29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023

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Good news: there are a LOT of different options when it comes to paid online writing. No matter your interests or areas of expertise, if you’re ready to bring in some extra cash, opportunities are waiting for you.

Whether you want to write an occasional article for extra spending money or dedicate your free time to running a blog so you can one day quit your day job and become a freelance writer for hire , we’ll show you 30 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 and everything you need to know to get paid for your writing skills.

1. Start a blog

Blogging is a tried-and-true method for writers to make money online. You may be wondering if it’s still possible for new bloggers to make money with all the established blogs already online, and the answer is YES.

Blogging requires dedication and consistency, and it will also take some time for your blog to gain momentum before you see much income, but it is absolutely possible.

The first step to starting a blog is picking your niche. This is the topic you’ll write about. It’s good to get specific here; there are many blogs on the internet, so if you can provide a unique perspective, your readers are more likely to stick around.

Next, you’ll need to pick your domain, design your blog, and get it all set up. There are a ton of great resources out there to help you with this (just remember you get what you pay for: while there are free blog hosting sites and free templates, top bloggers agree that you’ll need to spend a little money upfront if you want to make money writing in the long run).

Once you’ve got your blog established, remember to post regularly, promote your posts on social media, and engage with your readers. No blog has ever been an overnight success, but you can make good money from blogging with a little time and consistency.

2. Create blog posts (for others)

If you’re not quite ready to start your own blog, you can always dip your toes in the water by guest blogging. Many bloggers hire other bloggers to create content, and a lot of companies will hire freelance writers to contribute to the blog section of their website.

If you decide to go this route, make sure to do your research beforehand. Familiarize yourself with the blog you’re writing for, so you can match the tone and blend in with the existing content.

Bloggers who publish daily get 57% better results than those who publish multiple times per week. - Semrush

3. Establish a niche website

If you have an interest or expertise in a particular niche, you can start a website dedicated to it. This gives you all the creative control of running your own blog without the pressure of regular posting. (Although you will need to update your website regularly to keep it fresh and make sure it reaches full potential.)

4. Self-Publish a book

There are self-publishing options for every type of book, from short instructional guides to romance novels to nonfiction tomes. If you’ve written a book and you’re unsure what your next step should be, why not consider self-publishing?

Publishing your own book is an incredibly rewarding experience, as you have control over every step of the process. This can be a double-edged sword, however. After starting down the path to self-publication, many authors realize that while they love writing, they don’t love obsessing over font and margin options or negotiating with cover artists.

And even if you use a free service, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing , you’ll need to spend money on editing, cover design, marketing, and advertising.

The hope is that you would make that money back from your book sales, but there are no guarantees. But if you play your cards right, it’s possible to turn a profit from your self-published book.

5. Create affiliate content

Ever notice how almost every food blogger includes Amazon links to their favorite ingredients and cookware? Or maybe you found an article on Pinterest listing an outdoor enthusiast’s essential camping gear.

These are both examples of affiliate content, where you (the affiliate) partner with a company to drive traffic to their website and earn commissions on any resulting sales. Affiliate marketing content is an excellent way to generate passive income on your blog or website.

It takes a little strategizing, but once you develop a plan and implement your affiliate content, you can make money while you sleep .

6. Write scripts for video creators

If you understand scriptwriting’s technicalities, you can bring in money by partnering with a video creator. It’s pretty common for video creators to have great screen presence—but not-so-great writing skills, so there are plenty of gigs to be had in this field.

Video content is exploding in popularity, so now is a great time to get your foot in the door and add some script-writing experience to your resume. These gigs are often posted on job boards , and you can also take the initiative and reach out to some content creators whose work you enjoy to see if they could use a hand with scriptwriting.

"60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool." - Biteable

7. Write show notes for podcasts

Show notes are a written online resource for podcast listeners that accompany each episode of a podcast. Every podcast approaches show notes a little differently, but typically, they are brief, easy-to-scan episode summaries that often include additional relevant resources. You can find work writing show notes on job boards, or send cold pitches out to podcasters you would like to work with as a freelance writer.

8. Create written content for social media

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Large companies typically have a marketer (or a team of them) dedicated to keeping their social media running smoothly. But smaller businesses often can’t hire a full-time employee to manage their social media presence. Freelancers are the ideal solution, and are a win-win for everyone.

Think about your favorite local ice cream parlor, gift shop, or espresso stand, and do a little digging into their social media presence. If you notice that they haven’t posted anything in months or that they struggle with creating high-quality, engaging content, then you just found an excellent opportunity to pitch your writing services.

There’s no need to bash them or focus too much on their social media mistakes , but you can start a polite and friendly conversation where you mention that you noticed room for improvement. Try to emphasize what they stand to gain from working with you and how much potential you see in their social media presence.

Before you pitch your social media writing services, make sure you do your research on fair pricing and know which services you want to offer at what rates. If a business owner shows interest in working with you, the last thing you want to do is keep them waiting while you iron out details you could already have had in place.

9. Produce content for local businesses

While you’re talking to small, local business owners about their social media content, don’t forget the other services you can provide as well.

Maybe a local business could use your help with the occasional blog post, copy for their website, or informational materials like brochures and pamphlets. If you need a list of local businesses, consider joining your local chamber of commerce. Their events can be an effective way to network with other local business owners.

10. Submit magazine articles

Do you have a juicy story from your personal life that your friends love hearing over and over again, or a political perspective that incites the “mind-blown” emoji from every person you share it with? Write it down and turn it into a magazine article to make money.

The magazine industry may not be as prominent as it once was, but it is still going strong , and plenty of freelance writers are getting paid to write magazine articles. Some magazines pay upwards of $500 per article.

Do a little research to find the magazines that would be the best fit for your article, and make sure they haven’t published anything too similar in the recent past.

This is also a good time to find the magazine’s submission guidelines—make sure you follow their instructions carefully, so you have a better chance of getting accepted.

11. Create an information product

If you’re an expert at something, you can monetize that knowledge by creating and selling informational products. This can be an ebook, a video, a short PDF, or any electronic format sharing your insights. Don’t be afraid to get creative here!

Online information products are an excellent way to generate revenue because there are little to no overhead costs involved. You don’t need to worry about packing and shipping a physical product, nor do you need to be involved in the transactions once you handle the initial logistics of making your product available.

The most important thing is to make sure you’re providing a high-quality product with valuable tips and tricks that your customers won’t be able to find elsewhere. If your customers love what they learn from you, they’re much more likely to pay for other products you offer and recommend your business to their friends.

12. Ghostwrite online content

Want to know a secret?

When you see a byline on an online article or blog post, there’s a pretty good chance that the named author didn’t actually write that content. Ghostwriting is not just for celebrity autobiographies; a lot of blogs and websites hire ghostwriters, too.

If you’re okay with taking home the paycheck but not seeing your name on the byline, seek out ghostwriting gigs. These jobs often command rates of 30% to 50% more than bylined work because they aren’t pieces you can add to your portfolio or claim responsibility for.

13. Write video game guidebooks

Streaming your gameplay isn’t the only way for gamers to make money online. If you know a video game inside and out, consider writing a guidebook for it and selling it as a PDF.

If you don’t want to handle the logistics of selling your own product, you can always write freelance articles and guides for video game websites and magazines.

"In 2019, the gaming industry has generated total revenue of $151.9 billion." - Review42

14. Create destination guides

Whether you love to travel or are the go-to person for the best spots to visit in your hometown, you can turn your knowledge into a profitable destination guide. This can be an extensive information product that you sell on your blog or website, or you can pitch it to a travel magazine or blog accepting these types of publications.

15. Write poetry

Poetry may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about making money writing online, but it’s possible to turn a profit off of your poems. There are several places you can submit your poetry online for publication, and if your piece is selected, you’ll get a paycheck on top of bragging rights. Here are some of the top-paying online poetry publishers:

  • The Sun Magazine : Pays $100-$250
  • Poetry Foundation : Pays $300+
  • Boulevard Magazine : Pays $50-$250
  • Crazyhorse : Pays $20-$200
  • EPOCH : Pays a minimum of $50 per poem

16. Transcribe documents

Transcribing is flexible work that can pay very well once you have some quality pieces in your portfolio. High-paying transcription jobs often require experience, special equipment, and specialized medical or legal knowledge.

But don’t let that discourage you if you think you’d enjoy the work. You can quickly get your foot in the door by taking on a few simple, lower-paying gigs. Check out these reputable transcribing sites to learn more:

  • TranscribeMe

17. Write personal essays

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If you have interesting life stories, the world wants to hear them. Lots of websites pay you for the right to publish your personal essays. Further below, you’ll find some publications to pitch.

You could also turn your essays into a blog or website, although you should be very strategic if you decide to go this route; blogs dedicated to niches tend to perform exceptionally well, while personal perspective blogs do not.

18. Create greeting card sayings

Someone has to write the sayings and poems on greeting cards. Frequently, that someone is a freelance writer. If you think you have what it takes to create a best-selling greeting card, these companies that pay for greeting card verse submissions:

  • Oatmeal Studios
  • Blue Mountain Arts

19. Write product descriptions

Some companies pay quite well to ensure that the product descriptions on their websites are clear and informative. Look for these gigs on job boards or pitch the company yourself. There are even websites you can join, such as Crowd Content , that pay you to write product descriptions for their clients. You can also find possible clients for this on sites like Upwork .

20. Start copywriting

Copywriting can refer to any writing that is specifically used for promotion and marketing. This can include content on websites, video scripts, blog posts, emails—you name it.

Businesses use copy to promote a product or service and drive the reader to action. Some companies hire freelance copywriters, some hire copywriters from marketing agencies that work with multiple companies, and some have staff copywriters. You can find copywriting work on job boards of all kinds, including Indeed and Zip Recruiter.

21. Create email sequences

An email sequence is a series of automated emails sent from a business to its clients at different sales cycle stages. Companies also send out email sequences when someone takes a specific action (or lack of action), such as clicking a link in an email or leaving an e-commerce site with items still in the shopping cart.

If you have a strong understanding of email marketing tactics, you can work with any company to create or improve their email sequences. Since more companies are getting into email marketing , there is plenty of opportunities to make money writing here.

Nearly 90% of marketers use email marketing to distribute content organically. - Content Marketing Institute

22. Write technical manuals

Technical writing is a lucrative field because it requires extensive knowledge of the industry you’re writing for. Technical writers need to know how to take complex information and break it down into simple, easy-to-understand messages.

23. Post on a revenue sharing site

Revenue sharing sites host your content and give you a percentage of the ad revenue generated from the page in exchange. This can be a great way to gain experience writing online , since you don’t have to worry about setting up your own website or driving traffic—although you should do everything you can to market your work and encourage people to read your work on revenue sharing sites.

Here are some examples of revenue sharing sites where you can get paid to write articles:

24. Enter a writing contest

Keep an eye out for writing contests, and throw your hat in the ring when you can. This one is a bit of a gamble because only the winners get paid, but it could well be worthwhile.

Some contests pay their winners surprisingly well, and winning can also be a great way to gain exposure as a writer. So if you have the time, why not give it a shot?

Here are a few reputable contests to get you started:

  • Reedsy lists over 100 writing contests
  • Biopage’s Storytelling Contest pays $100 to $300 for winning short stories.

25. Write resumes

If you have a knack for creating effective resumes, you can find freelance work writing resumes for job hunters. Check job boards for resume writing gigs, and spread the word through social media that you are accepting clients for resume makeovers.

As a similar way to get paid to write, you can also specialize in LinkedIn profiles. Many professionals are willing to pay for an optimized profile that can help them land work.

26. Write and sell songs

Do you love writing music? You can sell your songwriting services online with the help of these websites:

  • Nashville Songwriters Association

27. Review books

Calling all readers! Did you know you can get paid to review books? If you can read quickly and write engaging, objective reviews, this could be an excellent way to earn some extra money.

Here are some companies that accept applications for book reviewers:

  • Reedsy Discovery
  • Online Book Club

28. Do SEO writing

SEO writers are some of the best-paid freelance writers because they provide the most value to their clients. These specialized writers know plenty of SEO tips, including researching keywords and integrating them into websites to make them rank higher in search results.

Semrush lists seven SEO Certification courses that you can take if you want to learn more about SEO, some of which are free.

29. Write sponsored content

If you have a blog, writing sponsored content is a no-brainer. Simply put, sponsored content is anything that a company pays you to write and publish on your blog.

There are tons of options for companies you can work with, and some creative ways to write sponsored content that doesn’t feel like advertising. Check out these trusted sponsored post networks you can join to find paid blogging opportunities:

  • Blog Meets Brand

How can you find paid writing opportunities online?

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There are several ways to find legitimate opportunities to make money writing online. The links provided in the above examples are an excellent start, and we have even more ideas for you below.

Cold pitching companies you want to work for

As a freelance writer, one of the most critical skills for you to develop is learning how to cold pitch your services. This is where you send unsolicited emails to companies or individuals to offer your writing services.

Since the people you’re approaching didn’t ask for your help, it’s normal to get many nos. But there’s also a chance that the business does need your services, and you’ll never know unless you ask.

Searching online job boards

Online job boards are a great resource for finding any work, freelance writing gigs included. Here are a few of our favorite reputable job boards. You’ll find some free ones and others that you’ll need to pay to access:

  • Freelancing Females
  • Freelance Writers Den
  • Blogging Pro

Pitching bloggers who accept guest posts

When you’re looking at blogs, take note of the ones that include guest blogging articles. Use your cold pitching skills and email the author to offer your guest writing services.

Bloggers are typically very busy people, and they’re often grateful for the opportunity to outsource some of their work. Not all bloggers can afford to pay their guest bloggers, so it’s up to you if you want to accept free work or not.

Sometimes the new connection and link to a published article that you can add to your portfolio are worth it, but only you can decide.

Searching on social media

It’s becoming more common for companies to turn to social media to find writers to hire. The next time you’re scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, take a moment to check out these hashtags:

  • #needwriters
  • #hiringwriters
  • #writerswanted
  • #writersneeded
  • #bloggerswanted

Then read through the listings and see what catches your interest. You can often find opportunities in a variety of niches this way.

Submitting queries to publications

If there’s a magazine or website you love, check and see if they accept submissions from freelance writers. See further below for tips on finding a publication to pitch.

Networking with other freelance writers

Keeping in touch with your writer acquaintances is always a good idea. Don’t be afraid to mention that you’re always looking for new writing jobs—the next time they get an offer that they’re too busy for, they may just pass your name along.

You can connect with other writers on social media or at in-person events. Work on keeping your working relationship positive, and you never know when you’ll see a referral coming your way.

Pro tip:Search for freelance writer groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social platforms.

Posting on social media

If you don’t already have social media accounts strictly dedicated to your writing business, don’t waste any time in getting them established. Social media is a fantastic resource to find paid writing opportunities; the occasional post announcing that you’re accepting new clients can do wonders for your business. Don’t forget to encourage your followers to share your posts. Someone in your network may know someone who is searching for a writer.

Creating a website to share your services

Setting up a website to help advertise your writing services is a great way to appear more professional to prospective clients. You can share a link to your website whenever you apply for a gig or cold pitch your services.

Here are some essential elements to include:

  • Your resume
  • A professional photo of yourself
  • Links to any published writings of your own
  • Sample articles
  • A list of services you provide
  • Testimonials from past clients
  • Your contact information or even a contact form so potential clients can email you directly from your site

Searching on Craigslist in major cities

Craigslist often has paid writing opportunities, so don’t overlook this resource. Remember to search other locations outside of your own city, too. Check the listings for major metropolitan areas, where people post the majority of jobs. Here are five cities you should check regularly:

  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco

Another tip to help you find assignments on this website - writing jobs on Craigslist are sometimes posted under “Gigs” and sometimes under “Jobs,” so be sure to check both sections.

Asking past freelance writing clients if they have more work for you

As mentioned earlier, networking is essential. Keeping in touch with your past clients is equally important. There’s no need to hound them, but don’t be afraid to check in periodically and see if there’s anything else they need help with.

Where can you submit your writing online for money?

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When deciding where to submit your writing, you want to make sure that the publication will pay its authors and that it fits well with your preferred writing style. Here are a few possibilities for you to check out, organized by niche.

If you prefer writing personal essays, you’re in luck. Here are five sites that might pay you for your essays:

The Bold Italic

Can you write a personal essay about the spirit of San Francisco that will make readers laugh or cry? If yes, submit it to The Bold Italic . The editors will review it and make a decision. If it’s published, you’ll get $50.

Buzzfeed Reader

If you want your personal essay to be read by the masses, you’ve got to pitch the editors over at Buzzfeed Reader . It pays competitive rates for essays about nearly any fresh idea.

The LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired in San Francisco pays for dynamic personal essays written by blind or visually impaired writers. It will occasionally publish pieces written by writers outside of this category. The editors enjoy working collaboratively with you on the piece, and pay $100 upon publication.

If you can write a unique personal essay with a strong voice, the editors at Dame want you to send a pitch. A published essay will earn you about $150, though you’ll finalize payment details throughout the submission process.

Business, career, and finance

The penny hoarder.

This popular website is a great place to pitch if you have a laid-back writing style and unique tips about earning or saving money. The Penny Hoarder gives detailed pitch directions and provides a form you can fill out, making the whole process as simple as possible. If your pitch is accepted, an editor will discuss payment with you at that time.

Doctor of Credit

Do you have a strong understanding of consumer credit law? Have you found a unique credit card from a small issuer? Doctor of Credit is a great blog that may publish a guest post if you have niche financial knowledge to share. They pay $50 per post.

Income Diary

This website is all about making money online, from blog design to content creation to entrepreneurship and a success mindset. Income Diary pays up to $200 for an article on these topics.

Freelance Mom

If you know how to balance being your own boss and being an awesome mom, Freelance Mom wants to hear from you. You can earn between $75 and $100 on articles between 900 to 1,500 words.

Family and parenting

Pregnant chicken.

This fun and informative website features pregnancy tips and stories about pregnancy, childbirth, and being a new parent. Pregnant Chicken pays $100 per post.

Zift publishes articles relating to parenting in a technology-driven world. If you have an evergreen, original article about managing kids and screen time, you could earn $100 for it.

Your Teen Media

If you’ve raised teenagers and seen it all, you can get paid to write by Teen Media , a trusted editorial source for readers seeking information about raising teenagers. Payment rates are not listed on their websites, but you can discuss this with the editor if your pitch gets accepted.

Go World Travel

This is a great place to pitch if you’re a new writer. Go World Travel publishes contributions from first-time writers and experts alike. If you can tell a captivating, descriptive story about your travels, you can earn $30 to $40 per article.

Matador Network

You’ll need to set up a profile with Matador Network to respond to their calls for submissions. Once you do, you can earn $40 or more for short commissioned travel articles.

GoNOMAD is a resource for “honest, accurate, well-written and detailed articles and destination guides that speak to an educated, curious, and well-traveled audience.” They pay $25 for stories between 1700 to 2200 words long.

Extra Crispy

Extra Crispy is all about breakfast, and they are looking for opinion pieces, stories, essays, recipes, etc. This is the perfect place to pitch if the most important meal of the day also happens to be your favorite. It doesn’t list payment terms on its website, so you’ll need to work that out with the editor if your pitch is accepted.

Taste of Home

This family-favorite publication publishes recipes from home cooks. You can sign into their website to see what types of recipes they are currently looking for. Taste of Home discusses payment rates upon acceptance.

If you have a unique perspective on food culture, try pitching Eater . They cover a wide range of food-related topics, so take a look and see if you can come up with an idea they might love! Payment terms are not listed on their website.

Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean is looking for talented authors to create technical tutorials and articles about software development. In addition to a personal payout (typically $300), you’ll also get to select a tech-focused charity to receive a donation from DigitalOcean.

If you can create original content to add to Linode’s library of technical guides and tutorials, you can earn $300. They currently are focusing on adding articles about Kubernetes, Linux essentials, and databases, so if you send a pitch about one of those topics, you’re more likely to be accepted.

Do you consider yourself a WordPress expert? If yes, consider pitching WPHUB . Depending on your article’s topic and length, they pay between $10 to $200 for content about web design trends, exploring useful plugins for developers, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics.

How to send a pitch for an online writing gig

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Whether you're trying to send a submission to a specific blog or applying for a gig you found on a job board, you’ll need to send a pitch if you want to get paid to write.

If you’re wondering what a pitch is, it’s a written correspondence in which you explain to an editor or publisher an idea you have for an article, blog post, story, etc., and ask them to consider hiring you to execute your idea.

While you want your pitch to have your voice and not sound like you copied and pasted it, there are a few essential pieces to include. Here’s what every pitch needs:

  • The editor’s name. Addressing your pitch to the right person will show that you did your homework. On this note, also make sure you send it to the correct email address.
  • Details about your idea. No need to send the entire finished piece (unless it’s asked for). However, you need to make it clear what your story is about and why you’re the best person for the job.
  • A brief bio. The editor doesn’t have time to read your life story, but you should introduce them to you and share any relevant experience you may have.
  • A link to your portfolio. This gives the editor the chance to get a feel for your writing abilities and style. If you write in a wide range of styles, it’s a good idea to only link to the ones that best match the publication you’re pitching to.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous when submitting a pitch, especially for new writers. Whatever you do, don’t let your fear of rejection or imposter syndrome stop you from sending a pitch. Manage your expectations, and know going into it that you will receive a lot more nos than yeses.

That’s true for even the most talented writers, though, so don’t take it personally. Keep at it, and eventually, your pitch will reach the person who’s ready to work with you.

5 tips for successful pitching as a freelance writer

To improve your acceptance rate, here are five tips to help you send a better pitch:

1. Follow directions

If you are replying to a job listing or submitting to an established publication, make sure you carefully follow any guidelines they provide. If the publisher thinks that you can’t follow simple instructions such as giving your email the proper subject line or saving your resume in the specified format, they probably won’t be very eager to work with you.

2. Pitch for topics you’re comfortable writing about

When you’re first getting started, It’s tempting to pitch for any and all gigs you can find. But it’s highly encouraged that you pitch selectively.

You don’t need to stick to just one niche, but if you pitch topics you’re genuinely excited about, your passion and expertise will show, it’ll take you less time, and your finished work will be stronger.

3. Send a great idea

If you’re pitching an idea you came up with for a magazine article or a guest blog post, take some time to research the existing content and see what’s missing, so you don’t suggest topics they’ve already published.

Try to come up with a unique angle or provide a different perspective. That way, you send a great idea instead of a topic the site has already covered.

4. Explain why it’s a great fit

Make it clear to the publisher that you’re familiar with the publication and that you know what they’re looking for. Don’t make it about you; emphasize what they and their readers stand to gain from a partnership with you.

Do your research beforehand and know who their target audience is, what types of content they typically publish, the tone they usually write in, etc. The more you understand their style, the more you can blend in and convince them that it’s a natural partnership.

5. Keep it short

Editors are busy and don’t have time to read a novel in their inbox. Your pitch is the perfect place to show that not only are you a great writer, but you have an excellent understanding of clear and concise communication. Stick to the point, and don’t run off on unrelated rabbit trails.

How to get paid to write online

When you write content online, you’re typically considered a contract writer instead of an employee. This means you’ll need to send an invoice if you want to get paid.

An invoice is a simple document that sums up the work you did for your client, so they can see what they owe you. Basically, it’s a bill for services rendered.

It’s essential to make your invoice look professional. If you have branding elements or a logo, you’ll want to include those.

Your freelance writing invoice should include the following elements:

  • The word “Invoice” at the top. You want to make it clear to your client that this is an official billing document so that they’re more likely to pay you promptly.
  • Date you sent the invoice.
  • Your client’s name.
  • Your contact information.
  • An itemized list of services provided, with short, clear descriptions of each, and individual rates for each service.
  • Dates services were provided.
  • Payment rate.
  • Total amount due.
  • Any payment terms previously agreed upon.
  • A unique invoice ID number for your records.

There are invoice templates available online that can help you quickly set up invoices to send to your clients. The downside to using templates is that you can't easily track the payment status of all the different invoices you've sent to your clients.

Wave's invoicing software lets you do everything above (and more!) for free, no strings attached. You can create unlimited invoices with your logo and keep tabs on whether clients have seen your invoices. There are also options to set up recurring invoices for regular clients, which can save you a lot of time and headaches. If you turn on the payments option, there’s a small per-transaction fee when a client makes a payment.

Wave Money , a new service we’re launching, lets you deposit client payments and manage funds in an FDIC-insured account. We’re transforming the business banking industry with small business owners in mind. It’s the perfect online business banking option for freelance writers and other entrepreneurs.

How to create a portfolio to help you make money writing online

Having a solid portfolio is a crucial tool for any writer. Follow the below tips to make your portfolio as strong as possible.

Keep your portfolio up-to-date with your best new work

It doesn’t matter how much amazing content you created three, five, or ten years ago. Your potential clients want to see that you have recent publications under your belt.

Don’t include everything

Think of your portfolio as your highlights reel. Only include the writing you’re most proud of and that aligns with the type of work you hope to get more of. There’s no need to have articles from your stint as a sports reporter if you’re trying to break into beauty blogging.

Break it into categories

If you do more than one type of writing, keep your portfolio well organized so that your potential clients can easily find the work that is most similar to what they want to hire you for.

Host it in an effective location

Your personal business website is the best place to keep your portfolio. However, if you don’t have a website yet, you can always use a portfolio-hosting website such as Contently or ClearVoice .

7 Red flags to watch for with online writing jobs

While you can legitimately get paid to write, there are scams out there. Knowing what to look for can help you avoid getting scammed, so keep an eye out for these red flags.

  • Anything that sounds too good to be true.
  • Any online gig requiring you to send money before you make money (except for some legitimate publications that charge a nominal submission fee).
  • A potential client asking for too much personal information.
  • Job postings that list unprofessional email addresses that look like a jumbled mess of letters and numbers.
  • Vague job descriptions.
  • Meager pay for the amount of work. (And on the other end, payment that seems way too high for the demands of the job.)
  • A company requesting that you do trial work for free to evaluate or sample your services.

While these red flags don’t necessarily mean you’ve stumbled upon a freelance writing scam, seeing one does mean you need to proceed with caution. You don’t want to get your identity stolen or complete work you never get paid for.

Time to take action

Now that you’ve learned about the best options available for you to get paid to write online, it’s time to get out there and give it a shot. Remember, there’s nothing you can gain from doubting yourself, so show a little faith, pick a path to get started with, and begin to make some money. With the right attitude and enough determination, anyone can make a living writing online.

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Get Paid to Write Essays: 21 Great Sites For Making Money

In a rush? Writers Work is a great place for getting paid to write essays. Our guide to the top essay-writing companies from academic to personal essays.

Academic writing can be an excellent way to make money. Students will pay writers to create example research papers or assist them in writing their school essays and papers. Learning how to write a 5 paragraph essay  will open the door to more income potential. There are two primary methods to make money writing essays, and the first is to write academic essays.

How To Get Paid to Write Essays Online

Essay writing companies look for writers who can create high-quality English essays and academic-style papers, and you can make a good income as a freelance writer. The second method is to write personal essays and pitch them to online and print magazines. Either way, the income potential is quite good. The key is finding the right essay writing service company to write for so you can avoid any scams; these 18 are a good starting point.

Writers Work contains freelance writing opportunities for writers who want to start their career

Writers Work

1. Writers Work

2. academic writers online, 3. paperhelp, 4. speedypaper, 5. advancedwriters, 6. writing creek, 7. essaypro, 8. iwritessays.com, 9. essayshark, 10. bluecorp, 11. lancerhop, 12. writers lab, 13. dame magazine, 14. the change agent, 15. buzzfeed, 16. narratively, 17. new york times modern love, 18. the smart set, 19. vox first person, 20. practical wanderlust, what are the advantages of getting paid to write essays, what is the best essay writing site.

essay on how to make money

Writers Work is a popular platform for new freelance writers. It connects writers, including aspiring essayists, with online clientele, enabling you to fulfill tasks and earn income, all from the comfort of your office or library. You’ll need to pay a fee to sign up. Once inside, Writers Work aggregates dozens of writing jobs and opportunities across various niches and magazines. If you want to spend more time writing essays and less time pitching, it’s worth checking out. Read our Writers Work review to learn more. 

Academic Writers Online

Academic Writers Online has a free application process for potential freelancers. This site has a small pool of writers, so you have a better chance of getting quality freelance writing work here. They pay between $9 and $15 per page, and writers are paid on their credit card via wire transfer two times per month. You can also check out our guide on how to get paid to write a blog .


PaperHelp is an academic essay page that takes ghostwriters. You must submit a resume via email, then take a writing test. Understanding MLA and APA formatting is helpful for this page. After the initial test, they then put writers on probation for lower pay, and eventually, you can work your way up the writer ladder if you publish flawless work, opening the door to higher-paid work.

SpeedyPaper is a large essay and paper writing company that provides excellent customer support for its paying customers. To write for them, you will need to email them or use the live chat feature to access the writer application. They pay a minimum of $8 per page, but the pay range varies depending on the length and type of paper.


AdvancedWriters has a large team of writers who write everything from case studies to research papers. They do not advertise their rates or application process, but you can email them directly to get the application. They have a writing test and sample essay process you will need to go through to write for them. You may also be interested in our guide on the best ways to get paid to write poetry .

Writing Creek

Writing Creek has a constant workload of academic writing projects. They pay between $4 and $12 a page, depending on experience, via Payoneer or PayPal. You will need proficiency in your area of study and good use of the English language. You will need to take a test and submit a sample essay to write essays for money for this site.


Essaypro offers payment on the 15th of each month and then again on the last day of the month. They don’t use PayPal but Payoneer, so writers must be comfortable with that. Customers will place orders; then, writers bid on those orders. Turning in papers on time and following directions will increase the pay rate.


iWriteEssays advertises itself as a student homework help and essay writing service. Students use an order form to input the instructions and deadline for their paper, and then they get matched to a writer with the correct writing style. As a writer, you’ll interact directly with the student to ensure the final project meets their needs well. You must upload a writing sample and pass a grammar test on writing for them. They don’t publish their writing rates.


EssayShark is a unique essay writing service. They allow freelance writers to register as writers and then bid on writing projects. They have a high work volume, and writers who deliver excellent work can get bonuses, but there can be a lot of competition for available jobs. If you feel like taking on the competition of bidding for jobs, consider registering here.


Bluecorp is a top-notch writing website for essay writers. They are very strict about their formatting, so you will need to know how to make a title page, references page, citations, and similar structural elements of academic papers. They also offer proofreading and editing services for students. Work is paid per page with a range of $3.50 to $9 a page for writers with an undergraduate degree, and all work must be plagiarism free.


LancerHop is a unique site in that it offers both academic writers and writers for web content and general copywriting. They also have review writers. If you are looking for freelance writing jobs that cover a wide range of topics and are interested in adding essay writing to your skillset, apply for LancerHop. You will need to take a writing test for this site. The rate of pay will vary depending on the type of work you do.

Writers Lab

Writers Lab offers academic essay and personal essay writing jobs and general article writing. This is a one-stop shop for freelance writers, and they pay between $5 and $26 per page with bonuses if you are very efficient with your work. Writers Lab hires both native English writers and ESL writers for their writing projects.

Dame Magazine

Dame Magazine takes personal essays on subjects that interest women. The current pay rate is around 13 cents per word, with an average of $350 to $750 per piece. This particular magazine is looking for edgy, unexpected topics. You will have to pitch a topic to the site to get your writing published.

The Change Agent

The Change Agent accepts essays on social justice and changes topics. This magazine focuses on adult education, paying $50 for essays between 200 and 1,000 words. However, payment is made in the form of a gift card, not actual money. Also, they only take articles a few times per year, and they will publish a topic to write on.


If you want to write personal and argumentative essays and get a lot of exposure for your work, then Buzzfeed is your site. You can pitch topics on culturally hot topics. They are looking for argumentative essays that connect to culture in some way, and they pay well. The average pay rate is between 13 and 27 cents per word for accepted essays.


If you have a personal story, consider pitching it to Narratively . They are looking for essays with click-bait titles that will gather traffic from social media. All essays for this site need a takeaway, which is a lesson for the reader. Expect between $200 and $300 for accepted essays between 2,000 and 2,500 in length.

The New York Times is a prestigious publication, and you may be able to get a piece posted through the Modern Love column . Your essay will need to cover marriage, dating, and relationships in some way. They also accept parenting articles. The pay is $300 per essay of 1,500 to 1,700 words.

The Smart Set

The Smart Set is an established print magazine for the literary world. It is published through Drexel University in Pennsylvania and is regularly on the lookout for personal essays. The rate of pay is 7 cents per word. This magazine prefers long essays between 1,000 and 3,000 words.

Vox First Person

Vox First Person takes first-person essays or thoughtful discourses on hot political and cultural topics. You will need to email the First Person Editor to pitch your topic, but you will earn between 19 and 41 cents per word for essays up to 3,000 words.

Practical Wanderlust

If you want to become a travel writer and make money on essays, consider writing for Practical Wanderlust . They pay $300 a piece for essays of around 3,000 words and require pitches. You will need an essay that makes people stop and think or laugh, and it must be travel related.

FAQs About Ways to Get Paid to Write Essays

Learning to write essays for pay can help you add to your freelance writing income. You will be able to write on various topics and have steady work. There is a high demand and great flexibility to write for this niche.

EssayPro is considered one of the top essay-writing sites. It pays consistently and has steady work. Customers know they can count on EssayPro to deliver plagiarism-free high-quality work.

To learn more, check out our tips on blogging for writers !

essay on how to make money

Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today's online marketing world.

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Writing Essays for Money: A Guide for Aspiring Freelance Writers

Are you looking to make money from your writing skills? One of the most popular—and increasingly in-demand—ways to do so is by writing essays for money. With online writing services on the rise and more students and professionals turning to them for help with their work, there has never been a better time to become a freelance essay writer.

Table of Contents

Are you looking to make money from your writing skills? One of the most popular—and increasingly in-demand—ways to do so is by writing essays for money. With online writing services on the rise and more students and professionals turning to them for help with their work, there has never been a better time to become a freelance essay writer. But before you jump into this career path, it’s important to understand what it entails—including the challenges and ethical considerations. 

The Essay Writing Market: An Overview 

The essay writing market is a unique and ever-growing sector. As students, professors, and professionals alike become increasingly aware of the range of online services, so does the demand for these services.

In this section, we’ll look at the different types of online writing services, discuss the demand for academic writing services, outline the demographics of people who use these services, and explain the factors that drive the demand for essay writing services. 

Types of Writing Services Available Online 

There are many different varieties of online essay-writing services available today. These include custom essay writing services (where a customer can provide specific instructions and have a paper written specifically to their needs), editing/proofreading services (for those who need help with formatting or spelling/grammatical errors in an existing document), research paper writing services (which provide essays based on individual research topics), copywriting or rewriting services (where customers can submit existing documents which will then be rewritten for them), and resume/CV writing service (which provide job seekers with tailored resumes or CVs). 

Demand for Academic Writing Services 

The demand for academic writing has grown considerably over the past decade as students have become more aware of the availability of such services. This is especially true among college students seeking assistance with their coursework.

In addition to students, there is also growing demand from professionals looking to outsource their written assignments due to lack of time or expertise. As a result, this market has seen exponential growth over recent years. 

Demographics of People Who Use These Services 

The demographic makeup of those using essay writing services is quite varied. On one hand, you have college and university students who turn to these companies when they need help with their coursework; on the other hand, there are also professionals from all walks of life who are looking to outsource their written assignments due to a lack of time or expertise.

Most customers tend to be from countries where English is not their first language; however, there has been an increasing number of US-based customers over recent years. 

Factors that Drive Demand for Essay Writing Services 

One major factor driving demand for these types of essay-writing services is convenience – customers can easily find what they need without having to do all the work themselves.

Additionally, many customers feel more comfortable entrusting their assignment with a company than tackling it alone due to a lack of knowledge or experience in certain subject areas. Finally, affordability plays an important role in this market – customers want quality work but at affordable prices, which many companies are able to offer them through competitive pricing models and discounts. 

With so many different types available, ranging from custom essay writing to resume/CV service providers, it’s easy to see why this industry continues to expand each year as more people realize just how convenient it can be when they need help with written assignments!

Writing Essays for Money: A Path to Both Flexibility and Financial Security 

Are you looking for a way to make money that provides you with both flexibility and financial security? Writing essays for money may be the perfect job opportunity for you. This blog post will explore the pros of writing essays for money and how it can help you reach your career goals. 

Flexibility in Work Schedule 

One of the biggest advantages of writing essays for money is that it allows you to work when and where it’s convenient. Since you’re working remotely, there’s no need to worry about commuting or taking time off from a traditional job.

You can write essays whenever it suits your schedule, whether early in the morning, late at night, or even on weekends. Plus, being able to work from anywhere means that you don’t have to be tied down to one location; if you want to take a vacation or travel for any other reason, all you have to do is pack up your laptop and go! 

Ability to Earn a High Income 

Another great advantage of writing essays for money is that it allows you to earn a very good income. Depending on how much experience and expertise you bring to the table and how much demand there is in your chosen field, you can significantly increase your earning potential.

Plus, since most projects are paid per word or page written (or sometimes both), it is easy to track your income and ensure that you’re getting paid what you deserve. 

Opportunities for Professional Growth 

Finally, writing essays for money can also provide great professional growth opportunities. As an essay writer, you will be expanding your knowledge base through research and practice and working with new clients from various backgrounds who might have different perspectives on certain topics.

You’ll also get exposure to different writing styles, which can help improve the quality of your own work over time. And if the client has requested revisions on their project, this is another chance for you to hone your skills while still getting paid!  

By taking advantage of this unique job opportunity now, you will be able to open up new doors professionally and financially secure yourself in the process. Thanks so much for reading!

Making Money Writing Essays: The Pros and Cons 

Making money by writing essays sounds like a great way to earn an income. It can be an enjoyable, flexible job with the potential for a good return on your investment. But is it really worth it? Let’s look at the pros and cons of writing essays for money so that you can decide whether this type of work is right for you. 

Unclear Ethical Considerations 

When you write essays for money, you must consider whether this type of work is ethically sound. It can be difficult to decide whether or not you are doing something wrong by helping someone else cheat their way through school.

At the same time, some argue that if students are willing to pay for essays, why should they be prevented from doing so? Ultimately, it’s up to each writer to decide if they are comfortable writing essays for money. 

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty 

One of the most serious issues associated with writing essays for money is the potential for plagiarism and academic dishonesty. When students turn in work that isn’t their own, they lie about their capabilities and cheat themselves out of learning experiences.

This can lead to serious consequences such as expulsion or loss of scholarship opportunities. As a writer, it’s important to ensure that all papers are written from scratch to avoid potential plagiarism or dishonesty problems. 

Pressure To Meet Tight Deadlines & Produce High-Quality Work 

Another drawback of writing essays for money is the pressure writers face when it comes to meeting tight deadlines and producing high-quality work on short notice. While some writers may thrive under such intense conditions, others may find them overwhelming and stressful.

If deadlines and high-pressure situations aren’t something you feel you can handle consistently, then this type of work may not be right for you. 

Possibility Of Dealing With Difficult Clients

Although there are many benefits associated with working as an essay writer, there is also the possibility that some clients may be difficult or unresponsive when it comes time to pay up or provide feedback on a project.

In these cases, it pays to take proactive measures such as setting clear expectations upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, having a strong contract in place can help protect both parties in case something goes wrong during the course of a project.                  

Ultimately, only you can decide if this type of work suits your lifestyle; however, understanding both sides will help inform your decision-making process before committing one way or another!

How to Write Essays for Money with Confidence 

Writing essays for money can be a rewarding and lucrative way to make a living. When you take on the challenge of writing essays for money, you take on the responsibility of delivering quality work that will satisfy your client’s needs. You should keep certain best practices in mind to ensure success in this endeavor. Let’s explore four key areas for success in writing essays for money. 

Ethical Considerations and Avoiding Plagiarism 

As a writer being paid to write essays, you must understand how important ethics are in any professional venture. As a paid writer, your job is to write words and create original ideas and content that reflects your client’s unique perspective.

You must avoid plagiarizing other people’s work at all costs, even if it means taking extra time or research to gather the information needed to complete an essay assignment. Not only is plagiarism illegal and unethical, but it can also ruin your reputation as a writer if discovered by your clients! 

Time Management and Staying Organized 

Time management skills are essential when writing essays for money because oftentimes, deadlines must be met quickly and efficiently.

That said, good time management skills should never come at the expense of quality work. So you must have systems that help you stay organized and plan ahead for any potential roadblocks or problems you may face while completing projects on time.

One great way to do this is by creating lists of tasks that need completing and breaking them down into smaller chunks so they can be completed quickly without sacrificing quality or accuracy. 

Maintaining Quality While Meeting Tight Deadlines 

When writing essays for money, meeting tight deadlines while still creating quality work can seem daunting; however, there are ways around this problem!

By researching topics thoroughly before beginning an essay assignment – such as gathering facts, relevant quotes, or statistics –you will save time during the actual writing process since much of the material will already be gathered beforehand.

Additionally, having someone else proofread your work before submitting it can also help catch errors or typos before they become issues with your client! Lastly, always make sure to double-check all sources cited within the essay against the original source material (if available), so accuracy remains paramount throughout the entire project from start to finish.  

Building a Positive Relationship With Clients 

Writing essays for money requires more than technical know-how; it also requires maintaining positive relationships with clients over time so they can trust your abilities as a reliable writer who consistently produces high-quality work.

To build strong working relationships with clients over time, stay communicative throughout each project—from initial contact through completion—and provide regular updates whenever necessary so everyone stays on track toward meeting deadlines without sacrificing the quality of output in the process.

Additionally, having open lines of communication allows both parties involved in an essay assignment to discuss any revisions or changes needed before submitting final drafts, which helps ensure total satisfaction with each project! 

Where to Write Essays to Make Money

Writing essays for money is a great way to make extra income. Many websites offer freelance writing services where you can write essays and other types of content for clients who need them. You can also find opportunities to write essays for money on job boards and freelance marketplaces. Before taking on any project, it is important to research the client and make sure they are legitimate.

Are you looking for places to sell essays?

Here are 10 great options:

  • Fiverr : Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to offer their services, including essay writing.
  • Upwork : Upwork is another popular freelance platform where you can find clients who need essays written.
  • Guru : Guru is a freelance marketplace that connects businesses with professionals, including those who write essays.
  • Freelancer : Freelancer is an online job board that allows freelancers to bid on jobs, including essay writing projects.
  • PeoplePerHour : PeoplePerHour is a website where freelancers can find work, including essay writing jobs.
  • iWriter : iWriter is a content creation platform that allows writers to create and sell essays online.
  • Textbroker : Textbroker is an online marketplace for writers to create and sell content, including essays and other academic papers
  • EssayShark : EssayShark is an online platform where students can get help with their essays from professional writers
  • StudySolver : StudySolver offers students the opportunity to get help with their essays from experienced writers
  • WritersDepartment : WritersDepartment provides freelance writers with the opportunity to write and sell essays online

Finding legitimate freelance essay writing jobs can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a number of websites that offer opportunities for writers to find work and make money.

The future of the market for online writing services is looking bright. With more businesses and individuals turning to the internet for their content needs, the demand for quality writers will only increase. As technology continues to advance, so will the opportunities available to freelance writers willing to put in the time and effort necessary to create high-quality essays for money.

Therefore, if you want to make some extra cash with your writing skills, consider joining the growing market of freelance essay writers who are seeing success and making money through their work!

What Does It Mean To Take Inspired Action?

Is writing for a living possible exploring the reality.

Willow Tenny

When it comes to writing, Willow Tenny is a true pro. She has a wealth of experience in SEO copywriting and creative writing, and she knows exactly what it takes to produce quality content. On her blog, Willow Writes, Willow shares top writing strategies with both beginners and experienced writers.

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Get Paid to Write: 13 Sites That Pay Up to $450 per Article

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Paid freelance writing is a lucrative way to get paid to write from home. You don’t need a degree or even the most eloquent prose to have a lucrative side hustle as a freelance writer.

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Our mission at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. If a purchase or signup is made through one of our Partners’ links, we may receive compensation for the referral. Learn more here .

When I started a blog four years ago, I had no idea I could get paid to write about anything. Fast forward three years. Now I get paid to write about things I love, and I make a full-time living doing it.

Freelance writing can be a great way to make money from home. But with any business, there’s a steep learning curve. You have to know what editors want, where to find jobs that are legitimate, and what to charge as you progress.

A Look at the Best Freelance Writing Websites

When you’re building your writing portfolio, there are some freelance writing sites that stand out for offering legitimate jobs and paying writers a living wage. They’re the best freelance writing websites for beginners.

Upwork is a freelancer marketplace and go-to source for business owners looking for all kinds of digital services. You can find hundreds of paid writing jobs in dozens of subjects.

One of the benefits of using Upwork is that you won’t have to chase down payment from clients. All invoices and payments happen through Upwork, and you’re guaranteed payment for the work you do.

The downside is that Upwork charges a 20% fee on your first $500 earned with each client, 10% up to $10,000, and 5% beyond that. It’s a good place to get started, but you won’t want to use it for long.

Known for offering services starting at $5, Fiverr is a marketplace for freelancers to showcase their services to prospective clients. You create a profile, list a “gig,” and then it becomes available to a global audience.

All communication and payments are processed through Fiverr, but it also charges a steep 20% fee on all earnings. If you’re nervous about reaching out to clients yourself, Fiverr can be a good platform where they come to you.

But you’ll have to do something to make yourself stand out in a sea of other writers. That’s where specializing in one subject matter can be your strength.

3. Textbroker

Textbroker only offers content and writing services on its platform. Writers who sign up with Textbroker will find many resources on how to improve their writing, including editors to review articles, writing tutorials, and videos on how to get the most out of Textbroker.

Earnings per word depend on your quality level. You can earn from $0.07 per word up to $0.50. You choose from thousands of orders available based on your quality level, and there are no additional fees. Textbroker also offers milestone and quarterly bonuses when you achieve different word counts.

Writers, designers, videographers, and other creatives can all find jobs on Skyword . Skyword is a marketplace where you can find jobs and be found by clients. It works with both small and high-profile clients and is a great way to make the jump from lower-paying job sites.

You can’t just sign up for Skyword clients. Fill out a profile and wait until you’re hand-selected for jobs, meaning your profile can sit in Skyword for a long time before you’re submitted to clients or able to view job opportunities. You can increase your chances of being picked by editors by keeping your social media relevant and updated.

5. ClearVoice

ClearVoice connects qualified writers with job opportunities based on the writer’s CV or ClearVoice portfolio. Once you complete your CV, you’ll be able to join ClearVoice’s Talent Network and have your CV sent to prospective clients.

Writers are then handpicked for opportunities based on their CV, so there’s an incentive to create one that stands out. You set your own rates and are paid via PayPal upon assignment approval, so you get the security of going through a marketplace without the fees typically associated with them.

6. Contently

Contently is an online writing agency that connects freelance writers with businesses. Many writers use the site for its free portfolio service, but Contently editors use these portfolios to handpick freelancers for clients.

Many high-profile websites and companies use Contently to source writers, so the jobs pay well. These jobs tend to go to the most experienced candidates, and it can take years for an editor at Contently to refer you to a client. But if you’re patient, Contently can offer lucrative writing opportunities.

Another place experienced freelance writers can find high-paying jobs is on nDash . nDash is a content platform where writers can create a profile and pitch ideas for blogs, articles, and whitepapers to prospective clients.

nDash claims the average writing assignment on its platform pays between $175 to $450. Once an assignment is approved, payment is deposited directly into the writer’s bank account within two to three business days.

It’s a relatively new site so not as many companies are using it, but writers have reported that if you’re willing to pitch more, you’ll make a decent income.

8. SmartBug

SmartBug is a content marketing company specializing in B2B (business to business) marketing and copywriting. Its writers produce content for the web, social media, email, sales pages, and more.

This is a great site for writers who aren’t beginners but may not have the experience or portfolio to compete for jobs with other top writers. There’s no direct way to apply, but you can fill out a general interest application on the website.

9. NewsCred

NewsCred is a community for experienced freelance content creators. In-house editors pair creators with customer programs, but you can also view freelance positions on the platform. Then NewsCred’s editorial team serves as your managing editor for all client work.

You can find high-profile Fortune 500 companies from a variety of industries using NewsCred, the most popular being tech, healthcare, and financial services. There’s currently no button to apply on NewsCred’s website, but you can contact the company via the contact form on its website.

10. The Writer Finder

Growth Machine is an SEO-focused content marketing company with a freelance writing platform called The Writer Finder . Growth Machine works with a variety of clients in AI, travel, wellness, dogs, weddings, and more.

What sets The Writer Finder apart is the Slack group for freelance writers. It lets you communicate with other freelance writers on the team. Rates are competitive, and you’ll also have the chance to learn sought-after SEO skills.

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Apply for Assignments on the Best Freelance Writing Job Boards

Job boards are easy places for companies to post their jobs. The job board doesn’t vet freelancers, handle payments, or make promises on behalf of clients.

There are some things to be aware of when applying and taking a job from a job board. Because the service is free for writers, you’re competing against thousands of other bloggers for a limited number of jobs.

Job boards are also notorious for phishing scams. “Clients” may ask you to download a zip file of their payment terms or writing guidelines and ask you to invoice them via PayPal. The zip file is actually a keystroke logger allowing them to steal your PayPal credentials. Be careful when applying to jobs on these boards.

11. ProBlogger

The ProBlogger job board is updated daily with blogging and article writing jobs across all subjects.

Businesses have to pay ProBlogger to post their job ad, meaning the writer isn’t paid through ProBlogger. They don’t charge the writer any fees for joining or getting paid.

Another job board filled with many freelance writing opportunities is Indeed . You can find full-time, part-time, and freelance remote writing jobs across all subjects, and because of the vastness of the board, competition isn’t as high compared to others.

You can sign up for job alerts based on your searches. Simply enter your email address and activate emails to see them as soon as they hit the website.

13. MediaBistro

Journalists and anyone else in media will find MediaBistro helpful for finding jobs in the industry. If you’re looking for paid writing jobs in marketing, advertising, television, or news, you can find hundreds of jobs from recognizable names on MediaBistro’s job board.

There are entry-level positions listed, but your best move is to get enough writing experience to make a professional-looking resume before you start applying for jobs on this site.

How to Get Paid to Write (Step by Step) 

Before you apply to get paid for writing, there are a few things you should do to make yourself stand out to potential clients.

1. Choose What to Write About

When you’re writing for money, you might think that only writing about a couple of topics limits your options, but it actually expands them. Sites and companies that pay well don’t want freelancers who write about anything, they want experts in their field. When you stick to a single niche and become known for it, you’ll become a sought-after writer.

Choosing one topic also allows you to scale your business faster. You learn your subject thoroughly, research less, work faster, and can take on more clients. All this leads to being able to earn a higher hourly rate for your work. The key is to pick a profitable niche.

2. Create a Portfolio

There are several ways to create a portfolio. The first is with a blog. Every new writer should have a blog, especially if you don’t have many clips to show potential clients.

Once you choose your niche, write five to ten blog posts on various topics within it. This shows potential clients your writing style, expertise, and gives them a place to contact you.

You can also make money with a blog . One way is to find products and services related to your niche that you like using and see if they have an affiliate program. Then every time someone makes a purchase through your affiliate link, you’ll earn a small commission.

3. Create Profiles on Multiple Sites

Once you’ve written a few articles for other sites or publications, you can create profiles and portfolios on multiple professional freelance writing sites. Clippings.me is a portfolio site for journalists, Contently is used by many web-based content writers, and LinkedIn is a go-to place for businesses looking for expert writers.

Having a presence on a few different sites makes it easier for clients to find you and your work. They may also learn personal facts about you that give you an edge over other writers so don’t underestimate including things like your alma mater, pets, and hobbies.

4. Post on Social Media

Building a social media presence around your niche can also put you ahead for freelance writing jobs. Twitter is most popular for journalists and print publications while Instagram is becoming a popular place for e-commerce businesses to find writers.

You don’t have to make another social media account just for your writing. Post facts, breaking news, advice, and stories related to your niche and tag them with relevant hashtags. It’ll help brands find you, and it can further reinforce to potential clients that you’re knowledgeable and stay current about the topics you write about.

Related: How to Become a Social Media Manager

5. Accept Smaller Jobs While Building Your Reputation

While you’re building your portfolio and expertise in your niche, you’ll have to be willing to accept lower-paid writing jobs. Think of them as practice that you’re getting paid to do. The more organizations, editors, and platforms you work with now, the more you’ll be able to impress high-paying clients in the future.

You can also pitch websites to guest post. You won’t get paid to write guest posts, but you may be able to add links to your blog posts in your article. This will help your posts rank higher in Google, and potential clients may be able to find you through simple Google searches.

Related: How to Get Paid to Write Reviews

 6. Learn to Network

You can start freelance writing on your own, but if you want to build a business and make a living writing, you need a network of other writers. Your network should be filled with writers and editors in your niche who are a little ahead of you and a little behind you in the journey.

Your network can also help you find sources for stories, give you feedback on pitches, advise you on rates to charge, and help you to feel like you’re not alone in this often isolating industry.

Related: How to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer

Resources on How to Get Paid as a Writer

When you’re running your freelance writing business, you’ll want to have some resources to make it easier to write and get paid.

Freelance Writer’s Den

Started by veteran freelance writer Carol Tice, the Freelance Writer’s Den is a membership site just for freelance writers. You have access to over 300 hours of freelance writing education including eCourses, webinars, and podcasts.

There’s also a forum for networking with other writers and a job board with new writing jobs posted every Monday and Thursday, all with a minimum rate of $50 per article.

Membership for the Freelance Writer’s Den only opens twice a year. If you’re interested in joining, sign up for the waitlist to be notified.

Get Paid to Write for Blogs (Course)

This is a course geared towards new freelance writers that was created by Cat Alford (who, coincidentally, has been a freelance writer on DollarSprout in the past).

The course features eight video modules covering beginner-level lessons, including how to create a portfolio that will attract high-value clients. The course also covers everything you need to know about running the business side of things. 

Related: The Best Online Writing Courses for New Freelance Writers

Getting Paid to Write is Possible

You can get paid to write in any field at any level. Like any business, it’s difficult to get started.

However, if you work your way through the many content marketing agencies and job boards, you’ll be able to find steady work and grow your business.

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  • Write Personal Essays and Get Paid: 16 Markets for Freelancers

1. The Alpinist

2. brain, child , 3. the bold italic, 4. bugle magazine, 5. buzzfeed, 6. christian science monitor: home forum, 7. dame magazine, 8. the establishment, 9. extra crispy, 10. motherwell , 11. narratively, 12. new york times – modern love, 13. the penny hoarder, 15. the smart set, 16. vox first person, get paid to write personal essays: what you need to know.

Get paid to write personal essays. Makealivingwriting.com

It’s the romantic version of being a freelance writer.

Take a vacation, and write about your adventures. Survive your toddler’s terrible-twos and share your advice. Dabble in online dating and tell others the good, the bad, and the ugly about your experience.

Sounds pretty good, right?

If you have a unique perspective, experience, thoughts, or advice from your side of the fence, you can get paid to write personal essays…in just about any niche.

But you need to know where to look when learning how to make money writing , and how to pitch an editor when you do. Note: There are still plenty of opportunities to write personal essays, but not all are well-paying assignments.

Want to find freelance writing jobs ? Check out these 16 markets for places to get paid to write personal essays:

Are you an experienced mountain climber or new to the sport? Are you on a mission to bag as many peaks around the world as possible? Know a climbing destination every serious adventurer needs to visit? The Alpinist wants to hear from you. Pitch an idea for a personal essay to Senior Editor Katie Ives for The Climbing Life or Off Belay.

Rate: Pays $0.25/word for 250 to 500-word essays.

When writer Penne Richards lost her daughter in a car accident, she struggled to deal with the loss.  Writing about the difficult experience for Brain, Child , proved to be a powerful way to help her grieve. Not every essay in this magazine covers such heavy-hitting topics. But it is a place where you can write long-form essays on a wide range of subjects and topics. Send your pitch to editor and publisher Marcelle Soviero .

Rate: Pays $300 for 1,500 to 4,500-word essays.

Live in San Francisco, or have a connection to The City By the Bay that’s changed the way you see the world? The Bold Italic Editor-in-Chief Keith Spencer  wants to hear from you. This online magazine has published personal essays on the gig economy, online dating, mental illness, and many other topics with a San Francisco angle.

Rate: $50 per essay

If you want to write personal essays about elk hunting, land-use issues, conservation, wildlife management and exploring the Rocky Mountains, pitch an idea Bugle Magazine  Assistant Editor Kasey Rahn . Here’s the catch, the section where you’re most likely to land an assignment is for the “Women in Outdoors” column. Submit a pitch or send a personal essay on spec for review.

Rate: Pays $0.20/word for 1,000 to 3,000-word essays.

Looking to score some serious exposure? Write a personal essay for the popular site Buzzfeed, which gets an estimated 168 million unique visitors per month. Pick a topic and tell readers about what you know, what you’ve learned, or share your point of view. “Whatever that experience is, it should offer insight into an ongoing and relevant cultural conversation for readers,” says BuzzFeed Editor Rachel Sanders.

Rate: Pays an estimated $0.13 to $0.27 per word.

Mark Sappenfield was promoted to editor at The   Christian Science Monitor earlier this year, after a decade of writing for this well-known publication. He says “The Home Forum” section is the best place to pitch personal essays, which can cover a wide range of topics.  Current interests for essay topics include travel, parenting, home, family, gardening, neighborhood, and community. Submit completed essays for consideration.

Rate:  Pays $75 to $150 for 400 to 800-word essays.

This edgy women’s magazine likes to push the envelope with witty, irreverent, and provocative content, which includes personal essays. “ Our objective is to move the conversation forward around trending and topical subjects most relevant to women-that is, when we’re not starting the conversation,” says Dame Magazine Editor  Kera Bolonik . Query first, before submitting a completed essay.

Rate:  Pays an estimated $0.13/word.

This online magazine run by women has a lot in common with  Dame Magazine . It’s edgy, quirky, and was created to provide a place for people to share their ideas. Need a dose of inspiration? Check out the recent essay written by Rachel McCarthy James: Can you make Donald Trump resign from your nightmares?  Have an essay idea? Reach out to The Establishment Editor Nikki Gloudeman.

Rate:  Pays $125 per 800 to 1,500-word essays.

Your mother always told you not to skip breakfast. This is why: You can get paid to write about it. Extra Crispy is all about what people eat for breakfast. Recipes are a must, along with the story that goes with them. But it has to be smart, fun, weird, or have a fresh angle on the typical breakfast, says Extra Crispy Editor Ryan Grim.

Rate: Pays an estimated $0.47/word for 800 to 1,000-word essays.

Not everybody experiences parenting the same way. And not everybody has the same opinions on raising kids. And that’s why Randi Olin and Lauren Apfel created Motherwell magazine. “We’re looking for evocative first-person narratives that have a unique focus, or take a novel angle, on a slice of the parenting experience,” says Olin. Submit completed essays up to 1,200 words for consideration.

Rate:  Pays $50 for up to 1,200-word essays.

If you want to get paid to write a personal essay for Narratively, you need to have a story to tell that offers readers a glimpse into whatever makes your life different, interesting, or even abnormal. Like lawyer Amy Bond’s recent essay, “ Twitter trolls outed my porn star past. So I embraced it. ” Be sure your essay includes a “takeaway” or lesson for readers. Submit a pitch or completed essay for consideration.

Rate: Pays $200-300 for 2,000 – 2,500-word essays.

Think writing for  The New York Times is out of reach? Think again. You don’t have to be an established writer to land an assignment to write for the Modern Love column. You just need to have something fresh to say about relationships, marriage, dating, and parenthood. For more on how to break into this market, check out the advice from Modern Love editor Daniel Jones .

Rate:  Pays $300 per 1,500 to 1,700 word essays.

This frugal-living, money-saving website covers a wide range of topics meant to provide people with practice ways to earn and save money. Pitch an idea to The Penny Hoarder Editor Alexis Grant  and find an angle for an evergreen topic.

Rate: Pays an estimated $0.08/word for 700 to 900 word essays. Negotiable.

Working on the next great American novel? Writing a non-fiction book? Or wondering where you can publish poetry? There aren’t a lot of markets for this type of essay writing. But Slice magazine, created by Maria Gagliano and Celia Johnson , happens to be one of them.  “We’re looking for anyone with a fresh voice and a compelling story to share-basically any work that really knocks our socks off,” says Gagliano.  “We simply look for works by writers who promise to become tomorrow’s literary legends.”

Rate: Pays $250 for essays up to 5,000 words.

Magazines were a different breed in the early 1900s when H.L. Mencken and George Nathan published the literary magazine  The Smart Set. And while the magazine folded in 1930, it’s literary focus on covering culture, arts, science, and world affairs wasn’t forgotten. The magazine was reincarnated at Drexel University in Pennsylvania and publishes personal essays on a wide range of topics.

Rate:  Pays an estimated $0.07/word for 1,000 to 3,000-word essays.

If you have a great story to tell that helps explain an important issue, Vox First Person Editor Eleanor Barkhorn wants to hear from you.  This online magazine wants  thoughtful, in-depth, provocative and personal narratives on politics, culture, science, health, and world views with a fresh perspective.

Rate: Pays an estimated $0.19 to $0.41/word for 1,200 to 3,000-word essays.

Every publication is going to have slightly different guidelines for writing personal essays.

For magazines , a nalyze your favorite pub, and you’ll likely find a personal essay among the pages. Study those. Then check Writers Market for submission guidelines (which usually requires submitting a completed essay instead of a pitch).

For blogs and other outlets , study examples of past essays, and read the guidelines, which you can usually find online. While most editors want a complete draft of a personal essay, instead of a pitch, that’s not the case for every publication.

Obviously personal essays are going to focus on something from your own life experience. But you need to find a way to bring it back to the reader, make it relevant to their own life, and give them some kind of take-away message.

Keep that in mind, and you’ll be able to land gigs and get paid to write personal essays.

Know of other markets to get paid to write personal essays?

Erica Verrillo writes about the business of freelance writing on her blog. She is also the author of the “Phoenix Rising” trilogy novels and “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide.”

Note: It came to our attention after publication that some content in this post had been previously published. We have double-checked and confirmed that the information is still current.

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10 Ways Students can make Money with Essay Writing

Make money with essay writing.

There are plenty of ways to earn money as a freelance writer if you’re a student.

You can get paid to write essays for other students or write essays for money for many other online publications.

Here are some options to help you get started with essay writing. 

Essay Writing

1. Write college papers for money

There are high-quality academic websites where you can write papers for money.

You will need to fill out an application, take a test, and upload samples of your work. If you’re accepted, you can bid for jobs.

You may have to write custom essays, research papers or even help a student with homework.

You will earn about $10 a page and more on work with a tight deadline.

2. Write a first-person narrative

Vox is a well-known general interest publication that’s looking for first-person narratives.

Read their submission guidelines and email the editor with your pitch.

The publication covers a wide range of topics, such as health, science, culture and politics.

All the accepted stories are edited and paid at competitive rates. 

3. Write nonfiction

The American Scholar is a quarterly magazine that will consider publishing nonfiction by known and unknown writers. Submissions should be no longer than 6,000 words and be submitted through the online submissions manager system.

You can upload your essay and check its status online. Submissions are carefully reviewed, and it may take several months to get a response.

Payment is up to $500 for accepted pieces and $250 for web-only pieces. 

4. Pay for essays

If you are a student who can’t even think about writing papers for money because you don’t have enough time to write your own, you can use a perfect essay writer at an essay writing service.

You can pay for essay on EduBirdie, and you will receive a quality essay from professional writers who are thoroughly screened to make sure they have the right educational background and experience to help you.

And with time, you can enroll yourself on this number one site to make money by helping others do their assignments.

male work from home

5. Write stories and articles

The Threepenny Review is open for submissions from January through June.

Response times for submission can range from two days to two months.

Critical articles should be about 1200 to 2500 words, and stories about 4000 words or less.

You can make money writing essays, short stories and articles.

They pay $400 per story or article. 

6. Write about women’s issues

The goal of the Women’s Media Center is to increase the influence of women in the media.

They want stories and commentaries that offer a feminist perspective on news events and stories about women in the media industry.

You can write essays about women and work, the environment, human rights, choice, and women as leaders and peacemakers.

7. Write fantasy and science fiction

Fantasy & Science Fiction is a science fiction print journal that’s been around forever.

It has a large readership and wants stories with surprising ideas, plots or character insights.

You can submit your entire manuscript.

It publishes fiction of up to 25,000 words in length, and you should allow eight weeks for a response.

Payment is 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. 

8. Write narrative nonfiction

Narratively wants personal essays that show readers what makes your life interesting or different.

Your storytelling must be immersive and take readers into another world or another life using vivid scenes and colorful details.

You can submit a pitch or a completed essay for consideration and earn up to $300 for a 2,500-word essay.

9. Write essays about the Christian faith

If you are a Christian, writing essays for money online is possible on Guideposts .

It publishes true stories about people who have learned a lesson or overcome a challenge through their faith.

Write a first-person narrative with a spiritual point that readers can apply in their lives and submit for publication.

Payment for essays is up to $250.

10. Write for a legit essay writing service

Make sure you choose a legit essay writing service if you want to write essays for college students.

You will need to consider the company’s background, how long it has been around, whether it’s reliable, and what you will get paid.

Check what kind of online reviews the company has. 

As a student, you can make money by writing essays in just about any niche.

You may decide to write essays for other students or for various publications.

You need to know where to look to pitch an editor and how to write essays for money.

Hopefully, the above suggestions will give you some ideas about where to begin. 

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  • Applying For Scholarships

Financial Need Scholarship Essay Examples (2023)

Jennifer Finetti Oct 2, 2022

Financial Need Scholarship Essay Examples (2023)

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Many scholarships are awarded based on financial need. In order to win these scholarships, you must explain the nature of your financial need. In the guide below, we’ll explain how to write these types of essays to increase your chances of winning. Check out these scholarship essay examples for financial need scholarships.

How to write financial need scholarship essays

Here are some tips for writing financial need scholarship essays:

  • Maintain a positive tone throughout the essay . You do not want to come across as self-pitying. Focus on ways you learned and grew from past experiences – how they made you stronger.
  • Do not diminish other people’s suffering. This is a competition, but that doesn’t mean you should belittle your competitors. In fact, it would be better to say “I know there are many worthy candidates for this scholarship, but…” than to say “I have suffered far more than…” Show respect in everything you write.
  • Frame your essay around a specific event. You may add other details if you have space to, but use one experience as the thesis for your essay.
  • Avoid controversial statements and opinions. When discussing events from your past, do not belittle someone else or talk negatively about a group of people. You never know who will be reading your essay.
  • Tell your story with honesty. Do not fabricate any details to make yourself sound needy. Your past and present circumstances will speak for themselves.
  • Don’t try to sound philosophical. Some students will do this because they think it makes them seem smarter, but it rarely has that effect. Focus on proofreading and writing solid content. That is enough intelligence on its own.
  • Discuss your career goals, if possible. You may not have room for this if the essay is short. If you do have room though, discussing your career goals will indicate a plan for the future. Review boards reward determination.

You know why you need financial aid. Tap into the key elements of your circumstances and use them to craft the perfect essay.

Many scholarships are awarded based on financial need. In order to win these scholarships, you must explain the nature of your financial need. In the guide below, we’ve provided examples of scholarship essays for financial need scholarships, along with some tips to help you write your own essay.

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Example 1: “Provide a statement of financial need”

Some scholarships will simply ask for a statement of financial need. There are no parameters to follow. You’re left to write whatever you want. Typically, a statement of financial need is two or three small paragraphs. This will come out to roughly 150-200 words, but it could be slightly longer. Think of this as a cover letter for your scholarship application, highlighting the key elements of your financial need. Don’t build up to the thesis. Get directly to the point.

I am the first person in my family to graduate high school, and thus the first to attend college. Both of my parents dropped out of school when they were teenagers. Because of their limited education, they have always worked in entry-level positions, earning barely enough to put food on the table. My first job I got was at the age of 12 delivering papers, and I have worked hard ever since to relieve pressure from my family. I enrolled in Mississippi’s HELP program during my senior year, which covers tuition and fees at select colleges in the state. I also have a Federal Pell Grant to cover my housing. However, I still need funding for books, supplies, and transportation to campus as needed. I am an engineering student, and our classes come with high fees. My parents cannot contribute to my college expenses, and I cannot work much while I’m in school. This scholarship would help me avoid costly student loans that could take years to repay.  

Example 2: “Describe your financial need in 100 words”

This essay is even shorter than the financial need statement. It may be one of several short answer questions you need to fill out. Working with 100 words is tricky. That only leaves room for about 7-10 sentences, depending on length. Make compelling statements using the fewest words possible.

Also note that grammar errors and misspellings will be much more noticeable in this short essay. Carefully proofread your writing before submitting the scholarship application.

I got pregnant and dropped out of high school when I was 15. By the age of 20, I had two more children, and we all shared a one-bedroom apartment. I worked three jobs to pay the bills, but I never earned much. When my oldest started high school, I did the same. I got my GED at 29 and enrolled in nursing school. My financial status has improved now with a GED, but I’m still a single mom with three kids. I want to become a registered nurse to give my children a stable future. I appreciate your consideration.

Word Count: 100

Example 3: “Explain your financial need in 500 or more words”

This scholarship essay prompt is the opposite of the one above. You have much more room to discuss your circumstances. Talk about your family life, your income, and other restraints that contribute to your financial aid . Try not to throw too much in the essay though. You want the information to flow together seamlessly. Edit carefully, and give the readers a full view of your situation.

My name is Brandon Noviello. I am a sophomore on track to earn my Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. I need financial aid because I do not have a family to contribute to my education. I was in foster care for two years before I aged out of the system, and now I am pursuing a degree completely on my own. I was raised by a wonderful woman who didn’t always have a wonderful life. My mother got pregnant after a sexual assault, but she was determined to raise a smart, successful man. She went through an accelerated program to graduate high school before I was born. She devoted the rest of her life to supporting me, both financially and emotionally. My mother’s family cut ties with her the moment she became pregnant. Life wasn’t easy for us, but I never wanted for anything. She always found a way to keep me fed, dressed, and in school. Unfortunately, she lost a long-term battle with depression when I was 16, and I was put into the foster system until I reached adulthood. I did not have a positive experience with foster care, but I admit, I had no desire to. My mother’s passing weighed heavily on my mind, and I felt an overwhelming sense of anger, regret, and frustration. There was one gleam of hope in my experience though. I had a great social worker. I fought her decisions every step of the way, and she still managed to find a family to get me through high school. My social worker was the only person I invited to my graduation ceremony.  She helped me realize how much one person’s efforts can make a difference in the lives of others. I was only one of countless children she had helped over the years. I researched how to become a social worker so I could help other children like me. My plan is to work with the Department of Human Services in the foster care and adoption division after I graduate. In order to make my dreams a reality, I need financial aid. I am working as a server to pay for food, utilities, and basic necessities, but I do not earn enough to pay for college as well. I go to school during the day and work at night. Furthermore, I have a maximum Pell Grant to cover most of my tuition, but I still need help with other expenses. I did not do well in high school as a result of my mom’s passing, but I have done well in college. I have a 3.25 cumulative GPA, and I have never made less than an A in a degree-related course. As such, I am committed to being successful despite my circumstances, and I want to help young people find that motivation within themselves. I look forward to working with children and teens in the foster system, so I can be the hope that someone else was for me.

Word Count: 498


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Jennifer Finetti

Jennifer Finetti

As a parent who recently helped her own kids embark on their college journeys, Jennifer approaches the transition from high school to college from a unique perspective. She truly enjoys engaging with students – helping them to build the confidence, knowledge, and insight needed to pursue their educational and career goals, while also empowering them with the strategies and skills needed to access scholarships and financial aid that can help limit college costs. She understands the importance of ensuring access to the edtech tools and resources that can make this process easier and more equitable - this drive to support underserved populations is what drew her to ScholarshipOwl. Jennifer has coached students from around the world, as well as in-person with local students in her own community. Her areas of focus include career exploration, major selection, college search and selection, college application assistance, financial aid and scholarship consultation, essay review and feedback, and more. She works with students who are at the top of their class, as well as those who are struggling. She firmly believes that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can succeed if they stay focused and work hard in school. Jennifer earned her MA in Counseling Psychology from National University, and her BA in Psychology from University of California, Santa Cruz.

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

essay on how to make money

Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

Looking for a topic about money? Money won’t leave anyone indifferent! There are lots of money essay topics for students to explore.

🏆 Best Money Essay Examples & Ideas

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You might want to focus on the issue of money management or elaborate on why money is so important nowadays. Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you’ll find a list of money topics to write about! These ideas can also be used for discussions and presentations. Money essay examples are a nice bonus to inspire you even more!

  • Can Money Buy You Happiness? First of all, given that happiness is related to the satisfaction of personal needs, there is also a need to consider the essential need of human life such as housing, medicine, and food.
  • Connection Between Money and Happiness Critical analysis of money-happiness relationship shows that socioeconomic factors determine the happiness of an individual; therefore, it is quite unsatisfactory to attribute money as the only factor and determinant of happiness.
  • Money as a Form of Motivation in the Work Place This then shows that money can and is used as a motivational factor in the work place so that employees can strive to give their best and their all at the end of the day.
  • Money, Happiness and Relationship Between Them The research conducted in the different countries during which people were asked how satisfied they were with their lives clearly indicated the existence of a non-linear relationship between the amount of money and the size […]
  • I Don’t Believe Money Can Buy Happiness This shows that as much as money is essential in acquisition and satisfaction of our needs, it does not guarantee our happiness by its own and other aspects of life have to be incorporated to […]
  • Does Money Buy Happiness? Billions of people in all parts of the world sacrifice their ambitions and subconscious tensions on the altar of profitability and higher incomes. Yet, the opportunity costs of pursuing more money can be extremely high.
  • Money: Good or Evil? Comparing & Contrasting While there are those amongst us who subscribe to the school of though that “money is the source of all evil”, others are of the opinion that money can buy you anything, literary.
  • Why Money Is Important: Benefits & Downsides The notion originated from the Bible because the person who made Jesus suffer on the cross was enticed by the love of money to forsake Jesus.
  • Should America Keep Paper Money It is possible to begin the discussion of the need for keeping paper currency from referring to the rights of any people.
  • Strategies to Save and Protect Money Thus, the main points of expenditure will be clearly marked, which will help to exclude the purchase of unnecessary goods and services.
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Hawala System in Dubai To prevent money launders and agents, most countries enacted the anti-money laundering acts with the goal of tracking and prosecuting offenders.
  • Money and Modern Life The rich and the powerful are at the top while the poor and helpless are at the bottom, the rest lie in-between.
  • The Global Media Is All About Money and Profit Making It is noteworthy that the advertisement are presented through the media, which confirms the assertion that global media is all about money and profit making. The media firms control the information passed to the public […]
  • Time Value of Money: Importance of Calculating Due to fluctuations in economies, all organizations need to take into consideration concepts of the time value of money in any investment venture.
  • Anti-Money Laundering in Al Ansari Exchange Case Study Details Company name: Al Ansari Exchange Headquarters: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Sector: Financial Services Number of employees: 2500 Annual gross revenue: UAED 440.
  • Discussion: Can Money Buy Happiness? Reason Two: Second, people are psychologically predisposed to wanting more than they have, so the richer people are, the less feasible it is to satisfy their demands.
  • Why People Should Donate Time, Money, Energy to a Particular Organization, Charity, or Cause Its vision is to have a world that is free from Alzheimer’s disease.”The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading, global voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care and support, and the largest private, nonprofit funder of Alzheimer’s […]
  • Opinion on the Importance of Money In the absence of money, individuals and organizations would be forced to conduct transactions through barter trade which is a relatively challenging system due to existence of double coincidence of wants.
  • Giving Money to the Homeless: Is It Important? The question of whether a person should give money to a homeless person or not is a complicated one and cannot have the right answer.
  • Success and Money Correlation The development of the information technologies and the ongoing progress led to the reconsideration of the values and beliefs. It is significant to understand that there is no right or wrong answer for the question […]
  • Relation Between Money and Football In the English league, clubs have been spending millions to sign up a player in the hope that the player will turn the fortunes of the company for the good.
  • Money Saving Methods for College Students A budget is one of the methods that a college student can use to save money. In the budget, one should indicate how much to save and the means of saving the money.
  • Money or Family Values First? Which Way to Go As such, family values becomes the epicenter of shaping individual behavior and actions towards the attainment of a certain good, while money assumes the position of facilitating the attainment of a certain good such as […]
  • The Lebanese-Canadian Bank’s Money Laundering The bank was later banned from using the dollar by the American treasury; this resulted in the collapse and eventual sale of the bank.L.C.B.had to pay a settlement fine of one hundred and two million […]
  • Money, Happiness and Satisfaction With Life Nonetheless, the previously mentioned examples should be used to remind us that money alone is not a guarantee of happiness, satisfaction with life, and good health.
  • Efforts to Raise Money for Charity However, the point is that charity is supposed to be for a simple act of giving and not expecting any returns from it.
  • Dreams of Avarice in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” The chapter “Dreams of Avarice” of the book “The Ascent of Money” explores different stages of development of money functioning in the world by relating them to corresponding historical events.
  • Money and Happiness in Poor and Wealthy Societies Comprehending the motivations for pursuing money and happiness is the key to understanding this correlation. The Easterlin paradox summed this view by showing that income had a direct correlation with happiness.
  • Money and Banking: General Information The essay gives the definition of money and gives a brief description of the functions of money. As a store of value, money can be saved reliably and then retrieved in the future.
  • Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime There are a number of requirements by the government on the AML procedures to be developed and adopted by the firms in the financial service in industry in an attempt to fight the illegal practice.
  • Drugs: The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evils The political issues concerning the use of drugs consist of, but not limited to, the substances that are defined as drugs, the means of supplying and controlling their use, and how the society relates with […]
  • Money Laundering: Most Effective Combat Strategies The practice of money laundering affects the economy and security of a country. Countries have directed their efforts to curb money laundering to control the downwards projections of their countries’ economies.
  • Electronic Money: Challenges and Solutions First of all, it should be pointed out that money is any type of phenomenon which is conventionally accepted as a universal carrier of value, or “any generally accepted means of payment which is allowed […]
  • Money and Its Value Throughout the World History What is important is the value that people place on whatever unit they refer to as amoney.’ Money acts as a medium of exchange and an element of measurement of the value of goods and […]
  • Change in the Value of Money According to Keynes To explain the effect of inflation on investors, Keynes delves into the history of inflation through the nineteenth century and tries to explain the complacency of investors at the beginning of the First World War […]
  • Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream – Movie Analysis It can be taken as the national ethos of the citizens of the USA. The basis of the American society is broken and it is not united anymore.
  • Money and Work Performance When there is a deliberate effort by the workplace to reduce the incidence of these, both the agency and the employees benefit.
  • Edwin Arlington Robinson: Money and Happiness in “Richard Cory” It is evident that money cannot guarantee happiness in one’s life due to the uncertainties that surround each one of us.
  • Two Attitudes Towards Money The over-dependence on money to satisfy one’s emotional needs is a negative perspective of money. The positive attitude of money is rarely practiced by people.
  • Where Does the Money Go? by Bittle & Johnson Therefore, the authors explain key issues of the national debt in a relatively simple language and provide their opinion on how the country got into that situation and what could be done about it. In […]
  • “From Empire to Chimerica” in “The Ascent of Money” In the chapter “From Empire to Chimerica,” Niall Ferguson traces back the history of the Western financial rise and suggests that nowadays it is being challenged by the developing Eastern world. The hegemonic position of […]
  • Paper Money and Its Role Throughout History The adoption of the paper money was considered to be beneficial for both the wealth of the country and the individual businessmen.
  • Artworks Comparison: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and Tribute Money Though the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, a fresco created by Picasso, was created in an entirely different epoch than Masaccio’s Tribute Money was, the two artworks still share a range of stylistic, compositional and conceptual similarities, […]
  • Money, Success, and Relation Between Them In particular, the modern generation attaches so much importance to money in the sense that success and money are presumed to be one and the same thing.
  • Prices Rise When the Government Prints too Much Money Makinen notes that an increase in the supply of money in an economy relative to the output in the economy could lead to inflationary pressure on prices of goods and services in the economy.
  • Money: Evolution, Functions, and Characteristics It acts as medium of exchange where it is accepted by both buyers and sellers; the buyer gives money to the seller in exchange of commodities.
  • Money Laundering Scene in Police Drama “Ozark” In one of the first season’s episodes, Marty, the main character, illustrates the process of money laundering crime. In the scene, one can see that Marty is fully sane and is committing a crime voluntarily.
  • Money From the Christian Perspective Work in Christian missions is a business and since it affects the relationship between the missionary and the people he is trying to reach, missionary funding is essential.
  • Business Case Scenario: Missing Money in a Company A possible scenario explaining how money is missing is through the payroll department my first argument seeks to prove the payroll department as the loophole of the company’s misfortunes.
  • Sports Stadiums’ Funding by Public Money The issue is controversial from an ethical point of view since not all citizens whose taxes can be spent on the construction of the stadium are interested in or fond of sports.
  • Money Laundering: The Kazakhgate Case He was accused of breaking the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1974 and money laundering by the U.S.attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York.
  • The Ways Terrorists Raise and Move Money Moreover, the government has put into action the freezing orders and blocking of united states individuals who are presumed to have a hand in terrorist activities.
  • “Money as a Weapon” System and Fiscal Triad Furthermore, the fiscal triad encompasses the procurement of products and services and the disbursement and accounting of public funding. Fiscal legislation and contracts are two key components of the “money as a weapon” system.
  • The Fiscal Triad and Money as a Weapon System The reliance on the unit commanders sparked the development of the complementary strategy, “Money as a Weapon System,” which became a focal point of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.
  • Saving Money Using Electric or Gas Vehicles The central hypothesis of the study is that the electric car will save more money than gas ones. The main expected outcome that the study is counting on is a confirmation of the presented hypothesis […]
  • Traditional vs. Modern Forms of Money The most significant argument for the continuing existence of traditional forms of money is the impossibility of converting all financial resources into a digital form.
  • Money Laundering Through Cryptocurrencies This study will try to critique the approaches used by countries to address the aspect of money laundering activities and the risks posed by digital currencies.
  • Time Value of Money: What You Should Know The time value of money is a paramount financial concept, according to which a certain amount is now worth more than the same amount in the future.
  • Play Money Paper: A Report Betas of the Companies in the Portfolio It is noteworthy that in the given portfolio, the beta indices of the companies involved vary considerably.
  • Integration of Business Ethics in Preventing Money Laundering Schemes The shipping information within the document seems inaccurate with the intention to launder money from the buyer. The contribution of ocean carrier in the transaction process is doubtful to a given extent.
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering The purpose of this paper is to research the subject of trade-based money laundering, its impact on global scene and export controls, identify types of trade finance techniques used to launder illegal money, and provide […]
  • Impact of Natural Disasters on Money Markets and Investment Infusion of funds from the central bank during natural disasters results in higher process of exports as a direct result of an increase in the value of the local currency.
  • The Perception of Money, Wealth, and Power: Early Renaissance vs. Nowadays In the Renaissance period, power was a questionable pursuit and could be viewed as less stable due to more frequent upheavals.
  • Financial Institutions and Money Money is a store of value because it can be saved now and used to purchase se goods and services in the future.
  • Researching of the Time Value of Money After receiving the loan, one of the monetary policies that would help PIIGS to stabilize is the deflation of their currency, in this case, the Euro.
  • Anti-Money Laundering: Financial Action Task Force Meanwhile, given the limited access for physical assessment of state jurisdictions, it is likely that current provisions of FATF are yet to be revised in spite of pandemic travel and assessment restrictions.
  • Anti-Money Laundering in the UK Jurisdiction The regime adopted in the UK is based on the provisions of “the Terrorism Act of 2000, the Proceeds of Crime Act of 2002, as well as the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Transfer of […]
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering and Its Attractiveness The proliferation of the trade-based money laundering is directly related to the growing complexity of international trade systems, where new risks and vulnerabilities emerge and are seen as favorable among terrorist organizations seeking for the […]
  • Money Laundering and Sanctions Regulatory Frameworks Under the provisions of OFAC, the company has violated the cybersecurity rules that might indirectly bring a significant threat to the national security or the stability of the United States economy by engaging in online […]
  • Type Borrowing Money: Margin Lending In the defense of the storm financial planning firm, BOQ submitted to the authorities that in view of banking regulatory policies, storm had not contravened any of the policies and this is the reason why […]
  • Lessons on Financial Planning Using Money Tree Software Financial planning remains a fundamental function among the investors in coming up with a method of using the finances presently and in the future.
  • The Supply of Money in the Capitalist Economy In the capitalist economy that the world is currently based on, the supply of money plays a significant role in not only affecting salaries and prices but also the growth of the economy.
  • Time Value of Money Defined and Calculations Simply put, the same value of money today is worth the same value in future. The time value of money can therefore be defined as the calculated value of the money taking into consideration various […]
  • Money Tree Software: Financial Planning This return is important because: It represents the reward the business stakeholders and owner of the business get in staking their money on the business currently and in the future It rewards the business creditors […]
  • Money Management: Investment on Exchange-Traded Funds The essay will discuss the possibility of investing in a number of selected ETFs in connection to an investment objective of an individual.
  • What Is Money Laundering and Is It Possible to Fight It Certainly and more often money involved in laundering is obtained from illegal activities and the main objective of laundering is to ‘clean’ the dirty money and give it a legitimate appearance in terms of source.
  • Time Value of Money: Choosing Bank for Deposit The value of the money is determined by the rate of return that the bank will offer. The future value of the two banks is $20,000 and $22,000 for bank A and bank B respectively.
  • How Money Market Mutual Funds Contributed to the 2008 Financial Crisis While how the prices of shares fell below the set $1 per share was a complex process, it became one of the greatest systemic risks posed by the MMMF to the investors and the economy […]
  • Time Value of Money From an Islamic Perspective Islamic scholars say that the time value of money and the interest rates imposed on money lent are the reasons why the poor keep on getting poor and the rich richer.
  • Rational Decision Making: Money on Your Mind The mind is responsible for making financial decision and it is triggered by the messages we receive on the day to day activities. Lennick and Jordan explain that, we have two systems in the brain; […]
  • A Usability Test Conducted on GE Money.com.au It is common knowledge that the easier it is to access services and products on a given website the more likely users will be encouraged to come back.
  • “Most Important Thing Is Money Ltd”: Vaccination Development Thus, necessary powers have been vested with the Secretary of State for Health in England, through the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation to enforce such preventive steps, through necessary programs that […]
  • Money Investments in the Companies and Bonds The stock volume is on the low level now, about 30, but it is connected with the crisis in the world and the additional investment may support the company and increase it. In general the […]
  • Money Management in the Organization There is a much debate on the issue and several people an financial experts do analyze the historical perspectives of the Active vs Passive money management.
  • How the Virus Transformed Money Spending in the US In the article featured in the New York Times, Leatherby and Geller state that the rate at which people spend their money has rapidly decreased due to the emergence of the virus in the United […]
  • The Role of Money and Class Division in Society The image of modern American society tries in vain to convey the prevalence of personality over social division. Americans’ perception of financial status has been shaped for years by creating the notion of the “American […]
  • Money and American Classes in 1870-1920 Wherein, the time of the stock market emergence was the time of the ongoing “carnival,” where the mystical power of money transferred to miraculous products and medicines and compelling advertisements.
  • The Ascent of Money – Safe as Houses Looking from a broad historical perspective, Niall Ferguson devotes the chapter “Save as Houses” to the observation of the real estate concept transformation, describes the place of the real estate market in the economic systems […]
  • The Ascent of Money – Blowing Bubbles The price for a share tells how much people rely on the cost of the company in the future. The life of a stock market represents the reflection of human moods on the price of […]
  • Canada’s Role in the History of Money: The Relationship Between Ownership and Control Individuals with the predominant shares gain the directorship of the wealth production channels and as such gain control of the diversified owners.
  • Why Non-Monetary Incentives Are More Significant Than Money It is important to recognize that both monetary and non-monetary incentives, otherwise known as total rewards, are offered to employees in diverse ways for purposes of attracting and motivating them to the ideals of the […]
  • To Make Money or Serve the Society? However, when the issue of the corporation to serve the society arises, then it kind of compromises the main focus of the corporation, which is to make money. These have been the major causes of […]
  • Money Role in Macro Economy The dollar is till now the most accepted currency in the world and this dollar fluctuation that has been caused by the worst recession in American history since the time of the Great Depression is […]
  • Two Attitudes Toward Money Two attitudes toward money involve negative perception of money as universal evil and positive perception of money as source of good life and prosperity.
  • Organizational Communication & the “Money” Aspect While the use of this information is critical for both ensuring survival of the organization and being a frontrunner in its strategies for the future, there are large boulders in use of this information effectively, […]
  • Tax Money Usage on Military Spending Issue The fact that America won the Cold War and defeated the Soviets is taken as a vindication by the American leaders of the need to continue military spending.
  • Money Makes You Happy: Philosophical Reasoning It is possible to give the right to the ones who think that money can buy happiness. This conclusion is not accepted by psychologists who think that wealth brings the happiness only in the moment […]
  • “Who Says Money Cannot Buy Happiness” by Lee Investment is a production process for will it bring about goods and services that can be sold to the market and in the process, the owner of the business makes some profit.
  • Technical Analysis as Active Money Management Method Technical analysis is the financial markets methodology that asserts the capability to foretell the probable course of security charges by the means of past market data study, principally price and volume.
  • Spare Change: Giving Money to the “Undeserving Poor” To address the central theme of the article, one need to delve deeper into the psyche of giving alms and money to the poor people we meet on the street.
  • The Use of Money in Business Practices Money is seen as the cause of problems and especially in the minds of emerging market respondents. Through this they can pick up groceries for the old in their neighborhood and make money from this.
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance However, the balance money after the sham gambling is transferred to another ordinary bank account, thereby creating a legal status for the laundered money as if it has come from gambling and will be employed […]
  • City Planning. Too Much Money: Why Savings Are Bad The scenario is that the expected growth in economies where the rate of savings is high has not shown a corresponding increase in growth rate also.
  • Debates in Endogenous Money: Basil Moore The value of the currency was determined by the value of the precious metal used to mint the currency. From the time Federal Reserve took control of money and credit, economic consistency is attained by […]
  • Money and Banking. Financial Markets The essay will examine the essence and the importance of the above-mentioned financial phenomena and see how their interrelation, especially in the negative context, can influence the state of things in society.
  • Money and Justice: High-Profile Cases It is estimated that thousands of persons bracketed in the ‘poor’ sector of society go to jail annually in the United States without having spoken to a lawyer.
  • Accounting for Public Money After Railway Privatization There were very many problems prior to the railway privatization in 1990.one of the problems that led to the privatization of the railway line in the UK was the misappropriation of taxpayers’ money.
  • Time Value of Money and Its Financial Applications The time value of money refers to the idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future, due to its potential earning capacity.
  • Time Value of Money in Examples Therefore, re-purchase of the shares appeals to the managers of the company because it will allow the company uses the money to regenerate more money for the purpose of repurchase the shares in the future.
  • Wall Street Managers: The Art of Making Money In the end, the goal of Wall Street managers is to ensure optimal returns in all of their investments. The evolution of Wall Street managers is etched in the history of financial markets.
  • Money Laundering in the USA and Australia The International Money Fund has established that the aggregate size of money laundering in the World is approximately four percent of the world’s gross domestic product.
  • Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and Voltaire’s Candide’s Value on Money Both written at a time when philosophers had started questioning the relevance of capitalism and the concept of wealth creation, it is evident that the two authors were keen on explaining the power of money […]
  • The Concept of Money Laundering The first issue I have learned is that the main problem lies in the presence of Big Data that includes trillions of transactions of various financial organizations and systems.
  • Fraud, Money Laundering, and Terrorism Financing After the audacious attack by Al-Qaeda and the destruction of the Twin Towers on 11th of September 2001, terrorism was declared the number one enemy to the peace and stability of the modern world.
  • Time Value of Money – Preparing for Home Ownership The purchase price of the house is determined by using the following formula in Excel. 66 The down payment is 20% of the future value of the house, i.e, $40,278.13.
  • Martin Van Buren: Money and Indian Relocation One of the reasons for such collaboration and understanding is the focus on the values we have. I believe this path will bring us to the land we all would like to live in.
  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Money is a determinant of the propensity to consume; hence, the more money one makes, the more that he or she consumes and the converse is the case.
  • The Practice of Saving Money Knowledge of the language is also a very crucial component of EAP as it aids the learner in understanding questions and responding to them in their examinations.another differentiating factor between the two varieties of English […]
  • Money Market and Value-Based Pricing Consequently, the GDP can be defined by the equation: Y=C+I+G+NX where: Y= Total GDP, C=Consumption by household, I=Investment, G=Government expenditure, NX=Net Exports Net Domestic product entails the reduction of the GDP by the depreciation of […]
  • How Money Markets Operate? Furthermore, only free markets have shown the resilience that is necessary to accompany the fluctuations in demand and supply of the money markets.
  • Access Right to Money: Sculpture Theft Among the suspects, there are those in dire need of the money due to financial problems, while others need the values worth of the item and not the actual monetary price attached to the item.
  • History of Money in Spain The production of coins melted from gold also ceased in the year 1904, with the production of that melted from silver ceasing in the year 1910.
  • Money Flows and Financial Repression in the US and China From the article, the authors depict how the interest rates in developed countries like the United States compare with those of the emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil.
  • Management: “Marketplace Money” and “Undercover Boss” In this case, the accents are made on the support of the healthy workforce in order to guarantee the better employees’ performance and on the idea of rewards as the important aspects to stimulate the […]
  • Money Compensation for Student-Athletes Besides, sports are highly lucrative for colleges, and students whose labor brings the revenues should share the part of them not to lose the interest in such activities.
  • Chapters 1-3 of “Money Mechanics” by David Ashby The retained amount of money in the commercial bank is the primary reserve. The banks can decide to reduce their working reserve, and the money obtained is transferred to the excess reserve fund in accounts […]
  • Banking in David Ashby’s “Money Mechanics” Changes in prices may not have a direct effect on the gross domestic product and the planned expenditures because this is determined by the money that is in supply. This causes the GDP and prices […]
  • Karl Marx on Commodities, Labor, and Money Division of labour is very important in the production of commodities. The use-value of each commodity contains useful labour.
  • The UAE Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing This valuation of the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism government of the United Arab Emirates is founded on the forty endorsements and the nine special commendations on extremist supporting of the monetary […]
  • UAE Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Their Benefits The legal maintenance of counteraction to the legalization of criminal incomes is carried out by means of a system of laws and regulations, controlling financial, bank, and customs relations and establishing the order of licensing […]
  • Money, Their Features, Functions and Importance The first hindrance is the inability of the household to monitor the activities of firms. In this case, it is used to state the value of debt.
  • Happiness Without Money in Sociology and Psychology The tendency’s mechanics are simple – being in the possession of any substantial sum of money increases a person’s chance to secure a dominant status within the society, which in turn will result in strengthening […]
  • Money Market Development Factors The money market is one of the fundamental elements in the functioning of any state. Under these conditions, the gradual rise of technologies and their implementation in the sphere of financial operations alter the money […]
  • “God’ Money is Now My Money” by Stanley Seat It could be said that different priorities and the lack of time for supervision of the employees are the critical reasons for the violation of rules and high frequency of fraud in the religious institutions […]
  • International Money Laundering Thus, money laundering has a profound impact on the state of the global economy, as well as on the economy of the U.S.
  • Cybercrime and Digital Money Laundering The result of the investigation was the indictment of Western Express and a number of the company’s clients for several charges including stolen credit card data trafficking and money laundering.
  • Hawala Remittance System: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance The existence and operation of money remittance systems is one of the primary features of developing economic relation at all scales from local to the global ones.
  • Time Value of Money in Economies of Scale Also, the investigation of the VoF becomes easier by means of scrutinizing the tradeoff between the TVM and the EoS. The TVM is also employed to reach the integration of infrastructure investment valuation and risk […]
  • Time Value of Money in Investment Planning The author of the post makes a good point that an amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.
  • David Leonhardt: May Be Money Does Buy Happiness After All The case study of Japanese citizens that support Easterlin paradox do not factor in the confounding psychological effects of the Second World War on the entire population and the country.
  • Illegal Drug Use, Prostitution and Money Laundering Upon discussing the impact of money laundering, illegal drugs, and prostitution, the paper proposes the issuing of a court order restraining the use of wealth acquired from victimless crimes as one of the approaches to […]
  • Getting Beyond: Show Me the Money Nevertheless, underpayment and overpayment are common, leading to dissatisfaction. Notably, compensation is part culture, but analytics will gain traction in the big data era, as start-ups leverage such advantages from experts to manage a sales […]
  • Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money? According to Ehrenfreund, the ingenuity to develop technologies and work in space is part of the progress that comes from space programs. Space programs have led to the development of technologies that improve air transport.
  • “The Money Machine: How the City Works” by Coggan The media plays a chief role in educating the public concerning the various financial matters that affect the undertakings of the City.
  • Money Evolution in Ancient Times and Nowadays In the means to defining what money is, most of the scholars from the psychological and physiological field have come up with the theoretical aspects of money and the ways it influences the economic growth […]
  • Fraud and Crime Theory in the “Black Money” Movie The movie shows the irregularities involved in the acquisition of arms for the Saudi government. The movie is a perfect display of the international crimes and financial fraud that has been on the rise in […]
  • Mercantilism, Stamped Money, and Under-Consumption It is paramount to note that he criticizes ideas of Ricardo quite frequently, and he believed that he did not consider the ideas that were suggested by other prominent economists.
  • Money Evolution in the 21st Century and Before The history of the world cannot be described effectively without identifying the function of money. Money has been used to measure the value of resources and financial markets.
  • Financial Crisis in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money” By Ferguson, the main purpose of the historian is to relieve humanity from the financial illusions on the examples of the past.
  • Monetary Policy in “The Ascent of Money” by Ferguson The rise of Babylon is closely linked to the evolution of the concept of debt and credit; without bond markets and banks, the brilliance of the Italians would not have materialized; the foundation of the […]
  • The Airtel Money Service: Indian and African Paths When comparing the Indian and African paths in introducing the service, the first difference that arises is the main user of the service as in the case of India, it was the lower middle class.
  • Money History, Ethical and Social Standarts These moral preconditions of the emergence of money, the social conventions that regulate and control it, and the evolvement of its status in the present-day world can be regarded as the most significant events in […]
  • World Money History in the 20th Century and New Objects of Value
  • Locke’s Work on Interest and Value of Money
  • Money in the “Sheriff of Cape Breton” Case Study
  • Medieval England in “Treatise on the New Money”
  • Blowing Bubbles in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money”
  • Treatise on the New Money: Document Analysis
  • Human Bondage in Ferguson’s “The Ascent of Money”
  • Money History, Bonds, Market Bubbles, and Risks
  • Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream
  • Deflation in the Quantity Theory of Money
  • Money, Its Purpose and Significance in History
  • “Who Stole the Money, and When?” by Greenberg
  • Money History From the Middle Ages to Mercantilism
  • Money Development From 600 BC to Nowadays
  • Money Development and Its Stages in World History
  • Market Society in “What Money Can’t Buy” by Sandels
  • Employee Theft in “Who Stole the Money, and When?”
  • European Union Anti-Money Laundering Directive
  • T-Shirts “SENIOR 2016” and Time Value of Money
  • Time and Money in “Neptune’s Brood” by Charles Stross
  • “College Is a Waste of Time and Money” by Bird
  • Virgin Money Company’s Business Model in Canada
  • Money in History and World Cultures
  • Is College Education Worth the Money
  • Weddings, Marriage, and Money in the UAE
  • Money and Happiness Connection – Philosophy
  • The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
  • “Art for Money’s Sake” by William Alden
  • Money’s and Banking’ Concepts
  • Central Bank of Bahrain and Money Supply Regulation
  • Psychological Research: Money Can Buy Happiness
  • Finance: The History of Money
  • Finance in the Book “The Ascent of Money” by Niall Ferguson
  • Criminal Law: Blood Money From the Human Organs Sale
  • Money as an Emerging Market Phenomenon
  • Cyber-Crime – New Ways to Steal Identity and Money
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/

"260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.

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Published: Dec 18, 2018

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Works Cited

  • Fidelity Investments. (2022). Understanding investment options. https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/investment-products
  • Investopedia. (2022). How to invest in stocks. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/06/invest1000.asp
  • Kiyosaki, R. T. (1997). Rich dad poor dad. Tech Press.
  • Mullainathan, S., & Shafir, E. (2013). Scarcity: Why having too little means so much. Macmillan.
  • O’Leary, K. (2011). Cold hard truth: On business, money & life. Doubleday Canada.
  • Ramit Sethi. (2019). I will teach you to be rich: No guilt, no excuses-just a 6-week program that works. Workman Publishing Company.
  • Seligman, M. E. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Free Press.
  • The Balance. (2022). Guide to investing.
  • The Penny Hoarder. (2022). Make money online. https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/make-money/
  • The Simple Dollar. (2022). Investing.

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Essay on Money Management

Students are often asked to write an essay on Money Management in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Money Management

Understanding money management.

Money management is about how you handle your cash. It’s like a game plan for spending, saving, and making sure you have enough for important things. You keep track of what you earn and make smart choices on what to buy.

Saving Money

Saving means putting money aside for later. Each time you get money, you should save a part of it. This can help you buy big things in the future or have money in case of emergencies.

Spending Wisely

When you spend, think about what you need versus what you want. Needs are things like food and clothes, while wants are extras. Always try to spend less money than you have.

Making a Budget

A budget is a plan for your money. You write down how much money you get and then plan how to spend it. Sticking to a budget helps you not run out of money.

Investing is using your money to try and make more money. It can be risky, so learn and start small. It’s a way to grow your savings over time.

250 Words Essay on Money Management

What is money management.

Money management means taking care of your money. It’s like knowing how to use your pocket money wisely. You plan how to spend it, save some, and make sure you have enough for things you need.

Saving is putting money aside for later. Imagine you want a new toy or a book. If you save a little bit of your money every time you get some, soon you will have enough to buy what you want. It’s like filling a piggy bank; drop by drop, it gets full.

When you spend money, think about what you’re buying. Ask yourself if you really need it or if it’s just something you want because it looks cool. Sometimes, waiting before buying something helps you decide if it’s important.

A budget is a plan for your money. You write down how much money you get and then list the things you need to spend money on, like food, school supplies, and clothes. If you plan it right, you can also save some money.

Why It Matters

Handling money well is a big part of life. When you learn about it while you’re young, you get better at making good choices with money when you’re older. It means you won’t run out of money when you need it, and you can even help others. Plus, you’ll feel proud that you can take care of your money all by yourself.

500 Words Essay on Money Management

Money management means taking care of your money. It’s like being the boss of your own cash. You decide what to do with it: spend it now, save for something big later, or even put some away for times when you might need it urgently. It’s important because it helps you make sure you always have enough money for the things you need and want.

Creating a Budget

Think of a budget as a spending plan. It tells you how much money you have, where it needs to go, and what you can spend without running out. To make a budget, list all the money you get, like allowance or birthday cash. Then, write down what you need to spend money on, like school lunches or saving for a new bike. What’s left is your spending money. Remember, a good budget helps you not spend more than you have.

Saving is like planting a seed that grows into a money tree over time. When you save, you set money aside for later. You might save for a game, a trip, or just to have some extra cash when you need it. A good tip is to decide on a certain amount to save each time you get money. This way, saving becomes a regular habit, just like brushing your teeth.

Smart Spending

Smart spending doesn’t mean you never buy fun things. It means thinking carefully before you buy. Ask yourself: Do I really need this? Will I use it a lot? Could I find it cheaper somewhere else? Sometimes, waiting a bit before you buy can help you decide if it’s really worth it.

Understanding Needs vs. Wants

Needs are things you must have to live, like food, a home, and clothes. Wants are extra things that are nice to have but you could live without, like toys and video games. Good money management means taking care of needs first and then seeing if there’s money left for wants.

Dealing with Emergencies

Emergencies are like unexpected storms that can shake up your money plans. It could be a broken bike or a lost school book. This is why you have savings. If you’ve saved up, you can handle these surprises without getting stressed.

Making Money Grow

You can make your money grow by investing, but this can be tricky. It’s like giving your money a job where it can earn more money for you. Talk to a grown-up and learn about things like bank accounts that earn interest. This means the bank pays you a little bit for keeping your money there.

Sharing and Giving

Money isn’t just for spending on ourselves. Sharing with others can make us feel good. You might give some money to help people in need or support a cause you care about. This is a part of money management, too, because it’s about deciding how to use your money to make a difference.

Managing money is a big responsibility, but it’s also a powerful skill. When you learn to manage your money well, you’re in control. You can reach your goals, handle emergencies, and even help others. Start practicing these money management tips, and you’ll be on your way to being a money management pro!

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If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Money And Happiness
  • Essay on Modesty
  • Essay on Modernism

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How I Spent My Pocket Money (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


If you had your own pocket money, how would you spend it?

This essay focuses on how to spend money, and how to do so wisely. In this piece, we share a person’s experience of being taught to spend money wisely and what he would buy when he was given a regular allowance.

Writing an essay on what you would spend your money on? We can help. Go to EssayBasics.com to learn more about our essay writing services . We can help you express yourself by pairing you with a writer who has some experience in your chosen topic.

How I Spend My Money essay

One of the most exciting events in a young one’s life is when their parents give them an allowance. No matter the amount, an allowance gives us the opportunity to spend on small things that make us happy as a child.

The joy that an allowance brings is more than just the amount itself. It’s really rooted in the experience one gets in choosing how to spend it. First, there’s the anticipation of receiving an allowance. Next, there’s the excitement of thinking about all the things you’ve been wanting to get for yourself. Third, there’s the delight of actually receiving the allowance. Finally, there’s the sheer thrill of choosing what to buy and taking it home.

How and when an allowance is given, and how much is gifted to the child, depends on the guardians’ principles. There are those who provide an allowance for children to buy basic needs. But there are some who might give a little extra to give the child an opportunity to learn how to handle money well.

It must be said that not all children are privileged to have an allowance to spend on themselves. If they come from a poor family, the guardians may not have any extra finances to give. They may save up for this just once in a while.

Woman Giving 10 Dollars to a Girl

I am very blessed that my parents gave me an allowance on a regular basis. My allowance has really taught me financial stewardship at a very young age. They also allowed me to make decisions regarding my finances, even if I made mistakes.

Saving Money at a Young Age

While my allowance isn’t a fixed amount, I have since learned that the first thing I should do is set aside a portion of it for savings. I get a third of whatever amount I get and earmark it for saving.

Copper-colored Coin Lot

To make sure that I won’t be tempted to use it, my mom helped me open a bank account where I deposit the money. They opened a time deposit account, which means I cannot just withdraw from it anytime. Whenever I hesitated to go to the bank, my dad would remind me that my small deposits would turn into one big bulk of cash that could someday be used for a rainy day, or for strategic investments.

How I Spend Money with Whatever is Left

With what’s left of my allowance, I usually buy books. These are mainly documentary magazines, which I read during my leisure time. It is actually one of my hobbies. I have made it a personal tradition to always purchase a documentary magazine each time I get my regular allowance. I particularly enjoy news magazines and feature magazines. I am a lover of general knowledge. I love knowing about everything, how and why things are the way they are – whether about nature, politics, science, or geography. It is always a first on my list of hobbies.

The other bit of my regular allowance goes towards the purchase of snacks. I love yogurt and ice cream. The refrigerator at home always has a shelf specifically reserved for my yogurts.

The remainder of my allowance goes towards others. These include my family and friends. I try to buy them something nice as a way of thanking them for taking good care of me.

I also go out of the way to purchase some gifts for my siblings as well as my parents. I want to gift them with simple things, even if they were the ones who gave me my allowance. Doing this for them gives me so much satisfaction since I love making them happy. After all, what is life without happy family and friends?

Regular allowances taught me how to make wise spending decisions. I know how to handle and spend my cash, whatever amount it might be. Therefore, I am confident that when I start handling larger amounts of money in the future, I won’t be as overwhelmed. I will make it a point to remember the financial lessons I’ve learned as a child. I hope to also be able to teach others who to use their money wisely.

Short Essay About What You Would Spend Your Money On

Did you grow up being taught about the value of saving money? If you were like me, your mom and dad probably gave you a regular allowance. They also probably gave you free rein to use your money in whatever way.

Growing up, I deposited regular amounts into my savings account the moment my allowance was handed to me. I did not want to be tempted to splurge on all the food I was craving for while holding all of my money. Personally, apart from fast food, I enjoyed treating myself to books. In fact, I made it a regular tradition to purchase a book every time I got my allowance.

I remember being taught how to make a personal budget out of my allowance. Exactly how much money was given to me didn’t matter as much as the main principle they passed on: save money. They didn’t care if I used the rest of my allowance on junk food or other types of impulse buying. All that mattered to them was whether or not I set aside a portion to put in a savings account. And so I did.

How To Write An Essay About Money

There are so many ways to write a piece about finances. It depends on the lens you are viewing the topic from. Are you an adult looking back at your childhood and remembering important lessons learned? Are you a financial expert looking to give some advice on how to maximize your cash? Are you a student wanting to teach people how to set aside an amount in case of an emergency? Are you a parent who discovered creative hacks in your finances to make ends meet? Find your angle and work it.

How To Spend Money Wisely As A Teenager

When you are young and still living under your guardians’ roof, thinking about contingencies or other things you may be needing to buy before your next allowance comes may not come naturally to you. It is so important to learn how to handle your personal finances even at that age because that sets the direction of your spending in the future. When you start getting a monthly income, the weight of the responsibility is even greater as you start to live independently. Even as a teenager, learn to set financial goals and think of the long game. Even if you have to put money inside a piggy bank to avoid temptation, do so. Track your expenses and make adjustments according to your level of contentment. Learn the art of investing from an expert. Finally, don’t shop ’till you drop. It’s a trap.

essay on how to make money

essay on how to make money

How To Make Money From Home: 20 Easy Ways

I f you are wondering how to make money from home, you are in luck as there are now more options than ever. These options might appeal to specific talents and skills you already have, while others can be achieved by just about anyone who might be interested in taking on the task. 

Read: How To Build Your Savings From Scratch

How To Make Money From Home: 20 Best Ways

Whether it’s monetizing your passion project, starting a blog or even just opening an online store, there are many easy ways to make money from home. Here are 20 great part-time or full-time ways to earn money while working from home: 

  • Recycle old electronics
  • Social media management
  • Coding 
  • Virtual assistant
  • Dog walking and pet sitting
  • Proofreading
  • Medical transcription
  • Test websites or new products
  • Sell used items
  • Take surveys
  • Online tutor
  • Virtual recruiter 
  • Technical writer
  • Graphic designer
  • Monetize your hobbies
  • Rent out rooms in your home
  • Affiliate marketing 

1. Recycle Old Electronics

There’s nothing like working from home while helping clean it out in the process. Especially if you’ve got a stash of unused electronics collecting dust . There are many companies that will buy old electronics, like iPads, phones and other outdated devices. You can even list them for sale on online marketplaces.

2. Social Media Management

Social media accounts are everywhere and everyone has them. This makes it a ripe space to charge for your skill set if you have expertise in this area. As a social media manager, you would be in charge of expanding the online presence and brand awareness of your customers. 

The intention behind this is to increase sales or attract new customers. If you expand their following or base, they’ll make more money, and if they make more money it’s a good sign that they will also increase your rate of pay. 

3. Data Entry

Many businesses need help inputting data and it is something that can be done remotely. If you have a computer and an eye for detail, you might be right at home with this side hustle. To land a data entry job, you should look for postings on reliable job boards and be prepared to take an entry test.

As technology continues to play a bigger part in everyday life, there will always be a need for people to help build and maintain the systems that keep things running.

Julia Taylor, founder of GeekPack , said, “Knowing how to code and build websites is a skill that allows you to work from home at your own pace and on your own schedule.” She also said, “It’s not unusual for new coders to make double their salary in the 9-to-5 world in their first month of coding. And while it’s a highly in-demand skill, it’s not difficult to learn, akin to learning a second language, as that’s really what code is like.”

5. Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistants are another in-demand profession. “The market is hot for virtual assistants who can build automations for clients, segment email lists and create integrations that every business owner dreams of so they can automate their business to save time and money,” said The OBM Office LLC owner, LaToya Russell. For this side hustle, you might even take advantage of ChatGPT to help you with your daily tasks.

6. Dog Walking and Pet Sitting

While this one technically involves leaving your house, if you’re an animal lover, dog-walking can be a lucrative source of income. You can get started dog walking by posting ads on Craigslist or Rover.

If you establish a list of clients with whom you have a good rapport with both the pet and owner, you could also parlay that into pet sitting. You could do this from your own home and it’s an easy way to rack up the hours and make some passive income. For example, you could charge $200 per day. If you pet-sat during the week for five days, you could earn an additional $1,000 that week. 

7. Proofreading

For all the grammar enthusiasts out there, there are plenty of proofreading jobs that have been outsourced to freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. Before you pick up assignments, make sure you understand the compensation and time that it will take you to complete it.

8. Medical Transcriptionist

Medical transcriptionists transcribe and type up the medical reports of physicians and other healthcare practitioners. It’s pretty straightforward work that is well suited to you if you have strong typing skills and some knowledge of medical terminology. When you transcribe, you write down and record what has been dictated to you for filing purposes.

9. Test Websites and New Products

Companies are always on the lookout for consumer input on their new products. And, as Oak View Law Principal Attorney, Lyle Solomon pointed out, these new inventions “are usually subjected to numerous rounds of testing,” which could translate to a payday for you. 

Solomon also said, “These stages of testing ensure that every bug is discovered before the product reaches paying customers. Most of the time, brands will offer you to try out new products. Toluna, Nielsen, Vindale Research and Pinecone Research are just a few platforms that might assist you in finding goods to test for extra cash.”

In the same vein, testing websites can also benefit a company by helping them create a user-friendly platform. You can seek out companies looking for this specific type of feedback and help to earn some extra money.

10. Sell Your Used Items

Electronics aren’t the only thing that can help bring in cash while you’re at home. You can sell gently-used items on platforms like ThredUP, Poshmark or Mercari .

If you wanted to start smaller and more locally you could even list a few things on Facebook Marketplace. It’s an easy move to make a little extra cash, especially if you already have a Facebook account. 

11. Take Surveys

For anyone who’s already prone to hanging around at home with their phone or laptop, online surveys can be a lucrative money-maker. There are plenty of legitimate survey sites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie. Some of these sites pay you for doing more than just surveys. You could be paid for playing games or shopping.

12. Online Tutor 

Many students seek guidance to get help with or further expand upon varying school subject matters. This is where being an online tutor can be both in demand and lucrative. You can assist them in preparation for standardized tests, but also help them to help with their general classwork and curriculum. 

As for pricing, depending on your skill set or area of expertise, your rates can vary. For some specialized help with certain tests, you could charge $50 hourly. This would mean if you did a two-hour tutoring session you could earn $100 that day for just that session. 

13. Virtual Recruiter 

If you have a background in human resources, you could transition well into virtual recruiting from home. These specialists seek out viable candidates for job openings through social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Indeed. Many organizations pay virtual recruiters to ensure jobs are being filled by qualified candidates.

14. Technical Writer 

Technical writers have high earning potential performing online duties such as creating support documents that make technical jargon easier to understand. They may also write copy for instructional manuals, journal articles, appendices and maintenance documents. This is a great opportunity for writers to get paid for their abilities. 

15. Bookkeeper 

If you are a person who loves organization and computing data, bookkeeping could be the gig for you. This position can be worked from anywhere but often requires a degree in accounting or another related business degree. Some tasks bookkeepers perform include keeping track of payroll, inventory, expenses or any other piece of financial information. 

16. Graphic Designer 

You can create and sell your graphic designing skills online in many ways. If you have a talent for creating custom logos, images, menus and landing pages, just to name a few, you can charge companies who require these services directly. You can also freelance through platforms such as Fivver. Graphic designers are in demand for both commercial and promotional needs.

17. Translator

If you are bilingual or speak multiple languages, translation or interpreting is a great way to make some passive income. To monetize this skill you take written text or audio files in one language and translate them into another language for companies or individuals. 

18. Monetize Your Hobbies

Any number of hobbies can be turned into some cash on the side. Depending on what you do to pass the time, you can look into sites like Etsy and SoundCloud. These offer endless opportunities for just about any kind of hobby.

19. Rent Out Rooms in Your Home 

Taking on housemates can be a great way to not only help cover or contribute to your rent or mortgage payments but also help subsidize your monthly utility bills. If you have an extra room in your house, you can rent it out through platforms like Airbnb or even take on a full-time roommate to help split some of your costs. 

20. Affiliate Marketing 

With affiliate marketing, you promote the products and services of other companies on your social media platforms or blog. When a subscriber clicks one of your affiliate links and makes a purchase, you’ll earn a percentage of the money they spent. You can do this from home and don’t have to create or sell your own products or services so it’s quite simple to sit back and make some extra cash.

Final Take To GO

Figuring out how to make money from home is easy these days since remote work has grown so rapidly. You can apply your current skills or learn new ones in many online opportunities and occupations. Making money from home is now more than just a luxury, it is also an ample breeding ground for increasing your income. 

  • An easy way to make $100 in one day is to tutor. For specialized help with certain tests, you could charge $50 hourly. This would mean if you did a two-hour tutoring session, you could earn $100.
  • Pet sitting is one way to make $1,000 in one week from home. If you charge $200 per day and pet-sat for five days, you could earn $1,000.
  • To earn $1,000 per day from home, you might have to take on a few side gigs. If you pet sit, did a few technical writing assignments and sold a few of your items, you could earn quite a bit in one day from home.

Caitlyn Moorhead contributed to the reporting for this article.

This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com : How To Make Money From Home: 20 Easy Ways

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If you’re in the fortunate position to have a bit of extra income that isn’t earmarked for expenses and you’re wondering what to do with it, there are a number of options to grow your money .

We asked financial experts to explain the 10 smartest ways to make your money work for you.

Open a High-Yield Savings Account

If you have your money in traditional savings accounts, you’re missing out on interest you could be earning. Enter a high-yield savings account , which functions the same as a regular savings account except that it offers a greater annual percentage yield.

You do have to pay taxes on that interest, but it’s likely to still net you more money than a regular account. And the longer you leave your savings in a high-yield savings account, the more you’ll save with compounding interest.

Create Specific Financial Goals

Setting aside money from each paycheck into a generic savings account can feel unproductive and like there’s no end in sight. In order to make your money work for you, start by outlining specific financial goals you want to work towards.

“Planning for your future financial needs can be difficult without goals or plans to help you visualize how much you have today and how much you will need in the future,” said Adrian Oropeza, head of product at Milli Bank. “If you are looking at purchasing a new car or vacation, you don’t need to know the exact amount. Do some research and get an estimate of how much you need to save and commit to a date.  Each month allocate money towards your goal and track your progress. As you get closer you can adjust as needed.”

Automate Your Finances

In this digital age, it’s now incredibly easy to automate your finances in just about every way you can imagine, from automatic bill payments to automatic investment contributions.

“The hardest part of saving for something is remembering to do it each month before you spend it on something else,” Oropeza said. “Automating your saving reduces the chance that you will use it on something that will give you short-term happiness but keeps you further from what might matter more to your long-term financial goals.”

Plan for Each Dollar

To make your money work for you, have a plan for each dollar that comes in.

“ Have you ever heard that every dollar you earn should have a job? It may sound odd, but it helps you make sure that your money is working for you,” said Bethany Wilson, head of marketing at Milli Bank. “By outlining where each dollar of your paycheck goes (ex: mortgage, groceries, college savings, etc.) you’ll have an opportunity to put excess funds into a savings account or invest it, giving you more money for the things that matter most. Create your savings goals and rank those goals by what is most important to you. From there, assign each dollar to the goal you want it to help you achieve!”

Get Rid of Your High-Cost Debt

You can’t grow wealth into the future if debt is holding you back, said Christopher Sioco, COO of Parachor Consulting.

“High-cost debt kills long-term wealth,” he said, pointing out that credit cards typically have interest charges as high as 35% per year while a personal loan could have interest charges of 20%.

“With such high-interest rates on loans, you cannot create wealth,” he said. “Get rid of high-cost debt as soon as possible. By paying off a credit card in full, you earn 35% on your investment and can put the savings to better use.”

Invest in Real Estate

If you have enough money to make down payments on property, investing in real estate is a great way to make your money work for you, said Omer Reiner, president of FL Cash Home Buyers, LLC, a real estate investment company.

“When you own a property,” Reiner said, “you control how you want to make money from it. You can rent it out, fix it up to sell it, add value to increase rents, etc.”

Invest in the Stock Market

To really grow your money, your best bet is to invest in the stock market , by purchasing individual ETF’s (exchange traded funds) and mutual funds in a “model portfolio,” according to Johnny Medina, CEO of Nabla Financial.

“The general concept is very simple: Save at least 10% of your gross income. Invest the savings with a long-term mindset and leave it to compounding to do the rest.”

For example, if you start with $10,000, save $1,000 each month and invest in a portfolio that will yield 10%. After 30 years, you would have $2.3 million.

Invest in S&P Funds

Another type of fund likely to yield good, reliable results — and which historically yields an average 11% annual return — is the S&P fund.

According to Andrew Lokenauth, CEO of Fluent in Finance, “The S&P 500 comprises 500 of America’s largest companies, across all 11 industries. Investing in the S&P 500 is an easy and stress-free way to invest for the majority of people, because you’re not betting on a single company but 500 of America’s largest companies.”

Invest in Indexed Mutual Funds

Indexed mutual funds are also a great way to grow wealth, advised Carter Seuthe, CEO of Credit Summit. These funds work by investing equally in every stock in a given exchange, such as the Dow Jones or the NASDAQ, he explained.

“They have consistently been shown to outperform most actively managed investment accounts,” he said, “and come with the added benefit of avoiding the fees that come with intensive management.”

Indexed mutual funds provide a good return without a huge amount of risk, he added.

Use a Rewards Credit Card and Pay It Off Each Month

Aside from saving and investing, a simple way to earn money is to use a rewards credit card without an annual fee, “an excellent tool for financial growth,” said Kasey Ring, personal finance expert at Upward Personal Finance.

As long as you pay off your balance each month, she said, “You can add hundreds to your bottom line each month just by spending your money with a different tool. It takes discipline, but getting rewards for using the bank’s money free of charge every month makes sense and financially savvy people do this.”

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NCAA signs off on deal that would change landscape of college sports — paying student-athletes

A major change could be coming for college athletes — they may soon start getting paid.

A tentative agreement announced Thursday by the NCAA and the country’s five biggest conferences to a series of antitrust lawsuits could direct millions of dollars directly to athletes as soon as fall 2025.

The nearly $2.8 billion settlement, which would be paid out over the next decade to 14,000 former and current student-athletes, “is an important step in the continuing reform of college sports that will provide benefits to student-athletes and provide clarity in college athletics across all divisions for years to come,” NCAA President Charlie Baker said in a joint statement Thursday night with the commissioners of the ACC, the Big 10, the Big 12, the Pac-12 and the SEC.

The federal judge overseeing the case must still sign off on the agreement, but if it is approved, it would signal a major shift in college sports in which students would play for compensation, not just scholarships, exposure and opportunities.

“This landmark settlement will bring college sports into the 21st century, with college athletes finally able to receive a fair share of the billions of dollars of revenue that they generate for their schools,” said Steve Berman, one of the lead attorneys for the plaintiffs. “Our clients are the bedrock of the NCAA’s multibillion-dollar business and finally can be compensated in an equitable and just manner for their extraordinary athletic talents.”

The NCAA and power conferences called the settlement a “road map” that would allow the uniquely American institution to provide unmatched opportunity for millions of students and write the “next chapter of college sports.”

The case, which was set to go to trial early next year, was brought by a former and a current college athlete who said the NCAA and the five wealthiest conferences improperly barred athletes from earning endorsement money. Former Arizona State swimmer Grant House and Sedona Prince, a former Oregon and current TCU basketball player, also contended in their suit that athletes were entitled to a piece of the billions of dollars the NCAA and those conferences earn from media rights agreements with television networks.

Michael McCann, a legal analyst and sports reporter at Sportico , told NBC News in an interview on Top Story with Tom Llamas the case has two components that “move away from amateurism” — one that deals with how players are paid for the past loss of earnings, including money they could have made for name, image and likeness.

“The going forward part is that colleges can opt in, conferences can opt in, as well, to pay players, to share revenue with them, to have direct pay, and that would be of course a radical from the traditions of college sports,” McCann said, adding many would say that change is warranted. “Now the athletes, at least at some schools, will get a direct stake.”

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Terms of the deal were not disclosed, though some details have emerged in the past few weeks. They signal the end of the NCAA’s bedrock amateurism model that dates to its founding in 1906. Indeed, the days of NCAA punishment for athletes driving booster-provided cars started vanishing three years ago when the organization  lifted restrictions on endorsement deals  backed by so-called name, image and likeness, or NIL, money.

Now it is not far-fetched to look ahead to seasons when a star quarterback or a top prospect on a college basketball team not only is cashing in big-money NIL deals but also has a $100,000 school payment in the bank to play.

A host of  details are still to be determined . The agreement calls for the NCAA and the conferences to pay $2.77 billion over 10 years to more than 14,000 former and current college athletes who say now-defunct rules prevented them from earning money from endorsement and sponsorship deals dating to 2016.

Some of the money would come from NCAA reserve funds and insurance, but even though the lawsuit specifically targeted five conferences that comprise 69 schools (including Notre Dame),  dozens of other NCAA member schools  would get smaller distributions from the NCAA to cover the mammoth payout.

Schools in the Big Ten, the Big 12 and the Atlantic Coast and Southeastern conferences would end up bearing the brunt of the settlement at a cost of about $300 million apiece over 10 years, the majority of which would be paid to athletes going forward.

The Pac-12 is also part of the settlement, with all 12 current schools sharing responsibility even though Washington State and Oregon State will be the only league members left by this fall after the 10 other schools leave.

Paying athletes

In the new compensation model, each school would be permitted but not required to set aside up to $21 million in revenue to share with athletes per year, though as revenues rose, so could the cap.

Athletes in all sports would be eligible for payments, and schools would be given the freedom to decide how the money is divvied up among sports programs. Roster restrictions would replace scholarship limits by sport.

McCann said the back pay would disproportionately go to some sports — such as football and basketball.

“The schools that I think that are certainly big football schools will probably opt in because they’re going to want to compete, they’re going to want to get the best players, because college football generates a lot of revenue,” he said. 

Whether the new compensation model is subject to the Title IX gender equity law is unknown, along with whether schools would be able to bring NIL activities in-house as they hope and squeeze out the booster-run collectives that have sprouted up in the last few years to pay athletes. Both topics could lead to more lawsuits.

“There are all sorts of areas of turbulence that could present themselves,” McCann said of roadblocks that could arise.

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Other cases

The settlement is expected to cover two  other antitrust cases  facing the NCAA and major conferences that challenge athlete compensation rules. Hubbard v. the NCAA and Carter v. the NCAA are also in front of judges in the Northern District of California.

A fourth case, Fontenot v. NCAA, creates a potential complication, as it remains in a Colorado court after a judge  denied a request  to combine it with Carter. Whether Fontenot becomes part of the settlement is unknown, and it matters because the NCAA and its conferences don’t want to be on the hook for more damages should they lose in court.

“We’re going to continue to litigate our case in Colorado and look forward to hearing about the terms of a settlement proposal once they’re actually released and put in front of a court,” said George Zelcs, a plaintiffs’ attorney in Fontenot.

Headed in that direction

The solution agreed to in the settlement is a landmark but not surprising. College sports have been trending in this direction for years, with athletes receiving more and more monetary benefits and rights they say were long overdue.

In December, Baker, the former governor of Massachusetts who has been on the job for 14 months,  proposed creating a new tier of Division I athletics  in which the schools with the most resources would be required to pay at least half their athletes $30,000 per year. That suggestion, along with many other possibilities, remains under discussion.

The settlement would not make every issue facing college sports go away. There is still a question of whether athletes should be  deemed employees  of their schools, which Baker and other college sports leaders  are fighting.

Some type of federal legislation or antitrust exemption would most likely still be needed to codify the terms of the settlement, protect the NCAA from future litigation and pre-empt state laws that attempt to neuter the organization’s authority. As it is,  the NCAA still faces lawsuits  that challenge its ability to govern itself, including setting rules limiting multiple-time transfers.

“This settlement is also a road map for college sports leaders and Congress to ensure this uniquely American institution can continue to provide unmatched opportunity for millions of students,” the joint statement said. “All of Division I made today’s progress possible, and we all have work to do to implement the terms of the agreement as the legal process continues. We look forward to working with our various student-athlete leadership groups to write the next chapter of college sports.”

Federal lawmakers have indicated they would like to get something done, but while  several bills have been introduced , none have gone anywhere.

Despite the unanswered questions, one thing is clear: Major college athletics is about to become more like professional sports than ever before.

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Question Everything: Is it OK to ask how much money people make?

By David Wade

February 6, 2023 / 7:58 PM EST / CBS Boston

BOSTON -- There are rules in an office. You're not supposed to heat fish in the microwave or talk about how much you make -- but the latter may be going from taboo to the thing to do. 

Asking people how much they make is a hit on TikTok. It appears to be no big deal for younger workers. 

"I'm kind of a 'zillennial' but I think I'm technically Gen Z," Annie said. She is an Emerson College senior who wants to stop salary secrets. 

"We have these things that we consider taboo in society for a long time but the things we don't talk about influence where our inequities come from," she added. 

Annie is one of David Wade's TV reporting students at Emerson. After a tour of the WBZ station to watch a newscast, Annie asked Wade how much he made. 

When that led to an uncomfortable laugh and no answer, Annie brought up salary transparency. Wade then posted the encounter on Twitter and things got a little crazy. 

Recently, one of my college students asked me what my salary was. I laughed. She was serious. She said many younger people are sharing their salary w/ colleagues. Transparency = pay equality. So would you share your salary with a co-worker? Have you? *BTW, I didn't tell her. — David Wade (@davidwade) January 30, 2023

The story generated hundreds of responses, some said there is no way they would share how much they made, and others actually posted their salary. A majority said it's the only way to know if an employer is being fair to all workers. 

One of those tweets was from Dr. Joanne Kamens. For 30 years, Kamens, as a scientist and consultant, has been helping women find the gender pay gap. 

"We have been very bad about equity, super bad, like super terrible," she said. 

To her point, according to the National Women's Law Center, women in Massachusetts make about 81 cents for every dollar a man makes. For Native American women, it's 59 cents; for Black women, it's 57 cents, and for Latina women it's 51 cents. 

"There's going to be a swing and the swing right now is tell people what you make because it's the only way to stop these shenanigans," said Kamens. 

And younger workers are leading the way. According to LinkedIn, 80% of Gen Z and 75% of Millenials think co-workers should be able to tell each other what they make. There is a big drop for Gen X, only 28% of Baby Boomers think it's a good idea. 

"I think it's a great idea," one woman told WBZ-TV on the street. "It's frustrating when you are working and you don't know if the other person is paying the same money or not." 

While some people were happy to tell WBZ-TV their salary, some had a fear that the information would be used against them.

State Rep. Brandy Fluker Oakley is the co-sponsor of a bill that would have Massachusetts join several other states in requiring employers to post a salary range for every job opening. No guessing. No having to ask the other guy what he makes. 

"It's also a common-sense measure to ensure that employers and employees are speaking the same language when it comes to salary expectations. Sometimes you might think a job with a certain title pays this much and the employers says we've only budgeted that much -- simply putting it on the listing makes it way easier," said Fluker. 

David Turetsky from Salary.com said companies openly talking about salary makes sense, but if you want to talk to coworkers "tread carefully. Remove emotion and make sure you are talking about facts. Don't make anything up. People find out and get upset. That's why the emotions can get out of control." 

Annie said, "We are kind of going through this movement in society to try and normalize salary transparency because I think it helps to empower the employees instead of the employers." 

Do you have a question that needs answering? Email [email protected]


Multiple award-winning journalist David Wade co-anchors WBZ-TV News at 5, 6 and 11 p.m. with co-anchor Lisa Hughes and chief meteorologist Eric Fisher.

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Rory McIlroy’s estranged wife Erica Stoll was served divorce papers by a private investigator while at their family home in the members-only development, The Bear’s Club, in Jupiter, Fla., on May 13, according to court documents obtained by Irish newspaper The Belfast Telegraph .

McIlroy filed for divorce from Stoll, his wife of seven years, stating the marriage was “irretrievably broken,” and the documents stated the pair  has a prenup.

Stoll was served the legal documents by Carl Woods — a former Palm Beach police officer, who now runs a private practice , CW Services & Associates, which serves the legal community — at 10.30 a.m. on May 13, according to the summons.

Rory McIlroy of Team Europe and wife Erica attend the Gala Dinner prior to the 2023 Ryder Cup at Marco Simone Golf Club on September 27, 2023 in Rome, Italy.

In it, Woods described Stoll as being white with blonde hair, in her 30s, thin, and standing between 5-foot-7 and 5-foot-8 in height. He said she was not wearing glasses.

McIlroy signed the divorce papers digitally while he was playing in the Wells Fargo Championship at Quail Hallow in North Carolina, which he went on to win, on May 9, per court records.

The 35-year-old Northern Irishman filed the papers in Palm Beach County Court through attorney Thomas Sasser, who represented Tiger Woods in his high-profile divorce with Elin Nordegren in 2010.

Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland hits his tee shot on the 9th tee during the Pro-Am of the RBC Canadian Open at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club on May 29, 2024 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Stoll has 20 days to file a written response to McIlroy’s petition with the circuit court clerk from the day she was served, according to the documents.

“A phone call will not protect you,” the summons read. “Your written response, including the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the court to hear your side of the case.

“If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money and property may thereafter be taken without further warning from the court.

“There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book.”

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Stoll has yet to respond to McIlroy’s divorce filing as of May 26, when the report was published.

McIlroy and Stoll are seeking split custody of their daughter Poppy, now 3, whom they welcomed in August 2020, according to his divorce filing.

A week after the split was made public, a report by The Daily Mail said McIlroy and CBS reporter Amanda Balionis were  “the talk of the links”  on the PGA Tour and the two were stirring romance rumors.

The pair has yet to address that report.

McIlroy’s camp released a statement at the time that “stressed Rory’s desire to ensure this difficult time is as respectful and amicable as possible.”

His team added that he would not be commenting further on the matter.

Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland talks with the media following the Pro-Am of the RBC Canadian Open at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club on May 29, 2024 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

McIlroy is set to compete at this week’s RBC Canadian Open, which runs through June 2 at Hamilton Golf and Country Club in Hamilton, Ontario.

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Rory McIlroy of Team Europe and wife Erica attend the Gala Dinner prior to the 2023 Ryder Cup at Marco Simone Golf Club on September 27, 2023 in Rome, Italy.



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    Example 2: "Describe your financial need in 100 words". This essay is even shorter than the financial need statement. It may be one of several short answer questions you need to fill out. Working with 100 words is tricky. That only leaves room for about 7-10 sentences, depending on length.

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    500+ Words Essay on Money. Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today's world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it.

  19. 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

    There are lots of money essay topics for students to explore. You might want to focus on the issue of money management or elaborate on why money is so important nowadays. Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you'll find a list of money topics to write about!

  20. Methods of Making Money: [Essay Example], 568 words

    Methods of Making Money. The part played by money in our everyday life is very important. We need money to sustain ourselves. To buy food and to pay our bills. In this modern world, most of the things that we want, can be obtained with money. Without money, one's life can become a misery.

  21. Essay on Money Management

    100 Words Essay on Money Management Understanding Money Management. Money management is about how you handle your cash. It's like a game plan for spending, saving, and making sure you have enough for important things. You keep track of what you earn and make smart choices on what to buy.

  22. How I Spent My Pocket Money, Essay Sample

    How I Spent My Pocket Money, Essay Sample. 15% First Time Customer Discount. Order now! Fill out the order form step-by-step. We need you to be detailed. Get Custom Essay from: 12.95$.

  23. Empower Your Education: Strategic Tips for Paying for Essays

    Paying for an essay can also be a learning opportunity. Once you receive the completed essay, take the time to review it thoroughly. Analyze the structure, writing style, and how the arguments are presented. This can provide valuable insights and help you improve your own writing skills. Advertisements.

  24. Is it Important, How We Earn Money?

    Definitely, earning money is important. You need money to sustain yourself, yet you should never have the urge to have more than what is required. Be content in what you have and with a little bit of careful analysis and careful spending, one could surely earn enough and more money. One could earn money in many ways.

  25. How To Make Money In College: Top 23 Strategies

    Flexible schedule: Freelancing allows you to work at your own pace and choose assignments based on your availability, making it a perfect fit for college life. Real-world experience: Besides earning, freelancing gives you real-world work experiences and helps build your portfolio. 7. Drive for a rideshare service.

  26. How To Make Money From Home: 20 Easy Ways

    Here are 20 great part-time or full-time ways to earn money while working from home: Recycle old electronics. Social media management. Data entry. Coding. Virtual assistant. Dog walking and pet ...

  27. 10 Smartest Ways To Make Your Money Work for You ...

    Invest in the Stock Market. To really grow your money, your best bet is to invest in the stock market, by purchasing individual ETF's (exchange traded funds) and mutual funds in a "model portfolio," according to Johnny Medina, CEO of Nabla Financial. "The general concept is very simple: Save at least 10% of your gross income.

  28. NCAA signs off on deal that would change landscape of college sports

    Some of the money would come from NCAA reserve funds and insurance, but even though the lawsuit specifically targeted five conferences that comprise 69 schools (including Notre Dame), dozens of ...

  29. Question Everything: Is it OK to ask how much money people make

    By David Wade. February 6, 2023 / 7:58 PM EST / CBS Boston. BOSTON -- There are rules in an office. You're not supposed to heat fish in the microwave or talk about how much you make -- but the ...

  30. Rory McIlroy had private investigator serve wife with divorce papers

    Published May 29, 2024, 12:13 p.m. ET. Rory McIlroy's estranged wife Erica Stoll was served divorce papers by a private investigator while at their family home in the members-only development ...