Movie Review: Like Stars on Earth, Every Child is Special

  • by Doris Siu
  • 2021-09-07 2021-09-05

taare zameen par movie review essay

I first watched Aamir Khan in ‘ 3 Idiots ‘ who did an excellent job acting in that film, so I discovered that he’s actually a big star in India and this film, ‘taare zameen par’ (translated to ‘Like Stars on Earth, Every Child is Special’) was one that he directed and starred in. 

When initially watching the movie without knowing any background, I thought the child actor depicted above (Darsheel Safary who played Ishaan, an 8-year-old dyslexic child) was very troublesome and almost rude. I grew up seeing school as a place of discipline and that anyone who didn’t follow rules was ‘naughty’ or rather, ‘rebellious.’ However, as we begin to learn more about Ishaan, we realize he has a learning disability. Though, nobody understands him and thinks that he is lazy or stupid because he can’t get things right after trying so many times. Eventually, his dad gets very upset with his poor grades and that he failed grade 3 twice, so he sends him off to boarding school. There, he grows extremely depressed and even gives up his passion of drawing. You see, Ishaan loves to paint and when his mother hears that he doesn’t even paint anymore at his new school, she worries greatly for her son and feels like this is all her fault. 

It was enlightening to watch a film like this, to know that they can portray how a child truly feels when they don’t understand, not because they aren’t trying, but because they confuse letters and numbers with similar patterns. When Ishaan meets the temporary art teacher, who we learn was also dyslexic, we are empowered to see how with the right support, a child who truly is very bright can grow. 

School typically starts today (the day after Labour Day) in Ontario. Though this year, school starts on Thursday because the board requires more time to prepare given the COVID pandemic. But, this is the reason why I wanted to post about this movie today. As we enter the coming school year, I want all teachers (and even students) to remember the powerful quotes below. We all have something that makes us special and not everyone learns the same. Just because someone learns differently or takes longer to learn something, doesn’t mean they are incapable. Sometimes, it is these individuals who make the biggest difference in the world because they can see things in a different light compared to others.

  • “There have been such gems amongst us who changed the course of the world because they could look at the world differently. Their thinking was out of the box and not everyone understood them. They were ridiculed. But despite that, they persevered.” 
  • “Life is really not about getting the top grades and competing with others. Don’t try stretching all your fingers. To win, each finger has to be pulled until it gets longer. Pull away until it finally breaks.” 
  • “On the Solomon islands, when the tribes need to clear the jungle to make way for fields, they don’t cut down the trees , they simply gather and collect around it, and hurl abuses at the tree, they curse it. Slowly but surely, after some days, the trees begin to wither. It dies on its own.”
  • “If you want to win competitions, then breed race horses, don’t have kids.”

A troubled kid, a true-to-his-profession teacher, and an extraordinary moment of insight. This was what defined this movie.  Remember a good education can change anyone, but a good teacher can change everything. 

This movie has changed the way I view children with disabilities. I always used to see them as different, but not in a bad light, but different as in they need more support compared to other children. However, this movie made me realized that many children with learning disabilities could perhaps be much more brilliant. But why they struggle is because they are looking for someone to help them accept who they are so they can flourish and grow. It’s hard to gain confidence in yourself when others view your differences as something bad. This movie did a great job really putting yourself into the shoes of a dyslexic child and how others view him. 

Children with dyslexia can read and write like any other child. You just need a lot of patience, but you will see improvement with time and support. After all, it’s believed that even Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Brilliance isn’t defined by your grades in school. I would definitely recommend teachers to watch this movie to gain an appreciation of all the differences each child brings into their classroom.

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taare zameen par movie review essay

Like Stars on Earth (Taare Zameen Par)

Director : Aamir Khan

Writer(s) : Amole Gupte

Country : India

Year : 2007

taare zameen par movie review essay

Aamir Khan’s directorial debut, “Taare Zameen Par” (Every Child is Special), is a very touching film that can make one cry and smile at the same time. Based on a script by Amole Gupte, this film became a hit in India, and is ranked in IMDB’s Top 250. Although director Aamir also stars in the movie, he does not appear until the second half. He leaves the stage to Darsheel Safary, playing nine-year-old Ishaan.

Aamir Khan "Like Stars on Earth"

Ishaan is the second child in a middle class Awasthi family. His older brother is an exemplary student and athlete who makes his parents very proud. Meanwhile, most of Ishaan’s time is spent in his own world where fish and dogs are his friends, and there are birds, dragons and intergalactic fights. However, harsh reality often knocks its way into his vast world of imagination, and we get to know that the boy struggles a lot at school. He cannot read or write, and is about to fail third grade for a second time. He responds tho the stress with disobedience that gets him into even more trouble. Eventually losing patience, the father sends his son to a boarding school to be “beaten into shape”. Ishaan is overwhelmed with frustration in his new environment. Not only he is a new kid coming in mid-term, but he also loses the support of his mother and brother. He is ridiculed by strict teachers and even loses his biggest passion, painting.  We watch how everything goes downhill for Ishaan as a soundtrack song sings, “Idiot, duffer, crazy, lazy. Why can’t you?” When Aamir Khan’s character, arts teacher Ram Nikumbh, enters the scene, everything changes. He comes in with music and play; he doesn’t act as any other teacher in the school. He notices Ishaan and sets out to find what is troubling the boy. He discovers what Ishaan’s parents and teachers have missed – all the boy’s mistakes and shortcomings have a pattern. Nikumbh concludes that Ishaan is dyslexic, and admits he has the same problem. He starts helping the boy to overcome his disability, meanwhile unleashing his amazing artistic potential.

Aamir Khan "Like Stars on Earth"

The movie is divided into two parts – first we see things from Ishaan’s perspective, and then through the teacher, Nikumbh. This is achieved by clever camera tactics and good use of soundtrack songs, and creates a strong bond between viewer and Ishaan. His role has very little dialogue, but the great performance of this young actor, plus his beautifully animated inner world, creates a vivid character. When we see Ishaan bonding with Nikumbh and building his confidence back in the second part of the film, it is such a strong emotional trigger.

Aamir Khan "Like Stars on Earth"

The movie shines a light on the problem of dyslexia and portrays it relatively accurately. (Source: Wikipedia ) Activists who want to bring awareness to this problem in India and worldwide celebrated this theme. But the movie is not just about the particular issue of dyslexia, but more of a general statement on education.

“Out here it’s a merciless, competitive world where everyone wants to breed toppers and rankers. Each child has unique skills, capabilities and dreams. But no, everyone’s hell bent on pulling and stretching to make each finger long. Go ahead, even if the finger breaks,” says Aamir’s character Nikumbh.

The movie shows that a child is not just an empty jar that parents can put their hopes and ambitions into, forming him or her into a “perfect citizen.” And ironically, the robotic, monotone daily life of family members, beautifully shown in song sequence (Watch on YouTube ), is not joyous at all. Parents and teachers are forcing children to follow in their steps for their “bright future,” leading them to the same “rat race” that they are in themselves. “Taare Zameen Par” and “3 Idiots”, both movies with Aamir Khan, go very well together, as one spotlights problems in the high school system, and the other in higher education.

This film received its share of criticism as well. And while it does have its weaknesses, especially being a bit over the top with preachiness in some parts, they are minor flaws in the overall picture. The movie is beautiful and well made cinematically. More importantly, it addresses a problem that seems to be very important to the people who made this film. As for Aamir Khan, he uses his fame and strong influence as a Bollywood superstar to bring awareness to serious issues and tries to change the world for the better. Screening of the movie has prompted open discussion about dyslexia among parents and educational institutions that has resulted in positive policy changes. (Source: Wikipedia ) This kind of reaction is a big feat for any film and it deserves admiration and respect.

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taare zameen par movie review essay

Tare Zameen Par

wogma rating: Owner's Pride! ( ? )

Classy and charming. Composed and elegant. Aamir Khan delivers his first baby with élan. The hard labor shows in a compassionate portrayal of a sensitive issue.

taare zameen par movie review essay

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How can one not love a movie about children crafted with utmost compassion - children with special needs at that? But, is that the only reason I liked Tare Zameen Par ? Maybe - maybe not. What I know for sure is that a strong one-line story is narrated extremely charmingly. It is truly uplifting when spirit wins and yet , it is not all about the spirit of winning.

Tare Zameer Par is about a child who suffers because no one around him recognizes that he is a slow learner. The beauty of the narration is that the message applies to all children - learning disability or not. How can creativity not deserve a place in academics? It also points a very subtle finger at how we build conformation in our system right at the roots.

The pace of the first half gives you time to think of normal children who are just not academically inclined. The resolution in the second half, however, comes by too quickly compared to the trauma shown earlier. But, I guess, if the point is to show that difficulties can be overcome, you don't necessarily want to show how difficult it is to overcome them.

About 45 minutes post-interval, Darsheel Safary (Ishaan) said a line which made me realize that he hadn't said a line in the last hour or so. There I was feeling sorry for Ishaan, feeling like yelling at someone to give him a big hug while I fought this lump in my throat that had been there for the longest time. All this based solely on Darsheel's expressions and body language!

Kudos to the director for taking this decision and many such with brilliant confidence. And, finally we have a dialogue writer who knows when not to give the actors a helping hand. There are a couple of verbose, preachy scenes. But, they made the point because they were well written.

Aamir Khan's entry into the movie seemed over-the-top and forced, mainly because it was in absolute contrast with the tone of the movie thus far. But after a little while you realize that you can't distinguish between the actor/director Aamir Khan and his character Nikhumb. They are both fighting the same cause. Passionately. The other characters serve their purpose as caricatures - stereotypical father, loving mother, understanding sibling, ruthless teacher, and jeering peers.

No matter who or what the focus of the camera is, the love it feels towards its subjects shows in each frame. And, in turn, you fall in love with what you see on screen. Compositions, lighting, angles, colors all work successfully together to engross you and very often to enchant you. The lingering camera might have added a good 10-15 minutes to the run-time. But you will be hard-pressed to point out exact scenes which the movie could have done without. Everything is building character or atmosphere or both.

The songs too contribute to the narrative. The lyrics are sheer poetry. I know-I know, that's what they are supposed to be, but can't remember the last time lyrics brought me to tears. "mein kabhi batlaata nahi" kept me speechless (and we all know how difficult that is!). And rock-style guitar strumming to a kids' song - that's what I call creative.

Yes, that dash of seemingly inevitable melodrama exists. The side-characters transform for no apparent reason. The climax is exaggerated and is as unrealistic as it could get. However, the aim is to show not reality of life but reality of the condition that this child suffers from. Once you get that, you pardon the make-up a mother is wearing at 6 AM while doing her chores. And anyway, most of this is towards the end, by which time you are willing to forgive. Because, above all else, it makes you think.

When did we grow up? When along the way did we forget what it felt like to be yelled at, to be put down, to be ridiculed? And why did we choose the next generation for revenge? Will we recognize the child in us that is struggling to get out? Will the sensation that the lump in the throat created, stay after the credits roll?

- meeta, a part of the audience

39 reviewers ( ? ) - 34 yays 3 so-so 2 nays

Warning: clicking on "full review" will take you to an external website that could contain spoilers.

Thumbs up, by Subhash K Jha, All Bollywood : ..."Taare Zameen Par" would make for a good film for teachers and parents as well as kids... full review

Thumbs up, by Amodini, Amodini's Movie Reviews : ...But taken just by himself, and without the sympathetic support from Darsheel’s character I’m not sure I felt as much for Nikumbh – he was too surely seated on his moral high horse... full review

Thumbs up, by Naresh Kumar Deoshi, Apun Ka Choice : ...Darsheel Safary is the real hero of the film. No two thoughts about it. Aamir Khan is the second fiddle.... full review

Thumbs up, by Razeen Shameem, Bolly Spice : ...Amole Gupte may not have ended up directing the movie, but he deserves all the credit in the world for penning such a fantastic script.... full review

Thumbs up, : ...Also, Prasoon Joshi writes wonderful lyrics, especially in "Maa"... full review

Thumbs up, by Fatema H Kagalwala, Business of Cinema : ...TZP has been born out of this precise need to share, reach out and engage... full review

Thumbs up, by Abhishek Mande, Buzz18 : ...with its sensitively written story and screenplay, Taare… brings back to mind some of the bittersweet experiences from our own childhood... full review

Thumbs up, by Shubham Shukla, Deccan Herald : ...Every element of the film speaks to you, communicates the emotion that the movie is trying to showcase... full review

Thumbs up, by Deep, Deep's Home : was more like kid telling Aamir “Hey, you!! you better direct the movie, i will handle the things on the acting front”... full review

Thumbs up, by Shubhra Gupta, Express India : ...The ‘specialness’ of Ishaan doesn't become a label: it just underlines the film's message, “every child is special”... full review

Thumbs up, Express India : ...The film runs for slightly more than two and a half hours but the beautifully crafted script would not allow a sense of discomfort to seep in... full review

Thumbs up, by Martin D'Souza, : ...Darsheel Safary, for an eight-year-old gives off an excellent performance worthy of a standing ovation... full review

Thumbs up, by Khalid Mohamed, Hindustan Times : ...Khan rekindles those uncomfortable moments of our childhood... full review

Thumbs up, by Rajeev Masand, IBN Live : ...the real hero of this film is its remarkable, rooted, rock-solid script... full review

Thumbs up, by Taran Adarsh, IndiaFM : ...compelling you to draw parallels with your life... full review

Thumbs up, by Praveen Lance Fernandes, indiatimes : ... Aamir’s entry just before the interval is quite filmy in a so far realistic film and lacks the punch that the viewer expects... full review

Thumbs up, Indicine : ...Aamir has given the child more footage and captured every emotion deftly thereby focusing on its root cause... full review

Thumbs up, by Abhijit Mhamunkar, : ...Shankar Ehsaan Loy at their vintage best, are perfectly aided by Prasoon Joshi's soul-stirring lyrics... full review

Thumbs up, by Evita Saldanha, M TV : ...Aamir Khan has done his homework rather well... full review

Thumbs up, by Asheesh Kumar Shukla, merinews : ...Shanker Ahsaan Loy made their mark by giving their signature of a slow-cum-thumping music... full review

Thumbs up, Movie Talkies : ...Inclusion, empathy and emotional bonding with caring is what this film beautifully propagates... full review

Thumbs up, by Abhavya Sharan, MovieWalah : ...Aamir Khan the filmmaker and story teller is as brilliant as Aamir Khan the choosy actor... full review

Thumbs up, by Mayank Shekhar, Mumbai Mirror : ...It is possible to confuse, or willingly favour, a great intention over a good film sometimes. Without doubt, this one is both... full review

Thumbs up, by Anupama Chopra, NDTV : ...The film is likely to alter your view of children because it paints their joys and horrors so accurately.... full review

Thumbs up, by Anurag Kashyap, Passion for Cinema : ...what i love the most is the way the camera lingers on to the moments and the boy and is not in a hurry to move away..... full review

Thumbs up, by Hanumant Bhansali, Radio Sargam : ...The film is quite realistic, atleast most of the times... full review

Thumbs up, : ...Taare Zameen Par is light years ahead of your average Bollywood flick... full review

Thumbs up, by Satyajit, : ...It's indeed sheer delight that there has been optimum usage of graphics and animation... full review

Thumbs up, by Saakshi Juneja, To Each Its Own : ...Good use of animation, which in turn interprets a young mind’s imagination... full review

Thumbs up, Upper Stall : ...It is a confident and assured start to what could be a fascinating filmography as a filmmaker for Aamir... full review

Thumbs up, Urge to Fly : ...Taare Zameen Par is as much about dyslexia as No Smoking was about smoking... full review

Thumbs up, by Neha Viswanathan, Within / Without : ...The camera treats him with a certain gentleness. It lingers on him. It’s patient with him, which is not what one can say about the adults in his life... full review

So-So, by Baradwaj Rangan, Blogical Conclusion, The New Sunday Express : ...But Aamir Khan, The Performer, becomes a bit of a problem for Aamir Khan, The Director... full review

So-So, by Raja Sen, Rediff : ...Taare flounders fatally at the end.... full review

So-So, by Naomi Datta, Times Now : ...the problem is that you start feeling every minute of those three hours... full review

Thumbs down, by Bikas Mishra, DearCinema : ...From fake sounding dialogues, to cheeky logical flaws of the screenplay, complete absence of characterization... full review

Thumbs down, by Renuka Vyavahare, indiatimes : ... This film which boasts a brilliant concept and excellent performances disappoints you, the only reason being its ‘length’ and ‘preachy’ execution.... full review

Twitter reviews for this movie are not available.

21 readers - 21 yays 0 so-so 0 nays

Want to Watch, by 3d animation : Was watchable. Some places were to emotional, but the overview was good.


Yay! Thumbs Up, by abhi nithu

Yay! Thumbs Up, by airiel : 100chars

Yay! Thumbs Up, by alok : It had been holding great commence over the current state of school kids who are facing pressure

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Anita

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Best animation software

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Dakshit Mathur : Best movie of the decade

Yay! Thumbs Up, by directordada : 95

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Fan

Yay! Thumbs Up, by James Pearson : Emotionally charged and well delivered. Oustanding performance from Aamir Khan

Yay! Thumbs Up, by KARTHIK : Fanatstic

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Mini Dv Camcorder : 99

Yay! Thumbs Up, by rahul sharma : great movie it is very inspirational and emotional movie , i recommend to every please watch this

Yay! Thumbs Up, by RVD Tutors : Great movie

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Sanjana Misra : 100

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Sriram Ram : Over all great approach and a very important message conveyed in a beautful way, everyone cannot do.

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Sriram Ram

Yay! Thumbs Up, by SSC Result 2020 :

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Suman

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Tarang varshney

Yay! Thumbs Up, by Triactol Review : 90

Yay! Thumbs Up, by VIOLET : A MUST WATCH MOVIE....

This page has additional observations, other than the ones noted in the main review .

Plot Summary

Ishaan Awasthi (Darsheel Safary) is a dyslexic, but no one around him knows that. Ram Nikhumb (Aamir Khan) puts his faith in Ishaan and helps him work on his weaknesses and enhance his strengths.

What Worked

  • The gutter scene in the beginning, beautifully shot!
  • Titles - adorable!
  • The manner in which the street vendors were captured in the sequence where Ishaan is roaming on the streets.
  • The shudder Darsheel gives when the car starts (at the hostel).
  • The way Ishaan's character has developed. You know he is the kind who would hate showing his tears in public and thus refrains from crying when he is hit on his knuckles.
  • Portrayal of how color is sucked out of Ishaan, a child whose only true love is colors.
  • The scenes in which Ishaan is shown gazing at the scenery - a breathtaking composition.

What did not

  • How can a school which boasts of discipline allow a parent to interrupt class?
  • The principal of the school did not look stern enough to be such a stickler for discipline.
  • How come Ishaan became such a sudden favorite at school that he got a standing ovation?


  • Teachers announcing marks of 60 children in front of the whole class, as if she was taking a roll call. Where does that happen? Marks usually are kept secret. And even if marks are announced they are just of the highest and the lowest scorers.
  • Ishaan wears a uniform that is two sizes bigger than what he needs. Again, superficial things purposefully used to exaggerate situation and evoke empathy.
  • Where did Ishaan get money to buy the gola (ice-candy) and take a bus ride? He used his school bus to go home, why would a third grader have money?

Tare Zameen Par - Cast, crew, links

[Facebook page of Tare Zameen Par]

Comments (38)

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Naina, done! Thanks for the link.

Pooja, I know exactly what you mean!

TinuAnand, I in variably have at least one review out on Friday evening. The only Friday I have missed as far as I can remember is November 9th because it was Diwali. So, do check every Friday! Do not miss this one in the theaters and do come back and let us know what you thought!

Biswa, absolutely!!

hi i think the movie is fantastick......... it makes the audience to think out of the conventional box at least in the matter of children ........ the children those who are weak in the conventional studies....... it is also an well directed by the debutant Amir Khan as director...... as a actor he is my hero........... it will be sad if move will not be hit ......... but it is imperative that movie will not be as hit the other bollywodd movies are .......... reat is well made movie............

Taare Zameen par was a heart touching movie. It is brillantly directed and the movie is as perfect as Aamir Khan. He has always been a powerful force in making his movies a complete finished product and now we see his total dedication in bringing out one of the best movies Bollywood or rather the world has ever seen. This is Oscar material. check my blog: for moview review on Taare zameen par

[...] Meeta Kabra [Without giving the movie away] [...]

I m speechless, the way the Aamir has directed and acted in the film. It is simply awesome and heads up to him.

i hope the moviev will be outstanding ..i have not seen yet .i m really curious about this movie. i love Amir

[...] also had lumps in her throat at Darsheel’s portrayal of Ishaan. There I was feeling sorry for Ishaan, feeling like yelling at someone to give him a big hug while [...]

[...] gift as it receives rave reviews in its first week. Meetu (without giving the movie away) gives it a Must-See rating. How can one not love a movie about children crafted with utmost compassion - children with special [...]

Liked the review except the subtitle "A lesson for parents & teachers".

good movie for every one, must watch, much better than to qualify for the Oscar,

Thanks universelingal!

Thanks Thejesh, it would be great feedback to know why.

Puneet - i think, copying or "getting inspired" is okay if it is done well.

Thanks a ton, Ashish K!

This movie teaches a lesson to the guardian as well as teacher how to behave their child or student, behaving abnormal or very different from the behavior of common children. This movie is really great i love the role of the child by name Ishant in the movie and i admire Aamir, its director and story writter. This movie will be appreciated by every class of the society so this is its beauty.


[...] (old) blog post by Aamir Khan about the process they followed for recording the background score of Tare Zameen Par which I found very interesting: The work on the TZP background score is going rather well I think. [...]

Thanks Sailesh!

its been a very good story in which it has been told about children that all are not the same every child has some weak & strong points also that everyone has different thinking & way of expressing also the parents should look forward to the child and his problems

the best filim i ever have seen.i cried a really became a pain in my heart..i will be always thankful to the whole team for contributing the wonderful story.especially anmole gupta,aamir khan,deepti bhatia and my dearest darsheel safary.its my humble request toanyone for send me any details for conact them.

he is really like my sweet you did a goo job.

i love this movi becoz it is so good i like it and i like the role of amir khan

TZP what a wonderful cinema for children. my baby long time watch this babies r 2.5 years oldand 5+. they like this cinema very much.

Aamir Khan's charm and brilliance has worked yet again.It's not just a movie,it's an advice to follow for generations to come.

great movie!

i like Tare Zameen Par a nice flim,no words to tell about it a good story good direction .i am an fan of Aamir Khan.

this movie was in my heart and it is still there. In the modern world we have a lot of problems to accept each other for who and what they are. We need develop then skills. Because only then can we live peacefully

The movie was very an inspirational. Every scene tuoched and soften my heart that i cried hard enough to heaven. the connotes a hearstring and awaken the minds of the teachers who cant understand the individual dirrences. i really love the movie, is best movie i ever seen.I felt so much better after watching the movie. The movie which a child may or may not understand but one which every parent/teacher should watch to understand their child. i recommend this movie to all, spicially the teachers.

I have seen many hindi movies about the plight of children Mother India was the most powerful, this particular movie has delivered strong messages about the misfortunes and suffering of childern was again. Aamir Khan is an actor whom I rate very highly as his ability to adapt into character and carry the strong screen prescence is unprecendented amongst the modern Indian film stars. He is definitely one of my favourites his apperance in Lagaan was top notch.

Yeah, it was quite great movie. 7/10 from my side..

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it is wonderfull story..................................""""""""""""""""""""""""

Direction: 4 Story: 3.5 Lead Actors: 2.5 Character Artists: 3.5

Dialogues: 3.5 Screenplay: 3.5 Music Director: 3 Lyrics: 3.5

Sad that i missed this movie to watch on 2007. But got a chance to see this movie yesterday. WAS absolutely went to tears after seeing the movie, especially the scene where Ishan got first prize and runs and hug amir khan with lot of tears in his eyes was very touching. A good message for all parents and teachers. As amir khan says to boy parents just look after him, its a beautiful message for each and every parent.

Thanks amir khan for a master piece

heart touching movie..jst luv it...beautiful message...

Now this one is the pride of my DVD shelf (cupboard). Every time I watch it i get the goosebumps and the eyes flood. Rewatched it yesterday by chance. Was just swapping channels and hit upon Zee Cinema which was airing the film.

A gem of a film. Reminds me each time that I am human and that childhood must be a carefree age to do and go where the imaginative mind takes you.

its a beautiful movie which gives you mixed emotions.

Best movie I ever see in my life. Besides entertainment, there are also many things to learn from Taare Zameen Par . A must watch!

one of the best movies i have came across, heart touching with a good amount of emotional vision

superb movie to watch .. aamir khan did great job director dada

I have watched this movie several times. It is not just a movie but something that happens everyday. This movie is one in a kind

this is one of the best movie i have ever seen

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Taare zameen par.

CHENNAI, India -- Ostensibly about the learning disability dyslexia, Aamir Khan's film goes beyond this into the realm of India's education system. Raking in roughly $3.8 million in the opening weekend with 425 prints across the country, the film is targeted to young audiences.

By Gautaman Bhaskaran , The Associated Press January 30, 2008 8:00pm

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CHENNAI, India — In “Taare Zameen Par” — “Star on the Ground” being the loose translation — Bollywood mainstream actor Aamir Khan has produced, directed (his debut) and acted in a radically different work from films where he made his name. Ostensibly about the learning disability dyslexia, Khan’s film goes beyond this into the realm of India’s education system. Raking in roughly $3.8 million in the opening weekend with 425 prints across the country, the film is targeted to young audiences.

Eight-year-old Ishaan Awasthi (Darsheel Safary) is a dyslexic boy, shamed and shunned by the world because he cannot keep pace with his class. His parents, Mr Awasthi (Vipin Sharma) and Maya Awasthi (Tisca Chopra), are at first bewildered because their elder son, Yohaan (Sachet Engineer), is a genius at the top of his class. Later, they get angry, particularly when Ishaan bunks school and gets his brother to forge a leave letter. When they decide to put him in a boarding school, things get worse for Ishaan, being away from the little support he got from his mother.

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Ishaan soon gives up even what he loves doing best, playing with his pet fishes, painting or just daydreaming. He withdraws into a shell, refusing to smile or to talk to anybody. It is then that a new arts teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Khan), enters the school, understands Ishaan’s problem and gradually gets him to reconnect with his surroundings. The end is disappointingly predictable, but Khan manages to convey the boy’s trauma with wonderful sensitivity, telling the story by imaginatively using animation and music.

Khan keeps the narrative and the camera focused on Ishaan. In fact, the director first appears midway in the movie, and is admirably low-keyed throughout, letting his compassion for Ishaan turn into real affection. Acting honors clearly belong to Safary, who is brilliant. Completely misunderstood, he portrays the frustration of a child who cannot understand why the alphabets in his book dance or why his teachers and parents are so unfeeling. In stark contrast, we see him rejoice in his small private space with the joys of color. An avid painter, he creates a world where numbers and letters have little meaning.

Despite great performances, the movie suffers from a weak script. In this day and age, that teachers in the two reputed, upmarket schools that Ishaan attends are not aware of his disability lacks credibility. Worse, the teachers are made out to be monsters since Khan and writer Amole Gupte want to show the contrasting attitude of the new arts master. Such exaggerations mar what could have been an even greater work.

TAARE ZAMEEN PAR Aamir Khan Prods./PVR Pictures Credits: Director/producer: Aamir Khan Writer: Amole Gupte Executive producer: B. Shrinivas Rao Director of photography: Setu Production designer: Shruti Gupte Music: Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Noorani, Loy Mendonsa Costume designer: Priyanjali Lahiri Editor: Deepa Bhatia Cast: Ram Shankar Nikumbh: Aamir Khan Ishaan Awasthi: Darsheel Safary Yohaan Awasthi: Sachet Engineer Maya Awasthi: Tisca Chopra Mr Awasthi: Vipin Sharma Running time — 165 minutes No MPAA rating

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Movie Review: Taare Zameen Par (2007)

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One of the best movies that I have seen in recent times is a Bollywood (Indian) movie called “Taare Zameen Par” or “Stars on Earth.”

It is a beautiful, heart wrenching story about a young schoolboy Ishaan who suffers from dyslexia. Since there is little awareness of this problem in many countries, the boy has a horrible time in school and at home.

His teachers think he is lazy or retarded. His mother is baffled and depressed due to his failure to study properly and his perfectionist, domineering father thinks he needs to be taught a lesson.

Ishaan meanwhile lives in a different world and is artistic and very creative. His father thinks his love for colours, childish and sissy, which will be of no use to him when he goes out in the real world for a good job. He sends him to a boarding school where Ishaan is afraid and lonely until he meets an art teacher (Amir Khan) who understands his problems and helps him to conquer his disability and his fears.

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I have seen many child actors in some amazing movies but none as amazing as the young boy who stars as Ishaan in “Taare Zameen Par”. His fear of his strict teachers, his anger and aggression towards his bullies, his longing for his parents to understand his problem, and his tears, terror and even the unsaid words will leave you with tears in your eyes.

I think it should be obligatory for parents and teachers to watch this movie at least once. The focus in many mainstream schools nowadays is on grades and not understanding the child or his personality. This movie especially teaches the adults that every child has a right to enjoy his childhood and his worth should not be based on A+ grades.

A unique beautiful movie, that has to be watched with a box of tissue-papers in hand. You will definitely need them.

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That movie sounds beautiful. Your review makes me feel like I've already seen it. I got wrapped up with the boy as soon as you began to tell his story and was so happy when you said he met a teacher! Also, I'm a fan of Aamir Khan. :)

Thanks @cmoneyspinner Amir Khan is a great actor and his movies are usually a bit different from the usual Bollywood movies. I am glad you enjoyed my review. Do watch teh movie. I am sure it is available with English subtitles.

I checked and it's not in the Netflix online video streaming, so I have to see if I can find it elsewhere on the Internet.

Indeed it is a great movie as it conveys a great message.

Yes, it is a good movie that I have seen once in my life. What I learn from the movie I describe in simple words for my readers sake so that they could read its summery.

shaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate; colours, fish, dogs and kites are just not important in the world of adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks and neatness. And Ishaan just cannot seem to get anything right in class.

When he gets into far more trouble than his parents can handle, he is packed off to a boarding school to 'be disciplined'. Things are no different at his new school, and Ishaan has to contend with the added trauma of separation from his family. One day a new art teacher bursts onto the scene, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, who infects the students with joy and optimism.

He breaks all the rules of 'how things are done' by asking them to think, dream and imagine, and all the children respond with enthusiasm, all except Ishaan. Nikumbh soon realizes that Ishaan is very unhappy, and he sets out to discover why. With time, patience and care, he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself.

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9th Class English Project On Movie Review Of Taare Zameen Par

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“Taare Zameen Par,” directed by Aamir Khan, is a heartwarming and thought-provoking Bollywood film that touches the deepest corners of our hearts. Released in 2007, this film explores themes of education, creativity, and the importance of understanding and embracing differences. In this movie review project, we will dive into the key aspects that make “Taare Zameen Par” a must-watch for audiences of all ages.

Plot Summary

The story revolves around Ishaan Awasthi, an imaginative and artistic young boy who struggles with dyslexia, a learning disability that makes reading and writing difficult for him. His parents and teachers are unable to recognize his condition and misunderstand his behavior as laziness and disobedience.

Ishaan’s life takes a significant turn when he is sent to a boarding school where he meets Ram Shankar Nikumbh, played by Aamir Khan, a compassionate and unconventional art teacher. Nikumbh recognizes Ishaan’s struggles and dyslexia, and he decides to help him unlock his true potential. He uses innovative teaching methods and patience to nurture Ishaan’s talent for art and helps him improve his reading and writing skills.

As Ishaan’s abilities and confidence grow, so does his relationship with his family. The film beautifully depicts the transformation of a misunderstood and frustrated child into a confident and talented young artist.

taare zameen par movie review essay

  • Dyslexia and Learning Differences : “Taare Zameen Par” sheds light on the challenges faced by children with learning differences like dyslexia. It emphasizes the need for a more inclusive and empathetic approach to education.
  • The Importance of Teachers : The film underscores the pivotal role that teachers play in a student’s life. Nikumbh’s dedication and unconventional teaching methods serve as an inspiration for educators to go beyond textbooks and syllabi.
  • Parent-Child Relationships : The movie portrays the complex relationship between Ishaan and his parents, who initially fail to understand him. It encourages parents to be more attuned to their children’s emotional needs.
  • Creativity and Individuality : “Taare Zameen Par” celebrates the uniqueness and creativity of each child. It reminds us that success should not be measured solely by academic achievements but by personal growth and self-expression.
  • Empathy and Compassion : The film advocates for empathy and compassion in our interactions with others, especially those who may be struggling or misunderstood.

“Taare Zameen Par” is a cinematic masterpiece that not only entertains but also educates and inspires. It reminds us that every child is special and capable of greatness if given the right guidance and understanding. Aamir Khan’s direction, coupled with outstanding performances, especially by Darsheel Safary as Ishaan, makes this movie a must-see.

This film serves as a poignant reminder to parents, teachers, and society as a whole that it is our responsibility to nurture and support the unique talents and abilities of each child. “Taare Zameen Par” is a cinematic gem that will leave you with a profound appreciation for the power of love, empathy, and education in transforming lives.

taare zameen par movie review essay

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This is to certify that I, [Student’s Name], a [Class/Grade Level] student, have successfully completed the project on “Movie Review Of Taare Zameen Par” The project explores the fundamental principles and key aspects of the chosen topic, providing a comprehensive understanding of its significance and implications.

In this project, I delved into in-depth research and analysis, investigating various facets and relevant theories related to the chosen topic. I demonstrated dedication, diligence, and a high level of sincerity throughout the project’s completion.

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Thoroughly researched and analyzed 9th Class English Project On Movie Review Of Taare Zameen Par. Examined the historical background and evolution of the subject matter. Explored the contributions of notable figures in the field. Investigated the key theories and principles associated with the topic. Discussed practical applications and real-world implications. Considered critical viewpoints and alternative theories, fostering a well-rounded understanding. This project has significantly enhanced my knowledge and critical thinking skills in the chosen field of study. It reflects my commitment to academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge.

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Reflection Paper about Taare Zameen Par (Every Child Is Special)

Profile image of Anna Grace  Julian

"Taare Zameen Par" was a very interesting movie about Ishaan Awasthi, a child with learning disabilities. Ishaan was always misunderstood, and it seemed like no else appreciated him, including his parents, other children and teachers in their school. At school, teachers cannot understand him, thinking that he was just only crazy, lazy and disobedient. They didn’t even try to examine why the child is having difficulties in his studies. Also, other children always bullied him because they thought that he is an idiot. Even his father can't understand why Ishaan is different from his intelligent older brother. He was then sent to boarding school by his father because his academic statues did not improved, and he thought Ishaan was naughty and a lazy kid that needs discipline, but he doesn’t know that being apart from them will made the child more emotional and not wanting to communicate with other people. But when teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh came, He notice that there’s something wrong with Ishaan.

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Movie Review: Taare Zameen Par

taare zameen par movie review essay

CHECKLIST Rating: 5/5

Reviewer: Eloni, BA 2 nd Semester, Tetso College

The movie “Tare Zameen Par” is about an 8 year old boy Ishaan Awasthi who suffers from ‘dyslexia’, a learning disability. It is an attempt to understand the psychology behind the non-acceptance of such special children in the society by their parents, teachers, friends and others.

The movie displays the difficulties and struggles of a disabled and slow learner. Ishaan has strong imagination and his mind is full of different creative scenarios. He likes drawing and painting. He dislikes schools and fails every test and exams. He finds it difficult to understand and comprehend the subjects and is often insulted and belittled by his classmates and teachers.

taare zameen par movie review essay

When complaints start to pour about his failures to his parents, his parents decide to send him off to a boarding school. It also showcases the roles and the difficulties faced by teachers, parents and friends in the development and understanding of a disabled. His life at the boarding school is no different; he feels rejected and dejected unable to cope up with his inabilities and the insults thrown at him.

Ram Shankar Nikumbh is appointed as a temporary art teacher at Ishaan’s school. Unlike other teachers Ram makes the student think outside of box and use their imagination and creativity. Ram notices that Ishaan was different and he then takes effort in understanding Ishaan. He makes Ishaan’s parents and teachers understand that he is not abnormal but a special child with talents of his own. Ram helps Ishaan overcome his problems and difficulties and boost his confidence level.

This movie is an example of the harsh realities of the world we live in. It reflects parental negligence which results in isolation and seclusion of the child. It conveys the message that every child is special in their own way and that we should not neglect them just because they are academically weak. It teaches us a human being to try to understand the disabled children better and help them grow.

CHECKLIST is a review column initiated by Tetso College that aims at giving students, reviewers and writers a platform to review and reflect upon books, movies, television shows, documentaries, magazines, restaurants and catering services, games, software, and product reviews. The reviews should be a reflective writing encompassing the writer’s opinions about the subject matter while avoiding unprecedented subjective bias. This is an unsponsored review column. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the Institution. Type your review in a Google Docs or MS Word document and email it to  [email protected] .

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Taare Zameen Par (Every Child Is Special)

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Shikhar Dhawan on his debut with Aamir Khan's 'Sitaare Zameen Par'; Says, 'Not doing it'

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The TOI Entertainment Desk is a dynamic and dedicated team of journalists, working tirelessly to bring the pulse of the entertainment world straight to the readers of The Times of India. No red carpet goes unrolled, no stage goes dark - our team spans the globe, bringing you the latest scoops and insider insights from Bollywood to Hollywood, and every entertainment hotspot in between. We don't just report; we tell tales of stardom and stories untold. Whether it's the rise of a new sensation or the seasoned journey of an industry veteran, the TOI Entertainment Desk is your front-row seat to the fascinating narratives that shape the entertainment landscape. Beyond the breaking news, we present a celebration of culture. We explore the intersections of entertainment with society, politics, and everyday life. Read More

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Shikhar Dhawan sets record straight on 'Sitaare Zameen Par' role

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'I enjoy being in front of the camera': Dhawan

Dhawan, while speaking to Pinkvilla , admitted to not knowing much about the craft, referencing his only stint as a cameo in Huma Qureshi and Sonakshi Sinha 's Double XL . Despite this, he expressed enjoyment in being in front of the camera. "Of course, I enjoy being in front of the camera," he said noting that filming a movie is a different ball game. "I am just going with the flow and I'll see what the future holds for me," he added.

Fueling speculation, this video of Khan, Dhawan went viral!

Megastar Aamir Khan with Gabbar of Cricket Shikhar Dhawan spotted shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par in Delhi.🔥 #shikardhawan | #Aamirkhan | #SitaareZameen — sʜɪᴋʜᴀʀ ᴅʜᴀᴡᴀɴ 𝕏 (@dhawan_42) May 19, 2024

Meanwhile, Dhawan revealed questions for Bollywood's Khan trio

In a rapid-fire round during the interview, Dhawan disclosed what he would ask Bollywood superstars Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan , and Salman Khan . For Aamir, he expressed curiosity about the meticulousness of his work. Regarding SRK, Dhawan admired his attitude and would question him about it. As for Salman, he appreciates how the actor handles challenging situations and expressed interest in learning more about his approach.

Here's everything about 'Sitaare Zameen Par'

Backed by Khan's home production, the narrative of SZP revolves around the Paralympic Games—an esteemed international sports event dedicated to athletes with disabilities. Scheduled to shoot for a month between May and June, the film will capture a myriad of paralympic competitions. The movie is reportedly being shot across diverse locations in Delhi, encompassing iconic landmarks such as the Red Fort, Lodhi Garden, and Tyagraj Stadium. Helmed by RS Prasanna, it stars Genelia Deshmukh as the female lead.

Is it a sequel to 'Taare Zameen Par'?

Khan shared insights about SZP during a media interaction following the screening of Laapataa Ladies in February. He noted, "The theme is the same but the difference is, unlike Taare Zameen Par , which left you with tears, Sitaare Zameen Par will leave in laughter. RS Prasanna is directing it and it is an entertaining film. We are looking at the same topic but with a different perspective." The makers are targeting a Christmas 2024 release.

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Pratik Gandhi's 'Dedh Bigha Zameen' trailer released, film to hit OTT on THIS date | WATCH

Releasing the trailer of the film on social media, jio cinema wrote, "sometimes standing against the wrong is more important than defeating it”. the film will be released on jio cinema premium from may 31st onwards..

Pratik Gandhi's 'Dedh Bigha Zameen'

Releasing the trailer of the film on social media, Jio Cinema wrote, "Sometimes standing against the wrong is more important than defeating it”. Chaliye #EkAwaazGalatKeKhilaaf uthate hai #DedhBighaZameen, streaming 31 May onwards, only on JioCinema Premium."

Do Bigha Zameen's trailer

The trailer begins with Prateik Gandhi's voice saying, "What would be greater for any brother than his sister getting a good in-laws house." Next to this, Prateek is seen talking to a person about giving dowry for his sister. Further in the trailer, Prateek is seen struggling to arrange a dowry for his sister's in-laws. Things get even more intense when he realises that a piece of his land has someone else's possession on it. 

Watch the trailer here:

The trailer of the film has received a positive response on social media. Many users have praised the trailer of this film. One user wrote, "You are the best actor." At the same time, another user wished the cast all the best for this film.

On the work front

Pratik was last seen on screen in the film Do Aur Do Pyaar. Vidya Balan and Ileana D'Cruz were also seen with him in the film. Despite a good story, this film could not make a place in the hearts of the audience. The film did not perform well at the ticket window, due to which it was declared a flop at the box office. Apart from Do Bighah Zameen, Pratik will also be seen in Hansal Mehta's Gandhi. 

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  1. Taare Zameen Par Film Review (400 Words)

    Taare Zameen Par, redistributed by Disney as Like Stars on Earth is a 2007 Indian drama film produced and directed by Aamir Khan. The story was developed by Creative Director, Amole Gupte, with his wife Deepa Bhatia that started as a shorty story that grown into a screenplay for over seven years. According to an interview in The Hindu newspaper ...

  2. Taare Zameen Par Movie Review

    Almost as measured and meticulous as his performances. Of course, the second half does get a bit repetitive, the script needs a bit of taut editing, the trauma of the lonely child seems a shade ...

  3. Revisiting Aamir Khan's Taare Zameen Par after ...

    A visual from the opening credits of the movie Taare Zameen Par References: "In Praise of Slow." Carl Honore. Accessed 16 Jul 2020. Khan, Aamir, director. Taare Zameen Par. Netflix, 2007. Accessed 16 Jul 2020. Honoré Carl. In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed. HarperCollins, 2005. Author: Ayan Dawn

  4. Movie Review: Like Stars on Earth, Every Child is Special

    I first watched Aamir Khan in '3 Idiots' who did an excellent job acting in that film, so I discovered that he's actually a big star in India and this film, 'taare zameen par' (translated to 'Like Stars on Earth, Every Child is Special') was one that he directed and starred in. When initially watching the movie without knowing any background, I thought the child actor depicted ...

  5. Film Studies

    Keeping these notions into perspective, in 2007, Aamir. Khan directed and acted, casted along with Darsheel Safarey, in the movie "Taare Zameen Par", also known as Little Stars on Earth ...

  6. Taare Zameen Par

    Taare Zamen Par evokes a strong sense of nostalgia and takes you back to your childhood days - vibrant colours, paper planes, pranks, homework and weird teachers in school. Aamir shows tremendous potential as a director in his debut movie. He beautifully captures the world from Ishaan's eyes. Although in the scene where Ishaan is attempting ...

  7. Like Stars on Earth

    Like Stars on Earth (Taare Zameen Par) Director: Aamir Khan. Writer (s): Amole Gupte. Country: India. Year: 2007. "Like Stars on Earth" on Amazon. Aamir Khan's directorial debut, "Taare Zameen Par" (Every Child is Special), is a very touching film that can make one cry and smile at the same time. Based on a script by Amole Gupte, this ...

  8. Movie Review: Taare Zameen Par

    "Taare Zameen Par" is a special movie that takes us deep into the world of a young boy named Ishaan. He's full of imagination and innocence, just like any other kid, but he struggles as the ...

  9. Taare Zameen Par Review

    Indicine Verdict. Overall, Taare Zameen Par is a good emotional story with a message for the parents. The kids and parents will completely enjoy it. It was also pleasant to see the movie receiving a standing ovation while the credits rolled. At the all important box-office, the clash against another biggie Welcome would affect collections, but ...

  10. Film Studies

    The document provides a review of the 2007 Indian film Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth). It summarizes the film's central themes of parental pressure, patriarchy, women's roles, dyslexia, and shortcomings in India's education system. The review analyzes how the film depicts these issues and references other works discussing related topics like academic stress, women's empowerment, and ...

  11. Review

    Taare Zameen par was a heart touching movie. It is brillantly directed and the movie is as perfect as Aamir Khan. He has always been a powerful force in making his movies a complete finished product and now we see his total dedication in bringing out one of the best movies Bollywood or rather the world has ever seen.

  12. Lessons "Taare Zameen Par" Taught Us

    Amir Khan's movie 'Taare Zameen Par (Stars in the World)', is a Bollywood film that aims to explore children's educational studies that include various social and psychological factors as well as diversity. This movie also encounters social and cultural perspectives on education and success, the traditional teaching system, parenting, and the various personality traits of children that ...

  13. Taare Zameen Par

    Taare Zameen Par. CHENNAI, India -- Ostensibly about the learning disability dyslexia, Aamir Khan's film goes beyond this into the realm of India's education system. Raking in roughly $3.8 million ...

  14. Movie Review: Taare Zameen Par (2007)

    One of the best movies that I have seen in recent times is a Bollywood (Indian) movie called "Taare Zameen Par" or "Stars on Earth." It is a beautiful, heart wrenching story about a young schoolboy Ishaan who suffers from dyslexia. Since there is little awareness of this problem in many countries, the boy has …

  15. Taare Zameen Par Movie Review

    The film Taare Zameen Par is about an 8-year-old boy named Ishaan Awasthi who struggles in school due to having dyslexia. He is sent to boarding school where he continues to struggle until an art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, recognizes Ishaan's talents and helps him overcome his difficulties by boosting his confidence. The film raises awareness about dyslexia and encourages more support for ...

  16. 9th Class English Project On Movie Review Of Taare Zameen Par

    Introduction. "Taare Zameen Par," directed by Aamir Khan, is a heartwarming and thought-provoking Bollywood film that touches the deepest corners of our hearts. Released in 2007, this film explores themes of education, creativity, and the importance of understanding and embracing differences. In this movie review project, we will dive into ...

  17. Reflection Paper about Taare Zameen Par (Every Child Is Special)

    Related Papers. Literary Herald A New Strategy for Child Development: A Study on Montessori Educational System and the Film Taare Zameen Par ... This study focuses on the role of parents and teachers as literacy sponsor portrayed in Taare Zameen Par movie and how the application of multimodal literacy is depicted through the story of a dyslexic ...

  18. Movie Review: Taare Zameen Par

    CHECKLIST Rating: 5/5. Reviewer: Eloni, BA 2nd Semester, Tetso College. The movie "Tare Zameen Par" is about an 8 year old boy Ishaan Awasthi who suffers from 'dyslexia', a learning disability. It is an attempt to understand the psychology behind the non-acceptance of such special children in the society by their parents, teachers ...

  19. Taare Zameen Par Film Essay

    Taare Zameen Par Film Essay. 1223 Words5 Pages. THE IMPACT OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTION TECHNIQUES ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES. Introduction. In a country like India, where the population is rising constantly, competition is cut throat and parents stand in long queues to get their children into ...

  20. My view about my favorite film, Taare Zameen Par

    Taare Zameen Par is my favorite movie. I like it very much. when I saw this movie in 2011, it kept me glued to the screen.The role of Aamir khan is very good in this movie. I really like that role of teacher.It describes the hard life of Ishaan. Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi is an eight-year-old boy who dislikes school and fails every test or exam ...

  21. Movie Review of "Taare Zameen Para"

    Movie Review of "Taare Zameen Para" - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... organizational behaviour concepts of movie Taare Zameen Par to understand the organizational behaviour factors ... Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, Unit 3: A.K. Ramanujan, "On Translating a Tamil Poem", Collected Essays of A.K. Ramanujan, ed ...

  22. Taare Zameen PAR pdf

    MOVIE REVIEW taare zameen par review manirul, roni, pradush, subash, sangeeta, nataraj nasir child have different way to thing, every child is special and cast. Skip to document. ... Taare Zameen par was a heart touching movie movie teaches a lesson to the. guardians, peers as well as teachers how to behave their child or student, behaving ...

  23. Taare Zameen Par (Every Child Is Special)

    Telly addict Andrew Collins casts his critical eye over New Worlds (above), Klondike, The Trip to Italy, Endeavour and Monkey Planet.

  24. تارے زمین پر

    تارے زمین پر 2007ء کی ایک بھارتی ڈارما فلم ہے جس کا پروڈیوسر عامر خان تھے۔. آٹھ سالہ درشیل سفاری اس میں بطور ایک طالب علم جبکہ عامر اس کے استاد کے طور پر کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔. اس کے لکھاری امول گپتا ...

  25. Aamir Khan Productions share 'special' BTS from Taare Zameen Par ft

    2007's gem of a film, Taare Zameen Par tells the story of Ishaan Awasthi, a dyslexic kid who outshines and grows in life after his art teacher discovers his potential. Directed by Amole Gupta, the ...

  26. Shikhar Dhawan on his debut with Aamir Khan's 'Sitaare Zameen Par

    With 'Sitaare Zameen Par', Aamir continues the story he began 16 years ago with the release of his acclaimed movie 'Taare Zameen Par'. The film is slated to release on Christmas 2024.

  27. Shikhar Dhawan sets record straight on 'Sitaare Zameen Par' role

    Indian cricketer Shikhar Dhawan recently put to rest rumors about his acting debut in Aamir Khan 's upcoming film, Sitaare Zameen Par. Speculation about his role in the film ignited when a ...

  28. PM Modi reveals reason behind '370 seats for BJP ...

    You encourage your kid to get 95 marks. In the same line, we set our 400 Lok Sabha seats target for our alliance," PM Modi stated. While speaking on the BJP's target - 370 seats, the prime ...

  29. 12th Fail

    12th Fail is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language biographical drama film directed, produced and written by Vidhu Vinod Chopra.It is based on the 2019 eponymous non-fiction book by Anurag Pathak about Manoj Kumar Sharma, who overcame extreme poverty to become an Indian Police Service officer. The film stars Vikrant Massey as Sharma, alongside Medha Shankr, Anant V Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar, and ...

  30. Pratik Gandhi's 'Dedh Bigha Zameen' trailer released, film to hit OTT

    The film will be released on Jio Cinema Premium from May 31st onwards. Friday, May 24, 2024. ... Aamir Khan Productions share 'special' BTS from Taare Zameen Par ft. Aamir, Darsheel Safary| WATCH.