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brown med school secondary essays

July 22, 2022

Brown Alpert Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 – 2023]

Brown Alpert Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 - 2023]

Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University is the only medical school in the state of Rhode Island. For this reason, it offers unparalleled access to all types of clinical settings and hospitals. It has seven teaching hospitals near its medical school campus. Its mission is “The pursuit of health to benefit society.” First and second year medical students can volunteer at the Brown Student Community Clinic. It is ranked #35 for research and #14 for primary care , according to U.S. News and World Report . The secondary application consists of three required essays.

Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University 2022-23 secondary application essay questions

Brown medical school essay #1.

Summarize your activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

Using an updated copy of your CV or resume and a copy of your AMCAS activities, make a comprehensive list of your current commitments. Include everything within the time frame for which they are requesting information. You can include activities that you are planning, as long as you are certain that you will follow through with them. You can always bring an updated copy of your CV or resume to the interview, especially if your plans change. Be thorough. Include everything you’re doing while applying.

Brown Medical School essay #2

How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)

Using their guidelines, “cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences,” make a list. What has been unusual for you in these areas? Often it is hard to identify this information by yourself, so you may want to talk to a friend, premed advisor, or consultant for ideas. Using your list, identify those qualities or experiences that have resulted in definite skills or abilities that you can share with your medical school class. Focus on those areas that benefit you as well as others.

Brown Medical School essay #3

What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters)

If this question stumps you, I recommend reviewing the CV or life story of a doctor or mentor whom you admire. Often, it’s hard to know what our goals should be when we don’t know what is possible. Give yourself time to read biographies and CV’s of those who inspire you to come up with ideas for your future. Have fun with this one, but set realistic goals!

Applying to Brown Medical School? Here are some stats:

Alpert Medical School average MCAT score: 516

Alpert Medical School average GPA: 3.78

Alpert Medical School acceptance rate: 2.6%

U.S. News  ranks Alpert #35 for research and #14 for primary care.

Check out the Med School Selectivity Index for more stats.

You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are in life. Now that you’re ready for your next achievement, make sure you know how to present yourself to maximum advantage in your Brown Alpert applications. In a hotly competitive season, you’ll want a member of Team Accepted in your corner, guiding you with expertise tailored specifically for you.  Check out our flexible consulting packages today!

Alpert Medical School 2022-23 application timeline

 AMCAS application dueNovember 1
Secondary application and LORs dueDecember 1
Interviews are heldSeptember-February
DecisionsRolling admission

Source: Alpert Medical School website

Register for our upcoming webinar: Writing Secondary Essays That Get You Accepted!

Related Resources:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Essay Questions from Top Med Schools
  • Different Dimensions of Diversity , a podcast episode
  • “I’m Smart, Really I Am!” Proving Character Traits in Your Essays [With Sample Essays]

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Secondary application.

Applicants verified by AMCAS will receive electronic mail instructions for the online secondary application.

Once your application is verified by AMCAS, we will send you electronic mail instructions for the online secondary application. No secondary application received after November 1 will be considered, and incomplete applications are not reviewed by the Admissions Committee. The secondary application contains Brown-specific information and requires a nonrefundable fee of $110. If you are applying to the Combined MD-ScM program, you will select that option on your secondary application.  See our FAQ page  for more information about the MD-ScM application and admission process.

Candidates selected for interview are notified by email. All candidates should receive a notice of interview status by early March. Only those candidates who are interviewed will be considered for admission.

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Answers to the most common queries about the application process at The Warren Alpert Medical School.

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Brown Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

Brown Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

Brown medical school secondary essay prompts ask applicants to address a wide range of subjects. If you’re going to write strong secondary essays for this school, you’re going to need to pay close attention to the medical school application timeline to give yourself enough time to brainstorm and write. Brown, along with most medical schools in the US , will ask for specific information about your experiences, attributes, and aspirations. If you’re having trouble getting started, don’t worry – in this article, we provide sample answers to Brown medical school secondary essays that you can use to guide your own.

Disclaimer: Please note: although we have made every effort to provide the most accurate information, admissions information changes frequently. Therefore, we encourage you to verify these details with the official university admissions office. You are responsible for your own results. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any official universities, colleges, or test administrators and vice versa. 

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Article Contents 8 min read

The ins and outs of medical school secondary essays.

If you’re wondering how to make your medical school application stand out , secondary essays are a great way to achieve that. The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University is historically one of the best medical schools in the US. The curriculum offers core clerkships in internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, clinical neuroscience, and family medicine. Brown Medical School is also an institution known for producing physician-scientists primed with research experience in one of their affiliated programs and institutions. With such a diverse curriculum and elective options allowing students to pursue their unique interests, the secondary essays inevitably demonstrate how prospective students will approach such a demanding course load.

Because Brown Medical School also has one of the lowest medical school acceptance rates , a strong secondary essay submission will be necessary. Aside from the other documents you will submit in your application, such as a medical school letter of intent or medical school resume , your secondary essays should relate to the attributes and experiences that demonstrate the potential to become a physician. Medical school is also a rigorous and demanding academic environment, which means you should use your secondary essays to show that your academic history is indicative of your ability to succeed in the program at Brown.

This cycle’s secondary essays ask students to address the following topics (these are not the prompts themselves):

  • Activities during the current or past academic year.
  • How your attributes will contribute to diversity and inclusion in medical education .
  • Aspirations for medical practice.

The Brown medical school secondary essays you write for prompts 1 and 2 should not exceed 2,000 characters, including spaces. For reference, 2,000 characters is about 285–500 words. The third and final prompt has a 3000-character limit, which is about 428–750 words. You should aim to write as close to the character limit as possible; doing so will allow you to include enough detail to demonstrate your point clearly. It will also show that you’re capable of following instructions and that you can write a succinct and structured essay following basic requirements.

Your essays should be formatted according to standard academic essay requirements. You should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion; information should flow consistently through logical points. When you only have 2,000 or 3,000 characters to convince the admissions committee that you’re worth an acceptance, every word counts. However, don’t try and stuff in words or information, as this will make your essays congested.

“Summarize your activities during the current or past academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career.” (2,000 characters)

Through a student organization for pre-medical students, I met with a doctor named Daniel Allena who was offering shadowing opportunities for pre-meds. Dr. Allena owns a GI health clinic; during my time shadowing him, I observed various procedures, such as colonoscopy, barium swallow tests, upper GI series, and small bowel series. I was specifically interested in this field because colon cancer runs in my family. Having witnessed the pain and adversity of invasive and painful treatment, I know that the health care professionals involved in this level of care make all the difference. By exposing myself to a medical setting in which I can envision myself specializing, I learned that not only is it important to uphold the highest standard of patient care, but that it takes patience and understanding to overcome fear and potential communication barriers.

Earlier this year, I was also volunteering at a hospital as an administrative support assistant. My job was to make phone calls to patient families and confirm upcoming appointments or important dates. I also occasionally worked with the treasury branch to collect donations from local patrons in support of our workers. From communicating with patients and their families, I discovered the importance of being clear, focused, and receptive. Many of the patients or patients’ families had questions about treatment or care options, and I was always glad to answer any questions I was qualified to answer or find someone that could. I always made sure to ask if they had any questions or concerns to show that I was available to help. I learned that listening and being available are important ways to show empathy to people who are possibly worried, afraid, and desperate for answers. I also learned that sociocultural factors could change variables of interaction and make it a challenge to communicate; in these situations, I always listen to the best of my ability and do what I can to accommodate the patient’s concerns.

Characters: 1,987

Brown Medical School Secondary Essay Prompt #2

“How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community?” (2,000 characters)

I grew up in a small remote city surrounded by large swaths of farmland close to a cottage area along the lake. The irony is that while the landscape is very beautiful, the circumstances in which some people live aren’t. There’s been a fentanyl and opioid crisis throughout most of my time living there. I was lucky to live on the outskirts of town, where we weren’t directly exposed to most of these issues. There was an unsettling number of overdoses reported each year, a number that has recently been rising. Unfortunately, the municipality and health care system hasn’t been able to adequately address this crisis and get people the help they need.

After moving out of the city and into a much larger and industrial one, a TA for one of my classes passed away from an overdose; I was disheartened when I continued to hear news of other students who were affected by addiction, many of whom didn’t know the markers of addiction until their condition had become severe. Despite efforts to install social outreach programs, opioid-use disorder continues to increase. I believe that there are many reasons for why addiction continues to rise, but accessibility to proper care and medicine remains my primary concern. Another reason that proper care isn’t provided in most communities, including my hometown, is that people aren’t receiving the education they need to prevent an addiction from occurring.

I applied to the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University mainly because of the addiction medicine fellowship program. Once I complete medical school and residency, my goal is to create an addiction and mental health clinic in my hometown. Addiction is a complex disorder that requires expert physicians in every community to treat and educate the people suffering and provide resources for their families. Knowing people who suffer from addiction and haven’t received the help they need incites a strong desire to contribute to solving this problem in my community and beyond.

Characters: 1,989

“What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself?” (3,000 characters)

My goals are to become a neurologist and conduct research on Tourette Syndrome. When I was a kid, I was sitting in class one day when the teacher called on me to explain why I was blinking and moving my lips in a so-called disruptive way. I didn’t realize I was doing this, and I had no explanation for why I was doing it. The teacher called my parents to complain about my behavior. They took me to a psychologist, who couldn’t explain to me or my confused parents what was happening. I went to many different doctors and clinics, most of whom weren’t aware of a condition that could explain my impaired motor function; I went on medication for ADHD, but it wasn’t helping my symptoms.

Eventually, I went to a doctor named Dr. Spurgeon, who referred me to a neurologist, who then confirmed a diagnosis of Tourette’s. She explained in clear and simple terms that I wasn’t fabricating my symptoms, as others suggested, but that my brain and nervous system were causing my motor tics. I was put on the correct medication and referred to another specialist who used habit reversal therapy to treat my physical symptoms, which were often painful. It was the neurologist who resonated with me the most because of how clear and compassionate she was; from my experience with her, I understood the importance of communication, especially with such a misunderstood condition like Tourette’s. Her approach to explaining how my condition works made me feel understood and more comfortable when I was receiving treatment. It also helped me get the accommodations I needed for class.

Are you writing your med school personal statement? Find more tips here:

Because of my experience of being misdiagnosed and misunderstood by some medical professionals, I want to empower individuals in similar situations living with neurological conditions. The Warren Alpert Medical School’s neuroscience research with a patient-centered focus resonates strongly with how I want to approach treating complex disorders like Tourette’s. Brain science courses and the year 3 clerkships covering neurology and psychiatry will provide me with the knowledge and practice I need to achieve these goals. The wide range of learning options and the clinical services in neurology at the School speak to the depth of knowledge and quality of care that I’d like to contribute to.

Another goal I have is to contribute to impactful neurological research. Promoting neurodivergent concerns and communicating care options will bring those who are suffering and their families much needed relief and clarity. To achieve this goal, I would like to become a fellow at the Brown Biology and Medicine Department of Neurology. The program comprises a range of subspecialities, but the one that appeals to me the most is the movement disorders fellowship. The opportunity to conduct research at the Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) clinic would help me achieve my goal of understanding complex movement disorders and improve the lives of affected people.

Characters: 2,965

Your secondary essays for the first two prompts should not have more than 2,000 characters; the third prompt can be a little longer but should not exceed 3,000 characters.

You should be writing in standard essay format. That means you should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your topic sentence should be clear and interesting, and your points should flow logically and consistently from one to another.

If you can, yes. Starting early can give your more time to plan, write, and revise. If you decide to start writing early, make sure you’re writing for prompts that have remained consistent from cycle to cycle, because they can often change.

You can if it’s applicable. However, don’t just copy and paste without organizing the information correctly. Make sure you don’t mention the name of the other schools you were applying to in the wrong essay.

You should take as much time as you need from the day you receive the prompts to the deadlines provided. You want to make sure you have enough time to edit and get the writing done. If you do submit early, it can show enthusiasm – but you don’t want to sacrifice quality to submit earlier. Consider the medical school application timeline for the schools you’re applying to so you can organize your schedule more effectively.

Use your resume, cover letter, and other application documents as reference. Having them with you as you write will help you plan your essays and help you avoid missing any important information. Be careful not to repeat anything you might have written in other documents.

Research the curriculum. Brown Medical School offers clerkships and research opportunities; think about what appeals to you about these aspects and relate them to your goals as a prospective physician.

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) lists various competencies for entering medical students. Some of these include social skills, ethical responsibility to self and others, and critical thinking.

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  • Secondary Essay Prompts

Secondary Essay Prompts – Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

brown med school secondary essays

Secondary Essay Prompts for the The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Below are the secondary essay prompts for the The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University in Providence, RI.

2019 – 2020

  • Do you have significant limitations on your interview availability for the 2019-2020 admissions cycle?
  • Summarize your activities during the 2019-2020 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)
  • How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)
  • What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters)

2018 – 2019

  • NOTE: Interviews occur on Thursday’s and/or Friday’s beginning in mid-September and finishing in February. Please detail any significant limitations on your availability during this time, such as international travel, work or courses. You may use the text box below to explain your limited availability. (if none, leave blank) (500 characters)
  • Summarize your activities during the 2018-2019 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

Below are the secondary essay prompts for the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

2017 – 2018.

  • The Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University strives to ensure that its students become respectful physicians who embrace all dimensions of caring for the whole person. Please describe how your personal characteristics or life experiences will contribute to the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University community and bring educational benefits to our student body. (1000 characters)
  • Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application? (1000 characters)
  • Why have you chosen to apply to the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and how do you think your education at Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University will prepare you to become a physician for the future? (1 page, formatted at your discretion, upload as PDF)

For all programs:

  • NOTE: Interviews occur on Thursdays and/or Fridays beginning in mid-September and finishing in February. Please detail any limitations on your availability during this time, such as international travel, work or courses. (500 characters)
  • Summarize your activities during the 2017-2018 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

For Regular MD only:

For MD-ScM:

  • Imagine that you are approached by a multibillionaire philanthropist who wants to donate a substantial fund of money to a single project with the goal of “fixing the US healthcare system.” He/she asks for your expert opinion on what project this money should go towards; what would you advise and why? (2000 characters)
  • Often when we talk about medicine, we focus on the individual physician-patient relationship. Why should medical schools train future physicians to care for communities and populations as a whole, and not just individual patients? (2000 characters)

2016 – 2017

MedEdits  advises against using outdated prompts for the current season.

  • Summarize your activities during the 2016-2017 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

Secondary essay webcast with Dr. Jessica Freedman, founder and president of MedEdits Medical Admissions.   Read more about Dr. Freedman.

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Secondary Essay

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Topics covered in this presentation:

  • When should I submit my secondary essays?
  • Pay attention to the word/character limits.
  • Can I recycle secondary essay prompts for multiple schools?
  • Identify topics that you left out of your primary application.
  • And, much more.

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Admissions Requirements

Learn more about this school:

Secondary Essay Prompts for Other Schools

Do you want to see secondary essay prompts for other medical schools?

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Secondary Essay Prompts By School

*Data collected from MSAR 2022-2023, 2022 Osteopathic Medical College Information Book, and institution website.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on each medical school’s website. MedEdits does not guarantee it’s accuracy or authenticity.


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brown med school secondary essays

Med School Insiders

Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page .

About Brown University Warren alpert Medical school

Secondary Deadline : November 1, 2023 Secondary Fee : $110 FAP Waiver : Full Fee Waived CASPer Required : Yes Screens Applications : No Accepts Application Updates : Yes/Portal

The pursuit of health to benefit society

1) Summarize your activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career (2000 characters).

2) How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)

3) What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters).

1. Do you have significant limitations on your interview availability for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle?

2. Summarize your activities during the 202–2021 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

3. How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)

4. What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters

1. Do you have significant limitations on your interview availability for the 2019-2020 admissions cycle?

2. Summarize your activities during the 2019-2020 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

4. What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters)

1. Summarize your activities during the 2016-2017 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

2. How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)

3. What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters)

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

brown med school secondary essays

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Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Secondary Questions

Here are the secondary prompts for Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

Secondary Essay Editing

  • Summarize your activities during the 2021-2022 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career.   (2000 characters)
  • How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters)
  • What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters)
  • Do you have significant limitations on your interview availability for the 2019-2020 admissions cycle?
  • Summarize your activities during the 2019-2020 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)
  • Interviews occur on Thursday’s and/or Friday’s beginning in mid-September and finishing in February. Please detail any significant limitations on your availability during this time, such as international travel, work or courses. You may use the text box below to explain your limited availability. (if none, leave blank) (500 characters)
  • Summarize your activities during the 2018-2019 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

For all programs:

  • Interviews occur on Thursdays and/or Fridays beginning in mid-September and finishing in February. Please detail any limitations on your availability during this time, such as international travel, work or courses. (500 characters)
  • Summarize your activities during the 2017-2018 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

For Regular MD only:

  • For MD-ScM: Imagine that you are approached by a multibillionaire philanthropist who wants to donate a substantial fund of money to a single project with the goal of “fixing the US healthcare system.” He/she asks for your expert opinion on what project this money should go towards; what would you advise and why? (2000 characters)
  • Often when we talk about medicine, we focus on the individual physician-patient relationship. Why should medical schools train future physicians to care for communities and populations as a whole, and not just individual patients? (2000 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

  • Summarize your activities during the 2016-2017 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)
  • Summarize your activities during the 2015-2016 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)
  • Imagine that you are approached by a multibillionaire philanthropist who wants to donate a substantial fund of money to a single project with the goal of “fixing the US healthcare system.” He/she asks for your expert opinion on what project this money should go towards; what would you advise and why?
  • Often when we talk about medicine, we focus on the individual physician-patient relationship. Why should medical schools train future physicians to care for communities and populations as a whole, and not just individual patients?

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2022-2023 Brown (Alpert)

  • Thread starter wysdoc
  • Start date Apr 21, 2022

Applying to Med School? Get In Or Your Money Back

Plain-spoken Texan

  • Apr 21, 2022


Full member.

  • Jun 30, 2022

Anyone know what the appropriate acronym is for essay use? I keep using BSOM, but I think it's AMS? Or WAMS? I read on another thread that it's AMS, wanted to check if anyone had other info.  


throwaway198773 said: Anyone know what the appropriate acronym is for essay use? I keep using BSOM, but I think it's AMS? Or WAMS? I read on another thread that it's AMS, wanted to check if anyone had other info. Click to expand...


  • Jul 6, 2022
ikster said: OOS secondary today Click to expand...



  • Jul 7, 2022

@wysdoc OOS secondary received, 8:11am CST Prompts: 1) Summarize your activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career (2000 characters). 2) How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? (2000 characters) 3) What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself? (3000 characters)  

OOS secondary received  


Anyone who has received secondaries mind sharing stats?  

FernThePlant said: [URM] 515 MCAT, 3.77 cGPA, 3.75 sGPA Click to expand...


ordinarywindsurfer said: Anyone who has received secondaries mind sharing stats? Click to expand...



For the question: " Summarize your activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career (2000 characters)", are we supposed to only talk about our activities in the next year when answering how they'd prepare us for a medical career?  

The SunDance Kid

  • Jul 8, 2022
MyStateofMind said: I'm not aware that any screening takes place. Just wanted to add some context for those that have submitted primaries but have not yet received secondaries.Good luck everyone!! Click to expand...


  • Jul 13, 2022

Anyone here not received secondaries yet? I was verified on 6/27 and have checked spam but nothing. Edit: Actually I just received it  

  • Jul 14, 2022
ManWithoutPlan said: Anyone here not received secondaries yet? I was verified on 6/27 and have checked spam but nothing. Edit: Actually I just received it Click to expand...
  • Jul 16, 2022

Verified 7/10 still waiting.  


  • Jul 17, 2022

I have heard that Brown heavily favors its undergrads, specifically those who have done the PLME program. Can any current students speak to this? How much of the class is composed of non-Brown graduates?  

YouShouldBeDrivingAKia said: I have heard that Brown heavily favors its undergrads, specifically those who have done the PLME program. Can any current students speak to this? How much of the class is composed of non-Brown graduates? Click to expand...


  • Jul 18, 2022

sent to school 7/8 still waiting  



  • Jul 19, 2022
natarenu said: Received OOS on 6/30/2022. Not yet submitted. When is the actual deadline for submission? Thank you! Click to expand...
Scribe2MD2018 said: Should be in the secondary email. Click to expand...
  • Jul 20, 2022

For the Premed Competencies should we put every course that fulfills each or just the minimum prerequisites?  

OOS Secondary received 7/20  

  • Jul 27, 2022

Has anyone else not received their secondary? I was verified late June, but added Brown to my list on 7/19.  


  • Jul 28, 2022

I got my secondary today. I submitted my primary 6/14, verified 7/15. I'm curious if Brown is one of the more selective schools when it comes to secondary invites?  


  • Aug 5, 2022

Any interview invites here? Someone on reddit said they got one yesterday from Brown  

I think it's pretty early for Brown? Maybe in the next two weeks we may have more II?  

mountain_gurl said: Any interview invites here? Someone on reddit said they got one yesterday from Brown Click to expand...
FernThePlant said: The reddit user said that they submitted on 7/7 which would be the first day that secondaries were even sent out -- I bet we see more II's really soon as mentioned above Click to expand...

Profile pic is fire @MCATThiccy. Also, I don't trust Reddit. Maybe that's wrong of me, but I just don't.  

dt323232 said: Profile pic is fire @MCATThiccy. Also, I don't trust Reddit. Maybe that's wrong of me, but I just don't. Click to expand...
Scribe2MD2018 said: Just curious as to why you don’t? I’m new to this pre-med forum game … just want to make sure I'm not missing something Click to expand...



Nah, I DM’d the person. I believe it. Brown is incredibly selective and interviews/admits very few people. It’s not impossible to assume only a few people got an II as soon as this week.  


  • Aug 6, 2022
MCAThiccy said: I submitted my app on 7/7/22 (though I am pretty low stats compared to most of this pool). Maybe they had ties or a killer app. who knows? But that's not even 1% of the interview invites so we just gotta wait! Also do y'all like my profile pic? Click to expand...
derpman said: how do you know only 1% of brown invites have gone out? Click to expand...
  • Aug 8, 2022

Sent primary a week ago and no secondary yet, is that normal for Brown?  

6d6564 said: Sent primary a week ago and no secondary yet, is that normal for Brown? Click to expand...



Is it too late to apply now? Seeing people receive their secondary almost 2 weeks after verification means that I'll be complete really late into the cycle. I'm already AMCAS verified, but I'm debating whether to add Brown to my list last-minute. I'm not sure if I'll have a shot at a II because I'm not a Brown undergrad  



MolBioGurl said: I received an II on Friday. Tbh, I was shocked. Click to expand...
  • Aug 9, 2022

OOS II!! LM 76, complete 7/7  


Cleans his metal mask with gasoline

dawgs_ said: i also have not received the secondary and sent my primary a week ago as well. did you end up contacting them? Click to expand...
skeptastic said: I went ahead and bit the bullet for those of us curious about the secondary delivery timeline. I emailed the admissions department this morning and received a reply about an hour later. My primary was verified on 8/2, and AMS said they received the primary yesterday. This insight should help ease a lot of the worries in this thread that folks have regarding AMCAS verification date vs AMS secondary receipt date. They went on to say that it takes a few days for their computing services department to set up each applicant's access to the secondary portal. Finally, they said I should receive a secondary email by the end of the week. In summary, I'd say that with Brown, it's best to assume your primary app won't be received by the school until a week after it is verified by AMCAS, and that you won't receive the secondary until a week after that. So, two weeks from verification date to secondary app delivery. If it happens more quickly, nice! If not, now we have a better idea of their process. Hope this helps! Click to expand...
MCAThiccy said: I genuinely hope that you get into an Ivy school. You really deserve it, seriously. Love you <3 Click to expand...
  • Aug 10, 2022

I received and submitted the secondary today! AMCAS app verified 8/2, secondary received 8/10. Less than two weeks, and I will take it lol. Did anyone else submit their secondary and have all letters marked as received under the "Document Status" section but have letters of recommendation marked "not received" under the general "Status" section?  


  • Aug 11, 2022

OOS II this morning! LM 74. Secondary received 7/7. Submitted 7/16  

Pre Med Hopeful 456

Pre Med Hopeful 456

  • Aug 12, 2022

OOS II received just now. LM 73, submitted 7/18. URM.  

Adrenaline Junky

Adrenaline Junky

  • Aug 15, 2022

OOS II received! Anybody know the post II acceptance rate?  

Adrenaline Junky said: OOS II received! Anybody know the post II acceptance rate? Click to expand...

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How to Get Into Brown Medical School | Insider’s Perspective

  • Cracking Med School Admissions Team

Hi premeds! This page serves as a high-yield resource for how to get into the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. We’ve compiled it from Brown Medical School acceptance rate data, the Brown University Med School website, and most importantly, from Brown Med students themselves! You will have facts such as Brown Medical School admissions statistics and  you’ll get an insider perspective about how to get into Brown Medical School.

Whether you’re comparing medical schools that you have been accepted to, preparing for an interview, or wanting to learn more about Brown University Medical School, keep reading!

If you have any questions about medical school applications or Brown Medical School, feel free to contact us or email us directly at [email protected] with questions!


The most common reasons we’ve heard from students:

  • Flexible curriculum
  • Friendly environment
  • Liberal, always thinking about innovation
  • New public health school with lots of collaboration with the medical school
  • Compact campus
  • Providence, RI

Table of Contents


Brown Alpert Medical School Secondary Application:

As we mention in our Brown Medical School secondaries blog post, our Cracking Med School Admissions team strongly advises you to paint a clear vision as to how you will change healthcare in the future. Furthermore, you need to convey how the Alpert Medical School at Brown University will help you accomplish your vision. Read more tips about how to stand out on your Brown secondary here . 

How to Get Into Brown Medical School

Brown Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts:

Essay 1)  Summarize your activities during the 2020-2021 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters)

Essay 2)  How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community?  (2000 characters)

Essay 3)  What are your aspirations for your medical practice? Fast-forward to 15 years in the future: where do you imagine yourself?  (3000 characters)

Need help with editing your Brown Alpert Medical School secondary essays? Get the Cracking Med School Admissions team’s expertise through our secondary essay editing package . If you have questions, email us at [email protected] or contact us .


Get the Cracking Med School Admissions team’s expertise through our  secondary essay editing packages.  If you have questions, email us at [email protected] or contact us .

Brown Medical School Interview Format

Brown Alpert Medical School interviews are traditional format.

**Many of our students who have interviewed there are asked whether they want to live in Providence, RI. Make sure you have a good response to this!**

To ace your traditional interview, you need to know how to answer common medical school interview questions. It’s important to practice, practice, practice.

Cracking Med Resources for Interviews:

  • How to answer “Tell me about yourself” Medical School Interview Question
  • How to answer “Why this Medical School?”
  • 43 Questions To Ask Your Medical School Interviewers
  • Download our Cracking Med School Admissions interview guide below

Contact us if you want to schedule a mock interview with our Cracking Med School Admissions team! Take a look at our interview packages .

download your interview guide

If you are prepared, the interview gives you the perfect opportunity to standout and shine by sharing with people what you are passionate about.

Med School Admissions Interview Guide eBook Cover

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  • Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Brown Medical School Acceptance Rate

Brown medical school admissions statistics:.

  • Brown Medical School Median Undergraduate GPA: 3.77
  • Brown Medical School Average MCAT Score: 515 (129 chemical & physical / 128 critical analysis / 129 biological & biochemical / 130 psychological, social)

How did Brown Med Students Do on Their USMLE Step Exams?

  • Average Brown Medical School USMLE Step 1 Score: 234
  • Average Brown Medical School USMLE Step 2 Score: 247

Source: U.S. News Graduate School Rankings 2021

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Rishi Mediratta, M.D., M.Sc., M.A.

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Each year, the Cracking Med School Admissions team helps students get accepted to top medical schools. We can help you get accepted! Contact us today.

The Insider’s View on Brown Medical School's Pre-clinical years

How to Get Into Brown Medical School – Know the Curriculum: 

Curriculum Overview:

The first two years at Brown Med are pre-clinical years. Then, you take USMLE Step 1. During your 3rd and 4th years, you are in clinical rotations. Your 4th year is completely flexible and you can choose to take whatever rotations (or “vacation”) you want.

One great option at Brown is the scholarly concentrations. These pursuits allow students to do scholarly research and take classes in a field of interest. There are several options for scholarly concentrations .

Scholarly Concentration Options:

  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Caring for Underserved Communities
  • Global Health
  • Health Policy
  • Integrative Health and Contemplative Practice
  • LGBTQ Healthcare and Advocacy
  • Medical Education
  • Medical Humanities and Ethics
  • Medical Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Physician as Communicator
  • Translational Research in Medicine
  • Women’s Reproductive Health

Pre-Clinical Years:

The first year is grounded on basic science and a “Doctoring” course where you learn clinical medicine physical exam skills. Additionally, there is a research methods in population medicine class throughout your entire first year. During your second year, you learn medicine in an organ-based fashion.

  • Pulmonology
  • Reproductive
  • Gastrointestinal

How to Get Into Brown Medical School – Know Unique Characteristics: 

Unique highlights about pre-clinical years:

  • Scholarly concentration
  • Research funding, especially during the summer
  • Public health school collaborations

Taking Time Off:

Most MD candidates at Brown Medical School graduate within 4 years, but there is a lot of FLEXIBILITY in the curriculum and they allow students to take time off.

What students are saying about Brown Medical School

The insider’s view on brown medical school's clinical years.

Brown Medical School Clinical Years:

Prior to starting your clerkships, you have a clinical skills class. Even during your core clinical rotations during your 3rd year, you still have elective time. You also have a longitudinal integrated clerkship where you work with one physician and see his or her panel of patients for the entirety of your clinical rotations.

Core Clerkships:

  • Family Medicine (6 weeks)
  • Internal Medicine (6 weeks)
  • OB/GYN (6 weeks)
  • Pediatrics (6 weeks)
  • Psychiatry (4 weeks)
  • Neurology (4 weeks)
  • Surgery (6 weeks)
  • Elective (6 weeks)

Unique highlights about clinical years:

  • Ample elective time, even in the third year
  • Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship
  • You can pursue “Independent study”
  • Fourth years can participate in “Advanced Clinical Mentorship”

Clinical Rotation Sites:

  • Hasbro Children’s Hospital
  • Emma Pendelton Bradley Hospital
  • Kent Hospital
  • Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Rhode Island
  • Rhode Island Hospital
  • Providence VA Medical Center

What students are saying about clinical rotations at Brown

How to Get Into Brown Medical School – Know The School Culture: 

Where do students live?

Students mainly live in apartments or rent houses near Brown Medical School. There is some graduate-housing available.

Getting around:

You don’t necessarily need a car for Brown, although some students bring one so they can travel outside of Providence at their leisure.

Financial Considerations:

  • You can apply for grants and financial aid with Brown’s financial aid office.
  • Brown Medical School Tuition and Fees: ~$67,000 in-state + ~$19,000 room and board
  • Average indebtedness of graduates: ~$154,000

Cracking Med School Admissions Resources

Here are useful Cracking Med School Admissions resources:

  • How To Write A Personal Statement For Medical School
  • Download Cracking Med School Admission’s FREE AMCAS Activities Workbook
  • Premed Timeline: Planning For Medical School Applications

Read our other popular school blogs here:

  • Cracking Yale School of Medicine Admissions
  • How to Get Into Harvard Medical School
  • How to Get Into Georgetown Medical School

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Warren Alpert Physician-Scientist MD/PhD and Advanced Training Program

How to apply.

Applying through the AMCAS application:

  • Complete your AMCAS Application by October 7th .  Choose the “Combined Medical Degree – PhD” program designation option in AMCAS.
  • Complete the MD/PhD essays in the AMCAS application.
  • Complete the Alpert Medical School Secondary Application. AMS Secondary Application Deadline: November 1st.
  • Complete the MD/PhD essay question on the Alpert Medical School Secondary Application.
  • Applicants for the institutionally funded MD/PhD Program may choose from the graduate programs within the Division of Biology and Medicine. (Candidates considering PhD work in other disciplines must apply as Regular MD only. Those who wish to combine the MD degree with a PhD in a field not offered within the Division of Biology and Medicine can apply to the graduate program of their choice, but do not receive funding through the medical school.)
  • Interview invitations are sent between September and January.
  • Interview days for MD/PhD candidates take place in November, December, and January.
  • Decisions for the MD/PhD Program are made after all interviews and will be announced by mid-March.
  • Questions about applying? Email: [email protected]

Note: MD/PhD candidates are not considered for the MD-only program .

Applying from Brown University’s Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME):

  • Request a letter of recommendation from the PLME Office at least two weeks in advance of October 1 . A transcript for any coursework taken at Brown University will be included with your PLME Letter, and sent to the MD/PhD Office on your behalf.
  • Request three letters of recommendation, at least one of which must be from a research mentor, be sent to the MD/PhD Office at  [email protected] by October 1.
  • Official transcripts from any institutions where you have undertaken academic coursework outside of Brown University that does not appear on your Brown University transcript or AMCAS Application.
  • Describe your background, research experience, and your interest in pursuing a combined MD/PhD program; include your long-term career goals in wanting to become a physician-scientist.
  • Explain your reasons for wanting to complete The MD/PhD program at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
  • Once materials are reviewed, interviews will be granted for selected students.
  • Decisions will be announced by  April 16.

Applying as a current Alpert Medical School student:

  • Request a letter of recommendation from a research mentor be sent to the MD/PhD Office at  [email protected] by October 1.
  • Request the AMS Admissions Office send a copy of your AMCAS Application from the year you applied to AMS to the MD/PhD Office at least two weeks in advance of October 1.
  • Official transcripts from any institutions where you have undertaken academic coursework outside of Brown University that does not appear on your Brown University transcript or AMCAS Application.\
  • Explain your reasons for wanting to complete the MD/PhD program at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
  • Decisions will be announced by April 16 .

Brown Biology and Medicine

  • [email protected]
  • (650) 338-8226

Cupertino, CA

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How to Ace Your Brown University Secondaries

brown med school secondary essays

By Eric Eng

medical student interns

In the vast landscape of medical school applications, navigating the Brown University secondaries is a critical and challenging step, marking a defining moment in the journey of any aspiring medical professional.

Known officially as The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University , this Ivy League institution is recognized globally for its world-class medical education and research programs. Today, we dive deep into understanding the secondary application process at Brown University, providing you with insights and tips to enhance your chances of securing that coveted acceptance letter.

Understanding Brown University Medical School’s Secondary Application Process

Now let’s take time to understand the process of Brown University secondaries.

Importance of Secondaries in the Admissions Process

Although it may be tempting to view secondary applications as something to simply “get through” and finish, avoid this mindset. The admissions team views secondaries with the same level of importance as they do your primary application: as a window into who you are as a person and a candidate for medical school.

While your primary application provides an overview of your achievements and qualifications, secondaries offer an opportunity to demonstrate how you fit specifically into Brown University’s community. Admissions staff will carefully review your responses to the secondary essay prompts, which will require a thoughtful, well-crafted response.

Group of students studying on a table.

It is important to note that the secondary application process is not just about demonstrating your academic achievements. Admissions staff are looking for well-rounded individuals who can contribute to the school community in a meaningful way. This means that your responses should not only highlight your academic achievements but also your personal experiences and interests.

For example, if you have experience volunteering at a local hospital, be sure to highlight this in your essay. This will demonstrate your commitment to helping others and your passion for the medical field.

Timeline for Submitting Secondaries

Timing is key when it comes to submitting Brown University secondaries. The sooner you complete and submit your application, the higher your chances are for acceptance. Brown University’s medical school requires that you submit your secondary application within two weeks of receiving it. Keep in mind that “receiving” means the date you get the notification email, not the actual day you retrieve and begin the application.

It is important to note that the two-week timeline is not a suggestion but a requirement. Failure to submit your secondary application on time may result in your application being rejected. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and ensure that you have enough time to complete the application and submit it before the deadline.

Tips for Staying Organized During the Application Process

It is crucial to develop a system for staying on top of your Brown University Medical School secondary application deadlines and requirements. This will help you submit your application on time without sacrificing the quality of your responses.

One useful tip is to create a timeline for completing your application. This timeline should include deadlines for each section of the application, such as essay prompts and recommendation letters. By breaking down the application into smaller, manageable tasks, you can ensure that you are making progress and staying on track.

Consider creating a spreadsheet that includes deadlines for each school you’re applying to, noting when you invite reviewers, and when you send in essay prompts to them. Alternatively, use a tracking app that will notify you when a deadline is approaching.

If you’re applying to multiple schools, it’s essential to keep track of your essay responses and ensure they are tailored to the specific school’s prompts. One possible approach is to keep a document for each school’s application that includes your essay responses and any additional notes about the program or your candidacy for the school.

Another tip is to ask for feedback from others. This can include family members, friends, or even a professional editor. Getting feedback from others can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your responses are clear, concise, and well-written.

Ultimately, the key to a successful secondary application is to be honest, thoughtful, and authentic. Admissions staff are looking for individuals who are passionate about medicine and who are committed to making a difference in the world. By demonstrating your unique qualities and experiences, you can increase your chances of being accepted into Brown University’s Medical School.

How to Approach Brown University Secondaries’ Essay Prompts

Are you interested in applying to Brown University Medical School? If so, it’s essential to understand the essay prompts and how to approach them. Brown seeks to assess whether you’re a good fit for their medical school, so your responses should demonstrate your interest in their approach to medical education and commitment to the practice of medicine.

University students talking in front of a laptop.

Analyzing the Essay Prompts

Before you begin writing your responses, it’s important to read through Brown’s essay prompts carefully and analyze what they are looking for. Brown’s essay prompts are designed to help the admissions team learn more about you and what makes you unique.

One of the essential things to do while writing an essay is to research the program and figure out how it aligns with your values and professional aspirations. Make sure to reflect on Brown’s five cornerstones: Science, Compassion, Diversity, Leadership, and Collaboration.

Tips for Writing Compelling Responses

With all the insights you’ve gained from analyzing the essay prompts, it’s time to start putting your thoughts into writing. Here are some tips to help you develop compelling and articulate responses:

  • Answer the Prompt: It might seem obvious, but make sure you’re actually responding to the essay prompt. Don’t go off-topic.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Sharing personal anecdotes is often more effective than simply saying something. Sharing a specific story from your life that illustrates your point can infuse messaging with authentic feeling.
  • Be Specific: Provide concrete examples to support your ideas. Avoid vague or general statements that could apply to anyone.
  • Avoid Overusing Passive Voice: Although it can be tempting to rely on “passive voice” (e.g. “It was decided”), it’s not as effective in demonstrating action or accountability. Use active voice instead.

Remember, you want to stand out from other applicants, so use specific examples and language that shows your unique qualities and experiences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Essays

While writing your essays, make sure to avoid simple mistakes that might distract from a potentially strong essay response:

  • Misspellings or Grammatical Errors: Make sure to proofread your work before submitting. A typo or common grammar error may prompt the admissions team to dismiss an otherwise strong essay.
  • Generic Responses: Avoid writing bland essay responses that could apply to any school or program. Ensure that your answer reflects both what Brown medical school stands for, and why it’s a good fit for you.
  • Disorganized Responses: Don’t pack in too much and make your response confusing or difficult to read. Keep to the prompt at hand.

Group of medical students in college hallway

By keeping these tips in mind, you can craft compelling and articulate responses to Brown University secondaries’ essay prompts. Good luck!

Strategies for Addressing Specific Brown University Medical School Essay Topics

Now with all that information in mind, it is important to strategize how you address specific prompts in your Brown University secondaries.

Discussing Your Interest in Brown’s Unique Curriculum

Brown’s ‘Scholarly Concentrations’ curriculum is one of the most unique aspects of the medical program at Brown University. It allows students to specialize in a particular discipline or problem in medicine, providing them with the opportunity to tailor their education to their interests and career goals. This program encourages students to participate in research, community-based initiatives, and develop a personalized course of study.

If you are interested in this program, it is important to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to this unique aspect of the Brown medical school experience. To write effective responses, take a close look at your interests and explore opportunities that will enable you to continue further that interest. Have you conducted medical research, joined student groups that have perspective on public health advocacy? Use this as a way to showcase your interest and experience.

For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in pediatrics, you might consider specializing in child health as part of Brown’s Scholarly Concentrations program. You could discuss your interest in this area of medicine and how you plan to use this program to further your career goals. Alternatively, if you are interested in global health, you might consider specializing in international health and using your education to work with underserved communities around the world.

Demonstrating Your Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Brown University is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community, and this is reflected in the medical school’s admissions process. As a prospective student, it is important to consider these factors when writing your responses. Review the school’s inclusion initiatives and find ways to demonstrate your commitment to these ideals in your responses.

Take time to examine the impact of your experiences and how they’ve influenced your approach to medicine and patient care. Specifically, reflect on aspects of your worldview that might make you a stronger physician candidate. For example, if you have experience working with underserved communities, you might discuss how this experience has shaped your understanding of the importance of cultural competence in healthcare.

It is also important to consider how you plan to contribute to the diversity of the Brown medical school community. This might involve discussing your interest in working with diverse patient populations or your involvement in organizations that promote diversity and inclusion in healthcare.

Highlighting Your Research Experience and Interests

The university encourages medical students to engage in research, and this is reflected in the school’s curriculum and opportunities for students. It is important to highlight research experience in your Brown University secondaries. Utilize your essay response to highlight your past research efforts and interests, and consider how you can apply that experience to your future studies at Brown University’s medical school.

four doctors looking at the camera

Make sure to articulate the outcomes of your past research experience, detailing what you learned and how you applied this knowledge. Then, consider how this research has informed your future goals and how that fits with the Brown experience. For example, if you have conducted research on the genetics of cancer, you might discuss how this experience has led you to pursue a career in oncology and how you plan to use your education to make a difference in this field.

It is also important to consider the unique research opportunities available at Brown University and how you plan to take advantage of them. For example, if you are interested in neuroscience, you might discuss your interest in working with the Brown Institute for Brain Science and how this experience could further your career goals.

Tips for Revising and Editing Your Secondary Essays

As you work on your secondary essays for medical school, it’s important to take the time to revise and edit your work. Here are some tips to help you refine your responses and make them as strong as possible.

Seeking Feedback from Trusted Sources

One of the best ways to improve your essays is to get feedback from people you trust. This could be a supervisor, professor, former coworker, or family friend who has experience with writing or the medical school application process. Ask them to evaluate the strength and clarity of your responses and provide direct opinions on areas that require improvement. It’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to constructive criticism, as this can help you identify blind spots and make necessary adjustments.

When seeking feedback, it’s also helpful to provide context about the school you’re applying to and the specific essay prompts you’re responding to. This can help your readers understand your goals and tailor their feedback accordingly.

Ensuring Clarity and Coherence in Your Writing

Another key aspect of revising essays in Brown University secondaries is ensuring that your writing is clear and coherent. While drafting your response, take note of any areas where your thoughts seem muddled or unclear. Consider revising your sentences or paragraphs to improve the flow of your writing and make your ideas more accessible to your readers.

Once you’ve completed your essay, it’s important to re-read it multiple times before submitting it. This can help you identify any issues or inconsistencies and polish your prose for reader appeal. Try reading your essay out loud to yourself or having someone else read it to you, as this can help you catch errors or awkward phrasing that you might miss when reading silently.

Avoiding Redundancy and Overused Phrases

Finally, it’s important to avoid using overused phrases or elements that don’t add value to your essay. Common phrases like “I am passionate about medicine” or “I have always wanted to be a doctor” can come across as cliched or insincere, and may not help distinguish you from other applicants.

Instead, try to use your experiences or unique perspectives to express why you genuinely care about medicine and why you would be a good fit for Brown University’s medical school. Consider using specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate your points and make your essay more engaging and memorable.

By following these tips, you can improve the quality of your secondary essays and increase your chances of standing out to admissions committees. Good luck!

Applying to medical school is an arduous process, and the Brown University secondaries represent one of many important milestones along the journey. Though challenging, this stage of the application provides an incredible opportunity to showcase your dedication to medicine, commitment to service, and ability to thrive within Brown’s diverse, collaborative, and innovative medical community.

group of medical students sitting and communing at a stair outside of a medical college

Remember, the pursuit of a medical career is as much about the journey as the destination. Embrace each step, including the secondaries, as a learning experience that not only brings you closer to your goal of attending medical school but also shapes you into the compassionate and skilled healthcare professional you aspire to be. Here’s wishing you all the best in this endeavor!

How AdmissionSight can help you with college admissions

AdmissionSight is a college consulting firm that provides personalized assistance to students throughout the college admissions process. Here are some ways that AdmissionSight can help you:

Admissions strategy: AdmissionSight can help you develop a strategic plan for your college application process. Our professional consultants can assist with identifying schools that are a good fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal goals and help you plan and prioritize your application strategy.

Application review: AdmissionSight can review your application and provide feedback on how to improve it. We can offer suggestions on how to make your application stand out and highlight your strengths and unique qualities.

Essay coaching: AdmissionSight can help you craft compelling essays that showcase your personality, goals, and achievements. We can guide you through the essay writing process and provide feedback on your drafts to help you refine your writing.

Interview preparation: AdmissionSight can provide interview coaching to help you feel confident and prepared for your college interviews. Our experts can offer tips on how to present yourself professionally and how to answer common interview questions.

Extracurricular planning: AdmissionSight can help you plan and develop your extracurricular activities to make them more impactful and meaningful. We can suggest activities that align with your interests and goals and provide guidance on how to demonstrate your leadership and initiative.

Overall, AdmissionSight can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the college admissions process to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice .

With a high success rate of over 75%, we have built a strong network in the past decade. Book an initial consultation today, free of charge!


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  1. How to Stand Out On Your Brown Medical School Secondaries

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  2. Medical School Secondary Essays: Prompts & Tips To Answer Them

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  5. Medical School Secondary Essays: 5 Tips to Nail Them & Essay Prompts

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  6. Fillable Online Medical School Secondary Essays: The Complete Guide

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  3. Harvard Med Grads Share Their Top Med School Application Tips

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  6. A Winning Diversity Med School Secondary Essay!


  1. Brown Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips

    Brown Alpert Medical School Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 - 2023] Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University is the only medical school in the state of Rhode Island. For this reason, it offers unparalleled access to all types of clinical settings and hospitals. It has seven teaching hospitals near its medical school campus.

  2. How to Stand Out On Your Brown Medical School Secondaries

    How to Get Into Brown Medical School. Brown Pre-Writing Guidance: There have been too many changes in the Brown Medical School Secondary Application essay prompts in the 2023-2024 application cycle.We would not suggest you pre-write these before the official prompts come out. Additionally, Brown from our experience, Brown does not favor students who submit early - the Brown Medical School ...

  3. The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Secondary Application

    Alpert of Brown University Secondary Essay Prompts (If you have updated prompts, please submit them at updatesecondaries.com) Prompts have been updated November 2023. (Older essays, if available are below) Prompts: Summarize your activities during the 2023-2024 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career.

  4. 2023-2024 Brown (Alpert)

    chilly_md. Mar 15, 2023. #1. 2023-2024 Brown (Alpert) Secondary Essay Prompts (question #3 is changed from last year) 1. Summarize your activities during the 2023-2024 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters) 2.

  5. Secondary Application

    The secondary application contains Brown-specific information and requires a nonrefundable fee of $110. If you are applying to the Combined MD-ScM program, you will select that option on your secondary application. See our FAQ page for more information about the MD-ScM application and admission process. Candidates selected for interview are ...

  6. Brown Medical School Secondary Essay Examples

    A Note on Secondary Essay Format. The Brown medical school secondary essays you write for prompts 1 and 2 should not exceed 2,000 characters, including spaces. For reference, 2,000 characters is about 285-500 words. The third and final prompt has a 3000-character limit, which is about 428-750 words. You should aim to write as close to the ...

  7. How to Get Into Brown Medical School: Requirements and Strategies

    As you might expect of a prestigious, private university like Brown, tuition at Alpert Medical School is on the more expensive end. As of the 2023-2024 school year, tuition runs $69,286 per year. When factoring in fees, books, living expenses, and other costs, Brown projects the total first-year cost of attendance to be $102,320.

  8. Secondary Essay Prompts

    Below are the secondary essay prompts for the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. 2017 - 2018 The Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University strives to ensure that its students become respectful physicians who embrace all dimensions of caring for the whole person.

  9. Brown Warren Alpert Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts

    The secondary application is just as important as the primary. We'll make sure you get it right. These are the secondary application prompts for Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School for the currently application cycle. To view the previous year's secondary essay prompts, scroll down.

  10. Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Secondary Questions

    Here are the secondary prompts for Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. 2021-2022. Summarize your activities during the 2021-2022 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career. (2000 characters) How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work ...

  11. 2022-2023 Brown (Alpert)

    2022-2023 Brown (Alpert) Secondary Essay Prompts. 1) Summarize your activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. Describe how your activities are preparing you for a medical career (2000 characters). 2) How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the ...

  12. Medical School Secondary Essays: The Complete Guide 2024 (Examples

    Part 2: The medical school diversity essay Example diversity essay prompts. Example 1: "We seek to train physicians who can connect with diverse patient populations with whom they may not share a similar background.Tell us about an experience that has broadened your own worldview or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself and what you learned from it."

  13. Secondary Essay Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    We have compiled a Medical School Secondary Essay Database, with prompts from all the medical schools. Look up the schools you're applying to, and if your primary application is submitted, get started on your secondaries. You will find that writing secondary essays gets easier and easier over time because a lot of them are around the same theme.

  14. How to Get Into Brown Medical School

    You can apply for grants and financial aid with Brown's financial aid office. Brown Medical School Tuition and Fees: ~$67,000 in-state + ~$19,000 room and board. Average indebtedness of graduates: ~$154,000. Source: U.S. News Graduate School Rankings 2021.

  15. Med School Secondary Essays 101: What Are They, Why Are They Important

    Secondary essays come after you submit your primary application. It is a way for schools to learn more about you. It helps the medical schools determine your fit to their mission and it helps you do some research to see if you truly want to go there. "Secondary Applications for medical school are a very important part of the med school ...

  16. How to Apply

    Complete the Alpert Medical School Secondary Application. AMS Secondary Application Deadline: November 1st. Complete the MD/PhD essay question on the Alpert Medical School Secondary Application. Applicants for the institutionally funded MD/PhD Program may choose from the graduate programs within the Division of Biology and Medicine. (Candidates ...

  17. How to Answer Common Essay Prompts on Medical School Secondary

    Tips for Secondary Med School Essays. Emphasizing fit and showing authenticity help medical school secondary essays stand out, experts say. Cole Claybourn May 30, 2024. Load More.

  18. How to Ace Your Brown University Secondaries

    Brown seeks to assess whether you're a good fit for their medical school, so your responses should demonstrate your interest in their approach to medical education and commitment to the practice of medicine. Analyzing the Essay Prompts. Before you begin writing your responses, it's important to read through Brown's essay prompts carefully ...

  19. Lehigh University Education

    Tips for Secondary Med School Essays. Emphasizing fit and showing authenticity help medical school secondary essays stand out, experts say. Cole Claybourn May 30, 2024. Load More.

  20. Zheleznodorozhny, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You ...

    Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Zheleznodorozhny Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,133 reviews of Zheleznodorozhny Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Zheleznodorozhny resource.

  21. Secondary Application Essay Library

    Wisconsin Medical Schools. Medical College of Wisconsin Secondary Application. University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Secondary Application. This list of medical school secondary essays is the most up-to-date list you'll find anywhere, and includes great tips on how to answer the prompts.

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    596K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  23. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    601K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  24. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.