• PhD Study in India – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

The Indian higher education system has expanded at a simply phenomenal rate during the 21st Century - and it shows no sign of stopping. This rapid growth in the number of individual PhD universities is also producing a range of research opportunities , ranging from cutting-edge Science and Engineering projects to unique programmes exploring the country's own diverse history and culture.

This page provides a comprehensive introduction to PhD study in India, with information on universities, colleges, fees, funding opportunities, average duration and eligibility requirements.

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Phd opportunities in india - what's on offer for 2024.

India's rich culture and stunning geography need little introduction and are a universal part of its appeal as a visitor destination. When it comes to international study, however, there's arguably never been a better time to consider a longer-term stay as a PhD student in India.

Here are just a few reasons to consider beginning your PhD at an Indian university in 2024:

  • Diversity and specialisation - Whether you want to research Business Management, Bombay Cinema or Buddhist Philosophy, the scope of options for PhD study in India means there's almost certainly an excellent programme available for you.
  • Affordability and accessibility - PhD fees in India vary a lot, but are often surprisingly low. Meanwhile, English is widely spoken and is adopted as the language of instruction at a wide range of universities.
  • Increasing global recognition - University rankings have taken some time to catch up with the speed of India's higher education expansion, but this is beginning to change. Several of India's leading universities and institutes now feature in international league tables for 2024.
  • Youth and dynamism - India's current population is one of the youngest in the world, demographically speaking. This fresh and dynamic outlook helps drive a culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism. You'll fit right in as a PhD researcher looking to develop new ideas and approaches.

India's universities can also claim some impressive alumni, including the current CEOs of Microsoft (Satya Nadella) and Google (Sundar Pichai). So, in a way, they may well have helped you find this page.

PhD Study in India - Key Details
The Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Mumbai (1857)
3-5 years
USD $2,000-5,000
July to May

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Indian universities

India's higher education system is one of the world's biggest, with well over 1000 different universities. It's also one of the most diverse, as these institutions fall into a range of different categories.

This has the potential to seem confusing, but, for prospective PhD students, the differences between individual universities (or groupings) won't generally be as important as the specific research projects and programmes they offer.

University types

There are five different varieties of university with the potential to offer PhD programmes in India. In most cases the distinction between these groups concerns the way in which they are established and administered.

The Indian higher education system is made up of the following:

  • 47 Central Universities - As their name suggests, these are centrally administered by the Indian Government through its Department of Higher Education. This group includes some of India's oldest research universities, as well as some newer and more specialised institutions.
  • 390 State Universities - These are set up and governed by individual Indian states and provinces. They include a wide range of institutions, many of which specialise in certain subjects.
  • 307 Private Universities - These are also set up within (and accredited by) individual states or provinces, but are established by independent organisations. They often tend to focus more on international recruitment than Central or State ('public') universities.
  • 124 Deemed to be Universities - This group includes a wide range of institutions that weren't set up as universities, but are currently recognised as having university-level expertise in certain subjects. As such they may carry out associated research and teaching.
  • 138 Institutes of National Importance - These are India's premier centres for teaching, scholarship and research. Each is established or recognised by a specific act of parliament and designated with particular specialisms and objectives. See below for more details.

PhD colleges in India

India is also home to over 39,000 colleges, but things aren't quite as vast (or complicated) as they seem. Indian higher education colleges tend to be affiliated with local state universities, helping deliver the teaching for the degree programmes those universities award.

In practice, this system is actually quite similar to the collegiate university model adopted within older UK universities such as Oxford and Cambridge : the student studies within a college towards a qualification granted by its associated university.

Some Indian colleges specialise in postgraduate (or 'post-graduate') programmes, effectively functioning like the graduate schools operated by universities in the USA or Canada.

Institutions of National Importance

India's Institutions of National Importance (INIs) are its most prestigious higher education institutions, tasked with strategic academic and professional objectives. Most are highly specialised and are organised into appropriate networks based on the subjects they pursue.

At present the list of INIs includes:

  • 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) - these focus primarily on Engineering and related subjects. Together with the National Institutes of Technology (below) they award the majority of Indian PhDs in these disciplines.
  • 31 National Institutes of Technology (NITs) - these also focus on Engineering as well as related subjects such as Architecture and Management.
  • 20 Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) - these are India's premier centres for professional training and research in Business and Management. Most of the programmes they offer award postgraduate degrees, including the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) - equivalent to a PhD.
  • 7 Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) - these conduct research and training in a broad range of scientific fields.
  • 7 National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs) - focussing on Pharmacy, Pharmacology and related Chemical Sciences.
  • 7 All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMs) - focussing on professional training and qualification in Medicine and related Health Sciences.
  • 3 Schools of Planning and Architecture (SPAs) - focussing on professional training and research in Architecture and related subjects.

Needless to say, the INIs include some of India's highest ranked and most internationally renowned universities, making them a strong choice for international PhD study in appropriate subjects.

Subject specialisms

It's quite common for Indian universities to focus on particular subjects or even to specialise in these subjects at a postgraduate level. This can make it easier to find appropriate universities for your PhD, but it does mean that not all provide comprehensive research opportunities.

Indian university cities

The sheer size of India's university system means that opportunities for PhD study exist right across the country. However, there are a number of key 'hubs' for study and research. These include major cities such as Mumbai , Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad , Kanpur and Pune .

Indian university rankings

Global rankings are beginning to reflect the growth of India's university system and its increasing expertise in key subject areas. The country's Institutes of Technology (IITs) are particularly well ranked, with several in the current Times Higher Education world top 500:

Top 10 Indian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Indian Institute of Science201-250225301-400
Anna University501-600427-
Jamia Milia Islamia501-600 -
Mahatma Gandhi University501-600--
Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences501-600771-780-
Alagappa University601-800--
Aligarh Muslim University601-800 801-900
Banaras Hindu University601-800 701-800
Bharathiar University601-800--
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati601-800=364-
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.


Universities in India are overseen by the University Grants Commission . This is an official body ensuring that higher education in India is properly supported and meets appropriate standards.

PhD structure

The Indian PhD is an advanced research qualification, designed for students who have already completed undergraduate and (usually) postgraduate training.

As a doctoral student, you'll set out to independently research an original topic with the support of at least one supervisor (an academic at your university with relevant expertise and experience). At the end of your degree you'll submit a thesis describing your research activities and results.

In this sense, PhD study in India is very similar to other countries. However, as you'd expect from a country with such a large - and diverse - higher education system, there are a few differences.

Most Indian universities award the standard PhD as an academic research doctorate. Some also provide other qualifications, including more specialised doctorates:

  • Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) - A PhD-level qualification usually offered by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). An FPM may include professional training, comparable to that involved in a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. Programmes usually last for up to five years.
  • Doctorate in Pharmacy (Pharm D) - A specialised professional qualification usually lasting for at least six years.
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) - A shorter academic research qualification (lasting one to two years), also offered in the UK and other countries. Some MPhil programmes allow progression to a full PhD.

PhD programmes

It's common for Indian universities to establish doctoral programmes within which their postgraduate students receive additional training and support as they carry out their research.

At State Universities, these are often organised by local affiliated colleges (effectively operating as the university's graduate school). More specialised Institutions of National Importance may run a single doctoral programme within which all of their students work on related topics.

PhD programmes often commence with a coursework phase . This provides any specialist subject knowledge and research skills a student needs in order to carry out their own independent research.

The coursework component of your PhD will usually be completed in your first year (this may be shorter if you already have relevant qualifications and training at Masters level). After this you will prepare a synopsis of your project and be assigned an appropriate supervisor to guide your research.

From this point on you will work more independently, carrying out research and collecting results upon which to construct your thesis.

Programme length

In most cases, the duration of a PhD in India is around three years . It's possible to study for longer, but some universities may set a maximum registration period for doctoral students - this is usually around five years, if so.

Academic year

The Indian academic year usually runs from May to July . As a PhD student you will normally complete coursework and other training within this teaching period. However, your research project will be ongoing.

Assessment and examination

The main criteria for the award of an Indian PhD is the quality of the doctoral thesis you produce at the end of your degree.

You will first submit your thesis internally. This can be a more significant stage in India than elsewhere. Multiple faculty members will often be involved and these may request corrections and resubmissions before allowing a student to proceed to their external examination.

Once your university is satisfied, your thesis will be orally examined by one or more external examiners. In India this is known as the 'Open Defence'. The title is appropriate as these examinations usually take place in a ceremonial setting and in front of an audience including your fellow students, faculty, family and friends.

Don't be put off by the prospect of being examined 'live' in this way: The Open Defence is a well-deserved opportunity to take pride in your work and the expertise it has produced.

Publication requirements

In addition to completing your thesis itself, you may be expected to have produced a peer-reviewed publication before your doctorate can be awarded. This may seem daunting to a new or prospective student, but you'll soon find that you're already producing work of a high standard as part of researching your doctoral thesis.

Your faculty will probably maintain a list of the journals it regards as being acceptable and your supervisor will be able to advise you on the preparation of your research for publication.

Fees and funding

India is a comparatively inexpensive destination for PhD study, though the actual cost of a PhD in India will vary between universities and regions.

There is no set fee for PhD study at Indian universities. Generally, State Universities will be cheaper than Private Universities, but neither are especially expensive by international standards.

International students won't necessarily pay more to study in India, though some universities may restrict the number of 'foreign students' they enrol.

Programmes are generally between USD $2,000-5,000 per year, though some universities will charge more. The best approach is to identify an institution with appropriate facilities and expertise for your PhD, then inquire as to its fees.

You'll also have some other costs to cover for an Indian PhD. These may include registration and application fees as well as fees for your eventual PhD examination. Most will be fairly minor expenses, but it's worth checking with your university in advance and confirming exactly what - and how much - you'll be required to pay.

PhD funding

The main source of government support for international students in India is the ICCR Scholarship Scheme , formerly known as the General Scholarship Scheme (GSS). This provides funding for students from specific countries to study at Bachelors, Masters or PhD level in India, with some restrictions on subjects and programmes.

International applicants with Indian heritage may also be eligible to apply to the Scholarship Programmes for Diaspora Children (SPDC) scheme. However, this support may be restricted to undergraduate programmes.

A list of other scholarships and fellowships for study in India is maintained on the University Grants Commission website .

Most Indian universities will also have their own scholarships and fee waivers available for their students, though not all of these will be available to international applicants. You can view a partial list of institutions offering international fee waivers on the Indian Government website . Note that these waivers may not necessarily be for PhD programmes or other postgraduate courses.

PhD funding guides

There's plenty of support out there for you to complete a doctorate in India (or elsewhere). Our PhD funding guides will help you make sense of your options.

Applying for a PhD in India

Some Indian universities use admissions portals to help manage their applications. Others will accept direct applications, or advertise specific opportunities .

Admission requirements

To be eligible to study a PhD in India, you have to have a Masters degree in a relevant subject, usually with an overall grade of at least 55% (or the equivalent).

Candidates will also be expected to have the necessary language skills for their course. English is one of India's official languages and is used for teaching at most of its universities/ However, some specialised universities will teach in Hindi , Urdu or other Indian languages.

There is no age limit for doing a PhD in India. Most PhDs take between three and five years to complete so it's worth considering what you want to do after completing your degree.

In July 2022, the UK and Indian governments signed a mutual agreement to formally recognise eachother's higher education qualifications. This means that if you studied your Masters degree in the UK, it will automatically be recognised as the equivalent of an Indian Masters (and vice-versa!) This should make the application process easier for UK students looking to do a PhD in India.

The Indian PhD application process

Indian PhD applications are usually competitive. Each university will have a specific number of places available on its PhD programmes each year and will use a system of entrance examinations, interviews and research proposal assessment to select the best candidates.

Individual institutions are free to manage this process themselves, but most will follow the same general steps.

PhD notifications

First, the university will establish how many places it has available for its PhD programmes. These places are then published as a 'notification' for that round of PhD admissions.

Notifications for the next academic year will usually be published in the previous Autumn. You can find them by searching university websites. You can also check the PhD opportunities listed here on FindAPhD.

The Research Eligibility Test (RET)

Once you have responded to its PhD notification, your prospective university will begin to assess your suitability for doctoral work.

PhD applicants in India are normally required to complete a Research Eligibility Test (RET): this is a written exam confirming that you have the necessary subject knowledge and expertise to carry out advanced research in your chosen discipline.

The content of the RET will be specific to your university and programme. In some cases universities will use relevant examination material from its own Masters degrees (as this is the level you should be working at as a PhD student).

You check the requirements and process for your RET before you begin your application. It may be the case that you are required to attend a physical exam in India (along with other students). Your university should be able to tell you if it makes any alternative arrangements for international students.

The next step (after a satisfactory RET performance) is to attend a PhD interview . Your university will normally publish details of candidates invited to interview as a formal part of its PhD admissions round.

The most important part of your interview day will be the interview itself, during which you will answer questions about your interests and experience and (hopefully) demonstrate that you are a suitable candidate for its programme.

The university will also use this opportunity to check and assess your application documents . You will normally be asked to bring certificates and transcripts related to your existing qualifications, as well as other materials related to your application. The exact requirements will be published along with your interview details.

Research proposals

Your previous qualifications, RET score and interview performance will confirm you are suitably qualified and prepared for a place on an Indian PhD programme. Some universities may also wish to check the details for the topic you plan to explore with your PhD. If so, they will ask you to submit a research proposal .

This may be a separate stage in your application, or it may be part of your interview process. Again, you should check your university's requirements.

Application portals

Some Indian universities partner with external services to help manage their admissions. This can make your application a lot easier, with additional support and guidance available on the exact requirements.

The most important application portal for international students in India is EdCIL . This is an official partner service, designated by the Indian Government to support applications from students seeking to study abroad in India.

Application fees

Some universities (and portals) will charge fees during their application process. These cover the costs of registering and processing applications as well as the administration of examinations and interviews.

Individually, these fees are likely to be quite small (often less than $10 at a time). However, it's a good idea to make a note of all the required fees at the beginning of your application and ensure you don't end up paying more than you expect.

Student visas

You'll need a visa to study in India as an international student. This is usually easy to obtain, provided you are a genuine student and have been accepted to study at an Indian university.

India issues various visas, but the one you'll require as a PhD student is, surprisingly enough, a student visa . This is normally valid for up to five years and allows multiple entries into India during your course.

Application requirements

The materials required for an Indian student visa application will usually include:

  • Proof of admission to your university (you'll need this before you start your application)
  • Personal documents (your passport and other details)
  • Financial evidence (confirming you have sufficient money to support yourself during your course)

The cost of your visa will depend on the country you apply from. Currently prices range from $14-$118 .

Application process

Before you begin your visa application you should check your requirements with an Indian Misson (embassy) in your home country. At this point you may also be asked to submit required documents and pay the appropriate visa fee (this will depend on your nationality and situation). You can then apply for your visa online using a service set up by the Indian Government.

PhD life in India

Want to know more about what it's like to live in India during a PhD? Our detailed guide covers everything from accommodation and living costs to culture and entertainment.

An Indian PhD will qualify you well for further work related to your research area, in India or elsewhere. The expansion of the Indian university sector is creating many opportunities for academic work in the country and your experience of Indian higher education will prepare you well for these kinds of roles.

As of July 2022, all undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications earned in India are automatically recognised in the UK (and vice versa). This means that you'll be able to use your Indian PhD to more easily access a wide range of job opportunities in the UK.

It is usually possible to extend a student visa if you find work in India, or to apply for a separate employment visa (provided you have evidence of a suitable job offer). Your university should be able to provide more information and guidance during your PhD.

Find a PhD in India

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in India ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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PhD in India 2024 – Cost, Duration, and Eligibility for Admission

Complete guide to phd in india: duration, costs, eligibility, and recent updates 2024.

Dr. Somasundaram R

Embarking on a PhD journey in India is a significant academic and professional pursuit. Aspiring research scholars often have questions regarding the duration of a PhD, the associated costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments in the field. In this comprehensive guide, ilovephd aims to address these queries and shed light on the essentials of pursuing a PhD in India.

How many years is a PhD in India?

A PhD program in India typically takes around 3 to 5 years to complete, depending on various factors such as the discipline, research area, individual progress, and university regulations.

The duration may vary, but it is important to be prepared for a substantial commitment of time and effort.

How much does a PhD cost in India?

The cost of pursuing a PhD in India varies across institutions. Generally, public universities offer PhD programs with minimal or subsidized tuition fees. Private universities may have higher fees.

It’s advisable to explore funding options such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants provided by government bodies, funding agencies , or individual institutions to support your PhD journey.

What qualifications are required for a PhD in India?

To pursue a PhD in India, a candidate typically needs a postgraduate degree (Master’s or equivalent) in a relevant field. It is important to note that specific eligibility criteria may vary between universities and disciplines.

Additionally, universities often require candidates to clear entrance exams or interviews and meet minimum academic standards to be considered for admission.

What is the age limit for a PhD in India? Is 25 too old to start a PhD?

In most cases, there is no strict age limit for pursuing a PhD in India. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria and demonstrate the necessary academic qualifications, you can pursue a PhD at any age.

Therefore, 25 is certainly not too old to start a PhD Many scholars begin their doctoral studies later in life, bringing valuable experiences and perspectives to their research.

Can I do a Ph.D. without the National Eligibility Test (NET)?

While the National Eligibility Test (NET) is a common requirement for lectureships and research fellowships in India , it is not mandatory for all PhD programs. Some universities may have their own entrance exams or selection processes.

It is important to check the specific requirements of the university or institution where you plan to pursue your PhD

Who is eligible for direct PhD admission?

Direct Ph.D. admission is a pathway for exceptional candidates who have completed their undergraduate studies and wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

However, this option is typically available to a limited number of candidates, and universities may have specific criteria and guidelines for direct PhD admissions. It is advisable to consult with individual institutions to understand their policies regarding direct Ph.D. admissions.

Is it okay to do a PhD without a Master’s degree?

While a Master’s degree is generally the standard qualification for pursuing a PhD, some universities in India offer integrated PhD programs that allow students to directly enter the Ph.D. track after completing their undergraduate studies.

However, this option may be limited to certain disciplines or institutions. It’s important to research and identify institutions that offer such programs if you wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

What are the recent rules for PhD admissions in India?

The rules and regulations for Ph.D. admissions in India are subject to change and can vary between universities and disciplines.

It is advisable to stay updated with the guidelines provided by individual universities and regulatory bodies such as the University Grants Commission (UGC) or the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

25 Tips to Join PhD in India

25 tips to help you join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field of interest thoroughly to identify potential research areas and topics.
  • Explore various universities and research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Check the eligibility criteria and admission requirements of each institution you are interested in.
  • Take note of application deadlines and ensure you submit your application well in advance.
  • Prepare a strong statement of purpose (SOP) that highlights your research interests, goals, and why you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D.
  • Contact potential supervisors or faculty members whose research aligns with your interests to discuss your research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams that may be required for admission, such as the UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific entrance exams.
  • Enhance your academic profile by participating in research projects, publishing papers, or presenting at conferences.
  • Build a strong recommendation letter portfolio by reaching out to professors or mentors who can attest to your academic abilities and research potential.
  • Seek out scholarships, fellowships, or research grants offered by government bodies, universities, or funding agencies to fund your Ph.D.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research facilities, laboratories, and resources available at the institutions you are considering.
  • Attend research seminars, workshops, and conferences related to your field to stay updated with the latest developments and network with researchers.
  • Develop good communication and writing skills, as they are essential for presenting research findings and publishing papers.
  • Create a well-structured and feasible research proposal that clearly outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Be prepared for interviews or presentations as part of the selection process, where you may need to defend your research proposal or discuss your academic background.
  • Gain teaching experience by assisting professors or taking up teaching assignments to enhance your profile for future academic positions.
  • Connect with current Ph.D. students or alumni of the institutions you are interested in to gain insights into the program and research environment.
  • Stay updated with any changes in the rules, regulations, or policies related to Ph.D. admissions in India.
  • Develop a strong work ethic and time management skills, as PhD programs require dedication, self-discipline, and long hours of research.
  • Consider the location and infrastructure of the institution, ensuring it suits your research needs and provides a conducive environment for learning.
  • Explore interdisciplinary opportunities and collaborations to broaden your research scope and gain different perspectives.
  • Discuss funding options and financial support with the institutions you are applying to, and be prepared to seek external funding if necessary.
  • Keep track of your research progress and maintain regular communication with your supervisor or mentor.
  • Attend preparatory courses or workshops on research methodology or academic writing to enhance your research skills.
  • Finally, be passionate, persistent, and proactive in pursuing your PhD dream. Embrace the challenges, stay motivated, and enjoy the journey of knowledge creation.

Remember, each institution may have its specific requirements and procedures, so it’s crucial to carefully review their official websites or contact the admissions offices for accurate and up-to-date information.

10 Steps to Join PhD in India

Here are 10 steps to join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field: Explore different research areas and identify your specific field of interest for pursuing a PhD in India.
  • Shortlist institutions: Identify universities or research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Review eligibility criteria : Check the eligibility requirements of the institutions you are interested in, including minimum educational qualifications and entrance exam scores.
  • Prepare application documents: Gather the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, recommendation letters, statement of purpose (SOP), and research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams: If required, prepare for entrance exams like UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific exams. Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern.
  • Apply to institutions: Submit your applications to the shortlisted institutions within the specified deadlines. Pay attention to the required application fees and submission procedures.
  • Attend interviews (if applicable): Some institutions may conduct interviews or presentations to assess your research aptitude and fit for the program. Prepare well for these interactions.
  • Secure funding: Explore funding opportunities such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants. Check if the institutions offer any financial support or external funding options.
  • Accept an offer : After receiving acceptance letters from the institutions you applied to, carefully evaluate and select the most suitable offer based on research facilities, faculty expertise, funding, and overall fit.
  • Complete admission formalities: After accepting an offer, complete the necessary admission formalities as specified by the institution. This may include submitting additional documents, paying fees, and fulfilling any other requirements.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and procedures may vary between institutions. Therefore, always refer to the official websites and admission guidelines of the institutions you are applying to for accurate and up-to-date information.

Pursuing a PhD in India is a rewarding and intellectually stimulating endeavor. Understanding the duration, costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments is crucial to navigating the process effectively.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, aspiring Ph.D. scholars can embark on their academic journey confidently and clearly.

Remember to contact universities or institutions directly for specific information and seek guidance from mentors or faculty members who can provide valuable insights into the PhD application process in your chosen field. Good luck with your Ph.D. pursuit!

PhD in India

Also Read: Best 100 Institutions to Study PhD in India – 2024

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Dr. Somasundaram R

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Easy way to get PhD in India in 2020 is to visit our website www.phdconsultants.in or just apply for PhD admission form and do it directly on your own. Read full PhD process on how to do PhD in India and how to apply for PhD in India. Here is my detailed analysis about how to get PhD admission in India.

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  • Opt for full-time PhD in India to finish PhD easily in just 3 years.
  • Publish papers in Scopus Indexed Journals or UGC Care listed Journals.
  • Publish papers in journals with high impact factor that makes again easy to do PhD in India
  • Be on good terms with your Supervisor so that there’s no delay to get PhD in India.
  • Start writing your dissertation faster which helps you do PhD in India easily.
  • Avail the service of genuine Indian PhD consultants like us for research work guidance in time.

How to do PhD in India easily?

How to do PhD in India as soon as the PhD notification comes is a big confusion for many aspirants. In order to do PhD, fill in an online application from the university website and if the admission department satisfies with the grades mentioned in the application form, you will be called for PhD entrance test. After passing the entrance test, you should undergo PhD interview (DC) Committee and later on you will get admission once cracking all these stages. Doing PhD in India under Government University is a long-term process. So the easy way to get PhD in India is to join in a State Private University which is recognized by UGC Indian laws. State Private University PhD’s are valid and you can finish in 3 years of time whether it is part time PhD or full time. So join in a State Private University.

There are many Universities in India which have some consultants who charge money for easy PhD. You do not need to go to those universities but rather visit 2 or 3 times during the full duration of the PhD program. You will get awarded if you offer the consultant 250000 rupees. This is my direct experience with one consultant asking me. But I never joined in such universities. You will never have value with such a degree.

What happens when you join in a Government University?

Usually, Government universities’ faculties might have themselves involved in many researches and Govt. programs so that they may not have time to involve and scrutinize each stage of your study process which will delay your degree. Usually, it takes 7 to 10 years to complete PhD.

Part time in many of the Government Universities in India

For both Full-Time and Part-Time Ph.D. programmes, the consent of supervisor is mandatory at the time of admission in Govt. Universities.  List of the recognized Supervisor with their official address will be given in university website. Candidates who wish to apply for Ph.D. should first choose a supervisor in the field of interest, get consent from supervisor (In the online application process, supervisor has the discretion to approve a candidate, and only after approval, the candidate will be able to complete the online application process. The application shall be accepted only if it is duly signed by the chosen supervisor. If such supervisor is not available, you may not be able to submit your application. Even after getting admission, you need to do many other works to get into the good books of the supervisor. Sometimes it may end up with clashes in personal or political senses. But if we are chosen to serve you for your PhD admission, we will select the supervisor who are familiar to us and university which suits your interest in the subject.

* The easiest way to get PhD. in India is to approach a PhD consultant. They will do the entire job in getting your admission and if possible they will look at some of the formalities like attendance maintenance, research work assistance etc.

*The other easy way is to get a good supervisor/guide who can support you throughout your PhD. course.

How to apply for PhD in India

In order to pursue PhD, you need to apply for PhD in India with the university either for the even semester in January or for an odd semester in the month of July. Both semesters will hold admission into Ph.D.’s in almost all the universities in India. The best way is to apply for PhD is during even semester in India. Usually, the academic year starts in odd semester throughout India. But still, you need to take admission in even semester for doing your PhD. fast. The reason is that if you take admission in the odd semester, most of the times you will have to wait to complete your coursework in even semester along with newly joined PhD candidates.

The application fee is Rs.1000 rupees in most of the PhD universities in India. This application fee is nonrefundable in case you do not get selected. So it is at your risk you pay. But it is easy to get admission if you have some recommendations.

Check for PhD advertisements in newspapers for PhD admission notification around your city or state. Find out what is the deadline to apply for PhD in India. I mean in your state and with that university. Each university has its own dead line for PhD application process. Once you miss this last date to apply for PhD, you will have to wait for one more year. So understand clearly, what should be the last date of applying PhD in Indian university that you are applying.

Once you have done with your entrance exam, usually you will have PhD interview. In private universities, they will conduct PhD interview as soon as you finish entrance exam but whereas if you appear for a government exam you have to wait for a merit list and at a later stage an interview for PhD admission. 

But take everything as a challenge. No need of getting discouraged just because you did not get admission in one university. There are many others there who can offer you if you try little hard than what you usually try for. Do not worry about.

Now a day’s many students are worried about which universities to join for PhD. Studies are meant to research . Nobody takes your university into consideration in the upcoming 10 years of time. In the coming days your research paper publications will matter a lot. The more papers you write, the better your exposure will be.

Entrance exam to do PhD in India easily

Entrance exam into PhD is just formality to do. There is no such condition if you score well in your entrance examination will be eligible to get admission into PhD. In Government Universities, the entrance exam is quite strict to look outside. There are many other factors deciding your admission.

Course work

There are many hurdles till you will finish your PhD course work after admission. If you do not clear Pre-Ph.D. course work, you are not allowed to move forward. So to get admission is one thing and to complete course work is yet another challenging thing in India. 

Do it with all the resources and knowledge. This is the only way to survive your PhD course. 

Top 10 mistakes while applying for Ph.D in India

  • Delay in applying to PhD.
  • Waiting so many years unnecessarily.
  • You want to join only in a particular university.
  • You do not want to study hard.
  • You want to earn money from your current job.
  • You do not want to spend money.
  • You do not want to leave your village or city.
  • You do not wish to study PhD too far.
  • You are lazy to crack PhD entrance.
  • You are de-motivated to do PhD. 

For faster PhD in India is to act promptly now and today

Apply with all the efforts in any university. No worries about the type of university. Some students that I knew were not interested with a full-time PhD. They wait long years and waste time to do PhD in part-time. This is not a good idea. Just whichever opportunity falls in front of you, take it and move. It is OK whether it is full or part time PhD. At the end, when you finish it, who cares about how you did PhD. It is important whether you have completed or not.

So now after reading this, you start searching for Universities offering PhD to your subject. Instead, contact us by mail [email protected] or +918304870311/611/8072813647; we will guide you with all the availability and admission.

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How to do PhD in India? A Complete PhD Course Roadmap to Aspiring Graduates in 2024

When you're having a discussion on career prospects and specialized expertise in a particular field, the term "PhD" is inevitable. Pursuing a PhD in India stands as a substantial academic milestone, demanding dedication and meticulous preparation. If you're considering pursuing a PhD degree, you're in the right spot. 

Explore this enlightening blog post from the  Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) , crafted to guide you through the nuances of a PhD degree, from understanding its essence to exploring diverse PhD program offerings and lucrative career pathways. Continue reading to explore the essential steps to initiate your PhD journey.

Let's get started!

What is a PhD? Definition of a PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in India is a prestigious postgraduate doctoral degree bestowed upon students who make real and meaningful contributions to knowledge, technology, and methodologies within their research field. 

It represents the pinnacle of academic achievement in India. This degree is also referred to as a DPhil or D.Phil. in some countries. Individuals who attain a PhD are entitled to use the term "Doctor" before their name. 

However, when deciding between an integrated PhD and a regular PhD, many candidates find themselves unsure of the distinctions. The primary discrepancy lies in the educational prerequisites. 

To pursue a regular PhD, one must have completed their master's degree. Conversely, those who are keen on research but lack a graduate degree can opt for the integrated PhD course.

Why do a PhD? A Quick Overview 

Pursuing a PhD in India offers a solid gateway to profound learning and experience for those with fervent curiosity. Delve into your chosen topic, honing your expertise and contributing original insights to your field. 

Seize the opportunity to put theory into practice, refining time management, communication, and interpersonal skills. Engage with peers, fostering a supportive environment for mutual growth and fruitful collaboration. 

Beyond academia, a  PhD degree opens avenues to various career paths from academia to the private and public sectors, offering enticing prospects and societal impact. 

Moreover, networking opportunities abound, facilitating connections with fellow researchers and globally enriching your knowledge and professional benefits. 

A PhD degree typically serves as the primary prerequisite for individuals aspiring to become lecturers or university researchers. Academic researchers in India are responsible for generating the majority of scientific and technical articles published.

Five Different Types of PhD Courses in India 

In India, there are 5 common PhD degrees catering to various needs and circumstances. Let's explore them:

Full-Time PhD

A full-time  PhD in India is a regular PhD program that entails dedicated research conducted by students under the supervision of experienced mentors. The duration typically spans between 3 and 5 years.

Part-time PhD 

Most of the working professionals in India prefer part-time PhD programs, which allow them to attend a limited number of in-person classes. These programs typically span 4 to 6 years (or 7 years) in duration.

Online PhD 

Earning an online PhD degree typically involves around 4 years of rigorous research and study by students.

Integrated PhD 

An integrated PhD is a comprehensive program that combines both a master's and Doctoral degree (PhD course), typically lasting around 5 to 6 years. Graduates can apply for this program immediately after completing their bachelor's degree.

Industry-Sponsored PhD 

This type of PhD degree is usually backed up by a company or an industry, and the overall research is typically based on finding solutions for industry-specific problems. This course normally lasts for three to five years.

How to get PhD Degree in India? A Detailed Version of PhD Course Structure 

Coursework .

PhD programs typically involve students undertaking core courses or seminars relevant to their chosen field, aimed at laying the groundwork for advanced understanding. The exact composition of the coursework may vary across institutions but commonly encompasses mandatory and elective components.

Research Proposal 

Upon finishing the fundamental courses, students are required to craft a research proposal depicting the issue they intend to explore, the research inquiries they seek to address, and the methodologies they will employ for data collection and analysis.

Comprehensive Examinations 

Prior to commencing their research, students must successfully navigate comprehensive exams that assess their proficiency in their chosen field of study.


Once students have wrapped up their coursework and aced their comprehensive examinations, they're primed to dive into the research process. This often involves conducting experiments, gathering relevant data, and immersing themselves in various research pursuits to tackle the queries outlined in their research proposal.


A vital component of completing a PhD program is the process of completing a dissertation, an extensive manuscript detailing the student's research outcomes, conclusions, and scholarly impacts within their chosen domain. Successful completion involves defending this document before a panel of faculty and industry specialists.

Different Types of PhD Programs in India Offered at HITS

Students have a plethora of options when it comes to pursuing PhD programs spanning various disciplines like Arts, Science, Commerce, Mathematics, Agriculture, and more. Among these, some of the most sought-after PhD programs available at HITS include:

1. PhD in Aeronautical Engineering 

A  PhD in Aeronautical Engineering delves deep into advanced concepts of aircraft design, propulsion systems, aerodynamics, and more. 

Core PhD subjects of this program include computational fluid dynamics, aerospace materials, flight dynamics, and control systems. 

The future scope of this PhD course in India is promising, with the country's burgeoning aerospace industry fostering growth. 

Salaries for PhD holders in Aeronautical Engineering vary based on factors such as experience, location, and employer, but typically range from INR 8,00,000 to INR 20,00,000 (approx.) with ample opportunities for career advancement.

Suggested Read : Feeling puzzled about  Aeronautical Engineering ? Our blog has the answers you seek! - Check it out right away!

2. PhD in Automobile Engineering 

Pursuing a  PhD in Automobile Engineering offers advanced study in areas like automotive design, propulsion systems, and vehicle dynamics. 

Common PhD subjects include advanced vehicle dynamics, electric and hybrid vehicle technology, and automotive safety engineering. 

With India's growing focus on sustainable transportation and innovation in electric vehicles, the future career scope of this PhD degree seems promising. 

The students find various career prospects in R&D, academia, and industry leadership roles. 

3. PhD in Computer Science and Engineering 

A  PhD in Computer Science and Engineering offers you a deep dive into advanced topics like machine learning, AI, data science, and so on. 

Core subjects include algorithms, computer architecture, and software engineering, along with specialized areas like IoT and cloud computing. 

The future career scope for a PhD holder in this field is promising. Opportunities abound in research, academia, industry research and development, and entrepreneurship. 

In addition, the global demand for skilled tech professionals further enhances the opportunities for Indian PhD graduates in computer science engineering.

4. PhD in Information Technology 

Advanced research areas, including computer science, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, are integral components of a  PhD in Information Technology . 

The subjects covered usually span advanced algorithms, network security, machine learning, and big data analytics. 

Graduates can look forward to promising career paths in IT services, software development, research, academia, and other burgeoning fields. 

Career opportunities for graduates include roles such as professors, researchers, data scientists, IT consultants, or specialists within a wide range of industries.

5. PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering 

A  PhD program in Electronics and Communication Engineering explores the intricate aspects of signal processing, communication theory, and the design of electronic systems. 

Areas of study involve digital signal processing, semiconductor devices, and so on. 

The outlook for graduates seems optimistic, fueled by the burgeoning demand in sectors such as electronics manufacturing, automation, and telecommunications.

6. PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 

The journey to obtaining a  PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering encompasses an in-depth exploration of advanced subjects like power systems, control theory, and so on. 

Typical coursework encompasses studies in research methodology, advanced mathematical principles, and a selection of specialized elective subjects. 

The future prospects are optimistic, driven by a growing demand for specialized knowledge in renewable energy, smart grids, AI, and the Internet of Things. 

Students who obtain their PhDs can venture into academia, research facilities, and the private sector, playing integral roles in fostering innovation and driving technological advancements.

7. PhD in Management 

A  PhD program in Management usually covers a wide range of subjects, including organizational behaviour, strategic management, marketing, finance, and operations. 

The curriculum typically involves rigorous research methods and theoretical frameworks to address modern business challenges. 

With the expanding corporate landscape and economy, the future scope for a PhD holder in management is promising. 

Opportunities exist for them in academia, consulting firms, research institutions, and corporate leadership roles, making it a rewarding path for those passionate about driving innovation and change in the business sphere.

8. PhD in Chemistry 

A  PhD in Chemistry generally involves advanced study and research across a range of areas, including organic, inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry. 

Potential areas of study involve spectroscopy, computational chemistry, chemical kinetics, and nanotechnology. 

Opportunities span academia, research institutions, and private sector R&D, offering avenues for innovation, exploration, and more.

9. PhD in Physics 

Getting a  PhD in India in the domain of Physics typically entails advanced coursework in quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, and theoretical physics, supplemented by research in specialized areas like condensed matter physics or astrophysics. 

The prospects for a PhD holder in physics in India are promising, with opportunities in academia and industries such as technology and energy. 

Additionally, interdisciplinary applications in fields like biophysics and nanotechnology offer avenues for innovation and further career progress.

10. PhD in English 

Within the academic landscape, pursuing a  PhD in English commonly delves into adamant analysis of literature, linguistics, and critical theory. 

Key areas of study involve literary criticism, cultural studies, and language acquisition. Elective courses frequently delve into niche PhD subjects such as comparative literature and the digital humanities. 

The future prospects of an English PhD in India are promising, with opportunities in academia, publishing, journalism, and content creation. 

Plus, there's a great demand for English-language instructors and researchers in fields like translation studies and communication.

11. PhD in Visual Communication 

A  PhD in Visual Communication delves into the intersection of design, media, and technology, providing advanced study in areas like multimedia, digital imaging, and graphic design. 

The PhD subjects include semiotics, user experience design, and cultural studies. 

With the evolving significance of visual storytelling in fields like advertising, digital marketing, and film, graduates can pursue careers as creative directors, UI/UX designers, or academics, contributing to the growing landscape of visual communication in India.

12. PhD in Physical Education 

A  PhD in Physical Education in India covers advanced study in areas like exercise physiology, sports psychology, biomechanics, and sports management.  

PhD subjects include research methodology, advanced sports performance analysis, and curriculum development. 

Future prospects for a PhD holder include academic positions at top universities, research opportunities in sports science institutions, consultancy roles in sports organizations, and leadership positions in sports management.

13. PhD in Arts 

A  PhD in Arts in India typically offers a specialized study in various fields such as literature, history, visual arts, performing arts, and cultural studies. 

Coursework often includes research methodology, interdisciplinary approaches, and critical theory. 

Potential PhD subjects in Arts cover diverse topics ranging from classical literature to modern art forms. 

The future prospects of PhD graduates in arts are promising, with opportunities in research institutions, cultural organizations, and the creative industry contributing to cultural preservation, education, and societal enrichment.

Things to Consider Before Pursuing a PhD Program in India 

Research interest alignment .

Ensure your PhD course research interests align with the expertise available at universities or PhD colleges in India.

Quality of Supervision 

Investigate the quality and availability of supervisors in your field, as their guidance is crucial for a successful  PhD degree .

Infrastructure and Facilities 

Assess the availability of the necessary infrastructure, laboratories, libraries, and other facilities required for your research.

PhD Course Duration in India 

Understand the duration and structure of the PhD program, including coursework requirements, comprehensive exams, and thesis submission timelines.

Work-Life Balance 

Consider the work-life balance, as pursuing a PhD in India can be really demanding. Evaluate how manageable it is to balance research, coursework, and personal life.

PhD Job Scope 

Research the career opportunities after completing your PhD degree, both within academia and in industry. Evaluate the demand for your field of  PhD courses in India and globally.

8 Top Career Opportunities After Completing a PhD in India

Teaching and research roles in universities and colleges across India are popular options for PhD holders due to ample opportunities and academic freedom.

Government Sectors 

Stable positions with good pay in various departments and ministries offer PhD course graduates a chance to contribute to national development.

Corporate Sectors

Indian companies increasingly seek toppers in PhD programs for their expertise, offering challenging roles and competitive salaries.

Opportunities to address societal issues in NGOs working on education, health, the environment, etc. appeal to those who completed Doctoral degrees in India looking to make a positive and meaningful impact.

Careers in print, television, and radio allow PhD program graduates to share knowledge with a broad audience, making it a great option for those with strong communication skills.

Banking and Finance

The sector values graduates who completed their PhD in India for their analytical prowess, offering lucrative perks in roles requiring financial expertise.

IT and Software

With India's booming IT industry, doctorate degree holders can find rewarding opportunities in this fast-growing sector, leveraging their expertise for innovation and development.


PhD degree holders possess the skills and knowledge to start successful ventures, giving them a competitive edge in building their own business empires.

Why is Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) the Best College for a PhD Degree?

Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) emerges as one the most reliable PhD colleges in India for those seeking a PhD in India, supported by various key factors:

Exceptional Mentorship 

Leveraging the expertise of exceptionally qualified faculty, HITS helps you have a better understanding of your PhD program in both national and international contexts, empowering you to embark on a journey of expansive exploration and knowledge acquisition.

World-Class Infrastructure 

At HITS, students benefit from world-class resources, including fully equipped modern laboratories and top-notch research centres. Such reliable amenities are designed to accommodate those enrolled in PhD programs related to their respective fields.

Advanced Academic Roadmap 

Developed by subject-matter authorities, our PhD curriculum defines specific course requirements across various programs. It comprises scholarly publications and a research thesis, facilitating enhanced comprehension through practical implementation.

PhD Admission at HITS: How to Apply for a PhD Program at HITS?

Head over to our official website for HITS. Once there, find the "APPLY ONLINE" button and click on it.

You'll now be directed to the admission portal for HITS. Complete your registration and set up your profile.

Fill out all necessary details in the HITS application form for PhD candidates.

Step 4 

Take your next step by submitting the required payment for the PhD application fee at HITS. After payment, ensure to click the submit button to finalize your application process.

Following the submission, it's important to maintain a printed copy of the PhD application form.

Necessary Documents for PhD Admission at HITS:

  • Mark Sheets for Class 10th and 12th Standards
  • Mark Sheet of Graduation 
  • Transfer Certificate (if required)
  • Conduct Certificate 
  • Passport-size Photos 

Also Read : Want to have more clarity on how to apply for college online?  Check out our blog ! 

PhD Eligibility Criteria at HITS 

1. educational qualifications .

Candidates must possess a Master's degree in a relevant field. The minimum requirement is 55% marks or an equivalent CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).

2. National Level Entrance Exam Score 

Applicants must have a valid score in a recognized national-level entrance exams such as GATE or UGC-NET.

3. Research experience and publications 

Prior research experience and publications in reputed journals are highly valued.

4. Interview Round 

Candidates are required to clear the interview round conducted by the institute's selection committee.


Completing a PhD in India represents a meaningful achievement, propelling individuals to unparalleled levels of academic mastery and competence within their field of study. 

Kick-start your journey of innovation with  HITS . 

With over 400 dedicated research scholars, we facilitate collaborations with leading international universities, research centres, and industries nationwide and worldwide. 

At HITS, we provide you with state-of-the-art facilities, dynamic campaigns, and seasoned experts to empower scholars in their quest to drive positive change globally. 

Seize your spot at HITS and turn your aspiration of pursuing a PhD in India into a reality!

To stay updated on the current trends in the education realm,  check out our blog section right away!

Frequently Asked Questions on PhD Programs

1. What is the full form of a PhD?

The actual full form of a PhD is Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, originating from the Latin term "Philosophiae Doctor." Despite its name, the term "philosophy" in a PhD doesn't necessarily refer to the academic subject of philosophy but stems from the Greek word meaning "a person who loves wisdom.".

2. What are some of the reasons for anyone to pursue a PhD?

Embarking on a PhD degree involves cultivating long-term career aspirations and allowing the candidate to make substantial contributions to the chosen field.

3. What are the best qualities that a professional PhD student possesses?

A professional PhD degree candidate possesses exceptional communication skills, outstanding academic prowess, adept time management abilities, and an unwavering passion for their subject.

4. What is the approximate salary of a PhD holder?

A PhD course is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement. Individuals with a PhD can earn an annual salary ranging from INR 6 to INR 12 lakhs (approx.).

5. What is the course duration for completing a PhD?

Well, the actual duration of a PhD in India varies, but it takes around 3 to 5 years. The time can be impacted by certain factors, including research complexity, individual progress, and program structure.

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Everything About a PhD degree in India

  • January 19, 2023
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PhD degree in India

This guide will help you learn about PhD degrees in India and the various steps involved in applying for one. Whether you already have a bachelor’s degree or are still a few years away from earning one, there are many reasons to pursue a PhD Admission 2024 . PhD programs in India can lead to many opportunities in academia, research careers, and industry. You might wonder how much education or training it takes to earn such an advanced degree. The truth is that each country has standards for what makes someone eligible for admission into a doctoral program. That being said, here are some general guidelines that apply across the globe: 

Table of Content

  • What is PhD Degree?
  • Why pursue a PhD Degree?
  • How to Choose Doctorate Program?
  • Difference between MS in engineering and PhD in Engineering
  • Areas of PhD Degree in India
  • Requirements for PhD Admission
  • Duration of a PhD Degree
  • Is GRE Required For PhD Abroad?
  • Registration Procedure for GRE
  • Universities for GRE Scores
  • FAQ’s

Related Content

What is a phd degree  .

A PhD degree is a postgraduate research degree awarded after a student completes a thesis. It’s the highest academic degree in India and requires at least five years of research work, including coursework and exams. 

The word “ PhD ” stands for Doctor of Philosophy , which refers to someone who has earned this title by completing his/her doctoral studies (or “literae humaniores”) at an institution with a faculty granting such degrees. In other words: if you want to earn this degree from any university or college in India, you must first get admitted into one of their programs as an undergraduate student before being allowed access into their PhD program. 

Why pursue a PhD degree?  

A PhD degree program in India is a doctorate, which requires you to complete three years of full-time study. It’s considered higher than an MPhil (Master’s in Philosophy), which takes two years to complete. 

A professional doctorate (PD) is awarded to those who have completed a master’s degree in their field and seek further training and research work at the postdoctoral level. The PD program provides funding for doctoral studies and research facilities necessary for advanced study. This type of program aims at developing the skills needed by professionals working in their field but who may not necessarily have completed all requirements for receiving an academic doctorate, such as teaching experience or publishing articles during their time at university.

How to choose the right doctorate program?  

The first thing you should do is choose the right doctorate program. Many factors need to be kept in mind while selecting a program and deciding whether it’s right for you or not. Here are some tips: 

Choose one that aligns with your career goals. If your goal is to become a professor, then you should go for an MPhil/PhD degree course in Philosophy or Political Science; otherwise, if it’s more about earning money than becoming famous, then go for Law or Business Administration courses instead of Humanities subjects such as History, Literature etcetera.* Choose one that aligns with your academic interests.* Selecting a program based on personal interest can also lead to success but only if these interests have nothing against academics like poetry writing competitions etc. 

Difference between MS, MS in engineering, and PhD in engineering  

MS in engineering (MSEE) and MS in chemical engineering are offered through the same department but have different names. The MSEE is an undergraduate degree that can be completed within 2-3 years for those with a bachelor’s degree. It is designed to allow students to study specific fields of science and technology so that they might pursue advanced degrees at the PhD level or beyond later down the road. 

The MS in Chemical Engineering takes up four years of full-time study after earning an undergraduate degree as well as having completed applied research projects at local schools or industrial sites around your town/city where you live; this type of program tends to be more focused on technical skills than theoretical knowledge since it focuses primarily on developing practical applications rather than theories behind them (e.g., how do we design new machines?). 

What are the different areas for PhD degree in India?  

  • Engineering 
  • Science 
  • Business (i.e., management) 
  • Humanities and social sciences 

What are some common requirements for admission into a PhD degree program in India?  

You need to fulfill several requirements before applying for a PhD degree in India . Some of them include: 

  • GRE scores 
  • TOEFL scores (if English is not your first language) 
  • TOEIC scores (if English is not your first language) 
  • TOEFL iBT scores (if English is not your first language) * TOEFL CBT scores * TOEFL PBT scores 

What is the duration of doing a PhD degree?  

The duration of a PhD degree depends on the subject you choose and the university you apply to. A PhD admission in 2024 is a 3-year course, meaning you must complete it within five years or less. 

If you plan to study something like literature or science, it will take longer than if you want to study social sciences or humanities. 

Is GRE required when applying for a PhD abroad?  

GRE is required for most universities, and getting your score as high as possible is a good idea. However, there are some exceptions: 

  • PhD admission in 2024 doesn’t require the GRE (although some do). 
  • PhD programs in China don’t require the GRE. 
  • PhD programs in Germany don’t require the GRE as well. 

Do GRE scores matter when applying for a PhD abroad?  

While GRE scores are not a deciding factor for admission, they are used by many PhD degree programs to determine who they want to admit. 

So, if you have taken the test before and scored high on it, your chances of getting into a PhD program abroad are higher than if you had not taken it or scored poorly. However, this does not mean that those who do well in the GRE will automatically be admitted into any particular program on their application; all universities have different requirements and criteria for admission, so even if your score is above average (or even very high), there may still be other factors at play in determining whether or not you get accepted into a particular program (e.g., GPA). 

Some Questions related to PhD Courses in India

Yes, a PhD in Physics can be a difficult degree. The requirements for a PhD in Physics are high, and the coursework is challenging. You will need to be able to understand complex concepts and apply them to real-world situations. Additionally, you will need to be able to conduct independent research and be able to defend your findings in front of a panel of experts. Although a PhD in Physics can be difficult, it is also rewarding and can open up many doors for you in the future.

Yes, a PhD in English typically includes the study of linguistics as a component. Most English doctoral programs include courses in linguistics, including topics such as language acquisition, language change, and language theory. Depending on the program, students may also be able to specialize in linguistics and complete additional coursework and research in this field.

The top foreign universities that offer a PhD in Commerce are Harvard University, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Stanford University, the University of California – Berkeley, the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Michigan. Each of these universities offers an excellent program that allows students to explore the complexities of commerce and its various aspects, such as international business, economic theory, and marketing.

A PhD in Management is a research degree that allows you to focus on the study of management theory and practice. You’ll be able to choose from a number of different subjects, including: The nature of work Organizational change and development Strategic management Human resource management Theoretical models of decision making

A PhD in Computer Science is an advanced degree that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. The coursework is rigorous and the dissertation can be a long process. But, you will gain many skills that can help you succeed in your career in computers and software development. However, with the right attitude and support system, you can make it through!

Law is a very specific area of study, and you will need at least one degree in order to work as a lawyer. However, there are many different types of law degrees that you can earn, ranging from doctorate-level programs to undergraduate degrees. The most common form of law degree is the Juris Doctor (JD), which takes three years to complete. The best law subject for candidates is a doctorate-level degree, and the best law programs are those that offer both JD and PhD degrees. You can also earn an LLM, which is a master’s degree in law, but this is less common than the other two options.

Yes, it is possible. You can go for a PhD in Political Science after your Sociology graduation. There are many institutes that offer PhD programs in political science and you can get admission there. You can also go for an MA in Political Science after your Sociology graduation and then apply for PhD programs.

Yes, you can! Many universities offer online PhD in Biology programs. These are designed for students who want to continue working while earning their degree. You’ll be able to take classes from home and connect with your peers through video conferencing software. Aimlay can be your one-stop solution to pursue your desired degree (UG/PG/PhD) with offline studies or online mode. 

A PhD in Psychology is a doctorate degree that focuses on the study of behaviour, mental processes, and neural systems. The PhD in Psychology is typically earned after completing a series of courses and submitting a thesis. This can take anywhere from three to seven years to complete. This PhD degree is advanced that prepares students for careers as researchers, teachers, consultants, or administrators.

Yes, it is. There are many reasons why a PhD in Nursing is better for women than a Master’s degree in Nursing or a BSN degree. First of all, the PhD will prepare you for leadership positions as well as give you an edge on your graduate school application. The Master’s takes longer to complete and requires more coursework without providing any additional knowledge that would help you advance in your career.

How much do I need to score on the GRE to get admission to top universities abroad?  

The GRE is a standardized test that can be taken annually and determines whether students are eligible for admission into universities. This means that your score on the GRE is not as important as your GPA, which is determined by your school’s application requirements and thus varies from school to school. 

If you have decent grades across all subjects, then there is no reason why you won’t be able to get into any good university with an average GRE score of 1400 or lower (or even 1600). But if you don’t have such high grades overall in both theory and practice, then getting into top universities abroad will be much more difficult for you because they usually require higher levels of proficiency in math skills before considering someone for admission 

How to take the GRE in India, and what is the registration procedure?  

The GRE test is offered at many test centers in India. The list of GRE test centers in India includes: 

  • Delhi (Noida, Gurgaon) 
  • Bangalore (Bangalore) 
  • Pune (Pune) 

GRE is also offered in English and Hindi languages. You have to register yourself for the GRE exam by paying a fee of Rs 1,200 or more depending on your nationality. You can also opt for the online mode, which will be convenient for you and those who cannot afford traveling expenses to take their tests at any center near them. 

Which universities accept low GRE scores?  

The GRE is a standardized test used by many universities in the United States and other countries. It measures your ability to analyze, synthesize and defend arguments. The score you get on this exam will determine whether or not your application is accepted by a university or not. 

If you are applying to a top university then your GRE score should be above average so that it shows you have the potential for academic excellence and leadership qualities required of students at these institutes of higher education such as Harvard University or Yale University (both are highly ranked). 


Finding out information and applying for PhDs can be challenging, but hopefully, this guide will help you.  

Finding out information and applying for PhD admission 2024 can be challenging, but hopefully, this guide will help you. You can do it! Don’t give up, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

If you ever have any doubts about what direction your research will take, many online resources can help answer those questions. There are also many services available at universities around the world where students can get advice from experienced professionals in their field of study as well as other students who’ve been through similar situations before them. 

We hope this blog has helped you understand about PhD degrees in India and how to apply for one. It can be daunting, but remember that the process isn’t as difficult as it seems. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us today!  

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How to Apply for PhD in India

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom” -Oprah Winfrey

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phd enrollment process

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in India–In recent times, pursuing a PhD has become a new normal for many students in India. Every year, thousands of students obtain their PhD degrees and move on to land lucrative job profiles with a handsome salary in their career. PhD is a doctorate academic degree that offers students the highest academic qualification in their field of study. It is a distinct research-based course that is pursued after completing a master’s degree (MA/ MCom/ MSc/ MBA/ MPhil/ PGDM/ PGPM).

How to Enroll for PhD in India

As more and more universities/ colleges in India are granting PhD degrees, the number of applicants has also increased. It requires a good deal of commitment, but with the correct information and proper guidance, you will easily be able to secure your seat for PhD and obtain your degree. You can pursue your PhD in various fields/specializations, but it needs to be related to the discipline that you did your Master's degree. The duration of pursuing a PhD ranges from 3 years to 5 years, and it can be studied in two formats – either a full-time PhD or a part-time PhD.

The duration depends on your academic rigor and the format of PhD that you have opted for. Generally, the duration of a full-time PhD is three years, where the candidate spends his/ her entire time studying on campus. On the other hand, a part-time PhD is pursued by candidates who wish to work while doing their research.

While you pursue your PhD, you will have to carry out individual & unique research in your field/specialization. Your PhD will revolve around your research, and during the course, you will also have to document your research into a research thesis. The research thesis is submitted to your university/ college at the end of the course, and you have to defend it in an "open defense academic viva-voce". In every specialization, there are various research topics to choose from based on your interest. You can even develop new methods and techniques while conducting your research.

Why Should You Pursue PhD in India?

The advantages associated with pursuing a PhD in India are mentioned below:

  • Pursing a PhD will help you to gain academic excellence and an edge over others who don't hold a PhD.
  • PhD is one of the most valuable academic degrees in India as well as abroad. It is one of the best qualifications that an individual can obtain academically.
  • Along with academic excellence, you will be allowed to use the 'Dr' prefix before your name after you have obtained your PhD. This is a highly respected matter, especially in India.
  • You will gain immense research & development experience in your specialization during the research.
  • You will be exposed to holistic learning through theoretical methods, practical approaches, and research & development orientation during the course.
  • Many government organizations hire candidates who hold a Ph.D., especially consultants and advisors.
  • You will be able to obtain in-depth knowledge & skills of your specialization. After the course completion, you will develop mastery over your specialization.
  • During your research, you can collaborate/ work with some of the best academicians in the field as well as professional experts.

Top Universities/ Colleges in India for Pursuing PhD

phd enrollment process_1

  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc, Bangalore).
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU, New Delhi).
  • Banaras Hindu University (BHU, Varanasi).
  • University of Delhi (DU, Delhi).
  • University of Calcutta (CU, Kolkata).
  • Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE, Manipal).
  • Anna University, Chennai.
  • Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS, Pilani).
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).
  • Indian Institute of Management (IIM).
  • Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIIT).

For every type of university, there is a difference in fees and eligibility criteria. Anyway, as mentioned above, if your research is good, the university/ college will hardly matter. In simple words, the value of your PhD depends on your research and not the type of university you are pursuing it from.

  • Holding a full-time bachelor's degree is a must for candidates who wish to apply for a PhD in India.
  • The candidate must have secured his/ her Master's degree (MSc/ MTech/ MPhil/ MA/ MBA) by pursuing a full-time master's course from a government-recognized university. Correspondence master's degrees are generally not allowed for PhD admissions.
  • In his/ her Master's degree, the candidate should have scored at least 55% marks overall (or equivalent grade point).
  • In case the candidate hails from a reserved category household (SC/ ST/ OBC), he/ she will be offered relaxation in minimum marks of either 5% or 10%, depending on the college or university. In this circumstance, the candidate has to furnish his/ her reservation certificate while applying.
  • University/ College mandated PhD entrance examination needs to be cleared by the candidate to ensure a seat for pursuing a PhD.
  • If a candidate wishes to pursue a part-time PhD, In that case, he/ she will have to furnish a NOC (No Objection Certificate) obtained from the educational institute or organization he/ she is currently employed.
  • For admission to some of the universities/ colleges in India for a PhD, candidates need to have mandated work experience in a relevant field.

Things to Keep in Mind before Applying for PhD in India

Mentioned below are a few points that you need to decide before applying for admission to any university/ college in India to obtain a PhD:

  • Decide the Colleges/ Universities that you want to apply for – As mentioned above, several universities/ colleges in India offer a PhD. It would be best to narrow it down before using it to ensure you don't get tangled with various entrance exams and admission processes.
  • Think of a specialization and research proposal – You may be required to submit your research proposal during the admission process, or you may be asked about your research proposal during the academic interview. To tackle both these situations, make sure that you have thought about a research proposal beforehand.
  • Prepare for the Ph.D. entrance exams – Ph.D. entrance exams are slightly competitive, especially UGC NET & UGC JRF. Before appearing for the entrance tests, you need to make sure that you have done your homework.
  • Mode of PhD (full-time or part-time) – You also have to make sure about the mode of PhD you want to pursue, i.e., either the full-time format or the part-time format. For a part-time PhD, you need to be a full-time employee of an organization/ university/ college before applying.

After you have thought about the points mentioned above, you can follow the steps mentioned below to apply for a PhD in India:

  • Step 1 – You can either apply online or offline. Anyway, during the COVID-19 crisis, almost all the colleges/ universities are accepting only online applications.
  • Step 2 – The online PhD admission form has to be filled on the website of the university/ college. Check the eligibility details mentioned on the official website before applying and ensuring you fulfill all of them. If you don't satisfy the eligibility criteria, your online application form will not be accepted.
  • Step 3 – After filling the online application form, all the necessary documents have to be furnished as required.
  • Step 4–After completing the formality of filling the application form, you will have to sit for the Ph.D. entrance examination as required by the college/ university.
  • Step 5 – After you have passed the Ph.D. entrance test, you will be called for an academic doctoral interview at the university/ college. Your admission depends on how you performed at both stages of the process – the PhD entrance test & the academic doctoral interview. The university/college decides the weightage for each stage.
  • Step 6  – If you clear all the rounds, you will be offered a seat at the university/ college to pursue a Ph.D. in your specialization.
  • Step 7 – Finish all the admission formalities as mandated by the college/ university and start with your studies.

The average tuition fee that needs to be paid to pursue a PhD in India varies in the range of INR 5,000 to INR 2, 00,000 annually. It generally varies for all the universities/ colleges in India, so make sure that you check the fee before you apply.

Mentioned below are a few of the PhD entrance tests in India:

  • IISc PhD Entrance Exam.
  • JNU Entrance Examination.
  • BHU – Research Entrance Test.

If you want to know how to apply for PhD outside India, Please Get in Touch With Us.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

phd in india

Quick Summary

  • A PhD is a postgraduate research degree in India. It’s the highest academic degree in the country. 
  • The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs.
  • For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

Table of Contents

Did you know that India produces over 20 thousand PhD holders , making it one of the top 5 countries with the most PhD holders?

Sounds great right?

And this number of PhD holders is only going to increase in upcoming years, with the rise in new technologies and scientific research more and more people will pursue a PhD in India.

If you are also thinking about pursuing PhD degree, then read this article till the end to know all about doing PhD in India. 

what is PhD

PhD in India- Course Highlights

PhD Full Form

Doctor of Philosophy

Course Level


Course Duration

3-6 Years

Course Fees

₹50000 to ₹1 Lac. Per year

Major Entrance Exams


Avg. Salary of PhD Holder

₹4.3- ₹10 LPA

Reasons To Pursue a PhD in India

It is known that the purpose of a PhD is to teach individuals how to conduct research in a field. Candidates learn how to write scholarly papers and present findings, along with gaining skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. However, there are career-related reasons to choose PhD course, and these reasons are:

  • Getting monthly allowances from the government to fund research.
  • A PhD student is seen as an expert in their field, thus, making them eligible for job openings related to teaching and research.
  • A chance to go to other countries for Academic Exchange Programs and learn various things.
  • Getting complete control over what you want to study and how you wish to continue with your research.
  • A PhD student gets to interact and work with the best academicians in their field and the professional experts who will guide them during their research.

Types of PhD Courses in India

There are different types of PhD degrees, some are based on distance and some are based on stream. Here is the list of major types of PhD in India.

Common PhD Degrees

A full-time PhD degree is a regular PhD program where the candidate is required to pursue research on a full-time basis under the guidance of a supervisor. It is a 3-5 years program.

In this program, candidates who are working professionals and wish to pursue a PhD while continuing their job, can attend classes on weekends. Part-time PhD duration is 4-7 years.

This program is a combination of a Master’s degree and a PhD course, and is typically of 5-6 years duration. It is meant for students who wish to pursue a research career in a particular field.

Distance PhD is designed for candidates who cannot attend regular classes due to various reasons. The coursework is delivered through online mode, and the research work is conducted under the guidance of a supervisor.

This PhD degree is sponsored by a company or an industry, and the research is typically focused on solving industry-specific problems. This course usually lasts for 3-5 years

Stream-wise PhD Degrees

PhD ( )

PhD (Biotechnology)

PhD ( )

PhD ( )

PhD ( )

PhD ( )

PhD (Applied Sciences)

PhD (Clinical Research)

PhD (Accounting)

PhD (Business Administration)

PhD ( )

PhD (International Business)

PhD (Revenue Management)

PhD (Business Forensics)

PhD (Market Volatility)

PhD (Enterprise Risk Management)

PhD ( )

PhD (Psychology)

PhD (History)

PhD (English Literature)

PhD ( )

PhD (Social Sciences)

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Major PhD in India Entrance Exams

Every university takes its entrance exam for admission and checks the qualification for a PhD of every applicant. However, some entrance exams are conducted on a national level and have more importance. These are the major PhD course entrance exams.

UGC NET is a national-level entrance exam which is taken to check eligibility for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship. The exam consists of two papers and tests the candidate’s knowledge of their chosen subject.

GPAT (Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test) is a national-level entrance exam conducted in India for admission to postgraduate pharmacy programs. It tests the aptitude of candidates in various areas of pharmaceutical sciences and is conducted online.

CSIR entrance exam is conducted by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research to select eligible candidates for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship in various fields of Science and Technology. It consists of multiple-choice questions based on the syllabus of the respective subject.

Have a read at a Comprehensive Guide to Entrance Exams after Graduation .

PhD in India- Eligibility Criteria

Getting admission in PhD course is not an easy task, and if you are trying to get admission to any PhD program, check for these PhD eligibility criteria beforehand.

  • The candidate must have completed a Master’s degree i.e. (MTech/ MSc/ MA/ MPhil/ MBA). And it must be a full-time Master’s course from a recognised university by the government.
  • The overall grade point average of the candidate’s Master’s program must be at least 55% (or equivalent).
  • Candidates under SC, ST, and OBC categories will be given 5%- or 10%-mark relaxations. Applicants must present their reservation certificate to use these benefits.
  • The candidate must pass the PhD entrance exam.
  • A No Objection Certificate (NOC) f rom the educational institution or company where candidates are employed is required. Candidates must have job experience in a related field for a part-time PhD.

PhD Course Structure

1. coursework.

In PhD courses, students take a set have to take core courses or seminars in their field of study to build foundational knowledge. The coursework varies according to university but does includes both required and elective courses.

2. Research proposal

After completing the core courses, students must develop a research proposal outlining the problem they plan to investigate, the research questions they aim to answer, and the methods they will use to collect and analyze data.

3. Comprehensive exams

Before beginning their research for PhD course, students need to pass certain comprehensive exams covering their field of study to demonstrate their competence in the subject matter.

4. Research

Once students have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams, they can begin their research. This typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, or engaging in other research activities to answer the questions outlined in their research proposal.

5. Dissertation

The final requirement for a PhD course completion is the dissertation, which is a book-length document outlining the student’s research findings, conclusions, and contributions to their field of study. The dissertation has to be defended in front of a committee of faculty members and other experts in the field.

Read more: Complete Guide to Writing a Research Paper

steps to write phd dissertation

5 Step PhD Course Admission Process

There is Candidates must take the following seven steps to apply for a PhD in India:

Step 1 Find a Mentor

PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept online applications now. However, if you wish, you can apply via the offline process by visiting the office of the university.

Step 2 Fill Online Admission Form

Candidates must complete the online PhD admission form before applying on the university or college website. All the needed qualification for PhD is listed on the university’s official website and should be met. The online application is rejected if candidates fail to meet these requirements.

Step 3 Submit Necessary Documents

After completing the online application form, candidates must provide all necessary papers. These documents may include your passing certificate, degree, and migration certificate. Check the list of papers on the website before applying for the PhD admissions.

Step 4 Pass the Entrance Exam

The college/university needs PhD entrance exam. This exam must be taken after completing the application form. Fill out the form for the entrance exam and appear for it.

Step 5 Pass the Interview

Upon passing the PhD entrance exam, candidates will be invited for a doctoral academic interview. Admission is based on the academic doctoral interview and PhD entrance exam results. The institution or college decides the grades of students at each level and after passing the interview and fulfilling some other requirements you get admission.

Top Colleges for PhD in India

University of Delhi, Delhi


Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi


Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

₹3 lacs.

Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar

₹3-4 lacs

Calcutta University, Kolkata


Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


Sharda University, Greater Noida

₹3-4 lacs.

Christ University, Bangalore

₹1-2 lacs.

Top 10 Career Options After PhD in India

Assistant Professor

3.8 LPA

Research Scientist

6.8 LPA

Data Scientist

10 LPA

Senior Research Fellow

4.5 LPA

Associate Professor

8.5 LPA

Management Consultant

22 LPA

Postdoctoral Researcher

10 LPA

Source: Ambition Box

Plan Your Career in PhD

Being known as PhD holder is something to be proud of, not just because it’s a symbol of great knowledge but also a great future. If you want a career like this then doing PhD in India is the best choice and if you are confused about how you are going to get admission in PhD, then re-read the article. Do your research, know which specialization you want to choose and excel in your PhD course.

Make sure you carefully explore all your professional options because your career is extremely important. Before making the right decision, look over our  career advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a phd in india cost.

The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. This figure can go up or down based on whether you choose a private institute or a government one.

What is the duration of a PhD in India?

A PhD program lasts for three to five years. Candidates have a maximum of five to six years to finish the program. The course length may be different for different institutes and the time taken by student in completing their thesis.

What are the eligibility criteria for a PhD in India?

For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required. In addition to this, candidates must know the language in which the course is taught and evaluated. Now, an MPhil degree is not a must for PhD admissions.

Is it easy to get a PhD in India?

Getting a PhD in India is not easy. Candidates pursuing PhDs in India must pass the entrance exams such as NET. This written exam checks if they have the relevant subject knowledge to conduct advanced research. Candidates must further clear a PhD interview exam. Candidates must clear these rounds before pursuing PhDs in their chosen areas of specialization.

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  • PhD Colleges in India 2024

Top PhD Colleges in India 2024

India is home to some of the best Ph.D colleges which offer the degree in various disciplines such as management, science, arts and humanities, engineering, information technology etc. Ph.D is one of the most versatile courses and there are different streams that you can look at while planning to attain a Ph.D. degree . To get into one of the top Ph.D colleges in India, one has to appear in different Ph.D entrance exams which are course/ field specific. Given below is the detailed information about top PhD colleges in India, fee structure, eligibility and other important information.

The PhD colleges in India are approved either by AICTE, UGC or NAAC. The admission process may vary from college to college. Some of the popular Ph.D colleges in India are IITs, IIMs, Delhi University, and private universities like O.P. Jindal Global University, Amity University, Lovely Professional University and others. Apart from Ph.D courses, these colleges offer UG, PG, diploma and M . Phil courses as well. For PhD admissions in India, you can appear in entrance exams such as UGC NET, JRF, GATE, etc. The requirement for appearing in an entrance exam will depend upon the field or stream of PhD study and choice of the college. Most of the PhD colleges in India offer hostel facility for both male and female students as the completion of the entire research may take years. Apart from regular PhD courses, many universities in India also offer part-time PhD courses which can be pursued alongside taking up industry jobs.

The students can opt for them as per their convenience. There are many job profiles available for scholars after completing their PhD course or fellowship. From professors to research scientists, there are many career options available for PhD degree holders. The number of seats for each course and the selection criteria is also given in detail in the respective colleges listed below. The best PhD colleges in India assure great placement opportunities for the students. Go through the details to find out the facilities each campus offers.

Applied Filters :

  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Showing 1215 PhD Colleges in India

Iim ahmedabad.


10.0 - 27 Lacs Fees

EQUIS Accredition

33.4 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  2403+  students
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20 K - 8.1 Lacs Fees

NAAC Accredition

1.25 Crore Avg Package

JEE Main Exams

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IIM Bangalore


9.8 - 25.9 Lacs Fees

AICTE Accredition

  • Shortlisted by  1411+  students
  • Fees and Courses (13)

National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS Kolkata) , Kolkata


1000 - 2.44 Lacs Fees

UGC Accredition

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NIT Surathkal


15 K - 1.25 Lacs Fees

13.1 Lacs Avg Package


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15 K - 10 Lacs Fees

21.8 Lacs Avg Package


  • Shortlisted by  1638+  students
  • Fees and Courses (101)

JIPMER Puducherry


13 - 75 K Fees

Medical Co Accredition


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6000 - 8 Lacs Fees

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IIM Kozhikode


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United World Institute Of Design


5.0 - 22 Lacs Fees

12 Lacs Avg Package

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Easy Way to Get PhD in India

Easy Way to Get PhD in India

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the highest academic qualification you can earn in any field of education. It is the holy grail of academic degrees that offers you the best knowledge and awards you the title of a doctor (Dr). A student can pursue a PhD degree after completing a master’s degree in any field like MA, MSc, MBA, MTech, MCom, MCA, and others. Every year, hundreds of thousands of students in India apply to various universities of India to obtain a PhD. Out of those students, many are looking for an easy way to get a PhD in India. If you are searching for an easy way to get a PhD in India, you have come to the best place on the internet to seek the correct information.

PhD in India – The Easiest Way

Many Indian students dream that they want to add the prefix ‘Dr’ to their names. It conveys that they have studied for a long time and is an academic expert, but it also adds immense value and respect for them in society. While the thought of obtaining a PhD is very lucrative, it isn’t easy to get one. If you wish to get a PhD from a reputed university in India, you first must clear the PhD entrance test. Secondly, you have to study for three or five years, depending on your study mode, and conduct a lot of research work to finish your thesis.

We know that several students don’t have the time and energy to go through the entire process of obtaining a PhD in India. So, we have summarized a few ways you can quickly get a PhD in India without much hassle.

There are 3 simple ways to get a PhD in India With Minimum Effort:

Given below are the three major steps to get a PhD in India easily.

Step 1: Visit a good PhD. Consultant – We have got you covered for this point. We rank among the best PhD consultants in India. We have exceptional services that have helped thousands of students in India to get easy PhD in India. You can contact us, and we will definitely help you get a PhD in India with minimum effort.

Step 2: Apply for PhD directly – You can apply for obtaining a PhD now from various universities of India. You might find some universities that offer an easy way to get a PhD, but most universities in India require you to go through the entire process.

Step 3 : Join Private Universities- For quick and hassle-free completion of your PhD, take admission to a Private University approved by the UGC/AICTE.

Detailed Analysis for Easy Ways to Get a PhD in India

Easy Way to Get PhD in India

You will have to keep the following details in mind while looking to obtain a PhD in India.

  • Reach out to a PhD consultant to get all the relevant information about easily pursuing a PhD in India. We are one of the best PhD consultants in India, and you can contact us. We assure you that you will easily get a Ph.D. in India if you wish to use our services.
  • You can also apply for admission to various universities in India to pursue a PhD.
  • You will have to clear the Entrance Exam for a PhD. These are conducted at the national level as well as university level.
  • After you have cleared the entrance test, you will have to sit for the research interview.
  • If you manage to clear the entrance test and academic interview, you will have to submit your research proposal to the University.
  • Once all the admission formalities are completed, you will get a ‘Conditional PhD. Admission’.
  • You will have to attend pre-PhD courses as mandated by the University.
  • Finally, you will have to start attending regular classes and start with your research work.
  • If you opt for a full-time PhD, it will take you a minimum of three to five years to get your PhD. If you opt for a part-time PhD , you will require about three to six years to get your PhD.
  • After you finish your thesis, you will have to publish it in either a Scopus Indexed Journal or a UGC Care listed Journal.
  • If at least two journals accept your thesis, you will easily be offered a PhD after completing other formalities.
  • You will have to maintain excellent relations with your research guide, which will ensure no delay in getting your final PhD degree.
  • As soon as your research proposal is accepted, you should start with your research and begin writing your thesis.
  • You can get thesis assistance from PhD consults. We offer the best rates of PhD consultation in India.

How to do a PhD from Private Universities in India Quickly?

Many aspirants are confused about how to get a PhD within a short period. Once the notification is out for PhD programs in India, go to the University’s website for more details and submit your application. If the admissions department approves your application, you will be invited to take the PhD entrance exam. After passing the entrance exam, you must undergo a PhD interview (DC), and you will be admitted once you have passed all of these stages. It is not easy to do a PhD in India at a Government University.

It is possible to obtain a PhD in India by joining a State Private University recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and AICTE for engineering and technical courses. State Private University PhDs can be completed in three years, regardless of whether you are a part-time or full-time PhD student. So if you are looking for the quickest route to a PhD, it is always better to join a State Private University recognized by the UGC.

It is recommended that you obtain your PhD from a private university in India. Pursuing a PhD from a private university is much easier as compared to a government university. Government universities charge a higher fee, but your coursework will be hassle-free. In many private universities, you will get easy access to guides and superiors for clearing any doubts and other guidance.

Is Getting a PhD from a Government University Uncomplicated?

Honestly, it is a tedious task to get a PhD from a government university in India. If you want to dive deep into research and Studysure every day, you should pursue a PhD from a government university.

Along with that, while you are pursuing a PhD, your research guide is essential. Firstly, there is an acute shortage of research guides in Indian government universities. Secondly, if there is a conflict, it will delay your PhD for a long time.

Considering all the reasons mentioned above, if you want to get a Ph.D. in India easily, you should not think about government universities.

What Happens When You Sign up for Govt: Universities?

Faculties of Government universities often carry out many types of research and government projects. Hence they might not have the time or resources to review each step of your studies. This could result in a delay in your degree. In some Government universities, it may take around many years to complete a PhD.

Eligibility Criteria for Easy PhD in India

  • A valid bachelor’s degree obtained from a government-recognized university.
  • You must have passed your master’s degree like MA/ MBA/MSc/ MCom/ MTech/ MPhil in a relevant academic field from a government-approved university.
  • The minimum score that you need to obtain in your master’s degree is 55%.
  • If you come from a reserved category (SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwD), you will get a relaxation of either 5% or 10% for the minimum score in your master’s degree.
  • You will have to clear an entrance exam and an academic interview.
  • A few universities might need you to possess relevant work experience.

Private University’s PhD Entrance Exams in India

To pursue a PhD in India, you will have to clear an entrance exam. Most of the entrance exams for private universities are easy. Yes, most government-aided entrance exams are indeed a little complicated, but you should not be worried about that as you can get an equally good and valid PhD from a private university.

Top 12 Mistakes Committed by PhD Aspirants

  • You are delaying in applying for admission.
  • You want to get a PhD easily, but you are not contacting any PhD consultant for guidance.
  • You are not open to pursuing a PhD from a private university.
  • You are not looking to study hard.
  • You don’t want to leave your home city.
  • You have started to write your thesis very late.
  • You don’t want to spend money.
  • You are not studying for your PhD entrance test and academic interview.
  • You are not looking to compromise with your current job.
  • You have lost your motivation to pursue a PhD after a few semesters.
  • Trying to complete your PhD from a specific university
  • Being an intelligent worker, not a hard worker.

Do you want a PhD? – Act Now

If you want to pursue a PhD easily in India, you should not wait. Reach out to us right now, and we will offer you all the help you will need to pursue a PhD in India effortlessly. We will guide you like we have guided hundreds of students to get their PhD in a hassle-free way.

How Can Studysure sure help you to get an easy PhD in India?

As one of the trusted PhD consultants in India, We guide you through obtaining a hassle-free PhD in India and make sure that the doctorate you get is duly approved by the UGC and carries an immense value in India and abroad.

Some of the services that we offer in terms of achieving a PhD with admirable ease are mentioned below:

  • Admission Assistance
  • Overall PhD consultation.
  • PhD entrance exam and interview preparation.
  • PhD research topic consultation.
  • PhD research consultation.
  • PhD thesis writing guidance
  • PhD thesis publication.

Easy Way to Get a PhD in India –(FAQ)

  • Can I get a PhD without writing my thesis? No, you cannot get your PhD without writing your thesis. As the leading PhD consultants, we can guide you for a PhD thesis that will surely help.
  • Are Distance & Online PhD degrees valid in India? The UGC (University Grants Commission) doesn’t recognize online and distance PhD programs  in India.
  • Is a PhD obtained from a private university valid? Yes, a PhD obtained from a private university is fully valid as a PhD from a Government university if the UGC has approved it.
  • Does passing the entrance test guarantee admission? No. To be admitted to the PhD program, students must also get RAC Approval.
  • What is the prescribed qualification for PhD Program? Candidates with a Master’s Degree from a recognized UGC university may apply to a PhD program. They must achieve a minimum of 55% in aggregate programs. Candidates from SC/ST/OBC are eligible for a 5% reduction in marks. This concession is also available for those with disabilities.
  • Is the PhD degree from Private Universities recognized by UGC and internationally? Yes. The UGC fully approves PhD degrees offered by private Universities and is eligible for Indian government jobs.
  • Is PhD mandatory for lectureship? According to the Education ministry’s latest circular, a PhD degree is required for teaching positions at Universities starting in July 2021.
  • Can I change the research topic after registering for a PhD? Not necessarily. Your Guide may help you modify or improve your original research idea.

Important Points to Remember Before Taking PhD Admission 

All you have to do is apply to any university. There is no point in worrying about what University you choose. Always check whether the competent authorities approve the Universities or not. It would help if you grabbed any opportunity that comes your way and takes it. If you are looking for an easy way to do your PhD, it doesn’t matter if you do a full-time or part-time PhD. It doesn’t matter how PhD you did. It doesn’t matter If you have done your PhD from Government Universities or Private Universities.

Also Read: How to Write a Good Dissertation ?


We hope this article has been helpful to you. If you are looking for the easiest and shortest route to a UGC approved PhD, we can guide you for admission and other assistance like thesis writing guidance.

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Ph.D. [Doctor of Philosophy]: Eligibility, Entrance Exams, Top Colleges, Fees, PhD Vs MPhil, Future Scope

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Shruti Sharma

Content Curator

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PhD is a postgraduate academic degree that is given by universities and other institutions of higher learning to a candidate after they have completed a thesis or dissertation that is the result of in-depth research in their field of interest.

  • Doctor of Philosophy typically requires three to four years of full-time study, during which time the student completes a sizable amount of original research that is then presented as a thesis or dissertation. While some nations require coursework to be submitted as well, some PhD programs accept a portfolio of published papers.
  • Candidates who have completed their masters degree are eligible to apply in the PhD course.
  • The leading PhD entrance exams include NPAT, CSIR UGC NET, UGC NET, and IIT JAM .
  •  An applicant must have a valid GATE score if they want to pursue a PhD in engineering or technology. CSIR UGC NET is conducted if students want an aided scholarship along with it. 
  • After completing a PhD program, candidates have access to a wide range of opportunities in both the private and public sectors. 
  • Depending on their area of specialization, candidates could obtain a high-paying position, such as a research scientist, an associate professor, an economist, a historian, etc.

PhD Highlights

Course Full Form PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Course Duration 4-5 Years
Course Degree Requirements Progress Reports, Presentation, Thesis Submission 
Course Admission Entrance Exam followed up by Interview
Course Specializations Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Botany, Zoology, Physics, Information technology, CSE, Biotechnology, Marine Biotechnology, Economics, History, Political Science, Geography, Ceramic Engineering
Online Course Program Doctorate in Business Administration, Doctorate in Social Work, Doctorate of Philosophy in Anthropology
Top Colleges IISc Bangalore, IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

PhD Eligibility Criteria 

The eligibility criteria for pursuing a PhD is mentioned below:

  • Those who hold a master's degree can enroll in doctoral programs. A Master's in Philosophy may be required to pursue a PhD in several fields.
  • After graduation, the students should have a minimum GPA of 50–55 percent.
  • Some colleges offer admission based on interviews. It could be followed up by a written test.
  • Candidates with prior work experience in the field of research are given more preference.

PhD Entrance Exams

The top Entrance Exams for pursuing PhD along with exam dates are mentioned below:

Entrance Exam Exam Date
IIM Sambalpur To be announced 
NIT Calicut  April 17, 2023
NIT Jalandhar  April 17, 2023
IISER Kolkata April 23, 2023
IIT Hyderabad April 25, 2023
IIT Dhanbad April 27, 2023
GGSIPU  April 30, 2023
NIT Mizoram May 2, 2023

Top PhD Colleges in India

The top colleges for PhD are tabulated below:

College Name Eligibility  Ranking  Fees
PG 1 INR 35,200
PG 2 INR 23,365
PG 3 INR 10,000
PG 4 INR 28,900 (consectional) INR 48,900 (non consectional) 
PG 5 INR 5,000 (SAARC) INR 25,000 (NON SARC)
PG 6 INR 24,250 (Regular) INR 49,759 (part time)
PG 7 INR 5,000
PG 8 INR 26,400
PG 9 INR 4,125
PG 10 INR 40,000
PG 11 INR 10,000
PG 12 INR 59,500
PG 13 -
PG 14 INR 731
PG 15 INR 4,236 (first year) 
PG 16 INR 6,761
PG 17 INR 58,800
Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research PG 18 INR 14,000
PG 19 INR 15,000
PG 20 INR 61,450

Top 5 PhD Colleges in Maharashtra

The top colleges for PHD in Maharashtra are:

College Name  Ranking  Eligibility  Fees
IIT Bombay 4 PG INR 28,900 (Consectional) INR 48,900 (Non Consectional) 
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 7 PG INR 5,000
25 PG INR 78,000
- PG INR 12,000
- PG INR 1 Lakhs

Top 5 PhD Colleges in Delhi

The top colleges for PHD in Delhi are:

College Name Ranking  Eligibility  Fees
IIT Delhi 3 PG INR 10,000
AIIMS New Delhi 9 PG INR 4,125
JNU Delhi 14 PG INR 731
Delhi University  16 PG INR 6,761
Jamia Milia Islamia 27 PG INR 15,000

Top 5 PhD Colleges in Rajasthan

The top colleges for PHD in Rajasthan are:

College Name Ranking  Eligibility  Fees
33 PG INR 19,900
  30 PG INR 28,600
46 PG INR 9,000
- PG INR 50,000
- PG INR 96,100

Top 5 PhD Colleges in Haryana

College Name Ranking  Eligibility  Fees
- PG INR 25,000
- PG INR 16,100
38 PG INR 1 Lakhs
- PG -
- PG -

Top 5 PhD Colleges in Madhya Pradesh 

 The top colleges for PHD in Madhya Pradesh are:

College Name Ranking  Eligibility  Fees
26 PG INR 21,350
49 PG INR 27,500 for first semester
IIM Bhopal - PG INR 32,000 per semester
- PG INR 75,000
- PG INR 28,500 for 1st semester and 18,500 from 2nd semester onwards

PhD vs M.Phil: Course Comparison

The difference between PhD and M.Phil are mentioned below:

Parameters  PhD M.Phil
Objective  It involves working in a new area for research. It prepares students for extensive research.
Average Fees INR 7,000-3 lakhs INR 5,000-2 Lakhs
Average Salary  INR 4.1 LPA INR 1.3 LPA
Duration  4-5 Years 2 years
Working Areas Education Centers Production Researcher Management Consultancies

What after PhD?

The shifting employment dynamics in India and other nations have forced PhD students to reconsider their motivation for entering academia. They are required in various spheres of society, and one's academic abilities prepare them for a wide range of difficulties. In general, becoming a university professor, an employee of an industrial R&D lab, or a mentor for startups is the most natural career path after earning a PhD.

Particular Details
Average Salary INR 4-5 LPA
Highest Package INR 11 LPA
Job Profiles Professor, Researcher, Product Manager, Management Consultant, Entrepreneur
Top Recruiters Universities, Government Sector, Health Ministry, R&D Sector( Cipla, SunPharma), 
Higher Studies after PhD Post Doctorate

Ques. How lengthy is a PhD thesis?

Ans. A PhD thesis (or dissertation) is normally roughly 70,000-100,000 words. Chapters such as the introduction, literature review, results, discussion, and bibliography are typically included.

Ques. How advanced is a PhD?

Ans. A PhD degree comes after a master's degree and before a bachelor's degree in the third cycle of postgraduate education. It's typically the highest academic degree a person can obtain.

Ques. Are there tests for PhDs?

Ans. Yes, but they won't be the same kind of written tests. A PhD's final examination, known as the viva voice, takes the place of a conventional "written" test.

Ques. What makes PhD research so crucial?

Ans. Obtaining a PhD involves improving skill sets as well as new information and discoveries. As a result, doctoral research plays a significant role in the larger field of research and investigation.

Ques. What does the term PhD mean?

Ans. Doctor of Philosophy, or PhD. Philosophiae Doctor is the Latin origin of the word PhD. DPhil or a PhD may also be used to refer to it.

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4-year UG Degree Holders Can Now Get Direct Admission to PhD: UGC

Curated By : Education and Careers Desk

Trending Desk

Last Updated: June 16, 2022, 13:22 IST

The UGC regulations 2022 are likely to be announced by end of June (Representational Image)

The UGC regulations 2022 are likely to be announced by end of June (Representational Image)

According to the UGC regulations, candidates who have completed their 4-year-undergraduate programme (FYUP) with a minimum 7.5 CGPA will be eligible to apply for PhD admissions

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released the new regulations allowing the 4-year-undergraduate programme students to directly pursue PhD after graduation. According to the UGC regulations, candidates who have completed their 4-year-undergraduate programme (FYUP) with a minimum 7.5 CGPA will be eligible to apply for PhD admissions without completing a master’s programme.

According to a leading news daily, the UGC Chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar said that this new rule will help improve the research ecosystem in our HEIs. It will also help the UG students to have a research bent of mind. He added that UGC will be permitting four-year UG students who have a CGPA of 7.5/10 or above to be eligible for PhD admission. Those who have a have a CGPA less than 7.5, will have to do a one-year master’s degree to be eligible for PhD admissions.

Also read|  UGC to Develop Framework to Allow Top-ranked Foreign Universities to Open Campus in India

This step has been welcoming for the students who do not have to complete a two years master’s degree after FYUP. The regulations state that the minimum CGPA required for candidates with a four-year or eight-semester bachelor’s degree is 7.5/10 in order to apply for the doctorate programme, however, the commission has given a relaxation of 0.5 CGPA to the reserved categories as well as economically weaker applicants.

The UGC regulations 2022 are likely to be announced by end of June. The new regulations were added in the PhD draft in March and were sent for the feedback and comments of the stakeholders. As now the regulations have been approved, they are expected to be in practice from academic session 2022-23.

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Furthermore, as per the new regulations, students will be admitted to the PhD programmes through a national-level test. While 60 per cent of seats will be filled through a national-level examination, 40 per cent will be based on a university-level or state-level test.

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PhD Degree In India: PhD Programs, Types, Fees, Eligibility, Entrance, Scope, Admission Online 2024

Jun 26, 2024 1.3K Reads

If you completed your master’s and are now interested in research then PhD will be an ideal career choice for you as it involves a lot of research. There are various reasons to pursue a PhD program firstly, it is the highest qualification in academics, and second is to become an expert in your chosen field.

Moreover, you can also apply for various job roles after completing the program. Having this degree adds up the “Dr” title before your name.  Read this full article to learn everything that must know regarding the PhD program. 

What are PhD programs?

The acronym "PhD" represents "Doctor of Philosophy," derived from the Latin "philosophiae doctor." A PhD proves one's knowledge in a certain topic.

In contrast to several other doctorate programs that involve instruction, PhD candidates mostly concentrate on their own research. This study needs to be novel, fresh, and deserving of publication as a thesis. The primary evaluation criteria for a PhD are the caliber and originality of the student's research project.

Types of PhD Programs

There are various types of PhD Programs. Some of them are mentioned below :

1) Regular PhD Program 

In a regular PhD program, you have to attend classes regularly and the duration to complete it is a minimum of 5-7 years. Furthermore, you have to take an entrance exam if you want to opt for a regular PhD program. Moreover, you also have to be completely focused on research.  

2) Part-Time PhD Program

This Part Time PhD program is specially designed for working professionals and the duration to complete it is a minimum of 4 to 6 years. You need to attend an evening class in it. Candidates working in reputed research organizations, academic institutes, or industries near the campus are usually granted part-time PhDs.

A part-time PhD takes 7-8 years to complete, as students must fulfill the same academic credits and requirements as full-time students.   Part-time PhD students attend a limited number of classes. They must have at least 1 year of work experience and an NOC from their employer. Part-time Ph.D. focuses on research that benefits the company rather than individual research.

3) Online PhD Program 

Online PhD is still not recognized by the UGC, hence it is not a valid option but you can opt for an alternative which is an Online DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) it is also a doctorate program and can be completed in a minimum of 3-5 years. Moreover, you also do not need to visit college to pursue it.

4) PhD Distance Learning

  Distance PhDs are also called distance doctoral programs at some institutions. This degree offers the same career prospects as a full-time PhD. The duration is 3-5 years. You need a graduation degree with 5+ years of work experience. 

5) PhD for working Professionals

It might be difficult to pursue a Ph.D. while working a full-time job. Nonetheless, a lot of colleges provide working people with flexible curriculum options. These courses assist students in juggling employment and education.

To pursue this phd for working professionals program you must have a Master's degree with a minimum of 60% marks, work experience, and a valid GATE/NET score (if applicable)

6) PhD Global

  A Global PhD is a PhD for working professionals that can be pursued from a foreign university. It is a little different from a PhD program offered in an Indian university in terms of eligibility criteria, selection process, fees, syllabus, and job roles. In this mode, you have to pass the entrance exam and once you pass it only then you can apply for a PhD Global program. 

7) PhD Abroad

The duration of a Ph.D. program abroad is three to six years, with ample chances. To get admitted, candidates must pass entrance examinations such as the GMAT, SAT, GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS. Ph.D. programs are offered by prestigious universities in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada, Singapore, and France.

8) Integrated PhD Program 

This integrated doctoral program is comprehensive and incorporates both a master’s and a doctorate program. The duration to complete it is a minimum of 5-6 years. You can apply for this program right after your bachelor’s.

how to buy phd degree in india

How many students opted for a Regular PhD Program and a Part-Time PhD Program? 

According to Pulse survey data, most students are interested in full-time PhDs, but those in the upper age groups (45+ years) are more likely to consider part-time (37% versus 15% between 18-44-year-olds).

Regular PhD Program-  15%

Part-Time PhD Program- 37%

What is the Scope of a PhD program in India? 

The scope of PhD in India is wider than just earning a degree. It is far beyond it. It opens doors to many new exciting job opportunities. Through this, you can make impactful changes in the society. Let’s learn more about it and delve into it. 

Academics and Research

  • In a PhD program, you will learn all the knowledge and skills to conduct your original research, it encourages you to push your boundaries way beyond your thinking and discover various new things. 
  • Many graduates of PhD programs think of pursuing a career in academics. You can also become a professor and guide various students in their research journey. 
  • Through research Fellowships, you can refine your research skills and partner with renowned researchers at universities. 

Research and Development (R&D)

  • Many companies have their own research and development departments which give jobs to PhD scholars to cope up with the complex challenges and they also contribute to innovating new ideas. 
  • The research skills that you develop while pursuing a PhD program make you stand out from the crowd as you can assist better in the development of new products, processes, solutions, and many more. 
  • The major advantage of pursuing a PhD program is that you get a high salary package in comparison to the different programs. 

Policy and Government Roles 

  • You know that you can advise policymakers on critical issues with your specialized knowledge of the field. 
  • Many government research Organizations give employment to the PhD graduates to do research that is relevant to public policy, national security, and relevantly other important areas of the nation. 
  • By pursuing a PhD Program, you can become a bridge between academics and government you will ensure that your findings will contribute to the society's progress. 

Who all can apply to a PhD Program In India? 

To be eligible for an Entrance exam for a PhD, you must fulfill the mentioned eligibility criteria :

  • You must have completed your master’s from a government-recognized university with a minimum mark of 50-55 percent. 
  • Next, you also need to pass the entrance exam.
  • Later, you have to pass the interview round. 

Entrance Exam for PhD In India 

There is a list of entrance exams for PhD. Some of them are mentioned below :

  • CSIR UGC-NET :  The Joint CSIR-UGC NET is a test for Indian nationals.

It determines eligibility for :

  • Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor.
  • Assistant Professor and Ph.D. admission.
  • Ph.D. admission only.

It applies to Indian universities, colleges, and R&D establishments.

  • JNU PhD Entrance :  Admission to JNU is based on the All India Level Entrance Examination.

For Ph.D. selection through Computer Based Test (CBT) :

  • Candidates are called for a viva voce.
  • The final merit list is 70% based on the CBT score and 30% based on the viva voce.
  • BITS PhD Entrance Exam : If you want to pursue a PhD program from BITS, you must have fulfilled all the eligibility criteria mentioned below  
  • Candidates need an M.E/M.Pharm./MBA/M.Phil or equivalent with at least 60% aggregate for Ph.D. admission.
  • Alternatively, those with an M.Sc/B.E or equivalent with a minimum of 60% can also be provisionally admitted.
  • For Ph.D. programs in languages and humanities, candidates with an M.Phil/MA and at least 55% aggregate may also be considered.
  • Candidates admitted under this scheme must commit full-time to their Ph.D. research and refrain from taking other assignments until the final thesis submission.
  • GATE Exam :  The GATE exam opens doors to prestigious Masters and PhD programs. It also offers opportunities for technical positions in PSUs. GATE scores enhance job prospects in both public and private sectors. Especially in fields like engineering, technology, and research.
  • AIIMS PhD Entrance Exam : The AIIMS PhD entrance exam is highly competitive. It assesses candidates' knowledge, aptitude, and research skills. The exam is typically held twice a year, in January and July sessions.
  • Symbiosis PhD Entrance Exam : The University admits students who qualify for fellowships or scholarships in national-level tests like UGC-NET, UGC-CSIR NET, GATE,, etc. Alternatively, students may be admitted through an Entrance Test conducted by the University. The syllabus for the Entrance Test will include 50% research methodology and 50% subject-specific topics. Students scoring 50% marks in the entrance test are eligible for the interview.

Fees that we need to pay to pursue A PhD In India

Fees of the program differ from university to university and specialization to specialization. However, fees for a government college lie between  Rs. 10,000- Rs. 50,000 per annum. Whereas fees of a government college lie between Rs. 70,000 to 3.5 lakhs per annum. 

How to Apply for a PhD Program?

Follow the simple steps to apply for a PhD Program. Check the given steps below :

  • Step-1 . Check out all the specializations the institution offers and the details about the specialization you want to pursue by visiting the official university website.
  • Step-2 . In order to complete the application, you must check the university's official website, since they post the announcement of the admission there.
  • Step-3 . The application must be submitted by the deadlines the university specifies. It is recommended that you provide all essential documentation for admission.
  • Step-4. Remember that certain colleges may want a research proposal in addition to the application, thus, you should prepare one beforehand.
  • Step-5 . Universities will pick the candidates who can take an admission exam after reviewing your application.
  • Step-6 . After clearing both rounds of testing, you will be assigned research mentors or PhD research supervisors.

What Do We Need to Prepare for a PhD Program Entrance Exam? 

The entrance exam of Delhi University for PhD is divided into 2 parts. Each part holds a weightage of 50 percent marks. 

The literature review

Collection and analysis of data

Information sources


Scientific writing


Linear Algebra



Vector Calculus

Real Analysis

Probability and Statistics

Correct usage of English language and reading Comprehension. 

Discrete Structures

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms

Computer System Architecture

Operating Systems

DBMS and File Structures

Computer Networks

What are Some Popular PhD Programs Streams and Their Syllabus? 

PhD or Doctor of Philosophy, courses are offered in many fields. Some major streams include Science, Arts and Humanities, and Management. There are many PhD courses available in India. The table below shows the syllabus for some PhD courses by stream:

  • Science Stream :  Check the table below to know the topics you will get to learn in the science stream 

Advanced Computer Algorithms

Distributed COM

Advanced Database Management Systems

Distributed File System

Advanced Software Engineering

Distributed Systems

Component Object Model (COM) & interfaces in COM

Dynamic Programming

Computer Architecture

Frequencies for Radio Transmission

Computer System Design

Medium Access Control

CORBA, JAVA, and object web

Multiprocessor Architecture

  • Management Stream :  Check the table below to know the topics you will get to learn in the Management stream 

Computer Applications




Elective I

Operations Management

Financial Management

Project Work

General Management

Quantitative Analysis

Human Resource Management

Research Methodology

Information Technology Management

Retail Merchandising

  • Art and Humanities Stream :  Check the table below to know the topics you will get to learn in the Art and Humanities stream

Advanced Course in Logic

Communication Theory

Advanced Course in Philosophy of Science

Data Collection and Organization

Advanced Course in Formal Methods

Decision Theory

Advanced Econometric Methods

Environment and Development

Advanced Economic Theory

Environment Philosophy

Advanced Macroeconomics Theory


Advanced Microeconomics Theory

Governance and the Political Economy of Development

Course Structure of PhD Programs In India

  • Candidates must submit their research proposal and research topic after being chosen for PhD courses. After that, a research guide or supervisor is appointed to them.
  • Candidates are given information on the teaching schedule, methods of evaluation, and course content. The majority of institutes need progress updates on research projects every six months.
  • During their research duration, PhD candidates are required to present in at least two seminars and submit a certificate to the Research Unit. Before presenting their thesis, you must also submit a Certificate to the Research Unit and publish a minimum of one research publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • A Pre-submission Seminar will be arranged by the supervisor before the thesis is submitted. Recommendations for enhancement will be gathered in this seminar and must be incorporated by the candidate in their final thesis.
  • A thesis summary must be submitted by candidates forty-five days before the final submission. The thesis is submitted in hard copy as well as soft copy, and outside specialists examine it and should changes be recommended, the candidate is required to submit a revised thesis.
  • Lastly, applicants defend their theses in front of an expert panel during a viva voce. Upon fulfillment of these requirements, the applicant is awarded a PhD.

How Much Stipend You Get In PhD Programs In India? 

  • Research researchers and PhD candidates now get higher stipends from the Ministry of Education.
  • Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) would now get a monthly salary of Rs 37,000 instead of Rs 31,000 as before. Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) would now receive Rs 42,000, up from Rs 35,000 by 20%.
  • The stipends for Research Associates (RAs) have been increased, the RA-I level will now receive Rs 58,000, the RA-II level will receive Rs 61,000, and the RA-III level will receive Rs 63,000 (up from Rs 54,000).

Colleges Offering a PhD In India

There are various government and private colleges offering a PhD program, Some of them are mentioned below :

Jawaharlal Nehru University


University of Delhi


Hidayaullah National Law University

Entrance Exam, UGC NET JRF

Aligarh Muslim University

University Entrance Exam, UGC NET JRF

Mizoram University

University Entrance Exam, UGC NET JRF

North Eastern Hill University

Entrance Exam, UGC NET JRF

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham


Manipal University

PhD Manipal Entrance Test (MET)

VIT Vellore


KIIT University


BITS Pilani

BITS PhD Entrance Exam

Bharathidasan University

University-Level Exam 

The Alternative of a PhD Program in India 

If in case you are searching for an alternative to a PhD Program, you can opt for an Online DBA program, it is also a doctorate program and adds up a “Dr” title before your name.

Moreover, it offers you various advantages such as you do not have to visit college daily. You can complete an Online DBA in a minimum of 3-5 years whereas PhD takes a minimum of 5-7 years to complete it. Furthermore, in an Online DBA, international faculties teach you. 

Many universities are offering an Online DBA. Some of them are mentioned below :


INR 8,14,000

INR 8,12,500


INR 8,14,000

In India, PhD scholars are well respected in the market. Moreover, you become an expert in the field. Furthermore, you can opt for an Online DBA program, if you do not want to visit a college daily.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

⭐ in india, how many years is a phd.

Completing a PhD takes five years. Within five to six years, depending on the university.

⭐ What is the cost of a PhD in India?

Depending on the university, a PhD might cost you around from INR 80,000 to INR 1,20,000 each year. Exams such as the DBT-JRF, CSIR-NET, and UGC-NET/JRF, in addition to an interview or viva, are frequently required for admission.

⭐ What is the age limit for PhD?

Admission to PhD programs is not based on age. Applicants who fulfill the requirements may apply at any age.

⭐ Is earning a PhD challenging?

Certainly, a PhD is difficult as it takes a long time to finish and write an advanced research project that needs to pass a strict peer review procedure. You must demonstrate your subject-matter competence.

⭐ Can I complete my PhD without taking a NET exam?

Although not all universities need it, some do require the UGC NET test for PhD admissions. Each university has different requirements.

⭐ What are the PhD Entrance exam?

Exams like as the NPAT, IIT JAM, CSIR UGC NET, and UGC NET are used to determine admission to PhD programs. It is necessary to have a valid GATE score for Engineering and Technology. Twice a year, the CSIR UGC NET is a nationwide examination.

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easy wayt to get PhD in India

Easy Way to Get PhD in India

An easy way to get phd in india is by approaching a phd consultant or by filling the phd application form online ..

Alternatively, one can also buy an easy PhD in India that is the fastest and easiest of all. What I mean is that you can get PhD in India even by buying it offline or online. Though I don’t suggest doing it, this is the reality that is taking place with some Indian Universities. Only PhD consultants will know the universities that offer PhD for money.

Here is my detailed analysis about how to get easy PhD admission in India.

  • Approach a PhD consultant in India.
  • Or Apply PhD online on university website.
  • Pass PhD entrance test.
  • Face PhD interview.
  • Get PhD admission.
  • Submit Research Proposal.
  • Attend Pre-PhD course work.
  • Start your PhD research for 3 to 4 years.

Proven Right Process for an easy PhD in 2021-22

  • Join in a private university for an easier completion of PhD.
  • Opt for full-time PhD in India to finish PhD easily in just 3-4 years.
  • Publish papers in Scopus indexed journals while doing PhD in India.
  • Publish papers in journals with high impact factor that makes again easy to do PhD in India
  • Be on good terms with your Supervisor so that there’s no delay to get PhD in India.
  • Start writing your dissertation faster which helps you do PhD in India easily.
  • Pay money to Indian PhD consultant for thesis assistance in time.
  • Buying PhD degree is also available for an easiest PhD in India ( I don’t suggest).

How to do PhD in India easily as soon as the PhD notification comes is a big confusion for many aspirants. In order to do a PhD, fill in an online application from the university website and if the admission department satisfies the grades mentioned in the application form, you will be called for the PhD entrance test. After passing the entrance test, you should undergo PhD interview, and later on, you will get admission once cracking all those stages. Getting PhD in India under Government University is a long-term process. So the easy way to get PhD in India is to join a small private university that is recognized by UGC Indian laws.

Private University PhD.’s are valid and you can finish in 4 years of time whether it is part-time PhD or full time. So join a private university. Here are some good private universities in India to get an easy PhD. 

  • VFSTR ( Deemed to be University) ( PhD duration: Full-time 4-5 years, Part time 3 to 4 years.)
  • Amity University
  • VIT University (3 years)
  • SRM University
  • Lovely Professional University

There are so many other private universities in India. You will not be able to do quality work. For example , KL University conducts coursework just for 1 week.

This is too low quality. You will never improve and you will never be able to publish papers in reputed journals efficiently.

There are many Universities in India that have some consultants who charge money for an easy PhD. You do not need to go to those universities but rather visit 2 or 3 times during the full duration of the PhD program.

You will get awarded if you offer the consultant 250000 rupees. This is my direct experience with one consultant asking me. But I never joined such universities. You will never have value with such a degree.

What happens when you join a Government University? Usually, Indian faculty in universities are greedy and jealous of PhD. scholars.

They never want to award a PhD degree to a young scholar. Usually, it takes 7 to 10 years to complete a PhD. Part-time in many of the Government Universities in India.

In India being a PhD. student, you need to do many other works. Like serving your supervisor in some areas like carrying chairs for meetings, bringing snacks, and serving, and if you allow them to use you, they may even ask you to give a massage and sweep their room.

Indians have this culture of egoistic attitude in regards to low-status people. PhD scholar is one of that statuses.

The easiest way to get a PhD. in India is to approach a PhD consultant. They will do all the job in getting your admission and if possible they will look at some of the formalities like attendance maintenance.

The other easy way is to get a good supervisor who can support you throughout your PhD. course.

The other way is to pay money to the university official and manage some of the things to get approved. For example: Writing your Thesis.

These are my few more steps on how to get a PhD in India.

How to apply for PhD in India in an easy way

In order to pursue a PhD, you need to apply for PhD in India with the university either for the even semester in January or for an odd semester in the month of July. Both semesters will hold admission into PhD.’s in almost all the universities in India.

The best way is to apply for PhD is during an even semester in India. Usually, the academic year starts in odd semesters throughout India. But still, you need to take admission in even semester for doing your PhD. fast.

The reason is that if you take admission in the odd semester, most of the time you will have to wait to complete your coursework in an even semester along with newly joined PhD candidates.

The application fee is 1000 rupees in most of the PhD universities in India. This application fee is non-refundable in case you do not get selected. So it is at your risk you pay. But it is easy to get admission if you have some recommendations.

Check for PhD advertisements in newspapers for PhD admission notification around your city or state. Find out what is the deadline to apply for PhD in India.

I mean in your state and with that university. Each university has its own deadline for the PhD application process. Once you miss this last date to apply for a PhD, you will have to wait for one more year.

So, you must be aware clearly of the deadlines of PhD applications with different universities around. If possible, note them down in a rough book. This way of note-taking about PhD application deadlines will help to make things easy during the last moment. Many times, it so happens that you will feel to remember dates of application without noting them down. But in the end, you will surely forget the last date of PhD application date.

To understand clearly, what should be the last date of applying PhD in the Indian university that you are applying to. If possible, call the phone number of the admission cell of that particular university and ask them clearly about the application process.

Top universities offering easy PhD programs in India for 2021-22

This is the list of universities offering PhD courses in India in 2019.

  • Andhra University
  • Central Universities through out India
  • List of State Universities in India 2019-20
  • List of Deemed Universities i n India 2019-20
  • List of Private Universities offering PhD in 2019-20

Apply by regularly checking them. Usually, every university releases PhD notification in India twice a year. One time in January/February and one more in July/August. These notifications are called Even Semester and Odd Semester. You can go through clearly the notification and know exactly the syllabus.

I made a popular video on youtube.  How to crack the PhD entrance exam .

After watching my video, you will get full clarity about how to prepare for the syllabus given for you to appear for a PhD entrance exam. You can also check my article on PhD entrance.

Once you have done with your entrance exam, usually you will have PhD interview. In private universities, they will conduct PhD interviews as soon as you finish the entrance exam but whereas if you appear for a government exam you have to wait for a merit list and at a later stage an interview for PhD admission. 

But take everything as a challenge. No need of getting discouraged just because you did not get admission to one university. There are many out there who can offer you if you try a little hard than what you usually try for. Do not worry about which university to join.

Nowadays many students are worried about this. PhD studies are meant to research. Nobody takes your university into consideration in the upcoming 10 years of time.

In the coming days, your research paper publications will matter a lot. The more papers you write, the better your exposure will be.

Top university types for PhD in India

  • First Rank: NIT’s ( Best option for PhD in India )
  • Second Rank: Government Universities
  • Third Rank: Private Universities
  • Fourth Ranks: Deemed Universities.

Approaching PhD consultant

If you want to have an easy PhD from Indian University, just approach consultancy. This is a clever idea. They have all the links with the PhD administrators of the universities.

They can manage all PhD. related exams and publication even without you being present in college or university. Just talk to any PhD consultant and get PhD easily in India.

How to get phd degree easily

Here are my top 5 PhD consultants in India for the easiest PhD. Remember you must know beforehand how to get PhD degree easily rather than after joining it. This way you will be aware of how easy PhD should be with different universities. The below PhD consultant in India can help you with how to get PhD degree easily.

PhD consultants in India

  • Phd Consultant ( A to Z support is their slogan)
  • PhD Admission
  • Meta Consultancy
  • Shodh India
  • Chanakya Research

Never give money to any of these consultants. In India, Consultants will brainwash you to pay the money beforehand. But they will never do work after paying money.

So be careful to pay only when work is done from their side. It is difficult to bargain with them. Be confident and do not feel shy to reject giving money to PhD consultant. So be careful in every step you take. Many got cheated in India.

The biggest problem with Indian PhD consultants is that they tend to give you a fake PhD certificate with lots of forgeries. Always go to the university in which you are registered and find out whether the certificate is valid or not.

You have to contact the university directly or check your hall ticket number in the University website portal. In this way, you can avoid most of the scams done by PhD consultants in India.

But I still recommend going with consultancy if you are a bit clever to manage them and get your work done originally

PhD degree for sale in India.

I heard from PhD consultants that they would be ready to manage PhD with some of the universities. This means you pay fees and PhD consultants will manage thesis and attendance. The consequence is that you will be ending up with a poor-quality PhD from those universities. I do not encourage to do PhD from the below-mentioned universities.

PhD from Magadh University

PhD from Nagpur University ( govt.)

PhD from OJPS University (govt.)

PhD from Shri Venkateswara University (govt.)

You can easily buy PhD through consultants. Buying PhD degree in India, in the sense, you cannot do it directly but by managing here and there with the authorities, it is quite possible.

But there is one condition that you need. Have some time gap of the degrees studies maybe after your masters. The best time gap after your master’s should be around 3 years so that the University may evaluate and award during this period of time. But you have to give a lot of money. But all must be done to the consultancy where is secret.

But be aware of all the cheating among the employees. They may not give the original degree certificate. So you need to verify with the university website. Check your hall ticket number and find out whether you got an original PhD degree or it is a fake certificate printed in a Machine.

Right now the rules have become a little stricter. But you can really do things if you can approach the right person at the University. They may or may not have a kind of approach which is positive to you.

So always try to approach outside people like going through some consultancy. All may not be cooperative in this matter.

Keep at least 300000 rupees

To get an easy PhD in India, You need to carry at least some amount in your hand. The said amount is the minimum. It may go up to 500000 INR too. So to get an easy PhD in India, money plays a greater role in India without any second thought.

This is my direct experience. If you don’t want to pay money, you will have to go through all the processes for 3 years. This is how you get your PhD easily.

Get PhD degree with a recommendation

You can get PhD degree in India with one simple recommendation from a PhD supervisor or professor. There is a culture in India while getting admission into universities. PhD. admission is one of them. Usually, if you know some professor in the university that you are applying to, then the work gets easier.

You will get admission for sure. The recommendation has a strong role to play in the university. So the easy way to get a PhD. admission is a strong recommendation.

Simple steps to do PhD in India

  • Check for PhD notification .
  • Attend for PhD entrance .
  • Appear for PhD interview .
  • Get provisional admission.
  • Finish Course Work.

Entrance exam to do PhD in India easily

Entrance exam into PhD is just a formality to do. There is no such condition if you score well in your entrance examination will be eligible to get admission into PhD. In Government Universities, the entrance exam is quite strict to look outside. There happen high level of politics.

Your admission is based on not merit but on the reservation of caste which is a wrong method in India. You will get admission based on your religion and caste.

This is very odd in Indian Universities. The reason why this happens is that India is a multilingual and multicultural country. Political leaders frame many rules towards education for the sake of winning in elections and have power. So reservations to some students who do not study well are always there.

That is the reason we have all backward caste students in a good position and they are the professors in a major part of the universities.

Approach Consultancy for a second time to get assistance

Always keep in touch with consultancy once in a month or a week to see how your PhD. is going on. If you do not keep regular contact then it will be a great problem.

They do not bother about you. They have many clients like you and it is a great trouble to really get through. So always keep in mind that your PhD consultant remembers you and your given responsibility.

PhD Duration in India is 3 years

You must wait for 3 years to get your PhD. The more you wait for, the better the value of your PhD. If anyone tells you that you can finish your PhD in one year, do not trust them. The time to complete a PhD depends on various factors.

Your PhD. has no value in any way. So Always understand this and take enough care not to fall into the net of these consultants. You have to wait for 3 years after the completion of your master’s to get your PhD. easily in India.

Your admission date in the records of the University is important. You’re finishing date of PhD also important. This is how you can bring validity to your PhD. for further stages.

Easiest PhD in India, if you feel tough doing it.

You must pay to get your thesis done. If you want to get an easy PhD, you have to compulsorily do some search for online services in India. You have to understand that these services are more valuable.

These services would give you the best of the thesis. If you prepare yourself, the thesis may be rejected if you do not have enough talent. Better you get rid of this and do more about buying your thesis.

In Delhi markets, people sell thesis for 10000 to 100000 rupees. You can buy in Delhi market the PhD thesis. This is the easy solution if you find it difficult to write a thesis for yourself.

Dream Your PhD awarded in India

First of all, I warn everyone who is reading this. Do not go by my suggestion. This way of buying PhD thesis in Indian markets is something wrong and not good as a PhD. student. Under some exceptional conditions, you can do buying your PhD thesis.

This must be your entire goal and method while doing your PhD. You must be awarded PhD degree very soon. This is the very best method. You have to be determined to get your PhD.

When you have this goal nobody is going to stop you from doing your PhD successfully. In order to award PhD, you must be in a stable position, to go ahead and get yourself recognized.

Online PhD programs in India

Probably there are no universities that are offering online PhD degrees in India. Even though if there are some, they are probably fake degrees. Better to do in part-time mode.

Be aware of Indian Consultants who assist to do PhD in India

Most of the PhD consultancies are not genuine. They may take the money and go away. They may not bother you. They will not entertain you further. They are not good for some reason.

So take every step of you with good care when you approach them. PhD is a thing of care and attention to succeed PhD . If you lack any of these qualities, you will be in great trouble and feel PhD tough.

Do not pay whole money at once to get admission into PhD in India.

This we have been discussing in this post that we must never give money to anyone. Once you start giving money beforehand, you will be in great danger not to get back that money.

I am not saying to pay at all but pay by half the full amount. You can pay the amount only half to what has been accepted. So this is very important.

Do not commit yourself to pay whole money at once to your PhD consultant for just getting an easy PhD. Unless you realize this you don’t go to meet PhD consultant.

Check for development by directly contacting a university about your PhD.

If you want to get an easy PhD, you will meet somebody out there to help you out. But there were many instances when the consultants cheated PhD aspirants. Once your consultant tells you that you got admission to any university, he may show some proof of documents.

But sometimes those documents will be forged. So once you must visit your university with your admission number and confirm that you really got admission. This type of action will put you in a safe zone not to get cheated by any of the helpers of PhD.

When you want to do an easy PhD, you have to be sure not to fall into a trap. This is an advice blog for your PhD. studies. So I have to tell you fairly and bluntly. It is up to your choice whether to be careful or not. Also, ask for your PhD Viva process .

Pay to maintain all records to show UGC about your PhD Progress in India.

In fact, you need to pay for showing some documents to the UGC for inspections.  Many times your consultants will help you to get your doctoral committee meetings done.

In India, it is all management. You need to somehow manage a PhD. related works with your money. There is a lot of corruption happening when you want to study PhD.

How much does it cost for maintaining your attendance records”? It is very less when you compare to other expenses. Maybe it may cost you around 50000 rupees. So get ready with some money.

Often contact with colleagues who do PhD in India along with you

If you want to get your PhD easily, you have to approach your friend. Always have contact with them and be in touch talking with them about the progress of your PhD. goals.

This will help you to know what exactly is happening with you and with other colleagues in terms of your PhD subject. Your research will progress if you meet your PhD friends once in a while and talk to them about how exactly are they performing and compare with them your research so that it will help you to move fast and get your PhD easily done during the stipulated time

if you don’t meet your friends and remain quiet alone, this may bring problems to you. If for example, the university may ask you to do something or it may conduct a meeting.

You may sometimes miss the email from the university. So I will recommend to all PhD students and candidates and PhD aspirants to make sure to contact your friends, what I mean so that you are always up to date in your research area.

I recommend that you create one Whatsapp group. You can post all the updates on what is happening with all of you in that group. Every day you can get updates and you can really work out as a group through your mobile device.

Easy way to get PhD in India from start to end in detail.

In 2022, there are many Indian universities that are offering different notifications to take you into their PhD course. I recommend you to check for phd notification.

Once you check for the latest notification, try applying without any delay. Many students make the mistake of postponing after looking at the advertisement. After some time they forget to apply.

By then the deadline comes up. So never delay in applying. Also, remember to check online websites to see for any notifications.  

Be aware of fake PhD universities. You can check the list of fake universities given by the Indian Express newspaper.

Once you have filtered those universities, you must be now courageous to tell others about the university that you are studying. This way you can do your PhD happily.

The other problem while applying to any university is choosing a supervisor or PhD guide.  If you meet them personally before the entrance exam or even before the notification, it will be very good for you.  I say this because most of the selections come from the recommendations of PhD guides or supervisors. 

So try to be in touch with one or two professors in the university that you apply to. If you do not know personally, at least get a recommendation from one of your friends who know them. 

If there is no such possibility from your friend’s side, then do not worry. I recommend you to take your email id and drop a personal email to the PhD guide from that university and establish slowly a relationship by mentioning your area of interest and that you want to pursue your PhD under his or her guidance. Once you have done this, then the best time is to make an appointment to meet PhD guide personally.

All these things must happen even before the notification taking place. There will be no time once the notification comes out. 

So get in complete touch with a professor out there in the university. Only then you can easily get admission in India. In a country like India, recommendations work like anything. 

If you have someone strongly recommending you who is powerful in status, it is very easy to get any type of admission. You must cast this Indian culture to get admission in 2019-20 for your PhD studies. 

There are many hurdles till you will finish your PhD coursework after admission. If you do not clear Pre-Phd, you are not allowed to move forward. So to get admission is one thing and to complete course work is yet another challenging thing in India. 

Do it with all the resources and knowledge. This is the only way to survive your PhD course. 

Top 10 mistakes while applying for PhD in India.

  • Delay in applying to PhD
  • Waiting so many years unnecessarily
  • You want to join only in a particular university
  • You do not want to study hard
  • You want to earn money from your current job
  • You do not want to spend money
  • You do not want to leave your village or city
  • You do not wish to study PhD too far.
  • You are lazy to crack PhD entrance
  • You are demotivated to do PhD. 

The above 10 mistakes will always haunt you while wanting to do PhD in India in the year 2019-20. Think now where are you exactly and what you are thinking right now. Once you know some problem is putting you behind in applying for a PhD, just try to change and say to yourself that you can study PhD

The way you take choices will matter most of the time. Should you think too much, you will lose most of the time. There is no way to get it back. There is no way to do PhD after becoming too old. 

My best suggestion for easiest PhD in India is to act promptly now and today. 

Apply with all the efforts in any university. No worries about the type of university. 

Some students that I knew were not interested in a full-time PhD. They wait long years and waste time to do PhD in part-time. This is not a good idea. Just whichever opportunity falls in front of you, take it and move. It is OK whether it is a full or part-time PhD. In the end, when you finish it, who cares about how you did your PhD. 

It is important whether you have completed it or not. 

How to convince Indian professor to get an easy PhD admission in India

  • Submit a Research Proposal
  • Drop emails regularly
  • Ask for advice time and again.
  • Get some study materials from the professor.
  • Give some gifts during festivals.
  • Ask for outing and dining on some festive days.
  • Take control of him with pleasing nature.
  • Try to visit his house.
  • Ask for any new updates.
  • Ask him to recommend during the selection process. 

If you do all this even before getting admission, you are on the go. You can easily get admission even if you get fewer marks in one or the other examinations. You can simply put yourself top by competing with other students out there for the same seat. 

How to apply for 5 universities at a time in India easily?

Firstly know the date of the entrance exam when a notification comes from the universities. Once you know the dates, try to apply all of them and continuously attend the exams and interviews.  In this way, you may get admission at least in one of the universities. 

Keep enough money. For PhD application, you need to pay up to 1000 rupees. So you have to carry some 5000 rupees without spending them for other purposes. Never think you are wasting money. Education is always a good thing. 

Spend more money to buy books. This will help you to crack entrance exams and interviews. 

Watch my video on how to face PhD interview .

Now that you have watched the video, you must have to know exactly how to give PhD interview and answer all the questions. The PhD interview is a crucial step in getting PhD admission. Always remember to prepare a good topic or area of interest. Have a thorough understanding of your research topic.

Your interview is all about your research area. If you convince the doctoral members over there in the PhD panel, you can easily get PhD admission in India. 

It is always good that you take enough time to prepare your topics. Do some mock interviews beforehand. Even other students are appearing for the same seat. You have to show some difference that you are quite special. 

If doctoral members are impressed with your performance, then you can easily get through your admission process. Your name will be on the merit list out on the university website. 

PhD without course work in India

Is there any PhD in India that does not require coursework? Absolutely no. The course is mandatory. It is the rule given by United Grants Commission. 

But there are possibilities with some private and government universities to manage your course work by offering some money. Many of them do this way. So it is unofficial. But officially speaking you must complete coursework. 

PhD courses in India

There are many PhD courses that are available in India. PhD courses in India are:

  • PhD in Engineering ( All branches available)
  • PhD in Humanities
  • PhD in Education etc.

Easiest subject for PhD in India

PhD in political science is the easiest subject for PhD in India. Indians are good at political knowledge by birth. Anybody can do PhD in the frame of politics easily. So the easiest subject is Politics for PhD in India.

And there are many other PhD courses for which you can take advantage of getting admission.

Benefits of PhD in India

The main benefit of PhD in India is that you will finish PhD easily in as short as possible. There is no requirement to do lots of research and hard work to finish a PhD. Even low-quality theses’ are quite acceptable in many of the universities. There are many other benefits of PhD in India like:

  • Easy availablility of PhD guide
  • Simple application process
  • Easy flow chart of the program
  • Good career prospect in another benefit of PhD in India
  • Salary increments after PhD in India
  • So try to do PhD with all my above suggestions. 

My Bonus tips for International students to do PhD in India easily

Doing PhD in India involves a lot of struggles in terms of partiality. Here in India PhD supervisors show a lot of partiality with research scholars around them.

Usually, Indians are this way from birth as a culture. So it is all the way difficult nowadays to do PhD. in India unless you master some tactics on how to impress your administrative officials.

Sometimes this may or may not take place out of many of your efforts. So while applying for PhD in India as an international student is a waste of money and your precious time.

I never recommend this at all for International students.  This is just my strong opinion after living many years in India researching how educational institutes act upon.

So never try for a PhD in India as an international student. But under some exceptions, if you really want to experience the culture of India, well and well you can join a good university in India.

There are some eligibility limitations and problems with India for international students. They are like once you begin your PhD studies in India; you will have to undergo certain things like match up with the climatic conditions and the culture of India. That is it you can just win your PhD.

I personally feel that the climatic conditions in India are terrible for international students. Especially if you are from Canada and want to do your PhD in India (though it may never happen) you cannot cope up with the climate. So that is it the situation.

Once you are able to do the right things, you can study for your PhD properly and perfectly. In India, you will have to face a lot of pressure with your money.

All the way Indians want to grab money from international students. They like a foreigner because they have lots of money with them.

So if someone makes friendship with you during your PhD studies in India, it is very difficult to find the genuineness of your good wishes. This may just be to grab some money from you at a later point. They betray you most of the time and they will be waiting for your downfall at a later stage.

Never makes too close friendships as an international PhD student in India.

The way you need to develop a personality is just to go calm and do your work. Spend your 3 years of time in good silence and of course research.

In this way, you will finish PhD without any struggles and problems. Get yourself tough in heart and be strong in mind until you finish your PhD. in India. Never join in PhD with government universities in India.

They will upset you with the services. When you finish your PhD and go to your own country, government universities will not bother you. They will not support you with any urgent paperwork via email or post.

So for an international student, I recommend joining a private university for your PhD. They will really do the support and paperwork whenever you want it from your own country.

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Syam Prasad Reddy T

Hello, My name is Syam, Asst. Professor of English and Mentor for Ph.D. students worldwide. I have worked years to give you these amazing tips to complete your Ph.D. successfully. Having put a lot of efforts means to make your Ph.D. journey easier. Thank you for visiting my Ph.D. blog.

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Easy way to get a phd in India

Easy way to get a PhD in India

How to apply for a phd in india or abroad successfully.

So you’re planning to apply for a PhD Programme however haven’t any idea where to begin. In this article, we will try to tell you an easy way to get a phd in India as well as abroad, in case you’re a Masters student, now might be a pleasant time to reflect on consideration on applying for Honorary doctorate Ph.D. in Mumbai . First matters first take into account to qualify your CSir internet exam if you want to do phd in India. if you want to do PhD overseas then also those pointers might be on hand.

Applying for a Ph.D. looks like an excessive method, in particular, if you are a working person or woman or a brisker with zero or no experience in interacting with assignment publications.  however, there are a few matters that you may do to make your utility easy going. In this text, I’m going to proportion the most essential steps on how to observe for a PhD.

Easy way to get a Ph.D. in India

Below are The Some Important Pointer:

1: Start early and research on available Ph.D programs:  The first crucial step in making use of for a PhD is to perform a little research. make sure you apprehend the specific styles of doctorate degree on offer, together with eligibility and PhD how to observe for a PhD in India / abroad correctly? access necessities. Then research on capability universities and packages that you need to sign up. Once you get relevant records about a particular PhD program, you will start getting ideas about the form of work you need to do. always keep in mind, deadlines for Ph.D. application usually fall on past due autumn but a few universities, inside and out of India, nevertheless be given applications until spring. it’s miles critical which you are ahead of time so you won’t be late.

2: Decide on what area or topic you want to specialize in:  When you do your research, count on to be faced with a myriad of available PhD applications from exceptional universities.  Everything will sound seemingly could cause you to sense ambivalent. To drive away confusion, try to keep in mind your graduate route and your master’s degree. as an instance, if you have a Masters in research (MRes) then you can continue to get a doctorate degree inside the identical program.

Honorary doctorate Ph.D. in Mumbai

 3: Choose a topic for your PhD dissertation: Once you’ve chosen your uniqueness, think about what you need to write down. it is able to be an assumption which you want to venture or a problem that hasn’t been addressed but. It does now not ought to be best right away. as long as you have a concept what to write, then the way to observe for a PhD in India / overseas successfully? you’re excellent for now. The problem with most PhD students is that they start their PhD with over-ambitious initiatives. The secret’s to genuinely boil down your thoughts into one valuable studies question.

4: Research for a potential supervisor:  I’m sure you’re feeling a little bit tedious now after reading these tips. I can completely apprehend if you feel like the system of making use of for PhD is hard. but the hard reality is that obtaining a Ph.D is actually rocket science. there’s no shortcut to success. don’t forget all the appropriate things are difficult to gain. So is your Ph.D If there’s one thing I can promise you – this is I’m going to make it sound simpler. So once a way to observe for a PhD in India / abroad efficiently? you’ve got selected a subject, the next factor you should do is to discover potential supervisor.  Doctor of letters in India.

you’ll be operating with this person during the real writing technique this is why you want someone with so you’ll be relaxed with. gather as much information as you may to prepare your self when you meet this person. additionally, it’s an excellent time to consider what to anticipate out of your PhD manager and the kind of assist you’ll be getting based on his report.

5:  Send a “formal” application to your supervisor:  A PhD manager can in all likelihood cope with just five to ten college students per semester. it’s far crucial that you reserve your slot with the aid of contacting your prospect.  Now, I have put emphasis on the phrase “formal” application because I don’t need you to send an everyday email. The people you’ll be handling are experts. They get dozens of emails each day say “Sir, can you please be my manager?” or “Sir, are you able to please test my thesis?” unluckily, those are the forms of emails that go to trash.

6: Follow up with phone or email:  Stop wasting time pondering on several motives why your supervisor has not replied. Assuming they are busy, it’s nonetheless your responsibility to make a comply with-up.

7: Ask questions:  Don’t be afraid of asking questions. moving into touch with your PhD guide is just step one of the PhD application manners. you will be meeting more people beings in the university which include the admission staff, lecturers, head of the graduate college, and research department.

8: Start thinking about your career:  We all know that not all Ph.D. graduates visit academia. there’s only 50 percent of folks who correctly finished their Ph.D. OR Doctor of letters in India who select to emerge as professors. the opposite half is going to different areas like policy work, non-government corporations, and personal entrepreneurship.

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Doctorate Courses in india

PhD courses are the highest qualification one can acquire to enhance one’s career and the PhD Courses in India are a dream of the candidates. The PhD Courses in India are a vision to all those who occupy top ranking positions in different fields and whose mission is to attain greater heights as well as the very latest information as well as knowledge. The institutes that conduct PhD Courses in India provide an appropriate environment for research as well as learning. Other than attaining a degree, the PhD Courses in India help the students become more motivated and proficient to thrive in the present highly competitive world.

  • Eligibility and procedures for PhD Courses in India

Distance learning PhD Courses in India

List of doctorate courses in india.

The eligibility and procedures vary for different disciplines and universities. But generally for PhD Courses in India a candidate should have obtained a Master’s degree from any recognized Government or private institution. Graduates with about ten to fifteen years’ experience also can enroll online for regular or distance learning . The duration of the PhD Courses in India may vary from two to three years according to the discipline chosen and the university conducting the course. The candidate has to do a thesis or a research work and only after its completion will be awarded the Doctorate. There are very few colleges and institutes that offer PhD Courses in India but changes are happening so fast that the time may come when the Universities in India may collaborate with foreign universities in offering Doctorate degree . Recently many changes have occurred in the admission procedures as many universities conduct entrance exams in the subject selected. The PhD Courses in India cover most of the subjects and one can search online to have a good idea of the courses offered and eligibility as well as duration of the programs.

Distance learning PhD Courses in India are gaining more popularity as it is possible to further specialize with great effect without going in for regular classes. Regular class like situations is created online wherein the students can clarify doubts as well as discuss and debate on issues, thereby creating a regular class like situation. An average of 55% marks in the Master’s degree or M Phil examination from a recognized university is enough for online PhD Courses in India . Some of the distance learning universities insist on the candidate passing the all India national eligibility test for lectureship.

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Top 7 Post-Doctorate Universities in India

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  • Updated on  
  • May 25, 2023

Post doctorate in Indian universities list

Post Doctorate in Indian universities is one of the major steps forward in building careers for students who have completed their Masters’s degree and PhD in the same field. There are many aspirants who wish to continue their higher education even after they have completed their master’s degree. For PhD holders, Post-Doctoral research is a very important step which helps them in gaining more knowledge and research experience in academics. There are many Indian universities that provide the opportunity of pursuing a post-doctoral degree to the PhD holders. Read this article to learn more about Post Doctorate in Indian Universities list.

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Program NamePost-Doctoral
Names of UniversitiesIndian Institute of Science (IISc)
IIT Bombay
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER)
IIT Madras
Education LevelPost Doctorate
EligibilityCandidates must have completed their PhD in a related field

Post Doctorate in Indian Universities List

Here is the top 7 Post Doctorate in Indian Universities List. Keep reading to know more.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is deemed one of the top public research institutes for higher education. Located in the Indian city of Bengaluru, the IISc was established in the early 20th century with support from Jamsetji Tata and is also known as Tata Institute.

  • The IISc has the highest citation per faculty among all the universities in the world.
  • It was granted the status of a university in 1958 and the status of the Institute of Eminence in 2018.
  • The IISc launched the CV Raman Post-Doc Program, which is a highly selective Post-Doctorate program with 50 positions.
  • The IISc also has a special vibrant Institution of Eminence Post-Doctorate program.
  • Individuals with a very strong academic record can apply for the position of Raman Post-Doctorate and IoE Post-Doctorate programs.
  • Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), foreign nationals and overseas citizens of India (OCI) are also eligible to apply for these programs.

Also read – Top Post Doctoral Fellowships You Should Know About

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is one of the deemed public research institutes. The Parliament of India in 1961 decreed the IITs as Institutes of National Importance. It was in 1946 when a committee was formed by the then-Indian Government to develop technical education in India.

  • IIT Bombay is considered one of the leading engineering and science institutes in entire Asia.
  • This institution has a reputation for producing some of the best brains in India.
  • Only the top rank holders in Science and Engineering programs are given admission at IIT Bombay.
  • Admission is given through the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), Joint Admission Test for Masters (JAM), and Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) .
  • Currently, IIT Bombay has 15 academic departments with 20 additional education centres and 4 interdisciplinary courses, which include management and industrial design courses.

Also read – Difference Between IIT vs MIT: Which is Better?

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research is situated in Mumbai. It’s an advanced public research and education institute, which carries out research and development programs from a multidisciplinary view.

  • At IGIDR, carious PhD courses in Development studies and M.Sc courses (Master of Science) courses are offered to eligible students.
  • IGIDR has Asia’s largest library in social sciences.
  • The Post-Doctoral program at IGIDR is part of its outreach programmes.
  • Its objective is to aid quality education and research for scholars with a doctoral degree and a meritorious academic record.
  • The Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) at IDIGR is for 3 fellows who will be paid INR 50,000 per month plus a contingency grant of around INR 50,000 annually to support their academic and research activities.

Indian Institute of Delhi (IIT Delhi)

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, abbreviated as IIT Delhi is a top public research and technology institute located in South Delhi. The Institute was established in 1961 and is one of the 23 IITs in India. 

  • At IIT Delhi, various undergraduate, postgraduate and Post-Doctoral programs are offered to eligible students. 
  • The institute is popular for its Engineering, Technology and Science programs.
  • IIT Delhi has done some popular research and attracts students from all over the world.
  • The Institute is listed under the QS World University Rankings .
  • Post-Doctorals are eligible to conduct research after they’ve completed their PhD from a reputed university. The post-doctoral fellowship is offered for research and training purposes and are expected to contribute their skills in teaching activities in their related field.
  • There are various benefits of doing a Post-Doctoral fellowship from IIT Delhi like as on-campus accommodation, PDA (Professional Development Allowance) every financial year, and others.
  • IIT Delhi annually invites applications for qualified candidates for various Post-Doctoral Fellow in different academic disciplines.

Also read – IIT Delhi And Queensland University’s Joint PhD Program

Indian Institute of Astrophysics

The Indian Institute of Astrophysics, abbreviated as IIA, is one of the premier research and technology institutes for Astrophysics, Astronomy and related disciplines in India. This institute was established in 1786 in Madras as the Madras Observatory. It was in 1971, when the name was changed to the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and relocated to Bangalore, Karnataka.

  • The objective of IIA is to make developments and enhance knowledge of astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation.
  • Research activities at IIA cover a wide range of topics like Celestial Bodies, interstellar medium, Cosmology or the study and evolution of the universe, etc.
  • The Post-Doctoral duration at IIA is of 12 months.
  • Once selected as a Post-Doctoral researcher at IIA, you will work in collaboration with members of the institute’s research group and will have the opportunity to lead research missions.
  • The benefits of Post-Doctoral at IIA include a fellowship of more than INR 35,000 per annum, house rent allowance and medica l insurance for you and your family.
  • Post-Doctorals at IIA play an important role in advancing Astrophysics and related disciplines in India.

Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research

The Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) are a leading group of public research institutes in India. These institutes are completely government-backed by the Ministry of Education, aiming to collegiate education in science and technology at various levels.

  • There are a total of 7 IISERs situated in different cities of India, namely Trivandrum, Tirupati, Berhampur, Pune, Kolkata, Bhopal, and Mohali.
  • The Parliament of India declared all these institutes as Institutes of National Importance in 2012.
  • Post-Doctoral at IISERs are open to candidates having an experience of 0 to 5 years after their PhD thesis.
  • Candidate must show evidence of conducting a high level of research in a specific field.
  • At IISERs, Post-Doctorals can work in collaboration and individually depending on the types of the research program and infrastructural aid or support needed for the activity.
  • IISERs make funded appointments for 24 months at a time which can extend up to a period of 36 months.
  • Short-listed candidates for Post-Doctoral fellowships are interviewed, which can be in person or online before the final selection is done.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)

IIT Madras is a prominent research and technical institute, situated in Chennai. IIT Madras was founded in 1959 after IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur.

  • IIT Madras offers UG, PG & Doctoral programs in different disciplines of science, engineering, technology and humanities .
  • Some of the popular research centres under IIT Madras are the Centre for Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research, the National Centre for Combustion Research and Development, and the Centre for Non-Destructive Evaluation.
  • Post-Doctoral opportunities at IIT Madras are available for candidates who have completed their PhD and are interested in building a career in research and teaching.
  • Women PhD scholars are also welcomed for the Post-Doctoral fellowships, which will allow them to endeavour to reconnect with their skills and career.

A post-doctoral researcher or postdoc is a person who is professionally qualified to conduct research after completing their PhD graduation or doctoral studies completed.

Some of the best Indian universities for post-doctorate are – the Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, IIT Bombay, IGIDR, IIT Delhi and IIT Madras. These are all leading public research institutes which are completely backed by the Government of India.

The oldest and first Indian Institute of Technology is the IIT Kharagpur, which was established in 1951. The Ministry of Education, Government of India, is the governing body of this public institute.

To become eligible for Post-Doctorate, you must have completed your PhD graduation from a recognised university. Some institutes also have an age limit and work experience. The age limit can go up from 45 to 50 years old.

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Our mission at HDAC of India is to recognize and honor exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to their profession, industry, or society as a whole.This statement describes our purpose and the reason why we exist.

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Our vision at HDAC of India is to be a nationally recognized and respected organization that celebrates and honors exceptional individuals who have made a positive impact on their communities and the world at large.

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We believe that by recognizing and honoring outstanding individuals, we can inspire others to achieve greatness in their respective fields and contribute to positive social change. We are proud to be a recognized non-profit organization approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

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About Our Council

A few words about the council.

Honorary Doctorate Award Council of India is a nationally recognized non-profit organization approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The organization was established on May 14, 2021, and is dedicated to recognizing and honoring exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to their profession, industry, or society as a whole.

  • Honorary Doctorate

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Reasons for Honorary Doctorates

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Why Choose Us


We provides honorary doctorates to deserving individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their respective fields.

Receiving an honorary doctorate is a recognition of one's achievements, and it brings prestige and honor to the recipient.

Career Advancement

An honorary doctorate can help recipients stand out in a competitive job market, especially in academia or research positions.

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  • M.Phil. (English) 2 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Doctorate of Medicine [MD] (Cardiology) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Doctorate of Medicine [MD] (Endocrinology) 2 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Doctorate of Medicine [MD] (Gastroenterology) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Doctorate of Medicine [MD] (Hematology) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Doctorate of Medicine [MD] (Hepatology) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Master of Philosophy [M.Phil] (Mechanical Engineering) 2 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Career Options & Jobs Syllabus Apply Now
  • Ph.D. (Bioinformatics) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
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  • M.Phil (Business Management) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • M.Phil. (Management) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Ph.D. (Business Administration) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
  • Ph.D. (Business Management) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
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  • Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
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  • Ph.D. (Genetics & Plant Breeding) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
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  • Doctor of Laws [LL.D.] 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Career Options & Jobs Syllabus Apply Now
  • M.Phil. (Law) 2 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Apply Now
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  • Ph.D. (Nursing) 3 YEARS Full Time Course Overview Syllabus Apply Now
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  1. A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

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  2. PhD Degree in India: PhD Admission 2024

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  3. A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

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  1. PhD in Foreign vs PhD in India #shorts #phd

  2. Engineering Degree

  3. Top 10 universities to try PhD admission

  4. Exams don’t define you!📝#exams #examsuccess #examtips #examprep #alevel #gcse #degreeexams #podcast

  5. Different types of PhD in India

  6. Top institutes in India to do a PhD degree #phd #science #education #gradschooltips #shorts


  1. PhD Study in India

    In most cases, the duration of a PhD in India is around three years. It's possible to study for longer, but some universities may set a maximum registration period for doctoral students - this is usually around five years, if so. ... To be eligible to study a PhD in India, you have to have a Masters degree in a relevant subject, usually with an ...

  2. PhD in India 2024

    To pursue a PhD in India, a candidate typically needs a postgraduate degree (Master's or equivalent) in a relevant field. It is important to note that specific eligibility criteria may vary between universities and disciplines. Additionally, universities often require candidates to clear entrance exams or interviews and meet minimum academic ...


    Face the PhD Doctoral Committee interview. Submit Research Proposal. Get Conditional PhD admission. Attend Pre-PhD course work. Now Start Doing PhD in real time after successful completion of all the above said process. Join in a State private university for an easier completion of PhD. Opt for full-time PhD in India to finish PhD easily in ...

  4. How to do PhD in India? A Complete PhD Course Roadmap to Aspiring

    In India, there are 5 common PhD degrees catering to various needs and circumstances. Let's explore them: Full-Time PhD. A full-time PhD in India is a regular PhD program that entails dedicated research conducted by students under the supervision of experienced mentors. The duration typically spans between 3 and 5 years.

  5. PhD Degree in India: PhD Admission 2024

    The duration of a PhD degree depends on the subject you choose and the university you apply to. A PhD admission in 2024 is a 3-year course, meaning you must complete it within five years or less. If you plan to study something like literature or science, it will take longer than if you want to study social sciences or humanities.

  6. How to Apply for PhD in India? PhD Enrollment Process India

    After you have thought about the points mentioned above, you can follow the steps mentioned below to apply for a PhD in India: Step 1 - You can either apply online or offline. Anyway, during the COVID-19 crisis, almost all the colleges/ universities are accepting only online applications. Step 2 - The online PhD admission form has to be ...

  7. PhD Admission in India 2024: Dates, Eligibility, Entrance Exams

    For PhD admission 2024, a Master's degree is required in India. Some universities in India offer seats to students having a minimum of 55% aggregate marks or equivalent. In some cases, doing an MPhil is a part of their PhD admission criteria to pursue courses offered by some universities.

  8. A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

    The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master's degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

  9. PhD: Full Form, Admission 2024, Courses, Degree, Entrance Exams

    There are 3 basic types of PhD Programmes in India. They include full time PhD, Part time PhD and Online PhD. Full-Time PhD. Full-Time PhD is a normal Doctor of Philosophy program. The duration of these programs ranges between 4 - 6 years. The cost of a full time Doctor of Philosophy program is the highest compared to other modes of PhD degrees.

  10. PhD Scholarships in India 2024: MHRD, Indian students, through GATE

    There are numerous fellowships in India given to the candidates pursuing a PhD degree in India. Most of the fellowships are given by the government of India, but there are other agencies as well. The minimum eligibility criteria to secure a PhD fellowship in India is acquiring a minimum of masters degree with at least 50% to 60% aggregate scores.

  11. Top PhD Colleges in India 2024: Ranking, Fees, Admission, Placement 2024

    The admission process may vary from college to college. Some of the popular Ph.D colleges in India are IITs, IIMs, Delhi University, and private universities like O.P. Jindal Global University, Amity University, Lovely Professional University and others. Apart from Ph.D courses, these colleges offer UG, PG, diploma and M. Phil courses as well.

  12. Easy Way To Get PhD In India- Approved By UGC & AICTE

    Out of those students, many are looking for an easy way to get a PhD in India. If you are searching for an easy way to get a PhD in India, you have come to the best place on the internet to seek the correct information. PhD in India - The Easiest Way. Many Indian students dream that they want to add the prefix 'Dr' to their names.

  13. PhD [Doctor of Philosophy]: Eligibility, Entrance Exams, Top Colleges

    PhD Eligibility Criteria . The eligibility criteria for pursuing a PhD is mentioned below: Those who hold a master's degree can enroll in doctoral programs. A Master's in Philosophy may be required to pursue a PhD in several fields. After graduation, the students should have a minimum GPA of 50-55 percent.

  14. 4-year UG Degree Holders Can Now Get Direct Admission to PhD: UGC

    The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released the new regulations allowing the 4-year-undergraduate programme students to directly pursue PhD after graduation. According to the UGC regulations, candidates who have completed their 4-year-undergraduate programme (FYUP) with a minimum 7.5 CGPA will be eligible to apply for PhD admissions ...

  15. PhD Degree In India: Programs Online, Fees, Eligibility 2024

    Fees that we need to pay to pursue A PhD In India. Fees of the program differ from university to university and specialization to specialization. However, fees for a government college lie between Rs. 10,000- Rs. 50,000 per annum. Whereas fees of a government college lie between Rs. 70,000 to 3.5 lakhs per annum.

  16. Easy Way to Get PhD in India

    Buying PhD degree is also available for an easiest PhD in India ( I don't suggest). How to do PhD in India easily as soon as the PhD notification comes is a big confusion for many aspirants. In order to do a PhD, fill in an online application from the university website and if the admission department satisfies the grades mentioned in the ...

  17. PhD Online: in India, Free, Fees, Admission, Programs 2024

    USD 2,000-5,000 or INR 1,45,200-3,63,000. Thebestschools.org $1,000 Online College Scholarships. Students achieving a certificated online university qualify for the reward, adding the students to online doctoral programs. The aspirants must hold a minimum 3.0 GPA and also achieve at least 80% online courses.

  18. Easy way to get a PhD in India

    Easy way to get a Ph.D. in India. Below are The Some Important Pointer: 1: Start early and research on available Ph.D programs: The first crucial step in making use of for a PhD is to perform a little research. make sure you apprehend the specific styles of doctorate degree on offer, together with eligibility and PhD how to observe for a PhD in ...

  19. Doctorate Course in India, Top Doctorate Course in India

    List of Doctorate Courses in India. The eligibility and procedures vary for different disciplines and universities. But generally for PhD Courses in India a candidate should have obtained a Master's degree from any recognized Government or private institution. Graduates with about ten to fifteen years' experience also can enroll online for ...

  20. Top 7 Post-Doctorate Universities in India

    There are many Indian universities that provide the opportunity of pursuing a post-doctoral degree to the PhD holders. Read this article to learn more about Post Doctorate in Indian Universities list. Program Name. Post-Doctoral. Names of Universities. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) IIT Bombay. IGIDRIIT Delhi. IIA.

  21. Honorary Doctorate Award Council

    Honorary Doctorate Award Council of India is a nationally recognized non-profit organization approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The organization was established on May 14, 2021, and is dedicated to recognizing and honoring exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to their profession ...

  22. Trainee

    Team Lead - CDM/PVQualification:Graduate/Post Graduate/ Doctorate degree in life sciences/Pharmacy/Medical sciences/Registered NurseResponsibility:Business/ Customer: Minimal Customer interaction under guidance. Understands Domain Process/sub process, functions, terminologies (such as SOP, QC checklists). For PV/Complaints Management Individuals in this role perform data entry of data received…

  23. List Of Phd courses

    Phd In India. > Courses. > Phd Courses. There are 258 courses which a person is eligible to pursue after Graduation. They can get admission in all the affiliated Universities spread across the states of Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, etc. There are 0 colleges that a student can take ...

  24. TCS Smart Hiring 2024

    Test Eligibility: Courses and Discipline: Full-time graduates from BCA, B.Sc (IT, Computer Science, Mathematics, Data Science, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Cyber Security, Biochemistry), B.Voc in CS/IT from the batch of 2023 & 2024 are eligible. Percentage: Minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters) of 50% or above or equivalent CGPA in each of 'Class 10th ...