly, most PhD funding providers, e.g. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), follow this timescale as indicated on their ‘ length of PhD studentships’ page. Because of this, most students who obtain scholarships try to complete their PhD within the timeframe of their funding so they don’t incur additional fees which they need to cover themselves.

It’s also worth noting that some funded PhD positions have additional conditions attached to them as part of their eligibility requirements. For example, they may require teaching undergraduate students, hosting laboratory sessions or attend presentations and conferences. This will be especially true if you’re on a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA). Although these shouldn’t add considerable time to the length of a PhD programme, they have the potential to do so if they aren’t managed properly.

As self-funded students cover their own annual tuition fees and other associated costs, how long they’ll spend to complete their PhD project will largely depend on their own personal financial situation. Because of this, most self-funded PhD students find it best to complete their PhD study in the shortest time-frame they can manage.

Are There Deadlines?

Yes – unfortunately, all good things must come to an end! Within the UK, the deadline for your PhD is defined as the last date which you must submit your final thesis by. This date is set by your university’s overall regulations and varies depending on the arrangements of your PhD, e.g. whether it’s full or part time. In the vast majority of cases, the adopted deadlines are four years for full-time PhDs and seven years for part-time PhDs from the date you were officially registered onto your programme, as shown below from the University of Leicester’s registration guidance page .

Registration for Length of a PhD_ How long does it take to get a PhD

This time-frame may vary from university to university. For example, the University of Sheffield adopts an additional year for part-time PhDs as shown below.

Programme time for PhDs - How long is a PhD

Can I Complete It Faster?

Although it’s possible to complete a full-time PhD in under 3 years, it’s a significant feat that’s rarely heard of. When these feats occur, they’re usually where the doctoral student already has extensive knowledge and experience in their field before undertaking their PhD.

Whilst it’s possible to complete a part-time PhD in under 6 years, it largely depends on your commitments outside your studies. For example, if you have a part-time career alongside your PhD, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to commit the additional hours required to complete your doctorate a year faster.

However, if instead of a steady part-time job you take on occasional work as a freelancer, you’ll be able to set aside many more hours towards your doctoral degree.

Will Having only A Bachelor’s Degree or Being an International Student Limit My Rate of Progression?

Not at all. While there are benefits to having a Master’s degree such as an additional year of learning and greater research experience due to your fourth-year dissertation project, this doesn’t mean not having one would limit you. A PhD is very different to both Bachelor and Master degrees due to being heavily research-based, therefore, both types of students will have just as much to learn on their way to completing their doctorate.

Similarly, whether you’re an international student will bear no influence on the duration of your PhD.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How Does This Compare to the Duration of EU and US PhDs?

PhD hosted by universities within the EU, such as those in France, Norway and Spain, have the same programme structure as those within the UK. As a result, there are no noticeable differences in the time to complete a doctorate between UK and EU institutions.

However, this is not the case in the US. Compared to PhDs conducted within the UK or EU, PhDs conducted within the US take considerably longer to obtain. According to a  2017 study conducted by the National Science Foundation, a US government agency which supports research and higher education, the average time to get a PhD within the US is 5.8 years. Besides this, the average completion time can further increase depending on the disciplines. For example, they found doctorates within the humanities and arts to take an average of 7.1 years to achieve.

The primary reason for this difference is the way PhD degrees are structured within the United States. As mentioned previously, PhDs conducted within UK and EU universities are essentially broken into two sections – one covering the analytical aspects and the other covering the writing up aspects. However, within the US, doctorate programmes comprise additional sections. PhD students are first required to undertake 2 to 3 years of courses, which cover a broad range of topics related to their schools’ discipline. This is then followed by coursework and several examinations, which only once passed can the PhD candidate then start working on their research project and dissertation.

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How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

If you aspire to rise to the top of your field, then you may have your sights set on a PhD.

PhD students in a group study

Earning a doctoral degree can be a years-long process, but choosing an accelerated doctoral online program may help you complete your program more quickly.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Whether you’re wanting to earn one of the highest paying doctoral degrees or you have a specific one in mind, this guide can help walk you through how long it takes to complete your PhD program.

a watch showing years

For a traditional, campus-based PhD program, the average time to finish a PhD is 8 years. Fulfilling the program’s requirements will often demand a serious investment of your time.

Even still, some people are able to finish their programs in just 3 to 6 years. Multiple factors may influence the overall length of your program.

Required Credit Hours

Many PhD programs require you to earn 120 credit hours before entering the exam and dissertation phases.

Fortunately, there are PhD programs without such high credit-hour demands. For example, at some universities, you may earn a PhD with only 60 credit hours.

Full-Time vs. Part-Time Schedule

Enrolling in a doctoral program part-time may allow you to keep up with your regular job. You’ll have to decide whether you prefer the flexibility of part-time schooling or the faster schedule of full-time studies.

Final Project Requirements

Many PhD programs end with the completion of a dissertation. This assignment may take years to complete, so PhD students often end up in the all-but-dissertation (ABD) phase for quite some time.

University Scheduling

Some schools promote their ability to help you through the PhD process faster than normal. Accelerated class schedules with eight-week online courses may speed your studies along. Focused attention from dissertation advisors may help as well.

PhD Program Components

students in class

Before you enroll in a PhD program, it’s important to know some of the basic requirements:


Most schools require you to already hold a master’s degree, but some offer bachelor’s-to-PhD programs.

Length to Completion

On average, it takes eight years to earn a PhD. Even still, completing doctoral coursework and a dissertation in three to four years is not unheard of.

Topic of Interest

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be getting a philosophy degree. Your field of study will depend on your interests and the programs that your university offers. You may tailor your doctoral focus though your choice of a dissertation topic.

Steps to Completion

You’ll take advanced classes before sitting for comprehensive exams. After passing your exams, you’ll likely begin working on a dissertation. You must defend your dissertation before finishing your program.

Doctoral studies begin with a series of classes through which you may increase your knowledge of your field of study and learn about conducting research. These are advanced classes, so they should be more in-depth than the ones you took during your undergraduate and master’s programs.

The number of courses that you need to take can vary significantly. It’s not uncommon for PhD programs to require 120 credit hours of coursework. That amounts to about 40 classes.

At other schools, the requirements are lower. Your university’s program may involve just 60 credit hours or, possibly, even fewer. A less intense course load may significantly slash your time to completion.

Your university may require you to maintain a GPA above a minimum threshold. An unsatisfactory GPA may keep you from moving on to the next step of the PhD process.

Comprehensive Examinations

Universities often require students to demonstrate their readiness for a doctoral project before advancing to the next stage of their studies. Readiness is proven through comprehensive exams , which may also be known as:

  • Preliminary examinations
  • Major field examinations
  • General examinations

Often, comprehensive exams take the form of written or oral tests. In other situations, faculty may assess students’ readiness on the basis of a portfolio evaluation or a written paper.

Dissertation and Defense

PhD dissertation paper

A dissertation, also known as a graduate thesis, is a body of work that presents original research in your field. This manuscript focuses on a unique idea and includes evidence to support your thesis. During your doctoral studies, there are classes designed to help prepare you for your dissertation work.

The dissertation process may take several years. Once your manuscript is complete, you must defend it to the doctoral program faculty. After your defense, you may need to do further work on your manuscript, or the committee may decide that your dissertation is complete.

Not all programs require a dissertation. Instead, there may be an alternative doctoral project. Although both dissertations and capstone projects are rigorous, projects can sometimes be completed within a shorter time frame.

Average Time to Complete PhD by Field of Study

Students in some disciplines usually take a lot more time to finish their doctoral work than students in other fields.

If you’re studying in the following scientific fields, you may be more likely to earn your on-campus degree in seven years or less:

  • Physics — average of five years
  • Psychology — average of five to seven years

On the other hand, if your field of study relates more to the humanities, your on-campus degree program may take longer:

  • History — average of eight years
  • English — average of eight years
  • Education — average of 13 years

These are the traditional figures. There are ways to finish faster.

Why Does It Take So Long to Finish a Traditional PhD?

student studying in a college library

Some schools require doctoral students to take around 40 classes, which, in a traditional on-campus setting, may take years. After completing the coursework, you must write your dissertation and defend it. The dissertation process alone might take multiple years.

Doctoral programs online may help shorten the PhD process to three or four years. Fewer credit hours may be required, and the classes may be delivered in an accelerated format.

Schools with an emphasis on quick doctoral programs may also offer dissertation advisors to efficiently guide students through that phase. Alternatively, some universities allow students to complete capstone projects that don’t take as long as dissertations.

Getting a PhD Online vs. Campus

student working on her laptop

Online education has changed students’ options for earning a PhD. These days, aspiring students may choose whether to attend classes on a college campus or online.

Traditional programs may require you to relocate to the university’s campus and attend school full-time. On average, it takes just over eight years to complete those programs. The benefits of choosing an online school instead may include:

Faster Progress

Accelerated eight-week courses may allow you to finish your course load sooner. You may complete your entire program in just three or four years.

Multiple Start Dates

Online programs often let you join throughout the year, so you don’t have to put your studies on hold until the fall semester.


Not being required to move to campus or come to class at set times may allow you to work your studies around your schedule.

Equal Status

Online programs are just as rigorous as on-campus ones. As long as your university is accredited, your degree will be just as valuable as one from a traditional university setting.


Finishing your doctoral studies faster may mean that you pay less tuition.

How to Finish Your PhD in Less Time

PhD graduation ceremonies

Although you can’t earn a doctoral degree overnight, you shouldn’t have to spend the majority of your working years striving toward PhD-completion. The following tips for accelerating the PhD process may help you finish your studies more quickly than the average doctoral student.

1. Use What You Already Know

Every school requires a minimum number of credit hours that you must earn in the pursuit of your degree. To help you meet this threshold, some schools will allow you to transfer in credits from other doctoral programs. Universities may also give you credit for your professional experience. Reducing your class load may save you both time and money.

2. Look for Short Classes

Accelerated course schedules are one of the best ways to speed through the degree process. Every eight weeks, you’ll begin a new set of classes. Over the course of a year, there may be five different sessions during which you can take classes.

3. Work on Your Dissertation Throughout the Program

Traditionally, dissertation work begins once the classroom portion of your studies is over. Quick doctoral programs may allow you to begin the dissertation process while you’re still taking other classes. This approach, known as an embedded dissertation, may reduce the likelihood that you’ll drop out before finishing your final project. It might also speed up your doctoral timeline.

4. Ask for Help

A lack of support can lead some doctoral students to drop out. On the other hand, having a good support system can help you push through and finish your program more quickly. Build a team of family, friends, and academic mentors who can encourage you, guide you, and lend practical help when you’re feeling overwhelmed by school.

Why Get a PhD?

You may need to earn a doctoral degree to achieve your career goals . For example, if you want to become a clinical psychologist, this level of study is essential. Many scientific and research positions require doctoral studies. University faculty typically need to hold terminal degrees as well.

Even if a doctorate is not a requirement for your desired line of work, it may help you achieve greater success. You might be granted higher levels of responsibility, and you may earn more money. In some fields, those who hold PhDs make around 20% more than those with master’s degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

Do You Have to Have a Master’s Degree to Get a PhD?

Many schools consider a master’s degree an essential prerequisite for PhD admission. If you don’t already have a master’s degree, a bachelor’s-to-doctorate program may allow you to earn a master’s and a PhD for less time and money than it would take to pursue them separately.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD After a Master’s?

You may be able to complete your doctoral program in three to four years if you opt for an accelerated online program. On average, traditional on-campus PhD programs take around eight years to complete.

How Hard Is It to Finish a PhD?

Doctoral studies are challenging. That shouldn’t come as a surprise; if doctorates were easy to acquire, nearly every college graduate would end up with a PhD behind his or her name.

Approximately 50% of students who begin a PhD program don’t end up finishing. Many quit within two years of starting. Another large portion gives up upon reaching the dissertation phase.

Although all PhD programs are challenging, the flexible nature of online programs may help you find success. Choosing a doctoral track that doesn’t require a dissertation may help as well.

What Is the Easiest PhD to Get?

Easiest PhD to Get

All PhD programs are demanding, but you might have an easier time if you select a program that aligns with your interests and your career goals. The flexibility of online study may help your doctoral program seem less burdensome. In addition, capstone projects are sometimes easier than writing dissertations.

If earning a doctoral degree in a short time frame is important to you, then consider the many potential benefits that online programs have to offer. Within just a few years, you may be able to place the letters “PhD” at the end of your name.

how long to get phd engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Phd program.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Possibilities Engineered


At the forefront of engineering research, our institution is dedicated to impactful, collaborative, and interdisciplinary research. We take pride in our transformative approach, led by a world-class faculty recognized for their leadership and groundbreaking research contributions. Immerse yourself in our vibrant community, where you'll engage in cutting-edge research and join a world-renowned institution reimagining civil and environmental engineering.

Guided by Expertise: Your Faculty Mentor and Research Advisor

During your admission, you will be paired with a faculty mentor who aligns with your research interests and will serve as your research advisor throughout your doctoral journey. You have the option to indicate a preferred advisor during the application process. 

Welcome to the CEE PhD Graduate Program at CMU, where you can be part of redefining the future of engineering.

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Elevate your career prospects with our graduate program. Click 'Apply Now' to get started.

If you have questions about our programs we're here to have a one-on-one chat with you. Just click the meeting links below and set up a meeting that suits you best.

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If you prefer to send an email: Graduate Admissions Office -  [email protected] .

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Our live-streamed sessions offer an excellent opportunity to address any queries you might have concerning our graduate programs. REGISTER HERE

Research Pathways

Intelligence, engineered systems, and society (iess).

The Intelligent Engineered Systems and Society (IESS) research group empowers you to tackle global challenges like climate change and urbanization through intelligent infrastructure systems. As a doctoral student, you gain skills to help influence policy and develop equitable solutions, immersed in cutting-edge civil and environmental engineering research that addresses these challenges head-on, preparing you for impactful careers.

IESS PhD Program Information

Climate Resilient Environmental Systems and Technologies (CREST)

The Climate Resilient Environmental Systems and Technologies (CREST) research program shapes aspiring engineers to lead in sustainable environmental solutions. With a focus on climate adaptation, water systems, and innovative technologies, our interdisciplinary approach equips you with expertise in cutting-edge methods like data analytics, AI, and risk assessment.

As a graduate, you become part of developing real-world solutions for environmental engineering's future amidst the challenges of a changing climate.

CREST PhD Program Information

Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems (SETS)

The Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems (SETS) PhD program molds the next generation of engineers into adept researchers through transformative education and pioneering research. Anchored in smart mobility and advanced energy systems, our interdisciplinary curriculum equips students with cross-cutting methodologies for innovative energy and transportation infrastructure solutions.

As you complete your doctoral research, you'll emerge as a forward-thinking engineer, empowered to lead sustainability and resilience efforts across the evolving energy and transportation landscape, leaving a lasting impact in both private and public sectors.

SETS PhD Program Information

Mechanics, Chemistry, and Materials (MCM)

The Mechanics, Chemistry, and Materials (MCM) PhD program leads interdisciplinary exploration in civil and environmental engineering. Our accomplished researchers specialize in mechanics, chemistry, and materials, leveraging classical and quantum mechanics to address challenges through innovative modeling techniques, bench experiments, and fieldwork.

This program equips you to comprehend material behaviors, optimize them for diverse applications, and contribute to sustainable advancements in civil and environmental engineering while addressing contemporary issues.

MCM PhD Program Information


Program Structure

Direct entry and advanced entry, direct entry.

Direct entry PhD students holding an undergraduate engineering or related technical field degree from an accredited institution can apply directly for the program. Direct entry students can complete the requirements for the MS degree before beginning PhD studies.

Advanced Entry 

If you already hold a master’s degree in engineering or a related technical field, you may enter the program as an advanced entry student and begin your PhD studies immediately.

Typically, your PhD will require at least four years of graduate study beyond your BS degree or three years beyond your MS degree. This duration allows you to deeply engage in research, advanced coursework, and comprehensive examinations.
We offer flexibility in our curriculum to accommodate diverse research interests. There are no formal course requirements for your PhD program, though most students choose to take relevant courses that align with their chosen focus area. These courses can help you prepare for your qualifying comprehensive exam and enhance your knowledge base in your research field.
Our program encourages you to be independent and creative in your research. While much of the research is faculty-initiated, you are encouraged to think independently about your research questions and approaches. We foster an environment where you can collaborate with faculty on existing research projects or propose new research directions.
As part of the qualification process, you will assemble a doctoral committee that will provide guidance and support from the initial thesis proposal stage all the way through to your thesis defense.

PhD Research Assistantships

When you join the CEE PhD Graduate Program at CMU, you're not just pursuing a doctoral degree but stepping into a world of unparalleled support.

Tuition Coverage : Your academic path begins with the assurance of full tuition coverage.

Generous Stipends : Besides tuition, we provide a generous living stipend that supports your daily life and allows you to focus on your studies.

Unique Opportunities : Our program offers you the chance to secure a research assistantship—an opportunity that covers your tuition and provides a stipend for your living expenses. Rest assured that all applicants are automatically considered for this assistantship, which can extend for up to five years, contingent upon your satisfactory progress toward degree completion.

As a part of this assistantship, you'll dedicate approximately 20 hours per week to teaching and research activities. This hands-on experience is integral to your graduate education.

Beyond assistantships, many of our international and US students have achieved distinction by securing prestigious fellowships from various organizations. Your journey with us opens doors to these opportunities.

Learn About External Funding Opportunities

CMU Rales Fellow Program


The CMU Rales Fellows Program eliminates financial obstacles for underrepresented STEM leaders, inspiring progress and enabling over 80 annual fellows in advanced STEM education through partnerships like the Ron Brown Scholar Program and the National GEM Consortium.

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  • Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering

PhD Program

Students in the biomedical engineering PhD program at Johns Hopkins will push the boundaries of scientific discovery alongside leading clinicians and researchers by developing and applying new technologies to understand, diagnose, and treat disease.

The BME PhD Program is Home to a Wide Diversity of Students

  • 42% Female (of the students who matriculated in the last four years)
  • 27% Identify as having a disability or chronic condition
  • 25% Identify as LGBTQ
  • 21% Identify with underrepresented racial or ethnic groups

Program Information

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Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto is a research-intensive program that immerses students in the application of biomedical sciences and engineering principles to advance solutions for challenges in human health. Students can be admitted to the PhD program through direct entry after completion of a bachelor’s degree or, alternatively, after the completion of a master’s degree. PhD students receive a guaranteed minimum stipend for four years.

Criteria for success

The PhD program is designed to train students in becoming experts and leaders in research in any setting, such as (but not limited to) academic institutions, industry, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies. The core focus of a doctorate is the development and honing of five essential skills: 1) the acquisition of broad knowledge of the field and hands-on methodology; 2) the ability to create, design, and execute original, innovative and high-quality work; 3) the capacity for critical thinking and synthesis of new and complex ideas; 4) the effective communication of scientific results in all written, verbal and visual formats; and 5) adherence to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. The end-goal of the PhD training is to push the limits of current scientific knowledge, whether through solving previously unresolved questions or creating new solutions for yet-to-be-identified problems. Ideally, the research should be framed carefully within the context of the broader field, showing a deep and integrated understanding of the big picture and where the doctoral research fits. In keeping with the expectations of most PhD programs in STEM in Canada and the United States, PhD candidates in Biomedical Engineering must meet the following requirements for successful completion of the program:

  • Completion of compulsory coursework, training activities (e.g., regular supervisory meetings), and exams.
  • A written dissertation that demonstrates strong scientific motivation and substantial, cohesive aims to support a rational scientific enquiry.
  • An oral defense that demonstrates thorough knowledge of the field, methods employed, contributions to the field, and significance of the work.
  • Three first-authored original peer-reviewed research articles published in the leading journals of the field. In many instances, these three articles correspond to the three scientific aims that comprise the main chapters of a cohesive dissertation.

Length of study

Four years (defined as the period for an academically well-prepared student to complete all program requirements while registered full-time).

Admission requirements

  • Entry into PhD program after completion of a bachelor’s degree (i.e., direct entry) : A four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering, medicine, dentistry, physical sciences, or biological sciences, or its equivalent , with an average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 grade point average scale (i.e., A minus) in the final two years of study from a recognized university ; or
  • Entry into PhD program after completion of a master’s degree : A master’s degree in engineering, medicine, dentistry, physical sciences, or biological sciences, or its equivalent , with a cumulative average of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 grade point average scale (i.e., B plus) from a recognized university .
  • Proof of English-language proficiency is required for all applicants educated outside of Canada whose native language is not English. View the BME English-language requirement policy to determine whether you are required to take a language test and for a list of accepted testing agencies and their minimum scores required for admission.
  • Applicants must find a BME faculty supervisor. ( NB : You do not need a supervisor at the time of application. However, admission is competitive and only candidates who have found and secured a research supervisor will be admitted to begin graduate studies.)
  • MD/PhD candidates must apply through the MD program
  • Possession of the minimum requirements for entry does not guarantee admission
  • GRE score is not required

Application procedures

  • Complete the online application (see requirements ) and pay the application fee
  • Arrange for your English test score to be reported electronically to the University of Toronto by the testing agency if applicable. The institution code for U of T is 0982-00 (there is no need to specify a department)
  • Contact the BME Graduate Office to identify your BME faculty supervisor

Rolling admission; multiple rounds with different enrollment capacity in each cycle

Tuition fees

StatusOptionProgram Fee
DomesticFull-time: Fall - Winter
InternationalFull-time: Fall - Winter

Last updated: January, 2022

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This question is about engineer education .

How long does it take to get a Ph.D. in engineering?

It takes between five to seven years to get a Ph.D. in engineering. Doctorate programs in engineering typically grant engineers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, although some might award a Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng or D.E.). This depends on the particular college or university.

Typically, doctoral students work closely with one or more engineering professors who serve as Ph.D. advisers. These advisors guide them through their research and dissertation.

As part of the dissertation process, schools may require Ph.D. candidates to pass either written or oral (or both) qualifying exams and to defend their research conclusions before their Ph.D. advisory committee.

Course work for an engineering doctorate generally includes quantitative research methods and highly specialized classes in the student's engineering field.

In addition, students working toward a Ph.D. in engineering can expect to complete a written dissertation based on original research.

Graduates of Ph.D. in Engineering programs can work as professors at research universities, dedicate their expertise to industrial or government research labs, or create a business around their own inventions and innovation.

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MIT graduate engineering and business programs ranked highly by U.S. News for 2024-25

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U.S. News and Word Report has again placed MIT’s graduate program in engineering at the top of its annual rankings, released today. The Institute has held the No. 1 spot since 1990, when the magazine first ranked such programs.

The MIT Sloan School of Management also placed highly, in rankings announced April 9. It occupies the No. 5 spot for the best graduate business programs. 

Among individual engineering disciplines, MIT placed first in six areas: aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering, chemical engineering, computer engineering (tied with Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley), electrical/electronic/communications engineering, materials engineering, and mechanical engineering. It placed second in biomedical engineering/bioengineering (tied with Duke University, Georgia Tech, and Stanford) and nuclear engineering.

In the rankings of individual MBA specialties, MIT placed first in four areas: business analytics, information systems, production/operations, and project management (tied with Carnegie Mellon University). It placed second in supply chain/logistics.

U.S. News bases its rankings of graduate schools of engineering and business on two types of data: reputational surveys of deans and other academic officials, and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school’s faculty, research, and students. The magazine’s less-frequent rankings of graduate programs in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities are based solely on reputational surveys. Among the 12 peer-review disciplines ranked this year, MIT placed first in computer science.

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  • U.S. News 2022 Best Graduate Schools rankings for 2024-2025

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  1. FAQ: Should I Get a PhD in Engineering?

    A Ph.D. in engineering is a research degree that provides candidates with highly specialized knowledge of a specific engineering subfield. Candidates learn about quantitative research methods and complete advanced coursework. They also conduct independent research to prepare a written dissertation and an oral presentation.

  2. Should Engineers Get a PHD? 11 Truths!

    Electrical Engineering. $23,070. 2020 - 2021. MIT. Electrical Engineering. $43,150. 2019 - 2020. As you can tell, diving into a PhD in engineering might not make you rich overnight. But, hey, it does give you the chance to work on some mind-blowing research and help shape the world of tomorrow.

  3. Guide to getting a doctorate in engineering

    There are 2 main types of engineering doctorate degrees: the Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy) in engineering and the doctor of engineering (DEng). Doctor of engineering (DEng) usually completed mid career. requires a master's degree and professional experience. focused on practice and application lasts about 3 years.

  4. How Long Does It Take To Get a PhD?

    A PhD program typically takes four to seven years, but a variety of factors can impact that timeline. A PhD, or doctorate degree, is the highest degree you can earn in certain disciplines, such as psychology, engineering, education, and mathematics. As a result, it often takes longer to earn than it does for a bachelor's or master's degree.

  5. How Long Does It Take to Get a Ph.D. Degree?

    However, there are many types of programs that typically take longer than six years to complete, such as humanities and arts doctorates, where the median time for individuals to earn their degree ...


    Graduates of PhD in Engineering programs can work as professors at research universities, dedicate their expertise to industrial or government research labs, or create a business around their own innovation. Consider building your career as the developer of a green energy trend, discovering a life-saving biomedical process, or taking the world ...

  7. Doctoral Program

    Doctoral Program. The Ph.D. degree is intended primarily for students who desire a career in research, advanced development, or teaching; for this type of work, a broad background in mathematics and the engineering sciences, together with intensive study and research experience in a specialized area, are the necessary requisites.

  8. PhD Admissions

    Earn Your Doctorate at Duke. Completing a PhD program in engineering is hard. Really hard. But after years of preparation, frustration and celebration, a Duke doctorate stands out from the crowd. Between field-defining faculty and a web of industrial, entrepreneurial and public-policy connections, with a Duke Engineering PhD, you can just about ...

  9. Master's vs. PhD in Engineering: What's the Difference?

    Specialization. Earning a master's degree in engineering typically allows you to get involved in many different types of engineering projects and roles after graduation. Conversely, Ph.D. programs are often much more specialized. The work you do while in a Ph.D. program usually prepares you for a specific role or niche within engineering.

  10. How Long Does It Take to Earn a PhD?

    Earning a PhD usually takes between four and seven years to complete, depending on the type of PhD as well as the schools requirements, the students educational background, and personal progress. Students who take full-time classes can typically finish in four years. A typical PhD program requires anywhere from 60 to 120 semester credit hours .

  11. Doctoral Programs

    The Doctor of Science in Engineering (EngScD) program is designed for motivated professionals who want to hone the skills necessary for a career in academic research. This program is particularly appropriate for working professionals who can earn a degree part-time. Learn more about the EngScD degree program. Hear about one doctoral candidate ...

  12. How Do You Get a PhD? A Guide to the PhD Timeline

    A Guide to the PhD Timeline. Admissions October 16, 2023. Everyone who considers a doctoral degree knows a Ph.D. is a big commitment. Not only will it require all your mental energy, focus, and persistence, but it will also require a significant investment of your time. Your particular area of research, your institution's policies and ...

  13. DEng vs. PhD

    At Johns Hopkins University, both the Doctor of Engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy involve mentored research and in-depth investigation. There are a few key differences, though (although these are not hard and fast rules). DEng. PhD. Guiding Philosophy. Engineering practice and application. Engineering theory and scholarship.

  14. PhD in Engineering: Requirements, Salary, Jobs, & Career Growth

    How long does it take to get a PhD in Engineering? The length of a PhD program in Engineering can vary based on a number of factors, including the country, the specific university or institution, the research topic, the student's individual progress, and the program's structure. A PhD in Engineering, on the other hand, normally takes 3-5 ...

  15. PhD Program Overview

    March 2-5 2023, is the Chemical Engineering Virtual Visit Weekend. If you are seriously considering Stanford's Chemical Engineering's PhD program for your doctoral work, please reserve these dates for your virtual Stanford visit, as we will be unable to accommodate a request to visit at another time. How long does it take to get the PhD degree?

  16. How Long Does It Take to Get a Ph.D. Degree?

    However, there are many types of programs that typically take longer than six years to complete, such as humanities and arts doctorates, where the median time for individuals to earn their degree was 7.1 years, according to the survey. Some Ph.D. candidates begin doctoral programs after they have already obtained master's degrees, which means ...

  17. Frequently Asked Questions for PhD Applicants

    Program FAQ. When is the application deadline? December 7, 2024 11:59 PM PST is the application deadline for Autumn 2025-2026. I will have just earned my bachelor's degree before starting graduate study at Stanford. Should I apply to the MS or the PhD program? You should apply to the degree program that can fulfill your ultimate degree goal.

  18. Advice on whether a PhD in Engineering is worth it

    In my case it wouldn't have been worth it, and I suspect that's often true. BS starting salary = $64,500. MS+PhD duration = 5-7yrs. BS cumulative salary with 2% COL and one promotion = roughly $340k-490k. PhD starting salary = roughly $90k-120k.

  19. How Long Does A PhD Take?

    In the UK, a full-time PhD will typically take you 3 to 4 years. You will usually spend the first three years on the technical aspects of your doctorate. This includes undertaking independent research, designing your research methodology and collecting and analysing data. You will then spend an additional academic year on writing up your PhD ...

  20. How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD?

    For a traditional, campus-based PhD program, the average time to finish a PhD is 8 years. Fulfilling the program's requirements will often demand a serious investment of your time. Even still, some people are able to finish their programs in just 3 to 6 years. Multiple factors may influence the overall length of your program.

  21. PhD Program

    If you already hold a master's degree in engineering or a related technical field, you may enter the program as an advanced entry student and begin your PhD studies immediately. Length of Program Typically, your PhD will require at least four years of graduate study beyond your BS degree or three years beyond your MS degree.

  22. PhD Program

    Johns Hopkins Biomedical Engineering. Contact BME. Homewood Campus. 3400 N. Charles StreetWyman Park BuildingSuite 400 WestBaltimore, MD 21218. (410) 516-8120. East Baltimore Campus. 720 Rutland AvenueBaltimore, MD 21205. (410) 955-3132.

  23. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Entry into PhD program after completion of a bachelor's degree (i.e., direct entry): A four-year bachelor's degree in engineering, medicine, dentistry, physical sciences, or biological sciences, or its equivalent, with an average of at least 3.7 on a 4.0 grade point average scale (i.e., A minus) in the final two years of study from a recognized university; or

  24. How long does it take to get a Ph.D. in engineering?

    It takes between five to seven years to get a Ph.D. in engineering. Doctorate programs in engineering typically grant engineers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, although some might award a Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng or D.E.). This depends on the particular college or university.

  25. MIT graduate engineering and business programs ranked highly ...

    U.S. News bases its rankings of graduate schools of engineering and business on two types of data: reputational surveys of deans and other academic officials, and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school's faculty, research, and students. The magazine's less-frequent rankings of graduate programs in the sciences, social ...