Customer experience: a systematic literature review and consumer culture theory-based conceptualisation

  • Published: 15 February 2020
  • Volume 71 , pages 135–176, ( 2021 )

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literature review in customer satisfaction

  • Muhammad Waqas 1 ,
  • Zalfa Laili Binti Hamzah 1 &
  • Noor Akma Mohd Salleh 2  

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The study aims to summarise and classify the existing research and to better understand the past, present, and the future state of the theory of customer experience. The main objectives of this study are to categorise and summarise the customer experience research, identify the extant theoretical perspectives that are used to conceptualise the customer experience, present a new conceptualisation and conceptual model of customer experience based on consumer culture theory and to highlight the emerging trends and gaps in the literature of customer experience. To achieve the stated objectives, an extensive literature review of existing customer experience research was carried out covering 49 journals. A total of 99 empirical and conceptual articles on customer experience from the year 1998 to 2019 was analysed based on different criteria. The findings of this study contribute to the knowledge by highlighting the role of customer attribution of meanings in defining their experiences and how such experiences can predict consumer behaviour.

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Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Graduate School of Business, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Muhammad Waqas & Zalfa Laili Binti Hamzah

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Waqas, M., Hamzah, Z.L.B. & Salleh, N.A.M. Customer experience: a systematic literature review and consumer culture theory-based conceptualisation. Manag Rev Q 71 , 135–176 (2021).

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Received : 08 May 2019

Accepted : 10 February 2020

Published : 15 February 2020

Issue Date : February 2021


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A Literature Review and Critique on Customer Satisfaction

Abstract: The concept of customer satisfaction has attracted much attention in recent years. Organizations that try to analyze this concept should begin with an understanding of various customer satisfaction models. In this paper, the emphasis is on reviewing the main concepts and models of customer satisfaction. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Definition, Macro-models, Micro-models

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Anne Suhaniya

Customer satisfaction is a primary marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past, it was unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new customers than retain the existing once. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and adopted it as a high priority operational goal. This review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction. This would improve the studies related to customer satisfaction in particular.

The main objective of this work is to develop a practical approach to improve customer satisfaction, which is generally regarded as the pillar of customer loyalty to the company. Today, customer satisfaction is a major challenge. In fact, listening to the customer, anticipating and properly managing his claims are stone keys and fundamental values for the enterprise. From a perspective of the quality of the product, skills, and mostly, the service provided to the customer, it is essential for organizations to differentiate themselves, especially in a more competitive world, in order to ensure a higher level of customer satisfaction. Ignoring or not taking into account customer satisfaction can have harmful consequences on both the economic performances and the organization's image. For that, it is crucial to develop new methods and have new approaches to THE PROBLEMATIC customer dissatisfaction, by improving the services quality provided to the costumer. This work describes a simple and practical approach for modeling customer satisfaction for organizations in order to reduce the level of dissatisfaction; this approach respects the constraints of the organization and eliminates any action that can lead to loss of customers and degradation of the image of the organization. Finally the approach presented in this document is tested and evaluated.

Thusyanthy Vadivelu

In marketing, customer satisfaction is considered as a key construct in the last few decades. Previously it is a less acceptable construct, since most of the marketing oriented organizations are perceived that attracting new customers better than retaining existing one. However, currently, these organizations are using customer satisfaction as a prime business performance indicator and a weapon in the dynamic environment to get the sustainable competitive advantage. This customer satisfaction is impact by several variables and dimensions. Therefore, this qualitative comprehensive review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction. This would improve the studies related to customer satisfaction in particular. Abstract-In marketing, customer satisfaction is considered as a key construct in the last few decades. Previously it is a less acceptable construct, since most of the marketing oriented organizations are perceived that attracting new customers better than retaining existing one. However, currently, these organizations are using customer satisfaction as a prime business performance indicator and a weapon in the dynamic environment to get the sustainable competitive advantage. This customer satisfaction is impact by several variables and dimensions. Therefore, this qualitative comprehensive review examines with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to customer satisfaction. To broaden and make possible further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to customers satisfaction. This would improve the studies related to customer satisfaction in particular.

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management in the Digital Age

Dr.Sara Sarwari

In the service industry, one of the main challenges is to provide customer satisfaction. Though the number of budget hotel in Bangladesh is increasing, but customer satisfaction of these hotels are still ignored. The aim of the study is to identify the determinants that satisfy the customers in these hotels. The research targeted a total of 350 selected respondents from different budget hotels in Bangladesh. The descriptive analyses were conducted by using Amos SPSS 24. Findings reveal that price is the ultimate preference for budget hotels along with products and service quality for satisfying customers. Customers are unconcerned with the services provided by the hotel staff and the location of the hotel as well.

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II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Customers’ Satisfaction Customer satisfaction represents a modern approach for quality in organizations that serves the development of a truly customer-focused management and culture. An immediate, meaningful and objective feedback about clients’ preference and expectations

  • Noradiva Hamzah , N. Ishak , Nurul Izzah Mohd
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17 References

Relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of islamic banks, customer satisfaction measurement in the private bank sector.

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Service quality in the banking sector in an emerging economy: a consumer survey

Factor influences selection of islamic banking: a study on malaysian customer preferences, islamic banking: a study of customer satisfaction and preferences in jordan, banking behavior of islamic bank customers: perspectives and implications, why do malaysian customers patronise islamic banks, the selection of banks and banking services among corporate customers in south africa, determinants of customer satisfaction in retail banking, conventional and islamic banks: patronage behaviour of jordanian customers, related papers.

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  • Yusuf Indra Wibowo Management Program, Open University, Indonesia

Previous research or relevant research is very important in a scientific research or article. Previous research or relevant research serves to strengthen the theory and influence of relationships or influences between variables. Article ini review customer satisfaction determination and complaint level: Product Quality and Service Quality Analysis , A Study of Marketing Management Literature. The purpose of writing this article is to build a hypothesis of influence between variables to be used in future research.  The result of this risearch library is that: 1) Product Quality affects Customer Satisfaction;   2) Service Quality affects Customer Satisfaction; 3) Product Quality affects complaint level;   4) Service Quality affects complaint level; and 5) Customer Satisfaction affects complaint level. 

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literature review in customer satisfaction


  1. Pdf Literature Review Customer Satisfaction

    literature review in customer satisfaction


    literature review in customer satisfaction

  3. Literature Review

    literature review in customer satisfaction

  4. (PDF) Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty: A

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  5. (PDF) Customer satisfaction: review of literature and application to

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  6. Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review concludes that customer experience is a burgeoning research area that requires more scholarly attention due to the ever-changing technological landscape.

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  6. A Thorough Literature Review Of Customer Satisfaction Definition

    Customer satisfaction (CS) has attracted serious research attention in the recent past year. Customer satisfaction is now for all companies the primary criterion for the assessment of their relationship with the market, a permanent object of their operating policies and an important element for the reinforcement of company reputation, as well as a fundamental guide to direct operational ...

  7. Full article: Customer satisfaction, loyalty, knowledge and

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  8. Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction

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    How is the research that illuminates customer-related improvements conducted? How are customer-related improvements described in the research literature? How can the research and practice of customer-related improvement be developed? A systematic literature review has been conducted to answer the research questions and accomplish the purpose.

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  12. A Thorough Literature Review of Customer Satisfaction Definition


  13. PDF Customer Satisfaction

    The review of literature on CS brings to light some significant concepts about satisfaction that may be necessary to clarify in measuring the construct. First, while some authors perceive satisfaction as cumulative, others view it as transactional.

  14. Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty: A

    By delivering excellent service, a company builds trust, satisfaction, loyalty, and enhances the overall customer experience.

  15. Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality: A Critical Review of the

    Abstract There is a desperate need for new research that will advance customer satisfaction (CS) and service quality (SO) methodologies in the hospitality industry. This comprehensive review of the theories and methodologies reported in CS and SQ studies cited in the hospitality literature provides suggestions for future CS and SQ research in the hospitality field. First, the theoretical and ...

  16. A Literature Review and Critique on Customer Satisfaction

    A Literature Review and Critique on Customer Satisfaction. Huan Liu. Abstract: The concept of customer satisfaction has attracted much attention in recent years. Organizations that try to analyze this concept should begin with an understanding of various customer satisfaction models. In this paper, the emphasis is on reviewing the main concepts ...

  17. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality, Leisure

    An extensive review of the literature suggests a lack of bibliometric studies that examine and scientifically map the body of knowledge related to service quality and customer satisfaction. This research aims to examine the trends in service quality and customer satisfaction research, identify the gaps, and propose future research agenda.

  18. [PDF] II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Customers' Satisfaction Customer

    LITERATURE REVIEW A. Customers' Satisfaction Customer satisfaction represents a modern approach for quality in organizations that serves the development of a truly customer-focused management and culture.

  19. Literature Review Customer Satisfaction Determination and Level of

    This article discusses the influence of Product Quality and Quality of Service on Customer Satisfaction and their impact on Complaint Levels, (A Study of Marketing Management Literature).

  20. Literature Review Customer Satisfaction Determination and Level of

    Article ini review customer satisfaction determination and complaint level: Product Quality and Service Quality Analysis, A Study of Marketing Management Literature.

  21. A Thorough Literature Review of Customer Satisfaction Definition


  22. Customer orientation, service quality and customer satisfaction

    Abstract Customer satisfaction is at the heart of any successful business entity. The influence of service quality on the role of customer orientation in achieving greater customer satisfaction in the banking industry from the perspective of customers has not received the required attention in the marketing literature.

  23. PDF Measuring Customer Satisfaction: A Literature Review

    There exist definitely other factors other than customer satisfaction that form the customer loyalty and retention such as personal determinism and social factors.

  24. Understanding Customer Loyalty in Banking Industry: A Systematic Review

    Attaining customer satisfaction and loyalty is seen as a prerequisite for successful bank management. ... The following were analyzed in the studies included in the systematic literature review ...