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Zen Media - B2B Marketing & PR Agency for B2B Brands

19 Successful PR Campaigns from Innovative Companies

  • Megan Noorman
  • December 28, 2023

examples of successful pr campaigns

Successful PR campaigns come in as many different forms as there are brands. What could be innovative and on-point for one company may be totally off-key for another.

Despite that, looking at other companies’ PR successes can still be helpful when developing a comprehensive PR campaign for your brand . So let’s look at 19 major PR successes over the years from companies across various industries and key takeaways to strengthen the impact of your next PR campaign.

1. The “Summer of Barbie” Campaign

The “Summer of Barbie” campaign, associated with the 2023 Barbie movie, created a global buzz. This vibrant campaign included painting mansions pink and setting up life-sized Barbie boxes for photo ops, leading to a surprising pink paint shortage. The campaign’s success was monumental, contributing to the movie’s staggering $2.9 billion global gross.

The Barbie campaign tapped into the nostalgia of a beloved brand while aligning it with contemporary trends. Brands can learn to blend nostalgia with modern elements to appeal to both long-time followers and new audiences.

By weaving a compelling narrative around Barbie and integrating it with real-world experiences, the campaign created a story that people wanted to be a part of. Brands should focus on crafting stories that are not only engaging but also offer opportunities for the audience to participate and contribute, creating a shared and more impactful brand journey.

2. Reinventing Financial PR with Dwolla

Dwolla, an established player in the modern payments platform sector, sought to rejuvenate its image and boost brand awareness in 2022. Zen Media’s approach was a dynamic 90-day PR blitz, focusing on forward-thinking announcements and unveiling new partnerships. This comprehensive strategy also highlighted unique case studies and proactive podcast pitches, cementing Dwolla’s position as a fintech thought leader. The outcome was impressive: over 170 media pieces and 250+ social media engagements, significantly raising Dwolla’s profile and exceeding their expectations in brand visibility.

Dwolla’s campaign also underscores the importance of innovation within industry norms. In the financial sector, where trust and reliability are paramount, Dwolla managed to inject freshness and dynamism into its brand image without losing sight of these core values. Brands in other sectors can take note of this balance between innovation and adherence to industry standards.

3. Lego Rebuild the World 

Their first global PR campaign in decades, Lego’s Rebuild the World was focused on inspiring creative thinking in kids—but also adults. As part of the public relations campaign, Lego asked customers to submit pictures of their creations, aggregated onto a 3D globe on the brand’s website. Users can move and spin the globe to see what people worldwide have created. 

The best part is that Rebuild the World struck the perfect balance between inspirational and playful—an exact fit for Lego’s overall brand personality.

4. Kamua’s Product Launch campaign

Our client Kamua, an AI-powered video editing platform, wanted to establish itself as an authoritative voice in the video editing industry and rapidly expand its base of dedicated users. 

We worked with them to create a comprehensive, strategic public relations strategy that included bylined articles by Kamua founder and CEO Paul Robert Cary; multiple monthly mentions including in tier-one publications; and, most importantly, a Product Hunt launch campaign that would get Kamua’s name and product in front of thousands of tech-savvy users and influencers. 

Kamua became one of the top three most-hunted products on Product Hunt, was featured in Product Hunt’s email newsletter , and was named Best Product of the Week by Product Hunt the week of its campaign. Just one outcome of this PR campaign? The platform gained 400 new users literally overnight.

Related read: Product Launch Marketing: Strategy, Plan, and Execute

Top 3 Most Hunted on ProductHunt banner

5. Dove’s #TheSelfieTalk Campaign

A decade after the women’s skincare brand launched its Real Beauty campaign, it’s still going strong. 

Why? Because they’ve involved real women (and girls) every step of the way. Their latest campaign is a commentary on how social media affects girls’ self-esteem. Their #TheSelfieTalkCampaign shows a young girl editing a photo of herself to post online. To make their point, Dove shows this process in reverse. The advertisement ends by showing the girl’s natural face without makeup or filters. 

From honest conversations on beauty standards to what it means to “throw like a girl,” Dove’s public relations campaigns have evolved and adapted to the times by staying sincerely in touch with what its customers are experiencing in their daily lives.

6. BBC’s Peaky Blinders fan art campaign

Fan art is a world unto itself—but surprisingly few brands embrace this “unofficial” view, even though it’s probably the best possible source of user-generated content a brand could ever ask for. 

An exception to this was the show Peaky Blinders , which issued a call to fans to create art for their new season’s imagery in 2019. Not only did this generate interest among casual viewers and those who were not yet fans, but it also strengthened the relationship between the show’s creators and the viewers who love it—a win-win. 

Related read: How to Take Your User-Generated Content from Good to Great

7. Caldwell’s newsjacking campaign

Caldwell, a law firm specializing in high-growth startups and early-stage tech and life sciences, aimed to extend its brand beyond its founder’s reputation. The firm worked with Zen Media, and our innovative strategy involved a newsjacking campaign, seizing real-time opportunities for Caldwell’s attorneys to comment on global cases. This proactive approach led to numerous features in trade magazines covering tech and biotech cases, enhancing Caldwell’s visibility and establishing its lawyers as industry thought leaders.

Caldwell’s approach illustrates the effectiveness of creating a multi-dimensional brand identity . By showcasing their expertise on various platforms and media, they not only enhanced their brand visibility but also added depth to their brand’s persona. Brands should strive to create a diverse yet cohesive image that reflects their multiple strengths and areas of expertise.

8. The Eras Tour — More than just a concert

Can we call a concert tour a campaign? Why not! Taylor Swift took over the world in 2023 with her Eras Tour. She not only blasted through global attendance and revenue records for a tour and had a direct impact on local economies where she performed (and released multiple albums and a film), but she also created a widespread culture that consumed the market. 

The Eras Tour exemplifies the power of a holistic marketing approach. By integrating various elements—music, visual arts, storytelling—into a cohesive campaign, Swift managed to create a brand experience that was both immersive and memorable. Brands can learn to integrate different marketing elements to create a more comprehensive and engaging campaign.

Another critical aspect of the Eras Tour’s success was Swift’s strong fan base. Brands should focus on building and nurturing a loyal community around their products or services—it can be a powerful tool in amplifying the impact of campaigns.

9. State Street Global Advisors Fearless Girl 

The Fearless Girl statue that the Wall Street firm State Street Global Advisors firm placed to face down the famous Wall Street bull became a symbol of the financial sector’s lack of gender diversity, and the women who have been at the forefront of trying to change that. 

But in addition to its symbolic importance, it’s also a carefully crafted advertisement—one for the firm’s exchange-traded Gender Diversity Index SHE fund. 

The firm has faced some criticism over the years since putting up the statue, as it hasn’t always been clear whether State Street Global Advisors is making gender diversity a true priority. 

And this brings up another important point when it comes to creating successful PR campaigns: Your brand needs to put its money where its mouth is. If you say diversity, or sustainability, or another issue is important to you, make sure you’re backing that up with real action. 

Related read: Negative Public Perceptions and Other PR Problems: How To Change The Narrative

 "The Fearless Girl" statue facing Charging Bull in Lower Manhattan, New York City

10. Calian IT & Cyber Solutions—Blending brands for a bigger impact

Following its acquisition of Computex, Calian IT & Cyber Solutions faced the challenge of merging brand identities and penetrating the U.S. market. They partnered with us at Zen Media, and we created a strategic PR roadmap, including curated proactive pitching topics to position two of Calian IT & Cyber Solutions’ senior executives as thought leaders in their areas of expertise. 

Zen would also help secure the executives Forbes Technology Council memberships and launch a regular cadence of published bylines. This robust campaign led to significant media coverage and awards, with Calian’s IT & Cyber Solutions division reporting double-digit revenue growth, largely credited to their expanded U.S. presence.

In merging two brands, it’s crucial to balance innovation with the preservation of core values and strengths that define each brand. This balance helps in maintaining loyalty among existing customers while attracting new ones.

11. New Cosmos USA’s community-first approach

New Cosmos USA, committed to preventing natural gas explosions with their DeNova Detect alarm, took a unique community-centric PR approach. In response to a gas explosion in West Reading, Pennsylvania, they collaborated with Zen Media for a rapid community support and media outreach strategy. This involved donations, local PSA publications, and educational materials on gas safety. 

The campaign, replicated in other locations, not only bolstered community safety but also positioned DeNova Detect as a leader in natural gas safety, leading to increased sales in those areas. By positioning the DeNova Detect alarm as a solution to a community issue, New Cosmos USA effectively aligned their product with community welfare, enhancing the product’s value proposition. Brands should evaluate the success of their campaigns not just in terms of sales but also by their impact on community welfare and social awareness.

12. Gender Pay Gap Bot Fights For Fair Wages 

As we’ve stated, many companies like to raise awareness of social issues and fight for change. The Gender Pay Gap Bot is an automated Twitter account that advocates for women’s rights to equal pay—and on International Women’s Day, the bot ran a PR campaign to hold companies accountable. 

Their slogan: “Stop posting platitudes. Start fixing the problem.” 

As companies in various industries filled users’ feeds with empowering messages, the Gender Pay Gap Bot responded with data revealing the inequities in compensation between their male and female employees. This PR strategy sheds light on these issues through transparency and neutral messaging. Today, the Twitter account has over 240,000 followers. 

13. McDonald’s ‘We Hire People’ Campaign

Companies that emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are paving the way for a kinder, more inclusive world. Promoting these brand values through public relations strategies is a great way to show your commitment to welcoming all of your employees and customers. 

McDonald’s ‘We Hire People” Campaign does just this. The fast-food chain introduces viewers to many individuals with various cultural backgrounds, passions, and ages. The advertisement shows that McDonald’s doors are open to everyone. These messages are essential in 2024. 

14. Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ Campaign

This campaign has been one of the most successful PR campaigns of all time. The tagline “Just Do It” is simple yet powerful and has become synonymous with Nike’s brand identity. The campaign’s success is due to its inspirational message that encourages consumers to push themselves beyond their limits and achieve their goals. Nike has used the campaign to showcase its products as tools that help people achieve their athletic potential. The “ Just Do It” campaign has also featured famous athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Serena Williams, who embody Nike’s brand values of determination, perseverance, and excellence.

15. Google’s Year in Search

Google’s “Year in Search” campaign is an annual PR campaign that showcases the top trending searches of the year. The campaign has been successful because it taps into people’s emotional connections to current events and showcases Google’s ability to capture the pulse of the world through search data. The campaign is also highly shareable and creates a sense of community around the shared experience of looking back at the year’s top moments. The campaign reinforces Google’s brand identity as a company that is at the forefront of technology and innovation.

16. Red Bull’s ‘Stratos’ Campaign

In 2012, Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking jump from the edge of space called the “ Red Bull Stratos. ” The campaign was a massive success, generating over 52 million views on YouTube and millions of dollars in earned media coverage. The campaign was successful because it showcased Red Bull’s brand values of extreme sports and adventure while also breaking a world record. The campaign was a testament to the power of experiential marketing and how brands can leverage events to create memorable and impactful campaigns.

17. Chipotle’s ‘Food with ‘Integrity’ campaign

Chipotle’s “ Food with Integrity” campaign was an innovative marketing campaign that aimed to differentiate the company from other fast-food chains by highlighting its commitment to sourcing sustainable and ethically produced ingredients for its menu. The campaign featured a series of advertisements that showcased Chipotle’s use of fresh, locally sourced, and sustainably-raised ingredients and its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

What made the campaign innovative was that it was not just a marketing gimmick; Chipotle really did change its sourcing practices to live up to the promises it made in the ads. The company worked directly with farmers and producers to develop sustainable farming practices, and it paid premium prices to ensure that the farmers were able to make a living wage. The success of the campaign was due to its resonance with consumers who valued healthier, more sustainable food options and appreciated Chipotle’s mission as much as its food.

18. Patagonia Says ‘Don’t Buy This Jacket’

Patagonia’s “ Don’t Buy This Jacket” campaign was an innovative marketing campaign that aimed to encourage customers to buy less and reduce their environmental impact. The campaign was launched in 2011 and featured a full-page ad in The New York Times that showed one of Patagonia’s best-selling jackets with the headline “Don’t Buy This Jacket.” The ad went on to explain the environmental impact of the jacket’s production and encouraged customers to think twice before making a purchase.

What made the campaign innovative was that it went against the traditional marketing strategy of encouraging customers to buy more. Instead, Patagonia wanted to use its platform to raise awareness about the environmental impact of consumerism and to encourage customers to make more conscious choices. The campaign also reflected Patagonia’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and its belief that the company had a responsibility to minimize its environmental impact. The campaign was a success and helped to solidify Patagonia’s reputation as a leader in sustainability and environmental activism.

19. Airbnb’s ‘Belong Anywhere’ Campaign

This PR campaign was an innovative campaign that aimed to position the company as a global community that offered unique and authentic travel experiences. The campaign focused on Airbnb’s ability to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds, highlighting the role of welcoming and knowledgeable local hosts. The campaign was successful because it tapped into the growing trend of experiential travel and emphasized the community aspect of travel. It helped establish Airbnb as a disruptor in the travel industry and drove significant growth for the company.

Creating an innovative, successful PR campaign requires a team of experts who know your brand inside and out. If you’re looking for help making your next PR campaign stand out, get in touch with Zen ! 

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  • How to Write a PR Case Study: A Comprehensive Guide

Home » How to Write a PR Case Study: A Comprehensive Guide

A well-crafted public relations case study can be an immensely powerful tool for PR professionals, agencies, and freelancers. It’s more than a one-off success story; it’s a compelling display of strategy, execution, and results that can attract new clients and showcase your talent. 

Case studies equip customers with a better understanding of the challenges their PR firm or freelancer has faced, as well as how they have resolved and overcome those barriers to success. 

Dive into our comprehensive guide on how to write compelling public relations case studies that resonate with your audience and drive results.

Start Strong with the PR Challenge

Begin your PR case study by outlining the challenge your client faced. Detail the initial situation, the client’s goals, and their aspirations. Whether it was a viral social media campaign , a groundbreaking product launch, or a crisis management triumph, set the stage for the journey ahead.

Structure the PR Case Study for Clarity and Engagement

Craft a structured narrative that captivates your audience from start to finish. Provide a brief overview of the client and their market context before delving into the specifics of the project. Break down the case study into manageable sections such as the challenge, strategy, execution, and results. Seamless transitions between sections ensure a compelling storytelling experience.

Harness the Power of Data Visualization

Enhance the credibility of your case study by incorporating hard data and statistics. Use infographics or charts to illustrate key metrics such as increased website traffic, social media engagement, or media placements secured. Visual representations not only validate your claims but also make complex information more digestible for your audience.

Amplify with Client Testimonials

Inject authenticity into your PR case study by including testimonials from satisfied clients. Let their voices narrate the success story alongside your own. Look for testimonials that are specific, enthusiastic, and aligned with the narrative of your case study. Personal insights from clients add credibility and resonance to your accomplishments.

Promote Your Success Story

Maximize the impact of your case study by promoting it across relevant channels. Share it within your professional networks and online communities to amplify its reach. Optimize your content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords and shareable elements. Make it easy for prospective clients to find and engage with your success story.

Still Seeking Inspiration?

Explore examples of stellar PR case studies for inspiration:

  • Visa: Establishing Visa’s voice in the world of NFTs and crypto commerce
  • Dove: D ove turned its back on beauty filters. Literally. Here’s why.
  • Sparkling Ice: Giving Back

Crafting a compelling public relations case study requires attention to detail, storytelling finesse, and strategic promotion. By following these guidelines, you can create impactful case studies that showcase your expertise, attract new clients, and solidify your reputation in the industry.

Ready to elevate your PR game? Start writing your next standout case study today!

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How To Create PR Case Study Examples That Win New Business

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PR case studies are essential to showcasing campaign achievements and illustrating exceptional work.

  • Struggling to turn client successes into compelling case studies that actually land new deals?
  • Tired of case studies that feel like dry, self-promotional brochures which put people to sleep?
  • Worried that existing case studies are not showcasing the team’s expertise and unique value proposition in a way that will resonate with potential clients?

These marketing resources help prospective clients understand how PRs establish brand identity and present clients in their best light. When it comes to getting potential clients to sign on the dotted line, a strong PR case study should get them to put pen to paper.

This article offers a roadmap to crafting PR case studies that wow. We’ll cover:

  • The secret sauce to crafting narratives that resonate with the target market.
  • Transforming data into digestible (and brag-worthy) results.
  • Adding a dash of personality to make the case studies stick.

Why Do PR Case Study Examples Matter?

The absence of PR case study examples can create a question mark for prospective clients. Naturally, they want to learn about what PRs have achieved for others. Social proof is perhaps the most powerful tool agencies and freelancers use to get prospective clients over the finish line. Effective PR case study examples can inspire confidence and ultimately, conversions.

Many prospective clients are looking to peers to make purchasing decisions. They seek a sense of assurance from those around them. With access to a range of PR case study examples, individuals or organisations can make informed decisions about moving forward. Ideally, PRs should assemble a full stack of case studies to help move the needle.

There is no shortage of ways for PRs to share case studies in their marketing. Aside from simply having a dedicated case studies page on their websites, PRs can strategically place case studies on landing pages. If prospects are still in the consideration phase of the buyer’s journey, a few solid case studies could help to push them further down the sales funnel .

7 Tricks & Tips for Crafting Public Relations Campaign Case Studies That Stick

Believe it or not, there is actually a magic formula for crafting perfect public relations campaign case studies. While we do not claim to know much about sorcery or wizardry, we’ve learned a few tricks for producing compelling case studies over the years. As a go-to coverage reporting tool, Releasd works directly with PR agencies and in-house teams . Let’s break it down.

Focus on saying something genuinely meaningful

PR case studies should reflect an ability to deliver results. While this might sound obvious, many case studies get caught up in talking about solutions without mentioning the problems . Effective case studies resonate with prospects because the initial problems faced by clients typically align with the problems prospects are currently facing. It’s all about alignment.

When prospects begin to see themselves in each case study subject, this increases the conversation power of the case study as an asset. The case studies should explore how agencies or freelancers took a client from A to B – highlighting the initial problem and the solution. If case studies only focus on B (the solutions), they lose their conversion power.

Experiment with unconventional formats

The best PR case studies swing for the fences and communicate narratives in unconventional ways. Experimenting with different types of media, including interactive graphics and videos, can help to illustrate each client’s journey from the initial problem to the solution. In other words, don’t play it safe. Bring something prospects want to browse through to the table.

Box-standard testimonial soundbites often fail to pack a punch. Sure, sprinkle a few of these throughout each case study – but don’t put them front and centre. Instead, leverage graphics and videos to illustrate each client’s journey. To tell the client’s story, some PRs choose to write their case studies using the client’s voice (in the first person) or simply include a video of the client.

Add context to the case study

To set the scene, an effective case study should answer the following questions:

  • Who is the client?
  • What does the individual or organisation do?
  • Why do they do what they do?
  • How long have they been doing this?
  • How successful are they at what they do?
  • What problem were they trying to solve?

Stay authentic and honest

While case studies should positively reflect on a business, PRs must focus on authenticity by offering an honest account of their own performance. If there were areas for improvement in a campaign, there is nothing wrong with mentioning these. At the same time, PRs can also share metrics that seem unremarkable but help to paint a complete picture of campaign performance.

Include original imagery and graphics

Take some time to play around with the format of case studies. Original images and graphics can help bring each case study to life, especially if these images include real people. People want to see the faces of those who have experienced success working with a PR agency or freelancer. The case studies should offer an insight into exactly who these clients are.

Demonstrate PR impact with tangible benefits

What has the PR agency or freelancer enabled the client to achieve? Demonstrating the impact of a campaign is an important part of communicating value. Prospective clients want to know what is possible and the easiest way to show them is through case studies. If they choose to invest in PR services, they need an understanding of what is realistically achievable.

Celebrate PR success

Many PRs underestimate the potential conversion power of case studies. As a result, they often fail to dedicate enough time to developing these marketing resources. Pushing these resources further and pouring time into crafting them may pay dividends in the long run. To get prospects over the finish line, the perfect case study may be the missing piece of the puzzle .

Closing Thoughts on Developing PR Campaign Case Studies

Developing compelling case studies takes time and effort. Bringing everything together will require input from clients. With this in mind, PRs should make a clear list of materials needed for the creation of the case study. Making the process as seamless as possible will help to prevent back-and-forth communication with clients.

Those using our PR coverage reporting tool can easily pull client data from past reports to create engaging case studies.

Interested in exploring the possibilities of our coverage tool? Book a 15-minute demo with our team today.

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Campaign case studies.

MiriTheSiren eating Zaxby's shrimp

How Zaxby’s gave brand-influencer trips a ‘humble reset’ — with help from MiriTheSiren

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An aerial photo is showing the Alibaba office building in Nanjing, China

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Father holding the viral Four Seasons TikTok baby

‘Four Seasons Orlando Baby’: How the luxury resort responded to its ‘sweet new fan’

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Fashion designer Dapper Dan sits next to cans of pant

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TD Bank ATM with a dog dish

Why TD Bank created a dog ATM

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Collage of Manischewitz ads

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Picture of Barilla record

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Burrito next to smartphone displaying Chipotle Burrito Vault ad

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SunChips eclipse ad showing eclipse branded bag of chips

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Two smiling people holding cans of Coca-Cola

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Behind the scenes photos of Duolingo on Ice production

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The Wall Street Journal showing a mostly blank front page to mark the one year anniversary of the imprisonment in Russia of their reporter Evan Gershkovich

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Man getting food at P.F. Chang’s

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Collage of Ford Raptor after an accident and a new Ford Raptor

How Ford responded after a Marine vet said a Raptor truck saved his life

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Hand holding Krispy Kreme donut as the O in SOS

How Krispy Kreme set out to ‘make it a good day’ for people impacted by AT&T’s massive outage

The doughnut company welcomes situations where it can improve someone’s day or unify people.

Papa Johns

Why Papa Johns decided to stuff its pizza with cash

Influencer Doughtoli and Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby helped to promote the campaign.

Bulldog wearing vest

Why Destination Cleveland chose to show off the city through a bulldog’s eyes

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Campaign art of the Tropcn RV

Tropicana wants you to know that It’s OJ, not AI

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Crisis Corner

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Members of the striking Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions

Timeline of a crisis: Kaiser Permanente delicately negotiates with striking workers

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Apollo for Reddit app on AppStore displayed on a phone screen

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How the Ask Me Anything community site reacted to pushback over its pre-IPO plans to become more grown up.

People line up outside of a Silicon Valley Bank office

Timeline of a crisis: Depositors flee en masse after Silicon Valley Bank stumbles on messaging

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Balenciaga office

Timeline of a crisis: Balenciaga stumbles as it walks back questionable campaign images

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Kyrie Irving speaks during an ESPN interview

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Bed Bath & Beyond storefront

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Crowded airport terminal

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case study of pr

Mastering The Art Of Crafting Pr Case Studies: A Step-By-Step Guide

case study of pr

Public Relations (PR) case studies are an essential tool for showcasing success and demonstrating the impact of PR strategies and campaigns. They provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of PR efforts and serve as a powerful way to communicate the value of PR to clients, stakeholders, and the wider industry. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore the process of crafting compelling PR case studies that effectively highlight achievements and drive results.

Table of Contents

Importance of PR Case Studies in Showcasing Success

PR case studies play a crucial role in demonstrating the success of PR campaigns. They provide tangible evidence of the impact of PR strategies, showcasing how they have helped organizations achieve their goals and objectives. By presenting real-life examples of PR success, case studies offer credibility and build trust with potential clients or stakeholders.

Moreover, PR case studies serve as a valuable tool for learning and improvement. By analyzing successful PR campaigns, professionals can gain insights into effective strategies, tactics, and execution. This knowledge can then be applied to future PR initiatives, leading to continuous improvement and better results.

Overview of the Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating impactful PR case studies. From selecting the right case study to promoting and sharing it, each step is designed to help you craft compelling narratives that effectively communicate the value of your PR efforts. Here is an overview of the steps we will cover:

  • Selecting the Right Case Study : Identify a compelling story and choose a relevant and relatable case study.
  • Gathering Information and Research : Conduct interviews with key stakeholders, collect data and statistics, and analyze the target audience and their needs.
  • Structuring the Case Study : Set the context and problem statement in the introduction, present the strategy, tactics, and execution in the body, and highlight the outcomes and impact in the results section.
  • Writing the Case Study : Use a storytelling approach, incorporate quotes and testimonials, and ensure clarity and brevity.
  • Designing the Case Study : Choose an appealing layout and format, incorporate visuals and infographics, and ensure consistency with branding.
  • Reviewing and Editing : Proofread for grammar and spelling errors, ensure accuracy of information, and seek feedback from colleagues or clients.
  • Promoting and Sharing the Case Study : Leverage social media platforms, pitch the case study to relevant publications, and utilize email marketing and newsletters.

By following these steps, you will be able to create compelling PR case studies that effectively showcase your success and drive results. Remember, continuous improvement and learning are key to mastering the art of crafting PR case studies. In the next section, we will dive into the first step: selecting the right case study.

Step 1: Selecting the Right Case Study

When it comes to showcasing success in public relations (PR), case studies play a crucial role. They provide tangible evidence of the effectiveness of PR strategies and tactics, helping businesses build credibility and attract potential clients or customers. However, not all case studies are created equal. To make the most impact, it is essential to select the right case study. Here are the key steps to follow:

Identifying a Compelling Story

The first step in selecting the right case study is to identify a compelling story . Look for a PR campaign or project that had a significant impact on the client or organization. It could be a successful product launch, a crisis management situation, or a community engagement initiative. The story should be interesting, unique, and have a clear narrative that can captivate the audience.

To identify a compelling story, consider the following questions:

  • What challenges did the client or organization face?
  • What strategies and tactics were employed to overcome these challenges?
  • What were the outcomes and impact of the PR campaign?

By answering these questions, you can identify a case study that has the potential to engage and inspire your target audience.

Choosing a Relevant and Relatable Case Study

Once you have identified a compelling story, the next step is to choose a relevant and relatable case study. Consider your target audience and their specific needs and interests. Select a case study that aligns with their industry, challenges, or goals. This will make the case study more relatable and increase its impact.

Additionally, consider the credibility of the case study. Choose a case study that involves a well-known client or organization, as this can enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of the PR campaign.

To ensure the case study is relevant and relatable, consider the following factors:

  • Industry: Does the case study align with your target audience’s industry?
  • Challenges: Does the case study address challenges that your target audience can relate to?
  • Goals: Does the case study demonstrate how PR strategies can help achieve specific goals?

By choosing a relevant and relatable case study, you can effectively communicate the value of PR and its potential impact on your target audience.

In conclusion, selecting the right case study is crucial in showcasing the success of PR campaigns. By identifying a compelling story and choosing a relevant and relatable case study, you can create a powerful narrative that resonates with your target audience. Remember, the goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness of PR strategies and tactics, ultimately attracting potential clients or customers.

Step 2: Gathering Information and Research

In the process of crafting a PR case study, gathering information and conducting thorough research is a crucial step. This step ensures that you have all the necessary data and insights to create a compelling and impactful case study. Here are some key aspects to consider during this stage:

Conducting interviews with key stakeholders

To gather valuable information for your case study, it is essential to interview key stakeholders involved in the project or campaign. These stakeholders may include clients, team members, or even customers who have benefited from the PR efforts. Conducting interviews allows you to gain firsthand insights and perspectives, which can add depth and authenticity to your case study.

During the interviews, make sure to ask relevant questions that delve into the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of the PR campaign. This will help you gather specific details and anecdotes that can be used to illustrate the success of the project. Additionally, encourage interviewees to share their personal experiences and emotions related to the campaign, as this can make the case study more relatable and engaging.

Collecting data and statistics

In addition to interviews, collecting data and statistics is essential to support the claims and achievements mentioned in your case study. This data can include metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, lead generation, or any other relevant performance indicators.

To gather accurate data, it is important to use reliable sources such as analytics tools, CRM systems, or surveys. Ensure that the data you collect is up-to-date and relevant to the PR campaign being showcased. Presenting concrete numbers and statistics adds credibility to your case study and helps readers understand the tangible impact of the PR efforts.

Analyzing the target audience and their needs

To create a case study that resonates with your target audience, it is crucial to analyze their needs and preferences . Understanding your audience will help you tailor your case study to address their pain points and demonstrate how your PR strategies can provide solutions.

Start by identifying the demographics, interests, and challenges of your target audience. This can be done through market research, customer surveys, or analyzing existing customer data. Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can craft your case study in a way that speaks directly to their needs and aspirations.

By gathering information and conducting thorough research, you lay the foundation for a compelling and impactful PR case study. The insights gained from interviews, data collection, and audience analysis will help you create a case study that is not only informative but also resonates with your target audience. Remember, the success of your case study lies in the depth and accuracy of the information you gather during this crucial step.

Step 3: Structuring the Case Study

Structuring a case study is crucial to effectively communicate the context, strategy, execution, and results of a PR campaign. By following a well-defined structure, you can ensure that your case study is organized, easy to follow, and impactful. In this step, we will explore the key components of structuring a compelling case study.

The introduction of your case study should provide a brief overview of the client or organization you worked with and the problem they were facing. This is your opportunity to grab the reader’s attention and set the stage for the rest of the case study . Clearly state the challenge or issue that needed to be addressed, emphasizing its significance and impact on the client’s business.

To make the introduction more engaging, consider incorporating a compelling anecdote or statistic that highlights the urgency or importance of the problem. This will help captivate the reader and make them eager to learn more about your solution .

Body: Presenting the Strategy, Tactics, and Execution

The body of the case study is where you delve into the details of your PR campaign. This is where you showcase your expertise and demonstrate how you tackled the problem . Break down the strategy, tactics, and execution in a clear and concise manner.

Start by explaining the approach you took to address the problem. Describe the key strategies you employed and the rationale behind them. Highlight any unique or innovative tactics that were used . This will help the reader understand the thought process behind your decisions and appreciate your expertise.

Next, provide a step-by-step account of how you executed the campaign. Include specific actions taken, such as media outreach, content creation, or event planning . Be sure to mention any challenges or obstacles you encountered along the way and how you overcame them. This will demonstrate your problem-solving skills and resilience.

Results: Highlighting the Outcomes and Impact

The results section is where you showcase the outcomes and impact of your PR campaign. This is the most crucial part of the case study, as it demonstrates the effectiveness of your efforts . Present the data and statistics that illustrate the success of your campaign.

Include metrics such as increased brand visibility, website traffic, social media engagement, or sales growth. Use charts, graphs, or infographics to visually represent the data . This will make it easier for the reader to grasp the magnitude of your achievements.

In addition to quantitative results, consider including qualitative feedback from the client or key stakeholders. Incorporate quotes or testimonials that highlight the positive impact your campaign had on the client’s business . This will add credibility to your case study and provide a human element to the success story.

Structuring your case study effectively is essential to ensure that your message is conveyed clearly and persuasively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a compelling case study that showcases your PR success. Remember to adapt the structure to fit the unique needs and goals of each case study you create.

Step 4: Writing the Case Study

Writing a compelling and effective case study is crucial in showcasing the success of your PR efforts. It allows you to present your strategy, tactics, and execution in a way that resonates with your target audience. Here are some key steps to follow when writing a PR case study:

Using a storytelling approach

Storytelling is a powerful tool that can captivate your readers and make your case study more engaging. Instead of simply presenting facts and figures, weave a narrative that highlights the challenges faced, the strategies employed, and the ultimate success achieved. This will help your audience connect with the story on a deeper level and understand the impact of your PR efforts.

Incorporating quotes and testimonials

Including quotes and testimonials from key stakeholders adds credibility and authenticity to your case study. These firsthand accounts provide insights into the thought process, decision-making, and experiences of those involved. Quotes and testimonials can be used to highlight the challenges faced, the effectiveness of the strategies implemented, and the positive outcomes achieved. They serve as powerful endorsements and can help build trust with your audience.

Ensuring clarity and brevity

When writing a case study, it’s important to ensure clarity and brevity . Use clear and concise language to convey your message effectively. Avoid jargon and technical terms that may confuse your readers. Break down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand explanations. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short to maintain the reader’s attention. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight key points and make the information more digestible.

Remember, the goal of a case study is to present your PR success in a way that is easily understood and relatable to your target audience. By using a storytelling approach, incorporating quotes and testimonials, and ensuring clarity and brevity, you can create a compelling case study that effectively communicates the value of your PR efforts.

In the next step, we will discuss how to design your case study to make it visually appealing and engaging.

Step 5: Designing the Case Study

Designing the case study is a crucial step in creating a compelling and visually appealing document that effectively communicates your PR success. A well-designed case study not only enhances the overall presentation but also helps to engage and captivate your audience. Here are some key considerations for designing your case study:

Choosing an appealing layout and format

The layout and format of your case study play a significant role in grabbing the attention of your readers. Select a clean and professional layout that is easy to navigate and visually appealing. Consider using a consistent color scheme and typography that aligns with your brand identity. This will help to create a cohesive and polished look throughout the document.

Incorporating visuals and infographics

Visual elements are powerful tools for conveying information and making your case study more engaging. Include relevant images, charts, graphs, and infographics to illustrate key data and statistics. Visuals not only break up the text but also help to communicate complex information in a more digestible and visually appealing manner. Be sure to use high-quality visuals that are clear and easy to understand.

Ensuring consistency with branding

Maintaining consistency with your brand identity is essential in creating a professional and cohesive case study. Incorporate your brand colors, logo, and typography throughout the document to reinforce your brand image. Consistency in branding helps to establish credibility and reinforces your company’s identity. Ensure that the design elements align with your overall brand guidelines to create a cohesive and visually appealing case study.

Remember, the design of your case study should complement the content and enhance the overall message you want to convey. A well-designed case study not only captures the attention of your audience but also helps to communicate your PR success effectively.

By following these design considerations, you can create a visually appealing and engaging case study that effectively showcases your PR achievements. Remember to choose an appealing layout, incorporate visuals and infographics, and maintain consistency with your branding. A well-designed case study will not only captivate your audience but also leave a lasting impression of your PR success.

Step 6: Reviewing and Editing

Once you have written the case study, it is crucial to review and edit it thoroughly before finalizing it for publication. This step ensures that your case study is polished, error-free, and effectively communicates your message. Here are some key aspects to consider during the reviewing and editing process:

Proofreading for grammar and spelling errors

One of the most important aspects of reviewing and editing is to carefully proofread your case study for any grammar or spelling errors. These errors can undermine the credibility of your work and distract the reader from the main message. Use grammar and spell-check tools to identify and correct any mistakes. Additionally, read the case study aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.

Ensuring accuracy of information

During the reviewing process, it is essential to verify the accuracy of the information presented in your case study. Double-check all the facts, figures, and statistics to ensure they are correct and up-to-date. If possible, consult with the key stakeholders or subject matter experts involved in the case study to validate the information. Inaccurate data can undermine the credibility of your case study and diminish its impact.

Seeking feedback from colleagues or clients

Obtaining feedback from trusted colleagues or clients can provide valuable insights and perspectives on your case study. Share your draft with them and ask for their feedback and suggestions. They can help identify any areas that need improvement, provide suggestions for clarity, or point out any gaps in the narrative. Incorporating their feedback can enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of your case study.

Remember, the goal of reviewing and editing is to refine your case study and ensure it is clear, concise, and error-free.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling and impactful case study that effectively showcases your success. Remember that the reviewing and editing process is just as important as the writing process itself. Take the time to carefully review and edit your case study to ensure it is of the highest quality.

Once you have completed the reviewing and editing process, your case study is ready for the next step: promoting and sharing it with your target audience. This will help you maximize the reach and impact of your case study, allowing you to showcase your success and attract potential clients or customers.

In conclusion, reviewing and editing your case study is a critical step in the process of crafting PR case studies. It ensures that your case study is error-free, accurate, and effectively communicates your message. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create compelling case studies that highlight your success and drive results. Remember to continuously improve and learn from each case study you create, adapting the guide to your individual needs and goals.

Step 7: Promoting and Sharing the Case Study

After putting in all the hard work to create a compelling PR case study, it’s time to promote and share it with the world. This step is crucial to ensure that your case study reaches the right audience and generates the desired impact. Here are some effective strategies to promote and share your case study:

Leveraging social media platforms

Social media platforms are powerful tools for promoting your PR case study. Utilize platforms like Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , and Instagram to share snippets, quotes, and visuals from your case study. Craft engaging captions that highlight the key takeaways and encourage users to read the full case study. You can also create dedicated posts or threads discussing the case study and inviting feedback and discussion.

Pitching the case study to relevant publications

Identify relevant publications, both online and offline, that cater to your target audience. Craft a compelling pitch highlighting the unique aspects and value of your case study. Personalize your pitch to each publication and explain why their readers would find the case study interesting and relevant. If your pitch is accepted, it can lead to valuable exposure and credibility for your brand.

Utilizing email marketing and newsletters

Leverage your email marketing list and newsletters to promote your PR case study. Craft a captivating subject line that grabs the reader’s attention and entices them to open the email. In the body of the email, provide a brief overview of the case study and include a call-to-action that directs readers to the full case study on your website or blog. You can also consider offering exclusive access or additional resources to subscribers as an incentive to engage with the case study.

Remember, the key to successful promotion and sharing of your case study is to tailor your approach to each platform and audience. Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

Engage with influencers : Identify influencers or thought leaders in your industry who might find your case study valuable. Reach out to them and ask if they would be interested in sharing your case study with their audience. This can significantly expand your reach and credibility.

Repurpose content : Repurpose your case study into different formats such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, or webinars. This allows you to reach a wider audience and cater to different preferences.

Collaborate with partners : If you collaborated with other brands or organizations for the case study, reach out to them and explore opportunities for cross-promotion. This can help you tap into their audience and create a mutually beneficial partnership.

Monitor and analyze : Keep track of the engagement and feedback you receive from your case study promotion efforts. Analyze the data to understand what strategies are working well and what can be improved. This will help you refine your future promotion strategies and maximize the impact of your case studies.

By following these strategies and continuously refining your approach, you can effectively promote and share your PR case study, ensuring that it reaches the right audience and generates the desired results. Remember, the promotion and sharing phase is just as important as the creation phase, so invest time and effort into it to maximize the success of your case study.

Additional Resources

When it comes to crafting PR case studies, having access to additional resources can greatly enhance your skills and knowledge in the field. Here are some recommended books, articles, online courses, workshops, and tools that can help you create compelling and impactful case studies.

Recommended Books and Articles

The Art of Case Study Research by Robert E. Stake: This book provides a comprehensive guide to conducting and presenting case studies, offering valuable insights into the research process and effective storytelling techniques.

Case Study Research: Design and Methods by Robert K. Yin: This book is a practical resource for understanding the different types of case studies and their applications. It offers step-by-step guidance on designing and conducting case study research.

How to Write a Case Study: The Ultimate Guide & Template by Corey Pemberton: This article provides a detailed overview of the case study writing process, including tips on structuring, formatting, and promoting your case study effectively.

The Power of Case Studies in Marketing by Neil Patel: In this article, Neil Patel explains the importance of case studies in marketing and provides actionable tips on how to create compelling case studies that drive results.

Online Courses and Workshops

HubSpot Academy offers a free online course called “Case Studies and Testimonials” that covers the fundamentals of creating persuasive case studies and testimonials. The course includes video lessons, quizzes, and practical exercises to help you master the art of storytelling.

Coursera offers a course called “Writing Professional Emails and Memos” which includes a module on crafting effective case studies. This course provides valuable insights into writing clear and concise case studies that resonate with your target audience.

LinkedIn Learning offers a course called “Creating Case Studies” that provides a step-by-step guide to creating compelling case studies. The course covers everything from identifying the right case study to structuring and promoting it effectively.

Tools and Templates for Creating Case Studies

Canva is a popular graphic design tool that offers a wide range of templates for creating visually appealing case studies. With Canva, you can easily customize layouts, add images, and create professional-looking designs without any design experience.

Google Docs provides a simple and collaborative platform for writing and editing case studies. It offers a variety of templates that you can use as a starting point and easily share with your team for feedback and revisions.

Trello is a project management tool that can help you stay organized throughout the case study creation process. You can create boards, lists, and cards to track the progress of each step and collaborate with your team effectively.

In conclusion, these additional resources can serve as valuable references and tools to enhance your skills in crafting PR case studies. Whether you prefer reading books, taking online courses, or utilizing design and project management tools, incorporating these resources into your workflow can help you create compelling and impactful case studies that showcase your success. Remember, continuous improvement and learning are key to mastering the art of crafting PR case studies.

Final Thoughts

Crafting PR case studies can be a powerful tool in showcasing success and building credibility for your brand. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can create compelling and impactful case studies that resonate with your target audience. However, it is important to adapt this guide to your individual needs and goals.

Encouragement to start crafting PR case studies

If you haven’t already started creating PR case studies, now is the time to begin. These case studies can serve as valuable assets in your marketing arsenal, helping you attract new clients, build trust with your audience, and differentiate yourself from competitors. By sharing real-life success stories, you can demonstrate the effectiveness of your strategies and tactics.

Importance of adapting the guide to individual needs and goals

While this guide provides a comprehensive framework for crafting PR case studies, it is essential to tailor it to your specific industry, target audience, and objectives. Each case study should be unique and reflect the nuances of your brand. By customizing the structure, content, and design of your case studies, you can ensure they align with your brand identity and effectively communicate your key messages.

Remember, the ultimate goal of a PR case study is to showcase your expertise, build credibility, and inspire trust in your brand. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the most relevant and impactful aspects of your success stories. Highlight the strategies, tactics, and outcomes that are most likely to resonate with your target audience and address their pain points.

Importance of continuous improvement and learning in mastering the art

Crafting PR case studies is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and learning. As you create more case studies, you will gain insights into what works best for your brand and audience. Pay attention to feedback from colleagues, clients, and readers, and use it to refine your approach.

Additionally, stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in PR and marketing. Read books and articles, take online courses and workshops, and leverage tools and templates that can help you enhance your case study creation process. By staying informed and continuously improving your skills, you can ensure that your PR case studies remain effective and impactful.

PR case studies are a valuable tool for showcasing success and building credibility. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can create compelling and impactful case studies that resonate with your target audience. Remember to adapt the guide to your individual needs and goals, and continuously improve your skills to master the art of crafting PR case studies. Start creating your case studies today and watch as they contribute to the growth and success of your brand.

To further enhance your understanding and skills in crafting PR case studies, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Recommended books and articles: There are numerous books and articles available that delve deeper into the art of crafting PR case studies. These resources can provide valuable insights and tips to help you refine your approach.
  • Online courses and workshops: Online courses and workshops offer structured learning experiences that can help you master the art of creating PR case studies. Look for courses that are taught by industry experts and cover relevant topics.
  • Tools and templates for creating case studies: There are various tools and templates available that can streamline the case study creation process. These resources can help you save time and ensure consistency in your case study design and formatting.

Remember, continuous learning and improvement are key to mastering the art of crafting PR case studies. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep refining your skills to create impactful case studies that drive results for your brand.

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Agility PR Solutions

What you need to know to write a client case study that counts

by John McCartney | Jun 22, 2023 | Public Relations

Case study concept. Infographics. Chart with keywords and icons.

In public relations and marketing, client case studies are a powerful tool. They’re a critical way for PR agencies and brands to demonstrate their value in a specific way that readers can grasp.

Case studies are crucial in PR agencies’ efforts to showcase their expertise, build trust, educate clients and industry professionals, differentiate from competitors, inspire creativity, and foster internal learning and development. They are powerful tools for demonstrating the value and impact of PR activities and driving business growth.

I’ve spoken about the importance of storytelling in PR; at the most basic level, a case study is an extension of this idea. It’s a narrative, albeit one with a unique structure, format, and intended purpose. 

In this article, I’ll provide my perspective on effective case study structure, essential elements to include, and the many doors an excellent case study can open for your agency or brand. 

The structure

First, there’s no surer way to lose your audience than to make your case study too long. Your goal should be to hit on all the critical information in as few words as possible. A case study should fit onto a single PowerPoint slide. If you find yours extending to three or four slides or beyond, it’s time to get more compact.

While there is some room for variation, a case study should generally follow a three-part framework:

  • Challenge : This section outlines the client’s difficulties or obstacles, setting the stage for the rest of the narrative. It also provides context and helps the reader understand why a PR campaign was necessary for the goal the client aimed to carry out. It should include some brief background on the client and explore internal and external factors contributing to the problem they sought to solve.
  • Strategy : The Strategy section is the meat of the case study, providing you the space to outline the specific approaches and tactics you’ve taken to address the challenge you described in the previous section. It should accomplish two overarching goals: showcasing the thought process behind your PR campaign and demonstrating your agency’s expertise. It’s crucial to touch on the campaign’s key message and specific media relations strategies you used, including thought leadership and industry engagement. Finally, the Strategy section should briefly outline the plan for measuring the success of your campaign, setting the stage for the last area of your case study.
  • Results : To cap off your case study on a concrete note, the Results section should highlight the outcomes of your campaign. If possible, it should include quantifiable metrics that paint a picture of your campaign’s reach and impact on your case study subject—for example, growth in web traffic, social media engagement numbers, or sales figures. It should also delve into earned media coverage and include details such as the number of media mentions, the reach and circulation of the publications or outlets, and the overall visibility generated.

Remember that only some cases study will follow this structure down to the letter. You may use different terminology or break one of these sections into subsections. But your case study should hit on these three components in one way or another. Like many stories that benefit from a three-act structure, case studies draw their power from following this three-part framework.

The essential elements

With our three-part framework in mind, we have the template for our case study to tell a powerful story. But this is only the beginning. For our case study to pop, we need to include a few key elements.

  • Quantitative data : Hard numbers are a must-have for any case study if you can access them. With statistics and data points such as a sales uptick, growth in traffic, or a boost in online engagement, you can provide evidence of success and verifiably show the impact of your PR efforts. Quantitative data also allows for comparisons, benchmarking, and informed decision-making. It enables you to evaluate ROI and identify areas for improvement. When communicating with potential new clients, numbers act as a common language, making conveying the value and significance of your PR work easier. If you don’t have any quantitative data for your case study, include plenty of qualitative data (for instance, excerpts from media coverage or social listening analysis.)
  • Creative ideas : Hard data on your PR campaign’s execution is vital, but your case study should touch on ideation, too. The Strategy section is a perfect place to do so. What creative ideas did your team create to help your client achieve their goals? How does that creativity set you apart from other agencies? Potential clients will be very interested in the answers to these questions. Providing a window into a cutting-edge campaign goes a long way toward building trust.
  • Client touchpoints : Your case study should amplify the client-focused nature of your PR work and reinforce your ability to deliver exceptional results. Calling out client communications throughout your campaign is a great way to do that. By explicitly mentioning meetings, consultations, and communications, you emphasize your PR services’ personalized attention and collaborative nature. You also add credibility by illustrating hands-on involvement and a willingness to adopt tailored strategies employed throughout the engagement.
  • Client testimonials : At Jmac, we’ve touched on the importance of using testimonials in your marketing strategy, and that goes for case studies, too. No matter how well you articulate the positive impact of your PR services, there’s no substitute for a firsthand account. Testimonials offer insights into the client’s experience, showcasing the direct effects of your expertise, professionalism, and results. They also humanize your PR work, allowing potential clients to relate to actual people from whom you’ve benefited. Even a one-sentence quote can make a strong case for the value of your services.

The benefits

A robust case study is a powerful tool to showcase your company’s narrative and mission. You can effectively communicate your brand story and the values that drive your organization by highlighting the strategic thinking, creative ideas, and impactful results achieved through your PR campaigns. Case studies also help attract new clients by showcasing your past work and demonstrating your value. Prospective clients can see tangible evidence of your expertise, success stories, and your positive impact on previous clients. Finally, PR case studies are crucial in pitching campaigns for PR awards. They provide needed evidence to support your entries, increasing your chances of recognition and industry accolades. 

As you create your next case study, remember all the elements we’ve discussed here, but remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to PR services. Finding a method that works for you and reflects what makes your services unique is critical. But once you master the art of the case study, however it may look for you, you’ll be well on your way to new clients and new horizons for your business.

John McCartney


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Why use case studies? 

Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
  • Describe the solution provided by the company
  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service
  • Arthur W. Page Society (Note: Case study archives are accessed from the bottom of the page.) Includes original case studies written by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.
  • PR Council Free access to case studies from over 100 of America’s leading communications firms.
  • PRSA Case Studies The PRSA website includes a searchable database of Silver Anvil case studies. PRSA membership account information is needed to view the complete case studies.
  • PR Newswire Case studies are often highlighted in PR Newswire. Select "Search within this publication." Then try searching "case study" using quotation marks.

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Tips For Killer PR Case Studies

ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications

APRIL 15, 2021

Every PR person knows that strong customer case studies are powerful additions to the B2B PR toolkit. A great case study can actually help move prospects down the sales funnel to the point where they’re ready to buy. Anatomy of a successful customer case study . They also work well for sales and marketing.

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[Case Study] Messaging & Media Relations for an Award-Winning IPO – Livongo

MARCH 11, 2020

Download this case study to learn how Livongo: . The post [ Case Study ] Messaging & Media Relations for an Award-Winning IPO – Livongo appeared first on Onclusive. Developed a narrative that landed high-impact stories and boosted influential coverage. Complete Form To Learn More.

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Public Relations Case Study

PR for Anyone

MAY 5, 2020

In this week’s episode, Christina Daves talks about a public relations case study during COVID-19. Part One of ‘Public Relations Case Study ’ Christina has gained billions of views from free publicity and over a hundred million in sales. She had eight hundred seventy-three million total views in one year alone.

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REWIND: Case Study Sky Zone

Konnect Agency

JUNE 20, 2024

The post REWIND: Case Study Sky Zone appeared first on Konnect Agency. Konnect secured traditional media and social media coverage reaching over 35 million consumers and managed the entire partnership, ensuring effective communication and cross-promotion with Sky Zone’s team.

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Adapting to the Future: The Evolving Role of Crisis Management Firms in a Rapidly Changing World


Through interviews with industry experts and case studies , we uncover the key strategies and tactics that are driving success in this dynamic field. As the Internet continues to grow and change, the role of Online Crisis Management firms is evolving.

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[Case Study] Airbnb + 23andMe: Achieving Success with the Heritage Travel Campaign

JANUARY 14, 2020

Download this case study to learn how Airbnb and 23andMe used Onclusive to help them: Develop, own and use the “Heritage Travel” theme as a joint platform to drive consumer engagement. The post [ Case Study ] Airbnb + 23andMe: Achieving Success with the Heritage Travel Campaign appeared first on Onclusive.

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How SaaS companies are using case studies to drive results [benchmarks]

Sword and the Script

AUGUST 8, 2023

SaaS companies have an average of 38 active cases studies that are between 500-1,000 words in both HTML and PDF format; here’s how they incentives customers, sales and customer success to solicit new case studies Case studies are a pillar of B2B marketing, particularly in technology circles like software-as-a-service (SaaS).

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[Case Study] How Proteus Builds Brand with Earned Media

OCTOBER 21, 2019

In this case study , learn how Proteus builds awareness and understanding using earned media amplification. The post [ Case Study ] How Proteus Builds Brand with Earned Media appeared first on Onclusive. Complete Form To Learn More.

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Benefits of Social Listening for PR Agencies (with Case Studies)

JANUARY 31, 2024

If you’re a PR agency struggling to get a seat at the table and prove the effectiveness of […] The post Benefits of Social Listening for PR Agencies (with Case Studies ) appeared first on Prowly Blog.

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What you need to know to write a client case study that counts

Agility PR Solutions

JUNE 21, 2023

In public relations and marketing, client case studies are a powerful tool. They’re a critical way for PR agencies and brands to demonstrate their value in a specific way that readers can grasp.

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REWIND Case Study: Teletubbies

MARCH 13, 2024

THE RESULTS: 300M Media Impressions 200+ Media Placements Produced over 300 social posts (developed by Konnect) Over 400 attendees at the LA launch event 100s of social posts from influencer, media, and attendees at launch event The post REWIND Case Study : Teletubbies appeared first on Konnect Agency.

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Marketing & PR for Fitness Professionals: Case study

NOVEMBER 17, 2020

The post Marketing & PR for Fitness Professionals: Case study appeared first on Prowly Magazine. When in fact, all it requires is that you learn some helpful PR techniques and methods that you can easily […].

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How 23andMe Uses PR Attribution™ to Drive Business Outcomes – Case Study


The post How 23andMe Uses PR Attribution™ to Drive Business Outcomes – Case Study appeared first on Onclusive. COMPLETE FORM TO LEARN MORE.

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REWIND Case Study: Lenny & Larry’s

MARCH 20, 2024

Up Challenge 2022 The post REWIND Case Study : Lenny & Larry’s appeared first on Konnect Agency. During the event, camera crews followed each team through the entire course, spanning nearly three miles, capturing footage and cheering on the group. Lenny & Larry’s BOSS!

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The Anatomy of a Great Case Study

Contently - Strategy

At Ogilvy, I was a member of the four-person case study writing committee. We won Most Effective Agency Office in New York relying on the tried and true case study framework: objective, strategy, results. Quantifiable objectives headlined every case study we wrote. Get permission first. Don’t do this!

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How to do competitive analysis on social media: case study

AUGUST 10, 2021

We break social media competitor analysis into 5 simple steps by comparing Apple Music, Spotify, and Google Play Music in an exciting social listening case study .

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5 Tech Brand Case Studies That Will Inspire You

JANUARY 24, 2022

Here is an inside look at five influential tech success stories from our flipbook of 47 Content Marketing Case Studies That’ll Inspire You to encourage your brand to make meaningful changes in the new year. . The post 5 Tech Brand Case Studies That Will Inspire You appeared first on Contently.

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Leveraging BuzzStream for Effective Digital PR – Reboot Online Case Study

JANUARY 15, 2024

In this case study , we explore how BuzzStream has helped the team of 70+ digital PR specialists working at Reboot Online earn more than 30,000 pieces of organic coverage for our clients. The post Leveraging BuzzStream for Effective Digital PR – Reboot Online Case Study appeared first on BuzzStream.

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Creating a PR Campaign Case Study

Ronn Torossian

SEPTEMBER 26, 2017

When you create a PR campaign case study , you need to know some things in advance to make it work as it should. The post Creating a PR Campaign Case Study appeared first on 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian Founder's Blog. So let’s start with the basics. So let’s start with the basics. Yes, that “why” is important.

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What’s the difference between a case study and a testimonial?

FEBRUARY 6, 2020

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all…” Michael LeBoeuf “Show me ROI, or it’s not a case study .” I had been given some content, what the client insisted was a case study , but it did not include information […]. appeared first on Agility PR Solutions.

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Case Study: Bauer

JUNE 2, 2020

CASE STUDY . The post Case Study : Bauer appeared first on Newswhip. How Bauer Media uses NewsWhip to unify content strategy across all of their brands. Ali Wilkinson, Digital Content Manager. —. Company Size. 1,000+ employees. ” . —. Raidious: building a PR newswoom. Hearst: Speed in content discovery.

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Crisis case study: How to turn an employee lawsuit into a brand disaster

AUGUST 15, 2021

The post Crisis case study : How to turn an employee lawsuit into a brand disaster appeared first on Agility PR Solutions. Before the scheduled walkout, the employees shared a statement of intent, which announced the walkout and criticized the company itself for the response to the […].

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Case Study Turbine Labs

CASE STUDY . The post Case Study Turbine Labs appeared first on Newswhip. How Turbine Labs uses NewsWhip to understand what the news is prior to it becoming an event. Leigh Fatzinger, CEO and Founder. —. Marketing and Advertising. Company Size. 25-50 employees. Raidious: building a PR newswoom.

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COVID case study: Heinz presents a pitch-perfect quarantine plan

MAY 18, 2020

The post COVID case study : Heinz presents a pitch-perfect quarantine plan appeared first on Agility PR Solutions. With its creation of a 570-piece puzzle colored entirely in “ketchup red,” Heinz has done exactly that. The publicity stunt is the perfect gag for consumer audiences […].

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Get Famous Friday: Branding Case Study

OCTOBER 25, 2019

This week I want to give you a case study . Hi everybody. It’s Christina Daves with this week’s Get Famous Friday PR Tip. I like to incorporate these into the tips so that you can get creative and see how you could do something similar. You know, these are real-world examples of my clients who […].

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Media Monitoring Case Study: How US Media Covered Depp vs. Heard Defamation Trial In 2022

JUNE 15, 2022

The post Media Monitoring Case Study : How US Media Covered Depp vs. Heard Defamation Trial In 2022 appeared first on Prowly Magazine.

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Lessons from Managing a Cybersecurity Incident: A Case Study with Naren Aryal of Mascot Books

Melissa Agnes

AUGUST 8, 2019

The post Lessons from Managing a Cybersecurity Incident: A Case Study with Naren Aryal of Mascot Books appeared first on Melissa Agnes - Crisis Management Keynote Speaker. Finally, a huge ‘thank you’ to Naren Aryal for taking the time to share this story with the hopes of it resonating with and helping others.

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PR Case Study: The Facebook Like Button

Doctor Spin

FEBRUARY 21, 2023

link] This post was originally published on PR Case Study : The Facebook Like Button ">Doctor Spin | The PR blog. For questions or PR support, contact me via [email protected]. ANNOTATIONS [ + ] ANNOTATIONS 1 Facebook like button. 2023, February 3). In Wikipedia.

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PR Newswire case study - Nosy Crow

JUNE 12, 2020

We help independent children’s publishing company, Nosy Crow distribute the news of their coronavirus book for children.

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Beware the crisis case study—why it’s not a good firm evaluation tool

OCTOBER 14, 2019

Then you’ve probably seen some pretty compelling case studies —big name brands, major wins and encouraging outcomes. Case studies are a legitimate marketing tool for communication agencies for lots of reasons but they have no place in demonstrating crisis management […]. All bright, shiny and safe.

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The importance of case studies

The Stalwart Blog

SEPTEMBER 23, 2016

One of the greatest resources our company’s website offers prospective clients that truly showcases our experience is our case studies . Some have argued that case studies are often more effective than brochures and traditional sales collateral. Here is a recent case study created on client Higgs Fletcher & Mack.

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Is PR stress damaging your mental health? 3 case studies

OCTOBER 22, 2019

3 case studies appeared first on Agility PR Solutions. There are more than enough pressures in life and in work—having to put on a brave face, feeling like you have to change the way you act around your coworkers, or making sacrifices between work and family commitments are just some of them. Being a […].

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Case Study: Linking Strategies for Page Authority Growth Featuring Inseev x Truliant FCU

JULY 7, 2021

This happened to be the case for Truliant. As you read through this case study , you’ll see the unique circumstances and outcomes that make a page authority growth approach the right fit for a given website. These same pages could be your revenue-driving pages where you’ll benefit most from organic growth. The Strategy.

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Video case study: How Niche uses Muck Rack as their all-in-one PR solution

JANUARY 14, 2022

Video case study : How Niche uses Muck Rack as their all-in-one PR solution

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The best influencer marketing case study you’ll never hear about

Communications Conversations

APRIL 2, 2019

You’ve read influencer marketing case studies . But believe me when I tell you, you’ve never seen an influencer marketing case study like the one I’m about to share with you (unless, of course, you’re a loyal listener of the Power Trip Morning Show on KFAN, in which case you’ll know everything by now).

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Folgers case study sums up what big ad agencies always get wrong about social

FEBRUARY 11, 2022

Thomas, we discussed a case study . The post Folgers case study sums up what big ad agencies always get wrong about social first appeared on Arik Hanson. Last week in class where I teach as an adjunct at the University of St. As an industry, we need to do better. Our clients deserve it.

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A Case Study for a Case Study

HMA Public Relations

JANUARY 4, 2018

A case study is a great way to present your agency in a positive light. The post A Case Study for a Case Study appeared first on HMA Public Relations. But how can you best provide this information without overwhelming and oversharing? Click below for more].

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Use Case Studies to Boost Your Marketing

David PR Group

AUGUST 14, 2019

Today, I want to suggest beefing up your use of case studies in your marketing. Here’s why: A case study offers a glimpse into how your company operates and shows a prospective customer what you do, what the results can be and how you treat your clients. As a reader, you are always attracted to a hook in a case study .

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[Case Study] Lucidworks’ Clear Choice: Onclusive for PR Analytics

NOVEMBER 25, 2019

Download this case study to learn why they selected Onclusive as their PR analytics solution. The post [ Case Study ] Lucidworks’ Clear Choice: Onclusive for PR Analytics appeared first on Onclusive. Lucidworks needed a trustworthy analytics to quantify the value of PR and justify further investment.

How businesses use Instagram Stories—30 case studies to learn from

AUGUST 21, 2018

The post How businesses use Instagram Stories—30 case studies to learn from appeared first on Agility PR Solutions. On average, users under 25 spend around 32 minutes a day on Instagram, while those in older age groups spend more than 24 minutes per day.

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How a Global Non-Profit Uses Soundbite Analysis to Drive Success

SEPTEMBER 29, 2021

Read this case study to learn how IFAW is using NEO to identify and leverage winning soundbites that resonate with their audience and move the needle on their campaigns.

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Video: Two 2021 Podcast Marketing PR Case Studies Show How to Get Results


MAY 11, 2021

In this five-minute Podcast Marketing PR Case Studies video, Barbara Rozgonyi shows you how she used the power of WIRED PR in 4D to promote an event, a topic, and a speaker. Power Up Your Podcast Marketing with WIRED PR Energy,” the case study Barbara will share, is based on results from her Podfest Global PR in February.

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Here Comms Santa Claus: Cision's most festive case study is here!

DECEMBER 18, 2019

What to do when you're a jolly old elf, but your public sentiment isn't so jolly? Tap Cision, and save Christmas.

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Online PR Case Study: How We Boosted a Client’s Online Presence

By: Gaurav Sharma

Updated On: September 10, 2021

Word Count: 3206 words | Est. Reading Time: 22 mins

Did you know that online PR is the best way to build your brand reputation when compared to traditional PR?

In this online PR case study, we’ll show you exactly how we helped a client grow their traffic to 160K+ visitors/month and got them hundreds of mentions on high-authority websites.

And guess what?

Our online PR strategy wasn’t only focused on growing traffic and the number of brand mentions. Instead, it paid attention to driving overall growth for the client in terms of branding and public relations.

This involved promoting the client on social media, getting them interviewed on podcasts, and much more.

But how did we do all of this?

To discover that, let’s dive into our online PR case study.

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Online PR Case Study: The Objectives

The main goal of the project discussed in this case study was to establish our client’s reputation as a thought leader in the digital marketing industry.

Some of the objectives we wanted to accomplish were:

  • Growing the client’s website traffic
  • Boosting their SEO results
  • Increasing their social media presence
  • Getting them more brand mentions on prominent websites
  • Getting them featured in popular podcasts
  • Increase the number of speaking engagements they had

We helped the client get all of these results.

Wondering how? We’ll cover that in the upcoming sections of our online PR case study.

Online PR Case Study: The Challenges

When we started managing digital PR for our client, we had to face numerous challenges. We’ll talk about them in this section of our online PR case study.

Let’s get started.

1. Competitive Industry

One of the biggest challenges we faced while managing online PR for our client was that they belong to a highly-competitive industry.

The client wanted to become a thought leader in the digital marketing space, which is already full of other experts.

And that wasn’t all.

These experts had a loyal following and were already well-established in the industry too. As a result, breaking into those ranks was going to be an uphill task.

On the other hand, our client was a relatively new entrant in the industry. As a result, there was a lot of relationship building and digital PR work required.

COVID-19, too, added to the competitiveness of this industry due to a significant rise in interest in “digital marketing.”

See how the popularity of “digital marketing” touched its peak recently.

Google Trends

Image via Google Trends

We’ll disclose the strategies that helped us overcome these challenges in the next section of our case study.

2. Low Traffic

The client’s site had relatively low traffic, which meant that establishing them as an industry thought leader would require a lot of impetus.

Note how the traffic on their website was just about 2K visitors in 2018.

Low Traffic

We needed to drive a lot more traffic to the client’s website to get them more exposure.

We not only increased their website traffic but also got them featured in popular publications. Keep reading or case study to learn how.

3. Fewer Relationships

Another challenge we faced while managing online PR for this client was the absence of good relationships in the industry.

We had to do a lot of footwork to build meaningful relationships and get the client noticed by established people in the digital marketing space.

This was essential as only the most well-connected and popular personalities in the industry get invitations for interviews and expert round-ups.

And how did we go about all of this?

Find out all about our digital PR strategy in the next section of this case study.

  • How to Improve Your SEO

Online PR Case Study: The Strategy

While offering our PR services to this client, we leveraged numerous PR strategies and channels. These included SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, brand monitoring, video marketing,  and more.

Our focus was to build the client’s personal brand on every possible digital marketing channel to ensure maximum exposure and build a good reputation.

So, here’s how we went about digital PR work to boost the client’s online reputation.

1. Current Brand Sentiment Analysis

Before creating a digital PR strategy for our client, we decided to analyze where they stood in terms of PR already.

We started by analyzing their current brand sentiment by leveraging a social listening tool, Brand24 . This helped us identify the number of brand mentions that the client already had and their approximate social media reach due to those mentions.

We also leveraged Semrush to get a detailed idea of how much organic traffic the client’s site was receiving in 2019.

Brand Sentiment Analysis

Along with this, we delved into the number of keywords the client was ranking for at that time.

Brand Sentiment Analysis 2

Analyzing these things helped us get a better understanding of where the client’s brand image stood. This, in turn, helped us create an informed online PR strategy for our campaign.

2. Online PR Strategy Development

Next, we developed a detailed online PR strategy for our client based on where they stood and where they wanted to reach.

We figured out that the client didn’t have:

  • Good presence on search engines results pages
  • Good social reach
  • Decent website traffic

Based on this analysis, we came out with a four-pronged approach.

  • We decided to leverage search engine optimization (SEO) to organically grow the client’s website traffic.
  • We decided to regularly create social media content for major platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to build a powerful social presence for our client.
  • To take the client’s online PR to the next level, we also decided to launch a marketing podcast for them and invite reputable industry experts as guests.
  • Finally, we decided to implement an email marketing strategy to build a loyal subscriber base, reach out to industry leaders, and build a rapport with them.

In this section of this case study, we’ll discuss what exactly we did to improve the SEO of the client’s website and why it was so important.

Improving their SEO would have helped us rank their website higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). This, in turn, would help us drive more targeted traffic to their site and improve their brand recognition.

So, how did we go about it?

Our SEO strategy focused on both on-page and off-page SEO parameters to optimize their site for search engines like Google. It helped their site get a boost in search visibility and organic traffic.

Let’s take a look at the SEO strategy we employed.

A. On-Page Optimization

We started by analyzing the client’s existing website for on-page SEO parameters. We needed to understand if the client’s website provided a good browsing experience to their visitors.

For that, we leveraged the Site Audit tool by Semrush. Running timely SEO audits helped us get insights into the client’s site on-page SEO factors such as:

  • HTTP/HTTPS errors
  • Structured data errors
  • Page loading speed issues
  • Internal linking issues
  • JavaScript and CSS issues
  • Core Web Vitals issues
  • Crawlability issues

Based on these insights, we could work to improve the overall visitor experience.

We focused on optimizing the client’s website for faster loading and addressed all of the HTTP errors to improve their site’s crawlability.

And finally, we rectified the structured data errors to increase the chances of getting it listed in rich results in the Google SERPs.

  • Steps to Get on the First Page of Google

B. Content Creation

Content was at the heart of our SEO strategy for our client’s online PR work. After all, that’s the backbone of building a strong digital brand.

For content creation, we started by conducting extensive keyword research. Our goal was to chase long-tail keywords with high CPC and low competition.

Based on this research, we came up with relevant topics and developed a comprehensive content calendar for the client.

Content Creation

We also focused on creating different types of content, varying from infographics to review posts and in-depth guides.

The client already had some published content pieces on their website. We started updating those content pieces to improve their rankings in the search results.

Content Creation 2

The content creation story didn’t end here though. We also optimized our client’s content using tools like TF-IDF Tool .

However, content creation alone wasn’t enough. We had to come up with a strategy to amplify the reach of their content to get better digital PR results.

For this, we regularly shared the content published on the client’s website on social media and syndicated it on multiple sources including Medium.

C. Brand Mentions and Backlinks Acquisition

Our content and website optimization efforts took care of on-page SEO. However, we were still concerned about our client site’s off-page SEO.

In this section of this case study, we’ll tell you what we did to provide a boost to our client’s online reputation.

First things first, we decided to get the client more brand mentions and backlinks. When we say backlinks, we are referring to relevant links from authoritative websites in their niche.

And how did we go about it?

By outlining and executing a solid outreach strategy for earning links and mentions.

We started finding prominent websites in the digital marketing niche and reached out to them for guest posting.

Additionally, we registered on HARO and answered numerous questions by journalists on our client’s behalf. This helped us get our client more brand mentions from popular websites.

We did competitor research using Semrush to understand who was linking to our client’s competitors. This helped us identify and reach out to websites that could give links to our client.

Backlinks Acquisition

4. Social Media Marketing

The next digital PR strategy we’ll talk about in this case study is social media marketing.

We crafted a powerful social media marketing strategy to help boost our client’s reach, social mentions, and engagement. The idea here was to reach relevant audience groups and direct more traffic to our client’s website.

We came up with a social media content promotion calendar and started creating visual content for platforms like:

In addition to standalone posts for social media, we also shared links to the client’s blog posts and other articles.

Social Media Marketing

This, in turn, worked not only to improve our client’s brand awareness but also helped us drive traffic to their website.

Want to learn about the results our campaign generated? Keep reading this case study till the end.

  • How to Do Low-Cost Social Media Marketing

5. Podcasting

Our online PR strategy for the client also involved podcasting. The aim here was to get the client featured on as many popular podcasts as possible.

This, in turn, would help establish their name among reputable digital marketing professionals. And, build solid relationships with other industry experts.

For this, we came up with a digital PR outreach strategy.

In this section of this online PR case study, we’ll tell you how we leveraged podcasts to build our client’s brand and improve their public relations.

We strategized and launched a marketing podcast for our client. We aggressively promoted this podcast through the client’s website and also on Spotify , Google Podcasts , Apple Podcasts , and Stitcher .


Image via Apple Podcasts

Additionally, we invited the most prominent digital marketing personalities on the client’s podcast through our guest outreach strategy.

We did this to strengthen the relationships between our client and industry experts and to promote the podcast among their guests’ audiences.

6. Email Marketing

The next strategy we’ll discuss in this case study is email marketing.

We wanted to achieve three main PR goals by running an email marketing campaign for our client. These include:

  • Promoting content published on the client’s website
  • Building a loyal audience
  • Developing and nurturing their relationships with industry experts

We added pop-ups and bars to the client’s website to build their email list. Once the list grew, we started sending out weekly newsletters to their subscribers.

Email Marketing

We did this to keep the subscribers engaged and also to drive traffic to the new content published on the client’s website.

What’s more?

We also leveraged email marketing to help the client stay in touch with industry experts and build solid relationships with them.

  • How to Build a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy

Online PR Case Study: The Results

By implementing our online PR strategy, we successfully boosted the popularity and brand image of our client in the digital marketing industry. We also established them as an authority in the digital space over time.

Let’s take a look at some of the things we accomplished to improve our client’s online exposure and credibility.

1. Campaign Results At a Glance

Through our powerful online PR strategy, we were able to:

  • Boost their website traffic to over 160K+ visitors/month.
  • Grow the number of inbound leads by 52% .
  • Launch and grow their podcast to 91K+ downloads/month.
  • Rank their website for over 150K keywords globally (as of April 2021) .
  • Get the client featured on high-authority websites and build high-quality backlinks.

That’s not all.

Keep reading this case study to learn more about our online PR campaign results.

2. Numerous Features and Mentions

Through our powerful guest posting strategy, we were able to get our client featured on some of the most prominent websites out there. These included New York Post, VICE, Entrepreneur, The Atlantic, and more.

Numerous Features

In all, we got the client featured on 150+ websites in the digital marketing space.

3. Improved Link Profile

With our online PR strategy, we significantly improved the link profile of our client.

Not just their number of backlinks increased dramatically, but the quality of backlinks improved too. The client now has over 389K backlinks from 7.2K+ reputable domains.

These backlinks have helped improve their domain authority and drive more referral traffic to their website.

And that’s not even the best part.

The majority of these 389K backlinks — about 69% — are all dofollow links.

Improved Link Profile

Which means?

The client’s site received a major boost to its search visibility and rankings.

  • Website Traffic Case Study

4. Increased Website Traffic

Our online PR and SEO strategy helped skyrocket our client’s organic search traffic significantly. We grew it from 82K per month to 167K visitors per month in just two years.

Increased Website Traffic

We also generated 877K clicks between October 2020 and March 2021. This figure was significantly higher than 794K clicks in the preceding six-month period.

Increased Website Traffic 2

5. Site Ranking for More Number of Keywords

In this section of our online PR case study, we’ll talk about increasing the number of keywords that our client’s website ranked for.

We also not only increased the number of keywords our client’s website ranked for but also improved their ranking positions in the SERPs.

Within just six months, our client started to rank for 7.1K+ new keywords. Additionally, the number of keywords on the first page grew by 374 to reach the 3.4K mark.

Site Ranking

6. Social Media Growth

Our social media PR efforts started to pay rich dividends to our client.

We grew their Instagram followers from 10.8K to 13.3K in 1.5 years. This marked a growth of 22.86% .

And the best part?

All of this growth was purely organic.

Social Media Growth

Additionally, we generated over 6.14 million impressions on Pinterest during the same period for our client. We also built an engaged audience of 124K+ people on the platform.

Social Media Growth 2

7. Content Syndication Success

We generated a huge amount of referral traffic by syndicating posts published on our client’s website. The syndicated posts on Medium generated 86K+ views in just 30 days.

It wasn’t just the views. We were able to drive 26K+ visitors to our client’s website — about 5% of the entire traffic — through content syndication.

Content Syndication Success

That’s not all…

Check out more awesome results in the coming sections of this case study.

  • How to Create Content for Social Media

8. More Number of Speaking Engagements

We got the client 150+ speaking engagement opportunities, including those on podcasts, events, and video interviews, all through our online PR strategy.

Some of the events our client spoke at, were:

  • Influencer Marketing Days Conference, New York
  • Bi-Annual Cinnamon TBCasia Conference, Sri Lanka
  • DigiPlus Conclave, India
  • Social Media Strategies Summit 2020

Through our powerfully executed online PR strategy, we got the client featured as one of the top 100 influential people in the influencer marketing space.

9. Increased Brand Mentions

We helped our client get 28K+ mentions within just one year and this helped them potentially reach 34 million people. These mentions also generated 17K interactions and enhanced positive sentiment around their brand.

Increased Brand Mentions

10. Rise in Podcast Popularity

We successfully launched a podcast for our client and also helped them scale it up from 32K downloads/month to 91K downloads/month in just three months.

Rise in Podcast Popularity

We also invited and got some of the most prominent digital marketing experts on the client’s podcast, including:

  • Rand Fishkin
  • Jeff Bullas
  • Andy Crestodina

We also got the client featured on numerous other podcasts like:

  • Thought Leadership Podcast
  • Shareworthy by IZEA
  • The Brainfluence Podcast
  • CoSchedule’s Actionable Marketing Podcast
  • Case Study: How PR Helped Me Get Quality Backlinks and Increase My Popularity

Q1. Why is online PR important?

A. Online PR is important as it can help you establish yourself and your brand as an authority in your niche. This can play a major role in boosting your website traffic, domain authority, engagement, sales, and so much more.

Q2. What is the difference between online PR and digital marketing?

A. While online PR and digital marketing have a lot of similarities, they’re fairly different.

PR is all about building your brand awareness and reputation. On the other hand, digital marketing is a broad term that covers online PR work but is more focused on driving leads and conversions.

Q3. What makes a good online PR campaign?

A. A good online PR campaign focuses on giving an overall boost to your brand’s authority and credibility. It should include strategies for multiple channels like social media, SEO, email marketing, content marketing, podcasts, and more.

Online PR campaigns should help you boost brand awareness and reach and engage wider audiences through multiple channels.

Q4. What is an online PR strategy?

A. An online PR strategy is a strategy created and implemented to improve the awareness and positioning of your brand online.

It includes leveraging channels like social media accounts, media mentions, search engines, quality content, emails, podcasts, bloggers, journalists, press releases, influencers, and more.

Q5. What are some useful PR strategies?

A. Some useful online PR strategies that you should implement are:

  • Creating content for SEO
  • Publishing content on social media
  • Launching podcasts
  • Writing guest posts
  • Sending email newsletters
  • Participating in expert roundups and HARO questions
  • Case Study: How SEO Helped Me Grow My Organic Traffic 12x in Just 2 Years
  • Case Study: How I Helped Zoe Get a 3.5x ROI From Influencer Marketing

Ready to Replicate the Success Showcased in This Online PR Case Study?

If you’re looking for ways to boost your brand’s reputation online, online PR is the way to go.

We did find it challenging to boost the online presence of our client in the digital marketing space. But we were able to do it successfully through our well-thought-out strategy, which we’ve talked about in this case study.

We successfully established our client as an authority in the influencer marketing space and also grew their website traffic manifold.

And that’s not all.

We got the client featured on numerous podcasts, events, and web conferences as well.

If you’d like to achieve similar results, get in touch with us for our online PR services .

case study of pr

About the Author

case study of pr

Gaurav Sharma -

CEO/Founder @ Attrock Gaurav Sharma is the Founder and CEO of Attrock , a results-driven digital marketing company. Grew an agency from 5-figure to 7-figure revenue in just two years | 10X leads | 2.8X conversions | 300K organic monthly traffic | 5K keywords on page 1. He also contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, Business2Community, TechCrunch, and more.

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Why use case studies? 

Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
  • Describe the solution provided by the company
  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service
  • Arthur W. Page Society (Note: Case study archives are now accessed from the bottom of the page.) Includes original case studies written by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.
  • PR Council Case Studies Includes case studies, best practices and research to promote public relations.

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What is a case study?

The case study is a descriptive, qualitative research  method that analyzes in great detail a person, an organization, or an event. Case studies are found in most applied areas, such as business, law, and marketing, and offer insight into practices and tactics. The case study's major advantage is the detail and analysis it provides of a specific person, organization, or event. Its major disadvantage is that it cannot be generalized to situations other than the one that was studied.                     Encyclopedia of Public Relations

In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
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  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service

Databases to Find Case Studies & Industry Info

  • WARC This link opens in a new window Warc provides intelligence solutions for students, faculty and staff in marketing, advertising and mass communications. more... less... WARC includes over 6,000 global case studies, and articles, opinion pieces and conference reports. It also contains comprehensive historic and forecast advertising expenditure data together with global media cost data.
  • Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window Provides access to full-text, peer-reviewed business publications, as well as indexing and abstracts for many scholarly business journals. more... less... Business Source Complete (BSC) is the world's most comprehensive scholarly business database that provides full-text access to almost 4,000 business and scholarly journals, plus indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals dating back as far as 1886. Select journals included in this database are: Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Administrative Science Quarterly. Additional full-text content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, faculty seminars (videos), and more. BSC is an important resource for researchers interested in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics. Updated monthly.
  • IBISWorld This link opens in a new window IBISWorld provides access to detailed industry reports for over 700 plus United States industries. Each report includes industry structure, market characteristics, product and customer segments, cost structure, industry conditions, major players, market share, supply chain structure, and 5-year revenue forecasts.

Online Resources

  • Case Studies in Strategic Communication Dedicated to the study of strategic communication through the case study form. Case studies illustrate the strategies, tactics, and execution of communication campaigns through in-depth coverage of a single situation. CSSC is a peer-reviewed publication housed at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.
  • Institute for Public Relations Research Letter The Institute for Public Relations is dedicated to the science beneath the art of public relations™. We focus on research that matters to the practice, providing timely insights and applied intelligence that professionals can put to immediate use.
  • Arthur W. Page Society Includes case studies written by students for the Case Study Competition. Scroll to the bottom to load case studies from past competition winners.
  • PR Council -- Case Studies The Council is dedicated to strengthening the recognition and role of public relations firms in corporate strategy, business performance and social education; to serve as an authoritative source of information and expert comment and to help set standards for the industry.

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Eight PR: How To Write A PR Case Study 2024

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We believe everyone should have the opportunity to tell their story because a well written case study can be a powerful tool for any business. We know budgets are tight and that's why we want to make it easy for you to share your story.

Of course, we hope you will come and find us when the time is right so we can write your case studies and we've included some subtle promotion within this post to encourage you to reach out. Saying that, we're happy to use this opportunity to help you get started.

Sometimes referred to as 'customer success story', we've come across other terms for case studies such as a business narrative, client chronicle, customer case studies, impact tale, project profile, outcome report, performance story, achievement account, triumph documentation and even a debrief or post-event report.

Case Study Nuts And Bolts

Eight PR: How To Write A PR Case Study 2024

A comprehensive case study typically includes the following elements:

1. Executive Summary: An overview that summarises the case study's main points.

2. Introduction: Sets the stage with background information and context.

3. Problem Statement: Clearly defines the issue or challenge being addressed.

4. Analysis: Presents a detailed examination of the problem, including data and relevant factors.

5. Solution: Describes the solution implemented to address the problem.

6. Results: Details the outcomes and impact of the solution.

7. Discussion: Interprets the results, discussing implications, limitations, and significance.

8. Summary: Round up the findings and add any future actions.

Actual Case Study Example

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  • A case study tells a story that conveys your business's effectiveness and can lead to new opportunities and growth.
  • In essence, a case study is a storytelling tool that conveys your business' effectiveness and can lead to new opportunities and growth.
  • It should be a narrative that the reader can see themselves in, where the challenges faced are familiar, and the solutions provided inspire them to imagine the possibilities for their own context.
  • Keep the jargon volume turned down (hard to turn off in tech case studies) and sentences free of fluff.
  • The heading and sub-heading naming are critical to spark interest and keep engagement.
  • Make the reader comfortable by breaking up walls of text with a photo, illustration, dropped quote, chart, call to action, H1s, H2s, and H3s, left justified text and fonts easy on the eye like Calibri.
  • A case study is a great springboard for media outreach and social media engagement and opens the door to content repackaging for wider distribution.
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An Empirical Investigation of Public Relations Roles: A Case Study of the Financial Service Sector of Ghana

  • Original Article
  • Published: 15 April 2021
  • Volume 25 , pages 94–105, ( 2022 )

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  • Albert A. Anani-Bossman   ORCID: 1  

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8 Citations

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Public relations is essential in helping to develop, shape, maintain and manage relationships between an organisation and its publics. However, for that to occur PR must play a strategic/managerial role. It is only when the practitioner is involved in strategic management and engages in managerial activities, can PR really excel and add real value to the organisation. The present study presents findings from an investigation of the role of senior PR practitioners in the financial services sector of Ghana. It examines the roles practitioners in the FSS perform, the strategic nature of these roles, and the challenges that affect the performance of the strategic role. The research was inspired by a lack of knowledge on the specific roles performed by PR practitioners in Ghana, which affects the practice of the profession and limits scholars in the country from fully participating in the discussion on the subject. The article reviews literature on roles research from western and African perspectives and empirically analysis two key roles—technician and manager. Data were gathered utilising a one-on-one interview with 22 senior PR practitioners in the financial services sector. The study found little evidence of a separation between the technician and managerial roles. An important finding was that even though practitioners enjoyed access to senior management, they were not involved in the decision-making process. Also, they faced challenges such as lack of understanding by the management of the value of PR. The paper concludes that the lack of involvement in the decision-making process and the challenges faced limits the ability of practitioners to fully perform the strategic role. Significantly, there is a need for scholars in Ghana to examine the perceived value of PR to organisations from the perspective of senior management. The study calls for comprehensive research in this area in relation to the unique characteristic of African PR practice.

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About this article

Anani-Bossman, A.A. An Empirical Investigation of Public Relations Roles: A Case Study of the Financial Service Sector of Ghana. Corp Reputation Rev 25 , 94–105 (2022).

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Published : 15 April 2021

Issue Date : May 2022


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COMM 4323 - Case Studies in Public Relations: Syllabus

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  • COMM 4323 -Sylabus - summer 2017

The University of Texas at El Paso University Connect Department of Communication COMM 4323: Case Studies in Public Relations CRN: 35158


Required Materials: All resources required for this course are available as a Library Guide through UTEPs Library. Please check the course’s blackboard page to access the readings.


Instructor: MBA/MA Eli Garcia Email: [email protected]  Office: COTTON 205 Phone: (915) 747- 5310 Office hours: by appointment


Course Description: This course studies the role of public relations in organizational problem solving practices. Through the analysis of real–life cases you will study how the functions of public relations help manage and reconcile the conflicts/challenges that arise between an organization and its diverse stakeholders.

Course Learning Objectives: • Examine the role of public relations in organizational problem solving practices • Identify the roles of communication strategies in organizational public relations plan • Analyze real-life case studies • Compare and contrast different organizational public relations situations

Technology Requirements This course is presented in the Blackboard learning management system. To ensure your success in accessing your course materials and completing your assignments, it is recommended that you ensure your computer setup for this class meets the following minimum requirements: 1. Broadband Internet connection, such as cable or DSL 2. A modern computer (PC or Mac), no more than four years old, with the following minimum configuration:

  • Processor: Dual-core or better, at least 2 GHZ
  • RAM: 2 GB or better
  • Operating System: Windows 7 or 8, or Mac OS X 10.6.8 or better
  • A computer headset is recommended (microphone and earphone set).
  • The hands-free option for your telephone will work in most cases.

Tech Support : The University of Texas at El Paso offers complete technical information and online help desk support at


  • 8 Weekly Discussions (Post and Replies)
  • 3 Case Study Written Reports
  • 1 Reflection Paper

Weekly Discussions (8 @ 50 points each, due weekly):

Every week we will discuss a series of different topics related to the course’s material. This is a great opportunity to share your perspectives on the PR strategies applied in each of the case studies that we will analyze through our course. You will be asked to post an initial response to the week’s discussion question/s and then post 2 replies to classmates. As always, the golden rule of public relation applies: all postings should be professional, respectful and relevant to the focus of the discussion. Your postings and replies will be graded based on the following rubric:


Initial reply was posted on time, meets the length requirement, and directly answers the discussion question(s). Excellent replies often include quotes from reading material.

Initial reply was posted on time, meets the length requirement, and answers the discussion question(s).

Initial reply was posted late or does not meet the length requirement. However, the post still directly answers the discussion question(s).

The initial reply is missing or does not answer the discussion question(s).


First peer reply was posted on time and contributes meaningfully to the discussion by introducing new perspectives.

First peer reply contributes meaningfully to the discussion.

First peer reply was late but still contributes to the discussion.

First peer reply is missing or only states “I agree” or “I disagree” without advancing


Second peer reply was posted on time and contributes meaningfully to the discussion by introducing new perspectives.

Second peer reply contributes meaningfully to the discussion.

Second peer reply was late but still contributes to the discussion.

Second peer reply is missing or only states “I agree” or “I disagree” without advancing the discussion in any way.

Case Study Written Reports (3@ 150 points each, due week 2,4,6):

You will also have the opportunity to analyze, critique and report on 3 real-life public relations case studies. Case studies will be available through the Library Guide (from the UTEP Library) on your blackboard page.

Please follow the instructions and rubric mentioned below:

  • Your individual written reports should be around 5 -7 pages.
  • They should demonstrate an in-depth written analysis-critique of the assigned case.
  • Make sure you answer the required questions in paragraph format.
  • Please follow APA style and provide a reference page.


10 Points

Give a short summary of the situation ( cited in APA style)

Identify key players in the case study (organizations, executives, media outlets, etc.)

10 points


20 points

(Answers to Case Questions)

50 points


30 points

What did you learn from this case?

From a approach, what would be your 4 recommendations for public relations professionals?

30 points

Reflection Paper 1@150 points (due week 7): You will write a final reflection paper. The purpose of this assignment is to take a moment and analyze how the topics/concepts discussed throughout our course can help you become a more competitive professional in the field of PR.

  • Based on all of your readings in this course, reflect on the diverse PR concepts
  • presented in the course by writing a 3-5 page reflection paper.

Reflect and include the following:

  • Describe which case study you enjoyed the most. Provide an explanation, including an overview of the case study and the details you found particularly insightful.
  • Describe how the material covered in this course might help you become a more competitive professional/PR communicator
  • Provide three specific examples directly related to how you can apply the PR knowledge learned in class to your chosen professional/academic life

Your paper should include :

  • An introduction
  • Proper transitions between sections (include section titles)
  • Strong conclusion/closing statement .
  • Use proper citations where applicable.

Minimum of three pages in length (excluding cover and reference pages).


Introduction, Sections, and Conclusion.


Proper citations, as applicable.



GRADING This course is ambitious and requires your active participation. Students can earn up to 1000 points. Grades will be based on the following scale: A= 1000-900 points B= 899-800 points C= 799-700 points D= 600-699 points F= 599 points and below

Discussions (8 @ 50 points ) = 400 points

Case Studies (3 @ 150 points) = 450 points

Reflection Paper = 150 points


Total Points = 1000 points

COURSE CALENDAR The instructor reserves the right to make necessary changes in the schedule/calendar/assignments depending on the needs of the class.




Discussion 1: Introductions

Initial Post: Wednesday May 17th, 11:00 PM MST

Reply: Saturday May 20th, 11:00 PM MST





Discussion 2: Key Concepts of Public Relations

Initial Discussion Post: Thursday May 18th, 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday May 21th , 11:00 PM MST






Discussion: Domino's

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday May 24th, 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday May 28th, 11:00 PM MST






Assignment Case Study Domino's

Assignment Submission: Sunday May 28th, 11:00 PM MST





Discussion: Chipotle

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday May 31st 11:00 PM MTS

Replies: Sunday June 4th 11:00 PM MTS







Discussion: Zombies Gone Viral

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June 7th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday June11th 11:00 PM MST







Assignment Case Study: Zombies Gone Viral

Assignment Submission: Sunday June11th 11:00 PM MST






Discussion: Orlando Magic

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June14th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday June 18th 11:00 PM MST







Discussion: British Petroleum

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June 21th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday June 25th 11:00 PM MST






Assignment Case Study: BP's Oil Spill

Assignment Submission: Sunday June 25th MST







Discussion: The Titanic

Initial Discussion Post : Wednesday June 28th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday July 2nd 11:00 PM MST






Assignment: Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper Submission: Sunday July 2nd MST by 11:00 PM MST



What to Expect from the Instructor The best way to communicate with your instructor is via email. Always include in the subject of your email “Online COMM 4323” When sending an email and your name. All emails will be answered within 48 hrs. Graded assignments will be posted a week after the submission date.

Participation Your active participation extremely important! There will be an opportunity to discuss and interact with classmates through discussion questions and assignments, which will be graded. Please refer to the “Assignments and Grading” sections for discussion questions and assignments’ points and value.

Academic Dishonesty Statement

Academic dishonesty is prohibited and is considered a violation of the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures. It includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion.

  • Cheating may involve copying from or providing information to another student, possessing unauthorized materials during a test, or falsifying research data on laboratory reports.
  • Plagiarism occurs when someone intentionally or knowingly represents another person’s words or ideas as his or her own.
  • Collusion involves unauthorized collaboration with another person or group to commit any academically dishonest act.

Any act of academic dishonesty attempted by a UTEP student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Violations will be taken seriously and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for possible disciplinary action. Students may be suspended or expelled from UTEP for such actions. You can find more information in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures, under the heading “ Alleged Student Scholastic Dishonesty ,” and in the Regents’ Rules and Regulations.

Late Policy Deadlines for all quizzes, discussion questions and written assignments will be strictly enforced. No quizzes, discussion questions or written assignments will be accepted after deadline. Missing a deadline is equivalent of not doing the assignment. PR professionals must meet strict deadlines. Students are expected to do the same.

Library Information

Access the UTEP Library by visiting

Disability Statement

If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at 747-5148, or by email at [email protected], or visit the office located in UTEP Union East, Room 106. For additional information, please visit the CASS website at Have a great learning experience!

Responsible, Ethical and Effective Electronic Communication

It is important to share a word of caution so we can become wiser about interpersonal distance learning communications. In an online environment, many of the feelings or impressions that are transmitted via body language in face-to-face communications are lost. Consequently, interpreting emotions and innuendos can be difficult. Only what is written, or drawn, carries the message. Often, excitement can be misinterpreted as anger or insult. We all need to keep this in mind as we communicate. Words in print may seem harmless, but they can injure us emotionally when working at a distance. Hence, we must be conscious of how we communicate while working at a distance and use good netiquette, that is, online communication etiquette. For example, your classmates may not know who is posting a comment, so clearly identify yourself when posting to a discussion board. Furthermore, avoid using all capital letters in electronic communication, as all caps come across as shouting. The standard netiquette for participation in networked discussion requires that all comments focus on the topic at hand, without becoming personalized, and be substantive in nature. In other words, you certainly may disagree with others, but you must do so respectfully. You may express strong beliefs or emotions, but you may not get so carried away that you lose all perspective on the course itself. You can find more information on netiquette, the etiquette of Internet communication, at

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The New Rules of Marketing Across Channels

  • Joshua Bowers,
  • Denise Linda Parris,
  • Qiong Wang,
  • Danny McRae,
  • Francisco Guzmán,
  • Mark Bolino

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Strategies for navigating a new kind of communication landscape: the “echoverse.”

The Internet and AI tools are transforming marketing communications within a complex, interactive landscape called the echoverse. While marketing has evolved since the proliferation of the Internet, in the echoverse, a diverse network of human and nonhuman actors — consumers, brands, AI agents, and more — continuously interact, influence, and reshape messages across digital platforms. Traditional one-way and two-way communication models give way to omnidirectional communication. The authors integrated communication theory and theories of marketing communications to create a typology of marketing communication strategies consisting of three established strategies — 1) promotion marketing, 2) relationship marketing, and 3) customer engagement marketing — and their proposed strategy, 4) echoverse marketing. The authors also recommend three strategies for marketers to make the shift from leading messaging to guiding messaging: 1) Enable co-creation and co-ownership, 2) Create directed learning opportunities, and 3) Develop a mindset of continuous learning.

Today, companies must navigate a new kind of communication landscape: the “ echoverse .” This new terrain is defined by a complex web of feedback loops and reverberations that are created by consumers, brands, news media, investors, communities, society, and artificial intelligence (AI) agents. This assemblage of actors continuously interact, influence, and respond to each other across a myriad of digital channels, platforms, and devices, creating a dynamic where messages circulate and echo, being amplified, modified, or dampened by ongoing interactions.

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  • JB Joshua Bowers is Co-CEO of Pavilion Intelligence, a marketing science consultancy and upcycled timber operation. He has a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Oklahoma and is a leader in new product development for enterprise and marketing technology.
  • DP Denise Linda Parris is Co-CEO Pavilion Intelligence, a marketing science consultancy and upcycled timber operation. She has been a professional athlete, entrepreneur, and academic with research focused on servant leadership, societal impact, and marketing technology.
  • QW Qiong Wang is the Ruby K. Powell Professor of Marketing and Associate Professor of Marketing and Supply Chain at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business. Her research focuses on the processes and boundaries of inter-organizational issues, including the development and management of strategic partnerships, marketing strategies, and supply chain management.
  • DM Danny McRae is a technology professional with over 20 years of experience in information architecture.
  • FG Francisco Guzmán is Professor of Marketing at the University of North Texas’ G. Brint Ryan College of Business. His research focuses on how brands can drive social transformation.
  • MB Mark Bolino is the David L. Boren Professor and the Michael F. Price Chair in International Business at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business. His research focuses on understanding how an organization can inspire its employees to go the extra mile without compromising their personal well-being.

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Table of Contents

1) Top 9 CISM Books

   a) Complete Guide to CISM Certification

   b) Information Security Management Metrics

   c) Penetration Testing 

   d)  Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD 

   e) Network Security Policy: A Complete Guide 

   f) CISM All-in-One Exam Guide 

   g)  Essential CISM: Exam Guide

   h) Cryptography Theory and Practice

   i) CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams 

2) Conclusion

Top 9 CISM Books 

Explore the top 10 essential books for CISM Certification preparation, offering comprehensive insights and strategies for mastering Information Security Management. 

1) Complete Guide to CISM Certification 

Complete Guide to CISM Certification

The "Complete Guide to CISM Certification" is an excellent resource designed to prepare individuals for the Certified Information Security Manager exam. It covers essential topics such as Information Security governance, risk management, incident management, and program development and management. 

The book provides in-depth explanations, practical examples, and case studies to help readers understand and implement CISM concepts effectively. With a focus on industry best practices and exam preparation strategies, it aims to equip candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in achieving CISM Certification.  

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2) Information Security Management Metrics 

 Information Security Management Metrics 

"Information Security Management Metrics" offers a detailed exploration of metrics used in assessing and managing Information Security. It covers various metrics frameworks, measurement methodologies, and the application of metrics in evaluating security controls and risk management effectiveness. 

The book provides insights into how metrics can support decision-making and improve overall security posture. It serves as an advantageous resource for security professionals looking to implement robust measurement practices and enhance their organisation's Information Security Management strategies. 

3) Penetration Testing 

Penetration Testing 

"Penetration Testing" is a comprehensive guide that explores the practice of simulating cyber-attacks on computer systems, networks, and applications. This book covers various techniques and methodologies used by penetration testers to identify vulnerabilities and assess the security posture of an organisation. 

It includes hands-on exercises, real-world scenarios, and best practices for conducting effective penetration tests. By understanding and applying these methods, security professionals can strengthen their defences, mitigate risks, and enhance the overall security resilience of their systems and networks. 

4) Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD 

Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD 

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5) Network Security Policy: A Complete Guide 

Network Security Policy: A Complete Guide

"Network Security Policy: A Complete Guide" provides a comprehensive overview of creating, implementing, and managing network security policies. It covers essential topics such as policy development, risk assessment, access control, encryption, and monitoring. The book offers practical guidance on drafting effective policies tailored to organisational needs and regulatory requirements. 

It also discusses best practices for maintaining and updating policies to address evolving threats and technology trends. With case studies and examples, this guide equips security experts with the knowledge and tools necessary to establish robust network security frameworks and protect against cyber threats effectively. 

6) CISM All-in-One Exam Guide 

CISM All-in-One Exam Guide 

The "CISM All-in-One Exam Guide" provides a comprehensive resource for preparing for the Certified Information Security Manager exam. It covers all key domains required for the certification: Information Security governance, risk management, Information Security program development and management, and incident management. 

The book consists of detailed explanations, practice questions, and practical examples to reinforce understanding. It serves as a valuable study aid, equipping candidates with the knowledge and confidence needed to pass the CISM exam and excel in the field of Information Security Management. 

7) Essential CISM: Exam Guide

Essential CISM: Exam Guide 

"Essential CISM: Updated for the 15th Edition CISM Review Manual" provides a focused and updated approach to preparing for the Certified Information Security Manager exam. This book covers key topics such as Information Security governance, risk management, incident management, and program development. 

It includes practical examples, case studies, and exam preparation strategies aligned with the latest CISM Review Manual. Designed for aspiring CISM professionals, it aims to enhance understanding of critical concepts and equip readers with the knowledge needed to succeed in obtaining CISM Certification. 

8) Cryptography Theory and Practice

Cryptography Theory and Practice 

"Cryptography Theory and Practice" provides a thorough exploration of cryptographic principles and their practical applications. This book covers foundational concepts such as encryption, decryption, key management, and cryptographic protocols. It delves into both classical and modern cryptographic algorithms, discussing their strengths, weaknesses, and real-world implementations.  

With a focus on both theoretical comprehension and practical application, the book equips readers with the knowledge and skills needed to design secure cryptographic solutions and protect sensitive information in various digital environments. 

Elevate your Information Security skills with our BCS CISMP (Certificate In Information Security Management Principles) Course - join now!  

9) CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams 

CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams

"CISM Certified Information Security Manager Practice Exams" is a preparatory resource designed to aid individuals studying for the Certified Information Security Manager Certification. This book offers a series of practice exams that simulate the structure and complexity of the actual CISM exam.  

Each exam is structured to test knowledge across the domains covered by CISM, including Information Security governance, risk management, incident management, and program development. By using this book, candidates can assess their identified areas for improvement, meet CISM requirements , and enhance their confidence in tackling the CISM Certification exam successfully. 

Join our CISM Training today and elevate your Cyber Security management skills instantly with expert guidance!  


Embarking on your CISM Certification journey is a significant step. Our top 10 CISM Books offer practical examples, case studies, and exercises, ensuring you're well-prepared. Each CISM Book equips you with the essential knowledge to become a recognised Information Security Manager. Your journey to becoming a recognised Information Security Manager starts here! 

Join our CISMP Training today and elevate your Information Security Management skills to new heights! 

Frequently Asked Questions

CISSP and CISM serve different purposes. CISSP focuses on technical aspects of Information Security, ideal for those in hands-on roles. CISM emphasises management and governance, suitable for leadership positions. The decision depends on your professional goals and responsibilities. 

According to Payscale, the annual average pay for Certified Information Security Managers  in the United Kingdom is approximately £62,587 per year. 

The Knowledge Academy takes global learning to new heights, offering over 30,000 online courses across 490+ locations in 220 countries. This expansive reach ensures accessibility and convenience for learners worldwide. 

Alongside our diverse Online Course Catalogue, encompassing 17 major categories, we go the extra mile by providing a plethora of free educational Online Resources like News updates, Blogs , videos, webinars, and interview questions. Tailoring learning experiences further, professionals can maximise value with customisable Course Bundles of TKA .  

The Knowledge Academy’s Knowledge Pass , a prepaid voucher, adds another layer of flexibility, allowing course bookings over a 12-month period. Join us on a journey where education knows no bounds. 

The Knowledge Academy offers various CISM Training , including CISM Certified Information Security Manager. These courses cater to different skill levels, providing comprehensive insights into CISM . 

Our IT Security & Data Protection Blogs cover a range of topics related to CISM Certification, offering valuable resources, best practices, and industry insights. Whether you are a beginner or looking to advance your IT Security skills, The Knowledge Academy's diverse courses and informative blogs have got you covered. 

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  1. How To Create PR Case Study Examples That Win New Business

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  6. My Wife PR story Jaipur to Canada Part 1 Anita Raj By Shaan and Anu


  1. PR Case Studies

    Homebase is an all-in-one SMB team management platform that serves over 100,000 small businesses and two million hourly workers to […] 1 2 3. Looking for PR Case Studies? This resource offers both experience and insight into the business of public relations, and can help guide your agency.

  2. 19 Successful PR Campaigns and Why They Worked

    Zen Media's approach was a dynamic 90-day PR blitz, focusing on forward-thinking announcements and unveiling new partnerships. This comprehensive strategy also highlighted unique case studies and proactive podcast pitches, cementing Dwolla's position as a fintech thought leader.

  3. Campaign Case Studies

    How SunChips gave everyone a reason to cheer on #TeamSun during the eclipse. By Eric Berger, April 25, 2024. Astronaut and researcher Kellie Gerardi helped to promote a limited edition product tied to the astronomical event. Find more campaign case studies here. PR Week is the leading source of news, analysis, features & jobs for the Public ...

  4. How to Write a PR Case Study: A Comprehensive Guide

    Structure the PR Case Study for Clarity and Engagement. Craft a structured narrative that captivates your audience from start to finish. Provide a brief overview of the client and their market context before delving into the specifics of the project. Break down the case study into manageable sections such as the challenge, strategy, execution ...

  5. How To Create PR Case Study Examples That Win New Business

    2.2 Experiment with unconventional formats. 2.3 Add context to the case study. 2.4 Stay authentic and honest. 2.5 Include original imagery and graphics. 2.6 Demonstrate PR impact with tangible benefits. 2.7 Celebrate PR success. 3 Closing Thoughts on Developing PR Campaign Case Studies.

  6. PR The Work

    Timeline of a crisis: The We Company's IPO-plosion leaves reputation in tatters. By Sean Czarnecki, January 08, 2020. It's very likely no amount of good PR could've saved the co-working startup. Public relations case studies & campaigns from PRWeek. Also see the latest from Inside the Mix at The Work area of PRWeek online.

  7. Research Guides: Public Relations: Find Case Studies

    Case studies are found in public relations, business, law, and marketing fields, and offer insight into practices and tactics. They show the scope of work done for a specific client to enhance image and reputation. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. When and Why You Should Use Case Studies:


    INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC RELATIONS Case studies in international public relations are hard to find. We are pleased to present fifteen case studies which we hope you find interesting, informative, and useful. Even when major international disasters occur, it is often difficult to get all the facts needed to prepare a fair and appropriate public ...

  9. Mastering The Art Of Crafting Pr Case Studies: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Step 1: Selecting the Right Case Study. When it comes to showcasing success in public relations (PR), case studies play a crucial role. They provide tangible evidence of the effectiveness of PR strategies and tactics, helping businesses build credibility and attract potential clients or customers.

  10. What you need to know to write a client case study that counts

    Client touchpoints: Your case study should amplify the client-focused nature of your PR work and reinforce your ability to deliver exceptional results. Calling out client communications throughout your campaign is a great way to do that. By explicitly mentioning meetings, consultations, and communications, you emphasize your PR services ...

  11. PR Case Studies

    Read our case studies that demonstrate our success and results-driven approach for PR campaigns servicing brands across dozens of industries. About 5W. ... USANA challenged 5W Public Relations to produce a strategic PR campaign that emphasizes its category leadership, as well as leverages its U.S. marketing initiatives to garner effective media ...

  12. Case Studies

    Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies: Identify the challenge a particular customer faces. Describe the solution provided by the company. Illustrate the measurable results gained from using ...

  13. Case Study

    Tips For Killer PR Case Studies. ImPRessions - Crenshaw Communications. APRIL 15, 2021. Every PR person knows that strong customer case studies are powerful additions to the B2B PR toolkit. A great case study can actually help move prospects down the sales funnel to the point where they're ready to buy. Anatomy of a successful customer case study.They also work well for sales and marketing.

  14. PR Case Studies: Tech companies & Startups

    Our PR case studies show how we have delivered successful PR campaigns for clients across many industries with our technical expertise. By staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies, we can craft messaging and strategies that resonate with target audiences and achieve measurable results.

  15. PDF MEJO 531.3 Case Studies in Public Relations

    By the end of the semester - through numerous PR case studies from the textbook and "in the news," and two major case analyses - you will be equipped to: Fully understand the public relations process. Critique different approaches to PR research, strategy, execution and evaluation. Consider public relations theories, communication ...

  16. Online PR Case Study: How We Boosted a Client's Online Presence

    Online PR Case Study: The Objectives. The main goal of the project discussed in this case study was to establish our client's reputation as a thought leader in the digital marketing industry. Some of the objectives we wanted to accomplish were: Growing the client's website traffic. Boosting their SEO results.

  17. Case Studies

    Public Relations Inquiry as Rhetorical Criticism: Case Studies of Corporate Discourse and Social Influence. Call Number: HML 3rd Floor Stacks 659.2 P9767. ISBN: 0275951502. Public Relations Practices: Managerial Case Studies & Problems. Call Number: HML 3rd Floor Stacks 659.2 J13p 1995. ISBN: 0130981532. Top 100 Case Studies in PR.

  18. Case Studies

    The case study is a descriptive, qualitative research method that analyzes in great detail a person, an organization, or an event. Case studies are found in most applied areas, such as business, law, and marketing, and offer insight into practices and tactics. The case study's major advantage is the detail and analysis it provides of a specific ...

  19. Eight PR: How To Write A PR Case Study 2024

    Our case study effectively conveys the key aspects of Eight PR's approach. Although it may seem boastful to use our own experience in this how-to post, that was never our intention. Our intention was to show the basic case study layer remains the same, with subsequent layers adding more depth and insight.

  20. An Empirical Investigation of Public Relations Roles: A Case Study of

    Public relations is essential in helping to develop, shape, maintain and manage relationships between an organisation and its publics. However, for that to occur PR must play a strategic/managerial role. It is only when the practitioner is involved in strategic management and engages in managerial activities, can PR really excel and add real value to the organisation. The present study ...

  21. PDF Public Relations Case Studies 06

    Public Relations Ethical Case Study Coming Clean with Green Energy After a long tenure working in the high tech industry, Jeanne was hired less than a year ago as the Public Relations Director for National Petroleum (NP), a major oil company in the United States. Due to her ability to make complex technical issues comprehensible to the public,

  22. Top PR case studies & campaign examples

    Prezly is a communications pro's best friend. The ability to manage and update contacts, develop content and issue press releases all on one platform is great. This is truly an all-in-one, streamlined PR solution. Matt Suckley , Phoenix Games. Prezly makes it so easy to host press releases in a newsroom and have it be not only a one-time thing ...

  23. COMM 4323

    Case Study Written Reports (3@ 150 points each, due week 2,4,6): You will also have the opportunity to analyze, critique and report on 3 real-life public relations case studies. Case studies will be available through the Library Guide (from the UTEP Library) on your blackboard page. Please follow the instructions and rubric mentioned below:

  24. The New Rules of Marketing Across Channels

    The Internet and AI tools are transforming marketing communications within a complex, interactive landscape called the echoverse. While marketing has evolved since the proliferation of the ...

  25. Best CISM Books That You Must Read for Success

    The book provides in-depth explanations, practical examples, and case studies to help readers understand and implement CISM concepts effectively. With a focus on industry best practices and exam preparation strategies, it aims to equip candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in achieving CISM Certification.