Don’t Present Without These 16 PowerPoint Dos and Don’ts

Don’t Present Without These 16 PowerPoint Dos and Don’ts

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Have you ever struggled to hold your audience’s interest during a presentation? Painstakingly created slide after slide only to be met with bored, disengaged faces? 

Even the most confident speakers can falter when it comes to crafting compelling PowerPoint decks. Without proper slide design best practices, it’s easy to lose your audience in a sea of dense text, chaotic graphics, and disorganized content.

You don’t have to suffer through presenting lackluster slides anymore. In fact, following simple PowerPoint best practices can totally transform your deck from meh to marvelous.

In this post, we’ll share 16 PowerPoint dos and don’ts to level up your presentations and captivate audiences. These tips will help you create professional, visually striking slides your viewers will remember.

A man presenting on stage

16 Dos And Don’ts Of Powerpoint Presentations

Here are some important 16 presentation dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind while creating slides and presenting them.

PowerPoint Dos

Let’s start with the best practices and strategies to implement when designing PowerPoint presentations . What techniques should you use to create memorable, polished slides?

1. Keep It Simple With Minimalist Design

Let’s start with a common mistake – overcrowded, distracting slide design. We get the temptation to tart up slides with fancy backgrounds. But resist the urge! Fancy templates with complex colored patterns or photos unrelated to your content just make it harder to digest key information.

Instead, embrace the power of simplicity. Stick to minimalist templates and avoid template themes with extra decorations. Use neutral backgrounds and empty negative space to let your content shine. Remember, your audience came for your message, not for clip art kittens. Keep slides clean and attention stays where it should be.

2. Cut the Clutter – Follow the 6×6 Rule

Now for another slide buzzkill – mammoth blocks of dense text. You may be tempted to pack slides with long sentences and paragraphs. Don’t give in! Text-heavy slides are guaranteed to lose audiences fast.

For easy-to-digest nuggets, follow the handy 6×6 rule. Limit slides to just 6 lines of text maximum, with each line containing 6 words max. Anything more turns into an overwhelming wall of words.

Stick to concise phrases, short sentences, and bulleted lists. Use just keywords and supporting stats – leave nonessential info out. With this less is more approach, key points will stick better.

SlidesAI is a text-to-presentation add-on tool that converts walls of text into beautiful slides. It does this automatically generate condensed phrases and bullet points from your text ensuring clutter-free slides throughout your presentation.

3. Boost Engagement With Quality Visuals

Speaking of key points sticking better…you know what helps even more? Quality graphics and visuals!

Research shows we process images 60,000 times faster than text. So reinforce your points with strong visuals. Use high-resolution photos, charts, illustrations, and infographics. But avoid clipart or random stock photos – ensure every graphic clearly supports your narrative.

Well-designed visuals make presentations more memorable and engaging. Just remember to optimize graphics for high-resolution viewing and include alt-text (alternative text) descriptions for accessibility. Then watch those visual aids boost information retention and audience interest.

SlidesAI has a library of 1.5M high-quality premium stock images that you can select and include in your slides.

4. Create Brand Consistency With Formatting

Imagine a presentation where every slide had a totally different layout, colors, and font… no visual consistency at all. It would look sloppy and amateurish, right?

Formatting matters – big time! Brand your presentation by using consistent design elements throughout all your slides.

Pick one professional font combination and stick to it. Limit your color palette to 2-3 colors max. Maintain alignment and space elements consistently.

With unified branding, your deck will feel polished, intentional, and visually pleasing. Bonus – consistent branding also boosts memorability as the audience becomes familiar with your “look”.

SlidesAI ensures complete branding consistency across all presentation slides by applying your color schemes , fonts, etc to designs through artificial intelligence.

5. Check Accessibility Settings

Speaking of memorability, if some audience members can’t actually view your slides, they certainly won’t remember your message.

Ensure your presentation is inclusive and accessible to all by checking key settings. Use color contrast and legible fonts so those with visual impairments can still grasp the content. Optimize images with alt text descriptions. Verify videos are captioned.

It may take a bit more effort up front but making your presentation accessible opens your message to a wider audience. It also demonstrates corporate responsibility.

6. Create Custom Icons and Illustrations

Most PowerPoint templates come with generic icons. However, you can amplify brand personality and memorability by creating custom icons and simple illustrations.

Don’t just use a generic checkmark when you can insert your own branded indicator relevant to your company. Design illustrated characters to represent concepts. Even use emojis strategically to inject fun and improve recall.

Handcrafted visuals, even if basic in style, make presentations stand out and drive home key points better than generic clip art ever could.

7. Use Subtle Animations – But Not Too Many!

Animations, when used well, can help guide the audience’s eye and transition between ideas smoothly. Emphasize key points and important transitions with subtle animations.

Entrance and exit effects can focus attention while builds and motion path animations can demonstrate processes dynamically. Use sparingly and subtly for the best impact.

But avoid going animation crazy with sounds and excessive movement. That becomes more distracting than engaging. Limit animations so they enhance content rather than detract.

8. Pace Your Delivery

Creating stellar slides is an excellent start but don’t stop there. The live delivery is just as crucial. Invest time practicing your presentation with your slides.

Rehearse the flow and pace of your narrative. Refine and memorize transitions between slides . Nail your timing to keep the audience engaged. Get so comfortable delivering your content that the slides become natural visual aids.

With great slides and honed delivery skills, your audience will hang on to your every word from the introduction to a powerful conclusion.

A woman presenting traditional advertising

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PowerPoint Donts

Just as important as the dos are the don’ts. What pitfalls should you avoid when designing PowerPoint presentations?

9. Don’t Use Distracting Backgrounds

Remember our tip to embrace minimalism? Well, the opposite is using distracting backgrounds. Avoid loud colors, complex patterns, or images totally unrelated to your content. At best, they are distracting. At worst, they make key info harder to comprehend.

Stick to simple, neutral backgrounds. If using an image, ensure it directly reinforces your narrative. Anything extra risks your message getting visually lost. Keep backgrounds clean so content remains the focal point.

SlidesAI avoids using distracting backgrounds like crowded templates or unrelated images in the presentations. It focuses on simple, clean backgrounds to keep attention on your key content.

10. Don’t Overwhelm With Walls of Text

We covered the 6×6 text limit rule earlier. But even with 6 lines and 6 words, slides can become text walls without good visual breakdown. Big blocks of text are tiring to read and make retainment tough.

Instead, thoughtfully chunk text into concise sections. Use headers, subheaders, and bullet points to organize key bits. Align text left for easier scanning. Supplement with supporting imagery. Breaking up text improves comprehension drastically.

11. Don’t Rely On Boring Bullets

Speaking of bulleted lists, bullet overkill is another issue that turns slides into snore fests. Slides crammed with back-to-back bullet points lose audiences fast. The endless text blurs together with minimal memorability.

For memorable content, limit bullets to key takeaways only. Then reinforce each point visually – a photo, icon, chart, etc. Quality visuals boost memorability way more than a slide stuffed with 11 bullet points ever could.

12. Don’t Use Inconsistent Formatting

Remember, formatting matters! Shifting layouts, fonts, and color schemes appear disjointed and sloppy. The mismatched design screams amateur hour.

Establish a visual style and stick to it slide to slide. Use the same fonts, limit your color palette, and space elements consistently. Most importantly – maintain alignment across all slides. With unified branding, your presentation will look polished and professional.

SlidesAI ensures your presentation formatting stays consistent slide to slide by applying your preferred color palette, fonts, etc through its intelligent algorithms.

13. Don’t Include Unnecessary Animations

Animations can be great for guiding the viewer’s eye and demonstrating motion. But avoid going overboard. Excessive animations, sounds, and movement become more distracting than engaging.

Use animations subtly and intentionally . Emphasize only key points and important transitions with simple builds or entrance effects. Anything superfluous, whether flying text or whooshing sounds, pulls attention away rather than enhancing content.

Keep it simple and purposeful. Let smooth, minimal animations work behind the scenes rather than take center stage away from your narrative.

14. Don’t Use Unsupported Graphics

Only include images, photos, charts, etc that directly support the ideas and messaging in your presentation. Don’t insert fluffy visuals that have no clear tie to your content.

Every visual aid you present should clearly reinforce your narrative rather than derail tangents. Unsupported graphics quickly become distractions. They also undermine your credibility if audiences can’t grasp the connection.

Keep it focused. Be intentional about every visual you include. Remove anything superfluous that doesn’t serve a purpose.

15. Don’t Plagiarize Content

While it’s fine to find inspiration from other presentations, copying chunks of text or visuals without proper attribution is unethical. Never pass off someone else’s hard work as your own.

Always credit sources directly within your presentation if incorporating external ideas, quotes, charts, images, etc. Also, avoid violating copyright laws by inserting visuals without licensing them appropriately first.

Your presentation should showcase your unique ideas, voice, and message. Ensure you create original content or properly cite anything derived from others. Your integrity depends on it.

16. Don’t Wing Your Speech

With great slides completed, don’t just wing it on presentation day. The live delivery is just as crucial. Invest time to refine your pacing, transitions, slide timing, and flow.

Practice your speech thoroughly with the deck so your narrative and movements feel natural. Nail down transition phrases between slides. Get 100% comfortable presenting your content.

With stellar slides and a well-rehearsed delivery, your presentation is sure to wow audiences from start to finish.

A girl student presenting in front of class

There you have it – 16 PowerPoint dos and don’ts for creating memorable, professional PowerPoint presentations. Apply the dos to make high-impact slides, and avoid the don’ts for mistake-free presentations.

Put these PowerPoint best practices into play and watch your ordinary slides transform into extraordinary visual stories. Your audiences will be engaged from start to finish.

But even with these tips, crafting stunning presentations can be time-intensive. Instead, let SlidesAI do the work for you using the power of AI.

SlidesAI integrates with Google Slides and PowerPoint (coming soon) to instantly generate professional presentation decks from your content. Simply input your text – SlidesAI will turn them into visually cohesive slides designed for audience engagement.

SlidesAI saves tons of time by handling slide layouts, formats, graphic design, and branding tailored to you. The AI delivers presentation-ready slides in seconds.

Take your Presentation skills from amateur to pro – try SlidesAI for free today!\

  • No design skills required
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dos and don’ts of powerpoint presentations.

Key PowerPoint dos include simple designs, concise text, quality visuals, consistency, accessibility, custom icons, subtle animations, and practice. Don’ts involve distracting backgrounds, walls of text, boring bullets, inconsistent formatting, excessive animations, irrelevant graphics, plagiarism, and winging it.

What is the 5 by 5 Rule in PowerPoint?

The 5 by 5 rule recommends having no more than 5 lines of text per slide and 5 words per line. This keeps each slide focused and text easy to digest. Too much text overwhelms audiences.

What is the 7 Rule on a PowerPoint Presentation?

The 7 rule states that your slides should have no more than 7 bullet points. Like the 5 by 5 rule, this maintains simplicity for the audience. More than 7 bulleted items become hard to retain.

What are the 5 Rules of PowerPoint?

5 key rules are: don’t cram slides with too much text, minimize slides for emphasis, utilize quality visuals, stick to a consistent format, and limit animations. Following these makes presentations professional, clean, and engaging.

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14 Dos and Don’ts for an Effective Presentation

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Renderforest Staff

16 Jun 2021

7 min read  

14 Dos and Don’ts for an Effective Presentation

Giving a presentation can be stressful. There are just too many balls to keep in the air: an effective opening, audience engagement, body language, visual aids, anxiety management. The list goes on. 

On a positive note, public speaking and presentation skills can be learned and refined. That’s why we put together a list of 14 dos and don’ts that will help you deliver a killer presentation. If you already have your presentation idea and are wondering how to effectively develop and deliver it, this article is for you.

Let’s jump right in and explore the basic rules of making and giving a presentation.

Slideshow Presentation Basic Skills | How to Practice For a Speech

Focus on the Key Message

From the very beginning, the audience should feel that your speech is leading to something important. This is what will spark their curiosity and keep their attention focused. 

Of course, to achieve such an effect, you should actually have something important to communicate. Otherwise, your audience will feel like they wasted their time (and would be right to think so). The material you present should resemble an arrow with a clear point, not an unending loop of words that leads to nowhere. 

But having something worth telling is only part of the job. You also need to make sure that your entire presentation is woven around that key idea. From beginning to end, your core message should be your guiding light. Each sentence should move the audience closer to it, and by the end of the speech, leave them with a sense of illumination.

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Plan the Structure

Planning your speech beforehand is the only way to avoid getting sidetracked. As you think about your message, try to structure it in a way that makes its delivery most effective for the audience.

speech structure

So, how do you structure a presentation? Consider both the logical and emotional implications of your structure. First, you want to give your listeners enough background information to help them get better acquainted with the topic, but not so much as to get them bored. Once all the need-to-knows are out of the way, make a seamless transition to your main message and start laying out your arguments in a convincing way.

Also, think about the emotional effect you want to achieve in each part of your presentation. The best way to go about it is to capture your audience’s attention right off the bat, which is often considered to be the hardest part of giving a presentation.

“How do I begin a presentation?” is a question you’ve surely asked yourself.  Once you’re done introducing yourself, you can jump into the presentation with a story or an intriguing question. Then, build suspense throughout the speech and release it at the end with a well-grounded closing statement.

create presentations

Tell a Story

How do you present a topic? As human beings, we’re attracted to stories. This is why we go to the movies, read fiction and, yes, become all ears when hearing gossip. Thus, it’s always a good idea to begin your presentation with a story or even spice it up with one in the middle. This can make all the difference between an engaged and indifferent audience. 

Need some proof? Watch this TED talk and see how the presenter wins the audience over in less than 3 minutes using the magic of a personal story (admittedly, a relatable one).

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Keep a Conversational Tone

Many first-time public speakers try a bit too hard to make their speech expressive. As a result, their presentations appear showy and even pompous to the audience.

To prevent this, simply use a conversational tone. Feel like you are communicating your message to individual people, rather than a large alien audience. This will not only ease you up but will help the audience connect to you as well. 

After all, when you really look at it, you are talking to individual people, not their aggregation.

Remember the Takeaway

What is the one thing you’d wish the audience to take away from your speech as they leave the room or the auditorium? Define it in a single phrase or sentence, using straightforward, accessible language, and present it at the end of your presentation. Keep that takeaway in mind when planning your speech, and put a special emphasis on it during the wrap-up.

Angela Lee Duckworth TED talk

Source: TED talk by Angela Lee Duckworth

Time your speech.

There’s probably a specific timeframe within which you should complete your speech. Even if it’s not rigidly set, the audience will have certain expectations as to how long your presentation will take. 

Therefore, it’s important to plan beforehand the approximate time your speech should take and set a timer during rehearsals. If your presentation lasts longer than expected, make sure to leave the inessential parts out. 

As you memorize your material, your speech will get smoother and faster. This will also shorten the time required for it. Thus, before making any adjustments to the length of your script, rehearse it a few times.

How to Manage Time When Giving a Speech

Do Your Rehearsals  

Practice your speech as many times as necessary to build confidence. This is not to say you should memorize every single word or sentence, but you should know exactly what you need to cover at every point. 

When you’re confident enough about your speech, there’s one less reason to be nervous during the presentation. You can now relax and focus on building rapport with your audience.

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Perhaps, the worst thing you can do during a presentation is to read your script. Even glancing at a paper or screen far too many times is distracting enough. What’s more, your audience will find it difficult to connect to your message, as it will all feel mechanical and staged.

The solution? It’s fairly simple: rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

don't read slides

Don’t Rely on Slides

A slide should never be the main source of information for the audience. Use it as a mere extension that makes your speech more engaging or credible. Always keep in mind that your audience needs to learn from you , the speaker, not from your slide.

It goes without saying that you shouldn’t stuff any slide with text. Or include so much information (whether textual or visual) that your audience gets overwhelmed and stops following your speech. When it comes to slide design, minimalism is your best friend. 

To know if you’re relying heavily on your slides or not, ask yourself this question: “Will my presentation still make sense without the slides?” If the answer’s no, then you should rethink your script. But, there’s also a fun side to this. When you free your slides of the burden to inform, they can now be used creatively and even enhance the effect of your speech.

Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.

Notice how the presenter in the video shown above only turns to slides to highlight or demonstrate a point she made. And if you remove all the slides? The presentation will be just as complete and impactful.

Don’t Use Fancy Slideshows

How a good presentation should look like? Nowadays, there are lots of advanced presentation software and screen-sharing tools one can use to “wow” the audience. The problem with them? “Wowing” your audience with something as trivial as slides is hardly why you’re making your speech. The fewer distractions there are in your presentation, the better. Keep this in mind, and avoid using anything showy. 

Don’t Talk Too Fast (or Slow)

While presenting, it’s recommended to maintain a consistent pace that’s neither too fast nor too slow. Talking fast might cause unnecessary tension in the audience, and excessively slow speech is sure to annoy them.

While different people naturally speak at different paces, it’s still something that can be worked on and modified with enough practice. You can refine your pacing during rehearsals until the preferred pace is second nature to you.

How to Pace a Speech | Public Speaking

Don’t Forget Backup Slides

You’re about to start your presentation, but the internet connection is too slow, and your slides won’t load. On top of it, you didn’t follow our advice about not relying on slideshows. What do you do?

Well, if you’re considerate enough, you will have a USB flash drive with backup slides. Next time you feel like forgoing this little step, recall this scenario.

Don’t Neglect Body Language

The way you move your body on stage tells a story. And if that story is incoherent with the one you’re telling with your words, disharmony arises. Imagine a speaker is talking about peace and tolerance, yet their every movement is abrupt, hasty, and aggressive. Sure, this might be the result of nervousness, but would you still be able to connect to their message? The answer’s likely to be no.   

When rehearsing your speech, don’t neglect body language. Practice standing tall, keeping your hands open, and your movements relaxed. Avoid pacing on the stage during your presentation, as it may distract or, worse yet, annoy your listeners. 

Check out this TED talk by Emily Esfahani Smith. Pay attention to how her empathetic facial expressions and open hand gestures help to reinforce her message.

There's more to life than being happy

And, of course, don’t skip eye contact. Instead of glancing over the entire audience, pick a few individuals from different parts of the room, and establish your eye contact with them. This little trick will help you feel like you’re speaking to one person at a time. And that’s far more manageable than speaking to everyone at once.

To emphasize a point, sometimes, what you need is not words but their absence. Take a pause after you ask a question or make a strong statement. Spare your audience a moment to think, reflect, and ponder. Or leave a gap of silence right before you present something exciting to build suspense and anticipation.

No one expects you to go on talking for 10-15 minutes without a pause. Take a few seconds once in a while to breathe. Draw in deep breaths to collect your thoughts and calm your nerves if the situation calls for it. This is one of the most effective ways to relax when presenting.

These were the things good presentations include. Hopefully, you’ve learned enough from our tips and are now ready to get to work. Delivering effective presentations is not an easy task, but definitely, one that’s worth the effort. If you’d like to create a presentation for your speech or even online platforms, give these customizable templates a try.

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do's and don'ts of presentation slides

6 dos and don’ts for next-level slides, from a TED presentation expert

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do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Want to prevent yawns and glazed-over eyes? Before you deliver your next speech, pitch or address, learn how to create exceptional slides by following these rules (with real before-and-afters).

Slides are an expected and crucial part of most speeches, presentations, pitches and addresses. They can simplify complex information or messages, showcase relevant images, and help hold an audience’s attention. But quite often, the best slides aren’t those that make people sit up and comment on how good they are; instead, they’re the ones that people take in without really noticing because the content is effortlessly conveyed and matches the speaker’s words so well.

These days, showing high-quality slides is more important than ever. “We’re living in a visual culture,” says Paul Jurczynski , the cofounder of Improve Presentation and one of the people who works with TED speakers to overhaul their slides. “Everything is visual. Instagram is on fire, and you don’t often see bad images on there. The same trend has come to presentations.”

He says there is no “right” number of slides. However, it’s important that every single one shown — even the blank ones (more on those later) — be, as Jurczynski puts it, “connected with the story you’re telling.” Here, he shares 6 specific tips for creating the most effective slides. ( Note: All of the examples below were taken from the actual slides of TED speakers. )

1. Do keep your slides simple and succinct

“The most common mistake I see is slides that are overcrowded. People tend to want to spell everything out and cover too much information,” says Jurczynski. Not only are these everything-but-the-kitchen-sink slides unattractive and amateurish, they also divert your audience’s attention away from what you’re saying. You want them to listen to the words that you slaved over, not get distracted by unscrambling a jam-packed slide.

“The golden rule is to have one claim or idea per slide. If you have more to say, put it on the next slide,” says Jurczynski. Another hallmark of a successful slide: The words and images are placed in a way that begins where the audience’s eyes naturally go and then follows their gaze. Use the position, size, shape and color of your visuals to make it clear what should come first, second and so on. “You don’t just control what the audience sees; you have to control how they see it,” says Jurczynski.

BEFORE: Too crowded 

After: easy to absorb.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

2. Do choose colors and fonts with care

Colors and fonts are like the herbs and spices of your presentation. When used wisely and with intention, they’ll enhance your slides; but when tossed in haphazardly, they’ll make it an unappealing mess.

Let’s start with color. “Color is a key way to communicate visually and to evoke emotion,” says Jurczynski. “It can be a game changer.” Your impulse might be to pick your favorite hue and start from there, but he advises, “it’s important to use color with a purpose.” For example, if you’re giving a presentation about a positive topic, you’ll want to use bright, playful colors. But if you’re speaking about a serious subject such as gun violence or lung cancer, you’d probably go for darker or neutral colors.

While it’s fine to use a variety of colors in your presentation, overall you should adhere to a consistent color scheme, or palette. “The good news is you don’t need a degree in color theory to build a palette,” says Jurczynski. Check out one of the many free sites — such as Coolors or Color Hunt — that can help you assemble color schemes.

With fonts, settle on just one or two, and make sure they match the tone of your presentation. “You don’t have to stick to the fonts that you have in PowerPoint,” or whatever program you’re using, says Jurczynski. “People are now designing and sharing fonts that are easy to install in different programs. It’s been an amazing breakthrough.” Experiment. Try swapping a commonly used font like Arial for Lato or Bebas , two of many lesser known fonts available online. Most important: “Use a big enough font, which people often forget to do,” advises Jurczynski. Your text has to be both legible and large enough to read from the back of the room, he recommends — about 30 points or so.

BEFORE: Weak and hard-to-read font, muddy colors 

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

AFTER: Strong font, color that’s striking but not jarring

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

3. Don’t settle for visual cliches

When you’re attempting to illustrate concepts, go beyond the first idea that comes to your mind. Why? The reason it appears so readily may be because it’s a cliché. For example, “a light bulb as a symbol for innovation has gotten really tired,” says Jurczynski. Other oft-used metaphors include a bull’s-eye target or shaking hands. After you’ve come up with your symbol or idea, he advises people to resist the lure of Google images (where there are too many low-quality and clichéd choices) and browse other free image sites such as Unsplash to find more unique visuals. One trick: If you do use stock, amp it up with a color overlay (as in the pic at the top of this article) or tweak it in some other way to counteract — or at least muffle — its stock-i-ness.

One potential source of pictures is much closer at hand. “If it fits the storyline, I encourage people to use their own images,” says Jurczynski. “Like one TED Talk where the speaker, a doctor, used photos of his experience treating people in Africa. That was all he needed. They were very powerful.” Major caveat: Any personal photos must support your speech or presentation. Do not squander your audience’s precious time by showing them a gratuitous picture of your children or grandparents — beautiful as they may be.

BEFORE: Fake-looking stock photo to illustrate teamwork 

After: eye-catching photo of nature to illustrate teamwork.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

4. Don’t get bogged down by charts and graphs

Less is also more when it comes to data visualization. Keep any charts or graphs streamlined. When building them, ask yourself these questions:

What do I want the audience to take away from my infographic?

Why is it important for them to know this?

How does it tie into my overall story or message?

You may need to highlight key numbers or data points by using color, bolding, enlarging or some other visual treatment that makes them pop.

Maps are another commonly used infographic. Again, exercise restraint and use them only if they enhance your talk. “Sometimes, people put a map because they don’t know what else to show,” says Jurczynski. He suggests employing labels, color schemes or highlighting to direct your audience where to look. He adds, if you have the skill or know an artist, “you may even consider a hand-drawn map.”

BEFORE: Yikes! What’s important?!? AFTER: The takeaway is clear

5. don’t be scared of blank slides.

It may seem counterintuitive, but at certain points in your speech or pitch, the best visual is … no visual at all. “At the beginning, I was not a fan of blank slides,” says Jurczynski. “But the more talks I’ve seen, the more a fan I am of them, because sometimes you want all the attention on yourself and you don’t want people distracted by what they see in the slides. Or, you might use them to give the audience a visual break from a series of slides. Or maybe you want to shift the mood or tempo of the presentation.”

The blank slide is the visual equivalent of a pause, and most stories could use at least one. And with blank slides, Jurczynski has one main “don’t”: “You cannot use white blank slides, because if you do, people will see it and think something is broken.”

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

6. Do remember to practice

The easiest way to figure out if your slides really work? Recruit a colleague, friend or family member, and run through your entire presentation with them. Sometimes, people can get so carried away with rehearsing their delivery and memorizing their words that they forget to make sure their slides complement and synch up with what they’re saying.

“Even if you have the best visual s in the world, you need to practice in front of someone else. Once you start practicing, you may see, ‘I’m talking about a sad story, but on the slide behind me, I have something funny and that doesn’t make sense,'” says Jurczynski. “Or, ‘Oh, this could be a good place for a blank slide.’”

About the author

Amanda Miller manages curation for partner events at TED.

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Presentation Do’s and Don’ts: What You Need to Know

Camille del Rosario

Camille del Rosario

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Giving a presentation can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not fond of public speaking. Luckily, there are ways you can improve your talk and give maximum value to your listeners. Your public speaking skills — like speaking clearly and minding your body language — are important. But you also have to complement this with good and effective presentation design .

There are a lot of things that you can do to improve your presentation design and delivery method, from using attention-grabbing images and PowerPoint graphics to enhancing interactivity with the audience. In this article, we list all the important do’s and don’ts when giving a presentation to amplify the value that listeners will get from your pitch.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Presentation Do’s 

1. plan the structure.

You might have a lot of information you want to share with your audience. The first part of your preparation should be planning your structure.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

  • You can’t deliver a huge load of information at once, so create an organized guide for you to follow throughout your talk.
  • Start with providing your listeners with background information about you and the topic.
  • Next, highlight your main message or key point and then supplement it with data-based arguments backed by verified sources.
  • Finally, plan your concluding thoughts or CTA to maximize your presentation’s impact.

With all the points that you need to make, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose your train of thought. If there’s one thing you can take away from these tips, it’s to never give a presentation unprepared.

2. Use the Rule of Thirds

Have you ever seen a presentation deck so rife with information that it becomes too much? There’s a reason minimalism is good practice when designing your slides. If there are too many things going on on your presentation deck, you run the risk of distracting your listeners and overloading their brains with too much information.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Generally, you should keep it simple by using centered or symmetrical layouts. But sometimes, your content doesn’t allow for a strictly symmetrical layout. Your slide may end up looking unbalanced or unfinished.

Using the rule of thirds is a good principle to counter that. Imagine that your slide is divided into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Place text, images, or other objects on each section of the grid to make the slide as balanced and aesthetically pleasing as possible. This helps you align the objects in your deck in a way that’s easy on the eyes and gives room for white space.

3. Use Negative Space Generously

Negative space is the “blank” part of a design — no elements whatsoever. But just because they’re blank doesn’t mean they don’t serve a purpose. Negative space, also known as white space, is an important functional element of your design. They help clear up the layout so that the audience’s eyes are drawn only to the most important parts.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Using negative space will greatly improve your audience’s ability to absorb and retain information. It’s a common beginner design mistake to fill up every corner with text and graphics, but don’t give in to the temptation!

4. Think Twice When Choosing Stock Photos

Overcrowded layouts and big blocks of text are off-putting for audiences. If you saw walls of text in a PowerPoint presentation, most likely, you wouldn’t be motivated to read every single line from start to finish. That’s why you need to add attention-grabbing visuals.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

When adding visuals to your presentation, stock photos are a good resource. But make sure that you maintain a selective attitude when using them. Instead of settling with the first photo that pops up after a query, conduct a more specific search and find photos that are relevant to your topic.

Images have been shown to increase retention by up to 24%, so adding them to your presentation will keep your listeners engaged. Try to keep the text as minimal as possible and instead incorporate more images or visuals that are captivating, high-resolution, and relevant to your presentation.

5. Choose Your Fonts & Colors Carefully

The fonts and colors you use in your presentation deck can make or break its ability to engage your audience and provide important information. In line with keeping your slides simple, choose fonts that are readable and use only colors that are easy on the eye.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Make sure your color choices are on-brand — or at the very least, relevant to your topic. Pastel colors and monochromatic palettes are a trendy choice these days. So are neon elements on dark backgrounds. But as long as they provide enough clarity and contrast, it’s totally your choice!

When it comes to fonts, go for the simplest choices. But your font doesn’t have to be boring! A great way to tell if a font is appropriate for a presentation is to do a size test. If a font is easy to read at a very small size, then it’s workable. (But that’s just a test — in your actual presentation, remember to keep your font sizes big and friendly!)

6. Let Your Passion Shine Through with Storytelling and a Conversational Tone

Even if you’re speaking about a formal or technical topic, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be casual in your presentation. People appreciate listening to someone who’s human and who they can relate to, making story-telling a valuable skill in public speaking. Stories also help people retain information better!

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Engage your audience by telling a story that’s related to your main point. You can start your presentation with a backstory or capture attention halfway through. And while you’re story-telling and providing value to your audience, make sure that you’re showing them how interested and passionate you are about the topic at hand.

7. Use Audience Engagement Strategies

As much as possible, you want to keep your audience engaged from start to finish. Aside from adopting the best practices in speech delivery and presentation design, you may also want to make your talk more interactive. Here are a few ways you can do this:

  • Involve your audience in the conversation. Ask them questions every couple of minutes or tell a short story or two to keep their eyes and ears on you.
  • Make eye contact with your audience and pay attention to your own nonverbal cues like gestures, posture, and facial expression.
  • Rehearse and time your speech. It’s easy to lose track of time during a presentation, so make sure you know how much of your audience’s time you’re taking by conducting a timed rehearsal. As a bonus, this will also help you gain clarity about the flow of your talk or even help you anticipate questions and reactions.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Information is not hard to come by, especially in the digital age. Your audience can easily get access to and learn about the topics you’re going to talk about from other resources. So what makes your presentation special? In the end, there’s still nothing that can compare to hearing it from a professional who can deliver this information in a more intimate and engaging manner.

8. End Your Presentation With a Key Question or Call to Action

You can’t always guarantee that your audience will remember everything you discussed in your presentation. So it’s important that you identify your main point — the one thing that you want to leave your audience with.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

So before presenting, make sure you’ve identified “the one idea to rule them all.” Summarize what you discussed in a single statement, which can be in the form of an insight, question, or action. Doing this will get your audience thinking and allow them to appreciate what your presentation was really about.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Presentation Don’ts

1. don’t use too much text.

You’re not writing a book — your slides are meant to be observed for several seconds with minimal effort from the viewer. You have a limited hold on your audience’s attention. Don’t risk being boring via information overload and keep text at a minimum.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

For more complex information, use short sentences divided into three to five bullet points per slide. You can also use data visualizers like charts and graphs, but remember to simplify these as well by only using a few variables at a time.

And if you really want to provide lengthy content, consider providing your audience with presentation aids like printed handouts or links to digital documents that they can study at their leisure after your presentation.

2. Don’t Just Read the Slides Out Loud

If your slides contain absolutely everything you want your audience to know, then what are you there for? Trust us — you don’t want your audience sitting there thinking, “This could have been an email.” Make the most of their time by making your presence valuable.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Giving a presentation is more than just about relaying information. It’s also about engaging with your audience by provoking wonder, emotion, interest, and action. Your presence is needed to lend credibility and authenticity to the information you’ll provide. So refrain from reading your slides out loud! You’re a human talking to humans. Make your front-and-center moment matter.

3. Don’t Talk Too Fast or Too Slow

If you’ve ever attended a talk where the speaker spoke too fast, you were probably tense the whole time only to end up without a single takeaway from the presentation. Or if the speaker spoke too slowly, you might have found yourself dozing off halfway through.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Speak at a moderate, conversational speed to help your audience understand you clearly. Don’t forget to modulate your pitch and volume. It’s okay to get excited — but don’t let emotion get in the way of your delivery. Even when you’re at your most passionate, avoid bellowing, screeching, or whispering.

Basically, clear speech is a matter of avoiding all extremes. You can do it with practice, practice, practice!

4. Don’t Overuse Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs are valuable visual cues that help you express important numbers or statistics — but there is such a thing as overusing them. Sure, your audience will be able to absorb information from one to two charts, but if you use them more than ten times in your entire presentation, for example, the chances of your audience being able to understand and retain that information are slim.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Again, if you really think your audience should have a truckload of information at hand, then email or print out the relevant documents for them. If you manage to capture their genuine interest during your simplified presentation, they are more likely to seek out additional information later on.

5. Don’t Use Hard-to-Read Fonts

Your audience will rely on your presentation to guide them through understanding the topic you’re discussing. Make sure that your points are readable and clearly state the key points. You don’t have to use the most aesthetic font available. Stick to basic and easy-to-read options.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Broken fonts can really ruin a presentation, so here’s a little secret. For maximum portability, use easily accessible web fonts like Google Fonts . This way, you’ll be able to have access to them no matter what device you use to present — all you need is an internet connection.

6. Don’t Use a Low-Contrast Color Palette

Contrast is one of the main principles of design. It can be expressed in different ways — through size, shape, texture, and most commonly, color. Contrast helps establish hierarchy, effectively informing viewers what they are looking at.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

With low contrast, it’s difficult to tell the difference between two colors that are side by side. The highest contrast possible is black and white, which is why many presentations simply use black text on white backgrounds (or vice versa).

But plain black and white presentations can get really old, really fast. Using a more diverse color palette will add interest to your presentations. Just make sure to amp up the contrast by using dark colors on light colors and light colors on dark colors.

7. Don’t Use Too Many Effects

One of the exciting features of presentation software is your ability to add transition effects to your slides. While these were fun in high school, they’re not necessarily at home in formal pitch decks and corporate presentations.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Using too many effects can distract your audience and deter them from absorbing the more important points of your presentation. Keep the dazzling effects to a minimum and make your slides as simple as possible.

8. Don’t Use Irrelevant and Low-Resolution Images

Stock or custom images are a very good way to keep your audience engaged, but you have to make sure to use good-quality images that are actually relevant to the topic at hand.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Using blurry, pixelated, or low-quality photos will set you up for a negative impression. And irrelevant images make it pretty obvious that you didn’t spend enough time on your deck. Weird or off-topic image choices can really impact your credibility. Fortunately, there are loads of creative resources available online today, many of them free or affordable.

Ready to Put Your Presenter Hat On?

These tips will definitely help you position yourself as an expert in your subject matter. You don’t need to be a graphic designer to create truly engaging presentations that are easy on the eye.

But we know that the fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias — this means that for most people, having to design and present slideshows can feel like a little too much work! So if you need a boost, we’re here to help. With Design Pickle’s Presentation Design services, you can win over your audience with engaging, well-designed, and on-brand presentation designs that stand out from the competition. No sweat!

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How to Design a Presentation

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Designing PowerPoint Presentations – What’s Important

Animations Bullet Point Presentations Business Presentation Corporate Presentation Design Data Visualization PowerPoint Design PowerPoint Presentation Professional Presentation Design

PowerPoint Presentation Design Do's and Don'ts | Deck Sherpa Blog

Discover the essential do's and don'ts of designing PowerPoint presentations. This will ensure you never struggle to maintain your audience's interest again. If you've ever crafted slides only to face a crowd of disengaged onlookers, you know how crucial engaging presentations are. Even seasoned speakers can stumble if their PowerPoint lacks clarity and visual appeal. By mastering how to make the best PowerPoint presentation, you can ensure that you deliver your message concisely and memorably. It helps you avoid the pitfalls of overwhelming text and disorganized designs.

8 Do's And 8 Don’ts Of PowerPoint Presentations

When it comes to the do's and don'ts of designing PowerPoint presentations, understanding the key elements can make all the difference. Whether you're aiming to inform, persuade, or engage, the way you design your slides plays a pivotal role in how your message is received. By focusing on essential design principles and avoiding common pitfalls, you can create a presentation that not only looks professional but also resonates with your audience. Let's delve into the crucial do's and don'ts that will elevate your PowerPoint skills and help you deliver your message effectively.

Do's in Designing PPT Presentations | Deck Sherpa Blog

8 PowerPoint Do's: Enhancing Your Slides for Impact

1. opt for minimalist design.

Simplicity is key in the do's and don'ts of designing PowerPoint presentations. A minimalist design helps your audience focus on what's important without getting distracted by too many details. This approach, emphasizing how to make the best PowerPoint presentation, involves using a clean layout, ample white space, and limiting the number of elements on each slide. By keeping it simple, you enable your audience to absorb and retain the information more effectively.

2. Eliminate Clutter with Design Rules

Effective presentation design is all about clarity and engagement. The 5-5-5 rule suggests limiting yourself to five words per line, five lines per slide, and five text-heavy slides in a row to avoid overwhelming your audience. The 10-20-30 rule by Guy Kawasaki advocates for 10 slides in a 20-minute presentation with a minimum 30-point font size. Lastly, the 6x6 rule recommends no more than six bullet points per slide and six words per bullet. These guidelines help in creating slides that are easy to follow and impactful.

3. Enhance Engagement with Quality Visuals

Using high-quality visuals is a fundamental aspect of PowerPoint presentation do's and don'ts. Graphics, images, and charts serve as powerful visual aids that can make your presentation more engaging and easier to understand. They can break up text, illustrate points, and add a layer of storytelling to your presentation. Remember, a relevant and striking visual can convey your message more powerfully than words alone.

4. Foster Brand Consistency

Consistency in your presentation's formatting reinforces your brand and message. This involves using a consistent color palette, typography, and design elements throughout your slides. Such a consistent design not only looks professional but also makes your presentation more coherent and memorable to the audience.

5. Prioritize Accessibility

Ensuring your PowerPoint is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities, is crucial. This means checking color contrasts, providing text alternatives for images, and ensuring your presentation can be navigated without a mouse. Making your presentation accessible is a key step in being inclusive and reaching a wider audience effectively.

6. Incorporate Custom Icons and Illustrations

Custom icons and illustrations can add a unique and personal touch to your presentation, making it stand out. These design elements, tailored to your message, can enhance understanding and retention. Avoid generic clip art in favor of custom graphics that align with your content and branding.

7. Employ Subtle Animations

Animations can be a useful tool when used sparingly. They should enhance, not distract, helping to emphasize key points or transition smoothly between topics. Subtle animations can guide your audience's attention and contribute to a dynamic and engaging presentation.

8. Control Your Presentation's Pace

Timing is everything. Pacing your delivery ensures that your audience stays engaged and can absorb the information you're presenting. It's important to allocate time wisely, giving each slide its moment, without rushing or dragging the presentation.

8 Don'ts in PPT Design | Deck Sherpa

8 PowerPoint Don'ts: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

1. avoid busy backgrounds.

Distracting backgrounds can make your text hard to read and divert attention from your main message. Stick to simple, clean backgrounds that support your content rather than competing with it. This helps keep your audience focused on what you're saying, not where you're saying it.

2. Refrain from Overloading Slides with Text

Too much text can overwhelm your audience, making it hard for them to follow along and retain information. Use bullet points strategically to convey information concisely and keep your audience engaged. Remember, slides are there to support your speech, not to serve as a script.

3. Move Beyond Basic Bullets

While bullet points are a common feature in presentations, relying solely on them can become monotonous. Mix up your slide formats with visuals, charts, and other elements to keep your audience interested and engaged. This variety can make your presentation more dynamic and memorable.

4. Maintain Formatting Consistency

Inconsistent formatting can be jarring and detract from your message's professionalism. Ensure that your slides are uniformly styled in terms of fonts, colors, and layout. This consistency helps build a cohesive narrative throughout your presentation.

5. Limit Animation Use

While animations can add interest, too many can be distracting and detract from your message. Use animations purposefully and sparingly to enhance your presentation without overwhelming your audience with too much motion.

6. Avoid Using Unsupported Graphics

Ensure that all your graphics and visuals are supported by your presentation software and the hardware you'll be using. Unsupported graphics can lead to technical issues that disrupt your flow and distract your audience.

7. Never Plagiarize

Originality is key in presentation design. Ensure all your content is original or properly credited. Plagiarizing not only undermines your credibility but also disrespects the original content creators.

8. Don't Improvise Your Speech

In designing PowerPoint presentations, don't overlook the importance of rehearsing your speech. It's not just the slides that matter but also how you present them. Spend time aligning your speech with your visuals to keep the audience engaged. Practicing ensures your delivery is smooth and your information clear, making your professional PowerPoint presentations effective. Thorough preparation will help you captivate your audience from start to finish.

In the realm of PowerPoint presentation do's and don'ts, striking the right balance between informative content and engaging design is crucial. By adhering to these guidelines, you're not just creating slides; you're crafting a narrative that captures and retains your audience's attention. Remember, the success of your presentation hinges on both the clarity of your content and the effectiveness of your design. As you employ these strategies in your professional PowerPoint presentations, you'll not only keep your audience engaged but also convey information in a way that's impactful and memorable. Embrace these practices to ensure your next presentation stands out for all the right reasons.

Professional PPT Design | Deck Sherpa Blog

Come to Deck Sherpa for Professional PowerPoint Presentations

Understanding and implementing the do's and don'ts of designing PowerPoint presentations is crucial for maintaining your audience's engagement and effectively delivering your message. These guidelines are not just rules; they are the building blocks for creating slides that are clear, impactful, and memorable. By focusing on essential design elements like minimalism, consistency, and quality visuals, you can elevate your presentation and ensure your message resonates with your audience. Following these principles helps in avoiding common pitfalls that can detract from your presentation's effectiveness, ensuring your key points are communicated clearly and your audience stays connected throughout your presentation.

Looking to make your next PowerPoint presentation stand out? Deck Sherpa, India's leading presentation design agency, is here to help. Our expert design team is well-versed in all these essential tips, crafting presentations that captivate and inform, for clients both in India and around the globe. Whether you're presenting locally or on an international stage, let us help you create a presentation that resonates and engages. Visit our Showcase page on the Deck Sherpa website to see our work and discover how we can elevate your next presentation. Let's make your message unforgettable together.

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Q. What are the dos and don’ts of PowerPoint presentations? A. The dos and don'ts of PowerPoint presentations include keeping a simple design, using high-quality visuals, maintaining consistency, and avoiding overwhelming text or distracting animations. Q. What are presentation design rules? A. Presentation design rules include guidelines like the 5-5-5 rule, the 10-20-30 rule, and the 6x6 rule, which help in creating clear, impactful, and engaging slides. Q. What is the 7 rule in PowerPoint? A. The 7 rule in PowerPoint suggests limiting each slide to no more than seven bullet points and seven words per bullet to ensure clarity and retain audience engagement.

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Presentation Do’s and Don’ts for a Winning Deck

  • October 2, 2023

Presentation do’s and don’ts

Presentations have long been a powerful medium for conveying information, engaging audiences, showing information in visual ways, and leaving a lasting impact.

However, there’s something of an art to creating effective slides that takes careful consideration of design, content, and delivery. Here are some of the main presentation do’s and don’ts to keep in mind for the next time you’re in front of an audience.

Contents Toggle 1. The do’s 2. The dont’s

1. the do’s.

Know what you’re doing

Before diving into slide creation, clarify to yourself what the purpose of the presentation actually is. Think about what you want to achieve, who’s going to be presented to, and the key messages you wish to convey. This may seem obvious, but having a plan before diving in can really create a better flow of information.

Use visuals

Presentations come with the advantage of having space for images, charts, tables and so on. Not only will they help bring different colours and shapes to the content, they will break up the text and keep attention spans as high as possible. Keep in mind that any visuals you use are of high-quality, well-sized, and properly aligned with the content. As stated by The Presentation Training Institute , visual content has a lasting impact on the audience’s memory. Three hours later, they can recall 85% of what they saw, compared to 70% of what they heard. Three days later, the gap widens: 60% vs. 10%.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Stay consistent

Consistency in design elements across slides creates a cohesive and professional visual identity. Use a consistent color scheme, typography, and slide layout throughout your presentation to keep things looking smooth. Consider utilizing Master Slides or templates to ensure consistent formatting and design across all slides.

Remember visual hierarchy

Establish a clear visual hierarchy to guide your audience’s attention and emphasize key points. Use font size, bolding, color contrast, and layout to distinguish between headings, subheadings, and body text to make sure that the information flow is logical and easily digestible.

Tell a story

This one is a bit of a cliché, but is still important! Structure your slides in a narrative format that begins with an attention-grabbing introduction, presents supporting information, and concludes with a memorable takeaway. Remember to use common storytelling techniques, anecdotes, and examples to make your content relatable and engaging.

Practice and keep time

One of the most important things ahead of your presentation is to practice, practice, practice. Make sure your slides flow smoothly and fit within your time limit. Nobody wants a presentation to go on forever, so keep a decent pace and remember to leave room for questions and discussion at the end.

Use white space

White space is the empty space on your slides, which you shouldn’t consider as ‘wasted’. It makes your slides easier to read, gives them a clean look, and highlights the important parts. Don’t cram your slides with too much information, as this will end up being confusing or distracting.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Know your audience

Think about who you are talking to and what they need to know. Do they like deep dives into data, or do they prefer to know the headlines only. Use phrases and visuals that they can understand and relate to, with plenty of examples and references that matter to them.

Connect with the audience

If appropriate, make your presentation fun and interactive (within reason). Ask questions, do polls, or use other features to get your audience involved. You can also use slides to start group discussions, brainstorming sessions, or reflection exercises. Here’s a fantastic resource from Icebreaker Speech on h ow to connect with audiences before and during a presentation .

Get feedback

Every presentation is a chance to grow and get better, so if its an internal presentation, ask for feedback to find out what worked, and what didn’t. If you’ve been working on it for too long, you’ll not notice mistakes, or sections that can be edited down, so if you can, get feedback before the presentation itself to make sure it’s as good as it can be.

2. The dont’s

Only rely on text

Slides can do more than show words: They can also show images, videos, audio clips, or animations that make your presentation more exciting and memorable. Use different media to appeal to different senses and make your presentation more lively and varied, or risk losing the attention of your audience.

Forget to proofread and edit

Even if you’re proofread your presentation 12 times, there will still likely be typos or formatting errors that can be embarrassing when shown in front a bunch of people – especially if they are clients, or you’re doing a job interview task. After using spellcheck and the usual tools to check it, ask someone else to give it a good read as well. They will have fresh eyes and will be much better placed to spot any problems you missed.

Overwhelm with too much data

Resist the temptation to include every detail on your slides, and instead focus on key points, essential data, and impactful visuals. Your slides should provide a framework for your narrative, prompting discussion and elaboration, rather than bombarding your audience with too much data. If needed, you can print and hand out supplementary materials that go into more depth.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Overuse bullet points

Bullet points can be handy for listing key facts, but they can also be boring and dull when used slide after slide. Mix it up with short sentences, impact statements, quotes, images, charts and infographics. Otherwise, you might as well be showing them a completely plain and unworked word document.

Read from your slides

Your slides are there to help you, not do all the work. Don’t just read what’s on the screen or use your slides as a script. Instead, look at your audience and talk to them, using the slides as visual guides and summaries of the information you want to get across.

Forget about readability

Readability is paramount in effective slide design, so avoid using small fonts or complex typefaces are difficult to read. Stick to legible fonts, and ensure a sufficient contrast between the text and the background – for instance, yellow text on a white background.

Overload the text

One common mistake is cramming slides with excessive text that goes on for paragraphs. Instead, use concise and impactful phrases or keywords to convey your message, with any extra information being expressed verbally.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Overuse Transitions Or Animations

While animations and slide transitions can add visual interest, excessive use can be distracting and detract from your message. Opt for subtle and purposeful animations that enhance the flow and comprehension of your content, instead of having your words and images spin, zoom or bounce into view.

Use low-quality graphics

Low-resolution images, pixelated graphics, and stretched visuals can detract from the professionalism of your slides. Invest time in finding high-quality visuals or create custom graphics to maintain a polished appearance. Also, avoid using using clip art or generic stock images, as these can be easily spotted, lessening the impact of your work

You’re good to go

A good presentation can go a long way if done correctly. Of course, the human element of nerves plays its part, but if you know that you have a great deck, it will help with your confidence, and will get your messages across in engaging and professional ways. All of the above presentation do’s and don’ts can be achieved with OfficeSuite Slides , built to create beautiful presentations, allowing you to easily create decks that get the job done, and then some.

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18 PowerPoint Dos and Don’ts

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While there are many who advocate for this new app and that great new program, Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint remains the lifeblood of many marketing presentations and documents. It’s our old friend who knows our needs and wants better than we know them ourselves, who’s always there for us in times of big campaigns and important reports.

For those looking to improve their presentations, these PowerPoint dos and don’ts will not disappoint –  we’ve put all our research and experience into it to ensure that. If you’re just discovering PowerPoint’s endless capabilities, these tips will help you master it in no time.

We’ve also included some Pro Tips that might hold the answers to some of the questions you’ve been having. Let’s get started.

PowerPoint Dos

1. know your audience.

All marketing actions should start here. It’s the same for presentations, regardless of their intended purpose. Your information, design and style should be based on what your audience will understand and respond to.

Nancy Duarte, Principal of Duarte Design and author of “ Slideology ”, recommends asking 7 questions to know your audience and build an audience persona slide to place at the front of your presentation.

18 Powerpoint Dos and Don’ts - Seven Questions

Download this PPT template from Duarte Design

2. Create a structure

Things can quickly spiral out of control if you dive head on to designing the document, without a structure in place. Even if you’re creating a presentation to illustrate an existing piece of content, you’ll still need to tailor it to PowerPoint specifics regarding quantity of information, succession of ideas, verbal details used when presenting it etc.

If you’re halfway through the presentation and don’t remember what comes next, go back to your structure. This will help maintain a cohesive train of thought and message flow.

For instance, we usually start our presentation creation process by putting together a structure of the presentation, then we add content to fill-in the structure and, finally, we design the content.

3. Use keywords

This will help you convey a clear message and keep your audience’s attention. It’s also of great help to you when creating the flow of the presentation.

Start with the topic of your presentation, your principal keyword will derive from that and will most likely be comprised in the presentation title. The structure of your presentation will give you another set of keywords.

For example, this presentation starts with 2 main longtail keywords: search content and social content. If you browse through the presentation you’ll notice that certain keywords that are essential to the topic at hand are distributed recurrently throughout the presentation, such as: content marketing, social media, digital channels and content strategy.

Search Content vs. Social Content von SEMrush

4. Organize your information clearly

Be brief and clear. Don’t crowd your slides. Instead, opt for no more than 2-3 sentences per slide and keep in mind your keywords. Think of them more like statements than sentences.

Treat your slides like billboards .

If you’re using lists, 6 bullets/points per slide should cover it. Make sure to leave enough space between lines of text.

Limit the number of slides. A good case practice is using 20-30 slides or one slide per minute.

Use section divider slides; this will help break up content into memorable chunks.

5. Use a legible font

Opt for a legible font and type size. Don’t use eccentric fonts that will make it impossible to make out the actual words. Stick to standard, easy-to-read fonts, preferably sans-serif (fonts such as Arial or Helvetica). This will also minimize the risk of having your fonts substituted when sending to other people.

Titles should be at least 28 to 48 points, bulleted text or body copy at least 24 points. Only use caps in headlines and section titles, not in paragraphs.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

6. Ensure design consistency

Create a template based on your brand guidebook, using the company logos and colors. This will make it so much easier to create consistent presentations and maintain design unity across your work.

Create different layouts for different occasions, within the same template; this way, your presentations will be unified from a design point of view but still have original elements given by the different layouts used.

Urban Q8 template

Featured Download:  An Easy Guide To Repurposing Content

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7. Be smart about colors

If your brand book already has a color palette you’re all set. If you’re doing something different, you’ll want to make sure you’re using the appropriate colors: not too bright, high contrast, consistent. A color that looks good on your monitor does not necessarily look good on the big screen you’ll be using to present.

The relationships between the colors you’re using are also important. Limit the use of color to 2 to 4 colors/shades. Use colors that will stand out and will be easy on the eyes (dark backgrounds and light text is a good case practice.) Try Paletton to experiment with different combinations and see what would work best for what you have in mind.

Get inspired by this year’s Pantone color palette to design visually attractive presentations:

Presentation Design Tips – Pantone Best Colors To Use In 2017 from Visual Hackers

8. Use visual elements to illustrate your ideas

Graphs and charts can help show relationships, comparisons, and change. Illustrate your point by verbally discussing each element. Only include 1 to 2 images per slide. You can also use shapes to illustrate complex topics.

Make sure to use these visual graphics to enhance your message and increase understanding. Too much of anything can lead to over stimulating your audience and losing their attention.

9. Save, save, save

It’s best to prevent any technical mishaps and save your work every 5-10 minutes. Even though the program has an automatic save and recover function, there have been plenty of instances when it was too late or something went wrong. CTRL+S is your mantra.

10. End with a summary slide

It’s a good case practice to go through your key points and list the final benefits in a summary slide, at the end of your presentation.

The most important sections of your presentation are the beginning and ending. The beginning is when you will grab the attention of the audience. The summary ending will make it easier for them to remember your ideas.

Here’s an example from one of our clients’ presentations:

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

11. Keep your presentations well-organized

Store each presentation and its associated files in its proper folder, together with all the visual elements you’ve used.

12. Use animation and sound carefully

Like graphics, animations can be used to enhance your ideas. Abuse them, and you have information overload again. You can also integrate sounds into your presentation, if that’s something that supports your ideas or is needed.

For example, this animation emphasizes that the solution offered by the client is much faster and prevents higher losses:

13. Use transitions for a more dramatic impact

Transitions between slides can help your presentation make more of an impact. However, they can also be quite distracting. A good case practice is to keep transitions to a minimum and use the same transition or a variation of the transition.

Transitions can help when you want to break up content over several slides while still keeping a sense of continuity. Think of it as creating movie scenes rather than individual slides.

With the help of more complex animations and transitions, you can replicate modern effects you typically see on websites, such as parallax scrolling. This type of transition can help the narrative of your presentation and enhance it’s storytelling.

PowerPoint Don’ts

1. put everything on one slide.

It’s not as obvious as you might think. We’ve all done it, at one point. For those situations when there is still something to say, illustrate or include, take a step back and ask yourself “If I can’t see this slide and I can’t read off of it during my presentation, will I still be able to convey its essence?” And there you have your answer.

Only put the essence down. It’s recommended that you don’t use more than eight words per line or eight lines per slide. Start with creating the slides you want and then go back and edit them – remove all non-essential information, remove unnecessary words, and take out slides you can live without. Cut your presentation by as much as half to get to the core if it.

2. Overuse transitions, animations and sound

These effects are meant to be used scarcely, to increase the impact of one idea. They can become a distraction very quickly.

Keep your message front and center and spice up your presentation with enhancing elements at the end. Most presentations are just a visual aid; if you overload them, the audience will end up trying to read the slides and not paying attention to you.

3. Use hard-to-read color combinations and fonts

Stay away from red/green, brown/green, blue/black, blue/purple combinations. Instead, aim for a high contrast between background and text. Also, don’t use bright background colors that will strain your audience’s eyes.

You should also try not to use different colors and fonts on every single slide. Your template will help with this.

4. Use generic graphics and (very) stock photos

If you’re going to opt for visual elements, make sure they are well-designed and suited for your audience. Don’t use generic clipart you found on Google, that’s just offensive to your audience.

The same goes for stock photos that look the same and have been used by everyone. Chances are someone has seen or used that image as well, so instead of helping, it actually hurt your point.

5. Think the slides are for you

Too many people seem to think PowerPoint is just a speech handout. Your presentation is meant to help the audience follow you and to give the clues to organize the information you are sharing, it’s not a substitute.

Pro Tips and Tricks

Choose a story archetype to structure your presentationCreate custom slide sizes – for example, if you want to show a quick presentation to someone on your smartphone, you can create slides the size of your actual screenAlign objects to get a clean design – try this tool for slide proofingGet more control over objects’ designs using “Format” menus Create custom shapesCrop images into custom shapesEmbed your font files to make sure they don’t changeEmbed multimediaCompress images to reduce the size of the presentationUse Touch Bar shortcuts Use a black background for scientific presentations Convert vectors to editable shapes in PowerPoint

Whatever your choice of presentation creation program, remember that your ultimate goal is to convey a message. Follow the principles above and make sure everything you’re including in it supports your message and enhances it, without distracting the audience.

If you need help with creating a last-minute report or presentation, we’ve got just the team for you. Drop us an email and request a quote and we’ll make sure to help you deliver a successful presentation!

Image credit: Mind Blown – Liana Azwa via


Are you ready to take your presentations to the next level?

Our team can help with everything from researching your project, writing the content, designing and building your slides, and even creating handouts.

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I really like it

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That’s great! Thanks!

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Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it

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This is really great! It helps a lot!

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Lol I love this but it could use some more donts

Thanks for the appreciation and feedback Mike. We’re actually working on an updated version of this article and it will have a few more Don’ts 😉

' src=

i agree more don’ts would help a lot

' src=

thanks for the insights. They are very helpful. I hope to benefit more in the future presentations

' src=

Great tips there Paula! Definitely gonna apply some of these to my upcoming presentations especially embedding visual media and adding touchbar shortcuts. I also found this article helpful for some more dos and don’ts to create effective presentations.

' src=

Great tips for PPT makers. This certainly helps, will share the articles with my PPT design team. Thanks

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Excellent article! Congratulations on the information. 57439559

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Great PPT Dos and Don’t s

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Do’s and Don’ts of PowerPoint Presentations | Creating Effective Powerpoint Presentations

In the modern business and academic landscapes, PowerPoint has become an essential communication tool. Though the software makes it simple to create sleek, visually appealing slides, crafting a truly effective PowerPoint requires strategy and finesse. This article will provide extensive tips and guidelines to help you create professional, polished presentations that fully engage audiences and clearly convey information. Therefore take a few minutes and check out what are the actual dos and don’ts.

do and don ts of powerpoint presentations

Table of Contents

Do’s of PowerPoint Presentations

Effective PowerPoint presentations are not just about creating slides; they are about engaging your audience and conveying your message with clarity. Here are the essential do’s to keep in mind –

Follow the 10/20/30 Rule

Coined by PowerPoint expert Guy Kawasaki, this formula ensures impactful presentations. Use no more than 10 slides, present for no longer than 20 minutes, and use a minimum font size of 30 points. This prevents slides from becoming cluttered and text-heavy, ensuring your audience can easily absorb the information.

Use High-Quality Graphics and Images

Visuals play a crucial role in capturing your audience’s attention. High-resolution images appear crisp and clear when projected, making your presentation more visually appealing. Use relevant photos, charts, and graphs, but avoid generic clipart. When using charts, ensure they are legible and avoid problematic red/green color combinations.

Maintain Consistent Style and Theme

Consistency in your presentation design is key to creating a polished, professional look. Stick to a single cohesive font style, color scheme, and layout. Avoid the temptation to overuse transitions or animations, as this can detract from your message’s clarity.

Practice and Time Your Presentation

Rehearse your presentation multiple times while timing yourself. This will help you refine your pacing and ensure a smooth flow of information. Adjust anything that needs modification to fit within the time limits without rushing or dragging.

Engage Your Audience

Your audience’s engagement is crucial to the success of your presentation. Keep them actively involved by maintaining eye contact, asking rhetorical questions, using humor, and limiting the time you spend facing the screen. Engaging your audience can help maintain their focus and interest.

Provide Handouts if Appropriate

Handouts can be valuable for your audience to take notes and reference details later. However, avoid the common mistake of simply printing your slides. Instead, use handouts to summarize key takeaways and essential information, helping your audience retain the most important points.

Arrive Early to Prepare

Arriving early at the presentation location allows you to meet attendees, check equipment, adjust the room setup, and get comfortably settled before starting. This preparation time ensures a smoother start and helps to reduce any pre-presentation jitters.

Check Equipment and Connectivity

Technical glitches can be a presenter’s worst nightmare. To avoid this, thoroughly test the projector, slides, microphone, pointer, Wi-Fi, and any other equipment or connectivity requirements ahead of time. Identifying and addressing technical issues in advance will help your presentation run smoothly.

Don’ts of PowerPoint Presentations

While knowing what to do is important, understanding what not to do is equally crucial. Here are the common pitfalls to avoid in your PowerPoint presentations –

Don’t Make Slides Too Text-Heavy

Each slide should convey its core point with a few bullet points or a short paragraph. Elaborate verbally rather than overwhelming your slides with dense blocks of text. Remember, your audience should listen to you, not read your presentation verbatim.

Avoid Complex Builds and Transitions

Fancy animations between slides may seem appealing but can end up being distracting and time-consuming. Stick to simple transitions like fades or wipes for a more seamless presentation experience.

Don’t Use Unreadable Color Schemes

Light text on dark backgrounds or busy backgrounds can make slides hard to read when projected. Opt for high-contrast color options to ensure readability.

Steer Clear of Clip Art

Cheesy or overused clip art can make your presentation look unprofessional. Instead, opt for original graphics or high-quality stock images that enhance the visual appeal of your slides.

Don’t Read Directly from Slides

Your slides should support your spoken words, not replace them. Speak conversationally and use slides as visual aids rather than reading bulleted lists word-for-word.

Don’t Overwhelm with Too Many Slides

Limit the number of slides in your presentation. For a 30-minute presentation, it’s recommended to keep it within 10-15 slides at most. More slides can make it challenging to delve into topics properly and maintain your audience’s engagement.

Don’t Go Over Time Limit

Rehearse and refine your presentation to ensure you stay within your allotted time. Use a timer to help you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments to avoid running too short or too long.

Don’t Forget Accessibility Needs

Make your presentation inclusive by ensuring text color contrast is suitable for those with color blindness. Add alt text for images to make your content accessible to all, and check for screen reader compatibility to accommodate individuals with visual impairments.

Final Verdict

With mindful planning, preparation, and presentation strategy, PowerPoint can elevate any presentation. Avoid common missteps like slide overload, distracting builds, and boring stock images. Instead, focus on simplifying topics, visualizing concepts, practicing delivery, and actively engaging your listeners. Following the dos and don’ts outlined above will allow your presentation and message to shine.

People Also Ask

Q: how many slides are recommended for a 30-minute powerpoint presentation.

Experts recommend limiting a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation to 10-15 slides maximum. This ensures adequate time for discussing and explaining each point or topic thoroughly.

Q: What is the ideal font size for text in PowerPoint slides?

To ensure text remains clearly legible and readable in a projected presentation, use a minimum font size of 30 points. Larger font sizes of 44-54 points are ideal for titles and headers.

Q: Should you provide printed handouts of your PowerPoint presentation?

Handouts allow audience members to take notes and reference presentation details later on. However, simply printing all your slides as handouts results in people tuning out during the actual presentation. Instead, summarize key takeaways, facts, statistics, and conclusions on handouts.

Q: What file types work best for graphics and images in PowerPoint?

JPEG, PNG, and GIF files are optimized for PowerPoint. Ensure all images are high resolution so they appear crisp and not pixelated or distorted when projected.

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Dec 18, 2019

PowerPoint Presentations: Do’s and Don’ts


The problem

Picture this: You attend a meeting a work. The presenter pulls up their white PowerPoint slides cluttered with paragraphs and charts. They drone on about the gap between point A and point B on a complicated graph. Of course, you can see neither point A nor B so you trust that their gap estimate is correct…and significant. Significant enough to take six minutes to cover. You look at your watch. The meeting is nowhere near complete. Though you feel happy for this vacation from your desk, you cannot seem to focus on what the presenter is saying. Speaking of vacation, you think about the tropical destination ad you saw this morning. A beach vacation would be nice…

Does this situation seem all too familiar? For many businesspeople, this is a weekly, if not daily, occurrence. The cycle continues: bad presentation after bad presentation. None are memorable. Few are tolerable. Put bluntly, these presentations are inefficient, ineffective time wasters. Though the present PowerPoint presentation situation feels bleak, you can be the agent of a positive future.

To turn you into a positive agent, let’s cover the dos and don’ts of PowerPoint presentations.

Dos and Don’ts

Don’t confuse your PowerPoint with your presentation. Your presentation includes your speech aiming to reach a goal with your audience (i.e. persuade, inform, educate, etc.). YOU are your presentation. Whether you accept the fact or hide in the dark, YOU either make or break your presentation. PowerPoint, or any other presentation software, whiteboard, chalkboard, paper, etc., is a visual aid. An aid to you, the presenter. A tool for you to either harness or misuse.

Do use visual aids. Though PowerPoint is a tool, not the presentation, using this visual aid does not have to be a bad thing. Visual aids help listeners follow along and understand key points.

Don’t build your presentation based on your PowerPoint. Most presentation preparation should include determining an attention-grabbing opener and closer and appropriate and well-supported content, gathering your thoughts in an organized and easy-to-follow way, and practicing the presentation for extemporaneous delivery, full of great eye contact and expression. A small part of presentation preparation should include preparing a PowerPoint. Unfortunately, many presenters instead use their PowerPoints as notes from which to read. In a study, four hundred fifty-three frequent PowerPoint viewers (1-2 times daily) were asked for the major aspects of PowerPoint presentations that annoyed them most [1]. The most frequent answers were 1) reading word-for-word from slides (71.7%) and 2) including full sentences (48.6%) [1]. The lesson learned: your PowerPoint should not be a written version of your presentation.

Do focus on one message per slide. Putting more than one message on a slide causes the audience to choose which message to focus on and takeaway [2]. Instead, save yourself the slide space and choose one message for your audience per slide.

Don’t overcomplicate your slides. White space (aka “empty” space) on your slide is good. When your slides become too cluttered, the audience will, at best, have a difficult time following, at worst, give up trying to understand. What is too cluttered? For example, if a single slide has more than one chart or graph, the slide is too cluttered. A good rule of thumb is six components per slide, with a component being a single bit of information like a bullet point with text, an image, or a title [2]. David Phillips, a Swedish presentation guru, explained that including any more than six pieces of information forces your audience to use 500% more cognitive resources [2]. Being that humans are energy-savers, this loosely translates to, you will lose your audience’s attention .

Do be careful when using charts and graphs. Though data can be helpful in illustrating a point or backing up an argument, most charts and graphs are too complex to understand quickly. To combat this, presenters will add red lines, data labels, and different markings to clarify [3]. Instead of helping, these marks further clutter the content [3]. If you must use a graph or chart, try using contrast to focus in your audience on the key message. For example, make all the numbers in your chart a faint light gray except the number you wish to focus in on, which can be a solid dark black [2]. Or, to avoid complicated charts and graphs, pull out the significant statistic and write it as a bullet point or phrase.

Don’t use hard-to-read fonts. Stick to serif and sans serif typefaces and use 18-point font or larger [1]. Also, avoid using all uppercase letters. Lowercase letters are easier for your audience to read [1]. Make sure the most important content on your slide stands out due to contrast and also, size [2]. Use larger font sizes for your content, rather than your titles [2].

Do use dark backgrounds on your slides. As stated above, you are your presentation. However, when you stand next to a huge bright screen, the presentation becomes less about you and more about the slides [2]. The audience will be drawn to look at the PowerPoint instead of you. Instead, utilize adept presenter and well-known entrepreneur, Steve Jobs’ technique of dark backgrounds accompanied with minimalism in text and imagery [1].

There you have it. Just four dos and four don’ts for creating infinitely more effective, efficient, and even entertaining PowerPoint slides for your next presentation. This will help your audience focus on you and your message, rather than using your presentation time to plan their next vacation.

[1] Hamilton, C., Kroll, T. (2018) Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions. (11 th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.




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Visual Dos and Don’ts for Powerful and Effective Presentations

Visual Dos and Don’ts for Powerful and Effective Presentations

Creating a dynamic presentation is an excellent way to engage with your audience and clearly communicate your message. However, distracting visuals or a lack of diverse media can detract from your overall message.

Whether you’re designing a PowerPoint presentation for a business meeting or class project, here are some key PowerPoint dos and don’ts for using visuals.

Do: Create a Clear Structure

Illustration of a business meeting with all women

A clear structure allows your audience to understand the key points of your message. From humorous graphics to detailed data, create a presentation that’s clear, consistent, and easy to read .

Simple text, a clear narrative, and an engaging introduction and conclusion help your audience to remember the essentials of your presentation.

Consider the ideal length of your presentation. If you find yourself speaking too much for a single slide, consider how an image, video, or graph could convey your idea faster than speaking about it.

Visuals, when used properly, not only add another layer of interest, but also provide a clearer form of communication for complex ideas.

If you want to combine the aforementioned things—image, graphics, etc.—you can also make an infographic-based presentation.

If presenting on behalf of your company, be sure to add brand colors , fonts , and color schemes that make the most sense.

If presenting for schools, use school colors and the like. Everything else? Make sure you have a clear concept and build from there.

Do: Understand Your Audience

Before you focus on the visual techniques of effective presentation, you need to understand your audience.

A graph that highlights your company’s finances can include many details, but other presentations don’t need as much detailed information.

Keep your audience focused by knowing the ideal time limit of your presentation, understanding the kinds of visuals that’ll add to the tone of your message, and staying on task with a variety of slides.

A humorous image may be appropriate if it describes a main point, but may not be appropriate if it takes your audience down a rabbit trail.

Do: Choose a Variety of Media

Vector illustration of a team working together

There’s nothing worse than a PowerPoint presentation lacking in images. Regardless of your audience, you need to use visuals to add interest and another layer of information to your presentation.

By choosing the right images, you can save yourself time, convey more detailed information, and connect with your audience.

Your presentation doesn’t have to use only images and text. There are many kinds of media you can use in PowerPoint and other presentation software.

A multimedia approach can include the following dynamic content:

Choosing the right video is important in keeping your audience engaged, rather than distracted. Consider the mood of your presentation, the expectations of your audience, and the information you’re intending to convey.

A video of your CEO describing your brand goals may not be any more effective than describing those goals yourself. However, a short clip of students stating why they love your new educational programming can be a powerful addition to your presentation.

Vectors can add a level of professionalism, drawing the eye to important information, like contact information. Music, when used in moderation, can add an engaging background for your presentation.

Remember to use the right formats for all your media, ensuring it’s compatible with your presentation software. Typically, PowerPoint accepts MP3, AIFF, WAV, and other common audio options.

If you’re planning on using any audio in your presentation, make sure the presentation location has adequate technical support. Check volume levels and adjust them before you begin your presentation. Otherwise, your presentation may be either uncomfortably loud or too quiet to hear.

Don’t: Add Large Blocks of Text

Multiple paragraphs of text on a single slide can be intimidating. Without presentation visuals, a PowerPoint presentation can quickly become dull, monotonous, and hard to understand.

Keep your message clear and your audience on task with short phrases and single sentences. An image can summarize an entire paragraph easily, keeping the focus on the presenter.

Adding presentation visuals not only allows you to reduce the number of text blocks, it can also help connect one point to the next. Use a common color scheme or image category to connect ideas.

Don’t: Start Without a Clear Structure

Four vector illustrations demonstrating positive communication skills

While powerful visuals can create interest and help guide your audience, a series of images and videos without structure can be confusing and distracting.

Even the best media needs to be carefully structured for an orderly progression from one idea to the next.

Don’t just focus on the informational structure, think about the mood and media structure, as well. Even colors prompt different emotions and messages , so consider each design choice as you go.

If you have a powerful, heart-breaking documentary clip, ease into it with some images or music. Afterward, you’ll need a careful transition to prepare your audience for upbeat images or brightly colored vectors.

Don’t: Use Unclear Images

Finally, adding a pixelated, blurry, or vague image can distract from your purpose, communicating an unprofessional presentation. When selecting images for presentation slides, choose clear, relevant, high-resolution images for best results.

For a wide selection of leading royalty-free images, visit Shutterstock and browse our library today. Pick the images, illustrations, and vectors that help you connect with your audience, increase interest, and clearly communicate relevant information.

Plus, within Create lives 1+ million assets to use in your design. Simply click Images > Stock Photos and type in keywords to search your images.

Presenting can be as natural as you make it. Follow these guidelines for an intuitive and impactful presentation.

Practice makes perfect, so don’t shy away from repetitions, memorization, and hyping yourself up. Establishing a strong routine each day can help you “play how you practice,” as you would in sports.

When it comes to presentation day, know there are always unexpected happenings, so do your best to prepare ahead of time.

Master the material, check body language, and show up with confidence and a welcome tone. So long as you care, your audience will care.

If you need a place to start, hop into Create and check out our pre-made, easily customizable presentation templates, or click File > Create new > Blank Canvas to scroll for the presentation specs. Click to open and craft your best material yet.

License this cover image via fourSage .

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do's and don'ts of presentation slides

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Powerpoint Do’s and Don’ts

by Michelle Stevens

Powerpoint Do’s and Don’ts

Believe it or not, but PowerPoint, the ever present presentation tool, has been with us for nearly three decades. As anyone who has ever sat through a particularly dull slide deck can attest, there is a fine art to building and exhibiting a compelling presentation that keeps an audience’s attention. Here are a few tips to make your next PowerPoint something special:

DO:  Stay Concise

The biggest rookie PowerPoint mistake is to copy and paste all your information verbatim into the slides.

Not only is this incredibly boring, but no one is going to have the time or inclination to read a wall of text. Don’t turn a presentation into a book.

There’s no hard rule, but a good general principle is to limit yourself to five words per line and five lines per slide.

DON’T:  Overdo the Special Effects

After years of updates, PowerPoint is extremely full featured at this point.

But, while it can be fun to play with all the bells and whistles, too often they just end up being distractions,

Avoid overusing animations, flashy transitions, jarring sound effects, busy backgrounds, unnecessary drop shadows, ornate fonts, or any other effect that doesn’t make your information clearer.

DO:  Use Humor

Because the format is so well established and we’ve all seen thousands of them, even the best powerpoint presentations can struggle to engage audiences.

Don’t treat a presentation like an open mic night at the comedy club, but the occasional comic, snappy pun, or amusing anecdote will liven things up, make your arguments more memorable, and prevent monotony from setting in.

DON’T:  Just Read the Slides

Your audience, presumably, can already read. They don’t want to have the words on the screen read back to them word for word. Your slides should support an oral presentation, not just reiterate it.

Know the material well enough that your bullet points will jog your memory of the finer details that need to be addressed.

DO:  Look Up!

Even if you aren’t just reading from the slides and are just referring to them, you should still look up now and then to maintain eye contact with the audience– how else will you know if they are still awake?

DON’T:  Rush

Give your audience ample time to read each slide, but don’t delay so long as to lose their attention.

Also, don’t start speaking as soon as the next slide loads. Give the audience a few moments to scan the slide and get ready to hear what you have to say about it.

Likewise, don’t hit the next slide as soon as you finish discussing the current one. Give readers time to digest the information, and check out the room to see if they look ready to move on.

DO:  Be Bold and Direct

Use bold colors and sharp contrasts, not only because it will enhance legibility but because it imparts emotion and energy into your presentation.

Similarly, when it comes to fonts for presentations , bigger is almost always better. A point size of 18 is just about the bare minimum. Shoot for something closer to the mid to upper 20s. Also, bear in mind, sans serif fonts are considered more legible at big sizes.

DON’T:  Over Rely on Clipart

Especially in creative fields, people will notice clip art that doesn’t quite fit. Pull images and video from the web that are highly relevant and help drive your point home in an appealing way.

DO:  Save Handouts for the End

There’s some debate about this one. Some authorities believe following a handout will improve audience recall, but many believe it just pulls awareness away from the presenter.

Attendees already have the constant threat of smartphones to distract them. Don’t give them anything else that might overshadow the main event.

Be the center of attention at all times. Make your case and make it well, and then provide supplementary materials for people to look over at their leisure.

DON’T:  Overuse Statistics

No one needs to see all the raw data that went into your presentation. They want you to synthesize that information for them.

Slides overloaded with too many facts and figures will be tuned out. Besides anyone who needs all the granular details will ideally be able to get them on your website or handout materials.

If you have a stat you think is vital to the story you are telling, try to at least format it in a visually interesting way like a simple chart or graph.

DO:  Use Bullets and Numbered Lists

Humans process information better when it’s organized in discrete chunks. Take out information and break it down into major sections, and then break those down into subsections.

Information should flow in an orderly fashion and be extremely easy to understand and digest.

Progressively released bullet points (that pop up one at a time) can also be useful for helping the audience keep track of where you are in the presentation.

DON’T:  Be Afraid to Take a Pause

You don’t have to run through your slides unceasingly. Some presenters prefer to leave questions to the end, but others allow questions at any time.

But, if a question arises that causes a digression, consider hitting the letter “B” on the keyboard. This will pause the presentation and clear the screen,

If you leave the current slide up many eyes will stay fixated on it even as you are discussing something totally different.

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17 “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for Giving a Great Presentation

giving a great presentation

Public speaking is the #1 fear for a huge percentage of people .  It’s above the fear of dying for many people.  How can you think about giving a great presentation when you’re worried about even giving a basic presentation?

I’ve been doing public speaking events for over a decade, but it definitely wasn’t an easy journey.  It’s hard to get comfortable talking in front of groups of 10 people, let alone a hundred or a thousand.  Still, this is a skill that you can learn and even master with some study and practice.

Let’s look at some major “do’s” and “don’ts” for creating a great presentation.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

11 “Do’s” for Giving a Great Presentation

1. believe that giving a great presentation is a learnable skill..

Giving a good presentation is a learnable skill.   Even true introverts can give excellent presentations.   In fact, introverted people actually tend to plan better presentations though they may be more afraid to give them.  Extroverts are more likely to “wing it” but are more naturally comfortable being on a stage.

Both approaches have value, but both have their pitfalls.  Learning to give a great speech isn’t like putting a hammer to a nail.  It’s an organic process, and it takes time to get good at it.  But, through practice and repetition, you can be an amazing presenter !

2. Prepare for the presentation!

It takes a tremendous amount of work to make something appear effortless.  My general rule of thumb is to allocate 45-60 minutes of preparation time for every 5 minutes of speaking time .  So, for an hour-long presentation, I may prepare 10-12 hours ahead of time.

One important question is whether script the entire speech.  It depends on what you’re speaking about, but it’s generally advisable to not script 100% of your remarks.  It’s good to rehearse but not “sound rehearsed.”  Outline the presentation, make notes of any stories you want to tell and major points to drive home.  But, it’s not critical that you script every single word.

You can also prepare by having great-looking slides that will impress your audience.  That will give you more confidence going into the presentation.

3. When you’re with your peers, it’s ok to “speak your geek.”

Know your audience!  If you’re speaking to a group of colleagues, you don’t need to “dumb things down.”  It’s good to speak in layman’s terms with patients and audiences who are unfamiliar with your work.  However, with peers, feel free to use technical jargon that’s widely understood.

4. Use stories to transform your communication.

Listeners will only remember data 5% of the time, but they’ll remember stories 60% of the time .  That’s because stories are how we naturally communuicate !  Our brains are wired to think that way.

Listen to the podcast episode with Nancy Duarte to learn the formula for creating the most memorable story.  

Every presentation is more memorable with stories.  In fact, stories may be the only parts of your presentation that anyone remembers.  One thing you can do is build a “story library” for yourself.  Basically, that’s a collection of 10-20 stories that are memorable/impactful to you that you can pull out and use in a variety of different presentations when the need arises.

5. Develop a good “pre-talk ritual.”

Immediately prior to your presentation, what are you doing to get yourself ready to go up on stage?  Some people like to “pump themselves up,” and others prefer to “calm themselves down.”  I’m more of a calm-yourself-down kind of presenter.

If I’m presenting at a conference, for example, I like to sit in on the presentation right before mine and just listen.  I shut my brain off and don’t think about my presentation at all.  It’s helpful for me to be calm and just relax.  Otherwise, I find that I “get in my head” too much and I start getting anxious.

I know other people that prefer to listen to some Rocky music and box an imaginary punching bag.  Whatever your needs, pick a pre-talk ritual that helps you get in the right frame of mind so you can go out on that stage and crush it!

6. Follow the structure of a great presentation as outlined in Nancy Duarte’s podcast episode.

Jump to 19:52 to hear Nancy eloquently express the formula of a great presentation.  This is backed by thousands of analyses from the greatest speeches in history.

7. Use repetition, familiar phrases, imagery, and metaphors to help transport the audience.

If you’ve ever listened to Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, you’ll hear him use a lot of references that would have been familiar to his audience.  These references include Scriptures, hymns, and cultural references.

He also used repetition to great effect.  The phrase “I have a dream” appears 8 times in his speech.  That repetition made the speech more memorable and helped transport the audience to a new plane of comprehension.

8. Have the right level of emotional appeal to fit your audience.

Passion and emotion are good, but it needs to fit the “mood” of the audience to some degree.  You’re probably not going to do well giving a eulogy if you’re yelling and pumping people up like it’s halftime at the Super Bowl.

Emotional appeals are good and can help audience members  feel  the weight of your words in a more high-impact way.  Just make sure to “read the room” as you consider how to bring emotion into the presentation.  Sitting in the presentation before yours can be a great way to gauge how the people in the room are feeling.

9. Use your presentation to translate to real growth in your business.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

If you’re doing public speaking, what’s the point?  That is, what value does the speaking engagement bring to your business?  If you’re just in it to make money or get some experience, that’s fine as far as that goes.  But, a speaking engagement could be more valuable in propelling your business growth forward.

Are you going to a conference ?  You can network with other presenters and look for opportunities to collaborate.  You could meet the attendees and perhaps earn some new clients.

Speeches can also help establish you as a thought leader.  If your speech is being recorded, a great presentation can even be an opportunity for free promotion.

Whatever your plan, be intentional!  If you get invited to speak at an event, take that opportunity and use it for real business growth!

10. Use a speaking coach.

I haven’t used a speaking coach before, but I’ve definitely been considering it since my interview with Nancy Duarte .  Even the most seasoned veterans can benefit from coaching.

A good speaking coach can show you how to change your inflection, insert pauses and places to emphasize your points, and help you craft the structure of your speech.  You might not be able to afford one when you’re first starting out, but it’s worth considering if you’re going to be doing public speaking on a regular basis.

11. Use data to support your presentation.

Data are important to support the validity and authority of your talk, but you’ve got to weave it effectively into the story structure.  Don’t just spout random bits of data with no context.  Offer the data as supporting evidence within your story narrative.

6 “Don’ts” for Giving a Great Presentation

1. don’t be the hero in your story..

Always be the guide in your story !  The  audience is the hero.  You don’t want to be Luke Skywalker!   You want to be Yoda!!  The hero is the lead character in the story.  If you make yourself the hero, the audience who already thinks of themselves as the hero sees you as competition in the story.

If you play the guide instead, the audience looks to you to help them solve their problems.  Always be the guide, not the hero!!

2. Don’t be afraid to speak “off the cuff” occasionally.

I don’t generally advise “winging it,” but sometimes a little extemporaneous speaking is called for.  This is where the “story library” idea can come in handy.  You may be able to tell the same story in a variety of settings and emphasize different aspects of the story each time.  This strategy can give the feel of spontaneity but with the confidence of you generally knowing what you’re going to say.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

3. Don’t create slides in a “linear fashion.”

When you’re creating a slide deck, don’t just do it in a linear fashion (e.g. slide 1, slide 2, etc).   Start with the “guiding light” or main central point, and then every slide serves to drive home that central point.  You should be constantly driving your audience towards that central point.  All slides support that central point because it may be the only point your audience remembers.

4. Don’t read directly off the powerpoint slides.

I have gotten up and left in the middle of lectures when the lecturer was reading directly off the slides.  It’s so boring!  I can read faster than they talk.  They aren’t saying anything new by the time I’m finished reading, so I’m ready to move on to the next thing.

Powerpoint slides are fine, and you can even use it as a sort of teleprompter, but just don’t read directly off it!  Did you know you can hit the “B” button to turn your screen black or “W” to turn the screen white?    Then, you could use the powerpoint as a teleprompter and the audience doesn’t see it.

Put one central point on each slide and use it as a way to jog your memory for what you want to say.  You can have a couple of hundred slides with only one point or image per slide and it’s better than having 20 that are jam-packed with too much info.

5. Don’t use the podium as a crutch.

Move around the stage!   It projects confidence and keeps the audience engaged.  The best way to feel comfortable moving around the stage is spending a lot of time preparing the presentation beforehand.  Then, you’ll feel more confident breaking away from the podium.

6. Don’t be so afraid of public speaking that you never give it a try!

Public speaking is a genuine fear for a lot of people, but it’s so much fun!  You can do it!  Just give it a shot!

Final Thoughts

Public speaking isn’t an innate talent, and it’s not limited to extreme extroverts and “naturally charismatic” people.   Anyone can learn to be a public speaker.   If you’re worried about how it’ll go, start small.  Join the Toastmasters or similar club in your area.  Get with a speaking coach.  Read, study, and learn the tips and techniques of the best speakers.

Then, start looking for opportunities to speak to others.  Start with yourself, your friends, and your family.  Move up to local clubs and organizations, then gradually step it up from there.  There’s so much value in being good at public speaking, and I think it’s worth it to step out in faith and try!

Further Reading

  • Listen to the companion podcast episode with Nancy Duarte
  • 5 Big Mistakes Physicians Make with Social Media
  • What Makes a Great Physician Leader?  10 Lessons from a Surgeon General.

Please leave a comment below!  What’s your top tip for someone interested in public speaking?

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do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Presentation Training Institute

Presentation Training Institute

A division of bold new directions training, the do’s and don’ts of giving a presentation.

Preparing a presentation is not an easy task. It can be quite a challenge to compress a million ideas into a concise and powerful presentation. What adds to the challenge is finding a way to present the material so that it connects with the audience. Even the most knowledgeable people can lose their audience due to inadequate presentation skills. The good news is that presentation skills can be learned and refined. That’s why we have put together a list of do’s and don’ts that will help you deliver a more dynamic and effective presentation. 

The DO’S of an Effective Presentation: 

* Practice and Rehearse: We have all heard that practice makes perfect and a presentation is no exception. If you really want to deliver a great presentation it requires a great deal of practice and rehearsing. Practice in front of family, friends, or colleagues and invite them to provide helpful feedback. It can even be helpful to record yourself so you can see what areas could use improvement. 

*Start with a Catchy Opening: You only have one chance to make a good first impression so you want to capture your audience’s attention right away with a catchy opening. Try using a meaningful quote, a startling statistic, or even a personal story to grab your audience. Audiences will decide in those first few minutes whether or not they will pay attention to the rest of your presentation so you need to hook them right from the start. 

*Make Eye Contact: Eye contact is extremely important in order to connect with your audience. 70% of communication is in your body language so it’s important to maintain eye contact throughout your presentation. 

*Slow Down and Speak with Emphasis: Speak slowly and clearly and enunciate your words so your audience can understand what you are saying. Pause briefly between points, giving your audience time to absorb what you are saying. You also want to use inflection to add meaning to your message. This is a great way to emphasize key points and emotions. 

*Use Visuals: A picture is worth a thousand words so illustrate your points using pictures, charts, graphs, or videos. Not only does this increase your audience’s understanding, but it makes your presentation more interesting. 

*Engage Your Audience: Make your audience feel part of the presentation by engaging with them as you speak. Ask questions, take a poll, play a game, or encourage your audience to interact with you in some other way. This helps keep their attention and increases the energy level in the room. 

The DON’TS of Giving a Presentation

*Don’t Read from Your Slides: It’s perfectly acceptable to use a slideshow in your presentations, but you should never read directly from your slides. The text on your slides should be short and concise and serve as a guide for your speaking points. 

*Don’t Read from a Script: You will sound like a robot and miss out on opportunities to connect with your audience. This will prevent you from making eye contact and it makes the presentation feel very impersonal. 

*Don’t Talk Too Fast: It’s easy to begin speaking quickly when you are nervous but speaking too quickly makes it difficult for the audience to understand you, let alone absorb the information. 

*Don’t Fidget with Your Hands: Avoid fidgeting with your hands while you are speaking. Not only is this extremely distracting, but it lets the audience know that you are nervous and it can take away from your credibility. 

*Don’t Use Filler Words: Avoid saying words like “um†or “and†when you are speaking. Practice pausing and thinking in your head instead of using unnecessary filler words. 

*Don’t Pace Around: Try not to pace around the stage when you are talking, as this can be distracting and annoying to your audience. Move around the stage, but do so with purpose. 

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15 Do’s and Don’ts for PowerPoint in the Classroom

effective powerpoint

PowerPoint is an amazing tool for teachers. It can help you inform, entertain and engage your students. However, not all PowerPoint presentations are created equal. Some will make you want to poke your eyes out and make an appointment for root canal for fun.

My first year of teaching (2002) the assistant principal handed me a box of chalk and a blackboard to use. I still have the chalk dust under my nails and up my nose. When the SMART Board became available in my school and I and could use PowerPoint about ten years ago I thought I’d died and gone to heaven!

And I proceeded to make some of the most awful presentations imaginable. My poor students! The more I learned the worse it became. A fellow teacher showed me animations. The next day I’m lucky a kid did not have a seizure as I presented jumping, disappearing, twirling words and pictures ad nauseam.

A few clear guidelines on what to do and what not to do when designing your presentations will vastly improve your results. Avoid glaring colors, walls of words and complicated graphs. Keep your slides clean, legible and a backdrop to your lecture.

Let me quickly dispel a couple of theories. NO ONE CAN MULTITASK. You can try and do two things simultaneously, but your brain can only do one thing at a time. Trying to multitask can actually hurt your brain, according to Forbes .

What this means is that students cannot listen to what you’re saying, read what’s on the PowerPoint, take notes, look at the pictures and make sure their hair looks good all at the same time.

The amount of stimuli a student is subjected to has a direct effect on their ability to absorb, understand and remember information. This is known as Cognitive Load Theory.

The primary motive of most teachers is to inform and incite learning. To do this in an effective manner requires having these ideas top-of-mind as we plan.

Let’s cover some caveats and guidelines for your PowerPoints.

Don’t do this…

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

1. No Death By PowerPoint

I don’t think anyone has actually died from a brutal PowerPoint, but your presentation surely will. An endless array of slides being clicked on as you drone on is not conducive to exemplary pedagogy. Even if you sing, dance and do a stand-up routine instead of droning the students will be distracted from your performance by what’s happening on the SMARTBoard.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

2. No walls of text

Teachers are notorious for displaying one or more paragraphs of content on each slide. The idea is to give students something to take notes from. This can work; students will write what you have fed to them. They will fill their notebooks with ink.

There are two problems with this method. Number one, many students write word-for-word without without mentally computing the information. Secondly, their cannot focus on copying notes and listen to you at the same time.

Instead, try relegating just a word, phrase or question on the slide. Don’t speak while they write it down. Kids will have to listen to you in order to define the word or answer the question.

3. Too many visuals

This problem harks back to the Cognitive Load theory mentioned earlier. A slide that is too visually stimulating is often a bad idea. Can you occasionally create a slide filled with pictures, photos and colors? Yes, but include a simple slide before the busy one to allow content absorption, them follow up with the “popping” slide.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

4. Small pictures, fonts, graphs or maps

I was guilty of this on a regular basis.

Me, “Class, according to the map where did the first battle take place?”

Class: “I can’t see the names on the map; it’s too small.”

Me. “No, it’s not, but if you can’t see come up to the front and look.”

Reality check, many students don’t wear their glasses. Also, we’re normally in the front near the presentation. Stand at the very back of the room to see what that view is like.

5. Too many bullet points

The purpose of bullet points is to succinctly display information. Too many bullet points defeats the whole purpose. It forces you to use a smaller font as well. Keep it down to three or four, or refer to the 25-word rule.

6. Reading from the PowerPoint

Don’t do this. It makes you redundant and superfluous. Think about when when your students a PowerPoint presentation as an assignment. What is it like when they present by simply reading what they wrote on each slide. Awful.

I have to assume you don’t need the notes on the slides as a cheat sheet. Most teachers know their content. A brief phrase is all you need to jar your memory as to what you wanted to say. If there are statistics or details to remember put them in the notes portion of the slide.

7. Glaring colors combos

Do you think that orange, yellow and purple work well together? Perhaps on a tie-dye shirt, but not for visual aids. It’s best to keep the color pallet crisp with contrasting dark and light. This makes for easy reading and no jarring distractions.

8. Intricate graphs

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

I think the slide above says it all.

Do this instead…

9. keep it streamlined and simple.

Think about a black cocktail dress; it’s simple but stunning. Your PowerPoints should be black cocktail dresses, or a tailored grey suit if you’re a man. They will be both visually appealing and, most importantly, effective teaching tools.

10. Keep it clear

Always look at your presentation through the eyes of a student. If there is ANY way to misread or misconstrue something they will.

I remember comparing the Civil War to a bad break up, trying to make connections for the kiddos. To illustrate the point of view of the south I asked them to imagine:

Imagine your significant other turned out to be the opposite of everything you ever wanted. S/he was a bully and wouldn’t let you see your friends. He pushed you around and took your money. So you break up.

Then the law tells you that you must reunite with this awful person and were forced to reunite with them. How would you feel?

Many of them had a lot to say about that. I congratulated myself for making a good connection for the kiddos. Until I read a student’s essay on the Civil War:

The North and south had bad marriage. It got physical. Even though they hated each other they couldn’t get a divorce. The law made them stay together. This was good because nobody had to pay child support.

Not exactly the results I was looking for. Clarity is a necessity.

11. Save the memes for Instagram

Anything that can distract kids will. One photo or picture per slide will suffice. Memes and gifs should be kept to a minimum. I love a good gif and can’t help but use them sometimes. But it’s not good practice if your goal is a focused class.

12. Under 25 words

There’s an arbitrary rule in town, created by yours truly. No one slide should contain more than 25 words 90% of the time. Follow a concrete guide such as this and you’re sure to improve your slides.

13. Ask a question on each slide

Type a question on your slide and nothing else. I mentioned this above as one way to utilize a presentation. It could be the same question on every slide.

For instance, when I taught the Roaring Twenties each slide had a different change that took place during the decade. The question on every slide was: It this a political, economic or social change? Students were learning content and reviewing key social studies terms.

Another example are the MAIN causes of World War I. For each cause there is one word on the slide: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism. The question for each was the same: How would this cause a war?

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

14. Add a short video

Enhance your presentation with a short video whenever possible. Find one that reiterates what you are teaching or hones in on one aspect of the lesson. It’s good for differentiation, reinforces content and breaks up the PowerPoint. Be sure to ask at least one question about the video so that students actually have to pay attention.

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

15. Try using one picture for your background

This is quick, easy and effective. Instead of scrounging around for appropriate photos and pictures for every slide find a nice one and use it as your background. Then create a text box for your question or phrase for each slide. This helps to ensure that there’s not too much text, because you want most of the background picture to show.

I know some of these suggestions are controversial. Maybe you’re yelling at your screen as you’re reading this.

“Are you kidding me? If it weren’t for my funny and engaging PowerPoint presentations my students would be asleep or on their phones!”

That’s fine. Just remember why you’re creating the presentation; to reinforce learning. If you create your PowerPoints looking at it through your students’ eyes the presentations will rock!

Teach and Thrive

A Bronx, NY veteran high school social studies teacher who has learned most of what she has learned through trial and error and error and error.... and wants to save others that pain.

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10 Dos and Don'ts for Technical Presentations

Designing a technical PowerPoint presentation

  • Brock University

Yuri_Arcurs / Getty Images

When using PowerPoint or other presentation software for a technical presentation, your primary concerns should be:

  • How technical should this presentation be?
  • Can I make this information clear and concise?

A technical presentation is the most difficult type of presentation to make. Your audience may include highly skilled individuals as well as those who are not as familiar with the concepts or terminology. You will need to address both learning styles. Audience analysis is an important skill in itself and should be one of the first items on your presentation checklist.

  • Keep the fonts consistent in both style and size throughout the whole presentation.
  • Use common ​ fonts that are available on every computer , such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri. This way, there will not be any surprises if the computer used for the presentation does not have the unusual font you chose installed, and therefore substitutes another font.
  • Include relevant photos and graphics such as simple charts or diagrams. Consider whether the audience can understand the information presented or if you need to simplify the chart/diagram for clarity.
  • Make sure that graphics are of good quality so the information is easily deciphered at the back of the room.
  • Make labels on charts large enough to be read at a distance.
  • Use heightened contrast on your slides. Consider creating the same presentation in two formats — one presentation with dark text on a light background, and a second, duplicate presentation using light text on a dark background. This way, you are ready for either a very dark room or very bright room to present in and can choose the suitable presentation accordingly.
  • Keep the number of slides to a minimum. Present only what is necessary and don't overwhelm the audience with too much information. Technical information is hard enough to digest.
  • Allow time for a question period at the end of your presentation.
  • Know everything about your topic so that you are prepared for any question that arises, even if the question was not covered in the material you presented.
  • Have detailed handouts ready to give out after the presentation. This allows the audience to later reflect on the presentation and the information is ready at hand for any necessary follow-up.

The Don'ts

  • Don't confuse the audience with disorganized slides so that the purpose of the presentation is not crystal clear.
  • Don't overwhelm your audience with busy slides. Think of that old cliché — "less is more."
  • Don't use small images or small text on your slides. Think about those people at the back of the room.
  • Don't use script type fonts. They are notoriously difficult to read at the best of times, let alone on a screen.
  • Don't use more than three or four related points on each slide.
  • Don't use a fancy background . It may be pretty or even on topic, but the text will be difficult to read. Keep to a subtle backdrop for the information.
  • Don't add pictures for the sake of decoration. Make sure there is a point to be made and that information is obvious to the viewer.
  • Don't use sounds or animations unless they are to emphasize a point. Even then, it is risky as they can detract from the main focus of the presentation.
  • Don't use acronyms unless all members of the audience are familiar with them.
  • Don't include more than four or five items on a chart. Even though Excel charts can be made to show great detail, a slideshow is not the place for this information. Stick to important facts only.

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Home Free PowerPoint Templates Free Do’s and Don’ts PowerPoint Template

Free Do’s and Don’ts PowerPoint Template

Download free do’s and don’ts powerpoint template & google slides.

Clipart Icons Thumbs Up and Down

The Free Do’s and Don’ts PowerPoint Template is a presentation tool for comparison topics. These are two free slides of PowerPoint with four and five rows comparison presentation to choose from. This template is designed to display the do’s and don’ts of any project or process. For example, mistakes which should not be repeated or the guidelines which must be followed for smooth process flow. These free layouts of comparison tables enable users to list down positive and negative elements of business activity. Like clearly explaining the steps to take or not during an ongoing process.

The Free Do’s and Don’ts PowerPoint Template provides two contents layout with circular comparison graphic in the middle. This graphic shows 2 halves of circle to demonstrate two opposite. These could be the comparisons between right and wrong, pros and cons etc. Here, the green semi-circle contains a thumbs up icon and red has thumbs down. Because green color symbolically portrays positive, good, and affirmative action. While red is the color for danger, to display negatives or unacceptable terms. Further, the rows on both do’s and don’ts slide contain symbolic icons for bullet point representation. Such as green check marks under do’s and red cross mark under don’ts.

The free PowerPoint is useful in both business and casual presentation. Since users can add these slides to display acceptable behavior in a data table. For instance, listing healthy and unhealthy food items to present on social media. The editable PowerPoint template of do’s and don’ts includes a collection of icons, shapes, and text placeholders. The users can change colors and shapes for a personalized outlook. Like changing the shape style or adding special effects in format menu. The premium subscribers can take advantage of 4 slide do’s and don’ts PowerPoint template with assorted background template.

  • 100% Editable PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides.
  • Compatible with all major Microsoft PowerPoint versions, Keynote and Google Slides.
  • Modern 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
  • Scalable Vectorial PowerPoint Shapes and PowerPoint Icons.
  • Instant Access and Download.
  • New Templates every week.

Google Slides Preview

Our PowerPoint Templates are compatible with Google Slides. Take the most of every platform using the tool you like.

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dos and donts powerpoint templates

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do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Weight Calculus 02 PowerPoint Template

Weight Calculus 02 Presentation Template Use this Weight Calculus 02 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any profes....

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  •   Weight Calculus - 16x9  –  $4.99

Weight Calculus PowerPoint Template

Weight Calculus PowerPoint Template

Weight Calculus Presentation Template Use this Weight Calculus PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional....

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  •   Pros and Cons Circle Template - 16x9  –  $4.99

Pros and Cons Circle PowerPoint Template

Pros and Cons Circle PowerPoint Template

Pros and Cons Circle Presentation Template Use this Pros and Cons Circle PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any pr....

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  •   Meeting-Etiquettes-03 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Meeting Etiquettes 03 PowerPoint Template

Meeting Etiquettes 03 PowerPoint Template

Meeting Etiquettes 03 Presentation Template Use this Meeting Etiquettes 03 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any ....

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  •   Meeting-Rules-01 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Meeting Rules 01 PowerPoint Template

Meeting Rules 01 PowerPoint Template

Meeting Rules 01 Presentation Template Use this Meeting Rules 01 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any profession....

  •   Meeting-Rules-02 - 4x3  –  $4.99
  •   Meeting-Rules-02 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Meeting Rules 02 PowerPoint Template

Meeting Rules 02 PowerPoint Template

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Dos Don’ts 17 PowerPoint Template

Use this Dos Don’ts 17 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design ....

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  •   Dos Don'ts PowerPoint Template 52 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Dos Don’ts 52 PowerPoint Template

Dos Don’ts 52 PowerPoint Template

Use this Dos Don’ts 52 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design ....

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  •   Dos Don'ts PowerPoint Template 72 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Dos Don’ts 72 PowerPoint Template

Dos Don’ts 72 PowerPoint Template

Use this Dos Don’ts 72 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design ....

  •   Dos Don'ts PowerPoint Template 93 - 4x3  –  $4.99
  •   Dos Don'ts PowerPoint Template 93 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Dos Don’ts 93 PowerPoint Template

Dos Don’ts 93 PowerPoint Template

Use this Dos Don’ts 93 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design ....

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  •   Dos Don'ts PowerPoint Template 113 - 16x9  –  $4.99

Dos Don’ts 113 PowerPoint Template

Dos Don’ts 113 PowerPoint Template

Use this Dos Don’ts 113 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design....

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  •   Dos Don'ts PowerPoint Template 134 - 16x9  –  $4.99

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Dos Don’ts 134 PowerPoint Template

Use this Dos Don’ts 134 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design....

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Pros And Cons

Dos & don'ts powerpoint templates for presentations:.

The Dos & Don’ts PowerPoint templates go beyond traditional static slides to make your professional presentations stand out. Given the sleek design and customized features, they can be used as PowerPoint as well as  Google Slides templates . Inculcated with visually appealing unique and creative designs, the templates will double your presentation value in front of your audience. You can browse through a vast library of Dos & Don’ts Google Slides templates,  PowerPoint themes  and  backgrounds  to stand out in your next presentation.

Product Pricing

What is a dos & don'ts powerpoint template.

A Dos & Don’ts PowerPoint template is a ready-made presentation template that provides a structured framework for creating professional Dos & Don’ts presentations. The Dos & Don’ts PPT presentation template includes design elements, layouts, and fonts that you can customize to fit your content and brand.

How To Choose The Best Dos & Don'ts Presentation Templates?

Keep the following points in mind while choosing a Dos & Don’ts Presentation template for PowerPoint (PPT) or Google Slides:

  • Understand your presentation goals and objectives.
  • Make sure the Dos & Don’ts template aligns with your visual needs and appeal.
  • Ensure the template is versatile enough to adapt to various types of content.
  • Ensure the template is easily customizable.

Are Dos & Don'ts PowerPoint Templates Compatible With Google Slides?

Yes, all our Dos & Don’ts presentation templates are compatible and can be used as Dos & Don’ts Google Slides templates.

What Are The Advantages Of Dos & Don'ts Presentation Templates?

Dos & Don’ts PPT presentation templates can be beneficial because they:

  • Add multiple visual and aesthetic layers to your slides.
  • Ensure that complex information, insights and data is presented in a simplistic way.
  • Enhance the overall visual appeal of the content.
  • Save you a lot of time as you don’t have to start editing from scratch.
  • Improve the professional outlook of your presentation.

Can I Edit The Elements In Dos & Don'ts PowerPoint Templates?

Yes, our Dos & Don’ts PowerPoint and Google Slides templates are fully editable. You can easily modify the individual elements including icons, fonts, colors, etc. while making your presentations using  professional PowerPoint templates .

How To Download Dos & Don'ts PowerPoint Templates For Presentations?

To download Dos & Don’ts presentation templates, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the resolution (16*9 or 4*3).
  • Select the format you want to download the Dos & Don’ts template in (Google Slides or PowerPoint).
  • Make the payment (SlideUpLift has a collection of paid as well as free Dos & Don’ts PowerPoint templates).
  • You can download the file or open it in Google Slides.

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Home Collections Analysis Dos and Donts

Free Dos And Donts Presentation Templates

Teach both do's and don'ts with our pre-made, editable free dos and donts powerpoint templates and google slides themes, effective tools for comparing topics. it includes checklists to show what's right and helps to highlight key points with bright colors and eye-catching icons. free templates for all your needs don't wait, get your free templates now.

Dos and Donts

  • Simple checklists and tick marks: Make your "dos" and "don'ts" crystal-clear at a glance.
  • Bold green checks and red Xs: Visually reinforce your points, no words are needed.
  • Multiple formats (4:3 & 16:9) and orientations (portrait & landscape): These slides adapt to any screen, big or small.
  • Royalty-free and 100% editable: Customize them with your own content, without worrying about copyright.
  • Free slides available: Try before you buy! See how our powerful free templates can transform your presentations.
  • Perfect for everyone: From business people to students to anyone who wants to communicate effectively.
  • Ideal for any occasion: Boardroom pitches, classroom lessons, workshops – these slides conquer them all.
  • Simple and clear: No more text overload! Our slides are designed to be easy to understand at a glance.
  • Visually engaging: Infographics, checklists, and bold colors keep your audience hooked and help them understand the positive and negative aspects .
  • Time-saving: Drop the blank canvas! Get started quickly with pre-designed slides.
  • Versatile: Adapt our templates to fit any topic or presentation style.
  • Confidence booster: Deliver your message with clarity and impact, knowing your slides are top-notch.

We're here to help you!

What are dos and donts powerpoint templates.

Dos And Donts PowerPoint templates are a great way to create presentations that help people learn about proper behavior and etiquette. These templates provide visuals to emphasize certain dos and don'ts in different situations.

Where can we use these Dos And Donts Slides?

You can use these Dos and Donts Slides in any presentation, classroom, or workplace meeting. You can also use them to help engage an audience in a discussion about etiquette or to help teach proper behavior in various situations.

How can I make Dos And don'ts PPT Slides in a presentation?

Start by creating a table with two sections to explain Dos And don'ts. Determine the points and the core idea that you will use. Suppose you want to create slides by yourself. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Dos And Donts PPT Templates?

Anyone can use Dos And Donts PPT Templates. The templates help create presentations and infographics that communicate importantly do's and don'ts of any topic. They are ideal for business presentations, school projects, or other communication projects.

Why do we need Dos And Donts PowerPoint Slides?

Dos and Donts PowerPoint slides effectively communicate important safety and compliance information to employees quickly. They provide a visual aid to remind employees of the proper procedures and safeguards.

Where can I find free Dos And don'ts PPT Templates?

Many websites offer free Dos And don'ts PPT templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites' uniquely designed templates help explain the consequences of not following the proper precautions.

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do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Share slides in Microsoft Teams meetings with PowerPoint Live

PowerPoint Live in Teams gives both the presenter and audience an inclusive and engaging experience, combining the best parts of presenting in PowerPoint with the connection and collaboration of a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

When you’re the presenter, you have a unique view that lets you control your presentation while staying engaged with your audience, seeing people’s video, raised hands, reactions, and chat as needed.

And if you’re an audience member, you can interact with the presentation and personalize your viewing experience with captions, high contrast slides, and slides translated into your native language.

Here’s how it works:  

Tip:  Are you an audience member? Jump down to learn more about how you can interact during the presentation.

Presenter view

PowerPoint presentation in Teams

Present your slides

PowerPoint Live sharing file options

If you're in PowerPoint for the web, select Present > Present in Teams .

Your slides will appear in the Teams meeting, with your Notes next to them.

Navigate through the slides

Navigation arrows in PowerPoint Live

Use the navigation arrows to go forward and backward.

Use the thumbnail strip to jump ahead or backwards.

Select Go to slide to see a grid view of all slides in the presentation. Select one to jump to it.

Stay connected to the audience

One of the benefits of using PowerPoint Live to present instead of sharing your screen is that you have quick access to all your meeting tools you need to engage with the audience and to read the room in one view. This is especially true if you’re presenting from a single screen.

Turn Chat on or off to view what your audience is saying.

See audience reactions and raised hands in real-time.

Change the Layout of your presentation and choose how your live camera feed appears in your presentation, like Standout or Cameo . It helps the audience read your non-verbal cues and keeps them engaged.

Use the Laser pointer , Pen , Highlighter , or Eraser to clearly reference items on your slides.

Audience view

As an audience member, you’re able to personalize your experience without affecting anyone else. Try these options to find what works best for you:

Select Sync to Presenter, next to the navigation arrows

Note:  If presenters don't want people to be able to independently navigate through a PowerPoint file they are sharing, use the  Private view  toggle to turn it off.

Click any hyperlink on slides to get more context right away.

Interact with videos on slides to adjust the volume or jump to a timestamp and consume it at your own pace.

Use a screen reader to get full access to the slide content.

Select Translate slides

Switch to a high contrast view to make the slides easier to view if you have low vision. Select More options > View slides in high contrast .

Your viewing experience will be at a higher fidelity, letting you see crisp text and smooth animations. PowerPoint Live also requires significantly less network bandwidth than typical sharing, making it the best option when network connectivity is a problem.

Independent magnifying and panning

You can zoom in and pan on a presentation slide without affecting what others see. Use your mouse, trackpad, keyboard, touch, or the Magnify Slide option as applicable. 

To zoom in or out on a slide, do any one of the following: 

Hover over the slideshow and pinch or stretch on trackpad.

Pinch or use the stretch touch gesture (on a touch-enabled device).

Press the + or – keys.

Hover over slide, hold down Ctrl key and scroll with mouse wheel.

In the More Actions menu, click the + or – buttons.

To pan around your slide, do any one of the following:

Press the arrow keys.

Click and drag using a mouse.

Click and drag on a trackpad.

Use one finger to touch and drag (on touch-enabled device).

When done zooming and panning, press  Esc to reset your screen.   


PowerPoint Live is not supported in Teams live events, CVI devices, and VTC devices.

If you're using Teams on the web, you’ll need Microsoft Edge 18 or later, or Google Chrome 65 or later, to see the presenter view.

Presenter view is hidden by default for small screen devices but can be turned on by selecting More options below the current slide and then Show presenter view (or by selecting the sharing window and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+x).

Meetings recordings won’t capture any videos, animations, or annotation marks in the PowerPoint Live session.

When you share from Teams, the PowerPoint Live section lists the most recent files you've opened or edited in your team SharePoint site or your OneDrive. If you select one of these files to present, all meeting participants will be able to view the slides during the meeting. Their access permissions to the file outside of the meeting won't change.

If you select Browse and choose to present a PowerPoint file that hasn't been uploaded to Teams before, it will get uploaded as part of the meeting. If you're presenting in a channel meeting, the file is uploaded to the Files tab in the channel, where all team members will have access to it. If you're presenting in a private meeting, the file is uploaded to your OneDrive, where only the meeting participants will be able to access it.


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What’s a B2B presentation, and how to have the perfect one?

  • Business Slides
  • Guide & How to's

What’s a B2B presentation, and how to have the perfect one?

Creating an effective B2B presentation is not always easy! Given that there is more on the line, this type of presentation is often regarded as more demanding than B2C presentations. The decision-makers in the company you are targeting will consider the interests of the entire company, not just their own. Business-to-business presentations, especially those that have to do with sales, must, therefore, be strategic and laser-focused on what you can provide. We understand how important this task is for your company. That’s why today we’ll walk you through the process of creating ideal B2B presentation slides. Additionally, we’ll share the best advice on delivering impactful presentations from top experts. Let’s get started!

What’s a business-to-business presentation?

A business-to-business (B2B) presentation is a series of carefully crafted slides designed to introduce you and your company and explain how your product or service can help potential clients overcome challenges and transform their businesses.

Whether delivered in person or virtually, the goal is to demonstrate your value proposition, earn their trust, and ultimately close the deal.

What to include in your B2B sales presentation?

Regardless of your industry, your business-to-business presentation has to include the following seven slides to achieve its goals:

1. Clear presentation overview or agenda

Including the key points that will be covered throughout the meeting in the first one to three slides is essential. A clear agenda helps your prospects feel more at ease during the presentation.

2. Introduction to your company

When it comes to making that all-important final decision, the story behind your company and its mission can make all the difference. This slide provides a compelling reason for your audience to listen and trust in your offerings.

3. The problem

An integral component of any B2B PowerPoint presentation is focusing on a pain point. In business-to-business sales, you should already understand your prospects’ problems and why they need your products/services. Use this knowledge to your advantage:

  • Identify the problem.
  • Support your claims with statistics and case studies.
  • Utilize this context to introduce your value proposition.

4. Why us or your solution to the problem

This is where you should actively market yourself and explain to your prospects why they should choose you over a competitor. Your ‘Why Us’ slide should focus on the following points:

  • Your experience in the field.
  • Satisfied customers you’ve worked with; use happy faces.
  • What makes you unique or your main differentiator.
  • The value that you offer.
  • The ease of working with you.

Keep all information in bullet points, as this slide is where your passion and confidence should shine through.

5. The offering or your product/service

Any B2B presentation ppt should include one to three slides covering products or services. Since the goal is to sell your product or service, this section should receive the most focus. Provide a succinct, clear explanation of what your offering includes. Don’t overcrowd slides with text; instead, use bullet points and imagery when possible.

6. Meet the team

A ‘Meet the Team’ slide is an excellent option when selling a service instead of a product. Prospective customers can better envision themselves as your partners when they see the team they’ll be interacting with if they choose to work with you. Keep it brief and include their photos, bios, and qualifications without delving too deeply into detail.

7. Presentation overview and next steps

As your B2B sales presentation comes to an end, you want this company to become a new client. Providing them with a wrap-up of the key points gives you one last chance to remind them of your products and services and how they will ease their lives. It’s also your final opportunity to make a lasting impression. Therefore, focus on what’s next and clearly explain the steps to take. Outline the onboarding process, pricing options, and what comes next. Whether it’s a follow-up email, a phone call, or another meeting, ensure you have a plan.

Before ending your business-to-business presentation, make sure you’ve addressed all potential questions your prospects may have, included a call-to-action and contact information. This may increase their likelihood of being positively engaged with your company.

Experts insights: How to prepare B2B presentation that converts

While anyone can put together a presentation using Google Slides or PowerPoint, creating a pitch deck that turns prospects into clients demands a sales-driven approach. To ensure your presentation converts effectively, it’s crucial that you do the following:

1. Customize your slides to the industry

If your company provides to different industries, tailoring your slides to the industry and prospect’s specific issues will help make your presentation much more relatable. That’s when having editable master slides like those delivered by our pitch deck design service can be a huge aid.

2. Engage with your audience

Creating an emotional bond with your audience and making your presentation memorable is not just about telling anecdotes. It’s also about providing them with a face and a name they can empathize with. Additionally, engaging with your audience by asking questions or encouraging interaction will give your prospects the impression that their concerns and needs are really taken into account.

3. Create a professional design

When giving a business-to-business presentation, your presentation design matters just as much as your appearance! First impressions are crucial, and the way you design your slides can convey a lot about your business, values, and overall professionalism. So, keep the following points in mind when creating your presentation:

  • Your slides should complement your speech, not serve as a script.

Keep your slides visually appealing and avoid large blocks of text so as not to distract the audience.

  • Quality is more important than quantity.

Only include essential images, videos, charts, etc., that directly connect your product or service with the customer’s needs.

  • Keep your presentation on-brand.

Your sales presentation and the content prospects see on your social media, website, etc., should be consistent. Remember, aligning every element of your presentation with your brand demonstrates attention to detail and care for your reputation.

How to maximize the impact of your presentation

Crafting a professional presentation that achieves its goals is quite a big deal. If you need a truly effective presentation tailored to your industry, needs, and brand, teaming up with qualified experts at our presentation design company is your best investment. Our designers can elevate your presentation from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’ within just 24 hours. B2B presentation examples are also available upon request!

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Informal vs formal presentation (plus tips on creating and delivering both)

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KPI presentation: a practical guide for managers

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6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024 (Compared)

do's and don'ts of presentation slides

Pricing: $15 per month Standout Features: Generative AI Presentation Builder, Advanced Analytics Tracking, Extensive Stock Image Access

Slides AI Logo

Pricing: $10 per month Standout Features: Comprehensive Creative AI Tools, Advanced Image Edit Capabilities, Professional Presentation Generation

PowerPoint Logo

Pricing: $6.99 per year Standout Features: One-Click AI Presentation, Rich Template Collection, PowerPoint Integration

If you’ve ever been tasked with creating a presentation for your business or a client, you know how time-consuming it can be. Sitting in front of a blank page, combing through endless templates, or spending hours on a presentation likely isn’t high on your list of priorities. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) , there’s a better way to create presentations. In this post, we’ll delve into the best AI presentation tools so you can spend more time on other tasks.

Let’s dive in.

  • 1 What is an AI Presentation Tool?
  • 2 What to Look for in an AI Presentation Maker
  • 3.1 1. Simplified
  • 3.2 2. Slides AI
  • 3.3 3. PowerPoint
  • 3.4 4. Gamma
  • 3.5 5. Beautiful AI
  • 3.6 6. Tome
  • 4.1 Top 3 Best AI Presentation Tool Feature Comparison
  • 4.2 Best AI Presentation Tool Price Comparison
  • 5 What is the Best AI Presentation Tool?
  • 6 Frequency Asked Questions

What is an AI Presentation Tool?

what is an AI presentation tool

Image created with Divi AI

An AI presentation tool is a system that uses machine learning generative AI that allows you to create presentations in minutes rather than hours. These revolutionary tools will enable you to craft your presentation from script to finished product, all with a descriptive text prompt.

What to Look for in an AI Presentation Maker

As we explore the top AI presentation makers available, it’s best to look for features that will make your life easier, not harder. Here are a few things that your chosen tool should offer:

  • Ease-of-use: If you want to incorporate an AI presentation tool into your workflow, you’ll want to find something easy to use. After all, you seek a less time-consuming way to create presentations. You shouldn’t have to spend hours learning a new interface.
  • Integration with popular software: Those in the business world know that there are three primary presentation tools that almost everyone uses: Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Keynote, and Google Slides. When shopping for AI presentation tools, look for products that can easily export your creations for those popular programs.
  • Customization options: Another essential factor to consider is how easily you can customize your presentation. Look for programs that won’t force you to stick with cookie-cutter AI-generated templates. Make sure you can make design and text edits as you need them.
  • Tutorials: Learning new software can be intimidating, so choose a platform with plenty of tutorials and support should you encounter any problems.

6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024

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We evaluated over a dozen AI presentation tools. While some decent ones didn’t make our list, we wanted to focus on tools that are easy to use, work with popular programs like PowerPoint or Google Slides, and offer the most features. Without further ado, here are our top picks for the best AI presentation tools money can buy. Most offer free versions or a free trial, so feel free to try all of them out to find the best fit for your situation.

The AI Presentation Tools Listed In Order

  • Beautiful AI

1. Simplified

🥇 best ai presentation tool overall.


Simplified is one of the most robust AI tools on the market today. Generative artificial intelligence can create presentations, images, memes, thumbnails, social media quotes, and more. What makes it unique is its wealth of AI features that appeal to creatives and content creators across different mediums, including digital art, writing, videos, and online advertising through social media.

Edit Images With AI

Simplified image editing

Another cool feature of Simplified is the image editing feature. You can remove or replace the background, erase elements, magically remove artifacts or other imperfections, autofocus, or use generative fill to add additional details to your photos. The generative fill feature works much like Photoshop AI , where you can select an area of a photograph and fill it with a new element you describe with a text prompt.

What We Like About Simplified

  • Multimedia: Generate presentations and other forms of media
  • Editing: Edit images and text with AI
  • Branding: Create logos and design elements with AI
  • Simple to Use: One-click editing tools for image editing

What Could Be Improved

  • Translations: The AI sometimes struggles with translating other languages
  • No Interactive Features: Unlike other AI presentation tools, Simplified doesn’t offer any interactive tools

🥇 Why We Picked It

We chose Simplified due to the sheer number of AI tools available with the platform. In addition to making AI presentations, users can use an AI image generator, AI writer, video editor, memes, and more. The interface is easy to understand, the price is affordable, and you can accomplish everything you need in one place as a content creator.

Who Is Simplified Best For?

Simplified may be for you if you’re in the market for an all-in-one design tool. With AI tools for generating presentations and all their elements, you can design like the pros for a very affordable price.

Community Reviews And Ratings

Simplified is praised for its user-friendly interface, integrations, and free plan. However, some say it lacks advanced writing tools compared to other platforms.

G2 Logo

Simplified offers a limited free plan with pro plans starting at $15 monthly .

➡️ Read Our Complete Simplified Review .

Try Simplified

2. Slides AI

🥈 best ai presentation tool for google.

AI presentation tools Slides AI

Slides AI is an extension for Chrome designed to work inside Google Slides. Provide it with a topic, including any requested elements, and Slides AI will create up to a 10-page presentation in minutes. There are limited features, but it adds slides, generates text, and sets formatting based on your prompt. In addition to generating slides, Slides AI has a Magic Write feature, which allows you to paraphrase sentences, suggests images for your presentations, and helps you search for citations for your work.

Slides AI Works as an Extension

Slides AI text prompt

Slides AI has a simple interface, allowing you to focus more on creating content than learning new software. Since it works as an extension within Google Slides, you simply have to click a button and type in some text, and Slides AI will do the rest.

What We Like About Slides AI

  • Magic Write: Generate text through the power of AI
  • Generate Slides: Create new slides based on original content
  • Topic-Based: Create slides from a topic
  • Software Limitations: There aren’t a lot of creative tools with Slides AI so presentations may look generic

🥈Why We Picked It

For those using Google Slides or PowerPoint, Slides AI is an excellent choice. It allows you to streamline slide creation through a simple interface, AI writing, and AI-generated themes. The plans are affordable so that budget-conscious people will get a lot of bang for their buck.

Who Is Slides AI Best For?

If you are a regular Google Slides user, Slides AI is a no-brainer. You can save time creating your slides and give them a fresh look in seconds. The downside to Slides AI is that there is no text generator. That said, plenty of AI writers , such as Rytr or Jasper , can help.

Those who like Slides AI call it a “game changer” for creating presentations. However, the AI-slide generation is a bit vanilla.

➡️ Read Our Complete Slides AI Review .

Slides AI is available for free , with pro plans starting at $10 per month .

Try Slides AI

3. PowerPoint

🥉 best ai presentation tool for business professionals.

AI presentation tools Microsoft 365

Microsoft is the founding father of business software, including the widely popular PowerPoint . Sure, there are other products out there that are geared toward businesses, but PowerPoint is the gold standard for making presentations. Did you know that it comes with AI features built right in? Companies that already use Microsoft products will be pleased to know that you can generate incredible designs for your presentations through integration with Copilot.

Practice Delivering Your Presentations

Microsoft reheasal report

One of the best features of PowerPoint is the Rehearse with Coach AI tool. It records your voice and image on video to evaluate your performance. It allows you to read through your presentation and then get a professional critique of how you did. You’ll get a rehearsal report that analyzes your body language, notes how many filler words you used, and analyzes your pace and pitch.

What We Like About Microsoft 365

  • AI Designer: AI-powered design suggestions for generating slides
  • Automatic Slide Generation: Uses AI to add additional slides based on the original design
  • Rehearsal Reports: Generate rehearsal reports to get feedback on presentation delivery
  • Lack of Interactivity: PowerPoint only allows for text, images, and graphics but nothing else

🥉 Why We Picked It

Microsoft is the go-to for professional business software. Between its highly collaborative nature, design flexibility, and overall visual impact, PowerPoint has been a top contender for years. Now, with artificial intelligence on board, presenters can easily design slides faster, practice their delivery, and get feedback on how well they perform during rehearsal.

Who Is Microsoft 365 Best For?

If you make presentations for a living or your company requires PowerPoint, check out their AI tools. The Rehearsal Report feature is well worth the cost, especially if you are the one who has to give the presentation you create. Microsoft will even give you a 30-day risk-free trial to try it out. The downside is that you can’t edit the images it generates, but you can get around that by adding an AI art generator to your arsenal of tools.

Fans of PowerPoint note its ease of use, flexibility, and stability. On the other hand, consumers wish there were more interactive features.

Microsoft offers a 30-day free trial with prices starting at $6.99 per month per person.

Try Microsoft 365

Gamma AI presentation tool

Gamma is one of the most intuitive platforms on our list. It uses generative AI to build your presentation from a text prompt, complete with visual aids, such as charts, graphs, images, and other visual elements – automatically. One of our favorite features is the interface. Once Gamma creates your presentation, you can easily add more elements. It functions much like a page builder or Gutenberg for WordPress , where you can drag and drop visual elements into your pages and then tweak them accordingly.

Gamma presentation wizard

Gamma creates presentations on the fly simply by typing in a text prompt. One of our favorite features is watching in real-time as Gamma makes your presentation. Once completed, you can use generative AI to edit, improve, or change any presentation aspect to match your branding and style. Another unique feature is Gamma’s analytics feature, which allows you to see who’s viewed your presentation and track engagement down to the element level.

What We Like About Gamma

  • Analytics Tracking:
  • Web Sharing: Share over the web and solicit feedback through comments
  • Simple Interface: Drag-and-drop visual editor
  • Export Options: Export to PowerPoint or PDF
  • It’s Internet Dependent: Gamma is web-based, so you must have an internet connection to use it. While this may not be a con for most, it eliminates the possibility of working on presentations while offline

Who Is Gamma Best For?

Gamma’s intuitive interface and quick start wizard make getting started a breeze. Plus, with their AI-powered text editing feature, you can tweak the content as much as you’d like. They offer access to millions of royalty-free stock images and an AI-powered image generator that suggests a relevant prompt based on your content.

Gamma offers a free plan and two paid plans starting at $10 monthly .

5. Beautiful AI

Beautiful AI

Another popular choice is Beautiful AI , a feature-packed AI presentation tool that allows you to create stunning presentations with one click. They offer several AI-powered design elements you can edit to match your branding. Plus, it’ll even line these up automatically, so you don’t have to spend time on tedious tasks. Suppose you’d rather start from a previously created presentation. In that case, you can easily import a PowerPoint file and then use AI to improve it.

Beautiful AI stock photography

One of the best features of Beautiful AI is the millions of royalty-free stock images at your disposal. Sure, you can create your own AI images, but if you’re familiar with AI Art generators , you know that sometimes the photos they produce don’t look very natural . It’s nice they thought to include this feature because it saves you the time and cost of signing up for a stock photography service.

What We Like About Beautiful AI

  • 1-Click Presentations: Create AI-generated presentations with one click
  • AI Design: AI-powered design elements
  • AI Text Generator: Rewrite and improve text with AI
  • Lots of Templates: 110+ pre-designed templates
  • PowerPoint Support: Integrates with PowerPoint (import/export)
  • Exporting: When exporting to PowerPoint or as a PDF, graphics are not editable

Who Is Beautiful AI Best For?

If you’re tasked with creating presentations for your company or corporate freelance clients and must use PowerPoint, Beautiful AI is an excellent choice. While they don’t have a free plan, they offer a 14-day free trial, so you’ll have plenty of time to play with it and decide if it’s right for you.

Beautiful AI users love how easy it is to create presentations but say there are text editing limits and presentations don’t look great on mobile devices.

Beautiful AI offers two plans, Pro and Team, with prices starting at $12 per month (billed annually).

Get Beautiful AI

Tome AI presentation tool

Tome is one of the most popular AI presentation tools on the market. Since its release in late 2022, it has raced to become one of the fastest-growing platforms in record time, with over 1 million users. It allows you to create live, interactive presentations, mood boards, design portfolios, pitch decks, webpages, and more. Tome offers over 25 templates for a good starting point and a great time-saving feature. Its intuitive generative AI allows you to create scripts, text, images, charts, and more.

If you already have an outline in mind, you can easily paste it into Tome, allowing it to convert your thoughts into structured presentations in a single click. Does your business require a multi-lingual solution? Tome has you covered with support languages other than English, so you can translate your text to share your presentations with anyone, anywhere.

Tome interface

Tome is web-based and provides a sharable link for your creations. Not only that, it integrates with popular platforms, such as Figma, Spline, YouTube, Twitter, Google Sheets, and other popular AI website builders like Framer . With these integrations, you can import videos, layouts, text, and even full web pages.

What We Like About Tome

  • Interactive: Creates live, interactive presentations
  • Cross-Device Support: Responsive layouts for any screen size
  • Multiple AI Tools: Generates text, images, graphs, 3D models, and more
  • Multi-Language Support:
  • Limited Language Support: As of now, Tome’s AI actions only offer support for English. It would be nice to see them add more languages

Who Is Tome Best For?

Tome is an excellent platform for creating web-based presentations, landing pages, interactive pitch decks, and more. It does a pretty good job of text and image generation, but its integrations are the best features. Try Tome if you want an easy way to incorporate Figma layouts or YouTube videos into your presentations.

Tome offers a free trial with prices starting at $20 per month .

Comparing the Best AI Presentation Tools

Before deciding on which AI presentation tool to choose, take the time to compare prices and the features of every tool on our list. As previously mentioned, our featured tools include a free trial or a free version to assist you in making gorgeous presentations.

Top 3 Best AI Presentation Tool Feature Comparison

To make the most informed decision, knowing the pricing and comparing the features is essential. Here’s a feature comparison table for the top three AI presentation tools on our list so you can decide which is the best fit.

🥇 Simplified🥈 Slides AI🥉 PowerPoint
AI Image Generation✔️✔️✔️
AI Image Editing✔️✔️
AI Text Generation✔️✔️✔️
AI Text Editing✔️✔️✔️
One-Click Presentation✔️✔️✔️
Free Plan✔️✔️❌(free trial)
Price$15/month $10/month$6.99/month

Best AI Presentation Tool Price Comparison

We’ve created this hand comparison table to help you decipher pricing for each of our recommended AI presentation tools.

PluginPriceFree OptionUser Reviews (avg)
🥇 $15/month✔️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥈 $10/month✔️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥉 $6.99/month❌ (free trial)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$12/month (billed annually)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What is the Best AI Presentation Tool?

After thoroughly testing over a dozen AI presentation tools, we feel that Simplified and Slides AI offer the best features. Simplified stands out for its intuitive interface, logo, and other design element generation. It also gets the nod for its one-click editing tools. On the other hand, Slides AI is a close second due to its wealth of AI tools. You can create presentations, write content, and create on-topic slides effortlessly. Either way, if you’re in the market for a good AI assistive tool to speed up creating presentations, you can’t go wrong with either.

Frequency Asked Questions

What is an ai presentation tool, how do ai presentation tools work, how is ai used in microsoft products for presentations, how can ai presentation tools streamline the workflow, what should users consider when choosing an ai presentation tool.

Need more AI tools? Check out these articles featuring the best AI tools to use for your business:

  • 16 Best AI Assistants to Make You More Productive
  • 11 Best AI Marketing Tools to Boost Your Business
  • 10 Best AI Audio Tools (For Podcasts, Music & More)
  • 9 Best AI Design Tools (Reviewed & Compared)

Featured Image via Nattasid Thapsang /

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By Deanna McLean

Deanna McLean is a blog author, and web developer. She studied graphic design at the University of Mississippi and loves all things, Hotty Toddy. (If you know, you know.) As an adventurous creative, there is nothing Deanna loves more than taking her son and two dogs on excursions in her Jeep.

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    DO: Stay Concise. The biggest rookie PowerPoint mistake is to copy and paste all your information verbatim into the slides. Not only is this incredibly boring, but no one is going to have the time or inclination to read a wall of text. Don't turn a presentation into a book. There's no hard rule, but a good general ...

  16. 17 "Do's" and "Don'ts" for Giving a Great Presentation

    11 "Do's" for Giving a Great Presentation. 1. Believe that giving a great presentation is a learnable skill. Giving a good presentation is a learnable skill. Even true introverts can give excellent presentations. In fact, introverted people actually tend to plan better presentations though they may be more afraid to give them.

  17. The Do's and Don'ts of Giving a Presentation

    The DON'TS of Giving a Presentation *Don’t Read from Your Slides: It’s perfectly acceptable to use a slideshow in your presentations, but you should never read directly from your slides. The text on your slides should be short and concise and serve as a guide for your speaking points.Â

  18. 15 Do's and Don'ts for PowerPoint in the Classroom

    Me. "No, it's not, but if you can't see come up to the front and look.". Reality check, many students don't wear their glasses. Also, we're normally in the front near the presentation. Stand at the very back of the room to see what that view is like. 5. Too many bullet points.

  19. 6 dos and don'ts for next-level slides, from a slide expert

    1. Do keep your slides simple and succinct. "The most common mistake I see is slides that are overcrowded. People tend to want to spell everything out and cover too much information," says Jurczynski. Not only are these everything-but-the-kitchen-sink slides unattractive and amateurish, they also divert your audience's attention away from ...

  20. 10 Dos and Don'ts for Technical Presentations

    The Don'ts. Don't confuse the audience with disorganized slides so that the purpose of the presentation is not crystal clear. Don't overwhelm your audience with busy slides. Think of that old cliché — "less is more." Don't use small images or small text on your slides. Think about those people at the back of the room.

  21. Free Do's and Don'ts PowerPoint Template & Google Slides

    The Free Do's and Don'ts PowerPoint Template is a presentation tool for comparison topics. These are two free slides of PowerPoint with four and five rows comparison presentation to choose from. This template is designed to display the do's and don'ts of any project or process. For example, mistakes which should not be repeated or the ...

  22. 35+ Free Dos And Don'ts PowerPoint Templates & Slides| SlideUpLift

    To download Dos & Don'ts presentation templates, you can follow these steps: Select the resolution (16*9 or 4*3). Select the format you want to download the Dos & Don'ts template in (Google Slides or PowerPoint). Make the payment (SlideUpLift has a collection of paid as well as free Dos & Don'ts PowerPoint templates).

  23. Free Dos And Donts PowerPoint Templates And Google Slides

    Free Dos And Donts Presentation Templates. Teach both do's and don'ts with our pre-made, editable Free Dos and donts PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes, effective tools for comparing topics. It includes checklists to show what's right and helps to highlight key points with bright colors and eye-catching icons.

  24. Share slides in Microsoft Teams meetings with PowerPoint Live

    You can zoom in and pan on a presentation slide without affecting what others see. Use your mouse, trackpad, keyboard, touch, or the Magnify Slide option as applicable. To zoom in or out on a slide, do any one of the following: Hover over the slideshow and pinch or stretch on trackpad.

  25. B2B PowerPoint Presentation: What Is It, and How to Do the Best

    Any B2B presentation ppt should include one to three slides covering products or services. Since the goal is to sell your product or service, this section should receive the most focus. Provide a succinct, clear explanation of what your offering includes. Don't overcrowd slides with text; instead, use bullet points and imagery when possible. 6.

  26. Slideshow Maker Software Guide

    Slide transitions. Add some pizzazz to how you change slides with visual effects like fading, wiping, and zooming. Screen recording. Being able to record your screen in a slideshow maker is helpful when giving an instructional talk, software demonstration, and other types of presentations that require visual aids. A place to put speaker notes.

  27. Training Presentation Do's and Don'ts

    Make sure the training location fits the needs of the class. Some of these do's and don'ts require you to scout out the location in advance: Always check the room before each presentation. Know how to operate the room's lighting and temperature controls. Provide enough seating. The trainees should have enough tabletop room for materials and ...

  28. How to create AI images in Gemini for your next Google Slides deck

    Google's Gemini AI can generate images in Google Slides, so you don't have to open a separate tab or app to find images for your presentation. This is a quick and effective way to reinforce your ...

  29. 6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024 (Compared)

    Since it works as an extension within Google Slides, you simply have to click a button and type in some text, and Slides AI will do the rest. What We Like About Slides AI. Magic Write: Generate text through the power of AI; Generate Slides: Create new slides based on original content; Topic-Based: Create slides from a topic; What Could Be Improved

  30. PPT to PDF: Convert PowerPoint to PDF for free

    How do I convert a PPT file with multiple slides into a PDF? When you use the Acrobat online tool to convert PowerPoint files to PDF, each slide will be turned into an individual PDF page in the converted file. ... You can use any operating system to convert a PowerPoint presentation to PDF using the Acrobat PPT to PDF online tool. You just ...