Personal statement advice: art and design

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What art and design tutors are looking for

The underlying message is that tutors want to know about you, your practice, your inspirations, and your aspirations, and for your personal statement to act as written accompaniment to your portfolio and performance at interview.

How to make your art and design statement stand out

Admissions tutors prefer to read personal statements that don't stick to a predictable formula – here are a few tactics to ensure yours packs a punch.

  • Focus on the course: Martin Conreen, design admissions tutor at Goldsmiths, University of London, urges applicants for design courses 'not to over mention art' but to stay focused on design. He also feels some applicants waste too much space on non-relevant factors like their sporting achievements.
  • Your influences: Martin adds he wants to hear who your influences are, why they inspire you, and 'how their work has resonance with your own, or with your own ideas'.
  • Examples of what inspires you: David Baldry, fine art course leader at University Campus Suffolk, echoes this: 'Tell us what inspires you. We want to know what contemporary art interests you, so talk about key artists or an exhibition that made an impression on you. We want to know how you respond to the world creatively, so talk about your experiences or projects you’ve developed independently. Also, edit it so it sounds punchy'.
  • Demonstrate your artistic ambitions: Alison Jones, fine art admissions tutor at Goldsmiths, is looking for 'interesting individuals who have a passion for art and a commitment to developing themselves as artists. Therefore, your personal statement should demonstrate an understanding of your own work, focusing on what is unique about your practice'.
  • Be original: starting your statement with a well-known quote – such as 'fashion is not something that exists in dresses only' – is inadvisable. 189 applicants quoted that exact Coco Chanel snippet last year, so it really won't make you stand out from the crowd.

It's all summed up nicely by Arts University Bournemouth whose advice is:

'Be focused on the field you're applying for (no scattergun approach), name artists or designers you admire, think contemporary, reflect on exhibitions or galleries or events you've visited, and don't think "I'll tell them at the interview" – put it in the statement!'

Find out more about studying art and design, including entry requirements, why you should study it, and possible careers it could lead on to.  

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29 September 2023

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Artist Statement of Purpose Examples: Crafting Your Fine Art Personal Statement


Dirghayu Kaushik


When it comes to pursuing a career in fine art, a well-crafted artist statement of purpose can be your ticket to success. Whether you’re applying for an MFA, BFA, or a position in the art world, your personal statement holds the key to showcasing your passion, creativity, and dedication.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into artist statement of purpose examples, helping you understand how to articulate your love for art effectively and create a compelling personal statement.

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  • The Importance of a Personal Statement

Your personal statement, often interchangeably referred to as a statement of purpose (SOP), is your opportunity to tell your unique story as an artist. It allows admissions committees or potential employers to get to know you beyond your portfolio or resume.

Your personal statement should convey your artistic journey, influences, experiences, and future aspirations. It’s a chance to make a lasting impression and demonstrate why you are a perfect fit for your chosen fine art program or career in the art world.

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  • Crafting a Captivating Introduction

Personal Statement

Your personal statement should begin with a captivating introduction that immediately grabs the reader’s attention. Think of it as the opening scene in a captivating movie. Here’s an example:

“Art has always been my muse, guiding my life’s path towards creative expression. From the moment I held a paintbrush, I knew that art was more than just colors on a canvas; it was a form of storytelling, a means to connect with the world and express the deepest facets of my being.”

Expressing Your Love for Fine Art

Your introduction should convey your deep-seated love for fine art. You can talk about when and how your passion for art first ignited. Maybe it was a childhood memory of visiting an art museum, or perhaps you had an inspiring art teacher who encouraged your creativity. Sharing this personal connection with art can draw readers into your narrative.

Defining Your Artistic Identity

In the introduction, you should also touch upon what makes your artistic identity unique. What sets you apart as an artist? Do you have a signature style, technique, or theme that defines your work? This is the time to provide a glimpse into what makes your art special.

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  • Sharing Concrete Examples of Your Work and Experiences

Statement Examples

Once you’ve captured your reader’s attention with a compelling introduction, it’s time to delve into the heart of your personal statement by sharing concrete examples of your work and experiences. This section should showcase your artistic journey and demonstrate your dedication to your craft.

Highlighting Artistic Milestones

In this section, you can mention significant milestones in your artistic journey. These could include exhibitions, awards, or collaborations that have shaped your development as an artist. For instance:

“Over the years, I have had the privilege of showcasing my work in prestigious galleries and museums, such as the Tate Modern in London. These opportunities not only exposed my art to a wider audience but also pushed me to constantly evolve as an artist.”

By highlighting these achievements, you demonstrate your commitment to your art and your ability to thrive in the competitive art world.

Discussing Artistic Influences

Artists are often inspired by the work of others. Share the artists or artworks that have influenced your creative process. You might mention famous painters, sculptors, or contemporary artists whose work resonates with you. Explaining how these influences have shaped your artistic perspective can provide insight into your unique approach to art.

Detailing Your Educational Background

If you’ve pursued formal education in fine art, whether it’s an undergraduate degree, a BFA, or an MFA, this is the place to discuss it. Talk about your academic journey, the courses that had a profound impact on you, and any mentors who guided your artistic growth. Be sure to convey how your education has contributed to your development as an artist.


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  • Exploring Specific Interests and Influences

Art and Design Personal Statement

Art is a vast and diverse field, and this section allows you to explore your specific interests and influences in greater detail. Whether you’re passionate about painting, sculpture, graphic design, or any other art form, here’s where you can delve into the heart of your creative focus.

Passion for a Specific Art Form

Share your deep-seated passion for your chosen art form. Explain why you are drawn to it and how it allows you to express yourself. For example:

“My fascination with seascapes and the fragility of nature has been a recurring theme in my work. It’s a subject that allows me to explore the vastness and immensity of the natural world while conveying its fragility.”

Artistic Inspirations

Discuss the artists or movements that have had a profound impact on your work within your chosen art form. Whether it’s the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock or the precision of Renaissance art, detailing these influences adds depth to your personal statement.

Your Creative Process

Take the reader on a journey through your creative process. How do you approach your work? Do you start with sketches, embrace spontaneity, or meticulously plan each piece? Sharing your process can provide insight into your artistic mindset.

  • Articulating Your Goals and Aspirations

Fine Art Personal Statement

Your personal statement should not only reflect on your past but also look to the future. What are your artistic goals and aspirations? Where do you see yourself in the art world? This section allows you to articulate your vision and ambition as an artist.

Short-Term Goals

Discuss your immediate goals within the art world. Whether it’s participating in specific exhibitions, collaborating with fellow artists, or mastering a new technique, these short-term objectives reveal your drive and commitment.

Long-Term Aspirations

Take a broader view and share your long-term aspirations. Do you dream of curating your own gallery, teaching art to the next generation, or becoming an internationally recognized artist? Expressing these ambitions paints a vivid picture of your future in the art world.

Why This Program or Career?

If you’re applying to a specific program, be it an MFA or a job opportunity, explain why it’s the perfect fit for your artistic journey. Mention how the program’s curriculum, faculty, or mission align with your goals.

  • Tailoring Your Statement for MFA and BFA Applications


Depending on whether you’re applying for a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) or a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program, there are specific elements to emphasize in your personal statement.

MFA Program Emphasis

For MFA applicants, emphasize your commitment to furthering your craft and the advanced level of artistry you bring to the table. Discuss your readiness for the intensive program and your eagerness to engage in critical discourse with fellow artists.

“Enrolling in the MFA program at [University Name] is a natural step in my journey to become a professional artist. I am ready to immerse myself in a community of dedicated artists, engage in rigorous critiques, and push the boundaries of my creative practice.”

BFA Program Emphasis

Similarly, BFA applicants should convey their passion and readiness to embark on their educational journey. Highlight your enthusiasm for learning and your willingness to explore various aspects of fine art.

“I am eager to embark on the BFA program, where I can continue to refine my graphic design and photography skills. This program’s focus on nurturing emerging artists aligns perfectly with my goals of honing my craft and exploring new artistic horizons.”

  • Showcasing Your Love for Art History

Art History

For those with a passion for art history, your personal statement should reflect your deep love for the subject and your desire to explore its intricacies.

Unearthing Art Historical Insights

Share your favorite periods, artists, or art movements within the scope of art history. Discuss why you find these aspects particularly fascinating and how they have influenced your perspective.

“Art history has been my guiding light in understanding the evolution of artistic expression. I am particularly captivated by the Romantic period and its emphasis on emotion, individualism, and nature, as seen in the works of artists like Caspar David Friedrich.”

Academic Pursuits

If you’re applying for graduate studies in art history, discuss your academic interests and the areas of art history you wish to explore further. Mention any research projects, papers, or presentations that showcase your dedication to the field.

“ During my undergraduate studies, I delved into the complexities of American art history. My thesis on the impact of Abstract Expressionism on post-war American society was a testament to my commitment to scholarly pursuits in this field .”

  • Conclusion: Crafting Your Artistic Narrative

Crafting a compelling artist statement of purpose is an art form in itself. By drawing inspiration from these examples and infusing your personal experiences, you can create a statement that reflects your passion for fine art.

Remember, your personal statement is your opportunity to shine and convey why you are a perfect fit for your chosen fine art program or career in the art world.

In closing, let your personal statement be a testament to your love for art and your unwavering commitment to the world of creativity. Use it as a canvas to paint your story, one brushstroke at a time, and let your passion shine through every word. Your artistic journey begins with your statement of purpose, so make it a masterpiece.

With this comprehensive guide, you now have the tools and inspiration to craft a personal statement that leaves a lasting impression and sets you on a path toward success in the world of fine art. Embrace your creativity, share your story, and let your love for art guide you on this incredible artistic journey.

What should I include in my artist statement of purpose?

Your statement should cover your artistic journey, influences, experiences, and future aspirations. Use concrete examples to illustrate your passion for fine art.

How long should my personal statement be?

Aim for a concise statement, typically around 500-800 words. Be sure to follow any specific word limit guidelines provided by the institution or program.

Can I use samples of my work in my statement?

Absolutely! Including images or descriptions of your work can add depth to your statement and showcase your artistic abilities.

Should I mention specific artists or artworks that inspire me?

Yes, mentioning artists or artworks that have influenced you can provide insight into your artistic perspective and passion.

How important is the artist statement in the application process?

Your personal statement is a crucial component of your application. It allows admissions committees to understand your unique voice, passion, and suitability for their program.

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Table of Contents

  • • The Importance of a Personal Statement
  • • Crafting a Captivating Introduction
  • • Sharing Concrete Examples of Your Work and Experiences
  • • Exploring Specific Interests and Influences
  • • Articulating Your Goals and Aspirations
  • • Tailoring Your Statement for MFA and BFA Applications
  • • Showcasing Your Love for Art History
  • • Conclusion: Crafting Your Artistic Narrative

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Fine Art Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Fine Artists
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4

Are you considering a career in Fine Art? Whether you’re looking to pursue a degree in Fine Art or just want to explore the subject as a hobby, writing a personal statement is a great way to get started. A personal statement can help you stand out from the competition and give you an edge when applying for a course.

This article will provide some examples of personal statements for Fine Art courses, as well as a course overview.

Personal Statement Examples

When writing a personal statement for a Fine Art course, it’s important to focus on your passion and enthusiasm for the subject. Here are some examples of personal statements that could be used for Fine Art courses:

“I have always been passionate about art and I believe that studying Fine Art will help me to develop my creative skills and express my ideas in a unique way. I am excited to explore the different techniques and styles of art, as well as the history and theory behind them. I am confident that I will be able to use my creativity to create inspiring works of art.”

“I have always been fascinated by the beauty of art and I am excited to explore the different mediums and techniques used in Fine Art. I am particularly interested in exploring the relationship between art and culture, and I am confident that I will be able to use this knowledge to create meaningful works of art.”

music industry, which could include record label management, music publishing, artist management, concert production, or music marketing and promotions. Their roles may involve negotiating contracts, promoting artists or music releases, organizing events, or managing financial and legal matters.

Career Opportunities

A degree in Fine Art can open the door to a wide range of career opportunities. Art graduates can pursue a career in the creative arts, such as painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, filmmaking, and multimedia. They can also pursue careers in the performing arts, such as theater, dance, music, and comedy.

Art graduates can also pursue a career in the commercial art industry, such as graphic design, illustration, animation, and advertising. They can also find work in the fashion industry, such as designing clothing, accessories, and jewelry.

In addition, art graduates can pursue a career in the museum and gallery sector, such as curating, conserving, and exhibiting artwork. They can also pursue a career in the art education sector, such as teaching art in schools, universities, and art centers.

Finally, art graduates can pursue a career in the art market, such as dealing, appraising, and auctioning artwork. They can also pursue a career in the art publishing sector, such as writing, editing, and publishing books about art.

UK Admission Requirements

In order to be accepted into a university course in Fine Art, applicants must typically have achieved a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including Maths and English. Additionally, applicants must usually have achieved a minimum of two A-Levels at grade C or above, or a Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design.

The entry criteria for a Fine Art course may vary depending on the university and the type of course. For example, some universities may require applicants to have achieved a minimum of two A-Levels at grade B or above, or a Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design with a Merit or Distinction.

In comparison to other courses, the entry criteria for a Fine Art course is quite similar to other art and design courses. However, some universities may also require applicants to have a portfolio of work to demonstrate their artistic ability.

UK Earnings Potential For Fine Artists

The average earnings for someone with a degree in Fine Art will vary depending on the type of job they pursue. Those who pursue a career in the arts, such as working in galleries, museums, or as a freelance artist, may not earn a high salary. However, many artists are able to supplement their income through teaching, grants, and other sources.

In the UK, the average salary for a professional artist is £19,000 per year, according to the Office for National Statistics. This figure is likely to be lower for those who are just starting out in their careers.

In terms of trends in the job market, there has been an increase in the number of jobs in the creative industries in recent years. This has been driven by the growth of digital media and the increasing demand for creative professionals. As a result, there are likely to be more opportunities for those with a degree in Fine Art in the future.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Fine Art include Art History, Visual Arts, and Photography.

Art History is the study of the history and development of art, from its beginnings to the present day. Visual Arts is a broad field of study that includes drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and other forms of visual expression.

Photography is the practice of creating still or moving images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film.

The key differences between Fine Art and these other courses are the focus of study. Fine Art focuses on the practice of creating art, while Art History focuses on the history and development of art. Visual Arts focuses on the broad field of visual expression and Photography focuses on the practice of creating still or moving images.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in a Fine Art course in the UK Curriculum typically include:

  • Art History: Students will gain an understanding of the history of art, including the development of different styles, movements, and techniques.
  • Studio Practise: Students will develop their own creative practise through studio-based activities, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, and digital media.
  • Critical and Contextual Studies: Students will gain an understanding of the wider context of art, including the study of contemporary art, art theory, and critical analysis.
  • Professional Practise: Students will develop their understanding of the professional art world, including the business of art, marketing, and curation.
  • Practical Work: Students will have the opportunity to engage in practical work, such as creating artworks, visiting galleries, and participating in exhibitions.

Alumni Network

One notable alumni from the University of Fine Art course is the artist and sculptor, David Smith. After graduating from the university, Smith went on to become one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th century. His works are often characterized by their abstract forms and use of industrial materials such as steel and aluminum.

He was part of the Abstract Expressionist movement and was a major influence on the development of modern sculpture. Smith’s works can be found in major museums around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The University of Fine Art offers a variety of alumni events and networking opportunities. These include the Alumni Networking Reception, which is held annually, and the David Smith Alumni Lecture Series, which is held every other year.

The university also offers an Alumni Mentoring Programme, which pairs current students with alumni who have experience in the field. This program allows students to gain valuable insight and advice from alumni who have gone on to successful careers in the arts.

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Graphic Arts

Becoming a professional designer has been my passion since I was old enough to remember. My inspiration was my Uncle, an illustrator, who to this day motivates my desire for design. Currently, I am creating logos and branding for DesignCrowd and illustrating for Redbubble, where my work can be purchased and printed professionally. Through extensive research and visits to Universities, I understand the demands that this course will require of me and I cannot wait to take on this new challenge.

Designs are considered successful from how well they communicate a message to a viewer, being easily interpreted by all abilities and languages, while remaining aesthetically pleasing. I understand this from years of studying Graphic and Product Design at school and having developed my knowledge outside of school. Living in London has allowed me to delve deep into the design world and see a vast range of work from artists who originate from different backgrounds. By studying maths at A Level my precision in designing and making products has improved significantly.

I developed an ability for drawing at a young age which has progressed more so into the area of design, as I feel my creative ability prompts unique and impressive ideas that make their way on to paper quickly. A real success for me was winning a competition this year. I created a logo for the school website, which is now in use as a whole school initiative in promoting good values. This is displayed in staircases around the school, and as the desktop background on every computer. All areas of design fascinate me, whether it be computer assisted or illustration by hand. It is very important to me that my pieces of work are original and I am grateful that I can promptly translate new ideas when given a task. What starts as a simple sketch results in a polished piece of work with a vital message.

I have a particular interest in Photoshop and Illustrator, but I am always keen to experiment with alternative programs. One of my strengths is my capacity to have an idea and to always see it through to the final product. This has been supported with exploring my collection of the ‘Print & Pattern’ books. These feature a large array of various designers’ work and I ensure to always read what each artist’s inspiration for their work was. I get inspiration from many sources including magazines, advertisements and posters. I enjoy visiting museums and galleries in my spare time and am keen to see how designers develop small ideas into remarkable pieces of work.

I was fortunate to have an opportunity to undertake work experience within the Home Office. During this week I assisted a number of professional designers from an external company called Hobs Repro. The benefit from the experience was immense. I adopted some transferable skills - working independently and as a team, having to problem solve and consider my own time management. It was beneficial to have a sense of working in industry. These skills have been aided by my completion of the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award, where teamwork and leadership is key.

Being a keen photographer I was delighted to use a substantial amount of my own work to contribute to this achievement. Spending my spare time volunteering for a local charity shop and working in a Post Office has increased my self-confidence and customer service skills significantly.

I consider myself to be a hard-working and motivated student. My intention is to produce work to the highest standard at all times and I feel that the skills required for this course are matched to what I can provide. My long-term goal is to have a successful career in Illustration or Graphic Design . Objects, pictures, posters all of which originated as a simple design, surround us. I want to be responsible for initiating these ideas.

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823 courses

Photo of University of Central Lancashire

Uni of C.Lancashire

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Photo of Bath Spa University

Bath Spa Uni

513 courses

Photo of University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Highlands & Islands


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University of Law

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Northeastern Uni London

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