Writer Resume Example (Full Guide & Examples for 2024)

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So, you’re a writer. 

You have a way with words and yet, each time you sit down to write your resume, you get stuck. 

Ironic, right?

On a serious note, though, writer’s block is no joke, and it’s even less fun when it’s preventing you from getting your dream job.

If you’re struggling with your writer resume, we can’t blame you - after all, writing a resume isn’t all that exciting.

With the right guidance, though, writing a job-winning writer resume doesn’t have to be a matter of inspiration and we’re here to show you exactly how to nail it!

So, in this article, we will cover:

  • Writer Resume Example (Better Than 9 Out of 10 Examples)
  • 8 Steps to Write the Perfect Writer Resume 
  • 55+ Top Writing Skills in 2022

So, let’s dive right in. 

Writer Resume Example 

The resume at the top is an excellent writer resume example because it contains all the following elements: 

  • Reverse-chronological format. On top of putting the spotlight on your work experience, the reverse-chronological format is also a favorite among recruiters worldwide. For these reasons, it’s the ideal choice for a writer resume.
  • Relevant contact details. This writer resume example contains relevant contact information, including the candidate’s name and surname, email address, phone number, location, professional website URL, and LinkedIn URL. 
  • Impressive resume summary. The writer resume example above includes a brief but effective resume summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and top achievements.
  • Quantifiable achievements. The candidate in the writer resume example above uses numbers to emphasize the impact their achievements had on their previous work.
  • Short education section. A writer’s skills and experience matter more than their education. For this reason, this candidate kept their writer resume’s education section short and sweet. 
  • Bullet points. Using bullet points to organize your writer makes it look clean and well-organized, and recruiters have an easier time reading it.
  • Effective skills section. This writer resume only includes in-demand writing skills. What’s more, the candidate has organized their soft and hard skills into separate columns, which makes the resume easier to follow. 
  • Additional sections. The writer resume example above makes good use of additional sections by including the candidate’s various memberships and their language proficiency.

8 Steps to Write the Perfect Writer Resume

Now that you know what makes an impressive writer resume, it’s your turn to write a resume that’s just as compelling as our writer resume example above (or even better!). 

Here are all the steps that will help you to write the perfect writer resume:

#1. Choose the Right Format 

Before you jump into filling in the contents, let’s address how to format your writer resume the right way.

Essentially, there are 3 resume formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological
  • Combination  

Your best option, however, is to pick the reverse-chronological format for your writer resume.

Generally speaking, the reverse-chronological resume format is the safest choice. That’s because it effectively highlights your work experience by listing your most recent jobs first AND it’s recruiters’ favorite format. 

Here’s what the reverse-chronological resume format looks like:

reverse-chronological format

Now that we got formatting out of the way, let’s discuss your writer resume layout .

Here are all the elements of a great resume layout:

  • Adjust the margins. To make sure your writer resume isn’t cluttered and looks well-organized,
  • Choose a professional font style. You want your writer resume to be easy-to-read, so pick a professional and straightforward font style that looks good on both PDF and paper. Make sure to use it consistently throughout your writer resume so that it doesn’t look messy.
  • Use the right font size. A small font can be hard to read, whereas one that’s too big will spill your resume over to page #2. As such, you want to go for 11-12 pts for the body of your writer resume and 14-16 pts for your resume headings.
  • Make use of bullet points. Whenever possible, use bullet points to organize the information on your resume. Bullet points don’t just make your writer resume look neat - they also help the hiring manager to quickly skim through it. 
  • Keep it short. Optimally, you want your resume to fit into a single page . This increases the chances of the hiring manager actually reading your resume - after all, they go through hundreds of resumes every day.
  • Choose the right file format. Unless you’re asked to do otherwise, saving your writer resume as a PDF file is your safest option. This ensures that your resume maintains its formatting no matter the device or OS the hiring manager uses to open it.

Use a Resume Template to Save Time 

As a writer, you probably want to get to actually writing your resume as soon as possible.

However, if you’re making your writer resume from scratch, you have to deal with the formatting first. 

And let’s be honest - tweaking the margins and adjusting font sizes to make sure your writer resume fits into a single page can be a real hassle. 

Well, with our free resume templates , you can forget about formatting your writer resume and jump straight into filling in the contents!

Our professional resume templates will help you save time AND leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. Designed in collaboration with professional hiring managers, they are easy to scan, well-structured, modern, and visually appealing! 

Here’s how our tried-and-tested free resume templates compare to the basic black and white traditional templates:

novoresume versus old resume

#2. List Your Contact Details 

Once you’ve chosen the right format for your writer resume, you can focus on filling in the contents.

So, let’s start with the basics - write down your contact information first, including:

  • Your first name and last name
  • Your professional title (optional)
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • Your location (city and state)
  • Your writing website/portfolio/relevant social media profiles, blog, etc.

Can’t get any easier than this, right?

Just make sure not to make any mistakes (this applies to your entire writer resume) - after all, no company wants to hire a writer that can’t properly spell and isn’t attentive to detail.

Here’s an example of a contact information section that includes all of the above:

Gavin Maxwell


[email protected]

Rochester, New York


#3. Write an Impactful Resume Summary

Any writer knows the importance of capturing the audience’s attention with just the first couple of sentences.

Well, writing a resume is no different - actually, writing a powerful resume summary is your chance to catch the hiring manager’s attention!

In essence, the point of a resume summary is to give the hiring manager a brief, yet impressive overview of your professional background. 

As such, in just 2-3 sentences, your resume summary shows the recruiter whether you’re a relevant candidate and helps them decide if they should give your writer resume a closer look.

So, here are the elements you should mention in your resume summary to impress the hiring manager:

  • Your professional title and years of experience
  • Your most relevant writing skills
  • Your top 1-2 professional achievements

And here’s an example of an impactful resume summary that includes all of the above:

Professional and detail-oriented Technical Writer with 7+ years of experience in writing end-user documentation, specializing in user help guides. Excellent writing, analytical thinking, research, and time management skills. Rewrote over 80% of user help guides for 30+ products at Company X, resulting in a 42% decrease in product-related customer support calls.

#4. Focus on Your Work Experience 

Once you’ve written an attention-grabbing resume summary, you’re ready to write the most important writer resume section - your work experience .

First, let’s address the formatting - here’s how to do it:

  • Stick with the reverse-chronological order. To ensure consistency throughout your writer resume, begin with your latest work experience and work your way back.
  • Add the job title. Make sure that it accurately describes your former role and avoid using buzzwords . ‘Copywriter’ sounds much more professional than a ‘Keyboard Wizard’.
  • Include company details. Only mention key company information, such as name and location. You can also include a brief company description, especially if the latter isn’t a household name.
  • Mention the employment period. Use the mm/yyyy format consistently throughout your writer resume.
  • Write down your responsibilities and achievements.  Use 5-6 bullet points for recent positions and 2-3 for older roles.

By now, you should have a well-structured work experience section. However, you want your writer resume to stand out and impress the hiring manager. 

Luckily, it isn’t hard  - the key is to focus on your achievements over responsibilities. 

This way, you can show the hiring manager how well you performed in your previous workplaces and how you could benefit their company.

Lastly, follow these tips to bring your work experience section to perfection:

  • Customize your work experience section for the position. If you have tons of work experience, only mention the most recent and relevant jobs.
  • Use numbers to back up your achievements. Quantifying your achievements helps to really drive the point home (e.g. “Wrote 15 technical manuals” instead of “Wrote technical manuals” ). 
  • Use action verbs . Nearly all resumes will include ‘Responsible for…’ . So, to make your work experience section stand out, use action verbs instead (wrote, edited, proofread, collaborated, etc.)

Here’s an example of an impactful work experience section:

Senior Copywriter

Agency X                  

06/2016 - 10/2020

  • Developed unique and authentic brand voices for 15+ clients in the fashion, beauty, and health industries.
  • Increased 12 landing page conversion rates by an average of 36% in 10 months.
  • Helped to boost organic traffic for a fashion website from 500,000 to 2.4 million monthly users in 18 months. 
  • Increased product awareness by writing 6 press releases on beauty product launches each year.
  • Proofread and edited all projects, including other copywriters’ works, for grammar, consistency, and accuracy.

What If I Don’t Have Work Experience? 

Although the work experience section is by far the most important part of your writer resume, it doesn’t mean that you can’t write a job-landing resume if you lack relevant work experience .

After all, as someone who enjoys writing, you likely have different types of writing experience, even if you haven’t been employed as a writer just yet. 

So, instead of work experience, you can focus on any other writing experience you may have, including:

  • Academic projects
  • Volunteering
  • Internships
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Personal projects

For example, if you run a blog, make sure to mention it on your writer resume, especially if it has a substantial following.

Here’s what your work experience section could look like if you don’t have work experience:

Soup Kitchen Townhall 

06/2020 - 12/2021

  • Wrote a monthly email newsletter mailed to 1,700+ people, including local non-profit organization leaders.
  • Interviewed 10+ patrons, board members, and volunteers.
  • Wrote 2 press releases for the local newspaper, which enticed 8 new volunteers to join the cause.
  • Wrote 3 Facebook posts each week and adapted them for Twitter to promote the soup kitchen.
  • Helped to grow the Twitter follower base from 0 to 1,500+ followers in 6 months.

#5. Keep Your Education Section Short

Let’s keep it real - hiring managers care much more about your writing skills and work experience than about your education.

For this reason, you should only mention key education details in your writer resume.  

So, start with your latest degree and list your education details as such:

  • Degree Name
  • University, college, or other educational institution
  • Location (optional)
  • Years attended 

Unless you don’t have any higher education (you aren’t alone, by the way - Mark Twain, Ray Bradbury, and George Orwell are just some of the many famous writers that never got a degree ), feel free to swap your high school education details for an additional section to give your resume more flavor.

And here’s an example of a brief and to-the-point education section:

BA in English Language and Literature

University of Essex, England

08/2014 - 07/2018

#6. Add In-Demand Writing Skills 

Besides work experience, the skills section is one of the key sections on your writer resume that shows the hiring manager your abilities. 

For this reason, you want to make it count - and no, that doesn’t mean putting all of your skills on your writer resume. 

In fact, hiring managers highly value customization when assessing your resume, which is why you want to tailor the skills section of your writer resume for the specific position .

For example, if you’re applying to be a technical writer, chances are the hiring manager won’t care much about your rock-solid pitching skills. So, instead, write down skills related to technical writing, such as product knowledge, research, and analytical thinking. 

Here are some more tips that will help you to make the most out of your skills section:

  • Include any skills you have that the company is looking for. To prove that you’re a great fit for the position (and an attentive reader), make sure to carefully read the job description. If they mention any skills that apply to you, add them to your writer resume. 
  • Research the most in-demand writer skills. If you’re struggling to decide what skills to include, make sure to research what skills are currently most valued in the industry. Alternatively, you can also check our list of 101+ essential skills for some inspiration.
  • List your hard and soft skills separately. Splitting your skills section into two allows for more straightforward navigation and makes your writer resume look more organized.

Looking for more ideas on which skills to add to your writer resume?

We’ve got you covered - here’s a list of the 55+ top soft and hard skills for writers to get you started!

55+ Top Writing Skills in 2022 

15 soft writer skills.

  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Attention to detail
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Collaboration
  • Strong work ethic
  • Active listening
  • Organizational skills
  • Ability to follow instructions
  • Independence
  • Stress management
  • Adaptability

40 Hard Writer Skills

  • Punctuation
  • Proofreading
  • Wide vocabulary
  • Creating outlines
  • Interpreting statistics
  • Establishing tone
  • Identifying audience
  • Google Docs
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Interviewing
  • Note-taking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Data visualization
  • Ethical writing
  • Multilingualism
  • Creative writing
  • Technical writing
  • Academic writing
  • News writing
  • Feature writing
  • SEO writing
  • Business writing
  • Proposal writing
  • Dialogue writing
  • Sales writing
  • Screenwriting
  • Storytelling
  • Fact-checking
  • Product knowledge

#7. Take Advantage of Optional Resume Sections

Do you still have some space left on your writer resume?

Use it to show off your unique professional experience with one or more of these optional resume sections:

  • Languages. Make sure to mention any language proficiency in your writer resume, especially if that also means you write in multiple languages.
  • Publications. If you’ve published studies, interviews, research papers, or anything else of that sort, include them on your writer resume.
  • Associations and organizations. Include your memberships in writers’ associations and organizations as well as your role in them.
  • Conferences. List any writing or industry-related conferences in your writer resume to show your interest in the field.
  • Awards. If your writing has received recognition and awards, don’t be shy and mention it on your writer resume!

Here’s an example of how to put these optional sections on your writer resume:

  • Sir Peter Ustinov Television Scriptwriting Award (2018)
  • International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
  • French - Native or Bilingual Proficiency
  • English - Professional Working Proficiency
  • Danish - Professional Working Proficiency

#8. Attach a Cover Letter to Your Resume 

By now, you’re just one step away from writing a job-landing writer resume - and that last step is to attach a compelling cover letter to it. 

Essentially, a cover letter is somewhat similar to a pitch - the goal is to convince the hiring manager that you are the writer they’ve been looking for.

So, you want to show that you aren’t just a talented writer but you’re also the perfect fit for the company, its vision, and mission. And yeah, that means you’ll have to research the company to get a sense of what exactly they’re looking for. 

Now, as a writer, you shouldn’t have much trouble writing a convincing 4-5 paragraph cover letter, but since “selling” ourselves is often a daunting task, here are some guidelines to get you started:

  • Start your cover letter by including your contact information at the very top of the page.
  • Next, address the cover letter directly to the hiring manager to set you apart from other candidates who will likely use clichés such as ‘To Whom It May Concern’ as someone who’s done their research.
  • Capture the hiring manager’s attention by listing one or two of your top achievements in the first paragraph.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to provide more details on your professional background, including anything that you didn’t mention on your writer resume, and express why you strive to work specifically for this company.
  • To effectively close your cover letter , add a call to action (e.g. ‘I’m particularly interested in the X project and I’m eager to discuss how I could contribute to it at your earliest convenience.’)
  • Lastly, make sure to check out our cover letter writing guides, including cover letter writing tips and cover letter mistakes . 

And here’s a job-winning cover letter example :

cover letter example for writer resume

Want your cover letter to show your attention to detail? Use our cover letter templates to match it to your writer resume!

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap - by now, you know exactly how to write an effective writer resume (and a convincing cover letter!) to land the job.

Before you put your writing skills to practice, though, let’s go over some of the key points mentioned in this article:

  • To emphasize your work experience, choose the ever-popular reverse-chronological resume format.
  • Write a powerful resume summary that highlights your years of experience, skills, and achievements to catch the hiring manager’s attention.
  • Focus on your achievements to make your work experience section pop and show the recruiter what they can expect if you join their company.
  • Add optional sections, such as languages, awards, and associations, to set you apart from your competitors.
  • Attaching a compelling cover letter will help you win the job by persuading the hiring manager that you’re the right choice for their company.  

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13 Writer Resume Examples & Writing Guide

A strong resume is vital for writers seeking employment. This guide provides 13 professional writer resume samples, plus expert tips on crafting an impressive resume that grabs recruiters' attention. Learn how to effectively highlight your writing skills, experience, and achievements. With these best practices and examples, you'll be well-equipped to create a winning writer resume that secures interviews.


A great resume is very important for writers who want to get hired. But many writers struggle with making a resume that really shows off their talent and experience.

This article gives you 13 strong examples of writer resumes. Use them as inspiration and templates for your own. You'll also find a simple guide on how to put your resume together, section by section.

With these resume samples and tips, you can create a resume that gets you noticed by employers and helps you land writing jobs. Even if you don't have a lot of professional experience yet, you'll learn how to present your skills and background in the best way.

No more stressing over your resume. By the end of this article, you'll have the knowledge and tools to make a writer resume that opens doors and boosts your career. Let's dive in and start building your standout resume!

Common Responsibilities Listed on Writer Resumes

  • Researching and developing content ideas based on target audience and publication requirements
  • Writing and editing articles, blog posts, web content, and other written materials
  • Collaborating with editors, clients, and other stakeholders to ensure content meets expectations and deadlines
  • Conducting interviews and gathering information from various sources to support writing projects
  • Proofreading and fact-checking content to ensure accuracy and consistency
  • Adapting writing style and tone to suit different audiences, platforms, and purposes
  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends, news, and best practices to inform writing and maintain relevance
  • Managing multiple writing projects simultaneously, prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines
  • Participating in brainstorming sessions and contributing ideas for new content and strategies
  • Promoting published content through social media and other channels to increase visibility and engagement

How to write a Resume Summary

In creating a resume, the summary or objective section plays an important role. This section is essentially the prologue of your career story, setting the tone for everything that follows. It is where you, a writer, get the chance to characterise yourself professionally, briefly outlining your experience, skills and aspirations.

Consider your resume's objective zone as your personal billboard, your space to advertise your professional identity. Compare it to the back cover of a book, where enticing snippets are pulled out to inspire readers towards a judgment about the book's content.

With this metaphor in mind, let's explore how we can build a promising summary or objective section.

Identify Your Key Skills

Think hard about the skills you've acquired over your writing career. Distinguish between your technical skills (such as proficiency in publishing software) and your transferable skills (like being a detail-oriented writer who thrives on collaborating with teams). This list will serve as the backbone of your summary section.

Highlight Your Experience

Next, give a brief overview of your experience. However, resist the urge to elaborate at this point. Save the details for later in your resume. Instead, provide a concise overview of the length and breadth of your career.

State Your Goals

Your personal aspirations are also an important element. It helps potential employers understand whether your long-term goals align with the company's vision. Make sure to state your ambitions in a way that adds value to the potential employer. Altruism can be a significant factor in securing the right job.

Maintain Brevity and Precision

Lastly, remember that this is just the summary section. It should be sharp, brief and impactful. You don't have to delve too deeply into any aspect at this stage. Treat it as a trailer of your professional history, not a full-length movie. This way you ensure that the reader will desire to continue reading your resume.

From the hiring managers' perspective, the objective or summary space in your resume is a small window into your world as a professional writer. By highlighting your key skills, encapsulating your experience, stating your aspirations, and doing it all concisely, you can create a window that is worth looking into.

Strong Summaries

  • Accomplished and versatile professional writer with over 10 years of experience crafting compelling, error-free content for multiple platforms. Known for creative solutions to challenging briefs, with a proven track record to deliver high-quality scripts under tight deadlines.
  • Detail-oriented and prolific writer with 7+ years of experience writing a wide range of content including articles, blogs, web content, and press releases. Proven ability to meet deadlines while enhancing the clear, concise communication of complex ideas.
  • Innovative content writer and editor with over 5 years' experience in the digital and print industry. Proven skills in creating engaging content, managing editorial calendars, and driving SEO. Known for my strong copy-editing skills and commitment to maintaining content quality.
  • An award-winning writer and published author with a passion for story-telling. Highly skilled in creating engaging, thought-provoking narratives across various genres. Detail-oriented with an extraordinary command of the English language and the ability to write to various styles and tones.
  • Creative professional with 6+ years of experience in writing and editing. Proven track record of enhancing readability, accuracy, and overall quality of various types of writing. Demonstrated ability to manage multiple tasks and projects, meeting deadlines without compromising on quality.

Why these are strong ?

These examples are effective because they highlight the range, expertise, and outstanding skills the candidate has in the field of writing. They offer more than just job descriptions by mentioning results, accomplishments, or unique skills that distinguish the candidate from others. It aligns the individual's career story with the specific needs of the hiring organization. Hence, it is a good practice to customize your resume summary with relevant narratives, significant achievements, and skills that mirror the requirements stated in the job description.

Weak Summaries

  • I've spent the last few years writing stuff. I've written things like articles, blog posts, and books.
  • Writer seeking employment. I've written a lot.
  • I'm a writer. I write words. Lots of words. Big words, small words, all kinds of words.
  • Experience in writing and editing. Also have ran a writing blog in the past.

Why these are weak ?

These examples are bad for several reasons. They are vague and do not provide a clear summary of the writer's qualifications or experience, making it difficult for potential employers to understand their skills and competencies. Adjectives like 'a lot', 'things', 'stuff', 'lots of words', 'all kinds of words' are too vague and do not offer enough information about the writer's specific writing experience. The lack of detail and specificity makes these examples unprofessional and unappealing to prospective employers. Good summaries should have specific examples of work experience and precise details about the writer's skills and qualifications.

Showcase your Work Experience

Whether you're a seasoned writer or an emerging voice in the field, crafting the work experience section of your resume is a key step in effectively showcasing your skills, achievements, and professional background to potential employers. By breathing life into this section, you can demonstrate not only your practical writing experience but also the distinct qualities that make you the perfect candidate for the position.

Synthesizing your Experience

Avoid the urge to list every job you've had in the past. Instead, focus on experiences that relate directly to the position you're applying for - whether it is content writing, copywriting, technical writing or journalistic writing. Ensure to list roles that demonstrate expertise in your field, and clearly outline the key responsibilities you had and the skills you used. Avoid industry jargon; keep your language clear, simple, and direct.

Highlight your Achievements

One of the primary purposes of a resume is to make you stand out from other applicants. By prominently featuring your accomplishments within your work experiences, you can strongly underscore your value proposition. Don't just say what you did—talk about the impact of what you've done. If you successfully completed a massive project, increased web traffic with your content, or won an award for your work, make sure you mention these feats.

Incorporate Important keywords

Job postings are often filled with industry-specific keywords that recruiters look for in applicants. Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your suitability by including these buzzwords in your work history. However, be sure not to use these terms superficially. The best results come from integrating these keywords naturally within the descriptions of your responsibilities and achievements.

Quantify your achievements and impact in each role using specific metrics, percentages, and numbers to provide tangible evidence of your value and make your work experience section more compelling to potential employers.

Structure Appropriately

A coherent, well-structured section provides the reader with easy access to necessary information. Begin with your most recent activities and work backward chronologically. Be consistent with your formatting—choose a layout for your job title, company, and dates, and stick with it throughout the section.

Quantify Where you can

While it isn't always possible in a writing-focused role, if you can attach measurable data to your results, you give them greater weight. Increased reader engagement, enhanced social media following, or improved search engine rankings are all quantifiable results demonstrating your effectiveness as a writer.

Proofread and Edit

As a writer, it's expected that your resume should be flawless when it comes to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Thorough proofreading not only helps avoid these mistakes but also provides an opportunity to refine and strengthen your content. Trust us, the devil is indeed in the details.

Creating a well-rounded, comprehensive 'Work Experience' section greatly boosts your chances of catching a potential employer's eye. By integrating these tactics, you assert your authority in your field, showcase your professionalism, and, most importantly, exude the confidence that you are indeed the writer for the job.

Strong Experiences

  • Authored over 50 articles that consistently drove traffic, including an article that increased web page views by 200%.
  • Managed a team of three writers and oversaw content production and schedule coordination.
  • Regular contributor to five online publications with a combined monthly reach of 1M readers.
  • Developed, wrote, and edited a series of instructional guides for a new software product, greatly reducing user confusion.
  • Successfully met tight deadlines for 20+ separate writing projects each month.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create unified brand voice across all marketing materials.

These bullet points are strong because they contain specific quantifiers and details that provide a potential employer with a concrete understanding of the candidate's skills and accomplishments. In addition, the examples are action-oriented, showing that the candidate is proactive and accomplishes meaningful tasks. These bullet points convey a sense of the candidate's working style, what they could bring to a team, and how they handle their workload – all relevant and valuable information for a potential employer. Using specific results, such as an increase in web page views or the reach of a publication, gives employers insight into the real-world impact of the candidate's work.

Weak Experiences

  • Wrote stuff
  • Typed words
  • Made sentences
  • Managed chapters
  • Handled documents
  • I've wrote a lot of things
  • Do typing on keyboard
  • Thinking and then writing
  • Did writing
  • Operation on sentences

The examples above are taken straight from a typical 'bad' resume. The primary reason they're bad is that they're too vague and don't contain enough specifics about exactly what the writer did. They’re generic and broad expressions that do not highlight the writer's abilities, skills, or contributions effectively. They also ignore important aspects like the type of writing (creative, technical, content etc.), the target audience, industry or genre, and performance outputs (for examples, sales generated from copywriting). The last two examples show poor grammar, which is a direct negative reflection on writing skills. Verbosity and technical jargon should be avoided but at the same time, the phrases should be eloquent and professional. To sum it up, these examples do not quantify or qualify the writer's role and hence are not effective in showcasing their skills and accomplishments.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

When creating a writer's resume, the skills section holds a significant importance. It's a stage where you can showcase both your soft and hard skills efficiently. But how does this matter? What relationship does it hold with keywords, ATS and the skills that match the job?

Hard and Soft Skills

Hard skills refer to the technical abilities that you gained from your educational background, different writing jobs or writing courses you've taken. These can be things like knowledge in using different writing tools, search engine optimization, or proficiency in a certain language.

Soft skills, on the other hand, deal more with your character. They involve aspects such as creativity, teamwork, communication skills, and time management. These traits are highly appreciated by hiring managers as they often influence a writer's ability to meet deadlines, adapt to change, and effectively incorporate feedback.

The balance between hard and soft skills in your resume should be in sync with what the job description is asking for. Your talents should not be skewed only to one side. Rather, the potential employer should see you as a rounded individual.

Keywords, ATS and Matching Skills

The system for managing job applications used by many companies is called the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). It automatically filters resumes based on particular keywords that are relevant to the job. This means that for your resume to get past this system, it needs to contain some of these specific keywords.

An analysis of the job description is essential to discover these keywords. Look for the preferred skills and qualifications. Employers will likely use these or similar terms while setting up the ATS.

The use of both hard and soft skill keywords is vital. The ATS is likely to search for both types, but the hard skill keywords are often the most straightforward to find and use. For example, if the job description says 'needs a person proficient in search engine optimization,' then the term 'search engine optimization' is a clear keyword to include in your skills section.

Therefore, the connection between your resume's skills section, keywords, and the ATS, is an essential dynamic to understand when job hunting. Your hard and soft skills need to be communicated succinctly using keywords found in the job description to make sure it can pass through the ATS filters and reach the hiring manager's desk.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Content Creation
  • Technical Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Proofreading
  • Content Management System
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Editorial Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Press Releases
  • Photo Editing
  • Social Media Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Programming
  • Sales Writing
  • Brand Development
  • Marketing Communications

Soft Skills

  • Adaptibility
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Flexibility
  • Self-Motivation
  • Problem Solving
  • Deadline Oriented
  • Independence
  • Organizational Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Project Management
  • Multitasking

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Conceptualized
  • Corresponded
  • Synthesized
  • Illustrated
  • Constructed

Education & Certifications

When adding your education and certificates to your resume, ensure to include the name of the institution, your degree or certificate title, and the date of completion. Usually, you would list this section after your professional experience unless you're a new graduate. Describe any relevant courses, theses or projects that align with the job you're applying to, showcasing that you have the knowledge and skills required. Remember, your goal is to present your academic background as a valuable asset for your writing career.

Some of the most important certifications for Writers

Validates content marketing skills, including content strategy, creation, and distribution.

Covers content creation, repurposing, promotion, and analysis for inbound marketing.

Focuses on writing content optimized for search engines and online readability.

Trains editors in grammar, punctuation, and style, as well as best practices for print and digital media.

Teaches how to write compelling copy for websites, landing pages, emails, and social media.

Resume FAQs for Writers

What is the best format for a writer's resume.

The best format for a writer's resume is typically a reverse-chronological format, which lists your most recent experience first. This format is easy to read and helps highlight your latest achievements and relevant skills. However, if you have significant gaps in your employment history or are changing careers, a functional or combination format may be more suitable.

How long should a writer's resume be?

A writer's resume should typically be one to two pages long. If you have less than ten years of experience, aim for a one-page resume. If you have more than ten years of experience or a diverse writing portfolio, a two-page resume is acceptable. Focus on including the most relevant information and accomplishments that showcase your writing skills and expertise.

What should I include in my writer's resume to stand out?

To make your writer's resume stand out, focus on highlighting your unique writing skills, such as expertise in specific genres, styles, or topics. Include a strong portfolio of your best writing samples or links to published works. Emphasize any awards, recognitions, or notable projects you have completed. Tailor your resume to the specific writing position you are applying for, using relevant keywords and showcasing how your skills align with the job requirements.

Should I include a summary or objective statement on my writer's resume?

While objective statements are generally outdated, a well-crafted summary statement can be a valuable addition to your writer's resume. A summary statement should be a brief, 2-3 sentence overview of your key skills, experiences, and career goals. It should grab the employer's attention and quickly convey why you are a strong candidate for the position. However, if you are having difficulty crafting a compelling summary, it is better to omit it altogether and let your experience and accomplishments speak for themselves.

How can I showcase my writing skills on my resume?

To showcase your writing skills on your resume, include a 'Writing Skills' or 'Key Skills' section that lists your specific abilities, such as 'content writing,' 'copywriting,' 'editing,' 'proofreading,' or expertise in specific styles like 'AP style.' Include writing-related achievements in your work experience section, such as 'wrote and edited blog posts that increased website traffic by 30%.' Additionally, provide links to your online portfolio, writing samples, or published works to give employers a tangible example of your writing abilities.

As a Writer, you will be responsible for researching assigned topics, crafting engaging and informative articles or content pieces, and editing work for clarity and impact. Strong writing abilities, creativity, and meticulous editing skills are essential. When writing your resume for a Writer role, highlight your best writing samples that demonstrate versatility across different styles and formats. Provide details on relevant experience, education, and expertise in producing specific types of content like blogs, website copy, or marketing materials. Quantify achievements such as growth in readership or website traffic. Explain your ability to consistently meet tight deadlines while delivering high-quality work.

Creative and versatile writer with a passion for crafting compelling narratives and engaging content. Skilled in adapting writing style to suit various audiences and platforms, from blogs and articles to scripts and copywriting. Adept at research, editing, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality, impactful writing projects.

  • Developed and executed content strategies for clients across diverse industries, increasing website traffic by an average of 45% year-over-year.
  • Wrote and edited over 200 blog posts, articles, and whitepapers, consistently meeting strict deadlines while maintaining high editorial standards.
  • Collaborated with marketing and design teams to create engaging, SEO-optimized content for various digital platforms, improving search engine rankings and driving lead generation.
  • Mentored junior writers, providing guidance on writing techniques, style, and best practices, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented team environment.
  • Conducted thorough research on industry trends and target audiences to inform content creation and ensure relevance and accuracy.
  • Crafted compelling copy for print and digital advertising campaigns, contributing to a 30% increase in client sales and brand awareness.
  • Developed brand voice guidelines and style guides for multiple clients, ensuring consistency and effectiveness across all marketing materials.
  • Wrote and edited product descriptions, landing pages, and email marketing campaigns, optimizing content for user engagement and conversion.
  • Collaborated with designers and product managers to create packaging copy and product manuals, ensuring clear and concise communication of key features and benefits.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions and pitch meetings, contributing creative ideas and strategies to win new business and expand client relationships.
  • Wrote articles, blog posts, and web content for a diverse range of clients, covering topics such as travel, lifestyle, technology, and finance.
  • Developed a strong portfolio of published work, demonstrating versatility, adaptability, and a keen understanding of target audiences.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and client satisfaction through effective communication and prioritization.
  • Built and maintained long-term relationships with clients, securing ongoing work and positive referrals.
  • Continuously updated knowledge of SEO best practices and content trends to deliver relevant and impactful writing.
  • Content Writing
  • Storytelling
  • Brand Voice Development
  • Content Strategy
  • Adaptability
  • Creative Thinking
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Docs

As a Creative Writer, you breathe life into stories, captivating audiences with vivid narratives, gripping dialogue, and evocative descriptions. Your role demands a unique blend of imagination and technical prowess, crafting compelling concepts that resonate emotionally. When crafting your resume, let your creativity shine through. Highlight your prowess in storytelling, attention to detail, adaptability to diverse genres, and collaboration skills. Provide writing samples that showcase your versatility and published works that validate your talent. Weave in your educational background, certifications, and achievements that underscore your dedication to honing your craft.

Talented and versatile creative writer with a passion for crafting compelling stories and engaging content across various media. Proven ability to collaborate with diverse teams, meet tight deadlines, and deliver high-quality work that captivates audiences and drives results.

  • Led the creative writing team for major client campaigns, delivering innovative concepts and copy that increased brand engagement by 35%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute integrated marketing strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in sales for key clients.
  • Wrote and edited content for various platforms, including websites, social media, email marketing, and print collateral.
  • Mentored junior writers and provided constructive feedback to help them grow and develop their skills.
  • Consistently met tight deadlines while maintaining exceptional quality standards.
  • Worked with a diverse range of clients, including startups, small businesses, and non-profit organizations.
  • Developed creative concepts and wrote compelling copy for websites, brochures, advertisements, and other marketing materials.
  • Collaborated with designers and developers to create engaging and user-friendly content.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and client satisfaction.
  • Built a strong network of clients through referrals and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Assisted senior writers in developing creative concepts and copy for major client campaigns.
  • Conducted research to inform creative strategies and ensure accuracy in written content.
  • Wrote and edited copy for digital and print advertisements, social media posts, and email marketing campaigns.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions and contributed ideas to help drive client success.
  • Demonstrated a strong ability to adapt writing style to match client tone and brand voice.
  • Creative writing
  • Concept development
  • Time management
  • Attention to detail
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO writing
  • Content strategy

A Senior Writer produces compelling, publish-ready content across diverse mediums like websites, marketing materials, and multimedia for companies and publications. Core skills include exceptional writing abilities, interviewing, research, and editing. A bachelor's degree in English, Communications, or related field, plus 5+ years of professional writing experience are required. To apply, submit a resume highlighting your strongest writing samples from websites, blogs, case studies, etc. Showcase your talents in different styles and for various industries. Quantify your successes with metrics like subscriber growth and awards won. Emphasize your expertise in content strategy, SEO, and multimedia creation.

Accomplished and versatile Senior Writer with over 12 years of experience crafting compelling content across various industries. Proven track record of developing engaging articles, blog posts, and marketing materials that drive brand awareness and customer engagement. Exceptional ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver high-quality content under tight deadlines. Passionate about leveraging storytelling to create impactful narratives that resonate with target audiences.

  • Developed and executed content strategies for global brands, resulting in a 35% increase in website traffic and a 20% boost in lead generation.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create integrated marketing campaigns, including blog posts, social media content, and email newsletters.
  • Managed a team of 5 content creators, providing guidance and mentorship to ensure consistent quality and brand voice across all deliverables.
  • Conducted thorough keyword research and SEO optimization to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
  • Presented content performance reports and insights to stakeholders, making data-driven recommendations for continuous improvement.
  • Wrote compelling copy for product launches, email campaigns, and landing pages, contributing to a 25% increase in conversion rates.
  • Collaborated with design and product teams to create engaging and user-friendly content for the Salesforce website and mobile app.
  • Developed and maintained a cohesive brand voice across all marketing channels, ensuring consistency and clarity in messaging.
  • Created thought leadership content, including whitepapers and case studies, to establish Salesforce as an industry leader.
  • Mentored junior copywriters, providing feedback and guidance to help them grow their skills and advance their careers.
  • Managed the content marketing strategy for Amazon's Kindle division, driving a 40% increase in ebook sales.
  • Developed and executed content campaigns across multiple channels, including the Kindle blog, social media, and email newsletters.
  • Collaborated with authors and publishers to create exclusive content and promotions, enhancing the value proposition of the Kindle platform.
  • Analyzed content performance metrics and conducted user research to optimize content strategy and improve customer engagement.
  • Managed a budget of $500K and collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery of content initiatives.
  • Wrote copy for print, digital, and broadcast advertising campaigns for clients in the consumer packaged goods industry.
  • Collaborated with art directors to develop creative concepts and execute campaigns from ideation to launch.
  • Conducted research on target audiences and product benefits to inform copywriting and ensure messaging resonance.
  • Contributed to new business pitches, helping to secure accounts worth over $10M in annual billings.
  • Received the agency's 'Rising Star' award for exceptional performance and contributions to the creative team.
  • Content Marketing
  • Brand Messaging

A UX Writer crafts the voice and messaging that guides users through digital products and services. They translate complex concepts into simple, intuitive content that enhances user experience. For a standout resume, showcase concrete UX writing samples demonstrating your knack for clear, conversational phrasing. Highlight expertise in content strategy, information architecture, and user research methods. Emphasize your success collaborating across design, engineering, and product teams to deliver seamless user journeys.

Creative and detail-oriented UX Writer with a passion for crafting intuitive, user-centric content that enhances the overall user experience. Skilled in conducting user research, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and developing clear, concise, and engaging content for various digital platforms. Committed to delivering high-quality work that aligns with brand guidelines and drives user engagement.

  • Led the UX writing efforts for Google's flagship product, Google Search, improving user engagement by 15%.
  • Collaborated with designers, researchers, and product managers to develop a cohesive content strategy across multiple touchpoints.
  • Conducted user research and analyzed data to inform content decisions and optimize the user experience.
  • Mentored junior UX writers and provided guidance on best practices for creating effective, user-focused content.
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive style guide to ensure consistency across all Google products.
  • Wrote clear, concise, and compelling content for Amazon's e-commerce platform, including product descriptions, user guides, and error messages.
  • Collaborated with UX designers and developers to create seamless, user-friendly experiences across desktop and mobile platforms.
  • Conducted content audits and identified opportunities for improvement, resulting in a 20% increase in user satisfaction.
  • Developed and implemented a voice and tone guide to ensure consistent brand messaging across all customer touchpoints.
  • Participated in user testing sessions and incorporated feedback to refine content and improve the overall user experience.
  • Developed and executed a content strategy for Spotify's mobile app, resulting in a 25% increase in user engagement.
  • Collaborated with marketing, product, and design teams to create compelling, brand-aligned content across various channels.
  • Conducted competitive analyses and user research to identify content opportunities and optimize the user experience.
  • Created and maintained a content calendar to ensure timely delivery of high-quality content.
  • Analyzed content performance metrics and provided recommendations for improvement.
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Content Management Systems
  • Data Analysis
  • Agile Methodology

A Grant Writer researches funding sources and crafts compelling proposals to secure grants for organizations. They gather data, build a case, and tailor applications per requirements. For the resume, highlight quantifiable grant writing successes, relevant education, and persuasive writing skills. Emphasize successfully funded proposals.

Accomplished grant writer with over a decade of experience in securing funding for non-profit organizations. Skilled in crafting compelling narratives, conducting thorough research, and building strong relationships with funders. Proven track record of successfully securing grants exceeding $10 million for various initiatives.

  • Secured over $5 million in grants annually for youth empowerment programs
  • Developed and implemented a streamlined grant application process, increasing submission efficiency by 30%
  • Collaborated with program directors to align grant proposals with organizational goals and objectives
  • Maintained a success rate of 75% for grant applications submitted
  • Provided mentorship and training to junior grant writers, fostering a culture of excellence within the team
  • Secured over $3 million in grants for education initiatives targeting underserved communities
  • Conducted extensive research on potential funding sources and aligned proposals with their priorities
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather data and develop compelling grant narratives
  • Managed a portfolio of over 20 grants, ensuring timely submission and compliance with reporting requirements
  • Represented the organization at various fundraising events and conferences, building relationships with potential funders
  • Provided grant writing services to various non-profit organizations, securing over $2 million in funding
  • Developed customized grant writing strategies based on each client's unique needs and goals
  • Conducted workshops and training sessions on effective grant writing techniques for non-profit professionals
  • Maintained a client satisfaction rate of 95%, resulting in a high volume of repeat business and referrals
  • Stayed current with industry trends and best practices to ensure the highest quality of service to clients
  • Grant writing
  • Proposal development
  • Project management
  • Relationship building
  • Data analysis
  • Persuasive writing
  • Strategic planning
  • Nonprofit management
  • Fundraising
  • Public speaking

Contributing Writers create compelling, factual content for newspapers, magazines, websites, and other publications. Responsibilities involve researching niche topics, crafting articles in varied styles, and meeting strict deadlines. To apply, tailor your resume highlighting exceptional writing abilities spanning diverse formats, deep subject knowledge, and published clips showcasing your best work. Include relevant education, freelance/staff writing roles, and a powerful portfolio demonstrating your versatility as a writer.

Skilled and versatile Contributing Writer with a passion for crafting compelling stories and engaging content across various media platforms. Adept at researching, interviewing, and transforming complex ideas into accessible and informative pieces. Collaborates effectively with editorial teams to deliver high-quality content that captivates readers and drives audience engagement.

  • Pitch and write 3-4 articles per month on topics related to culture, lifestyle, and current events for both print and digital platforms.
  • Conduct in-depth research and interviews to gather information and insights for articles.
  • Collaborate with editors to refine story angles, structure, and tone to ensure alignment with publication's style and editorial guidelines.
  • Consistently meet deadlines while maintaining high standards of accuracy, clarity, and storytelling.
  • Articles frequently featured on the NYT homepage and social media channels, generating an average of 50,000 views per piece.
  • Contributed articles, essays, and reviews to a diverse range of publications, including The Atlantic, Vox, and Buzzfeed.
  • Developed a reputation for delivering well-researched, thought-provoking content on tight deadlines.
  • Adapted writing style and tone to suit the unique voice and audience of each publication.
  • Built and maintained relationships with editors, pitching new story ideas and securing regular assignments.
  • Received a "Best Freelance Writer" award from the Online News Association in 2020.
  • Assisted editors with fact-checking, proofreading, and formatting articles for publication.
  • Conducted research to support staff writers' articles and investigative pieces.
  • Managed the editorial calendar and tracked the progress of assignments through the editorial process.
  • Wrote short articles and news briefs as assigned, developing skills in reporting and news writing.
  • Received a commendation from the managing editor for exceptional attention to detail and reliability under pressure.
  • Researching
  • Interviewing
  • Fact-checking
  • News Judgment
  • Deadline Management
  • Digital Media
  • Social Media

A Staff Writer crafts compelling stories and content across diverse topics to captivate target audiences. Beyond solid writing abilities, successful candidates possess insightful research expertise and a knack for transforming complex subjects into engaging narratives. When applying, craft a resume that spotlights your versatility through writing samples spanning genres. Highlight unique story angles and analytical skills that bring depth and originality to your work. Convey your proficiency through concise yet powerful descriptions using vivid language.

Accomplished and versatile writer with a passion for creating compelling content across various media. Skilled in research, editing, and adapting writing style to engage diverse audiences. Proven ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines.

  • Researched and wrote in-depth articles on various topics, including politics, culture, and social issues, for print and digital platforms
  • Collaborated with editors, photographers, and graphic designers to produce visually appealing and informative content
  • Conducted interviews with subject matter experts and stakeholders to gather insights and perspectives
  • Consistently met deadlines while maintaining high journalistic standards and editorial guidelines
  • Contributed to the development of new content strategies and pitches to engage readers and drive subscriptions
  • Wrote articles, blog posts, and web copy for a diverse range of clients across industries, including technology, healthcare, and education
  • Adapted writing style and tone to meet client requirements and target audience preferences
  • Conducted thorough research to ensure accuracy and credibility of written content
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and client satisfaction
  • Built a strong network of clients through referrals and consistent high-quality work
  • Assisted editors with research, fact-checking, and proofreading for print and digital content
  • Managed the editorial calendar and coordinated with writers to ensure timely submission of articles
  • Wrote short articles, blurbs, and social media posts to support the magazine's online presence
  • Maintained the magazine's style guide and ensured consistency across all published content
  • Provided administrative support to the editorial team, including managing correspondence and scheduling meetings
  • News Writing
  • Feature Writing

As a freelance writer, you'll craft compelling content across various industries, genres, and mediums for diverse clients. Key responsibilities include conducting thorough research, crafting well-structured and engaging pieces, and ensuring timely delivery while adhering to client briefs. Strong writing abilities, creativity, adaptability, and excellent communication skills are essential. When writing your resume, highlight your versatility by showcasing writing samples from different genres or industries. Demonstrate your ability to meet deadlines through quantifiable achievements. Emphasize strong communication abilities that allow you to collaborate effectively with clients, understand requirements, and incorporate feedback seamlessly. Ultimately, your resume should showcase your unique voice and expertise as a skilled wordsmith.

Creative and versatile freelance writer with a passion for crafting compelling content across various genres and platforms. Adept at transforming complex ideas into engaging and accessible pieces that resonate with target audiences. Proven track record of delivering high-quality work on time and exceeding client expectations.

  • Collaborated with clients from diverse industries, including technology, healthcare, and e-commerce, to develop informative and persuasive content.
  • Wrote and edited blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and website copy, consistently meeting deadlines and client requirements.
  • Conducted thorough research to ensure content accuracy and relevance, incorporating SEO best practices to improve online visibility.
  • Adapted writing style and tone to suit various target audiences and brand guidelines, receiving positive feedback from clients and readers alike.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, demonstrating strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Pitched and wrote compelling tech-related articles, focusing on emerging trends, startups, and industry insights.
  • Interviewed key players in the tech industry, including CEOs and innovators, to gather unique perspectives and exclusive content.
  • Collaborated with the editorial team to ensure content aligned with the publication's style and editorial calendar.
  • Articles generated high engagement rates, with some pieces receiving over 100,000 views and sparking discussions on social media.
  • Established a strong network of contacts within the tech community, facilitating future writing opportunities.
  • Developed creative and persuasive copy for clients across various industries, including product descriptions, ad copy, and email marketing campaigns.
  • Collaborated with the design team to create cohesive and impactful marketing materials that effectively communicated clients' key messages.
  • Conducted competitor research and analysis to identify unique selling points and develop differentiated copy.
  • Consistently met tight deadlines while maintaining high-quality output, contributing to the agency's success and client satisfaction.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to generate fresh ideas and innovative approaches to copywriting challenges.
  • Content writing

A Blog Writer crafts captivating content that hooks readers and keeps them engaged. This creative role demands stellar storytelling abilities and a knack for making complex topics accessible. To land this opportunity, craft a resume that showcases your flair for writing, deep topic knowledge, and fluency in optimizing content for online discoverability. Highlight standout samples that demonstrate your versatility across different blog genres and styles.

Creative and versatile blog writer with a passion for crafting compelling content across diverse niches. Adept at researching complex topics, simplifying concepts, and engaging readers through storytelling. Proven track record of increasing website traffic and reader engagement through SEO-optimized blog posts.

  • Spearheaded the development of a new blog section, contributing to a 35% increase in website traffic within the first 6 months.
  • Wrote and edited over 150 blog posts spanning topics such as lifestyle, technology, and current events.
  • Collaborated with the SEO team to optimize blog content, resulting in a 25% improvement in search engine rankings.
  • Conducted interviews with industry experts to create unique and insightful content pieces.
  • Mentored junior writers, providing guidance on writing techniques and best practices.
  • Wrote high-quality blog content for clients across various industries, including finance, health, and e-commerce.
  • Maintained a consistent client satisfaction rate of 95% based on feedback and reviews.
  • Developed a strong understanding of SEO principles and incorporated them into blog writing.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery of content.
  • Wrote informative and engaging blog posts for the company website and client projects.
  • Assisted senior writers in researching and fact-checking content.
  • Contributed to the development of the company's content style guide.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to generate new blog post ideas.
  • Received the 'Rising Star' award for exceptional performance and growth potential.
  • Blog writing
  • Content creation
  • Content management systems
  • Social media

A curriculum writer develops comprehensive educational programs aligned with academic standards. For a strong resume, highlight experience mapping out scope and sequence of instruction, designing engaging lessons and assessments, and expertise in your subject field. Emphasize skills like interdisciplinary content knowledge, instructional design principles, and the ability to incorporate diverse learning styles. Format clearly, using persuasive descriptions to showcase your curriculum development expertise.

Dynamic and creative Curriculum Writer with over 8 years of experience in developing engaging educational content for diverse audiences. Adept at collaborating with subject matter experts, instructional designers, and educators to create curricula that align with learning objectives and industry standards. Passionate about leveraging innovative instructional strategies to enhance learner engagement and achieve desired learning outcomes.

  • Lead the development of curriculum for K-12 math and science subjects, resulting in a 15% increase in student performance on standardized tests
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment of curriculum with state and national education standards
  • Conduct thorough research and analysis to identify best practices and emerging trends in curriculum design
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive quality assurance process, reducing errors in published materials by 25%
  • Provide mentorship and guidance to junior curriculum writers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development
  • Developed curriculum for high school English Language Arts courses, contributing to a 10% increase in student engagement
  • Collaborated with subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and relevance of educational content
  • Conducted extensive research on pedagogical best practices to inform curriculum design decisions
  • Created supplementary materials, such as teacher guides and assessment tools, to support effective curriculum implementation
  • Participated in workshops and conferences to stay current with industry trends and share knowledge with peers
  • Assisted in the development of curriculum for middle school social studies courses
  • Conducted research and analysis to support the creation of evidence-based educational content
  • Collaborated with graphic designers to create visually engaging instructional materials
  • Participated in pilot testing of new curriculum and incorporated feedback to improve final products
  • Assisted in the development of project timelines and ensured timely completion of deliverables
  • Curriculum design
  • Instructional design
  • Content development
  • Pedagogical best practices
  • Research and analysis
  • Quality assurance
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Graphic design
  • Educational technology
  • Assessment design
  • Workshop facilitation
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Continuous learning

Proposal Writers are master storytellers crafting captivating narratives to secure lucrative contracts and funding. They excel at transforming complex requirements into compelling proposals that persuade stakeholders. For resumes, showcase quantifiable wins like "secured $2M deal" and exhibit deep technical writing expertise. Use punchy yet reader-friendly prose to make your background shine.

Dynamic and accomplished Proposal Writer with a proven track record of crafting compelling and successful proposals across diverse industries. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop strategic solutions that drive business growth and secure high-value contracts. Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, coupled with a keen eye for detail and a talent for translating complex ideas into clear, persuasive narratives.

  • Spearheaded the development of over 50 winning proposals, contributing to a 40% increase in company revenue.
  • Collaborated with subject matter experts to create compelling value propositions and technical solutions.
  • Implemented a streamlined proposal process, reducing turnaround time by 30% while maintaining quality.
  • Mentored junior proposal writers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development.
  • Conducted thorough research on clients and competitors to develop targeted win strategies.
  • Developed and wrote persuasive proposals for a wide range of clients in the technology sector.
  • Collaborated with sales teams to identify client needs and craft tailored solutions.
  • Achieved a 75% win rate on submitted proposals, securing over $10 million in new business.
  • Created a comprehensive proposal template library, streamlining the writing process and ensuring consistency.
  • Conducted proposal writing workshops to enhance the skills of colleagues across the organization.
  • Assisted senior proposal writers in developing compelling proposals for clients in the healthcare industry.
  • Conducted research on industry trends and client requirements to inform proposal strategies.
  • Contributed to the successful submission of over 30 proposals, resulting in a 60% win rate.
  • Developed and maintained a centralized database of proposal content, improving efficiency and consistency.
  • Participated in client meetings and presentations to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and objectives.
  • Proposal Writing
  • Business Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Client Relations
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Persuasive Communication
  • Team Collaboration
  • PowerPoint and Visio
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Salesforce CRM

A Resume Writer crafts compelling resumes that highlight a client's qualifications and achievements. They analyze the client's background, identify standout accomplishments, and tailor content to target job descriptions. To write an effective resume, clearly convey relevant skills and experience using active language and quantifiable metrics. Strategically organize sections, optimize keyword placement, and ensure flawless proofreading. A well-crafted resume can secure interviews and open doors to career advancement. Word count: 90

Accomplished and creative Resume Writer with over 8 years of experience crafting compelling resumes that effectively showcase jobseekers' unique skills and experiences. Adept at collaborating with clients to identify their strengths and career goals, transforming this information into powerful, tailored resumes that capture employers' attention. Committed to staying current with industry trends and best practices to ensure resumes are optimized for success in today's competitive job market.

  • Develop high-impact resumes for executive and professional-level clients across various industries, resulting in a 95% client satisfaction rate.
  • Conduct in-depth interviews with clients to identify key accomplishments, skills, and experiences that align with their target positions.
  • Collaborate with a team of 10 resume writers to ensure consistent quality and adherence to industry best practices.
  • Spearheaded the development of a new resume format that increased client job interview invitations by 30%.
  • Provide personalized career coaching and job search strategy advice to clients, contributing to their overall success in the job market.
  • Crafted compelling resumes for professionals at various career levels and industries, consistently meeting or exceeding client expectations.
  • Developed a strong understanding of ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) and optimized resumes to improve visibility and ranking.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create engaging content for the company blog and social media channels, establishing the company as a thought leader in the resume writing industry.
  • Contributed to the development of a proprietary resume writing process that increased efficiency and consistency across the team.
  • Provided exceptional customer service, addressing client concerns and ensuring a positive experience throughout the resume writing process.
  • Assisted senior resume writers in developing resumes for entry-level and mid-career professionals.
  • Conducted research on various industries and positions to ensure resumes were tailored to specific job requirements.
  • Developed proficiency in using resume writing software and tools to enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of resumes.
  • Participated in regular training sessions and workshops to expand knowledge of resume writing techniques and industry trends.
  • Maintained organized client files and communication records, contributing to a seamless and efficient workflow within the team.
  • Resume Writing
  • Cover Letter Writing
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Interview Coaching
  • Career Counseling
  • Personal Branding
  • Executive Resumes
  • Technical Resumes
  • Creative Resumes
  • Resume Formatting
  • Job Search Strategies
  • Salary Negotiation
  • Proofreading and Editing

A sports writer engagingly chronicles athletic events, teams, and competitors. For an impactful sports writer resume, exhibit robust writing skills complemented by in-depth sports knowledge. Showcase published work samples, experience covering live games, strong research capabilities, and deadline commitment. Relevant accolades further strengthen your application.

Passionate and driven sports writer with a knack for captivating audiences through engaging storytelling and in-depth analysis. Adept at crafting compelling narratives that bring the world of sports to life, fostering a deep connection between readers and athletes. Committed to delivering high-quality content that informs, entertains, and inspires sports enthusiasts across various platforms.

  • Spearheaded coverage of major sporting events, including the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, and World Series, consistently delivering high-quality articles under tight deadlines.
  • Developed and maintained a strong network of industry contacts, enabling exclusive interviews with high-profile athletes and coaches.
  • Collaborated with the multimedia team to create engaging video content, resulting in a 35% increase in viewer engagement.
  • Mentored junior writers, providing guidance on writing techniques, story development, and journalistic ethics.
  • Received the 'Sports Writer of the Year' award in 2022 for exceptional contributions to the field.
  • Authored a weekly sports column, offering insightful commentary on local and national sports topics.
  • Investigated and reported on a high-profile scandal involving a local college basketball program, leading to significant reforms within the athletic department.
  • Covered the Chicago Bears, Bulls, and Cubs, providing in-depth analysis and feature stories that resonated with readers.
  • Contributed to a 20% increase in online readership through compelling storytelling and strategic social media promotion.
  • Participated in regular radio and television appearances as an expert commentator on Chicago sports.
  • Covered the Indianapolis Colts, Pacers, and Motor Speedway, delivering timely and accurate reports on games, events, and breaking news.
  • Developed a series of feature articles on local high school athletes, highlighting their achievements and challenges.
  • Collaborated with the photography department to create visually compelling stories that enhanced reader engagement.
  • Assisted in the launch of a new sports podcast, which quickly gained a loyal following and attracted sponsorship opportunities.
  • Received a 'Best Sports Story' award from the Indiana Society of Professional Journalists in 2015.
  • Sports writing
  • Multimedia content creation
  • Investigative reporting
  • Feature writing
  • Breaking news coverage
  • Sports analytics

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Marketing Resumes

9 Content Writer Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Content writing is a booming profession that is a necessary part of almost any industry. with a large number of content writers available at any given time, it is important to create a unique and attractive resume to stand out from the crowd and snag your next content creation job. this guide will give you tips to help you strengthen your resume and will provide resume samples to model your resume on..

Hiring Manager for Content Writer Roles

The content writing market is a predominantly female, growing, and shifting industry. Traditionally, content writers were full-time employees who wrote solely for one company. Today, with the increasing need for content, companies are contracting freelancers and new companies are being created to offer clients content writing services.

Thankfully for some, content writing has pretty low barriers to entry. While a degree might be helpful, it is not mandatory. What will ultimately determine your success is your writing skills. So gaining as much experience as possible and building a strong and effective body of work is key.

This guide will take you through 7 content writer titles, give you some insight into what recruiters are looking for when hiring each one, give you resume samples, and some tips to take your resume to the next level.

Content Writer Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Content Writer
  • Creative Content Writer
  • Technical Writer
  • Medical Writer
  • Scriptwriter
  • Brand Journalist
  • Digital Content Writer

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Content Writer Resumes

Content Writer Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Marketing Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 9: Content Writer Resume Example

A content writer writes engaging and attractive content for a company’s website, newsletter, advertisement material, or anywhere else they may need. The topics you write about may be broad and often require research and fact-checking. Having a degree in English or a similar field is definitely beneficial to your resume but it is not necessary for success. Your resume should focus on showing as much experience as possible. Take a look at this strong content writer's resume.

A content writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s variety in experience and strong educational background.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Content Writer resume in 2024

   create a portfolio of your work..

Along with your resume, you need to show recruiters samples of work you have written in the past. If you know what kind of content a company wants you to produce, provide your strongest samples of that type of content.

Create a portfolio of your work. - Content Writer Resume

   Show variety in your experience section.

You should show recruiters that you are capable of producing many different kinds of content. So mention your experience writing blog posts, advertisements, website content, social media posts, and more. The more variety the better.

Show variety in your experience section. - Content Writer Resume

Skills you can include on your Content Writer resume

Template 2 of 9: creative content writer resume example.

Creative content writers create copies that require creativity and imagination. This is in contrast to more technical copies such as manuals or guidebooks. Creative content can include blogs, ebooks, advertisements, poems, etc. You must be able to think outside the box and create unique copies to thrive in this position. Your resume should focus on your experience writing creative copies and any background in the arts or a similar field is likely to be attractive to a recruiter. Here is a sample resume for a creative content writer.

A creative content writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s quantifiable success and language acumen

Tips to help you write your Creative Content Writer resume in 2024

   include all languages you write in..

Being able to create content in multiple languages is a huge advantage and is very attractive to recruiters. It means you can translate your work and also expands the number of companies you can apply to, and countries you can apply in.

Include all languages you write in. - Creative Content Writer Resume

   Include metrics to show impressive content engagement.

Content is written to be consumed. Your content, therefore, needs to be very engaging. Show recruiters that you can create engaging content by using metrics. This resume does this effectively. E.g. this applicant’s copy ‘[shot] engagement up by 200% within 5 months of [a] campaign.

Include metrics to show impressive content engagement. - Creative Content Writer Resume

Skills you can include on your Creative Content Writer resume

Template 3 of 9: technical writer resume example.

A technical writer writes content that gives information to a target audience. Some of the mediums used include guides, manuals, journal articles, etc. Your goal is to make complex information easily digestible and understandable. Your resume should show a strong background in technical writing and, preferably, a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field as well. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

A technical writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s experience and qualifications.

Tips to help you write your Technical Writer resume in 2024

   include a portfolio with strong technical writing samples..

When applying to technical writing jobs, you should always include a portfolio. In this portfolio, include your strongest and most recognizable technical writing samples. This will give recruiters a better idea of what you can do.

Include a portfolio with strong technical writing samples. - Technical Writer Resume

   Indicate the mediums you have experience in.

Show that you are a well-rounded technical writer by mentioning the different mediums you write in. This applicant has included tutorials and product manuals among the mediums they have experience with.

Indicate the mediums you have experience in. - Technical Writer Resume

Skills you can include on your Technical Writer resume

Template 4 of 9: technical writer resume example.

Technical writing gives little space for creativity and is commonly used for laying out a company's procedures or giving very specific or educational information to their audience. This content includes manuals, guides, product instructions, etc. In most instances, you will be given the information you need to use, and your job will be to transform it into engaging and easily-read content. A degree in English or a similar field would be beneficial but not absolutely necessary. A history writing technical copies, on the other hand, is essential to attract recruiters. Take a look at this impressive technical writer’s resume.

A technical writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s relevant certifications and specialization.

   Include any technical writing certification.

Go the extra mile by earning certification in technical writing. It’s an easy way to show recruiters your dedication and prove your skills. This is especially helpful if you are trying to transition into technical writing or just starting out.

Include any technical writing certification. - Technical Writer Resume

   Have a specialization.

If you generally specialize in writing for a specific industry, mention that in the intro to your resume. This is especially useful if you are applying for a job within that industry.

Have a specialization. - Technical Writer Resume

Template 5 of 9: Medical Writer Resume Example

As a Medical Writer, you'll be bridging the gap between complex medical and scientific information and your target audience, working on various projects like academic papers, promotional materials, and educational content. This field is evolving rapidly, so it's essential to showcase your knowledge of the latest industry trends and adaptability to new formats on your resume. Not only should you highlight your educational background and writing experience, but also demonstrate your ability to understand and communicate complex medical concepts and terminology in a clear, concise manner. In your resume, emphasize your expertise in areas like clinical research, regulatory submissions, or medical education, depending on the specific position you're applying for. It's crucial to tailor your resume to the needs and requirements of each organization, as some may prioritize candidates with experience in a particular therapeutic area or a background working with specific target audiences (e.g., physicians, patients, or payers).

Medical Writer resume example screenshot

Tips to help you write your Medical Writer resume in 2024

   showcase your writing samples.

As a Medical Writer, it's important to include relevant writing samples in your resume or portfolio. This will give potential employers an idea of your writing style, attention to detail, and ability to convey complex information in a digestible format.

   Highlight your therapeutic area expertise

Employers often seek Medical Writers with specific expertise in one or more therapeutic areas. Make sure to emphasize any experience or knowledge you have in key therapeutic areas relevant to the job you're applying for, and try to quantify your experience if possible (e.g., number of projects or publications).

Skills you can include on your Medical Writer resume

Template 6 of 9: medical writer resume example.

Medical writing is very specific and very technical. It could take the form of medical studies, training programs, literary reviews, brochures, etc. To be suited in this industry you need to have a medical background or a strong understanding of the field. This work may require in-depth research and specification. There is no room for error as the consequences of any misinformation could be deadly for the reader if acted upon. Recruiters will be looking to see your experience and qualifications in the medical field. Here is an example of a strong medical writer’s resume.

A medical writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s industry knowledge and experience.

   Have a specialized portfolio.

If you have worked as a writer in other fields, make sure you create a specialized portfolio containing your strongest content from the medical field only.

Have a specialized portfolio. - Medical Writer Resume

   Use medical industry keywords.

Show recruiters that you are well versed in the medical field by using industry-standard keywords. Use words like ‘clinical trials’, ‘PubMed’, ‘RW medication, etc. It shows that you are knowledgeable in the field and may help you bypass resume filters recruiters may have put in place.

Use medical industry keywords. - Medical Writer Resume

Template 7 of 9: Scriptwriter Resume Example

Scriptwriters write scripts for performances. You may create scripts for theatre, film, TV, adverts, etc. Scriptwriting requires expertise in storytelling and script structure. You also need to have an in-depth knowledge of the medium your script will be performed on. Film scripts and theatre scripts, for example, are different in style and structure. A degree in the arts would be very attractive to recruiters, as would a background in writing and/or performing. This applicant has an educational background in film and creative writing which would be very attractive to recruiters.

A scriptwriter resume sample that highlights the applicant’s successful and recognized experience and talent.

Tips to help you write your Scriptwriter resume in 2024

   specify the medium you write for..

As we have mentioned, each medium requires very different scriptwriting. So work on specializing in one medium and have your resume focus on your expertise and experience in that medium.

   Highlight recognition of your work.

If your scripts have won competitions or if the plays or films you wrote were wildly successful, highlight this in your resume. Include titles of your work if they are well-known.

Highlight recognition of your work. - Scriptwriter Resume

Skills you can include on your Scriptwriter resume

Template 8 of 9: brand journalist resume example.

This form of content writing focuses on creating a narrative for a brand by writing engaging stories. It is a creative and effective way to market a brand and express the company’s values and ethos. Recruiters will be looking for an educational background in journalism and any journalism experience so ensure that your resume highlights that. A background in marketing would also be helpful to your application. This resume is a great example of a strong brand journalist resume.

A brand journalist resume sample that highlights the applicant’s strong marketing background and impressive experience.

Tips to help you write your Brand Journalist resume in 2024

   list the marketing mediums you are familiar with..

Show recruiters that you are skilled in creating brand journalism content for different mediums by listing them in the skills section as this applicant has. This applicant has experience with social media marketing, and email marketing among others.

List the marketing mediums you are familiar with. - Brand Journalist Resume

   Mention any Fortune 500 company you have written copies for.

Impress recruiters by listing any known and successful companies that you have created copies for. These companies only hire the best of the best, so including their names in your resume is a sure way to stand out from your competition.

Skills you can include on your Brand Journalist resume

Template 9 of 9: digital content writer resume example.

As the name suggests, these content writers write copies for digital platforms. A couple of examples of digital platforms include websites, social media, emails, blogs, etc. Consumers are inundated with digital content all day, so you need to create particularly engaging content to be successful. You also need to be knowledgeable about the digital space and how to use SEOs to get as many viewers to read your content. Recruiters will be looking for any qualification that shows your expertise in the digital space, as well as any qualifications or experience to show your creativity and success in creating copies. Here is a resume sample from an entry-level digital content writer.

A digital content writer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s digital focussed skill set and non-paying experience.

Tips to help you write your Digital Content Writer resume in 2024

   create a digital media focussed skills list..

Your skills list should show recruiters that you are experienced with digital media tools and concepts. These skills can include SEO, JavaScript, WordPress, etc.

Create a digital media focussed skills list. - Digital Content Writer Resume

   Include non-paying content writing jobs.

If you are just joining the industry, feel free to include any volunteer or intern work you did as a content writer. The experience and skills gained are just as useful as they would be in a paid position.

Skills you can include on your Digital Content Writer resume

We spoke with hiring managers who recruit content writers at top companies like HubSpot, Shopify, and Vox Media to get their insights on what they look for in content writer resumes. The following tips are based on their real-world experience and can help you create a resume that stands out from the competition and gets you hired.

   Highlight your writing niche and industry expertise

Employers want to know that you have experience writing about topics relevant to their industry. Highlight your niche and the industries you've written for prominently in your resume.

Compare these two examples:

  • Wrote blog posts and articles on various topics
  • Created content for multiple industries

Instead, be specific like this:

  • Wrote blog posts and articles about personal finance, investing, and retirement planning
  • Created content for fintech startups and financial services companies

Bullet Point Samples for Content Writer

   Show results and impact with metrics

Whenever possible, quantify the results and impact of your content writing. Use metrics to show how your writing contributed to business goals.

Here are some examples:

  • Wrote SEO-optimized blog posts that increased organic traffic by 50% in 6 months
  • Created email nurture series that improved lead-to-customer conversion rate by 20%
  • Wrote product descriptions that increased average order value by $20

Metrics prove to employers that you can drive real results with your writing.

   Include links to your best writing samples

Hiring managers want to see examples of your published work. Include links to your strongest writing samples that are relevant to the company and job you're applying for.

Add a 'Selected Writing Samples' section to your resume like this:

  • How to Create a Budget You Can Stick To [link]
  • 5 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score Fast [link]
  • The Beginner's Guide to Investing in Stocks [link]

Choose recent samples that demonstrate the type of content you'd be writing in the role. Avoid linking to your whole portfolio site - pick your best individual articles.

   Mention content types and channels you have experience with

Today's content writers need to be skilled at creating content in various formats and for different channels. In your work experience, mention the range of content types you've written.

For example:

  • Wrote in-depth blog posts, ebooks, case studies, and white papers
  • Created website copy, landing pages, product descriptions, and category pages
  • Developed scripts for explainer videos and podcast episodes
  • Wrote Facebook and Google ads, promotional emails, and newsletters

This shows employers you have the versatility to handle all their content needs, from top-funnel blog posts to bottom-funnel conversion copy.

   Demonstrate your skills in content optimization and distribution

Writing is just one part of a content writer's job. To be successful, you also need to know how to optimize content for search engines and promote it to reach the target audience.

Bad example:

  • Wrote SEO-friendly blog posts

Good examples:

  • Optimized blog posts for target keywords, meta descriptions, header tags, and internal linking
  • Used keyword research to plan blog editorial calendar and identify topic clusters
  • Promoted blog content on social media and online communities to increase reach
  • Built backlinks to blog posts to improve search engine rankings

Optimize your resume itself for relevant keywords the employer might be scanning for, like 'SEO writing', 'content distribution', 'email marketing', etc.

   Show progression and increasing responsibility

Employers want to see that you've progressed in your content writing career and taken on more responsibility over time. As you list out your work experience, highlight how your role grew.

Content Writer, ABC Company Jan 2019 - Dec 2020 Started as a Content Writing Intern, creating 4 blog posts per week Promoted to Junior Content Writer after 3 months, managing the blog editorial calendar and writing 8 posts per week Became Head Content Writer after 1 year, leading a team of 3 writers and overseeing all content production

Even if your job title didn't change, you can still show progression in the scope of your work and the results you achieved.

Writing Your Content Writer Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on the first line.

Your name should be the most prominent part of your header, on its own line. Use a larger font size than the rest of your header details.

Here's an example of what to do:

  • Samantha Thompson
  • [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY | linkedin.com/in/samthompson

Avoid this common mistake:

  • Samantha Thompson | [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY | linkedin.com/in/samthompson

2. Include your location, even if applying remotely

Hiring managers want to know where you're based. Include your city and state in your header.

If you're applying for remote content writer roles, you should still include your location. Many companies prefer to hire within certain time zones or regions, even for remote positions.

Samantha Thompson [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY | linkedin.com/in/samthompson

3. Add links to your portfolio and social profiles

As a content writer, hiring managers will want to see samples of your work. Make it easy for them by including a link to your online writing portfolio in your header.

Also include links to relevant social profiles, like LinkedIn and Twitter, where you share industry insights and engage with other writers.

  • [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY
  • Portfolio: samanthathompson.com | LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/samthompson | Twitter: @samwritesalot


A summary on your resume is optional. While it's not mandatory, it can be a helpful way to provide context about your career journey, especially if you're changing industries or have a lot of experience. However, you should never use an objective statement, as it's outdated and focuses on what you want rather than what you can offer.

When writing your summary, avoid repeating information that's already included in other sections of your resume. Instead, use it to highlight key skills, experiences, or accomplishments that are most relevant to the content writer position you're targeting. Keep it concise, ideally no more than a paragraph, and tailor it to the job description to improve your chances of passing applicant tracking systems (ATS).

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Content Writer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Content Writer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Content Writer Resume Summary Examples , or Content Writer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Showcase your writing and communication skills

Your summary is an opportunity to demonstrate your writing abilities right off the bat. Craft a compelling narrative that engages the reader and highlights your key qualifications:

  • Creative and detail-oriented content writer with 5+ years of experience crafting engaging blog posts, articles, and web copy. Skilled at translating complex topics into clear, compelling content that drives traffic and resonates with target audiences.
  • Versatile writer and editor with a passion for storytelling and a knack for adapting to different writing styles and formats. Proven ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and deliver high-quality content on tight deadlines.

Avoid generic or overused phrases that don't provide concrete examples of your skills:

  • Experienced content writer with excellent communication skills and a proven track record of success.
  • Hardworking and dedicated professional with a passion for writing.

2. Tailor your summary to the job description

To increase your chances of getting noticed by employers, make sure your summary aligns with the requirements and preferences outlined in the job posting. Mirror key phrases and highlight relevant skills and experiences.

Job description: Seeking a creative and detail-oriented content writer to craft compelling blog posts and articles that drive traffic and engage our target audience. Must have experience writing about personal finance and investing topics.

Tailored summary:

Skilled content writer with 3+ years of experience creating engaging and informative personal finance and investing content. Adept at breaking down complex topics into accessible, SEO-optimized articles and blog posts that drive traffic and keep readers coming back for more.

Avoid using a generic summary that could apply to any content writing position:

Experienced writer with a diverse portfolio and a passion for creating high-quality content on a variety of topics. Strong research and editing skills and the ability to adapt to different writing styles and formats.


Your work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show hiring managers what you've accomplished in previous roles, and how that translates to the content writer position you're applying for. Here are some tips to make your work experience section stand out:

1. Highlight content creation accomplishments

When describing your previous roles, focus on your content creation achievements rather than just listing responsibilities. Use numbers and metrics to quantify your impact where possible.

For example, instead of saying:

  • Wrote blog posts for company website
  • Created social media content
  • Wrote 10+ SEO-optimized blog posts per month, increasing organic traffic by 25%
  • Created engaging social media content resulting in a 20% increase in followers and a 15% boost in engagement rate

2. Showcase your versatility

Modern content writers need to be versatile, creating content across various formats and platforms. Highlight experiences that showcase your range, such as:

  • Writing for different target audiences and industries
  • Creating various content types (blog posts, articles, web copy, social media, video scripts, eBooks, etc.)
  • Adapting to different brand voices and style guides
  • Experience with content management systems, SEO tools, and analytics
Versatile content writer experienced in creating engaging content across industries, including blog posts, articles, eBooks, infographics, and social media. Adept at matching brand voice and optimizing for SEO.

3. Demonstrate career growth

Hiring managers love to see career progression on your resume. If you've been promoted or taken on more responsibility in your content writing career, make sure to highlight that in your work experience section.

  • Promoted from Junior Content Writer to Content Strategist within 18 months
  • Started as a Freelance Writer and grew into a Content Team Lead managing a team of 5 writers

You can also show growth through your achievements, such as:

  • Took on more complex writing projects and client accounts
  • Mentored junior writers and provided editorial feedback
  • Implemented new content processes and style guides

4. Tailor your experience to the job

One of the biggest mistakes content writers make on their resumes is including every bit of experience they have, even if it's not relevant to the job they're applying for. This can make your resume feel unfocused.

Instead, curate your work experience section to focus on the most relevant roles and accomplishments for the content writer position you want. For each job, pick 3-5 bullet points that best demonstrate your fit.

Look at the job description for clues on what to highlight. For example, if the job emphasizes SEO, lead with accomplishments related to SEO-optimized content and organic traffic growth. If it's a social media heavy role, focus on those experiences.

Grew Instagram following by 20% and increased engagement on Facebook posts.
Developed and executed a social media content strategy across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Grew Instagram following by 20%, increased Facebook engagement by 15%, and generated 500+ LinkedIn leads through optimized content.


The education section of a content writer's resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. Hiring managers will look for a mix of formal education, industry-specific training, and any other credentials that prove you're the best candidate. Here's how to write an effective education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Content Writer Roles

1. List your highest degree first

Start with your most recent or advanced degree, like a master's or bachelor's degree. Include the name of the degree, the institution, and the year you graduated.

If you have a degree relevant to content writing, such as English, journalism, or marketing, make sure to highlight it. You can also include your GPA if it's impressive (3.5 or above).

Master of Arts in English, University of California, Los Angeles, 2018 Bachelor of Science in Marketing, New York University, 2016 GPA: 3.8

2. Include relevant coursework

If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, listing relevant coursework can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills. Choose classes that relate directly to content writing, like:

  • Creative Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Digital Marketing

Keep the list short and focused. Too many courses will clutter your resume and dilute the impact.

3. Highlight writing-related awards and honors

If you've received any special recognition for your writing during your academic career, the education section is the perfect place to showcase it. Awards and honors help you stand out from other candidates.

Some examples of relevant awards include:

  • Dean's List
  • Phi Beta Kappa
  • Departmental Honors in English
  • Best Thesis Award

Be selective and only include the most impressive and writing-focused awards.

4. Keep it brief if you're a senior-level writer

If you have extensive work experience, your education section should be short and to the point. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments than your academic background.

A bad example for a senior content writer would be:

Bachelor of Arts in English, XYZ University, 1995-1999 Relevant Coursework: Creative Writing, Journalism 101, American Literature GPA: 3.7 Dean's List, Fall 1998

Instead, keep it concise:

B.A. English, XYZ University

Action Verbs For Content Writer Resumes

Strong action verbs help recruiters easily understand the tasks you have undertaken as a content writer and the successes you have had with those tasks. They help you and your successes stand out from the crowd and can help you secure that job. Content writers create concepts, and write, edit, and proofread copies. They also do this in several different mediums. Your action verbs should help show off this variety in experience. 

Here is a list of useful action verbs to get you started.

Action Verbs for Content Writer

  • Collaborated
  • Conceptualized
  • Contributed

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Content Writer Resumes

Skills for content writer resumes.

Content writing is a broad and creative industry with fairly low barriers to entry, especially for general content writing. When creating your skills section, you need to make it specific to the industry you want to write in and the mediums you want to write for. This will inform which skills are the most relevant to list. E.g a digital content writer needs to show their skills in the digital space like SEO, while a medical content writer needs to show their skills in the medical field.

Here is a list of recruiter-approved hard skills that content writers should consider including in their resumes.

  • Web Content Writing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Feature Writing
  • Online Journalism
  • SEO Copywriting
  • News Writing
  • Content Management
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Translation
  • Online Marketing
  • Copy Editing
  • Digital Media
  • Social Media
  • Web Content Creation
  • Content Development
  • Proofreading
  • Article Writing
  • Content Strategy

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Content Writer Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Content Writer Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Content Writer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Content Writer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Content Writer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other marketing resumes, content creator.

Screenshot of an engaging resume for a Social Media Content Creator.


Commercial underwriter resume emphasizing analytical skills and software proficiency.

  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide
  • Creative Director Resume Guide
  • Marketing Manager Resume Guide
  • Digital Marketing Resume Guide
  • Event Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Digital Media Resume Guide
  • Brand Manager Resume Guide
  • Communications Resume Guide
  • Content Creator Resume Guide
  • E-Commerce Resume Guide
  • Growth Marketing Resume Guide

Content Writer Resume Guide

  • Video Editor Resume Guide
  • Marketing Executive Resume Guide
  • VP of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Digital Strategist Resume Guide
  • Brand Ambassador Resume Guide
  • Technical Writer Resume Guide
  • SEO Resume Guide
  • Director of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Brand Strategist Resume Guide
  • Campaign Manager Resume Guide
  • Content Writer Resume Example
  • Creative Content Writer Resume Example
  • Technical Writer Resume Example
  • Medical Writer Resume Example
  • Scriptwriter Resume Example
  • Brand Journalist Resume Example
  • Digital Content Writer Resume Example
  • Tips for Content Writer Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Content Writer CV Examples
  • Content Writer Cover Letter
  • Content Writer Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Writer skills for your resume and career

Writer Example Skills

A writer needs a strong work ethic and a background in math and basic math. They also need to be proficient in web content, and Twitter. And don't forget about Instagram or Facebook! They are also great tools for writers. According to Whitney Adams , Visiting Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Writing at Berry College, "Demand for content: With the rise of digital marketing, social media, and online publications, there is a high demand for content creators and writers. Companies need quality written content to attract and engage their audience."

Of course, a good writer also needs soft skills. They must be able to communicate effectively and be hardworking. They should also be creative and have a strong work ethic. As Frank Argote-Freyre , History Department at Kean University, puts it, "I always tell my students that a good writer never goes hungry. We emphasize writing in History and that is one of the reasons a History degree is valuable. As a corollary to that, research skills are important. The ability to identify sources of additional information that provide nuance to an employer is a valuable asset to bring to the workplace."

15 writer skills for your resume and career

1. work ethic.

Work ethic is the principle of hard work and diligence. Writers use work ethic by demonstrating a strong focus on seeing tasks through to completion. This includes maintaining a strong work ethic and keeping a good attitude while doing their job. As Professor of Literature at Colgate University, Susan Cerasano , puts it, "They must be fluent with a range of cultures and possess a sense of global literacy; they should be able to handle to basics of common software programs; and finally, they must have a good work ethic."

  • Demonstrated a strong work ethic and maintained a strong focus on seeing tasks through to completion.

2. Customer Service

Customer service is the act of helping customers with their needs and concerns. Writers use customer service by providing quality assistance, handling inquiries, and ensuring client satisfaction. They often work under pressure to meet deadlines and maintain a fast-paced environment. Whether it's via phone, email, or in-person, writers are responsible for addressing customer needs and ensuring a positive experience.

  • Work effectively under time pressure to ensure punctual customer service and client satisfaction in a fast-paced, deadline-driven, customer-service environment.
  • Provide quality professional customer service that consistently meets or exceeds Company standards of excellence and customer expectations.

3. Web Content

Web content refers to any written content that is published on the internet. Writers use web content to post and update information on websites. They also use it to write articles and other materials for online news sources. Joanne Diaz Ph.D. , Chair and Professor at the Department of English, Illinois Wesleyan University, says, "In the next five years, I sense that English majors will not only need to master traditional forms of analytical and argumentative writing but also master writing to an audience beyond the classroom. So, for example, it would be great if an English major can also tell stories via podcasts, videos, and other forms of web content that are shareable via social media."

  • Posted and updated web content for expanding entertainment promotions company under Art Director.
  • Interviewed investment professionals to produce timely newsletter articles and web content.

Math is the study of numbers and their relationships. Writers use math in various ways, such as reviewing lessons, creating test items, and developing standardized test questions. They also use math to create challenging problems for advanced high school level math tournaments and to design and publish lesson plans for elementary school math. As Ted Anton , Professor at DePaul University's Department of English, puts it, "Math, of course, is a big plus, but up to the advanced algebra level. Statistical skills will be helpful."

  • Reviewed lessons for Math 6, Geometry, and Algebra II courses to be more aligned with Common Core Standards.
  • Selected to compose and construct questions and answers for State tests to measure proficiency in math for grades eight through twelve

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization." It involves using specific techniques to make a website or online content more visible to search engines. Writers often use SEO to ensure their content is easily found by their target audience. They may research and analyze trends, write optimized content, and incorporate SEO elements into their writing. This helps their content show up higher in search engine results, making it more accessible to readers.

  • Researched SEO and analyzed web trends -Authored articles on environmental issues
  • Developed plan and process for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to support company Pay Per Click (PPC) plan.

SQL is a programming language used by writers to manage and manipulate data in databases. They use SQL to extract, manipulate, and calculate data to fulfill reporting requirements. Writer also use SQL to import data from multiple sources, such as Microsoft Access/Excel, and flat files. They may also use SQL to redesign packages and views within SQL Developer to ensure accurate reports.

  • Utilize SQL, Excel, SAS, in-house; and other reporting tools to effectively create reports that meet client requirements.
  • Develop queries and format reports using Visual Studios 2015, Data Studio 4.1.2 Client, and SQL Server Management Studio 2012.

Choose from 10+ customizable writer resume templates

Twitter is a social media platform where users can share short messages, images, and videos. Writers use Twitter to promote their work, engage with their audience, and stay informed about their fields. They post updates, articles, and links to increase traffic to their websites. They also use Twitter to interact with their audience and respond to comments. For example, a writer may use Twitter to share their blog posts, promote upcoming events, or answer questions from followers.

  • Managed social media including Facebook and Twitter.
  • Contributed to our Facebook page and Twitter account, including links to our stories to generate higher traffic to our website.

8. Facebook

Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to connect with others and share updates, photos, and videos. Writers use Facebook to promote their work, engage with their audience, and build their personal brand. They may research and write articles, blogs, and social media posts, and use Facebook to share these pieces with their followers. They may also use Facebook to network with other professionals and stay up-to-date on industry trends. For example, one writer used Facebook to promote their articles, increase engagement, and build their brand awareness.

  • Contribute to Facebook page for Fight for Air Climb Louisville-Brainstorm meetings with organization leaders
  • Increased Facebook engagement, brand awareness and followers substantially.

A sketch is a brief, humorous dramatization. Writers use sketches in various ways. Some write and edit sketches for live performances, while others provide monologue and sketch material for comedians. They may also create original sketches for comedy shows and troupes. For instance, one writer pitched, wrote, and edited sketches for a YouTube personality with over 15 million subscribers.

  • Student-produced half-hour weekly sketch comedy show.
  • Provided daily monologue and sketch material on a freelance basis to Jay Leno for THE TONIGHT SHOW with JAY LENO.

10. News Stories

News stories are articles or broadcasts that provide information on current events. Writers use news stories by writing and photographing feature stories, gathering information, and researching breaking news. They also style looks, conduct interviews, and write articles for weekly print and website editions. As Stacy Barton, Assistant Professor at Metropolitan State University's Department of Journalism & Media Production, puts it, "Freelance remote production and correspondence is a way of life for many professionals documenting national and international news stories today."

  • Write and photograph feature stories related to student activities, lifestyle and hard news stories related to national and local news.
  • Gathered information on news stories from around the world to be broadcast on daily newscast produced in Atlanta international bureau.

11. Blog Posts

A blog post is an online article that shares information, news, or a personal perspective on a particular topic. Writers use blog posts in various ways, such as researching and producing content, setting up layouts, and creating original content. They may also write articles and corporate blog posts, as well as spend time marketing their own books. Additionally, they may develop highly trafficked content and blog posts on various topics, including fashion, culture, and art. Writers may also research and author articles/blog posts on personal finance, debt management, and frugal living. They may also collaborate and write sports-related blog posts for former NBA basketball players.

  • Researched and produced weekly blog posts for Nebraska Manufacturing Advisory Council
  • Set up layout of daily blog posts and creating original content, as op- using HTML and CSS in WordPress.

12. Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform focused on image and video sharing. Writers use Instagram to manage accounts, develop content, and build a presence. They also use it to research and communicate with audiences, creating sticky content and developing brands. As Professor Jeff Rice Ph.D. , Chair of the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies at The University of Kentucky, puts it, "It's one thing to know how to create a movie or poster or infographic or report or Instagram post; it's another thing to have the rhetorical and writing skills to properly use that tool to create information for a specific audience."

  • Developed ideas and wrote articles remotely Managed the College-Social Instagram account for the University of Delaware
  • Google Plus Based out of New York City, Music Times is a hub of music and general Instagram entertainment news.

13. Press Releases

Press releases are official statements issued to the media to communicate news or information. Writers use press releases to promote their company's image, announce new products or services, and communicate key messages to the public. They may also distribute press releases to paid distribution sites, and submit them to local media outlets. Jennifer Santos Esperanza Ph.D. , Professor and Co-Chair at Beloit College, Department of Anthropology, emphasizes the importance of press releases, "The skills needed to be successful in the museum industry - organizing and creating an exhibit, writing press releases, conducting outreach to stakeholders, and collaborating with a team are valuable skills that can be practiced and perfected in the trade show industry."

  • Supported efforts of the organization with marketing campaigns, advertisements and press releases
  • Write, edit, and research for white papers, case studies, scope of work proposals, and press releases.

14. Subject Matter Experts

  • Developed and researched various projects, contacting subject matter experts to obtain accurate information for copy.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders and subject matter experts to identify and build better data metrics.

15. PowerPoint

  • Utilized CAD and PowerPoint to construct diagrams of structures and include more specific information in the department manual.
  • Advanced skills with Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Word, Outlook)

12 Writer Resume Examples

Build a professional writer resume in minutes. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume. Then choose from 12 + resume templates to create your writer resume.

What skills help Writers find jobs?

Tell us what job you are looking for, we’ll show you what skills employers want. Get Started

What type of skills will young Writers need?

Professor, DePaul University

What Writer skills would you recommend for someone trying to advance their career?

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Minnesota

List of writer skills to add to your resume

Writer Skills

The most important skills for a writer resume and required skills for a writer to have include:

  • Customer Service
  • Web Content
  • News Stories
  • Press Releases
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Writing Articles
  • Content Marketing
  • Video Games
  • Feature Stories
  • News Articles
  • Conduct Interviews
  • Copywriting
  • Student Newspaper
  • Real Estate
  • Develop User
  • Smartphones
  • Search Engine
  • Target Audience
  • Informative Articles
  • POP Culture
  • Content Writing
  • Biographies
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Contributor
  • Short Stories

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Writer Related Skills

  • Assistant Editor Skills
  • Associate Editor Skills
  • Content Editor Skills
  • Content Writer Skills
  • Editor Skills
  • Editorial Internship Skills
  • Grant Writer Skills
  • Journalist Skills
  • News Reporter Skills
  • Proposal Writer Skills
  • Reporter Skills
  • Senior Technical Writer Skills
  • Senior Writer Skills
  • Sports Editor Skills
  • Staff Writer Skills

Writer Related Careers

  • Assistant Editor
  • Associate Editor
  • Content Editor
  • Content Writer
  • Editorial Internship
  • Grant Writer
  • News Reporter
  • Proposal Writer
  • Senior Technical Writer
  • Senior Writer
  • Sports Editor
  • Staff Writer

Writer Related Jobs

  • Assistant Editor Jobs
  • Associate Editor Jobs
  • Content Editor Jobs
  • Content Writer Jobs
  • Editor Jobs
  • Editorial Internship Jobs
  • Grant Writer Jobs
  • Journalist Jobs
  • News Reporter Jobs
  • Proposal Writer Jobs
  • Reporter Jobs
  • Senior Technical Writer Jobs
  • Senior Writer Jobs
  • Sports Editor Jobs
  • Staff Writer Jobs

Writer Jobs By Location

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  • Boston Writer Jobs
  • Cuyahoga Falls Writer Jobs
  • Franklin Writer Jobs
  • Green Valley Writer Jobs
  • Little Ferry Writer Jobs
  • Lynn Haven Writer Jobs
  • Medfield Writer Jobs
  • Mesa Writer Jobs
  • North Hempstead Writer Jobs
  • Roseville Writer Jobs
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  • Warwick Writer Jobs
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  • West Springfield Writer Jobs
  • Zippia Careers
  • Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Industry
  • Writer Skills

Browse arts, entertainment, sports, and media jobs

How to List Skills on a Resume (Real Skill Examples)

This essential resume writing article is about how to list skills on a resume. For more resume writing help, visit our job seeker resource center .

EdgeWater Pharmacy just posted an opening for a Sales Associate right down the street from your home. You think you are the perfect fit for the job, so you submit your resume, but so do 30 other candidates.

Do you know who is going to get called in for an interview? 

The job seeker who looks like they have the most relevant skills for the job.

Make sure you’re getting the callback for an interview from a hiring manager by reading how to list your skills on a resume.

This essential job seekers’ guide will walk you through how to add the skills a hiring manager wants to see on your resume, along with 50+ real resume examples of skills you can use.

This article on how to include key skills on a resume covers:

  • What are professional skills?
  • Why are skills important on resumes?
  • Different types of skills for job seekers
  • Where and how to incorporate skills on a job application
  • Top 50+ skills hiring managers want to see on your resume
  • Fastest ways to gain new skills to get hired

What Are Skills? Why Are Skills Important?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a skill is:

“the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance”

“a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability”

When it comes to job hunting, your skills are what set you apart. Every human on earth has a set of skills that is unique to them. Likewise, every professional position has a unique set of skills that is required for performing the job.

Finding the perfect alignment between these two ideas is the key goal for every hiring manager.

If a hiring manager finds someone that already possesses the skills needed for their job, they won’t have to spend so much time and money on training. It also means that their new employee will be able to pull their own weight more quickly, providing a quicker return on their hiring investment.

But how do hiring managers know who has what it takes to perform well on the job?

The first and most important place hiring managers look is at your resume. On average, a hiring manager spends 6 seconds reviewing a resume and during that time they are scanning the pages to see if the skills required for the job jump out at them.

If they find what they are looking for, you get called in for an interview. If they don’t quickly see what they are looking for, your resume will most likely be discarded.

As a job seeker, it is your responsibility to make sure you know what skills hiring managers are looking for.

Once you identify those skills, it is also your responsibility to make sure those relevant skills are incorporated into your resume in a way that stands out.

If you do these two things accurately, you will be the one getting called in for an interview and will be that much closer to landing a new job.

Types of Professional Skills (Real Resume Examples)

Skills can be broken down into four main categories:

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills
  • Transferable skills
  • Job-related skills.

Before you start writing your own list of skills, let’s go through each of these skill categories to see what the difference between them is.

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills

Hard skills are specific, teachable, and tangible. They can be measured and tested using assignments and assessments. Hard skills are learned, either through on-the-job training or through school, rather than coming naturally.

Examples of hard skills for a resume:

Statistics Computer Programming Accounting
Carpentry Teaching Mechanical Engineering
Yoga Digital Marketing Sales

Soft skills are intangible and are harder to measure. They are personality traits and interpersonal skills that come naturally to humans, rather than being learned through school.

People are born with soft skills. These soft skills grow and develop over time from your upbringing, education, and experiences.   

Examples of soft skills:

Punctual Hardworking Sociable
Ethical Process-Oriented Strong Communication
Leadership Time Management Positive Attitude

Contrary to popular belief, hiring managers often care more about soft skills than hard skills, though both hard and soft skills contribute to your appeal as a candidate.

Hard skills, such as computer programming or accounting, can be taught using a combination of curriculum and hands-on practice. Whereas soft skills, such as a positive attitude or punctuality, are harder to teach.

Regardless of your background, hiring managers are usually flexible with teaching you the hard skills needed for their job, as long as you already have the right attitude along with the aptitude to learn.

Transferable Skills vs Job-Related Skills

Transferable skills can be carried with you from one job to the other. These skills can be a hard skill or soft skill, as long as they can be used in any type of role, regardless of the industry, company, or position.

Examples of transferable skills:

Microsoft Word Customer Service Phone Etiquette
Organization Professionalism Attention-To-Detail

Job-related skills are usually always hard skills.  These job-related skills are specific to a certain type of role or position.

Examples of job-related skills:

Java Programming Excel Pivot Tables Project Management Lifecycle
Basic Life Support Fine Dining Table Service Retail POS Systems

How And Where To List Skills On Your Resume

Skills should be included throughout your resume, rather than confined to one area.

While scanning your resume, hiring managers will be looking over each resume section, starting with the top. Because of how people read resumes, you need to make sure they see your skills immediately.

Guarantee hiring managers will see your skills by listing them in four key areas of your resume:

  • Resume header
  • Professional summary
  • Summary of skills
  • Work Experience section

If you are writing a resume from scratch, try using this free and easy-to-use resume builder from Resume.com. The sections and formatting are already created for you, so all you need to worry about is filling in the blanks to finish a free printable resume.

1. Resume Header

At the top of your resume, directly below your name, write your job title along with the three most relevant skills you have as a candidate.

This is the first section hiring managers will be reading, so it is important to draw their attention using bold and large lettering.

If you’re using this resume builder , the ‘ Blue Skies ’, ‘ Three Blocks Digital ’, and ‘ van Deco ’ resume templates already have a header section included, which will make finishing your resume easier.

When writing your header, it is crucial that you customize the job title and skills to each job you’re applying for. Your job application needs to be consistent – you can read more about consistency in this article .

For example, if you write Java Developer in your resume header, but are applying for a .NET Developer position, a huge red flag will go up for the hiring manager.

When writing your top three skills in your header, make sure they align with the required skills listed in the job posting.

If you’re applying for a job at a large company or corporation, or you’re applying through a job board, it’s helpful to keep applicant tracking systems (ATS) in mind. Make sure your resume makes it past ATS software by listing your skills using the same wording as the job posting.  

Example of skills in the resume header: 

skills in resume header example

2. Professional Summary

Below your header and contact information, you will have a professional summary section. A professional summary used to be called an ‘objective’, but the modern resume writing approach is to replace your objective with a professional summary section.

Your professional summary should give an overview of your background, years of experience, and the top skills that set you apart. The skills in your professional summary should be written in sentence form, rather than listed out.

If using the resume builder , the ‘ My Employment ’, ‘ Apple Green ’, and ‘ Side Panel ’ resume templates have professional summary sections that are sure to draw attention to your most relevant skills.

Example of skills in the professional summary of a resume:

resume example of skills in professional summary

3. Summary of Skills

Below your professional summary, include a ‘summary of skills’ section. Alternative titles for this section could be ‘core competencies’, ‘key skills’, ‘professional skills’, or ‘relevant skills’.

If you have less than 10 skills, you can list them out in columns. 

Summary of skills resume example (less than 10 professional skills) :

resume example of skills in summary of skills

Summary of skills resume example (more than 10 professional skills) :

professional skills resume example

For your skills section, your skills should be listed, rather than written out in sentence form. This formatting choice helps hiring managers to pick out the key words quickly, which they can read about in more detail in the experience section after.

4. Experience Section

The ‘experience’ section usually comes after your summary of skills on a resume. Depending on your background, this could also be called ‘professional experience’, ‘work experience’, or ‘relevant experience’.

Your experience section is the perfect place to back your skills up with real-life examples of when you have used your skills, in addition to the results you have achieved.

When writing your experience section, give specific details about where, when, and with whom you have used your skills. When possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements.

Example of how to list skills in the experience section of a resume:

how to list skills in work experience resume example

How to List Skills On A Resume – Finding Relevant Skills For You

To figure out what skills you should include on your resume, follow these three simple steps.

Step #1: Create a master list of skills

Go through each category and create a master list of the skills in your toolbox. Don’t be afraid to list things that seem obvious, like computer skills or customer service.

Although they might seem like a given in your profession, many hiring managers still want to see these skills listed.

Never include skills that you are no longer familiar with. If you write a skill on your resume, hiring managers will be expecting that you can deliver on that activity.

If you are worried that a hiring manager will over or underestimate your level of proficiency, feel free to write ‘beginner’, ‘intermediate’, or ‘proficient’ next to each skill listed.

Step #2: Figure out the skills needed for the job

When applying for jobs, it is important to identify the set of skills that are needed. Picking out the needed skills will help you determine if you are a good fit for the role. It will also help you tailor your resume skills to the specific job you are applying for.

There are two main ways to determine the skills needed for a job.

The first is to dissect job descriptions and job postings that are posted on career websites and job boards. To do this, go through a job description and highlight each quality that describes the candidate the company is looking for.

For example, here is a job posting for a cashier position: 

how to find relevant skills in job posting for resume

Then create a list of all the qualities described, making sure to write each skill using the same wording that is used in the job posting.

Problem Solving Customer Assistance Trust
Teamwork Positive Team Relationships Relationship Building
MS Windows Operating System iOS Android Operating System
Communication Interpersonal Skills Multi-Tasking
Accountability Initiative Ownership

The second way to figure out what skills are needed for a job is to search for people on LinkedIn who are already performing the role.

By searching for a certain job title in the search bar, you can find a list of professionals who are already in that job and then search through their profile to see what skills they have listed, both in their summary and experience sections.

Step #3: Match your master list with the skills needed for a job

The skills you write on your resume should be whatever overlaps between your master list and the list of skills you created from researching jobs.

By using this technique, you will be making sure that the skills you have listed on your resume are relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

A general rule of thumb is to never include skills that aren’t important for the job you are applying for.

For example, if you are applying for a project manager position, there is no need to list that you know yoga or CPR.

Top 50+ Skills Hiring Managers Look For On Resumes

A lot of research has been done as to what hiring managers look for on a resume. Many of the skills they seek are job-specific, while others are transferable.

To increase your chances of getting called in for an interview, include these top skills throughout your resume.

These professional skills are divided by category to help you find the skills that are relevant to you.

Soft Skills

Communication Organization Time Management
Punctuality Attention To Detail Persuasive
Strong Work Ethic Team Player Analytical

Basic Computer Skills

MS Word MS Excel MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook Document Editing Typing
Online Scheduling Video Conferencing Electronic File Management

Customer Service

Phone Support Telephone Etiquette Technical Support
Retail Customer Service Payment Processing
Guest Satisfaction Front-Desk Assistance Reception
Team Management Professional Development Cross-Functional Collaboration
Team Building Resource Allocation Performance Reviews
Public Speaking Media Engagements Interviewing
Budgeting Business Planning Roadmapping
Contract Management Partnership Agreements Risk Assessments
Process Improvement Change Management Best Practice Development
Software Development Quality Assurance SDLC
CAD Data Analytics ERP Systems
Operating Systems Network Administration Information Security
Forecasting Investment Management Accounting
Bookkeeping QuickBooks Expense Reports
Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Financial Projections
Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Graphic Design UI/UX Design Adobe Creative Suite
Branding Marketing Plan Development Gorilla Marketing
Contract Negotiations Relationship Building Client Management
Opportunity Analysis Market Research Competitor Research
Product Development Customer Success Sales Pipelining

Project Management

Waterfall Methodology Agile Methodology Budgeting
Timelines Scheduling Meeting Minutes
Persuasion Accountability Executive Updates

Art & Design

Studio Arts Fashion Design Interior Design
Creative Direction Trend Research Cataloguing
Gallery Management Artist Relationships Photography

Human Resources

Talent Acquisition Workforce Planning Compensation Plans
Benefits Administration Work Culture Organizational Structures
Learning & Development Brand Management Team Structures

Fastest Ways To Obtain New Skills

Are you looking for your first job? Are you missing some of the required skills on a job posting? If so, don’t worry. There are a range of ways for you to obtain the needed skills quickly.

If you are in need of a hard skill, this task is much easier. Hard skills are learned, so you can typically find an online resource, school, or curriculum to pick up the needed skills.

If you don’t have enough time to attend class in person, there are a number of online learning platforms with courses that you can take online, in your spare time. Some examples of popular eLearning platforms include Lynda, Udemy, and Skillshare.

Learning soft skills are a little trickier. These interpersonal and personality traits are hardwired into humans, so the only way to get better at them is to practice, practice, practice.

If you can’t practice soft skills while on a job, try to find some day-to-day activities that you can practice these skills during.

For example, if you need to work on punctuality, set a goal to arrive 5 minutes early wherever you need to be, no matter if it is for class or for coffee. Or if you need to work on your professionalism, pick up a volunteer job based in a professional, office setting.

More Skill-Related Articles For Resume Writing:

  • How To List Hard Skills On A Resume (50+ Technical Skill Examples)
  • How to List Computer Skills on a Resume (50+ Computer Skill Examples)

How to Write a Resume for Today’s Job Market

To get more job interviews, you must create a resume that is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS). Learn how in this step-by-step guide.

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Learning how to write a resume is a crucial skill for job seekers—it’s how you market yourself to potential employers.

A well-crafted resume summarizes your professional experience, skills, and achievements. It should grab the hiring manager’s attention and show them them why:

  • You’re the perfect match for the job.
  • The skills you have will make the company money.
  • You’re qualified to solve the company’s problems.
  • You’ll be worth your salary.
  • Your accomplishments can be measured and verified.

But in today’s job market, it’s not enough to write an effective resume. You must also tailor each one to the job you’re applying for. Why? Because most companies today use applicant tracking systems, or ATS, to sort and filter the large volume of resumes they receive.

If you’re resume doesn’t contain the specific keywords hiring managers are searching for, it won’t be found—even if you’re qualified for the job!

In this guide, you’ll learn how to write a resume that stands out in today’s job market. We’ll show you how to present yourself as the ideal candidate, highlight the skills that will benefit potential employers, and ensure your resume is compatible with ATS.

Resume builder screen

How to write a resume that gets interviews

Here’s a quick overview of the basic steps for writing a professional resume. Follow these steps to make your resume clear, concise, and appealing.

Gather all relevant data about your work experience, skills, achievements, and education.

Select a format that’s right for you, whether it’s chronological, functional, or hybrid., clearly list your name, phone number, email, and key social media profiles., create a compelling headline that includes the job title you’re applying for., write a brief statement that summarizes your key achievements and value you offer., list the skills you have that align closely with the job requirements., detail your past job roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments., include your educational degrees, certifications, and relevant training., showcase any relevant honors, awards, and volunteer work., tailor your resume by focusing on the experiences and skills that are most relevant to the job..

Before you start working on your resume, remember that your resume is not your biography. You’re not telling the story of your life. Instead, your resume should be a targeted document meant to showcase the skills and experiences that match the job you want .

This means that if something is not relevant to your targeted job, leave it out . With this in mind, let’s start building your resume!

1. Gather your essential information before you start

Before diving into the actual resume writing, it’s crucial to collect all the necessary information you’ll need. This preparatory step ensures that the resume writing process is smooth and that you don’t miss any important details.

  • Significant achievements : List standout accomplishments from previous roles that demonstrate your contributions and successes.
  • Skills : Compile a list of your soft, hard, and technical skills that align with those required by the job you’re targeting.
  • Employment history : Provide detailed information about past employers, including their names, your dates of employment, locations, job titles, and a clear description of your duties.
  • Education : Document your academic qualifications like college degrees, certifications, or licenses that prove your expertise in relevant fields.
  • Volunteer work : Include any voluntary engagements where you developed skills pertinent to the job you are seeking.
  • Awards and honors : Mention any notable recognitions you’ve received that underscore your exceptional talents and commitment.

When you gather your information, include everything you can think of. You can cut information that’s not relevant to a specific job later.

2. Choose a resume format that’s right for you

A  resume format  is the way you organize, or lay out, your information. There is no one-size fits all resume format. Instead, there are three different types of formats to choose from – chronological, functional, and hybrid. Which format you choose depends on your particular situation.

The chronological resume format

This is the most traditional resume format, especially for job seekers with lots of relevant experience.

The chronological resume format lists your work history in reverse chronological order , with your most recent jobs listed first. Your skills and education should come after your work history in this format.

  • Have a strong work history showing steady career growth without significant employment gaps.
  • Are staying in the same field and want to highlight your experience and advancements within that field.
  • Want to highlight career progression and professional achievements over time.

The functional resume format

This resume format focuses on your skills rather than your work history. It helps you downplay your lack of experience in a particular field.

In this format, your skills and education should be emphasized over your work history.

  • Are changing careers and want to emphasize transferable skills over past job titles.
  • Have gaps in employment and want to focus on skills rather than work experience.
  • Are new to the workforce and want to highlight skills, coursework, and internships.

NOTE : Generally speaking, we don’t recommend the functional resume format . Recruiters want to see some kind of work history. Instead of the functional format, try the next resume format—the hybrid.

The hybrid resume format

A hybrid resume is a combination of the chronological resume and the functional resume. It showcases both your work history and your skills.

In this format, your skills comes before your work history. But your work history is still the heart of your resume, just like in the chronological format.

  • Have lots of skills that are relevant to the job you are targeting.
  • Are climbing the career ladder within the same field.
  • Are changing roles within the same industry and want to highlight your relevant skills.

We like the hybrid resume  because it offers the best of both worlds, combining the strengths of the chronological and the functional resume formats.

How to choose the best resume format diagram.

3. Put your contact information at the top of your resume

This section might appear simple, but it’s important. If hiring managers can’t contact you, you won’t get an interview.

  • Phone number
  • Location (City, State, Zip Code)
  • Email Address
  • LinkedIn profile URL

It’s surprising how often job seekers forget a crucial piece of contact information. Double-check to make sure it’s as easy as possible for recruiters to contact you for a job interview.

Here’s an example:

An example of resume contact information.

Contact information do’s and don’ts

  • Include your full name, including your middle initial.
  • Include a link to your professional website or online portfolio.
  • Create a strong LinkedIn profile and be sure to include the URL on your resume.
  • Don’t write your full address; only your city, state, and zip code.
  • Don’t include a work phone number; only your personal number.
  • Don’t add a photo of yourself . This can lead to bias or discrimination.

4. Create a compelling resume headline

Your resume headline comes right after your contact information. At the very least, your headline should clearly identify the title of the job you’re applying for.

Is putting the job title in the headline necessary? Yes! “Think of your resume as a maze,” says resume expert Laura DeCarlo . “It has to have a visible entrance or no one would ever get started.” Without a headline, “the prospective employer won’t know for which position you are applying.”

Your headline can also include years of experience and key qualifications. Here’s an example:

An example of a resume headline.

Resume headline do’s and don’ts

  • Tailor your headline to each job you apply for.
  • Keep your headline under ten words to make sure it packs a punch.
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Don’t use clichés such as “hard worker” or “team player.” Be specific.
  • Don’t be too salesy. Focus on giving a snapshot of your skills and experience.
  • Don’t make your headline too long. Cut to the chase.

5. Write your resume summary

A resume summary is a brief paragraph that provides an overview of your qualifications for the role you’re applying for. Most expert resume writers today highly recommend using a summary.

“One of the most common mistakes I see in resumes is the absence of a targeted introductory paragraph at the beginning of the resume,” says career coach Suzanne Berger . “Keep in mind that recruiters or hiring managers only spend 10 to 20 seconds reviewing your resume, so it is important to make an impact from the start.”

As you can see from the following example, your summary goes right under your resume headline:

Resume summary example

Your resume summary should include a concise overview of your key qualifications, professional achievements, and skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Here’s a formula you can use to write your summary, followed by an example:

[Your Professional Title] with [Years of Experience] years of experience. Proven track record in [Top Achievement 1] and [Top Achievement 2] . Skilled in [Skill 1] , [Skill 2] , and [Skill 3] . Known for [Unique Value or Strength] .

Marketing Manager with 8 years of experience . Proven track record in increasing online engagement by 40% and boosting lead generation by 30% . Skilled in content creation, data analysis, and strategic planning . Known for exceptional organizational skills and the ability to manage and inspire teams to exceed corporate objectives .

Resume summary do’s and don’ts

  • Use numbers to show that you are able to produce tangible outcomes.
  • Incorporate keywords from the job description whenever possible.
  • Write your resume summary last because you’ll then have a fuller picture of your experiences and skills.
  • Don’t just list your job duties; instead focus on your accomplishments.
  • Don’t use personal pronouns (I, me, or my).
  • Don’t make your summary too long; keep it to no more than 3-4 sentences.

6. Create your skills section

When we talk about keywords, we are mostly talking about skills .

There are two main types of skills— hard and soft . Hard skills are specific abilities you learn through education or training, like using certain software or speaking a foreign language. Soft skills are more about how you work and interact with others, such as teamwork, communication , and flexibility.

an infographic showing the difference between hard skills and soft skills

You should place your skills section under your resume summary. List your skill set using bullet points, either in columns or in a bullet-point format. Try to include 10 to 20 key skills in this section.

An example of how to show skills on a resume.

IMPORTANT! The way the same skill is worded in a job description can vary from company to company. This is why it’s crucial to tailor each resume to the job you’re applying to.

For example, here are three different ways of listing essentially the same skill:

  • Customer Service
  • Client Relations
  • Customer Support

If the job description lists “customer support” and you have “customer service” on your resume, the hiring manager might not find your resume when searching through the ATS database — even though you do have that skill.

To make sure you’re using the right keyword skills, run your resume through Jobscan’s resume scanner . It compares your resume to the job description and tells you which skills to use.

You’ll also receive a resume score which tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. The higher your score the more likely you are to get an interview. Here’s an example of the report you’ll receive from the resume scanner:

A section of Jobscan's match report showing the resume score and missing hard skills.

The skills in red are missing from the resume. Add them to increase the resume score. You can read more about Jobscan’s resume scanner and how to try it for free here .

7. Create a compelling work history section

Now it’s time to get to the heart of your resume – the  work experience  section. This is the section employers will spend the most time looking at when they consider your resume.

Why is this section so critical? Because it’s where you provide the proof to support what you said about yourself in your resume headline, summary, and skills section.

Each job should include the following information and be listed in reverse-chronological order (latest job first).

  • Company name and location – Include the full name of the company you worked for followed by the city and state of its location.
  • Job title – Be as specific as possible to ensure that employers know exactly what your role was within the company.
  • Start and end dates – Include the month and year for each position. If you only list the year, it may appear as though you are omitting information.
  • Achievements and responsibilities – These can be listed using bullet points. Include hard numbers and metrics wherever possible.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when writing a resume is only listing their job responsibilities. These are tasks that you’re expected to perform as part of your job.

Listing your job responsibilities gives a potential employer an idea of what you did day-to-day. But it doesn’t reveal  how well you did it.

This is why it’s important to highlight your specific accomplishments. For example, if you increased sales, reduced costs, or implemented new processes or technologies, be sure to mention these accomplishments.

Here’s an example of a work experience section with measurable achievements :

An example of a resume work experience section.

To write strong bullet points for your work experience section, use Jobscan’s AI-powered bullet point generator. It creates bullet points based on the skills in the job description, highlighting your relevant qualifications. Try it for free here .

Work experience do’s and don’ts

  • Use numbers to quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  • Use action verbs to describe how you did something.
  • Use the mm/yyyy format for resume dates .
  • Don’t list more than 10 years of work experience unless it’s highly relevant.
  • Don’t use the passive phrase “responsible for.” Instead, use active voice.
  • Don’t list every single task you worked on; include only the most relevant.

8. Create your education and certification section

Your education section should appear after your work experience. If you’re applying to a job that requires extensive education (like medicine, law, or academia), you’ll need to be more detailed. But most job seekers can get away with providing only the following information on their resume:

  • Name of the degree/certification: Write the full name of the degree or certification. Use commonly accepted abbreviations (e.g., B.A. in English, MBA, PMP).
  • Institution name: Include the name of the university or institution that awarded the degree or certification.
  • Location (optional): List the city and state if the location is relevant to the job or if the institution is well-known.
  • Graduation date: Mention the month and year of graduation. For certifications, you can also include an expiration date if applicable.

Here’s an example of an education section on a resume:

An example of the education section of a resume.

Education section do’s and don’ts

  • Bold your degree so that it stands out.
  • List your education in reverse-chronological order.
  • Include any relevant coursework, skills training, licenses, and certifications .
  • Don’t mention your high school if you have a college degree.
  • Don’t disclose your GPA unless you graduated recently and had a very impressive academic career (3.5 GPA plus).
  • Don’t list an advanced degree if the job doesn’t require it.

9. Showcase honors, awards, and volunteer work

The key to this section is to only include honors and awards that are relevant to the job you’re applying to.

This can get a little tricky because if you do have honors or awards that are highly relevant, consider including them in your summary section. Otherwise, hiring managers might miss them if you only list them at the bottom of your resume.

If you have any  volunteer experience , it’s generally a good idea to add it to your resume.

According to a LinkedIn survey , 20% of employers say they have hired a candidate because of their volunteer experience. The survey also showed that job seekers who volunteer are 27% more likely to be hired than non-volunteers!

  • The name of the organization.
  • The dates of your service.
  • A brief description of your duties and responsibilities.

Here’s an example of what this section of your resume can look like:

An example of how the honors and awards section and the volunteer section should look on a resume.

10. How can you tailor your resume to a specific job position?

Tailoring your resume to each specific job is not just recommended; it’s imperative . This is because most companies today use ATS computer software to manage and filter the enormous amount of resumes they receive.

When you submit your resume, it goes into an ATS database . Hiring managers search the ATS database for suitable resumes by typing keywords, or skills, into the ATS search bar. If your resume contains these keywords it will be found. If it doesn’t contain the right keywords, your resume will remain in the ATS database, unseen.

Illustration with an ATS "robot" in between a resume and two hands shaking.

To tailor your resume, you must first read the job description. This is where you’ll find the keywords to add to your resume. Make sure you add those keywords exactly as they are written in the job description .

Unfortunately, tailoring each resume to the job description takes time and effort. The best way to speed up this process is to use an online tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner .

Just paste in your resume and the job description and click scan. You’ll receive a match report telling you how closely your resume matches the job ad. The report also tells you exactly which keywords to add to your resume to optimize it for the ATS. Try the scanner for free below:

Effective resume formatting tips

Properly formatting your resume makes it easy for hiring managers to find what they’re looking for. At the same time, good formatting helps the ATS understand your resume.

Remember, if the ATS can’t read your resume you won’t get the job!

Choose a professional, easy-to-read font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman in size 10 to 12 for text and 14 to 16 for headings.

Clearly distinguish section headings with a larger font size, bold text, or underlining to guide the reader’s eye effectively through your resume., set your margins to at least 0.7 inches all around, ensuring that your resume looks balanced and does not appear overcrowded., avoid complex graphics, tables, headers, and footers, which can confuse ats software., break up blocks of text. a paragraph should never be longer than 5 lines., use standard headings like “work experience,” “education,” and “skills.” these are immediately recognizable to both hiring managers and ats., use the same style of bullets, text alignment, and line spacing throughout your document., align your text to the left. right-aligned or justified text can create irregular spacing between words, making your resume harder to read., save your resume file as a pdf to preserve your formatting across different platforms., proofread carefully one grammatical error can ruin your chances of getting a job., how to write a resume for students with no experience.

Creating a good resume without any work experience might seem tough, but you can still make a strong impression on employers by highlighting your skills and activities. Here’s how:

  • Focus on your education : Put your education section at the top. Include details like your degree, major, relevant coursework, academic honors, and GPA if it’s above average.
  • Include extracurricular activities : List any activities outside of class, like clubs, sports, or student government. Mention any leadership roles or responsibilities you’ve had.
  • Add volunteer work and internships : Don’t forget to include volunteer positions, internships, or community service. These experiences show your willingness to work and learn.
  • Highlight projects and academic achievements : Talk about any major projects or research you’ve done, especially if they relate to the job you want. Describe what you did and what you achieved.
  • Skills section : Make a list of your skills, including technical skills (like computer software) and soft skills (like teamwork and communication).
  • Professional summary : Start with a short summary that explains your career goals and your best qualities. Make it clear why you’d be a great fit for the job.

Here’s a sample of a resume for students with no experience:

A sample resume for a beginner with no job experience.

How to match your cover letter to your resume

Matching your cover letter with your resume helps create a polished and cohesive application. Here’s how:

  • Consistent formatting : Use the same font, header, and layout from your resume for your cover letter. This helps create a professional and unified appearance.
  • Use similar language : Pick out key skills and phrases from your resume and include them in your cover letter. This reinforces your qualifications and aligns your application with the job requirements.
  • Expand on key points : Choose one or two major achievements listed on your resume and elaborate on them in your cover letter. Explain how these experiences have equipped you for the job.
  • Keep the tone the same : If your resume is formal, your cover letter should be too. If it’s more casual, your cover letter can be less formal as well.
  • Address the job’s needs : Demonstrate how your experiences make you a good fit for the job. Show that you understand what the job involves and explain why you’re the right candidate.
  • End with a call to action : Conclude by expressing your enthusiasm for the role and suggesting they look at your resume for more details. Ask them to contact you for an interview.

When you’re done writing your cover letter, run it through Jobscan’s  cover letter checker . This tool will tell you how to improve your cover letter. 

Hate writing cover letters? Use Jobscan’s  cover letter builder . This tool uses AI technology to generate an ATS-friendly cover letter with just one click.

10 standout resume examples to inspire you

These samples showcase a variety of styles and formats suited for different industries and career stages, giving you ideas on how to write a resume.

1. Sales manager resume example

Sales manager resume example.

2. Accountant resume example

Accountant resume example.

3. Recruiter resume example

Recruiter resume example.

4. Bookkeeper resume sample

Bookkeeper resume example.

5. Digital marketing resume example

Digital marketing resume example.

6. Teacher resume example

Teacher resume example.

7. Customer service resume example

Customer service resume example.

8. Office assistant resume example

Office assistant resume example.

9. Operations manager resume example

Operations manager resume example.

10. Technical writer resume example

Technical writer resume example.

Key takeaways

  • Optimize for ATS : Today’s resumes must be tailored to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) by including specific keywords related to the job you’re applying for. This ensures your resume is seen by hiring managers.
  • Tailored Resumes : Each resume should be customized to the job description, emphasizing relevant experiences and skills. This enhances your chances of standing out in a competitive job market.
  • Resume Formats : Choose between chronological, functional, or hybrid formats based on your career history and the job requirements. Chronological is suitable for those with a strong, relevant job history; functional is best for career changers or those with gaps in employment; hybrid combines the strengths of both.
  • Essential Elements : A resume should include a clear headline, a compelling summary, a detailed work history, relevant skills, and educational credentials. Each section should be crafted to showcase your qualifications and fit for the role.
  • Skills and Keywords : Highlight both hard and soft skills that are directly relevant to the job. Using precise keywords from the job description in your resume ensures compatibility with ATS and increases the likelihood of your resume being selected.
  • Quantifiable Achievements : Where possible, use metrics to quantify your accomplishments. This provides concrete evidence of your capabilities and impact in previous roles.
  • Additional Sections : Including volunteer work, awards, and certifications can differentiate your resume. Ensure these are relevant to the job to keep the resume focused and impactful.
  • Resume Building Tools : Utilize tools like resume builders and scanners (e.g., Jobscan) to construct a resume that matches job descriptions and optimizes for ATS, saving time and improving effectiveness.
  • Format and Proofread : Proper formatting and thorough proofreading are essential to maintain professionalism. Ensure the resume is easy to read and free from errors, which can detract from your credibility.

Beginners can use the chronological format if they have some work experience, even if it’s part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer work. However, if a beginner has little to no work experience, a functional format might be better. Include essential resume sections like contact information, a summary, education, and any relevant work experience or skills. Tailor your resume to the job by incorporating keywords from the job description. If you lack work experience, emphasize volunteer work, internships, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your skills and commitment. Always proofread for errors before submitting your resume.

To make your resume stand out to recruiters, start by tailoring it specifically for each job application, incorporating keywords from the job description to align closely with the requirements. Highlight your achievements by quantifying them with specific numbers and outcomes, such as “increased sales by 20%” or “reduced processing time by 30%,” to demonstrate measurable success. Begin with a compelling professional summary that succinctly outlines your key qualifications and what you bring to the role, clearly establishing why you are the ideal candidate. Ensure your resume has a clean and professional layout, with logical sections and easy-to-read fonts, to facilitate quick review and make a strong first impression.

1) Gather information 2) Choose a format 3) Write contact information 4) Craft a headline and summary 5) Detail your experience and education 6) Highlight skills 7) Add additional sections 8) Tailor for the job 9) Proofread and edit 10) Finalize and save

To create a resume with no work experience , start with a functional format that emphasizes your skills and education. Begin with a strong summary statement that highlights your career goals and key skills. Place your education section prominently, including any relevant coursework or projects. List both hard and soft skills applicable to the job, and include any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your abilities and work ethic. Mention any significant projects or achievements, especially those relevant to your desired job. Also, include any professional affiliations that show your interest in the industry. Ensure the resume is well-organized and clearly formatted to highlight your qualifications effectively.

Use Jobscan’s resume builder , which is specifically designed to help you craft an AI resume that is both appealing to hiring managers and optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This tool provides templates and real-time content suggestions, helping you tailor your resume effectively for each job application. You can also use ChatGPT to write a resume for free . Just be sure to edit and personalize the results you get.

1) Log into your Google account, go to Google Docs, and either start a new document or use the template gallery. Jobscan also offers free Google Docs resume templates . 2) Select a resume template that fits the job you’re applying for from the template gallery. 3) Replace the template’s placeholder text with your personal information, including contact details, educational background, work experience, and skills. 4) Tailor the content to the job by adding relevant keywords from the job description and adjusting the format—like fonts and spacing—for clarity and appeal. 5) Double-check your resume for any errors and consider having someone else review it too. 6) Once satisfied, download your resume as a PDF or DOCX file , or share it directly via email or a shareable link.

1) Start the program and select “New” from the file menu to access templates. 2) Type “resume” in the template search bar to see available resume designs. 3) Choose a template that suits your needs, then replace the placeholder text with your personal details, including work experience, education, and skills. 4) Adjust the content to match the job description, using relevant keywords and highlighting your qualifications. 5) Modify font size, style, and colors to ensure the resume is clean and professional. 6) Check for any errors, and consider having someone else review it. 7) Save your resume as a PDF to maintain formatting and make sharing easy. 8) Print for physical submissions or save digitally for online applications.

In 2024, resumes should be designed for clarity and ATS compatibility . Start with a professional layout that includes plenty of white space and a logical structure. The top should have your contact information—just your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL , omitting a full address for privacy. Follow this with a concise professional summary, then list your work experience, skills, and education. The format should ensure easy readability for both human recruiters and Applicant Tracking Systems, emphasizing a clean design without complex graphics or tables that could confuse the ATS software.

Choosing the right resume format depends on your career background: Chronological: Lists your work history in reverse chronological order, ideal for those with a solid work history. Functional: Focuses on skills rather than work history, suitable for career changers or those with gaps in employment. Combination: Mixes elements of both chronological and functional formats, highlighting skills followed by work history in reverse order. Good for those with significant skills and experiences.

The number of jobs you should include on your resume depends on your experience level and relevance to the role. Typically, if you’re early in your career with less than 10 years of experience, aim for 2-3 recent and relevant positions. For mid-career professionals, around 3-4 positions spanning the last 10-15 years is common. Experienced professionals may include the most pertinent roles from their extensive history, focusing on the past 10-15 years. Ensure each listed job directly relates to the position you’re applying for, prioritizing relevancy over quantity to present a focused and impactful resume.

A resume should typically be one to two pages long, with rare exceptions for highly experienced individuals or those in certain industries. Aim to keep it concise and focused on highlighting your most relevant qualifications and experiences for the position you’re applying for.

AI and machine learning have revolutionized resume screening by automating the process. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) use these technologies to quickly analyze resumes, searching for relevant keywords and qualifications. This saves recruiters time and ensures a more efficient screening process, helping them identify top candidates more effectively.

When writing a resume summary with no experience, focus on your education, relevant skills, and career goals. Highlight any coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate skills applicable to the job. Emphasize your enthusiasm, work ethic, and eagerness to learn. Keep it concise and impactful, showcasing how your background aligns with the position and company’s needs.

Crafting a simple resume involves starting with your contact information, followed by a brief summary statement. List your work experience, education, and relevant skills, ensuring consistency in formatting. Consider including optional sections like volunteer experience or honors/awards. Proofread carefully and tailor your resume to each job application.

author image

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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30+ Resume Objective Examples (Plus, Tips on How to Write Yours)

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Resume objectives are a bit controversial. Some career experts see them as outdated, while others believe job seekers can still use them to their advantage. Although resume objective statements have slowly been replaced by resume summaries, they remain useful in certain situations—and that's why you should know how to write one, just in case.

For instance, if you're changing careers and your previous work experience doesn't quite match the new role you're after, an objective statement could help communicate your professional goals to the hiring manager. Likewise, if you're a recent graduate or looking to relocate, you could use this section of your resume to highlight these intentions.

We've gathered 32 resume objective examples—plus, some tips on how to craft one that grabs the hiring manager's attention.

What is a resume objective

A resume objective is a brief statement outlining your short-term career goals, usually one to two sentences long. It should be tailored to the specific job or industry you're pursuing and is placed at the top of your resume, just below the header.

What is a good objective for a resume, and when are they welcomed? That's what we'll show you in a moment.

When you should use a resume objective

Resume objectives aren't quite the norm these days, so they should be only used when you need to clarify why you're applying for that particular role or company. Here are three situations where using an objective statement is a good idea:

  • If you're doing a career pivot: A resume objective can guide recruiters on your career goals and prevent you from being disqualified when transitioning to a new field.
  • If you're changing locations: Applying for jobs outside your current state or city can leave recruiters uncertain about your location; a resume objective can clearly express your willingness to relocate.
  • If you're a recent graduate: Since you likely have little to no work experience to show, a resume objective can give a glimpse into who you are and what you aim to achieve.
  • If you've worked in a variety of roles: When your work history is all over the place, a resume objective statement can be a helpful tool to highlight your most relevant skills, experiences, and what you're looking for in your next role .

Resume objective vs. resume summary

A resume objective outlines your career goals and what you aim to achieve in a position, while a resume summary focuses on skills, accomplishments, education, and relevant experiences for the role.

“Think of the resume objective as your career aspiration and the summary as your professional snapshot,” says Angela Tait, People Operations Specialist and Founder of Tait Consulting . “The objective sets your sights forward, while the summary looks at your past and present achievements.”

How to write a resume objective

If you decide to write a resume objective, it'll be the first thing recruiters see on your resume, right after your name and contact information. This means their first impression will be based on how well-written your objective statement is. Here are key tips to do it right:

1. Mention your area of expertise

“Start by mentioning your area of expertise and the role you are applying for,” Tait says. This way, you let the employer know right away about your background and what you want to achieve professionally.

2. Show how you can add value to the company

Your objective statement—and your whole resume, actually—should be tailored to each job opening. “Personalize your resume objective by stating how you can add value to the company you're applying to,” Tait says. “For instance, ‘ Seeking to leverage my expertise in digital marketing to drive brand growth and engagement at XYZ Corp.’”

3. Highlight skills relevant to the role

Once again, to write an effective resume objective, keep in mind the role you're going for. “Focus on how your skills and interests align with that specific job opportunity,” says Conor Hughes, certified in Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and HR Consultant at SMB Guide .

For example, for a software developer, skills in programming with languages like Java, C++, and Python are pretty important. Meanwhile, a graphic designer should highlight technical skills in creating and editing visual projects using tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma.

4. Optimize your statement for ATS machines

These days, most resumes get scanned by an ATS robot before reaching human recruiters. So, it's crucial to optimize your objective statement for these ATS machines. How? “Use keywords from the job description to show you have the relevant abilities they're looking for,” Hughes says.

If a job posting specifies “experience in copywriting” and “SEO optimization” as requirements, you should incorporate these exact keywords in your objective statement—and wherever else they fit on your resume. Using just “SEO” or only “copywriting” might not be enough; precision is key.

Need some help? Here's how to read the job description the right way —so you can stop sending resumes into the void.

5. Make it as concise as possible

Recruiters go through resumes really fast—that's one of the reasons two-page resumes aren't usually recommended. When writing your resume objective, keep it concise. “To one or two sentences max,” Hughes says. Remember, the goal is to give enough information about why you're applying for that role, not to share your whole life history.

32 resume objective examples to guide you

Now that we've covered the basics, here are 32 good examples of objectives for resumes categorized by job title and different professional situations, like career pivoting and entry-level positions. Use these examples as a guide, and don't forget to inject your own personality and core information.

General resume objectives examples

1. career change.

Copywriter with five years of experience, now transitioning into the UX Writing field, looking to leverage my writing and content creation skills to create digital experiences that drive business growth. Strong background in content strategy and data-driven decision making.

Find UX writer jobs on The Muse »

2. Relocation

Experienced customer service representative relocating to New York in July, seeking employment with an established customer support agency. I bring my strong communication skills , conflict resolution and customer retention ability developed in seven years working in the industry.

Find customer service jobs on The Muse »

3. Entry-level

Creative marketing graduate seeking a social media assistant entry-level position at a fast-growing marketing agency. My goal is to apply my strong storytelling and creative writing skills to create impactful content for clients and foster professional development.

Find marketing jobs on The Muse »

Compassionate and enthusiastic elementary school teacher with four years of experience teaching young students. Seeking to leverage my creative ideas, multitasking and organizational skills to create a safe and stimulating environment where children can play and learn.

Find teacher jobs on The Muse »

Registered nurse with three years of experience in patient care , currently specializing in pediatric nursing. Seeking to join the Grey Hospital nursing team and bring my knowledge of patient care and my critical thinking skills to foster a safe and empathic environment for patients.

Find registered nurse jobs on The Muse »

6. Journalist

Seasoned journalist seeking a News Reporter position at the USPN channel. I bring my five years of experience working on live television, interviewing sources, gathering and reporting information in fast-paced environments.

Find journalist jobs on The Muse »

Seeking a litigation paralegal position at The Law Group. I bring my three years of experience in conducting legal research, processing legal documents, and witness preparation for deposition and trial.

Find lawyer jobs on The Muse »

8. Architect

Experienced architect relocating to Houston, Texas in August. In my 10 years of experience in the architecture industry I was able to work both in industrial and residential projects, holding high proficiency in AutoCAD and Photoshop.

Find architect jobs on The Muse »

9. Real estate specialist

Passionate and proactive real estate specialist with solid experience in lease negotiation and facility management. Looking for a similar role to manage a real estate portfolio, implementing strategies to improve profitability and cost effectiveness.

Find real estate jobs on The Muse »

10. Waiter/Waitress

Seeking a waitress position at a local, family-led restaurant where my two years of experience in customer service and hospitality industry would contribute to create an exceptional experience to customers, guests, and clients.

Find waiter/waitress jobs on The Muse »

Resume objective examples for tech professionals

11. software engineer.

Software engineer with 5 years of experience in the banking industry, pivoting to the customer service industry to foster professional growth. Deep knowledge of object oriented programming, experienced with Java, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, and relational database schema design.

Find software engineer jobs on The Muse »

12. Software developer

Computer science graduate seeking an entry-level position as software developer. I bring my experience with Git, Java, and Python, as well as strong documentation abilities and communication skills .

Find software developer jobs on The Muse »

13. Data scientist

Experienced data scientist, seeking a senior position in the e-commerce industry. My goal is to leverage my ability to write complex and efficient SQL queries to extract data and translate business needs into analytical frameworks.

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14. SEO analyst

SEO analyst, passionate about SEO and digital audience growth. 7 years of experience with site migrations, SEO analytics tools (Google Search Console, Chartbeat, Google Analytics, and SEMRush), reporting and sharing data insights, and making data-driven decisions.

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15. UI/UX Designer

Mid level UI/UX Designer, seeking employment in a fast-growing tech startup. Solid experience with user-centered design principles, knowledge of responsive design, strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

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Examples of resume objectives for creative jobs

16. content writer.

Results-driven content writer with two years of experience writing for blogs and websites. Skilled in SEO, creative copywriting, and storytelling, looking forward to applying my skills and creative ideas to help XYZ build an engaged audience.

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17. Graphic designer

Creative graphic designer seeking an entry level-position in the education industry. Proficient with InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma, and After Effects, quick learner with strong time management skills.

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18. Video editor

Outcome-oriented video editor, proficient with Final Cut, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Photoshop. Seeking employment in the entertainment industry where I intend to apply my extensive experience in storytelling and project management to create engaging stories.

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19. Social media manager

Experienced social media professional, seeking a manager position at a high-growth company. I bring my in-depth knowledge of social media strategy and five years of agency experience creating content that is engaging and exciting to the community.

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Resume objective examples for administrative roles

20. front desk.

Highly energetic tourism and hospitality graduate, looking for a front desk clerk position. 1.5 years of experience in customer service. Strong time management and organizational skills, attention to detail, ability to learn quick and adapt in fast paced environments.

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21. Receptionist

Looking for a receptionist position in the real estate industry. Three years experience in customer-facing roles, communication and leadership skills, ability to work with tight deadlines focusing on all aspects of a task or project.

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22. Administrative assistant

Seeking an administrative assistant role in the healthcare industry. I bring five years of experience in customer service, advanced Excel skills, and ability to multitask to perform my duties in a timely and efficient manner.

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23. Human resources

Human resources graduate, looking for an entry level human resources generalist position with ABC company to apply my strong verbal and written communication skills , analytical abilities, and proficiency in Microsoft applications to provide hands-on assistance to the HR team.

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24. Logistics

Logistics supervisor seeking a manager position at AABB company. I bring my extensive experience in global logistics operations and project management to enhance supply chain and logistics efficiency and achieve cost-effectiveness.

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25. Executive assistant

Seeking an executive assistant role at XYZ company. I'm an experienced professional with strong interpersonal skills, ability to multitask, and attention to detail to provide timely and high quality administrative office support to senior level leaders.

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26. Office manager

Experienced administrative assistant seeking an office manager position in a fast-paced work environment to apply my written communication skills, time management, prioritization, and planning abilities and provide exceptional service and foster professional growth.

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Resume objective examples for sales jobs

27. sales assistant.

Problem solver and team player sales professional, seeking a sales assistant position in a challenging work environment. I bring my experience supporting high acquisition organizations, willingness to learn, and winning team spirit to support sales teams.

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28. Sales manager

Dynamic sales manager seeking employment in the pharmaceutical industry to develop strategic sales plans and achieve revenue and market share objectives. Two years of experience in pharmaceutical sales plus three years of experience in general sales, excellent communication and leadership skills.

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29. Cashier

Recent high school graduate looking for a cashier position at a company with a culture of recognition and excellence. One year of experience in retail sales, strong organizational, leadership, and communication skills to represent the company in a professional manner.

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Examples of resume objectives for finance careers

30. banking.

Seasoned relationship banker looking to secure an investment banking analyst position at Bank of America. 15 years of experience in the banking industry, advanced knowledge of banking transactions, strong interpersonal skills, and ability to develop and expand relationships with stakeholders.

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31. Accounting

B.S. graduate in accounting seeking an entry-level accounting associate position to use my growth mindset, desire to learn, and organizational skills to ensure financial goals are achieved and foster professional development.

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32. Financial analyst

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) looking to secure a senior position in a competitive and results-driven work environment. 10 years of experience in financial analysis in banking and technology industries, advanced Excel and SQL skills, and ability to articulate analysis outcomes and relevant insights.

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Key takeaways

Resume objectives aren't the favorite of most recruiters, but they still serve a purpose. If you're career pivoting, relocating, applying for your first job, or have a diverse professional background, an objective statement can help the hiring manager understand your career goals and how they align with the job opportunity.

However, in other circumstances, using a resume summary might be more appropriate. (Here are 20 resume summary examples to make writing your own easier .)

professional writer skills for resume

header background

  • Resume Templates

Choose a free Resume Template and build your resume. Use our intuitive drag-and-drop resume builder and save it as a PDF in minutes. Start building your resume right now.

All templates

Double Column

Free, Two Column resume template. The most popular choice for most roles, including programming & marketing.

A single column, classic resume template with grey accent colors.

The classic Harvard template, updated for the 21st century with a refined design that recruiters love and an optimized structure for improved ATS performance.

A two column resume template with a wider column for experience and a narrower, blue colored column for your highlights.

Elegant template with a beautiful design and compact, easy-to-read layout that highlights your strengths and achievements.

A resume with two columns and a photo in the resume header and aqua accent color. A long summary and an experience section in focus.

The most popular template for upper management roles, project managers and product owners.

A polished template with a focus on key achievements and skills. Aqua colored left column for highlights.

A refined template, especially great for positions where presentation is paramount: business development managers, sales leaders & other customer-facing roles.

A double column resume template with a navy colored resume header.

A creative template that accents your header and makes recruiters want to read the rest. Built for any industry.

A single column timeline resume template with blue and orange accent colors.

A timeline resume template. Organized neatly with a Timeline to show your career progress. For experienced professionals.

A double column resume template perfect for people with a lot of experience and skills. Blue accent color.

Are you a software engineer or a data scientist with a lot of skills & projects to list on your resume? This template allows you to create a perfect one-page resume.

A single column resume template perfect for all industries. Blue accent color.

Single Column

Free, simple resume template. Easily readable by both humans and ATS bots.

A compact resume template perfect for fitting a lot of information yet keeping your resume on a single page. Blue accent color.

Designed as a one-page resume template for mid-level roles with 3-10 years of experience.

A three column resume template with an image in the header. Perfect if you have lots of experience to show on your resume. Blue colored accents.


Multicolumn resume template. Made for executives to fit additional info in a third column.

Grey single column classic resume template with a focus on experience and side projects.

Traditional resume template. Fitting for conservative industries.

Template Image

High Performer

Data-focused resume template. Perfect for project and product managers.

Template Image

Minimalistic resume template. Blends whitespace and content, without clutter.

Resume Templates by job

Unleash the full potential of your career with professionally vetted resume templates. Take a look at samples from real resumes that helped people get hired at top companies in your field, and build a job-winning resume yourself.

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Resume Template

Software Engineer

Resume Template

Project Manager

Resume Template

Product Manager

Resume Template

Account Manager

Resume Template

Business Development

Resume Template

Marketing Manager

Resume Template

General Manager

Resume Template

Operations Manager

Resume Template

Business Analyst

Resume Template

Managing Director

Resume Template

Full-Stack Developer

Resume Template

Data Scientist

Resume templates by experience.

Junior resume template

(1-3 years of experience)

Senior resume template with a solid right column for your skills and achievements, and a wider left column for your experience bullet points

(3-7+ years of experience)

Executive resume template with a dark green accent color for headings, and a single column outline that outlines the content in a reverse chronological order

10+ years of experience)

Intern resume template with an accented header and two column outline. Features a creative section to help it stand out

Entry Level

(no prior experience)

Career pivot resume template with a solid dark orange coloredd left column. Right column contains skills summary typical of career change resume templates, and experience bullet points below.

Career Change

Resume templates by format.

Resume Template

Combination Resume Templates

Resume Template

Corporate Resume Templates

Resume Template

Infographic Resume Templates

Resume Template

One Page Resume Templates

Resume Template

Timeline Resume Templates

Resume Template

Chronological Resume Templates

Resume Template

Functional Resume Templates

Resume Template

Minimalist Resume Templates

Resume Template

Two Column Resume Templates

  • Modern Resume Templates

Full color header in brown modern resume template.

  • Simple Resume Templates

Resume Template

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  1. Writer Resume Sample in 2024

    professional writer skills for resume

  2. Writers Resume Example

    professional writer skills for resume

  3. Supreme Good Technical Skills To Put On A Resume Cv For Work Experience

    professional writer skills for resume

  4. Resume Examples & Writing Tips for 2021

    professional writer skills for resume

  5. 2020 Best Professional Writer Resume Example

    professional writer skills for resume

  6. Writer Resume Sample, Objective, & Full Guide for 2024

    professional writer skills for resume


  1. 5 Skills You Need To Master To Become a Successful Content Writer

  2. Become a Successful Content Writer: Key Qualities and Skills

  3. How to Write a CV in 2021

  4. Writers Work Profile

  5. How To Become A Technical Writer

  6. Top 10 Soft Skills You Must Mention in Your Resume


  1. The Top 11 Writer Skills for Resume (With Great Tips)

    Top writer skills for your resume. The following are the top skills that employers want to see in your resume, cover letter, work experience, and interviews: 1. Communication and collaboration skills. It's important that writers demonstrate excellent communication skills. This involves the ability to communicate a message clearly and effectively.

  2. Writing Skills: Examples, How to Improve, & List on a Resume

    160 best writing skills for resumes in 2024. See 10 writing tips to improve your writing skills & skills for technical writing jobs, creative writing jobs, etc. ... And here are some in-depth guides with resume samples for jobs that require strong writing & editing skills: Professional Writer Resume; SEO Resume; Librarian Resume; Legal ...

  3. 27+ Writing Skills for a Professional Resume (W/ Examples)

    Writing skills are essential in the workplace, as they allow you to communicate with others, share ideas, and exchange information.. These skills are in the top 5 of the most sought-after abilities by recruiters and employers, which makes them important for any resume.. There are four styles of writing—persuasive, narrative, expository, and descriptive—and many different types of writing ...

  4. Writer Resume Example (Full Guide & Examples for 2024)

    Writer resume example, tips, and 55+ writing skills included! A comprehensive step-by-step guide on writing a job-landing writer resume. Writer resume example, tips, and 55+ writing skills included! ... Our professional resume templates will help you save time AND leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager. Designed in collaboration with ...

  5. Writing Skills for a Resume (Guide + Examples List)

    If your job is in writing, the skills you need to list on your resume can go deeper than what most people need to include when their role simply requires writing emails and occasional reports. Examples of highly specialized writing skills: Mastery of different writing styles. Adaptability of voice and tone. Imagery.

  6. Writer Resume Examples & Templates [2024]

    Writer resume example (text version) KRISTAL ORLANDO. Hightstown, NJ 08520. (555) 555-5555. [email protected]. Summary of Skills. Demonstrates perseverance and personal drive to meet deadlines. Writes clearly and effectively to convey feelings and emotions and communicate with readers.

  7. Writer Resume Sample, Objective, & Full Guide for 2024

    For more ideas on what skills to put on a writer resume, read our amazing guide: 30+ Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips) and follow up with 160 Best Writing Skills for Your Resume. 7. Select Extra Sections for Your Writer Resume. Congratulations, your professional writer resume is 90% ready. Where is the last 10%?

  8. 13 Writer Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    This guide provides 13 professional writer resume samples, plus expert tips on crafting an impressive resume that grabs recruiters' attention. Learn how to effectively highlight your writing skills, experience, and achievements. With these best practices and examples, you'll be well-equipped to create a winning writer resume that secures ...

  9. Writer Resume Examples, Skills and Keywords

    Writer resume samples. Writers provide content for every industry, from technical documents to long-form news and fiction. In general, they need to have an eye for detail and strong research skills. Specific necessary skills can vary dramatically. For example, technical writers need industry-specific knowledge, copywriters need to match brand ...

  10. How to Add Writing Skills on a Resume (With Steps)

    4. Quantify your writing skills and experience. Gather data and track your work to add value to your resume. Use numbers and data to quantify your writing experience and achievements to add quality and make it easier for hiring managers to verify. For instance, if you write for a publication or have a personal blog, you can indicate how often ...

  11. 6 Writer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    6 Writer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024. Your writer resume must exhibit a strong command of language. It should clearly highlight your proficiency in various writing styles. Showcase your ability to meet deadlines consistently. Your portfolio should reflect versatility and adaptability to different writing assignments. Use This Example.

  12. Writing Skills: Definition and Examples

    Different roles tend to require different kinds of writing skills. For example, roles in editing require a focus on grammar, spelling and style, while roles in journalism require skills in research and accountability. Technical writing, on the other hand, requires the ability to explain complex processes in a simple way, and roles in marketing ...

  13. Resume Skills for Writer (+ Templates)

    Writer Resume Keywords and Skills (Hard Skills) ... Resume Example Professional. Go to Resume Page. Resume Example: Professional Download this resume template. Get Template (Word + Google Docs) Overview. This resume template is suitable for experienced hires or mid-level hires. The education contains two examples of an education experiences ...

  14. Boosting Your Resume with Writing Skills: Tips and Relevant Skills

    There are several writing skills that you can include on a resume, such as: Basic writing skills: grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling. Technical writing skills: analysis, data visualisation, product knowledge, researching. Business writing skills: business case writing, newsletter writing, letter writing, email writing.

  15. 6 Great Writer Resume Examples

    Examples of additional resume sections. Your Writer resume must include your contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills and education. You can further customize your resume with extra sections to showcase other qualifications. Here are some examples of optional writer resume sections that you could add to provide greater ...

  16. Writer Resume Skills: Definition, Tips And Examples

    Writer Resume Example Here is a resume example that demonstrates how to include writer skills: Sreejani Ghosh, M.A 91-6700017000 | [email protected] | Howrah, West Bengal Professional summary Creative and ambitious media writer with a master's degree in comparative literature and two years of experience writing for newspapers and magazines. Eager to use my professional writing skills and ...

  17. 9 Content Writer Resume Examples for 2024

    A content writer resume guide with 7 successful resume samples, and effective action verbs and skills to elevate your resume. ... Hardworking and dedicated professional with a passion for writing. ... Skills For Content Writer Resumes. Content writing is a broad and creative industry with fairly low barriers to entry, especially for general ...

  18. 15 Writer Skills For Your Resume

    SEO, 4.7%. SQL, 3.0%. Twitter, 2.9%. Other Skills, 42.0%. 15 writer skills for your resume and career. 1. Work Ethic. Work ethic is the principle of hard work and diligence. Writers use work ethic by demonstrating a strong focus on seeing tasks through to completion.

  19. Writing Skills

    1. First, make a list of your writing skills. Start by making a draft list that includes all of your writing skills. Then, narrow down this list to include only the skills that you have the most proficiency in. 2. Second, position your best skills first. List your best writing skills, including those in which you are most experienced, first.

  20. 10 Best Skills To Put On Your Resume (With Examples and FAQ)

    Example resume skills per job type Here are five examples illustrating the different combinations of best skills people may put on their resume, depending on their profession: 1. Data analyst: A data analyst works with large sets of data to pull out meaningful insights.Their work requires a high level of attention to detail and the ability to problem-solve.

  21. How to List Skills on a Resume (Real Skill Examples)

    1. Resume Header. At the top of your resume, directly below your name, write your job title along with the three most relevant skills you have as a candidate. This is the first section hiring managers will be reading, so it is important to draw their attention using bold and large lettering.

  22. 200+ Best Skills To List on Your Resume in 2024

    Here are 12 of the most popular industry-specific hard skills to list on your resume: 1. Design. Companies in nearly every industry need creatives with a strong sense of design to help them develop attractive products and content. Specific examples of design-related hard skills include: UI/UX design. Photography.

  23. 120 Essential Skills To List on a Resume

    Calculating. Modeling. Extrapolating. Predicting. Forecasting. Investigating. Surveying. Statistical analysis. Learn how the skills you put on your resume affect how employers view your candidacy and review a list of 120 skills that might describe your qualifications.

  24. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    For example, some other common resume formats include the: Skills-based resume format (aka the functional resume) Combination resume format; Here's an in-depth explanation of what makes each of these formats unique, and when you should use each one: Functional resume format (or skills-based resume format)

  25. The Best Online Resume Builder [Fast & Simple]

    Build your resume with resume examples created by Certified Professional Resume Writers. ... you'll get customized suggestions for a list of skills, resume profile, and other areas that can be improved. Also, you can easily duplicate, change, and save every resume you write. That makes it way easier to tailor your resume for each job offer ...

  26. How to Write a Resume for Today's Job Market

    A well-crafted resume summarizes your professional experience, skills, and achievements. It should grab the hiring manager's attention and show them them why: Table of Contents. Build my resume. ... Here's a quick overview of the basic steps for writing a professional resume. Follow these steps to make your resume clear, concise, and appealing.

  27. 30+ Resume Objective Examples for Multiple Jobs

    A resume objective outlines your career goals and what you aim to achieve in a position, while a resume summary focuses on skills, accomplishments, education, and relevant experiences for the role. "Think of the resume objective as your career aspiration and the summary as your professional snapshot," says Angela Tait, People Operations ...

  28. How to Feature Key Skills on Your Resume

    Gain fresh insight with the State University of New York's project-centered course How to Write a Resume. You can also strengthen your resume with a Professional Certificate from Google, IBM, or Meta, which is designed to help you develop job-ready skills in areas like UX design, data science, project management, marketing analytics, and sales.

  29. Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What's the Difference?

    Highlighting skills on your resume. It is considered good practice to tailor your resume to each job you apply for. Match specific technical and workplace skills from the job description to those from your list when describing your previous responsibilities. Learn more about adding key skills to your resume. Here's an example.

  30. 40+ Professional Resume Templates

    A professional resume template is a job-application document that outlines your work history, education, skills, and professional achievements, and shows why you're the best candidate for the job. Enhancv's resume builder is customizable and easy to adapt to any field or experience. Our 1000 design combinations will ensure you can build a ...