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Glenn Hubbard delivers a lecture to a crowded classroom

Business Economics

The columbia advantage, joint program.

Starting in 2020/21, the School, in partnership with the Arts & Sciences Economics Department, began offering a Business Economics Track (BusEc). The program is open to 3 to 4 students a year.

BusEc is not a separate PhD program. Students are enrolled in the same  PhD in Economics Program  and are awarded the same degree by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Most requirements and resources are identical. However, BusEc is particularly suited for PhD students who want to leverage the academic resources available at Columbia Business School, and in particular in the  Economics Division  of the Business School.

Like other Economics PhD students, second-year BusEc students must select two fields. Specific to BusEc is that one of those two fields has to be the newly created Business Economics field, which will include courses in areas of strength of the Economics Division. The other fields currently offered are: Micro Theory, Macro, Econometrics, Industrial Organization, International Trade, Applied Micro, Development, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Political Economy.

Beyond coursework, BusEc students will be required to fulfill all the same program requirements as other students in the Economics PhD program.

Placement & Advising

There will be a joint placement website hosted on the Department of Economics website. In all other ways, BusEc students will be considered equally when on the job market.

At least one primary advisor of a BusEc student shall be a member of the Economics Division of the Business School (if there are two, the other one can be from A&S).

Conditional on availability, BusEc students will receive work space in the Business School.

Accessibility Panel

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  • Economics and Education

Graduate students attend a lecture at TC

Addressing Important Issues

Our faculty includes renowned scholars studying higher education, K-12 educational institutions, educational markets and privatization, and international education and economic development, among other areas.

Students meet with a faculty member in Econ and Ed

Welcome to the Economics & Education program

The program in Economics and Education at Teachers College is a dynamic program that has maintained its position of leadership in this rapidly growing field. Economic concepts and analytic methods are increasingly influential in education policy and administration, and graduates who can combine quantitative skills with substantive expertise are in high demand. Our program prepares students to apply the economic approach, as well as its methodological tools, to contemporary education policy issues both domestically and globally. 

Economics and Education Virtual Information Session

Fall 2023 webinar for prospective students that p remiered on Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 9:30 am.  Come hear about our program from faculty, students, and staff! 

Choose Your Degree

  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Our 33-credit Master of Arts (M.A.) in Economics and Education is designed to equip education professionals and policy-makers with the skills required to interpret and synthesize education-related research, to design and implement effective educational policy, and to assess the consequences of education policy, both domestically and in international settings.

The program can be completed in 1.5 years of study (fall, spring, fall) though students often take four semesters to take full advantage of program offerings and the educational environment of Teachers College.

Our 60-credit Master of Education (Ed.M) program is intended for individuals who already have a graduate degree in a related field, who would like to build upon that foundation with additional training in Economics and Education. Courses in the program provide a serious analytical benchmark for the analysis of financial and economic issues in education, in the United States and other countries.

The program allows a student to specialize in a number of areas including economic growth, immigration, higher education, privatization, and international education, but provides a foundation in economics and educational policy through courses that address these topics.

Our 75-credit Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program is intended for individuals who want to acquire advanced training in the theory, methods, and practices in the economics of education. It is a highly selective program to prepare individuals for leadership roles in teaching, research, or administrative settings.

columbia university phd economics courses

Columbia Workshop in Economics and Education for AY2023-2024

Professor Alex Eble as the Host Faculty Selected Thursdays from 12:00pm-1:50pm 

The Columbia Workshop in Economics and Education offers a series of presentations and papers reflecting the state of the art in the field of economics of education. Guests from universities, international organizations, think tanks and other institutions will present their latest research or policy-oriented work in the field of economics of education. Faculty and students affiliated with the economics and education program at Teachers College, Columbia University will also present their own work. Students will receive a series of guidance through writing referee reports, meeting with the speakers, and in-course teaching about research production and presentation.





Saloni Gupta

Teachers College, Columbia University


Isabela Munevar

Fabiola Alba Vivar

Teachers College, Columbia University

Teachers College, Columbia University


Jalnidh Kaur

Teachers College, Columbia University


Fabio Sanchez

Universidad de Los Andes


Seema Jayachandran

Princeton University


Kevin Stange

University of Michigan


Julio Rodriguez

Teachers College, Columbia University


Tyler Watts 

Teachers College, Columbia University


 Chris Campos

 University of Chicago


 Menaka Hampole

 Yale School of Management


 Chloe Gibbs

 University of Notre Dame


 Nishith Praksah

 Northeastern University

Alumni Profiles

Economics and Education Program Teachers College, Columbia University, M.A. 2018

Content Director Hanover Research

My passion in life has always been to affect change in the education system. As an undergraduate, I studied mathematics and economics, while also having the opportunity to intern as at an education policy non-profit and teach high school Mathematics at a public school. My early interests in education and professional experiences motivated me to pursue a career where I could use economics to better understand how to affect this change in education I spoke about so frequently.  Stumbling upon the Economics and Education program in a search for greater opportunities to make an impact in education, I knew instantly it was the program for me. My experiences with my fellow classmates and incredible faculty gave me a solid knowledge of education policy, a deeper understanding of economic theories, and molded me into the professional I am today. As a master's student, I had multiple opportunities to apply the concepts I was learning about in my work as a Resident Researcher and the non-profit New Visions for Public Schools.

I am currently a Content Director for Hanover Research outside of Washington, D.C., where I lead strategic relationships with domestic and international higher education clients to help them solve critical issues within their institutions. I design and implement projects with a team of researchers to help institutions answer their most pressing questions, often utilizing economic theories, content knowledge, and research principles I learned in the Economics and Education program. I utilize multiple methodologies to go about answering the questions ranging from secondary research to qualitative, quantitative, and survey methodologies.

I am still connected to Teachers College in a number of ways and will forever be thankful for the opportunities afforded to me thanks to Teachers College and the Economics and Education program. During my tenure at Teachers College, I created wonderful relationships with my cohort and continue to stay in touch to this day.

columbia university phd economics courses

Economics and Education Program Teachers College, Columbia University, M.A. 2017   Advisor on Youth Employment and Vocational Education and Training The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)   My firm belief in the transformative power of education is rooted in my own educational journey. I finished my undergraduate studies at RIT Kosovo where I studied Economics and Management. The strong interest in education and economics sparked after taking courses on economic and social development. Living in a post-war country which is still in the development process, I have always wanted to give my contribution to the development of my country. And what a better way to help societal positive changes than through education! However, to make a positive contribution I was aware that I should first invest in my own education and professional development and use the knowledge and skills towards my cause. I was fortunate enough to receive a fully funded scholarship supported by the USAID and Ministry of Education in Kosovo which enabled me to receive my Master’s in one of the most renowned universities in the world. The knowledge, skills, and education that I received from TC changed the trajectory of my professional career and is helping me do my share in paving the way for prosperity in Kosovo.

My time at TC was the highlight of my educational journey. The Economics and Education program trained me to apply economic concepts and tools to address issues in education. The curriculum of the program helped me build technical competence in the basic tools of educational management and policy making. Courses that I took during my studies involved statistical analysis, and evaluation of education and social programs that helped me gain understanding of the importance of evidence-based reforms in effectively tackling issues in the education sector. While at TC, I also had the opportunity to learn from truly inspirational professors and had the privilege to meet a host of thoughtful and engaged individuals with deep expertise and passion for education. I left TC with many life-long friends, colleagues, and enriching experiences.

After I completed my studies at TC, I immediately came back to Kosovo to bring back the knowledge and skills in my country. I started to work as an Education Consultant with a local NGO where I had the opportunity to conduct several research projects about the education sector in Kosovo, including analyzing the impact of teacher quality and in-school resources on Kosovar students’ performance in  PISA 2015, identifying some of the challenges in the management of the pre-university education in Kosovo, and understanding the challenges of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in Kosovo, with the purpose of supporting the Ministry of Education, schools, teachers, and other relevant stakeholders in their continuous effort to improve the quality of education delivery.  

Currently, I work as an advisor with the Youth, Employment, and Skills Project in Kosovo – a project commissioned by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, which aims to enhance the employability of young people by improving the quality of VET and strengthening matching mechanisms between labor market supply and demand. In this role, I am able to design labor market measures that facilitate labor market integration for youth. As a strong advocate of social inclusion and equality, I focus my work mostly in the labor market integration for women and minorities.

Jete Aliu

Economics and Education Program Teachers College, Columbia University, M.A. 2019

Program Officer – Research

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - Kansas City, MO

The relationship between education and economic development first captured my attention in an undergraduate capstone course called State and Society . I had yet to decide what to do after graduation but was certain I wanted to continue learning about the role of education policy, human capital, and innovation in stimulating economic growth. I knew I should go to graduate school but had no idea what type of degree or field of study would be best. I ended up spending several years in Asia, teaching health and English in rural Thailand and starting a teacher training and job placement company in Shanghai, China, while I looked for the right graduate program.

I still remember exactly where I was when I discovered the Economics and Education program at Teacher’s College. While working in Asia, I had become increasingly interested in the gap between education policy and the functional skills needed to grow the local economy. I was curious if and how policy interventions could distribute the knowledge and skills among the local population and effectively close these gaps. After discovering the Economics and Education program, I stopped searching for other graduate programs and focused all my energy on applying to TC.

The knowledge and skills that I acquired during my two years in the Economics and Education program jumpstarted my career. Each professor has their own expertise, which exposed me to a blend of literature and theory across a variety of disciplines. In addition, the courses in statistics and data science provided me with tools to conduct quantitative analyses, which I previously had no experience.

The most impactful aspect of the Economics and Education program, in my experience, was the networking. Within a few months of my first semester, I received a TC email regarding a job at the New York City Department of Education. The department director was a former TC graduate. Despite being in my first semester at TC and having no prior quantitative experience, the director knew I was enrolled in statistics courses and trusted the TC program enough to offer me a position as a data manager. It was the best job I had ever been offered.

After graduating, a TC professor suggested that I look into working at the Kauffman Foundation. Being from Kansas City, I was familiar with Kauffman’s work in entrepreneurship and education but did not know any of the current staff. This professor happened to have a strong professional relationship with a few associates at Kauffman and offered to email them a recommendation. The introduction led to a full-time job as a research economist, where I currently manage a research grant portfolio and conduct data analysis on entrepreneurship.

My ability to perform the functions of my job is directly attributable to the knowledge and skills that I have acquired through the Economics and Education program. As I map my career path for the foreseeable future, I continue to reference the positive impact of my experiences at TC.

columbia university phd economics courses

Economics and Education Program Teachers College, Columbia University, M.Ed. 2019

Head of Research and Development EDUCA

My passion for education started when I took a course in Development Economics during my undergraduate studies in Economics, and all my doubts to become a public official disappeared. Just thinking about solutions to the most urgent social problems of the Dominican Republic made me feel overly excited and motivated. During this course, it was obvious that education was the greatest threat for the social development of the Dominican Republic. Hence, I decided to take another more specialized course in the topic: Education Economics. There, I understood the high need for more and better evidenced-based education policy in the country, and that I could contribute with that. That moment was precious. Finally, I found my passion in life!

I worked very hard to enter to the Economics & Education program at TC. It was my number one option, and definitely exceed my expectations. It was a marvelous experience to learn from leading faculty members in the field. In addition, TC has a remarkably diverse and large number of programs, and therefore, of courses. I took advantage of that, and I enrolled in courses from different fields, including data mining, management, and monitoring & evaluation. Furthermore, TC offers a  wide range  of a  variety of events and the opportunity to participate in student associations, which are excellent ways to discover the newest trends in education, get to know new colleagues and friends, and discuss ideas. Actually, in those TC events, I discovered my interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence and ICT in education.

After graduating, I returned to my county, Dominican Republic. It was relatively easy to find job offers. Currently, I am the Head of Research and Development at EDUCA, a think tank in the Dominican Republic that researches and advocates for policies that ensure an inclusive and equitable quality education. Moreover, I have worked as Research Consultant at World Bank and United Nations Population Fund, conducting studies about teenage pregnancy in the Dominican Republic.

columbia university phd economics courses

Economics and Education Program Teachers College, Columbia University, Ph.D. 2020

Assistant Professor McCombs School of Business The University of Texas at Austin    

I started working in economics of education topics when I was still an Engineering undergraduate student at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Given the context of the Chilean education system and reforms that were happening at the time, I was very interested in studying the potential impact of different policies on outcomes such as school segregation and educational opportunities.

After working at the Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) in Chile for a year, and completing my Masters in Social Policy in London, I decided to pursue a doctorate in Economics of Education. I was interested in a rigorous program that had a clear focus on education and social policy topics more broadly, so the PhD at Teachers College was a good fit.

During my time as a PhD student at TC, I was able to pursue and develop my interest in causal inference methodologies, combining it with important economic of education questions, particularly focused on educational opportunities and school segregation. I had the opportunity to colaborate with faculty both at Teachers College as well as Columbia at large, which was a great advantage for my own development.

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Statistic Group at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin. My research is focused on developing new methods for causal inference and expanding on current ones, to improve the evidence we can obtain from both observational studies and experiments. My work also primarly focuses on using these methods for building new evidence on pressing educational policy questions.

columbia university phd economics courses

Economics and Education Program Teachers College, Columbia University, Ph.D. 2018

Assistant Professor of Statistics and Public Policy

Babson College

My interest in education piqued when I started working as a data analyst for the Boston Public Schools. There, I ran engagement surveys for parents, students, and teachers and analyzed the results. I found it fascinating that there were large gaps in parent engagement between high- and low- achieving schools, and desired to dive more into the subject through research.

I initially searched for graduate programs in education, but I soon realized that economic inequality was a significant determinant of family engagement. I widened my search for economics programs, and found TC’s Economics and Education program to be firmly what I wanted to study. I soon enrolled in the M.A. program, but proceeded to continue in the Ph.D. program.

During my doctoral experience, Professor Peter Bergman told me about his interest in studying how families respond to information and its effects on student outcomes. Soon, I was working with Peter on projects directly related to my subject of interest. My dissertation even focused on the role of parents as a determinant of educational inequality.

This led me to a tenure-track position at Babson College, where my studies currently help me pursue policy-oriented research using advanced quantitative methods. Since I am employed in a quantitative methods department in a school of management, I am seen by my peers as the expert on statistical analysis of education policy issues. Recently, I was tasked with studying the effect of the institution’s instructor evaluation on teaching behavior. The skills I learned in the Economics and Education program gave me much insight into answering such real-world problems.

Eric Chan

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Follow Faculty on Twitter

  • Professor Carolina Concha-Arriagada (Starting in AY2024-2025)
  • Professor Alex Eble
  • Professor Kirsten  Slungaard Mumma
  • Professor Judith Scott-Clayton

Admissions Information

Application requirements, fund your degree.

  • Tuition & Fees
  • Financial Aid
  • Request Info

Program Director : Professor Alex Eble

Teachers College, Columbia University 212 Zankel, Suite B

Contact Person: Katherine Y. Chung, Program Manager

Phone: (212) 678-3677 Fax: (212) 678-3677


Morningside Campus Access Updates

School - June 26, 2024

Future-Proofing with Tech: How the Technology Management Program Curriculum Evolves with a Rapidly Advancing Industry

  • Technology Management

Change is accelerating. Generative AI is redefining the shape and speed of innovation. Columbia’s Master of Science in Technology Management program prepares technology professionals to future-proof their practice.

Columbia University pioneered the Ivy League’s first Technology Management master’s program 20 years ago to empower professionals to make an economic and social impact in a world of constant change and disruption. We have institutionalized technology’s continuous improvement and deployment philosophy in our curriculum. 

As technology continues to redefine operations, a paradigm shift has occurred. Previously, strategy and policy preceded execution. Today, execution leads, followed by strategy, with policy lagging behind. This evolution underscores technology’s pivotal role as a catalyst for innovation, growth, and risk, and the Technology Management program curriculum has been revised to keep up with industry innovations.   

“Tech leadership demands constant learning and adaptation,” said Dr. Alexis Wichowski, Technology Management’s program director and a professor of practice. “Our newly revised M.S. in Technology Management program now reflects that reality. This program is not just for tech people or business people: It trains future leaders to be equally fluent in both.”

The program prepares students to thrive in these conditions with solid fundamentals in core technology and business principles and also offers continually updated courses that reflect current trends. The revised curriculum is the first of its kind to include an explicit focus on ethical leadership, reflecting the ways in which today’s technology leaders must negotiate not only business and technology decisions but also the application of concepts like “do no harm” in relation to the deployment of new technologies.

With options to study either  in person or  online with four immersive residencies, the program offers unparalleled insider access to one of the world’s most dynamic and innovative technology capitals. The faculty and program team, composed of industry-leading practitioners including 12x serial entrepreneur  Art Chang , global business leader and cybersecurity expert  Cristina Dolan , and leading technology and media corporate strategist  Stephano Kim , brings real-world experience and expertise to the classroom, equipping our students with the tools they need to succeed and the networks they need to achieve their career goals. 

The program doesn’t just teach theory—it also provides hands-on experiential learning through projects, internships, and networking opportunities. The curriculum constantly evolves to keep pace with the latest developments in technology and business, ensuring that students graduate with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their careers. With a community of more than 1,000 alumni who have gone on to lead and innovate at companies like Google, Apple, NASA, and more, students will be equipped to adapt and keep pace in an ever-changing technology landscape as they join a global network of peers shaping the future.

About the Program

Columbia University's  Master of Science in Technology Management is designed to respond to the urgent need for strategic perspectives, critical thinking, and exceptional communication skills at all levels of the workplace and across all types of organizations.

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Columbian College of Arts & Sciences

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The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration

Master of Arts in Environmental & Sustainability Policy

Two TSPPPA ENRP students and two older adults all wearing hard hats and standing in front of a DC Water sign

The Master of Arts in Environmental and Sustainability Policy (MA-ESP) at the Trachtenberg School offers an interdisciplinary approach to environmental and sustainability studies. This STEM program prepares students to enter and excel in environmental policy  careers  in government, nonprofit organizations, the private sector, and environmental advocacy groups.

Students will take courses in the areas of science, law, policy, culture and ethics, economics, research, and more. The program curriculum is integrative, flexible, and reflects the knowledge and skills required of environmental policy leaders.  

The program culminates in a  capstone project , during which students collaborate in small groups on a pro bono product for a client of their choice.

Apply to GW  

Request More Information  

Attend an Information Session

Student Resources and MPA Handbook

Program Highlights


The ESP curriculum draws on disciplines including environmental economics, environmental law, public policy, research methods and a two-semester environmental science course. This STEM program teaches students to craft policy using science-based evidence, understand economic incentives and develop a clear-eyed understanding of environmental law and politics.

Practical and Theoretical

The curriculum blends theory and practical experience, culminating in a professional, client-oriented capstone project based on a real-world environmental policy issue. Through group work, students gain experience collaborating on environmental policy issues.

Tailored to You

Master's students can customize their coursework around the required core curriculum by choosing electives from virtually any academic department in the Columbian College. Additionally, GW offers courses at consortium partner schools including American University, George Mason University and Georgetown University.

MA-ESP Course Requirements

The MA-ESP curriculum consists of 36 credit hours. Full-time students typically complete the MA-ESP in two years. Part-time students complete the degree in three to four years. The MA-ESP program is available at the George Washington University's Foggy Bottom campus in downtown Washington, D.C. It is not available as a distance-learning program.

Students complete a common core and select elective coursework in a field of study tailored to their unique interests and career objectives. Other core requirements provide the broad intellectual base and tools necessary for making multidisciplinary environmental and resource decisions.

Note: Students who feel that their prior undergraduate coursework duplicates one of the core requirements may seek a waiver of the requirement. If approved, an elective course can be taken instead. All core courses and most electives are three credits. Please also note that some courses outlined below may have prerequisite requirements.

The general requirements stated under  Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Programs .

36 credits, including 24 credits in required courses and 12 credits in elective courses.

The following requirements must be fulfilled: 36 credits, including 24 credits in required courses and 12 credits in elective courses.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Introduction to Environmental Law
U.S. Environmental Policy
or  Environmental Policy
One course in physical or life sciences selected from the following:
Environmental Sciences I: Physical Sciences
or  Environmental Sciences II: Life Sciences
or  Politics and Policy Analysis
One course in ethics and culture selected from following or similar course selected in consultation with advisor:
Environmental Philosophy and Policy
or  Cultural Aspects of Global Engagement
Economics and tools courses
Research Methods and Applied Statistics
Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
And one additional economics and tools course selected from the following:
Policy Analysis
Microeconomics for Public Policy I
Regression Methods for Policy Research
Microeconomics for Public Policy II
Benefit-Cost Analysis
Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation
Decision Modeling for Public Policy
Data Visualization
Econometrics for Policy Research
Mixed Methods in Research Design
Environmental Resource Policy Capstone
or  MPA/MPP Capstone
12 credits of approved courses from various University departments selected in consultation with the advisor.

*Students with a strong statistics background can request to be exempt from taking PPPA 6002 and take an additional 3-credit economics and tools course from the list above.

**Students with limited economics background must take PPPA 6007. PPPA 6007 must be taken before ECON 6237 and students may substitute ECON 6217 for PPPA 6007.

Columbia | Economics

  • Prospective Students

Columbia offers multi-year, financial aid packages to admitted students including fellowships and appointments to teaching and/or research positions. Ph.D. students receive annual stipend, tuition and health fees for five years if they remain in good academic standing. Students in years 2-4 must also complete requirements as teaching or research officers. After year five, requests for additional funding are considered on a case-by case basis.

Outside Fellowships

All incoming students are encouraged to apply for outside fellowships upon admittance.  For more information about funding the Ph.D. program at Columbia, visit the GSAS website .

Doctoral Fellowship Available to Incoming, Japan-Focused PhDs

The Center on Japanese Economy and Business Doctoral Fellowship is available to any PhD applicant to the Columbia University Department of Economics or Columbia Business School who is interested in developing a Japan expertise, culminating in a dissertation focused primarily on Japan.

The Fellowship provides full funding for an incremental doctoral student opening, with funding renewed yearly, contingent on the student’s continued focus on Japan and success in meeting basic language acquisition and research requirements.

More details and scheduled information sessions about the Fellowship can be found  here .

CJEB founded the fellowship in 2013 and plans to continue offering it on an annual basis, with the goal of supporting and training the next generation of experts on Japan’s economy and business systems.

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  • Bridge to the Ph.D. Program

columbia university phd economics courses

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columbia university phd economics courses


Tuition and fees.

Tuition is calculated based on the total points (credits) registered for a given semester. Full-time students are registered for 12 or more points in a given semester. This listing is intended to summarize possible charges that could be incurred against a student’s account. Certain charges depend upon specific circumstances, as noted. Fees that are not billed to the student account, such as course fees or placement test fees, may be required but are not listed here.

Summer 2024

$2,640.00 per point

Spring 2025

Student Activities Fee*

M.S. Students

$300.00 per term

Certificate Students

$250.00 per term

University Services and Support Fee**

Full-time (12+ credits)

$602.00 per term 

Part-time (1–5.99 credits)

$456.00 per term

$694.00 per term 

Health and Related Services Fee***

Half-time (6–11.99 credits)

$347.00 per term 

$208.00 per term 

One-Time Document Fee

for all new students

Orientation Fee (beginning Fall 2021)****

one-time fee for all new M.S. students

Technology Fee

$35.00 per term

International Services Charge

Required of all international students.

$150.00 per term

​Late Registration Fees

During late registration period

After late registration period

Withdrawal Fee

Required of any student who drops all courses for which he or she has registered.

$75.00 per term

​Student Medical Insurance

All full-time students must provide proof of insurance or enroll in one of the University plans. This fee is optional for part-time students

Deposit Requirement

Tuition and fees are subject to the Columbia University Board of Trustees' approval and may change. ​ * Student Activities Fee – Assessed to support in-person and online student-facing services and events including but not limited to: Academic Support, Career Services, Graduation, Student Engagement Programs, and SPS student organizations. All events can be found on SPS Engage at ​ ** University Services and Support Fee – Students are required to pay a University Facilities Fee depending on their registration. Full-time students are those registered for 12 or more points over a 16-week term. This fee is subject to Board of Trustee approval and may change. *** Health Service Fee – Required of all students. Includes clinical services provided on campus as well as integrated off-campus services. See for details. Students who pay the Health Service Fee in Spring are not required to pay the Health Service Fee in Summer. The Summer Fee applies to new summer students only. ​ **** Orientation Fee – Required one-time fee for all entering degree students in their first term, covering the costs of mandatory orientation programming.

Funding Opportunities

Sustainability Management Fellowship Programs

Course Reader Roles and Fellowship

Columbia HBCU Fellowship Program

Luksic Scholarship for Sustainability at Columbia University

Columbia SPS CUNY Fellowship

Climate School Internships

Financial Resources

​The School of Professional Studies works to ensure that the cost of continuing education and professional studies do not stand in the way of students’ goals. Most students at the School use a combination of savings, scholarships, loans, outside grants, sponsors, or employer tuition benefits to cover the cost of attendance.

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  1. Master's

    columbia university phd economics courses

  2. Program Description

    columbia university phd economics courses

  3. Columbia University, Master of Science in Financial Economics in 2020

    columbia university phd economics courses

  4. Undergraduate

    columbia university phd economics courses

  5. Program Requirements

    columbia university phd economics courses

  6. Masters In Development Economics USA

    columbia university phd economics courses


  1. PKU Guanghua PhD Program Info Session

  2. PHD

  3. University of British Columbia Review 2024

  4. Columbia Economics Skit 2017

  5. Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate with Modeling and Stakeholder Observations



  1. Ph.D.

    The Ph.D. program in the Department of Economics at Columbia University trains students to do cutting edge research in economics. Students in our program do research in all major areas of economics including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international economics, labor economics, public finance, industrial organization, development economics, and urban economics.

  2. Current Degree Requirements for the Ph.D.

    Masters of Arts (M.A.) degree: To receive the M.A. degree en route to the Ph.D., you must complete 30 points of graduate credit. Generally, the required courses carry 4 credits and other courses carry 3 credits. You must achieve a grade of B or better in at least 6 courses. You must complete at least two residence units.

  3. Economics, PhD

    Chair: Michael Woodford. Director of Graduate Studies: Navin Kartik. Website: Email Address: [email protected]. Degree Programs: Full-Time: MA/MPhil/PhD. The Department of Economics offers a graduate program leading to the PhD in Economics; students earn the MA and the MPhil in the course of earning the PhD degree.

  4. Course Offerings

    GR5220 Advanced Macroeconomics. This class will familiarize students with advances in monetary economics, business-cycle theory, and growth theory. It will teach tools to model inflation and output dynamics and the role of optimal monetary policy. It will discuss theory and evidence of fiscal stabilization policy. GR5311 Economic Policy Analysis.

  5. FAQs for incoming PhD students

    FAQs for incoming PhD students. 1. Who should I contact if I have questions about the department? The PhD Program Manager, Amy Devine ([email protected]) and PhD Program Coordinator, Rosie Lourentzatos ([email protected]) are the first points of contact for questions about the department. 2.

  6. PhD Programs

    The departments and programs listed below offer courses of study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. To learn about PhD programs offered by Columbia's professional schools, please visit this page. A doctoral program in the Arts and Sciences is an immersive, full-time enterprise, in which students participate fully in the academic and intellectual life on campus, taking courses ...

  7. Academics

    Coursework. Doctoral students in the finance division often specialize in financial economics. The first year of the program is dedicated to core courses that include a two-semester microeconomics sequence offered from the School of Economics, a two-semester econometrics sequence, an intensive programing course in database and computing for business research, Finance theory I and II, and a pre ...

  8. Economics, MA

    The MA program in Economics requires successful completion of 22 credits through eight core classes and 9 credits through the program elective classes. Students satisfy the course requirements for the MA degree in three semesters: four required classes in the first fall semester, three required classes in the following spring semester, one ...

  9. Political Economy I

    This course is a PhD-level introduction to political economy. The first part of the course is mostly theoretical and covers the most widely used models in topics such as social choice, direct and indirect democracy, accountability, lobbying, and redistributive politics. ... Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New ...

  10. Finance

    Academics. Finance Doctoral students are trained in major areas in finance and economics, including, asset pricing, corporate finance, continuous-time models in finance, information economics, international finance, market micro-structure, and banking. The program prepares students for careers in scholarly research, and graduates take jobs ...

  11. Business Economics

    Joint Program. Starting in 2020/21, the School, in partnership with the Arts & Sciences Economics Department, began offering a Business Economics Track (BusEc). The program is open to 3 to 4 students a year. BusEc is not a separate PhD program. Students are enrolled in the same PhD in Economics Program and are awarded the same degree by the ...

  12. (PhD) Economic Analysis

    First course in microeconomic theory in the doctoral sequence. Consumer and producer choice, intertemporal optimization, general equilibrium and welfare. Division: Economics. Fall 2024. B9206 - 001. Faculty. Paolo Siconolfi. Part of Term. PhD - A Term. Section Syllabus. ... Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New ...

  13. Economics and Education PhD

    Teachers College, Columbia University, is the first and largest graduate school of education in the United States, and also perennially ranked among the nation's best. ... Economics and Education PhD; Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Education. Teachers College Building. ... The coursework for this program consists of three parts: core ...

  14. Economics

    This is an advanced graduate-level course in international macro-finance. The course focuses on empirical research and applied theory. This course is targeted to second year PhD students in business economics, economics, finance and related disciplines, including Columbia Business School MSFE students that have completed their first-year courses.

  15. Economics and Education

    Teachers College, Columbia University 212 Zankel, Suite B. Contact Person: Katherine Y. Chung, Program Manager. Phone: (212) 678-3677 (212) 678-3677. Email: Our graduate programs in Economics and Education train students to apply economic concepts and tools to address issues in education. Learn more and apply.

  16. (PhD) Economic Theory III

    PhD - A Term. Section Syllabus. Download Syllabus. Section Notes. Day(s) Date(s) Start/End Time. Room. Monday, Wednesday 01/22/2024 - 03/01/2024 2:20PM - 3:50PM Kravis 830. Log In to View Evaluations. ×. B9209 Course Evaluation (PhD) Economic Theory III ... Accessibility . Official Logo of Columbia Business School. Columbia University in the ...

  17. Cryptoeconomics Summer School Brings Early Career Researchers to Campus

    The Center for Digital Finance and Technology hosted researchers from around the world for a crash course in blockchain, cryptoeconomics, ... More than 60 graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior faculty members from across the U.S. and more than 20 countries convened at Columbia University on June 20-21, 2024, for the first-ever ...

  18. International Perspectives on Economics in Paris

    Jennifer Chen, an economics and cognitive science student at Columbia College, found her economics coursework in Paris to be a refreshing take on her major. The curriculum at Columbia prioritizes weekly problem sets, while her courses at Sciences Po took a more philosophical and historical approach, including an essay assignment.

  19. International Perspectives on Economics in Paris

    Jennifer Chen, an economics and cognitive science student at Columbia College, found her economics coursework in Paris to be a refreshing take on her major. The curriculum at Columbia prioritizes weekly problem sets, while her courses at Sciences Po took a more philosophical and historical approach, including an essay assignment.

  20. Future-Proofing with Tech: How the Technology Management Program

    Change is accelerating. Generative AI is redefining the shape and speed of innovation. Columbia's Master of Science in Technology Management program prepares technology professionals to future-proof their practice.. Columbia University pioneered the Ivy League's first Technology Management master's program 20 years ago to empower professionals to make an economic and social impact in a ...

  21. Graduate Programs

    Course Offerings Spring & Fall 2024; Summer Mailings; Newsletter - April 2024; ... Columbia University Economics Department - Website Accessibility Requirements; Undergraduate: Adding a New Post to Econ Info For Students; ... Columbia University has two graduate programs. Please visit the site you are interested in by using the buttons below.

  22. Master of Arts in Environmental & Sustainability Policy

    12 credits of approved courses from various University departments selected in consultation with the advisor. *Students with a strong statistics background can request to be exempt from taking PPPA 6002 and take an additional 3-credit economics and tools course from the list above.

  23. (PhD) Economic Analysis II

    PhD - B Term. Section Syllabus. No Syllabus. Section Notes. Day(s) Date(s) ... B9208 Course Evaluation (PhD) Economic Analysis II. Scale: 1 (weak) to 5 (strong) ... Accessibility . Official Logo of Columbia Business School. Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New York, NY 10027 Tel. 212-854-1100. Maps and ...

  24. Schools from Montana to New York are offering degrees in climate ...

    As demand for climate-related degrees rises, universities are offering interdisciplinary programs that aim to prepare students for a variety of careers. There's a new degree in higher education.

  25. Funding

    Funding. Columbia offers multi-year, financial aid packages to admitted students including fellowships and appointments to teaching and/or research positions. Ph.D. students receive annual stipend, tuition and health fees for five years if they remain in good academic standing. Students in years 2-4 must also complete requirements as teaching ...

  26. Tuition & Financing

    Tuition and fees are subject to the Columbia University Board of Trustees' approval and may change. * Student Activities Fee - Assessed to support in-person and online student-facing services and events including but not limited to: Academic Support, Career Services, Graduation, Student Engagement Programs, and SPS student organizations.

  27. Flag of Elektrostal, metallurgy and heavy machinery ...

    Business, Economics, and Finance. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Crypto

  28. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  29. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.

  30. Zheleznodorozhny, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Zheleznodorozhny Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,133 reviews of Zheleznodorozhny Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Zheleznodorozhny resource.