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What are your plans for the weekend?

hello weekend written text

Small Talk, Part 2

In Small Talk Explained , I discussed why people use small talk.

Now, we’ll look at some examples of small talk related to weekend plans.

Everyone loves weekends!

After a long week of studying or working, everyone is ready to relax or spend time with friends and family.

Weekends are when we try to do all the things we don’t have time for during the week, including just doing nothing.

Whether we plan to run errands or kick back  ( relax ) in front of the TV, we all look forward to the weekend.

For many, these pandemic years have been one long never-ending weekend. What day is it? has become a common refrain ( repeated phrase ).

Whatever your situation, I hope you have found ways to fill your time and connect with loved ones. I hope 2022 brings you health and happiness. 

What are you up to (this weekend)?

Because people love weekends, asking about someone’s weekend is a very common form of small talk. 

If you are talking with a friend, the same question could lead to a longer discussion.

However, sometimes, it might just be a quick conversation like this one:

A: Do you have plans for the weekend?

B: Not yet. What about you?

A: I’m planning to just take it easy. I might hang out with some friends on Sunday.

B: Cool. Well, have fun whatever you end up doing / decide to do .

A: Thanks, you too.

Because people look forward to the weekend, they often start talking about it as early as Wednesday.

It is common to ask about someone’s weekend plans with these two questions:

What are your plans for the weekend? or What are you doing this weekend?

A Note on Pronunciation

What are your sounds like Whaduhyer and What are you sounds like Whaddaya . These are very common reductions in spoken English.

Additionally, doing sounds like doin ‘ with the strong – ing  sound dropped. This sound pattern is very common with – ing words.

If you would like to hear these questions spoken by a native speaker using relaxed speech , an audio file is available at my Ko-fi shop .

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A Common Mistake to Avoid

When talking about weekend plans, it is not common to ask “What will you do this weekend?”

While everyone will understand you, will is not used to talk about future plans or intentions.

To learn more about when to use will and when to use going to and other future tenses and ways to talk about the future depending on the situation, check out the free 5-minute lesson Future Tenses In English .

More Ways to Ask about Someone’s Weekend:

  • Do you have plans for the weekend?
  • Any plans for the weekend?”
  • What are you going to do this weekend?
  • What’s going on this weekend?
  • Are you doing anything over the weekend?
  • Are you doing anything special this weekend?

What’s going on this weekend? means  What’s happening this weekend?   When we ask this, we are usually asking if there is a special event, like a concert or party. If we are not attending an event, we would answer by saying, Not much, Nothing, or Nothing much.  These responses are the same as the ones we use to respond to What greetings .

A Note about Grammar:

When talking about a future plan that was planned before the moment of speaking, using will is incorrect. Instead, we use be +  planning to  (or other present continuous verbs) or going to .

So, if you have a plan to see a movie, you might say:

  • I’m planning to go to a movie.
  • I’m going to a movie.
  • I’m going to go see a movie.
  • I’m going to see a movie.
  • I’m going to go to a movie.

If you would like to hear these spoken with relaxed speech , they are available as a downloadable audio file at my Ko-fi shop (both this and the audio file asking about weekends are combined in one product). Here is how the relaxed form might look when written:

  • I’m plannin’ to go-do-uh movie.
  • I’m goin’ to uh movie.
  • I’m gonna go see uh movie.
  • I’m gonna see uh movie.
  • I’m gonna go-do-uh movie.

Related post with a quiz: The Future: Going To

Weekend plans and movie plans audio files

What Not to Say

What if you don’t have any plans?

Sleeping dogs

What if your plan is to stay home all weekend and sleep? What if you plan to get drunk? When asked about their weekend plans, my students often say “Sleep” and “Drink alcohol.”

However, unless you are talking to a very close friend, you should avoid saying sleep and drink alcohol when someone asks you about your weekend. These are not natural answers in English. They do not give people a good impression.

Instead of telling people that you plan to sleep or drink on the weekend, you can say:

  • I’m planning to (just) take it easy.
  • (I’ll) probably just relax. (note: will is okay here because it is not a definite plan)
  • (I’ll) probably just stay home. (You can also add “I’m not sure.” before “probably” in all 3)
  • (I’ll) probably just hang out at home.
  • I might grab a drink with some friends.

For more examples of small talk check out Small Talk: How was your weekend?

Recommended Speaking Courses

I only recommend products that I trust and think have value for your learning.

For more natural conversations between native speakers, as well as lots of natural expressions, I recommend Espresso English’s speaking courses. Level 2 is for upper-intermediate and advanced students. You can check out a free sample here .

If level 2 is too difficult, you might prefer Level 1 , which includes English for daily life, practical English, social English, and more. You can check out a free sample here .

Improve your English with a native teacher on italki today!

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Creating Your Perfect Weekend

In pursuit of the perfect weekend.

What’s worse than a weekend that disappears instantly in a mess of exhaustion and chores? But it happens so often. If that sounds familiar, it’s time to work on improving your weekends!

You deserve time to rest and recharge, enjoy family and friend time, work on hobbies and pet projects. The perfect weekend involves doing these things AND being able to start the new week feeling refreshed and organised. You can totally do both.

Before we start, I’ll admit that a perfect weekend probably doesn’t exist. Not in any one format anyway. It’s different for everyone.

BUT you can work on making your weekends close to perfect for YOU. Here are some ideas to help you create your perfect weekend – whatever that looks like.

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Does the Perfect Weekend Exist?

There’s a LOT of pressure on weekends. The weekend is your precious time off, time to yourself, time with family and friends, time to run errands, socialise, relax, work out, chill out, sort out the house, get out the house, and all the rest… No wonder weekends can be just exhausting.

The other pressure on weekends is that we often find ourselves feeling guilty about slowing down and thinking about how we SHOULD be doing this or that. We then end up feeling disappointed when we don’t “have a great weekend” and end up with the Sunday night blues .

It’s true that no one bounces into work on Monday morning excited about how they had such an average weekend. But we don’t beat ourselves up about having a really mediocre Tuesday evening, so why does the weekend need to be so perfect? Time to let go of all that pressure. A weekend is two days to spend how you please. No more or less . Being mindful of this can play a big part in how much you enjoy your weekend.

In reality, the “perfect weekend” is going to be one which leaves you feeling both relaxed and energised. So how can you achieve that?

Let go of the pressure to do more, enjoy more, achieve more.

A weekend is two days to spend how you please. No more or less.

What Would Be Your Perfect Weekend?

What your perfect weekend looks like will depend on lots of different factors. Your lifestyle, family situation, work patterns, and personality type will all influence what constitutes a perfect weekend for you. My ideal weekend when I was single in my 20s looked a lot different to how it looks now years later with kids to look after. (Yes, I still want to spend it sipping cocktails somewhere beautiful, but these days there would a lot more naps involved.)

Your perfect weekend will also change depending on what’s going on in your life right now. Before the pandemic, many of us were desperate for a quiet weekend at home. After a year of staying home, we were desperate for a weekend away. Needs change with the ebb and flow of life.

The Perfect Weekend Challenge

This weekend, challenge yourself to forget all thoughts of what you should be doing, or where you should be going, and create the perfect weekend according to what you need most right now. Start be asking yourself a few questions:

  • What would make me feel happy?
  • What would make me feel relaxed?
  • What would make me feel energised?
  • What do I need more or less of right now?

This should help you to focus on what an ideal weekend would like for you THIS weekend.

How to Create Your Perfect Weekend

Perfect Weekend Ideas

Sometimes you don’t need to ask yourself what kind of weekend you want. Sometimes you just know exactly what you want to get out of a weekend, and what would make it perfect. These weekends tend to fall into some of these categories:

The Relaxing Weekend

The secret to a relaxing weekend is to leave everything else at the door – including all those thoughts about what you should be doing instead.

Forget about the niggling DIY jobs or other things on your to-do list that can wait. If it’s urgent, get it done beforehand and then go all-in and commit to a weekend of complete downtime. Watch all the TV you want, have an at-home spa day, order takeaway, enjoy the Perfect Sunday Morning . No guilt allowed.

The Social Weekend

Some of the most memorable weekends are the busiest. Sometimes you need to have a jam-packed weekend seeing friends and family, where you end up exhausted on Sunday night, but good-exhausted.

The Getting-Stuff-Done Weekend

Occasionally, the best Monday morning vibes come from knowing that you were really productive over the weekend and used it to sort out all the little life admin tasks that had been hanging over you. If you don’t have any weekend plans, take the time to sort out your paperwork, spring clean your house , batch cook for the freezer, or any other jobs that you never get round to doing in the week. You’ll cruise into Monday feeling like you’re winning.

The Working-on-a-Project Weekend

On a similar theme, if you have a project you want to complete, like redecorating a room, clearing out the garage, selling all your 1990s collector beanie babies on eBay (can it be done? asking for a friend…) then pick a weekend and get it done. It’s going to feel so good to get it finished.

The Getting Away Weekend

Ah, that weekend away feeling. Heading off on Friday, full of excitement, to somewhere new. If you haven’t had a weekend away since the COVID Beforetimes, then you’re not alone. Get dreaming. Start planning that next weekend away for when restrictions are lifted.

The Unplugged Weekend

Sometimes you want or need to shut out the world and have some proper quiet time (and not see anyone else’s Insta-perfect weekend). Sometimes you should do exactly that. Have a weekend where you only use your phone for essential calls and do Literally Anything Else. Read a book, go for a long walk, do a craft, watch old movies, have a games night, go on a family adventure. Be present. Old-skool weekends feel so good.

The Perfectly-Balanced Weekend

This is probably most people’s idea of the ideal weekend. It’s the one where we manage to fit in something relaxing , something social , and something productive , which is probably the holy trinity of weekend activities. Sounds obvious, but in truth not many weekends actually turn out like that. It might take a bit of planning, but it’s totally do-able. And if you’re wondering where you fit in the boring stuff like laundry and grocery shopping, there are plenty of ideas here for making the most of your time: How To Improve Your Weekend .

Not every weekend will be perfect. Some won’t even be good, because that’s life. But knowing what you want to get out of your weekend and not feeling compelled to do certain things gives you the best chance of making it perfect for YOU. Plus – the important thing to remember is that next week another weekend is coming.

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Yes! There are so many ways to enjoy your weekend, but you have to pick what kind of weekend you want. My problem is, I keep trying to get too much done in a weekend 😉

Agreed – I have to consciously remind myself to stop trying to fit in more things! 😉

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StudyMoose. (2016). Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-weekend-essay [Accessed: 8 Jul. 2024]

"Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter." StudyMoose, Apr 23, 2016. Accessed July 8, 2024. https://studymoose.com/my-weekend-essay

"Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter," StudyMoose , 23-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/my-weekend-essay. [Accessed: 8-Jul-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Building Strong Bonds with Family: Why Weekends Matter . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-weekend-essay [Accessed: 8-Jul-2024]

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Future English

Weekend Plans: What do you usually do on the weekends? Write about your plans and activities.

On weekends, I like to relax and have fun. On Saturday mornings, I usually sleep in a little bit because I’m tired from the week. After that, I enjoy a nice breakfast with my family. Sometimes, we make pancakes or eggs together.

In the afternoon, I often go outside for a walk in the park. I like to breathe in the fresh air and see the trees and flowers. It’s a simple joy. Later in the day, I might watch a movie or read a book. I like stories that take me to different places in my imagination.

On Sundays, I often visit my friends or family. We might have lunch together and chat. It’s a great time to catch up and share stories. In the evening, I usually spend time preparing for the week ahead. I check my schedule and make a to-do list.

Sometimes, if the weather is nice, I go to the beach or a nearby lake. I like listening to the sound of the waves—it’s very peaceful. Overall, weekends are special because I can do things I enjoy and spend time with the people I love. It’s a time to recharge and get ready for the new week.

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My weekend routine and how to create one that works for you

June 1 Leave a Comment

In this post, I’m sharing the weekend routine that helps me to stay on track Monday through Friday. This is the final post in a series about routines that help me survive the school week so that you can take my strategies and do the same too!

Welcome to the final part of this three-part series where I’m sharing the three routines that help me to stay organised (and sane) during the school week. Each of these routines are great on their own, but together they make it SO much easier to get to the end of the school week still in one piece.

In the first post, I talked about the school morning routine that helps my youngest, Harrison and I get to the school gates on time each morning. In part two, I shared the after-school routine that helps me survive those few hours between home-time and bedtime. And in this final post, I’m revealing the weekend routine that not only helps me get ready for the coming school week but makes sure I have quality family time with my boys too – PLUS a few tips on how to create a weekend routine that works for you.

So, are you ready to see what my weekend routine looks like?! Let’s dive in!

My weekend routine…

I’m fortunate that my Hubby and I are both able to work from home, and so we’re around one another pretty much 24/7. That being said, we have separate offices and both work long hours, so we don’t really see very much of each other during the day. He frequently travels to the States and Europe and spends a lot of his time on early morning and late-night conference calls. And so our weekends are precious to us and quality family time is very high on our list of priorities.

Finding the balance between spending time together and getting things done can be tough though. I like to make sure that we’re ready for the coming week and that we tick things off the to-do list that we’ve not had time for during the week. But I also like doing things with my boys too. And so, this is the weekend routine that makes sure I’m ready to do the whole school thing all over again come Monday morning . Depending on what we’re doing it may change around a little – especially if we’re heading down to Sussex to visit my in-laws, but nine weeks out of ten, this is what our weekend routine looks like.

essay on weekend plans

  • My weekend routine always starts on Friday evenings. When Harrison gets in from school he gets changed and puts his uniform in the wash bin ready for me to wash on Saturday.
  • We kick our weekend off with dinner together – usually one of the boys’ favourites (Mexican or Indian).
  • I check in on our plans for the weekend and what we’re intending to eat and write a shopping list if needed.
  • Friday night is movie night. I work in the evenings Monday – Thursday, but Friday nights are strictly reserved for family time. For me, this is a non-negotiable (I’ll be talking more about non-negotiables in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!). Having this in the diary ensures we kick off our weekends with quality family time.

Saturday and Sunday mornings…

  • 6am-7am: If I’m not too tired (sometimes, it’s just too tempting to lay in) I’ll get up and have an hour to myself before everyone else is up. Like my school morning routine , I’ll journal, have my cup of coffee, read and do a little work on my blog.
  • 7am-8am: This is Harrison’s cartoon hour. We snuggle on the sofa in our PJs and watch cartoons together. Sometimes it’s something on Netflix, other times we’ll find one of the cartoons I used to watch as a kid on YouTube and watch that.
  • 8am: Coffee and cup of tea time! Harrison helps me make his Daddy a cup of tea and we take it up to him in bed.
  • 8:30am-9:30am: This is family breakfast time. We always try to have at least one breakfast together where we make something nice for breakfast. Sometimes it’s bacon sandwiches, other times we’ll make pancakes or wraps with scrambled egg, cheese and ham. It’s a great way to start the day! Once a month we’ll go to Starbucks and have breakfast there instead.
  • 9.30am: Showers and get dressed. I’ll also put on a load of washing, starting with Harrison’s school uniform. We then either go out or get on with whatever needs doing around the house.

Sunday night is planning night…

You know the phrase, “a Sunday well spent brings a week of content” ? Well, it’s true! A Sunday well spent really does bring a week of content – and a week of less stress too! What can you do on a Sunday evening to make your coming week easier to manage? If I want to make it through to the end of the school week, I have to plan out my week the Sunday before. Once Harrison is in bed, I will:

  • Check-in on my diary and sync diaries with my Hubby.
  • Write out a rough meal plan for the week.
  • Write out my shopping list ready for Monday’s food shop.
  • Make a list of any errands I need to run and figure out which day is best to do them.
  • Check-in on our finances and budget for the month.
  • Put out whatever Harrison needs for school Monday morning.
  • Get out Harrison’s uniform ready for the morning.

Creating a weekend routine that works for you…

Here’s my simple 3-step strategy for creating a weekend routine that works for you:

  • First, what does your ideal weekend look like? How do you want to spend your time and what activities or tasks do you need to do? Make a list of everything you would like to include in your weekend.
  • Figure out when is best to do it and add it to your routine.
  • Finally, don’t forget to include time to prepare for the week ahead. A few minutes prep goes a long way. Not only will you set your week up for success but you’ll enter monday morning feel like you’re winning already!

Sidenote: Know that you don’t need to account for every hour over the weekend, ask yourself what a typical weekend looks like for you and where you can tweak things to add more of the things that matter.

Be intentional about how you spend your weekend routine time too…

Make the most of any spare pockets of time you have and use it for extra family time. We typically try to use one day as a day to get things done at home (housework, errands, DIY and gardening) and the other as a family day. Sometimes family day is Saturday, other weeks it’s Sunday…it just depends on what we have planned and what the weather is doing. Sometimes we’ll visit a National Trust or English Heritage place or go for a walk. Other times we’ll stay home and play games or snuggle on the sofa watching movies.

My top 5 weekend routine hacks…

#1. think ahead..

What can you do Friday night to set you up for the weekend? Writing out my shopping list for meals I want to cook and sorting the washing ready for the morning really help me. What will help you?

#2. Know what you want from your weekends.

What’s important to you for your weekend? What do you want from it – what does an ideal weekend look like to you and what do you need to do to make it happen?

#3. Start as you mean to go on.

What can you do on a Saturday morning to get your weekend off to a great start? For me, it’s having quality time watching cartoons with Harrison and us all having breakfast together.

#4. Be clever about how you use your time.

If like me you want a balance between getting things done and having quality time together, make sure you’re being clever about how you use your time. Use independent playtime to get the chores done before you go out for the day. Spend the first hour of the day doing chores before you do anything else. And if you and your spouse are home for the weekend, tag team looking after the kids. Have your spouse play with them for an hour while you catch up on what you need to do and then swap. It really helps you to get things done!

#5. Share the chores.

Make doing the chores a family affair. If your kids are old enough to help, make it all hands on deck with the promise that as soon as things are done you all get to go out.

There you have it! My weekend routine and how to create one that works for you. Try creating your own and see how much easier your week becomes to manage!

That’s it for this post! Do you have weekend routine? Has this post inspired you to create one? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time…

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Weekend Activities (Essay/Paper Sample)

Table of Contents

Weekend Activities

We all usually long for the weekend, especially when engaged in tiresome activities during the week. The weekend is always a perfect time to get quality rest following a hectic week either at school or work. Some people choose to spend time indoors with friends and family whereas others decide to engage in outdoor activities in order to get the best out of the free time. There are many involving and entertaining things that can be done on the weekend. People have different tastes and likings for things that are considered fun-to-do. All in all, it is recommended that to live healthily and fit lives, we should engage our bodies in weekend activities.

One can choose to go swimming either at a public swimming pool or the beach. Swimming is a fun activity to do over the weekend. It not only relaxes our minds but also shapes our bodies into healthy and fit people. It is fun when you are accompanied by friends. It is usually fun to play water games such as water volleyball and basketball.

Camping is another fun activity one can do over the weekend. Together with your friends and family, you can go camping in a forest, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. At the camp, some of the best things to do are such as fishing and engaging in team-building exercises. Team building activities in most cases usually have a moral lesson behind them. Therefore, in the process of having fun, you are also learning life virtues.

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Movies are very exciting to watch. One can go to the theaters or even stay indoors to watch interesting movies over the weekend. Some movies usually have moral values behind them. This, however, is not characteristic of all films. Therefore, it is vital to put into consideration the type of movies one is going to watch.

For lovers of music, they can spend their weekends by going to concerts and music festivals. It is commonly said that “music is food for the soul.” Concerts and music festivals are a fun way to spend your weekend. One makes new friends and gets to listen to their best performers in the music industry.

Traveling is a fun activity to do over the weekend. For those who are fascinated by hitting the road and seeing new places, a road trip over the weekend is a must-do. You can plan for a road trip to a new town or city you have never been to. It is always enjoyable seeing new places and people as you travel.

For the lovers of nature, hiking and mountain climbing is a worthwhile activity to do over the weekend. With friends and family, one can go hiking to nearby hills and mountains. It is usually interesting to view natural features like vegetation, hills, mountains, glaciers, and rivers.

Christians go to church over the weekend. The church is a place of worship for Christians. Sunday is the day when they go to worship God. At church, they praise God in song and dancing.

For party lovers, the weekend is usually the best time to have fun in clubs, restaurants, and pubs. This, however, should be done responsibly since at such times is when most people get into trouble with the law and other revelers likewise.

Last but not least, one can decide to spend time at the arcade to play games such as Pacman, Galaga, space invaders, pong, and Donkey Kong games. In addition to these, one can play paintball together with friends and family as well as go-kart racing.

essay on weekend plans

In new plans for Pa. visit, Biden will attend church in Philly in Sunday before traveling to Harrisburg

The event is one in a string of events Biden's campaign scheduled this weekend.

President Joe Biden speaks onstage in the gym at Girard College May 29, where he was joined by Vice President Kamala Harris to kick off their campaign’s “Black Voters for Biden-Harris” effort during a rally at the majority-Black prep school in Fairmount.

President Joe Biden will attend a predominantly Black church in Philadelphia on Sunday morning before traveling to a campaign event in Harrisburg on Sunday afternoon, his campaign announced Friday evening.

Biden will deliver remarks after the church service in Philadelphia, his campaign said. It did not identify the church or provide a time for the service.

The visit is one of many appearances Biden planned this weekend as he faces calls to drop out of the presidential race after his disastrous performance in the June 27 debate heightened concerns about his ability to handle another four years in office.

Biden held a rally in Madison, Wis., Friday afternoon. An interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, his first televised interview since the debate, was broadcast Friday evening.

During the interview Friday, Biden sought to project strength and vowed to stay in the race. Some Democrats , however, have continued to express concerns about his candidacy.

Originally, the president was scheduled to speak in Philadelphia on Sunday at the National Education Association’s annual conference alongside first lady Jill Biden .

The speech, however, was canceled after the NEA suspended its programming in response to a strike announced by its staffers Friday .

Staff writer Julia Terruso contributed to this article.

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Writing about your plan for weekend

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IELTS letter Writing about your plan for weekend

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • ? Include an introduction and conclusion
  • ? Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • ? Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • ? Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
  • ? Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
  • 6 band you recently organised a party for your company at your hotel. Dear Sir, I am writing to give some feedback about the party that my company held at your hotel on 25th june 2021. The purpose of the party was to celebrate company's 20-year anniversary, also the birthday of our organization's founder. Event was thoroughly enjoyable, people of all ages had a grea ...
  • 5.5 band Request letter for asking some information from teacher Dear Kamila. I am writing to get some information about your English training course. I heard about you from my group mates and I think you can help me to improve my speaking and writing skills in English. I would like to learn from a teacher who knows English fluently like yourself so I hope that ...
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  • 5.5 band You want to learn another foreign language you shold write a request letter I am writing to enquire about tajing French lessons with you. I saw the advert about you on the internet and I believe that you are just the person I am looking for. I am absolutely keen on learning the language from native speaker live yourself so I hope that you have space in your timetable to fit ...
  • 6 band juk; n'nkn; kjdbalhcpaihcpioahcpoiwhcoihslichqichliqhcihpic Hi Thank Jo, I'm so excited about our holiday. That sounds good, I saw the beach on the internet and it so beautiful. So, I think we should go sailing. After that we can go to our hotel and buy some seafood to eat, the seafood is so tasty. I can't go in August because I have a meeting here. But w ...
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  • 6 band Complaint to Owner about disturbance in building Dear Sir, The purpose of this letter, is to bring to your notice a very disturbing issue. I am a resident of your society from last 5 years and staying at 8th floor in B Block. In the tenure of my stay, I did not faced any trouble, but since last week there has been a lot of disturbance in our bloc ...
  • 6 band A series of radio programmes which you enjoyed finished recently. Write a letter to the radio station. Thank them for the series and tell them why you enjoyed it. Ask if they are going to broadcast similar programmes in the future. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this to thank you for your fabulous programme "astonishing cutting-edge technologies". The entire series were very well thought through and it was abvious that there are a lot of efforts and research have been put behind it. The subjects were maticulously chosen to add ...
  • One should not aim at being possible to understand but at being impossible to misunderstand. Marcus Fabius Quintilian


My Weekend Activities

My last weekend was so fantastic that I am sharing my experience with you here. I usually sleep a lot on a Friday night without any alarm. On this day, I woke up at 9 a. m.

After waking up, I did my homework. Then my mom told us that we were going to see our grandma today. 

So, I was really excited about that. She goes to see our grandma every weekend, and I love that too. My sister was also very happy about that.

In the afternoon, my dad drove us there. My grandma wasn’t too happy to see us, but she was still glad to see us. She had one of my uncles who lived with her and some cousins. I had a really great time with them. On Sunday, we came back.

My Weekend Activities Example 1 

My weekends are so much more interesting. I want to spend the whole weekend doing fun activities. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. 

My last weekend was amazing and interesting. I’m going to share my experience here with you all. I really hope you’ll love this experience.

A zoo is an amusement park for animals. Many different animal species can be found there.  Some of them are dangerous, but most of them are friendly. You can play games with some of them, such as feeding them or petting them.

We spent around 4 hours there and went back home in the evening. And then we became fresh and went for a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant nearby. 

The restaurant was near the beach. I’ve been there before, and I love this place so much. We had some delicious food and went back home.

My Weekend Activities Example 2

My weekend is something I really look forward to. I really get to rest and relax from the other busier five days of school. 

On Friday morning, I was overjoyed because I would only have to get up very early for this one day and then sleep whenever I wanted on weekends. Moreover, as a family, we could all spend some time on weekends.

This essay is about how great last weekend was for me. I was happy because I could do my homework quickly and complete it. I was busy helping my mother prepare food and looking after my little sister while she played.

In the afternoon, I helped my mother cook and eat lunch. We had a great time together. My niece was there too, and we played a lot. 

After lunch, we went for a drive around town. It was so much fun that we really loved the day. On returning home, we were tired. We had tea and went to sleep early.

The weekend went by fast, and I had lots of fun. I look forward to the next weekend for more fun and relaxation.

My Weekend Activities Example 3

My weekend was great. I went to see the new Star Trek movie, and I dressed up as my favourite character. But the movie itself wasn’t very good, and I fell asleep. And I’m sure I wasn’t the only one!

Top Tip To Make The Most Of Your Weekends

Want a productive weekend, but struggling for ideas? Check out this tip to get your weekend off to a great start. Your weekends are precious, so you’ll want to make sure you’re spending them well. 

You’ve probably worked all week with a single goal in mind—getting to this weekend and then doing something fun with it! 

But often, when you actually reach this weekend, it tends to fall flat and not quite live up to your expectations. This tip will help you plan ahead and stick to your goals.

Don’t let yourself be distracted by spontaneous events. Make sure you’ve planned ahead. You’ll probably end up doing nothing if you don’t plan ahead.

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Published: Friday 25th of January 2013

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How to talk about the weekend in English

Everyone loves the weekend. Weekends are a huge topic of conversation. Starting on Wednesday or Thursday, people will ask you about your weekend plans. When you return to work or school, you'll be asked how your weekend went. So it's helpful to have a nice range of phrases to use for these conversations.

The upcoming weekend

If you want to ask someone about the upcoming weekend in English, here are some common questions:

What are you doing this weekend?
Do you have anything going on this weekend?
Do you have any big plans for the weekend?
Do you have anything planned for this weekend?

If you have plans, you can tell people about them:

I'm driving to Baltimore with a friend.
I've got a date lined up.
Francine and I are taking the kids to the zoo. 

If you don't have any plans, here are some good phrases:

I don't have anything planned.
I'll probably just stay at home and relax.
I just want to sleep in!

Of course, you might not want to know about other people's weekend plans. In that case, just wish them a happy weekend:

Enjoy your weekend!
Have a great weekend!
See you next week.

The weekend past

After the weekend is over, you can ask about it with these expressions:

How was your weekend?
Did you do anything fun over the weekend?
What did you get up to this weekend?
Did you have a good weekend?

Here are some answers:

It was awesome!
It was pretty laid-back.
I went out with some friends on Saturday.
I just puttered around the house.
I had a pretty uneventful weekend.

Things to do on the weekend

Here are some of the activities that people like to do on the weekend:

  • go out to eat
  • go out (to a bar or club)
  • see a movie
  • binge watch TV shows
  • chill out at home
  • catch up on sleep
  • lay around the house
  • do some housework
  • do some yard work
  • spend time with your family
  • take a road trip
  • go to church
  • get together with friends
  • have a cookout
  • have a house party
  • have a dinner party
  • have a big family meal
  • go shopping
  • catch up on work

Bonus: Which weekend do you mean?

One difficult part of conversations about the weekend is knowing which weekend you mean. Here are some example sentences to help you figure out what "last weekend", "this weekend", and "next weekend" mean, depending on when you say them:

Monday- Tuesday

8-10 days earlier

1-3 days earlier

5-6 days later

5-6 days later


4-5 days earlier (Probably)

(This would be confusing.)

1-4 days later

8-11 days later


6-8 days earlier (probably)

Yesterday or today (probably)

Yesterday, today, or tomorrow

7-9 days later

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Paragraph Buzz

A Paragraph on My Weekend: 100, 150, 200 Words

‘My Weekend Paragraph’ is an important topic for school and college students. Here we are sharing three different formats for this paragraph. I hope you will find this useful and these paragraphs can assist you in your studies.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Weekend: Short Paragraph (100 Words) for Class 2, 3, 4

The weekend is always something interesting to me. I enjoy that time a lot. Spending five busy days in school with lots of homework pressure is hard. That’s why I try my best to enjoy the two days at the weekend. When I go to bed on Friday night, I feel so much relief because I have not any alarm and I can sleep as much as I want.

And then usually I visit any of our relatives on Saturday and Sunday we entire family go to the church. Overall my weekend is full of family functions. I enjoy with all a lot.  

Paragraph on My Last Weekend (150 Words) for Class 5, 6, 7

My last weekend was so awesome and I am going to share my experience here. I always sleep a lot on a Friday night without any alarm. I know I have no school on Saturday and I don’t feel any pressure for that. I can sleep as much as I want. So last weekend I wake up at 9 a.m.

After waking up, I did all my homework. And then my mother said that we were going to our grandmother’s house. I was really happy about that. We go to meet our grandma most of the weekends, and I love that so much. My sister was also happy about that.

In the afternoon, my dad drives us there. My grandma was so happy to see us. There was one of my uncles and few cousins live with her. I had a really good time with my cousins and grandma . We came back on Sunday.  

My Weekend Paragraph (200 Words) for Class 8, 9, 10

My weekends are so much interesting to me. I want to spend most of the time on the weekend with fun activities. My parents also get time to spend with us at that time. My last weekend was awesome and interesting. I am going to share my experience with you all. I hope you will love this experience.

On Saturday morning, my father announced that we are going to visit a zoo. My sister was asking dad for taking us there. I was happy too. Because I was never been there. And I wanted to see the lion and the tiger face to face. We went to the zoo at noon.

And we spend around four hours there and went back to our home in the evening. Then we became fresh and went to a beautiful restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was near a beach. I have come there before and I love that place so much. We ate and went back home.

And on a Sunday morning, we visited our grandmother. And finally, we went to the church in the afternoon. Overall that was an amazing time with my grandma and in the church. So I have visited a zoo, church, and my grandma on a weekend. That’s why this weekend was so much interesting to me.

Tips : You can use these paragraphs for educational purposes. These are free to use for all class students. Whatever your class is, you can pick a good one from here.  

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essay on weekend plans

WestJet cancels hundreds of flights as mechanics strike in surprise move on busy long weekend

Airline says cancellations affecting roughly 49,000 travellers.

essay on weekend plans

Here's how the WestJet strike is hitting Canadians

Social sharing.

A surprise strike by unionized airline mechanics at WestJet has left thousands of passengers wondering whether they would reach their destinations on Saturday after the airline cancelled 407 flights, affecting an estimated 49,000 passengers.

The airline said it will continue to ground aircraft through to Sunday evening, aiming to reduce its operating fleet to approximately 30 aircraft by that time, according to a release on Saturday evening.

The strike decision comes a day after Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan directed the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to impose binding arbitration to solve outstanding collective agreement issues between the Calgary-based airline and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA).

In a statement Thursday, AMFA said there is no modern precedent for the minister's action. The order followed two weeks of turbulent discussions between the union and airline on a new deal.

AMFA said on Friday that roughly 680 workers went ahead with strike action against the company, but the union remains engaged in dialogue with the CIRB to resolve the impasse.

Six men with signs stand on a picket line.

"The [aircraft maintenance engineers] were hopeful this action would be unnecessary but the airline's unwillingness to negotiate with the union made the strike," the statement reads.

Members to avoid unlawful job action, says union

The union said it will comply with the arbitration process and directed its members to avoid any unlawful job action.

The union's legal counsel said the strike is within the union's rights even with the minister's order. Sam Seham said there was no explicit mention that job action by AMFA would be against the law.

  • WestJet strike averted after federal labour minister imposes binding arbitration

"What was silent, or what was omitted, from the minister's referral is any indication that AMFA's right to strike had been curtailed or limited. That is a constitutional right," he said.

"So in that silence, of course the right prevails, the minister did not take any steps to limit that right. There may be some confusion, but the striking and arbitrating are not mutually exclusive."

The CIRB order, sent to CBC News, said the board found the ministerial referral does not have the effect of suspending the right to strike or lock out.

O'Regan issued a brief statement on Saturday morning, saying he was reviewing the board's order and calling it "clearly inconsistent" with the direction he provided.

"I will be looking at additional steps to protect the interests of the employer, the union and all Canadians travelling over this national holiday weekend."

In a followup statement later Saturday, O'Regan said he respects the authority of the CIRB and would be meeting with both parties involved in the dispute later in the day.

Update on the collective bargaining negotiations between WestJet and AMFA: <a href="https://t.co/UtKL0QonSG">pic.twitter.com/UtKL0QonSG</a> &mdash; @SeamusORegan

WestJet says strike designed to 'create damage'

O'Regan previously referred WestJet and AMFA to the CIRB on June 18, but the two sides were unable to reach an agreement.

WestJet responded to AMFA going ahead with a strike on Friday, saying it is "outraged" with the move.

Union members holding signs stand together in a picket line.

"The government has officially stepped in to provide binding arbitration and ensure we get to a resolution; the only reason for this union to continue with a strike action is to create damage, disrupt the travel plans of thousands of Canadians over the July long weekend and to inflict significant costs on our business," said company president Diederik Pen in a statement.

During a news conference at WestJet headquarters in Calgary on Saturday morning, both Pen and the airline's chief executive officer, Alexis von Hoensbroech, repeatedly said they were both outraged and devastated by the strike, with von Hoensbroech calling it "totally absurd."

"The reason why you actually do a strike is because you may need to exercise pressure on the bargaining table. If there is no bargaining table, it makes no sense," he said.

essay on weekend plans

WestJet CEO criticizes union for strike action

He said that, as a result of the actions, the situation "will only grow in difficulty and magnitude."

"So this is a very destructive thing, basically done by a rogue U.S. union that's trying to make inroads into Canada and taking some practices in here that are very, very unusual," said von Hoensbroech.

Tracey L. Epp, who practises labour and employment law in Winnipeg, says that a direction to send a dispute to binding arbitration does not prevent a union from going on strike or an employer from locking the workers out.

"The right to strike, the right to lockout, is a constitutional right," she said.

Reading the evolving views of the labour minister in his posted comments after AMFA announced its strike plans, Epp believes there might have been a misunderstanding on his part as to what binding arbitration would actually accomplish.

"That tells me that although the federal minister may have actually intended to end or avoid any kind of a strike or a lockout, the direction that the minister got was that the CIRB, as an independent board … was not in a position to be able to order the mechanics back to work or to not strike," said Epp.

Essential service?

She said it is theoretically possible for Ottawa to use the notwithstanding clause of the Charter to declare air travel an essential service and remove the constitutional right to strike, but she cautions that recent court cases have suggested essential services legislation might not be an appropriate way to exercise legislative authority and may breach Canadians' rights under the Charter.

"So I think most governments right now are going to be very reticent to declare any kind of industry an essential service unless you can show that there's a danger to life or a danger to public safety," said Epp.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, in a post on the social media platform X, called on Ottawa Saturday morning to resolve the matter quickly.

"The travel plans of tens of thousands of Canadians over this long weekend and beyond are now in jeopardy," the post said.

"WestJet customers expect an immediate resolution to this matter and for air travel to be restored."

The travel plans of tens of thousands of Canadians over this long weekend and beyond, are now in jeopardy. <br><br>The Alberta government asks the federal government and Minister Seamus O’Regan to expedite his review of the labour relations board’s decision. WestJet customers expect an… <a href="https://t.co/hAHH4MMmZ6">https://t.co/hAHH4MMmZ6</a> &mdash; @ABDanielleSmith

Travellers already frustrated with disruptions

The change in position on Friday seemed to shock both travellers and executives.

"Is my flight on Sunday in jeopardy?" asked Andrew Wheatley of Edmonton in a post to X.

"I support a union's right to strike if it's legal. And hopefully, they will get a good deal. But at the same time, I have to be at work Monday morning."

WestJet had already cancelled roughly 25 flights scheduled for Thursday and Friday, ahead of potential job action.

essay on weekend plans

'So disappointed': Toronto travellers frustrated by WestJet cancellations, delays

Sarah Lacombe, a WestJet customer, was booked on a flight heading to Puerto Vallarta for her honeymoon, but was delayed due to unscheduled maintenance.

She'd already gone through the same situation earlier in the week after disruptions from the back-and-forth situation between the airline and AMFA. 

"We haven't been on a vacation like this in eight years," Lacombe said. "I want it to get back on schedule and not have any grounded flights for anybody travelling."

essay on weekend plans

Traveller affected by WestJet delays says vacations 'a hard thing to come by these days'

Check flight status before heading to the airport.

WestJet says more than 250,000 passengers are scheduled to fly over the busy Canada Day long weekend, but the airline will begin parking aircraft in stations across Canada "with the intention of operating a significantly reduced schedule."

Those hoping to travel with WestJet are being asked to check their flight status before leaving for the airport.

"The scale of this deliberate disruption is devastating and AMFA must be held accountable for their reckless actions," said Pen in a statement.

Gabor Lukacs, president of advocacy group Air Passenger Rights, said travellers need to know their rights.

He said WestJet has an obligation under the law to find stranded passengers alternate travel arrangements within 48 hours, either through another of its flights or with a competitor.

People can also ask for a refund, although Lukacs said he recommends against doing so.

"I would urge passengers not to take a refund unless they are absolutely sure they don't want to travel," he said. "If you take a refund then WestJet can wash its hands of its obligations to you."

  • Was your WestJet flight cancelled this weekend? Here's what you need to know

On Saturday, Pen said WestJet would follow regulations and refund passengers while offering overnight hotel stays to those who are stranded.

"Further than that, we are not in a position to provide any additional compensation," he said.

The airline said it plans to hold AMFA responsible for costs incurred during the strike. 

This isn't the first time WestJet has seen labour turmoil. Last year, the airline averted a strike in the early hours of the May long weekend, but before cancelling over 230 flights and forcing thousands of people to have their travel plans changed.

essay on weekend plans

With files from Karina Zapata and The Canadian Press

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Do you like weekends?  

(Answer 1)  

Of course! Who doesn’t like weekends? (rhetorical question – doesn’t need an answer, it is only used to add a dramatic effect) I really believe that every one of us loves weekends as we don’t need to wake up early to go to work or school. It’s the time that we can recharge our batteries (to regain our strength and energy by resting and relaxing for a time) and do something that can make us feel good. How I wish every day is a weekend!  

(Answer 2)  

I love weekends! Weekends are the only days that I can destress (relax after a period of work) myself. So, every weekend I make sure to do the things that I love, such as walking with my dog at the park, malling, gardening, and cooking new recipes. Today is halfway (in the middle of the period of time) through the week and you don’t have any idea how excited I am for the weekend to come.     

What do you usually like to do on weekends?  

As a homebody ( a person who likes to stay at home ) , I usually spend my free time on weekends cleaning the house, watching Netflix series, and cooking. I find pleasure ( to enjoy doing something very much ) in doing these things rather than going out or meeting people, doing the latter ( second mentioned ) simply drains my energy.  

I love hanging out ( to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone ) with my friends as that’s the only time we can see one another and spend a great time updating each other’s lives. Most of the time we have a packed schedule on weekdays that even having a short meet-up like having coffee isn’t possible. But unfortunately these days, we’ve decided to minimize meeting outside just for safety purposes. Living during this pandemic needs extra care. You know, prevention is better than cure are words to live by   ( a motto; a piece of advice that one is adhered to ) .     

What did you do last weekend?  

Well, it was a lazy weekend for me. I didn’t do anything special, at all. I just spent time sleeping or lying on my bed since the weather wasn’t good. It was raining cats and dogs (raining very hard) for the whole weekend. I hope that this coming weekend, I’ll be able to do something worthwhile (valuable) .   

I went shopping last weekend with my friends and unfortunately, I splurged about $400 on (splurge on – to spend extravagantly) clothes. It was such an impulse buy (something you buy suddenly without thinking about it carefully) . In fact, I had some regrets for spending so much last weekend so I need to discipline myself not to spend lavishly (in a way that is expensive) for the next few months.  

(Answer 3)  

Honestly, I was kind of lazy last weekend, I didn’t do anything productive as I just wanted to get a good rest. I just lay on my bed for hours and hours and spent time binge-watching ( watching several episodes) my favorite TV series. I don’t usually do that, but for some reason, I wasn’t inspired to do something valuable and I think that’s alright since it’s not all the time that we’re at our best ( in one’s most excellent condition or state) .   

(Answer 4)  

Well, what did I do? Oh yeah, I baked a banana cake after watching some baking videos on Youtube. It was actually my first time baking a banana cake and I couldn’t be happier ( to be very happy) with the result since I was able to achieve the texture, the taste which I consider perfect, and the right moistness ( the quality of being slightly wet) . I might learn more about baking this weekend.

What will you do next weekend?  

I’ve nothing in mind yet. I dunno, I might treat myself to eating something special or going to the cinema, just to reward myself for staying up late ( to remain awake past one’s usual bedtime) preparing for this IELTS exam. I think I deserve something lovely this weekend, but honestly, I can’t decide yet on what to do this upcoming weekend at the moment as my mind is preoccupied ( engrossed in thought) with this IELTS exam.    

Well, I’ve already planned to visit my grandparents since I haven’t seen them for several months now. And my grandpa will turn ( become )  80 next month so I’d like to celebrate his birthday in advance as I don’t know if my schedule will be available on his birthday. I don’t want him to be disappointed so I better see him while my schedule is not tight ( when the schedule is tight, it means busy) yet.          

Do you like going to the cinema on weekends?    

Not at all, I feel uncomfortable being with the crowd ( a large number of people gathered together) of moviegoers. If I want to watch movies, I often do it online or I do the traditional one which is buying or renting a DVD from a shop and enjoying watching it in the comfort of my room.   

Yes but I go to the cinema only when there’s a great movie that’s just been released or when my friends invite me. It’s great to watch a movie on the big screen ( the cinema) every now and then but I can’t imagine doing it oftentimes, I’ll surely go broke ( having no money ) if I do it every weekend.   

Do you make plans for your weekends?

Not really because I want it to be spontaneous (natural; without planning) . I’m not the type of person who always organizes things ahead of time since it’s not fun. If I always plan things, I feel like I’m restricted (limited in extent, action, etc.) and I feel like a robot that I’m programmed to do what has been prepared. 

Yes, I do because I want to make sure that I can do something that can surely help me relieve stress from work. As I said, Saturday and Sunday are the only days that I can destress myself so in the middle of the week, I already plan the things that I want to do for the upcoming (happening soon) weekend. And by doing that, I oftentimes make the most of (to take full advantage of something) my weekend. 

Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?

Well, yes, if it’s possible since it’s not every day that it’s the weekend. So, people should spend time doing the things that can make them happy or make them forget about their work. And if possible, people should not work on weekends because these days are intended (meant) for relaxation. 

Of course! And that’s the very main reason why I make it a habit to plan the things that I want to do every weekend. You know life is short not to make the most of our weekend. We don’t have so much time in the world so let’s be wiser in planning our weekend and doing those lovely things that can make us enjoy life.

What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?  

I’m not sure but I assume ( presume ) they spend valuable time with their loved ones, probably eating out, going for a drive, or perhaps doing some exercise at the park. I’m sorry, I don’t exactly know how the people in my hometown make use of their free time on weekends as I’m not living in my hometown for several years now.   

It’s common for the people in my hometown to indulge ( to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something) in a shopping spree since our neighboring town is very commercialized ( profit-orientated ) – there are big shopping malls where people can shop. Not only that, there are several entertainment facilities like an amusement park where families can bond which can surely make their weekend more meaningful.   

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essay on weekend plans


  • IELTS WRITING: It is not necessary for people to travel to other places

ieltsDragon – BAND 9.0 ACHIEVER

Author, Band 9.0 Achiever (First Attempt - IELTS Speaking)

Hi students! My name is Julius. I am the author of this IELTS website. I am a non-native English speaker who achieved the highest band score (band 9.0) on the IELTS speaking test on my first attempt. I graduated with a degree in Communication Arts from Cebu Normal University, one of the prestigious state universities in the Philippines. I am a licensed teacher and TESOL-certified. I once worked at a UK-based company teaching business English to Japanese businessmen who primarily work at Nikkei, a popular media company in Japan. I created this website to help you all achieve your desired band scores so you will waste so much money, time, and effort for retaking the exam numerous times. All of the sample answers I provided on this website are a product of my experience as a band 9.0 achiever and an experienced IELTS speaking coach. I've made sure that all of the sample answers are developed in a conversational and natural way because that is how I achieved a crisp band 9.0. Be one of the many students who achieved their target band scores by utilizing this website as one of the learning resources!

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Mixed reaction to Hobart's new Macquarie Point stadium design, as architects explain concept

The release of the first official concept designs of the proposed Macquarie Point stadium predictably ignited the conversation around the project, spurning a swag of differing opinions and questions from the Tasmanian public.

Social media comment sections often provide a good window to the thoughts and opinions of passionate Tasmanians, and a scroll of various Facebook and Instagram pages reveals some believe the stadium is a "vanity project" and an "eyesore in a sacred place", while others think it is "stunning" and "special".

Most people have questions, and they range from roof shadows to car parking; and as of yesterday, to the heavy use of timber.

Over the weekend, Tasmanian media had the chance to pepper lead architect Alastair Richardson from Cox Architecture, Macquarie Point Development Corporation chief executive Anne Beach and Sports Minister Nic Street with questions.

Here's what we learnt.

Aerail view, Macquarie Point stadium concept, released July 2024.

The stadium is higher than originally anticipated, by more than 10m. Why?

The apex of the domed roof is 54 metres from the ground and 51m above the playing surface, which sits 3m above the ground.

This is taller than Docklands stadium in Melbourne, however that increased height is "spread" across the 160m-wide domed roof. 

The highest point of the roof has been increased to mitigate the height of the edges, which have been reduced to about 22m.

Sporting stadium exterior concept art.

How will the added height impact the Hobart Cenotaph?

Making the middle peak of the roof higher allows the sides or "edges" of the stadium to sit significantly lower than first planned and, according to stadium designers, reduce the visual impact from the neighbouring Hobart Cenotaph.

"It's about a 22m height wrapping around, the equivalent of a six-story commercial build," Ms Beach said.

On top of that is the fixed dome roof, which gradually reaches the apex of 51m above the playing surface.

Sightline analysis and images are yet to be released by the Tasmanian government.

Ms Beach said the corporation would put together a full package that will show view aspects from across the city that will show a lot more detail.

This is a small site consisting of reclaimed land, with water table at 2m. Can it be built, and on time?

Macquarie Point officials have been steadfast that the nine-hectare site is "stadium suitable". Ms Beach previously referred to the site as a "pin cushion" when describing the amount of geotech testing done. The design team has also doubled down.

"There's no issue with that at all. None at all," Mr Richardson said.

"We've done a very fine balancing of the final level, making sure the building doesn't come up too high and addressing the water table issues, putting it at the right level that combines cut and fill across the site.

"Our civil engineer, Pitt and Sherry, have been heavily involved in that decision."

Right, but there's no way this thing will be built for round 1 of the 2029 AFL season?

"Everything indicates that we can, with the program we're doing," Mr Richardson said.

"Obviously, there's the Project of State Significance process that we have to go through, but we're on track for that, yes."

Where will I park my car?

Parking will be extremely limited, with only a handful of car parks available to the public.

Concept designs show an extension of the northern access road at Macquarie Point, which morphs into a bus interchange at the stadium. A new road, which will run underneath the stadium, is proposed, but this will be for service vehicles and equipment trucks only.

A new ferry terminal is also proposed, but details on that remain scant.

On Sunday, the Hobart Northern Suburbs Rail Action Group claimed the stadium would "fail without rail".

Concept art for a stadium.

Tell us about timber and the roof

The type of timber being proposed is an engineered wood product called glulam, which is short for glued laminated timber. However, the particular local species is yet to be decided.

"So we're not just using things like radiata pine, we actually want to use eucalypt," Mr Richardson said.

"It's fully waterproof because it's underneath the roof so it's not exposed, and it doesn't degrade. We've done some work with that. There's more to do and we're looking into supply chain issues.

"We're wanting to invest in Tasmania, so all the components are built here rather than the timber being brought over to the mainland and brought back."

And the roof?

The material is called ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene), which has been in use for more than 40 years and allows the full UV spectrum to penetrate, which is crucial for grass growth.

It's been described as "the most appropriate" material by the designers and "incredibly lightweight".

It'll be supported by 800mm timber and steel beams.

A translucent plastic roof. This thing will be a big noisy hot box won't it?

The stadium won't house a complex air conditioning system, rather, it'll rely on natural ventilation according to the architects.

"We're bringing cold air in the bottom and extracting hot air at the top. What is nice and what we've found is that these types of stadiums, because of the warmth, increase the growing season [for grass], which is a good thing," Mr Richardson said.

"We've found on a cold winter's day at Forsyth Barr stadium in Dunedin, people sit in the sun and love it."

A domed translucent roof next to a river. Whoever gets the roof cleaning contract will rake it in, won't they?

The ETFE roof is "self-cleaning" according to stadium architects. That is, rainfall will naturally clean dust and other particles off the roof.

"However, it is recommended that it is hosed off once a year," the architects said.

Speaking of rain, will heavy rainfall on the roof create a noisy distraction during a game of cricket for instance?

While rain hitting the ETFE roof does create a "slight drumming" noise, it "dissipates very quickly," according to Cox Architects.

"We haven't seen any issues at other ETFE stadiums," they said.

Won't the roof trusses cast shadows across the playing field?

Apparently not, according to the architects.

The roof height results in what the designers call a "diffused shadow", rather than "hard shadows" that might be seen at Docklands or around the edges of the MCG.

"We've done extensive modelling in terms of the shadowing, both indoors and outdoors," Mr Richardson said.

"The issue in terms of impact on play is minimised.

"It's also backed up by the sports lighting that is incorporated into the dome, rather than light towers."

International cricket in a roofed stadium?

Cricket Tasmania and Cricket Australia were satisfied with the designs following briefings last week.

The roof height was initially a primary concern for cricket, but after obtaining data from ball-tracking firm Hawkeye and feeding it into the design of the stadium, the roof height was increased beyond 50m, and a solution was found.

With play guaranteed under a roof, Cricket Australia could potentially extend its season into the colder months leading to an earlier start to the international summer of cricket and easing existing schedule restraints.

Cricket Tasmania chief executive Dominic Baker told the ABC last week that the International Cricket Council was becoming increasingly interested in the Hobart project, while the Board of Cricket Control in India is also said to be exploring the concept of roofed arenas.

Testing would have to occur for Test cricket at the stadium to be green-lit.

We might need to expand from 23,000 seats. Can it be done?

According to the architects, the stadium will be designed so that expansion to up to 30,000 seats is possible.

"The roof stays in its exact same location, the gap between the top row of the seats and the roof, which is enclosed, allows us to bring another annulus of seating around the upper tier," Mr Richardson said.

A woman holds a sign at a rally reading: Public homes not a stadium

There's a heritage-listed Goods Shed on the site. What of it?

Under the plan, the Goods Shed would be relocated about 100m north, next to the escarpment.

It'll act as an entry to the stadium precinct on game days and could be used as an event and function space at other times.

"Because of the way it's constructed, out of timber post and beam and truss, it's not a difficult building to take apart and reconstruct somewhere else," Peter Walker from Cumulus Studios said.

Given its recent heritage listing, the planning commission would need to be convinced that moving the shed does not severely or negatively impact the building's heritage values.

Corrugated iron green shed with windows.

Will this come in under budget?

Stadium proponents and the state government remain adamant the stadium will be built within the $715 million funding envelope.

Quantity surveyors and cost advisors WT Partnership, were hired to oversee the project and update costings as the design progressed.

According to the proponents, and the designers, the maths stacks up, and the project remains on budget.

Whether that remains the case, remains to be seen.

"Not a single dollar has been wasted on superfluous components," Mr Richardson said.

The stadium must also pass the rigorous Project of State Significance process — then pass both houses of parliament — after it is submitted to the Tasmanian Planning Commission in the coming weeks.

A crowd of people hold signs at a rally saying 'no stadium'

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Essay on How I Spent My Weekend

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Weekend in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Weekend

My relaxing saturday.

My weekend began with a lazy morning. I stayed in bed until late, enjoying the warmth of my blanket. For breakfast, I had my favorite pancakes with syrup. Then, I played video games which was super fun. In the afternoon, I helped my mom in the garden, planting new flowers.

On Sunday, I woke up early and went cycling in the park with my dad. It was refreshing and the park was full of life. After lunch, I finished my homework. In the evening, we all watched a funny movie and laughed a lot. My weekend was simple but very enjoyable.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Weekend

My weekend began with the warm rays of the sun gently waking me up. I stayed in bed a little longer, enjoying the comfort of my cozy blanket. After getting up, I ate a breakfast of pancakes and honey. With a full stomach, I spent the morning reading my favorite comic book and playing with my dog, Max. He is always full of energy and loves to catch the ball. In the afternoon, I helped my mom bake cookies. The smell of chocolate and vanilla filled the house. It was a quiet and peaceful day.

Sunday Fun Day

On Sunday, I went on an adventure with my family. We drove to a nearby park where the grass was green and the flowers were blooming. I ran around, flew my kite, and even had a picnic with sandwiches and lemonade. My sister and I played tag and laughed a lot. Later, we all went on a nature walk and saw birds, squirrels, and a little pond with ducks. Before going home, we had ice cream cones which melted quickly in the sun but tasted delicious.

Getting Ready for School

As the sun began to set on Sunday, I organized my school bag and prepared my uniform. I also checked my homework to make sure everything was done. Feeling ready for the week ahead, I went to bed early. I fell asleep quickly, dreaming about the fun I had and the new adventures that the next weekend might bring.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Weekend

My relaxing weekend.

Weekends are a time for rest and fun. This past weekend was special for me because I did many things that made me happy. I want to share with you how I spent my time from Friday evening to Sunday night.

Friday Evening: Movie Night

My weekend started on Friday after school. I had no homework, so I decided to watch a movie. I chose a funny cartoon because laughter is the best way to begin the weekend. I made popcorn, grabbed a cozy blanket, and sat on the couch. The movie was about a talking dog that goes on adventures, and it made me laugh a lot.

Saturday Morning: A Trip to the Park

On Saturday morning, I woke up early. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. After breakfast, my family and I went to the nearby park. The park has a big playground with swings and slides. I played there for hours, running around and enjoying the fresh air. My parents sat on a bench, watching and sometimes joining in the fun.

Saturday Afternoon: Baking Cookies

After lunch, my mom and I baked cookies. We mixed flour, sugar, eggs, and chocolate chips in a big bowl. I helped by stirring the mix and then placing small balls of dough onto the baking tray. The best part was the smell of cookies baking in the oven. We all had cookies and milk for a snack, and they were delicious.

Saturday Evening: Reading Time

Sunday morning: playing soccer.

On Sunday, I played soccer with my friends at the school ground. We made two teams and played a match. I scored a goal, and my team won. Playing soccer is fun, and it’s good exercise too.

Sunday Afternoon: Homework and Study

After the soccer game, I returned home to do my homework. I sat at my desk and worked on math problems and wrote an essay for English class. Doing homework on Sunday helps me prepare for the week ahead. It’s not as fun as playing or watching movies, but it’s important.

Sunday Evening: Family Dinner

To end the weekend, my family had a big dinner together. We had my favorite food, spaghetti, and talked about our weekend. It’s nice to spend time with family and share stories.

Conclusion: A Weekend Well Spent

In conclusion, my weekend was full of different activities that I enjoyed. From watching movies and playing at the park to baking cookies and reading a book. I also made sure to play with my friends and finish my school work. Spending time with my family was the perfect way to finish my weekend. I went to bed feeling happy and ready for the new week. This was how I spent my relaxing weekend.

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essay on weekend plans

Short Paragraph on My Weekend (370 Words)

essay on weekend plans

Here is your short paragraph on My Weekend !

Weekend is something I really look forward too. From the other busy five days of school, I really get rest and relax on weekends.

On Friday mornings I am so happy because I would have to get up early only for this one day and then sleep to my wish on weekends. Moreover, as a family we all could spent some time on weekends.

Last weekend was great for me. Saturday morning, after breakfast, my Mom announced that we would be visiting my aunt’s place for lunch. Hurray!! I was happy. So I did my homework’s very fast and completed them.


My mother was busy preparing some food items and I helped her by looking after my little sister and playing with her. By afternoon, we took our baths and got ready to leave to my aunt’s house. Over there, we had a great time. My niece was also there and we kids played a lot. When it was time to serve lunch, my mom and aunt served lunch and we all had a great yummy lunch. After lunch, we fell asleep. By evening, we had our tea and went for a drive in the city. It was so much of fun, that we really enjoyed the day. Getting back home, we were tired and slept of early.

On Sunday morning, we went to the church and attended the masses. After church we came back home and then had our breakfasts. After clearing the dishes, I studied for some time and then relaxed watching my favorite cartoon shows.

After lunch, we all rested for some time and in the evening after tea and snack, my parents, me and my little sister went to a nearby park. We played for some time there and then took rest. Then we had a walk around the park and enjoyed the evening breeze. When it got dark, we came back home. After taking showers, we had our dinner and then after our evening prayers, we kids went to slept.

The weekend passed off with loads of fun and entertainment and I look forward to the next weekend for more fun and entertainment and to relax myself from the daily homework’s and studies.

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How to Handle Crowded Airports and Roads This Fourth of July

As record crowds hit the roads and the skies this week for the holiday, here’s what to know before traveling.

People walking with large rolling suitcases, as a long line of travelers with suitcases and backpacks is seen behind them.

By Sara Ruberg

Whether they’re driving or flying, people traveling for the upcoming holiday weekend are expected to break records in what is already one of the busiest years yet for travel.

The Fourth of July holiday usually marks the peak for summer travel, and this summer is already showing signs of surpassing the past two record-setting summers.

With the Transportation Security Administration reporting record numbers of passengers flying in the past month, and AAA predicting 60 million drivers hitting the road, here’s what to know and how to avoid delays and traffic jams.

Travel records keep getting broken.

With people itching to get away in the wake of coronavirus shutdowns, air travel in recent years has taken off. Travel volumes are still growing, despite higher costs and a more volatile industry, according to Paula Twidale, the senior vice president of travel at AAA.

The demand is being fueled by wealthier travelers, who are spending more, while budget travelers and poorer families are booking fewer trips, according to analysts and surveys.

In an American Express Travel survey, 84 percent of people planned to spend more or the same amount on travel this year compared with 2023, and over three quarters said they valued the best travel experience over cost.

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