Talks on water

Dive into these talks about water and humanity’s relationship with this life-sustaining liquid.

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A country with no water

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How I brought a river, and my city, back to life

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How to keep rivers and streams flowing

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Meet the Water Canary

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The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting

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How to make filthy water drinkable

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4 ways we can avoid a catastrophic drought

Edukar India

5 Best Speech on Water [Short & Long]

  • 1 1st Speech on Water (25 Min)
  • 2 2nd Speech on Water (20 Min)
  • 3 3rd Speech on Water (15 Min)
  • 4 4th Speech on Water (10 Min)
  • 5 5th Speech on Water (5 Min)
  • 6.1 What is a speech on water?
  • 6.2 What are some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water?
  • 6.3 What are some tips for delivering a perfect speech on water?
  • 6.4 How can we conserve water in our daily lives?
  • 6.5 What can individuals do to contribute to global efforts to address water issues?

Looking for a powerful speech on water? Edukar has provided the 5 Best speeches on water to describe the importance of water in our lives, the challenges we face in managing our water resources, and the steps we can take to ensure that future generations have access to clean and abundant water.

Speech on Water

1st Speech on Water (25 Min)

Speech on Water

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone,

It is an honor to speak to you today about one of the most essential elements of our planet, water. Water is the foundation of life, and without it, nothing can survive. It is essential to sustain all living organisms and is an essential resource for agriculture, industries, and households.

Water is the most found substance on Earth, covering 71% of the planet’s surface. However, despite its abundance, only a small percentage of water on earth is usable for human consumption. The majority of the water on earth is in the form of saltwater, which is not fit for drinking or irrigation purposes. Therefore, we must manage the available freshwater resources efficiently to ensure sustainable development.

Water scarcity is a growing concern globally, and the problem is not only confined to arid and semi-arid regions. Even countries that have ample water resources face challenges in the equitable distribution of water among all segments of the population. The global population is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and the demand for water is also increasing. Water security is a significant concern in many parts of the world, and it is essential to address this issue before it becomes a crisis.

Water is essential for human health, and inadequate access to clean drinking water can cause various diseases and health problems. Water is also critical for agriculture, which is the primary source of food for the world’s population. Without adequate water resources, farmers cannot grow crops, and food shortages can occur, leading to malnutrition and starvation.

Furthermore, water plays a crucial role in the global economy. Industries rely on water for various purposes, including cooling, processing, and manufacturing. Water is a critical input in the production process, and without it, industries cannot function. The economic cost of water scarcity is enormous, and it can severely impact the overall economic growth of a nation.

It is essential to adopt a sustainable approach towards managing water resources. Governments, civil society organizations, and individuals must work together to ensure the efficient use of water resources. We must also promote responsible water consumption practices to reduce wastage and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water.

In thh end, water is an essential resource for the survival of all living organisms, and it is our responsibility to manage it sustainably. We must work together to address water scarcity and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water. Let us all commit to using water wisely and efficiently, and promote sustainable practices to ensure a better future for generations to come. Thank you.

2nd Speech on Water (20 Min)

Speech on Water

Water is one of the most essential resources we have on this planet. It is the source of all life and is vital for our survival. Yet, despite its importance, we often take it for granted. We turn on the tap, and water flows out without a second thought. But the reality is that access to clean water is a privilege that not everyone enjoys.

Today, I would like to discuss the importance of water and the challenges we face in ensuring that everyone has access to it.

First and foremost, water is necessary for human survival. We need it to drink, to wash, to cook, and to grow our food. But it’s not just us humans who depend on water. Animals and plants also need water to survive. Without water, our entire ecosystem would collapse.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to clean water. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation services. This lack of access to water has a significant impact on people’s health, education, and economic opportunities.

In developing countries, women and children are primarily responsible for fetching water, which can take up to six hours a day. This not only prevents them from going to school but also leaves them vulnerable to health issues due to the unsanitary conditions of the water sources they have to rely on.

Furthermore, the lack of access to clean water can lead to the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. These diseases can be fatal, particularly for children under the age of five. In fact, water-related diseases are responsible for 3.4 million deaths each year.

So, what can we do to ensure that everyone has access to clean water?

1. We need to recognize that access to clean water is a fundamental human right. We need to prioritize providing clean water to those who lack access, particularly in developing countries. Governments and international organizations need to work together to create policies that prioritize water security and invest in the necessary infrastructure to provide clean water to those who need it.

2. We need to be mindful of our water usage. In developed countries, we often take water for granted and waste it without a second thought. We need to recognize that water is a finite resource and that wasting it not only affects our environment but also takes away from those who desperately need it. We can do our part by fixing leaky taps, taking shorter showers, and using water-efficient appliances.

3. We need to invest in water conservation and management. This includes investing in rainwater harvesting systems, improving irrigation techniques, and promoting sustainable farming practices. By conserving water, we can ensure that we have enough water to meet our needs and the needs of future generations.

Finally, water is one of the most essential resources we have on this planet. It is necessary for our survival, and everyone should have access to clean water. We need to prioritize water security, be mindful of our water usage, and invest in water conservation and management. By doing so, we can ensure that everyone has access to this fundamental human right and preserve our planet for future generations. Thank you.

3rd Speech on Water (15 Min)

Speech on Water

Today, I am honored to speak to you about one of the most precious resources on our planet – water. Water is essential for all living beings and is a fundamental need for life. It is a vital resource that we must protect and conserve for future generations.

We all know that Earth is a blue planet, and water covers about 71% of its surface. However, what many people don’t realize is that only 2.5% of that water is freshwater, and only 1% of that freshwater is accessible for human consumption. With the world’s population growing rapidly, the demand for freshwater is also increasing, and it is vital that we use it wisely.

Water is essential for many aspects of our daily lives. We use it for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and agriculture. The importance of water in agriculture cannot be overstated. It is a crucial resource for farmers, and they rely heavily on it for crop production. In many countries, irrigation accounts for the majority of freshwater use. It is crucial that we ensure that this precious resource is used efficiently to sustain agriculture and prevent food shortages.

The scarcity of freshwater has become a significant problem in many parts of the world. Water scarcity occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available supply. Climate change, population growth, and poor water management are all factors that contribute to water scarcity. In some areas, people are forced to walk for hours to collect water from a nearby stream or well, which is often contaminated and unsafe for consumption.

Water pollution is another critical issue that affects the quality and availability of freshwater. Pollution can occur from both natural and human-made sources. Agricultural runoff, industrial discharge, and improper waste disposal are just a few examples of human-made sources of pollution. Natural sources of pollution include sedimentation, organic matter, and minerals. Water pollution affects the quality of freshwater, making it unsafe for human consumption and harming aquatic ecosystems.

To address the water crisis, we must take collective action. We must work together to conserve water and protect it from pollution. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in ensuring the sustainability of this vital resource. We must also educate people about the importance of water conservation and the impact of our actions on the environment.

Water conservation is the most effective way to address the water crisis. We can all play a part in conserving water by making small changes to our daily habits. Simple actions like turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, fixing leaky pipes, and using a broom instead of a hose to clean our driveways can go a long way in conserving water. We must also encourage the use of water-efficient technologies in agriculture, industry, and households.

At the end, water is a precious resource that we must protect and conserve. The water crisis is a complex issue, and it requires collective action to address it. We must work together to ensure that everyone has access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. Let us all do our part in conserving water and protecting it from pollution. By taking small steps, we can make a significant impact and ensure that future generations have access to this vital resource. Thank you.

4th Speech on Water (10 Min)

Speech on Water

Dear fellow citizens,

Water is an essential resource for all living organisms. It is the foundation of life and is required for basic human needs such as drinking, cooking, and washing. Despite its importance, however, access to clean water is not available to everyone. As a result, it is our collective responsibility to conserve water and ensure that it is available for generations to come.

Water scarcity is a global issue that affects millions of people, particularly in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people do not have access to proper sanitation facilities. This situation is exacerbated by climate change, which is causing prolonged droughts and extreme weather events that can damage water supply systems.

Water conservation is critical to ensuring that this precious resource is available for everyone. There are many ways to conserve water, from simple measures such as turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, to more significant efforts such as implementing water-saving technologies in agriculture and industry. These efforts not only help to ensure that water is available for everyone, but they can also reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to conservation, we must also address water pollution. Water pollution is a significant threat to both human health and the environment. Industrial activities, agricultural runoff, and improper disposal of waste can all contribute to water pollution. We must take steps to reduce water pollution by implementing stricter regulations on industrial and agricultural activities and encouraging proper waste disposal.

We must also recognize the importance of water management. Proper water management involves managing water resources sustainably, ensuring that water is allocated efficiently, and that there is equitable access to water for all. This requires the involvement of governments, communities, and individuals. By working together, we can create sustainable water management practices that will benefit everyone.

Finally, education is key to promoting water conservation and sustainable water management. We must educate ourselves and our communities about the importance of water, the consequences of water scarcity and pollution, and the steps we can take to conserve and manage water resources. This can include school programs, public awareness campaigns, and community outreach.

5th Speech on Water (5 Min)

Speech on Water

Ladies and gentlemen,

Water is a vital resource for life on Earth, and we must cherish and protect it. It is essential to all forms of life, and we cannot survive without it. However, despite its importance, many people take it for granted, wasting it, polluting it, and neglecting to maintain its infrastructure.

Access to clean and safe drinking water is still a significant challenge for many communities worldwide. Even in developed countries, access to water can be limited in some areas. Many people must travel long distances to fetch water or rely on contaminated water sources. This lack of access to clean water not only affects people’s health and quality of life but also hinders their economic development and education opportunities.

The overuse of water resources is depleting them. The demands of industries, agriculture, and growing populations are causing water scarcity in many regions worldwide. Climate change is exacerbating the problem by altering rainfall patterns, causing droughts, and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and hurricanes.

We must work together to address these challenges and protect our water resources. We must conserve water by reducing our usage and preventing wastage. We can do this by fixing leaking pipes, using water-efficient appliances, and adopting sustainable water practices in agriculture and industry.

We must work to ensure access to clean water for all communities, especially those that are currently underserved. This requires investment in infrastructure, technology, and education. We must also address pollution and protect our water sources from contamination by industrial and agricultural runoff, hazardous waste, and other pollutants.

Finally, water is a precious resource that we cannot take for granted. We must cherish and protect it for future generations. We must work together to ensure access to clean water, conserve water, and protect our water resources from pollution and overuse. By doing so, we can create a healthier, more sustainable world for ourselves and those who come after us.

What is a speech on water?

A speech on water is a talk or presentation that focuses on the importance of water, the challenges we face in managing water resources, and the actions we can take to protect and conserve water.

What are some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water?

Some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water include the importance of water for life and the environment, the challenges of water scarcity and pollution, the impact of climate change on water resources, and the need for sustainable water management practices.

What are some tips for delivering a perfect speech on water?

Some tips for delivering a compelling speech on water include researching the topic thoroughly, using relevant statistics and examples, engaging the audience through storytelling and personal anecdotes, and ending with a call to action or a message of hope.

How can we conserve water in our daily lives?

We can conserve water in our daily lives by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances and fixtures, watering plants and lawns only when necessary, and reducing our overall water consumption.

What can individuals do to contribute to global efforts to address water issues?

Individuals can contribute to global efforts to address water issues by conserving water in their daily lives, supporting water-related charities and organizations, advocating for sustainable water management practices, and staying informed about water-related issues and solutions.

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Speech On Water | Water Speech for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Water: Water is a tasteless, odorless and colourless, inorganic liquid which is the main constituent of our body and our planet. Water is essential for the survival of all known living organisms. The formula of a water molecule is H2O. Meaning, one molecule is composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule. It does not contain any calorific value.

Water exists in gaseous, liquid and solid form. Water vapours accumulate together and form clouds in the sky. Water is the primary constituent of oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds. The solid form of water, ice, is present in the polar regions of the earth which occur naturally in sub-zero temperatures. In freezing temperatures, snowfall occurs. Snow is the crystalline form of water.

Since water is essential for the survival of all animate things, it is vital to learn about the various ways to conserve water.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Water for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech on Water of 500 words and a short Speech On Water of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the ease of students.

These speeches will be useful for students for their assignments or exam. People can also use these speeches as a reference to write their own.

A Long Speech On Water is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Water is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Water 500 Words In English

Good Morning, to everyone present here. My name is (your name), and I am going to present a speech about water.

Water is one of the fundamental building blocks of our body as well as our planet. It is a tasteless, odourless liquid which has no calorific value. In can exist is three states namely- solid, liquid and gaseous.

All living organisms require water to survive. Life originated in water. Hence it is easy to gauge the importance of water.

Our planet is composed of over 70% water. So it is easy to think that there could not be any shortage of water.

The truth is that, of the 70% of water on the earth’s surface, only 3% of it is considered to be fresh water. About 2.6% of this fresh water remains frozen in the polar ice caps, hence remain inaccessible to humans.

Thus we are left with about 0.4% of fresh water that can be used for all of humanity. Hence, there is no doubt as to the reason we should start conserving water.

The small percentage of drinkable water can be found in rivers and lakes. But no one is stupid enough to drink water from the river or lake directly. It is a sure way to pave the way for stomach troubles.

Hence the water from rivers is first filtered and then supplied to our home, which is then further filtered using advanced filtration techniques to make it drinkable.

The water from rivers and lakes is polluted continuously by humans. Water pollution occurs due to contamination of water bodies due to human activities like washing, bathing, etc. Water pollution occurs on a larger scale when industries and factories release their untreated, or inadequately treated toxic by-products into rivers, lakes and oceans.

Heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury are present in the runoffs. Drinking such toxic water leads to detrimental health hazards like arsenic and mercury poisoning. These diseases cause severe heath damage. Accumulation of such heavy metals in the body leads to eventual death.

Due to water pollution, aquatic biodiversity suffers. Many underwater plants and animals die due to insufficient supply of dissolved oxygen. There is a loss of aquatic habitat. There is a decline in the number of fish, and hence a shortage of food is created. This is one of the problems among many others.

To live a healthy life, it is essential to drink eight glasses of water daily. This water, of course, should be free from any kinds of pollutants.

Techniques like rainwater harvesting can conserve water. Planting more trees help to increase the overall presence of water in the soil.

It is also imperative to make sure that there are no oil spills in the ocean. Oil spills cut off the dissolution of oxygen in oceans and kill all aquatic plants and animals. Sea birds sometimes get their wings wet in the oil and cannot fly. Hence they drown.

Water is rightly called life. And life needs to be saved and nurtured. We are not doing anyone a favour by saving water; we are doing ourselves a favour by making sure that water remains clean.

Short Speech On Water 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Water 150 Words In English

Greetings to everyone present. My name is (your name), and I’m going to make a short speech about water.

Water is a colourless, odourless and transparent liquid which is essential for the survival of all living organisms. Though the earth composed of 70% of water, the percentage of water that can be utilised is about 0.4%.

Hence, it is crucial to conserve and use water wisely. We are continuously exploiting the limited amount of usable water in rivers, lakes and ponds.

Activities such as bathing, washing clothes, dumping garbage into water bodies, dumping industrial waste, which is untreated into water bodies cause water pollution. Harmful plants like water hyacinth thrive on polluted water and cut off the supply of dissolved oxygen, hence killing all aquatic life forms.

To Conserve water, we should take a few steps. We should make sure that no tap water is wasted by keeping the tap open when not in use. Rainwater harvesting provides a source of fresh water for drinking. Planting a tree increases the overall underwater supply of water.

Look around, and you will find a lot of things that can make a difference.

10 Lines On Water Speech In English

  • Water is a necessary commodity for all living organisms.
  • Life cannot thrive without water.
  • Life originated in water.
  • 70% of the earth’s surface is composed of water, 3% of which is freshwater. Most of the freshwater is trapped in polar ice caps.
  • About only 0.4% of water is accessible for use.
  • Water pollution is caused due to various human activities like bathing, washing clothes and dumping waste into water.
  • Water pollution reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen in water and kills the entire aquatic ecosystem.
  • Due to Water pollution, heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic contaminate the water.
  • Drinking polluted water causes mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning, which can be detrimental.
  • We should stop throwing garbage into water bodies. The use of single-use plastic should be banned as it cannot be degraded and pollutes water.

10 Lines On Water Speech In English

FAQ’s On Water Speech

Question 1. How much water should we consume in a day?

Answer: It is advised to drink at least eight glasses of water or four litres of water per day.

Question 2. How can we ensure that we drink clean water?

Answer: you should install a filter that purifies water. If the water is to be fed to a baby, it should be boiled.

Question 3. How can we stop the pollution of water?

Answer: we can stop polluting water bodies by not throwing any garbage into it.

Question 4. How can we conserve water?

Answer: We should ensure that taps are appropriately closed after every use so that there is no dripping and wastage of water.

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Speech on Water: 1 and 3-Minute Speech in English


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 5, 2024

speech on water

Water is the source of life. From large ice-caps to deep oceans, every drop of water is important. Life on Earth is not possible without water. Our day starts by drinking a glass of water and ends in the same way. Unfortunately, our glaciers are melting, rivers are polluting and our oceans are filled with plastic and garbage. Did you know how much garbage is annually dumped into oceans? Estimates say that nearly 8 million metric tonnes of plastic and other waste are dumped into our oceans every year, polluting them and adversely affecting marine life. It’s high time to reflect on our mistakes and take necessary actions. Check out these speech on water samples for further details.

sources of water speech

Table of Contents

  • 1 3-Minutes Speech on Water
  • 2 1-Minute Speech on Water
  • 3 Paragraph on Importance of Water
  • 4 FAQs 

3-Minutes Speech on Water

Good morning to everyone here. Today, I’m here to discuss an important environmental issue: water. The first thing that comes to mind after hearing this word is life. Because without water, there is no survival. Water is the source of life in our world. Everyone, living or non-living, needs water to function properly in the environment.

Water plays a vital role in our health. As our bodies consist of 60% water, we require this fluid to regulate every function of our bodies. We don’t just require water to drink; it also keeps us hydrated by regulating our body’s functioning. Water also plays an important role in the life cycles of plants and animals, as it helps to sustain the natural environment. Without water, most species would become extinct within a day. 

Apart from regulating our bodies, it also plays a key role in sustaining the environment. Without water, there will be no agricultural activity, leading to a food shortage. Moreover, water is necessary for hygiene and sanitation. We use water to clean our surroundings, cook, and bathe. However, a shortage of clean water can lead to the spread of diseases.

Despite its great importance, people often waste this resource. They are unaware of the serious consequences that can result from a water shortage. There are still several places where people do not have access to clean water and are fighting for survival. But, rather than being cautious and mindful of their actions, they remain ignorant of the situation. The government has also taken several steps to conserve water.

Every year on 22nd March, ‘World Water Day’ is celebrated to raise awareness about water management around the world. To save our future, we must act responsibly and conserve this valuable resource. Even our small efforts can contribute greatly to a more sustainable future.
Thank you!

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1-Minute Speech on Water

Good morning to all respected individuals. Today I’m here to discuss an important resource that is often taken for granted: water. Without water, there is no life and, therefore, no survival. It is required not only for living beings such as humans, animals, and trees but also for nonliving organisms in the atmosphere. It is used for a variety of purposes, including drinking, cleaning, cooking, and maintaining the natural environment.  

Water occupies 71% of the Earth’s surface, however, only 1% of freshwater is accessible for use. Despite its shortage, individuals tend to overuse and waste it frequently. Billions of people from all over the world lack access to clean water, causing major health problems and putting their lives at risk. Conserving this resource is more than just an environmental issue; it is a matter of survival. And as responsible beings, it is our responsibility to protect this resource. By making small changes, we can make a significant difference to a future with clean water for all.
Thank you!

Also Read: Short Speech on Technology for School Students

Paragraph on Importance of Water

Water is essential for life and biological processes. It helps regulate temperature, digestion, waste disposal, and absorption of nutrients. Every living being, no matter how big or small, needs water to survive. Even an ecosystem cannot function without this precious resource. Water helps biodiversity by controlling floods and providing habitat for several species. Water is also essential for agriculture, which feeds the world’s population. According to studies, irrigation accounts for 70% of worldwide freshwater withdrawals. Furthermore, water is necessary for the generation of energy and other economic activities. Despite its importance, it faces several challenges, as people often misuse and waste this resource. The availability of clean water is directly related to public health. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), safe drinking water could prevent 1.4 million child deaths due to diarrhea each year. Despite its abundance, only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is fresh, with less than 1% available for direct human use. This condition places a greater emphasis on water conservation and sustainable management. As this resource becomes more polluted and scarce, we must take immediate action on an individual level to ensure the availability of clean water, which is essential for life, health, and development.

Ans: Water is a life-giving resource and as of now, it is only available on Earth. Water is important for us as it helps in the regulation of our body functioning and supports the survival of our ecosystem.

Ans: ‘World Water Day’ is celebrated on 22nd March every year.

Ans: Water is very essential for hygiene and sanitation. We use water to clean our surroundings, cook food, and take baths. However, a lack of clean water can spread diseases.

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  • Speech on Water


Long Speech on Water Conservation

The existence of life on earth is solely dependent on the presence of water. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the students must be familiar with the conservation of water. They can therefore find this speech on water conservation very helpful for their exam preparation. We have also provided a short speech and a one-minute speech on the water for students of all classes.

Speech on Water Conservation

A heartiest welcome to all the people gathered here today. I am present here to deliver a speech on water and its conservation. There is no denying the fact that water forms an incredible part of our lives and is considered a fundamental unit of the planet earth. We are all familiar with the several roles that water plays to help us serve a living. This colourless, transparent and tasteless liquid occupies 70% of our planet and can be found in three forms of states- solid, liquid and gaseous. 

Water serves a major role in the survival of all living organisms and hence, the role and importance of water are known to all. Although 70% of water is found on our planet, 3% of the water comes under freshwater, out of which, 2.6% of water always remains frozen. Thus, only 0.4% of it is accessible to humans for drinking purposes.  Thus, it is very important for us to conserve water. Some quantities of water can also be found on rivers and lakes, but it might not be considered drinking water without any testing. Drinking this water may lead to various stomach problems and infections.

River and lake water has to go through a process of filtration before they are delivered to the houses. After that, they once again go through an advanced process of filtration in the households before making them completely drinkable.

But with the growing population and industries, the amount of drinking water in our country is reducing. Most of the seas, rivers, and small water bodies are highly polluted by various contaminants from the industry wastes thus, leading to water pollution. The release of these wastes leads to a high amount of contamination and heavy metal accumulation in the water bodies. Thereafter, making them undrinkable. This has not only affected the lives of human beings but has also greatly impacted marine life due to the insufficient oxygen supply. Many people fall sick due to the lack of proper drinking water and suffer stomach infections due to the presence of these contaminants. Thus, it is our responsibility to stop the dispersal of wastes into the water bodies and start conserving water for the survival of human beings. This water, of course, should be free from any kinds of pollutants.

Some of the techniques that must be helpful in conserving water are rainwater harvesting, planting of more trees to increase the water level in soil and stopping unnecessary wastage of water. Lastly, I would like to say that water is the main source of life on this planet and thus, every drop of water must be used in a proper manner.

Save Water Speech in English

A very warm welcome to everyone. I am going to deliver a speech today on the topic ‘save water’. As the topic says, saving water is our utmost priority for the conservation of water bodies. Life on this planet is dependent on the existence of water, therefore, we must avoid wastage of water. As we know that 70% of the earth is filled with water but only 0.4% of it is considered drinkable, therefore, the amount of water accessible for human consumption is really less. Reduction in the amount of drinking water has occurred due to the human activities that have led to water pollution and contamination. 

A large amount of garbage and industrial wastes are dumped daily into the water bodies that create a large amount of contamination and accumulation of toxic chemicals. This when consumed leads to various chronic diseases and stomach infection. Thus, the amount of clean drinking water has been decreasing at an alarming rate. If this continues, it would be really difficult for living beings to survive on this planet. Thus, we must take necessary steps against these pollutants and move forward in conserving the water bodies. 

Washing of clothes, disposal of harmful substances and wastes into the lakes and rivers must be banned. We can start with the process of rainwater harvesting, plantation of more trees and saving each drop of water from being wasted. 

10 Lines Speech on Importance of Water

This one-minute speech on the importance of water in English is written targeting the students of Class 1 and Class 2 in a simple manner. This speech will thus help them understand the importance of water on this planet.

Water is an essential element for all the living organisms on our planet.

It is the major component for the survival of life on Earth.

Water forms 70% of the earth, out of which 3% of the water is considered to be freshwater.

Out of this 3%, only 0.4% of it is considered to be drinking water.

Large factories and industries dump their wastes into the water bodies causing water pollution.

Due to a large amount of water pollution, there is a shortage in the amount of fresh drinking water in most parts of our country.

Conservation of drinking water has become really important for survival.

Drinking water that contains harmful chemicals may cause various stomach infections and water-borne diseases.

The dumping of industrial wastes and garbage into the water bodies should be banned as it also affects the marine ecosystem.

Water thus forms a major part of our life and its conservation is our responsibility.

WATER – Speech

We all know that water is important for our survival and it is one of the most crucial resources which are required by everyone. Humans may survive without food for some days but they might die when no water is present. Water mainly harbors life and without it many life forms will perish. This can be considered as the primary reason why water is important. Water was found some billion years ago and then it moved into the land. Water has various important nutrients which are imperative to carry out the necessary cycles in the environment. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on water. Water is home to numerous species without which many species will perish. It is very important to save water and conserve it so that there isn’t a scarcity of water. 


FAQs on Speech on Water

1. What is the significance of water?

Water is significant for our survival. It is crucial for the survival of all living beings and they are directly or indirectly dependent on water. Humans use it for multiple purposes and water thus has the most significance to humans. Water is required to keep our bodies healthy and the organ system in good shape which is important for the proper functioning of the body. Water helps in the regulation of body temperature which is important for the survival of humans. In agriculture, water is extremely important. It is required to grow crops and for proper irrigation so that there is a good yield of crops. The absence of water can lead to droughts and famines leading to hunger.  In addition, water is a source of transportation too. Furthermore, water is an important source of electricity. We get hydroelectric power from water dams which we use for cooking, bathing, and drinking. Thus, water has many significant roles in our life. 

2. What is water conservation?

Conservation of water can be defined as the strategies, activities, and policies that are required to maintain the natural resources of water bodies sustainably. It also means to protect the hydrosphere and have a sustainable goal where human demands are met without harming the water bodies. Excessive use of water can lead to water scarcity. Urbanization and population growth have a major impact on water usage. The factors like climate change have left a negative impact on the water bodies which is why it has become more important for us to conserve water. Many countries have implemented laws and policies that are aimed at the conservation of water and have been successful.  The main goal of water conservation is to reduce water loss, less usage of water resources, and less wastage of water.

3. What are the sources of water?

Sources of water can be defined as the source or places from where we get water from. These are namely the surface water, groundwater, river flow, and frozen water like from glaciers. These are the natural sources that occur without any human interventions. The other source is the artificial source. Here, fresh water is obtained from the treated wastewater or cleaned water after primary/secondary treatment and desalinated seawater. The water is used in households, agriculture, industries, and many other places. 

4. What is water pollution?

Pollution of water can be defined as the release of unwanted substances into the groundwater or other water bodies like streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. It becomes very harmful to the water bodies and the animals dwelling there. This harms the natural and normal functioning of the water ecosystems and disrupts everything thus, creating a threat to the ecosystem. The substances can be chemicals or microbes which can cause pollution that can lead to radioactivity or heat in the water bodies. One of the major causes of pollution is due to the disposal of industrial wastes directly into the oceans and also, dumping waste and sewage there. 

5. What are the harmful effects of dams?

Dams are created by causing deforestation at a large scale which causes habitat destruction and destroys the homes of many animals and even makes the people relocate somewhere else. Large dams cause disruptions to the natural flow of the river which then hinders the lives of the fishes and other animals that dwell in the water bodies. This can lead to the extinction of fishes and other aquatic species, the disappearance of many birds in the floodplains, huge forest loss, soil erosion, and erosion of coastal deltas. 

English Summary

2 minute speech on importance of water

Good morning everyone!

Today, I am here to talk to you about the importance of water. Water is essential for life on earth and is the most important resource on our planet. It is the basis of all life and is essential for the growth and development of all living things. Water is used for many things, from drinking, cooking and cleaning to agricultural production, energy generation and industrial processes.

Water is essential for the health of all living species and is used to maintain a healthy ecosystem. It is also used to maintain a healthy environment and help to regulate the climate. Water is also essential for economic development. It is used to irrigate crops, provide power to industry and transport goods.

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Speech on Save Water for Students and Children

Speech on save water.

A hearty welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to convey a speech on Save Water.  We all know that water is the most useful resource on Earth. Also, we all are aware of its immense uses. We cannot imagine our lives without water. Moreover, we use water for household, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other purposes. Also, it is used for environmental purposes. Although, 70% of the Earth’s Surface is covered by water, yet, only 1% of freshwater is available for drinking. Most of our household tasks cannot be completed without water. Also, in industries, it is used for the preparation of goods and products. Furthermore, it assists in transportation too.

speech on save water

Despite its importance, we are facing deterioration in water resources. Although, it is a natural resource, yet we need to conserve the same. We need to save water for the development to take place in a sustainable manner. We must understand that it is the basis of humanity. Our earth is green because of water. There are many places facing the problem of water scarcity. Thus, we must take effective steps for the conservation of water.

Importance of Water in Life

Water is an indispensable component of life. We cannot survive without water. The human body comprises of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water. We need safe water for all our organs to function properly. Moreover, we can preserve our environment by saving water.  An excellent example of this is the use of water to produce electricity.  The use of hydropower or hydroelectricity helps in controlling pollution.

Furthermore, it prevents the burning of fossil fuels, coal, etc. for producing electricity. Also, it is essential for maintaining the Earth’s temperature. The human body is made up of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water.

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How to Save Water?

Water is the most precious component needed for food and life.  All human beings, animals and plants have a requirement of water. Thus, we need to conserve water resources. To conserve or decrease the polluting factors, we must be aware of the factors that lead to its deterioration. Then, we must take some valuable steps. These include turning off the taps, cut down meat-eating and dairy. Also, we must check for water leakage from hand pumps, shower less to save water. Moreover, we must have a pond to use water. Furthermore, the dumping of sewage and toxins into water bodies is a major reason for water pollution. Moreover, fertilizers require a huge amount of water. Thus, we must minimize the use of fertilizers in the fields. Also, we must check for soil erosion by planting trees.

We need water for thousand of tasks in our lives. It provides beauty to nature and maintains the environmental balance. Since it is the basis of our survival and development we should not misuse it.  We must use wisely this sacred gift of nature. We should teach the society by conducting awareness programs. Also, we must use modern techniques for farming. Moreover, watersheds help to conserve rainwater. We must try to educate our children about the importance of water. Its education must be provided at schools, colleges, etc. Also, through media, this purpose can be achieved. Although water is a natural resource available in abundance, it doesn’t mean we can misuse it. It is not a single person’s responsibility to conserve water. We could avoid the wastage of water only by joining hands.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

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Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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sources of water speech

Study Session 4  The Water Cycle and Sources of Water


Water is a valuable natural resource that is found in different forms in the environment. It is important to understand how water moves through the environment so that we can understand how to manage it successfully. Fresh water is finite and vulnerable. Supplying sufficient clean, fresh water is one of the most vital natural resource issues facing humanity. Water shortages are becoming a global issue, due to an increasing population, economic growth and climate change. A lack of clean, fresh water can hinder the efforts to reduce poverty and progress national development, resulting in poor health, low productivity, food insecurity and restricted economic development.

In this study session you will learn about the hydrological cycle. You will learn about where fresh water is found, the types of water sources that people use and how important it is to select suitable water sources. Finally, you will look at the increasing demands on supplies of fresh water.

Learning Outcomes for Study Session 4

When you have studied this session, you should be able to:

4.1  Define and use correctly all of the key words printed in bold . (SAQ 4.1)

4.2  Describe the hydrological cycle. (SAQ 4.1)

4.3  Describe the main types of water source. (SAQ 4.2)

4.4  Outline the main factors to be considered when selecting a water source. (SAQ 4.3)

4.5  Describe the factors affecting the distribution and availability of water resources. (SAQs 4.2 and 4.4)

4.1  The hydrological or water cycle

Water is continually moving around the Earth and continuously changing its physical form.

In which three forms can water be found on Earth?

Water can be found in liquid form in oceans, rivers, lakes and rain; in solid form in ice and snow; and as a gas (water vapour) in the atmosphere.

The hydrological cycle, or water cycle , is the continuous circulation of water between oceans, atmosphere and land (Figure 4.1). The sun and wind cause water to evaporate (change its physical state from liquid to gas) from land and water bodies (oceans, lakes and rivers). Also, plants take up liquid water and give off water vapour through pores in their leaves in a process called transpiration . The water vapour moves high above the Earth’s surface on rising currents of air through the atmosphere. Eventually as the water vapour reaches the cooler air higher up in the atmosphere, it condenses (changing from gas to liquid) to form clouds and falls back to Earth in the form of rain and snow (together these are called precipitation ). Precipitation that falls on land can flow over the surface as run-off into rivers and streams, and can also percolate (trickle down) through the soil into underground rocks to become groundwater .

Water is held in reservoirs (indicated in Figure 4.1) and moves between them in transfer processes. (‘Reservoirs’ here refers to all stores or reserves of water, not just water held behind a dam.) The water transfer processes continue in an ongoing cycle through evaporation and transpiration, transportation of water vapour in the atmosphere, precipitation, and water flowing off and through the land back to the sea.

sources of water speech

Why is water described as a renewable resource?

Because the processes of the water cycle are constantly renewing the surface water and groundwater. Precipitation (rainfall) feeds the rivers and streams and infiltrates into the ground to replace the water that we use.

4.2  Distribution of water resources

About two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. The total amount of water on the Earth is about 1400 million km 3 (UNEP, 2002). Of this, around 97.5% by volume is held in the oceans and is salt water. Only 2.5% (or about 35 million km 3 ) is fresh water. Figure 4.2 shows the proportions of Earth’s water found in different parts of the environment.

sources of water speech

From Figure 4.2, which percentages of fresh water are estimated to be stored in the forms of: ice and permanent snow (glaciers), groundwater, and as surface and atmospheric water?

Around 69% is stored in the form of ice and permanent snow, about 30% as groundwater,and only about 0.4% of fresh water is stored as surface and atmospheric water.

Fresh water is water with a dissolved salt concentration of less than 1%. Globally, fresh water is distributed unevenly. About three-quarters of global annual rainfall occurs in countries containing less than one-third of the world’s population. About 80% of the world’s water run-off is concentrated in countries in northern and equatorial regions, which have relatively small populations. For example, the Amazon River in South America accounts for 20% of global run-off each year. The area drained by the Amazon is huge, but it is sparsely populated. In Africa, the Congo River and its tributaries account for 30% of the entire continent’s annual run-off, but the Congo’s area contains only 10% of Africa’s population.

Why is it a problem that the huge areas of the Amazon and Congo rivers have large amounts of fresh water but only a relatively small number of people?

The problem is that the fresh water is unequally distributed. A large proportion is found in places that are remote from the majority of the population so the water is not available to them.

An additional problem is that rainfall throughout much of the developing world is highly seasonal. The seasonal rains may last for only between one and three months, which can leave people short of fresh water during the dry season.

4.2.1  Distribution of fresh water in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, there are 12 major river basins/valleys, 11 lakes, 9 saline lakes, 4 crater lakes and more than 12 major swamps (Mekiso, n.d.). The average annual flow of water from all the 12 river basins is estimated to be 123.25 billion m 3 (Figure 4.3). Several of the major rivers cross to neighbouring countries. For example, the Abbay River flows to Sudan and Egypt, and the Omo to Kenya. It has been estimated that 95% of Ethiopia’s annual run-off flows out of the country in these cross-boundary rivers (Waterwiki, n.d.).

sources of water speech

In Ethiopia, it is estimated that 54.4 billion m 3 of surface run-off and 2.6 billion m 3 of groundwater could be developed for use by people. However, the amount of rainfall, river flow and groundwater is highly variable across the country and depends on location and altitude. Some areas have sufficient water, while others don’t have enough. Figure 4.4 shows maps of rainfall and groundwater availability during drought in Ethiopia. Most permanent springs and streams exist only in the highlands in the west of the country. In areas below 1500 m above sea level, which is more than 55% of the country, there is hardly any surface run-off and very few permanent springs and streams.

sources of water speech

Based on the two maps in Figure 4.4, which regions of Ethiopia have the least available water?

Somali and Afar regions have the lowest mean annual rainfall in the country. Somali also has very little available groundwater. Afar has relatively high groundwater availability.

The availability of water resources is also uneven over the year. At some times of the year you might have too much water, leading to flooding. At other times there may not be enough water, leading to drought.

4.3  Sources of water

Our main sources of water for drinking, washing, agriculture and industry are surface water, groundwater and collected rainwater, all of which are dependent on rain and snow falling on the Earth’s surface.

4.3.1  Surface water

Rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds are widely used as water sources in Ethiopia, especially in rural areas (Figure 4.5). The amount of available surface water depends largely on rainfall. When rainfall is limited, the supply of surface water will vary considerably between wet and dry seasons and also between years. One way to overcome this problem is to construct a dam across a river to create a reservoir that provides water storage. Large surface water reservoirs may be used for hydroelectric power generation, regulating water releases to control river flows, for recreational purposes and to provide water for agricultural, municipal and industrial uses. Smaller dams are also used to enable irrigation (Figure 4.6). The water collects behind the dam and flows under gravity into irrigation channels leading to the fields.

sources of water speech

4.3.2  Groundwater

An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing rock.Water-bearing rocks are  permeable , meaning that liquids and gases can pass through them. Groundwater is the water contained in aquifers (Figure 4.7). This is replenished or recharged by precipitation that percolates through the soil to the water table, and by water seeping from streams, as well as other bodies of surface water, such as lakes and wetlands.

sources of water speech

The water table is the top of the groundwater below the land surface. Its level fluctuates seasonally and from year to year as the inputs from precipitation and the outputs vary. The depth of the water table also varies with location, from being near to the land surface in areas close to surface water bodies and in humid climates, to being hundreds of metres below the land surface in drier regions.

Groundwater reaches the surface naturally through springs or artificially through wells. Springs typically rise up where the water table meets the land surface. Springs are important sources of water to feed streams and are attractive cultural and landscape features in themselves. Wells and boreholes are dug by hand or drilled by machine. These have to be deep enough to extend below the water table so that water can be drawn up by bucket or by pumping.

4.3.3  Rainwater

Rainwater is also an important source of water, although on a relatively small scale. Collecting rain from roofs or other hard-surfaced areas and storing it until it is needed can provide a valuable source of water for many purposes.

4.4  Water source selection

The quantity, quality, and reliability of available water are three main factors that need to be considered when evaluating water sources. Socio-cultural and technical issues may also be important. This section provides an overview of some of these different factors.

4.4.1  Water quantity

If you were selecting a new source of water for a community you would need to be sure that the volume of water that could be supplied would be sufficient to meet the community’s needs, both now and in the future. It would also be important to consider the reliability of the source over time.

4.4.2  Water quality

The quality of water required depends on what it will be used for. Drinking water must be clean and safe to drink and protected from any contamination by pathogens or other pollutants. The primary concern must be to prevent the transmission of waterborne diseases. For other water uses such as for domestic washing or for agricultural or industrial uses, the quality is less critical.

In general, surface water sources are likely to contain many different materials and potential pollutants. These include micro-organisms, some of which may be pathogens, and small solid particles referred to as suspended particulates or suspended solids . These make the water turbid (Figure 4.8). Turbidity (the cloudiness of water) is a measure of water clarity. Turbidity is considered a useful approximate measure of water quality because pollutants and micro-organisms can be carried on the surface of suspended solids. The more turbid or cloudy the water is, the more suspended particles there are in it, and the more polluted the water is likely to be. It is important to realise, however, that clear water is not necessarily clean, because some contaminants may not be visible.

sources of water speech

Why is surface water likely to be turbid?

Surface water is highly vulnerable to turbidity because solid particles of soil are washed off the land in run-off that flows to river and lakes, especially by heavy rains.

Surface water is easily polluted and can be affected by wide seasonal variations in turbidity. As a water source, surface water is often the easiest to access, but large quantities of suspended solids make it difficult to treat effectively. In general, groundwater is less likely than surface water to be polluted by pathogens or solid particles because the water is cleaned to some extent as it percolates down into the rock. However, it may have higher concentrations of dissolved substances. This means that groundwater has less microbial contamination but the dissolved substances and minerals, such as fluoride, may have significant effects on its quality.

Fluoride in drinking water is a well-known health concern. In some parts of Ethiopia concentrations in groundwater exceed the World Health Organization guideline of 1.5 mg/l (milligrams per litre). The highest concentrations, which can be greater than 10 mg/l, are found in waters from the Rift Valley zone. For people living in this area, dental and skeletal fluorosis are significant public health problems causing brown patches on the teeth, joint pain, limited movement of joints and, ultimately, crippling.

The National Fluorosis Mitigation Project has responsibility for planning a national strategy to deal with this problem. Several methods of defluoridation (removing fluoride from water) using chemicals or bone char have been successfully trialled at community and household levels (Osterwalder et al., 2015; Abaire et al., 2009; Esayas et al., 2009). However, selecting an affordable and sustainable standard technology for widespread use is challenging. Yang et al. (2015) found there is no single, preferable method for fluoride removal in Ethiopia because selection depends on the specific conditions of each location and on the preferences of the people involved.

4.4.3  Socio-cultural considerations

Socio-cultural considerations may be important for water source development. Before a new water source is developed, a thorough assessment of the needs and wishes of the community should be undertaken, involving all groups of people including women, men, and children, members of any distinct social groups, disabled persons, and other vulnerable groups. It is particularly important that women participate in the process because they are likely to have the most knowledge about existing sources and are most likely to benefit if new supplies are developed. If the community’s opinions are not taken into account, the water supply system is likely to be under-used and may easily fall into disrepair, causing people to revert to their old water sources which may be more polluted.

Case Study 4.1 Hadera and the community who would not drink the blood of their forefathers

Hadera is a senior WASH expert working as a water and sanitation coordinator in small rural town. The town’s inhabitants had been suffering from a critical lack of sufficient safe water supplies and from waterborne diseases. Hadera had a good connection with the manager of an international non-governmental organisation (INGO), and convinced him to develop a water supply scheme for the needy community. The INGO finally managed to dig a well and get a good yield of water, and was able to handover the new facility to the kebele leadership for community use. Unfortunately, the community refused to use the water supply as their drinking water source. The INGO was surprised and asked them why not, mentioning the huge investment put into developing the water point in order to support the community. The community replied ‘we will not drink the blood of our forefathers’. The water source was developed in an area that served as a burial place many years ago and the villagers believed that the water contained the blood of their ancestors and so would not drink it.

What should Hadera and the INGO have done differently?

The problem could have been avoided if the villagers had been involved and consulted in the process of the water source development.

4.4.4  Technical requirements

The development of the source must be technically feasible and the operation and maintenance requirements for the source abstraction and supply system must be appropriate to the resources available. Supply systems are likely to be misused if they cannot be operated and maintained either by community members or by organisations and institutions within the area.People who have responsibility for the maintenance of water sources or distribution points should be properly trained and rewarded for their contribution, to ensure sustainability.

4.5  Depletion and contamination of water sources

As you read in Study Session 1, humans interact with water both by using it and by producing the wastes that may contaminate it. Both of these activities can damage water sources.

4.5.1  Water source depletion

Although water is a renewable resource, excessive extraction of water will result in its depletion. If groundwater is extracted from aquifers more quickly than the water is replenished by recharging, this will lower the water table. Excessive groundwater pumping changes the flow patterns around wells and creates a localised depletion of groundwater stores in the area around the well. If several wells are located close together these zones can overlap. The result is that existing wells and boreholes may dry up and new ones have to be dug deeper and deeper before they reach water. The lowering of the water table also affects rivers and streams, which are normally fed partially by underground water. Over-exploitation of groundwater can also affect springs, which may change from permanent to temporary or even dry up completely.

Water source depletion is also directly linked to reduction in forest cover. With the loss of trees and other vegetation, rainwater runs straight off the surface and does not penetrate into the ground to recharge the groundwater. Added to this are the uncertainty of climate change and the effects of periods of drought which have a serious impact on the availability of surface and groundwater sources.

4.5.2  Water source contamination

Surface water can become contaminated in many ways. This may by direct discharge into the river from a sewer or pipe. Rivers and streams are considered to be convenient ways of disposing of wastewaters of all types, including domestic and industrial wastes. Industrial sources may discharge hazardous substances, as well as organic matter and suspended solids without adequate treatment. Surface water pollution can also come from stormwater run-off, which may carry contaminated materials into the water. Open defecation and the uncontrolled disposal of solid wastes are two likely sources of contamination by run-off.

Groundwater is generally cleaner than surface water for reasons explained earlier but pollution of groundwater resources has become a major problem in Ethiopia and around the world. Groundwater is polluted by the leaching of human and industrial waste, pesticides and fertilisers, which infiltrate into the aquifers from the surface and pollute groundwater supplies. Pit latrines that are located too close to a water source or are poorly constructed and maintained can also be sources of groundwater contamination. The polluted water reaches people and animals through contaminated spring and well water.

4.6  Water demand and supply

You will recall from Study Session 1 that many countries in the world, including Ethiopia, are suffering from water stress or water scarcity. The world is heading towards a fresh water crisis, partly due to mismanagement and partly due to the unequal distribution and small amount of fresh water available in the first place. This crisis is already evident in many parts of the world, varying in scale and intensity depending on the time of the year, climate and location.

The imbalance between the demand for and the supply of water is increasing globally. On the one hand, the volume available for supply remains much the same but has additional problems of contamination of surface and groundwater sources, inefficient utilisation of available supplies and the uncertainties of climate change. On the other hand, the demand for fresh water per capita is rising as countries develop economically. Industrial development leads to additional demands for water and, at the same time, agriculture is becoming increasingly dependent on irrigation to produce food for the growing population.

The global challenge is to find ways to manage the increasing demand for water but this is not to say that everyone should use less water. Developing countries still use far less water per capita than developed regions. Household use in developing countries is especially low, reflecting the difficulty many people have in obtaining clean water for personal use. Improving access to water is important so that people can use more water for household and personal hygiene, which will improve living standards and bring significant benefits to health and well-being.

Population growth, urbanisation and migration all affect the availability and quality of water resources. With the rapid increase in urbanisation, meeting the demand for fresh water will be difficult for cities. Rapid urban growth in developing countries puts tremendous pressure on inadequate water supply systems and can lead to water shortages. The next two study sessions look more closely at urbanisation and its causes and effects.

Summary of Study Session 4

In Study Session 4, you have learned that:

  • Water is continually moving around the Earth and continuously changing its form. The hydrological cycle maintains a balance between evaporation, precipitation, the transport of water vapour in the atmosphere from the sea to the land and run-off from land to sea.
  • About two-thirds of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Of this, around 97.5% by volume is held in the oceans as salt water; only 2.5% is fresh water and only a very small fraction of this is accessible as a water source.
  • Surface water, groundwater and rainwater are our main sources of water. The quantity, quality, and reliability of available water are the important factors considered when sourcing water.
  • Fluorosis caused by fluoride in water is a well-known health problem in Ethiopia. The highest concentrations of fluoride are found in waters from the Rift Valley zone.
  • Selecting a water source for a community supply system requires careful consideration of a range of factors, such aswater quantity and quality, technical requirements and socio-cultural considerations.
  • Water sources can be depleted by over-extraction and can be contaminated by pollutants.
  • Globally, the consumption of water is increasing due to the rising population and increased consumption per capita. Water use per capita in developing countries is far less than in industrialised countries.

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 4

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions.

SAQ 4.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 4.1 and 4.2)

Rewrite the paragraph below using terms from the list provided to fill the gaps.

aquifers, condenses, evaporation, groundwater, hydrological, percolates, precipitation, run-off, transpiration.

Water on the Earth’s surface moves in an unceasing cycle through rivers, oceans, clouds and rain called the water or ……………… cycle. The heat from the sun causes ……………… of water from oceans and from lakes and wetlands on land. Plants lose water through their leaves by ……………… Water vapour in the atmosphere ……………… to form clouds which are moved around by wind. Rain and snow, collectively known as ………………, fall from the clouds. Some water that falls on the ground forms ……………… which collects into streams and rivers and some ……………… through the soil to become ………………, which is held in layers of rock called ………………

Water on the Earth’s surface moves in an unceasing cycle through rivers, oceans, clouds and rain called the water or hydrological cycle. The heat from the sun causes evaporation of water from oceans and from lakes and wetlands on land. Plants lose water through their leaves by transpiration . Water vapour in the atmosphere condenses to form clouds which are moved around by wind. Rain and snow, collectively known as precipitation , fall from the clouds. Some water that falls on the ground forms run-off which collects into streams and rivers and some percolates through the soil to become groundwater , which is held in layers of rock called aquifers .

SAQ 4.2 (tests Learning Outcomes 4.3 and 4.5)

Name the three main types of water source that people use and explain how each would be affected by an extended period of drought.

The main sources of water are surface water, groundwater and rainwater. Rainwater collection is obviously not possible during times of drought. The water available from surface water sources such as rivers and lakes will be reduced by drought because there will be no run-off so the volume of water in rivers and lakes will fall and they may even dry up. Groundwater reserves will also be reduced by drought although not as immediately as surface water. If there is no rainfall to recharge the aquifer and water continues to be extracted then the water table will gradually drop.

SAQ 4.3 (tests Learning Outcome 4.4)

Town A has does not have a convenient water source for its residents. You are part of a team that has been tasked to select a water source for development to meet the water needs of Town A. List four points that you need to consider as part of the selection process.

You might have considered the following four points:

  • Water quantity and reliability; there must be sufficient quantity of water to meet current and future needs.
  • Water quality; the water must be free from contamination; fluoride levels may be relevant in some locations.
  • Socio-cultural considerations; there may be local beliefs and practices among users that should be considered.
  • Technical requirements; the practical feasibility of developing the source is important; operation and maintenance in the future should also be planned.

SAQ 4.4 (tests Learning Outcome 4.5)

Which of the following statements are false ? In each case explain why it is incorrect.

  • A. More fresh water is held in lakes on the Earth’s surface than is held in aquifers as groundwater.
  • B. Demand for water tends to increase as countries develop economically.
  • C. In rainy seasons, surface water sources are topped up with fresh water therefore they are less likely to be contaminated with pathogenic micro-organisms than groundwater sources.
  • D. Ethiopia has plentiful supplies of fresh water but it is not evenly distributed across the country.
  • E. Globally, the demand for water is increasing but the volume available to meet that demand is not.

A is false. From Figure 4.2 approximately 30% of fresh water is groundwater and only 0.4% is surface and atmospheric water. The volume of water held in lakes is approximately two-thirds (67.4%) of this 0.4% , and therefore there is much more water in aquifers than in lakes.

C is false. Rainwater will wash all types of contaminants including pathogenic micro-organisms into rivers and lakes, so they are more likely to be polluted than groundwater. It is possible for groundwater to be contaminated but if pathogens are present, most are removed as the water trickles down through soil and rock.

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Speech on Importance of Water in English in simple and easy words

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Is anything needed to be said on the ‘Importance of Water’? No, right! It’s because we all know how much important water is for all of us. Still we continue to waste this precious resource on which the life of each one of us is majorly depended. However, there’s still an urgent need to address this issue and therefore yet another topic we’ve come up with is – Speech on the Importance of Water.

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Long and Short Speech on Importance of Water in English

There are both long speech on the importance of water as well as short speech on the importance of water.

The long ones fit appropriately where you are addressing an event in an organization and the short ones are most suited for school or college events.

But every importance of water speech is meticulously written with a view to inform the audience about the subject matter and to move them to action. Read for yourself to know more!

Importance of Water Speech 1

Respected Class Teacher, teachers and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Welcome to our assembly hall! As we know that today is a speech-giving ceremony day and I have chosen a very pertinent topic to address, i.e. Speech on the Importance of Water. However, I am not going to talk about the importance of water in context of our planet and its scarcity, but how important it is for our very own existence. Even then we continue to waste water and don’t realize its importance to an extent where we should think of preserving every drop of it.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that Water is a Life Savior. We can go without food, but not without water. Despite knowing all this, we are wasting this important natural resource. Here I want to reiterate the same fact how important water is for our existence.

How many of us know that our body weight is made up of around 60 percent water? Our body makes use of water in all its organs, cells and tissues in order to regulate the body temperature and ensure other bodily functions. Because the water retention capacity of our body comes down as and when we breathe, sweat and digest food. It therefore, becomes important to rehydrate our bodies by drinking fluids and binging on the eatables that contain water. The amount of water our body requires is based on various factors, such as the type of climate we live in, how much physically active we are and if we are going through an illness phase or are suffering from any other major health problem.

Friends, besides satiating our thirst, water also regulates the temperature of our body and keeps the tissues moist in our body. Now just recall the time when your mouth goes dry! If our body is well hydrated, it will retain enough water content for our bones, blood and the brain. Besides, water helps in protecting the spinal cord and it works as a cushion or lubricant for your joints.

The intake of enough water allows our body to excrete waste through sweating, defecation and urination. The liver and kidney use water to allow waste to be flushed out, just like our intestines do. Water can also prevent constipation by softening our stools and help glide the food which we have eaten, through our intestinal tract. But it is important to understand that yet there is no evidence to prove that increasing water intake can help prevent the problem of constipation.

And the list is endless! Water is thus very crucial for our very existence. No living species can survive in its scarcity. It therefore becomes our responsibility to save every drop of water and avoid its wastage. Given to the rising scarcity of water, there is a constant lurking fear for our coming generation. How they would be able to cope up with such a dreary situation?

It is therefore required of us to take a conscientious call and make wise use of water.

This is all from my side, thank you friends!

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Importance of Water Speech 2

Good Morning Everyone – Welcome to our Society Clubhouse!

I – Abhinav Kapoor (the secretary of our ABC Society) – feel extremely happy seeing you all coming to this meeting at such a short notice. This is to bring to your kind attention that our society is facing the situation of water crisis to an extent that sometimes water needs to be purchased from the water corporation department. As a responsible citizen of our country, it becomes our responsibility to make a wise use of such an important natural resource.

So the purpose behind calling this meeting is, to bring forward this issue so that immediate measures could be taken to handle it as I am not able to tackle this situation all by myself. Secondly, I want to raise awareness amongst the people about the importance of water so that national consciousness can be developed and everyone use water not more than what is required. And in this, I require the immediate help of all my society members.

People in the ancient times understood that water is the source of life and according to the Asian philosophy “water is the beginning and the basis of all creation”. The first Greek philosopher was Thales in the 6 th century BC who speculated about the chief material element or source of every living being and cosmic phenomenon, i.e. Water.

The view point of Thales is that “water is the divine source of every living being” which brought him to a conclusion that the actual substance of nature and soul is water as the power of water is principally kinetic. Water circulation ensures balance on the planet Earth and within every biological organism. We simply cannot imagine life without water and therefore it is not surprising that water plays a key role in many of the world’s religions.

Friends, do you know that the huge amount of water is contained mainly in oceans that play a crucial role in stabilizing the earth’s climate and making it a hospitable place for humans to thrive. Lands, which are close to the oceans experience more rapid change in the weather conditions. However, water is believed to be an environmental shock absorber. This is the reason why the climate alongside the coastal areas is milder. The heat coming from the sun gets absorbed in the water and fluctuations in the temperature are restricted to a narrower range.

As the particular heat of water is so high that the changes in climate near the oceans is not extreme. The changes in temperature observed from day to night along the coast are minimal in comparison to day and night changes in the desert where you would find little or no water.

So water helps in sustaining our lives in ways more than one. I therefore request each one of you to come forward and contribute towards this cause. Also, let’s find out ways to combat this issue of water scarcity.

This is all I have to say, now may I request you all to feel free to join me here and share your thoughts on the same.

Thanks You!

Importance of Water Speech 3

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to one and all!

It gives me immense pleasure to be standing here and kick starting the speech ceremony of today. I have chosen a very pertinent topic, i.e. Speech on the Importance of Water. In the present times, everyone is facing the situation of water crisis and of this situation persists, I fear how our coming generation is going to survive and cope with it. This is as simple a fact that no living specie can survive in the absence of water.

I, therefore, felt an urgent need to address this issue and spread awareness amongst the people regarding its wise usage. However, we all know about the importance of water, but it’s just that we have become reckless and wastage doesn’t bother us so much so that we are literally stripping off nature of its natural wealth. So, through this platform if I could sensitize people about this issue and influence the minds of the people, my job would be accomplished.

Friends, water is much more than a liquid substance as the existence of this earth is dependent on water. This is the reason why we say Water is Life. The primary reason is that every living species on this earth comprises around 65 to 70 percent of water in their bodies. Life is unimaginable without water whether it’s that of humans, animals and plants or any other living being. Water is the most significant element present on this earth. Water is very much a part of our lives in our day to day activities, such as for drinking, cooking meals, for bathing, for construction, etc.

In spite of the fact that our earth consists of 70 percent water, only 1 percent water is fresh and fit for use and the remaining 97 percent of water is salty whereas 2 percent is in the form of ice in icebergs and glaciers.

These days, human beings are hell bent on destroying the environment and by wasting this 1 percent of clean water in several ways, like:

  • Use of water more than is required
  • Littering water bodies with garbage
  • Reckless use of water in various households

The more is the wastage of water, the more is the consumption of natural resources, such as fossil fuels for producing electricity which is required for the making of clean water. Following are the chief benefits of saving water:

  • Less use of such natural resource as fossil fuel for producing fresh water.
  • The more water is saved; the more we can put it for the use of plants and animals. This helps in maintaining balance in our ecology.
  • We all should preserve water in order to avoid the situation of drought in the near future.
  • Water should be preserved for the agricultural use.
  • Water should be saved for our future generation as one day it will cease to be available owing to its limited quantity.

Last but not the least; let’s take a pledge that we all will save water in order to save our mother earth.

Importance of Water Speech 4

Warm Greetings Everyone – How are you all doing?

Hope this day finds you in the best of spirit! Thank you for coming in large numbers and making our campaign – Save Water, Save Mother Earth this grand. Friends, Save Water has become a rallying cry today because of the growing water crisis and if this continues I really fear what will happen to our next generations to come.

It’s high time and we need to always bear in our minds that water is important for the sustenance of human life. When the supply is plentiful, water doesn’t seem to be a limited resource – chiefly, the fresh potable water which is the most important for human survival. Isn’t it? However, in the absence of conscientious efforts to save water, this vital supply of water may get exhausted one day. Conservation gives us economic advantage as well – as equipment and energy are also conserved owing to the direct outcome of water conservation efforts.

The huge majority of life on Earth holds relation to the supply of water. Through conservation we can protect the life on earth and create a balance, which would otherwise become upset in the want of water supply. Overuse or wastage of water will threaten other life forms which in a way help in our sustenance.

Friends, also understand that water is not something that is processed and delivered to your place, free of cost. Every time the water is used, there’s a certain cost involved. The local body of your vicinity charges you a fee. The greater the demand for water, the higher the price you will have to bear. By preserving water, you will be able to save both this precious resource and of course the cost involved per unit.

Conserving water will curb the need of creating and maintaining water treatment as well as delivery facility, such as sewage setups and personal septic systems. The more water you consume; the more this equipment is used and hence requires replacement. In addition, over use of water can also weaken local treatment plants, leading to some water being forced before it undergoes strict purifying treatment, thereby leading to possible health hazards. Likewise, an overburdened septic system can lead to untreated water seeping into the nearby soil ground.

So what is required in the present situation of water crisis is that we could only adopt simple water preservation techniques and method, this way we would be able to go a far way in cutting our water usage considerably, i.e. more than half. If you can put in just a little more effort every day, you can alone bring a major change. It’s whether you use a low flow shower head or simply go for zero-gardening, i.e. in your garden, use such plants that can thrive in the absence of water or require little or no water. You will find that your water bills are reduced in the very first month. Do this bit for saving your planet and doing your coming generation a favor.

This is all I have to say, thank you.

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Slogans on Rainwater Harvesting

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Speech on Water Cycle

You’ve probably noticed how a rainy day can transform into a sunny one. This magic happens thanks to the water cycle. You see, water is always on the move, changing from one state to another.

The water cycle is nature’s way of recycling water. It’s like a big water ride that never ends. Understanding it can explain so much about the world around us.

1-minute Speech on Water Cycle

Good day to you all! Today, let’s talk about a magical journey. It’s not about wizards or superheroes, but about something we see around us every day. Yes, it’s the journey of water, or you can say, the water cycle.

Once they rise and reach the sky, they start to cool down and lose their excitement. They come together and form groups. These groups of water particles appear to us as clouds. This process is what we call condensation.

Now, these clouds travel around the world. When too many water particles group together, they become heavy. Unable to hold the weight, they fall back to the ground. This is what we know as rain, or in colder areas, as snow or sleet. We call this process precipitation.

Finally, the water that falls back to the ground does not stay there forever. Some of it goes into the ground; we call this infiltration. Some flows over the ground and goes back into the rivers and oceans. We call this runoff. And so, the journey of water starts all over again.

In summary, the water cycle is an endless journey of water from the ground to the sky and back again. It is nature’s way of recycling water, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining life on earth. So, next time when it rains, remember, it’s part of a beautiful journey that water takes. Thank you!

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2-minute Speech on Water Cycle

Good day, friends! Today, I’m going to talk to you about something you see every day but might not think much about – the Water Cycle.

First, let’s talk about what the water cycle is. You’ve seen water in many forms: when you drink a glass of water, when it rains, or when you see steam rising from a hot cup of tea. The water cycle is the journey water takes as it moves between these forms and places. It’s a continuous loop that helps keep the earth alive.

Next, we have condensation. As the water vapor rises higher into the sky, it starts to cool down and turn back into a liquid. This is how clouds are formed. Just like when you see water droplets on the outside of a cold glass, the water vapor comes together to form tiny droplets in the sky.

The last part is precipitation. This is a fancy word that just means water falling from the sky. When too many of these tiny droplets gather in a cloud, the cloud gets heavy and the water falls back to the ground as rain, snow, or hail.

Why is this important, you might ask? Well, the water cycle is a key part of what makes our planet habitable. It helps plants grow, it fills our rivers and lakes, and it even helps regulate the Earth’s temperature.

Thank you for listening today, and remember to always respect and care for our water resources, for they are a crucial part of the amazing journey that is the water cycle.

We also have speeches on more interesting topics that you may want to explore.

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Facts First

Fact check: Trump says George Washington ‘probably didn’t’ own slaves. Washington did

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, Saturday, June 22, 2024, at Temple University in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Chris Szagola)

Former President Donald Trump delivered another litany of false claims during two speeches on Saturday. And he expressed an opinion on American history that is clearly contradicted by the facts.

During a speech to the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a conservative Christian group,   Trump criticized proposals to change the names of schools, military facilities and other places that honor slaveowners and Confederate leaders. (Under President Joe Biden, the Army has renamed nine installations  that had been named for Confederate generals.) And Trump said, “How about George Washington high school? ‘We want the name removed from that high school.’ They don’t know why. You know, they thought he had slaves. Actually I think he probably didn’t.’”

Facts First : Washington owned slaves. This is an extensively documented fact . At the time of Washington’s death in 1799, there were 317 enslaved people at Mount Vernon , his home and plantation in Virginia, including 123 people owned by Washington himself . 

“George Washington owned slaves. We know this by his own hand. He kept ledgers on everyone he enslaved,” said Alexis Coe, a senior fellow at the think tank New America and author of “ You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington .” Coe said it is “reprehensible, on a personal level, to deny such a thing” and also “dangerous to our country” to have a leading presidential candidate espousing such inaccurate views on US history.

The website for Mount Vernon, which is now maintained as a historic place, says  that the number of slaves at the property “grew steadily” over Washington’s time there from 1754 to 1799.

Washington inherited 10 slaves from his father at age 11. The Mount Vernon website notes that “as a young man, Washington purchased dozens of enslaved people from estate sales and in private transactions” – and that the first US president also rented slaves from others, inherited them from siblings, and enslaved the children who were born to slaves at Mount Vernon. When he married his wife Martha, the website notes, he also gained control of “a large number” of enslaved people from the estate of her first husband.

The   list   of   317 enslaved people at Mount Vernon at the time of his death included 41 people rented from other plantations and 153 people from Martha’s first husband’s estate.

Washington privately struggled  with the idea of slavery and, in the last two decades of his life, expressed private support for the idea of abolishing slavery by legislation. But when he died, he immediately freed just one person in his will , his longtime manservant, and decreed that the other slaves he owned would be freed upon the death of his wife Martha. She ended up signing a deed to free all of his remaining slaves the year after his death, but she kept the slaves she had inherited herself.

Trump made many other false claims

Here are just some of the other false claims Trump made in the speech to the Christian conservative group or in his rally speech Saturday night in Philadelphia:

- Trump claimed Democrats rigged the 2020 presidential election, his usual debunked lie.

- Trump claimed “every legal scholar” wanted Roe v. Wade overturned and the power to set abortion policy returned to individual states, which is not true .

- Trump claimed “just about all the Democrats” also wanted Roe overturned and abortion policy set by states, though Democrats overwhelmingly supported the preservation of Roe .

- Trump claimed “there are states that allow” the execution of babies after birth, though that is illegal in every state .

- Trump claimed that the US has record inflation, though the current inflation rate, 3.3% in May , is nowhere near the US record (23.7% in 1920) or even the 40-year high (9.1%) that was hit in June 2022.

- Trump claimed the price of bacon has increased 100% or more under Biden, though the Biden-era increase is actually about 17% as of May.

- Trump claimed Biden was the person who indicted him in the New York criminal case in which he was convicted on 34 felony counts, though a grand jury of ordinary citizens indicted him and the prosecution was led by a local district attorney who does not report to the federal government.

- Trump claimed the global prison population is “way down” under Biden because foreign leaders are emptying their detention facilities to send people to the US as migrants. But the global prison population is actually up since 2021, and there is no proof of Trump’s repeated claim about foreign leaders’ actions.

- Trump claimed crime in Venezuela is down 72%, though the limited available numbers show a much smaller decline of about 26%.

- Trump claimed crime in the US is “so much up,” though preliminary statistics show US crime dropped significantly in 2023 and again in the first quarter of 2024 .

- Trump claimed he has been indicted more than notorious gangster Al Capone, though Capone was actually indicted more than Trump .

- Trump claimed China paid the entire cost of his tariffs on imported Chinese goods and that “the American people didn’t pay for it at all,” though study  after  study has found that Americans paid the overwhelming majority of the cost of the tariffs.

- Trump claimed the Biden administration is trying to require Army tanks to be all-electric, though the military’s move toward electric vehicles does not include tanks .

- Trump told a story in which he claimed someone told him that non-electric trucks do not have to stop when driving from New York to Los Angeles, though they do. 


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Gondek urges Calgarians to keep water usage down amid hot weekend weather

Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek is asking people to continue conserving water this weekend, warning the hot weather might make it tempting to ignore the restrictions.

"With hot weather this weekend, we need to keep our water usage down, and that means finding smart ways to stay cool," Gondek cautioned during her Friday afternoon update.

Instead of filling up a kiddie pool with water or setting up a Slip 'n Slide in the backyard, the mayor suggests stocking your freezer with popsicles and heading to an air conditioned movie theatre or a gallery.

"While we're now on a six-day streak of keeping our water usage below the threshold, there's also a concerning trend of increased usage over the past few days, and it's expected to be a hot weekend, so let’s make sure that we're trying to conserve water as much as possible.

"Yesterday, we used 460 million litres of water, which is up slightly from Wednesday, and also up a little bit from the day before," she explained.

Speaking to CTV News from a park with his three-year-old daughter, parent Marius Zoicon said it's unfortunate to have the restrictions in place on a hot weekend.

"It’s going be tougher than usual because there’s so many nice options to do when there’s water going around," Zoicon said.

"She’s going to be more bored." 

Instead, Zoicon plans to escape the restrictions by heading out of town.

"We’re going to go to Banff and get away from the city where there’s no water."

He says his family has been conserving water at home, but it has not made a huge impact on their lives so far.  

"It wasn’t so bad. We need to do what we need to do." 

Calgary Emergency Management Agency ( CEMA ) chief Sue Henry says this weekend serves as an opportunity for people to “enjoy the summer weather a little bit differently than they normally would have.”

Work on schedule

Gondek says work on the feeder main repairs and hot spots in Montgomery is continuing on as planned.

"Cutting and removing of the hot spots should be completed today," she said, adding that sandblasting and coating of replacement pipe is under way and almost complete.

"Things are looking pretty good for us to hit that July 5 timeline (for completion)."

Gondek says city officials are working on a plan to get citizens, not just businesses, access to non-potable water.

"In the meantime, please continue using your rain barrels and any water that you collect from your yards (for things like watering plants and your lawn).”

"Since the start of this water main break, we've saved nearly two billion litres of water to our typical usage at this time of year," Gondek said.

"This amazing number goes to show how, when we work together, even the small decisions we make amount to a lot."

State of Local Emergency renewed

Henry says a State of Local Emergency put into effect last Saturday was renewed as of 1:15 p.m. on Friday.

Henry says it was renewed to "continue to support our operations, to help us get through the critical stages of these repairs.”

"We're working as quickly and as safely as possible to restore city water."

Both a fire ban and water restrictions remain in effect.

Bylaw numbers

On Friday, Henry said bylaw officers have had 2,300 calls since June 6, and a total of 14 violation tickets have been issued, many of them related to automatic sprinkler systems.

She says bylaw has received a total of 159 calls for service regarding the fire ban, leading to 18 written warnings issued, 66 verbal warnings and five violation tickets.

As of Friday, the total number of calls to 311 in connection with the water crisis was 7,880.

Pipe updates

City of Calgary infrastructure services general manager Michael Thompson said Friday that cutting and removal of the damaged pipe will be completed by the end of the day.

Welding of new parts is also starting Friday.

He said many people have asked if crews discovered any physical damage to pipes as they were dug up.

"On one segment of a hot spot that we removed, we did see some signs of physical damage on the outside of the pipe," Thompson said, though he said he wasn't sure what could have caused the damage.

He said other sections of pipe removed had no signs of cracking.

"You wouldn't know that there was damage."

The pipe that appeared to be damaged and all the other segments of pipe removed are being stored and will be studied during the third-party independent review

Fallout in Hillhurst

While work continues to repair five concerning parts of the feeder main, work of a different kind is affecting residents in the community of Hillhurst, where an entire street is fenced off.

Abandoned diggers and piles of pipes remain at the site of flood mitigation work now paused since the city began dealing with the feeder main break.

"Because of this emergency now in Bowness, they left," said Antoinetta Terrigno. "Who knows when they’llcome back."

"We park all the way down the street. Go for groceries, you have to walk all around, and it’s a problem... hopefully, it will be done soon."

Gondek wants survey of water lines

During her Friday morning update, Gondek said she wants other municipalities to come together to learn all they can from the city's water crisis, which she said could happen anywhere in Canada.

"If it happened in Calgary, it can happen anywhere," she said in her daily address on Friday morning.

Gondek also pledged to reach out to other municipal leaders to make sure what happened to Calgary doesn't happen anywhere else.

"I was in communication with the chair and vice-chair of the Big City Mayors' Caucus, asking them what we can do. I needed to make sure that the experience we had here in Calgary translates into lessons learned and pre-emptive behaviour for other cities as well."

Gondek said she will also ask council about what they can allocate in upcoming budgets for water infrastructure.

"It is my job to advocate for the people of this city and this region, and this is the job that I'm doing," she said Friday.

"Like all of you, I want to have a clear line of sight of our infrastructure under the ground in Calgary."

To do that, she expects to lean on other levels of government to support that work.

"I will be calling in all favours from the provincial and federal governments. They have been generous in saying they have been ready to step up and support as needed."

Second water collection site opens

Calgary got permission from the province to set up two spots along the Bow River where certain businesses can draw water. 

The first water collection site opened Thursday at the West Baker Park boat launch.

A second at the Ogden boat launch opened Friday.

"Absolutely needed, but the amount of water we need is minuscule to some other companies," said Hayden Ewing, owner of Alberta Tropical Plants.

"We mainly focus on interior (plants), so it hadn’t affected us a great deal yet, but exteriors are definitely suffering with all the flowers and all the gardens and stuff like that, so we really appreciate the city stepping in and helping us out here."

Ewing says they had found a solution over the past couple of weeks, but the spot along the Bow River is more convenient.

"We found a source of water prior to this happening, outside the city limits."

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Southern Alberta farmers feeling optimistic about crop conditions

Dozens of farmers from across southern Alberta turned out Wednesday for Farming Smarter’s annual 2024 field school.

'Always a risk': Lethbridge taking stock of water infrastructure in light of Calgary main break

In light of the ongoing water main repair in Calgary, Lethbridge city council was provided an update on the city's pipe infrastructure and discussed if there's any potential for a similar catastrophic break.

Dawgs take down Gulls at Seaman Stadium, defeating Sylvan Lake 10-4

The Dawgs returned to Seaman Stadium Tuesday and kept their latest hot streak alive, defeating the Sylvan Lake Gulls 10-4.

sources of water speech

Buying time: Inside the AI technology trained on B.C. wildfires

As frontline crews battled the worst wildfire season in B.C. history, a pilot project unfolded at a frantic pace at the BC Wildfire Service headquarters in Kamloops.

Three B.C. First Nations request return of land held by potato farm in Surrey

A trio of First Nations have requested a parcel of land in Surrey, B.C., be returned to their territory.

Canucks season ticket holder speaks out after membership revoked

Peter Wortman has been a Vancouver Canucks season ticket holder for 33 years, and was planning to sign on again for 2024/2025. But earlier this month, he got an email saying his full-season membership had been revoked, because the team believes he’s a ticket broker.

Vancouver Island

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5 kittens rescued from site of human-caused wildfire on Vancouver Island

Five kittens are being treated for burns after being rescued by firefighters on Vancouver Island last week, according to the BC SPCA.

Addiction recovery home for new moms first of its kind on Vancouver Island

Come summer’s end, six new moms and their babies will be healing from addiction together in a Greater Victoria home.

sources of water speech

Sask. teen, 15, charged in fatal spring crash

A 15-year-old boy is facing multiple charges in relation to a fatal crash that killed a 16-year-old boy in April.

Sask. man accused of driving drunk, killing scooter rider released from jail

A man accused of killing a man on an electric scooter while driving drunk has been released from jail.

'It was a struggle but we got through it': Sask. grads celebrate triumphant end after turbulent journey

It’s a big week for Grade 12 graduates across Saskatchewan who are marking the end of their high school careers.

sources of water speech

Regina's Breast Health Centre under construction, expected to open early 2025

The new Breast Health Centre in Regina is currently under construction and expected to open early next year.

'It's an overreach': Regina-born actor criticizes Parent's Bill of Rights

Regina-born actor Tatiana Maslany took the opportunity Wednesday to publicly criticize Saskatchewan's controversial Parent's Bill of Rights.

Police asking for footage, information related to yard sale assault

The Regina Police Service (RPS) is urging the public to share footage or information surrounding a serious assault committed at a yard sale late last week.

sources of water speech

'Inhumane': Residents of Toronto condo report stifling temperatures after weeks without air conditioning

Entering their fourth week without air conditioning in their downtown Toronto condo, residents say stifling indoor temperatures have become 'unbearable.'

Man, 23, dies after shooting in North York

A 23-year-old man has died of his injuries after a shooting at a housing complex in North York's Shawnee Park area overnight.

Ontario family waited months to receive compensation for their 12-year-old son's flight delay, cancellation

An Ontario father was caught up in a bureaucratic loop trying to get compensation for his 12-year-old son’s delayed and then cancelled flight.

sources of water speech

Police raid at Motel St-Jacques leaves residents scrambling to find new housing

Residents of Montreal's Motel Saint-Jacques have been given a week and a half to leave following a major police raid Thursday. Montreal police say for years, the hotel was a hotbed for sex work, drugs and violence.

Six-year-old Montreal boy triumphs in Canadian math competition

Six-year-old Bruce Arthur Chang is the new grand champion of Canada in the UCMAS math competition, and says he is hoping to make a mark on the international stage.

sources of water speech

Teacher charged with sexually assaulting student: N.S. RCMP

A teacher from Tatamagouche Regional Academy in Nova Scotia is facing multiple charges of sexual offences against a student.

Man arrested during emergency alert in Lunenburg county was carrying gardening tool: N.S. RCMP

The Nova Scotia RCMP has arrested a man in connection with an emergency alert issued in Lunenburg County Wednesday morning.

What you should know about the tick-borne disease anaplasmosis

Cases of a tick-borne illness called anaplasmosis are on the rise globally, and that includes across Canada. Biology professor Vett Lloyd says it is important to understand the risk factors for contracting anaplasmosis, and recognize symptoms of an infection, as the disease becomes more prevalent.

sources of water speech

No charges for driver in 2023 Manitoba bus crash that killed 17 seniors: RCMP

Manitoba RCMP and Crown prosecutors will not lay charges against the driver of a bus involved in a crash with a semi-truck in 2023.

Neil Young concerts cancelled due to illness

Neil Young’s Crazy Horse will not play in Winnipeg next month.

Winnipeg woman wins $1M lottery jackpot

A Winnipeg woman is officially a millionaire after winning a Western Max lottery prize.

sources of water speech

A mix of sun and cloud for the last day of school in Ottawa

Ottawa will receive a break from the rain today, just in time for the final day of classes at the city's two largest school boards. It is the final day of school for students at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and Ottawa Catholic School Board.

Neil Young and Crazy Horse cancel Ottawa Bluesfest appearance as illness sidelines tour

Neil Young and Crazy Horse were to be the headline act on July 11 at Ottawa Bluesfest, but the group has cancelled upcoming tour dates because of illness.

Northern Ontario

sources of water speech

House explodes in Transcona, others dealt significant damage: WFPS

The City of Winnipeg is asking people to avoid the area of Camrose Bay after a house exploded.

Sudbury, Ont., Crown takes over criminal prosecution of Ontario’s Ministry of Labour

In court on Wednesday, Sudbury Crown attorney Kara Vakiparta moved to take over what had been the private prosecution of Ontario’s Ministry of Labour on a charge of criminal negligence causing death related to a 2006 mining fatality.

Police watchdog investigates after shooting death of a man in Kenora

The province’s Special Investigations Unit is investigating the circumstances surrounding the shooting death of a 57-year-old man in Kenora on Tuesday afternoon.

sources of water speech

Two riding lawnmowers stolen in Huntsville: OPP

Two riding lawnmowers taken from a locked property in Huntsville.

Suspects impersonating police officers make traffic stop in New Tecumseth

Provincial police in New Tecumseth are investigating and warning the public after a report of two men posing as officers who conducted a traffic stop.

Armed robberies at Wasaga Beach gas station under investigation

Police believe the same suspect may have robbed a Wasaga Beach gas station twice in the past week.

sources of water speech

Cambridge tenants call living situation 'unbearable' as they wait for repairs from March flood

Residents at a Cambridge apartment building have been waiting four months for management to make repairs after a flood ruined four units.

Rentals scarce as students on University of Guelph residence waitlist scoop up available units

Some are calling it the Hunger Games of student housing.

'People in our community are having a hard time': Food Drive Initiative returns to Cambridge

A popular food collective service has come back to Cambridge.

sources of water speech

Educational charity director charged with fraud

Laura Pethick was hired as the executive director of Foundation for Education Perth Huron in July of 2021. Three years later, she’s accused of defrauding the charity of thousands of dollars.

Small-town mural captures small-town price of war in Canada

A small-town artistic tribute to the fallen has captured over 100 years of military history.

Nonprofits shut out of discussion as councillors recommend suspending community grants to shave down taxes

Several organizations that asked to speak at the inaugural meeting of council’s budget working group left disappointed on Tuesday.

sources of water speech

School board trustees sanction colleague, despite public notice that meeting was cancelled

When uniformed Windsor police officers were called to clear the Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) gallery on Tuesday, they informed attendees that the trustees were going home and the meeting they came to observe would not be happening. However, this was not the case.

OPP release names in death investigation in Harrow

Essex County OPP have released the names of four family members in an ongoing death investigation in Harrow.

'A mere courier': Windsor judge sentences Brampton man to 12 years in prison

Mohamed Ahmed Abdirahman, 40, was previously convicted of importing and possessing 200 kilograms of pure methamphetamine. Officers with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) at the Ambassador Bridge discovered the drugs on Christmas Eve 2019.

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sources of water speech

What is the meaning of sources of water?

Water is a precious and natural resource on the planet earth. It is found all around us. Nearly two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is filled with water. Every living organism existing on our planet requires water for its survival, including plants, animals, birds, insects, etc.

Water is considered the most precious resource and essential requirement of life. All living things rely on water, and without which, there would be no life.

We humans can survive without food for a day or two, but we cannot stay without drinking water for a short amount of time because our body needs it for different types of life processes.

Explore more: Water

Uses of Water

We all use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, washing, etc. Factories and large industries use water in large quantities for producing various products required for human welfare. Farmers also use water for irrigating and cultivating crops. Thus, water is necessary for many activities; therefore, it is an essential requirement of life.

Sources of Water Meaning

Water is a valuable natural resource found in different forms in our environment .

As per the Earth’s geography, there is a lot of water all around us, but it is not fresh water and not suitable for human use.

The available natural water is not pure forever. Excluding rainwater, all other water sources comprise salts and minerals deposits dissolved in it. These salts make the water impure, which is not fit for consumption.

There are two primary sources of water – surface water and groundwater.

The primary water sources used for drinking, cooking, washing, farming, and other commercial uses are surface water, groundwater, and collected rainwater.

These primary water sources depend on rainfall and snow, which form a part of the hydrological cycle.

sources of water speech

Rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds are the main form of surface water. The amount of available surface water depends mainly on rainfall. When rainfall is limited, surface water supply will vary considerably between wet and dry seasons and between years.

Surface water like reservoirs and dams generates hydroelectric power and supplies water for agricultural, municipal, industrial uses, and other commercial purposes.

Rainwater is also an essential water source, although on a relatively small scale. Collecting rain from roofs or other hard-surfaced areas and storing it until it is needed can provide a valuable water source for many purposes.

Explore more: Rainwater Harvesting

Stay tuned to BYJU’S Biology to know more about water, sources of water, scarcity of water, and different measures taken to preserve water.


Frequently Asked Questions on What is the meaning of sources of water?

Where does the water come from for drinking.

Drinking water comes from groundwater or seawater, which are natural water sources.

What are the natural sources of water?

The natural sources of water are:

  • Surface water (seawater)
  • Above surface water (rain)
  • Underground water (springs)

What are the primary sources of drinking water?

The primary sources of drinking water are cisterns, springs, and wells.

The majority of household wells are found in rural areas.

What are the primary sources of surface water?

Rivers, lakes, ponds and tanks are the four primary surface water sources.

Why is water essential to the human body?

Water serves as an essential nutrient to our body, and it plays a vital role in the following:

  • Lubricates joints
  • Maintains the body temperature
  • Removes toxins and other wastes from the body
  • Moistens the tissues of the eyes, nose and mouth
  • Transportation of nutrients and oxygen to different cells, tissues and organs.

Which Indian states have the highest utilisation of groundwater?

In India, groundwater utilisation is very high in certain regions such as Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu.

Related Links:

  • Water Cycle
  • Back to the oceans
  • Disappearing Act of Water
  • How Can We Conserve Water?
  • Water for all – Importance of water

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The duck boats are rallying! Follow the live coverage from the Celtics parade today

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The celebration of the Boston Celtics' NBA championship will be in full swing today, Friday, June 21, as over a million Boston sports fans ― who are no strangers to the iconic rolling rallies and duck boat parades that celebrated multiple championship titles in the past two decades ― are expected to flock to the city once again.

The parade will celebrate the Celtics' blowout   106-88 victory  over the  Dallas Mavericks to win the NBA title in five games. The win marks the team's 18th title, breaking a tie with the Los Angeles Lakers and setting a new record.

Celtics Parade wraps up

sources of water speech

Commentators are estimating well over one million people showed up for the parade, which wrapped up just ahead of 12:30.

While the crowd was huge, people were commenting on how well behaved it was. Laura Cunning, of South Boston, said the crowd was energetic but got along very well.

"It was great, a great presentation of our city and our champions," Cunning said.

The Celtics parade is about halfway through

CUE THE DUCK BOATS — Boston Celtics (@celtics) June 21, 2024

The crowd was electric as Coach Joe Mazzulla, Kristaps Porzingis and MVP Jayson Tatum made their way through Boylston Street on their duck boats. Chants of "MVP" echoes through neighborhood as attendees raved against the steel barricades as their champions passed by.

The Celtics parade has begun!

The Duck Boats have begun rolling in Boston, displaying the championship trophy to more than 1 million onlookers. While original crowd estimates said about a million people were likely to be in attendance, people at the scene are estimating the crowd is larger.

Mufaro Mutuswa of Billerica said she was excited for the parade to come through.

"Right now, it's very hot but I wouldn't trade it for anything," Mutuswa said

Mutuswa also said she is a Celtics fan because of her Boston pride, and because she likes winning.

"I like to be a part of this," Mutuswa said. "This is absolutely amazing, it's always worth it in the end."

What's the 'Don't stop disbelieving' slogan on Jayson Tatum's shirt?

The slogan refers to how many sports pundits doubted Tatum's ability to lead the team to a championship during the past year. The t-shirt is a symbol that Tatum has apparently embraced those who don't believe in him.

🏆 — Jayson Tatum (@jaytatum0) June 20, 2024

What time does Celtics parade start?

The parade will be at 11 a.m. That's the time the parade has started to celebrate recent Patriots, Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics wins.

Celtics Parade Route 2024

The parade is set to begin at the front of TD Garden on Causeway Street, then roll by City Hall Plaza on Cambridge Street and the along Boston Common on Tremont Street before ending by the Hynes Convention Center on Boylston Street.

How long is the Celtics Parade?

The parade route is about two miles long. The event is expected to last about two hours.

Hynes Convention Center area starts to fill with fans

With the parade about to start, fans are lining the streets in their Championship gear.

Steve Gladstone of Needham said he's been a Celtics fan all his life.

"It's awesome to spend time with my son and be able to celebrate a Celtics championship," Gladstone said.

He said that his children have been spoiled by so many Celtics wins.

"It used to be the city who's always expecting a loss," Gladstone said. "Now, we're ready to win every year."

Fans heading to Boston to watch Celtics parade

Waves of green hit Union Station Friday morning as sports fans from across Central Massachusetts began the trip to Boston to celebrate the Celtics first championship title in 16 years.

"I bleed green," Wilson Montalvo, 44, of Worcester said as he flexed his "Boston strong" tattoo and showed off his hat with a 508 area code.

Celtics Parade: In Worcester, Celtics fans board trains to get a look at champ-filled duck boats

Where to get Boston Celtics merch

If you're looking for the bucket hat Luke Kornet wore in interviews earlier today, you can buy it  online at the NBA Celtics store here.

Other popular items include the gold-trimmed  "Champions Boston Celtics" t-shirt  for $40, the  white gold-trimmed snapback  for $39 .  The lineup includes everything from sock and shoes, to pendants and flags, to shirts and jerseys, and hats as well.

Other items up for grabs:

  • Replica  Larry O'Brien trophies  are on sale online for about $100.
  • Autographed jerseys are going for  $ 1000  to  $2000  in price, whereas balls autographed by Jayson Tatum are priced around  $800.
  • To purchase Celtics merchandise in-person, you can go to  Dick's Sporting Goods ,  Champs , or any stores that sell sports apparel and memorabilia in Massachusetts.

Officials celebrate the Celtics

Ahead of the parade stepping off, state leaders thanked the Celtics team for the pride they brought to Boston.

"We are in love with this team because it is a team. And they had given us so much, " Governor Maura Healey, who was a professional basketball player, said. "And here's the thing about basketball, the team game, everybody's gotta roll, everybody's got a part. Some nights it was different person stepping up, but they got it done as a team."

As great as they are on the court, she said they are even better off the court.

She told people to "show love and appreciation not just for the trophy, but for what they give to community, to the state, to the region. They are role models. They are leaders. And today we're going to party and celebrate the Boston Celtics," she said.

Celtics players do Q&A before parade starts

Before heading out on the Duck Boats, members of the Boston Celtics gathered at TD Garden for a Q&A forum, hosted by former Celtic and current broadcaster Brian Scalabrine.

Players had the chance to comment on winning the championship.

"These guys were ready for that moment," said center Al Horford. "I'm happy we were able to get it done."

"I'm glad on this side now, " added guard Jrue Holliday. He noted when he first arrived to the team this year, he "knew that we had something special."

Guard Derrick White commented, "We didn't want to skip any steps...we knew what the end goal was."

Center Kristaps Porzingis said he was upset that he got hurt before being able to help the team wrap up the championship series.

"It was heartbreaking for me," he said. "We took care of business."

"Whatever it took for us to win, that's what we were willing to do," Shooting guard Jalen Brown added.

"It starts from the top down," said forward Jayson Tatum, on how the players function on the court, citing Horford as his prime example of inspiration.

How many championship parades have used the duck boats?

The duck boats have been used for championship parades in Boston since 2002. The  Boston Duck Boat website  states, "Boston Duck Tours, over the years, has had the honor and pleasure of hosting four of Boston’s sports teams in Rolling Rally Championship parades 12 different times."

According to the website, with duck boats "players could stand on, and wave to the crowds below. It was close enough to get these players right up to their fans. But, also far enough to keep them from being mobbed by the crowds."

Boston's duck boats are famous: What's their history?

How to get to the Celtics parade, Boston T Map

Officials are strongly advising that people take public transportation to the parade, as there are a number of parking bans and street closures in effect.

For the event, the MBTA had increased service on on the subway and on the commuter rail. Here's what the MBTA says:

  • Green Line will operate at peak frequency with trains operating about every 6-8 minutes
  • Orange Line trains will operate every 7-8 minutes
  • Red Line trains will operate every 6-7 minutes between Alewife and JFK/UMass and every 13-14 minutes on the Ashmont and Braintree Branches
  • Blue Line trains will operate every 5-6 minutes.
  • Commuter Rail is operating on a modified schedule. Find the details here.

Find a Boston T Map here.

Riders are strongly encouraged by officials to purchase roundtrip fares the morning of the parade.

Celtics Parade Boston weather forecast

After a stretch of record-breaking heat, the weather is looking a bit cooler in Boston today. As of 7 a.m. temperatures were in the mid-70s, which is what officials were hoping for when they delayed the parade a few days to get past the heat wave.

The National Weather Service says during the parade temperatures could have a Real Feel in the mid-80s. People have been advised to dress for the weather and stay hydrated.

While there is a chance of thunderstorms today, NWS has said they expect it to s tay dry in Boston for the Celtics parade.

What items are banned from the Celtics parade?

The following is prohibited at Championship parade:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Large bags, coolers or glass containers
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), commonly referred to as "drones," along the parade route
  • Weapons of any kind (or replicas of such)

Where can I watch the Celtics Parade on television, streaming?

The parade can be seen on the NBA Channel, the NBA Channel app and on NBC Sports Boston. Although the parade officially starts at 11 a.m. the broadcast will begin on all platforms at 9:30 a.m. You can also see the parade on:

  • NBC 10  (NBC Boston) starting at 5 a.m.
  • WCVB  Channel 5 (ABC) starting at 10 a.m.
  • WFXT  (FOX 25) starting at 11 a.m.
  • WBZ  Channel 4 (CBS) starting at 11 a.m.

You can watch a livestream on Youtube here.

Are there parking restrictions for the Celtics parade?

According to the City of Boston website , the following parking restrictions apply:

  • Causeway Street , Both sides from North Washington Street to Merrimac Street
  • Staniford Street , Both sides from Causeway Street to Cambridge Street
  • Cambridge Street , Both sides from Staniford Street to Tremont Street
  • Tremont Street , Both sides from Cambridge Street to Boylston Street
  • Boylston Street , Both sides from Washington Street to Massachusetts Avenue

Additional parking restrictions are as follows according to Wicked Local media partner WCVB Channel 5:

  • Charles Street South , Both sides from Park Plaza to Boylston Street
  • Charles Street , Both sides from Beacon Street to Boylston Street
  • Arlington Street , Both sides from Newbury Street to Saint James Avenue
  • Berkeley Street , Both sides from Saint James Avenue to Newbury Street
  • Clarendon Street , Both sides from Saint James Avenue to Newbury Street
  • Dartmouth Street , Both sides from Newbury Street to Saint James Avenue
  • Exeter Street , Both sides from Newbury Street to Blagden Street
  • Fairfield Street , Both sides from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Gloucester Street , Both sides from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Hereford Street , Both sides from Boylston Street to Newbury Street
  • Cambria Street , Both sides, from Boylston Street to end at Hynes Center garage
  • Scotia Street , Both sides, from Saint Cecilia Street to Dalton Street
  • Saint Cecilia Street , Both sides, from Belvidere Street to Boylston Street
  • Dalton Street , Both sides, from Belvidere Street to Boylston Street
  • Providence Street , Both sides, from Arlington Street to Berkeley Street
  • West Street , Both sides, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
  • Temple Place , Both sides, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
  • Bromfield Street , Both sides, from Washington Street to Tremont Street
  • Park Street , Both sides, from Tremont Street to Beacon Street
  • Beacon Street , Both sides, from Somerset Street to Tremont Street
  • School Street , Both sides, from Tremont Street to Province Street
  • Somerset Street , Both sides, from Ashburton Place to Cambridge Street
  • New Chardon Street , Both sides, from Cambridge Street to Merrimac Street (Congress Street)
  • Bowdoin Street , Both sides, from Dern Street to Cambridge Street
  • New Sudbury Street , Both sides, from Cambridge Street to Hawkins Street
  • Congress Street , Both sides, from New Sudbury Street to State Street
  • State Street , Both sides, from Congress Street to Court Street
  • Court Street , Both sides, from Washington Street to Cambridge Street
  • Staniford Street , Both sides, from Cambridge Street to Merrimac Street
  • Lomasney Way , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Nashua Street
  • Lancaster Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Merrimac Street
  • Portland Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Friend Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Canal Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Haverhill Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Beverly Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to Valenti Way
  • Medford Street , Both sides, from Causeway Street to North Washington Street
  • Plympton Street , Both sides, from Albany Street to Harrison Avenue
  • East Dedham Street , Both sides, from Harrison Avenue to Albany Street

Parking restrictions will end after the parade is over.

sources of water speech

How many championships do the Celtics have?

The latest championship banner makes a total of 18. The team earned its first banner in 1957.

Boston has won titles in: 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008 and 2024.

What members of the Celtics are on the 2024 U.S. Olympic basketball team?

They are Jrue Holliday and Jayson Tatum.

Celtics color: What to the Boston Celtics wear green?

The Boston Celtics colors are Celtics green, Celtics gold, Celtics brown, white, and black, according to the NBA Channel.

According to , "The green echoes the pride of Boston’s Irish community and the idea of continuous growth and ambition, much like the city itself. White represents unity and integrity, key ingredients to the team’s approach to the game. The gold, used sparingly, is a nod to the many triumphs and high standards the Celtics have set over the years."

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  • Philadelphia

Trump focuses on immigration, crime in first-ever rally in Philadelphia

Trump was met with protests ahead of the speech. Inside the Liacouras Center, thousands of supporters cheered him on.

  • Carmen Russell-Sluchansky

Inside Trump's rally

The former president painted a bleak picture of international politics.

“Our border is overrun, inflation is raging. Crime is out of control. Europe is in chaos. The Middle East is exploding. Iran is emboldened. China is on the march, and this horrible, horrible president is dragging us toward World War III,” Trump said. “We’re going to be in World War III soon.”

Trump also took on topics such as vaccine and mask mandates and critical race theory in schools, emphasizing his opposition to each. He made personal digs at Philly native and CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who will co-moderate the first presidential debate on June 27. Trump also spoke against the inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports.

The former president weighed in on the Pa. U.S. Senate race, throwing his support behind Republican candidate Dave McCormick, who is attempting to unseat incumbent Democrat Sen. Bob Casey.

“You have my total support and my total endorsement, and you got to win, Dave McCormick,” Trump said, calling him a “seventh-generation Pennsylvanian” and inviting McCormick on  stage. McCormick returned the favor by endorsing Trump.

“We need new leadership,” McCormick said. “We need a new president in the White House that’s going to get our country back on track.”

Earlier in the evening, protesters gathered on the opposite side of Broad Street, waving Biden-Harris signs. Chants of “Biden, Biden” on one side of the street were met with chants of “USA” from Trump supporters on the other side. An anti-Trump protester with a Gritty mask held a sign reading, “No Tyrants! No Dictators! Only Gritty.”

Former President Donald Trump is speaking at Temple University’s Liacouras Center tonight. Protesters on one side of Broad Street chanted in support of Biden, and were met with cheers of “USA” by Trump supporters across the street. @WHYYNews — Emily Neil (@E_B_Neil) June 22, 2024

Gregory Brown, Philly resident and member of Local 332, said Trump has a right to speak in Philly — but he doesn’t want to see him in the White House again.

“You know what he said, if he loses, there’s going to be bloodshed,” Brown said. “So we don’t need no president like that.”

Anti-Trump protest before the rally

Andrea Chapman, a Philadelphia resident, came out to protest Trump.

“He’s a convicted felon …We want him to go to the big house and not the White House in 2025,” she said.

Outside the venue, Jeffrey “Fredo” Smith of South Carolina was selling Trump merchandise.

“Making a dollar, making new friends, supporting my president, life is good,” Smith said. He said he supports Trump because as president, he “looked out for the HBCUs” while in office.

Trump merchandise for sale outside of the rally

Caleb Wilson, from Tioga County, Pennsylvania, came down to the rally with friends Braeden Heverly and Brittany Stoddard.

“I like what he stands for, he’s what America needs, he’s a businessman and we’re so far in the hole with debt in other countries, we need a businessman to get in there to get us back out. That’s why I support him,” Wilson said.

3 Trump supporters at his rally

Courting the Black Vote

The Trump campaign announced its Black Voters for Trump Coalition last week, shortly after opening a Latino Americans for Trump office in Reading, Pa .

The choice of North Philly for Saturday’s rally aimed to woo Black voters displeased with the current president. The district, a predominantly Black but diverse neighborhood, boasts a legacy of rearing Black civil rights leaders such as Cecil B. Moore and has been the historical home to prominent Black doctors, pastors, architects, small business owners and politicians since the early 1900s.

Biden won 92% of the Black vote in 2020. But, recent polling shows only 50% of Black voters will vote for him if the election were held today. Meanwhile, Trump’s share has gone up.

“That’s a big shift,” U.S. Representative Dan Meuser, who represents Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District, told WHYY News before giving a speech at the rally. “And with younger African Americans, it’s even better. And the numbers are quite similar with Latino Americans. So look, we’ve got a lot of momentum.”

Meuser argues that Black voters are frustrated with the same issues as other voters.

“Crime is up, inflation is up, gasoline prices are up — nothing’s being improved,” he said. “So people say, Joe Biden’s all talk and no action. And they want to see a course change.”

Anti-Trump protest before the rally

State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta, however, says he believes his constituents will come out for Biden .

“He is coming to my district to lie, not because he’s trying to court Black voters , but actually because he has no respect for Black voters and for our intelligence,” Kenyatta, who represents North Philly, told WHYY News.

Anti-Trump protest before the rally

Kenyatta said voters will remember Trump’s “racist” ways — how he questioned former President Barack Obama’s citizenship and the Department of Justice’s lawsuit alleging Trump’s real estate company refused to rent to Black residents in New York.

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Column: Stormy Daniels is shameless and it’s wonderful

A woman with long blond hair talks into a microphone.

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Happy Thursday. There are 179 days until the election, and we are jumping from dead dogs to dead worms.

As you’ve probably read, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had a parasitic worm in his brain .

It was deceased, but what the heck?

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That tidbit came straight from the man himself, drawn from a deposition he gave in divorce proceedings more than a decade ago — in which he apparently argued that his earning capacity was diminished because Wormy ate part of his cerebral matter, leaving him unable to pay as much alimony as his un-chomped brain would be able to afford. Quick, give that dude the nuclear codes!

I mean, it does explain a lot.

But also, the story segues so nicely into the topic of this newsletter: How far men will go to get out of lady troubles, and what that does to the ladies.

We’ll even include a JFK appearance.

So here we go on the Stormy Daniels affair.

Stormy Daniels takes a stand

Stormy Daniels testifies in Donald Trump's hush money trial.

Stormy Daniels has been in the spotlight — literally — since she started stripping in Louisiana at age 17 to pay the bills when her negligent mother kept disappearing. She was called as a prosecution witness Tuesday in the Donald Trump hush money trial, putting her on the global stage.

Folks, this is a woman who isn’t scared of a fight, and isn’t afraid to talk about sex — even if we are.

In a world where women are routinely expected to be ashamed about any public conversation of sex, whether it’s consensual or during an assault, Daniels didn’t avoid the nitty-gritty.

That included accounts of spanking Trump with a magazine, silky jammies (his) and her own ambivalence in the moment, all told in a rapid-fire, conversational tone while she looked right at the jury.

Daniels’ radical shamelessness is important because it upends the status quo that men have long depended on in sex-involved court cases — that the woman will be humbled, and that she can be torn down as weak or a liar because of the humiliation, guilt and stigma we expect her to feel.

“I was so proud of her,” Alana Evans told me on Wednesday.

Evans, an adult actress and president of the Adult Performance Artists Guild , is an acquaintance of Daniels.

Daniels name-checked Evans from the stand Tuesday about a phone call between them while Daniels was in Trump’s hotel suite.

Evans was in Lake Tahoe at the same time as Daniels and Trump in 2006. Trump, Evans said, even got on the line during that call in an attempt to have her join them. Evans didn’t go.

“There was no doubt that it really happened,” Evans said. “I heard the man’s voice myself.”

Devil in the details

But even the judge in the case, Juan Merchan, bristled at hearing the specifics of Daniels’ Trumpian romp.

He called some of the finer points “better left unsaid,” claimed “the degree of detail we’re going into here is just unnecessary” and told lawyers that Daniels was “a little difficult to control.”

Damn straight she’s hard to control.

With decades of experience as a sex worker, Daniels doesn’t seem cowed by expectation or the squeamishness displayed by Merchan and others in the courtroom.

“You could compare it to a doctor talking about surgery and arteries and blood and tissue,” Evans said. “These are things they see every day and it doesn’t affect them. You show that to someone else and they may pass out.”

Those details are also necessary, no matter how much they make Trump — or the judge — uncomfortable.

Because Trump denies having had sex with Daniels.

Daniels’ exhaustive account goes to the heart of her credibility. She describes the black and white tiles in the hotel suite; sitting at the dining room table for nearly two hours talking about the business of porn; the Old Spice and Pert Plus shampoo in Trump’s toiletry kit, which she rifled through when she used the bathroom.

She described how she came out of that bathroom and found Trump in his boxers, a “jump scare,” because she was not expecting him unclothed.

How she kind of checked out mentally and for a long time couldn’t remember how she ended up on the bed, but did recall that her hands were shaking when she got dressed and had to buckle the tiny straps of her gold heels.

That kind of stuff is hard to make up, and harder to keep straight. All Daniels has on her side is the truth, the full truth, in all its salacious glory.

“When you are telling the truth, you can paint the complete picture,” Evans said. “Stormy sharing all of those details is how you really know Stormy is telling the truth because all those gaps are filled in.”

One of the prosecutors, Susan Hoffinger, made that point when arguing with the defense about how much Daniels should be allowed to say.

“[A]t the end of the day, your honor, this is what defendant was trying to hide,” Hoffinger said. “It is precisely what the defendant did not want to become public.”

Trump’s lawyers can argue those details are prejudicial. (They asked for a mistrial, arguing Daniels’ testimony would bias the jury against him. The judge denied that request.)

But in reality, “All these people who are freaking out over the details, they can’t handle the details,” Evans said.

Sexual relations with that woman

And too often, men — presidents included — have relied on denials without substance, banking on that social discomfort to come out on top.

Remember when Bill Clinton tried that tactic with Monica Lewinsky, famously quipping “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” when in fact he did?

Then, it was the blue Gap dress with its semen stain that really did him in, a tangible bit of DNA evidence that couldn’t be denied. But as Lewinsky has talked about, that experience left her with decades of shame and pain.

Because ultimately she was the one we looked down on, even though Clinton was the one impeached.

Judith Campbell Exner, the Los Angeles socialite who was also JFK’s mistress, had the same experience after she was forced to testify in front of a congressional committee about her affair with Kennedy before and after he was elected president.

When she became pregnant, Kennedy arranged for her abortion, despite his staunch public Catholicism.

But she paid the price with decades of scorn, she told my colleague Patt Morrison , and JFK went on to other affairs.

“People who loved Jack felt if they could degrade me, then he was just a bad boy,” she said . “On the other side, [Republicans] felt they could destroy Jack by destroying me, by making me as bad as possible.”

So to see Stormy Daniels rejecting the contempt piled on other women in her situation is wonderful — though she too said she felt the infamy of it all.

When asked who she had told about the sex, she said very few people.

“Because I felt ashamed that I didn’t stop it, that I didn’t say no. A lot of people would just assume — they would make jokes out of it. I didn’t think it was funny,” she said in court.

But why should she be disgraced with the dumb blond trope when it was Trump who had a wife at home, with their newborn son?

Why should she be apologetic for being a sex worker when she has built a business — acting, directing, producing, writing — that has made enough money for her to support herself and her family?

Why should she accept being vilified, just because that makes people more comfortable?

Daniels is back on the stand Thursday, and I hope she remains shameless.

What else you should be reading

The Must Read: Gov. Gavin Newsom is working on a memoir as he builds his image beyond California The Follow-up : But How Does the Worm Get in Your Brain? The L.A. Times Special : Berkeley schools chief grilled by Congress on claims of rampant antisemitism in K-12 classrooms

Stay Golden, Anita Chabria

P.S.: Kristi Noem is the gift that keeps on giving

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

Now our puppy-killer is in damage control over claiming she met North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, an anecdote in her train wreck of a memoir that is apparently being removed — though she won’t quite admit it’s false. Here’s a clip . — Was this newsletter forwarded to you? Sign up here to get it in your inbox.

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Anita Chabria is a California columnist for the Los Angeles Times, based in Sacramento. Before joining The Times, she worked for the Sacramento Bee as a member of its statewide investigative team and previously covered criminal justice and City Hall.

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Israeli Official Describes Secret Government Bid to Cement Control of West Bank

Israeli judges have long ruled that Israel’s control of the territory is a temporary military occupation and complies with international law. A powerful minister’s recent speech, caught on tape, suggested the government is trying to change that.

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An armed soldier standing behind a concrete barrier and sandbags. He is flanked by Israeli flags.

By Natan Odenheimer ,  Ronen Bergman and Patrick Kingsley

The reporters reviewed a recording of a recent speech given by Bezalel Smotrich, a far-right Israeli cabinet minister spearheading efforts to cement Israeli control over the occupied West Bank.

An influential member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition told settlers in the Israeli-occupied West Bank that the government is engaged in a stealthy effort to irreversibly change the way the territory is governed, to cement Israel’s control over it without being accused of formally annexing it.

In a taped recording of the speech, the official, Bezalel Smotrich , can be heard suggesting at a private event earlier this month that the goal was to prevent the West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state.

“I’m telling you, it’s mega-dramatic,” Mr. Smotrich told the settlers. “Such changes change a system’s DNA.”

While Mr. Smotrich’s opposition to ceding control over the West Bank is no secret, the Israeli government’s official position is that the West Bank’s status remains open to negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Israel’s Supreme Court has ruled that Israel’s rule over the territory amounts to a temporary military occupation overseen by army generals, not a permanent civilian annexation administered by Israeli civil servants.

Mr. Smotrich’s June 9 speech at a West Bank gathering may make that posture harder to maintain. In it, he outlined a carefully orchestrated program to take authority over the West Bank out of the hands of the Israeli military and turn it over to civilians working for Mr. Smotrich in the defense ministry. Parts of the plan have already been incrementally introduced over the past 18 months, and some authorities have already been transferred to civilians.

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  29. Column: Stormy Daniels is shameless and it's wonderful

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    Israeli judges have long ruled that Israel's control of the territory is a temporary military occupation and complies with international law. A powerful minister's recent speech, caught on ...