senior thesis in history

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Department of History - Columbia University


The Undergraduate Program

Writing a senior thesis.

History majors have the option of writing a senior thesis. This process involves original research, normally with extensive use of primary materials. The department encourages students with a strong interest in a particular historical subject to consider a thesis and strongly advises all students considering an academic career to write one. Many students find the senior thesis the most rewarding academic experience of their undergraduate career.

A Senior Thesis is written during the Fall and Spring semester (HIST UN3838/UN3839) of the same academic year.  A thesis written in a year-long seminar is required (but not sufficient) for a student to receive departmental honors.

Senior Thesis Seminar Pre-requisites

Students who intend to write a Senior Thesis must take a history seminar in which they develop a substantial research paper before their junior year ends.  During their junior year, students should decide on a thesis topic and begin their search for a Second Reader .  While students may begin research before their senior year, the department does not require students to conduct any thesis research prior to the thesis seminar.

Senior Thesis Seminar

The Senior Thesis Seminar is a year-long seminar that meets in multiple sections and is a course in general research skills and methodology.  It is not a course on a specific historical field or period, but is designed to support the research and writing of the senior thesis.  Once approved to join the senior thesis seminar students will be instructed by the department on the process of joining a section .  Throughout the thesis process, students may, in addition, consult with their Second Reader and other instructors who specialize in their topic of research.  Students interested in taking a Senior Thesis Seminar must submit an application to be admitted into the Senior Thesis.  

2024-2025 Thesis Seminar Application   DEADLINE:  Friday, March 1st, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Role of the Second Reader Info Sheet (second readers can be reached out to and chosen before the thesis term begins but must reported to the department early in the first term)

For more details about the thesis process, please see the Undergraduate Handbook

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All candidates for honors in History & Literature prepare a senior thesis of between 10,000 and 20,000 words focused on a topic of interest to the student. The senior thesis is a work of scholarship that makes an argument through analysis of relevant primary and secondary sources. 

The thesis in History and Literature may be primarily a work of historical research or primarily a work of criticism, but all History & Literature theses should draw on the interdisciplinary training students have received in tutorials. The more historical thesis should always be attentive to the textuality (e.g., representational and rhetorical strategies, structure, genre, language, etc.) of historical documents, and the more literary theses should be attentive to the historical contexts and situations of literary texts. Students may wish to build upon earlier concerns and work done in courses and tutorials, including the Junior Essay, or they may wish to embark on a new research project.

Students work closely with a senior thesis adviser during every stage of the process, while also receiving the support of the entire History & Literature community of students and instructors. At the end of the junior year, students submit tentative plans for the senior thesis that are used to assign tutors for the senior year. Working under the guidance of their tutor, in late September, seniors submit senior thesis proposals to the Tutorial Board for feedback and approval. In mid-November, seniors submit a draft chapter between 4,000 and 5,000 words (not including notes and bibliography) that is read by classmates and other tutors in peer writing workshops. Check the calendar on the HL99 Canvas page for the specific deadlines.

The completed thesis is due on March 1; in cases when March 1 falls on a weekend, the thesis will be due either the preceding Friday or following Monday.

The thesis due date is firm. Because students know about this due date so far in advance, no exceptions will be made except under extreme circumstances and in conversation with the student's dean. Students submitting theses after the deadline will receive credit for HL99, but the thesis will not be sent out to readers for evaluation, and therefore the student will not be eligible for concentration honors. 

History & Literature students are encouraged to think creatively as they research and write their senior theses. Occasionally, students may wish to include primary source material they have produced themselves, such as an oral history, photography, or a documentary film. Students wishing to include such primary source material should discuss the possibility with their tutors, include a description of the primary source material and the conditions of its production in the senior thesis proposal, and, somewhere within the thesis, include a justification for its inclusion. Genres conventionally grouped under the rubric of “creative” writing—novels, plays, poetry—do not meet the requirements for the senior thesis in History & Literature unless the student is pursuing a Joint Concentration  in a field that provides artistic training. 

The thesis is graded by at least two outside readers who are members of the Committee on Degrees  or Tutorial Board . If a reader determines that a thesis represents honors-level work, they will assign one of the following Latin grades: cum laude minus, cum laude, cum laude plus, magna cum laude minus, magna cum laude, magna cum laude plus, summa cum laude minus, summa cum laude. In the event that a reader decides that a thesis does not merit an honors designation, they may assign it a grade of no honors. In general, senior theses will be sent out for third readings when the student is a joint concentrator; when there is more than a full grade level between thesis readings; when a student is summa-eligible and both of the first two readings are magna plus; or when one reading is no honors.

History & Literature sends to the University Archives all theses that receive at least two grades of (or above) magna minus or one grade of (or above) magna plus. Archived theses are catalogued in HOLLIS and can be read in the Archives' reading room in Pusey Library.  

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  • Joint and Double Concentrations

Senior Thesis Guide

senior thesis in history

Questions about formatting?

If you have questions about how to prepare and format your thesis, check out our quick summary of  Formatting Guidelines ! 

Research Assistance

Schedule an appointment   with History & Literature's subject librarian  Steve Kuehler  for research assistance!

Senior Thesis Archive

See the range of student research projects in History & Literature by browsing  recent senior thesis titles:

  • Class of 2024
  • Class of 2023
  • Class of 2022
  • Class of 2021
  • Class of 2020
  • Class of 2019
  • Class of 2018

Thesis Prizes

Review our list of  Thesis Prizes  to see the awards relevant to seniors in History & Literature.

Writing a Senior (Honors) Thesis – Introduction

Why write a senior thesis.

The senior thesis, or senior honors thesis, allows students to independently research and write an original piece of scholarship around 40 pages about a topic of their choosing. The rigors and requirements of undergraduate education often prevent students from making a contribution to the intellectual community that is the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Indeed, blue book exams and term papers—the principle mediums of writing for history majors—typically have an audience of one. The senior thesis, however, allows students to pursue their own academic interests and answer the research questions that interest them the most.

Over the course of two semesters, the student will put to work the historian’s tools they learned as undergraduates. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will determine a course of study, examine the existing primary and secondary materials, and, most importantly, submit a paper that will be preserved in Memorial Library and the History department’s archive. In addition, the History department will also provide a forum where students can present their research to their peers.

Whether you are interested in attending graduate school or you are passionate about a particular topic or historical period, the History department strongly encourages all history majors to consider writing a senior thesis.

To write a senior thesis, you will need to:

  • Register as a History major
  • Take a variety of advanced courses in the History department
  • Consider taking History 600, the capstone research seminar, in your junior year
  • Save your materials from your History 600 seminar
  • Choose a topic by the second semester of your junior year
  • Approach a potential faculty advisor based on specialization and meet with her/him

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


The History department considers the senior thesis to be the culmination of your undergraduate career. Faculty members have designed their courses to provide students with the tools required for independent research. Lectures, seminars, and independent studies serve as excellent introductions to potential fields of research and historiographical debates. Keep your notes from these classes because you will probably need them when you choose a topic. We also recommend that interested students enroll in History 600 , the capstone research seminar during their junior year to gain experience in writing a long research paper before starting a senior thesis.

Choosing an Advisor

The History department’s website has profiles of each faculty member , their work, and their research interests. We recommend that you choose a faculty member with whom you have already worked. Contact potential advisors as early as possible. Discuss your specific research interests and inform them about your intention to write a senior thesis. Ask an interested faculty member if she or he would be willing to serve as your advisor. The sooner you complete these steps the better.

Funding Your Research

If you start on your project early, you can apply for an undergraduate research grant. We encourage students to apply for research funding, such as the Hilldale Research Grant (the application for which is due in early February) and a variety of History department-sponsored grants (with an April deadline). A list of grants and prizes open to undergraduate researchers available on the History department’s website.


We require students to register for thesis writing credits during both semesters of writing. In addition, each student must register for a one-credit senior thesis colloquium. The colloquium serves as a forum where writers can exchange ideas, methods, and materials related to research, writing, and revision. The catalog lists a version of writing credits and the thesis colloquium for the honors and non-honors tracks. Make sure you register for the correct courses.

For the first semester:

  • Non-Honors: History 691 & History 690 (the colloquium)
  • Honors: History 681 & History 680 (the colloquium)

For the second semester:

  • Non-Honors: History 692 & History 690 (the colloquium)
  • Honors: History 682 & History 680 (the colloquium)

How to Write A Senior Thesis

  • First Semester
  • Second Semester

Senior Thesis

The history major senior thesis.

All history majors at Berkeley take a History 102 seminar, during which they complete their major capstone project, in the form of a thesis paper. Beginning in Fall 2023, the department will be introducing a new History thesis course infrastructure, which offers all history majors a capstone experience. Students pick from one of the following two paths:

1) a  one semester capstone project track

This track enables students to be  eligible for honors , high honors, or highest honors.

2) a  one year capstone project track

This track also enables students to be eligible for honors, high honors, and highest honors.

For more information about the department's honors program, please see our honors page .

The one semester thesis track

The one term senior project preserves the option for all of our majors to be eligible for honors by offering a capstone requirement that is a serious research paper, traditionally called the senior thesis.  Expectations for the one semester capstone track in terms of page length and scholarly engagement will be a paper of between 25-30 pages. Note that well-qualified students might opt for the one-term project over a one-year project for reasons such as participating in study abroad or double majoring.  Effective Fall 2023, highest and high honors will be open to students who choose to do the one semester thesis track.  

The one year thesis track

Students interested in the one-year project track must apply during the summer one year before their intended graduation. Applications will be vetted by the Faculty Committee on Honors. 

A standard fall/spring sequence for the one-year track is expected. During their senior fall, honors students will enroll in the first course, HIST 101A with a designated faculty advisor while they develop their topic, identify and work through relevant primary and secondary sources, sharpen their questions, and produce a robust prospectus. During their senior spring, the same students will enroll in the second course, History 101B.  Expectations for the one-year project track in terms of page length and scholarly engagement will be a paper of between 45-60 pages.

In order to participate in the one-year project track, students must meet the following prerequisites before applying:

  • 3.5 overall GPA and 3.7 major GPA at time of application to the two-term program (only UC courses count toward the major GPA); and
  • on track to have completed 90 units before the end of their junior year; and
  • at least four upper-division history courses completed.

The application for the 2024-25 academic year is now OPEN.

Students can apply using this link .  Please ensure you are logged into your Berkeley email, as you will need it to access the form.  The deadline to submit is Monday, July 8th at 11:59 PM PST.

Frequently Asked Questions

Jump to a section:, the experience, what is a 102 thesis.

Your 102 project is a chance to carry out a piece of original research. You pose and answer a historical question based on independent research in primary sources. You also place your findings in the context of what other historians have said on the topic.

How do I write my thesis?

You carry out your project in a section of History 102 if you are doing the one semester track, typically in your final semester. Each section is limited to 15 students and is centered around a theme. If you are doing the one year track, you will work on your thesis over the course of 2 semesters- HIST 101A in the fall semester and HIST 101B in the following spring semester.  Your instructor will guide you through the process of research and writing.

How long should the thesis be?

It depends on your capstone project track. If you are completing a one-term track, your 102 paper should be 25 to 30 pages in length (papers in excess of 30 pages are not encouraged). If you are completing a one-year track, your 101A/B paper should be 45 to 60 pages in length (papers in excess of 60 pages are not encouraged). 

What are considered primary sources, and to what extent must my thesis be based on them?

Primary sources are documentary materials arising directly out of the historical episode you are studying. They can include letters, diaries, speeches and literature, written records of all sorts, oral histories, photographs, physical artifacts, and other items created by historical figures. Primary sources are the raw material of history, and your thesis needs a strong base in them.

How do I find primary sources?

Your instructor will help you with this, but you should think about it on your own, too. There are sources in the library (published materials, government documents), in museums and archives (artifacts, maps, papers of individuals or organizations, oral histories), and online (digitized collections of primary sources, databases).

Are foreign languages required for topics on non-English-speaking countries?

Clearly, reading knowledge of the appropriate foreign language would be very useful for such topics. However, with the amount of source material available in translation, it is often possible to work around the language problem. Thesis instructors are aware of the issue.

How can I prepare for the capstone project?

You should begin thinking about topics as you proceed through the history major. A paper from a previous class can start you thinking about questions to explore further. The 103 seminar , especially 103s with the R designation (for "research"), will help you understand how historical arguments get constructed. Defining your Field of Concentration (see the Requirements for the History Major) will let you focus on a particular area. You can also explore topics raised by courses outside the department. And good 101 projects often arise from independent research with a professor or in centers like the Regional Oral History Office (e.g., in the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program).

Can I get financial assistance if I need to travel to conduct my research?

There is a limited amount of money available from the History Department. Applications are accepted each semester.  Please see the application form here.  You may apply early, with faculty support for your project, but you will not be reimbursed until you are in a thesis course (HIST 102 or HIST 101A/B). In addition, the Office of Undergraduate Research has competitive grants for summer research. Please see especially the SURF grant and Haas Scholars Program information here .

Can I get more information about the capstone project?

Yes, see the Undergraduate Advisor, or visit an instructor from one of your previous courses or a professor in your field. The 101 student manual is also available here.  *Manual is pending updates!*

Do I have to wait until my final semester to take 102?

You can take 102 at any time during your undergraduate career. It it is strongly recommended that you at least reach junior standing, and it is often good to take 103 first. At that point, however, you should consider taking 102 at any time when it fits your schedule. 102 offerings vary from semester to semester and are listed on the department website. If you see a seminar that interests you, seize the opportunity. Don't count on finding the perfect-fit 102 during your final semester on campus.

How do I sign up for the course?

Sign-ups for 102, as for 103, are conducted via the Undergraduate Advisors. Course descriptions will be posted online at After you list your top choices on a form, your section is determined and the class number is provided. Fall semester sign-ups currently take place the week before classes start; spring semester sign-ups, in mid-October.

What do I do if I can't find an appropriate section for a topic I have in mind?

It is almost always possible to "spin" topics to fit into available sections. Please see the Undergraduate Advisors, if you find yourself in this situation. In some semesters, a "Writers' Group" is offered for students who already have well-defined projects. Admission to the "Writers' Group" is offered on the basis of an application made when 102 sign-ups go up.

Do I have to take a 102 or 101A/B in my field of concentration?

Yes, this is required. But if a section directly in your field of concentration is not available, you can usually carry out a project in a related section.

Can I contact a professor to supervise my paper individually?

No, there is no "independent study" thesis course.

Can I take the thesis courses at another school?

No, all thesis courses- HIST 102 and HIST 101A/B must be taken here at Berkeley.

Are the thesis courses offered during the summer?

Is there a difference between a thesis course taught by a grad student and one taught by a professor.

There is no difference in the quality of instruction and supervision. If you will be seeking a letter of recommendation specifically based on the thesis for graduate or law school, you should be aware that a letter from a member of the faculty carries more weight than a letter from a graduate student.

Can I take a thesis course P/NP?

HIST 102 and HIST 101A/B (and all required courses for the major) must be taken for a letter grade.

What is the minimum grade I can get on my thesis course and still graduate?

You can graduate with a "D-" (D minus) in your course, so long as your overall GPA, your GPA in upper-division courses in the major, and your major GPA are all above 2.0.

Does the thesis paper determine if I get honors?

Along with GPA requirements (see the Honors page), your 101 paper contributes heavily to determining if you get honors. This is true for students who declared the major 5/31/03 and after. If you declared before then, consult the earlier major requirements.

What have past students said about completing the thesis?

  • "The course was lots of work. I felt lost when I started, but the whole thing really paid off. (I almost decided not to declare the major when I found out about the thesis requirement, but I'm glad I didn't.)"
  • "I got to dig into a question of my own and shape it to my interests. It gave me a hands-on feeling for what it means to do history."

What advice do past students give to those about to take the course?

  • Jump into the project at the start of the semester; don't imagine you can write it at the last minute.
  • Take the time commitment seriously.
  • Talk with your instructor — they are there to help you.
  • Enjoy it! This may seem ludicrous, but it's a great experience (by the end).

102 (formerly 101) Thesis Database

Undergraduate student research.

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Fall foliage in Harvard Yard.

Every year, a little over half of Harvard’s senior class chooses to pursue a senior thesis. While the senior thesis looks a little different from field to field, one thing remains the same: completion of a senior thesis is a serious and challenging endeavor that requires the student to make a genuine intellectual contribution to their field of interest.

The senior thesis is a significant task for students to undertake, but there is a variety of support resources available here at Harvard to ensure that seniors can make the best of their senior thesis experience.

A woman walks through a library at Harvard.

Wandering the library stacks at Widener.

I do most of my research in Widener Library. Hannah Martinez

As a rising senior in the History department, I am planning on pursuing a senior thesis on the history and use of the SAT in college admissions, and I am using the following support systems and resources to research and write my thesis:

  • Staff at the History department. Every student within the department is assigned an academic advisor, who is a graduate student studying History at Harvard and knows the support available within the department. My academic advisor has helped me throughout the thesis process by connecting me with potential faculty members to advise my thesis and pick classes with a lighter course load so I can focus on completing my thesis. The Director of Undergraduate Studies in History (the History DUS) has also been pivotal in making sure that I attended a lot of information sessions about what the thesis looks like and how much of a commitment it is.
  • History faculty at Harvard! All of my professors in History have been incredibly helpful in teaching me how to write like a historian, how to use primary sources in my essays, and how to undertake a serious research project over the course of a semester. Of course, while the thesis will require me to go far beyond what I’ve ever done before, I feel prepared to take on such a task because of the unwavering support from the History faculty. My mentor, Emma Rothschild, is one of the members of the faculty who has been invaluable in encouraging me to go as far as I am able.
  • And last but certainly not least: funding. Funding, whether in term-time of the summer before senior year, is crucial towards making the senior thesis possible. Harvard’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships is dedicated to connecting Harvard students to funding sources across the university so they can pursue their research and get paid for it. This summer, I received a grant from the university of almost $2,000 so I am able to travel to libraries, buy books, and potentially take time off of work and do my research. Without such a grant, it would be incredibly difficult for me to do enough research so I can write a thesis this upcoming fall.

As you can see, there are multiple avenues for support and resources here at Harvard so your senior thesis is as easy as possible. While the senior thesis is still a challenging project that will take up a lot of time, Harvard’s resources make it possible for senior students to do their very best in all of their theses. I’m excited to start writing this fall!

Hannah Class of '23 Alumni

Hello! My name is Hannah, and I am a rising senior at Harvard concentrating in History from southeast Los Angeles County.

senior thesis in history

Student Voices

My unusual path to neuroscience, and research.

Raymond Class of '25

Picture of a Boston Children's Hospital sign placed across a stone wall.

Senior Thesis: A Daunting and Fulfilling Journey

Angelica Class of '24

Three girls smiling for a picture.

How the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Propelled My Love of Archives into Academic Aspirations

Gloria presenting at MMUF Conference 2023 at Yale

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Department of History

Each year, seniors must decide whether to write a senior thesis. The year-long course (History 99) requires intensive research in primary sources and culminates in a major piece of writing (usually 60 to 100 pages). It is a significant investment of time and energy, and typically attracts only a small percentage of graduating seniors.

If you are interested, you should seek out a thesis adviser (usually someone in the geographic or chronological speciality of interest to you), go through the mechanics of formal registration and begin designing a strategy to choose an important, feasible topic.

Why Should You Write a Thesis?

  • It provides an essential experience for those planning to do graduate work, especially in history. A senior thesis means "doing" history, not just learning it; it helps you to discover how the historian conducts research and transforms that raw information into a coherent story and analysis.
  • You can explore in great depth a subject that is of great interest to you, but only tangentially (if at all) broached in the general curriculum.
  • If your research requires the use of non-English sources, you can improve your reading skills to the level expected in graduate work.
  • The thesis is a major writing experience: with the help of your adviser, you will learn how to structure a large piece of writing and in the process of writing, have an opportunity to refine your style and to internalize the conventions and mechanics of academic prose.

Guidelines and Topics

What kind of topics are appropriate? It should be a subject in which you have a particular interest; it should also be one for which there exists a substantial and accessible base of primary documentation. While you probably have some idea of the topic that interests you, the adviser can help you link that interest to a set of primary sources (whether printed or archival), most of which are available on campus or at least in the Boston area.

Download the Honors Thesis Guidelines

Normally, you should complete most of your research by the beginning of the second semester, and then use February and March to write and revise. The final thesis is due in April (on a specific date set by the department, normally after the second spring vacation). The thesis is then discussed at a formal defense attended by the adviser, another member of the history department and one reader from outside.

Previous Senior Thesis Topics

  • Ruhi Roy, "No Facts, Only Interpretations:  Knowledge Production, Argument, and Imperial Policy in Late Nineteenth-Century India"
  • Elias Trout, "Justice and Justification: Historical Renderings of Republic of Austria v. Altmann, NationalSelf-Identities, and the Framing of American Moral Authority on the Global Stage"
  • Michael Atkins, " The Ultimate Institution: The History of Solitary Confinement for Incarcerated People with Disabilities"
  • Ryan Shaffer, " The Chase and Waite Courts: Hindering the Reconstruction Promise of Racial Equality, 1864-1888"
  • Isaiah D. Johnson, "Keystone of Revolution:  Cuban Socialism and the Special Period"
  • Cynthia Cheloff, "A Voice of Their Own: A study on the strategic development of Anglo-Jewry’s political strategies and rhetoric concerning immigration policy, 1902-1906"
  • Alexander Diwan, "Irreconcilable Perspectives: The Memory of WWI and the Franco-American War Debts Issue as Seen Through the French and American Press"
  • Sarah Scott, "Public Art and Re-Conceptualizing National Identity in Normalized Czechoslovakia From August 1968-December 1976"
  • Jennifer Sun, "The Courtesan As a Transitional Figure during the Qing Dynasty: Studying Qing Modernization from a Gendered Angle"
  • William Amara, "Women at the Looms: An Analysis of Gender, Capital, and Textiles in 19th Century New England"
  • Daniel Leon, "The Neoconservative Persuasion"
  • Henry Snow, "From Republics of Wood to Prisons of Steel: Labor in the English Royal Dockyards, 1730-1790"
  • Aliya Bean , "These Girlish Devotions: Women's Colleges, the Evolution of Female Friendship and the Development of Lesbian Identity (1890-1939)"
  • Noah Coolidge , "Profit and Power: The Revolutionary Forces Behind American Middle Class Ideology"
  • Nathan Goldwag , "When the West Looked East: British Observations on the Russo-Japanese"
  • Arielle Gordon , "The Woman with a Gun: A History of the Iranian Revolution's Most Famous Icon"
  • Catherine Rosch , "Irish Blood, American Heart, The Development of the Irish-American Political Identity and Political Power and its Effect on the Good Friday Agreement"
  • Veronica Saltzman , "Breaking Through the Red Line: The NAACP'S Litigation Strategy for Combating Housing Discrimination Between 1909-1948"
  • Robert Santamaria , "The Imperial Russian Navy in the First World War: The Myth and the Reality"
  • Zoe Waldman , "Toward the Heart of America: The Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Development of American Identity"
  • Michael Abrams , "What the Land and People Have Been Devastated For: The Civilian Experience During the Thirty Years' War"
  • Jason Desimone , "The Illegitimacy of Sterilization: the Merging of Welfare and Eugenics in North Carolina, 1929-2015"
  • Ryan Kacani , "Ragnar Lothbrok and the Semi-Legendary History of Denmark"
  • Jordan Roth , "Heterodoxy and Orthodox Conceptions of the Good Life: Egyptian Monasticism in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries"
  • Danielle Stubbe , "Articulating Relativism: An Intellectual History of Relativist Anthropology in the Work of Franz Boas, 1883-1928"
  • Zi Jing Teoh , "The Chinese Business: A History of Chinese Immigration to the Northeastern United States through the U.S.-Canadian Border in the Early Chinese Exclusion Era, 1882-1910"

Undergraduate Advising Head

Contact Professor William Kapelle to learn more about how the history curriculum is structured and what you would need to do to major in this field.

Department of History


Senior Thesis Guidelines

Your thesis must be printed or typewritten in black-letter type upon plain white paper (any kind of paper is acceptable). The text must be double-spaced, with wide margins and paragraphs clearly indented. Although there is no fixed requirement, you should be careful to leave enough space on the left to allow for binding, and enough on the right, top, and bottom so that your thesis will look presentable. (An inch and a half on the left and an inch on the right, top, and bottom should be adequate.) It must be a single-sided document.

The title page should contain the title, name of author, date, and the following statement: "A senior thesis submitted to the History Department of Princeton University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts."

On a separate page you should certify that "This paper represents my own work in accordance with University regulations" and sign your name.

A table of contents listing the title and page number of each chapter should follow the title page. On a page preceding the table of contents, you may wish to acknowledge any special assistance or support that you received in writing your thesis.

The prescribed minimum length of text only, excluding appendices, charts, bibliography, illustrations, or images, is 75 pages. The prescribed maximum length is 100 pages. No thesis may exceed 100 pages unless permission of the thesis adviser is obtained in advance. Font size is required to be similar to Times New Roman 12, though it need not be in Times New Roman. The text must be double-spaced, with wide margins and paragraphs that are clearly indented. (Margins of an inch on the left, right, top, and bottom should be adequate.) It can be printed double-sided.

A PDF copy of the thesis must be submitted electronically. A copy must also be deposited with the Mudd Library Thesis Archive. Submission details will be sent to seniors one month before the deadline. For 2021 hard copies are not required.

The following guidelines provide advice on general styling and formatting questions.

General Usage

Use quotations sparingly, keep them brief, and work them into the flow of your own narrative. If a long quotation must be used, take it out of the body of the text, indent, and single-space. Quotations treated in this manner are called block quotations. Quotation marks are not used for block quotations.

The omission of a word or phrase from a quotation is indicated by an ellipsis, or three spaced periods (. . .), at the point of omission. If the omitted words would have ended a sentence, a fourth period should be added to indicate the normal terminal punctuation.

A quotation must conform to the original in every detail. Do not correct misspellings or other errors, but insert after them the Latin word sic in brackets [ sic ] to show that the error was in the original. Brackets, not parentheses, are used to insert a clarifying word or phrase of your own into quoted material. When your thesis is completed, you should check all quotations against the original sources to ensure absolute accuracy.

Footnotes must be used to indicate the sources of:

  • all quotations and statistical data;
  • all facts not generally known to historians; and
  • all opinions or interpretations that are not your own, whether quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Footnotes may also include your comments on the sources, remarks on disagreement among authorities, additional quotations, or essential information that cannot appropriately fit into the text. Generally speaking, anything worth saying at all is worth saying in the text. Do not use your footnotes as a dumping ground for surplus data.

Start a new set of footnotes, starting at 1, with each chapter. The footnote number, elevated above the line of type, should come at the end of the sentence for which a citation is needed. If the material in one or more paragraphs is all derived from a single work, put your footnote at the end of the section containing this material. If a single sentence or paragraph contains material from a number of sources, the sources may all be cited in the same footnote, separated by semicolons.

Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page upon which the material in question appears. They should be separated from the text by a short black line beginning at the left hand margin. Subject to your adviser’s approval, notes may be typed consecutively at the end of each chapter. In either case, the notes should be single-spaced with the first line of each note indented.

There is no single, universally accepted set of rules for citations. You probably will notice in your reading that different publishers and authors use different forms of footnotes. However, most historians follow the so-called Chicago style, which is based on the Chicago Manual of Style , and this is the format recommended by the Department of History. Still, the most important criterion is clarity and consistency: your notes should present all the pertinent information in as direct and simple a fashion as possible, and you should use the same format throughout your thesis.

The first time you cite a book, give the author's full name, the full title of the book as it appears on the title page, the place of publication, the publisher's name, the date of publication, and page from which your material has been drawn. Note that the publication data is enclosed in parentheses. For example:

  • Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Robert Kennedy and His Times (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978), 231.

Multivolume Work

When all the volumes in a multivolume work have the same title, a reference to pages within a single volume is given in the following manner. (Note that the volume number is given in Arabic numerals and that the volume and page numbers are separated by a colon.) For example:

  • James Schouler, History of the United States of America, under the Constitution (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1904), 4:121.

When each volume in a multivolume work has a different title, a reference to pages within a single volume is given as follows:

  • Forrest C. Pogue, George C. Marshall, vol. 4, Statesman, 1945-1959 (New York: Viking, 1987), 31.

Article in a Scholarly Journal

For the first citation of an article, give the author's full name, the full title, and the name, volume number, month and year, and page number of the journal or quarterly. For example:

  • Edwin S. Gaustad, “The Theological Effects of the Great Awakening in New England,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review , 40 (March 1954), 690.

Subsequent Citation

Subsequent citations of the same book or article should give only the author's last name and an abbreviated (short) title. For example:

  • Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy , 295.
  • Gaustad, “Theological Effects of the Great Awakening,” 693-695.

Use of the Abbreviation 'Ibid'

If a footnote refers to the same source that was cited in the immediately preceding footnote, the abbreviation ibid. (for ibidem , which means “in the same place") may take the place of the author’s name, title of the work, and as much of the succeeding material as is identical. For example:

  • Ibid., 699.

Collected Works

In citing printed collected works such as diaries or letters, the author’s name may be omitted if it is included in the title. The name of the editor follows the title, preceded by a comma and the abbreviation “ed.,” which stands for “edited by.” For example:

  • An Englishman in America, 1785, Being the Diary of Joseph Hudfield , ed. Douglas S. Robertson (Toronto: Hunter-Rose, 1933), 23.

In citing correspondence from manuscript collections, give the full names of the writer and recipient, the date the letter was written, and the manuscript collection in which it may be found. The first time a collection is cited, its name should be given in full and its location should be indicated. Subsequent citations should abbreviate the name of the collection and omit location of the collection. For example:

  • James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, May 6, 1791, Andre De Coppet Collection, Firestone Library, Princeton University.
  • James Madison to George Washington, Feb. 18, 1788, De Coppet Collection.

In the case of large collections, you should indicate the number of the box (or designation of the file) in which the cited material may be found. For example:

  • Adlai E. Stevenson to John F. Kennedy, Jan. 12, 1961, Adlai E. Stevenson Papers, Box 310, Seeley G. Mudd Library, Princeton University.

Article in a Popular Magazine

It is not necessary to cite the volume or issue number of a magazine of general interest. Note, however, that the abbreviation “p” is required to distinguish clearly between the date of publication and page number. For example:

  • Michael Rogers, “Software for War, or Peace: All the World’s a Game,” Newsweek , Dec. 9, 1985, p. 82.

For reference to a newspaper, the name of the paper and date usually are sufficient. However, for large newspapers, particularly those made up of sections, it is desirable to give the page number. For example:

  • Washington Globe , Feb. 24, 1835
  • Richmond Enquirer , May 15, 1835.
  • New York Times , Oct. 24, 1948, p. 17.

Include as much of the following information as is available: author, title of the site, sponsor of the site, and the site’s URL. When no author is named, treat the sponsor as the author. For example:

  • Kevin Rayburn, The 1920s , .

The Chicago Manual of Style does not advise including the date that you accessed a Web source, but you may provide the date after the URL if the cited material is time sensitive.


Should you cite certain sources repeatedly, you may wish to develop a system of abbreviations to simplify your footnotes. In this case, a page explaining the abbreviations should follow the table of contents. For example:

DOHC - Dulles Oral History Collections FRUS - Foreign Relations of the United States NYT - New York Times

Sample Footnotes

  • Edwin S. Gaustad, "The Theological Effects of the Great Awakening in New England," Mississippi Valley Historical Review , 40 (March 1954), 690.
  • Gaustad, "Theological Effects of the Great Awakening," 693-695.
  • James Madison to George Washington, Feb. 19, 1788, De Coppet Collection.
  • Washington Globe , Feb. 24, 1835; Richmond Enquirer, May 15, 1835.
  • Kevin Rayburn, The 1920s , .

For additional guidance and examples of Chicago-style documentation, see Footnotes made easy: a guide for history majors , which is posted in the Department of History’s Library Resources . (Do not hesitate to ask your thesis adviser for assistance in determining the appropriate format.)


General requirements.

The bibliography should list all primary and secondary sources that are actually used in writing your thesis. Bibliographies of theses that draw upon archival and manuscript sources normally are divided into sections. Sources are listed alphabetically by author, editor, or publishing agency (when no author or editor is given). Single-space each item with double-spacing between items and sections of the bibliography. The following is an acceptable model for delineating various categories of primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources

Government Archives

  • Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Record Group 218. National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.

Manuscript Collections

  • Stevenson, Adlai E. Papers. Seeley G. Mudd Library, Princeton University.

Government Documents

  • U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs. Hearings on H.R. 9218 . 75th Cong., 3rd sess., 1938.
  • U.S. Department of State. Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1944. Vol. 4, Europe . Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1966.

Memoirs and Collected Papers

  • Hudfield, Joseph. An Englishman in America, 1785, Being the Diary of Joseph Hudfield . Edited by Douglas S. Robertson. Toronto: Hunter-Rose, 1933.

Contemporary Journals and Newspapers

  • New York Times , 1921-1923.

Secondary Sources

Books and Articles

  • Campbell, Mildred, The English Yeoman under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1942.
  • Gaustad, Edwin S. "The Theological Effects of the Great Awakening in New England," Mississippi Valley Historical Review , 40 (March 1954), 681-706.
  • Schouler, James. History of the United States of America, under the Constitution . 6 vols. Rev. ed. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1904.

Unpublished Material

  • Rigby, David Joseph. “The Combined Chiefs of Staff and Anglo-American Strategic Coordination in World War II.” Ph.D. dissertation, Brandeis University, 1996.

Submission and Readers

You should remember that theses are submitted to the Department of History and not only to your individual thesis adviser. The adviser is just one of the readers who will grade the thesis; the final evaluation of your work will be the product of deliberations between your adviser and a second reader (and in some instances, a third reader). Still, there should be no problem submitting an acceptable thesis as long as you work closely with your adviser throughout the year and respond to his/her guidance.

Each reader of your thesis will prepare written comments. Usually these take the form of a general evaluation of your work, but you may find that a reader has prepared more detailed comments about particular points of substance and style. Thesis comments and grades will be emailed to you upon receipt of your Personal Statement prior to and in preparation for the Senior Departmental Examination.

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Senior Thesis

Requirements for the ba in history, history capstone:.

The History Department's "capstone" for History majors and General Education majors specializing in History is the HIST 4990 course.  In this course, you will design an individual research project in consultation with the professor; share ideas and feedback with peers during the research and writing process; and write/revise a full-length (usually 25-30 pages) historical argument integrating analysis of original/primary evidence with secondary and historiographical sources.  Your Senior Thesis final draft will be assessed according to the  criteria of core competencies  expected of all History students. 

Benefits of Senior Thesis :

Engaging in a semester-long research and writing project allows you to develop and refine your abilities in writing, project management, analysis of primary and secondary texts, understanding of historiographical context, dialogue and collaboration with other scholars, and the sharing of your work with others.  Many Senior Thesis students present their research at conferences, like  CSURF (Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Symposium) , and the  Phi Alpha Theta regional conference , or submit their finished Senior Theses for publication in the  UCCS Undergraduate Research Journal .

Pre-requisites for Senior Thesis:  

HIST 4990 is open to students of junior or senior standing who have taken nine (9) hours of upper-division History courses as a UCCS student. It is highly recommended that students complete HIST 3001: The Historian’s Craft prior to taking HIST 4990.

Choosing a Senior Thesis topic:

  Each semester, 2-3 faculty members lead separate Senior Thesis sections focused on particular time periods/regions/topics (see below).  Choose a section of HIST 4990 whose historical subjects align with your research interests, and contact the faculty member teaching that section to discuss your research idea.  Your research topic must be approved by the faculty member in whose section of HIST 4990 you enroll.

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Honors Thesis

students researching

The Senior Honors Thesis is an optional, intensive original research and writing project students may choose to undertake to complete the History major. Students work on the thesis throughout their senior year, under the close guidance of a faculty advisor in the History department. The completed thesis is usually around 100 pages long; in most cases, it should be based on extensive research with primary sources, contextualized in the historical literature (historiography). Students interested in writing a thesis are responsible for coming up with a topic and asking a faculty member with expertise in that topic to serve as their advisor.

The Senior Honors Thesis is intended for those students who have a record of high performance in History courses and who have demonstrated adequate preparation in historical research and writing. It is preferable to have successfully completed a History Department research seminar before you begin the thesis; if not, you should have completed a significant research paper for a different course. In cases where a student has not been able to take a research seminar, the Senior Honors Thesis will serve as the capstone for the History major.

Students interested in writing a Senior Honors Thesis should read the relevant section of the Tufts Bulletin dealing with the Liberal Arts Thesis Honors Program. You may wish to discuss the possibility of writing the thesis with your History advisor when you declare the major, and begin to plan your history course work accordingly. The deadline for declaring an intent to do a thesis in 2024-25 is April 29, 2024. Please see further information about the application process below.

It is required that all students who choose to write a thesis in the History department enroll in HIST 198 (in the fall) and 199 (in the spring). HIST 198, the Senior Thesis Colloquium, focuses on research skills and methodology, and offers support for the thesis writing process, including peer review. It provides a community for thesis writers. In the fall of 2024, the colloquium will be taught by Professor Mass. In the spring of their senior year, thesis students will  register for HIST 199, and work independently to complete their thesis (under the guidance of their advisors). Upon successful completion of their thesis, students will receive a grade from their advisor for HIST 198 and 199. Each of these courses is worth 4 SHUs.

Applying to do an Honors Thesis 

There are four steps you are required to take to apply to write an honors thesis:

  • Develop an idea for a general topic. 
  • Set up a meeting with Professor Applebaum (who taught HIST 198 in fall 2023) to go over the thesis process one on one, discuss your initial idea for a topic, and brainstorm about potential advisors (e-mail Professor Applebaum to set up a time: [email protected] ). 
  • Find a faculty member in the department who is willing to advise your thesis (in most cases, advisors prefer to take on students who have taken a class with them and done well in that class; in any case, they will expect you to have sufficient background in the broader subject you wish to write about). Please note that not all proposals, even those by highly qualified students, can be accepted due to the limited number of theses a faculty member can be expected to direct and to the possibility that a faculty member with the appropriate expertise may unavailable. Therefore it is important to initiate your planning as early as possible.
  • Fill out the Senior Honors Thesis Intent Form (the deadline for 2024-25 is April 29, 2024) .

Additional Information about the Senior Honors Thesis

  • The Senior Honors Thesis
  • The Senior Honors Thesis—FAQs

Honors Thesis Assistance

The Student Accessibility and Academic Resources (StAAR) Center provides supports for thesis writers.

The History Department is instituting a program of small grants to help fund research for the senior thesis. These grants will normally be for $200 or less, to help defray cost of archival and library research for the senior thesis, such as photocopying or scanning of documents. The money may be used in the U.S. or abroad. Grant applications will be reviewed by a department committee. Students should apply for such grants through their thesis advisors; applications require a brief thesis prospectus, an explanation of how the grant will be used, a supporting letter from the thesis advisor, and an up-to-date academic transcript.

Additional funding sources can be found at: .

Senior Theses

Senior thesis research grants  , oral history track for senior thesis, why write a senior thesis.

This is the culmination of your undergraduate history education. You’ll draw on all the skills of research, analysis, and argumentation that you’ve acquired as a history major. It’s a chance for you to dig deeply into one area of history and to emerge as an expert on that topic. The finished product will be a more thorough and polished piece of writing than is possible in just one semester, and it will hopefully be an accomplishment on which you will look back proudly for years to come.

For more questions (and answers!) about the senior thesis, see our Senior Thesis FAQ page .

Examples of Current and Past Senior Theses

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Writing a thesis, department schedule of thesis preparation .

The thesis writer and adviser should agree on a working schedule which will adequately conform to the calendar of thesis requirements established by the Senior Honors Adviser. Each of these written requirements should be submitted to the Tutorial Office for review by the Senior Honors Adviser. Paradigms for each of the written requirements are held on file in the Tutorial Office, for consultation.  An updated schedule of departmental dates and deadlines relative to the thesis will be available at the beginning of each Fall Term.  All writers of the senior thesis shall enroll in an HAA 99 for course (and requirement) credit - joint concentrators will enroll in the 99 course of their primary concentration.

Beginning in 2006-07, every concentrator writing a thesis will enroll in the senior thesis seminar in the fall of the senior year. Overseen by the Senior Honors Adviser, the senior thesis seminar will meet several times during the semester for a two-hour session devoted to facilitating the preparation and writing of a thesis. These sessions will cover such topics as compiling a bibliography, using archives, and constructing an effective argument. Late in the semester, each participant will deliver a twenty-minute presentation on his or her thesis topic, illustrated with slides or digitally projected images. All departmental faculty and students will be invited to these presentations. By the end of the semester, each participant in the seminar will submit a complete first draft of the thesis, complete with illustrations.

Application for Pulitzer and Abramson Travel Grants: Early March. See above under Prizes for details on grant and application.

Announcement of Pulitzer and Abramson Grant Awards Mid-March: By letter to the recipients.

Adviser's Review: Early March. Ideally, you should present the full, finished and finalized draft of your text to your adviser for a final review before formal submission to the Department.

Thesis Submission: Mid-March - a week before Spring Break. You must submit your thesis in the afternoon at a Thesis Reception. In exchange for your finely crafted magnum opus you will receive a glass of champagne and our heartiest congratulations. Please do attend this afternoon because a thesis submitted late is usually not accepted.

Reader's Response: after Early May. Senior Honors Theses are read and critiqued by Members of the Faculty and the Museum at the request of the Senior Honors Adviser. Readers' identities no longer remain anonymous.

Faculty Meeting on Honors: Early May. Department Faculty meet to vote on final honors recommendations, after which thesis writers will receive by letter from the Senior Honors Adviser notification of their thesis grade and recommendation for honors. Writers will also receive at this time the written responses of their readers. Students should speak with their Allston Burr Senior Tutor for anticipated final honors decision of the College.

Grading of the Senior Thesis

Theses are read and critiqued by faculty members applying a higher standard than expected for work written in courses or tutorials. Faculty do make use of the full range of grades, and students should consider that any honors grade is a distinction of merit. If you have any questions, please contact the Senior Honors Adviser, the Director of Undergraduate Studies, or the Undergraduate Coordinator at 495-2310.

SUMMA CUM LAUDE: A summa thesis is a work of "highest honor." It is a contribution to knowledge, though it need not be an important contribution. It reveals a promise of high intellectual attainments both in selection of problems and facts for consideration and in the manner in which conclusions are drawn from these facts. A summa thesis includes, potentially at least, the makings of a publishable article. The writer's use of sources and data is judicious. The thesis is well written and proofread. The arguments are concise and logically organized, and the allocation of space appropriate. A summa is not equivalent to just any A, but the sort given by instructors who reserve them for exceptional merit. A summa minus is a near miss at a summa and is also equivalent to an A of unusual quality.

MAGNA CUM LAUDE: A magna level thesis is a work worthy of "great honor." It clearly demonstrates the capacity for a high level of achievement, is carried through carefully, and represents substantial industry. A magna plus thesis achieves a similar level of quality to a summa in some respects, though it falls short in others; it is equivalent to the usual type of A. A magna thesis is equivalent to an A-. For a magna minus, the results achieved may not be quite a successful due to an unhappy choice of topic or approach; it is also equivalent to an A-.

CUM LAUDE: As is appropriate for a grade "with honors," a cum level thesis shows serious thought and effort in its general approach, if not in every detail. A cum plus is equivalent to a B+, a cum to a B, and a cum minus to a B-. The cum thesis does not merely represent the satisfactory completion of a task. It is, however, to be differentiated from the magna in the difficulty of the subject handled, the substantial nature of the project, and the success with which the subject is digested. Recall that, as students putting extraordinary effort into a thesis most frequently receive a magna, theses of a solid but not exceptional quality deserve a grade in the cum range. When expressed in numerical equivalents, the interval between a magna minus and a cum minus is double that between the other intervals on the grading scale.

NO DISTINCTION: Not all theses automatically deserve honors. Nevertheless, a grade of no distinction (C, D, or E) should be reserved only for those circumstances when the thesis is hastily constructed, a mere summary of existing material, or is poorly thought through. The high standards which are applied in critique of theses must clearly be violated for a thesis to merit a grade of no distinction.

Examples of Past Theses 

Senior Honors Theses which are written by students who graduate Summa or Magna are deposited in the University Archives in Pusey Library. Copies of theses which are awarded the Hoopes Prize are held in Lamont. Students are urged to consult past theses as much can be gained in exploring precedent or seeking inspiration.

Discontinuance of a Thesis 

The process of writing the thesis is a serious commitment of time and energy for both the writer and the adviser. In some cases, however, it might be agreed that the thesis should be discontinued at mid-year. The Senior Tutorial HAA 99 may be divided with credit through a procedure in which the student must submit a written paper presenting the project and research to that point.

Guidelines for Writers and Advisers of Senior Theses  

Senior Concentrators wishing to graduate with honors in the Department must write a senior thesis and carry academic standing of Group II or better, with a minimum GPA of 3.00 in concentration grades. In deciding whether one wishes to fulfill the honors requirements the student should consider his/her academic interests, commitment to independent research and other deadlines and obligations during the thesis year. Many students find the task of researching and writing a substantial piece of critical scholarship interesting and rewarding, but others find the senior thesis can become a frustrating and unwieldy burden. Some students prefer the freedom to savor extra-curricular pursuits during their last year at the College unhampered by the encroaching demands of thesis preparation. In general, it may be remarked that students are unlikely to do well in the honors program who are not already committed to this process of scholarship, and proven practiced writers; the senior thesis is not the place to acquire basic skills in writing and research. In considering the Department's honors requirements, it should be remembered that students with honors grades overall may graduate with University Honors (Cum Laude) even if they do not receive Honors in History of Art and Architecture.

Academic Requirements 

The writing and evaluation of the thesis is a year long process, during which the writer meets at scheduled intervals with his/her adviser, to formulate, develop, and ultimately refine their thesis work. The Department has also instituted a "thesis writing seminar" which writers will participate in through the fall term. The thesis is due just before spring break, and is then sent to its readers for their judgment and critique. The final thesis grade and recommendation for honors is determined at a faculty meeting in mid-May. Students working towards a March degree will follow a schedule to finish the thesis in early December.

The Department encourages seniors to think broadly and explore a problem of interest. The thesis topic does not necessarily have to be within the writer's declared major field, except when required for a joint concentration, in which case, the topic must address an issue shared by both concentrations. The thesis should demonstrate an ability to pose a meaningful question, present a well-reasoned and structured argument, and marshal appropriate evidence. The student should apply a clear methodology and be aware of the assumptions behind the argument, the possible deficiencies of the sources and data used, and the implications of the conclusions. The various parts of the thesis should cohere in an integrated argument; the thesis should not be a series of loosely connected short essays. A primary expectation of the thesis is that it is a work of independent scholarship, directed and crafted by the student, with the thesis adviser serving in a capacity of "indirect overseeing of the project".

There is no set pattern for an acceptable thesis. The writer should demonstrate familiarity with scholarly methods in the use of sources, but this should not be the sole criterion for evaluation. Of equal if not greater importance is the development of the central argument and the significance of the interpretation. A thesis may be research on a little-studied problem or a perceptive reassessment of a familiar question. A well-pondered and well-presented interpretive essay may be as good a thesis as a miniature dissertation.

Skill in exposition is a primary objective, and pristine editing is expected.  The department encourages writers to keep to a very short page count, so as to craft a clear, concise paper, and further edit it to an exemplary presentation. In general, a History of Art and Architecture thesis will have a text ranging from 40 to 80 pages, dependent upon the topic. Students are encouraged to explore the resources available to thesis writers at the Writing Center and the Bureau of Study Counsel.

The writer must indicate the source of material drawn from others' work, whether quoted or summarized. Violations of this rule are considered serious and should be brought to the attention of the Director of Undergraduate Studies immediately.

Senior Honors Adviser 

The process of taking honors and writing the thesis in this Department is overseen for all concentrators by the Senior Honors Adviser. The Senior Honors Adviser leads the Fall Term thesis-writing seminar, and directs the meetings for departmental approval once theses have been submitted.  The department Tutorial Office holds examples of the written requirements (Thesis proposal and prospectus) and of the Pulitzer, and Abramson Grant application which students might wish to consult as paradigms.

Thesis Adviser 

Students must seek a thesis adviser who is a full faculty member of the History of Art and Architecture Department or museum curator holding a teaching appointment in this department. The adviser ought to serve as a critic of your synthesized ideas and writings, rather than as a director of your work. The adviser should be chosen with consideration more to compatibility in overseeing the process of the work than to being an expert in the field. Prospective advisers should be approached as soon as you have identified a thesis topic. You should be prepared to show examples of your written work to your prospective adviser. Your verbal agreement with your adviser should be communicated promptly to the Senior Honors Adviser. If you have trouble identifying an appropriate adviser, please consult with the Senior Honors Adviser before the deadline for the Thesis Proposal.

Graduate students in the Department of History of Art and Architecture do not advise Senior Theses.

Thesis Readers 

As voted by majority consensus of department faculty, a new procedure for the reading and grading of senior theses will go into effect. Each thesis will have two readers chosen by the Department, ideally, but not exclusively,one from within the student's area of interest, and the thesis adviser. All readers will be asked to submit written comments and grades, which will be factored equally to produce the final grade of the thesis. Individual grades are not released and the readers no longer remain anonymous, and there exists a procedure by which a writer may request, via the Senior Adviser, to speak with a reader provided that reader is willing to discuss the work in further detail or expound on the written critique.

Grade Report and Honors Recommendation 

At the end of each term, Fall and Spring, the student's progress in the Senior Tutorial (HAA 99) will be graded SAT or UNSAT. At the end of the Department's Honors Review process the Senior Honors Adviser calculates a recommendation for Honors based on the factored grades of the thesis and the student's grades in concentration coursework. This recommendation is presented to the faculty at their meeting in May for review. A faculty vote is taken and this decision is passed as an honors recommendation to the Registrar of the College. The decision of Final Honors to be granted on the degree is made by the Registrar based on departmental recommendation and grades. Students should consult with their Allston Burr Senior Tutor to determine what final honors might be anticipated at Commencement.

The needs of the Department for fair deliberation dictate that there may be no report of decisions regarding the thesis until after the Faculty has considered and voted upon each recommendation for honors. After honors recommendations have been voted by the faculty, students will be notified of the department's recommendation to the College and will receive an ungraded copy of each evaluation of their thesis (the needs of the Department for fair deliberation dictates that there may be no report of decisions regarding the thesis until after the Departmental Honors Meeting). The comments in these evaluations should provide the student with a clear explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the thesis, bearing in mind the difficulties of the field and the type of thesis submitted, and evaluating what was accomplished in terms of what was undertaken, given the student's limitation of time and experience.

Proposal for Senior Thesis Design Projects, Honors Consideration

The History of Art and Architecture concentration asks Harvard College students to select an Area of Emphasis for fulfillment of their degree - either Design Studies or History + Theory. The History + Theory Area of Emphasis has traditionally required the completion of a senior thesis paper and presentation as a product of two requirements in order for the student to be eligible for honors consideration: 1/ completion of course HAA 99a Senior Thesis Tutorial and 2/ discussion of a thesis topic to be studied in said course supported through advisement by History of Art and Architecture faculty over the fall and spring semesters of senior year.

The Design Studies Area of Emphasis orients students toward making-based design courses wherein students develop design experiments engaging disciplinary issues, often incorporative of both historical and contemporary architectural precedents. The primary courses currently offered that address thinking through making include: HAA 179x Tectonics Lab (fall), HAA 92r Design Speculations (fall), HAA 96a Transformations (spring), and HAA 96Bb Connections (spring). An increasing number of Harvard College students who have selected the Design Studies Area of Emphasis are interested in extending their architectural design focus to their conclusive senior year work via ‘creative thesis’ projects. These creative thesis projects would include a hybrid of written text and visual and physical design materials originally produced by the student.

This proposal outlines a draft course requirement guideline and set of final submission requirements for a senior thesis design project that aims to support the design and making-based methodologies as thesis research on a topic of interest while simultaneously paralleling the well-conceived course requirements of the traditional thesis paper and presentation within HAA. This proposal offers that through the requirements outlined here, this senior thesis design project could be eligible for honors consideration for any student pursuing this final thesis option.

Senior Thesis Design Project / Course Requirements for Honors Consideration

Senior Year – fall term

1/ HAA 92r Design Speculations Seminar – required (see fall 2019 HAA 92r syllabus for details)

  • course prerequisite: completion of either HAA 96a Transformations or HAA 96b Connections studios
  • this course requires students secure a pair of faculty advisor - one from Harvard History of Art and Architecture (HAA) faculty and one from the Harvard GSD to support their research work within the course; course faculty advisor(s) would serve as advising faculty for senior thesis design project
  • Megan Panzano, GSD Arch Studies Director, and Jennifer Roberts, HAA DUS, would both help make faculty advisor connections for students pursuing this path

2/ HAA 99a Senior Thesis Tutorial (fall) – strongly suggested to be taken in parallel with HAA 92r above

3/ Presentation of design work to History of Art and Architecture and select GSD faculty as part of HAA Thesis Colloquium (fall) – required

  • to be coordinated with senior thesis tutorial presentations usually made to faculty in December of senior year fall term

Senior Year – spring term

1/ Advisement meetings with individual faculty advisors to guide production of design work (architectural analytical drawings and/or physical models) and edits to digital presentation made in fall term to HAA

2/ Submission of final senior thesis design project digital presentation inclusive of photographs of physical models, high resolution originally-produced design drawings as a PDF and descriptive written text to accompany images in presentation*

Senior Thesis Design Project / Submission Requirements for Honors Consideration

Final Project Requirements: A single multi-page PDF file labeled with student’s full last name and first initial and should be submitted containing the following elements:*

  • Assemble a visual bibliography of references for your ongoing research project. The references included should be sorted into categories of your own authoring in relation to the research. Each reference should be appropriately cited using the Chicago Manual of Style for recording citations (refer to The Chicago Manual of Style ), and each reference should also include an affiliated image. This bibliography should include a brief annotation, which should comprise a description of the rationale/intention behind sorted categories of research references. This description should be approximately 200 words.
  • Discourse , the development of a proposition for the role and significance of architecture relative to the project topic of interest, and
  • Context , the relationship of the project topic of study to broader surroundings which include but are not limited to the discipline of architecture, cultural contexts, technical developments and/or typologies.
  • The manifesto should take into account the intended audience for the project and use language and modes of communication that reflect this audience in the written text.
  • A visual drawing or info-graphic that describes your process of design research on your topic. This will include the criteria for evaluating the project, the steps planned to be taken in examining the topic, and when/where along the process of working it may be necessary to stop and assess outputs and findings.
  • High resolution drawings, animations, and/or diagrams and photographs of physical models (if applicable) that have been produced through research. These should be assembled in single-page layouts of slides to follow preceding elements listed here.

 *submission deadlines would parallel HAA thesis paper draft and final submission schedule

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senior thesis in history


senior thesis in history

History Thesis Topics: List of 69 Outstanding Ideas

senior thesis in history

Unless you plan to go for a Ph.D. in history, a thesis will be the most significant academic writing of your life. It shows your in-depth knowledge of a subject, your ability to think logically, creatively, and originally. Besides, it’s a great way to demonstrate how good your writing is.

But finding an appropriate title for your thesis is a challenging task. You may feel unsure about any idea until you see the rest of them. So, what can help you?

A history thesis topics list, of course. In this article, you’ll consider a wide variety of ideas about historical events and figures. There are some tips on picking the right one for you. With a little explanation of the basics, you’ll differentiate the Bachelor’s thesis from the Master’s one in a second.

  • ☝️ How to Choose?
  • ⭐ Top-12 Thesis Ideas
  • 🚀 American History
  • ⚔️ European History
  • 🎨 Art History
  • 📚 MA Thesis Topics
  • 🦉 MPhil Thesis Ideas
  • 👨‍🏫 Thesis vs. Dissertation

☝ How to Choose a History Thesis Topic?

Before picking a topic about history, you have to understand what you’re looking for. Take into account that you’re going to spend plenty of time writing your thesis. So, you need to find an idea that engages you and is worthy of your time. Don’t go for a random history topic that you do not feel passionate about.

Searching for an idea, follow the tips below:

  • Find a topic that interests you . You’ll most probably write your thesis for a whole semester or even longer. That’s why you should determine something that doesn’t bore easily. At least those countless hours in the library will be spent with pleasure. The more the idea challenges and intrigues you, the less you’ll procrastinate and suffer from writing. No one can tell you what to write about. Your advisor can help you specify the topic, but it is up to you what to write about.
  • Look for a topic that creates a trajectory for further research . You may not pursue it later, but having an opportunity to do so is a significant advantage. If you decide to pursue a further degree, you will already be familiar with the topic well. Take a look at available works in a free essays database to get a clearer picture of what can be further explored.
  • Find a professor who will become your thesis advisor . Bring some thesis ideas up and see what your instructor suggests. It’s a good thing to have several research topics in mind—the instructor can help you determine the best one.
  • Think beyond the graduation date . Whether you are going to start a career or continue your studies, your thesis should help you in achieving your goals. What may your employer look for in your paper? What do you need to be successful in your job or further research? It’s good to approach the issue with some level of practicality. See if you can apply the skills and information you’ve acquired to your professional life.
  • Strive for originality but stay within your studies context . Try to make your title unique to grasp attention and intrigue from the get-go. At the same time, don’t fall outside the scope of your field. Before picking a topic, do some research to understand the field deeper. This way, you’ll see what exactly you would like to address.
  • Make sure your title fits the requirements . Open your university guidelines for the thesis work and find this out before anything else. Ask your thesis advisor as well to give you honest feedback.

You don't have to choose a thesis topic that reflects the latest craze in your field.

⭐ Top-12 History Thesis Ideas

  • Civil War — the role of women.
  • The Watergate Scandal.
  • Contemporary art history.
  • The Napoleonic Wars.
  • Causes of World War 2.
  • Impact of the Black Plague.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Japanese-American conflict.
  • The Vietnam anti-war protests.
  • Origins of the Great Famine in Ireland.
  • The French Revolution.
  • The rule of Elizabeth I.

📝 History Thesis Topics for Bachelor’s Degree

Usually, American Universities don’t require students to write a Senior Thesis. However, you still have an option to choose one. You can write a thesis as a part of your program completion. It will take a lot of time, energy, and effort. But, in the end, you will be able to produce a prime piece of academic writing.

Strive to write anywhere from 60 to 100 pages. You will also dedicate a lot of time writing and polishing it afterward. Make sure to leave enough time for that too.

What’s the first step?

Look for a thesis advisor you know you will enjoy working with. Consider all the professors you’ve interacted with at your university and pick several. Approach them and see if they are accepting new students for thesis supervision.

Make sure to choose a history thesis paper topic that your advisor knows a lot about. At some point, you will become very knowledgeable about the history thesis topic you chose. It will be crucial to have someone who can direct you.

There are several reasons why you should consider writing a thesis for a Bachelor’s Degree in history:

  • It provides you with essential experience in writing, researching, and brainstorming ideas. It can later help you in your academic or professional life.
  • You can deeply understand a subject that interests you.
  • You can improve your reading skills.
  • If you have to use foreign sources, you can also increase your foreign language skills.

Having a strong position on the history thesis topic is great.

Are you still wondering what historical thesis ideas are appropriate? Then, this list is perfect for you.

🚀 American History Thesis Topics

  • African American history in the United States : disfranchisement and segregation in 1890-1900
  • Early American History and the lost colony of Roanoke
  • The construction of race in American culture and history. It’s not a secret that race is a social construct. In American culture and history, it plays a critical role. In the thesis, you will have a chance to research the mechanisms through which the race was constructed. Movies, literary representations, articles, what else? It’s up to you to find out what can be relevant.
  • World War 2 through personal letters and diaries . This thesis can be personal and will not leave people indifferent. Examination of diaries, notes, and personal accounts can be fascinating. You won’t be bored doing historical research. Maybe you even have some in your own family? Worth checking it out.
  • Guilt over Slavery in the United States: a historical examination
  • Gender equality in American education . A comparative study of Germany, Russia, The United States
  • New York City and its historical geography. NYC is one of the captivating American cities. Writing a thesis about its historical geography is not an easy task. Gladly, you have tons of information available to you.

You can examine various documents for your history thesis topic.

  • Rocket Science as one of the most significant innovations of the 20th century
  • Examining the Role of Privilege within the Ivy League Universities
  • Role of American Public Health in a Post-9/11 World

⚔ European History Thesis Topics

  • Formation and development of the European Union during the 20th century
  • Feminist perspective on the representation of women in Roman Art
  • Religion and Nation in Europe in the 19th century
  • Construction of National Identity in Post-Soviet Latvia. What did contribute to developing a national identity of post-soviet Latvia? First of all, its independence and belonging to the European Union. In this thesis, talk about colonization and colonial identity. Consider the policies Latvian government implemented to build a Latvian character. What is it? What are the essential characteristics of it?
  • Composition and religious hierarchy in The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Representation of Jews in Late Medieval Period in Europe
  • Problems of political leadership in Athens of 404-355 BCE
  • The French Renaissance Court and its structural hierarchy. This topic is interesting yet complex. Its complexity comes not from the name but the nature of the French Renaissance Court. You need to have a clear idea of how the royal court is built and is operating. Find relevant historians of that time, and, hopefully, you can speak some French.
  • Immigrational Politics of the United Kingdom. The problem of multiculturism at the beginning of 1960-1980.
  • Orientalism or the Middle East through the prism of Western scholars in the XIX century. In this thesis, start by exploring the notion of Orientalism. Edward Said will be a good point of departure and one of the most fundamental works to cite and read. You can agree with his argument or disagree with it. Nevertheless, find the relevant evidence for your point of view.

🎨 Art History Thesis Topics

  • Medicine in Ancient Rome with a focus on surgeries through paintings. This thesis topic is rich. Numerous Ancient Roman paintings depict surgeries and medical treatments. Find the most interesting ones and talk about innovations in medicine. What was the point of recording medical procedures in art? Truly a topic that can captivate anyone.
  • Vincent Van Gogh: A phycological analysis of the artist’s last years . In this thesis, examine his artworks together with the personal letters. Look at the words he used, as well as the images he painted. You need it to comprehend what was happening in Vincent’s life in his last years. Some art therapists claim that the artist had bipolar disorder. Examine those views. However, be careful not to give any medical diagnosis yourself.

Analyze how Vincent Van Gogh's life and mental health issues affected his art.

  • Plato on Punishment and Vice: the notion of punishment in The Republic. You cannot get a degree without reading the most fundamental text of the Western Academy, The Republic . In this thesis, you should simply focus on the ideas of punishment and vice. Plato wrote a lot regarding the morals and the laws. Try to discern what exactly he meant. Extract his views regarding capital punishment and punitive justice.
  • Modern Art in Europe, with a specific focus on Italy
  • Trade in Medieval Europe with a focus on Africa through art
  • The erotism of art of Ancient Rome
  • Synthesis of sculpture and paintings in Spanish art of the 17th century
  • Neoclassicism in French art of the 1900s-1910s
  • Surrealism in Art as the quintessence between realism and hyper-realism

📋 History Thesis Topics for Master’s Degree

In the United States, to enter a graduate degree in history, a bachelor’s degree is required. Most of the time, students will have to submit several recommendation letters. Plus, they need GRE scores and writing samples. Add to this several essays explaining the purpose of going to university again, and there you have it.

Bachelor’s thesis can serve as your writing sample.

It is common to have several completion requirements. They can include basic courses, language tests, and a master’s thesis at the end of the program. However, it depends on the department and the university.

Keep in mind that there are several credits that students should obtain to get a degree. It differs from university to university as well. In most of the programs throughout the United States, they are required to complete 30-32 credits to get an M.A. degree. This number usually corresponds to 8-9 classes.

If you are pursuing an M.A., you’re in luck. There is an excellent chance that you will be able to choose if you would like to write a thesis or not. If you are pursuing an M.Phil., then you will have to write your thesis because it’s a research degree.

No matter if you are pursuing an M.A. or an M.Phil., this historical thesis ideas can help you find a title:

📚 MA Thesis Topics in History

  • Apotheosis of the Philippine Historical Political Tradition
  • Kerala History: Syrian Christians in the region in the 18th century
  • History of Modern India with a focus on women’s rights
  • The history of theater in the American South and the main characteristics of the Southern Drama. This thesis includes a lot of aspects starting from playwriting in Charleston to drama in New Orleans. Then there are War Drama, Black Drama, etc. Try to find a good balance to fit all of the main characteristics of the Southern Drama and theater.
  • New Deal and its impacts on events leading to the Great Depression
  • Mistakes of the Soviet side in WW2. WWII was the deadliest military conflict of the 20th century. In this thesis, talk about the biggest mistakes the Red Army made during the war. Some of those can include signing to the Non-Aggression Pact with Hitler. Plus, there were anti-tank dogs and the Molovot-Ribbentrop Pact.

The initial period of World War II for the USSR was a real catastrophe for the Red Army's tanks.

  • Military strategies that allowed Napoleon to win crucial battles
  • Mussolini & Hitler : connection along with its consequences for Italy
  • Queen Victoria’s politics and the way it has changed British history
  • The Development of Strategic Bombing Doctrine Between the World Wars
  • Historical Creation of a Black Elite in the United States
  • Through Imperial Eyes: Race and British Reactions to the American Slavery Question
  • Gertrude Bell’s Influence in the Formation of Iraq. Gertrude Bell is a crucial figure in Islamic studies. She contributed a lot to the formation of Iraq. In this thesis, explore her unique contribution and approach to building a modern state of the country. She was highly trusted by British politicians and by Arab leaders.
  • Baptist church history as a way to escape slavery

🦉 MPhil Thesis Topics in History

  • Investigating the impact of WWI on trade blocks. A case study of the European Union
  • Women in WWII: sexual objectification of women through magazines and advertisement. Women played an integral part in WWII. In this thesis, explore the role of sexual imagery in the advertising industry during the war.
  • Sudan-American relationships in 1989-2000: US Foreign Policy and Genocide in Sudan
  • Criticism of the war on drugs during the Ronald Reagan administration
  • The political evolution of the Southern States during the Reconstruction Era
  • Everest Expeditions in British Popular Culture, 1920-1960. Explore how Everest Expeditions were depicted in British movies. Analyze the subject via comics, journals, and visual art in the first part of the 20th century.
  • Impact of Otto von Bismarck on German Liberalism

Otto von Bismarck was a prime minister of Prussia and founder of the German Empire.

  • Discrimination of German immigrants in the USA during WW2
  • The Fourth International and the Spanish Civil War
  • Political and economic aspects of the crisis in Venetian Diplomacy in the 1500s
  • The connection between institutionalized racism and police violence in the United States. There are several dimensions to racism. In this thesis, look for a connection between structural racism and police violence in the US. Compare the numbers, look at the stories. See if this data exposes any hidden bias.
  • An image of the Medieval Period in Post Modern Art
  • A comparative analysis of the Four Quran English Translation. In this thesis, discuss why and how the Quran can be translated. Also, you should look at the four translations. Try to determine which one is the closest. To do that, you need to have an advanced level of Arabic.
  • The psychological effect of war on American soldiers in Vietnam

👨‍🏫 Differences between a Thesis and Dissertation

Understanding the difference between a thesis and a dissertation is essential. Would you like to obtain a master’s and a doctoral degree? Then read attentively. In the United States, both thesis and dissertation are vital for this purpose.

The prominent differences that you have to realize are the following:

  • A dissertation is required to graduate with a doctoral degree. A thesis is a culmination of a master’s program.
  • A dissertation is written to add a new piece of knowledge to the field. A thesis is to show that you have enough knowledge about the field.
  • A dissertation usually takes several semesters, sometimes even years, to complete. A thesis does not require this amount of time. It can be finished within months.
  • A dissertation can be seen as an academic book. A master’s thesis is a long research paper.

A dissertation has to be defended, while the master's thesis doesn't require defense in most universities.

Let’s see the main characteristics of a bachelor’s thesis, a master’s thesis, an MPhil’s thesis, and a dissertation:

  • A Bachelor’s Thesis (honors thesis). It’s a research-based paper that allows undergraduate students to put their knowledge into practice. The paper is usually 40-60 pages long. It includes an introduction, main body, conclusion, and bibliography.
  • A Master’s Thesis. It’s a piece of original scholarly work. A mater’s thesis is written under the close supervision of an academic advisor. It attempts to bring some fresh look or a new perspective to a field of study. The length of a master’s thesis can vary. Usually, it doesn’t go beyond 100 pages.
  • An MPhil’s Thesis (Master of Philosophy). It’s a specific type of thesis. As it was stated earlier, most American Universities don’t grant this degree. A few schools give it under specific circumstances. Doctoral students should accomplish all the course work and pass their exams. Then, this degree can be granted to them. A more colloquial way to call this degree is “all but dissertation.” In other cases, this degree is granted to students who are doing their postgraduate research.
  • A Dissertation. It’s a major piece of academic writing. It’s independent, shows critical and thinking ability. A dissertation is meant to illustrate academic knowledge, originality of work, and research skills. The length usually stays within 200-300 pages.

Each thesis and dissertation has its distinct structure.

Any thesis or dissertation is a monumental work. Choose a topic that you are passionate about. Make sure it’s researchable and clear, but at the same time memorable. Spend time writing, proofreading, editing, and talking to your advisor about your ideas and academic goals.

Remember that it is okay to get frustrated and tired at times. If it happens to you, stop working for a bit and relax. Good luck and congratulations on your soon to be graduation! We hope this article was helpful. Share it with those who may need a history thesis topic or a piece of advice.

🔗 References

  • MPhil in History: University of Oxford
  • How to Pick a Masters Thesis Topic: Peter Campbell for Medium
  • How Do I Choose A Thesis Topic: Grad School Hub
  • Writing a Senior Thesis: Undergraduate Program, Department of History, Brandeis University
  • The Bachelor’s Thesis, Bachelor EE: University of Twente
  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Your Master’s Thesis: the Office of Graduate Studies and Research: University of Nebraska at Kearney
  • Guidelines for Writing a Master’s Thesis for MA Degree: Jeremy Bailey, Susan Scarrow, University of Houston
  • What is a dissertation? How it is different from an essay: The Royal Literary Fund
  • What is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Dissertation: The Best Master’s Degrees
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    2 Q: Why should I write a Senior Thesis? A: While writing a thesis is one way to become eligible for honors, and the only way to become eligible for the summa cum laude level of honors, the best motivations are a love of research and/or a burning question. You should not consider a Senior Thesis if your primary motivations are not intellectually based, but are instead more practical—i.e ...

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    Studies to write a thesis that exceeds 20,000 words. Typical theses run somewhere in the range of 15,000-20,000 words. • All candidates for an honors degree in History and Literature must prepare a Senior Thesis. Students who do not complete a thesis are not eligible to graduate with honors in History and Literature.

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    History 99: Senior Thesis Seminar Course jectivesob The Senior Thesis Writers' Seminar has a twofold purpose . The first is to provide you with practi-cal guidance and writing advice as you complete a senior thesis in History . We will discuss many of the common hurdles and pitfalls that past students have

  23. History Thesis Topics: List of 69 Outstanding Ideas

    📝 History Thesis Topics for Bachelor's Degree. Usually, American Universities don't require students to write a Senior Thesis. However, you still have an option to choose one. You can write a thesis as a part of your program completion. It will take a lot of time, energy, and effort.

  24. HISTORY 495S/496S: Honors Thesis Seminar 2024/25

    A guide for the year-long senior honors seminar (HISTORY 495S/496S) Skip to Main Content. Home; LibGuides; HISTORY 495S/496S: Honors Thesis Seminar 2024/25 ... A guide for the year-long senior honors seminar (HISTORY 495S/496S) Thesis Writers & Duke Libraries; Browse all Guides at Duke Libraries; Define Archival Materials and Primary Sources ...