1. PDF Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubric, Formal Setting . PRESENTER: Non-verbal skills (Poise) 5 4 3 2 1 Comfort Relaxed, easy presentation with minimal hesitation Generally comfortable appearance, occasional hesitation Somewhat comfortable appearance, some hesitation Generally uncomfortable, difficulty with flow of presentation Completely

  2. PDF Criteria for Evaluating an Individual Oral Presentation

    you to achieve sustained eye contact throughout the presentation. Volume Adjust the volume for the venue. Work to insure that remote audience members can clearly hear even the inflectional elements in your speech. Inflection Adjust voice modulation and stress points to assist the audience in identifying key concepts in the presentation.

  3. Oral assessment

    In oral assessment, students speak to provide evidence of their learning. Internationally, oral examinations are commonplace. We use a wide variety of oral assessment techniques at UCL. Students can be asked to: present posters. use presentation software such as Power Point or Prezi. perform in a debate.

  4. Oral presentations

    Oral presentations are often combined with other modes of assessment; for example oral presentation of a project report, oral presentation of a poster, commentary on a practical exercise, etc. Also common is the use of PechaKucha, a fast-paced presentation format consisting of a fixed number of slides that are set to move on every twenty ...

  5. PDF Oral Presentation Rubric

    Oral Presentation Rubric 4—Excellent 3—Good 2—Fair 1—Needs Improvement Delivery • Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes • Speaks with fluctuation in volume and inflection to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points • Consistent use of direct eye contact with ...

  6. Enhancing learners' awareness of oral presentation (delivery) skills in

    The list of presentation items (i.e. areas to consider when delivering oral presentations) was retrieved and modified from the following: (1) presentation assessment criteria in some journal articles such as Al-Issa and Al-Qubtan (2010), Langan et al. (2005) and Živković (2014), (2) practical advice from websites and chapters from books, most ...

  7. Rubric formats for the formative assessment of oral presentation skills

    Acquiring complex oral presentation skills is cognitively demanding for students and demands intensive teacher guidance. The aim of this study was twofold: (a) to identify and apply design guidelines in developing an effective formative assessment method for oral presentation skills during classroom practice, and (b) to develop and compare two analytic rubric formats as part of that assessment ...

  8. PDF Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist

    ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST. talk was well-prepared. topic clearly stated. structure & scope of talk clearly stated in introduction. topic was developed in order stated in introduction. speaker summed up main points in conclusion. speaker formulated conclusions and discussed implications. was in control of subject matter.

  9. PDF Assessment of Oral Presentations: Effectiveness of Self-, Peer-, and

    Furthermore, few studies have examined the assessment of oral presentations in EFL contexts. For example, in Turkey Sasmaz Oren (2012) investigated the impact of two variables (experience and gender) on the alternative methods (self and peer-assessments) in the process of assessing oral presentations. They reported that female students were

  10. PDF Rubric formats for the formative assessment of oral presentation skills

    lands are struggling with how to teach and assess students' oral presentation skills, lack clear performance criteria for oral presentations, and fall short in oering adequate forma-tive assessment methods that support the eective acquisition of oral presentation skills (Sluijsmans et al., 2013).

  11. Development and validation of the oral presentation evaluation scale

    A self-assessment instrument for oral presentations could provide students with insight into what skills need improvement. Three components have been identified as important for improving communication. First, a presenter's self-esteem can influence the physio-psychological reaction towards the presentation; ...

  12. Assessing oral presentation performance: Designing a rubric and testing

    The purpose of this paper is to design a rubric instrument for assessing oral presentation performance in higher education and to test its validity with an expert group.,This study, using mixed methods, focusses on: designing a rubric by identifying assessment instruments in previous presentation research and implementing essential design ...

  13. Oral Exams: A More Meaningful Assessment of Students' Understanding

    Where oral presentations have a "presentation" interaction, oral exams use a "dialogue" (viva voice) interaction. The "authenticity" of the exam refers to "the extent to which assessment replicates the context of professional practice or 'real life'" (Joughin Citation 1998 , p. 371).

  14. How effective are self- and peer assessment of oral presentation skills

    Assessment of oral presentation skills is an underexplored area. The study described here focuses on the agreement between professional assessment and self- and peer assessment of oral presentation skills and explores student perceptions about peer assessment. The study has the merit of paying attention to the inter-rater reliability of the ...

  15. Oral presentations

    Assessment rigour for oral presentations includes the teacher's capacity to assess a range of presentation topics, formats and styles with an equal level of scrutiny. Teachers should therefore develop marking criteria that focus on a student's ability to take complex issues and present them in a clear and relatable manner rather than focus ...

  16. PDF Self, Peer, and Teacher Assessment of Oral Presentations: An

    in oral presentations. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the reliability and validity of oral presentation assessment over a period of time. If reliability and validity indices change over time and from one presentation to the other, this will have implications for training and familiarizing students with self and

  17. (PDF) How effective are self- and peer assessment of oral presentation

    Assessment of oral presentation skills is an underexplored area. The study described here focuses on the agreement between professional assessment and self- and peer assessment of oral ...

  18. Peer assessment of oral presentation skills

    Feedback and assessment play an important role in teaching and learning. Peer assessment is presented as an additional alternative to strengthen this central role of assessment. The present study investigates the reliability and validity of peer assessments of oral presentation skills. A large number of oral presentations were assessed and most ...

  19. (PDF) Assessment Practices for Oral Presentations ...

    Oral presentations can be made as formative assessment where instructors are expected to gi ve feedback for learners to improve their skills (Man et al., 2022; Murillo - Zamorano & Montaner, 2017).

  20. (PDF) Developing an Oral Presentation Assessment to the Teacher

    Assessment of oral presentation skills is an underexplored area. The study described here focuses on the agreement between professional assessment and self- and peer assessment of oral presentation skills and explores student perceptions about peer assessment. The study has the merit of paying attention to the inter-rater reliability of the ...

  21. Assessment of Oral Presentations: Effectiveness of Self-, Peer-, and

    624 Assessment of Oral Presentations: Effectiveness of Self-, Peer … International Journal of Instruction, July 20 19 Vol.12 , No.3 because s ome of my classmates are very squeamish.


    3. PEER ASSESSMENT OF GROUP PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF TEAM Use the criteria below to assess your contribution to the group presentation as well as the contribution of each of your teammates. 0 = no contribution 1 = minor contribution 2 = some contribution, but not always effective/successful 3 = some contribution, usually effective/successful

  23. Assessing oral presentations

    Oral presentations are a common form of summative assessment in tertiary level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) syllabi. There will be an array of teaching and learning elements to be considered by a teacher in their set-up and execution of an ICT-based oral presentation activity that goes beyond having students stand in front of a class group and talk about a subject.

  24. LAWS6010 Assessment 23-24 (docx)

    LAWS6010 Assessment 1 - Oral Presentation Instructions The first assessment is an oral presentation, accompanied by a mini-essay which will take place in Weeks 17/18 during your usual timetabled seminars. Please note that oral presentations will be conducted in GROUPS but will be marked INDIVIDUALLY. Each student will be allocated a group which will be posted up onto Moodle at the start of ...