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Introduction to Fashion Design

A course by lupe gajardo , fashion designer.

Lupe Gajardo

Discover the creative process to design a capsule or limited edition collection in your own style

  • Best seller
  • 99% positive reviews ( 555 )
  • 20603 students
  • Spanish , English , Portuguese , German , French , Italian , Polish , Dutch
  • Information

Introduction to Fashion Design

Get started in fashion design and unravel its expressive power alongside fashion designer Lupe Gajardo. Learn how to create a capsule collection from scratch using research and conceptualization. With collections seen on catwalks at fashion weeks in Berlin, Santiago de Chile, London, and New York, Lupe will guide you through the fashion industry, explaining the field from her own perspective and showing you why she considers fashion to be an essential form of expression.

Learn how to conceptualize your ideas using a simple creative process and design a unique capsule collection.

What will you learn in this online course?

15 lessons & 12 downloads

Lesson image

  • 15 lessons (2h 35m)
  • 12 additional resources (2 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: Spanish, English
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

What is this course's project?

Design a capsule or limited edition collection of 8 garments, focusing on the creative process to express your signature style.

presentation of fashion designing

Projects by course students

Mi Proyecto del curso: Introducción al diseño de moda. Fashion, and Fashion Design project by Michelle Chavarro - 05.20.2021

By michellechavarro

Mi Proyecto del curso: Introducción al diseño de moda. Fashion Design project by silvanagarcia - 03.31.2021

By silvanagarcia

Colección "Grammys para Beyoncé". Fashion Design project by Ana Sánchez - 03.28.2021

By mimosa_pudica

Ana Sánchez

Who is this online course for?

For anyone interested in the creative process behind making a limited edition fashion collection.

Requirements and materials

To take this course, you should have basic drawing skills and a desire to express your ideas through fashion.

As for materials, you need a sketchbook, pencils, an eraser, colored pencils, magazines, pieces of fabric, and a piece of cardboard paper.

presentation of fashion designing



Muy interesante e inspirador, me gustó mucho.

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Andy Coeto

Muy bueno para principiantes


Es extremadamente hermoso muy fácil d entender , sus explicativos eh imágenes por videos hace más entendible la lección y enseñanza d la profesora , me gusta mucho y desde el principio d Laa unidad me atrapó su contenido , un 10 exelente , gracias muy recomendable .


Me ha encantado el curso!


Very good and interesting course. Liked it

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Lupe Gajardo

Lupe Gajardo A course by Lupe Gajardo

Chilean native Guadalupe Gajardo, better known as Lupe, has always had an interest in crafts and creating clothes. She graduated as a Fashion Designer in Instituto Incacea in Viña del Mar, Chile and worked with renowned designer Miguel Ángel Guzmán, before creating her own brand in 2009, Lupe Gajardo.

For Lupe, fashion goes further than just the garments; it’s a unique form of expression. She has taken part in some of the most important catwalks across the world, including in New York, London, and Berlin. Her brand has been highlighted by WGSN as a brand to follow.


  • Presentation
  • What Will We Do on the Course?
  • Introduction to fashion design
  • Milestones in the history of fashion
  • Basic design elements
  • Design principles
  • What is a capsule collection?

The development of the collection

  • The investigation
  • The conceptualization
  • The manifesto
  • Assembly and structure of the collection

Final thoughts

  • Technical Specifications and Design Details
  • Presentation of the collection

Final project

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Domestika's courses are online classes that provide you with the tools and skills you need to complete a specific project. Every step of the project combines video lessons with complementary instructional material, so you can learn by doing. Domestika's courses also allow you to share your own projects with the teacher and with other students, creating a dynamic course community.

All courses are 100% online, so once they're published, courses start and finish whenever you want. You set the pace of the class. You can go back to review what interests you most and skip what you already know, ask questions, answer questions, share your projects, and more.

The courses are divided into different units. Each one includes lessons, informational text, tasks, and practice exercises to help you carry out your project step by step, with additional complementary resources and downloads. You'll also have access to an exclusive forum where you can interact with the teacher and with other students, as well as share your work and your course project, creating a community around the course.

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  • Fashion Design

Introduction to Fashion Design. Fashion course by Lupe Gajardo

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A Detailed Exploration of the Fashion Design Process

a female fashion designer working on clothing in a studio

Engage with the captivating sphere of apparel creation as we take a deep dive into the elaborate steps behind conceiving and producing captivating attire. 

The art of apparel creation is a mesmerizing and complex journey that comprises various phases, from ideation to manufacturing. For budding style architects and clothing aficionados, comprehending each facet of this artistic voyage is imperative.

In this step-by-step guide, we take an in-depth look into the realm of apparel design, spotlighting its key components and illuminating the various stages entailed.

Grasping the Fundamentals of Apparel Design

Before immersing oneself in the complexities of clothing design, it is crucial to understand the basic principles of this inventive domain. The creation of apparel hinges on an optimal balance between artistic expression and pragmatism.

Apparel design extends beyond merely crafting aesthetically pleasing attire; it serves as an art form that empowers creators to convey their distinctive viewpoints and ideas. It becomes a narrative device, with garments acting as the channel through which style architects communicate their vision to the world.

Style architects draw inspiration from a myriad of sources, including natural phenomena, cultural narratives, historical events, and personal encounters. They keenly observe their surroundings, taking note of the most minute details and discovering beauty in unforeseen locations. This ability to perceive splendor in the mundane truly distinguishes them.

Creativity’s Integral Role in Apparel Design

The core of fashion design (FD) is creativity. It serves as the propelling force that ignites the inventiveness and distinctiveness of a style architect’s creations. Creative individuals have an acute awareness of fashion trends, color schemes, and silhouettes, enabling them to conceive remarkable art pieces that mesmerize onlookers.

In the realm of clothing design, creativity transcends the mere generation of new concepts. It entails pushing the envelope, defying traditional norms, and thinking innovatively. Style architects perpetually aim to produce something fresh and unique, a design that offers a fresh perspective.

a woman with blue nails sitting at the table designing clothes and drawing sketches

Furthermore, the influence of creativity in apparel design is not confined to the design journey. It permeates every facet of the fashion realm, spanning marketing, branding, and presentation. From runway shows to advertising campaigns, designers leverage their creative prowess to craft a unified and captivating narrative that strikes a chord with their intended demographic.

Pivotal Aspects of Apparel Design

Creativity, while indispensable, is fortified by several essential elements that serve as the cornerstone of every garment creation. These constituents include shape, line, texture, color, and form. Comprehending how these facets interact and harmonize with each other is key to creating visually enticing designs:

  • Shape pertains to the general outline or structure of a garment. Influenced by factors such as the body profile of the wearer, the desired aesthetic appeal, and the functional purpose of the outfit, style architects deliberate extensively on shape to ensure that their creations enhance the body and yield a balanced silhouette;
  • Line holds a substantial role in apparel design, guiding the viewer’s gaze and stimulating visual intrigue. Lines can be linear, curved, or angular, with architects tactically using lines to foster movement, accentuate specific regions, or establish equilibrium in their creations;
  • Texture contributes depth and tactile allure to clothing designs. This is achieved via fabric selection, embellishments, and surface treatments. Style creators play with varied textures to instill contrast, amplify visual fascination, and stimulate particular feelings or moods;
  • Color serves as a formidable instrument here, capable of stirring emotions, establishing ambiance, and transmitting messages. Stylists meticulously opt for color schemes that resonate with their design premise and the anticipated emotional response from viewers. They factor in cultural connotations, color psychology, and prevailing trends when deciding the hues for their creations;
  • Form is linked to the three-dimensional contour and framework of a garment, taking into account construction techniques, draping, and fit. Fashion creators pay acute attention to form to ensure their creations are visually appealing, functional, and comfortable for the wearer.

a female designer choosing colors in front of a dressmaker dummy in an atelier

The Apparel Design Journey

With a firm understanding of the essentials of apparel design in hand, the initial steps of the journey can commence. These steps encompass conceptualization, illustration, and refining of ideas to establish a unified blueprint.

The odyssey of a style architect ignites with an inspirational trigger. It could be an exquisite sunset, a captivating work of art, or an enriching conversation. This inspiration lays the groundwork for the entire journey. To genuinely grasp the rhythm of the style universe, creators plunge themselves into thorough research:

  • Probing current style trends is pivotal to maintaining relevance in this rapidly evolving sector. Style creators immerse themselves in fashion publications, participate in style exhibits, and engage with social media platforms to glean insights into trending and fading styles. They also analyze their target audience, deciphering their preferences, desires, and ambitions;
  • Armed with an abundance of knowledge and inspiration, creators venture into the concept development stage. Here, their creativity soars, as they generate ideas and explore diverse possibilities. Sketching, doodling, and unleashing their imaginations become their tools for crafting the initial seeds of their design.

Concept Development in Fashion Design: Unveiling the Creative Genesis

The concept development stage entails a comprehensive exploration of current style trends, drawing inspiration from diverse sources, and engaging in the exhilarating process of idea generation. Creators immerse themselves in a meticulous analysis of the target demographic, market demands, and emerging fashion movements, enabling them to formulate a distinctive and compelling concept for their creations.

During this creative phase, designers curate mood boards, visual collages brimming with captivating imagery, fabrics, colors, and textures that encapsulate the very essence of their concept. They embark on an expedition of experimentation, traversing the realms of nature, history, culture, and even the realms of fantasy. This process serves as an invaluable tool for refining their vision and establishing a robust foundation for their pieces of art.

Collaboration emerges as a potent force in concept development. Designers actively seek the input and perspectives of their peers, fostering an environment of open dialogue, feedback, and imaginative brainstorming sessions. Through these interactions, they ensure that their concept flourishes into a well-rounded and resonant embodiment that strikes a chord with their target audience.

Sketching and Illustration Techniques

Sketching and illustration techniques stand as indispensable pillars in the realm of FD. These tools enable fashion artists to transcend ideas from the realms of imagination onto the realm of paper, breathing life into their concepts. The integration of diverse sketching and illustration techniques empowers stylists to refine their designs, capturing every intricate detail with precision and clarity:

  • Fashion craftsmen commence their creative process by sketching rough outlines, capturing the overarching silhouette and proportions of their envisioned garments. They embrace experimentation, exploring various poses and angles to envision how the garment will manifest from different perspectives. Gradually, they infuse their sketches with greater intricacy, refining lines and embellishing them with delicate elements such as pleats, buttons, or embroidery, in order to manifest their creative vision;
  • Illustration techniques further elevate the visual representation. Fashion architects venture into the realm of diverse mediums, such as watercolors, markers, or digital tools, breathing vibrant life into their sketches. Through skillful play with shading, texture, and color, they bring forth a vivid and realistic portrayal of the garments they envision.

Throughout the iterative process of sketching and illustration, designers maintain an unwavering commitment to evaluation and refinement. Seeking invaluable feedback from mentors, industry experts, and even potential customers, they ensure their creations resonate harmoniously with their intended audience, embodying both creativity and practicality.

Material Selection in Fashion Design: Weaving the Fabric Story

Having traversed the initial stages, designers now embark on the pivotal journey of material selection. This stage entails an intricate understanding of various fabric types and their specific applications, while simultaneously recognizing the profound impact that color and texture have on the creation of visually captivating designs.

Understanding Fabric Types:

  • Fashion engineers delve into the realm of textiles, acquainting themselves with an array of fabric types, ranging from silk to cotton, from velvet to denim. Each fabric possesses unique characteristics, such as drape, weight, and stretch, which profoundly impact the final outcome of a garment;
  • Through meticulous research and hands-on exploration, archictects develop an astute understanding of the different properties and qualities of fabrics. This knowledge enables them to make informed decisions about which fabrics will best bring their creations to life.

Significance of Color and Texture:

  • Color is an influential component in FD, capable of evoking emotions, capturing attention, and establishing brand identity. Designers consider the psychological and cultural associations of colors, creating harmonious palettes that align with their concepts and resonate with their target audience;
  • Texture adds depth and tactile allure to garments, creating visual interest and engaging the senses of the wearer and the observer. Designers carefully consider the texture of fabrics and the surface treatments that can be applied to enhance the overall aesthetic of their designs. They experiment with different textures, such as smooth, rough, or textured surfaces, to create contrast and visual intrigue.

Tips for Material Selection:

  • Research and familiarize yourself with various fabric types, their properties, and their best applications in garment construction. Understanding the characteristics of different fabrics will help you choose the most suitable ones for your design;
  • Consider the functional requirements of the garment. For example, if you’re working on activewear, look for moisture-wicking and breathable fabrics. If you’re creating eveningwear, opt for luxurious and flowy fabrics;
  • Pay attention to the season and climate when selecting fabrics. Light and breathable fabrics like linen or cotton are ideal for summer, while heavier fabrics such as wool or cashmere provide warmth in winter;
  • Experiment with color and texture combinations to create unique and visually appealing designs. Play with contrasting textures or combine fabrics with different finishes to add depth and visual interest to your garments;
  • Seek input from fabric suppliers, fellow experts, or industry experts for recommendations and insights on fabric selection. They can provide valuable guidance on the quality, availability, and performance of different fabrics.

By carefully selecting materials, fashion creators weave a fabric story that enhances the visual impact, comfort, and functionality of their pieces of art. The right combination of fabric types, colors, and textures brings depth, character, and an element of allure to their creations, captivating the audience and elevating the overall aesthetic appeal of the garments.

Understanding the key elements of FD, such as shape, line, texture, color, and form, provides a solid foundation for creating visually compelling masterpieces. The concept development stage allows designers to explore current trends, gather inspiration, and collaborate with peers to refine their creative vision.

Sketching and illustration techniques serve as essential tools for translating ideas onto paper, breathing life into designs with precision and clarity. Material selection, with its emphasis on fabric types, colors, and textures, plays a crucial role in bringing the envisioned garments to life. By carefully considering these elements and engaging in meticulous research, fashion stylists can create garments that not only reflect their unique perspectives but also resonate with their target audience.

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Folder: Fashion Sketchbook Pages

Definition: A fashion presentation is usually fashion CADs (rendered technical drawings), inspirational images, fashion floats, fashion drawings, fabric swatches, trims, and other notions presented in an attractive layout.

Fashion Sketchbook & Fashion Presentation Templates. 

In the apparel industry, a fashion presentation presents design ideas and gives designers, technical designers, and production teams a clear picture of how a finished garment design will look, or how an outfit will work together. Multiple fashion presentation boards for all garments in a line provide a visual reference for the look of an entire apparel collection. Use our color palettes, fashion design portfolio layout s, and fashion background templates to make you fashion design portfolio, fashion presentation, or fashion mood board.

Also see other fashion templates & fashion portfolio examples:  flat fashion sketches , fashion croquis , fashion figures , fashion templates , Fabric Patterns , & fashion illustrations  categories

fashion background 023a center preview

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  • Tattoo & Heraldic
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  • Holidays & Misc
  • About Fashion Industry
  • Fashion Design Tutorials
  • Fashion Design Resources
  • Digital Fashion Design and Sketching
  • Photoshop for the Fashion Industry
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25+ Best Fashion + Style PowerPoint Templates (On Trend for 2024)

Looking for the perfect PowerPoint template to showcase your fashion designs or create a lookbook-style presentation? Then you’ve come to the right place!

We found some of the best fashion PowerPoint templates you can use to make presentations for all kinds of lifestyle and fashion-themed projects.

Whether you’re working on a fashion catalog, lookbook slideshow, introducing a new product lineup, or presenting a new fashion brand, there are templates in this collection for all kinds of purposes.

These templates are full of color, style, and animations. You’ll probably want to download them all. Go ahead, have a look.

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BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

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Pitch Deck Templates

Startup pitch deck.

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Animated PPT Templates

Fully animated.

Business PPT Templates

Business PPT Templates

Corporate & pro.

Minimal PPT Templates

Minimal PPT Templates

Clean & clear.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Peverly – Fashion Catalogue PowerPoint Template

Peverly - Fashion Catalogue Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template is for fashion designers, brands, and businesses who wants to present their latest fashion catalog with a modern presentation. The template has more than 50 slide layouts for you to choose from. Including unique designs to highlight your apparel and items with large images.

Volksa – Fashion Lookbook PowerPoint Template

Volksa - Fashion Lookbook Powerpoint Template

Elegance is the theme of this PowerPoint template that has the perfect design for creating lookbook-style presentations for showcasing fashion designs and clothing items. It comes with more than 50 unique slide designs full of vector icons, image placeholders, and master slide layouts.

MAYA – Fashion PowerPoint Template

MAYA - Fashion Powerpoint Template

Maya is another fashion PowerPoint template that has a stylishly modern slide design. It uses large titles mixed with large images to create trendy slides to instantly highlight your fashion designs. This template includes 34 unique slides that you can easily customize to your preference.

Historical – Fashion Presentation PowerPoint Template

Historical - Fashion Presentation powerpoint Template

This is a unique template that’s ideal for making PowerPoint presentations on fashion design, especially for high-end and luxury brands. The template features many stylish slides with easily editable image placeholders, editable colors, fonts, and much more.

Indieground – Fashion Presentation Templates Bundle

Indieground - Fashion Presentation Templates Bundle

If you’re working on an urban-style fashion presentation, this template pack will come in handy. This is a bundle that includes presentation templates for PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. Each template features 30 unique slides with modern, urban, and colorful designs. Use them to create presentations for your modern fashion brands and clothing lineups.

Pale Dawn – Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Pale Dawn - Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template featuring a set of beautiful slides. You can use it to create clean and simple slideshows for all your fashion and lifestyle presentations. There are lots of different types of slides included in the template with fully customizable designs.

Color – Free Fashion Presentation for PowerPoint

Color - Free Fashion Presentation for PowerPoint

This free fashion PowerPoint template includes 10 unique slides that you can edit, customize, and use however you like. Each slide in the template features modern and colorful designs.

Rexoya – Fashion Presentation PowerPoint Template

Rexoya - Fashion Presentation PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a presentation template with a clean and minimal design, this PowerPoint template is made for you. It comes with 20 unique slide designs featuring minimalist layouts. You can also customize the slides to change colors, backgrounds, and replace images. This template comes in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote formats.

YEBON Fashion Lookbook PowerPoint Presentation

YEBON Fashion lookbook Powerpoint Presentation

This fashion PowerPoint template is all about giving more attention to your fashion designs. As you can see from the slide layouts, it’s designed to show your fashion and apparel items using large images. It’s also great for your seasonal collections and fashion lookbook presentations.

SHANI – Fashion PowerPoint Template

SHANI - Fashion Powerpoint Template

Shani is an elegant presentation template featuring a set of beautiful slides. There are 34 unique slide layouts in this template. Each slide is fully customizable. You can change the colors, fonts, images, and shapes however you like. It’s great for niche apparel collections and high-end brands.

LAURA – Modern Fashion PowerPoint Template

LAURA - Modern Fashion Powerpoint Template

Laura is a fashion PowerPoint presentation with a modern look and feel. It has simple yet stylish slides that include creative text and title designs. These slides will surely help grab the attention of your audience. The template includes more than 30 unique slides with easily customizable layouts.

Glowing – PowerPoint Fashion Presentation Template

Glowing - PowerPoint Fashion Presentation Template

This PowerPoint template is perfect for making simple and beautiful slideshows for various fashion presentations. It comes in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides formats. Each template features 20 unique slides. You can easily edit the slides to your preference as well.

Modern Fashion Catalog Free PowerPoint Template

Modern Clothing Catalog Free PowerPoint Template

Make a stylish and modern fashion catalog slideshow using this PowerPoint template. It’s completely free to download and it comes in Google Slides format too. There are 24 unique slide layouts included in the template.

Spring Season – Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Spring Season - Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is perfect for making presentations to show off your seasonal clothing lineups and fashion trends. The template includes 30 unique slides with fully customizable colors, fonts, and layouts.

Sarade – Fashion PowerPoint Presentation Template

Sarade - Fashion Powerpoint Presentation Template

A fashionable PowerPoint template suitable for all your fashion and promotional needs. This template has a stylish slide design featuring icons, infographics, maps, and device mockups. There are 30 unique slides included in this template as well.

AUREL – Stylish Fashion PowerPoint Template

AUREL - Stylish Fashion Powerpoint Template

Aurel is a stylish presentation template that features a modern slide design. There are many different slide layouts in this template to help you design all kinds of marketing and promotional presentations for fashion brands. You can choose from 35 different slides to make amazing fashion presentations.

Pointer – Minimal Fashion Presentation Template

Pointer - Minimal Fashion Presentation Template

This fashion PowerPoint template comes with a minimalist design that will help highlight your apparel designs above all else. It includes 20 different slides that you can easily customize to change colors, fonts, and images. The template is also available in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides formats.

Panamas – Colorful Fashion Presentation Templates

Panamas - Colorful Fashion Presentation Templates

Make colorful and creative presentations to show off your fashion designs using this PowerPoint template. There are 20 attractive and colorful slides included in this template where you can make your fashion designs and apparel items appear more stylish than ever. This template is available in multiple file formats.

Smoosh – Dark Fashion PowerPoint Template

Smoosh - Dark Fashion PowerPoint Template

A dark color theme is usually a great choice for promoting luxury and high-end brands. You can use this PowerPoint template to promote your niche and luxury fashion designs in style. It features a dark color theme across 33 slide layouts. Each slide includes editable graphics and colors as well.

New Pastel – Free Creative Fashion Presentation Template

New Pastel - Free Creative Fashion Presentation Templates

Another colorful and creative fashion PowerPoint template. You can actually download this template for free. It features a pastel color-themed design, which you can easily customize to your preference.

Mifridix – Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Mifridix - Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

The free demo version of this PowerPoint template comes with several beautiful slide layouts that you can easily customize to create your own slideshows. The beautiful pink color scheme will allow you to make stylish and feminine slideshows for your fashion presentations.

Lumia – Fashion Presentation Template PPT

Lumia - Fashion Presentation Template PPT

Lumia is an elegant fashion presentation template that you can fully customize to your preference using PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides. It includes 20 different slides with large image placeholders, stylish fonts, and creative shapes. You can easily customize the slides as well.

Momentum – Fashion Brand PowerPoint Template

Momentum - Fashion Brand PowerPoint Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to create presentations to showcase your latest fashion designs, seasonal collections, product lineups, and brands. It’s great for making fashion brand profiles as well. The template comes with 30 unique slides.

Reyna – Summer Fashion PowerPoint Template

Reyna - Summer Fashion PowerPoint Template

The colorful and creative design of this PowerPoint template makes it a great choice for summer and seasonal-themed fashion presentations. It includes 30 different slides with various styles of layouts. You can use it to showcase your fashion brand, online stores, fashion catalogs, and more.

Culture – Clean Fashion PowerPoint Template

Culture - Clean Fashion Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template features a clean and simple slide design that will allow you to make more professional-looking presentations for all kinds of fashion and lifestyle projects. The slides are available in light and dark color themes as well as yellow, blue, and green color schemes.

Arianna – Fashion Presentation PowerPoint Template

Arianna - Fashion Presentation PowerPoint Template

Arianna is a trendy PowerPoint template that’s most suitable for modern fashion brands and for showcasing new apparel product lineups. The template includes a total of 36 different slides with editable colors, image placeholders, customizable vector graphics, free fonts, and much more.

For more beautiful templates, explore our best creative PowerPoint templates collection.

Home Collections Education Fashion Fashion Designing PPT Presentations

Fashion Designing Presentations and Google Slides Themes


Fashion Designing Presentation Slide

Features of the template.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different colors
  • The slide has 4:3 and 16:9 formats.
  • Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
  • Appealing presentation to impress an audience.
  • Create feature-rich slide presentations. 
  • Slides are compatible with Google slides.
  • Best fashion designing theme.
  • Fashion Style
  • Fashion Design
  • Fashion Trends
  • Fashion Photography
  • Fashion And Clothing
  • Fashion Model
  • Fashion Minimalist
  • Fashion Designer
  • Beauty Of Fashion
  • Google Slides

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Animals and birds

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Country Flags

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Galaxy or Space

124+ Templates

Blackboard Powerpoint Templates

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BluCactus United Kingdom

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation?

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? | BluCactus

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? Nowadays, there are many tools that we can use to publicize our fashion business. Likewise, to strengthen a fashion marketing strategy, we can use PowerPoint. Through this software provided by Microsoft Office, we can create professional fashion presentations without giving ourselves a headache.

Best of all, this tool can be used with ease because we have the opportunity to find fashionable PowerPoint templates. An element that will save us time when making a presentation. If you want to know how to make a fashion design presentation, this post will be handy for you.

What is a Fashion PowerPoint Presentation?

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? | BluCactus

Likewise, they are not only used in schools or business corporations. The fashion sector can also take great advantage of them.

Therefore, if you have a fashion business, a PowerPoint presentation can serve as visual support to talk about your products or tell your brand’s story through slides.

Also, this tool allows presenters to transmit information to a specific audience based on their needs . Therefore, in addition to having a marketing strategy for your business, making presentations like this allows you to send a compelling message.

How to create a fashion design presentation?

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? | BluCactus

Therefore, for those ideas to be updated, we will tell you what the trends for a fashion design presentation that you should follow are:

Minimalist Slides, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

At these times, cluttering slides with too much information can be a mistake. So, it would help if you chose a slide with plenty of options for adding icons and infographics. Remember that less is more, and by adding your information with elements like these, it will be easier to understand.

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? | BluCactus

Use less text and more images, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

In a presentation, it will always be necessary to add text. But when it’s too much, your audience can get distracted reading and won’t pay attention to what you expose. However, this can be avoided since some of the text can be converted into tables, graphs, etc. Also, if you have a fashion business, this trend will work even better. Because you can add these types of elements that are easier to assimilate.

Take advantage of the use of modern colours.

To create the ideal fashion presentation , you should use trending colours throughout the year. For example, green and pink are trending colours, and red has been sweeping for several consecutive years. Similarly, to add the latest colours to your PowerPoint presentation, you can visit Pantone.

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? | BluCactus

Get creative with typography.

Although you can reduce the text in your presentation, it is impossible to remove it altogether. Therefore, take advantage of eye-catching typography as it is trending in graphic design. It will be exciting to combine your fashion images with the different fonts you will find.

Tell a story in the best visual style, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

Fashion has become more than just wearing the clothes that are in trend. The history of design, its products, or your brand’s history generates emotions in people. Therefore, once you have your ideas for your fashion design presentation , you can organise them visually to achieve the goal of engaging your audience.

How to customize your fashion PowerPoint template?

If you’re about to start putting together a fashion design presentation, ideally, you’ll want to organise your templates in a custom way. Follow our recommendations to make this step as easy as possible:

PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? | BluCactus

Title Slide, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

This first slide is very important because it will set the tone for your fashion brand. It will also be the first thing your audience sees. So, you need to start with a creative and strong headline to convince them that they will enjoy a successful presentation .

Image Masking.

This is a technique used for image editing, where one part of the image is covered while another is revealed. This image format is exciting to tell the audience to focus on a specific part of the image. However, this is not a new method, but it will give your slides a different touch. You can now find presentation templates that include these masks. But you can also do it directly in PowerPoint using the image tab.

presentation of fashion designing

Discreet Animation, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

Animation effects, when used properly, can make an impact on each of your slides. Also, for animation to add flair to your presentation, you need to be cautious. Animations should not be used excessively so as not to distract the public or give an unserious image .

Firm Closure.

When you start with a powerful slide, you should do the same at the end of your presentation. Create a memorable conclusion by using the best slide designs and some techniques we’ve already mentioned.

Audience Attention, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

From the first moment you decide to give a fashion design presentation, you must focus on keeping your audience’s attention. Therefore, they must focus on their brand, images, and products.

When choosing your presentation template, you should not be closed to the traditional and try the trends for the use of PowerPoint. Try different slide layouts, geometric design, bright colours, image masking, and other elements that come your way when designing.

What are the best fashion brand presentations PPTs?

There are many sites where you can find the best templates to make a presentation for your fashion brand. Therefore, we will mention some points that you should consider to choosing the proper templates. All depending on the information you want to share:

presentation of fashion designing

Modern Templates

Modern templates are very eye-catching as they often come with many placeholders to add images of your products on the trendy design slides.

Also, images can be added easily. Just drag the image of your choice and drop it on the bookmark.

These types of templates also come in different colour schemes, so you can choose the hues that fit your brand identity. Also, they often come in a standard or widescreen format so you can fit your presentation to the screen.

Business Templates, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

Business templates are also handy for a clothing store presentation. In them, you can add the images you want with ease. And they also come in a variety of colour combinations. Also, many of the business templates can come with over 100 slides. So, you’ll have endless opportunities to showcase your fashion images.

presentation of fashion designing

Creative Templates

The creative templates can be customized very easily. Many of them are minimalist and come with colour schemes that you can adjust to suit your presentation. In addition, most of them have more than 150 slides to add all the necessary information . Therefore, if you want to display the tip of your fashion products, you can rely on templates like these.

Minimalist Templates, Create a Fashion Design Presentation.

These types of trendy PowerPoint templates are trending. In general, they are templates with approximately 50 slides. And in them, you can add all the fashion photos you want to make a professional design.

These types of fashion presentation templates come in a high-definition format. Thanks to this, you can make a professional presentation with many trendy images to impress your target audience.

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If you want to create a fashion design presentation for your business, feel free to use PowerPoint. In the slides, you can share information about your brand, products, etc. Therefore, you can use a presentation like this to present to a specific audience . Or it can be a document to send by email.

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to start creating your fashion design presentation. At BluCactus , we have professionals who can take care of doing this task for you. Thus, your brand will achieve a visual impact by displaying the images of your products, information related to fashion, and your brand’s history with creativity and originality.

Contact Us ! And we will gladly assist you.

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Top 5 best PowerPoint templates sites

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Innovation stood out as designers juggled digital and live presentations.

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Alice + Olivia RTW Spring 2021

The spring 2021 fashion season was many things: a creative test for designers and brands who had the capacity to create during lockdown; a first look at a new digital-first fashion week landscape; and a steep learning curve for all of those set on helping carve a path forward with the backdrop of COVID-19.

It wasn’t a cohesive effort, either, with New York and London almost exclusively operating on digital presentation formats, whereas Milan and Paris held a mix of live runways, presentation and digital initiatives, highlighting the uncertainty and unease plaguing debates over whether or not to reopen.

What stood out was innovation, on the part of the CFDA with the emergence of its Runway 360 platform , and with designers who captivated audiences by bringing them into their worlds. Here, a roundup of the standout presentations and shows from the spring 2021 fashion season, including debut collections, IRL events and creative looks into what the future of fashion week could be.

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Eurovision winner nemo to perform in london wearing inflatable dress 'half the size of a bus', 1. jacquemus holds first live show in france since lockdown.

Simon Porte Jacquemus kicked off a string of live runway over a long spring 2021 season, making a compelling case with models negotiating a winding path through a field of golden wheat for his pastoral collection. According to Miles Socha, the collection was “soothing in its pale colors and natural textures, and seductive in its show of flesh, fabric peeling away in the breeze,” he said. “He was in his element on that sloping land in the Vexin region, about an hour outside of Paris. In an interview before the show, the wind whipping images off his moodboard plunked in the prairie, Jacquemus said there was no question in his mind that he would ever abandon physical shows. His was the first in France since Paris Fashion Week last March.”

2. Alice + Olivia’s Pop-up Dance Performance

In one of the few live moments during NYFW, Stacey Bendet offered a sense of hopeful, celebratory resilience with an energetic and much-needed pop-up dance performance to showcase the Alice + Olivia collection’s signature whimsical flair and to prove that New York’s creative energy is alive and well. “I wanted to put together some amazing, talented, creative women and let them express the clothing,” she said of bringing the clothes to life in a season of look book presentations. She cast dancers and violinist rocker Margot of The Dolls wearing the collection’s newfound casual ease, spotlighting the comfort and movement inherent to trackpants, stretchy jeans or fully embroidered pants in looks styled as “casual on bottom, party on top.”

3. Ulla Johnson’s Ode to NYC

The feeling of togetherness is one everyone in the world is longing for. Throughout 2020, designers have referenced this yearning through their designs and correlating collection experiences, whether in person or through a digital screen. To emulate this feeling, Ulla Johnson debuted, “Love Letter to New York City,” for the spring season. Set against the backdrop of NYC on Roosevelt Island’s Four Freedoms Park, Johnson’s dynamic outdoor runway film of her darling spring collection (an audience-less show) served as a way of reaching her customer beyond the standard format of an industry-exclusive runway experience. “For me, the takeaway from everything is we all need to be much more public facing,” she said. “We need to be speaking to not just this small group of insiders, but to announce things much more and to bring people into that experience of runway.”

4. Christian Siriano’s Backyard Show

Fashion with three capital Fs: fashion, fantasy, fun. Christian Siriano closed out NYFW with a healthy display of joy in the comfort of his own backyard, reminding us all of what we missed about real, live fashion shows. Siriano didn’t pretend to make his show about practical clothes women will wear when they emerge from quarantine. “I approached it as, with everything that’s happened, let’s just do fantasy here…,” Siriano said during a preview. “Hopefully everybody will escape for 20 minutes and feel a little bit like they’re in another place.”

5. Moschino Dolls

The spring 2021 season was one that tested designers’ and brands’ creative capacity. One of the most innovative presentations came from Jeremy Scott, who turned to Jim Henson’s Creature Shop to bring his Moschino collection to life with miniature 30-inch marionette dolls dressed up in ladylike glamour and walking in a charming, salon-style, fashion-show film. Speaking from his home in L.A., Scott said: “You see the strings, you don’t see the puppeteers but you sense them, and you know it’s a human craft, just like dressmaking. People don’t give attention to pinking shears and figuring out how darts are finished, but I wanted those to be the design lines of the collection, the patterns and embellishments. It was about showing human contact, thought and process, because this has been a humanizing experience globally we’ve all had to endure.”

6. Miuccia Prada x Raf Simons Debut

Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons’ debut Prada collection was arguably the most anticipated of the spring 2021 season, of which Bridget Foley wrote: “History could prove this a seminal moment in fashion: Miuccia Prada, the ultimate feminist designer whose work displays a rare fusion of intellect and emotion, and one of fashion’s most powerful and resolute voices for decades, now coauthoring her brand’s creative output with Raf Simons, himself a major creative voice and revered standard-bearer of heady, modernist fashion. Her famously distinctive work has a range from austere to voluptuous, while his is more singularly “cool,” (give or take that late-term Jil Sander romance of yore). For anyone who loves fashion and believes in the purpose and sanctity of the live fashion show, there’s some heartbreak in the fact that this collaboration premiered digitally, as forced by the coronavirus nightmare. On the other hand, one can find kinetic resonance in this particular shift to a digital platform. “Today, technology is a part of life — the show is a dance between a woman and technology,” Prada said in a statement to WWD post-show. “The show is about simplicity — about clothes, and about the dialogue between clothing and the body. That is echoed by a dialogue between technology and the body, technology and humanity.”

7. Gabriela Hearst’s Carbon-Neutral Paris Show

Prior to Gabriela Hearst appointment as Chloé’s new creative director, the designer debuted her spring 2021 collection in Paris, a la a carbon neutral runway show. “I’ve been working with the mind frame that we are in a crisis since before the pandemic,” Hearst told WWD during a preview. “The paradigm that we always set ourselves is, ‘How are we going to do business 10 years from now, where there’s water shortages, where there’s less access to natural resources, lack of biodiversity?’” Luxurious, sustainable designs took the runway in a tightly edited collection of 30 looks. “Quality doesn’t need to be obnoxious or ostentatious,” she said. “You can’t build real quality fast, you can only build it step by step.”

8. Matthew Williams’ Givenchy Debut

Matthew Williams’ dynamic debut for Givenchy paid homage to legendary Parisian House codes built by Hubert, while offering a “steely new code,” through graphic tailoring, luxed-up casual and lots of hardware. “The silhouette suggests a tailoring-driven approach to the storied French couture house, while reflecting the modernism associated with Williams’ 1017 Alyx 9SM brand and his obsession with cutting-edge craftsmanship,” wrote Miles Socha.

9. Burberry Takes It to the Woods

How does a brand like Burberry organize a fashion show during a global pandemic? Bring it to the woods! With a set reminiscent of scenes from the “Hunger Games,” the luxury brand held its spring 2021 open-air fashion show livestream event with no audience at Black Park in Buckinghamshire, an hour’s drive outside London. Samantha Conti wrote, “Having spent much of his lockdown on Lake Como, reconnecting with his family and with nature, Tisci had wanted this show to be an homage to the purity, simplicity and stillness of the outdoors.” Designer Riccardo Tisci collaborated with artist Anne Imhof on a performance that mimicked ocean waves, with bodies pushing, pulling and collapsing on top of each other in a repetitive motion, with cameras following an army of models as they dressed in claustrophobic mirrored boxes, which then opened up to the forest outside. As they walked they appeared briefly free, but seconds later Secret Service-type men in black suits and sunglasses suddenly appeared behind them, dragging them down the trail.

10. Louis Vuitton Men’s Shanghai and Tokyo Shows

Louis Vuitton Men’s artistic director Virgil Abloh decided it was time to disrupt the format of how to present his collections and go forth with a seasonless, itinerant model of fashion shows. Titled “Message in a Bottle,” the spring 2021 collection began digitally via a teaser dubbed “Zoooom With Friends,” through a squad of curious cartoon characters loaded into crates and shipped off to sea. Four weeks later and the collection materialized in front of a live audience in Shanghai on the banks of the Huangpu River, guests were treated to a larger-than-life presentation that included an equally outlandish set with branded red shipping containers and a variety of cartoon-like inflatables dotted both along the runway and in the reception area. Award-winning, American singer Lauryn Hill made a cameo as she was projected onto the shipping containers above for a virtual performance while models donned garments below for in-person viewing. The show, a month later exactly, made its resurgence in Tokyo, at a cruise terminal in Tokyo Bay, this time an additional 60 new looks that had not been seen before were unveiled, bringing a close to Abloh’s spring 2021 journey.

11. Ermenegildo Zegna Goes Back Home

For its 110th anniversary celebration, Ermenegildo Zegna’s spring 2021 show, the runway was brought back home, literally, as artistic director Alessandro Sartori didn’t just consider the environment in which it was shown — the brand’s HQ in Trivero named the Oasi Zegna. Streamed digitally from atop a grassy meadow, the spring 2021 men’s wear show had the models meandering and weaving through the Oasi Zegna for more than three kilometers in different directions, spanning from the factory and the archives to the forests. Alessandra Turra recounts “In particular, the designer let himself be inspired by the colors and textures of the unspoiled landscape of the Oasi Zegna reserve, which he translated into a collection of elegant garments that combined natural fabrics and technological manufacturing techniques.”

12. Celine Men’s Racetrack Show

The Celine spring 2021 men’s show wasn’t the typical Hedi Slimane nod to the Seventies of well-tailored blazers, bell-bottomed pants and shaggy sartorial storytelling that fashion onlookers are used to. As for the clothes, Miles Socha recalled, “And so Slimane, after flirting briefly with bourgeois Paris in the Seventies, went back to elevated California thrift-shop chic, throwing together trucker and beanie hats, plaid shirts, Eighties-sitcom Windbreakers, gym shorts and loose jeans with blown-out knees.” In fact the 12-minute film, released on July 29 and dubbed “The Dancing Kid,” abruptly erases the Seventies haute gigolo style of Celine Homme and brings in a new wave of dressing inspired by teen boys and what they have been wearing in their bedrooms while creating TikTok videos in boredom during the pandemic. Slimane, not a stranger to over the top show sets, focused it’s spring offering to be presented at the Circuit Paul Ricard race track (helmets and all) in Marseille, France, proving to be the grand toast to TikTok’s eboys and skate culture fanatics, celebrating updated youth codes. 

13. Balmain Goes Phy-gital

Creative director Olivier Rousteing celebrated Balmain’s 75th anniversary with a collection that reflects the world’s new reality. Miles Socha wrote, “He’s more convinced than ever that heritage is crucial, and that the pandemic has ushered in a ‘new sense of luxury,’ one hinged less on trends and more on careful spending on pieces that stand the test of time. Investment dressing is back!” The house unveiled it’s mega show at the Jardin des Plantes with an old-school vignette curated by fashion historian Olivier Saillard and starring the monogram jacquard the founder used in the Seventies for couture coats, ready-to-wear blouses and travel bags. Amidst physical and digital attendees, the set included three rows in stadium seating style, with oversized screens, each housing VIP guests including J. Lo, Anna Wintour, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Megan Thee Stallion, Kris Jenner, Usher and Cara Delevingne, among other friends of the brand who couldn’t travel, to sit virtually in the front row and to experience the show from screens scattered among the first three rows of the bleachers.

14. Zegna and Fear of God Release Capsule

Cult streetwear brand Fear of God and Ermenegildo Zegna joined forces this past March to debut during Paris Fashion Week their first collaborative effort, characterized by classic tailoring and modern American luxury in equal doses, which many industry insiders declared to be an unparalleled success. Through this merger of minds, Zegna’s Alessandro Sartori and Fear of God’s Jerry Lorenzo sought to create a lineup that possesses youthful energy as translated through time-tested craft. “With a shared true desire to create the modern man’s wardrobe, we partnered with Ermenegildo Zegna to establish a timeless collection rooted in freedom, sophistication and elegance,” Lorenzo said.

15. Loewe Men’s goes inside the box

For the spring season, Jonathan Anderson packed up the runway and transformed it into a socially distanced affair, with Loewe friends and family receiving a show-in-a-box designed in collaboration with M/M (Paris), a classic archive box, which translates the entire creative process into a sensorial experience, from the initial inspirations to the show setting. Miles Socha said its contents came “complete with fabric swatches, color chart, a pop-up set, and a voiceover soundtrack on a vinyl 45, to be played on a rickety cardboard player you spin with your forefinger. It’s all contained in a hard-case filing box, perfectly expressing Anderson’s brainy disposition, and his penchant for do-it-yourself and craft.” Jonathan Anderson’s featured booklet references the collection’s inspirations from the American sculptor Claes Oldenburg’s work to Swiss photographer Walter Pfeiffer’s photography. The looks and bags become 3-D models for a 360-degree view, while the look book combines all the printed looks of the men’s collection and the women’s pre-collection on a block of paper.

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PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation?

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PowerPoint: How to Create a Fashion Design Presentation? Nowadays, there are many tools that we can use to publicize our fashion business. Likewise, to strengthen a fashion marketing strategy, we can use PowerPoint. Through this software provided by Microsoft Office, we can create professional fashion presentations without giving ourselves a headache.

Best of all, this tool can be used with ease because we have the opportunity to find fashionable PowerPoint templates. An element that will save us time when making a presentation. This post will be handy for you if you want to know how to make a fashion design presentation.

What is a Fashion PowerPoint Presentation?

presentation of fashion designing

Therefore, if you have a fashion business in New York or anywhere else, a PowerPoint presentation can serve as visual support to talk about your products or tell your brand’s story through slides.

Also, this tool allows presenters to transmit information to a specific audience based on their needs. Therefore, in addition to having a marketing strategy for your business, making presentations like this allows you to send a compelling message.

How to create a fashion design presentation?

Trends govern the fashion world, and your presentation should focus on it. Just as clothing styles are constantly changing, so are the designs for your fashion presentations.

Therefore, for those ideas to be updated, we will tell you what the trends for a fashion design presentation that you should follow are:

Minimalist Slides

These times, cluttering slides with too much information can be a mistake. So, it would help if you chose a slide with plenty of options for adding icons and infographics. Remember that less is more, and adding your information with elements like these will make it easier to understand.

Use less text and more images.

In a presentation, it will always be necessary to add text. But when it’s too much, your audience can get distracted reading and won’t pay attention to what you expose. However, this can be avoided since some text can be converted into tables, graphs, etc. Also, this trend will work even better if you have a fashion business because you can add these elements that are easier to assimilate.

Take advantage of the use of modern colors.

To create the ideal fashion presentation, you should use trending colors throughout the year.

For example, green and pink are trending colors, and red has been sweeping for several consecutive years.

Similarly, you can visit Pantone to add the latest colors to your PowerPoint presentation.

Get creative with typography.

Although you can reduce the text in your presentation, it is impossible to remove it altogether. Therefore, please take advantage of eye-catching typography as it is trending in graphic design.

It will be exciting to combine your fashion images with the different fonts you will find.

Tell a story in the best visual style.

Fashion has become more than just wearing the clothes that are in trend.

The history of design, its products, or your brand’s history generates emotions in people.

Therefore, once you have your ideas for your fashion design presentation, you can organize them visually to achieve the goal of engaging your audience .

How to customize your fashion PowerPoint template?

If you’re about to start putting together a fashion design presentation, ideally, you’ll want to organize your templates in a custom way. Follow our recommendations to make this step as easy as possible:

Title Slide

This first slide is crucial because it will set the tone for your fashion brand. It will also be the first thing your audience sees. So, it would help if you started with a creative and strong headline to convince them that they will enjoy a successful presentation.

Image Masking

This technique is used for image editing, where one part of the image is covered while another is revealed. This image format is exciting to tell the audience to focus on a specific part of the image. However, this is not a new method, but it will give your slides a different touch.

You can now find presentation templates that include these masks. But you can also do it directly in PowerPoint using the image tab.

Discreet Animation

Animation effects, when used properly, can make an impact on each of your slides. Also, for the animation to add flair to your presentation, you must be cautious.

Animations should not be used excessively so as not to distract the public or give an unserious image.

Firm Closure

When you start with a powerful slide, you should do the same at the end of your presentation. Create a memorable conclusion by using the best slide designs and some techniques we’ve already mentioned.

Audience Attention

From the first moment you decide to give a fashion design presentation , you must focus on keeping your audience’s attention. Therefore, they must focus on their brand, images, and products.

When choosing your presentation template, you should not be closed to the traditional and try the trends for using PowerPoint. Try different slide layouts, geometric design, bright colors, image masking, and other elements that come your way when designing.

What are the best fashion brand presentations PPTs?

There are many sites where you can find the best templates to make a presentation for your fashion brand. Therefore, we will mention some points you should consider to choosing the correct templates. All depending on the information you want to share:

Modern Templates

Modern templates are very eye-catching as they often come with many placeholders to add images of your products on the trendy design slides. Also, images can be added easily. Just drag the image of your choice and drop it on the bookmark.

These types of templates also come in different color schemes, so you can choose the hues that fit your brand identity. Also, they often come in a standard or widescreen format so you can fit your presentation to the screen.

Business Templates

Business templates are also handy for a clothing store presentation. In them, you can add the images you want with ease. And they also come in a variety of color combinations.

Also, many of the business templates can come with over 100 slides. So you’ll have endless opportunities to showcase your fashion images.

Creative Templates

The creative templates can be customized very easily . Many are minimalist and come with color schemes that you can adjust to suit your presentation. In addition, most of them have more than 150 slides to add all the necessary information . Therefore, if you want to display the tip of your fashion products, you can rely on templates like these.

Minimalist Templates

These types of trendy PowerPoint templates are trending. In general, they are templates with approximately 50 slides. And in them, you can add all the fashion photos you want to make a professional design .

These types of fashion presentation templates come in a high-definition format. Thanks to this, you can make a professional presentation with many trendy images to impress your target audience.

Would you like a compelling PowerPoint Presentation for your Fashion Business?

presentation of fashion designing

Don’t worry if you don’t know how to start creating your fashion design presentation. At BluCactus, we have professionals who can take care of doing this task for you. Thus, your brand will achieve a visual impact by displaying your products’ images, fashion information, and your brand history with creativity and originality.

Contact Us! And we will gladly assist you.

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Fashion Designer Portfolio

It seems that you like this template, fashion designer portfolio presentation, premium google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Fashion shows are plenty all around the world and a lot of people gather to behold and get to know the latest creations in clothing. If you are a fashion designer and want to stand out from the rest, try creating a professional portfolio with the help of our latest template.

A successful career in clothing design is waiting for you on these slides. To maximize the formal and professional feel, we’ve included several model sketches as illustrations to boost the appeal of your portfolio. The title font is very elegant and resembles hand-drawing, which is combined with a dark purple color, giving a slight luxury vibe to it. To make things easier for you, the layouts are simple and very straightforward, so you won’t have any problems editing the slides and adapting them to your needs. Be the trendsetter for the next mass market clothing, or create the most distinguished costume ever seen, the choice is yours!

Features of this template

  • An elegant template with hand-drawn typography and sketches
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 19 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics and maps
  • Includes 1000+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free and premium resources used

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presentation of fashion designing

Fashion Designing: Turning Passion into a Profession

F ashion designing isn't just about sketches and fabrics; it's about turning a creative vision into wearable art. Many dream of transitioning this passion into a full-fledged profession.

Understanding the journey from drawing designs on paper to seeing them grace runways and store racks is pivotal. In today's digital age, taking an online fashion course can be a stepping stone to making this dream a reality.

Understanding the Essence of Fashion Designing

At its core, fashion designing is about creating aesthetically pleasing clothing and accessories. But it's more than just aesthetics. A designer must consider functionality, comfort, and a piece's message.

The final designs should resonate with a target audience, reflecting the current times and often predicting future trends.

Education and Training

Starting with formal education can give an edge. Many institutions around the world offer degrees in fashion design . These courses provide foundational knowledge in textiles, pattern-making, and fashion history.

Additionally, they introduce students to the business side of fashion, an essential aspect of turning a passion into a career. However, formal education is just a step. Continuous learning and keeping abreast with current trends are equally vital.

Pursuing an Online Fashion Design Course

In today's digital age, traditional classroom settings aren't the only way to acquire knowledge and skills. The advent of online courses has transformed the learning landscape, making education more accessible than ever.

For budding fashion enthusiasts, enrolling in an online fashion course offers a unique advantage, bridging the gap between passion and professional expertise.

Benefits of Online Fashion Design Courses

  • Flexibility: One of the most significant advantages of online courses is the flexibility they offer. Students can learn at their own pace, fitting their studies around personal and professional commitments. This is particularly beneficial for those balancing work or family obligations alongside their passion for fashion.
  • Cost-Effective: Often, online courses are more affordable than their on-campus counterparts. Students can save money and time without the need for physical resources or commuting costs. Plus, many online platforms offer free trial versions or introductory courses, allowing individuals to gauge if the course aligns with their interests without significant financial commitment.
  • Diverse Range of Topics: Online platforms often provide a broader range of subjects than traditional institutes. The options are vast, from basic pattern-making to sustainable fashion, from textile science to fashion business management.
  • Global Perspective: Online courses often attract an international audience. Interacting with peers from various cultures and backgrounds can provide diverse perspectives, enriching the learning experience. Additionally, many courses feature international designers or professionals as guest lecturers, offering insights into global fashion markets.
  • Updated Curriculum: The digital nature of online courses allows for quick updates to course material. In the ever-evolving world of fashion, this ensures that students are always learning the most current information and techniques.

Building a Portfolio

A strong portfolio showcases a designer's best work. It's a visual resume that tells potential employers or clients what one brings to the table. The collection should evolve over time, with newer, more refined designs replacing older ones.

High-quality photographs, sketches, and even fabric swatches can be a part of this collection. It's essential for it to reflect a designer's unique style and versatility.

Gaining Experience and Networking

Entering the fashion industry often requires starting from the bottom. Internships and apprenticeships under seasoned designers provide invaluable experience. They offer an inside look into the day-to-day operations and nuances of the fashion world.

Networking cannot be stressed enough. Building strong relationships with industry insiders can open doors to job opportunities and collaborations. Attending fashion shows, workshops, and seminars can help in expanding one's network.

Understanding the Business Aspect

Fashion designing is also about commerce. Turning a passion into a profession requires a sound understanding of the market. Knowing the target audience, pricing strategies, and effective marketing can make or break a fashion venture.

Many designers opt to launch their own labels. If this is the path chosen, knowledge about business logistics—like sourcing materials, managing production, and distribution—is essential.

Challenges Along the Way

Like any profession, fashion designing comes with its set of challenges. The industry is fast-paced, with trends changing rapidly. Staying relevant and innovative is crucial. There's also intense competition, with numerous talented designers vying for the same spotlight.

Financial challenges, especially for those starting their own label, are not uncommon. Initial investment, consistent quality production, and effective marketing are imperative for success.

With its glitz and glamour, fashion design may seem like a dream profession. However, it demands hard work, persistence, and continuous learning behind the scenes.

Whether pursuing traditional education or online courses, embracing both the creative and business sides of fashion is vital. With determination and dedication, the world of fashion can indeed be one's oyster.

The post Fashion Designing: Turning Passion into a Profession appeared first on The Rebel Chick .

Fashion designing isn't just about sketches and fabrics; it's about turning a creative vision into wearable art. Many dream of transitioning this passion into a full-fledged profession. Understanding the journey from drawing designs on paper to seeing them grace runways and store racks is pivotal. In today's digital age, taking an online fashion course can...Read More


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