Home Blog Design How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: Quick Guide with Examples & Templates

How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: Quick Guide with Examples & Templates

Cover for how to design a poster presentation

How are research posters like High School science fair projects? Quite similar, in fact.

Both are visual representations of a research project shared with peers, colleagues and academic faculty. But there’s a big difference: it’s all in professionalism and attention to detail. You can be sure that the students that thrived in science fairs are now creating fantastic research posters, but what is that extra element most people miss when designing a poster presentation?

This guide will teach tips and tricks for creating poster presentations for conferences, symposia, and more. Learn in-depth poster structure and design techniques to help create academic posters that have a lasting impact.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Research Poster?

Why are Poster Presentations important?

Overall dimensions and orientation, separation into columns and sections, scientific, academic, or something else, a handout with supplemental and contact information, cohesiveness, design and readability, storytelling.

  • Font Characteristics
  • Color Pairing
  • Data Visualization Dimensions
  • Alignment, Margins, and White Space

Scientific/Academic Conference Poster Presentation

Digital research poster presentations, slidemodel poster presentation templates, how to make a research poster presentation step-by-step, considerations for printing poster presentations, how to present a research poster presentation, final words, what is a research poster .

Research posters are visual overviews of the most relevant information extracted from a research paper or analysis.   They are essential communication formats for sharing findings with peers and interested people in the field. Research posters can also effectively present material for other areas besides the sciences and STEM—for example, business and law.

You’ll be creating research posters regularly as an academic researcher, scientist, or grad student. You’ll have to present them at numerous functions and events. For example:

  • Conference presentations
  • Informational events
  • Community centers

The research poster presentation is a comprehensive way to share data, information, and research results. Before the pandemic, the majority of research events were in person. During lockdown and beyond, virtual conferences and summits became the norm. Many researchers now create poster presentations that work in printed and digital formats.

Examples of research posters using SlideModel's templates

Let’s look at why it’s crucial to spend time creating poster presentations for your research projects, research, analysis, and study papers.

Summary of why are poster presentations important

Research posters represent you and your sponsor’s research 

Research papers and accompanying poster presentations are potent tools for representation and communication in your field of study. Well-performing poster presentations help scientists, researchers, and analysts grow their careers through grants and sponsorships.

When presenting a poster presentation for a sponsored research project, you’re representing the company that sponsored you. Your professionalism, demeanor, and capacity for creating impactful poster presentations call attention to other interested sponsors, spreading your impact in the field.

Research posters demonstrate expertise and growth

Presenting research posters at conferences, summits, and graduate grading events shows your expertise and knowledge in your field of study. The way your poster presentation looks and delivers, plus your performance while presenting the work, is judged by your viewers regardless of whether it’s an officially judged panel.

Recurring visitors to research conferences and symposia will see you and your poster presentations evolve. Improve your impact by creating a great poster presentation every time by paying attention to detail in the poster design and in your oral presentation. Practice your public speaking skills alongside the design techniques for even more impact.

Poster presentations create and maintain collaborations

Every time you participate in a research poster conference, you create meaningful connections with people in your field, industry or community. Not only do research posters showcase information about current data in different areas, but they also bring people together with similar interests. Countless collaboration projects between different research teams started after discussing poster details during coffee breaks.

An effective research poster template deepens your peer’s understanding of a topic by highlighting research, data, and conclusions. This information can help other researchers and analysts with their work. As a research poster presenter, you’re given the opportunity for both teaching and learning while sharing ideas with peers and colleagues.

Anatomy of a Winning Poster Presentation

Do you want your research poster to perform well?  Following the standard layout and adding a few personal touches will help attendees know how to read your poster and get the most out of your information. 

The anatomy of a winning poster

The overall size of your research poster ultimately depends on the dimensions of the provided space at the conference or research poster gallery. The poster orientation can be horizontal or vertical, with horizontal being the most common.  In general, research posters measure 48 x 36 inches or are an A0 paper size.

A virtual poster can be the same proportions as the printed research poster, but you have more leeway regarding the dimensions. Virtual research posters should fit on a screen with no need to scroll, with 1080p resolution as a standard these days. A horizontal presentation size is ideal for that.

A research poster presentation has a standard layout of 2–5 columns with 2–3 sections each. Typical structures say to separate the content into four sections; 1. A horizontal header 2. Introduction column, 3. Research/Work/Data column, and 4. Conclusion column. Each unit includes topics that relate to your poster’s objective.  Here’s a generalized outline for a poster presentation:

  • Condensed Abstract 
  • Objectives/Purpose
  • Methodology
  • Recommendations
  • Implications
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contact Information 

The overview content you include in the units depends on your poster presentations’ theme, topic, industry, or field of research. A scientific or academic poster will include sections like hypothesis, methodology, and materials. A marketing analysis poster will include performance metrics and competitor analysis results.

There’s no way a poster can hold all the information included in your research paper or analysis report. The poster is an overview that invites the audience to want to find out more. That’s where supplement material comes in. Create a printed PDF handout or card with a QR code (created using a QR code generator ). Send the audience to the best online location for reading or downloading the complete paper.

What Makes a Poster Presentation Good and Effective? 

For your poster presentation to be effective and well-received, it needs to cover all the bases and be inviting to find out more. Stick to the standard layout suggestions and give it a unique look and feel. We’ve put together some of the most critical research poster-creation tips in the list below. Your poster presentation will perform as long as you check all the boxes.

The information you choose to include in the sections of your poster presentation needs to be cohesive. Train your editing eye and do a few revisions before presenting. The best way to look at it is to think of The Big Picture. Don’t get stuck on the details; your attendees won’t always know the background behind your research topic or why it’s important.

Be cohesive in how you word the titles, the length of the sections, the highlighting of the most important data, and how your oral presentation complements the printed—or virtual—poster.

The most important characteristic of your poster presentation is its readability and clarity. You need a poster presentation with a balanced design that’s easy to read at a distance of 1.5 meters or 4 feet. The font size and spacing must be clear and neat. All the content must suggest a visual flow for the viewer to follow.

That said, you don’t need to be a designer to add something special to your poster presentation. Once you have the standard—and recognized—columns and sections, add your special touch. These can be anything from colorful boxes for the section titles to an interesting but subtle background, images that catch the eye, and charts that inspire a more extended look. 

Storytelling is a presenting technique involving writing techniques to make information flow. Firstly, storytelling helps give your poster presentation a great introduction and an impactful conclusion. 

Think of storytelling as the invitation to listen or read more, as the glue that connects sections, making them flow from one to another. Storytelling is using stories in the oral presentation, for example, what your lab partner said when you discovered something interesting. If it makes your audience smile and nod, you’ve hit the mark. Storytelling is like giving a research presentation a dose of your personality, and it can help turning your data into opening stories .

Design Tips For Creating an Effective Research Poster Presentation

The section above briefly mentioned how important design is to your poster presentation’s effectiveness. We’ll look deeper into what you need to know when designing a poster presentation.

1. Font Characteristics

The typeface and size you choose are of great importance. Not only does the text need to be readable from two meters away, but it also needs to look and sit well on the poster. Stay away from calligraphic script typefaces, novelty typefaces, or typefaces with uniquely shaped letters.

Stick to the classics like a sans serif Helvetica, Lato, Open Sans, or Verdana. Avoid serif typefaces as they can be difficult to read from far away. Here are some standard text sizes to have on hand.

  • Title: 85 pt
  • Authors: 65 pt
  • Headings: 36 pt
  • Body Text: 24 pt
  • Captions: 18 pt

Resume of font characteristics a winning poster presentation must follow

If you feel too prone to use serif typefaces, work with a font pairing tool that helps you find a suitable solution – and intend those serif fonts for heading sections only. As a rule, never use more than 3 different typefaces in your design. To make it more dynamic, you can work with the same font using light, bold, and italic weights to put emphasis on the required areas.

2. Color Pairing

Using colors in your poster presentation design is a great way to grab the viewer’s attention. A color’s purpose is to help the viewer follow the data flow in your presentation, not distract. Don’t let the color take more importance than the information on your poster.

Effective color pairing tactics for poster presentations

Choose one main color for the title and headlines and a similar color for the data visualizations. If you want to use more than one color, don’t create too much contrast between them. Try different tonalities of the same color and keep things balanced visually. Your color palette should have at most one main color and two accent colors.

Black text over a white background is standard practice for printed poster presentations, but for virtual presentations, try a very light gray instead of white and a very dark gray instead of black. Additionally, use variations of light color backgrounds and dark color text. Make sure it’s easy to read from two meters away or on a screen, depending on the context. We recommend ditching full white or full black tone usage as it hurts eyesight in the long term due to its intense contrast difference with the light ambiance.

3. Data Visualization Dimensions

Just like the text, your charts, graphs, and data visualizations must be easy to read and understand. Generally, if a person is interested in your research and has already read some of the text from two meters away, they’ll come closer to look at the charts and graphs. 

Tips for properly arranging data visualization dimensions in poster presentations

Fit data visualizations inside columns or let them span over two columns. Remove any unnecessary borders, lines, or labels to make them easier to read at a glance. Use a flat design without shadows or 3D characteristics. The text in legends and captions should stay within the chart size and not overflow into the margins. Use a unified text size of 18px for all your data visualizations.

4. Alignment, Margins, and White Space

Finally, the last design tip for creating an impressive and memorable poster presentation is to be mindful of the layout’s alignment, margins, and white space. Create text boxes to help keep everything aligned. They allow you to resize, adapt, and align the content along a margin or grid.

Take advantage of the white space created by borders and margins between sections. Don’t crowd them with a busy background or unattractive color.

Tips on alignment, margins, and white space in poster presentation design

Calculate margins considering a print format. It is a good practice in case the poster presentation ends up becoming in physical format, as you won’t need to downscale your entire design (affecting text readability in the process) to preserve information.

There are different tools that you can use to make a poster presentation. Presenters who are familiar with Microsoft Office prefer to use PowerPoint. You can learn how to make a poster in PowerPoint here.

Poster Presentation Examples

Before you start creating a poster presentation, look at some examples of real research posters. Get inspired and get creative.

Research poster presentations printed and mounted on a board look like the one in the image below. The presenter stands to the side, ready to share the information with visitors as they walk up to the panels.

Example of the structure of a scientific/academic conference poster presentation

With more and more conferences staying virtual or hybrid, the digital poster presentation is here to stay. Take a look at examples from a poster session at the OHSU School of Medicine .

Use SlideModel templates to help you create a winning poster presentation with PowerPoint and Google Slides. These poster PPT templates will get you off on the right foot. Mix and match tables and data visualizations from other poster slide templates to create your ideal layout according to the standard guidelines.

If you need a quick method to create a presentation deck to talk about your research poster at conferences, check out our Slides AI presentation maker. A tool in which you add the topic, curate the outline, select a design, and let AI do the work for you.

1. One-pager Scientific Poster Template for PowerPoint

poster presentation design ideas

A PowerPoint template tailored to make your poster presentations an easy-to-craft process. Meet our One-Pager Scientific Poster Slide Template, entirely editable to your preferences and with ample room to accommodate graphs, data charts, and much more.

Use This Template

2. Eisenhower Matrix Slides Template for PowerPoint

poster presentation design ideas

An Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful tool to represent priorities, classifying work according to urgency and importance. Presenters can use this 2×2 matrix in poster presentations to expose the effort required for the research process, as it also helps to communicate strategy planning.

3. OSMG Framework PowerPoint Template

poster presentation design ideas

Finally, we recommend presenters check our OSMG Framework PowerPoint template, as it is an ideal tool for representing a business plan: its goals, strategies, and measures for success. Expose complex processes in a simplified manner by adding this template to your poster presentation.

Remember these three words when making your research poster presentation: develop, design, and present. These are the three main actions toward a successful poster presentation. 

Summary of how to make a research poster presentation

The section below will take you on a step-by-step journey to create your next poster presentation.

Step 1: Define the purpose and audience of your poster presentation

Before making a poster presentation design, you’ll need to plan first. Here are some questions to answer at this point:

  • Are they in your field? 
  • Do they know about your research topic? 
  • What can they get from your research?
  • Will you print it?
  • Is it for a virtual conference?

Step 2: Make an outline

With a clear purpose and strategy, it’s time to collect the most important information from your research paper, analysis, or documentation. Make a content dump and then select the most interesting information. Use the content to draft an outline.

Outlines help formulate the overall structure better than going straight into designing the poster. Mimic the standard poster structure in your outline using section headlines as separators. Go further and separate the content into the columns they’ll be placed in.

Step 3: Write the content

Write or rewrite the content for the sections in your poster presentation. Use the text in your research paper as a base, but summarize it to be more succinct in what you share. 

Don’t forget to write a catchy title that presents the problem and your findings in a clear way. Likewise, craft the headlines for the sections in a similar tone as the title, creating consistency in the message. Include subtle transitions between sections to help follow the flow of information in order.

Avoid copying/pasting entire sections of the research paper on which the poster is based. Opt for the storytelling approach, so the delivered message results are interesting for your audience. 

Step 4: Put it all together visually

This entire guide on how to design a research poster presentation is the perfect resource to help you with this step. Follow all the tips and guidelines and have an unforgettable poster presentation.

Moving on, here’s how to design a research poster presentation with PowerPoint Templates . Open a new project and size it to the standard 48 x 36 inches. Using the outline, map out the sections on the empty canvas. Add a text box for each title, headline, and body text. Piece by piece, add the content into their corresponding text box.

Basic structure layout of an academic poster presentation

Transform the text information visually, make bullet points, and place the content in tables and timelines. Make your text visual to avoid chunky text blocks that no one will have time to read. Make sure all text sizes are coherent for all headings, body texts, image captions, etc. Double-check for spacing and text box formatting.

Next, add or create data visualizations, images, or diagrams. Align everything into columns and sections, making sure there’s no overflow. Add captions and legends to the visualizations, and check the color contrast with colleagues and friends. Ask for feedback and progress to the last step.

Step 5: Last touches

Time to check the final touches on your poster presentation design. Here’s a checklist to help finalize your research poster before sending it to printers or the virtual summit rep.

  • Check the resolution of all visual elements in your poster design. Zoom to 100 or 200% to see if the images pixelate. Avoid this problem by using vector design elements and high-resolution images.
  • Ensure that charts and graphs are easy to read and don’t look crowded.
  • Analyze the visual hierarchy. Is there a visual flow through the title, introduction, data, and conclusion?
  • Take a step back and check if it’s legible from a distance. Is there enough white space for the content to breathe?
  • Does the design look inviting and interesting?

An often neglected topic arises when we need to print our designs for any exhibition purpose. Since A0 is a hard-to-manage format for most printers, these poster presentations result in heftier charges for the user. Instead, you can opt to work your design in two A1 sheets, which also becomes more manageable for transportation. Create seamless borders for the section on which the poster sheets should meet, or work with a white background.

Paper weight options should be over 200 gsm to avoid unwanted damage during the printing process due to heavy ink usage. If possible, laminate your print or stick it to photographic paper – this shall protect your work from spills.

Finally, always run a test print. Gray tints may not be printed as clearly as you see them on screen (this is due to the RGB to CMYK conversion process). Other differences can be appreciated when working with ink jet plotters vs. laser printers. Give yourself enough room to maneuver last-minute design changes.

Presenting a research poster is a big step in the poster presentation cycle. Your poster presentation might or might not be judged by faculty or peers. But knowing what judges look for will help you prepare for the design and oral presentation, regardless of whether you receive a grade for your work or if it’s business related. Likewise, the same principles apply when presenting at an in-person or virtual summit.

The opening statement

Part of presenting a research poster is welcoming the viewer to your small personal area in the sea of poster presentations. You’ll need an opening statement to pitch your research poster and get the viewers’ attention.

Draft a 2 to 3-sentence pitch that covers the most important points:

  • What the research is
  • Why was it conducted
  • What the results say

From that opening statement, you’re ready to continue with the oral presentation for the benefit of your attendees.

The oral presentation

During the oral presentation, share the information on the poster while conversing with the interested public. Practice many times before the event. Structure the oral presentation as conversation points, and use the poster’s visual flow as support. Make eye contact with your audience as you speak, but don’t make them uncomfortable.

Pro Tip: In a conference or summit, if people show up to your poster area after you’ve started presenting it to another group, finish and then address the new visitors.

QA Sessions 

When you’ve finished the oral presentation, offer the audience a chance to ask questions. You can tell them before starting the presentation that you’ll be holding a QA session at the end. Doing so will prevent interruptions as you’re speaking.

If presenting to one or two people, be flexible and answer questions as you review all the sections on your poster.

Supplemental Material

If your audience is interested in learning more, you can offer another content type, further imprinting the information in their minds. Some ideas include; printed copies of your research paper, links to a website, a digital experience of your poster, a thesis PDF, or data spreadsheets.

Your audience will want to contact you for further conversations; include contact details in your supplemental material. If you don’t offer anything else, at least have business cards.

Even though conferences have changed, the research poster’s importance hasn’t diminished. Now, instead of simply creating a printed poster presentation, you can also make it for digital platforms. The final output will depend on the conference and its requirements.

This guide covered all the essential information you need to know for creating impactful poster presentations, from design, structure and layout tips to oral presentation techniques to engage your audience better . 

Before your next poster session, bookmark and review this guide to help you design a winning poster presentation every time. 

poster presentation design ideas

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25 Poster Ideas, Templates, and Tips for Creative Inspiration

featured image for poster ideas and templates

Today,  posters come in different forms – from bold advertising types to minimalist posters.

You’ve probably created a few of them yourself but need design ideas to get you going. Perhaps you’re still struggling with your first poster design idea.

Whichever category you fall into, this poster creation guide is for you.

This article is a compilation of the most creative poster design and ideas. You’ll also find poster templates to get you up to speed.

Unleash your inner artist and take inspiration from these creative poster ideas! Want to give one of these ideas your own spin? Take our AI-powered poster maker for a test run. It’ll create a poster based on your prompt in seconds – all for free.

Table of contents

Wait, what are poster templates.

  • Poster ideas for school projects

Poster ideas for businesses

  • Poster ideas for internal communications
  • Motivational poster ideas

Poster ideas for events

What should i make my poster about, how can i make my poster look attractive.

Get all the poster templates you need with Piktochart’s online poster maker .

Some days, you’re excited to get started immediately on a creative poster design. And on other days, you just sit in front of your phone or computer, blank and without ideas.

The difference between both days is an inspiration.

Whether you’re creating business advertisement posters, school or social event posters, motivationals, or social media ads, inspiration is what gets you going.

It gives you enough creative ideas to work with and helps you arrange design elements for an excellent poster design.

Remember that you can get inspiration from several channels (more on that later). 

Like an AI that writes for you when ideas are thin, a poster template represents one of your surest means of ideas and inspiration. 

A poster template is a poster design with the overall draft or complete layout. It serves as a guide or model for creating a new poster design.

You don’t have to make posters from scratch using a poster template.

Instead, you can use the same layout template and only replace the content as appropriate. 

When you use a poster maker like Piktochart, you get many templates to choose from to create a design. You can also edit colors, icons, and font styles. 

preview of Piktochart's poster template library for creative poster ideas

Another benefit of poster templates is their versatility.

You don’t have to search endlessly for a poster template that looks exactly like your desired poster designs.

Most templates can work for multiple design types with a bit of reshuffling.

You should have no problem personalizing a poster template using the following templates and poster design tips.

Poster ideas for school projects 

Posters for school projects are highly effective and versatile for announcements and as a school project itself.

For example, you can use it to gauge how well someone knows about a topic or mobilize supporters for that upcoming student union government election.

Consider the following tips and templates if you have to make school projects and need some poster ideas.

1. Combine texts with objects to create synergy

Depicting relationships between design elements is crucial.

Like in the template below, you can use objects with texts for the best effects.

classroom rules poster creative poster example

2. Feature vibrant colors

Colors appeal to people and can help you draw all the attention you need.

Since most of your audience will likely be young people, bright colors is an excellent way of attracting their attention.

meet the teacher poster template creative poster idea

3. Cartoon effects are great for school projects

Young people love cartoons.

Make your content resonate with your students by adding cartoon illustration effects to your posters.

chemistry lab poster template as one example of creative poster designs

4. Use shapes and icons for versatility

Shapes affect your design  in many ways and elicit different moods.

They are also helpful in creating a good  visual hierarchy  for your poster.

Take a look at a couple of examples below.

Colorful All About Me Introduction creative poster example

A promotional or advertisement poster is a top-notch commercial strategy for promoting businesses.

Despite its long history of use, its importance has not diminished, even with the emergence of online business marketing. 

Today, small and big businesses use their poster ad on social media platforms because it’s cost-effective and attention-grabbing, with the prospect of driving sales. 

Here are some design ideas and examples.

1. Incorporate product images

Adding photos of your products lets you share what you do with your target market.

It reduces the need to say too much by making the product the focal point of your design.

The poster background can use a color overlay with the other information placed on it.

business poster template highlighting product photos within poster elements

2. State the problems you solve

Customers prefer products that help them. Highlighting the exact solution on offer makes the advertisement poster stand out.

business poster template citing reasons to use your product or service with main visual focal point

3. Use symbols that promote your business

You can replace product images with symbols and icons if you do not have product images.

Symbols and icons are graphic representations that are used to convey meaning or represent an idea, concept, or object.

A symbol is an image or design that represents something else, often an abstract or complex idea. Symbols can be found in many different contexts, including religion, culture, and politics. Examples of symbols include the peace symbol, the yin and yang symbol, and the infinity symbol.

Conversely, Icons are simplified graphic images that represent an object, action, or idea. Icons are often used in user interfaces, such as computer software or mobile apps, representing functions or features. Examples of icons include the magnifying glass icon for search, the envelope icon for email, and the home icon for the home screen.

Both symbols and icons are used to communicate meaning in a visual way and can be used to convey complex ideas or concepts in a simple and accessible format. They are often used to provide visual cues and improve understanding, especially in contexts where language or written communication may not be the most effective means of communication.

These will also help pass information quickly and save space on your design.

Picking the right symbols and icons will tell your business’ story  perfectly.

effective poster template with symbols and color overlay to inspire you to create your own poster

4. Ask relevant questions

Questions also tend to inspire people to act.

Relevant questions can be a powerful tool for motivating people to take action, as they prompt individuals to think critically about their goals, beliefs, and values. By asking relevant questions, individuals are forced to confront their assumptions and biases and to consider how their actions and decisions impact themselves and others.

Relevant questions can be used in various contexts, from personal goal-setting to team meetings and strategic planning sessions. They can be used to challenge assumptions, clarify objectives, and identify potential obstacles or opportunities.

For example, if a team struggles to meet a particular goal, a relevant question might be, “What specific actions can we take to improve our performance and achieve this goal?” This question prompts team members to think creatively about potential solutions and to identify concrete steps that can be taken to make progress.

Similarly, in personal goal-setting, relevant questions can help individuals clarify their values and priorities and identify the steps needed to achieve their goals. For example, a relevant question might be, “How will achieving this goal help me to live a more fulfilling life?”

Overall, relevant questions can be a powerful motivator for action, as they encourage individuals to think critically, challenge assumptions, and identify concrete steps toward achieving their goals. By asking relevant questions, individuals can gain clarity and direction and can be more effective in their personal and professional lives.

In the example below, a computer shop can use the informational poster to help customers decide on what computer to buy.

business poster template citing reasons to use your product or service with main visual focal point

Poster ideas for internal communications 

Businesses cannot thrive without effective forms of internal communications . 

Effective internal communication is essential for the success of any organization, as it helps to ensure that all employees are informed, engaged, and working towards common goals.

Some effective forms of internal communication include:

  • Meetings : Regular team meetings, departmental meetings, and company-wide meetings can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and can provide an opportunity for discussion, feedback, and problem-solving.
  • Email : Email is a common and effective form of internal communication, allowing employees to share information, updates, and documents quickly and easily.
  • Intranet : An intranet is a secure internal website that can be used to share information, documents, and resources within an organization. An intranet can be useful for promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing, and teamwork.
  • Social media: Social media platforms such as Workplace by Facebook and Yammer can be used to foster collaboration, promote engagement, and build a sense of community within an organization.
  • Newsletters : Regular newsletters can be used to share updates, news, and information with employees in a clear and concise way. Newsletters can be distributed via email or posted on an intranet, and can be a useful tool for promoting engagement and keeping employees informed.

Overall, effective internal communication requires a combination of different communication channels tailored to the organization’s and its employees’ needs and preferences.

Organizations can use various communication tools to ensure that employees are informed, engaged, and working towards common goals.

Just as maintaining constant contact with clients is crucial, internal communication will keep employees focused, motivated, and safe.

Posters have become a standard item for internal communication; it’s almost impossible to find an organization that doesn’t utilize them for communicating internally. 

For instance, posters do a perfect job of ensuring safety in the workplace for all staff.

In addition, HR can use an informative poster to remind employers of everyday tasks and processes.

Posters are also an essential element of online information sharing these days. 

The following tips help you maintain an appealing and professional internal communication poster.

1. Use icons to pass information quickly

Consider how road signs pass so much information using icons.

You can use the same creative poster idea for internal communications. 

For example, use soap and hand icons to remind employees to wash their hands or use the overall and boot icons to inform them of the safety precautions within the premises.

internal communications poster example for poster making inspiration for your next poster, informational posters

2. Incorporate metrics

Did the organization just accomplish a new feat? Using metrics to inform employees that their work matters may be a good idea.

You can also use the same strategy to remind everyone of targets to keep in mind.

poster example for internal communications with metrics example of informational posters with bold color use and dark poster background

Motivational posters do just one thing: they urge people to take action.

A motivational poster is a type of poster designed to inspire and motivate viewers toward a particular goal or attitude.

These posters often feature an inspiring message, accompanied by an image or graphic, that is intended to encourage the viewer to take action or adopt a positive mindset.

Motivational posters are often found in workplaces or educational settings.

This poster example can serve as a daily reminder to employees or students to work hard, stay positive, and strive towards success.

They may also be used in sports teams, gyms, or other fitness settings to motivate athletes and encourage them to push themselves toward their goals.

Some common features of motivational posters include bold and colorful typography , inspiring quotes or messages, and images or graphics that reflect the intended message or goal.

This poster example may also feature images of successful people or role models who embody the qualities being promoted in the poster.

Overall, motivational posters are intended to inspire and motivate viewers towards a particular goal or attitude and are often used in settings where encouragement and positive reinforcement are valued.

Typography and quotes are a massive part of motivational posters but they also feature other graphic elements. 

A simple motivational poster can bring smiles to people’s faces, while the more powerful ones will cause people to take action. 

1. Embrace the minimalist approach

Motivational posters do well with a minimalist design.

Think clean background, bold text, and a straightforward message.

Advertisement Posters Brands using realistic design elements

2. Use typography to tell a story 

Telling a motivational story in a visual way always works.

But, of course, it needs to be concise and straight to the point.

Typography works well for this kind of design, and you can use blocks to organize things, like in the example below.

creative poster idea example of a motivational poster using stylish typography and subtle background image

3. Design in black and white

Sometimes, less is more. Using less color in a poster design may help drive your message home more effectively.

black and white motivational poster with black and white background image, creative poster idea

Events bring people together; you need an attention-grabbing poster to get more people to attend the event. 

From webinar promotions to announcements of sports events, use the event poster design ideas and templates below to get started with your event promotion. 

1. Go straight to the point

Your event posters would benefit from hitting the nail on the head.

You don’t want readers getting lost while reading your poster or missing out on vital details. 

creative poster idea for women in tech using contrasting colors and main focal point

2. Use visuals that reflect the vibes of the event

An event poster should also reflect the event it is promoting.

For instance, poster ideas for sports events will include icons or images of the sports.

Another creative poster example is using the stadium as a background image for a football event.

Earth Hour Event poster example using a primary font that matches the poster's theme

3. Go vintage

Vintage designs are very much in trend again.

They can give an excellent vibe if used correctly, as seen in the vintage poster template below.

best creative poster ideas using unique theme and vintage graphic design

Generating poster design ideas is not as easy as it sounds, but you’ll improve with constant practice!

Here are some ideas on how to make a modern poster and tips on improving it.

1. Create a custom story

If you’re good at telling stories, consider using a poster design.

There are loads of creative ideas and design elements that can create just the perfect story poster.

Infographics  work great in this regard. 

You can create stories around your brand or design short stories that motivate you.

Typography will be essential for creating a custom story poster, but you should use images to limit the words. 

The Piktochart template below is a good example.

You can divide the infographic into smaller sections (content blocks) to recreate them into mini-posters.

poster example template with a custom story, creative poster idea

2. Say exactly how your product or service helps

Customers pay more attention to the direct benefits of a product or service.

Hence, businesses stand more chance of doing better when they explain this to customers.

A popular method is highlighting a void without your product and stating the solution you bring in a ‘before-and-after’ approach.

You can make a poster using contrasting colors or patterns to drive this home.

creative poster idea

3. Communicate company values

Communicating the values that an organization stands for is helpful in internal communication.

This helps employees get used to these values and work to promote the business.

You can also include images of activities that reflect these values.

This way, they can familiarize themselves better with the messages and understand the values you’re passing across.

Don’t forget to use your brand colors!

creative poster idea

Attractiveness ensures a poster appeals to its target audience.

However, this goes beyond using extremely bright colors or stuffing the poster with images.

Here are some quick tips for attention-grabbing posters.

1. Incorporate shapes, lines, and patterns

These elements are crucial in graphic design for different purposes.

For instance, lines can direct the reader’s attention to a specific part of the poster design.

Likewise, shapes and patterns can help make your poster information look more organized.

creative poster with shapes, lines, and patterns

2. Combine complementary colors

Colors have always been an essential part of graphic design.

They play several roles, and misunderstanding the design aspect can prove costly.

For example, bold colors are starting to draw attention again for good reasons.

A bold color scheme can help catch the reader’s eye if used correctly, but all colors have their purpose.

It helps to combine complementary colors for a clean feel and contrasting colors for a more adventurous and eye-catching effect.

creative poster template with complementary color scheme

3. Pay attention to the hierarchy of objects

Many posters have different content elements on them, but an excellent poster design has information arranged in order of importance. 

An easy method begins with the most vital parts at the top. 

For example, the movie title will likely be the most prominent in a movie poster.

Another method is to depict object importance with size. Use bold text to highlight the most important feature on your next event poster.

Then, follow up with smaller components of the same size for elements at the same level.

creative poster template with good hierarchy of objects

4. Use consistent page margin width

Consistent margin width makes a poster design organized and professional.

Using consistent margins in poster design is important for several reasons:

  • Aesthetics: Consistent margins help to create a balanced and visually pleasing design. When margins are inconsistent, the poster can appear cluttered and difficult to read, which can be unappealing to viewers.
  • Legibility: A poster with consistent margins makes it easier for viewers to read and understand the information presented. The eye can easily follow the text and graphics with clear margins without feeling overwhelmed or confused.
  • Professionalism: Consistent margins can give a poster a professional and polished look. This attention to detail signals to viewers that the poster was created carefully and carefully.
  • Printing: When designing a poster for printing, consistent margins ensure that the poster can be printed with consistent borders without any part of the design being cut off or lost in the printing process.

In short, using consistent margins in poster design can help improve the overall aesthetics, legibility, and professionalism of the poster and ensure it can be printed correctly.

Margins also help with information hierarchy; neglecting them can render your design unreadable.

For instance, related information should maintain closeness with spaces separating them from unrelated elements.

creative poster template with consistent page margin width

5. White space is just as important

White or negative space is a section in your poster with no content.

However, negative spaces are as important as the parts with objects.

Consider leaving more white space on your poster design as they give a general feel that is minimalist, organized, and more attractive.

event poster dinner invitation exampleusing a fun font to grab the reader's attention

Ready to unleash your inner artist with posters?

Creating posters can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not a graphic designer.

But this does not have to be the case for you.

You can design any poster without any knowledge of professional graphic design.

This is made possible by the massive  library of poster templates  by Piktochart.

Piktochart’s poster maker features poster designs for various purposes. 

There are many different types of poster designs because each design serves a specific purpose and communicates a particular message.

For example, a movie poster aims to attract potential viewers by featuring the film’s stars or highlighting the movie’s genre or tone.

On the other hand, an educational poster might use infographics or diagrams to convey complex information in a visually appealing and accessible way.

Other factors that influence poster design include the intended audience, the context in which the poster will be displayed, and the goals of the organization or individual creating the poster.

For example, a political poster may use bold colors and provocative imagery to inspire action, while a scientific poster might prioritize clarity and accuracy over visual impact.

Overall, there are many different types of poster designs because they serve diverse purposes and must be tailored to specific audiences and contexts to convey their intended message effectively in a visually impactful way.

All you need to do is pick a template, edit the elements, personalize it, and you’re all set.

Sign up for a free Piktochart account to get all the benefits of custom poster templates. 

Don’t have time to create a poster from scratch? Create a poster with our AI poster generator , instead. It will create a poster from your prompt. You can pick from one of several options using different templates that you can customize afterwards. Make a powerful poster within minutes instead of hours – no design experience needed.


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Blog on science communication

How to design a poster presentation so your research stands out

poster presentation design ideas

Giving a poster presentation is not the dream of every scientist, but we help you to make a beautiful and effective poster presentation to take advantage of the networking opportunity!

Your research is important, so why waste everyone’s time with a poster with the main message hidden in bullet points and a design that makes it challenging to decipher text and tables?

Also check out our Poster Design Guidelines

The ultimate guide for good poster presentation design. Use it to create a well-designed poster that stands out and effectively communicates your research. We’ve created this together with conference organizers, scientists and universities. It’s based over a decade of experience with (visual) science communication.

Visual poster guide 1: Essential elements of a poster

What is the goal of your poster presentation?

A quick reminder: The main goal of a poster presentation is not to share your research results. If that were the case, you could just publish it, email it to colleagues in your field or hand out copies of your paper during conferences. Instead, the goal of standing next to your poster is to have interaction with other researchers in your field , learn from their critical questions, feedback, and suggestions, and make connections for future collaborations.

Your new goal is to present your work clearly and make sure that people stop to talk to you about your work. To achieve this goal, you and your poster need to STAND OUT. If you do it well, presenting your poster is an incredible learning opportunity. In our e-book about designing presentations , we talk a bit more about how to define your goal and message. Think about what your main message is, WHY your message is so important (typically the ‘background’ section) and only then WHAT the evidence is supporting your message (the ‘results’ section).

Write down your research as a story

We do this exercise in our science communication workshops a lot:

Write down your entire research in a single sentence (commas are allowed). Don’t worry if you don’t get it on the first try. In our workshops, we often start out by writing it down in a single paragraph or a one-minute speech and then shorten it until you have a single sentence. Answering the following questions help you get started:

Why are you doing your research? What is your ultimate goal?

e.g. We want to slow down Alzheimer’s disease, find a cure for small-cell carcinoma, find out which cells are responsible for skin cancer. We want to improve patient care in hospitals. We want to understand the environmental causes of obesity. We aim to study the best way to lose weight. We want to develop a new standard for research outcomes. (Just a few examples from our clients)

What is the underlying problem? Sometimes your research goal is more obscure than curing cancer or solving obesity. People will know these are major problems, and you do NOT need to point this out to them. However, you might be solving a problem people don’t know about yet. If that’s the case, you have to explain the problem AND the goal or solution to the problem. e.g. We think there is a better way to diagnose disease X than is currently done because current practice is very costly.

What exactly are you looking at in your research? How are you executing your research?

e.g. you are studying human behavior, performing cell microscopy, literature research in the national archives, interviews in local communities.

e.g. you are using epidemiology, meta-analysis, RCT, In-vitro study, computer modeling, AI, fieldwork, (online) questionnaires.

What makes your research, approach, or team unique?

e.g. We’re doing the first multi-disciplinary research into obesity prevention / We have an international team with over 20 participating countries / We developed a unique new technique or methodology / We combine all available data to date / We have a specific breed of mice that might answer the question better / This is the first time anyone has ever looked at X or used method Y.

This would result in a sentence like this:

To find out how to slow down Alzheimer’s disease, we are using new metabolomic profiling techniques to find pathways to prevent beta-amyloid proteins from forming harmful plaques in the brain.

This can be the new subtitle or large quote of your poster! It’s the main summary of what you’re trying to achieve.

poster presentation design ideas

Have a question as your main title

For the main title, you might want to use something even shorter. You can choose to have a question as a main title. This might lure more people to your poster than a statement. What about “Mental health in hospitals: what can health professionals do to ease the pain?”. It’s the perfect start to a conversation. Imagine what the first question would be that you can ask a person approaching you. It does not tell the whole story but makes people curious enough to walk up to your poster to read the answer or have a discussion with you.

Another example:

QUESTION: Will assessing differentiated dysplasia improve risk assessment of leukoplakia better than current WHO standards?

STATEMENT: Adding differentiated dysplasia to classic dysplasia assessment is a stronger prognostic indicator (HR:7.2) for malignant transformation than current WHO standards.

The 5-second science communication rule

In general, you only have a few seconds to grab attention with your poster. People will only stop at your poster if they are drawn in by an interesting title or a stunning design. When they decided to slow down and start reading more, it takes them about 30 seconds to read your poster. This is not reading in a traditional sense, but more skimming the titles. This means that if your titles are words such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion they will still have no idea what your research is about!

Reading your poster should not be a chore. Test it with some friends or colleagues. Show them your poster for 30 seconds, and ask them what they think is your main message, and what result/word/graph/design piqued their interest.

Poster prep-time!

  • Think about what you want to get out of this poster presentation. Do you want to connect with at least 3 senior researchers? Do you want to get feedback on a specific result? Do you want to discuss your methods and ask others how they would do this?
  • Prepare what you want to say when someone approaches your poster. Or better yet, what you want to ask them.
  • Think about what critical questions people may have about your poster and prepare a short answer. Is your research about dairy and it is funded by the dairy industry? Expect some critical questions. Be grateful you get these questions, it’s what proper scientific discussion is all about!

Do not conform to “standards” imposed by the conference

We know that you often have to adhere to guidelines for your poster presentation. Maybe you have to abide by a standard template from your institution, or have huge logos from every single collaborator (and even pictures of their locations!) on it. We advise that you do NOT give in to these demands without a fight. Remember: these guidelines are not made by science communication experts, but often by the press officer with a desire for a uniform look or by more senior scientists who think design is something achieved by rainbow-colored text effects in Word. You get our frustration…

Of course, it’s good to adhere to the physical format of the poster mount and have large and legible text, but we’ll try to push you out of your comfort zone here a bit. You will not get punished by anyone for using different colors than your institution, use a different font, and use design in a way that makes your research pop. Remember: you can not stand out if your poster looks like all the other boring posters in the room!

TEXT: How to make sure your main message stands out

Don’t structure your presentation like a paper.

Ditch the abstract/introduction/results/conclusion/acknowledgments structure and create your own interesting titles. Instead: write conclusive titles that people can skim. This means that you should make sure that your titles (the largest texts on your poster) tell your story.

Turn headings into conclusions & quotes.

Instead of the vague descriptive title “Costs of diabetes” you can turn it into the main conclusive message: “Total costs of diabetes have increased to $245 billion.” Which one do you prefer?

This means that you do NOT highlight the least interesting words on your paper, but let the MESSAGE stand out. We cringe when we see the words “Background” highlighted in huge bright blue text, and the main message obscured in smaller text.

An example: How to structure your research (based on https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32023777 ).

Which behavioral and nutritional factors are targets for stomach cancer prevention programmes?

A meta-analysis and systematic review of 14 behavioral and nutritional factors in 52,916 studies.

Helicobacter pylori infection, smoking, alcohol, high salt intake were identified as the main factors contributing to stomach cancer.

These results may be utilized for ranking and prioritizing preventable risk factors to implement effective prevention programs.

As you can see, with the new structure, it’s already a short explanation of your entire research! Way to go!

TIP: Does your research show negative results? Shout it from the rooftops! Don’t be disappointed, your research is just as important as anyone else’s. Do not hide it, show it, so other people can learn from it.

DESIGN: Keep it clean and simple

How do you think you will come across if you use different backgrounds, colors and fonts for every slide? Does that really make you look creative and professional? We know it’s tempting, but don’t use every tool PowerPoint has given you to design with. Don’t use gradients, drop-shadows, text effects if you don’t know how to use them.

The design of your poster should support your story, provide structure, and make your presentation more effective. Design can also help distinguish between the main message and supporting information. By using different designs for your main thread and quotes, anecdotes, or examples you make sure people don’t lose sight of your most important messages.

We love to show bad examples, so check out this poster presentation dissection:

Dissecting a poster presentation design with feedback

Only use bullet points for actual lists

If there is one piece of advice we would love for you to remember from this post: do NOT use bullet points for sentences! It transforms them into weird short sentences and doesn’t make your messages any clearer. Please, only use bullet points for actual lists. Like countries or disease outcomes you are measuring. Disregard your instinct to put bullets before sentences and just write a nice readable paragraph instead. People will love you for it! If you’re feeling creative you can always ask yourself the question of whether there are better ways to visualize your bullet points. Showing the countries you’ve gathered data from in an actual map is MUCH more informative than a list (anybody knows where Kyrgyzstan is located exactly?). We often use https://mapchart.net/world.html for creating maps.

COLOR: When in doubt, start with white and grey, and add a single pop of color.

We’re not going to explain color theory here. And don’t be afraid to use ANY color you want. Just make sure to check whether it has enough contrast with the background to be legible (with the WebAIM contrast checker ). Don’t waste your time on this. When in doubt, choose 1 single color (or shades of the same color) and combine it with black for text and white and light grey for backgrounds, boxes, and borders. Add a single pop of color to create focus where you want the audience to look, e.g. important keywords, arrows, and your main message. We have added some color scheme examples in our Poster Presentation Template (see below).

IMAGES: Only use images that contribute to your message

Text alone can be a bit uninspiring sometimes. We encourage the use of images but make sure they contribute to your message. Either use them to show which topic you are researching (e.g. plane aerodynamics, body fat distribution, or the history of women’s rights), or when they have intrinsic value and show something that you cannot point out in words (e.g. the location of an aorta stent, or the flow of information between low-orbit satellites). Don’t add cute images of people, landscapes, university buildings or flower patterns to spice up your poster. Check out our favorite resources for good free copyright-free images and design tools.

So please don’t use random useless stock photo’s like these in your presentation! #facepalm

poster presentation design ideas

GRAPHS: Make sure people can read a graph without having to consult a legend or description.

A graph is better than a table. It’s much easier to understand relationships in your data when presented visually in a graph than as numbers in a table. However, a conclusion drawn from the data, presented as a main conclusion with a single number (e.g. alcohol consumption is 23% higher in France than in Sweden) is better than your run-of-the-mill graph with a vague description of the two axes.

Write graph titles as a conclusion of your result.

Which title do you think is better?

Projected disease prevalence and mortality reduction over 20 years for the population aged 18 to 95 years in nine European countries with lower salt intake.

Lower salt intake reduced the prevalence of stroke in Poland by 13.5%

Don’t use separate legends in your graph (e.g. those boxes on the side of the graph). If possible, put the text/label explaining what a line represents next to the line. This prevents people from having to go back and forth between the graph and legend to understand its message.

  • Do not copy your complex research paper title as the title on a poster. Create a short and snappy poster title that draws people in.
  • Don’t include any text, graph, or image that does not contribute to your main points. If people can understand your main message without them, leave them out.
  • Never apply chart junk in your graphs, remove all unnecessary lines/gradients/grids.
  • Don’t use high-contrast boxes with rounded corners: this creates weird arrows between boxes that draw your eye to the area in between text.
  • Avoid unclear QR codes, people will have no idea what happens after they scan it and it’s often being used for fraudulent purposes.
  • Rewrite the title into an intriguing question or statement, so people know what to talk to you about.
  • Your main purpose/unique proposition/interesting result should be the largest text on the poster. You should be able to read it from five meters away.
  • Ensure that everything on the poster is self-explanatory. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms.
  • Make sure it’s clear from the poster who you are. Highlight one of the authors, or add a (recent, professional) portrait, so people can also find you later if they visited the poster when you were away.
  • White. Space. Scientists seem to think that white space is wasted space that needs more text crammed in. The opposite is true. More white space makes your poster seem less daunting, and easier to approach.
  • Have a call to action on your poster. Who do you want people to contact, and what would you want to talk about in future communications? Include your Twitter, LinkedIn, email if possible.
  • When in doubt about the colors: choose white and light grey and add a single pop of color. It’s the safest bet!
  • Avoid jargon. You can get into jargon and details AFTER people have approached you and your poster.
  • Use enough contrast between the background and letters so people can actually read it. You can check your contrast at: https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/

Creative ideas for those who are ready to conquer the world with their research:

  • Laminate your poster and give people a whiteboard marker to write things on it or highlight sections they think are important. This is not only a nice gimmick that people will remember, but can be good for you as a reminder of the feedback you were given. As an added bonus it gives visitors a chance to interact with each other.
  • Bring a prop related to your research to the stand. Do you research fat cells? Bring a pound of lard with you. Do you research tooth health? Bring a plastic jaw with you that people can look at.

Tip: Print on textiles instead of paper. Easier to take with you on a plane without tearing or creasing. However, do this only when you are going to use the poster multiple times, it’s a waste of material otherwise.

To hand out or not to hand out?

A hand-out is a great way to get into depth without cramming every single detail into your poster. But you might just have printed 20 copies and nobody to hand it out to. Also, who reads all the things they collect when they get home? In other words: we do not advise you to bring hand-outs.

As useful as it may seem, we think that making the connection is more important than sharing the details of your research right then and there. So instead, give out your LinkedIn or ResearchGate details or your personal website URL, so you are instantly connected and they will see any new updates you post in their timeline. If they are still interested in the details, you have their contact information to send them your paper when it’s published!

poster presentation design ideas


Have you read all our tips but still don’t know how to implement them in your poster? Don’t worry, we will go over a case study of an existing poster presentation.

For this case study, we worked together with Joseph Diab , a PhD candidate in bioanalytical chemistry at The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) doing research into Ulcerative Colitis. He wanted to update his poster for his next poster presentation and volunteered with us to make it better.

The BEFORE poster

The poster he made was a typical poster, not bad at all actually, we’ve seen much, much worse… But there was plenty to improve. Let’s go over the poster to find out what could be improved.

poster presentation design ideas

The good thing about the poster was that the main title was written in big text, and he even emphasized the most important words. This is a great way to have it stand out more. He did not fall into the trap of having his paper title as the main title, and put it in smaller text below. He was right to make the conclusion bigger as well.

However, there is room for improvement. When you look at the poster while squinting your eyes, only the main title jumps out at you. There is not much larger text to scan to get a feel for what he’s trying to tell us. We’re also missing the reason he is doing this research. Why is it important to reveal the metabolomic signature? If the urgency is missing, people might walk past your poster.

So, to make his poster better we’ve given Joseph some homework questions about his research. These are his answers:

What do you want to get out of this poster presentation?  Joseph: I want to get feedback on how to proceed and validate these finding, and how to unravel the role of microbiota in IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease).

Can you tell me in your own words what the main purpose of your research is? Joseph: IBD is an untreatable nasty disease. The only available treatment just makes the patients go from active inflammation into remission. Most of these patients will develop inflammation again. Moreover, 20-30% of the patients develop very severe outcomes and need surgery, and they might die from complications or from cancer (caused by the treatment failure). In my research, we aim to find a biomarker to predict the outcome from the moments the patient gets the diagnosis.

Why is your research unique? Joseph: This is the first study to determine the full proteomic and transcriptomic profile in treatment-naïve and deep-remission UC patients.

What is the relevance of your results in the real world? Joseph: We are using metabolomics to improve the patient’s stratification in IBD.

We love it when researchers explain something in their own words, it’s so much clearer than when written as a paper! Here are the steps we took to improve his poster:

Step 1: Create an engaging main message.

We’ve rewritten the main message of his poster to include the main goal of his research (to improve IBD treatment) and made it a bit more interesting by adding part of his research results stating that he has found the “first clue”. This is a great way of showing that each research project is just one small step towards final answers, and this can make your audience a bit more curious. Who doesn’t like to figure out clues? This way the title also gives away a part of the results, which makes it easier for people to understand what you’ve accomplished.

Before: Ulcerative Colitis is characterized by altered tryptophan and fatty acid metabolism.

After: Finding biomarkers to improve the personalized treatment of Ulcerative Colitis. Altered tryptophan and fatty acid metabolism provide the first clue.

Step 2: Put the most important messages first.

In Joseph’s poster, like in so many, the conclusion is hidden away at the end of the poster. We’ve moved it up next to the title. In addition, we’ve moved the author affiliations to the bottom of the poster. They were taking up too much prime real estate, and it’s not very relevant for your audience.

Step 3: Create an effective design

poster presentation design ideas

We were lucky that Joseph was doing research in a field that is easy to visualize. Ulcerative Colitis is a disease of the large intestines, so we used an illustration of one to enhance the design. This was not just to “make it pretty”, but also to visually show the topic and draw your eye towards the most important message: the conclusion. People recognize an intestine much faster than reading the text.

We stayed away from the boring academic blue. Everybody is using it, which is a good reason to not use it yourself (the easiest way to stand out!). In this case the best choice was to just use the colors from the image. With this bright pink as an accent color, and whites and greys as main colors, you generate a nice cohesive color scheme in a snap!

TIP : If you can find a relevant image for your poster, always use that color in your color scheme! PowerPoint now has an eyedropper tool that enables you to pick any color from an image and use it in texts or boxes.

We wanted to separate the different paragraphs, but not draw too much attention to it by using dark backgrounds, thick borders or lots of contrast, so we used subtle shadow which divides the main sections but does not distract.

Step 4: Emphasize your most important messages

Our advice is to de-emphasize words such as methods and background . However, this might be a bit scary, since it deviates so much from what posters have looked like for years. So we decided to keep it, but use a smaller font size. We used the pink color to emphasize the most important sentences and draw your eyes towards them. If you squint and just read the larger pink text, you should be able to understand the research. We wanted to make it stand out more and make it bigger, but there was not enough space on the poster to increase the font size. An important lesson in working with limitations!

Step 5: Make it engaging and easy to understand for your audience

To make sure the answers to Joseph’s homework were included in the poster, we came up with the “What’s new” section. Just reading this section gives you a very good grasp of the main goal and why the research is unique.

The “How can you help?” section prompts the visitor to have a conversation and invites them to share their ideas about this topic. This is the conversation starter you need for a successful poster presentation.

Step 6: Kill your darlings

There is never enough space on a poster, so we needed to scrap some of the texts and graphs. For each graph, we asked whether it was really necessary to include. Did this graph really contribute to the main message, or could anyone at the conference understand the research perfectly fine without it?

As you can see, we ditched one of the two almost similar multivariate analysis graphs. They showed almost the same thing. We also removed the Venn diagram. It contained some very detailed information that was not essential for the main message and therefore took up too much valuable space.

We also wrote new titles for the graphs in the results section. Instead of a descriptive title (Pathway analysis), we wrote a concluding title (Integrated pathway analysis provides a unique and detailed snapshot of the metabolic changes in the onset of UC.). You want to give away your conclusion from the graph, not have people spend 5 minutes trying to figure it out themselves from looking at the dots.

In the graphs we made the outlying pathways more prominent with the dark blue background, so you can immediately find these pathways without having to read all of them.

Step 7: Background information & call to action

There is always some boring information you have to include, or your supervisors won’t be happy. Logos of your institutions, affiliations, the title of your paper. We put them where they belong: on the bottom of the page in smaller font. Very few people will be interested in this at first glance.

We do want to show who the person is behind the poster, so we kept the headshot of Joseph and added a call to action: Connect with Joseph Diab for more details and a discussion of this paper.

This lowers the threshold for people to connect with Joseph later. After all: he invited them to email him already! Since Joseph is active on Twitter we included his Twitter handle as well as his email address. This is very important. If you want to keep in touch with people who pass by, you have to give them your contact information.

A QR code might sound very hip, but we advise against using it. For starters, it’s not really telling anyone where you will end up. Are you linking to the paper, to Joseph’s personal website, his Twitter account, or his University’s website? People might not even have a smartphone or QR reader. The best thing is to ask people on the spot to connect with you on LinkedIn, Twitter, or send you an email, so you’re sure they will keep in touch.

The result:

Example of a good poster presentaton design

Check out Joseph attracting attention with his new poster at the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) 2020 annual congress:

Let us know what you think!

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered in this article? Write to me at [email protected] , or check out our workshop on Poster presentation & Infographic design .

A poster presentation template to not take too seriously

Want to get a head-start on designing your poster? We’ve developed a simple template for your poster to get you ahead of the curve. But don’t take this template too seriously! In fact, we usually advise against using templates, if everybody starts using them, nobody will stand out. It’s your job to make it interesting and fit your needs and limitations.

poster presentation design ideas

About the Author: Liesbeth Smit

Search for more scicomm tips:, read more about science communication:.

poster presentation design ideas

Tool to create your own data visualisation with icons

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Pitch your science to any audience

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Science and the media

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poster presentation design ideas

14 Creative poster ideas for design inspirations.

Explore some of our favorite poster designs to ignite your imagination for your next poster project.

Start designing with Adobe Express

1. Create synergy with graphic and text design.

This poster design is undeniably eye-catching. An epic photograph with dynamic lines and colors that catch your attention. What ultimately makes this design feel complete is the way the text plays off the photo. The font echoes the blurred image’s sentiment by layering several text lines on top of each other. Think about the relationship between imagery and type styles as you build your next photo to provide a complete, well-rounded visual experience.

Colorful, Mysterious Music Band World Tour Poster Poster Ideas

2. Use icons in new, imaginative ways.

If you don’t have professional photos at your disposal, don’t sweat them. The graphic imagery seen here is simply a saxophone icon (available to you on Adobe Express) enlarged to fill the background. Think about the ways an icon can serve the visual needs of your poster. Can you arrange icons to make a shape or pattern on your poster? What about blowing up your text to create a shape or design using the letters and negative space? Challenge yourself to think outside of the box.

Jazz Festival Concert Poster Promo Poster Ideas

3. Use vibrant, eye-catching colors.

Do you know your primary colors? Secondary colors? What about complementary colors? Explore color themes provided by Adobe Express to make your design communicate the right message and let your message pop. In this case, bright colors build excitement for the colorful Day of the Dead holiday. Consider what colors best tell your story and explore with different pairings to achieve that.

Pink Mexican Day of the Dead Flyer with Skulls Poster Ideas

4. Rethink an object’s potential.

This is a compelling poster that is succeeding with creativity alone. If you don’t have professional photos at your disposal, don’t sweat them. The graphic imagery seen here is simply an icon (available to you on Adobe Express) blown up to fit the poster. Can an icon serve your visual needs for your poster? Can you arrange icons to make a shape or pattern on your poster? What about blowing up your text to create a design using the letters and negative space? Challenge yourself to think outside of the box.

Purple Wine Raffle Fundraising Event Flyer

5. Play with symmetry.

The photo seen here includes the astronaut’s reflection in the water, but you can achieve that type of symmetry by exploring layout options with images. Try a split layout – upload a photo to one side, then the same photo to the other side. Use the flip tool to mirror the image and then adjust the two pictures to line up as a mirror image.

Blue and Pink Spacing Out Poster Poster Ideas

6. Use layers to transform your design.

Drop-in an image to your poster design. Add a filter. Place a graphic image or icon on top of it. Adjust the transparency and add a filter to it. Throw in some shape blocks and then overlay text. Layers create depth and can transform something ordinary into something extraordinary. Let go of preconceived notions and experiment a little with layering different elements.

Grey and Brown Gleam Tour Social Poster Poster Ideas

7. Lots of solutions for lots of text.

Sometimes, we have to communicate a lot of information on posters. Avoid filling up the entire page with words, and use design elements such as shape, color, and negative space to turn your text into part of the design. We love this example for how it fits Wednesday’s Open Mic into the square and echoes the shape. Then, color, size, and placement are used to create a hierarchy with the information.

Red and White Open Mic Poster Poster Ideas

8. Play with outstanding font combinations.

When it comes to font pairings, a good rule of thumb is that opposites attract. Generally, you’ll want a primary font, used for eye-catching headlines and reflecting the design’s tone, and a secondary font that is easy to read that can be used for paragraphs. For example, if you pick a curvy, handwritten primary font, opt for a more neutral serif or san serif secondary font. We love this poster example because it takes font pairing to the next level. Since this is a poster ad for a type workshop, it only fits to use all the typefaces. Notice that the secondary copy below follows our rule of thumb for being something less attention-grabbing.

Black White and Red Analogue Typography Workshop Poster Poster Ideas

9. Finding the perfect placement.

Own a small business or brand? Use Adobe Express to create artistic, professional advertising without spending a fortune. Use image content you have already, even if it’s just photos from your smartphone, and add filters and text effects in your Adobe Express workspace. Explore opportunities to make posters of all different sizes to share online or in your community.

Pink and Yellow Banana Local Farmer's Market Flyer Poster Ideas

10. Showcase facts with infographics.

Posters are a fantastic canvas for infographics because they can offer plenty of real estate. Maybe you’re a teacher, a workout coach, or a chef and need an infographic to hang in the kitchen for new hires to reference, like in this example. Create an infographic poster to make your information easy to read and remember. Use design elements like icons, imagery, collaging, or even just color-coded text to break up your info and make it fun to read.

Black, White and Light Toned Colors, Omelet Making Tips, Flyer Poster Ideas

11. Get creative with collaging.

Collaging is a great approach for poster design. If you have multiple images you’d like to feature in your design, using a grid layout is a graphically interesting way to showcase them. As seen in this example, collages can be symmetrical or more playful and asymmetrical, as found in our layout options. You can collage with photos, icons, or even text boxes, all depending on the aesthetic you’re going for.

Pink and White Cafe Business Breakfast Flyer with Collage Poster Ideas

12. Create artful advertising.

Own a small business or brand? Use Adobe Express to create artistic, professional advertising without spending a fortune. Use image content you have already, even if it’s just photos from your smartphone, and spice it up with filters and text effects in your Adobe Express workspace. Explore the opportunities to make posters of all different sizes to share online or in your community to get your brand out there.

Red, Black and White Workout Catchphrase Instagram Story Poster Ideas

13. Explore with daring, artful design choices.

Posters are an excellent opportunity for trying out something bold and creative. Test out unconventional text arrangements, such as stacking seen here or overlaying text on top of color-blocked shapes and lines. Avoid doing too much at once – make one or two bold choices and let them be the focal point of your poster.

Pink, Grey and White Perfume Workshop Ad Poster Poster Ideas

14. Make a poster, just because.

Did you take an epic photo on your last family vacation? Maybe there’s a quote or mantra that’s been resonating with you recently? Perhaps there’s a holiday coming up, and you need some decorations. You don’t need to have a specific purpose for making a poster. Turn your on-the-fly photos or inspirational quotes into art using our editing tools.

Light Blue and White Reflecion poster Poster Ideas

How to make a poster with Adobe Express.

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How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: A Quick Guide 

Are you looking to make a lasting impression at your next conference or academic event?  Have you ever been in a situation where you had to present a poster presentation for a conference but didn’t know where to start?  Designing a winning poster presentation design can be daunting, especially when you have limited time and resources. But don’t worry, with a little planning and creativity; you can create a poster presentation that will grab your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message. 

In this blog, we will dive into the world of poster design and provide a quick guide on creating a creative poster presentation design. From choosing the right layout and color scheme to selecting the best images and fonts, we will share examples and templates to help you along the way. 

Are you ready to design a poster presentation that will make an impactful impression? 

Let’s get started!

What is a poster presentation?

A poster presentation is a great way of communicating research, study findings, concepts, and ideas. It is a visual representation of information used to attract the audience’s attention and explain the topic in an easy-to-understand manner. A poster presentation typically consists of a poster and a brief explanation.

The poster should be designed to be visually appealing and include a compelling title slide that will draw the audience’s attention. The content should be organized logically and include a clear message that differentiates it from other posters. 

The text should be concise and written in a large font size to be easily read from a distance. Additionally, the poster should include images, PowerPoint tables , graphs, and other visuals to help illustrate the points made.

The brief explanation should be five minutes long and provide an overview of the poster’s content. The speaker should be friendly and professional and use appropriate language for the audience.

How to make a poster presentation?

Making a poster presentation can be a great way to showcase your research or project, but it can also be a bit overwhelming if you’re unsure where to start. Here are tips for poster presentation that will grab your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

Start with a plan

Before you start designing your poster, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you wish to achieve. Think about your audience, message, and the key points you want to communicate. Once you have a plan in place, it will be much easier to create a poster presentation PowerPoint that is both visually appealing and informative.

Choose the right layout

The layout of your poster presentation is important as it can affect how easily people can read and understand your information. A good layout with a clear information hierarchy will be easy to read. You can use various fonts, sizes, and colors to emphasize the most important points.

Use images and graphics

A poster presentation full of text can be overwhelming, so it’s important to include images and PowerPoint graphics to break up the text and make it more visually appealing. Make sure to choose relevant images for your topic, which will help to communicate your message.

poster presentation design ideas

Use contrasting colors

Choosing the right color scheme is essential for ensuring your poster presentation design is easy to read and engage. Use contrasting colors for the background and text, and ensure that the text is easy to read against the background.

Proofread and edit

Once you’ve finished designing your creative poster presentation, it’s vital to proofread and edit it to ensure there are no mistakes or typos. It’s also a good idea to get feedback from others to see if any changes or improvements can be made.

Creating a creative poster presentation takes a bit of planning, creativity, and attention to detail, but by following these tips, you can design a poster that will engage your audience and effectively communicate your message. Remember, a poster presentation PPT is not just a collection of text and images; it’s a visual tool to communicate your ideas and research.

Tips for Poster Presentation

Creating an appealing poster presentation perfectly captures your audience’s attention and effectively communicates your message. Here are five tips to help you create an effective PowerPoint poster presentation:

Keep it simple

Your poster should be easy to read and understand. Avoid using too many colors or borders, as this can be distracting and look untidy. Use a limited color palette and keep the text concise.

Choose an eye-catching headline

Think of some eye catchy or witty text as your poster’s focal point to grab people’s attention. They will want to look closer if it makes them laugh or piques their curiosity.

Use high-quality photos

You can use pictures to design posters, and choosing high-resolution photos is essential, especially if you print them in large pixels or sizes. Any pixelation or slightly blurred graphics can turn your design into a disaster.

Introduce your poster presentation with a “1 Minute Pitch.”

You don’t want to “give everything away,” so to speak, but rather capture the interest of your audience, introduce yourself and the project, and spark a dialogue.

Add a memorable call to action

Your poster will only be meaningful if it makes the audience act on the message you delivered. Compose a clear call to action to inform them of what to do next. You can add details on where to purchase tickets for event posters in your call to action.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling and creative poster presentation design that will capture your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

Poster Presentation Examples

When creating a creative poster presentation, seeing examples can be a great way to get inspiration and see what works. In this section, we will be showcasing a variety of poster presentation examples that demonstrate different design techniques and styles. 

From scientific research posters to creative projects, these examples will give you a better understanding of how to create a poster that will grab your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message. 

poster presentation design ideas

Wrapping It Up

Creating a creative poster presentation requires careful planning and attention to detail. It is essential to identify the poster’s goal, consider the target audience, decide where to share it, use a pre-made PowerPoint template , pick a relevant or branded color scheme, include a clear call-to-action, and use fonts to create a hierarchy of information. 

Additionally, ensuring the poster has an attractive visual impact, a compelling title, a clear message, cohesiveness, design and readability, storytelling, alignment, margins, and white space is essential. By following these tips, you have access to various ideas for poster presentations that will have a lasting impact.

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Blog Marketing How to Make a Poster in 10 Steps (2024 Poster Design Guide + Templates)

How to Make a Poster in 10 Steps (2024 Poster Design Guide + Templates)

Written by: Sara McGuire Jan 21, 2024

poster design

Posters are one of the oldest, most tried-and-true types of marketing collateral. Posters are an effective way to draw attention to your sales, events, fundraisers and more.

While there is no one right way to make a poster , there are still poster design best practices that you should follow.

So we decided to take it upon ourselves to write the ultimate, most in-depth poster design guide out there. If you want to learn how to design a poster from scratch (or with our professionally designed poster templates ), you’re in the right place.

These poster design tips can be applied to virtually any poster you design. So let’s get into it!

How to design a poster from scratch

Creating a poster from scratch can be a fun and enriching experience. Whether you’re crafting a school project to impress your teacher, using one to promote an event or simply presenting information in an engaging way, posters offer a unique opportunity to express yourself visually and share your message effectively.

This step-by-step guide will equip you with the tools and techniques to make your own compelling poster:

  • Identify the goal of your poster
  • Consider your target audience
  • Decide where to share your poster
  • Select a professional poster template
  • Pick a relevant or branded color scheme 
  • Include a clear call to action
  • Use fonts to create a hierarchy of information
  • Use icons to visualize concepts and grab attention 
  • Add high-quality images & stock photos
  • Download & export in the right format

How to design posters for different occasions

1. identify the goal of your poster.

The most important step in the poster creation process is to understand why you are creating this type of promotional material in the first place.

Is it because of advertising purposes for a new product? To grab the audience’s attention about a concert in the area? To highlight important details about a campaign? Or even just because there’s a sale coming up? All of these are goals that some engaging poster templates can help you achieve. 

If you think about your main goals from the beginning, you can use those goals to guide your choices like a professional designer would.

For example, if the goal of your poster is to invite your community to a fundraising event , then your poster should be designed strategically to help you achieve this goal. A common rule for written communication is that simplicity wins.

Take a look at another fundraising event poster :

Sponsors Template

Just so you know, some of our poster templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

Now, if you’re looking for information posters for your fundraising event, here’s another example you can keep in mind:

Breast Cancer Awareness Poster Template


Start with a goal and plan your custom poster around it. 

2. Consider your target audience 

Next, you should consider who you are trying to reach with your poster. Answering this question will probably remind you of all the important details you should highlight while you make your poster.

For example, say you’re advertising an event for women’s rights like below:

Iconic Women's Rights Poster

Now compare it to this other design below:

Womens Rights March Poster

The goal and audience on each of these templates are different and both designs will appeal to distinct groups of people. Make sure you have decided exactly who you want to appeal to, before jumping into your online poster creator tool and starting your creation process.

A perk of these eye-catching posters is that we can see inclusive visuals, maximalist elements and bold shapes — which happen to be some of this year’s biggest graphic design trends .

Also, remember that you can make multiple posters that cater to different customer personas . You don’t have to use one for every type of customer! 

3. Decide where you want to share your poster

The final thing you should determine to save time — before designing your poster — is where it will be shared. 

Would you like to hang it up on a wall? Or just share it with your followers on social media so they can leave comments and send it to other friends? 

It’s important to decide where you want your poster to be seen before you start working on your online poster maker. This is because, as you will see below, optimizing a poster properly for print is slightly different than for Twitter or Facebook. 

Optimize your poster for print 

You probably have an idea of where you’re going to share your poster. Where you decide to pin it up can help you make a few design decisions. 

If you’re planning on printing out your poster, there are some basic guidelines you should keep in mind.

Visualize where you will pin up your poster

If it’s going on a wall with a bunch of other movie posters though , print your poster in a larger size so it will stand out:

Arrhythmia Poster

But if it’s going on a relatively bare wall, print it in a smaller size and pin up a bunch of them to then create posters with a larger footprint like the minimalist poster templates below:

Blue Gradient Tech Scientific Poster Template

If you’re looking for more ideas to present your findings effectively, search through our selection of scientific poster templates .

Select a standard paper size

Unless you want to create a big poster background, you probably don’t want to spend money on getting it printed. You can print it yourself by simply designing your custom poster to fit the standard ISO A1-A5 printer paper.

How To Design Poster Example 7

With Venngage you can magically resize any of our poster templates into Letter, A3, A4, A5 and any custom dimensions with a few clicks. First, click on the page size tab on the top left and then select what size you would like: 

How To Design Poster Example 3

The page resize option will also reformat your poster content to fit the new size you select — if you want it to. This simple feature will save you a TON of time in the long run, so be sure to try it out. 

You’re more than welcome to manually resize your poster the old-fashioned way, by updating the page size: 

How To Design Poster Example 1

You can also set the size of your poster background in Pixels, Inches, or Centimeters as well. 

That said, for most of the posters that you’re going to print out, it’s best to use the preset sizes. This will ensure that your printer can actually print out a beautiful poster.

above, there’s now a white border added to your design. This is — you guessed it — the bleed marks! 

Optimize your poster for social media.

There are fewer restraints when designing a poster for web than for print. This is a great opportunity to do something really fun with your design. Still, there are some guidelines you should follow.  

If you want your poster to look really good on social media, size it for the specific platform you’re promoting it on . You may want to make a couple of different versions of your poster for different platforms.

Remember, a square or portrait orientation looks best for mobile viewing. People are used to scrolling up and down on mobile, rather than side to side.

These are the ideal dimensions for each of the big social media platforms:

  • Facebook : 1200 x 630 pixels
  • X ( Twitter) : 1200 x 675 pixels for landscape images, 900 x 900 pixels for square images and 506 x 253 pixels for 2:1 aspect ratio images.
  • Instagram : 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio. For landscape posts, use an image that is 1080px by 566px, with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
  • Pinterest : You have more wiggle room here for length, but try to use a ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5. 

If you’re creating an advertisement poster for Twitter or Facebook, banners generally fit better on their newsfeeds. In that case, landscape orientation is fine.

Earth Day Poster Design Template

Or if you’re looking for awareness campaign poster ideas to share on a Pinterest board:

HIV Awareness Poster

4. Start with a professional poster template 

You don’t need to hire professional designers to create powerful poster backgrounds. Designing your own poster might sound intimidating but with Venngage’s free poster maker , you can make an engaging poster online — for business, virtual events, scientific facts, and much more.

A poster template will give you a foundation to create your own poster stand, your own design.

Start by picking a template that will help communicate the goal of your poster. Look for templates that reflect your poster’s theme or have the right layout you’re looking for. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when picking a poster template :

  • Look for a poster template with a layout that fits your vision and goals (ex. header placement, image placeholders, icons and more).
  • Pick a poster sample with the right dimensions for where you will be sharing your poster (ex. on a wall, on Facebook, in an email marketing campaign, etc).
  • Remember that you can always  customize your templates  if there are aspects of the design that you don’t like.

For example, if you want to create a poster for your job fair, you would want to focus on the location, date, and jobs available:

Job Fair Event Poster Design Template

However, if you’re creating information posters to raise knowledge and awareness about an important holiday or event:

Native American Poster

If you’re creating an advertisement poster to promote a sale, the discount and date are probably should be the most eye-catching parts of your poster:

Modern Sale Poster Design Template

As you can see, these are all great poster templates, but each example is designed to help you achieve a unique goal. So just make sure you are picking a template that fits your goal and you will save a ton of time. 

Now if you want to learn how to create an event poster, business poster, sales poster and more, jump to the last section. There you will find a more in-depth guide on creating a killer poster. 

5. Pick a relevant or branded color scheme 

One of the first things that someone will probably notice about your poster is the color scheme.

In most cases, the appropriate color scheme will be obvious. So try not to overthink it! 

For example, if you’re creating a poster for a winter event, then a color scheme of warm green, red, and white will evoke the feeling of the holidays.

Christmas Party Poster Design Template

If your company has strict brand guidelines you need to follow, then you can incorporate your brand colors into your custom posters.

Simple Blue Marketing Poster Design Template

Now if you want to use your brand colors on any of our poster templates, just click the My Brand Kit tab on the left side of the screen: 

How To Design Poster Example 5

Then click one of your branded colors to add them to any poster template:

How To Design Poster Example 4

Click the palette again to change where the branded colors are used:

How To Design Poster Example 18

With a few clicks, you can create a ton of variations of your poster, like so: 

How To Design Poster Example 22

However, if you’re still struggling to come up with a relevant color scheme, take a look at the meanings and emotions of each color. 

The color blue is usually associated with wisdom, trust, and loyalty. Use this color palette on a business, event, or marketing poster to make it feel very professional: 

Digital Marketing Meet Up Event Poster DesignTemplate

Green is associated with energy, the environment, and tranquility. It would make sense to use a green color combination on a nonprofit or fundraising poster, like below:

Green Eco Friendly Poster Design Template

Red is associated with strength, courage, and joy. It also is super eye-catching, which you can see in the minimalist but stunning poster below:

Red Bold Sale Poster Design Template

As you can see, color theory should help you pick the right color palette in no time. Now if you’re not sure where to start when it comes to pairing colors, a color scheme generator tool like Coolors can be helpful.

6. Include a clear call-to-action

Once you have someone’s attention, you need to make it very clear what their next steps are to help. This is commonly known as a Call-To-Action (CTA). 

Every poster, no matter the topic or type, should have a CTA. Otherwise, what is the point of creating a poster in the first place?

In this marketing poster template, the CTA is the “ Register Online ” at the bottom:

Digital Marketing Conference Event Poster Design Template

The designer made sure this CTA would stand out from the rest of the poster by highlighting it in blue and using a unique font.

Additionally, they made the CTA very simple to follow. You don’t want to make your CTA a chore, especially if your poster wants them to visit a website.

The same can be said about this fitness poster template:

Pink Yoga Class Poster Design Template

But in this example, the creator of this poster made the CTA stand out even more!

As you can see these CTAs are both near the bottom of the poster. This is on purpose and allows the reader to get more information before taking action:

Dark Fundraising Poster Design Template

Can you imagine if the first thing you read on a poster was CTA? It would be very confusing and probably make you ignore the rest of the poster.

Not all CTAs require the reader to visit a website, call a business or make a purchase immediately.

That action may be as simple as telling their friends about what they learned on the poster. Or about when a garage sale happens to be: 

Simple Garage Sale Event Poster Design Template

The call to action on this poster is actually the entire black section of the poster. The top section informs the reader and the bottom helps them take an action. 

In this case, the action is visiting the garage sale, but it still is a CTA. Without it, no one would know what this poster was trying to get them to do. 

7. Use fonts to create a hierarchy of information

What information you choose to include on your poster will depend on the goal of your poster. 

But if you’re creating a fairly standard poster, it’s best practice to follow a hierarchy of information.

For example, if you are creating an event poster the information on your eye-catching posters should be read in this order:

  • The name of your event.
  • The date and time of your event.
  • A short description of the event or a catchy tagline.
  • The location of your event (if you choose to include it).
  • A simple call to action like a website, social media page or contact number.
  • The name of your company, department, organization, etc.

As you can see in this event poster design, the designer used a handful of different fonts to organize the information: 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template

The title of the event obviously uses the largest font, because it will hopefully catch someone’s attention. It also will give the reader context for the other information on the poster. 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template3

But if they aren’t interested in learning more, they can quickly move on with their day after reading the title. 

If they are interested in the event, they can move on to the next piece of information, the date.

The designer used a bright yellow to catch your eye directly after reading the title of the event. If they would have used a simple white, the information would have been easily overlooked. 

The tagline of the event is italicized below the title, giving the reader a little more context about the event. Again, if this sounds interesting to the reader, they can move on to the next piece of information, and so on.  

This process will help eliminate people who don’t really need to see the CTA at the end of your poster. 

And finally, after moving through all the information, the CTA at the bottom uses another bold font and color so that people will not miss it. 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template2

Can you imagine how hard it would be to navigate this poster if they would have used the same font throughout? It would look like a term paper that no one wants to read.

Now if you’re struggling to decide what the hierarchy of your poster should look like, think about the most important info you want the reader to walk away with.

In this example, the title of the event, the location and the CTA seem to be the most important.

Additionally, the font color used in this design contrasts exceptionally well with the poster background color. If you choose a font that doesn’t contrast, it will be very difficult to read your poster. 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template1

As you can see below, a good rule of thumb is to use a light font color on a dark background:

Black Friday Event Poster Design Template

Or a dark font on a light background:    

Simple Colorful Info Poster Design Template

Even if you use a single font on your poster, you can quickly create a hierarchy of information just by changing the font’s color, size or weight. So again, don’t overthink it!

8. Use icons to visualize concepts and grab attention

Icons are symbols used in design to represent concepts. Icons are the perfect way to enhance your custom posters. You can use icons to embellish points and, in certain cases, replace text. 

They’re also great for illustrating ideas quickly. Or you could make icons the main focal point of your design, like the template below:

Blue Conservation Poster Design Template

Keep these best practices in mind when using icons in your poster design:

  • Pick icons with a consistent style (line thickness, flat or illustrated, line art or filled).
  • Use icons sparingly and allow for plenty of whitespaces to let your design breathe.
  • Add a simple border or background shape to your icons.
  • If you do replace the text with icons, make sure that the meaning is very obvious.

Let’s take a look at some of those best practices in action, starting with keeping your icons consistent.

As you probably know, there are a few different kinds of icons that you can use. Some are flat, and can be changed to match the color of your poster very easily: 

Pastel Colors Simple Poster

While others are illustrated, and the colors can’t be changed:

Medical Informational Poster Design Template

Whatever icons you choose to use while designing a poster, just make sure the styles are consistent, like in the examples above. 

So if you use a flat icon in one section, use flat icons throughout your poster and vice versa.

Next, let’s talk about using whitespace correctly when it comes to icons. If you’re not aware, whitespace is the open space around a design element like a block of text, a title or an icon:

Simple Fitness Poster Design Template

Without it, your poster design will feel exactly cramped and unprofessional. It will also make your poster very hard to read or navigate. Check out how odd the poster below looks without adequate whitespace:

How To Design Poster Example 16

It looks like a mess, so be sure to take the time to use whitespace throughout your poster! 

One very easy way that you can create this whitespace around your icons is by using a background or border shape. Each icon in the template below uses a background shape:

Dark Consulting Business Flyer Poster Design Template

Using background shapes in this way will not only give your icons some room to breathe, but it will also make them a lot more eye-catching. Without the border shapes in the example above, the icons would have just faded into the background. 

Plus, if you’re using illustrated icons it will make the design feel much more consistent across the poster:

Real Estate Marketing Poster Design Template

And the finally best practice, be sure that if you replace text with an icon, the reader will actually understand it. The poster example below illustrates this tactic well in the contact section:

Modern Fundraiser Poster Design Template

Readers are going to be able to decipher those icons because they are used a lot in the real world already. Others might not be so easy to understand, so you might have to add a label or title to them. Like below:

Yoga Fitness Class Event Poster Design Template

With Venngage, you can quickly swap any icon on your poster or one of our customizable poster templates , with just a few clicks as well. First, select on any icon on your poster and then click the Replace button:

How To Design Poster Example 11

Then just search for the icon that you want, and click on it to replace: 

How To Design Poster Example 19

It’s really that simple and can help you turn any template into your own unique graphic in no time. 

9. Use high-quality images & stock photos

If you have been paying attention to the templates and examples in this article you may have noticed that they use a lot of premium images.

Venngage’s free poster maker tool offers free and premium images, icons and graphs to help you edit poster designs with ease — no prior design skills needed. Here are some examples of stock images in the background: 

Simple Business Marketing Poster Design Template

While others make it one of the main focal points of the poster:

Red Rock Music Concert Poster Design Template

But all of them use very high-quality images, no matter the type of poster.

If you plan to print out the poster or enlarge it, using high-quality photos is important. The slight blurriness or pixelation will quickly become a nightmare. 

It doesn’t matter if you are using a stock photo or one that you took, all of them should be very crisp and clear. Sometimes it’s better to use a professional stock photo in place of a blurry personal photo as well.

Plus, Venngage’s free poster maker tool is integrated with Pixabay and Pexels to elevate your design. Access stunning, professional photography with just one click.

Just head over to the left sidebar and click the Photos tab to bring up the search bar: 

How To Design Poster Example 151 copy

Once you find the perfect stock photo just click the photo to add it to your poster.

Additionally, like with icons, you can swap any photo on your poster using the Replace button:

How To Design Poster Example 12

After you select Replace , you can search for any stock photo in our library and insert it into the poster with one click:

How To Design Poster Example 10

Now if you don’t want to use any of our stock photos, you can upload your own images by dragging it on the screen or by selecting Image Upload in the left sidebar:

How To Design Poster Example 15

As you can see, adding your own photos to your poster is very easy, just make sure you pick the right ones. 

10. Download & export your poster in the optimal format

After you have finished your poster, it’s time to share it with the world. On Venngage you can quickly download your poster by clicking the Download button on the right side of your screen:

How To Design Poster Example 17

Then select what type of file you would like your poster downloaded as:

How To Design Poster Example 8

Downloading your poster as a PNG should be fine for emails or social media. 

But if you want to print out your poster, download it as a PNG HD. This will make sure your poster is crisp and perfect once it gets back from the printer! 

Phew, that was a lot of info! Need a quick recap or want to share this information with your team? We have you covered with this video : 

All of the advice we outlined above can be used on almost any poster. But in this final section, we are going to get a little more specific.

Below are some of the most popular types of posters that you can create. 

But instead of waxing poetically on each type of poster, we are going to outline a simple checklist for each type of poster! 

So let’s get into it! 

How to make an infographic poster

  • Choose a powerful topic you’d like to inform about.
  • Do your research and gather relevant facts.
  • Select an outstanding template that’ll help you grab attention.
  • Add icons and graphs. Data visualization is key in an infographic poster.
  • Create a content hierarchy and highlight the most interesting insights.
  • Add your logo and company’s branding.
  • Download in multiple formats and share.

Simple Distillation Scientific Poster Template

Related: What Is an Infographic Poster and How To Make One?

How to make an event poster

  • Start with an interesting background image or color.
  • Use a large and bold font for your event title.  
  • Add some embellishments to the title to make it pop.
  • Add the date, location and time of the event. 
  • Include a simple call to action.
  • Describe your event or why people should attend.
  • Make sure you add your logo and brand colors.

Dental Education Poster Template

Related: 10 Event Poster Design Ideas [+ Free Templates]

How to make a marketing poster

  • Arrange the 4 P’s of your strategy: your product, price, promotion and place.
  • Choose a design that will mark your audience and look good in your selected place.
  • Make your campaign details the focus of the poster.
  • Add high-quality images of your product or service.
  • Include a relevant call to action.
  • Incorporate your branding.

Cultural Event Poster


If you want to dig deeper into the steps to create a marketing poster and find campaign poster ideas, read this article: How to Design a Marketing Poster (10+ Templates Included).

How to make a sales poster

  • Start with a simple background color or texture.
  • Make the savings or discount the main focal point. 
  • Show where or what store the sale is taking place.
  • List exactly what products are on sale or discounted. 
  • Add the start and end date or time of the sale. 
  • Add some contact information or a website 
  • Include your branding or logo. 

Spring Sale Poster Design Template

How to make an HR poster

Summarize important information, helpful resources, processes or events information.

  • Define the department you’re referring to.
  • Include only the key information.
  • Choose the best layout to showcase your announcement.
  • Customize a brand-aligned design.
  • Optimize your poster for distribution.

Workshop Event Poster

Related: 17 Essential Human Resources Poster Templates (Updated) .

How to make a conference poster

  • Start with an interesting background texture or color.
  • Use a large, eye-catching font for the conference title. 
  • Outline the speakers, events, or special guests.
  • Add the time and date of the conference.
  • Add the location(s) of the conference. 
  • Include a CTA for tickets or to sign up.
  • Describe why people should attend this conference.
  • Add the logo or branding of the conference organizer.  

Bold Growth MarketingConference Event Poster Template

How to make a medical poster

  • Select your health awareness topic or medical information theme.
  • Write a catching title with bold fonts.
  • Highlight important data, stats and recommendations.
  • Add images and icons to ease retention.
  • Invite your audience to a website or to access more resources.

Community Healthcare Services Poster Template

Related: 15 Medical Poster Templates for Patient Education .

How to make a real-estate poster

  • Include a few high-quality pictures of the house or listing. 
  • Add an eye-catching “For Sale” or “For Rent” header.
  • List the purchase price or estimated rent.
  • Add the address of the house or listing. 
  • List a few of the most interesting features of the house or listing.   
  • Elaborate on the listing, location, or real estate agency.  
  • Add a simple call to action.
  • Include the contact information for the real estate agent.
  • Add the logo or branding of the real estate company.

Condo Real Estate Sale Flyer Template

Hopefully, these simple checklists will help you create a poster in no time! 

If you want to learn more about designing these types of custom posters , start with these articles:

  • 20+ Attention-Grabbing Event Poster Templates
  • 55+ Creative Poster Ideas, Templates & Design Tips
  • 17 Essential Human Resources Poster Templates
  • 10+ Research Poster Templates to Share Information Professionally

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  • A Complete Guide on Mastering Poster Presentations
  • Design Principles for Poster Presentations

Key Design Principles Explained Thoroughly

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

The fundamentals of design: contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity.

The Fundamentals of Design: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity

Unlocking the Basics of Impactful Design

At the heart of any compelling poster design lies a foundation built on the fundamentals of design: contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. These principles are not merely artistic choices but strategic tools that guide the viewer's eye and create a coherent visual experience. Understanding these elements is crucial for anyone venturing into the realm of poster designs, as they form the building blocks for crafting messages that stand out and resonate.

The Roots of Visual Appeal

The principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity have their roots deep in the psychology of visual perception. Contrast creates a dynamic that draws attention, highlighting key areas and guiding the viewer's focus. Repetition reinforces themes and unifies the design, creating a rhythm that enhances visual flow. Alignment brings order to the layout, making content appear organized and professional, while proximity groups related elements, helping in delivering a clear and cohesive message. Together, these principles navigate the complexity of design choices, making poster designs not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally effective.

Bringing Principles to Life with Real-World Applications

The application of these design principles can be seen in successful poster designs across various industries. From movie posters that use contrast to depict conflict, to event posters where repetition creates a memorable brand image, these fundamentals are versatile tools. A well-aligned conference poster, where text and visuals are neatly organized, or a charity event poster that skillfully groups elements through proximity, shows how these principles work in tandem to convey messages powerfully and persuasively.

Expert Insights and Quantitative Validation

These design fundamentals are supported by a wealth of academic research and industry insights. Studies in visual communication emphasize the role of contrast in capturing attention and enhancing readability. Repetition's ability to improve brand recall is documented in marketing research, highlighting its importance in poster designs aiming for long-lasting impact. Experts in graphic design consistently advocate for meticulous alignment and thoughtful proximity to achieve clarity and harmony in poster layouts. These principles, backed by evidence, empower designers to create with confidence and purpose.

Color Theory in Poster Design

Color Theory in Poster Design

Mastering the Spectrum: The Power of Color in Posters

Color theory is a pivotal element in the tapestry of design, especially in the creation of poster designs. It goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's about communicating mood, conveying messages, and invoking emotions. Utilizing color theory in poster design template creation transforms a simple layout into a compelling piece that grabs attention and communicates effectively. Understanding color harmony, color psychology, and the impact of color combinations can turn a good poster into a great one.

The Science and Emotion Behind Color Choices

Color theory isn't just an art; it's rooted in science and psychology. Colors can make us feel a certain way, drive actions, and influence perceptions. Warm colors can evoke feelings of passion and energy, while cool colors are calming and soothing. The use of color in posters is not just about making them look good; it's about making them feel right. For instance, the choice of a bold font in a bright color can make a statement that is both visually striking and emotionally engaging.

Real-World Examples: How Colors Define Success

The most iconic posters often use color to define their era, message, or emotional appeal. Consider the vibrant, psychedelic colors of vintage concert posters that capture the spirit of the '60s, or the stark contrasts used in modern minimalist posters that demand attention and convey a clear, focused message. In the realm of commercial advertising, color is used to brand identity, with companies utilizing specific palettes to ensure they're recognized at a glance. These examples showcase how the strategic use of color elevates poster design from mere information dissemination to an art form that resonates with viewers.

Guided by Experts: The Impact of Color Documented

Research in color psychology and marketing studies underscore the significant impact of color on consumer behavior and perception. Studies have shown that color can increase brand recognition by up to 80%, making it a crucial element in poster design template free choices. Experts in visual communication advocate for the thoughtful application of color theory to ensure posters not only capture attention but also communicate the intended message and evoke the desired emotional response. The thoughtful application of color, guided by theory and validated by research, is a testament to its power in design.

Typography: Choosing the Right Fonts

Typography: Choosing the Right Fonts

Crafting Messages with Typeface

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. In the context of poster designs, choosing the right fonts is crucial because typography can significantly affect the poster's overall impact and effectiveness. The right font not only conveys the message but also enhances the design, setting the tone and aligning with the poster's theme. Whether it’s for a bold statement or subtle information, the choice of typography can make or break the viewer's engagement.

The Roots and Routes of Typography in Design

Typography's importance in design stretches back centuries, evolving from hand-crafted lettering to digital fonts. Each font carries its own psychological weight and can evoke different emotions and reactions. Serif fonts, for example, are often seen as traditional and reliable, while sans-serif fonts are viewed as modern and clean. Understanding the history and characteristics of different typefaces provides a deeper insight into how best to use typography in poster designs, ensuring that the chosen font aligns with the message and aesthetic of the poster.

Illustrating Success Through Typeface Selection

Across the spectrum of poster designs, from vintage to modern, typography has played a pivotal role in their success and recognition. Classic movie posters, iconic brand campaigns, and even revolutionary political posters have leveraged typography to create an immediate visual impact and support their message. Case studies from design campaigns highlight how a well-chosen font can enhance brand identity, improve readability, and increase viewer engagement. These examples serve as a testament to the power of typography in effectively communicating a poster’s message.

Expert Opinions and Statistical Insights on Typography

Design experts and typographers emphasize the strategic importance of font selection in achieving effective communication through design. Research on readability and viewer perception underscores the impact of typography on engagement and message retention. For instance, studies have shown that typeface legibility directly influences the viewer's ability to absorb and remember information. This underscores the importance of selecting the right typography for poster layouts, reinforcing the message and ensuring it resonates with the intended audience.

Using White Space Effectively

Using White Space Effectively

The Art of Breathing Room in Design

White space, often referred to as negative space, is the unmarked portion of a page or an area within a design. Far from being mere emptiness, effective use of white space is an essential element of design aesthetics and readability. It offers visual breathing room for the eye, contributing to a design’s balance and helping to focus attention on the core message. In poster designs, mastering white space means achieving an uncluttered, impactful composition that guides viewers’ eyes through the content in a deliberate manner.

The Principles Behind White Space

Understanding the principles of white space involves recognizing its function not as absence but as an active component of design. It separates and groups information, creating hierarchy and flow. The strategic use of white space around text and visual elements can significantly enhance readability and comprehension. Historically, designers have leveraged white space to create a focal point or to convey a minimalist aesthetic, proving that sometimes less truly is more.

Real-World Applications and Impact

In the world of poster designs, the use of white space can be observed across various genres and eras. Modernist posters of the early 20th century, for example, utilized white space to create a sense of simplicity and elegance. Today, designers employ white space to emphasize specific elements, reduce cognitive overload, and create a clean, inviting layout. A poster with well-managed white space can convey a message more powerfully than one crammed with information and imagery, as the unoccupied space speaks volumes about what is truly important.

Expert Insights and Quantitative Evidence

Experts in graphic design and visual communication consistently highlight the importance of white space in enhancing design effectiveness. Studies in the field of psychology and marketing have shown that layouts with ample white space are perceived as more luxurious and trustworthy. Moreover, research indicates that appropriate use of white space can improve comprehension by up to 20%, making it a critical factor in the design of educational and commercial posters alike. By integrating white space thoughtfully, designers can create posters that not only attract attention but also facilitate a deeper engagement with the content.

Layout Strategies for Information Hierarchy

Layout Strategies for Information Hierarchy

Structuring Content for Clarity and Impact

In the realm of poster designs, the organization of information is not just about aesthetic appeal but also about ensuring clarity and delivering impact. Effective layout strategies are essential for establishing an information hierarchy that guides the viewer's eye through the content in a logical and engaging manner. This involves prioritizing elements based on their importance, using size, color, and placement to distinguish between primary messages and supporting details. A well-thought-out information hierarchy not only enhances the design's visual appeal but also improves the poster’s communicative effectiveness.

Foundations of Effective Information Organization

The foundation of a successful information hierarchy lies in understanding how viewers process visual information. The principles of visual hierarchy involve manipulating various elements such as contrast, scale, and color to denote importance and order within the design. Historical examples of effective poster designs, from wartime propaganda to contemporary advertising, demonstrate how strategic layout choices can capture attention and convey messages efficiently. By studying these principles and examples, designers can craft posters that not only stand out but also communicate clearly and persuasively.

Illustrating Hierarchical Success in Design

Real-world applications of layout strategies abound in the most iconic and effective posters. Take, for example, the minimalist designs of Swiss Style posters, where hierarchy is achieved through strict grid systems and typographic contrast. Or consider the dynamic layouts of movie posters, where the interplay of images and text guides the viewer’s attention seamlessly from the title to the critical details. These examples highlight how varying strategies can be employed to achieve a clear, impactful hierarchy that enhances both the aesthetic and functional aspects of a poster.

Leveraging Expert Insights and Research

Research in graphic design and visual perception supports the critical role of layout in viewer engagement and comprehension. Experts advocate for the thoughtful arrangement of elements to create a hierarchy that is instantly recognizable, facilitating quick understanding and retention of the message. Studies have found that effective information hierarchy not only attracts viewers but also significantly influences their ability to remember and act on the information presented. Through careful planning and strategic design, posters can thus achieve a balance of form and function, making them more effective as tools of communication and persuasion.

Incorporating Visual Elements: Photos, Charts, and Icons

Incorporating Visual Elements: Photos, Charts, and Icons

Enhancing Communication with Visuals

In the landscape of poster design, visual elements like photos, charts, and icons play a pivotal role in conveying complex information quickly and engagingly. These elements not only break the monotony of text but also add depth to the message, making it more memorable. A well-chosen image or an aptly placed icon can summarize a concept at a glance, providing an instant connection with the viewer. This section explores the strategic use of visuals in poster designs and how they can significantly enhance the poster’s ability to communicate and persuade.

The Science of Visual Appeal

Humans are visual creatures by nature, with studies showing that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. The effective use of photos, illustrations, charts, and icons in posters taps into this cognitive processing power, enabling designers to present data and ideas in a more digestible format. Historical trends in poster design show a shift from text-heavy layouts to more visually oriented designs, reflecting the growing recognition of visual elements' power to attract and maintain viewer attention.

Real-World Applications and Inspirations

From the iconic “I Want You” Uncle Sam army recruitment poster to modern infographics and social media campaigns, the use of visuals has been a constant feature of memorable poster designs. Photos offer a glimpse into real-life situations, charts simplify complex data, and icons symbolize ideas succinctly. For instance, environmental awareness posters often use powerful imagery to evoke an emotional response, while informational posters may rely on charts and icons to present data efficiently. These examples underscore the versatility and impact of visual elements in enhancing message delivery and viewer engagement.

Backed by Expertise and Evidence

The strategic inclusion of visual elements in posters is not just an artistic decision but one grounded in research and expert insights. Visual communication studies underscore the effectiveness of visuals in enhancing comprehension, recall, and persuasion. Icons and symbols, for instance, are shown to transcend language barriers, making messages accessible to a broader audience. Furthermore, the incorporation of charts and infographics in educational and marketing materials has been linked to higher engagement rates and better information retention. By carefully selecting and integrating visual elements, poster designers can leverage these insights to create more effective and impactful designs.

Design Consistency Across Your Poster

Design Consistency Across Your Poster

The Key to Cohesive Visual Communication

Design consistency is the glue that holds the visual elements of a poster together, creating a seamless and harmonious presentation that enhances viewer comprehension and retention. Consistency in design elements such as color palette, typography, and visual style ensures that the poster communicates its message effectively, without confusing or overwhelming the audience. This section explores the importance of consistency in poster design and how it contributes to a poster’s ability to engage and inform its audience.

Building a Visual Language

Consistency in poster design goes beyond mere repetition of elements; it's about creating a visual language that resonates throughout the piece. This visual language encompasses the consistent use of color schemes, font styles, and imagery that align with the poster’s theme and objectives. Historical and contemporary examples of effective poster designs demonstrate how a cohesive visual language can enhance brand recognition, convey professionalism, and establish an emotional connection with the viewer.

Case Studies: Consistency in Action

Successful marketing campaigns and iconic poster series provide clear examples of the power of design consistency. For instance, the continuity in Apple’s advertising posters, with their minimalist aesthetic and distinctive typography, reinforces the brand's identity and values. Similarly, film franchises like the "Harry Potter" series maintain a consistent design theme across posters, creating a recognizable visual signature that fans instantly connect with. These case studies illustrate how maintaining design consistency can be a powerful tool in building anticipation, loyalty, and recognition.

Expert Insights and Guidelines

Design experts emphasize the importance of consistency as a fundamental principle of visual communication. Guidelines on maintaining consistency suggest starting with a clear design framework or template, which serves as a guide for integrating various elements harmoniously. Research in branding and marketing highlights the role of visual consistency in enhancing brand recall and viewer engagement. By adhering to a consistent design approach, poster creators can ensure that their message is delivered clearly and memorably, maximizing the poster’s impact and effectiveness.

Avoiding Overdesign: Simplicity is Key

Avoiding Overdesign: Simplicity is Key

Embracing Minimalism for Maximum Impact

In the world of poster design, less can often mean more. Avoiding overdesign by embracing simplicity ensures that your message is not lost amid excessive elements. This principle is about focusing on the core message and using only the necessary design elements to convey it effectively. Simplicity in design doesn't mean the absence of creativity; rather, it involves making every element serve a purpose, enhancing the poster's ability to communicate clearly and directly.

The Philosophy of Less is More

The minimalist design philosophy, encapsulated by the "less is more" mantra, has been influential across various design disciplines, including poster design. This approach advocates for the removal of superfluous features, focusing on what is essential to convey the message. By stripping down designs to their fundamental components, designers can achieve a clean, uncluttered look that prioritizes content and message over decorative elements. This not only improves legibility but also makes the design more accessible and impactful.

Case Studies in Simplicity

Historically, some of the most memorable poster designs have adhered to minimalist principles, proving that simplicity can be striking and effective. For instance, the iconic work of designers like Saul Bass and Paul Rand demonstrates how minimalism can be powerful, with simple shapes and limited color palettes creating unforgettable visual experiences. Modern examples include social awareness campaigns and tech product advertisements that use minimal design to cut through the noise and grab people' attention.

Supporting Evidence and Expert Opinions

Research in visual perception and communication supports the effectiveness of minimalism in design. Studies have shown that simple designs are often perceived as more honest and reliable, making them more effective in building trust with the audience. Design experts emphasize that overdesign can dilute the message and distract the viewer, advocating for a balanced approach that respects the viewer's ability to interpret and appreciate the essential message. In embracing simplicity, designers find a powerful tool for enhancing the clarity and impact of their poster designs.

Interactive Elements in Poster Design

Interactive Elements in Poster Design

Engaging Audiences Beyond the Visual

The inclusion of interactive elements in poster design represents a paradigm shift towards creating more engaging and participatory experiences for the viewer. By transcending traditional static visuals, interactive posters invite the audience to engage through actions such as scanning QR codes, augmented reality (AR) features, or digital touchpoints that extend the conversation beyond the poster itself. This section delves into how interactivity can transform posters from mere announcements to immersive experiences.

The Evolution of Interaction in Poster Design

The evolution of technology has brought about new opportunities for creativity and engagement in poster designs. Incorporating interactive elements not only captures attention but also enhances the memorability of the message by creating a hands-on experience. From educational posters that use AR to bring content to life to event posters that allow viewers to register or learn more through a simple scan, the possibilities are endless. This evolution signifies a shift towards a more dynamic and user-centered approach to poster design.

Real-World Examples of Interactive Posters

Examples of interactive poster designs are increasingly common in various sectors, including entertainment, education, and marketing. Movie posters with QR codes that reveal trailers, educational posters that offer interactive learning experiences, and marketing posters that direct users to exclusive content or offers are just a few instances where interactivity has been successfully implemented. These examples demonstrate the potential of interactive elements to create a more engaging and memorable poster experience.

Expert Insights and Emerging Trends

Design and technology experts agree that the future of poster design lies in the integration of interactive elements, predicting a continued rise in the use of technology to create engaging viewer experiences. Research into user engagement and interactive design highlights the effectiveness of interactive elements in increasing viewer attention, engagement, and information retention. As technology evolves, so too will the ways in which posters can become interactive, offering new opportunities for designers to innovate and captivate audiences.

Design Trends in Poster Presentations

Design Trends in Poster Presentations

Capturing the Zeitgeist: The Evolution of Poster Aesthetics

The landscape of poster design is perpetually evolving, influenced by cultural shifts, technological advancements, and artistic innovation. Staying abreast of design trends is crucial for designers seeking to create impactful and relevant posters. This section explores the current trends in poster illustration and presentations, highlighting how these trends reflect broader societal changes and technological possibilities, and offering a glimpse into the future of poster design.

Current Movements in Poster Design

Several key trends have emerged in recent years, shaping the design of posters across various fields. Minimalism continues to dominate, with designers opting for clean, uncluttered layouts that communicate messages more effectively. The use of bold typography and vibrant color schemes has also seen a resurgence, catering to the viewer's desire for visually striking and memorable designs. Additionally, the integration of digital and interactive elements signifies a trend towards more dynamic and engaging posters, reflecting the increasing influence of technology in design.

Examples That Define the Modern Poster

Modern poster designs that embody these trends can be seen in a wide array of applications, from movie and event posters to advertising and social campaigns. For instance, the minimalist movie posters that reimagine classic films with simple, iconic imagery have gained popularity for their ability to convey complex narratives through minimal design elements. Similarly, event posters and logos featuring bold, expressive typography and dynamic color palettes capture attention and evoke emotion, demonstrating the power of contemporary design techniques.

Looking Forward: The Future of Poster Design

As we look to the future, it's clear that the trends in poster design will continue to evolve, influenced by emerging technologies, societal shifts, and environmental considerations. Sustainable design practices, for example, are beginning to impact the materials and methods used in poster production, reflecting a growing consciousness around environmental issues. Furthermore, the exploration of virtual and augmented reality presents new frontiers for interactive poster design, suggesting a future where poster presentations may transcend physical boundaries entirely.


How do I design my poster?

Begin by defining your poster's objective. Utilize design principles such as contrast, alignment, and use of white space to guide your layout. Choose a color scheme and fonts that align with your message. Incorporate visual elements like photos or icons sparingly to enhance rather than clutter. Tools like free poster templates can be a great starting point.

Where to get templates for posters?

Numerous online platforms offer free poster templates. These templates provide a versatile starting point and can be customized to suit your specific needs. Look for websites specializing in design resources or use design software that offers built-in template collections.

What website is good for making posters?

Websites that offer design poster templates and interactive tools for customizing your design are ideal. Look for platforms that provide a wide range of free poster templates and design elements like images, icons, and typography tools.

What is poster design ideas?

Poster design ideas refer to the creative concepts and themes that underpin a poster's visual and communicative strategy. Drawing inspiration from current trends, effective poster design incorporates elements like bold typography, dynamic color schemes, and engaging layouts to convey its message.

How do I make a poster design?

Start with a clear concept and objective for your poster. Select a poster design template as a foundation. Customize it by choosing appropriate colors, fonts, and visual elements. Ensure the design is cohesive and aligns with and follow the principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity for maximum impact.

Does Microsoft Word have a poster template?

Yes, Microsoft Word offers basic poster templates which can be customized for simple projects. While not as comprehensive as specialized design software, Word's templates can be a good starting point for basic poster designs.

Where can I get free poster templates?

Free poster templates can be found on various online platforms and design websites. These sites often offer a wide range collection of templates catering to different styles and themes, allowing for customization and creativity.

What is the best free online poster maker?

The best free online poster maker is one that offers a user-friendly interface, a wide selection of free poster templates, and a variety of design elements. Look for platforms that allow for easy customization and export options.

What is the best free app to make and upload a poster?

The best free app for making posters offers an extensive library of templates, design elements, and intuitive editing tools. Opt for apps that provide a lot of flexibility in design and are compatible with various devices for convenience.

How can I make a poster on my computer for free?

Utilize free online poster makers that offer a range of templates and design tools. These platforms allow you to create custom posters using your computer, providing options to edit, customize, and download your design for printing or digital use.

What is the layout of a poster?

The layout of a poster refers to the arrangement of its visual and textual elements. An effective layout uses hierarchy, size, alignment, and balance to guide the viewer's eye and convey the poster's message clearly and attractively.

What is the format for a poster?

The format of a photo on a poster typically refers to its size, orientation (portrait or landscape), and the distribution of content areas. Popular formats vary depending on the purpose but should always prioritize clarity and impact.

What is a poster template?

A poster template is a pre-designed layout that provides a framework for creating a poster. Templates can offer a convenient starting point, allowing for easier customization of elements like color, font, and imagery to fit the specific message or theme.

What is the general rule for poster layout design?

The general rule for poster layout design emphasizes clarity, hierarchy, and visual interest. Start with the most critical information at the top or center and use design elements consistently over time to guide the viewer through the content.

How do I make a poster layout?

Begin with a clear understanding of your message and audience. Use a grid system to organize content, employing visual hierarchy to prioritize information. Incorporate design principles and elements thoughtfully to create a cohesive and engaging layout.

What is the best layout for a poster?

The best layout for a poster effectively communicates its message through a clear hierarchy, balanced line composition, and thoughtful use of space and design elements. The ideal layout varies based on the poster's purpose and content.

Is there a poster template on Word?

Yes, Microsoft Word offers a set of basic poster templates that can be accessed through its template gallery. These templates provide a simple starting point for creating posters for various purposes.

How do you structure a poster?

Structure a poster by defining a clear hierarchy of information, using design principles to guide the viewer's eye, and incorporating visual elements to support the message. Balance text and imagery to create a cohesive and engaging design.

What is the format for an e-poster?

The format for an e-poster typically includes digital dimensions suitable for display on screens or monitors, interactive elements for engagement, and links or QR codes for additional background information. The design should be optimized for digital viewing.

How do you design a poster effectively?

To design a poster effectively, focus on clear communication of the message through a well-structured layout, engaging visuals, and concise text. Employ design principles to create a visually appealing and impactful poster that resonates with the intended audience.

What are the five qualities of a good poster?

Clarity, impact, visual appeal, effective communication, and audience engagement are essential qualities of a good poster. These elements ensure that the poster not only attracts attention but also conveys its message effectively.

How do you draw an effective poster?

Drawing an effective poster involves combining engaging visuals with clear, concise messaging. Utilize design principles to create a balanced print and visually appealing layout that effectively communicates the poster's purpose.

The best layout for a poster is one that effectively communicates its message through a strategic arrangement of elements, creating a visually appealing and easily read and understandable design. It should prioritize the most important information and use design to enhance readability and impact.

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poster presentation design ideas

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  • Feb 27, 2018
  • 12 min read

How to Design an Award-Winning Scientific Conference Poster

Before we get started, I want you to think about three things that you know about scientific conference posters. Think hard now.

Done? Great! Now erase those ideas from your memory. F O R E V E R.

We need to start fresh.

How to design an award-winning scientific poster

The problem is that 90% of the scientific posters that you’ve seen at conferences and in

the corridors of your university are TERRIBLE. I mean VERY TERRIBLE!!! Therefore, any

ideas you might have about what a scientific poster should look like are probably, well. . . terrible. But it’s not your fault, and we’ll set things straight in this post, so hang tight!

First off, let’s make clear what a poster is NOT.

A poster is not a bottomless pit where you dump all of your data and technical lingo. Only carefully selected information and visuals should go into your poster. I know you have eight fancy 3D plots that you can’t wait to share with the world, but ask yourself, are they really necessary? Do you really need eight of them when just one would do the trick?

Now let’s talk about what a poster should be instead.

Above all, a poster should be a networking tool . The primary purpose of a poster is not to communicate every little detail of your fantastic research, but rather to attract

people’s attention and serve as a conversation starter. Think about the typical conference poster session; it’s at the end of the day, and there is often copious amounts of alcohol in the mix. Seriously, after a long day of presentations, no one wants to read walls of text as the wine kicks in. What they want is for you to share the story of your research and engage in informal conversation about it. Repeat after me, a poster is a conversation starter. And the poster is not going to do the talking for you.

Second, a poster is a communication tool. A poster should use visuals to draw people in from a distance. Then, as people step closer and begin reading it, go ahead and give the background information necessary so that they can put your work into context, understand what you have done, why you have done it, and come to realize its broader impact.

Does this ring a bell? It’s no coincidence that the key information you’d include in your poster is the same information that you’d find in any scientific abstract. And here’s the secret: a scientific poster is simply a visual abstract . It’s also known as a graphical abstract. A concise and visual summary of your research. Its purpose is to be accessible and to drive attention to your research.

If you’re the type of researcher who best learns by example, take some inspiration from some amazing posters made by scientists who have mastered the fundamentals!

A conference poster is a visual abstract

As academics, we like to write using impossible words, passive tenses, and convoluted sentences. We believe this is the way it should be done and what makes us seem most intelligent. The reality is, this is a selfish way of writing and does not take the reader into account . So please, break this vicious cycle of selfish scientific writing and design your poster with the reader in mind from the start.

How? Let me show you.

Step 1 – Scripting

Before you consider opening PowerPoint, or any other design software, open Microsoft Word.

Any word processor will do, but make sure that it has the ability to track your word count and checks your spelling. The latter is particularly important, as I learned the hard way by missing an award because of a bloody typo!

Target audience . Ask yourself, who is my ideal audience for this poster? Is it other experts in your field, or perhaps the broader public? What is their level of understanding of the subject? This is an important question because if you put a bit of effort into making your poster understandable to the broader public, you automatically increase your potential audience and impact. Also consider that a poster written in plain English works with both experts and non-experts alike, while technical and complicated writing greatly limits your potential audience.

Bullet points. A poster should not look like a paper, therefore, bullet points are your friend. 200-word paragraphs on a poster would discourage even the most motivated, sober, and caffeinated conference attendant. Bullet points on the other hand are a lot less frightening. There is a trend among some academics to slap a solid 200-or-so word abstract right at the top of their posters. Let me set the record straight. This has to stop. Your whole poster is a VISUAL abstract, so it makes no sense whatsoever to put a solid block of text that no one is going to read at the top of your poster. Exception: If you’re ashamed of how terrible your data are and you don’t want people to look at your poster, then go for it, put that abstract at the top. It’ll do a wonderful job at keeping people at a safe distance!

Use sections with headers. Because we are writing with the reader in mind, we want to make the logical flow of the sections as easy as possible for the viewer to follow. My advice is to have large, easy-to-read and numbered sections that cover the main pillars of the story, which typically are:

1 – Background

2 – Questions / knowledge gap

3 – Methods (keep this to the bare minimum or skip it if you can)

4 – Results

5 – Conclusions

6 – References and acknowledgements (smaller at the bottom)

Less words. I know this is going to shock many of you, but you should keep your word count under 250 in total. Possibly <150 words. I’m serious. The harsh reality is that if your poster is wordy, people will ignore it. Less is definitely more.

Graphs. I know that you’re proud of your amazing graphs (especially those fancy multi-dimensional plots with lots of colours). Unfortunately, I have a bad news for you. You need to leave most of them out. You need to carefully select only the very essentials. One or two graphs is better than three or four, and certainly better than eight or nine! When selecting the graphs to display, also ask yourself who your audience is. This is important because if you are using your poster as an outreach tool for the general public, then there is no point in including complicated graphs that no one is going to understand. However, things are different if you are showing your poster exclusively to an audience of experts. In that case, it’s safe to assume your audience can read your graphs.

Step 2 – Concept

Here is where the fun starts. Grab a piece of paper, or open up your design software , and make a first draft. There’s definitely some logic involved in how you choose to blueprint your poster.

Scientific poster sketch layout

Layout and size. Vertical or horizontal? You better check with the conference organisers, as you don’t want to show up at the conference with a poster that doesn’t fit the panels. A0 (841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 inches) is a good standard size to start. Keep in mind that when you design posters, it’s always safer to downsize than to upsize, as upsizing a digital image based on a pixel grid will inevitably cause a loss of resolution.

Panels. How do we read, left to right or right to left? Top-down or bottom-up? It may seem obvious, but I always see posters that are visually confusing and don’t have a clear directional flow. Start with an enlarged and readable title right at the top, then create a simple layout of panels that make it easy for the viewer to navigate. Remember that we’re committed to keep the reader in mind, so use arrows and numbered headers to help them out.

Conference poster layouts

Leave space at the edges. Notice the grey space in the images above? It’s important to leave some blank space around the edges for a couple of reasons. First, you don’t want to risk important information to be cut off when printing, and second, you don’t want your poster to feel cluttered. This blank space is also known as negative space, and we’re going to unpack this concept more in the next section.

You’re half-way there! If you’re finding this useful, we recommend our online course: How to Design an Award-Winning Scientific Poster. You can learn at your own pace and arm yourself with the tools, templates, skills and knowledge to create your own award-winning scientific posters. It includes 33 video lessons, 3 hours of learning, 8 templates & downloads and is an excellent investment for your career.

poster presentation design ideas

Step 3 – Design

Negative space. For some strange reason, many academics feel the need to cover every inch of their poster with text or images. This is the wrong idea! It’s bad because it makes it difficult for the viewer to find the relevant information and to rest their eye. Clear space, also known as negative space, is a super important design concept, one that you should use to your advantage. Get ready for it. . . 40% of your poster should be clear. I am serious!

Eye-catching visuals. Imagine you’re walking around a poster session, and you’re far enough away from the posters that you can’t read titles or graphs. What will compel you to walk towards a particular poster? It’ll likely be a recognisable image that grabs your attention. Without a big and recognisable image, your poster will look like a fuzzy wall of text and it will likely go unnoticed. Therefore, it’s smart to include one big visual that’s related to your research and has the ability to hook people in from a distance. Be it a rocket, a lion, or an octopus — what matters is that it’s there.

Colour. This should be common sense, yet still I often get my retina scarred by the most unbearable colour combinations on scientific posters. Choosing a colour scheme is more than just intuition - there’s logic involved too.

Bad colour schemes in scientific posters

Use a limited number of colours, say three-to-five, and stick with them! Graphs included. My suggestion is that you have two or three shades of a primary colour of your choice, an accent colour that stands out, and a couple of text colours. In a colour scheme of this kind, you can use the accent colour to draw attention to where you want people to look. The important thing is that you use the accent colour in moderation. Let me show you what I mean.

Colour schemes for scientific posters

See how the 87% and the dot points stand out? This is the effect you want to recreate on your own posters. Feel free to steal these colour schemes, and in case you need some more inspiration, Material Palette is a free tool that creates colour palettes for you based on two colours of your choice.

Background. I know you have that awesome photo you really want to include in the poster. Why not blow it up and use it as the background of the whole poster?

NO! Don’t do it! You’re not doing yourself or the viewer any favours. A photo used as a background is too distracting and makes it impossible to have negative space on your poster. It’s much better to leave the background white, grey, or filled with a light colour from your colour palette.

Fonts. Fonts and font sizes work a bit like colours. That is, the fewer you use, the better. My suggestion is to use only one or two different fonts. Boldface should be used on titles and headlines, while all the rest should be normal. When picking what fonts to use, play it safe. Stick with the classic Arial, Myriad Pro, and other familiar fonts and you can’t go wrong. I know you’re tempted to use that super-original font that you’ve just discovered, but please, spare us. In terms of font size, try 90 for the Title, 60 for the headlines, and 36 for the body text. And remember that your poster should not require a magnifying glass to be read, but rather it should be easily readable from a meter away. If you’re keen to learn more about the word of fonts, and what the heck ‘serif’ means, we’ve got you covered .

Fonts for scientific posters

Contact information. It may seem strange, but a lot of people forget to write their contact information on their posters. You may have a stunning poster, but how are people going to contact you and offer you a postdoc if you’re not around and your email is not on the poster? Slap on a QR code to your Twitter profile or LinkedIn! Even better, put a few business cards or a miniature A4 version of the poster (with contact info) beside the poster for people to take. This will have you looking very professional!

Photo. Most people don’t even think about this, but it’s a good idea to put a photo of you in one of the lower corners of your poster near your contact info. This is good practice as it makes the poster more human and even allows people to identify you and, if you’re lucky, buy you a drink because you impressed them with such a stunning poster. Hey, you never know.

Resources. You’re probably not an artist, so where can you source quality visuals to put on your poster? Well, you can hire a professional scientific illustrator, or you can utilise one of the plenty free resources on the web. If you’re in the environmental sciences, the IAN image library is a great free library of graphics. Another great website to find free illustrations and icons is Freepik . Happy browsing! Though if you feel like getting in touch with your creative side, we’ve got a handy guide for making some simple scientific icons and diagrams.

Software. Some of you may be thinking that to make great posters you need great (and expensive) software. Wrong! All you really need is Microsoft PowerPoint and the principles contained in this blog post. Feeling like trying something more powerful? We’ve put together an extensive list of free and paid software recommendations for not only making posters, but for also learning the foundations of graphic design. But if you’re in the market for a quick and FREE solution, check out Canva . Then if you’re really up for a challenge, use Affinity Designer , Adobe Illustrator or Indesign . However, be ready for a steep learning curve and a substantial investment on these latter options. On the bright side, Adobe always has significant educational discounts for students and university staff.

Scientific poster example

Step 4 – Getting your poster ready for print.

Get feedback. You’ve designed your masterpiece. Awesome! Congratulations! Now it’s time to get feedback from your supervisor and/or colleagues before printing it. Ask them to proofread it too. And remember that people are busy, so do this well in advance, as printing often takes longer than you’d imagine.

Dummy. Before spending money printing your poster, you really want to make a dummy as a final check. Print your poster A4, or even better A3 size if you can, and triple check that important information isn’t too close to the margins. You’re likely going to put your picture in a corner, so you want to ensure your face isn’t going to get cut in half!

Colour profile. If you designed your poster with professional software, you’ll have the ability to control the colour profile. Nothing complicated, there are two options: RGB and CMYK. The first one is for digital use, and the second one is for printing — pick the second one. That’s all you need to know.

Resolution. If you designed your poster big enough from the start (e.g. A0), you should be alright. As a rule of thumb, your resolution for high-quality printing posters and images should be around 300 dpi (dots per inch).

Where to print. You have many options, from the big office supplies stores like Officeworks , to the small print shops around campus. Print time varies from place to place, so be sure to plan this ahead of time.

Paper. Shiny things are pretty, but it’s better to avoid shiny and glossy papers when it comes to posters, as they can create annoying reflections. Matte papers are best. But paper isn’t the only option these days, some stores can even print your poster on canvas or cloth.

Tubes and foldable posters. The most common is to print your poster on paper which fits into a cardboard tube. This is fine if you don’t need to take you poster on a flight, but have you considered that the tube might exceed the standard carry-on size limit? There is a solution! Some stores like Officeworks can print your poster on soft cloth materials that you can fold into your suitcase! And in case your poster gets a little wrinkly, all you need to do is to iron it. I tried this and I was very impressed by the print quality. The colours looked great!

Conference got cancelled? And it’s now online? We completely understand the frustration of having to cancel your travel plans to that amazing conference in the Swiss Alps. While we can’t solve the travelling part, your poster can still make the trip! We’re now living in an internet-native society, so having your poster on the world wide web should be a no-brainer. We call these ePosters. Check out how to convert your poster to this exciting new format. But for argument’s sake let’s hope your conference stays in person, because who would want to miss out on the Alps?

Oh, and one last thing. Remember when I said that a poster is a conversation starter? It’s true, so you need to prepare and sharpen your pitch! Practice walking people through your poster in about a minute, and then start a conversation with them. How? Asking them what they work on is a good start. The secret to a good conversation is showing interest and listening. People love to talk about themselves and their research, so let them talk! It’s as easy as that.

This was a long post with lots of information, so I’m impressed you made it this far! 

But, we’ve only just scratched the surface.

To properly cover this topic, we’ve developed a whole online course: How to Design an Award-Winning Scientific Poster. You can learn at your own pace and arm yourself with the tools, templates, skills and knowledge to create your own award-winning scientific posters. We’ve had excellent feedback on the 33 video lessons, 3 hours of learning and 8 templates & downloads included - so we’re confident that you’ll love it too.

Haven’t got the time to make your own Award-Winning poster?

We completely understand that learning is a huge time commitment, especially for busy researchers. We’ve been there and totally sympathise. But don’t fret, you still have another award-winning option we KNOW you'll love.

Animate Your Science now has their very own line of scientific poster templates! These are perfect for those who really need to get started on their poster for next week’s conference (you know who you are 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏾‍♂️), without the fuss of making it from scratch.

Lovingly handcrafted by our creative experts, these templates are downloadable across 4 different file formats, include 50 science icons, feature 8 unique colour schemes, and include our specially selected list of fonts to match your aesthetic.

Plug and play, and try them out today!

Until next time!

Dr Tullio Rossi

Juan Miguel Balbin

#scicomm #poster #science

poster presentation design ideas

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How to Design an Award-Winning Scientific Poster - Animate Your Science Online Course

How-To Geek

How to make a poster using microsoft powerpoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint isn't just for presentations--you can make posters with it, as well. Here's how.

Quick Links

Define the poster dimensions, design your poster.

Microsoft PowerPoint isn't just for presentations---it also provides all of the creative tools you need to design a beautiful poster. Just set the dimensions, design the poster, and print it out. Here's how to make a poster using PowerPoint.

Posters come in all sizes, but the first thing you need to know is PowerPoint's slide limit is 56-inches x 56-inches, so you'll need to plan accordingly. It's also important to note that you want to set your poster dimensions before you start designing your poster. Otherwise, you might end up having to rework parts of your design due to the size change.

Related: How to Reduce the File Size of a PowerPoint Presentation

Here are some of the standard poster sizes to get you started:

  • Small poster: 11" x 17"
  • Medium poster: 18" x 24"
  • Large posters: 24" x 36" or 27" x 39"

Once you've decided on your poster size, set the dimensions in PowerPoint. To do this, open PowerPoint and navigate to the "Design" tab.

In the "Customize" group, select "Slide Size."

Select "Custom Slide Size" from the dropdown menu.

The "Slide Size" window will appear. Input the width and height specifications to match your required size. Keep in mind that if your height is larger in size than your width, the orientation of the slide will automatically change to "Portrait."

When you're finished, select "OK."

Once selected, a new window will appear giving you two scaling options: Maximize or Ensure Fit. If your slide already has content on it, you'll want to select "Ensure Fit."

Your slide will now be resized.

Your poster design is going to depend completely on you. You'll want to pay attention to the background of the poster, text and image arrangement, font size and style, etc. Essentially, you should treat this part exactly as if you were just creating another slide for a presentation.

Because the design and process of this step is going to differ for everyone, we'd like to offer some of our previous guides to get you started in the design process:

  • Insert a picture or other object.
  • Use an image as a background.
  • Insert an image inside text.
  • Get a picture behind text.
  • Make a border or frame.

Once your design is ready, all that's left to do is print it out and hang it up!

Related: How to Troubleshoot Printing Issues in Microsoft Word


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    Learn tips and tricks for creating poster presentations for conferences, symposia, and more. Find out the anatomy, design, and printing of research posters, and see examples and templates.

  2. 55+ Creative Poster Ideas, Templates & Design Tips

    Here are 55+ creative posters ideas to inspire you, so you can create your own. Start Creating A Poster For Free 57 Poster design ideas to keep in mind. Before we start, here are some poster design tips you need to be aware of: Use a color overlay for a more understated poster ; Keep consistent margin widths

  3. How to create an effective poster presentation (plus 3 free templates)

    Stick to a color scheme. If you'd like to use a few different colors in your poster, stick to a color scheme that includes two or three shades. Then use them in a consistent pattern. For example, dark green for headings, light green for subheadings and yellow for section borders.

  4. 26 poster ideas (and templates) to create buzz for your next event

    This dreamy template can be customized to work as an event poster for virtually any type of gathering, with its ethereal colors and shapes and simple but effective font combinations. 4. Store-wide Sale Poster. This trendy poster cleverly uses shapes of all kinds, plus visually pleasing color overlay in calming colors.

  5. 25 Poster Ideas, Templates, and Tips for Creative Inspiration

    Consider the following tips and templates if you have to make school projects and need some poster ideas. 1. Combine texts with objects to create synergy. Depicting relationships between design elements is crucial. Like in the template below, you can use objects with texts for the best effects. Edit this poster template.

  6. Effective Poster Presentations: A Comprehensive Guide

    The educational benefits of engaging with poster presentations are well-documented, highlighting improvements in critical thinking, design skills, and public speaking. Real-world Applications and Benefits. In practice, poster presentations have proven invaluable across a multitude of disciplines—from science and engineering to humanities and ...

  7. How to design a poster presentation so your research stands out

    The ultimate guide for good poster presentation design. Use it to create a well-designed poster that stands out and effectively communicates your research. ... Creative ideas for those who are ready to conquer the world with their research: Laminate your poster and give people a whiteboard marker to write things on it or highlight sections they ...

  8. 14 Creative poster ideas for design inspirations.

    14 Creative poster ideas for design inspirations. Explore some of our favorite poster designs to ignite your imagination for your next poster project. 1. Create synergy with graphic and text design. This poster design is undeniably eye-catching. An epic photograph with dynamic lines and colors that catch your attention.

  9. 50 outstanding posters to inspire your next design

    13. Glacier Bay Alaska. Russ Gray. This is a travel poster that Russ Gray made after his great trip to Alaska. Glacier Bay is the national park in Alaska, and Zaandam was the name of the ship he cruised on. The colors definitely scream Alaska, and "Braggadocio" typeface just falls in perfectly with the design.

  10. 20+ Best PowerPoint Poster Templates (+ Tips for PPT Poster Design)

    Learn how to design posters in PowerPoint with these templates and tips. Find vertical, minimal, and modern PowerPoint templates for various purposes and styles.

  11. How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: A Quick Guide

    Learn how to create a poster presentation that will grab your audience's attention and effectively communicate your message. Find tips, examples, and templates for choosing the right layout, color scheme, images, and fonts.

  12. How to Make a Poster in 10 Steps (2024 Poster Design Guide)

    Arrange the 4 P's of your strategy: your product, price, promotion and place. Choose a design that will mark your audience and look good in your selected place. Make your campaign details the focus of the poster. Add high-quality images of your product or service. Include a relevant call to action.

  13. Master Poster Designs: Essential Principles & Free Templates

    Design Trends in Poster Presentations. ... Poster design ideas refer to the creative concepts and themes that underpin a poster's visual and communicative strategy. Drawing inspiration from current trends, effective poster design incorporates elements like bold typography, dynamic color schemes, and engaging layouts to convey its message. ...

  14. 105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    2 Be Minimal. Using a minimal design composition is one of the unique presentation ideas. The trick is to have just enough information and visual details for the viewer to feel comfortable seeing the slides. A minimal design can instill calm and awe in your audience when done right.

  15. How to Design an Award-Winning Scientific Conference Poster

    However, things are different if you are showing your poster exclusively to an audience of experts. In that case, it's safe to assume your audience can read your graphs. Step 2 - Concept. Here is where the fun starts. Grab a piece of paper, or open up your design software, and make a first draft.

  16. Free printable poster templates you can customize

    By browsing our selection of free poster design templates, you will find vast, varied, and easily adjustable layouts to fit your own specific needs. It's easy to design your own poster templates when you do it straight from our intuitive design dashboard. With our drag-and-drop tools and media library, you can craft a professional poster ...

  17. How to Make a Poster Using Microsoft PowerPoint

    Medium poster: 18" x 24". Large posters: 24" x 36" or 27" x 39". Once you've decided on your poster size, set the dimensions in PowerPoint. To do this, open PowerPoint and navigate to the "Design" tab. In the "Customize" group, select "Slide Size." Select "Custom Slide Size" from the dropdown menu.

  18. Powerpoint poster templates for research poster presentations

    This free PowerPoint poster template is designed for a standard 4x4 foot poster presentation. This scientific poster template is a good size for limited available spaces without compromising room for content. This research poster template can be printed at the following sizes: 48x48 (Standard), 36x36, 24x24, 42x42.

  19. How to prepare a scientific poster

    Poster presentations at scientific conferences can provide early-career researchers with valuable opportunities to practice their communication skills, receive feedback on their research, and expand their network. ... and ideas about good academic poster design. Ellen Lupton's book and website Thinking With Type are also great introductions ...

  20. Creative Poster Presentation Design Ideas

    Enhance your poster presentations with these creative design ideas. Grab attention, communicate effectively, and leave a lasting impression with your audience.

  21. How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

    1 Make a provocative statement. "I want to discuss with you this afternoonwhy you're going to fail to have a great career." One surefire way to get your audience's attention is to make a provocative statement that creates interest and a keen desire to know more about what you have to say. The presentation above, for example, does just that by ...

  22. Interdisciplinary collaborations boost student presentations

    A cross-department collaboration between graphic design and biology students at the University of Dayton produced high-quality research posters. Interdisciplinary collaboration can help students gain exposure to ideas and processes outside of their major as well as improve their discipline-specific assignments. One faculty member at the University of Dayton in Ohio wanted to improve her ...

  23. Free printable, customizable research poster templates

    234 templates. Create a blank Research Poster. 1 of 3. Plant and Animal Evolution Activity Research Poster in Hand Drawn Style. Poster by Canva Creative Studio. 1 of 3. Gray Simplified Professional Landscape University Research Poster. Poster by Canva Creative Studio. 1 of 3.

  24. Free and engaging presentation templates to customize

    Make it simple and hassle-free with a collection of well-designed and easy-to-use presentation templates from Canva. To captivate your target audience, you need the proper presentation template design that suits your subject. After all, a pleasing visual, coupled with helpful and relevant content, can go a long way in creating a solid presentation.

  25. Canva

    The Canva Windows app lets you enjoy all the features you love in a dedicated program. Launch Canva instantly from your desktop. Dive into deep work without the tab overload. WORK SMARTER WITH THE VISUAL SUITE A complete suite of tools for our visual world - Craft professional content with 250,000+ free templates. - Design visual Docs with videos, charts, or linked Canva designs. - Capture ...

  26. Free Online Poster Maker: Design Custom Posters With Canva

    Custom posters. No design skills needed. Our online poster maker gives you the power of great design without the hassle of complicated design software—or the cost of a professional designer. Start creating in seconds. There's no software to download, and no new skills to learn. Simply pick a poster template, then add your details.

  27. Free Map Maker & Generator

    Professionally designed and formatted. Millions of photos, icons and illustrations. Easily download or share. Design stunning custom maps with ease. No art background or design software necessary. Use Canva's free online map maker and create your maps you can add to infographics, documents, presentations, and even websites.