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Word Stress


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Syllables and word stress – english pronunciation lesson.

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In this lesson, you can learn about syllables and stress in English.

Do you know what stress means it’s one of the most important pronunciation points in english., when you speak english, do other people find it difficult to understand what you’re saying if so, you might not be using stress correctly., pronouncing words with the correct stress can make a big difference to your english: your english will immediately sound clearer and more natural., quiz: syllables and word stress.

Now, test your knowledge of what you learned in the lesson by trying this quiz.

For some questions, you need to listen to the audio in order to answer. In other cases, you can listen to the audio as extra help.

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1 . Question

Put these words in order of how many syllables they have, starting with the word that has one syllable.

  • unbelievable
  • information

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2 . Question

Read or listen to five words and mark the one that does not have the same number of syllables as the others.

If you’re not certain, listen carefully to the recording, which reflects the most common pronunciation of these words.

3 . Question

Read these phonetic transcriptions of words you saw in the lesson. Which one has the most syllables?

  • /jʊːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/
  • /ˈbrekfəst/
  • /ʌnˈkʌmftəbəl/
  • /saɪənˈtɪfɪk/
  • /fəˈtɒgrəfiː/

Remember that a syllable contains one vowel, which may be a monophthong or pure vowel, or it may be a combination of sounds that glide together (a diphthong or triphthong). Also, look carefully at the phonetic transcription: some letters in the orthographic spelling may be silent, but the phonetic transcription represents the pronunciation exactly – there are no silent letters in phonetics!

4 . Question

Listen to the following words. Which one is not pronounced with three syllables?


(Note that some of these words have syllables that can either be pronounced or be silent: this question refers to how they are pronounced in this recording, so you cannot answer without listening first!)

  • temperature
  • photographed

You must listen to the recording before you answer, because the question asks about the pronunciation of this speaker. It is possible (and correct!) to say some of these words in more than one way.

5 . Question

True or false: stressed syllables are louder than unstressed syllables

6 . Question

True or false: unstressed syllables are not as long as stressed syllables

7 . Question

True or false: the pitch of the voice is lower for stressed syllables than for unstressed syllables

8 . Question

True or false: the stressed syllable in English is underlined in the phonetic transcriptions found in most dictionaries.

9 . Question

Which words are stressed on the first syllable? Choose as many as you think are right.

10 . Question

What type of two-syllable words are usually stressed on the last syllable? Choose as many as you think are right.

11 . Question

Which words are stressed on the last syllable? Choose as many as you think are right.

12 . Question

Which of these nouns are exceptions to the normal rule for two-syllable nouns? Choose as many as you think are exceptions.

In case you need a reminder, here’s the rule: two-syllable nouns are usually stressed on the first syllable.

Some of these words can also be a verb or an adjective, and the pronunciation may differ, but the question asks about nouns, so answer in terms of their pronunciation as nouns.

13 . Question

Which of these words from the lesson is stressed on the first syllable? Choose as many as you think are right.

14 . Question

Where is the stress on the words ‘relation’, ‘discussion’ and ‘optician’?

  • The first syllable
  • The second / second-last syllable
  • The last syllable

15 . Question

Which of these word groups is not stressed on the second-last syllable? Choose as many as you think are right.

  • dramatic, Atlantic, magic, enthusiastic
  • activity, opportunity, photography, university
  • education, television, station, politician

16 . Question

Which of these words are stressed on the first syllable? Choose as many as you think are right.

  • comfortable
  • uncomfortable
  • comfortably

17 . Question

What is the phonetic symbol for the most common vowel in English, the neutral vowel sound known as the schwa?

18 . Question

On which syllables is there a schwa in the word ‘information’? Choose as many as you think are right. Listen to the recording to help you.


  • The second syllable
  • The second-last syllable

19 . Question

On which syllables is there a schwa in the word ‘banana’? Choose as many as you think are right. Listen to the recording to help you.


20 . Question

On which syllables is there a schwa in the word ‘understandable’? Choose as many as you think are right. Listen to the recording to help you.


  • The third syllable

1. How to Count Syllables

You’ll learn all about stress in this lesson, but first, we need to talk about syllables . Listen to four words:

Do you know how many syllables these words have? Fast has one syllable: fast. /faːst/ Person has two syllables: per-son. /ˈpɜːsən/ Beautiful has three syllables: beau-ti-ful. /ˈbjʊːtɪfəl/ Information has four syllables: in-for-ma-tion. /ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ A syllable has one vowel sound (and only one vowel sound) and one or more consonant sounds. Let’s do some more practice. Look at four more words:

How many syllables do they have? Breakfast has two syllables: break-fast. /ˈbrekfəst/ Banana has three syllables: ba-na-na. /bəˈnaːnə/ Tomorrow has three syllables: to-mor-row. /təˈmɒrəʊ/ University has five syllables: u-ni-ver-si-ty. /jʊːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/ So, this lesson isn’t really about syllables; it’s about stress. What’s the connection between syllables and stress? Think about the word banana. Banana has three syllables.

Do you pronounce all the syllables the same: bah-nah-nah? No, you don’t—one syllable is stronger: ba-NA-na. This is stress. If a word has one syllable, you don’t need to think about stress. But, if a word has two syllables or more, one syllable is always stressed: it has a strong, clear pronunciation.

Let’s practice pronouncing word stress correctly.

2. How to Pronounce Stress

Let’s look at an example you just saw.

Do you remember where the stress is? It’s on the second syllable: ba-NA-na. What makes the stressed syllable different? There are three things you need to do to pronounce stress correctly. One: the stressed syllable should be louder. Two: the stressed syllable should be a little higher. Three: the stressed syllable should be a little longer in time. Let’s practice. First, listen to three words you saw before:

  • inforMAtion

Here, I was exaggerating the stress so that you can hear it clearly. You don’t need to pronounce the stress this strongly. However, when you practice, it’s a good idea to try to overpronounce the stress a little bit. This will make sure that you are pronouncing it correctly. So, where is the stress in these three words? Listen again, and this time, repeat the words after me: PERson, BEAUtiful, inforMAtion. Let’s try one more time: PERson, BEAUtiful, inforMAtion. How was that? Could you pronounce the stress clearly? Next, let’s look at four more words you saw before:

This time, I pronounced the stress in a more natural way. Could you hear it? Where is the stress in these four words? Listen again, and this time, repeat the words after me: BREAKfast, baNAna, toMOrrow, uniVERsity. Let’s try one more time: BREAKfast, baNAna, toMOrrow, uniVERsity.

When you look up a word, you can find the stress by looking at the phonetic transcription. The thing that looks like an apostrophe /ˈ/ shows you where the stress is. When you see this apostrophe, the next syllable is the stressed syllable. When you write down new English vocabulary , make sure you record the stress, too. You can put a mark over the stressed syllable, or underline it.

Syllables and Word Stress - definition image

At this point, you might be thinking: are there any rules about word stress? How do I know where the word stress is if I don’t have a dictionary? Let’s talk about that.

3. Stress in Two-Syllable Words

We’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news is that there are some rules about word stress in English. The bad news is that the rules don’t cover everything, and even the rules which you do have don’t work all the time. Here’s one rule which is quite useful. It’s about words with two syllables. Look at five words:

All these words have two syllables. Where’s the stress? In all the words, the stress is on the 1st syllable. There’s a reason for this: can you work it out? What connects these five words? These words are all nouns. Nouns with two syllables usually have stress on the 1st syllable. Let’s practice saying the words together. Repeat after me: PICture, MInute, MOney, DOCtor, WAter. This is also true for most adjectives with two syllables:

What about verbs? Look at some examples and try to work out the rule:

Can you hear the stress? The stress is on the second syllable. Let’s practice saying the words together. Repeat after me: deCIDE, forGET, exPLAIN, arRIVE, rePEAT. So, most nouns and adjectives with two syllables have the stress on the first syllable, and most verbs have the stress on the second syllable. Be careful, because there are many common exceptions, like hoTEL, HAPpen, exAM, or FINish.

What about longer words? Are there any rules you can use to find the stress?

4. Stress in Longer Words

syllable stress presentation

In three-syllable words, the stress can be anywhere; it can be at the beginning:

It can be in the middle:

It can also be at the end, although this is less common:

Let’s practice! Repeat after me: BEAUtiful, toMOrrow, emploYEE. Let’s try three more: ANyone, comPUter, JapanESE. In words with four or more syllables, the stress is almost always in the middle of the word, not on the first or last syllable. For example:

  • comMUnicate
  • phoTOgrapher

Try saying the words after me: inforMAtion, comMUnicate, phoTOgrapher. There are some other rules which can help you to find the stress in longer words. Let’s look together. If a word ends -tion, -sion or -cian, then the stress is always on the second last syllable:

Can you think of three more words like this? There are many, but here are three more suggestions: situAtion, reVIsion, elecTRIcian. The same rule is true for words ending -ic:

Again, all these words have the stress on the second last syllable. If a word ends with the letter -y and has three or more syllables, then the stress is two syllables before the last one. For example:

  • possiBILity

That means, if a word has three syllables and ends in -y, the stress is almost always on the first syllable:

There’s one more rule which could help you here: if a longer word is made from a shorter root word, then the stress is generally in the same place as the root word. For example:

  • COMfortable
  • unCOMfortable
  • COMfortably

In all these words, the stress is in the same place as the root word, COMfort. However, the rules you saw before take priority. This means that the stress can move when you make a longer word from a root word. For example:

  • PHOtograph -> phoTOgraphy -> photoGRAphic
  • eCOnomy -> ecoNOmic
  • EDucate -> eduCAtion

Okay, now you’ve learned about stress, how to pronounce it, and how you can find the stress in different words. But, there’s still one more very important thing you should know about.

5. Contrasts and Vowel Reductions

Want to know a secret that will improve your English pronunciation really fast? Here’s the most important point about word stress: it’s about contrast. That means, when you pronounce word stress, it’s not just about the stressed syllable. You also need to think about the unstressed syllables. Remember that to pronounce stress, you make the stressed syllable louder, higher and longer. Stress is about contrast, so the opposite is true for unstressed syllables: you need to make them quieter, lower and shorter.

Let’s look at three words you’ve already practiced:

To pronounce the words well, you need to think about the unstressed syllables, too. Often, the vowel sounds in the unstressed syllables are reduced to schwa sounds–/ə/, or short /ɪ/ sounds. ‘Reduced’ means the vowel sounds are shorter and weaker. For example, in the word banana, the stress is on the second syllable: ba-NA-na. The stressed ‘a’ has an /aː/ sound, but the other two ‘a’s’ have schwa sounds: b/ə/nan/ə/. In the word person, the first syllable is stressed, and the second syllable has a schwa sound: pers/ə/n. And in information, the syllables before and after the stressed syllable reduce to schwas: inf/ə/mat/ə/n.

Get more practice with vowels in this Oxford Online English lesson: How to Pronounce Vowel Sounds .

Unstressed syllables can’t always be reduced, but they often can be. If a vowel sound is reduced, it most often shortens to a schwa sound. We’ll finish with a simple tip to help you pronounce word stress clearly and naturally. Focus on the stressed syllable, and put more stress on it than you think you need. Pronounce the unstressed syllables as fast as you can. If you do this, you’ll have contrast in your pronunciation, and this will make your word stress sound natural and clear.

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Unit 8 Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables

Published by Grace Walton Modified over 9 years ago

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syllable structure in english

Syllable Structure in English

Nov 13, 2014

2.41k likes | 8.58k Views

Syllable Structure in English. Lets study it…. Words can be cut up into units called syllables. Humans seem to need syllables as a way of segmenting the stream of speech and giving it a rhythm of strong and weak beats. Syllables exist only to make speech easier for the brain to process.

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  • syllable structure
  • syllable node
  • syllable nuclei
  • illustrate syllable structure
  • apron basic began begin


Presentation Transcript

Syllable Structure in English Lets study it…

Words can be cut up into units called syllables. • Humans seem to need syllables as a way of segmenting the stream of speech and giving it a rhythm of strong and weak beats. • Syllables exist only to make speech easier for the brain to process. • A word contains at least one syllable.

Syllables and their parts • The parts are onset and rhyme; within the rhyme we find the nucleus and coda. • Not all syllables have all parts; the smallest possible syllable contains a nucleus only. • A syllable may or may not have an onset and a coda.

Onset (O) • Onset: the beginning sounds of the syllable; the ones preceding the nucleus. These are always consonants in English. The nucleus is  a vowel in most cases, although the consonants [ r ], [ l ], [ m ], [ n ], and the velar nasal (the 'ng' sound) can also be the nucleus of a syllable.

Rhyme (R) • Rhyme (or rime): the rest of the syllable, after the onset (the underlined portions of the words above). The rhyme can also be divided up: Rhyme = nucleus + coda

Nucleus (N) • is the core or essential part of a syllable. A nucleus must be present in order for a syllable to be present. • In English and most other languages, most syllable nuclei are vowels. • The English liquids [ r  l ] and the nasals [ m  n ] can be the nuclei of syllables under certain conditions. [ r ] can be a nucleus as easily as a vowel, in any position: the words 'bird', have [ r ] as the nucleus; in other words, there is no vowel in the pronunciation of these syllables, even though they have one in the spelling.   [brd] • [ l ] and the nasals [ m n ] become syllable nuclei when they follow an alveolar consonant in the last syllable of a word. This happens in the relaxed or casual rather than very formal articulation of the word. Compare casual vs. formal pronunciations of 'button', 'bottle', 'bottom'.

Linguists often use tree diagrams to illustrate syllable structure. 'Flop', for example, would look like this (the word appears in IPA symbols, not English spelling). 's' = 'syllable'; 'O' = 'onset'; 'R' = 'rhyme'; 'N' = 'nucleus'; 'C' = 'coda'.  • The syllable node at the top of the tree branches into Onset and Rhyme; the Onset node branches because it contains two consonants, [ f ] and [ l ]. The Rhyme node branches because this syllable has both a nucleus and a coda. •           σ         /     \       O     R       / \    /  \      |   |   N C      |   |    |    |   [ f   l    a  p ]

Steps to determine the diagram: • Determine the nucleus (N) • Add Rhyme ( R ) on the ordinate of the nucleus • Determine the onset (O) and the coda (C).

If a syllable has the coda, it is called as closed syllable Example : cap, sit, man • If a syllable doesn’t have the coda it is called as open syllable. Example : he, she, me

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Syllable Structure in English

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H o w   M a n y   S y ll a bl e s

  • Syllable Dictionary

Syllable Rules

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Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes    Quiz

presentation presentation syllables

How many syllables in presentation .

Divide presentation into syllables:   pres-en-ta-tion Primary syllable stress:   pres-en- ta -tion Secondary syllable stress:   pres -en-ta-tion How to say presentation : pronounce syllables in presentation

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1.  What is a syllable? 2.  How to count syllables. 3.  How to divide into syllables.

Synonyms for presentation

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  • introduction hear the syllables in introduction
  • retrospective hear the syllables in retrospective

What rhymes with presentation

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  • station hear the syllables in station
  • Alsatian hear the syllables in alsatian
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  • nitration hear the syllables in nitration
  • optation hear the syllables in optation
  • ovation hear the syllables in ovation
  • quotation hear the syllables in quotation
  • relation hear the syllables in relation
  • salvation hear the syllables in salvation
  • sensation hear the syllables in sensation
  • stagnation hear the syllables in stagnation
  • starvation hear the syllables in starvation
  • summation hear the syllables in summation
  • temptation hear the syllables in temptation
  • vacation hear the syllables in vacation
  • vocation hear the syllables in vocation
  • carnation hear the syllables in carnation
  • causation hear the syllables in causation
  • cetacean hear the syllables in cetacean
  • creation hear the syllables in creation
  • Croatian hear the syllables in croatian
  • crustacean's hear the syllables in crustacean's
  • damnation hear the syllables in damnation
  • dictation hear the syllables in dictation
  • donation hear the syllables in donation
  • duration hear the syllables in duration
  • filtration hear the syllables in filtration
  • fixation hear the syllables in fixation
  • flotation hear the syllables in flotation
  • foundation hear the syllables in foundation
  • gestation hear the syllables in gestation
  • gyration hear the syllables in gyration
  • inflation hear the syllables in inflation
  • libration hear the syllables in libration
  • location hear the syllables in location
  • mutation hear the syllables in mutation
  • negation hear the syllables in negation
  • notation hear the syllables in notation
  • oration hear the syllables in oration
  • plantation hear the syllables in plantation
  • reflation hear the syllables in reflation
  • rotation hear the syllables in rotation
  • sedation hear the syllables in sedation
  • stagflation hear the syllables in stagflation
  • stalinize hear the syllables in stalinize
  • starvations hear the syllables in starvations
  • taxation hear the syllables in taxation
  • translation hear the syllables in translation
  • vibration hear the syllables in vibration
  • abdication hear the syllables in abdication
  • abjuration hear the syllables in abjuration
  • abrogation hear the syllables in abrogation
  • acclamation hear the syllables in acclamation
  • accusation hear the syllables in accusation
  • adaptation hear the syllables in adaptation
  • admiration hear the syllables in admiration
  • adulation hear the syllables in adulation
  • advocation hear the syllables in advocation
  • affirmation hear the syllables in affirmation
  • aggravation hear the syllables in aggravation
  • agitation hear the syllables in agitation
  • allocation hear the syllables in allocation
  • altercation hear the syllables in altercation
  • amputation hear the syllables in amputation
  • annexation hear the syllables in annexation
  • appellation hear the syllables in appellation
  • approbation hear the syllables in approbation
  • arrogation hear the syllables in arrogation
  • assignation hear the syllables in assignation
  • augmentation hear the syllables in augmentation
  • aviation hear the syllables in aviation
  • backwardation hear the syllables in backwardation
  • blaxploitation hear the syllables in blaxploitation
  • calculation hear the syllables in calculation
  • cancellation hear the syllables in cancellation
  • castigation hear the syllables in castigation
  • cerebration hear the syllables in cerebration
  • circulation hear the syllables in circulation
  • collocation hear the syllables in collocation
  • combination hear the syllables in combination
  • commendation hear the syllables in commendation
  • compensation hear the syllables in compensation
  • complication hear the syllables in complication
  • concentration hear the syllables in concentration
  • condensation hear the syllables in condensation
  • confiscation hear the syllables in confiscation
  • conformation hear the syllables in conformation
  • congregation hear the syllables in congregation
  • connotation hear the syllables in connotation
  • conservation hear the syllables in conservation
  • constellation hear the syllables in constellation
  • constipation hear the syllables in constipation
  • consummation hear the syllables in consummation
  • conurbation hear the syllables in conurbation
  • convocation hear the syllables in convocation
  • coronation hear the syllables in coronation
  • correlation hear the syllables in correlation
  • crenellation hear the syllables in crenellation
  • culmination hear the syllables in culmination
  • cumulation hear the syllables in cumulation
  • decimation hear the syllables in decimation
  • declaration hear the syllables in declaration
  • decoration hear the syllables in decoration
  • defamation hear the syllables in defamation
  • defecation hear the syllables in defecation
  • degradation hear the syllables in degradation
  • delectation hear the syllables in delectation
  • demarcation hear the syllables in demarcation
  • denigration hear the syllables in denigration
  • depilation hear the syllables in depilation
  • depravation hear the syllables in depravation
  • depredation hear the syllables in depredation
  • deputation hear the syllables in deputation
  • derogation hear the syllables in derogation
  • desiccation hear the syllables in desiccation
  • desolation hear the syllables in desolation
  • destination hear the syllables in destination
  • detonation hear the syllables in detonation
  • deviation hear the syllables in deviation
  • disinflation hear the syllables in disinflation
  • dispensation hear the syllables in dispensation
  • dissertation hear the syllables in dissertation
  • distillation hear the syllables in distillation
  • domination hear the syllables in domination
  • education hear the syllables in education
  • elongation hear the syllables in elongation
  • embarkation hear the syllables in embarkation
  • embrocation hear the syllables in embrocation
  • emigration hear the syllables in emigration
  • enervation hear the syllables in enervation
  • escalation hear the syllables in escalation
  • evocation hear the syllables in evocation
  • exaltation hear the syllables in exaltation
  • excitation hear the syllables in excitation
  • exculpation hear the syllables in exculpation
  • exhalation hear the syllables in exhalation
  • exhumation hear the syllables in exhumation
  • expiation hear the syllables in expiation
  • explanation hear the syllables in explanation
  • exploitation hear the syllables in exploitation
  • exportation hear the syllables in exportation
  • extirpation hear the syllables in extirpation
  • fabrication hear the syllables in fabrication
  • federation hear the syllables in federation
  • fermentation hear the syllables in fermentation
  • figuration hear the syllables in figuration
  • flagellation hear the syllables in flagellation
  • fluoridation hear the syllables in fluoridation
  • forestation hear the syllables in forestation
  • fornication hear the syllables in fornication
  • fulmination hear the syllables in fulmination
  • gastrulation hear the syllables in gastrulation
  • generation hear the syllables in generation
  • glaciation hear the syllables in glaciation
  • graduation hear the syllables in graduation
  • gravitation hear the syllables in gravitation
  • habitation hear the syllables in habitation
  • hibernation hear the syllables in hibernation
  • ideation hear the syllables in ideation
  • imitation hear the syllables in imitation
  • immolation hear the syllables in immolation
  • implantations hear the syllables in implantations
  • importation hear the syllables in importation
  • imprecation hear the syllables in imprecation
  • imputation hear the syllables in imputation
  • incarnation hear the syllables in incarnation
  • incrustation hear the syllables in incrustation
  • indentation hear the syllables in indentation
  • indication hear the syllables in indication
  • infestation hear the syllables in infestation
  • inflammation hear the syllables in inflammation
  • inhalation hear the syllables in inhalation
  • inspiration hear the syllables in inspiration
  • instigation hear the syllables in instigation
  • integration hear the syllables in integration
  • intonation hear the syllables in intonation
  • invitation hear the syllables in invitation
  • irrigation hear the syllables in irrigation
  • isolation hear the syllables in isolation
  • jubilation hear the syllables in jubilation
  • lamentation hear the syllables in lamentation
  • legislation hear the syllables in legislation
  • liberation hear the syllables in liberation
  • lineation hear the syllables in lineation
  • litigation hear the syllables in litigation
  • lucubration hear the syllables in lucubration
  • machination hear the syllables in machination
  • masturbation hear the syllables in masturbation
  • mediation hear the syllables in mediation
  • meditation hear the syllables in meditation
  • menstruation hear the syllables in menstruation
  • miscreation hear the syllables in miscreation
  • mitigation hear the syllables in mitigation
  • modulation hear the syllables in modulation
  • molestations hear the syllables in molestations
  • mutilation hear the syllables in mutilation
  • nomination hear the syllables in nomination
  • obfuscation hear the syllables in obfuscation
  • obligation hear the syllables in obligation
  • occupation hear the syllables in occupation
  • orchestration hear the syllables in orchestration
  • oscillation hear the syllables in oscillation
  • ostentation hear the syllables in ostentation
  • ovulation hear the syllables in ovulation
  • pagination hear the syllables in pagination
  • penetration hear the syllables in penetration
  • perforation hear the syllables in perforation
  • permutation hear the syllables in permutation
  • perpetration hear the syllables in perpetration
  • perturbation hear the syllables in perturbation
  • pixilation hear the syllables in pixilation
  • pollination hear the syllables in pollination
  • postulation hear the syllables in postulation
  • predication hear the syllables in predication
  • preservation hear the syllables in preservation
  • procreation hear the syllables in procreation
  • prolongation hear the syllables in prolongation
  • propagation hear the syllables in propagation
  • protestation hear the syllables in protestation
  • publication hear the syllables in publication
  • radiation hear the syllables in radiation
  • recantation hear the syllables in recantation
  • recreation hear the syllables in recreation
  • refutation hear the syllables in refutation
  • regulation hear the syllables in regulation
  • relaxation hear the syllables in relaxation
  • renovation hear the syllables in renovation
  • replication hear the syllables in replication
  • reputation hear the syllables in reputation
  • reservation's hear the syllables in reservation's
  • respiration hear the syllables in respiration
  • retardation hear the syllables in retardation
  • revocation hear the syllables in revocation
  • rumination hear the syllables in rumination
  • salutation hear the syllables in salutation
  • Sarmatian hear the syllables in sarmatian
  • segmentation hear the syllables in segmentation
  • sensation's hear the syllables in sensation's
  • sequestration hear the syllables in sequestration
  • sexploitation hear the syllables in sexploitation
  • situation hear the syllables in situation
  • speculation hear the syllables in speculation
  • stimulation hear the syllables in stimulation
  • stipulation's hear the syllables in stipulation's
  • structuration hear the syllables in structuration
  • subjugation hear the syllables in subjugation
  • subluxation hear the syllables in subluxation
  • syncopation hear the syllables in syncopation
  • T formation hear the syllables in t formation
  • termination hear the syllables in termination
  • toleration hear the syllables in toleration
  • transformation hear the syllables in transformation
  • transmigration hear the syllables in transmigration
  • transpiration hear the syllables in transpiration
  • transportation hear the syllables in transportation
  • tribulation hear the syllables in tribulation
  • ululation hear the syllables in ululation
  • urination hear the syllables in urination
  • vaccination hear the syllables in vaccination
  • validation hear the syllables in validation
  • variation hear the syllables in variation
  • veneration hear the syllables in veneration
  • vindication hear the syllables in vindication
  • visitation hear the syllables in visitation
  • aberration hear the syllables in aberration
  • abnegation hear the syllables in abnegation
  • acceptation hear the syllables in acceptation
  • acclimation hear the syllables in acclimation
  • activation hear the syllables in activation
  • adjuration hear the syllables in adjuration
  • adoration hear the syllables in adoration
  • adumbration hear the syllables in adumbration
  • affectation hear the syllables in affectation
  • affrication hear the syllables in affrication
  • aggregation hear the syllables in aggregation
  • allegation hear the syllables in allegation
  • alteration hear the syllables in alteration
  • alternation hear the syllables in alternation
  • animation hear the syllables in animation
  • annotation hear the syllables in annotation
  • application hear the syllables in application
  • arbitration hear the syllables in arbitration
  • aspiration hear the syllables in aspiration
  • attestation hear the syllables in attestation
  • automation hear the syllables in automation
  • avocation hear the syllables in avocation
  • bifurcation hear the syllables in bifurcation
  • botheration hear the syllables in botheration
  • calibration hear the syllables in calibration
  • carbonation hear the syllables in carbonation
  • celebration hear the syllables in celebration
  • chlorination hear the syllables in chlorination
  • cogitation hear the syllables in cogitation
  • coloration hear the syllables in coloration
  • comfort station hear the syllables in comfort station
  • commutation hear the syllables in commutation
  • compilation hear the syllables in compilation
  • computation hear the syllables in computation
  • condemnation hear the syllables in condemnation
  • confirmation hear the syllables in confirmation
  • conflagration hear the syllables in conflagration
  • confrontation hear the syllables in confrontation
  • conjugation hear the syllables in conjugation
  • consecration hear the syllables in consecration
  • consolation hear the syllables in consolation
  • consternation hear the syllables in consternation
  • consultation hear the syllables in consultation
  • contemplation hear the syllables in contemplation
  • conversation hear the syllables in conversation
  • copulation hear the syllables in copulation
  • corporation hear the syllables in corporation
  • corrugation hear the syllables in corrugation
  • crop rotation hear the syllables in crop rotation
  • cultivation hear the syllables in cultivation
  • cybernation hear the syllables in cybernation
  • declamation hear the syllables in declamation
  • declination hear the syllables in declination
  • dedication hear the syllables in dedication
  • defamations hear the syllables in defamations
  • deformation hear the syllables in deformation
  • dehydration hear the syllables in dehydration
  • delegation hear the syllables in delegation
  • denotation hear the syllables in denotation
  • deportation hear the syllables in deportation
  • depravations hear the syllables in depravations
  • deprivation hear the syllables in deprivation
  • derivation hear the syllables in derivation
  • desecration hear the syllables in desecration
  • designation hear the syllables in designation
  • desperation hear the syllables in desperation
  • detestation hear the syllables in detestation
  • devastation hear the syllables in devastation
  • dilatation hear the syllables in dilatation
  • dislocation hear the syllables in dislocation
  • disputation hear the syllables in disputation
  • dissipation hear the syllables in dissipation
  • divination hear the syllables in divination
  • duplication hear the syllables in duplication
  • elevation hear the syllables in elevation
  • emanation hear the syllables in emanation
  • embarkations hear the syllables in embarkations
  • emendation hear the syllables in emendation
  • emulation hear the syllables in emulation
  • equitation hear the syllables in equitation
  • estimation hear the syllables in estimation
  • evocations hear the syllables in evocations
  • excavation hear the syllables in excavation
  • exclamation hear the syllables in exclamation
  • execration hear the syllables in execration
  • exhortation hear the syllables in exhortation
  • expectation hear the syllables in expectation
  • expiration hear the syllables in expiration
  • explication hear the syllables in explication
  • exploration hear the syllables in exploration
  • expurgation hear the syllables in expurgation
  • exultation hear the syllables in exultation
  • fascination hear the syllables in fascination
  • fenestration hear the syllables in fenestration
  • fibrillation hear the syllables in fibrillation
  • filling station hear the syllables in filling station
  • fluctuation hear the syllables in fluctuation
  • foliation hear the syllables in foliation
  • formulation hear the syllables in formulation
  • fragmentation hear the syllables in fragmentation
  • fumigation hear the syllables in fumigation
  • gene mutation hear the syllables in gene mutation
  • germination hear the syllables in germination
  • glaciations hear the syllables in glaciations
  • granulation hear the syllables in granulation
  • gyrational hear the syllables in gyrational
  • hesitation hear the syllables in hesitation
  • hyphenation hear the syllables in hyphenation
  • illustration hear the syllables in illustration
  • immigration hear the syllables in immigration
  • implantation hear the syllables in implantation
  • implication hear the syllables in implication
  • importations hear the syllables in importations
  • impregnation hear the syllables in impregnation
  • incantation hear the syllables in incantation
  • inclination hear the syllables in inclination
  • incubation hear the syllables in incubation
  • indexation hear the syllables in indexation
  • indignation hear the syllables in indignation
  • infiltration hear the syllables in infiltration
  • information hear the syllables in information
  • innovation hear the syllables in innovation
  • installation hear the syllables in installation
  • insulation hear the syllables in insulation
  • intimation hear the syllables in intimation
  • inundation hear the syllables in inundation
  • invocation hear the syllables in invocation
  • irritation hear the syllables in irritation
  • iteration hear the syllables in iteration
  • laceration hear the syllables in laceration
  • lamination hear the syllables in lamination
  • levitation hear the syllables in levitation
  • limitation hear the syllables in limitation
  • liquidation hear the syllables in liquidation
  • lubrication hear the syllables in lubrication
  • maceration hear the syllables in maceration
  • malformation hear the syllables in malformation
  • maturation hear the syllables in maturation
  • medication hear the syllables in medication
  • melioration hear the syllables in melioration
  • ministration hear the syllables in ministration
  • miseration hear the syllables in miseration
  • moderation hear the syllables in moderation
  • molestation hear the syllables in molestation
  • motivation hear the syllables in motivation
  • navigation hear the syllables in navigation
  • nucleation hear the syllables in nucleation
  • objurgation hear the syllables in objurgation
  • observation hear the syllables in observation
  • operation hear the syllables in operation
  • ordination hear the syllables in ordination
  • osculation hear the syllables in osculation
  • ostentations hear the syllables in ostentations
  • oxidation hear the syllables in oxidation
  • palpitation hear the syllables in palpitation
  • percolation hear the syllables in percolation
  • permeation hear the syllables in permeation
  • peroration hear the syllables in peroration
  • perspiration hear the syllables in perspiration
  • pigmentation hear the syllables in pigmentation
  • police station hear the syllables in police station
  • population hear the syllables in population
  • power station hear the syllables in power station
  • preparation hear the syllables in preparation
  • proclamation hear the syllables in proclamation
  • profanation hear the syllables in profanation
  • promulgation hear the syllables in promulgation
  • prorogation hear the syllables in prorogation
  • provocation hear the syllables in provocation
  • punctuation hear the syllables in punctuation
  • reauthorize hear the syllables in reauthorize
  • recantations hear the syllables in recantations
  • reclamation hear the syllables in reclamation
  • reformation hear the syllables in reformation
  • registration hear the syllables in registration
  • rehydration hear the syllables in rehydration
  • relocation hear the syllables in relocation
  • reparation hear the syllables in reparation
  • reprobation hear the syllables in reprobation
  • reservation hear the syllables in reservation
  • resignation hear the syllables in resignation
  • restoration hear the syllables in restoration
  • revelation hear the syllables in revelation
  • ruination hear the syllables in ruination
  • rustication hear the syllables in rustication
  • sanitation hear the syllables in sanitation
  • saturation hear the syllables in saturation
  • segregation hear the syllables in segregation
  • separation hear the syllables in separation
  • service station hear the syllables in service station
  • simulation hear the syllables in simulation
  • speciation hear the syllables in speciation
  • spoliation hear the syllables in spoliation
  • stipulation hear the syllables in stipulation
  • strangulation hear the syllables in strangulation
  • stylization hear the syllables in stylization
  • sublimation hear the syllables in sublimation
  • suffocation hear the syllables in suffocation
  • syndication hear the syllables in syndication
  • tabulation hear the syllables in tabulation
  • titillation hear the syllables in titillation
  • transfer station hear the syllables in transfer station
  • translocation hear the syllables in translocation
  • transmutation hear the syllables in transmutation
  • transplantation hear the syllables in transplantation
  • trepidation hear the syllables in trepidation
  • ulceration hear the syllables in ulceration
  • undulation hear the syllables in undulation
  • usurpation hear the syllables in usurpation
  • vacillation hear the syllables in vacillation
  • valuation hear the syllables in valuation
  • vegetation hear the syllables in vegetation
  • ventilation hear the syllables in ventilation
  • violation hear the syllables in violation
  • weather station hear the syllables in weather station
  • abbreviation hear the syllables in abbreviation
  • acceleration hear the syllables in acceleration
  • accreditation hear the syllables in accreditation
  • accusation's hear the syllables in accusation's
  • administration hear the syllables in administration
  • affirmation's hear the syllables in affirmation's
  • alienation hear the syllables in alienation
  • alleviation hear the syllables in alleviation
  • alteration's hear the syllables in alteration's
  • amalgamation hear the syllables in amalgamation
  • amortization hear the syllables in amortization
  • annihilation hear the syllables in annihilation
  • anticipation hear the syllables in anticipation
  • application's hear the syllables in application's
  • appropriation hear the syllables in appropriation
  • argumentation hear the syllables in argumentation
  • assassination hear the syllables in assassination
  • association hear the syllables in association
  • authorization hear the syllables in authorization
  • calculational hear the syllables in calculational
  • capitulation hear the syllables in capitulation
  • centralizations hear the syllables in centralizations
  • civilization hear the syllables in civilization
  • classification hear the syllables in classification
  • codification hear the syllables in codification
  • cohabitation hear the syllables in cohabitation
  • colonization hear the syllables in colonization
  • commemoration hear the syllables in commemoration
  • communization hear the syllables in communization
  • compilation's hear the syllables in compilation's
  • concatenation hear the syllables in concatenation
  • confabulation hear the syllables in confabulation
  • configuration hear the syllables in configuration
  • conglomeration hear the syllables in conglomeration
  • consideration hear the syllables in consideration
  • consolidation hear the syllables in consolidation
  • contamination hear the syllables in contamination
  • cooperation hear the syllables in cooperation
  • correlational hear the syllables in correlational
  • decaffeination hear the syllables in decaffeination
  • deceleration hear the syllables in deceleration
  • deforestation hear the syllables in deforestation
  • deification hear the syllables in deification
  • delineation hear the syllables in delineation
  • demonization hear the syllables in demonization
  • denunciation hear the syllables in denunciation
  • depredationist hear the syllables in depredationist
  • deregulation hear the syllables in deregulation
  • desegregation hear the syllables in desegregation
  • determination hear the syllables in determination
  • detoxicator hear the syllables in detoxicator
  • discoloration hear the syllables in discoloration
  • disembarkation hear the syllables in disembarkation
  • disinclinations hear the syllables in disinclinations
  • disintegration hear the syllables in disintegration
  • dissociation hear the syllables in dissociation
  • domestication hear the syllables in domestication
  • echolocation hear the syllables in echolocation
  • ejaculation hear the syllables in ejaculation
  • elimination hear the syllables in elimination
  • enumeration hear the syllables in enumeration
  • equivocation hear the syllables in equivocation
  • evacuation hear the syllables in evacuation
  • evaporation hear the syllables in evaporation
  • exaggeration hear the syllables in exaggeration
  • exasperation hear the syllables in exasperation
  • exhilaration hear the syllables in exhilaration
  • exoneration hear the syllables in exoneration
  • expiration's hear the syllables in expiration's
  • expropriation hear the syllables in expropriation
  • extrapolation hear the syllables in extrapolation
  • falsification hear the syllables in falsification
  • finlandization hear the syllables in finlandization
  • gasification hear the syllables in gasification
  • globalization hear the syllables in globalization
  • glorification hear the syllables in glorification
  • gratification hear the syllables in gratification
  • hallucination hear the syllables in hallucination
  • humiliation hear the syllables in humiliation
  • hydrogenation hear the syllables in hydrogenation
  • illumination hear the syllables in illumination
  • imagination hear the syllables in imagination
  • impersonation hear the syllables in impersonation
  • implicational hear the syllables in implicational
  • inactivation hear the syllables in inactivation
  • inauguration hear the syllables in inauguration
  • incorporation hear the syllables in incorporation
  • indoctrination hear the syllables in indoctrination
  • inhabitation hear the syllables in inhabitation
  • inoculation hear the syllables in inoculation
  • insinuation hear the syllables in insinuation
  • installation's hear the syllables in installation's
  • integrationist hear the syllables in integrationist
  • interrogation hear the syllables in interrogation
  • legalization hear the syllables in legalization
  • localization hear the syllables in localization
  • magnetization hear the syllables in magnetization
  • manifestation hear the syllables in manifestation
  • maximization hear the syllables in maximization
  • misallocation hear the syllables in misallocation
  • misapplications hear the syllables in misapplications
  • miscalculation's hear the syllables in miscalculation's
  • mobilization hear the syllables in mobilization
  • modification hear the syllables in modification
  • mummification hear the syllables in mummification
  • neutralization hear the syllables in neutralization
  • normalization hear the syllables in normalization
  • notification hear the syllables in notification
  • occupation's hear the syllables in occupation's
  • organisation hear the syllables in organisation
  • orientation hear the syllables in orientation
  • ornamentation hear the syllables in ornamentation
  • pacification hear the syllables in pacification
  • pasteurization hear the syllables in pasteurization
  • polarization hear the syllables in polarization
  • purification hear the syllables in purification
  • quantification hear the syllables in quantification
  • ratification hear the syllables in ratification
  • reaffirmation hear the syllables in reaffirmation
  • realization hear the syllables in realization
  • recalculation hear the syllables in recalculation
  • reconfirmation hear the syllables in reconfirmation
  • recrimination hear the syllables in recrimination
  • recuperation hear the syllables in recuperation
  • redecoration hear the syllables in redecoration
  • reforestation hear the syllables in reforestation
  • regeneration hear the syllables in regeneration
  • reincarnation hear the syllables in reincarnation
  • rejuvenation hear the syllables in rejuvenation
  • remuneration hear the syllables in remuneration
  • renunciation hear the syllables in renunciation
  • repatriation hear the syllables in repatriation
  • repudiation hear the syllables in repudiation
  • resuscitation hear the syllables in resuscitation
  • revaluation hear the syllables in revaluation
  • reverberation's hear the syllables in reverberation's
  • sanctification hear the syllables in sanctification
  • segregational hear the syllables in segregational
  • socialization hear the syllables in socialization
  • sophistication hear the syllables in sophistication
  • specification hear the syllables in specification
  • stalinization hear the syllables in stalinization
  • sterilization hear the syllables in sterilization
  • subordination hear the syllables in subordination
  • substantiation hear the syllables in substantiation
  • transformation's hear the syllables in transformation's
  • tribulation's hear the syllables in tribulation's
  • unionization hear the syllables in unionization
  • utilization hear the syllables in utilization
  • verification hear the syllables in verification
  • vilification hear the syllables in vilification
  • visitational hear the syllables in visitational
  • abomination hear the syllables in abomination
  • accommodation hear the syllables in accommodation
  • accumulation hear the syllables in accumulation
  • adjudication hear the syllables in adjudication
  • affiliation hear the syllables in affiliation
  • agglomeration hear the syllables in agglomeration
  • allegation's hear the syllables in allegation's
  • allocation's hear the syllables in allocation's
  • altercation's hear the syllables in altercation's
  • amelioration hear the syllables in amelioration
  • amplification hear the syllables in amplification
  • annotationist hear the syllables in annotationist
  • Appalachian hear the syllables in appalachian
  • appreciation hear the syllables in appreciation
  • approximation hear the syllables in approximation
  • articulation hear the syllables in articulation
  • assimilation hear the syllables in assimilation
  • authentication hear the syllables in authentication
  • Balkanization hear the syllables in balkanization
  • cancellation's hear the syllables in cancellation's
  • centralization hear the syllables in centralization
  • certification hear the syllables in certification
  • clarification hear the syllables in clarification
  • coagulation hear the syllables in coagulation
  • cogeneration hear the syllables in cogeneration
  • collaboration hear the syllables in collaboration
  • colorization hear the syllables in colorization
  • communication hear the syllables in communication
  • compensational hear the syllables in compensational
  • computation's hear the syllables in computation's
  • conciliation hear the syllables in conciliation
  • confederation hear the syllables in confederation
  • confrontation's hear the syllables in confrontation's
  • congratulation hear the syllables in congratulation
  • consolation's hear the syllables in consolation's
  • consultation's hear the syllables in consultation's
  • continuation hear the syllables in continuation
  • coordination hear the syllables in coordination
  • corroboration hear the syllables in corroboration
  • decapitation hear the syllables in decapitation
  • declaration's hear the syllables in declaration's
  • degeneration hear the syllables in degeneration
  • deliberation hear the syllables in deliberation
  • demodulation hear the syllables in demodulation
  • denomination hear the syllables in denomination
  • depreciation hear the syllables in depreciation
  • deprivation's hear the syllables in deprivation's
  • desalination hear the syllables in desalination
  • destination's hear the syllables in destination's
  • detoxication hear the syllables in detoxication
  • devaluation hear the syllables in devaluation
  • discrimination hear the syllables in discrimination
  • disinclination hear the syllables in disinclination
  • disinformation hear the syllables in disinformation
  • dissemination hear the syllables in dissemination
  • documentation hear the syllables in documentation
  • dramatization hear the syllables in dramatization
  • edification hear the syllables in edification
  • elaboration hear the syllables in elaboration
  • emancipation hear the syllables in emancipation
  • equalization hear the syllables in equalization
  • eradication hear the syllables in eradication
  • evaluation hear the syllables in evaluation
  • exacerbation hear the syllables in exacerbation
  • examination hear the syllables in examination
  • exfoliation hear the syllables in exfoliation
  • exhortation's hear the syllables in exhortation's
  • expatriation hear the syllables in expatriation
  • explanation's hear the syllables in explanation's
  • extermination hear the syllables in extermination
  • facilitation hear the syllables in facilitation
  • fertilization hear the syllables in fertilization
  • fortification hear the syllables in fortification
  • gentrification hear the syllables in gentrification
  • globalizations hear the syllables in globalizations
  • glorifications hear the syllables in glorifications
  • gratifications hear the syllables in gratifications
  • harmonization hear the syllables in harmonization
  • hybridization hear the syllables in hybridization
  • hyperinflation hear the syllables in hyperinflation
  • illustrational hear the syllables in illustrational
  • immunization hear the syllables in immunization
  • implementation hear the syllables in implementation
  • improvisation hear the syllables in improvisation
  • inactivations hear the syllables in inactivations
  • incarceration hear the syllables in incarceration
  • incrimination hear the syllables in incrimination
  • infatuation hear the syllables in infatuation
  • initiation hear the syllables in initiation
  • insemination hear the syllables in insemination
  • inspiration's hear the syllables in inspiration's
  • instrumentation hear the syllables in instrumentation
  • interpretation hear the syllables in interpretation
  • Islamization hear the syllables in islamization
  • liquidation's hear the syllables in liquidation's
  • machination's hear the syllables in machination's
  • magnification hear the syllables in magnification
  • manipulation hear the syllables in manipulation
  • mechanization hear the syllables in mechanization
  • misapplication hear the syllables in misapplication
  • miscalculation hear the syllables in miscalculation
  • misinformation hear the syllables in misinformation
  • modernization hear the syllables in modernization
  • multiplication hear the syllables in multiplication
  • negotiation hear the syllables in negotiation
  • nomination's hear the syllables in nomination's
  • normalizations hear the syllables in normalizations
  • nullification hear the syllables in nullification
  • optimization hear the syllables in optimization
  • organization hear the syllables in organization
  • origination hear the syllables in origination
  • ossification hear the syllables in ossification
  • participation hear the syllables in participation
  • perpetuation hear the syllables in perpetuation
  • pontification hear the syllables in pontification
  • qualification hear the syllables in qualification
  • ramification hear the syllables in ramification
  • re-creation hear the syllables in re-creation
  • reaffirmations hear the syllables in reaffirmations
  • reallocation hear the syllables in reallocation
  • recommendation hear the syllables in recommendation
  • reconfirmations hear the syllables in reconfirmations
  • rectification hear the syllables in rectification
  • recuperations hear the syllables in recuperations
  • rededication hear the syllables in rededication
  • refrigeration hear the syllables in refrigeration
  • regimentation hear the syllables in regimentation
  • reiteration hear the syllables in reiteration
  • remediation hear the syllables in remediation
  • renomination hear the syllables in renomination
  • reparation's hear the syllables in reparation's
  • representation hear the syllables in representation
  • reregulation hear the syllables in reregulation
  • retaliation hear the syllables in retaliation
  • reverberation hear the syllables in reverberation
  • Russification hear the syllables in russification
  • sedimentation hear the syllables in sedimentation
  • simplification hear the syllables in simplification
  • solicitation hear the syllables in solicitation
  • specialization hear the syllables in specialization
  • stabilization hear the syllables in stabilization
  • standardization hear the syllables in standardization
  • strangulation's hear the syllables in strangulation's
  • subsidization hear the syllables in subsidization
  • terminational hear the syllables in terminational
  • triangulation hear the syllables in triangulation
  • unification hear the syllables in unification
  • urbanization hear the syllables in urbanization
  • vaporization hear the syllables in vaporization
  • victimization hear the syllables in victimization
  • violational hear the syllables in violational
  • vulgarization hear the syllables in vulgarization
  • acidification hear the syllables in acidification
  • amputational hear the syllables in amputational
  • authorization's hear the syllables in authorization's
  • capitalization hear the syllables in capitalization
  • celebrationis hear the syllables in celebrationis
  • classificational hear the syllables in classificational
  • commemorational hear the syllables in commemorational
  • communicational hear the syllables in communicational
  • congratulational hear the syllables in congratulational
  • criminalization hear the syllables in criminalization
  • decertification hear the syllables in decertification
  • decorationist hear the syllables in decorationist
  • demobilization hear the syllables in demobilization
  • democratization hear the syllables in democratization
  • demoralizations hear the syllables in demoralizations
  • desalinization hear the syllables in desalinization
  • destabilizations hear the syllables in destabilizations
  • detoxification hear the syllables in detoxification
  • discontinuation hear the syllables in discontinuation
  • disorganization hear the syllables in disorganization
  • disorientations hear the syllables in disorientations
  • disqualifications hear the syllables in disqualifications
  • electrification hear the syllables in electrification
  • excommunication hear the syllables in excommunication
  • expropriationist hear the syllables in expropriationist
  • fluctuational hear the syllables in fluctuational
  • hallucinational hear the syllables in hallucinational
  • identification hear the syllables in identification
  • incapacitation hear the syllables in incapacitation
  • indemnification hear the syllables in indemnification
  • insubordination hear the syllables in insubordination
  • intensification hear the syllables in intensification
  • liberalization hear the syllables in liberalization
  • marginalization hear the syllables in marginalization
  • mineralization hear the syllables in mineralization
  • miscommunication hear the syllables in miscommunication
  • misinterpretations hear the syllables in misinterpretations
  • monopolization hear the syllables in monopolization
  • naturalization hear the syllables in naturalization
  • nonproliferation hear the syllables in nonproliferation
  • overpopulation hear the syllables in overpopulation
  • overvaluation hear the syllables in overvaluation
  • perforationproof hear the syllables in perforationproof
  • personification hear the syllables in personification
  • popularization hear the syllables in popularization
  • ramification's hear the syllables in ramification's
  • reaffiliation hear the syllables in reaffiliation
  • reauthorization hear the syllables in reauthorization
  • reclassification hear the syllables in reclassification
  • reconciliation hear the syllables in reconciliation
  • reconsideration hear the syllables in reconsideration
  • reexamination hear the syllables in reexamination
  • regulationist hear the syllables in regulationist
  • reincorporation hear the syllables in reincorporation
  • reinvigoration hear the syllables in reinvigoration
  • reorganization hear the syllables in reorganization
  • reunification hear the syllables in reunification
  • revitalization hear the syllables in revitalization
  • self-determination hear the syllables in self-determination
  • solicitationism hear the syllables in solicitationism
  • suburbanization hear the syllables in suburbanization
  • undervaluation hear the syllables in undervaluation
  • visualization hear the syllables in visualization
  • alphabetization hear the syllables in alphabetization
  • appellational hear the syllables in appellational
  • cannibalization hear the syllables in cannibalization
  • categorization hear the syllables in categorization
  • characterization hear the syllables in characterization
  • collectivization hear the syllables in collectivization
  • commercialization hear the syllables in commercialization
  • computerization hear the syllables in computerization
  • cooperationist hear the syllables in cooperationist
  • decentralization hear the syllables in decentralization
  • decontamination hear the syllables in decontamination
  • dehumanization hear the syllables in dehumanization
  • demobilizations hear the syllables in demobilizations
  • demoralization hear the syllables in demoralization
  • denuclearization hear the syllables in denuclearization
  • destabilization hear the syllables in destabilization
  • detonational hear the syllables in detonational
  • differentiation hear the syllables in differentiation
  • discontinuations hear the syllables in discontinuations
  • disorientation hear the syllables in disorientation
  • disqualification hear the syllables in disqualification
  • diversification hear the syllables in diversification
  • elevational hear the syllables in elevational
  • experimentation hear the syllables in experimentation
  • fabricational hear the syllables in fabricational
  • generalization hear the syllables in generalization
  • hospitalization hear the syllables in hospitalization
  • improvisation's hear the syllables in improvisation's
  • incoordination hear the syllables in incoordination
  • indicational hear the syllables in indicational
  • insubordinations hear the syllables in insubordinations
  • interrogational hear the syllables in interrogational
  • litigationist hear the syllables in litigationist
  • meditationist hear the syllables in meditationist
  • misappropriation hear the syllables in misappropriation
  • misinterpretation hear the syllables in misinterpretation
  • misrepresentation hear the syllables in misrepresentation
  • nationalization hear the syllables in nationalization
  • nondiscrimination hear the syllables in nondiscrimination
  • orchestrational hear the syllables in orchestrational
  • overregulation hear the syllables in overregulation
  • participational hear the syllables in participational
  • personalization hear the syllables in personalization
  • politicization hear the syllables in politicization
  • radicalization hear the syllables in radicalization
  • rationalization hear the syllables in rationalization
  • realization's hear the syllables in realization's
  • recertification hear the syllables in recertification
  • recommendation's hear the syllables in recommendation's
  • reconfiguration hear the syllables in reconfiguration
  • reevaluation hear the syllables in reevaluation
  • reexaminations hear the syllables in reexaminations
  • rehabilitation hear the syllables in rehabilitation
  • reinterpretation hear the syllables in reinterpretation
  • renegotiation hear the syllables in renegotiation
  • representation's hear the syllables in representation's
  • reunifications hear the syllables in reunifications
  • saponification hear the syllables in saponification
  • singularization hear the syllables in singularization
  • sterilization's hear the syllables in sterilization's
  • transillumination hear the syllables in transillumination
  • unionizations hear the syllables in unionizations
  • Americanization hear the syllables in americanization
  • characterization's hear the syllables in characterization's
  • decriminalization hear the syllables in decriminalization
  • demilitarization hear the syllables in demilitarization
  • denationalization hear the syllables in denationalization
  • industrialization hear the syllables in industrialization
  • manipulational hear the syllables in manipulational
  • mischaracterization hear the syllables in mischaracterization
  • misrepresentation's hear the syllables in misrepresentation's
  • notificational hear the syllables in notificational
  • reconciliation's hear the syllables in reconciliation's
  • telecommunication hear the syllables in telecommunication
  • antidiscrimination hear the syllables in antidiscrimination
  • consolidationist hear the syllables in consolidationist
  • decriminalizations hear the syllables in decriminalizations
  • demilitarizations hear the syllables in demilitarizations
  • generalization's hear the syllables in generalization's
  • information-gathering hear the syllables in information-gathering
  • miniaturization hear the syllables in miniaturization
  • misidentification hear the syllables in misidentification
  • modificationist hear the syllables in modificationist
  • recapitalization hear the syllables in recapitalization
  • renationalization hear the syllables in renationalization
  • identificational hear the syllables in identificational
  • internationalization hear the syllables in internationalization
  • institutionalization hear the syllables in institutionalization
  • rehabilitationist hear the syllables in rehabilitationist
  • deinstitutionalization hear the syllables in deinstitutionalization
  • telecommunicational hear the syllables in telecommunicational
  • internationalizations hear the syllables in internationalizations

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  1. stressed syllables examples

    syllable stress presentation

  2. PPT

    syllable stress presentation

  3. PPT

    syllable stress presentation

  4. PPT

    syllable stress presentation

  5. PPT

    syllable stress presentation

  6. Syllable and Syllable Stress

    syllable stress presentation



  2. Syllable stress and English pronunciation

  3. A Special Presentation-LECTURE SERIES * "ABSTRACTUALITY: A Poetic Work"

  4. Syllable Stress

  5. Syllable stress with important suffixes

  6. Pronunciation: How syllable stress changes some words. #learnenglish #pronunciation


  1. Syllable and Syllable Stress

    This document discusses syllables and syllable stress in words. It defines a syllable as the sound of a vowel created when pronouncing letters like A, E, I, O, U, and their combinations. Words can have one syllable (monosyllabic) or multiple syllables (polysyllabic). All multisyllabic words have one syllable that is stressed, making it longer ...

  2. Stressed syllables

    Stressed syllables. This document defines syllables and stress, and discusses their importance in pronunciation. It notes that a syllable is a unit of pronunciation with one vowel sound, and stress involves pronouncing a syllable with extra force. Words with multiple syllables have one stressed syllable that is pronounced louder, longer ...

  3. Word Stress: English ESL powerpoints

    This PowerPoint was made to teach my students word stress. It states the rules on how to stress a word. I\\'ve also included sentences, tongue twisters, word bubbles, and review after each rule. I feel word stress is important for better pronunciation. Although this PPT shows rules regarding to grammar, if grammar hasn\\'t been taught yet, there are still ways to teach without using grammar ...

  4. Word stress.

    Download presentation. Presentation on theme: "Word stress."—. Presentation transcript: 1 Word stress. 2 Understanding Syllables. To understand word stress, it helps to understand syllables. Every word is made from syllables. Each word has one, two, three or more syllables. 3 . word number of syllables dog 1 green quite quiet qui-et 2 orange ...

  5. Syllable and Word stress

    Vasundhara Rawat. This document discusses syllables and syllable stress in words. It defines a syllable as the sound of a vowel created when pronouncing letters like A, E, I, O, U. The number of syllables in a word is equal to the number of vowel sounds. Words can be mono-syllabic, having one syllable, or poly-syllabic, having multiple syllables.

  6. Syllables and Word Stress

    In this lesson, you can learn about syllables and stress in English.Do you know what stress means? It's one of the most important pronunciation points in Eng...

  7. Syllables and Word Stress

    Again, all these words have the stress on the second last syllable. If a word ends with the letter -y and has three or more syllables, then the stress is two syllables before the last one. For example: biOLogy; LUCKily; acTIVity; possiBILity; That means, if a word has three syllables and ends in -y, the stress is almost always on the first ...

  8. The Syllables & Stress

    The Syllables & Stress.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document discusses syllables and stress in spoken English. It defines a syllable as a unit of speech that contains a vowel sound and potentially one or more consonant sounds. Stress refers to pronouncing one syllable in a word more ...

  9. Syllable Stress: How To Decide Which Sound To Stress

    Syllable Stress - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides guidance on determining syllable stress in English words. It discusses 7 guidelines for placing stress: 1) most 2-syllable nouns stress the first syllable; 2) 2-syllable verbs and adjectives stress the root; 3) suffixes can ...

  10. ESL

    syllable stress rules and practice This is a powerpoint that explains some of the rules of stress, i.e. which syllable we need to stress when we say a word. It also has the following practice activities: words to drill or have students read aloud; word banks which students need to sort according to how many syllables in each word and circle the ...

  11. Word stress

    Mistakes in word stress are a common cause of misunderstanding in English. Here are the reasons why: Stressing the wrong syllable in a word can make the word very difficult to hear and understand; for example, try saying the following words: o O. b'tell. O o. hottle. And now in a sentence:

  12. Syllable and stress

    Syllable and stress. Feb 11, 2016 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 9 likes • 3,467 views. AI-enhanced description. Moazzam Ali Chishti. This document defines syllables and different types of syllables such as closed, vowel-consonant-e, open, vowel team, vowel-r, consonant-le, and leftovers. It also discusses types of words according to number ...

  13. Unit 8 Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables

    Download ppt "Unit 8 Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables". Word Stress 1.Definition of stress : Stress may be defined as the degree of force or loudness with which a sound or syllable is articulated. Stress can be classified as word stress and sentence stress. 2.Classification of English words in phonetics : In phonetics , English words ...

  14. W8-9 Syllable and Stress

    W8-9 Syllable and Stress - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document discusses syllables, stress, and affixes in English. It covers: 1) The structure of syllables including onset, nucleus, and coda. 2) Strong and weak syllables, with weak syllables often containing the schwa vowel.

  15. PPT

    Syllable stress in words- Introduction. Listen: Eng lish Stressed syllables are loud er, long er, and strong er than other syllables. Syllable stress in words- Practice test. Choose the most natural answer. to day to day. ... An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: ...

  16. Download Free PDF

    syllable & stress2016.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an overview of English phonetics and phonology, focusing on suprasegmental structures including syllables, stress, tone, and intonation. It describes the internal structure of syllables, including the onset, nucleus, and coda.

  17. Presentation on syllable_stress1

    The document discusses the rules for syllable stress in English words. It defines what a syllable is and provides examples of words divided into syllables. It then lists 7 basic rules for determining which syllable within a word receives stress or emphasis. The rules address stress patterns for words ending in certain suffixes like "-tion" or ...

  18. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Syllable Structure, Stress Words consist of syllables. The structure of syllables is determined partly by universal and partly by language specific principles. In particular we shall discuss the role of the sonoricity hierarchy in organising the syllabic structure, and the principle of maximal onset.

  19. PPT

    Steps to determine the diagram: • Determine the nucleus (N) • Add Rhyme ( R ) on the ordinate of the nucleus • Determine the onset (O) and the coda (C). If a syllable has the coda, it is called as closed syllable Example : cap, sit, man • If a syllable doesn't have the coda it is called as open syllable. Example : he, she, me.

  20. Syllable and Word Stress

    Syllable and Word Stress - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. 1. The document discusses syllables and word stress. It defines a syllable and lists examples of mono-, di-, and trisyllabic words. 2. Word stress is explained as emphasizing a certain part of a word more than others when speaking.

  21. Stress and intonation

    Stress presentation. Hina Honey ... Features include pitch, loudness, tempo, rhythm and stress. - A syllable contains a vowel and may contain consonants. Syllables are divided into onset, nucleus and coda. - Rhythm is a pattern of accented and unaccented syllables. Accented syllables are more prominent due to factors like volume, duration and ...

  22. How many syllables in presentation?

    How many syllables in presentation? 3 4 1 9 6 8 2 5 7 syllables. Divide presentation into syllables: pres-en-ta-tion Primary syllable stress: pres-en-ta-tion Secondary syllable stress: pres-en-ta-tion How to say presentation: pronounce syllables in presentation. Cite This Source. x

  23. Word Stress and Syllables, Intonation

    Word Stress and Syllables, Intonation - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Linguistic