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BSOG 171
Indian Society: Images and Realities
in Hindi
English & Hindi

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IGNOU BSOG 171 भारतीय समाज: छवियाँ एवं वास्तविकताएँ Solved Assignment

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For July Session Admission  : 15th April Session For Jan Session Admission   : 15th October Session

Edukar India

IGNOU-BSOG 171 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 (Indian Society: Images and Realities)

  • 1 Assignment A
  • 2 Answer the following in about 500 words each.
  • 3 1. How was Indian civilization seen through the cultural essence approach.
  • 4 2. Critically examine the Indological view of India.
  • 5 Assignment B
  • 6 Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.
  • 7 3. Explain the nature of political unification brought about by the British in India.
  • 8 4. Discuss the Indian village as an economic unit.
  • 9 5. How does the Constitution of India safeguard the linguistic diversity of India?
  • 10 Assignment C
  • 11 Write a note on the following in about 100 words each.
  • 12 6. Minority groups
  • 13 7. Parallel and Cross-cousins
  • 14 8. Pastoralists
  • 15 9. Pandita Ramabai
  • 16.1 How to Download BSOG 171 Solved Assignment?
  • 16.2 Is the BSOG 171 Solved Assignment Free?
  • 16.3 What is the last submission date for BSOG 171 Assignment?

BSOG 171-Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Indian Society Images and Realities

IGNOU-BSOG 171 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 (Indian Society: Images and Realities)
Bachelor Degree Programme
BSOG 171
Indian Society: Images and Realities
Bachelor of Arts (General)
ASST /TMA / July 2022-23
31st March
30th September

BSOG 171-Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Indian Society Images and Realities

Assignment A

Answer the following in about 500 words each., 1. how was indian civilization seen through the cultural essence approach..

Ans: Indian civilization, one of the oldest in the world, has been studied and analyzed through various lenses. The cultural essence approach is one such lens that looks at the civilization through the cultural and spiritual values that have defined the nation and its people.

From ancient times, India has been a land of diverse cultures and religions, and this diversity has been one of the defining characteristics of its civilization. The religious beliefs and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism have greatly influenced the cultural essence of the Indian society. The ancient scriptures and texts like the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Puranas have served as the guiding lights for the people and have imparted moral and ethical values that are still relevant today.

The concept of ahimsa (non-violence), for instance, has been an integral part of Indian culture and has been central to the teachings of many religious and spiritual leaders. This value has found expression in the Indian way of life, in the form of vegetarianism, and in the Gandhian movement for independence. The idea of dharma, which encompasses the moral and ethical responsibilities of an individual, is another such value that has been central to Indian civilization.

The rich cultural heritage of India is also evident in its art and architecture. From the rock-cut caves of Ajanta and Ellora to the towering temples of Khajuraho, Indian architecture has been an expression of the cultural and spiritual values of the people. The sculptures and paintings in these temples are a testament to the rich artistic traditions of India, which have been handed down through generations.

Indian classical music and dance are other forms of cultural expression that have been an integral part of the Indian civilization. From the devotional bhajans to the sophisticated classical forms like Kathak and Bharatanatyam, Indian music and dance have been an expression of the emotions and spiritual experiences of the people.

2. Critically examine the Indological view of India.

Ans: The Indological view of India is a perspective that has been shaped over centuries by Western scholarship and seeks to understand the Indian civilization and culture through the lens of Western thought and values. This view has been influential in shaping the popular understanding of India and its people, but it has also been criticized for being limited, incomplete, and often biased.

One of the key criticisms of the Indological view is that it has been based on a limited set of sources and has failed to take into account the diversity of experiences and perspectives within Indian society. This has resulted in a one-dimensional view of India that neglects the complexity and richness of its civilization and culture. For instance, Indologists have often portrayed ancient Indian society as being static and unchanging, ignoring the dynamic processes of change and evolution that have shaped the Indian civilization.

Another criticism of the Indological view is that it has often been based on colonial-era scholarship that was driven by colonial interests and a desire to understand and control India. This has resulted in a view of India that is heavily influenced by colonial perspectives and biases, and fails to accurately represent the Indian civilization and culture.

The Indological view has also been criticized for being Eurocentric, as it has been shaped by Western philosophical and cultural traditions and has often been used to compare and evaluate Indian civilization and culture in terms of Western values and norms. This has resulted in a narrow and limited understanding of India that fails to appreciate the unique contributions and perspectives of Indian civilization.

In addition, the Indological view has been criticized for its focus on the ancient past, to the exclusion of the more recent and contemporary aspects of Indian society. This has resulted in a view of India that is disconnected from the realities of the modern world, and fails to take into account the significant changes and developments that have taken place in India in recent times.

Despite these criticisms, the Indological view of India has had a profound impact on the way that India and its people have been perceived and understood in the Western world. It has also played a significant role in shaping the study of Indian civilization and culture and has provided valuable insights into the rich and diverse heritage of India.

Assignment B

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each., 3. explain the nature of political unification brought about by the british in india..

Ans: The British political unification of India was a process that took place over a period of several centuries, beginning in the late 18th century and lasting until the mid-20th century. This process was driven by a combination of economic, military, and administrative factors. The British East India Company was the primary agent of British control over India, using its military power to conquer and control large parts of the subcontinent.

The British implemented a number of policies aimed at unifying India politically and administratively, including the creation of a centralized system of government, the establishment of a uniform legal code, and the construction of a nationwide infrastructure of roads, railways, and telegraph lines. These efforts helped to consolidate British control over India and created the conditions for a more integrated political and administrative system.

Despite the political and administrative unification brought about by the British, India remained a highly diverse and fragmented society, with different regions, religions, and ethnic groups maintaining their own distinct cultural and political traditions. The British also maintained a policy of divide-and-rule, pitting different groups against each other in order to maintain their control over the country.

The political unification of India brought about by the British had a profound impact on the subcontinent, shaping its modern political and economic landscape. On one hand, it helped to create a more integrated and connected country, laying the foundations for a modern nation-state. On the other hand, it also contributed to the marginalization and oppression of many groups, fueling resistance and struggles for independence. Today, India continues to be a country of great diversity, but it remains unified politically and administratively, with a strong central government and a vibrant democratic system.

4. Discuss the Indian village as an economic unit.

Ans: The Indian village has traditionally been seen as an economic unit, with agriculture being the main source of livelihood for the majority of the population. Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy for centuries, providing sustenance and employment to millions of people across the country. Villages in India have a rich cultural heritage and a strong sense of community, with people living and working together in close-knit groups.

Agricultural production in Indian villages is often characterized by small and fragmented landholdings, low levels of investment, and limited use of modern technology. This has resulted in low productivity levels and limited economic growth in many rural areas. The government has implemented various programs aimed at improving the economic conditions in villages, including investment in infrastructure, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and the promotion of agribusiness.

Despite the challenges, the Indian village continues to be an important source of economic activity, with many villages boasting a thriving local economy. The informal sector, including small-scale businesses, handicrafts, and services, plays a significant role in generating employment and income for rural residents. The development of non-farm activities, such as tourism, has also become an important source of income for many villages.

5. How does the Constitution of India safeguard the linguistic diversity of India?

Ans: The Constitution of India recognizes the importance of linguistic diversity and provides several provisions to safeguard the rights of linguistic minorities. The Constitution recognizes the official use of 22 different languages, including Hindi and English, and acknowledges the importance of preserving the diversity of Indian languages.

One of the key provisions of the Constitution that safeguards linguistic diversity is the use of the federal system of government. This system allows for the decentralization of power and decision-making, ensuring that local languages and cultures are protected and recognized. Additionally, the Constitution provides for the establishment of special linguistic schools and colleges, as well as the use of mother tongue in the education system.

Another important provision of the Constitution is the guarantee of the freedom of speech and expression, which includes the right to use any language. This provision is important in ensuring that linguistic minorities are able to express themselves freely and to preserve their cultural heritage.

The Constitution also provides for the establishment of linguistic provinces, which allows for the creation of states based on linguistic identities. This has helped to preserve the linguistic and cultural heritage of different regions and has ensured that the rights of linguistic minorities are protected.

Assignment C

Write a note on the following in about 100 words each., 6. minority groups.

Ans: Minority groups are defined as social groups that have less power, fewer resources, and a smaller representation in a society compared to the dominant group. They may be differentiated based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, language, sexuality, and ability. Minority groups often face discrimination, prejudice, and unequal treatment due to their minority status. They are also frequently subject to institutionalized forms of oppression and marginalized in political, economic, and social spheres. It is important to acknowledge and address the challenges faced by minority groups in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society. This involves promoting diversity, challenging systemic inequalities, and advocating for the rights of minority groups.

7. Parallel and Cross-cousins

Ans: Parallel cousins and cross-cousins are terms used to describe the relationship between cousins in a family. Parallel cousins are the children of siblings of the same gender, while cross-cousins are the children of siblings of the opposite gender. For example, a person’s mother’s brother’s child and a person’s father’s sister’s child are considered cross-cousins.

In many cultures, the relationship between parallel and cross-cousins can have significant cultural and social implications. For instance, cross-cousins may have a closer relationship and be expected to have a stronger bond, while parallel cousins may have a more distant relationship. The relationship between cousins also affects the dynamics of inheritance and property rights. Understanding the cultural and social significance of parallel and cross-cousin relationships is important for understanding family dynamics and relationships in different cultures.

8. Pastoralists

Ans: Pastoralists are people who rely on raising livestock, such as cattle, sheep, and goats, for their livelihood. They live a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle, moving their herds to different grazing lands in search of fresh pasture for their animals. Pastoralism is a traditional way of life for many communities in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Pastoralists play an important role in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance in their ecosystems. They also contribute significantly to the economies of their regions through the sale of livestock and dairy products. However, pastoralists often face challenges such as loss of grazing land, conflict with farmers and other groups, and the impact of climate change.

Recognizing the importance of pastoralism and supporting pastoral communities is crucial for sustainable development and food security. This involves promoting policies that respect the rights and livelihoods of pastoralists, protecting their grazing lands, and ensuring their access to markets and other resources.

9. Pandita Ramabai

Ans: Pandita Ramabai was a 19th-century Indian social reformer and activist who dedicated her life to improving the status of women in India. She was born into a Brahmin family in Maharashtra and became a child widow at the age of 11. Despite facing discrimination and opposition, she became one of the first women in India to receive a modern education.

Ramabai was a strong advocate for the education and empowerment of women and worked to improve the lives of widows and girls. She established the Sharada Sadan, a home for widows, and the Mukti Mission, a school for girls. She also wrote several books, including “The High-Caste Hindu Woman,” which provided a critical perspective on the treatment of women in Hindu society.

Ramabai’s work and activism were influential in shaping the Indian women’s movement and her legacy continues to inspire generations of women activists and reformers. She remains a symbol of courage, determination, and the fight for women’s rights in India.

10. Zamindari System

Ans: Zamindari System was a feudal land tenure system in India that existed during British rule. It allowed landlords, called zamindars, to collect rent from tenant farmers in exchange for the right to use the land. This system was widely criticized for its exploitation of the rural population and their poverty, as well as the lack of security and protection for tenants. The government eventually abolished the Zamindari System in the 1950s, through the Zamindari Abolition Act, aimed at promoting land reform and ending the economic exploitation of rural communities. The act redistributed land to tenant farmers and provided them with ownership rights. The Zamindari System remains a significant part of India’s history, as it illustrates the impact of colonialism and the struggle for land rights in the country.

How to Download BSOG 171 Solved Assignment?

You can download it from the www.edukar.in , they have a big database for all the IGNOU solved assignments.

Is the BSOG 171 Solved Assignment Free?

Yes this is absolutely free to download the solved assignment from www.edukar.in

What is the last submission date for BSOG 171 Assignment?

For June Examination: 31st March, For December Examination: 30th September

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IGNOU BSOG-171 - Indian Society: Images and Realities , Latest Solved Assignment (July 2023 - January 2024)

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IGNOU BSOG-171 July 2023 - January 2024 - Solved Assignment

Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment BSOG-171 - Indian Society: Images and Realities ? Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in English and Hindi language.

This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of Sociology , for the July 2023 - January 2024 session. The code for the assignment is BSOG-171 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the BAG, BA (Honours), BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAPAH, BASOH, BAEGH, BAHDH Degree.

Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.

IGNOU BSOG-171 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions

Assignment A

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Examine the elements that have played a role in unifying Indian civilization 2. Critically examine the colonial view of India

Assignment B

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.

3. Explain the nature of legal unification brought about by the British in India 4. Write a note on matrilineal groups in North east India 5. How does the Constitution of India safeguard the linguistic diversity of India?

Assignment C

Write a note on the following in about 100 words each.

6. Purity and pollution 7. Affinal relatives 8. Pilgrimage towns 9. Ethnic boundary 10. Varna and jati

IGNOU BSOG-171 (July 2022 - January 2023) Assignment Questions

1. How was Indian civilization seen through the cultural essence approach

2. Critically examine the Indological view of India

3. Explain the nature of political unification brought about by the British in India

4. Discuss the Indian village as an economic unit

5. How does the Constitution of India safeguard the linguistic diversity of India?

6. Minority groups

7. Parallel and Cross-cousins

8. Pastoralists

9. Pandita Ramabai

10. Zamindari System

सत्रीय कार्य I

निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक के उत्तर लगभग 500 शब्दों में दीजिए।

1. उन तत्वों का परीक्षण कीजिए जिन्होंने भारतीय सभ्यता को एकीकृत करने में भूमिका निभाई है । 2. भारत के औपनिवेशिक दृष्टिकोण का आलोचनात्मक परीक्षण कीजिए।

सत्रीय कार्य II

निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक के उत्तर लगभग 250 शब्दों में दीजिए ।

3. भारत में अंग्रेजों द्वारा लाए गए राजनीतिक एकीकरण की प्रकृति की व्याख्या कीजिए । 4. उत्तर पूर्व भारत में मातृवंशीय समूहों पर एक टिप्पणी लिखिए 5. भारत का संविधान भारत की भाषाई विविधता का संरक्षण कैसे करता है?

सत्रीय कार्य III

निम्नलिखित में से प्रत्येक के उत्तर लगभग 100 शब्दों में दीजिए ।

6. पवित्रता और प्रदूषण 7. रक्त-संबंधी रिश्तेदार 8. तीर्थनगर 9. संजातीय सीमा 10. वर्ण और जाति

1. भारतीय सभ्यता के सांस्कृतिक सार दृष्टिकोण को स्पष्ट कीजिए ।

2. भारत के भारतविद्या दृष्टिकोण का आलोचनात्मक परीक्षण कीजिए ।

3. भारत में अंग्रेजों द्वारा लाए गए राजनीतिक एकीकरण की प्रकृति की व्याख्या कीजिए ।

4. भारतीय गाँव की एक आर्थिक इकाई के रूप में चर्चा कीजिए ।

5. भारत का संविधान भारत की भाषाई विविधता की रक्षा कैसे करता है? स्पष्ट कीजिए ।

6. अल्पसंख्यक समूह

7. समानांतर और क्रॉस- चचेरे-मौसेरे - फूफेरे भाई-बहन ( कज़न)

9. पंडिता रमाबाई

10. जमींदारी व्यवस्था

BSOG-171 Assignment Details

  • University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
  • Title Indian Society: Images and Realities
  • Language(s) English and Hindi
  • Session July 2023 - January 2024
  • Code BSOG-171
  • Subject Sociology
  • Degree(s) BAG , BA (Honours) , BAECH , BAHIH , BAPSH , BAPCH , BAPAH , BASOH , BAEGH , BAHDH
  • Course Generic Electives (GE)
  • Author Gullybaba.com Panel
  • Publisher Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Assignment Submission End Date

The IGNOU open learning format requires students to submit study Assignments. Here is the final end date of the submission of this particular assignment according to the university calendar.

  • 30th April  (if Enrolled in the June Exams)
  • 31st October (if Enrolled in the December Exams).

Download Files & Sessions Details

Here are the PDF files that you can Download for this Assignment. You can pick the language of your choice and see other relevant information such as the Session, File Size and Format.

English Language

  • July 2023 - January 2024 8 Pages (0.00 ), PDF Format SKU: IGNGB-AS-BAH-BSOG171-EN-361
  • July 2022 - January 2023 8 Pages (0.00 ), PDF Format SKU: IGNGB-AS-BAH-BSOG171-EN-255

Hindi Language

  • July 2023 - January 2024 10 Pages (0.00 ), PDF Format SKU: IGNGB-AS-BAH-BSOG171-HI-361
  • July 2022 - January 2023 10 Pages (0.00 ), PDF Format SKU: IGNGB-AS-BAH-BSOG171-HI-255

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  • All Solved Answers By IGNOU Experts.
  • Available for 3 Times for Download.
  • Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF.
  • Print Ready Format: A4 (21 x 29 x .20 cm (Width x Length x Height)

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IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material

IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Materials & Books – IGNOU BSOG-171 Books are now uploaded and available for download online to get started your study. If you came on this page to download each collection of BSOG-171 Study Material then you are at the right place. We have listed all available study materials for BSOG-171 and it is now ready and available for all BSOG-171 Students to download.

It is noted that the IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Materials can be downloaded online free of cost and will be available for all students even if they didn't registered for IGNOU BAHIH program.

IGNOU BAHIH Study Material

List of IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material

Block-01 Ideas of India
Block-02 Institutions and Processes
Block-03 Critiques

Benefits of Downloading IGNOU BSOG-171 Online Books

To attend the IGNOU BSOG-171 Term end Examination, it is necessary to first submit your IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment and that can be possible with the help of available online Books and Material. Apart from the Assignments, You can use this material for the preparation of the term end examination to get good marks in the IGNOU BAHIH Exam with good grades.

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IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material: Latest e-book Download Free 2024

  • January 30, 2024

If you are in search of IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material titled “ Indian Society: Images and Realities /भारतीय समाज: छवियाँ एवं वास्तविकताएँ” to support your studies in IGNOU BAG Sociology, you’ve arrived at the perfect destination. We have made available the Study Material in PDF Format for easy access. if you do not have the physical copies of the BSOG-171 course materials, worry not, as you can conveniently download them from here in PDF format.

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BSOG-171 Study Material(e-books ) Details

Course CodeBSOG171
Course TitleIndian Society: Images and Realities/भारतीय समाज: छवियाँ एवं वास्तविकताएँ

Students should use the IGNOU e-books they’ve been given to get help with their BSOG-171 assignments. These pdf e-books are really useful for doing assignments and getting ready for the exams. The study material is really helpful and easy to understand. If you use it a lot, look at extra stuff to learn, and talk to your friends and teachers, you’ll be well-prepared to do well in your distance learning.

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BSOG-171 INDIAN SOCIETY: IMAGES AND REALITIES in English Previous Year Question Papers

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BSOG-171 Previous Question Papers
Previous Question Papers (Soft copy/PDF)
DECEMBER 2020,DECEMBER 2021,June 2022,DECEMBER 2022
Paper of BSOG-171 (IGNOU)

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Read more: How to Make IGNOU Solved Assignment? 


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BSW-131 Social Welfare Administration and Social Action in English Previous Year...

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IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment 2023-24

If any students don’t have time or facing problem to make BSOG-171 ( Indian Society: Images and Realities) Tutor Marked assignment? Those students can easily get Ignou BSOG-171 solved assignment 2023-24 by sending an email at [email protected] or WHATSAPP (9953207989) .

Table of Contents

IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment 2023-24?

  • IGNOU BSOG-171 Assignment 2023-24 Free Download?

IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment Submission Date?

To get degree of Bachelor of Arts (BAG), students need to submit Ignou BSOG-171 Solved Assignment for July 2023 and January 2024 cycle. Students need to submit solved assignment before last date to be appear in June 2024 and December 2024 term end examination.

Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. It is mandatory for students to submit the solved assignments of BSOG171 to complete the course requiring assignment work.

IGNOU BSOG 171 Assignment 2023-24 Free Download?

There are many education and social websites available online which provides BSOG171 solved assignment 2023-24 to many students at free of cost. They provide free BSOG171 (BAG) solved Assignment in PDF format.

BSOG-171 (Indian Society: Images and Realities)
Soft Copy / PDF
BAG General
FOR IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment 2023-24, contact me at WHATSAPP (9953207989) IGNOU BPCG-172 Solved Assignment 2023-24

Every year, the distance university uploaded BSOG171 Assignment booklet on their website. It’s valid for 2 session i.e January 2024 and July 2023. Interested students can download BSOG171 (Indian Society: Images and Realities) Assignment booklet by visiting university official website www.ignou.ac.in in form of PDF format.

To download Ignou BSOG-171 solved assignment 2023-24, Click Here

  • IGNOU BSOG-171 Assignment in English Medium
  • IGNOU BSOG-171 Assignment in Hindi Medium

This assignment is valid for two admission cycles ( January 2024 and July 2023 ).

This assignment is for students enrolled for July 2023 and January 2024 sessions . Students enrolled for July 2023 session should submit the assignment by 30th April 2024 , and students enrolled for January 2024 session should submit it by 31st October 2024 .

Keep visiting our website for IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment 2023-24 Free Download !!

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 by Team Guffo · Published 2023


IGNOU BSOG-171 is a course under the Bachelor of Arts (BA) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). To successfully complete the course and be eligible to appear for the exams in...

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IGNOU BSOG-171 Previous Year Exam Question Papers

Download previous year ignou exam question papers for bsog-171: indian society: images and realities. question papers are available for june and december term end examinations starting from 2010 to 2023, download bsog-171 ignou previous year term end exam question paper entitled indian society: images and realities which is applicable for bachelor of arts (general), bachelor of arts (honours) economics, bachelor of arts (honours) history, bachelor of arts (honours) political science, bachelor of arts (honours) psychology, bachelor of arts (honours) english, bachelor of performing arts hindustani music, ba in public administration, ba in hindi, bsc in anthropology (bag, baech, bahih, bapsh, bapch, baegh, bapfhmh, bapah, bahdh, bscanh) course(s) in ignou absolutely free click on the appropriate button to get the examination question paper of the year you are looking for. you will get the pdf downloaded instantly checking and comparing previous year question papers for this subject will help you understand which question have been repeated many times. this can help you prepare for your exams effectively..

Stop! Read this before you proceed.

Did You Know there's a better way to study?

Since BSOG-171 is a complicated subject, simply checking the question papers might not be enough to pass easily. You might want to consider getting the below guidebook which takes each and every question in the past 20 question papers and performs a thorough research and analysis on it to tell you the exact probability of which questions were repeated the most and are most likely to appear in your exams! Whats more is that all the questions from the below question papers will be solved and explained in the book in simple language so you can study and pass easily.

IGNOU Study Guide Book

Since BSOG-171 is a complicated subject, simply checking the question papers might not be enough to pass easily. You might want to consider getting the below guidebook which takes each and every question in the past 20 question papers and performs a thorough research and analysis on it to tell you the exact probability of which questions were repeated the most and are most likely to appear in your exams! Whats more is that all the questions from the below question papers will be solved and explained in the book in simple language so you can study and pass easily.

Bsog-171: indian society: images and realities, download previous year question papers for bsog-171, 100% verified solved assignments from ₹ 40  written in our own words so that you get the best marks.

Don't have time to write your assignment neatly? Get it written by experts and get free home delivery

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Download Previous year Question Papers for reference and Exam Preparation for free!

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  2. BSOG-171 IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution

    If you are looking for BSOG-171 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Indian Society: Images and Realities, you have come to the right place. BSOG-171 solution on this page applies to 2023-24 session students studying in BAG, BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAEGH, BAPFHMH, BAPAH, BAHDH, BSCANH, BAJDM courses of IGNOU. Also available in PDF format.

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  4. PDF BACHELOR OF ARTS (BASOH) ASSIGNMENT July 2021 and January 2022 sessions

    TMAs for a four credit course. This Assignment booklet has TMAs for the core course BSOG-171 Indian Society: Images and Realities which is a six credit course. The booklet therefore has three TMAs whose total marks add up to 100 and carry a weightage of 30 %. Assignment A has Descriptive Category Questions (DCQs). These are meant for writing

  5. PDF BACHELOR OF ARTS (BASOH) ASSIGNMENT For the students enrolled in July

    TMAs for a four credit course. This Assignment booklet has TMAs for the core course BSOG-171 Indian Society: Images and Realities which is a six credit course. The booklet therefore has three TMAs whose total marks add up to 100 and carry a weightage of 30 %. Assignment A has Descriptive Category Questions (DCQs). These are meant for writing

  6. IGNOU-BSOG 171 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 (Indian ...

    IGNOU-BSOG 171 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 (Indian Society: Images and Realities) 2 Answer the following in about 500 words each. 3 1. How was Indian civilization seen through the cultural essence approach. 4 2. Critically examine the Indological view of India. 6 Answer the following questions in about 250 words each. 7 3.

  7. BSOG-171 IGNOU Solved Assignment Solution

    If you are looking for BSOG-171 IGNOU Solved Assignment solution for the subject Indian Society: Images and Realities, you have come to the right place. BSOG-171 solution on this page applies to 2020-21 session students studying in BAG, BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAEGH, BAPFHMH, BAPAH, BAHDH, BSCANH courses of IGNOU. Also available in PDF format.

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    If you're looking for the link to the IGNOU BSOG 171 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Pdf Download, you've come to the correct place. All IGNOU students who have begun preparing for and writing their IGNOU BAG Sociology (CBCS) Assignments, or who will in the near future, should take a break and read our blog titled "IGNOU BSOG 171 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Download."

  9. IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment

    The code for the assignment is BSOG-171 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the BAG, BA (Honours), BAECH, BAHIH, BAPSH, BAPCH, BAPAH, BASOH, BAEGH, BAHDH Degree. Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format.

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    DSpace JSPUI eGyanKosh preserves and enables easy and open access to all types of digital content including text, images, moving images, mpegs and data sets

  11. IGNOU BSOG-171 Previous Year Question Papers

    Download IGNOU BSOG-171 Previous Year Question Papers. We have uploaded the last 10-years question paper, These old paper provides an insight into the type of questions that are asked in the upcoming exam simply click on the link below to download free of cost. ... Click the link below to download these old exam paper pdf for free! June 2023 ...

  12. BSOG-171 Indian Society

    IGNOU provides free Softcopy/PDF Books for students to help in their studies. Anyone can download the books, read them, and prepare for the exams. ... How to download IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment? Students who are enrolled in BSOG-171 and are looking for IGNOU Solved Assignments for all subjects in the form of PDF at a reasonable price, ...

  13. IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material

    We have listed all available study materials for BSOG-171 and it is now ready and available for all BSOG-171 Students to download. It is noted that the IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Materials can be downloaded online free of cost and will be available for all students even if they didn't registered for IGNOU BAHIH program. IGNOU BAHIH Study Material.

  14. IGNOU BSOG-171 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

    If you are looking to download BSOG-171: Indian Society: Images and Realities Assignment Question Paper for 2022-23 sessions, you have come to the right place. Click on the image or button below to download the question paper for free. Alternatively, if you are looking for the solved assignment reference material for this subject, you may download that using the button below as well. This ...

  15. IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material: Latest e-book Download Free 2024

    We have made available the Study Material in PDF Format for easy access. if you do not have the physical copies of the BSOG-171 course materials, worry not, as you can conveniently download them from here in PDF format. Download the BSOG-171 Study Material in English Language From Below Links. BLOCK 1. Download.

  16. BSOG-171 INDIAN SOCIETY: IMAGES AND REALITIES in English Previous Year

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    Download. FOR IGNOU BSOG-171 Solved Assignment 2023-24, contact me at WHATSAPP (9953207989) IGNOU BPCG-172 Solved Assignment 2023-24. Every year, the distance university uploaded BSOG171 Assignment booklet on their website. It's valid for 2 session i.e January 2024 and July 2023. Interested students can download BSOG171 (Indian Society ...

  18. IGNOU BSOG-171 Study Material & Textbook Download

    If you are looking for BSOG-171 IGNOU Study Material or Textbook entitled Indian Society: Images and Realities you have come to the right place. This is because eGyankosh allows you to download single units at a time but we provide you with the fully combined pdf with all blocks and units. Click on the image or the button below to download the study material for free!

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  20. IGNOU BSOG-171 Assignment Question Paper Free Download (2023-24)

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  22. IGNOU BSOG-171 Previous Year Exam Question Papers

    Download previous year IGNOU exam question papers for BSOG-171: Indian Society: Images and Realities. Question Papers are available for June and December Term End Examinations starting from 2010 to 2023 Download BSOG-171 IGNOU Previous Year Term End Exam Question Paper entitled Indian Society: Images and Realities which is applicable for Bachelor of Arts (General), Bachelor of Arts (Honours ...