
Essay on Extinct Animals

Students are often asked to write an essay on Extinct Animals in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Extinct Animals

What are extinct animals.

Extinct animals are species that don’t exist anymore. They vanished forever due to various reasons like habitat loss, hunting, or climate change.

Examples of Extinct Animals

Famous extinct animals include the Dodo, a bird from Mauritius, and the Tasmanian Tiger, a carnivorous marsupial from Australia.

Why Animals Become Extinct

Animals become extinct mainly due to human activities. Deforestation, pollution, and overhunting are major causes.

Importance of Preventing Extinction

Preventing extinction is crucial for biodiversity. Each species plays a role in the ecosystem, and their loss can disrupt the balance.

250 Words Essay on Extinct Animals

Introduction, the causes of extinction.

The primary causes of animal extinction include habitat loss, climate change, overexploitation, and invasive species. The relentless expansion of human civilization often leads to habitat destruction, leaving animals without homes or food sources. Climate change disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems, making survival difficult for many species. Overhunting and overfishing have also led to the extinction of numerous species. Lastly, invasive species, introduced either intentionally or accidentally, can outcompete native species for resources, leading to their extinction.

Impact on Biodiversity

The extinction of animals greatly affects biodiversity. Each species plays a unique role within its ecosystem, and its loss can disrupt the balance, leading to cascading effects on other species. For instance, the extinction of a predator can lead to overpopulation of its prey, which may then overconsume vegetation and disrupt the ecosystem.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts are crucial to prevent further extinctions. These include habitat protection, regulation of hunting and fishing, and breeding programs for endangered species. Additionally, raising public awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the consequences of extinction can drive societal changes necessary for conservation.

In conclusion, the extinction of animals is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. Through understanding its causes and impacts, and implementing effective conservation strategies, we can hope to preserve the remaining biodiversity for future generations.

500 Words Essay on Extinct Animals

The natural world is a vast, interconnected web of life, with each species playing a unique role in the balance of the ecosystem. However, in recent centuries, human activities have greatly accelerated the rate of animal extinction, leading to a loss of biodiversity. This essay will delve into the topic of extinct animals, exploring the causes and consequences of extinction, and the importance of conservation efforts.

The Consequences of Extinction

The extinction of animals has far-reaching implications. Firstly, it disrupts the balance of ecosystems. Each species plays a unique role in its ecosystem, and the loss of a single species can trigger a cascade of changes that affect other species. Secondly, extinction can lead to the loss of genetic diversity, which is crucial for the resilience of ecosystems in the face of environmental changes. Thirdly, the extinction of animals can have economic implications, affecting industries such as tourism and agriculture that rely on biodiversity.

Extinct Animals: A Case Study

The dodo bird, native to Mauritius, serves as a poignant example of human-induced extinction. Unaccustomed to predators, these birds were easy prey for humans and invasive species introduced by sailors in the 17th century. Their extinction within less than a century of their discovery highlights the devastating impact of human activities on biodiversity.

The Importance of Conservation

In conclusion, the extinction of animals is a pressing issue that has been largely driven by human activities. The loss of species has profound implications for ecosystems and human societies. Therefore, it is imperative that we intensify our conservation efforts to protect biodiversity. The fate of many species lies in our hands, and it is our responsibility to ensure that they do not go the way of the dodo.

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Essay on Endangered Animals – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Endangered Animals

Essay on Endangered Animals: Endangered animals are a critical issue facing our planet today. From majestic tigers to adorable sea turtles, these creatures are at risk of disappearing forever due to factors such as habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change. In this essay, we will explore the importance of protecting endangered animals, the reasons behind their decline, and what can be done to save them from extinction. Join us as we delve into the world of these vulnerable species and learn how we can make a difference in their survival.

Table of Contents

Endangered Animals Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by choosing a specific endangered animal to focus on. Research the animal’s habitat, population status, threats, and conservation efforts.

2. Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that provides background information on the animal and why it is endangered. This will help to capture the reader’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the essay.

3. Use statistics and facts to support your arguments about the importance of protecting endangered animals. This can help to make your essay more persuasive and informative.

4. Discuss the main threats facing the animal, such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and pollution. Explain how these factors are contributing to the decline in the animal’s population.

5. Highlight the importance of biodiversity and the role that endangered animals play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Explain how the loss of a single species can have far-reaching consequences for other plants and animals.

6. Describe the conservation efforts that are currently in place to protect the endangered animal. This can include government regulations, habitat restoration projects, captive breeding programs, and public awareness campaigns.

7. Offer suggestions for how individuals can help to protect endangered animals, such as supporting conservation organizations, reducing their carbon footprint, and spreading awareness about the issue.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points you have made and emphasizing the importance of taking action to protect endangered animals. Encourage readers to get involved in conservation efforts and make a difference in the fight to save these species.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure that it is well-organized, coherent, and free of errors. Consider asking a friend or teacher to review your work and provide feedback before submitting it.

10. Remember to cite your sources properly if you have used any external information in your essay. This will help to give credibility to your arguments and avoid plagiarism.

Essay on Endangered Animals in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Endangered animals are species that are at risk of becoming extinct due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. 2. The decline in population of endangered animals can have a negative impact on the ecosystem as they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. 3. Some well-known endangered animals include the giant panda, black rhinoceros, and Sumatran tiger. 4. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these animals and their habitats, such as establishing protected areas and breeding programs. 5. Illegal wildlife trade is a major threat to many endangered animals, as they are often hunted for their fur, horns, or other body parts. 6. Climate change is also a significant factor contributing to the decline of endangered animals, as it alters their natural habitats and food sources. 7. Education and awareness campaigns are important in raising public support for the conservation of endangered animals. 8. Endangered animals are often listed on the IUCN Red List, which assesses the conservation status of species worldwide. 9. It is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to work together to protect endangered animals and prevent their extinction. 10. By taking action to conserve endangered animals, we can help ensure the survival of these species for future generations to enjoy.

Sample Essay on Endangered Animals in 100-180 Words

Endangered animals are species that are at risk of becoming extinct due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and pollution. These animals play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and their extinction could have detrimental effects on the environment.

One example of an endangered animal is the giant panda, which is native to China. Due to deforestation and poaching, the giant panda population has drastically declined over the years. Conservation efforts such as establishing protected areas and breeding programs have been implemented to help save this iconic species from extinction.

It is important for us to take action to protect endangered animals and their habitats to ensure their survival for future generations. By raising awareness, supporting conservation efforts, and advocating for stronger environmental policies, we can help prevent the loss of these precious species.

Short Essay on Endangered Animals in 200-500 Words

Endangered animals are species that are at risk of becoming extinct due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, climate change, and pollution. The decline in their population poses a threat to the overall biodiversity of our planet and can have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and human societies.

One of the main reasons for the decline in endangered animal populations is habitat loss. As human populations continue to grow, natural habitats are being destroyed to make way for agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure projects. This loss of habitat disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems and can lead to the extinction of species that rely on specific habitats for survival.

Poaching is another significant threat to endangered animals. Many species are targeted by poachers for their fur, horns, tusks, or other body parts that are highly valued in illegal wildlife trade. The demand for these products drives poaching activities, putting already vulnerable species at even greater risk of extinction.

Climate change is also a major factor contributing to the decline of endangered animals. Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and extreme weather events can disrupt ecosystems and alter the habitats of many species. Some animals may not be able to adapt to these changes quickly enough, leading to a decline in their populations.

Pollution is another threat to endangered animals. Chemical pollutants, plastic waste, and other forms of pollution can contaminate water sources, soil, and air, affecting the health and survival of animals. Pollution can also disrupt food chains and ecosystems, leading to a decline in populations of endangered species.

The loss of endangered animals can have serious consequences for ecosystems and human societies. Many species play important roles in maintaining the balance of ecosystems, such as pollinating plants, controlling pest populations, and recycling nutrients. The loss of these species can disrupt these vital ecosystem services, leading to cascading effects on other species and the environment.

Furthermore, the loss of endangered animals can have economic impacts on human societies. Many communities rely on wildlife for tourism, recreation, and cultural practices. The decline of endangered species can lead to a loss of these economic opportunities, affecting the livelihoods of local communities and economies.

In conclusion, the decline of endangered animals is a pressing issue that requires urgent action. Conservation efforts, habitat protection, anti-poaching measures, and sustainable development practices are essential to protect endangered species and preserve biodiversity. By working together to address the threats facing endangered animals, we can ensure a sustainable future for both wildlife and human societies.

Essay on Endangered Animals in 1000-1500 Words

Endangered Animals: The Urgent Need for Conservation


The Earth is home to a vast array of species, each playing a unique role in the delicate balance of the ecosystem. However, due to human activities such as deforestation, poaching, and climate change, many of these species are facing the threat of extinction. These endangered animals are not just a statistic; they are living beings that deserve our protection and care. In this essay, we will explore the causes of endangerment, the impact of their loss on the environment, and the urgent need for conservation efforts to save these precious creatures.

Causes of Endangerment

There are several factors that contribute to the endangerment of species, with human activities being the primary cause. One of the main reasons for the decline in animal populations is habitat destruction. Deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture have led to the loss of natural habitats for many species, forcing them to compete for resources or adapt to new environments that may not be suitable for their survival.

Poaching is another significant threat to endangered animals. The illegal trade in wildlife products, such as ivory, rhino horns, and exotic pets, has decimated populations of many species, pushing them closer to extinction. Despite international efforts to combat poaching, the demand for these products continues to drive the illegal trade, putting even more pressure on already vulnerable populations.

Climate change is also a major factor contributing to the endangerment of species. Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and sea level rise are altering habitats and disrupting ecosystems, making it difficult for many species to survive. Polar bears, for example, are losing their sea ice habitat due to melting ice caps, while coral reefs are bleaching and dying due to ocean acidification.

The Impact of Endangered Animals on the Environment

The loss of endangered animals has far-reaching consequences for the environment. Each species plays a unique role in the ecosystem, and their disappearance can disrupt the delicate balance of nature. For example, predators help control the population of prey species, preventing overgrazing and habitat destruction. Pollinators such as bees and butterflies are essential for the reproduction of plants, including many crops that humans rely on for food.

Furthermore, many endangered animals are keystone species, meaning that they have a disproportionately large impact on their environment relative to their abundance. For example, elephants are known as ecosystem engineers because they shape their habitats by knocking down trees, creating open spaces for other species to thrive. If elephants were to go extinct, the entire ecosystem would be affected, leading to a cascade of negative consequences for other species.

Conservation Efforts to Save Endangered Animals

Despite the challenges facing endangered animals, there is hope for their survival through conservation efforts. Governments, non-profit organizations, and individuals are working together to protect and restore habitats, combat poaching, and raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation. One of the most effective ways to save endangered animals is through the establishment of protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, where species can thrive without the threat of human interference.

Another key conservation strategy is captive breeding and reintroduction programs, where endangered animals are bred in captivity and then released into the wild to boost wild populations. This has been successful for species such as the California condor and the black-footed ferret, which were on the brink of extinction but have since made a remarkable recovery thanks to these efforts.

Education and outreach are also crucial for raising awareness about the plight of endangered animals and inspiring people to take action. By teaching the public about the importance of biodiversity and the role that each species plays in the ecosystem, we can foster a culture of conservation and encourage sustainable practices that benefit both wildlife and humans.

In conclusion, the endangerment of species is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention and action. The loss of endangered animals not only threatens the biodiversity of our planet but also has far-reaching consequences for the environment and human society. By addressing the root causes of endangerment, implementing conservation measures, and raising awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife, we can ensure a future where endangered animals can thrive and coexist with humans in harmony. It is our responsibility to act now before it is too late and ensure that future generations can enjoy the beauty and diversity of our natural world.

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Extinction of Animals Essay

This  extinction of animals essay question appeared recently in the IELTS test.

It is about how animals become extinct and whether humans should take steps to prevent this from happening.

It is a natural process that animal species become extinct, as the dinosaurs did in the past. There is no reason for people to prevent this from happening.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Choosing a Side

Extinction Animals Essay

With agree / disagree type essays you can discuss both sides of the issue but you can come down firmly on one side and focus on only this in your response.

This can be an easier way to answer such questions and is certainly recommended if you are just needing the lower band scores, such as 7 and especially 6.

This is an example of an essay where the writer disagrees with the opinion and has given three reasons for this, set out in three body paragraphs.

For the higher band scores there is a risk the examiner thinks for a fully addressed answer , both sides of the issue should have been considered. So if you need a band 8 or 9, look at both sides of the issue as in this model answer.

Take a look at the model answer for this animal extinction essay and the comments below.

Extinction of Animals Essay Sample

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer

It is commonly known that many species have gone extinct throughout history, including the dinosaurs. Some argue that preventing extinction is not necessary, as it is a natural process. However, I believe that humans have a moral obligation to protect endangered species and prevent their extinction.

Firstly, human activities such as deforestation, overfishing, and pollution have caused a rapid decline in animal populations, leading many species to be at risk of extinction. As a result, humans have a responsibility to conserve the environment and prevent further harm to wildlife. It is unfair for humans to cause the extinction of a species due to their actions, particularly when they have the ability to prevent it.

Another reason is that many species play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. For example, bees are essential pollinators that are responsible for pollinating 80% of flowering plants, and thus if bees were to become extinct, it would have a devastating impact on our food supply and ecosystem. Similarly, the loss of predators can cause a ripple effect, leading to overpopulation of other species and causing imbalances in the food chain.

Lastly, preventing extinction is not only a matter of responsibility but also a matter of morality. Species have intrinsic value, and it is not our place to determine which species should exist and which should not. Humans must respect the inherent value of all life forms and do what they can to protect them.

In conclusion, while extinction may be a natural process, it is not a justification for humans to sit idly by and watch as countless species go extinct. By taking action to conserve the environment, humans can ensure that future generations can enjoy the same diversity of life that we have today.

(294 Words)

This extinction of animals essay would achieve a high IELTS band score.

It's organised well so would score highly for coherence and cohesion . It has a clear introduction that introduces the topics and then gives the writers opinion (the thesis statement).

Each body paragraph clearly sets out and explains a key idea, then the conclusion summarises the writers view and gives some final thoughts. The linking between sentences is also very good.

It has a clear opinion and that opinion is reflected in the response. The ideas are fully supported and explained. The question is fully addressed and the essay does not go off-topic. It would therefore score highly for task response . 

The essay also had a good range of high-level and accurate lexis and grammar , so it would also score well for those criteria.

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Model Essay 1

The alarming rate at which wildlife is edging towards extinction, with many species already enlisted as endangered, is a pressing global concern. This predicament stems primarily from habitat destruction and poaching, necessitating immediate and effective conservation strategies.

Firstly, habitat destruction, driven by urban expansion, deforestation for agriculture, and climate change, poses a significant threat to wildlife. The loss of natural habitats not only diminishes food resources but also fragments populations, limiting their movement and breeding opportunities. For instance, the deforestation in the Amazon, often termed the "lungs of the Earth," has led to a drastic reduction in biodiversity, affecting countless species. The ripple effect of such environmental degradation extends beyond immediate loss, disrupting ecosystems and contributing to climate change. Combatting this requires a multifaceted approach, including enforcing stringent regulations against deforestation, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and fostering global initiatives to combat climate change. These strategies must be underpinned by a commitment to reforestation and habitat restoration, ensuring that wildlife has the space to thrive and ecosystems can recover.

Moreover, illegal poaching, fueled by the lucrative black market for animal products, exacerbates the extinction risk. Rhinos and elephants, hunted for their horns and tusks, respectively, serve as poignant examples. The demand for these items in certain cultures, driven by tradition and perceived value, significantly motivates such illegal activities. A robust solution to this menace involves enhancing law enforcement in wildlife protection zones, implementing stricter penalties for poachers, and raising public awareness about the ecological impact of poaching. Additionally, supporting community-based conservation programs can empower locals to protect their wildlife resources, offering them a stake in conservation efforts. Educating communities about the long-term benefits of wildlife conservation and developing alternative livelihoods can significantly reduce poaching incentives, ensuring a sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife.

In conclusion, the twin challenges of habitat destruction and poaching call for a concerted global response, emphasizing sustainable development, legal reforms, and community engagement. Addressing these issues effectively can pave the way for reversing the decline in wildlife populations, ensuring the preservation of our planet's biodiversity for future generations.

Model Essay 2

The increasing threat of extinction facing numerous wild animals, alongside a growing list of endangered species, highlights a pressing environmental crisis. This dire situation is primarily attributable to the relentless encroachment on natural habitats and the illegal wildlife trade, necessitating urgent and comprehensive measures for resolution.

The relentless expansion of human activities, notably urban development and industrial agriculture, has precipitated a significant erosion of natural habitats. Such activities not only deplete the biosphere's diversity but also disrupt the ecological balance, impeding the survival of various species. For example, the conversion of forests into agricultural land not only strips many species of their homes but also alters local climates, further endangering their existence. Addressing this issue demands a concerted effort to integrate conservation with development planning, ensuring that the expansion of human settlements and economic activities does not come at the expense of our planet's biodiversity. It involves fostering an ethos of sustainable living among communities worldwide, highlighting the importance of preserving natural habitats as a shared responsibility.

On another front, the illegal trade in wildlife products has emerged as a formidable threat to animal populations. Driven by high demand for exotic pets, ivory, and other animal parts, this trade not only inflicts immediate harm on targeted species but also undermines global biodiversity conservation efforts. Tackling this challenge requires a robust international legal framework, capable of stifling the demand and supply chains of the wildlife black market. Strengthening international collaboration for enforcing wildlife protection laws and sanctions against countries failing to curb illegal trade is imperative. Public education campaigns can also play a crucial role in diminishing demand for endangered species and their products by raising awareness of the ethical and environmental repercussions of such trade.

In sum, the conservation of wildlife demands a holistic approach that addresses both the degradation of natural habitats and the illegal wildlife trade. It calls for an alignment of development goals with ecological sustainability, alongside rigorous enforcement of international laws against wildlife exploitation. By adopting such measures, we can safeguard the biodiversity essential for ecological balance and ensure the survival of endangered species for future generations.

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It is not a secret that the ecological situation on our planet is rather complicated. Apart from the common worries about global warming, industrial pollution, and rain forests being cut down, there is also the huge problem of the extinction of species; and while humanity can, hopefully, somehow stop the processes it is directly causing, it is unclear whether this extinction can be prevented or at least slowed down.

Although the words “mass extinction” definitely sounds alarming, it is not something uncommon for our planet. At the moment, we are witnessing the sixth mass extinction of species. During the past 500 million years, there already were five mass extinctions (with the largest of them being the Permian-Triassic and the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinctions, 245 and 65 million years ago respectively), causing from 14% to 84% of the genera or families to completely disappear from the fossil record. During the first of them, the majority of the marine invertebrates, as well as a huge number of terrestrial plants and insects disappeared; the second one mostly affected the dinosaurs. Even in a relatively not-so-distant past, some animal species had gone extinct completely: about 11 thousand years ago, during the Pleistocene-Holocene period, about 100 terrestrial species died out, including mammoths, saber tooth tigers, rhinos, and some birds ( NCBI ).

Moreover, there are two kinds of extinction: the one after which there is no “replacement” of an extinct species with a new, more adapted one—the “dead-end extinction” which is basically the end of a certain evolutionary lineage; and taxonomic extinction, which implies that during the evolutionary process, certain species had changed to such an extent that they should be considered a different species ( NCBI ).

Currently, there are 14,000 to 35,000 endangered species only in the United States; 16,928 species worldwide stand on the edge of dead-end human-caused extinction, and in order to save them, a significant amount of effort should be made. This is especially difficult considering the fact that every species’ extinction can lead to the disappearance of other species that are somehow bound to it: for example, if bees die out, many types of plants will not be able to reproduce, and will have either to adapt quickly, or will have to vanish. Such changes tend to accumulate astonishingly fast. Throughout the last five centuries, about 1,000 species of all possible sizes and shapes have gone completely extinct: huge mammals such as woodland bison of West Virginia and Arizona, US: passenger pigeons and Culebra parrots; Rocky Mountain grasshoppers, and so on. And this is just those of them that we can see relatively easy; it is probably impossible to calculate how many kinds of microorganisms disappear every day before scientists even get a chance to discover and study them. The size does not matter for nature: the tiniest organism is as important for the ecosystem as the largest of mammals ( Center for Biological Diversity ).

The good news is that it is in fact possible to not only slow down extinction, but to save some species from the danger of vanishing. In the early 1990s, there was a program of reintroducing captive-born condors to their natural environment in California, Arizona, and northern Mexico. Before the program was launched, there were about 20 of these condors left; currently, there are more than 200 of these birds inhabiting their “original” environments. The condor’s recovery, as well as some other examples, shows it is possible to move some species away from the extreme brink. For example, gray wolves, who were almost completely killed during hunting across the whole North America by the end of 1970s, are now a relatively prosperous species counting around 3,500 specimen. Northern elephant seals are nowadays numbered around 150,000 along the West Coast, although there were fewer than a hundred of them left alive just recently. All this became possible due to the significant efforts of reintroduction ( National Geographic ).

Moreover, with the power of science, it is possible not only to reintroduce endangered animals to their natural environments, but to bring back those of them that are believed to have completely disappeared. New discoveries in genetics, in particular the advancements connected to CRISPR-Cas9, give humanity hope of bringing back animals considered to have disappeared forever. Ecologists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, believe the two species that would be especially reasonable to resurrect are the woolly mammoth, the last of which died about 4000 years ago, and the passenger pigeon, a gray bird with a red breast, once common all over North America and, which had gone extinct in early 1900s. Scientists believe that due to technological progress, the chances of such de-extinction, so to say, are high, so the question is not “if,” but rather “when” this will be done. Both of these species were functionally unique species strongly affecting their environments, so their vanishing had changed the ecosystems they lived in as well. George Church, the lead researcher working on the resurrection of a mammoth in Harvard University, believes these precursors of modern elephants would help turn the modern Arctic tundra back to grasslands: mammoths used to contribute to grasslands’ spreading by knocking down trees and spreading grass seeds in their dung. In their turn, the passenger pigeons were extremely important for the forests they lived in as well ( ScienceMag ). Reviving these two species will likely solve a number of ecological problems in an effective and quick way.

As it can be see, mass extinction is not something that had never happened before on Earth. Currently, we are witnessing the sixth mass extinction, with the main difference being the human factor greatly contributing to species’ disappearance. There are ways, however, to slow down or even turn back the processes of extinction; one of them, the more traditional one, is the reintroduction of cage-bred species to their natural environments. The other more advanced one involves the most recent advancements in genetics, and will probably allow scientists to resurrect animals believed to have gone extinct forever. Thus, there is still hope for planet Earth.

Works Cited:

  • National Research Council (US) Committee on Scientific Issues in the Endangered Species Act. “Species Extinctions: Extinctions Over Geological Time.” NCBI . U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.
  • “The Extinction Crisis.” Center for Biological Diversity . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.
  • “20,000 Species Are Near Extinction: Is It Time to Rethink How We Decide What to Save?” National Geographic . National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.
  • “Should We Bring Extinct Species Back from the Dead?” ScienceMag . N.p., 26 Sept. 2016. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.

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Environment: Endangered Species Essay

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Globally, over 14,000 animal species face a risk of extinction. The reasons for the near extinction include poaching, habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, pollution, diseases, climate change, and low birth rates (IUCN, 2021). Some of the most endangered species include the Javan rhino, African elephants, black rhino, snow leopards, orangutans, the vaquita, Amur leopards, and the eastern lowland gorillas. With the appropriate conservation measure, endangered animals may increase over time.

Captive breeding and reintroduction are among the most effective conservation approaches. They involve capturing, breeding, and rearing endangered animals in wildlife reserves, zoos, or aquariums to help increase their numbers. After a significant number is raised, the animals can then be released back to their natural habitats. For example, in 1982, only 22 California condors existed in the wild; however, captive breeding increased the number to 425 in 2014 (Association of Zoos & Aquarium, n.d). Thus, when threats are reduced, the rare species can improve in numbers.

Habitat protection is critical in ensuring the safety of endangered animals. Protected areas where endangered species can be placed include nature reserves, national parks, and wildlife refuges. There are various marine reserves and protected areas that prohibit fishing, thus safeguarding the marine species. In this case, New Zealand has several marine reserves that protect sea turtles, aquatic mammals, and some fish species such as manta rays and white pointer sharks (Ministry for Primary Industries, n.d). Additionally, some laws and regulations safeguard wildlife at state, national, and global levels to prevent animal extinction. In this case, CITES or the Washington convention significantly regulates the global trade of wild animals. This treaty restricts and controls any trade involving endangered species to ensure they do not become extinct

In conclusion, human activity and climate change continually threaten some wild animals’ survival. Nonetheless, appropriate conservation methods such as captive breeding and habitat protection can ensure the continuous reproduction of these species. The enactment of state, national and global laws that safeguard wild animals also promotes the survival of these species. Human beings have a responsibility to ensure the protection of wild animals and their habitats.

Global warming is one of the biggest threats to animal and plant survival. The accumulation of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, deforestation, and increased agricultural activities are major contributors to this phenomenon. The increased earth temperature associated with global warming has led to climate change resulting in several natural calamities. However, the threat of global warming can be reduced by using renewable energy, recycling, planting more trees, and lowering the emission of greenhouse gases.

Global warming has significant adverse impacts on human beings and the environment. The extreme heat associated with climate change increases complications from underlying respiratory and heart diseases such as renal failure and asthma and may cause other heat-related disorders. Global warming also increases the risk of storms and drought, affecting food supply, which may cause death to both humans and animals (Global Climate Change, 2021). It has also been linked to ocean acidification, increased ocean temperature, and rising sea levels. Such occurrences have led to the death of a significant number of marine life.

Rather than human actions, global warming may result from natural forces. Human activities such as deforestation, industrial processes, and agricultural activities have long been attributed to climate change. However, there are claims that complex gravitational interactions, particularly alterations in the earth’s orbit, torque, and axial tilt, may also influence climate change resulting in increased temperature (Neaves, 2017). Gradual shifts in the earth’s orbit combined with its axial tilt places the south and north poles more directly to the sun resulting in temperature extremes.

In conclusion, global warming has adverse effects on humans and nature. It exposes humans to heat-related diseases and increases complications of respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Climate change depletes vegetation causing food shortage and death to humans and animals. Similarly, it causes ocean warming and acidification, which destroys marine life. Although some natural forces such as shifts in the earth’s orbit and axis may trigger temperature changes, human activities are the greatest contributors to global warming.

Association of Zoos & Aquarium (n.d). Reintroduction programs . Web.

Ministry for Primary Industries. (n.d). Protecting marine life . Web.

Neaves, T., T. (2017). The climate is changing, but not just because of humans. Here’s why that matters . NBC News . Web.

International Union for Conservation of Nature. (2021). African elephant species now endangered and critically endangered – IUCN Red List . Web.

Global Climate Change. (2021). The effects of climate change . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 16). Environment: Endangered Species. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-endangered-species/

"Environment: Endangered Species." IvyPanda , 16 Nov. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/environment-endangered-species/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Environment: Endangered Species'. 16 November.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Environment: Endangered Species." November 16, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-endangered-species/.

1. IvyPanda . "Environment: Endangered Species." November 16, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-endangered-species/.


IvyPanda . "Environment: Endangered Species." November 16, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environment-endangered-species/.

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Endangered Animals Essay in 100 and 500 words 

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Endangered Animals Essay

Endangered Animals Essay: Earth is the home of many wildlife species. Different species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates are in danger of becoming extinct. 

Species that are at risk of extinction in the near future are called endangered. It is important to know that the term endangered is applied to plants as well as to animals. These flora and fauna are either at extremely high risk or have been threatened by one or multiple factors such as climate change, human activity, diseases, and more.

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Endangered Animals Essay in 100 words

Earth is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife. Different species of reptiles, mammals, amphibians, and more inhabit various ecosystems around the world. However, many of the animals are now at risk of extinction. Species that are declining continuously in numbers and are at risk of extinction are called endangered species. The animals that face the threat of extinction are known as endangered animals. Some of the examples of endangered animals are tigers, pandas, whales, and rhinoceros. The major reasons for the loss of population of these animals are loss of habitat, change in climate, poaching and climate change. 

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Endangered Animals Essay in 500+ words

Endangered animals refer to animals that face extinction in the near future. The two animals with beautiful appearance and most critical in the list of endangered animals are Snow Leopards and Giant Panda. 

Snow leopards are physically charming animals with their grey and yellow spotted fur. These¨ghost of mountains majestic creatures have powerful build. They are found in different habitats in 12 countries across North and Central Asia. Unfortunately, due to habitat loss, poaching and changes in climatic conditions, the population of snow leopards has seen a significant decline. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are nearly 4,080-6,590 snow leopards across the world. They are also listed as ¨Vulnerable¨ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 

Their beautiful fur is poached for the illegal trade market. The biggest threat is a loss of habitat with the clearing of forests for farming, roads, and infrastructure. This fragmentation leaves the small, isolated populations of snow leopards becoming more vulnerable to extinction. Moreover, the change in climate and lack of availability of habitat results in melting glaciers resulting in the population of snow leopards.

Another animal that is most recognizable in the list of endangered animals list is the Giant Panda. It is yet another rarest species on Earth. The black and white color provides an attractive color to the mammals that rely on bamboo for food. According to WWF, only 1,864 Giant Pandas are left in the wild. They are mostly found in the mountainous regions of China. Currently, they are becoming fewer in numbers due to the clearing of bamboo forests, expansion of agricultural land, urban development, fragmentation, and isolation in population. Many conservation efforts such as ¨Pandas for Peace¨ cooperative programs focus on the breeding program with zoos and research centres around the world. Sections of bamboo forests are also being set up for the preservation of Panda. 

Now, let us explore the world’s 10 most endangered animals according to the World Wildlife Fund: 

African Forst ElephantCentral and West Africa
Amur LeopardRussia and parts of China and Korea
Cross River Gorilla Nigeria and Cameroon
Hawkbill TurtleFound in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world
Javan RhinoIndonesia
Sumatran ElephantIndonesia
Sunda Tiger Indonesia
Vaquita Mexico
Western Lowland Gorilla Central Africa (Cameroon, Gabon and The Congo)

On the global stage to prevent the international trade of endangered species, the exploitation of animals, reptiles, birds and more for commercial purposes Conventions on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is set up. The member countries of CITES ensure the safeguarding and protection of overexploitation of flora and fauna. Also, international organizations such as WWF work continuously to address the world for the protection and conservation of wildlife against anti-poaching and community involvement to promote sustainable practices. 

Responsible tourism and sustainable tourism practices also help in the conservation of wildlife and habitat preservation. Furthermore, governments should implement and enforce guidelines for the implementation and enforcement of Eco-friendly tourism to create a balance between economic interests as well as for conservation. 

Saving the endangered animals is important for maintaining biodiversity. Commitment and strategic efforts should be shown for the possible prevention of endangered animals as well as for their recovery. The future of the planet depends on our collective responsibility so that we can restore the natural world once again.  

Also Read: Speech on Endangered Species Need Protection

Ans. Endangered animal essay includes species that are at risk of extinction shortly are called endangered. It is important to know that the term endangered is applied to plants as well as to animals. These flora and fauna are either at extremely high risk or have been threatened by one or multiple factors such as climate change, human activity, diseases, and more.

Ans. Endangered animals refer to the risk of extinction of animals in the near future. 

Ans. The names of ten endangered animals are Cross River Gorilla, Eastern Lowland Gorilla, Hawksbill Turtle, Javan Rhino, Orangutan, Saola, Vaquita, Western Lowland, Black-footed Ferret, and Blue Whale

Ans. Kashmiri Red Stag is one of the animals that is endangered in India. 

Ans. Responsible tourism and sustainable tourism practices help in the conservation of wildlife and habitat preservation. Furthermore, governments should implement and enforce guidelines for the implementation and enforcement of Eco-friendly tourism to create a balance between economic interests as well as for conservation. 

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Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with educational and informative content expertise. She has hands-on experience in Education, Study Abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and analysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particularly in the education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs related to her field to expand her expertise further. In her personal life, she loves creative writing and aspires to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Extinct Animals


Some animals have become extinct because of human actions. The passenger pigeon and Tasmanian wolf were hunted to extinction. The mamo and dodo lost their homes when humans destroyed their habitats. The dodo was also attacked by other animals that Europeans brought with them when they arrived in the region that was home to the dodo.

Causes of Extinction

The most common cause of extinction is a sudden, serious change in a species’ habitat. A habitat is the surroundings in which an animal lives. Animals can rarely survive such sudden change. Their food supply may be wiped out. They may also lose shelter or other things that they need to survive.

Many things can change a species’ habitat. Floods, fires, droughts, volcanoes, and other natural events may be causes. People also change the environment in ways that drastically affect animals. People clear forests and drain wetlands. They build dams that disrupt the flow of rivers. They build cities on land that animals need to survive. They also create harmful pollution.

Some changes that cause extinction affect only a small area. Others are large enough to affect the entire world. A fire or other local event may cause the extinction of animals that live only in that region. A sudden change in the global climate might wipe out an animal species that lives in many parts of the world.

People can cause extinctions more directly as well. Some species have been hunted to extinction. The passenger pigeon is one example of this. Humans killed millions of the birds over many years. The last one died in the early 1900s.

Mass Extinctions

Sometimes many different species become extinct in a short time. This is called a mass extinction. Several major mass extinctions have occurred in the past. Each time many animal species were wiped out. Some survived, however, and over millions of years new species developed.

The worst mass extinction happened about 248 million years ago. This extinction included mainly animals without backbones that lived in water. Another mass extinction occurred about 65 million years ago. It wiped out many of the planet’s land animals, including the dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Extinction

Dinosaurs first appeared on Earth about 215 million years ago. They were the most important land animals for more than 150 million years. By 65 million years ago, however, the dinosaurs had died out.

Many scientists believe that a large asteroid, or rock from space, caused this mass extinction. When the asteroid hit Earth, the impact caused drastic changes. Thick dust and other materials blocked the sun. Temperatures dropped, and plants could not grow. The dinosaurs could not survive the cold temperatures and lack of food. But early species of birds and mammals did survive.

Large Mammal Extinction

About 10,000 years ago another mysterious animal extinction occurred. This extinction was especially dramatic in North America, where many large mammals disappeared. Among them were woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats.

Scientists do not know what caused this extinction. Some believe that growing numbers of human beings hunted and killed too many of the animals or their prey. Another theory is that the climate changed and affected the availability of food.

Endangered Species Today

In the past 200 years the world has lost many animal species. Hundreds of others are on the verge of extinction. Animals at risk of dying out are called endangered species .

Governments today are working to protect the world’s endangered species. Laws protect some animals’ habitats from being polluted or destroyed. Other laws make it illegal to hunt endangered animals. Some species respond well to these protective measures and increase in number. Others are not as successful.

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Animals Are in Danger of Extinction – Writing Task 2 Agree and Disagree Essay

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Updated On Oct 06, 2023


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Agree or Disagree Essay


Animals are in danger of extinction, globally and it’s a serious concern for many species. While some argue that we should only save species directly benefiting humanity, I firmly disagree with this.

Paragraph 1: Human activity stands as the primary driver of the extinction crisis.

Paragraph 2: Maintaining a balanced ecosystem demands that we take collective action.

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Animals are in danger of extinction, globally and it’s a serious concern for many species. While some argue that we should only save species directly benefiting humanity, I firmly disagree with this. Prioritizing human needs over animal welfare in safeguarding endangered species seems counterproductive and ethically flawed.

Firstly, human activity stands as the primary driver of the extinction crisis. Moreover, overpopulation, continuous urban expansion, and the relentless exploitation of natural resources have left many species struggling due to habitat loss. People’s actions are not to condone brutality and cruelty, such as encroaching on their homes, exploiting them for sustenance, or wearing their skins as fashion.

Additionally, maintaining a balanced ecosystem demands that we take collective action. Each species plays a unique role, and distancing ourselves from some non-human organisms can have devastating consequences. Focusing solely on species proportionally more useful to us disrupts the delicate food chain, leading to imbalances in animal populations. For example, protecting a predator species on the rise might lead to the sharp decline of specific herbivores, leaving the predator starved and jeopardizing the ecosystem.

In conclusion, our priority should be saving all endangered creatures, not just those benefiting us directly. Compassion, respect for life, and understanding the intricate interconnections of the ecosystem are vital. We must unite to protect animals from extinction, preserving the rich biodiversity that sustains life on Earth. Together, we as humans can start embracing a holistic approach to conservation and safeguard the delicate balance of the planet’s intricate web of life.

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1. Extinction

Meaning:  The complete disappearance of a species from the Earth, often due to environmental changes or human activities.

Eg:  Recently, some wild orchids have been threatened with extinction

2. Safeguarding

Meaning: Protecting or ensuring the safety of something, in this context, refers to the protection of endangered species.

Eg:  He was accustomed to hearing and safeguarding the secrets of others.

3. Counterproductive 

Meaning: Having the opposite effect of what is desired or intended, making the situation worse rather than better.

Eg:  Staying up all night to study for that history test will be counterproductive – you’ll be so tired that you won’t remember any of the information you reviewed.

4. Ethically

Meaning:  Relating to principles of right and wrong, particularly in terms of moral conduct and behaviour.

Eg:  Millions of people are deciding to shop ethically and shop less.

5. Ecosystem

Meaning:  A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, where each species plays a specific role in maintaining the balance of the environment.

Eg:  The marine ecosystem of the northern Gulf had suffered irreparable damage

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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Endangered Species — Endangered Animals: The Causes And How To Protect


Endangered Animals: The Causes and How to Protect

  • Categories: Endangered Species

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Words: 541 |

Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 541 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited:

  • Baumeister, R. F., Gailliot, M., DeWall, C. N., & Oaten, M. (2006). Self-regulation and personality: How interventions increase regulatory success, and how depletion moderates the effects of traits on behavior. Journal of Personality, 74(6), 1773–1801.
  • Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic performance of adolescents. Psychological Science, 16(12), 939–944.
  • Emerson, R. W. (1841). Self-Reliance. Essays: First Series. https://www.emersoncentral.com/selfreliance.htm
  • Goleman, D. (2013). Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. HarperCollins Publishers.
  • Hagger, M. S., Wood, C., Stiff, C., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2010). Ego depletion and the strength model of self-control: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 136(4), 495–525.
  • Hofmann, W., Baumeister, R. F., Förster, G., & Vohs, K. D. (2012). Everyday temptations: An experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(6), 1318–1335.
  • McGonigal, K. (2012). The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It. Avery.
  • Mischel, W., Shoda, Y., & Rodriguez, M. L. (1989). Delay of gratification in children. Science, 244(4907), 933–938.
  • Tangney, J. P., Baumeister, R. F., & Boone, A. L. (2004). High self‐control predicts good adjustment, less pathology, better grades, and interpersonal success. Journal of Personality, 72(2), 271–322.
  • Vohs, K. D., Baumeister, R. F., & Schmeichel, B. J. (2012). Motivation, personal beliefs, and limited resources all contribute to self-control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(4), 943–947.

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January 07, 2015

Ielts writing task 2: 'wild animals' essay.

Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.

I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.

In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.

(269 words, band 9)

Note: I've highlighted my main paragraph 'topic sentences' in blue. Can you see how each topic sentence relates to one part of the question?


Hello Sir, Your efforts are truly appreciable and you are doing a great job. I wanted to know your view regarding a task 2 topic which is "There are fewer and fewer employment opportunities for the graduates entering the job market and this will have serious implications on the higher education. How far do you agree of disagree?" What shall I write in this essay? Does it talks of effects on post graduation or does it says that both graduates and post graduates don't get a job? Kindly answer my query.

Thanking you, Harry

Posted by: Harry | January 07, 2015 at 11:21

thanks simon.. great job!!

Posted by: Ben | January 07, 2015 at 13:32

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because humans have no need of them. I deplore with this point of view.

It is completely understandable that wild animals have no right to live on the earth as humans do.Prominently, it is not our job to decide who can live or cannot live.Secondly,they have their place in ecosystem because it must be halted due to extinction of species.To cite an epitome, food chain will be disrupted.Finally, variety on the earth is utmost necessary because we can do entertainment in the wild area of the zoo and can also know about creatures of the GOD. Moreover, it is beneficial for the Government to collect money from the local and foreign visitors.

In my opinion, money spent on wild animals not at all a waste.They are very useful to us because scientists do experiments on animals and make new medicines, which are useful for us but sometimes, medicines leave lethal affects on animals.So, it is the moral duty of human beings to take care of good companions of ourselves.Last but not least, these animals are beneficial for study of evolution.For instance, scientists create new breeds of animals with the help of theories and usually new breeds are giving enormous benefits to us. In conclusion, it seems to me that human beings have no right to decide that which specie can live on the earth? We should do everything to protect them for our posterity's welfare.

can you tell me what's a band score for this one? and what are the mistakes?

Posted by: gurinder | January 07, 2015 at 13:39

Good job Simon.....

Posted by: Mariya. | January 07, 2015 at 14:35

Thank you simon. Best job....

Posted by: nazanin | January 07, 2015 at 14:41

What i learned from this essay: completely disagree with encourage the extinction of any species encourage: to make something more likely to exist, happen, or develop: Violent TV programmes encourage anti-social behaviour.

compelling reason feed or accommodate the world's population the protection of wild animals/ natural habitats rainforests produce oxygen, absord carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth's climate

the resulting changes to our planet do everything we can to ... %----------------------------- Thanks, Simon. ^_^

Posted by: YuDang | January 07, 2015 at 15:32

Hi Simon, I'm wondering how you can come up with such brilliant ideas because I'm struggling with brainstorming new ideas for each of my essays. Could you suggest some solutions to this problem? Thank you!

Posted by: minhanh | January 07, 2015 at 15:48

Hi Simon & all, can we separate this sentence below into 2 sentences ? bz I'm a bit confused about that.

I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species.

=> I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century. We also have no right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species.

are these two sentences' meanings the same ?

Posted by: ppp | January 07, 2015 at 16:47

Just a small question, i am taking my test on Saturday.. and i had a short time to train for the test (2 weeks) i am asking for a help on the structure of the Opinion essay, so basically you insert a Topic statement and a Thesis in the introduction (not forgetting to mention your opinion), after that you just put 2 body paragraphs that you include a reason in each one of them? i mean like 1 reason for paragraph 1 and another reason for paragraph 2 then in the conclusion you just paraphrase the Introduction you just provided?

Also i am looking to write a complete agree/disagree essay as i didn't have enough time to go in deep for the "partly-agree" one i am really nervous and frustrated.

looking for your prompt response :)

Posted by: Khalid | January 07, 2015 at 17:01

Hi minhanh, Before Simon answer your question, I think that you can improve step by step by "reading around" about general topics first, to get a grasp of some important topic languages, as Simon has mentioned in his e-book introduction. If you have done this, then you can practise doing the task 2 by brainstorming anything you can think of. And Simon also said, there is no "good" or "bad" idea, the important thing here is how you can use your topic language effectively to express your ideas. Just write down anything relevant that you think you can mention for the topic of the essays, then make orders for those ideas. Then use some structures with connectives to link all your ideas together. Don't be afraid that you are writing a bad essay; as long as you have your own ideas, that will be fine. The problem now is just, again, about the "topic language" :) I am also frightened while thinking about writing an essays in 40 minutes while being put under pressure in the examination. So maybe I understand your feeling (and we are both Vietnamese, too, right :D). But because of the fact that we need to write with "at least" some confidence on the test day, so you should believe in your ideas, and practise expressing them in a proper way, which fits the style of an academic writing for the IELTS. Follow Simon's advice on the planning of Writing task 2 is extremely useful, too! Good luck to you on your training!

P/s: Will you take your IELTS exam soon?

Posted by: Dao Quang Duc | January 07, 2015 at 17:02

Hi Simon I'm a little confused about the words "have no place". Do they mean wild animals will no longer exist or they play no role in human life?

Posted by: Hayley | January 07, 2015 at 17:11

I second " minhanh"!!!!! The other day , I was looking at Simon's essay about " happiness", how beautifully he has concluded the whole theme in just those two paragraphs!! Same is true for this essay!!!! Well, I'm sure I can never write essays as good as are his. It seems it's more about Simon's writing SKILLS( precise and mature). I will keep trying and one day I might become a good writer( which seems unlikely) and then I would definitely like to challenge my dear teacher( Simon)....lolzzzzz

Posted by: aaa | January 07, 2015 at 17:18

I think, these 2 sentences are not quite the same in terms of their meanings.

1-The first one explains that there isn't anything in this century that SUDDENLY( automatically/ inherently) gives us the right to kill animals....

2-Whereas in the second sentence: " we also have no right to allow...." , it seems a completely separate sentence i.e it doesn't seem to relate or explain anything mentioned in the previous sentence( the importance or relation of this century as a reason to allow animals become extinct)

Posted by: aaa | January 07, 2015 at 17:47

Hello again Mr. Simon, i am so sorry for asking 2 questions at once but another thing i'd like to talk about is that do the examiners like look how good is the reason u provide? is it correct scientifically? or just any relative reason built good with right English language works? thanks a lot!

Posted by: Khalid | January 07, 2015 at 20:07

Examiners evaluate whether your arguments are relevant. This means they make sure that they logically support your opinion. That's why IELTS asks you to 'develop' your arguments, which means they want you to explain why your argument supports your opinion (by using examples, consequences etc).

Examiners are generally not scientists or experts so they do not assess arguments in this way. However, do NOT write things like 'a recent survey said' because this is obviously false.

So to answer your question: use arguments that are relevant (usually the obvious arguments are the best) and explain WHY it is relevant using examples, consequences etc, and don't make any errors!

Posted by: sjm | January 07, 2015 at 22:23

hi simon thanks a lot for brilliant essay.

Posted by: sam | January 07, 2015 at 22:40

You are the best teacher ever. Thanks Simon.

Posted by: Dan | January 08, 2015 at 00:42

Posted by: Minor | January 08, 2015 at 04:47

A group of people believe that the existence of wild animals in their habitat is not an essential matter in these modern days. Therefore spending lots of money and efforts to protect them are considered as waste activities. I personally disagree with that the statements, as I believe that protecting the wild animals from extinction brings a lot of benefits to the environment and human kind as well.

As the world population increased dramatically in the past recent years, many of the wild animals habitats have been converted into housing, farming or mining areas. Many people believe that the existences of the animals are not vital, as mankind needed more areas for them to survive. However, a lot of people do not realize that the wild animals play an important part in the ecosystem, and with the disappearance of them, the ecosystem might become imbalance. For instance, it is fact that the plants are consumed by the herbivore animals, and they are prey by the predators. Should the carnivores extinct, than the population of the herbivores will be outnumbered and they might have exaggerate consumptions of the plants, which could be a serious threat to the environment.

Undeniably, a large amount of money, time and energy have been spent to preserve the wild animals. Although some people think that the activities are wasteful, many of them do not realized that preserving the habitats of wild animals is a crucial matter. When a group of people try to protect the wild animals, it means that they would not just protect the animals’ existence, but also preserve the animals’ territories as well. They might cooperate with the government by making the area as conservation or national parks. By restoring the animals’ habitat, it would not only maintain the ecosystem balance, but also protect the earth from the threat of global warming and air pollution as well. Therefore it is clear that all the efforts that are made to maintain the wild animals are certainly useful.

In conclusion, I totally disagree if the existence of the wild animals should be abandoned and any kind of acts in protecting them are considered as inefficient and ineffective. I think wild animals play an important part in our aspect of lives and definitely we must conserve them.

Posted by: DLS | January 08, 2015 at 04:58

Thanks simon!

However, I wander that why in body paragraph 2 you focus on the importance of habitat, but do not interpret why you disagree with ideal that protecting animals is a waste of resources?

Posted by: Tanisa | January 08, 2015 at 05:38

Hi Simon, Quick question commonly we use to conclude,to sum up in the last paragraph. How can I use the word of 'compile' to make a conclusion at the end of an essay?

Posted by: Ali | January 08, 2015 at 06:33

Hello gruinder,

Here is my comment on your first paragraph.

Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because humans have no need of them. I deplore(disagree) with this point of view. It is completely understandable that wild animals have no right to live on the earth as humans do.(how do you have such idea while coming completely disagree with this point). Prominently, it is not our job to decide who can live or cannot live( pretty informal).Secondly, they have their place in ecosystem because it must be halted due to extinction of species(Secondly, as animal already have their own place on the earth, extinction will cause severe problem such as the food chain which may be affected). Finally, variety on the earth is utmost necessary because we can do entertainment in the wild area of the zoo and can also know about creatures of the GOD. Moreover, it is beneficial for the Government to collect money from the local and foreign visitors.( Finally, a variety of species can benefit both animals and humans as governments can run wildlife sanctuaries that provide public entertainment creating more jobs as well as animals can receive a better veterinary care.) [email protected]

Posted by: Reza | January 08, 2015 at 10:33

Hello Simon

i have doubts about the third paragraph. what you have written seems nothing to do with animals.you took rainforests as example. i think this example is not convincing.

Posted by: paul | January 08, 2015 at 13:24

Hello Paul,

I guess Simon, took rainforest as an example of animal habitat. I think it would be much more understandable and straightforward if Simon changed it to : rainforest, as an example of wildlife habitat,...

Sorry if I as a student left comment on Simon's essay. [email protected]

Posted by: Reza | January 08, 2015 at 13:46

Thank you for your topic. Higher education includes both undergraduate and postgraduate study. Any qualifications obtained from universities and colleges are counted as tertiary education.

Posted by: Jing | January 08, 2015 at 13:53

Thanks so much Sjm that was fantastic appreciate your help!

Posted by: Khalid | January 09, 2015 at 06:08

I anticipated that some people might say that. I wrote that we protect wild animals by protecting their habitats - for me the connection is clear.

Posted by: Simon | January 09, 2015 at 11:50

Do you agree or disagree that wild animals have no place in the 21st century and protecting them is a waste of resources?

The natural habitat of wild animals has been exploited by humans. Protecting this animals can be a waste of time and resources. Despite this, it is disagreed that wild animals will have no place in the 21st century and spending money for their protection is pointless. Analysing the possibility of wild animals to co-exist along with humans in the 21st century and the benefits of protecting their habitat to the planet Earth will show this.

Firstly, the growing population of Earth in 21st century would displaced wild animals from their natural habitats. For example, a vast of forest land could be cultivated and converted to farm lands in order to produce more foods for the increasing population of the planet. However, there is no need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world's growing population. There is plenty of room for humans to exist side by side with wild animals and this should be the aim.

Secondly, protecting wild animals' natural habitat is not a waste of money. For example, rainforest produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth's climate. If we destroy these areas, the cost of managing the resulting changes to the planet Earth would far outweigh the cost of conservation. Thus, by protecting the wild animals and their habitat, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.

In summary, spending money for the protection of wild animals and conservation of their natural habitat is not a waste of time and resources. Thus, it is clear that wild animals can co-exist with humanity in the 21st century. It is predicted that more and more people would ensure the survival of wild animals and protect their habitat in the near future.

Posted by: icarus | January 09, 2015 at 23:51

Simon clearly said in his third paragraph that protecting wildlife habitats (rainforest is a well known habitat for animals) is crucial for human survival, and it will cost more to revert our climate changes than protect rainforest in the first place. It is very obvious that protect animals is not a waste of money.

I think that 'For example' (in Simon's essay) is much better and more common than 'as an example of...' in academic writing.

Rainforest is intimately bound up with wildlife animals because their lives depend on rainforest. Conservation of rainforest is to protect wildlife animals and protecting rainforest is to protect ourselves as well.

I can not see why there is confusion. It is very clear for me. Perhaps you all read it literately? I think Simon's essays are brilliant and the best.

Posted by: Jing | January 10, 2015 at 22:27

hello Simon, I just want to ask what the difference is between kinds of questions. is "what extend do u agree or disagree..? different from "do u agree or disagree?" I want to ask about the structure because when i read the statement I only focus on " protecting them is a waste of resources" to answer that I agree or not. Is it wrong when I dont discuss about the first clause "Wild animals have no place in the 21st century" ?

Posted by: MK | January 11, 2015 at 02:37

I mean 'read literally'.

Posted by: Jing | January 11, 2015 at 08:55

Kindly need you comments, I had my test on 10 Jan 2015.

Writing task 2 question was about: Some people like elder leaders, while others prefer the young ones, the question was to what extent do you agree or disagree?

I try to answered in the first and last paragraph, with a balance one, like this:

In conclusion,it is a fact that each types of leader have their own advantages, despite of the age. I personaly disagree if leadership is measured base on age, but it should be reviewed base on the leadership skill and competency as well.

Is my conclusion statement responding to the question?

Posted by: DLS | January 12, 2015 at 02:45

I am very much new to this forum. I came across this forum on Facebook. Well, I am preparing for IELTS exam to be held in February 2015. Could you please suggest what topics should i focus on with respect to speaking and writing tasks.

Thank you for your time.

Posted by: Priya | January 14, 2015 at 14:18

Dear Simon,

Kindly give your suggestions on the essay i wrote for the above topic:

A small percentage of the society considers that wild animal have no place in the 21st century. Thus, according to these few spending time and resources on the protection and care of the wild animals and their habitats is a waste in terms of money and time. I would strongly disagree to this thought. In my opinion, wild animals are not a threat to the mankind and are not dangerous until and unless they are treated in a bad way or disturbed. The mere presence of such a negative thought among some human being displays the unacceptable behaviour they have towards the wild creatures. In many situations the human and their experiments have disturbed the normal life cycle of wild animals. Be it any century animals have been a part of the earth and its existence. Wildlife plays an essential role in the ecological and biological processes that are yet again significant to life. The normal functioning of the biosphere depends on endless interactions amongst animals, plants, and microorganisms. This, in turn, maintains and enhances human life further. Wildlife maintains ecological ‘balance of nature’ and maintains food chain and nature cycles. In conclusion, no one has the right to question the existence of wild animals and imagining the earth with human as its sole inhabitant is not possible as it will affect the entire functioning of life on earth.

Posted by: Priya | January 14, 2015 at 15:21

I think that it makes it much easier for us to understand the importance of topic sentences by highlighting them in blue.

Posted by: Alice | January 15, 2015 at 08:25

Availability of living space for beasts in modern era is reached to diminishing level. Some people argue that, conservation of threatened wild animals is pointless. I completely discord to the above point of view.

First of all eradication of livable environment due to human acts is need to be mitigated with immediate effect. Human have no rights to completely acquire precious lands for building of accommodations, Townships, Parks and Etc. Human should become humane enough to acknowledge rightful existence of other species as well. Therefore, it is considered as paramount responsibility of people to take every measure to protect animals without turning blind eye and letting them die out.

Secondly, investing for conservation of animals can also be considered as saving humans life in another way . People are not able to completely replace live forests by concrete buildup areas. So conservation of environment and wild animals will be part and parcel in achieving better life on earth. People should be encouraged to save environment for their benefit in return saves animals too. In another words, pros of resourcing for conversation outweigh for cons. By protecting animals and their habitat, people can maintain the natural balance of all lives on globe. In conclusion, assuring of existence of beasts on earth is one of a sole responsibility of man kind. Human should take every endeavour to conserve world around us to facilitate coexistence of wild animals. Also people should do everything that they could to protect them without seeing it as a waste of resources. Then only people can conserve earth for future generation.

Posted by: Jeevan | January 24, 2015 at 06:32

Hi,everyone.I posted my version,

It is true that a lot of wild life is on the verge of extinction nowadays. Although some people insist protecting them is no meaning as it is too late, I totally disagree with such kind of opinions.

As we already know, our planet consist of various kind of animals and planets which are given the lives in this world. Natural habits of each of them influence others and the nature would be balancing. In this ecological chain, once one player disappear from the cycle, the extent of its damage is inestimable. For example, large outbreak of grasshoppers which was happened by attempting to exterminate its predator such as snake and mouse caused serious damage to rice crops. That means our human life is connected with one of others.

Next, if we think about the current serious situation for wild animals, we can easily find a lot of reasons which were caused by our human activities. We are destroying the forrest to make the field or road and be emitting exhaust fumes or hasten global warming by the emission of huge amount of carbon dioxide instead of our comfortable life. Some people regard it is inevitable by the view from negative side. However I believe we can change the world to be more eco- friendly and sustainable because all of them has been done by ourselves.

In conclusion, I think we should put the effort to protect lives of wild animals because it would ultimately save our own lives and it's not too late even though the situation is worse. (260words)

Posted by: mami | January 24, 2015 at 17:02

Dear Dao Quang Duc, Thank you so much for your useful advice. I will practice writing as the way you recommended. I have already taken IELTS exam but got only 6.0 in writing. I think the main problem here is the high pressure (as you mentioned) and lack of ideas. The time was too short for me to plan anything properly so I just wrote down what I thought of at that time. I'm going to retake the exam in about 2 weeks. Wish me lucks!

Posted by: minhanh | January 27, 2015 at 10:01

Your strategies are simple but effective, for they describe the obvious. However, many of us have a tendency to overlook the obvious! Thank you so much for sharing your insightful views on this subject.

Posted by: essay-profy.com | January 30, 2015 at 10:59

Hi Simon Thank you very much for your effort I have bought your ebook and it includes very helpful ideas but I wonder if your website have got the full essays for these ideas ??? And where I can find them ???so I can compare it with mine. Thanks and I am waiting from you soon

Posted by: Omnia | February 03, 2015 at 23:31

Thanks for your selfless work!!I helps a lot

Posted by: Vicky | March 12, 2015 at 03:17

Teacher I have questions. Should we make a consession part for this ?is A Concession paragraph necessary for writing task2?

Posted by: jimmy | April 03, 2015 at 18:05

Dear Simon, thank you for your efforts. If you find time, I would be grateful what Band you would rate this response:

Some proclaim that wild animals hold no place in contemporary times, and that nurturing their existence is a wasteful and futile venture. On the other hand, I believe that many wildly beings can prove to be very productive to society, and that preserving these vulnerable lifeforms is one of the primordial duties of mankind.

Agriculture is a glaring example of how wild animals prove to be useful to us even today. Firstly, animal waste products have shown to be effective in fertilizing soil; for example cow dung. Secondly, wild animals have been bred to provide food for centuries; and this practice continues even today on a large scale. One need only consider the demand for dairy products such as milk and eggs among the public to get a grasp of the importance of animals in their ability to feed entire populations. Finally, some animals can be trained to remove pests, in a bid to enhance the quality and quantity of crops. Thus, in contradiction to the claim that protecting wild animals is a wasteful investment, it can actually prove to be a productive one.

I also believe that it is immoral not to protect wild animals. A significant portion of society share unique bonds with wild animals. Some go to the extent of spending entire careers in an effort to save endangered species from the brink of extinction. There are others who derive great pleasure and satisfaction in keeping wild animals as pets; some of which are even essential for the well-being of the person, such as guard dogs. Lastly, there are a number of activists who passionately lobby for the promotion of animal rights; again because they share an inexplicably close bond and affinity towards wild animals.

Taking all this into consideration, I am of the viewpoint that wild animals continue to hold a vital position even today. Not only can they boost agriculture, but are also held dearly in the hearts of many people. To this end, I would argue that it is worthwhile to protect them to the fullest extent possible.

Posted by: Akash | June 01, 2015 at 15:12

cows are domestic right

Posted by: Archana | June 10, 2015 at 09:03

i do not understand this part "we humans have no need for them.: first paragh

Posted by: heejung | July 09, 2015 at 02:49

I would like to ask about the usage of the verb 'outweigh'. Could I also use it in the writing task 1, for example:

1. The number of Japanese residents cycling to work far outweighs British cycling commuters.

2. The length of time Japanese residents spend (on) cycling to work far outweighs British cycling commuters.

Many thanks!

Posted by: Amy | July 16, 2015 at 04:13

wild animals have no place in 21st century,so protecting them is a waste of resources

It is true that animals are a part of ecosystem which are useful to the mankind in immense ways. But in the modern world,people are behind materialistic things,and some people hold an opinion that it is futile to conserve them as it is a waste of resources.I do not completely agree with the notion ,and I believe that animals play an indispensable role in aintaining earth's equilibrium.

To commence with,conserving wild animals helps to save them from the verge of extinction.It also enhances the country's revenue as it attracts the tourist.Apart from that,the food chain cycle would be disturbed which further pose a serious threat to mankind

Furthermore ,people of all age groups are benefited if they are preserved ,in terms of both education and entertainment.Earth's equilibrium would be hampered if they are not guarded properly.Animals are useful in many ways like manufacture of leather from the skin ,and also many species has got medicinal values.

In my perspective ,both the government and animal activists should work collectively for the conservation of wild animals.Forests must be preserved as it is an ideal place for their growth and reproduction.

To conclude,wild animals should be protected and it is no longer a waste of resources as the mankind is profited in diverse ways , and also they add an aesthetic appeal to anture and environment.


Posted by: Anju Mathew | August 10, 2015 at 12:06

Its very useful essay

Posted by: uop | November 21, 2015 at 05:41

Posted by: zaiyd | November 26, 2015 at 01:41

As a wildlife biologist for 50 years, I suggest anyone down grading wildlife and its protection, take a course or read about wildlife conservation and basic ecosystem management. Are you they type that takes the Christian bible literally? The worst thing that ever has happened to wildlife is the phrase,"... man has dominion over.." Bull. Learn about ecosystem concepts. Wildlife is the best indicator of the health of all ecosystems of the world.

Posted by: Dr. Rick Richards | August 23, 2016 at 21:50

Some people argue that wild animals are useless for the nature in the current century, and they believe that it is waste of money and other resources if the government invests money in protecting them. I strongly disagree with this idea and support the idea of preserving the life of such animals. In the one hand, it is our responsibility to take care of all living organisms including the wild animals. I believe that the right of these animals should be preserved and their rights are as important as human’s rights. If we do this, it is not only very ethical, but also a way for maintaining the biodiversity. Conserving the biodiversity of the wildlife is very crucial to having a healthy ecosystem. We should do our best to deter these animals from becoming extinct and therefore the authorities should allocate funds to build shelter for these animals and look after them as much as possible. On the other hand, spending money on taking care of these animals has other benefits as well. For instance, we can keep them in zoos. In this way, they can be used for entertainment, research and creation of job opportunities. Thus, the resources assigned to them can be even compensated if we protect them by providing the habitats for them in the zoos. Also, if the scientists carry out research on these animals, some scientific research questions can be answered and this may be so beneficial for the human’s survival. For example, research has shown that some specific medicine for several life-threatening diseases has been extracted from such animals. In conclusion, in my opinion, it is worth spending money, energy and time on conserving the wildlife because they have many advantages as mentioned above.

Posted by: nina | September 03, 2016 at 19:41

Linking words, meeting the goal of 7 or more 0 Repeated words, meeting the goal of 3 or fewer 0 Mistakes 4 paragraphs 269 words 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 0 5 0 5 Overall Band Score

COHERENCE AND COHESION: 6.0 9 Structure your answers in logical paragraphs ? One main idea per paragraph 9 Include an introduction and conclusion 6 Support main points with an explanation and then an example 7 Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately 7 Vary your linking phrases using synonyms LEXICAL RESOURCE: 9.0 9 Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms - Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning 9 Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes GRAMMATICAL RANGE: 9.0 9 Use a variety of complex and simple sentences 9 Check your writing for errors TASK ACHIEVEMENT: 5.0 9 Answer all parts of the question - Present relevant ideas 5 Fully explain these ideas 6 Support ideas with relevant, specific examples REST Word Count

Posted by: minh | August 15, 2020 at 11:04

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50, 100, 200, 300 And 500 Words Essay On Animals

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We are not the only animals on our planet, but many other species live there as well. A variety of animals have inhabited this plant since the beginning of time. These animals served as both friends and foes to humans. Transport, protection, and hunting were all carried out with the help of animals.

Different species inhabit the area, including amphibians, reptiles, mammals, insects, and birds. Animals play an essential role in maintaining our ecosystem. The actions of humans, however, threaten to exterminate many of these animals. Conservation of many species has been raised by environmentalists and international organizations like PETA and WWF.

Table of Contents

Animals Essay in 100 Words

Dogs are my favorite animals. Dogs are pets. Four-footed animals have four legs. A pair of beautiful eyes adorn it. Besides its small tail and two ears, this animal has no other distinguishing features. Dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. A dog’s body may be covered with fur. Different colors are represented by the dogs. There is a difference in size between them.

There is nothing more useful and faithful than dogs. Swimming is possible for the dog. All over the world, it can be found. There is a great deal of love between it and its master. In this way, it prevents car thieves from breaking into a house. Thieves and criminals are located by police officers using dogs.

An essay of 200 words about animals

Many animals live on Earth. A man’s companion, they are there for him at all times. There are many types of animals. In order to absorb and breathe, amphibians have thin skin. An example would be a frog or a toad. Warm-blooded mammals, such as lions, tigers, and bears, have fur and a coat of fur. Eggs are laid by reptiles, and they have cold blood. Snakes and crocodiles, for instance, are reptiles. The animal kingdom includes insects and birds.

Our environment benefits from animals. Besides providing nourishment for the soil, they also provide food. Animal populations are controlled by predators such as lions and tigers. As well as being useful in agriculture, they are also useful in other fields. There is, however, a threat of extinction facing animals. 

As humans build homes and factories, many forests are destroyed, causing animals to lose their homes. Leather, fur, and ivory are stolen from animals by hunters. The well-being of animals is negatively affected when they are caged and kept away from their habitats. It is harmful to animals that live in water bodies that are polluted by harmful substances.

Animals are part of the Earth, and they should be protected because it belongs to them as well. Humans depend on them for companionship. In order to spread the message of preserving our wildlife, we celebrate World Wildlife Day every year on the 3rd of March.

Animals Essay in 300 Words

From time immemorial, man has been accompanied by animals. Species classify animals into kingdoms. Species vary widely.

They breathe through their thin skin and require a moist environment. Frogs, salamanders, toads, and caecilians are examples of amphibians.

Warm-blooded vertebrates are mammals. In addition to mammary glands, females have a coat of fur that they use to feed their young. A mammal can be a carnivore, a bear, a rodent, etc.

Crocodiles and snakes are reptiles, which are vertebrates but have a cold blood system and lay eggs. Different species of animals include insects and birds.

Ecological balance is maintained by animals. Feeding on plants helps control growth and keep populations under control. In addition to poultry and dairy products, meat is also produced by animals.

animal extinction essay 200 words

Several animals have lost their habitat due to the cutting down of forests. Leather is extracted from alligators, fur from lions and bears, ivory from elephants, and ivory tusks from elephants are harvested.

It is detrimental to the well-being of animals to confine them and keep them away from their habitat. Marine life is negatively affected by polluted water bodies.

Organizations like PETA and WWF promote animal conservation and spread awareness. Project Tiger and Project Elephant are two wildlife protection projects undertaken by the Indian government.

On the third Saturday of March every year, World Wildlife Day is observed. To achieve sustainable development goals, the United Nations has chosen to promote sustainable development through the 2020 theme, “Sustaining all life on Earth”.

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500-word essay on animals

The importance of animals in our lives cannot be overstated. Additionally, humans can benefit from them in a number of ways. Meat, eggs, and dairy products, for instance, are among the products we consume. It is also possible to keep animals as pets. People with disabilities greatly benefit from them. This essay will examine the importance of these creatures through the eyes of animals.

Animal Types

The balance of nature is maintained by animals, which are eukaryotes with multiple cells.

Land and water are both home to many species of animals. Thus, each has a reason for existing. There are different groups of animals in biology. Land and water-dwelling amphibians are known as amphibians.

The body of a reptile is covered with scales and it is cold-blooded. Mammals have mammary glands, as well as give birth to their offspring in the womb. Unlike other animals, birds have feathers covering their bodies and their forelimbs become wings.

Eggs are used to give birth. The fins of fish are not like the limbs of other animals. Their gills allow them to breathe under water. It is also relevant to note that most insects have six legs or more. On earth, there are these types of animals.

The importance of animals

On our planet and in human life, animals play an essential role. Animals have been used by humans throughout history. Transport was their primary function earlier.

The animals also serve as food, hunters, and protectors. Oxen are used by humans for farming. Humans also enjoy the company of animals. People with physical challenges and the elderly can both benefit from dogs’ assistance.

The testing of drugs on animals is done in research laboratories. The most common animals used for testing are rats and rabbits. Using these studies, we can predict future outbreaks of diseases and take protective measures.

It is quite common for astronomers to conduct research on animals. Other uses are also possible for them. Animals are used in various sports such as racing, polo, and others. Other fields also use them.

The use of them is also common in recreational activities. The tricks of animals are often demonstrated door-to-door by people in addition to circuses. Their use as detection dogs is also widespread among police forces.

Our joyride also takes place on them. There are a variety of animals that can be used for this purpose, including horses, elephants, camels, etc. Our lives are greatly influenced by them.

As a result,

As a result, animals play a vital role in the lives of humans and our planet. In order to ensure a better future for animals, it is our responsibility to protect them. Without animal help, humans cannot survive.

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English Summary

100 Words Paragraph On Endangered Animals In English

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