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Demystifying Assignment of Lease: Your Go-To Guide

LegalGPS : July 29, 2023 at 8:17 AM

When you’re talking about property leasing, it’s important to understand that there are a lot of terms and concepts that you may have never heard before. One of them is the assignment of lease, which refers to a situation where a tenant transfers their rights and responsibilities under the lease agreement to another party.

two people posing back to back

What is an Assignment of Lease, and why is it so crucial?

An Assignment of Lease is a term you may have heard thrown around, especially if you're involved in rental properties. It’s a pretty important document. But what exactly is it? Well, in simple terms, an Assignment of Lease is an agreement where the original tenant of a property transfers their leases and all of its rights and obligations to a new tenant. Now, you might be wondering, "When would this scenario ever occur?"

Let's imagine you're a tenant who signed a three-year lease for an office space. However, two years in, you need to relocate due to unprecedented growth of your business. Instead of breaking the lease, you might choose to assign your lease to another business looking for office space. This means that you, as the original tenant, no longer have any obligations under the lease. The new tenant is now responsible for paying rent and complying with all of the terms of the previously signed agreement.

Now that you understand, let's get into the step-to-step guide on how to create an Assignment of Lease!

Steps to Write an Assignment of Lease

Creating a thorough Assignment of Lease agreement doesn't need to be an overwhelming task. Simply follow these steps to ensure your agreement is both comprehensive and legally binding:

Step 1: Identify the Parties

The information of each party should be included. For the existing tenant (the assignor), make sure to include:

Full legal name or business name

Postal mailing address

Phone number and email address

Do the same for the new tenant (the assignee). Make sure all the information is up-to-date and accurate to avoid any unnecessary confusion or disputes. For example, if the assignor is a business, make sure they have updated their mailing address with the post office to reflect their new building location. If a party has multiple addresses, be sure to list them all.

Step 2: Specify the Lease

This section requires exact information from the original lease agreement, including:

Property address and description

Lease start and end date

A reference to the original lease agreement (for instance, a sentence like "the lease agreement dated...")

Remember to include a copy of the original lease as an attachment to ensure the assignee understands the terms they're adhering to. If not already included in the original lease agreement, be sure to add the following information: Description of rental property, Lease term (how long the lease is good for), Rent amount, and Security deposit amount.

Step 3: Detail the Assignment

State that the assignor is transferring all their interests and obligations in the lease to the assignee. Here, write something like:

"The Assignor hereby assigns, transfers, and conveys to the Assignee all of the Assignor's rights, title, and interest in and to the Lease, together with all the Assignor's obligations, liabilities, and duties under the Lease."

This means that the assignor is transferring all of their interests and obligations in the lease to the assignee. This includes any future rent payments, repairs and maintenance responsibilities, notices of default by either party, and so on.

Step 4: Landlord's Consent

Many leases require the landlord's consent to assign the lease. The assignor should request written consent from the landlord and include a clause like:

"The assignment of the lease is not valid unless and until the landlord provides written consent."

This is followed by a place for the landlord to affirm consent by signing or initialing. This is important because the landlord can elect to withhold consent and the assignment will not be valid. If this is the case, you may need to provide additional consideration for your landlord's assent (for example, an increase in rent).

Step 5: Assignee Acceptance

Include a statement in which the new tenant agrees to the assignment and the terms of the lease. It may look like:

"The Assignee hereby accepts this assignment, assumes all duties and responsibilities under the Lease, and agrees to perform all of the Assignor's obligations under the Lease."

You need to do this because the new tenant needs to have an affirmative acceptance of the assignment in order for it to be valid. This is typically done through a letter from the assignee stating that they agree to perform all of your obligations under the lease.

Step 6: Signature and Date

Every binding legal document needs a date and a signature. Make sure that there is a proper place for the assignor and the assignee to sign and print their names, with a line for the date.

By following these clear, actionable steps, you'll be able to construct an effective Assignment of Lease agreement. Remember, every situation is unique, so adjust the template as necessary, being sure to include all relevant details.

Clear so far? Great! Now, let's focus on the tips to draft a perfect Assignment of Lease.

Tips to Draft a Perfect Assignment of Lease

Accurate Dates: Be sure to include the date when this agreement will take effect. Precision avoids any confusion about durations, when the assignee takes over, or when the assignor's obligations end.

Clear Terms: This document should restate the terms of the original lease. The assignee needs a clear understanding of what they're stepping into. Bit ambiguous? Think of it like this: the assignee should be able to step into the assignor's shoes comfortably.

Specify Rent Terms: Stating the rent amount, due dates, and method of payment in the assignment helps create a record of the agreed-upon rent terms, ensuring no misunderstanding arises in the future.

Specify the Term: The assignment should state how long the new lease lasts. For example, if the original lease is for one year, then the assignee will assume only a one-year term.

Specify Other Conditions: If there are other conditions in place—such as tenant improvements or utility allowances—then specify these too.

An assignment of lease doesn't have to be a formidable task to overcome. With a cautious and considered approach, these documents can be a smooth and seamless part of managing a successful lease transition.

Our contract templates can offer you even more support, empowering you towards crafting an excellent and individualised Assignment of Lease ready for your task. So why not take your next step towards leasing success and check them out today? Click here to get started!

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A banker asked us: General vs specific assignments of rents and leases in Ontario

Q: What is the difference between a general assignment of rents and leases and a specific assignment of rents and leases, and when should I include them in my term sheet for a commercial real estate financing of an Ontario property?

A: In situations where a borrower owns real property in Ontario that either is or will be leased to third party tenants, a lender should consider obtaining either a general assignment of rents and leases or a specific assignment of rents and leases in addition to a mortgage on the secured property. Like a mortgage, an assignment of rents and leases should be registered against title to the subject property, and in addition, should be registered under the applicable personal property security legislation as the rents and leases that are being secured by the assignment fall within the definition of personal property under that legislation. [1]

An assignment of rents and leases, be it a general assignment of rents and leases or a specific assignment of rents and leases, provides a lender with two principal benefits which may be realized by the lender after an event of default:

  • it permits the lender to receive the rent payments that the borrower/landlord would otherwise be entitled to, and this revenue stream from the tenants is a significant asset that should be secured; and,
  • it permits the lender to step into the shoes of the borrower/landlord and exercise all of the rights and remedies available to the landlord to ensure that the full benefit and value of the lease is realized by the lender, which includes for example, the right to demand payment in the event of non-payment of rent by a tenant and to assign the lease to a purchaser in the event of a power of sale proceeding.

The only difference between a general assignment of rents and leases and a specific assignment of rents and leases is the revenue streams and leases to which they apply. A general assignment of rents and leases applies to all present and future rental income and leases in respect of a particular property. Once in place, a general assignment of rents and leases gives the lender a right to the rental income and the ability to exercise all of the rights of the landlord under a lease in respect of all leases of the property, including but not limited to any new leases, subleases or assignments of lease entered into after the assignment is granted and registered. In contrast to this, a specific assignment of rents and leases only applies to leases which are specifically listed in the document. In the event that any of the specifically listed leases expire or are terminated, and/or a new lease or sublease is put in place, the specific assignment of leases will not apply to this new lease or sublease and the lender will have no right to the rental income or rights resulting from the new lease or sublease.

In most lending situations, the lender will prefer a general assignment of rents and leases as it provides the most comprehensive security. The lender will have security over all rental income, and be able to exercise the rights of the landlord, regardless of who the tenants are in the future, or what leases the borrower has in place at the time of default under the terms of the loan or credit facility. However, where there is a principal or anchor tenant that represents a preponderance of the rental income, and/or the borrower objects to a general assignment of rents and leases securing all rents and leases as too broad a security interest, the lender may only be interested in securing the rental income and landlord rights associated with a specific principal or anchor lease, or a particular group of leases. In such a situation, a specific assignment of rents and leases may be a reasonable compromise position for a lender to adopt. Alternatively, in situations where multiple lenders are taking security in a particular parcel of real property, specific assignments of rents and leases allow the various lenders to divide the rental income and leases among themselves, with each lender only obtaining security in a specifically agreed upon lease or group of leases.

The above is a general overview of general and specific assignments of rents and leases. The professionals in Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP’s financial services practice group would be pleased to discuss your lending and real property security needs in greater detail, and help you chose the security documents most appropriate for your lending needs.

[1] Some financial institutions have chosen to incorporate into their Standard Charge Terms for their mortgages various provisions that serve as a general assignment of rents, and they do not register a separate general assignment of rents as a result.

Photo of Rosa Lupo

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  • Getting the landlord's consent
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  • Landlord's assignment of a commercial lease

If you're running a business, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to break a commercial lease. As a tenant, one option is to assign the lease, which means removing yourself completely from the lease and transferring it to a third party.

Woman typing on laptop on wooden desk in airy office with powder blue bike resting against full length windows

There are also instances when a landlord may need to assign a commercial lease, such as when a property is sold. In doing so, you sell the building with any leases intact, which requires assigning your right to collect rent to the new owner.

Tenant's assignment of a commercial lease

There are many reasons a tenant may want to get out of a commercial lease, including not being able to afford the rent and needing less or more space. Because it's unlikely a landlord will simply let you walk away from your commitment, you should check what your lease says about early termination. Most commercial leases require the tenant to pay rent for the rest of the term and possibly additional fees for breaking the lease.

Assignment of the lease is another alternative to breaking it. In doing so, you give the new tenant, known as the assignee, the right to occupy the premises in your place for the remainder of your lease term.

Getting the landlord's consent

Almost all assignments of commercial leases by the tenant need the landlord's consent, so check your original lease for any such language. As with a residential lease, a landlord cannot unreasonably withhold consent for you to assign the lease. However, it's up to you as the assignor, or original tenant, to ensure that your assignee is reliable, responsible, and can pay the rent—or you may end up being held financially liable.

If the tenant assigns a commercial lease to a new tenant without the landlord's permission, the landlord can sue the original tenant for breaking the lease. The landlord can also collect damages against one or both tenants if he can show that the assignee isn't a good-paying tenant or doesn't have the type of business he wants in the building. He can also end the lease and evict the new tenant.

Contents of a tenant's assignment agreement

Assignment of a commercial lease is almost always accompanied by a written agreement to preserve both the tenant's and landlord's rights. Some states require written assignment agreements . Many commercial assignment agreements contain provisions for the:

  • Payment of fees to the landlord for having another business substitute for yours
  • Assignor's and assignee's names, addresses, and business names
  • Landlord's name, address, and business name
  • Amount of the new tenant's rent and the dates for payment
  • Date of the agreement
  • Date the assignment is effective
  • Date the lease ends
  • The landlord's, assignor's, and assignee's signatures

Assignment agreements usually don't contain a provision releasing the assignor from paying rent, meaning that you, as the assignor, are held responsible for payment. Even so, assignment can be a financially responsible option for a tenant who's going out of business or who needs new space immediately.

Landlord's assignment of a commercial lease

Sometimes a commercial landlord needs to sell his property. After the new owner, or assignee-buyer, buys the property subject to existing leases, the assignor-landlord assigns the leases to the new owner, who can then collect rent. The assignor-landlord notifies tenants by sending a notice of sale, a notice of assignment of lease, or a notification on letterhead listing the assignee-buyer's address for payment of rent.

Unless the lease states otherwise, you, as landlord, can sell your property to anyone, but make sure to get a hold harmless clause , also known as an indemnity clause, in your contract of sale. Such clauses protect you from liability to the tenant if the buyer doesn't perform her duties as a landlord. Otherwise, as the original landlord, you're still liable for your obligations to the tenant, such as keeping the premises habitable.

Under the right circumstances, assignment of a commercial lease can work for both landlords and tenants. If you need assistance with your assignment agreement, consider using an online service provider to prepare it for you.

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What is Assignment of Lease and How It Differs from Subletting

The assignment of lease (and rent) is a foggy topic that is often confused with subletting. Let's clear the air once and all right now. Learn the differences between a lease assignment and sublease so you can make the right choice.

What is Assignment of Lease? - The Important Basics

Let's begin by introducing the 3 players in a lease assignment - The landlord, the original tenant (assignor) and the new tenant (assignee). The original tenant has an unexpired lease agreement with the landlord and he wants out. Since the original tenant can't just break the agreement and walk off, what he does is to get a new tenant to swap places... and take over all his rights and obligations for the remainder of the lease period. So if the original tenant signs a 1 year commercial lease and the business goes bust after 8 months, the new tenant will be assigned a 4-month commercial lease (with the same terms and conditions as the original agreement). Now here's the big catch: Even though the original tenant has handed over all his duties and obligations to the new tenant, he is not off the hook... unless the landlord agrees to release him from all liabilities. If the new tenant stirs up trouble, our dear original tenant will find himself in hot soup as well. Of course, whether the original tenant is allowed to pull this assignment trick out of his hat is a whole new matter. Knowing for sure is actually simpler than most people think: First, examine your local landlord tenant laws for any lease assignment rules. Most of the time, landlords are given the right to allow or disallow assignments but once in a while, the local law let tenants have the final say instead. If there's no mention of lease assignments in your law text, then your rental lease agreement shall dictate the terms.

Difference Between Lease Assignment and Subletting

When it comes to subletting vs assignment of lease, there's often a massive mix-up. Sometimes even real estate professional get it wrong by assuming them to be one and same thing. However if you dig deeper, you will find that the differences are not just numerous, but important as well. Let's begin by dragging the landlord into the picture. An assignment of lease launches the new tenant into a direct relationship with the landlord - The landlord collects rent straight from the new tenant and deals with the new tenant directly on all lease issues. So in this case, the original tenant gets to take back seat and doesn't have to manage the new tenant actively. On the other hand, there's no direct relationship between the landlord and new tenant (subtenant) in a sublease. Instead the original tenant plays mother goose and is responsible for collecting rent from the subtenant and making sure that he's following the lease rules. When you compare the two, a sublease is a lot more hands-on for the original tenant. No matter which path you take, you will still want a good new tenant who pays the rent on time and follows the lease rules to the agreement. For the golden rules on screening tenants and running credit checks, Click here for our guide to running tenant credit checks. When you have a lease assignment, the terms and conditions of the lease remains largely unchanged - It's almost like taking the original lease agreement and swapping the tenant's name with another. With a sublease, there's more breathing space - The original tenant can decide how much rent to charge, how long the subtenant is going to stay or even collect security deposit... as long as it stays within the boundaries drawn by the original lease agreement between the landlord and original tenant.

Should You Choose Assignment of Lease or Sublease?

You are the Landlord - A lease assignment is recommended in most cases. You will have more control over your new tenant (instead of leaving matters in the original tenant's hands and hoping that he would do a good job)... plus you still have the original tenant to cover your back in case anything goes wrong. You are the Original Tenant - Now this is a tricky one. If you want to someone to take over the entire lease and property for its remaining duration (e.g. your business goes belly-up and you no longer need the office), then help yourself to a lease assignment. If the landlord's consent is required for assignment (and he doesn't give the nod), you can always try offering him a lease assignment fee as a deal sweetener. However, if you are looking for someone to share the place (and rent)... or perhaps you need someone to cover the rent while you are overseas for a few short months, then a sublease would be ideal. You are the New Tenant - An assignment of lease works better for you most of the time. You won't be at the mercy of the original tenant (for example if he screws up and the landlord terminates the original lease agreement, your sublease might also go up in flames). But if you only want to rent part of the property... or don't want to tie yourself down for the remaining lease duration, then you are better off sticking to a sublease. Now that we have covered the topic of assignment vs sublease, go ahead and take your pick - Click here for an assignment of lease form or Click here for a sublet agreement instead.

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Assignment and Consent Standards in Commercial Leases

Mar 6, 2020


Assignment provisions in commercial leases are heavily negotiated and very important to both landlords and tenants. This article presents a brief overview of the assignment provision in commercial leases, both office and retail.

Assignment provisions in commercial leases are heavily negotiated and very important to both landlords and tenants. When a tenant’s interest in a lease is assigned, the tenant is transferring its entire leasehold interest and 100% of the leased premises to a third party for the entire remaining term of the lease. For the tenant, the assignment provision represents a potential exit strategy, dependent of course on the local market, and increased flexibility for future needs. For the landlord, the assignment offers greater security for its revenue stream and hopefully the avoidance of a tenant bankruptcy or default while keeping its building occupied. The tenant’s desire for flexibility and the landlord’s need for control is where the negotiations are focused. This article presents a brief overview of the assignment provision in commercial leases, both office and retail, with particular attention on the laws of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. The landlord’s standard for providing consent to a request to an assignment will be reviewed, and we will conclude by offering suggested language.

What If The Lease Does Not Contain An Assignment Provision?

The law traditionally favors the free alienation of property. Therefore, under the laws of almost every state, if the lease is silent on whether the landlord’s consent to an assignment is required, then the commercial tenant has the right to assign its interest. This is true in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Given this baseline, almost every lease form will have a detailed provision setting forth the assignment process. Note also, however, that in most states it is also enforceable for a commercial lease to have an outright prohibition against assignments. Such a provision would likely be a non-starting deal point for most sophisticated tenants.

What Does Reasonable Mean?

If a lease simply provides that the tenant requires landlord’s consent to an assignment, but does not include the standard for giving or withholding that consent, then in many states the implied standard is that the landlord’s consent may not be unreasonably withheld. Historically this was the minority view, with the historical rule allowing the landlord to withhold consent for any reason. The implied duty of reasonableness is now more the norm as more states adopt this position when presented with the issue. There is express case law establishing this rule in Maryland, and most courts in Virginia and Washington, DC will imply such a covenant of good faith and fair dealing. Most states, though, do allow a landlord the sole right to grant or withhold its consent if the lease clearly expressly provides, and in Maryland the lease must specifically state that the landlord’s consent may be granted or withheld in the sole and absolute subjective discretion of the landlord. Again though, a sophisticated tenant with any leverage should never agree to such a provision.

Most negotiated leases will instead contain a provision requiring that landlord’s consent to an assignment is required, but such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. The tenant will likely also try to include landlord’s obligation to not unreasonably delay or condition its consent. A short clause without further defining what constitutes “reasonableness” generally favors the tenant, and landlords typically prefer including specific standards as to the criteria it can consider when reasonably deciding whether or not to consent to an assignment. Without such specificity, defining “reasonable” is difficult as the landlord and tenant clearly will have differing viewpoints and it may be left as a factual question to be decided in litigation. The typical definition (set forth in the Restatement (Second) of Property) would be that of a reasonably prudent person in the landlord’s position exercising reasonable commercial responsibility.

Absent a detailed provision listing the criteria a landlord can consider when reasonably reviewing a request to assign, a landlord is typically found to be considered reasonable if it considers certain general broad factors. First, the landlord reviews the assignee’s proposed use. In a retail setting, the landlord will be concerned whether the proposed use fits with the existing center and/or violates any existing exclusives or insurance requirements. In an office setting, the landlord might review the expected traffic and wear and tear on the building. Second, the landlord will consider the creditworthiness of the assignee. The landlord (and the assignor) will want to be confident that the assignee is capable of performing tenant’s obligations under the lease and a large creditworthy tenant increases the value of the asset. The assignor might argue that a strict financial test (such as a minimum net worth, for example) is unfair since the assignor is likely not being released upon the assignment and the landlord can still pursue the assignor in the event of a default. Third, the landlord will review the experience and history of the assignor. As mentioned above, landlords instead prefer a detailed list setting forth the many factors that they can include as part of reasonably reviewing a request for a lease assignment.

Without further establishing the criteria, the landlord puts itself at risk of a challenge by the tenant that a denial of a consent is unreasonable.

In defining “reasonable,” courts typically do not allow a landlord to deny or condition consent to an assignment based purely on economic reasons where the landlord results in substantially increasing what it was entitled to under the lease. In Washington, DC, there is well established case law holding that it is unreasonable for a landlord to withhold consent solely to extract an economic concession or improve its economic position. For example, a court would not consider it reasonable for a landlord to condition its consent on the assignee paying a greatly increased rent. Instead, as discussed below, landlords should look to protect their interests in a market of increasing rents by providing for either the sharing of excess rentals or a right to recapture.

What Are Typical Provisions In an Assignment Clause?

As discussed above, tenants generally prefer a short assignment provision simply requiring the landlord to not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay its consent to an assignment. But most leases are drafted by landlords, and over the years the assignment provisions have evolved to contain many typical provisions in addition to further defining “reasonableness,” including the following below.

  • Sharing of Excess Rents. Since many states do not permit a landlord to condition its consent on improving its economic position (e. g. , by increasing the rent), most leases instead contain a provision where the landlord is entitled to all or a portion of the profits. The profits may mean increased rent, or it may even be construed more broadly to consider the value of the location in a sale of the tenant’s business. The landlord’s argument is that it doesn’t want the tenants competing in the real estate market. The tenant should push back here, and certainly try to lower the percentage shared, carve out any consideration received in the sale of tenant’s business, and only share profits after all of the tenant’s reasonable costs incurred in connection with the assignment were first deducted.
  • Corporate Transfers. Since a purchase of the entity constituting tenant is likely not deemed an assignment under the law, most leases make clear that any such corporate sale, including the sale of either a controlling interest in the stock or substantially all of the assets of the tenant, is deemed an assignment for purposes of the lease. The tenant should carve out permitted transfers for typical mergers and acquisitions under certain conditions, and also carve out routine transfers of stock (or other ownership interests) between existing partners or for estate planning purposes. The landlord will likely accept a permitted transfer concept provided they receive adequate notice and the successor entity succeeds to all of the assets of the original tenant with an acceptable net worth.
  • Assignment Review Fee. Most landlords include in their form lease the requirement that the tenant reimburse them for legal and administrative expenses incurred in reviewing the request for consent and preparing the assignment. The tenant clearly wants to keep these fees reasonable and in keeping with the local market.
  • Recapture Rights. Landlords like to include the express right to recapture the premises in the event the tenant comes to it to request a consent for an assignment. A recapture clause allows the landlord to terminate the lease if market rents have increased or if it needs the space for another use. Sophisticated tenants should push back here as much as leverage allows, try to limit the time periods, and if nothing else try for the right to nullify the recapture by rescinding its request for the consent.
  • Tenant’s Remedy. To protect themselves from claims for damages from the tenant if the landlord withholds its consent to a requested assignment, landlords often include a provision where the tenant waives its rights to monetary damages in such a situation and can only seek injunctive relief. The tenant should try to delete this provision, or at least, if leverage permits, provide for the right to seek damages if the landlord is subsequently found to have acted in bad faith.

Assignment provisions are heavily negotiated and both the commercial landlord and tenant need to be advised to the applicable local law and know the market for a comparable transaction. ( Note: The author represents office and retail landlords and tenants throughout Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.) Sample reasonableness provisions for both office and retail uses are copied below for reference.

Retail Lease

Landlord and Tenant agree, by way of example and without limitation, that it shall be reasonable for Landlord to withhold its consent if any of the following situations exist or may exist: (i) In Landlord’s reasonable business judgment, the proposed assignee lacks sufficient business experience to operate a business of the type permitted under this Lease and to a quality required under this Lease; (ii) The present net worth of the proposed assignee is lower than that of Tenant’s as of either the date of the proposed assignment or the date of this Lease; (iii) The proposed assignment would require alterations to the Premises affecting the Building’s systems or structure; (iv) The proposed assignment would require modification to the terms of this Lease, or would breach any covenant of Landlord in any other lease, insurance policy, financing agreement or other agreement relating to the Shopping Center, including, without limitation, covenants respecting radius, location, use and/or exclusivity; (v) The proposed assignment would conflict with the primary use of any existing tenant in the Shopping Center or any recorded instrument to which the Shopping Center is bound; and/or (vi) The proposed assignment or subletting would result in a reduction in the Rent collected by Landlord during any portion of the term of this Lease.

Office Lease

Without limitation as to other reasonable grounds for withholding consent, the parties hereby agree that it shall be reasonable under this Lease and under any applicable law for Landlord to withhold consent to any proposed Transfer where one or more of the following apply: (i) The Transferee is of a character or reputation or engaged in a business which is not consistent with the quality of the Building; (ii) The Transferee intends to use the Premises for purposes which are not permitted under this Lease; (iii) The Transferee is a governmental agency; (iv) The Transfer occurs prior to the first anniversary of the Lease Commencement Date; (v) The Transferee has a net worth of less than $10,000,000.00; (vi) The proposed Transfer would cause a violation or trigger a termination right of another lease for space in the Building; or (vii) Either the proposed Transferee, or any person or entity which directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the proposed Transferee, (i) occupies space in the Building at the time of the request for consent, or (ii) is negotiating with Landlord to lease space in the Building at such time, or (iii) has negotiated with Landlord during the six (6)-month period immediately preceding the Transfer Notice.

Reprinted with permission from the March edition of the Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy© 2020 ALM Media Properties, LLC. All rights reserved. Further duplication without permission is prohibited, contact 877-257-3382 or [email protected] .

general assignment of lease

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Assignment Of Leases And Rents

Jump to section, what is an assignment of leases and rents.

The assignment of leases and rents, also known as the assignment of leases rents and profits, is a legal document that gives a mortgage lender right to any future profits that may come from leases and rents when a property owner defaults on their loan. This document is usually attached to a mortgage loan agreement.

Assignment of leases and rents allows lenders to a degree of financial protection in case a loan default occurs. This document is an agreement made between a borrower and a lender of mortgage loans. It often details an exact amount the lender will be entitled to if a default happens.

Common Sections in Assignments Of Leases And Rents

Below is a list of common sections included in Assignments Of Leases And Rents. These sections are linked to the below sample agreement for you to explore.

Assignment Of Leases And Rents Sample

Reference : Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database, EX-10.9 10 d368735dex109.htm ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS , Viewed October 4, 2021, View Source on SEC .

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Rebecca S. on ContractsCounsel

I absolutely love helping my clients buy their first home, sell their starters, upgrade to their next big adventure, or transition to their next phase of life. The confidence my clients have going into a transaction and through the whole process is one of the most rewarding aspects of practicing this type of law. My very first class in law school was property law, and let me tell you, this was like nothing I’d ever experienced. I remember vividly cracking open that big red book and staring at the pages not having the faintest idea what I was actually reading. Despite those initial scary moments, I grew to love property law. My obsession with real estate law was solidified when I was working in Virginia at a law firm outside DC. I ran the settlement (escrow) department and learned the ins and outs of transactions and the unique needs of the parties. My husband and I bought our first home in Virginia in 2012 and despite being an attorney, there was so much we didn’t know, especially when it came to our HOA and our mortgage. Our real estate agent was a wonderful resource for finding our home and negotiating some of the key terms, but there was something missing in the process. I’ve spent the last 10 years helping those who were in the same situation we were in better understand the process.

Benjamin E. on ContractsCounsel

Benjamin E.

Benjamin is an attorney specializing in Business, Intellectual Property, Employment and Real Estate.

Richard G. on ContractsCounsel

Attorney Gaudet has worked in the healthcare and property management business sectors for many years. As an attorney, contract drafting, review, and negotiation has always been an area of great focus and interest. Attorney Gaudet currently works in Massachusetts real estate law, business and corporate law, and bankruptcy law.

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I am a NY licensed attorney experienced in business contracts, agreements, waivers and more, corporate law, and trademark registration. My office is a sole member Law firm therefore, I Take pride in giving every client my direct attention and focus. I focus on getting the job done fast while maintaining high standards.

David B. on ContractsCounsel

A twenty-five year attorney and certified mediator native to the Birmingham, Alabama area.

Samantha B. on ContractsCounsel

Samantha B.

Samantha has focused her career on developing and implementing customized compliance programs for SEC, CFTC, and FINRA regulated organizations. She has worked with over 100 investment advisers, alternative asset managers (private equity funds, hedge funds, real estate funds, venture capital funds, etc.), and broker-dealers, with assets under management ranging from several hundred million to several billion dollars. Samantha has held roles such as Chief Compliance Officer and Interim Chief Compliance Officer for SEC-registered investment advisory firms, “Of Counsel” for law firms, and has worked for various securities compliance consulting firms. Samantha founded Coast to Coast Compliance to make a meaningful impact on clients’ businesses overall, by enhancing or otherwise creating an exceptional and customized compliance program and cultivating a strong culture of compliance. Coast to Coast Compliance provides proactive, comprehensive, and independent compliance solutions, focusing primarily on project-based deliverables and various ongoing compliance pain points for investment advisers, broker-dealers, and other financial services firms.

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Spotlight on security documents: Assignment of Lease vs. Mortgage of Lease

Gowling WLG logo

When Lenders consider their real property security options, their analysis should go beyond simply taking a mortgage from a debtor who owns real estate. A debtor’s interest in real property leases (whether as landlord or tenant) means a Lender should obtain either an Assignment of Lease or a Mortgage of Lease as additional security. Like any other specific security agreement, these agreements facilitate the orderly and more effective enforcement of the Lender’s security in the underlying debtor asset.

Assignment of Lease

In cases where the debtor owns real property but does not occupy it, the revenue stream from third party leases is a significant asset that should be secured. Although most mortgage standard charge terms include at least a brief paragraph related to assignment of leases, they do not provide the benefit of the more fulsome provisions typically contained in a stand alone specific Assignment of Lease (in cases where there may be a significant tenant) or a general Assignment of Lease (securing all present and future leases without reference to a specific tenant).

The debtor’s interest as landlord is secured by registration against title to the debtor’s real property, typically immediately following the registration of the mortgage of land. It should be noted that in order to register a specific Assignment of Lease, there first requires the registration of a Notice of Lease in respect of the lease that is being specifically assigned. The Assignment of Lease also has a personal property component that cannot be overlooked. The rents and leases that are secured by the Assignment of Lease fall within the definition of personal property under the personal property security legislation; and as such require the registration of a financing statement against the debtor.

An Assignment of Lease document includes certain generally accepted provisions.

The debtor assigns to the Lender (as collateral security for the payment of principal and interest under the mortgage of land) all rents and other monies due to it by tenants and the benefit of all tenant covenants under all current and future leases.

The debtor covenants to not collect rent more than one month in advance (to ensure that the normal revenue stream is available to the Lender on enforcement) and to not amend any material terms of the leases without the Lender’s approval. In the case of a specific Assignment of Lease, it is prudent to also obtain similar covenants from the tenant itself and an acknowledgement that the tenant will attorn to the Lender in the event of default by the debtor.

The debtor is permitted to continue to collect rent according to the terms of the leases until an event of default occurs pursuant to the mortgage of land, after which the Lender may give notice to the tenants to pay all future rents to the Lender directly.

Mortgage of Lease

In cases where the debtor does not own real estate but rents space instead, the right to occupy the premises may be a key asset of the debtor that should be secured. Although it is typical that a general security agreement includes a reference to leasehold interests in the description of the charged collateral, the general security agreement does not provide the benefit of the more complete language in a stand alone specific Mortgage of Lease document.

The debtor’s interest as tenant is secured by registration against title to the debtor’s leasehold interest in the real property. This requires the prior registration of a Notice of Lease in respect of the lease that is being secured.

It should be noted that if there is a real property mortgage on title granted by the owner/landlord to another lender prior to the lease, and if the tenant/debtor or tenant’s lender has not obtained a non-disturbance agreement from the owner/landlord, the Mortgage of Lease will be no better security than the lease itself (i.e., subject to being terminated at the option of the prior mortgagee in the event of default under the real property mortgage). Most leases will contain a prohibition against mortgaging the lease, so it will be necessary to obtain the landlord’s consent to a Mortgage of Lease in those cases.

A Mortgage of Lease document typically contains some basic provisions.

As in a mortgage of land, the Mortgage of Lease specifies a principal amount, interest rate, payment dates, and contains charging language whereby the debtor’s leasehold interest is security for payment of the principal and interest.

Similarly, in the event of default, the Lender has the ability to exercise a power of sale and sublease or assign the leasehold interest to a third party.

The debtor covenants to not pay rent more than one month in advance, to not amend any material terms of the leases without the Lender’s approval, to not terminate or surrender the term of the lease and to hold possession of the premises in trust for the Lender.

Most Lender mortgage standard charge terms contain flexible language that contemplates the use of the terms for both cases where the chargor owns a freehold interest in the property or a leasehold interest in the property.

So please consider an Assignment of Lease or Mortgage of Lease as part of your security package. We would be pleased to assist you with these documents.

Filed under

  • Real Estate
  • Gowling WLG
  • Leasehold estate
  • Mortgage loan
  • Personal property

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Assignment of lease


An assignment of lease, including a sub-lease, is a transfer of the lease by the lessee, ie the assignor, to a new lessee, ie the assignee. The lessor is usually not a party to the assignment.

The affected lease or sub-lease is not required. For an assignment of a lease affecting Kosciuszko National Park .

Lodgment requirements

Stamp duty -  Required. If not marked Registration insisted upon , is prohibited.

Any alteration to the term or rent must be marked.

Registration copy - Required. If unacceptable, Registration insisted upon  is prohibited.

Statement of Title Particulars form  - Not required.

NOS form  - Not required.

Index Particulars form (completion)

(A) Lodging Party - Must be completed.

(B) Instrument - Lease - Assignment of

(C) Locality -  Not required.

Link Conveyance - Not required.

Principal Deed - The registered affected lease or sub-lease.

(D) Indexing -  The assignor and the assignee, and the sub-lessor for an assignment of a sub-lease.

(E) Certification -  Required.

Document requirements 

Date: must be dated with the date of execution. If not dated advise the lodging party. If a date is not furnished, indicate Registration insisted upon  and include the reason.

Name: the full names (initials are acceptable) of the assignor and the assignee are required. Advise the lodging party of any discrepancies in names.

Operative clause: "... hereby assigns...".

Principal Deed: the number of the affected lease or sub-lease as stated in the assignment must be identical to the number stated on the IPF. If affecting a sub-lease, the head lease number is also required.

Execution: by the assignor. A power of attorney must be registered, The assignee does not have to sign.

Attestation: required. Must be witnessed by a person of 18 years of age or older who is not a party to the document.

IPF: must be completed.

Staff processing information

A Deeds search may be made for the head lease number.

CA Not required

Locality: nil.

Link Conveyance: nil.

Principal Deed: required. The registered number of the lease or sub-lease being assigned, and the registered number of the head lease for an assignment of a sub-lease.

Noting: "Affecting [description of the land]".

If the assignment affects:

  • an interest, state: "interest in" (or Noting Code: "I"
  • a share, state: "[fraction] share"
  • part of the land, state: "[affected land description]"
  • the land description relies on an attached plan, state: "see attached plan" (or Noting Code: "PL").

V: the assignor, and the sub-lessor for an assignment of a sub-lease, deceased estates or trusts, and any variations thereof.

P: the assignee, deceased estates or trusts, and any variations thereof.

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  2. PDF Exhibit F Assignment and Assumption of Lease Agreement and Landlord's

    the Assignee and the Assignee desiresto assume the Lease from the Assignor.D. T. e Landlord is willing to consent to the assignment and assumption o. but only upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants set forth in this. s.

  3. Demystifying Assignment of Lease: Your Go-To Guide

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  6. A banker asked us: General vs specific assignments

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    assignment of the lease. An assignment is the transfer of one party's entire interest in and obligations under a lease to another party. The new tenant takes on the lease responsibilities, including rent and property maintenance, and the original tenant is released from most (if not all) of its duties.

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    Exhibit 10.2 . ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE . THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE (this "Assignment") is made and entered into as of the 12th day of October, 2012 (the "Effective Date"), by and between IMESON WEST I, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Assignor"), whose address is 3600 Vineland Road, Suite 101, Orlando, Florida 32811, and GIT IMESON PARK FL, LLC, a ...

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