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The Teacher, ( 先 ( せん ) 生 ( せい ) , Sensei ) also known as The Shapeless One ( 貌 ( かたち ) 持 ( も ) たざる 者 ( もの ) , Katachi Motazaru-mono ), and the Comte de Saint Germain (サンジェルマン 伯 ( はく ) 爵 ( しゃく ) , San Jeruman Hakushaku ), is a character from Jun Mochizuki 's The Case Study of Vanitas . As the Teacher is known to frequently change his name, being so particular as to resort to violence when an incorrect one is used, he is exclusively referred to via epithets. Even Noé Archiviste , his student since a child, does not know the name he currently uses. After receiving word that the legendary the Book of Vanitas had been found in Paris , he sends Noé to discover its "true nature."

Icon murr transparent

One of the oldest known Vampires, Teacher was the first Vampire to serve Queen Faustina , and stayed as her vassal the longest. Despite this, he never accepted a position in high society, though he was being given land and power by the Queen. Instead, this was passed onto his adopted son, the Count de Sade. He moved deep into the country, to the town of Averoigne , where he lived with little interest in Vampire political affairs. Circa 1869 A.D., his adoptive son sired twins, a boy and a girl. As twins were a taboo in Vampiric society, they chose one child to keep and the other to kill to preserve the de Sade family 's reputation. However the Teacher interfered and took in the to-be-executed boy to raise himself.

A few years later, the Teacher bought a child Noé off an auction who was being sold as an Archiviste survivor, raising him as a student alongside the boy Louis and his sister Dominique , whereupon the trio became dear friends with one another. The Teacher raised Louis under the impression that he was older than Dominique and disowned from the de Sades due to harboring an illness. Due to the deceitful machinations designed by the Teacher, Louis came to believe that he was a curse-bearer and doomed to lose his sanity before painfully dying. In their teens when Dominique and Noé's lives were found to be in danger, Louis was tricked into actually contracting a Malnomen, begging for Noé to take his life in place of a stranger. Noé could not and the Teacher instead decapitated his own grandson.

  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 4.1 Bal Masqué Arc
  • 4.2 Amusement Park Arc
  • 5 Powers and Abilities
  • 7 Appearances
  • 9 References
  • 10 Navigation

Appearance [ ]

The Teacher usually takes the form of a tall, thin, pale skinned man with short blonde hair. His appearance is otherwise ambiguous, and it is implied by August Ruthven that he frequently changes physical form. The Teacher is often seen wearing a long black coat over a white shirt with a mandarin collar, along with a top hat. He also carries a walking stick with two six-pointed star charms, which he seems to use as a weapon. Earlier in the story, on the rare occasions when the Teacher’s face is clearly visible, his eyes were usually not drawn. After the reveal of his face, he's shown to have a jovial face, small eyebrows and droopy eyes. Also, The Teacher has heterochromia , his left eye being the same blue as Vanitas ', and the other is purple, just like Murr .

Personality [ ]

The Teacher is a mysterious and contrary vampire. He seems to prefer a peaceful life in the country over the wealth and fame of a position at the Queen’s side. He frequently shapeshifts and changes his name, and nearly kills anyone who calls him by the wrong name. Most vampires fear the Teacher and refer to him as a monster.

The Teacher is a highly observant person who wants to study and know more about the behavior of both humans and vampires. He’s intrigued by cursebearers and the Book of Vanitas. One of his observation subjects was his grandson, Louis, who frequently described Teacher as a man with horrible and sadistic taste.

The Teacher raised Noé to not have any biases towards vampires or humans, which suggests that The Teacher shares this opinion— he seems to see all humans and all vampires as information to observe and gather.

History [ ]

Also known as "The Shapeless One" due to the frequency with which he changes his name and form, Noé's teacher was the first vampire to serve the Queen and did so for the longest duration. Nothing is known about his life prior to serving the queen, and the Teacher is known as one of the oldest and most mysterious vampires in existence.

After serving the queen (presumably following the end of the war between humans and vampires), the Teacher gave his titles and land to his adopted child, Count de Sade, and retreated to live in the country. Despite living a life out of the spotlight the Teacher retained a huge amount of authority in the vampiric world. Vampires largely fear him and see him as a monster. At some point before adopting Noé, the Teacher developed an intense hatred towards August Ruthven .

The Teacher seems to have had little interaction with his oldest two grandchildren, Antoine and Veronica. When Dominique and Louis were born, the Teacher decided to keep Louis at his estate rather than let the infant be killed. It seems as though the Teacher did some sort of strange experiment on Louis, making him into a cursebearer. The Teacher also made Count de Sade let Dominique interact with her brother monthly, most likely to give Louis a close bond with someone (to exploit) and to use as a control for his experiments on Louis.

The Teacher later bought Noé at a slave market and brought him to live with Louis at their residence. He treated Noé as a student and taught him about various aspects of vampire culture and history. He also taught Noé how to reverse gravity and how to fight.

When Louis finally gave in to Naenia and fully transformed into a cursebearer, the Teacher observed his actions for a while and stepped in to save Noé once he judged Noé was in mortal danger, beheading Louis.

Following this, Noé fell unconscious for a time. After this, Noé continued to live at Teacher’s estate, while Domi’s visits seem to have become less frequent. A short time before the start of the manga, the Teacher sent Noé a letter asking him to investigate the Book of Vanitas and discern its true character.

Bal Masqué Arc [ ]

While Noé is asleep after collapsing at the end of the Bal Masqué, he sees Teacher. Noé tells Teacher that he needs to apologize to Vanitas for forcing his own ideals and hopes onto him. The Teacher reassures Noé and tells him to engage with the tale and the people surrounding the Book of Vanitas. Noé wakes up from his unconscious state and notices that the chair he saw Teacher in is still warm.

Amusement Park Arc [ ]

Coming soon!

Powers and Abilities [ ]

See also: Vampires

  • Shapeshifting : The Teacher has the ability to shape shift, and seems to do so frequently
  • “Listen well, mon chaton. You must never let anyone steal your ‘True Name.’ Your True Name is the formula that shapes your very being. In other words… it is your life itself—” [1]
  • “Mon chaton, I wish you to fly to Paris immediately. I hear it’s been discovered there. It really exists—the Book of Vanitas! Find it without fail… and see for yourself… with your own eyes… the true character of the Book of Vanitas—!” [1]
  • “I’m sure from now on… things will be much, much more fun.” [2]
  • “I don’t want you to do anything in particular. You’re free. Do as you please. I simply want to observe the process and result of whatever your well leads you to do.” [3]
  • “Engage with the tale of the people surrounding the Book of Vanitas. Once you’ve done that, how will you define the Book of Vanitas for yourself? That… is what I want to know.” [4]
  • “Well! That was magnificent. I thought perhaps I should stop you sooner… but I’m glad I didn’t. This was good. Yes… you’ve shown me something excellent.” [5]
  • “—The kingdom of dreams has fallen. Whether they’re as gentle as a cradle… or nightmares that eat away at you… in the end, dreams are only dreams. Inevitably, there will come a time when you must wake and face reality. When it does, let’s meet again, mes chatons.” [6]
  • “Curiously, simply changing what you say makes you feel as if your existence has undergone a significant change. Names… dredge up memories and revive them.” [7]
  • “You and I are both ‘observers.’ However, our disparate natures make it interesting. We can observe the same story, but form different interpretations.” [7]
  • “The color of yesterday’s sky. The brand of tea we’ll drink tomorrow. Vampires, humans, Dhams… anything will do. Let us talk… to pass the time. We’ll speak of the stories, the worlds, we’ve witnessed—” [7]
  • “Strict imitations are dull things. Fugues change flexibly, developing freely. They’re the most suitable accompaniment for the tragedy of Garnet. Don’t you agree?” [8]
  • “What I’m doing is thinking. I’m constantly… calculating… the route that will grant ‘our’ wish. For world peace.” [9]
  • “…But those who’ve lived too long do experience character shifts along the way to some degree.” [10]
  • “I liked your eyes back when you’d tired of life as well, but… The current version of you—the one brimming over with vitality—is appealing too.” [10]

Appearances [ ]

  • Mémoire 1: Vanitas — In the Event of Rusty Hopes* (First Appearance)
  • Mémoire 2: Noé — In the City of Flowers (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 4: Femme Fatale — Love*
  • Mémoire 5: Archiviste — Fangs That Reveal Blood (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 6: Altus — Other World*
  • Mémoire 7: Bal Masqué — Night of Sneering Masks*
  • Mémoire 9: Réminiscence — Friends*
  • Mémoire 11: Deux Ombres — Point of Departure
  • Mémoire 12: Pause 𝄻 (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 13: Glissando — Glissando (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 15: Chasseur — Those Who Hunt Crimson*
  • Mémoire 19: Serment — Spell-bound*
  • Mémoire 20: Serment — Promise (Part One) (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 23: Au Pas Camarade — Pace*
  • Mémoire 24: Forêt d'argent — Chance Encounter (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 38: Naenia — She Who Harbors Death (Part One)
  • Mémoire 46: Un Autre — Scar*
  • Mémoire 54.5: La nuit sans lune — Dark Night (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 55: Après la pluie — His Wish (Part One)
  • Mémoire 55.5: Après la pluie — His Wish (Part Two)*
  • Mémoire 58: Observation — The Darkness in Between
  • Mémoire 59: Fuga — What the Organist Plays
  • Entracte: Couche — On Clothing (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 61: Jeu de paume — Court Tennis (Part One)
  • Mémoire 61.5: Jeu de paume — Court Tennis (Part Two) (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 62.5: Bourdonnement — Wingbeats of Scattered Thought (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 63: Quelqu'un — Someone*
  • Mémoire 1: Vanitas -In the Event of Rusty Hopes-*
  • Mémoire 2: Noé -In the City of Flowers- (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 3: Archiviste -Fangs That Lay Bare Blood- (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 4: Bal masqué -Night of Mocking Masks-*
  • Mémoire 5: Réminiscence -Friends-*
  • Mémoire 6: Salvatio -Questions-*
  • Mémoire 7: Femme fatale -Love- (Mentioned only)
  • Mémoire 12: Deux Ombres -Point of Departure-*
  • Mémoire 21: Un Autre -Scars-*
  • Mémoire 24: Après la pluie -His Wish-

(*) - Denotes that the character did not appear physically, but as a part of another character's memories.

  • The Comte de St. Germain is known as a historical figure who was an avid adventurer as well as a skilled philosopher, with interests in science, alchemy, and the arts. He used a variety of different names and titles, and made purposefully far-fetched claims of himself such as being 500 years old. He has managed to obscure his true identity so thoroughly that still his background is totally obscured and his real name remains unknown. [11]
  • It is implied he brought the recipe for tarte tatin to Altus , as mentioned by Luca . [12]
  • His Japanese voice actor previously provided the voice of Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts .

References [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Mémoire 1: Vanitas
  • ↑ Mémoire 7: Bal Masqué
  • ↑ Mémoire 9: Réminiscence
  • ↑ Mémoire 11: Deux Ombres
  • ↑ Mémoire 54.5: La nuit sans lune (Part Two)
  • ↑ Mémoire 55: Après la pluie (Part One)
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Mémoire 58: Observation
  • ↑ Mémoire 59: Fuga
  • ↑ Mémoire 61: Jeu de paume (Part One)
  • ↑ 10.0 10.1 Mémoire 62.5: Bourdonnement (Part Two)
  • ↑ Wikipedia: Count of St. Germain
  • ↑ Mémoire 12: Pause

Navigation [ ]

  • 2 List of Characters (The Case Study of Vanitas)
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The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

A human wields a magic book that can cure vampires of their bloodlust, and sets out to find vampires to cure with the book. A human wields a magic book that can cure vampires of their bloodlust, and sets out to find vampires to cure with the book. A human wields a magic book that can cure vampires of their bloodlust, and sets out to find vampires to cure with the book.

  • Zeno Robinson
  • Alexis Tipton
  • 10 User reviews
  • 3 Critic reviews
  • 3 wins & 18 nominations

Episodes 24

Official Trailer 2

  • Noe Archiviste …

Alexis Tipton

  • Dominique de Sade

Molly Searcy

  • Noé Archiviste

Natsuki Hanae

  • Roland Fortis …
  • Veronica de Sade

Tomoaki Maeno

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More like this

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Did you know

  • Trivia "Vanitas" is a term that refers to a work of art associated with the transience of life; the trademark of such a work is to contrast symbols of wealth and prosperity with symbols of death. A fitting title for a vampire story protagonist.

User reviews 10

  • Dec 14, 2023
  • How many seasons does The Case Study of Vanitas have? Powered by Alexa
  • July 2, 2021 (Japan)
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  • Runtime 23 minutes

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Season 1 – The Case Study of Vanitas

Where to watch, the case study of vanitas — season 1.

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Cast & crew.

Zeno Robinson

Molly Searcy

Arisa Kiyoto

Natsumi Fujiwara

Fairytale Vanitas

Ryosuke Hara

Security guard

Season Info

The Case Study of Vanitas


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The Case Study Of Vanitas - What We Know So Far

Noé Archiviste looking surprised

Avid manga readers have probably picked up, or at least heard of, "The Case Study of Vanitas." Set in 19th century Paris, the story's use of steampunk has produced gorgeous and unique art that puts one in mind of the ever-popular "Black Butler." However, the aesthetic isn't the only thing that makes this story interesting. Created by Jun Mochizuki ("Pandora Heart"), "Case Study" follows Noé Archiviste as he aids Vanitas on his journey to help vampires from giving into their predatory nature. It is not an easy task though, as danger lurks in every corner and a force called the Charlatan tries to corrupt the vampires before they can be saved. The series has appeared in Square Enix's "Monthly Gangan Joker" since 2015, and has since produced 8 volumes. 

Fans of "Case Study" will be pleased to know that Vanitas and Noé will be animated. The anime will be adapted by Bones Inc. Studio, which is known for producing popular series such as " Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ," "Ouran High School Host Club" and, most recently, "My Hero Academia." Here is everything we know about "The Case Study of Vanitas." 

When will The Case Study of Vanitas be released?

According to Anime News Network , Aniplex revealed back in March that the anime adaptation of "The Case Study of Vanitas" was on its way. It was later announced that the series would premiere on July 2nd and will air across multiple TV networks (via  Crunchyroll ). In addition to Bones Inc., Tomoyuki Itamura of "Owarimonogatari" will be directing, while Deko Akao of "Snow White with the Red Hair" and Yoshiyuki Ito of "Carole & Tuesday" will be serving as the script overseer and the character designer, respectively.

The anime's official Twitter also recently attached a trailer , which features Vanita's book of healing, fights with vicious vampires , and of course, the stunning 19th century Paris in which all the action takes place. Fan reaction to the over minute-long teaser was overwhelming, with many merely responding with heart-eyes emojis and gifs to accurately express their excitement. 

With only a couple of weeks to go, viewers won't have to wait long to return to Vanita's world or venture into it for the very first time. 

What characters will be in the "The Case Study of Vanitas?"

"The Case Study of Vanitas" features a wide variety of characters, who add more to both the plot and various relationships. If the anime will cover the first 40 or so chapters, fans can expect many of these people to make an appearance. 

Vanitas is the current holder of the Book of Vanitas, and thanks to its powers, he can do amazing things, though he claims to be a normal human. Despite his seemingly carefree personality, Vanitas' childhood — his parents were murdered by a vampire and his guardian subjected him to painful tests — has shaped who he is and what he does. During his travels, he meets Noé Archiviste, a man seeking the Book under the orders of his teacher. Noé is very caring, and because of this, he travels with Vanitas, finding his mission to save vampires rather than kill them to be an honorable deed. 

On Noé's and Vanitas' journeys, they come across other friends and enemies. These include Jeanne, an enslaved vampire ordered to kill her own kind; Luca, a young vampire and son of the Grand Duke; Dominique, Noé's childhood friend who harbors unrequited feelings for him, and the Teacher, a cruel, mysterious, and ancient vampire that exploits his students. 

The series is also likely to expand on supporting characters responsible for leading the main cast into even more perilous situations. 

What will be the plot of "The Case Study of Vanitas?"

Noé Archiviste hopes to find the legendary Book of Vanitas, a relic with extraordinary powers. Aboard a 19th century blimp, he meets Vanitas, the newest inheritor of the ancient text. Together, they search for sick vampires and use the power of the book to heal them. 

Most animes' first seasons usually follow up to the manga's  sixth or seventh volume, so we can expect this series to do the same. Within those approximately 40 chapters, the adaptation will depict Noé's first meeting with Vanitas, how Vanitas utilizes the book to get the job done, the introductions of Luca, Jeanne, and Dominique, Noé's relationship with the mysterious Teacher, and the risks of dealing with bloodsuckers and the Charlatan that threatens to undo Vanitas' work and continue to corrupt any vampires. 

Though there are more than seven volumes currently published, fans will have to wait for the "Case Study of Vanitas" to get renewed if they want to see the next adventure animated.

The Case Study of Vanitas: Everything to Remember Before Season 2

Season 2 of Summer 2021 breakout The Case Study of Vanitas is just getting started, so here is everything to remember as the story continues.

A surprise hit from the Summer 2021 season, The Case Study of Vanitas takes a unique spin on the concept of vampires. Set in 19th century Paris and full of beautiful animation and steampunk gothic elements, this shonen takes a look into a world where vampires supposedly no longer have to drink blood to survive.

The story is told through the perspective of Noé Archiviste, who recounts why he had to kill his traveling partner and self-proclaimed savior of the vampires, Vanitas. Using a grimoire called the Book of Vanitas handed down by his former teacher, Vanitas uses this ancient tome to heal vampires of a blood-thirsty disease called malnomen. With  Season 2 of The Case Study of Vanitas just getting underway , here are the key points to  remember from Season 1 .

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The legend of the Book of Vanitas and its former owner, Vanitas of the Blue Moon, have a horrible reputation for wanting to eradicate the vampire race. However, Noé realizes these rumors aren't true when he first encounters Vanitas while boarding an airship to Paris as he heals a curse-bearing vampire named Amelia. After realizing Vanitas is human and inherited the book from his teacher, the real Vanitas, Noé is visibly excited.

Vanitas asks to join him on his journey to save the vampire race, but Noé declines and then faints before he can leave. He wakes up in a cell next to Vanitas, discovering that Amelia had poisoned Noé. Shortly afterward, they are released and invited to meet Count Orlock, the Queen-appointed mediator between vampires and humans in Paris. He summons the two in order to prove the book's healing powers.

During their journey, the duo run into Luca Oriflamme and his protector Jeanne, the infamous vampire executioner known as the Hellfire Witch. After she admits defeat when Vanitas figures out her weakness is Luca himself, Vanitas kisses her instead of killing her. After Jeanne and Luca bashfully escape, they return to Count Orlock's office. Vanitas asks Amelia about seeing the Parade of Charlatan, entities that other curse-bearers describe seeing.

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Amelia denies it, but Noé drinks her blood -- activating his power of being able to access people's memories -- and confirms she is lying. Dominique de Sade then enters the room, proclaiming she is Noé's fiancée and has heard everything. She insists Noé escort her to a masquerade ball, crossing the barrier that separates the human and vampire worlds with the goal of isolating Noé and Vanitas.

Dominique's sister Veronica tries to kill Vanitas and Noé at the ball, exclaiming that they used to book to spread the curse. She is quickly interrupted by the host of the party, Ruthven, who wants to take Noé and Vanitas under his wing. Noé faints and wakes up to find a visibly angry Vanitas at the bell tower. After a heated exchange, Noé vows to stay by Vanitas' side because he is intrigued by him and wants to see the outcome of his labor to save all vampires.

While reuniting with Ruthven, Vanitas asks to see the queen, stating she hasn't been out in public and wondering if she's even alive. Gravely insulted, Ruthven attacks Vanitas in a blind rage. Noé and Vanitas are sent back to the human world where the latter reveals he did all this to gather information about Luca, who had reacted differently than the other vampires when he made his outrageous statement.

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After being kicked out of Orlock's office, Vanitas runs into his former partner Dante and tracks down a curse-bearer tied to the Church's anti-vampire unit, the Chasseurs. Vanitas and Noé go into the underground catacombs of Paris in order to find the Chasseurs and run into Roland, hellbent on saving the human Vanitas. Roland ambushes Noé upon realizing he is a vampire, but Vanitas and Noé escape using a flash bomb.

Vanitas reveals his ulterior motive of finding Moreau, a madman who was kicked out of the Chasseurs for obsessive vampire research. Moreau conducted human experiments, and Vanitas was one of them. When Roland catches up again, Noé stages holding Vanitas hostage. In a twist of fate, Roland realizes Noé is different from other vampires and asks to be friends.

The team enters Moreau's lab as he reveals he wishes to become a vampire himself. A member of the Charlatan, Mosieur Spider, appears to tell Moreau to destroy his lab. The curse-bearer they were hunting appears and is revealed to be a shadow that devours all life forms in front of him. To defeat it, Noé and Vanitas jump into the shadow's mouth and use the book. Everyone escapes in time for the lab to explode.

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After Jeanne realizes she's in love with Vanitas , Dante comes with news that the Beast of Gévaudan lives and they've found five bodies. Vanitas sets off to see if it's a curse bearer or not, but Noé is distracted by his strong desire to drink his partner's blood. Vanitas tells Noé that if he ever uses his powers to access his memory, he will kill him. Nonetheless, he agrees to let Noé taste his blood as long as he doesn't use his Archiviste powers on him. The season ends with a mysterious vampire being hugged by Naenia, stating that her time for vengeance is now.

Season 1 was packed full of action and rich worldbuilding, skillfully accented by beautiful animation. Will Season 2 be able to live up to the fantastic first impression? Being one of the most anticipated anime for the Winter 2022 season , fans are hopeful.  The Case Study of Vanitas airs every Saturday on Funimation and Crunchyroll.

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News The Case Study of Vanitas Manga Takes 2-Month Break


The manga went on hiatus in June 2022, and resumed in May 2023.

Yen Press has been publishing the manga simultaneously in English since its debut, and it describes the first volume:

Rumors revolving around The Book of Vanitas, a clockwork grimoire of dubious reputation, draw Noé, a young vampire in search of a friend's salvation, to Paris. What awaits him in the City of Flowers, however, is not long hours treading the pavement or rifling through dusty bookshops in search of the tome. Instead, his quarry comes to him...in the arms of a man claiming to be a vampire doctor! Thrust into a conflict that threatens the peace between humans and vampires, will Noé cast in his lot with the curious and slightly unbalanced Vanitas and his quest to save vampirekind?

Mochizuki ( Pandora Hearts , Crimson-Shell ) launched the manga in Gangan Joker in December 2015. Square Enix published the 11th volume on April 22.

BONES ' television anime of the manga premiered in July 2021. The anime's second part premiered in January 2022. Funimation streamed the first part, and it also streamed an English dub. Both Funimation and Crunchyroll streamed the second part as it aired, and Crunchyroll also added the first part.

Source: Gangan Joker 's X/Twitter account

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  1. “The Case Study of Vanitas” Teacher & Murr

    case study of vanitas teacher

  2. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021–2022)

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  3. The Case Study Of Vanitas 1

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  4. 2021, The Case Study of Vanitas, anime tv series

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  5. The Case Study Of Vanitas Part 2

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  6. The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

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  3. the case study of vanitas Part-2 #ms_fact #anime #short

  4. 「Vanitas no Carte」The Case Study of Vanitas OST

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  6. Book Study OF Vanitas


  1. The Teacher

    The Teacher, (先 (せん) 生 (せい) , Sensei) also known as The Shapeless One (貌 (かたち) 持 (も) たざる 者 (もの) , Katachi Motazaru-mono), and the Comte de Saint Germain (サンジェルマン 伯 (はく) 爵 (しゃく) , San Jeruman Hakushaku), is a character from Jun Mochizuki's The Case Study of Vanitas.As the Teacher is known to frequently change his name, being so ...

  2. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas (Japanese: ヴァニタスの 手記 ( カルテ ), Hepburn: Vanitasu no Karute) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.It has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Gangan Joker since December 2015. In North America, the manga is published in English by Yen Press.. The Case Study of Vanitas is set in a ...

  3. The Case Study of Vanitas

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas on Crunchyroll! https://got.cr/Watch-TCSOVYTCrunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, OPs, and more from your favor...

  4. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021-2022)

    The Case Study of Vanitas: With Zeno Robinson, Stephen Fu, Alexis Tipton, Molly Searcy. A human wields a magic book that can cure vampires of their bloodlust, and sets out to find vampires to cure with the book.

  5. Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    In 19th century Paris, Noé Archiviste is searching for the fabled Book of Vanitas. Whilst traveling aboard an airship, he is saved from a vampire attack by an eccentric doctor who calls himself Vanitas and carries the very tome he seeks. Ironically, the self-proclaimed vampire specialist is a mere human who inherited both his name and the book ...

  6. List of The Case Study of Vanitas characters

    Vanitas. Voiced by: Natsuki Hanae [1] (Japanese); Zeno Robinson, [2] Cherami Leigh [3] (young) (English) Vanitas (ヴァニタス, Vanitasu) is a young man with black hair who was born a human. The name "Vanitas" was given to him by the Vampire of the Blue Moon who bit him, making him part of the Blue Moon clan with some vampire abilities.

  7. Teacher Voice

    Teacher. John Burgmeier is the English dub voice of Teacher in The Case Study of Vanitas, and Akira Ishida is the Japanese voice. TV Show: The Case Study of Vanitas.

  8. The Case Study of Vanitas: Season 1

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas — Season 1 with a subscription on Hulu, or buy it on Prime Video. In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the "Book of Vanitas" in the hands of a doctor ...

  9. The Case Study of Vanitas (English Dub)

    Watch The Case Study of Vanitas (English Dub) Night of Mocking Masks, on Crunchyroll. The Teacher explains the World Formula theory. Vanitas is put off by Noé and Dominique's relationship.

  10. The Case Study of Vanitas His Wish

    The Case Study of Vanitas. 4.8 (29.7k) E24 - His Wish. 14 Sub | Dub. Released on Apr 1, 2022. 6.6K. 28 ... I think the teacher might be Murr because Murr's eyes are blue and purple too! Reply

  11. Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    Vanitas (Japanese: ヴァニタス, Hepburn: Vanitasu) is the fictional protagonist and title character of the manga series The Case Study of Vanitas, which was written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.The character was named Vanitas of the Blue Moon, making him part of the Blue Moon clan with some vampire abilities.Vanitas possesses a grimoire called The Book of Vanitas (ヴァニタスの書 ...

  12. The Case Study of Vanitas (2021)

    The Case Study of Vanitas (2021) Anime Series | 2D Animation | Action, Drama, Supernatural. Voice Director: David Wald US Release: Aug 6, 2021 - Apr 29, 2022 Japan Release: Jul 3, 2021 - Apr 2, 2022. ... Teacher voiced by John Burgmeier and 1 other . Murr voiced by Marianne Bray and 1 other .

  13. The Case Study of Vanitas (Season 1, Episode 4)

    Episode 4. Available on Prime Video, Crunchyroll. S1 E4: The Teacher explains the World Formula theory; Vanitas is put off by Noé and Dominique's relationship; Vanitas encounters Jeanne again and reveals himself to the ball guests. Anime Dec. 22, 2021 23 min.

  14. The Case Study Of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas is a perfect blend of Parisian backgrounds and vampire hunting. ... he meets Noé Archiviste, a man seeking the Book under the orders of his teacher. Noé is very caring ...

  15. The Case Study of Vanitas: What to Remember Before Season 2

    Season 2 of Summer 2021 breakout The Case Study of Vanitas is just getting started, so here is everything to remember as the story continues. A surprise hit from the Summer 2021 season, The Case Study of Vanitas takes a unique spin on the concept of vampires. Set in 19th century Paris and full of beautiful animation and steampunk gothic ...

  16. The Case Study of Vanitas Anime Unveils More Cast, July 2 Debut, Split

    The advance screening for BONES' anime of Jun Mochizuki's The Case Study of Vanitas (Vanitas no Carte) manga unveiled more of the anime's cast, July 2 premiere, and a new visual on Saturday. The ...

  17. Murr and the Teacher theory : r/vanitasnocarte

    A subreddit dedicated to Vanitas no Carte (Vanitas no Karte, Vanitas no Shuki, The Case Study of Vanitas, ヴァニタスの手記(カルテ)). The manga is created by Jun Mochizuki and published in Square Enix's Gangan Joker monthly magazine. ... Murr is not just a pet given to Noe by the Teacher, but the Teacher himself because Murr eyes ...

  18. The Identity of Teacher/The Shapeless One : r/vanitasnocarte

    A subreddit dedicated to Vanitas no Carte (Vanitas no Karte, Vanitas no Shuki, The Case Study of Vanitas, ヴァニタスの手記(カルテ)). The manga is created by Jun Mochizuki and published in Square Enix's Gangan Joker monthly magazine. ... Teacher presented himself as a way to make sense of Faustina's new-found power, and offered ...

  19. The Case Study of Vanitas

    December 20, 2021. 24min. 13+. The battle between Vanitas and the Hellfire Witch takes an unexpected turn. Vanitas and Noé return to Count Orlok to learn their fate along with Amelia's. Noé digs deeper into the cause of Amelia's name corruption and goes on a journey with an old friend. Store Filled.

  20. The Case Study of Vanitas Manga Takes 2-Month Break

    Square Enix announced on Friday that Jun Mochizuki 's The Case Study of Vanitas ( Vanitas no Carte) manga will not appear in the June issue of Square Enix 's Gangan Joker magazine on May 22, nor ...