How to Write a Letter of Recommendation [With Tips & Template]

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Every now and then, applying for a position will require that you also submit a letter of recommendation. 

Or, maybe, a coworker will ask you to write a recommendation letter for their new job application.

If you're not certain how to go about it, don't worry - nothing about recommendation letters needs to be complicated. Especially once you learn the nitty-gritty of the topic. 

This is exactly what this article is here to teach you!

What is a Recommendation Letter?

What should a letter of recommendation include.

  • How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

3 Types of Recommendation Letters

  • How to Ask For a Recommendation Letter
  • Recommendation Letter Template

A letter of recommendation is a formal document confirming and recommending a person’s work, skills, or academic performance and potential. 

Typically, a recommendation letter is required for: 

  • University admissions
  • Fellowships or internship positions
  • Job applications
  • Volunteering opportunities

You should ideally write a recommendation for someone whose abilities and work ethic you are familiar with - for example, a colleague, student you taught, your employee, or someone you supervised at work.

Similarly, if you’re the one asking for a recommendation letter, you should ask someone who can attest to your professional or academic abilities. 

The types of recommendation letters are:

  • Academic recommendation letters.
  • Employment recommendation letters.
  • Character recommendation letters.

Here’s what each type of recommendation letter is about:

#1. Academic Recommendation Letters

Academic recommendation letters are typically required to be submitted by students during the admission processes of graduate and undergraduate schools. 

Generally, each prospective student is requested to submit up to three references, which can be written by any education professional familiar with the candidate’s academic background. 

Academic reference letters include:

  • Recommendation letter for undergraduate/graduate school
  • Recommendation letter for a scholarship
  • Recommendation letter for a fellowship program

#2. Employment recommendation letters 

This type makes up the most popular type of recommendation letter.

Sometimes, employers can ask you to submit up to 3 recommendation letters as part of your job application.

More often, though, a recruiter might ask you for recommendation letters if they already like your resume and want to learn more about you. 

Employment recommendation letters are written by former - or current - coworkers, employers, or supervisors.

If you can choose, pick someone with more years of experience than you. After all, the more senior they are, the more weight their recommendation carries.

Employment recommendations include: 

  • Recommendation letter for a coworker
  • Recommendation letter for a (former) employee

#3. Character recommendation letters

Character recommendation letters, also known as personal references, are used to describe an individual’s personality by someone who knows them well, including close friends, coworkers, or employers. 

Personal references serve many purposes, the primary ones being court cases dealing with criminal issues such as drunk driving offenses, or legal situations such as child adoption procedures. 

It is not uncommon, however, to have a potential landlord or even immigration officials ask for a personal reference. 

Personal references include: 

  • Recommendation letter for a friend
  • Recommendation letter for a tenant
  • Recommendation letter for a patient

Recommendation letters follow a particular format and layout that make writing them significantly easier. 

In this section, we’ll cover how to do each the right way, starting with:

Letter of Recommendation Format

A letter of recommendation includes the following sections: 

  • The salutation ; if you are addressing someone whose name you know or writing a personal recommendation letter, the salutation can be addressed to “Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr. Smith.” Otherwise, you may use the generic “to whom it may concern.”
  • The introduction , which first and foremost includes your statement of recommendation (i.e. “ it is my pleasure to recommend… ”). It is common to also briefly state who you are and what your expertise is.
  • The overview, or a description of the applicant’s top skills, attributes, and strengths.
  • A personal story describing more of the applicant’s skills and qualifications.
  • The closing statement , or the final call for action, is where you encourage the recruiter to contact you if additional information is needed.
  • The signature , where you repeat your name and include your full contact information.

Letter of Recommendation Layout 

When it comes to the layout of the recommendation letter, all you need to do is follow some basic formatting rules. Here are the most important ones: 

#1. One page length. This rule applies to resumes too, but it’s even more essential for the recommendation letter. Recruiters go through hundreds of them, so chances are they appreciate concise, to-the-point letters that don’t waste their time. And besides, a good recommendation letter doesn’t have to be an essay to get the recruiter ‘hooked’ - especially if you follow the above format. 

#2. Single-spaced lining, with space between paragraphs . This also keeps your reference letter within the limit by shortening the text. 

#3. Traditional font. Don’t go for something too creative - pick a classic that works. We recommend Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Ubuntu, Roboto or Overpass.

#4. 1” margins on all sides . This creates enough white space around the margins and makes the letter easy to read. Additionally, the text should be aligned to the left - although this is a standard alignment for most documents.    

#5. 10-12pt font size . This is the font size range that makes the document easy to read. Adjusting the font size is another good way to keep your recommendation letter within the length limit.

Recommendation letters usually follow similar layout rules as resumes. Learn more about font size and style from our article on the best resume font, size, and format . 

Recommendation Letter Template 

Struggling to write a recommendation letter? 

Just follow our tried-and-tested template! 

To whom it may concern: 

[Recommend the referee for the position they are applying for.]

[Briefly introduce yourself and state your position/ job title , as well as your work experience .]

[Tell how you know the referee and describe their top skills, qualifications, and strengths.]

[Share a personal story with the referee where you highlight their strong points and key achievements .]

[Add a few more of the applicant’s skills and positive traits, preferably fitting the job description.]

[Show your availability to provide additional information for the referee if needed.]

Best Regards

[Your full signature and contact information]

How to Ask for a Recommendation Letter 

Need to ask someone for a recommendation letter? Here’s what you need to know.

The go-to person for your recommendation letter will depend on the type of reference you’ll need. 

For example, if you need an employment recommendation letter , your top choices should involve people who are familiar with your work ethic and professional abilities, but with whom you’ve also had a positive professional relationship. For example:

  • Your team lead
  • Department head
  • CEO of the company
  • Direct manager
  • A coworker you’ve worked with together on a project

If you are a recent graduate with little work experience, you can ask a mentor or college professor to write you a professional reference. 

In case you need an academic recommendation letter , consider asking a professor with whom you’ve worked closely and can positively attest to your academic potential and achievements.

Your thesis advisor, for example, would make a good choice to ask for an academic reference. If you never wrote a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, any professor who knows you as more than just a face in a sea of students should do the trick. 

Finally, keep the following in mind when the time comes to ask for a recommendation letter: 

  • Whoever you end up asking, talk to them about it in advance . Then, follow up with a formal email that should contain all reference-related information, such as the submission details and deadline. The email can also include a description of what you’re currently doing (professionally, academically, or independently), what qualifies you for the position, and some relevant skills, achievements, or noteworthy facts.
  • If you’re asking for a professional recommendation letter, make sure to also include your resume and the job description in the follow-up email. This way, the person writing the letter will know more about you and your new position and will be able to write a more relevant recommendation by tailoring your skills to the job, or by mentioning some of your (relevant) achievements.
  • Notify the contacts you’ll be asking - considering that in most cases recruiters ask for up to three recommendation letters - at least two weeks in advance. This will give them enough time to prepare and write a good recommendation letter. This is especially important for academic references because professors are usually writing several recommendation letters simultaneously.
  • Consider attaching a recommendation letter template such as the one provided in this article to your email. The template will considerably ease or guide them through the process of writing the letter.
  • Follow up by sending thank you notes to everyone who writes you a recommendation letter. Sending a letter of appreciation is a courtesy act that will let them know you are grateful for the time and effort they took to recommend you positively.

If you’re also looking to update your resume or create one, head over to our guide on how to write a resume in 2024 !

5 Tips on How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

There’s more to writing a recommendation letter than just following the layout instructions or sticking to the format.

We’re referring to content quality, which happens to be the trickiest part of the process. 

In this section, we’ll teach you how to write a recommendation letter that will impress the recruiter and help your referee!

Tip #1. Write an Attention-Grabbing Introduction  

First things first - the introduction.

This is where you need to grab the reader’s attention and get them interested in reading the recommendation letter. 

How to go about it? Before formally (and briefly) introducing yourself, aim to write an attention-grabbing recommendation statement, instead of a generic one the recruiter probably knows by heart already. 

Let’s explain this more practically: 

Dear Mr. Smith, 

I am pleased to recommend Sarah McKay for the Communications Assistant position.

Nothing wrong with this introduction at first glance, right? It’s a standard way of opening a recommendation letter after all. 

Well that’s exactly what’s wrong with it - it’s way too common. No, this probably won’t get your application disqualified, but it won’t impress the recruiter either.

Want yours to strike the right note? Try something like this instead:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am sincerely glad to be the one recommending Sarah McKay for the Communications Assistant position.

This recommendation statement is not significantly different from the previous one, except for one thing: it gives the reference letter a head start by implying that recommending Sarah is an honor. And that’s more likely to get the recruiter’s attention - or, at least, curiosity. 

In case you’re struggling to come up with an attention-grabbing introduction, simply mention one of the following points, and you’re good to go: 

  • A little-known fact about the candidate. 
  • Your general consideration of the candidate’s qualities.
  • A remarkable achievement or award the candidate might have won.  

Tip #2. Establish a Meaningful Relationship With the Candidate 

All recommendation letters explain what the relationship with the referee is before listing their skills and qualifications. 

To make the recommendation more meaningful, you should show the recruiter you are just the right person to attest to the candidate’s abilities. And that’s not something you can convey by simply stating how you know them. Take the following example:   

I have taught Jake Political Science for four years. 

Does this example tell the recruiter how you know the applicant? Sure, it does. 

But it does so in a boring way and without establishing a convincing relationship with them. For all the recruiter knows, Jake is just one out of a thousand students you’ve taught over the years.

It has been a pleasure for me to teach Jake for four years and guide him through his remarkable Bachelor’s thesis in Conflict Resolution.

Notice the difference? This example specifies the writer is Jake’s thesis advisor, which makes the recommendation all the more meaningful. 

Tip #3. Tailor Your Recommendation to the Application 

Want to put in the extra effort and make sure your referee truly stands out?

Tailor the recommendation letter to the job / university program they’re applying for.

Tailoring your letter to the candidate’s application is easiest when you’re recommending someone for employment (you can just check the job requirements), but it works for any type of recommendation (incl. academic). All you need to do is match the referee’s skills and strengths to whatever they’re applying for. 

Let’s assume, for example, that you’re recommending a co-worker for a marketing manager position.

Some of the job requirements are: 

  • +5 years of professional experience in marketing
  • Experience developing marketing campaigns 
  • Excellent communication skills 
  • Project-management and multi-tasking skills 

To tailor your recommendation to the job requirements, all you need to do is mention them as your referee’s best qualities. For example: 

Even after seven years working together, Ema’s skillful way of effectively communicating with clients and co-workers alike doesn’t cease to amaze me. It only comes second to her multi-tasking abilities, which I’ve witnessed throughout the many marketing campaigns we have developed and managed. 

As you can see, there’s not much to it. 

All you need to do is check the job requirements, pick several skills and qualifications, and make them part of your referee’s top skills, strengths, or personality traits.  

Tip #4. List the Candidate’s Achievements 

Mentioning some of the candidate’s achievements is another great way to help your referee really stand out.

After all, skills, strengths, and character traits are awesome, but they can also come across as meaningless if you can’t back them up with facts. 

What do we mean by this?

Let us explain:

Here’s how a typical personal story in a recommendation letter looks like:

I came to truly appreciate Eric’s work ethic, passion, and attention to detail the first time I assigned him to do a report on child trafficking. Eric was respectful of journalistic ethics but also willing to chase the story relentlessly, believing in its value and importance. 

Sure, this is a perfectly acceptable personal story. 

However, it doesn’t do much more than just list the referee’s skills, traits, and work experience through a subjective lens. 

What we’re saying is, it doesn’t really sell the candidate.

Now, let’s compare it to the following:

Eric’s ability to chase after difficult stories first became apparent when I assigned him a report about child trafficking. Despite the challenging topic, Eric not only pulled through but achieved more than expected by a) identifying a trafficking ring that put more than 50 minors into forced begging, b) interviewing 10 of the older minors and managing to bring that trafficking network down once the reportage went public and c) increasing the TV Channel’s ratings by 40% in 3 weeks. 

By mentioning those achievements, your account of the candidate’s experiences is a lot more “factual,” as well as impressive for the recruiter.

Not sure which achievements to include? Check out these 101+ achievements to list on your resum e !

Tip #5. Polish Up Your Recommendation Letter

Finally, here’s 5 more simple tips to get your recommendation letter ready:

  • Maintain positive rhetoric . At no point throughout your reference letter should the recruiter sense a hint of doubt regarding the applicant’s skills and qualifications.
  • Don’t overdo the positivity. Extremes are never good - which means being overly positive might also come across as a bit suspicious or weird (even if everything you're saying is true). 
  • Follow the submission instructions . A bunch of employers, but also educational institutions, will provide instructions on how to submit the recommendation letter. We recommend you ask the candidate to double-check them and give you a heads up, because if you submit the recommendation letter wrong, the candidate might lose their chance.
  • Use a business tone . Even when you’re being creative, your writing tone should maintain a business tone - polite, and as formal as possible.
  • Mind your grammar and spelling . This is another tip that goes for all things application-related. You won’t compromise the referee’s chances with a typo, but your recommendation won’t matter much either if it’s filled with simple grammar/spelling mistakes. Run your letter through a grammar and spell-check app once you’re finished with it, just to be on the safe side of things.

Recommendation Letter FAQ

Still have some questions on how to write a letter of recommendation?

Find your answers below!

1. What is a professional letter of recommendation?

A professional letter of recommendation - also called an employment recommendation letter - refers to an official document that is typically required when you apply for a job and which describes the applicant’s professional skills, experiences, and qualifications. 

Professional letters of recommendation are typically written by current or previous employers or supervisors. A coworker can also write you a professional letter of recommendation, but it’s not as optimal as a coworker is not really an authority figure (and might just be a friend doing you a favor instead of being honest).

2. What should be written in a letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation generally follow the following format: 

  • A formal salutation
  • An introduction (which includes a recommendation statement and your professional title)
  • An overview of some of the applicant’s skills, strengths, or qualifications, which you can tailor to the application
  • A personal story where you can mention some of the applicant’s achievements
  • A closing statement and call for action
  • A signature , with your contact information

3. Who should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

If you’re asking for an academic letter of recommendation, you can ask:

  • Current or former professors
  • Academic mentors
  • Thesis advisors

If you’re asking for a professional recommendation letter, though, you can ask:

  • Current or former employers
  • A supervisor or professional mentor
  • Former professors
  • Experienced coworkers

4. How do you start a recommendation paragraph?

To keep the recruiter reading your recommendation letter interested, you should start with an attention-grabbing introduction - specifically, an interesting recommendation statement. 

This statement is the opening sentence of the letter and it should optimally express your conviction to recommend the applicant in a non-generic way. 

If you’re struggling with coming up with something creative, just start with one of the following:

  • A little-known or impressive fact about the candidate
  • Your general consideration of the candidate’s qualities
  • A remarkable achievement, or an award the candidate might have won

5. How do you end a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation concludes with a call to action or a request towards the recruiter   showing your availability and willingness to provide additional information if needed. After mentioning that you remain available to discuss the candidate’s qualifications, you may finalize the letter with your signature - your name, title, and company.

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope this article will make the process of writing a recommendation letter easier for you. 

Let’s go over some of the main points we covered: 

  • A letter of recommendation is a formal letter confirming and recommending a person’s work, skills, or academic performance and potential.
  • Recommendation letters follow a particular format and layout. The format typically consists of 1) the letterhead and full contact information, 2) a salutation, 3) an introduction, 4) an overview, 5) a personal story, 6) a closing sentence and 7) your signature.
  • The three types of recommendation letters are employment, academic, and character recommendation letters.
  • Who to ask for a recommendation letter depends on the type of reference you need. As a rule of thumb, pick someone who knows your skills and strengths well and whom you’ve had a positive experience (professional or academic) with.

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resume type of letter

Exploring the 6 Different Types of Resumes

N avigating through the job market requires an impressive resume, one that highlights your skills, experience and achievements effectively. It's the initial step towards getting noticed by recruiters, and it often determines whether you'll move to the next stage of the hiring process.

The right resume format doesn't just present your qualifications but does so in a manner that aligns with your career goals and the specific job you're targeting.

This guide explores the different types of resumes and their unique features, helping you choose the format that best suits your professional profile.

Do I need a resume?

In the realm of job hunting, a resume is more than just a document — it's a marketing tool, a bridge that connects job seekers to potential employers. Its role is pivotal as it provides a concise and compelling snapshot of your professional journey. It encapsulates your work history, skills, accomplishments and unique qualities that make you an ideal candidate for the job.

Moreover, the importance of a well-structured resume is heightened due to the use of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in the recruitment process. These automated software applications streamline the hiring process for employers by filtering out resumes that don't meet specific criteria.

A poorly formatted resume, or one that doesn't include key terms relevant to the job description, may fail to make it past these systems. Hence, understanding different types of resumes and the strategic use of keywords are vital steps toward crafting an ATS-friendly resume that gets you closer to your dream job.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Writing the Perfect Resume

What different types of resumes exist?

While every resume shares the common goal of selling your professional abilities, not all resumes are the same. Each type has its unique structure, purpose and benefits.

Here are the different types of resumes:

1. Chronological resume

The chronological resume, or reverse chronological resume, is a time-tested format favored by many hiring managers. This format presents your work history in reverse chronological order, with the most recent job listed first and the rest following in descending order.

In a chronological resume, each job listing typically includes the job title, the company's name, the company's location and the dates of employment. Following this information, a list of job responsibilities and accomplishments is given in bullet points. This allows hiring managers to see at a glance not only where you've worked but also what you've achieved in those roles.

This format works particularly well for job seekers with a clear career progression in a single field without significant gaps in employment. It allows recruiters to quickly see the career trajectory and understand how the applicant's experience fits with the new role.

2. Functional resume

A functional resume, also known as a skills-based resume, places the focus on skills and competencies rather than work history. This type of resume usually begins with a summary of qualifications, followed by a list of skills and examples of their use in work or other settings.

The employment history is typically listed towards the end of the resume, often providing only a basic list of positions without detailed descriptions of each role.

This format can be particularly useful for job seekers with gaps in their employment history, those who are changing careers and have skills transferable to a new industry or recent graduates with limited work experience but possess relevant skills acquired through coursework, internships or extracurricular activities.

Related: How to Build a Better Resume in 4 Easy Steps

3. Combination resume

The combination resume, or hybrid resume, merges elements from both chronological and functional resumes. It typically begins with a section highlighting your skills and achievements. This is followed by a detailed chronological work history.

This format allows you to showcase your relevant skills and accomplishments at the top of the document, helping to catch the hiring manager's eye. Following this with a chronological listing of your employment history allows the recruiter to see your work trajectory and understand the context in which you've applied your skills.

The combination resume can be effective for job seekers with a solid employment history who want to change fields or those with a robust set of transferable skills and experiences across multiple sectors.

4. Targeted resume

A targeted resume is tailored specifically to a particular job posting. Instead of a generic resume sent to multiple employers, a targeted resume aligns your skills, experience and qualifications precisely with the job description. Each section of your resume, from the objective statement to the employment history, is customized to highlight why you are the perfect fit for the specific role.

This format can be more time-consuming to create as it requires tweaking your resume for every job application. However, it can pay off, especially when applying for jobs in highly competitive industries. A well-tailored resume can stand out among a sea of generic resumes and increase your chances of securing an interview.

5. Infographic resume

An infographic resume visually presents your career history and skills using charts, graphs, images and other graphic design elements. This format can make your resume stand out and show your creativity and innovative thinking.

Infographic resumes can be particularly effective in fields such as graphic design, marketing and other creative industries. However, it's essential to remember that some applicant tracking systems (ATS) may struggle to read and process these types of resumes, so if you're applying through an ATS, it's better to stick with a more traditional format.

6. Non-traditional resumes

Non-traditional resumes break away from the standard formats and allow for more creativity. These may include video resumes, LinkedIn resumes, digital portfolios, personal websites or social resumes.

Non-traditional resumes can demonstrate your skills in a way that traditional resumes may not, such as showcasing your video editing skills through a video resume or your web design skills through a personal website.

Just as with the infographic resume, if you're applying through an ATS, a more traditional resume format would be better. Non-traditional resumes are typically best when sent directly to a hiring manager or when you're working in a creative industry that values innovative presentation.

Each of these resume formats has its strengths and is best suited to specific situations. Carefully consider your career goals, work history and the needs of the job you're applying for when choosing your resume format.

What circumstances should you consider in resume writing?

Crafting a resume can sometimes present unique challenges based on personal circumstances. Here are a few special scenarios and how to handle them:

Writing a resume for a career change

If you're making a career change, your resume should highlight transferable skills and any relevant certifications. Although your work history might not be directly related to the new field, showcasing your adaptable skills can convince hiring managers of your suitability for the role.

Handling employment gaps

Employment gaps can often be a concern for job seekers. However, these can be managed strategically on a resume. Use the space to highlight any productive activities during the gap, such as volunteer work , courses or freelance projects.

What is a mini resume?

A mini resume is a brief summary of your top skills and career highlights. It's often used for networking purposes, perhaps on a business card or LinkedIn summary. It offers an at-a-glance overview of your professional qualifications.

Related: 7 Tips for Networking

What are some additional components of a job application?

Apart from a well-structured resume, a few more elements add to the strength of your job application:

Cover letter

A cover letter serves as an introduction and provides context to your resume. It allows you to elaborate on certain points in your resume and express your enthusiasm for the job.

Just like your resume, your cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you're applying for, focusing on how your skills and experience make you an ideal candidate.

The job title on your resume can significantly influence its appeal to hiring managers. It should accurately reflect your role and responsibilities while aligning with the industry norms. Misrepresenting a job title can be detrimental to your application and professional reputation.

ATS-friendly resumes

Incorporating relevant keywords and phrases from the job description into your resume can enhance its visibility in an applicant tracking system (ATS). ATS-friendly resumes are concise, straightforward and void of complex formatting, ensuring they can be read and understood by the system.

Related: 3 Ways an ATS Can Help Your Business Source the Top Hires

What are resume builders and resume templates?

With a plethora of resources available, creating an attractive and professional resume has never been easier. Resume builders are online tools that provide step-by-step guidance to generate a well-structured resume. They offer various templates, customization options and pre-written phrases to assist you in the process.

On the other hand, resume templates serve as a predesigned framework for your resume. They come in numerous styles and formats, allowing you to choose one that aligns with your personal taste and the industry's standards.

While these tools simplify the resume creation process, remember to personalize your resume and reflect your unique professional journey accurately. A tailored resume stands out more to hiring managers than a generic, cookie-cutter one.

What are some tips for effective resume writing?

No matter which resume format you choose, following certain writing tips can optimize your resume:

Highlight relevant experience

The most effective resume isn't necessarily the one that includes all your experiences but the one that strategically highlights the most relevant ones. Avoid detailing every job you've had and focus on the ones that matter to the job you're applying for.

Include a skills section

A well-crafted skills section can be a game-changer, particularly for functional or combination resumes. Here, include hard (technical) and soft skills relevant to the job. Be specific; instead of saying "good communicator," consider "experienced in public speaking and client presentations."

Use bullet points

Use bullet points for easy readability. They help break down information into digestible pieces, ensuring that key points don't get lost in dense paragraphs. Remember to write bullet points as complete sentences with periods at the end, following our client's style preference.

Include a resume summary or objective

The top of your resume should contain a summary or an objective, a brief snapshot of your qualifications. This section should be concise yet impactful, as it's likely the first thing a hiring manager will read.

Looking forward

Crafting the perfect resume is an evolving process that may require several drafts and iterations. While these different types of resumes and their corresponding tips provide a general guideline, remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. The most effective resume will be the one that best showcases your unique skills, experiences and career goals.

Always revisit and revise your resume for each job application, ensuring it aligns with the specific job requirements and expectations. With a well-structured, compelling resume, you're one step closer to securing that dream job.

Explore for more insights and resources to guide your professional journey.

Exploring the 6 Different Types of Resumes

Transferable Skills: What They Are and How to Use Them

By Katie Duncan Posted on May 24, 2024

resume type of letter

The ability to adapt and pivot across different roles and industries is more valuable than ever. Whether you’re seeking a new job, looking to advance in your current career, or considering a complete career change, one crucial element remains constant: the importance of transferable skills.

Transferable skills are the abilities and competencies you carry from one job to another, regardless of the industry or position. These skills are the versatile tools in your professional toolkit, enabling you to succeed in various contexts. But what exactly are they, and how can you identify and leverage them to enhance your career prospects?

Understanding transferable skills

Transferable skills are abilities and competencies that you can apply across various jobs and industries. Unlike job-specific skills, which are often tied to a particular role or field, transferable skills are versatile and can be used in different contexts. Employers value these attributes because they demonstrate your ability to adapt and succeed in a range of environments.

Though transferable skills are important to highlight anytime you apply to a job, they are particularly valuable when you’re making a career transition . Whether you’re switching industries, changing roles, or seeking advancement, these skills can help you navigate new challenges and seize opportunities. 

Types of transferable skills

Transferable skills can be broadly categorized into two types: soft skills and hard skills .

Soft skills

Soft skills are attributes that help you navigate the workplace and interact effectively with others. These skills are the most common transferable skills. They are crucial in almost every job because they influence how well you communicate, collaborate, and manage relationships. 

Key soft skills include:

  • Communication : The ability to convey information clearly and effectively.
  • Teamwork : The capacity to work well with others towards a common goal.
  • Problem-solving : The skill of identifying issues and finding effective solutions.
  • Adaptability : The ability to adjust to new conditions and challenges.
  • Time management : Efficiently managing one’s time to maximize productivity.

Hard skills

Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that can be measured and quantified. You acquire these skills through education, training, and hands-on experience. While many hard skills are not transferable, some have applications across various fields. 

Key transferable hard skills include:

  • Broad technical skills : Proficiency in common technologies or software (e.g., Microsoft Office, GSuite).
  • Project management : The ability to plan, execute, and oversee projects from start to finish.
  • Data analysis : The capability to interpret and use data to inform decisions.
  • Foreign languages : Knowledge of additional languages is beneficial in many global industries.

Understanding the distinction between soft and hard skills is crucial because it helps you recognize which abilities you can bring to a new role and how they might be applied. 

For example, excellent communication skills (a soft skill) are just as valuable in a sales position as they are in a project management role. Similarly, proficiency in data analysis (a hard skill) can be leveraged in fields ranging from marketing to finance.

How to Identify Transferable Skills

Identifying your transferable skills

Transferable skills aren’t always obvious. Sometimes, you must think outside the box to figure out how your experiences apply to other roles and industries. 

Self-assessment techniques

Recognizing your transferable skills begins with a thorough self-assessment. This process involves reflecting on your past experiences, both professional and personal, to identify the skills you’ve acquired and honed over time. 

Here are some effective techniques to help you:

  • Reflect on past experiences : Think about your previous jobs, volunteer work, educational experiences, and hobbies. Consider the tasks you performed, the challenges you faced, and the achievements you accomplished. What skills did you use to navigate these situations?
  • Identify key skills from previous roles : Review your past job descriptions and performance reviews. Highlight the skills that were crucial to your success in those roles. For example, if you consistently led team projects, you likely have strong leadership and project management skills.
  • Seek feedback: Ask colleagues, mentors, and supervisors for feedback on your strengths and areas of improvement. They can provide valuable insights into your skill set and help you recognize abilities you might have overlooked.

Tools and resources

Several tools and resources can assist you in identifying and evaluating your transferable skills. Here are some recommended options:

  • Skill inventories : Online skill inventories and checklists can help you systematically evaluate your abilities. Websites like O*NET Online offer detailed descriptions of various skills and can guide you in assessing your own.
  • Online assessments and quizzes : Numerous websites offer quizzes to help you identify your strengths. For example, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and 16Personalities assessments provide insights into your personality and natural talents.
  • Career counseling services: Professional career counselors can offer personalized advice and tools to help you identify and develop your professional skills. Many universities and career centers provide these services for free or at a low cost.

By using these techniques and resources, you can create a list of your transferable skills. This list will be handy when you’re tailoring your resume, writing cover letters, and preparing for interviews . Understanding your skillset not only boosts your confidence but also enables you to present yourself more effectively to potential employers.

Highlighting transferable skills in your job application

Once you identify your transferable skills, you can begin to think about how you will showcase these to potential employers.

Your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers, so it’s essential to highlight your transferable skills effectively. Here are some tips to help you showcase these skills on your resume:

  • Tailor your resume for each job application : Customize your resume for each position by emphasizing the skills that are most relevant to the job description. Carefully read the job posting to understand the key skills the employer is seeking, and highlight those skills in your resume.
  • Use a skills-based format : If you have a diverse work history or are transitioning to a new field, consider using a skills-based or functional resume format . This format allows you to group your experiences by skill categories rather than chronological order, making it easier to showcase your transferable skills.
  • Incorporate keywords : Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. To get noticed by ATS, include keywords from the job description that relate to your transferable skills.
  • Provide specific examples : Use bullet points to describe how you applied your transferable skills in previous roles. Be specific about your accomplishments and the impact you had. For example, instead of saying “good communication skills,” you could write, “led weekly team meetings and presented project updates, resulting in a 20% increase in team productivity.”

Cover letter

Your cover letter is an opportunity to elaborate on your abilities and explain how they make you a strong candidate for the job. 

Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Introduce your key transferable skills early : In the opening paragraph, mention the transferable skills that make you a great fit for the position. This sets the tone for the rest of your letter and immediately shows the employer that you have the qualities they’re looking for.
  • Provide context and examples : In the body of your cover letter, provide specific examples of how you’ve used your transferable skills in past roles. Explain the situation, the actions you took, and the results you achieved. This helps the employer understand how your skills can benefit their organization.
  • Link skills to job requirements : Clearly connect your transferable skills to the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Show the employer how your experiences align with their needs and how you can contribute.

Interview preparation

Discussing your transferable skills during an interview is crucial. Here are some strategies to help you effectively communicate your skills:

  • Prepare STAR responses : Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your responses. This approach helps you provide clear and concise examples of how you’ve applied your transferable skills in real-life situations. For instance, if asked about your problem-solving skills, you could describe a specific challenge you faced, the steps you took to address it, and the positive outcome.
  • Practice common questions : Be prepared to answer common interview questions that relate to transferable skills. Questions like “Can you give an example of a time when you worked as part of a team?” or “Describe a situation where you had to adapt to a new environment” are opportunities to showcase your skills.
  • Ask thoughtful questions : At the end of the interview, ask questions demonstrating your interest in the role and your understanding of the required skills. 

By effectively highlighting your transferable skills in your resume, cover letter, and interview, you can present yourself as a well-rounded and adaptable candidate, ready to take on new challenges and contribute to the success of any organization.

Embrace your transferable skills

Transferable skills are invaluable assets that can propel your career forward, regardless of the industry or role you pursue. By identifying, developing, and effectively showcasing these skills, you can enhance your employability and adaptability in an ever-changing job market. Embrace the versatility of your abilities to unlock new opportunities and achieve lasting career success.


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  4. The Letter A

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  1. 5 Resume Types and When To Use Them (With Examples)

    Here is a list of five different resume types with examples for each: 1. Chronological resume. Chronological resumes emphasize your work history, with your most recent position appearing at the top. Chronological resumes are the most common way to format a resume. This type of resume is effective if you have a consistent work history with no ...

  2. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    Respectfully, Kind regards, Best regards, Yours truly, Then, make two spaces below the salutation, and type your full name. For some professional (but optional) flair, sign your cover letter either with a scan of your signature or by using software like DocuSign. 8. Check your cover letter's content and formatting.

  3. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    start your cover letter. with your contact details at the top. These should be in your cover letter's header, separated neatly from the bulk of your text. Here, you want to include all the essential contact information, including: Full Name. Your first and last name should stand out at the top. Job Title.

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Cover letter format. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Video: When and Why to Write a Cover Letter - Plus, Top Tips for Formatting.

  5. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Employer name. Company Name. Street address. City, State. Salutation. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], Opening Paragraph (Introduction) Your cover letter opening should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, where your expertise lies, where you found the job posting, and why you want to apply for the job.

  6. How to Make a Resume in 2024

    Create Resume. Choose a resume format carefully. In 99% of cases, we recommend the reverse-chronological format. Add the right contact details. Leave your headshot out and make sure to include your job title, a professional email address, and any relevant links.

  7. Glassdoor Guide: How to Write a Cover Letter

    The cover letter is a tool to help introduce yourself in a memorable, personal way during a job application. A well-crafted cover letter goes over information on your resume and expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some of your greatest career and life achievements.. Its purpose is to elaborate on the information contained in your resume while infusing ...

  8. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Pantheon. The "Pantheon" cover letter template's bold header projects confidence, making it ideal for executives. 2024. Designed for the modern job seeker, our "2024" cover letter template is perfect for people in any industry. Classic. "The Classic" cover letter template is clean, traditional, and the perfect format to start off your application.

  9. How to Make a Resume in 2024: Writing Guide + Examples

    Make it distinctive to highlight your name and contact information. Organize your resume sections in the following order: summary/objective, work experience, education, skills, and extras. Use bullet points for your entries under each section. Find resume icons for each section or skip them altogether. File format.


    resume is an important element toward obtain-ing an interview. Tailor your resume to the type of position you are seeking. This does not mean that all of your experience must relate directly, but your resume should reflect the kind of skills the employer would value. RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS . RESUME TIPS . RESUME LANGUAGE SHOULD BE:

  11. Types of Resumes: Choosing the Right Format For Your Needs

    Infographic resume: Infographic resumes are more visual than the common resume types, incorporating graphics and colors for a visually appealing presentation. Video resume: A nontraditional resume format, video resumes are reels that demonstrate your accomplishments and goals in just a few minutes. Mini resume: A mini resume is both a business ...

  12. Free Resume Examples for any Job (2024-ready)

    Manufacturing & Warehousing Resume Examples. We'll give you resume examples that'll do the heavy lifting. Use our industrial-strength resume examples to get you on your way to manufacturing a winning resume. Inventory Manager. Machine Operator. Mechanic. Production Supervisor. Supply Chain Manager. Warehouse.

  13. Types of Resumes—Everything You Need to Know in 2024

    The 4 main types of resumes are Chronological, Functional, Combination, and Targeted resumes. Each one of them has a different purpose and features a slightly different layout. 1. Chronological Resume Type. A chronological resume presents work experience in reverse order, highlighting a candidate's career progression.

  14. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. College student format. This resume format is ideal for college students because it features a detailed education section and a simple, modern design.

  15. What Supplemental Information Should Your Resume Include?

    To include your salary history in the supplemental information on your resume, you can simply add the approximate yearly salary next to your professional experience. We recommend using a salary range instead of an exact number. For example, if you earned $35.000, we recommend writing it down as $30.000 - $40.000.

  16. How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2024

    3. List your name and contact information. To start writing your resume, create an eye-catching resume header that quickly highlights your contact information and job title. Your name should always be the largest element on your resume to make it stand out, so use a font size larger than 20 points.

  17. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation [With Tips & Template]

    The format typically consists of 1) the letterhead and full contact information, 2) a salutation, 3) an introduction, 4) an overview, 5) a personal story, 6) a closing sentence and 7) your signature. The three types of recommendation letters are employment, academic, and character recommendation letters.

  18. Exploring the 6 Different Types of Resumes

    Each type has its unique structure, purpose and benefits. Here are the different types of resumes: 1. Chronological resume. The chronological resume, or reverse chronological resume, is a time ...

  19. Transferable Skills: What They Are and How to Use Them

    Types of transferable skills. Transferable skills can be broadly categorized into two types: soft skills and hard skills. ... By effectively highlighting your transferable skills in your resume, cover letter, and interview, you can present yourself as a well-rounded and adaptable candidate, ready to take on new challenges and contribute to the ...

  20. What Are the Three Types of Cover Letter?

    The three types of cover letters are the application cover letter, the letter of interest, and the networking cover letter. Short introductory email cover letters submitted with your resume are also considered a form of cover letter. An application cover letter is used to apply for a specific job, whereas a letter of interest is for expressing ...

  21. What Is a Resume? Definition, Purpose, & Examples

    The chronological resume format is the most common type of resume used by job seekers today, and is suitable for candidates with various experience levels. Example of a chronological resume. The chronological format works best for most job seekers, including this financial advisor with five years of relevant work experience: 2. Functional resume

  22. Free Resume Summary Generator (Make a Resume Summary Fast)

    Most resume summaries are roughly three sentences long, and include the following information: Sentence #1: Your biggest selling points as a candidate, including how many years of relevant work experience you have. Sentence #2: One or more specific accomplishments or skills from your career to show employers what they can expect from you if ...