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Comprehensive List of Worldview Essay Topics for Students

Apr 16, 2023 | 0 comments

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Apr 16, 2023 | Topics | 0 comments

Worldview Essay Topics are popular for students studying philosophy, religion, and social sciences. A worldview is the framework of beliefs and ideas through which individuals perceive and interpret the world around them. Writing an essay on worldview topics can be an interesting and challenging task, as it requires the writer to delve deep into their own beliefs and values, as well as the beliefs and values of others. The topics can range from examining the impact of religion on society to exploring the role of culture in shaping our worldviews. This article will provide a list of thought-provoking worldview essay topics to inspire students and help them develop their writing skills.

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Best World View Essay Topics for a Research Paper

  • How I view the World
  • Currency: Origin, history, and evolution of currency over time. Why can there not be a single unit of currency in the world?
  • Life and death: different ideologies of what came before birth and what next after death
  • A youthful approach towards drugs, music, and violence and how they respond to them
  • Nature and the environment: an activist’s attempt to save the trees and nature.
  • How does the Islamic Worldview differ from the Biblical Worldview
  • Wildlife and their natural setting: a game warden explains human encroachment’s impact on wild animals.
  • Drugs and alcohol: benefits, effects, and legality of substances
  • Governance: what is the best form of government, and why?
  • The nature of God as a spirit and creator of the universe
  • Sex: what is sex? How is it appropriate? What is the importance of consent?
  • Pregnancy: a communal approach to teenage pregnancies.
  • Technology: is it a positive influence on society or a negative one?
  • Sexuality: views same-sex relationships and the question of their morality by the church
  • Lust: is there a difference between love and lust? A view from the youth.
  • Marriage: expectations of marriage and spouses in this social institution.
  • Natural resources: contribution of mineral ores to a country’s net worth.
  • Why sports is becoming a popular social event
  • Food security : how do we improve productivity on a large scale? What are the hindrances to the realization of this goal?
  • The reincarnation ideology as brought about by Hinduism
  • Religion and spirituality: what is the difference? Which has more impact?
  • Medicine: scientific argument on the usefulness of psychoactive drugs.
  • Love: a general view from Christians, Muslims, atheists, scientists, and Hindus.
  • Economy and trade: how economic growth impacts the nation and its people. Economist’s opinion.
  • The Importance of Worldviews
  • What was the Pueblo View of Death

Interesting Biblical Worldview Essay Topics

The biblical worldview has a huge impact on how you view the world and how you interpret different situations. However, how much do you know about the Bible? The Bible is full of wisdom and powerful stories. With so much to offer, it’s no wonder that the Bible is the most-read book in the world. However, science, history, and literature teachers often use biblical worldview topics in their classes. As a result, students are often required to write about a biblical worldview. Here are some biblical worldview essay topics that might interest you. Biblical worldview essay sheds light on how you interpret a particular worldview. Remember, a good topic selection determines the success of your research paper.

  • What is the meaning of human existence?
  • Can we live without God?
  • Faith in science: is it rational?
  • The power of prayer: can it cure diseases and strengthen our spirit?
  • How was the Garden of Eden created?
  • How did God create everything in the universe?
  • When did sin first appear on Earth?
  • What will happen to people who are not saved? Will they go to hell or heaven?
  • Why does evil exist in this world if God is all-powerful?
  • Is there a meaning to suffering, pain, and death?
  • The cosmological argument – creation vs. evolution
  • God’s role in the universe
  • Is there an afterlife?
  • The problem of evil – where is God in times of suffering?
  • How does one know what is right and wrong? What is morality?
  • Does science disprove God?
  •  What is the Christian worldview?
  •  How is the Christian worldview different from other worldviews?
  •  How do we see God’s common grace in nature?
  •  What biblical evidence supports the existence of God?
  •  What are some arguments against the existence of God? How would you respond to them?
  •  What role does faith play in a Christian worldview? (Think about the relationship between faith and reason)
  •  Where does science fit into a biblical worldview?
  •  Why is it important for Christians to have a biblical worldview? How might holding to a biblical worldview impact your life and relationships with others?
  • What is the biblical worldview?
  •  How does the Christian worldview answer the big questions of life?
  •  What is the relationship between world religions and the Christian faith?
  •  How can we be sure that Christianity is the one true religion?
  •  Is belief in God irrational? Why or why not? (You may find this useful
  •  Why should Christians be involved with public policy?
  •  How can Christians change society for good?
  •  Does science support or refute belief in God? Why or why not?

Christian worldview paper topics

  • The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Personal Values and Ethics
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Faith and Reason in Decision Making
  • The Significance of Community and Fellowship in Spiritual Growth
  • The Role of Prayer and Meditation in Developing a Spiritual Life
  • How Cultural Diversity Impacts Religious Beliefs and Practices
  • The Ethics of Wealth and Poverty from a Religious Perspective
  • The Impact of Science and Technology on Religious Beliefs and Practices
  • The Importance of Forgiveness and Grace in Personal Relationships
  • The Concept of Free Will in Religious Philosophy
  • The Impact of Religious Beliefs on Social Justice and Human Rights

Personal worldview essay topics

Personal worldview essay topics can be about almost anything important to you, makes you think, or a person’s values. You must write about your beliefs and how they affect your life. Most of these topics are traced from the philosophy school and might be considered philosophy essay topics. Check the list of the best possible worldviews topics and choose a philosophy essay topic that suits you best, then write an excellent philosophy essay:

  •  What would it be if you could change something in time?
  • Who was your childhood best friend, and how have they changed your life?
  • Which person has been an inspiration for you?
  • What are the main problems of our society today?
  • What makes you smile or laugh?
  • What is your favourite food and why?
  • How do you see yourself years from now?
  • What are your fears?
  • How do you overcome them?
  • What is your philosophy on life? How do you define success?
  • What is your philosophy on love and relationships?
  • What is your philosophy on death and dying?
  • What is your philosophy on morality and ethics?
  • What do you believe happens after death?
  • How would you explain the meaning of life in simple terms?
  • What is your view of the world?
  • What is your view of the meaning of life?
  • What is your view of ethics and morality?
  • What is your view of human nature?
  • Do you believe in free will? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe in heaven and hell? Why or why not?
  • Does history have any particular purpose or meaning in your opinion?
  • What do you believe is the most important thing in life? Why?
  • What do you believe about God? Why?
  • Do you believe in any other spiritual beings or higher powers? Why or why not?
  • What do you believe about the universe? How did it start?
  • What do you think will happen after we die?
  • What do you think our purpose in life is? Why?
  • Do you think there is a universal moral code that everyone should follow? What does this code say about how we should treat others and ourselves? What happens if people choose not to follow it?
  • What do you think happens when a person commits a crime or sin against another person or themselves (i.e., suicide)? Who decides what punishment they should receive if any at all? Is there any way to make them better after committing a crime/sin, or are they hopelessly lost forever?
  •  What are your motivations and goals?
  •  How do you view the world?
  •  What is your view of reality?
  •  How do you relate to the cosmos?
  •  What is your place in the universe?
  •  What are the basic principles that guide your life?
  •  Do you believe in a “higher power” or an ultimate meaning to life? If yes, what is it? If not, why not? Does it matter if there is an ultimate meaning to life or not?
  •  How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
  •  What does religion mean to you? Is it important for others that their particular worldview includes religion? Why or why not?
  •  Think about a time when you felt that the worldview of a people was “different” from yours (or even an “opposite” perspective). Write about this experience in detail, including how you responded and how you felt at the time (whether this was a positive or negative experience)
  • What are your views on reality TV?
  • Do you think people deserve privacy, even in public places?
  • What is your view on abortion? Do you think it should be legal for any reason during pregnancy? Or do you think there should be some restrictions in place?
  • What is your opinion on gun control?
  • How important is freedom of speech to you?

Sires ‘ worldview questions

Based on James W. Sire, The Universe Next Door, 3d ed., 1997. Sire identifies the following as the seven basic questions a worldview tries to answer:

  • What happens to a person at death?
  • How do we know what is right and wrong?
  • What is a human being?
  • What is prime reality? The real?
  • What is the meaning of human history?
  • Why is it possible to know anything at all?
  • What is the nature of external reality, the world around us?

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If you struggle to write your worldview essay and need professional assistance, look no further than our expert essay writing service. We’ll craft an excellent paper that’s guaranteed to impress anyone. Our team of experienced writers will help you write the best and most thought-provoking essay that reflects your worldview and captures your readers’ attention. By clicking the ORDER NOW button above, you can place your order and receive top-quality essay writing help tailored to your specific needs. Don’t let the stress of writing your worldview essay hold you back. Place your order today and get the help you need to succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a worldview essay.

When you think of a worldview essay, you should be answering the “why am I here” questions. You can write about your cultural background or values and their origins.

What is a worldview topic?

Worldview topics are the big ideas that shape how you see the world. They are about the meaning of life and our place in the universe. For example, God, Free will/Determinism, Matter/Mind, Artificial intelligence/The Singularity, Life after death, Science vs. Religion, Fate vs. Chance, Morality

What are worldviews examples?

Various belief systems, religions, ideologies, and science are apparent examples of worldview areas containing differing pictures of the world.

How can I describe my worldview?

A worldview is a collection of attitudes, values, stories, and expectations about the world around us, which inform our thoughts and actions.

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65 Worldview Examples

worldview examples definition types

A worldview is a belief system that shapes one’s perceptions, values, and actions. It is an anchor upon which we can live out our lives so that it’s consistent with our underlying belief system.

There are four types of worldviews. These are: attitudinal, ideological, religious, and philosophical. Within each of these categories, we can identify examples of worldviews such as optimism, libertarianism, monotheism, and stoicism.

List of Worldviews Discussed in this Article

Worldview examples, 1. attitudinal worldviews.

An attitudinal worldview is a general disposition that someone has. It can be seen as the core features of a person’s personal character that tend to be consistent enough that they are seen as a person’s personality.

Examples of attitudinal worldviews include optimism, pessimism, compassion, thoughtfulness, and adventurousness.

The most common metaphor we use when exploring attitudinal worldviews is that of glass-half-full versus glass-half-empty. This metaphor makes us think of two people looking at the same glass of water. One person says “that glass is half full”. They are an optimist because they’re reflecting on what they have. The other person says “that glass is half empty”. They are a pessimist because they’re reflecting on what they’re missing.

In performance reviews at work, an employer will often refer to a person’s attitudinal worldview. They might talk about their work ethic, optimism, or cooperativeness as things that offer value to the team.

Similarly, in school report cards, teachers might reflect on a student’s friendliness, resilience, or growth mindset .

List of Attitudinal Worldviews

2. ideological worldviews.

Ideological worldviews are worldviews based upon a person’s values and ideals. They stem from a personal idea of how the world should be structured both politically and economically.

Examples of ideological worldviews include capitalism, socialism, communism, social democracy, libertarianism, agrarianism, and totalitarianism.

These ideological worldviews might underpin the way you vote and your perception of what rights and freedoms people should have. For example, a socialist might be more focused on social equality and ensuring people get the education and healthcare they need regardless of their income.

By contrast, capitalists might be more concerned with ensuring people have the freedom to start a business and build wealth for themselves and their families.

Interestingly, there is a gender slant in ideological worldviews. If we were to look at a distribution curve, we would see that women are distributed more closely toward communitarian worldviews, while men are distributed more closely toward individualistic worldviews.

List of Ideological Worldviews

3. religious worldviews.

Your religious worldview refers to your beliefs about god and spirituality. Even people who do not believe in a god or are unsure can be classified as having a religious worldview (agnosticism and atheism).

We can also break down religious worldviews into a few key types, including monotheism, polytheism , and atheism.

Most of the world’s major religions are monotheistic, including Christianity, Islamism, Mormonism, Catholicism, and Judaism.

People with a strong belief in an organized religion may turn to their founding texts (e.g. the Bible, Quran, etc.) to help shape their worldview. Through these texts, they develop beliefs around morality, how to live a good life, gender relations, and even what to eat and when to eat it!

List of Religious Worldviews

4. philosophical worldviews.

Philosophical worldviews refer to your beliefs about fundamental questions like the nature of existence, truth, knowledge, and social relations.

While philosophical worldviews are similar to, and informed by, religious and ideological worldviews, your philosophy tends to be a set of epistemological beliefs based upon critical reasoning and systematic and rational inquiry.

Philosophical worldviews are also often informed by schools of thought that emerge from academic study such as pluralism, moral relativism, Marxism, postmodernism, and intellectual conservativism.

For example, the philosophy of stoicism is based upon a school of thought that dates back to ancient Greece. This philosophical worldview teaches that humans should change the things they can and accept the things they cannot change. It encourages personal reflection on to build up wisdom, temperance, courage, and justice .

List of Philosophical Worldviews

The influence of culture on worldviews.

While we like to think that we use personal intellect and free thought to come to our worldview, the truth is that our worldviews are very much influenced by our cultures.

For example, the vast majority of people who grow up in Islamic families tend to be Muslims in adulthood; the same goes with Christianity. While small changes occur from generation to generation, there is a clear intergeneration passing-down of worldviews.

Similarly, we can see that societies like the United States are highly individualistic whereas societies in Scandinavia are more communitarian in nature. The mere exposure to worldviews through family, friends, and media can fundamentally influence the values we consciously choose to adopt in adulthood.

This is not to say you don’t have agency to choose for yourself; rather, it is to say that on a sociological level, some worldviews have more of a foothold in some cultures than others, demonstrating the impact on your situated context on how you perceive the world around you.

What is your Worldview? – How to Determine It

Most people have a rough idea of their own worldview to start with. If you’re not able to articulate your worldview right now, you would want to start by asking yourself some questions.

These questions might include questions like:

  • What words would you use to describe your personality? (Attitudinal worldviews)
  • What are your core beliefs when it comes to politics and economics? (Ideological worldviews)
  • What are your beliefs about God and spirituality? (Religious worldviews)

You could also do a wide range of reading to get a better sense of the world if you feel like you need to be more informed before stating what your worldview is. A common book people read is Sophie’s Choice , a fictional book about a girl who is discovering her opinions about philosophy.

Similarly, you may want to take classes on world religions and politics to get a better idea of what your fundamental belief systems are .

A person’s worldview is a deeply-held set of beliefs that are shaped by a range of factors, including family, culture, religion, and education. It can also change over time. Big events in life, such as the birth of a child, can shake a person’s fundamental belief system and make them re-think their entire worldview.

Similarly, many people don’t know what their personal worldview is. For those people, self-reflection, consultation with people they admire, and exploration of a range of philosophical and religious perspectives can help them to develop a personal belief system.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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1 thought on “65 Worldview Examples”

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Thanks alot the article actually as made me learn many things about worldviews,and I believe it will shape mine too about my beliefs and deeper convictions about the world around me and beyond.

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Topics Base

Everything begins with an idea!

Worldview Essay Topics

The topics should strive to add knowledge to any particular area of study. Each topic attracts a different approach and ideas to how different people view them. They should also strive to add more insight or shed more light on subjects of general knowledge. Creating and forming a good argument on a specific topic will require your dedication, time, and resources. By doing so, your research becomes manageable, factual, transparent, and objective. Whether writing an essay as an assignment or research, you must bring out strong points for discussion. When writing your article, all your points should be factual. Conducting research first will boost the accuracy of your facts in an essay. It is a hard task collecting data for writing unique and factual research. It is even harder if you are writing for the first time and don’t have any experience.

Conflicting ideologies may arise from time to time, which helps understand both sides of the coin (topic). Different arguments on one topic complement each other. Selecting worldview essay topics and screening them prudently if they are ideal for your target audience is essential. By doing so, you lower the chances of complicating your essay. Like any form of communication, essay writing can attract positive or negative feedback. Use figurative language in your essay to keep it interesting, and the audience engaged. Explore the best possible worldviews essay topic ideas and express them in a friendly and interactive approach. When you engage the audience, they feel like they are part of the essay; therefore, they understand your content in an easy way.

The following are some popular theme proposal examples that you could choose what to write about:

  • How I view the world
  • Religion and spirituality: what is the difference? Which has more impacts?
  • Love: a general view from Christians, Muslims, atheists, scientists, and Hindus.
  • Sex: what is sex? How is it appropriate? What is the importance of consent?
  • Lust: is there a difference between love and lust? A view from the youth.
  • Sexuality: views same-sex relationship and the question of its morality by the church
  • Pregnancy: a communal approach to teenage pregnancies.
  • Marriage: expectations of marriage and spouses in this social institution.
  • Life and death: different ideologies of what came before birth and what next after death
  • Nature and the environment: an activist’s attempt to save the trees and nature.
  • Governance: what is the best form of government, and why?
  • Drugs and alcohol: benefits, effects, and legality of substances
  • Technology: is it a positive influence on society or a negative one?
  • Food security: how do we improve productivity on a large scale? What are the hindrances to the realization of this goal?
  • Why sports is becoming a popular social event
  • Economy and trade: how economic growth impacts the nation and its people. Economist’s opinion.
  • Currency: Origin, history, and evolution of currency over time. Why there cannot be a single unit of currency in the world
  • Natural resources: contribution of mineral ores to a country’s net worth.
  • Wildlife and their natural setting: a game warden explains the impact human encroachment has on wild animals.
  • Medicine: scientific argument on the usefulness of psychoactive drugs.
  • The Importance of Worldviews
  • How Islamic Worldview differs from Biblical Worldview
  • The nature of God as a spirit and creator of the universe
  • The reincarnation ideology as brought about by Hinduism
  • A youthful approach towards drugs, music, and violence and how they respond to them

It can get challenging to choose topics for specific essays. The above examples will help you write the best possible articles.

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Broadening My Worldview Through Writing

How I Write and Learn

By Sophie T., a Writing Coach

This pandemic has no doubt made learning a huge challenge—but if anything positive has come out of my learning experience, it’s that I am constantly pushed to think critically about the world every time I put pen to paper.

In one of my classes last semester, our task was to develop a public health intervention targeting a health issue of our choosing. On the first day, my professor urged us to consider current societal contexts (like COVID, social justice movements, and politics) to ensure that our intervention would be relevant, appropriate, and impactful. For example, if we were interested in cancer survivors’ mental health, perhaps our intervention would be a peer support group. But how might COVID-19 affect that? Would an online support group work?

That class freshly reminded me of all the ways I could use writing assignments to broaden my worldview—not just during a pandemic, but anytime. In contemplating this further, I recognized that writing assignments have helped me grow in several major ways:

On the left is coffee in an orange mug on a table. On the right is a black laptop with an article pulled up on the screen.

  • They’ve shaped my opinions (and shown me that it’s ok to change my opinion based on what I learn): Lots of writing assignments require students to do research and develop an argument. Through doing those assignments, I’ve improved my skills in considering various viewpoints (including ones I disagree with), assessing the credibility of my sources, and gradually fleshing out my perspective on the issue at hand. For example, my current views on identities such as race, gender, and sexual orientation have certainly evolved after I’ve had to reckon with them across dozens of argumentative writing assignments. Those views in turn shape how I perceive my own identities and how I interact with other people.

The Abstract section in the American Journal of Human Biology titled “Changing body norms in the context of increasing body size: Samoa in 1995 and 2018."

Reflecting on my way-too-many years as a student, I have come to realize that many of the causes that I care most about started as writing assignments for class—like my research in body image, which began as a series of reflections I wrote about weight stigma in a class aptly called Stigma and Health. Or my interest in media representation of marginalized groups, which grew out of a final paper I wrote for a disability studies class, where I examined the function of ableist language in articles by The Onion .

I remember stepping into those classrooms not thinking they were all that related to my career path. But here I am, thousands of words and hundreds of coffees later, having opened my mind to knowledge and perspectives that ended up shaping my worldview profoundly. I can’t wait to see what new worlds my future classes will open!

A grey striped cat is curled up and sleeping on a beige couch between the author’s feet.

This blog showcases the perspectives of UNC Chapel Hill community members learning and writing online. If you want to talk to a Writing and Learning Center coach about implementing strategies described in the blog, make an appointment with a writing coach , a peer tutor , or an academic coach today. Have an idea for a blog post about how you are learning and writing remotely? Contact us here .

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Home Essay Samples Life

Essay Samples on Worldview

Perceiving reality: how do you see the world.

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Are Religion and Science at War

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The Concept Of The Rogerian Argument

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How Conspiracy Theories Actually Help People to Understand the World Better

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The Impact of Religious Values on One's Worldviews

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Analysis Of The Māori Worldview

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Best topics on Worldview

1. Perceiving Reality: How Do You See the World

2. Are Religion and Science at War

3. The Concept Of The Rogerian Argument

4. How Conspiracy Theories Actually Help People to Understand the World Better

5. Influence of Movie Pay It Forward on My Worldview

6. Establishment of the Greek Worldview by Greek Philosophers

7. Perception of Individual’s Worldview with Own Beliefs and Morals

8. The Impact of Religious Values on One’s Worldviews

9. Impact of Personal Ethics While Analizing Art and Movies

10. Analysis Of The Māori Worldview

11. A Visionary Perspective: How I See 100 Years Into the Future

  • Career Goals
  • Personality
  • Coming of Age

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Worldview: Moral and Ethical Principles Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Moral and ethical principles are a product of teaching, influences, experiences, this answer is a result of teachings and influences, explaining beliefs to others.

All people are different as they have different interests and needs. However, many things unite them. Culture is one of these things. People raised in some cultures share values, beliefs, and principles of morality. Sometimes people change their beliefs and principles, but they mainly stick to the rules they learned in their childhood. This focus on a set of rules often leads to conflicts. However, it is possible to explain your beliefs to people and live in peace with everyone around you.

Some believe that the basis of ethics and morality is religion or laws. However, it is necessary to take a deeper look at this issue. A very brief analysis of moral and ethical principles shows that they are based on such things as assistance, love, hope, and so on. The feeling of right and wrong is always deep down in every person’s heart. However, not all people listen to their hearts. Of course, children are taught to behave, help others, be nice. At that, when people grow, they understand that these principles and rules are good and helpful as they help them live well in society. In simple words, moral and ethical principles are also rules of survival in human society.

It is difficult to understand whether my answer is a result of some teachings or influences. I believe they are a result of both. My parents, teachers, and relatives, have told me what is right and what is wrong, what to do, and what not to do. Sometimes I felt peer pressure and had to act in a particular way. These experiences became the basis of my character and beliefs. Now, I can judge whether some behaviors and moral or ethical rules are good or bad. In many cases, I try to act ethically, but sometimes I fail to act right, which makes me feel bad.

I have many friends, and some of them do not share my beliefs, which often results in some misunderstandings. I have a selfish friend. He believes that each person should focus on his/her own needs, and helping others is only a way to get something he wants. We often have arguments as I have opposite beliefs. Some people do not like him as they cannot communicate with him and explain their views. I have found a very effective strategy. I always try to use words and concepts he understands. I try to find benefits for him in every good action. For example, when I need his help to do some good things, I explain my view and find some benefits for him. This benefit can be a possible favor for him, a better image, and so on. I believe this strategy can be used in many situations.

In conclusion, I would like to note that moral and ethical principles are a result of culture and people’s own experiences. Children are taught to behave in some ways, but when they grow up, they act based on their characters, experiences, and influences. This leads to different the existence of values and behaviors. However, if more people tried to understand each other, there would be no wars. If people could understand other values and tried to use the words other people could understand, the world would be a better place.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 28). Worldview: Moral and Ethical Principles.

"Worldview: Moral and Ethical Principles." IvyPanda , 28 Aug. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Worldview: Moral and Ethical Principles'. 28 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Worldview: Moral and Ethical Principles." August 28, 2020.

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