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Effective essay writing graphic organizers to enhance your academic writing skills.

Essay writing graphic organizers

Are you looking for ways to enhance your essay writing skills? Do you struggle to organize your thoughts and ideas effectively? Utilizing graphic organizers can be the key to improving your writing process and producing more cohesive and structured essays.

Graphic organizers are visual tools that help writers brainstorm, plan, and organize their writing. They provide a visual representation of the relationships between ideas, making it easier to see the big picture and the flow of your essay. By using graphic organizers, you can break down complex topics into manageable chunks and create a roadmap for your writing.

Whether you’re a student working on academic essays or a professional writer crafting articles, utilizing graphic organizers can make a significant difference in the clarity and coherence of your writing. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using graphic organizers, discuss different types of organizers, and provide tips on how to effectively incorporate them into your writing process.

Master the Basics

Before delving into the complexities of essay writing, it is crucial to master the basics. Understanding the fundamental elements of an essay, such as the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, is essential for crafting a coherent and compelling piece of writing.

  • Start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and clearly states your main argument.
  • Develop your ideas in the body paragraphs with supporting evidence and analysis.
  • Conclude your essay by summarizing your key points and reinforcing your main thesis.

By mastering these basic components of essay writing, you can better structure your ideas and effectively communicate your thoughts to your audience.

Understanding the Essay Structure

When it comes to writing an effective essay, understanding the structure is crucial. An essay typically consists of three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction: This is where you grab the reader’s attention and provide a brief overview of what your essay will be about. The introduction should also include a thesis statement, which is the main point or argument of your essay.

Body paragraphs: The body of your essay is where you develop your argument and provide supporting evidence. Each paragraph should focus on a single point and include detailed explanations and examples to support your thesis.

Conclusion: The conclusion is where you wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis. It’s also a good place to leave the reader with a thought-provoking idea or call to action.

By understanding and utilizing this basic essay structure, you can ensure that your writing is clear, organized, and effective.

Choose the Right Organizer

When it comes to effective essay writing, choosing the right graphic organizer can make a significant difference in organizing your thoughts and boosting your writing skills. There are various types of organizers to choose from, such as the outline, Venn diagram, flowchart, concept map, and more. It’s essential to select an organizer that best fits the structure of your essay and helps you clearly outline your ideas.

Outlining: If you prefer a straightforward approach, an outline organizer can help you create a clear and organized structure for your essay. Use headings and subheadings to categorize your main points and supporting details.

Venn Diagram: A Venn diagram can be useful when comparing and contrasting ideas or topics. It allows you to visually represent the similarities and differences between two or more concepts.

Flowchart: For essays with a sequential flow of ideas, a flowchart organizer is ideal. Create a visual representation of the sequence of events or steps in your essay to ensure a logical progression of ideas.

Concept Map: If you want to explore the relationships between different concepts in your essay, a concept map can help you visualize the connections between ideas and brainstorm new insights.

Choosing the right organizer is crucial to effectively structure your essay and enhance your writing skills. Experiment with different types of organizers to find the one that best suits your writing style and helps you convey your ideas clearly and cohesively.

Selecting the Best Graphic Tool

When choosing a graphic organizer tool for your essay writing process, it is essential to consider various factors to ensure its effectiveness. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Type of Essay: Consider the type of essay you are writing and choose a graphic organizer that best fits the structure and organization needed for that particular essay type.
  • Complexity: Evaluate the complexity of your ideas and arguments to determine the level of detail and hierarchy required in the graphic organizer.
  • Visual Appeal: Look for a tool that is visually appealing and easy to comprehend, as this will help you better visualize and organize your thoughts.
  • Flexibility: Opt for a tool that offers flexibility in terms of customization, allowing you to adjust the layout and structure based on your specific needs.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that the graphic organizer tool you choose is accessible and easy to use on your preferred devices and platforms.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select the best graphic tool that will enhance your essay writing process and improve the clarity and coherence of your ideas.

Organize Your Ideas

Organize Your Ideas

Before diving into writing your essay, it’s crucial to organize your ideas to ensure a clear and coherent flow of information. Using graphic organizers can help you visually map out your thoughts and easily see how they connect. Here are some effective ways to organize your ideas:

  • Outline: Create a detailed outline with main points, subpoints, and supporting evidence to structure your essay.
  • Brainstorming: Brainstorm ideas and jot them down on a mind map to see relationships between different concepts.
  • Cluster/Spider Diagrams: Use cluster or spider diagrams to group related ideas together and visualize the structure of your essay.
  • Storyboard: Create a storyboard with key events or arguments to plan out the sequence of your essay.

By organizing your ideas using graphic organizers, you can enhance the clarity and coherence of your essay, making it easier for readers to follow your argument.

Mapping Out Your Thoughts

Mapping Out Your Thoughts

One of the most effective tools for organizing your thoughts and ideas before starting to write an essay is a graphic organizer. By using a graphic organizer, you can visually map out your thoughts, main points, and supporting details. This helps you clarify your ideas and ensure that your essay has a logical structure.

There are various types of graphic organizers you can use, such as mind maps, concept maps, Venn diagrams, and flowcharts. Choose the one that best suits your writing style and the topic of your essay. Once you have selected a graphic organizer, start by jotting down your main idea in the center and then branch out to include your supporting points and details.

Mapping out your thoughts using a graphic organizer will not only help you stay focused and organized but also make the writing process smoother and more efficient. It can serve as a roadmap for your essay, guiding you through each section and ensuring that your ideas flow cohesively.

Develop Strong Arguments

Effective essay writing requires the development of strong arguments to persuade the reader of your perspective. To create compelling arguments, follow these key strategies:

  • Research: Conduct thorough research to gather credible evidence and support for your arguments. Use reliable sources to strengthen your points.
  • Structure: Organize your arguments logically and coherently. Start with a clear thesis statement and build each argument in a structured manner.
  • Counterarguments: Anticipate counterarguments and address them in your essay. This shows that you have considered different viewpoints and strengthens your own position.
  • Evidence: Support your arguments with relevant evidence, such as examples, statistics, and expert opinions. This adds credibility and persuasiveness to your essay.
  • Clarity: Clearly articulate your arguments and provide explanations to ensure that your points are easily understood by the reader.
  • Consistency: Ensure that your arguments are consistent throughout the essay. Avoid contradictions or inconsistencies that may weaken your overall argument.

By developing strong arguments with these key strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your essay writing and convey your ideas convincingly to your audience.

Building a Persuasive Case

When writing a persuasive essay, it is crucial to build a compelling case to persuade your audience to agree with your viewpoint. Here are some key steps to help you construct a persuasive case:

  • Clear Thesis Statement: Start by clearly stating your position or argument in a concise thesis statement. This statement should clearly convey what you are trying to persuade your readers to believe or do.
  • Supporting Evidence: Back up your thesis statement with strong evidence, facts, statistics, examples, and expert opinions. Providing solid evidence can make your case more convincing and credible.
  • Logical Organization: Structure your essay in a logical and coherent manner. Develop your arguments in a clear sequence, with each point building upon the previous one to strengthen your case.
  • Address Counterarguments: Anticipate potential counterarguments and address them in your essay. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and refuting them can make your argument more persuasive.
  • Emotional Appeal: Use emotional appeals, anecdotes, and narratives to connect with your audience on a personal level. Appeal to the emotions of your readers to make them more likely to empathize with your argument.
  • Call to Action: End your essay with a strong call to action that urges your audience to take a specific course of action or consider your perspective. Encouraging your readers to act can motivate them to support your cause.

By following these steps and building a persuasive case in your essay, you can effectively convince your audience to embrace your ideas and opinions.

Enhance Your Writing Flow

One of the key elements in effective essay writing is maintaining a smooth and consistent flow throughout your piece. A well-structured essay should lead the reader from one point to the next seamlessly, with each paragraph naturally transitioning into the next.

To enhance your writing flow, consider using transitional words and phrases such as “furthermore,” “however,” “in addition,” and “conversely” to connect your ideas and guide the reader through your argument. These transitions help establish logical connections between your thoughts and make your writing more coherent.

Additionally, vary your sentence structure and length to create a dynamic rhythm in your writing. Mixing short, punchy sentences with longer, more elaborate ones can keep your reader engaged and prevent your writing from feeling monotonous.

Finally, don’t be afraid to revise and reorganize your essay to ensure a smooth and consistent flow. Take the time to read your work aloud or have someone else review it to identify any awkward or disjointed sections that may disrupt the flow of your writing.

By paying attention to these techniques and practicing them regularly, you can enhance your writing flow and take your essay writing skills to the next level.

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graphic organizers for writing

How to Use Graphic Organizers to Write Better Essays

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Reading time: about 6 min

If you’re a student, there’s no way around the inevitable: You’re going to have to write essays. Lots of essays. In fact, the five-paragraph essay is so fundamental to the high school curriculum that it’s still used on the ACTs, and knowing how to recognize the organizational structure of essays will help you score higher on the SATs.

Even though it seems like a chore, knowing how to organize and write an essay can have a lasting effect on your life, from getting into a better college to scoring a better job to performing better in that job long after your high school days are over.

Here’s a secret: Using graphic organizers for writing essays can help you write better essays faster. (And don’t count yourself out if you’re an educator—you can offer these tools to help your students succeed.) We’ll show you exactly how to do it.

Why use graphic organizers

When ACT graders or teachers are looking your essay, they’re looking for very specific criteria; essentially, they’re looking at how well you’ve organized your thoughts. Many students don’t take the time to outline their essay structure before writing, and that always means a lower score on a test and a lower grade on the essay in class.

Using a writing template can feel like an unnecessary step in an already complicated process. If you need extra motivation to implement these organizers into your writing routine, consider all of their benefits. Graphic organizers can help you:

  • Save time by showing you where each piece of the essay “lives.”
  • Have more productive brainstorming sessions, either by yourself or with a group.
  • Make connections between ideas and create a more cohesive argument.
  • Pinpoint holes in your arguments and either adjust the thesis or find supporting statements.
  • Keep track of your research.
  • Organize your thoughts and come to interesting, more compelling conclusions.
  • Stay in the right direction when you feel lost in a sea of words.
  • Manage anxiety by converting the fear of a blank assignment into an action plan with a clear map.

With all those benefits, it’s hard to ignore how useful and vital graphic organizers are to writing. And once you’ve become adept at organizing your thoughts for something like a school essay, you’ll find that skill carries with you throughout your life, whether you’re trying to become a more intelligent debater to negotiate prices. It goes beyond just the essay to becoming a better thinker. And it starts with a simple template.

We’ll walk you through several use cases for graphic organizers and provide templates for you to download and fill in when you’re ready to write.

Brainstorming graphic organizers

Brainstorming is important, not only to come up with ideas for topics but to determine what information you need to include in the essay once you’ve determined your topic. Though many think of brainstorming as just freeflow thinking, brainstorming is most productive when you work within specific parameters.

That’s why essay brainstorming graphic organizers are useful, whether you’re using one to brainstorm on your own or you’re working with a group.

In Lucidchart, our mind map shapes and templates double as brainstorming graphic organizers. Start with an essay prompt as your central shape and then fill in the shapes that branch off your prompt with topic ideas. Alternatively, you can add your selected topic to the center and start brainstorming the different ideas you need to cover in your paper.

When the template is filled in, you’ll have a clear starting point for your essay or research paper.

Research paper graphic organizers

Nothing paralyzes students with fear quite like a research paper. These long-form papers require—as the name implies—quite a bit of research, and their purpose is to teach students how to look for valid sources to support their arguments.

But keeping track of all those sources and tying them into your argument can be tricky. That’s where a research paper graphic organizer can be a student’s greatest ally.

research paper graphic organizer

This template lays out the writing process itself. After you come up with a general topic, like “the disappearance of honey bees,” fill in the “Research Paper Topic” box.

Then, start looking for reputable sources (Wikipedia doesn’t count) and use the five sources boxes to hold the most relevant quotes and statistics you find. Using those quotes and statistics, you can then fill out a thesis statement that is supported by the research.

Then, you’ll be able to focus your paragraphs on a single topic each that supports the thesis statement and your overarching argument. After you’ve filled out the template, the backbone of the research paper is complete: All that’s left to do is fill in the spaces between sources and arguments.

5-paragraph essay graphic organizer

When it comes to writing the five-paragraph essay, writing diagrams are key. By using graphic organizers for writing, you’re no longer staring at a giant blank piece of paper with no idea how or where to begin. Your graphic organizer is your map.

Although using writing diagrams may seem time-consuming, the fact is that taking the time to fill a graphic organizer in before writing actually saves time. If there’s a problem with the argument, it will show up on the diagram, or if there’s not enough evidence to support your argument, you’ll know before you’ve wasted time writing the paper. And, as we said before, even if your writing is terrible, if your argument is sound, you’ll still score a decent grade.

Try this 5-paragraph essay template to get you started.

essay planning and writing

Don’t feel pressured to come up with a compelling title right away. Instead, it’s more important that you come up with a thesis statement that can be supported by three solid arguments. Fill in that thesis statement and your arguments. Then, for each argument, figure out three supporting details to support your case.

That’s it! You’ve got the most essential parts of your 5-paragraph essay completed.

Now, come up with an introduction that sets the stage for your argument and a conclusion that wraps up and restates your thesis and supporting arguments in a compelling way. Now you have a solid plan for your paper and can approach it with confidence.

If you’d like a more linear graphic that exactly follows the structure of the 5-paragraph, use the writing template below and follow the same process.

essay sequence plan

Visuals, such as graphic organizers for writing, can help you better understand concepts, think creatively, and collaborate with your classmates—and there are plenty of other templates where these came from.

Lucidchart offers hundreds of templates to help you through your studies, including timelines, Venn diagrams, word maps, and more. Sign up for Lucidchart and upgrade to an Educational account for free.

Resources for teachers

Providing graphic resources to students is essential; after all, many of your students will be visual learners, so while you may beautifully explain how the process works, there will be some who won’t understand until they see a template of the essay itself.

Lucidchart has many resources for teachers, from lesson plans to writing templates. While you’re teaching your students how to write essays or research papers, it’s useful to print out the templates and fill them out together (even using a completed template as a separate assignment with a separate grade) so that your students can get a feel for properly filling out graphic organizers before attempting it on their own.

About Lucidchart

Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit

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What is Graphic Organizer & Types of Graphic Organizers for Teachers and Students


Graphic organizers integrate both text and visuals. This has been scientifically proven to be an effective way of teaching and learning. Using them can be extremely useful for both teachers and students as they will make lessons more engaging as well as easily comprehensible.

We have listed below multiple types of graphic organizers you can use during various scenarios, whether you are reading, writing, doing research or studying for exams. Each tool is accompanied by a template that you can use right away.

What is a Graphic Organizer?

A graphic organizer is a powerful teaching and learning tool designed to organize information and ideas visually, making them easier to comprehend and internalize. By integrating text and visuals, graphic organizers illustrate relationships and connections between concepts, terms, and facts, providing a clear and structured way to present complex information. This visual representation aids in simplifying intricate ideas, enhancing understanding and retention for learners of all ages and abilities.

Graphic organizers can be used across all grade levels, serving as effective learning tools for both gifted children and students with special needs. For gifted students, these tools offer a way to explore complex concepts more deeply and independently, encouraging advanced thinking and creativity. For students with special needs, graphic organizers break down information into smaller, more manageable parts, facilitating comprehension and aiding in the retention of new material. By catering to diverse learning styles, graphic organizers provide an inclusive approach to education that can be tailored to meet individual needs.

In the context of adult learners, graphic organizers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between existing knowledge and new information. Adults often enter the learning environment with a rich background of experiences and prior understanding. Graphic organizers help them connect this existing knowledge with newly acquired concepts, fostering a deeper and more integrated learning experience. By visually mapping out information, adult learners can better organize their thoughts, identify areas that require further exploration, and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Benefits of graphic organizers

Graphic organizers are valuable tools for several reasons. They offer numerous benefits that enhance learning and teaching experiences for students and educators alike. Here are some key reasons why you need to use graphic organizers.

1. Simplify complex information

Graphic organizers provide visual clarity by presenting complex information in a way that is easy to understand and process. They break down intricate ideas into smaller, more manageable parts, allowing students to see the relationships between concepts clearly and facilitating comprehension of the big picture.

2. Improve comprehension and retention

The combination of text and visuals in graphic organizers improves memory retention by offering visual cues that reinforce learning. They help students connect new information to prior knowledge, fostering deeper understanding and aiding long-term retention of material.

3. Support diverse learning styles

Graphic organizers cater to different learning styles, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, by providing a structured format that can be customized to meet diverse needs. They are particularly beneficial for students with special needs, offering an inclusive approach that accommodates various learning challenges.

4. Encourage critical thinking and problem solving

By encouraging students to analyze and evaluate relationships between ideas, graphic organizers foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They help learners organize their thoughts systematically, enabling them to approach problems strategically and develop effective solutions.

5. Facilitate active learning and engagement

Graphic organizers actively engage students in the learning process, making lessons more interactive and enjoyable. They promote collaborative learning by allowing students to work together to fill in or create organizers, encouraging teamwork and communication in the classroom.

6. Versatile and adaptable

Graphic organizers can be adapted for use in any subject or discipline, making them versatile tools in education. They come in various formats, such as mind maps, Venn diagrams, and flowcharts, providing flexibility to suit different educational needs and learning objectives.

7. Improve instruction and assessment

Teachers can use graphic organizers to present information clearly and assess student understanding efficiently. They serve as valuable tools for formative assessment, allowing educators to gauge student comprehension and identify areas that need further attention, ultimately improving educational outcomes.

Types of Graphic Organizers

Here we have listed 20 types of graphic organizers for teaching and learning. Based on their varied purposes, you can utilize them in reading, writing, researching, brainstorming, and analyzing.

Graphic Organizers for Compare and Contrast

Graphic organizers for comparing and contrasting are a type of graphic organizer that help students visually map out similarities and differences between two or more items, concepts, or ideas. These compare and contrast graphic organizers are designed to clarify and simplify the process of comparison by providing a structured format that highlights the key attributes of each item being examined.

1. Double bubble map

The double bubble map is one of the popular thinking maps and used as a type of graphic organizer. It is much like a Venn diagram and is used to identify similar and different qualities between two things. Students can use bubble map maker to create double bubble map.

How to use it?

Step 1: Write down the two ideas/ topics you are comparing in the two bubbles in the center.

Step 2: As you brainstorm and analyze the topic, write down the differences in the bubbles radiating from the center.

Step 3: Write down the similarities in the bubbles that are common to both topics.

double bubble template

2. Venn diagram

Another graphic organizer that helps you visually represent a comparison of differences and similarities between two subjects, is the Venn diagram. What makes it different from the is that it can include more than two topics and one common area. Using differnt venn diagram templates , student can represent comparions visually.

How to use it

It works similar to the double bubble map.

Step 1: Write down the topics being compared on the top of each circle.

Step 2: Writ down the differences or unique characteristics inside its own sector avoiding the overlapping area.

Step 3: List the similarities in the common area.

Venn diagram template

Graphic Organizers for Writing

​Graphic organizers for writing are a type of graphic organizer that help students plan and organize their ideas before they start writing. These writing graphic organizers provide a visual structure for organizing thoughts, which makes the writing process clearer and more manageable.

3. Persuasion map

The persuasion map is an interactive graphic organizer that helps students familiarize themselves with the process of persuasive writing .  It assists them with outlining and preparing arguments for their essays, speeches, debates, etc.

Step 1: Choose a topic of interest for your essay/debate. Do proper research around it to collect enough information.

Step 2: Define the claim that you want to make with your essay. Persuasive writing by writing this down first.

Step 3: Next to it, write down the reasons for making that claim.

Step 4: Then write down facts, examples, and information to back up your reasoning.

Step 5: End your persuasion map with the conclusion of your essay.

Persuasion map template

4. Sequence Chart

A sequence graphic organizer is a tool that helps visualize the order of steps of a process or a timeline of events, etc. It can also be used for note-taking, lesson planning, and essay writing.

Step 1: Identify the steps in the process or event.

Step 2: Using a sequence chart arrange these steps in sequential order.

Sequence garphic organizer template

Graphic Organizers for Reading

Graphic organizers for reading are a type of graphic organizers that help students understand and analyze texts more effectively. Reading graphic organizer provides visual ways to organize information from a reading passage, making it easier to grasp key ideas and details. Graphic orgnizer for reading provides visual structures to help students break down information, see relationships, and remember key ideas, ultimately enhancing their reading comprehension.

5. Story map

A story map can be used to identify the different elements such as characters, character plots, themes, techniques, etc. in a book students are reading. It’s a useful graphic organizer that teachers can integrate into the lesson to improve students’ comprehension.Teachers can use Storyboard maker to create appealing story maps.

Step 1: Read the book and understand it well.

Step 2: Discuss the different significant elements that were involved in the story. These could be the characters, setting, problem and solution, etc. You can fill the story map during the discussion.

Step 3: Once the map is complete you can discuss each element individually.

story map graphic organizers

6. Biography graphic organizer

This is a tool that assists with understanding a character from a novel, autobiography or movie or a historical figure more in-depth. It brings attention to various important factors about a person’s life.

How to create it

Step 1: Gather as much information you can about the character you are studying. You can also refer to online resources, or ask from teachers or experts.

Step 2: As you analyze the information you have gathered, isolate the facts that stand out or you think are important.

Step 3: Use your biography graphic organizer to lay out the information in a presentable way. You can add images to make it more comprehensible as well.

Biography graphic organizer

7. KWL chart

KWL chart is used for gathering information from student’s prior knowledge or experience. This 3 column chart captures the before (what the reader already knows), during (what the reader wants to learn) and after (what the reader learned) stages of reading. Using KWL templates , students can easily create KWL charts.

Step 1: Get students to brainstorm around the selected topic and write down everything they know about it in the K column.

Step 2: Ask them to generate a list of questions about what they want to know in the W column of the chart.

Step 3: During or after reading the book/ lesson get them to answer these questions in the L column.

KWL graphic organizers - how to create a buyer persona

Graphic Organizers for Teaching

Graphic organizers for teaching are a type of graphic organizers that help educators plan and present lessons more effectively. Teaching graphic organizer provides a structured way to organize information, making it easier for teachers to convey concepts clearly and for students to understand and engage with the material.

8. Learning map

Learning maps visually depict the key takeaways – skills, ideas, knowledge – students should get from a lesson. It usually provides a high-level view of the lesson/ unit/ course that is to be studied and the connection between its different components. Students can also use learning map template in the classroom for note-taking.

Step 1: At the center of the map, write down the topic (i.e. name of the lesson or unit)

Step 2: Brainstorm ideas and information related to it. Write these down on branches emerging from the center. Make sure that you place them in a way that makes sense to teach or in a logical sequence around the center.

Step 3: Add connectors between these elements and add labels to highlight the kind of relationship between them.

learning map template

9. Analogy graphic organizer

The analogy graphic organizer uses analogy to help students identify similarities and differences between a new topic and a topic that they are already familiar with.

Step 1: Select a topic/ concept that the students already know and is analogous in certain aspects to the new topic

Step 2:  Introduce the new concept and get the students to read and discuss it

Step 3: Using an analogy graphic organizer, ask the students to brainstorm and write similarities and differences between the two topics.

Step 4: Based on the completed graphic organizer, ask the students to write a brief description of  the new topic

Analogy graphic organizer -

Analogy Graphic Organizer (Click on the template to edit it online)

10. Vocabulary graphic organizer

This tool can be used to assess the vocabulary knowledge of students. You can create graphic organizers including various elements to help students learn new words, and learn antonyms and synonyms.

Step 1: Write the new vocabulary word at the top of the template. This is the focus of your study

Step 2: Ask students to write down the definition of the Vocabulary in the Definition box

Step 3: List synonyms (words with similar meanings) of the word. This helps you see the word in relation to others

Step 4: Group the students and ask them to use the vocabulary in new sentences

Step 5: Ask students to draw or find an image or symbol that represents the word


11. Problem-solving organizer

Problem-solving graphic organizers can be used to improve the problem-solving skills of the students. It helps students identify and evaluate solutions to problems.

Step 1: Identify the problem and write it in the problem box

Step 2: Ask students to then write down why they think it is a problem in the first place

Step 3: Get them to brainstorm all possible solutions along with the pros and cons relates to them.

Step 4: Once they select the best possible solution, ask them to list down all its possible consequences

Step 5: Students can then make suggestions to improve the selected solution further

Problem Solution Graphic organizer

12. Math Graphic Organizer

Math graphic organizers are used to describe math concepts graphically to students. It helps with simplifying and solving complex math problems.

Step 1: Select the math problem you want to identify and a relevant math graphic organizer that you can use to solve it.

Step 2: Invite your students or colleagues to collaborate as you wish.

math graphic organizer

Graphic Organizers for Learning

Graphic organizers for learning are a type of graphic organizers that help students understand, organize, and remember information more effectively. Learning graphic organizer helps break down complex material into manageable parts, illustrate relationships between ideas, and enhance memory retention. By using these tools, students can improve their comprehension, organize their thoughts, and engage more effectively with their learning material.

13. Timeline graphic organizer

Timeline diagrams are a type of graphic organizer that shows a sequence of events in chronological order.

They come in handy when studying history as you can use it to display major historical events that occurred during a period of time along with important details such as dates and locations in which they took place. Timeline maker helps to create historical event timleine graphic organizer easily.

In addition, timeline charts can also be used to show the progress of something (i.e. growth of a business) or changes.

Step 1: Identify the different events and the sequence of order in which they took place.

Step 2: Use a research on your target audience to arrange them chronologically

Step 3: Include significant details such as dates, locations and other additional information as needed.

timeline diagram template

14. T  chart

T charts allow students to study two facets of a topic. For example, disadvantages and advantages, pros and cons, differences and similarities, etc.

Step 1: Draw a T chart using a T chart maker and write down the two areas you want to brainstorm around on each column head.

Step 2: Write down facts on each column as you carry out your brainstorming.

T-chart graphic organizers

15. Hierarchy chart graphic organizer

Hierarchy charts visualize the elements of a system, organization or concept from its highest position to the lowest. Students can use this tool to understand the superordinate and subordinate categories of a topic and the relationship between them.

Step 1: Identify the most important element under the topic you are studying. Write this down at the top of the hierarchy chart.

Step 2: List down the second layer of sub-elements stemming from the first component you have identified. Add a third and fourth as necessary.

Step 3: Connect these with lines to show how they are connected to each other.  

Hierarchy chart template

16. Star diagram graphic organizer

Star diagrams are used to organize the characteristics of a chosen topic. It can also be used to brainstorm around new topics.

Step 1:  Select the topic you want to study and write it down in the center of the star diagram template .

Step 2: Write down the characteristics or attributes related to the central topics on each point of the star. Adjust the points of the star depending on how many traits you write down.

start diagram template

Graphic Organizers for Brainstorming

Graphic organizers for brainstorming are a type of graphic organizers that help students and teams generate, organize, and explore ideas. They help individuals and teams generate and organize ideas more effectively. Brainstorming graphic organizers provide a clear visual structure for exploring various aspects of a topic, making it easier to capture and evaluate creative thoughts. By using these tools, users can improve creativity, streamline idea generation, and better organize their brainstorming sessions.

17. Cluster diagram

Cluster diagrams can be used to facilitate a brainstorming session or structure idea generation and even to help with exploring new topics.

Step 1: Pick your topic of interest to explore. This should be placed in the middle of the diagram.

Step 2: Brainstorm around this main idea and come up with sub-topics related to it. Place them around the center.

Step 3: Brainstorm around each of the sub-topics and write down related ideas around them.

Step 4: Add as many layers as you want. However, use color-coding to emphasize each branch of thought. This will make it easier for you to read and understand the cluster diagram.

Cluster diagram template

18. Lotus diagram

Lotus diagram is an analytical tool that can be used to breakdown broader and more complex topics into smaller components for easy understanding. It can be used for brainstorming and studying new topics.

Step 1: Draw a 3×3 grid in the center. On the square in the center, write down the main topic to be explored.

Step 2: Write down the related sub-topics around it as you brainstorm.

Step 3: Draw 8 more 3×3 grids around the one in the center. Each of these can be used to write down facts that you brainstorm around each subtopic.

Lotus diagram template

19. Cause and effect graphic organizer

This type of graphic organizer shows the causes and effects of an event. The cause is the reason why something has happened, and effect is the result of what has happened. Visualization helps clearly understand the different cause and effect relationships.  

Using a cause and effect graphic organizer, identify the causes and effects related to the problem you are studying or writing about. There could be several models of cause and effect events, such as one cause leading to one effect or multiple effects, or multiple causes leading to one effect or multiple effects.

  • One cause leading to several effects
  • Several causes leading to one effect (You can use a fishbone diagram templates here)
  • Each cause having one related effect
  • One cause triggering another cause that leads to another

Fishbone diagram template

20. Mind map

A mind map is a tool that helps capture the free flow of thought and is widely used for brainstorming around topics. Additionally, it can also be used to organize and group information about a topic.

Step 1: Write down the topic you are brainstorming around in the center.

Step 2: On branches emerging from the middle, write down brainstormed ideas/ thoughts.

Step 3: Expand each sub idea with more facts. You can keep on adding more information to your mind map until you have enough.

Mind map template

How to Visualize a Graphic Organizer

​​To visualize a graphic organizer, follow these easy simple steps. You can use Creately to simplify the process of visualizing a graphic organizer.

1. Decide what you need

Start by determining the purpose of your graphic organizer. Are you organizing ideas for a project, comparing concepts, or planning a story? Understanding what you need will guide the design of your organizer. Decide what information or ideas you need to include. This might involve brainstorming or gathering data from your notes or research to ensure you cover all necessary points.

Use Creately’s graphic organizer maker , templates and brainstorming tools to identify and outline your needs. Explore different graphic organizer templates available in Creately to determine which fits your purpose, whether it’s for organizing ideas, comparing concepts, or planning projects.

2. Pick a type

Choose a graphic organizer type that best suits your purpose. For example:

  • Mind maps are great for brainstorming and showing connections between ideas.
  • Venn diagrams are useful for comparing and contrasting two or more items.
  • Flowcharts help illustrate processes or sequences of steps. Think about who will use the graphic organizer. Choose a type that will be easy for them to understand and interact with. Creately offers a wide range of graphic organizer templates, such as mind maps, Venn diagrams, flowcharts, and T-charts. Choose a template that suits your purpose from its collection.

3. Start with the main idea

Begin by placing the main idea or central topic in a prominent position, such as the center of a mind map or the top of a flowchart. This will be the focal point of your organizer. Use Creately’s formatting tools to make the main idea stand out with colors, fonts, or different shapes. This ensures that it is immediately noticeable and serves as the anchor for other information.

4. Add details

Include supporting information: Add related ideas, details, or subtopics around the main idea. For a mind map, these will branch out from the central topic. In a Venn diagram, they will be placed in the appropriate circles.

Use connections: Draw lines or arrows to connect related details. This helps to show how different pieces of information are linked to each other and to the main idea.

Be clear and concise: Use brief phrases or keywords rather than long sentences to keep the organizer easy to read and understand.

5. Organize and arrange

Arrange logically: Position the elements in a logical order. For instance, in a flowchart, arrange steps sequentially. In a mind map, place related ideas close to each other.

Ensure clarity: Make sure the connections between elements are clear and not overlapping. Arrange the elements in a way that avoids clutter and makes the organizer easy to follow.

Use visual aids: Incorporate colors, shapes, or symbols to differentiate between types of information or to highlight important points.

6. Review and adjust

Check for completeness: Review the organizer to ensure that it includes all relevant information and that nothing important is missing.

Simplify if needed: If the organizer looks too crowded or confusing, simplify by removing unnecessary details or reorganizing elements.

Seek feedback: If possible, ask someone else to review the graphic organizer. They can provide insights on clarity and suggest improvements. Creately allows for real-time collaboration and feedback, making it easy to review and adjust your graphic organizer. You can also use version history to track changes.

Limitations of Graphic Organizer

While graphic organizers are valuable for organizing and understanding information, they have limitations. It’s important to use them thoughtfully and consider other methods when needed.

1. Oversimplification

Graphic organizers can sometimes oversimplify complex information. By breaking down ideas into visual formats, they might leave out important details or nuances, which can lead to incomplete understanding.

2. Limited scope

They often focus on specific aspects of information and might not capture the full scope of a topic. This can limit their effectiveness if you need a more comprehensive view or in-depth analysis.

3. Reliance on visuals

Graphic organizers rely heavily on visual representation, which might not suit all learners. Some people may find it challenging to translate visual information into a coherent understanding or prefer different methods of organization.

4. Time-consuming

Creating and filling out graphic organizers can be time-consuming, especially if they are complex. This can be a drawback if time is limited or if a simpler approach would be more efficient.

5. May not fit all subjects

Not all subjects or topics are well-suited for graphic organizers. Some areas of study may require different methods or tools to effectively convey information and facilitate learning.

6. Potential for confusion

If not designed clearly, graphic organizers can become cluttered or confusing, which may hinder rather than help the learning process. It’s important to ensure that the organizer is well-structured and easy to understand.

Add to Our List of Graphic Organizers for Teachers and Students

Although we have covered 20 types of graphic organizers in this post, there are plenty more that can be useful to our users. Know more? Mention in the comments section below to keep expanding the list of ultimate graphic organizers.

FAQs About list of Graphic Organizer

What are the 6 types of graphic organizers.

Graphic organizers are designed to help with various tasks, from comparing and contrasting to planning writing and enhancing learning. Each organizer offers a visual method for structuring and understanding information effectively. Here are the 6 types of graphic organizers;

  • Graphic organizers for compare and contrast
  • Graphic organizers for writing
  • Graphic organizers for reading
  • Graphic organizers for teaching
  • Graphic organizers for learning
  • Graphic organizers for brainstorming

What is the easiest graphic organizer?

What is a 5 w’s graphic organizer, how to select the right graphic organizer for a specific project.

When selecting a graphic organizer for a specific project, you should consider the type of information you need to organize and the purpose of the project. Here are some tips on how to select the right graphic organizer:

Identify the type of information: Before selecting a graphic organizer, consider the type of information you need to organize.

Determine the purpose of the project: Consider the purpose of the project and what you want to achieve.

Consider the audience: Think about who the audience is for the project. If the audience is young children, a simpler graphic organizer like a picture web might be more appropriate. If the audience is adults, a more complex graphic organizer like a timeline or a chart could be suitable.

Evaluate the effectiveness of different graphic organizers: Try out different graphic organizers and see which ones work best for you. Creately has different graphic organizer editable templates that you could use to create your graphic organizer based on the purpose.

Be creative: Don’t be afraid to create your own graphic organizer or adapt an existing one to meet your needs. Graphic organizers are flexible tools that can be customized to fit different projects and purposes.

What are the common mistakes to avoid when creating a graphic organizer?

Avoid these common mistakes that you make to ensure that your organizer is effective in conveying information.

Avoid overcomplicating the design of your graphic organizer: It should be easy to read and understand, therefore avoid using too many colors, fonts, or shapes which make the organizer confusing and difficult to read.

Consistency is important in creating a graphic organizer. Use the same formatting, color scheme, and font throughout the organizer to ensure that it is easy to follow and understand.

The purpose of a graphic organizer is to simplify and organize information. Including too much information can defeat the purpose and make the organizer overwhelming. Stick to the most important information and use the organizer to highlight key concepts and relationships.

Use clear and appropriate labels for each section of the organizer. Avoid using labels that are too vague or unclear, as this can cause confusion and make it difficult to understand the relationships between the different elements.

Consider who the audience is for the graphic organizer and use appropriate language and images. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the audience.

Test your graphic organizer to ensure that it effectively conveys the intended information. Ask for feedback from others and make revisions as needed.

What software can be used to create graphic organizers?

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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Blog Graphs and Charts 19 Graphic Organizer Examples to Simplify Complex Concepts

19 Graphic Organizer Examples to Simplify Complex Concepts

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Nov 28, 2023

Graphic Organizer Examples

Graphic organizers serve as essential visual aids that assist students in structuring and displaying information in a clear, accessible manner. These tools are particularly effective in simplifying and demystifying complex topics, ensuring that intricate concepts are easier to understand and remember.

From Venn diagrams to concept maps, these organizers play a pivotal role in enhancing comprehension and retention of the main idea, especially in educational settings.

Each type of graphic organizer offers a unique approach to organize information, making it easier to grasp complex concepts and brainstorm ideas. These organizers are not just tools for visual representation, but also catalysts for deeper understanding and creative thinking.

Discover these engaging tools on Venngage and sign up today to start creating your own effective graphic organizers for enhanced learning.

By signing up , you gain access to a diverse array of graphic organizer templates, enabling you to create your own effective graphic organizers. 

Click to jump ahead:

Venn diagram

Concept map, double bubble map, hierarchy chart, cluster diagram, sequence chart, idea web graphic organizer, spider map graphic organizer, circle map graphic organizer, hexagon organizer, idea wheel graphic organizer, tree chart graphic organizer, sequence of events chain graphic organizer, cause and effect map graphic organizer, problem-solving chart, organizational chart graphic organizer.

  • Bottom line 

A venn diagram is a highly versatile tool used to visually represent the relationships between different sets of items. Typically composed of overlapping circles, each circle represents a distinct set of items or ideas, with the overlapping areas indicating commonalities. 

Venn diagram is particularly effective in comparing and contrasting concepts, highlighting similarities and differences in a straightforward, easily comprehensible manner. Venn diagrams are widely used in various fields ranging from education to business, aiding in problem-solving, data analysis and brainstorming sessions. 

They offer a clear and concise way to visualize the connections and distinctions among multiple groups or concepts, making them an invaluable tool for organizing complex information.

3 Venn Diagram

Mind maps are dynamic tools used for brainstorming, planning and organizing thoughts in a visually appealing and structured manner. Centered around a single, central idea, they branch out into various related sub-topics, creating a spider-web-like structure. 

A mind map helps in visualizing the relationships between different ideas, fostering creative thinking and memory retention. Mind maps are commonly used in educational settings for note-taking, essay planning and studying, as well as in business for project planning and strategy development. 

Their flexible nature allows for the integration of words, images and colors, making them an engaging and effective way to explore and expand upon ideas, both simple and complex.

Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal Copywriting Mind Map

Concept maps are graphical tools used for organizing and representing knowledge. They consist of concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes, connected by labeled arrows in a downward-branching hierarchical structure. 

These maps are designed to illustrate the relationships among various concepts, often capturing complex structures of understanding or knowledge. 

Concept maps are particularly useful in educational settings for learning, teaching and assessment, as they encourage deep understanding and integration of new information with existing knowledge. 

In professional contexts, they aid in problem-solving, decision-making and explaining intricate processes or systems. 

Concept maps are a powerful tool for making sense of complex topics by visually breaking them down into more manageable components.

Dark Protein Biology Concept Map Template

Story maps are specialized graphic organizers used for dissecting and understanding the elements of a story or narrative. They typically focus on identifying key components such as the setting, characters, plot, conflict and resolution. 

By breaking down a story into its fundamental elements, these maps provide a clear framework for analyzing and comprehending narratives. They are particularly useful in educational environments for teaching literary analysis, improving reading comprehension and assisting in creative writing. 

Story maps not only aid students in summarizing and understanding literature but also provide a structured approach for planning and outlining their own stories, ensuring a coherent and well-structured narrative flow.

Character Mind Map Template

The double bubble map is an effective graphic organizer used for comparing and contrasting two items, concepts or events. It features two central bubbles representing the items being compared, surrounded by outer bubbles that contain attributes or characteristics of each item. 

The unique aspect of this map is the inclusion of additional bubbles in the overlapping area, highlighting the similarities between the two central items.

A double bubble map provides a clear visual representation of how two entities are alike and different, making it a valuable tool in educational settings for critical thinking exercises, literary analysis and enhancing comprehension of complex topics.

The double bubble map helps students organize information systematically, encouraging them to explore and understand the nuances of comparison and contrast.

Red Sports Bubbles Map

A hierarchy chart, also known as an organizational chart, is a graphic organizer that illustrates the structure of an organization or a system. It is structured in a top-down manner, with the highest level at the top (like a CEO or the main concept) and subsequent levels representing different ranks or sub-categories.

This type of chart is crucial for visualizing the chain of command within an organization or the breakdown of complex systems into smaller, more manageable parts.

Hierarchy charts are widely used in business for depicting organizational structures, in education for breaking down concepts and in project management for outlining the structure of a project. They offer a clear, easy-to-understand representation of relationships and roles within any hierarchical system.

Netflix Culture Organizational Flow Chart

The T-chart is a simple yet versatile graphic organizer that helps in comparing two aspects of a single topic. It consists of a large ‘T’ shape, with the vertical line dividing the page into two columns. Each column represents a different aspect, viewpoint or characteristic, allowing for a clear, side-by-side comparison.

T-charts are widely used in educational settings for analyzing texts, comparing historical events, or weighing pros and cons in decision-making processes. They are particularly helpful in enhancing students’ analytical skills, as they encourage them to organize their thoughts and view topics from multiple perspectives.

The simplicity of the T-chart makes it an accessible tool for students of all ages, fostering critical thinking and structured analysis.

Brown Minimalist Vintage Classic Online Education T-Chart Diagram

Cluster diagrams, also known as cloud diagrams, are graphic organizers that help in brainstorming and organizing ideas around a central concept. The main idea is placed in the center, usually within a circle, and related ideas or subtopics branch out from it, forming a cluster-like structure.

This diagram is particularly useful for visualizing the relationships between a main concept and its various components or aspects. Cluster diagrams are widely used in brainstorming sessions, idea generation and planning phases of projects.

They encourage creative thinking and help in the exploration of complex topics by breaking them down into smaller, interconnected parts. This organizer is an effective tool for both individual and group activities, aiding in the visual representation and organization of thoughts and ideas.

Animal Comparison Chart

Sequence charts are essential graphic organizers for outlining the chronological order of events or steps in a process. They are particularly effective in helping students understand the time-based progression of events in history, literature or scientific processes. 

Sequence charts typically consist of boxes or arrows that guide the viewer through a series of steps or events, emphasizing the order and interconnectivity of each part. 

In educational settings, they assist in simplifying complex sequences and timelines, making them more accessible and easier to remember. 

They are also used in project planning and workflow management, providing a clear visual representation of stages in a process or project.

UML Sequence Diagram

Idea web graphic organizers are designed to visually map out the connections between a central idea and related concepts. 

At the heart of the web is the main topic, from which various lines or branches extend to link to secondary and tertiary ideas or details. This spider-web-like structure is ideal for brainstorming sessions, where it helps in organizing thoughts and fostering creative associations. 

Idea webs are widely used in educational contexts for essay planning, story writing and exploring complex concepts. They encourage students to think divergently, making connections between different ideas and expanding upon the central theme in a visually coherent way.

Ideas Mind Map Template

Spider map graphic organizers, resembling a spider’s web, are used for detailing the attributes or components of a central idea or theme. The main concept sits at the center, with lines extending outward to secondary nodes that represent related information or subtopics.

Spider maps are versatile tools in education for note-taking, studying and brainstorming, enabling students to visually organize and interconnect ideas. 

They also serve as valuable tools in project planning and conceptual mapping in various professional fields.

Spider Mind Map Uses Diagram

Circle map graphic organizers are utilized for brainstorming and defining concepts in a clear, concise manner. They consist of two concentric circles: the inner circle hosts the main idea or topic, while the outer circle contains information, attributes or related ideas. 

This map is particularly effective for initiating thought processes around a new topic, gathering prior knowledge or brainstorming ideas before delving into more detailed study or analysis. 

Circle maps are popular in educational settings for introducing new concepts, encouraging students to explore and connect their existing knowledge with new information, thereby facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Green Modern Minimalist Illustration Tree Circle Map Diagram

Hexagon organizers are dynamic graphic tools used for exploring connections and relationships between various ideas or concepts. Each hexagon represents a unique idea or piece of information, and these hexagons are arranged next to each other to demonstrate how they interconnect.

Hexagon organizers are popular in brainstorming sessions, for mapping out systems or processes, and in educational settings to help students understand the interdependent nature of certain concepts or events.

Cyber Security Framework Mind Map Template

Idea wheel graphic organizers are circular tools that help in brainstorming and organizing ideas around a central theme or question. The central hub of the wheel represents the main idea, and spokes radiate out to smaller circles or sections where related ideas or details are noted.

This organizer is effective for visualizing the components of a topic, planning essays or projects, and encouraging creative thinking. 

In educational settings, idea wheels assist students in exploring topics thoroughly, ensuring that all aspects are considered and helping them to see how different ideas connect to the central theme.

Colorful Comparison Infographic

Tree chart graphic organizers are hierarchical tools used to represent the structure of ideas or concepts. Resembling a tree, the main idea forms the trunk and branches represent subtopics or related information. 

It is particularly effective for breaking down complex information into manageable parts, making it easier to understand and analyze.

Tree charts are widely used in educational environments for studying biology, corporate structures or family genealogies, as well as in business for mapping organizational hierarchies or decision trees. 

They provide a clear, visual method of showing relationships and hierarchies within a topic.

Blank Family Tree Chart

Read Also: What is a Decision Tree and How to Make One [Templates + Examples]

Sequence of events chain graphic organizers are linear tools designed to help visualize the order of events or steps in a process. Each link in the chain represents a sequential event or action, clearly illustrating the progression from one stage to the next.

It is invaluable in teaching narrative structure, historical timelines or scientific processes, as it helps students understand the temporal relationships between events. 

Sequence chains are also beneficial in project planning and workflow management, offering a straightforward method to track the progression of tasks or stages.

Future Leadership Program

Cause and effect map graphic organizers are used to visually display the relationships between various causes and their effects. 

Each cause is linked to its direct effect, often using arrows or lines, allowing for a clear representation of the impact of various factors.

These organizers are particularly useful in scientific studies, history and literature analysis, as they aid students in understanding the interplay between different elements and their consequences. 

Cause and effect maps are also beneficial in problem-solving and decision-making processes, helping to identify potential outcomes of various actions.

graphic organizer to essay

Problem-solving charts are effective tools used for breaking down and analyzing complex problems into more manageable components. They typically involve identifying the problem, exploring possible causes, brainstorming potential solutions and then evaluating and selecting the most feasible options.

These charts are instrumental in both educational and professional contexts, aiding in critical thinking, decision-making and creative problem-solving processes.

By providing a structured approach to tackling challenges, problem-solving charts help individuals and teams to systematically address issues, ensuring that all aspects of a problem are considered before arriving at a solution.

graphic organizer to essay

Organizational chart graphic organizers are used to depict the structure of an organization or a group, illustrating the hierarchy and relationships between different roles and departments.

These charts typically represent higher-level positions at the top, with lines branching down to subordinate roles, clearly showing the chain of command and communication pathways.

They are essential in business and institutional settings for providing a clear overview of the organizational structure, facilitating better understanding and communication within the organization.

In educational settings, organizational charts aid in teaching concepts of management and organizational behavior, helping students visualize and understand complex organizational dynamics.

Corporate Healthcare Organizational Chart Template

Related: 40+ Charts & Graphs Examples To Unlock Insights

Bottom line

Graphic organizers play a crucial role in learning and information processing due to their ability to visually structure and simplify complex information.

By leveraging the power of graphic organizers, you can transform the way information is absorbed and presented.

With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, the creation of your own custom graphic organizers is just a few clicks away.

Sign up on Venngage today and gain access to a treasure trove of graphic organizer templates, ready to be tailored to your educational needs. 

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graphic organizer to essay

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graphic organizer to essay

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graphic organizer to essay

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graphic organizer to essay

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graphic organizer to essay

Ebook maker

7 Graphic Organizers for Expository Writing

Let’s face it.  Teaching students how to write an effective expository paragraph or essay is not for the faint of heart.  As with any difficult lesson, I tend to rely heavily on graphic organizers. There is something magical about organizing content visually.  The material becomes more accessible, which leads to an increase in understanding and successful results. Utilizing graphic organizers for expository writing is no exception.  The structure and format of the graphic organizers explained below will work wonders for student confidence and abilities in the expository writing arena.


Whether working with paper and pencil or digitally, it’s important that students have a place to organize their thoughts before diving into their rough drafts.  A graphic organizer can do just that. It will get the ball rolling in the right direction. When it comes to expository writing, students need an outline that will allow them to identify the topic with supporting details and concrete examples.  It is a simple, yet powerful start to any expository writing assignment.


The informative graphic organizer works well for responding to informational text.  Students are required to identify the main idea, support their choice with several reasons, and follow up with evidence or examples from the written work.  In most cases, identifying the main idea will be the hardest part. Once students have pinpointed the main idea, plugging in the rest of the information becomes much easier.  


When explained or represented visually, expressing a problem and solution becomes relatively easy to accomplish.  First, have students identify and clearly explain the problem. After explaining the problem, students should record several steps that can be taken to solve the problem.  Stating the problem and next steps will organically lead to a succinct solution. Requiring students to organize the information ahead of time ensures that their writing remains cohesive and easy to follow.   

Compare and Contrast

Comparing and contrasting two concepts or items can be done in several different ways.  Using a graphic organizer will assist students in figuring out how they will present the information in an orderly and concise format.  Students should be required to begin by identifying each item being compared. Following a brief introduction of the items or concepts, students will explain the similarities.  After thoroughly explaining the similarities, students move on to discuss the differences between the two items or concepts.

Cause and Effect

The initial step in writing about cause and effect is determining the order of presentation.  Will students be presenting several causes and the ultimate effect of those causes, or will students be identifying one cause that led to several different effects?  Once that has been determined, students can begin filling in their graphic organizer. The visual aspect of a cause and effect graphic organizer works extremely well for setting up an expository paragraph or essay.  


Describing a topic or text is no different than writing a summary.  There are many ways to tackle summary writing , but as with all of the graphic organizers mentioned above, clarity is essential.  The graphic organizer should assist students in identifying critical information and avoiding extraneous details. It is vital that students understand the importance of each detail leading back to the overarching topic.

Sequence of Events

Chronicling a sequence of events can serve as a great starting point for expository writing.  Embedding signal words within the graphic organizer will keep students on track and moving through the events in sequential order.  Students begin by identifying the general topic, and follow up with a detailed description of each subsequent step.

Starting the expository writing process with a graphic organizer will provide your students with a road map to their final destination.  It will set them up for success while stressing the importance of paragraph structure and organization.

Why reinvent the wheel? Click here to download all of the graphic organizers detailed above in printable, editable, and digital formats from Literacy in Focus on TpT.

7 Graphic Organizers for Expository Writing

EdrawMax App

3-step diagramming

Free Editable Graphic Organizer for Writing Examples

A graphic organizer for writing is a teaching and learning tool used for creative writing, comprehension, and literary activities. It uses both text and graphics to make reading comprehension and creative writing more manageable.

1. What is a Graphic Organizer for Writing

A graphic organizer for writing is a teaching and learning tool used for creative writing, comprehension, and literary activities. Graphic organizers help students to organize information and ideas to make them easy to understand and comprehend. Graphic organizers use both visuals and text to show relationships and connections between the flow of events, concepts, and facts. Graphic organizers have many benefits, for example

  • Graphic organizers for writing help visualize and present information and ideas by breaking down complex text and ideas into smaller chunks.
  • Opinion writing graphic organizers help students participate in the learning process through a better understanding of the text.
  • Develop cognitive skills required for creative writing and comprehension, including brainstorming, critical thinking, classification and prioritizing content, idea presentation and categorization, etc.
  • Help connect and make relationships between different aspects of information.
  • Graphic organizers for writing also develop skills for note-taking, listing down essential points, analyzing information, and picking up critical issues.

2. The Graphic Organizers for Writing Examples

The following list gives you ideas of different types of graphic organizers for writing and also for opinion writing graphic organizers. You can use them in suitable conditions according to your requirements.

Different graphic organizers can be used in various grade levels depending on students' skill levels and the course requirements. These organizers are suitable for book clubs and personal reading and writing endeavors too. Let's have a look at the examples for a better understanding.

Example 1: Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer

Opinion writing graphic organizer and planner is a powerful tool for opinion writing. It has the topic and both the favorable opinion and also the opposing opinion. Now, the students need to ponder on both opinions and provide reasons along with supporting information. In the end, they describe their opinion and evidence in more detail and propose an action course. It is a comprehensive document that enables the kids to think on both sides of opinion and understand the underlying reasoning without bias.

Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 2: Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizer

This opinion writing graphic organizer is also a comprehensive and detailed document that uses colors and graphics to add attraction for kids. It is a perfect template for kids to analyze a topic and present their thoughts in a precise yet well-supported manner. The organizer needs students to fill in their opinion and topic sentences supported by three persuasive details. This organizer is based on the divide and conquer strategy. The enormous task of persuasive writing is broken down into small manageable pieces.

Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 3: Writing a Paragraph Graphic Organizer

This PowerPoint template is a compact graphic organizer for writing. It is more suitable for young students who are just starting their writing journey. It is based on the topic of holidays. It gives four pointers to the writer to generate and present their ideas for writing. The pointers are; who do I go with? Why do I like holidays? Where should I go? And What do I like to do?

The lower part is for writing the paragraph. Once the students answer all these questions, they can develop a well-structured piece of writing.

Writing a Paragraph Graphic Organizer

Example 4: Hamburger Writing Graphic Organizer

A hamburger writing graphic organizer is a visual tool for the organization of ideas while writing a creative piece. It has a place for the title of the writing, and later the rest of the blocks can be used for describing different ideas related to the topic. Small and separate blocks allow better organization of information and may result in a more defined structure. It can also be used to supplement reading exercises when the reading material is long and needs more than one session. Each block can be used in one session, and at the end of the activity, the complete structure is formed. This way, students can connect their new knowledge with the previously acquired knowledge.

Hamburger Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 5: Informative Writing Graphic Organizer

This informative writing graphic organizer supports the students in structuring their creative writing through guidelines. It divides the complete body of the topic into three main parts. '

  • Introduce the topic

Here, the student will introduce the main topic. The instructions are about grabbing the audience's attention through an interesting fact, question, or a quote.

  • Develop the topic

This is the most detailed part of creative writing. The students will develop facts to support the main idea. Initially, the writer may even list the supporting vocabulary terms and definitions.

  • Write a conclusion

Last but not least, the conclusion must contain the gist of the whole write-up in a precise and focused manner.

Informative Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 6: Argumentative Writing Graphic Organizer

The first paragraph of this Argumentative writing organizer contains a brief explanation of your topic and some background information. The second part is about the reasons and supporting details. With each reason, you will provide evidence to support the claims. The exciting part is to give counterclaims and provide facts or examples to refute them. The template ends with the conclusion, where you will also call for action. This is a template of an opinion writing graphic organizer.

Argumentative Writing Graphic Organizer

Source: EdrawMax Online

Example 7: Details Hamburger Writing Graphic Organizer

This is a graphic organizer for writing that is more suitable for the younger lot. It asks some questions related to the topic of writing exercises. The students will answer these questions to help them brainstorm and connect their information pieces, which can later be used for creative writing. The first part is about visualizing, and the following questions are who? Why? What? Feelings? Where? When? And finally, they will discuss more details.

Pre Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 8: Graphic Organizer for Writing an Essay

This graphic organizer is a very detailed essay writing aide. It consists of eight pages, with each page in a particular format. The main parts of the organizer presented in rainbow colors are

  • Topic and planning
  • Introduction
  • Main ideas 1, 2, 3
  • Final Draft

Graphic Organizer for Writing an Essay

Example 9: Writing Process Graphic Organizer

The writing process graphic organizer concisely summarized the complete writing and reading process very effectively on one screen. According to this organizer, there are three stages of the reading process, i.e., preactive, interactive, and reactive. Writing exercise has five steps, i.e., prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Further details of all stages are also included in the organizer.

Writing Process Graphic Organizer

Example 10: Oreo Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer

This graphic organizer for writing uses a very interesting acronym for students. It says the OREO acronym can be used for writing opinion pieces.

  • O : Opinion about a topic
  • R : Reason supporting the opinion
  • E : Example supporting the opinion
  • O : opinion restatement in conclusion.

Oreo Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 11: Writing A Summary Graphic Organizer

This graphic organizer for writing is specifically for summary writing. Students sometimes face difficulty when they cannot provide a complete summary because of the length of the text and either miss essential points or make it too long. This organizer helps them organize their thoughts and focus on the most critical details coherently.

Writing A Summary Graphic Organizer

Example 12: Graphic Organizer for Expository Writing

The graphic organizer for expository writing includes the topic in the center, and the write-up is divided into sub-topics resulting in separate paragraphs. The purpose of an expository essay is to present a balanced, objective description of a topic without proving a point or personal opinion. It allows for a clear and logical explanation of complex information.

Graphic Organizer for Expository Writing

Example 13: Graphic Organizer for Nonfiction Writing

This graphic organizer for nonfiction writing guides the students through the process by helping them to write the main idea first, followed by three key details. This is like a part of the planning process. The last feature allows students to take the critical information one by one and then develop a comprehensive piece of writing.

Graphic Organizer for Nonfiction Writing

Example 14: Letter Writing Graphic Organizer

In the world of SMS and WhatsApp, this letter-writing graphic organizer teaches the classical skill of writing letters. It is divided into main parts of the letter so that students know where they need to put what details. The use of graphics makes it attractive.

Letter Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 15: Narrative Writing Graphic Organizer

One of the narrative writing graphic organizers is like this. It has a format that is similar to a flowchart. The first box is the title box. After it, there is the box for the settings or characters of the story. The next box consists of the problem of the story. Then, there is the space for writing feelings which the reader gets after reading the story. After the feelings box, there are three subsections that illustrate the story into three events. The last box is for writing the resolution or ending of the story. This graphic organizer will enhance the thinking and writing skills of the students. They will be able to understand the stories easily and can analyze them on their own.

Narrative Writing Graphic Organizer

Example 16: Story Writing Graphic Organizer

The starting includes the beginning of the story that is the characters and setting of the story. Then three boxes represent three events that happened in the story. The specific details for each event will be written under each of the respective boxes. The first event will tell what happened at the beginning of the story. The subsequent events will be in the second box. The third box will describe the final events of the story. At last, there is one box for writing the end of the story, what happened as a result.

Story Writing Graphic Organizer

3. Online Graphic Organizer for Writing Maker

Making graphic organizers in word processing and presentation software has been a norm for a long time. Fortunately, we have access to dedicated drawing tools available online for creating different types of graphic organizers quickly and more efficiently. One such example is EdrawMax Online that can be used online, and its downloadable version is also available. You can use it for graphic organizers for writing along with 280+ different types of other drawings. The cherry on top is their vast library of templates available at templates gallery . You can use the templates right away and can also customize them according to your requirements.

EdrawMax Online

4. Key Takeaways

Learning should not be a stressful practice for both the students and teachers. Using tools in the classes such as graphic organizers for writing allow both the stakeholders to focus on the positive outcomes and the learning journey rather than the logistics of carrying out the lesson. Using an online drawing tool makes the process even more accessible and saves a lot of time and effort. You can find out more graphic organizer examples in the Template Gallery.

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Persuasion Map

Persuasion Map

About this printout

Use this graphic organizer to develop a persuasive stance for an essay, speech, poster, or any type of assignment that incorporates persuasion.

Teaching with this printout

More ideas to try, related resources.

Examples of persuasion surround our lives, and the ability to persuade others is a powerful asset. We can persuade people to act in our favor, help them to see our point of view, and sway their opinion to that of our own. The power of persuasion is far reaching, and it is a technique that students will use throughout their lives. This tool helps students formulate ideas for a persuasive argument by helping them determine their goal or thesis, identify three reasons to support it (with three facts or examples to support each reason), and restate the thesis in a conclusion statement. Before your students use this tool independently, model its use for them. Choose a simple topic (such as, “Sixth Grade is the Best Grade” or “Why Our Lunch Period Should be Longer”). Then, fill in the Persuasion Map while discussing the process  aloud, displaying the tool so that all students can see it. Review students’ completed maps prior to having them continue with the persuasion assignment. This will provide you with an opportunity to check students’ understanding of persuasion and help those who need extra instruction.

  • Have students analyze a persuasive piece (for example, an advertisement or editorial in a newspaper or magazine) by filling in the map and discussing the authors’ strategies of persuasion.
  • Encourage older students to create propaganda-based assignments by having them incorporate deceptive language in some of the “reasons” or “examples” on their maps. (Propaganda is a form of persuasion that uses deceptive language to exaggerate, distort, or conceal information.) Upon completion, have students read their maps orally and/or display them for their peers. Have students identify the deceptive language in their peers’ maps to create a class list of the examples used. As an additional follow-up, students can view and read advertisements, newspaper editorials, and other text that contain propaganda to search for use of the examples on the class list and to add additional ones.
  • Have students complete two maps based on the same goal but with two different targeted audiences in mind. Attention to audience is an essential element of effective persuasion. For example, students might create maps to market a particular children’s toy; one map could target children as the audience, and the other could focus on parents as the audience. After they have completed their maps, have students read them to the class without identifying the intended audience. Ask the rest of the class to determine the intended audience and identify the specific clues that prompted their deductions. Finally, as a class, compare and contrast the language and words used for each intended audience.
  • Lesson Plans
  • Student Interactives
  • Strategy Guides

Through a classroom game and resource handouts, students learn about the techniques used in persuasive oral arguments and apply them to independent persuasive writing activities.

The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate.

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12 Graphic Organizer Examples for Teachers and Students

graphic organizer examples featured image

Every teacher wants their students to fully understand the concepts taught in class. However, you may encounter topics that are difficult to teach and understand. It is necessary to employ an innovative approach in order to assist students in comprehending a challenging subject.

Graphic organizers are powerful tools that make complex concepts easier to teach and understand. They also help students develop visual literacy skills . Teachers find graphic organizers helpful for explaining difficult concepts, and students find them engaging. Graphic organizers are also great for presenting research data if, for example, the teacher wants to share a case study with students.

Now, what if you could quickly find and customize graphic organizers without spending hours brainstorming from scratch?Because there is a sea of engaging templates to choose from, you can create compelling visuals with just a few clicks. These graphics can be used for a number of different purposes, including teaching. With Piktochart, you can access and customize engaging graphic organizer templates in minutes – no design skills required. Simply create a free account to get started.

In this article, we will look at the 12 graphic organizer examples that greatly assist teachers and help students retain information for a longer period of time. 

What is a Graphic Organizer?

Graphic organizers are tools that help visually organize information and complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand and memorize. Graphic organizers effectively organize and visualize information by creating links between concepts or facts. By visually illustrating the relationships between concepts, graphic organizers make it easier to analyze and internalize information. 

We know that every mind works differently. Presenting information in a systematic, visual format enables students to follow along at their own pace and grasp relationships more easily than via verbal explanation alone. They can also be an invaluable tool for visual learners.

12 Graphic Organizer Examples for Different Learning Objectives

There are countless types of graphic organizers out there, as information can be organized and visualized in many different ways. We’ll focus on 12 of the most helpful types of graphic organizers for teachers and students, organized by the primary purpose each one serves.

Graphic Organizers for Brainstorming and Organizing Ideas

Some graphic organizers are specifically great for organizing ideas for brainstorming. Here are three examples. 

Mind maps are graphic organizers that organize information in a structured and visually attractive fashion. When a mind map is finished, you will get a structure that looks like a spider web. An example of the graphic organizer is the following mind map on Piktochart . It shows the values of a company, with different values branching out from the central idea, that is, company values . 

example of a mind map

We all know that information retention can become quite difficult, especially when a number of different subtopics link to one main topic. A student could use a mind map to break down the taxonomy of living things, with ‘Organisms’ in the center, ‘Kingdoms’ branching out one level, ‘Phyla’ branching out from each ‘Kingdom’ and so on.  

Concept Map

Concept maps are another type of graphic organizer that excels at representing hierarchical information. They use boxes or circles to represent different concepts, with lines or arrows labeled to illustrate the relationships between them.

Concept maps have many uses in educational settings. They help in the sequential understanding of different concepts for students. For example, if a teacher has to break down a country’s government structure, he or she will most likely use a concept map to show the branches and subbranches of different government institutions systematically. 

Cluster Diagram

Cluster or cloud diagrams help brainstorm different ideas around a main concept. This type of graphic organizer is called a cluster because the topic or ideas related to the main idea form a cluster around it. For example, a cluster diagram can assist students determine how much they know about a topic and what areas need further research.

 This type of graphic organizer is very useful when generating ideas for a project or planning its different phases. Cluster diagrams break down a complex subject into smaller parts, both for individuals and for groups, for example, during defining scope of a project in its early stage.  

Graphic Organizers for Comparing and Contrasting

 The next type of graphic organizer helps you to compare two or more concepts. You can use this organizer to compare and contrast ideas, people, events, and policies. For instance, say you’re teaching a unit on different forms of government. You could use a compare and contrast graphic organizer to help students parse out key similarities and differences between a democracy and a dictatorship. This type of graphic organizer will be your go-to option. 

It is important to know that when you use this type of graphic organizer to compare two concepts, you are covering both the similarities and differences between those concepts. However, with contrast, only the differences are mentioned. Some examples of this category of graphic organizers are given below.

Venn Diagram

A Venn Diagram usually comprises two to three overlapping circles. The commonalities between the concepts are written in the shared or overlapping area, whereas all the distinct or unique features are mentioned in the part of the circle that does not overlap with any other circle. 

For example, you could have your students draw Venn diagram for the fruits and vegetables that red or orange. The common area between the two circles will contain vegetables like tomatoes that come in both these categories. The Venn diagram below shows the comparison of mitosis and meiosis. 

example of a venn diagram showing the overlap between meiosis and mitosis

Another brilliant graphic organizer for comparing and contrasting is the “T Chart.” A T-chart is simply a table with two columns, usually comparing two items or ideas, or sorting data into categories. This type of graphic organizer is super quick to create and easy to understand, especially for students. T charts can also be used to categorize and jot down pros and cons.

The T chart is a popular option for both teachers and students because its layout is straightforward, and it offers a wide array of functions. For example, if the students are planning to go on a field trip but are not able to choose a location, then T charts can help a great deal. 

Teachers can ask the students to make a T chart of potential places and list the advantages and disadvantages of each of the locations in their respective columns. Also, a T chart is a great graphic organizer to show upsides and downsides of a topic.

Graphic Organizers for Sequencing and Cause-Effect

Next on the list are graphic organizers, which show the sequence or timeline of events. Sequence and timeline graphic organizers are particularly useful for teachers when presenting events in chronological order is important. Some of the graphic organizers that help students visualize the relationships between steps in a process or links in a chain of events are as follows.

A timeline graphic organizer shows a sequence of events in chronological order. History subjects make great use of timelines . Because major historical events can be shown in a proper sequence using a timeline. Along with dates, timelines give the flexibility to mention locations as well. For example, a timeline of the American Revolution could chart major turning points like the Boston Tea Party, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and the Battle of Yorktown.

Timelines can also be used to show how a certain phenomenon has progressed over time, such as a business’s growth. The Piktochart timeline template below charts key events in the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Notice how the combination of images and concise text makes the chronology engaging and easy to follow. 

infographic on the timeline of queen elizabeth ii

This type of graphic organizer shows the steps of a process and how all the steps combine in a sequence to make the process happen. Flowcharts systematically and clearly document and communicate how a process works and what steps are involved in it, from start to finish. When a process is mapped using a flowchart , potential areas or steps of improvement can be identified. 

flow chart example

Cause and Effect Diagram

As the name suggests, a cause-and-effect diagram groups those causes of a problem that either have already happened or might happen. Relationships between different contributing factors can also be shown using a cause-and-effect diagram.

Often referred to as an Ishikawa diagram, or a fishbone diagram, a cause-and-effect visual is one of the basic tools of quality . While often associated with root cause analysis in business and manufacturing, cause-and-effect diagrams are equally powerful for getting to the bottom of issues in the classroom. By mapping out all the potential contributing factors to a problem, students can start to identify patterns and actionable solution.

fishbone diagram from noria corporation

Source: Noria Corporation

Graphic Organizers for Main Idea and Supporting Details

This category of graphic organizers shows a main idea and its supporting ideas. It defines and visualizes a core concept and all its supporting details. It is a great tool that helps students develop an outline of a topic for better understanding. Some of the examples are given below.

Main Idea Web

This type of graphic organizer starts with a main idea and branches out into related sub-ideas. The key point behind web graphic organizers is sometimes referred to as a light bulb. It is predominantly  used to brainstorm ideas for writing purposes. For example, if a student wrote a report on photosynthesis, they could put “photosynthesis” in the center, then branch out to related subtopics like ‘chloroplasts’, ‘light-dependent reactions’, etc.

Herringbone Diagram

A herringbone diagram is used when processes are involved. This type of web organizer helps you break down variations in a process or causes that lead up to an effect. A herringbone diagram is particularly important for avoiding an event before it happens.

Graphic Organizers for Writing and Note-taking

Another group of graphic organizers we’ll explore focuses on writing and note-taking. Writing, especially essays, proves challenging for many students as they struggle with arranging ideas. Here are a couple of graphic organizers for writing, which can be of great help to you.

Essay writing is an important skill that students use throughout their lives. An essay map graphic organizer is a brilliant tool for students, as it helps them to chalk out the outline in a systematic manner without missing any detail. Once a student is done with his or her essay map, writing becomes a walk in the park.

Cornell Map

This graphic organizer is a popular technique for note-taking. Particularly during lectures and textbook reading, the Cornell Map template comes in handy as it helps students to jot down all the important ideas and information systematically. It usually has a cue column, a note-taking column, and a summary section. 

When students are taking notes, the key ideas, important dates, formulas and other such details would go into the “note-taking” column. They will add questions, cues, and headings in the “cue” column. Whereas, the “summary” section will include a summary of the notes as one or two key learning outcomes. This helps students identify important details when they revise their notes later on.  

Tips for Using Graphic Organizers Effectively

It is important for teachers to use graphic organizers in a manner that maximizes the chances of effective learning. Some of the tips to make sure a graphic organizer effective are given below.

  • Simple is Always Better —Your graphic organizers must always be simple. This will help students learn quickly. For example, avoid complete sentences unless absolutely necessary.
  • Offer a Variety of Graphic Organizers – Expose your students to different types of graphic organizers day-to-day. This will bring out the best in them in terms of creativity.
  • Use the to Assess Student Learning – Give the students a task along with a graphic organizer focused on the skill in focus. Use their graphic organizers to assess their standing in the class. 
  • Use them Frequently —Using graphic organizers frequently helps students internalize what is being taught. The more often students use these tools to engage with content, the more adept they’ll become at using them independently. 

A graphic organizer is a tool for teachers to explain complex problems to their students. Similarly, graphic organizers help students visualize the information being taught in class. 

There are different graphic organizers, each suited to a specific purpose or thinking process. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas, comparing and contrasting, sequencing events, mapping out an essay, or taking structured notes, there’s a graphic organizer that can help.Teachers can encourage their students to generate ideas by using graphic organizers in their lessons. Students can use graphic organizers to enhance their writing skills.

Piktochart is a one-stop solution that lets you create your own graphic organizer within seconds. It has both one-pager templates and multi-pager templates to cater to all kinds of requirements. Sign up on Piktochart now and make learning fun!


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Writing an Essay: A Graphic Organizer

Use this graphic organizer to plan your analytical/persuasive essay. 

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Activities & Lessons

Free Graphic Organizer Templates


Help your students classify ideas and communicate more effectively with these free graphic organizer templates, available for download. They can be used to structure writing projects and help in problem solving, decision making, studying, planning research, and brainstorming.

Printable Graphic Organizers

Select a blank graphic organizer from the following categories depending on your curriculum needs.

Sequence of Events

  • Step-by-Step Chart
  • Sequence Chart
  • Time-Order Chart

Main Topic and Key Details

  • Garden Gate
  • Describing Wheel
  • Cluster/Word Web 1
  • Cluster/Word Web 2
  • Cluster/Word Web 3  
  • Idea Rake  
  • Ticktacktoe
  • Four-Column Chart
  • Inverted Triangle
  • Persuasion Map
  • Ice Cream Cone


  • Venn Diagram

Story Planning

  • Story Map 1
  • Story Map 2
  • Story Map 3
  • Planning Chart

Essay Planning

  • Introduction Paragraph Outline
  • Five-Paragraph Essay Outline

Other Graphic Organizers

  • Sense Chart
  • Problem/Solution Chart
  • ISP Chart (Information, Sources, Page)
  • Fact and Opinion
  • Five W's Chart
  • Goal-Reasons Web
  • Observation Chart

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  1. Free Editable Essay Graphic Organizer Examples

    graphic organizer to essay

  2. Essay Graphic Organizer Printable

    graphic organizer to essay

  3. argumentative essay graphic organizer common core

    graphic organizer to essay

  4. Basic 5-Paragraph Graphic Organizer

    graphic organizer to essay

  5. How to write a good essay graphic organizer

    graphic organizer to essay

  6. Three Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer

    graphic organizer to essay


  1. Effective Graphic Organizers for Essay Writing

    A brief overview of graphic organizers and their importance in essay writing. Essay writing is a complex task that requires careful organization of ideas and thoughts. One effective way to achieve this is by using graphic organizers. These visual tools assist writers in brainstorming ideas, organizing information, and structuring their essays.

  2. Effective Essay Writing Graphic Organizers: Boost Your Writing Skills

    By using a graphic organizer, you can visually map out your thoughts, main points, and supporting details. This helps you clarify your ideas and ensure that your essay has a logical structure. There are various types of graphic organizers you can use, such as mind maps, concept maps, Venn diagrams, and flowcharts.

  3. Using Graphic Organizers for Writing Essays, Summaries and ...

    The phrase "graphic organizer" is just a fancy way of saying "diagram" or "visual aid.". Basically, they are a visual representation of the information you've acquired in the research process. There are quite a few reasons why you should use them when writing essays or summaries. Helps you visualize your research and how elements ...

  4. How to Use Graphic Organizers to Write Better Essays

    Visuals, such as graphic organizers for writing, can help you better understand concepts, think creatively, and collaborate with your classmates—and there are plenty of other templates where these came from. Lucidchart offers hundreds of templates to help you through your studies, including timelines, Venn diagrams, word maps, and more.

  5. Free Editable Essay Graphic Organizer Examples

    Example 1: 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organzier. The most common type of essay writing format is a 5-paragraph essay. Essay graphic organizer for writing helps organize all those 5 paragraphs and insert valuable information inside them. It includes the first paragraph section in which the writer inserts the topic sentence and at least three thesis statements.

  6. What is Graphic Organizer & Types of Graphic Organizers for ...

    Graphic organizers for writing are a type of graphic organizer that help students plan and organize their ideas before they start writing. These writing graphic organizers provide a visual structure for organizing thoughts, which makes the writing process clearer and more manageable. 3. Persuasion map.

  7. 19 Graphic Organizer Examples to Simplify Complex Concepts

    Explore 20 graphic organizer examples in this insightful article, designed to simplify complex ideas for learners and educators alike. ... Mind maps are commonly used in educational settings for note-taking, essay planning and studying, as well as in business for project planning and strategy development.

  8. How to Use Graphic Organizers for Writing Better Essays

    A graphic organizer is a way to visually organize your ideas. It can help put your thoughts into place and help you see information at a glance. Organizers can also help you see how ideas are connected, where they might fit into your paper, and where they may need further development. And most importantly, using graphic organizers for writing ...

  9. What is A Graphic Organizer with Examples

    A graphic organizer visually represents ideas, concepts, and relationships between various components. Concept maps and knowledge maps all are types of graphic organizers. ... require brainstorming and creating a strategy before finding the ideal solution or writing a perfect essay. A brainstorming graphic organizer depicts the main idea or the ...

  10. Persuasion Map

    The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate. Students begin by determining their goal or thesis. They then identify three reasons to support their argument, and three facts or examples to validate each reason. The map graphic in the upper right-hand ...

  11. 7 Graphic Organizers for Expository Writing

    Teaching students how to write an effective expository paragraph or essay is not for the faint of heart. As with any difficult lesson, I tend to rely heavily on graphic organizers. ... The graphic organizer should assist students in identifying critical information and avoiding extraneous details. It is vital that students understand the ...

  12. Free Editable Graphic Organizer for Writing Examples

    Example 8: Graphic Organizer for Writing an Essay. This graphic organizer is a very detailed essay writing aide. It consists of eight pages, with each page in a particular format. The main parts of the organizer presented in rainbow colors are. Topic and planning; Introduction; Main ideas 1, 2, 3; Conclusion; Final Draft; Source:EdrawMax Online

  13. PDF Writing an Essay: Graphic Organizer

    Use this graphic organizer to plan your analytical/persuasive essay. The introduction should start with a broad statement and end with your thesis statement, which "zooms in" on the points you will explore in more depth. The body paragraphs must contain evidence to support your thesis. (The number of body paragraphs coincides with the ...

  14. Persuasion Map

    Use this graphic organizer to develop a persuasive stance for an essay, speech, poster, or any type of assignment that incorporates persuasion. Teaching with this printout ; More ideas to try ... The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate. Grades . 6 - 12

  15. 12 Graphic Organizer Examples for Classrooms

    Essay writing is an important skill that students use throughout their lives. An essay map graphic organizer is a brilliant tool for students, as it helps them to chalk out the outline in a systematic manner without missing any detail. Once a student is done with his or her essay map, writing becomes a walk in the park.

  16. Writing an Essay: A Graphic Organizer

    Use this graphic organizer to plan your analytical/persuasive essay. Download. You might also be interested in

  17. Free Graphic Organizer Templates

    January 20, 2021. Help your students classify ideas and communicate more effectively with these free graphic organizer templates, available for download. They can be used to structure writing projects and help in problem solving, decision making, studying, planning research, and brainstorming.