• Personal statement advice: psychology

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If you're writing a psychology personal statement, describing your personal insights into the subject or how you've pursued your interest outside the classroom will impress over quoting Freud or Milgram (which might sound a little pretentious). That's what psychology admissions tutors told us when we asked them what they're looking for in your personal statement.

Five things to include in your psychology personal statement

The University of Bristol highlights five elements of a strong, academically focused psychology statement:

  • Ensure it is well structured and well written .  
  • Give details of any specific interests or ambitions you have that relate to the content of the course.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm for psychological research as a focus for academic study.
  • Provide evidence of when you have pursued your interest in psychology outside the classroom (see above!)
  • Give examples of non-curricular activities you are involved in which indicate the contribution you are likely to make to university life. Any relevant work experience you have under your belt is also worth talking about. But if you haven't gained experience in the field directly, think creatively - there might be ways to link observations from your part-time job, voluntary work or extra-curricular activities to psychology. One successful applicant finished her statement with a short paragraph about her Saturday job on a supermarket fish counter, describing the satisfaction she got from knowing how to gut and fillet a mackerel. Linking her experience to psychology in an innovative but relevant way was a lot more interesting than just saying it had improved her teamwork or communication skills, which are a bit broad.

Psychology tutors tell it like it is

Here are some more points to avoid:

  • A lack of understanding: ‘Some applicants display a misconception of what psychology is. We want to know that you understand the importance of scientific elements of the course and the importance of statistics and experimentation’.
  • Not enough engagement with the subject: ‘Some applicants are rejected because of a lack of commitment to the subject, especially in cases where it appears that they’ve applied for a mixture of courses rather than five psychology ones’.
  • Making it too personal: ‘Some applicants expand too much on personal circumstances, such as mental health issues or life events. Studying psychology may not necessarily help, so don't overplay personal stories’.
  • Getting the tone wrong: don’t just say you ‘want to help people’ and don’t use inappropriate language like ‘less fortunate people’. Also, avoid inserting sophisticated language or phrases if you don’t fully understand them – ‘straightforward language is never a bad thing’.

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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 21 September 2023 | 10 min read

Writing a psychology personal statement: expert advice from universities 

 Get tips from the top to help you nail your psychology personal statement 

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Research the course and make it clear that you understand what it’s all about

  • Read more:  how to write an excellent personal statement in ten steps

Keep it focused on you 

… but make sure you understand what the course is all about and keep it academic.

  • Read more:  how to write your university application

Answer the question of why you want to study psychology 

  • Read more:  teacher secrets for writing a great personal statement

Show the range of your interest

  • Read more:  personal statement FAQs

Highlight any relevant work experience

  • Read more:  the ten biggest mistakes to avoid when writing your personal statement

And work experience outside the healthcare sector could still be relevant, too

  • Read more:  universities reveal all about personal statements

Reflect on your relevant experience

  • Read more:  universities explain how to end your personal statement with a bang

Avoid cliches

  • Read more:  how to write your personal statement when you have nothing interesting to say

Let it all flow out in your first draft

  • Read more:  how long does it take for universities to reply to your application? 

Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly where you want your career to take you yet

And a few final tips from universities…, you may want to look at these..., how to write an excellent personal statement in 10 steps.

Help and advice on putting your application together

Personal statement FAQs

We've gone through some of the most commonly asked personal statement questions and put all the answers in one place

Personal statement secrets – universities reveal all

Want to know how to craft an amazing personal statement? Take some advice from the experts...

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mature student psychology personal statement

U2 Tuition

How to Write a Psychology Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

This blog leads you through some of U2's Oxford and Cambridge-educated Psychology graduates' tips for building content for, writing and structuring your Psychology personal statements.  

Most University level Psychology courses do not require that students have taken Psychology at A-level or IB (in fact, some professors advise that students don't take it, because the A-Level/ IB syllabus is so different from what you learn at University). 

So, how do you demonstrate your aptitude for the course at university level? Whether you have studied Psychology at school, or are starting afresh, this blog will teach you how to ensure your Psychology personal statement stands out to interviewers for the top UK universities.

Creating a Psychology Personal Statement: Brain Scan and Academic Symbols on iPad

Tips for your Psychology Personal Statement

Few students will have written anything like a UCAS personal statement before - an approximate side of A4 on what exactly you have to offer. For some general tips on how to write a high-level and original personal statement, check out our blog on 10 Top Tips for Writing a Standout Oxbridge Personal Statement .

Your personal statement should integrate your personal interests, subject knowledge and extracurricular experience. For Psychology, we suggest focusing on three main areas: (1) highlight your personal interest in psychology, be it clinical psychology or the stigma surrounding mental health, and link this more explicitly to the range of ways you have explored the subject;

(2) emphasise your academic abilities and how these will ensure you suit the course e.g. You may mention your mathematical/ scientific abilities and how this complements/ facilitates your interest in empirically studying human behaviour; (3) discuss extra-curricular activities and how these also relate to your subject interest. E.g. Essay competitions, projects, lectures etc. 

(1) Highlight your personal interest in psychology and link this more explicitly to the range of ways you have explored the subject

If you have an initial interest in Psychology, but have not had a chance to explore it in-depth, or beyond the school syllabus, this should be the first step. Do not regurgitate your school syllabus. You’ll need to read and research the subject, refining your interests and building evidence of your wider exploration e.g. through reading books, articles and scientific research papers.

Ideas to direct your wider subject exploration:

One way of developing an early understanding of key aspects of Psychology is to briefly look at the compulsory modules of the courses that interest you and gain an initial overview of key themes/ topics through reading and research. E.g. The undergraduate psychology course at Oxford University covers: Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Neuroscience, so you could try to gain a quick appreciation of each module through research. Cambridge also provide a useful A-Z of key topics in Psychology.

After an initial introduction into broad areas of psychology and what they involve, focus in. Which areas pique your interest most? Keep a file with notes on each topic, read articles to extend your knowledge, and remember to relate concepts to your personal experience (e.g. examples from everyday life, real-world applications of concepts) so you don’t end up turning your personal statement into an essay. Why does [Insert topic] make you want to study Psychology at degree level? What catalysed your interest in [Insert topic]? Can you think of examples in your everyday life that relate? :

E.g. Following some research, you may find you are interested in Social Psychology, in particular group identity. What interests you about it? You may have read about ‘outgroup homogeneity’: the failure to see differences between members of of an out-group. Can you think of examples in your everyday experience? E.g. Racial prejudice?

Conversely, you may have started with thinking about racial prejudice, if that is something you are particularly passionate about, and that could have led you to research the psychology behind it, which could have brought you to Outgroup homogeneity. Either method is great. When it comes to writing your personal statement, it can be best to start with the personal experience/ interest and mention how this spurred you on to the academic research/ how your interest deepened with wider exploration.

Psychology Personal Statement Reading Recommendations

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat – Oliver Saks: This book provides case histories of patients who have suffered a range of neurological disorders. E.g. Patients who have lost their memories, patients with violent tics, those with disabilities, but who are mathematical geniuses.

Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman : Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences laureate, Kahneman, developed ‘Prospect theory’, a theory of the psychology of choice, which has been central to the relatively new field of behavioural economics.

The book provides a good overview of a variety of key topics and is particularly useful for those with a penchant for economics (thinking about interdisciplinarity and how your subjects of interest link is always great for your personal statement), or for those simply interested in real-world applications of theories.

Try to think of examples from your everyday life e.g. How decision making can be influenced by advertising and product placement.

Bad Science - Ben Goldachre: Dr Ben Goldacre is the author of the Bad Science column in the Guardian. This humorous book should encourage you to critically appraise articles that you read and stimulate a broader discussion on subjectivity/objectivity and empiricism in psychological research. Humans introduce bias into all research - e.g. Look into the spurious findings of fMRI research when researchers do not adequately account for ‘noise’ in the data.

The Memory Illusion – Dr Julia Shaw: Forensic psychologist and memory specialist, Dr Julia Shaw, uses the latest research to show the many ways in which our brains can be led astray by memory. Learn about how errors in reconstructing memory reflect inherent biases.

If you would like to learn more about memory, check out our co-curricular division, Minds Underground™’s Mind-Enhancing Articles for Psychology, where our Oxbridge psychologists examine the role of memory and other key psychology topics/ questions.

Four Wider Reading Psychology Books: Essential for a Strong Psychology Personal Statement

Also try to read some scientific papers and start thinking critically about them, and stay updated on developments in psychology and psychology in the news. E.g. Through reading The New Scientist - Psychology News , Neuroscience News , Naked Scientist Psychology articles & podcasts, or the Royal Society of Psychology research articles, podcasts and blog posts.

(2) Emphasise your academic abilities and how these will ensure you suit the Psychology course.

Throughout your personal statement, you should demonstrate how you have built skills in preparation for university and for studying Psychology .

To begin preparation, brainstorm your academic abilities and skills, and how these ensure you will suit the course/s you are applying for. Extensively research your top university choices, and see if they have a page dedicated to what they want from applicants. Fill a table as in the example below to help you relate your skills to the study of Psychology.

Table for Students to Fill Out Motivations for Studying Psychology: Psychology Personal Statement Preparation

(3) Discuss extra-curricular activities and how these relate to your subject interests

Many students mistake “extra-curricular activities” for non-subject-related activities such as sport, art, or music. Whilst you can mention these at the end of your personal statement, you are much better off mentioning co-curriculars that directly link to your subject, especially if applying to Oxford or Cambridge (non-academic activities should be 2-3 lines maximum to round-off your personal statement in this case).

If you can’t think of co-curricular activities to mention, now is the time to start finding opportunities to take part in! Here are some ideas:

Psychology Essay Competitions

Minds Underground hosts a Psychology Essay Competition each year. This year, the competition includes a Psychology Research Proposal Challenge, which is perfect for demonstrating independent research & initiative, and will encourage you to learn about experimental design, data collection, handling and analysis.

Also check out Oxford and Cambridge-run essay competitions e.g. Newnham College runs a Psychological & Behavioural Sciences competition each year.

Research Projects

You could task yourself with curating your own independent research project to mention on your personal statement.

3 Example Human Psychology Projects:

Investigating the effects of colour, word type, or other non-semantic factors on memory/reaction time/false memory recall of word lists

Influence of age/gender/multilingualism or any number of other factors on memory, number & word processing, any easily quantifiable metric.

An investigation into behavioural economics in the style of Kahneman & Tversky, looking at Type 1 & 2 decision making and how this can be influenced, for example, by advertising and product placement.

If you are looking to undertake a project under the tutelage of a Psychology subject expert, we also run specialised guided research projects through Minds Underground, usually a month in duration, with weekly project tutorial sessions (these are paid). E.g. “A Psychology or Medicine Project with a Research Associate for the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the Oxford University Hospital Trust (NHS)” or “Psychiatrists & Pharmaceuticals: Alzheimer’s Research Project” with Psychology & Philosophy Oxford graduate, Georgia, who is studying for an MSc in Child and Adolescent Mental Health at UCL.

The aim is to combine teaching of high-level subject-specific content with exposure to real-world applications of these concepts, giving you the opportunity to undertake a project that is both useful for a university application and potential future career.

The projects are great to mention on personal statements, and make impressive talking points at your interview, particularly for top UK universities such as Oxbridge (our project hosts are all Oxbridge-educated), who favour applicants with an interest in scientific research. 

Societies, Summer Schools & Lectures/ Talks

 Are you part of your school’s Psychology Society ? If the school doesn’t have one, could you start one up? Or if they have a STEM society, could you introduce a Psychology element or invite speakers for lectures?

We host a fantastic Psychology Summer School for university applicants, hosted by our team of Psychology Oxbridge graduates. The weekly sessions, running from July to September, will provide a taster of University level Psychology, to provide material which students can write about in personal statements, an discuss during their interviews

There are a plethora of online lectures and talks for you to access online - E.g. Gresham College Psychology lectures, or Ted Talks on Psychology

Psychology Summer School Course Outline: Enhancing Your Psychology Personal Statement

Additional Psychology Personal Statement Advice for those applying to Oxbridge: Oxford, Cambridge

Applying to leading courses like Cambridge's Psychological and Behavioural Sciences or Oxford's Experimental Psychology course requires a tailored approach in your personal statement. Here's how you can make your statement stand out for these Oxbridge courses, compared to non-Oxbridge programmes:

Research-Centric Focus:

Highlight your interest in research from the very beginning. Discuss specific research projects you've been involved in or research findings that have fascinated you.

Look into the cutting-edge research conducted at Cambridge or Oxford and see if anything aligns with your academic interests.

Interdisciplinary Connections:

Emphasise your readiness to explore the interdisciplinary aspects of psychology. These Oxbridge courses often connect psychology with other fields. Mention your interest in related subjects such as neuroscience, biology, or even philosophy, if relevant.

Discuss how these interdisciplinary connections will enrich your understanding of psychology and your research capabilities.

Critical Thinking and Independent Study:

Both Cambridge and Oxford value independent learning and critical thinking. Share your experiences with independent research, coursework, or self-study that demonstrate your ability to think critically and engage deeply with psychology.

Specific Course Features:

Relate some of your content to the unique features of the course at either Cambridge or Oxford. For example, Cambridge's Psychological and Behavioural Sciences course includes a multidisciplinary approach to understanding human behaviour. Oxford's Experimental Psychology course focuses on research design and data analysis.

Explain how these aspects align with your academic goals and career aspirations.

Psychology personal statement checklist with icons: light bulb for ideas, book for academic achievements

Use of Research Methods:

Try to demonstrate your familiarity with research methods and data analysis tools, as these are central to both courses. Highlight any coursework or projects that have developed your skills in these areas.

Looking Beyond the Classroom:

Mention your involvement in psychology-related co-curricular activities, such as higher level topic areas, clubs, volunteer work, or internships, to demonstrate your dedication to the field beyond academic requirements.

You could seek guidance from your teachers or one of U2’s Oxbridge Psychology tutors, who are familiar with the specific requirements and expectations of Oxbridge courses. They can provide invaluable insights and help you refine your personal statement. Contact us if you’d like to learn more.

Next Steps: Drafting & Structuring Your Psychology Personal Statement

Try to narrow your interests down to 2 or 3 topic areas which you can use as overarching themes for your personal statement, e.g. (1) Theories of Mind, of Consciousness, (2) Psychology & Gender, (3) Social Psychology - Group Identity.

Ensure you can address these themes in depth. Have a range of resources to draw from e.g. a scientific paper, a book, research you undertook as part of an essay competition.

Ensure a strong narrative , including linking of concepts between key sections.

Demonstrate personal critical analysis to show your engagement and interest in the subject.

Example Psychology Personal Statement Structure

Aim for around four main paragraphs:

1st paragraph (introductory): What is your motivation to study Psychology? Be specific: what do you want to explore at university? What is distinctive about studying Psychology that makes it worthwhile? Ensure you talk about what motivates your study of the subject now, not a catalyst from your childhood as the interviewer will find it clichéd and less relevant.

2nd paragraph: Explore your interest in [Insert topic] through [Insert activity: e.g. Summer School]. Which of your abilities did this highlight? Link the topic to an interest in [Insert research form: An experiment, article etc.]. Link this to [Insert another activity e.g. a Cambridge lecture on X].

3rd paragraph: Link to paragraph two. This paragraph can follow the same format, but deal with a different topic/ theme.

4th paragraph: Mention extra-curricular activities that don’t relate to your subject interests really briefly (e.g., music, volunteering, anything else of relevance) and demonstrate how these have built skills in preparation for university and for studying Psychology.

You could mention your other A-Level/ IB subjects, perhaps describing how they have enhanced your study of Psychology. 

You could mention any prizes or roles of responsibility which you have had at school, including any clubs that you might organise, such as the school newspaper or student council.

It can be useful to conclude your personal statement by returning to your aptitude for studying the subject in a final few lines . Which core skills do you possess which will equip you to excel at degree level? It’s important to strike a balance between enthusiasm for the subject and evidence of skills.

Example Successful Psychology Personal Statement

Looking at personal statement examples can help you to understand how to structure your own statement and what to include. Below, we have included an example of a successful Cambridge Psychology personal statement, written by one of our 1st Class Cambridge PBS tutors. N.B. The statement is by no means perfect, but should provide an exemplar for how to weave your academic interests and co-curricular endeavours into your statement.

Over 100 trillion synapses connect to form neural networks in the brain – an engine so close to home yet more enigmatic than some of the cosmos. How can the very matter we use to think and learn unlock mysteries of the universe, yet not know exactly how it stores memories? It is these existential questions that fuel my fascination for studying the delicate mechanisms of our minds. Year one of my A-levels, what started as curiosity became increasingly interesting to me. Psychology lessons were deeply thought-provoking, particularly when biological and cognitive psychology were the topics of study. The biology behind the metaphysics of consciousness and perception has since captured me, especially when considering neurological disorders. Fascinated by these phenomena, last year I attended a lecture by Baland Jalal; he discussed his own research into a cure for sleep paralysis, as well as demonstrating his enthusiasm for the field which was a perfect cross-section of various disciplines that I love. To further explore this new intricate field of interest, I read “The New Science of Consciousness” by Paul Nunez; this book offered me a profound insight into the philosophy and “hard problems” that this science faces; whilst explanations for Alzheimer’s and Free Will are difficult to retrieve, the questions we need to ask are even harder to formulate. Cures for neurodegenerative diseases are currently beyond our grasp, which I believe will be changed with further years of research that I would be honoured to be a part of. The challenges and speculations associated with understanding the brain and our behaviour draws me into the subject as I enjoy combining abstract and logical thinking to decipher problems. Both studying logical programming in Computer Science and my EPQ (an investigation into creating a handmade Wilson Cloud Chamber) showcase the interface of these types of thinking. Self-teaching has been a critical aspect of advancing my knowledge of Neuropsychology as at A-Level there is no depth into more peculiar cases (many of which I discovered after reading “The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat” by Oliver Sacks) such as Anton-Babinski Syndrome – a rare symptom of brain damage that causes people to be “cortically blind”, yet inexplicably deny their blindness. Using my own learning techniques, in Year 12 I helped tutor students in Year 7 physics classes. The significant change in learning style developed my methods of tutoring, teaching me to work with and teach peers of varying ages and enhance my ability to describe difficult concepts in an appropriate and understandable way. During year 12 I was accepted onto the Sutton Trust US Programme – a competitive Fulbright programme for high-achieving state-school students. I was one of 150 students picked from 1000+ applicants. Learning to deal with additional, international examinations and workload alongside school, being the guitarist in a band, and rock-climbing has been essential for my personal development, allowing me to handle substantial pressure. I was awarded a visit to Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s graduate laboratories where I saw leading research into many disciplines of science. This year however I decided that the more specialised curriculum offered in the UK was better suited for me – nevertheless, I am still an alum and volunteer for the programme and was chosen to be an advisor at USA college day this year. I gave individual advice to hundreds of young people, ensuring they had information and advice they needed to pursue undergraduate studies ideal for them. As a member of my school’s Student Wellbeing team, it is evident to anyone that a distinct and recurring interest of mine is to help people. I believe this perfectly ties into my desire to research the brain, as I am driven to be part of the research that will prevent neurodegeneration, aid mental illness and answer the fundamental questions that make us human. As written by Paul Nunez, “The phenomenon of consciousness is the major unsolved challenge of our age”.

Finally, remember not to start thinking about your personal statement too late! The content building part is by far the most important - without well-thought out content and a wide range of evidence for your independent exploration, you will not be able to write an engaging personal statement. The writing part will be easy if you have lots of exciting content to draw from.

Best of luck!

Looking for a Personal Statement Tutor or Support For Your Wider Psychology Application?

Psychology personal statement tutoring.

U2’s Oxbridge-educated mentors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in a Psychology personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidate’s own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxbridge Psychology Tutoring

We have a large team of Oxbridge-educated Psychology mentors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates, who support students throughout the process, including personal statement, admissions test and interview preparation.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge Psychology graduate as a mentor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Psychology at the University of Oxford and Cambridge, and are well-placed to guide you through personal statement curation and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the mentor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Psychology application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate.

Mentors ensure each student refines their interests within Psychology, and is exposed to a range of key themes and topics.

Throughout there will be a focus on the experimental side of psychology, by centering the course on real studies, and discussing the techniques and limitations involved in psychological experiments. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during the interview.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and mentor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , Psychology summer school and Oxbridge mock interview days .

Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

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How To Write A Personal Statement For Psychology

Writing a personal statement for a psychology course in the UK can be a daunting task. Your personal statement is an opportunity to highlight your achievements, experiences, and goals, and to showcase your fit for a specific programme or institution.

It is an important part of your application and can be the deciding factor in whether or not you are accepted. 

Many students want to study psychology in the UK since it has one of the best universities in the world. Also, many international students are applying to UK universities every year. In total, around 60000 students study psychology in the UK.

In this blog post, we will provide tips and guidelines on how to write a compelling personal statement for a psychology degree and university. We will also discuss common mistakes to avoid and give some examples to help you get started preparing for your university application.

What is a personal statement for psychology?

A personal statement for psychology is a written document that is typically submitted as part of a UCAS application in the UK.

It is an opportunity for you to show your unique background, experiences, how strong the secondary school education you have, and your interests, and to explain how these have prepared you for a career in psychology.

In your personal statement, you should highlight your passion for psychology and your goals for the future. This part is very important for admission tutors at universities.

You should also write about a relevant research project or work experience, as well as any relevant coursework or extracurricular activities. 

However, the personal statement for psychology needs to be a very well-written and thoughtful reflection of your strengths and goals and should demonstrate your readiness to pursue a degree in psychology.

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  • UCAS Personal Statement:
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What makes a good personal statement for psychology

Writing a good personal statement for psychology can be intimidating, but this is the most important part of your university application process. You will have only one chance to grab the attention of very detailed admission tutors.

When creating your personal statement for psychology, it’s essential to focus on your passion and demonstrate your desire to pursue an undergraduate degree in psychology. To make your application stand out, be specific and provide concrete examples of your experiences and accomplishments.

It’s also essential to use a clear and concise writing style, avoiding jargon – this is something that is not appropriate for university admission tutors. And don’t forget to carefully edit and proofread your statement to ensure it’s error-free and presents a polished, professional image.

Finally, make sure to tailor your statement to the specific psychology programme applying for. Since you will study Psychology, you can choose from many programmes. See the list below. 

Consider the values and goals of the programme, and explain how your experiences and interests align with these. Asking a friend or family member to review your statement before submitting it can also be helpful. Also, you can hire a professional writer to proofread your application.

Check out our UCAS-specific guide: Perfect your application with these useful guides.

  • UCAS Reference Letter
  • UCAS Tariff Points Table: How does it work [Example table]
  • UCAS Application: Process and Deadlines Explained in Details
  • UCAS Extra 2023: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide
  •   UCAS Clearing
  • UCAS Application Process for International Students  

How to structure a psychology personal statement

Well-written psychology personal statements increase your chances of getting a place on your desired course and help you stand out from other applicants.

Learning what to include and how to structure your psychology personal statement can improve its quality. As a general framework for your psychology personal statement, we have included some steps below.

Research before starting writing 

Ensure that you are familiar with any specific guidelines or information that needs to be included in your psychology personal statement.

For example, formatting advice, examples of the kind of experience that would be relevant to mention, or what they are looking for in candidates may be included. Your writing can be guided and informed by this information.

Outline ideas on paper 

Prepare a brief outline of what you want to discuss in your psychology personal statement. An introduction to yourself, your experiences (shown in an example), your knowledge, research projects (if you have it), important skills, and why you are interested in this particular course might be included.

The outline can help you plan the structure and content of your personal statement.

Write an amazing personal statement introduction

You will have the first opportunity to demonstrate to admission tutors why you are the best candidate for a psychology course during your introduction.

Stand out while staying on topic by highlighting what makes you unique in terms of your skill sets, experience, and passions.

Engage Tutors with your statement

The opening sentences of your personal statement are crucial in making an impact on admission tutors. To capture their attention and interest, try starting with punchy, short, and relevant sentences that stand out and create a smooth flow for the reader.

Experiences, skills, and interests in psychology

A personal statement is much more than a representation of yourself. It emphasises why the psychology course is appropriate for you.

Highlight to university members why you’re interested in psychology and what abilities you’ll bring to your studies to achieve.

Always back up your views with real-world examples from your own life, whether it’s a personal experience, something you witnessed secondhand, or something you read about that inspired you to pursue this job.

Make a clear conclusion

An excellent conclusion to your psychology personal statement , like the start, may create a lasting influence on the tutors . Try to cover all of the essential arguments you’ve raised in a clear, succinct manner. Show why you want to study a specific course at a university.

Stick to the subject and avoid using fluffy, long boring sentences. Make sure you leave the admission tutor in a good, enthusiastic tone so that they end your statement with a positive view.

Check to spell and proofread errors

Before you submit your UCAS personal statement , be sure to thoroughly proofread it for any grammar or spelling errors. Reading it out loud or having someone else read it for you can help catch mistakes.

Keep in mind that a successful psychology personal statement is clear , informative , and personal , so avoid using overly long sentences and aim for a professional yet energetic tone.

Highly recommended to read:

  • Applying To Medicine in the UK
  • Writing a Winning Medical Personal Statement

Tips for writing your psychology personal statement

1. start early.

Writing a psychology personal statement is a time-consuming process if the writing is not your “thing”, so it’s essential to start early . This will allow you to brainstorm ideas, gather materials, and revise your statement multiple times before submitting it.

2. Understand the Purpose of the Personal Statement

Before you begin writing your personal statement for the UCAS application , it’s important to understand the purpose of the statement. A personal statement for psychology university should:

  • Explain your motivations for pursuing a degree in psychology
  • Describe your research interests and career goals
  • Highlight your relevant experiences and achievements
  • Demonstrate your fit for the subject and school you are applying to

3. Follow the Prompt

Most programmes will provide a prompt or guidelines for creating your psychology personal statement. It’s important to follow these guidelines closely and address all of the points requested in the prompt. If the programme doesn’t provide a prompt, you can use the list above as a general guide.

4. Be Specific and Personal

A personal statement should be specific and personal. Avoid vague or general statements, and focus on specific experiences, A-levels, subjects, achievements, and goals.

Use concrete examples to illustrate your points and help the reader understand your motivations and interests.

5. Use a Clear and Cohesive Structure

Psychology personal statement should be well-organised and easy to follow. Use a clear and cohesive structure to help the reader understand your story and the progression of your experiences and goals.

Don’t use headings or subheadings to divide your statement into sections. Use transitional phrases to help connect your ideas.

6. Edit and Proofread

Once you have completed a personal statement, it’s important to take the time to edit and proofread your work. Check for typos, grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes, and make sure your statement is clear and concise.

You can ask a trusted friend, family, alumni student, teacher from the same subject or professional tutor to review your application for feedback and suggestions.

7. Avoid Common Mistakes

There are several common mistakes to avoid when writing a personal statement for a psychology course:

  • Failing to follow the prompt or guidelines
  • Being too general or vague
  • Focusing too much on your weaknesses
  • Using overly technical language or jargon
  • Submitting a statement that is too long or too short
  • Not including experience and example

8. Use Examples to Illustrate Your Points

To make your personal statement more engaging and memorable, use examples to illustrate your points. This can help the reader better understand your motivations, interests, and goals, and it can help bring your statement to life.

9. Show, Don’t Tell

When working on your personal statement, use descriptive language and action verbs to show interest, rather than tell, the reader about your experiences and achievements. This can help paint a vivid picture for the reader and make your statement more engaging and memorable.

Advice From Psychology Students

Here is advice from students who have undergraduate degrees.  

I structured it by introducing myself first and then talking about my passion for psychology. I then talked about my experiences and how they adapted me for my studies, before talking about why I wanted to come to USW and study Psychology. – First-year student Keira
If I was to do it all again, I would talk more about my current interest in Psychology and read around this subject, as I think this would have demonstrated initiative and real passion. – First-year student Keira

Here in our Psychology personal statement examples section, we have amazing samples you can use as guidance for yours. Make sure you check them before you start perfecting your application for UCAS .

Psychology Courses to Apply In The UK

A list of psychology degrees available for undergraduate applicants in the UK are:

  • Child psychology
  • Clinical 
  • Developmental 
  • Educational 
  • Experimental 
  • Forensic  
  • Social 
  • Sport 
  • Criminal 

Final Thoughts

Preparing a personal statement for psychology is a vital part of the university application process. It’s your first contact with admission tutors as a future student.

A compelling personal statement focuses on your passion for psychology and your future goals, provides specific examples of your experiences and achievements, and it’s tailored to the specific course you are applying for. 

With these tips and guidelines in mind, you can start preparing for an application that will increase your chances of getting accepted.

Most universities in the UK recommend that a personal statement for psychology be around 4,000 characters or 47 text lines long.

In your personal statement, you should include your passion for psychology and your future goals, any relevant research, coursework, or extracurricular activities, and how these experiences have prepared you for a career.

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Successful Personal Statement For Psychology At Oxford

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Psychology applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Psychology Course at Oxford is a scientific discipline, involving the rigorous formulation and testing of ideas. It works through experiments and systematic observation rather than introspection.

Read on to see how this candidate demonstrates their academic interests and initiative.   

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant uses most of the 4,000 characters available):


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

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Psychology Personal Statement

How does the mind work? The mind is a mystery housed within the most complex mechanism known to man: the human brain. My innate curiosity compels me to find out more about such a mystery through the study of Psychology.

I have long been interested in how our minds differ: for example, why have I always been a strong mathematician while my brother finds it challenging? Being a musician, I found Kathryn Vaughn’s research supporting a correlation between musical and mathematical abilities particularly thought provoking, while I have also wondered whether my childhood obsession with jigsaws helped me develop problem-solving skills, which are particularly relevant in Geometry: the area with the biggest rift in our abilities. Ann Dowker’s argument, in ‘Individual Differences’, that educational methods influence such differences was also particularly compelling. Therefore, in my gap year, whilst helping struggling learners in KS3 Mathematics at a local school, and, when I help educate children in Tanzania as an International Citizen Service volunteer with the VSO charity, I will evaluate the success of different educational methods. This will give me experience of carrying out my own research, and, will develop skills such as empathy, which is important in the more sensitive areas of Psychology. Furthermore, I recently assisted a University of Oxford researcher conducting follow-up assessments with children in local primary schools. These measured reading-age, language comprehension and numeracy level, and are used to gauge and refine the Catch-Up charity’s numeracy intervention programme. As some of the children being assessed were from a control group, my involvement also enlightened me to ethical aspects of research.

Differences that occur in the criminal mind are also of great interest to me. As an elected Student Ambassador for the Holocaust Educational Trust, I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau earlier this year, where I learnt about Rudolf Hoess. Hoess exterminated thousands of families, yet lived with his own family just outside the camp. This ignited an interest in complex behaviour; therefore I read Stanley Milgram’s research into whether ‘the Germans are different’, and learnt about his Theory of Obedience. This developed an interest in Forensic Psychology, and I subsequently attended a Forensics course at Nottingham University, where I learnt about a Forensic Psychologist’s role, during Mental Health tribunals, for example.

Deterioration of the mind, and methods to counteract this, also interest me. Reading the Psychologist has given me an insight into how the effectiveness of such methods could be analysed using a high-resolution 3D brain atlas; while a presentation from Claire Rytina enlightened me to useful cognitive treatment designed to rebuild and retrieve memory following her Viral Encephalitis. I have also voluntarily worked at a Nursing Home with some Dementia sufferers, and noticed that many sufferers enjoyed me playing music from their past, and sometimes, this triggered some of their memories. This made me wonder whether the music stimulated neurones which had lain dormant for years, similarly to when neurones are used for the first time, as Hubel and Weisel’s nature/nurture research has shown. Studying this in A level Biology gave me an interest in neuroscience, while Biology also stressed the importance of controls and fair tests, which are invaluable during Psychology experiments too. My mathematical skills in statistics will also be beneficial when analysing empirical evidence; and, the deep level of analysis and evaluation used for varying sources in A level History will be useful when studying case studies, while my essay techniques will help me when writing reports, and when considering issues from different perspectives.

Overall, I feel that my broad interests and skills will enable me to thrive as a Psychology student at a demanding University, where I would also make a positive contribution to University life.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This statement is powered by a broad range of academic interests — all of which the candidate has explored to a deep and commendable level. They are able to articulate how these interests came about, why they are important and how they intersect. In so doing, the candidate clearly demonstrates their ability to think independently, undertake independent projects and foster a wide-ranging curiosity. Furthermore, they clearly illustrate how their academic interests have had a bearing on their actions outside of the classroom; activities that require a substantial amount of initiative and endeavour.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

While the consideration of a range of different areas of psychology is illustrative of a consistently curious individual, this statement would have benefited from greater cohesion as an overall piece. The candidate could have also found a less rhetorical way of opening their statement; their tone at this point is not a mode of speech that they return to elsewhere, and as such, it seems somewhat like a non-sequitur. Their prose thereafter is much more engaging, and it seems unfulfilling and irrelevant to include such mystifying text at the start.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This candidate maturely presents their academic interests and particular areas of personal pursuit. As a result of this, they are able to demonstrate moments at which they have taken impressive amounts of initiative, and have really gone out of their way in order to experience their academic interests outside of the classroom. They are thereby able to fashion themselves as a curious, energetic, academic individual, who is able to think independently and develop their own work. There are potential areas for stylistic improvement within the statement, but they do not hinder the overall impression given of a capable and committed candidate.

This Personal Statement for Psychology is a great example of demonstrating academic interest and initiative. The candidate’s interest and passion are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

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Preparing your personal statement for graduate school applications

Nearly all doctoral programs and many master’s degree programs in psychology require submission of a personal statement as part of the application package. In my experience advising students as well as serving as a graduate dean for many years, few things in the application process cause students as much anxiety and prompt so many questions.

Why so much concern? Several reasons. First, what we generically call the personal statement goes by different names at different institutions: “statement of goals,” “purpose and interests” and a host of other terms. Second, institutions have varying requirements for length and specific topics. Third, you have to compose it from scratch, in contrast to your transcript (which the registrar sends), your letters of recommendation (which other people compose) and any required test scores (which the testing agency sends).

Here are answers to students’ four most common questions.

Is the personal statement important?

Absolutely yes. Summaries of research on what is important in the application process, particularly for doctoral programs, show that the statement of purpose plays a key role in admission decisions — often more important than such standbys as your GPA and GRE scores. Admission committees really do pay attention. Each program in APA’s (2018) Graduate Study in Psychology  provides a rating of the importance of the statement of purpose, so you can check for your target programs. This is where you display your:

  • Fit with the program.
  • Especially desirable qualifications.
  • Clarity of plans.
  • Writing skill. 

Do I use the same one for all?

Absolutely not. Customize your statement for each program to which you apply. Each program will provide a brief description of what it wants in the applicant’s statement of purpose, the length and topics. One program may want 500 words covering topics A, B and C. Another program may want 1,500 words covering topics A, B, D and E. Pay attention to these directives. If, as program director, I want the latter and you give me the former, you have just done yourself a great disfavor — and irritated me. If you are applying to many programs, make a little spreadsheet showing what each program wants in the statement. Then, cross-check your customized statements against your spreadsheet.

What do I include?

Despite the latter advice about customizing, many programs ask about similar topics. The most common topics include your professional/career plans, academic objectives related to a particular program, research experience and other applied experience (for example, internships). Doctoral programs (but not usually master’s programs) often ask for your interest in or fit with particular faculty members (just two or three — not everyone). Of course, that fit relates to your objectives and the faculty members’ areas of expertise/research.

Because these topics appear frequently in programs’ requests, a useful strategy calls for developing a boilerplate statement covering the latter topics. Thus, you don’t have to start from scratch for every program. Construct the boilerplate, the common statement, first. Get it in good shape. Then customize it as needed for different programs.

You should certainly have a paragraph or two focusing on what you want to do in terms of career goals, academic specialty and research interests. And sift through your experiences to see which might set you apart and make you especially attractive as a candidate. Perhaps you have a strong research record, an exceptionally meaningful field experience or a few advanced undergraduate courses. Maybe all three of these.

When writing about your goals and experiences, aim for precision and detail. Avoid generic statements (“I have a lot of research experience,” “I did an internship”). Provide details, as space permits. What exactly did you do in your research, and what did you learn from it? What did your internship entail, and, again, what did you learn from it?

While on the topic of what to include, let’s identify a few things to not include. Norcross and Sayette (2016) call these the 3 Hs: humor, hyperbole, hard luck . No jokes or funny stories in the personal statement. Watch out for hyperbole in your statement: I’m the most qualified; I had the greatest major; I never have interpersonal conflicts. And don’t describe your own depression, substance abuse or family turmoil. Appleby and Appleby (2007) included such items among their “kisses of death” for applicants’ personal statements.

Will you read it for me?

The answer will vary for different faculty members and your relationship with them, but many will be happy to help. Please, however, do not ask a faculty member to read your first rough draft. Get it cleaned up. No half-sentences, no typos. Your institution may have a writing center that will prove helpful. When you have it in pretty good shape, ask a faculty member for feedback. 

Finally, proofread your statement before hitting the submit button. Remember, it’s used partly to evaluate your writing skill.

Watch this free video series for more information on graduate school applications.

American Psychological Association. (2016). Graduate study in psychology: 2017 edition . Washington, D.C.: Author.

Appleby, D.C., & Appleby, K.M. (2007). How to avoid the kisses of death in the graduate school application process. Eye on Psi Chi, 11 (3), 20-21.

Norcross, J.C., & Sayette, M.A (2016). Insider's guide to graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology: Revised 2016/2017 edition . New York: Guilford.

About the author

Thomas P. Hogan, PhD

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How to write a good personal statement for a degree in Psychology

By university of cumbria psychology team.

How to write a good personal statement for a degree in Psychology

Are you considering studying psychology at University? If so, what a great choice. A degree in psychology is a fascinating and interesting choice, it can present many career opportunities, and leave you with an excellent range of graduate-level skills.

When making your application to University, one of your most important selling points will be the personal statement you write in support of your application. This can seem challenging and a bit of an intimidating task, so our UK Top 10 (Guardian 2021) Psychology team here at the University of Cumbria has put together a few useful tips for you to consider when you are writing it.

Prepare and plan

Rather than diving in and starting writing your personal statement straight away, bullet point and brainstorm a list of the items you wish to include. Try and write them in order of importance to really catch the eye of the reader with your passion and enthusiasm for psychology. It will take a few drafts to get your thoughts aligned and on paper. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time for this task so don’t leave it too close to the deadline. It’s a great idea to get feedback from friends and family – especially if any of them have studied psychology or work in a related job!

Think about your motivations

Why do you want to study psychology and what has driven you to explore this subject? Is there a particular area you are interested in such as forensic, clinical, or educational, and what drew you to this area? Many of the students studying at Cumbria say they want to help people and give back to the community. Others have a passion for research and understanding why we behave the way we do. Share your motivation as part of your personal statement. Think about how you can evidence this commitment using examples including how you have been exploring psychology through volunteering and psychology-related news articles or blog posts you’ve read. It shows the department how passionate you are about psychology before you even start.

Think about your career goals

Think about what you would like to do after you’ve graduated – even though at this point it might feel a long time away. Are you hoping to pursue a particular career or future opportunity? This is a good opportunity to demonstrate that you have researched the profession and you understand what this degree can lead to. All of our undergraduate psychology programmes are accredited by the British Psychological Society and they have some great career pages on their website ( click here ). Have a read and add some details to your personal statement.

Think about the current skills and experience you have

Whilst you might not currently have any work experience in the area, there are lots of ways in which you will have gained relevant skills and experience. For example, if you have ever had any mentoring experience, worked as part of a team, led on a project, taken part in extracurricular activities (e.g. Duke of Edinburgh or after school clubs), and volunteering experience – this can also include reference to hobbies and other activities you enjoy.

Psychology is a good choice of course for people with a range of different experiences, so if you are applying to study psychology having worked in either a related or un-related job, consider what skills and experience you’ve developed that would be relevant. For example, many job roles require skills such as time management, teamwork, organisation, and problem-solving. So make sure to add these into your personal statement.

Psychology interview, Person being interviewed for Psychology

Make sure you include YOU!

Avoid making your personal statement sound like a list of things you have done or achieved. The department wants to hear about you – your interests, your drive, your passion, and your values. The Psychology learning community here at the University of Cumbria is made up of students on our programmes (BSc, MSc, and Ph.D.) and the staff team, they create lots of opportunities for you to get involved and feel part of the team so they want to get to know you right from the start.


We offer BSc Psychology and BSc Applied Psychology courses with optional integrated foundation years and a range of  MSc Psychology courses you can see here. Here at the University of Cumbria, we will help you develop the knowledge and skills you need for a successful career in Psychology. It's time for you to make a difference, visit our course page today for more information on the course, call 0845 606 1144, or email [email protected] to speak to an expert and get support with your application.

Want to find out more?

You are ready to take that next step. Ready to make that life-changing decision and work towards your career goals. By downloading our prospectus you will have the world at your fingertips. You can browse our 100+ unique course options and have access to finance and support information to get you started. Discover all of the courses available to you from Arts to Zoology – we’re excited to see what you choose.

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English personal statement example (mature student).

Having worked on a secure psychiatric unit for two years, caring for many people unable to or precluded from following their dreams due to mental illness, as well as over a decade employed in positions just to pay the bills, I am finally pursuing my dream of becoming a published novelist. I am determined to undertake a degree in English Literature in order to study the classics and increase my understanding of exactly what it is that makes them classics, absorb that knowledge and then utilise it to create my own. To this end I am currently studying an Access Course in English Literature, Psychology, Chemistry and Physics whilst working part-time within a university.

I selected these subjects with a view to improving my writing ability in several ways – I chose Chemistry and Physics to improve my knowledge of the universe from the smallest atom to the largest supernova and how they work, so that the worlds I build are as real and credible as I can make them. I chose Psychology to gain deeper understanding of people specifically but living beings generally, in order to populate my worlds with more complex, believable characters. I chose English Literature because I adore the English language and its numerous peculiarities and foibles, and its myriad ways to - for example – describe a simple wooden chair as if it were created of pure magic; but mainly because a good novel draws the reader in to such an extent it is possible to create emotional attachment to fictional characters, and can stay with the reader for an entire lifetime. I wish not just to lose myself in exceptional fiction; I want to create works that immerse readers into those creations such that they feel my characters are family and friends; my worlds are places they go to escape for a little while, where they feel alive and joyful; creations that live on long after I shuffle off this mortal coil and am forgotten; though my name be writ in water, mayhap my writing be in marble.

Of the current studies, I have particularly enjoyed reading Jane Eyre again, as the first time over a decade ago I did not comprehend the societal and cultural circumstances in which it was written. Reading Jane Eyre again during the access course has allowed me to grasp it in a much fuller manner and given me a deeper appreciation of exactly what Bronte achieved in creating this work. I anticipate the poetry section greatly as well, as I particularly enjoy the poignancy and feeling of World War 1 poets such as Wilfred Owen. I await the module on King Lear eagerly, for Shakespeare is the father of modern literature and studying him can only improve not simply the pupils’ writing, but also the understanding of our literary roots and the sheer beauty it is possible to create using nothing but words.

George Bernard Shaw said “Youth is wasted on the young”, which I have often heard misquoted as “Education is wasted on the young”. After working within a university for six years, I disagree with the latter, with one exception – myself. Diagnosed last year with ADHD and Asperger’s, the understanding and insight I have since gained, and the support now available, I am finally in a position to reach for my potential and so benefit in full from a degree, whereas had I studied for a degree in my youth, I would not have appreciated it or performed as well as I am capable.

I am further motivated by my three children – spending my life employed in positions I do not enjoy simply to pay bills is a very poor example to set for them. I cannot tell them with any integrity just how important it is to find something you love and chase that with every fibre of your being if I am unwilling to do it myself.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by theBishopp for application in 2014.

theBishopp's university choices Cambridge University University of Exeter The University of Durham The University of Warwick

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

theBishopp's Comments

The basis of this statement is that I write and I want to write novels for a living.

This personal statement is unrated

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