Who Am I Essay

500 words essay on who am i.

The population of the world now is more than a whopping seven billion. In spite of such a massive population, one important fact remains that each person has their own unique personality and individuality. Let us focus on personality and individuality with this who am I essay.

Who am I Essay

                                                                                                                                Who am I Essay

My Inspiration

I am a young boy who is still learning in life. Furthermore, I won’t go deep into revealing personal information, like where I come from, which school I went to, my age, and the identity of my parents. The reason for this is that although these factors represent me, they certainly do not define me.

So, what exactly are the qualities that define me or for that matter anyone else? Well, these qualities are character and persona. As such when writing about oneself, one must stick to talking about one’s character and personality.

I consider myself an ambitious person who has big dreams in life. Moreover, doctors have always been my inspiration and I wanted to become one myself.  Also, my father is a doctor himself so I had the opportunity of observing a doctor closely.

I came to realize that doctors have a really busy life. This I can certainly say with conviction as I have seen my father sacrifice his free time in order to save lives at hospitals. Most noteworthy, my ambition is to become a successful doctor in future and save the lives of people.

My Personality and Beliefs

I am an ambivert person by nature. This means I enjoy socialising with people but not too much. I also prefer to spend time alone as I find comfort in my own company.

This nature of mine has proven to be helpful when it comes to studies. This is because I have the patience to study for long hours.  Moreover, for a subject that is too difficult, I and my friends take part in a group study.

Spending time alone, I have the habit of engaging in activities like reading a book or learning to play a musical instrument. Furthermore, I am a religious person who strongly believes in God. My belief in God certainly boosts my self confidence .

I feel sad that in the modern era, many people don’t believe in God. I, on the other hand, certainly do believe in the existence of a superpower that controls the entire universe. Most noteworthy, my belief in an all-powerful creator has helped me become a better person.

The important thing to remember is that a God-fearing person is likely to be good. The reason for this is that such a person would act righteously due to the belief that God is always watching.

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Conclusion of Who am I Essay

‘Who am I’ is an extremely important question that every individual must find an answer to. Furthermore, to find the answer, people must reflect and ponder on themselves and their surroundings. Most noteworthy, those who have the answer to this are able to live a life of happiness and contentment.

FAQs For Who am I Essay

Question 1: What is the meaning of who am I?

Answer 1: The concept of who am I refers to one’s identity. Furthermore, identity is the all-encompassing system of relationships, values, experience, memories, feelings, and thoughts that define who a person really is.

Question 2: What is meant by true self?

Answer 2: True self is also known as real self, original self, or authentic self.  Furthermore, all of these terms refer to the most honest aspect of a person. In other words, true self is an individual’s most authentic version keeping aside all the pretensions, affectations, and masks.

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Who Am I Essay

Introduction on who am i essay.

Who am I? This is a question that keeps bothering you at times. Isn’t it? You want to know what I am and what are qualities that make you unique from others. Before someone asks about you, there has to be a proper understanding of who you are and the things that you do are different. The reason is that when such questions are prompted, you must be in a position to speak fearlessly about yourself without hesitation. Most of the time, you just speak in short sentences about yourself, which includes, name, class, or place that you belong to. But there are people who might be interested in knowing more about you than the brief introduction. It can include your likes, dislikes, passions, goals, dreams, etc. Therefore, you need to analyze yourself and come up with things that you are good at. In this particular who am I essay, you have to speak about yourselves and the things that you like to do. Here is an example for you. 

Who Am I Essay Example

I am in grade 5 and live in California. We are a family of four members. My father is an architect and my mother is a teacher. I have two siblings who are older than me.  I am someone who is an extremely shy and quiet person. This often makes people misunderstand that I cannot speak confidently. But, it is not true as I have immense knowledge on different things. However, I like to assess the place and situation before speaking. When someone approaches me, I would like to be humble and kind enough to answer their questions. 

Most importantly, I’m comfortable with people whom I know, so that the information being conveyed will be interpreted easily. While studying or participating in any activities, I try to focus so that my concentration is towards the things that I’m doing. My hobbies are basically reading, drawing, singing, playing sports, and many more things that fascinate me. I try to give my best in all the activities that I participate in. Moreover, I believe that all the activities require complete focus and dedication in order to gain knowledge and develop essential skills. I dislike or have fear of certain things like slimy creatures, cockroaches, and heights. But, my focus is also towards overcoming these fears. 

I have a lot of belief in dreaming big and setting goals for myself. There are many things that I would like to achieve and do systematically in life. It includes taking care of my parents, siblings, and people around me. The most important thing is to dedicate myself to the service of others. There is nothing more satisfying than helping others. Therefore, I have to educate myself really well on things that I want to do. Apart from this, I am keen on learning new things each and every day. While learning, I pay attention to developing important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, analytical and communication skills. Moreover, I’m very punctual and like to do things on time. 

I am extremely friendly to all the people around me which makes me a happy person. There is a sense of happiness in spending time with friends. This also gives an opportunity to be part of their lives. We all hang out together and eat delicious food prepared at home or sometimes visit restaurants. Occasionally, we go for a picnic or tour with friends and family members. I am fortunate enough to see beautiful places and learn new things from there. Besides this, I like to do crafts activities at home. This will enhance my creativity and imagination to do something better. 

Hence, the who am I essay is extremely beneficial in extracting the areas that you are interested in. Sometimes, we might not express all this information when you try to communicate with others. This also gives an opportunity to explore your likes and dislikes. 

Also explore: Personality essay and friendship essay .

We hope you found this who am I essay helpful. For more essays, check Osmo’s essays for kids .

Frequently Asked Questions on Who Am I Essay

How can you write a who am i essay in less than 100 words.

Here is an example of a who am I essay in less than 100 words: I’m the youngest member of my family, but I have several other roles to play. I’m a good and responsible daughter to my parents, a good sister to my siblings and a supportive and understanding friend. I set goals for myself and work hard to achieve them. I love to play basketball and I am learning to play the piano too. My hobbies include reading, baking and listening to music. Like everyone I too have bad habits, but I constantly work towards making myself better person.

How to write a good essay on yourself?

Some of the steps to write a good essay about yourself are 1. Describe yourself in detail with honesty. 2. Write about your hobbies and interests. 3. Include your achievements but avoid boasting about yourself. 4. Use personal experiences and examples. 5. Add some personality and creativity to make the essay more interesting.

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Student Essays

Who Am I Essay For High School & College Level Students

11 Who Am I Essays – Examples Essays & Writing Guide [ 2024 ]

There are billions of people on this planet earth. Of India, there are millions. Everyone person is very different from one another.

No one is similar or identical to others. We can say, everyone possess different natural, physical, psychological traits.

As, the people are different so are the ideas, values, beliefs, cultures and orientations. That’s why everyone is different. I myself can know best Who am I? what are is my life philosophy?

What I think, read, and what goals I cherish? Following are the sample essays on Who Am I? These example who am I essays would help you best in understanding the real meaning and purpose of your life.

These Short & Long Essays on topic Who Am I, are quite helpful for high school & College level students. We have added quotes, info graphics and pictures for easy understanding with additional guide how to write who am I essay for students.

Essay on Who Am I? For College  Students (1000 words)

I am a boy who has just landed into the teenage. While entering into the college, I am full with ideas, energy and optimism within myself. I love myself and the whole that surrounds me.

I am the one who loves to be surrounded or be in the company of productive and progressive hardworking people. For all of these, the credit entirely goes to my family.

To begin with, I live in a joint family system. We have six people in our family in total; my grand parents, father, mother and my younger sister. We are a loving family. We love to celebrate the success, joys, and laughter on every occasion.

Be it our birthdays, religious festivals or the family functions, we love to take pride in going ahead in full celebrations. My family is my true inspiration. Our house, in fact, the center of activity, filled with guests, sharing smiles and happiness always.

The weekend and the holiday are just the moments of fun, pride and happiness. I am what, is all but because of my family. My who am I philosophy is entirely due the contribution of my family.

But before going further, let me introduce you to each and every member of my family. Because, my goals, ambition, ideas, philosophy of life etc is all constructed upon our family values.

My Grand Father: to begin with, my grandfather is extremely loving, caring, kind and cheerful persons. He is the real foundation stone of raising my father to a successful person of today. He, in fact, supports me as well as my younger sister.

My grandfather has been a visionary, struggling and committed person. He comes from a part of subcontinent that now is the part of Pakistan. He was raised in Lahore. After partition happened he left all along with his parents and settled here at Delhi.

How he managed to survive and come through those hard days of life, is a true inspiration for all of us. He entertains us by telling us his real life stories.

My Grandmother; Our grandmother is really wonderful lady. In fact, she has been the real support to our grandfather, in all the hard days of life.

She is sweet, entertaining and has a good sense of humor. That’s to say, she entertains we all by her humors insights and life stories. We all really enjoy her company.

My Mother; I am really thankful to God to have blessed me such a good, sweet and loving mother. My mother is careful, disciplined and courageous woman. She is, in fact, the doctor.

Apart from giving time to the clinic, treating patients with due diligence, she fulfills house responsibility as well. My mother is the real inspiration for us.

From her, we have learned the importance of time, value, discipline, and commitment. She is the practical example of success and commitment for us. She gives her time to us as well, assisting us in our studies, homework.

My Father; Like our mother, my father is also a strict and well disciplined person. My father manages his own business and  loves discipline, sincerity and hard work in life. He nurtures the values of bravery, honesty, hospitality and human service.

My father also participate in social activities apart from managing his own business. He supervises a charity based school and a hospital. Along with my mother, he looks after affairs hospital and the school, by his time and financial contribution.

My Sister; My sister has entirely taken face of my mother. That’s why, out of fun we all call her our mother. She is really a genius piece of nature.

Apart, she has the humorous nature. She makes us laugh by her talks. Apart, she loves to serve our family guest as well. She has the keen interest in cooking, along with studies.

Who Am I because of My Family

It is quite right to believe that the environment impacts your personality. Whatever you are is truly because of the people you are surrounded with. This entirely stands true for me.

Whenever, I look at myself I remember my sweet family. My Grandparents, my mother, father and my sweet sister. The values like discipline, time management, sincerity to purpose etc, have been ingrained into my nature.

My mother has always taught me sincerity and commitment, to my father I look for time management and sincerity to purpose, and to my grandparents, as symbols of struggles and optimism. My sister is the icon of our whole family.

She is the embodiment of love, laughter, joy and peace. I love my and I am extremely thankful to God to have blessed me with such a nice, wonderful and loving family, I am proud of being part of it.

My Goals & My Life Philosophy:

To stand clear, my real purpose of life is the service of humanity. I have seen my family taking care of other, doing maximum. Like my mother and father, apart from professional responsibility, they love to share their time and finance in social responsibilities.

My mother look after a charity hospital, gives her time there. My father looks after the affairs of a charity school. Though my professional goals to be an IT expert. I love computing and coding. But, from social point of view I love to contribute to the good of my society as well.

Defining one’s own-self is really important. One has to be clear in one’s life for his purpose, values, goals and commitment. It gives us a goals and path to work hard and achieve what we aspire in our lives.

Who Am I Essay for High School Students (500+ words)

I am loving, kind-hearten and caring fellow. I am a social person. My personality treats like helping others, has always helped me with bundles of friends to my side. I prefer others; I love to help the fellows of my society and my community.

To this end, I am also the active member of social organizations of my area. Though, it is really wonderful to serve others but, it also cost your personal time. You have very little time left for your own-self and your immediate family as well.

Realizing this, i am trying to maintain a balance between social service and family commitment. And I recognizes that the excess of anything is really bad.

Who am I ; I am very Social

Helping others is however, is very well appreciated. One feels happy, elated and cheerful always. Happiness can be practically experienced whenever, you help others, you realize the smile on their faces and prayers from their hearts.

Help a poor getting admission into a school, assist anybody financially or solving other problems you will truly feel the warmth of happiness inside. I do to the best of my extent to spread smiles and happiness all around.

Sometimes, my friend wonder why I have been so serious in helping others. This all, in fact, I can relate to my grandfather. My grandfather has been a renowned person of my area in helping other in whatever cost.

My this habit of helping others in excess has, to some extent, brought problems for me. I help my fellow students as well. For example, I help students in explaining and assisting in different subjects, I share my notes even if the second day of exam! I can’t deny anyone for any help.

In other ways, I share my lunch, pocket money, books etc with one who need! Sometimes, it brings troubles for me as well! Like you shared your notes with others and the same your received torn and in unwell condition!

You share your stationary etc with others and you receive in broken condition! I have learned, from here, that for helping other you have to be strong. You have to face the troubles and hardship from helping others, sometimes

What Am I is to help others;

As regards of my helping nature, I sometimes face difficult times. Sometimes, I couldn’t manage my time. My studies and my health sometimes gets impacted. This makes my mother nervous sometimes. My family, though, praises me for my sincerity and helping others.

But along with it, my mother has taught to keep a balance between family time and social time. And, lately I have realized this. I believe that, when you help others, you can’t end all the woes of others.

Problems are there to stay in this world. When we help others, in fact we are contributing a little and to our own extent in minimizing the hardships of others.

Someone has rightly said, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. That means you have take care of yourself first.

I have realized the importance of self. And I have been trying to keep up a balance between family responsibilities and social responsibilities. My mother, in this regard, has been a real inspiration.

I am the person who loves to share love, laughter and happiness in life. I am extremely thankful whatever I have got in my life.

Who am I Essay 200 Words:

As a student, one of the most common questions we are asked is “Who am I?” It seems like such a simple question, but it can be quite complex to answer. After all, who we are is constantly evolving as we grow and experience new things.

At our core, we are all unique individuals with our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We are shaped by our family, friends, culture, and society. We are also influenced by our passions, interests, and ambitions.

But who we are is not just defined by these external factors. Our personality, values, and beliefs also play a significant role in shaping our identity. These traits are often ingrained within us from a young age and continue to develop throughout our lives.

They are what make us who we are and guide our actions and decisions.

In addition, our experiences also shape who we are. From successes and failures to challenges and triumphs, every experience teaches us something new about ourselves. It is through these experiences that we discover our strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

So when someone asks “Who am I?”, the answer may not be simple, but it is a reflection of all these elements: our individuality, external influences, personality, values and beliefs, and experiences. As we continue to grow and evolve, the answer to this question will also evolve. Embrace who you are and never stop discovering more about yourself. So who am I? I am a constantly evolving individual with a unique combination of experiences, traits, and values that make me who I am. And the same goes for you – so never stop exploring your identity and all that makes you wonderfully unique.

Short Essay on Who Am I?

Hi there! My name is [insert name] and I am in Class 2. Today, I want to share with you a little bit about who I am.

First things first, my name! As I mentioned before, my name is [insert your name]. Do you know what your name means? My name means [insert name meaning] and I think it suits me perfectly!

Next, let’s talk about my family. My family is the most important part of my life. I have [insert number] members in my family including my parents, grandparents, siblings, and pets. They are always there for me no matter what and I love them very much.

Nowadays, everyone has a lot of responsibilities and so do I. But in my free time, I love to do [insert hobbies]. It makes me happy and helps me relax after a long day at school. What are your favorite hobbies?

As a Class 2 student, I have big dreams for my future. When I grow up, I want to be a [insert dream job]. It may seem impossible now, but I believe that with hard work and determination, I can achieve my dreams.

Lastly, I have some people who inspire me and whom I look up to. They are my idols. One of them is [insert name], who is a famous [insert profession/career]. I admire their hard work, talent, and kindness. Who are your idols?

Well, that’s a little bit about who I am. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me better. But remember, who we are is not just defined by our name, family or hobbies but also by our actions and how we treat others. Let’s always strive to be kind, hardworking and follow our dreams. Thank you for listening!

Who am I Motivational Speech:

Hey there, students! I’m so glad you all could join me today. Today, I want to talk to you about one of the most powerful and important questions we can ask ourselves: Who am I? It’s a question that has been asked by countless people throughout history, and it’s a question that each and every one of you will continue to ask yourselves as you grow and learn.

So, who am I? Well, on the surface, it’s easy to define ourselves by our names, our ages, where we come from, or what we look like. And while those things are a part of who we are, they don’t fully define us. See, at our core, we are all unique individuals with different dreams, passions, and experiences. And that’s what makes us special.

As students, you all have an incredible opportunity to discover who you are and who you want to be. You get to explore different subjects, try new activities, and make lasting connections with people from all walks of life. This is a time for growth and self-discovery, so embrace it!

But I know that sometimes, it can be hard to figure out who we are. We may feel pressure from society, our families, or even ourselves to fit into a certain mold. But I’m here to tell you that there is no one right way to be you. You have the power and freedom to create your own path and define yourself on your own terms.

And that’s where the importance of self-reflection comes in. Take some time to think about what truly makes you happy, what your values are, and what you want to achieve in life. These are all important aspects of who you are, and by understanding them, you can better navigate your journey towards self-discovery.

But don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way. In fact, embrace them! It’s through our failures that we learn and grow the most. And remember, no one has it all figured out. We are all constantly evolving and discovering new things about ourselves.

So, my dear students, as you continue on your academic journey and beyond, never forget to ask yourselves “Who am I?” Keep exploring, keep learning, and always stay true to yourself. Because who you are is an amazing and unique individual, capable of achieving great things. Thank you

I am the best Essay:

As much as we may try to hide it, most of us have a deep-seated desire to be the best at something. Whether it’s in sports, academics, or even just among our friends and family, being the best gives us an incredible sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

But what does it truly mean to be the best? Is it about winning every competition or scoring the highest grades? Is it about being praised and admired by others? Or is it something more personal, like being true to our own abilities and constantly striving for improvement?

The truth is, being the best isn’t just about external validation or comparing ourselves to others. It’s about setting goals for ourselves and working hard towards them, regardless of what anyone else may think.

It’s about having the drive and determination to push ourselves beyond our limits, and the resilience to bounce back from failures.

Being the best also means acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses, and using both to our advantage. It’s about being confident in our abilities, but humble enough to continue learning and growing. It’s about never settling for mediocrity, but always striving for excellence.

So, why do I believe I am the best? Because I have these qualities and more. I may not always come out on top, but I never give up. I constantly push myself to be better in all aspects of my life, and am always open to learning new things.

Who am I Identity Essay:

As human beings, we all have a unique identity that sets us apart from everyone else. Our identity is formed by our experiences, beliefs, values, and relationships. It is what makes us who we are as individuals.

But when someone asks the question “Who am I?”, it’s not always an easy answer. We often struggle to define ourselves and understand our own identities. And as students, this question can be even more challenging to answer.

As we embark on our educational journey, we are constantly bombarded with expectations and pressures from society, family, and peers. We are told what classes to take, what careers to pursue, and how to behave. It’s easy to get lost in all these external influences and forget who we truly are.

But it’s important to remember that our identities are not defined by others. They are unique to each and every one of us. It’s up to us to discover who we are and embrace it.

One way to start understanding our identity is by reflecting on our experiences and how they have shaped us. Our past, present, and future all play a role in defining who we are. We should take the time to reflect on our beliefs, values, and passions and think about what truly makes us happy.

It’s also important to recognize that our identities can change over time. As students, we are constantly growing and learning new things. What may have defined us in the past might not be relevant in the future. And that’s okay. Our identities are fluid and we should embrace the growth and change that comes with it.

Furthermore, our relationships also play a significant role in shaping our identity. The people we surround ourselves with can influence our thoughts, beliefs, and values. It’s important to choose relationships that align with our true selves and support us in becoming the best version of ourselves.

In conclusion, while it may not be easy to answer the question “Who am I?”, it’s a journey worth taking. As students, we have the opportunity to explore and discover our true identities. We should embrace our uniqueness and use it as a guide in shaping our future.

I am Proud to be a Girl Essay:

Being a girl is something to be proud of. We are strong, resilient and capable individuals who have contributed immensely to the growth and development of our society. As a young girl, I have always been taught that my gender does not define my capabilities or limit my potential. This has instilled in me a sense of pride and confidence in being a girl.

One reason why I am proud to be a girl is the strength that we possess. We may appear physically weaker than men, but our inner strength and resilience are unmatched. We have faced countless challenges and obstacles throughout history, yet we continue to rise and overcome them. This strength is not limited to physical or emotional abilities but also in our intellect and determination.

Moreover, as girls, we have the power to make a positive impact in our communities. Whether it is through education, healthcare or advocacy, we have the ability to bring about real change and improve the lives of those around us. From leading social movements to creating groundbreaking inventions, girls have proven time and again that they are capable of changing the world.

I am also proud to be a girl because of the unity and support that exists among us. Despite the societal pressures and expectations placed upon us, girls have always stood together, empowering and uplifting one another. The bond between girls is strong, and it is a beautiful thing to witness.

In conclusion, being a girl comes with its own set of challenges, but these challenges only make us stronger and more resilient. I am proud to be a girl, and I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that being a girl has brought me. Let us continue to celebrate our strengths, support one another, and break barriers as we pave the way for future generations of girls to come. So let’s embrace who we are and be proud of our unique identity as girls!

I am a Friendly Person Essay:

As a friendly person, I believe in the power of kindness and positivity. Being friendly is not just about being polite or courteous, it’s about genuinely caring for others and making them feel valued. Growing up, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by people who taught me the importance of being kind and approachable.

One of the main reasons why I strive to be a friendly person is because I have experienced firsthand how a simple smile or kind gesture can make someone’s day. Whether it’s helping a stranger with their groceries, giving compliments to a friend, or simply being there to listen, small acts of kindness can have a big impact on someone’s life.

Being friendly also means being open-minded and accepting of others. It’s about embracing diversity and seeing the beauty in our differences. By fostering a friendly environment, we can create a sense of belonging and unity among people from different backgrounds.

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone seems to be caught up in their own lives, being friendly is more important than ever. It helps us build meaningful connections with others and spreads positivity in our communities. As they say, “kindness is contagious” and by being a friendly person, we can inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, I am proud to be a friendly person and I will continue to spread kindness wherever I go. Whether it’s through simple acts of compassion or creating a welcoming environment for those around me, I believe that being friendly is key to building a happier and more connected society. So let’s all strive to be a little friendlier and make the world a better place, one smile at a time.

How to Write an Essay on Who Am I:

  • Start with self-reflection: Before you begin writing, take some time to reflect on your own thoughts, experiences, and values. This will help you understand who you are and what makes you unique.
  • Brainstorm ideas: Make a list of your strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments, challenges, and other significant events in your life. These can serve as starting points for your essay.
  • Be honest and authentic: Your essay should reflect your true self, so be genuine and don’t exaggerate or fabricate any details. Admissions officers can see right through insincere writing.
  • Use a unique angle: Instead of following a template or structure, think outside the box and find a creative way to tell your story. This will make your essay stand out and make a lasting impression.
  • Show, don’t tell: Rather than simply stating facts or characteristics about yourself, use anecdotes, examples, and vivid descriptions to paint a picture of who you are. This makes for a more engaging and memorable essay.
  • Connect with the reader: A good who am I essay should not only tell your story but also connect with the reader on a personal level. Share your thoughts, emotions, and lessons learned to create a deeper connection.
  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable: It takes courage to open up and share your vulnerabilities, but it can also make for a powerful essay. Admissions officers want to see the real you, flaws and all.
  • Use descriptive language: Avoid using generic or overused words and phrases. Instead, use specific and descriptive language to bring your story to life and make it more compelling.
  • Edit and proofread carefully: Don’t rush the writing process or leave editing until the last minute. Take the time to revise, edit, and proofread your essay multiple times to ensure it is error-free and well-crafted.
  • Get feedback from others: Before submitting your essay, ask for feedback from trusted friends, family members, or teachers. They can provide valuable insights and help you make any necessary improvements.

These tips can serve as a guide to writing a successful who am I essay, but remember that there is no one right way to do it. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and let your unique voice shine through in your writing. Good luck!

I am truly thankful to my family and my friend for standing beside me in all my endeavors. And I believe, social work is the collective work. I give credit of all to my family and my friends.

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Why I am here Essay For Students

Why am I here? This thought strikes the minds of many people. To some life is the merriment, joy, and self service only. Whereas, others hold a contrary view. Being a responsible person of society, I hold different view.

To me, life is full of meanings. It is laden with responsibilities, goals and commitments. I believe, I am here because of multiple reasons. That’s to say, I have certain values, beliefs and commitments to share.

Why I am here because of following goals;

  • Helping others.
  • Serving my family & My Parents
  • Serving my Country.

The short life that we have got here, has a lot of works to be done. Quite often, people get perplexed at why they are here and what was the meaning and purpose of life. Sometimes they spend years in ignorance and refusing to accept the real purpose of life.

In most of the cases, people realize the real purpose of their lives in very late. You might have observed the people who get very old or when they retired from professional life, then they turn towards the social service!

Though it is encouraged and very good but in fact, these thing one should from the very start. As it is accepted fact that we are social animals. We can’t live in isolation.

Therefore, more than wealth we need health, more than material needs, we need inner peace and more the extra achievements we need contented life, a purposeful and happy life. As, the life is for fulfillment, enjoyments, achievements, value, purpose and social service.

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Abstract art, there is no one wrong answer to what it is. You cannot come up with a deeper meaning until you take some time and look. I Characterize my life just as that, an abstract canvas; ironically being that abstract art is my favorite. Some blank spots still yet to be drawn out; no real meaning to it yet. Not everyone will understand me, but if you really take the time, most everyone can come up with a little more in-depth look at it. With every day, every look, and every experience I learn a little bit more about myself.

So who am I? If I were, to be honest, I have had the hardest time answering this question. My life has been relatively easy over the years. I have not had to pay for much, have a beautiful house, and mostly everything I ask for. Yes, I have had some rough patches in life but who doesn’t? It has been all the self-taught moments in my life that have made me who I am today.

It always seemed like other people had a better understanding of who I was than I did. Mainly everyone in my life has put me up to the standards of this “perfect girl”, I never really knew who that was supposed to be. My parents have always had high expectations for me, getting great grades and going to college. I am the person that never got in trouble, never lied, never did anything wrong. Hence the “perfect girl”. I never saw myself just like that. Growing up in this generation society puts a high expectation to over yourself.

Social media is crazy when dealing with self-confidence. Everyday people, like myself, are scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and many others and all see what they consider the perfect people. I have had a struggle with this for a while in the past. Therefore, while everyone saw me as the perfect girl I saw myself as the opposite.

Since I am a relatively quiet person, always the one to sit back and just listen. I have actually found one hobby that lets me break out of that, art. When I cannot get the words out I can always draw, paint, color and that creates more of who I am than words ever will. I found out that it is okay to be a little abstract because the meaning to your life will not just appear you have to take a deeper look into it and you will find what your purpose is.

I chose this scholarship because I would like to get a good start in life. I may not know where I am going to college yet, but I believe, I can get on the right foot right after high school with a push of a scholarship.

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How to Write a 500 Word Essay: Structure, Format, and Tips

Table of contents

  • 1 What is a 500 Word Essay?
  • 2.1 How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?
  • 2.2 How Many Pages Is A 500-word Essay?
  • 3.1 Create An Outline
  • 3.2 Write A Strong Introduction
  • 3.3 Composing The Body Paragraphs
  • 3.4 Write An Impressive Conclusion
  • 4 500-Word Essay Examples
  • 5 500-Word Essay Topics
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

We can say that a 500-word essay length is the best of both worlds. It is longer than a 250-word essay, so you have more space to express yourself, but it is shorter than 1000 words essay, so you don't have to provide tons of details and research. On the other hand, writing 500 words is not as simple or easy as you may believe. You still need to know all about the 500-word essay format, important guidelines, use of proper details, and so much more.

In general, this is an important and even essential piece of writing. Hence you need to know all the basics and even less-known facts in order to produce a paper that will get you the grade you deserve. Add the fact you will probably have to write one on a regular basis, and you can see why this page is just perfect for you. Papers Owl is here to explain all the things you need to know about these papers and also add all the facts you need to incorporate into your next paper.

What is a 500 Word Essay?

It is precise, as the name suggests. This is 500 words essay. As we have mentioned, it is the most appealing type because it can be relatively easy to complete, and it is not too long, so you have to invest countless hours into research and writing. How easy or hard you will write a paper of this kind depends on your abilities and the topic.

As always, choosing the best topic should be the mandatory first step, and you need to choose one that you like. If you are left with the one you don't like, or you find repelling, you can always use " write my essay " help and get the paper delivered to you within hours! This has been one thing many students have been using for a long time, and many more will use it due to obvious reasons.

You can write 500 words essay that you like and not all of the assigned ones. Writing 500 content will depend on many factors. One of the first things to know is that there are several types of these papers . A 500-word essay example can help you understand this issue more.

Depending on the goal of your writing, you may have to write:

  • Argumentative 500-word essay
  • Critical word paper
  • Analytical essay
  • Reflective paper
  • Narrative words paper

In most cases, you will have to explain a specific idea or a topic that is assigned to you. You have 500 characters to use, but you can go a few words more. It is important to add that you cannot write 1000 words in this case scenario. This is a different type of paper, and it is reserved for a different purpose. We also have 250-word (sort) essays that are much shorter but can be problematic. You usually don't have enough room to cover the topic you want. Hence you are left with generic and not very interesting content.

Teachers love these essays, and they consider them extremely important. The main reason for that is the fact these papers can be written in the class, and a teacher can check your writing capabilities and the details. These contents are essential because they can check your critical thinking, your opinion, and most commonly, how well you have understood a specific topic.

For example, you may have to write a 500 character essay related to the book you had to read for the class. This will depend on numerous factors, but usually, you have to write detailed and focused content. There is no room here to write about countless things and elements. You need to focus on one and stick to it.


How to Format a 500-Word Essay?

One of the main steps and one of the essential pieces of guideline here is to format the paper. The structure is not something you can affect significantly and something you can change at any given moment. Yes, you need to complete five hundred words, but you need to know how to divide these. This is a well-known fact and something a quick essay writer can do with his eyes closed.

Now we will teach you how to do it as well. Pay close attention to details here. There are a lot of simple things that are mandatory, so don't skip them and don't try to be better than the professor. Use your own structure or something similar.

How Many Paragraphs is a 500 Word Essay?

The main thing here is to remember that these papers always have 5 paragraphs. One of them is the introduction, and it goes first. Then you have 3 body paragraphs and the conclusion paragraph . It is also important to divide the word count. The introduction part of an essay must be 100 words. Each paragraph must be 100 characters as well.

Lastly, we can see that conclusion is 100 characters as well. Of course, it doesn't have to be precisely 100 characters! Better said, the range should be between 90 and 110 characters per paragraph. Don't try to add too many sentences, or you will have problems and you won't write a well-structured paper.

How Many Pages Is A 500-word Essay?

In order to format a 500 word essay, you need to pay close attention to the pages as well. If you use single spaces, you will have 1 page of content. If you use double spacing, something that some students prefer, you will have 1.5 pages.

Try to remember that your academic writing should use 12-size font and also Times New Roman or Arial font style. These are the most common, and usually, professors will tell you to use them. Every single time when you are writing 500 words, you will have to use these elements. They are important and even mandatory.

How to Write a 500 Word Essay?

How easy you can complete this assignment will depend on your writing skills. However, you can use this small guide to get the help you need and complete the paper in less time and get 500 characters ideally organized and suitable for your purpose. Examples or better said, samples are very beneficial here and important due to so many reasons. Anyway, here we will reveal how to write a narrative essay like a professional and always be ready to impress the readers. Keep in mind that readers are professors, your colleagues, and many others.

Create An Outline

The first step is actually to start with the outline . The outline is the plan you will use for writing. It has to start with a thesis statement , which is a summary of your idea and the goal. Then, you need to make the plan. Use bullet points to make all of this organized and simple. Any essay example will have this before it was written!

The outline will contain points for the introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Each one will contain several points in which you should explain what you want to say or what you will say in the paper. Once you are done, you can continue to the next step or, better said to the actual writing.

Write A Strong Introduction

Once you have the thesis statement and the outline, you will have to start writing. The introduction is the first thing you will have to write. Always start with the string intro that has the main idea you want to reveal in the paper, and you want to share. This should be the point of view you have and what you want to present.

In addition, this section must be strong, to the point, and should intrigue the reader. You need to reveal just enough so he will want to read the whole paper. You can see the example later on and get a better idea about what you need to do.

Composing The Body Paragraphs

The definition here is simple. Each body paragraph needs to present one idea . Each idea must be accurate, simple, and detailed. You will have to make a clear and simple transition between paragraphs and make a reader want to continue reading. The samples below will help you more. This is also the hardest part of the content.

You can always pay for essay writing if you want to get the content in no time and professionally completed. All your ideas should be backed by the actual facts that must be accurate and detailed as you can imagine. In addition, never present opposite or strange facts in the sections. It will confuse the reader.

Write An Impressive Conclusion

The last thing you will have to do is to complete the conclusion. It must be strong and must reexamine the beginning and tell one point to the readers. In a nutshell, this is a very important section, and it can make a massive difference. You can get a better grade or a lower one if you make a mistake. There are complete guides related to this section only, so you can imagine how important it is. The conclusion should be completely focused on the main idea of your content.

500-Word Essay Examples

Here you can see a sample 500 characters that will help you understand the topic in detail and, at the same time, get the job done in less time and with better accuracy. Each 500 word essay example is written by an expert, so you can be positive that you will learn from the best.

  • Roosevelt, The Great Depression, And The Economics Of Recovery
  • Globalization in Business
  • LGBD Community in the United States
  • An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind
  • “Snow” by Julia Alvarez: Unveiling Symbolism and Resilience

Each one is detailed and has been approved by actual college professors. Many of them are written by college professors, so once again, you can see the appeal. These are ideal for all beginners, students who are not proficient in this task, and who need help.


500-Word Essay Topics

Here are 10 topics that are very common and very appealing. You will probably want to choose one or two. Keep in mind that you should always choose the one you like and you are interested in writing on. Don't try to complete one that you don't like or you don't want to learn about.

This is a simple secret that has a huge role overall.

  • Your best journey explained
  • Explain honesty
  • Explain racism
  • Can you make money on the internet?
  • Define the main objective of your life
  • Can you and how avoid problems while at college?
  • Challenges people with disabilities encounter every single day
  • What is punctuality?
  • Which effect does art has on people?
  • Explain the best day in this year that happened to you

Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay

Now when you have your sample 500, and you have all the details that you are going to need, we can reveal one section more. Here we will explain the tips you need to use in order to complete this assignment in less time and with better success. Keep your mind focused and try to use all of these tips just so you can expect the best grade. These may sound ordinary or obvious, but they do affect your content and your presentation.

  • Have two days to complete the task All native English professional writers know that this process takes time. In general, you will use the first day to draft the whole content. On the second day, you will read it and make needed changes, edit and proofread it. This is mandatory. You will look at the content with fresh eyes, and you can easily see any mistakes or make changes that have a huge effect.
  • Get help if possible Seeking assistance to help you with your work is a great way to ensure that your content is accurate and of the highest quality. You can get help from your professor, friend, or even a cheap essay writing service . The goal here is to be aware of any mistakes or get any insights into your content. Knowing the details of your work will make it easier to make changes, and you can get these from other readers. With their help, you can make sure that your work looks better and is of the highest quality.
  • Don't worry about the word count Just start and enjoy. Don't worry about the characters or anything like that. You can always make the content longer or shorter if you have to. If you worry about the length, you will be limited, and you can't end up with an excellent copy.
  • Proofread several times It is mandatory and the most obvious fact here. All the things you write will have to be proofread, and there is no other way. You can even hire a professional, or you can ask your friend. This is of huge importance.
  • Consider who will read your content Try to adjust the content for your reader. Think of what they want to see and want to know. Then, focus on these things most of the time and try to optimize your content as much as you can. The results are amazing, and you can see that all writers have been doing this for ages.

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who am i essay 500 words brainly

Sample Essays on “Who Am I?” How to guide, with Outlines

Published by gudwriter on November 23, 2017 November 23, 2017

How to Write an Essay About Yourself

Many students, from high school to college level, do not know how to describe themselves. They mix up ideas as they do not really know what they need to include in their writing. The main aim of a who am I essay is to make the reader understand who you are and what you believe in. Remember, the essay doesn’t have to be always about the positive side- you can include your weak points as well in a creative way. You can also write about what makes you unique (unique skills, character, etc). If you need help, college admission essay writing services is available to assist you.

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Striking the balance makes your essay realistic and convincing.

Character : What are your character traits? Which habits define you?

Values : What is your value system? Here, you need to include things that inspire you. It is here that you state your beliefs, motivations, principles, and inspirations. The reader expects you to have either staunch stands on certain things and this is the part where you make them know. Do not highlight radical points, though.

Skills : What aptitudes do you have? And, what is the level in each skill? This may include communication, computer, education, languages, leadership, or anything else you find worthy.

Achievements :

Life experiences that influenced your life

Perhaps you would like to read an essay sample on what makes you unique ?

Who Am I Essay Example 1 Outline

Below is a layout you should follow when writing a personal essay to impress your professor.

  • Hook – The Question – who am I?
  • Brief summary: Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a social, kind, respectful, and principled young man.
  • Thesis : I am a kind, friendly, respectful, and principled young person.
  • Point : Social
  • Illustration : Meeting new friends
  • Logic : Makes me dynamic
  • Thesis relation: A cheerful, social and accommodative person is how many people know me.
  • Point : Respectful and law abiding
  • Illustration : Want to get along with everyone- both juniors and seniors. Car seats, polite character
  • Explanation : I know the limits
  • Thesis relation : Every day, I want to be known as a person who is respectful even to those who least deserve it.
  • Point : Hobbies
  • Illustrations : Sports, chess, music
  • Explanation : Clear my mind, get healthier.
  • Thesis relation : Sportsmanship has taught me to be fair other people, diligent and focused.
  • Point : I am not perfect- when I don’t hit my targets, obvious opposition from people who don’t love progress. My love for novelty makes me uncomfortable with normal rules.
  • Illustrations : My mum says I am selfish and that I always want everything to go my way. Yet, I’m still the person you will find in doing voluntary community work to help people.
  • Explanation : I guess my self-esteem is too high for people to put down. This rubs feathers with people who stand my path to success.
  • Thesis relation : I’d be a liar to say I am a genius, flawless or immortal- and that’s who I am.
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Summary of essay
  • Signing out

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Who Am I Essay Example 1

Who am I? Describing oneself is one of the most complicated tasks. In most cases, we always define ourselves using institutions, other people, or activities. Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a kind, friendly, respectful, and principled young person.

First, I am a sociable person. I love to meet people and make new friends. It’s not that I am an extrovert. However, I always work towards getting along with people. Of course, there are times I enjoy being alone for meditation . However, being around people makes me feel comfortable. I like to utilize every chance I get to make new friends. Interacting with people from different parts of the world makes me a diverse person. I am one of those people who believe that there is richness in human diversity. I am not quite selective of who I socialize with. A cheerful, cordial, and accommodative person is how many people know me.

Second, I am kind and respectful. Well, I appreciate that there is a thin line between being social and respectful. I want to treat everyone – junior or senior- with utmost reverence. In this regard, I am quite a listener. This didn’t start yesterday- I have always loved to give up my seats to elders in the train since I was young. Again, I am firm and at the same time polite. I love to make my points in a way that won’t hurt those around me. I always desire to be respectful even to those who least deserve it. Being respectful does not subtract anything from me after all.

Third, I have a great affection to team play. Well, I probably got this trait from my life as a sportsperson. I have been a school captain in Team Handball and Badminton. Today, I still participate in these games as a coach. I’m adherent to chess and I could become a grandmaster in the next few months. Sports and competitions have trained me to be fair, diligent, hardworking, and focused. As my hobby, chess clears my mind while athletics make me healthy. I’d definitely not tell who I am without mentioning sportsmanship. Actually, sports largely define me.

I am not perfect, though. I can be moody when I don’t hit my targets. My love for novelty makes me uncomfortable with normal rules. My mum says I am selfish and that I always want everything to go my way. Yet, I’m still the person you will find doing voluntary community work to help people. I guess my self-esteem is too high for people to put down. This rubs feathers with anyone who stands on the path to success. I’d be a liar if I said that I am a genius, flawless or immortal- and that’s who I am.

Anyway, it may be a little difficult to explain who I am. However, there are qualities that are an outright depiction of me. Respect, principles, sportsmanship, and leadership are some of them. As a quick learner, I love to change every behavior that doesn’t make me a better person. The desire to be good to everybody has made me who I am today and I intend to keep it that way.

Personal Essay Example 2 Outline


I give a description of myself in relation to my family background, personality, and how I view life.

Paragraph 1:

Family background

  • Revolves around strong Christian faith since my parents are staunch Roman Catholic faithful
  • I was born in Chicago, Illinois 21 years ago and I am the third born in a family of four children.
  • I am a female of African American origin and I am very proud of my cultural background and family values

Paragraph 2:

My personality

  • I am outspoken and like socializing and making new friends
  • I value respect and believe it is two way
  • I am hard working

Paragraph 3:

My view of life

  • All humans are equal regardless of their cultural, racial and religious backgrounds as well as gender
  • I am liberal in that I am open to learning new things such as new cultures, religions, and even languages
  • Divergent views should be tolerated

I can summarize myself as someone who is respectful, accommodating, and open minded. I appreciate that as a human, I need others for my life to be complete. I believe my personality and world views are matching and thus I find life more sociable and interesting.

Personal Essay Example 2

My family background revolves around strong Christian faith since my parents are staunch Roman Catholic faithful. I was born in Chicago, Illinois 21 years ago and I am the third born in a family of four children. I am a female of African-American origin and I am very proud of my cultural background and family values. Like my parents, I have developed the habit and routine of going to church every Sunday in line with Christian doctrines. As a matter of fact, all the members of my family value attending Sunday masses wherever they may find themselves. I grew up in a working-parents family and I have grown to live in harmony with my siblings.

Regarding my personality, I am one person who is outspoken and likes socializing and making new friends. The number of friends I have in college is uncountable because I have no boundaries when it comes to building relationships. That notwithstanding, I value respect and believe it is two way. I expect that anybody I interact with should show me the same level of respect I show them irrespective of their background or status in the society. I am hard working because my parents taught me to loathe laziness since it is the beginning of poverty and miserable life. To me, respect and hard work go hand in hand. Working hard respectfully has opened many doors for me so far in my life.

My view of life is that all humans are equal regardless of their cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds as well as gender. This is why I have friends whose cultural and other backgrounds are diverse. I am also liberal in that I am open to learning new things such as new cultures, religions, and even languages. For instance, I can speak fluent French and Spanish yet I am American. I also believe that divergent views should be tolerated because this is part of enhancing human diversity. My parents had once tried to stop me from being too open minded but I persisted with it. Being open to new things, in my view, amounts to being accommodative to human diversity.

In conclusion, I can summarize myself as someone who is respectful, accommodative, and open minded. I appreciate that as a human, I need others for my life to be complete. When I show that I care for and accommodate different views, I find it easy working with others. I have thus managed to evade suffering any form of racial or cultural profiling because people find me easy to deal with. I believe my personality and world views are matching and thus I find life more sociable and interesting. It is my intention to continue leading this fulfilling life.

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Personal Essay Sample 3 Outline

I am a faithful Christian who is open-minded, friendly, and action-oriented.


In spite of being a staunch Christian, I am open to other people’s ways of worship and generally to other people’s way of life and opinions.

  • I can listen to and understand what other people say and treat it as their opinion to which they are entitled whether or not I agree with it.
  • I am able to live amongst people of various cultures.
  • However, I do not let other people’s views or cultures affect my own.

I am a friendly person who highly values friendship.

  • I have the habit of forming strong friendships both in our neighborhood and at school.
  • I have quite a number of friends from various backgrounds because I do not choose friends based on their cultural backgrounds.
  • I believe in genuine friendship and as soon as I detect that one is not a true friend, I drop them.

I follow my decisions and promises with actions as I believe that it is through actions that one can solve their problems and meet their life goals.

  • I keep to my decisions once I make them.
  • I have been able to accomplish many of my life’s endeavors especially in my academic life.
  • I also know that keeping promises is one of the best ways of keeping relationships alive and healthy.
  • I normally do all it takes to keep a promise irrespective of who I make it to.

I am an open-minded Christian who values relationships and I act on my decisions and promises. I am accommodative to diverse views and opinions even when they sharply contrast with mine. I pursue my life goals and keep relationships through action.

Personal Essay Sample 3

As a person, I feel growing over the years has significantly changed who I am. I have had to see and experience many things that I did not get to see in my childhood. I have also met many different people and visited many places. Some of the perspectives I held about people and certain things have certainly changed. In addition, I have undergone significant personal growth which has seen my personality transform as well. I have also become more decisive in my actions and in my relationships with others. I am a faithful Christian who is open-minded, friendly, and action-oriented.

In spite of being a staunch Christian, I am open to other people’s ways of worship and generally to other people’s way of life and opinions. I can listen to and understand what other people say and treat it as their opinion to which they are entitled whether or not I agree with it. This way, I have been able to learn a lot from others and widen my view of life and humanity. I am also able to live amongst people of various cultures. However, I do not let other people’s views or cultures affect my own as much as I may be accommodative to them. This is because I believe that the world has enough space for everyone to practice their own cultures and share their opinions without interfering with others.

I am also a friendly person who highly values friendship. From my childhood, I developed the habit of forming strong friendships both in our neighborhood and at school. I have carried this habit to my adulthood and I have quite a number of friends from various backgrounds because I do not choose friends based on their cultural backgrounds. However, I believe in genuine friendship and as soon as I detect that one is not a true friend, I drop them. To me, a friend should be like family that is always there for one in their better and tough days and moments. Out of this belief, I have helped a number of friends both in and out of school and shared with them some of my innermost secrets. I too have benefited from the loyalty of these friendships.

Further, I follow my decisions and promises with actions as I believe that it is through actions that one can solve their problems and meet their life goals. This virtue has helped me accomplish many of my life’s endeavors especially in my academic life. For example, since my middle school level, I decided that I would not consume television content during examination periods but maximally concentrate on the exams. I have kept to this decision and have thus posted good grades all through because I always have enough time to prepare for exams. I also know that keeping promises is one of the best ways of keeping relationships alive and healthy. I normally do all it takes to keep a promise irrespective of who I make it to. I do keep even as simple a promise as that of sharpening my younger sister’s drawing pencil every morning before she goes to school.

I am an open-minded Christian who values relationships and I act on my decisions and promises. I am accommodative to diverse views and opinions even when they sharply contrast with mine. I pursue my life goals and keep relationships through action. I also have many friends since I believe that genuine friendship is highly beneficial to humans. This personality and values enable me to live a fulfilling life as I am capable of accomplishing my goals and at the same time live harmoniously with others.

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  5. How to Write a 500 Word Essay: Free Examples, Format and Structure

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  1. 10 lines essay on Who am I ? ll @jsj jesy education

  2. Finals Stress 😰 500 Word Essay

  3. The Earth does not belong to us we belong to Earth Essay 500 words/ Heartfulness essay event 2023

  4. When you have to write a 500 word essay 😂

  5. Who am I essay in english/ 10 lines on Who am I

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  1. Write an essay with 500 words. the title is who am i?

    report flag outlined. I believe I am a person who dreams big and has big ambitions in life. Doctors have always been my inspiration since my father himself is one. I have seen him sacrifice his vacation time and free time with families in order to save lives at hospitals. When I was small, I used to get angry when my dad left and went away by ...

  2. 1) Who am I as a person?essay

    Who am I as a Person? I am always eager to learn and try new things that will help me grow and become a better person. What I am trying to do now is to face changes, accept my flaws, and learn from my mistakes. I do not feel afraid to speak and be vocal about what I am feeling, and I believe that everyone has the right to stand for what they ...

  3. Essay on Who Am I for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Who Am I. In this world, many people surround us. Though we all apparently look similar, yet we all are unique in our own ways. The uniqueness gives us an identity. I am a teenage girl. I am like most teenage girls but I am also different from others. Those differences make me who I am.

  4. Who am I Essay in English for Students and Children

    FAQs For Who am I Essay. Question 1: What is the meaning of who am I? Answer 1: The concept of who am I refers to one's identity. Furthermore, identity is the all-encompassing system of relationships, values, experience, memories, feelings, and thoughts that define who a person really is.

  5. Who Am I Essay

    Some of the steps to write a good essay about yourself are 1. Describe yourself in detail with honesty. 2. Write about your hobbies and interests. 3. Include your achievements but avoid boasting about yourself. 4. Use personal experiences and examples. 5.

  6. PLEASE HELP. I WILL MARK BRAINLIEST write a 400-500-word essay that

    The word essay that answers the question: Who am I, and who am I in relation to others is given below. Who am I, and who am I in relation to others. Who am I? This is a question that has been pondered by philosophers and scholars for centuries, and it is a question that each of us must answer for ourselves.

  7. 11 Who Am I Essays

    Essay on Who Am I? For College Students (1000 words) I am a boy who has just landed into the teenage. While entering into the college, I am full with ideas, energy and optimism within myself. I love myself and the whole that surrounds me. I am the one who loves to be surrounded or be in the company of productive and progressive hardworking people.

  8. Essay on Who Am I Examples and Samples

    Jan 23 2018. 2 min read. The question "Who am I?" prompts reflection on identity, values, and experiences, especially for young people. Students often involve introspection and self-analysis in these essays. Our samples can guide you in articulating your sense of self in your academic writing.

  9. PDF Who Am I? Example Essay

    Example Essay. Student "Who Am I" Essay. Who Am I? I've been through a lot in my life and I'm only eighteen-years-old. I never knew. that I would overcome the problems that I had with my parents but I did. I think that's. why I'm a strong person. The things that I experienced made me scared and I wanted to.

  10. Who Am I Essay Example (Written by a College Student)

    I am the person that never got in trouble, never lied, never did anything wrong. Hence the "perfect girl". I never saw myself just like that. Growing up in this generation society puts a high expectation to over yourself. Social media is crazy when dealing with self-confidence. Everyday people, like myself, are scrolling through Instagram ...

  11. Write me a 200 word essay on (who am i)

    A sample essay on who I am is given below:. The Essay. Who am I? This is a question that has puzzled philosophers for centuries and continues to be a subject of debate and self-reflection.. At its core, the answer to this question is subjective and unique to each individual.

  12. essay on "who am I" in english

    30 people found it helpful. yogjyoti7. report flag outlined. Answer: I am a kind person by heart and I intentionally never try to hurt people., as I said at the beginning of this "who am I essay", I am an empathetic person with no ego and attitude problems. I can gel well with people and my friends like me. ...

  13. Brainly

    Brainly is the knowledge-sharing community where hundreds of millions of students and experts put their heads together to crack their toughest homework questions. Brainly - Learning, Your Way. - Homework Help, AI Tutor & Test Prep

  14. How to Write a 500 Word Essay [Structure + Format]

    3.1 Create An Outline. 3.2 Write A Strong Introduction. 3.3 Composing The Body Paragraphs. 3.4 Write An Impressive Conclusion. 4 500-Word Essay Examples. 5 500-Word Essay Topics. 6 Tips for Writing a Great 500-Word Essay. We can say that a 500-word essay length is the best of both worlds. It is longer than a 250-word essay, so you have more ...

  15. Who Am I Essay

    Who Am I Essay Example 1 Outline. Below is a layout you should follow when writing a personal essay to impress your professor. Introduction paragraph (50-75 words) Hook- The Question - who am I? Brief summary: Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a social, kind, respectful, and principled young man.

  16. essay about yourself

    My Self. Rita is my name; I'm a native of the Philippines. I attend the senior high school and come from a Hindu family. My family takes very good care of me and raises me. I am the center of my parents' attention and I attend school. My mother teaches in a public school, while my father works for the government.

  17. Write a composition of at least 500 words using the illustrative

    Write a composition of at least 500 words using the illustrative pattern. I am a mathematician not an english Get the answers you need, now! ... Brainly App. Brainly Tutor. For students. For teachers. For parents ... JustCa11M3R3d. 02/21/2018. English; High School; answer. answered. Write a composition of at least 500 words using the ...

  18. An essay on the passion I have for my country (500 words)

    An essay on the passion I have for my country (500 words) Answer: Patriotism is a feeling of love for one's own country. It is a desire to serve it in all conditions. A patriotic person always likes his country and nation more than any other. Patriotism is a great force. It brings the people of a country closer.

  19. essay of poverty 500 words

    Answer. Poverty is defined as a situation in which a family's fundamental necessities, such as food, housing, clothes, and education, are not met. It can lead to additional issues such as low literacy, unemployment, and starvation, among others. Due to a lack of funds, a poor individual is unable to obtain an education and hence remains unemployed.