Remote Work Junkie.

How to Write a Cover Letter for Remote Jobs (With Templates)

cover letter sample for remote job

Just when you think your remote job application is complete, you notice one last requirement: the dreaded cover letter. Your mind starts racing. 

How long should your cover letter be? Should you talk about past work experiences in your cover letter, or should you reserve more space on your resume for those? What do you write in a cover letter for remote work if you’ve never had a remote job?

The anxiety is enough to make you want to quit applying altogether. But when you know how to write a cover letter for remote jobs , you’ll feel less intimidated by the requirement and will likely be a stronger candidate for a position. 

You’ve probably noticed that some hiring portals allow you to skip the cover letter step, but that can be a mistake. When written and edited correctly, your cover letter is a unique opportunity to highlight qualifications the rest of your application might not reveal.

And, when it comes to remote work, these letters give you a chance to show off your skills and knowledge in remote-first environments . Here’s what you need to know about getting started on your draft.

Why a Cover Letter for Remote Jobs Matters

Submitting a good cover letter can boost your candidacy for any job, but it can be especially useful when applying for remote work. Here are a few of the reasons your cover letter can help you snag a dream role:

  • Cover letters prove your passion. Even if you’re competing against candidates with similar resumes, a cover letter can convince employers you’re the best person for the job. It’s your chance to demonstrate interest and expertise in your field beyond basic work experience.  And you can tell your story about why you find value in working from home.
  • Cover letters show off your personality. In the world of remote work, there are no team lunches or post-shift happy hours for getting to know people (Although there are some cool virtual happy hour ideas and options). Video calls and chat platforms are helpful replacements for in-person socializing, but a cover letter can give future coworkers a glimpse of who you are and what you’ll contribute to team culture. 
  • Cover letters highlight “soft skills.” Succeeding at work is about more than hitting your quarterly goals. You can use a cover letter to explain your team-management philosophies, your ideas for troubleshooting problems, and even your strategies for remote work and collaboration. After all, a hiring manager for remote roles will want to know you can be productive outside of a traditional office. 
  • Cover letters lay the groundwork for remote-first. Not sure if company leaders will allow you to work remotely? Here’s your chance to explain why you want to be remote-first , and you can assure managers that you’re a valuable team member in or out of an office. 

How long should a cover letter be?

You’re writing a letter, not a novel. The ideal cover letter should be about half a page or up to one page. Typically, this falls under 500 total words, but there is no exact word amount you need to stick by. Just note that you won’t need to write a cover letter that’s longer than one page.

That may not sound like a lot of space, but you can say a lot in just a single page. Skip the filler and just be direct.

Will employers consider you without a cover letter? 

You may be considered for a job without a cover letter, but if you have the chance to submit one, it often helps to do so. Going the extra mile in your application, whether for a remote job or in-office position, will give you the best advantage to snag an interview.

This is your chance to highlight everything your resume can’t, so instead of viewing cover letters as an unnecessary requirement, look at them as an opportunity.

What You Should Include in a Cover Letter for a Remote Job

Just as every job is different, every cover letter will be a little different too. However, it will be helpful to include a few key elements in your letter no matter which role you’re in the running for.

However, with any remote job or hybrid opportunity, there are some extra things you want to include to show your skills and value.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the company. It’s not a good idea to blindly recycle the same cover letter over and over again—you can and should tailor your writing to the company you’re applying to. Loopcv recommends researching the company before writing, and then you can personalize your letter for that business specifically. 
  • Fill in details about your work history. Resumes are helpful, but they can’t reveal everything about you. Your cover letter is the perfect place to elaborate on important parts of your resume or add information on past experiences. If you’ve worked remotely in the past, ensure to highlight that experience and skills to effectively do your job.
  • Underline your own value. A resume alone isn’t enough to make you a top candidate. Think about what makes you the single best person for this particular job, and spell that out in your letter. 
  • Remind the hiring manager that you understand remote work. Wanting to work remotely isn’t something you need to apologize for, but you can use your cover letter to highlight your remote-first skills. Reserve space in your letter to discuss remote work’s benefits for you and your productivity . 
  • Specific skills that demonstrate you can handle remote work . Whether you have or have not worked remotely, include any skills or examples that would apply to being a successful remote employee. The best areas to think about would be communication, organization, time management, team alignment, and autonomy to get tasks done.
  • Tell the company what you can do for them. Already have big ideas for a new role? Don’t be shy about them! A cover letter offers a venue to share these ideas, proving you’re ready to hit the ground running in a new job.

How to Write a Cover Letter for Remote Jobs

Applying to remote jobs.

When you organize your thoughts and plan your cover letters correctly, they can become less of a chore. Here’s how to write your next cover letter for remote work. 

1. Do your research before writing.

When it comes to cover letters, Western Carolina University notes, specificity is better . Remember to research your company and potential role, and use your letter itself to explain why you’re a great fit for both. 

Things you can do include analyzing the company website, looking at their social media company handles, thoroughly reading the remote job listing, listening to podcasts of company leaders, etc.

2. Create an outline of key points.

Whether you want to talk about remote experiences, explain a highlight of your resume, or share ideas you have for the job, you should plan how and where these points will fit into your draft.

By having these written down ahead of time, you can start to craft your main narrative when you introduce yourself and where your top experiences or ideas can naturally fit in.

3. Call out specific skills that relate to remote work.

As alluded to in the previous section, you definitely want to include skills that show you can handle remote work. Use this time to demonstrate skills that apply to areas of the job you’re applying for, and tie it back to remote work.

An example could be a project you took ownership of and gave detailed project updates to the team to meet an aggressive goal.

That would cover self-ownership, strong communication, and organization in just one highlight. This can show your job-related skills and how you crushed this project while working remotely.

4. Provide any resume clarifications.

Sometimes, you may have something on your resume that could be deemed a red flag. Maybe you had a gap in employment or a very short stint at a specific employer. While it does not have to mean something bad happened, why let a hiring manager or recruiter start to wonder?

Instead, use your cover letter to call out anything that could be questioned, but isn’t explainable via the resume alone.

5. Write and review.

Don’t click the submit button the second you’re done writing! Reread your letter and, if possible, ask a friend or significant other to read it too. Grammar errors and oversights can be easy to miss in your own work, so it’s always better to get an extra set of eyes on the cover letter. 

6. Send the letter and save it for future reference.

Even though it’s not a good idea to recycle the exact same cover letter, you may want to refer to your letter later if you are offered interviews . (Or, you might want to grab some highlights to rework into future letters.)

Personally, I’ve saved one version of a cover letter that I could clone and edit with updated language as needed. This saves time from completely starting from scratch, and sometimes it would not need a major rewrite. Work smarter, not harder (;

Remote Job Cover Letter Templates

There’s no one way to write a cover letter for a remote job, but starting with a template can be a helpful springboard. Here are two variations you are welcome to copy and use to help you fill in the content.

One is a bit more informal and the other is more traditional. Either can work well, just include the best details about you and your skills as you can.

Remote Job Cover Letter Template 1

Dear [Hiring Manager Name] , This is your Introductory Paragraph , where you will briefly introduce yourself and mention the role you’re applying to. You can also briefly state the reasons you’re a good fit.  Your Work Experiences Paragraph is the place to highlight key parts of your resume. Remember that if you’ve done your homework on the company, you’ll have a good idea of what they need in a job candidate, so you can emphasize relevant history here.   Finally, you’ll look to the future in the Why-Hire Paragraph. Here’s where you get specific about what you can do for the company, and you can also discuss the benefits of remote work for both you and them.  End the letter politely with a quick Call to Action Paragraph , letting the employer know you’re looking forward to chatting more about the role.  Sincerely,  [Your Name and Contact Info] 

Remote Job Cover Letter Template 2

[Date] [Hiring manager’s name] [Company name] Dear Hiring manager name, Introduce yourself here and refer to the remote job that you’re applying for. Share why this position was interesting to you and what excited you about the company. Good time to show the research you did in this opener. Highlight your qualifications, how you align with the role, and your experiences working remotely. Try to include a few examples that tie to the needs of the job role and how you handle remote work. Specific projects, your impact, or results will be great to highlight in bullet points here as well. Reminder, use specific keywords or language that is similar to the remote job listing. This shows you read it in detail and align with the requirements of the job. Before drawing to a close, call out any questionable areas of your resume. If you don’t have any, then go right into why you are the candidate over the others applying for the job. As you end your cover letter, thank the recipient for taking the time to read your letter and reiterate your excitement to learn about the next steps for this job. You can also link to any personal website, online portfolio, or LinkedIn profile at this time as well. Thanks,  Your Name

Whether you’re currently applying to remote jobs or are only considering a career shift, it’s important to know what you want from a new role and what you can bring to it.

By planning how to write a cover letter for your next remote job , you’ll position yourself as a stronger candidate for any job you’re considering.  

Ready to find new a new remote job? Head over to our remote job board here .

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About Todd Kunsman

Todd is the founder of Remote Work Junkie and has been featured in numerous publications like Business Insider, HuffPost, CNBC, and more. He’s been a remote work advocate for close to a decade and has been working remotely full-time for 5+ years. He’s also a marketing, personal finance, and music nerd 🤓

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cover letter sample for remote job

How to Write a Remote Job Cover Letter and Samples

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Different things need to be done to secure a position. With the increase in remote jobs, remote positions are becoming increasingly available. To get a job, you need to stand out from the crowd. A remote cover letter is one of the easiest ways to do that when searching for a remote job.

Getting a remote job is a different ball game when compared to getting a traditional job. Before transitioning to remote work, you need to make sure your career is positioned for remote work .

Research shows that 49% of applicants have gotten jobs simply because they applied with a cover letter.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the nitty-gritty of writing a cover letter for a remote job. We’re going to give a detailed guide on how to write a work-from-home cover letter and also include some samples.

What is a Remote Job Cover Letter?

A remote cover is a letter that introduces you to a potential employer and gives them a glance at your personality, experience, and ultimately explains your interest in working with them.

A remote cover letter should summarize your skills, experience, qualifications, and anything in your arsenal that might make an employer hire you. With your CV, you often list out everything you’ve done, your remote cover letter on the other hand is an opportunity to take it all up a notch to give your potential employers more than what’s on your resume.

A remote cover letter is an extension of your resume, it is not a resume 2.0. This means when writing your cover letter, you should refrain from copying what’s written on your resume. Explain your resume with other words, do not simply copy and paste.

Remote Job Cover Letter

How to Write a Remote Cover Letter

In this section of the article, we’re going to discuss the steps to take to write an effective cover letter.

1. Do a Deep Dive Into the Company and the Position

Before writing a cover letter both for a remote position or an on-site position, it’s important to make sure you know as much as you can about the company. Get yourself familiar with the company’s values, guidelines, missions, etc.

With this information, you can tailor your remote cover letter to be more in line with their guidelines and what they stand for as a company.

The first place to do this is by thoroughly reviewing the job offer. Read the job description carefully and highlight how your skills and experience can give results to their pain points. Align your experience with the problems they highlighted and how you aim to solve them or what you intend on doing.

To research on the company, essentially stalk them on their social media, website, and anywhere you can. Read their mission statements, about us pages, etc. Then in your remote cover letter, subtly highlight these things and how you aim to add value.

2. Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself by briefly explaining why you’re applying to the position. Then proceed to summarize your experience with similar roles or duties and subtly give information on how well you excelled at them.

This section of your remote cover letter should be infused with enthusiasm and personality. The remote cover letter is the only way you can show these things to a potential employer before an interview. If you’d like, introduce yourself with a short story, a joke, or a random fact about the role to set the tone of your cover letter.

In this section of your remote cover letter, make sure your qualifications are highlighted alongside your most relevant experience and skills. Take a note from your CV and go into detail about how that skill helped previous employers gain so-and-so.

When doing the above, always make sure the experience is in line with the requirements in the job description further proving you’re the right fit for the job.

When writing about your experiences in your remote cover letter, make sure you use the appropriate keywords that are in line with the job description. This goes to show that you’re familiar with the position.

3. Explain How You Intend to Add Value

This is answering the “ why should we hire you ?” question in an interview. Explain how you aim to add value to the company.

Describe how being remote is not a barrier and how you aim to use your skills to provide results and achieve their goals.

4. Highlight Your Remote-relevant Experience

When writing remote cover letters, candidates often fail to notice or keep in mind that this isn’t a traditional on-site job. When writing a remote cover letter, explain the skills that make you an efficient remote worker.

If you’ve been a remote worker for years, highlight that and how you succeeded at it. If you’re just starting on the remote working business, highlight how you were able to handle projects when you were not in the office in the past. Did you freelance? Be sure to include that in your remote cover letter.

This further sets the mind of the employer at ease knowing you’re not new to the remote working scene.

5. Highlight Your Remote Relevant Skills

Working from home takes a lot of dedication and skill that most people do not possess. With working remotely, you’re often self-motivated and organized. When working from home, no boss or supervisor is breathing down your neck making sure you’re doing what you’re supposed to do.

Your remote cover letter should explain how you’re self-motivated, self-driven, goal-oriented, etc.

6. End with a final pitch

A final pitch in your remote cover letter is a brief paragraph summarizing your experience, qualifications, and the value you hope to bring to the company. Do not forget to mention how excited you are at the prospect of working with them.

Lastly, round your remote cover letter off with thanks. Thank the potential employer for their time and that you hope to hear from them soon.

remote cover letter

Remote Cover Letter Sample 1

Remote cover letter sample 2, remote cover letter sample 3.

When writing a remote cover letter, you need to make sure you put your best foot forward. It is important to ensure that you check all the boxes. Unlike traditional work settings where you have the chance to have an interview and blow them off the park, with remote work, you have to go over the edge to get noticed.

Check out more Remote Job Cover Letter Templates and Samples

About The Author

cover letter sample for remote job

Jim Blessed

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cover letter sample for remote job

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Work From Home Cover Letter Sample (+Guide)


Are you looking to work from the comfort of your own home? Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just starting out, a well-crafted cover letter is essential to showcase your skills and experience. In this post, we provide you with a comprehensive guide on writing a compelling work-from-home cover letter and even offer you a sample to get you started.

Why a Work-From-Home Cover Letter?

As the job market becomes increasingly remote-friendly, employers are seeking professionals who can thrive in virtual environments. A work-from-home cover letter allows you to demonstrate your ability to work independently, communicate effectively, and maintain a high level of productivity, all while highlighting how your skills align with the specific remote position you’re applying for.

What You’ll Find in this Post

In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a strong work-from-home cover letter step by step. We’ll cover the essential elements you should include, provide you with tips on how to tailor your letter to different remote job roles, and offer a sample cover letter to serve as a helpful template. With this guidance, you’ll be able to craft a persuasive cover letter that will catch employers’ attention and increase your chances of landing that remote job.

Let’s dive in and discover how you can successfully sell yourself as a capable remote worker in your cover letter.

Work From Home Cover Letter Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the remote position at your company. With a proven track record of success in remote work and a strong ability to thrive in virtual environments, I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to excel in this role.

Throughout my career, I have honed my ability to work independently and deliver results without the need for constant oversight. I am highly self-motivated and possess excellent time management skills, allowing me to effectively prioritize tasks and meet deadlines. My experience working remotely has taught me the importance of clear and concise communication, as well as the ability to collaborate effectively with virtual teams.

In addition to my remote work skills, I bring a wealth of experience in [specific relevant skills or industries]. With [X years] of experience in [specific relevant experience], I have developed a deep understanding of [specific relevant knowledge or expertise]. My expertise in [specific relevant area] has enabled me to [specific achievement or accomplishment]. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong fit for this remote position.

I am truly passionate about remote work and believe that it offers a unique opportunity for both individuals and companies to thrive. Being able to work from home allows for increased flexibility and work-life balance, while also eliminating the need for a lengthy commute. I am dedicated to delivering exceptional results and contributing to the success of your company in a remote setting.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to your team. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

How to Write a Great Cover Letter for Work-from-Home Jobs?

Sure! Here’s a breakdown of the tips to write a great cover letter for work-from-home jobs, presented in paragraph format with corresponding numbers:

  • Address it appropriately : Begin your cover letter by addressing it to the hiring manager or specific contact person. If the job posting does not provide a name, make an effort to find one by researching the company or reaching out to their HR department.
  • Start with a strong opening : Capture the reader’s attention by starting with a compelling introduction. Mention the specific remote position you are applying for and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.
  • Highlight your remote work experience : Emphasize your experience and success as a remote worker. Showcase your ability to work independently, manage your time effectively, and maintain productivity without constant supervision.
  • Tailor your skills to the job requirements : Review the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking. In your cover letter, highlight how your skills align with these requirements and provide specific examples of how you have demonstrated them in your past remote work.
  • Showcase your communication skills : Remote work relies heavily on clear and concise communication. Highlight your strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as your ability to collaborate effectively with virtual teams.
  • Demonstrate your passion for remote work : Express your genuine excitement and belief in the benefits of remote work. Discuss how it enables flexibility, work-life balance, and increased productivity. Show your commitment to delivering exceptional results in a remote setting.
  • Request further discussion : Conclude your cover letter by expressing your interest in discussing your qualifications further. Thank the employer for considering your application and attach your resume for their review.

Remember to personalize your cover letter for each application, incorporating specific details about the company and position. Proofread your letter carefully for any grammatical or spelling errors before submitting it.

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Seeking remote work: 8 tips for writing a remote-first cover letter

Jul 05, 2023

Seeking remote work: 8 tips for writing a remote-first cover letter

Freelance writer and translator, ex-recruiter

According to research by ResumeGo , including a tailored cover letter with your application leads to 50% more interviews. So if you’re serious about landing your first remote job, you need to demonstrate that you have the skills needed for remote work. Working from home has its own set of requirements, from remote tools to a specific skill set for getting the job done independently. Just because you can work in your pajamas, doesn’t mean you should (spoiler alert: a desire to do so isn’t going to win over recruiters either!).

Award-winning certified resume writer Sara C. Timm explains that although initially, your cover letter might sit there ignored, “When they’re down to one, two or three candidates they’re going to go down to the cover letter and that might make the difference.” So, how do you tailor your cover letter for remote work? What skills and information should you include? Timm has the answers to help you write a winning cover letter for your first remote job. Here are her eight tips for writing a winning remote-first cover letter.

1. Include skills that are specific to remote work

This might seem obvious, but demonstrating remote skills is exactly the type of thing you can do to enhance your cover letter. These types of skills may not be mentioned in your resume, especially if you’re applying for your first remote role. Remote working skills are the most important things you’ll need alongside being qualified for the role , so show the potential employer you have them. Remote roles offer greater autonomy and flexibility, so Timm suggests including the following:

  • Self-motivation : Staying focused and having the energy to work is essential for meeting deadlines, maintaining productivity, and achieving goals.
  • Self-discipline : Even on days you aren’t feeling motivated, you’ll need to follow clear routines, avoid distractions and set boundaries to maintain a consistent workflow to prevent overwhelm.
  • Communication : You need to convey your ideas, clarify expectations , and collaborate effectively. Communication skills help to build trust, minimize misunderstandings, and ensure everyone is in sync.
  • Time management : You need to allocate the appropriate time to get the job done, prioritize the most urgent or important tasks and set realistic deadlines.
  • Organization : Everything falls apart without organizational skills.

Don’t just list these skills in your remote job cover letter, you want to introduce them in a way that proves you have them.

2. Share examples of how you’ve used these skills to solve a problem.

To do this effectively in your remote job cover letter, Timm says to research the company and role you’re applying for. You can start with the job description : “Use it to identify the problem that the company is looking to solve, pick out the keywords and try to match the keywords you’re using as closely as possible to theirs .” Don’t just throw in these words though, use them when you’re describing projects you’ve had and how you overcame problems in a previous role (or a personal project). Timm explains, “Tell them how you were successful in solving that problem with your time-management, organization, and communications skills, explain the problem, the challenges and the actions you took, and the result of those actions.” She adds that you should be precise. “A cover letter should never be more than one page. It should be one page that really hits them with ‘I’m a perfect fit for this role and this is why.’”

To make your remote job cover letter read smoothly, Timm suggests identifying an overall theme and illustrating that with examples of how the key skills solved problems. You want to demonstrate how you managed your tasks, collaborated with your team, and met deadlines. If you did any of that remotely, even better!

If this is your first job and not just your first remote job, use projects you’ve worked on, or a side gig if you have one as the source of your examples. However, only share your side hustle if you believe the company will see it as a positive thing and not a split priority.

3. Show your knowledge of specific tools for remote working

Even if you haven’t used them much, or never used them for work, knowledge of remote working tools like Zap, Slack, and Zoom will appeal to anyone hiring for a remote role. If you’ve never used them before then download them and start, so you at least know your way around them and the basic functions and you can include that in your remote cover letter. If you know the potential employer’s preferred tool (an easy question to ask ) then you can start with that.

4. Demonstrate a willingness to learn

Above and beyond your knowledge of currently popular remote working tools, adaptability and a willingness to learn new things is key. Technology is always evolving, show your ability to adapt to the latest thing or understand new technologies.

5. Personalize it

A personalized cover letter is much more appealing than a generic ‘Dear Hiring Manager.’ Do some research and make your letter as personal as possible. Timm believes you can usually find out from the company website or LinkedIn the person the letter is most likely to go to. And even if it is addressed to the wrong person, you’ll be reaching the right department and it should eventually get where it needs to be.

6. Be enthusiastic

Just like any job, the potential employer wants to know why you want this job and not just any remote job. Why are you specifically interested in this role and this company? You can use your remote job cover letter to share why you’re looking specifically for remote work if you’ve relocated for some reason, but the cover letter is not the place to share that you need to pick your kid up from school or other personal details. As a rule of thumb Timm says, “When stating why you want a remote role you want to show how it’s going to benefit the company, not you.”

7. Stand out with your personal brand

This may not be specific to a cover letter for a remote job, it could be for any job, but your online persona is even more important when working from home. It’s often people’s first interaction with you , so how you present yourself will likely affect the potential employer’s business. Timm says you should, “Inject a bit of personality—include a testimonial sentence from someone you’ve worked with or write about how you feel about project management.” Make sure your personal branding is consistent across all media, from your resume to your cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and beyond.

Timm recommends you “Check all your headings match and don’t be afraid to use a bit of color—it can make you stand out from all the ‘zebra’s’.” Again keep this consistent across the board and don’t go over the top.

Personal branding isn’t just about things looking pretty though. You need to think about your brand and what you want to portray and make sure that aligns with the roles you’re applying for.

8. Don’t rely on AI to do it for you

Timm says, “AI has its uses, but ChatGPT is only up to date until 2021 and a lot has changed in the world since then. Bard, I understand, may be more up-to-date. But one, it’s not accurate, and two, it has no personality. It can give you some ideas but it would take a lot of editing and unless you really know what you’re doing, you’ll probably end up with something very formulaic .”

Timm’s final top tip is that a great cover letter for a remote job has a human voice and personalization, and connects the writer’s experience with the job , positioning them as the problem solver the company is looking for. Add the key skills for remote work to that and you’re well on your way to writing a winning cover letter for your first remote role!

Photo: Welcome to the Jungle

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Work From Home Cover Letter: The Foolproof Template That Gets Results

posted on May 8, 2019

Need to write a work from home cover letter? Use this formula for creating a foolproof work from home cover letter every time!

As a career coach , I often get asked whether work from home cover letters are even important anymore. Do hiring managers actually read them? Are they a waste of time in a world of online applications?

You might not like the answer, but honestly, as a remote job seeker, your cover letter is REALLY important. 

Since remote hiring often takes place virtually via phone calls, online chats, emails, or video meetings, you don’t always get a chance to let your personality shine like you would in real life. That’s where a work from home cover letter can really come in handy. 

A well written work from home cover letter can: 

  • Position you as the perfect fit for a posted job 
  • Show how you align with the company’s goals, missions, and/or values 
  • Highlight experiences that you want to show off 
  • Explain any gaps in employment on your resume or any other situations that require an explanation 
  • Give you a chance to ask for an interview 

Keep in mind, a cover letter isn’t just a letter saying you want a job you saw online. It’s an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to a hiring manager.

When the first set of eyes find their way to your cover letter, it’s to gain some insight into your personality and way of thinking on the job. This helps them visualize whether or not they can ‘see’ you fitting into the company and particular role you’re applying for.

If they see you as a match, woohoo, you get that interview you’re after. If not, you’re cast into the ‘no’ pile, never to be heard from again. Your cover letter is your first impression. Make it count.

Gather Your Cover Letter Content

I work with a lot of job seekers who simply cannot stand writing a cover letter. It’s time consuming. They second guess what content to include. There’s worry whether they’re writing it too formal or perhaps too casual. 

I get it. Cover letters are tricky. But, that doesn’t mean you should rush through writing one. Remember, a cover letter written in haste is wasted if it doesn’t clearly explain why your skills, experiences, and mindset are the perfect fit for this particular job. 

That’s why, before you get down to writing, you need to review the job ad. As you read it and re-read it, jot down instances where your work experience align with the job responsibilities in the ad. 

Now, it’s time to do a little research. Fire up Google and navigate your way to the company’s website. You’re on a mission to find the company’s mission statement, brand statement, values, vision, and/or goals. 

For example, one of my favorite remote-friendly companies is Buffer . This social media automation company regularly hires telecommuters for various roles. Let’s pretend you’re applying to one of their openings. 

Example Cover Letter for Remote Job Seekers

First things first, navigate to the Buffer website . From there, scroll to the bottom of the homepage. Be on the look out for helpful links that will help you learn more about the company culture. Most companies use their footer to help you find what you’re looking for! Always, always, scroll to the bottom first to see what’s there.

work from home cover letter: how to create cover letters that get results every time

As luck would have it, Buffer has a link titled “Our Values” in the footer. Click on that link. On this page , you can see Buffer’s company core values. There’s even another link to an entire “culture blog” with weekly workplace related articles. Once you’ve read through everything, you’ll get a pretty good feel of what Buffer, as a company, is all about. 

You’ll even develop a sense of what it would be like to work there. With this new insight in mind, jot down a couple of reasons why Buffer’s mission, culture, goals, and values are important to you. Eventually, you’ll use this information to create the content for your cover letter! Easy, right?

Find The Right Information Fast

While Buffer offers a lot of information on their website about their missions and values, not all companies do. That’s okay too. If a company doesn’t readily display their company values and missions statement, you can usually find what you’re looking for in the footer. Links titled “About Us,” “Press,” or “News” can be helpful. 

While these pages may not explicitly spell out a mission statement or company goals, they will help you determine a company’s core business concerns. Again, you can reference this information in your cover letter to illustrate you’re a perfect candidate to join the ranks of the company. As a bonus, you’ll score brownie points for doing your homework! 

Formatting Your Work From Home Cover Letter 

Now that you’ve got your research compiled, it’s time to get down to writing your cover letter. I like to keep it simple and straightforward with a 5-paragraph layout. Each paragraph addresses a specific point and end up working together to create the perfect pitch for you as a remote job seeker. 

Opening Paragraph 

This first paragraph packs a lot of punch. Tell the hiring manager why you want to work for the company in this particular role. Here’s where you’ll put your research to use by emphasizing your personal commitment to the company’s unique vision, goals, missions, and values. Close the paragraph with what you could contribute once you join the team.


As a fan of all things social media coupled with my enthusiasm for automation and task management, I want to help others more effectively handle their social queues as a customer service representative at Buffer. Transparency, reflection, and mindfulness are part of my daily routine and practices I appreciate when working remotely with a company. As a customer service representative, I can bring positivity to my teammates while helping Buffer users reach their social media goals, even if it requires some out-of-the-box thinking. I strive to be a lifelong learner and often reflect on particular customer service issues that arise to help improve my responses in the future. 

Second Paragraph 

Here’s where you highlight your previous work experience as they relate to the job at hand. Don’t be afraid to include similar experiences that aren’t an exact match. If you’re an entry-level job seeker, don’t worry. This paragraph can tie your college coursework, volunteer experience, internships, or even a brief training program to the job you’re applying for. Remember, you should have read and re-read the job announcement while jotting down instances where your experience falls in line with the job responsibilities. This is where you will place that information. 

In my most recent role as a customer service representative, I worked to resolve email inquiries from users ranging from tech support and troubleshooting to general product questions and sales. Whether I was dealing with current customers or prospective ones, my end goal was to use my product knowledge to educate and inform users until we reached a happy outcome. Sometimes this would require a little more digging or taking the road less traveled, but the extra effort was worth it when the end result was a customer well served. 

Third Paragraph 

Now it’s time to revisit your research about the company missions, values, and goals. In this paragraph, highlight your personal habits and work personality to show how you’ll easily transition into the open role at their company. Make sure to identify how your personality traits will allow you to contribute value to the company from Day 1. 

I consider myself a lifelong learner and always strive to make progress in life, both personally and professionally. Like Buffer’s “Improve Consistently” Core Value, I regularly take on a growth mindset to make small improvements every day. While at work, I’m fully engaged in the task at hand and am eager to learn new programs, processes, and procedures through daily practice. 

Fourth Paragraph 

Use this paragraph to explain unique situations like an employment gap. If you’ve been employed consistently, aren’t taking a major pay cut or making a major career change, you don’t need to write a fourth paragraph. Move on ahead to the closing paragraph 🙂 

Although it’s been several years since I’ve been in the workforce, I’ve used my time as a stay-at-home parent to keep active in my community. My customer service skills have been put to good use as a volunteer coordinator for my local PTA.

Fifth Paragraph 

This is your closer! You’re in the home stretch now. Use this paragraph to summarize what you’ve already talked about. Be sure to explain your commitment to the position AND ask for the interview! Any good sales person will tell you to close with “an ask.” In this case, you’re selling yourself and the ultimate “sale” is an interview. Don’t be shy and ask for it! 

As a multi-tasking, stay-at-home parent in recent years combined with my real world corporate customer service experience, I can blend my years of practical and personal experience to jump right into remote work. I’m eager to bring my unique work history to a company, like Buffer, that values teamwork and self-improvement. I welcome the opportunity to interview for this position at your earliest convenience. 

Additional Thoughts On Cover Letter Content 

That’s it. Not so bad, right? Trust me, once you’ve mastered the basic structure of a work from home cover letter, you’ll find it’s easy to write them. In fact, you’ll spend most of your time reading the job ad and researching the company. Once you have that information, the cover letter practically writes itself! 

When you use this basic 5-paragraph organization when writing your work from home cover letters, you can consistently position yourself as the perfect hire. Just remember, never send the same exact cover letter for different jobs you apply to.

Always tweak your letter’s content to highlight your experiences as they relate to the different work from home jobs you apply to. At the end of the day, your cover letter’s purpose should remain the same: Introduce yourself and position yourself as the perfect hire. 

When To Be Formal And When Not To Be 

Another common concern with cover letters is formality. As a career coach, I find the majority of companies respond well to this professional-focused four-to-five paragraph structure we’ve gone over. After all, it’s a pretty straightforward way to outline your experiences as they relate to the job at hand, which is your ultimate goal. Often, there’s no need to get overly creative, quirky, or humorous. But sometimes, you do. 

How do you know? 

The job ad itself is a good clue. If it’s formal, your cover letter needs to be too. If it’s casual and infused with a bit of humor, your work from home cover letter needs to be on the quirkier side. Similarly, your research will give you a good indication whether the company is all business or enjoys word play and a bit of fun. If that’s the case, don’t be afraid to get witty. You can write your cover letter in a more conversational tone that comes off as more casual than formal. 

Always remember, your cover letter’s tone should match that of the company’s.

Important Tips For Your Work From Home Cover Letter 

Now that we have a running structure for how to organize your cover letter and what to include, it’s time to talk about must-have tips for all cover letters, whether quirky and clever or straightforward and proper. 

  • Read and re-read your cover letter to make sure you’ve got the company name correct! It’s easy to miss this, especially if you’re rewording the same cover letter over and over again. 
  • Save your cover letter as your First Name, Last Name, and Cover Letter. For me, that would be Ashlee Anderson Cover Letter. Make sure to save it as PDF and not a word or Pages file. 
  • Sign your letter! Use a free esigning service, like Smallpdf, to upload a PDF copy of your cover letter. Then you can sign it electronically before you submit it to a potential employer. This gives it a polished and clean look that is sure to impress. 
  • Make sure your cover letter stays on topic and focuses on your experiences as they relate to the job. Only get personal in paragraph 4, if you need to explain something like a gap in employment! 
  • Don’t ever include information about why you left or are leaving your current or previous position. This is territory best traveled during an interview, not a cover letter. 
  • Make sure to carefully read the job ad! Employers will often include specific instructions for cover letters, follow them to a T. 
  • Try your best to keep your cover letter to a single page. Nobody wants to read a novel. 
  • Keep it clear and concise. Overly long and wordy sentences are distracting and often left unread. 
  • Don’t get fancy with font. Classic choices for cover letters include Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri. 
  • Proofread yourself! There’s nothing worse than submitting a cover letter with an obvious spelling or grammar mistake. Try reading your cover letter out loud or backward to help catch tiny mistakes. Or, better yet, have a fresh set of eyes proofread for you. 

Perfect Your Work From Home Cover Letter 

At the end of the day, your cover letter needs to clearly explain how your work experience and training directly relates to the job you’re applying for. If you can do that, you’re going to give yourself a good chance of getting an interview. The best way to do this is to turn to the job announcement.

Remember, unless the company has a reputation for being quirky or clever, you should avoid using cutesy comments or gimmicks in your writing. Be clear, direct, and concise to get your point across effectively. And, before you send it, give it a re-read. An error in your writing can sink even the best written work from home cover letter. 



P.S. This post might contain affiliate links. Check out my disclosure statement for more information.

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About Ashlee Anderson

Ashlee Anderson is a Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) specializing in remote work. She's on a mission to help job seekers ditch their daily commute in favor of telecommuting.

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How to Write a Cover Letter for a Remote Position?

cover letter sample for remote job

How Do You Write a Cover Letter For a Remote Position?

1. do your research about the company and position, 2. introduce yourself, 3. highlight your relevant skills and experience.

  • Organization
  • Self-motivation
  • Time management
  • Ability to work independently
  • Problem-solving

4. Emphasize How You’ll Add Value to the Organization

5. outline your competitive advantage, 6. close with a strong call to action, cover letter for remote position: the do’s and don’t, the do’s.

  • Make it clear and concise. Write your cover letter using short sentences. Use easy-to-read fonts in 11 or 12-point sizes. Your document should be well-formatted and not be more than 3-5 paragraphs on one page.
  • Use job-specific keywords. Make sure your skills and experiences match the language in the job description. This step demonstrates your understanding of the role’s expectations and requirements.
  • Address the recipient by name. Write your letter directly to the hiring manager or recruiter for this role, not ‘to whom it may concern. No matter how big the company is, always address your cover letter to a person.
  • Use concrete examples: show, don’t tell. If you are applying for a remote position, mention technical projects you have worked on that require some independent work. Give the reader a sample work situation and explain how you handled it.
  • Show your personality. The nature of remote work means that you cannot connect with people as easily when you are physically distant from them. This makes the cover letter your first opportunity to let your personality shine through.
  • Edit, edit, edit: make sure your letter is mistake-free. Ensure you proofread your document at least twice for spelling and grammatical errors. If English is not your first language, get a friend to read it and check for spelling and grammatical mistakes.

The Dont’s

  • Avoid using a generic template. Every job is different. When you write your cover letter, make sure you customize it for each position. By using a template, you run the risk of sounding like every other applicant.
  • Don’t copy your resume. Resumes summarize your previous jobs and responsibilities, while cover letters delve into greater detail. Give relevant examples of how your skills led to optimal results instead of listing your experiences. In your letter, use two to three examples from this list.
  • Never lie about your skills. It may seem tempting to lie about your skills – especially as it is a remote job. But this is a wrong move. Lying is a red flag to hiring managers; they may not want to hire you if they find out about it.

Remote Cover Letter Example

cover letter examples

Write the Perfect Cover Letter for a Remote Job

cover letter sample for remote job

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cover letter sample for remote job

How and Why to Write a Remote Work Cover Letter (With Tips, Template, and Example)

Writing a cover letter is a great way to stand out as a remote job seeker. Use our tips and template to write a great one!

Abi Tyas Tunggal

Abi Tyas Tunggal

How and Why to Write a Remote Work Cover Letter (With Tips, Template, and Example)

Find your dream remote job

Remote jobs get a ton of applicants, but writing a great cover letter is an easy way to stand out to potential employers. If you need help writing a cover letter, you can use our AI cover letter generator .

Cover letters add color that can be missing from a resume and give you an opportunity to dive deeper into your background, skills, and expertise. A resume cover letter can also help the hiring manager understand why you are applying for the specific job at their company and most importantly why they should interview you over other candidates.

In this article, we'll outline what a cover letter is, how and why to write one, and provide you with the specific steps and tips you need to follow to write the perfect cover letter that outlines your background, relevant skills, expertise, and remote work experience (if applicable). We've also provided a template and sample cover letter to get you started.

You can also learn how to write a remote job resume here .

Cover letter

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a one-page document that introduces your work experience, relevant skills, and personal interest in the company's mission.

Think about it this way: Your resume focuses on your qualifications and achievements then your cover letter expands on those achievements, showcases your personality, and explains why your past experience makes you a good fit for the company and role.

Read our guide on how to write a resume for a remote job .


Why a cover letter is crucial for when applying for a remote job

Writing a cover letter gives you the opportunity to build a narrative around your application and differentiate yourself from other potential remote employees. It's also a good chance to showcase your personality and passion for the company.

Despite being physically distant, remote companies tend to look for employees who are passionate about the company, its products and services, and its mission.

The purpose of a cover letter is to support your resume by providing more detail about your skills, experience, and reason for applying for the new job.

For remote positions, a cover letter is an integral part of your application. First, finding a remote job and getting hired typically means beating out a large pool of candidates, particularly if a remote position is open to job seekers worldwide.

Secondly, it provides space for you to highlight your WFH-relevant experience. It's a myth that not everyone can work remotely but that doesn't mean that remote work skills aren't important. You need to be self-motivated, have strong time management skills, and know how to communicate asynchronously .

Even if you don't have remote work experience, you can use your cover letter to differentiate yourself from other candidates by highlighting the soft skills that are important to remote hiring managers.

Not only will a good cover letter help you stand out, it's also an opportunity to highlight your writing abilities. Writing is one of the most heavily valued remote work skills, particularly in fully remote companies that rely on asynchronous communication .

Remote worker writing cover letter

What to include in a cover letter for a remote job

Include these important details to create the perfect cover letter for any remote job:

  • Your experience working remotely: Like any job application, your past experience carries a lot of weight. If you have remote work experience, call attention to it in your cover letter. Employers to hire people who understand how to collaborate in a remote environment and the challenges associated with remote work .
  • Soft skills relevant to remote work: Even if you haven't worked remotely before, you can show the hiring managers that you have the important soft skills needed to be successful as a remote employee. These skills include the ability to work independently, async communication, time management, cross-cultural literacy, and timezone conscientiousness.
  • Hard skills optimized mentioned in the job description: When writing your cover letter, the job description is your best friend. If it mentions specific hard skills like Tableau or Python and you know have expertise, mention them! Drawing a direct link from the job description to your experience will show the hiring manager that you've carefully read the job ad and have invested the time to craft a personalized cover letter.
  • What you can bring to the table: Employers are looking for someone who can do the job and do it well. The most important thing you can outline in your cover letter is the value you can bring to the company. It's fine to outline the benefits that remote work brings, but always anchor on what you can bring to the table.
  • Your research: It's essential that you research the company before applying for the job . The good news is this doesn't take a whole lot of effort. Start with the company's website and familiarize yourself with their products and mission. From there, you can listen to or watch interviews with the CEO or members of the leadership team. You can also use our remote company profiles to learn about thousands of companies, their tech stacks, and company cultures.
  • Your passion: Two of the most common remote job interview questions are " Why are you interested in this position? " and " Why do you want to work here? " Both are designed to help hiring managers to understand why you are applying for a remote position at their company. This could be a brief anecdote about how you listened to the founder on a podcast or that you've been a customer of the company for years. There are a ton of different ways you can inject passion into your cover letter, and it's a great way to stand out.
  • A clear call to action: Always end your cover letter with a clear call to action. Reiterate how excited you are about the company and the position then ask for an interview.

Smiling woman

How to write a cover letter for remote jobs

Writing a remote or work from home cover letter can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be if you follow these steps:

1. Research the company and role

A good cover letter is based on research. Read the job ad carefully and research the company to understand how the role fits into the company's mission and values. Look at their website, listen to interviews with the team, and read their blog. If you know people working at the company, talk to them and learn about what the hiring manager is looking for.

Research will help you tailor your letter and show the potential employer that you understand their company, its goals, and how you can support them.

Review the job description and note any requirements you have or responsibilities that you have successfully managed in the past. You'll want to use this to include any relevant skill or experience in your cover letter.

Use the same language the company uses on their website and in the job description to shape your cover letter.

2. Introduce yourself

Now that you've done research, it's time to start writing. The first paragraph of your cover letter should introduce you by summarizing your experience in the industry or related roles. Explain why you are applying for the position and why you're excited about the company.

Leverage the research you did to demonstrate your knowledge of the company's mission and how you're excited to contribute. Be sure to express your enthusiasm for the job title, company, and role responsibilities.

Two people working at computers

3. Outline your relevant skills and experience

Use the next paragraph to highlight your qualifications, relevant skills, and work experience. We recommend using the STAR method to outline a specific situation that is relevant to the job description. STAR stands for:

  • Situation: Describe a situation you were in and why it's relevant to the new job.
  • Task: Outline the goals you were working toward.
  • Action: Describe the actions you took to address the situation.
  • Result: Provide context and outline the qualitative and quantitative improvements your actions made.

The example you choose should align with one or more of the requirements outlined in the job description. This proves to the employer that you've done your research and understand why you're a good fit for the role.

If you can't think of a specific situation, use this section to highlight any remote work experience and skills that enable to work remotely. Examples of beneficial remote work skills include:

  • Strong async communication skills
  • Timezone conscientiousness
  • Cybersecurity awareness
  • Ability to work independently

4. Reiterate how you'll add value

Based on your research and the example you chose, tie your skills and previous work experience to the role you are applying for. Help the hiring manager or recruiter understand why you are the best candidate.

To do this, you'll need to draw a connection between the situation that you outlined above and the specific goals or problems the company has identified in the job description or that you have identified in your research.


5. Outline your competitive advantage and explain anomalies

Now that you've emphasized your value, seal the deal by outlining any unique skills or experience you have that can set you apart from other candidates. If you have extensive experience working at a competitor or in a similar industry that can be the focus of this paragraph.

If you have anything on your resume that you think could be a red flag for a hiring manager, such as employment gaps or unique work history, it can also be a good idea to provide clarification. Your resume won't be able to provide sufficient context on these situations, so use this as your opportunity.

Related: How to explain gaps in employment

6. Close with a strong call to action

Use the final paragraph to reiterate everything you've outlined above. Emphasize your excitement about the job posting and thank the reviewer for their time and consideration. Then close the letter with a strong call to action about the next steps in the interview process.

Say that you hope to hear from them soon and you look forward to answering any additional questions they have during the interview process.

Use our guide on remote job interview questions to prepare .

Writing cover letter on MacBook

Tips for writing an effective remote work cover letter

These tips will help you write an engaging remote work cover letter:

Keep it concise and well-formatted

Stick to a simple 10- or 12-point font and avoid graphics. Remote employers receive a lot of cover letters, respect their time, relay only important information, and invest the time to make the letter skimmable.

Remember, the goal of your cover letter is to get the interview, not to answer every possible question. Keep it all on one page.

Use job-specific keywords

Always include skills or keywords that match the job description. Personalizing your cover letter to the specific job will show that you've read and understood the requirements and expectations and that you aren't sending a generic cover letter. It'll also help you get past any automated filtering that the company may have set up in the applicant tracking system.

Address the hiring manager by name

Your cover letter will have the most impact if you use the hiring manager's name. If possible, avoid generic greetings like "Hi there" or "To whom it may concern."

You can typically find this by searching online or by reading the job description carefully. Don't stress if you can't find it though, it's definitely not a deal-breaker.

Avoid repeating what's on your resume

Your resume summarizes your previous roles, responsibilities, and achievements. You don't need to repeat the same details in your cover letter. Use it as an opportunity to go deeper into a specific situation or role that you think is most relevant to the new job and company you're applying for and to demonstrate your research and passion.

Writing cover letter on MacBook

Show your personality

Just because you're working remotely doesn't mean that your potential employer doesn't want to understand you as a person. Tell them about why you're passionate about the industry, role, and company.

Review your cover letter

Proofread your cover letter before you send in your application. Look for typos but also look for confusing sentences, places that could be better formatted, and any fuzzy language.

Do your best to stay on topic and only include information that is relevant to the job you're applying for. If you can, ask a friend or colleague to read over it to make sure you've accurately explained your value.

Remote worker writing cover letter

Remote job cover letter template

{Your name} {Your country and timezone} {Date} {Hiring manager's name} {Company name} Dear {Hiring manager's name}

{Introduce yourself and refer to the remote job that you're applying for. Explain why you're applying for the position and why you're excited about potentially joining the company. Leverage the research you did.}

{Highlight how your qualifications and experience align with the job description. Include one or two brief examples that showcase how you've performed in previous situations. Where possible, show how you made a positive impact on your employer, team, or customers. This is also a good place to outline any remote work experience you have.}

{Now it's time to reiterate the value you can add to the company based on the skills you've outlined above. Remember to draw a connection between the situation you've outlined above and the specific goals or problems the company has identified in the job description or that you've identified through research. Remember to use the language and keywords in the job description.}

{Use this paragraph to showcase your competitive advantage and explain any anomalies on your resume.}

{Thank the recipient for their time and consideration then summarize what you've outlined above. Include a call to action or say that you look forward to the next stage in the interview process.}

{Your name} {Contact information}

Click here for a Google Doc version of this template you can copy and use.

Sample cover letter for remote work

Jian Yang United States, Pacific Time 10th November 2021 Gavin Belson Hooli Dear Gavin,

My name is Jian Yang and I'm applying for a software engineering position at Hooli. I'm really excited about Hooli's mission to change the world and I'm passionate about your tech stack that includes Python , Java , React , and Scala . All languages that I have used in the past.

I've been building my own startup for the last few years and have been backed by Erlich Bachman's incubator Aviato. You might be familiar with another company that Aviato has backed, Pied Piper. I'm passionate about video compression and I've learned a lot about it working close to the Pied Piper team. In fact, for my own startup I've been able to get close to their levels of video compression. I've been working from home for the last few years so I believe I have all the remote work skills required to work remotely for Hooli.

Here's how I think I could help if you hired me as a remote software engineer . I know that Hooli has been interested in buying Pied Piper for a number of years but the team is not interested. I also know that being able to cut down on the file sizes of videos would dramatically improve Hooli's profit margins. I would like to leverage my unique skills and past experience to help.

I am the only person (other than the Pied Piper team and Erlich) who has seen the development of Pied Piper's algorithm from inception to now, so I'm uniquely placed to help Hooli build out a similar product.

Thanks for your time Gavin, I really think that with Hooli's resources and my experience we'll be able to build something great together. I look forward to hearing from you and speaking to you more during the interview process.

Jian Yang [email protected]

Remote worker at home

What to leave out of a remote job cover letter

Some things are better left unsaid. Don't lower your chances of success by including useless or harmful information including:

  • Irrelevant details: Recruiters and hiring managers for remote jobs tend to receive a lot of applicants. Help them out and keep your cover letter concise. The goal of the cover letter is to get to the interview, not to outline your entire working history.
  • Half-truths: While it's important to shape your cover letter based on the contents of the job description, it also needs to be truthful. Don't say you have experience using a specific tool if you don't, and never lie about having remote work experience if it isn't true. It's unethical and will only damage your chances.
  • Badmouthing current employer or previous jobs: Maybe you're looking for a remote job because your current employer is forcing everyone back to the office. That's fine but it's probably not that important to the hiring manager. Keep things positive and professional and focus on why you're excited about applying instead.
  • Typos: Typos and misspellings can happen but it's better if they don't. Reread your resume and cover letter a few days out loud before sending them. Also, be sure that you don't misspell the company or the hiring manager's name.
  • Repeating what is on your resume: Remember, the cover letter is to add to the information on your resume. Don't waste it by repeating everything that is on there. Use it to highlight the specific value you can bring to the role and company you are applying for. Learn how to write a remote job resume .

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Elixir Developer Resume Example & Guide for 2023

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Get noticed by potential employers as an Elixir developer with our comprehensive guide to creating an effective resume. Discover tips, key sections, and a sample Elixir developer resume to showcase your skills and experience.

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Jordan Hughes

Jordan Hughes

Top 10 Must-Have Remote Work Skills

Top 10 Must-Have Remote Work Skills

Remote work has never been more accessible but many people aren't prepared for the challenges that come with being a remote worker. These remote work skills are invaluable.

Cover Letter Ninjas

Cover Letter Example For a Remote Position

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Even before Covid-19 restrictions were put into place, many companies were beginning to favor remote hiring. Almost 62% of employees in the US say that they work remotely on some occasions and 30% telecommute full-time.

So what does the rise of remote work mean for you? First of all, remote works = a broader range of work gigs that you can pursue — cross-country and internationally. Also you can dab into freelancing and book gigs via popular freelance marketplaces like Upwork . On the other hand, you’ll need to persuade a potential employer that you can thrive when working independently.

We’ve lined up several helpful tips just for that, followed by a great cover letter example for a remote position.

Claire W.

Communicate Your Value

When you work remotely, your employer can’t monitor your productivity the way they would ‘in the office’. Instead, they must take a results-oriented approach to measure your performance. For you, this means that you must use your cover letter to convince them that you can get the job done and that you will add value to the team if you’re hired.

To do this, focus on the positive results that you’ve created through your work. Think about the following questions as you write:

  • How have I saved previous employers or clients’ money?
  • What have I done to improve processes?
  • What examples can I share of improving sales or other metrics?

By considering these answers, you can do a better job of describing how your work gets the kind of results that have a positive impact on the business. For example:

“In my current contract with Spring Hills technology, I have created a system of generating leads that has led to a 35% increase in online sales.”

The flip side of this is that you want to avoid focusing too much on your own desire to work remotely, and the benefits you perceive you will gain. For example, it’s fine to say that you look forward to the flexibility of remote work. On the other hand, you shouldn’t go on and on about work-life balance, and your ability to travel or relocate from HCOL area.

Remember that the cover letter is about the employer’s needs, and not yours.

Know and Show The Skills Required to Work Solo

Even if you don’t have experience working remotely, there’s a good chance that you have the skills and traits that will make you an excellent remote employee. In particular, you should highlight the following skills:

  • Time management
  • Self-motivation
  • Strong written and verbal communication
  • Organization

The easiest way to do so is by adding several relevant examples of how you applied these skills at your past job(s).

Struggling with this point? Check other great cover letter examples we have on our website for inspo!

Show That You Can Solve Problems

A good remote worker knows how to deal with various issues on their own. So be sure to showcase that you can be highly effective both as a team player and on your own. For instance, you can write something along the lines of:

“I’ve been working remotely since 2016 and also successfully managed teams (up to 6 people). My former colleagues note that I was particularly good at project management, mediation, and removing work blockers for others, so that, together as a team, we could perform at a high pace”.

Remote Position Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format

cover letter sample for a remote position

Download example (Word version)

Cover Letter Example For Remote Position – Text Format

Hi Karen Barnes,

I saw that Studio Z has an open remote position for a web designer and I’d like to pitch my services. For the past 5 years, I’ve been working as a remote UX/UI designer for an e-commerce fashion retailer and also did several freelance web design projects on the side for CPG companies.

I believe I would be a strong fir for Studio Z as I:

  • Helped a fashion retailer improve its CRO rate on key landing pages by 15% after the redesign.
  • Have a strong familiarity with InVision, UXPin, User Testing, Optimizely.
  • Can organize and conduct user research sessions and focus groups.
  • Also, I have strong copywriting skills, so that I can also take on UX writing projects.

My clients have frequently praised me for my communication skills, particularly my ability to easily explain technical concepts to non-technical users. I am very proud to say that I have a 95% customer satisfaction rating among my freelance clients. You can review my full design portfolio at [Portfolio Link] and see testimonials on my LinkedIn.

My schedule is open until mid-June. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you.

Shannon Ninja

Final Tip: Don’t Forget to Link to Your Online Portfolio

For remote workers, having a personal website or an online portfolio is the key to lining up good gigs. Think of your personal website as an organic extension of your resume that further explains and shows what you do, why you do that, and what amazing results you’ve achieved for other clients.

Plus, a personal website serves as a great standalone self-market asset. It increases your visibility online and can help you draw recruiters towards you, rather than the other way around!

Other Cover Letter Samples

Creative cover letter for a recent graduate, speech pathologist cover letter example, a fantastic film festival cover letter example, persuasive property manager cover letter.

A huge collection of cover letters created by a ninja team of writers and career advisors. Learn how to write, style and file cover letters that employers actually enjoy reading.

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Cover Letter Tips for Remote Jobs

Cover Letter Tips for Remote Job Seekers

Browse through our library of in-depth guides to create a cover letter that will land you a remote job. Written by experienced remote workers.

Browse Guides by Interest Areas

We’ve categorized all our remote job guides by areas where you might be looking for help.

Read our insights and cover letter tips, from showcasing your passion for remote work to highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. We offer guides to teach you how to create a stand-out cover letter. You will find content for anyone seeking a remote job. Make an excellent first impression.

Write a Cover Letter for Job with a Gap in Employment

Cover Letter for Remote Jobs with a Gap in Employment

Customize Your Cover Letter for Remote Jobs

How To Customize Your Cover Letter For Remote Jobs

Key Components of a Successful Cover Letter for a Remote Job

Key Components of a Successful Cover Letter for a Remote Job

How to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out From The Competition

How to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out From The Competition

How Do I Make My Cover Letter Stand Out?

How Do I Make My Cover Letter Stand Out?

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

What is the Purpose of a Cover Letter for a Remote Job?

Should I tailor my cover letter for each remote job application?

Should I tailor my cover letter for each remote job application?

What should I include in my cover letter for a remote job?

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Common mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter

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What a Cover Letter Should Look Like in 2024

What a Cover Letter Should Look Like in 2024 and Beyond

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Professional Remote Customer Service Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your remote customer service cover letter should immediately convey your passion for helping customers. It’s essential to highlight your ability to empathize and solve problems efficiently, even from afar. In this cover letter, showcase your proficiency with the digital tools that enable superior remote support. Be sure to illustrate how your communication skills have led to successful customer resolutions in the past.

Cover Letter Guide

Remote Customer Service Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Remote Customer Service Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Remote Customer Service cover letter

Embarking on your job search, you've meticulously crafted your resume only to realize a compelling remote customer service cover letter is also in demand. This isn't a mere echo of your resume; it's your chance to spotlight your crowning professional achievement, weaving it into a narrative that captures your unique value. Walk the fine line between formality and originality, avoiding worn-out phrases, and remember, brevity is key - your entire story must unfold in under a page.

  • Personalize your remote customer service cover letter and get inspired by other professionals to tell a compelling story;
  • Format and design your remote customer service cover letter to make an excellent first impression;
  • Introduce your best achievement in your remote customer service cover letter to recruiters;
  • How to make sure recruiters get in touch with you, using your remote customer service cover letter greeting and closing paragraphs.

What is more, did you know that Enhancv's AI can write your cover letter for you? Just upload your remote customer service resume and get ready to forward your job application in a flash.

If the remote customer service isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Remote Customer Service resume guide and example
  • Door to Door Sales cover letter example
  • Client Engagement Manager cover letter example
  • Grocery Store Cashier cover letter example
  • Pricing Manager cover letter example
  • Online Sales Manager cover letter example
  • Commercial Account Manager cover letter example
  • Independent Sales Consultant cover letter example
  • Sales Professional cover letter example
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Rep cover letter example
  • Grocery Manager cover letter example

Remote Customer Service cover letter example

Carla Jensen

Washington, D.C.


[email protected]

  • Personalizing the cover letter to the hiring manager and aligning with the company's values demonstrates research and a genuine interest in the company, which can help the candidate stand out.
  • Quantifying achievements (such as the 85% first-call resolution rate) provides concrete evidence of the candidate’s capabilities and success, which can be persuasive to potential employers.
  • Identifying specific ways in which past experiences can benefit the potential employer (like cost-saving measures and enhancing customer loyalty) shows foresight and an understanding of business impact.
  • Expressing eagerness to discuss how skills align with the company goals and inviting the hiring manager for an interview depicts confidence and proactiveness, compelling the employer to take the next step.

Structuring and formatting your remote customer service cover letter

Here's what the structure of your remote customer service cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your remote customer service resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your remote customer service cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your remote customer service cover letter.

The top sections on a remote customer service cover letter

  • Header: This includes your contact information, date, and employer's contact information, providing a professional look to your cover letter and making it easy for the recruiter to reach out to you.
  • Greeting: A personalized greeting shows that you have done your research on the company and are addressing the cover letter to the right person, which demonstrates attention to detail.
  • Opening Paragraph: This is where you introduce yourself and express your enthusiasm for the remote customer service role, giving the recruiter a sense of your personality and eagerness to fill the position.
  • Remote Work Experience: A section dedicated to your experience in remote work environments highlights your capability to perform customer service tasks without direct supervision, which is crucial for this role.
  • Closing Paragraph: Here you reiterate your interest in the position, invite the recruiter to review your resume and suggest the next steps, displaying your proactive approach and strong communication skills.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Exceptional communication skills: Being able to clearly convey information and empathetically listen to customers is crucial in resolving issues and providing effective support remotely.
  • Proven ability to work independently: Remote customer service requires self-motivation and the capacity to manage time effectively without direct supervision.
  • Strong technical proficiency: Comfort with using customer service software, databases, and tools is essential for handling inquiries and documenting customer interactions from a remote environment.
  • Previous remote work experience: Having a track record of successfully working from home demonstrates to recruiters that the candidate is already acquainted with remote work dynamics.
  • Problem-solving abilities: The aptitude to troubleshoot and think critically is key to efficiently resolving customer concerns and minimizing escalations.
  • Adaptability and resilience: Flexibility in handling diverse customer personalities and resilience in managing stress are critical for maintaining a high level of service remotely.

What greeting should you use in your remote customer service cover letter salutation

A simple "Hello" or "Hey" just won't work.

With your remote customer service cover letter salutation , you set the tone of the whole communication.

You should thus address the hiring managers by using their first (or last name) in your greeting.

But how do you find out who's recruiting for the role?

The easiest way is to look up the role on LinkedIn or the corporate website.

Alternatively, you could also contact the organization via social media or email, for more information.

Unable to still obtain the recruiter's name?

Don't go down the "To whom it may concern path". Instead, start your cover letter with a "Dear HR team".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Team Name] Team,
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter,
  • Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [Department] Department,
  • Dear [Job Title] Search Committee,

What to include in those first two sentences, or your remote customer service cover letter introduction

Have you ever wondered what the best way is to present your profile in the remote customer service cover letter introduction ?

There's no right or wrong answer if you're being concise and authentic to yourself.

Some professionals start their remote customer service cover letter by:

  • congratulating the company - focusing on something impressive, whether that's an award, an industry-leading project, or a key event;
  • aligning their passion for the field or industry with the job - if you're enthusiastic about what you do, you'd thus grow your skill set and value as a professional.

What comes next: your remote customer service cover letter middle paragraphs

In the next three to six paragraphs (or the body of your remote customer service cover letter) you have to prove your unique value .

Most candidates tend to mess up at this stage. They tend to just copy-paste information from their resume.

That's one big no-no.

Remember that when writing your remote customer service cover letter, it has to be personalized. And, your ultimate aim is to catch the recruiter's eye.

So, look back on key job requirements and write down a list that includes the ones you cover.

Next, select just one key achievement from your professional (or personal) history that meets those advert keywords.

Narrate a story around how you've grown your skill set and knowledge. Also, aim to show the unique understanding or soft skills you bring about, thanks to your past success.

A sincere and original way to end your remote customer service cover letter

When writing their remote customer service cover letter, candidates tend to use one of these phrases, "Sincerely yours" or "I look forward to hearing from you".

Both statements show good manners, but your cover letter should end in a more actionable manner .

Write about:

  • how you see yourself growing in the role/organization;
  • the benefits you would bring about (you'd impress even more with tangible metrics);
  • the next steps in the process (provide your availability for interviews).

Lacking experience: here's how to write your remote customer service cover letter

As a candidate with no experience, it's important to be honest from the get-go of your application .

Use your remote customer service cover letter to sell your unique talents. Choose an accomplishment from your academic background or your volunteer work to show the skills that are relevant to the role.

Focus on your career objectives and how you see the job to align with them. Be specific and, at the same time, realistic about where you picture yourself in five years.

Key takeaways

Summarizing the most important aspects in writing your remote customer service cover letter, remember to:

  • Create a personalized remote customer service cover letter for each role you apply for, that includes the recruiter's name in the salutation;
  • Format your remote customer service cover letter with single-spacing, one-inch margins, and a modern, yet ATS-friendly font;
  • Always start off your remote customer service cover letter with two sentences that reflect what is most important about your application;
  • Your remote customer service cover letter body should feature your biggest accomplishments and the job-relevant skills it has taught you;
  • Instead of opting for the "Sincerely yours" ending, close your remote customer service cover letter with a nod to the future with what you aim to achieve in this potential role.

Author image

Cover letter examples by industry

AI Section Background

AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

  • Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for
  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

Cover Letter Background

Overqualified for a Job? Tips to Overcome This Hurdle

8 resume hacks to take your resume to the next level, how to network effectively to get hired, how to answer "how would your co-workers describe you" interview question, expert guide on how to get a job at a nonprofit, how to write cold emails for job opportunities.

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Free online cover letter generator

Create the best cover letter now.

Our online cover letter instruments allow you to generate a detailed, passionate and informative appeal within minutes. No more agonizing over creative sentences, doubting your writing style or worrying about emotional perceptions. Powerful web tools and recruiter expertise are here to help!

Use our tech tools to write truly next-level cover letters and resumes . In a digital world, it’s important to stay competitive. Old-school methods have their place and charm, but if you want to land that dream job – it makes sense to get an edge over the other candidates.

Want to test out more beautiful designs? Quickly adjust the formatting? Easily generate multiple cover letters for several employers? This is now possible with our builder in record time and no technical knowledge required.

Our cover letter template designs and samples have been carefully crafted to maximize their visual and textual impact. You want recruiters to fall in love with your professional story before they even meet you. That’s what we aim to help you with.

Proven cover letter templates

Why our cover letter builder helps you getting the ideal job.

Finally, you don’t have to build anything from scratch. That’s always the most difficult part. And now it’s the part you can just skip. Our free cover letter templates are ready to use and fill in with minimal effort. The attention-grabbing beautiful designs and organized structure have been tested and vetted. All our cover letter templates have been approved by recruitment experts.

Recruiters and hiring managers still emphasize poor grammar and typos as a dominant reason for rejecting applications. Don’t be a part of that statistic. We’ve taken care of combining all the tools you need in one place - including a spell-checker. No need to use multiple software or online tools - the perfect cover letter build unites them all!

Go beyond just files and documents. Actually control and analyze your application process in one powerful dashboard. Our job tracker helps you monitor every stage of the job hunt. It provides a bird’s eye view of your successful tactics, as well as possible improvements. Add jobs to your shortlist to pursue later. Keep tabs on your offers. Stay on top of scheduled interviews, follow up on completed ones and more.

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

How to build a cover letter.

It used to be the case that you needed creative writing skills to build an amazing cover letter. And time. Lots of time. Now, all you need is the perfect online builder - and you’re good to go!

Go to our varied collection of beautifully designed cover letter templates and pick one that suits you! We have created templates and samples that align with jobs, industries and professional image goals. All you need to do is consider which one strikes your fancy and is appropriate for your potential employer.

Add your contact information, as well as any needed (and appropriate) personal data the employer requires. Our well-designed templates make sure your info won’t get overlooked and your documents don’t get lost due to boring visuals. After all, your cover letter is your ambassador.

Save tons of time, condensing the long journey of a convincing professional appeal to several minutes and keystrokes. You can use our free guiding samples that show mock-up cover letters, written by hiring professionals based on years of experience. With all the technical and guiding support - this won’t take long!

Tailor the design, structure and formatting of your cover letter in a couple of clicks. The template and other aspects of your document can be adjusted as you see fit. And what’s more, you can experiment as long as you want - our online and offline sync features mean you won’t lose any of your changes even if you lose your internet connection.

Whether your employer uses an Applicant Tracking System or prefers email, whether they use Mac or PC - we’ve got you covered. Make use of PDF files to perfectly preserve your beautiful cover letter formatting.

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Business Sample Cover Letter

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This sample cover letter is tailored for business students seeking internships or entry-level positions. Mark Keting’s letter exemplifies how to effectively communicate enthusiasm for a role, highlight relevant academic and work experiences, and align personal skills with the prospective employer’s needs. By detailing his coursework in marketing and customer service experience, Mark demonstrates his readiness to contribute to “Enterprise Holdings, Inc.” This cover letter is a valuable template for business students aiming to create a persuasive and professional application that stands out to hiring managers.

Assumption University

500 Salisbury Street Alumni Hall 026 Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 (508) 767-7227 [email protected]

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Reporting Analyst at Harvard University Resume Sample

Get inspiration for your own resume with this Techno-Functional Reporting Analyst resume sample that helped Elvi Caperonis get hired at Harvard University and Amazon. She has kindly allowed us to share her resume with the world so that you, too, can land your dream job more easily. Download it for free or edit it directly within Kickresume's resume builder.

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Reporting Analyst at Harvard University Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Elvi caperonis, professional profile.

ScrumMaster® Certified Business Intelligence (BI) professional with over nine years of experience implementing advanced reporting and data warehousing solutions across multiple industries. Proven ability to analyze information's critical requirements successfully and identify deficiencies and potential opportunities for increasing business productivity and efficiency. Excellent interpersonal skills that help build strong customer relationships contribute to highly successful outcomes. Self-motivated professional committed to helping achieve the organization's objectives with conscientious work based on the principles of honesty, discretion, truth, loyalty, and sincerity.

Technical Skills

  • IBM Cognos BI –  IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio, IBM Cognos BI 10 Framework Manager
  • Database – Oracle 9i, 10G, SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008,DB2
  • Operating Systems - Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, VM 
  • Programming Languages – SQL, HTML, JavaScript
  • Data Warehousing: Star Schema Design & Modelling, Data Cleansing, OLAP Design.
  • Reporting Tools: IBM Cognos 10 , Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 10G/11G, BI Publisher, Siebel Analytics 7.0, Business Objects XI, ClickView 7i, Microstrategy 8.0, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
  • ETL: Informatica Power Center 7.5, Oracle Warehouse Builder 10G, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 2008.
  • OLAP: Hyperion Essbase 9, Analysis Services 2008.
  • PeopleSoft 9.0 (Campus Solutions).

Work Experience

  • Engaged as a techno-functional analyst to collaborate with business clients and internal teams to evaluate BI and reporting needs and incorporate them into a unified delivery framework
  • Established a metrics-focused reporting environment by gathering and interpreting 10+ key performance indicators from senior leadership and stakeholders
  • Utilized Agile methodology to devise and implement 100+ reporting solutions, such as standard reports, data source-to-target mappings, tables, views, and user interfaces
  • Developed the semantic layer, 50+ metrics, reports, and dashboards
  • Assisted 10+ internal teams, end users, and business owners in creating and delivering business intelligence content
  • Played various roles with high proficiency throughout an IBM Cognos BI project lifecycle: Solution Architect, Resource Manager, Project Manager, Report Developer, Metadata Modeler, OLAP Developer, etc.
  • Collaborated with Principal Consultants to prepare 5+ project estimates, timelines, and proposals. 
  • Collaborated with Data Architects and ETL Developers to design or enhance data warehouse models for high-performance business analytics.
  • Provided 10+ detailed documents and knowledge-transfer services to customers.
  • Participated in 5+ software pre-sales activities, including developing customer proof-of-concept solutions and technical feature demonstrations.
  • Spearheaded the development and implementation of a cutting-edge reporting platform in Microsoft BI Suite
  • Successfully resolved performance management reporting challenges by integrating them into a cohesive solution.
  • Analyzed and interpreted critical data to generate over 100 detailed reports
  • Executed the development and deployment of more than 20 ETL processes utilizing SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for data extraction from diverse sources
  • Thoroughly documented functional and technical specifications for future reference
  • Played a key role in database design and data modeling
  • Compiled comprehensive reports on application usage, incident tracking, and system performance metrics
  • Strategically developed and implemented RDP design (OLAP Design) using the OBIEE Administration Tool
  • Developed over 300 reports utilizing the OBIEE Presentation Layer
  • Designed 5+ Interactive Dashboards and Front End interfaces using the OBIEE Presentation Layer
  • Analyzed all business requirements and proposed solutions for approval
  • Gathered customer requirements and provided constructive feedback
  • Supported technical incidents using OBIEE
  • Designed and developed over 500 reports utilizing Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Layer, Interactive Dashboards, and Front-End interface
  • Provided support to professionals during project execution
  • Created 20 reports using Business Objects
  • Developed 10+ Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL) processes from multiple systems using Informatica Power Center 7.5 to analyze lending portfolio
  • Analyzed 5+ data models to ensure data quality


Techno-functional reporting analyst.

A Techno-Functional Reporting Analyst combines technical and business skills to manage and optimize reporting systems. This role involves gathering and consolidating data, ensuring its accuracy, and using BI tools to create reports and dashboards. Key responsibilities include translating business requirements into technical specifications, generating standard and ad hoc reports, and automating reporting processes. They also provide training and support to end-users. Strong analytical abilities, communication skills, and expertise in data management are essential for this role.

Harvard University

Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1636 as Harvard College and named for its first benefactor, Puritan clergyman John Harvard, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Its influence, wealth, and rankings have made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world

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  1. Job Application Cover Letter For Bartender

  2. How to write a cover letter for a journal submission

  3. Cover letter sample for job apply for the position of Electrical Technician

  4. 🥇 UpWork Cover Letter that WON a Job (Real-life example)

  5. How to write a cover letter: Template & Tips



  1. How To Write a Work-From-Home Cover Letter (With Tips and Example)

    When applying for remote work, use the following steps to create an effective cover letter: 1. Research the company and role. Before writing any cover letter, you should research the job and company to gain clarity on the job responsibilities and the company's mission or values. This approach will help you tailor your letter, showing employers ...

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for Remote Jobs (With Templates)

    Here's how to write your next cover letter for remote work. 1. Do your research before writing. When it comes to cover letters, Western Carolina University notes, specificity is better. Remember to research your company and potential role, and use your letter itself to explain why you're a great fit for both.

  3. What to Include in a Cover Letter for Remote Jobs

    Remote Job Cover Letter Sample. The specifics of your cover letter will be unique to you, as will how you highlight your remote work experience. Here's a sample cover letter for a remote job to help get you started. When I read your job posting for a Director of Remote Operations, I was immediately struck by how much the position sounded ...

  4. What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Remote Job

    Any of this counts as remote work experience, so add it to your cover letter. 3. Your Value. Here's an important thing to remember: first and foremost, employers care that you can not only do the job, but that you can do it well. That's why it's important to spend most of your time focusing on the value you can provide for that company ...

  5. Remote Job Cover Letter Example & Writing Tips Free 2024

    We have used all the important tips of the above units into a single a remote job cover letter sample to demonstrate a winning document that can be created in GetCoverLetter editor. Sara Wilson. Freelance Copywriter. 13 Main Street. 8765-987-876 / [email protected].

  6. How to Write a Remote Job Cover Letter and Samples

    Remote Cover Letter Sample 1. If we were playing "Two Truths and a Lie," I'd say the following: I've exceeded my marketing KPI by at least 30% every quarter this year, I have spent 3 years working with Facebook Business Manager, and I have an amazing job at Marketing Executive. The last, of course, is the lie. For now!

  7. Work From Home Cover Letter Sample (+Guide)

    Demonstrate your passion for remote work: Express your genuine excitement and belief in the benefits of remote work. Discuss how it enables flexibility, work-life balance, and increased productivity. Show your commitment to delivering exceptional results in a remote setting. Request further discussion: Conclude your cover letter by expressing ...

  8. Professional Work from Home Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    Structure your work from home cover letter, following industry-leading advice, to include: Header - with your name, the role you're applying for, the date, and contact details; Greeting - make sure it's personalized to the organization; Introduction paragraph - no more than two sentences;

  9. What to include in a cover letter for a remote job

    Sample Cover Letter for a Remote Position. The specifics of your cover letter will depend on your industry, but here's an example cover letter for a remote job to help get you started. Be sure ...

  10. Remote jobs: how to write the perfect cover letter

    Timm has the answers to help you write a winning cover letter ...

  11. Work From Home Cover Letter: The Foolproof Template That Gets Results

    A well written work from home cover letter can: Position you as the perfect fit for a posted job. Show how you align with the company's goals, missions, and/or values. Highlight experiences that you want to show off. Explain any gaps in employment on your resume or any other situations that require an explanation.

  12. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Remote Position?

    Here´s how! 1. Do Your Research About the Company and Position. Without understanding your audience, you can't write a compelling cover letter for a remote job. You must know what the company does, what it's looking for, and what the hiring manager's expectations are for the position.

  13. How to Write a Cover Letter for Remote Jobs

    A strong cover letter for a remote job search will include details that are unique to the requirements of remote working. This includes an explanation of any prior remote work experience and the unique skills gained to succeed as a remote team member. Incorporating these details effectively in your cover letter also means that you are tying ...

  14. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Remote Position

    Research the company and the role. 2. Highlight your remote skills and experience. 3. Show your personality and enthusiasm. 4. Address potential concerns or gaps. 5. Keep it short and simple.

  15. How and Why to Write a Remote Work Cover Letter (With Tips, Template

    Remote jobs get a ton of applicants, but writing a great cover letter is an easy way to stand out to potential employers. If you need help writing a cover letter, you can use our AI cover letter generator.. Cover letters add color that can be missing from a resume and give you an opportunity to dive deeper into your background, skills, and expertise.

  16. Cover Letter Example For a Remote Position

    For example: "In my current contract with Spring Hills technology, I have created a system of generating leads that has led to a 35% increase in online sales.". The flip side of this is that you want to avoid focusing too much on your own desire to work remotely, and the benefits you perceive you will gain. For example, it's fine to say ...

  17. Cover Letter Tips for Remote Jobs

    Cover Letter Tips for Remote Job Seekers. Read our insights and cover letter tips, from showcasing your passion for remote work to highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. We offer guides to teach you how to create a stand-out cover letter. You will find content for anyone seeking a remote job. Make an excellent first impression.

  18. How To Write A Cover Letter To Land A Remote Job: 5 Powerful ...

    Here are 5 powerful strategies to use when writing a cover letter for a remote position: Be Concise: Keep things short and sweet. Be Personal: Spend a few minutes making extra tweaks. Be Human ...

  19. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Remote Job

    2. Highlight your relevant skills and achievements. 3. Show your personality and fit. Be the first to add your personal experience. 4. Format and proofread your cover letter. 5. Follow up with a ...

  20. Professional Remote Customer Service Cover Letter Examples ...

    Embarking on your job search, you've meticulously crafted your resume only to realize a compelling remote customer service cover letter is also in demand. This isn't a mere echo of your resume; it's your chance to spotlight your crowning professional achievement, weaving it into a narrative that captures your unique value.

  21. Cover Letter Best Practices for Remote Jobs (Webinar)

    A study by ResumeGo found that applications with cover letters carefully tailored to individual job descriptions yielded over 50% more interviews than job applications submitted without a letter. In this webinar recording, a FlexJobs career expert discussed how to write great cover letters for your remote job applications.

  22. Free online cover letter generator

    Leading Cover Letter Generator used by 31 million users worldwide Easy to build cover letters Pick a template or example Done in 15 minutes. Resume Cover Letter Blog FAQ. ... We have created templates and samples that align with jobs, industries and professional image goals. All you need to do is consider which one strikes your fancy and is ...

  23. How To Write a Team Leader Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Team leader cover letter sample To help you learn about cover letter structuring, here is a sample cover letter for a team leader: Marcus Ong Beng Chin Singapore (65) 9555 5555 [email protected] 4 March 2024 Mr. Robert Chan Wavewood Company Dear Mr Chan, I'm thrilled at the prospect of joining your company as a team leader. With over 10 years of experience in guiding teams and leading by ...

  24. Business Sample Cover Letter

    This sample cover letter is tailored for business students seeking internships or entry-level positions. Mark Keting's letter exemplifies how to effectively communicate enthusiasm for a role, highlight relevant academic and work experiences, and align personal skills with the prospective employer's needs.

  25. How to Write a Cover Letter for Remote Work

    4 Keep it concise and clear. A cover letter should not be longer than one page, and ideally, no more than three or four paragraphs. Keep your sentences short and simple, and use bullet points or ...

  26. Cover Letter For Remote Job Sample

    This document provides guidance on crafting an effective cover letter for a remote job application. It outlines key elements that should be addressed, such as introducing yourself and the position, highlighting relevant remote work experience, skills, and abilities like time management and technology proficiency. The document includes a sample cover letter that demonstrates these elements ...

  27. Reporting Analyst at Harvard University Resume Sample

    Cover letter samples from real people who got hired. ... Simply enter your job title and let artificial intelligence help you get started. Create Resume With AI ... Beyond Remote Work Report; Our Community; Blog; Design Templates Resume Templates; Cover Letter Templates ...

  28. CHAMPVA Benefits

    If you're expecting a baby, you'll need to take the 2 steps listed here before you can apply for CHAMPVA for your newborn: You'll need to get a Social Security number for your baby by applying at the nearest Social Security Administration office, and You'll need to set up the baby's status as a dependent of the Veteran sponsor by contacting your nearest VA regional office.