How To Start A Milk Tea Business: A Step-by-step Guide For Entrepreneurs

What To Know

  • If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship and eager to tap into this lucrative market, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential knowledge and strategies to launch a successful milk tea business.
  • Experiment with various toppings and add-ins, such as tapioca pearls, pudding, and fruit jellies, to enhance the visual appeal and taste of your milk tea.
  • The ambiance of your milk tea shop plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers.

In recent years, the milk tea industry has experienced a meteoric rise, captivating taste buds worldwide . This delectable beverage, with its harmonious blend of tea, milk, and an array of enticing flavors, has become a symbol of refreshment and indulgence. If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship and eager to tap into this lucrative market, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential knowledge and strategies to launch a successful milk tea business.

1. Unraveling the Milk Tea Market: Understanding the Landscape

Before embarking on your milk tea venture , it’s crucial to gain a thorough understanding of the market landscape . Conduct extensive research to grasp the current trends , consumer preferences, and competitive dynamics. Assess the demand for milk tea in your target area, identifying potential gaps or underserved niches. Analyze your competitors, examining their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points. This market analysis will provide invaluable insights for tailoring your business strategy and positioning your brand effectively.

2. Crafting Your Milk Tea Symphony: Selecting the Right Flavors

The heart of any milk tea business lies in the flavors it offers. Curate a diverse and enticing menu that caters to a wide range of palates. Experiment with classic flavors like original milk tea, taro, and mango, while also introducing innovative and seasonal creations to keep your customers intrigued. Ensure that your flavors are well-balanced, with the perfect harmony of sweetness, creaminess, and tea aroma . Consider offering customizable options, allowing customers to tailor their drinks to their preferences.

3. Sourcing Quality Ingredients: Ensuring an Unforgettable Experience

The quality of your ingredients directly impacts the taste and overall experience of your milk tea . Partner with reliable suppliers who can provide fresh , high-quality tea leaves, milk, and other ingredients. Opt for premium tea blends that deliver a rich, flavorful brew. Select fresh milk or milk alternatives that complement the tea’s characteristics. Experiment with various toppings and add-ins, such as tapioca pearls, pudding, and fruit jellies, to enhance the visual appeal and taste of your milk tea.

4. Designing an Enticing Ambiance: Creating a Memorable Space

The ambiance of your milk tea shop plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Create a welcoming and inviting space that reflects your brand’s personality. Consider the layout, seating arrangements , and décor, ensuring they align with your target audience’s preferences. Incorporate elements that enhance the overall experience, such as comfortable seating, ambient lighting, and soothing music. Maintain a clean and hygienic environment to foster a positive and memorable customer experience.

5. Marketing Mastery: Spreading the Word About Your Milk Tea Haven

In today’s digital age, a strong marketing strategy is essential for the success of any business. Utilize various marketing channels to reach your target audience and generate awareness for your milk tea shop. Create a visually appealing website that showcases your menu, prices, and unique selling points. Leverage social media platforms to engage with potential customers , share enticing content, and run targeted advertising campaigns. Partner with local influencers or bloggers to promote your brand and reach a wider audience.

6. Operational Excellence: Ensuring Smooth and Efficient Operations

Efficient operations are the backbone of a successful milk tea business. Implement a robust system for managing orders, inventory, and staff scheduling. Invest in high-quality equipment, such as tea brewers , blenders, and refrigerators, to ensure consistent product quality and speedy service. Train your staff thoroughly on product preparation, customer service, and hygiene practices . Establish clear policies and procedures to maintain operational efficiency and ensure a positive customer experience.

7. Adapting to Changing Tides: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

The business world is constantly evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities. Stay informed about industry trends, consumer preferences, and technological advancements. Be prepared to adapt your menu, marketing strategies, and operational procedures to meet changing market demands. Embrace innovative technologies that can enhance customer experience, such as online ordering, loyalty programs, and delivery services. Address challenges proactively, seeking solutions that align with your business goals and values.

Beyond Conclusion: Your Milk Tea Journey Awaits

Starting a milk tea business is an exciting and rewarding endeavor that requires careful planning, passion, and dedication. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can lay the foundation for a successful and thriving venture. Remember to continuously innovate, adapt to changing market dynamics, and maintain a customer-centric approach. With hard work, determination, and a love for milk tea, you can create a business that not only satisfies taste buds but also leaves a lasting impression on your customers.

Questions You May Have

1. What are the key factors to consider when choosing a location for my milk tea shop?

  • Accessibility: Ensure your shop is easily accessible to your target audience, with ample parking or public transportation options.
  • Visibility: Choose a location with high foot traffic and visibility, such as a busy shopping center or near a university.
  • Competition: Analyze the competitive landscape in the area, ensuring there’s a demand for milk tea and that you can stand out from competitors.

2. How can I create a unique and memorable brand identity for my milk tea shop?

  • Define your brand values and personality: Identify the core values and unique selling points that differentiate your brand from competitors.
  • Develop a strong brand identity: Create a visually appealing logo, design a cohesive color palette, and choose a brand name that resonates with your target audience.
  • Tell your brand story: Share the story behind your brand, highlighting the passion and dedication that goes into crafting your milk tea.

3. What are some effective marketing strategies for promoting my milk tea shop?

  • Social media marketing: Utilize social media platforms to engage with potential customers, share enticing content, and run targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Influencer marketing: Partner with local influencers or bloggers to promote your brand and reach a wider audience.
  • Community involvement: Sponsor local events or participate in community initiatives to build brand awareness and foster positive relationships.

Photo of Eva

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Can you drink milk tea everyday 5 things you need to know before making the decision, discover the unique flavors of hong kong milk tea: a taste of tradition, start your day with a creamy delight: can i drink milk tea for breakfast, unveiling the truth: is milk tea just black tea and milk, is milk tea korean the surprising truth behind this beloved beverage, unveiled: the caffeine conundrum in milk tea – what you need to know.

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How to start a milk tea business.

Milk Tea Business

How to start a milk tea business? If you have not tried or know what milk tea is, you must have lived in the middle ages. This perfect combination of tea and milk has captured the hearts of millions, especially in the 21st century. The best part of the beverage of the century is that it Is customizable, from the sinkers to the sugar content!

Perfect for any day, the demand for milk tea continues to increase so much that suppliers are putting up to the challenge! With various milk tea shops in the Philippines , it is essential to stay in the zone, being highly competitive and in the trend! Here are some points to consider when starting your own milk tea business:

1. Milk Tea Business Plan and Market Strategy. The milk tea market is very flexible. The milk tea business name (milk tea business name) must be chosen wisely and strategically to make it a more catchy and easy brand to remember. The menu can range from original milk tea flavors to in-house specialty with different flavors, sinkers, and other add-ons! It is essential to know where your business will go and set an image exactly! Consider searching for recipes that would significantly impact the milk tea world, targeting your ideal audience. Consider a market strategy for start-ups, such as promos to gain an audience and consider the prices of products. Throughout the process, it is vital to have a goal and stick to it. Never forget capital and budgeting, making sure every part of the process is within the scope of your budget. This planning stage is crucial in identifying your business’s essential details. Milk tea recipes for business are also a crucial part of this planning as they must also fit with your market plan; free video content tutorial on how to properly make milk tea is also available on some websites.

2. Audience, Location, Advertisement. Whether you want to have a niche (target market of milk tea) or explore the general menu of milk tea production, you must consider your audience and envision if you were the customer. With the current situation, a pop-up store, online store, or in-store location are options for where you can put up your business. The access to the location should be practical and easily navigated by your target customers. Furthermore, to get your audience’s attention, consider how your product can reach them through advertisements. A friendly competitor milk tea shop nearby is common; your business must stand out in the competition!


3. Reliable Suppliers. The secret to an unforgettable milk tea is within its ingredients! This is what makes your customers keep coming back! Your business’s quality and image highly depend on your investment in ingredients and equipment. This part is very decisive. Aside from the time and money you put into it, this predicts the future of your business; thus, consider suppliers as your co-workers, only giving quality ingredients and equipment. There are several milk tea ingredients and equipment that can be checked here . If you are looking for a milk tea business plan example, take this opportunity to talk to reliable suppliers as they have first-hand knowledge of how successful milk tea brands were able to establish their business.

4. Business Permits and Licenses. Whether starting small or starting big, it is critical to comply with the requirements set by the trade industry. This includes business license, tax registration, business name, logo, etc. Complying increases the market value and avoids penalty fees. Remember to register your Milk tea business name in the Intellectual Property Office to protect your brand marketing effort from those who might want to grab your effort of growing your brand.

5. Start Your Milk Tea Business. Get everything going! Make and market your milk tea business to your audience. Let the word spread by mouth or through online platforms, word of mouth, and event sponsorship. Be open to feedback, as it is a work in progress. Trust the process, and you are on a roll!

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Building Bridges, Cultivating Success

Everything You’ll Need to Start Your Own Milk Tea Business

Rebecca Nichols

  • October 24, 2020

milk tea in a glass

For the past few years, milk tea –– also known as boba tea or bubble tea –– has become a worldwide craze. There are plenty of milk tea shops on the market. It’s amazing how all of them stay alive even with all the competition. The great thing about milk tea is that you can customize it and create hundreds of different flavors. It’s also not that hard to make. If you’re looking to start your own business, maybe you should hop on the milk tea craze too! Here’s how you can start:

Do some market research.

It’s important to market research before starting up any business. You can’t just start a business without doing some research first. Market research allows you to understand your target market. You get an in-depth idea of their various wants and needs and their consumer problems. Conducting market research also allows you to understand your competition. This will help you identify what you can do to set yourself apart from others.

When conducting your market research, you have to define your goals and objectives first. What do you want to know about your market? Something as simple as knowing how much your target market is willing to pay for your product, or what kind of design and packaging they would prefer? You could even ask what flavors they would like. You could also use this research to pinpoint your competition’s weaknesses. Conduct a survey and ask people what they think most milk tea shops lack and see if you can provide that service or product –– things like that.

Pick a niche

After you’ve done your market research, you should have enough data to determine your target market’s expectations and how you can set yourself apart from other businesses. Maybe you want your business to have a certain theme. Think of something that will make your business stand out. Maybe it’s the aesthetics, the number of flavors on your menu, the customization of the drinks, the size of your products, or the ambiance of your store.

Handle your finances

A key factor in starting your own business is having enough capital to do it in the first place. Capital is the amount of money that will help you start your business. This includes the budget for your store location, equipment, employees, and marketing. Do you have enough capital? If not, maybe you should look into  what loans you can get  for your business. Usually, when it comes to getting a loan, you would have to prepare a business plan to present to the lenders or investors. Having a good business plan and cash flow analysis will make lenders feel safer lending their money.

Look for a location

The next thing you need to do is find a store location. That is unless you decide to start your business from home. Starting a business at home is great for various reasons. First of all, you save money because you won’t have to spend leasing a commercial space. You also get a wider reach of customers when you sell online. It would also be much safer to sell from home while the pandemic is ongoing.

Fix all your permits and licenses

You must get your business registered. Starting a food and drink business also requires that you get a permit from the Health Department. These are the different permits and licenses you will need:

  • Business license
  • Personnel permits or licenses
  • Tax registration
  • Trade name registration
  • Employer registration
  • Business name and logo

small business owner

Figure out the equipment and supplies you will need

For the equipment, the most common equipment and supplies used in a milk tea shop are:

  • Tea Brewing Machine
  • Stove or Table Burner
  • Cooking Pot
  • Tapioca Container
  • Measuring Scoop
  • Cup Sealing Machine
  • Shaking Cups
  • Water Dispenser
  • Refrigerator
  • Cash Register
  • Cups and Lids
  • Oversized Straws

If you set up your business from home, you wouldn’t have to spend so much on the equipment because most of this can be found at home, such as the brewing machine, stove, cooking pots, strainers, containers, scoopers, dispensers, refrigerators, and other utensils. The only things you would actually have to spend on are the packaging equipment and supplies.

A great eco-friendly packaging design for milk tea entails using glass bottles instead of plastic cups. Instead of buying a cup sealing machine and using up so much plastic, you could opt to use glass bottles and a  liquid filling machine  instead. Investing in liquid filling equipment can allow you to fill the bottles faster and accurately; no struggle, no stress, and no waste of milk tea. What’s great is that people could reuse the bottles for personal use, instead of throwing them away.

Market your business

After you’ve set up all the legal stuff, the equipment, and supplies, you can now market your business. Using social media and digital marketing is the easiest, most cost-effective way to promote your business. If you’re clueless about how to do your own marketing, there are plenty of  guides on the internet . You could even hire professional digital marketing services online.

Now that you’ve got an idea of starting your milk tea business, all you have to do is make it happen!

About the Author

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  • How To Start A Milk Tea Business In The Philippines (2023)

Featured Image with Sidebar

By   Yesh Quijano

May 15, 2023

Milk tea is getting more popular in the Philippines.

According to research in 2019, the Philippines ranked second among the countries with the most bubble tea drinkers in Southeast Asia.

Starting a milk tea business in the Philippines could be a good idea, with more people drinking bubble tea.

In this article, we’ll show you how to start a milk tea business, including how to make a business plan, choose a location, find suppliers, and market your milk tea online and offline.

Why Do Filipinos Like Milk Tea (Bubble Tea) So Much?

How to start a milk tea business

Milk tea, a fusion of black tea and evaporated or condensed milk, has roots in Hong Kong and is inspired by British tea culture. This delightful drink has captured the hearts of Filipinos due to its distinct flavors and sweetness that perfectly cater to their taste buds. Its widespread popularity can be observed among different age groups throughout the country.

Is starting a milk tea business a good idea?

Starting a milk tea business can be lucrative, with the Philippines ranking second among countries with the most bubble tea drinkers in Southeast Asia. The growing demand for this refreshing beverage presents an opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into the market.

How To Start a Milk Tea Business: 7 Steps To Success

Create a milk tea business plan and marketing strategy..

One of the crucial steps is to develop a business plan for your bubble tea shop. Research your target market, including their flavor preferences. Plan your menu and be original by offering unique flavors and concepts to set you apart from competitors. Develop a marketing strategy that uses social media, influencers, plus word of mouth.

Determine your customer demographic.

Understanding your target customer’s preferences is crucial in creating a successful milk tea business. You can tailor your product offerings to their tastes and needs by identifying the demographic you want to cater to. Conduct thorough market research to gain insight into your potential customers like:

  • income level

Create a good business name and catchy brand name.

Smoothies tea in plastic cup

Choosing the right business name and brand is essential in starting your milk tea venture. Your milk tea shop name should be memorable, unique, and resonate with your target market. It should reflect the essence of your products and services, giving customers a clear idea of what to expect when they visit your store.

Here are some tips for creating a catchy and effective business name and brand:

Keep it short and simple: A short, straightforward name is easier to remember and pronounce. It also looks better on signage and promotional materials.

  • Make it relevant: Choose a name that reflects the nature of your business, such as including the words “milk tea” or “bubble tea” in the name.
  • Be creative: Use wordplay, puns, or alliteration to make your brand stand out. This adds an element of fun and makes it more memorable.
  • Check availability: Before settling on a name, ensure another business is not already using it. Ensure the domain name is available if you plan to create a website.
  • Consider your target audience: Consider the demographic you want to cater to and choose a name that appeals to their preferences and sensibilities.

Once you have chosen a business name, develop a catchy and cohesive brand identity that includes a logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic.

This will help create a recognizable and consistent image for your milk tea business, making it easier for customers to identify and remember your brand.

Remember to incorporate your brand identity into all aspects of the business, from the store design and packaging to your online presence and marketing materials.

By carefully crafting a memorable and appealing business name and brand, you can effectively position your milk tea business for success and set it apart from the competition.

Choose a good location.

Selecting the right location for your bubble tea business is crucial for its success. It’s important to find a spot with high foot traffic, such as malls, commercial centers, or schools, as this increases the chances of attracting more customers.

Find reliable suppliers

making bubble tea, scoop and pour cooked brown sugar and tapioca pearl bubble balls  into cup on white wooden table background

Research and find reliable suppliers for ingredients and packaging materials. You may consider local suppliers for fresher ingredients and faster delivery.

Register your business and get the necessary permits and licenses

Register your milk tea and get the permits plus licenses: secure barangay business permits, mayor’s permits, DTI registration, BIR permits, sanitary permits, and fire extinguishers to ensure your business is legally compliant.

Hire an employee

Attracting and retaining the right employees is essential for the success of your bubble tea business. Treating your staff as investments and providing them with a supportive work environment will contribute to their job satisfaction and positively impact your business. Here are some tips for hiring and managing employees effectively:

  • Be selective (make sure the staff is passionate about milk tea)
  • Provide training
  • Encourage a positive work environment
  • Offer incentives and recognition
  • Be flexible and understanding
  • Invest in employee growth

Know how to market your business online and offline.

a shot of brown sugar flavored tapioca pearl bubble milk tea with glass straw in night market of Taiwan

Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of any business, including your Booba tea venture. Knowing how to market your business online and offline will help you attract more customers and grow your brand.

This article will discuss effective ways to market your milk tea business online and offline in the Philippines.

Online Marketing Strategy: Social Media Marketing

  • Create engaging content: Post eye-catching photos, videos, and stories of your own milk tea products on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share information about new flavors, promotions, or events to keep your audience interested and engaged.
  • Use hashtags strategically: Use popular and relevant hashtags to increase your post’s visibility and reach a wider audience—research trending hashtags in the milk tea and local food industry to maximize your exposure.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partner with social media influencers who have a significant following and align with your target audience. They can help promote your booba tea business by sharing their experiences with your products, hosting giveaways, or offering exclusive discounts to their followers.

Offline Marketing Strategies for Your Milk Tea Business:

  • Flyers and tarps: Design eye-catching flyers and tarps that showcase your milk tea products, special offers, and location. Distribute these flyers in strategic areas like malls, schools, offices, and public transportation hubs where your target audience frequents. Display tarps in high-visibility locations to increase brand awareness.
  • Referrals: Create a referral program that rewards customers for bringing in new business. Offer incentives such as discounts or free items for customers who refer their friends and family to your bubble tea shop. This will encourage word-of-mouth marketing and help you build a loyal customer base.
  • Word of mouth: Provide exceptional customer service and high-quality milk tea products to encourage customers to share their positive experiences with others. Satisfied customers will naturally promote your milk tea to their network, making word-of-mouth one of the most effective marketing strategies.

By implementing these online and offline marketing strategies, you can effectively promote your bubble tea business and increase your customer base. Remember to continuously evaluate and adjust your marketing efforts based on your target audience’s preferences and feedback.

Equipment Needed for Milk Tea Business

Bubble Milk Tea - pouring cream cheese into glass of milk tea with black sugar syrup and hot black pearl

Some of the essential equipment needed for your own bubble tea shop includes:

  • Tea brewing machine
  • Cup sealing machine
  • Stove or table burner
  • Cooking pot
  • Measuring scoop
  • Tapioca container
  • Cups and lids
  • Shaking cups
  • Water dispenser
  • Refrigerator
  • Cash register
  • Oversized straws

Capital Needed For Milk Tea Business

The required capital for a milk tea business in the Philippines ranges from Php 30,000 to Php 300,000, depending on the size and scope of your business.

Expected Daily Sales

Assuming you sell 50 cups per day at Php 80 per cup, you can earn approximately Php 4,000 daily, or Php 112,000 to Php 120,000 per month. This is a rough estimate, and your actual earnings will depend on various factors, such as location, marketing, and product offerings.

Start Your Bubble Tea Business Today!

In conclusion, starting your own milk tea business can be fun and profitable, especially since milk tea is becoming more and more popular among Filipinos.

As you start this journey, don’t forget how important it is to plan well, know your target audience, choose a good location, get all the necessary permits and licenses, and buy the right equipment.

About the author 

Yesh Quijano

Yesh Quijano is an entrepreneur and digital marketer who's been in the game for over 11 years. He started several businesses and helped countless others reach new heights. His goal is to make digital marketing for SMEs simple, accessible, and effective. When he's not working, you can find him cuddling with his two cats.

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Beverage Manufacturer and Distributor

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Milk tea is one of the most trendy beverages for young people in recent years. Aware of that, many beverage businesses are trying to get into this profitable market to expand their brand and to reach young consumers who will drive future consumption behaves.

This article will provide fundamental knowledge about milk tea business research with updated statistics and new trends to help you build your business. 

Let’s invest your precious time in this writing to gain the basic knowledge of milk tea business research right away!

What does milk tea mean?

milk tea business research - Milk tea is as simple as a dash of milk in a hot cup of tea

The word “milk tea” refers to any tea drink that contains milk. It may be as simple as a dash of milk in a hot cup of tea, or it can be a sophisticated concoction with many components, such as the popular bubble tea. Adding milk to tea mellows and smoothes out the taste, especially black tea’s bitter overtones. Milk tea is a popular hot and cold beverage all around the world.

Milk tea is the most common variety of tea in many parts of the world. This is especially noticeable in regions of India where tea is commonly used to refer to milk tea. Tea without milk is referred to as “black tea” or “tea sans.” Milk tea is also popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong.

However, milk tea is also a word for some hot and cold drink recipes that blend tea with a type of milk (regular, condensed, or evaporated) and a variety of spices. Certain nations have their traditional variations of these dishes, growing in popularity in the United States.

Explore more: Tan Do’s milk tea

Milk tea business research

milk tea business research - the bubble tea market's growth

The milk tea market was valued at $2.4 billion in 2019 and is expected at $4.3 billion by 2027, with a 7.80 percent CAGR from 2020 to 2027. The black tea category accounted for more than half of the global bubble tea market in 2019 and is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 7.50 percent during the forecast period.

Because of its growing appeal, bubble tea has gained momentum in emerging economies. Furthermore, rising health consciousness and consumer acceptance of healthy drinks such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, and white tea boost market development. 

Moreover, the youthful generation’s increased consumption of flavored bubble tea promotes the bubble tea market’s growth . Also, intense advertising and celebrity endorsements have aided the worldwide business on its path to rise.

However, excessive sugar content in these drinks can cause health problems, and coffee consumption patterns are projected to limit market expansion. Furthermore, due to the inclusion of chemical preservatives in bubble tea, customers are shifting their preferences toward organic drinks , stifling the global bubble tea market’s growth. 

On the contrary, the introduction of novel flavors and blends and strong demand for a range of teas among the youthful population are likely to give profitable chances for market development.

By base ingredient

According to milk tea market share by flavor, the fruit flavor segment was the most prominent category in 2019, accounting for the most significant share in the bubble tea industry. This can be due to a shift in customer preferences toward healthier beverages with more incredible flavor. 

However, the chocolate flavor sector will expand the most, owing to an increase in its appeal across all age groups for all flavored beverages and a rise in consumer knowledge of the health advantages of chocolate.

According to the milk tea market projection, the liquid component was the most critical bubble tea market, accounting for the largest share. This is due to the availability of many possibilities, such as a mix of different liquid tastes and syrups. 

However, the sweeteners market is predicted to expand the most, owing to an increase in global demand for sweet beverages.

By component

milk tea business research - Increased consumer awareness of healthy lifestyles impact on consumer behavior

North America was the most important market in 2019. This can be ascribed to increased consumer awareness of healthy lifestyles and increased acceptance of healthy beverages by health-conscious customers. Furthermore, increased consumer spending on healthy drinks contributes to the region’s popularity of bubble tea. 

On the other hand, Europe is predicted to develop at the fastest CAGR throughout the projection period due to aggressive advertising and celebrity brand support and an increase in bubble tea awareness in the area.

Development plan to boost profitability and strengthen their position in the milk tea business products are used by significant businesses to improve their product range and remain relevant in the global market. 

The research profiles prominent competitors such as Bobabox Limited, Bubble Tea House Company, Cuppotee, Fokus Inc., Gong Cha, Lollicup USA, Inc., Sumo’s (M) Sdn Bhd, Ten Ren’s Tea Time, The Bubble Tea Company, and Troika JC.

Bubble Tea Supply Inc., ChaTime, CoCo Fresh, Quickly, Kung Fu Tea, BobaLoca, Happylemon, Share Tea, T Bun International, Fanale Drinks, Grand Chainly, and Huey-Yuhe Enterprise are the other participants in the worldwide bubble tea industry.

Key Benefits For Stakeholders

  • The study includes a quantitative analysis of current bubble tea market trends, estimates, and market size dynamics from 2019 to 2027 to discover the prevalent opportunities.
  • Porter’s five forces study emphasizes the ability of buyers and suppliers to make profit-oriented business decisions and build their supplier-buyer network.
  • In-depth analysis, market size, and segmentation identify the current bubble tea market potential.
  • The most prominent countries in each area are color-coded based on their revenue contribution to the worldwide bubble tea market.
  • The market player positioning category promotes benchmarking and offers an explicit knowledge of the industry’s current position of market players.

Milk tea generation 

Milk tea business research - Gen Z's trademark drink since they were six times as likely than any other generation

Gen Z’s trademark drink since they were six times as likely than any other generation

With Gen Z (years 18–23) and millennials (ages 23–38) currently the top consumers of specialty food and beverage , it pays attention to the trends that appeal to these age groups.

Milk tea may be Gen Z’s trademark drink since they were six times as likely than any other generation to consume it. According to Decision Lab’s Foodservice Monitor , their milk tea obsession has significantly increased visits to bubble tea shops over the last year. Their aversion to coffee beverages has contributed to decreased visits to coffee shops in 2017.

Milk tea is only one famous example of how Gen Z may fundamentally change the foodservice sector, underscoring why foodservice organizations should engage in knowing this generation.

For most young people, coffee is used to refresh themselves because alcohol is prohibited and traditional beverages are uninteresting, but milk tea is just the right thing. It is the domain of teenagers.

It is commonly utilized in social media. Sellers used the internet to sell their products, increasing their visibility and driving sales. The evolution of milk tea has become more than just a drink and a pleasurable experience and a social tool. Customers would be delighted and satisfied if they could have a delicious cup of milk tea or are appreciated on social media.

The raising of the internet has resulted in significant growth in the number of netizens. It is more convenient for customers to obtain commodity information and rely on social life. The development of social media has blurred the lines between media and audience, and anybody may now build a platform to express themselves.

As a result, when consumers are dissatisfied with a product, they are eager to post it on Facebook, exposing it to an increasing number of people.

There is nothing that can deny that young people are milk tea generation; therefore, beverage innovators must use this to find an ideal market gap for their businesses. 

This milk tea business research is just a glance at the whole market, but it will benefit you with many essential facts and information. To find out more about topics like this one on Tan Do blog any time!

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