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DPhil in International Relations

  • Entry requirements
  • Funding and Costs

College preference

  • How to Apply

About the course

The DPhil programme is a full-time programme of doctoral research in the academic study of International Relations with an expected length of three to four years of full-time study or six to eight years of part-time study. Note that the part-time option is not a distance-learning programme; part-time students are required to attend face-to-face teaching in Oxford on up to three separate days each week during term.

As a DPhil student you will be a member of a distinguished academic community that is renowned for its cutting-edge research and its intensive and individualised teaching and supervision. The programme has received the highest level of recognition in UK national and global assessment exercises. It is a community from which you will draw support and guidance but which will also learn from your own contribution to its work.

You will have rich opportunities for connecting with fellow-students, postdoctoral fellows, and temporary and permanent academic staff involved in disciplinary and cross-disciplinary research programmes. The department attracts many of the world’s leading figures in International Relations (IR) - as visiting scholars, speakers in the regular IR Colloquium, and participants in research conferences and workshops.

Doctoral students spend the first year of full-time study, or the first two years of part-time study, in the development of, and early work on, the thesis topic; in improving knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods; in attendance at relevant lectures, seminars and classes; and in preparing to transfer from Probationary Research Student (PRS - the status at which you will normally be admitted - see Assessment) to full DPhil status.

An academic supervisor will advise and guide you as you progress through the different stages of your doctoral research. In addition to work for your supervisor, you will be required to take a range of coursework. In the first term this includes: Research Design and Methods (RDM) in IR, Research Design, and introductory or intermediate statistics, as well as attendance at the regular IR DPhil Research Seminar which runs through the year and at which doctoral students present their work. In the second term students continue with RDM in IR and take one course in Formal Analysis, Causal Inference or Qualitative Methods. In the third term, there are a series of short, specialised methods courses. For part-time students, these coursework obligations are distributed across six terms.

Exemptions from particular elements of the coursework can be sought on the basis of previous training. Subsequent years are largely devoted to the development of the thesis project.

Doctoral theses will normally require substantial original research, often involving archives, fieldwork, interviewing or other forms of data generation and collection. For the doctoral degree the most crucial requirement is that the thesis makes a ‘significant and substantial contribution to the field of knowledge within which it falls’. There are many ways of achieving this.

The department is committed to the rigorous use of a plurality of methods. There are many different ways of conducting research for a thesis. Any or all may be valid in a given case, depending on the subject of the research and the questions addressed. Some theses may involve an analytical-descriptive attempt at understanding different events, perspectives and traditions of thought. Others may have a strong historiographical element - exploring, for example, the relation between events and ideas, or involving an original and expert use of sources. Others may involve advancing a hypothesis about a subject and then testing it with a range of qualitative and/or quantitative approaches. Apart from meeting the highest scholarly standards, there is no set template. There is also a strong and successful tradition of normative and critical work. Oxford IR seeks to combine the best of North American political science with deep engagement with the international relations of different parts of the world and with the history of different traditions of thought on the subject.

As a doctoral student of the department, you will have access to outstanding library and computing resources within the Social Sciences Division (of which the Department of Politics and IR is a major part), elsewhere in the University and, in most cases, in your college. The division runs network events to enable DPhil students to meet and network with their colleagues not only within politics and IR but with other social science disciplines.

As a part-time student you will be required to attend classes, seminars, supervision meetings and other obligations in Oxford for a minimum of thirty days each year. There will be limited flexibility in the dates and pattern of attendance. Attendance will be required during term-time at least one day each week throughout the first two years of your study on days determined by your class and seminar attendance and by your supervisor. Attendance will be required outside of term-time on dates to be determined by mutual agreement with your supervisor. You will be required to attend fieldwork and training sessions on dates to be determined by mutual agreement with your supervisor.

Successful completion of an Oxford DPhil requires an intense and sustained level of personal motivation and focus within a world-class research and teaching environment.


The allocation of graduate supervision for this course is the responsibility of the Department of Politics and International Relations and it is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. Supervisors are usually selected from the  academic staff  within the Department of Politics and International Relations. Under exceptional circumstances a supervisor may be found outside the Department of Politics and International Relations. 

You will be assigned an academic supervisor who will advise and guide you as you progress through the different stages of your doctoral research. 

Applicants are admitted to the DPhil with Probationer Research Student (PRS) status. As a PRS, you will develop your research proposal and skills, complete a programme of assessed research methods coursework, and produce a draft section or sections of the thesis, in order to apply for the Transfer of Status that will end your probationary period as a research student. The Graduate Studies Committee will require satisfactory completion of this training programme as a condition of your change of status from PRS to DPhil.

Once you have been admitted to full DPhil status, you must achieve confirmation of that status by the end of your ninth term as a full-time doctoral student, or by the end of your eighteenth term as a part-time student. Once you have completed your thesis, you will be examined viva voce .

Graduate destinations

International Relations has an outstanding placement record. The largest group of DPhil students go on to careers in academia or research. Many move on to post-doctoral fellowships in the UK, continental Europe and North America. Our doctoral students have a distinguished history of winning thesis and other prizes and of publishing their work in leading journals and with major university presses. The universities at which IR graduates have gained academic positions over recent years include: ANU, McGill, Waterloo, Sciences Po, Amsterdam, Groningen, The Graduate Institute Geneva, SAIS/JHU, ETH Zürich, The New School, Swarthmore, LSE, Oxford, Cambridge, King’s College London, University College London, Queen Mary London, St Andrews, Exeter, Reading, Warwick, PUC Santiago, and FGV São Paulo. Oxford IR DPhils also work at all levels in many of world’s leading think-tanks and research institutes in Europe and North America but also in Brazil, South Africa, and Singapore. Others still have moved to achieve leading positions in the policy and political world. The department runs regular courses on professional training, including on interviews, research grant applications and academic publishing.

DPIR is committed to engaging with its alumni community , through its Inspires alumni email newsletter and Alumni Career Conversations series of online talks. 

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made in circumstances of a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.

Entry requirements for entry in 2024-25

Proven and potential academic excellence.

The requirements described below are specific to this course and apply only in the year of entry that is shown. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

Please be aware that any studentships that are linked to this course may have different or additional requirements and you should read any studentship information carefully before applying. 

Degree-level qualifications

As a minimum, applicants should hold or be predicted to achieve the following UK qualifications or their equivalent:

  • a master’s degree at distinction level  in international relations, or in a closely related discipline that has prepared you to undertake advanced graduate research on your chosen thesis topic;  and
  • a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in politics or international relations, or in a related discipline such as economics, history, philosophy, sociology or law.

Entrance is very competitive and most successful applicants have a record of academic performance at first-class and/or distinction level.

Applicants without a master’s qualification will not normally be admitted for doctoral study.

Each application will be assessed upon its own merits, and candidates with a degree in an unrelated discipline should demonstrate the relevance of their academic background to their proposed subject or topic of study.

For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA sought is 3.7 out of 4.0.

If your degree is not from the UK or another country specified above, visit our International Qualifications page for guidance on the qualifications and grades that would usually be considered to meet the University’s minimum entry requirements.

GRE General Test scores

No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought.

Other qualifications, evidence of excellence and relevant experience

  • Research or work experience that is relevant to your proposed study may provide further evidence of your academic potential.
  • Publications are not expected, but a peer-reviewed publication in international relations or an allied discipline may be taken as  prima facie  evidence of aptitude for research.

Part-time applicants

Part-time applicants will also be expected to show evidence of the ability to commit time to study and, if applicable, an employer's commitment to make time available to study, to complete coursework, and attend course and University events and modules in Oxford. Where appropriate, evidence should also be provided of permission to use employers’ data in the proposed research project. As a probationer research student, coursework requirements will necessitate attendance in Oxford for at least one day per week during full-term. It is therefore likely that part-time students are either already resident in Oxford or will live within commuting distance of the city, such as via the strong transport links along the M4 corridor and between major cities to the north (including Birmingham) and south (including Southampton).

English language proficiency

This course requires proficiency in English at the University's  higher level . If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement. The minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level are detailed in the table below.

*Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) † Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Your test must have been taken no more than two years before the start date of your course. Our Application Guide provides  further information about the English language test requirement .

Declaring extenuating circumstances

If your ability to meet the entry requirements has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (eg you were awarded an unclassified/ungraded degree) or any other exceptional personal circumstance (eg other illness or bereavement), please refer to the guidance on extenuating circumstances in the Application Guide for information about how to declare this so that your application can be considered appropriately.

You will need to register three referees who can give an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for the course. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the types of reference that are required in support of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Supporting documents

You will be required to supply supporting documents with your application. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the supporting documents that are required as part of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Performance at interview

Interviews are not normally held as part of the admissions process.

How your application is assessed

Your application will be assessed purely on your proven and potential academic excellence and other entry requirements described under that heading.

References  and  supporting documents  submitted as part of your application, and your performance at interview (if interviews are held) will be considered as part of the assessment process. Whether or not you have secured funding will not be taken into consideration when your application is assessed.

An overview of the shortlisting and selection process is provided below. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide  more information about how applications are assessed . 

Shortlisting and selection

Students are considered for shortlisting and selected for admission without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, sexual orientation, as well as other relevant circumstances including parental or caring responsibilities or social background. However, please note the following:

  • socio-economic information may be taken into account in the selection of applicants and award of scholarships for courses that are part of  the University’s pilot selection procedure  and for  scholarships aimed at under-represented groups ;
  • country of ordinary residence may be taken into account in the awarding of certain scholarships; and
  • protected characteristics may be taken into account during shortlisting for interview or the award of scholarships where the University has approved a positive action case under the Equality Act 2010.

Initiatives to improve access to graduate study

This course is taking part in a continuing pilot programme to improve the selection procedure for graduate applications, in order to ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly.

For this course, socio-economic data (where it has been provided in the application form) will be used to contextualise applications at the different stages of the selection process.  Further information about how we use your socio-economic data  can be found in our page about initiatives to improve access to graduate study.

Processing your data for shortlisting and selection

Information about  processing special category data for the purposes of positive action  and  using your data to assess your eligibility for funding , can be found in our Postgraduate Applicant Privacy Policy.

Admissions panels and assessors

All recommendations to admit a student involve the judgement of at least two members of the academic staff with relevant experience and expertise, and must also be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies or Admissions Committee (or equivalent within the department).

Admissions panels or committees will always include at least one member of academic staff who has undertaken appropriate training.

Other factors governing whether places can be offered

The following factors will also govern whether candidates can be offered places:

  • the ability of the University to provide the appropriate supervision for your studies, as outlined under the 'Supervision' heading in the  About  section of this page;
  • the ability of the University to provide appropriate support for your studies (eg through the provision of facilities, resources, teaching and/or research opportunities); and
  • minimum and maximum limits to the numbers of students who may be admitted to the University's taught and research programmes.

Offer conditions for successful applications

If you receive an offer of a place at Oxford, your offer will outline any conditions that you need to satisfy and any actions you need to take, together with any associated deadlines. These may include academic conditions, such as achieving a specific final grade in your current degree course. These conditions will usually depend on your individual academic circumstances and may vary between applicants. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide more information about offers and conditions . 

In addition to any academic conditions which are set, you will also be required to meet the following requirements:

Financial Declaration

If you are offered a place, you will be required to complete a  Financial Declaration  in order to meet your financial condition of admission.

Disclosure of criminal convictions

In accordance with the University’s obligations towards students and staff, we will ask you to declare any  relevant, unspent criminal convictions  before you can take up a place at Oxford.

The DPIR provides a stimulating research environment in which you can pursue your interests beyond the formal demands of the syllabus.

Many of the academic staff who teach on the graduate programmes also organise extracurricular research seminars for graduate students, such as, the International Relations Research.

The DPIR also hosts a wide range of research centres and programmes which actively seek to develop collaborative research activity via conferences, workshops and other academic events, and which include graduate students in their activities.

Research centres provide opportunities for you to present your own work in research seminar series and at conferences in the department and beyond. The research centres have an established and popular visitors’ programme which has allowed many scholars of international repute to participate in the DPIR’s research activities.

At Oxford you have access to an extensive range of libraries, books, journals, online resources, manuscripts and more. The Bodleian Libraries is the main library service supporting the University of Oxford. The Bodleian Libraries include the Bodleian Library, which has been a library of legal deposit for 400 years, as well as the Bodleian Social Science Library . This is located on the ground floor of the Manor Road Building and houses the main collection for Politics and International Relations alongside a wide range of other social sciences resources.

SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)   is the search engine for all library collections across the university. It provides access to information in over 100 libraries including college and departmental libraries as well as the Bodleian Libraries. Your Single Sign-On offers easy access to subscription resources through SOLO. The Politics and International Relations subject guide provides up-to-date advice and the contact details of your Subject Librarian for further support.

Politics and International Relations

The Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) at Oxford is an internationally-renowned centre of excellence for teaching and research.

The study of these disciplines at Oxford has a long and distinguished history and the DPIR is now one of the largest in the field in the UK. DPIR is ranked first for research overall in the most recent THES global university rankings for Politics and International Studies and second in the 2023 QS World University Rankings.

The department's large community of academic staff work in research areas that extend in geographical scope across the globe, cover both historical and contemporary sources, and address technical, practical, and philosophical problems in networks that extend beyond the DPIR to other departments, universities, and global and local organisations.  

Graduate students have access to an unrivalled range of expertise and activity in the fields of government and politics, political theory, and international studies. Teaching is based on the most rigorous contemporary scholarship and students are trained in the highest standards of critical analysis, and in the understanding and use of rigorous research methods and techniques. The department’s graduate courses include both taught master's degrees (one-year research preparation MSc and two-year MPhil) and three- to four-year doctoral research degrees (DPhil). However, all taught degrees involve a research element, and all research degrees will involve some taught components, including quantitative and qualitative research methods. The DPIR graduate community currently numbers just over 300, with 150 students studying the taught courses and around 170 undertaking doctoral research.

View all courses   View taught courses View research courses

The University expects to be able to offer over 1,000 full or partial graduate scholarships across the collegiate University in 2024-25. You will be automatically considered for the majority of Oxford scholarships , if you fulfil the eligibility criteria and submit your graduate application by the relevant December or January deadline. Most scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or potential. 

For further details about searching for funding as a graduate student visit our dedicated Funding pages, which contain information about how to apply for Oxford scholarships requiring an additional application, details of external funding, loan schemes and other funding sources.

Please ensure that you visit individual college websites for details of any college-specific funding opportunities using the links provided on our college pages or below:

Please note that not all the colleges listed above may accept students on this course. For details of those which do, please refer to the College preference section of this page.

Further information about funding opportunities for this course can be found on the department's website.

Annual fees for entry in 2024-25

Full-time study.

Further details about fee status eligibility can be found on the fee status webpage.

Part-time study

Information about course fees.

Course fees are payable each year, for the duration of your fee liability (your fee liability is the length of time for which you are required to pay course fees). For courses lasting longer than one year, please be aware that fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on changes to fees and charges .

Course fees cover your teaching as well as other academic services and facilities provided to support your studies. Unless specified in the additional information section below, course fees do not cover your accommodation, residential costs or other living costs. They also don’t cover any additional costs and charges that are outlined in the additional information below.

Continuation charges

Following the period of fee liability , you may also be required to pay a University continuation charge and a college continuation charge. The University and college continuation charges are shown on the Continuation charges page.

Where can I find further information about fees?

The Fees and Funding  section of this website provides further information about course fees , including information about fee status and eligibility  and your length of fee liability .

Additional information

There are no compulsory elements of this course that entail additional costs beyond fees (or, after fee liability ends, continuation charges) and living costs. However, please note that, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur additional expenses, such as travel and vaccination expenses, conference attendance, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

There are no compulsory elements of this course that entail additional costs beyond fees (or, after fee liability ends, continuation charges) and living costs.

Please note that you are required to attend in Oxford for a minimum of 30 days each year, and you may incur additional travel and accommodation expenses for this. Also, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur further additional expenses, such as travel and vaccination expenses, conference attendance, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Living costs

In addition to your course fees, you will need to ensure that you have adequate funds to support your living costs for the duration of your course.

For the 2024-25 academic year, the range of likely living costs for full-time study is between c. £1,345 and £1,955 for each month spent in Oxford. Full information, including a breakdown of likely living costs in Oxford for items such as food, accommodation and study costs, is available on our living costs page. The current economic climate and high national rate of inflation make it very hard to estimate potential changes to the cost of living over the next few years. When planning your finances for any future years of study in Oxford beyond 2024-25, it is suggested that you allow for potential increases in living expenses of around 5% each year – although this rate may vary depending on the national economic situation. UK inflationary increases will be kept under review and this page updated.

If you are studying part-time your living costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances but you must still ensure that you will have sufficient funding to meet these costs for the duration of your course.

Students enrolled on this course will belong to both a department/faculty and a college. Please note that ‘college’ and ‘colleges’ refers to all 43 of the University’s colleges, including those designated as societies and permanent private halls (PPHs). 

If you apply for a place on this course you will have the option to express a preference for one of the colleges listed below, or you can ask us to find a college for you. Before deciding, we suggest that you read our brief  introduction to the college system at Oxford  and our  advice about expressing a college preference . For some courses, the department may have provided some additional advice below to help you decide.

The following colleges accept students for full-time study on this course:

  • Balliol College
  • Blackfriars
  • Brasenose College
  • Campion Hall
  • Christ Church
  • Exeter College
  • Green Templeton College
  • Harris Manchester College
  • Hertford College
  • Jesus College
  • Keble College
  • Kellogg College
  • Lady Margaret Hall
  • Linacre College
  • Lincoln College
  • Magdalen College
  • Mansfield College
  • New College
  • Nuffield College
  • Oriel College
  • Pembroke College
  • Regent's Park College
  • Reuben College
  • St Anne's College
  • St Antony's College
  • St Catherine's College
  • St Cross College
  • St Edmund Hall
  • St Hilda's College
  • St Hugh's College
  • St John's College
  • St Peter's College
  • Somerville College
  • Trinity College
  • University College
  • Wadham College
  • Wolfson College
  • Worcester College
  • Wycliffe Hall

The following colleges accept students for part-time study on this course:

Before you apply

Our  guide to getting started  provides general advice on how to prepare for and start your application. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

If it's important for you to have your application considered under a particular deadline – eg under a December or January deadline in order to be considered for Oxford scholarships – we recommend that you aim to complete and submit your application at least two weeks in advance . Check the deadlines on this page and the  information about deadlines and when to apply  in our Application Guide.

Application fee waivers

An application fee of £75 is payable per course application. Application fee waivers are available for the following applicants who meet the eligibility criteria:

  • applicants from low-income countries;
  • refugees and displaced persons; 
  • UK applicants from low-income backgrounds; and 
  • applicants who applied for our Graduate Access Programmes in the past two years and met the eligibility criteria.

You are encouraged to  check whether you're eligible for an application fee waiver  before you apply.

Readmission for current Oxford graduate taught students

If you're currently studying for an Oxford graduate taught course and apply to this course with no break in your studies, you may be eligible to apply to this course as a readmission applicant. The application fee will be waived for an eligible application of this type. Check whether you're eligible to apply for readmission .

Do I need to contact anyone before I apply?

You are advised to review the  profiles of academic staff  before you apply as successful applications always depend on the DPIR's capacity to offer appropriate supervision. A supervisor should be a permanent member of the Department of Politics and International Relations. You are not required to make contact with any prospective supervisors before you apply, as the DPIR arranges supervision for successful applicants. General questions about the course should be directed to the course administrator via the contact details provided on this page. 

Completing your application

You should refer to the information below when completing the application form, paying attention to the specific requirements for the supporting documents .

For this course, the application form will include questions that collect information that would usually be included in a CV/résumé. You should not upload a separate document. If a separate CV/résumé is uploaded, it will be removed from your application .

If any document does not meet the specification, including the stipulated word count, your application may be considered incomplete and not assessed by the academic department. Expand each section to show further details.

Proposed field and title of research project

Under the 'Field and title of research project' please enter your proposed field or area of research if this is known. If the department has advertised a specific research project that you would like to be considered for, please enter the project title here instead.

You should not use this field to type out a full research proposal. You will be able to upload your research supporting materials separately if they are required (as described below).

Proposed supervisor

Under 'Proposed supervisor name' enter the name of the academic(s) who you would like to supervise your research. 

You can enter the names of up to two supervisors, either in order of preference or indicating equal preference.

Referees: Three overall, academic preferred

Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.

Your application must be supported by academic references, ie each referee should be able to testify to your academic abilities, achievements and motivation. In most cases, the academics who have taught you or who have known your academic work during earlier university-level study will be best placed to testify to these capabilities. When that is not possible, a professional reference from a colleague who has worked with you in a research capacity or is otherwise able to comment on your academic capabilities is acceptable in place of a tutor’s reference.

Official transcript(s)

Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.

More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.

Research proposal: A minimum of 4,000 words to a maximum of 6,000 words

You should submit a detailed outline of your proposed research, written in English, covering areas such as the background to the research, methodology, expected results and the contribution to the field of learning.

The research proposal should be written in English.

If possible, please ensure that the word count is clearly displayed on the document.

This will be assessed for:

  • your reasons for applying to the DPhil programme
  • the coherence of the proposal
  • the originality of the project
  • evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study
  • the ability to present a reasoned case in English
  • the feasibility of successfully completing the project in the time available for the degree (a maximum of four years)
  • commitment to the subject, beyond the requirements of the degree course
  • preliminary knowledge of research techniques
  • capacity for sustained and intense work
  • reasoning ability
  • ability to absorb new ideas, often presented abstractly, at a rapid pace.

It will be normal for your ideas subsequently to change in some ways as you investigate the evidence and develop your project. You should nevertheless make the best effort you can to demonstrate the extent of your research question, sources and method at this moment.

Your proposal should focus on your research project rather than personal achievements, interests and aspirations.

Written work: Two essays, a maximum of 2,000 words each

You may submit academic essays on any subject or theme within the discipline of international relations but preferably ones that relate to your proposed area of study.

The essays may be written specially for the application or may have been produced for other purposes, for instance as a coursework submission within a previous degree programme. Essays that comprise extracts or excerpted sections from longer pieces are acceptable but should be prefaced with a brief note that places them in context.

The word count does not need to include any bibliography or brief footnotes. All written work should be in English.

This will be assessed for understanding of the subject area; understanding of problems in the area; ability to construct and defend an argument; powers of analysis; and powers of expression. 

Start or continue your application

You can start or return to an application using the relevant link below. As you complete the form, please  refer to the requirements above  and  consult our Application Guide for advice . You'll find the answers to most common queries in our FAQs.

Application Guide   Apply - Full time Apply - Part time


Closed to applications for entry in 2024-25

Register to be notified via email when the next application cycle opens (for entry in 2025-26)

12:00 midday UK time on:

Friday 5 January 2024 Latest deadline for most Oxford scholarships Final application deadline for entry in 2024-25

*Three-year average (applications for entry in 2021-22 to 2023-24)

Further information and enquiries

This course is offered by the  Department of Politics and International Relations

  • Course page on the department's website
  • Funding information from the department
  • Academic and research staff
  • Departmental research
  • Social Sciences Division
  • Residence requirements for full-time courses
  • Postgraduate applicant privacy policy

Course-related enquiries

Advice about contacting the department can be found in the How to apply section of this page

✉ [email protected] ☎ +44 (0)1865 278727

Application-process enquiries

See the application guide

Visa eligibility for part-time study

We are unable to sponsor student visas for part-time study on this course. Part-time students may be able to attend on a visitor visa for short blocks of time only (and leave after each visit) and will need to remain based outside the UK.

Best Universities for International Relations and Diplomacy in Europe

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Europe ranked based on their research performance in International Relations and Diplomacy. A graph of 239K citations received by 27.9K academic papers made by 199 universities in Europe was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. London School of Economics and Political Science

For International Relations and Diplomacy

London School of Economics and Political Science logo

2. University of Oxford

University of Oxford logo

3. King's College London

King's College London logo

4. University of Warwick

University of Warwick logo

5. University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge logo

6. University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen logo

7. University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham logo

8. University of Sussex

University of Sussex logo

9. University of Leeds

University of Leeds logo

10. University of Kent

University of Kent logo

11. University College London

University College London logo

12. Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Moscow State Institute of International Relations logo

13. University of Wales

University of Wales logo

14. Paris Institute of Political Studies

Paris Institute of Political Studies logo

15. University of London

University of London logo

16. University of Oslo

University of Oslo logo

17. University of Manchester

University of Manchester logo

18. Lund University

Lund University logo

19. University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield logo

20. Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies logo

21. University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham logo

22. University of Bristol

University of Bristol logo

23. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

24. University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki logo

25. University of Exeter

University of Exeter logo

26. Lancaster University

Lancaster University logo

27. University of St Andrews

University of St Andrews logo

28. Keele University

Keele University logo

29. Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University logo

30. Free University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin logo

31. University of Leicester

University of Leicester logo

32. National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics logo

33. Uppsala University

Uppsala University logo

34. University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow logo

35. University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh logo

36. University of East Anglia

University of East Anglia logo

37. SOAS, University of London

SOAS, University of London logo

38. University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam logo

39. University of Westminster

University of Westminster logo

40. Durham University

Durham University logo

41. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main

Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main logo

42. Stockholm University

Stockholm University logo

43. University of Tampere

University of Tampere logo

44. University of Essex

University of Essex logo

45. Nicolaus Copernicus University

Nicolaus Copernicus University logo

46. University of Bath

University of Bath logo

47. Newcastle University

Newcastle University logo

48. Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London logo

49. Aarhus University

Aarhus University logo

50. Loughborough University

Loughborough University logo

51. Central European University

Central European University logo

52. University of Hull

University of Hull logo

53. University of Warsaw

University of Warsaw logo

54. University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg logo

55. University of Southampton

University of Southampton logo

56. University of Tubingen

University of Tubingen logo

57. University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool logo

58. Queen's University Belfast

Queen's University Belfast logo

59. Brunel University London

Brunel University London logo

60. University of Konstanz

University of Konstanz logo

61. Maastricht University

Maastricht University logo

62. Catholic University of Leuven

Catholic University of Leuven logo

63. Royal Holloway, University of London

Royal Holloway, University of London logo

64. University College Dublin

University College Dublin logo

65. Free University of Brussels - VUB

Free University of Brussels - VUB logo

66. Birkbeck, University of London

Birkbeck, University of London logo

67. St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg State University logo

68. University of Antwerp

University of Antwerp logo

69. RUDN University

RUDN University logo

70. University of Geneva

University of Geneva logo

71. University of Bologna

University of Bologna logo

72. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

73. University of Hamburg

University of Hamburg logo

74. University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen logo

75. University of Bremen

University of Bremen logo

76. University of Reading

University of Reading logo

77. Cardiff University

Cardiff University logo

78. University of Groningen

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79. Free University Amsterdam

Free University Amsterdam logo

80. Copenhagen Business School

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81. University of Munich

University of Munich logo

82. University of Vienna

University of Vienna logo

83. University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon logo

84. University of Jyvaskyla

University of Jyvaskyla logo

85. University of Southern Denmark

University of Southern Denmark logo

86. Moscow State University

Moscow State University logo

87. University of Freiburg

University of Freiburg logo

88. University of Bradford

University of Bradford logo

89. University of York

University of York logo

90. Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin

Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin logo

91. Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Metropolitan University logo

92. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

93. University of Limerick

University of Limerick logo

94. University of Stirling

University of Stirling logo

95. Oxford Brookes University

Oxford Brookes University logo

96. Coventry University

Coventry University logo

97. University of Zurich

University of Zurich logo

98. De Montfort University

De Montfort University logo

99. University of Cyprus

University of Cyprus logo

100. Complutense University of Madrid

Complutense University of Madrid logo

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfields in Europe

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MPhil/PhD International Relations

  • Graduate research
  • Department of International Relations
  • Application code M1ZR
  • Starting 2024
  • Home full-time: Closed
  • Overseas full-time: Closed
  • Location: Houghton Street, London

This programme offers you the chance to be part of one of the world's leading departments in the study of international relations while you undertake a substantial piece of work that is worthy of publication and which makes an original contribution to international relations. You will begin on the MPhil and be upgraded to PhD status after passing a research panel within 18 months of initial registration.

The Department is organised around four Research Clusters: International Institutions, Law and Ethics ; Theory/Area/History ; International Political Economy ; and Statecraft and Security . You will belong to at least one of these clusters during your studies and attend its weekly events. You will also have the chance to participate in the editing of a student-run journal  Millennium: Journal of International Studies , which has a major role in the discipline.

The Department has particular strengths in international relations theory, security studies, international political economy, and European studies. As well as Europe, its specialist areas cover Russia, Central, Northeast and Southeast Asia, the USA, South America, the Middle East and Africa. Other areas of research strength include foreign policy analysis, nationalism, religion, historical sociology, international environmental politics and strategic and war studies. Many individuals contribute to more than one of these subjects, and there is interdisciplinary work with colleagues in the Departments of Government and International History, as well as through the many research centres at the School.

Programme details

Entry requirements, minimum entry requirements for mphil/phd international relations.

The minimum entry requirement for this programme is a high merit (65+) in a master’s degree in a subject relevant to the proposed research with high merit (65+) in the dissertation element, or equivalent. Applications which do not meet these criteria (or do not expect to do so on completion of any pending qualifications) are not considered eligible.

Competition for places at the School is high. This means that meeting our minimum entry requirement, does not guarantee you an offer of admission. 

If you have studied or are studying outside of the UK then have a look at our  Information for International Students  to find out the entry requirements that apply to you.

Assessing your application

We welcome applications for research programmes that complement the academic interests of members of staff at the School, and we recommend that you investigate  staff research interests  before applying. 

We encourage research projects which will expand and diversify the research profile of the Department. 

We strongly encourage applications from high calibre students of all nationalities studying across all research areas at the School but, in particular, we are seeking to support applications from: 

UK students  

Black, Minority Ethnic (BME) students, especially from Black African / Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage 

Please note : Prospective candidates are not expected to contact potential supervisors in advance of their application. Due to the high volume of enquiries, potential supervisors are unlikely to be able to provide feedback on enquiries and outline proposals. Individual academic members of staff are not able to make commitments to supervise prospective students outside of the formal application process.

We apply our entry criteria rigorously, so if you do not already meet or expect to meet them with any pending qualifications, you will not be eligible. We carefully consider each application on an individual basis, taking into account all the information presented on your application form, including your:

- academic achievement (including existing and pending qualifications) - statement of academic purpose - references - CV - a research proposal of up to 4000 words with a title and abstract (300 words max) included at the beginning. The proposal should meet the criteria outlined on the Department  MPhil/PhD webpage - sample of written work.

See further information on supporting documents

You may also have to provide evidence of your English proficiency. You do not need to provide this at the time of your application to LSE, but we recommend that you do.  See our English language requirements .

When to apply

The application and funding deadline for this programme is 15 January 2024 . See the fees and funding section for more details.

Fees and funding

Every research student is charged a fee in line with the fee structure for their programme.  The fee covers registration and examination fees payable to the School, lectures, classes and individual supervision, lectures given at other colleges under intercollegiate arrangements and, under current arrangements, membership of the Students' Union. It does not cover living costs or travel or fieldwork.

Tuition fees 2024/25 for MPhil/PhD International Relations

Home students: £4,829 for the first year (provisional) Overseas students: £22,632 for the first year

The fee is likely to rise over subsequent years of the programme. The School charges home research students in line with the level of fee that the Research Councils recommend. The fees for overseas students are likely to rise in line with the assumed percentage increase in pay costs (ie, 4 per cent per annum).

The Table of Fees shows the latest tuition amounts for all programmes offered by the School.

The amount of tuition fees you will need to pay, and any financial support you are eligible for, will depend on whether you are classified as a home or overseas student, otherwise known as your fee status. LSE assesses your fee status based on guidelines provided by the Department of Education.

Further information about fee status classification.

Scholarships, studentships and other funding

The School recognises that the  cost of living in London  may be higher than in your home town or country, and we provide generous scholarships each year to home and overseas students.

This programme is eligible for  LSE PhD Studentships , and  Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funding . Selection for the PhD Studentships and ESRC funding is based on receipt of an application for a place – including all ancillary documents, before the funding deadline.  

Funding deadline for LSE PhD Studentships and ESRC funding: 15 January 2024

In addition to our needs-based awards, LSE also makes available scholarships for students from specific regions of the world and awards for students studying specific subject areas.  Find out more about financial support.

External funding 

There may be other funding opportunities available through other organisations or governments and we recommend you investigate these options as well. A list of external sources of PhD funding can be found on the Department  MPhil/PhD webpage under the Funding section.

Further information

Fees and funding opportunities

Information for international students

LSE is an international community, with over 140 nationalities represented amongst its student body. We celebrate this diversity through everything we do.  

If you are applying to LSE from outside of the UK then take a look at our Information for International students . 

1) Take a note of the UK qualifications we require for your programme of interest (found in the ‘Entry requirements’ section of this page). 

2) Go to the International Students section of our website. 

3) Select your country. 

4) Select ‘Graduate entry requirements’ and scroll until you arrive at the information about your local/national qualification. Compare the stated UK entry requirements listed on this page with the local/national entry requirement listed on your country specific page.

Programme structure and courses

In addition to progressing with your research, you will take courses in methods and research design. You may take courses in addition to those listed and should discuss this with your supervisor.

At the end of your first year, you will need to satisfy certain requirements and if you meet these, will be retroactively upgraded to PhD status.

(* denotes half unit course)

Training courses

Methods in International Relations Research    -  Compulsory (not examined) Familiarises students with the principal approaches to contemporary research in the main branches of International Relations and to help students identify the appropriate methodology for their project. 

Research Methods Training - Compulsory (examined) You will be required to take compulsory assessed courses to the combined value of one unit from the range of quantitative and qualitative research methods topics listed below. 

Your selection of research methods should be agreed in consultation with your supervisor. You could take a different research methods course from those listed below, if this is better suited to your topic but this would need to be approved by their supervisor first.

  • Bayesian Reasoning for Qualitative Social Science: A Modern Approach to Case Study Inference*
  • Qualitative Methods in the Study of Politics
  • Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design
  • Qualitative Research Methods 
  • Case Studies and Comparative Methods for Qualitative Research
  • Doing Ethnography 
  • Qualitative Text and Discourse Analysis 
  • Introduction to Quantitative Analysis*
  • Applied Regression Analysis
  • Multivariate Analysis and Measurement
  • Survey Methodology
  • Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies
  • Special Topics in Quantitative Analysis: Quantitative Text Analysis*
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Intermediate Quantitative Analysis
  • Computer Programming
  • Applied Machine Learning for Social Science
  • Computing Packages for Applied Analysis

Research Cluster Workshops -  Compulsory (not examined) Students will select from the below options:

  • Theory/Area/History
  • Security and Statecraft
  • International Institutions, Law and Ethics
  • International Political Economy

Transferable skills courses

  • Workshop in Information Literacy: Finding, managing and organising published research and data -  Aims to develop students' research skills and introduce the essential sources and tools when undertaking research, and the skills required to use them.
  • Relevant courses provided by the Library, the Eden Centre and the Methodology Department -   Optional (not examined)

Second year

Fourth year.

For the most up-to-date list of optional courses please visit the relevant School Calendar page.

You must note, however, that while care has been taken to ensure that this information is up to date and correct, a change of circumstances since publication may cause the School to change, suspend or withdraw a course or programme of study, or change the fees that apply to it. The School will always notify the affected parties as early as practicably possible and propose any viable and relevant alternative options. Note that the School will neither be liable for information that after publication becomes inaccurate or irrelevant, nor for changing, suspending or withdrawing a course or programme of study due to events outside of its control, which includes but is not limited to a lack of demand for a course or programme of study, industrial action, fire, flood or other environmental or physical damage to premises.

You must also note that places are limited on some courses and/or subject to specific entry requirements. The School cannot therefore guarantee you a place. Please note that changes to programmes and courses can sometimes occur after you have accepted your offer of a place. These changes are normally made in light of developments in the discipline or path-breaking research, or on the basis of student feedback. Changes can take the form of altered course content, teaching formats or assessment modes. Any such changes are intended to enhance the student learning experience. You should visit the School’s  Calendar ,  or contact the relevant academic department, for information on the availability and/or content of courses and programmes of study. Certain substantive changes will be listed on the  updated graduate course and programme information  page.

Supervision, progression and assessment


You will be assigned a lead supervisor who has the necessary expertise to oversee your research work. Lead supervisors guide you through your studies and are your main support contact during the PhD programme.

During your first year you will attend and contribute to the Methods in International Relations Research seminar ( IR501 ), one of the Department Research Cluster workshops and take research methods training courses to the combined value of one unit from the recommended list courses. These are designed to strengthen your methodological skills and background knowledge of specific topics related to your research.  During the second, third and fourth years you will also attend and contribute to one of the Department Research Cluster workshops.

You will also be assigned an adviser, a member of the International Relations faculty who will be familiar with your progress but will not necessarily be an expert in your research area. Your adviser will be involved in the review and upgrade process.

Progression and assessment

Each PhD thesis is unique, but the time frame everyone has to complete their thesis is four years.

All MPhil/PhD students at LSE are initially registered with MPhil status. Continued re-registration and upgrade are dependent on satisfactory progress being made. 

Progress will be reviewed annually by a research panel made up of members of academic staff other than the supervisor. Students are normally upgraded to PhD status by the end of the first year, and no later than within 18 months of initial registration in line with Research Degrees Regulations. The Annual Progress Review may result in a decision allowing progression to the next academic session, conditional progression to the next academic session, or a recommendation of de-registration.

In order to progress to PhD registration, you must normally have met the progression requirements outlined below:

  • Achieved a mark of at least 50% in each of the required examined graduate-level course units in Research Methods training;
  • Have made satisfactory progress in your research: this will be assessed by a face-to-face review panel involving two academic staff members and including the views of the supervisor. Review panels will be formed in consultation with the supervisor.

By the end of your first year, you will be required to submit a statement of research including a research outline and one draft chapter of no more than 10,000 words. The proposal, which should illustrate your command of the theoretical and empirical literature related to your topic, will be a clear statement of the theoretical and methodological approach you will take.  This should demonstrate the coherence and feasibility of the proposed research and thesis. The submission will also include a timetable to completion, which should identify any periods of fieldwork necessary to your research. Panels will normally take place in week 2-4 of the Spring Term.

The material submitted  will be also discussed and commented upon at IR501 lab sessions.

•       Regular attendance at IR501 and the IR Research Cluster Workshop will be taken into account for progression: at least 80% attendance is expected.

In the unlikely event where a student is successful at passing the upgrade panel but requires a second attempt at completing the Research Methods Courses, they may be authorised to be upgraded but would be required to pass the course by the end of their second year in order to re-register.

Progress review

After the first year review panel, progress will be reviewed annually as per Regulations for Research Degrees.

In year 2, you will be expected to submit two additional draft chapters and a timetable to completion which will be reviewed by the same panellists as in Year 1. The two chapters should be substantially new work, but may include revised material from year 1. A virtual panel meeting will be scheduled in week 2-4 of the Spring Term and make recommendations on further progression based on progress made and quality of work submitted, as well as attendance at a Cluster Workshop.

Students in their third year of registration will be required to submit an annual progress report at the end of June, including a timetable to completion clearly setting out the work completed and remaining on the student’s research, as well as their commitment to a Research Cluster. These will need to be approved by the supervisor and reviewed by the Doctoral Programme Director in order to authorise re-registration.

Student support and resources

We’re here to help and support you throughout your time at LSE, whether you need help with your academic studies, support with your welfare and wellbeing or simply to develop on a personal and professional level.

Whatever your query, big or small, there are a range of people you can speak to who will be happy to help.  

Department librarians   – they will be able to help you navigate the library and maximise its resources during your studies. 

Accommodation service  – they can offer advice on living in halls and offer guidance on private accommodation related queries.

Class teachers and seminar leaders  – they will be able to assist with queries relating to specific courses. 

Disability and Wellbeing Service  – they are experts in long-term health conditions, sensory impairments, mental health and specific learning difficulties. They offer confidential and free services such as  student counselling,  a  peer support scheme  and arranging  exam adjustments.  They run groups and workshops.  

IT help  – support is available 24 hours a day to assist with all your technology queries.   

LSE Faith Centre  – this is home to LSE's diverse religious activities and transformational interfaith leadership programmes, as well as a space for worship, prayer and quiet reflection. It includes Islamic prayer rooms and a main space for worship. It is also a space for wellbeing classes on campus and is open to all students and staff from all faiths and none.   

Language Centre  – the Centre specialises in offering language courses targeted to the needs of students and practitioners in the social sciences. We offer pre-course English for Academic Purposes programmes; English language support during your studies; modern language courses in nine languages; proofreading, translation and document authentication; and language learning community activities.

LSE Careers  ­ – with the help of LSE Careers, you can make the most of the opportunities that London has to offer. Whatever your career plans, LSE Careers will work with you, connecting you to opportunities and experiences from internships and volunteering to networking events and employer and alumni insights. 

LSE Library   –   founded in 1896, the British Library of Political and Economic Science is the major international library of the social sciences. It stays open late, has lots of excellent resources and is a great place to study. As an LSE student, you’ll have access to a number of other academic libraries in Greater London and nationwide. 

LSE LIFE  – this is where you should go to develop skills you’ll use as a student and beyond. The centre runs talks and workshops on skills you’ll find useful in the classroom; offers one-to-one sessions with study advisers who can help you with reading, making notes, writing, research and exam revision; and provides drop-in sessions for academic and personal support. (See ‘Teaching and assessment’). 

LSE Students’ Union (LSESU)  – they offer academic, personal and financial advice and funding.  

PhD Academy   – this is available for PhD students, wherever they are, to take part in interdisciplinary events and other professional development activities and access all the services related to their registration. 

Sardinia House Dental Practice   – this   offers discounted private dental services to LSE students.  

St Philips Medical Centre  – based in Pethwick-Lawrence House, the Centre provides NHS Primary Care services to registered patients.

Student Services Centre  – our staff here can answer general queries and can point you in the direction of other LSE services.  

Student advisers   – we have a  Deputy Head of Student Services (Advice and Policy)  and an  Adviser to Women Students  who can help with academic and pastoral matters.

Student life

As a student at LSE you’ll be based at our central London campus. Find out what our campus and London have to offer you on academic, social and career perspective. 

Student societies and activities

Your time at LSE is not just about studying, there are plenty of ways to get involved in  extracurricular activities . From joining one of over 200 societies, or starting your own society, to volunteering for a local charity, or attending a public lecture by a world-leading figure, there is a lot to choose from. 

The campus 

LSE is based on one  campus  in the centre of London. Despite the busy feel of the surrounding area, many of the streets around campus are pedestrianised, meaning the campus feels like a real community. 

Life in London 

London is an exciting, vibrant and colourful city. It's also an academic city, with more than 400,000 university students. Whatever your interests or appetite you will find something to suit your palate and pocket in this truly international capital. Make the most of career opportunities and social activities, theatre, museums, music and more. 

Want to find out more? Read why we think  London is a fantastic student city , find out about  key sights, places and experiences for new Londoners . Don't fear, London doesn't have to be super expensive: hear about  London on a budget . 

Preliminary reading

  • The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide to Turning your PhD into a Job.  Karen Kelsky    (Three Rivers Press, 2015)
  •   How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing.  Paul J. Silvia (American Psychological Association, 2007)

Quick Careers Facts for the Department of International Relations

Median salary of our PG students 15 months after graduating: £32,000

Top 5 sectors our students work in:

  • Government, Public Sector and Policy   
  • Financial and Professional Services              
  • Education, Teaching and Research            
  • Information, Digital Technology and Data            
  • International Organisations

The data was collected as part of the Graduate Outcomes survey, which is administered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Graduates from 2020-21 were the fourth group to be asked to respond to Graduate Outcomes. Median salaries are calculated for respondents who are paid in UK pounds sterling and who were working in full-time employment.

Students who successfully complete the programme often embark on an academic career. Recent doctoral graduates have also gone into careers in consultancy, education and teaching, NGOs and charities, international organisations and to roles within the public sector and government.

Further information on graduate destinations for this programme Hear from some recent graduates

Heidi Ning Kang Wang-Kaeding Assistant Professor in Asian Politics, Department of Political Science, Trinity College Dublin

Mark Kersten Research Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto; Director of Research, Wayamo Foundation

Elisabetta Brighi Lecturer in International Relations, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster

Check our recent completion page .

Support for your career

Many leading organisations give careers presentations at the School during the year, and LSE Careers has a wide range of resources available to assist students in their job search. Find out more about the  support available to students through LSE Careers .

Find out more about LSE

Discover more about being an LSE student - meet us in a city near you, visit our campus or experience LSE from home. 

Experience LSE from home

Webinars, videos, student blogs and student video diaries will help you gain an insight into what it's like to study at LSE for those that aren't able to make it to our campus.  Experience LSE from home . 

Come on a guided campus tour, attend an undergraduate open day, drop into our office or go on a self-guided tour.  Find out about opportunities to visit LSE . 

LSE visits you

Student Marketing, Recruitment and Study Abroad travels throughout the UK and around the world to meet with prospective students. We visit schools, attend education fairs and also hold Destination LSE events: pre-departure events for offer holders.  Find details on LSE's upcoming visits . 

How to apply

Virtual Graduate Open Day

Register your interest

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Home > Academics > PhD Programmes > Doctorate in Political Science > Doctorate in Political Science, Programme in International Relations

Doctorate in Political Science, Programme in International Relations


The PhD program in international relations encourages a broad definition of international, a methodology mindful of empirical research, and an effort to conceptualize an increasingly complex world of changes.   

This program teaches research through research to students who plan to pursue: 

  • academic careers (research and teaching)
  • careers as experts in public or private international organizations;
  • entrance examinations for international or European civil services, and diplomatic careers.

Skills targeted

The program seeks to develop research and critical analysis skills, very high-level expertise in various methodological tools, and a solid command of the discipline’s fundamental questions.


The programme is split into a two-year master's and a three-year doctoral programme.

The first year of the Master's is given over to the acquisition of the basics in international relations as well as an initiation to research through lectures on method and, from the second semester on, through more targeted classes and personalised tutoring.

The second year of the Master's course completes previously acquired knowledge through specialised classes and seminars in parallel with a general research seminar and the continuation of tutoring. The combination tends essentially to accompany the student in the preparation of their dissertation, the high point of this second year. Click here for more information on the two years at Master's level.

See  the programme catalogue

After two years students graduate with a master's in Political Science, option International relations.

Students who apply to the doctoral programme come before a jury that takes in account their grades, the quality of their master's dissertation and the candidate's capacity to commit to a research project. The doctoral programme is open not only to students who have followed the initial Sciences Po programme but also to those with master's degrees from another French or foreign establishment. However, it may be required of students who have not taken Science's Po's political science course to follow some basic or specialised classes that the jury deems necessary before beginning their doctoral research.

To choose a thesis supervisor, candidates are asked to get in touch with a member of the teaching staff and/or one of the members of Sciences Po's laboratories; in International Relations: the  Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (CERI)  or the  Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) .

During the three-year thesis period, doctoral students are supervised by a thesis supervisor and are integrated in one of Sciences Po's research laboratories: the CERI or the CEE. Doctoral students must also take at least three doctoral seminars one of which must be outside the programme of their chosen option.

In the first year of their PhD program, students will take 3 seminars:

Two mandatory seminars:

  • the seminar of the affiliated laboratory (Labsem): CERI
  • the seminar on doctoral training in IR: it aims to help PhD students develop their thesis and stay abreast of current research in this subfield. Students must present and discuss their research in front of experts in their field. I will send you the calendar of sessions shortly.     

An elective seminar:

  • either the seminar offered by the research group on multilateral action (GRAM)
  • or, subject to the thesis advisor’s approval, a specialized seminar selected from the following list  

Attendance is required. The IEP Paris policy on class attendance is applicable. Participation in these seminars counts towards meeting the PhD program’s academic requirements (at least 60 hours). 

Students receive a Doctorate in Political Science after three years studying, submission of a thesis and a viva.

Teaching Staff

  • Mélanie Albaret (FR, PDF, 37Ko) , Senior lecturer in political science at the Law School, University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
  • Thierry Balzacq , Professor of International Relations, Sciences Po, CERI
  • Frédéric Charillon (FR) ,  University Professor, University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
  • Ariel Colonomos (FR) , Director of Research, CNRS-CERI
  • Jerome Doyon , Assistant Professor, Sciences Po, CERI
  • Pierre Grosser ,  Professor of Contemporary History, Doctor of History, Sciences Po
  • Carola Klöck ,  Assistant Professor, Sciences Po-CERI
  • Christian Lequesne (FR) , Professor, Sciences Po 
  • Hugo Meijer ,  CNRS/CERI researcher
  • Frédéric Ramel (FR) , University Professor, Sciences Po
  • Chiara Ruffa , Professor in Political Science
  • Emmanuelle Tourme-Jouannet (FR) , University Professor, Sciences Po, Law School

The programme also welcomes visiting professors from leading foreign universities, who each year offer a lecture and/or seminar to students in the second year of the Master's programme: K. Olsen  et  P. Burgess  (Oslo),  W. Carlsnaes  (Uppsala),  A. Williams  (St Andrews),  E. Luck  (Columbia),  T. Inogushi  (Tokyo),  N. Lebow  (Dartmouth College), etc.

Admissions to a PhD

See Admission to a PhD

Tuition fees

Des aides à la mobilité sont proposées aux doctorants pour participer à des colloques et pour effectuer des travaux de terrain et des séjours d'études à l'étranger.

See Tuition Fees

  • Chiara Ruffa Scientific coordinator,  Professor in Political Science  
  • Shan Qin-Petit Administrative Officer, coordinator of the programme in Political Science (replaces Marie Hélène Kremer during her absence)  Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 55 09

Submit an application

Admissions report

Application Guide

Tuition Fess & Scholarships

Careers Services Guide

  • Three-Year PhD Programme
  • Languages : English and French

Applicants guide

Address / phone

27, rue Saint Guillaume - 75337 Paris Cedex 07

Phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 50 50 | +33 (0)1 42 22 31 26


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  • The University of Bucharest
  • PhD in International Relation & Cultural Diplomacy

The Programs are offered by:

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The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)

Phd program with concentration on international relation & cultural diplomacy.

phd in international relations in europe

Dates of Next Program for 2022 »

Enrolment to the Program is possible at the start of the Fall semester each year.

About the Degree

The PhD Program with concentration on Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations is offered by the University of Bucharest in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy. The PhD Program is a three year program (6 semesters). Upon completion, students will receive the following degree: PhD in History / Sociology / Political Science , with specialization certificate on Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations

Program Concept

In our increasingly globalized world, knowledge and understanding of bilateral and multilateral relations now holds greater importance than at any time before. As a result, international cooperation and diplomacy are now imperative in maintaining and improving the economic, political and social environment in countries worldwide. The processes of international relations pervade almost all areas of human activity, and the issues that foreign policy makers address at the highest level increasingly affect the ordinary lives of people around the world. Nation states are no longer capable of resolving many of the most significant issues single-handedly, whether they be international terrorism, global (and often national) financial crises, or climate change. Moreover, the emergence of asymmetrical security threats and the international convergence of social, political and economic relations have underlined the need for a renewed focus on diplomatic relations and soft power, of which cultural diplomacy is a crucial component.

These developments have heightened interest in the study of International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy and, concurrently, have created a need for professionals who understand those subjects. University programs striving to provide students and young leaders with the fundamental understanding and practical skills necessary for careers in international affairs have had to adjust their programs accordingly to include commerce, development and culture as topics of study, as well as including multinational and supranational organizations as additional core subjects. Expertise in one field no longer guarantees professional success, and it is therefore vital that those aspiring to work in international relations and diplomacy have an advanced understanding of a number of relevant disciplines, including, but not limited to, international politics, international economics, diplomacy, culture, philosophy and history.

Operating under a joint partnership, Bucharest University and the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy are the first institutions to offer a PhD program that will educate students from around the world in several academic disciplines related to International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy.

Structure and Organization of the Program

The Doctoral courses represent the third cycle of studies offered (and awarded) by the University of Bucharest in partnership with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, with the purpose being to expand knowledge through original scientific research. Students will acquire a level 8 qualification according to both the European and National Qualification Frameworks. It consists mainly of research conducted under the direct supervision of a Ph.D. supervisor.

The duration of the program is three years; the first year  is composed of courses offered on Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin. In addition, students are welcome to undertake a professional development program. At the end of the first academic year, students will then be required to present the first research report on their specific chosen topic, allowing the commission of professors and, in particular, the student's individual supervisor to guide them in the development of their final thesis.

During the second and third years of the Ph.D program students are not obliged to reside in the doctoral school, but are required to stay in close and direct contact with the doctoral supervisor. A working schedule is established between the student and the PhD supervisor and will include at least two periods where the student must be present at the University of Bucharest each academic year.  When in Bucharest, further to meetings with the PhD supervisors and continuing work on the thesis, the PhD students will also interact with other doctoral students and members of the teaching staff with whom they share academic interests, whilst also participating in the activities of the doctoral school of the University.

During the second year, progress reports are to be submitted according to a time schedule, and a format established by the supervisor and the student in compliance with the requirements of each doctoral school.  Also within the second, and then the third year of the program, according to the rules of the doctoral school where they are enrolled, students will submit 2-3 research reports which they will be required to present to a committee according to a schedule agreed with the PhD supervisor.

During the second semester of the third year, students are required to complete the thesis. Once the thesis has obtained the approval of both the guiding commission and individual supervisor, it will then be submitted for public defense. This will take place 2-3 months after the thesis has received the approval of the PhD supervisor, and represents the final step of the program.

The final step of the Program is the public defense of the Thesis.

Key Objectives of the Program

  • To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world, placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
  • To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
  • To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within international relations discourse.
  • To examine contemporary obstacles to peaceful international relations, using historical and modern case studies, while considering also how cultural diplomacy can be used to mitigate tension and conflict within the international community.
  • To equip students with the relevant skill sets and knowledge required to embark on a career within the highly competitive international arena.
  • To provoke individual thought and reflection on contemporary issues within the rapidly developing field of cultural diplomacy.

Benefits of the Program

  • The program offers students a core curriculum of International Relations, which will prepare them for a vast array of career opportunities worldwide.
  • Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global environment.
  • Students will obtain expertise in cultural diplomacy, as a rapidly increasing and important field relevant to the public and private sectors and civil society.
  • Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sectors.
  • Access to all ICD events and programs around the world, providing students with access to prominent experts in the field including various Heads of State, Ministers, and CEOs.

For further information on the PhD program with the concentration on Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations, please send an email to [email protected]

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Université  Libérale de Paris

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Doctor of International Relations

Doctor of International Relations

Doctor of international relations from france and level 8 diploma from the uk.

The Doctor of International Relations is a doctoral program designed to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of international relations.

To help balance expertise and research capabilities, the program combines the study of in-depth international relations courses with doctoral thesis research in international relations.

Doctor of International Relations (D.I.R) is the most prestigious title in public administration.

The Doctor of International Relations program at the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) is a dual degree program between France and the United Kingdom. Students graduate with two independent degrees.

Graduates will receive:

  • Level 8 (Doctoral Level) under the UK RQF framework: LRN Level 8 Diploma in International Relations
  • Doctorate of International Relations (D.I.R) from Université Libérale de Paris.

Program Overview

Academic support:

  • The exclusive English language and academic support system provided by our partners assists international students in overcoming language barriers and difficulties.
  • Tutors during classes
  • Additional workshops will be held locally to help students conduct and complete their Doctoral thesis research with confidence.

Learning method:

The program is designed for both full-time students on our campus in France and international students by embracing the Hybrid model, which combines live classes and local tutors (online). With the Hybrid learning model, students can study French and UK programs and earn degrees as full-time students without living and working in France like our full-time students.

Degrees: 2 independent degrees with the specialization based on the Doctoral thesis

  • Level 8 (Doctoral Level): The London Academy of Sciences Level 8 Diploma in International Relations. 
  • Doctorate of International Relations (D.I.R) from Université Libérale de Paris.

The Doctor of International Relations (D.I.R) dual degree program is an applied research-oriented program in which students will take research-related courses and conduct research step by step with the assistance and supervision of instructors. If the student wishes to publish international articles on the ISI/SCOPUS system or international journals owned or affiliated with Paris-U after completing their studies, they will be guided through a customized route.

The program is two years long. The method of instruction consists of a combination of globally live-streamed lectures (Live Classes) and online tutors and instructors.

Mandatory modules:

  • Develop advanced research approaches in a suitable context. (30 credits)
  • Advanced Literature Review. (30 credits)
  • Advanced Design Research. (30credits)
  • Advanced Data Analytics for Research. (30 credits)

Students will complete each phase of their Doctoral thesis after each course.

Doctoral thesis stage (60 credits)

  • Doctoral Thesis (60 credits)
  • Defend Doctoral Thesis

The doctoral thesis in international relations (D.I.R) will be concerned with advancing knowledge in international relations.

Unlike PhD programs, the Doctor of International Relations program does not require but encourages the publication of academic journals on the ISI/SCOPUS system.

Students who complete the Doctor of International Relations dual degree program can:

Be able to conduct research relevant to the specialized research context of international relations
  • Be able to conduct research relevant to the research context of international relations.
  • Develop and modify research objectives to suit orientation, research objectives, and research time constraints.
  • Analyze, consider alternatives, and make appropriate research decisions.
2. Be able to collect, organize, and choose theoretical foundations for doctoral research projects
  • Collect theoretical foundations for business and management research.
  • Organize and develop theoretical foundation structures for research topics.
3. Be able to design an entire study.
  • Know how to conduct a literature review and select relevant studies to support the proposed research.
  • Design the research in accordance with the research objectives, research questions, and time frame.
  • Adjust the chosen research methodology while keeping research ethics and feasibility in mind.
4. Be able to create a research proposal and carry out research.
  • Consider theoretical foundations and research methods when developing research questions.
  • Develop research to international standards by writing a complete doctoral thesis on a chosen topic.
  • Understand how to present your research to the scientific panel.
  • The ability to persuade and think critically. 

The Université Libérale de Paris is the only university that provides doctoral students access to the full range of specialized subjects in public administration at the Master and Doctorate levels. Students use these specialized subject materials to expand their knowledge and aid in the research process.

All study materials for the International Relations program at the Doctoral level (Level 8 EQF) are posted on the training management system (LMS), and these materials are only accessible to Doctoral students at the Université Libérale de Paris.

Students taking the  Doctor of International Relations program have access to the following materials and lectures:

  • Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Potential (20 credits)
  • Managing Strategic Change (20 credits)
  • Project Development, Planning and Management (20 credits)
  • Advanced Research Design and Methodologies (40 credits)
  • Developing Research Capability (20 credits)
  • Strategic Financial Management (20 credits)
  • Strategic Human Resource Management (20 credits)
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation (20 credits)
Students in the D.I.R program will have specialized knowledge at the doctoral level as well as research capacity from the doctoral program with the support of supplementary materials.

The Ph.D programs at Université Libérale de Paris are designed with a training time of 3 to 5 years or more, culminating in a Ph.D thesis that meets international standards.

When participating in the Ph.D program in conjunction with the UK qualification system Level 8 Diploma, each PhD student can choose between two training programs: Doctor of International Relations (D.I.R) and Specialized Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D).

Despite sharing the same specialization, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of International Relations (D.I.R) have many differences. Some of the fundamental differences are as follows:

Candidates who register for the program will be considered by the application department before joining the program, in addition to the entry requirements, to ensure that they understand and benefit from it.

Entry requirements must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Master’s degrees in specific fields from accredited universities.
  • RQF (UK), EQF (Europe), or equivalent level 7. Level 7 diplomas must be obtained from accredited institutions.
  • Université Libérale de Paris does not accept degrees from fake universities, Diploma Mills, or recognized universities but from untrustworthy accreditation bodies.

English language requirements:

  • English at or above CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) level B2.
  • IELTS 5.5; Speaking and writing must both be 5.5 or higher.
  • In the lack of an English certification, the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) conducts an internal English test and evaluates each candidate.

The Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) reserves the right to accept or reject applications based on accrediting agency requirements and Paris-U’s global acceptance criteria.

The Doctorate of International Relations (D.I.R) is a two-year program. Students graduate with:

The Level 8 Diploma in International Relations from the London Academy of Sciences

In the United Kingdom, Level 8 is equivalent to:

Doctorate of International Relations (D.I.R) from  Université Libérale de Paris  (Paris-U)

The Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) Doctorate in International Relations is equivalent to the Level 8 Diploma of the EQF European Qualification Framework and is assessed using the Paris-U accreditation system.

The Doctorate in International Relations is the highest degree in international relations. With the dual degree system that combines a UK Level Diploma and a Doctorate in International Relations from the Université Libérale de Paris, research students can advance their careers as specialists, theoretical and practical research specialists, and faculty members, or advance to senior roles in the industry and field.

If students want to conduct in-depth international research, publish more international articles on the ISI/SCOPUS system, and so on, they can enroll in PostDoc programs tailored to their research interests.

Graduate students can also publish books, studies developed during their studies, or research that comes up during their studies.

  • Students are full-time Université Libérale de Paris students (Paris-U).
  • Students pursue the original program as full-time students at Université Libérale de Paris in France (Paris-U).
  • The program is entirely taught in English. Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) does not adopt the education system for French-taught programs in France.
  • Degrees awarded by Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) are classified as private university degrees. Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) degrees are not part of the public education system, not owned by the French government, and are not part of the France-based higher education system.
  • Fees and scholarship policies (if applicable) are subject to change or cancellation at any time.

Liability Disclaimer

  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) and its partners make no assurances that students who enrol will graduate and receive a degree. Only if the student fully meets and fulfils the academic, financial, disciplinary, and other requirements does the Université Libérale de Paris award degrees and recognize academic results.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) reserves the right to refuse admission, refuse support, cancel student status, and not reimburse tuition and fees in the case of a commit of violations, absenteeism, or voluntary refusal to continue the program.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) cannot guarantee that a degree will be accepted by a third party. The receiving organisation subjectivity determines whether or not to accept.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) does not guarantee that students will receive a salary increase, or promotion, or be accepted into new positions or jobs after graduation.
  • Despite regulations governing cross-recognition and qualifications equivalence, each country, organization, and unit has its own right to receive and recognize degrees. Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) does not guarantee automatic degree recognition when using degrees, certificates, transcripts, and other documents from the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) and partner schools. Similarly, Université Libérale de Paris does not guarantee or support the process of recognizing equivalent qualifications (if any).
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) makes no guarantees or commitments that students can reside, work abroad, obtain a work permit, a teaching license, or a specialist license in France, Europe, or any other country.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) offers extreme assistance but cannot guarantee students 100% of a short-term study visa (in case of full-time study) or European visa (to attend the graduation ceremony in France and/or Europe) if it does not meet the requirements of the host country and the appropriate authorities in granting and approving the right to exit, move, and migrate.

Diverse people in a supporting group session

Tuition Fees

Tuition policies are in keeping with the provisions of the Paris-U policy and subject to change without notice. In some case, Paris-U offer variety of Scholarships for International Students. 

Université Libérale de Paris

Université libérale de paris (paris-u) offers higher education programmes in english only and that is different from the french national curricula and programmes leading to french government accredited university qualifications, which fall under the french public higher education sector..

Université  Libérale de Paris

The world’s first liberal arts university for post-graduates

1 Rue de Stockholm • 75008 Paris, France Phone: +33758491227 Email: [email protected]

A member of the European Education Holdings

Wertachstrasse 21 • 86153 Augsburg, Germany Phone: +15908605264 Email: [email protected]

About Paris-U

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Master’s Programs Doctoral Level

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Paris-U policies

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Postgraduate study

Politics PhD

Awards: PhD

Study modes: Full-time, Part-time

Funding opportunities

Programme website: Politics

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Research profile

Approximately 60 members of PIR academic staff enjoy international reputations for their research and have won numerous teaching, research and advising awards. Their scholarship covers a diverse range of research areas on Scotland, Europe, and the world, and is published in highly-rated journals and books.

The department has a strong tradition of advising, informing and debating policy with key decision-makers at Scottish, UK, European and international levels, and has a notable concentration of political theorists.

Research in Politics and International Relations explores the theory, practice and ethics of politics and governance.

We cover a broad area of expertise, from local policy to global governance, political theory to empirical studies, constructivism to rational choice approaches.

Our Politics & International Relations group has close links with cross-disciplinary and internationally recognised research centres.

Major research focuses include:

  • sub-state and supranational dimensions of politics and public policy
  • the impact of devolution in the UK and elsewhere, and the constitution and governance of the European Union
  • international politics: changing relations, the new security agenda, transatlantic relations, political economy, migration politics and global governance
  • nationalism, democratic transition, civil society and institution-building
  • health, welfare, environment, competition, migrations and citizenship, and equal opportunities policies
  • political theory, especially war ethics, environmental ethics and theories of freedom

Programme structure

The degree is based on three to four years of full-time research. Each student follows an individual training programme designed with their supervisor and the Postgraduate Adviser. This programme is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

In the first year, you will acquire a wide range of research skills and formulate their research question and related design, under the guidance of their supervisors. At the end of their course of study you will submit a thesis and will be assessed in an oral examination (viva voce) by two examiners (usually one internal to the University, the other external).

The thesis is a long piece of research on a topic of your particular interest and makes an original contribution to the field of politics and international relations.

Find out more about compulsory and optional courses

We link to the latest information available. Please note that this may be for a previous academic year and should be considered indicative.

Training and support

You will follow a programme of research training, drawn from the MSc by Research courses coordinated by the School of Social and Political Science and Politics and International Relations-specific training.

The programme equips you with professional training to a high standard. After graduating you can expect to be a strong candidate for careers in a wide variety of contexts, including academia, the media, the private sector and a diverse array of public services. Nearly everyone needs good researchers!

Politics and International Relations helps you gain a range of transferable skills above and beyond those required by their specific projects, such as:

  • organising seminars and conferences
  • learning how to apply for research jobs in and out of academia
  • learning how to deliver professional seminar presentations

Postgraduate researchers also have access to the University and College-wide programme of training in transferable skills and other aspects of professional development, such as specialist careers advice.

Research library and archive facilities in Edinburgh are outstanding.

You will be a member of the Graduate School of Social & Political Science, with full access to the Graduate School’s facilities in the Chrystal Macmillan Building.

Other library and archive facilities include the University’s Main Library, the National Library of Scotland and the Scottish Records Office. Proximity to the Scottish Parliament and other institutions of national government provides further research opportunities.

Entry requirements

These entry requirements are for the 2024/25 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ. Entry requirements for the 2025/26 academic year will be published on 1 Oct 2024.

A UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent, and a UK masters degree with an overall mark of 65% or its international equivalent.

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

  • Entry requirements by country
  • English language requirements

Regardless of your nationality or country of residence, you must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies.

English language tests

We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:

  • IELTS Academic: total 7.0 with at least 6.0 in each component. We do not accept IELTS One Skill Retake to meet our English language requirements.
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 with at least 20 in each component. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced ( CAE ) / C2 Proficiency ( CPE ): total 185 with at least 169 in each component.
  • Trinity ISE : ISE III with passes in all four components.
  • PTE Academic: total 70 with at least 59 in each component.

Your English language qualification must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS , TOEFL, Trinity ISE or PTE , in which case it must be no more than two years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC).

  • Approved universities in non-MESC

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old* at the beginning of your programme of study. (*Revised 05 March 2024 to extend degree validity to five years.)

Find out more about our language requirements:

Fees and costs

Application fee.

This programme requires a non-refundable application fee.

Your application will not be processed until we have received your application fee.

  • Application fee information

Living costs

You will be responsible for covering living costs for the duration of your studies.

Tuition fees

Scholarships and funding, featured funding.

School of Social and Political Science Scholarships

UK Research Council Awards

For specialised guidance on submitting a competitive scholarship application, please follow the requirements and recommendations and how to contact relevant academic staff as advised here:

  • Important information and recommendations

UK government postgraduate loans

If you live in the UK, you may be able to apply for a postgraduate loan from one of the UK’s governments.

The type and amount of financial support you are eligible for will depend on:

  • your programme
  • the duration of your studies
  • your tuition fee status

Programmes studied on a part-time intermittent basis are not eligible.

  • UK government and other external funding

Other funding opportunities

Search for scholarships and funding opportunities:

  • Search for funding

Further information

  • Postgraduate Admissions Team
  • Phone: +44 (0)131 650 4086
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Programme Advisor, Dr Sarah Liu
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Graduate School of Social & Political Science
  • Chrystal Macmillan Building
  • 15A George Square
  • Central Campus
  • Programme: Politics
  • School: Social & Political Science
  • College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Select your programme and preferred start date to begin your application.

PhD Politics - 3 Years (Full-time)

Phd politics - 6 years (part-time), application deadlines.

We encourage you to apply at least one month prior to entry so that we have enough time to process your application. If you are also applying for funding or will require a visa then we strongly recommend you apply as early as possible.

  • How to apply

You must submit two references with your application.

You must submit a research proposal demonstrating your knowledge of your field of research, which will be closely scrutinised as part of the decision-making process. We request that PhD research proposals are no more than four A4 typed pages in Times New Roman, 12pt font. This includes charts and figures but does not include references or a bibliography.

We require PhD applicants in particular to contact potential supervisors before applying to discuss their research proposal so we can ensure there is adequate supervision.

A non-refundable application fee of £50 must be paid after you submit your application. Your application will not be processed until we have received your application fee.

Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes:

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International Relations and European Politics

Doctoral degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is English .

The programme can be studied only as a single subject . Tuition fee is Find out more "> €1,500 per academic year.

What will you learn?

Post-graduate studies of the program International Relations and European politics aim at training of the highly qualified specialists in the field of international relations, international politics, European integration, and European politics. The study programs is offered to the alumni of master programs in International Relations, European studies, or related graduate programs of social sciences and humanities. The study focuses on advanced analysis and research of the theory of international relations, development and changes of international security, strategic studies, international conflicts, foreign and security policy of the Czech Republic and other relevant international actors, theories of European integration, European politics, interest groups and other actors in the multi-level politics of European Union.

“Non multi sed multa”

Practical training

Post-graduate study program does not require any specific practical training.

Further information

Career opportunities.

The graduates from the post-graduate program in International Relations and European Politics will get the qualification to apply for the wide range of positions such as researchers in the areas of basic as well as applied research, university teachers in all types of academic institutions, experts and analysts in European institutions, international organisations, institutions of state and public administration as well as in the private sector and NGOs.

Admission requirements

  • Outline of the proposed dissertation project
  • Curriculum Vitae / Resume
  • Consent of the future supervisor
  • Copy of master's degree certificate or proof of current studies
  • List of publications and papers (if available)
  • Proof of English - minimum B2 level (optional; compulsory only for those who cannot participate personally in the entrance exam)

Criteria for evaluation

The maximum possible score for the entrance examination is 100 points. A minimum of 60 points is required to pass the entrance examination.

Criteria for assessing applicants:

  • Research project as a basis for the preparation of the dissertation - max. 70 points
  • Professional knowledge in the given research area - max. 10 points
  • Language skills (English actively in spoken and written form, active or passive knowledge of other languages) - max. 10 points
  • Previous research experience - max. 10 points

Study options

Single-subject studies.

  • Requirements of the study and final state doctoral examination


  • doc. Monika Brusenbauch Meislová, Ph.D.
  • doc. Mgr. Filip Černoch, Ph.D.
  • doc. PhDr. Břetislav Dančák, Ph.D.
  • prof. PhDr. Petr Fiala, Ph.D., LL.M.
  • doc. Vratislav Havlík, Ph.D.
  • prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D.
  • prof. PhDr. Petr Kaniok, Ph.D.
  • doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Oldřich Krpec, Ph.D.
  • prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Kříž, Ph.D.
  • doc. Mgr. Petr Ocelík, Ph.D.
  • doc. Mgr. Jan Osička, Ph.D.
  • doc. PhDr. Tomáš Vlček, Ph.D.

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PhD Programme in International Studies

The PhD in International Studies provides an opportunity to examine politics, societies and cultures around the world and how they interact. Faculty in this program come from across the social sciences (political science, sociology, anthropology, geography, economics) and projects typically emphasize interdisciplinary approaches to international development studies, global studies, or area studies.  Our aim in the IS PhD program is to educate thoughtful and analytical thinkers who are able to understand and engage in the world around them.  Our program focuses on developing highly systematic thinkers whether they use qualitative or quantitative methods, and we prioritize the combination of holistic analysis and academic rigor. PhD students in International Studies come from a wide variety of Masters Level Programs around the world. They engage their scholarship with international academic communities and spend some portion of their time during the PhD engaging in fieldwork abroad.

Associated research groups

Global Political Sociology

International Development Research Group

Globalization and Europeanization

Power, Identity and Critique

Program leader and associate professor: Lindsay Whitfield: [email protected]  

University of Nicosia Logo

International Relations and European Studies (PhD, 3 Years)

Request information, learning outcomes, academic path, semester breakdown, adjunct faculty, profile of the programme.

The Doctoral Programme in International Relations (hereafter IR) aims at the creation and interpretation of knowledge which extends the forefront of the disciple of IR (in the wider reading of the discipline), through original research and critical thinking. Holders of a Ph.D. in IR will be able to conceptualise, design and implement projects for the generation of significant new knowledge and/or understanding in the field of International Relations. Furthermore, holders of a Ph.D. in IR will have the qualities needed for employment that requires the ability to make informed judgments on complex issues in specialist topics of IR, and innovation in tackling and solving conceptual and practical problems in world politics.

The Doctoral Programme in IR is designed in accordance with the Framework for Qualifications for Higher Education Area (Barcelona Process) and the European Qualifications Framework (level 8 of EQF), as well as in accordance with established standards and practices in European and American Universities that award the title of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations (hereafter a Ph.D. in IR).

According to international standards and practices, on successful completion, doctorate students in International Relations, who study in Universities where the English language is the language of instruction, are awarded the title “Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations” (for the Greek διδάκτωρ).

The Doctoral Program in IR will socialize students into the world of academia and to guide them so that they will be well-acquainted with the criteria they are expected to meet for their academic work internationally. Those who complete the Program will be able to engage in academic research independently at the highest level. Ph.D. graduates will also be able to pursue analysis of issues of their expertise at important public and private institutions.

The Program prepares and guides students to generate new knowledge of the highest academic caliber. Graduates may pursue careers as academics and scholars at colleges, universities, research centers and think-tanks and other important institutions in both the public and private sectors. The Program may also be very useful to those who aspire to pursue careers in other fields that require major knowledge of topics in international relations, such as government and international organizations.

Career Prospects

The Programme prepares and guides students to generate new knowledge of the highest academic caliber. Graduates may pursue careers as academics and scholars at colleges, universities, research centres and think-tanks and other important institutions in both the public and private sectors. The Programme may also be very useful to those who aspire to pursue careers in other fields that require major knowledge of topics in international relations, such as government and international organisations.

Learning outcomes

The intended earning outcomes involve both practical and theoretical knowledge, skills and qualifications that will enhance students cognitive as well as managerial capacities.

Upon successful completion of this program, students are expected to:

  • Obtain specific training in case-analysis, project-setting and problem-solving contexts.
  • Acquire research skills and analytical competences to address the challenges and questions posed in the field of International Relations and European studies.
  • Gain the competence necessary to analyze and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of policies.
  • Possess the competences and skills required for academic careers, as well as to advise and assist public and private institutions active in the fields of International Relations and European studies.
  • Comprehend fundamental and advanced principles of research design, including an understanding of how to conceptualize political and social research, formulate researchable problems, and construct and test hypotheses by applying a range of research methods and tools.
  • Be able to manage successfully all the stages of a research project, including designing, conducting and disseminating research in a way that is consistent with both professional practice and the standard principles of research ethics.
  • Understand and appreciate the significance of alternative epistemological positions that provide the context for theory construction, research design and the selection of appropriate analysis techniques.
  • Develop a sound understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a range of research methodologies and data collection methods.
  • Be in a position to illustrate and critically evaluate research methods used in political and social enquiry and demonstrate aptitude in the preparation, execution and management of an independent research study.
  • Develop skills in the dissemination of findings to the wider academic community.

Section: A – Courses

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Dr Constantinos Adamides

Associate Head of Department Associate Professor School of Law Department of Politics and Governance

  • [email protected]
  • Engomis Business Center – School of Law, 209a

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Dr Giorgos Charalambous

Associate Professor School of Law Department of Politics and Governance

  • Engomis Business Center - School of Law, 109c
  • View Brief CV
  • View Full CV

Dr Odysseas Christou

Dr Odysseas Christou

Assistant Professor School of Law Department of Law

  • Humanities Building, 3rd Floor, 303a

Professor Hubert Faustmann

Professor Hubert Faustmann

Professor School of Law Department of Politics and Governance

  • Humanities Building, 2nd Floor, 202a

Dr Christina Ioannou

Dr Christina Ioannou

Associate Dean Associate Professor School of Law Department of Politics and Governance

  • Millennium Building, 1st Floor, M107

Dr Giorgos Kentas

Dr Giorgos Kentas

  • Humanities Building, 1st Floor, 101a

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Dr Michalis Kontos

Assistant Professor School of Law Department of Politics and Governance Member of the Senate

  • Humanities Building, 3rd Floor, 301b

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Dr Emilios A. Solomou

Emeritus Scholar School of Law Department of Politics and Governance Audit Member of the Council

  • Millennium Building, 1st Floor, M106

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Professor Andreas Theophanous

Head of Department Professor School of Law Department of Politics and Governance

  • Millennium Building›1st Floor›M113a

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10 PhD Degrees in Social Sciences International Relations in Europe for 2024

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  • Anthropology (6)
  • Area studies (14)
  • Cultural Studies (19)
  • Development Studies (6)
  • Gender Studies (2)
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  • Political Science (24)
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  • Undergraduate Certificate (0)
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  • English (9)
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Popular degree type

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Popular locations

PhD Degrees in Social Sciences International Relations

International studies involves investigating how various actors relate to each other on the world stage. It includes subjects such as conflict, economics, politics, the environment, and other issues that affect more than one country.

In all, there are over 4000 Higher Education Institutions in Europe offering a wide range of courses at Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate level. With more and more of these organizations offering English as the language of education for at least some of their degree programs, universities in Europe are now of higher quality than ever before. Universities in Europe offer a friendly welcome to foreign students and to give a course of knowledge that meets their profession needs in today’s global demand.

Requirements for the PhD program often involve the student having already obtained a Master’s degree. Additionally, a thesis or dissertation primarily consisting of original academic research must be submitted. In some countries, this work may even need to be defended in front of a panel.

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Doctorate in International Relations – PhD (Online)*

Career paths, residencies.

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Tuition & Fees

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A doctorate for international affairs professionals seeking to analyze, critique, and improve responses to conflict, displacement, and human security.

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At a Glance

For the program beginning summer 2025

Residency Locations

Serbia, Jordan

Priority Deadline

November 1, 2024, followed by rolling admissions

Final Deadline

January 31, 2025

Critical Global Issue of Study

Geopolitics & Power

Geopolitics & Power Icon

Program Cost

Why a phd in international relations from sit.

Citizens around the world are witnessing major shifts in world order as new centers of power arise, populist movements grow, and political instability and conflict drive people across national borders. SIT’s PhD in International Relations is a professional doctorate designed for those eager to better understand and tackle these challenges, while also advancing their careers.

This part-time PhD is designed for working professionals in international affairs with an interest in peacebuilding, conflict and refugee response, and humanitarian affairs. Across four years, students critique traditional approaches to geopolitics and offer evidence-based approaches to improved human security.

The program includes two 10-day international residences. During the first-year residency in Serbia, you will examine the refugee crisis and the rise of illiberalism. During the second-year residency in Jordan, you will examine the landscape of conflict and the power of regional and global alliances in shaping foreign affairs. Specialized online courses on forced migration, peace and conflict studies, and global governance and human security complement each residency and provide you with the skills to lead complex projects and influence policy and practice through original research.

Featuring professors, advisors, and diplomats from across the globe, this program draws upon SIT’s 60-year history of experiential education and global partnerships to provide a unique global perspective students can apply, in real-time, to their work contexts as they earn their doctoral degree.

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Working professionals who complete this PhD may expect to expand their careers as:

Foreign affairs specialist

Crisis response or operations specialist

Security analyst for intelligence agencies

Policy advisor and consultant

Director of policy for refugees and conflict response agencies

Senior leader in humanitarian and emergency affairs organizations

Risk analyst and early-warning consultant

Crisis operations specialist for international humanitarian agencies

Think tank researcher

University faculty

Read about SIT Graduate Institute alumni careers through the SIT blog and our Career Impact page.

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First-Year Residency: Belgrade, Serbia

This 10-day residency focuses on the refugee crisis and the rise of illiberalism. Engage with EU policymakers, local activist organizations, and scholars to learn about the shifting power relations of contemporary Europe in the context of forced migration, war, and shifting European identity.

Second-Year Residency: Amman, Jordan

This 10-day residency focuses on peace and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Through visits with academics, government officials, local NGOs, and international organizations in Amman, students will examine the landscape of conflict in the MENA region and the power of regional alliances in shaping foreign affairs.

Please note that in order to take advantage of dynamic learning opportunities, program excursions may occasionally vary.

phd in international relations in europe

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the PhD in International Relations, students will be able to:

  • Identify, analyze, and critique contrasting approaches to international political order through the lens of foundational theories, both mainstream and critical.
  • Contribute professional scholarship related to discourses on international relations, international peace and conflict studies, refugee and forced migration studies, and human security via presentations at professional conferences and publication of academic scholarship.
  • Design and conduct original, ethical research informed by relevant literature and grounded in appropriate methodologies and approaches.
  • Interpret original and secondary data to produce actionable findings with a capacity to improve the way policymakers approach critical global issues, particularly those related to conflict, refugees, and crisis response.

Read more about Program Learning Outcomes .

Students complete 64 credit hours of work across four years (12 semesters) of study. Courses focus on theory, research methods, applied practice, professional development, and dissertation preparation. Throughout, you will learn from professors and advisors from across the globe. This PhD draws on SIT’s 60-year history of experiential education and global partnerships to provide students with a unique and powerful learning experience.

Students can request to transfer up to 15 credits of relevant previous graduate coursework upon admission, thereby reducing the overall credit requirement from 64 to 49.

With approval, students can pursue an accelerated pathway to complete the degree in 10 semesters. The research and dissertation writing phase of the program may vary, dependent on individual student progress, outside commitments, and type or scope of research.

Please expand the sections below to see detailed course descriptions and admissions information.

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This is SIT

  • We value active togetherness, reciprocity, and respect as the essential ingredients for building a sustainable community .

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  • With open minds, empathy, and courage, we facilitate intercultural understanding and respect for the commonalities and differences between people.
  • We champion social inclusion & justice in all that we are and all that we do, from ensuring our community and our programs amplify the voices, agency, and dignity of all people to deliberately instilling the principles and practices of inclusion in all of our work.
  • We are committed to human and environmental well-being through sustainability and contributing to a better world for all living and future generations.

Theories and Polemics of International Relations (3 credits)

This course explores the role theory plays in shaping our understanding of international relations and global affairs. Dominant theories which make up the cannon of the field—such as realism and neorealism, liberalism and neoliberalism, constructivism, and Marxism—are explored, as well as critical theories such as feminism, post-colonialism, and indigenous approaches.

Global Governance and Human Security (3 credits)

This course examines the complex field of global governance, focusing on the theoretical underpinnings, institutional structures, and contemporary challenges of designing systems of international governance without international government. Students will engage with advanced literature, conduct original research on a topic related to global governance of their choosing, and critically analyze issues related to global governance, including perspectives from critical theories, realism, and constructivism.

Forced Migration and Humanitarian Response (3 credits)

Conflict-induced and disaster-induced displacements are impacting hundreds of millions of people around the globe annually. In response, humanitarianism—the promotion of the general welfare of people impacted by conflict, disaster, environmental disruption, famine, and political and economic collapse—has become a dominant feature of international affairs. Unfortunately, the international political system remains a flawed vehicle for satisfying global humanitarian demand. Carefully guarded national sovereignty, the relatively weak power of international institutions and non-governmental organizations, and growing skepticism about a liberal global order now threaten the international humanitarian aid system. This class considers these developments as well as the drivers of forced migration, the history of humanitarian response, and the search for new evidence-based frameworks to improve it.

Seminar in Peace and Conflict Studies (3 credits)

This seminar will give students an in-depth understanding of the origins of intra- and inter-state conflicts, the debates over why such conflicts emerge, escalate, and de-escalate, and the pathways and possibilities for sustainable peaceful transformations. Simulations, case studies, and scenario-based exercises are used to give students a realistic understanding of the drivers of violent conflict and the challenges and possibilities of building peace across a variety of settings and contexts. Of particular interest is considering how dominant theories about the nature of conflicts connect to the conflict management strategies adopted by various stakeholders in international politics.

Preliminary Review (0 credits)

At the conclusion of year one of the program, students must pass a preliminary examination. Preliminary exams demonstrate mastery of content covered in core courses and demonstrated progress towards the dissertation research proposal. Upon completion of all coursework, students must pass a comprehensive examination and begin a prospectus (proposal) for their dissertation research.

Quantitative Research Methods (3 credits)

In this course, students will be introduced to statistical concepts and procedures as prerequisites for conducting quantitative and mixed-methods research. Students will learn how to display data distributions using graphs and describe distributions with numbers using measures of central tendency and dispersion. Additionally, students will examine relationships among data and learn how to produce data using various quantitative designs. This course will introduce students to inferential statistics, including simple linear and multiple regression analyses and ANOVA. Students will develop knowledge and skills using and interpreting descriptive and inferential statistical data and will use Stata software to analyze data.

Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)

In this course, students will be introduced to a range of approaches and methods used in qualitative inquiry. Among the approaches covered are process tracing, discourse analysis, ethnographic research, case studies, comparative historical analysis, archival research, interviewing, ethnography, content analysis, ethnographic research, political profiling, and agent-based modeling. Students will deepen their knowledge about these approaches and enhance their data collection skills by conducting surveys, analytical frameworks, designing case studies, and reflecting on each method’s strengths and limitations. Students will also learn how to code data inductively and deductively, develop codes, look for patterns emerging in data, develop overarching themes, and interpret findings.

Research Colloquium (3 credits)

The Research Colloquium gives a platform for doctoral students to present and discuss possible PhD research projects, exchange ideas, receive constructive feedback, and workshop ways to prepare and improve their dissertation research proposals. Across 10 days, students interact in a conference format, presenting their research ideas, the literature and debates attached to those ideas, and the methods they are considering using in their inquiry process. Students are also expected to critically evaluate the work of their peers, providing constructive criticism to help them advance their research agenda, operationalize their research questions(s), and identify and develop plans for overcoming challenges in the data collection and analysis phases of their research. Prior to the in-person colloquium, students will work with their advisor as needed to develop their presentations.

Electives and Transfer Credits (15 credits)

In addition to the above, students must take 15 credits of elective courses prior to sitting for comprehensive exams. Elective credits can be fulfilled by two means: transferring prior graduate credits earned at SIT or another accredited institution or completing an advisor approved elective offered through one of SIT’s part-time hybrid master’s or PhD programs.

Comprehensive Exams (0 credits)

Comprehensive exams confirm the students’ mastery of their chosen field of study and serve as the basis for their doctoral dissertation literature review. After passing the comprehensive examination and prospectus defense, students enter candidacy.

Proposal Defense, IRB approval (3 credits)

The proposal defense is designed to evaluate the feasibility, significance, and originality of each student’s proposed dissertation research project. It serves as a critical checkpoint to ensure that the research project is well-structured and has a high likelihood of success. The defense is conducted in front of the student’s three dissertation committee members: their primary advisor and their first and second reader. It consists of a formal presentation followed by a question-and-answer session. After the questioning, the committee deliberates, then provides feedback to the student regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal. The outcome of the defense will be one of the following: 1) Pass: the student may proceed with their research, 2) Conditional Pass: the student is allowed to proceed, but they must address specific issues or complete requested revisions to the proposal before doing so, or 3) Fail: the proposal does not meet the required standards, and the student will be required to revise and redefend it at a later date. *Requires successful completion of comprehensive exams.

Doctoral and Professional Development Seminar 1-4 (1 credit each)

The Doctoral and Professional Development Seminars 1-4 seek to build a community of practice of IR PhD students as they work to complete their doctoral dissertations. Students meet bi-weekly with each other and their advisors to share their dissertation progress, problem solve, and share drafts of their work for feedback. The seminar will also feature occasional guest speakers who will share their own doctoral dissertation journeys and their professional transitions after receiving their PhD.

Dissertation (20 credits across 4 semesters)

At least 20 credits of the PhD program of study consists of research and dissertation. After completion of the dissertation, the student must pass an oral examination in defense of the dissertation. The culminating experience for the doctoral degree program is publication of the dissertation. The non-coursework portion of the program usually lasts 2 years.

Dissertation Defense (1 credit)

In this course students will prepare for an oral defense working closely with their primary and secondary advisors, and deliver and defend their work. Students will be able to present their dissertation remotely.

Admissions Criteria

Our admissions staff work one-on-one with every applicant to facilitate a highly informed and multidimensional admissions experience: applicants are required to undertake an interview with SIT faculty during the application process.    

As applicants become familiar with the attributes of an SIT education—grounded in the experiential learning model and focused on social justice and leadership skills in intercultural environments—they determine for themselves  how  SIT can help them meet their educational and career objectives.  

For the PhD in International Relations, admissions will evaluate candidates to ensure they meet the following criteria:

  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field from a regionally accredited institution
  • Strong academic writing and scholarly potential, as evidenced by a statement of purpose
  • Demonstrated English language proficiency (see details below)
  • Intercultural and professional experience
  • A minimum preferred cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on a scale of 4.0
  • Demonstrated ability to use experience as a source of learning
  • All applicants are required to interview with program faculty

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • statement of purpose
  • three letters of recommendation
  • resume or curriculum vitae
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information The statement of purpose should not exceed 600 words and should describe how the applicant’s experience will contribute to success in the program; describe how completion of the degree will support long-term professional goals; and expand on key research questions the applicant aims to address as part of the plan of study. Letters of recommendation must be from three people who can attest to the applicant’s academic and professional achievements. At least one letter should be academic in nature.

Applicants will be able to transfer up to 15 credits of related graduate coursework toward the PhD program. Please contact us for more information .

English Language Ability

Applicants whose first language is not English and who did not graduate from an English-speaking institution must demonstrate English language proficiency.

*This new program is pending accreditation from the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) in accordance with the Commission's Policy on Substantive Change. The approval process is anticipated to be finalized in fall 2024.

Faculty & Staff

International relations – phd (online)*.

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Discover the Possibilities

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SIT’s Student Financial Services Office  provides guidance on all aspects of funding your degree throughout the application process and during your degree program. Tuition costs vary by program and scholarships are available.


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Online PhD in International Relations and Global Development @ EULER



Program type, school / institute.

Online (Asynchonous)

USD 150 per credit hour


Full (officials of CW and ACS); 15% off (IGOs)

Degree Issuance

EUCLID (Euclid University) + EULER (after 10/2024)

EULER Credits | ECTS

240 (Bachelor) + 80-120 (Master) | +240 (PhD)

EUCLID Credits | US CH

120 (Bachelor) + 40 (Master) | +55-60 (PhD)

Note: EULER programs are distinguished from EUCLID programs but also closely related as (1) they have slightly different areas of specialization (based on the list of degrees in the initial charter (2) they rely on very similar methods and platforms (3) the final degree is conferred by EUCLID but with the EULER logo added and dual degree option (two degrees, one from EUCLID (Euclid University – intergovernmental) and one from EULER (The Euler-Franeker Memorial University) starting ~10/2024.

Because it is offered, and uniquely so, by an  intergovernmental organization  with a specialized mandate in  sustainable development , the EUCLID online PhD in Sustainable Development and Diplomacy takes up the challenge of offering a comprehensive doctoral program at the junction of three specialized fields of knowledge and application: (1) economics development (2) sustainability, and (3) diplomacy and global governance.

EUCLID’s online PhD in Sustainable Development and Diplomacy is also based on EUCLID’s MBA/SD which has been ranked in the world's top 25 since 2016 for a good reason: it is offered by an international intergovernmental organization with a university mandate and specialized expertise in sustainable development. Historically, EUCLID grew out of the cooperation between universities and the International Organization for Sustainable Development  (IOSD) which was the original SD international organization and which is now a EUCLID affiliated institute.

It is therefore only PhD program in sustainable development and diplomacy organized by an intergovernmental organization and officially used by senior civil servants over 4 continents. It is also highly relevant to managers and executives working for multinational companies.

EUCLID’s DSDD offers a comprehensive graduate study of the most relevant topics, including economic development, UN SD goals, international law, ecological economics, etc. Graduates can expect to complete the program transformed and enhanced in their ability to make a difference in global sustainability.


Academic Presentation

This online PhD program blends several streams of academic knowledge and professional practice: sustainable economic development and international governance. Entrance into the program presupposed a good command of economics.

The curriculum provides a progression of courses covering ecological economics (with case studies), sustainable development studies, and international affairs related to SD. Upon completion of the required doctoral coursework, students proceed to the doctoral dissertation modules, leading to the presentation and defense of a doctoral thesis meeting international standards.

In the EUCLID context, sustainable economic development is considered from various angles as well as with an overall Global South perspective.

This is a program that is also used by civil servants working for EUCLID Participating States and can be considered an excellent route to pursue a career within institutions of higher learning, governmental bodies, NGOs, global corporations and international organizations.

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Featured video, basic program outline (indicative).

Note: to consult the current and official curriculum/list of courses from the EUCLID CMS database, please visit: EUCLID Available Degree Programs and follow the program link.

Employment Outlook

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Why Study @ EULER

EULER’s parent institution, EUCLID is the only intergovernmental, treaty-based university with a UN-registered charter and recognized expertise in diplomacy. Join the alma mater of ambassadors and senior officials globally.

Note: if the PDF brochure is unavailable (or outdated by 2 years), please contact [email protected]


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Gambia to Host OIC Summit

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EUCLID publishes 2023 Annual Report

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EUCLID Secretary-General Dookeran delivers UN ECLAC lecture

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EUCLID Delegation at COP28

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6 PhD jobs in International Relations

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Search results (6)


PhD Candidate in 'EU Counter-terrorism, the United Nations and Local Peacekeeping' (1.0 FTE)

Vacancy number 14879Job type PhD positionsHours (in fte) 1,0External/ internal ExternalLocation Den HaagPlaced on 21 May 2024Closing date 1 June 2024 11 more days to applyPhD Candidate in ‘EU Counter-terrorism, the United Nations and Local Peaceke...


Doctoral scholarship holder international relations

Let’s shape the future - University of AntwerpThe University of Antwerp is a dynamic, forward-thinking university. We offer an innovative academic education to more than 20000 students, conduct pio...


PhD Candidate: History of Global North-South Public Health Cooperation

Interested in researching the diplomatic history of global north-south public health cooperation in a vibrant team? Join us at the ERC-funded project COOPERATION as a PhD researcher.Your jobUtrecht University invites applications for a PhD positio...

Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international security

Doctoral scholarship holder international relations and international law, phd candidate: strategic violence by non-state actors (1,0 fte).

Vacancy number 14933Job type PhD positionsHours (in fte) 1,0External/ internal ExternalLocation Den HaagPlaced on 30 May 2024Closing date 30 June 2024 31 more days to applyPhD Candidate: Strategic Violence by Non-State Actors (1,0 FTE)The Institut...

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phd in international relations in europe

PhD Position in International Relations & European Studies - Rome, Italy




This 3-Year-long doctoral fellowship is offered as part of a specific collective project within a multiannual international research effort on G lobalisation, E urope, and M ultilateralism ( GEM ). This project (2022-2026), coordinated by the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), will assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing D emocratic Institutions, the rise of A lternative MO dels and mounting Normative Dissensus (DIAMOND ).

GEM-DIAMOND is a Marie Skłodowska Curie Action - Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) involving 7 European and 4 international degree-awarding Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) alongside 6 well-established non-academic institutions. The project will hire and train 16 doctoral fellows to help address knowledge gaps associated with the growing normative tensions undermining multilateral and democratic practice – for further information see GEM-DIAMOND’s overall research program will collectively tackle three shared knowledge gaps regarding contemporary strains on liberal democracy:

Objective 1: Conceptualising the seemingly mounting dissensus surrounding liberal democracy.

Objective 2: Unpacking the ambiguous role different actors can play as both champions and challengers of liberal democratic norms, values and practices.

Objective 3: Assessing the impact of increased dissensus regarding liberal democracy on the policy instruments of the EU and its capacity to act in its internal and external policies.

Early-Stage Researcher n°4 ( ESR4 ) is part of GEM-DIAMOND 's 1st Work Package (WP1) entitled ‘Conceptualising Growing Dissensus over Liberal Democracy’. WP1 includes 4 individual doctoral projects that will each unpack a key strand of dissensus facing liberal democratic norms, principles, and values from a distinct disciplinary point of view.

Both individually and collectively, the 4 PhD fellows associated with WP1 will provide the conceptual clarification of dissensus needed to understand how it affects EU policy instruments. WP1 will neither review the normative underpinnings of the theory of democracy nor revisit existing work on deliberative democracy in Europe, it will rather seek to characterise what makes present-day dissensus erode institutional trust and thus uniquely challenging to existing democratic practices, including deliberative ones. Each of the four individual research projects will leadup to a Double Doctoral Manuscript which will contribute to this effort from a specific discipline. Ultimately, WP1 will combine four disciplinary theory-building efforts to sketch an interdisciplinary understanding of contemporary dissensus surrounding liberal democracy in Europe.


Entitled ‘EU grand strategy in a competitive system: European liberal democracy in a 7 multipolar world’ the individual research project of ESR4 is in the fields of International Relations and European Studies .

ESR4 will approach the concept of dissensus from an International Relations perspective. This IRP will shed new light on the global dimension of the dissensus and what it means for the EU’s position on the global stage, its geopolitical calculations and foreign policy practices. It will seek to systematically scrutinise the nature of the dissensus facing the EU’s external agenda. It will describe how alternative framings of good governance, the rule of law and individual rights championed by emerging authoritarian centres of gravity have altered EU foreign & diplomatic action.

As part of their application, candidates will be asked to submit a personal interpretation of the research project in the form a specific project proposal of 2-3 pages, including a research question, a theoretical framework, and a methodological strategy

Be hired for 36-months by LUISS as a Doctoral Researcher

Work under the direction of a Joint Supervisory Trio involving:

Pr. Raffaele Marchetti (LUISS) – Co-Supervisor

Pr. Anders Wivel (UCPH) – Co-supervisor

Dr. Alessia Chiriatti (IAI) – Non-Academic Mentor

Individually work towards a double doctoral degree in ‘International Relations’ under the joint supervision of Pr. R. Marchetti (LUISS) and Pr. A. Wivel (UCPH)

Provide an International Relations perspective to the collective work in WP1 geared towards clarifying the concept of ‘Dissensus’, notably through a shared typology

Participate in all collective research and training activities and submit to the program’s regular joint evaluations


ESR 4 will:

1. Complete the Scheduled Mobility Agenda:

a. Training & Research Stay @ LUISS (Oct. 2022 - Aug. 2023)

b. Training & Research Stay @ UCPH (Sept. 2023 - Avril. 2024)

c. Research Stay @ LUISS (May 2024 - Dec. 2024)

d. Non-Academic Secondment @ IAI (Jan. 2025 – Avril 2025)

e. Research Stay @ LUISS (May 2025 - Sept. 2025)

2. Successfully accomplish the doctoral training scheduled both at the local and GEM-DIAMOND levels.

3. Secure a doctoral training certificate from LUISS &UCPH

4. Contribute to a joint WP1 ‘Framing paper on Dissensus’

5. Contribute to two-project wide manuscripts:

a. A Handbook on ‘Rethinking Impact in Political & Social Sciences’

b. An Edited Volume reflecting the shared conclusions of the project

6. Submit an article to the International Studies Review (ISR)

7. Write an original PhD dissertation on EU grand strategy in a competitive system: European liberal democracy in a multipolar world’.


Pr. Raffaele Marchetti E-mail: [email protected]

Pr. Anders Wivel E-mail: [email protected]


Luiss University (IT)


PhD in Law and business

PhD in Political Science


Mobility programme.

Oct. 2022 - Aug. 2023 @ LUISS (Rome, Italy)

Sept. 2023 - Avril. 2024 @ UCPH (Copenhagen, Denmark)

May 2024 - Dec. 2024 @ LUISS (Rome, Italy)

Jan. 2025 – April 2025 @ IAI (Rome Italy)

May 2025 - Sept. 2025 @ LUISS (Rome, Italy)


2022-2023 (Y1): Methodological training @ LUISS + GEM-DIAMOND Joint activities 

2023-2024 (Y2): GEM-DIAMOND Joint activities

2024-2025 (Y3): GEM-DIAMOND Joint activities


Year 3 (January 2025 – April 2025)

Non-Academic Secondment at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (Rome, Italy)

Non-Academic Mentor: Dr. Alessia Chiriatti

E-mail: [email protected]


Marie Curie Doctoral Fellow


Luiss University, Italy

36 Months (1 October 2022 – 30 September 2025)

4000€ Gross per month (48.000€ / year).

NB: this is a gross EU contribution to the salary cost of the researcher. The net salary will result from deducting all compulsory (employer/employee) social security contributions as well as direct taxes.


Full Social Coverage

Travel & Research Funds

Family Allowance per month - When applicable


Top level graduate degree (Master or equivalent providing access to PhD programs - EQF Level 7). Having a background in Political or Social Sciences will be a plus.


Applicants must submit at least one diploma meeting one of the following requirements: (1) a two-year master program (120 ECTS) or equivalent, (2) a oneyear graduate program following a prior undergraduate degree if both diplomas total at least 300 ECTS or equivalent; (3) a single four-year higher education program offering 300 ECTS or more.

English proficiency must be attested either through a previous English language diploma, or an internationally recognised proficiency test (i.e. IELTS, IBT, TOEFL or Cambridge).

The researcher should be in the first four years of their research careers at the time of recruitment and have not been awarded a doctoral degree so far.


Excellent command of IR theories. Knowledge of non-European languages is an advantage. Proven experience of working in a team will be a plus.

At the time of recruitment, the researcher must not have resided, or carried out his/ her activity in the country of the first host institution (i.e., Italy) for more than 12 months cumulatively in the 3 years prior to October 2022


No discrimination will be made on the base of nationality, gender, race, religion or disability.


Complete and timely submission via the on-line application system.

What the European Commission does in international relations

Principal roles in international relations.

The European Commission plays a key role in the design of development policy and delivering aid worldwide. Internationally, it helps to negotiate development cooperation agreements and is represented on the ground by EU delegations around the world.

International development and aid

The European Commission is responsible for designing European development policy and delivering aid throughout the world as effectively as possible.

It also ensures that the EU is represented internationally in development policy matters and in negotiating agreements on international development issues. To this end, it works closely with or within international organisations such as the United Nations and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and in informal groupings such as the Group of Seven (G7) and the Group of Twenty (G20).

Find out more about how the Commission plans and prioritises development aid .


The European Union is represented by EU delegations and offices around the world. Delegations are diplomatic missions and are usually responsible for one country, although some are representatives to several countries. Through EU delegations and offices the European Commission maintains contact with local authorities and populations around the globe.

EU delegations

Other countries' missions to the EU

Countries from around the world are represented in the EU through diplomatic missions accredited to the European Union.

List of diplomatic missions to the EU  

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    Entitled 'EU grand strategy in a competitive system: European liberal democracy in a 7 multipolar world' the individual research project of ESR4 is in the fields of International Relations and European Studies. ESR4 will approach the concept of dissensus from an International Relations perspective. This IRP will shed new light on the global ...

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    The European Commission is responsible for designing European development policy and delivering aid throughout the world as effectively as possible. It also ensures that the EU is represented internationally in development policy matters and in negotiating agreements on international development issues. To this end, it works closely with or ...