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Floor Plans :5 Ways to represent (Different styles of presentation)

floor plan presentation

Unlike sculptors and painters who work directly on the final product of their creative endeavor, the architectural practice requires a distinct medium that can translate ideas from conceptualization to realization, and architectural representation itself becomes a work of architecture . The floor plans serve as a means of exploration within the body of an architect’s practice and at the same time, it is the record of work that communicates with others.

The evolution of architectural representation is analogous with the evolution of architecture itself that from the purist paintings to virtual reality ; architects devised diverse kinds of representation modes according to the complexity and objectives of their design. Hence, despite the myriad of digital tools, no representation technique could be considered obsolete and architects have to carefully choose their representation style to enhance their design translation.

Here are five creative ways of representing a floor plan in architecture:

1. Federico Babina’s Archiplan Illustration | Floor Plans 

Floor plans are abstracted into simplified geometric elements with walls extruded from the base surface. Even though abstracted, the archiplans speak multitudes about the building such as the spatial volume, configuration of built mass, degree of intimacy, and exposure of spaces, quality of light and shades, etc., due to the added third dimension.

Moreover, it is emblematic of the architects’ artistic and aesthetic approach to the particular building, even in its minimal abstracted form. Representation of floor plans using this technique is most apt for depicting the projects which involve a play of volumes and geometry of spaces.

5 Ways to represent floor plans (Different styles of presentation) - Sheet1

2. Artist Book

The Artist book is a medium of expression that creatively utilizes the features of the book as a physical object or induces ‘bookness’ in presenting an architectural design . Each page of the book is considered as a site on which spaces are crafted by manipulating the paper using different techniques such as laser cutting, embossing, etching, etc. The drawings are endowed with a conceptual character and a page becomes a three-dimensional space.

These pages could be related through creative formats and its cumulation offers a codex-based sequence of not pages but spaces, thus documenting time and movement as well. It can be three-dimensional to accommodate the volume of spaces, acting even as a folded model. The tactility of turning the pages makes the representation a narrative experience by inviting, disclosing, and imbibing textural qualities to the presentation . Artist books are most adaptable for architectural documentation.

5 Ways to represent floor plans (Different styles of presentation) - Sheet4

3. Axonometric drawings

Axonometric drawings serve as a technique to explore, express, and investigate complex architectural concepts. It is a type of orthographic projection in which the object is rotated about one or more of its axes to reveal multiple sides and dimensions. This type of representation provides scope to appreciate the volume, facades, and context of the building along with it. Depicting architectural elements beyond the foreground suggests a revelation of the dynamics of the neighborhood, thus accentuating the response of the building to its surrounding.

The exploded axonometric representation of the floor plan has an unparalleled quality to present the spatial volume and organization of floors at multiple levels, their relationship, connectivity, and layers of the spaces within the building. These are extremely useful to depict the components of the building, materials , construction, and joinery details. Axonometric representation has both conceptual and technical quality.

floor plan presentation

4. Representing Plan as GIF Images

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images support animation in presentation, thus, helping to incorporate movement. This format allows for the presentation of floor plans from its evolving stage to the finished phase, therefore, extending the functionality and meaning of the plan by presenting the process of the genesis of the building. GIF format for plans could also be used to present exploded views out of floor plans. Moreover, the time sequence of the GIF enables to make the representations lucid by presenting each of the components of a space turn by turn.

5 Ways to represent floor plans (Different styles of presentation) - Sheet10

5. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality | Floor Plans

With the evolution of architecture into more complex forms and geometry, the plans have turned into a game of multiple relationships among the connected surfaces of the forms. Hence, to understand the quality and functionality of spaces, conventional orthographic projections cannot succeed to communicate the complexity inherent in those kinds of spaces. Presenting a floor plan as a virtual 3D model enables the users to physically engage with space the same way as he does with the real world. This advanced technological aid helps one to change, reform, and reorganize it, and also to rethink any design moves.

In augmented reality and hologram, virtual reality invades the material world, bringing both them closer and converting it into a hybrid space where both realities exist in the same environment. These are preludes to the future opportunities for architects and clients to device a man-to-space relationship, in which space evolves in front of them with the intended accurate forms, textures, and environment.

(Different styles of presentation) - Sheet13

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Home » Blog » How to Design a Floor Plan in PowerPoint: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide will show you how to design a floor plan by using PowerPoint.

How to draw floor plan in PowerPoint

Whether you're a homeowner looking to renovate your space or an aspiring designer, this guide will show you how to leverage PowerPoint's features to design your floor plan.

This tutorial is tailored for homeowners who have an existing floor plan and are seeking to update or renovate their houses or apartments.

Step 1: Setting Up and Importing Floor Plan

In this first step, we will begin by setting up PowerPoint and importing the floor plan into PowerPoint.

  • Convert floor plan to image file format: Begin by ensuring that your floor plan is in JPEG or PNG format. If it’s in PDF, convert it to an image file format. You can easily convert the floor plan to JPEG or PNG online .
  • Configuring to your preferred measurement system: Ensure your preferred measurement system is used in PowerPoint. Check the measurement system in your current setup by navigating to the Size tab (under Picture Tools and Format tab in Windows, under Picture Format tab in Mac. Make sure that you selected any picture, shapes, or text box). If the measurement system needs adjustment, modify it in the Control Panel (for Windows users) or System Preferences (for Mac users) accordingly .
  • Setting up slide size: Open PowerPoint and navigate to the Design tab. Select Slide Size and adjust it to 20cm x 20cm, a suitable size for most floor plans.
  • Drawing scale: We will assume that the drawing scale is 1:100, for example, 1 cm in PowerPoint equals 100 cm in the floor plan.
  • Import or insert the floor plan: Insert your floor plan by clicking Insert > Pictures > Photo from File and locating your floor plan image.

Ensure that PowerPoint is using your preferred measurement system by checking the "Size" tab.

Step 2: Scaling the Floor Plan

In this step, we’ll guide you through the process of accurately scaling your floor plan to 1:100 in PowerPoint. This step is crucial for ensuring that your floor plan is accurately represented in the scaled drawing. We will scale the floor plan by creating a ruler with a rectangle shape.

  • Find a dimension reference on your imported floor plan: Choose a whole number dimension on your floor plan (e.g. 3000mm) as a reference.
  • Creating ruler with rectangle shape: Insert a rectangle shape and adjust one side to be 3cm, representing the 3000mm at a 1:100 scale.
  • Resize the floor plan to scale: Position the rectangle shape to align with the dimension reference on your floor plan. Resize the floor plan so that the 3000mm in the floor plan matches the 3cm side of rectangle shape, achieving a 1:100 scale.
  • Avoid stretching the floor plan: Always use the corner handle to resize to avoid stretching the floor plan.

Steps to scaling the floor plan

Step 3: Clean Up the Floor Plan

This step shows you how to remove any unnecessary elements such as dimensions, text, or furniture overlays from your floor plan. Thus allowing you to work with a clean and clutter-free floor plan.

  • Create white filled shapes: Insect new rectangle shape and adjust the fill and outline color of the shape to white color.
  • Cover unwanted elements with white filled shapes: Use the created white filled shapes to cover dimensions, text, or furniture overlays on the imported floor plan. Copy (Ctrl + c) and paste (Ctrl + v) to duplicate shape.
  • Save as new image: Once you’ve covered the unwanted elements, save the floor plan along with the shapes as a new image file. Drag from the top right to bottom left to select all the white filled shapes and the floor plan on the Canvas. Right click and select Save as Picture…
  • Reinsert the clean floor plan: Reinsert the newly saved image back into your slide. This step prevents accidental changes to your floor plan while you continue working on it.

Steps to clean up the floor plan

Step 4: Designing the floor plan

This step shows you how to begin drawing furniture or walls using shapes in PowerPoint and begin designing floor plan.

  • Inserting Shape to represent furniture: We can insert a rectangle shape to represent a dining table
  • Adjusting shape size to represent real wall dimensions: As the drawing is scaled to 1:100, adjust the shape sizes to represent real-world dimensions accurately. For example, adjust the shape size to be 2cm x 0.8cm to represent a 200cm x 80cm dining table
  • Creating Wall Partition: Insert rectangle shape to represent the wall partition
  • Use Union function to join the walls : A. When you have two walls join at right angle, you can join two walls with the Union function. B. Select both walls by pressing ‘Shift’ Key. C. Select ‘Union’ under Merge Shapes button D. Two walls are successfully joined at right angle.

Draw to scale furniture on floor plan

Introducing our Ultimate Floor Planning Tool

Ultimate Floor Planning Tool

Drawing out the furniture in PowerPoint can be challenging. That’s why we’ve created the Ultimate Floor Planning Tool , available for download from our store at an affordable price. This comprehensive tool includes over 300 professionally crafted stencils for your living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study, and even a home gym. These stencils are accurately sized and imported into PowerPoint for easy use.

300+ professionally crafted stencils for design exploration

With this tool, you can quickly add furniture to your floor plan by copying and pasting the stencils. This saves you time and helps you get started on designing your floor plan design right away.

Additionally, the tool features a Grid canvas and Ruler, ensuring that your floor plan is accurately scaled without any confusion.

It is also compatible on Google Slide and Keynote for added flexibility.

Next, we will show you step-by-step guide on how to begin designing floor plan with our Ultimate Floor Planning Tool.

Step 1: Insert Floor Plan

To get started, simply insert your floor plan into PowerPoint by clicking Insert > Pictures > Photo from File and selecting your floor plan image.

Unlike traditional drawing apps, our tool eliminates the need for manual tracing, reducing the risk of inaccuracies, especially for non-professionals.

Step 2: Easy Scaling with Ruler

Our tool streamlines the process of scaling your floor plan. With its Canvas and Ruler features, you can simply insert your floor plan and adjust the scale using the provided ruler. This makes scaling your floor plan quick and effortless.

Easy scaling and measurement with professionally designed Ruler

Step 3: Explore Design Ideas with 300+ Stencils

Save time and effort by using our tool’s library of pre-drawn furniture stencils. These stencils accurately represent furniture sizes commonly found in the market.

Now you can experiment with different layouts and furniture arrangements directly in your floor plan, allowing you to visualise how different pieces fit together before making any costly purchases.

By copying and pasting these furniture stencils into your floor plan, you can easily test various design ideas without the need for manual drawing or measurement.

Experiment different layouts and furniture arrangements

Advanced Features

We recommend using PowerPoint’s Selection Pane feature, which allows you to view and arrange elements easily. All stencils are neatly named in the Selection Pane, enhancing your workflow.

Selection Pane allows you to view and arrange elements easily

Creating a floor plan in PowerPoint is a versatile and straightforward process that allows for easy exploration and design. Whether you’re planning your home layout or designing for clients, Ultimate Floor Planning Tool can be a valuable tool.

With the skills gained from this tutorial, we are sure you can confidently create detailed floor plans to guide your renovation or design projects in PowerPoint.

For the full tutorial, watch the 10-minute video or follow the link to learn more about the Ultimate Floor Planning tool in PowerPoint .

Design your layout effortlessly with this tool!

Ultimate Floor Planning Tool-Color-Metric

Ultimate Floor Planning Tool in PowerPoint | Color | Metric

Color | metric.

Picture of Katy

Ultimate Floor Planning Tool in PowerPoint

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Make an Animated 3D Floor Plan Presentation in PowerPoint

How to Make an Animated 3D Floor Plan Presentation in PowerPoint

floor plan presentation

Presentation skills and aesthetics can make or cut business deals and significantly impact other industries like Real Estate, Architecture, Interior Design, or Construction. How do professionals in these industries prepare to share their insights and ideas with prospective buyers? Is it through drawings, real-time 3D imaging, or with presentation slides showcasing images of the said project?

In this article, we want to share an entirely different approach for Architects, Realtors, Interior Designers, and Contractors – we will learn how to create a professional-quality PowerPoint presentation that features an animated 3D floor plan, also known as isometric 3D view or axonometric 3D view, how to craft custom infographics from it, and how to deliver engaging presentations in a refreshing format.

Table of Contents

Why Should Professionals Make a 3D PowerPoint Presentation?

Isometric vs. axonometric view – are they the same thing, potential use case scenarios of animated 3d floor plan presentations in powerpoint, assets required to make a 3d floor plan presentation in powerpoint, preparing your floor plan for powerpoint, exporting the .obj file from 3d software, importing the .obj file into powerpoint, duplicating slides + animating or rotating 3d objects, creating infographics from 3d floor plan views in powerpoint, exporting the 3d presentation to hd video format, case study: presenting a housing project for real estate, case study: kitchen renovation project presentation.

Although some concepts can be easily explained with words or simple 2D graphics, speaking about spatial design, understanding the relationships between elements in spaces that shall be cohabited for – maybe – simultaneous functions is not an easy feat. 

To simplify this, let’s say you buy a house, a house you intend to be your home, and your office where you plan to meet with customers. Maybe in 2D dimensions, you can get an idea of what the spaces would look like, but only after furniture is arranged into that space can you get a clear picture of how “livable” that ambient would become.

3D graphics and their usage in architecture signified a before and after for professionals, as they can bring a closer experience to their customers of what their projects would look like after they are completed. For this reason, hyperrealism is a sought-after technique many interior designers and contractors apply to attract customers into buying their services. But where does this stand in terms of PowerPoint presentations?

Experience tells us the fancier the graphics, the higher the customer retention rate, and such a statement fits to a T to Real Estate Marketing . Since it is not easy to show 3D images of buildings in live time (mostly due to hardware requirements), professionals sought methods that can create presentations using those 3D graphics and be repurposed as many times as required. PowerPoint bridges as a convenient tool for this adventure, as we can curate the content into impactful presentation slides or help ourselves using Real Estate PowerPoint templates. A 3D PowerPoint template can be streamed on any device, becoming a simplified resource for professionals on the go or as a shareable document between team members working on the same project.

During the introduction, we mentioned two terms: Isometric and Axonometric View . Although the terms are often used interchangeably, we must clarify this difference before creating our 3D models.

Both Isometric and Axonometric Views are terms to define 3D representations of objects in perspective. An Isometric View is a representation method that showcases an object in the three spatial axes (X, Y, and Z, respectively) at equal angles. The angles between axonometric axes sum 120 degrees, which means each view is made at a 30-degree angle. As a result, we get an image without any kind of deformity in terms of size but limited to depicting depth. In real-case usage, it is the simplest 3D view we can get and the preferred choice in technical drawings and 3D view aerial images.

On the other hand, an Axonometric View is a broader category that encompasses different methods of representing three-dimensional objects in 2D mediums. Since the degrees between axes can vary, this signifies the differentiated depth quality of those 3D views. The types of axonometric views are:

  • Dimetric Projection
  • Trimetric Projection
  • Oblique Projection

Types of perspective views

Define which view style suits your interests best before creating a 3D model. Although professional-quality software will allow you to present the image in any projection format you desire, that’s not always the case with free 3D tooling.

Presenters can benefit from animated 3D floor plan views when customers must understand the spatial relationship between elements. 

Say you are a contractor hired by a family that wants to renew their 20-year-old kitchen. You can put into words the area requirements or a percentage of how much space they will gain if a wall is moved to turn an old kitchen layout into a contemporary open-space concept. Still, it generally doesn’t bring a sense of “completeness” to the consumer. However, presenting an animation where the family can turn the model and visualize how the furniture will fit into the area, how much light will enter the room, or how that kitchen interacts with other rooms in the same house can make consumers much more receptive to hiring the services of that contractor. And no, no 2D plan can make people without a technical background understand the actual livable space of that project. That’s just the way our brain is wired to comprehend spatial relationships.

Another set of viable scenarios are architecture or interior design students who are required to present their projects at university, architectural contests, and Real Estate projects where you want to sell an unbuilt housing unit to a prospective buyer – that same concept also applies to other usages like commercial buildings, factories, etc.

The main asset required is a 3D house plan model, which can be built using free 3D software like Blender, a web-based application such as Sweet Home 3D, or professional tools such as AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, Cinema4D, etc. Hand-drawn floor plans can be scanned to help us build the 3D model, or you can work from scratch on any of those 3D modeling tools.

Remember that Microsoft PowerPoint can support *.obj format for 3D objects. 

Once you have built your 3D Floor Plan, you need to consider these three aspects:

  • Which viewing mode do you plan to use: Isometric or Axonometric.
  • Detailing of your 3D model.
  • Which views are modeled for your project.

We would like to emphasize that final one since PowerPoint allows us to have pre-established views of 3D objects using Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, and Back views. If any of those views isn’t modeled and we want to use the view, it would be either non-existent or incomplete, and we cannot go back and forth integrating the 3D model with the presentation file as it doesn’t sync changes in live time.

3D Model Views in PowerPoint

How to Integrate 3D Floor Plans into PowerPoint

To simplify our process, we will use Sweet Home 3D to create the 3D model for this presentation. Instructions on how to export a 3D model to obj format may vary depending on the software used.

In Sweet Home 3D, go to 3D View > Export to OBJ format . Select the location to save your 3D model and file name, then click Save .

Export 3D model to OBJ format

Blender exports to OBJ by going to File > Export > Wavefront (.obj) .

SketchUp works by going to File > Export > 3D Model – then you select .obj as the file format.

BIM software like Revit can also export high-detailed 3D models to obj format. Go to your desired 3D view, File tab > Export > CAD Formats > OBJ.

Open your presentation slide and switch to the Insert tab. Then, on the Ribbon, locate Insert 3D Model From > This Device.

Insert 3D object into PowerPoint

Check our article on how to insert 3D objects in PowerPoint for further information on 3D object handling in PowerPoint.

Depending on what you want to present, you must duplicate slides to create multiple animation effects or infographics for your project.

A 3D gizmo allows us to rotate the 3D floor plan to any desired point. We can select the object and upscale its size if it doesn’t look pixelated. 

3D model gizmo in PowerPoint

There are multiple animation effects you can use to present the 3D model:

  • Morph Transition
  • Motion Paths

Infographics can be built out of 3D floor plan views as we can extrude elements to create new graphics or displace parts of our 3D model, then use visual aids in PowerPoint to create meaningful slides that help our audience understand the concept we want to convey.

Any of these processes require creating a spare copy of the 3D model , applying the required changes to create the 3D infographic, and then saving it with another name (so there are no file conflicts when importing the second 3D model into the presentation). Typical applications of this technique are:

  • Showing the material structure of a wall, floor, or window.
  • Moving partition walls to present new enhanced spaces.
  • Replacing finishing material.
  • Adding/removing furniture to a space.

After completing the presentation design, we can play the presentation as a slideshow, or we can use it to create a high-quality video output. This helps us connect with prospective customers via social media or as a shareable that customers can check as many times as they like.

Go to File > Export > Create a Video to export the presentation to a video format . Select the required definition for your video, and remember to assign it to include Use Recorded Timings and Narrations if you added notes or voiceover to your PowerPoint presentation.

Export 3D floorplan presentation to video in PowerPoint

We highly recommend you check our guide on how to convert PowerPoint to video for further information.

For this initial case study, we will showcase a presentation for a housing project in Real Estate. The target audience is investors who are interested in purchasing a property in a new beachside private neighborhood. The presenter must highlight the importance of connecting with nature, infrastructure services (high-speed optic fiber internet, grocery stores, party room, laundry, kindergarten, and gym), private security, and distance from nearby cities. Also, the presenter wants to introduce their prototype units, the different configurations available, and the required investment while retaining a highly visual format that removes friction from the buying process.

Our presentation designer selected a template to deliver this presentation and worked with a 3D housing model made in Sweet Home 3D. The title slide contains a rendering made out of the 3D model – an exterior view.

Title slide in a 3D floorplan presentation

After introducing the agenda slide , relevant data for the project, and speaking about the location, the presenter now shows the 3D floor plan infographic view in a series of slides. First, speaking about selected views from the kitchen area.

Kitchen slide in 3d floor plan presentation

Next, the speaker discusses how the living room can serve as a multi-purpose area and also as a spare bedroom. It is possible for the audience to understand these concepts as the 3D furniture gives clear hints about the total livable area.

3D view of the multi-functional living room area

Finally, the slide discusses the exterior finishing material options since the housing units are customizable.

Facade view of the 3D model

We can also appreciate the full impact of this presentation in this animated GIF shown below.

For our second case study, we will take from the abovementioned idea: a contractor delivering a kitchen renovation project to a married couple who purchased an old home. The couple wants to move in ASAP, but the house requires a full kitchen renovation, which involves tearing down a partition wall separating the kitchen from the living room to create an open space concept and renewing material finishes, furniture, and appliances.

As the contractor acknowledges the importance of remaining within budget for this young couple, he meets with his customers. He delivers a presentation on what the project is going to be about. The first slide in this presentation is a breakdown of the tasks required to complete the kitchen renewal process.

Then, a Gantt Chart is shown so the couple can see whether the delivery date aligns with their moving plans and when payments should be made to complete each renovation phase.

Finally, the presenter delivers the core slide: a 3D floor plan view of the kitchen’s appearance once finished. This visual element amazes the couple as they can move inside the space and “live” the project they envisioned. Using the 3D images for PowerPoint helped this contractor secure the deal in contrast with another, lower-pricing option the couple also contacted.

As we’ve seen, using 3D models in construction or architectural presentations is vital, as presenters can put visuals into what they envisioned rather than confusing customers with tons of irrelevant data. 

Working with the methodology presented in this article simplifies the process of presenting properties or projects, which used to involve creating animated 3D renderings that took countless hours to craft. Animated 3D floor plan presentations can be handled using a tablet and a projector, two resources presenters have at bay, and not lose quality in the process. Pairing that 3D model with a professional-quality Real Estate presentation template is your ticket to success.

We hope this guide can trigger some ideas on how to build your 3D floor plan presentation. See you next time!

1. Real Estate Listing Template for Floor Plan Presentation

floor plan presentation

Get ready to introduce any real estate listing using 3D floor plan views with the help of this template. Using rhomboid tiles, the title slide allows you to use multiple views of your 3D model or use 3D renderings crafted out of those views. Presenters can introduce their team, showcase the project’s main amenities, expose the pricing evolution in a pre-defined time, and more.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Project Presentation Slide Deck

floor plan presentation

Housing projects that require input from investors require more than fancy icons to convince people to acquire a property. To further complement your 3D floor plan presentation, we invite you to use this Real Estate slide deck that includes tools intended to present an executive summary of the project, investment planning,  opportunities linked to the project, factors that may affect its value, and a series of customizable informative slides. Pair this real estate template with your 3D floor plan model for maximum customer engagement!

3. Residential Real Estate Slides for 3D Floor Plan Presentation

floor plan presentation

Get your hands on real estate vendors made out of high-quality vector graphics to further enhance your 3D model presentation in PowerPoint. In blue and green layout, this fully customizable template allows you to place any 3D model with ease, illustrating its views from different angles. The titles and subheadings are ideal for discussing the project’s core features while presenting your pitch to prospective sellers.

4. House for Sale Listing Template for PowerPoint

floor plan presentation

Real Estate agents can benefit from using 3D floor plan views in their listing ads by pairing this template with their model. Introduce images from exterior facades, full aerial 3D floor plan, pricing, main features, and contact data. Ideal to grab the interest of prospective customers with a creative approach.

5. Property Development Real Estate Slide Deck for PowerPoint

floor plan presentation

3D views and hyperrealistic renderings are among the preferred assets of Real Estate professionals to attract investors to unbuilt projects. You can give them a detailed living experience of your project using an axonometric 3D view of the project and, simultaneously, lay critical information about the company behind the project, team members, a competitive analysis of the sector, a SWOT analysis, etc.

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How to Make a Floor Plan in PowerPoint

Edraw content team, do you want to make your floor plan.

EdrawMax specializes in diagramming and visualizing. Learn from this article to know everything about how to make your floor plan in PowerPoint and easier way. Just try it free now!

In architecture studies, every aspiring student is taught how to make a floor plan that resonates with their client's requirements. Architects and builders create floor plans to help their clients know how their dream house or commercial complex will look post-construction. Clients often require a detailed presentation of the floor plan if there are multiple floors in the building. In such cases, one should know how to make a floor plan in PowerPoint or other similar presentation formats.

In this detailed floor plan guide, we will help you understand the primary steps you need to take if you make the floor plan in PowerPoint . Simultaneously, we will walk you through EdrawMax's floor plan symbols and templates that let you create a floor plan in PPT format in just a few minutes.

Make a floor Plan in PowerPoint

1. How to Create a Floor Plan in PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a great presentation tool, and now we will show you how you can use it to create a floor plan.

  • Launch the application and open a blank PowerPoint slide :

First, open the application. Go to the bottom left corner of your screen and click on the Start button and click the option for PowerPoint to open up, or you can click on the application shortcut icon on your taskbar or desktop. Go to the File tab, click on new to select maps and floor plans icon from the list of available templates, and select 'Create' to get started.

Make an Floor Plan in PowerPoint

  • Create exterior and interior wall structures :

In the PowerPoint templates, there is a massive assortment of room outlines. Drag one of the outlines to lay out rooms on the drawing page.

Resize the rooms by taking advantage of the dynamic dimension to gain the desired size of the individual room. Drag exterior wall shapes onto the drawing slides and resizes walls by dragging an endpoint of one wall to another. When the walls are affixed, the endpoints turn red. In the case of creating interior wall structures, follow the same method. Drag the wall shapes and position them inside the exterior wall structures. The outcome is a PowerPoint slide that is perfect for a floor plan.

  • Add structural elements :

Add doors and windows by dragging them on the top of the walls. They rotate automatically to align with the walls and glue neatly to the wall. Add stairs, columns, and more onto the drawing slide from the vast array of structural elements. Then from the electrical stencil, add a wall switch, outlet, and wall fixtures on the wall shapes. You can even drag ceiling fixture shapes, such as ceiling fans, on the slide.

Make an Floor Plan in PowerPoint

  • Dimension lines for walls :

To adjust the size and position of the drawing area, right-click a wall. After that, click on Size and Position, select the dimension shape and type the measurements. Finally, click away from the dimension shape. Drag the control handle, and reposition the same.

Make an Floor Plan in PowerPoint

  • Save the file :

Now, you know how to make a floor plan in PowerPoint . The final step is to save the drawing slide. Go to the File tab, select Save As option and insert the file name and desired location. Click on the Save button option, and your professional floor plan is available with a single click.

  • Launch the application and open a blank PowerPoint slide;
  • Create exterior and interior wall structures;
  • Add structural elements;
  • Dimension lines for walls;
  • Save the file.

2. How to Create a Floor Plan in EdrawMax

Now that you have seen the complicated steps, let us show you the easiest way of creating a floor plan in EdrawMax.

Step1 Open EdrawMax & Login

The first step in creating a floor plan is downloading and installing this 2D floor plan maker in your system. Head to https://www.edrawsoft.com/edraw-max/ to download the system file as per your operating system. We offer different versions for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Register to the EdrawMax dashboard if you are using it for the first time; else, log in to the system using your email address.

Draw a floor Plan in EdrawMax

Step2 Template Selection

EdrawMax comes with over 3,000 free templates for different drawings. Go to the 'Template'section on the left side of this floor plan software and look for 'Floor Plan'. EdrawMax will present all the user-generated templates you can instantly import to customize. Some of the most common templates are Basement Floor Plan, Open Floor Plan, Laboratory Floor Plan, and Floor Plan Blueprint.

Draw a floor Plan in EdrawMax

Step3 Create From Scratch

If you are technically equipped and possess the skills required to create floor plans, head to the Building Plan section and click on the '+'sign. You will be navigated to the EdrawMax dashboard, which offers built-in features like dimension, scale, metric system, and more. Make desired changes and start working on the floor plan outline.

Draw a floor Plan in EdrawMax

Step4 Select Symbols

On the toolbar, you will see 'Predefined Symbols'. Click on 'Floor Plan'to import all the relevant symbols of the floor plan design. Once they are imported, you can start placing them in the floor plan outline you have just created in Step #3.

Draw a floor Plan in EdrawMax

Step5 Add Components

After creating the outline and adding bedroom walls and windows, you can start adding the basic components of the floor plan, like Slide Door Left, Slide Door Right, Fire Break Glass, Emergency Ambulance, and Emergency Access.

Draw a floor Plan in EdrawMax

Step6 Export & Share

After creating the floor plan, you can export it into PPT formats and other important formats, like JPG, PNG, Docs, and more. This 2D floor plan also lets you share your floor plan design on different social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Line. In addition to this, you can present the floor plan right from the dashboard.

Draw a floor Plan in EdrawMax

Basically, it is simple to draw an floor plan in EdrawMax, just grab a template and keep customizing, drag and drop professinal symbols to make your plan better. If you are still confusing about how to create a floor plan in EdrawMax, just check this floor plan drawing guide , or check the video below.

3. EdrawMax vs. PowerPoint

Some of the most common differences between EdrawMax and PowerPoint are:

  • PowerPoint comes with Microsoft Suite, with an annual renewal price starting at $69.99. Most students or beginners cannot pay this hefty amount every year. However, EdrawMax offers free support for all users, and if you need to access all the amazing features, like a personalized cloud, thousands of templates, and more, you will need to pay a one-time nominal fee and get the updates for life.
  • PowerPoint is predominantly a presentation tool that has several great features for creating presentations. The same cannot be said when it comes to designing floor plans or other building plans in PowerPoint. EdrawMax is designed to work on complex floor plans. The 2D floor plan software offers a wide range of features that help in creating and sharing floor plans.
  • PowerPoint is an offline tool, and you cannot invite your remote team members to get together and collaborate in real-time. To access such features, you might have to share a screen using other tools like Google Meet or Zoom. EdrawMax comes with a free online version that easily lets you collaborate with your remote team.

EdrawMax is the best resources for creating a floor plan, you can find hundreds of floor plan symbols and templates here. Just drag and drop, you can create floor plan easily.

All-in-One Diagram Software

  • Superior file compatibility: Import and export drawings to various file formats, such as Visio
  • Cross-platform supported (Windows, Mac, Linux, Web)

Unlike other tools, EdrawMax has a vast collection of symbols. From basic outlines to complex structures, you will find over 50,000 shapes and icons in EdrawMax. While creating a floor plan, you will require some of the most basic floor plan symbols , like:

  • Dimensioning : Horizontal, Align Even, Vertical, Aligned Uneven, Radius Outside.
  • Electrical & Telecom : Electrical Switch Box, Single Pole Switch, 2DP Switch, Electrical Panel.
  • Fire & Emergency : Slide Door Left, Slide Door Right, Fire Break Glass, Emergency Ambulance, Emergency Access.
  • Sofas : Sofa, L-Shaped Sofa, Round Sofa, Curved Sofa, Sectional Sofa With Arms, One Seat Sofa, Two Seat Sofa, Three Seat Sofa.
  • Plumbing : Boiler, Heat Exchanges, Heater/Cooler, Heater/Cooler Horizontal, Bath (Side).

EdrawMax has global users who are constantly updating the template community . Head to the template section if you are connected to the Internet and look for Floor Plan. The system will generate floor plan templates that are created by our professional users. Some of the most common templates that you will find in the vast template community are Basement Floor Plan, Open Floor Plan, Laboratory Floor Plan, Floor Plan Blueprint, etc.

Create a Floor Plan in PowerPoint:

The floor plan in PowerPoint will not be editable. Nevertheless, the files exported in the EDDX format from EdrawMax are fully editable.

PowerPoint files usually have a large file size, making them difficult to share online.

PowerPoint files cannot be modified unless one uses paid versions of Acrobat Reader or other online tools that put your file at risk.

Create a Floor Plan in EdrawMax:

With built-in templates, you can create the evcuation plan in just a couple of minutes.

You do not have to worry about finding the relative symbols, there are over 26,000 symbols for every field and more resoucres to empower your design.

EdrawMax supports to export file into multiple formats, you can create floor plans in EdrawMax, and export as Word, PPT, Excel, and more to meet your needs.

4. Free Floor Plan Software

EdrawMax is one such tool that is created by professionals, keeping beginners and amateur designers in mind. Some of the most amazing features of having this free floor plan software are:

  • You can create a floor plan, blueprint, elevation plan, HVAC plan, reflected ceiling plan, garden plan, and kitchen plan all in one single dashboard.
  • This free floor plan software offers an in-built architect's scale that helps create perfect dimensions and scale for the floor plans.
  • With the help of EdrawMax, a user can create vector-enabled diagrams, which means they can print them in any size as they wish without compromising the formatting and layout of the floor plan.
  • EdrawMax Online offers real-time remote collaboration.
  • This free floor plan software comes with over 3,000 user-generated templates and 50,000 vector-enabled symbols and lets you create over 280 different types of diagrams.

5. Final Thoughts

Creating a floor plan might look like a very complicated task if you use a tool that has design limitations. Most students use PowerPoint only for presentation purposes, and even if they have to make a floor plan in PowerPoint , they might end up installing third-party add-ons.

Instead of going this way, we highly recommend that you use EdrawMax . This free floor plan software comes with thousands of symbols and has a variety of pre-built templates. Now you do not have to rely on third-party tools as EdrawMax is a power-packed software well equipped to handle all of your diagramming needs. EdrawMax also has an online version, allowing you to present your designs. So, what are you waiting for? Download EdrawMax tools and start making professional-looking floor plans.

evcauation plan image

Floor Plan Complete Guide

Check this complete guide to know everything about floor plan, like floor plan types, floor plan symbols, and how to make a floor plan.

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How To Present Better Architectural Plans

  • by Elif Ayse Fidanci
  • 5 October 2022

Any of the construction manual could be completed with architectural plans and architectural drawings. An architectural master plan offers accurate information about the project’s design and appearance. Architects utilize them for a variety of purposes, including communicating concepts, persuading clients of the design’s advantages, and documenting the finished construction.

floor plan presentation

Architectural plans are essentially a blend of written and visual descriptions of the intended construction. To complete the final documentation of the construction project, various design details are given via notes on the drawing page or as an additional page.

Types of Architectural Plans

Floor plans: The dimensions, measures, and locations of the walls, doors, windows, specific rooms, buildings, and built-in things are all described in a floor plan. Stairs, fixtures, connecting cabinets, reference symbols, notes, and more can all be located.

Ceiling plans: Ceiling plans has all the material and technical details of the ceilings for each floor in the project.

Foundation plans: Based on the data gathered from the site, floor, and elevation plan drawings, a foundation plan is created.

floor plan presentation

Site plan: A site plan includes information about the site’s current layout, property borders, heights, etc. Everything inside the boundaries, including utility lines, basic topography, building structures, and paths, may be shown. The plan is precisely sized, displaying existing and desired developments on the precise land use.

Landscaping plans: The lighting, colors, textures, shading, and depth that make up the landscape are included in a well-written landscape design.

Purpose of Presenting a Plan

Architectural plans should be presented in descriptive, understandable and persuasive language. It is necessary to give importance to these presentations both to win the appreciation of the customers and to ensure that all technical details and layouts are best understood by the field team.

Presentation of architectural plans is important in two ways. First, as we just mentioned, it is important for your friends in the field, that is, for the implementation phase of the project. The application team should bring your project to life in the best way while working on the architectural construction site. That’s why floor plans should be in the right scales, well-measured, clearly drawn and presented.

floor plan presentation

Second, floor plans in particular must be presented convincingly to customers. Floor plans should be understandable even by non-architects, and appropriate diagrammatic presentation languages should be developed. As an architect, it is a little difficult to complete the project if your client is unsure of the floor plans. You can use presentation techniques such as render plans and plan diagrams when presenting floor plans and site plans.

Best Ways to Present Plans

As with other architectural presentations, the best way to present architectural plans is to have a good architectural education, experience and, of course, to develop your graphic design skills. Now, let’s take a look at the areas where you need to improve before presenting the architectural plans.

Architectural Knowledge : Having technical drawing knowledge and building knowledge is essential for you to complete architectural plans completely.

floor plan presentation

Software Skills : In order to create, develop and present architectural plans, you need to master some software and even use a few very well.

floor plan presentation

When you really master and use it well, getting render plans or 3D plans through Revit will enrich your architectural presentations.

Besides, mastering either Photoshop or Illustrator is essential to create great presentations.

floor plan presentation

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  • Architectural Plans
  • Floor Plan Architecture
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floor plan presentation

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architect, writer


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Top 10 Floor Plan Templates To Share the Essence of Your Property

Top 10 Floor Plan Templates To Share the Essence of Your Property

Naveen Kumar


In crime thrillers like Ocean’s Eleven, The Bank Job, and Fast Five, characters hunched over a piece of blue paper is a familiar trailer scene. Ever wondered what was contained in the document that has people so interested?

That paper with some straight lines and dimensions is the floor plan of a building and forms the keystone of the crime that each set of crooks planned and executed in that place.

A floor plan is a technical or engineering drawing to scale or form a relationship between features like rooms, spaces, furniture, and more at one level of structure. It shows the view of the arrangement from above (4 ft or 1.2 m floor height). Designing a detailed floor plan is the initial stage of a real estate project development.

Other than planning a robbery, floor plans will help you visualize and organize the structure. These are helpful in the construction and renovation of buildings. It will help you in walking the visitors through the galleries of your real estate project. Using a floor plan, you can discuss a housing project — intended  space, interior design, and potential challenges — with clients. A good and accurate floor plan is a cost-efficient way to actually see if the building can be used the way it was planned.

Steps to Draft a Floor Plan

Whether you are designing a floor plan for new construction or renovation, go through this short list to help you take the right steps:

  • Requirements: Ask clients about the requirements. What is the purpose of the project, how much space is required, and what type of divisions, etc.
  •   Measure and locate: Evaluate boundaries, walls, and internal structures. Locate permanent structures, built-in features, shelves, fireplaces, and divisions. Check floor-to-ceiling height, windows and doorways positions, electrical connections, objects like tables, beds, and every other detail you want to include in the floor plan.
  • Choose a scale: Define a scale (¼ inch = 1 foot) for all your measurements in the floor plan. Use that scale for boundaries, objects, and other structures. 
  • Work on details : Which feature makes more sense for your intent? Doors, windows, furniture, lights, or divisions? Highlight details.
  • Design the floor plan: Keeping all these details in mind, draw an accurate floor plan.
  •   Evaluate and redesign: Check accessibility, space, privacy, and more in the plan that you wish to propose. Go through the requirements list once again and evaluate, if more needs to be done to align the two to a greater degree of accuracy
  •   Share the final floor plan with your clients, project managers, and other collaborators to take their suggestions. This will also work as a review of your work.

Our floor plan templates will help you in each step of this project planning process. These high-quality slides are easy to design and redesign. You can save and share these PPT graphics in PDF, JPEG, PNG, and other formats. Let’s explore some tailor-made, customizable floor plan samples .

Template 1: Floor Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template

Floor Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template

This presentation deck will help you put forward your real estate project ideas. It includes high-quality slides for the presentation of commercial and residential construction plans . Use the space in these graphics to write key points about the project or design. Download it now!

Download this template

Template 2: Floor Plan Template of a House on Square Shape Paper

Floor Plan Template of a House on Square Shape Paper

Employ this PowerPoint layout to draft a space-allocation design for residential compartments. This simple floor plan template will help you share the arrangement with the audience in an attractive way. The Color theme of this PPT set is calm and soothing for the eyes. Get it now!

Template 3: Fitness Studio Startup Proposal Floor Plan Template

Fitness Studio Startup Proposal Floor Plan Template

Were you looking to start your fitness studio? This PowerPoint set is the perfect way to get your business proposal started. Use this slide to draft a detailed floor plan for your fitness studio. This preset is easy to use and edit. It can be tailored to your specific needs. Get your business off the ground today!

Template 4: Floor Plan Sketch on Black Board PowerPoint Slide

Floor Plan Sketch on Black Board PowerPoint Slide

Deploy the creative PPT design of floor plan sketch to teach students the concepts of engineering and drawing. You will be able to share the use of floor plans with the audience using the adjacent space in this slide. Grab it now!

Template 5: House Design Depicting Floor Plan for Real Estate Project PPT Slide

House Design Depicting Floor Plan for Real Estate Project PPT Slide

Are you looking for a sleek and professional PowerPoint template for your next real estate project? Look no further than this house design depicting a floor plan template! It's perfect for presentations, pitches, and proposals. This stylish template features a house design depicting a floor plan, making it ideal for real estate projects. The clean and modern layout is easy to read and follow. Plus, all the elements are editable, so you can customize the template to suit your needs. Download it now!

Template 6: Sauna Spa and Cardio Center Proposal Floor Plan PowerPoint Slide

Sauna Spa and Cardio Center Proposal Floor Plan PowerPoint Slide

With this PowerPoint template, you will get expert tips on designing and constructing your sauna or spa, including what type of flooring is best and how to layout your benches and stone heaters. You will be able to make a polished and professional presentation that will impress your audience. Don't wait any longer; download this template now and get started!

Template 7: Physical Fitness Gym Centre Floor Plan Template

Physical Fitness Gym Centre Floor Plan Template

This PowerPoint graphic is perfect for anyone giving a presentation on fitness, gym facilities, or floor plans. It features a clean and modern design with easy-to-edit text and graphics. This PPT slide is designed for health-conscious people and comes packed with features that will help you present your information in an appealing manner. Grab it now!

Template 8: Gym Startup Business Plan Proposal Floor Plan PPT Template

Gym Startup Business Plan Proposal Floor Plan PPT Template

A gym must provide ample acreage for fitness enthusiasts to carry out their workout routine. This comprehensive Gym floor plan template makes space planning easy. You will show potential investors and clients what your gym offers and how you plan on making it a success. Get it now!

Template 9: Office Building Floor Plan PowerPoint Design

Office Building Floor Plan PowerPoint Design

We are introducing this office building floor plan template to help you present that in a clear and concise way. This PPT layout is perfect for real estate professionals, architects, and anyone who needs to present an office building floor plan. Grab it now!

Template 10: Fitness Center Floor Plan PPT Layout

Fitness Center Floor Plan PPT Layout

When it comes to creating a fitness center floor plan, accuracy is key. That's why our floor plan template includes precise measurements and detailed illustrations. Using this PowerPoint graphic, you will be confident that your audience understands your plan. Download it now!

If you are in the business of managing properties or involved in any form of architectural project, you know the importance of a clear and concise floor plan. It provides a blueprint for the layout of a space and can help managers and builders stay on track for delivery. Our templates are designed to create a quick and easy floor plan. Simply download them, fill in your information, and you’re ready to go. 

What are you waiting for? Download these templates now and see how easy it is to get started on your next project!

P.S. Want to know how to manage your construction site with ease? Then, don’t miss this guide flush with the best templates.

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floor plan presentation

5 Creative Floor Plan Styles to Consider for Your Next Project

These architectural floor plans go beyond usual functionality, conveying the tactile or atmospheric qualities of a space..

Paul Keskeys

The floor plan is arguably the most universally recognized drawing type in architecture. Its popularity should come as no surprise, given its utility for architects, planners, developers and the wider public. As a clear diagrammatic representation of space, a floor plan can help people to understand the layout, circulation and key features of a building at a glance.

While all architects will be familiar with the classic 2D floor plan , complete with hatches and door swings, there are occasions when a more artistic drawing style is called for. These instances might include presenting plans at a public meeting, explaining a proposal to a client during the initial stages of a project, or when creating a marketing document for a real estate developer.

For these scenarios, the goal may be less about showing exact dimensions for construction purposes, and more about conveying the tactile or atmospheric qualities of a space, showing how floor finishes vary and where spatial boundaries are introduced. There are many ways to portray plans to meet these needs, but here are 5 of the most popular styles to consider for your next project.

1. Textured Floor Plan

floor plan presentation

Drawing by em_designs

One simple way to enhance a plan for presentation purposes is to add textures denoting different floor finishes and ground conditions, as illustrated above by em_designs . Textures can be added quickly by converting your CAD file into a PDF, opening it in Photoshop and then applying textures downloaded from the web on a different layer. This technique is not intended to be a literal interpretation of finishes, but rather aids the viewer in differentiating between different parts of the building and the thresholds between them. it can also help communicate the boundaries of key exterior features, such as paving, road surfaces, trees and plants.

2. Watercolor Floor Plan

floor plan presentation

Drawing by catgusto

For a softer, more artistic aesthetic, a combination of ink and watercolors can provide the ideal balance between defined details and more notional color washes. Some artists, such as bandara_art , produce this kind of plan by hand, but it’s now possible to create the same style effectively using digital illustration software like Procreate, the application of choice for catgusto . This method is particularly effective for illustrating landscape designs, as watercolors can evoke the blended boundaries between architectural and natural elements within the plan.

3. Perspective Plan

floor plan presentation

Drawing by drawedraw

To help viewers better understand the spatial quality of a space, consider merging the traditional plan drawing with a three-dimensional model to provide additional depth to your layout. This drawing type — as illustrated expertly by drawedraw above — can be created using a basic 3D modeling application such as Sketchup. Simply import a CAD plan, extrude the walls and add details as desired, and then position the camera overhead to capture the floor plan from above. Then, export this image to add color and texture in Photoshop , or enhance by hand using shading pens such as Copic Markers .

4. Rendered 3D Plan

floor plan presentation

Drawing by ga_lago

In a similar manner to the perspective plan, converting a conventional 2D plan into 3D model can be an effective way to help clients visualize a layout. There are numerous ways to achieve this, using software such as Revit , Sketchup, Archicad or Vectorworks. Images of the resulting model can be viewed as a perspective or an axonometric, like those produced by visualization expert ga_lago (example above). Shifting from 2D drawing to 3D rendering also allows you to showcase materials, lighting and furnishings realistically within each space.

5. Interior Design ‘Mood Board’ Plan

floor plan presentation

Mood board by taatdesign

Plans can also work as a product specification or ‘mood board’ tool. For this more diagrammatic purpose, the plan should be stripped down to its key components, such as walls, windows, doors, fireplaces and alcoves, and left as a simple, clean line drawing. It can be used as an orienting device, with numbers denoting where each piece of furniture or floor finish could be located within the space. As illustrated by taatdesign , you can then provide clients with numerous interior design options, showing clearly how each product complements the overall scheme at a glance.

For more creative floor plan styles, check out the work of more than 1,400 freelance professionals on Fiverr’s Architecture & Interior Design Marketplace .

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How to create a floor plan in PowerPoint

floor plan in PowerPoint

Creating a floor plan in PowerPoint is a great way to quickly and easily plan out the layout of a room or building. With PowerPoint, you can easily create a simple floor plan and customize it to your needs. You can add different shapes, colors, and lines to your floor plan to make it look more professional and attractive. You can also add text and labels to your floor plan to make it easier to understand and visualize. In this guide, we will show you how to create a simple floor plan in PowerPoint and how to customize it to your needs.

Can I draw a floor plan in PowerPoint?

While PowerPoint is primarily designed for creating presentations, it is also a useful tool for creating basic diagrams and graphics.

To create a floor plan in PowerPoint, you can use the built-in shapes and tools to draw walls, doors, windows, and other architectural elements. Here are some steps to get you started:

  • Open PowerPoint and create a new slide.
  • Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Shapes” to access the shape library.
  • Select the “Rectangle” shape and draw the outline of the walls of your floor plan.
  • Use the “Line” shape to draw any internal walls or partitions.
  • Use the “Door” and “Window” shapes to add these features to your floor plan.
  • Use the “Text Box” shape to add labels and dimensions.
  • Adjust the size and position of each shape as needed.
  • Use the “Fill” and “Line” options to customize the colors and borders of each shape.

While PowerPoint can be a useful tool for creating basic floor plans, it may not have all the advanced features that specialized software offers. If you need to create a more detailed or precise floor plan, you may want to consider using dedicated architectural software.

Can I draw to scale in PowerPoint?

You can draw to scale in PowerPoint, but it requires some additional steps to set up your slide and shapes properly. Here are the steps to draw to scale in PowerPoint:

  • Create a new PowerPoint slide and select the “Design” tab.
  • In the “Page Setup” group, click on the “Slide Size” button and choose “Custom Slide Size”.
  • In the “Slide Size” dialog box, set the dimensions of your slide to match the scale you want to use. For example, if you want to draw at a 1:50 scale, you can set the slide size to 50 inches by 50 inches.
  • Click “OK” to save the new slide size.
  • Draw a rectangle on the slide to represent the walls of your floor plan. Use the “Shape Fill” and “Shape Outline” options to customize the color and thickness of the lines.
  • Set the dimensions of the rectangle to match the actual dimensions of the room or space you are designing. To do this, right-click on the rectangle and choose “Size and Position”. In the “Size and Position” dialog box, enter the actual dimensions of the room in inches or centimeters.
  • Draw other shapes such as doors, windows, furniture, and fixtures, using the same process as step 5 and 6.
  • Use the “Gridlines” and “Snap to Grid” options to help you align shapes and draw more accurately.

By setting up your slide to match a specific scale, you can draw to scale in PowerPoint and create a more accurate representation of your floor plan. However, keep in mind that PowerPoint is not a professional architectural or design software, so it may not have all the advanced features that dedicated software offers.

floor plan in PowerPoint

How do I create a custom layout?

To create a custom layout in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

  • Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.
  • Click on the “View” tab and select “Slide Master”.
  • In the Slide Master view, you’ll see a range of built-in slide layouts. To create a custom layout, select the layout that’s closest to what you want to achieve, or choose a blank layout.
  • Customize the layout by adding or removing placeholders, changing their size or position, or modifying the design of the slide. You can add new text boxes, picture placeholders, or other shapes, and adjust their formatting and alignment.
  • To add a new placeholder, go to the “Insert” tab, select “Shapes”, and choose the type of shape you want to add. Then, drag the shape onto the slide and resize it to the appropriate size.
  • To remove a placeholder, click on it to select it and then press the “Delete” key on your keyboard.
  • Once you’ve made all the changes you want to the layout, click on the “Close Master View” button in the Slide Master tab to return to the normal view.
  • Create a new slide using your custom layout. To do this, go to the “Home” tab, click on the “New Slide” button, and choose “Layout”. Then, select your custom layout from the list of available layouts.
  • Customize the content of the slide as needed, such as adding text, images, charts, or other visual elements.

By creating a custom layout, you can design a slide that’s tailored to your specific needs and preferences, and use it throughout your presentation to ensure consistency and professionalism. You can also save your custom layout as a template and reuse it for future presentations.

Who designs the floor plans?

The floor plan of a house is one of the most important aspects of the home design process. After all, the floor plan will determine how the rooms are laid out and how the space will be used. But who designs the floor plans?

There are actually a few different people who may be involved in the floor plan design process. The first is the architect. The architect is responsible for the overall design of the house and will often create a floor plan as part of the design process. The builder may also be involved in the floor plan design. The builder will often have a say in how the floor plan is laid out, especially if they are custom building the home.

Another person who may be involved in the floor plan design is the interior designer. The interior designer will work with the architect and builder to create a floor plan that meets the needs of the homeowners. They will take into account the way the rooms will be used and the flow of traffic throughout the house.

Ultimately, it is up to the homeowners to decide on the floor plan. They will work with the architect, builder, and interior designer to come up with a plan that meets their needs and their budget. Once the floor plan is finalized, the construction process can begin.

Can I draw my own house plans?

Are you thinking of designing and drawing your own house plans? It’s an exciting prospect, but before you get started, there are a few things you need to know.

The first thing to consider is whether you have the time and the skills to do it yourself. Drawing up house plans is a time-consuming process, and it requires a good understanding of architecture and construction. If you’re not confident in your ability to produce accurate and detailed plans, it’s probably best to leave it to the professionals.

Another important factor to consider is the cost. Professional architects and draftsmen will charge for their services, and the cost can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. If you’re on a tight budget, DIY might not be the best option.

Before you start drawing up your plans, it’s a good idea to do some research and collect some inspiration. Look at existing house plans and try to identify the features you like and dislike. Think about how you want your own home to look and feel, and what kind of layout would suit your needs. Once you have a clear idea of what you want, you can start putting your plans together.

When you’re ready to start drawing, there are a few software programs that can make the process easier. Home Designer Suite is a popular option, and there are also many free and low-cost programs available online. Whichever software you choose, make sure you read the instructions carefully before you start, so that you know how to use all the features.

Once you’ve drawn up your plans, it’s important to get feedback from someone with experience in construction. They can help you spot any potential problems and make sure your plans are feasible. Once you’ve made any necessary revisions, your plans are ready to be sent to a builder or contractor.

Drawing your own house plans can be a fun and rewarding experience. Just make sure you do your research first, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. With a little effort, you can end up with plans that will make your dream home a reality.

What makes a good floor plan?

This is a question that architects and interior designers often ask themselves. There are many factors to consider when creating a floor plan, and the perfect floor plan for one home might not be ideal for another. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating a floor plan:

  • The layout should be functional. The floor plan should be designed with function in mind. It should flow well and make sense for the way you live.
  • The layout should be comfortable. The floor plan should be comfortable to move around in. There should be enough space to move comfortably from one room to another.
  • The layout should be aesthetically pleasing. The floor plan should be pleasing to the eye. It should be well proportioned and balanced.
  • The layout should be flexible. The floor plan should be flexible so that it can be easily changed if needed.

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floor plan presentation

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Floor Plans With Dimensions

Cedreo’s easy to use online design tool helps bring your floor plans to life for amazing client presentations.

Create Dimensional Floor Plans in Minutes

With Cedreo, you can create easy-to-read professional floor plans in minutes. Draw plans from scratch or upload an existing plan. Move or add walls, and Cedreo will automatically update your floor plan measurements. Add furnishings and textures to help clients visualize how the project will look when complete.

Bardominium 2D floor plan designed with Cedreo

Draw Floor Plans with Dimensions With Ease

Cedreo is the go-to platform for home builders, remodelers, and interior designers for drawing and rendering complete floor plans. It’s never been easier to create dimensional floor plans, all online. Bring your designs to life in 2D and 3D for the most professional client presentations every time. Plus, do it all in just a matter of minutes. Your design time is valuable, so let us help you make the most of your projects and deliver first-class results.

Draw Floor Plan Icon - Cedreo

Floor Plan Dimensions in One Pla ce

Why You Need Floor Plans with Dimensions icon

Why You Need Floor Plans with Dimensions

Examples Icon

Floor Plans with Dimensions Examples

How to Read A Floor Plan with Dimensions icon

How to Read A Floor Plan with Dimensions

How to Draw a Floor Plan with Dimensions

FAQ icon

Floor Plan with Dimensions FAQs

Every Floor Plan Dimension in One Place

Floor plan dimensions are necessary to plan, design, and complete new construction and remodeling projects. Cedreo’s floor plan software helps you create floor plans with every dimension you need.

Meters vs Feet

Cedreo has users around the world, which means it’s important we offer both imperial and metric dimensions options. If you work with foreign clients you may also need to switch between meters and feet, and with Cedreo that’s easy to do.

UIshot draw floor plan in Cedreo

Configure Measurements

Inside and outside measurements differ to create overall dimensions and actual liveable space. Both measurements are needed for different things. You can add all the dimensions, or just include the ones you wish to see.

UI shot floor plan drawing in Cedreo

Calculate Total Area

Calculating total area, as well as specific rooms, helps designers create functional, useable space. With Cedreo’s easy surface area table you are able to view the total area of a floor, room, or entire house.

UI shot Cedreo total area

Why Do You Need Floor Plans With Dimensions?

There are many reasons that adding dimensions to floor plans is beneficial. Here are a few examples:

Property Sales & Marketing

If clients are unable to visit the home, or the home isn’t complete yet, they may have trouble visualizing the space. Sharing detailed floor plans with dimensions can help clients understand the space and close deals.

Close Remodeling Sales

It’s often hard for homeowners to understand the ins and outs of a remodel. Detailed floor plans with dimensions help clients visualize what the added square footage will add to their current home.

Communicate Measurements

Many people are involved in construction and remodeling projects. Floor plans with dimensions help easily and effectively communicate the project details to everyone from designers to contractors.

Calculate Areas

Once dimensions are added to floor plans, Cedreo’s area table automatically updates to show you the total area as well as the area per room. This helps clients plan furniture decisions, calculate ventilation and materials needed, as well as resale value.

Avoid Costly Mistakes

Knowing the dimensions and area of everything from the walls to countertops helps avoid overordering materials, ordering the wrong size appliances, and more.

Building Permit Requirements

Major building and remodeling projects require building permits. Often to receive these permits you will need to submit a floor plan with dimensions.

Examples of Floor Plans With Dimensions

Give your clients the most professional presentation you can. Help them visualize the final project through Cedreo’s easy floor planning software. Impress clients with 2D and 3D floor plans with dimensions that will bring your design and their vision to life.

Complete house floor plan with dimensions

Complete house floor plan with dimensions

Master bedroom floor plan with dimensions designed with Cedreo

Master bedroom floor plan  with dimensions

Living room floor plan with dimensions designed with Cedreo

Living room floor plan  with dimensions

Bathroom floor plans with dimensions designed with Cedreo

Bathroom floor plans  with dimensions

floor plan presentation

Kitchen floor plans with dimensions

Patio floor plan with dimensions designed with Cedreo

Patio floor plan  with dimensions

Apartment floor plans with dimensions designed with Cedreo

Apartment floor plans  with dimensions

Craftsman house 2D floor plan made with Cedreo

Multi-level floor plans with dimensions

Small commercial building plans made with Cedreo

Commercial floor plans  with dimensions

How to Read A Floor Plan With Dimensions

Floor plans with dimensions can feel overwhelming at times. Here is a few ways to read detailed floor plans with dimensions.

Draw to Scale icon

Floor Plans to Scale

Drawings are done to scale. Standard fractions are used in relation to the actual size of the project.

Add Dimensions icon

Site Plan Dimensions

Creating a full site plan with dimensions shows the dimensions/area of the entire plot as well as the buildings on the property.

Area calculations for floor plan icon

Total Home Area

Calculate the total area of the home in imperial or metric measurements.

Architectural symbols icon

Ceiling Heights

Add dimensions to show the ceiling heights on each floor to determine window and door openings.

draw floor plan icon

Room Dimensions

Detailed floor plans so the dimensions and areas of each room, including areas within open floor plans.

Add Floor Plan Symbols icon

Layout Features

Dimensions on appliances, kitchen and bath components, as well as doors and windows to ensure everything fits correctly.

How to Draw a Simple House Floor Plan With Dimensions

A simple floor plan with dimensions is a basic layout of a home, but there’s no reason not to make it a stunning and detailed visual presentation. Cedreo gives you the tools you need to easily create feature-rich floor plans that will make your clients happy.

Step #1: Start From Scratch or Import an Image

Create your floor plan by drawing from scratch or uploading an existing floor plan with your house dimensions. You will have the ability to resize the floor plan, and even enlarge or reduce walls. Just draw right over an existing floor plan to get it ready to customize. With continuous drawing mode, it’s easy to draw walls and make changes in real-time.

Start From Scratch or Import an Image

Step #2: Draw Walls and Add Openings

The next thing you will want to do is add the inner walls to divide the large area into rooms. A good rule of thumb is to start with the largest room in the house and build the other rooms off of it. Once levels and internal walls have been added, the next step is to insert wall openings, such as doors and windows, from the Cedreo product library. Use the software to duplicate wall openings and keep dimensions accurate. Drag and drop doors into place, and the 3D view will update in real-time to reflect the additions.

Create your floor plan in Cedreo

Step #3: Add the Roof

The Cedreo online design tool allows users to add a roof automatically, based on the exact dimensions of the building levels. You can choose from several different roof types, including multi-slope, gable, single-slope, or flat roofs. Then, using the roof automation tool, add a roof in just one click. Add features like dormers, downspouts, and gutters. Once you add one piece of guttering, Cedreo can automatically add the rest with a single click.

UI shot Cedreo roof step

Step #4: Add Dimensions

Easily customize room sizes, activate or deactivate floor plan measurements, or move them within your plan, all during the planning step. You can even decide what dimensions to show on your plan when it’s rendered for presentation to your client. Color-code sections of the floor plan and add furniture and appliance symbols to make the 2D floor plan even easier to read.

add dimensions

Step #5: Add Furnishings

Instead of drawing furnishings individually, just search Cedreo’s 3D library of over 7,000 customizable pieces of 3D furniture, appliances, decorative objects, and surface coverings, and then add them to each room. We even offer an anti-collision feature that stops you from accidentally placing items on top of each other when adding them to the plan.

UI shot Cedreo add furnishing

Step #6: Make Final Customizations

Review your designs and make any necessary changes before rendering your final plan. (Remember: You can save several versions of a floor plan if you want to present different options for a client). Have peace of mind knowing that changes are quick and easy to make if needed.

Screenshot HD visual step

Step #7: Finalize Your Area Table

The last step in creating a floor plan with measurements is to finalize the area table on the drawing. Decide which parts of each level are to be included in the home’s overall calculations and if you want to customize the dimensions of any areas. Just select which house floor plan dimensions to include in the final plan.

floor plan presentation

Floor Plans With Dimensions FAQs

Can i hide and edit dimensions on the floor plan.

Yes. You can add, hide, and edit any dimensions you need on your floor plan in Cedreo’s floor plan software.

Can I add interior and exterior dimensions?

Yes. You can add interior and exterior dimensions, as well as site plan and exterior object dimensions.

Do I need dimensions to plan my interior layout?

You don’t need dimensions to plan your interior layout, but it does ensure that materials are ordered correctly and that appliances, features, and furniture fit within the space.

How Do I Calculate Square Footage?

Calculating a floor plan with dimensions can be time-consuming, but the best way is to measure the width and length of every room, then multiply those to calculate the area. Cedreo does it for you with a surface area table that includes dimensions for each room on the floor plan and total area calculations for internal and external.

Create Dimensional Floor Plans Online in Minutes

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Architectural Visualization 3D Rendering Services

Unlock the potential of compelling floor plan presentations.

Visualizations play a crucial role in real estate, particularly in aiding communication among stakeholders and enhancing marketing efforts.

In this regard, floor plan presentations are indispensable tools in the buying, selling, and construction of real estate. They facilitate an accurate, detailed, and accessible visual representation of a property’s layout and structure which can encourage a better understanding of the overall area, the placement of objects, and how a space flows.

This is crucial for allowing stakeholders to determine whether a particular property or design concept is viable and meets their requirements.

Let’s explore all there is to these relatively straightforward yet highly effective visual aids.

What Is a Floor Plan Presentation?

A floor plan presentation is a technical drawing that is made to scale while providing a bird’s eye view of a particular space. This includes the layout of the rooms, the placement of doors and balconies, and other structural elements. It may also include outlines of furniture and other design features.

Floor plan presentations can be as simple or detailed as required based on what they are being used for and what they need to showcase.

A floor plan presentation can include different components such as:

  • Scale and measurements
  • Suggested furniture
  • Clearly defined rooms with staircases, walls, windows, doors, and partitions 
  • Dimensions of different elements
  • Flower beds, balconies, patios, and other additional features
  • Annotations such as labels or explanatory notes

All these components come together to provide an accurate depiction of a space. They help visualize how one might move through a property, and help stakeholders decide whether the layout, placement of furniture, and other considerations suit their purpose.

It’s possible to create your own floor plans. You can use online software or use traditional drawing instruments. However, it’s important to consider that the possibility of making mistakes with inaccurate scaling and placement increases if you produce them yourself. 

This can easily become more costly and time-consuming than you planned in the long run. In many cases, hiring a floor plan creator specialist is a better option as they are experienced and familiar with designing floor plans that accurately depict a space. Professionally designed floor plans are also clearer while effectively communicating all the required design elements, dimensions, and spatial arrangements.

Types of Floor Plans

Different types of floor plans can be used to depict a space in different ways. Each has its own unique appeal and function.

Here are the most popular types of floor plans:

2D Floor Plans

2D floor plans are diagrams that outline the fundamental layout and structure of a space. They can provide basic depictions where the perimeters of rooms are outlined along with labels for what a particular room is and what its dimensions are. Other essential features such as doors and windows may also be highlighted.

Other 2D floor plans may be slightly more detailed, such as color-coded 2D plans that highlight different areas of a property, including sections or levels in multi-level properties. 

2D plans can also include furniture, but this is done in a highly simple, schematic manner. Squares, rectangles, circles, and other simple shapes are used to depict the furniture with little to no realism or detail.

These are affordable, less time-consuming, and only include the essential details that are strictly necessary, thus reducing distractions.

3D Floor Plans

3D floor plans, as the name suggests, offer a 3-dimensional outline of a property or space. They have a higher visual impact as they include color, detailed furniture, design elements, and textures.

These floor plans may show the different building materials, interior designs, and decorative elements such as furniture, plants, and other aesthetic features. They are more detailed and realistic, providing a more immersive visualization of what a space can look like, and an accurate portrayal of its utility once it is finished.

Floor plans are not limited to interior design floor plan presentations. Site plans are also an option. These provide an accurate depiction of the overall property, including its interiors, exteriors, and landscaping.

For a holistic presentation, floor plans that include the external areas of a structure can be highly effective in displaying the overall scope of the property. These can be designed as detailed 2D or 3D floor plans. They may also include outdoor features such as pools, ponds, sheds, garages, and other similar external structures.

Functions of Floor Plans for Different Stakeholders

Floor plans can be used by all the stakeholders of a property as they are extremely versatile, practical, and convenient. In this section, we share how real estate agents, brokers, property developers, architects, designers, and homeowners benefit from floor plans.

Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Floor plan presentations are highly effective for creating a visual representation of a property that is easily understood and accessed. People who are unfamiliar with advanced technology may struggle with virtual tours and immersive walkthroughs. Floor plans are ideal solutions because they provide accurate depictions of spaces without requiring the user to be familiar with technology. They are also less overwhelming since they require minimal active participation.

Real estate agents can thus benefit from these qualities and use floor plans to attract potential buyers and renters by showcasing properties with simpler tools. They can enhance listings and brochures by providing a basic outline of the space so interested individuals can understand what they are working with.

Property Developers

Property developers can use floor plans to market their projects to investors by showcasing the basic layout of the structure. This can allow investors to ascertain whether the spatial flow is appealing and meets their needs.

Developers can also use floor plans to enhance communication among their crews. Floor plans offer clarity on the dimensions and the other essential details of a space.

Architects and Designers

Floor plans provide an accurate visual reference, thus reducing the risk of misunderstandings and miscommunications. They also offer accessible clarity regarding a project as they transcend language barriers and can be easily shared.

These help reduce costly mistakes by enhancing coordination and collaboration between architects and their clients as well as construction crews.

Furthermore, architects can also make changes and offer alternatives with greater ease compared to other more intensive design models. Clients can thus pick between different layouts and arrangements at a lower cost.

When planning remodels or renovations, floor plans can help homeowners more easily communicate with their architects and design teams. This helps streamline feedback and revisions while promoting more informed decision-making.

Since floor plans are simpler and more affordable, homeowners have more freedom to request changes and alternative options. They also help reduce errors and revisions in later stages of building as owners can clearly envision what the space will look like and suggest changes. Meanwhile,  construction crews can be updated on any changes with ease.

How Do Floor Plans Aid in Marketing?

Floor plan presentations can significantly enhance marketing strategies and results as they increase properties’ appeal to potential buyers and renters.

Enhances Visualization

Floor plans provide a clear and accurate representation of a property’s layout, placement of furniture, and other spatial and structural elements and design features. This allows potential buyers or renters to envision the space and discern whether or not it suits their needs and preferences.

Increases Interest

Properties with professionally designed floor plans look more legitimate and receive higher levels of interest compared to other properties that don’t have them. They provide a competitive advantage that makes listings stand out, attracting interested buyers and tenants.

An increase in viewership, be it online listings, or brochures, can further help in expediting the decision-making process, thus resulting in quicker sales.

Floor plans are more accessible than other forms of visualizations as they are simpler and can be easily navigated without technical literacy.

They can also be printed out and used in brochures and other marketing materials without requiring a screen. They can thus be easily viewed and shared as they don’t require the advanced technology or digital storage space required by large files like renders, images, and videos. 

Enhances Trust

Buyers and renters may be apprehensive about trusting 3D renders and visualizations as they can be regarded as marketing gimmicks that don’t provide an accurate depiction of a property.

Floor plans can enhance trust as they include all essential details about the dimensions of a space. Anyone viewing a floor plan can immediately understand the exact measurements of a property.

Final Thoughts

Effective marketing and communication are crucial in real estate and floor plans are a valuable asset in this regard. Be it real estate agents, property developers, architects, or homeowners, a floor plan presentation is critical for showcasing properties and design concepts.

While it’s possible to take a DIY approach to creating floor plans, hiring a specialist will ensure better accuracy and a precise, professional floor plan presentation.

If you’re looking to create a floor plan presentation of a property, our passionate and experienced professionals at PlusRender will deliver realistic, detail-oriented renders to optimize your communication and marketing strategies.

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A floor plan is a scaled diagram of a room or building viewed from above. The floor plan may depict an entire building, one floor of a building, or a single room. It may also include measurements, furniture, appliances, or anything else necessary to the purpose of the plan. Floor plans are useful to help design furniture layout, wiring systems, and much more. They are also a valuable tool for real estate agents and leasing companies in helping sell or rent out space. Floor plans are essential when designing and building a home. A good floor plan can increase the enjoyment of the home by creating a nice flow between spaces and can even increase its resale value. The key characteristics of a good floor plan when designing your house are versatile and flexible, ideal room layout, size matters, fit your priorities and lifestyle. Find the balance between architectural details and practical considerations. Think about the safety of kids, cleaning, heating and cooling bill before falling in love with some majestic staircase or floor to ceiling windows. You can also use a floor plan to communicate with contractors and vendors about an upcoming remodelling project. There are a few basic steps to creating a floor plan – determine the area to be drawn, take measurements, draw walls, add architectural features, add furniture. Also, do not forget about the comfort of living and the possibility of selling an apartment. Make sure bedrooms are far from entertaining spaces. Bathrooms should not face common entertainment spaces like dining rooms or living rooms. Make sure in the future an office can easily be turned into a child’s bedroom whether for your family or a future buyer’s. Think about the safety of kids, cleaning, heating and cooling bill before falling in love with some majestic staircase or floor to ceiling windows.

The Floor Plan template consists of four slides that contain all the tools you need to build a professional presentation. This template contains room infographics that can be easily edited to suit your needs. You can even edit the colour of the chairs, the colour of picture frames and other small details of this infographic. This template will be useful for designers when preparing a visualization of an apartment or office plan for a client. Also, the slides of this template will be useful for architectural firms and construction companies. You can prepare advertising presentations for your future apartments or offices and send them to your potential buyers. Also, this template will be useful for real estate agencies. For example, you can use the slides in this template to showcase drawings and renderings of apartments and offices for sale. Floor Plan template will organically complement your old slides and will take its rightful place in your collection of professional presentations.

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Floor Plan Presentation

Transcript: The bed I have in my room is an average sized single bed, with some very fabulous polka-dot design on it. The reason i chose such a cool yet warm design pallet was to make my room more of a comfortable environment for me to reside within.My bed is by far the most major part of my current life, so of coarse it needs to be perfect. Floor Plan Presentation Bed By: Jaafar Elkhalifa add logo here

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Transcript: Timeline Development Stages Introduction This section will provide an overview of the house's floor plan, focusing on the distribution of space and square footage. Initial planning and layout design Construction and structural development Completion and handover to the homeowner Interior design and finishing touches Final inspection and quality assurance Floor Plan Presentation Architectural Features Understanding the Structure and Square Footage The architectural features of the house merge form and function, showcasing a blend of modern design and practicality. Interior Design The interior design reflects a cohesive style, harmonizing elements of comfort, sophistication, and individual expression. Room Distribution The distribution of rooms in the house reflects a well-planned layout that optimizes space and functionality. Living Room The living room serves as the central gathering space, designed for comfort and entertainment while maintaining a seamless connection with the outdoor area. Conclusion The floor plan presentation provides a comprehensive understanding of the house's structure, emphasizing functional elegance and thoughtful design. Space Utilization Details Details The utilization of space within the house emphasizes versatility, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal, contributing to a harmonious living environment. Details Details

floor plan presentation

Transcript: Floor Plan Presentation Taylor Whitis, Alan Barajas, Derian Hendricks Bedrooms Kitchen, Dining room, & Pantry Living Room & Closets Flooring cost for entire house: $5211.84 Skills Gained: Taylor: Learned how to use Floor planner Derian: Improved working with my Area & Perimeter skills. Alan: Improved working with linear expressions. Official Blue Print The End. Perimeter: 26 Ft. Area: 80 Square Ft. Flooring: Vinyl Tile Flooring Cost:$394.40 Bathroom Office, Laundry Room, Bathroom & Hallway Bedroom #1 Dining Room Closet #1 Pantry Laundry Room Bedroom #2 Perimeter: 36 Ft. Area: 80 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $267.20 Perimeter: 36 Ft. Area: 60 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $200.40 Living Room Perimeter: 40 Ft, Area: 100 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $334.00 Kitchen Perimeter: 32 Ft. Area: 60 Square Ft. Flooring: Marble Tile Flooring Cost: $444.60 Perimeter: 31 Ft. Area: 155 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $517.70 Hallway Perimeter: 32 Ft. Area: 60 Square Ft. Flooring: Hard Wood Flooring Cost: $426.00 Perimeter:44 Area:120 Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $400.80 Perimeter: 34 Ft. Area: 66 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $220.44 Perimeter: 40 Ft. Area: 100 Square Ft. Flooring: Marble Tile Flooring Cost: $815.10 Perimeter: 42 Ft. Area: 110 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $367.40 Office Closet #2 Perimeter: 32 Ft. Area: 60 Square Ft. Flooring: Vinyl Tile Flooring Cost: $295.80 Perimeter: 46 Ft. Area: 132 Square Ft. Flooring: Carpet Flooring Cost: $440.88 Master Bedroom

floor plan presentation

Transcript: Home Exterior Porch Dimension: 10"8' Material: Granite Master Bathroom Extirior (Porch/Patio) Dimension: 17" 15' Light Fixture Price: $25.99 Wall Paint Color: Light Brown Floor Type: Wood Master Bedroom Bathrooms:2 Bedrooms:3 Dimension: 12 by 10 Material: Stone,Tile, & etc. floor Plan By : David j. Heated Heated sqft: 2,322 Sink Brand: whirlpool Cost: $115.99 Interior of Home Kitchen Fridge Brand: Whirlpool Cost: $699.99 ~Material: Brick & stucco ~website for Info: www.floorplans.com ~Floorplan title/description: Handsome Cfraftsman Ranch With Great outdoor space. ~Total House sqft: 2,578 Number Of Stories: 2 floors dishwasher Brand: Whirlpool Cost: $459.99 Stove/oven Brand: Philips Cost: $589.99

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Transcript: Verizon 5 GB per person, unlimited talk and text Cost for three years: $1800 Office Business Essentials Total Cost: $600 Laptops Actual Floor Plan Printers (5) Microsoft Lumia 640 ($59.99) AT&T U-Verse Cost for three years: $3600 Includes enough data & speed to provide free wi-fi for customers Internet Front Desk: Dell Inspiron - Touchscreen Laptop ($399.90) Employee Computers - (5) HP Pavilion x2 Laptop ($249.99) Floor Plan Presentation Router: OnHub AC1900 ($199.99) Work Area: Canon Image Class Printer ($1,295) Total: $9,743.72 Below budget by: $256.22 Front Desk: HP Officejet Pro 8100 ($149.99) Phones Internet Connection Devices (LAN) Extras for Computers Phone Plan Total Cost Modem: VDTV2-BLOODVDSL2 LAN Extender ($149.00)

floor plan presentation

Transcript: Living room Kitchen Rooms Bathrooms Outro of floor plans Introduction to Floor Plan A floor plan is a a scale diagram of the arrangement of rooms in one story of a building. Features of map floor plans are important to making building and places like schools, houses, and workplaces. Christian Gutierrez Scivis 1 Mr Ngoma 2015-2016 Sizes Specific rooms Items in Rooms Ability's Entrances/Exits Structure of Floor Plan Floor plans are essential when designing and building a home. A good floor plan can increase the enjoyment of the home by creating a nice flow between spaces and can even increase its resale value Purpose of Map Floor Plan

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Transcript: Fig. 5 Floor Plan CT Scan Graphic Sign Elevations Nursing Station Operation Room Family Meeting Room Fig. 1: Le blog - connecsens. (2015, August 04). Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://www.connecsens.com/index.php/le-blog Fig. 2: CrystEngComm. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/ce/c0ce00971g#!divAbstract Fig.3: Skeletal muscle. (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletal_muscle Fig. 4: 500 illustrations and clipart. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://www.canstockphoto.com/illustration/500.html Fig. 5: Pin - #anatomia - anatomia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://www.taringa.net/mi/pin/#anatomia Fig. 4 Diagnostic Imaging Perspectives Elevator Entrance Welcome to The Strength & Stability Hospital! Concept By: Monique Carroll & Alessia Fontana Common Areas Main Elevator Entrance Nursing Station Surgical Department Corridor Diagnostic Suite Sketches Main Corridor Patient Room Scrub Station Surgical Suite Elevations Fig. 1 Nurse Station Fig. 3 Ultrasound Room The Strength & Stability Hospital design concept is created around the human bodies muscles and bones. The Surgical Department is based around the muscles and the Diagnostic Imaging Department is based around the bones. The design concept reflects the colour, shapes, and make-up of each of the human bodies element. We would like to encourage you to view our final designs for the Strength & Stability Hospital and we hope you enjoy the space. Graphic Sign Elevation Surgical Suite Patient Room Nurse Station Patient Room Diagnostic Suite Elevations Plans Operating Room Reception Area That concludes our presentation of the Strength & Stability Hospital. Before you go please feel free to view and touch the materials for the hospital, and look at our model of the space. We hope you have enjoyed our designs for the Strength & Stability Hospital. Thank You! Surgical Suite Sketches References Diagnostic Suite Reception RCP Pre-Operation Area Patient Room Waiting Area Fig. 2 Patient Room Elevations Pre/Post Op

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Floor Plans for Houses: Everything You Should Know

Sep 2, 2021

By Maramani House Plans

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The process of building your dream home starts with a lot of planning and implementation. And one integral part of the whole planning process is a floor plan .

With a floor plan, you will have a realistic view of what your building or house will eventually look like (especially the interior) when it's completed.

So, whether you’re planning to build a house, renovate your old home or even revamp the interior part of your home to have a new design or look, a floor plan is essential to enable you to have a successful project.

For this reason, this article has been written to expose you to all you need to know about floor plans for houses.

Once you’re done reading, you’d have been well-informed about what a floor plan is all about, particularly if you intend to have one for any housing project.

What are Floor Plans All About?

Floor plans are the visual representation or display of houses from above. They are used to show or illustrate the key elements of any house. Such elements include windows, kitchen , doors , stairs, and other major furniture found on the floor of a building project.

In other words, floor plans are manual or digital architectural drawings that depict what the floor of buildings or houses will look like once they are built. They can also be described as orthographic projection drawings that help to give a vivid description of buildings and their surroundings.

It is pertinent to note that, unlike site plans, floor plans are often concerned with the interior design of a building project.

Floor plans are used by various building professionals like interior designers , real estate developers, home builders, remodelers, architects , home designers, among others. It serves as a layout or template that these professionals can show their clients whenever they decide to work on any building or construction project. It equally helps them to bring the vision of the client's ideal home to reality.

Benefits of Having a Floor Plan

  • It helps you visualize and understand the type of job your building professional will carry out before the project starts
  • It helps to give a realistic and precise appearance of the interior space planning of your house to ensure that it perfectly fits your desires or lifestyle
  • It assists in communicating different floor information to you in a clear, attractive, and detailed manner through 2D and 3D presentations
  • It helps to show a detailed and accurate layout that will enable you to understand what your building will turn out to be while helping you be sure of the type of job that will be executed
  • A floor plan will enable you to have a functional and practical space to work with, particularly when pieces of furniture are included
  • It is used to illustrate newly built homes, plan home renovation and home improvement projects , sell a home , and create a real estate listing
  • It helps real estate professionals seal deals or contracts on time with their clients because clients are usually interested in seeing a plan before commencing any housing project
  • It helps to show the relationship between spaces and rooms and how you can navigate the house

Types of Floor Plans

Contemporary floor plans.

floor plans for houses

When it comes to modern home designs , the contemporary floor plan is what you should look out for. This type of plan has minimal walls and can enable you to have more space to work with as one room directly leads to the next without a barrier.

For instance, you can eliminate the walls between the kitchen and living room , enabling you to easily know what's going on in the kitchen while you're in the living room and vice versa.

This type of plan is becoming more popular in today's world because of the open space and opportunities for better family bonding it provides.

  • It enables more natural light into the house
  • The bigger space makes it easier to move around the house
  • Due to its modernity and popularity, it's easier to sell on the real estate market
  • It creates little or no privacy in the house

Traditional or closed plans

house floor plans

Unlike the contemporary floor plans, these plans have more walls, which help to partition different rooms.  Their spaces are pretty normal, while the walls help separate one room from another, like the bedroom from the living room.

  • It gives room for privacy
  • The walls help to enable a better insulation system to reduce energy bills
  • It gives you the liberty to design each room differently without mismatching colors
  • The walls make small rooms appear larger , especially if it's just one person occupying them
  • It’s relatively expensive to build

Custom floor plans

floor plans

A custom floor plan is a bespoke type of floor plan that you intend to create for yourself. It involves working with your builder or architect to create your plan from scratch by navigating catalogs of different homes and tailoring them to your personal needs or taste.

With this type of plan, you have the liberty to choose fixtures, rooms, materials, styles, colors, among other features you wish to include in our house.

Forms of Floor Plan Presentation/ Representation

Floor plans are majorly presented in three ways. They include the following;

This usually comes in the form of a blueprint, sketch, or computer drawing. It shows the overall layout of the house interior from above.

A 2D representation is mostly considered a technical type of floor plan presentation because it is a flat, plain drawing without depth or perspective that shows the various measurements of the spaces in a house. Also, it does not provide a real-time image of the floor.

Due to its technical nature, it is usually presented to clients with 3D representation for better understanding.

3D is the most visually appealing and popular way of presenting a floor plan. It helps to display the height and perspective of the house and gives more detail that is easily comprehended.

Here, you will easily spot where the doors, windows, rooms, and furniture are located in the house through virtual reality mode.

Even though it is costlier to make compared to 2D, it gives a better user experience that makes its usage worthwhile.

Live 3D is similar to the 3D representation, but it's more advanced because it gives you a virtual tour of the house. It is a very realistic representation that brings your floor plans and home designs to life while giving you a virtual 3D walkthrough.

Factors to Consider before Drawing/Designing a Floor Plan

1. structure or layout.

One of the foremost things to put into consideration before drawing a floor plan is a layout. Whether it's a ready-made or bespoke plan, you must ensure that the layout is functional and practical to work with.

Do you wish to go for a contemporary or traditional floor plan ? Or do you prefer a modern custom-made plan? Whatever type of plan you decide to go for must be implementable as you work with your builder to achieve a successful result.

2. Lifestyle

Among the things to consider adequately during the cause of planning is the lifestyle of the client. The type of job, personality, or activity that the client performs daily will influence the floor plan of the house. Is the client a fitness enthusiast? If so, then a gym should be incorporated into the plan.

In the same vein, a client who works from home should have a home office entirely separated from other rooms in the plan.

3. Family size

What kind of family is planning on living in the house? Is it extended or nuclear? How large is the family? These, among other pertinent questions, must be answered when designing a floor plan.

4. Functionality and versatility

floor plan design

A functional and versatile floor plan will go a long way in aiding a successful house makeover when the need arises. For example, a gym can easily be converted to a study and a bedroom into a home office if the floor plan is versatile enough.

The amount of space available for the plan is another crucial factor to consider. A good floor plan must work effectively with the limited space available without causing clusters in the house.

6. Furniture

When the pieces of furniture for the house are already available, it will most likely determine how to design the plan. Therefore, you should consider furniture during planning to ensure that every piece perfectly fits the places they are meant to be.

The available budget will absolutely determine the possibility of successfully implementing a floor plan. If you wish to go for a luxurious house plan, you must prepare to spend higher on the plan and implementation. 

Get Your Floor Plan

There is no quality building project that doesn't require planning. Having a good floor plan for your house will go a long way to prevent you from making any mistakes during construction. It will also help to effectively make your home more organized and aesthetically appealing after it has been built.  

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Free Floor Plan PowerPoint Template

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    Step 1: Setting Up and Importing Floor Plan. In this first step, we will begin by setting up PowerPoint and importing the floor plan into PowerPoint. Convert floor plan to image file format: Begin by ensuring that your floor plan is in JPEG or PNG format. If it's in PDF, convert it to an image file format. You can easily convert the floor ...

  4. Interior Design Presentation Ideas, Tips & Strategies

    Floor Plans. A key part of any presentation is the floor plan, whether it is on paper or a screen. They help show architectural details such as the location of windows, doors, and walls, as well as fully furnish the space with furniture pieces, appliances and fixtures.

  5. How to Make an Animated 3D Floor Plan Presentation in PowerPoint

    Assets Required to Make a 3D Floor Plan Presentation in PowerPoint. The main asset required is a 3D house plan model, which can be built using free 3D software like Blender, a web-based application such as Sweet Home 3D, or professional tools such as AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, Cinema4D, etc. Hand-drawn floor plans can be scanned ...

  6. How to Make a Floor Plan in PowerPoint

    After creating the floor plan, you can export it into PPT formats and other important formats, like JPG, PNG, Docs, and more. This 2D floor plan also lets you share your floor plan design on different social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Line. In addition to this, you can present the floor plan right from the dashboard.

  7. How To Present Better Architectural Plans

    As an architect, it is a little difficult to complete the project if your client is unsure of the floor plans. You can use presentation techniques such as render plans and plan diagrams when presenting floor plans and site plans. Best Ways to Present Plans. As with other architectural presentations, the best way to present architectural plans ...

  8. Top 10 Floor Plan Templates To Share the Essence of Your Property

    Template 1: Floor Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template . This presentation deck will help you put forward your real estate project ideas. It includes high-quality slides for the presentation of commercial and residential construction plans. Use the space in these graphics to write key points about the project or design.

  9. 5 Creative Floor Plan Styles to Consider for Your Next Project

    There are many ways to portray plans to meet these needs, but here are 5 of the most popular styles to consider for your next project. 1. Textured Floor Plan. Drawing by em_designs. One simple way to enhance a plan for presentation purposes is to add textures denoting different floor finishes and ground conditions, as illustrated above by em ...

  10. How to create a floor plan in PowerPoint

    Here are some steps to get you started: Open PowerPoint and create a new slide. Go to the "Insert" tab and select "Shapes" to access the shape library. Select the "Rectangle" shape and draw the outline of the walls of your floor plan. Use the "Line" shape to draw any internal walls or partitions.

  11. Free Architecture Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Download the Sustainable Timber in Construction MK Plan presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. This incredible template is designed to help you create your own marketing plan that is sure to impress your entire team. Using this amazing tool, you'll be able to analyze your target audience, assess your competitors,... Marketing. 16:9.

  12. Floor Plans With Dimensions (Including Examples)

    Step #1: Start From Scratch or Import an Image. Create your floor plan by drawing from scratch or uploading an existing floor plan with your house dimensions. You will have the ability to resize the floor plan, and even enlarge or reduce walls. Just draw right over an existing floor plan to get it ready to customize.

  13. Unlock the Potential of Compelling Floor Plan Presentations

    Floor plan presentations can significantly enhance marketing strategies and results as they increase properties' appeal to potential buyers and renters. Enhances Visualization. Floor plans provide a clear and accurate representation of a property's layout, placement of furniture, and other spatial and structural elements and design features

  14. Floor plans: Create floor plans for free

    Whether you're a beginner or a professional, creating 2D floor plans is a breeze on Canva Whiteboards. Use our intuitive design tools and editable templates to reimagine the layout of your room. Sketch out decors with the Draw tool or drag and drop floor plan elements from our media library for a more accurate design — all on an infinite ...

  15. PowerPoint Floor Plan Template

    The Floor Plan template consists of four slides that contain all the tools you need to build a professional presentation. This template contains room infographics that can be easily edited to suit your needs. You can even edit the colour of the chairs, the colour of picture frames and other small details of this infographic.

  16. Top floor plan presentation template

    Floor Plan Presentation. Transcript: Timeline Development Stages Introduction This section will provide an overview of the house's floor plan, focusing on the distribution of space and square footage. Initial planning and layout design Construction and structural development Completion and handover to the homeowner Interior design and finishing touches Final inspection and quality assurance ...

  17. Floor Plans for Houses: Everything You Should Know

    Floor plans are the visual representation or display of houses from above. They are used to show or illustrate the key elements of any house. Such elements include windows, kitchen, doors, stairs, and other major furniture found on the floor of a building project. In other words, floor plans are manual or digital architectural drawings that ...

  18. Free Floor Plan Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates

    Free Floor Plan Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates. Designing an eyecatching presentation template is time-consuming. Download the following free and ready-to-use Floor plan powerpoint templates and Google slides themes for the upcoming presentation. You only need to change text, logo or colors on the professional PPT templates.

  19. The Floor Plan ppt download

    2 The Floor Plan The floor plan is the heart of a set of construction drawings. All tradeworkers refer to the floor plan. Usually the first drawing completed. The basis for many other plans. Actually a section drawing. Keep the floor plan clean and uncluttered. 2. 3 Presentation Drawing Study this pictorial of a three bedroom house.

  20. Free Floor Plan PowerPoint Template

    Engineering and planning for construction of some building are important and cannot be ignored. Free Floor Plan PowerPoint Template is a wonderful template design for the presentations crafted for inner or outer construction style and line-plan. The template design is equally perfect for the presentations on draftsman, line-plan, town planners ...

  21. Floor plan PowerPoint Templates and PowerPoint Backgrounds

    DigitalOfficePro's Floor plan PowerPoint Template and Floor plan PowerPoint Backgrounds helps you engage your audience from top to bottom with artistically enhanced and visually stunning slides - aesthetically perfect to match today's audience expectations. Above all, it is pretty simple to customize text, color, font or layout of any of these ...

  22. How To Make a PowerPoint Presentation of a Floor Plan

    When designing a floor plan for a new home, or discussing the how to optimize an arrangement of an existing one, its better to have an office floor plan visual. You can use the floor plan template and make your custom home floor plan. The all you need is to run ConceptDraw PRO and its Office Plans solution. Then, you can quickly design the unique floor plan and present it to stakeholders to ...

  23. architecture floor plan house

    Architecture Presentation Board. architecture floor plan house. Discover templates, ebooks and more architecture resources. → Scrool down the page to see our free products! ... Probably want it a bit more country for a more open layout though ----- Second Floor Plan of Country Victorian House Plan 57563 I will design autocad 2d floor plan, 3d ...

  24. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

    Try Creative Cloud today. After your free trial, your Adobe Creative Cloud membership is only. US$19.99/mo US$59.99/mo . See terms. Buy now. Free trial. Purchase by phone: 800-585-0774. Students and teachers are eligible for over 60% discount on Adobe Creative Cloud. Get access to Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro and more.

  25. Starbucks Coffee Company

    Investor Relations Contact. Starbucks Coffee Company. Investor Relations Department. 2401 Utah Avenue South, Mailstop IR. Seattle, WA 98134. [email protected].