School of Graduate Studies

Student guidelines for the doctoral thesis, doctoral thesis.

Your doctoral thesis is the culmination of your investment in advanced studies and rigorous research in your field of study. It is the pinnacle of your doctoral program, and the most far-reaching undertaking in your studies. Although the thesis is indisputably significant, it is also important to remember that the doctoral thesis is just one of many steps along your career path and should therefore be well-defined and manageable. 

At the University of Toronto, the term ‘thesis’ is generally used to refer to the culminating project for either a Master’s or a doctoral degree. At other institutions and in other countries, the term ‘dissertation’ is more commonly used at the doctoral level. This document uses the term ‘thesis’ to refer to a doctoral thesis, but your supervisor or department may prefer the term ‘dissertation’. 

Doctoral thesis writers have often written a Master’s thesis (or a Major Research Paper) earlier in their careers. A doctoral thesis will have elements in common with those projects while also needing to offer a higher degree of originality and a broader scope. 

The doctoral thesis has been historically written as a unified work, similar in form to a scholarly monograph; this traditional format remains the norm in some disciplines. In other disciplines, the traditional thesis has been replaced by a publication-based thesis in which a series of scholarly publications on the same research problem are combined into a coherent whole. Today, there is a growing acceptance of more flexible formats and structures that aim to enhance professional practice or that include creative scholarly artefacts such as film, audio, visual, and graphic representations. There is also growing recognition of the need to welcome Indigenous forms of knowledge building and dissemination. Regardless of format or structure, all doctoral theses must meet the fundamental requirements of demonstrating academic rigour and making a distinct contribution to the knowledge in your field.

The decision about the structure and format of the student’s doctoral thesis should be made by the supervisor and the supervisory committee members and be informed by the practices in the specific discipline and the student’s academic and professional goals. In some fields, the decision about structure and format is relatively easy to make while in others the decision requires careful consideration from all involved parties.

The following guidelines have been designed to help you and your supervisory committee by identifying the required academic criteria of the doctoral thesis and by describing the various available formats and structures.

Key Criteria of the Doctoral Thesis 

Regardless of the format of the doctoral thesis, certain criteria must be met. For your thesis to be acceptable, you must do the following:

  • Demonstrate how your research makes an original contribution by advancing knowledge in your field
  • Show a thorough familiarity with the field and an ability to critically analyze the relevant literature
  • Display a mastery of research methods and their application
  • Offer a complete and systematic account of your scholarly work
  • Present the results and analysis of your original research
  • Document your sources and support your claims 
  • Locate your work within the broader field or discipline
  • Write in a style that respects the norms of academic and scholarly communication 

Most doctoral writers understand that their thesis will need to meet these criteria without necessarily understanding  how  they will do so. A central element of writing a thesis is coming to understand how to write an extended text that meets these criteria. With guidance—from your committee, from your peers, from institutional writing support—and with your own growing expertise as a writer, these criteria will ultimately help you to understand when you have met your thesis writing goals.

Formats of the Doctoral Thesis 

Traditional thesis.

The traditional, or monograph-style, thesis format reflects the original conception of a thesis as a “book” presenting the candidate’s research project. The traditional format is organized as a single narrative describing the research problem, the context of the research, the methods used, the findings, and the conclusions. The organization of a traditional thesis is generally organic. If the thesis deals with experimental research, it may be structured with an introductory chapter, a literature review chapter, a method chapter, some number of findings chapters, and a discussion/concluding chapter. If the thesis is based on non-experimental research, the form is likely to be determined by the exigencies of the particular topic. After doctoral studies are complete, a traditional thesis will often be revised into a scholarly monograph or a number of research articles, but the form in which it is presented for the final oral exam is not itself intended for publication. This style of thesis remains the norm in the Humanities and in many Social Science disciplines.

Publication-Based Thesis

The publication-based thesis (PBT), also referred to as the manuscript or article-based thesis, is a coherent work consisting of a number of scholarly publications focusing on the same research problem. The PBT, which takes many forms, generally includes an introductory section, the publishable manuscripts, and a cumulative discussion or conclusion chapter. To promote coherence, the introduction and cumulative concluding chapters clearly explain how these separate manuscripts fit together into a unified body of research. The opening and closing chapters—which act as bookends to the publishable articles—are integral to the purpose of these theses. In these sections, the writer will set out the broad contours of the problem and its significance, review the relevant literature and contextualizing material, and draw the ultimate conclusions about the implications of the whole research project.  As the PBT is a relatively new type of thesis structure designed to meet different professional demands, its form is necessarily different in different contexts. For instance, in some fields, the articles may appear in the thesis in their precise published form; in others, the articles may need to be adapted to better serve the needs of the full thesis. You and your committee will need to establish a clear understanding from the outset about the internal structuring of the PBT. 

Although departmental requirements and norms may vary, below are some general guidelines that may be helpful for those writing PBTs.  

  • The number of articles required for inclusion is usually three, although the number depends on the articles’ scope, scientific quality and significance, and publishing forum, as well as the author’s independent contribution to any co-authored articles included in the thesis. 
  • Publication of manuscripts, or acceptance for publication by a peer-reviewed journal, does not guarantee that the thesis will be found acceptable for the degree sought. 
  • Published-based theses may include published, in press or in review manuscripts or articles that have not yet been submitted for publication. Normally, the thesis and examination committees must deem the articles as publishable if the articles are not published at the time of defence.  
  • In some departments, the publication-based thesis includes each individual manuscript in a form that is identical to the published/submitted version, including the reference list.  In other departments, students are permitted or required to adapt the articles into a form more suitable for inclusion in the thesis. Please check with your department about the expectations. 
  • Publication-based theses can include co-authored publications and, in such cases, a detailed statement on individual student contributions to each article must be clearly articulated. Students are strongly recommended (and, in some units, required) to have their contributions approved by the authors of the articles in question.
  • No two student theses will be allowed to be identical.
  • In the case of multiple-authored articles, the expectation is that the thesis writer will be the first or co-first author. In rare cases, a supervisor may decide that a paper can be included when the thesis writer is not a first author, provided that their contribution to the paper is substantial. In all cases, the parts of the PBT that are not written for publication (the Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions and Future Recommendations chapters) must be entirely the work of the thesis writer.

Multimodal Thesis 

All doctoral theses must contain a written component; however, other elements may be included in addition to the written text. Some examples of other elements that may be included with the written text are films or videos, electronically interactive word/image-based texts, poems, novels or sections of a novel, play scripts, short stories, documentation of performances, or pieces of art. In multimodal theses, the creative element should be integrated into the theoretical context in order to show explicitly how the thesis, as a whole, leads to new insights and contributions. In all other respects, the thesis must conform to the same standards required for all doctoral theses. It should make an original contribution to knowledge, demonstrate appropriate research methods and training, and be worthy of publication in whole or in part.

Portfolio Thesis

The portfolio thesis is a form of thesis in which a certain amount of publishing will “equal” a thesis, without requiring a separate text to be written. This type of thesis is also known as a stapler thesis or a Ph.D. by publication, a name that highlights the absence of an actual thesis. This form of thesis is currently rare at the University of Toronto.

Professional Doctoral Thesis in Practice  

At the University of Toronto, the professional doctoral thesis in practice includes the identification and investigation of a problem in practice, the application of theory, research and policy analysis to the problem of practice, translating research into practice, and a proposed plan for action to address the problem of practice. The professional doctoral thesis in practice is expected to have meaningful generative impact on practice and policy.

Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents’ (OCAV) Doctoral Degree Expectations for Doctoral Students in Ontario

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Faculty of Information — Theses and Dissertations

Explore our section in the University of Toronto research repository, TSpace to view recent theses and dissertations.

For a complete listing of all Faculty of Information theses and dissertations, please see below.

Master of Information (MI)

Bibliography of theses and research reports from the following programs between 1970–present: Library Science; Library & Information Science; Information Studies; Information .

Master of Museum Studies (MMSt)

Bibliography of theses and research reports from the Museology program (1972–1979), and the Museum Studies program (1980–2005; 2011; 2013–present).

Doctoral (PhD)

Bibliography of dissertations produced between 1974–present.

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Research Guides

Submit and publish your thesis.

  • The Graduate Thesis: What is it?
  • Thesis Defences
  • Deadlines and Fees
  • Formatting in MS Word
  • Formatting in LaTeX
  • Making Thesis Accessible
  • Thesis Embargo
  • Review and Release
  • Your Rights as an Author
  • Re-using Third Party Materials
  • Creative Commons Licenses for Theses
  • Turning Thesis into an Article
  • Turning Thesis into a Book
  • Other Venues of Publication

Publishing from your thesis before or after graduation

"Will repository submission affect my publishing plans?"

... this is a common question for someone looking to publish from their thesis before or after graduation.

Most journals welcome submissions based on a thesis or dissertation. Some may have additional requirements, such as to:

  • Let them know about the university’s requirement to make your thesis publicly available
  • Submit a manuscript that is substantially different than the thesis content
  • Embargo the thesis until after publication, etc.

Your steps will depend on the following scenarios:

Scenario 1 - you ARE NOT planning on publishing your thesis before or after graduation

In this case:

  • You can submit your thesis without an embargo
  • Your thesis will become publicly available in TSpace  and Library and Archives Canada after your convocation and will be widely indexed via search engines and indexes
  • Use the TSpace-generated permanent URL to share and cite your thesis - see example of such citation below
Tajdaran, K. (2015). Enhancement of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration with Controlled Release of Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) (Master’s Thesis, University of Toronto). Retrieved from

Scenario 2 - You ARE planning on publishing your thesis AFTER graduation

Most journals are interested in “original, previously unpublished” research. Some journals consider theses as a form of “prior publications”, others do not, and the majority does not have a clear definition. It will be best to check journal policy before you submit your thesis.

Nature Research will consider submissions containing material that has previously formed part of a PhD or other academic thesis which has been published according to the requirements of the institution awarding the qualification.

►►►How to check journal policies:

  • MIT Libraries' list of policy excerpts from major publishers
  • Journal’s website - usually under Information for Authors or Copyright / Permissions or Editorial Policy; or in the publication agreement if available online
  • If such information cannot be located online, contact the editors directly
  • If the journal requires that you place an embargo on your thesis until after publication, see the SGS instructions on how to request an embargo on your thesis .

Scenario 3 - You ARE planning on publishing (or have already published) from your thesis BEFORE graduation

You may want or be expected to publish parts of your thesis before your thesis is submitted, such as with an integrated/publication-based/sandwich thesis. The most important thing to keep in mind here is copyright. You own copyright of your written materials, and a publisher may require copyright transfer of your manuscript.

You need to ensure you retain certain rights or obtain permission in order to satisfy the university’s requirement of making your thesis openly accessible via TSpace, ProQuest and Library and Archives Canada (LAC). For more details on these repositories, see the  Review and Release  section of this guide.

Check whether the journal requires prior notification about U of T’s open access requirement for theses. Some journals want to be notified of this mandate whether or not they restrict the re-use of articles in theses.

Check whether the publisher requires copyright transfer . This should be stated on their website, in the publication agreement, or you can inquire directly with the journal.

If the publisher does not require copyright transfer , i.e. author retains copyright, then you can reuse your article/chapter in your thesis; no permission needed.

If the publisher requires copyright transfer , follow these steps:

Check if the publisher has special provisions for reusing your published work in your thesis. They may permit the inclusion of a non-final version, such as your submitted or accepted manuscript. See more below on understanding different article versions for sharing .

►►►How to check journal policies:  See MIT Libraries' list of policy excerpts from major publishers or the journal/publisher website.

For example, Taylor and Francis policy allows to:

Include your article Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) or Accepted Manuscript(AM) , depending on the embargo period in your thesis or dissertation. The Version of Record cannot be used.

Check if the article is distributed under a Creative Commons license. This may allow re-use.

►►►How to check journal's CC license:  See the journal/publisher website or contact the journal directly.

If the publisher requires copyright transfer, has no special provisions and does not publish under a CC license, you will need to contact them to request permission to include your article in your thesis. You can:

  • Negotiate making the article available as part of the thesis in TSpace, ProQuest, and LAC Theses Portal; 
  • Request an embargo [link to Lisa’ section on embargo] if the publisher only permits open sharing after some time post-publication;
  • If permission is denied you may include in place of the chapter an abstract and a link to the article on the journal website.

If you have specific questions about your situation, publisher policy or author rights, contact the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office at [email protected] for a consultation (best before you publish!)

Understanding different versions of a published article

A publisher may distinguish between the versions of an article that you may be allowed to include in your thesis:

  • Submitted manuscript / pre-print - version you initially send in (often permitted)
  • Accepted manuscript / post-print - version after peer review but before copyediting, layout editing, formatting, etc. (sometimes permitted; publisher may require an embargo/access restriction for a period of time)
  • Version of record / final publisher’s PDF - version that appears in the journal (many publishers do not permit sharing this version)

►►►How to check article versions permitted for sharing:

  • MIT Libraries’s list of policy excerpts from major publishers
  • Sherpa/RoMEO database of publisher policies
  • Journal’s website - usually under Information for Authors or Copyright/Permissions or Editorial Policy; or in the publication agreement if available online
  • << Previous: Creative Commons Licenses for Theses
  • Next: Turning Thesis into an Article >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM
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Theses and Dissertations by U of T Students

Tspace thesis and dissertation collection.

  •   U of T Doctoral Theses Collection (2009 – current)
  •   U of T Master’s Theses Collection (2009 – current)
  •   U of T TSpace Thesis and Dissertation Collection (pre-2009)

Catalogue Access to U of T Theses and Dissertations

  • An Advanced Search of the Catalogue with Format set to Thesis retrieves Master’s and Doctoral Theses in the  U of T Library collection.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ University of Toronto Database

  • Searching the ProQuest customized database retrieves theses and dissertations by U of T students.

Theses & dissertations

Why isn't a recent u of t thesis showing up in tspace, how can i find a university of toronto thesis, how can i find a thesis or dissertation from another university.

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University of Toronto

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  • School of Graduate Studies - Theses
  • Master's Theses (2009 - )

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    The University of Toronto's research bank. Showcases and preserves the scholarly work of the U of T community, and makes theses and dissertations publicly accessible online. The most comprehensive worldwide collection of dissertations and theses. Full text for many dissertations added since 1997+.

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    How do I search for a paper copy of a University of Toronto thesis? • For University of Toronto masters and doctoral theses in the sciences consult the library catalogue. Theses can be searched in the catalogue by author, title, or department. Where do I find a paper copy in Gerstein? • All theses are shelved by author name on 3-Below at ...

  3. Student Guidelines for the Doctoral Thesis

    At the University of Toronto, the term 'thesis' is generally used to refer to the culminating project for either a Master's or a doctoral degree. At other institutions and in other countries, the term 'dissertation' is more commonly used at the doctoral level. This document uses the term 'thesis' to refer to a doctoral thesis, but ...

  4. Writing & Submitting Your Thesis

    Producing Your Thesis at UofT. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, format, convert to PDF, and submit an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. Workshops on the logistical aspects of dissertation and thesis writing. Peer-to-peer writing groups.

  5. Home

    The guide supports the bi-annual Submit and Publish Your Thesis GPS Workshop offered jointly by the School of Graduate Studies and the University of Toronto Libraries. This guide is a living document. We welcome your feedback to make it more useful. Last Updated: Sep 15, 2023 3:23 PM. URL:

  6. How can I find a University of Toronto thesis?

    You could also use 'thesis' as one of your keywords in your search. Older dissertations and theses are available through the University of Toronto Archives and Records Management Services (UTARMS) The Archives holds Masters theses from 1897 - 1989 and Doctoral theses from 1900 - 1985.

  7. Theses and Dissertations

    Explore our section in the University of Toronto research repository, TSpace to view recent theses and dissertations. ... Bibliography of theses and research reports from the Museology program (1972-1979), and the Museum Studies program (1980-2005; 2011; 2013-present).

  8. Submit and Publish Your Thesis

    You can submit your thesis without an embargo. Your thesis will become publicly available in TSpace and Library and Archives Canada after your convocation and will be widely indexed via search engines and indexes. Use the TSpace-generated permanent URL to share and cite your thesis - see example of such citation below. Tajdaran, K. (2015).

  9. Theses and Dissertations by U of T Students

    TSpace Thesis and Dissertation Collection U of T Doctoral Theses Collection (2009 - current) ... University of Toronto Mississauga Library Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre 3359 Mississauga Road Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6 | Map 905-828-5236 Office of the Chief Librarian: 905-569-4923.

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    University of Toronto Libraries. Feeling distressed? My Account. Ask. Hours. U of T. Main navigation. Help with ... Studying and Learning; Research and Publishing; ... How can I find a University of Toronto thesis? Read more about How can I find a University of Toronto thesis?

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