Create A Resumé Link

Easily share your resumé online, a free way to showcase and share your resumé.

When it comes to sending your resume to prospective employers, modern job seekers have more options than the traditional envelope stuffing of yesteryear. Leverage Tiiny Hosts in-built analytics to optimise your resumé for employers based on real-time metrics.

How to share your resumé In 3 easy steps

resume url pdf format

1. Drag and drop your PDF resumé

Drag and drop the PDF resumé that you want to share.

resume url pdf format

2. Name your resumé link

Name the link you want to share your PDF resumé under.

resume url pdf format

3. Share With Recruiters

Click “launch” and that’s it! Your PDF resumé is ready to share with recruiters and agencies!

What else is there?

🔗 personalised link.

Say goodbye to random URLs. Choose your own unique and memorable link-name to share your resumé using a personalised URL.

📂️ Drag & Drop

Sharing your resumé couldn’t be easier. All you have to do with Tiiny Host is drag and drop your PDF resumé.

📊 Analytics

Automatically track and analyse who's viewing your CV or Resume

🔒 Password protection

Keep your resume private by restricting access with a password.

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Use us for free, no need to subscribe to a paid plan to share your resumé.

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Built upon Amazon Web Services, Tiiny Host provides a very reliable service to share your resumé.

Easier to share your resumé than popular hosting providers

resume url pdf format, 3 types of resumés you can share on tiiny host.

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Chronological Order Resumé

The traditional resumé and the one we’ve all been using since school. Work experience and education are typically listed chronologically on chronological resumes.

resume url pdf format

Skills Based Resumé

Focus on the abilities and qualities that employers in your specific industry value. If you’re an engineer or technical professional then this might be the CV format that recruiters want you to use.

resume url pdf format

Combination Resumé

You guessed it from the name. This approach see’s you combine the strengths of the aforementioned 2. You might use fonts and comments to highlight specific sought after skills throughout the document.

How to share your resumé PDF as a link with a recruiter

Static websites: the ultimate résumé solution.

In today’s competitive job market, having a unique and eye-catching résumé is more critical than ever. What better way to stand out than by creating your own professional résumé website?...

How To Share A PDF As A Link

Why would you want to create link to a pdf? Great question! It’s very common to share a PDF via email. However, that requires the recipient to download and save the PDF to view it. It’s also difficult to share a PDF to a large audience (100+) through email...

Frequently Asked Questions

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How to Create a Link to Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking for a way to easily share your resume with potential employers or clients? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you on how to create a link to your resume, making it accessible for anyone who wants to view it. Whether you are a job seeker, a freelancer, or simply want to showcase your skills, having a link to your resume can make a great impression. So, let’s dive in and learn how to create a link to your resume!

When it comes to creating a link to your resume, the process can seem daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be! With a few simple steps, you can have your resume link up and running in no time. In this article, we will walk you through the entire process, from choosing the right platform to uploading your document and generating the link. By the end of this article, you will have all the information you need to create a link to your resume effortlessly.

how to create a link to your resume

To create a link to your resume, you will need a platform that allows you to upload and store your document securely. There are many options available, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or LinkedIn. Choose a platform that you are comfortable using and that provides the necessary features for sharing your resume. Once you have selected a platform, follow the steps provided to upload your resume. Make sure to give your document a clear and concise name so that it is easy to identify.

In summary, creating a link to your resume is a simple and effective way to share your professional achievements and skills with potential employers or clients. By selecting the right platform, uploading your resume, and generating the link, you can ensure that your document is easily accessible to anyone who wants to view it. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a great impression – start creating your resume link today!

How to Create a Link to Your Resume

Let me share a personal experience with creating a link to my resume. When I was applying for jobs, I realized that sending my resume as an attachment in an email was not the most convenient way. Potential employers often prefer a more accessible format, and that’s when I discovered the power of creating a link to my resume. By simply storing my document on a cloud platform and generating a shareable link, I was able to reach a larger audience and increase my chances of securing interviews. Let me guide you through the process of creating a link to your resume step by step.

What is a Link to Your Resume?

A link to your resume is a URL that directs people to access and view your resume online. Instead of attaching your resume as a file, you can upload it to a secure cloud storage platform and generate a link that can be shared with anyone. This allows potential employers, clients, or recruiters to easily access your resume without the need for downloading or opening attachments. It provides a more professional and accessible way to showcase your skills and qualifications.

The History and Myth of Creating a Link to Your Resume

The concept of creating a link to your resume has evolved with the advancement of technology and the increasing use of online platforms for job searches and networking. In the past, job seekers would rely on physical copies of their resumes or send them via email as attachments. However, this approach had its limitations and often resulted in resumes being lost or overlooked. With the emergence of cloud storage platforms and online professional networks, it became easier for individuals to store and share their resumes digitally. Creating a link to your resume has now become the norm, revolutionizing the job application process.

The Hidden Secret of Creating a Link to Your Resume

Creating a link to your resume is not just about convenience – it also provides valuable insights into how your resume is being viewed and accessed. Many cloud storage platforms offer analytics and tracking features that allow you to see how many times your resume link has been clicked and by whom. This information can be invaluable when tailoring your resume to specific employers or measuring the effectiveness of your job search strategies. By leveraging this hidden secret, you can gain a competitive edge and make informed decisions about your career path.

Recommendation for Creating a Link to Your Resume

When it comes to creating a link to your resume, my top recommendation is to choose a platform that aligns with your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the platform’s security features, ease of use, and integration with other tools or platforms. Additionally, pay attention to the file formats supported by the platform and ensure that your resume is saved in a compatible format. By selecting the right platform, you can create a seamless experience for potential employers or clients who want to view your resume.

Creating a Link to Your Resume and Related Keywords

To create a link to your resume, follow these steps:

  • Select a cloud storage platform that suits your needs and sign up for an account.
  • Upload your resume file to the platform and make sure it is saved in a compatible format (e.g., PDF or Word document).
  • Once your resume is uploaded, locate the option to share or generate a link.
  • Click on the link generation option to create a direct URL to your resume.
  • Copy the generated link and test it by opening it in a new browser window to ensure it works correctly.
  • You can now share this link with potential employers, clients, or include it in your online profiles.

Tips for Creating a Link to Your Resume

When creating a link to your resume, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Choose a platform that provides a user-friendly interface and offers reliable security measures.
  • Ensure that your resume is saved in a widely supported file format, such as PDF or Word document.
  • Give your resume file a clear and professional name that reflects its content.
  • Regularly update your resume and keep the link up to date.
  • Enable analytics or tracking features to gain insights into who is viewing your resume.

Additional Information about Creating a Link to Your Resume and Related Keywords

When creating a link to your resume, it is essential to consider the accessibility and compatibility of the platform you choose. Depending on your industry or target audience, you may need to tailor your resume link to specific requirements or preferences. Additionally, keep in mind that sharing your resume link on various online platforms can increase your visibility and attract more opportunities. Stay proactive and take advantage of the power of a resume link.

Fun Facts about Creating a Link to Your Resume

Did you know that creating a link to your resume can save you time and improve your chances of getting hired? By eliminating the hassle of sending attachments and allowing potential employers to access your resume with a single click, you can make a lasting impression. Additionally, with the help of analytics and tracking features, you can gain valuable insights into how your resume is performing and adjust your job search strategies accordingly. So, don’t miss out on the fun and exciting benefits of creating a link to your resume!

How to Create a Link to Your Resume and Related Keywords

Now that you understand the importance and benefits of creating a link to your resume, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided earlier in this article to create your resume link effortlessly. Remember to choose the right platform, upload your resume, generate the link, and test its accessibility. By doing so, you will be one step closer to landing your dream job or attracting potential clients. Good luck!

What If You Don’t Know How to Create a Link to Your Resume?

If you are still unsure about how to create a link to your resume, don’t worry! There are plenty of resources available online that can provide detailed tutorials and guides. Additionally, reach out to your network or seek help from professionals in the field. Don’t let a lack of knowledge or experience hold you back – embrace the opportunity to learn and grow. With a little effort and determination, you will soon be creating your resume link like a pro!

Listicle of How to Create a Link to Your Resume

Creating a link to your resume is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Follow these steps to get started:

  • Choose a secure and user-friendly platform for storing and sharing your resume.
  • Upload your resume and ensure it is saved in a compatible file format.
  • Generate a shareable link and start sharing it with potential employers, clients, or include it in your online profiles.

By following these simple steps, you can create a link to your resume and increase your chances of success in the job market. So, don’t wait any longer – start sharing your resume link today!

Question and Answer

Q: Can I create a link to my resume if it is stored on my personal computer? A: Unfortunately, you cannot create a direct link to a resume stored on your personal computer. You will need to upload your resume to a cloud storage platform or professional networking site and generate a link from there.

Q: Are there any limitations to the file size of the resume when creating a link? A: The file size limit for creating a link to your resume depends on the platform you choose. Most cloud storage platforms have generous file size limits, but it’s always a good idea to check the platform’s specifications before uploading your resume.

Q: Can I password-protect my resume link to ensure its privacy? A: Yes, many cloud storage platforms offer the option to password-protect your resume link. This allows you to control who can access your resume and adds an extra layer of security to your document.

Q: Can I edit my resume after creating a link to it? A: Yes, you can edit your resume even after creating a link to it. Simply make the necessary changes to your resume file, upload the updated version to the platform, and the link will automatically reflect the changes.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on how to create a link to your resume. We hope that you found the information provided useful in your professional journey. Remember, creating a resume link can significantly enhance your chances of securing job opportunities and leaving a lasting impression on potential employers. Don’t hesitate to put your newfound knowledge into action and start creating your resume link today. Best of luck, and we hope to see you again soon!

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The Answer to: What's the Right Way to Include Links on Your Resume?

person on laptop

When I was applying for editorial jobs, I desperately wanted to show off all the stuff I’d written. Of course, some applications asked for writing samples . But many didn’t, and I had to wonder—was not sharing my work holding me back from landing jobs?

So, as the story goes (if you read this article’s title, that is), I decided to link to my portfolio and author pages on my resume.

But of course, I wasn’t entirely sure if this was something I could or was supposed to do. And, did I even do it right? And the bigger question I had was: Do hiring managers even like and look at them?

So, I reached out to Muse career coach and job search expert Clayton Wert for his thoughts. Luckily, I was in the clear:

It’s acceptable to use links in your resume, cover letter, or any form of the job application—assuming you’re submitting it online. I’m of the belief that 90% of applications are now online, and you should be adding links to your portfolio, your LinkedIn page, and possibly more depending on your industry and the type of work that you’ve done. It’s best to put as much out there as possible when applying to jobs, because attention is everything in the job search.

Wert, who works primarily in the tech space, says that it’s essential to show off your work if you’re an engineer: “It’s imperative that an employer or recruiter knows that you’ve built out various projects, and that they can easily click to and from them on your resume, cover letter, portfolio, etc.” But that doesn’t mean it’s not important for other fields as well—editorial, production, marketing, PR, design, to name a few. Even webinars or speaking engagements you were a part of are sometimes worth including. And, as Wert suggests, it’s helpful for anyone to list their LinkedIn if it contains more helpful information.

The most important thing is to link to your proudest and best work, as well as projects that are the most relevant to the role you’re applying to.

But it’s key to note how you’re presenting your links. Like your resume’s font or format (a.k.a., whether it’s a doc or PDF ), this element is crucial not only for attracting a hiring manager’s attention and making it easy for them to navigate your application, but also for looking polished and professional.

Wert says, “When including links, you should be hyperlinking the links on your materials. This means instead of the long URL strand, it should be a hyperlink. If you’re going in-person for an interview, or you’re at a networking event where you’ve brought your resume, the alternative should be the entire URL written out—but I would recommend staying away from that for a cleaner format.”

For example, here’s a before-and-after of what my own resume might look like:

With this, it’s probably smart to shorten and personalize your LinkedIn URL , and make sure your website has an appropriate domain name . is also a great, free resource for shortening long links.

If you’re struggling to decide what to include, or you have a variety of work you want to showcase, consider condensing them into a portfolio or personal website and including that link instead. Don’t scatter the page with an abundance of links—no recruiter’s going to open them all.

Where should you put them? Wert suggests that you “place your links in the header or beside your contact information .” That said, if they apply to a specific job or highlight some of the work you did at past companies, you can also place them under that role’s heading, like my resume above.

Finally, make sure you can actually click on them. Download your resume and have a friend test it out to be sure.

Like your resume bullets and list of accomplishments on your cover letter, links are another great way to show your potential and expertise—and there’s little risk in adding them into your application. But like any other aspect of your job search, just be sure they’re professional, relevant, and presenting the best image of you.

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Resume templates

Most jobseekers use resume formats & template while building their own. It is a quick and secure way to create your very own top-notch resume without inventing the wheel (a professional resume format) yourself.

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All the PDF resumes have been made with , an easy tool to build your resume online in minutes that come with many designs. You are welcome to scroll down to all our free Word Resume Templates.

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Google's free resume documents templates.

Google Doc’s is a great place to work on your resume. They have a small set of resume templates you can choose from and then easily edit to your needs. Google docs is great, becaus it saves all your files as whish: .docx, .pdf and many more extensions.

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Get the most out of our free resume templates.

Here are a few short tips for using curriculum vitae/cv templates, as they are also called, resourcefully. With these tips, you will get to your own and original resume in minutes:

  • Your touch Just because a template of a resume example is set up a certain way, does not mean you have to keep it this way. Play by your own rules and give the document some of your creativity. For example, play with the font, and add or remove a border. Divide sections of start combining them. By seeing more and more templates, you will get more ideas flowing through your brain.
  • Make your set-up Many people use the standard Microsoft Word templates, so to stand out you should use other templates (for example one of ours!). While you work your way through different ideas, you could take the best bits of all CV templates and combine them with your very own.
  • Use resume builders Job boards generally offer their own resume generators as a service for their subscribers. For some instances, this might be a good way to go, as quite some job applications go through these platforms. However, a fair resume generator can build you a more than a decent resume that will also not lose its shape when rendered to different sites and employers.

We crafted some basic and edgy templates for you to have a great starting point for your next dream job.  The examples are all made in Word , so they are easily adjusted to your needs and information.

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Professional Resumes

You are not certain if or what kind of style to use? A professional template is always a good choice. For any role, floor, manager, or CEO, with a professional resume, you show that you are correct, punctual, and doing the right thing. The perfect format for businesses that pre-auto scan their candidates.

  • Formal industries such as finance, banking, healthcare government, semi-government, law.
  • Workers with either a long or short work history.
  • All other industries are also a perfect match for a professional resume

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Avenir Resume

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Grey Resume

Modern resumes.

A modern template does well in industries and positions that have to be current with time. Great for non-traditional businesses and young people working environments.

  • Technology-, news-, media-, marketing-, culture-, branding- and sales sectors.
  • Consulting, finance, science and technical environments

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Creative Resumes

A creative template is there for creatives in the creative sectors, where a positive impression of your work is necessary. What is a better way than to start off by showcasing a creative resume? It serves the purpose of getting you noticed and not discarded before your resume is even being read.

Ideal for: 

  • Creative positions in all area’s and industries
  • Entertainment sectors
  • Content creators

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How to Download Your Resume from LinkedIn (3 Easy Ways with Steps)

Sarah Colley

3 Key Takeaways

  • LinkedIn offers two in-app ways to download your profile as a PDF resume.
  • One of the most common issues when downloading a resume directly from LinkedIn is formatting.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder features an easy way to import your LinkedIn profile page to create and optimize your resume.

Some companies include an option to import your LinkedIn profile for your job application. Aside from being sub-optimal for job seekers looking to position themselves as the ideal candidate for the job, this resume import feature along with the "easy apply" option (for jobs posted on LinkedIn) is not standard for job applications.

The majority of online applications still ask for a PDF upload of your resume, because it’s the format they're most familiar parsing within their ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

That's because in-house recruiters often use a tool to scan resumes for specific keywords that align with the job listing. Which means:

  • You need to customize your resume to line up with each job posting.
  • You need to have a PDF resume file . 

To use your existing resume, and not have to go through the hassle of creating one from scratch, you can use one of three methods to download your resume from LinkedIn:

How to Download Your Resume from LinkedIn

To clarify, LinkedIn isn’t a resume. 

Sure, it has your work history and the option to attach a resume, but it will not suffice for most applications without major edits. You can’t simply copy-paste your LinkedIn profile page URL and move on.

That said, there are a few easy ways to upload pre-existing work experience data from LinkedIn to save you time and energy.

Method 1 (easiest): Teal's LinkedIn to Resume feature

Downloading your LinkedIn profile from LinkedIn itself is easy too. More on that method later.

But what makes Teal the “easy method” is it requires only one click, and you get additional features you’ll need before sending out that resume—particularly, customization, ATS compatibility, and keyword matching.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for converting your LinkedIn profile to a resume with Teal:

  • Sign up for a free account with Teal. 
  • On the first page, you’ll see a three-step process for getting started, including "Save a Job", "Import your Resume", and "Apply for Jobs."
  • Select "Import your Resume" and a pop-up window appears. 
  • Navigate to your LinkedIn profile and select "View Profile" in the top right corner and grab the URL. Copy and paste the URL into the input bar on the pop-up in Teal. Hit “Import your LinkedIn profile."

how to download resume from linkedin

That’s it! It’s essentially just grabbing your LinkedIn profile URL and putting it in the right field. Once uploaded, Teal organizes the data into sections you can shift around, select and deselect, edit, and so on.

Teal resume template

It doesn’t just create an ATS-friendly resume straight from LinkedIn by checking it against keywords you should use for a particular job title. Nor does Teal simply make a resume that looks professional.

Teal's Matching Mode feature checks the job listing you’re applying for, and makes it simple and easy to customize your resume to match that posting.

If you already have a Teal profile and need to reimport your LinkedIn profile, you can:

  • Click on the “Resume Builder” tab on the left sidebar.

Teal resume builder

  • Hit the “Menu” tab next to the “New Resume” button.
  • Tap “Import Resume or LinkedIn” from the drop down menu.

upload resume from linkedin

  • Append or overwrite your information.

replace previous profile sections

How is Teal better than creating your own resume from scratch?

If you’ve ever created a resume from scratch —and if you’re here it’s likely because you’re avoiding doing that very thing—you know how long it takes.

You don’t know what keywords to use, unless you carefully comb the listing yourself. You have to painstakingly adjust your resume, research best formatting, and adjust for every single job listing.

And, don’t forget, you may not know if recruiters are even reading your resume correctly because you may not understand whether or not your resume is ATS compatible (tip: no images!).

Method 2 (fastest): Linkedin to PDF format

There are actually two processes for downloading your resume as a PDF file from LinkedIn. Both are simple and quick. The first is just two easy steps:

  • Click on your LinkedIn profile, and select “More” in your profile header.
  • Click “Save PDF”

dropdown menu linkedin

This method is perhaps the easiest, and LinkedIn even adds a nice side bar of color for a little flair. 

LinkedIn to pdf

While it is nice to have a resume automatically created with formatting and a summary, it doesn’t exactly read like a resume. 

The summary is too long, and being that it’s a PDF, it’s not easy to edit without doing a conversion first. And conversions of PDFs don’t always retain their formatting. You might end up doing more work in the long run than you would simply making a resume from scratch, or uploading it to Teal.

Method 3 (longest): LinkedIn to Resume Builder to PDF format

The second option LinkedIn offers is five steps.

  • Log in to LinkedIn and click the “Jobs” tab (suit case icon on mobile).
  • Select “Resume Builder" from the sidebar.

linkedin resume builder

  • A pop-up will appear. Click “Create from profile."
  • The page will refresh and you’ll see another pop-up asking you to type in or select your desired position. Enter and click “Apply."

job description keywords

  • Hit "Download resume as PDF" to save it to your computer.

how to download resume from linkedin as pdf

You should see the PDF file in the downloads folder of your computer. If you go back to the resume builder tab, you’ll also see recent resumes there, in case you need to easily download it again.

While this is designed to be as easy as possible, there are some downfalls to directly downloading or saving your resume from LinkedIn. 

Common issues when downloading your resume from LinkedIn (and how to avoid them)

The biggest downfall of downloading your resume directly from LinkedIn is the formatting.

How you input your information into LinkedIn matters as it will appear the exact same way on your resume file.

Note: If you want to optimize your LinkedIn profile to appear in more job searches by hiring managers for a particular job, Teal's Chrome extension includes a free LinkedIn Profile Reviewer. Learn more: LinkedIn Profile Review with a Chrome Extension ).

In fact, if you don’t create your LinkedIn profile exactly like you would a resume, you’re guaranteed to need changes to your PDF file for it to appear professional and be parsed correctly by the ATS.

Beyond that, there is the fact you’re downloading a PDF version of your resume. So, if you do want to make some changes, you’re going to have to convert it into a word processing file format first, or purchase the premium version of Adobe Acrobat. 

Companies will not reach out and ask for another resume. They will simply exclude you from the candidate pool. 

Here’s what a downloaded LinkedIn resume looks like using the five simple steps above: 

linkedin resume

There are other downfalls, too.

If you don’t have a premium LinkedIn subscription (which starts at $29.99/ month for a LinkedIn Premium Career membership), you can’t choose which sections appear in your downloaded resume. 

linkedin section

Lastly, LinkedIn has only made downloading your resume possible if it’s in English. This makes it a very limited tool for a good chunk of LinkedIn users. 

How to customize your LinkedIn-downloaded resume for every application (and why)

If you’re looking at the example above, or you’ve already downloaded your resume from LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed the formatting isn’t great.

That’s just one reason to customize your resume, but there’s a much larger and more important reason:

You need to tailor your resume to every job. It’s time consuming. It’s painstaking. It feels like a full-time job by itself. But customizing your resume to fit the job listing is the best way to improve your job search.

Because hiring managers are filtering resumes by specific keywords and qualifications in their application trackers to look for required skills and past experiences.

Now you’re thinking, “but if I just write down everything I did within that job, it should automatically work, right?"

Maybe. But you don’t want to bank on maybe. They may be looking for your skillset but looking for synonyms of the skills you listed. You want to increase your chances of outshining the competition for that role. One way to do that is to ensure you’re the best match.

How do you customize your resume for each job at scale?

There are several things you need to do to tailor your resume for each opportunity:

  • Scan the job descriptions for any keywords, phrases, or tasks that particularly jump out. Naturally incorporate these throughout your resume.
  • Research your potential employers for any language they commonly use, targets they want to hit, industries or customers they speak to that you may have experience working with, etc.
  • Adjust the language to be more action based, personalized, and of course, inclusive of keywords used in the job description.

It sounds like a lot, and it really can be if you don’t have the right tools in place.

Teal's Matching Mode feature speeds up the process by identifying the keywords to include for each job, then helping you naturally weave them into your resume.

When using Teal’s AI Resume Builder, each bullet point and section of your resume become moveable objects. You can select or deselect, and organize each sentence to your liking, to create your resume.

What makes this a time saver is that you can ask its AI to instantly write and rewrite several sentences or bullet points to summarize work you’ve done throughout your career, and simply select the ones you need to match the job listing.

profile section linkedin

For instance, you might be applying for a Content Director position at a company that requires some experience in content production and social media. The next application might also be for a Content Director position, but they may be looking for more reporting experience. 

You could have experience in all of the above, and create bullet points within both your LinkedIn profile and the Resume Builder. The latter allows you to shift those points around, and exclude or include only what’s relevant to recruiters.

Ready to use Teal’s LinkedIn to Resume feature and start customizing your resume with Teal’s AI Resume Builder? Sign up for Teal for free .

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i customize the format of my resume after downloading it from linkedin, will downloading my resume from linkedin include my entire profile information, is it possible to download my linkedin recommendations along with my resume.

resume url pdf format

Sarah Colley

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  • Resume & CV

25+ Export to PDF Format Resume Templates (Free + Premium Designs 2024)

Brenda Barron

Creating your resume in a PDF format is a great way to ensure everyone can open and see your resume. It doesn't matter what operating system or office software they’re using. 

Minimal Resume For PDF Export

Thankfully, there are several applications that allow you to create and easily export your resume to PDF format. 

In this article, we’ll show you many free resume templates that you can work with quickly to customize them, export them to PDF, and send them in with your job application. We'll also share some top resume templates for PDF from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver .

Best PDF Format Resume Templates on Envato Elements (With Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements is the best place to find PDF format resume templates. It's a premium subscription service. Once you subscribe and pay the low monthly fee you get unlimited downloads of PDF resume templates, photos, fonts, and other add ons that you can use in your project.

Envato Elements

Envato Elements is a great value if you're in the creative field and will use templates and add ons for your project. Since you get unlimited downloads you can try out different templates and choose the best for your current project.

Envato Elements

You might be thinking how is this better than a free resume PDF template? Premium templates from Envato Elements have more features that allow you to customize your resume more. These templates have been professionally designed to impress the reader. Premium templates come with features such as illustrations, charts, and icons.

If you prefer buying individual items, stop by GraphicRiver.  It's got thousands of design assets,  resume templates  included. Pay for each item you want to download and use. 

5 Premium Beautiful PDF Resume Templates on Envato Elements

Before we dive into the free resume templates, let’s look at a few examples of premium resume templates available on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. 

Here are some of our best-selling resume PDF templates :

1. Resume CV - Modern PDF Resume Template

Resume CV - Modern PDF Resume Template

The Resume CV template is a beautiful and modern resume template. It's got two resume pages and comes with a matching cover letter and references page. Edit the template in InDesign, Word, and Pages. Each version can easily be exported to PDF. This is a great resume example for PDF.

2. Rye CV Resume - Beautiful Resume Template in PDF Format

Rye CV Resume - Beautiful Resume Template In PDF Format

The Rye CV resume is sure to make you stand out thanks to the attention-grabbing header area. The template includes a one-page resume, a matching cover letter, and portfolio page. All can be edited in InDesign. This is better than any resume format download in PDF that you find for free. 

3. Resume/CV Template - Bold Resume Template for PDF Export

ResumeCV Template - Bold Resume Template for PDF Export

If you want a resume template that’s not only easy to edit but also stands out, check out the resume/CV template. It comes with a one-page resume and features a bold design. Edit it with Illustrator before exporting it to a PDF resume/CV template.

4. Creative Resume - Minimalist Resume Template in PDF Format

Creative Resume - Minimalist Resume Template in PDF Format

This creative resume template has a minimalist design and can be edited in Photoshop or Illustrator. It's got two total pages, image placeholders, and well-organized layers. Consider this resume example for PDF.

5. Resume - Elegant Export to PDF Resume Template

Resume - Elegant Export to PDF Resume Template

This elegant resume template comes with a resume, portfolio, and a cover letter. Edit the resume in Photoshop, Word, InDesign, and Illustrator before exporting to PDF. The template also has well-organized layers and one-click color changes.

5 Premium Beautiful PDF Resume Templates on GraphicRiver

 GraphicRiver has thousands of design assets, resume templates included, here are some of the best:

1. Resume - Clean Resume for PDF Export

Resume - Clean Resume for PDF Export

This clean resume template can easily be edited in Photoshop. Change colors and fonts. Then export it to PDF. You'll also find a matching cover letter.  This is much better than any resume format download for PDF that you download for free.

2. Resume - Minimal PDF Resume Template

Resume - Minimal PDF Resume Template

This resume template has a minimalistic design and a two-column layout. Easily include a list of your skills in the sidebar and even include your profile photo. Edit the template in Word, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Then export the resume to PDF format. Easily convert this resume example to PDF as needed.

3. Resume - Amazing Resume Template for PDF Export

Resume - Amazing Resume Template for PDF Export

If you’re looking for an elegant and creative design, try this resume template. It's got a two-column layout and features elegant typography that’s sure to make your resume stand out. It also includes a matching cover letter. You can edit the template in Word, Illustrator, and Pages.

4. Resume - Simple Resume Template

Resume - Simple Resume Template

Here’s a resume template that's easy to edit. It allows you to not only share details about your education and experience, but also your skills and achievements. Use Word, Illustrator or Photoshop to customize the template before exporting it to PDF.

5. Resume - Format Great for PDF

Resume Format For PDF

Consider this attractive resume template for PDF if you want a resume that grabs attention. Easily tweak the colors to your liking. You'll also get a matching cover letter. Edit the template in Photoshop, Illustrator, PowerPoint, and Word.

The above templates represent just a small collection of all the templates we've got available on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. If you need more inspiration for your resume design or want to see more premium templates, be sure to check out these roundups:

resume url pdf format

18+ Free Resume Templates Ready for PDF Format

Before looking for free PDF resume or CV templates on the web, check Envato's free offerings first. Try out various premium template files (not always resume PDFs at no cost to you.

Here's the deal:

Every month Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected files, (fonts, presentations, videos, and more). Create a free account to download this month's free premium files now.

Or try Envato Market for free. They offer seven handpicked monthly freebies. Log in with your Envato Market account to get this month's handpicked premium freebies . 

If you’re on a budget or fresh out of college and about to start your job hunt you may have to consider free resume PDF templates. If you’re looking for a free PDF resume template, there are dozens of free resume formats for PDF available online. Here are over 18 of the best free resume templates for 2024:

1. Free Clean Resume Template

Free Clean Resume Template

This free resume PDF template has a clean design and comes with a matching cover letter. You can edit the template with Illustrator and Photoshop and then export it to PDF and send it along with your job application.

2. Free Resume and CV Template

Try this free resume template if you want a clean and simple design. The template is easy to edit in Photoshop. Easily showcase your past experience and education and include a list of your skills. 

3. Free Resume Template in PDF

This free resume PDF template was made in Sketch and can easily be exported to the PDF format. It’s a good choice for someone working in the design industry and it also includes a handy resume summary section.  

4. Clean Minimal PDF Resume

Clean Minimal PDF Resume

This free resume template has a minimalistic design with a subtle blue header that makes your contact information easy to see. The template can be edited in Photoshop and can be exported to PDF. 

5. Free Stylish Resume Template in PDF Format

Consider this free template if you want a stylish design. The template has a two-column layout. You can even include your profile photo. Edit the template with Illustrator, Photoshop, and Word. Then export it as PDF.

6. Modern Resume for PDF Export

Modern Resume For PDF Export

If you’re on the lookout for a general resume template, this modern resume is a good starting point. Customize the design to your liking in Photoshop and then export the design to PDF. 

7. Line Resume PDF Template

This free resume PDF template has a bold and creative design, which is a good starting point if you’re applying for a job in the creative industry. Edit the template in Photoshop. 

8. Free Formal Resume Template in PDF Format

Free Formal Resume Template in PDF Format

This formal resume template is a good starting point if you’re applying for a job in a corporate and traditional setting. It's got a two-column layout and can be customized in Word. It also includes a cover letter.

9. Universal Resume Template for PDF Export

This universal resume template can be used in any job industry and edited in Photoshop. Tweak colors and fonts and then export it to PDF. The template includes well-organized layers and smart objects.

10. Colorful Resume Template

This colorful resume template includes both the colorful and black and white version so you can pick and choose which one to use. Edit the template in Photoshop. It's got enough space to include education, experience, skills, and even a profile photo. 

11. Professional PDF Resume Template

Try this resume template if you’re looking for a template with a professional design. The template can be customized with Adobe Photoshop and it's got well-organized layers. 

12. Free Resume Template With Clean Design

This free resume PDF template has a clean design and three different color variations that you can use as a starting point for your resume. Customize it with Photoshop and then export it as PDF.

13. Resume Template

This free resume template has a modern and professional design that can be edited in Photoshop, InDesign, Word, and Illustrator. You can change colors, add your experience, education, and skills. Then export the finished resume design to PDF format.  

14. Free Clean Resume for PDF Export

Free Clean Resume for PDF Export

One of several free resumes, this simple and clean resume has a one-column design and thin lines that act as dividers. Edit it in Word and then export it to PDF and send it with your job application.

15. Two-Column Free PDF Resume Template

Try this resume template if you want to be able to include your headshot on the resume. The template follows a two-column layout and can be edited with Word. 

16. Free Resume Template With Icons

Let your resume stand out in the resume pile by using icons creatively on your resume template. This free resume PDF template will help you achieve that. Plus, you can edit it with Word. 

17. Corporate Free Resume Template

If you want a more corporate look and feel, try this resume template with a blue header. It's got a one-column layout and plenty of space for your education and experience. Edit it in Word and export it to PDF easily. 

18. Minimalist Free Resume

Minimalist Free Resume

If you love a minimalistic approach to design, try this resume template. It can be edited in Illustrator and you can tweak colors and fonts as well as the header photo. The template has well-organized layers.

19. Free Resume Template in PDF Format

This resume template can be edited in Illustrator. You'll find a two-column layout with neatly placed dividers and headers that separate resume sections. Change the colors and the fonts and then export the finished resume to PDF format. 

How to Customize Your PDF Resume Template

Now that you've looked at some templates here are some tips on how to customize your resume template. This is the premium PDF resume template that we'll use in the tutorial. Download it if you'd like to follow along or use a resume of your choice.

PDF Resume Template

Here's an unedited version of page two of the template.

PDF Resume Template

Let's begin:

1. How to Add an Image

Some resumes have a place for you to add an image of yourself to the resume template. Add the image by clicking on the Insert tab in the toolbar. Next click on the arrow next to the Illustrations button. In the menu that drops down click on the Insert Picture button.

How to Add an Image

From the menu that drops down choose the option of where your image is located. Next double click on the image you've chosen. Then resize the image to fit the template.

2. How to Align Your Text

When adding your information to the text it's easy to accidentally make it so the text isn’t in neat line. Aligning your text will make it look nicer. Begin by highlighting the text that you want to align. To align your text, click on the Layout tab in the toolbar.

How to Align Your Text

Next click on the arrow next to the Align Objects button. Clicking on this arrow will cause a menu to drop down. From this drop-down menu select the option that fits how you want your text to be aligned. After you select that option your text is aligned.

3. How to Change Font Color

To change the text color, highlight the text that you want to change the color of. On the Home tab click the arrow next to the Font Color button. Next, select the color that you want to make the text.

How to Change Font Color

Being able to change the font color allows you to customize your template more. You're able to choose colors that you like or that work for your project.

4. How to Change the Font

First, highlight the text that you want to change the font of. You'll know that the right text is selected when you see a box and handles around the text. Next, click the arrow next to the Font box. Once you click that arrow a menu will drop down. Select a new font style from the menu.

How to Change the Font

5 Best Resume PDF Trends in 2024

If you're creating a resume, you need one that stands out. Here are five current resume PDF trends that'll help your resume look professional:

1. Include a Resume Introduction

Resume Introductions are important because they're the first thing the hiring manager will read on your resume template PDF. A resume introduction is the first part of your resume and gives an overview of why you’re perfect for the job and what job you’re applying to.

There are four different types of resume introductions that you can use. For more information on the four types of introductions that you can use in your resume template PDF read this article:

resume url pdf format

2. Use a Personal Brand Statement

How you describe yourself in your PDF CV template is important. You don’t want to use the same generic phrases as everyone else. You want to use phrases that'll make you memorable.

To learn how to create a memorable brand statement for your PDF CV template, review this helpful article:

resume url pdf format

3. Use Chronological Order

A chronological order resume PDF has your most recent employment followed by your previous job and on back until your first job. Chronological order resume format is the most popular format.

To find out whether chronological order resume format is right for you and to understand the structure of a chronological resume, check out this article:

resume url pdf format

4. Tailor Your Resume to the Job

When creating a resume format PDF, it's best to tailor it to the job you’re applying to. Tailoring your resume format PDF to the job you’re applying to is a good way to get noticed by the hiring manager.

A tailored resume is more professional because it shows the hiring manager that you care about the job you’re applying to. For more information on how to tailor your resume read this article:

resume url pdf format

5. Try a Single Page Resume

Single page resume PDFs are the most common resume trend. Hiring managers have a lot of resumes to go through. They often won’t go through several page resume PDFs.

So, it's best to try to condense your resume so that it fits on a single page. For tips on how to make your resume fit on one page, study this article:

resume url pdf format

5 Quick Resume Design Tips for 2024 Jobs

Here are some resume design tips to help you get started on customizing it:

1. Use Columns

Using columns on your PDF resume template make your resume more organized. Columns also help fill up the white space on your resume. Filling up the white space means that you can get more information on your resume. (But be careful not to make it cluttered.)

Column Resume

2. Create a Personal Brand

Create a logo for your brand. You can also choose which colors you want to be a part of your brand. Make sure that your logo and the colors you use are consistent on your business card, cover letter, and resume. With a personal brand your resume will look more professional.

3. Use a Bold Header

In the heading of your resume include your name and contact information. A bold heading on your PDF resume template draws attention to that important information.  This makes that information more memorable for the reader.

Bold Header Resume

4. Add a Pop of Color

A PDF design template trend is to have a minimal resume with just a pop of color. Most of the time the pop of color is used to highlight important information that you want to stand out to the reader. Minimal templates with a pop of color are bold enough that they'll catch the reader's attention without being distracting.

5. Use Infographics

Using infographics on your PDF design template is a trend that'll help anyone with data on their resume. Having an infographic shows the reader your data in an interesting way. For example, a lot of resumes have infographics in the skills section to emphasize skills.

Infographic Resume

More Resume Templates

If you didn't see a resume that you wanted to download don't give up. Here are some articles that feature more resumes:

resume url pdf format

5 Benefits of Using the Best PDF Resume Templates with Pro Designs (In 2024)

Are you still unsure about using a premium CV template PDF? Are you wondering about the value of using a template over using a free PDF resume templates?

Here are five reasons that you should use a premium CV template PDF:

  • It’s a timesaver . When you use a premium CV template for a PDF you’re starting with a pre-built base. All you need to do to the base is add your information and any customizations that you want.
  • Premium templates stand out . Premium templates are built by a professional designer. So premium resume templates for PDFs have a better-looking end result than what the average user can design.
  • Ideas are built into the template . Premium CV template PDFs come with prebuilt sections that you add your information into. The prebuilt sections are great way to make sure that you don’t forget an important section of your resume.
  • Templates are still customizable . Just because you’re using a premium CV template for a PDF doesn’t mean that you’re giving up on customization. All templates can be changed to include your personal details.
  • CV template PDFs are unique . Not only do CV template PDFs stand out, but they're unique. Most people won't use a CV template for a PDF. Instead, they'll design their own resume. But because of the uniqueness and professional design of your template, your resume will be memorable.

Benefits of Envato Elements (The Power of Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements

Envato Elements is a subscription service. Pay a low flat-rate price and you’ll get access to thousands of templates and more in the membership.

Sign up for Envato Elements and you’ll get unlimited use of templates, graphics, and more. Choose from fonts to presentation templates—all for one low price.

Common Resume Questions Answered (FAQ)

After you've chosen your resume template PDF you might have questions. Here are some common questions about resumes (and the answers):

1. Do I Need a Reference Page?

Needing a reference page depends on what the job listing says. In most cases you don’t include references. If the job you’re applying to asks for references don’t worry. Here's an article that tells you what to do:

resume url pdf format

2. I've Got a Lot of Experience. How Do I Show It on My Resume?

You want to show the place that you’re applying to that you're experienced. But you don’t want to overwhelm them with a long list of experience. You also don’t want your resume to be too long. For more tips for experienced workers, check this article out: 

resume url pdf format

3. Should I Put My Address on My Resume?

No. Most places don’t require an address on your resume because it's a security risk. But it's customary to add your phone number and email on your resume so that the recruiter or hiring manager has a way to reach you. For more information about adding an address to your resume, read: 

resume url pdf format

4. The Job I'm Applying for Wants Me to Email My Resume. What Should I Do?

Many jobs are requiring applicants to email in their resume instead of mailing it or delivering it in person. When emailing your resume first you’ll want to create a professional resume and cover letter. For the next steps, this article has more information: 

resume url pdf format

5. Do I List My Promotions and Certificates on My Resume?

If you've got a lot of promotions and certificates it can be harder to list them because you don’t want them to fill up your resume. Some promotions or certificates might not be worth listing on your resume. But if they're related to the job you're applying to, you should include them.

Find out more about which promotions and certifications to list in this article:

resume url pdf format

Learn More About Making a Professional Resume

Creating a professional resume starts with a great template. But you still have to make sure that you format the resume properly and include all the necessary and relevant information. 

If you’re looking to take your resume to the next level, we've got plenty of tutorials that'll help you learn more about making a professional resume . Here are a few suggested tutorials to get you started:

resume url pdf format

Create a Professional Resume in PDF Format Today

With a professional and attractive resume in PDF format anyone can see your resume no matter which operating system or office software they're using. 

If you’re looking for a resume template that's easy to export to PDF, check out our premium and attractive PDF resume/CV templates on Envato Elements and get access to thousands of other design assets. 

But if you want to buy a single template, be sure to take a look at all the available resume templates we've got over on GraphicRiver. 

No matter which template you choose, you'll be able to create a stunning resume and export it to PDF so take action today.

Editorial Note : Our staff updates this post  regularly— adding new professional resume templates with the best designs.

Brenda Barron

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How To Make A Resume PDF (And When To Use It)

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  • Best Resume Writing Services
  • Things To Avoid On A Resume
  • Resume Paper To Use
  • What To Include In A Resume
  • How To Write A Bio
  • How To Write A Personal Statement
  • Lied on Your Resume?
  • Avoid Age Discrimination
  • Words and Phrases You Shouldn't Include in Your Resume
  • How Many Skills Should You List On A Resume
  • Send A Resume As A Pdf
  • Resume Critique
  • Make A Resume Stand Out
  • Resume Spelling
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  • How To List Projects On A resume
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Resume Bullet Points

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Before computers, people used to print their resumes and submit them in person or through the mail. Now, most people submit their resumes by uploading them to a website or emailing them. As a result, saving your resume as the right file type is important for making sure employers can read it as you wrote it.

One of the best ways to do this is by saving your resume as a PDF, and in this article, we’ll talk about what that means, why you should make a resume PDF, and how to do this.

Key Takeaways

A resume PDF is simply your resume saved as a PDF file.

Saving your resume as a PDF protects your formatting, resists alterations, and plays well with automation.

Use a resume PDF file when it’s requested or when you’re sending your resume as an email attachment.

How To Make A Resume PDF (And When To Use It)

What Is a Resume PDF?

Benefits of using a pdf for your resume, how to create a resume pdf, how to choose a resume file format, when to use a resume pdf file, tips to make sure you always send your resume in the right format, resume pdf faq, final thoughts.

  • Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs

A resume PDF is simply your resume formatted as a PDF file. PDF stands for portable document format, and it’s a type of file for your computer. It was created in 1993 by Adobe and has been used ever since to present documents, text, and images in a universally compatible manner. This means that what you create can be opened by just about anyone, and they see it the way you intended it to appear.

Writing your resume on a Word document is excellent. In fact, it’s a good starting point for anyone. It’s an easy platform to manipulate, and you can make changes until you have the wording just right. Then it’s time to put it into a PDF.

Wait a minute – you’ve seen that before. It’s true. If you’ve been looking for jobs on Zippia , you may have seen employers asking for a resume PDF.

Why would you want to use a PDF for your resume? It’s a little extra work, after all. Well, the benefits might be worth it.

No spelling and grammar highlights. Once your resume is in tip-top condition, meaning there are no actual spelling and grammatical errors, you can move it to a PDF. In a Word doc, you’ll see that terms can be highlighted, even when they’re correct. Anyone out there with an unusual spelling for their name knows what I’m talking about.

Universal and clean formatting. First of all, PDFs can be opened by all systems. This is true of Word docs, too (basically). The problem is that Word documents don’t retain their formatting if a different program is used to open them, but PDFs do. So, all the hard work you put into making your resume look amazing is intact with a PDF. Your Word document may come out all jumbled and, frankly, look horrible.

Safe and secure. PDF attachments are very safe and not prone to viruses. This makes the person receiving it feel much better about opening it. What good is a resume if someone is afraid to look at it?

PDFs resist alterations. A couple of wrong clicks while distracted and your entire Word document resume can be erased or altered. Not so with a PDF. Sure, this doesn’t happen often, but it could.

Plays well with automation. This isn’t something you want to hear, but most resumes don’t even get viewed by human eyes. Ugh – all that work, and they go right into an automated program. The program then picks out resumes best suited for the job based on the keywords in them.

Then, if you’re lucky, you get moved along to a human. It’s the sad and very true state of applying for a job these days. The good news is that a PDF resume works well with these automated programs.

If you now feel that you need to have a functional resume in a Word file and a PDF file, then you’re probably right. Having both is so useful when applying for jobs and even when filling in resume forms online.

Tip: Upload the Word document resume for online form auto fill-ins. It tends to work better.

A Word document is easy to make. You use the program all the time, and it’s second nature. But creating a perfect resume for your next job interview on a PDF is new for many people. It’s also different, depending on the program or system you’re using. In general, the following should help you convert your resume into a PDF.

Microsoft Word Resume to PDF

With resume document open

Click on “File” in the upper left-hand corner

Click on “Export” in the dropdown menu

It will then let you export your resume into a PDF

Name the file

Click “Publish”

Google Docs Resume to PDF

With your resume open in Docs

Scroll down and click “Download”

It will open another dropdown that will have the PDF option – click that

Apple Pages Resume to PDF

Select “File” from the menu

Pick “Export To” from the menu

Select “PDF” from the menu

Okay, so there are many benefits to formatting your resume in a PDF file so you can boost your chances in your job search . But is that really the way to go? It depends. So, pay close attention to these tips.

Job posting. Did they ask for a PDF? If so, you obviously use one, but if the job listing asked for another type of resume formatting, then that’s what you want to use. Some of them do specify, so it pays to look for that detail.

Your structure. Your preferences can also make a difference. If you have a structure that’s not straightforward, it will work best when it’s in a PDF. As mentioned above, the PDF holds its formatting, so all your effort in creating a great resume doesn’t go out the window.

Only Word doc or PDF. Did you have a friend with graphic design skills make a professional resume for you? It looks amazing, but they used InDesign, Photoshop, Pages, or one of many other formats. We’re sorry to say that you should dump this resume and pick either Word or a PDF. It’s the automation again; images simply cannot be read.

In person. Wait, are you actually dropping off a resume in person ? That’s awesome! Almost no one does that anymore, and it can really be impressive. Even mailing one can surprise some hiring managers. In these situations, you might want to use that snazzy resume from your graphic designer friend.

It comes down to using a PDF or a Word document. Those are the two best options in virtually every situation. So how do you decide?

It’s requested. If the employer says that you need to supply them with a resume in a PDF, then this is what you’ll do. If the job listing doesn’t specify, you can try to call and ask someone in their HR department . Or you can just choose whichever one you prefer.

You’re sending an email attachment. Many resumes are sent as email attachments . A PDF is safer and usually won’t be flagged with a warning. A Word document may not pass the company security muster, and rather than getting to the desk it needs to, it’ll be ignored.

Still not sure how to send your resume? Here are some of our tips to make applying for a job more manageable, and save you some time, too.

Create a Word Resume

Convert that resume into a PDF

Keep both on file

Update them (yes, both of them) every time something changes professionally

Date updated resumes in the file titles, so you always know which one is most recent

Use the Word document when you need to fill in an on-website application that gives you an auto-fill feature when you upload your resume

Use the PDF when a job listing specifically asks for one

Use a PDF when you’re attaching your resume to an emailed cover letter

If you’re using a recruiter or a headhunter , ask them what format they prefer

When in doubt, if it’s possible, ask what format the prospective employer prefers

If you still can’t decide, it might be time to flip a coin. It’s best not to send both, even though it’s tempting. Pick one and go with it.

How can I edit my resume in PDF format?

You can edit your resume in PDF format by editing the original document and then converting it into another PDF.

For example, if you wrote your original resume on a Word document, you’d need to make changes in that Word document and then export it as a PDF again. Just make sure you clearly label your most recent PDF with the date so you don’t accidentally submit an old version.

What color looks best on a resume?

Black, white, and blue look best on a resume. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use any other colors, but if you’re in doubt, blue, white, and black are all safe and professional colors.

Should I submit my resume in Word or PDF?

You should submit your resume in Word if you’re uploading it online and as a PDF if you’re emailing it.

Many automated systems read Word documents better, so uploading your resume in this format is the best bet if you’re submitting an online application — as long as the company didn’t request a PDF.

If you’re emailing someone your resume, a PDF is typically the best choice since it will protect your formatting.

Resumes really haven’t changed much, ever. An awesome resume is still going to knock the socks off your prospective employer.

In a typical resume , you’re going to have an area that gives your personal information so they know who you are and can contact you. A part of the resume will be dedicated to your education and training. And the most important section will detail your past jobs, duties, and qualifications .

One of the most significant changes to resumes in the last three or four decades is the format. Resumes were once meticulously typed on luxurious paper that was thick and spoke of quality.

If you were feeling a little bold, you chose a slightly tinted color for your resume and cover letter , and, of course, you had to have a matching envelope. The stationary alone could get quite expensive, especially for a new graduate looking for their first job .

Today, resumes are designed and built online, tweaked routinely, and emailed without any expense at all. You can flood the market with thousands of them if you want. But, just because they’re cheap, doesn’t mean thought shouldn’t go into the delivery method. Just like in the past, how it’s received can matter.

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Kristin Kizer is an award-winning writer, television and documentary producer, and content specialist who has worked on a wide variety of written, broadcast, and electronic publications. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience.

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  • Career Advice >

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  • Simple Resume Templates

Use a foolproof, simple resume template that focuses on your skills and strengths. To begin, select a resume design, type over the text and replace it with your own.

All templates

A modernized Harvard template featuring a sleek design favored by recruiters and an optimized structure for enhanced ATS performance.

Template Image

Double Column

A popular two-column resume template, free of charge, ideal for various roles, such as programming and marketing.

Template Image

Single Column Refined

A traditional, simple resume template perfect for someone who's just starting out their professional career.

Template Image

Single Column

The well-known single-column template with a traditional, yet time-tested layout. Perfect for conservative industries.

Template Image

A resume template that neatly shows your experience and education in a timeline fashion. Great for experienced people with lots of experience.

Template Image

The classic resume that everyone loves. Simple, yet effective layout that's perfect if your resume will go through an ATS.

In This Guide:

What is a simple resume, when to use a simple/basic resume, what sections to include in a simple/basic resume, tips for building a simple/basic resume, basic resume formatting tips, teacher simple resume, new grad simple resume, customer service representative simple resume, accountant simple resume, content writer simple resume, administrative assistant simple resume, legal assistant simple resume, pharmaceutical sales simple resume.

If you're looking for a timeless, evergreen template, the simple or basic resume is your top choice. Candidates can use this clean, minimalist format to curate what matters most to the job - their relevant experience.

One of the biggest benefits of using the basic template is that your resume becomes easy to scan.

What is more, simple resume formats are an ideal choice for candidates, regardless of their experience level.

This organized layout offers industry professionals an efficient and streamlined approach to:

  • present their experience, especially for industries where your professional track record speaks for itself;
  • highlight basic skills that are important for new to the workforce candidates (e.g. students, interns, etc.).

The simple resume template is a clear and concise way to format your resume .

The basic design aims to draw attention to your professional qualities and achievements. Thus presenting them in a systematic and easy-to-read fashion.

This minimalistic and orderly approach should help you stand out in a crowd of professionals who have invested in fancy design, instead of relevant content (in the form of their experience).

What characterizes the simple resume is the lack of clutter in intricate formatting.

This specific resume design excludes over-the-top elements; bright and energetic colors; and fancy, unreadable fonts.

By keeping the design simple, you'd cut to the chase to provide recruiters with a simple, yet very effective overview of your experience.

Speaking of your professional expertise, the basic resume template works perfectly well with all three best-practice formats.

Select the one that fits your experience best:

  • reverse chronological - arranging your experience in a chronological manner, starting with your latest role;
  • functional/ skill-based - shifting the focus from your experience to your strengths and unique skill set;
  • hybrid - balancing both skills and expertise.

Usually, candidates opt to present their professional experience via a double-column, simple resume that includes their:

Dedicate some resume space to highlight the specifics of your experience - awards, strengths, and accomplishments.

This would also help you to make a more personable impression on the recruiters.

Use the simple resume template to:

  • save time - creating and updating your resume within the blink of an eye;
  • highlight your experience - your content and essential information take center stage;
  • create an easy-to-read experience - thus following a structured, clean logic and presentation;
  • leave a more professional impression.

Use the basic resume formatting to organize qualifications with a focus on your career.

The minimalist, simple resume presentation hints at a variety of soft skills you possess, e.g. organization and presentation.

The basic design offers endless opportunities for professionals across different industries and niches.

No matter the job you're applying for, your experience level, or the competition for the role - a simple resume could allow you to stand out .

What is more, this basic template is perfect for both:

  • recruiters - as the format is easy to scan over;
  • ATS (or Applicant Tracking System) - the software, used to assess candidate profiles, could easily match different sections of your resume to job criteria.

So, when should you use this easy resume template?

Use the simple resume format when your experience is self-explanatory and relevant to the role

You have all the relevant skills that just don't need a fancy presentation.

With basic resume formatting, you'd show recruiters that you have what it takes for the job.

Candidates within these two fields benefit the most from a simple resume template:

  • labor-focused - e.g. construction; transportation and logistics; maintenance and repair; etc.
  • traditional or technical roles - e.g. automotive and aviation; education; law; medicine; etc.

Use the simple resume format to show how your experience aligns with basic job requirements

Just about to kick off your career , you’re a student, intern, or entry-level professional.

With your application, you'd like to show that you cover the core requirements of the role.

Utilize the simple resume format to spotlight your professional work ethic and your unique skill set.

The basic resume template allows you more time to get creative and perfect your resume content.

Make sure your resume includes at least six of the below sections to curate the specifics of your experience.

Ensure that your simple resume header is clear, professional, and includes up-to-date information, like your:

Your headline is the perfect opportunity to communicate your current role and expertise.

E.g. "AI developer perfecting the code of ChatGPT"

Alternatively, you could keep your headline simple and include the exact job position you're applying for.

Career summary or objective

Let's build up your resume further with a minimalistic approach to your summary or objective statement .

Write a resume summary when applying for more traditional roles where experience and skills are key.

Use the resume summary as an overview of your key qualifications, qualities, and achievements - and how they'd match the job.

Meanwhile, the objective statement is one of the best choices out there for entry-level professionals.

Candidates can align their best skills to the job while offering a more long-term perspective of their career goals.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to keep it concise (up to three sentences) and to use active language .

Professional experience

​​When writing your resume experience section , always make sure that it's easy to read (and is clear for recruiters).

You can do so by aligning your work history to the job advert and selecting only the most relevant items.

The resume experience is basically your proof - it's what backs up your credentials, career goals, and success.

Using the basic resume template, list all relevant roles, followed by:

  • company name
  • location (city/ state or city/ country)
  • start-end dates
  • achievements.

Opt to organize your experience items based on how applicable it is to the job.

Also, instead of creating a never-ending list of responsibilities, curate items that detail your success backed up by hard / soft skills and outcomes.

Bullet points that correspond the most with the advert should be listed closer to the top.

One of the best ways to ensure that all relevant job keywords are part of your resume is via the skills section to showcase:

The education section is especially important for entry-level candidates, who may not have as much experience that ties them to the industry.

We suggest you use it as a coherent bridge: between the role you're applying for and your professional capacities.

List the most recent or advanced degree first, working in reverse chronological order, and include:

  • name of the institution
  • degree obtained (pursuing)
  • location (city/ state)
  • graduation dates.

A simple rule of thumb: always consider the relevancy of your education to the role.

Take for example the following scenario: you are applying for a job in operation management and logistics.

But, after high school, you decided it was not the best time to continue your education.

You should definitely leave your high school diploma out of your resume.

Instead, focus on all certificates you happen to have that pertain to the job.

Achievements / Awards

A clear basic resume template also curates your career highlights with either your achievements (strengths) or awards .

These two (or three) specific sections bring recruiters’ attention to:

  • achievements/ strengths - the array of skills (you have grown over time) that make you a strong candidate;
  • awards - unique accomplishments within your industry or field that help you stand out.

The first tip to achieving a timeless, classic feel of your simple resume is this - be consistent all through.

The basic template shifts the focus from design to the actual resume content. So, be mindful of even the smallest design elements you decide to include.

Furthermore, when building your next simple resume, consider these four aspects.

Simple Resume Design

The design needs to be clean and straightforward.

All sections need to be efficiently organized while avoiding cluttered layouts , many decorative elements (e.g. icons ), and excessive use of graphs.

Within your basic resume, include the five standard sections that allow hiring managers to determine whether you qualify for the job. Those include:

  • Summary (or Objective)

Basic Resume Fonts

The end goal of your resume is for you to land the job - that's why you should prioritize legibility over creativity.

The simple template allows you to do just that.

Use classic, easy-to-read fonts (e.g. Bitter and Oswald), as they are more widely accepted for professional presentations.

The font size of your basic resume content should be between 10 - 12 points. You should use a bit larger font size for your name (14 - 16 pt); resume section headings, like Experience and Education, and headline (12 - 14 pt); and subheadings like job titles, company names, etc. (11 - 12 pt).

If you decide to spice up your simple resume with text in bold, italics, or underlined - do so to emphasize vital information.

Make sure that no matter the font you select, it does not take away the focus from your expertise.

Simple Resume Colors

Including colors on your resume that are too bright and contrasting may distract the recruiters. Thus, making your profile seem cluttered and unprofessional.

Simple resume templates avoid any over-the-top color combinations by sticking to a limited palette.

Most often, basic resume colors are neutral with:

  • one primary color - this is usually in the grayscale, and
  • one accent color - highlighting key information, like achievements.

If you decide to use different colors throughout your resume, do so sparingly and ensure that there is consistency all through your design.

Basic Resume Layout

The simple resume layout should be clean, easy to read, and polished.

How you order different resume sections is key to achieving a minimalistic and professional resume.

First off - stay clear of complex layouts.

As, when your resume is scanned by the ATS , a fancy layout could deceive the software. Hence, misaligning job requirements with, let's say, your education or hobbies section.

Next, select between a single- or double-column format to effectively utilize resume space. The single column can be an excellent choice if you happen to have less professional experience.

Your resume shouldn't be longer than two pages . In most cases, the one-page format is entirely sufficient. But, if you happen to have more than a decade of relevant experience , curate it via the two-page format.

Now that we've laid out the basics of the simple resume template design, let's dive deeper into the rabbit hole with four more key tips.

Find out more about the importance of white space, active language, simple fonts, and the right colors.

Use white space

Keep your resume easy to scan and orderly by avoiding large blocks of text.

By incorporating plenty of white space, you would:

  • create a clean and uncluttered layout;
  • draw attention to separate resume sections;
  • structure the resume with clear boundaries;
  • emphasize essential information.

The white space of your simple resume should be used to achieve an aesthetically pleasing, timeless, and professional design.

Focus on short and quantifiable sentences for your experience sentence

Have you heard of the KISS principle: keep it short and simple?

Apply KISS when listing the experience bullets within your resume.

Curate short sentences that include:

  • action verbs - to better pace your resume;
  • hard skills - competency using particular software;
  • soft skills - to display personal skills;
  • results of your efforts.

Whenever possible, use numbers to show the more tangible outcomes of your success.

Choose simple fonts

Clean and timeless fonts sustain your simple resume's readability and order.

Generally, hiring managers have high regard for these professional fonts:

  • Times New Roman

A simple font could help you accent what makes your experience unique.

Use the right colors

An effective, simple resume format presents your qualifications using subtle and consistent colors .

Some popular color combinations for your basic resume template include a white background with

  • navy blue, dark red velvet, or dark green text - to create a sense of sophistication;
  • text in earth tones - adding a sustainable twist to your resume;
  • black text combined with a pop of color - use a lively, energetic color (e.g. orange or pink) to highlight key elements;
  • text in the monochromatic color scheme - different shades of the same color (e.g. red) to emphasize important resume sections.

When in doubt if colors would shift the focus away from your experience, stick with the grayscale palette.

The classic, timeless black text on a white background provides a clean and professional look.

Meanwhile, having gray text on a white background is a subtle and elegant design.

Passionate Educator resume example

This simple, elegant one-column design provides hiring managers with the right amount of information to better understand the teacher's experience.

The top one-third of the resume includes all mandatory information:

  • all relevant, professional contact details in the headline ;
  • industry keywords and an array of soft skills listed in the summary .

The focus is then shifted to the teacher's experience . Each role offers an overview of the key skills and results achieved, e.g.:

  • interdisciplinary collaboration - higher student engagement;
  • data-driven interventions - improved student proficiency;
  • personalized approach - increased performance.

If recruiters are looking for the unique value this professional offers, they need to look no further than strengths.

This resume section clearly pinpoints the areas in which the individual excels.

Other relevant sections are used to showcase the teacher's academic background ( education and language skills ).

Finally, hiring managers can discover even more relevant skills, listed at the bottom of the resume. They are included as keywords to ensure that all job requirements are covered.

Computer Scientist resume example

This new grad resume shows what you could do if you don't have much professional experience .

The basic resume uses bright colors to accent key information (headline, roles) and design elements (icons).

After the resume musts (headline and summary), the candidate curates the following information to fill in the lack of experience:

  • strengths - what is the unique value of working with this newly graduate person;
  • internship - to highlight relevant industry know-how;
  • education and languages - to showcase how the candidate has grown professionally in the last few years.

The skills section is built on technical ones that are relevant to the industry.

Achievements are added for a more personalized element to the application.

Experienced Customer Service Representative resume example

A single-column, grayscale colors, not a single graphic in sight. The basic candidate resume's main superstar is the professional narrative or experience.

Within the example, we find industry buzzwords within the headline, followed by the candidate's life philosophy. This approach is to help the customer service representative show more personality.

The resume summary offers a quick snapshot of experience, achievements, and skills.

If you want to further highlight your skill set, the strengths section could be subsequent. The candidate uses it to spotlight industry skills (e.g. communication, problem-solving, and organization).

Note how each experience bullet is formatted with active language to demonstrate success.

Languages and soft skills play a vital role in the customer service world. They should thus have a prominent role in your simple resume.

Achievements (e.g. promotions, awards, and higher education degrees) feature more noteworthy information to support the candidate's application.

Certified Public Accountant & Financial Strategist resume example

This accountant resume is another excellent example of the basic resume template design. The candidate has listed all information with colors in the grayscale, while section names stand out in blue.

The top one-third of the resume may be short but offers insights on candidate certifications , skills, niche areas of expertise, and success.

The quote is a bit more outside-the-box approach, giving a bit more character to the candidate's resume.

This simple resume is split into two columns , curating specific information to answer why employers should hire this candidate.

Within the left-hand column, they'd find listed:

  • experience - short bullets that demonstrate achievements;
  • education - all relevant higher education degrees;
  • language proficiencies - to show a breadth of communication skills;
  • awards - as proof of work success.

The simple resume right-hand column lists:

  • strengths - focusing on key soft skills that boost the candidate's performance;
  • skills - both hard and soft skills to match the job requirements;
  • achievements - tangible results, proven with numbers.

Content Writer resume example

Who says you have to go all out with your resume design if you're applying for a role within a creative field?

The design of this basic content writer resume features:

  • headline, icons , companies, and institutions highlighted in electric blue;
  • key resume sections organized in a double-column format;
  • plenty of white space to ensure the resume's readability .

Notice how the strengths, skills, and achievements sections are curated. In the left-hand column, you'll discover a snapshot of the candidate profile with tangible outcomes and industry keywords.

Moving on to the experience bullets - the resume uses a "skill + results" formula to create a further sense of credibility. If the candidate lists “wrote 300 articles” - this won't provide context to anyone assessing the resume.

Finally, the two awards listed in the resume celebrate the candidate's success within the industry.

Administrative Assistant resume example

The basic resume colors are in a monochromatic scheme with:

  • dark purple highlighting key information (name, skills, past roles);
  • lighter purple is used for secondary elements (headline, quote, company names, institutions, icons).

After assessing the initial information, at the top of the resume, recruiters' attention is immediately drawn to the strengths and experience sections.

Both are formatted to feature skills and perceptible achievements - vital for organizational success and/or professional growth.

This double-column simple resume goes on to spotlight other relevant sections like

The candidate's achievements are once more backed up with tangible results.

The simple resume ultimately reveals the unique value of working with this candidate and her professional interests.

Experienced and Reliable Legal Assistant resume example

There's nothing better than a quick summary that gets to the point in two sentences. The simple resume allows recruiters to have a quick overview and understand if the candidate's profile aligns with the job requirements.

What is more, the legal assistant builds up her case by investing in different resume sections like:

  • strengths - hinting at success within a particular skill;
  • experience - proving niche, industry knowledge into how a legal firm works;
  • skills - including other job requirements as listed in the advert;
  • languages - showing an ability to communicate internationally.

The resume achievements section can be a nice feature of how you go above and beyond in your day-to-day work.

Finally, let's talk about the design. Its key elements include legibility, one-column formatting, and vital elements (skills and company names) in pink. This minimalistic approach helps the candidate stand out .

Pharmaceutical Sales Expert resume example

This simple pharmaceutical sales expert resume has a clean and orderly approach to presenting the candidate profile.

It kicks off with the headline, summary, and life philosophy - which align industry buzzwords with the candidate's mindset.

What is more, the double-column resume offers recruiters insights into the candidates':

  • specific skill set - most prominent in the experience and strengths sections;
  • academic background - listing relevant higher education degrees and languages;
  • career highlights - achievements and awards spotlight the candidate's soft skills and professional bests.

The basic resume format achieves the perfect balance in the design, with ample white space to highlight key career moments.

The resume helps specific information stand out in an ocean blue color while sticking with the timeless black-and-white combination for the rest of the text.

Resume image 1

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How do i make a simple and attractive resume, how do i format a basic resume template, how to download a free simple resume template.

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Build An Online Resume with an Auto-Updating PDF Version Using GitHub Actions

Want a resume that stands out but doesn’t cause too much trouble to edit? I have you covered.

In this tutorial, you’ll not only create a professional looking resume, but also learn about the basics of GitHub actions and Netlify.

By the end of the article, you’ll have a great looking resume with automated PDF versions in both Letter, and A4 format. And you can update it with a single text file and one commit to your GitHub repository.

What We’ll Use

For this tutorial, we will use

  • Hugo as a static site generator
  • as a service that generates PDFs
  • Netlify to host our resume
  • GitHub Actions to do all the automation

The Resume itself is based on the phantastic DevCard theme by Xiaoying Riley.

Get An Account on

Sign up for an account on and head to the Dashboard . The service is not free per se, but comes with a generous offer of 600 credits. Enough for our resume project and a a few edits of our resume.

On the dashboard, select “View Your API key” and save it somewhere. It should look like this:

Get An Account on Netlify

Next, you’ll need an account at Netlify . Netlify is a hosting service for static sites and offers a good free tier.

Usually, you would use Netlify to run the build jobs for you. In our case, we will do the builds on GitHub actions.

To start a manually deployed site, just click on “Deploy manually” in the “Add new site” dropdown.

You need to upload a starter, so any folder with an empty index.html file is good to go.

In the config section for your new site, click on “Site settings” and copy your “Site ID”:

Next, head over to your user’s settings and create a personal access token:

Fork the GitHub Repository

Had over to the GitHub repository and click the fork button. That should only take a few seconds.

Configure the Repository

Next, head over to the Repository settings page.

Create a new repository secret called NETLIFY_TOKEN and put your Netlify personal access token in here.

Next, create another repository secret called PDFCO_KEY and paste your API key.

In the “Variables” tab, create two repository variables:

NETLIFY_SITE_ID with the site ID from your Netlify settings, and RESUME_URL with the URL of your resume. It’s okay to use Netlify’s URL (something like ) here for the moment.

In your GitHub’s repository settings, head over to “Actions” > “General” and make sure that “Read and write permissions” are set in the “Workflow Permissions” section.

Configure Your Resume

Next, check out your forked repository and open it with your favourite IDE. The only file you need to edit is confg.toml which includes all the sections of your resume.

Once you commit and push your changes, the magic will start: GitHub Actions will wind a machine up to build your resume using hugo, upload it to netlify, have create the PDF versions, then upload the PDFs to Netlify as well, and finally commit the final PDFs to your repos. Let’s see how that works in detail.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are a free GitHub feature that automates tasks around your code. People use it, for example, to run automated tests on their code.

These actions are defined in a special file called .github/workflows/actions.yml in our repository.

The first two entries in the yaml file define the action’s name and an event that triggers the action to run. In our case, we want the actions to run on every push to the repository.

The interesting part starts in the jobs section of the file. Jobs contain steps that run on virtual machine provided on demand by GitHub. These step build upon each other, so that the steps are like a script that automates something along the lines.

The first steps in the resume repo check out the repository itself and install Hugo, and a Python environment for us:

With the next steps, we build the site using hugo and upload the public directory to Netlify:

Here, we see why we needed the repository variables and secrets. They are used inside the job steps to authenticate where necessary.

The next step generates the PDFs for us:

The generation process itself is done using a simple API call to The code for this resides in the file:

Again, we see the usage of repository secrets and variables inside the Python script. We can access particular values with os.environ.get("...") . This way, we do not share sensitive information, such as API keys in our code.

The last steps of our job upload the fresh PDF files to Netlify, and pushes the changes to our repo.

This is why the latest commit on the repo is always done by the Actions user

This should give you a quick overview about GitHub actions. Even though we just hadle a simple resume here, it gives a glimpse on how modern software development is done in the cloud.

I have created my own resume with this repo here: .

What's next?

Published Feb 11, 2023

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  1. Resume Link

    Create a link to your resumé in less than 30 seconds. Upload My Resumé Now →. Tiiny Labs Ltd. is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 12977077. Tiiny Host is a free and easy to use tool for creating a link to your PDF resume. Upload your PDF resume to generate a link that you can share with recruiters and agencies.

  2. PDF Resume Templates & Examples [Free Download]

    Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. In Photoshop, go under File > Save As, and then choose "Photoshop PDF.". On the next screen, choose the PDF preset. "PDF/X-4" is a good option for a PDF resume. For InDesign, the process is the same, except you will go under File > Export and then choose "Adobe PDF" for the format.

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  4. How to Create a Resume PDF (+ 10 Free Templates)

    If you're using Microsoft Word, here are four easy steps to save your resume as a PDF: 1. Click 'File', then select 'Save As'. Go to the very top left-hand corner of your Word document, then click on 'File' to bring up the dropdown menu. Clicking on 'Save As' will bring up the option to change your resume file format. 2.

  5. How to Create a Link to Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Upload your resume file to the platform and make sure it is saved in a compatible format (e.g., PDF or Word document). Once your resume is uploaded, locate the option to share or generate a link. Click on the link generation option to create a direct URL to your resume.

  6. How To Create a Resume PDF and When To Use It

    In Microsoft Word. If you have written your resume in Microsoft Word, follow these steps to create a PDF: Click on "File" in the upper left-hand corner. Click on "Save As" in the menu that appears. When the box appears, click on the drop-down menu beside "file format.". Choose PDF from the menu.

  7. PDF Resume Templates to Download in 2024 (+ Format Tips)

    Tip #1: Use the best font for your resume that's readable in print and digital. They are Arial, Garamond, and Helvetica, among others. Tip #2: Think of resume structure. The ATS doesn't read special formats, such as tables, images, charts, or graphs, so making an ATS-friendly resume template should be your priority.

  8. PDF Resume Templates & Formats for 2022

    How to Choose The Correct Resume Format in 2024 (With Examples) How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 (With Examples & Tips) ... PDF Resume Templates. All of our resume templates are downloadable as a PDF. It's the most efficient way to send your resume to recruiters, as it retains the styling, fonts, and formatting to ensure consistency ...

  9. How To Include Links On Your Resume (With Benefits And Tips)

    10. Validate your links. The last step is to check whether all your links are active. Test them to ensure they direct you to the correct websites when you click on them. Hyperlink your email, URLs and profile links, and verify that every link is relevant and functional before sending your resume to the hiring manager.

  10. The Right Way to Include Links on Your Resume

    Wert says, "When including links, you should be hyperlinking the links on your materials. This means instead of the long URL strand, it should be a hyperlink. If you're going in-person for an interview, or you're at a networking event where you've brought your resume, the alternative should be the entire URL written out—but I would ...

  11. Link URL in the Professional Resume

    Instructions and Help about Resume Link PDF pdfFiller makes Professional Resume editing less of a time sink. Whether your form is in PDF or some other format, pdfFiller allows you to complete the job with speed and efficiency. Due to its intuitive interface and vast array of built-in editing tools, you can make edits to your Professional Resume ...

  12. How to Add a CV Link to the Menu

    Now, to view the web address for the pdf file, double-click on your Curriculum Vitae PDF file to open it. This will bring up a screen that shows the attachment details as shown below. On the right side of the screen, the look for the URL. Select the entire URL (double-click the address text or click the address text then use Ctrl+A to select all).

  13. Resume Sharing Made Easy: Create A Url For Your Resume

    Do you want to share your resume with potential employers or collaborators in a convenient way? Watch this video to learn how to create a url for your resume using various online platforms, such ...

  14. 76+ Free Resume Format Downloads

    Google's Free Resume Documents Templates. Google Doc's is a great place to work on your resume. They have a small set of resume templates you can choose from and then easily edit to your needs. Google docs is great, becaus it saves all your files as whish: .docx, .pdf and many more extensions.

  15. One Page Resume Templates & Writing Guide

    2. 2023. Download This Free Template. This single page resume template is packed with content and still manages to look spacious. The sidebar allows you to easily organize your information, while a vertical line splits up the page and makes your resume easy to read. 3. Clean. Download This Free Template.

  16. 40+ Professional Resume Templates

    The clear-cut résumé builder allows you to customize fonts, colors, backgrounds, and sections.". Tested on all major ATS software, Enhancv resume templates help you create a professional resume fast. Choose from 40+ free & premium modern, basic, traditional and minimalist resume templates for a job-winning resume!

  17. How to Download Your Resume from LinkedIn (3 Easy Ways)

    Method 2 (fastest): Linkedin to PDF format. There are actually two processes for downloading your resume as a PDF file from LinkedIn. Both are simple and quick. The first is just two easy steps: Click on your LinkedIn profile, and select "More" in your profile header. Click "Save PDF".

  18. Export to PDF Format Resume Templates (Free

    2. Resume - Minimal PDF Resume Template. This resume template has a minimalistic design and a two-column layout. Easily include a list of your skills in the sidebar and even include your profile photo. Edit the template in Word, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Then export the resume to PDF format.

  19. How To Make A Resume PDF (And When To Use It)

    With resume document open. Click on "File" in the upper left-hand corner. Click on "Export" in the dropdown menu. It will then let you export your resume into a PDF. Name the file. Click "Publish".

  20. Simple Resume Template for 2024

    Use the simple resume format when your experience is self-explanatory and relevant to the role . You have all the relevant skills that just don't need a fancy presentation. With basic resume formatting, you'd show recruiters that you have what it takes for the job. Candidates within these two fields benefit the most from a simple resume template:

  21. Build An Online Resume with an Auto-Updating PDF Version Using GitHub

    In the "Variables" tab, create two repository variables: NETLIFY_SITE_ID with the site ID from your Netlify settings, and RESUME_URL with the URL of your resume. It's okay to use Netlify's URL (something like here for the moment. In your GitHub's repository settings, head over to "Actions ...

  22. URL to PDF

    The Allinpdf service works perfectly in the cloud. All conversions are done in the cloud itself, so you don't consume resources on your computer. No installation (e.g. ActiveX) is needed. Convert webpage to PDF for free with online URL to PDF converter. Save the URL as PDF with high quality. No registration or installation is needed.