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Unity refers to a writer's effort to make sure every bit of discourse -- every word , phrase , clause , sentence , and paragraph -- directly contribute to the main narrative or thesis . Mastery of unity is crucial for writers, as it enhances clarity and impact, significantly improving overall communication . This article defines unity , distinguishes it from coherence , and provides strategies you can use to create unified texts.

essay on what is unity

What is Unity (in Writing)?

Unity refers to

  • the state of being whole or undivided
  • the degree to which the elements of a text work together to deliver a consistent message, theme, idea, narrative, tone, voice, and purpose
  • No likely counterarguments have been overlooked. No unnecessary information or evidence has been provided

Related Concepts: Felt Sense ; Gestalt ; Organization; Thesis .

What’s the difference between unity and coherence ?

Unity refers to a writer’s effort to make sure every bit of discourse — every word , phrase , clause , sentence , and paragraph — directly contributes to the main narrative or thesis . For instance, in a detective story, each clue logically builds toward the final revelation. Thus, unity is closely tied to coherence –the act of organizing information in a logical, rhetorical manner. However, unity goes a step further. While coherence could mean a logically ordered set of ideas or events, unity is achieved when these coherent parts also directly feed into the larger narrative or thesis. For example, a coherent piece might detail a day’s events chronologically, but a unified piece ensures each event also reveals something crucial about the character’s personality. Achieving unity is vital for writers because it enhances clarity and reinforces the impact of their work, improving overall communication

How do teachers, editors, and critics use the concept of unity to critique texts?

Critiquing texts on the basis of unity is a valuable approach as it allows the evaluator to determine if all parts of the text work together to form a cohesive whole. A text that has unity is like a well-oiled machine with all its components working in unison to achieve a single goal.

Here are some ways unity can be used in critique:

  • Theme Consistency: A story should ideally have a unifying theme that resonates through its entirety. If different parts of a text seem to convey conflicting themes, or if a theme is introduced but then discarded, the text may lack unity.
  • Character Development: In fiction, characters should be consistently developed throughout a story. Characters that act against their established traits without proper justification can disrupt the unity of a story.
  • Tone and Style: The tone and style of a text should be consistent throughout, unless there is a deliberate reason for a change. Inconsistencies can disrupt the reader’s experience and sense of unity.
  • Structure and Flow: The sequence of thoughts and events in a text contributes to its unity. A well-structured text leads the reader smoothly from one idea or event to the next.
  • Argument Unity: In persuasive or expository writing, all parts of the argument should support the thesis. Irrelevant or contradictory points can weaken the unity and overall effectiveness of the text.

What is unity at the global level?

Unity at the global level refers to how well a writer maintains a consistent focus on the writer’s purpose, thesis, or research question. Global unity may also refer to a consistent voice, tone, or persona.

What is unity at the local level?

Unity at the local level refers to how well a writer keeps a consistent focus at the paragraph and sentence level.

Unity @ the Paragraph Level

Paragraphs need to stay focused on one topic. A good way to make sure you are staying focused is to have a solid topic sentence—a sentence that explains what the paragraph will discuss—and be sure to add only those details or examples that relate directly to that topic.

In the same paragraph below the topic sentence is “”The film industry releases more sequels than original movies these days.” Notice how this sentence explicitly tells the reader what the paragraph is about. Also notice how the subsequent two sentences expound on that topic sentence. Yet, then notice how the two sentences about Star Wars and science fiction prequels do not fit the main idea of the paragraph. Although they contain interesting information, these sentences disrupt the paragraph’s unity. The writer should move them to another point in a new paragraph (about prequels or maybe science fiction movies, depending on the focus of the paper) or even get rid of them entirely.

“The film industry releases more sequels than original movies these days. From the Marvel comic book adaptations to the seventh installment of the latest horror series, Hollywood seems determined to run a franchise into the ground rather than take a chance on something new. Instead of meeting new characters, moviegoers learned more about Captain America in The Winter Soldier , and they followed the ongoing story of Thor and Loki in Thor: The Dark World . Even the horror industry seems to be losing creativity—apparently the four Paranormal Activity movies need yet another sequel. Remember the hype around the Star Wars prequels a few years ago? Science fiction movies often have prequels that fans love to see. Moviegoers are ready for something new in theaters; hopefully, the producers in Hollywood will realize that the age of the sequel is coming to an end.”

Unity @ the Sentence Level

Readers expect writers to organize sentences in a logical order. There are three major ways to organize sentences: deductive order, inductive order, or coordinate order. Francis Christensen, in Notes Toward a New Rhetoric (NY: Harper & Row, 1967), has suggested that we number sentences according to their level of generality.

According to Christensen, we would assign a 1 to the most general sentence and then a 2 to the second most general sentence, and so on. Christensen considers the following paragraph, which he excerpted from Jacob Bronowski’s The Common Sense of Science , to be an example of a subordinate pattern because the sentences become increasingly more specific as the reader progresses through the paragraph:

  • Perhaps this is what gives them both their air of happiness and freedom in these activities.

Christensen is quick to point out that not all paragraphs have a subordinate structure. The following one, which he took from Bergen Evans’s Comfortable Words, is an example of what Christensen considers a coordinate sequence:

  • He [the native speaker] may, of course, speak a form of English that marks him as coming from a rural or an unread group.
  • But if he doesn’t mind being so marked, there’s no reason why he should change.
  • Samuel Johnson kept a Staffordshire burr in his speech all his life.
  • In Burns’ mouth the despised lowland Scots dialect served just as well as the “correct” English spoken by ten million of his southern contemporaries.
  • Lincoln’s vocabulary and his way of pronouncing certain words were sneered at by many better educated people at the time, but he seemed to be able to use the English language as effectively as his critics.

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Unity is the idea that all parts of the writing work to achieve the same goal: proving the thesis. Just as the content of a paragraph should focus on a topic sentence, the content of an essay must focus on the thesis.  The introduction paragraph introduces the thesis, the body paragraphs each have a proof point (topic sentence) with content that proves the thesis, and the concluding paragraph sums up the proof and restates the thesis. Extraneous information in any part of the essay that is not related to the thesis is distracting and takes away from the strength of proving the thesis.

An essay must have coherence. The sentences must flow smoothly and logically from one to the next as they support the purpose of each paragraph in proving the thesis.

Just as the last sentence in a paragraph must connect back to the topic sentence of the paragraph, the last paragraph of the essay should connect back to the thesis by reviewing the proof and restating the thesis.

Example of Essay with Problems of Unity and Coherence

Here is an example of a brief essay that includes a paragraph that does not support the thesis “Many people are changing their diets to be healthier.”

     People are concerned about pesticides, steroids, and antibiotics in the food they eat.  Many now shop for organic foods since they don’t have the pesticides used in conventionally grown food.  Meat from chicken and cows that are not given steroids or antibiotics are gaining popularity even though they are much more expensive. More and more, people are eliminating pesticides, steroids, and antibiotics from their diets.     Eating healthier also is beneficial to the environment since there are less pesticides poisoning the earth. Pesticides getting into the waterways is creating a problem with drinking water.  Historically, safe drinking water has been a problem. It is believed the Ancient Egyptians drank beer since the water was not safe to drink.  Brewing beer killed the harmful organisms and bacteria in the water from the Nile. There is a growing concern about eating genetically modified foods, and people are opting for non-GMO diets.  Some people say there are more allergic reactions and other health problems resulting from these foods.  Others are concerned because there are no long-term studies that clearly show no adverse health effects such as cancers or other illnesses. Avoiding GMO food is another way people are eating healthier food.

See how just one paragraph can take away from the effectiveness of the essay in showing how people are changing to healthier food since unity and coherence are affected. There is no longer unity among all the paragraphs. The thought pattern is disjointed and the essay loses its coherence.

Transitions and Logical Flow of Ideas

Transitions are words, groups of words, or sentences that connect one sentence to another or one paragraph to another.

They promote a logical flow from one idea to the next and overall unity and coherence.

While transitions are not needed in every sentence or at the end of every paragraph, they are missed when they are omitted since the flow of thoughts becomes disjointed or even confusing.

There are different types of transitions:

  • Time – before, after, during, in the meantime, nowadays
  • Space – over, around, under
  • Examples – for instance, one example is
  • Comparison – on the other hand, the opposing view
  • Consequence – as a result, subsequently

These are just a few examples.  The idea is to paint a clear, logical connection between sentences and between paragraphs.

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Essay on Unity | Unity Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Unity: Unity is the mutual feeling of bonding and attachment. It is the belief of oneness and belongingness. Unity inspires patriotic fervor and makes us better human beings. Unity can be seen in almost every aspect of life. Being united makes us stronger and increases our chances of emerging victorious in this struggle of life. The agreement holds us together as one whole nation. In this article, we have provided one long piece on unity and a short piece long with ten lines on the same topic.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Unity for Students and Kids in English

Given below is one long Essay on unity composed of about 500 words and one brief Short Essay comprising 100-150 words.

Long Essay on Unity 500 Words in English

Unity essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

From our very childhood, we are taught that unity makes us stronger and better persons. “United we stand, divided we fall” has been our motto, and we have always tried to follow it. Unity characterizes almost every aspect of teamwork. Starting from the grass root levels, unity is essential for every bit of community service we do. In a school, teachers often divide children into different groups and assign them some work to do. The very purpose of this is to teach children how to perform in a united and organized fashion.

Unity not only makes us more reliable but also increases our resistance by a great deal. In India, we have always tried to achieve economic, political, social, religious, racial, linguistic, and cultural unity. This is because of India’s massive territorial area and diverse nature. Integration in diversity that makes our country unique and different from the others.

To start with, unity does not mean every culture or religion has to be similar. It means, despite the existing differences, everyone will feel that they belong together. Integration is the most significant binding factor of a nation. At this point, we must understand that not every territorial, demarcated area is a Nation. Unity and integrity are the two factors that build a nation.

A nation is characterized by unity and solidarity. Thus, unity can make and break a country. The most courageous display of unity was seen in the struggle for independence of the Indians from the British. Every Indian, be it Hindu, Muslim, Jain, and everyone else, fought to rid India of the hated foreigners.

We have been trying to achieve the same unity and fervor post-independence. However, religious anarchy has become a significant obstruction to unity in India. Hindu and Muslim unity was a signature characteristic of India that began to fade after Partition. Several unforeseen and unfortunate incidents have further separated these two religions. In India, no extra favor is extended to any particular religion, according to the constitution. But, political leaders have always used religious propaganda to feed their interests.

In India, present-day unity is threatened by vote bank politics, which is wholly based on the policy of divide and rule. They provoke one religion against another and cause a breach of peace and unity. But, India has always faced the challenges of unity and has emerged victorious. Unity cannot be enforced on anyone. It is a feeling that comes from the depths of truth-unity fuels solidarity and oneness among individuals. Unity and integrity form the two fundamental pillars of a country and is essential for smooth functioning and administration.

Unity helps us to be more resistant to unknown factors and harmful situations. India, as a whole, is a united nation that can resist foreign attacks and other threats. Unity was the main factor that helped India to gain her independence. Unity is indispensable in every situation, among every person, if they want to achieve success in their lives.

Short Essay on Unity 150 Words in English

Unity essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Unity is essential to sustain a nation. A nation is built on the four main pillars of unity, equality, justice, and integrity. Unity is considerably related to balance. If we are not united with each other, we can never believe in the concept of equality.

Unity bases itself on the simple concept that we must respect and treat everyone equally irrespective of our differences. Social integration is crucial to maintain the identity of a society. We must understand how everyone contributes in some way or the other and respects that. Political discourse and selfish motives have always been a threat to our unity. But, we must remember our historical background and preserve the agreement which is so inherent in us and India.

10 Lines on Unity Essay in English

  • Not only is unity essential in the social spectrum but also every range in our lives.
  • Unity is fundamental to sustain a country as it teaches us to work together.
  • From our very childhood, we are taught to respect each other and work in a united fashion.
  • Unity teaches us to respect each other’s choices, discretions, and sentiments and still be together.
  • Unity is essential as it forms the central pillar of our country.
  • India is a vast country with varied cultural, religious, and linguistic divisions. Yet, we aspire to have unity in diversity because we are one nation.
  • Unity can only be achieved when we understand that our differences hold us together, and we all belong to the same nation.
  • Solidarity and unity go hand in hand, and we must understand that we will fall to pieces without agreement.
  • United, we are more durable and more immune to foreign attacks. The united front makes resistance worthier.
  • Unity is essential in every aspect of life, and we must do our best to preserve it.

FAQ’s on Unity Essay

Question 1. Does India have unity?

Answer: India’s unity has been under threat for a long time, but we have overcome the challenges and emerged victoriously.

Question 2. How is unity related to equality?

Answer: Unity has an intricate relationship with equality. Only when we believe that everyone is equal can we start bonding with them in a united way.

Question 3. Why is unity essential for a country?

Answer: Unity is vital to create a strong foundation for a country. Without an agreement, a country will be loose fragments with no feeling of oneness.

Question 4. What is solidarity?

Answer: Unity fuels solidarity, a feeling among a group to stay and work together as a team.

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Unity is Strength Essay for Students - 100, 200, 500 Words

  • Essay on Unity is Strength

"Unity is strength" means that when people work together as a team, they are stronger and more potent than when they work alone. The phrase emphasises the importance of cooperation, solidarity, and teamwork in achieving a common goal. Together, people can accomplish more and overcome obstacles that are challenging for a single individual.

100 Words Essay On Unity Is Strength

200 words essay on unity is strength, 500 words essay on unity is strength.

Unity is strength is a powerful phrase that holds a lot of meaning. It means that when individuals come together and work as a team, they are stronger and more powerful than when they work alone. This phrase emphasises the importance of cooperation, solidarity and teamwork in achieving a common goal.

Unity is strength is a fundamental principle that is applicable to many walks of life, such as personal relationships, business, and community. A united family is more robust than a family that is divided, a united community is stronger than a community that is divided, and a united nation is stronger than a nation that is divided.

Unity is strength refers to the idea that when people come together, they are stronger than when they are alone. This concept is often used to encourage people to work together towards a common goal.

What Happens When There Is Unity?

When individuals come together, they can pool their resources and talents to achieve things that would be impossible for them to accomplish alone. This is particularly applicable in the case of large-scale projects, such as building a house or launching a business. When people work together, they can divide the work and share the burden, making it easier for everyone involved.

Another advantage of unity is that it provides a sense of security and support. When people feel like they are part of a team, they are more likely to feel confident and motivated. They know that they have others to rely on, and they feel like they are not alone in their struggles. It becomes even more crucial during times of crisis, such as natural disasters and economic recessions.

When people come together and work towards a common goal, they can achieve great things and create a stronger, more united community. By fostering unity and cooperation, we can build a better future for ourselves and for future generations.

The phrase "unity is strength" is a simple yet powerful message that holds true in many aspects of life. In today's world, where society is becoming increasingly diverse and globalised, unity is more important than ever. With unity, we can overcome the challenges that we face as a society and work towards creating a better future for all.

What is Unity?

Unity refers to the state of being united or joined together. It is the act of coming together as a group or community to achieve a shared purpose or goal. Unity can manifest in various forms, such as in a team, a family, a community, or a country. The strength of unity lies in the ability to combine individual strengths and resources to achieve a common objective.

Examples of Unity in Action

One example of unity in action is a sports team. When a team works together, each player brings their unique skills and talents to the table. Together, they can achieve things that would be impossible for them to do alone. The team's unity and cooperation can lead to better performance on the field and greater success in the game.

Another example is a community coming together to rebuild after a natural disaster. When individuals come together and work as a team, they can divide the work and share the burden, making it easier for everyone involved. Unity, in this case, allows the community to recover faster and stronger.

Benefits of Unity for Society

Unity has many benefits for society as a whole.

One of the most significant benefits is that it allows individuals to pool their resources and talents to achieve things that would be impossible for them to accomplish alone. In the case of large-scale projects, such as building a house or opening a business, this is especially true.

When people work together, they can divide the work and share the burden, making it easier for everyone involved.

Unity provides a sense of security and support. When people feel like they are part of a team, they are more likely to feel confident and motivated. They know that they have others to rely on, and they feel like they are not alone in their struggles.

Unity also promotes cooperation and understanding among different groups of people. They learn to respect and appreciate the contributions of others, and they become more open-minded and tolerant. This can lead to a more harmonious and peaceful society.

Challenges of Achieving Unity

While unity is a powerful force, it can be challenging to achieve.

One of the main challenges is overcoming differences and finding common ground. People come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives, which can make it challenging to agree on a course of action.

Another challenge is dealing with selfishness and ego. When people are only focused on their own interests, it can be challenging to get them to cooperate and work together.

Lastly, unity can be challenging to maintain. It requires ongoing effort and commitment from all parties involved. Without constant reinforcement, unity can easily fall apart.

By fostering unity and cooperation, we can build a better future for ourselves and for future generations.

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Essay on Power of Unity

Students are often asked to write an essay on Power of Unity in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Power of Unity

The essence of unity.

Unity is a powerful force that binds individuals together. It allows us to overcome challenges and achieve common goals.

Unity in Diversity

Our world is diverse. Yet, when we unite, we celebrate this diversity and become stronger. Our differences become our strength.

Unity and Progress

Unity fosters progress. When we work together, we can accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently.

In conclusion, the power of unity is immense. It brings progress, celebrates diversity, and helps us overcome challenges. Always remember, “United we stand, divided we fall.”

250 Words Essay on Power of Unity

The concept of unity.

Unity is a potent force that can accomplish remarkable feats. It’s a concept that transcends individual capabilities, converging diverse strengths into a powerful collective. This principle is reflected in the adage, “United we stand, divided we fall,” underscoring the idea that unity often leads to success, while disunity can lead to downfall.

Unity in Diverse Fields

The power of unity is evident in various fields. In science, the collective behavior of particles results in phenomena like superconductivity. In sociology, cohesive societies tend to prosper, while divided ones often struggle. In politics, unity forms the bedrock of successful democracies, where diverse viewpoints coalesce to form robust policies.

The Power of Unity

Unity’s power lies in its ability to foster collaboration and mutual support. It helps individuals overcome personal limitations, enabling them to contribute to a collective goal. This shared purpose can lead to the creation of innovative solutions and the achievement of seemingly insurmountable tasks.

Unity in the Face of Challenges

In challenging times, unity becomes even more critical. It helps societies withstand crises, whether they are natural disasters, economic downturns, or social unrest. A united front can provide resilience, ensuring survival and recovery.

In conclusion, unity’s power is transformative, turning individual efforts into collective achievements. It’s a force that can overcome adversity, foster innovation, and ensure societal progress. Thus, embracing unity is a step towards building a more collaborative, resilient, and prosperous world.

500 Words Essay on Power of Unity

Introduction, the power of unity in society.

Unity in society is akin to the roots of a tree, invisible yet holding the entire structure upright. It is the unspoken agreement among people to stand up for each other, to share resources, and to work towards mutual prosperity. The power of unity is evident in the way communities come together during natural disasters, economic crises, or social unrest. It is the collective strength of individuals that helps societies withstand adversities and rebuild.

Unity in Diverse Cultures

The world is a mosaic of diverse cultures, languages, and beliefs. Yet, beneath this diversity lies an inherent unity that binds humanity together. This unity in diversity is a testament to the power of unity. It is a reminder that despite our differences, we are fundamentally the same, sharing the same planet and the same human condition. The power of unity is what enables diverse societies to coexist peacefully, promoting cultural exchange and mutual respect.

Unity in the Digital Age

Unity and personal growth.

On a personal level, unity plays a crucial role in fostering growth and development. When individuals unite, they share knowledge, experiences, and skills. This collective learning environment accelerates personal growth and broadens perspectives. Unity also cultivates empathy and understanding, essential traits for personal development.

In conclusion, the power of unity is an extraordinary force that can overcome formidable challenges and drive progress. It is a testament to the strength of collective action and the potential of shared objectives. Whether it is in societies, diverse cultures, the digital age, or personal growth, the power of unity is a constant, reaffirming the age-old adage, “United we stand, divided we fall.” As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, let us harness the power of unity to build a more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous world.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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11 Unity & Coherence

Preserving unity.

Academic essays need unity, which means that all of the ideas in an essay need to relate to the thesis, and all of the ideas in a paragraph need to relate to the paragraph’s topic. It can be easy to get “off track” and start writing about an idea that is somewhat related to your main idea, but does not directly connect to your main point.

Train Tracks

All of the sentences in a paragraph should stay “on track;” that is, they should connect to the topic. One way to preserve unity in a paragraph is to start with a topic sentence that shows the main idea of the paragraph. Then, make sure each sentence in the paragraph relates to that main idea.

If you find a sentence that goes off track, perhaps you need to start a separate paragraph to write more about that different idea. Each paragraph should generally have only one main idea.

As you pre-write and draft an essay, try to pause occasionally. Go back to the assignment prompt and re-read it to make sure you are staying on topic. Use the prompt to guide your essay; make sure you are addressing all of the questions. Do not just re-state the words in the prompt. Instead, respond to the questions with your own ideas, in your own words, and make sure everything connects to the prompt and your thesis.

Activity A ~ Finding Breaks in Unity

Consider the following paragraphs. Is there a topic sentence? If so, do all of the other sentences relate to the topic sentence? Can you find any sentences that don’t relate?

     The planned community of Columbia, Maryland, was designed as a city open to all, regardless of race, level of income, or religion. When Columbia began in 1967, many cities in the U.S. did not allow people of certain races to rent or buy homes. Its developer, James W. Rouse, wanted to build a new city that had fair and open housing options for everyone. HCC has a building named for James W. Rouse. Today, the city’s nearly 100,000 remain diverse, as shown by recent census data. *****
    College can be expensive and difficult. Critical thinking is a very important skill for college students to develop so that they can be successful in their careers. Employers look for graduates who can understand information, analyze data, and solve problems. They also want employees who can think creatively and communicate their ideas clearly. College students need to practice these skills in all of their classes so that they can demonstrate their abilities to potential employers. ***** Bananas are one of Americans’ favorite types of fruit. The Cavendish variety, grown in Central and South America, is the most commonly sold here in the U.S. Recent problems with a fungus called Panama disease (or TR4), however, have led to a shortage of Cavendish bananas. Similar problems occurred a few years ago in parts of Asia and the Middle East. Because the fungus kills the crop and contaminates the soil, scientists are concerned that the popular Cavendish banana could be completely eradicated. Bananas contain many nutrients, including potassium and Vitamin B6. *****

Whether you choose to include a topic sentence or not, all of the sentences in your paragraph need to relate to the one main idea of the paragraph.

Another way to think about unity in a paragraph is to imagine your family tree. Draw a quick sketch of your family tree in your notebook. If you were writing an essay about your family, you might write a paragraph about close family members first. Next, you might branch out into another paragraph to write about more distant relatives. You might even include a paragraph about very close family friends, or pets. Each paragraph would have just one main idea (immediate family, more distant relatives, close family friends), and every sentence in each paragraph would relate to that main idea.

Activity B ~ Preserving Unity in Your Own Writing

Examine a composition that you have written for this class. Do all of your paragraphs have unity? Can you find any sentences that don’t relate to the topic of each paragraph? Exchange papers with a partner to peer review.

Ensuring Coherence

There are several ways to create connections between ideas in your essay. Here are some suggestions:

1. Repeat key words and phrases. This can be a powerful way to make a point. Consider this excerpt from Rev. Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in which he uses parallel structure :

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

2. Use synonyms , as in this example, where King uses both repetition (“Let freedom ring”) and synonyms (for “mountains”):

And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that: Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

3. Use pronouns to refer to antecedents , as King does here; this can be more elegant than just repeating the key words and phrases:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

4. Use demonstratives ( this, that, these, those ) as adjectives or pronouns, as King does here:

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”…. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.  

Questions to Ponder

Pause for a moment here to think about the examples above. Think about audience, purpose, and context of an academic essay. Would you use the techniques for coherence in the same way that Dr. King did in his speech, or would you use the techniques in a different way? Discuss with a small group.

5. Use transitions. Transition words and phrases will help you to make sure your essay has coherence. Also called signal words/phrases or signposts, these help to guide your readers.

Transitions connect your related ideas; they can also show your reader that you are starting a new topic, giving an example, adding information, explaining causes and effects, and so on. Using the correct transition word or phrase in a sentence can make your writing much clearer. Try the activity below to think of possible transitions.

Activity C ~ Transition Words & Phrases

With your partner, brainstorm a list of transition words and phrases for each of the categories below.





Can you think of other transition words and phrases? What other categories do they belong to?

After you have completed these activities with your partner, consult  Transition Words & Phrases ~ Useful Lists for more on compare/contrast, addition, cause/effect, and other transitions to try.

Activity D ~ Ensuring Coherence in Your Own Writing

Examine a composition that you have written for this class for coherence. Find and mark examples of places where you used repetition, synonyms, pronouns or demonstratives to build connections between ideas.

Underline your transition words and phrases. Did you use the strongest signal words? Can you find examples where you need to add a transition? Or, did you use too many transitions? Exchange papers with a partner to peer review.

Consult our chapter on Transitions for more inspiration on achieving coherence and cohesion in your writing. Challenge yourself to use some new transitions in your next composition.

Is this chapter:

…about right, but you would like more examples? –> Read “ Cohesion and Coherence ” from George Mason University’s Writing Center.

…too easy, or you would like more examples? –> Read “ ESL: Coherence and Cohesion ” from the Writing & Communication Center at the University of Washington/Bothell

Note: links open in new tabs.

King, Martin Luther, Jr. “I Have a Dream.” March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. 28 August 1963. Washington, D.C. Speech.

to start to do something different

short piece or sample, for example a direct quote in writing or a few measures of a musical composition

to think about

ENGLISH 087: Academic Advanced Writing Copyright © 2020 by Nancy Hutchison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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essay on what is unity

What is Unity?

essay on what is unity


it contains relate to its central idea, also known as its main idea. As you learned earlier, you should express the of a in a .


for after you have written your first draft. Then, each time you revise a paragraph, ask yourself whether all the facts, ideas, and opinions it contains relate directly to both the subject and the main point in the paragraph's central idea.

The following paragraph is unified because all of the information it contains relates directly to the topic sentence (central idea), which is highlighted:

(1)"Run-on," a common way to waste energy and water in America, is the habit of leaving machines and appliances running when they don't have to be. (2) Many people in this country routinely forget to turn off lights, televisions, and radios when they leave a room. (3) Some take half-hour showers day after day, when they know that a five-minute scrubbing will get them just as clean. (4) And too many of us leave the car running as we wait outside a store for a friend to finish shopping. (Michael Pulsinelle)


Here's how unity works in the paragraph entitled "Run-On":

  • The idea of wasting energy from sentence 1 appears in sentence 2 when the writer mentions that people forget "to turn off lights, televisions, and radios."
  • Sentence 4 also makes reference to wasting energy. There the writer says "too many of us leave the car running as we wait outside a store."
  • Wasting water pops up in sentence 3, where we learn about people who "take half- hour showers."
  • The idea that run-on is a habit (sentence 1) is developed by "routinely" (sentence 2), "day after day" (sentence 3), and "too many of us" (sentence 4).

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There are two ways you can correct problems with unity:

  • By removing irrelevant information, which that has nothing to do with your central idea.
  • By broadening your central idea. Think of a topic sentence or thesis statement as an umbrella. The bigger the umbrella, the more you can get under it.


The paragraph below lacks unity. As you read it, look for irrelevant information--—information that does not relate to the topic sentence (central idea), which is highlighted:

(1) International students at our college are having problems adjusting to the United States. (2) They can't find part-time jobs to support themselves while they attend college because their visas do not permit them to work. (3) Finding part-time jobs isn't a problem for American students. (4) Many international students have left families behind and have no emotional support system to rely on. (5) All find English composition a challenging course. (6) None likes the food in the college cafeteria. (7) Native-born students feel the same way about the cafeteria.

In the paragraph you just read, sentences 2, 4, 5, and 6 are about international students, as called for in the topic sentence. But sentences 3 and 7 are about American students. To unify the paragraph, you can remove sentences 3 and 7:

(1) International students at our college are having problems adjusting to the United States. (2) They can't find part-time jobs to support themselves while they attend college because their visas do not permit them to work. (4) Many have left their families behind and have no emotional support system to rely on. (5) All find English composition a challenging course. (6) None likes the food in the college cafeteria.


Another way to correct problems of unity is to broaden your central idea. This approach works well if you have included information that suits your purpose but does not relate to the topic sentence. Let's take another look at the paragraph about international students:

The paragraph you just read lacks unity because it contains information about American students, but its topic sentence mentions only international students. So, to correct the problem, you can rewrite the topic sentence to include American students as well:

(1) Many problems facing international students at our college are different from those of American students, but many are the same. (2) For example, international students can't take part-time jobs to support themselves while they attend college because their visas do not permit them to work. (3) On the other hand, finding part-time jobs isn't a problem for American students. (4) In addition, many foreign students have left their families behind and, unlike native-born classmates, have no emotional support system to rely on. (5) However, both groups find English composition a challenging course. (6) And neither likes the food in the college cafeteria.

The purpose of this version is different from that of the earlier one. It discusses problems of both groups, not just of international students.

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Paragraph Unity, Coherence, and Development

In each paragraph of an essay, one particular idea or topic is developed and explained. In order to successfully do so, however, it is essential that the paragraph be written in a unified and coherent manner. 

A unified paragraph must follow the idea mentioned in the topic sentence and must not deviate from it. For a further explanation on topic sentences, see the Write Right on Topic Sentences .

A coherent paragraph has sentences that all logically follow each other; they are not isolated thoughts. Coherence can be achieved in several ways. First, using transitions helps connect ideas from one sentence to the next. For more on transitions, see the Write Right on Transitions . Second, ordering thoughts in numerical sequence helps to direct the reader from one point to the next. Third, structuring each paragraph according to one of the following patterns helps to organize sentences: general to particular; particular to general; whole to parts; question to answer; or effect to cause. 

Remember that a paragraph should have enough sentences so that the main idea of the topic sentence is completely developed. Generalizations should be supported with examples or illustrations. Also, details and descriptions help the reader to understand what you mean. Don't ever assume that the reader can read your mind: be specific enough to develop your ideas thoroughly, but avoid repetition

An effective paragraph might look like this:

It is commonly recognized that dogs have an extreme antagonism toward cats. This enmity between these two species can be traced back to the time of the early Egyptian dynasties. Archaeologists in recent years have discovered Egyptian texts in which there are detailed accounts of canines brutally mauling felines. Today this type of cruelty between these two domestic pets can be witnessed in regions as close as your own neighborhood. For example, when dogs are walked by their masters (and they happen to catch sight of a stray cat), they will pull with all their strength on their leash until the master is forced to yield; the typical result is that a feline is chased up a tree. The hatred between dogs and cats has lasted for many centuries, so it is unlikely that this conflict will ever end.

This paragraph is effective for the following reasons:

  • The paragraph shows unity. All the sentences effectively relate back to the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. 
  • The paragraph shows coherence. There is a flow of thoughts and ideas among the sentences in this paragraph. There are good transitions employed in the paragraph. The writer also presents her sub-topics in an orderly fashion that the reader can follow easily.
  • The paragraph is developed. The writer gives herself enough space to develop the topic. She gives us at least two reasons to accept her argument and incorporates some examples in order to give those reasons more validity.

Reference: Strunk, Wiliam Jr., and E. B. White. The Elements of Style . 4th ed., Allyn and Bacon, 2000.

Copyright © 2009 Wheaton College Writing Center

Paragraph Unity: Guidelines, Examples, and Exercises

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  • Writing Essays
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  • English Grammar
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

“Consider the postage stamp," advised humorist Josh Billings. "Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there.”

The same might be said about an effective paragraph. Unity is the quality of sticking to one idea from start to finish when writing.

In a unified paragraph , a​  topic sentence contains the main idea and all supporting sentences serve to illustrate, clarify, and/or explain the main idea. The central purpose of a unified piece of writing is communicated effectively.

Why Paragraph Unity Is Important

The best way to demonstrate the importance of unity is to show how the intrusion of irrelevant information can disrupt our understanding of a paragraph. The original version of the following passage, taken from The Names: A Memoir by N. Scott Momaday, vividly illustrates how people in the Pueblo of Jemez in New Mexico prepare for the Feast of San Diego.

The unity of Momaday's paragraph has been upset by the addition of one sentence that's not directly connected to his main idea. See if you can spot that sentence.

The activity in the pueblo reached a peak on the day before the Feast of San Diego, November twelfth. It was on that day, an especially brilliant day in which the winter held off and the sun shone like a flare, that Jemez became one of the fabulous cities of the world. In the preceding days the women had plastered the houses, many of them, and they were clean and beautiful like bone in the high light; the strings of chilies at the vigas had darkened a little and taken on a deeper, softer sheen; ears of colored corn were strung at the doors, and fresh cedar boughs were laid about, setting a whole, wild fragrance on the air. The women were baking bread in the outdoor ovens. Here and there men and women were at the woodpiles, chopping, taking up loads of firewood for their kitchens, for the coming feast. Year-round, the artisans of Jemez, known internationally for their crafts, would create beautiful basketry, embroidery, woven cloths, exquisite stone sculpture, moccasins, and jewelry. Even the children were at work: the little boys looked after the stock, and the little girls carried babies about. There were gleaming antlers on the rooftops, and smoke arose from all the chimneys, (Momaday 1976).

The third-to-last sentence ("Year-round, the artisans of Jemez ... ") is the distracting addition to Momaday's passage. The added sentence upsets the unity of the paragraph by offering information that isn't directly relevant to the main idea (as stated in the first sentence) or to any of the other sentences in the paragraph. Whereas Momaday focuses specifically on activities taking place the day before the Feast of San Diego," the intrusive sentence refers to work performed year-round."

By moving irrelevant information to a new paragraph—or by omitting off-topic information altogether—one can improve paragraph unity.

Practice Exercise in Paragraph Unity

The following paragraph, also adapted from The Names: A Memoir , describes the end of the busy day before the Feast of San Diego. Again, a sentence has been added that's not directly connected to the author's main idea. See if you can identify the sentence that upsets the unity of the paragraph, then check your answer.

Later in the dusky streets I walked among the Navajo camps, past the doorways of the town, from which came the good smells of cooking, the festive sounds of music, laughter, and talk. The campfires rippled in the crisp wind that arose with evening and set a soft yellow glow on the ground, low on the adobe walls. A natural building material used for several thousand years, adobe is composed of sand and straw, which is shaped into bricks on wooden frames and dried in the sun. Mutton sizzled and smoked above the fires; fat dripped into the flames; there were great black pots of strong coffee and buckets full of fried bread; dogs crouched on the rim of the light, the many circles of light; and old men sat hunched in their blankets on the ground, in the cold shadows, smoking. ... Long into the night the fires cast a glare over the town, and I could hear the singing, until it seemed that one by one the voices fell away, and one remained, and then there was none. On the very edge of sleep I heard coyotes in the hills, (Momaday 1976).

The third sentence in the paragraph ("A natural building material used for several thousand years, adobe...) is the odd one out. The information about adobe bricks is not directly relevant to the night scene described in the rest of the passage. To restore the unity of Momaday's paragraph, delete this sentence.

Momaday, N. Scott. The Names: A Memoir . HarperCollins, 1976.

  • How to Find the Main Idea
  • Cohesion Strategies: A List of Transitional Words and Phrases
  • How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph
  • The Great Pueblo Revolt - Resistance Against Spanish Colonialism
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  • Unity is Strength Essay


Essay on Unity is Strength

Unity is strength means staying united in all situations. It has a great value in all walks of life. When we are united then we can surmount any challenges and accomplish any goal. The development of our society and country depends on this spirit. In fact civilization came into existence because of the unity among people. In order to lead a peaceful and fulfilling life, it is very important for people to stay united. Unfortunately, this word unity has become confined to motivational and inspirational talks.

India was not an independent country till 1947. British had come to India as traders but ruled for 200 years. It was just because of a lack of mutual unity among the people of the country. When the Indians realized that their freedom from the British was a must then they united and fought against the British. Their unity brought independence to India. This example proves that when we work unified then we can bring success.

India is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multilingual and multi-ethnic society. It is a land of diversity. People of different religions, customs, cultures and traditions live here. They have their different festivals, fashion and lifestyles. Despite all this variedness, India remains a one-nation. It seems as if the whole country is bound with an invisible common thread. This distinct feature that emerges from this diversity is that in spite of this variedness, they are united.

Unity Helps to Grow: No one can grow alone. We need support from others. If we want to grow in business, we need team members. If we need to grow our family, we need a partner. If we have to achieve big success in our society, we need to work together towards that success. 

Unity Gives Courage: Unity gives us the courage, hope and strength. Whenever we see injustice in our society, we feel like raising our voice but most of the time we take a step back because we are scared to fight alone. When we get support from others then we can get the courage to fight together for injustice. When we are united, we can bring the change. So unity not only gives hope, courage and hope but also brings a change.

Unity Gives Motivation: When we work as a team, we get motivated by each other and encouraged to work harder. With motivation and hard work, we can accomplish any goal. 

Unity Inspires: We cannot get inspiration in isolation but when we are together, we get inspired by each other in personal and professional matters.

Unity Creates Wonders: In today’s world when people are suffering from depression and loneliness, then the neighborhood can be a boon for them by supporting and bringing joy and happiness in their lives. 

In spite of this, there are certain anti-elements and external forces that are continuously disturbing the unity among the people by inciting communal and sentiments. There has been increasing intolerance, disharmony and lawlessness in our society and country. Similarly, various nations across the globe are fighting amongst themselves to prove superiority. Today almost every nation has nuclear weapons, terrorist organizations are formed to bring destruction, and corrupt people try to manipulate the innocent. If the entire mankind realizes that these anti elements won’t do good to anyone then together we can create a beautiful world on this planet.

There is no doubt about the fact that the strength lies in unity. There are many stories, real incidents and experiences to prove this. It is our responsibility to maintain this unique feature.

We should think beyond petty interests and work united for much broader goals of bringing prosperity and progress in our society and country.


FAQs on Unity is Strength Essay

1. What do you mean by unity is strength?

Unity is strength means when we are together then we become stronger.

2. Why is unity important?

Unit is important because unity brings freedom, peace, success, courage, strength and hope.

3. How can unity bring a change in our society?

When we are together and support each other then we can fight against the evils and injustice of our society.

4. What is the symbol of unity?

The symbol of unity is the Gordian knot. It represents oneness and an unbreakable union.


Essay on Unity is Strength 1000+ Words

“Unity is strength” is a timeless saying that reminds us of the incredible power that lies in working together. It teaches us that when people come together for a common purpose, they become stronger, more capable, and better equipped to face challenges. In this essay, we will explore the importance of unity, its role in achieving success, and how it fosters harmony in our communities.

A Historical Perspective

Throughout history, examples of unity’s strength abound. Societies that unite to build civilizations, countries that come together to fight for freedom, and movements that demand justice all illustrate the power of togetherness. Unity has shaped the course of humanity.

Unity in Nature

Even in nature, we find examples of how unity leads to strength. Ant colonies, for instance, thrive because each ant has a specific role and they work together as a team. Similarly, a flock of birds flying in formation can travel great distances with less effort because they share the load.

Unity in Sports

In sports, teams understand the importance of unity. Athletes train together, strategize together, and support one another during competitions. A united team can achieve remarkable victories, as they combine their individual strengths to achieve a common goal.

Unity in Families

Families are the foundational unit of society, and unity within families is essential. When family members support each other, communicate effectively, and work together, they create a harmonious and loving environment that fosters personal growth and happiness.

Unity in Communities

Communities are made stronger when residents unite for the common good. Neighborhood watch programs, community gardens, and volunteer initiatives are all examples of how people coming together can improve the quality of life for everyone.

Unity in Diversity

Unity doesn’t mean that everyone has to be the same. In fact, unity can be even more potent when it embraces diversity. When people of different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives come together, they bring a wealth of ideas and experiences that can lead to innovative solutions and creativity.

Unity in Education

In the classroom, students benefit from a sense of unity. Collaborative learning environments, where students work together on projects and help each other succeed, enhance academic achievement and personal development.

Unity in Problem Solving

When faced with complex problems, groups of individuals with diverse skills can tackle challenges more effectively. Each person’s unique strengths contribute to finding solutions that may be beyond the capabilities of any one person.

Unity in Achieving Goals

Unity is essential to achieving large-scale goals, whether in business, politics, or social causes. Movements like the civil rights movement or the fight against climate change have made significant progress because individuals united for a common purpose.

Conclusion of Essay on Unity is Strength

In conclusion, “Unity is strength” is a principle that has withstood the test of time and remains as relevant today as it ever was. It teaches us that when we come together, we become a force to be reckoned with, capable of achieving remarkable feats and overcoming formidable challenges. Unity fosters harmony, progress, and success in every aspect of life, from families and communities to nations and the world at large. So, let us embrace the power of unity, recognizing that when we work together, we are not only stronger but also better positioned to create a brighter and more harmonious future for all.

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What is unity in writing?

Sometimes an instructor or proofreader will tell a student to check for unity in a piece of writing.  Unity means that each paragraph has only one main idea (expressed in the topic sentences) and that all other sentences and details in that paragraph revolve around that main idea.  If a sentence or detail does not adhere closely to the central idea expressed in the topic sentence, it does not belong in that paragraph.  If a new main idea comes up, a new paragraph is needed.

TIP:  Remember that while a story or example maybe be interesting to you, it should not be included if it does not support the thesis statement or if it does not clearly illustrate the main point.

TIP:  Use topic sentences.  If you find that you're writing about a second main idea, determine the best place to start a new paragraph, and begin that new paragraph with a topic sentence.

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Unity Is Strength

Exploring The Phrase “Unity Is Strength”: The Power Of Unity

Unity Is Strength Paragraph: Unity is defined as the state of being together or joined as a whole. It is a critical aspect of human life that allows us to achieve common goals and build strong communities. The phrase “Unity Is Strength” emphasizes the power of togetherness and the importance of working together to overcome challenges. In this article, we will explore the historical significance of unity, the benefits of unity, challenges to unity, and ways to promote unity.

Unity Is Strength

In this blog Unity Is Strength, we include Unity Is Strength, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also, cover the Unity Is Strength belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students.

You can read more Essay writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Unity Is Strength is also available in different languages. In Unity Is Strength, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Historical Examples Of Unity

Throughout history, we have seen the power of unity in achieving great things. In the United States, the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was a significant example of unity in action. African Americans, along with their allies, came together to fight against segregation, discrimination, and racial injustice.

  • The movement was marked by peaceful protests, sit-ins, and civil disobedience, and it led to the passage of significant civil rights legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Similarly, in India, the Independence Movement of the 1940s was a demonstration of the power of unity. People from all walks of life, including Mahatma Gandhi, came together to fight against British rule.
  • They used nonviolent methods, such as peaceful protests and civil disobedience, to achieve their goal of independence. The movement led to India’s independence in 1947.
  • In South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC) played a significant role in ending apartheid. The ANC was formed in 1912 to represent the interests of black South Africans, who were subjected to racial discrimination and segregation under apartheid.
  • The ANC used a variety of tactics, including boycotts, strikes, and armed resistance, to fight against apartheid. In 1994, the ANC was successful in ending apartheid, and Nelson Mandela became the country’s first democratically elected president.

Benefits Of Unity

The benefits of unity are numerous. When people come together, they can achieve common goals that they may not be able to achieve on their own. They can also build strong communities based on shared values and interests. Furthermore, unity promotes diversity and inclusion, as people from different backgrounds come together to work towards a common goal.

One notable example of the benefits of unity is the creation of labor unions. Labor unions are formed when workers come together to negotiate with employers for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. By joining forces, workers have more bargaining power than they would individually, and they can achieve better outcomes for themselves and their families.

Challenges To Unity

Despite the benefits of unity, there are also challenges to achieving it. Political polarization and division can create barriers to unity. When people hold opposing views on political issues, it can be challenging to find common ground and work together towards a shared goal.

Challenges To Unity

Social and economic inequality can also create challenges to unity, as people may not feel like they have the same opportunities or share the same experiences as others. Prejudice and discrimination can also be significant barriers to unity, as they can create divisions based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

Ways To Promote Unity

There are various ways that individuals and communities can promote unity. Encouraging open communication and dialogue is an essential first step in building understanding and empathy. When people are willing to listen to each other’s perspectives and experiences, they can find common ground and work together towards a shared goal.

  • Fostering empathy and understanding is also critical in promoting unity. When people can see things from each other’s perspectives, they are more likely to work towards a common goal.
  • Creating opportunities for collaboration and cooperation is another way to promote unity. By working together on projects and initiatives, people can build strong relationships and find common ground. This can lead
  • The concept of unity is an age-old one and has been preached and followed by many great leaders throughout history. The idea behind this is that people can achieve much more by working together rather than individually.
  • When a group of individuals comes together for a common cause, their strength multiplies, and they can accomplish things that would have been impossible if they had acted alone. Unity has been the key to success for many societies, nations, and even organizations.
  • One of the most significant benefits of unity is that it brings people together. When people come together, they can work towards a common goal and achieve much more than they could have on their own.

For example, during the Indian Independence movement, people of different castes, religions, and regions came together to fight against British rule. This unity resulted in India gaining independence in 1947.

  • Unity also helps in building a strong community. When people work together, they develop trust and respect for one another. They learn to value each other’s contributions and recognize that everyone has something unique to offer. This kind of community is more likely to work towards common goals, build better relationships, and be more resilient in times of crisis.
  • Another essential benefit of unity is that it promotes peace and harmony. When people work together, they are more likely to resolve conflicts and differences peacefully. They understand that everyone has their own opinions and perspectives, and they learn to respect and tolerate them. This can help prevent conflicts from escalating into violence and promote a peaceful society.
  • Unity also creates a sense of belonging and identity. When people work together towards a common goal, they feel like they are part of something larger than themselves. This feeling of belonging and identity is essential for building a strong community and a strong nation.

In conclusion, unity is strength, and it is an essential concept that has been embraced by societies, nations, and organizations throughout history. Unity brings people together, promotes peace and harmony, builds strong communities, and creates a sense of belonging and identity.

It is important for individuals to recognize the benefits of unity and work towards fostering it in their personal and professional lives. When people come together, they can achieve great things and make a positive impact on the world.

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FAQ’s On Unity Is Strength

Question 1. What is the strength in unity?

Answer: Strength in unity refers to the concept that a group of individuals who work together with a common goal can achieve greater success than an individual working alone. When people come together with a shared purpose and work in unison, they become more powerful and can overcome challenges.

Unity creates a sense of belonging and helps to build stronger relationships, which can lead to greater accomplishments. Overall, the strength in unity emphasizes the importance of collaboration, cooperation, and mutual support.

Question 2. What is unity strength in writing?

Answer: “Unity is Strength” is a common phrase used in writing to emphasize the importance of coherence and consistency in a piece of writing. The idea is that when all the elements of a writing piece work together towards a common goal, the overall impact and effectiveness of the writing is amplified.

Just like in life, where individuals working together can achieve more than they would alone, a piece of writing that is unified in its approach can have a stronger impact on the reader. In writing, this means ensuring that all ideas, arguments, and details are logically and consistently connected to each other.

Question 3. What is unity paragraph in English?

Answer: A unity paragraph is a paragraph in which all sentences are related to a central idea or topic. Each sentence should be relevant to the main point and support it in some way. This type of paragraph should have a clear and concise thesis statement, which is the main idea that the writer wants to convey. A unity paragraph provides cohesion and clarity to the writing, making it easy for the reader to understand the writer’s purpose.

Question 4. What is an example of unity is strength?

Answer: An example of unity is strength is a group of workers who come together to demand better working conditions from their employer. By standing together and presenting a united front, they have a stronger chance of achieving their goals than if they had each tried to negotiate on their own. This demonstrates the power of unity in achieving common objectives and making positive changes.

Question 5. Why is unity important?

Answer: Unity is important as it promotes cooperation and understanding among individuals or groups. It fosters a sense of belonging and helps to achieve common goals. Unity can lead to the creation of a stronger community or society, allowing for progress and development in various aspects of life. On the other hand, lack of unity can lead to conflict, chaos and hinder the growth and success of a group or society.

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50 Examples of Unity (with Real Life Case Studies)

50 Examples of Unity (with Real Life Case Studies)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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unity examples and definition, explained below

Unity refers to the coming together of multiple elements to make a cohesive group . It represents the unification of different elements towards a common goal or purpose .

In society, we tend to think of it as the coming together of people behind a common purpose or shared belief.

Below, I’ll present a list of 50 everyday scenarios that can demonstrate the unity of mankind. Then, I’ll present ten real-life case studies where entire groups of people – even the whole world – have come together to demonstrate their united commitment to a range of ideals, from human liberties to world peace.

Examples of Unity (Complete List)

  • A choir singing in harmony.
  • The United Nations.
  • A family reunion.
  • The Olympic Games.
  • A community garden project.
  • A school assembly.
  • A team working on a project.
  • A candlelight vigil.
  • A group meditation session.
  • A marriage ceremony.
  • A neighborhood cleanup.
  • A mosaic made of diverse pieces.
  • A potluck dinner.
  • A peace treaty signing.
  • A multi-faith prayer gathering.
  • A joint space mission by multiple countries.
  • A collaborative art project.
  • A group of people holding hands in a circle.
  • A flash mob dance.
  • A multi-cultural festival.
  • A group of children playing a game.
  • A community building a playground.
  • A joint scientific research project.
  • A crowd singing a national anthem.
  • A relay race.
  • A group of friends on a road trip.
  • A community fundraiser.
  • A blended family gathering.
  • A group of volunteers at a soup kitchen.
  • A citywide blackout where neighbors help each other.
  • A barn raising in an Amish community.
  • A group of students studying together.
  • A collaborative mural painting.
  • A joint business venture.
  • A crowd doing the wave at a sports event.
  • A multi-generational family photo.
  • A group of people planting trees.
  • A group hug.
  • A community theater production.
  • A group of people doing yoga in a park.
  • A school band performance.
  • A group of people sheltering together during a storm.
  • A book club meeting.
  • A group of people dancing in a circle.
  • A team-building retreat.
  • A community potable water project.
  • A group of people watching a solar eclipse together.
  • A shared meal during a religious holiday.
  • A group of people rescuing animals after a natural disaster.

Real-Life Moments of Unity

1. the fall of the berlin wall (1989).

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was an event that marked the coming together of the divided German people.

Despite the wall that physically separated them for nearly three decades, the collective desire for freedom and unification never diminished. They utilized this potent emotion to tear down the wall, a literal and symbolic barrier to unity, restoring their national identity.

The fall wasn’t just a moment of celebration but unfolded new realities; it paved the way for the peaceful reunification of Germany a year later.

This monumental event showcases the power of human unity and shared aspirations, proving that collective determination can overcome even the most formidable obstacles.

2. The First Man on the Moon (1969)

Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon in 1969 marked a monumental milestone in human exploration, bringing the world together in celebration.

The voyage became a collective achievement for all humankind, illustrating the vast potential of human endeavor. It all began with Armstrong’s first step on the lunar surface, a small step for him, but a giant leap for humanity.

This achievement wasn’t merely the realization of scientific and technological prowess, but also a testament to the collective aspiration and dedication involved.

It embedded a firm belief in the human mind that seemingly impossible boundaries could be transcended. Thus, marking a new era of exploration and symbolizing the heights human determination can achieve.

3. The Live Aid Concert (1985)

The Live Aid Concert in 1985 was a global musical extravaganza aimed at addressing the famine crisis in Ethiopia.

This extraordinary event demonstrated that music has the power to not just entertain, but also unite people for a charitable cause. The performances by stellar musicians across two continents garnered massive support, transforming the concert into a global platform of empathy and aid.

Through the magic of music and a shared concern for a humanitarian crisis, different cultures and countries came together. The initiative demonstrated a tremendous solidarity that transcended borders, imbuing the concert not merely with entertainment value, but also as an enduring symbol of worldwide unity and compassion.

4. The European Union (EU)

The formation of the European Union showcases an unprecedented level of regional integration and cooperation between diverse nations.

Established with the aim of promoting peace and prosperity, the EU now encapsulates 27 countries, each agreeing to cooperate on issues of common interest. The willingness of these nations to work together, despite their distinct cultures, languages and histories, represents a triumph of consensus-building and diplomacy.

The EU model embodies the principles of shared sovereignty and interdependence, showcasing to the world how unity can foster peace and economic success. Collectively addressing challenges and promoting shared values, the EU stands as a beacon of regional unity.

5. International Space Station (ISS) Collaboration

The International Space Station represents an unparalleled example of global scientific cooperation and discovery.

Conceived and built through the collaborative effort of multiple national space agencies, the ISS enables scientists from different countries to live and work together in space. This ‘floating laboratory’ exemplifies how shared objectives and resources can push the boundaries of human knowledge and capability.

Despite the geopolitical complexities on Earth, the cooperative spirit aboard the ISS serves as a model for unity, showcasing what humanity can accomplish when it sets aside differences to strive for a common purpose. The ISS project illuminates the transformative power of collaboration and unity in the realm of exploration and scientific discovery.

6. Earth Hour

Earth Hour represents a global environmental initiative, where millions of people across the world turn off their lights for one hour.

Kickstarted by the World Wildlife Fund, this annual campaign is more than an energy-saving event. It symbolizes the world’s collective commitment to protect our planet. As individuals globally plunge into an hour of darkness, they illuminate the unity that exists in the quest for environmental sustainability.

This significant event underscores that small, individual efforts, when combined on a global scale, can make a substantial difference. By participating in Earth Hour, people worldwide show their agreement on the urgent need for climate action, reinforcing that shared responsibility is crucial for our planet’s survival.

7. The United Nations (UN)

The United Nations is an international organization founded with the primary purpose of maintaining global peace and security.

With a membership encompassing almost all sovereign states worldwide, the UN epitomizes the concept of unity in diversity. It provides a unique platform where nations can debate issues, negotiate agreements, and collectively address global problems.

Despite its complexities and challenges, the UN stands as a symbol of global diplomatic efforts and international cooperation. The existence and functions of the UN highlight that when nations unify their resources and actions, they have a better chance at achieving peace, improving global health, and promoting economic development and social progress.

8. NATO’s Article 5

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty is a core tenet of NATO, asserting that an attack against one ally is considered an attack against all allies.

This principle of collective defense encapsulates the essence of unity among NATO members. It sets the tone of the alliance, highlighting that the collective response of member states is a powerful deterrent for potential aggressors.

Invocation of Article 5 symbolizes that even when faced with threats to their security, NATO members do not stand alone. This unity forged in the face of adversity underscores that alliances and mutual support are crucial in maintaining global peace and security.

9. Disaster Recovery Efforts

Disaster recovery efforts often serve as profound demonstrations of unity and collective resilience in the aftermath of devastating incidents.

In the face of calamity, people, communities, and nations come together to provide immediate relief and long-term support. From basic necessities like food, water and medical aid to rebuilding homes or infrastructure, these efforts involve a comprehensive display of unity in action.

Despite the darkness that disaster brings, the collective human spirit that directs recovery efforts shines brightly, revealing our capacity to unite and collaborate under even the most trying conditions. These endeavors demonstrate that in challenging times, our collective efforts can instigate great change and recovery.

10. The #MeToo Movement

The #MeToo Movement is a social movement against harassment and assault against women, aiming to break the silence and stigma around these issues.

Launched in the digital landscape, the movement quickly gained global traction, uniting survivors across geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic divides. It made apparent that harassment and assault were not individual problems but a societal issue, demanding collective action and systemic change.

Through the sharing of personal narratives, individuals worldwide found a sense of community and solidarity. The power of the #MeToo movement lies in its unification of voices, demonstrating the transformative potential of solidarity when combating widespread and deeply-rooted problems. Its impact echoes the sentiment that together, we can drive social change and challenge oppressive systems.

Unity has the tremendous power to bring people together, overcome obstacles, and bring about unprecedented change. Various historical and contemporary events, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the #MeToo movement, underline its influence in shaping our societies and collective consciousness . Each instance serves as a robust reminder that when individuals are united by a shared goal or principle, extraordinary feats become achievable. It is through unity that we can drive meaningful transformation and progress, unraveling the true potential of humankind.


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Essay on Unity

Essay on Unity 2 Models

Essay on unity in which we explain the importance of unity for both the individual and society. We also present several short topic models and a paragraph on the importance of unity among the people of the same country.

Essay on unity is important because it deals with basic elements for writing an article or topic on unity, such as the components of unity, how we promote national unity, and what are the benefits of unity for both the individual, the family and society.

National unity is the highest and most important type of unity, because the unity of individuals leads to the strength of societies, and thus the strength of the nation.

Essay on Unity

Unity is important for individuals and societies, and that is why we present the essay on unity, in which we show that importance, and how strength is an inevitable result of unity.

In our essay on unity, we will discuss some of the global events that led to the weakness of some countries as a result of civil conflicts.

We will also talk about some strong countries as a result of the interdependence of their citizens and their union in times of crisis.

Unity definition

Unity may be between individuals, or it may be between large groups, such as national unity. It is the rallying of citizens around the goals of their state, not searching for personal gains, and not discriminating between citizens on religious, cultural or social grounds. Everyone works for the common good.

The solidarity and cooperation of citizens is necessary for the progress of the state in all fields, and therefore it is important to solve all internal problems and conflicts, so that the state can devote itself to development and the establishment of huge economic projects.

The importance of national unity

There is no doubt that national unity is the basis on which the state relies on facing all challenges, and there will be no national unity except by fighting corruption, preventing injustice, and establishing justice among citizens.

We can summarize the importance of national unity as follows:

  • National unity gives the state a strength that makes enemies fear it and think a lot before trying to attack it, because men are the protectors of the homeland, and therefore they must be one hand against any enemy that threatens their homeland.
  • Unity reduces the proportion of internal problems, and there is the ability to solve problems easily. This is because unity among the members of society makes them care about valuable goals, such as the economic advancement of the state, protecting the state and showing its strength so that the enemies fear it. These goals make the internal differences not of great importance, and they can be resolved easily.
  • Unity contributes to the advancement of all sectors of the state. There is no doubt that progress in all areas of life requires the efforts and expertise of all individuals, so no segment of society can be dispensed with. Every member of society has an important role in the progress of society.
  • National unity helps spread peace, reject violence and hatred, and eliminate racism. Feelings of love, brotherhood and tolerance prevail among the members of society. Thus, peace spreads among members of society, and crime is reduced.

The importance of unity within the family

Unity among family members is the microcosm of unity among members of society. The family is the one that teaches its children good values ​​and morals. Among these values ​​are unity between family members and cooperation among them. Unity among family members is an important thing as it achieves the following:

  • Unity among family members. The individual feels safe, as his family members will support him in all crises.
  • Unity makes the family strength, and we see this clearly in large families, where it is valued and respected among other families.
  • The interconnected family enjoys good job opportunities, because each of them tries to help the other members of his family by transferring expertise or nominating him to the employers.
  • Unity between family members strengthens their relationships, and provides them with opportunities to work in leadership positions.
  • The mental health of individuals is good when the individual feels valued within his family.

How do we develop unity among the members of society?

There are many factors that any state can follow in order to strengthen unity among the people, and thus ensure economic and political stability, including:

The role of the family in educating its children the importance of unity

The family is the first teacher who implants in the hearts of young people values ​​and principles. One of the most important principles that the family must inculcate in the hearts of its children is the love of the homeland and belonging to it, and work to advance it.

All of this requires unity and cooperation among the members of society, and that general goals should take precedence over personal goals.

When the child grows up on these principles, he will realize that the most precious thing he has is the homeland, and he will work to advance his country with enthusiasm.

The role of the media in promoting unity among citizens

There is no doubt that the media, through its various means, has a great role in guiding citizens, and therefore the media must have a positive role in guiding citizens to unity and cooperation and to reject differences.

This is done through targeted programs that help bring people closer together, and not exploit differences in ideas to sow discord and division among the people’s sects.

The role of the school and the university in promoting unity among students

There is no doubt that educational institutions have a great role in guidance and counseling, and therefore teachers must be a good role model in unity and cooperation, as this behavior will be transmitted to their students easily.

The curricula should also include topics on the importance of unity among the nation’s groups, and non-discrimination between them, regardless of their culture, beliefs or economic conditions.

At the end of the essay on unity, we explained the importance of unity for both the individual and the society. We also clarified the ingredients that help to promote unity among the members of one society, and what are the advantages that accrue to both the individual and the state as a result of unity. We hope that you have benefited from what we have provided.

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Unity Is Strength Essay

Unity is the ability to stay together and work with others to accomplish a common goal. This unity is strength essay discusses how unity is essential for our society. In addition, we understand how we can overcome some of these divisions with unity or the power of working together as one unit. Unity is strength is a famous saying that has been around for centuries. The idea behind the phrase is that when people work together, they are more potent than when they work alone.

In the unity is strength short essay, we have explained how harmony can create strength in society. Unity is more than just joining with others for the sake of unity. It is about uniting for a greater purpose.

essay on what is unity

Significance of Staying United

The unity is strength essay explains that the power of friendship helps us to be strong from hardships. Friends can give us the strength we need when life gets tough. In addition, people express unity through love, family, friends, and others share stories of finding common ground with someone.

There are many benefits of staying united in tough times, as it helps to face challenging situations with courage. The importance of staying united has struck a chord among many people throughout history.

Keeping memories of what we have accomplished throughout history can help us see how individuals and communities have persevered through tough times and into a brighter future. In unprecedented moments, staying united is essential because the future is uncertain and could go either way.

We are surrounded by pictures of other people and what they do through social media. We are constantly told to compete and be better than everyone else. Staying united is crucial because it keeps each individual’s individuality intact.

To Nations and Societies

There are many reasons why nations should stay united, and the essay on unity is strength explains its significance. In world history, we can see examples of countries that stayed together, despite disagreements. This shows how countries can work together to create progress and prosperity.

The nations should stay united because it helps keep the peace on our mother Earth . It is good for countries to have a lot of trade and exchange with one another that helps them grow.

To conclude, staying united helps us become stronger. For more kids’ learning activities, like questions , poems , etc., visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Unity is Strength Essay

Who said unity is strength.

Mattie Stepanek said, “Unity is strength.”

What does unity is strength mean?

Everyone has their unique definition of unity is strength, but all definitions could be summed up as one word: solidarity. The proverb unity is strength means stronger together.

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The Importance of Community and Unity

If we could harness the power behind community and unity, there would never be a scarcity of energy..

What comes to mind when you think of community?

When you first think about community, your neighborhood may come to mind. Or the people of the city where you live. But when you take a step back and really think about the big picture - community is so much more.

The sense of community is a powerful source of comfort and unity in our lives. It's where people with similar values and passions collide for the greater good. Having a sense of community reaches far beyond your physical community.

Yes, your neighbors are an essential totem of your community. But consider all the other areas in your life that offer a sense of security and safety.

Other places or groups of people where can you find community:

  • Your family
  • Your friends
  • The entire network of connections you’ve made throughout your life
  • Your workplace
  • The sports team you support and all their fans
  • Local businesses
  • Your fellow citizens
  • The people who share your love of art or whatever hobby you’re into.

Community is important because it offers a safe haven where everyone feels welcome. It’s where you feel appreciated. It’s where you are a part of something bigger than yourself. It’s where you can find and offer support.

No matter the size, a community offers opportunities for growth and acceptance.

Having a strong sense of community is beneficial for anyone and everyone. It brings people together, builds healthy relationships, and fosters a sense of belonging.

Being a part of a community strengthens bonds between each other as they work towards a common goal. For the most part, that goal is to make the world a better place. These connections blossom into valued relationships that deepen our sense of belonging.

When we come together as a community , we flourish and expand our security net of love and acceptance. When you take the time to lift up the people around you, a chain reaction of kindness starts.

It’s like a ripple effect of positivity that the world needs now more than ever.

Community and Unity Go Hand-in-hand

We’ve all heard the saying, “United We Stand.” This phrase dates back to thousands of years ago. It was modernly coined by John Dickinson, one of America’s founding fathers. The little word ‘unity’ packs a powerful punch.

Unity is a word that describes togetherness. It naturally ties into community, which is all about coming together for the greater good. If we as a human race want to maximize our potential to make a positive change, it's vital to unite. But it’s not enough to want to change. You have to be the change.

“It is not in numbers but in unity that our great strength lies” – Thomas Paine

This is where community and unity form such an empowering combo. When we join forces with our brothers and sisters in the common good, wonderful things can happen.

If you’ve ever read the book (or watched the movie) Into the Wild, you learned a profound life lesson. Christopher McCandless dropped a major revelation: Happiness is only real when shared.

It was in his last moments of solitude when he came to this conclusion. Think of a time when you were on a solo trip or by yourself and witnessed something astounding. It could be as simple as the time when you saw a dramatic, full moon rising on a walk. Or when you noticed an act of kindness by happenchance.

Don’t you wish you could have turned to someone to share that special moment with? When you experience times like these with someone else, your happiness amplifies.

This is not to discredit the magical moments you experience on your own. Any time you experience joy and live in the now, you are channeling positive source energy. Cherish those special times. The lessons you pick up can also resonate with others. They can lift someone else's spirits and continue to expand that happy ripple.

How fun would it be to share your inspirational stories, positive insights, and to express gratitude to a community that would appreciate it? A community where everyone is fueled by everyone else’s dedication to positive change?

You can start by simply living a positive life full of gratitude and respect. The more you spread love, the more love you will attract to your community.

That said, it’s not easy to maintain a positive mindset when there’s so much negativity on the news and social media. We need more outlets that foster encouragement and empathy. Platforms like Youtopia point society in the right direction.

Youtopia is a new social media platform that focuses on being a positive source for change. Members can share motivating stories and ideas with an audience craving positivity. It’s a place to escape the negativity and build a community of love and support. It’s on a mission to facilitate positive change and create an environment of peace and unity.

It’s human nature to want to fit it in and be a part of a community. When you band together to spread a kind message, the world can change for the better.

When you move through life with kindness, you’ll attract others that have the same mentality. Friendships will grow and evolve into a community. A community that promotes unity and positive change in the world.

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essay on what is unity

Unity is Strength Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unity is strength.

In today’s time where there is cut-throat competition everywhere and every individual is trying to apply his or her method to reach on top, very few recognize the importance of proverb ‘Unity is strength’. Also, this proverb has now become confined to inspirational books and motivational lectures. So, very few people actually understand the importance and thus it’s application in their lives. But these people that are actually more satisfied as well as content in their lives that actually applies it. So, unity is strength essay is an insight into the increasing importance of unity in lives in the present world.

Unity Is Strength Essay

This proverb also applies when it comes to relationships. People nowadays are so blinded by the success and the power that they want to be ahead of their colleagues, relatives, and friends.

Thus, they get into professional as well as personal rivalries with each other most of the times so, they do not understand that they cannot move ahead as well as enhance their skills, knowledge, and help each other. Thus, when we go against our team-mates and start to compete with them in an office setting, then people from another team will benefit from the situation. 

Read 500+ Words Essay on Unity here

Also, another reason here people grow apart because of mistrust. This becomes true especially when it comes to the husband-wife relationship. Also, here we often see couples doubting each other always. So, they start to question small things and doubt them of lying or cheating.

So, outsiders take advantage of these type of situations. Also, they fuel the doubt and thereby create conflict between the two in order to fulfill their own motives. Also, this will not only have a negative impact on the two but also on the kids. So, if the wife and husband stay united and defend each other than no one can create the rift between the two. 

To Societies and Nations

The proverb also holds true when it comes to society and the nation as a whole. The societies and localities where people stay united are loved by everyone.

Thus, people living here meets as well as greets their neighbors with a smile, guard their neighbor’s house, help out each other in crisis, etc. Also, they celebrate each and every function together and conducts other social gatherings every now and then. In the current world, many people are suffering from loneliness as well as depression, these types of neighborhood can be a boon. 

Similarly, nations around the globe are very busy fighting each other in order to prove that they are better than one another. So, every nation has nuclear weapons and many terrorist organizations have been formed. So, if we stop all these kinds of malpractices than the world will become a much better place to live. 

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Essay on Unity in Diversity in 100 to 200 Words

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  • Sep 21, 2023

Essay on unity in diversity

If you are a school-going student and searching for a good essay on unity in diversity, then this is the place where you can get some short essays on unity in diversity. Before starting you must be familiar with what is diversity. The phrase Unity in diversity beautifully holds the essence of coexistence. Unity aggregates people belonging to different religions, cultures, ethics , social, economic , and financial backgrounds. Thus, they align together to achieve a common goal. Continue Reading to learn about the significance of unity in diversity!

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay on Unity in Diversity
  • 2 Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words
  • 3.1 Significance of Unity in Diversity

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Short Essay on Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity is a common phrase that correctly defines India. The essay on Unity in Diversity is the most popular topic for school children and students. This essay would help them learn about the importance of unity among people of different cultures and origins and also help them to know how Indian society functions.

Given below are some essays on Unity in diversity with different word limits:

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Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words

The concept of unity in diversity is from ancient times. People belonging to similar beliefs and communities live with unity. The essence of diversity holds people together due to which people belonging to variable sectors, caste, colour, creeds, languages, and social backgrounds live together. 

The phrase “Unity in Diversity” also referred to as “Anekta m Ekta” was first coined by the first Prime Minister of India after Independence Hon’ble Jawaharlal Nehru in his famous book “The Discovery of India”.

Despite of diversity in India, people here live with love and celebrate various festivals together. All follow the rules laid down by the Constitution of India . To do so, it is important to respect every community and culture and not differentiate people on social terms.

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Unity in Diversity Essay 200 Words

The phenomenon of unity in diversity came from the rich historical times, it is rooted in ancient civilizations. India believes in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means the world is a family. Indians have followed this philosophy for thousands of years and therefore, we welcome guests from all over the world with utmost respect and love. This happens because there is no differentiation between people belonging to different cultures, castes, languages , colours, and backgrounds. Likewise, the Roman Empire also relied on the fundamentals of unity in diversity to maintain peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity among its citizens.

The history of the world reveals that all the great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela followed the principles of unity in diversity to bring about social and political change in the world. 

Significance of Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity signifies the following:

  • Social Cohesion
  • Economic Growth
  • Global Peace
  • Cultural Enrichment
  • Personal Growth

Thus, Unity in diversity is not just a concept, it is the way of living life, it is the feeling of embracing people around you accepting them as they are, and living without conflicts and discrimination. So, every individual must play their part to contribute to this noble cause either through interactions with others or by making efforts to bridge the divides among people.

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Unity in diversity is a concept that reflects a sense of bonding among individuals who are different from each other in all aspects but they follow the same rule and live in harmony. India is the best example that perfectly signifies unity in diversity.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India coined the term “Unity in Diversity”, in his famous book “The Discovery of India”. This phrase signifies the feeling of oneness among the Indians. 

India is called Unity in diversity because, here the people belonging to different cultures, speak variable languages, yet their hearts are connected and they live together in harmony and follow the common rules written in the Constitution of India.

This was all about an essay on Unity in Diversity. The skill of writing an essay comes in handy when appearing for standardized language tests, thinking of taking one soon? Leverage Live provides the best online test prep for the same. Register today and if you wish to study abroad then contact our experts at 1800572000 .

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Democrats Are Making a Huge Mistake

The error is not the choice of Kamala Harris. It is the sudden rallying behind her.

A boxing ring with Democratic branding

Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration.

Yesterday, Joe Biden did the honorable thing, after weeks of denying that anything had to be done at all. His announcement took his party by surprise—and now, in haste, the Democrats are making a colossal error and ensuring that they will reap as little advantage from Biden’s decision as possible. The error is not the choice of Kamala Harris. It is the sudden rallying behind her, the torrent of endorsements, right after Biden’s self-removal. Biden’s senescence was only part of the party’s crisis. The other part was the impression that Democratic politics felt like a game rigged by insiders to favor a candidate of their choice, and to isolate that candidate from the risk associated with campaigning. For 27 minutes, between the time Biden announced his withdrawal and the time he broke the seal on Harris endorsements by bestowing his, the contest felt thrillingly, bracingly wide-open. The Democrats should have kept it open all the way into the convention next month, in Chicago.

“The Democratic National Convention is not the time to litigate [Harris’s] ability to take over for Biden,” Tressie McMillan Cottom wrote yesterday, in a column headlined “Kamala or Bust.” “The time to do that was in 2020.” She is right about the second part. The urgency of defeating Donald Trump in 2020 convinced many Democrats that feisty internal debates about the direction of the party needed to be postponed, in favor of party unity. In those circumstances, neither Biden nor his running mate was granted the scrutiny they deserved; they were personifications of the desire for a third Obama term, and on that basis they received the party’s heartiest and most casual approval. Four years later, the pair were running on their record (a strong if unpopular economy, a somewhat muddled foreign policy) but still had not articulated a distinctive vision. The party should have demanded that vision in 2020, or indeed in 2016.

Candidates who do not develop articulated principles and coherent views end up campaigning on nothing at all, such as Harris’s now-famous babble about “faith in what can be, unburdened by what has been.” Most politicians lean on inane rhetoric of this sort early in their campaign: “Yes we can,” “A thousand points of light,” “MAGA” in all its forms. But at some point, it naturally gives way to the nitty-gritty of politics—unless the politician uttering it remains in a largely ceremonial role, such as the vice presidency, and never faces the stress of an election campaign. I would like to know whether Harris’s unburdened faith means that as president, she would equip Ukraine with long-range strike capabilities against targets in Russia, and whether she plans to knock down tariffs or build them up.

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If a campaign launch is a candidate’s chance to show off his pearly smile, the primary is the candidate’s chance to show off that smile after he’s been slugged in the face a few times. And as in boxing, it’s better to take one’s practice hits from a sparring partner rather than from the defending champ who awaits you on fight night. Harris is now in danger of bypassing that jaw-hardening process, which the Democrats could have extended over a period of weeks, as other candidates sought to displace her—and, if they failed, showed that they might be vice-presidential material. The process would also, like a normal primary, have long-term salutary effects on the party, by showing which young talent looks likely to ripen into Democratic leadership.

A prolonged process would also confer strategic advantages. Normally a party commits to a platform and a ticket several months (or in the case of incumbents, years) before the election. My colleague Tim Alberta has described the Trump campaign’s meticulous planning for a Biden campaign. “Even the selection of Ohio’s Senator J. D. Vance as Trump’s running mate,” Alberta writes, was “meant to run up margins with the base in a blowout rather than persuade swing voters in a nail-biter.” Now that Trump is committed to his path, the Democrats have an unusual chance to revise their strategy to neutralize Trump’s choices. “The Republican Party just spent tens of millions of dollars running against Joe Biden,” Trump’s former adviser Stephen Miller said on Fox News yesterday, with a whiny and wounded sense that the Democrats had violated the bounds of fair play. And in some ways they have—but now that they are redrawing those boundaries mid-campaign, they may as well take full advantage of their opportunity. That means not providing Trump with a fixed target, and calibrating their selection process for maximum lethality for his campaign’s locked-in choices.

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The other strategic advantage is attention. To get airtime yesterday, after Biden’s withdrawal, Trump would have had to get shot in his other ear. His whole political career has depended on the fascination, sometimes morbid, of the public, as he says unexpected and strange things. No individual American politician can match his ability, but collectively, with genuine competition compressed over the next few weeks, they can create a circus more able to transfix voters than a series of Trump rallies.

Harris herself seemed ready to avoid the error of premature anointment. She promised to “earn and win” her party’s nomination, without any apparent expectation that it would be locked up in a matter of hours. Barack Obama, the last strategically gifted politician in his party, also seemed ready to take advantage of competition. He said he expected the party “to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.” But now that option is slipping away. Biden had to go, and to replace him with almost any candidate born after the Korean War would have improved the Democrats’ chances. But the manner of that replacement presents (or presented—by the time I finished writing this, even Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia had fallen in line behind Harris) opportunities. The Democrats, as they say, never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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What Is This Thing, Unity? Part I

What Is This Thing, Unity? <span class="subtitle">Part I</span>

By now, regular readers know that most of my writing presses people to take the measure of the word us. It is an enormously powerful term, but the perennial question is whether it acquires meaning only if it also implies its opposite. I don’t think so; I don’t believe us necessarily implies them , and in my writing, I challenge readers to take this moral possibility seriously. Among other things, I expose the ubiquity of us-them thinking in daily life, and trace its connection and contribution to so many things that we (a close cousin of us) wish were otherwise.

Lately, there have been a lot of calls for unity. Unity is just us in Sunday-go-to-meetin’ clothes, so I’m all for it. In fact, I was all for it before it was a thing. But because I take the idea seriously, I also wonder what people mean when they call for unity. What does unity look like? Who should unite and how will we know when it’s happened? Turns out these are harder questions than people think.

Let’s ask first what unity is supposed to do. What is it meant to achieve? Invariably, calls for unity arise after some tragedy. Something bad happened because we are not united, and if we unite, things like this won’t happen again or will happen less often, or something like that. Here, the suspicion is that the young man who nearly blew the former President’s head off was radicalized or driven or inspired or somehow pushed to act (the mechanism is never really made clear) by our vicious cultural climate. If we “come together as a people,” 20-year-old men will no longer climb to the roof of a building and try to shoot their way into history. At least, that’s the implicit claim.

As you can see, it’s really two claims—one is a contention about the past, another is a prediction about the future. The first is that national disunity caused or at least meaningfully contributed to the attempt on Trump’s life; the second is that unity will prevent similar behavior going forward. Yet, we have no idea whether either of these claims is true. Scores of diligent journalists, along with uncountable numbers of law enforcement personnel, have scoured the available record for evidence of Crooks’s motivation, to no avail. They have collected a handful of seemingly discordant life experiences that point in confusing directions, which may say nothing more than he was young and still figuring out his place in the world. We do not know why he acted, and may never know.

And if the first claim is unknowable, the second is downright improbable. As David Wallace-Wells noted recently, “[e]leven of the last 12 presidents have endured an assassination attempt or a plot against their lives.” John F. Kennedy was shot and killed. Ronald Reagan was shot. Two different would-be assassins tried to shoot Gerald Ford in a single month. A man threw a live grenade at George W. Bush. As historians Matthew and Robert Dallek recently pointed out, at least one in four American presidents have been killed or nearly killed by assassins. At the time, no one thought these attempts signaled a crisis of national disunity, but more to the point, history supplies no reason to think that unity—whatever it means—will prevent another attempt in the future.

So much for what unity is meant to achieve. But maybe instead we should ask what unity looks like? What makes a country united? Ordinarily, when we talk about a group being united or unified, we mean sharing a common purpose or acting with a single mind. We say, “We are united in wanting to achieve X; we are unified in our desire for Y.” But what does a statement like this even mean? I think most people would agree it would be nice if we magically achieved particular outcomes. For instance, I think it would be swell if there were less gun violence, and I don’t think I’m going out on a limb when I say damn near everyone would agree with me. In fact, I can think of a lot of outcomes we’d almost all agree would be nice to achieve.

But so what? The question is whether we agree on how to achieve these outcomes. People like to say that after the attacks of September 11, the country was broadly united behind President Bush, and it is fair to say we shared a common desire to end the threat of transnational terrorism. But the unity quickly collapsed as his policies took shape, especially the disastrous war in Iraq, torture in CIA black sites, and indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo.

Unity on ends, in other words, is meaningless without unity on means. But in a complex society, it’s silly to expect that we’ll agree on means, and disagreement is not evidence of a crisis. Sure, everyone agrees it would be nice if we had fewer shootings, but we manifestly do not have agreement on how to reach this happy state. And diversity on means is particularly to be expected in a federal system. I don’t think Montana needs to look like Maryland, and I don’t think the municipal code in Savannah, Georgia, needs to be the same as the municipal code in Santa Monica, California.

There are limits to this, of course. The Constitution guarantees that every state will maintain “a Republican form of Government,” which means New Hampshire can’t appoint a king, and the Bill of Rights guarantees certain individual liberties that transcend state boundaries. The Sixth Amendment right to the effective assistance of counsel in a criminal case, for instance, means the same thing in South Carolina as it does in South Dakota. Likewise, the Commerce Clause and the congressional power to tax and spend allow the federal government to achieve some level of national uniformity. The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, for instance, which brought a legal end to Jim Crow laws across the country, was upheld under the Commerce Clause, and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was upheld under the power to tax.

We should fight like hell over the reach of the Constitution, which is merely another way that we disagree on means. I might think the Constitution should reach more of national life than another person; I think the Court was wrong, for instance, to overrule Roe v. Wade. But I think most people would agree that there are broad swaths of national life that are and should remain completely untouched by the Constitution. Florida doesn’t have an income tax, for example. I think that’s bad policy, but who cares what I think? If I don’t like it, I don’t have to live in Florida. Or I can move to Florida and try to change it. In a federal system, people get to vote with their feet. That, by the way, is why Texas cannot block women from leaving the state to get an abortion. Texas can no more block women from going to California for an abortion than California can block Elon Musk from taking his business to Texas. Federalism is both sword and shield.

In short, when it comes to means, disunity in a democracy is not a flaw, it’s a feature. In fact, I think the sharper the disagreement on policy choices between the major parties, the better. Sharp disagreement over policy gives voters a clear, easily understandable choice. Democracy is well-served by clearly contrasting political positions.

So, what is this thing, unity? In light of the announcement by President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, the question seems more urgent than ever. Unity won’t do what it’s supposed to do, and at least as it is commonly understood, is not a desirable outcome for our democracy. Then why on earth am I so strongly in favor of it? That’s the subject of my next essay.

Posted in: Philosophy and Ethics , Politics

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    February 14, 2024 by Prasanna. Essay on Unity: Unity is the mutual feeling of bonding and attachment. It is the belief of oneness and belongingness. Unity inspires patriotic fervor and makes us better human beings. Unity can be seen in almost every aspect of life. Being united makes us stronger and increases our chances of emerging victorious ...

  5. Unity in Paragraphs and Essays

    Unity in Composition. In composition, unity is the quality of oneness in a paragraph or essay that results when all the words and sentences contribute to a single effect or main idea; also called wholeness . For the past two centuries, composition handbooks have insisted that unity is an essential characteristic of an effective text.

  6. Unity is Strength Essay for Students

    Essay on Unity is Strength. "Unity is strength" means that when people work together as a team, they are stronger and more potent than when they work alone. The phrase emphasises the importance of cooperation, solidarity, and teamwork in achieving a common goal. Together, people can accomplish more and overcome obstacles that are challenging ...

  7. Essay on Power of Unity

    500 Words Essay on Power of Unity Introduction. Unity is a principle that not only enhances the strength of a community but also enriches its potential for success. It is a potent tool that transcends the barriers of individual abilities, merging them into a collective force capable of achieving remarkable feats. The power of unity is often ...

  8. Unity in Writing

    The types of unity that a writer needs to focus on are document, paragraph, and structural unity. In a technical report, a writer should begin with a thesis statement to help provide a focus for ...

  9. Unity & Coherence

    11 Unity & Coherence Preserving Unity. Academic essays need unity, which means that all of the ideas in an essay need to relate to the thesis, and all of the ideas in a paragraph need to relate to the paragraph's topic. It can be easy to get "off track" and start writing about an idea that is somewhat related to your main idea, but does ...

  10. What is Unity?

    Build skills in Unity with guided learning pathways designed to help anyone interested in pursuing a career in gaming and the Real Time 3D Industry. Explore a topic in-depth through a combination of step-by-step tutorials and projects. Create a Unity application, with opportunities to mod and experiment.

  11. Unity

    Learn Two Ways to Improve Unity. Removing Irrelevant Information. Broadening The Central Idea. A piece of writing is unified if all of the details it contains relate to its central idea, also known as its main idea. As you learned earlier, you should express the central idea of a paragraph in a topic sentence.

  12. Paragraph Unity, Coherence, and Development

    The paragraph shows unity. All the sentences effectively relate back to the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. The paragraph shows coherence. There is a flow of thoughts and ideas among the sentences in this paragraph. There are good transitions employed in the paragraph. The writer also presents her sub-topics in an orderly ...

  13. What Is Paragraph Unity?

    Unity is the quality of sticking to one idea from start to finish when writing. In a unified paragraph, a topic sentence contains the main idea and all supporting sentences serve to illustrate, clarify, and/or explain the main idea. The central purpose of a unified piece of writing is communicated effectively.

  14. Unity is Strength Essay

    Unity is strength means staying united in all situations. It has a great value in all walks of life. When we are united then we can surmount any challenges and accomplish any goal. The development of our society and country depends on this spirit. In fact civilization came into existence because of the unity among people.

  15. Creating Unity in Writing

    Unity is the sense a writer creates that an essay has an identifiable purpose. Unity is created a number of ways. The real beginning of an essay is the title. It's important to create a good one, because the reader's sense of unity starts right there.

  16. Unity in Diversity Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Unity in Diversity. Unity in Diversity is a concept that signifies unity among individuals who have certain differences among them. These differences can be on the basis of culture, language, ideology, religion, sect, class, ethnicity, etc. Furthermore, the existence of this concept has been since time immemorial.

  17. Essay on Unity is Strength 1000+ Words

    Essay on Unity is Strength 1000+ Words. "Unity is strength" is a timeless saying that reminds us of the incredible power that lies in working together. It teaches us that when people come together for a common purpose, they become stronger, more capable, and better equipped to face challenges. In this essay, we will explore the importance ...

  18. What is unity in writing?

    Unity means that each paragraph has only one main idea (expressed in the topic sentences) and that all other sentences and details in that paragraph revolve around that main idea. If a sentence or detail does not adhere closely to the central idea expressed in the topic sentence, it does not belong in that paragraph. If a new main idea comes up ...

  19. Exploring The Phrase "Unity Is Strength": The Power Of Unity

    April 13, 2023 by Prasanna. Unity Is Strength Paragraph: Unity is defined as the state of being together or joined as a whole. It is a critical aspect of human life that allows us to achieve common goals and build strong communities. The phrase "Unity Is Strength" emphasizes the power of togetherness and the importance of working together ...

  20. 50 Examples of Unity (with Real Life Case Studies)

    Examples of Unity (Complete List) A choir singing in harmony. The United Nations. A family reunion. The Olympic Games. A community garden project. A school assembly. A team working on a project. A candlelight vigil.

  21. Essay on Unity 3 Models

    Essay on Unity. Unity is important for individuals and societies, and that is why we present the essay on unity, in which we show that importance, and how strength is an inevitable result of unity. In our essay on unity, we will discuss some of the global events that led to the weakness of some countries as a result of civil conflicts.

  22. Significance of Staying United

    Unity is strength is a famous saying that has been around for centuries. The idea behind the phrase is that when people work together, they are more potent than when they work alone. In the unity is strength short essay, we have explained how harmony can create strength in society. Unity is more than just joining with others for the sake of unity.

  23. The Importance of Community and Unity

    The little word 'unity' packs a powerful punch. Unity is a word that describes togetherness. It naturally ties into community, which is all about coming together for the greater good. If we as a human race want to maximize our potential to make a positive change, it's vital to unite. But it's not enough to want to change.

  24. Unity is Strength Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Unity is Strength. In today's time where there is cut-throat competition everywhere and every individual is trying to apply his or her method to reach on top, very few recognize the importance of proverb 'Unity is strength'. Also, this proverb has now become confined to inspirational books and motivational lectures.

  25. Essay on Unity in Diversity in 100 to 200 Words

    Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words. The concept of unity in diversity is from ancient times. People belonging to similar beliefs and communities live with unity. The essence of diversity holds people together due to which people belonging to variable sectors, caste, colour, creeds, languages, and social backgrounds live together.

  26. Democrats Are Making a Huge Mistake

    The urgency of defeating Donald Trump in 2020 convinced many Democrats that feisty internal debates about the direction of the party needed to be postponed, in favor of party unity.

  27. What Is This Thing, Unity?

    Unity on ends, in other words, is meaningless without unity on means. But in a complex society, it's silly to expect that we'll agree on means, and disagreement is not evidence of a crisis. Sure, everyone agrees it would be nice if we had fewer shootings, but we manifestly do not have agreement on how to reach this happy state.

  28. Essay: Latinidad: A Call for Unity or Division?-by Nallely Farias

    Essay (biographical): Tacos y trabajo: La historia de una mexicana que salió adelante- by Diego Cardenas Zine: Curanderismo in the Chicana Community- by Eryka Flores Leave a Reply Cancel reply