10 Good Synonyms for “Helped” on a Resume

There are plenty of situations where people require help in the workplace. If you’re one of those employees who’s always willing to help, then it’s worth talking about in your resume.

You should read on to find out what to say instead of “helped” on a resume. There are some great examples to help you too.

1. Supported

You can write “enabled” instead of “helped” to keep things interesting.

It shows you allowed someone to do something , which generally means you helped them in the process.

3. Assisted

One of the most formal ways to say “helped” is with “assisted.”

We highly recommend using it if you’re trying to show that you’re reliable and respectful . It shows you will take those positive qualities with you when you start a new job.

We also recommend the following resume samples:

You should use it to engage the reader as they go through your CV. It shows you’re willing to use interesting words when explaining how you’ve helped people in the past.

Also, check out these examples to learn more:

You can use “guided” when you help train colleagues . It shows you’re helpful and willing to commit to new employees .

Here are a few great examples to help you with it:

6. Facilitated

7. organized.

Another way to say “helped” on your resume is “organized.” It’s very professional and direct , showing that you managed to assist a team of people.

So, including a word like “organized” in your resume shows you listen to orders . It suggests you’re willing to hear what your boss has to say and act according to their instructions.

We recommend using “advised” to show you offered help to people around you. It’s very effective in most CVs and cover letters.

9. Contributed

Feel free to try “contributed” in your resume. It’s a great way to show you have offered help when possible .

10. Recommended

You can use “recommended” instead of “helped” in some cases. It’s a great way to show that you offered your opinion to assist someone with a matter.

Can I Use “Helped” on a Resume?

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Stop Saying You 'Helped' on Your Resume (and Use These Verbs Instead)

Stop Saying You 'Helped' on Your Resume (and Use These Verbs Instead)

If you’re in the job market ( or you might be soon ) it’s worth taking a fine-tooth comb to the verb choices on your resume. And while humility is a valuable soft skill that conveys emotional intelligence in the workplace, it has no place on a document highlighting your career accomplishments. Your resume is your one brief shot to stand out among hundreds of other candidates, and it needs to be filled with powerful action verbs that convey agency and impact—not those that put you in a “helping” position.

Why you shouldn’t say you “helped”

Recruiters and hiring managers may receive hundreds of applications for the same position. According to a 2018 “Eye Tracking” study conducted by Ladders, Inc ., “The average initial screening time for a candidate’s resume clocks in at just 7.4 seconds.” With such little time to make an impression, it’s imperative your work achievements leap off the page. Using weak or passive verbs (think: assisted , utilized, contributed, held) can “ undermine the strength and effectiveness of your resume ” and cause an HR manager to toss your resume quicker than you can say you “participated in best-of-breed initiatives.”

Why you should use powerful action verbs instead

In an Instagram post , Brooklyn-based tech recruiter Alicia Whitney implored job seekers to “stop downplaying” the important things they’ve done in their careers and gave examples of “verbs to use on your resume instead of ‘helped’ or ‘assisted’ because you did way fucking more than that...We often naturally undercut ourselves and downplay our accomplishments, but your resume is the time to brag.”

Among her top picks were: Executed, overhauled, identified, produced, instituted, incorporated, achieved, delivered, partnered, spearheaded, analyzed, incorporated, completed, advocated , and resolved . She emphasized that this was only a short list, but a quick Google search on “ verbs for resume ” would yield thousands of results. (It did, and our favorites include: Developed, launched, boosted, leveraged, chaired, enacted, established, outperformed, supervised, and pioneered —among countless others.)

Indeed echoed the sentiment, saying not only do action verbs help the application shine, “They can also help job applicants get past software scanners that filter for the top candidates.” Consider this example :

Lacks strength and clarity:   “Held weekly status meetings to share client updates.”
Empowered and detailed:   “Spearheaded weekly status meetings to communicate agency revenue growth.”

The switch to a power verb and more detailed description (with facts, data, numbers, and symbols like ‘$’ ) make the contribution sound stronger and more impactful. Because why say that you “handled daily activities and long-term projects” when you could say that you “leveraged key data points to boost monthly sales by $10,000”?

A note on verb tense

It’s also important to maintain a consistent verb tense throughout. Past tense is acceptable for all verbs, though you can describe your experience in a current job using present tense. Be sure not to mix and match verb tenses within a single set of bullet points—all verb tenses should agree for any given role.


14 Synonyms for “Helped” on Your Resume

another word for helped on resume

You want to appear helpful on a resume. It’s a great way to sell yourself, but is “helped” the best way to show how useful you are?

If you’re worried that “helped” is too boring or generic, you’ve come to the right place.

This article will explain how to say “helped” professionally to help you spice up your writing.

Other Ways to Say “Helped”

  • Partnered with
  • Collaborated
  • Contributed
  • Coordinated
  • Provided support
  • Played a role in


  • “Helped” is a good word to include in a job application to prove you’re resourceful and reliable.
  • Try “assisted” to keep things interesting and let people know you’re willing to help.
  • “Partnered with” is another great synonym that’ll help to mix things up with your resume.

Read on to learn what to use instead of “helped” on your resume. There are plenty of great choices that’ll help you keep things interesting.

Or, if you’d like to know how to say “helped” professionally, you can skip to the final section. We’ll teach you whether it’s correct and when it’s appropriate to include.

Another word for “helped” on your resume is “assisted.” It’s a great formal phrase that shows you’re willing to offer help when necessary.

Now, there are plenty of ways to help someone in the workplace.

For example, you can use “assisted” to say you helped customers on a resume.

Alternatively, you can use it to say you helped trained coworkers or new starters.

Whatever the case, “assisted” is a great term to include in a CV. It shows you’re helpful and reliable , which are both good traits to bring with you throughout life.

The more helpful you appear, the more an employer will be happy to hire you. Helpful employees tend to make the most effective hires, as they usually step in to help lighten the load.

Check out these resume samples to see how it works:

I assisted many customers during my tenure with this company. I never once let them down and always provided solutions

It helps that I’ve assisted my boss many times before. He relies on me when he’s stuck on his next move.

Partnered With

You can use “partnered with” as another way to say “helped” on your resume. It’s a great professional option that shows you teamed up with someone to help them .

For instance, you can use it to say you helped train someone on a resume.

It’s a good way to show you built a partnership of trust and wanted to do what you could to help.

We recommend including this to let a recruiter know you’re helpful . It shows you’re willing to put yourself out there and lend a hand to those in need.

Generally, this is a good way to get to the next stage of an application.

Employers and recruiters will be interested in hearing more about how you’ve partnered up with people around you and what you’ve done to help.

Also, these CV examples should help clear things up:

I partnered with this company because I knew it would help me gain experience. They needed help, and I provided it.

Since I partnered with the customers, they always knew they could count on me to help them through anything.

Can You Say “Helped” on a Resume?

You can say “helped” on a resume. It’s a great word to include because it shows you’re resourceful and reliable .

The more helpful you are in the workplace, the more people will trust you.

Therefore, proving to your employer that you’ve “helped” multiple people before is a good way to build trust with them.

It’s a good resume word and is very professional . You can’t go wrong with it, and it’s worth knowing a little more about how to use it before you include it.

Here are two examples showing you how to use “helped” in a sentence:

I helped customers with their queries. My employer trusted me because I always knew how to help.

I have helped many people get through these problems, as I know the most about fixing these errors.

As you can see, it’s a simple word, but it’s still effective. We certainly recommend including it to show just how useful you can be.

  • 12 Other Ways to Say “Excited to See You”
  • 12 Synonyms for “Assisted” on Your Resume
  • 14 Other Ways to Say “Hope You Enjoyed”
  • 11 Synonyms for “Basic Knowledge” on Your Resume

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13 Helped Synonyms for Resume

Try out these Helped synonyms for your resume instead. Make your resume concise, sharp and more impactful with these Helped synonyms.

Helped Synonyms for Resume

In this article, we will show you:

  • Synonyms for Helped that you should use or avoid.
  • Example of how to use these Helped synonyms on your resume.

Top 13 Helped Synonyms for Your Resume in 2022

  • Accompanied
  • Taken Care Of

Other Helped Synonyms for Resume that are not a Great Fit (Use With Caution)

Where to highlight helped synonyms on your resume.

Generally, you can add Helped to the following sections of your resume:

  • “Helped” synonym on your resume’s header
  • “Helped” synonym on your resume’s summary or objective
  • “Helped” synonym on your resume’s work history section.

Using Synonyms Instead of Helped on Resume - Examples

Maintained instead of helped on resume - example.

  • “Maintained safe premises by implementing safety systems and inspecting SOPs from time to time.”
  • “Maintain current level of production through streamlined production processes and cost optimization.”
  • “Establish and maintain patient relationships by providing support and overseeing day-to-day operations.”

Backed Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Developed an identity management system backed by a custom in-house built security module.”
  • “Leverage market research and backed by competitive intelligence to craft market differentiating features.”
  • “Backed several successful ideas at ACME, helping teams innovate by providing executive support.”
  • “Backed up Account Manager in his absence and solved time sensitive client requests.”
  • “Gained significant backing from CXOs for innovative initiatives.”

Bolstered Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Bolstered 54% increase in customer satisfaction scores in two quarters .”
  • “Bolstered office systems through usable design, technology maintenance, and live video feeds.”
  • “Drives continuous improvement processes across all supply chain teams to bolster processing volume, overall productivity and team satisfaction.”
  • “Consistently promoted high quality customer service to bolster the ACME’s image.”

Sustained Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

“Identifies and implements strategic measures to strengthen performance with sustained operational results.”

Encouraged Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Encouraged innovative ideas from our team of 15 strategists to increase growth.”
  • “Recognize hidden talent and encourage delegation.”
  • “Promote cross-functional collaborations among sales, product and customer service and encourage team engagement.”
  • “Creating a career path for team members where data driven and collaborative approach encourages team members to innovate and be recognized for it.”
  • “Encouraged students to learn by doing through laboratory exercises.”
  • “Built a safe and healthy environment to encourage diversity among teams.”
  • “Encouraged tourism and sales in Virginia Westwood Park.”
  • “Encouraging development of other team members and mentor them to reach their full potential.”
  • “Encouraged visual learning in class through the introduction of apps and softwares to help students visualize complex concepts with ease.”

Advised Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Advised Fortune 500 companies on security best practices and enforcing them for a workforce of more than 10,000 people.”
  • “Advise on mortgage procedures to first time homeowners.”
  • “Teach Philosophy and advise students on thesis selection.”
  • “Advised severa Fortune 500 companies on FSMA compliance from strategy through implementation.”
  • “Managed a portfolio of over $200M and advised investors on their portfolio.”
  • “I advised startups on accounting and financial management in the Dallas area.”
  • “Advised a team of 10+ board members on their asset allocation and depreciation.”

Accompanied Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Accompanied and hosted a senior member of Congress on his tour to New Jersey.”
  • “Extensive experience of CMBS loans, accompanied by in-depth knowledge of creating mortgage structures for institutional investors.”

Taken Care Of Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Take care of fleet operators of ACME."
  • “Make sure the client's needs are taken care of.”
  • “Ensure that guests feel taken care of during their stay at Fairmont.”

Supported Instead of Helped on Resume - Example

  • “Played an important role by support
  • “Supported sales teams by acting as an SME for the PVC manufacturing industry.”

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Resume Synonyms for Help

Want to connect with potential employers by highlighting your support capabilities? While 'Help' indicates assistance, more uplifting verbs like 'Empower' convey your talents enabling people to maximize their potential. Let's explore enabling alternatives to 'Help' that can vividly underscore your abilities to unlock success in others.

Table of Contents

Using help on a resume.

In the simplest terms, 'Help' is a word that signifies assistance, support, or aid provided to someone or something. It's a term that embodies the act of making things easier or better for someone else, often in a situation where they cannot do it themselves. When it comes to a resume, 'Help' is frequently used to describe a candidate's role or experience in assisting others, whether it be colleagues, clients, or entire organizations. It is meant to communicate a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and the ability to contribute positively to a larger goal or objective. However, while 'Help' is a useful term, it may not always be the most impactful word to use on your resume. It's a rather generic term and can sometimes fail to capture the full extent of your contributions or abilities. To truly make your resume stand out, it's worth considering the use of other, more dynamic synonyms that can better articulate your skills and experiences. This not only adds variety to your resume but also allows potential employers to gain a more nuanced understanding of your capabilities.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

another word for helped on resume

Strong vs Weak Uses of Help

Examples of using help on a resume.

  • Helped streamline company operations by implementing a new project management system, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Helped develop and launch a new product line that increased company revenue by 15%.
  • Helped lead a team of 10 employees, improving team productivity by 30%.
  • Helped with some projects.
  • Helped around the office.
  • Helped with things that needed to be done.

How Help Is Commonly Misused

"helped with various tasks".

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the tasks that were helped with. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your skills and contributions.

"Helped customers with their inquiries"

While it may seem like a positive statement, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the outcomes or results of helping customers, such as "Provided exceptional customer service by resolving inquiries promptly, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating."

"Helped in the development of new products"

This statement is too general and does not provide any specific information about the role played in the development process. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your contributions and impact, such as "Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ideate, prototype, and launch three new products, resulting in a 30% increase in overall company revenue."

"Helped manage team projects"

While it indicates involvement in team projects, it lacks specificity and does not highlight any specific responsibilities or achievements. Instead, it is better to mention specific actions taken or outcomes achieved while managing team projects, such as "Led a team of five members in successfully executing multiple projects, resulting in a 15% increase in project efficiency and on-time delivery."

When to Replace Help with Another Synonym

Assisting customers.

Instead of using "Helped," job seekers can use synonyms like "Assisted," "Supported," or "Aided" to convey their role in providing customer service. These alternatives highlight their ability to address customer needs, resolve issues, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Collaborating with colleagues

When describing teamwork or collaboration experience, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Collaborated," "Cooperated," or "Worked closely with." These terms emphasize their ability to work effectively with others, contribute to group projects, and achieve common goals.

Training or mentoring others

Instead of using "Helped," job seekers can use synonyms like "Trained," "Mentored," or "Guided" to showcase their role in developing the skills and knowledge of others. These alternatives highlight their ability to transfer knowledge, provide guidance, and support the professional growth of their peers or subordinates.

Best Resume Synonyms for Help

How to replace help with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing help in your resume summary.

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Help in Your Work Experience

  • Helped in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased company sales by 15%.
  • Facilitated the development and successful execution of an innovative marketing strategy, driving a 15% increase in company sales.

Powerful Help Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best help synonyms for marketing resumes, best help synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

Instead of using the word 'Help', consider using more dynamic verbs like 'Assisted', 'Supported', 'Facilitated', or 'Contributed'. For example, instead of saying "Helped with project management", you could say "Assisted in the successful completion of a major project" or "Contributed to a 20% increase in efficiency through effective project management".

It's OK to use 'Help' on your resume when you're describing how you assisted or supported a project, team, or initiative. For example, "Helped develop a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20%," or "Helped coordinate a team of 5 to complete project ahead of schedule." However, ensure it's used sparingly and in conjunction with more powerful action verbs to avoid sounding passive.

To gauge if 'Help' is relevant for your resume, consider the context and the role you're applying for. If you're in a service-oriented or team-focused role, using 'Help' can highlight your ability to assist others or contribute to a team. For example, "Helped increase team productivity by 20%" or "Helped develop a new customer service protocol, resulting in improved customer satisfaction scores."

Which Job Titles use Help the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of help on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative assistant resume

Guidance to Improve Your Resume Language for Greater Impact

The Best Synonyms for “Assisted” to Use on Your Resume

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The word “assisted” refers to any action taken to help or support someone else in completing their work. 

Adding this ability to your resume shows that you can work collaboratively and are eager to contribute in any way you can. 

The problem with the word “assisted” is that it doesn’t tell hiring managers what you did – only that you helped in some vague way. 

If you know how to do a task well enough to put it on your resume, choose a more descriptive word than “assisted”.

Here is a list of synonyms for the word “assisted” that you can add to your resume.

Resume synonyms for Assisted :

The average salary range for healthcare recruiters is between $58,000 and $88,000, with a median salary of $71,000.

How to replace Assisted with a stronger synonym

When you’re writing your resume, try to replace the word “assisted” with a more specific action verb .

For example:

Instead of saying ,

Assisted in creating marketing materials.

Try saying,

Compiled data for marketing materials.

This demonstrates your ability to analyze and interpret data , which gives hiring managers a much clearer picture of what you’re capable of. 

Examples of how to use synonyms for Assisted

Here are some examples of how to use synonyms for “assisted” in a sentence:

  • Administered medications and treatments to patients per physician orders.
  • Contributed to the design of several architectural projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial structures.
  • Organized a team of 15 project managers, achieving an average cost reduction of 10% for each project.
  • Enabled customer success by providing support and resolving 85% of complex customer inquiries within 24 hours.
  • Counseled students on critical thinking and problem-solving skills, increasing academic performance by 10%.
  • Accommodated the financial needs of 2 clients by managing $300,000 in assets and creating customized budgets that resulted in a 5% increase in savings.

If you are looking for a word that is stronger and more descriptive than “assisted,” try using one of these words instead: • Accommodated • Assessed • Compiled • Counseled • Evaluated • Formulated • Implemented • Obliged • Persuaded • Supported

Instead of using a word like “assisted” on your resume, try using words like Supported, Contributed, Collaborated, Implemented, Organized, Compiled, or Scheduled. These words are better because they describe what you did , which is what hiring managers want to see.

Use Jobscan’s resume scanner to make sure you’re using the strongest, most descriptive, and most relevant words on your resume.

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The scanner also offers helpful tips on how to format your resume, write more effective bullet points, avoid overused phrases, and more.

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More expert insights on this topic:


500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs


37 Stronger Synonyms for “Helped” to Use on Your Resume


500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

Home » Resume Synonyms » Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

Resume Synonyms for Help

In the competitive world of job hunting, having an impressive resume is crucial. Your resume is the key to catching the attention of potential employers and securing job opportunities. One common pitfall in resumes is the repetitive use of certain words, particularly the word ‘help’. While it may seem harmless, overusing this word can dilute the impact of your accomplishments and make your resume less memorable. In this article, we will explore powerful synonyms for ‘help’ that will elevate your resume and make it stand out from the crowd.

Elevate your resume with powerful synonyms for ‘help’. Discover impactful alternatives that convey your skills and achievements more effectively. Stand out and make a memorable impression on potential employers.

The Power of Synonyms

Comprehensive list of synonyms for ‘help’, practical application: utilizing strong verbs in your resume, using synonyms in different contexts, frequently asked questions.

Words have the power to create vivid images in the minds of others. When it comes to your resume, you want to paint a picture of yourself as a competent, dynamic, and valuable candidate. Using the same tired words as everyone else will only make your resume blend into the background. This is where synonyms come into play. Synonyms are words that have similar meanings to other words. By replacing the overused word ‘help’ with more specific and impactful synonyms, you can make your resume more engaging and memorable.

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To transform your resume from ordinary to extraordinary, here is a comprehensive list of powerful synonyms for ‘help’ that you can utilize strategically:

AssistSuggests offering supportAssisted the team in completing the project
AidIndicates providing helpProvided aid to the victims of the disaster
SupportImplies offering assistanceSupported the marketing team in their efforts
GuideSuggests providing directionGuided new employees through the onboarding process
FacilitateImplies making easierFacilitated smooth communication between departments
MentorIndicates providing guidanceMentored junior employees in their career development
CollaborateImplies working togetherCollaborated with cross-functional teams to achieve project goals
EmpowerSuggests giving authorityEmpowered team members to make decisions independently
NurtureImplies fostering growthNurtured the skills and talents of team members
EnlightenIndicates providing knowledgeEnlightened clients about the benefits of the product
EnhanceSuggests improvingEnhanced the performance of the website through optimization
FosterImplies encouraging growthFostered a culture of innovation within the team
EncourageIndicates promotingEncouraged team members to think outside the box
StrengthenSuggests making strongerStrengthened relationships with key stakeholders
EnableImplies giving abilityEnabled customers to easily navigate the website
ContributeIndicates offering inputContributed valuable ideas during team meetings
AidImplies providing assistanceAided in the development of new product features
SupportSuggests offering helpSupported colleagues in meeting project deadlines
AssistImplies giving supportAssisted customers in resolving technical issues
GuideIndicates providing guidanceGuided clients through the implementation process
FacilitateImplies making easierFacilitated efficient communication between departments
MentorIndicates offering mentorshipMentored interns in their professional development
CollaborateImplies working togetherCollaborated with colleagues on cross-functional projects
EmpowerIndicates giving authorityEmpowered team members to make decisions autonomously
NurtureImplies fostering growthNurtured a supportive and inclusive team culture
EnlightenIndicates sharing knowledgeEnlightened trainees about new industry trends
EnhanceImplies improvingEnhanced the efficiency of internal processes
FosterIndicates encouraging growthFostered collaboration between different teams
EncourageImplies motivatingEncouraged team members to explore innovative solutions
StrengthenIndicates making strongerStrengthened client relationships through regular communication
EnableImplies providing capabilityEnabled customers to customize their user experience

This comprehensive list of synonyms for ‘help’ provides a range of options to choose from, each with its own connotation and example usage. Select the synonym that best fits the context of your resume and accurately conveys the nature of your contributions.

Remember, the key to choosing the right synonym is understanding the connotation and nuances associated with each word. Selecting a synonym that accurately reflects your role and impact will enhance the effectiveness of your resume.

Now that you have a list of powerful synonyms for ‘help’, it’s time to put them to use in your resume. Here are a few examples to demonstrate how you can replace ‘help’ with stronger verbs:

  • Original sentence: “Helped manage a team of professionals.” Revised sentence: “Guided and empowered a team of professionals to achieve departmental goals.”
  • Original sentence: “Helped improve customer satisfaction ratings.” Revised sentence: “Enhanced customer satisfaction ratings through proactive support and personalized assistance.”
  • Original sentence: “Helped develop and implement new marketing strategies.” Revised sentence: “Contributed to the development and successful implementation of innovative marketing strategies.”

By incorporating these stronger verbs, you not only demonstrate your active involvement but also highlight the impact of your actions on the overall success of the projects or teams you were a part of.

When applying for different positions, it’s essential to tailor your resume to reflect the specific skills and qualifications required. Different job roles demand different verbs to effectively describe your contributions. For instance:

  • In a leadership position: ‘Empowered’, ‘guided’, or ‘mentored’ can effectively convey your ability to lead and develop a team.
  • In a customer service role: ‘Assisted’, ‘supported’, or ‘nurtured’ can showcase your dedication to providing excellent customer experiences.
  • In a creative role: ‘Collaborated’, ‘enhanced’, or ‘contributed’ can emphasize your ability to bring innovative ideas to the table.

By choosing verbs that align with the desired skills and qualities of the target job, you can demonstrate your suitability for the role effectively.

Now let’s address some common questions about using synonyms for ‘help’ in your resume:

Instead of using the word ‘help’, you can opt for more impactful and specific verbs such as ‘assisted’, ‘guided’, ‘supported’, or ‘contributed’. These verbs provide a clearer picture of your actions and highlight your valuable contributions.

To make the most of synonyms, choose the most suitable verb that accurately describes your role and achievements. Additionally, ensure that your verbs align with the specific skills and qualities required for the targeted job.

While there are many synonyms for ‘help’, not all of them will be suitable for every context. Choose a synonym that accurately reflects your role and responsibilities. Be sure to maintain clarity and honesty in your resume.

Using varied and specific verbs can help your resume stand out from the competition. It showcases your abilities and achievements in a more engaging and memorable way, increasing your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Yes, you can use the word ‘assist’ in a resume. However, using more specific and impactful synonyms can help make your resume stand out and showcase your skills and accomplishments in a more engaging way.

There are several synonyms you can use for ‘assist’ on your CV, such as ‘help’, ‘support’, ‘aid’, ‘facilitate’, ‘guide’, ‘collaborate’, or ‘contribute’. Choosing the right synonym depends on the context and nature of your role and responsibilities.

Instead of using ‘assisted’, you can opt for stronger and more specific verbs, such as ‘supported’, ‘facilitated’, ‘guided’, ‘collaborated’, ‘contributed’, or ‘aided’. These words add depth and clarity to your resume, showcasing your active involvement and impact in your previous roles.

Your resume is the gateway to new job opportunities, and using powerful synonyms instead of overused words like ‘help’ can elevate your resume’s impact. By selecting the right synonym that accurately reflects your role and contributions, you create a vivid and memorable image of your skills and achievements in the minds of recruiters. So, take the time to choose your words carefully and let your resume shine brightly among the rest.

another word for helped on resume

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Recommended Reading:

  • Hobbies and Interests to put on a CV
  • CV personal qualities and skills
  • Skills to include on a CV
  • How to write references on a CV
  • How to write achievements on a CV
  • Personal details on a CV
  • How to start a cover letter
  • LinkedIn Background Photo

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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Synonyms of helped

  • as in aided
  • as in relieved
  • as in prevented
  • as in benefited
  • as in improved
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Thesaurus Definition of helped

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • facilitated
  • propped (up)
  • backstopped
  • bore a hand
  • stood one in good stead
  • ministered (to)
  • cared (for)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • handicapped
  • constrained
  • disappointed
  • discouraged
  • inconvenienced
  • disheartened
  • ameliorated
  • exacerbated
  • intensified
  • forestalled
  • anticipated
  • neutralized
  • interfered (with)
  • made up (for)
  • counteracted
  • circumvented
  • counterbalanced
  • compensated (for)
  • fended (off)
  • warded (off)
  • worked (for)
  • wrought (for)
  • strengthened
  • rehabilitated
  • fine - tuned
  • refurbished
  • beefed (up)

Thesaurus Entries Near helped

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“Helped.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/helped. Accessed 2 Jul. 2024.

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Britannica English: Translation of helped for Arabic Speakers

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Resume Worded

Resume synonyms for commonly used action verbs.

Our team has compiled a list of strong action verbs you can use on your resume, so your resume is more effective and your accomplishments stand out.

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another word for helped on resume

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another word for helped on resume


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  3. List of common action words for resumes

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  6. Resume Helped Internal Clients With Work

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  1. 37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume

    Learn how to use stronger synonyms for helped to showcase your specific contributions and skills on your resume. See examples of how to replace helped with action words and improve your resume.

  2. Helped Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Learn how to replace the vague and overused phrase "helped" on your resume with more specific and powerful action verbs. See examples of how to use synonyms like transformed, spearheaded, championed, and more to showcase your skills and achievements.

  3. 10 Good Synonyms for "Helped" on a Resume

    Learn how to say "helped" professionally on your resume with 10 different words. See examples of how to use "supported", "enabled", "assisted" and more to showcase your skills and experience.

  4. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Helped [Examples + Data]

    The best replacement word for 'Helped' on a resume could be 'Assisted', 'Supported', 'Contributed', 'Facilitated', or 'Aided'. For instance, instead of saying "Helped in project management", you could say "Contributed to project management" or "Facilitated project management", which sounds more proactive and impactful.

  5. "Helped" Resume Synonyms: Employers Prefer These Words

    Examples of "helped" synonyms to use on a resume. Here are 15 examples of synonyms for the word "helped" that may be better alternatives for your resume with a brief definition of each: Collaborated: Worked together as a team, combining efforts and skills. Assisted: Provided support and aid to your team or during a project.

  6. Stop Saying You 'Helped' on Your Resume (and Use These ...

    Stop Saying You 'Helped' on Your Resume (and Use These Verbs Instead) You should use much stronger words than "helped" and "assisted." Sarah Showfety. January 26, 2022. Credit: Roman Samborskyi ...

  7. Help Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Help ". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience. When a recruiter sees the word 'help' in your resume, it indicates that you are willing to take on more responsibility and make yourself ...

  8. 14 Synonyms for "Helped" on Your Resume

    Another word for "helped" on your resume is "assisted.". It's a great formal phrase that shows you're willing to offer help when necessary. Now, there are plenty of ways to help someone in the workplace. For example, you can use "assisted" to say you helped customers on a resume. Alternatively, you can use it to say you helped ...

  9. 7 "Helped" Synonyms For Resumes: How To Choose And Examples

    Here is a list of "helped" synonyms to use on your resume: 1. Co-authored. "Co-authored" means providing substantial contribution and involvement in completing work. It indicates active collaboration and shared responsibility in creating something. Here are some ways of using this synonym on your resume:

  10. 13 Helped Synonyms for Resume

    Learn how to use synonyms for helped on your resume to make it more concise and impactful. See examples of 13 helped synonyms and where to use them on your resume.

  11. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Help [Examples + Data]

    Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives. Contributed. Provided resources, ideas, or time to aid a collective endeavor. Cooperated. Actively worked in harmony with others for a shared purpose. Facilitated.

  12. Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

    16 Resume synonyms for Assist: Here's a list of powerful synonyms for "assist" you can use on your resume. Aided. Backed up. Boosted. Eased. Served. Reinforced. Lifted.

  13. Assist Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Words to use on resume instead of 'assist' includes 'diversified,' 'promoted,' and 'ministered.'. When you use power verbs, you can show the recruiter exactly your responsibilities in previous roles and help them understand the impact of your work, which is crucial for getting hired. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Assist on ...

  14. Empower Your Resume: Synonyms for Helped in 2024

    Replacing 'helped' with dynamic synonyms adds strength, specificity, and impact to your resume. Choose from a comprehensive list of powerful synonyms such as 'facilitated', 'administered', 'improved', 'resolved', and more to accurately convey your actions and accomplishments. Transform your resume by incorporating these ...

  15. Synonyms for "Support" To Use on a Resume

    Using synonyms for "support" on your resume can help differentiate you from other candidates by providing a more detailed description of your accomplishments. Using power verbs to better describe how you supported a colleague or task will communicate a more specific understanding of your accomplishments. General synonyms for "support" Here are ...

  16. The Best Synonyms for "Assisted" to Use on Your Resume

    Here is a list of synonyms for the word "assisted" that you can add to your resume. Resume synonyms for Assisted : The average salary range for healthcare recruiters is between $58,000 and $88,000, with a median salary of $71,000.

  17. The Best Synonyms for Common Resume Verbs & Adjectives

    Example: Evaluated market trends and competitor strategies to identify key insights, informing strategic decision-making and achieving a competitive edge.. Synonyms for your resume introduction. A resume introduction is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that summarizes your key qualifications as a candidate.. A strong resume introduction sells your candidacy by targeting the job ...

  18. What Are Synonyms for "Assisted" on a Resume?

    Enabled. Joined. Fostered. Inspired. Furthered. Advanced. Served. Promoted. Unless you're describing work you helped with outside of the usual scope of your responsibilities, it's best to avoid the word "assisted" on your resume.

  19. Support Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    To address this issue, you can use other words for support in the past tense (if a job listed on your resume is not an ongoing role), emphasizing what you achieved or how successful you were. For example: 'Championed', 'Boosted' or 'Reinforced'. These power verbs will give recruiters an idea of what kind of work you did on each project and how ...

  20. Powerful Resume Synonyms for Help: Elevate Your Resume

    To transform your resume from ordinary to extraordinary, here is a comprehensive list of powerful synonyms for 'help' that you can utilize strategically: Synonym. Connotation. Example. Assist. Suggests offering support. Assisted the team in completing the project. Aid.

  21. HELPED Synonyms: 226 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for HELPED: aided, assisted, supported, reinforced, encouraged, abetted, backed, facilitated; Antonyms of HELPED: hindered, hampered, impeded, failed ...

  22. Assisted Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Assisted ". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience. The word "assisted" describes work done with the help of others. Using this word in your resume shows that you have worked with ...

  23. Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Resume Synonyms for Commonly Used Action Verbs. ... Improve your resume Score my resume Targeted resume Write your resume ATS resume templates ATS resume test ATS resume guide Resume helper Resume proofreader Rate my resume Resume grammar checker Resume optimizer Google Docs resume templates Sample resume bullet points Skills and keywords ...