- पर्यावरण प्रदूषण पर संस्कृत निबंध | Sanskrit Essay on Environment Pollution
पर्यावरण प्रदूषण पर संस्कृत निबंध | पर्यावरण पर संस्कृत निबंध | Sanskrit Essay on Environment Pollution
आज हम इस पोस्ट में पर्यावरण प्रदूषण पर संस्कृत निबंध लेखन करेंगे। This post is an Sanskrit Essay on Environment Pollution . पर्यावरणप्रदूषणस्य इति विषये संस्कृते निबन्ध । पर्संयावरण संस्कृत निबंध । This essay can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners. संस्कृत में पर्यावरण प्रदूषण पर 10 वाक्य।
Sanskrit Essay on Environment Pollution
परिचय -अद्य न केवलं भारतं, समग्रं विश्वं पर्यावरणप्रदूषणस्य समस्यायाः पीडितं वर्तते। सम्प्रति जल-वायु-वालुका-मृदा-आदिभिः सह वृक्षाः, वनस्पतयः, कृषिः कीटाः इत्यादयः सर्वे पर्यावरणप्रदूषणेन प्रभाविताः सन्ति । गैस, धूम, धुम, कठोर कोलाहल, विषाक्त अपशिष्टस्य प्रचुरता इत्यादिरूपेण सर्वविधं प्रदूषणं दृश्यते । पर्यावरणदिवसः अपि प्रतिवर्षं जूनमासस्य ५ दिनाङ्के संयुक्तराष्ट्रसङ्घेन विश्वस्वास्थ्यसङ्गठनेन च आचर्यते, परन्तु पर्यावरणप्रदूषणं न्यूनं न भवति ।
पर्यावरणप्रदूषणस्य दुष्प्रभावाः – निरन्तरजनसंख्यावृद्धेः, औद्योगिकीकरणस्य, नगरीकरणस्य च कारणेन प्राकृतिकसंसाधनानाम् अत्यधिकशोषणस्य कारणेन पर्यावरणप्रदूषणं निरन्तरं वर्धमानं वर्तते एतेन मनुष्याणां स्वास्थ्ये अपि च वन्यजन्तुषु प्रतिकूलरूपेण प्रभावः भवति । वर्धमानस्य पर्यावरणप्रदूषणस्य मानवसभ्यतायाः उपरि सर्वाधिकं दुष्प्रभावः भवति, यस्य कारणतः भविष्ये तस्याः विनाशः भवितुम् अर्हति । पृथिव्याः तापमानस्य वृद्धिः, असमयस्य ऋतुपरिवर्तनस्य च कारणेन प्राकृतिकं वातावरणं नष्टं भवति ।
प्रदूषणनिवारणस्य उपायाः : विश्वस्वास्थ्यसङ्गठनम् प्रदूषणनिवारणाय अनेकानि उपायानि कुर्वन् अस्ति । भारतसर्वकारः अपि पर्यावरणसंरक्षणार्थं बहुप्रयत्नाः कुर्वन् अस्ति । यथा हरियालीप्रवर्धनं, वृक्षाणां वर्धनं, कोलाहलनियंत्रणं, पर्यावरणप्रदूषणविषये जनजागरूकीकरणं च इत्यादि। मुक्तशौचात्, नालिकेभ्यः मलिनजलस्य प्रसारात्, कारखानेभ्यः बहिः आगच्छन्तः विषाक्तकचराणां च पर्यावरणस्य रक्षणार्थं बहवः उपायाः क्रियन्ते प्रत्येकं गृहे सीवरेज-शुद्धिकरण-संस्थानानि स्थापितानि, शौचालयानि च निर्मिताः सन्ति । नदीनां स्वच्छतायै अभियानं प्रचलति।
अन्वयः- अस्माकं देशे पर्यावरणसंरक्षणार्थं सर्वकारेण बहवः पदानि क्रियन्ते। देशे पर्यावरणसंरक्षणसम्बद्धाः पाठ्यक्रमाः अपि आरब्धाः सन्ति । बृहत् उद्योगाः प्रदूषणनिवारणार्थं उपायान् स्वीकुर्वन्तु इति कथ्यन्ते। एतेषां सर्वेषां उपायानां माध्यमेन पर्यावरणस्य सन्तुलनं स्थापयितुं प्रयत्नाः क्रियन्ते ।
पर्यावरण प्रदूषण पर हिंदी निबंध
प्रस्तावना -आज भारत ही नहीं, सारा संसार पर्यावरण प्रदूषण की समस्या से ग्रस्त है। वर्तमान में पानी, हवा,रेत-मिट्टी आदि के साथ-साथ पेड़-पौधे, खेती एवं कृमि-कीट आदि सभी पर्यावरण प्रदूषण से प्रभावित हो रहे हैं। गैस, धुआँ, धुंध, कर्णकटु ध्वनि एवं विषाक्त अपशिष्टों की भरमार आदि तरीकों से हर तरह का प्रदूषण देखने को मिल रहा है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ और विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष पाँच जून को पर्यावरण दिवस भी मनाया जाता है, परन्तु पर्यावरण प्रदूषण कम नहीं हो रहा है।
पर्यावरण प्रदूषण का कुप्रभाव- निरन्तर जनसंख्या की वृद्धि, औद्योगीकरण एवं शहरीकरण तथा प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का अतिशय दोहन होने से पर्यावरण में निरन्तर प्रदूषण बढ़ रहा है। इससे मानव के साथ ही वन्य जीवों के स्वास्थ्य पर बुरा असर पड़ रहा है। बढ़ते हुए पर्यावरण प्रदूषण का सबसे अधिक कुप्रभाव मानव सभ्यता पर पड़ रहा है जो कि आगे चलकर इसके विनाश का कारण हो सकता है। धरती के तापमान की वृद्धि तथा असमय ऋतु-परिवर्तन होने से प्राकृतिक वातावरण नष्ट होता जा रहा है।
प्रदूषण-निवारण के उपाय- विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन प्रदूषण रोकने के अनेक उपाय कर रहा है। भारत सरकार भी पर्यावरण-निवारण के लिए कई प्रयास कर रही है। जैसे- हरियाली को बढ़ावा देना, वृक्ष उगाना, शोर पर नियंत्रण करना तथा पर्यावरण प्रदूषण के प्रति जनचेतना को जाग्रत करना आदि। खुले में शौच करने, नालियों का गन्दा जल फैलने तथा कारखानों से निकलने वाले विषैले अपशिष्टों से पर्यावरण को बचाने के अनेक उपाय किये जा रहे हैं। सीवरेज ट्रीटमेण्ट प्लाण्ट लगाये जा रहे हैं, घर-घर में शौचालय बनाये जा रहे हैं। नदियों की स्वच्छता का अभियान चलाया जा रहा है।
उपसंहार- हमारे देश में पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिए सरकार द्वारा अनेक कदम उठाये जा रहे हैं। देश में पर्यावरण संरक्षण से सम्बन्धित पाठ्यक्रम भी प्रारम्भ किया गया हैं। बड़े उद्योगों को प्रदूषण रोकने के उपाय अपनाने के लिए कहा जा रहा है। इन सब उपायों से पर्यावरण में सन्तुलन रखने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है
पर्यावरण प्रदूषण पर अंग्रेजी में निबंध | Essay on Environment Pollution in English
Introduction -Today not only India, the whole world is suffering from the problem of environmental pollution. At present, along with water, air, sand and soil etc., trees and plants, agriculture and insects etc. are all being affected by environmental pollution. All types of pollution are being seen in the form of gas, smoke, smog, harsh noise and abundance of toxic wastes etc. Environment Day is also celebrated every year on 5th June by the United Nations and the World Health Organization, but environmental pollution is not decreasing.
Bad effects of environmental pollution – Due to continuous population growth, industrialization and urbanization and excessive exploitation of natural resources, environmental pollution is continuously increasing. This is adversely affecting the health of humans as well as wild animals. The increasing environmental pollution is having the biggest adverse effect on human civilization, which may lead to its destruction in the future. Due to increase in earth’s temperature and untimely seasonal changes, the natural environment is getting destroyed.
Pollution prevention measures : The World Health Organization is taking many measures to prevent pollution. The Indian government is also making many efforts for environmental protection. Like promoting greenery, growing trees, controlling noise and awakening public awareness about environmental pollution etc. Many measures are being taken to protect the environment from open defecation, spread of dirty water from drains and toxic wastes coming out of factories. Sewerage treatment plants are being set up and toilets are being built in every house. A campaign to clean rivers is being run.
Conclusion-Many steps are being taken by the government for environmental protection in our country. Courses related to environmental protection have also been started in the country. Big industries are being asked to adopt measures to prevent pollution. Efforts are being made to maintain balance in the environment through all these measures.
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पर्यावरण पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Environment in Sanskrit
वयं वायुजलमृदाभिः आवृत्ते वातावरणे निवसामः। एतदेव वातावरणं पर्यावरण कथ्यते। पर्यावरणेनैव वयं जीवनोपयोगिवस्तुनि प्राप्नुमः। जलं वायुः च जीवने महत्वपूर्णो स्तः। साम्प्रतं शुद्ध – पेय – जलस्य समस्या वर्तते। अधुना वायुरपि शुद्धं नास्ति। एवमेव प्रदूषित-पर्यावरणेन विविधाः रोगाः जायन्ते। पर्यावरणस्य रक्षायाः अति आवश्यकता वर्तते। प्रदूषणस्य अनेकानि कारणानि सन्ति। औद्यौगिकापशिष्ट – पदार्थ – उच्च – ध्वनि – यानधूम्रादयः प्रमुखानि कारणानि सन्ति। पर्यावरणरक्षायै वृक्षाः रोपणीयाः। वयं नदीषु तडागेषु च दूषितं जलं न पतेम्। तैल रहित वाहनानां प्रयोगः करणीयः। जनाः तरुणां रोपणम् अभिरक्षणं च कुर्युः।
Essay on Environment in Sanskrit: अस्मान् परितः यानि पञ्चमहाभूतानि सन्ति तेषां समवायः एव परिसरः अथवा पर्यावरणम् इति पदेन व्यवह्रीयते । इत्युक्ते मनुष्यो यत्र निवसति, यत् खादति, यत् वस्त्रं धारयति, यज्जलं पिबति यस्य पवनस्य सेवनं करोति,तत्सर्वं पर्यावरणम् इति शब्देनाभिधियते। अधुना पर्यावरणस्य समस्या न केवलं भारतस्य अपितु समस्तविश्वस्य समस्या वर्तते। यज्जलं यश्च वायुः अद्य उपलभ्यते, तत्सर्वं मलिनं दूषितं च दृश्यते अथवा भारतस्य राजधानी अस्ति। पर्यावरणम् पश्यतु। भारतस्य राज्येषु अन्यतमम् अस्ति । पर्यावरणम् भारतदेशस्य राजधानी विश्वस्य अतिविशालासु नगरीषु अन्यतमा इति गण्यते । पर्यावरणम् एषा भारतस्य तृतीया बृहती नगरी वर्तते । इत्यपि विश्रुता इयं नगरी पाचीनकाले हस्तिनापुरमिति ख्याता आसीत् । इन्द्रसभायामपि सभाजितानां भरतकुलोत्पन्नानां महीपालानां राजधानी अद्यतनीया एव ।पर्यावरणम् मुगलवंशीयानां चक्रवार्तिनां तथा आङ्गलानामपि अधिकारिणां केन्द्रभूमिर्भूत्वा अधुनापि भारतीयगणराज्यस्य राजधनीपदमलङ्करोति ।
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An analysis of the environmental challenges and the role of Sanskrit literature in environmental conservation
- Dr. Prem Singh Sikarwar Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University
This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the environmental challenges faced by society and explores the role of Sanskrit literature in the realm of environmental conservation. Drawing upon ancient Indian texts such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas, the study highlights the valuable insights and wisdom found within Sanskrit literature regarding the interconnectedness of humans and nature. The concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” emphasizing the unity of all living beings, serves as a guiding principle for sustainable living and environmental harmony. Additionally, the paper examines specific passages and hymns dedicated to natural elements, emphasizing the need to protect and preserve them. By delving into the contributions of Sanskrit literature, this analysis sheds light on the rich cultural heritage that offers valuable perspectives and lessons for addressing contemporary environmental challenges and promoting environmental conservation. This research article provides a detailed description of the environmental challenges and the role of Sanskrit literature in environmental conservation.
Copyright (c) 2023 Dr. Prem Singh Sikarwar
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
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Environmental Vision In Sanskrit Religious Scriptures
The present article Environmental Vision In Sanskrit Religious Scriptures reflects upon the pivotal role of our epics-Ramayana and Mahabharata, Puranas and Samaritigranthas in ecology and conservation. Our ancient Hindu scriptures have been written in Sanskrit language as it is considered the oldest language in human history. These scriptures of the Hindu religion have given a detailed description of trees, plants, wildlife and brought out the importance of these Nature objects for people. We get the message for preservation of environment and ecological balance from these religious literatures. These scriptures are our most precious heritage, literature which is truly Eco-centric. 1 They are the best source of human ideals which are said to be revealed to Indian seers. Their ideas and thoughts are also perceived to be wholesome and respectable since time immemorial. The subject matter contained herein is theoretical and practical which reflects the thinking of Indian seers. The oldest epics in the world history of literature are the Ramayana and Mahabharata. They have been a perennial source of spiritual, cultural and artistic inspiration, not only to the people of India, but also to the people all over the world. They have many vivid descriptions of Nature, forests, trees, plants and gardens. The people of Ramayana and Mahabharata worshipped rivers, lakes, forests, trees, air and Nature and developed their relationship with animals as their friends. Let us examine, what environment they created and passed over to us! Our seers loved to live in forests and they used to rear trees as their own. They considered that the trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen (pranavayu) and they are the lifeline (Pran) of all living beings. The destruction of banyan, peepal, mango and tulsi was prohibited. Man lived in harmony with Nature (Prakriti) and there was hardly any action to disturb the environment. Both the Epics encouraged afforestation and condemned the deforestation. The Mahabharata states that " even if there is only one tree full of flowers and fruits in the village, that place becomes worthy of worship and respect. " 2 Ramayana and Mahabharata are blessed with the rich greenery of nature where rivers are full of neat and clean water and the breeze is pure, nourishing, and healthy. Planting trees and digging ponds 1 Falguni P. Desai: Ecological Ethics in Vedic Metaphysics An Effectual Method To Indoctrinate
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Essay on Land Pollution in Sanskrit
This post is an Essay on Land Pollution in Sanskrit.
भूमिप्रदूषण पर संस्कृत में निबंध - १० पंक्तियाँ।
भूमिप्रदूषणम् इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।
Translation is given in Hindi and English for better understanding.
This short essay can be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.
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भूमिप्रदूषणस्य अर्थः भूमिक्षयः। विविधवस्तूनां जैविकविलयस्य अभावः भूमिप्रदूषणस्य प्रमुखं कारणम्। विविधरसायनानां प्लास्टिकनिर्मितवस्तूनां च अत्युपयोजनेन भूमिप्रदूषणं भवति। वृक्षाणां कर्तनेन अपि इदं प्रदूषणम् वर्धते। एतैः कारणैः मृत्तिकायाः गुणवत्ता क्षीणा भवति। अतः सस्यानां पादपानां च वृद्धये अपप्रभावः भवति। भूमिप्रदूषणं पर्यावरणाय सर्वेजीवेभ्यः च हानिकारकम् अस्ति। स्वच्छता-अभियानेन भूमिप्रदूषणं न्यूनं भवति। प्लास्टिकवस्तूनाम् अनुपयोजनं, अवकरस्य न्यूनीकरणम् पृथक्करणं च इति केचन उपायाः सन्ति। अस्माभिः भूमातुः सम्मानाय तस्याः स्वच्छता पालनीया।
bhūmipradūṣaṇam iti viṣaye saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāṃ nibandhaḥ।
bhūmipradūṣaṇasya arthaḥ bhūmikṣayaḥ। vividhavastūnāṃ jaivikavilayasya abhāvaḥ bhūmipradūṣaṇasya pramukhaṃ kāraṇam। vividharasāyanānāṃ plāsṭikanirmitavastūnāṃ ca atyupayojanena bhūmipradūṣaṇaṃ bhavati। vṛkṣāṇāṃ kartanena api idaṃ pradūṣaṇam vardhate। etaiḥ kāraṇaiḥ mṛttikāyāḥ guṇavattā kṣīṇā bhavati। ataḥ sasyānāṃ pādapānāṃ ca vṛddhaye apaprabhāvaḥ bhavati। bhūmipradūṣaṇaṃ paryāvaraṇāya sarvejīvebhyaḥ ca hānikārakam asti। svacchatā-abhiyānena bhūmipradūṣaṇaṃ nyūnaṃ bhavati। plāsṭikavastūnām anupayojanaṃ, avakarasya nyūnīkaraṇam pṛthakkaraṇaṃ ca iti kecana upāyāḥ santi। asmābhiḥ bhūmātuḥ sammānāya tasyāḥ svacchatā pālanīyā।
Essay On Land Pollution - 10 Lines
Land pollution means land degradation. The lack of biodegradation of many materials is the primary cause. The excessive use of chemicals and objects made of plastic also cause land pollution. The cutting of trees also increases this pollution. These factors deteriorate the quality of the soil. It has a negative impact on the growth of crops and plants. Land pollution is harmful for the environment and all living beings. Cleanliness Campaign (Swachhataa Abhiyan) reduces land pollution. There are some ways like eliminating the use of plastic items, reducing and separating garbage. We should keep Mother Earth clean to respect her.
भूमिप्रदूषण पर निबंध - १० पंक्तियाँ।
भूमिप्रदूषण का अर्थ है कि भूमि की हानि होना। विभिन्न वस्तुओं के जैविकविलय का अभाव भूमिप्रदूषण का एक प्रमुख कारण है। विभिन्न रसायनों और प्लास्टिक उत्पादों के अति प्रयोग से भूमिप्रदूषण बढ़ता है। पेड़ों की कटाई से भी यह प्रदूषण बढ़ता है। इन कारणों से मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता कम होती है। इसलिए फसलों एवं पौधों के विकास पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है। भूमिप्रदूषण पर्यावरण और सभी जीवों के लिए हानिकारक है। स्वच्छता अभियान से भूमिप्रदूषण कम होता है। प्लास्टिक की वस्तुओं का उपयोग नहीं करना,कचरे को कम करना और अलग करना ऐसे कुछ उपाय हैं। हमें धरती माता के सम्मान करने के लिए उसे स्वच्छ रखना चाहिए।
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Bypass Compsite Flow Wetland Purification Practices and Reflections on Non-Point Source Pollution in the Xinfeng River Basin
34 Pages Posted: 28 Aug 2024
wenjing deng
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
CHI Yanfeng
Kong weijie.
To achieve the triple functions of controlling non-point source pollution, flood discharge, and landscape enhancement in the Xinfeng River Basin, a construction plan based on a regulation pond was developed. This plan employs a series flow wetland process consisting of a pre-treatment pond→secondary horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland→upward vertical flow constructed wetland→surface flow wetland. The design includes a hydraulic load of 0.17-0.24 m3/(m2·d) and a hydraulic retention time of 1.8-3 days. Additionally, to improve the wetland's ability to collect non-point source pollution and its operational effectiveness under low-temperature conditions, the spatial configuration, substrate, and plant arrangement of the wetland system were optimized. The research findings indicate: 1) The spatial layout of the wetland series is flexible, saving land while creating various microbial environments (aerobic/anaerobic/oxic), which enhances the water quality purification function of the composite flow wetland and contributes to a favorable landscape for the park's water system. 2) Through engineering and operational measures such as vegetation cover, low water level operation, and thermal insulation substrate coverage, the wetland can continue to purify water quality under low temperatures, with winter effluent meeting Class III water quality standards. 3) Based on actual operational conditions, the water quality in the river has generally met standards post-construction; during non-rainy seasons, the effluent from the wetland is better than Class III surface water. Simulations using the K-C* model indicate that during the rainy season, the removal rates for BOD5, NH3-N, and TP are 73.00%, 72.09%, and 73.00% respectively; during non-rainy seasons, the removal rates are 60.00%, 65.00%, and 47.50%.
Keywords: Bypass wetland, Composite flow, Non-point source pollution, Xinfeng river basin, Water environment treatment
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Save Environment Essay in Sanskrit - पर्यावरण संरक्षण संस्कृत निबंध
Save Environment Essay in Sanskrit - पर्यावरण संरक्षण संस्कृत निबंध : निरंतरं वर्धमानं प्रदूषणं सर्वेषां चिन्तायाः विषयः जातः। यत: प्रदूषणेन अधिका: मनुजाः रुग्णाः भवन्ति। अनेन प्रकृत्याः हानिर्भवति, जीवनामपि हानिर्भवति। अतः प्रदूषणसमस्यायाः समाधाने वैज्ञानिकाः प्रयतन्ते किन्तु पर्यावरणस्य रक्षा अस्माभिः सर्वे: करणीया। यावत् देशस्य नागरिक: पर्यावरणस्य रक्षणे दृढनिश्चयः न भवति, तावत् अस्याः समस्या समाधानं न भवति। स्थाने-स्थाने विविधा: वृक्षा रोपणीयाः। तेषां च संवर्धनमपि अवश्यं कर्त्तव्यम्। विद्यालयेषु ‘वृक्षारोपण' दिवसस्य आयोजनं भवेत्। वृक्षारोपणं सर्वेषां नैतिकं कर्तव्यमस्ति। जलप्रदूषणनिवारणार्थं जलशुद्धिः करणीया। अवकरः मार्ग न क्षेपणीयः। सर्वत्र पर्यावरणविषये गोष्ठीनाम् आयोजनं भवेत्।
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पर्यावरण पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Environment in Sanskrit : ... शेयर करने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद Pollution in Hindi. Reply Delete. Replies. Reply. Education 31 May 2024 at 01:33.
Save Environment Essay in Sanskrit - पर्यावरण संरक्षण संस्कृत निबंध : निरंतरं वर्धमानं प्रदूषणं सर्वेषां चिन्तायाः विषयः जातः। यत: प्रदूषणेन अधिका: मनुजाः रुग्णाः भवन्ति ...