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  • Cover Page Templates

55 Amazing Cover Page Templates (Word, PowerPoint + PSD)

In the academic and professional arenas, you often need to prepare reports or projects which need a cover page template. The cover page is the very first thing that the reader would see. Therefore, the cover page for project should be well-made.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Title Page Templates
  • 2 When do you use a cover page?
  • 3 The important elements of a cover page template
  • 4 Report Cover Page Templates
  • 5.1 Academic cover page
  • 5.2 Business cover page
  • 5.3 Report cover page
  • 6 Cover Sheet Examples
  • 7 How to make a cover page?
  • 8 Cover Page For Project
  • 9 How to create a title page?

Title Page Templates

Free Annual Report Cover Page Template

When do you use a cover page?

A cover page template is also known as a title page template, and you can use it in different kinds of projects such as:

  • academic essays
  • business plans
  • professional reports
  • white papers

However, this template differs from cover sheets and cover letters. A cover sheet is a type of document sent with fax which provides the recipient with additional information. On the other hand, a cover letter is usually attached to a resume when you apply for a job .

The important elements of a cover page template

Before making your portfolio cover page, you should know what elements to include in it. Simple as this page may seem, there are some things which you need to incorporate into it. These are:

  • The title or subtitle of the document
  • The name of the author
  • The title of the author
  • The cover image or cover photo
  • The completion or submission date
  • The description of the document

Also, the color spread, style, and layout of the report cover page should blend together with the rest of the document seamlessly. Also, you should follow any other requirements set by your instructor or the recipient of the document.

Report Cover Page Templates

Free Cover Page Template 7

Common types of cover page templates

When you look at different cover sheet examples online, you’ll discover that there are different types to choose from. Here are the most common ones:

Academic cover page

In the academic world, making a cover page template requires some rules. In fact, following these guidelines is just as essential as the content within the paper or the document. Also, the cover page should follow the proper format depending on the style set by the instructor. The most common format styles of academic cover pages are:

  • American Psychological Association or APA This format is now in its 6th Edition, and it’s commonly used in the field of social sciences. When following this format style, the cover page should include a title, a running header, the name of the author, the name of the institution, and any other notes the author wants to include.
  • Modern Language Association or MLA This format is now in its 8th Edition, and it’s commonly used in the fields of humanities and arts. Normally, this format doesn’t require a cover page, but some instructors still ask for it. If you’re required to make a cover page, follow the guidelines set by your instructor .
  • Chicago Manual of Style or CMS This format is now in its 16th Edition, and it’s also commonly used in the fields of humanities and arts. In such a format, you might need to make a standalone cover page, or you may add the title on the first page of your document.

Business cover page

This style is very common in the corporate world, and its design would depend on the nature of the company or the organization. Some cover pages require formality and professionalism while others may need more flair and creativity. For instance, some technical reports only show figures and facts which means that you would only need to use a conservative design for the template. But marketing and business plans might need more imagery and color to attract more readers.

Report cover page

There are different styles you can use when making a template for a cover page template for a report. You would use a different style when making a template for a marketing report compared to when making a template for a business proposal . Use your professionalism or creativity as you see fit to impress your target audience.

Cover Sheet Examples

Free Business Cover Page

How to make a cover page?

When you’re thinking about preparing a cover page template, remember that it’s all about the first impression. Your document might have a lot of good content, but without a well-made report cover page, your target audience might not even read it. There are many crucial things to keep in mind when creating your report’s cover page.

The cover page is at the very start of a document. From the beginning, the purpose of this page is to provide the reader with a good idea of what your document is all about. You communicate this information by including all the relevant information on this page. Here are some helpful steps to follow when making a cover page for the project in Microsoft Word:

  • First, open a new document in Microsoft Word.
  • Click on the Insert tab to find the drop-down menu for cover page templates. From there, you can choose which template you’d like to use for your project.
  • When you click on a template, it will appear as the first page of your document.
  • Click on the fields which have already been pre-formatted and start typing the information. First, the title of your document then the subtitle, the date, your name, and more.
  • If you don’t see a style you like in among the available templates, you can also customize one of the pre-formatted templates. For instance, you’d like to change the background image of the template, simply right-click on that picture then select “Click Picture” in the menu.
  • If in the middle of making your document, you’d like to change the cover page, you can do this too. Just go back to the first page then choose a new template from the menu. In doing this, the information you’ve added won’t get changed.
  • After you’ve added all the information on your cover page, don’t forget to save it in a location that’s easily accessible.

As we’ve said, making a cover page doesn’t require much effort. Even if you want to make your own customized template, you can do this in a matter of steps and in very quick time. The pre-formatted templates available in Microsoft Word will save you a lot of time and effort. However, using such a template would mean that you can’t make your own personality and style shine through. Here are some steps to follow if you plan to design your own portfolio cover page:

  • Choose one of the pre-formatted templates from the Insert tab then start editing the template. Change the colors, font styles, and all the other elements in the template.
  • You can get stock-free images online and use those for your cover page. Move the elements around and see which arrangement is the most aesthetically appealing.
  • When you’re happy with how you cover page, save your document to preserve your customized design.

No matter how you choose to make your cover page, make sure to add all of the important elements which we have discussed in the previous section.

Cover Page For Project

Free Final Exam Cover Page Template

How to create a title page?

Title pages are simple and easy to make. However, you need to follow some specific guidelines when making them. You can download our title page template if it fits into the style you’re instructed to follow. Since making such a template isn’t complicated, you can also make it yourself. Just follow these steps:

  • Space the title of the document about a third down the page. If your document has a long title or it has a colon somewhere in it, you can use two lines for the title.
  • Make use of “title case capitalization” wherein you use a capital letter at the beginning of the important words such as the verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
  • Add your name as the author of the document right below the title. Use your complete name and start with your first name, middle initial, then your surname. If more than one person wrote the document, include all of the full names.
  • Add the name of your institution, organization or university. This will tell the readers where you performed most of your research. If several authors from different institutions wrote the document, add the name of the institution right below the name of the author/s.
  • Now it’s time to format your template. Your title page should be double-spaced. To do this, highlight the text and choose the double space option in the line spacing drop-down menu.
  • Your title should have a horizontal center alignment.
  • Then add a running header which appears at the top of the page and continues throughout the document. But the header isn’t the title of the document, just a few keywords or about 50 characters.
  • The next thing to add is the page number which appears at the upper right-hand corner of the cover page and all the other pages in the document.

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How to Design a Cover Page for a Business Plan?

Business Plan Cover Pages

Free Business Plan Cover Pages

  • April 12, 2024

how to design a cover page for a business plan

Many entrepreneurs spend hours preparing and writing their business plans. However, do not pay much attention to the cover page. This is a big mistake.

The business plan cover page can create a strong first impact. It sets the platform for how investors or readers will engage with your document.

In this article, we will understand the importance of a cover page and how you can design one yourself.

What is a Business Plan Cover Page & Why is it Necessary to Design it?

The cover page is an integral part of the business plan. It is the first page of your business plan that highlights the key information of your company like a company logo, company name, address, and other key information.

By looking at the business plan cover page, a banker or investor can get a quick idea about the purpose of the presented document.

Your business plan cover should be neat, clean, attractive, and professional enough to draw your reader’s attention.

Whether you are writing a business plan, marketing plan, or business proposal , the cover page is an essential part of all.

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What to include in the Business Plan Cover Page?

There is no specific rule about what to include and what not on your cover page. But we have prepared some essential information that you should not miss including in it.

1. Company Logo

Your company logo will be the first and most essential section that will draw your reader’s attention immediately, so you must include your company logo on your cover page.

A neat-clean, high-quality logo should be used to make your business plan cover page look like a professional cover page. It should be placed at the top of your business plan cover page.

Placing the logo on the business plan cover page sets a strong brand association that focuses a reader’s attention throughout the document.

2. Company Name

The second most important section of the cover page after the company logo is your company name. You will always want your reader to remember your company name through the document reading process.

Your company name font should be readably bold and should be the largest font on the page so that it stands out from the rest of the information on the business plan cover page.

3. Business Tagline or Motto

A business tagline is a short catchy marketing slogan that is usually written with a company name or brand and is also sometimes used to indicate key features of your business. Some businesses use a tagline to show what they do and how they are different from the competition.


If you want your readers to understand your business, then a tagline plays a crucial role. Usually, a memorable tagline can excite an investor or reader that they will take a special interest while reading your business plan.

4. Branding Color

Brand color is most important in establishing trust and confidence in your customers. Your brand color will speak more than you can think about your business. Also, the right use of colors can increase your brand value by creating a strong visual identity in the industry.

Most successful companies have a strong association with their logos and brand colors. Their colors always tend to reflect their branding, even when they don’t include any text on them.

Brand color can help in establishing trust and familiarity by evoking the right emotions in your reader’s brains and sending the right message to them. Also, your brand color should be integrated into your business plan everywhere, like titles, subtitles, features, images, etc to make your business plan template more attractive.

5. Plan Title and Plan Year

The plan title will give a clear idea about what the presented document is about, whether it is a business plan, marketing plan, business expansion plan, recovery plan, or anything else.

The plan title is the notable feature of the cover page and should be in large font size. Immediately, the reader should know the purpose of the presented document.

There is no rule about which should be of the largest font size, “Company Name” or “Plan Title” as both have their benefits. It is the owner’s choice to decide what they want to highlight on the cover page for their document.

Also, readers will want to learn about what is the business plan creation time or what will be the execution time for the presented document. Thus it is important to specify the plan year on your cover page.

It should be written relatively in a smaller size and frequently below the plan title.

6. Prepared By

The “Prepared By” section is used to specify who is presenting the document and it should be the name of the company CEO, President, Owner, or sometimes another key person.

This information will help the reader to know about the key person in the company and whom they should contact in the case for more information.

7. Contact Information

Contact information contains the information reader can use to contact the person specified in the “Prepared By” section. This information includes the company’s physical address, phone number, email address, and company website .

Contact information should always be on the business plan cover page. It lets the reader learn who is presenting the document and how to contact that person.

8. Confidentiality Statement

While it is not required, you may want to include a confidentiality statement on the cover page. Or just state “Confidential” to let the reader know that this document is confidential and not directed to share with others without the owner’s consent.

The confidentiality statement on your cover page will look like this:

Example of Confidentiality Statement

Tips to make a cover page remarkable.

Now, that you know what to include in a cover page of the business plan, let’s see how to make it memorable:

Check the formatting

Before presenting or submitting your business plan to the readers, make sure the formatting (spacing, fonts, size, color) everything is consistent. This will increase the readability and help your audience to understand the things you want to deliver.

Keep it all simple

Keep your cover page for a business plan free from any clutters. The design should be classy and elegant. It should sync with the goals of your business. Ensure consistency by using the same brand color for both your business’ branding and cover page.


Double-check the cover page for any typos or grammatical errors. The better option is to have another person review it. This way, he/she will find the mistakes that you might be missing out on.

How to Design a Business Plan Cover Page?

Upmetrics gives you a beautifully designed business plan cover page template with no work on your side. Industry experts recommend our cover pages. Thus, you can trust us for your cover page without any doubts.

You can use a cover page theme that suits the personality of you and your business. Upmetrics comes with professionally designed cover pages that immediately transform the reader’s plain business plan reading experience into an interesting opening.

Upmetrics provides a feature where you can control which information and section you want to highlight on the cover page. Also, you can remove any section that you feel is not necessary for your cover page.

We also allow you to upload your own custom cover page design, so you can personalize your business plan with the cover page of your choice. So, wait no more, and start designing your cover page!

Upmetrics Business Plan Cover Page Examples

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does a business proposal have a cover page.

Yes, a business proposal includes a cover page. The cover page is the first impression of your proposal and should include key information, such as the title, company name, date, and logo.

The cover page can make your business proposal look more professional as it sets the tone for the proposal. 

What three aspects must be included in the cover page?

The three main things to include in a cover page of a business plan are:

  • Clear title: It should be focused on the main topic of the plan & business idea.
  • Contact information: Include the name of your company and the ways to contact you.
  • Date: Readers would want to know the execution time and the timeline of the business plan.

What is the best format for a cover page?

A business plan cover page is the first thing that your potential investors will see. So, the best format for a cover page is to keep it simple & clean so that it draws your audience’s attention to read the whole business plan.

About the Author

business plan cover page design free download

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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23 Free Cover Page Templates

In professional and academic settings, the importance of a well-crafted cover page for reports and projects is paramount. Serving as the initial point of engagement, a cover page not only introduces but also sets the tone for the document’s content. Its design and layout play a pivotal role in conveying the quality and relevance of the information that follows. Cover Page Templates are invaluable tools in this process, providing a framework for creating a compelling and informative front page. For those preparing a report for work or a project for school, mastering the use of these templates can be a game-changer. It ensures that the document makes a strong first impression , capturing the reader’s attention and interest right from the start. Learn how to effectively utilize Cover Page Templates to introduce your work and establish its significance.

Cover Page Templates

Business Plan Cover Page Template - Word, Google Docs

Business Plan Cover Page Template

A Business Plan Cover Page Template serves as the initial presentation of a business plan, offering a succinct snapshot of what the document contains. It typically includes essential details like the company's name, contact information, and a brief overview of the business initiative. The template provided in our previous response is designed to facilitate an organized and professional introduction to a business plan. By incorporating elements such as company and contact information, an executive summary, financial and strategic goals, and legal details, this template enables users to effectively present their business concept. The inclusion of sample data and clear placeholders makes it easily adaptable for various business scenarios, ensuring that users can tailor it to their specific needs while maintaining a structured and polished appearance. This approach helps in creating a strong first impression on potential investors or stakeholders, making it an invaluable asset for business planning.

Project Cover Page Template - Word, Google Docs

Project Cover Page Template

A Project Cover Page Template serves as the introductory page for a project proposal or report, outlining key information such as the project title, team members, budget, and important dates. It provides a snapshot of what the project entails and who is involved, offering a professional and organized first impression. The template we discussed earlier is designed to be versatile, suitable for a broad range of projects. It includes essential elements like project goals, milestones, and team member details, making it easier for users to present their projects in a structured and clear manner. By providing sample data within fillable brackets, this template simplifies the process of customizing the cover page according to specific project needs, ensuring that important details are not overlooked.

Report Cover Page Template - Word, Google Docs

Report Cover Page Template

A Report Cover Page Template is a pre-formatted design that serves as the front page of a report, providing essential information about the document in a structured and visually appealing way. This includes details like the report title, author's name, submission date, and other relevant data. The template we created earlier is versatile and adaptable for various academic and professional settings, offering clear placeholders for easy customization. With fields for university and department names, course details, executive summaries, and contact information, it's an ideal starting point for students and professionals alike. The inclusion of an executive summary and acknowledgments section, as well as optional notes, enhances its utility, ensuring users can present their work in a detailed and organized manner.

Resume Cover Page Template - Word, Google Docs

Resume Cover Page Template

A Resume Cover Page, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent alongside a resume to provide additional information on an applicant's skills and experience. It serves as an introduction to the candidate, highlighting key aspects of their professional background and explaining their interest in the specific position. The template provided in our previous response is designed to guide users through crafting an effective cover letter. It includes essential elements such as personal contact information, the date, employer details, and a structured body for the letter. By filling in the provided placeholders with their personal and professional information, users can create a personalized and impactful cover letter. This template simplifies the process of writing a cover letter, ensuring that users include all necessary details while tailoring the content to their unique qualifications and the job they are applying for.

Cover Page Templates #01

What Is a Cover Page?

A cover page, also known as a title page, is the forefront of various documents like theses, books, projects, research papers, and business proposals. More than just an opening page, it provides essential information at a glance. This includes the document’s title, author, affiliated institution, date, and sometimes a brief summary or abstract. Its layout and design can also reflect the document’s tone and professionalism. For the reader, the cover page is a quick indicator of the document’s relevance and scope, helping them decide if the content aligns with their needs or interests. This makes the cover page a pivotal element in both academic and professional writing.

What Is a Cover Page Template?

A cover page template is a pre-designed layout that serves as a starting point for creating your document’s cover page. It typically comes as a downloadable and customizable file, allowing users to adapt it to their specific needs. These templates can include placeholders for elements like title, author name, date, and other pertinent details, ensuring that all necessary information is presented in an organized and visually appealing manner. It’s important to distinguish cover page templates from cover letters and cover sheets. While a cover letter is a personal introduction attached to resumes during job applications, and a cover sheet often accompanies faxes to provide context to the recipient, a cover page template specifically addresses the formatting needs of the front page of formal documents.

When Is a Cover Page Needed?

A cover page is essential in numerous scenarios, particularly in academic and professional environments. Its purpose is to offer a formal introduction and an immediate context to the document. Depending on the nature of your work, a cover page can be an integral part of:

  • Business Proposals: Sets the stage for a proposal by presenting the project title, company name, and date, and sometimes a brief summary or slogan that encapsulates the proposal’s aim.
  • Academic Essays: Provides essential details like the essay title, student’s name, course title, and date, ensuring that the work is properly identified and categorized in academic settings.
  • E-Books: The digital equivalent of a traditional book’s front cover, offering a title, author’s name, and often a graphic or image that hints at the book’s content or genre.
  • Professional Reports: In corporate settings, a cover page includes the report title, author or company name, and the submission date, sometimes accompanied by a company logo for branding purposes.
  • White Papers: Similar to professional reports, a white paper’s cover page includes the title, author or organization, and date, often accompanied by a brief description or introduction to the topic.
  • Magazines: The cover page of a magazine is its front cover, showcasing the main feature or theme, magazine title, issue date, and often eye-catching visuals or headlines.
  • Albums: For musical or audio albums, the cover page (album cover) includes the album title, artist name, and artwork that reflects the album’s style or theme.
  • Career Portfolios: The cover page sets a professional tone with the individual’s name, profession, contact information, and sometimes a photo or personal logo.

Each of these instances demands a specific approach to the cover page design, reflecting the document’s purpose and audience. The content, layout, and length of your cover page should align with the nature of your document, ensuring it effectively communicates the essence and professionalism of your work.

Fun Fact: The origin of the cover page traces back to ancient scrolls and manuscripts, where titles were inscribed on the edges to identify contents without opening them. This early practice laid the foundation for modern cover pages, highlighting the timeless importance of first impressions in documentation.

Essential Elements of a Cover Page

Contrary to common belief, a cover page involves more than just presenting a title. It is a critical component that can significantly influence the initial impression of your document. Particularly in academic and professional contexts, non-adherence to specified cover page formats can lead to negative perceptions or even rejection of the document. To ensure your cover page effectively represents your work, consider incorporating the following key elements:

  • Document Title and Subtitle: The title should be prominently displayed and clearly convey the subject of the document. If applicable, a subtitle can provide additional context or specificity.
  • Author’s Name and Title: Include the full name of the author(s). If relevant, also mention their professional or academic titles.
  • Institution or Organization Name: For academic or professional documents, stating the name of the affiliated institution or organization is crucial for establishing credibility and context.
  • Cover Photo or Image: A relevant image or graphic can enhance the visual appeal of the cover page and provide a visual summary of the document’s content.
  • Brief Document Description: A concise summary or abstract can give readers a quick overview of what to expect in the document.
  • Submission Date: Particularly important in time-sensitive documents, the date indicates the document’s timeliness and relevance.

In addition to these elements, the overall layout, color scheme, and style of the cover page should be consistent with the main document to maintain a cohesive look. Paying attention to these details can enhance the professional appearance of your work. Furthermore, always adhere to specific instructions or guidelines provided by your reader, instructor, lecturer, or employer, as these can vary significantly depending on the context and requirements.

How to Make a Cover Page

Creating an effective cover page is a crucial step in presenting your document. While specific instructions from instructors or organizations should always be your primary guide, the following general steps can help you construct a standard cover page:

  • Choose a Suitable Template: If available, start with a pre-designed cover page template that suits the tone and style of your document.
  • Supply the Title: Write the document title using ‘title case capitalization.’ Place the title about one-third down the page. For longer titles, consider using two lines.
  • Add the Author Names: Below the title, list the author’s full name(s), starting with the first name, middle initial (if applicable), and surname. For multiple authors, list each one, considering their contribution order or alphabetical order.
  • Include the Institution Name: Mention the name of the organization, university, company, or institution. For documents with authors from different institutions, include each relevant institution’s name.
  • Insert a Cover Photo or Graphic (if applicable): Choose an image or graphic that complements the document’s theme and place it strategically on the cover page.
  • Add a Brief Document Description or Abstract (if necessary): For academic or detailed reports, include a concise summary or abstract of the document.
  • Format the Template: Ensure the cover page is double-spaced with a consistent font and size as the main document. Center-align the title and any other text.
  • Include Additional Elements: Depending on the document type, add other elements like the submission date, course name (for academic papers), or a corporate logo.
  • Review and Edit: Double-check for any typos, alignment issues, and ensure adherence to any specific guidelines provided.
  • Finalize the Design: Ensure the overall design aligns with the document’s style and the intended audience. Adjust margins, spacing, and font as needed to create a clean, professional look.

Different Types of Cover Page Templates

Cover pages vary significantly across different fields, with the format often dependent on the document type and specific guidelines provided. Here are the main types of cover page templates commonly used:

  • Modern Language Association (MLA): Primarily for humanities and arts, the MLA format (8th edition) typically doesn’t include a cover page, but instructors may require one. The MLA-style cover page usually features the title, author’s name, course name, instructor’s name, and the submission date.
  • American Psychological Association (APA): Used in the social sciences, the APA format (7th edition) requires a cover page that includes the document title, author name, institution name, course number, instructor name, and submission date. A running header with a shortened title and page number is also standard.
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS): Suited for arts and humanities, the CMS format (17th edition) often uses a standalone cover page. This includes the title, author’s name, course information, instructor’s name, and date. Sometimes, the title page is merged with the first page of the document.
  • Report Cover Page: The style of a report cover page varies based on the report’s focus. Academic reports typically feature a formal design with essential information like the title, author’s name, institution, and submission date. Art or creative reports might incorporate more visual elements and thematic designs.
  • Business Cover Page: In the corporate world, cover pages adapt to the nature of the document. Technical reports often adopt a formal, conservative design with key details like the title, author, date, and a brief summary. Marketing plans or business proposals, conversely, may use more vibrant designs, incorporating colors and images to engage potential clients or stakeholders.

Pro-Tip: When designing a cover page, consider using a color scheme that reflects the document’s theme or content. For instance, use cooler tones like blues or greens for professional or academic reports to convey a sense of calm and credibility. For creative or artistic documents, opt for warmer, more vibrant colors to evoke creativity and energy. This subtle use of color psychology can significantly enhance the impact of your cover page, making your document not just visually appealing but also emotionally resonant with its intended audience.

Cover page templates play an indispensable role in the preparation of reports and academic papers. They provide a structured and efficient way to create a cover page that enhances the professional appearance of your document. By clearly displaying key information like the document name, author name, and submission date, a well-crafted cover page does more than just introduce your work. It serves as an inviting entry point, encouraging the reader to delve into the content. Although the cover page itself doesn’t add to the content length, its impact in making a positive first impression and persuading the reader to engage with your document is profound.

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How to Write Your Business Plan Cover Page + Template

Cover of a book with a lightbulb. Represents creating a cover page for your business plan.

6 min. read

Updated March 4, 2024

The cover page is likely the last thing you’ll consider when writing a business plan . 

While it’s not the most vital part of your business plan, a well-formatted cover page can be a nice touch when pitching to investors , banks , or business partners. 

In this article, we’ll cover what to include and how to format your cover page so you can assemble an impressive page in just a few minutes.

  • What is a business plan cover page?

The business plan cover page – or title page – is the introduction to your business plan document. It should be simple and straightforward—only providing logistical information about your business for stakeholders to reference.

Unlike your executive summary , a summarized version of your business plan, the cover page is strictly meant to provide contact information and set the tone for what they are about to read. The quality, formatting, and readability can all impact a stakeholder’s expectations for your plan and business.

Why do you need a cover page for a business plan?

To be clear, the cover page is not a required section of your business plan. 

It’s a largely decorative addition meant to grab the attention of a stakeholder. It should introduce you, your business, and the planning document and make it easy for the reader to find your contact information.

If you’re writing a business plan purely for internal purposes , you probably don’t need to spend time on a cover page.

But if you pitch to investors , apply for a loan , or approach a potential partner—a cover page can be a nice touch that makes you (and your business) look more professional.

What to include in your business plan cover page

It’s best to keep your cover page simple. The page should only include:

  • Company logo
  • Business name
  • Value proposition (optional)
  • Business plan title
  • Completion and/or update date
  • Address and contact information
  • Confidentiality statement

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How to create your business plan cover page

Creating a cover page shouldn’t take too long. Gather all the information listed above, and then fine-tune the formatting. Here’s how we recommend you organize the information:

1. Start with your logo

Including your logo should help your business be more memorable. Just be sure it’s memorable for the right reasons.

That means adding a reasonably sized, high-resolution image at the top of your cover page. Just don’t make it so large that it takes attention away from other information on the page.

2. Add your business name 

You want readers to connect your business name to your logo. So, add some space (2-3 lines) and drop your name front and center. Consider using a large and bold font option to ensure it’s easy to read and immediately noticeable.

3. Include your value proposition (optional)

While optional, including your value proposition can be useful if it effectively describes your business purpose. 

4. Craft a title

Now you need to describe the document’s purpose. Don’t overthink it – start by adding “Business Plan” to the center of the page. Keep the bold font, but apply a slightly smaller font size than with your business name. 

From there, you can apply a title that frames the type of business plan you’re creating: “ One-page ,” “ 5-year ,” “Merger,” “ Growth plan ,” etc. 

Expanding the title is optional and should only be done if you believe it will benefit the reader.

5. Add the completion date

Including the completion date shows how fresh and up-to-date your plan is. Ideally, you’re revisiting your plan regularly (especially the financial projections in your plan). So the date should be relatively recent.

This information alone can show how focused and dedicated you are to running a successful business. 

As far as formatting is concerned, keep it simple. Include the month, day, and year – either numerically (9/15/2023) or spelled out (September 15, 2023).

6. List your contact information

This is the true purpose of your cover page. The last thing you want is for an investor or lender to love your pitch only to have to scrounge around for your email or phone number.

Add a header that states “Contact Information” centered near the bottom of the page. Then, on separate lines, add your name (or other points of contact for your business), email address, phone number, business website, and physical address. 

Tip: If you’re sending your plan digitally, add links to your email address and website so they can reach you quickly.

7. Include a confidentiality statement

The confidentiality statement is meant to help legally protect your information and ensure that no one shares or copies portions of your business plan. 

You can include a simple “Confidential” watermark near the top of the page or write a more thorough statement to sit at the bottom.

Here’s an example:

“This document contains confidential and proprietary information created by [your business]. It is exclusively designed for informational purposes and should not be disclosed, shared, or copied without the consent of [your business].”

Don’t worry too much about emphasizing this information. It can sit as smaller text in the footer of your cover page. 

  • Tips to make your cover page memorable

Adding the information should be quick. Now, spend some time on these best practices to get your business plan title page ready to share.

Apply consistent formatting

Inconsistent formatting looks unprofessional and can make a document more difficult to read. So check that your character and line spacing, font choices, and text alignment are consistent to ensure they are identical. 

You should also print out the document (as a Word Document and PDF) to check if the format changes.

Use your brand color scheme

Adding your brand colors to text, borders, and other design elements can strengthen the presence of your brand identity in your business plan. It also better connects non-visual elements to your logo. 

Just don’t force adding color to your plan. If it takes away from the text or takes too much time to get right, it’s best to avoid it.

Check your cover page from top to bottom for spelling errors and mistakes (you should do this for your entire business plan). If possible, have someone else proofread it to ensure you didn’t miss anything.

Business plan cover page examples

To help you visualize your cover page design, here is an example from our free business plan template :

business plan cover page design free download

We recommend you avoid creating an overly designed business plan. However, if you believe a more visual cover page will grab your reader’s attention—check out these other examples.

business plan cover page design free download

Spend more time on the rest of your business plan

We’ve already emphasized that you shouldn’t spend too much time creating a business plan cover page. While it can be a nice addition, it’s often quickly skipped over and only referenced again if the reader needs your contact information. 

And it’s unnecessary altogether if you’re not planning to share your plan with anyone. If that’s the case, focus your time and effort on writing the rest of your business plan. 

Check out our full plan writing guide for step-by-step walkthroughs for every section. 

You can also download a free business plan template (that includes a cover page) to ensure you cover everything about your business.

Content Author: Kody Wirth

Kody Wirth is a content writer and SEO specialist for Palo Alto Software—the creator's of Bplans and LivePlan. He has 3+ years experience covering small business topics and runs a part-time content writing service in his spare time.

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Table of Contents

  • Why do you need a cover page?
  • What to include
  • How to create a cover page
  • Cover page examples
  • Focus on the rest of your business plan

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Business Plan Cover Page Template

Business Plan Cover Page Template

Make a business business plan cover page using business plan cover page template from venngage..

  • Design style modern
  • Colors dark
  • Size Letter (8.5 x 11 in)
  • File type PNG, PDF, PowerPoint
  • Plan business

A business plan cover page template is used to provide a summary of a business plan. The template can be used to provide an overview of the business, the products and services offered, the target market, and the management team. When developing a business plan cover page template, there are several things that need to be addressed. First, business plan cover page templates should provide a brief summary of the business plan. This is typically done with one or two paragraphs that explain the business and its purpose. The template can then explain how the business will meet customer needs and solve any problems that may exist. Also, business plan cover pages should address details such as what business approach the business will use, what type of business it is, and how business goals will be achieved. Business plan cover page templates should also include the business name, logo, contact details, business size, and industry information. This can be done by including headings for these topics in the template. Create a business plan cover page using Venngage’s business plan cover

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Powerful business plan templates

Plan for the future, no matter what your business plans are or the size of your business with these designs and templates. whether it's just one big project or an entire organization's worth of dreams, these templates will keep you and your company on track from ideation to completion..

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Every successful business took a lot of planning to get there, and these templates will be cornerstones of your future success. Whether you're looking to attract new business, pitch your services or reimagine your company, with these simple, customizable templates at your fingertips you can turn complexity into something tangible. These templates can become marketing assets or simply remain internal touchpoints for your team. And as your dreams change, you'll always have this template to refer to – it's easy to change what exists on paper. If you're a small business, focusing on your niche can help you dominate in your field, and you can forge a plan to figure out exactly what that niche might be and how to target your ideal customer . When it's time to share your vision with stakeholders, craft a presentation that outlines your plan succinctly and with style. Let these templates from Microsoft Designer be your partner in business strategy for years to come.

Free Business Plan Cover Page Template

Free Business Plan Cover Page Template in Word, Google Docs, PSD, InDesign

Free Download this Business Plan Cover Page Template Design in Word, Google Docs, PSD, InDesign Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Compose a professional front page for your strategic plans with this customizable Business Plan Cover Page Sample. Edit your logos, layouts, and other graphical elements to get your creative business plans available in Microsoft Word format. Impress your co-workers and yourself by getting a cover sheet of your style and design.

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Business Proposal Cover Page Template

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45+ Business Cover Page Templates (Reports, Proposals)

A business cover page template is used in the corporate world to describe the essential information about your business. It is the first and most important page in a business plan to give an overview of your business. If you want to grab the attention of the reader, then it is vital to design it efficiently by downloading free business plan cover page templates available in a variety of designs that you find nowhere else. In this article, you can find everything about the cover page and well-designed templates to create a fantastic cover page for your business.

Table of Contents

  • Accounting Templates
  • Art & Media
  • Budget Templates
  • Business Templates
  • Calendar Templates
  • Certificates
  • Education Templates
  • Inventory Templates
  • Invoice Templates
  • Letter Templates
  • Medical Templates
  • Personal Templates
  • Project Plan Templates
  • Timesheet Templates

What is a Business Cover Page?

Cover pages describe some important things related to a specific object. A cover letter is commonly used with resumes, reports, and business plans. A resume cover letter provides additional information about your skills, experiments, and other information that shows you are perfect for this job. It is also called a letter of introduction or a motivational letter.

In this way, the first page of a business plan, the cover page, gives the reader an overview of your business. It should contain the business company’s name, logo, contact details, and other key information that helps the reader know about your business. A well-formatted and well-designed cover page engages the reader with a business plan document.

Download Free Business Cover Page Templates

cover page example

The business plan cover page is usually designed to present the purpose of this document to the investor. It should be written in a clear, concise, and professional way. You can get free business cover page template designs in different formats. If you are writing a business plan or proposal, make sure it should be written according to a standard format like MLA formatting. The cover page is important in many documents; for example, if you are applying for an accountant job, you should download an accounting cover letter template to place additional information about your skills and expertise.

Key components of the business cover page

If you want to take advantage of a business cover page, ensure it has all the key information about your business. The cover page is usually placed after the table of contents before starting the document. The document’s purpose depends on what should be included on the cover page. The things that should be included on the cover page:

  • Title of the document
  • The subtitle of the document
  • Name of your business company
  • It should include the logo of your business company.
  • Address and contact details of your company, such as phone number, email address, and web address.
  • The date when this document is complete.
  • A statement that describes the purpose of this document.

The cover page is a way to give an overview of your business and state what’s inside this document. Including all the above components on your cover page is standard, but you can add more things to make it more detailed while creating a business report cover page. You can find a business report cover page template to make it more effective.

word cover pages

Benefits of the business cover page

A cover page in business matters a lot for a report or plan. It is one of the most important and critical components of a document. There are different types of business cover page templates for various purposes, which we discuss in the next section. There are significant benefits to it. Some of these are as follows:

  • Give an overview: When you present a business plan to the investor or bankers for investment, then it is necessary to give a brief description of your business. Sometimes the overview of your business is enough. The business cover page provides critical information about your business to the reader. The reader must know about the presentation of the business plan; the cover page is the best way to do that.
  • Gain attention: A cover letter written clearly, concisely, professionally, and appropriately grabs the reader’s attention and engages him to read the whole document.
  • Shows professionalism: A well-formatted and well-designed business cover page shows professionalism. The best way to do this is to brand your business with a few description lines.
  • Help to stand out: The competition is so high in the corporate world. But your company can stand out with a well-designed cover page to grab the investor’s attention and help you achieve your desired goals.
  • Positive impact on the reader: The primary purpose of the cover page is to provide information about your business in a professional manner. A slight introduction to your company has a good impact on the reader.

word cover page template free

How to format business cover page in Word

Sometimes it is tedious to format a business cover page, but ready-made templates simplify and simplify your work. Writing a formal cover page for business proposals and presentations is necessary. Get a business proposal cover page template in your favorite format. Below we share some points that help you to format it efficiently in Word.

  • Open Microsoft Word. Click on the “Blank Document,” and a document will open on your screen.
  • Go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Cover page.” A list of well-designed cover pages will appear on your screen. Select any of these that are perfect for you.
  • The first step in branding your business is adding your company logo. Go to the Insert tab, click “Picture, ” and add your company logo to the cover page.
  • Write the title of your document by selecting different colors and font styles.
  • Write your company’s name, which must be smaller than the document’s title.
  • Please provide contact details such as the company’s office address, phone number, Email address, and web address if you have them.
  •  Enter the date when this cover page is completed with months and years.
  • After that, write a line that describes the purpose of this document.

project cover sheet

Things to focus on while writing a business cover page

If you write a useful cover page, you’ll receive all its advantages that help you make something better for your business. The things that you must consider while writing it are as follows:

  • Keep it short and simple: The cover page’s design should be simple, and the content should be easy to read and understand. The company name, contact details, and logo are enough to give an overview of your business.
  • Be professional: It should be formatted appropriately. Try to include essential information about your business that engages the reader.
  • Keep it focused. Make sure it includes related information about your business. A few lines provide an excellent overview of your company.
  • Avoid spelling mistakes: Edit and edit again to eliminate the spelling and grammar mistakes from your document.
  • Clearly defined: Everything on the cover page must be clearly and concisely written so that everyone can easily understand it. Try to write things clearly to grab the attention of the investors.

technical report cover page

Different types of cover page templates

As we discussed above, various types of cover pages exist for different purposes. You can see the cover page for business proposals, business plans, and resumes, which have different types of content. Commonly used cover page templates are as follows:

  • Essay cover page: The essay cover page is the first page of the essay and includes essential information about the content and author. You can find the best essay cover page templates to make the title of your essay incredible. The reader usually gets quick ideas from this title page.
  • Report cover page: This is the first page of the report, which defines the name of the person who drafted it and states its purpose with a date. A report cover page template is used to quickly design an impressive cover page for the report. It is commonly used in academic and professional areas.
  • Portfolio cover page: A portfolio cover page describes the abilities, expertise, and skills of your documents and gives the reader an idea of what he/she will find inside. You can download the cover page for the portfolio template to easily make it.
  • Cover page for resume: If you want to get hired for a job, use the resume cover page to get the employer’s attention in the recruitment process. It includes your skills, abilities, expertise, and other information that engages the employer to see your CV.

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35+ Best Business Plan Templates for Word 2024

Are you writing a business plan for a brand new startup? Or updating an old business plan for an established brand? Then this collection of MS Word business plan templates will definitely come in handy.

The key to making an effective business plan brochure that wins over investors and inspires employees is to use a modern and attractive design.

No one wants to read through a 100-page brochure that looks like a VCR manual from the 1960s. Today, people prefer cleaner brochure layouts with proper paragraph formatting that offer a much smoother reading experience.

Designing such modern business plan documents is not that difficult. In fact, you can easily create them using Word templates.

In this post, we showcase high-quality business plan templates for Word that have been designed by professionals. They feature modern designs and clean layouts that are perfect for all kinds of startups, businesses, and corporate companies. Have a look.

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Discover thousands of Microsoft Word templates for your next project with an Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 graphic templates, design assets, themes, photos, and more.

Magazine Templates

Magazine Templates

For word & indesign.



Traditional & modern.

Report Templates

Report Templates

Multiple page styles.

Resume & CVs

Resume & CVs

Unique & pro.



Simple & professional.

eBook Templates

eBook Templates

Readable layouts.

Explore Word Templates

Education Business Plan Word Template

Education Business Plan Word Template

This Word template is designed for making business plan documents related to educational brands and businesses. However, you can easily customize the design to make business plans for various other industries. The template includes 20 unique page layouts with modern designs.

Business Plan & Proposal Template for Word

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You can use this Word template to make both business proposals and business plans. It has a very flexible page design that you can change to make brochures for startups, agencies, and other businesses. There are 20 pages in this template in A4 size.

Bold Business Plan Word Template

Bold Business Plan Word Template

If you want to make a bold business plan with a high-end luxury feel, this Word template will come in handy. It features a dark color theme that will fit in nicely with luxury brands, hotels, corporate agencies, and more. The template has 56 different page layouts. It comes in Word, Apple Pages, and InDesign formats.

Big Business Plan Brochure Template for Word

Big Business Plan Brochure Template for Word

Get started with this Word template to make business plan documents with clean and minimal design. It includes 28 unique pages with easily editable layouts. You can change its colors, fonts, and images with ease. The template is available in multiple formats, including Word, InDesign, Affinity Publisher, and more.

Free Simple Business Plan Word Template

Free Simple Business Plan Word Template

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Tropo – Minimalist Business Plan for Word

Tropo - Minimalist Business Plan for Word

Tropo is a minimalist business plan template designed for Microsoft Word. It’s user-friendly, designed with organized files for effortless customization, and is suitable for creating business proposals. Tropo offers 32 editable pages, customizable fonts, and colors, well-organised layers, and is print-ready.

Business Proposal Template for Word

Business Proposal Template for Word

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Business Proposal Template for Word

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Business Proposal Template for Word & InDesign

A versatile business proposal template ideal for constructing thorough business plans or proposals. Compatible with Microsoft Word 2010 and higher, as well as Adobe InDesign CS4 and above, the template offers a comprehensive 16-page document that can adapt for print or digital output.

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 Business Plan & Project Proposal Template

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Multipurpose Business Brochure Word Template

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Creative Business Plan Template for Word

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Simple Business Plan Template for Word

Simple Business Plan Template for Word

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Business Plan Brochure Template for Word

Business Plan Brochure Template for Word

If you want to make an impressive and attractive business plan brochure for a big company or a corporate brand, this Word template will come in handy. It features 48 different page layouts with modern and stylish designs. The template is available in both MS Word and InDesign formats. And, as a bonus, you also get letterhead and business card templates.

One Page Business Plan Template for Word

One Page Business Plan Template for Word

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Professional Services Free Business Plan Word Template

Professional Services Free Business Plan Word Template

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Free Word Business Plan Template for Freelancers

Free Word Business Plan Template for Freelancers

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Editable Business Plan Template for Word

Editable Business Plan Template for Word

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Minimal Business Plan Word Template

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Startup Business Plan Word Template

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4-Page Business Plan Template for Word

4-Page Business Plan Template for Word

You can create a powerful four-page business plan using this Word template. It features an effective page design that is ideal for creating a summary of your business plan. The template is fully customizable and it’s available in Word, IDML, and INDD formats.

One Page Simple Business Plan Word Template

One Page Simple Business Plan Word Template

This simple and minimal business plan template is perfect for making a one-page brochure or even a two-page document. The template comes with 2 page layouts that you can use to create a simple double-sided one-page business plan. Or you can print them separately too. It’s very basic but quite effective at the same time.

Free Simple Business Plan Template for Word

Free Simple Business Plan Template for Word

A free business plan template that you can edit and customize in Word. This template has a very basic and blank design that you can use however you like. You can make this template your own by adding a few design elements as well.

Free One-Page Business Plan Template for Word

Free One-Page Business Plan Template for Word

This is a free one-page business plan template that has a minimal layout for making a straightforward business plan brochure. It includes multiple sections for detailing different aspects of your business plan.

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Marketing & Sales Plan Word Template

Marketing and sales plans are also part of a business plan, especially for marketing agencies. With this Word template, you can design an effective sales plan for your business. The template features 32 different page layouts in A4 size. It comes in Word and InDesign versions as well.

Real Estate Business Plan Template for Word

Real Estate Business Plan Template for Word

This Word template features a very clean and visual-centric design that’s ideal for making business plans for real estate and rental property businesses. There are more than 30 unique page layouts in this template with easily editable designs. You can change colors, fonts, and paragraphs however you like to fit your brand.

Basic Microsoft Word Business Plan Template

Basic Microsoft Word Business Plan Template

If you want to make a simple and basic business plan for a small company, this Word template is for you. It features a minimal layout with a basic design for making a small brochure. You can use 4 different page layouts to create your business plan. And it’s fully customizable too.

Simple Word Business Plan Template

Simple Word Business Plan Template

This business plan template also features a simple design. It’s ideal for startups, agencies, and even small businesses for making a business plan to motivate employees and even set goals for your future. The template includes 4 page designs in A4 size.

Creative Business Plan Template for Word

A creative business plan Word template that comes with more than 50 different page designs. With this template, you can make all kinds of business plan brochures for various types of brands. The template also includes editable colors, paragraphs, objects, free fonts, and so much more.

Business Project Plan Template for Word

Business Project Plan Template for Word

A simple business plan template for small brands. This template includes 3 unique page layouts for crafting a basic business plan. It’s ideal even for solopreneurs and freelancers for creating a strategy for your business. It comes in A4 size.

Free Healthcare Business Plan Word Template

Free Healthcare Business Plan Word Template

This free business plan template is made with businesses and companies in the healthcare industry. It features a clean design with several page layouts you can use to craft an effective business plan.

Free Editable Business Plan Template for Word

Free Editable Business Plan Template for Word

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How to Build a Detailed Business Plan That Stands Out [Free Template]

AJ Beltis

Updated: March 29, 2022

Published: March 11, 2022

While starting a company may seem easier now than ever before, entrepreneurs have an uphill battle from the moment they start a business. And without a clear, actionable business plan for selling, marketing, finances, and operations, you're almost destined to face significant challenges.

Entrepreneur builds his business plan template

This is why crafting a business plan is an essential step in the entrepreneurial process.

In this post, we'll walk you through the process of filling out your business plan template, like this free, editable version :

free editable One-Page Business Plan PDF  Template

Download a free, editable one-page business plan template.

We know that when looking at a blank page on a laptop screen, the idea of writing your business plan can seem impossible. However, it's a mandatory step to take if you want to turn your business dreams into a reality.

→ Download Now: Free Business Plan Template

That's why we've crafted a business plan template for you to download and use to build your new company. You can download it here for free . It contains prompts for all of the essential parts of a business plan, all of which are elaborated on, below.

This way, you'll be able to show them how organized and well-thought-out your business idea is, and provide them with answers to whatever questions they may have.

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Free Business Plan Template

The essential document for starting a business -- custom built for your needs.

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Building a Successful Business Plan

In the next section, we'll cover the components of a business plan , such as an executive summary and company description. But before we get to that, let's talk about key elements that should serve as building blocks for your plan.

For some entrepreneurs, the thought of writing a business plan sounds like a chore — a necessary means to an end. But that's a bad take.

A solid business plan is a blueprint for success . It's key to securing financing, presenting your business, outlining your financial projections, and turning that nugget of a business idea into a reality.

At the core, your business plan should answer two questions: why your business and why now?

Investors want to know why your business is entering the market, i.e. what problem it's solving and how it's different from what's currently out there. They also want to know why now is the right time for your type of product or service.

At a minimum, your plan should:

  • Be more realistic than idealistic: Too often, business plans focus too much on how things could be instead of how they are. While having a vision is important, your plan needs to be rooted in research and data.
  • Legitimize your business idea : If an idea fails on paper, it's a signal to go back to the drawing board. In doing so, you avoid losing precious time or money chasing an unrealistic idea.
  • Position your business for funding: To get your business off the ground, chances are you'll need financial backing. Even with a solid business idea, investors, lenders, and banks still need convincing. An effective business plan will outline how much money you need, where it's going, what targets you will hit, and how you plan to repay any debts.
  • Lay the foundation: Investors focus on risk – if anything looks shaky, it could be a dealbreaker. Ideally, your business plan will lay down the foundation for how you'll operate your business — from operational needs to financial projections and goals.
  • Communicate your needs: It's nearly impossible to communicate your needs if you don't know what they are first. Of course, a business’ needs are always changing — but your plan should give you a well-rounded view of how your business will work in the short and long term.

So back to the question of why and why now – consider three things:

  • Your industry – How does your product or service fit within your industry? Are you targeting a specific niche? Where do you see the industry going in the next five to 10 years?
  • Your target audience – Who are you targeting? What challenges are they facing? How will your product or service help them in their daily lives?
  • Your unique selling proposition (USP) – What sets you apart from your competitors? Is it your product/service features? Your company values? Price?

Once you know the answers to these questions, you'll be equipped to answer the question: why your business and why now.

How to Build a Business Plan

  • Executive Summary
  • Company and Business Description
  • Product and Services Line
  • Market Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Legal Notes
  • Financial Considerations

Featured Resource: Free Business Plan Template

1. cover page.

Your business plan should be prefaced with an eye-catching cover page. This means including a high-resolution image of your company logo, followed by your company's name, address, and phone number.

Since this business plan will likely change hands and be seen by multiple investors, you should also provide your own name, role in the business, and email address on the cover page.

At the bottom of this page, you can also add a confidentiality statement to protect against the disclosure of your business details.

The statement can read as follows: " This document contains confidential and proprietary information created by [your company name]. When receiving this document, you agree to keep its content confidential and may only reproduce and/or share it with express written permission of [your company name] ."

Remember to keep your cover page simple and concise — and save the important details for other sections.

Why it matters: First impressions are everything, and a clean cover page is the first step in the right direction.

Example of a Cover Page

Business Plan Template: Cover Page

2. Executive Summary

The executive summary of your business plan provides a one- to two-page overview of your business and highlights the most crucial pieces of your plan, such as your short-term and long-term goals.

The executive summary is essentially a boiled-down version of your entire business plan, so remember to keep this section to the point and filled only with essential information.

Typically, this brief section includes:

  • A mission statement.
  • The company's history and leadership model.
  • An overview of competitive advantage(s).
  • Financial projections.
  • Company goals.
  • An ask from potential investors.

Why it matters: The executive summary is known as the make-or-break section of a business plan. It influences whether investors turn the page or not — so effectively summarizing your business and the problem it hopes to solve is a must.

Think of the Summary as a written elevator pitch (with more detail). While your business plan provides the nitty-gritty details, your Summary describes — in a compelling but matter-of-fact language — the highlights of your plan. If it's too vague, complicated, or fuzzy, you may need to scrap it and start again.

Example of an Executive Summary Introduction

"The future looks bright for North Side Chicago, particularly the Rock Hill Neighborhood. A number of high-end commercial and residential developments are well on their way, along with two new condo developments in nearby neighborhoods.

While the completion of these developments will increase the population within the neighborhood and stimulate the economy, the area lacks an upscale restaurant where residents and visitors can enjoy fine food and drink. Jay Street Lounge and Restaurant will provide such a place."

3. Company & Business Description

In this section, provide a more thorough description of what your company is and why it exists.

Business Plan Template: Business Description

The bulk of the writing in this section should be about your company's purpose – covering what the business will be selling, identifying the target market, and laying out a path to success.

In this portion of your business plan, you can also elaborate on your company's:

  • Mission statement
  • Core values
  • Team and organizational structure

Why it matters: Investors look for great structures and teams in addition to great ideas. This section gives an overview of your businesses' ethos. It's the perfect opportunity to set your business apart from the competition — such as your team's expertise, your unique work culture, and your competitive advantage.

Example of a Values/Mission Statement

"Jay Street Lounge and Restaurant will be the go-to place for people to get a drink or bite in an elegant, upscale atmosphere. The mission is to be North Side's leading restaurant, with the best tasting food and the highest quality service."

3. Product & Services Line

Here's where you'll cover the makeup of your business's product and/or services line. You should provide each product or service's name, its purpose, and a description of how it works (if appropriate). If you own any patents, copyrights, or trademarks, it's essential to include this info too.

Next, add some color to your sales strategy by outlining your pricing model and mark-up amounts.

If you're selling tangible products, you should also explain production and costs, and how you expect these factors to change as you scale.

Why it matters: This section contains the real meat of your business plan. It sets the stage for the problem you hope to solve, your solution, and how your said solution fits in the market.

There's no one-size-fits-all formula for this section. For instance, one plan may delve into its ability to market in a more cost-effective way than the competition, whereas another plan focuses on its key products and their unique features and benefits.

Regardless of your angle, it's critical to convey how your offerings will differ from the competition.

Example of a Product/Service Offering

"The menu at Jay Street Lounge and Restaurant will focus on Moroccan cuisine. The stars of the menu (our specialties) are the Moroccan dishes, such as eggplant zaalouk, seafood bastilla, tagine, and chickpea stew. For those who enjoy American dishes, there will also be a variety of options, from burger sliders and flatbread pizza to grilled steak and salads.

The food at Jay Street will have premium pricing to match its upscale atmosphere. During the summer months, the restaurant will have extra seating on the patio where clients can enjoy a special summer menu. We will be open on all days of the week."

4. Market Analysis

Business Plan Template: Market Analysis

It helps to reference your market research documentation in this section, like a Porter's Five Forces Analysis or a SWOT Analysis ( templates for those are available here ). You can also include them in your appendix.

If your company already has buyer personas, you should include them here as well. If not, you can create them right now using the Make My Persona Tool .

Why it matters: Having an awesome product is, well, awesome — but it isn't enough. Just as important, there must be a market for it.

This section allows you to dig deeper into your market, which segments you want to target, and why. The "why" here is important, since targeting the right segment is critical for the success and growth of your business.

It's easy to get lost (or overwhelmed) in a sea of endless data. For your business plan, narrow your focus by answering the following questions:

  • What is my market? In other words, who are my customers?
  • What segments of the market do I want to target?
  • What's the size of my target market?
  • Is my market likely to grow?
  • How can I increase my market share over time?

Example of a Market Analysis

"Jay Street Lounge and Restaurant will target locals who live and work within the Rock Hill Neighborhood and the greater North Side Chicago area. We will also target the tourists who flock to the many tourist attractions and colleges on the North Side.

We will specifically focus on young to middle-aged adults with an income of $40,000 to $80,000 who are looking for an upscale experience. The general demographics of our target market are women between 20 to 50 years old.

A unique and varied Moroccan-American menu, along with our unique upscale atmosphere, differentiates us from competitors in the area. Jay Street will also set itself apart through its commitment to high-quality food, service, design, and atmosphere."

5. Marketing Plan

Unlike the market analysis section, your marketing plan section should be an explanation of the tactical approach to reaching your aforementioned target audience. List your advertising channels, organic marketing methods, messaging, budget, and any relevant promotional tactics.

If your company has a fully fleshed-out marketing plan, you can attach it in the appendix of your business plan. If not, download this free marketing plan template to outline your strategy.

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Free Marketing Plan Template

Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

  • Pre-Sectioned Template
  • Completely Customizable
  • Example Prompts
  • Professionally Designed

Why it matters: Marketing is what puts your product in front of your customers. It's not just advertising — it's an investment in your business.

Throwing money into random marketing channels is a haphazard approach, which is why it's essential to do the legwork to create a solid marketing plan.

Here's some good news — by this point, you should have a solid understanding of your target market. Now, it's time to determine how you'll reach them.

Example of a Marketing Plan Overview

"Our marketing strategy will focus on three main initiatives:

  • Social media marketing. We will grow and expand our Facebook and Instagram following through targeted social media ads.
  • Website initiatives. Our website will attract potential visitors by offering updated menus and a calendar of events.
  • Promotional events. Jay Street will have one special theme night per week to attract new clients."

6. Sales Plan

It doesn't matter if your sales department is an office full of business development representatives (BDR) or a dozen stores with your products on their shelves.

The point is: All sales plans are different, so you should clearly outline yours here. Common talking points include your:

  • Sales team structure, and why this structure was chosen.
  • Sales channels.
  • Sales tools, software, and resources.
  • Prospecting strategy.
  • Sales goals and budget.

Like with your marketing plan, it might make sense to attach your completed sales plan to the appendix of your business plan. You can download a template for building your sales plan here .

Why it matters: Among other things, investors are interested in the scalability of your business — which is why growth strategies are a critical part of your business plan.

Your sales plan should describe your plan to attract customers, retain them (if applicable), and, ultimately, grow your business. Be sure to outline what you plan to do given your existing resources and what results you expect from your work.

Example of a Sales Plan Overview

"The most important goal is to ensure financial success for Jay Street Lounge and Restaurant. We believe we can achieve this by offering excellent food, entertainment, and service to our clients.

We are not a low-cost dining option in the area. Instead, the food will have premium pricing to match its upscale feel. The strategy is to give Jay Street a perception of elegance through its food, entertainment, and excellent service."

7. Legal Notes

Your investors may want to know the legal structure of your business, as that could directly impact the risk of their investments. For example, if you're looking for business partners to engage in a non-corporation or LLC partnership, this means they could be on the line for more than their actual investment.

Because this clarification is often needed, explain if you are and/or plan to become a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, LLC, or other.

You should also outline the steps you have taken (or will need to take) to operate legally. This includes licenses, permits, registrations, and insurance.

The last thing your investor wants to hear after they've sent you a big chunk of change is that you're operating without proper approval from the local, state, or federal government.

Why it matters: The last thing your investor wants to hear after they've sent you a big chunk of change is that you're operating without proper approval from the local, state, or federal government.

Example of Legal Notes

"Jay Street Lounge and Restaurant is up-to-date on all restaurant licenses and health permits. Our business name and logo are registered trademarks, presenting the possibility of expanding locally."

8. Financial Considerations

Ultimately, investors want to know two things:

  • When they will earn their money back.
  • When they will start seeing returns on their initial investment.

That said, be clear, calculated, and convincing in this section. It should cover:

  • Startup costs.
  • Sales forecasts for the next several months/quarters.
  • Break-even analysis for time and dollars.
  • Projected profit and loss (P&L) statement.

Facts and figures are key here, so be as specific as possible with each line item and projection. In addition, explain the "why" behind each of these sections.

However, keep in mind that information overload is a risk, especially when it comes to data. So, if you have pages upon pages of charts and spreadsheets for this section, distill them into a page or two and include the rest of the sheets in the appendix. This section should only focus on key data points.

Why it matters: One of the most important aspects of becoming "investor ready" is knowing your numbers. More importantly, you need to understand how those numbers will enhance your business.

While it's easy to write a number down on paper, it's more important to understand (and communicate) why you need capital, where it's going, and that your evaluation makes sense.

Example of Financial Projections

"Based on our knowledge and experience in the restaurant industry, we have come up with projections for the business.

Starting with an expenditure of $400,000 in year 1, we forecast sales of $1,500,000 and $2,800,000 for years two and three. We expect to achieve a net profit of 15% by year three."

9. Appendix

A detailed and well-developed business plan can range anywhere from 20 to 50 pages, with some even reaching upward of 80.

In many cases, the appendix is the longest section. Why? Because it includes the supportive materials mentioned in previous sections. To avoid disrupting the flow of the business plan with visuals, charts, and spreadsheets, business owners usually add them in the last section, i.e. the appendix.

Aside from what we've already mentioned – marketing plan, sales plan, department budgets, financial documents – you may also want to attach the following in the appendix:

  • Marketing materials
  • Market research data
  • Licensing documentation
  • Branding assets
  • Floor plans for your location
  • Mockups of your product
  • Renderings of your office space or location design

Adding these pieces to the appendix enriches the reader's understanding of your business and proves you've put the work into your business plan without distracting from the main points throughout the plan.

Why it matters: An appendix helps the reader do their due diligence. It contains everything they need to support your business plan.

Keep in mind, however, that an appendix is typically necessary only if you're seeking financing or looking to attract business partners.

Use a Business Plan Template to Get Started

Writing a business plan shouldn't be an insurmountable roadblock to starting a business. Unfortunately, for all too many, it is.

That's why we recommend using our free business plan template. Pre-filled with detailed section prompts for all of the topics in this blog post, we're confident this template will get your business plan started in the right direction.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in June 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Business Plan Template

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What should it look like?

Do’s and don’ts.

  • The text on it must be typed in such a way which is easily readable by another individual. One should be very clear with the choice of words he is using while preparing.
  • Avoid mixing texts with graphical images as it will become difficult for the reader to focus on the actual point of the proposal.
  • This should be presentable. It should be neat and clear.
  • This must reflect professionalism through your way of presenting your proposal to the reader.
  • It should be kept simple. Do not complicate things by adding non-interesting items.
  • It must not be detailed. It should only include relevant details as much detail can make the reader avoid going through the whole document.

Benefits of designing a good cover page

  • A good cover can help you attract a large audience to your proposal. You may find probably interested candidates in no time.
  • A good front page may help you get settled at a price desirable to you. One may always negotiate with interested parties once you have set the tone.
  • A good format helps you to learn about others’ mindset as well as you see them go through your proposal and hear views from each.

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Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for users to enhance their writing and communicate more effectively. With brand-new systemwide Writing Tools built into iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text nearly everywhere they write, including Mail, Notes, Pages, and third-party apps.

Whether tidying up class notes, ensuring a blog post reads just right, or making sure an email is perfectly crafted, Writing Tools help users feel more confident in their writing. With Rewrite, Apple Intelligence allows users to choose from different versions of what they have written, adjusting the tone to suit the audience and task at hand. From finessing a cover letter, to adding humor and creativity to a party invitation, Rewrite helps deliver the right words to meet the occasion. Proofread checks grammar, word choice, and sentence structure while also suggesting edits — along with explanations of the edits — that users can review or quickly accept. With Summarize, users can select text and have it recapped in the form of a digestible paragraph, bulleted key points, a table, or a list.

In Mail, staying on top of emails has never been easier. With Priority Messages, a new section at the top of the inbox shows the most urgent emails, like a same-day dinner invitation or boarding pass. Across a user’s inbox, instead of previewing the first few lines of each email, they can see summaries without needing to open a message. For long threads, users can view pertinent details with just a tap. Smart Reply provides suggestions for a quick response, and will identify questions in an email to ensure everything is answered.

Deep understanding of language also extends to Notifications. Priority Notifications appear at the top of the stack to surface what’s most important, and summaries help users scan long or stacked notifications to show key details right on the Lock Screen, such as when a group chat is particularly active. And to help users stay present in what they’re doing, Reduce Interruptions is a new Focus that surfaces only the notifications that might need immediate attention, like a text about an early pickup from daycare.

In the Notes and Phone apps, users can now record, transcribe, and summarize audio. When a recording is initiated while on a call, participants are automatically notified, and once the call ends, Apple Intelligence generates a summary to help recall key points.

Apple Intelligence powers exciting image creation capabilities to help users communicate and express themselves in new ways. With Image Playground, users can create fun images in seconds, choosing from three styles: Animation, Illustration, or Sketch. Image Playground is easy to use and built right into apps including Messages. It’s also available in a dedicated app, perfect for experimenting with different concepts and styles. All images are created on device, giving users the freedom to experiment with as many images as they want.

With Image Playground, users can choose from a range of concepts from categories like themes, costumes, accessories, and places; type a description to define an image; choose someone from their personal photo library to include in their image; and pick their favorite style.

With the Image Playground experience in Messages, users can quickly create fun images for their friends, and even see personalized suggested concepts related to their conversations. For example, if a user is messaging a group about going hiking, they’ll see suggested concepts related to their friends, their destination, and their activity, making image creation even faster and more relevant.

In Notes, users can access Image Playground through the new Image Wand in the Apple Pencil tool palette, making notes more visually engaging. Rough sketches can be turned into delightful images, and users can even select empty space to create an image using context from the surrounding area. Image Playground is also available in apps like Keynote, Freeform, and Pages, as well as in third-party apps that adopt the new Image Playground API.

Taking emoji to an entirely new level, users can create an original Genmoji to express themselves. By simply typing a description, their Genmoji appears, along with additional options. Users can even create Genmoji of friends and family based on their photos. Just like emoji, Genmoji can be added inline to messages, or shared as a sticker or reaction in a Tapback.

Searching for photos and videos becomes even more convenient with Apple Intelligence. Natural language can be used to search for specific photos, such as “Maya skateboarding in a tie-dye shirt,” or “Katie with stickers on her face.” Search in videos also becomes more powerful with the ability to find specific moments in clips so users can go right to the relevant segment. Additionally, the new Clean Up tool can identify and remove distracting objects in the background of a photo — without accidentally altering the subject.

With Memories, users can create the story they want to see by simply typing a description. Using language and image understanding, Apple Intelligence will pick out the best photos and videos based on the description, craft a storyline with chapters based on themes identified from the photos, and arrange them into a movie with its own narrative arc. Users will even get song suggestions to match their memory from Apple Music. As with all Apple Intelligence features, user photos and videos are kept private on device and are not shared with Apple or anyone else.

Powered by Apple Intelligence, Siri becomes more deeply integrated into the system experience. With richer language-understanding capabilities, Siri is more natural, more contextually relevant, and more personal, with the ability to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. It can follow along if users stumble over words and maintain context from one request to the next. Additionally, users can type to Siri, and switch between text and voice to communicate with Siri in whatever way feels right for the moment. Siri also has a brand-new design with an elegant glowing light that wraps around the edge of the screen when Siri is active.

Siri can now give users device support everywhere they go, and answer thousands of questions about how to do something on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Users can learn everything from how to schedule an email in the Mail app, to how to switch from Light to Dark Mode.

With onscreen awareness, Siri will be able to understand and take action with users’ content in more apps over time. For example, if a friend texts a user their new address in Messages, the receiver can say, “Add this address to his contact card.”

With Apple Intelligence, Siri will be able to take hundreds of new actions in and across Apple and third-party apps. For example, a user could say, “Bring up that article about cicadas from my Reading List,” or “Send the photos from the barbecue on Saturday to Malia,” and Siri will take care of it.

Siri will be able to deliver intelligence that’s tailored to the user and their on-device information. For example, a user can say, “Play that podcast that Jamie recommended,” and Siri will locate and play the episode, without the user having to remember whether it was mentioned in a text or an email. Or they could ask, “When is Mom’s flight landing?” and Siri will find the flight details and cross-reference them with real-time flight tracking to give an arrival time.

To be truly helpful, Apple Intelligence relies on understanding deep personal context while also protecting user privacy. A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, and many of the models that power it run entirely on device. To run more complex requests that require more processing power, Private Cloud Compute extends the privacy and security of Apple devices into the cloud to unlock even more intelligence.

With Private Cloud Compute, Apple Intelligence can flex and scale its computational capacity and draw on larger, server-based models for more complex requests. These models run on servers powered by Apple silicon, providing a foundation that allows Apple to ensure that data is never retained or exposed.

Independent experts can inspect the code that runs on Apple silicon servers to verify privacy, and Private Cloud Compute cryptographically ensures that iPhone, iPad, and Mac do not talk to a server unless its software has been publicly logged for inspection. Apple Intelligence with Private Cloud Compute sets a new standard for privacy in AI, unlocking intelligence users can trust.

Apple is integrating ChatGPT access into experiences within iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, allowing users to access its expertise — as well as its image- and document-understanding capabilities — without needing to jump between tools.

Siri can tap into ChatGPT’s expertise when helpful. Users are asked before any questions are sent to ChatGPT, along with any documents or photos, and Siri then presents the answer directly.

Additionally, ChatGPT will be available in Apple’s systemwide Writing Tools, which help users generate content for anything they are writing about. With Compose, users can also access ChatGPT image tools to generate images in a wide variety of styles to complement what they are writing.

Privacy protections are built in for users who access ChatGPT — their IP addresses are obscured, and OpenAI won’t store requests. ChatGPT’s data-use policies apply for users who choose to connect their account.

ChatGPT will come to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia later this year, powered by GPT-4o. Users can access it for free without creating an account, and ChatGPT subscribers can connect their accounts and access paid features right from these experiences.


Apple Intelligence is free for users, and will be available in beta as part of iOS 18 , iPadOS 18 , and macOS Sequoia  this fall in U.S. English. Some features, software platforms, and additional languages will come over the course of the next year. Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English. For more information, visit apple.com/apple-intelligence .

Press Contacts

Cat Franklin

[email protected]

Jacqueline Roy

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Apple Media Helpline

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