Essay Service Examples Environment Pollution

How to Reduce Pollution? Essay

Table of contents

Essay on pollution for students, pollution essay 1 (100 words), pollution essay 2 (200 words), introduction, what is pollution, pollution essay 3 (300 words), types of pollution, the atmosphere in my family, pollution essay 4 (500 words), effects of pollution on the environment, pollution essay 5 (800 words), pollution level in london, pollution level in detroit, pollution level in delhi, pollution essay 6 (1300 words).

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How to Reduce Pollution? Essay

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Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

Students are often asked to write an essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

What is environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution means dirtying the air, water, and land around us. It’s when harmful things like smoke, chemicals, and plastic get into places they shouldn’t be. This can make people, animals, and plants sick.

Causes of Pollution

Pollution comes from cars, factories, and waste. Cars release smoke, factories pour chemicals into air and water, and trash like plastic bags can hurt land and sea animals.

Stopping Pollution

To stop pollution, we can use less plastic, recycle more, and plant trees. Riding bikes instead of cars and using less electricity at home also help clean the air and save energy.

Working Together

Everyone can help. Schools can teach kids about recycling. Governments can make laws to keep air and water clean. When we all work together, we can make our planet healthier.

250 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

Understanding environmental pollution, types of pollution.

There are different kinds of pollution. Air pollution is when the air gets dirty from smoke and gases. Water pollution happens when waste goes into rivers and oceans. Soil pollution is when chemicals from factories and farms make the land harmful.

Solving Pollution Problems

To fix pollution, we need to start with small steps. We can use less plastic, recycle more, and not waste water. Planting trees helps clean the air, and using fewer cars can reduce air pollution. Industries should use clean technologies.

Everyone’s Role

Everyone has a part in stopping pollution. Schools can teach kids about recycling. Parents can use less harmful products at home. Leaders can make laws to protect our environment. If we all do our part, we can make a big change.

Pollution is a big problem, but we can solve it. By changing our daily habits and working together, we can make our planet cleaner and safer for everyone. Let’s start today and make a difference for our future.

500 Words Essay on Environmental Pollution Problem Solution

Environmental pollution means dirtying our surroundings with harmful substances. This includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land where we grow our food. When factories, cars, and even farms release bad chemicals and waste, they can hurt plants, animals, and people.

Why is Pollution a Problem?

Pollution can make us sick. It can give us problems like coughing, trouble breathing, and diseases. Animals and plants can also get sick or even die because of pollution. Dirty water can’t be used for drinking or farming, and polluted land can’t grow healthy food.

How Can We Solve Pollution?

To fix pollution, we need to do many things. First, we should use less of the things that cause pollution. We can walk or ride bikes instead of using cars. We can also recycle things like paper, plastic, and metal so they don’t end up as trash.

Using Clean Energy

Keeping water clean.

To keep water clean, we should not throw trash or chemicals into rivers or oceans. Factories should clean their waste before it goes into the water. We can also save water by using less when we brush our teeth or take a shower.

Protecting the Land

To protect the land, we can stop using harmful chemicals on farms and gardens. We should also make less trash by using things again or fixing them instead of throwing them away. When we do have trash, we should put it in the right place, like a recycling bin or a trash can.

What Can Everyone Do?

Pollution is a big problem, but we can solve it by working together. By using less, recycling, and choosing clean energy, we can make our planet a better place. It’s important for everyone, including kids, to do their part in fighting pollution. When we all help, we can keep our air, water, and land clean for the future.

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how to solve pollution essay

Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Environmental pollution is the unwarranted discharge of mass or energy into the planet’s natural resource pools, such as land, air, or water, which detriments the environment’s ecological stability and the health of the living things that inhabit it. There is an intensified health risk and pollution in middle and low-income countries due to the increased use of pesticides, industrialization, the introduction of nitrogen-based fertilizers, forest fires, urbanization, and inadequate waste management (Appannagari, 2017). Air pollution, lead and chemicals exposure, hazardous waste exposure, and inappropriate e-waste disposal all result in unfavorable living conditions, fatal illnesses, and ecosystem destruction. The essay will provide an overview of pollution and proffer solutions to combating pollution for a sustainable environment and health.

In addition to hindering economic development and considerably accelerating climate change, pollution exacerbates poverty and inequality in urban and rural areas. The most pain is always experienced by the poor, who cannot afford to protect themselves against pollution’s harmful effects. The main environmental factor contributing to sickness and early mortality is pollution due to premature deaths resulting from pollution (Appannagari, 2017). Due to the unacceptably high cost to human capital and health, as well as the resulting GDP losses, pollution must be addressed. Through initiatives like reducing black carbon and methane emissions, which are responsible for air pollution and climate change, pollution management can also significantly contribute to climate change mitigation (Appannagari, 2017). Additionally, pollution control can promote competitiveness through, for instance, job growth, increased energy efficiency, better transportation, and sustainable urban and rural development. Below are the various approaches for solutions to health and pollution problems.

First, governments should evaluate pollution as a national and international priority and integrate it into the city and country planning process. Pollution affects the health and well-being of societies and, as such, cannot be solely viewed as an environmental issue (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017). All levels of government should give pollution prevention a high priority, incorporate it into development planning, and tie it to commitments regarding climate change, SDGs, and the prevention of non-communicable diseases. Some options are both affordable and offer good returns on investment.

Secondly, governments should increase funding for pollution control and prioritize it by health impacts. There should be a significant increase in the financing for pollution management in low- and middle-income nations, both from national budgets and international development organizations (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017). The most effective international support for pollution reduction is when it mobilizes additional actions and funding from others. Examples include helping towns and nations that are quickly industrializing concerning technical capacity building, regulatory and enforcement support, and support for direct actions to save lives. Monitoring financing initiatives are necessary to determine their cost-effectiveness and to raise accountability.

Thirdly, organizations should work to build multicultural partnerships for pollution control. Public-private partnerships and interagency cooperation can be powerful tools in creating clean technology and energy sources that will ultimately prevent pollution at its source (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017). Collaborations between ministries that include the ministries of finance, energy, development, agriculture, and transport, as well as the ministries of health and the environment, are crucial in pollution control. Governments should promote monitoring systems that could identify and apportion pollution sources, measure pollution levels, guide enforcement, and assess progress toward goals. The use of new technology in pollution monitoring, such as data mining and satellite images, can boost effectiveness, broaden the monitoring area, and cut costs.

One of the main issues facing the world in the current period is pollution. Natural resources are depleting daily due to car emissions, new technologies, factories, and chemicals added to food. All of these factors seriously harm the world. However, the problems caused by pollution can be prevented by building multicultural partnerships, increasing funding for pollution control, integrating it into the country’s planning process, and adopting new technology for monitoring pollution. Preventing pollution lowers the cost to the environment and the economy.

Appannagari, R. R. (2017). Environmental pollution causes and consequences: A study . North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 3 (8), 151-161. Web.

Excell High School. (2018). Environmental Science . Excel Education Systems, Inc. Web.

The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health. (2017). Pollution and health: Six problems and six solutions. Knowledge, Evidence, and Learning for Development.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 18). Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences.

"Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." IvyPanda , 18 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences'. 18 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." December 18, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." December 18, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." December 18, 2023.

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: Tips and Ideas on How to Beat Plastic Pollution

Published by team sy on september 15, 2023.

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay:  On 5 June 2023, World Environment Day will shed light on addressing plastic pollution as part of its campaign, #BeatPlasticPollution. The global community is grappling with an overwhelming influx of plastic materials, posing a significant challenge to our environment. Plastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects millions of people and animals around the world. It also contributes to climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health issues. But what are some solutions to plastic pollution? How can we reduce our plastic consumption and waste? What are some ways to prevent plastic pollution from reaching our oceans, landfills, and ecosystems? In this article, we will explore some of the most effective and innovative solutions to plastic pollution, and how you can implement them in your daily life. Whether you are a consumer, a business owner, a policy maker, or an activist, you will find some useful tips and ideas on how to tackle this global challenge.

Read about World Environment Day

Table of Contents

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: 200 Words

Plastic pollution has become a global environmental crisis, with devastating effects on ecosystems and human health. To combat this issue, it is crucial to implement effective solutions that address the entire lifecycle of plastic. This essay explores some key strategies to tackle plastic pollution.

Reduce and Reuse:

The first step in mitigating plastic pollution is to minimize its production and consumption. Governments, industries, and individuals should promote the use of alternatives to single-use plastics, such as reusable bags, bottles, and packaging. Encouraging the adoption of a circular economy model will lead to reduced waste generation and resource conservation.

Improving recycling infrastructure and increasing awareness about proper recycling practices is essential. Governments should invest in advanced recycling technologies, while individuals and communities should be educated about sorting and recycling their plastic waste correctly. Promoting the use of recycled plastics in manufacturing processes will also help create a market for recycled materials.

Plastic Waste Management:

Efficient waste management systems are vital to prevent plastic from entering water bodies and ecosystems. Governments should invest in waste collection and treatment facilities, particularly in areas lacking proper infrastructure. Implementing strict regulations and penalties for illegal dumping and littering will discourage irresponsible disposal practices.

Innovation and Research:

Encouraging research and innovation in developing sustainable materials and packaging solutions is crucial. Governments, academia, and industries should collaborate to support research and development of biodegradable and compostable plastics. Investing in technology to capture and remove plastic waste from oceans and rivers can also make a significant impact.

Public Awareness and Education:

Raising public awareness about the consequences of plastic pollution is essential to drive behavioral change. Educational campaigns, community initiatives, and media outreach can help inform individuals about the environmental impact of plastic and motivate them to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Addressing plastic pollution requires a multi-faceted approach involving individuals, governments, industries, and researchers. By reducing plastic consumption, improving recycling practices, enhancing waste management systems, fostering innovation, and raising public awareness, we can combat this global crisis and protect our planet for future generations. It is crucial that we take action now to create a cleaner and healthier environment.

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Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: 300 Words

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, endangering ecosystems and human well-being. To address this crisis, it is crucial to implement comprehensive and innovative solutions. This essay explores key strategies to effectively combat plastic pollution and foster a sustainable future.

Legislation and Policy:

Governments play a vital role in combating plastic pollution by enacting stringent legislation and policies. They should impose bans or restrictions on single-use plastics, promote extended producer responsibility, and incentivize the use of sustainable alternatives. Additionally, implementing plastic import controls and promoting international cooperation can help prevent the transfer of plastic waste to developing countries.

Circular Economy Approach:

Transitioning to a circular economy model is crucial for reducing plastic pollution. This approach focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. Governments and industries should encourage product design for durability, recyclability, and repairability. Furthermore, promoting the use of recycled plastics in manufacturing processes and developing efficient recycling infrastructure will contribute to a circular economy.

Innovative Technologies:

Investing in research and development of innovative technologies is essential to address plastic pollution effectively. Governments and private sectors should support the development of bioplastics derived from renewable sources, as well as advanced recycling technologies that can process complex plastic waste. Furthermore, exploring alternative materials and packaging solutions can help reduce plastic usage.

Education and Awareness:

Creating awareness and promoting education about the impacts of plastic pollution is crucial for long-term change. Educational campaigns, school programs, and community initiatives can inform individuals about sustainable practices and the importance of reducing plastic consumption. Encouraging responsible waste management and proper recycling practices through public awareness campaigns can significantly reduce plastic pollution.

Industry Collaboration and Responsibility:

Industries have a vital role to play in combating plastic pollution. Collaboration among manufacturers, retailers, and packaging industries is necessary to drive sustainable production and supply chain practices. Encouraging industry responsibility through certifications, labeling, and rewards for sustainable practices will promote the adoption of environmentally friendly alternatives and reduce plastic waste generation.

Plastic pollution requires a multi-faceted approach that combines legislative measures, circular economy principles, innovative technologies, education, and industry collaboration. By implementing these strategies, we can create a sustainable future with reduced plastic pollution. It is imperative that governments, industries, communities, and individuals come together to address this global crisis and safeguard our planet for generations to come.

Read about UN World Ocean Day

Solutions to Plastic Pollution Essay: 500 Words

Plastic pollution has reached alarming levels, posing a significant threat to our planet’s ecosystems and human health. To combat this crisis, it is imperative to adopt a comprehensive and holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of plastic production, consumption, and waste management. This essay examines a range of solutions aimed at mitigating plastic pollution and fostering a sustainable future.

Sustainable Product Design:

One of the primary solutions lies in reimagining product design to minimize plastic usage. Manufacturers should prioritize the development of sustainable packaging alternatives that are biodegradable, compostable, or made from recycled materials. By promoting eco-friendly product design, we can reduce the demand for single-use plastics and encourage the adoption of more sustainable options.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):

Governments should enforce Extended Producer Responsibility policies, holding manufacturers accountable for the entire lifecycle of their products, including their proper disposal. This would incentivize companies to invest in recycling infrastructure, establish take-back programs, and design products for recyclability. EPR programs can help shift the burden of plastic waste management from taxpayers to producers, creating a more sustainable and circular economy.

Plastic Waste Management and Recycling:

Efficient waste management systems are crucial for preventing plastic pollution. Governments should invest in robust recycling infrastructure, including collection, sorting, and processing facilities. Furthermore, promoting the use of recycled plastics in manufacturing industries can help create a market for recycled materials and reduce the reliance on virgin plastic. Developing innovative recycling technologies capable of handling a broader range of plastics will also contribute to effective waste management.

Consumer Behavior and Awareness:

Empowering individuals through education and awareness campaigns is key to combating plastic pollution. By increasing public understanding of the environmental impact of plastic, encouraging responsible consumption habits, and promoting alternatives to single-use plastics, individuals can play an active role in reducing plastic waste. Governments, NGOs, and businesses should collaborate to conduct widespread awareness campaigns and provide resources for individuals to make informed choices.

Plastic Bans and Regulations:

Implementing targeted bans and regulations on single-use plastics can significantly reduce plastic pollution. Governments can prohibit or limit the use of plastic bags, straws, cutlery, and other non-essential plastic items. These measures encourage the adoption of reusable alternatives and stimulate innovation in sustainable packaging solutions. Additionally, governments should regulate the disposal of plastic waste, imposing strict penalties for littering and illegal dumping.

International Cooperation:

Plastic pollution is a global problem that requires international collaboration. Governments should work together to develop and implement global agreements to address the transboundary movement of plastic waste. Sharing best practices, technology transfer, and capacity building among countries can facilitate the adoption of effective plastic waste management strategies worldwide.

Tackling plastic pollution necessitates a holistic approach that encompasses sustainable product design, extended producer responsibility, efficient waste management, consumer education, regulatory measures, and international cooperation. By implementing these solutions, we can significantly reduce plastic pollution, preserve our ecosystems, and secure a sustainable future. It is essential for governments, businesses, communities, and individuals to unite in their efforts to combat plastic pollution and safeguard our planet for future generations.

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Causes, Effects and Solutions to Environmental Pollution


Pollution is the contamination of the environment by introduction of contaminants that can cause damage to environment and harm or discomfort to humans or other living species. It is the addition of another form of any substance or form of energy to the environment at a rate faster than the environment can accommodate it by dispersion, breakdown, recycling, or storage in some harmless form.

Environmental pollution is one the greatest challenges that the world is facing today. It began since industrial revolution, increasing day by day and causing irreparable damage to Mother Earth. Environmental pollution has its own causes, effects and solutions. Looking into these will help you identify the causes and what steps you can take to mitigate those effects. Broadly, environmental pollution consists of six basic types of pollution, i.e. air, water, land, soil, noise, and light.

When people think of environmental pollution, most focus on fossil fuel and carbon emissions, but there are different contributing factors. Chemical pollution in bodies of water contributes to illnesses. Electromagnetic pollution has effects on human health but is uncommonly considered in present times despite the fact we essentially expose ourselves to it on a daily basis. Taking a look at causes and effects of environmental pollution will pull any mind on a rapid downward spiral. Solutions are in the works and, if we work together across the world, there is hope remaining, at least for the time being.

The environment will continue to deteriorate until pollution practices are abandoned. ~ B. F. Skinner

Causes of Environmental Pollution

  • Pollution from cars, trucks, and other vehicles is and has been our major environmental pollution issue for almost a century now. The problem is we did not realize this until the problem had manifested to monumental proportions.
  • Fossil fuel emissions from power plants which burn coal as fuel contributed heavily, along with vehicles burning fossil fuels, to the production of smog. Smog is the result of fossil fuel combustion combined with sunlight and heat. The result is a toxic gas which now surrounds our once pristine planet. This is known as “ozone smog” and means we have more problems down here than we do in the sky.
  • Carbon dioxide is another product from all of the vehicles on the planet as well as unreformed power plants and other industrial facilities. A continually growing population of humans and clear cutting of forests has exacerbated this problem so natural defenses are no longer present and carbon dioxide levels are on the rise.
  • Water pollution is a major issue . Many industries dump wastes into rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams in an attempt to hide wastes from EPA inspectors. These water sources feed major crops and food becomes contaminated with a variety of chemicals and bacteria, causing rampant health problems.
  • Radiation comes into play as well. This is an exceedingly nasty pollution issue and requires extensive description. Primarily, there is radiation from the sun. As the natural ozone layer around the Earth has become depleted . The sun is wonderful, but the only reason we are able to survive on this planet so close to the sun is due to the fact of natural shielding against solar radiation. As the protective ozone layer around the planet has become thinner, ultraviolet radiation has risen significantly, causing increases in skin cancers and other types of cancer in all countries, killing millions of people every year.
  • More radiation is a problem. The sun shining brightly on a naked planet is not the only source of radiation we are exposed to. Electromagnetic radiation is another insidious culprit. Once upon a time, the major concern around this type of radiation was due to high tension wires which carry huge amounts of electricity to cities. Now, we even carry sources of this radiation with us as cell phones, laptops, tablets and other wireless devices.

Effects of Environmental Pollution

  • The polluting gases mentioned above have an interesting effect on climate . Essentially, these gases form a veil around the planet which holds heat in, increasing the overall temperature of the planet. The rise in planetary temperature, or global warming, is not immediately noticeable. However, even a rise of a few degrees Centigrade causes catastrophic changes in weather. This is happening now.
  • Pollen has increased . It is ironic, but even with fewer trees in the world; the increase of carbon dioxide emissions induces plants such as ragweed and many trees to produce more pollen than ever before. This has resulted in rampant allergies across the world, affecting the health of billions of people.
  • One of the solutions to tamp out carbon monoxide emissions from coal burning power plants was and still is to use radioactive power plants. While this does cut down on gas emissions significantly, there is radioactive waste which causes various cancers to bloom in major cities and small towns all around while destroying ecosystems entirely.
  • Global temperature has risen significantly over the years. The protective atmosphere is further being polluted by methane gas released from melting icecaps. This is causing rampant weather issues around the planet.

This all seems like a fairly bleak outlook for the planet and all the creatures on it. It is, in fact, a load of dark and very real truth. For much of it, there is little turning back. Being realistic, though solutions are in the works to combat global warming, the hope is dim. Radiation does not go away quickly either, especially in a technological age requiring more power, more gas, and intensified depletion of protective gases around the planet. We are on a significant downhill snowball ride to hell. There are things we can do. Let us take a look at some of the solutions which are currently being implemented to reduce pollution.

Solutions to Environmental Pollution

  • Gas emission pollution is being mitigated in a variety of ways with car emission control, electric and hybrid vehicles and public transportation systems . Not all major cities have successful implementation and decent public transportation in place, but the world is working on this issue constantly and we have managed to reduce emissions profoundly over the last decade. There is much catching up to do.
  • The cost of radioactive power plants is becoming apparent and the days of coal power plants are nearly dead. The radiation is a serious issue. Radioactive leakage from power plants and nuclear testing have already contaminated oceanic life to such a degree that it will take hundreds of years to return to normal. More radiation solutions are in the works with various ecologically friendly power technologies being built every day.
  • Solar power is a fantastic solution . Now that solar radiation is at a climactic peak, we can reap power from the sun using solar panel systems. These range from home systems to larger scale systems powering entire communities and cities.
  • Wind power is coming into play . This may not seem like much at first, but when you get about 100 feet off the ground, there is a great deal of wind up there. By building wind turbines to harvest natural wind energy, electricity is produced. Wind turbine power and solar power are both powerful forces against fossil fuel power and radioactive power. The one problem here is power companies. They want to stay with radioactive power plants because they actually can’t be removed. It has become the crusades of many individuals and small corporations to make the switch and there are plenty of people following this as populations cry out for help.
  • Electromagnetic radiation (ER) reduction . Once major manufacturers of computers and electronic devices realized the blatant potential for huge ER emissions directly into the eyes and brains of users, they started to implement hardware protocols to minimize risks and reduce ER production significantly. Newer devices are in the lead to knock this problem out and, fortunately, this is working.

Also, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is well aware of all leaks and tricks industries are using to dump wastes. This agency now has extremely strict protocols and testing procedures implemented against such facilities so populations are not affected. Additionally, the EPA is measuring air pollution and implementing regulatory procedures for vehicle emissions. They also monitor pollen issues and, with the help of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), they implement solutions to reduce pollen in the air.

Dropping pollen counts is a major focus for EPA and CDC activities. Asthma and other allergic conditions are flooding medical care facilities and pharmaceutical companies with serious public health problems. The response has been swift and various methods to control emissions and reduce pollen counts are in the works. Children and elderly people are at the highest risk for environmental pollution related health problems. The good news is we are directly on the horizon to cut down the causes and risks while providing practical health solutions for the general public throughout the world.

Photo by: Pixabay

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I am Sonia Madaan, a mother with a passion for science, computing, and environmental issues. Motivated by my passion and education, I started a website to spread awareness about climate change and its causes, like rising greenhouse gas levels. You can read more about me here .

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how to solve pollution essay

1. Spread the word

Encourage your friends, family and co-workers to reduce their carbon pollution. Join a global movement like  Count Us In, which aims to inspire 1 billion people to take practical steps and challenge their leaders to act more boldly on climate. Organizers of the platform say that if 1 billion people took action, they could reduce as much as 20 per cent of global carbon emissions. Or you could sign up to the UN’s  #ActNow campaign on climate change and sustainability and add your voice to this critical global debate.

Young women at a climate change protest.

2. Keep up the political pressure

Lobby local politicians and businesses to support efforts to cut emissions and reduce carbon pollution.  #ActNow Speak Up  has sections on political pressure and corporate action - and Count Us In also has  some handy tips  for how to do this. Pick an environmental issue you care about, decide on a specific request for change and then try to arrange a meeting with your local representative. It might seem intimidating but your voice deserves to be heard. If humanity is to succeed in tackling the climate emergency, politicians must be part of the solution. It’s up to all of us to keep up with the pressure. 

Two people riding bikes.

3. Transform your transport

Transport accounts for around a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions and across the world, many governments are implementing policies to decarbonize travel. You can get a head start: leave your car at home and walk or cycle whenever possible. If the distances are too great, choose public transport, preferably electric options. If you must drive, offer to carpool with others so that fewer cars are on the road. Get ahead of the curve and buy an electric car. Reduce the number of long-haul flights you take. 

Houses with solar panels on their roofs.

4. Rein in your power use

If you can, switch to a zero-carbon or renewable energy provider. Install solar panels on your roof. Be more efficient: turn your heating down a degree or two, if possible. Switch off appliances and lights when you are not using them and better yet buy the most efficient products in the first place (hint: this will save you money!). Insulate your loft or roof: you’ll be warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer and save some money too. 

A vegetarian dish.

5. Tweak your diet

Eat more plant-based meals – your body and the planet will thank you. Today, around 60 per cent of the world’s agricultural land is used for livestock grazing and people in many countries are consuming more animal-sourced food than is healthy. Plant-rich diets can help reduce chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

A woman holds strawberries in her hands.

The climate emergency demands action from all of us. We need to get to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and everyone has a role to play.

6. Shop local and buy sustainable

To reduce your food’s carbon footprint, buy local and seasonal foods. You’ll be helping small businesses and farms in your area and reducing fossil fuel emissions associated with transport and cold chain storage. Sustainable agriculture uses up to 56 per cent less energy, creates 64 per cent fewer emissions and allows for greater levels of biodiversity than conventional farming. Go one step further and try growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs. You can plant them in a garden, on a balcony or even on a window sill. Set up a community garden in your neighbourhood to get others involved. 

A rotten banana.

7. Don’t waste food

One-third of all food produced is either lost or wasted. According to UNEP’s  Food Waste Index Report 2021 , people globally waste 1 billion tonnes of food each year, which accounts for around 8-10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Avoid waste by only buying what you need. Take advantage of every edible part of the foods you purchase. Measure portion sizes of rice and other staples before cooking them, store food correctly (use your freezer if you have one), be creative with leftovers, share extras with your friends and neighbours and contribute to a local food-sharing scheme. Make compost out of inedible remnants and use it to fertilize your garden. Composting is one of the best options for managing organic waste while also reducing environmental impacts.

 A woman sews.

8. Dress (climate) smart

The fashion industry accounts for 8-10 per cent of global carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined – and ‘fast fashion’ has created a throwaway culture that sees clothes quickly end up in landfills. But we can change this. Buy fewer new clothes and wear them longer. Seek out sustainable labels and use rental services for special occasions rather than buying new items that will only be worn once. Recycle pre-loved clothes and repair when necessary.

An overhead view of a forest.

9. Plant trees  

Every year approximately 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed and this deforestation, together with agriculture and other land use changes, is responsible for roughly 25 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. We can all play a part in reversing this trend by planting trees, either individually or as part of a collective. For example, the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative allows people to sponsor tree-planting around the world.

Check out this UNEP guide to see what else you can do as part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration , a global drive to halt the degradation of land and oceans, protect biodiversity, and rebuild ecosystems. 

Wind turbines at sunset.

10. Focus on planet-friendly investments

Individuals can also spur change through their savings and investments by choosing financial institutions that do not invest in carbon-polluting industries. #ActNow Speak Up  has a section on money and so does  Count Us In . This sends a clear signal to the market and already many financial institutions are offering more ethical investments, allowing you to use your money to support causes you believe in and avoid those you don’t. You can ask your financial institution about their responsible banking policies and find out how they rank in independent research. 

UNEP is at the front in support of the Paris Agreement goal of keeping the global temperature rise well below 2°C, and aiming - to be safe - for 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels. To do this, UNEP has developed a Six-Sector Solution . The Six Sector Solution is a roadmap to reducing emissions across sectors in line with the Paris Agreement commitments and in pursuit of climate stability. The six sectors identified are Energy; Industry; Agriculture & Food; Forests & Land Use; Transport; and Buildings & Cities.

  • Clean fuels
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Sustainable Development

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Further Resources

  • 7 climate action highlights to remember before COP26
  • Climate Action Note - data you need to know
  • Emissions Gap Report 2021
  • Food Waste Index 2021
  • Act Now: the UN campaign for individual action
  • Count Us In
  • Food Loss and Waste Website

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plastic production fractory

Plastic factories like this one in China are increasing production of virgin plastic, even as plastic pollution sweeps into the oceans in record volumes.

Plastic pollution is a huge problem—and it’s not too late to fix it

Correcting our plastic waste problem requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded, two new studies say.

The global campaign to gain control of plastic waste is one of the fastest-growing environmental causes ever mounted. Yet it hasn’t been enough to make a dent in the growing tonnage of discarded plastic that ends up in the seas.

In the next 10 years, the waste that slides into waterways, and ultimately the oceans , will reach 22 million tons and possibly as much as 58 million tons a year. And that’s the “good” news—because that estimate takes into account thousands of ambitious commitments by government and industry to reduce plastic pollution.

Without those pledges, a business-as-usual scenario would be almost twice as bad. With no improvements to managing waste beyond what’s already in place today, 99 million tons of uncontrolled plastic waste would end up in the environment by 2030.

These two scenarios, the result of new research by an international team of scientists, are a far cry from the first global tally published in 2015, which estimated that an average of 8.8 million tons flow into the oceans annually. That was a figure so startling to the world when it was published five years ago, it helped invigorate the plastic trash movement.

Jenna Jambeck, the University of Georgia engineering professor who calculated that number, also came up with a vivid analogy to put it in context. It would be the equivalent of one dump truck tipping a load of plastic into the ocean every minute every day for a year. Jambeck is also part of the team that came up with the new calculations. But coming up with a new way to visualize 22 to 58 million tons proved a challenge.

“I don’t know. We’re getting into the realm of what’s incomprehensible,” she says. “How about a football stadium filled with plastic every day? Or enough plastic to cover Rhode Island or the country of Luxembourg ankle deep?”

Neither of these new analogies, while accurate, capture the magnitude of what’s at stake. (More: We're drowning in plastic—find out why. )

Like climate change, a lot rides on how the global community responds in the next couple of decades. And, though the parallels between the problem of plastic waste and climate change are obvious—both are rooted in oil, the basic ingredient to make plastics, they are dissimilar in one key way: plastic’s persistence. While there is some possibility, however remote, that technology and restoration of natural ecosystems could remove CO 2 from the atmosphere, there is no such analog for plastic. Virtually indestructible, it doesn’t disappear.

“For me, the biggest issue is the question of permanence,” says George Leonard , the Ocean Conservancy’s chief scientist and a member of the team that produced this newest forecast. “If we don’t get the plastic pollution problem in the ocean under control, we threaten contaminating the entire marine food web, from phytoplankton to whales. And by the time the science catches up to this, perhaps definitively concluding that this is problematic, it will be too late. We will not be able to go back. That massive amount of plastic will be embedded in the ocean’s wildlife essentially forever.”

The power of two

plastic pellets

Royal Dutch Shell will produce plastic pellets like these at its new plant in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The plant will create more than a million tons of the tiny pellets. Many in the Pittsburgh area see it as an economic engine, but others worry about the long-term environmental harm.

The analysis is the second in recent weeks to look ahead to the future of the plastic economy and conclude that correcting the waste problem—40 percent of plastic manufactured today is disposable packaging—requires a fundamental change in thinking about how plastics are made, used, and discarded.

The new findings were made by a team of scientists funded by the National Science Foundation through the University of Maryland’s National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center ( SESYNC ). The other project, which looks ahead to 2040, was led by the Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ, a London-based environmental advisory and investment firm, and was first made public in July. Both studies were published together in the journal Science in September.

What’s unusual is that two independent scientific working groups, using differing methodologies and timelines, reached the same broad conclusions. Both laid blame for the rising tonnage of plastic in the seas on the growth of plastic production that is outpacing the world’s ability to keep up with collecting plastic trash. They also agreed that reducing surging waste requires reducing surging production of virgin plastic.

“The magnitude of the problem is the same. The difference is in methodology,” says Stephanie Borrelle, a marine biologist in New Zealand and lead author of the SESYNC study. “We have to do something about this and do it soon. Our annual count of leakage doesn’t account for what’s already in the oceans.”

Both projects also concluded that plastic waste could be significantly reduced, though not eliminated, using existing technologies. That includes improving waste collection and recycling, redesigning products to eliminate packaging made from unrecyclable plastics, expanding refillables, and in some cases substituting other materials. But solutions such as recycling, now globally hovering around 12 percent, would also require a massive scaling-up with many additional recycling facilities that don’t exist.

The SESYNC project also calls for cleaning up plastic waste from shorelines, where possible. To give an idea of the scale involved in achieving that goal, it would require a billion people to participate in the Ocean Conservancy’s annual beach cleanup that now attracts about one million volunteers.

“The inconvenient truth now is that this business-as-usual growth in production of new plastics is not compatible with ending plastics in nature,” says Ben Dixon, a former sustainability manager at Royal Dutch Shell and partner at SYSTEMIQ. “That’s the inconvenient truth both studies get to the heart of. We may see more pressures from investors, customers, and a changing of the world underneath the feet of these companies.”

Both projects captured the attention of the plastics industry, which was quick to praise the research, but dismissed the idea of reducing production of virgin plastic as “highly counterproductive and impractical,” in the words of the American Chemistry Council, a trade group for the petrochemical industry. In emailed responses, ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical, two of the world’s leading manufacturers of polyethylene, agreed.

“Reducing production to solve the waste problem will, in turn, aggravate the carbon and climate problem as alternative materials have higher emissions,” Dow said.

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The manufacturing of plastic emits less CO2 and uses less water than for glass or aluminum. Some argue that such accounting doesn’t always factor in all the costs, such as environmental cleanup and weight. Glass manufacturing emits less CO2 per gram, but glass bottles are heavier. And, in the marine world, they say, it’s beside the point: Turtles eat plastic bags, not glass bottles and aluminum cans.

Todd Spitler, an Exxon spokesman, said the company’s focus will be on “increasing plastic recyclability, supporting improvements in plastic waste recovery and minimizing plastic pellet loss from our operations."

The SESYNC study calls for setting global limits on the production of virgin plastic, a recommendation unlikely to be realized. At the last United Nations Environmental Program meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2019, negotiations to pass a resolution calling for phasing out single-use plastic by 2025 and to draft a legally binding treaty on plastic debris ended in a stalemate.

The Pew/SYSTEMIQ study calls for reducing virgin production by 11 percent, arguing there is enough waste plastic that could be recycled and remade into new plastic to satisfy demand. The problem is that virgin plastic—new resin created from natural gas or oil—is so cheap to make that it undermines the economics of the recycling market. It is simply less expensive to manufacture new plastic than to collect, sort, and process disposable plastic into new feedstock. Especially now, with the collapse of oil prices. (Read more on the SYSTEMIQ study here.)

Plastic production to increase by 2050

In fact, production is forecast to more than double by 2050—increasing to 756 million tons anticipated in 2050 from 308 million tons produced in 2018, according to a report published by the American Chemistry Council in 2019. In the United States, $203 billion has been invested in 343 new or expanded chemical plants to produce plastics, according to ACC figures published last February. Production capacity for ethylene and propylene is projected to increase by 33 to 36 percent, according to an estimate by the Center for International Environmental Law.

Keith Christman , the ACC’s managing director of plastics markets, says the demand for plastic products, such as lightweight automobile parts and materials used in home construction, including insulation and water piping, is only going to grow.

“New technologies is the direction that we see the industry going,” he says.

Historically, plastic production has increased almost continuously since the 1950s, from 1.8 million tons in 1950 to 465 million tons in 2018. As of 2017, 7 billion of the 8.8 billion tons produced globally over that whole period have become waste.

The industry attributes future growth to two factors: the increasing global population and demands for more plastic consumer goods, fueled by the increasing buying power of a growing middle class. The UN projects that the world’s population, now about 7.8 billion, will add about two billion more by 2050, primarily in Asia and Africa. Globally, the middle class is anticipated to expand by 400 million households by 2039—and that is where the plastics market growth will occur.

Africa, to cite one example, shows the complications that lie ahead for gaining control of plastic waste in the coming decades. The continent today generates waste at a low rate by global standards, according to a UN report published last year. It also has limited environmental regulations, weak enforcement, and inadequate systems in place to manage waste. But as its population explodes and becomes more urban, and as buying habits change with higher standards of living, sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to become the dominant region producing municipal waste.

“Everyone is going to need to play a role along the whole value chain,” says Guy Bailey , a leading plastics analyst at Wood Mackenzie, a consulting firm specializing in energy, chemicals, mining and other research.

“If you are a recycler, it is difficult to make an investment when oil prices completely destroy the economics of your business. If you are a packing company, you are faced with so many choices of materials, it’s hard to know which to pick. If you are a chemical company, you clearly can see the reputational challenge. They risk losing their social license to operate if things go too far. They want to address those challenges.”

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste, founded last year by 50 industry titans, committed to investing $1.5 billion in creating solutions to improve methods for collecting plastic waste and recycling into new products. So far, it has launched 14 projects, many in Southeast Asia and Africa, including in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Ghana.

Jacob Duer, president and CEO, said the new report “reiterates the necessity and the urgency in addressing the issue and underlines the importance of a paradigm shift.”

As the organization, based in Singapore, matures, he says the number of projects and capital investment will grow. But it opposes reducing virgin plastic production.

Both Duer and Martyn Ticknet, head of the Alliance’s project development, see similarities between tackling plastic waste and global efforts to close the hole in the ozone layer that began in the 1970s. Last year the hole had shrunk to its smallest size on record since its discovery.

“We’ve solved major crises before,” Ticknet says. “It takes some time to get going.”

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Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Pollution

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Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 643 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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Causes of pollution, effects of pollution, solutions to pollution.

Image of Alex Wood

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13 ways to save the Earth from pollution

You might use plastic water bottles, yogurt cups, and straws for just a day, but they can remain in the environment for years. And that pollution can harm habitats and the animals that live there. Cut down Earth’s trash with these tips. 

Bust the balloons

Balloons eventually fall back down to Earth … and can end up in the ocean, entangling animals or being mistaken for food. Skip the balloons at your next party, and ask friends to do the same. Make pom-pom decorations instead!

Bin for the win

Always throw trash in the can. Garbage left outside might harm wildlife and end up in the ocean. Trash that’s properly brought to a landfill is kept out of the sea.

Fish responsibly

If you go fishing, don’t leave nets or lines in the water. Animals can become entangled in the trash.

Scientists estimate that about half the world’s sea turtles accidentally eat plastic and other trash. Keep the ocean clean by never leaving toys or trash at the beach.

Dump plastic

According to one study, over eight million tons of plastic pollution end up in the ocean each year. Drink from a refillable water bottle, place your sandwich in cloth or a reusable container, and use bar soap instead of bottled.

Garbage club

Form a club in your classroom to reduce your waste at school . Monitor what’s thrown away each week, and think about ways to cut down on those items.

Trash trooper

Participate in a community cleanup . The groups that host the events sometimes weigh the collected trash, which helps leaders make decisions about laws that encourage people to waste less.

Recycle right

People in the United States recycle only about 35 percent of their waste, so recycle what you can. Ask for help to create a paper and plastic recycling program in your classroom.

Business talk

Does your favorite ice-cream shop use plastic spoons? Ask an adult to help you talk to the owner about switching to a non-plastic option. Some kinds of spoons are even edible!

Do-good goodie bag

Don’t fill your birthday goodie bags with plastic yo-yos and other trinkets for your friends. Instead, give them homemade treats or coupons to a local bakery.

Straw sense

Experts estimate that Americans use about 500 million plastic straws a day, and they’re one of the top 10 trash items found during ocean cleanups. If you must use a straw, find a reusable metal straw or a paper version or make your own.

Pest Friends

Ask your parents to buy food and clothes that are made without pesticides—chemicals sprayed on crops to kill bad bugs. The problem? Pesticides also can kill critters like bees that are eco-friendly.

Stuffed with stuff

Items shipped to your home often come wrapped in plastic packaging; toys bought at the store are covered in it. Think about what can be bought secondhand, what can be shared, and what doesn’t need to be purchased at all.

explore more

Learn about plastic and how to reduce your use., save the earth, save the earth tips, endangered species act.

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How Can We Reduce Plastic Pollution?

This article was reviewed by a member of Caltech's Faculty .

Plastic is incredibly useful in modern life, but its widespread use may impair human sustainability. The production and disposal of plastic generates greenhouse gases and hazardous waste. Plastic and the chemicals it emits are building up on land and in oceans, lakes, rivers, ice, and air, and the resulting damage to human and ecological health is currently poorly understood. Most plastic is not recyclable and the vast majority does not biodegrade. Further, plastic products often break down into very small fragments called microplastics that can pollute ecosystems and harm organisms.

Why Plastic Pollution Is a Problem

Plastic is everywhere, from bags and single-use bottles and packages to car parts, pipes, and siding. Likewise, plastic waste is ubiquitous . It has been found, for example, in Arctic sea ice , beer , farm soil , trout and other wild freshwater fish , shrimp and other shellfish , songbirds and seabirds , human placentas , the Great Pacific Garbage Patch , midoceanic atolls , sea caves , the air and rain , and national parks and wilderness areas . While the impact of plastic pollution on sea life is well documented, scientists are just beginning to measure plastic's effects on humans and human fertility , land ecosystems , and crops and other plants .

The United States alone generated 35.7 million tons of plastic waste in 2018. Of that, 27 million tons was landfilled, 5.6 million tons incinerated, and three million tons, or 8.7 percent may have been recycled. (Some reports suggest that plastic scrap shipped abroad for recycling may instead end up in landfills and waterways.)

Researchers estimate that nearly 7,000 million tons of virgin plastic have been manufactured around the world as of 2015. Of that, 9 percent may have been recycled, 12 percent has been incinerated, and the rest is in landfills, still in use, or in our environment. Globally, about one fourth of plastic waste is never collected . In less wealthy countries, waste plastic is sometimes burned in the open, releasing toxic chemicals into the air.

What is plastic made of?

The main ingredients in plastic come from oil and natural gas processing . Different molecules are used to make different types of plastic, giving them distinctive properties and chemical structures. Manufacturers also mix in additives to give specific products their desired qualities. These chemicals, such as colorants, plasticizers, flame-retardants, stabilizers, fillers, reinforcing fibers, and biocides sometimes contain hazardous substances, including lead, arsenic, and cadmium compounds, as well as BPA .

Caltech chemists and their colleagues are designing molecules and nanoscale catalytic devices that may make it possible to produce plastic from chemicals derived from carbon dioxide rather than fossil fuels, with the goal of reducing the climate impact of plastic manufacturing .

What types of plastic can be recycled?

Many consumer plastic products are imprinted with triangular recyclable symbols . But only two kinds of plastic commonly end up recycled : #1, PET or polyethylene terephthalate, and #2, HDPE or high-density polyethylene, and within those, usually only bottles, tubs, and jugs (generally not, for example, salad containers, berry boxes, or clamshell packages). Together, these account for a small fraction of all plastic waste .

Plastics that are recyclable are typically downcycled rather than fully recycled. This means that they are turned into products of lesser value that often cannot be recycled again. When plastic waste is turned into a more valuable product, such as clothing or shoes, that is called upcycling.

Recycling results in a product of equivalent value that can be recycled multiple times. However, the number of times a plastic can be effectively recycled is currently limited.

Recycling Innovation

Chemical recycling is an emerging method that chemists are trying to develop. It would break plastics down into their basic, raw materials, sometimes through the use of customized enzymes , so that they can be remade and recycled an infinite number of times. Using similar approaches, polymers that are more difficult to recycle could potentially be turned into biodegradable compounds and used in cleaning products.

Because different types of plastics have varying properties, plastic products need to be sorted before they can be recycled. Some packaging, usually used to keep food fresh, cannot be sorted or recycled because it is made from layers of different types of plastic. Scientists are working on solvents that could separate multilayer packaging into its component polymers, which could then be used instead of new plastic. Others are making molecules that would allow multiple types of polymers to mix and still create viable recycled materials.

Dive Deeper

Plastic water bottle production

How to reduce human-caused environmental changes

The diversity on Earth aids the health and quality of human life. It provides the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the air we breathe. But what do we do to serve the Earth? Human impact makes the environment less able to sustain life due to “human-induced rapid environmental changes.” There is no way to escape the effect we have, but there are ways to lessen it in order to protect the beauty of Earth and the many species that inhabit it.

Biology professor Blaine Griffen shares solutions to the five main drivers of human-induced rapid environmental changes:

1. Overexploitation of resources

Let’s take it back to the basics and reduce, reuse, and recycle. Recycling is the most familiar of the three solutions, but we should turn our focus to the other two to achieve the greatest positive impact. Learn how to reuse everyday items. DIY culture has promoted the ability to repurpose almost anything. Utilize the internet to find out what you can do. Reducing is effective economically and environmentally. One way we can reduce is by being extra cautious about the overexploitation of water. Don’t keep your water running and cut down on lawn sprinkler systems.

2. Habitat destruction

We are part of the ecosystem that we live in, so we must support it. The humans vs. nature predicament has never been a productive one and leads to a destructive mindset. Changing this mindset can lead you to be more mindful and respectful of hiking trails, your camping footprint, and nature in general. We are meant to enjoy the beauty of nature, but we should not feel entitled to abuse it.

3. Invasive species

Invasive species prove their destructive nature by causing extinctions, competing with other species, and reducing diversity in the ecosystems they invade, but they also cost the US economy approximately 120 billion dollars per year. Three easy combative measures we can take against invasive species include, never releasing pets into the environment, cleaning boats after removing them from the water, and planting native species in your yard.

4. Pollution

Whether it is trash, chemicals, or light, the whole Earth suffers from pollution, and, luckily, we can alleviate the problem through simple efforts.

Some solutions include:

  • Avoiding excess use of pesticides and fertilizer. Following instructions helps to avoid infecting ground water and causing pollution. 
  • Picking up litter so it isn’t ingested by animals or infecting waterways.
  • Minimizing the use of outside lights. 
  • Learning to enjoy nature quietly.  

5. Climate change

Broad scale problems like climate change aren’t easily solved, but simple efforts make a difference. Consider your modes of transportation, electricity use, and the benefits of buying locally. Making choices that consider the climate change problem are healthy for the planet and you.

We need to abandon the feeling of hopelessness we may feel in regards to environmental problems. We must work together to have the power to make change, otherwise nothing will get better.

Five solutions to human-caused environmental changes

  • Biology Article
  • Essay On Air Pollution 200 Words 500 Words

Essay on Air Pollution

Essay on air pollution is a crucial topic for students from an academic perspective. Moreover, an essay is one of the most effective ways to educate students about the plight of nature and the repercussions of human activities. Creating awareness for future generations is important if we have to undo decades of ignorance and neglect.

Furthermore, air pollution essay helps students to realize the gravity of the scenario and enable them to take action. Some as simple as using public transport or even carpooling will help reduce a significant amount of air pollution. Read on to discover how to write an engaging essay on air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution – Important Points to Note

Please consider adopting the following points when writing an essay on air pollution. These tips are also helpful for other essay topics as well:

  • Always begin with an introductory paragraph about the topic, preferably detailing its origin.
  • Unless the topic is technical, try to avoid jargons.
  • Present content in bulleted points wherever possible
  • Insert factual data, such as important dates, places or name wherever possible.
  • Avoid writing the content in a large monotonous block of text. Remember to break up the content into digestible chunks
  • Always conclude the essay with a closing paragraph.

Essay on Air Pollution – Sample 1 (200 Words)

Air pollution is a serious issue and a cause for major concern in today’s world. A report published in 2014  by the World Health Organisation states that 4.21 million individuals died prematurely in 2012 as a result of air pollution. Air pollution existed much before humans, in the form of volcanic eruptions and forest fires. However, it became much more prevalent after the Industrial Revolution.

Rapid industrial growth, unregulated emissions and a host of other issues significantly contributed to the rise in air pollution. In some cases, the severity of air pollution reached an extent where government intervention was necessary. The Great Smog of London, 1952, was an extreme case of air pollution where visibility was severely hampered. It also caused a host of illnesses and the consequent deaths of countless civilians. In November 2017, the levels of air pollution in Delhi were ten times above the safe limits. For reference, the healthy air quality index is between 0 to 50, but during that particular time period, the air quality index hit 500+. This event is now called the Great Smog of Delhi.

An air quality index of 500 and above indicates that the air is heavily polluted and will cause irreversible lung damage and a host of other illnesses to everyone who is exposed to it. Therefore, to avoid such situations in the future, relevant actions must be implemented.

Essay on Air Pollution – Sample 2 (500 Words)

Air pollution may seem like the result of anthropological activities, however, it has been around even before humans evolved. Places which are naturally arid and have minimal vegetation are prone to dust storms. When this particulate matter is added to the air, it can cause health issues in animals exposed to the dust storms.

Furthermore, active volcanoes pump extremely large amounts of toxic plumes and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Wildfires also pump large amounts of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere and hamper photosynthesis for plants. Even animals, especially ruminants such as cows contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas.

However, air pollution was never a major concern until the industrial revolution. Industries grew rapidly, untreated emissions were pumped into the atmosphere, and the rise of automobiles significantly contributed to air pollution. Such activities continued without any restrictions until they started to cause a wide range of repercussions.

In humans, air polluted with contaminants can cause a wide array of illnesses ranging from asthma and bronchitis the various forms of cancer. Air pollution is not only present outdoors; interior air pollution is also a great concern. Recent research has actually found credible evidence that room fresheners have the many compounds within them, some of which are classified carcinogens. This means some of those compounds present in the aerosol has the potential to cause some forms of cancer. Other sources of air pollution can include gases such as carbon monoxide and radon.

Radon, in particular, is quite alarming. It is an odourless, colourless gas that occurs naturally. It is found in the soil as Uranium, which breaks down and eventually turns into radon gas. Radon has limited repercussions on health if exposed to low concentrations, however, when this gas gets trapped indoor, the higher levels of concentration can have wreak havoc or ultimately be lethal. Radon is also reported to be released from building materials such as granite. Exposure to radon causes no immediate health effects, but long term exposure has the potential to cause lung cancer.

Air pollution not only affects the lungs but the central nervous system too. It has been linked to a lot of diseases such as schizophrenia and autism. A study also implied that it can cause short-term memory losses or distortion of memory.

Historically, air pollution has caused many crises with the worst ever being the Bhopal Disaster in 1984. Fatalities were estimated at 3,800, with at least 600,000 injured. Next in severity was the Great Smog of 1952 which formed over London, killing an estimated 4,000 civilians over the course of four days.

Though measures have been taken to reduce the effects of air pollution, a lot of irreversible damage has been done. For instance, the effects of global warming have drastically increased; this is very apparent with the rise in sea levels and melting glaciers. If the ice caps continue to melt, then we will have to face drastic repercussions. Scientists have proposed a hypothetical scenario where the greenhouse effect becomes “uncontrolled.” Here, greenhouse gases build up and temperatures continue to rise steeply. Oceans will start to evaporate, adding more water vapour into the earth’s atmosphere. This intensifies the effect, reaching a point where temperatures are sufficiently high for rocks start sublimating. Though this scenario is hypothetical, some speculate that this phenomenon already occurred on Venus. The supporters of this theory back this up by claiming Venus has an atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide. The theory also explains why Venus has an extremely high surface temperature of 462 degrees Celcius; which is in fact, the hottest planet in the solar system.

Hence, we need to reduce our impact on the planet and make a conscious effort to reduce air pollution. Explore more essay topics or other fascinating concepts by registering at BYJU’S

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Essay on Air Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution – Earlier the air we breathe in use to be pure and fresh. But, due to increasing industrialization and concentration of poisonous gases in the environment the air is getting more and more toxic day by day. Also, these gases are the cause of many respiratory and other diseases . Moreover, the rapidly increasing human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation is the major cause of air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution

How Air Gets Polluted?

The fossil fuel , firewood, and other things that we burn produce oxides of carbons which got released into the atmosphere. Earlier there happens to be a large number of trees which can easily filter the air we breathe in. But with the increase in demand for land, the people started cutting down of trees which caused deforestation. That ultimately reduced the filtering capacity of the tree.

Moreover, during the last few decades, the numbers of fossil fuel burning vehicle increased rapidly which increased the number of pollutants in the air .

Causes Of Air Pollution

Its causes include burning of fossil fuel and firewood, smoke released from factories , volcanic eruptions, forest fires, bombardment, asteroids, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), carbon oxides and many more.

Besides, there are some other air pollutants like industrial waste, agricultural waste, power plants, thermal nuclear plants, etc.

Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is also the cause of air pollution because air pollution produces the gases that greenhouse involves. Besides, it increases the temperature of earth surface so much that the polar caps are melting and most of the UV rays are easily penetrating the surface of the earth.

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Effects Of Air Pollution On Health

how to solve pollution essay

Moreover, it increases the rate of aging of lungs, decreases lungs function, damage cells in the respiratory system.

Ways To Reduce Air Pollution

Although the level of air pollution has reached a critical point. But, there are still ways by which we can reduce the number of air pollutants from the air.

Reforestation- The quality of air can be improved by planting more and more trees as they clean and filter the air.

Policy for industries- Strict policy for industries related to the filter of gases should be introduced in the countries. So, we can minimize the toxins released from factories.

Use of eco-friendly fuel-  We have to adopt the usage of Eco-friendly fuels such as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), bio-gas, and other eco-friendly fuels. So, we can reduce the amount of harmful toxic gases.

To sum it up, we can say that the air we breathe is getting more and more polluted day by day. The biggest contribution to the increase in air pollution is of fossil fuels which produce nitric and sulphuric oxides. But, humans have taken this problem seriously and are devotedly working to eradicate the problem that they have created.

Above all, many initiatives like plant trees, use of eco-friendly fuel are promoted worldwide.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Mention five effect of air pollution on human health?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The major risk factor related to human health are asthma, lung cancer, Alzheimer, psychological complications, and autism. Besides, there are other effects of air pollution on a person’s health.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the effect of air pollution in the environment?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Acid, rain, ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, smog are many other things are the cause of air pollution that affect the environment severely.”} }] }

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  • B2 Pollution Problems

B2 Pollution Problems

The essay for B2 First Writing Part 1 is always written for the teacher. It should be well organised, with an introduction, your opinions on the ideas given and an appropriate conclusion.

For this essay, you have been talking about the environment in your class. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?

Write about:

1. transport 2. rivers and seas 3. energy at home

Write your article in  140-190  words in an appropriate style.

More exercises available:


You are required to produce two pieces of writing. The first piece is compulsory and will be an essay of 140-190 words. For the second, you can choose from an article, email/letter, essay, review or report (B2 First for schools the report is replaced with a story) of 140-190 words.

  • B2 Article Video
  • B2 Book Review Video
  • B2 Descriptive Email Video
  • B2 Place Review Video
  • B2 Short Story Video
  • B2 Cities of the Future
  • B2 Fast Food
  • B2 Following Fashion
  • B2 Live Concert
  • B2 Taking a Gap Year
  • B2 A Work of Art
  • B2 Being a Celebrity
  • B2 Life Away
  • B2 Preventing Crime
  • B2 School Improvement
  • B2 Shopping Online
  • B2 Tablet or Laptop
  • B2 The Countryside
  • School Canteen
  • B2 A School Trip to Italy
  • B2 An Important Day
  • B2 Forgetful Girl
  • The Hidden Beach
  • The Lost Photo
  • B2 IMDb Website Review
  • B2 Jurassic Park Book Review
  • B2 Mountain Bike Park
  • B2 Romeo and Juliet Play Review
  • B2 Ted Film Review
  • Scarlett Animation Review
  • B2 Berlin Travel Report
  • B2 Shops Report
  • B2 Visiting Places Report
  • B2 Birthday Party Letter
  • B2 Computer Games Email
  • B2 Favourite Film Email
  • B2 Holiday in Thailand Email
  • B2 New Attraction Letter
  • B2 Place to Visit Email
  • B2 Spending Money Email
  • B2 Visiting Relative Email


You need to be able to understand a range of texts, including how they are organised and the opinions and attitudes expressed in them. The texts will be from sources familiar to you such as magazines, articles, fiction and advertisements, but targeted at the interests of students.

Students’ use of English will be tested by tasks which show how well they can control their grammar and vocabulary.

  • Use of English Part 1
  • Use of English Part 2
  • Use of English Part 3
  • Use of English Part 4
  • Reading Part 5
  • Reading Part 6
  • Reading Part 7

For this part, you practice vocabulary by using words with similar meanings, collocations, linking phrases, phrasal verbs, etc.

  • B2 First Use of English Video
  • Becoming Famous
  • Cycling Scheme
  • Film Stars and Music Celebrities
  • Going on a diet
  • Single or Mixed Sex Schools
  • The History of Football
  • The Poor and Less Fortunate
  • The Special Bus
  • Why do we need to play?

For this part, you practice grammar and vocabulary.

  • Better swimming
  • Cardboard Bike
  • Dealing with waste plastic
  • Drinking Water
  • Fit for Sports
  • Following Your Nose
  • Growing Bananas
  • Holiday with a Friend
  • Making Perfume
  • The Farm Trip
  • The Jobs Market
  • Tree Climbing
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Young Enterprise

For this part, you practice vocabulary word-building by changing different words using a base word.

  • Angel of Mercy
  • Fast Food Industry
  • Life on Other Planets
  • Music in Schools
  • Mystery Weekend Break
  • Pollution Problems
  • Understanding Time
  • Workforce on the Move

For this part,  you have to express a message in different ways showing flexibility and resource in the use of language.

  • B2 First Use of English Part 4
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 1
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 10
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 2
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 3
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 4
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 5
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 6
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 7
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 8
  • B2 Key Word Transformation 9

For this part, you practice how to understand the details of a text, including opinions and attitudes.

  • Cycling to India
  • Hottest Place on Earth
  • Living and Working in Another Country
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • The Wrestler who Wrote a Book

For this part, you practice how to understand the structure and follow the development of a text.

  • Benefits of Getting Fit
  • Our Polluted World

For this part, you practice how to find specific information in a text or texts.

  • Collecting Things
  • English Seaside Resorts
  • Teenage Summer Camps

how to solve pollution essay

Requires being able to follow and understand a range of familiar spoken materials, such as news programmes, public announcements and other sources, but targeted at the interests of the learners.

  • Speaking Part 1
  • Speaking Part 2
  • Speaking Part 3
  • Speaking Part 4
  • Listening Part 1
  • Listening Part 2
  • Listening Part 3
  • Listening Part 4

In this part you talk to the examiner about yourself and your life, e.g. your name, school, interests and future plans.

B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 1 B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 2 B2 Speaking Part 1 Exercise 3

In this part, you talk about two photos on your own which you have to compare for about 1 minute . After you have finished, your partner will be asked a short question about your photo. When your partner has spoken about their photos for about 1 minute , you will be asked a question about their photos.

B2 Speaking Part 2 Exercise 1

In this part you express ideas with your partner by looking at a discussion point that the examiner gives you.

This will be available soon.

In this part, you focus on general aspects of a topic with the examiner or you may involve your partner.

In this part, you will hear people talking in eight different situations.

Entertainment Short Conversations Talking about Sports

In this part, you will hear someone being interviewed.

Extreme Snowboarding Future Options Newly Published Book The Talent Show

In this part, you will hear five people talking about different things.

Demonstration Travel Worries

In this part, you will hear an interview.

Protecting the Environment Staying Healthy


  • Customs and Traditions
  • Entertainment and Leisure
  • Environmental and Nature
  • Future Jobs and Education
  • Identity and Well-being
  • Travel and Adventure

Customs and Traditions explores how we celebrate our cultural identity across the globe.

  • Christmas Hard Exercises
  • Story of Halloween
  • Valentine Message

Entertainment and Leisure explores how we spent our free time.

Environment and Nature explores the way humans and animals live, adapt and change on our planet.

  • Global Changes

Exploring how different societies create roles for people to develop their skills and knowledge.

  • Future Schools
  • Sport at School
  • School Rules
  • Fashion Design

Exploring how we learn and adjust to the world around us. .

  • Taking Risks
  • Natural Disasters

Exploring how we experience the world through our life journeys

  • Travelling around the World

Cambridge English exams are designed for learners at all levels from the pre-intermediate level Cambridge English: Key (KET) to the very advanced level Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). These exams give candidates proof of their ability to use English in a wide variety of contexts, relevant to work, study and leisure activities.

A2 Key | B1 Preliminary | B2 First

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A gloved hand reaches into a waterway to collect a sample in a jar

Environmental pollution and human health – how worried should we be?

how to solve pollution essay

Professor of Chemistry, RMIT University

Disclosure statement

Oliver A.H. Jones receives funding from the Australian Research Council, various water utilities, EPA Victoria and the Defence Science Institute for research into environmental pollution, including PFAS.

RMIT University provides funding as a strategic partner of The Conversation AU.

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If not the root of all evil, chemical pollution is surely responsible for a good chunk of it. At least, that’s how it feels sometimes when reading the news and the latest research.

From hormone disruptors in our rivers and drugs in our drinking water , to PFAS and microplastics just about everywhere, it seems there’s plenty to worry about.

The list of potential health effects is also scary. Pollution is linked to infertility , cancer , reduced immune function , and more.

So it’s not surprising many people feel chemicals are intrinsically bad, though that’s not the case . But how worried should we really be, and can we reduce the risks?

In the air we breathe

Globally, pollution is a serious problem – particularly air pollution.

A digital dashboard showing various air quality measurements

The Lancet Commission on pollution and health estimates pollution is responsible for about 9 million deaths a year and economic losses in the trillions of dollars.

The burden of disease falls heavily on developing countries, but even in Australia air pollution causes significant harm .

Fortunately, we can monitor air pollution , even at home. We know what levels are dangerous, and how to reduce exposure . But what about things we can’t monitor, or know less about?

The water we drink

In June, the Sydney Morning Herald implied tap water throughout Australia was contaminated with alarming levels of PFAS. But the levels detected fall within Australia’s drinking water guidelines. They just happen to exceed the United States’ new safety thresholds, which don’t come in for five years .

Chemical structures of two PFAS molecules

PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of highly persistent chemicals characterised by carbon-fluorine bonds.

Although PFAS in your water sounds awful, we don’t know if water is the main route of exposure or what the actual risks are.

PFAS is also in dust , cookware , waterproof clothing , cosmetics , and other consumer products .

The presence of PFAS is an emotive subject, thanks to films such as Dark Waters and documentaries like How to Poison a Planet .

Found everywhere from Mount Everest to the ocean depths , PFAS have been associated with negative health effects including cancer and reduced immune response .

What is generally missing from both research papers and news reports is context – details on the dose and duration of exposure needed to cause such effects.

The levels of PFAS needed to cause health effects tend to be orders of magnitude higher than those typically found in the environment. So while it’s not great that we’ve polluted the entire planet with these compounds, the health risks for most of us are likely to be low .

New technologies are being developed to reduce PFAS in water and soil .

But given their widespread distribution and extreme persistence , we should perhaps reevaluate PFAS risks and regulations (as the National Health and Medical Research Council is doing ).

If you want to reduce your exposure , you can consider using water filters and avoid non-stick pans and other products that contain PFAS.

Many non-stick pans now boast they are PFAS-free. Sadly this is not always the case . Ceramic pans can be a good, PFAS-free option, but these are actually silica-based and may not last as long .

And the food we eat

Everyone knows pesticides give you cancer right? Well, actually no. This is another area where public perception has jumped ahead of the science .

An orange plastic container that used to hold pesticides on grass

The usual suspect, glyphosate, is usually claimed to cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma. But this is a catch-all term covering more than 60 different types of lymphoma, which can vary significantly.

Multiple independent regulatory agencies worldwide list glyphosate as non-carcinogenic . A study of more than 54,000 people who applied pesticides for a living found no link to cancer .

Small amounts of pesticide residue are permitted on our food, but concentrations are in the parts per trillion (for reference, a trillion seconds is 31,710 years).

The evidence suggests parts per trillion of pesticides do not increase the risk of cancer in people. But if you want to reduce your exposure anyway, washing and cooking vegetables and washing fruit is a good way to go.

Microplastics are everywhere

Microplastics (plastic particles less than 5mm in diameter) are now found everywhere from the top to the bottom of the planet.

They have been reported in food and drink, including salt , seafood , various meats and plant-based proteins , fruit and vegetables as well as bottled and tap water .

Again, it sounds scary – but several reports of microplastics in food and blood have been firmly criticised by other scientists. The widely (mis)reported claim that we eat a credit card’s worth of microplastic each week was debunked by YouTuber Hank Green .

The World Health Organization recently concluded evidence of the health effects of microplastics is insufficient . However, they also make the point that this is not the same as saying microplastics are safe. We need more data to understand the risks .

Avoiding plastic bottles and food packaging can reduce exposure, as can having hard floors rather than carpets, and regular vacuuming .

We need new recycling technology to reduce plastic waste. Ultimately, we may need to wean ourselves off plastic entirely.

Where to from here?

I am not suggesting we should not worry about pollution – we should. But just because something is present does not automatically mean it is causing harm. To my mind, air pollution is the biggest worry so far, with more proven health effects than microplastics or PFAS.

Scary headlines generate clicks, views and likes but they rarely reflect the science .

We must understand relative exposure and the nuances of risk assessment. We need sensible debate, evidence-based approaches and new techniques for monitoring and assessing the impacts of, low (parts per trillion) pollutant concentrations.

This should help prevent and mitigate potentially harmful exposures in future.

  • Environment
  • Microplastics
  • environmental pollutants
  • Air pollution and health
  • Chemical pollution
  • Environmental pollution
  • Microplastics in food
  • Microplastics in humans
  • PFAS in drinking water

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Essay:  Ways To Reduce Pollution On Earth

how to solve pollution essay

Ms. Thivilojana gave us an exercise during one of the tutorials which was to write an essay with the title of ways to reduce pollution on earth.

Before we start writing, we were separated into groups of 3 to list down all the points for the essay and produced a pre-writing. My group had used the listing technique for pre-writing

how to solve pollution essay

In this era of globalization, our mother earth is facing serious pollution resulted from inconsiderable deeds of mankind. Therefore, there are four ways to reduce pollution on earth such as, practicing the 3Rs concept, reduce the usage of vehicles on road, creating awareness among citizens, and enforcing the laws.

            The first way to reduce pollution is to practice the 3Rs concept namely reduce, reuse and recycle. Citizens should reduce the usage of air-conditioners as it will release harmful gases , for instant ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons which will result in reducing air pollution. One may make no difference, but when carried out together, massive changes can be made. Moving on, reuse reusable items like plastic bags, bottles, boxes and more is also one of the way to reduce pollution, For example, instead of throwing away a worn out tire, it can be used as a plantation plot. The next way to reduce pollution is to recycle recyclable items such as glass, cans, and newspapers. The recycled newspapers can be reproduced as toilet papers which will reduce extra waste on earth indirectly contributing in reducing land pollutions. Therefore, practicing the 3Rs is one of the most effective ways to reduce pollution on earth.

            Reducing the usage of vehicles on road will also help in reducing air pollution on earth. The more the usage of vehicles, the more the harmful gases released into the air such as hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and sulfur dioxides which will cause serious air pollutions. The usage of cars, lorries and motorbikes should be drastically reduced as the gases released by these vehicles can also contribute in green house effect. However, these pollutions can be reduced when citizens practice the habit of car-pooling and the usage of public transport like bus, trains, monorails and many more. In addition, citizens can walk or cycle to near destinations instead of driving which will lead to lesser air pollution. Therefore, reducing the usage of vehicles by no doubt can reduce air and sound pollutions.

            Another way to reduce pollution on earth is to create awareness among the citizens. Awareness about the importance on reducing pollution on earth can be created through campaigns for example, the “ Go Green” campaign which encourages the citizens to plant more trees and to use recyclable items in their daily lives. The “Earth Hour” is also one of the activity conducted world widely which requires everyone to turn off every lights for one hour so as to create awareness on the importance of reducing pollution on earth by reducing the usage of electronic items. Awareness can be implanted through education for example, advertisements on televisions and articles in newspapers which are related to topics like “How to reduce pollutions”, “The consequences of pollutions” and so on. Therefore, pollution can be reduced by creating awareness among the citizens.

            The government plays an important role by enforcing the laws of the country which is one of the way to reduce pollution on earth. Heavy penalties can be set to offenders such as increasing fines and extending jail periods which will force them to think twice before they pollute the environment indirectly setting a warning to those who are not involved yet soon to be involved in polluting the environment. Besides, strict monitor on factories by the government can also contribute in reducing pollution as they are the ones who causes most of the air pollution and water pollution on earth when disposing toxic gases into the air and harmful waste into the water. Therefore, pollution can be reduced by enforcing the laws.

            In conclusion, there are many ways to reduce pollution on earth namely practicing the 3Rs concept, reduce the usage of vehicles on road, creating awareness among citizens, and enforcing the laws which will create a better environment for the benefits of both mankind and our mother earth. Therefore, we should buck up our shoes and be ready to reduce pollution in everything we do and anywhere we go for a better future ahead of us.


Through this exercise, I have learnt how to write a pre-writing which I have never done before. I realised it was much more easier to write out the whole essay by refering to the pre-writing.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities:

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Lifelong Learning

Eventhough I have learnt how to write essays since primary school, it is a never ending process as I am able to learn different things in different stages of life.

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Urban Resilience and Sustainability

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The economic situation and ways to solve the environmental problems in the city of Ust-Kut

  • Tatyana P. Kalikhman , 
  • Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, A. E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS, 1 Favorsky St., Irkutsk, Russia 664033
  • Received: 30 April 2024 Revised: 11 July 2024 Accepted: 17 July 2024 Published: 22 July 2024
  • Full Text(HTML)
  • Download PDF

The Ust-Kutsky district and its center, the Ust-Kut city, have become the fastest growing in the Irkutsk region of Russia in the last decade. Ust-Kut is a very important settlement for the economic development of the northern territories of the Irkutsk region and the southern territories of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The city is a key transport hub, where various types of transport routes converge: railway, aviation, automobile, river, and product pipeline. There are deposits of various minerals near Ust-Kut. The timber mining and timber-processing industries are represented here as much as possible. On the other hand, Ust-Kut is one of the ten most air-polluted cities in the Irkutsk region. Most of the air pollution consists of substances formed as a result of fuel combustion. The unfavorable air regime of the city is influenced by climatic conditions: relatively weak winds and temperature inversions in winter. The oil and gas deposits located nearby may help solve the problem of air pollution by gasification of Ust-Kut. In addition, water and soil pollution have been noted in the city due to technological problems of wastewater disposal, garbage collection, and recycling, as well as certain types of industrial waste processing. Therefore, the main task of the sustainable development of the city is to solve its environmental problems. Ust-Kut's environmental problems are solved at the expense of financial resources from government programs, which are not sufficient. But the tax on mining is completely federal, as these funds do not remain in the territory. Through this research, we have searched for ways to achieve a balance between economic development and environmental well-being in Ust-Kut. Specifically, we have explored additional types of economic activities that are safe for nature and public health. For Ust-Kut, located in the north of Eastern Siberia, it is important to increase the area of green spaces within the central part of the city. The development of a system of parks and squares involves their improvement and the formation of a connection into a single natural framework through linear landscaping objects and connections with urban forest sites. The use of sanitary protection zones around enterprises that emit into the environment will contribute to the formation of a comfortable environment and expand landscaping opportunities.

  • Ust-Kut city ,
  • environmental pollution ,
  • ecological framework ,
  • protected natural areas ,
  • landscaping

Citation: Tatyana P. Kalikhman. The economic situation and ways to solve the environmental problems in the city of Ust-Kut[J]. Urban Resilience and Sustainability, 2024, 2(2): 203-214. doi: 10.3934/urs.2024010

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[7] 31: 14762–14774. --> Gao D, Zhou X, Mo X, et al. (2024) Unlocking sustainable growth: exploring the catalytic role of green finance in firms' green total factor productivity. 31: 14762–14774. doi:
[8] . --> Code of Rules "Territories improvement". Approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation No. 972-pr dated 12/16/2016. Available from: .
[9] . --> Code of Rules "Building codes and regulations 2.07. 01-89 Urban development. Urban and rural planning and development" (2016b). Approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation No. 10/34-pr dated 12/30/2016. Available from: .
[10] , Irkutsk (Russia): Ottisk Publishing House, 384. Available from: . --> Kalikhman TP, Bogdanov VN, Ogorodnikova LYu (2012) , Irkutsk (Russia): Ottisk Publishing House, 384. Available from: .
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  • Figure 1. Smoke in the atmosphere of Ust-Kut in winter, a view of the city in the western direction from the side of the automobile bridge on the right bank of the Lena River (photo by the author, 02/04/2024)
  • Figure 2. Urban forest sites and natural monuments of regional importance in Ust-Kut. Ⅰ–City bordes; Ⅱ–Natural monuments; Ⅲ–Numbering of natural monuments: A–Mir Rock, B–Ust-Kutsky Spring; Ⅳ–Urban forests; Ⅴ–Numbering and location of sites in accordance with Table 2
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Guest Essay

The Climate Is Changing. The Olympics Need to Change, Too.

An illustration of a global map crisscrossed by Olympic rings in various hues of yellow and orange indicating levels of danger.

By Madeleine Orr

Dr. Orr is an assistant professor of sport ecology at the University of Toronto and the author of “Warming Up: How Climate Change Is Changing Sport.”

The organizers of the Paris Olympic Games have outdone their predecessors in trying to make the Games the most sustainable in the decades since climate change became a concern. But with an estimated 11 million tourists converging on the City of Light for the Olympics, including 1.5 million from abroad, the Games can only be so green.

On the plus side, organizers have been serious in their efforts to reduce carbon emissions. They measured the expected carbon footprint of the Games, reduced emissions through energy efficiencies, limited new construction by using existing facilities, added bike lanes, minimized the use of fuel-powered generators and sourced sustainably produced goods for medals and podiums and much of the event materials.

Perhaps most important, they’ve talked about their sustainability work at every turn, drawing attention to unsexy details and raising public awareness of environmental issues such as air pollution and extreme heat in France and beyond.

Still, international travel is a big contributor to the overall carbon impact of the Games. Organizers of the Rio Olympics in 2016 predicted that slightly more than half of the carbon emissions would come from spectators. Of that amount, 80 percent was expected to be generated by international fans traveling to and from the Games. Organizers saw a low potential to reduce those emissions and said they would need to compensate elsewhere in the preparation and running of the events.

What else is to be done? If the world is serious about reducing carbon emissions, the Olympics, like so much else, will have to change even more. Jules Boykoff, who has written extensively about the Olympic Games, rightly argues in Scientific American that “the Games need to reduce their size, limit the number of tourists who travel from afar, thoroughly greenify their capacious supply chains and open up their eco-books for bona fide accountability.”

The sustainability efforts in Paris have not all been smooth sailing. The Seine is scheduled to host marathon swimming and the swim portion of the triathlon. But despite spending 1.4 billion euros trying to clean the river, French authorities have achieved inconsistent results: Water tests in June still showed high levels of E. coli. Those numbers improved and crept into the range of safe to swim in late June and early this month. Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, recently took a swim in the river after canceling an earlier planned plunge because of those high bacteria levels. Her swim was promising, but one heavy rainfall could draw more pollutants into the river and undo much of the progress she celebrated.

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