What is business communication? [Guide + benefits]

Updated on August 28, 2024

Published on August 28, 2024

two professionals communicating in a business setting

  • 01 What is business communication? - Jumplink to What is business communication?
  • 02 Why business communication matters - Jumplink to Why business communication matters
  • 03 Types of business communication - Jumplink to Types of business communication
  • 04 Business communication channels - Jumplink to Business communication channels
  • 05 How to build excellent business communication - Jumplink to How to build excellent business communication
  • 06 The technology you need for better business communication - Jumplink to The technology you need for better business communication
  • 07 Ready to improve your business communication practices? - Jumplink to Ready to improve your business communication practices?


We communicate every day without thinking about it. When you nod at a polite driver when crossing the road, text your hairstylist about a new appointment, or greet your kids after school — these are all moments of communication where valuable information is passed from one person to another. Sometimes, that information doesn’t even have to be verbal. It can be as simple as a gesture.

In business, things get a little more complicated. Direct and effective communication forms the backbone of nearly all company operations. After all, you can accomplish very few projects without at least some discussion about timelines, expectations, and goals.

Today, we’ll discuss  what business communication is, why it’s distinct from other types of communication, and how to get better at it.

What is business communication?

Business communication is the exchange of information or ideas — typically via speaking, writing, or an audiovisual component — in a business context. For example, sending your coworker an instant message via Zoom Chat to remind them of an upcoming deadline is business communication in action.

Communication in the workplace presents unique challenges and often higher risks than, say, a conversation with the cashier at the grocery store. The cost of miscommunication can be high —  up to $12,506 per employee per year. However, the rewards of good communication are often proportionally high.

importance of communication in business

Why business communication matters

The importance of good business communication is perhaps obvious: Without clear and efficient communication, you can’t provide the products and services your customers know and love. This concept may seem simple, but to succeed at work, it’s critical to understand how business communication differs from other types of day-to-day communication.

Good communication helps make your operations more efficient, strengthen your internal and external relationships, and improve brand reputation . 

Bad communication can lead to missed deadlines, strained relationships between clients and coworkers, and incoherent processes that cost your team time and money. 

Incidentally, this is one of the biggest discussions around implementing artificial intelligence (AI). AI adoption can increase efficiency and productivity, but when it comes to communication, AI can struggle to provide a personal touch .

We don’t think (at least consciously) about communication often — but that’s because we do it all the time. And like many things we do all the time and don’t think about, sometimes it’s essential to go back to those processes and habits and make sure we’re doing them the right way.

Types of business communication

We generally divide business communication into two types: internal and external. Each has its own quirks, and understanding both is necessary for effective communication in the workplace. 

Let’s look at some business communication examples for each type.

a chart containing the types of business communication, internal and external, and subtypes of each

Internal communication 

Internal communication is communication within an organization. While historically, most of that communication has revolved around supporting company goals and objectives, lately many companies have shifted to focus on culture. In fact, 74% of organizations believe internal communication is meant to support culture and belonging. 

A few subtypes of internal communication you’ve probably experienced include upward communication, downward communication, and horizontal communication. 

Upward: From employees to management

Upward internal communication involves the flow of information from employees to management. When employees provide feedback, report issues, or share ideas, that’s upward internal communication in action.

  • Upward communication helps employees feel empowered since they have a voice in the organization. 
  • It can also help improve management decision-making since employees can communicate issues and priorities. 
  • Leadership also benefits from upward communication, as it offers transparency into employee perspectives
  • Information can become distorted as it moves up the chain of command. 
  • There may be some lack of transparency when employees communicate upward due to fear of negative repercussions. 

Example: A sales team employee identifies a recurring customer complaint and submits a suggestion box entry proposing a solution to the product development team. This suggestion is then used to improve the product and ultimately helps the sales team close more deals. 

Tip: Maintain an open-door policy to create a safe and supportive environment for employees to share their experiences without fear of consequences. 

Downward: From management to employees

Downward communication occurs when information flows from management to employees. This usually involves providing instructions, goals, expectations, or insight about the company’s direction.

Some pros and cons of downward communication include:


  • Downward communication is essential for providing clear direction for projects and initiatives.
  • Managers can make goals transparent and accessible to employees. 
  • Ensure employee projects are aligned with company goals and objectives. 


  • Too much downward communication can feel one-sided , so be sure to balance upward and downward communication in your organization. 
  • Employees may feel disconnected if communication flows entirely in one direction. 

Example: A manager sends a department email detailing upcoming project deadlines, task assignments, and team goals. This gives all employees a clear idea of upcoming projects and expectations. 

Tip: Establish regular feedback mechanisms or opportunities so that employees can ask questions and provide feedback on instructions and goals provided by managers. This helps facilitate a meaningful two-way dialogue between employees and managers. 

Horizontal: Between peers and departments

Horizontal communication, sometimes called lateral communication, is all communication between peers. This type of communication can happen across departments as long as all parties are at the same organizational level. 

Some pros and cons of horizontal communication include:


  • Team collaboration helps reduce information silos company-wide. 
  • Horizontal communication can help teams solve problems collaboratively — often making finding solutions faster and easier . 
  • Teams can find innovative solutions with more eyes on each project. 
  • Horizontal communication can increase conflict if not managed well since more opinions are involved per project. 
  • Employees can become overwhelmed with too much information.

Example: An engineer from the product development team consults with the design team to align a new feature with user experience best practices. This individual then creates a more optimized product for the end user.

Tip:  Establish transparent processes for requesting and receiving horizontal feedback and collaborating across teams. The more transparent you can make these clear channels and processes, the better! This will make relevant information available to all stakeholders and keep managers in the loop.

illustration of how technology provides connection opportunities in the workplace

External communication

External communication is communication between individuals within your organization and individuals outside your organization. Clear and effective communication is crucial for organizational goals and long-term brand reputation. 

Let’s take a look at the three types of external communication: customer communication, stakeholder communication, and public relations. 

Customer communication: Support and engagement

Customer communication may be the first thing that comes to mind when looking for an example of business communication. This often involves solving customer problems with the product or service, troubleshooting, managing customer relationships, and more. 

Some pros and cons of customer communication include:

  • Great customer communication helps your clients or customers feel seen, heard, supported, and valued .
  • An exceptional customer experience can lead to customer loyalty for life. 
  • Working with customers can be resource-intensive , as employees need training for customer interfacing.
  • Specialized tools for customer communication can also be expensive , requiring significant upfront investment. 

Example: A company might create a knowledge base of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and troubleshooting guides on its website to empower customers to find solutions independently. 

Tip: An omnichannel contact center experience can streamline customer communication and help your team provide highly personalized responses. 

Stakeholder communication: Reporting and updates

Stakeholder communication is similar to upward communication but takes place outside the company. It can involve sharing company updates with investors, suppliers, or the wider community. 

Some pros and cons of stakeholder communication include:

  • Communicating openly and building trust with stakeholders or shareholders, which can be valuable for the company. 
  • Clear and positive stakeholder communication fosters long-term support with key community members.
  • Providing too much information to stakeholders can overwhelm them, muddying the waters. 
  • If there are errors in predictions or data, you may risk damaging the stakeholder relationship . 

Example: A company might report a successful year to investors by providing a list of achievements, such as 15% revenue growth, improved profit margins, and/or expansion plans.

Tip: Tailor all communications with stakeholders to each group’s interests, providing the most relevant information for further understanding your company. 

Public relations: Managing the company’s image

Finally, public relations (PR) involves sharing information from a company like yours to the public. This process usually involves shaping and maintaining a particular narrative or image to build a relationship with the audience. 

Some pros and cons of public relations include:

  • Effective PR strategies are essential in managing crises, as they can help to mitigate damage and shape public perception during difficult times. 
  • PR can enhance credibility since third-party endorsements often carry more weight than paid advertisements.
  • Building an effective PR campaign takes time , from forming relationships with the media to crafting the perfect messages.
  • PR can also be resource-intensive , as multiple stakeholders may need to review on each end.

Example: A company proactively issues a press release to address a negative news story, clarifying the situation and taking responsibility for any shortcomings.

Tip:  Stay engaged with your audience through multiple channels, including social media, press releases, and events. Staying connected with your audience helps build a positive presence in the community.

Business communication channels

Now that we’ve covered the different types of communication, let’s talk about how to reach your audience with each kind of business communication. These are some of the most common business communication channels — most of which you’ve probably utilized at one point or another:

  • Email: Best for formal communication and documentation
  • Instant messaging: Favored for quick, informal conversations
  • Video conferencing: Get face-to-face interaction from anywhere in the world
  • Project management tools: Usually used to coordinate tasks and projects
  • Social media: Best for engaging with clients and the public

How to build excellent business communication

Building efficient and effective business communication practices is essential to building and maintaining a successful business. After all, if you can’t communicate effectively, all parts of your business will be less efficient than they could be. 

With this in mind, we’ll look at five ways to improve communication within your operation. 

1. Set clear objectives and prioritize blockers

Setting clear expectations and goals for your team makes prioritizing easier across the board. By establishing clear objectives (and prioritizing problem areas), you can better track progress and make informed project adjustments as needed. 

2. Designate communication roles and responsibilities

A good communication process will struggle without comprehensive training! Make sure to train all team members in the communication expectations for their roles and responsibilities.

3. Invest in the technology your business communication needs

To empower your employees to communicate effectively, invest in technology like Zoom Meetings to keep everyone connected and on the same page. Video meetings and team chats centralize communication and make feedback and collaboration easy. 

4. Encourage feedback and discussion on communication processes  

Communication processes are rarely just set-it-and-forget-it. Encourage employees to give feedback on both internal and external communication processes to improve continuously. A transparent review process and open-door policies can go a long way in achieving this goal.   

5. Measure effectiveness and adjust processes accordingly

Finally, keep an eye on the success of your communication processes. Is information being distributed successfully? Is anyone confused? Are there regular moments of misunderstanding or need for clarification? 

Pinpointing these moments can help you identify where you need to adjust your business communication processes.

The technology you need for better business communication

We’ve covered the types of communication in business and some common use cases; now we’ll go over practical applications. These tools can help your team do more — and do it more efficiently!

table of four essential communication technologies

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol , is a tool that makes international business calls simple and easy. It functions just like a regular telephone but uses the internet to reach the other person on the line. This technology is more reliable than regular phone calls and can help your team communicate globally without interference. 

You can now add AI-powered features to many cloud VoIP packages , such as note-taking, SMS capabilities, and call summaries. 

Team chat software

Team chat software is indispensable to business communication in the modern workplace. Instant messaging through team chat is faster and often more efficient than email, allowing quick and easy communication with teammates and supervisors. 

We all know and love the power of email for professional communication. But did you know you can do more with email than ever before? Zoom Mail Service offers end-to-end encryption, easy appointment scheduling, and customizable domains, all within the mail client. 

Contact center software 

Finally, a contact center software tool is essential to customer-facing communication today. When considering the customer’s preferences as part of an ideal customer experience, an integrated video-based contact center just makes sense.

Check out this checklist to see if your business could benefit from a cloud-based contact center solution.

Ready to improve your business communication practices?

If you feel inspired by these business communication examples and are ready to examine your processes again, we hope this overview of the available technologies and tools will help you optimize for success. Communication is a critical part of business operations — and the tools necessary to facilitate good communication are just as critical.

Ready to take the next step toward a more collaborative workplace? Bring your team together with  virtual video conferencing from Zoom .

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A guide for mastering the art of business communication.

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President & Founder at APS Global Partners Inc. | President & Founder at Medias Health Inc.| Forbes Business Council Influencer.

Effective communication is crucial for success in today's dynamic business landscape—enabling idea conveyance, collaboration and relationship-building with clients and colleagues. Here are some strategies and best practices to empower your entrepreneurship journey.

The Pillars Of Business Communication

Business communication encompasses various activities, from written and verbal exchanges to nonverbal cues and interpersonal interactions. Effective business communication is about delivering messages and promoting understanding, trust and cooperation.

• Clarity and precision: One of the fundamental principles of effective business communication is clarity. Ambiguity can lead to misunderstandings and errors that can be costly in business. Whether it's a simple email or an important presentation, strive for clear and concise communication. One trick that I like to use is to revisit my first draft of a message the next day, gaining a fresh perspective to make necessary clarity improvements. Another technique is to ask for feedback from a colleague or trusted peer.

• Active listening: Communication is a two-way street; listening is just as important as speaking. As an entrepreneur, you must be an active listener to truly understand the needs and concerns of your clients, employees and partners.

• Tailoring your message: Different audiences require different approaches. Whether you're speaking with employees, investors, customers or partners, adapt your communication style to cater to their specific needs and preferences. This demonstrates your ability to empathize and connect with your audience. For example, I recently presented to potential partners about the Canadian startup visa program. Rather than diving into details right away, I focused on building trust by sharing success stories of startups launched with my company's help. This allowed me to connect with the audience on a personal level.

• Nonverbal communication: It's not just what you say but also how you say it. Nonverbal cues like body language, facial expressions and tone of voice can convey as much information as words. Pay attention to your nonverbal communication so you can make sure it matches up with your desired message.

Selecting The Right Communication Channels

In today's interconnected world, there are numerous communication channels. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and selecting the appropriate channel for a particular situation is crucial for successful communication.

• Email: Email remains a cornerstone of business communication for sending documents and written updates. Be mindful of email etiquette , respond promptly and use subject lines that convey the essence of the message.

• Meetings and presentations: Face-to-face meetings, whether in person or via video conferencing, provide an opportunity for more personal and interactive communication. They are essential for discussing complex topics, brainstorming and building relationships. When presenting, use visual aids and engage your audience to maintain their interest and drive home key points.

• Instant messaging and collaboration tools: Instant messaging and collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams are indispensable for quick exchanges and collaboration. They allow real-time communication, file sharing and project management.

• Social media: Social media platforms are increasingly vital for businesses to connect with customers and promote their brands. They provide a channel for engagement and feedback, helping you stay relevant and build a loyal customer base. However, it's crucial to maintain a professional image and tone on these platforms. One way I like to ensure a professional tone is to establish clear brand guidelines and ensure that everyone who posts on your behalf follows the guidelines closely. Additionally, reviewing your content before publishing it can help you catch any mistakes or tone issues.

• In-person communication: Don't underestimate the power of in-person communication. Networking events, conferences and business dinners offer opportunities to forge strong personal connections and partnerships.

Common Challenges

Effective communication is not always straightforward. Recognizing the potential challenges is the first step in overcoming them.

• Language barriers: These days, businesses often interact with people from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Language barriers can lead to misunderstandings. To address this, consider offering language training for your team and using translation services when necessary. Personally, I have experienced challenges related to language barriers, especially when communicating with individuals whose primary language is not English. To address this, I have tried to use simple language, avoid idioms and jargon and speak slowly and clearly.

• Cultural differences: Cultural nuances can significantly impact how messages are received. What's acceptable in one culture might be offensive in another. It's essential to be culturally aware and sensitive to the cultural backgrounds of your audience to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

• Overcommunication: Ironically, overcommunication can be as detrimental as undercommunication. Bombarding people with excessive messages and information can lead to confusion and frustration. Aim to strike the right balance, ensuring the information you convey is relevant and timely.

• Technology overload: While technology has revolutionized communication, it can also be overwhelming. Notifications, emails and messages from various platforms can overload information. Implement strategies to manage and prioritize communication effectively, such as setting designated communication times or using task management tools.

• Lack of feedback: Feedback is crucial for improving communication. Without feedback, you may not be aware of any issues or areas for improvement. Encourage an open feedback culture within your organization, where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.

The Impact Of Effective Communication

Now, let's explore the profound impact effective business communication can have on your entrepreneurial journey and your business' success.

• Increased productivity: When everyone is on the same page, tasks can be completed more efficiently and with fewer errors.

• Enhanced collaboration: Effective communication fosters teamwork, ensuring that employees work harmoniously towards common goals. Collaboration is essential for innovation and growth, whether within your team or in partnerships with other businesses.

• Improved decision making: When leaders and teams communicate effectively, they can assess situations accurately, identify opportunities and make strategic decisions that benefit the business.

• Customer satisfaction: Effective communication builds trust with your clients. They appreciate timely responses to their inquiries and concerns, making them more likely to remain loyal and recommend your services to others.

Clear and efficient communication drives company growth. Prioritize clarity, active listening and the appropriate communication channels. After all, in business, it's not just about what you know but how you communicate it.

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Effective Business Communication Assignment Sample

Task Description: The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed (improved) to increase their communication effectiveness. This assessment is aimed to assess your ability to demonstrate advanced knowledge in written communication and your skill to autonomously reflect about good practices in workplace communication. Through the process of self-reflection, you will be able to improve your communication competencies through your knowledge of and ability to perform contextually appropriate communicative behaviours.

This assignment has three specific components.

1. Diagnosis and Reflection

  • Using 5 diagnostic tools related to communication, you are to analyse your own communication style across various areas such as verbal communication, active listening, non- verbal, and assertiveness perception. You will be given the individual diagnostics during the tutorials. Your tutor/lecturer will check and sign-off that you have completed each individual diagnostic during the tutorials. This means that if you fail to attend some or any of tutorial you will not be able to receive and complete the diagnostics. The signed diagnostics must be submitted as a separate PDF file.
  • You are to present the findings of the tools. The scores for each diagnostic must be included in your essay. In doing so you will show your understanding of the results as they apply to your personal situation.
  • Based upon your analysis of the findings you are to identify two key communication issues that you have identified as requiring development.
  • Reflect on two recent professional interactions that you have had within the past 12 months. Analyse these interactions from the perspective of the two key communication issues that are identified as requiring development. To what extent are these evident and support the need for personal communication development?

2. Literature review You are to identify and explain the two issues from your diagnosis and reflection. You are to define the concepts, outline key models and or behaviours that need to be developed to demonstrate effective practice. This literature review needs to outline both the conceptual (theoretical) and behavioural (interpersonal) skills that you need to acquire to demonstrate competence in your chosen area of communication.

3. Action Plan As a conclusion, you are to develop an action plan of key events and activities that you can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviours identified as requiring development in component one. This can include the following:

  • Undertaking specific short courses, to develop skills based on actual courses that are available.
  • Undertaking advanced post-graduate communication courses at CQU or other institutions.
  • A reading plan to acquire conceptual knowledge, which may include specific communication texts and self-help books which must be specified.
  • Maintaining of personal journals reflecting on communication interactions.
  • This section must include actionable items with timelines (such as a Gantt chart) and an indication of how you will measure their successful completion.

The essay shall portray and analyse my personal communication skills and styles related to different areas of communication. The areas that shall be analysed are both non-verbal as well as verbal. Adding to these areas, the active listening capability and the positivity in the perception will also be analysed. The analysis will be on the basis of the outcome and result portrayed by five major communication tools. I shall also present forward the outcome of the tools along with the scores gained from each diagnostic tool. Further, it shall also be dealing with the finding of two such communication issues that have been identified by me using the diagnostic tools. Moreover, two of my recent interaction where I faced problem due to the communication issues will also be reflected.

I shall further provide an explanation from the diagnosis and also provide a definition of the key concepts and models related to the communication issues of mine. The theories and behaviours that shall be implemented for developing effective practice in my communication issues shall also be dealt with. Lastly, I shall be providing an action plan that I plan to implement and undertake in the coming six months. Undertaking short-term courses, Reading self-help books, maintaining a journal and few more are part of my action plan that shall be discussed in the essay.

In order to analyze the self-communication process, I have managed to select five key communication tools that can be used to develop the business purpose. The first tool was "Self-perceived Competence scale” at the time of verbal communication. It has helped me to indicate my own skills along with communication competency at the time of verbal communication with customers or stakeholders (Cardon & Marshall, 2015).

The second tool I have selected to make a "Nonverbal Immediacy Scale Self-report" on my personal emotional influence on communication. In order to understand the issues that controlled me at the time of communication can help me to understand the particular reasons behind individual feelings and the way of talking with them (Chaudhri, 2016). The third tool I have accessed to Write and make an analysis of my fear and anxieties at the time of communication with others. It is the “Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension” tool. It was an opportunity for me to understand the problems in detail and I can focus on the specific behavior at the time of communicating with others (Christensen, 2014).

After making some personal reports I thought it is important to evaluate and critically focus on my communication issues according to the viewpoint of others. Thus, I have managed to access “Talkaholic Scale” with which I have accessed others opinion in a form of discussion. I have engaged some of my colleagues and prepare a group discussion based on a business topic. Based on the viewpoint of Coombs (2015), critical analysis according to the viewpoint of others is a great help that can support me and imply me the faults more accurately. The last one tool was “Tolerance for Disagreement” that I have accessed is completely focused on my capability of tolerance. According to the suggestions of DuFrene & Lehman (2014), tolerance power is most important factor that can help a business person to assess his capability of keeping patience at the time of speaking with others.

Based on above tools and use the tools properly I have recognized my ability of communication properly. According to the self-perceived communication planning, I have analyzed the scores which reflected on my strong points as well as weakness. As per the SPCC score, I have scored the least at the time of talking with strangers. It is only 30 as per the SPCC Score which indicates that I have a low competency in this situation. It indicates that I have faced difficulty on my verbal skills at the time of communication or talking with a stranger (Malhotra & Ackfeldt, 2016). The score 35 in large meeting of stranger refers to the situation that I am unable to attend a meeting properly with unknown people. According to the discussion review, I have understood that I have medium verbal interaction ability at the time of talking in a large group whereas; at the time of talking with an individual, it is difficult for me to communicate properly.

As per the PRICA report, I have accessed the emotional issues that affect my communication status. I have understood that though I have the capability to manage different situation though I have specific issues at the time of Communication with people from other cultures (Lucas & Rawlins, 2015). The score 37 refers to the unnecessary usage of hand gestures and improper body language at the time of talking.

Tolerance of Disagreement score was 45 which is moderate but needs improvement as refers to the report. It refers to my capacity to communicate properly while in a compatible group as mine, prefer ability to stay with people who follow same viewpoint. Independence in the workplace and enjoying argument on different things are the part of an agreement on this report. My nature to involve in different communication at the same time helps me to communicate more but avoiding people of different opinion are also the part of this result (Engdahl & Lidskog, 2014).

Talkaholic scale report score was 27 that indicate I prefer to talk much. It is an improper characteristic that can damage my impression and business image in front of my fellow workers. I need to talk but it should not be excessive that affect the image of my business personality (Hannon, 2018).

Based on the nonverbal immediacy scale report I have scored 83 that refer to low communication capability. The issues indicated here is frowning, avoiding eye contact, position body in a tense manner and hand gestures are the part of issues in this section. Being a male person I need to follow some basic guidelines at the time of talking. The issue I have identified most important at this part is to move closer to people while talking to them. Based on the viewpoint of Lauring & Klitmøller (2015), this can harm my communication ability as well as my personality in front of my colleagues.

In analyzing the self-perceived communication competence report I have understood two critical issues that affect hugely affects my communication ability. The tools of self-diagnose have helped me a lot to make a clear focus on these perspectives. Moreover, these are responsible to rouse my consciousness critically, about finding out the specific ways to modify and improve my characteristics in according to the business context (Turnage & Goodboy, 2016).

The first one I have identified from SPCC scale is the issue of lack of verbal communication in meetings with stranger. Based on the viewpoint of Mishra, Boynton & Mishra (2014), in order to conduct a business properly, communication is not only the way of business development but the owner has to maintain a formal representation quality in business process. At the time of meeting with strange people, I feel uncomfortable and unconfident. It is not at the time of talking in a group but at the time of talking with individual stranger. Reflection from SPCC score has more clearly analyzed the issue that I need to develop.

The Second issue is based on the score of Tolerance for disagreement that refers to my anxiety and fear at the time of communication. Though, the outcome of this part is moderate that refers to high excessive anxiety level within me. As suggested by Ocasio, Loewenstein & Nigam (2015), excessive anxiety and nervousness can affect my ability to speak. It also misinterprets and misguides my words to another person at the time of talking. I have a nature to avoid different conflicts and diplomatic situation that is inevitable in business process. Thus, this issue must be rectified as early as possible. On the other hand, in this same scale, I have made a moderate score due to my ability to engage in multiple conversion that is effective to gain more knowledge from others point of view (Tourish, 2014).

business communication issue

Professional interaction is an important criterion of business communication that acts in favor of a business person to convince and control different personalities. As per the suggestion of Trittin & Schoeneborn (2017), public interaction should be proper and effective that should not be influenced by personal issues.

From the memory of past 12 months, I can remember about a business meeting with 25 people and 3 company representative regarding the partnership with my company. At first, I was present at the meeting where I have interacted properly with everyone. Before the meeting, I felt nervous about the flow of talking. I knew specific reasons behind individual interest in approaching our partnership but I felt a little confused in case they want to make the deal in another way. After that, my experience and skill have helped me and I overcome it successfully.

In contrary to this situation, I faced real difficulties at the time of individual meeting with company representatives. They were much senior to me and I feared if they found me inappropriate and irrelevant to talk with them. Fortunately, every one of those people was enough understanding and had the patience to figure out my words properly.

Another event that I can refer to communication issue is the Tolerance of disagreement that I have faced at the time of visiting a firm. I was entrusted with the duty to make a detailed survey of the work practices in that firm and find out the flaws properly. I was not experienced to deal with the workers directly. Moreover, I did not have any idea to face such situation yet I had to commit my work. I have faced the issue of fear and anxiety to talk with strangers. In addition to this, I was afraid of argumentation with strangers on different fault of workforce. As they were not much interested to explain the errors I had only marked them and complete my work.

According to the diagnosis, it can be seen that two of my communication skills are at lower rate. One is the self-perceived communication competence scale and the other is tolerance for disagreement. Self Perceived Communication Competence Scale- This method was developed for obtaining the percentage of competence which people feel when communicating with a variety of peoples (Haegeman et al., 2016). The communicating ability of people varies in different situations. Lam & Hannah (2016) discussed that sometimes a person will react as more competent in a situation than other. Few people feel shy about communicating in meetings whereas they can freely communicate publicly. Within friend groups, they can openly talk but in strangers, they feel difficulty in communicating. It is diagnosed that my verbal communication skills are at a lower rate.

Tolerance for disagreement- This is another method which states the scale of tolerance in case of thought disagreements. As asserted by Wagenhouser et al. (2016), people who have high argumentativeness will deal with more disagreements. The report shows that people who have low rate of tolerance often changes the topic of the arguments. They either avoid facing an argument or don't talk with those people who disagree with them. On the other hand, sometimes arguments are good to participate since it develops the communication skills (Tourish, 2014). In workplaces, the people with lower tolerance like to work independently to avoid disagreements with colleagues.

There are different communication models like the Berlo model, Schramm model, Barnlund model. As commented that Cardon & Marshall (2015), the Berlo communication model is the simplest application of the communication between people. Chaudhri (2016) supported that Berlo model includes the source of the information, encoding the language, message, channel of passing, decoding the message and then the receiver of the communication. On the other hand, Christensen (2014) argued that the Schramm model says that the communication process includes the transmission of the information from the source to the receiver by three different levels. However, it has been identified that differing from both the above the Barnlund model proposes a different transactional communication model (Sepúlveda et al., 2015). The individuals simultaneously engage in the sending and the receiving of the messages.

In Berlo model, the factors of the communication include the skills to communicate, the level of awareness, the cultural and social system and the attitude of the person. As argued by DuFrene & Lehman (2014), the Schramm model indicates that first is should be examined that whether the message is impacting on both the targets of the message or not. Engdahl & Lidskog (2014) argues that the Barnlund model discusses that the sender of the message and the receiver must be reciprocally linked internally. Coombs (2015) supported that Barnlund model can also be referred as the constructionist or the constitutive model. As stated by Hannon (2018), constructionist model mainly focuses on the communication of an individual by determining the factors in which the message is interpreted. On the other hand, Johansson, Miller & Hamrin (2014) argued that Berlo model communication factors put an influence on the process of communication between the two specific persons.

There are other model also relating to the communication of people like the linear model and the Interactive model. The linear model is the one directional communication model for communicating with other people. Lam & Hannah (2016) argued that linear model consists of the sender who encodes a message and channelises it towards the receiver in the presence of different kinds of noises. On the contrary Malhotra & Ackfeldt (2016) stated that, interactive model there are two linear communication models which are stacked on the top of each other. Here the sender channelises the message to towards the receiver. After that the receiver changes and becomes a sender and sends the message towards its original sender. As stated by Lucas & Rawlins (2015), in the linear model there are no feedbacks or any type of responses. This model might not allow the continuous exchange of the information or messages. However (Johansson, Miller & Hamrin (2014) argued that the Interactive model involves responses and the feedbacks which indicates that the communication is not only a one way or two way process.

Thus I feel that during communication between two people, both have to respond equally then only the communication can be fruitful (Mishra, Boynton & Mishra, 2014). The diagnosis report states that my responding skills are much developed. I feel shy while talking in a group but within friend groups I can argument or discuss easily. Since the Linear model is a one-directional model, here the message starts to travel from one direction and moves towards the endpoint. On the other hand in the Interactive model, the message travels in different directions.

There are few behavioral models also in the communication skills. The two models from of them are the Social Learning theory and the Social Cognitive theory. The social cognitive theory is used in the psychological education and communication of people (Ocasio, Loewenstein & Nigam, 2015). This model states that few portions of a person's acquisition of knowledge can be related to the observation of other people in various social interactions, media influences and different experiences. Whereas the social learning model stated that people learn from others through different imitations, observations and modeling. The social learning theory is also known as a bridge between cognitive learning theories and the behaviorists.

Based on the pieces of literature that are being discussed in the above section it is identified that I must improve my communication skills from different aspects. I need to improve every element of my communication to be a good communicator in my workplaces. I also have to overcome the issues of connecting with different people that have been identified with the help of diagnostic measures. Along with these I also must develop both of my verbal and nonverbal communicating power so that I can make the opposite person agree with whom I will communicate. The expressions and message projection must be enough clearance to make people understand better. I need to develop both my speaking words and the facial expressions.

This part of the essay contains the action plan that I have made and plan to implement in the coming six months to overcome the communication issues of mine. Moreover, I also plan to do so in order to acquire and gain the required knowledge, techniques and the related behaviours for developing my communication issues (Stacks & Salwen, 2014). First of all, I plan to undertake and enrol myself in a good short-term course related to my communication issues. I have shortlisted a few training centres that provide good communication training and have chosen the PDT training center or the Professional Development Training Centre. It has multiple centres all over Australia including Sydney, Perth, and Brisbane.

I have decided to enrol myself with PDT because they provide proper and appropriate training related to active listening and proper speaking in different situations that are well related to my communication flaws (Cornelissen & Cornelissen, 2017). The training centre also aims at improving the body language while engaging in a conversation. Moreover, I personally think that my flaws in verbal communication identified by the SPCC tool can be well dealt with by enrolling in the course. I face problem while speaking during a meeting and engaging in conversation with strangers. Thus I feel that undertaking a short course with PDT shall help me overcome my problem related to verbal communication (Watson & Hill, 2015).

The Communication Skills Training course lays emphasis on effective communication skills such as the usage of body language. Further, openness on asking and laying forward questions, implementing the S.T.A.R. method during conversations and many more are also a part of it (Chaudhri, 2016). Thus, I think that my flaws in communication that are identified by the SPCC tool and the TFD tool in both verbal and non-verbal aspect can be developed by undertaking the communication development course at PDT.

Secondly, for the proper development and learning of effective communication skills, I also plan to join the Advanced Post-Graduate Communication course at CQU. In the course, I plan to implement the course insights in my communication issues and further the course shall also be an added benefit for the long run in my communication career (Berger, 2015).

Further, I also plan to undertake a reading plan in order to gain the knowledge related to my communication issues. Thus I plan to implement effective communication skills by taking guide and help from several self-help books (Cardon & Marshall, 2015). I have shortlisted a number of books that I plan to read in the six months action plan done by me. Some of the books are ‘101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly’, ‘The Assertiveness Workbook: How to Express Your Ideas and Stand Up for Yourself at Work and in Relationships’, ‘Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most’, ‘Messages: The Communication Skills Book’ and ‘The Messages Workbook: Powerful Strategies for Effective Communication at Work and Home’ (Jaber, 2016). I hope that reading these self-help books will help me develop my issues on communication both verbal and non-verbal by providing a useful guide on the improvement of my communication and also help me get rid of the issues or flaws in my communication.

Finally, I also plan to maintain a personal journal of mine wherein I plan to note down every instance when I commit the communication flaw (Mottet, Richmond & McCroskey, 2015).

I think that doing so will help me understand and have a clear vision of my repeat of the communication issues of mine.

Timeline for Action Plan

Table 1: Timeline for Action Plan (Source: Created by the author)

Hence, it can be concluded that by using the different tools of communication, two of my communication issue have been identified and analysed. Further, the essay also contains two recent interactions of mine which resulted due to the communication issues of mine. I feel that those two recent interactions have helped me identify my flaws in communication. I have thus discussed and identified the concepts and models of communication-related to my communication issue. I feel that by using and implementing the various concepts and models of communication, I can improve and develop my communication issues. Further, by following the communication behaviours discussed in the essay, I feel that my communication issue can be overcome.

Lastly, it can be concluded that for improving and implementing development in my communication issues, I have opted for a six months action plan. From the action plan that I have prepared I expect a good development in my issues on communication. Herein I feel that the short-term course at PDT shall be helpful for my development in communication. By applying and implementing the skills taught in the training course, I aim at developing my flaws in communication. Further, I aim at achieving proper knowledge and skills from the reading of famous self-help books on communication skills. Moreover, I also feel that maintaining a proper journal and noting down the daily activities related to the communication issues of mine, I can understand and evaluate my prevailing flaws.

Reference List

Book Berger, A. A. (2015). Media and communication research methods: An introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sage Publications.

Cornelissen, J., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2017). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage.

Jaber, M. Y. (2016). Learning curves: Theory, models, and applications. CRC Press.

Mottet, T., Richmond, V. P., & McCroskey, J. C. (2015). Handbook of instructional communication: Rhetorical and relational perspectives. Routledge.

Stacks, D. W., & Salwen, M. B. (Eds.). (2014). An integrated approach to communication theory and research. Routledge.

Watson, J., & Hill, A. (2015). Dictionary of media and communication studies. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Journals: Cardon, P. W., & Marshall, B. (2015). The hype and reality of social media use for work collaboration and team communication. International Journal of Business Communication, 52(3), 273-293. Retrieved on 25 May 2018 Retrieved from: http://bit.ly/2L3SzUi

Chaudhri, V. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and the communication imperative: Perspectives from CSR managers. International Journal of Business Communication, 53(4), 419-442. Retrieved on 26 May 2018 Retrieved from: http://www.academia.edu/download/38648206/CSR_and_the_Communication_Imperative.pdf

Christensen, M. (2014). Communication as a strategic tool in change processes. International journal of business communication, 51(4), 359-385. Retrieved on 25 May 2018 Retrieved from: http://bit.ly/2xsOMOK

Coombs, W. T. (2015). The value of communication during a crisis: Insights from strategic communication research. Business Horizons, 58(2), 141-148. Retrieved on 28 May 2018 Retrieved from: http://iranarze.ir/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/E2626.pdf

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Engdahl, E., & Lidskog, R. (2014). Risk, communication and trust: Towards an emotional understanding of trust. Public understanding of science, 23(6), 703-717. Retrieved on 25 May 2018 Retrieved from: http://bit.ly/2sg5M5x

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40 Communication Assignment Topics

Table of Contents

What Are Communication Strategies Assignments?

Top 40 communication assignment topic ideas, tips for writing communication assignment, how to succeed with your communication research.

Communication Assignment Topics

When your college professor mentions communication assignment writing, it stands for a task that should either explore or reflect on communication strategies in a certain area. It can be anything from nursing assignments that research linguistic barriers or social events to tasks that explore physical presence vs virtual communication specifics. Since there are numerous ideas that can be explored, the majority of college students seek communication strategies assignment topics that will work. The trick is to choose your topic correctly and come up with a clear methodology to provide your readers with enough supporting evidence. The most important is to choose something that inspires and motivates you to research as you focus on your main thesis and communication methods. Ask AssignmentBro to do your assignment if you don’t habe enough time to write it.

  • Business Communication. 

When you are dealing with business communication assignment writing , the most important is to define what kind of strategy or leadership method is being used. It means that your topic must reflect your approach to getting the message across.

  • The role of mediation in corporate communications.
  • HR hiring methods and the use of AI-based materials.
  • Interpersonal conflict resolution methods during virtual conferences.
  • The challenges of medical data delivery in modern corporations.
  • Transnational communication methods vs outsourcing.
  • Social conflicts in the workplace.
  • Real estate ethics and persuasive communication.
  • Strategic thinking peculiarities among Asian partners of the United States.
  • Business privacy during Zoom conferences and data management challenges.
  • The linguistic challenges during virtual meetings: communication barriers.
  • Public Relation Topics. 

Unlike assignment topics for business communication, public relation writing involves dealing with less commercial matters. Some examples would include school education or college initiatives among other things.

  • The role of authoritarian communication methods during public gatherings.
  • Labor unions in the United States: pros and cons of current management methods.
  • The psychological effect of the teacher’s authority in private US schools.
  • Should college learners be allowed to shape their learning curriculum?
  • The use of special education communication methods in college studies.
  • Should marketing teams appeal to public surveys?
  • Plagiarism cases in public speeches and strategic plans.
  • Multilingual employees in the public relation sector: the cultural benefits.
  • The use of preventive dialogue and surveillance in the United States.
  •  How does gender affect public negotiations during social protests?
  • Analytical Communication Assignment Topics. 

The majority of communication research topics will require additional analysis as one explores the variety of methods that have been implemented for a positive outcome. As you choose an analytical subject, try to narrow it down for the best results.

  • The role of analysis in the perception of religious beliefs and social restrictions in Japan.
  • Should the refugees in the United States learn the local culture to adjust their lives?
  • Analysis of gender relations in the modern IT sector.
  • Communication barriers caused by the Covid-19 situation.
  • Teaching culture vs practical learning among engineering students.
  • Analysis of credibility of the modern environmental research press.
  • The communication gap between the younger and the older populations.
  • The use of “fake” information stirs a social communication conflict.
  • TV Advertisement methods and the perception analysis.
  • The role of the cultural background for communicative leadership methods.
  • Social Media & Journalism Communication Assignment Ideas. 

Speaking of communication skills topics for assignment, one should focus on social media as it requires specific knowledge and an adjustment of current communication methods that have been used during physical meetings or even before the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • The lack of emotional belonging during virtual meetings.
  • The negative role of social media language and emoticons.
  • Virtual relationships: how have our communication strategies changed?
  • Instagram vs Facebook: what communication skills are required?
  • Youth culture online two decades ago: what changes can be spotted?
  • The role of linguistic skills during online video gaming.
  • Online journalism vs newspapers in print.
  • Should bloggers receive professional journalist education?
  • How does paraphrasing affect the final message that’s communicated?
  • Social media influencers: marketing or hype?

When you know an approximate topic that you would like to explore, make sure that you follow these tips:

  • Research your topic to understand what challenges are most apparent and what sub-areas require additional coverage.
  • Study your grading rubric to determine what kind of communication assignment type is required. It can be compare-and-contrast, argumentative, reflective, explanatory, and many other essay types.
  • Choose your communication research method: analytical, comparative, critical, etc.
  • Introduce your target audience to explain what communicative issues you are facing.
  • Implement surveys, personal interviews, and seek primary sources to make your communication assignment credible.
  • Provide information from both sides of the issue, meaning that a counter-arguments paragraph may be necessary.

Follow your instructions and ask questions when something is unclear. The purpose is to explore communication methods by explaining your academic objectives and the methodologies that you implement.

Your assignment can be completed in 3 hours!

Has your deadline come quicker than you expected? No worries! We have what you need – a 3-hours deadline option! All features available for any other order applied, including:

  • 100% original assignment
  • Free formatting and reference list
  • 24/7 online support

As you are seeking assignment help online or just browsing topics, the most important is to narrow your topic down and choose a methodology that will fit your subject (social science, interpretive, analytical approaches). It means that your purpose is to be argumentative or persuasive, analytical or reflective as you discuss relevant communication strategies. Research both pros and cons, voice opinions, use an analytical writing tone, and remember to provide a source for anything that is not your author’s voice. Following these simple rules will help you to save time and come up with an excellent communication research assignment that will stand out from the rest!

business communication assignment

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Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 1 assignment: communicating in business.

Your task is to read the statements in the form below and rate your perception of your communication skills.

  • Download a PDF of this form here.
  • Download a .docx file of this form here.

After rating your skills, write a short response to the following questions (max 500 words)

  • What are your strongest and weakest skills?
  • How do you think this class will help you improve or  build upon your current communication skill set?

Your task is to write an email introducing yourself. Put your first and last name and the assignment title in the subject line. For example: Maria Ruiz Assignment 1

Your message should address the following:

  • Reasons for taking this class
  • Your career goals (short term/long term)
  • Familiarity with computer technology
  • A brief discussion of how you view your current communication skill levels.
  • What are your strongest and weakest skills as a writer?

Grading Rubric

Criteria Not Evident Developing Proficient Exemplary Points
Organization and format 2 pts

Writing lacks logical organization. It may show some coherence but ideas lack unity. Serious errors and generally is an unorganized format and information.

3 pts

Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Some points may be contextually misplaced and/or stray from the topic. Transitions may be evident but not used throughout the essay. Organization and format used may detract from understanding the material presented.

4 pts

Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Transitions between ideas and paragraphs create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is supported by the format and organization of the material presented.

5 pts

Writing shows high degree of attention to details and presentation of points. Format used enhances understanding of material presented. Unity clearly leads the reader to the writer’s conclusion and the format and information could be used independently.

5 pts
Content 2 pts

Some but not all required questions are addressed. Content and/or terminology is not properly used or referenced. Little or no original thought is present in the writing. Concepts presented are merely restated from the source, or ideas presented do not follow the logic and reasoning presented throughout the writing.

3 pts

All required questions are addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful consideration and/or may not reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original thought. Additional concepts may not be present and/or may not be properly cited sources.

4 pts

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.

5 pts

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful in-depth consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Additional concepts are clearly presented from properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.

5 pts
Development – Critical Thinking 4 pts

Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdeveloped, unoriginal, and/or do not address the questions asked. Conclusions drawn may be unsupported, illogical or merely the author’s opinion with no supporting evidence presented.

6 pts

Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas, but may repeat information provided and/ or does not address all of the questions asked. The author presents no original ideas, or ideas do not follow clear logic and reasoning. The evidence presented may not support conclusions drawn.

8 pts

Content indicates original thinking, cohesive conclusions, and developed ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. Clearly addresses all of the questions or requirements asked. The evidence presented supports conclusions drawn.

10 pts

Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in-depth analysis and evidence beyond the questions or requirements asked. Original thought supports the topic, and is clearly a well-constructed response to the questions asked. The evidence presented makes a compelling case for any conclusions drawn.

10 pts
Grammar, Mechanics, Style 2 pts

Writing contains many spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, making it difficult for the reader to follow ideas clearly. There may be sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices disrupts the content. Additional information may be presented but in an unsuitable style, detracting from its understanding.

3 pts

Some spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are present, interrupting the reader from following the ideas presented clearly. There may be sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices may detract from the content. Additional information may be presented, but in a style of writing that does not support understanding of the content.

4 pts

Writing is free of most spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, allowing the reader to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content. Additional information is presented in a cohesive style that supports understanding of the content.

5 pts

Writing is free of all spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and written in a style that enhances the reader’s ability to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content. Additional information is presented to encourage and enhance understanding of the content.

5 pts
Total: 25 pts
  • Communicating in Business. Authored by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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    Put your first and last name and the assignment title in the subject line. For example: Maria Ruiz Assignment 1. Your message should address the following: Reasons for taking this class. Your career goals (short term/long term) Familiarity with computer technology. A brief discussion of how you view your current communication skill levels.

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